Raport de Autoevaluare


Raport de Autoevaluare
Raport de Autoevaluare
Institutul de Matematică ”Simion Stoilow” al Academiei Române
Perioada: 2010 - 2012
Criterii de performanta in cercetarea stiintifica
Carti de specialitate publicate in strainatate
Volume de specialitate editate in strainatate
Volume de specialitate editate in Editura Academiei Romane
Lucrari publicate in reviste cotate Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), cu F I ≥> 0, 2
Lucrari publicate in reviste cotate Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), cu FI< 0.2
Lucrari publicate in reviste ale Academiei Romane
Lucrari publicate in alte reviste
Lucrari prezentate la manifestari stiintifice internationale,
publicate integral intr-o revista cotata de Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
Lucrari prezentate la manifestari stiintifice internationale,
publicate integral intr-o editura consacrata din strainatate
Capitole in volume colective editate intr-o editura consacrata din strainatate
Capitole in volume colective editate de Editura Academiei
Citari aparute in reviste cotate Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) cu FI≥ 0.3
Citari aparute in alte publicatii
Conferinte invitate/plenare/keynote prezentate la o manifestare stiintifica internationala
Conferinte invitate/plenare/keynote prezentate la o manifestare stiintifica nationala
Comunicari orale prezentate la o manifestare stiintifica internationala
Comunicari orale prezentate la o manifestare stiintifica nationala
Capacitatea de a atrage fonduri de cercetare
Contracte castigate de la organisme internationale
Contracte castigate de la organisme nationale
Coordonator IMAR intr-un parteneriat national sau international
Organizari de conferinte internationale
Organizari de conferinte nationale
Capacitatea de a pregati superior tineri cercetatori
Prestigiu stiintific
Membrii in colectivul editorial al unei reviste cotata Web of Science
sau in colectivul editorial al unor edituri internationale consacrate
Membrii in conducerea unei organizaţii internaţionale de specialitate
Premii obtinute
Criterii de performanta in cercetarea stiintifica
Carti de specialitate publicate in strainatate
1. C. Sminchisescu, L. Bo, C. Ionescu, and A. Kanaujia. Feature-based Human Pose Estimation, capitol in Guide to Visual Analysis of Humans: Looking at People. Springer,
2. S. Dickinson, A. Levinshtein, C. Sminchisescu; Perceptual Grouping using Superpixels,
capitol, Springer, 2012.
3. Vasile Dragan, Toader Morozan, Adrian Mihail Stoica: Mathematical methods in robust
control of linear stochastic systems, Springer (2010), pag. 346, ISBN:978-1-4419-0629-8
4. A. Kristály, V. Rădulescu and C. Varga: Variational Principles in Mathematical Physics,
Geometry and Economics: Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Equations and Unilateral
Problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics (No. 136), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 384 pp., 2010. ISBN: 9780521117821
5. M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu: Nonlinear PDEs: Mathematical Models in Biology, Chemistry and Population Genetics, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag,
Heidelberg, xviii+392 pp., 2011. ISBN: 978-3-642-22663-2
6. V. Ene, J. Herzog: Gröbner Bases in Commutative Algebra, Graduate Studies in Mathematics 130, American Mathematical Society, (2011), 164 pag. ISBN -10: 0-8218-7287-7
7. A. Katok, V. Nitica: Differential rigidity of abelian group actions. I, Introduction to
cocycle problem, Cambridge University Press (2011), 318 pages, ISBN: 978-0-521-87909-5
8. Gheorghe Paun: Membrane Computing. An Introduction, Springer-Verkag (2012), pag.
398 ISBN: 978-7-5609-7825-3 (traducere in chineza a unei carti aparute in limba engleza
in 2002) (1320 de citari - toate editiile)
9. Marian Aprodu, Jan Nagel: Koszul cohomology and algebraic geometry, University Lecture Series, vol. 52, American Math. Soc. (2010), pag. 125 ISBN-10: 0-8218-4964-6,
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-4964-4
Alte carti (nepunctate):
• A.D.R Choudary, Saima PArveen, Constantin Varsan: Partial Differential Equations (An
Introduction) ABDUS SALAM SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICHAL SCIENCES, G.C. University, Lahore-Pakistan, anul: 2010, pag. 202, ISBN 978-969-9236-07-6
• Gelu Paşa: Stability Analysis and Surfactant Effect for some Oil Recovery Models, Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co Kg (2012), pag. 60, ISBN:9783 8484 37214
• T. Albu, I.D. Ion: Itinerar elementar in Algebra Superioara, Editia a II-a revazuta si
adaugita, Matrix Rom Bucuresti, 2012, 380 pagini, ISBN: 978-973-755-843-5.
Volume de specialitate editate in strainatate
1. C. Alves, V. Rădulescu: Guests Editors of the Special Issue Degenerate and Singular
Differential Operators with Applications to Boundary Value Problems, Boundary Value
Problems, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2010 (2010).
2. A. Pankov, V. Rădulescu, R. Gilbert, S. Antontsev: Guests Editors of the Special Issue
Stochastic PDEs in Fluid Dynamics, Particle Physics and Statistical Mechanics, Complex
Variables and Elliptic Equations 56, Issue 7–9, 2011.
3. G. Da Prato, V. Rădulescu: Guests Editors of the Special Issue Sobolev Spaces with
Variable Exponent and Related Elliptic Problems: Theory and Applications, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications 384 (2011), Issue 1.
4. P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu and H. Weinberger: Selected Papers of James Serrin, 2 volumes,
1200 pp., Contemporary Mathematicians, Birkhäuser, Basel, to appear. ISBN: not yet
5. J. Serrin, E. Mitidieri, V. Rădulescu: Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Contemporary Mathematics Series, American Mathematical Society, 350 pp., to
appear. ISBN: not yet known.
6. Beznea, Lucian; Hästö, Peter; Vuorinen, Matti; Gheondea, Aurelian: Trends in modern
complex analysis, Birkhäuser Verlag (2011), Special Issue of Complex Anal. Oper. Theory
5 (2011), no. 3, 631-984, ISSN: 1661-8254
7. Alina Carmen Cojocaru, Kristin Lauter, Rachel Pries, and Renate Scheidler, WIN –
Women in Numbers: Research Directions in Number Theory, Fields Institute Communications Series Vol. 60, 2011. ISBN-10: 0-8218-52256-4; ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-5226-2.
8. F. Luca, P. Stănică: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Applications, Utilitas Mathematica, Congressus Numerantium Vol. 201, 2010.
9. F. Luca, P. Stănică: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Applications, Aportaciones Matematicas, Investigacion 20, Sociedad Matematica
Mexicana, 2011.
10. Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, eds.: The Oxford Handbook of Membrane Computing, Oxford Univ. Press (2010), pag. 672 ISBN: 978-0-19-955667-0 (159 de citari)
11. M. Gheorghe, T. Hinze, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa: Membrane Computing. 11th International Conference, CMC 2010, Jena, Germany, August 2010, SpringerVerlag, LNCS 6501 (2010), pag. 394 ISBN: 978-3-642-18122-1
12. M. Gheorghe, Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, S. Verlan: Membrane Computing.
12th International Conference, CMC 2011, Fontainebleau, France, August 2011, SpringerVerlag, LNCS 7184 (2011), pag. 372 ISBN:978-3-642-28023-8
13. M.A. Martinez-del-Amor, Gh. Paun et al.) Proceedings of the Eighth Brainstorming
Week on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, 2010, Fenix Editora, Sevilla, 2010 pag. 342
ISBN: 978-84-614-2357-6
14. M.A. Martinez-del-Amor, Gh. Paun et al.) Proceedings of the Ninth Brainstorming Week
on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, 2011, Fenix Editora, Sevilla, 2011 pag. 374 ISBN:
15. M.A. Martinez-del-Amor, Gh. Paun et al.) Proceedings of the Tenth Brainstorming Week
on Membrane Computing, Sevilla, 2012, Fenix Editora, Sevilla, 2012 (2 volume) pag. 322
+ 302 ISBN: 978-84-940056-4-4
16. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: Membrane Computing and Programming. Numar special
al revistei Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, Elsevier, vol. 79, nr. 6 (2010),
pag. 144 ISSN: 1567-8326
17. R. Barbuti, G. Franco, Gh. Paun: Modelling Bioprocesses. Numar special al revistei
Natural Computing, Springer-Verlag, vol. 10, nr. 1 (2011), pag. 186 ISSN: 1567-7818
18. T. Albu, G. F. Birkenmeier, A. Erdoğan, A. Tercan: Ring and Module Theory, Trends in
Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel (2010) 200 pagini, ISBN: 978-3-0346-0006-4.
19. G. Friedman, E. Hunsiker, A. Libgober, L. Maxim: Topology of Stratified Spaces, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 58, Cambridge University Press, New
York (2011); ISBN: 9780521191678.
20. L. Maxim: Proceedings of the International Conference on Singularity Theory and Applications (Hefei, China, 2011), Journal of Singularities, vol 5 (2012), ISSN: 1949-2006.
21. D. Gaşpar, E. Stormer, D. Timotin, F.-H. Vasilescu, editors: An Operator Theory Summer: Timişoara, June 29–July 4, 2010, Theta Foundation (2012), pag. 148, ISBN:978973-87899-8-2., Volum distribuit de Amer. Math. Soc.
Volume de specialitate editate in Editura Academiei Romane
1. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: Membrane Computing. Numar special al revistei Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Ed. Academiei Romane, vol. 13,
nr. 2 (2010), pag. 108 ISSN: 1453-8245
Lucrari publicate in reviste cotate Web of Science (Thomson
Reuters), cu FI≥ 0.2
1. Beli, Constantin: A new approach to classification of integral quadratic forms over dyadic
local fields. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 1599–1617; FI=1.093
2. Tien- Cuong Dinh, George Marinescu, Viktoria Schmidt: Equidistribution of zeros of
holomorphic sections in the non compact setting, J. Stat. Phys. 148 , no. 1, (2012),
pag. 113–136 ; FI = 1.397
3. C. Ambrozie, B. Kuzma, V. Müuller: An upper bound on the dimension of the reflexivity
closur e, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 138, no. 5 (2010), pag. 1721-1731; FI=0.611
4. C. Ambrozie: A Riesz-Haviland type result for truncated moment problems with solutions
in L1 , J. Operator Theory, acceptata; FI=0.681
5. Ilie Valusescu: Some connections between the maximal function and linear systems, Math
Reports 12(62) (2010), pag. 189 – 199. FI=0.293
6. B.Iftimie, M.Marinescu, I.Molnar, Gradient representation for cad-lag solutions of SDEs
with jumps, Math. Reports 12(62),3 (2010), 261-276. FI=0.293
7. M Leordeanu, R Sukthankar and M Hebert: Unsupervised learning for graph matching,
International Journal of Computer Vision 96(1) (2012), pag. 28 – 45; FI = 3.741
8. J. Carreira, C. Sminchisescu: CPMC: Constrained Parametric Min-Cuts for Automatic
Object Segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2012, IF: 4.908
9. A. Levinshtein, C. Sminchisescu, S. Dickinson: Optimal Image and Video Closure by
Super-pixel Grouping, International Journal of Computer Vision, 2012, IF: 3.741
10. C. Sminchisescu, M. Welling: Generalized Darting Monte-Carlo, Pattern Recognition,
2011, IF: 2.554
11. L. Bo, C. Sminchisescu: Twin Gaussian Processes for Structured Prediction, International Journal of Computer Vision, 2010, IF: 3.741
12. Chifan, Ionut; Ioana, Adrian: On relative property (T) and Haagerup’s property, Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), no. 12, pag. 6407–6420; FI = 1.093
13. Ioana, Adrian: W ∗ -superrigidity for Bernoulli actions of property (T) groups, J. Amer.
Math. Soc. 24 (2011), no. 4, pag. 1175–1226; FI = 3.841
14. Ioana, Adrian: Cocycle superrigidity for profinite actions of property (T) groups, Duke
Math. J. 157 (2011), no. 2, pag. 337–367; FI = 1.537
15. Chifan, Ionut; Ioana, Adrian: On a question of D. Shlyakhtenko, Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc. 139 (2011), no. 3, pag. 1091–1093; FI = 0.611
16. Chifan, Ionut; Ioana, Adrian: Ergodic subequivalence relations induced by a Bernoulli
action, Geom. Funct. Anal. 20 (2010), no. 1, pag. 53–67; FI = 1.246
17. Lie, Victor: On the pointwise convergence of the sequence of partial Fourier sums along
lacunary subsequences, J. Funct. Anal. 263 (2012), no. 11, pag. 3391–3411; FI = 1.082
18. Nicu Boboc, Gheorghe Bucur : Localization and Locality for Resistance Forms, Journal:
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Volume 5, Issue 3, (September 2011), pag.
917–933, FI=0.600
19. Chin-Yu Hsiao, George Marinescu: Szegö kernel asymptotics and Morse inequalities on
CR manifolds, Journal: Mathematische Zeitschrift, Volume 271, Issue 1-2, (June
2012), pag. 509–553; FI = 0.749
20. Ma, Xiaonan; Marinescu, George: Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on Kähler manifolds,
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik. Volume 2012, Issue 662, pag.
1–56, FI = 1.042
21. Viorel Vâjâitu: A note on meromorphic convexity, Math. Nachr., 284, (2011), no. 4,
pag. 560–565; FI = 0.682
22. Viorel Vâjâitu: A cohomological Steinness criterion for holomorphically spreadable complex spaces, Czechoslovak Math. J., 60(135), (2010), no. 3, pag. 655–667; FI =
23. Viorel Vâjâitu: A characterization of Stein completion of 0-normal coronae, Publ. Res.
Inst. Math. Sci., 46, (2010), no. 1, pag. 209–218; FI = 0.450
24. Tiba Dan: Finite element approximation for shape optimization problems with Neumann
and mixed boundary conditions, SIAM J. Control Optim. 49 (2011), pag. 1064 –
1077; FI = 1,517
25. Tiba Dan Sofonea Mircea Barboteu Michael: The control variational method for beams
in contact with deformable obstacles, ZAMM 92 (2012), pag. 25 – 39; FI = 0,863
26. Tiba Dan, Neittaanmaki Pekka: Fixed domain approaches in shape optimization problems,
Inverse Problems 28 (2012), pag. 1–35; FI = 1,880
27. V. Ene, A. Olteanu, L. Sorrenti: Properties of lexsegment ideals, Osaka J. Math., 47
(2010), pag. 67–87; FI = 0.457
28. V. Ene, O. Olteanu, N. Terai: Arithmetical rank of lexsegment edge ideals, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 53(101) no.4 (2010), pag. 315–327; FI = 0.507
29. V. Ene, J. Herzog, T. Hibii: Cohen-Macaulay binomial edge ideals, Nagoya Math. J.
204 (2011), pag. 57–68; FI = 0.403
30. V. Ene, J. Herzog, F. Mohammadi: Monomial ideals and toric rings of Hibi type arising
from a finite poset, European J. Combin. 32, no. 3 (2011), pag. 404–421; FI =
31. A. Naseen, A.Popescu, N. Popescu A Galois theory for the field extensions K((X))/K,
Glasgow Math. J. 52 (2010), pag. 447-451 ; FI= 0.571
32. H. Marubayashi, E. L. Popescu, N. Popescu) On localizing systems in a Prfer Domain,
Commun. Algebra, 39 (2011), pag. 3339-3345 ; FI =0.347
33. V. Dragan and T. Morozan: Criteria for exponential stability of linear differential equations with positive evolution on ordered Banach spaces, IMA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CONTROL AND INFORMATION, 27,3, (2010), pag. 267–307; FI
= 0,382
34. H. Mukaidani, H. Xu, V. Dragan: Stochastic optimal control for weakly coupled largescale systems via state and static output feedback, IET CONTROL THEORY AND
APPLICATIONS, 4, 9, (2010), pag. 1849–1858; IF = 0,99
35. V. Dragan, T. Morozan: A class of discrete time generalized Riccati equations, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 16, 4, (2010),
pag. 291–320; IF = 0,951
36. V. Dragan, T. Morozan, A.M. Stoica: Iterative algorithm to compute the maximal and
stabilising solutions of a general class of discrete-time Riccati-type equations, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL, 83,4, (2010), pag. 837–847; IF = 0,977
37. M. Sagara, H. Mukaidani, V. Dragan: Near-Optimal Control for Multiparameter Singularly Perturbed Stochastic Systems, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods,
32, (2011), pag. 113–125; IF = 0,648
38. V. Dragan: Stabilizing composite control for a class of linear systems modeled by singularly
perturbed Ito differential equations, Automatica, 46, 1, (2011), pag. 122–126; IF = 2,829
39. V. Dragan, I. Ivanov: A numerical procedure to compute the stabilising solution of game
theoretic Riccati equations of stochastic control, International Journal of Control,
84,4, (2011), pag. 783–800; IF = 0,977
40. V. Dragan, I. Ivanov: Computation of the stabilizing solution of game theoretic Riccati
equation arising in stochastic H∞ control problems, Numerical Algorithms, 57,3,
(2011), pag. 357–375; IF = 1,042
41. V. Dragan, H. Mukaidani, P. Shi: The linear quadratic regulator problem for a class of
controlled systems modeled by singularly perturbed ITO differential equations, SIAM J.
Control Optimization, 50, 1, (2012), pag. 448–470; IF = 1,518
42. I. Ivanov, V. Dragan; Decoupled Stein iterations to the discrete-time generalized Riccati
equations, IET Control Theory and Applications, 6, 10, (2012), pag. 1400–1409;
IF = 0,99
43. V. Dragan, A. M. Stoica: Optimal H2 Filtering for a Class of Linear Stochastic Systems
with Sampling, Automatica, 48,10, (2012), pag. 2494–2501; IF = 2,829
44. V. M. Ungureanu, V. Dragan, T. Morozan: Global solutions of a class of discretetime backward nonlinear equations on ordered Banach spaces with applications to Riccati
equations of stochastic control, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, article
first published online: 6 MAR 2012, doi: 10.1002/oca.2015; IF = 0,648
45. V. Ungureanu, V. Dragan: Stability of discrete-time positive evolution operators on ordered Banach spaces and applications, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, DOI: 10.1080/10236198.2012.704369, Version first published: 14 Aug 2012; IF
= 0,951
46. R. Nicoara, Subfactors and Hadamard matrices, Journal of Operator Theory, 2010,
Volume 64, Issue 2, Fall 2010 pp. 453-468 FI=0.681
47. R. Nicoara, Limit points of commuting squares, Indiana University Mathematics
Journal, Vol. 60 (2011) FI=0.886
48. R. Nicoara, A finiteness result for commuting squares with large second relative commutant, Transactions of the AMS, Vol. 364 (2012), 3685 - 3698, FI= 1.093
49. Valerio Capraro, Florin Radulescu Cyclic Hilbert Spaces and Connes Embedding Problem,
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 6 (2012), Springer Online First, FI=0.600
50. R. Dumitru, C. Peligrad: Spectra for compact quantum group actions and crossed products,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.,364 (2012), pag. 3699 – 3713; FI = 1.093
51. R. Dumitru, C. Peligrad, B. Visinescu: Reflexivity of operator algebras of finite split strict
multiplicity, Operators and matrices,5 (2011), pag. 221 – 226; FI = 0.43
52. Victor Reiner, Dumitru Ioan Stamate: Koszul incidence algebras, affine semigroups, and
Stanley-Reisner ideals, Advances in Mathematics 224 (2010), pag. 2312 – 2345; FI
= 1.177
53. Belinschi, Serban T.; Boejko, Marek; Lehner, Franz; Speicher, Roland: The normal distribution is -infinitely divisible, Advances in Mathematics 226 (2011), pag. 3677–3698;
FI = 1.177
54. Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian
Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37; FI = 0.548
55. Anshelevich, M.; Belinschi, S. T.; Boejko, M.; Lehner, F: Free infinite divisibility for
q-Gaussians, Mathematical Research Letters 17 (2010), pag. 905–916; FI = 0.743
56. Belinschi, Serban T.; Collins, Benoı̂t; Nechita, Ion: Eigenvectors and eigenvalues in a
random subspace of a tensor product, Inventiones Mathematicae Online FirstTM , 21
February 2012 (2012), pag. 51; FI = 2.339
57. Belinschi, S. T.; Shlyakhtenko, D.: Free probability of type B: analytic interpretation and
applications, American Journal of Mathematics 134 (2012), pag. 193–234; FI =
58. Popa, Mihai; Vinnikov, Victor Non-commutative functions and non-commutative free
Levy-Hincin formula, arXiv:1007.1932, to appear in Adv. in Math., FI: 1.177
59. Popa, Mihai A Fock Space Model for Addition and Multiplication of C-free Random Variables , arXiv:1012.4162, to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., FI: 0.611
60. Belinschi, Serban; Popa, Mihai; Vinnikov, Victor On the operator-valued analogues of
the semicircle, arcsine and Bernoulli laws, arXiv:1008.5205, to appear in J. Operator
Theory, FI: 0.681
61. Popa, Mihai Realization of conditionally monotone independence and monotone products
of completely positive maps, arXiv:0911.1319, to appear in J. Operator Theory, FI:
62. Belinschi, Serban; Popa, Mihai; Vinnikov, Victor Infinite divisibility and a non-commutative
Boolean-to-free Bercovici-Pata bijection, J. Funct. Anal. 262 (2012), no. 1, 94 –123
FI: 1.082
63. Popa, Mihai Freeness with amalgamation, limit theorems and S-transform in non-commutative
probability spaces of type B, Colloq. Math., Vol 120 (2010), No. 2. 319-329, FI: 0.357
64. Popa, Mihai; Wang, J. C. On multiplicative conditionally free convolution, Trans. Amer.
Math. Soc. 363 (2011), 6309-6335, FI: 1.093
65. V. Rădulescu, D. Repovš: Combined effects in nonlinear problems arising in the study
of anisotropic continuous media, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 75 (2012), 1523-1529;
66. G. Bonanno, G. Molica Bisci, V. Rădulescu, Arbitrarily small weak solutions for a nonlinear eigenvalue problem in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Monatshefte für Mathematik 165 (2012),
305-318; FI=0.616.
67. M. Boureanu, V. Rădulescu, Anisotropic Neumann problems in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 75 (2012), 4471-4482; FI=1.536.
68. G. Bonanno, G. Molica Bisci, V. Rădulescu, Quasilinear elliptic non-homogeneous Dirichlet problems through Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, T.M.A. 75 (2012);
69. G. Bonanno, G. Molica Bisci, V. Rădulescu, Infinitely many solutions for a class of
nonlinear elliptic problems on fractals, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 350 (2012),
187-191; FI=0.384.
70. P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu: Combined effects in quasilinear elliptic problems with lack of
compactness, Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni 22 (2011), pag. 178–
205; FI=0.400.
71. G. Bonanno, G. Molica Bisci, V. Rădulescu: Infinitely many solutions for a class of
nonlinear eigenvalue problem in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser.
I 349 (2011), pag. 263–268; FI=0.384.
72. G. Bonanno, G. Molica Bisci, V. Rădulescu: Multiple solutions of generalized Yamabe
equations on Riemannian manifolds and applications to Emden-Fowler problems, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications Applications 12 (2011), pag. 2656–2665;
73. G. Bonanno, G. Molica Bisci, V. Rădulescu: Existence of three solutions for a nonhomogeneous Neumann problem through Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Nonlinear Analysis:
Theory, Methods and Applications 74 (2011), pag. 4785–4795; FI=1.536.
74. M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, D. Stancu: A Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-type inequality
with variable exponent and applications to PDE’s, Complex Variables and Elliptic
Equations 56 (2011), pag. 659–669; FI=0.532.
75. M. Boureanu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu: Multiplicity of solutions for a class of anisotropic
elliptic equations with variable exponent, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations
56 (2011), pag. 755–767; FI=0.532.
76. A. Kristály, M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu: Discrete boundary value problems involving
oscillatory nonlinearities: small and large solutions, Journal of Difference Equations
and Applications 17 (2011), pag. 1431–1440; FI=0.800.
77. M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu: Sublinear eigenvalue problems associated to the Laplace
operator revisited, Israel J. Math. 181 (2011), pag. 317–326; FI=0.745.
78. B. Breckner, V. Rădulescu, C. Varga: Infinitely many solutions for the Dirichlet problem
on the Sierpinski gasket, Analysis and Applications 9 (2011), pag. 235–248; FI=1.140.
79. M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, S. Tersian: Homoclinic solutions of difference equations with
variable exponent, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 37 (2011); FI=0.733.
80. P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu: Remarks on a polyharmonic eigenvalue problem, C. R. Acad.
Sci. Paris, Ser. I 348 (2010), pag. 161 – 164. ISI Impact Factor: 0.384
81. V. Rădulescu, D. Repovs: Existence results for variational-hemivariational problems with
lack of convexity, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 73
(2010), pag. 99 – 104. ISI Impact Factor: 1.536
82. M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu: Turing patterns in general reaction-diffusion systems of Brusselator type, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 12 (2010), pag. 661
– 679. ISI Impact Factor: 0.574,
83. M. Mihăilescu, V. Rădulescu, D. Repovs: On a non-homogeneous eigenvalue problem
involving a potential: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Pures Appliquées
(Journal de Liouville) 93 (2010), pag. 132 – 148. ISI Impact Factor: 1.295
84. M. Mihăilescu, G. Moroşanu, V. Rădulescu: Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic elliptic
equations: an Orlicz-Sobolev setting, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and
Applications 73 (2010), pag. 3239 – 3253. ISI Impact Factor: 1.536,
85. M. Mihăilescu, V. Rădulescu: Concentration phenomena in nonlinear eigenvalue problems
with variable exponents and sign-changing potential, Journal d’Analyse Mathématique
111 (2010), pag. 267 – 287. ISI Impact Factor: 0.783
86. M. Mihăilescu, V. Rădulescu: Eigenvalue problems with weight and variable exponent for
the Laplace operator, Analysis and Applications 8 (2010), pag. 235 – 246. ISI Impact
Factor: 1.140
87. Mihaela Pilca : A New Proof of Branson’s Classification of Elliptic Generalized Gradients, Manuscripta Mathematica 136, No.1-2 ( 2011 ), pag. 65 – 81. ; FI =
88. Mihaela Pilca : A Note on the Conformal Invariance of G-Generalized Gradients ,
Internat. J. Math. 22, Issue 11 ( 2011 ), pag. 1561 – 1583. ; FI = 0.397
89. Andrei Moroianu, Mihaela Pilca : Higher Rank Homogeneous Clifford Structures , acceptat la J. London Math. Soc., in tipar; arXiv:1110.4260; FI = 0.789
90. Mihaela Pilca : Kählerian Twistor Spinors , Math. Z. 268, Issue 1 ( 2011 ), pag.
223 – 255. ; FI = 0.749
91. C. Calinescu, J. Lepowsky, A. Milas: Vertex-algebraic structure of the principal subspaces
of level one modules for the untwisted affine Lie algebras of types A, D, E, Journal of
Algebra, 323 (2010), pag. 167–192; FI = 0.613
92. A. Bucur şi A. Diaconu, Moments of quadratic Dirichlet L–functions over rational function fields, Mosc. Math. J. 10 (2010), pag. 485–517; FI = 0.721
93. A. Diaconu şi P. Garrett, Subconvexity bounds for automorphic L–functions, J. Inst.
Math. Jussieu 9, no. 1 (2010), pag. 95–124; FI = 0.725
94. Beznea, Lucian; Boboc, Nicu: Measures not charging polar sets and Schödinger equations
in Lp , Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 26 (2010), pag. 249-264; FI = 0,470
95. Beznea, Lucian; Oprina, Andrei-George: A class of subordination operators on a direct
sum, Math. Reports 12(62) (2010), pag. 119-126; FI = 0,293
96. Beznea, Lucian: Potential-theoretical methods in the construction of measure-valued Markov
branching processes, J. Eur. Math. Soc. 13 (2011), pag. 685-707; FI = 1,404
97. Beznea, Lucian; Oprina, Andrei-George: Nonlinear PDEs and measure-valued branching
type processes, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 384 (2011), pag. 16-32; FI = 1,001
98. Beznea, Lucian; Trutnau, Gerald: On the quasi-regularity of non-sectorial Dirichlet forms
by processes having the same polar sets, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 384 (2011), pag. 33-48;
FI = 1,001
99. Beznea, Lucian; Cornea, Aurel; Röckner, Michael: Potential theory of infinite dimensional
Lévy processes, J. Funct. Anal 261 (2011), pag. 2845-2876; FI = 1,082
100. Beznea, Lucian; Röckner, Michael: Applications of compact superharmonic functions:
path regularity and tightness of capacities, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 5 (2011),
pag. 731-741; FI = 0,600
101. Beznea, Lucian; Röckner, Michael: From resolvents to càdlàg processes through compact
excessive functions and applications to singular SDE on Hilbert spaces, Bull. Sci. Math.
135 (2011), pag. 844-870; FI = 0,631
102. S. Malik, T. Zamfirescu: Hamiltonian Connectedness in Directed Toeplitz Graphs, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 53 (2010), pag. 145–156; FI=0.533
103. V. Pambuccian, T. Zamfirescu: Paolo Pizzetti: The forgotten originator of triangle comparison geometry, Historia Math. 38, 3 (2011) 415–422; FI=0.355
104. J. Itoh, T. Zamfirescu: Moderation of convex bodies J. Convex Analysis 18, 3 (2011)
865–872; FI=0.823
105. C. T. Zamfirescu, T. Zamfirescu: Hamiltonian properties of generalized pyramids Math.
Nachr. 284, 13 (2011) 1739–1747; FI=0.682
106. L. Yuan, T. Zamfirescu: Acute triangulations of double planar convex bodies Publ.
Math. Debrecen 81, 1-2 (2012) 121–126; FI=0.358
107. K. Adiprasito, T. Zamfirescu: Large Curvature on Typical Convex Surfaces J. Convex
Analysis 19, 2 (2012) 385–391; FI=0.823
108. P. Ionescu, F. Russo: Conic-connected manifolds, J. Reine Angew. Math. 644 (2010),
pag. 145–158. FI=1.042
109. Ionescu-Kruse D.: On the particle paths and the stagnation points in small-amplitude deepwater waves, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s00021012-0102-5, pag. 1–14; FI=0.768.
110. Ionescu-Kruse D.: Variational derivation of two-component Camassa-Holm shallow water
system, Applicable Analysis (2012), DOI:10.1080/00036811.2012.667082, pag. 1–13;
111. Ionescu-Kruse D.: Elliptic and hyperelliptic functions describing the particle motion beneath small-amplitude water waves with constant vorticity, Communications on Pure
and Applied Analysis 11 (2012), pag. 1475–1496; FI=0.692.
112. Ionescu-Kruse D.: Peakons arising as particle paths beneath small-amplitude water waves
in constant vorticity flows, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 17 (2010),
pag. 415–422; FI=0.543.
113. Ionescu-Kruse D.: Small-amplitude capillary-gravity water waves: exact solutions and
particle motion beneath such waves, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
11 (2010), pag. 2989–3000; FI=2.043.
114. Rehana Ashraf, Barbu Berceanu, Ayesha Riasat: Fibonacci numbers and positive braids,
acceptata la Ars Combinatoria. (201x), ; FI = 0.396
115. Barbu Berceanu, Saima Parveen: Braid groups in complex projective spaces, Advances
in Geometry Vol 12 Nr 2 (2012), pag. 269-286; FI = 0.386
116. Barbu Berceanu, Saima Parveen: Fundamental group of Desargues configuration spaces,
acceptata la Studia Sci. Math. Hungarica (2012); FI = 0.229
117. A. Balog, A.C. Cojocaru si C. David, Average twin prime conjecture for elliptic curves,
American Journal of Mathematics, vol. 133, No. 5, 2011, pp. 1179–1229. FI= 1.057
118. A.C. Cojocaru, D. Grant si N. Jones, One-parameter families of elliptic curves over Q
with maximal Galois representations, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society,
2011, 103(4), pp. 654–675. FI= 1.324
119. A.C. Cojocaru si Á. Tóth, Distribution and growth of the elementary divisors of the
reductions of an elliptic curve over a function field , Journal of Number Theory 132, 2012,
pp. 953–965. FI=0.559
120. A.C. Cojocaru si A.M. Shulman, An average Chebotarev density theorem for generic rank
2 Drinfeld modules with complex multiplication, sa apara in Journal of Number Theory.
121. Păunescu, L: On Sofic Actions and Equivalence Relations, Journal of Functional Analysis Volume 261, Issue 9 (2011), pag. 2461 – 2485; FI=1.08
122. Capraro, V; Păunescu, L: Product between ultrafilters and applications to Connes’ embedding problem Journal of Operator Theory Volume 68, Issue 1 (2012), pag. 165 –
172; FI=0.56
123. P. Cojuhari, A. Gheondea, Closed embeddings of Hilbert spaces., J. Math. Anal. Appl.
369 (2010), pag. 60-75. FI=1.001
124. P. Cojuhari, A. Gheondea: Closely embedded Krein spaces and applications to Dirac
operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 376 (2011), pag. 540-550. F=1.001
125. P. Cojuhari, A. Gheondea: Embeddings, operator ranges, and Dirac operators, Complex
Analysis Operator Theory (2011), pag. 941-953. FI=0.6
126. A. Gheondea, B.E. Ugurcan On Two Equivalent Dilation Theorems in VH-Spaces. Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 6 (2012), no. 3, 625–650. FI=0.6
127. L.C. Li, I. Nenciu, The periodic defocusing Ablowitz-Ladik equation and the geometry of
Floquet CMV matrices, Adv. Math. 231 (2012), pag. 3330–3388; FI=1.177.
128. I. Nenciu, A note on Poisson brackets for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle,
urmeaza sa apara in Monatsh. Math. (2012); FI=0.616
129. Nicolae Florin; Verjovsky Alberto Discrete Schwartz distributions and the Riemann zetafunction, Bull. Braz. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 41 (2010), no.2, pag. 211221; FI =
130. Nicolae Florin; Pohst Michael On the convergence of the Dirichlet series of an Artin
L-function, Math. Nachr. 284 (2011), no. 17-18, pag. 2268–2271; FI = 0.682
131. Cornean H. D.; Nenciu G.: Faraday effect revisited: sum rules and convergence issues,
(2010), Article Number: 474012 ; FI=1.564
132. Dinu V., Jensen A., Nenciu G.: Perturbation of near threshold eigenvalues: crossover
from exponential to non-exponential decay laws, REVIEWS IN MATHEMATICAL
PHYSICS 23 (2011), pag. 83-125; FI=1.213
133. G. Nenciu, I. Nenciu: On essential self-adjointness for magnetic Schroedinger and Pauli
operators on the unit disc in R2 , Letters in Mathematical Physics 98 (2011), pag.
207-223; FI=1.819
134. C. Cobeli, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: The distribution of rationals in residue classes,
Math. Rep, vol. 14(64), no. 1 (2012), pag. 1–20. FI=0.293
135. - I. Popa, N. Popa: Inequalities in matrix spaces, Math. Rep., vol. 12(62) (2010),
pag.169 - 180. FI=0.293
136. O. Dumitrescu Plane curves with prescribed triple points: a toric approach, Communications in Algebra, 2013 FI=0.347
137. F. Castaño-Iglesias, C. Năstăsescu, J. Vercruysse: Quasi-Frobenius functors. Applications, Comm. Algebra 38 (8) (2010), pag. 3057 – 3077; FI = 0.347
138. P. Anghel, C. Năstăsescu, L. Năstăsescu: Stable Gabriel topologies, Carpathian J.
Math. 26 (1) (2010), pag. 1 – 10; FI = 0.906
139. S. Dăscălescu, C. Năstăsescu, B. Toader: On the dimension of the space of integrals on
coalgebras, J. Algebra 324 (7) (2010), pag. 1625 – 1635; FI = 0.613
140. S. Crivei, C. Nătăsescu, B. Torrecillas: On the Osofsky-Smith theorem, Glasgow Math.
J. 52A (2010), pag. 61 – 67; FI = 0.302
141. L. Dăuş, C. Năstăsescu, M. Năstăsescu: Von Neumann regularity of smash products
associated with G-set gradings, J. Algebra 331 (1) (2011), pag. 46 – 57; FI = 0.613
142. S. Crivei, C. Năstăsescu, L. Năstăsescu: A generalization of the Mitchell Lemma: the
Ulmer Theorem and the Gabriel-Popescu Theorem revisited, J. Pure Appl. Algebra
216 (2012), pag. 2126 – 2129; FI = 0.567
143. Vasile Brinzanescu, Andrei Halanay, Guenther Trautmann Vector bundles on non-Kaehler
elliptic principal bundles, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 62 (6) (2012), FI = 0,550
144. Vasile Brinzanescu, Oana Adela Turcu Generalized complex structures on Kodaira surfaces, J. Geom. Phys. 60, no. 1 (2010), pag. 60 – 67; FI = 0,818
145. A.Matoussi and L.Stoica: The Obstacle Problem for Quasilinear Stochastic PDE’s, Ann.
of Prob. 38 (2010) pag. 1143-1170.; FI=1.789
146. B.Saussereau, L.Stoica: Scalar conservation laws with fractional stochastic forcing: Existence, uniqueness and invariant measure, Stoch. Proc. Appl. 122 (2012) pag.
1456-1486.; FI=1.010
147. Stavros Garoufalidis and Ionel Popescu: Analyticity of Planar Limits of a Matrix Model,
Annales Henri Poincaré (2012), online first; FI = 1.211
148. Michel Ledoux and Ionel Popescu: The One Dimensional Free Poincaré Inequality, Transaction of AMS in press; FI = 1.093
149. Ionel Popescu : Local One Dimensional Free Inequalities, Journal of Functional Analysis accepted for publication; FI = 1.082
150. Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim: Normaliz: Algorithms for Affine Monoids and Rational
Cones, Journal of Algebra 324 (2010), pag. 1098 – 1113; FI = 0.613.
151. W. Bruns, R. Hemmecke, B. Ichim, M Köppe, si C. Söger: Challenging computations of
Hilbert bases of cones associated with algebraic statistics., Exp. Math. 20 (2011), pag.
25 – 33; FI = 0.574.
152. Mario Maican: A duality result for moduli spaces of semistable sheaves supported on projective curves, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
123 (2010), pag. 55 – 68; FI = 0.311
153. Jean-Marc Drézet, Mario Maican: On the geometry of the moduli spaces of semi-stable
sheaves supported on plane quartics, Geometriae Dedicata 152 (2011), pag. 17 – 49;
FI = 0.661
154. D. Gheorghe, F.-H. Vasilescu: Spectral theory for linear relations via linear operators
Pacific J. Math. 255 (2012), pag. 349–372; FI = 0.626
155. C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of pendulum-like perturbations of
singular and bounded φ-Laplacians, J. Dyn. Diff. Equat. 22 (2010), pag.463–471; FI
= 0.733
156. C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Radial solutions for Neumann problems with φLaplacians and pendulum-like nonlinearities, Discrete Cont. Dynamical Systems 28
(2010), pag. 637–648; FI = 0.913
157. C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Radial solutions for Neumann problems involving
mean curvature operators in Euclidean and Minkowski spaces, Math. Nachr. 283
(2010), pag. 379–391; FI = 0.682
158. C. Bereanu, D. Gheorghe: Topological methods for boundary value problems involving
discrete vector φ- Laplacians, Topological Methods Nonlinear Analysis 38 (2011),
pag. 265–276; FI = 0.733
159. C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Variational methods for nonlinear perturbations of
singular φ-Laplacians, Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. 22 (2011), pag. 89–111; FI = 0.400
160. C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Multiple solutions for Neumann and periodic problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Functional Analysis 261 (2011), pag. 3226–3246;
FI = 1.082
161. C. Bereanu, P.J. Torres: Existence of at least two periodic solutions of the forced relativistic pendulum, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), pag. 2713–2719; FI =
162. C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean: Multiple critical points for a class of periodic lower semicontinous functionals, Discrete Cont. Dynamical Systems 33 (2013), pag. 47–66; FI =
163. V.I. Ursu and A. Kovalschi : Ekvatzionalinaia teoria A-lup, Algebra i Logika 49
(2010), pag. 479– 497; FI = 0.20
164. Saima Parveen, Constantin Varsan, Gradient flows with jumps associated with nonlinear
H-J equations with jumps Mathematichal Reports, nr.3, 2011; FI=0.28
165. Virgil Damian, Constantin Varsan, Stochastic flows associated with double Wiener processes and Stratonovich curve-line integrals Mathematical Reports, nr.4, 2012; FI=0.28
166. G. Groza, N. Popescu, A. Zaharescu: All non-archimedean norms on K[X1 , . . . , Xr ],
Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), pag. 1 – 18. FI = 0.571
167. A. Zaharescu, M. Zaki: On the singularities of multiple L-functions, Cent. Eur. J.
Math. 8 (2010), pag. 289 – 298. FI = 0.440
168. E. Alkan, M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu: Pair correlation of sums of rationals with bounded
height, J. Reine Angew. Math. 641 (2010), pag. 21 – 67. FI = 1.042
169. A. Zaharescu, M. Zaki: On the parity of the number of multiplicative partitions, Acta
Arith. 145 (2010), pag. 221– 232. FI = 0.435
170. K. H. Mak, A. Zaharescu: The distribution of values of short hybrid exponential sums on
curves over finite fields, Math. Res. Lett. 18 (2011), pag. 155 – 174. FI = 0.743
171. M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu: Correlation of fractions with divisibility constraints, Math.
Nachr. 284 (2011), pag. 393 – 407. FI = 0.682
172. M. T. Tsai, A. Zaharescu: On the action of permutations on distances between values of
rational functions mod p, Finite Fields Appl. 17 (2011), pag. 481 – 487. FI = 0.586
173. Y. Lamzouri, M. T. Phaovibul, A. Zaharescu: On the distribution of the partial sum of
Euler’s totient function in residue classes, Colloq. Math. 123 (2011), pag. 115 – 127;
FI = 0.357
174. A. Dixit, A. Roy, A. Zaharescu: Convexity of quotients of theta functions, J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 386 (2012), pag. 319 – 331; FI = 1.001
175. C. Demeter, A. Zaharescu: Proof of the HRT conjecture for (2, 2) configurations, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 388 (2012), pag. 151 – 159; FI = 1.001
176. B. C. Berndt, Sun Kim, A. Zaharescu: Weighted divisor sums and Bessel function series,
II, Adv. Math. 229 (2012), pag. 2055–2097; FI = 1.177
177. M. T. Tsai, A. Zaharescu: On the sum of consecutive integers in sequences, Int. J.
Number Theory 8 (2012), pag. 643 – 652; FI = 0.342
178. M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu: Pair correlation of lattice points with prime constraint, Acta
Arith. 154 (2012), pag. 29 – 43; FI = 0.435
179. A. Ledoan, A. Zaharescu: The pair correlation of homothetic images of zeros of the
Riemann zeta-function, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 395 (2012), pag. 275 – 283; FI = 1.001
180. M. T. Tsai, A. Zaharescu: On the sum of consecutive integers in sequences II, Int. J.
Number Theory 8 (2012), pag. 1281–1299; FI = 0.342
181. M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu: Statistics of the Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves over finite
fields, Math. Res. Lett. 19 (2012), pag. 255–272; FI = 0.743
182. Y. Lamzouri, A. Zaharescu: Randomness of character sums modulo m, J. Number
Theory 132 (2012), pag. 2779–2792; FI = 0.559
183. D. Bowman, A. Zaharescu: Natural numbers n for which bnα + sc 6= bnβ + sc, Acta
Arith. 154 (2012), pag. 217–233; FI = 0.435
184. Enescu, Florian; Yao, Yongwei: The lower semicontinuity of the Frobenius splitting numbers. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. (2011), 150, no. 1, 35–46; FI =
185. Enescu, Florian: A finiteness condition on local cohomology in positive characteristic J.
Pure Appl. Algebra (2012), 216, no. 1, 115–118; FI = 0,567
186. Gabriel Bădiţoiu, Steven Rosenberg: Lax pair equations and Connes-Kreimer Renormalization, Communications in Mathematical Physics 296 (2010), pag. 655 – 680; FI
= 1.397
187. E. Artal Bartolo, J.I. Cogolludo-Agustin, D. Matei: Characteristic varieties of quasiprojective manifolds and orbifolds, Geom. Topol., acceptat; FI=1.295.
188. D. Faenzi, D. Matei, J. Valles: Hyperplane arrangements of Torelli type, Compos.
Math., acceptat; FI=1.187.
189. J.I. Cogolludo-Agustin, D. Matei: Cohomology algebra of plane curves, weak combinatorial type, and formality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364, (2012) 5765–5790; FI=1.093.
190. E. Mihailescu Ergodic properties for some non-expanding non-reversible systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 73, (2010), pag. 3779–3787;
FI = 1, 579.
191. E. Mihailescu Asymptotic distributions of preimages for endomorphisms, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31, (2011), pag. 911–935; FI = 0, 745.
192. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting
function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
42, (2010), pag. 15–27; FI = 0,583.
193. E. Mihailescu Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 32, (2012), 2485–
2502; FI = 0,941.
194. E. Mihailescu Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of
Statistical Physics 142 (2011), pag. 154-167; FI = 1,397.
195. E. Mihailescu Approximations of Gibbs states of arbitrary Hölder potentials on hyperbolic
folded sets, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 32, (2012), pag. 961–975;
FI = 0, 941.
196. E. Mihailescu Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse pressure,
Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society 148, (2010), pag.
553–572; FI = 0, 681.
197. E. Mihailescu Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic repellors,
Journal of Statistical Physics 139, (2010), pag. 800–819; FI = 1, 397.
198. E. Mihailescu Inverse limits and statistical properties for chaotic implicitly defined economic models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 394, (2012),
pag. 517–528; FI = 1, 305.
199. E. Mihailescu: Unstable directions and fractal dimensions for a family of skew products
with overlaps in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift 269 (2011), 733 – 750; FI = 0, 796.
200. E. Mihailescu: On a class of stable conditional measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), pag. 1499–1515; FI = 0,745.
201. E. Mihailescu On some coding and mixing properties on folded fractals, Monatshefte
fuer Mathematik 167, (2012), pag. 241–255; FI = 0, 615.
202. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski Hausdorff dimension of the limit set for conformal iterated
function systems with overlaps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139, (2011), pag. 2767–2775; FI = 0, 648.
203. Măcinic Daniela Anca: Cohomology rings and formality properties of nilpotent groups ,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 214 (2010), pag. 1818-1826; FI = 0.567
204. Clement Radu Popescu A simple presentation of the handlebody group of genus 2, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sc. Rom., Tome 54(102), nr. 1 (2011), pag. 82–93; FI = 0,507
205. I.Coandă: A simple proof of Tyurin’s Babylonian tower theorem, Commun. Algebra
40 (2012), pag. 4668 – 4672; FI = 0.347 (2011)/ 0.347
206. I. Coandă: On the stability of syzygy bundles, Internat. J. Math. 22 (2011), pag. 515
– 534; FI = 0.397 (2011)/ 0.397
207. I. Coandă: Infinitely stably extendable vector bundles on projective spaces, Arch. Math.
(Basel) 94 (2010), pag. 539 – 545; FI = 0.433 (2011)/ 0.433
208. I. Coandă: The Horrocks correspondence for coherent sheaves on projective spaces, Homology, Homotopy Appl. 12 (2010), pag. 327 – 353; FI = 0.549 (2011)/ 0.549
209. Aurel Gaba, Radu Gaba: Mathematical model and computation program of the chamber furnace of boilers for air pollution reduction, Environmental Engineering and
Management Journal, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2012), pag. 557 – 566; FI = 1.004
210. Yulij Ilyashenko, Andrei Negut: Holder properties of perturbed skew products and Fubini
regained, Nonlinearity 25 (2012), pag. 2377–2399; FI = 1.386
211. Boris Feigin, Michael Finkelberg, Andrei Negut, Leonid Rybnikov: Yangians and cohomology rings of Laumon spaces, Selecta Mathematica 17 (2011), pag. 573–607; FI =
212. Yulij Ilyashenko, Andrei Negut: Invisible parts of attractors, Nonlinearity 23 (2010),
pag. 1199–1219; FI = 1.386
213. Itoh, Jin-ichi; Vı̂lcu, Costin: Cut locus structures on graphs, Discrete Math.
(2012), pag. 524–531; FI = 0.519
214. Ieiri, K.; Itoh, J.; Vı̂lcu, C.: Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
215. Itoh, J.; O’Rourke, J.; Vı̂lcu, C.: Star unfolding convex polyhedra via quasigeodesic loops,
Discrete Comput. Geom. 44 (2010), pag. 35–54; FI = 0.938
216. C. Cobeli, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: On the intervals of a third between Farey fractions,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math., Tome 53(101), No. 3 (2010), pag. 239 – 250; FI =
217. M. Vajaitu: On the Cp -Banach algebra of the r-Lipschitz functions, Bull. Math. Soc.
Sci. Math., Tome 53(101), No. 3 (2010), pag. 293 – 301; FI = 0,507
218. V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: Representation Results for Equivariant Rigid Analytic Functions, Algebr. Represent. Theory, 12, no. 1 (2012),
pag. 137 – 145; FI = 0.595
219. S. Achimescu, V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: The behavior of
rigid analytic functions around orbits of elements of Cp , Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ.
Padova Vol. 127 (2012), pag. 193–211; FI = 0,254
220. M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: An algebraic-metric equivalence relation over p-adic fields,
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Vol. 54 (2012), pag. 715–720; FI = 0,571
221. C. Cobeli, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: The distribution of rationals in residue classes,
Math. Rep, vol. 14(64), no. 1 (2012), pag.1–20; FI= 0,293
222. V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: On the zeros of Krasner analytic
functions, Algebr. Represent. Theory, to appear; FI = 0.595
223. M. Vajaitu: Integral representations and the behavior of Krasner analytic functions around
singular points, Algebr. Represent. Theory, to appear; FI = 0.595
224. P. Stănică, S. Gangopadhyay, A. Chaturvedi, A.K. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, Investigations on bent and negabent functions via the nega-Hadamard transform, IEEE Transactions Inform. Theory 58:6 (2012), 4064–4072; FI=3.009.
225. F. Luca, P. Stănică, On the Euler function of the Catalan numbers, J. Number Theory
132 (2012), 1404–1424; FI=0.478.
