Instituto anglo británico “Una visión universal” ”Design Cycle Report


Instituto anglo británico “Una visión universal” ”Design Cycle Report
Instituto anglo británico
“Una visión universal”
”Design Cycle Report”
Marcela Loyo Hermosillo
Subject: Design
Teacher: Aida Hernandez
Date: December 2015
Apodaca N.L.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Table of Contents
“Social Networks on Teens” .................................................................................... 3
“Social Networks on Teens: Positive Aspects” ........................................................ 9
How to use Movie Maker ....................................................................................... 12
Developing Planning, Drawings/Diagrams ............................................................ 19
Present and Justify ................................................................................................ 21
FINAL CHOOSEN DESIGN .................................................................................. 21
Demonstrate Technical Skills ................................................................................ 24
Justify Changes Made to the Design ..................................................................... 26
Design the Testing Method.................................................................................... 28
Evaluate the Success of the Solution .................................................................... 31
Explain how the Solution could be Improve ........................................................... 31
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Social Networks on Teens”
Hi! My name is Marcela Loyo and
I’m a student of MYP III grade from
Instituto Anglo Britanico. In my class of
design, we were said to choose a problem
that is in our society and that we consider it
has solutions. My topic chosen is “Social
Networks on Teens”, especially on teens
because is the age in which I’m living right
now and I see how many friends are
having problems with social networks. Also because when you are teen, you are
looking for your identity, and social networks
influence a lot on teens’ esteem.
I consider social networks are awesome,
because they provide us many benefits as
expansion of knowledge, continue with a long
distance friendship, expression of ourselves, but
the wrong use of them are the trigger factor for
many teens to feel less than others and in mayor
case; suicide. So with this project I’m starting, I
want to create awareness on teens to use social
networks for what they were meant for; another
space to develop ourselves.
The nature of the problem is teens with problems, literally. What I try and
like to say when I mean with those kind of teens, may be teens that feel more than
the others, teens with parents’ problems,
violence problems, and they think that because
they are suffering, they have the right to do the
same with the others and hide their faces
behind the computer. Resumed in one word the
nature of the problem are the bullies, which find
a way to use social networks to hurt others.
Mainly all the cyber bullying it’s a problem
for the low esteem teens, homosexual teens,
different physical features, photographs upload
on social networks, and teens with different likes.
For example, imagine Rachael it’s a girl who
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
likes a lot a popular school boy called Shawn. Shawn asks Rachael a photograph
of her private parts, and because Rachael is so in love with Shawn, she sends the
picture to him. Shawn forwards that picture to all of his contacts, and now all the
school bothers her sending texts saying she is “so easy”.
Another example is, imagine Trevor
likes a lot Pokémon ( a kids cartoon), and the
bullies of the school think that is so infant that
they start doing offensive photos called
memes of him and his like, and then put them
on internet. The last example is, Sophia it’s a
girl with obesity problems and all the skinny
girls on the school post on her Facebook wall
awful status of her physic.
The problem occurs on school;
bullies target their victims and then use
social networks as a media to hurt others
in the most noticeable way, because
things on social networks flow so fast,
that everyone will know of something in a
minute, or they may use social networks
as a media to hide their faces and keep
the cyber bullying anonymous.
Cyber bullying by social networks occurs due
to the not acceptance of identity. Teens think that
because they are not popular, intelligent, blonde,
skinny, strong, etc, they deserve to suffer. But that
it’s a completely wrong idea, we were not born
perfect, and we were neither born to be the same as
others, we were born to be unique! Each of us with
different skills, likes, physical features, reasoning;
each of us with a different personality.
the effect of cyber
bullying by social networks are devastated. All the
teens suffering cyber bullying decide to suicide
because they think that not living here anymore
will make bullies feel better and also end all this
shocking stuff they’re living. Questions like: Why
me? Somebody loves me? Am I doing something
wrong? Am I ugly? Fat? Dumb? Am I so easy to
control? Why? Why? Get on cyber bullying
victims’ minds, causing 32% of teens to suicide.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
There have been many cases of cyber bullying and some of the most shocking
were from: Amanda Todd, Tyler Clement, Sarah Lynn, Jesse Logan, Megan Miler,
Ryan Patrick, just a few of them, that end up on a grave due to the unconscious
and irresponsibility use of social networks.
Next, I made some interviews to teens in my school to know if they are
aware of cyber bullying and its causes and consequences, and also to know how
their social media life is managed. I also made some graphs so that the answers
are easy to understand.