226. J. Fox, R. Gera, P. Stănică, The Independence Number for the Generalized Petersen
Graphs, Ars Combinatoria 103 (2012), 439–451; FI=0.268.
227. E. Kilic, P. Stănică, Factorizations and representations of binary polynomial recurrences
by matrix methods, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 41:4 (2011), 1247–1264;
228. D. Canright, S. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, P. Stănică, Laced Boolean functions and subset sum problems in finite fields, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011), 1059–1069;
229. C. Chun, P. Stănică, B. Neta, Recurrence relations for a third-order family of methods
in Banach Spaces, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 61 (2011), 1665–1675;
230. T.W. Cusick, Y. Li, P. Stănică, On a Combinatorial Conjecture, Integers 11 (2011),
185–203; also, Electronic J. Combinatorial Number Theory 11 (2011), Art. #17 (17pp);
231. E. Kilic, P. Stănică, A matrix approach for general higher order linear recurrences, Bulletin
of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 34 (1) (2011), 51–67; FI=0.779.
232. F. Luca, P. Stănică, A. Togbe, On a Diophantine equation of Stroeker, Bulletin of Belgian
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233. F. Luca, D. Marques, P. Stănică, On the spacings between C-nomial coefficients, J. Number Theory 130:1 (2010), 82–100; FI=0.478.
234. Mihai D. Staic: Secondary Cohomology and k-invariants, The Bulletin of the Belgian
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239. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge: Positive quantization in the presence of
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240. Iftimie, Viorel; Purice, Radu: Eigenfunctions decay for magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011), 11 pag. FI = 1.291
241. Mntoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge: Coherent states and pure state quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of Geometrical
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242. Iftimie, Viorel; Mntoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Commutator criteria for magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35
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243. Helffer, B.; Purice, R.: Magnetic calculus and semiclassical trace formulas, Journal of
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244. Athmouni, Nassim; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: On the continuity of spectra for
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245. Iftimie, Viorel; Mntoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Unicity of the integrated density of states
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246. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and operators, Proceedings of the Amererican Mathematical Society 138 (2010), pag.
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247. S. Papadima, A. Suciu: The spectral sequence of an equivariant chain complex and homology with local coefficients, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 2685–2721.
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252. A. Capatina, H. Ene: Homogenization of the Stokes problem with a pure non-homogeneous
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253. A. Capatina, H. Ene, C. Timofte, Homogenization results for elliptic problems in periodically perforated domains with mixed-type boundary conditions, Asymptotic Analysis
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254. B. Prunaru: Toeplitz and Hankel operators associated with subdiagonal algebras, Proc.
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255. B. Prunaru: Fixed points for Luders operations and commutators, Journal of Physics
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258. N.C. Bonciocat, M. Cipu, M. Mignotte: On D(−1) - quadruples, Publ. Math. 56(2)
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263. N.C. Bonciocat, M. Cipu, Strips and hyperbolas for zeros of polynomials in terms of their
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265. Nicuşor Costea & Andaluzia Matei: Contact models leading to variational-hemivariational
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267. Nicuşor Costea, Cezar Lupu & Daniel Alexandru Ion: Variational-like inequality problems
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268. A.-I. Bonciocat: Lower Ricci curvature bounds for metric measure spaces. Math. Rep.
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269. Isabelle Gruais, Dan Poliševski: Homogenizing media containing a highly conductive honeycomb substructure, Asymptotic Analysis 67 (2010), pag. 33 – 43; FI = 0.413
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272. M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, A. Togbé: On the size of the intersection of two Lucas sequences
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274. M. Cipu, M. I. Qureshi: On the behaviour of Stanley depth under variable adjunction,
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276. A. Baranov, I. Chalendar, E. Fricain, J. Mashreghi, D. Timotin: Bounded symbols and
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277. M. Bakonyi, D. Timotin: Extensions of positive definite functions on amenable groups,
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278. H. Bercovici, W.S. Li, D. Timotin: A family of reductions for Schubert intersection problems, J. Algebraic Combin. 33 (2011), pag. 609–649; FI = 0.752.
279. Ch. Benhida, P. Gorkin, D. Timotin: Numerical ranges of C0 (N ) contractions, Integral
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280. H. Bercovici, D. Timotin: Factorization of analytic self-maps of the half-plane, Ann.
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281. Barcau, Mugurel; Paşol, Vicenţiu : Mod p congruences for cusp forms of weight four for
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283. L. Badea and R. Krause, One- and two-level Schwarz methods for variational inequalities
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284. Prabir Daripa and Gelu Paşa: The effect of surfactant on the motion of long bubbles in
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285. Gelu Paşa: Stability Analysis of Diffusive Displacement in Three-Layer Hele-Shaw Cell
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289. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Locally conformally Kaehler manifolds admitting a holomorphic conformal flow, Mathematische Zeitschrift (2012) DOI 10.1007/s00209-012-1022z. FI=0,749
290. A. Futaki, K. Hattori, Liviu Ornea: An integral invariant from the viewpoint of locally conformally Kaehler geometry, Manuscripta Mathematica (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s00229011-0527-9. FI=0,430
291. S. Ianuş, G.E. Vı̂lcu, Liviu Ornea: Submanifolds in manifolds with metric mixed 3structures, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 9 (2012), 105–128. FI=0,463
292. S. Marchiafava, Liviu Ornea, R. Pantilie: Twistor theory for CR quaternionic manifolds
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293. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Automorphisms of locally conformally Kaehler manifolds,
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294. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds admitting no complex subvarieties,
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295. Liviu Ornea, R. Pantilie: On holomorphic maps and generalized complex geometry, Journal of Geometry and Physics 61 (2011), 1502–1515. FI=0,818
296. Liviu Ornea, M. Pilca: Remarks on the product of harmonic forms, Pacific Journal of
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297. F.A. Belgun, A. Moroianu, Liviu Ornea: Essential points of conformal vector fields, Journal of Geometry and Physics 61 (2011), 589–593. FI=0,818
298. S. Ianuş, S, Marchiafava, Liviu Ornea, R. Pantilie: Twistorial maps between quaternionic
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299. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Locally conformal Kaehler manifolds with potential, Mathematische Annalen 348 (2010), 25-33. FI=1,297
300. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Topology of locally conformal Kaehler manifolds with potential, International Mathematics Research Notices, 4 (2010), 117–126. FI=1,014
301. E. Loubeau, R. Pantilie Harmonic morphisms between Weyl spaces and twistorial maps
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302. R. Pantilie Generalized quaternionic manifolds, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. DOI 10.1007/
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303. V. Nitica The structure of max-min hyperplanes Linear Algebra and its Applications
432 (2010), pag. 402–429;FI=0.974
304. V. Nitica, S. Sergeev On semispaces and hyperplanes in max-min convex geometry Kybernetika 46 (2010), pag. 548–557; FI=0.454
305. V. Nitica, S. Sergeev An interval version of separation by semispaces in max-min convexity
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306. V. Nitica Stably transitivity for extensions of hyperbolic systems by semidirect products of
compact and nilpotent Lie groups Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 29
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307. M. Akian, S. Gaubert, V. Nitica, I. Singer Best approximation in max-plus semimodules
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308. I. Melbourne, V. Nitica, A. Torok Transitivity of Heisenberg group extensions of hyperbolic systems Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 32 (2012), pag. 223–235;
309. V. Nitica, I. Singer Topical functions on semimodules and generalizations Lin Alg Appl
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310. S. Burciu: Depth one extensions of semisimple algebras and Hopf sublgebras, Algebras
and Representation Theory online first (2012), pag. 1 – 12; FI=0.595
311. S. Burciu: Quantum doubles of rank two pointed Hopf algebras, Commun. Algebra, 40
(2012), pag. 4240 – 4254; FI=0.347
312. S. Burciu: On Normal Hopf Subalgebras of Semisimple Hopf Algebras, Algebras and
Representation Theory 15 (2012), pag. 491 – 506; FI=0.595
313. S. Burciu: Kernels of representations and coideal subalgebras of Hopf algebras, Glasgow
Math. J. 54 (2012), pag. 107–119; FI=0.571
314. S. Burciu: Clifford theory for cocentral extensions, Israel Journal of Mathematics
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315. S. Burciu: Categorical Hopf kernels and representations of semisimple Hopf algebras,
Journal of Algebra 337 (2011), pag. 253 – 260; FI=0.613
316. S. Burciu: On complements and the factorization problem for Hopf algebras, Central
European Journal of Mathematics 9 (2011), pag. 905– 914; FI=0.440
317. S. Burciu: On the Representation Theory of Normal Hopf Subalgebras, Arabian Journal
for Science and Engineering, 36 (2011), pag. 947 –955; FI=0.243
318. S. Burciu and V. Pasol: Fusion rings arising from normal Hopf subalgebras, Algebras
and Representation Theory 14 (2011), pag. 41– 55; FI=0.595
319. M. Coltoiu , C. Joita: On the open immersion problem, Math. Ann., acceptata. FI=1.297
320. G. Chiriacescu,M. Coltoiu si C. Joita: Analytic cohomology groups in top degrees of Zariski
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322. M.Coltoiu.,N.Gasitoi,C.Joita.: On the image of an algebraic projective space, C.R. Acad.
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323. M.Coltoiu,C.Joita: The disk property of coverings of 1-convex surfaces, Proc. AMS
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324. M.Coltoiu,C.Joita.C,M.Tibar: q-convexity properties of the coverings of a link singularity,
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325. Muhammad Qureshi, Dorin Popescu: Computing the Stanley depth , Journal of Algebra, 323, (2010), 2943-2959; FI=0,613.
326. Jurgen Herzog, Dorin Popescu, Marius Vladoiu: Stanley depth and size of a monomial
ideal, Proceedings of AMS, 140 (2012), 493-504; FI=0,611,
327. Dorin Popescu: Graph and depth of a square free monomial ideal, Proceedings of
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328. N. Popa: A class of Schur multipliers on some quasi-Banach spaces of infinite matrices, J. Funct. Spaces and Appl., vol 2012, pag.11; Article ID 142731: doi:
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329. A. Marcoci, L. Marcoci, L. E. Persson, N. Popa: Schur multiplier characterization of a
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330. Florin Nichita, Bogdan Popovici: Yang-Baxter operators from (G, θ)-Lie algebras, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 63, Number 3, 2011, pag. 641-650; FI= 0.5
331. Barbu Berceanu, Florin Nichita, Calin Popescu: Algebra Structures Arising from YangBaxter Systems, Communications in Algebra, va aparea; FI=0.35
332. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean: Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces,
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333. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean: On the computational content of convergence proofs via
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334. V. Colao, G. Lopez, L. Leuştean, V. Martin-Marquez: Alternative iterative methods
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Analysis 18 (2011), pag. 465–487; FI=0.823
335. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean, Asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex
hyperbolic spaces, Journal of the European Mathematical Society 12 (2010), pag.
336. J. Wang, H.J. Hoogeboom, L. Pan, Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, Spiking neural P
systems with weights, Neural Computation, 22 (2010), 2615–2646, FI = 1.884
337. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: Solving problems in a distributed way in membrane
computing: dP systems, Int. J. of Computers, Communication and Control, 5, 2 (2010),
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338. Gh. Paun: A quick introduction to membrane computing, J. of Logic and Algebraic
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339. L. Pan, Gh. Paun: Spiking neural P systems: An improved normal form, Theoretical
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340. L. Pan, Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: Spiking neural P systems with neuron division
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342. M. Ionescu, Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, T. Yokomori: Spiking neural dP systems,
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343. M. Ionescu, Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, A. Rodriguez-Paton: Spiking neural P systems with several types of spikes, International Journal of Computers, Communications
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344. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: An infinite hierarchy of languages defined by dP systems,
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345. C. Vasile, A.B. Pavel, Gh. Paun, I. Dumitrache: On the power of enzymatic numerical
P systems, Acta Informatica, 49,6 (2012), 395–412, FI = 0.444
346. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: P automata revisited, Theoretical Computer Science 454
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347. Gh. Paun. M.J. Perez-Jimenez: Towards bridging two cell-inspired models: P systems
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348. T. Song, L. Pan, Gh. Paun: Asynchronous spiking neural P systems with local synchronization, Information Sciences, 219 (2013), 197–207, FI = 0.283
349. Stan, Florin; Zaharescu, Alexandru: The Siegel norm of algebraic numbers, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 55(103) (2012), pag. 69 – 77; FI = 0.507
350. C. Făciu, M. Mihăilescu-Suliciu: Phase nucleation and wave propagation in phase-transforming strings. A rate-type approach, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 45 (2010), pag. 955 – 973; FI=1.209
351. Mihai Epure and Alexandru Gica: Principal quadratic real fields in connection with some
additive problems, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, TOME 53 (101),
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352. Zaheer Ahmad, Tiberiu Dumitrescu and Mihai Epure: A Schreier domain type condition,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, TOME 55 (103), no. 3 (2012), pag.
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353. Constantinescu, Alexandru; Varbaro, Matteo:
Koszulness, Krull Dimension and Other Properties of Graph-Related Algebras,
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 34, pp. 375–400, (2011). FI= 0.752
354. Constantinescu, Alexandru:
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355. M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée: Non Maximal Cyclically Monotone Graphs and Construction of a Bipotential for the Coulomb’s Dry Friction Law, J. of Convex Analysis
vol. 17(1) (2010), pag. 81 – 94; FI = 0.823
356. M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée: Bipotentials for Non-monotone Multivalued Operators:
Fundamental Results and Applications, Acta Appl. Math. vol. 110(2) (2010), pag.
955 – 972; FI = 0.899
357. M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée: Blurred maximal cyclically monotone sets and bipotentials, Anal. Appl. vol. 8(4) (2010), pag. 323 – 336; FI = 1.140
358. M. Buliga: Infinitesimal affine geometry of metric spaces endowed with a dilation structure, Houston J. Math. vol. 36(1) (2010), pag. 91 – 136; FI = 0.359
359. M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée: Blurred Constitutive Laws and Bipotential Convex
Covers, Math. Mech. Solids vol. 16(2) (2011), pag. 161 – 171; FI = 1.012
360. M. Buliga: A priori inequalities between energy release rate and energy concentration for
3D quasistatic brittle fracture propagation, Math. Mech. Solids vol. 16(3) (2011),
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361. M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée:
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362. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: Faithful representations of infinite-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras, Forum Mathematicum (DOI: 10.1515/forum-2012-0085); FI = 0.607
363. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: Algebras of symbols associated with the Weyl calculus for Lie group
representations, Monatshefte für Mathematik 167 (2012), no. 1, pag. 13–33; FI =
364. D. Beltiţă, K.-H. Neeb: Schur-Weyl Theory for C ∗ -algebras, Mathematische Nachrichten 285 (2012), no. 10, 1170–1198; FI = 0.682
365. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: On differentiability of vectors in Lie group representations, Journal
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366. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: Modulation spaces of symbols for representations of nilpotent Lie
groups, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 17 (2011), no. 2, 290–319;
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367. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: Continuity of magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Functional
Analysis 260 (2011), no. 7, 1944–1968; FI = 1.082
368. D. Beltiţă, J.E. Galé: Universal objects in categories of reproducing kernels, Revista
Matemática Iberoamericana 27 (2011), no. 1, 123–179; FI = 0.852
369. D. Beltiţă: Lie theoretic significance of the measure topologies associated with a finite
trace, Forum Mathematicum 22 (2010), no. 2, 241–253; FI = 0.607
370. D. Beltiţă, K.-H. Neeb: Geometric characterization of hermitian algebras with continuous
inversion, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 81 (2010), no. 1, 96–
113; FI = 0.545
371. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: Uncertainty principles for magnetic structures on certain coadjoint
orbits, Journal of Geometry and Physics 60 (2010), no. 1, 81–95; FI = 0.818
372. Marian Aprodu, Ruxandra Moraru, Matei Toma: Two-dimensional moduli spaces of vector bundles over Kodaira surfaces, Advances in Math. 231 (2012), pag. 1202 – 1215,
FI = 1.177
373. Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Marius Marchitan, Rank-two vector bundles on
Hirzebruch surfaces Central European J. Math. 10-4 (2012), pag. 1321 – 1330
FI = 0,44
374. Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas: Green’s Conjecture for curves on arbitrary K3 surfaces,
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375. Marian Aprodu, Marius Marchitan: A note on vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces, C.
R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 349, no 11-12 (2011), pag. 687 – 690, FI = 0.384
376. Marian Aprodu, Daniel Naie: Enriques diagrams and log-canonical thresholds of curves
on smooth surfaces, Geom. Dedicata 146 (2010), pag. 43 – 66, FI= 0.364
377. Valentin Grecea: A family of L2 spaces associated to the jumps of a Markov process,
Cent. Eur.J.Math. 9 3 (2011), pag. , 709-714, FI=0.440.
378. C. Cazacu: Hardy inequality and Pohozaev identity for operators with boundary singularities: some applications, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 349 (2011), no. 21-22, pag.
1167-1172; FI=0.384
379. T. Albu: Dual Krull dimension, Goldie dimension, and subdirect irreducibilty, Glasgow
Math. J. 52A (2010), pp.19 – 32; FI = 0.571
380. T. Albu: Completely irreducible meet decompositions in lattices, with applications to
Grothendieck categories and torsion theories (II), Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math.
Roumanie 53 (101) (2010), pp. 1 – 13; FI = 0.507
381. T. Albu, P.F. Smith: Primal, completely irreducible, and primary meet decompositions in
modules, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 54 (102) (2011), pp. 297 – 311;
FI = 0.507
382. T. Albu: The Osofsky-Smith Theorem for modular lattices, and applications (I), Comm.
Algebra, 39 (2011), pp. 1 – 19; FI = 0.347
383. C. Joita: Prescribing Projections of Runge Domains in Stein Spaces, Mathematical
Reports, 12 (2010), pag.137–143; FI = 0,293
384. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Characteristic classes of complex
hypersurfaces, Advances in Mathematics 225 (2010), no. 5, pag. 2616–2647; FI =
385. L. Maxim, M. Saito, J. Schürmann: Symmetric Products of Mixed Hodge Modules, Journal de Mathématique Pures et Appliquées 96 (2011), no. 5, pag. 462–483; FI =
386. L. Maxim, J. Schürmann: Twisted genera of symmetric products, Selecta Mathematica
18 (2012), no. 1, pag. 283–317; FI = 0.879
387. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Equivariant characteristic classes of
complex algebraic varieties, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
65 (2012), no. 12, pag. 1722–1769; FI = 2.575
388. D. V. Alekseevsky, L. David: Invariant generalized complex structures on Lie groups,
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, DOI: 10.1112/plms/pds017
(2012), 27 pagini; FI= 1.324
389. L. David: A prolongation of the conformal-Killing operator on quaternionic-Kähler manifolds, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 191 (2012), pag. 595–610; FI=0.838
390. D V. Alekseevsky, L. David: A note about invariant SKT-structures and generalized
Kähler structures on flag manifolds, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical
Society 55 (2012), pag. 543–549; FI=0.415
391. L. David, I. A. B. Strachan: Dubrovin’s duality for F -manifolds with eventual identities,
Advances in Mathematics 266 (2011), pag. 4031–4060; FI=1.177
392. L. David: The conformal-Killing equation on G2 and Spin7 -structures, Journal of Geometry and Physics 61 (2011), pag. 1070–1078; FI=0.818
393. L. David: The fundamental form of almost-quaternionic Hermitian manifolds, Journal
of Geometry and Physics 60 (2010), pag. 574–580; FI=0.818
394. Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Convergence rates for dispersive approximation schemes
to nonlinear Schrödinger equations J. Math. Pures Appl. 98, (2012), vol. 5, 479-517,
395. Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D.; San Antolin, Angel Lower and upper bounds for the first
eigenvalue of nonlocal diffusion problems in the whole space JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, 252 (2012), no. 12, Pages: 6429-6447, FI = 1.277
396. Ignat, Liviu I.; Pazoto, Ademir F.; Rosier, Lionel Inverse problem for the heat equation
and the Schrodinger equation on a tree INVERSE PROBLEMS 28 (2012), (1) Article
Number: 015011, FI = 1.880
397. Ignat, Liviu I., A splitting method for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, J. Differential
Equations, 250 (2011), pag. 3022–3046, FI = 1.277
398. Banica, V., Ignat, Liviu I., Dispersion for the Schrödinger equation on networks, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 52 (2011), pag. 083703-14, FI = 1.291
399. Ignat, Liviu I., Stan Diana : Dispersive Properties for Discrete Schrödinger Equations,
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 11 (2011), pag. 1035-1065, FI =
400. Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion equations in
Lq -norms for 1 ≤ q ≤ 2, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 362 (2010), no. 1, 190-199., FI =
401. Ignat, Liviu I. Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation on a tree and applications,
SIAM J. MATH. ANAL. 42 (2010), no. 5, 2041-2057. FI =1.316
402. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent double sequences that can be produced by context-free substitutions, Fractals, 18, 1 (2010), pag. 65 – 73; FI = 0.448
403. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of
finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions, Fractals, 19, 4 (2011), pag. 431
– 442; FI = 0.448
404. Mihai Prunescu: The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures, Comptes
Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942; FI = 0.384 (2009: 0.529)
405. Mihai Prunescu: Fp -affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic,
European Journal of Combinatorics, 34, 1 (2013), pag. 260 – 284; FI = 0.677.
406. Paul Loya, Sergiu Moroianu, Raphael Ponge, On the singularities of the zeta and eta
functions of an elliptic operator, International Journal of Mathematics 23, No. 6
(2012) 1250020. FI=0.397
407. Sylvain Golénia, Sergiu Moroianu, The spectrum of k-form Schrodinger Laplacians on
conformally cusp manifolds, Transaction of the American Mathematical Society
364 (2012), 1–29. FI= 1.093
408. Colin Guillarmou, Sergiu Moroianu, Jinsung Park: Bergman and Calderón Projectors for
Dirac Operators, Journal of Geometric Analysis (2012) FI=0.761
409. Andrei Moroianu, Sergiu Moroianu, The Dirac operator on generalized Taub-NUT spaces,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 305 (2011), 641–656. FI=1.397
410. Colin Guillarmou, Sergiu Moroianu, Jinsung Park, Eta invariant and Selberg Zeta function
of odd type over convex co-compact hyperbolic manifolds, Advances in Mathematics
225 (2010), no. 5, 2464–2516. FI=1.177
411. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012), pag. 561–586, FI2011 = 0.611.
412. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012), pag. 20–42, FI2011 = 0.665.
413. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1) (2012), pag. 1–24, FI2011 = 0.69.
414. R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck inclusion systems, Applied Categorical Structures 19(5)
(2011), pag. 783–802, FI = 0.6; FI2011 = 0.6.
415. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222, FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
416. R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174, FI = 0.665; FI2011 = 0.665.
417. R. Diaconescu: On quasi-varieties of multiple valued logic models, Mathematical Logic
Quarterly 57(2) (2011), pag. 194–203, FI = 0.496; FI2011 = 0.496.
418. R. Diaconescu: Coinduction for preordered algebras, Information and Computation
209(2) (2011), pag. 108–117, FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
419. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated models in institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723, FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
420. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188, FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
421. Grigory Panasenko, Ruxandra Stavre: Asymptotic analysis of the Stokes flow with variable
viscosity in a thin elastic channel, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 5 (2010),
pag. 783 – 812; FI = 0.658
422. A. Capatina , H. Ene, G. Pasa, D. Polisevski, R. Stavre: Variational approach and optimal
control of a PEM fuel cell, Nonlin. Anal., 74 (2011), pag. 3242 – 3260; FI = 1.536
423. G. Panasenko, R. Stavre: Asymptotic analysis of the Stokes in a thin cylindrical elastic
tube, Appl. Anal., 91 (2012), pag. 1999 – 2027; FI = 0.744
424. R. Fares, G. Panasenko, R. Stavre: A viscous fluid flow through a thin channel with mixed
(rigid-elastic) boundary. Variational and asymptotic analysis, Abstract and Applied
Analysis 2012 (2012), ID 152743, 47 p.; FI = 1.318
425. Grigory P. Panasenko, Ruxandra Stavre: Asymptotic analysis of a viscous fluid-thin plate
interaction: Periodic flow C. R. Mécanique 340 (2012), pag. 590 – 595; FI = 0.799
426. F. Panaite, F. Van Oystaeyen, L-R-smash biproducts, double biproducts and a braided category of Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
40(6) (2010), pag. 2013 – 2024; FI=0.312
427. H. Albuquerque, F. Panaite, Alternative twisted tensor products and Cayley algebras,
Communications in Algebra 39(2) (2011), pag. 686 – 700; FI=0.347
428. F. Panaite, F. Van Oystaeyen, Quasi-elementary H-Azumaya algebras arising from generalized (anti) Yetter-Drinfeld modules, Applied Categorical Structures 19(5) (2011),
pag. 803 – 820; FI=0.600
429. F. Panaite, Invariance under twisting for crossed products, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 140(3) (2012), pag. 755–763; FI=0.611
430. F. Panaite, More examples of invariance under twisting, Czechoslovak Mathematical
Journal 62(1) (2012), pag. 187–195; FI=0.262
Lucrari publicate in reviste cotate Web of Science (Thomson
Reuters), cu FI< 0.2
1. C. Năstăsescu, C. Chiteş: A version of the Gabriel-Popescu theorem, An. Şt. Univ.
”Ovidius” Constanţa 18 (2) (2010), pag. 189 – 200.
2. S. Dăscălescu, C. Năstăsescu, G. Velicu: Balanced bilinear forms and finiteness properties
for incidence coalgebras over a field, Rev. Union Mat. Argentina 51 (1) (2010), pag.
13 – 20; FI = 0.156
3. M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu: k-full integers between successive k-th powers, Indag. Math.
(N.S.) 22 (2011), pag. 77 – 86; FI = 0.195
4. Rouyer, Joël; Vı̂lcu, Costin: Sets of tetrahedra, defined by maxima of distance functions,
An. Sti. U. Ovid. Co-Math XX (2012), pag. 197–2012; FI = 0.052
5. V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: On the Iwasawa algebra associated
to a normal element of Cp , Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. sci.) Vol. 120, No.
1 (2010), pag. 45– 55; FI = 0,165
6. E. Kilic, P. Stănică, The Lehmer matrix and its recursive analogue, J. of Combinat. Math.
and Combinat. Computing 74 (2010), 193–205; FI=0.196.
7. N.C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Irreducible multivariate polynomials obtained from polynomials in fewer variables, II, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. 121(2) (2011),
pag. 133 – 141; FI = 0.165
8. N.C. Bonciocat, From prime numbers to irreducible multivariate polynomials, An. Stiint.
Univ. Ovidius Constanta Ser. Mat. 19 (2) (2011), pag. 37 – 53; FI = 0.052
9. M. Cipu: Small solutions to systems of polynomial equations with integer coefficients, An.
Şt. Univ. Ovidius Constanţa 19 (2011), 89–99. FI = 0,052
10. W. G. Boskoff, Ş. Bărcănescu, Al. Bobe: On the non-generic Tzitzeica-Johnson Configuration, An. Ştiinţ. Univ. Ovidius Constanta 20 (2012), 27–34; FI = 0,052
11. Dorin Popescu: Bounds of Stanley depth, An. St. Univ. Ovidius. Constanta,
19,(2011), 187-194; FI=0,052.
12. Dorin Popescu: Depth and minimal number of generators of square free monomial ideals,
An. St. Univ. Ovidius, Constanta, 19, (2011), 163-166; FI=0,052
13. T. Albu: The irrationality of sums of radicals via Cogalois Theory, An. Ştiinţ. Univ.
“Ovidius”, Constanţa Ser. Mat. 19 (2011), pp. 15 – 36; FI = 0.052
Lucrari publicate in reviste ale Academiei Romane
1. Ionel Popescu and Iulian Popescu: Toeplitz algebras arising from actions of Nr , Revue
Romaine de Mathématique pure et Appliquées 55 (2010), no 3. pp 179-220
2. C. Cobeli, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: A density theorem on even Farey fractions, Rev.
Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 55 (2010), pag. 447 –482.
3. Isabelle Gruais, Dan Poliševski: ε-Periodic structures containing highly conductive thin
layers, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures et Appl. 55 (2010), pag. 381 – 399
4. H. Adorna, Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: On communication complexity in evolutioncommunication P systems, ROMJIST, 13, 2 (2010), 113–130. (7 citari)
Lucrari publicate in alte reviste
1. Xiaonan Ma, George Marinescu: Berezin-Toeplitz quantization and its kernel expansion,
Travaux Mathématiques 19 (2011), pag. 125-166;
2. C. Ambrozie: Remarks on Bishop - type operators, Annals of Univ. of Bucharest
(Math. Series), LIX (2010), pag. 3-14.
3. C. Ambrozie: On a variational approach to truncated problems of moments, Math. Bohemica, acceptata.
4. Ilie Valusescu: On the Friedrichs angle between the past and the future of some Γcorrelated processes, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Mathematics and Informatics, ICTAMI-2011, Alba Iulia, 2124 iulie 2011, editori: Daniel Breaz, Nicoleta Breaz, Nicoleta Ularu. Acta Universitatis
Apulensis, Special Issue (2011), pag. 85-94, ISSN: 1582-5329.
5. Ilie Valusescu, Notes on continuous parameter periodically Γ-correlated processes, An.
Univ. Timişoara 50 (2012), pag. 115 – 125.
6. Constantinescu, Alexandru:
Veronese Algebras and Modules of Rings with Straightening Laws,
Journal of Commutative Algebra, vol. IV, Issue 2, pp.229–254, (2012).
7. Tiba Dan, Sofonea Mircea: The control variational method for elastic contact problems?,
Mathematics and its Applications 2 (2010), pag. 99 – 122
8. Tiba Dan, Sprekels Juergen: Extensions of the control variational method¿, Control and
Cybernetics 40 (2011), pag. 1099 – 1108
9. V. Dragan, T. Morozan: Robust stability and robust stabilization of discrete-time linear
stochastic systems, Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists, Series on
Mathematics and its Applications, 2,2 , (2010), pag. 141–170.
10. V. Dragan, T. Morozan, A. Stoica: H2 optimal controllers for a large class of linear
stochastic systems with periodic coefficients, Annals of the Academy of Romanian
Scientists, Series on Mathematics and its Applications, 3,1, (2011), pag. 87–105.
11. V.M. Ungureanu, V. Dragan, Nonlinear differential equations of Riccati type on ordered
Banach spaces. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations Proc. 9th Coll. QTDE, 17, (2012), pag. 1–22.
12. F. P. Boca, The distribution of the linear flow length in a honeycomb in the small-scatterer
limit, New York Journal of Mathematics 16 (2010), pag. 651–735.
13. V. Rădulescu, Noncoercive elliptic equations with subcritical growth, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S 5 (2012), 857-864.
14. V. Rădulescu: Combined effects and degenerate phenomena in nonlinear stationary problems, Le Matematiche LXV (2010), pag. 169–191.
15. V. Rădulescu, Noncoercive elliptic equations with subcritical growth, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S 5 (2012), 857-864.
16. T.-L. Rădulescu, V. Rădulescu: Agenda for a mathematical renaissance, Notices Amer.
Math. Soc. 57 (2010), pag. 1079.
17. P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu: The impact of the mountain pass theory in nonlinear analysis: a
mathematical survey, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., Series IX, No. 3 (2010), pag. 543 –
18. V. Rădulescu: Remarks on a limiting case in the treatment of nonlinear problems with
mountain pass geometry, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Mathematica LV,
No. 4 (2010), 8 pag.
19. L.F. Dinu, M.I. Dinu: Nonlinearized Fourier approach and gasdynamic coherence, Communications in Mathematical Analysis [Washington DC], Vol.8 (Special Volume in Honor of Professor Peter D. Lax), No.3 (2010), pp.66-91.
20. L.F. Dinu, M.I. Dinu: Wave-wave interactions of a gasdynamic type, Proceedings of
the 33rd Caius Iacob National Conference on Fluid Mechanics, September 2930, Bucharest (2011), pp.51-60. Publisher: INCAS (National Institute for Aerospace
Research). ISSN 2067-4414.
21. T. Zamfirescu: Non-expanding mappings in graphs, Adv. Appl. Math. Sci. 6 (2010)
22. T. Zamfirescu: Pushing convex and other bodies through rings and holes, An. Univ.
Vest Timişoara, Ser. Mat.-Inf. 48, 1-2 (2010) 299-306.
23. A. Gheondea: The three equivalent forms of completely positive maps on matrices, Annals
of the University of Bucharest, mathematics series, 1(59) (2010), pag. 79-98
24. S. Dăscălescu, C. Năstăsescu, A. Tudorache: A note on regular objects in Grothendieck
categories, Arab. J. Sci. Eng. - Mathematics 36 (6) (2011), pag. 957 – 962.
25. Ligia Brinzanescu, Vasile Brinzanescu, Neculae Dinuta The equations of generalized complex structures on Kodaira surfaces, An. Univ. Vest Timis. Ser. Mat.-Inform. 48,
no. 1-2 (2010), pag. 35 – 44
26. Şerban A. Basarab: Group actions on generalized trees: median and metric viewpoints,
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Vol. 4(53) No. 2 (2011), Series
III: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics, 15 pag
27. S. Cacciola, O. Dumitrescu, M. Donten-Bury, A. Lo Giudice, J. Park: Cones of Divisors
of Blow-ups of Projective Space, Le matematiche volum 66 F 2, 2011
28. C. Anghel: Restriction of stable bundles on an abelian surface. The c2 = 1 case, Acta
Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform. nr. 31 (2012), acceptata.
29. V.I Ursu: On a Product of Classes of Algebraic Sistems, Buletinul Academiei de
Ştiinţe a R. Moldova. Matematica 11(62) (2010), pag. 106–120
30. V.I Ursu: On quasivarieties of nilpotent Moufang loops.I, Commentationes mathematicas Universitatis Carolinae 53 (2012), pag. 476–489
31. V.I Ursu: On quasivarieties of nilpotent Moufang loops.II, Commentationes mathematicas Universitatis Carolinae 53 (2012), pag. 491–499
32. E. Artal Bartolo, J.I. Cogolludo-Agustin, D. Matei: Orbifold groups, quasi-projectivity
and covers, J. of Singul. 5 (2012), pag. 33–47.
33. R. Gaba, B. Justus Some computation problems arising in Fontaine Theory, Albanian
Journal of Mathematics, Special Issue, Applications of Computer Algebra,
2010, Vol.4, Nr.4, (2010), pag. 213–221.
34. Achimescu, Sever The congruence number problem over real quadratic fields Romanian
Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Vol.2 (2012), pag. 11 – 16
35. Itoh, J.; Nara, C.; Vı̂lcu, C.: Continuous flattening of convex polyhedra, Centre de
Recerca Matemática (2011), pag. 95-98, ISSN: 2014-2323.
In vol. “XIV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, Alcalá de Henares, 27-30
Iunie 2011”, editori: P. Ramos, V. Sacristán
36. R. Gera, P. Stănică, The Spectrum of the Generalized Petersen Graphs, Australasian
Journal of Combinatorics 49 (2011), 39–45.
37. Marius Mantoiu, Radu Purice: Abstract composition laws and their modulation spaces,
Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 3 (2012), pag. 283
– 307;
38. Viorel Iftimie, Radu Purice: Magnetic Fourier integral operators, Journal of PseudoDifferential Operators and Applications, 2 (2011), pag. 141 – 218;
39. A. Capatina, H. Ene, C. Timofte: On the asymptotic behaviour of elliptic problems in
periodically perforated domains with mixed-type boundary conditions, Transilvania University of Braşov, Series III: Mathematics, Informatics, Physics 4 (2012)
40. B. Prunaru: Polynomial approximation and generalized Toeplitz operators, Annals of
the University of Bucharest (mathematical series) 1 (LIX) (2010), pag. 135–144.
41. M. Cipu:
Cyclic quadrilaterals associated to squares, Forum Geom. 11 (2011), 223–
42. Mihai Pascu On the definition of Gelfand-Shilov spaces, Analele Universitatii din
Bucuresti, seria Matematica LIX, 1 (2010), pag. 125 – 133.
43. L. Badea, Multigrid methods with constraint level decomposition for variational inequalities, Annals of the A. R. S., Series on Mathematics and its Applications, 3, 2
(2011), pag. 300–331.
44. L. Badea, Multigrid methods for some quasi-variational inequalities, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, accepted for publication, 2011.
45. L. Badea and M. Cocou, Approximation results and subspace correction algorithms for implicit variational inequalities, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series
S, accepted for publication, 2011.
46. S. Burciu and L. Kadison and B. Külshammer: On subgroup depth, Int. Electr. J. Alg.
9 (2011), pag. 133 – 166.
47. Florin Nichita, Bartosz Zielinski: The duality between corings and ring extensions, Axioms 1(2), 2012, pag. 173-185.
48. David Hobby, Florin Nichita: Solutions to the Set-Theoretical Yang-Baxter Equation derived from relations, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, No. 30, 2012, pag. 15-23.
49. Florin Nichita: Introduction to the Yang-Baxter Equation with Open Problems, Axioms
1(1), 2012, pag. 33-37.
50. Florin Nichita, Bogdan Popovici: Yang-Baxter operators from algebra structures and Lie
superalgebras, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, No. 29, 2012, pag. 325-334.
51. Florin Nichita: On models for transdisciplinarity, Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Science, Vol. 2, 2011, pag. 42-46.
52. Barna Iantovics, Florin Nichita: The Energy and the Entropy of Hybrid Multi-Agent
Systems, Proceedings of ICVL 2011, Editori: Marin Vlada, Grigore Albeanu, Dorin
Mircea Popovici, Editura Universitatii Bucuresti, ISSN 1844-8933, 2011, pag. 391394.
53. Florin Nichita: Algebraic Models for Transdisciplinarity, Centre International de
Recherches et Etudes Transdisciplinaires (CIRET), Pratique de la transdisciplinarite, published on-line, 2011, 8 pagini.
54. Florin Nichita: Asupra unui model algebric pentru transdisciplinaritate, The Institute
for Transdisciplinary Studies in Science, Spirituality, Society; Articles, published on-line, 2011, 5 pagini.
55. Florin Nichita: Meetings with Solomon Marcus, Editori: L. Spandonide and G. Paun,
Spandugino Publishing House, 2010, pag. 895-896.
56. David Hobby, Barna Iantovics, Florin Nichita: On the (Colored) Yang-Baxter Equation,
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, ISSN
2067-3957, Volume 1, 2010, pag. 33 - 39.
57. M. Ionescu, Gh. Paun: Notes about spiking neural P systems, Annals of Bucharest Univ.
Mathematics-Informatics Series, 60 (2011), 1–16.
58. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: Languages and P systems: Recent developments, Computer Sci. J. of Moldova, 20, 2 (59), 2012.
59. C. Făciu, A. Molinari: Some numerical aspects in modeling the longitudinal impact of two
shape memory alloy bars, U.P.B. Sci. Bull. Series D 72 (2010), pag. 101 – 106
60. M. Buliga: A characterization of sub-riemannian spaces as length dilation structures
constructed via coherent projections, Commun. Math. Anal. vol. 11(2) (2011), pag.
70 – 111
61. M. Buliga: Dilatation structures in sub-riemannian geometry, in: Contemporary Geometry and Topology and Related Topics Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press
(2008), 89-105
62. M. Buliga: Delf-similar dilatation structures and automata, in: Proceedings of the
Sixth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians. Vol. 1 Ed. Acad. Române,
Bucharest (2009), 557 – 564
63. M. Buliga: Braided spaces with dilations and sub-Riemannian symmetric spaces, in: GeometryExploratory Workshop on Differential Geometry and its Applications
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press (2011), 21 - 35
64. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: Smooth vectors and Weyl-Pedersen calculus for representations of
nilpotent Lie groups, Annals of the University of Bucharest (mathematical series)
1 (LIX) (2010), no. 1, 17–46.
65. Valentin Grecea: Jumps of the Canonical Process Associated with a Ray Semigroup,
Markov processes and related fields 18 2 (2012), p.333-341.
66. T. Albu: From Galois and Kummer Theory to a gentle introduction into Cogalois Theory,
Bull. Transilv. Univ. Braşov Ser. B (N.S.) 4 (53) (2011), pp.1 – 23.
67. M. Banagl, L. Maxim: Intersection spaces and hypersurface singularities, Journal of
Singularities 5 (2012), pag. 48–56
68. L. David: A report on the geometry of Bochner-flat Kähler manifolds, Analele Universitatii din Timisoara XLVIII (2010), pag. 147–156
69. Mihai Prunescu: Linear recurrent double sequences in M2 (F2 ) are classified according to
their geometric content, Symmetry, 3, 3 (2011), pag. 402 – 442. Mentionez ca revista
Symmetry este in evidenta Thomson Reuters, dar ca fiind o publicatie noua, inca nu i s-a
atribuit un factor de impact.
70. T. Mossakowski, R. Diaconescu, A. Tarlecki: What is a Logic Translation?, Logica Universalis 3(1) (2009), Birkhäuser, pag. 59–94.
71. H. Albuquerque, F. Panaite, Some (Hopf ) algebraic properties of circulant matrices, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 13(1) (2012), pag. 1–17
Lucrari prezentate la manifestari stiintifice internationale, publicate integral intr-o revista cotata de Web of Science (Thomson
1. I. Beltiţă, A. Melin: The quadratic contribution to the backscattering transform in the
rotation invariant case, Inverse Problems and Imaging 4 (2010), no. 4, 599–618; FI
= 1.074
2. Mihaela Pilca : A Representation-Theoretical Proof of Branson’s Classification of Elliptic Generalized Gradients , Differential Geometry and its Applications , 7th
International Conference on Differential Geometry and its Applications, Brno, August
2010 , editori: J. Slovak, A. Cap , ( 2011 ), pag. S188 – S195; FI = 0.646
3. Mihaela Pilca : On Formal Riemannian Metrics , Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta vol XX, fasc. 2 , 10th International Workshop on
Differential Geometry and its Applications, Constanţa , August 2011 , editori: Mirela
Stefanescu, Alexandru Bobe , ( 2012 ), pag. 131 – 144 ; FI = 0.052
4. C. Joita The disk property. A short survey, An. Stiint. Univ. “Ovidius“ Constanta Ser. Mat. 20, 10th International Workshop on Differential Geometry and its
Applications, Constanta, August 26-30, 2011, editori: Radu Iordanescu, Sergiu Moroianu
(2012), pag. 35–42; FI = 0,052
5. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: A report on locally conformally Kaehler manifolds, Contemporary Mathematics 542, “Harmonic Maps and Differential Geometry”, A
harmonic map fest, Cagliari, Septembrie 2009, editori: E. Loubeau, S. Montaldo, (2011),
135–150 ISBN: 978-0-8218-4987-3
6. M. Leordeanu, C. Sminchisescu: Efficient Hypergraph Clustering, Journal of Machine
Learning Research, Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (JMLR), 2012.
7. F. Li, C. Sminchisescu: The Feature Selection Path in Kernel Methods, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (JMLR), 2010.
Lucrari prezentate la manifestari stiintifice internationale, publicate integral intr-o editura consacrata din strainatate
1. Itoh, J.; Nara, C.; Vı̂lcu, C.: Continuous flattening of convex polyhedra, Springer LNCS
7579 Computational Geometry, XIV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry,
EGC 2011, Alcalà de Henares, Spania, 27-30 iunie 2011, editori: A. Márquez, P. Ramos,
J. Urrutia (2012), pag. 85–97, ISBN: 978-3-642-34190-8.
2. R. Răsdeaconu, J. Solomon: Relative open Gromov-Witten invariants, Oberwolfach
Reports, ”Real enumerative questions in complex and tropical geometry-Workshop”,
Oberwolfach, Germania, 17-23 Aprilie 2011, editori: G. Mikhalkin, E. Shustin, J. Walcher,
J.-Y. Welschinger, EMS Publishing House, Volume 8, issue 2, 2011.
3. C. Ionescu, F. Li, C. Sminchisescu: Latent Structured Models for Human Pose Estimation
IEEE Computer Society, International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011.
4. M. Leordeanu, A. Zanfir, C. Sminchisescu: Semi-supervised Learning and Optimization
for Hypergraph Matching IEEE Computer Society, International Conference on
Computer Vision, 2011.
5. E. Bazavan, F. Li, C. Sminchisescu: Fourier Kernel Learning Springer, European
Conference on Computer Vision, 2012.
6. M. Leordeanu, R. Suhktankar, C. Sminchisescu: Closed-Form Solution for Efficient Boundary Detection Springer, European Conference on Computer Vision, 2012.
7. S. Mathe, C. Sminchisescu: Dynamic Eye Movement Datasets and Learned Saliency Models for Visual Action Recognition Springer, European Conference on Computer
Vision, 2012.
8. Ilie Valusescu and Pastorel Gaspar: On uniformly bounded linearly Γ-stationary processes,
Numerical analysis and applied mathematics, ICNAAM - 2010, Rhodes, Greece,
19-25 Sept. 2010, editori: T.E. Simos, G. Psihoyos, Ch. Tsitouras, American Institute of
Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings 1281, Melville, New York, (2010), pag. 432 – 435,
ISBN: 978-0-7354-0834-0, ISSN 0094-243X.
9. Tiba,Dan: Approximation in shape optimization problems, Conference Proceedings
1329, Alexandru Myller Mathematical Seminar Centennial Conference, AIP Melville N.Y
(2011), pag. 236 – 245
10. A. Diaconu, P. Garrett şi D. Goldfeld, Moments for L–functions for GLr × GLr−1 , Contributions in Analytic and Algebraic Number Theory. Festschrift for S. J.
Patterson, Springer Proceedings in Math. 9, 2012, pag. 197–227.
11. L.F. Dinu, M.I. Dinu: Shock-turbulence interaction: a linearized version, Proceedings
of the 3rd Congress of Applied, Computational and Industrial Mathematics,
Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 9-11 May 2011, pag.555, editori: L.R. Castro, M.C.Maciel and
S.M. Castro, Department of Mathematics, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca.
12. Dinu, V.; Jensen, A.; Nenciu, G. Decay law for resonances produced by perturbation of
unstable eigenvalues close to a threshold. Mathematical results in quantum physics,
Proceedings of the QMath11 Conference held in Hradec Kralove, September 6-10, 2010.
Edited by Pavel Exner. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Hackensack, NJ, 2011.
xii+274 pp. ISBN: 978-981-4350-35-8; 981-4350-35-4
13. Jasmin Christian Blanchette and Andrei Popescu and Daniel Wand and Christoph Weidenbach, More SPASS with Isabelle - Superposition with Hard Sorts and Configurable
Simplification, Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP) (2012), pag. 345 – 360
14. Andrei Popescu, Elsa L. Gunter, Christopher J. Osborn, Strong Normalization for System
F by HOAS on Top of FOAS, Logic in Computer Science (LICS) (2010), pag. 31 –
15. Andrei Popescu, Elsa L. Gunter, Incremental Pattern-Based Coinduction for Process
Algebra and Its Isabelle Formalization, Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures (FOSSACS) (2010), pag. 109 – 127;
16. Andrei Popescu, Elsa L. Gunter, Recursion principles for syntax with bindings and substitution, International conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) (2011),
pag. 346 – 358;
17. Dmitriy Traytel and Andrei Popescu and Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Foundational,
Compositional (Co)datatypes for Higher-Order Logic: Category Theory Applied to Theorem Proving, Logic in Computer Science (LICS) (2012), pag. 596 – 605;
18. Vasile Brinzanescu From string theory to algebraic geometry and back, AIP Conf. Proc.
1329, “Alexandru Myller” Mathematical Seminar, Iasi, June 2010, editori: V. Barbu, O.
Carja, Amer. Inst. Phys., Melville, NY, (2011), pag. 26 – 34
19. L.Denis, A.Matoussi and L.Stoica. Moser iteration applied to parabolic SPDE’s: first
approach, in vol. Stoch. Part. Diff. Eq. Appl. Eds. G. da Prato, L. Tubaro, quaderni di
matematica, (2010).ISBN: 978-88-548-4391-2
20. Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Christof Söger: Introduction to Normaliz 2.5, Mathematical Software – ICMS 2010, Third International Congress on Mathematical
Software, Kobe, Japan, September 2010, editori: Komei Fuduka, Joris van der Hoeven,
Michael Joswig, Nobuki Takayama, Springer (2010), pag. 209 – 212 ISBN: 3-642-15581-2.
21. E. Mihailescu: Hyperbolic dynamics on folded saddle sets, Mathematisches ForschungInstitut Oberwolfach Reports 3/2012, Thermodynamic Formalism, Geometry and
Stochastics, Oberwolfach, 2012, eds. B. Stratmann, M. Urbanski si A. Zdunik, pag. 31-34,
DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2012/03.
22. D. T. Vuza, S. Chitu, P. Svasta: An RFID Tag Simulator Based on the Atmel AT91SAM7S64
Micro-Controller, 33th ISSE 2010 Conference Proceedings, 33th International Spring
Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE, Warsaw, Mai 2010, IEEE (2010), pag. 229 234 ISBN: 978-83-7207-874-2
23. D. T. Vuza, R. Frosch: RFID Readers for the HDX Protocol - Design, Simulation and
Testing, 16th SIITME 2010 Conference Proceedings, 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging SIITME, Pitesti, Septembrie
2010, editori: P. Svasta, Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, N. Codreanu, R. Batorfi, M. Pantazica, A.
Bonea, IEEE (2010), pag. 47 – 52 ISBN: 978-60-6551-013-5
24. D. T. Vuza, S. Chitu, P. Svasta: An RFID Tag Simulator for the FDX and HDX Protocols,
16th SIITME 2010 Conference Proceedings, 16th International Symposium for
Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging SIITME, Pitesti, Septembrie 2010, editori:
P. Svasta, Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, N. Codreanu, R. Batorfi, M. Pantazica, A. Bonea, IEEE
(2010), pag. 53 – 58 ISBN: 978-60-6551-013-5
25. D. T. Vuza, R. Frosch, H. Koeberl, M. Vladescu: A Current-Driven RFID Reader with
Automatic Antenna Tuning, 2011 IEEE 17th SIITME Conference Proceedings,
2011 IEEE 17th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging SIITME, Timisoara, Octombrie 2011, editori: P. Svasta, Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, N.
Codreanu, R. Batorfi, M. Pantazica, A. Bonea, IEEE (2011), pag. 299 – 304 ISBN:
26. E.M. McCay, J.T. Butler, P. Stănică, Computing Algebraic Immunity by Reconfigurable
Computer, Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Boolean Problems, Freiberg,
Germany, Sept. 2012, 225–232.
27. E. Kilic, P. Stănică, Generating matrices of C–nomial coefficients and their spectra, Proc.
International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Applic. (F. Luca, P. Stănică, Eds.), Aportaciones Matematicas, Sociedad Matematica Mexicana, 2011, 91-96.
28. T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Nonoverlap property of the Thue–Morse sequence, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Applic. (F. Luca, P. Stănică, Eds.), Aportaciones
Matematicas, Soc. Matematica Mexicana, 2011, 139–154.
29. P. Stănică, A. Chaturvedi, A. Gangopadhyay, S. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, Nega-Hadamard
transform, bent and negabent functions, SETA 2010 (C. Carlet and A. Pott, Eds.) , LNCS
6338, pp. 359–372, 2010.
30. J.L. Shafer, S.W. Schneider, J.T. Butler, P. Stănică, Enumeration of Bent Boolean Functions by Reconfigurable Computer, The 18th Annual International IEEE Symposium on
Field–Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM–2010), 265–272.
31. E. Kilic, G.N. Stănică, P. Stănică, Spectral Properties of Some Combinatorial Matrices,
Congressus Numerantium Vol. 201, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers &
Appl., (F. Luca, P. Stănică, eds.) (2010), 223–236.
32. F. Luca, P. Stănică, Aliquots sums of Fibonacci numbers, Congressus Numerantium Vol.
200, Proc. International Conf. Fibonacci Numbers & Applic., (W. Webb, ed.) (2010),
33. Ambro F., Basic properties of log canonical centers, in Classification of Algebraic
Varieties, Conferinta Classification of Algebraic Varieties, Schiermonnikoog, May 10-15,
2009, editori: C. Faber, G. van der Geer, E. Looijenga, EMS Series of Congress Reports
(2011), pag. 39 – 48, ISBN: 978-3-03719-007-4
34. D. T. Vuza, S. Chitu, P. Svasta: An RFID Tag Simulator Based on the Atmel AT91SAM7S64
Micro-Controller, 33th ISSE 2010 Conference Proceedings, 33th International Spring
Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE, Warsaw, Mai 2010, IEEE (2010), pag. 229 234 ISBN: 978-83-7207-874-2
35. D. T. Vuza, R. Frosch: RFID Readers for the HDX Protocol - Design, Simulation and
Testing, 16th SIITME 2010 Conference Proceedings, 16th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging SIITME, Pitesti, Septembrie
2010, editori: P. Svasta, Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, N. Codreanu, R. Batorfi, M. Pantazica, A.
Bonea, IEEE (2010), pag. 47 – 52 ISBN: 978-60-6551-013-5
36. D. T. Vuza, S. Chitu, P. Svasta: An RFID Tag Simulator for the FDX and HDX Protocols,
16th SIITME 2010 Conference Proceedings, 16th International Symposium for
Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging SIITME, Pitesti, Septembrie 2010, editori:
P. Svasta, Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, N. Codreanu, R. Batorfi, M. Pantazica, A. Bonea, IEEE
(2010), pag. 53 – 58 ISBN: 978-60-6551-013-5
37. D. T. Vuza, R. Frosch, H. Koeberl, M. Vladescu: A Current-Driven RFID Reader with
Automatic Antenna Tuning, 2011 IEEE 17th SIITME Conference Proceedings,
2011 IEEE 17th International Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging SIITME, Timisoara, Octombrie 2011, editori: P. Svasta, Z. Illyefalvi-Vitez, N.
Codreanu, R. Batorfi, M. Pantazica, A. Bonea, IEEE (2011), pag. 299 – 304 ISBN:
38. S. Burciu: Normal coideal subalgebras of semisimple Hopf algebras, Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, No. 346 (2012) Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics,
Tjarno Sweden, 25–31 October 2010 editori: S. Paal, A. Stolin, IOP 2012, pag 1-11
39. S. Burciu and L. Kadison: Subgroups of depth three and more, Surveys in Differential
Geometry 15 (2010), pag. 17– 36 ISBN:978-1-57146-145-2.
40. Gh. Paun: Membrane computing at twelve years. Back to Turku. Proc. UC 2011, Turku,
Finland, June 2011, LNCS 6714, 36–37.
41. D. Beltiţă: Functional analytic background for a theory of infinite-dimensional reductive
Lie groups, Developments and Trends in Infinite-Dimensional Lie Theory, (workshop Infinite Dimensional Lie Theory, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach,
10–16 decembrie 2006), editori: K.-H. Neeb şi A. Pianzola, Birkhäuser Verlag (2011),
pag. 367–392. ISBN: 978-0-8176-4740-7
42. I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă: On Weyl calculus in infinitely many variables, XXIX Workshop
on Geometrical Methods in Physics (XXIX Workshop on Geometrical Methods in
Physics, Bialowieża, 27 iunie – 3 iulie 2010), editori: P. Kielanowski, V. Buchstaber, A.
Odzijewicz, M. Schlichenmaier şi Th. Voronov, American Institute of Physics (2010),
pag. 19–26. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0861-6
43. Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas: Green’s Conjecture for general covers, Compact moduli
spaces and vector bundles, editori: Valery Alexeev, University of Georgia, Athens,
GA, Angela Gibney, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, Elham Izadi, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, János Kollár, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Eduard Looijenga,
Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Contemporary Math., AMS, Vol. 564
(2012), pag. 211 – 226, ISBN: 978-0-8218-6899-7 (p); 978-0-8218-8537-6 (e)
44. Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas: Koszul cohomology and applications to moduli, Grassmannians, moduli spaces and vector bundles, editori: David A. Ellwood, Clay
Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, MA, Emma Previato, Boston University, MA, Clay
Mathematics Proccedings, AMS, Vol. 14 (2011), pag. 25 – 50, ISBN-10: 0-8218-5205-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-5205-7
45. T. Albu: Applications of Cogalois Theory to elementary Field Arithmetic, in “Advances
in Ring Theory”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Algebra and its Applications in Honor of the 70th Birthday of S. K. Jain, Athens, Ohio, 2008, Edited by D.V.
Huynh, S.R. López-Permouth, Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel (2010),
pp. 1 – 17, ISBN: 978-3-0346-0285-3.
46. T. Albu: A seventy year jubilee: The Hopkins-Levitzki Theorem, in “Ring and Module
Theory”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Ring and Module Theory,
Ankara, Turkey, 2008, Edited by T. Albu, G. F. Birkenmeier, A. Erdoğan, A. Tercan,
Trends in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, Basel (2010), pp. 1 – 26,
ISBN: 978-3-0346-0006-4.
47. L. David: F -manifolds and eventual identities, Oberwolfach Reports, 23/2012, Singularity theory and Integrable Systems, Oberwolfach, 24-28 aprilie 2012, editura: Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach si European Mathematical Society Publishing
House (2012), DOI:10.4171/OWR/2012/23, pag. 29–31, ISBN:1660-8933
48. Mihai Prunescu: Triangular perplexity and a stairway to heaven Logical Approaches to
Barriers in Computing and Complexity, Local Proceedings of the CiE Conference,
Greifswald 2010, Christine Gaßner, Martin Ziegler (Darmstadt), Benedikt Löwe editors.
49. M. Martins, A. Madeira, R. Diaconescu, L. Barbosa: Hybridization of Institutions, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6859, Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science,
Winchester, England, editori: Andrea Corradini, Bartek Klin, Corina Cı̂rstea, Springer
(2011), pag. 283–297 ISBN: 978-3-642-22943-5.
50. Popa, Mihai Non-crossing linked partitions and multiplicative free convolution, Operator
theory live, 135-143, Theta Ser. Adv. Math., 12, 2010
51. Ch. Benhida, D. Timotin: Automorphism invariance properties for certain families of
multioperators, Operator Theory Live, 22nd International Conference on Operator
Theory, Timişoara, 3-8 iulie 2008, editori: Hari Bercovici, Dumitru Gaşpar, Dan Timotin
şi Florian-Horia Vasilescu, Theta Foundation (2010), pag. 5–15, ISBN: 978-973-87899-6-8.
52. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu, Vasile Dragan, Soft-Constrained Stochastic Nash Games for
Multimodeling Systems via Static Output Feedback Strategy, 48th IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, December 16-18, 2009, Shanghai, China, Print ISBN: 9781-4244-3871-6, pag. 5786–5791.
53. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu and Vasile Dragan: Static Output Feedback Strategy of
Stochastic Nash Games for Weakly-Coupled Large-Scale Systems, Proceedings of ACC
2010, American Control Conference, Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, MD, USA,
June 30-July 02, AACC (2010), pag. 361 - 366, ISBN 978-1-4244-7425-7/10 /2010.
54. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu, Vasile Dragan: Stochastic Nash Games for Weakly Coupled
Large Scale Discrete-Time Systems with State- and Control-Dependent Noise, Proceedings of 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 15-17, Hilton
Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, GA, USA., (2010), pag. 1429-1435, ISBN:978-1-4244-7744-9/10/
2010 IEEE.
55. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Masaru Unno, Hua Xu, Vasile Dragan: Nash Strategies for LargeScale Stochastic Delay Systems, Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress,
August 28 - September 2, Milano (Italy), editori: Bittanti, Sergio; Cenedese, Angelo; Zampieri, Sandro, (2011), pag. 5890 – 5895, ISBN: 978-3-902661-93-7.
56. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Masaru Unno, Hua Xu, Vasile Dragan: Nash Strategies of Markov
Jump Stochastic Systems Applied to Weakly-Coupled Large-Scale Systems, Proceedings
of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 18, August 28 - September 2, Milano
(Italy), editori:Bittanti, Sergio; Cenedese, Angelo; Zampieri, Sandro, (2011), pag. 5884–
5889, ISBN: 978-3-902661-93-7.
57. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu and Vasile Dragan, Multi-Objective Decision-Making Problems for Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems with State- and Disturbance-Dependent Noise,
50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, pag.6388-6393, Orlando, Florida, December 2011. Print ISBN: 978-1-61284-800-6,
58. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu and Vasile Dragan, Soft-constrained stochastic Nash games
for weakly coupled large-scale discrete-time systems , 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, pag. 6394-6399, Orlando,
Florida, December 2011. Print ISBN: 978-1-61284-800-6, (2011).
Capitole in volume colective editate intr-o editura consacrata
din strainatate
1. L. Maxim: On Milnor classes of complex hypersurfaces, Topology of Stratified Spaces,
editori: G. Friedman, E. Hunsiker, A. Libgober, L. Maxim, Cambridge University Press,
New York (2011), pag. 161–175, ISBN: 9780521191678
2. L. Maxim, J. Schürmann: Hirzebruch invariants of symmetric products, Topology of Algebraic Varieties and Singularities, editori: J.I.. Cogolludo-Augustin, E. Hironaka,
American Mathematical Society (2011), pag. 163–177, ISBN: 978-0-8218-4890-6
3. R. Diaconescu: Three decades of institution theory, Universal Logic: An Anthology,
editor: Jean-Yves Béziau, Springer Basel (2012), pag. 309–322 ISBN: 978-3-0346-0144-3.
4. Grigory P. Panasenko, Ruxandra Stavre: Well posedness and asymptotic expansion of
solution of Stokes equation set in a thin cylindrical elastic tube, Around the Research
of Vladimir Maz’ya II/International Mathematical Series, Volume 12, editor:
Ari Laptev, Springer (2010), pag. 275–301 ISBN: 978-1-4419-1342-5
5. Hiroaki Mukaidani, Toru Yamamoto, Vasile Dragan, Nash Strategy of Multiparameter
Singularly Perturbed Markov Jump Stochastic Systems with State- and Control-Dependent
Noise American Control Conference Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Canada,
June 27-June 29, (2012), pag. 1621–1626, Print ISBN: 978-1-4577-1095-7 E-ISBN: 978-14673-2102-0
6. V. Dragan, P. Shi: The algebraic Riccati equations arising in connection with LQ problems for singularly perturbed linear stochastic systems, Advances in Dynamics and
Control: Theory Methods and Applications, editori: S. Sivasundaram, J. Vasundhara Devi, F. Udwadia, I. Lasiecka, Cambridge Scientific, UK, (2011), pag. 287-303,
ISBN-13 :978-1904868699
7. H. Mukaidani, V. Dragan: Numerical Computation for solving cross-coupled large scale
singularly perturbed stochastic algebraic Riccati equation, Handbook of Optimization
Theory, editori: J.V arelaandS.Acunã, Nova Science Publishers Inc., (2011), pag. 407–
424, ISBN: 978-1-60876-500-3.
8. A. Diaconu, P. Garrett şi D. Goldfeld, Natural boundaries and integral moments of
L–functions, Multiple Dirichlet Series, L–Functions and Automorphic Forms,
Progress in Mathematics 300, Birkhäuser Boston, 2012, pag. 147–172.
9. Aida Timofte, Vlad Timofte: Analysis of a thermomechanical model of shape memory
alloys, Shape Memory Alloys: Manufacture, Properties and Applications, editor: H. R.
Chen, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2010), pag. 487 – 536, ISBN: 978-1-60741789-7
10. Aida Timofte, Vlad Timofte: Analysis of a thermomechanical model of shape memory
alloys Encyclopedia of materials science research, editori: Batukhan B. Chinbat and Sora
H. Mori, Nova Science Publishers, New York (2012), ISBN: 978-1-61209-954-5
11. Bogdan Iftimie, Marinela Marinescu, Constantin Varsan Functionals associated with
gradient stochastic flows and nonlinear SPDE Advanced Mathematical Methods
for Finance (AMAMEF) editori: Giulia Di Nunno, Bernt Oksendal, Springer, 2011,
pag.397-417, ISBN 978-3-642-18411-6
12. Enescu, Florian Finite-dimensional vector spaces with Frobenius action Progress in
commutative algebra 2, 2012 101–128, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin. ISBN: 978-311-027859-0
13. D. T. Vuza, R. Frosch, H. Koeberl, D. Boissat: A Low Cost Anticollision Reader, Development and Implementation of RFID Technology, editori: Cristina Turcu, I-Tech
Education and Publishing (2009), pag. 201 – 216 ISBN: 978-3-902613-54-7
14. D. T. Vuza, R. Frosch: RFID Readers for the HDX Protocol - A Designer’s Perspective,
Current Trends and Challenges in RFID, editori: Cornel Turcu, InTech Open Access
Publisher (2011), pag. 229 – 254 ISBN: 978-953-307-356-9
15. Horia D. Cornean, Radu Purice: On the Regularity of the Hausdorff Distance Between
Spectra of Perturbed Magnetic Hamiltonians, Spectral Analysis of Quantum Hamiltonians, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications Volume 224, editori:
Rafael Benguria, Eduardo Friedman, Marius Mantoiu, Springer Basel (2012), pp 55-66;
ISBN: 978-3-0348-0413-4
16. D. T. Vuza, R. Frosch: RFID Readers for the HDX Protocol - A Designer’s Perspective,
Current Trends and Challenges in RFID, editori: Cornel Turcu, InTech Open Access
Publisher (2011), pag. 229 – 254 ISBN: 978-953-307-356-9
17. Florin Nichita: On Models for Transdisciplinarity, Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability, Editor: Basarab Nicolescu, TheATLAS Publishing (Lubbock, Texas),
2012, capitolul 5, pag. 52-56, ISBN: 0-9778129-5-2.
18. L. Leuştean: Nonexpansive iterations in uniformly convex W-hyperbolic spaces, Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization I: Nonlinear Analysis, editori: A. Leizarowitz, B.
S. Mordukhovich, I. Shafrir, A. Zaslavski, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 513 (2010),
AMS (2010), pag. 193-209, ISBN: 0-8218-4834-8
19. Gh. Paun, R. Paun: Membrane computing and economics, Handbook of Membrane Computing, OUP, 2010, 632–644.
20. M. Cavaliere, S.N. Krishna, A. Paun, Gh. Paun: P systems with objects on membranes,
Handbook of Membrane Computing, Oxford Univ. Press, 2010, 363–388.
21. Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa: Computability elements for membrane computing,
Handbook of Membrane Computing, Oxford Univ. Press, 2010, 58–82
22. Gh. Paun: Active membranes, Chapter 11 in Handbook of Membrane Computing, Oxford
Univ. Press, 2010, 282–301.
23. Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg: An introduction to and an overview of membrane computing,
Handbook of Membrane Computing, Oxford Univ. Press, 2010, 1–27.
24. Gh. Paun, G. Rozenberg: Other [research] topics [in membrane computing], Handbook of
Membrane Computing, Oxford Univ. Press, 2010, 654–663.
25. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: P and dP automata: A survey, Rainbow of Computer
Science (C.S. Calude, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, eds.), LNCS 6570, Springer, Berlin,
2011, 102–115. (13 citari)
26. Gh. Paun: Towards “fypercomputations” (in membrane computing), Languages Alive.
Essays Dedicated to Jurgen Dassow on the Occasion of His 65 Birthday (H. Bordihn, M.
Kutrib, B. Truthe, etcs.), LNCS 7300, Springer, Berlin, 2012, 207–221.
27. Gh. Paun: Membrane computing, Handbook of Natural Computing, Springer-Verlag,
2012, Vol. 3, 1355–1377.
28. Gh. Paun: DNA computing by splicing and by insertion-deletion, Handbook of Natural
Computing, Springer-Verlag, 2012, Vol. 3, 1185–1202.
29. Gh. Paun, M.J. Perez-Jimenez: dP automata versus right-linear simple matrix grammars,
Computation, Physics and Beyond (M.J. Dinneen et al. eds.), LNCS 7160, Springer, 2012,
30. C. Făciu: Thermoelastic bar theory, Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, editor: Richard
Hetnarski, Springer (2012), pag. (17), ISBN:978-94-007-2740-3
31. C. Făciu: Maxwellian rate-type thermo-viscoelastic bar theory - an approach to nonmonotone thermoelasticity, Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, editor: Richard Hetnarski, Springer (2012), pag. (19), ISBN:978-94-007-2740-3
32. C. Făciu: Pseudoelasticity and shape memory effect - a Maxwellian rate-type approach,
Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, editor: Richard Hetnarski, Springer (2012), pag.
(22), ISBN:978-94-007-2740-3
33. C. Făciu: Heat conduction and viscosity as structuring mechanisms for shock waves in
thermoelastic materials, Encyclopedia of Thermal Stresses, editor: Richard Hetnarski, Springer (2012), pag. (21), ISBN:978-94-007-2740-3
Capitole in volume colective editate de Editura Academiei
1. Dorin Popescu, Modern Algebra (in Romanian), in Enciclopedie Matematica, Editors:
Marius Iosifescu, Octavian Stanasila, Dan Stefanoiu, AGIR (2010), 805-823.
Citari aparute in reviste cotate Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)
cu FI≥ 0.3
Incepem prin a consemna ca in perioada 2010-2012 lucrarile elaborate de Dl Gheorghe
Păun, fie singur fie in colaborare, au avut (conform analizei Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge) 547 de citari in reviste cotate ISI. (Nu putem da structura detaliata a acestor citari
si anexam doar paginile ISI Web of Knowledge cu primele 22 de lucrari cele mai citate.)
1. L. Polterovich, Quantum unsharpness and symplectic rigidity, Letters in Mathematical Physics 102, Issue 3 (2012), 245-264; FI=1.819 Citeaza: Xiaonan Ma, George
Marinescu: Toeplitz operators on symplectic manifolds, J. Geom. Anal. 18, No. 2
(2008), pag. 565–611
2. C. Y. Hsiao, On the coefficients of the asymptotic expansion of the kernel of BerezinToeplitz quantization, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry Volume 42,
Issue 2 (2012), 207–245; FI=0.714
Citeaza: Xiaonan Ma, George Marinescu: Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on Kähler manifolds, J. Reine Angew. Math. 662 (2012), pag. 1–56
3. Hao Xu, An explicit formula for the Berezin star product, Letters in Mathematical
Physics 101 (2012), 239–264; FI=1.819
Citeaza: Xiaonan Ma, George Marinescu: Toeplitz operators on symplectic manifolds, J.
Geom. Anal. 18, No. 2 (2008), pag. 565–611
4. Hao Xu, A Closed Formula for the Asymptotic Expansion of the Bergman Kernel, Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 314, Issue 3 (2012), 555-585;
Citeaza: Xiaonan Ma, George Marinescu: Holomorphic Morse inequalities and Bergman
kernels, Progress in Mathematics 254, Birkhäuser (2007), pag. 422, ISBN: 978-3-76438096-0/hbk
5. Hao Xu, An explicit formula for the Berezin star product, Letters in Mathematical
Physics 101 (2012), 239–264; FI=1.819
Citeaza: Xiaonan Ma, George Marinescu: Holomorphic Morse inequalities and Bergman
kernels, Progress in Mathematics 254, Birkhäuser (2007), pag. 422, ISBN: 978-3-76438096-0/hbk
6. Frank Ferrari, Semyon Klevtsov, and Steve Zelditch, Simple matrix models for random
Bergman metrics , Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment,
2012 (2012), P04012; FI=1.727
Citeaza: Xiaonan Ma, George Marinescu: Holomorphic Morse inequalities and Bergman
kernels, Progress in Mathematics 254, Birkhäuser (2007), pag. 422, ISBN: 978-3-76438096-0/hbk
7. Maria Chiara Brambilla and Daniele Faenzi: Moduli spaces of rank-2 ACM bundles on
prime Fano threefolds, Michigan Math. J. 60, (2011), 113–148.
Citeaza: Nicolae Manolache, Cohen-Macaulay nilpotent structures, Rev. Roumaine
Math. Pures Appl. 31 (1986), no. 6, 563–575.
8. Maria Chiara Brambilla and Daniele Faenzi: Moduli spaces of rank-2 ACM bundles on
prime Fano threefolds, Michigan Math. J. 60, (2011), 113–148.
Citeaza: Nicolae Manolache , Multiple structures on smooth support, Math. Nachr.
167 (1994), 157–202
9. Hiromichi Takagi and Francesco Zucconi: Scorza Quartics of Trigonal Spin Curves and
Their Varieties of Power Sums, Mathematische Annalen (2012), 349 (3), 623–645
Citeaza: N. Manolache and F.-O. Schreyer, Moduli of (1, 7)-polarized abelian surfaces
via syzygies, Math. Nachr. 226 (2001), 177–203
10. Stefan Schröer: On Fibrations whose geometric fibers are nonreduced, Nagoya Math.
J. 200 (2010), 35-57
Citeaza: N. Manolache: Multiple structures on smooth support. Math. Nachr. 167
(1994), 157–202
11. Drnovsek, R., An infinite-dimensional generalization of Zenger’s lemma, Journal of
Mathematical Analysis and Applications 388:2 (2012), pag. 1233-1238; FI=1.001
Citeaza: Ambrozie C., Muller V., Invariant subspaces for polynomially bounded operators, Journal of Functional Analysis, 213:2 (2004), pag. 321-345.
12. McCullough, S., Sultanic, S., Agler-Commutant Lifting on an Annulus, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 72:4 (2012), pag. 449-482; FI=0.626
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Englis M., Muller V., Operator tuples and analytic models
over general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2, (2002), pag. 287-302.
13. Bhattacharyya, T., Abstract Characteristic Function, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, vol. 6 no. 1, (2012), pag. 91-103; FI=0.600
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Englis M., Muller V., Operator tuples and analytic models
over general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302.
14. Douglas, R.G., Misra, G., Sarkar, J., Contractive Hilbert modules and their dilations,
Israel Journal of Mathematics, 187:1 (2012), pag. 141-165; FI=0.745
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Englis M., Muller V., Operator tuples and analytic models
over general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302.
15. Drnovsek, Roman, An infinite-dimensional generalization of Zenger’s lemma, J. Math.
Anal. Appl., Volume: 388 Issue: 2 (2012) pag. 1233-1238, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2011.11.018;
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Englis M., Muller V., Operator tuples and analytic models
over general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2(2002), pag. 287-302.
16. Bhattacharyya, T., Abstract Characteristic Function, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory - Springer DOI 10.1007/s11785-010-0065-6 published online (2010); FI=0.600
Citeaza: Ambrozie, C.G., Englis, M., Muller, V., Operator tuples and analytic models
over general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302
17. Yavuz Onur, A Reflexivity Result Concerning Banach Space Operators with a Multiply
Connected Spectrum, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, Volume: 68 Issue: 4 (2010), pag. 473-485 DOI: 10.1007/s00020-010-1818-3; FI=0.626
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Englis M., Muller V., Operator tuples and analytic models
over general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302.
18. Bhattacharya, Angshuman; Bhattacharyya, Tirthankar, Complete Pick positivity and
unitary invariance, Studia Mathematica, Volume: 200 Issue: 2 (2010), pag. 149162 DOI: 10.4064/sm200-2-3; FI=0.600
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Englis M., Muller V., Operator tuples and analytic models
over general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302.
19. Cimpric J., Noncommutative Positivstellenstze for pairs representation-vector, Positivity 15:3 (2011), pag. 481-495; FI=0.368
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Vasilescu F.-H., Operator-theoretic positivstellenstze, Zeitschrift
fur Analysis und ihre Anwendung, 2 (2003), pag. 299-314
20. Cimpric J., Archimedean operator-theoretic Positivstellenstze, Journal of Functional
Analysis 260:10 (2011), pag. 3132-3145; FI=1.082
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Vasilescu F.-H., Operator-theoretic positivstellenstze, Zeitschrift
fur Analysis und ihre Anwendung, 2 (2003), pag. 299-314
21. McCullough, S., Sultanic, S., Agler-Commutant Lifting on an Annulus, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 72:4 (2012), pag. 449-482; FI=0.626
Citeaza: Ambrozie C.-G., Remarks on the operator-valued interpolation for multivariable
bounded analytic functions, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, 53:6 (2004)
, pag. 1551-1576.
22. Kim, J., On invariant subspaces of operators in the class θ, Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and Applications 396:2 (2012) , pag. 562-568; FI=1.001
Citeaza: Ambrozie C., Muller V., Invariant subspaces for polynomially bounded operators, Journal of Functional Analysis, 213:2 (2004), pag. 321-345.
23. Kim, J., Invariant subspaces for operators whose spectra are Carathodory regions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 371:1 (2010), pag. 184-189;
Citeaza: Ambrozie, C.-G., Muller, V., Invariant subspaces for polynomially bounded
operators, J. Functional Analysis 213 (2004), pag. 321-345
24. Cimpric, J., A method for computing lowest eigenvalues of symmetric polynomial differential operators by semidefinite programming, Journal of Mathematical Analysis
and Applications 369:2 (2010), pag. 443-452; FI=1.001
Ambrozie, C.-G., Vasilescu, F.-H., Operator theoretic Positivstellensatze,
Zeitschrift Analysis und Anwen. 22:2 (2003), pag. 299-314
25. Xiong, Chunguang; Li, Yuan A posteriori error estimates for optimal distributed control
governed by the evolution equations. Appl. Numer. Math. 61 (2011), no. 2, 181-200.
FI 0,967
Citeaza: Liu, Wenbin(4-KENT-CB); Tiba, Dan(R-AOS) Error estimates in the approximation of optimization problems governed by nonlinear operators. Numer. Funct.
Anal. Optim. 22 (2001), no. 7-8, 953-972
26. Chen, Yanping; Huang, Yunqing; Liu, Wenbin; Yan, Ningning Error estimates and superconvergence of mixed finite element methods for convex optimal control problems. J.
Sci. Comput. 42 (2010), no. 3, 382-403. FI 1.557
Citeaza: Liu, Wenbin(4-KENT-CB); Tiba, Dan(R-AOS) Error estimates in the approximation of optimization problems governed by nonlinear operators. Numer. Funct.
Anal. Optim. 22 (2001), no. 7-8, 953-972
27. Arnautu, Viorel; Mosneagu, Ana-Maria Numerical locking problems for parabolic equations. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 32 (2011), no. 9, 927-945. FI 0,711
Citeaza Ignat, Anca(R-IASIFI); Sprekels, Jurgen(D-WIAS); Tiba, Dan(D-WIAS) A model
of a general elastic curved rod. Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 25 (2002), no. 10, 835-854
28. Arnautu, Viorel; Mosneagu, Ana-Maria Numerical locking problems for hyperbolic equations. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 31 (2010), no. 4-6, 549-568. FI 0,711
Citeaza Ignat, Anca(R-IASIFI); Sprekels, Jurgen(D-WIAS); Tiba, Dan(D-WIAS) A model
of a general elastic curved rod. (English summary) Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 25
(2002), no. 10, 835-854
29. Guo, Bao-Zhu; Yang, Dong-Hui Some compact classes of open sets under Hausdorff distance and application to shape optimization. SIAM J. Control Optim. 50 (2012), no.
1, 222-242. 49Q10 (35J05) Publication Year 2012 FI 1,518
Citeaza: Tiba, Dan(R-AOS) A property of Sobolev spaces and existence in optimal design. (English summary) Appl. Math. Optim. 47 (2003), no. 1, 45-58.
30. Arnautu, Viorel; Moaneagu, Ana-Maria Numerical locking problems for parabolic equations. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 32 (2011), no. 9, 927-945. FI 0,711
Citeaza: Arnautu, Viorel(R-IASI); Sprekels, Jurgen(D-WIAS); Tiba, Dan(R-AOS) A reduction approximation method for curved rods. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 26
(2005), no. 2, 139-155.
31. Arnautu, Viorel; Mosneagu, Ana-Maria Numerical locking problems for hyperbolic equations. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 31 (2010), no. 4-6, 549-568 FI 0,711
Arnautu, Viorel(R-IASI); Sprekels, Jrgen(D-WIAS); Tiba, Dan(R-AOS) A reduction approximation method for curved rods. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 26 (2005), no.
2, 139-155.
32. Vodak, Rostislav Asymptotic analysis of heat conducting elastic materials. Nonlinear
Anal. Real World Appl. 12 (2011), no. 6, 342–3441. Publication Year 2011 FI 2,043
Citeaza Tiba, Dan(D-WIAS); Vodk, Rostislav(D-WIAS) A general asymptotic model for
Lipschitzian curved rods. (English summary) Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 15 (2005), no.
1, 137-198.
33. Hintermoller, M.; Wegner, D. Distributed optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard system
including the case of a double-obstacle homogeneous free energy density. SIAM J.
Control Optim. 50 (2012), no. 1, 388-418. Publication Year 2012 FI 1,517
Citeaza: Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
34. Bonnans, J. Frdric; Silva, Francisco J. Asymptotic expansion for the solutions of control
constrained semilinear elliptic problems with interior penalties. SIAM J. Control Optim. 49 (2011), no. 6, 2494-2517. Publication Year 2011 FI 1,517
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
35. Hintermoller, M.; Surowiec, T. First-order optimality conditions for elliptic mathematical
programs with equilibrium constraints via variational analysis. SIAM J. Optim. 21
(2011), no. 4, 1561-1593. FI 1,629
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
36. Hintermoller, M.; Kopacka, I. A smooth penalty approach and a nonlinear multigrid algorithm for elliptic MPECs. Comput. Optim. Appl. 50 (2011), no. 1, 111-145. FI
Citeaza: Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
37. Hintermoller, M.; Laurain, A. Optimal shape design subject to elliptic variational inequalities. SIAM J. Control Optim. 49 (2011), no. 3, 1015?1047. FI 1,517
Citeaza: Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
38. Boukrouche, Mahdi; Tarzia, Domingo A. Existence, uniqueness, and convergence of optimal control problems associated with parabolic variational inequalities of the second
kind. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 12 (2011), no. 4, 2211-2224. FI 2,043
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
39. Matei, Andaluzia; Micu, Sorin Boundary optimal control for nonlinear antiplane problems. Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 5, 1641-1652. FI=1,536
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
40. Kunisch, Karl; Liang, Kewei; Lu, Xiliang Optimal control for an elliptic system with
polygonal state constraints. SIAM J. Control Optim. 48 (2010), no. 8, 5053-5072.
FI 1,517
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jurgen; Tiba, Dan Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer,
New York, 2006. xvi+507 pp. ISBN: 978-0387-27235-1; 0-387-27235-6
41. Guo, Bao-Zhu; Yang, Dong-Hui Some compact classes of open sets under Hausdorff distance and application to shape optimization. SIAM J. Control Optim. 50 (2012), no.
1, 222-242. Publication Year 2012 FI 1,517
Citeaza: Birsan, T.(R-TUGA); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) One hundred years since the introduction of the set distance by Dimitrie Pompeiu. (English summary) System modeling and
optimization, 35-39,
42. Guo, Bao-Zhu(PRC-SNX-SM); Yang, Dong-Hui(PRC-CCN-SMS) Some compact classes
of open sets under Hausdorff distance and application to shape optimization. SIAM J.
Control Optim. 50 (2012), no. 1, 222-242 FI 1,517
Citeaza: Neittaanmaki, P.; Pennanen, A.; Tiba, D. Fixed domain approaches in shape
optimization problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions. (English summary) Inverse
Problems 25 (2009), no. 5, 055003, 18 pp
43. Guo, Bao-Zhu(PRC-SNX-SM); Yang, Dong-Hui(PRC-CCN-SMS) Some compact classes
of open sets under Hausdorff distance and application to shape optimization. (English
summary) SIAM J. Control Optim. 50 (2012), no. 1, 222-242. FI 1,517
Citeaza: Halanay, Andrei; Tiba, Dan Shape optimization for stationary Navier-Stokes
equations. Control Cybernet. 38 (2009), no. 4B, 1359-1374.
44. Boukrouche, Mahdi; Tarzia, Domingo Existence, uniqueness, and convergence of optimal
control problems associated with parabolic variational inequalities of the second kind.
(English summary) Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 12 (2011), no. 4, 2211–
2224. FI 2,043
Citeaza: P.Neittaanmaki. D. Tiba A variational inequality approach to constrained control problems for parabolic equations. Appl. Math. Optim. 17 (1988), no. 3,
45. Debinska-Nagorska, Anna; Just, Andrzej; Stempien, Zdzislav Approximation of an optimal control problem governed by a differential parabolic inclusion. Optimization 59
(2010), no. 5-6, 707-715. FI 0.500
Citeaza: D.Tiba Optimal control of nonsmooth distributed parameter systems. Lecture
Notes in Mathematics, 1459. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990. viii+159 pp. ISBN:
46. Serovaiskii, S.Ya. Differentiation of operators and extremum conditions with a category
interpretation. (Russian) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. 2010, no. 2, 66–76;
translation in Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ) 54 (2010), no. 2, 57-65 FI 0,526
Citeaza D.Tiba Optimal control of nonsmooth distributed parameter systems. Lecture
Notes in Mathematics, 1459. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990. viii+159 pp. ISBN:
47. Chen Yanping; Huan, Yunqing; Liu, Wenbin; Yan, Ningning Error estimates and superconvergence of mixed finite element methods for convex optimal control problems. J.
Sci. Comput. 42 (2010), no. 3, 382-403. FI 1,557
Citeaza D.Tiba Optimal control of nonsmooth distributed parameter systems. Lecture
Notes in Mathematics, 1459. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1990. viii+159 pp. ISBN:
48. De Los Reyes, Juan Carlos Optimal control of a class of variational inequalities of the
second kind. SIAM J. Control Optim. 49 (2011), no. 4, 1629-1658, FI 1,518
Citeaza: Bonnans, J. F.(F-INRIA); Tiba, D.(R-NISTC) Pontryagin’s principle in the
control of semilinear elliptic variational inequalities. Appl. Math. Optim. 23 (1991),
no. 3, 299-312.
49. Matei, Andaluzia; Micu, Sorin Boundary optimal control for nonlinear antiplane problems. Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 5, 1641-1652 FI 1,536
Citeaza Bonnans, J. F.(F-INRIA); Tiba, D.(R-NISTC) Pontryagin’s principle in the control of semilinear elliptic variational inequalities. Appl. Math. Optim. 23 (1991), no.
3, 299-312.
50. Hintermuller, M.(D-HUMB); Laurain, A.(A-GRAZ-MSP) Optimal shape design subject
to elliptic variational inequalities. (English summary) SIAM J. Control Optim. 49
(2011), no. 3, 1015-1047. FI 1,518
Citeaza Tiba, Dan(R-AOS) Proprietes de controlabilite pour les systemes elliptiques, la
methode des domaines fictifs et problemes de design optimal. Optimization, optimal control and partial differential equations (Iasi, 1992), 251-261, Internat. Ser.
Numer. Math., 107, Birkhauser, Basel, 1992
51. Chrysafinos, Konstantinos; Karatzas, Efthimios N. Symmetric error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin approximations for an optimal control problem associated to semilinear
parabolic PDE’s. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 17 (2012), no. 5, 1473-1506.
FI 0,921
Publication Year 2012
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
52. Hintermuller, M.; Wegner, D. Distributed optimal control of the Cahn-Hilliard system including the case of a double-obstacle homogeneous free energy density. SIAM J. Control
Optim. 50 (2012), no. 1, Publication Year 2012 FI 1,518
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
53. Boukrouche, Mahdi; Tarzia, Domingo A. Existence, uniqueness, and convergence of optimal control problems associated with parabolic variational inequalities of the second
kind. Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 12 (2011), no. 4, 2211-2224. Publication
Year 2011 FI 2,043
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
54. Nowakowska, I.; Nowakowski, A. A dual dynamic programming for minimax optimal control problems governed by parabolic equation. Optimization 60 (2011), no. 3, 347?363.
FI 0,500
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
55. Gong, Wei; Liu, Wenbin; Yan, Ningning A posteriori error estimates of hphp-FEM for
optimal control problems. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 8 (2011), no. 1, 48-69. FI
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Mono-
graphs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
56. Chen, Yanping; Liu, Lingli; Lu, Zuliang A posteriori error estimates of mixed methods
for parabolic optimal control problems. Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 31 (2010),
no. 10, 1135-1157. Publication Year 2010 FI 0,711
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
57. Serova?ski?, S. Ya. Differentiation of operators and extremum conditions with a category
interpretation. (Russian) Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. 2010, no. 2, 66–76;
translation in Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ) 54 (2010), no. 2, Publication Year 2010 FI 0,526
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
58. Chrysafinos, Konstantinos Convergence of discontinuous Galerkin approximations of an
optimal control problem associated to semilinear parabolic PDE’s. M2AN Math. Model.
Numer. Anal. 44 (2010), no. 1, 189-206. FI 1,500
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.; Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear parabolic
systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and
Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1994.
xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
59. Sun, Tongjun Discontinuous Galerkin finite element method with interior penalties for
convection diffusion optimal control problem. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 7
(2010), no. 1, 87-107. Publication Year 2010 FI 0,624
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
60. Chen, Yanping; Huang, Yunqing; Liu, Wenbin; Yan, Ningning Error estimates and superconvergence of mixed finite element methods for convex optimal control problems. J.
Sci. Comput. 42 (2010), no. 3, 382-403. Publication Year 2010 FI 1,557
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
61. Baek, Hunki; Kim, Sang Dong; Lee, Hyung-Chun A multigrid method for an optimal
control problem of a diffusion-convection equation. J. Korean Math. Soc. 47 (2010),
no. 1, 83-100. Publication Year 2010 FI 0,223
Citeaza Neittaanmaki, P.(SF-JVSK); Tiba, D.(R-AOS) Optimal control of nonlinear
parabolic systems. (English summary) Theory, algorithms, and applications. Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 179. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New
York, 1994. xvi+399 pp. ISBN: 0-8247-9081-2
62. Xing, Xiaoqing; Chen, Yanping; Yi, Nianyu Error estimates of mixed finite element methods for quadratic optimal control problems. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 233 (2010),
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125. M. Ghasem Moghadam, M.T.H. Beheshti, On Output Feedback Multiobjective Control
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128. M.G. Todorov, M.D. Fragoso, On the stability radii of continuous-time infinite Markov
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210. H. T. Ehrhardt, S. Roch, B. Silbermann, A strong Szegö-Widom limit theorem for operators with almost periodic diagonal, Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (2011),
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Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Rotation C ∗ -Algebras and Almost Mathieu Operators, The Theta
Foundation (2001), Bucharest.
211. Y. Higuchi, T. Matsumoto, O. Ogurisu, On the spectrum of a discrete Laplacian on Z
with finitely supported potential, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 59 (2011), 917–
927; FI=0.727
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Rotation C ∗ -Algebras and Almost Mathieu Operators, The Theta
Foundation (2001), Bucharest.
212. G. A. Elliott, Z. Niu, Extended rotation algebras: Adjoining spectral projections to
rotation algebras, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 665 (2012),
1–71; FI=1.042
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Rotation C ∗ -Algebras and Almost Mathieu Operators, The Theta
Foundation (2001), Bucharest.
213. C. Eckhardt, A noncommutative Gauss map, Mathematica Scandinavica 108 (2011),
233–250; FI=0.467
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, An AF algebra associated with the Farey tessellation, Canadian
Journal of Mathematics 60 (2008), pag. 975-1000.
214. D. Mundici, Finite axiomatizability in Lukasiewicz logic, Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic 162 (2011), 1035–1947; FI=0.450
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, An AF algebra associated with the Farey tessellation, Canadian
Journal of Mathematics 60 (2008), pag. 975-1000.
215. M. Busaniche, L. Cabrer, D. Mundici, Confluence and combinatorics in finitely generated unital lattice-ordered abelian groups, Forum Mathematicum 24 (2012), 253–271;
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, An AF algebra associated with the Farey tessellation, Canadian
Journal of Mathematics 60 (2008), pag. 975-1000.
216. T. Garrity, A thermodynamic classification of real numbers, Journal of Number Theory 130 (2010), 1537–1559; FI=0.559
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Products of matrices [ 10 11 ] and [ 11 01 ] and the distribution of reduced
quadratic irrationals, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 606
(2007), pag. 149–165.
217. O. F. Bandtlow, J. Fiala, P. Kleban, T. Prellberg, Asymptotics of the Farey fraction
spin chain free energy at the critical point, Journal of Statistical Physics 138 (2010),
447–464; FI=1.397
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Products of matrices [ 10 11 ] and [ 11 01 ] and the distribution of reduced
quadratic irrationals, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 606
(2007), pag. 149–165.
218. M. Risager, J. L. Truelsen, Distribution of angles in hyperbolic lattices, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 61 (2010), 117–133; FI=0.617
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Distribution of angles between geodesic rays associated with hyperbolic lattice points, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 58 (2007), pag. 281–295.
219. F. Chamizo, Hyperbolic lattice point problems, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139 (2011), 451–459; FI=0.611
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Distribution of angles between geodesic rays associated with hyperbolic lattice points, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 58 (2007), pag. 281–295.
220. A. Gorodnik, A. Nevo, Counting lattice points, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 663 (2012), 127–176; FI=1.042
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, Distribution of angles between geodesic rays associated with hyperbolic lattice points, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 58 (2007), pag. 281–295.
221. Argerami, Martn; Farenick, Douglas; Massey, Pedro, Injective envelopes and local multiplier algebras of some spatial continuous trace , Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. 63
(2012), 1 – 20; FI=0.617
Citeaza: R. Dumitru, C. Peligrad, B. Visinescu Automorphisms inner in the local multiplier algebra and Connes spectrum, Operator Theory 20 (2006), pag. 75 – 80
222. Monthubert, Bertrand; Nistor, Victor, A topological index theorem for manifolds with
corners., Compos. Math. 148 (2012), 640 – 668; FI=1.18
Citeaza: Ramazan, Birant, Limite classique de C?-algbres de groupodes de Lie. , C. R.
Acad. Sci. Paris Sr. I Math. 329 (1999), pag. 603 – 606
223. Buss, Alcides; Exel, Ruy, Fell bundles over inverse semigroups and twisted tale groupoids.,
J. Operator Theory 67 (2012), 153 – 205; FI=.6
Citeaza: Deaconu, Valentin; Kumjian, Alex; Ramazan, Birant, Fell bundles associated to
groupoid morphisms., Math. Scand. 102 (2008), pag. 305 – 319
224. Buss, Alcides; Exel, Ruy, Twisted actions and regular Fell bundles over inverse semigroups., Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. 103 (2011), 235 – 270; FI=1.324
Citeaza: Deaconu, Valentin; Kumjian, Alex; Ramazan, Birant, Fell bundles associated to
groupoid morphisms., Math. Scand. 102 (2008), pag. 305 – 319
225. Bertozzini, Paolo; Conti, Roberto; Lewkeeratiyutkul, Wicharn, A horizontal categorification of Gel’fand duality., Adv. Math. 226 (2011), 540 – 607; FI=1.177
Citeaza: Deaconu, Valentin; Kumjian, Alex; Ramazan, Birant, Fell bundles associated to
groupoid morphisms., Math. Scand. 102 (2008), pag. 305 – 319
226. Bertozzini, Paolo; Conti, Roberto; Lewkeeratiyutkul, Wicharn, A horizontal categorification of Gel’fand duality., Adv. Math. 226 (2011), 540 – 607; FI=1.177
Citeaza: Deaconu, Valentin; Kumjian, Alex; Ramazan, Birant, Fell bundles associated to
groupoid morphisms., Math. Scand. 102 (2008), pag. 305 – 319
227. Deaconu, Valentin , C ∗ -algebras and Fell bundles associated to a textile system., J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 372 (2010), 515 – 524; FI=1.174
Citeaza: Deaconu, Valentin; Kumjian, Alex; Ramazan, Birant, Fell bundles associated to
groupoid morphisms., Math. Scand. 102 (2008), pag. 305 – 319
228. Eric Clark and Richard Ehrenborg , The Frobenius complex, Annals of Combinatorics
16 (2) (2012), pag. 215 – 232; FI=0.324
Citeaza: Dumitru Stamate, Computational algebra and combinatorics in commutative
algebra, University of Bucharest, PhD thesis (2009).
229. Andrew Conner, Brad Shelton, K2 factors of Koszul algebras and applications to face
rings, Journal of Algebra, 368 (2012), pag. 251-270 ; FI= 0.613
Citeaza:Victor Reiner, Dumitru Ioan Stamate, Koszul incidence algebras, affine semigroups, and Stanley-Reisner ideals, Advances in Mathematics 224 (2010), pag. 2312
– 2345
230. Hal Sadofsky, Brad Shelton, The Koszul property as a topological invariant and measure
of singularities, Pacific J Math, 252 (2) (2011), pag. 473–486 ; FI= 0.626
Citeaza:Victor Reiner, Dumitru Ioan Stamate, Koszul incidence algebras, affine semigroups, and Stanley-Reisner ideals, Advances in Mathematics 224 (2010), pag. 2312
– 2345
231. Radim Belohlavek, Optimal decompositions of matrices with entries from residuated lattices, Journal of Logic and Computation (2011); FI=0.611
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Non-dual fuzzy connections, Arch.
Math. Log. 43 (2004), pag. 1009 – 1039
232. Lankun Guo and Guo-Qiang Zhang and Qingguo Li, Fuzzy closure systems on Lordered
sets, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (2011), pag. 281 – 291; FI = 0.5
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Non-commutative fuzzy Galois connections, Soft Comput. 7 (2003), pag. 458 – 467; FI = 1.88
233. Lankun Guo and Guo-Qiang Zhang and Qingguo Li, Fuzzy closure systems on Lordered
sets, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (2011), pag. 281 – 291; FI = 0.5
Citeaza: Andrei Popescu, A general approach to fuzzy concepts, Math. Log. Q. 50
(2004), pag. 265 – 280
234. Lankun Guo and Guo-Qiang Zhang and Qingguo Li, Fuzzy closure systems on Lordered
sets, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57 (2011), pag. 281 – 291; FI = 0.5
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Non-dual fuzzy connections, Arch.
Math. Log. 43 (2004), pag. 1009 – 1039
235. Yassine Djouadi and Henri Prade, Possibility-theoretic extension of derivation operators in formal concept analysis over fuzzy lattices, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision
Making 10 (2011), pag. 287 – 309; FI = 0.702
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Non-dual fuzzy connections, Arch.
Math. Log. 43 (2004), pag. 1009 – 1039
236. A. Frascella, Fuzzy Galois connections under weak conditions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems
172 (2011), pag. 33 – 50; FI = 1.988
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Non-dual fuzzy connections, Arch.
Math. Log. 43 (2004), pag. 1009 – 1039
237. Hong-Zhi Yang and Leung Yee and Ming-Wen Shao, Rule acquisition and attribute reduction in real decision formal contexts, Soft Comput. 15 (2011), pag. 1115 – 1128;
FI = 1.88
Citeaza: Andrei Popescu, A general approach to fuzzy concepts, Math. Log. Q. 50
(2004), pag. 265 – 280
238. Hong-Zhi Yang and Leung Yee and Ming-Wen Shao, Rule acquisition and attribute reduction in real decision formal contexts, Soft Comput. 15 (2011), pag. 1115 – 1128;
FI = 1.88
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Non-dual fuzzy connections, Arch.