1. Do you think social networks are bad?
2. Have you ever lives cyber bullying?
3. Have you met someone?
4. Which because you think cyber bullying is greater?
Homosexuality. II
Physical features.
Photographs. IIII I
Likes. IIII
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Survey #2:
1. How many social media accounts you have?
1 I 2 II 3 III 4 or more IIII IIII IIII I
2. Do you know all your followers?
3. What kind of information do you share/post?
Special events IIII II Daily life activities 0 Food I Location II News/Videos IIII IIII II
4. Have you blocked your parents on your social networking profiles?
5. Do your parents know the password of your social networks?
6. Have you helped a bullied person?
7. Do you consider yourself a bullier?
8. Have you ever been on a situation where you are victim of bullying?
9. Have you ever talked with an unknown person through internet?
Graph for questions 2,4,5,6,7,8,9:
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Other Graphs:
Next, I interview my mom to know how she manages the social Medias with
my sister and me, and see the overview of social media since a mother opinion.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Interview to: J. Marcela G. Hermosillo Gzz.
1. Which is your roll on the house?
2. Do you have children?
-Yes, 2 daughters
3. How old are they?
-13 and 11
4. From which age did you allow
your children have social
-9/10 years old
5. Are you conscious of what they
post on them?
6. What time do you allow them to
spend on social networks?
-They don’t have a specific time;
usually they use them on their free
7. Do you have their passwords of
their social networks?
8. Do you talk enough with your
children about social networks
-Yes, I think so.
Thanks! Picture of Marcela’s Family in 2011
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Social Networks on Teens: Positive Aspects”
Now, I am working with the
second step of Criteria A, which
specifies to do an investigation of the
opposite of your problem, so if last
document I talked about the negative
aspects social networks provoque to
teens, today I will show you the
positive aspects. Even though, we will
always found countless negative
aspects, everything has a positive
side, and let me tell you that there is
an enormous debate in our society to
know if social networks are bad or
not. I my personal opinion, social
networks are a gift for all of us, but
what makes it negative is the use
each of us gave them. In the following
text, I will show you some benefits teens and society has.
Social networking benefits all, regardless of the age, we can all get
something good from them, and for example we can have large distance
communication, educational programs, and even entertainment. Each social
network was created with a purpose; Facebook has as a purpose give people the
power to share and make the world more open and connected, Twitter has as a
purpose freedom of expression, as writing thoughts, jokes, and news, Instagram
has as a purpose share photos and videos, YouTube has as a purpose publish,
edit and view online videos
with global reach, talking
about different contexts, and
Snapchat has as a purpose
send short and funny photos
or videos that only appear 24
hours. These were only a few
networks I mentioned, but
there are thousands of them
and were created with the only
purpose of making people
lives happier.
Now, Social networks may be created with different purposes but all of
them provide the same things to humans, keep reading to find out the 6 things all
social networks have in common, and benefits us.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
1. Friends:
It has never been easier
to make friends than it is right
now, mainly thanks to social
networking sites. The rise of
mobile phones helped change
this, connecting people in a new
way, but then social networks
sprang up and the whole idea of
friendship changed once more. They help us be in contact with our closest friends
but also to keep with a large distance friendship, for example if I met someone that
lives in Canada and I live in Mexico, social networks keep us connected. Social
networking sites can help you make and keep friends.
2. Empathy:
Each of us spends a little too long talking
about ourselves on social networking sites. This
is perfectly natural. We’re sharing our lives with
people we think will care. They generally do
care, and will tell you so. The point is that by all
of us sharing our experiences, both good and
bad, on social networking sites, we’re able to
empathize with each other.
3. Speedy Communication:
Our time is being stretched thinner and thinner
by work and family commitments, but social networking
sites offer a chance to communicate in a speedy and
efficient manner. One of the reasons I dislike making
phone calls is that you can’t be doing more things at a
time, and imagine you need so. Whatsapp, for
example, is a social network created to have a writing
conversation when phone calls are unnecessary.
Social networking sites allow you to live a life simple by
small writing talk.
4. In Touch with the World:
It isn’t just your inner circle of close
friends and even closer family members
that social networking sites allow you to
communicate with easily and effectively,
either. They open the world up to you,
making it a smaller place than it has ever
been before. When it comes to social
networks everyone is equal, regardless of
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
location. For example, family living abroad can be kept abreast of the latest
happenings in your world as quickly as those living next door. Another example is
that friends who you haven’t seen since school, and who have since moved away,
are able to keep in touch.