Math. Log. 43 (2004), pag. 1009 – 1039
239. Vilem Novak and Bernard De Baets, EQ-algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 160 (2009),
pag. 2956 – 2978; FI = 1.988
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Non-commutative fuzzy structures and
pairs of weak negations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 143 (2004), pag. 129 – 155; FI =
240. Hongjun Zhou and Bin Zhao, Generalized Bosbach and Riecan states based on relative
negations in residuated lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 187 (2012), pag. 33 – 57; FI
= 1.988
Citeaza: George Georgescu and Andrei Popescu, Similarity Convergence in Residuated
Structures, Logic Journal of the IGPL 13 (2005), pag. 389 – 413
241. Răzvan Diaconescu, Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation
(2011) FI=0.611
Citeaza: Andrei Popescu and Traian-Florin Şerbănuţă and Grigore Roşu, A Semantic
Approach to Interpolation, FoSSaCS (2006), pag. 307 – 321
242. Răzvan Diaconescu and Ionuţ Ţuţu, On the algebra of structured specifications, Theor.
Comput. Sci. 412 (2011), pag. 3145 – 3174; FI = 0.767
Citeaza: Andrei Popescu and Traian-Florin Şerbănuţă and Grigore Roşu, A Semantic
Approach to Interpolation, FoSSaCS (2006), pag. 307 – 321
243. Hasebe, Takahiro, Analytic Continuations of Fourier and Stieltjes Transforms and Generalized Moments of Probability Measures, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY, 25 (2012), 756–770; FI=0.681 (5-year:0.625)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Boejko, Marek; Lehner, Franz; Speicher, Roland, The
normal distribution is -infinitely divisible, Advances in Mathematics 226 (2011),
pag. 3677–3698
244. Allez, Romain; Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe; Guionnet, Alice, Invariant Beta Ensembles
and the Gauss-Wigner Crossover, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 109 (2012),
FI=7.370 (5-year:7.013)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Boejko, Marek; Lehner, Franz; Speicher, Roland, The
normal distribution is -infinitely divisible, Advances in Mathematics 226 (2011),
pag. 3677–3698
245. Bozejko, Marek; Lytvynov, Eugene; Wysoczanski, Janusz, Noncommutative Levy Processes for Generalized (Particularly Anyon) Statistics, COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 313 (2012), 535–569; FI = 1.941 (5-year:1.998)
Citeaza: Anshelevich, M.; Belinschi, S. T.; Boejko, M.; Lehner, F, Free infinite divisibility
for q-Gaussians, Mathematical Research Letters 17 (2010), pag. 905–916
246. Arizmendi, Octavio, Statistics of blocks in k-divisible non-crossing partitions, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 19 (2012); FI=0.638 (5-year:0.690)
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Shlyakhtenko, D.: Free probability of type B: analytic interpretation and applications, American Journal of Mathematics 134 (2012), pag. 193–234.
247. Ortmann, Janosch, Large deviations for non-crossing partitions, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY, 17 (2012), 1–25; FI=0.713 (5-year:0.943)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
248. Collins, Benoı̂t; Fukuda, Motohisa; Nechita, Ion, Towards a state minimizing the output
entropy of a tensor product of random quantum channels, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 53 (2012), 032203-1–032203-20; FI=1.291 (5-year:1.181)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Collins, Benoı̂t; Nechita, Ion: Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
in a random subspace of a tensor product, Inventiones Mathematicae Online FirstTM ,
21 February 2012 (2012), pag. 51.
249. Brouder, Christian; Patras, Frederic, Nonlocal, noncommutative diagrammatics and the
linked cluster theorems, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL CHEMISTRY, 50
(2012), 552–576; FI=1.303 (5-year:1.188)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Boejko, Marek; Lehner, Franz; Speicher, Roland: The
normal distribution is -infinitely divisible, Advances in Mathematics 226 (2011),
pag. 3677–3698.
250. Perez-Abreu, Victor; Sakuma, Noriyoshi, Free Infinite Divisibility of Free Multiplicative
Mixtures of the Wigner Distribution, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY, 25 (2012), 100–121; FI=0.681 (5-year:0.625)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
251. Perez-Abreu, Victor; Sakuma, Noriyoshi, Free Infinite Divisibility of Free Multiplicative
Mixtures of the Wigner Distribution, JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY, 25 (2012), 100–121; FI=0.681 (5-year:0.625)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Nica, Alexandru: On a remarkable semigroup of homomorphisms with respect to free multiplicative convolution, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 57 (2008), pag. 1679–1713.
252. Arizmendi, Octavio; Vargas, Carlos, Products of free random variables and k-divisible
non-crossing partitions, ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS IN PROBABILITY, 17 (2012), 1–13; FI=0.572 (5-year:0.644)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Nica, Alexandru: η-series and a Boolean Bercovici-Pata
bijection for bounded k-tuples, Advances in Mathematics 217 (2008), pag. 1–41.
253. Banica, Teodor; Skalski, Adam, Quantum Isometry Groups of Duals of Free Powers of
9 (2012), 2094–2122; FI=1.014 (5-year:1.087)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
254. Gregoratti, David; Hachem, Walid; Mestre, Xavier, Randomized Isometric Linear-Dispersion
Space-Time Block Coding for the DF Relay Channel, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
SIGNAL PROCESSING, 60 (2012), 426–442; FI=2.628 (5-year:2.829)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Benaych-Georges, Florent; Guionnet, Alice: Regularization by free additive convolution, square and rectangular cases, Complex Analysis and
Operator Theory 3 (2009), pag. 611–660.
255. Wang, Jiun-Chau, Strict limit types for monotone convolution, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 262 (2012), 35–58; FI = 1.082 (5-year:1.208)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban Teodor: Comples analysis methods in noncommutative probability, PhD thesis, Indiana University (2005).
256. Popa, Mihai; Wang, Jiun-Chau, On Multiplicative Conditionally Free Convolution, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 363 (2011),
6309–6335; FI=1.093 (5-year:1.085)
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: Hinčin’s theorem for multiplicative free convolution, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 51 (2008), pag. 26–31.
257. Popa, Mihai; Wang, Jiun-Chau, On Multiplicative Conditionally Free Convolution, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, 363 (2011),
6309–6335; FI=1.093 (5-year:1.085)
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: Partially defined semigroups relative to multiplicative free convolution, International Mathematics Research Notices (2005),
pag. 65–101.
258. Chistyakov, G. P.; Goetze, F.; Lehner, F., Freeness of linear and quadratic forms in
von Neumann algebras, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 261 (2011),
2829–2844; FI = 1.082 (5-year:1.208)
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: A new approach to subordination results in free
probability, Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 101 (2007), pag. 357–365.
259. Bose, Arup; Guha, Suman; Hazra, Rajat Subhra; Saha, Koushik, Circulant type matrices
with heavy tailed entries, STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS, 81 (2011),
1706–1716; FI=0.498 (5-year:0.533)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Dembo, Amir; Guionnet, Alice: Spectral measure of
heavy tailed band and covariance random matrices, Communications in Mathematical Physics 289 (2009), pag. 1023–1055.
260. Szablowski, Pawel J., Expansions of one density via polynomials orthogonal with respect
to the other, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS, 383 (2011), 35–54; FI = 1.001 (5-year:1.305)
Citeaza: Anshelevich, M.; Belinschi, S. T.; Boejko, M.; Lehner, F: Free infinite divisibility
for q-Gaussians, Mathematical Research Letters 17 (2010), pag. 905–916.
261. Bordenave, Charles; Caputo, Pietro; Chafai, Djalil, Spectrum of Non-Hermitian Heavy
307 (2011), 513–560; FI = 1.941 (5-year:1.998)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Dembo, Amir; Guionnet, Alice: Spectral measure of
heavy tailed band and covariance random matrices, Communications in Mathematical Physics 289 (2009), pag. 1023–1055.
262. Liu, Dang-Zheng; Song, Chunwei; Wang, Zheng-Dong, ON EXPLICIT PROBABILITY
FI = 0.611 (5-year:0.648)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
263. Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Goetze, Friedrich, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9
(2011), 997–1050; FI = 0.440
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban Teodor: The atoms of the free multiplicative convolution of
two probability distributions, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 46 (2003),
pag. 377–386.
264. Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Goetze, Friedrich, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9
(2011), 997–1050; FI = 0.440
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban Teodor: Comples analysis methods in noncommutative probability, PhD thesis, Indiana University (2005).
265. Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Goetze, Friedrich, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9
(2011), 997–1050; FI = 0.440
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban Teodor: The Lebesgue decomposition of the free additive convolution of two probability distributions, Probability Theory and Related Fields 142
(2008), pag. 125–150.
266. Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Goetze, Friedrich, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9
(2011), 997–1050; FI = 0.440
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: Atoms and regularity for measures in a partially defined free convolution semigroup Mathematische Zeitschrift 248 (2004), pag.
267. Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Goetze, Friedrich, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9
(2011), 997–1050; FI = 0.440
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: Partially defined semigroups relative to multiplicative free convolution, International Mathematics Research Notices (2005),
pag. 65–101.
268. Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Goetze, Friedrich, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9
(2011), 997–1050; FI = 0.440
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: A new approach to subordination results in free
probability, Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 101 (2007), pag. 357–365.
269. Chistyakov, Gennadii P.; Goetze, Friedrich, The arithmetic of distributions in free probability theory, CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 9
(2011), 997–1050; FI = 0.440
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: Hinčin’s theorem for multiplicative free convolution, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 51 (2008), pag. 26–31.
270. Capitaine, M.; Donati-Martin, C.; Féral, D.; Février, M., Free convolution with a semicircular distribution and eigenvalues of spiked deformations of Wigner matrices, ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY, 16 (2011), 1750–1792; FI = 0.713 (5year:0.943)
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: A new approach to subordination results in free
probability, Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 101 (2007), pag. 357–365.
271. Hasebe, Takahiro; Saigo, Hayato, Joint Cumulants for Natural Independence, ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS IN PROBABILITY, 16 (2011), 491–506; FI =
0.572 (5-year:0.644)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban Teodor: Comples analysis methods in noncommutative probability, PhD thesis, Indiana University (2005).
272. Jarosz, Andrzej, Summing free unitary random matrices, PHYSICAL REVIEW E,
84 (2011); FI = 2.255 (5-year:2.261)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
273. Bordenave, Charles; Caputo, Pietro; Chafai, Djalil, Spectrum of large random reversible
Markov chains: Heavy-tailed weights on the complete graph, ANNALS OF PROBABILITY, 39 (2011), 1544–1590; FI = 1.789 (5-year:1.669)
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Dembo, Amir; Guionnet, Alice: Spectral measure of
heavy tailed band and covariance random matrices, Communications in Mathematical Physics 289 (2009), pag. 1023–1055.
274. Penson, Karol A.; Zyczkowski, Karol, Product of Ginibre matrices: Fuss-Catalan and
Raney distributions, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 83 (2011); FI = 2.255 (5-year:2.261)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
275. Zyczkowski, Karol; Penson, Karol A.; Nechita, Ion; Collins, Benoı̂t, Generating random
density matrices, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 52 (2011); FI =
1.291 (5-year:1.181)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
276. Bryc, Wlodzimierz; Hassairi, Abdelhamid, One-Sided Cauchy-Stieltjes Kernel Families,
JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL PROBABILITY, 24 (2011), 577–594; FI = 0.681
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: Partially defined semigroups relative to multiplicative free convolution, International Mathematics Research Notices (2005),
pag. 65–101.
277. Roga, Wojciech; Smaczynski, Marek; Zyczkowski, Karol, Composition of Quantum Operators and Products of Random Matrices, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B, 42
(2011), 1123–1140; FI = 0.901 (5-year:0.596)
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
278. Wang, Jiun-Chau, Limit Theorems for Additive Conditionally Free Convolution, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 63 (2011), 222–240; FI = 0.548 (5year:0.631)
Citeaza: S. T. Belinschi: C-free convolution for measures with unbounded support, In:
Von Neumann algebras in Sibiu, Theta Ser. Adv. Math., 10 (2008), pag. 1–7.
279. Wang, Jiun-Chau, Limit Theorems for Additive Conditionally Free Convolution, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 63 (2011), 222–240; FI = 0.548 (5year:0.631)
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Bercovici, H.: A new approach to subordination results in free
probability, Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 101 (2007), pag. 357–365.
280. Curran, Stephen; Speicher, Roland, Asymptotic Infinitesimal Freeness with Amalgamation for Haar Quantum Unitary Random Matrices, COMMUNICATIONS IN
MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 301 (2011), 627–659; FI = 1.941 (5-year:1.998)
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Shlyakhtenko, D.: Free probability of type B: analytic interpretation and applications, American Journal of Mathematics 134 (2012), pag.
281. Anshelevich, Michael, Two-state free Brownian motions, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL
ANALYSIS, 260 (2011), 541–565; FI = 1.082
Citeaza: S. T. Belinschi: C-free convolution for measures with unbounded support, In:
Von Neumann algebras in Sibiu, Theta Ser. Adv. Math., 10 (2008), pag. 1–7.
282. Anshelevich, Michael, Two-state free Brownian motions, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL
ANALYSIS, 260 (2011), 541–565; FI = 1.082
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Nica, Alexandru: On a remarkable semigroup of homomorphisms with respect to free multiplicative convolution, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 57 (2008), pag. 1679–1713.
283. Anshelevich, Michael, Bochner-Pearson-type characterization of the free Meixner class,
ADVANCES IN APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 46 (2011), 25–45; FI = 0.843
Citeaza: Belinschi, Serban T.; Nica, Alexandru: On a remarkable semigroup of homomorphisms with respect to free multiplicative convolution, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 57 (2008), pag. 1679–1713.
284. Hasebe, Takahiro, Differential Independence via an Associative Product of Infinitely Many
Linear Functionals, COLLOQUIUM MATHEMATICUM, 124 (2011), 79–94; FI =
Citeaza: Belinschi, S. T.; Shlyakhtenko, D.: Free probability of type B: analytic interpretation and applications, American Journal of Mathematics 134 (2012), pag.
285. Hinz, Melanie; Mlotkowski, Wojciech, Free Powers of the Free Poisson Measure, COLLOQUIUM MATHEMATICUM, 123 (2011), 285–290; FI = 0.357
Citeaza: Banica, T.; Belinschi, S. T.; Capitaine, M.; Collins, B.: Free Bessel laws, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 63 (2011), pag. 3–37.
286. Di Nardo, E.; Petrullo, P.; Senato, D., Cumulants and convolutions via Abel polynomials,
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287. Benaych-Georges, Florent, On a surprising relation between the Marchenko-Pastur law,
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289. Benaych-Georges, Florent, On a surprising relation between the Marchenko-Pastur law,
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Operator Theory 3 (2009), pag. 611–660.
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293. Février, Maxime; Nica, Alexandru, Infinitesimal non-crossing cumulants and free probability of type B, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 258 (2010), 2983–
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294. Nica, Alexandru, Non-crossing linked partitions, the partial order << on N C(n), and
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295. Nica, Alexandru, Non-crossing linked partitions, the partial order << on N C(n), and
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299. Anshelevich, Michael, Free evolution on algebras with two states, JOURNAL FUR
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bijection for bounded k-tuples, Advances in Mathematics 217 (2008), pag. 1–41.
300. Anshelevich, Michael, Free evolution on algebras with two states, JOURNAL FUR
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301. Hasebe, Takahiro, Monotone convolution semigroups, STUDIA MATHEMATICA,
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304. Mastnak, Mitja; Nica, Alexandru Hopf algebras and the logarithm of the S-transform in
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305. Brouder, Christian Quantum field theory meets Hopf algebra. Math. Nachr. 282 (2009),
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306. Gray, W. Steven; Duffaut Espinosa, Luis A. A Fa di Bruno Hopf algebra for a group of
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308. Fevrier, Maxime; Nica, Alexandru Infinitesimal non-crossing cumulants and free probability of type B. J. Funct. Anal. 258 (2010), no. 9, 2983–3023, Fi:1.3
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310. Mastnak, Mitja; Nica, Alexandru Hopf algebras and the logarithm of the S-transform in
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variables. Operator theory live, 135–143, Theta Ser. Adv. Math., 12, Theta, Bucharest,
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312. Zhang, Zhijun; Ma, Yunjie; Mi, Ling; Li, Xiaohong, Blow-up rates of large solutions for
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equations with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), pag. 447 – 452.
313. Zhang, Zhijun; Li, Xiaohong; Zhao, Yuanzhang, Boundary behavior of solutions to singular boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations, Adv. Nonlinear Stud.
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equations with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), pag. 447 – 452.
314. Fu, Yongqiang; Yu, Mei, The Dirichlet problem of higher order quasilinear elliptic equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 363 (2010), 679– 689
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
315. Fan, Xianling, On nonlocal p(x)-Laplacian Dirichlet problems, Nonlinear Anal. 72
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
316. Fragnelli, Genni, Positive periodic solutions for a system of anisotropic parabolic equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 367 (2010), 204– 228
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
317. Fu, Yongqiang; Yu, Mei, Existence of solutions for the p(x)-Laplacian problem with
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
318. Chung, Nguyen Thanh; Ngô, Quoc-Anh, Multiple solutions for a class of quasilinear
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
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319. Fu, Yongqiang; Yu, Mei, The Neumann boundary value problem of higher order quasilinear elliptic equation, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 4488 – 4499
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
320. Harjulehto, Petteri; Hästö, Peter; Le, Út V.; Nuortio, Matti, Overview of differential
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
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321. Ge, Bin; Xue, Xiaoping; Zhou, Qingmei, The existence of radial solutions for differential
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
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322. Bocea, Marian; Mihailescu, Mihai, Γ-convergence of power-law functionals with variable
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323. Bonzi, Bernard K.; Ouaro, Stanislas, Entropy solutions for a doubly nonlinear elliptic
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
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324. Fu, Yongqiang; Pan, Ning, Existence of solutions for nonlinear parabolic problem with
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pag. 2929 – 2937.
325. Fan, Xianling, On nonlocal p(x)-Laplacian Dirichlet problems, Nonlinear Anal. 72
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pag. 2929 – 2937.
326. Fu, Yongqiang; Yu, Mei Existence of solutions for the p(x)-Laplacian problem with singular term, Bound. Value Probl. 2010, Art. ID 584843 (2010), 20 pag.
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pag. 2929 – 2937.
327. Harjulehto, Petteri; Hästö, Peter; Le, Út V.; Nuortio, Matti, Overview of differential
equations with non-standard growth, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 4551 – 4574
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pag. 2929 – 2937.
328. Gontara, Sabrine; Mâagli, Habib; Masmoudi, Syrine; Turki, Sameh, Asymptotic behavior
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329. Starovoitov, Victor N.; Tersenov, Alkis S., Singular and degenerate anisotropic parabolic
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330. Vétois, Jérôme, Asymptotic stability, convexity, and Lipschitz regularity of domains in
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331. Autuori, Giuseppina; Pucci, Patrizia; Salvatori, Maria Cesarina, Global nonexistence for
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quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
332. Harjulehto, Petteri; Hästö, Peter; Le, Ut V.; Nuortio, Matti, Overview of differential
equations with non-standard growth, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 4551 – 4574
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
333. Fan, Xianling; Guan, Chun-Xia, Uniform convexity of Musielak-Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
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quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
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334. Giacomoni, J.; Saoudi, K., W01,p versus C 1 local minimizers for a singular and critical
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
335. Goncalves, J. V.; Silva, F. K., Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for
elliptic equations with a convection term, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 904 – 915
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
336. Guo, Chunmei; Zhai, Chengbo; Song, Ruipeng, An existence and uniqueness result for
the singular Lane-Emden-Fowler equation, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 1275 – 1279
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
337. Gontara, Sabrine; Turki, Sameh, Existence and asymptotic behavior of positive continuous solutions for some nonlinear parabolic systems, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 1614 –
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
338. Kelevedjiev, P. S.; Tersian, S., Singular and nonsingular first-order initial value problems,
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
339. Zhang, Zhijun; Li, Xiaohong; Zhao, Yuanzhang, Boundary behavior of solutions to singular boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations, Adv. Nonlinear Stud.
10 (2010), 249 – 261
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
340. Fabbri, Isabella, Regularity for a fourth-order critical equation with gradient nonlinearity,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 369 (2010), 179 – 187
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
341. Rodrguez-Aros, A.; Viano, J. M., Mathematical justification of viscoelastic beam models
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
342. Gontara, Sabrine; Mâagli, Habib; Masmoudi, Syrine; Turki, Sameh, Asymptotic behavior
of positive solutions of a singular nonlinear Dirichlet problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
370 (2010), 719 – 729
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008, pag. xvi+298.
343. Gontara, Sabrine; Mâagli, Habib; Masmoudi, Syrine; Turki, Sameh, Asymptotic behavior
of positive solutions of a singular nonlinear Dirichlet problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
369 (2010), 719 – 719
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logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), 231 –
344. Guo, Chunmei; Zhai, Chengbo; Song, Ruipeng, An existence and uniqueness result for
the singular Lane-Emden-Fowler equation, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 1275 – 1279
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Sublinear singular elliptic problems with two parameters, J. Differential Equations 195 (2003), 520 – 536.
345. Goncalves, J. V.; Silva, F. K., Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for
elliptic equations with a convection term, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 904 – 915
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semilinear elliptic problem in RN , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 229 (1999), 417 – 425.
346. Covei, Dragos-Patru, Existence and uniqueness of solutions for the Lane, Emden and
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347. Mohammed, Ahmed, On ground state solutions to mixed type singular semi-linear elliptic
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semilinear elliptic problem in RN , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 229 (1999), 417 – 425.
348. Gyulov, Tihomir; Morosanu, Gheorghe, On a class of boundary value problems involving
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Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications,
67, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003.
349. Costea, Nicusor; Matei, Andaluzia, Weak solutions for nonlinear antiplane problems leading to hemivariational inequalities, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 3669 – 3680
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67, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003.
350. Aouaoui, Sami, Multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear elliptic equations in RN , J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 370 (2010), 639 – 648
Citeaza: F. Gazzola, V. Rădulescu, A nonsmooth critical point theory approach to some
nonlinear elliptic equations in Rn , Differential Integral Equations 13 (2000), 47 – 60.
351. Faria, Luiz F. O.; Miyagaki, Olmpio H.; Pereira, Fbio R., Existence results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems involving convection term and nonlinear Robin boundary
conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 368 (2010), 578 – 586
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, On a class of sublinear singular elliptic problems with
convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 331 (2005), 635 – 646.
352. Goncalves, J. V.; Silva, F. K., Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for
elliptic equations with a convection term, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 904 – 915
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, On a class of sublinear singular elliptic problems with
convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 331 (2005), 635 – 646.
353. Li, Huiling; Pang, Peter Y. H.; Wang, Mingxin, Boundary blow-up of a logistic-type
porous media equation in a multiply connected domain, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh
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equations in anisotropic media, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), 119 – 124.
354. Gontara, Sabrine; Mâagli, Habib; Masmoudi, Syrine; Turki, Sameh, Asymptotic behavior
of positive solutions of a singular nonlinear Dirichlet problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
369 (2010), 719 – 729
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equations in anisotropic media, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), 119 – 124.
355. Zhang, Qihu; Wang, Yan; Qiu, Zhimei, Existence of solutions and boundary asymptotic
behavior of p(r)-Laplacian equation multi-point boundary value problems, Nonlinear
Anal. 72 (2010), 2950 – 2973
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), 157 – 167.
356. Harjulehto, Petteri; Hasto, Peter; Le, Ut V.; Nuortio, Matti, Overview of differential
equations with non-standard growth, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 4551 – 4574
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), 157 – 167.
357. Huang, Yong, Boundary asymptotical behavior of large solutions to Hessian equations,
Pacific J. Math. 244 (2010), 85 – 98
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), 275 – 298.
358. Goncalves, J. V.; Silva, F. K., Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for
elliptic equations with a convection term, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 904 – 915.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Multi-parameter bifurcation and asymptotics for the
singular Lane-Emden-Fowler equation with a convection term, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 135 (2005), 61 – 83.
359. Miotto, M. L., Multiple solutions for elliptic problem in RN with critical Sobolev exponent
and weight function, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 9 (2010), 233 – 248.
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Anal. 54 (2003), 1153 – 1164.
360. Faria, Luiz F. O.; Miyagaki, Olmpio H.; Pereira, Fabio R., Existence results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems involving convection term and nonlinear Robin boundary
conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 368 (2010), 578 – 586.
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Combined effects of asymptotically linear and singular nonlinearities in bifurcation problems of Lane-Emden-Fowler type, J. Math. Pures
Appl. (9) 84 (2005), 493 – 508.
361. Vétois, Jérôme, Asymptotic stability, convexity, and Lipschitz regularity of domains in
the anisotropic regime, Commun. Contemp. Math. 12 (2010), 35 – 53.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 345 (2007), 561 –
362. Li, Hong; Zhang, Pei; Zhang, Zhijun, A remark on the existence of entire positive solutions
for a class of semilinear elliptic systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 365 (2010), 338 – 341.
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Entire solutions blowing up at infinity for semilinear
elliptic systems, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 81 (2002), 827 – 846.
363. Lair, Alan V., A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of large solutions to
sublinear elliptic systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 365 (2010), 103 – 108.
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Entire solutions blowing up at infinity for semilinear
elliptic systems, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 81 (2002), 827 – 846.
364. Goncalves, J. V.; Silva, F. K., Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for
elliptic equations with a convection term, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 904 – 915.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Ground state solutions for the singular Lane-EmdenFowler equation with sublinear convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007),
265 – 273.
365. Covei, Dragos-Patru, Existence and uniqueness of solutions for the Lane, Emden and
Fowler type problem, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 2684 – 2693
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265 – 273.
366. Mohammed, Ahmed, On ground state solutions to mixed type singular semi-linear elliptic
equations, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 10 (2010), 231 – 244.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Ground state solutions for the singular Lane-EmdenFowler equation with sublinear convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007),
265 – 273.
367. Mellet, Antoine; Vovelle, Julien, Existence and regularity of extremal solutions for a
mean-curvature equation, J. Differential Equations 249 (2010), 37 – 75.
Citeaza: P. Mironescu, V. Rădulescu, The study of a bifurcation problem associated to an
asymptotically linear function, Nonlinear Anal. 26 (1996), 857 – 875.
368. Goncalves, J. V.; Silva, F. K., Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for
elliptic equations with a convection term, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 904 – 915.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Bifurcation for a class of singular elliptic problems
with quadratic convection term, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 338 (2004), 831 – 836.
369. Wang, Chengfu; Huang, Yisheng, Multiple solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic
problems with discontinuous nonlinearities and weights, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010),
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Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems with lack of compactness,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 185 (2006), 63 – 79.
370. Faria, Luiz F. O.; Miyagaki, Olmpio H.; Pereira, Fbio R., Existence results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems involving convection term and nonlinear Robin boundary
conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 368 (2010), 578 – 586.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), 467 – 475.
371. Chung, Nguyen Thanh, On the existence of weak solutions for a degenerate and singular
elliptic system in RN , Acta Appl. Math. 110 (2010), 47 – 56.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Ground state solutions of non-linear singular
Schrdinger equations with lack of compactness, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 26
(2003), 897 – 906.
372. Costin, O.; Dupaigne, L., Boundary blow-up solutions in the unit ball: asymptotics,
uniqueness and symmetry, J. Differential Equations 249 (2010), 931 – 964.
Citeaza: S. Dumont, L. Dupaigne, O. Goubet, V. Rădulescu, Back to the Keller-Osserman
condition for boundary blow-up solutions, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 7 (2007), 271 – 298.
373. Faria, Luiz F. O.; Miyagaki, Olmpio H.; Pereira, Fábio R., Existence results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems involving convection term and nonlinear Robin boundary
conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 368 (2010), 578 – 586.
Citeaza: R. Filippucci, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Existence and non-existence results for
quasilinear elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 33 (2008), 706 – 717.
374. Adamowicz, Tomasz; Hästö, Peter, Mappings of finite distortion and PDE with nonstandard growth, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2010, no. 10 (2010), 1940 – 1965.
Citeaza: R. Filippucci, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Existence and non-existence results for
quasilinear elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 33 (2008), 706 – 717.
375. Li, Huiling; Pang, Peter Y. H.; Wang, Mingxin, Boundary blow-up of a logistic-type
porous media equation in a multiply connected domain, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh
Sect. A 140 (2010), 101 – 117.
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of
Bieberbach-Rademacher type, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), 3275 – 3286.
376. Goncalves, J. V.; Silva, F. K., Existence and nonexistence of ground state solutions for
elliptic equations with a convection term, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 904 – 915.
Citeaza: L. Dupaigne, M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Lane-Emden-Fowler equations with
convection and singular potential, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 87 (2007), 563 – 581.
377. Shang, Xudong; Zhang, Jihui, Three solutions for a perturbed Dirichlet boundary value
problem involving the p-Laplacian, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 1417 – 1422.
Citeaza: M. Degiovanni, V. Rădulescu, Perturbations of nonsmooth symmetric nonlinear
eigenvalue problems, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 329 (1999), 281 – 286.
378. Montenegro, Marcelo; Suárez, Antonio, Existence of a positive solution for a singular
system, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 140 (2010), 435 – 447.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, On a class of singular Gierer-Meinhardt systems
arising in morphogenesis, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 344 (2007), 163 – 168.
379. Ji, Xiaohu; Bao, Jiguang, Necessary and sufficient conditions on solvability for Hessian
inequalities, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 175 – 188.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Existence and nonexistence of entire solutions to the
logistic differential equation, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2003, no. 17 (2003), 995 – 1003.
380. Amri, Amine; Seeger, Alberto, Spectral analysis of coupled linear complementarity problems, Linear Algebra Appl. 432, no. 10 (2010), 2507 – 2523.
Citeaza: M. Bocea, P. Panagiotopoulos, V. Rădulescu, A perturbation result for a double eigenvalue hemivariational inequality with constraints and applications, J. Global
Optim. 14 (1999), 137 – 156.
381. Faria, Luiz F. O.; Miyagaki, Olimpio H.; Pereira, Fábio R., Existence results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems involving convection term and nonlinear Robin boundary
conditions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 368 (2010), 578 – 586.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Neumann problems associated to nonhomogeneous
differential operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 58
(2008), 2087 – 2111.
382. Fragnelli, Genni, Positive periodic solutions for a system of anisotropic parabolic equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 367 (2010), 204 – 228.
Citeaza: A. Kristály, M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Two non-trivial solutions for a nonhomogeneous Neumann problem: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, Proc. Roy. Soc.
Edinburgh Sect. A 139 (2009), 367 – 379.
383. Fabbri, Isabella, Regularity for a fourth-order critical equation with gradient nonlinearity,
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 369 (2010), 179 – 187.
Citeaza: P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Remarks on a polyharmonic eigenvalue problem, C. R.
Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 348 (2010), 161 – 164.
384. Costea, Nicusor; Matei, Andaluzia, Weak solutions for nonlinear antiplane problems leading to hemivariational inequalities, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 3669 – 3680.
Citeaza: I. Ionescu, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear eigenvalue problems arising in earthquake
initiation, Adv. Differential Equations 8 (2003), 769 – 786.
385. Harjulehto, Petteri; Hästö, Peter; Le, Ut V.; Nuortio, Matti, Overview of differential
equations with non-standard growth, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 4551 – 4574.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, D. Repovs, On a non-homogeneous eigenvalue
problem involving a potential: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Pures Appl.
(9) 93 (2010), 132 – 148.
386. Amri, Amine; Seeger, Alberto, Spectral analysis of coupled linear complementarity problems, Linear Algebra Appl. 432 (2010), 2507 – 2523.
Citeaza: P. Panagiotopoulos, M. Bocea, V. Rădulescu, Inequality problems with nonlocally
Lipschitz energy functional: existence results and applications to nonsmooth mechanics,
Appl. Anal. 82 (2003), 561 – 574.
387. Costea, Nicusor; Matei, Andaluzia, Weak solutions for nonlinear antiplane problems leading to hemivariational inequalities, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010), 3669 – 3680.
Citeaza: N. Costea, V. Rădulescu, Existence results for hemivariational inequalities involving relaxed η − α monotone mappings, Commun. Appl. Anal. 13 (2009), 293 –
388. Amri, Amine; Seeger, Alberto, Spectral analysis of coupled linear complementarity problems, Linear Algebra Appl. 432 (2010), 2507 – 2523.
Citeaza: P. Panagiotopoulos, M. Bocea, V. Rădulescu, Double eigenvalue hemivariational
inequalities with non-locally Lipschitz energy functional, Comm. Appl. Nonlinear
Anal. 6 (1999), 17 – 29.
389. Rakotoson, Jean-Michel, Generalized eigenvalue problem for totally discontinuous operators, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 28 (2010), 343 – 373.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, G. Morosanu, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems in anisotropic
Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 347 (2009), 521 – 526.
390. Boureanu, Maria-Magdalena ; Preda, Felician Infinitely many solutions for elliptic problems with variable exponent and nonlinear boundary conditions. NoDEA Nonlinear
Differential Equations Appl. 19 (2012), no. 2, 235-251
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), no. 2073, 2625-2641.
391. Le, Vy Khoi On variational inequalities with maximal monotone operators and multivalued perturbing terms in Sobolev spaces with variable exponents. J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 388 (2012), no. 2, 695-715. (Reviewer: Claudia M. Gariboldi)
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), no. 2073, 2625-2641.
392. Qian, Chenyin; Shen, Zifei; Zhu, Junqiao Multiplicity results for a differential inclusion
problem with non-standard growth. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 386 (2012), no. 1, 364-377.
(Reviewer: Dimitrios A. Kandilakis)
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), no. 2073, 2625-2641.
393. Mi, Ling; Liu, Bin Second order expansion for blowup solutions of semilinear elliptic
problems. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 4, 2591-2613.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution of
logistic equations with absorbtion, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), no. 5,
394. Alarcon, Salomon; Garcia-Melian, Jorge; Quaas, Alexander Keller-Osserman type conditions for some elliptic problems with gradient terms. J. Differential Equations 252
(2012), no. 2, 886-914
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution of logistic equations with absorbtion, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), no. 5,
395. Gao, Wenjie; Guo, Bin Existence and asymptotic behaviour of solutions for a viscous
p(x)-Laplacian equation. Appl. Anal. 91 (2012), no. 5, 879-894.
Citeaza: M. Mihilescu, V. Rdulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
no. 9, 2929-2937.
396. Mashiyev, R. A.; Cekic, B.; Avci, M.; Yucedag, Z. Existence and multiplicity of weak
solutions for nonuniformly elliptic equations with nonstandard growth condition. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 57 (2012), no. 5, 579-595
Citeaza: M. Mihilescu, V. Rdulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
no. 9, 2929-2937.
397. Aouaoui, Sami On some degenerate quasilinear equations involving variable exponents.
Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012),no. 4, 1843-1858.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
no. 9, 2929-2937.
398. Fan, Xianling Differential equations of divergence form in Musielak-Sobolev spaces and
a sub-supersolution method. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 386 (2012), no. 2, 593-604. (Reviewer: Luigi Greco)
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
no. 9, 2929-2937.
399. Mohammed, Ahmed; Mohammed, Seid Boundary blow-up solutions to degenerate elliptic
equations with non-monotone inhomogeneous terms. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no.
6, 3249-3261.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V.Rdulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
400. Ghergu, Marius A biharmonic equation with singular nonlinearity. Proc. Edinb.
Math. Soc. (2) 55 (2012), no. 1, 155-166.(Reviewer: Guido Sweers)
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V.Rdulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
401. Dhanya, R.; Giacomoni, J.; Prashanth, S.; Saoudi, K. Global bifurcation and local multiplicity results for elliptic equations with singular nonlinearity of super exponential growth
in R2 . Adv. Differential Equations 17 (2012),no. 3-4, 369-400.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V.Rdulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
402. Bhattacharya, Tilak; Mohammed, Ahmed Inhomogeneous Dirichlet problems involving
the infinity-Laplacian. Adv. Differential Equations 17 (2012), no. 3-4, 225-266.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V.Rdulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
403. Hamydy, A.; Massar, M.; Tsouli, N. Blow-up solutions to a (p, q)-Laplacian system with
gradient term. Appl. Math. Lett. 25 (2012), no. 4, 745-751.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V.Rdulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2008.
404. Vetois, Jerome Strong maximum principles for anisotropic elliptic and parabolic equations. Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 12 (2012), no. 1, 101-114. (Reviewer: Yi Li)
Citeaza: M.Mihailescu; P. Pucci, V. Radulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent (English summary), J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 340 (2008), no. 1, 687-698.
405. Le, Vy Khoi On variational inequalities with maximal monotone operators and multivalued perturbing terms in Sobolev spaces with variable exponents. J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 388 (2012), no. 2, 695-715.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu; P. Pucci, V. Radulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent (English summary), J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 340 (2008), no. 1, 687-698.
406. Mohammed, Ahmed; Mohammed, Seid Boundary blow-up solutions to degenerate elliptic
equations with non-monotone inhomogeneous terms. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no.
6, 3249-3261.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Rdulescu, Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a
class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), no. 3, 559-586.
407. G. Bonanno A critical point theorem via the Ekeland variational principle. Nonlinear
Anal. 75 (2012), no. 5, 2992-3007. (Reviewer: Giuseppina Barletta)
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Radulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003.
408. Bonanno, Gabriele; Di Bella, Beatrice Fourth-order hemivariational inequalities. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S 5 (2012), no. 4, 729-739. (Reviewer: Siegfried Carl)
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Radulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003.
409. Costea, Nicusor; Matei, Andaluzia Contact models leading to variational-hemivariational
inequalities. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 386 (2012), no. 2, 647-660.
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Radulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003.
410. Garcia-Melian, Jorge; Sabina de Lis, Jose C. A boundary blow-up problem with a nonlocal
reaction. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 5, 2774-2792.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Asymptotics for the blow-up boundary solution of
the logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), no.
3, 231-236.
411. Alarcon, Salomon; Garcia-Melian, Jorge; Quaas, Alexander Keller-Osserman type conditions for some elliptic problems with gradient terms. J. Differential Equations 252
(2012), no. 2, 886-914.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Asymptotics for the blow-up boundary solution of
the logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), no.
3, 231-236.
412. Yin, Li; Guo, Yunrui; Zhi, Guizhen; Zhang, Qihu Existence of solutions for weighted
p(r)-Laplacian impulsive system mixed type boundary value problems. Bound. Value
Probl. 2011, 2011:42, 22 pp.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), no. 2, 157-167.
413. Zhang, Qihu Existence, nonexistence and asymptotic behavior of boundary blow-up solutions to p(x)-Laplacian problems with singular coefficient. Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011),
no. 6, 2045-2061.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), no. 2, 157-167.
414. Mi, Ling; Liu, Bin Second order expansion for blowup solutions of semilinear elliptic
problems. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 4, 2591-2613.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), no. 3-4, 275-298.
415. Niculescu, Constantin P.; Roventa, Ionel Generalized convexity and the existence of finite
time blow-up solutions for an evolutionary problem. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 1,
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), no. 3-4, 275-298.
416. Mi, Ling; Liu, Bin Second order expansion for blowup solutions of semilinear elliptic
problems. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 4, 2591-2613.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Blow-up boundary solutions of semilinear elliptic
problems, Nonlinear Anal. 48 (2002), no. 4, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 521-534.
417. Yang, Haitao; Chang, Yibin On the blow-up boundary solutions of the Monge-Ampre
equation with singular weights. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 11 (2012), no. 2,
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Blow-up boundary solutions of semilinear elliptic
problems, Nonlinear Anal. 48 (2002), no. 4, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 521-534.
418. Huang, Shuibo; Li, Wan-Tong; Tian, Qiaoyu; Mu, Chunlai Large solution to nonlinear
elliptic equation with nonlinear gradient terms. J. Differential Equations 251 (2011),
no. 12, 3297-3328.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Blow-up boundary solutions of semilinear elliptic
problems, Nonlinear Anal. 48 (2002), no. 4, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 521-534.
419. Boureanu, Maria-Magdalena Infinitely many solutions for a class of degenerate anisotropic
elliptic problems with variable exponent. Taiwanese J. Math. 15 (2011), no. 5, 22912310.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Radulescu, Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 345 (2007), no. 10,
420. Kone, Blaise; Ouaro, Stanislas Weak solutions for anisotropic discrete boundary value
problems. J. Difference Equ. Appl. 17 (2011), no. 10, 1537-1547.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Radulescu, Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 345 (2007), no. 10,
421. Le, Vy Khoi On variational inequalities with maximal monotone operators and multivalued perturbing terms in Sobolev spaces with variable exponents. J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 388 (2012), no. 2, 695-715. (Reviewer: Claudia M. Gariboldi)
Citeaza: A. Kristaly, V. Radulescu, C.G. Varga, Variational principles in mathematical
physics, geometry, and economics. Qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problems. With a foreword by Jean Mawhin, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and
its Applications, 136. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
422. Kristaly, Alexandru Bifurcations effects in sublinear elliptic problems on compact Riemannian manifolds. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 385 (2012), no. 1, 179-184.
Citeaza: A. Kristaly, V. Radulescu, C.G. Varga, Variational principles in mathematical
physics, geometry, and economics. Qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problems. With a foreword by Jean Mawhin, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and
its Applications, 136. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
423. Dhifli, Abdelwaheb; Zine El Abidine, Zagharide Asymptotic behavior of positive solutions
of a semilinear polyharmonic problem in the unit ball. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no.
2, 625-636.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistictype equations in anisotropic media, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), no.
2, 119-124.
424. Hamydy, A.; Massar, M.; Tsouli, N. Blow-up solutions to a (p, q)-Laplacian system with
gradient term. Appl. Math. Lett. 25 (2012), no. 4, 745-751.
Citeaza: F.C. Cirstea, V. Radulescu, Entire solutions blowing up at infinity for semilinear
elliptic systems, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 81 (2002), no. 9, 827-846.
425. Le, Vy Khoi On variational inequalities with maximal monotone operators and multivalued perturbing terms in Sobolev spaces with variable exponents. J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 388 (2012), no. 2, 695-715. (Reviewer: Claudia M. Gariboldi)
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Existence and multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear nonhomogeneous problems: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
330 (2007), no. 1, 416-432.
426. Fan, Xianling Differential equations of divergence form in Musielak-Sobolev spaces and a
sub-supersolution method. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 386 (2012), no. 2, 593-604.
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Existence and multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear nonhomogeneous problems: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
330 (2007), no. 1, 416-432.
427. Dhanya, R.; Giacomoni, J.; Prashanth, S.; Saoudi, K. Global bifurcation and local multiplicity results for elliptic equations with singular nonlinearity of super exponential growth
in R2 . Adv. Differential Equations 17 (2012), no. 3-4, 369-400.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Radulescu, Multi-parameter bifurcation and asymptotics for the
singular Lane-Emden-Fowler equation with a convection term, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 135 (2005), no. 1, 61-83.
428. Mohammed, Ahmed; Mohammed, Seid Boundary blow-up solutions to degenerate elliptic
equations with non-monotone inhomogeneous terms. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no.
6, 3249-3261.
Citeaza: S. Dumont, L. Dupaigne, O. Goubet, V. Radulescu, Back to the Keller-Osserman
condition for boundary blow-up solutions, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 7 (2007), no. 2, 271298.
429. Garcia-Melian, Jorge; Sabina de Lis, Jose C. A boundary blow-up problem with a nonlocal
reaction. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 5, 2774-2792
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430. Mi, Ling; Liu, Bin Second order expansion for blowup solutions of semilinear elliptic
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condition for boundary blow-up solutions, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 7 (2007), no. 2, 271298.
431. Alarcon, Salomon; Garca-Melian, Jorge; Quaas, Alexander Keller-Osserman type conditions for some elliptic problems with gradient terms. J. Differential Equations 252
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condition for boundary blow-up solutions, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 7 (2007), no. 2, 271298.
432. C. Niculescu; I. Roventa Generalized convexity and the existence of finite time blow-up
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condition for boundary blow-up solutions, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 7 (2007), no. 2, 271298.
433. Mohammed, Ahmed; Mohammed, Seid Boundary blow-up solutions to degenerate elliptic
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434. Huang, Shuibo; Li, Wan-Tong; Tian, Qiaoyu; Mu, Chunlai Large solution to nonlinear
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435. Alarcon, Salomon; Garcia-Melian, Jorge; Quaas, Alexander Keller-Osserman type conditions for some elliptic problems with gradient terms. J. Differential Equations 252
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Citeaza: M. Ghergu, C. Niculescu, V. Radulescu, Explosive solutions of elliptic equations
with absorption and non-linear gradient term, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.
112 (2002), no. 3, 441-451.
436. Hamydy, A.; Massar, M.; Tsouli, N. Blow-up solutions to a (p, q)-Laplacian system with
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Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Radulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), no. 3, 467-475.
437. Magliaro, Marco; Mari, Luciano; Mastrolia, Paolo; Rigoli, Marco Keller-Osserman type
conditions for differential inequalities with gradient terms on the Heisenberg group. J.
Differential Equations 250 (2011), no. 6, 2643-2670.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Radulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM. Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), no. 3, 467-475.
438. El-Hadi Miri, Sofiane Quasilinear elliptic problems with general growth and nonlinear
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Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Radulescu, Bifurcation and asymptotics for the Lane-EmdenFowler equation, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 337 (2003), no. 4, 259-264.
439. Bueno, H.; Ercole, G.; Zumpano, A.; Ferreira, W. M. Positive solutions for the p-Laplacian
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Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Radulescu, Ground state solutions for the singular Lane-EmdenFowler equation with sublinear convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007), no.
1, 265-273.
440. El-Hadi Miri, Sofiane Quasilinear elliptic problems with general growth and nonlinear
term having singular behavior. Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 12 (2012), no. 1, 19-48.
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1, 265-273.
441. Zhao, Leiga; Li, Anran; Su, Jiabao Existence and multiplicity results for quasilinear elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012),
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quasilinear elliptic exterior problems with nonlinear boundary conditions, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 33 (2008), no. 4-6, 706-717.
442. Aouaoui, Sami On some degenerate quasilinear equations involving variable exponents.
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443. Ma, Ruyun; Dai, Guowei; Gao, Chenghua Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions
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Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), no. 2073, 2625-2641.
444. Mashiyev, R. A.; Cekic, B.; Avci, M.; Yucedag, Z. Existence and multiplicity of weak
solutions for nonuniformly elliptic equations with nonstandard growth condition. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 57 (2012), no. 5, 579-595.
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), no. 2073, 2625-2641.
445. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Boundary blow-up rates of large solutions for elliptic equations with convection terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 30 – 43
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equations with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), pag. 447 – 452.
446. Kefi, Khaled p(x)-Laplacian with indefinite weight, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139
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447. Mashiyev, R. A.; Buhrii, O. M. Existence of solutions of the parabolic variational inequality with variable exponent of nonlinearity, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377 (2011), 450 –
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problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
448. Kefi, Khaled p(x)-Laplacian with indefinite weight, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139
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Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
pag. 2929 – 2937.
449. Benouhiba, Nawel On the eigenvalues of weighted p(x)-Laplacian on RN , Nonlinear
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450. Mashiyev, R. A.; Buhrii, O. M. Existence of solutions of the parabolic variational inequality with variable exponent of nonlinearity, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377 (2011), 450 –
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pag. 2929 – 2937.
451. Zhai, Chengbo; Anderson, Douglas R. A sum operator equation and applications to
nonlinear elastic beam equations and Lane-Emden-Fowler equations, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 375 (2011), 388 – 400
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
452. Filippucci, Roberta Nonexistence of nonnegative solutions of elliptic systems of divergence
type, J. Differential Equations 250 (2011), 572 – 595
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analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
453. Maagli, Habib Asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of a semilinear Dirichlet problem,
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Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
454. Ren, Xiaofeng; Wei, Juncheng A toroidal tube solution to a problem involving mean
curvature and Newtonian potential, Interfaces Free Bound. 13 (2011), 127 – 154
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
455. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Boundary blow-up rates of large solutions for elliptic equations with convection terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 30 – 43
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class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), pag. 559 – 586.
456. Adamowicz, Tomasz; Hästö, Peter Harnack’s inequality and the strong p(·)-Laplacian, J.
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quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
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457. Vétois, Jérôme: The blow-up of critical anisotropic equations with critical directions,
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quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
458. Costea, Nicusor Existence and uniqueness results for a class of quasi-hemivariational inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 305 – 315
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003), pag. xii+375.
459. Winkert, Patrick Multiple solution results for elliptic Neumann problems involving setvalued nonlinearities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377 (2011), 121 – 134
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003), pag. xii+375.
460. Le, Vy Khoi Variational inequalities with general multivalued lower order terms given by
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Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003), pag. xii+375.
461. Lisei, Hannelore; Molnar, Andrea Eva; Varga, Csaba On a class of inequality problems
with lack of compactness, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 741 – 748
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003), pag. xii+375.
462. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Boundary blow-up rates of large solutions for elliptic equations with convection terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 30 – 43
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Asymptotics for the blow-up boundary solution of the
logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), pag. 231
– 236.
463. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Second order estimates for large solutions of elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), 2031 – 2044
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logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), pag. 231
– 236.
464. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua A second-order estimate for
blow-up solutions of elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), 2342 – 2350
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Asymptotics for the blow-up boundary solution of the
logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), pag. 231
– 236.
465. Mihailescu, Mihai An eigenvalue problem possessing a continuous family of eigenvalues
plus an isolated eigenvalue, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 10 (2011), 701 – 708
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), pag. 157 – 167.
466. Zhang, Qihu Existence, nonexistence and asymptotic behavior of boundary blow-up solutions to p(x)-Laplacian problems with singular coefficient, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011),
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Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), pag. 157 – 167.
467. Loc, Nguyen Hoang; Schmitt, Klaus Boundary value problems for singular elliptic equations, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 41 (2011), 555 – 572
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Sublinear singular elliptic problems with two parameters, J. Differential Equations 195 (2003), pag. 520 – 536.
468. Zhai, Chengbo; Anderson, Douglas R. A sum operator equation and applications to
nonlinear elastic beam equations and Lane-Emden-Fowler equations, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 375 (2011), 388 – 400
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Sublinear singular elliptic problems with two parameters, J. Differential Equations 195 (2003), pag. 520 – 536.
469. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Boundary blow-up rates of large solutions for elliptic equations with convection terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 30 – 43
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), pag. 275 –
470. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Second order estimates for large solutions of elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), 2031 – 2044
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), pag. 275 –
471. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua A second-order estimate for
blow-up solutions of elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), 2342 – 2350
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), pag. 275 –
472. Lisei, Hannelore; Molnar, Andrea Eva; Varga, Csaba On a class of inequality problems
with lack of compactness, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 741 – 748
Citeaza: F. Gazzola, V. Rădulescu, A nonsmooth critical point theory approach to some
nonlinear elliptic equations in Rn , Differential Integral Equations 13 (2000), pag. 47
– 60.
473. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Boundary blow-up rates of large solutions for elliptic equations with convection terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 30 – 43
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistic-type
equations in anisotropic media, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), pag. 119
– 124.
474. Maagli, Habib Asymptotic behavior of positive solutions of a semilinear Dirichlet problem,
Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), 2941 – 2947
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistic-type
equations in anisotropic media, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), pag. 119
– 124.
475. Precup, Radu Two positive nontrivial solutions for a class of semilinear elliptic variational
systems, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 138 – 146
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), pag. 467 – 475.
476. Filippucci, Roberta Nonexistence of nonnegative solutions of elliptic systems of divergence
type, J. Differential Equations 250 (2011), 572 – 595
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), pag. 467 – 475.
477. Magliaro, Marco; Mari, Luciano; Mastrolia, Paolo; Rigoli, Marco Keller-Osserman type
conditions for differential inequalities with gradient terms on the Heisenberg group, J.
Differential Equations 250 (2011), 2643 – 2670
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), pag. 467 – 475.
478. Kefi, Khaled p(x)-Laplacian with indefinite weight, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 139
(2011), 4351 – 4360
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Existence and multiplicity of solutions for quasilinear nonhomogeneous problems: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
330 (2007), pag. 416 – 432.
479. Hamydy, A.; Massar, M.; Tsouli, N. Existence of blow-up solutions for a non-linear
equation with gradient term in RN , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377 (2011), 161 – 169
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, C. Niculescu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of elliptic equations
with absorption and non-linear gradient term, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.
112 (2002), pag. 441 – 451.
480. Magliaro, Marco; Mari, Luciano; Mastrolia, Paolo; Rigoli, Marco Keller-Osserman type
conditions for differential inequalities with gradient terms on the Heisenberg group, J.
Differential Equations 250 (2011), 2643 – 2670
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, C. Niculescu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of elliptic equations
with absorption and non-linear gradient term, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.
112 (2002), pag. 441 – 451.
481. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Boundary blow-up rates of large solutions for elliptic equations with convection terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 30– 43
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of
Bieberbach–Rademacher type, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), pag. 3275 –
482. Zhai, Chengbo; Anderson, Douglas R. A sum operator equation and applications to
nonlinear elastic beam equations and Lane-Emden-Fowler equations, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 375 (2011), 388– 400
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Ground state solutions for the singular Lane-EmdenFowler equation with sublinear convection term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 333 (2007),
pag. 265 – 273.
483. Lisei, Hannelore; Molnar, Andrea Eva; Varga, Csaba On a class of inequality problems
with lack of compactness, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 741– 748
Citeaza: P. Panagiotopoulos, M. Fundo, V. Rădulescu, Existence theorems of Hartman–
Stampacchia type for hemivariational inequalities and applications, J. Global Optim.
15 (1999), pag. 41 – 54.
484. Costea, Nicusor Existence and uniqueness results for a class of quasi-hemivariational
inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 305– 315
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Stampacchia type for hemivariational inequalities and applications, J. Global Optim.
15 (1999), pag. 41 – 54.
485. Zhai, Chengbo; Anderson, Douglas R. A sum operator equation and applications to
nonlinear elastic beam equations and Lane-Emden-Fowler equations, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 375 (2011), pag. 388 – 400
Citeaza: L. Dupaigne, M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Lane-Emden-Fowler equations with
convection and singular potential, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 87 (2007), pag. 563 –
486. Xu, Zhonghai; Zheng, Jia Shan; Feng, Zhenguo Existence and regularity of nonnegative
solution of a singular quasi-linear anisotropic elliptic boundary value problem with gradient terms, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), pag. 739 – 756
Citeaza: L. Dupaigne, M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Lane-Emden-Fowler equations with
convection and singular potential, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 87 (2007), pag. 563 –
487. Cobzas, S. Completeness in quasi-metric spaces and Ekeland Variational Principle, Topology Appl. 158 (2011), pag. 1073 – 1084
Citeaza: A. Kristály, V. Rădulescu, C. Varga, Variational principles in mathematical
physics, geometry, and economics. Qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 136. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
488. Aizicovici, Sergiu; Papageorgiou, Nikolaos S.; Staicu, Vasile Nonlinear resonant periodic
problems with concave terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 375 (2011), pag. 342 – 364
Citeaza: A. Kristály, V. Rădulescu, C. Varga, Variational principles in mathematical
physics, geometry, and economics. Qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 136. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
489. Candito, Pasquale; D’Agui, Giuseppina Three solutions to a perturbed nonlinear discrete
Dirichlet problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 375 (2011), pag. 594 – 601
Citeaza: A. Kristály, V. Rădulescu, C. Varga, Variational principles in mathematical
physics, geometry, and economics. Qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 136. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
490. Zhai, Chengbo; Anderson, Douglas R. A sum operator equation and applications to
nonlinear elastic beam equations and Lane-Emden-Fowler equations, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 375 (2011), pag. 388 – 400
Citeaza: A. Kristály, V. Rădulescu, C. Varga, Variational principles in mathematical
physics, geometry, and economics. Qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 136. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
491. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu Boundary blow-up rates of large solutions for elliptic equations with convection terms, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), 30 – 43
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Nonradial blow-up solutions of sublinear elliptic equations with gradient term, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 3 (2004), pag. 465 – 474.
492. Hamydy, A.; Massar, M.; Tsouli, N. Existence of blow-up solutions for a non-linear equation with gradient term in RN , J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377 (2011), 161 – 169
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Nonradial blow-up solutions of sublinear elliptic equations with gradient term, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 3 (2004), pag. 465 – 474.
493. Magliaro, Marco; Mari, Luciano; Mastrolia, Paolo; Rigoli, Marco Keller-Osserman type
conditions for differential inequalities with gradient terms on the Heisenberg group, J.
Differential Equations 250 (2011), 2643 – 2670
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Nonradial blow-up solutions of sublinear elliptic equations with gradient term, Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 3 (2004), pag. 465 – 474.
494. Costea, Nicusor Existence and uniqueness results for a class of quasi-hemivariational
inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), pag. 305 – 315
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Existence results for inequality problems with lack
of convexity, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 21 (2000), pag. 869 – 884.
495. Jia, Huilian; Li, Dongsheng; Wang, Lihe Global regularity for divergence form elliptic
equations in Orlicz spaces on quasiconvex domains, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), 1336
– 1344
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, A continuous spectrum for nonhomogeneous differential operators in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, Math. Scand. 104 (2009), pag. 132 –
496. Vétois, Jérôme Existence and regularity for critical anisotropic equations with critical
directions, Adv. Differential Equations 16 (2011), 61 – 83
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, S. Tersian, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
discrete boundary value problems, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 15 (2009), pag. 557 –
497. Candito, Pasquale; D’Agui, Giuseppina Three solutions to a perturbed nonlinear discrete
Dirichlet problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 375 (2011), 594 – 601
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, S. Tersian, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
discrete boundary value problems, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 15 (2009), pag. 557 –
498. Costea, Nicusor Existence and uniqueness results for a class of quasi-hemivariational inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), pag. 305 – 315
Citeaza: N. Costea, V. Rădulescu, Existence results for hemivariational inequalities involving relaxed η − α monotone mappings, Commun. Appl. Anal. 13 (2009), pag.
293 – 303.
499. Ren, Xiaofeng; Wei, Juncheng A toroidal tube solution to a problem involving mean
curvature and Newtonian potential, Interfaces Free Bound. 13 (2011), pag. 127 – 154
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, A singular Gierer-Meinhardt system with different
source terms, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 138 (2008), pag. 1215 – 1234.
500. Jia, Huilian; Li, Dongsheng; Wang, Lihe Global regularity for divergence form elliptic
equations in Orlicz spaces on quasiconvex domains, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), pag.
1336 – 1344
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, D. Repovs, On a non-homogeneous eigenvalue
problem involving a potential: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Pures Appl.
(9) 93 (2010), pag. 132 – 148.
501. Mashiyev, R. A.; Buhrii, O. M. Existence of solutions of the parabolic variational inequality with variable exponent of nonlinearity, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 377 (2011), pag.
450 – 463
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, D. Repovs, On a non-homogeneous eigenvalue
problem involving a potential: an Orlicz-Sobolev space setting, J. Math. Pures Appl.
(9) 93 (2010), pag. 132 – 148.
502. Xu, Zhong, Zheng, Jia Shan, Feng, Zhenguo: Existence and regularity of nonnegative solution of a singular quasi-linear anisotropic elliptic boundary value problem with gradient
terms, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), pag. 739 – 756
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Existence implies uniqueness for a class of singular
anisotropic elliptic boundary value problems, Math. Methods Appl. Sci. 24 (2001),
pag. 771 – 779.
503. Costea, Nicusor: Existence and uniqueness results for a class of quasi-hemivariational
inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 373 (2011), pag. 305 – 315
Citeaza: N. Costea, V. Rădulescu, Hartman-Stampacchia results for stably pseudomonotone operators and non-linear hemivariational inequalities, Appl. Anal. 89 (2010), pag.
175 – 188.
504. Lisei, Hanelore, Molnar, Andrea Eva, Varga, Csaba: On a class of inequality problems
with lack of compactness, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), pag. 741 – 748
Citeaza: V. Rădulescu, D. Repovs, Existence results for variational-hemivariational problems with lack of convexity, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), pag. 99 – 104.
505. Zhang, Zhijun, Boundary behavior of large solutions to semilinear elliptic equations with
nonlinear gradient terms, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3348 – 3363
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution of logistic
equations with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), pag. 447 – 452.
506. Feng, Huabing; Zhong, Chengkui, Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate
logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3472
– 3478
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution of logistic
equations with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), pag. 447 – 452.
507. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua; Fan, Zheng-en The exact
blow-up rates of large solutions for semilinear elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73
(2010), 3489 – 3501
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution of logistic
equations with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), pag. 447 – 452.
508. Xiang, Ni Boundary asymptotical behavior of large solutions to complex Hessian equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3940 – 3946
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Uniqueness of the blow-up boundary solution of logistic
equations with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 335 (2002), pag. 447 – 452.
509. Stancu-Dumitru, Denisa Multiplicity of solutions for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponents, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 17 (2010), 875
– 889
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
510. Bocea, Marian; Mihailescu, Mihai; Popovici, Cristina On the asymptotic behavior of
variable exponent power-law functionals and applications, Ric. Mat. 59 (2010), 207 –
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
511. Zhang, Xia; Fu, Yongqiang Bifurcation results for a class of p(x)-Laplacian equations,
Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3641 – 3650
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
512. Alves, Claudianor O.; Liu, Shibo On superlinear p(x)-Laplacian equations in RN , Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 2566 – 2579
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
513. Mihailescu, Mihai; Morosanu, Gheorghe On an eigenvalue problem for an anisotropic
elliptic equation involving variable exponents, Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), 517 – 527
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
514. Fan, Xianling Positive solutions to p(x)-LaplacianDirichlet problems with sign-changing
non-linearities, Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), 505 – 516
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, A multiplicity result for a nonlinear degenerate
problem arising in the theory of electrorheological fluids, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A
Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 462 (2006), pag. 2625 – 2641.
515. Mashiyev, Rabil A.; Ogras, Sezai; Yucedag, Zehra; Avci, Mustafa The Nehari manifold
approach for Dirichlet problem involving the p(x)-Laplacian equation, J. Korean Math.
Soc. 47 (2010), 845 – 860
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
pag. 2929 – 2937.
516. Fan, Xianling Positive solutions to p(x)-LaplacianDirichlet problems with sign-changing
non-linearities, Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), 505 – 516
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
pag. 2929 – 2937.
517. Mihailescu, Mihai; Morosanu, Gheorghe On an eigenvalue problem for an anisotropic elliptic equation involving variable exponents, Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), 517 – 527
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
pag. 2929 – 2937.
518. Stancu-Dumitru, Denisa Multiplicity of solutions for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponents, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 17 (2010), 875
– 889
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, On a nonhomogeneous quasilinear eigenvalue problem in Sobolev spaces with variable exponent, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007),
pag. 2929 – 2937.
519. Zhang, Xinguang; Liu, Lishan The existence and nonexistence of entire positive solutions
of semilinear elliptic systems with gradient term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010),
300 – 308
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
520. Ben Dkhil, A.; Zeddini, N. Existence of positive solutions for some nonlinear parabolic
systems in exteriors domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010), 363 – 371
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
521. Zhang, Zhijun Boundary behavior of large solutions to semilinear elliptic equations with
nonlinear gradient terms, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3348 – 3363
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
522. Hamydy, Ahmed Existence and uniqueness of nonnegative solutions for a boundary blowup problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010), 534 – 545
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
523. Feng, Huabing; Zhong, Chengkui Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3472
– 3478
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
524. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua; Fan, Zheng-en The exact
blow-up rates of large solutions for semilinear elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73
(2010), 3489 – 3501
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
525. Agarwal, Ravi P.; Ghaemi, M. B.; Saiedinezhad, S. The Nehari manifold for the degenerate p-Laplacian quasilinear elliptic equations, Adv. Math. Sci. Appl. 20 (2010), 37
– 50
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
526. Ma, Ruyun; Li, Jiemei Existence of positive solutions of a singular nonlinear boundary
value problem, Bound. Value Probl. 2010, Art. ID 458015 (2010), 16 pp.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
527. Stancu-Dumitru, Denisa Multiplicity of solutions for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponents, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 17 (2010), 875
– 889
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems: bifurcation and asymptotic
analysis, Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 37. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, Oxford (2008), pag. xvi+298.
528. Gontara, Sabrine; Maagli, Habib; Masmoudi, Syrine; Turki, Sameh Asymptotic behavior
of positive solutions of a singular nonlinear Dirichlet problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
369 (2010), 719 – 729
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a
class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), pag. 559 – 586.
529. Zhang, Zhijun Boundary behavior of large solutions to semilinear elliptic equations with
nonlinear gradient terms, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3348 – 3363
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a
class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), pag. 559 – 586.
530. Feng, Huabing; Zhong, Chengkui Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3472
– 3478
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a
class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), pag. 559 – 586.
531. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua; Fan, Zheng-en The exact
blow-up rates of large solutions for semilinear elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73
(2010), 3489 – 3501
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a
class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), pag. 559 – 586.
532. Xiang, Ni Boundary asymptotical behavior of large solutions to complex Hessian equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3940 – 3946
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Existence and uniqueness of blow-up solutions for a
class of logistic equations, Commun. Contemp. Math. 4 (2002), pag. 559 – 586.
533. Mihailescu, Mihai; Morosanu, Gheorghe On an eigenvalue problem for an anisotropic
elliptic equation involving variable exponents, Glasg. Math. J. (2010), 517 – 527
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
534. Fan, Xianling On nonlocal p(x)-Laplacian equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3364
– 3375
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
535. Fan, Xianling Local boundedness of quasi-minimizers of integral functions with variable
exponent anisotropic growth and applications, NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 17 (2010), 619 – 637
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
536. Bocea, Marian; Mihailescu, Mihai; Popovici, Cristina On the asymptotic behavior of
variable exponent power-law functionals and applications, Ric. Mat. 59 (2010), 207–
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
537. Stancu-Dumitru, Denisa Multiplicity of solutions for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponents, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 17 (2010),
875– 889
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
538. Namlyeyeva, Yu. V.; Shishkov, A. E.; Skrypnik, I. I. Removable isolated singularities for
solutions of doubly nonlinear anisotropic parabolic equations, Appl. Anal. 89 (2010),
1559 – 1574
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Eigenvalue problems for anisotropic
quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponent, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), pag. 687 – 698.
539. Carl, Siegfried; Motreanu, Dumitru Multiple and sign-changing solutions for the multivalued p-Laplacian equation, Math. Nachr. 283 (2010), 965 – 981
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003), pag. xii+375.
540. Bonanno, Gabriele; Buccellato, Stefania Maria Two point boundary value problems for
the Sturm-Liouville equation with highly discontinuous nonlinearities, Taiwanese J.
Math. 14 (2010), 2059 – 2072
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003), pag. xii+375.
541. D’Agui, Giuseppina; Molica Bisci, Giovanni Infinitely many solutions for perturbed hemivariational inequalities, Bound. Value Probl. 2010, Art. ID 363518 (2010), 19 pag.
Citeaza: D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Variational and non-variational methods in nonlinear analysis and boundary value problems, Nonconvex Optimization and its Applications, 67. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2003), pag. xii+375.
542. Feng, Huabing; Zhong, Chengkui Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3472
– 3478
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Asymptotics for the blow-up boundary solution of the
logistic equation with absorption, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336 (2003), pag. 231
– 236.
543. Mihailescu, Mihai; Morosanu, Gheorghe On an eigenvalue problem for an anisotropic elliptic equation involving variable exponents, Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), 517 – 527
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), pag. 157 – 167.
544. Fan, Xianling Positive solutions to p(x)-LaplacianDirichlet problems with sign-changing
non-linearities, Glasg. Math. J. 52 (2010), 505 – 516
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), pag. 157 – 167.
545. Zhang, Qihu; Guo, Yunrui; Chen, Guangxia Existence and multiple solutions for a variable exponent system, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3788 – 3804
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), pag. 157 – 167.
546. Stancu-Dumitru, Denisa Multiplicity of solutions for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponents, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 17 (2010), 875
– 889
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, V. Rădulescu, Continuous spectrum for a class of nonhomogeneous differential operators, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), pag. 157 – 167.
547. Zhang, Peng; Liao, Jia-Feng Existence and nonexistence results for classes of singular
elliptic problem, Abstr. Appl. Anal. 2010, Art. ID 435083 (2010), 10pp.
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Sublinear singular elliptic problems with two parameters, J. Differential Equations 195 (2003), pag. 520 – 536.
548. Peterson, Jesse; Smith, David; Wood, Aihua W. Large solutions of coupled sublinear/superlinear elliptic equations, Appl. Anal. 89 (2010), 905 – 914
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Blow-up boundary solutions of semilinear elliptic problems, Nonlinear Anal. 48 (2002), pag. 521 – 534.
549. Feng, Huabing; Zhong, Chengkui Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3471
– 3478
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Blow-up boundary solutions of semilinear elliptic problems, Nonlinear Anal. 48 (2002), pag. 521 – 534.
550. Goncalves, J. V. A.; Zhou, Jiazheng Remarks on existence of large solutions for pLaplacian equations with strongly nonlinear terms satisfying the Keller-Osserman condition, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 10 (2010), 757 – 769
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Blow-up boundary solutions of semilinear elliptic problems, Nonlinear Anal. 48 (2002), pag. 521 – 534.
551. Miao, Qing; Yang, Zuodong Boundary blow-up solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic
equations, Appl. Anal. 89 (2010), 1893 – 1905
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Blow-up boundary solutions of semilinear elliptic problems, Nonlinear Anal. 48 (2002), pag. 521 – 534.
552. Feng, Huabing; Zhong, Chengkui Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3472
– 3478
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), pag. 275 –
553. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua; Fan, Zheng-en The exact
blow-up rates of large solutions for semilinear elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73
(2010), 3489 – 3501
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), pag. 275 –
554. Xiang, Ni Boundary asymptotical behavior of large solutions to complex Hessian equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3940 – 3946
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Nonlinear problems with boundary blow-up: a Karamata regular variation theory approach, Asymptot. Anal. 46 (2006), pag. 275 –
555. Fan, Xianling On nonlocal p(x)-Laplacian equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3363
– 3375
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 345 (2007), pag.
561 – 566.
556. Fan, Xianling Local boundedness of quasi-minimizers of integral functions with variable
exponent anisotropic growth and applications, NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl. 17 (2010), 619 – 637
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 345 (2007), pag.
561 – 566.
557. Stancu-Dumitru, Denisa Multiplicity of solutions for anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations with variable exponents, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 17 (2010), 875
– 889
Citeaza: M. Mihailescu, P. Pucci, V. Rădulescu, Nonhomogeneous boundary value problems in anisotropic Sobolev spaces, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 345 (2007), pag.
561 – 566.
558. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua; Fan, Zheng-en The exact
blow-up rates of large solutions for semilinear elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73
(2010), 3489 – 3501
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Extremal singular solutions for degenerate logistic-type
equations in anisotropic media, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 339 (2004), pag. 119
– 124.
559. Loc, Nguyen Hoang; Schmitt, Klaus Boundary value problems for singular elliptic equations, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 41 (2011), 555 – 572
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Combined effects of asymptotically linear
and singular nonlinearities in bifurcation problems of Lane-Emden-Fowler type, J. Math.
Pures Appl. (9) 84 (2005), pag. 493 – 508.
560. Kristály, Alexandru; Morosanu, Gheorghe, New competition phenomena in Dirichlet
problems, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 94 (2010), 555 – 570
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Combined effects of asymptotically linear
and singular nonlinearities in bifurcation problems of Lane-Emden-Fowler type, J. Math.
Pures Appl. (9) 84 (2005), pag. 493 – 508.
561. Zhang, Xinguang; Liu, Lishan The existence and nonexistence of entire positive solutions
of semilinear elliptic systems with gradient term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010),
300 – 308
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Entire solutions blowing up at infinity for semilinear
elliptic systems, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 81 (2002), pag. 827 – 846.
562. Ben Dkhil, A.; Zeddini, N. Existence of positive solutions for some nonlinear parabolic
systems in exteriors domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010), 363 – 371
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Entire solutions blowing up at infinity for semilinear
elliptic systems, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 81 (2002), pag. 827 – 846.
563. Miao, Qing; Yang, Zuodong Boundary blow-up solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic
equations, Appl. Anal. 89 (2010), 1893 – 1905
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Solutions with boundary blow-up for a class of nonlinear elliptic problems, Houston J. Math. 29 (2003), pag. 821 – 829.
564. Ben Dkhil, A.; Zeddini, N. Existence of positive solutions for some nonlinear parabolic
systems in exteriors domains, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010), 363 – 371
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), pag. 467 – 475.
565. Hamydy, Ahmed Existence and uniqueness of nonnegative solutions for a boundary blowup problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010), 534 – 545
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of semilinear elliptic systems with
gradient term, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fs. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
97 (2003), pag. 467 – 475.
566. Chen, Caisheng; Wang, Zhenqi; Wang, Fengping Existence and nonexistence of positive
solutions for singular p-Laplacian equation in RN , Bound. Value Probl. 2010, Art.
ID 607453 (2010), 17 pp.
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, D. Motreanu, V. Rădulescu, Weak solutions of quasilinear problems
with nonlinear boundary condition, Nonlinear Anal. 43 (2001), pag. 623 – 636.
567. Zhang, Xinguang; Liu, Lishan The existence and nonexistence of entire positive solutions
of semilinear elliptic systems with gradient term, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 371 (2010),
300 – 308
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, C. Niculescu, V. Rădulescu, Explosive solutions of elliptic equations
with absorption and non-linear gradient term, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci.
112 (2002), pag. 441 – 451.
568. Feng, Huabing; Zhong, Chengkui Boundary behavior of solutions for the degenerate logistic type elliptic problem with boundary blow-up, Nonlinear Anal. 73 (2010), 3472
– 3478
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of
Bieberbach–Rademacher type, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), pag. 3275 –
569. Huang, Shuibo; Tian, Qiaoyu; Zhang, Shengzhi; Xi, Jinhua; Fan, Zheng-en The exact
blow-up rates of large solutions for semilinear elliptic equations, Nonlinear Anal. 73
(2010), 3489 – 3501
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of
Bieberbach–Rademacher type, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), pag. 3275 –
570. Goncalves, J. V. A.; Zhou, Jiazheng Remarks on existence of large solutions for pLaplacian equations with strongly nonlinear terms satisfying the Keller-Osserman condition, Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 10 (2010), 757 – 769
Citeaza: F. Cirstea, V. Rădulescu, Boundary blow-up in nonlinear elliptic equations of
Bieberbach–Rademacher type, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359 (2007), pag. 3275 –
571. Wang, Chengfu; Huang, Yisheng Multiple solutions for a class of quasilinear elliptic
problems with discontinuous nonlinearities and weights, Nonlinear Anal. 72 (2010),
4076 – 4081
Citeaza: M. Ghergu, V. Rădulescu, Singular elliptic problems with lack of compactness,
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4) 185 (2006), pag. 63 – 79.
572. Ma, Ruyun; Li, Jiemei Existence of positive solutions of a singular nonlinear boundary
value problem, Bound. Value Probl. 2010, Art. ID 458015 (2010), 16pp.
Citeaza: A. Kristály, V. Rădulescu, C. Varga, Variational principles in mathematical
physics, geometry, and economics. Qualitative analysis of nonlinear equations and unilateral problems, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, 136. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.
573. Zhang, Zhijun Boundary behavior of large solutions to semilinear elliptic equations with
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581. D’Agui, Giuseppina; Molica Bisci, Giovanni Infinitely many solutions for perturbed hemivariational inequalities, Bound. Value Probl. 2010, Art. ID 363518 (2010), 19 pp.
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223 – 255.
587. H. Kasuya, Vaisman metrics on solvmanifolds and Oeljeklaus-Toma manifolds, acceptat
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588. Moroianu, Andrei; Semmelmann, Uwe , Invariant four-forms and symmetric pairs , acceptat de Ann. Global Anal. Geom. (doi:10.1007/s10455-012-9336-y); FI = 0.714
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acceptat la J. London Math. Soc., in tipar; arXiv:1110.4260.
589. N. Diamantis şi D. Goldfeld, A converse theorem for double Dirichlet series, Amer. J.
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590. Q. Zhang, On the fourth moment of the Riemann zeta function, IMRN, no. 20 (2011),
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of zeta and L–functions, Compos. Math. 139 (2003), pag. 297–360.
591. V. Blomer, Subconvexity for a double Dirichlet series, Compos. Math. 147 (2011),
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of zeta and L–functions, Compos. Math. 139 (2003), pag. 297–360.
593. Anton Deitmar şi Nikolaos Diamantis, A new multiple Dirichlet series induced by a higherorder form, Acta Arith. 142, no. 4 (2010), pag. 303–309; FI = 0.496
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of zeta and L–functions, Compos. Math. 139 (2003), pag. 297–360.
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of zeta and L–functions, Compos. Math. 139 (2003), pag. 297–360.
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of zeta and L–functions, Compos. Math. 139 (2003), pag. 297–360.
596. Stephan Baier şi Matthew P. Young, Mean values with cubic characters, J. Number
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597. Stephan Baier şi Matthew P. Young, Mean values with cubic characters, J. Number
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Math. (2) 162, no. 3 (2005), pag. 1353–1376.
598. Q. Sun, On determination of GL3 cusp forms, Acta Arith. 151, no. 1 (2012), pag.
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L–values, Int. Math. Res. Not., no. 48 (2005), pag. 2941–2967.
599. Y. Zhang, Determining modular forms of general level by central values of convolution
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L–values, Int. Math. Res. Not., no. 48 (2005), pag. 2941–2967.
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L–values, Int. Math. Res. Not., no. 48 (2005), pag. 2941–2967.
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L–values, Int. Math. Res. Not., no. 48 (2005), pag. 2941–2967.
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L–values, Int. Math. Res. Not., no. 48 (2005), pag. 2941–2967.
603. Q. Zhang, On the fourth moment of the Riemann zeta function, IMRN, no. 20 (2011),
pag. 4649–4665; FI = 1.014
Citeaza: A. Diaconu şi D. Goldfeld, Second moments of quadratic Hecke L–series and
multiple Dirichlet series I, Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and
Analytic Number Theory, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 75, Amer. Math.
Soc., 2006, pag. 59–89.
604. Anton Deitmar şi Nikolaos Diamantis, A new multiple Dirichlet series induced by a higherorder form, Acta Arith. 142, no. 4 (2010), pag. 303–309; FI = 0.496
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multiple Dirichlet series I, Multiple Dirichlet Series, Automorphic Forms, and
Analytic Number Theory, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 75, Amer. Math.
Soc., 2006, pag. 59–89.
605. Q. Zhang, On the fourth moment of the Riemann zeta function, IMRN, no. 20 (2011),
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606. Q. Zhang, On the fourth moment of the Riemann zeta function, IMRN, no. 20 (2011),
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Citeaza: A. Diaconu şi P. Garrett, Integral moments of automorphic L–functions, J. Inst.
Math. Jussieu 8, no. 2 (2009), pag. 335–382.
607. A. R. Booker şi M. Krishnamurthy, A strengthening of the GL(2) converse theorem,
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Citeaza: A. Diaconu şi P. Garrett, Integral moments of automorphic L–functions, J. Inst.
Math. Jussieu 8, no. 2 (2009), pag. 335–382.
608. Q. Zhang, On the fourth moment of the Riemann zeta function, IMRN, no. 20 (2011),
pag. 4649–4665; FI = 1.014
Citeaza: A. Diaconu şi P. Garrett, Subconvexity bounds for automorphic L–functions, J.
Inst. Math. Jussieu 9, no. 1 (2010), pag. 95–124.
609. H. Kim, Second moments of holomorphic Hilbert modular forms and subconvexity, Acta
Arith. 146, no. 4 (2011), pag. 319–333; FI = 0.435
Citeaza: A. Diaconu şi P. Garrett, Subconvexity bounds for automorphic L–functions, J.
Inst. Math. Jussieu 9, no. 1 (2010), pag. 95–124.
610. Philippe Michel şi Akshay Venkatesh, The subconvexity problem for GL2 , Publ. Math.
Inst. Hautes Études Sci. No. 111 (2010), pag. 171–271; FI = 2.5
Citeaza: A. Diaconu şi P. Garrett, Subconvexity bounds for automorphic L–functions, J.
Inst. Math. Jussieu 9, no. 1 (2010), pag. 95–124.
611. Helemskii, A. Ya., Extreme flatness of normed modules and Arveson-Wittstock type theorems, J. Operator Theory 64 (2010), no. 1, 171-188.
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612. Wittstock, Gerd, Injectivity of the module tensor product of semi-Ruan modules, J. Operator Theory 65 (2011), no. 1, 87–113.
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infinite C ∗ -algebras, Journal of Operator Theory 47 (2002), no. 2, 389–412.
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615. Conrad, Florian; Grothaus, Martin, N/V-limit for Langevin dynamics in continuum,
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616. Conrad, Florian; Grothaus, Martin, Construction, ergodicity and rate of convergence of
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617. Pantiruc Marian, H-cones of excessive measures on a locally compact semigroup Positivity, 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s11117-012-0205-5), FI=0,368
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619. Pantiruc Marian, H-cones of excessive measures on a locally compact semigroup, Positivity, 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s11117-012-0205-5), FI=0,368
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theorem on balayages, quasi-continuity Classical and Modern Potential Theory and
Applications, NATO ASI Series C 430 Kluwer (1994), p. 77-92.
620. Pantiruc Marian, H-cones of excessive measures on a locally compact semigroup, Positivity, 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s11117-012-0205-5), FI=0,368
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621. Pantiruc Marian, H-cones of excessive measures on a locally compact semigroup Positivity, 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s11117-012-0205-5), FI=0,368
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and its Applications, 572, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2004).
622. Zhu, Rong-Chan, BSDE and generalized Dirichlet forms: The infinite dimensional case,
Forum Mathematicum, 2012 (DOI: 10.1515/forum-2012-0007), FI=0,607
Citeaza: Beznea, Lucian; Boboc, Nicu, Röckner, Michael Markov processes associated
with Lp -resolvents and applications to stochastic differential equations on Hilbert space,
J. Evol. Equ. 6 (2006), no. 4, pag. 745–772.
623. Jiequan Li and Yuxi Zheng, Interaction of four rarefaction waves in the bi-symmetric class
of the two-dimensional Euler equations, Communications in Mathematical Physics,
Vol.296, No.2 (2010), pp.313-321; FI=1.941.
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Sciences, Cambridge UK, No.29 (2006), pp.1-43.
624. Espı́nola R., Li C., López G., Nearest and farthest points in spaces of curvature bounded
below, J. Approx. Theory 162 (2010), pag. 1365, 1380.
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Arch. Math. 54 (1990), pag. 563 – 566.
625. Espı́nola R., Li C., López G., Nearest and farthest points in spaces of curvature bounded
below, J. Approx. Theory 162 (2010), pag. 1365, 1366, 1375, 1380.
Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, On the cut locus in Alexandrov spaces and applications to convex
surfaces, Pacific J. Math. 217 (2004), pag. 375 – 386.
626. Espı́nola R., Li C., López G., Nearest and farthest points in spaces of curvature bounded
below, J. Approx. Theory 162 (2010), pag. 1365, 1366, 1368, 1380.
Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, Extending Stechkin’s theorem and beyond, Abstract Appl.
Analysis 2004 (2004), pag. 255 – 258.
627. Domokos G., Sipos A., Szabó T., Várkonyi P., Pebbles, shapes and equilibria, Math.
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628. Rouyer J., On antipodes on a convex polyhedron II, Adv. Geom. 10 (2010).
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Am. Math. Soc. 123 (1995), pag. 3513 – 3518.
629. Rouyer J., On antipodes on a convex polyhedron II, Adv. Geom. 10 (2010).
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surfaces Adv. Geom. 6 (2006), pag. 379 – 387.
630. Rouyer J., On antipodes on a convex polyhedron II, Adv. Geom. 10 (2010).
Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, Extreme points of the distance function on convex surfaces,
Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 350 (1998), pag. 1395 – 1406.
631. Zamfirescu C. T., An infinite family of planar non-hamiltonian bihomogeneously traceable
oriented graphs, Graphs Comb. 26(2010), pag. 141, 142, 146.
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Sem. Mat. Univ. Politecn. Torino 39 (1981), pag. 137 – 145.
632. Espı́nola R., Fernández-León A., Piatek B., Fixed Points of Single- and Set-Valued Mappings in Uniformly Convex Metric Spaces with No Metric Convexity Fixed Point Theory Appl. 2010 (2010), pag. 13, 14, 16.
Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, On the cut locus in Alexandrov spaces and applications to convex
surfaces, Pacific J. Math. 217 (2004), pag. 375 – 386.
633. Chazal F., Cohen-Steiner D., Mérigot Q., Boundary Measures for Geometric Inference,
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Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, On the cut locus in Alexandrov spaces and applications to convex
surfaces, Pacific J. Math. 217 (2004), pag. 375 – 386.
634. Espı́nola R., Hussain N., Common fixed points for multimaps in metric spaces, Fixed
Point Theory Appl. (2010), pag. 7, 13.
Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, Extending Stechkin’s theorem and beyond, Abstract Appl.
Analysis 2004 (2004), pag. 255 – 258.
635. J. F. Le Gall, Geodesics in large planar maps and in the Brownian map, Acta Math.
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Math. 69 (1982) 253-257.
636. M. Abbas, P. Vetro, S. H. Khan, On fixed points of Berinde’s contractive mappings in
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pag. 292 – 298.
637. Z. Q. Xue, G. W. Lv, B. E. Rhoades, On Equivalence of Some Iterations Convergence for
Quasi-Contraction Maps in Convex Metric Spaces, Fixed Point Theory Appl., Article
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pag. 292 – 298.
638. V. Berinde, Approximating Common Fixed Points of Noncommuting Almost Contractions
in Metric Spaces, Fixed Point Theory 11 (2010).
Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, Fix point theorems in metric spaces, Arch. Math. 23 (1972),
pag. 292 – 298.
639. V. Berinde, Common Fixed Points of Noncommuting Discontinuous Weakly Contractive
Mappings in Cone Metric Spaces, Taiwan. J. Math. 14 (2010). FI=0.555
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pag. 292 – 298.
640. M. Abbas, D. Ilic, Common Fixed Points of Generalized Almost Nonexpansive Mappings,
Filomat 24 (2010).
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pag. 292 – 298.
641. L. Yuan, Acute Triangulations of Pentagons, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roum.
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Sc. Math. Roumanie 43, 3-4 (2000) 279-286.
642. L. Yuan, Acute Triangulations of Pentagons, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roum.
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Discrete Comput. Geom. 31 (2004) 197-206.
643. L. Yuan, Acute Triangulations of Pentagons, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roum.
53 (101), No. 4 (2010).
Citeaza: J. Itoh, T. Zamfirescu, Acute triangulations of the regular dodecahedral surface,
Eur. J. Comb. 28 (2007) 1072-1086.
644. Yuan L., Acute triangulations of trapezoids, Discrete Appl. Math. 158 (2010).
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Sc. Math. Roumanie 43(2000), pag. 279 – 286.
645. L. Yuan, Acute triangulations of trapezoids, Discrete Appl. Math. 158 (2010).
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Comput. Geom. 37 (2007) 671-676
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Eur. J. Comb. 28 (2007), pag. 1072 – 1086.
647. Yuan L., Acute triangulations of trapezoids, Discrete Appl. Math. 158 (2010)
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Discrete Comput. Geom. 31 (2004), pag. 197 – 206.
648. H. Maehara, N. Tokushige, Classification of the Congruent Embeddings of a Tetrahedron
into a Triangular Prism, Graphs Comb. 27, No. 3 (Proc. of the Japan Conference on
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square hole, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo Suppl. 77 (2006) 349-354.
649. M. Abbas, G. V. R. Babu, G. N. Alemayehu, On common fixed points of weakly compatible
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Citeaza: T. Zamfirescu, Fix point theorems in metric spaces, Arch. Math. 23 (1972),
pag. 292 – 298.
650. L. Ciric, M. Abbas, R. Saadati, N. Hussain, Common fixed points of almost generalized
contractive mappings in ordered metric spaces, Appl. Math. Comput. 217 (2011).
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pag. 292 – 298.
651. W. Sintunavarat, P. Kumam, Weak condition for generalized multi-valued (f, alpha, beta)weak contraction mappings, Appl. Math. Lett. 24 (2011).
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652. D. Ariza-Ruiz, A. Jimenez-Melado, G. Lopez-Acedo, A fixed point theorem for weakly
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pag. 292 – 298.
653. R. Espı́nola, C. Li, G. López, Nearest and farthest points in spaces of curvature bounded
below, J. Approx. Theory 162 (2010) pp. 1365, 1380.
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sets, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 54 (2011).
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Modena 39 (1991) 139-164
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curves, Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Soc. vol. 146
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Arithmetica 119 no. 3 (2005), 265–289.
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793. R. Pollack, T. Weston, On anticyclotomic µ-invariants of modular forms, Compos.
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794. S. Ahlgren, J. Rouse, Congruences for newforms and the index of the Hecke algebra,
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Arithmetica 119 no. 3 (2005), 265–289.
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830. Saleh Ossama A.; Smith Ronald L., The elliptic matrix completion problem, LINEAR
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matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 178 (1993), 178–42.
831. Li Yuan; Sun Xiu-Hong, Sequential Product and Jordan Product of Quantum Effects,
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833. Li Longsuo; Luo Laizhen; Wu Junde , Some Problems for Sequential Effect Algebras,
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
1049. Prasanna, Kartik On the Fourier coefficients of modular forms of half-integral weight.
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
1052. Einsiedler, M.; Lindenstrauss, E.; Michel, P.; Venkatesh, A., Distribution of periodic torus
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
1053. Trotabas, D., Non annulation des fonctions L des formes modulaires de Hilbert au point
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
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Math. 142 (2006), 811–866.
1060. C. Timofte , Multiscale analysis in nonlinear thermal diffusion problems in composite
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Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP) 53 (2002), pag. 1052 – 1059
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Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP) 53 (2002), pag. 1052 – 1059
1063. I. Pažanin, Investigation of micropolar fluid flow in a helical pipe via asymptotic analysis,
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Vladimir Maz’ya II/International Mathematical Series, Volume 12, editor: Ari
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1065. Igor Pažanin, Effective flow of micropolar fluid through a thin or long pipe, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2011 (2011), Article ID 127070 18 pages; FI = 0.777
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1220. Hertz, FR, Hertz, MAR, Tahzibi, A, Ures, R, Maximizing measures for partially hyperbolic systems with compact center leaves, ERGODIC THEORY AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS 32 (2012), 825 – 839; FI=0.702
Citeaza: V. Nitica, A. Torok, AN open dense set of stably ergodic diffeomorphisms in a
neighborhood of a non-ergodic one, Topology 40 (2001), pag. 259 – 278
Citeaza: V. Nitica, A. Torok, AN open dense set of stably ergodic diffeomorphisms in a
neighborhood of a non-ergodic one, Topology 40 (2001), pag. 259 – 278
1222. R. Bouckaert, R. Hemmecke, S. Lindner, M. Studeny, Efficient Algorithms for Conditional Independence Inference, Journal of Machine Learning Research 11 (2011),
pag. 3453 – 3479; FI = 2.561.
Citeaza: W. Bruns, R. Hemmecke, B. Ichim, M Köppe, si C. Söger, Challenging computations of Hilbert bases of cones associated with algebraic statistics., Exp. Math. 20
(2011), pag. 25 – 33.
1223. Seth Sullivant, Normal binary graph models, Annals of the Inst. of Stat. Math. 62
(2010), pag. 717 – 726; FI = 0.857.
Citeaza: W. Bruns, R. Hemmecke, B. Ichim, M Köppe, si C. Söger, Challenging computations of Hilbert bases of cones associated with algebraic statistics., Exp. Math. 20
(2011), pag. 25 – 33.
1224. Giandomenico Boffi, Alessandro Logar, Computing Gröbner bases of pure binomial ideals
via submodules of Z n , J. Symb. Computation 47 (2012), pag. 1297 – 1308; FI =
Citeaza: W. Bruns, R. Hemmecke, B. Ichim, M Köppe, si C. Söger, Challenging computations of Hilbert bases of cones associated with algebraic statistics., Exp. Math. 20
(2011), pag. 25 – 33.
1225. J. Martinez-Bernal, E. O’Shea, R. Villarreal, Ehrhart clutters: regularity and max-flow
min-cut, Electron. J. Combin. 17 (2010), R52; FI = 0.638.
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz 2.0, Computing normalizations of
affine semigrops, Available from http://www.math.uos.de/normaliz.
1226. L. Dupont, R. Villarreal, Algebraic and combinatorial properties of ideals and algebras of
uniform clutters of TDI systems, J. Comb. Optimization 21 (2011), pag. 269 – 292;
FI = 0.664.
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz 2.0, Computing normalizations of
affine semigrops, Available from http://www.math.uos.de/normaliz.
1227. J. Martinez-Bernal, S. Morey, R. Villarreal, Associated primes of powers of edge ideals,
Collec. Math. 63 (2012), pag. 361 – 374; FI = 0.628.
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz 2.0, Computing normalizations of
affine semigrops, Available from http://www.math.uos.de/normaliz.
1228. A. Simis, R. Villarreal, Combinatorics of Cremona monomial maps, Math. Comp. 81
(2012), pag. 1857 – 1867; FI = 1.313.
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz 2.0, Computing normalizations of
affine semigrops, Available from http://www.math.uos.de/normaliz.
1229. B. Costa, A. Simis, Cremona maps defined by monomials, J. Pure and App. Alg. 216
(2012), pag. 202 – 215; FI = 0.567.
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz 2.0, Computing normalizations of
affine semigrops, Available from http://www.math.uos.de/normaliz
1230. T. Bogart, A. Raymond, R. Thomas, Small Chvatal Rank, Math. Prog. 124 (2010),
pag. 45 – 68; FI = 1.707.
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz 2.2, Computing normalizations of
affine semigrops. With contributions by C. Söger,
Available from http://www.math.uos.de/normaliz.
1231. Rolf Kappl, Michael Ratz, Christian Staudt, The Hilbert basis method for D-flat directions and the superpotential, J. High Energy Phys. 11 (2011), pag. 1 – 11; FI =
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz: Algorithms for Affine Monoids and
Rational Cones, Journal of Algebra 324 (2010), pag. 1098 – 1113.
1232. Nathan Ilten, Lars Kastner, Calculating generators of multigraded algebras, J. Symb.
Computation (2012), in press; FI = 0.707.
Citeaza: Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz: Algorithms for Affine Monoids and
Rational Cones, Journal of Algebra 324 (2010), pag. 1098 – 1113.
1233. Kohji Yanagawa, Higher Cohen-Macaulay property of squarefree modules and simplicial
posets, Proc. AMS 139 (2011), pag. 3057 – 3066; FI = 0.611
Citeaza: Bogdan Ichim, Tim Römer, On toric face rings, J. Pure and App. Alg. 210
(2007), pag. 249 – 266.
1234. Dang Hop Nguyen, Seminormality and local cohomology of toric face rings, J. Alg. 371
(2012), pag. 536 – 553; FI = 0.613
Citeaza: Bogdan Ichim, Tim Römer, On toric face rings, J. Pure and App. Alg. 210
(2007), pag. 249 – 266.
1235. Jean-Marc Drézet, Mario Maican: On the geometry of the moduli spaces of semi-stable
sheaves supported on plane quartics, Geometriae Dedicata 152 (2011), pag. 17 – 49;
FI = 0.661
Citeaza: Mario Maican: On two notions of semistability, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 234 (2008), pag. 69 – 135
1236. Jean-Marc Drézet, Mario Maican: On the geometry of the moduli spaces of semi-stable
sheaves supported on plane quartics, Geometriae Dedicata 152 (2011), pag. 17 – 49;
FI = 0.661
Citeaza: Mario Maican: A duality result for moduli spaces of semistable sheaves supported
on projective curves, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di
Padova 123 (2010), pag. 55 – 68;
1237. Mehmet Sahin: Direct computation of the degree 4 Gopakumar-Vafa invariant on a
Calabi-Yau 3-fold, Journal of Geometry and Physics 62 (2012), pag. 935 – 952;
FI= 0.818
Citeaza: Mario Maican: A few remarks concerning the geometry of the moduli spaces
of semistable sheaves supported on plane curves of multiplicity four, Preprint nepublicat
pe care se bazeaza lucrarea: Jean-Marc Drézet, Mario Maican: On the geometry of the
moduli spaces of semi-stable sheaves supported on plane quartics, Geometriae Dedicata
152 (2011), pag. 17 – 49;
1238. J.M. Reyes, A. Ruiz, Reconstruction of the singularities of a potential from backscattering
data in 2D and 3D, Inverse Problems and Imaging 6 (2012), pag. 321 - 355;FI=1.074
Citează: I. Beltiţă, A. Melin: Local smoothing for the backscattering transform, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 34 (2009), 233–256.
1239. J.M. Reyes, A. Ruiz, Reconstruction of the singularities of a potential from backscattering
data in 2D and 3D, Inverse Problems and Imaging 6 (2012), pag. 321 - 355;FI=1.074
Citează: I. Beltiţă, A. Melin: Analysis of the quadratic term in the backscattering transformation, Mathematica Scandinavica 105 (2009), no. 2, 218–234.
1240. Michele Bolognesi and Sonia Brivio, Coherent systems and modular subvarieties of SU C (r),
International Journal of Mathematics vol. 23 no. 4 (2012), 23 pag. DOI:
10.1142/S0129167X12500371; FI= 0.397
Citeaza: Christian Anghel, Fibres vectoriels semi-stables sur une courbe de genre deux
et association des points dans l’espace projectif, Serdica Math. J 30 2-3 (2004), pag.
1241. H. Brezis, J. Mawhin, Periodic solutions of the forced relativistic pendulum, Differential
Integral Eq. 23 (2010), 801–810; FI = 0.584
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1242. L. Ferracuti, C. Marcelli, F. Papalini, Boundary value problems for highly nonlinear
inclusions governed by non-surjective Φ-Laplacians, Set-Valued Variational Analysis
19 (2011), 1–21; FI = 0.791
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1243. P. J. Torres, Nondegeneracy of the periodically forced Lienard differential equation with
Laplacian, Communications Contemporary Mathematics 13 (2011), 283–292; FI
= 0.574
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1244. C. Liu, Y. Zheng, Linking solutions for p-Laplace equations with nonlinear boundary
conditions and indefinite weight, Calc. Var. PDE 41 (2011), 261–284; FI = 1.235
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1245. A. Calamai, Heteroclinic solutions of boundary value problems on the real line involving
singular Laplacian operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 667–679; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1246. I Coelho, C Corsato, F Obersnel, P. Omari, Positive solutions of the Dirichlet problem
for the one-dimensional Minkowski-curvature equation, Advanced Nonlin. Studies 12
(2012), 621–638; FI = 0.644
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1247. G. Cupini, C. Marcelli, F. Papalini, On the solvability of a boundary value problem on the
real line, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2011, doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2011-26,
17 pages; FI = 0.911
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1248. C. Liu, Y. Zheng, Existence of nontrivial solutions for p-Laplacian equations in RN , J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 380 (2011), 669–679; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1249. D. O’Regan, J. Peran, One dimensional Laplacian functional equations, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 371 (2010), 177–183; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for some nonlinear
problems with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Differential Equations 243 (2007), pag. 536–
1250. L. Ferracuti, C. Marcelli, F. Papalini, Boundary value problems for highly nonlinear
inclusions governed by non-surjective Φ-Laplacians, Set-Valued Variational Analysis
19 (2011), 1–21; FI = 0.791
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems with non-surjective Laplacian
and one sided bounded nonlinearity, Adv Differential Eq. 11 (2006), pag. 35–60
1251. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, Positive solutions of the Dirichle problem for the prescribed mean
curvature equation, J. Differential Eq. 249 (2010), 1674–1725; FI = 1.277
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems with non-surjective Laplacian
and one sided bounded nonlinearity, Adv Differential Eq. 11 (2006), pag. 35–60
1252. H. Pan, R. Xing, Time maps and exact multiplicity results for one-dimensional prescribed
mean curvature equations, Nonlinear Analysis 74 (2011), 1234–1260; FI = 1.536
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems with non-surjective Laplacian
and one sided bounded nonlinearity, Adv Differential Eq. 11 (2006), pag. 35–60
1253. A. Calamai, Heteroclinic solutions of boundary value problems on the real line involving
singular Laplacian operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 667–679; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems with non-surjective Laplacian
and one sided bounded nonlinearity, Adv Differential Eq. 11 (2006), pag. 35–60
1254. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, The periodic problem for curvature-like equations with asymmetric
perturbations, J. Differential Eq. 251 (2011), 1923–1971; FI = 1.277
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems with non-surjective Laplacian
and one sided bounded nonlinearity, Adv Differential Eq. 11 (2006), pag. 35–60
1255. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, Existence, regularity and stability properties of periodic solutions
of a capillarity equation in the presence of lower and upper solutions, Nonlinear Analysis RWA 13 (2012), 2830–2852; FI = 2.043
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems with non-surjective Laplacian
and one sided bounded nonlinearity, Adv Differential Eq. 11 (2006), pag. 35–60
1256. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, Multiple bounded variation solutions of a periodically perturbed
sine-curvature equation, Communications Contemporary Mathematics 13 (2011),
863–883; FI = 0.574
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1257. C. Liu, Y. Zheng, Linking solutions for p-Laplace equations with nonlinear boundary
conditions and indefinite weight, Calc. Var. PDE 41 (2011), 261–284; FI = 1.235
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1258. G. Cupini, C. Marcelli, F. Papalini, On the solvability of a boundary value problem on the
real line, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2011, doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2011-26,
17 pages; FI = 0.911
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1259. H. Brezis, J. Mawhin, Periodic solutions of the forced relativistic pendulum, Differential
Integral Eq. 23 (2010), 801–810; FI = 0.584
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1260. A. Calamai, Heteroclinic solutions of boundary value problems on the real line involving
singular Laplacian operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 667–679; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1261. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, The periodic problem for curvature-like equations with asymmetric
perturbations, J. Differential Eq. 251 (2011), 1923–1971; FI = 1.277
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1262. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, Existence, regularity and stability properties of periodic solutions
of a capillarity equation in the presence of lower and upper solutions, Nonlinear Analysis RWA 13 (2012), 2830–2852; FI = 2.043
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1263. C. Liu, Y. Zheng, Existence of nontrivial solutions for p-Laplacian equations in RN , J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 380 (2011), 669–679; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of nonlinear perturbations of φLaplacians with possible bounded φ, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 68 (2008), pag. 1668–
1264. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, Multiple bounded variation solutions of a periodically perturbed
sine-curvature equation, Communications Contemporary Mathematics 13 (2011),
863–883; FI = 0.574
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of pendulum-like perturbations of singular and bounded φ-Laplacians, J. Dyn. Diff. Equat. 22 (2010),
1265. G. Cupini, C. Marcelli, F. Papalini, On the solvability of a boundary value problem on the
real line, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2011, doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2011-26,
17 pages; FI = 0.911
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of pendulum-like perturbations of singular and bounded φ-Laplacians, J. Dyn. Diff. Equat. 22 (2010),
1266. H. Brezis, J. Mawhin, Periodic solutions of the forced relativistic pendulum, Differential
Integral Eq. 23 (2010), 801–810; FI = 0.584
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of pendulum-like perturbations of singular and bounded φ-Laplacians, J. Dyn. Diff. Equat. 22 (2010),
1267. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, Existence, regularity and stability properties of periodic solutions
of a capillarity equation in the presence of lower and upper solutions, Nonlinear Analysis RWA 13 (2012), 2830–2852; FI = 2.043
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Periodic solutions of pendulum-like perturbations of singular and bounded φ-Laplacians, J. Dyn. Diff. Equat. 22 (2010),
1268. P. J. Torres, Nondegeneracy of the periodically forced Lienard differential equation with
Laplacian, Communications Contemporary Mathematics 13 (2011), 283–292; FI
= 0.574
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin, Multiple periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations with bounded nonlinearities and Laplacian, NoDEA Nonlin. Diff. Eq. Appl.