5. Building Relationships:
Social networks can put you back in
touch with those you have lots in common
with, and that common ground is often the
starting point for long-lasting relationships.
Social networking sites can help foster
friendships and perhaps more besides.
6. Finding Common Ground in an
Open Society:
As previously mentioned, social
networking sites can help you find people
you share interests with. Facebook, for
example, asks you to list who and what
you are into, meaning common ground
with others is much easier to find. This
does require sharing information, and
giving up a certain amount of privacy in
order to do so. Keeping key personal
information private is necessary, but likes
and dislikes, interests and obsessions, thought and views, isn’t. And actually
contributes to an open society. Social networking sites make fitting in easier, as
long as you open up a little.
In life, there are positive and negative sides to social networking, both of
which we have now explored. My personal belief, as mentioned, is that social
networks way of use can tell you if they are bad or wrong, social networking sites
are neither evil or a Godsend. They’re somewhere in between. With both sides
understood, it’s difficult to know if social networks are a friend or foe, but, that’s
your decision.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
In order to know how to use social networks, here is a document that will
show you how to use the program “Movie Maker” that helps you to make a video.
How to use Movie Maker
Hi! My name is Marcela Loyo Hermosillo, and I’m a student from the school
Instituto Anglo Britanico. In my class of design we learned how to use the program
of Movie Maker, and I would like to share my knowledge with you, so keep reading
to find out how to use properly Movie Maker and all its options.
Step 1:
Open the Movie Maker program.
Step 2:
Choose a topic, search images and save them in a folder.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Step 3:
Insert images from your folder created by clicking on the button add videos and
photos, which can be found on the Home menu.
Step 4:
Add the title of your movie by clicking on the button title found on the Home menu
and write your designated title. You can change font family, font size and text color
and also adjust the transparency. And choose the effect in which you will like the
title to enter.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Step 5:
Once the images are organized the way want, you can add subtitles/captions to
them in case they need an explanation. To do that, click on the image, then go to
the Home menu and click on Caption. A box of text will appear in the image
(showed on the big screen from your left side) and you are free to write and
change the font family, font size and text color.
Step 6:
To add a video, click on the button Add photos and videos, which can be found on
Home menu.
Step 7:
To add music, click on the button Add Music, which can be found on Home menu.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Step 8:
To add credits, click on the button Credits and certain options will appear (credits,
director, starring, location, and soundtrack) according to your project, select the
best ones and filled them with the correct information.
Step 9:
To check the time in which the text, images, video, and music will appear and last,
you select whatever you wish to check and go to the Home menu and on the
Adjust section you will find the buttons Start Time and Duration, you can modify
according to your times. WATCH OUT! If you have captions on images make sure
that they are coordinate with the image.
Step 10:
To add a narration, click on the button Record Narration, which can be found on
Home menu. Then click on the button record and start speaking, when you finish
click on stop and save your narration, and after that your narration will be added
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Step 11:
If you feel like the narration doesn’t hear, you can adjust it by emphasizing the
narration, which means modifying the sounds. You can also do it for the music and
the video. Click on the button emphasize narration to emphasize the narration, on
the button emphasize video to emphasize the video or on the button emphasize
music to emphasize the music. Found on the menu Project.
Step 12:
To save your movie and do modifications later click on the button file, and then
save project as, write the name of your movie and click on save.
Step 13:
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Step 13:
When you finish your movie and don’t do more modifications, click on the button
save movie, found on Home movie. Then click on the subsection For the PC and
then a window will open asking you to put the name of your movie, then a window
will open showing the progress of how upload your movie has charge. After it is
charge completely, it will open a window were it says were your movie was saved
and if you wanted to see it as the final result.
I hope these steps were useful in your orientation for the use of Movie Maker!
Good luck on your creation of your first movie!
Good Luck!
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Developing Planning, Drawings/Diagrams
I will talk about one of the most important negative aspects of social media
had cause; cyber bullying, so I am going to make a script of the presentation. The
script is like an informative and reflexive video, in which two girls will be talking
about cyber bullying from its origin to its end.
SCENE #1: Zuñiga and Loyo appear in a wall, half black, half white.
Zuñiga (serious): One of the most important differences found between traditional
bullying and cyber bullying is that victims can be bullied anytime, anywhere,
anyhow, by anyone.