15 (2008), pag. 159–168
1269. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, Existence, regularity and stability properties of periodic solutions
of a capillarity equation in the presence of lower and upper solutions, Nonlinear Analysis RWA 13 (2012), 2830–2852; FI = 2.043
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin, Multiple periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations with bounded nonlinearities and Laplacian, NoDEA Nonlin. Diff. Eq. Appl.
15 (2008), pag. 159–168
1270. F. Obersnel, P. Omari, The periodic problem for curvature-like equations with asymmetric perturbations, J. Differential Eq. 251 (2011), 1923–1971; FI = 1.277
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin, Multiple periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations with bounded nonlinearities and Laplacian, NoDEA Nonlin. Diff. Eq. Appl.
15 (2008), pag. 159–168
1271. P. J. Torres, Nondegeneracy of the periodically forced Lienard differential equation with
Laplacian, Communications Contemporary Mathematics 13 (2011), 283–292; FI
= 0.574
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for some nonlinear systems
with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 4 (2008), pag. 57–75
1272. G. Cupini, C. Marcelli, F. Papalini, On the solvability of a boundary value problem on the
real line, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2011, doi:10.1186/1687-2770-2011-26,
17 pages; FI = 0.911
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for some nonlinear systems
with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 4 (2008), pag. 57–75
1273. A. Calamai, Heteroclinic solutions of boundary value problems on the real line involving
singular Laplacian operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 378 (2011), 667–679; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for some nonlinear systems
with singular φ-Laplacian, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl. 4 (2008), pag. 57–75
1274. P. Stehlik, On variational methods for periodic discrete problems, J. Difference Equations Appl. 14 (2008), 259–273; FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for periodic solutions
of nonlinear difference equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 12 (2006), pag.
1275. A. Kristaly, M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Discrete boundary value problems involving
oscillatory nonlinearities: small and large solutions, J. Difference Equations Appl.
17 (2011), 1431–1440; FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for periodic solutions
of nonlinear difference equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 12 (2006), pag.
1276. A. Cabada, N.D. Dimitrov, Multiplicity results for nonlinear periodic fourth order difference equations with parameter dependence and singularities, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
371 (2010), 518–533; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for periodic solutions
of nonlinear difference equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 12 (2006), pag.
1277. T. He, Y. Xu, Positive solutions for nonlinear discrete second-order boundary value problems with parameter dependence, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 379 (2011), 627–636; FI =
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for periodic solutions
of nonlinear difference equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 12 (2006), pag.
1278. X. Li, J. Zhang, Periodic solutions of some second order difference equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 15 (2009), 579-593; FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for periodic solutions
of nonlinear difference equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 12 (2006), pag.
1279. Y. Liu, Existence of periodic solutions of higher order nonlinear functional difference
equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 16 (2010), 863–877; FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for periodic solutions
of nonlinear difference equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 12 (2006), pag.
1280. M. Cecchi, Z. Dosla, M. Marini, On Second-Order Differential Equations with Nonhomogeneous Laplacian, Boundary Value Problems, Volume 2010, Article ID 875675, 17
pages; FI = 0.911
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Radial solutions for some nonlinear
problems involving mean curvature operators in Euclidian and Minkowski spaces, Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), pag. 171–178
1281. M. Cecchi, Z. Dosla, M. Marini, Regular and extremal solutions for difference equations
with generalized Laplacian, J. Difference Equations Appl. 18 (2012), 815–831; FI =
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Radial solutions for some nonlinear
problems involving mean curvature operators in Euclidian and Minkowski spaces, Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), pag. 171–178
1282. H. Pan, R. Xing, Radial solutions for a prescribed mean curvature equation with exponential nonlinearity, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012), 103–116; FI = 1.536
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Radial solutions for some nonlinear
problems involving mean curvature operators in Euclidian and Minkowski spaces, Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), pag. 171–178
1283. N.D. Brubaker, J.A. Pelesko, Analysis of a one-dimensional prescribed mean curvature
equation with singular nonlinearity, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012), 5086–5102; FI =
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Radial solutions for some nonlinear
problems involving mean curvature operators in Euclidian and Minkowski spaces, Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), pag. 171–178
1284. A. Cabada, N.D. Dimitrov, Multiplicity results for nonlinear periodic fourth order difference equations with parameter dependence and singularities, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
371 (2010), 518–533; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear difference equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Math. Bohemica 131 (2006), pag.
1285. Y. Liu, Existence of periodic solutions of higher order nonlinear functional difference
equations, J. Difference Equations Appl. 16 (2010), 863–877; FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear difference equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Math. Bohemica 131 (2006), pag.
1286. P. Candito, G.M. Bisci, Existence of solutions for a nonlinear algebraic system with a
parameter, Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2012), 11700–11707; FI = 1.317
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Existence and multiplicity results for nonlinear difference equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions, Math. Bohemica 131 (2006), pag.
1287. Q. Zhou, S. Gong, The Existence and Uniqueness of Periodic Solutions for Some Nonlinear th-Order Differential Equations, Abstr. Appl. Anal., Volume 2012, Article ID
909387, 17 pag.; FI = 1.318
Citeaza: C. Bereanu: Periodic solutions of some fourth-order nonlinear differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 71 (2009), pag. 53–57
1288. Y. Li, Existence of Positive Solutions for a Fourth-Order Periodic Boundary Value Problem, Abstr. Appl. Anal., Volume 2011, Article ID 826451, 12 pag.; FI = 1.318
Citeaza: C. Bereanu: Periodic solutions of some fourth-order nonlinear differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 71 (2009), pag. 53–57
1289. C. Zhao, W. Chen, J. Zhou, Periodic solutions for a class of fourth-order nonlinear differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis 72 (2010), 1221–1226; FI = 1.536
Citeaza: C. Bereanu: Periodic solutions of some fourth-order nonlinear differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 71 (2009), pag. 53–57
1290. M. Xu, W. Wang, X. Yi, Periodic solutions for a class of nonlinear 2nth-order differential
equations, Nonlinear Analysis RWA 11 (2010), 3399–3405; FI = 2.043
Citeaza: C. Bereanu: Periodic solutions of some fourth-order nonlinear differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 71 (2009), pag. 53–57
1291. J. Fialho, F. Minhos, On higher order fully periodic boundary value problems, J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 395 (2012), 616–625; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu: Periodic solutions of some fourth-order nonlinear differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 71 (2009), pag. 53–57
1292. Z. Wang, L. Qian, S. Lu, On the existence of periodic solutions to a fourth-order pLaplacian differential equation with a deviating argument, Nonlinear Analysis RWA
11 (2010), 1660–1669; FI = 2.043
Citeaza: C. Bereanu: Periodic solutions of some fourth-order nonlinear differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis TMA 71 (2009), pag. 53–57
1293. C.S. Goodrich, Existence of a positive solution to a first-order p-Laplacian BVP on a time
scale, Nonlinear Analysis 74 (2011), 1926–1936; FI = 1.536
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for second order nonlinear
difference equations with discrete and singular φ-Laplacian, J. Difference Eq. Appl.
14 (2008), pag. 1099–1118
1294. A. Kristaly, M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Discrete boundary value problems involving
oscillatory nonlinearities: small and large solutions, J. Difference Equations Appl.
17 (2011), 1431–1440; FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for second order nonlinear
difference equations with discrete and singular φ-Laplacian, J. Difference Eq. Appl.
14 (2008), pag. 1099–1118
1295. P. Candito, G. D’Agui, Three solutions to a perturbed nonlinear discrete Dirichlet problem, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 375 (2011), 594–601; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for second order nonlinear
difference equations with discrete and singular φ-Laplacian, J. Difference Eq. Appl.
14 (2008), pag. 1099–1118
1296. M. Cecchia, Z. Dosla, M. Marini, Regular and extremal solutions for difference equations
with generalized φ- Laplacian, J. Difference Equations Appl. 18 (2012), 815–831; FI
= 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for second order nonlinear
difference equations with discrete and singular φ-Laplacian, J. Difference Eq. Appl.
14 (2008), pag. 1099–1118
1297. V. Singh, New criteria for global asymptotic stability of direct-form digital filters utilizing
single saturation nonlinearity, J. Difference Equations Appl. 17 (2011), 1281–1290;
FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, J. Mawhin: Boundary value problems for second order nonlinear
difference equations with discrete and singular φ-Laplacian, J. Difference Eq. Appl.
14 (2008), pag. 1099–1118
1298. A. Kristaly, M. Mihailescu, V. Radulescu, Discrete boundary value problems involving
oscillatory nonlinearities: small and large solutions, J. Difference Equations Appl.
17 (2011), 1431–1440; FI = 0.800
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, H. B. Thompson: Periodic solutions of second order nonlinear
difference equations with discrete φ- Laplacian, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 330 (2007),
pag. 1002–1015
1299. A. Cabada, N.D. Dimitrov, Multiplicity results for nonlinear periodic fourth order difference equations with parameter dependence and singularities, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
371 (2010), 518–533; FI = 1.001
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, H. B. Thompson: Periodic solutions of second order nonlinear difference equations with discrete φ- Laplacian, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 330 (2007), pag.
1300. T. He, Y. Xu, Positive solutions for nonlinear discrete second-order boundary value problems with parameter dependence, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 379 (2011), 627–636; FI =
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, H. B. Thompson: Periodic solutions of second order nonlinear difference equations with discrete φ- Laplacian, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 330 (2007), pag.
1301. A. Sfecci, A nonresonance condition for radial solutions of a nonlinear Neumann elliptic
problem, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012), 6191–6202; FI = 1.536
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P. Jebelean, J. Mawhin: Radial solutions for Neumann problems
involving mean curvature operators in Euclidean and Minkowski spaces, Math. Nachr.
283 (2010), pag. 379–391
1302. F. Wang, Y. An, Doubly periodic solutions to a coupled telegraph system, Nonlinear
Analysis 75 (2012), 1887–1894; FI = 1.536
Citeaza: C. Bereanu: Periodic solutions of the nonlinear telegraph equations with bounded
nonlinearities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 343 (2008), pag. 758–762
1303. J. Mawhin, Multiplicity of solutions of variational systems involving φ-Laplacians with
singular φ and periodic nonlinearities, Discrete Cont. Dynamical Syst. A 32 (2012),
4015–4026; FI = 0.913
Citeaza: C. Bereanu, P.J. Torres: Existence of at least two periodic solutions of the forced
relativistic pendulum, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), pag. 2713–2719
1304. A. Fonda, R. Toader, Periodic solutions of pendulum-like Hamiltonian systems in the
plane, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 12 (2012), 395–408; FI = 0.644; Citeaza: C.
Bereanu, P.J. Torres: Existence of at least two periodic solutions of the forced relativistic
pendulum, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), pag. 2713–2719
1305. J.-J. Wen, Z.-H. Zhang, Jensen type inequalities involving homogeneous polynomials, J.
Inequal. Appl. (2010), 21 pages (electronic); FI = 0.726
Citeaza: V. Timofte, On the positivity of symmetric polynomial functions. Part I: General
results, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 284 (2003), 174 – 190.
1306. L. Yang, Mechanical decision for a class of integral inequalities, Sci. China Ser. F 53
(2010), 1800 – 1815; FI = 0.656
Citeaza: V. Timofte, On the positivity of symmetric polynomial functions. Part I: General
results, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 284 (2003), 174 – 190.
1307. L. Yang, Mechanical decision for a class of integral inequalities, Sci. China Ser. F 53
(2010), 1800 – 1815; FI = 0.656
Citeaza: V. Timofte, On the positivity of symmetric polynomial functions. Part II: Lattice
general results and positivity criteria for degrees 4 and 5, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 304
(2005), 652 – 667.
1308. L. Yang, Mechanical decision for a class of integral inequalities, Sci. China Ser. F 53
(2010), 1800 – 1815; FI = 0.656
Citeaza: V. Timofte, On the positivity of symmetric polynomial functions. Part III:
Extremal polynomials of degree 4, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 307 (2005), 565 – 578.
1309. C. Riener, On the degree and half-degree principle for symmetric polynomials, J. Pure
Appl. Algebra 216 (2012), 850 – 856; FI = 0.567
Citeaza: V. Timofte, On the positivity of symmetric polynomial functions. Part I: General
results, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 284 (2003), 174 – 190.
1310. A. Kovačec, S. Kuhlmann, C. Riener, A note on extrema of linear combinations of elementary symmetric functions, Linear Multilinear A. 60 (2012), 219 – 224; FI = 0.727
Citeaza: V. Timofte, On the positivity of symmetric polynomial functions. Part I: General
results, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 284 (2003), 174–190.
1311. T. Trif, On certain sequences derived from generalized Euler-Mascheroni constants, J.
Math. Inequal. 5 (2011), 107 – 116; FI = 0.336
Citeaza: V. Timofte, Integral estimates for convergent positive series, J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 303 (2005), 90 – 102.
1312. Tomáš Roubı́cek and Giuseppe Tomassetti, Thermodynamics of shape-memory alloys under electric current, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP)
61 (2010), pag. 1 – 20; FI=0.95
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1313. Franois Ebobisse, Patrizio Neff, Existence and Uniqueness for Rate-Independent Infinitesimal Gradient Plasticity with Isotropic Hardening and Plastic Spin, Mathematics and
Mechanics of Solids 15 (2010), pag. 691 – 703; FI=1.02
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, An energetic material model for time-dependent
ferroelectric behaviour: existence and uniqueness, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 29 (2006), pag. 1393 – 1410
1314. Gianni Dal Maso, Rodica Toader, Quasistatic Crack Growth in Elasto-Plastic Materials:
The Two-Dimensional Case , Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 196
(2010), pag. 867 – 906; FI=2.05
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1315. Tomas Roubicek, Thermodinamics of rate-independent processes in viscous solids at small
strains, SIAM Journal On Mathematical Analysis 42 (2010), 256 – 297; FI=1.42
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1316. Matthias Liero, Alexander Mielke an evolutionary elastoplastic plate model derived via
Gamma-convergence, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 21
(2011), 1961 – 1986; FI=1.63
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1317. Hauke, Hanke, Homogenization in gradient plasticity, Mathematical Models and
Methods in Applied Sciences 21 (2011), 1651 – 1684, FI=1.63
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1318. Stefan Neukamm, Philipp Emanuel Stelzig, On the interplay of two-scale convergence and
translation, Asymptotic Analysis 71 (2011), 163 – 183; FI=0.41
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1319. Miehe, C. Rosato, D., A rate-dependent incremental variational formulation of ferroelectricity, International Journal of Engineering Science 49 (2011), pag. 466 – 496;
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida M. Timofte, Modeling and Analytical Study for Ferroelectric Materials, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 13 (2006),
pag. 457 – 462
1320. Miehe, C. Rosato, D., Kiefer, B., Variational principles in dissipative electro-magnetomechanics: A framework for the macro-modeling of functional materials, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 86 (2011), pag. 1225 – 1276;
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, An energetic material model for time-dependent
ferroelectric behaviour: existence and uniqueness, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 29 (2006), pag. 1393 – 1410
1321. Sergiy Nesenenko, Lq-almost solvability of inelastic models of monotone type Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics 141 (2011),
835–864; FI=0.67
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, An energetic material model for time-dependent
ferroelectric behaviour: existence and uniqueness, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 29 (2006), pag. 1393 – 1410
1322. J.D. Goddard, A note on Eringens moment balances, International Journal of Engineering Science 42 (2011), 1486–1493; FI=0.21
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1323. Alessandro Giacomini and Alessandro Musesti, Two-scale homogenization for a model in
strain gradient plasticity, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (2011), 1035–1065; FI=0.75
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1324. Kraynyukova, N., Alber, H.-D., A doubly nonlinear problem associated with a mathematical model for piezoelectric material behavior ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte
Mathematik und Mechanik 92 (2012), 141 – 159; FI=0.86
Citeaza: Aida Timofte, Homogenization for a nonlinear ferroelectric model, Asymptotic
Analysis 61 (2009), pag. 177 – 194
1325. Mielke, A., Generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii operators arising from homogenization and
dimension reduction, Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 (2012), 1330 – 1335; FI=3.6
Citeaza: Aida Timofte, Homogenization for a nonlinear ferroelectric model, Asymptotic
Analysis 61 (2009), pag. 177 – 194
1326. Mielke, A., Generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii operators arising from homogenization and
dimension reduction, Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 (2012), 1330 – 1335; FI=3.6
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1327. Stefan Neukamm, Rigorous Derivation of a Homogenized Bending-Torsion Theory for Inextensible Rods from Three-Dimensional Elasticity, Archive for Rational Mechanics
and Analysis 206 (2012), 645–706; FI=2.05
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1328. M. Cherdantsev and K. D. Cherednichenko, Two-Scale G-Convergence of Integral Functionals and its Application to Homogenisation of Nonlinear High-Contrast Periodic Composites, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 204 (2012), 445 – 478;
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, Two-scale homogenization for evolutionary
variational inequalities via the energetic formulation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39 (2007), pag. 642 – 668
1329. Kraynyukova, N., Alber, H.-D, A doubly nonlinear problem associated with a mathematical model for piezoelectric material behavior ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte
Mathematik und Mechanik 92 (2012), 141 – 159; FI=0.86
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida M. Timofte, Modeling and Analytical Study for Ferroelectric Materials, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 13 (2006),
1330. Kraynyukova, N., Alber, H.-D, A doubly nonlinear problem associated with a mathematical model for piezoelectric material behavior ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte
Mathematik und Mechanik 92 (2012), 141 – 159; FI=0.86
Citeaza: Alexander Mielke, Aida Timofte, An energetic material model for time-dependent
ferroelectric behaviour: existence and uniqueness, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 29 (2006), pag. 1393 – 1410
1331. Kraynyukova, N., Alber, H.-D, A doubly nonlinear problem associated with a mathematical model for piezoelectric material behavior ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte
Mathematik und Mechanik 92 (2012), 141 – 159; FI=0.86
Citeaza: Aida Timofte, On modeling, analytical study and homogenization for smart
materials, Topics on Mathematics for Smart Systems, editors: B. Miara, G.
Stavroulakis, V. Valente, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. (2007),
1332. Pieter Moree and Eugenia Roşu, Non-Beiter ternary cyclotomic polynomials with an optimally large set of coefficients, International Journal of Number Theory, December,
Vol. 08, No. 08 (2012), 1883–1902; FI=0.342
Citează: C. Cobeli, unpublished manuscript, updated version, 2011.
1333. D. R. Heath-Brown, Pair correlation for fractional parts of αn2 , Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 148 (2010), pag. 385 – 407. FI = 0.693
Citeaza: Z. Rudnick, P. Sarnak, A. Zaharescu, The distribution of spacings between the
fractional parts of n2 α, Invent. Math. 145 (2001), pag. 37 – 57.
1334. A. K. Haynes, Numerators of differences of nonconsecutive Farey fractions, Int. J.
Number Theory 6 (2010), pag. 655 – 666. FI = 0.342
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli, A. Zaharescu, A conjecture of R. R. Hall on Farey points,
J. Reine Angew. Math. 535 (2001), pag. 207 – 236.
1335. A. K. Haynes, Numerators of differences of nonconsecutive Farey fractions, Int. J.
Number Theory 6 (2010), pag. 655 – 666. FI = 0.342
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, A. Zaharescu, On the index of Farey sequences, Q.
J. Math. 53 (2002), pag. 377 – 391.
1336. A. K. Haynes, Numerators of differences of nonconsecutive Farey fractions, Int. J.
Number Theory 6 (2010), pag. 655 – 666. FI = 0.342
Citeaza: C. Cobeli, A. Zaharescu, On the Farey fractions with denominators in arithmetic
progression, J. Integer Seq. 9 (2006), pag. 1 – 26.
1337. S. K. Khanduja, On Brown’s constant associated with irreducible polynomials over Henselian
valued fields, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 214 (2010), pag. 2294 – 2300. FI = 0.567
Citeaza: V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, A. Zaharescu, A theorem of characterization of residual transcendental extensions of a valuation, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 28 (1988), pag.
579 – 592.
1338. S. K. Khanduja, M. Kumar, Prolongations of valuations to finite extensions, Manuscripta
Math. 131 (2010), pag. 323 – 334. FI = 0.430
Citeaza: V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, A. Zaharescu, A theorem of characterization of residual transcendental extensions of a valuation, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 28 (1988), pag.
579 – 592.
1339. Y.-C. Chen, On topological entropy of billiard tables with small inner scatterers, Adv.
Math. 224 (2010), pag. 432 – 460. FI = 1.177
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, A. Zaharescu, The distribution of the free path lengths in the periodic
two-dimensional Lorentz gas in the small-scatterer limit., Comm. Math. Phys. 269
(2007), pag. 425 – 471.
1340. Z.-G. Liu, An extension of the quintuple product identity and its applications, Pacific
J. Math. 246 (2010), pag. 345 – 390. FI = 0.626
Citeaza: B. Berndt, A. Zaharescu, Finite trigonometric sums and class numbers, Math.
Ann. 330 (2004), pag. 551 – 575.
1341. Z.-G. Liu, An extension of the quintuple product identity and its applications, Pacific
J. Math. 246 (2010), pag. 345 – 390. FI = 0.626
Citeaza: M. Beck, B. C. Berndt, O.-Y. Chan, A. Zaharescu, Determinations of analogues
of Gauss sums and other trigonometric sums, Int. J. Number Theory 1 (2005), pag.
333 – 356.
1342. M. Beck, M. Halloran, Finite trigonometric character sums via discrete Fourier analysis,
Int. J. Number Theory 6 (2010), pag. 51 – 67. FI = 0.342
Citeaza: B. Berndt, A. Zaharescu, Finite trigonometric sums and class numbers, Math.
Ann. 330 (2004), pag. 551 – 575.
1343. S. Ohkubo, Galois theory of BdR
in the imperfect residue field case, J. Number Theory
130 (2010), no. 7 (2010), pag. 1609 – 1641. FI = 0.559
Citeaza: A. Iovita, A. Zaharescu, Galois theory of BdR
, Compositio Math. 117 (1999),
pag. 1 – 31.
1344. Z. G. Liu, Elliptic functions and the Appell theta functions, Int. Math. Res. Not. 11
(2010), pag. 2064 – 2093. FI = 1.014
Citeaza: B. Berndt, A. Zaharescu, An integral of Dedekind eta-functions in Ramanujan’s
lost notebook, J. Reine Angew. Math. 551 (2002), pag. 33 – 39.
1345. G. Harman, Diophantine approximation with multiplicative functions, Monatsh. Math.
160 (2010), pag. 51 – 57. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, K. Ford, A. Zaharescu, Diophantine approximation with arithmetic
functions I, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 361 (2009), pag. 2263 – 2275.
1346. J. Marklof, A. Strombergsson, The distribution of free path lengths in the periodic Lorentz
gas and related lattice point problems, Ann. of Math. (2) 172 (2010), 1949 – 2033.
FI = 2.928 Citeaza: F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli, A. Zaharescu, Distribution of lattice points
visible from the origin, Comm. Math. Phys. 213 (2000), pag. 433 - 470.
1347. J. Marklof, A. Strombergsson, The distribution of free path lengths in the periodic Lorentz
gas and related lattice point problems, Ann. of Math. (2) 172 (2010), 1949 – 2033.
FI = 2.928
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, A. Zaharescu, The statistics of the trajectory of a
certain billiard in a flat two-torus, Comm. Math. Phys. 240 (2003), pag. 53 – 73.
1348. J. Marklof, A. Strombergsson, The distribution of free path lengths in the periodic Lorentz
gas and related lattice point problems, Ann. of Math. (2) 172 (2010), 1949 – 2033.
FI = 2.928
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, A. Zaharescu, The correlations of Farey fractions, J. London Math.
Soc. 72 (2005), pag. 25 – 39.
1349. J. Marklof, A. Strombergsson, The distribution of free path lengths in the periodic Lorentz
gas and related lattice point problems, Ann. of Math. (2) 172 (2010), 1949 – 2033.
FI = 2.928
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, A. Zaharescu, On the correlations of directions in the Euclidean
plane, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), pag. 1797 -1825.
1350. J. Marklof, A. Strombergsson, The distribution of free path lengths in the periodic Lorentz
gas and related lattice point problems, Ann. of Math. (2) 172 (2010), 1949 – 2033.
FI = 2.928
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, A. Zaharescu, The distribution of the free path lengths in the periodic
two-dimensional Lorentz gas in the small-scatterer limit, Comm. Math. Phys. 269
(2007), pag. 425 – 471.
1351. J. Truelsen, Divisor problems and the pair correlation for the fractional parts of n2 α, Int.
Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2010), 3144 – 3183. FI = 1.014
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, A. Zaharescu, Pair correlation of values of rational functions (modp),
Duke Math. J. 105 (2000), pag. 267 – 3007.
1352. J. Truelsen, Divisor problems and the pair correlation for the fractional parts of n2 α, Int.
Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2010), 3144 – 3183. FI = 1.014
Citeaza: Z. Rudnick, P. Sarnak, A. Zaharescu, The distribution of spacings between the
fractional parts of n2 α, Invent. Math. 145 (2001), pag. 37 – 57.
1353. J. Truelsen, Divisor problems and the pair correlation for the fractional parts of n2 α, Int.
Math. Res. Not. IMRN (2010), 3144 – 3183. FI = 1.014
Citeaza: A. Zaharescu, Correlation of fractional parts of n2 α, Forum Math. 15 (2003),
pag. 1 – 21.
1354. A. Bishnoi, S. K. Khanduja, On Eisenstein-Dumas and generalized Schonemann polynomials, Comm. Algebra 38 (2010), 3163 - 3173. FI = 0.347
Citeaza: V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, A. Zaharescu, A theorem of characterization of residual transcendental extensions of a valuation, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 28 (1988), pag.
579 – 592.
1355. A. Bishnoi, S. K. Khanduja, On Eisenstein-Dumas and generalized Schonemann polynomials, Comm. Algebra 38 (2010), 3163 - 3173. FI = 0.347
Citeaza: N. Popescu, A. Zaharescu, On the structure of the irreducible polynomials over
local fields, J. Number Theory 52 (1995), pag. 98 – 118.
1356. K. Ono, Parity of the partition function, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 349 - 366. FI
= 1.177
Citeaza: B. C. Berndt, A. J. Yee, A. Zaharescu, On the parity of partition functions,
Internat. J. Math. 14 (2003), pag. 437 - 459.
1357. K. Ono, Parity of the partition function, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 349 - 366. FI
= 1.177
Citeaza: B. C. Berndt, A. J. Yee, A. Zaharescu, New theorems on the parity of partition
functions, J. Reine Angew. Math. 566 (2004), pag. 91 - 109.
1358. S. K. Khanduja, R. Khassa, On invariants and strict systems of irreducible polynomials
over Henselian valued fields, Comm. Algebra 39 (2011), pag. 584 – 593. FI = 0.347
Citeaza: N. Popescu, A. Zaharescu, On the structure of the irreducible polynomials over
local fields, J. Number Theory 52 (1995), pag. 98 – 118.
1359. D. A. Badziahin, A. K. Haynes, A note on Farey fractions with denominators in arithmetic
progressions, Acta Arith. 147 (2011), pag. 205 – 215. FI = 0.435
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli, and A. Zaharescu, A conjecture of R. R. Hall on Farey
points, J. Reine Angew. Math. 535 (2001), pag. 207 – 236.
1360. D. A. Badziahin, A. K. Haynes, A note on Farey fractions with denominators in arithmetic
progressions, Acta Arith. 147 (2011), pag. 205 – 215. FI = 0.435
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu, The average length of a trajectory
in a certain billiard in a flat two-torus, New York J. Math. 9 (2003), pag. 303 – 330.
1361. D. A. Badziahin, A. K. Haynes, A note on Farey fractions with denominators in arithmetic
progressions, Acta Arith. 147 (2011), pag. 205 – 215. FI = 0.435
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan, and A. Zaharescu, On the index of Farey sequences,
Q. J. Math. 53 (2002), pag. 377 – 391.
1362. S. K. Khanduja, R. Khassa, A generalization of Eisenstein-Schonemann irreducibility
criterion, Manuscripta Math. 134 (2011), pag. 215 – 224 FI = 0.430
Citeaza: V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, A. Zaharescu, A theorem of characterization of
residual transcendental extensions of a valuation, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 28 (1988),
pag. 579 – 592.
1363. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A. Zaharescu, Nonvanishing of Fourier coefficients of newforms in
progressions, Acta Arith. 116 (2005), pag. 81 – 98.
1364. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A. Zaharescu, Nonvanishing of the Ramanujan tau function in short
intervals, Int. J. Number Theory 1 (2005), pag. 45 – 51.
1365. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A. Zaharescu, Consecutive large gaps in sequences defined by multiplicative constraints, Can. Math. Bull. 51 (2008), pag. 172 – 181.
1366. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A. Zaharescu, On the gaps in the Fourier expansion of cusp forms,
Ramanujan J. 16 (2008), pag. 41 – 52.
1367. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu, Arithmetic mean of differences of Dedekind
sums, Monatsh. Math. 151 (2007), pag. 175 – 187.
1368. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu, Quotients of values of the Dedekind eta
function, Math. Ann. 342 (2008), pag. 157 – 176.
1369. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: E. Alkan, M. Xiong, A. Zaharescu, A bias phenomenon on the behavior of
Dedekind sums, Math. Res. Lett. 15 (2008), pag. 1039 - 1052.
1370. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: M. Beck, B. C. Berndt, O. Y. Chan, A. Zaharescu, Determinations of analogues
of Gauss sums and other trigonometric sums, Int. J. Number Theory 1 (2005), pag.
333 - 356.
1371. E. Alkan, On Dirichlet L-functions with periodic coefficients and Eisenstein series, Monatsh.
Math. 163 (2011), pag. 249 – 280. FI = 0.616
Citeaza: B. C. Berndt, A. Zaharescu, Finite trigonometric sums and class numbers,
Math. Ann. 330 (2004), pag. 551 - 575.
1372. S. Neshveyev, von Neumann algebras arising from Bost-Connes type systems, Int. Math.
Res. Not. IMRN (2011), pag. 217 - 236. FI = 1.014
Citeaza: F. P. Boca, A. Zaharescu, Factors of type III and the distribution of prime
numbers, Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 80 (2000), pag. 145 - 178.
1373. Jean Bourgain, Sergei V. Konyagin and Igor E. Shparlinski, Distribution of Elements of
Cosets of Small Subgroups and Applications, Int. Math. Res. Notices (9) (2012),
1968–2009; FA=1.014
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1374. H. Kruger, The spectrum of skew-shift Schrö dinger operators contains intervals, J.
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1418. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Algebras of symbols associated with the Weyl calculus
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1419. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Modulation Spaces of Symbols for Representations of
Nilpotent Lie Groups, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 17 (2011),
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1420. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Continuity of magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (2011), 1944-1968; FI= 1.082
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
1421. De Nittis, Giuseppe; Lein, Max, Applications of magnetic ΨDO techniques to SAPT,
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 23 (2011), 233-260; FI= 1.213
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1422. Lein, Max, Two-parameter asymptotics in magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010), 233-260; FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
1423. Lein, Max; Mantoiu, Marius; Richard, Serge, Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators with
Coefficients in C*-Algebras, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 46 (2010), 755-788; FI= 0.450
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
1424. Cornean, Horia D.; Nenciu, Gheorghe, Faraday effect revisited: sum rules and convergence issues, Journal of Physics A 43 (2010); FI= 1.564
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1425. Cornean, Horia D., On the Lipschitz Continuity of Spectral Bands of Harper-Like and
Magnetic Schrodinger Operators, Annales Henri Poincare 11 (2010); 973-990; FI=
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1426. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Uncertainty principles for magnetic structures on certain
coadjoint orbits, Journal of Geometry and Physics 60 (2010); 81-95; FI= 0.818
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related to the Ginzburg-Landau model, Communications in Mathematical Physics
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1429. Dos Santos, Mickael; Mironescu, Petru; Misiats, Oleksandr, The Ginzburg-Landau functional with a discontinuous and rapidly oscillating pinning term. Part I: the zero degree
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related to the Ginzburg-Landau model, Communications in Mathematical Physics
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related to the Ginzburg-Landau model, Communications in Mathematical Physics
142 (1991), pag. 1-23
1431. Berlyand, Leonid; Misiats, Oleksandr; Rybalko, Volodymyr, Near boundary vortices in a
magnetic Ginzburg-Landau model: Their locations via tight energy bounds, Journal of
Functional Analysis 258 (2010); 1728-1762; FI= 1.082
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related to the Ginzburg-Landau model, Communications in Mathematical Physics
142 (1991), pag. 1-23
1432. Berlyand, L.; Rybalko, V., Solutions with vortices of a semi-stiff boundary value problem
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142 (1991), pag. 1-23
1433. Ichinose Takashi, On Three Magnetic Relativistic Schrodinger Operators and ImaginaryTime Path Integrals, Letters in Mathematical Physics 101 (2012); 323-339; FI=
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1434. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Algebras of symbols associated with the Weyl calculus
for Lie group representations, Monatshefte fur Mathematik 167 (2012); 13-33; FI=
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1435. Ammann, Bernd; Carvalho, Catarina; Nistor, Victor, Regularity for Eigenfunctions of
Schrodinger Operators, Letters in Mathematical Physics 101 (2012); 49-84; FI=
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1436. Falomir, H.; Gamboa, J.; Loewe, M.; et al., Graphene and non-Abelian quantization,
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1437. Hunsicker, Eugenie; Li, Hengguang; Nistor, Victor; et al., Analysis of Schrodinger operators with inverse square potentials I: regularity results in 3D, Bulletin Mathematique
de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumanie 55 (2012); 157-178; FI=
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1438. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Modulation Spaces of Symbols for Representations of
Nilpotent Lie Groups, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applucations 17 (2011);
290-319; FI= 1.034
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1439. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Continuity of magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (2011); 1944-1968; FI= 1.082
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1440. Lein, Max; Mantoiu, Marius; Richard, Serge, Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators with
Coefficients in C*-Algebras, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 46 (2010); 755-788; FI= 0.450
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1441. Cornean, Horia D.; Nenciu, Gheorghe, Faraday effect revisited: sum rules and convergence
issues, Journal of Physics A 43 (2010); FI= 1.564
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1442. Cornean, Horia D., On the Lipschitz Continuity of Spectral Bands of Harper-Like and
Magnetic Schrodinger Operators, Annales Henri Poincare 11 (2010); 973-990; FI=
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1443. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Uncertainty principles for magnetic structures on certain
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operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
1444. Ito, Hiroshi T.; Yamada, Osanobu, Relativistic Hamiltonians with dilation analytic potentials diverging at infinity, Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 63
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hamiltonian, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare-Physique Theorique 51 (1989),
pag. 231-263;
1445. Lein, Max, Two-parameter asymptotics in magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010); FI= 1.291
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hamiltonian, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare-Physique Theorique 51 (1989),
pag. 231-263;
1446. Chandler-Wilde, Simon N.; Chonchaiya, Ratchanikorn; Lindner, Marko, Eigenvalue problem meets Sierpinski triangle: computing the spectrum of a non-self-adjoint random operator, Operators and Matrices 5 (2011); p. 633-648; FI= 0.435
Citeaza: Amrein, W.O.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R.: Propagation properties for Schrodinger
operators affiliated with certain C*-algebras, Annales Henri Poincare 3 (2002), pag.
1447. Lein, Max; Mantoiu, Marius; Richard, Serge, Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators with
Coefficients in C*-Algebras, Publications of the Research Institute in Mathematical Sciences 46 (2010); p. 755-788; FI= 0.450
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operators affiliated with certain C*-algebras, Annales Henri Poincare 3 (2002), pag.
1448. Fakhri, H.; Mojaveri, B.; Nobary, M. A. Gomshi, Landau levels as a limiting case of
a model with the Morse-like magnetic field, Reports on Mathematical Physics 66
(2010); p. 299-310; FI= 0.643
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R.: Some propagation properties of the Iwatsuka model,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 188 (1997), pag. 691-708;
1449. Lein, Max; Mantoiu, Marius; Richard, Serge, Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators with
Coefficients in C*-Algebras, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 46 (2010); p.755-788; FI= 0.450
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
1450. Cornean, Horia D.; Nenciu, Gheorghe, Faraday effect revisited: sum rules and convergence issues, Journal of Physics A 43 (2010); p.755-788; FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
1451. Cornean, Horia D., On the Lipschitz Continuity of Spectral Bands of Harper-Like and
Magnetic Schrodinger Operators, Annales Henri Poincare 11 (2010); p.973-990; FI=
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
1452. Falomir, H.; Gamboa, J.; Loewe, M.; et al., Graphene and non-Abelian quantization,
Journal of Physics A 45 (2012); 49-84; FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Strict deformation quantization for a particle
in a magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physica 46 (2005);
1453. Lein, Max, Two-parameter asymptotics in magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Strict deformation quantization for a particle
in a magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physica 46 (2005);
1454. Lein, Max; Mantoiu, Marius; Richard, Serge, Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators with
Coefficients in C*-Algebras, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 46 (2010); p.755-788; FI= 0.450
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Strict deformation quantization for a particle
in a magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physica 46 (2005);
1455. Cornean, Horia D.; Nenciu, Gheorghe, Faraday effect revisited: sum rules and convergence
issues, Journal of Physics A 43 (2010); p.755-788; FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Strict deformation quantization for a particle
in a magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physica 46 (2005);
1456. Cornean, Horia D., On the Lipschitz Continuity of Spectral Bands of Harper-Like and
Magnetic Schrodinger Operators, Annales Henri Poincare 11 (2010); p.973-990; FI=
Citeaza: Mntoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Strict deformation quantization for a particle in
a magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physica 46 (2005);
1457. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Algebras of symbols associated with the Weyl calculus
for Lie group representations, Monatshefte fur Mathematik 167 (2012), 13-33; FI=
Citeaza: Iftimie V.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R., Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35 (2010),
pag. 1058-1094.
1458. De Nittis, Giuseppe; Lein, Max, Applications of magnetic PsiDO techniques to SAPT,
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 23 (2011), 233-260; FI= 1.213
Citeaza: Iftimie V.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R., Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35 (2010),
pag. 1058-1094.
1459. Lein, Max, Two-parameter asymptotics in magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51 (2010), 233-260; FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Iftimie V.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R., Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35 (2010),
pag. 1058-1094.
1460. Lein, Max; Mantoiu, Marius; Richard, Serge, Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators with
Coefficients in C*-Algebras, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 46 (2010), 755-788; FI= 0.450
Citeaza: Iftimie V.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R., Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35 (2010),
pag. 1058-1094.
1461. Cornean, Horia D.; Moldoveanu, Valeriu, On the cotunneling regime of interacting quantum dots, Journal of Physics A 44 (2011); FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Cornean, H. D.; Duclos, P.; Nenciu, G.; Purice, R., Adiabatically switched-on
electrical bias and the Landauer-Buttiker formula, Journal of Mathematical Physics
49 (2008).
1462. Faraj, Ali; Mantile, Andrea; Nier, Francis, Adiabatic evolution of 1d shape resonances:
an artificial interface conditions approach, Mathematical Models & Methods in
Applied Sciences 21 (2011); p.541-618; FI= 1.635
Citeaza: Cornean, H. D.; Duclos, P.; Nenciu, G.; Purice, R., Adiabatically switched-on
electrical bias and the Landauer-Buttiker formula, Journal of Mathematical Physics
49 (2008).
1463. Faraj, Ali; Mantile, Andrea; Nier, Francis, An explicit model for the adiabatic evolution of
quantum observables driven by 1D shape resonances, Journal of Physics A 43 (2010);
FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Cornean, H. D.; Duclos, P.; Nenciu, G.; Purice, R., Adiabatically switched-on
electrical bias and the Landauer-Buttiker formula, Journal of Mathematical Physics
49 (2008). Journal of Mathematical Physics 49 (2008).
1464. Cornean, Horia D.; Gianesello, Celine; Zagrebnov, Valentin, A partition-free approach to
transient and steady-state charge currents, Journal of Physics A 43 (2010); FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Cornean, H. D.; Duclos, P.; Nenciu, G.; Purice, R., Adiabatically switched-on
electrical bias and the Landauer-Buttiker formula, Journal of Mathematical Physics
49 (2008).
1465. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Algebras of symbols associated with the Weyl calculus
for Lie group representations, Monatshefte fur Mathematik 167 (2012), 13-33; FI=
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and
operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), pag.
1466. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Modulation Spaces of Symbols for Representations of
Nilpotent Lie Groups, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 17 (2011),
290-319; FI= 1.034
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and
operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), pag.
1467. Beltita, Ingrid; Beltita, Daniel, Continuity of magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (2011), 1944-1968; FI= 1.082
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and
operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), pag.
1468. Ichinose Takashi, On Three Magnetic Relativistic Schrodinger Operators and ImaginaryTime Path Integrals, Letters in Mathematical Physics 101 (2012); 323-339; FI=
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Unicity of the Integrated Density
of States for Relativistic Schrodinger Operators with Regular Magnetic Fields and Singular
Electric Potentials, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 67 (2010), 215-246;
1469. Buium, Alexandru; Simanca, Santiago, Arithmetic partial differential equations I, Advances in Mathematics 225 (2010), pag. 689 – 793; FI=1.372
Citeaza: Barcau Mugurel, Isogeny covariant differential modular forms and the space of
elliptic curves up to isogeny, Compositio Mathematica 137 (2003), pag. 237 – 273
1470. Buium, Alexandru; Simanca, Santiago, Arithmetic partial differential equations II, Advances in Mathematics 225 (2010), pag.1308 – 1340; FI=1.372
Citeaza: Barcau Mugurel, Isogeny covariant differential modular forms and the space of
elliptic curves up to isogeny, Compositio Mathematica 137 (2003), pag. 237 – 273
1471. Ahlgren, Scott; Rouse, Jeremy, Congruences for newforms and the index of the Hecke
algebra, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139 (2011), pag.
1247 – 1261; FI=0.611
Citeaza: Ahlgren, Scott; Barcau, Mugurel , Congruences for modular forms of weights
two and four, Journal of Number Theory 126 (2007), pag. 193 – 199
Citeaza: Sergiu Moroianu, Cusp geometry and the cobordism invariance of the index,
ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 194 2 (2005), 504–519.
Citeaza: Sergiu Moroianu, On Carvalho’s K-theoretic formulation of the cobordism invariance of the index, PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL
SOCIETY 134 11 (2006), 3395–3404.
1474. Carvalho, Catarina, Cobordism invariance of the family index MATHEMATISCHE
NACHRICHTEN 285 7 (2012), 808–820
Citeaza: Sergiu Moroianu, Cusp geometry and the cobordism invariance of the index,
ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS 194 2 (2005), 504–519.
1475. Carvalho, Catarina, Cobordism invariance of the family index MATHEMATISCHE
NACHRICHTEN 285 7 (2012), 808–820
Citeaza: Sergiu Moroianu, On Carvalho’s K-theoretic formulation of the cobordism invariance of the index, PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL
SOCIETY 134 11 (2006), 3395–3404.
1476. Monthubert, Bertrand; Nistor, Victor, A topological index theorem for manifolds with
corners, COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA 148 2 (2012), 640–668
Citeaza: Lauter, R; Moroianu, S, Homology of pseudodifferential operators on manifolds
with fibered cusps, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 355 8 (2003), 3009–3046.
1477. Rochon, Frederic Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with foliated boundaries JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 262 3 (2012) 1309–1362
Citeaza: Lauter, R; Moroianu, S, Fredholm theory for degenerate pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with fibered boundaries, COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 26 1-2 (2001), 233–283.
1478. Rochon, Frederic Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with foliated boundaries JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 262 3 (2012) 1309–1362
Citeaza: Lauter, R; Moroianu, S Homology of pseudodifferential operators on manifolds
with fibered cusps, TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 355 8 (2003), 3009–3046
1479. Rochon, Frederic Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with foliated boundaries JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 262 3 (2012) 1309–1362
Citeaza: Moroianu, Sergiu Fibered cusp versus d-index theory, RENDICONTI DEL
1480. Morame, Abderemane; Truc, Francoise COUNTING FUNCTION OF THE EMBEDDED
Citeaza: Golenia, Sylvain; Moroianu, Sergiu Spectral analysis of magnetic Laplacians on
conformally cusp manifolds, ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 9 1 (2009), 131–179
1481. Bakas, Ioannis; Luest, Dieter Axial anomalies of Lifshitz fermions FORTSCHRITTE
DER PHYSIK-PROGRESS OF PHYSICS 59 10 (2011) 937–1015
Citeaza: Cotaescu, II; Moroianu, S; Visinescu, M, Quantum anomalies for generalized
AND GENERAL 38 31 (2005), 7005–7019
1482. Battisti, Ubertino; Coriasco, Sandro Wodzicki residue for operators on manifolds with
(2011) 223–249, FI=0.714
Citeaza: Moroianu, Sergiu Weyl laws on open manifolds MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN 340 1 (2008) 1–21
1483. Morame, Abderemane; Truc, Francoise Eigenvalues of Laplacian with Constant Magnetic
Field on Non-Compact Hyperbolic Surfaces with Finite Area LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 97 2 (2011) 203–211, FI=1.819
Citeaza: Golenia, Sylvain; Moroianu, Sergiu Spectral analysis of magnetic Laplacians on
conformally cusp manifolds ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 9 1 (2008) 131–179
Citeaza: Cotaescu, II; Moroianu, S; Visinescu, M Quantum anomalies for generalized
AND GENERAL 38 31 (2005) 7005–7019
1485. Boussaid, Nabile; Golenia, Sylvain Limiting Absorption Principle for Some Long Range
Perturbations of Dirac Systems at Threshold Energies COMMUNICATIONS IN
MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS 299 3 (2010) 677–708
Citeaza: Golenia, Sylvain; Moroianu, Sergiu Spectral analysis of magnetic Laplacians on
conformally cusp manifolds ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 9 1 (2008) 131-179
Citeaza: Banica, Teodor; Moroianu, Sergiu On the structure of quantum permutation
135 1 (2007) 21–29
1487. Visinescu, Mihai Nonlinear symmetries on spaces admitting Killing tensors COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION
15 4 (2010), 823–834, FI=2,806
Citeaza: Cotaescu, II; Moroianu, S; Visinescu, M Quantum anomalies for generalized
AND GENERAL 38 31 (2005) 7005–7019
1488. Visinescu, Mihai Nonlinear symmetries on spaces admitting Killing tensors COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION
15 4 (2010), 823–834, FI=2,806
Citeaza: Moroianu, S; Visinescu, M Finiteness of the L-2-index of the Dirac operator of
generalized Euclidean Taub-NUT metrics JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL
AND GENERAL 39 21 (2006) 6575–6581
A 25 5 (2010) 341–350
Citeaza: Cotaescu, II; Moroianu, S; Visinescu, M Quantum anomalies for generalized
AND GENERAL 38 31 (2005), 7005–7019
1490. Balasubramanian, Sriram, Non-commutative Caratheodory interpolation, Integral Equations Operator Theory 68 (2010), 529–550; FI=0.626
Citeaza: Ball, J. A.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D.; Trent, T. T., A commutant lifting theorem
on the polydisc, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 48 (1999), pag. 653–675.
1491. Cima, Joseph A.; Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Ross, William T.; Wogen, Warren R., Truncated Toeplitz operators: spatial isomorphism, unitary equivalence, and similarity, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 59 (2010), 595–620; FI=0.886
Citeaza: Chevrot, Nicolas; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, The characteristic function of a complex symmetric contraction, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), pag.
1492. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Wogen, Warren R., Some new classes of complex symmetric
operators, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), 6065–6077; FI=1.093
Citeaza: Chevrot, Nicolas; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, The characteristic function
of a complex symmetric contraction, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), pag. 2877–
1493. Balayan, Levon; Garcia, Stephan Ramon, Unitary equivalence to a complex symmetric
matrix: geometric criteria, Oper. Matrices 4 (2010), 53–76; FI=0.435
Citeaza: Chevrot, Nicolas; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, The characteristic function
of a complex symmetric contraction, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), pag. 2877–
1494. Mittal, Meghna; Paulsen, Vern I., Operator algebras of functions, J. Funct. Anal. 258
(2010), 3195–3225; FI=1.082
Citeaza: Ambrozie, C.-G.; Timotin, D., A von Neumann type inequality for certain domains in Cn , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), pag. 859–869.
1495. Chalendar, I.; Chevrot, N.; Partington, J. R., Nearly invariant subspaces for backwards shifts on vector-valued Hardy spaces, J. Operator Theory 63 (2010), 477–486;
Citeaza: Benhida, Chafiq; Timotin, Dan, Finite rank perturbations of contractions, Integral Equations Operator Theory 36 (2000), pag. 253–268.
1496. Marcantognini, S. A. M.; Moran, M. D., A Schur type analysis of the minimal weak
unitary Hilbert space dilations of a Krein space bicontraction and the relaxed commutant
lifting theorem in a Krein space setting, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), 2557-2586;
Citeaza: Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., The relaxed intertwining lifting in the coupling approach,
Integral Equations Operator Theory 54 (2006), pag. 97–111.
1497. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Ross, William T.; Wogen, Warren R., Spatial isomorphisms of
algebras of truncated Toeplitz operators, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 59 (2010), 1971–
2000; FI=0.886
Citeaza: Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad;
Timotin, Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701.
1498. Popovych, Stanislav, Positive semidefinite quadratic forms on unitary matrices, Linear
Algebra Appl. 433 (2010), pag. 164–171; FI=0.974
Citeaza: Bakonyi, M.; Timotin, D., Extensions of positive definite functions on free
groups, J. Funct. Anal. 246 (2007), pag. 31–49.
1499. Popovych, Stanislav, Trace-positive complex polynomials in three unitaries, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 138 (2010), pag. 3541–3550; FI=0.611
Citeaza: Bakonyi, M.; Timotin, D., Extensions of positive definite functions on free
groups, J. Funct. Anal. 246 (2007), pag. 31–49.
1500. Chalendar, I.; Chevrot, N.; Partington, J. R., Nearly invariant subspaces for backwards
shifts on vector-valued Hardy spaces, J. Operator Theory 63 (2010), pag. 403–415;
Citeaza: Benhida, Chafiq; Timotin, Dan, Functional models and finite-dimensional perturbations of the shift, Integral Equations Operator Theory 29 (1997), pag. 187–196.
1501. Popescu, Gelu, Operator theory on noncommutative domains, Mem. Amer. Math.
Soc. 205 (2010), 124 pag.; FI=2.259
Citeaza: Benhida, Chafiq; Timotin, Dan, Characteristic functions for multicontractions
and automorphisms of the unit ball, Integral Equations Operator Theory 57 (2007),
pag. 153–166.
1502. Li, Chi-Kwong; Poon, Yiu-Tung, Sum of Hermitian matrices with given eigenvalues:
inertia, rank, and multiple eigenvalues, Canad. J. Math. 62 (2010), pag. 109–132;
Citeaza: Bercovici, H.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., The Horn conjecture for sums of compact
selfadjoint operators, Amer. J. Math. 131 (2009), pag. 1543–1567.
1503. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Ross, William T.; Wogen, Warren R., Spatial isomorphisms of
algebras of truncated Toeplitz operators, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 59 (2010), pag.
1971–2000; FI=0.886
Citeaza: Chalendar, I.; Fricain, E.; Timotin, D., On an extremal problem of Garcia and
Ross, Oper. Matrices 3 (2009), pag. 541–546.
1504. Popescu, Gelu, Free holomorphic automorphisms of the unit ball of B(H)n , J. Reine
Angew. Math. 638 (2010), pag. 119–168; FI=1.042
Citeaza: Benhida, Chafiq; Timotin, Dan, Some automorphism invariance properties for
multicontractions, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 56 (2007), pag. 481–499.
1505. Popescu, Gelu, Operator theory on noncommutative domains, Mem. Amer. Math.
Soc. 205 (2010), 124 pag.; FI=2.259
Citeaza: Benhida, Chafiq; Timotin, Dan, Some automorphism invariance properties for
multicontractions, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 56 (2007), pag. 481–499.
1506. Ball, Joseph A.; Kheifets, Alexander, The inverse commutant lifting problem. I: Coordinatefree formalism, Integral Equations Operator Theory 70 (2011), 17–62; FI=0.626
Citeaza: Ball, J. A.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D.; Trent, T. T., A commutant lifting theorem
on the polydisc, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 48 (1999), pag. 653–675.
1507. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Poore, Daniel E.; Wyse, Madeline K., Unitary equivalence to
a complex symmetric matrix: a modulus criterion, Oper. Matrices 5 (2011), 273–287;
Citeaza: Chevrot, Nicolas; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, The characteristic function
of a complex symmetric contraction, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), pag. 2877–
1508. Ball, Joseph A.; Kheifets, Alexander, The inverse commutant lifting problem. I: Coordinatefree formalism, Integral Equations Operator Theory 70 (2011), 17–62; FI=0.626
Citeaza: Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., The relaxed intertwining lifting in the coupling approach,
Integral Equations Operator Theory 54 (2006), pag. 97–111.
1509. ter Horst, S., Redheffer representations and relaxed commutant lifting, Complex Anal.
Oper. Theory 5 (2011), 1051–1072; FI=0.600
Citeaza: Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., The relaxed intertwining lifting in the coupling approach,
Integral Equations Operator Theory 54 (2006), pag. 97–111.
1510. Carlsson, Marcus, On truncated Wiener-Hopf operators and BMO(Z), Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 139 (2011), 1717–1733; FI=0.611
Citeaza: Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad;
Timotin, Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701.
1511. Sedlock, N. A., Algebras of truncated Toeplitz operators, Oper. Matrices 5 (2011),
309–326; FI=0.435
Citeaza: Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad;
Timotin, Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701.
1512. Baranov, Anton; Bessonov, Roman; Kapustin, Vladimir, Symbols of truncated Toeplitz
operators, J. Funct. Anal. 261 (2011), 3437–3456; FI=1.082
Citeaza: Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad;
Timotin, Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701.
1513. Angiuli, C.; Bercovici, H., The number of extremal components of a rigid measure, J.
Combin. Theory Ser. A 118 (2011), pag. 1925–1938; FI=0.826
Citeaza: Bercovici, H.; Collins, B.; Dykema, K.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., Intersections
of Schubert varieties and eigenvalue inequalities in an arbitrary finite factor, J. Funct.
Anal. 258 (2010), pag. 1579–1627.
1514. Cichon, Dariusz; Stochel, Jan; Szafraniec, Franciszek Hugon, Extending positive definiteness, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 363 (2011), pag. 545–577; FI=1.093
Citeaza: Bakonyi, M.; Timotin, D., Extensions of positive definite functions on free
groups, J. Funct. Anal. 246 (2007), pag. 31–49.
1515. Carlsson, Marcus, On truncated Wiener-Hopf operators and BMO(Z), Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 139 (2011), pag. 1717–1733; FI=0.611
Citeaza: Bakonyi, Mihaly; Timotin, Dan, On an extension problem for polynomials, Bull.
London Math. Soc. 33 (2001), pag. 599–605.
1516. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Poore, Daniel E.; Wyse, Madeline K., Unitary equivalence to a
complex symmetric matrix: a modulus criterion, Oper. Matrices 5 (2011), pag. 273–
287; FI=0.435
Citeaza: Chalendar, I.; Fricain, E.; Timotin, D., On an extremal problem of Garcia and
Ross, Oper. Matrices 3 (2009), pag. 541–546.
1517. Isralowitz, J., Schatten p class Hankel operators on the Segal-Bargmann space H 2 (Cn , dµ)
for 0 < p < 1, J. Operator Theory 66 (2011), pag. 145–160; FI=0.681
Citeaza: Timotin, Dan, Cp -estimates for certain kernels: the case 0 < p < 1, J. Funct.
Anal. 72 (1987), pag. 368–380.
1518. Angiuli, C.; Bercovici, H., The number of extremal components of a rigid measure, J.
Combin. Theory Ser. A 118 (2011), pag. 1925–1938; FI=0.826
Citeaza: Bercovici, H.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., A family of reductions for Schubert intersection problems, J. Algebraic Combin. 33 (2011), pag. 609–649.
1519. McCullough, Scott; Sultanic, Saida, Agler-commutant lifting on an annulus, Integral
Equations Operator Theory 72 (2012), 449–482; FI=0.626
Citeaza: Ball, J. A.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D.; Trent, T. T., A commutant lifting theorem
on the polydisc, Indiana Univ. Math. J. 48 (1999), pag. 653–675.
1520. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Poore, Daniel E.; Ross, William T., Unitary equivalence to a
truncated Toeplitz operator: analytic symbols, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012),
1281–1295; FI=0.611
Citeaza: Chevrot, Nicolas; Fricain, Emmanuel; Timotin, Dan, The characteristic function
of a complex symmetric contraction, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (2007), pag. 2877–
1521. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Poore, Daniel E.; Ross, William T., Unitary equivalence to a
truncated Toeplitz operator: analytic symbols, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012),
1281–1295; FI=0.611
Citeaza: Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad;
Timotin, Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701.
1522. Hartmann, Andreas; Ross, William T., Boundary values in range spaces of co-analytic
truncated Toeplitz operators, Publ. Mat. 56 (2012), 191–223; FI=0.660
Citeaza: Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad;
Timotin, Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators, J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701.
1523. Courtney, Dennis; Sarason, Donald, A mini-max problem for self-adjoint Toeplitz matrices, Math. Scand. 110 (2012), pag. 82–98; FI=0.467
Citeaza: Bakonyi, Mihaly; Timotin, Dan, On an extension problem for polynomials, Bull.
London Math. Soc. 33 (2001), pag. 599–605.
1524. Antezana, Jorge; Larotonda, Gabriel; Varela, Alejandro, Thompson-type formulae, J.
Funct. Anal. 262 (2012), pag. 1515–1528; FI=1.082
Citeaza: Bercovici, H.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., The Horn conjecture for sums of compact
selfadjoint operators, Amer. J. Math. 131 (2009), pag. 1543–1567.
1525. Garcia, Stephan Ramon; Poore, Daniel E.; Ross, William T., Unitary equivalence to a
complex symmetric matrix: analytic symbols, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012),
pag. 1281–1295; FI=0.611
Citeaza: Chalendar, I.; Fricain, E.; Timotin, D., On an extremal problem of Garcia and
Ross, Oper. Matrices 3 (2009), pag. 541–546.
1526. Yongle Zhang & Yiran He, On stably quasimonotone hemivariational inequalities, Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), pag. 3324-3332; FI=1.536
Citeaza: Nicuşor Costea & Cezar Lupu, On a class of variational-hemivariational inequalities involvingg set-valued mappinggs, Adv. Pure Appl. Math 1 (2010), pag.
1527. Keiji Tagami: Unoriented HQFT and its underlying algebra, Topology Appl. 159 no.
3 (2012), pag. 833–849. FI = 0.445
Citeaza: Mihai D. Staic and Vladimir Turaev, Remarks on 2-dimensional HQFTs, Algebr. Geom. Topol. 10 no. 3 (2010), pag. 1367–1393.
1528. Tao Yang and Shuanhong Wang, Constructing New Braided T-Categories Over Regular
Multiplier Hopf Algebras, Communications in Algebra, Volume 39 (2011), pag.
3073–3089. FI=0.347
Citeaza: Mihai Staic, A note on anti-Yetter-Drinfeld modules, Contemp. Math., 441
(2007), pag. 149–153.
1529. Shuanhong Wang, New Turaev braided group categories over entwinning structures,
Comm. Algebra 38 no. 3 (2010), pag. 1019–1049. FI=0.347
Citeaza: Mihai Staic, A note on anti-Yetter-Drinfeld modules, Contemp. Math., 441
(2007), pag. 149–153.
1530. F.N. Castro, L.A Medina, Linear recurrences and asymptotic behavior of exponential sums
of symmetric Boolean functions, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 18(2) (2011),
#P8; FI=0.638.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
1531. E. Dubrova, A Scalable Method for Constructing Galois NLFSRs with Period 2n − 1 using
Cross-Join Pairs, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2012; FI=3.003.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
1532. Thomas W. Cusick and Younhwan Cheon, Affine equivalence for rotation symmetric
Boolean functions with 2k variables, Designs, Codes and Cryptography Volume 63, Number 2 (2012), 273–294; FI=0.875.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
1533. T.W. Cusick, A. Brown, Affine equivalence for rotation symmetric Boolean functions with
pk variables, Finite Fields and Their Applications, Volume 18, Issue 3, May 2012, 547–
562; FI=0.674.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
1534. A. Martı́n del Rey, G. Rodriguez Sanchez, A. de la Villa Cuencac, On the boolean partial
derivatives and their composition, Applied Mathematics Letters Volume 25, Issue 4, April
2012, 739–744; FI=1.238.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
1535. A. Brown, T.W. Cusick , Equivalence classes for cubic rotation symmetric functions,
Cryptography and Communications, 2012; FI=1.250.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
1536. Thomas W. Cusick, Finding Hamming weights without looking at truth tables, Cryptography and Communications, 2012; FI=1.250.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
1537. Shaojing Fu, Chao Li, Kanta Matsuura, Longjiang Qu, Balanced 2p-variable rotation
symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity, Applied Mathematics
Letters Volume 24, Issue 12, December 2011, 2093–2096; FI=1.238.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1538. S. Kavut, M.D. Yucel, 9-variable Boolean functions with nonlinearity 242 in the generalized rotation symmetric class, Information and Computation 208, Issue 4, April 2010,
Pages 341–350; FI=0.760.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1539. Q. Meng, L. Chen, F.W. Fu, On homogeneous rotation symmetric bent functions, Discrete
Applied Mathematics Volume 158, Issue 10, 28 May 2010, 1111–1117; FI=0.781.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1540. X Zhang, H Guo, R Feng, Y Li, Proof of a conjecture about rotation symmetric functions,
Discrete Mathematics 311:14 (2011), 1281–1289; FI=0.556.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1541. M.L. Bileschi, T.W. Cusick, D. Padgett, Weights of Boolean cubic monomial rotation
symmetric functions, Cryptography and Communications 4:2 (2012), 105–130; FI=1.250.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1542. Wei Su, Xiangyong Zenga & Lei Hu, Construction of 1-resilient Boolean functions with
optimum algebraic immunity, International Journal of Computer Mathematics Volume
88, Issue 2, 2011, 222–238; FI=0.48.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1543. T.W. Cusick, D. Padgett, A recursive formula for weights of Boolean rotation symmetric
functions, Discrete Applied Mathematics Volume 160, Issues 4-5, March 2012, Pages 391–
397; FI=0.781.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1544. Shaojing Fu, Chao Li, Longjiang Qu, Deshuai Dong, On the number of rotation symmetric
functions over GF (p), Mathematical and Computer Modelling Volume 55, Issues 1-2,
January 2012, Pages 142–150; FI=1.351.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1545. G. Gao, X. Zhang, W. Liu, C. Carlet, Constructions of Quadratic and Cubic Rotation
Symmetric Bent Functions, IEEE Trans. on Information theory 58:7 (2012), 4908–4913;
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1546. S. Kavut, Results on rotation-symmetric S-boxes, Information Sciences Volume 201, 15
October 2012, 93–113; FI=2.984.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1547. S. Su, X. Tang, Construction of rotation symmetric Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity and high nonlinearity, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 2012; FI=0.875.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1548. Bin Wang, Xi Yong, Zhang Wei, Hong Chen, The Hamming Weight and Nonlinearity of
a Type of Rotation Symmetric Boolean Function, Acta Mathematica Sinica 55:4 (2012),
613–626; FI=0.47.
Citeaza P. Stanica, S. Maitra, Rotation-Symmetric Functions - Count and Cryptographic
Properties, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156.10 (2008), 1567-1580
1549. Shaojing Fu, Chao Li, Kanta Matsuura, Longjiang Qu, Enumeration of balanced symmetric functions over GF (p), Information Processing Letters Volume 110, Issues 14–15,
1 July 2010, Pages 544–548; FI=0.547.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, Yuan Li and P. Stanica Balanced symmetric functions over GF (p),
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory 54(3), pp. 1304-1307, 2008.
1550. Guang-Pu Gao, Wen-Fen Liu, Xi-Yong Zhang, The Degree of Balanced Elementary Symmetric Boolean Functions of 4k + 3 Variables, IEEE Trans. Information Theory 57:7
(2011), 4822–4825; FI=3.003.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, Yuan Li and P. Stanica Balanced symmetric functions over GF (p),
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory 54(3), pp. 1304-1307, 2008.
1551. Shaojing Fu, Chao Li, Longjiang Qu, Deshuai Dong, On the number of rotation symmetric
functions over GF (p), Mathematical and Computer Modelling Volume 55, Issues 1-2,
January 2012, Pages 142–150; FI=1.351.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, Yuan Li and P. Stanica Balanced symmetric functions over GF (p),
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory 54(3), pp. 1304-1307, 2008.
1552. W. Su, X. Tang, A. Pott, A Note on a Conjecture for Balanced Elementary Symmetric
Boolean Functions, IEEE Trans. Information Theory 99, 2012; FI=3.003.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, Yuan Li and P. Stanica Balanced symmetric functions over GF (p),
IEEE Trans. on Information Theory 54(3), pp. 1304-1307, 2008.
1553. Z. Tu, Y. Deng, A conjecture about binary strings and its applications on constructing
Boolean functions with optimal algebraic immunity, Designs, Codes and Cryptography
Volume 60, Number 1 (2011), 1–14; FI=0.875.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, Y. Li, P. Stanica, On a Combinatorial Conjecture, Integers 11
(2011), 185-203; also, Electronic J. Combinatorial Number Theory 11 (2011),
Art.#17 (17pp).
1554. D. Tang, C. Carlet, X. Tang, Highly Nonlinear Boolean Functions with Optimal Algebraic
Immunity and Good Behavior Against Fast Algebraic Attacks, IEEE Trans. Information
Theory XX, 2012; FI=3.003.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, Y. Li, P. Stanica, On a Combinatorial Conjecture, Integers 11
(2011), 185-203; also, Electronic J. Combinatorial Number Theory 11 (2011),
Art.#17 (17pp).
1555. Z. Tu, Y. Deng, Boolean functions optimizing most of the cryptographic criteria, Discrete
Applied Mathematics, Volume 160, Issues 4-5, March 2012, Pages 427–435; FI=0.781.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, Y. Li, P. Stanica, On a Combinatorial Conjecture, Integers 11
(2011), 185-203; also, Electronic J. Combinatorial Number Theory 11 (2011),
Art.#17 (17pp).
1556. Alan K. Haynes, Numerators of differences of nonconsecutive Farey fractions, Int. J.
Number Theory, 06, 655(2010); FI=0.342
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A.H. Ledoan, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, Discrepancy of fractions with
divisibility constraints, Monatsh. Math. vol. 149 (2006), pag. 179–192.
1557. Alan K. Haynes, Numerators of differences of nonconsecutive Farey fractions, Int. J.
Number Theory, 06, 655(2010); FI=0.342
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A.H. Ledoan, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, Discrepancy of sets of fractions with congruence constraints, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. vol. 51,
no. 3 (2006), pag. 265–276.
1558. N.C. Bonciocat, On the irreducibility criterion of Perron for multivariate polynomials,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math., Thome 53(101), no.3 (2010), pag. 213–217;
Citeaza: M. Cavachi, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, An irreducibility criterion for polynomials
in several variables, Acta Math. Univ. Ostrav. 12 (2004), pag. 13 – 18.
1559. Z. W. Sun and W. Zhang, Binomial coefficients and the ring of p-adic integers, Proc.
American Mathematical Society, 139, no. 5 (2011), pag. 1569 – 1577; FI=0.611
Citeaza: C. Cobeli, M. Vâjâitu, A. Zaharescu, The sequence n! (mod p), Journal of the
Ramanujan Math. Soc., 15 (2000), pag. 135 – 154
1560. Badziahin, Dmitry A.; Haynes, Alan K. A note on Farey fractions with denominators in
arithmetic progressions, Acta Arith. 147 (2011), no. 3, 205215; FI=0.435
Citeaza: Alkan, Emre; Ledoan, Andrew H.; Vajaitu, Marian; Zaharescu, Alexandru Discrepancy of fractions with divisibility constraints, Monatsh. Math. 149 (2006), no. 3,
1561. K. Fallahi, K. Nourouzi, Modular locally constant mappings in vector ultrametric spaces,
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011 (2011), pag. 1– 8; FI=1.318
Citeaza: M. Vâjâitu, A. Zaharescu, Groups of isometries on ultrametric spaces, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sc. Math., Thome 44(92), no.2 (2001), pag. 183 – 191
1562. K. Fallahi, K. Nourouzi, Modular locally constant mappings in vector ultrametric spaces,
Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011 (2011), pag. 1– 8; FI=1.318
Citeaza: M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, Metric locally constant functions, Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica, vol.6 (2002), pag. 29 –
1563. N. C. Bonciocat, Y. Bugeaud, M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, Some Plya-Type Irreducibility
Criteria for Multivariate Polynomials, Communications in Algebra 40 (2012), 3733
–3744; FI=0.347
Citeaza: M. Cavachi, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, An irreducibility criterion for polynomials
in several variables, Acta Math. Univ. Ostrav. 12 (2004), pag. 13 – 18
1564. Zhi-Wei Sun, Arithmetic theory of harmonic numbers, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140
(2012)), 415-428; FI=0.611
Citeaza: E. Alkan, J. Sneed, M. Vajaitu, and A. Zaharescu, Wolstenholme matrices,
Math. Rep. 8(58) (2006), pag. 1–8.
1565. J Cilleruelo, IE Shparlinski, A Zumalacrregui , Isomorphism classes of elliptic curves over
a finite field in some thin families, Math. Res. Letters, (to appear); FI=0.743
Citeaza: Vajaitu, M., Zaharescu, A., Distributions of values of rational maps on the
Fp -points on an affine curve, Monatsh. Math., 136 (2002), 81-86.
1566. I. E. Shparlinski, Modular Hyperbolas, JPN J Math, to appear, pag. 1 – 74, FI=0.615
Citeaza: M. Vâjâitu, A. Zaharescu, Distribution of values of rational maps on the
Fp −points on an affine curve, Monatshefte fur Mathematik, 136 (2002), pag. 81–
1567. I. E. Shparlinski, Modular Hyperbolas, JPN J Math, to appear, pag. 1 – 74, FI=0.615
Citeaza: C. Cobeli, M. Vâjâitu, A. Zaharescu, Distribution of gaps between the inverses
(mod q), Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc., 46 (2003), pag. 185– 203
1568. I. E. Shparlinski, Modular Hyperbolas, JPN J Math, to appear, pag. 1 – 74, FI=0.615
Citeaza: C. Cobeli, M. Vâjâitu, A. Zaharescu, Average estimates for the number of tuples
of inverses (mod p) in short intervals, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math., Thome
43(91), no.2 (2000), pag. 155 – 167
1569. June Huh, Milnor numbers of projective hypersurfaces and the chromatic polynomial
of graphs, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 25 (2012), 907-927;
Citeaza: Alexandru Dimca and Stefan Papadima, Hypersurface complements, Milnor
fibers and higher homotopy groups of arrangements, Annals of Mathematics (2) 158
(2003), 473-507.
1570. Cohen, D.; Costa, A.; Farber, M.; Kappeler, T. Topology of random 2-complexes, Discrete Comput. Geom. 47 (2012), 117-149; FI=0.938
Citeaza: S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Algebraic invariants for Bestvina–Brady groups, J.
London Math. Soc. 76 (2007), 273–292.
1571. Leary, Ian J.; Saadetoglu, Muge, The cohomology of Bestvina-Brady groups, Groups
Geom. Dyn. 5 (2011), 121-138; FI=0.508
Citeaza: S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Algebraic invariants for Bestvina–Brady groups, J.
London Math. Soc. 76 (2007), 273–292.
1572. Cogolludo Agustin, J. I.; Matei, D.; Cohomology algebra of plane curves, weak combinatorial type, and formality, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012), 5765-5790;
Citeaza: A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Topology and geometry of cohomology jump
loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
1573. Budur, Nero Complements and higher resonance varieties of hyperplane arrangements,
Math. Res. Lett. 18 (2011), 859-873; FI=0.743
Citeaza: A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Topology and geometry of cohomology jump
loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
1574. Zuber, Hugues Non-formality of Milnor fibres of line arrangements, Bull. Lond. Math.
Soc. 42 (2010), 905-911; FI=0.541
Citeaza: A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Topology and geometry of cohomology jump
loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
1575. Macinic, Anca Daniela Cohomology rings and formality properties of nilpotent groups,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 214 (2010), 1818-1826; FI=0.567
Citeaza: A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Topology and geometry of cohomology jump
loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
1576. Dimca, Alexandru Characteristic varieties and logarithmic differential 1-forms, Compos.
Math. 146 (2010), 129-144; FI=1.187
Citeaza: A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Topology and geometry of cohomology jump
loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
1577. Ornea, Liviu; Pilca, Mihaela Remarks on the product of harmonic forms, Pacific J.
Math. 250 (2011), 353-363; FI=0.626
Citeaza: S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Geometric and algebraic aspects of 1-formality, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 52 (2009), 355–375.
1578. Zuber, Hugues Non-formality of Milnor fibres of line arrangements, Bull. Lond. Math.
Soc. 42 (2010), 905-911; FI=0.541
Citeaza: S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Geometric and algebraic aspects of 1-formality, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 52 (2009), 355–375.
1579. S. G. Chiossi, P.-A. Nagy, Complex homothetic foliations on Kähler manifolds, Bull.
London Math. Soc. 44 (2012), 113–124; FI = 0.541
Citeaza: R. Pantilie, Harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres, Internat. J.
Math. 10 (1999), pag. 457–501
1580. E. Loubeau, R. Slobodeanu, Eigenvalues of harmonic almost submersions, Geom. Dedicata 145 (2010), 103–126; FI = 0.364
Citeaza: R. Pantilie, J. C. Wood, Harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres on
Einstein manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), pag. 4229–4243
1581. R. Slobodeanu, On the geometrized Skyrme and Faddeev models, J. Geom. Phys. 60
(2010), 643–660; FI = 0.818
Citeaza: R. Pantilie, J. C. Wood, Harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres on
Einstein manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), pag. 4229–4243
1582. R. Slobodeanu, Perfect fluids from high power sigma-models, Int. J. Geom. Methods
Mod. Phys. 8 (2011), 1763–1782; FI = 0.856
Citeaza: R. Pantilie, J. C. Wood, Harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres on
Einstein manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 354 (2002), pag. 4229–4243
1583. R. Slobodeanu, Perfect fluids from high power sigma-models, Int. J. Geom. Methods
Mod. Phys. 8 (2011), 1763–1782; FI = 0.856
Citeaza: R. Pantilie, Harmonic morphisms with 1-dimensional fibres on 4-dimensional
Einstein manifolds, Comm. Anal. Geom. 10 (2002), pag. 779–814
1584. P. Baird, J. C. Wood, Harmonic morphisms and bicomplex manifolds, J. Geom. Phys.
61 (2011), pag. 46–61; FI = 0.818
Citeaza: R. Pantilie, J. C. Wood, Twistorial harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional
fibres on self-dual four-manifolds, Q. J. Math. (Oxford) 57 (2006), pag. 105–132
1585. P. Li, K. Liu, Some remarks on circle actions on manifolds, Math. Res. Lett. 18
(2011), 437–446; FI = 0.743
Citeaza: R. Pantilie, J. C. Wood Topological restrictions for circle actions and harmonic
morphisms, Manuscripta Math. 110 (2003), pag. 351–364
1586. E. Loubeau, R. Slobodeanu, Eigenvalues of harmonic almost submersions, Geom. Dedicata 145 (2010), 103–126; FI = 0364
Citeaza: R. Pantilie On submersive harmonic morphisms, Chapman & Hall/CRC
Research Notes in Mathematics Series 413 (2000), pag. 23–29
1587. R. Slobodeanu, On the geometrized Skyrme and Faddeev models, J. Geom. Phys. 60
(2010), 643–660; FI = 0.818
Citeaza: R. Pantilie On submersive harmonic morphisms, Chapman & Hall/CRC
Research Notes in Mathematics Series 413 (2000), pag. 23–29
1588. D. V. Alekseevsky, L. David, Invariant generalized complex structures on Lie groups,
Proc. London Math. Soc., DOI 10.1112/plms/pds017; FI = 1.324
Citeaza: L. Ornea, R. Pantilie On holomorphic maps and Generalized Complex Geometry,
J. Geom. Phys. 61 (2011), pag. 1502–1515
1589. S. Heller, Harmonic morphisms on conformally flat 3-spheres, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc.
43 (2011), 137–150; FI = 0.541
Citeaza: R. Pantilie Harmonic morphisms with one-dimensional fibres on conformallyflat Riemannian manifolds, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 145 (2008), pag.
1590. Fraboni, Michael; Napier, Terrence, Strong q-convexity in uniform neighborhoods of subvarieties in coverings of complex spaces., Math. Z. 265 (2010), 653–685; FI=0,749
Citeaza: C. Joita, Traces of convex domains, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003),
pag. 2721–2725
1591. O. Ovrelid, S. Vassiliadou, Hartogs’ extensions theorems on Stein spaces J. Geom. Anal.
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Citeaza M. Coltoiu, J. Ruppenthal On Hartogs’ extension theorem on (n-1)-complete
spaces J. reine angew. Math. 637 (2009), 41-47.
1592. M. Fraboni,T. Napier, Strong q-convexity properties in uniform neighborhoods of subvarieties in coverings of complex spaces, Math. Z. 265 (2010), 653-685,FI= 0.749
Citeaza M. Coltoiu Complete locally pluripolar sets J. reine angew. Math. 412
1593. M. Fraboni,T. Napier, Strong q-convexity properties in uniform neighborhoods of subvarieties in coverings of complex spaces, Math. Z. 265 (2010), 653-685,FI= 0.749
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, Coverings of 1-convex manifolds with 1-dimensional exceptional set
Comment. Math. Helv. 68 (1993), 469-479.
1594. M. Fraboni,T. Napier, Strong q-convexity properties in uniform neighborhoods of subvarieties in coverings of complex spaces, Math. Z. 265 (2010), 653-685,FI= 0.749
Citeaza M. Coltoiu and V. Vajaitu, On the n-completeness of coverings spaces with parameters Math. Z. 237 (2001), 815-831.
1595. M. Fraboni,T. Napier, Strong q-convexity properties in uniform neighborhoods of subvarieties in coverings of complex spaces, Math. Z. 265 (2010), 653-685,FI= 0.749
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, Convexity properties of coverings of 1-convex manifolds Math. Z.
256 (2007), 283-289.
1596. F. Forstneric,B.Drinovec Drnovsek: Strongly pseudoconvex domains as subvarieties of
complex manifolds. Amer. J. Math. 132 (2010) 331-360, FI=1.057
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, q-convexity.A survey Complex analysis and geometry XII, Pitman Research Notes in Math. vol. 366, 83-93.
1597. F. Forstneric, The Oka principle for sections of stratifeid fiber bubdles.
Pure and
Appl. Math. Quarterly no.3 , 6 (2010),843-874,FI=0.321
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, N. Mihalache, On the homology groups of Stein spaces and Runge
pairs J. reine angew. Math. 371 (1986), 216-220.
1598. F. Forstneric, The Oka principle for sections of stratifeid fiber bubdles.
Pure and
Appl. Math. Quarterly no.3 , 6 (2010),843-874,FI=0.321
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, Complete locally pluripolar sets J. reine angew. Math. 412
(1990), 108-112.
1599. A. Prezelj, A relative Oka-Grauert principle for holomorphic submersions over 1-convex
spaces. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362, no. 8 (2010), 4213-4228 FI=1.093
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, On the Oka-Grauert principle for 1-convex manifolds Math. Ann.
310 (1998), 561-569.
1600. M. Brumberg, J. Leiterer, On the compactification of concave ends Math. Ann. 347
(2010), 235-244 FI=1.297
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, M. Tibar, On the disk theorem Math. Ann. 345 (2009), 175-183.
1601. M. Verbitsky, Plurisubharmonic functions in calibrated geometry and q-convexity Math.
Z. 264 (2010), 939-957 FI=0.749
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, Complete locally pluripolar sets J. reine angew. Math. 412
(1990), 108-112.
1602. F. Forstneric, F. Wold: Fibrations and Stein neighborhoods Proc. AMS 138 (2010),
2037-2042 FI=0.611
Citeaza M. Coltoiu, Complete locally pluripolar sets J. reine angew. Math. 412
(1990), 108-112.
1603. N.Ovrelid, S. Vassiliadou: Semiglobal estimates for d-bar operator on complex spaces with
arbitrary singularities Trans. AMS 363, no.3 (2011),6177-6199 FI=1.093 Citeaza M.
Coltoiu,J.Ruppenthal, On Hartogs’ extension theorem J. reine angew. Math. 637
1604. E.Porten, The Hartogs phenomenon on weakly pseudoconcave hypersurfaces, Math.
Ann. 354,no.2 (2012), 659-683; FI=1.297
Citeaza: M.Coltoiu,J. Ruppenthal On the Hartogs’ extension theorem on (n-1)-complete
spaces, J.reine angew. Math. 637 (2009), pag. 41-49.
1605. S.Nemirovski,The Levi problem and semistable quotients, Complex varaibles and Elliptic equations (2011);FI=0.532
Citeaza:M. Coltoiu,K. Diederich The Levi problem on complex spaces and envelopes of
holomorphy Math. Ann. 316 (2000),185-189.
1606. S.Nemirovski,The Levi problem and semistable quotients, Complex varaibles and Elliptic equations (2011);FI=0.532
Citeaza:M. Coltoiu, K. Diederich The Levi problem for Riemann domains over Stein
spaces with isolated singularities Math. Ann. 338 (2007), 283-289
1607. A. Pethő, V. Ziegler, On biquadratic fields that admit unit power integral bases, Acta
Math. Hung. 133 (2011), 221–241; FI = 0,456
Citează: M. Cipu, M. Mignotte, On the number of solutions to systems of Pell equations,
J. Number Theory 125 (2007), 356–392.
1608. Q. Wang, J. L. Yucas, Dickson polynomials over finite fields, Finite Fields and Their
Appl. 18 (2012), 814–831; FI = 0,674
Citează: M. Cipu, Dickson polynomials that are permutations, Serdica Math. J. 30
(2004), 177–194.
1609. M. H. Le, A note on the simultaneous Pell equations X 2 − AY 2 = 1 and Z 2 − BY 2 = 1,
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pag. 267–275
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J. Alg. 9 (2011), pag. 133 – 166
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scheme for the Schrödinger equation. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 340 (2005), no.
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Citeaza: L.I. Ignat and J.D. Rossi. A nonlocal convection-diffusion equation. Journal
of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007. FI=1.082
1686. Ferreira, Raul; Perez-Llanos, Mayte, Blow-up for the non-local p-Laplacian equation with
a reaction term, Nonlinear Analysis-Theory Methods & Applications Volume:
75 Issue: 14 Pages: 5499-5522 DOI: 10.1016/j.na.2012.04.056 Published: SEP 2012,
Citeaza: L.I. Ignat and J.D. Rossi. A nonlocal convection-diffusion equation. Journal
of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007. FI=1.082
1687. Cortazar, Carmen; Elgueta, Manuel; Garcia-Melian, Jorge; et al., Stationary Sign Changing Solutions for an Inhomogeneous Nonlocal Problem, Indiana University MAthematics Journal Volume: 60 Issue: 1 Pages: 209-232 Published: 2011
Citeaza: L.I. Ignat and J.D. Rossi. A nonlocal convection-diffusion equation. Journal
of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007. FI=1.082
1688. Bogoya, Mauricio; Gomez S., Cesar A. On a nonlocal diffusion model with Neumann
boundary conditions. Nonlinear Anal. 75 (2012), no. 6, 3198–3209, FI=1.536
Citeaza: L.I. Ignat and J.D. Rossi. A nonlocal convection-diffusion equation. Journal
of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007. FI=1.082
1689. Du, Qiang; Kamm, James R.; Lehoucq, R. B.; Parks, Michael L. A new approach for a
nonlocal, nonlinear conservation law. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 72 (2012), no. 1, 464–487.FI
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of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007. FI=1.082
1690. Sun, Jian-Wen; Li, Wan-Tong; Yang, Fei-Ying, Approximate the Fokker-Planck equation
by a class of nonlocal dispersal problems. Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 11, 3501–3509.
Citeaza: L.I. Ignat and J.D. Rossi. A nonlocal convection-diffusion equation. Journal
of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007.
1691. Sun, Yu-Juan; Li, Wan-Tong; Wang, Zhi-Cheng, Entire solutions in nonlocal dispersal
equations with bistable nonlinearity. J. Differential Equations 251 (2011), no. 3, 551–581.
Citeaza: L.I. Ignat and J.D. Rossi. A nonlocal convection-diffusion equation. Journal
of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007.
1692. Gunzburger, Max; Lehoucq, R. B. A nonlocal vector calculus with application to nonlocal
boundary value problems. Multiscale Model. Simul. 8 (2010), no. 5, 1581–1598, FI=2.009
1693. Rossi, Julio D.; Schnlieb, Carola-Bibiane Nonlocal higher order evolution equations. Appl.
Anal. 89 (2010), no. 6, 949–960. FI=0.744
Citeaza: L.I. Ignat and J.D. Rossi. A nonlocal convection-diffusion equation. Journal
of Functional Analysis, 251:399–437, 2007.
1694. Terra, Joana; Wolanski, Noemi Large time behavior for a nonlocal diffusion equation with
absorption and bounded initial data. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 31 (2011), no. 2,
581–605. FI=0.913
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Refined asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion equations. J. Evol. Equ. 8 (2008), no. 4, 617629. FI=0.883
1695. Sun, Jian-Wen; Li, Wan-Tong; Yang, Fei-Ying Approximate the Fokker-Planck equation
by a class of nonlocal dispersal problems. Nonlinear Anal. 74 (2011), no. 11, 3501–
3509. FI=1.536
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Refined asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion equations. J. Evol. Equ. 8 (2008), no. 4, 617–629. FI=0.883
1696. Terra, Joana; Wolanski, Noemi Asymptotic behavior for a nonlocal diffusion equation
with absorption and nonintegrable initial data. The supercritical case. Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 139 (2011), no. 4, 1421–1432. FI=0.611
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Refined asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion equations. J. Evol. Equ. 8 (2008), no. 4, 617–629. FI=0.883
1697. Rossi, Julio D.; Schnlieb, Carola-Bibiane Nonlocal higher order evolution equations.
Appl. Anal. 89 (2010), no. 6, 949–960. FI=0.744
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Refined asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion equations. J. Evol. Equ. 8 (2008), no. 4, 617–629. FI=0.883
1698. Garca-Melin, Jorge; Quirs, Fernando Fujita exponents for evolution problems with nonlocal diffusion. J. Evol. Equ. 10 (2010), no. 1, 147–161, FI=0.883
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Refined asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion equations. J. Evol. Equ. 8 (2008), no. 4, 617–629.
1699. Gunzburger, Max; Lehoucq, R. B. A nonlocal vector calculus with application to nonlocal
boundary value problems. Model. Simul. 8 (2010), no. 5, 15811598. FI=2.009
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Decay estimates for nonlocal problems via energy
methods. , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 2, 163–187.
1700. Garcia-Melin, Jorge; Quirs, Fernando Fujita exponents for evolution problems with nonlocal diffusion. J. Evol. Equ. 10 (2010), no. 1, 147161. FI=0.883
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Decay estimates for nonlocal problems via energy
methods. , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 2, 163–187.
1701. Darbas, M.; Goubet, O.; Lohrengel, S., Exact boundary controllability of the second-order
Maxwell system: Theory and numerical simulation, Computers & mathematics with
Applications Volume: 63 Issue: 7 Pages: 1212-1237 DOI: 10.1016/j.camwa.2011.12.046
Published: APR 2012, FI=1.747
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Convergence of a two-grid algorithm for the
control of the wave equation. , J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11 (2009), no. 2,
1702. Ammari, Habib; Asch, Mark; Bustos, Lili Guadarrama; et al., Transient Wave Imaging
with Limited-View Data, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences Volume: 4 Issue: 4
Pages: 1097-1121 DOI: 10.1137/100786174 Published: 2011,FI=4.656
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Convergence of a two-grid algorithm for the
control of the wave equation. , J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11 (2009), no. 2,
1703. Asch, Mark; Darbas, Marion; Duval, Jean-Baptiste Numerical solution of an inverse
initial boundary value problem for the wave equation in the presence of conductivity
imperfections of small volume. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 17 (2011), no.
4, 1016–1034, FI=0.758
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Convergence of a two-grid algorithm for the
control of the wave equation. , J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11 (2009), no. 2,
1704. Marica, Aurora; Zuazua, Enrique Localized solutions and filtering mechanisms for the
discontinuous Galerkin semi-discretizations of the 1–d wave equation. C. R. Math.
Acad. Sci. Paris 348 (2010), no. 19-20, 10871092. FI=0.384
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Convergence of a two-grid algorithm for the
control of the wave equation. , J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11 (2009), no. 2,
1705. Munch, Arnaud; Zuazua, Enrique Numerical approximation of null controls for the heat
equation: ill-posedness and remedies. Inverse Problems 26 (2010), no. 8, 085018, 39
pp., FI = 1.880
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Convergence of a two-grid algorithm for the
control of the wave equation. , J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11 (2009), no. 2,
1706. Micu, Sorin; Roventa, Ionel, Uniform controllability of the linear one dimensional Schr”odinger
equation with vanishing viscosity. ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 18 (2012),
no. 1, 277–293, FI=0.758
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Numerical dispersive schemes for the nonlinear
Schrödinger equation. , SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47 (2009), no. 2, 1366–1390
1707. Marica, Aurora; Zuazua, Enrique High frequency wave packets for the Schr”odinger equation and its numerical approximations. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 349 (2011),
no. 1-2, 105–110, FI=0.384
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Numerical dispersive schemes for the nonlinear
Schrödinger equation. , SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47 (2009), no. 2, 1366–1390
1708. Marica, Aurora; Zuazua, Enrique Localized solutions and filtering mechanisms for the
discontinuous Galerkin semi-discretizations of the 1?d wave equation. C. R. Math.
Acad. Sci. Paris 348 (2010), no. 19-20, 1087–1092, FI=0.384
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Numerical dispersive schemes for the nonlinear
Schrödinger equation. , SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47 (2009), no. 2, 1366–1390
1709. Marica, Aurora; Zuazua, Enrique Localized solutions for the finite difference semi-discretization
of the wave equation. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 348 (2010), no. 11-12, 647–
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Schrödinger equation. , SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47 (2009), no. 2, 1366–1390
1710. Mielke, Alexander; Patz, Carsten Dispersive stability of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian
systems on lattices. Appl. Anal. 89 (2010), no. 9, 14931512, FI=0.744
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Zuazua, Enrique Numerical dispersive schemes for the nonlinear
Schrödinger equation. , SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 47 (2009), no. 2, 1366–1390.
1711. Cortazar, Carmen; Elgueta, Manuel; Quiros, Fernando; et al., Asymptotic Behavior for a
Nonlocal Diffusion Equation in Domains with Holes Archive for Rational Mechanics
and Analysis Volume: 205 Issue: 2 Pages: 673-697 DOI: 10.1007/s00205-012-0519-2
Published: AUG 2012, FI=2.054
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Refined asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion equations. J. Evol. Equ. 8 (2008), no. 4, 61–629.
1712. Garcia-Melian, Jorge; Quiros, Fernando Fujita exponents for evolution problems with
nonlocal diffusion. J. Evol. Equ. 10 (2010), no. 1, 147–161. FI=0.883
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Asymptotic expansions for nonlocal diffusion
equations in Lq -norms for 1 ≤ q ≤ 2, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 362 (2010), no. 1,
190-199., FI = 1.001
1713. Huang, Rui; Mei, Ming; Wang, Yong, Planar traveling waves for nonlocal dispersion equation with monostable nonlinearity Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
Volume: 32 Issue: 10 Pages: 3621-3649 DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2012.32.3621 Published:
OCT 2012, FI=0.913
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Decay estimates for nonlocal problems via energy
methods. , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 2, 163–187.
1714. Coombes, Stephen; Schmidt, Helmut; Laing, Carlo R.; et al., Waves in random neural
media Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Volume: 32 Issue: 8 Special Issue: SI Pages: 2951-2970 DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2012.32.2951 Published: AUG 2012,
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Decay estimates for nonlocal problems via energy
methods. , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 2, 163–187.
1715. Wang, Yulan; Xiang, Zhaoyin; Hu, Jinsong, Blowup Analysis for a Nonlocal Diffusion
Equation with Reaction and Absorption Journal of Applied Mathematics Article
Number: 648067 DOI: 10.1155/2012/648067 Published: 2012, FI=0.656
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Decay estimates for nonlocal problems via energy
methods. , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 2, 163–187.
1716. Burch, Nathanial; Lehoucq, R. B., Classical, nonlocal, and fractional diffusion equations
on bounded domains International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering Volume: 9 (2011) Issue: 6 Pages: 661-674, FI=0.647
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Decay estimates for nonlocal problems via energy
methods. , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 2, 163–187.
1717. Ferreira, Raul, Quenching phenomena for a non-local diffusion equation with a singular
absorption. Israel J. Math. 184 (2011), 387–402. FI=0.745
Citeaza: Ignat, Liviu I.; Rossi, Julio D. Decay estimates for nonlocal problems via energy
methods. , J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 92 (2009), no. 2, 163–187.
1718. Muhammad Ishaq, Values and bounds for the Stanley depth, Carpathian J. Math. 27,
(2011), 217-224, FI=0,906
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, An inequality between depth and Stanley depth, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 52(100) (2009, 377-382.
1719. Muhammad Ishaq, Values and bounds for the Stanley depth, Carpathian J. Math. 27,
(2011), 217-224, FI=0,906
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Muhammad Qureshi, Computing the Stanley depth, Journal
of Algebra, 323 (2010), 2943-2959.
1720. Muhammad Ishaq, Values and bounds for the Stanley depth, Carpathian J. Math. 27,
(2011), 217-224, FI=0,906
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu: Bounds of Stanley depth, An. St. Univ. Ovidius. Constanta, 19,(2011), 187-194; FI=0,052.
1721. Andrei Zarojanu, Stanley Conjecture on intersection of three monomial primary ideals,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 55(103), (2012), 335-338; FI=0,507
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, An inequality between depth and Stanley depth, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 52(100) (2009, 377-382.
1722. Andrei Zarojanu, Stanley Conjecture on intersection of three monomial primary ideals,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 55(103), (2012), 335-338; FI=0,507
Citeaza: Herzog, Jurgen; Popescu, Dorin; Vladoiu, Marius, Stanley depth and size of a
monomial ideal, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 (2012), no. 2, 493504; FI=0,611
1723. Andrei Zarojanu, Stanley Conjecture on intersection of three monomial primary ideals,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 55(103), (2012), 335-338; FI=0,507
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Muhammad Qureshi, Computing the Stanley depth, Journal
of Algebra, 323 (2010), 2943-2959.
1724. Andrei Zarojanu, Stanley Conjecture on intersection of three monomial primary ideals,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 55(103), (2012), 335-338; FI=0,507
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu: Bounds of Stanley depth, An. St. Univ. Ovidius. Constanta, 19,(2011), 187-194; FI=0,052.
1725. Keller, M. T., Shen, Y.H., Streib, N., Young S. J., On the Stanley depth of squarefree
Veronese ideals, J. Algebraic Combin., 33 (2011), 313-324; FI=0,752
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Stanley depth of multigraded modules, J. Algebra, 321 (2009),
pag. 2782-2797
1726. Francisco, C. A., Mermin, J., Schweig, J, Borel generators, J. Algebra, 332 (2011),
522-542; FI=0,613
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Binomial cycle bases on Koszul homology modules, Comm.
Algebra, 36 (2008), pag. 1789-1800
1727. Francisco, C. A., Mermin, J., Schweig, J, Borel generators, J. Algebra, 332 (2011),
522-542; FI=0,613
Citeaza: J. Herzog, D. Popescu, M. Vladoiu, On the Ext-modules of ideals of Borel type,
Contemp. Math., 331 (2003), pag. 171-186
1728. Lindsey, M., A class of Hilbert series and the strong Lefschetz property, Proc. AMS,
139 (2011), 79-92; FI=0,611
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, The strong Lefschetz property and certain complete intersection
extensions, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie, 48(96) (2005), pag. 421-431
1729. Gasharov, Vesselin; Murai, Satoshi; Peeva, Irena , Hilbert schemes and maximal Betti
numbers over Veronese rings, Math. Z., 267 (2011), 155- 172; FI=0,749
Citeaza: Juergen Herzog, Dorin Popescu, Hibert functions and generic forms Compositio Math., 113 (1998), pag. 1- -22
1730. Adrian Popescu, Special Stanley decompositions, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math.
Roumanie 53(101), (2010),363-372; FI=0,507
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, An inequality between depth and Stanley depth, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 52(100) (2009, 377-382.
1731. Adrian Popescu, Special Stanley decompositions, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math.
Roumanie 53(101), (2010),363-372; FI=0,507
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Muhammad Qureshi, Computing the Stanley depth, Journal
of Algebra, 323 (2010), 2943-2959.
1732. Ishaq, Muhammad, Upper bounds for the Stanley depth, Comm. Algebra 40 (2012),
no. 1, 87–97; FI=0,347
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, An inequality between depth and Stanley depth, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie 52(100) (2009, 377-382,
1733. Ishaq, Muhammad, Upper bounds for the Stanley depth, Comm. Algebra 40 (2012),
no. 1, 87–97; FI=0,347
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Muhammad Qureshi, Computing the Stanley depth, Journal
of Algebra, 323 (2010), 2943-2959.