Loyo (serious): Fully 95% of all teens between 12-17 years old are now online,
from those, 81% use some kind of social media, and over 25% have been bullied
repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.
SCENE #2: Zuñiga narrates, while a group of boys are in a computer writing insults
and making offensive images.
Zuñiga (serious): Cyber bullying begins with a group of people (points the boys)
that target an innocent victim. A normal boy, with different likes and opinions,
different dressing and abilities, but for them, he is just a looser, a nerd, a toy, an
insect, a pathetic.
SCENE #3: Loyo narrates, while the same group of boys wears a mask of social
Loyo (anger): And because they can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and
do not need to make physical contact with the victim, they aren’t aware of the harm
and pain they can cause. They just type and type, unconsciously like machines,
without felling or thinking.
SCENE #4: Zuñiga and Loyo appear with a 3 teens, line up, Zúñiga in the begging
and Loyo at the end, each dressed and with things they like.
Zuñiga (happy): They tell you to be yourself...
Loyo (sad): and then they judge you.
Zuñiga (whatever): Sometimes, it’s just easier to pretend I’m okay,
Loyo (disappointed): but I’m not.
Zuñiga (almost crying): You think you want to die,
Loyo (crying): but in reality, you just want to be saved.
SECENE #5: Zuñiga appears in a dark background.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Zuñiga (anger): Cyber bullying victims are 9 times more likely to consider
committing suicide. IT´S ENOUGH!
SCENE #6: Loyo appears in a white background with cyber bullying victims’ real
Loyo (nostalgic): Amanda Todd, Tyler Clement, Sarah Lynn, Jesse Logan, Megan
Miller, Ryan Patrick, just a few angels in heaven that arrived before time.
SCENE #7: Zuñiga and Loyo appear in a wall, half black, half white.
Zuñiga (serious): Pulling someone down will never help you reach the bottom, if
you are a bullier, taste your words before you write them down.
Loyo (serious): When life changes to be harder, change yourself to be stronger, if
you are a victim, don’t let other people texts, posts or videos define you and bring
you down, keep the faith and always trust yourself.
Zuñiga (serious): Let’s create a society were laughs were of jokes and not of
teasing, were messages were to communicate and not to offense, were posts were
sharing our precious moments and not of ridiculing others.
Loyo (serious): if you are seeing this video, I invite you to end this, to grow
happiness and security,
Approximately 2:09 min
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Present and Justify
My partner is Marcela Zuñiga and her proposal for the video is “ The theme
is like what happen if you start looking forward instead looking down to his phone,
his name is Ed a common guy but he is always with his phone and she married
Bella, also a common girl but they met in a street, Bella passed in front of him and
they look at each other and they fell in love, but that was because he let his
cellphone and he shut off the phone and so he could see her and they could fall in
love, but if he never stop using his phone he would never met his love of his life.”
My proposal is to talk about one of the most important negative aspects of
social media had cause; cyber bullying, so I am going to make a script of the
presentation. The script is like an informative and reflexive video, in which two girls
will be talking about cyber bullying from its origin to its end.
According to both ideas, we decided to mix our scripts and conclude to
make a video about the cyberbullying and the loss of opportunities because the
preference of the cellphone. We will make it because these two things: actually,
they are used in almost all the schools or communities and we are going to
recreate a scene using the scripts that we join, which is the following:
SCENE #1: a group of teens in their cellphones are making phone of a girl, which
is the center of the circle.
Zuñiga (crying): look up from your phone and see another dimension of life, start
loving each other and see the wonderful things friends can provide.
(Title appears: CYBERBULLYING.)
SCENE #2: Zuñiga and Loyo appear in a wall, half black, half white.
Loyo (serious): Fully 95% of all teens between 12-17 years old are now online,
from those, 81% use some kind of social media, and over 25% have been bullied
repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet.
Zuñiga (serious): One of the most important differences found between traditional
bullying and cyber bullying is that victims can be bullied anytime, anywhere,
anyhow, by anyone.
SCENE #3: Zuñiga narrates, while a group of boys are in a computer writing insults
and making offensive images.
Zuñiga (serious): Cyber bullying begins with a group of people (points the boys)
that target an innocent victim. A normal boy, with different likes and opinions,
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
different dressing and abilities, but for them, he is just a looser, a nerd, a toy, an
insect, a pathetic.
SCENE #4: Loyo narrates, while the same group of boys wears a mask of social
Loyo (anger): And because they can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and
do not need to make physical contact with the victim, they aren’t aware of the harm
and pain they can cause. They just type and type, unconsciously like machines,
without felling or thinking.
SCENE #5: Zuñiga appears in a dark background.
Zuñiga (anger): Cyber bullying victims are 9 times more likely to consider
committing suicide. IT´S ENOUGH!
SCENE #6: Loyo appears in a white background with cyber bullying victims’ real
Loyo (nostalgic): Amanda Todd, Tyler Clement, Sarah Lynn, Jesse Logan,
Megan Miller, Ryan Patrick, just a few angels in heaven that arrived before time.
SCENE #7: Zuñiga and Loyo appear in a classroom.
Zuñiga (serious): if you are a bullier, taste your words before you write them
Loyo (serious): if you are a victim, don’t let other people texts, posts or videos
define you and bring you down, keep the faith and always trust yourself.
Zuñiga (serious): Let’s create a society were laughs were of jokes and not of
teasing, were messages were to communicate and not to offense, were posts were
sharing our precious moments and not of ridiculing others.
Loyo (serious): if you are seeing this video, I invite you to end this, to grow
happiness and security,
SCENE #7: a group of teens in their cellphones are making phone of a girl, which
is the center of the circle.
(Loyo comes and grabs Zuñiga and gives her a hug)
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Demonstrate Technical Skills
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Justify Changes Made to the Design
Now, I am going to talk you about the changes we made to our video.
Changes are made according to the situations you face at the moment of making
the final product. In our case, the possible changes in a video may be some words
on the dialogue, the backgrounds, the order of the scenes, or even the additional
or less scene on the video.
Specifying our changes, we were meant to film us on black and white
backgrounds, but we didn’t have the enough resources to buy paint and put white
and black backgrounds, so we decided to use the different styles of walls of
Zuñiga’s house as backgrounds. In that way we added different texture to our
videos, which by the way make us stand out more. Also another change we made
was that the last scene, was supposed to be filmed on a classroom, but we ended
filming on a gold curtain and adding animations.
Also we eliminated a scene that was connected to the first scene for several
reasons, one of them was that will add more time to the video and could make our
grade decrease, other reason, was that it wasn’t necessary to add because the
message we wanted to give was already explained during the video, and the last
reason was that if we put that scene at the last it won’t fit with the story and if we
put it next to the one we were supposed to connect it will tell a conclusion too
sooner, so we decided to eliminate it.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Design the Testing Method
After the production of my video, goes Criteria D, which consists of
evaluating the video. For that we have 4 steps: design the testing method, evaluate
the success of the solution, and explain how the solution could be improve, and
explain the impact of the solution. This criterion it’s based on the opinions and
modifications of the video. Here the voice of the people counts a lot and also your
auto evaluation in a fair and honest way.
Now, I will ask different people to give me their opinions about the video.
With these comments, I will find out if my video really impacts the society feeling, if
the message I wanted to express is the one the audience is receiving and if the
quality of the video is good. I ask my parents, my sister, friends from school and
neighborhood and academy. The following images will show the opinion of each.
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
I also made a survey to know a general opinion of my final product.
1. Did you like the video?
2. Did you understand the message?
3. The effects made the video interesting? ( Animations, transitions, captions,
4. Would you share the video on your Facebook Wall?
5. The quality of the image was…
6. Does the video’s idea was creative?
“Protecting My Memories” – Marcela Loyo – MYP IIID
Evaluate the Success of the Solution
According to all the comments I think that Marcela and I did a great job,
because, besides the topic, we make the shots in a varies way which provide the
audience a change of view, we added keywords which provide the audience a
meaning of what we were talking about, we put a slow and emotive music to
provoque the audience a feeling and also our dialogues were like a game of words
that with a simple sentence expressed a lot. So I consider, and based also on the
comments and survey, we made a really good job.
Explain how the Solution could be Improve
Our video has a perfectly image, effects and transitions, but one thing we
could improve and some people also suggested was the volume on the last 2
scenes. That’s a problem almost every team had, including us, due to the echo
produce with the noise surrounding us, and with our voice just recording with the
special resources or equipment, the voice doesn’t hears very good. For example,
we could solve that problem using a special microphone, small enough for our
voice to hear, but the microphone doesn’t appears on the camera or video.
Besides the volume. I think our video had a good quality.