1734. Ishaq, Muhammad, Upper bounds for the Stanley depth, Comm. Algebra 40 (2012),
no. 1, 87–97; FI=0,347
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Stanley depth of multigraded modules, J. Algebra, 321 (2009),
2782- 2797
1735. Ishaq, Muhammad, Upper bounds for the Stanley depth, Comm. Algebra 40 (2012),
no. 1, 87–97; FI=0,347
Citeaza: I. Anwar, D. Popescu, Stanley conjecture in small embedding dimension, J.
Algebra 318, (2007), 1027-1031
1736. Boij M., Zanello F., Some algebraic consequences of Green’s hyperplane restriction theorems, J. Pure Appl. Alg., 214 (2010), 1263-1270; FI=0,567
Citeaza: Juergen Herzog, Dorin Popescu, Hibert functions and generic forms Compositio Math., 113 (1998), pag. 1- -22
1737. Soleyman Jahan, Ali, Prime filtrations and primary decompositions of modules, Comm.
Algebra, 39 (2011), 116-124; FI=0,347
Citeaza: Juergen Herzog, Dorin Popescu, Finite filtrations of modules and shellable
multicomplexes, Manuscripta Math., 121 (2006), 385 -410
1738. Biro C., Howard D.M., Mitchel T., Trotter W., Young S., Internal partitions and Stanley
depth, J. Combinatorial Theory, 117 (2010), 475-482; FI=0,892
Citeaza: Juergen Herzog, Dorin Popescu, Finite filtrations of modules and shellable
multicomplexes, ¡Manuscripta Math., 121 (2006), pag. 385- -410
1739. Rauf Asia, A procedure to compute prime filtrations, Central Europ.Math J., 8 (2010),
pag. 26-31; FI=0,440
Citeaza: Juergen Herzog, Dorin Popescu, Finite filtrations of modules and shellable
multicomplexes, ¡Manuscripta Math., 121 (2006), pag. 385- -410
1740. Rauf Asia, A procedure to compute prime filtrations, Central Europ.Math J., 8 (2010),
pag. 26-31; FI=0,440
Citeaza: I. Anwar, D. Popescu, Stanley conjecture in small embedding dimension, J.
Algebra 318, (2007), 1027-1031
1741. Takahashi, Ryo, Classifying thick subcategories of the stable category of Cohen-Macaulay
modules, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), no. 4, 2076–2116; FI=1,177
Citeaza: J.Herzog, D. Popescu, Thom-Sebastiani problems for maximal Cohen-Macaulay
modules, Math.Ann., 309(1997),677-700.
1742. Takahashi, Ryo, Classifying thick subcategories of the stable category of Cohen-Macaulay
modules, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), no. 4, 2076–2116; FI=1,177
Citeaza: L. O’Carroll , D. Popescu, On a Theorem of Knörrer concerning Cohen-Macaulay
modules, J. of Pure and Appl. Alg., 152(2000),293-302.
1743. Kedlaya Kirian, Good formal structures for flat meromorphic connections, I surfaces,
Duke Math. J., 154 (2010), 343-418; FI=1,537
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, On a Question of Quillen, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Roum.,
45(93) (2002), pag. 209- -212
1744. Basu, R., Rao-Ravi A., Injective stability for K1 of classical modules, J. Algebra 323
(2010), 867-877; FI=0,613
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Polynomial rings and their projective modules, Nagoya Math.
J., 113 (1989), pag. 121- -128
1745. Rauf Asia, Depth and Stanley dept of multigraded modules, Comm. in Algebra, 38
(2010), 773-784; FI=0,347
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Stanley depth of multigraded modules, J. Algebra, 321 (2009),
pag. 2782- -2797 si
1746. Rauf Asia, Depth and Stanley dept of multigraded modules, Comm. in Algebra, 38
(2010), 773-784; FI=0,347
Citeaza: Imran Anwar, Dorin Popescu, Stanley conjecture in small embedding dimension,
J. Algebra, 318 (2007), pag. 1027- -1031 si
1747. Rauf Asia, Depth and Stanley dept of multigraded modules, Comm. in Algebra, 38
(2010), 773-784; FI=0,347
Citeaza: Juergen Herzog, Dorin Popescu, Finite filtrations of modules and shellable
multicomplexes, Manuscripta Math., 121 (2006), pag. 385- -410
1748. Guillaume Rond, Sur la lissification de type Ploski-Popescu, Comptes Rendus Math.
348 (2010), 727 - 729; FI=0,384
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron Desingularization, Nagoya Math.J, 100, (1985),
pag. 97- -126, si
1749. Guillaume Rond, Sur la lissification de type Ploski-Popescu, Comptes Rendus Math.
348 (2010), 727 - 729; FI=0,384
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron Desingularization and approximation, Nagoya
Math.J , 104 (1986), pag. 85- -115
1750. Guillaume Rond, Sur la lissification de type Ploski-Popescu, Comptes Rendus Math.
348 (2010), 727 - 729; FI=0,384
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron desingularization, Nagoya Math. J.,100(1985),
1751. Lamel, Bernhard; Mir, Nordine, Holomorphic versus algebraic equivalence for deformations of real-algebraic Cauchy-Riemann manifolds, Comm. Anal. Geom. 18 (2010),
no. 5, 891–925; FI=0,687
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron Desingularization and approximation, Nagoya
Math.J lucrare citata, 104 (1986), 85 -115
1752. Bilski, Marcin; Rusek, Kamil, Algebraic approximation of analytic sets definable in an
o-minimal structure, Ann. Polon. Math. 97 (2010), no. 2, 185–200; FI=0,439
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron Desingularization and approximation, Nagoya
Math.J lucrare citata, 104 (1986), 85 -115
1753. Bilski, Marcin; Rusek, Kamil, Algebraic approximation of analytic sets definable in an
o-minimal structure, Ann. Polon. Math. 97 (2010), no. 2, 185–200; FI=0,439
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron desingularization, Nagoya Math. J.,100(1985),
1754. Sharp, Rodney Y. Big tight closure test elements for some non-reduced excellent rings,
J. Algebra 349 (2012), 284–316; FI=0,613
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron Desingularization and approximation, Nagoya
Math.J lucrare citata, 104 (1986), 85 -115
1755. Sharp, Rodney Y. Big tight closure test elements for some non-reduced excellent rings,
J. Algebra 349 (2012), 284–316; FI=0,613
Citeaza Dorin Popescu, General Neron desingularization, Nagoya Math. J.,100(1985),
1756. Bierstone, Edward; Milman, Pierre D.; Temkin, Michael, Q-universal desingularization,
Asian J. Math. 15 (2011), no. 2, 229–249; FI=0,408
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, General Neron Desingularization and approximation, Nagoya
Math.J lucrare citata, 104 (1986), 85 -115
1757. Kashiwara, Masaki; Vilonen, Kari, On the codimension-three conjecture, Proc. Japan
Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 86 (2010), no. 9, 154–158; FI=0,309.
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, On a Question of Quillen, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Roum.,
45(93) (2002), pag. 209- -212
1758. Fasel, Jean, Some remarks on orbit sets of unimodular rows, Comment. Math. Helv.
86 (2011), no. 1, 13–39; FI=0,862
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, On a Question of Quillen, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Roum.,
45(93) (2002), 209- -212
1759. Fasel, Jean, Some remarks on orbit sets of unimodular rows, Comment. Math. Helv.
86 (2011), no. 1, 13–39; FI=0,862
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Polynomial rings and their projective modules, Nagoya Math.
J., 113 (1989), pag. 121- -128
1760. Chattopadhyay, Pratyusha; Rao, Ravi A., Elementary symplectic orbits and improved
K1-stability, J. K-Theory 7 (2011), no. 2, 389–403; FI= 0,750
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Polynomial rings and their projective modules, Nagoya Math.
J., 113 (1989), pag. 121- -128
1761. Wendt, Matthias A1-homotopy of Chevalley groups, J. K-Theory 5 (2010), no. 2,
245–287; FI=0,750
Citeaza: Dorin Popescu, Polynomial rings and their projective modules, Nagoya Math.
J., 113 (1989), pag. 121- -128
1762. Soleyman Jahan, Easy proofs of some known facts via cleannes, Bull. Math. Soc. Sc.
Math. Roum., 54(102) (2011),237-243; FI=0,507
Citeaza: J. Herzog, D. Popescu, Finite filtrations of modules and shellable multicomplexes,
Manuscripta Math., 121 (2006),385-410.
1763. Etingof, Pavel; Ginzburg, Victor Noncommutative del Pezzo surfaces and Calabi-Yau
algebras. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 12 (2010), no. 6, 1371–1416; FI=1,404
citeaza R. Laza, G. Pfister, D. Popescu Maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over the cone
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1764. Scheiderer, Claus, Weighted sums of squares in local rings and their completions, I,
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loops, Discrete Comput. Geom. 44 (2010), pag. 35–54
1845. E. Demaine, M. Demaine, V. Hart, J. Iacono, S. Langerman, J. O’Rourke, Continuous
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Certain Closed Curves, arXiv:1205.0963
1846. Lawrence Ein, Robert Lazarsfeld, Asymptotic syzygies of algebraic varieties, Inventiones
Math. (2012), ı̂n curs de apariţie, DOI: 10.1007.s00222-012-0384-5
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Claire Voisin, Green-Lazarsfeld’s conjecture for generic curves
of large gonality, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336-4 (2003), pag. 335 – 339
1847. Lawrence Ein, Robert Lazarsfeld, Asymptotic syzygies of algebraic varieties, Inventiones
Math. (2012), ı̂n curs de apariţie, DOI: 10.1007.s00222-012-0384-5
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Green-Lazarsfeld Gonality Conjecture for Generic Curves of
Odd Genus, Int. Math. Res. Not. 63 (2004), pag. 3409 – 3416
1848. Gavril Farkas, Angela Ortega, Higher rank Brill-Noether theory on sections of K3 surfaces,
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Citează: Marian Aprodu, Jan Nagel, Non-vanishing for Koszul cohomology of curves,
Comment. Math. Helvetici 82 (2007), pag. 617 – 628
1849. Gavril Farkas, Alessandro Verra, Moduli of theta-characteristics via Nikulin surfaces,
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Citează: Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas, Green’s Conjecture for general covers, Compact
moduli spaces and vector bundles, editori: Valery Alexeev, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA, Angela Gibney, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, Elham Izadi, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, János Kollár, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, Eduard
Looijenga, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Contemporary Math., AMS,
Vol. 564 (2012), pag. 211 – 226, ISBN: 978-0-8218-6899-7 (p); 978-0-8218-8537-6 (e).
1850. Nero Budur, Pedro G. Gonzalez-Perez, Manuel Gonzalez Villa, Log canonical thresholds
of quasi-ordinary hypersurface singularities, Proc. A.M.S. 140 (2012), 4075 – 4083
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curves on smooth surfaces, Geometriae Dedic. 146 (2010), pag. 43 – 66
1851. Alexandru Sterian, Stable ample 2-vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 55(103) No. 3 (2012), pag. 311 – 317
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Fibrés vectoriels de rang deux sur les surfaces reglées, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 323, Serie I (1996), pag. 627 – 630
1852. Alexandru Sterian, Stable ample 2-vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 55(103) No. 3 (2012), pag. 311 – 317
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Existence of stable 2-vector bundles over
ruled surfaces, Rev. Roumaine Math. pures appl. 43, (1998), pag. 47 – 56
1853. Alexandru Sterian, Stable ample 2-vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 55(103) No. 3 (2012), pag. 311 – 317
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Moduli spaces of vector bundles over ruled
surfaces, Nagoya Math. J. 154 (1999), pag. 111 – 122
1854. Pietro De Poi, Francesco Zucconi, Gonality, apolarity and hypercubics, Bull. London
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Citează: Marian Aprodu, Claire Voisin, Green-Lazarsfeld’s conjecture for generic curves
of large gonality, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336-4 (2003), pag. 335 – 339
1855. Filip Cools, Jan Draisma, Sam Payne, Elina Robeva, A tropical proof of the Brill-Noether
Theorem, Advances in Math. 230 (2011), pag. 759 – 776
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas, Koszul cohomology and applications to moduli,
Grassmannians, Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles, editori: David A. Ellwood,
Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, MA, Emma Previato, Boston University, MA,
AMS, Clay Mathematics Proccedings vol. 14 (2011), pag. 25 – 50, ISBN-10: 0-82185205-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-5205-7
1856. Yusuf Mustopa, Kernel Bundles, Syzygies of Points, and the Effective Cone of Cg−2 , Int.
Math. Res. Notices (6) (2011), pag. 1417 – 1437
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas, Koszul cohomology and applications to moduli,
Grassmannians, Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles, editori: David A. Ellwood,
Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, MA, Emma Previato, Boston University, MA,
AMS, Clay Mathematics Proccedings vol. 14 (2011), pag. 25 – 50, ISBN-10: 0-82185205-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-5205-7
1857. Gavril Farkas, Angela Ortega, The maximal rank conjecture and rank two Brill-Noether
theory, Pure and Applied Math. Quarterly 7 (2011), 1265 – 1296.
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Jan Nagel, Non-vanishing for Koszul cohomology of curves,
Comment. Math. Helvetici 82 (2007), pag. 617 – 628
1858. Gavril Farkas, Angela Ortega, The maximal rank conjecture and rank two Brill-Noether
theory, Pure and Applied Math. Quarterly 7 (2011), 1265 – 1296.
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas, Koszul cohomology and applications to moduli,
Grassmannians, Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles, editori: David A. Ellwood,
Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, MA, Emma Previato, Boston University, MA,
AMS, Clay Mathematics Proccedings vol. 14 (2011), pag. 25 – 50, ISBN-10: 0-82185205-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-5205-7
1859. Insong Choe, Endomorphisms of hypersurfaces of Fano manifolds of Picard number 1,
Math. Nachr. 284 (2011), pag. 213 – 216
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Stefan Kebekus, Thomas Peternell, Galois coverings and endomorphisms of projective varieties, Math Z. 260 (2008), pag. 431 – 449
1860. Andreas Höring, Thomas Peternell, Non-algebraic compact Kähler threefolds admitting
endomorphisms, Sci. China Math. 54-8 (2011), pag. 1635 – 1664
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Stefan Kebekus, Thomas Peternell, Galois coverings and endomorphisms of projective varieties, Math Z. 260 (2008), pag. 431 – 449
1861. Ivona Grzegorczyk, Vincent Mercat, Peter E. Newstead, Stable bundles of rank 2 with 4
sections, Internat. J. Math. 22 (2011), pag. 1743 – 1762
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Jan Nagel, Non-vanishing for Koszul cohomology of curves,
Comment. Math. Helvetici 82 (2007), pag. 617 – 628
1862. Ivona Grzegorczyk, Vincent Mercat, Peter E. Newstead, Stable bundles of rank 2 with 4
sections, Internat. J. Math. 22 (2011), pag. 1743 – 1762
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1863. Liviu Ornea, Radu Pantilie, On holomorphic maps and Generalized Complex Geometry,
Journal of Geometry and Physics 61-8 (2011), pag. 1502 – 1515
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submersions and minimal submanifolds, Internat. J. Math. 11-9 (2000), pag. 1177 –
1864. Mihai Fulger, Marius Marchitan, Some splitting criteria on Hirzebruch surfaces, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 54(102) No. 4 (2011), pag. 313 – 323
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Fibrés vectoriels de rang deux sur les surfaces reglées, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 323, Serie I (1996), pag. 627 – 630
1865. Mihai Fulger, Marius Marchitan, Some splitting criteria on Hirzebruch surfaces, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 54(102) No. 4 (2011), pag. 313 – 323
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu: Stable rank-2 vector bundles over ruled
surfaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 325-3 (1997), pag. 295 – 300.
1866. Mihai Fulger, Marius Marchitan, Some splitting criteria on Hirzebruch surfaces, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 54(102) No. 4 (2011), pag. 313 – 323
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Marius Marchitan: A note on vector bundles on Hirzebruch
surfaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 349, no 11-12 (2011), pag. 687 –
1867. Mihai Fulger, Marius Marchitan, Some splitting criteria on Hirzebruch surfaces, Bull.
Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 54(102) No. 4 (2011), pag. 313 – 323
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu: Beilinson type spectral sequences on scrolls,
Moduli spaces and vector bundles, editori: Leticia Brambila-Paz, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas (CIMAT), Mexico, Steven B. Bradlow, University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, Oscar Garcia-Prada, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, S. Ramanan, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India, London Math. Soc.
Lecture Note Ser., 359, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, (2009), pag. 426 – 436,
ISBN: 9780521734714
1868. Flaminio Flamini, Pr -scrolls arising from Brill-Noether theory and K3-surfaces, Manuscr.
Math. 132 (2010), pag. 199 – 220
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Claire Voisin, Green-Lazarsfeld’s conjecture for generic curves
of large gonality, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris 336-4 (2003), pag. 335 – 339
1869. Flaminio Flamini, Pr -scrolls arising from Brill-Noether theory and K3-surfaces, Manuscr.
Math. 132 (2010), pag. 199 – 220
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Green-Lazarsfeld Gonality Conjecture for Generic Curves of
Odd Genus, Int. Math. Res. Not. 63 (2004), pag. 3409 – 3416
1870. Edoardo Ballico, Claudio Fontanari, Normally generated line bundles on general curves,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 214 (2010), pag. 837 – 840
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas, Koszul cohomology and applications to moduli,
Grassmannians, Moduli Spaces and Vector Bundles, editori: David A. Ellwood,
Clay Mathematics Institute, Cambridge, MA, Emma Previato, Boston University, MA,
AMS, Clay Mathematics Proccedings vol. 14 (2011), pag. 25 – 50, ISBN-10: 0-82185205-1, ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-5205-7
1871. Radu Slobodeanu, On the geometrized Skyrme and Faddeev models, Journal of Geometry and Physics 60-4 (2010), pag. 643 – 660
Citează: Monica Alice Aprodu, Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, A class of harmonic
submersions and minimal submanifolds, Internat. J. Math. 11-9 (2000), pag. 1177 –
1872. Radu Slobodeanu, On the geometrized Skyrme and Faddeev models, Journal of Geometry and Physics 60-4 (2010), pag. 643 – 660
Citează: Monica Alice Aprodu, Marian Aprodu, Implicitly defined harmonic PHH submersions, Manuscr. Math. 100 (1999), pag.103 – 121
1873. Eric Loubeau, Radu Slobodeanu, Eigenvalues of harmonic almost submersions, Geometriae Dedic. 145 (2010), pag. 103–126
Citează: Monica Alice Aprodu, Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, A class of harmonic
submersions and minimal submanifolds, Internat. J. Math. 11-9 (2000), pag. 1177 –
1874. Eric Loubeau, Radu Slobodeanu, Eigenvalues of harmonic almost submersions, Geometriae Dedic. 145 (2010), pag. 103 – 126
Citează: Monica Alice Aprodu, Marian Aprodu, Implicitly defined harmonic PHH submersions, Manuscr. Math. 100 (1999), pag.103 – 121
1875. M.J. Dupré, J.F. Glazebrook, E. Previato, Differential algebras with Banach-algebra coefficients I: from C*-algebras to the K-theory of the spectral curve, Complex Anal.
Oper. Theory (DOI: 10.1007/s11785-012-0221-2); FI=0.600
Citează: D. Beltiţă, Smooth homogeneous structures in operator theory, Chapman &
Hall/CRC Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 137,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.
1876. M.J. Dupré, J.F. Glazebrook, E. Previato, Differential algebras with Banach-algebra coefficients I: from C*-algebras to the K-theory of the spectral curve, Complex Anal.
Oper. Theory (DOI: 10.1007/s11785-012-0221-2); FI=0.600
Citează: D. Beltiţă, J.E. Galé, Holomorphic geometric models for representations of
C ∗ -algebras, J. Funct. Anal. 255 (2008), no. 10, pag. 2888–2932.
1877. M.J. Dupré, J.F. Glazebrook, E. Previato, Differential algebras with Banach-algebra coefficients I: from C*-algebras to the K-theory of the spectral curve, Complex Anal.
Oper. Theory (DOI: 10.1007/s11785-012-0221-2); FI=0.600
Citează: D. Beltiţă, J.E. Galé, On complex infinite-dimensional Grassmann manifolds,
Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 3 (2009), pag. 739–758.
1878. M.J. Dupré, J.F. Glazebrook, E. Previato, Differential algebras with Banach-algebra coefficients II: the operator cross-ratio tau-function and the Schwarzian derivative, Complex
Anal. Oper. Theory (DOI: 10.1007/s11785-012-0219-9); FI=0.600
Citează: D. Beltiţă, J.E. Galé, Holomorphic geometric models for representations of
C ∗ -algebras, J. Funct. Anal. 255 (2008), no. 10, 2888–2932.
1879. A.M. Bikchentaev, A.A. Sabirova, Dominated convergence in measure on semifinite von
Neumann algebras and arithmetic averages of measurable operators (lb. rusă), Sibirsk.
Mat. Zh. 53 (2012), no. 2, 258–270; trad. ı̂n Siberian Math. J. 53 (2012), no. 2,
pp. 207–216; FI=0.365
Citează: D. Beltiţă, Lie theoretic significance of the measure topologies associated with a
finite trace, Forum Math. 22 (2010), no. 2, 241–253.
1880. T. Goliński, A. Odzijewicz, Hierarchy of Hamilton equations on Banach Lie-Poisson spaces
related to restricted Grassmannian, J. Funct. Anal. 258 (2010), no. 10, 3266–3294;
Citează: D. Beltiţă, T.S. Ratiu, A.B. Tumpach, The restricted Grassmannian, Banach
Lie-Poisson spaces, and coadjoint orbits, J. Funct. Anal. 247 (2007), no. 1, pag.
1881. E. Andruchow, G. Larotonda, L. Recht, Finsler geometry and actions of the p-Schatten
unitary groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), no. 1, 319–344; FI=1.093
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Lie-Poisson spaces, and coadjoint orbits, J. Funct. Anal. 247 (2007), no. 1, pag.
1882. E. Andruchow, G. Larotonda, L. Recht, Finsler geometry and actions of the p-Schatten
unitary groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010), no. 1, 319–344; FI=1.093
Citează: D. Beltiţă, Smooth homogeneous structures in operator theory, Chapman &
Hall/CRC Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 137,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.
1883. E. Andruchow, G. Larotonda, The recitifiable distance in the unitary Fredholm group,
Studia Math. 196 (2010), 151–178; FI=0.600
Citează: D. Beltiţă, Smooth homogeneous structures in operator theory, Chapman &
Hall/CRC Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 137,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.
1884. E. Andruchow, G. Larotonda, The recitifiable distance in the unitary Fredholm group,
Studia Math. 196 (2010), 151–178; FI=0.600
Citează: D. Beltiţă, T.S. Ratiu, Symplectic leaves in real Banach Lie-Poisson spaces,
Geom. Funct. Anal. 15 (2005), no. 4, pag. 753–779.
1885. E. Chiumiento, Geometry of I-Stiefel manifolds, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138
(2010), no. 1, 341–353; FI=0.611
Citează: D. Beltiţă, T.S. Ratiu, A.B. Tumpach, The restricted Grassmannian, Banach
Lie-Poisson spaces, and coadjoint orbits, J. Funct. Anal. 247 (2007), no. 1, pag.
1886. E. Chiumiento, Geometry of I-Stiefel manifolds, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138
(2010), no. 1, 341–353; FI=0.611
Citează: D. Beltiţă, Smooth homogeneous structures in operator theory, Chapman &
Hall/CRC Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 137,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.
1887. E. Chiumiento, Metric geometry in infinite dimensional Stiefel manifolds, Differential
Geom. Appl. 28 (2010), no. 4, 469–479; FI=0.646
Citează: D. Beltiţă, Smooth homogeneous structures in operator theory, Chapman &
Hall/CRC Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 137,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006.
1888. K.-H.Neeb, On differentiable vectors for representations of infinite dimensional Lie groups,
J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), no. 11, 2814–2855; FI=1.082
Citează: D. Beltiţă, K.-H. Neeb, A nonsmooth continuous unitary representation of a
Banach-Lie group, J. Lie Theory 18 (2008), no. 4, pag. 933–936.
1889. A. Dosiev, Taylor functional calculus for supernilpotent Lie algebra of operators, J. Operator Theory 63 (2010), no. 1, 191–216; FI=0.681
Citează: D. Beltiţă, Spectrum for a solvable Lie algebra of operators, Studia Math. 135
(1999), no. 2, pag. 163–178.
1890. M. Măntoiu, R. Purice, S. Richard, Positive quantization in the presence of a variable
magnetic field, J. Math. Phys. 52 (2011), no. 11, 112101, 15 pp.; FI=1.291
Citează: I. Beltiţă şi D. Beltiţă, Magnetic pseudo-differential Weyl calculus on nilpotent
Lie groups, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 36 (2009), pag. 293–322.
1891. M. Măntoiu, R. Purice, S. Richard, Positive quantization in the presence of a variable
magnetic field, J. Math. Phys. 52 (2011), no. 11, 112101, 15 pp.; FI=1.291
Citează: I. Beltiţă şi D. Beltiţă, Modulation spaces of symbols for representations of
nilpotent Lie groups, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 17 (2011), pag. 290–319.
1892. M. Măntoiu, R. Purice, S. Richard, Positive quantization in the presence of a variable
magnetic field, J. Math. Phys. 52 (2011), no. 11, 112101, 15 pp.; FI=1.291
Citează: I. Beltiţă şi D. Beltiţă, Continuity of magnetic Weyl calculus, J. Funct. Anal.
260 (2011), no. 7, 1944–1968.
1893. M. Măntoiu, R. Purice, S. Richard, Coherent states and pure state quantization in the
presence of a variable magnetic field, Int. J. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. 8 (2011),
187–202; FI=0.856
Citează: I. Beltiţă şi D. Beltiţă, Magnetic pseudo-differential Weyl calculus on nilpotent
Lie groups, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 36 (2009), pag. 293-322.
1894. M. Măntoiu, R. Purice, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and operators,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 2839–2852; FI=0.611
Citează: I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă, Uncertainty principles for magnetic structures on certain
coadjoint orbits, J. Geom. Phys. 60 (2010), no. 1, 81–95.
1895. M. Măntoiu, R. Purice, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and operators,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2010), 2839–2852; FI=0.611
Citează: I. Beltiţă, D. Beltiţă, Magnetic pseudo-differential Weyl calculus on nilpotent
Lie groups, Ann. Global Anal. Geom. 36 (2009), no. 3, pag. 293–322.
1896. S.V. Selivanova, The tangent cone to a quasimetric space with dilations, Siberian Math.
J. 51(2) (2010), 388 – 403; FI=0.365
Citeaza: M. Buliga, Dilatation structures I. Fundamentals, J. Gen. Lie Theory Appl.
vol. 1(2) (2007), pag. 65 – 95
1897. S.V. Selivanova, The tangent cone to a quasimetric space with dilations, Siberian Math.
J. 51(2) (2010), 388 – 403; FI=0.365
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1898. M. Negri, A comparative analysis on variational models for quasi-static brittle crack
propagation, Advances in Calculus of Variations 3(2) (2010), 149 – 212; FI=0.688
Citeaza: M. Buliga, Energy Minimizing Brittle Crack Propagation, J. of Elasticity vol.
52(3) (1999), pag. 201 – 238
1899. C. Miehe, F. Welschinger, M. Hofacker, Thermodynamically consistent phasefield models
of fracture: Variational principles and multifield FE implementations, Int. J. Numer.
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52(3) (1999), pag. 201 – 238
1900. C. Miehe, M. Hofacker, F. Welschinger, A phase field model for rate-independent crack
propagation: Robust algorithmic implementation based on operator splits, Computer
Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng. 199 (2010), 45 – 48; FI=2.615
Citeaza: M. Buliga, Energy Minimizing Brittle Crack Propagation, J. of Elasticity vol.
52(3) (1999), pag. 201 – 238
1901. M Prechtel, G Leugering, P Steinmann, Towards optimization of crack resistance of
composite materials by adjustment of fiber shapes, Engineering Fracture Mechanics
78(6) (2011), 944 – 960; FI=1.353
Citeaza: M. Buliga, Energy Minimizing Brittle Crack Propagation, J. of Elasticity vol.
52(3) (1999), pag. 201 – 238
1902. M. Hofacker, C. Miehe, A phase field model of dynamic fracture: Robust field updates
for the analysis of complex crack patterns, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. (2012),
doi: 10.1002/nme.4387 (published online 31 jul 2012); FI=2.009
Citeaza: M. Buliga, Energy Minimizing Brittle Crack Propagation, J. of Elasticity vol.
52(3) (1999), pag. 201 – 238
1903. M. Hofacker, C. Miehe, Continuum phase field modeling of dynamic fracture: variational principles and staggered FE implementation, International J. Fracture (2012),
doi:10.1007/s10704-012-9753-8 , ; FI=1.485
Citeaza: M. Buliga, Energy Minimizing Brittle Crack Propagation, J. of Elasticity vol.
52(3) (1999), pag. 201 – 238
1904. A. Mielke, R. Rossi, G. Savaré, BV solutions and viscosity approximations of rateindependent systems, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations
18(1) (2012), 36–80 ; FI=0.758
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Existence and construction of bipotentials for
graphs of multivalued laws, J. of Convex Analysis vol. 15(1) (2008), pag. 87 – 104
1905. A. Berga, Mathematical and numerical modeling of the non-associated plasticity of soilsPart
1: The boundary value problem, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics
47(1) (2012), 26–35 ; FI=1.209
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Existence and construction of bipotentials for
graphs of multivalued laws, J. of Convex Analysis vol. 15(1) (2008), pag. 87 – 104
1906. A. Visintin, Variational formulation and structural stability of monotone equations, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s00526012-0519-y ; FI=1.235
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Existence and construction of bipotentials for
graphs of multivalued laws, J. of Convex Analysis vol. 15(1) (2008), pag. 87 – 104
1907. A. Visintin, Structural stability of rate-independent nonpotential flows, Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. S 6(1) (2013), 257 - 275; FI=1.180
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Existence and construction of bipotentials for
graphs of multivalued laws, J. of Convex Analysis vol. 15(1) (2008), pag. 87 – 104
1908. A. Berga, Mathematical and numerical modeling of the non-associated plasticity of soilsPart
2: Finite element analysis, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 47(1)
(2012), 36–45 ; FI=1.209
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Existence and construction of bipotentials for
graphs of multivalued laws, J. of Convex Analysis vol. 15(1) (2008), pag. 87 – 104
1909. C. Vallée, C. Lerintiu, J. Chaoufi, D. Fortuné, M. Ban, K. Atchonouglo, A Class of
Non-associated Materials: n-Monotone MaterialsHookes Law of Elasticity Revisited, J.
Elasticity (2012), doi: 10.1007/s10659-012-9403-4 ; FI=1.110
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Existence and construction of bipotentials for
graphs of multivalued laws, J. of Convex Analysis vol. 15(1) (2008), pag. 87 – 104
1910. G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Bargmann group, momentum tensor and Galilean invariance
of ClausiusDuhem inequality, International Journal of Engineering Science 50(1)
(2012),216 – 232 ; FI=1.210
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Existence and construction of bipotentials for
graphs of multivalued laws, J. of Convex Analysis vol. 15(1) (2008), pag. 87 – 104
1911. A. Matei, C.P. Niculescu, Weak solutions via bipotentials in mechanics of deformable
solids, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 379(1) (2011),15 – 25
; FI=1.001
Citeaza: M. Buliga, G. de Saxcé, C. Vallée, Non Maximal Cyclically Monotone Graphs
and Construction of a Bipotential for the Coulomb’s Dry Friction Law, J. of Convex
Analysis vol. 17(1) (2010), pag. 81 – 94;
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1976. D. Körnlein, U. Kohlenbach, Effective rates of convergence for Lipschitzian pseudocontractive mappings in general Banach spaces, Nonlinear Analysis - Theory, Methods
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97. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Automorphisms of locally conformally Kaehler manifolds, International Mathematics Research Notices 4 (2012), 894–903. FI=1,014
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98. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Automorphisms of locally conformally Kaehler manifolds,
International Mathematics Research Notices 4 (2012), 894–903. FI=1,014
Citeaza: Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky, Locally conformal Kahler manifolds with potential,
MATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN Volume: 348 Issue: 1 (2010), 25–33.
99. Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Automorphisms of locally conformally Kaehler manifolds,
International Mathematics Research Notices 4 (2012), 894–903. FI=1,014
Citeaza: Liviu Ornea, M. Verbitsky: Morse-Novikov cohomology of locally conformally
Kaehler manifolds , Journal of Geometry and Physics 59, No. 3 (2009), 295–305.
100. Mihai Prunescu: Fp -affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic European Journal of Combinatorics, 34, 1 (2013), pag. 260 – 284; FI = 0.677.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Undecidable properties of recurrent double sequences Notre
Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (2008), pag. 143 – 151
101. Mihai Prunescu: Fp -affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic
European Journal of Combinatorics 34, 1 (2013), pag. 260 – 284; FI = 0.677.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Self-similar carpets over finite fields European Journal of
Combinatorics 30 (2009), pag. 866 – 878
102. Mihai Prunescu: Fp -affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic
European Journal of Combinatorics 34, 1 (2013), pag. 260 – 284; FI = 0.677.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Recurrent double sequences that can be produced by context-free
substitutions Fractals 18 (2010), pag. 65 – 73
103. Mihai Prunescu: Fp -affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic European Journal of Combinatorics 34, 1 (2013), pag. 260 – 284; FI = 0.677.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions Fractals 19 (2011), pag.
431 – 442
104. Mihai Prunescu: Fp -affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic European Journal of Combinatorics 34, 1 (2013), pag. 260 – 284; FI = 0.677.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Linear recurrent double sequences in M2 (F2 ) are classified according to their geometric content Symmetry 3 (2011), pag. 402 – 442
105. Mihai Prunescu: Fp -affine recurrent n-dimensional sequences over Fq are p-automatic
European Journal of Combinatorics 34, 1 (2013), pag. 260 – 284; FI = 0.677.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures
Comptes Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942
106. Mihai Prunescu: The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures Comptes
Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942; FI = 0.384.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Self-similar carpets over finite fields European Journal of
Combinatorics 30 (2009), pag. 866 – 878
107. Mihai Prunescu: The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures Comptes
Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942; FI = 0.384.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Undecidable properties of recurrent double sequences Notre
Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (2008), pag. 143 – 151
108. Mihai Prunescu: The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures Comptes
Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942; FI = 0.384.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Recurrent double sequences that can be produced by context-free
substitutions Fractals 18 (2010), pag. 65 – 73
109. Mihai Prunescu: The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures Comptes
Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942; FI = 0.384.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Some new counterexamples to context-free substitutions in recurrent double sequences over finite fields Preprint (2009)
110. Mihai Prunescu: The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures Comptes
Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942; FI = 0.384.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions Fractals 19 (2011), pag.
431 – 442
111. Mihai Prunescu: The Thue-Morse-Pascal double sequence and similar structures Comptes
Rendus - Mathematique 349 (2011), pag. 939 – 942; FI = 0.384.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Linear recurrent double sequences in M2 (F2 ) are classified according to their geometric content Symmetry 3 (2011), pag. 402 – 442
112. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of
finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions Fractals 19 (2011), pag. 431 –
442; FI = 0.448.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Undecidable properties of recurrent double sequences Notre
Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (2008), pag. 143 – 151
113. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of
finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions Fractals 19 (2011), pag. 431 –
442; FI = 0.448.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Self-similar carpets over finite fields European Journal of
Combinatorics 30 (2009), pag. 866 – 878
114. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of
finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions Fractals 19 (2011), pag. 431 –
442; FI = 0.448.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Recurrent double sequences that can be produced by context-free
substitutions Fractals 18 (2010), pag. 65 – 73
115. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent two-dimensional sequences generated by homomorphisms of
finite abelian p-groups with periodic initial conditions Fractals 19 (2011), pag. 431 –
442; FI = 0.448.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Some new counterexamples to context-free substitutions in recurrent double sequences over finite fields Preprint (2009)
116. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent two-dimensional sequences that can be produced by contextfree substitutions Fractals 18 (2010), pag. 65 – 73; FI = 0.448.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Self-similar carpets over finite fields European Journal of
Combinatorics 30 (2009), pag. 866 – 878
117. Mihai Prunescu: Recurrent two-dimensional sequences that can be produced by contextfree substitutions Fractals 18 (2010), pag. 65 – 73; FI = 0.448.
Citeaza Mihai Prunescu Undecidable properties of recurrent double sequences Notre
Dame Journal of Formal Logic 49 (2008), pag. 143 – 151
118. Winfried Bruns, Bogdan Ichim, Normaliz: Algorithms for Affine Monoids and Rational
Cones, Journal of Algebra 324 (2010), pag. 1098 – 1113; FI = 0.613.
Citeaza: W. Bruns, R. Hemmecke, B. Ichim, M Köppe, si C. Söger, Challenging computations of Hilbert bases of cones associated with algebraic statistics., Exp. Math. 20
(2011), pag. 25 – 33.
119. Mario Maican: A duality result for moduli spaces of semistable sheaves supported on projective curves, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
123 (2010), pag. 55 – 68; FI = 0.311
120. Mario Maican: On two notions of semistability, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 234
(2008), pag. 69 – 135;
121. Cristian Cobeli, Marian Vâjâitu and Alexandru Zaharescu, On the intervals of a third
between Farey fractions, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 53 (101)
No. 3, (2010), 239–250; FA=0.507
Citează: V. Augustin, F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli, A. Zaharescu, The h-spacing distribution
between Farey points, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 131 (2001), 23–38.
122. Cristian Cobeli, Marian Vâjâitu and Alexandru Zaharescu, On the intervals of a third
between Farey fractions, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 53 (101)
No. 3, (2010), 239–250; FA=0.507
Citează: F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli, A. Zaharescu, Distribution of lattice points visible from
the origin, Commun. Math. Phys., 213 (2000), 433–470.
123. Cristian Cobeli, Marian Vâjâitu and Alexandru Zaharescu, On the intervals of a third
between Farey fractions, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie Tome 53 (101)
No. 3, (2010), 239–250; FA=0.507
Citează: F. P. Boca, C. Cobeli, A. Zaharescu, A conjecture of R. R. Hall on Farey arcs,
J. Reine Angew. Mathematik, 535 (2001), 207–236.
124. Enescu, Florian A finiteness condition on local cohomology in positive characteristic. J.
Pure Appl. Algebra 216 (2012), no. 1, 115–118.
Citeaza Enescu, Florian; Hochster, Melvin: The Frobenius structure of local cohomology
Algebra & Number Theory (2008), no. 7, 721–754.
125. E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with overlaps
in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750; FI = 0,796.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
126. E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with overlaps
in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750; FI = 0,796.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse
pressure, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 148, (2010), pag. 553-572.
127. E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with overlaps
in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750; FI = 0,796.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
128. E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with overlaps
in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750; FI = 0,796.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic
repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics, 139, (2010), pag. 800–819.
129. E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with overlaps
in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750; FI = 0,796.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 42, (2010), 15–27.
130. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
131. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse
pressure, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 148, (2010), pag. 553-572.
132. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
133. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic
repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics, 139, (2010), pag. 800–819.
134. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 42, (2010), 15–27.
135. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Estimates for the stable dimension for holomorphic
maps, Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 31, (2005), pag. 367–389.
136. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Transversal families of hyperbolic skew products,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, (2008), pag. 907–928.
137. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Hausdorff dimension of the limit set for conformal
iterated function systems with overlaps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical
Society, vol. 139, (2011), pag. 2767-2775.
138. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, The set K − for hyperbolic non-invertible maps, Ergodic Theory
and Dynamical Systems, (2002), pag. 873–888.
139. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of Statistical Physics, 142, (2011), 154–167.
140. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Periodic points for actions of tori in Stein manifolds, Mathematische Annalen, 314 (1999), 39–52.
141. E. Mihailescu, Equilibrium measures, prehistories distributions and fractal dimensions for
endomorphisms, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 32, (2012),
2485-2502; FI = 0,941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu and M. Urbanski, Inverse topological pressure with applications
to holomorphic dynamics in several variables, Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics, 6, (2004), 653–679.
142. E. Mihailescu, On a class of stable conditional measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), pag. 1499–1515; FI = 0,745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Transversal families of hyperbolic skew products,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, (2008), pag. 907–928.
143. E. Mihailescu, On a class of stable conditional measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), pag. 1499–1515; FI = 0,745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
144. E. Mihailescu, On a class of stable conditional measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), pag. 1499–1515; FI = 0,745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse
pressure, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 148, (2010), pag. 553-572.
145. E. Mihailescu, On a class of stable conditional measures, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), pag. 1499–1515; FI = 0,745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
146. E. Mihailescu, Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of
Statistical Physics 142 (2011), pag. 154-167; FI = 1,397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Transversal families of hyperbolic skew products,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, (2008), pag. 907–928.
147. E. Mihailescu, Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of
Statistical Physics 142 (2011), pag. 154-167; FI = 1,397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
148. E. Mihailescu, Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of
Statistical Physics 142 (2011), pag. 154-167; FI = 1,397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse
pressure, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 148, (2010), pag. 553-572.
149. E. Mihailescu, Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of
Statistical Physics 142 (2011), pag. 154-167; FI = 1,397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
150. E. Mihailescu, Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of
Statistical Physics 142 (2011), pag. 154-167; FI = 1,397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 42, (2010), 1527.
151. E. Mihailescu, Local geometry and dynamical behavior on folded basic sets, Journal of
Statistical Physics 142 (2011), pag. 154-167; FI = 1,397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with
overlaps in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750.
152. E. Mihailescu, On some coding and mixing properties on folded fractals, Monatshefte
fuer Mathematik, 167, (2012), pag. 241–255; FI = 0, 615.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Transversal families of hyperbolic skew products,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, (2008), pag. 907–928.
153. E. Mihailescu, On some coding and mixing properties on folded fractals, Monatshefte
fuer Mathematik, 167, (2012), pag. 241–255; FI = 0, 615.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse
pressure, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 148, (2010), pag. 553-572.
154. E. Mihailescu, On some coding and mixing properties on folded fractals, Monatshefte
fuer Mathematik, 167, (2012), pag. 241–255; FI = 0, 615.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
155. E. Mihailescu, On some coding and mixing properties on folded fractals, Monatshefte
fuer Mathematik, 167, (2012), pag. 241–255; FI = 0, 615.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 42, (2010), 1527.
156. E. Mihailescu, On some coding and mixing properties on folded fractals, Monatshefte
fuer Mathematik, 167, (2012), pag. 241–255; FI = 0, 615.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with
overlaps in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750.
157. E. Mihailescu, Asymptotic distributions of preimages for endomorphisms, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31, (2011), pag. 911–935; FI = 0, 745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
158. E. Mihailescu, Asymptotic distributions of preimages for endomorphisms, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31, (2011), pag. 911–935; FI = 0, 745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu and M. Urbanski, Inverse topological pressure with applications
to holomorphic dynamics in several variables, Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics, 6, (2004), 653–679.
159. E. Mihailescu, Asymptotic distributions of preimages for endomorphisms, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31, (2011), pag. 911–935; FI = 0, 745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
160. E. Mihailescu, Asymptotic distributions of preimages for endomorphisms, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 31, (2011), pag. 911–935; FI = 0, 745.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Estimates for the stable dimension for holomorphic
maps, Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 31, (2005), pag. 367–389.
161. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 42, (2010), pag. 15–27; FI = 0,583.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu and M. Urbanski, Inverse topological pressure with applications
to holomorphic dynamics in several variables, Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics, 6, (2004), 653–679.
162. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 42, (2010), pag. 15–27; FI = 0,583.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
163. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 42, (2010), pag. 15–27; FI = 0,583.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Estimates for the stable dimension for holomorphic
maps, Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 31, (2005), pag. 367–389.
164. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski, Hausdorff dimension of the limit set for conformal iterated
function systems with overlaps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139, (2011), pag. 2767–2775; FI = 0, 648.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Estimates for the stable dimension for holomorphic maps, Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 31, (2005), pag. 367–389.
165. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski, Hausdorff dimension of the limit set for conformal iterated
function systems with overlaps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139, (2011), pag. 2767–2775; FI = 0, 648.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
166. E. Mihailescu, M. Urbanski, Hausdorff dimension of the limit set for conformal iterated
function systems with overlaps, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139, (2011), pag. 2767–2775; FI = 0, 648.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu and M. Urbanski, Inverse topological pressure with applications
to holomorphic dynamics in several variables, Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics, 6, (2004), 653–679.
167. E. Mihailescu, Approximations of Gibbs states of arbitrary Hölder potentials on hyperbolic folded sets, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 32, (2012), pag.
961–975; FI = 0, 941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, On a class of stable conditional measures, Ergodic Theory and
Dynamical Systems 31 (2011), pag. 1499–1515;
168. E. Mihailescu, Approximations of Gibbs states of arbitrary Hölder potentials on hyperbolic folded sets, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 32, (2012), pag.
961–975; FI = 0, 941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
169. E. Mihailescu, Approximations of Gibbs states of arbitrary Hölder potentials on hyperbolic folded sets, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 32, (2012), pag.
961–975; FI = 0, 941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Transversal families of hyperbolic skew products,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, (2008), pag. 907–928.
170. E. Mihailescu, Approximations of Gibbs states of arbitrary Hölder potentials on hyperbolic folded sets, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 32, (2012), pag.
961–975; FI = 0, 941.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, The set K − for hyperbolic non-invertible maps, Ergodic Theory
and Dynamical Systems, (2002), pag. 873–888.
171. E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse pressure,
Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society 148, (2010), pag.
553–572; FI = 0, 681
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Estimates for the stable dimension for holomorphic maps, Houston Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 31, (2005), pag. 367–389.
172. E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse pressure,
Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society 148, (2010), pag.
553–572; FI = 0, 681
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu and M. Urbanski, Inverse topological pressure with applications
to holomorphic dynamics in several variables, Communications in Contemporary
Mathematics, 6, (2004), 653–679.
173. E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse pressure,
Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society 148, (2010), pag.
553–572; FI = 0, 681
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, The set K − for hyperbolic non-invertible maps, Ergodic Theory
and Dynamical Systems, (2002), pag. 873–888.
174. E. Mihailescu, Metric properties of some fractal sets and applications of inverse pressure,
Mathematical Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society 148, (2010), pag.
553–572; FI = 0, 681
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Applications of thermodynamic formalism in complex dynamics
on P2 , Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 7, (2001), no. 4, 821836.
175. E. Mihailescu, Ergodic properties for some non-expanding non-reversible systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 73, (2010), pag. 3779–3787;
FI = 1, 579.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
176. E. Mihailescu, Ergodic properties for some non-expanding non-reversible systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 73, (2010), pag. 3779–3787;
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Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 21, (2008), pag. 907–928.
177. E. Mihailescu, Ergodic properties for some non-expanding non-reversible systems, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications 73, (2010), pag. 3779–3787;
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overlaps in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750.
178. E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics 139, (2010), pag. 800–819; FI = 1, 397.
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and Dynamical Systems, (2002), pag. 873–888.
179. E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics 139, (2010), pag. 800–819; FI = 1, 397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
180. E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics 139, (2010), pag. 800–819; FI = 1, 397.
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pressure, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society,
vol. 148, (2010), pag. 553-572.
181. E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics 139, (2010), pag. 800–819; FI = 1, 397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Inverse pressure estimates and the independence
of stable dimension for non-invertible maps, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, vol.
60, (2008), pag. 658–684.
182. E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics 139, (2010), pag. 800–819; FI = 1, 397.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu si M. Urbanski, Relations between stable dimension and the preimage counting function on basic sets with overlaps, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 42, (2010), 1527.
183. E. Mihailescu, Inverse limits and statistical properties for chaotic implicitly defined economic models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 394, (2012),
pag. 517–528; FI = 1, 305.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable directions and fractal dimension for skew products with
overlaps in fibers, Mathematische Zeitschrift, vol. 269, (2011), pag. 733-750.
184. E. Mihailescu, Inverse limits and statistical properties for chaotic implicitly defined economic models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 394, (2012),
pag. 517–528; FI = 1, 305.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Unstable manifolds and Hölder structures associated to noninvertible maps, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, vol. 14 (2006), pag.
419 – 446.
185. E. Mihailescu, Inverse limits and statistical properties for chaotic implicitly defined economic models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 394, (2012),
pag. 517–528; FI = 1, 305.
Citeaza: E. Mihailescu, Physical measures for multivalued inverse iterates near hyperbolic
repellors, Journal of Statistical Physics, 139, (2010), pag. 800819.
186. I. Coandă, A simple proof of Tyurin’s Babylonian tower theorem, Commun. Algebra
40 (2012), 4668 – 4672; FI = 0.347 (2011)/ 0.413 (5 years)
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math. 94 (2010), pag. 539 – 545
187. I. Coandă, A simple proof of Tyurin’s Babylonian tower theorem, Commun. Algebra
40 (2012), 4668 – 4672; FI = 0.347 (2011)/ 0.413 (5 years)
Citeaza: I. Coandă, G. Trautmann, The splitting criterion of Kempf and the Babylonian
tower theorem, Commun. Algebra 34 (2006), pag. 2485 – 2488
188. I. Coandă, Infinitely stably extendable vector bundles on projective spaces, Arch. Math.
(Basel) 94 (2010), 539 – 545; FI = 0.433 (2011)/ 0.443 (5 years)
Citeaza: I. Coandă, G. Trautmann, The splitting criterion of Kempf and the Babylonian
tower theorem, Commun. Algebra 34 (2006), pag. 2485 – 2488
189. I. Coandă, The Horrocks correspondence for coherent sheaves on projective spaces, Homology, Homotopy Appl. 12 (2010), 327 – 353; FI = 0.549 (2011)/ 0.619 (5 years)
Citeaza: I. Coandă, G. Trautmann, Horrocks theory and the Bernstein-Gel’fand-Gel’fand
correspondence, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), pag. 1015 – 1031
190. I. Coandă, The Horrocks correspondence for coherent sheaves on projective spaces, Homology, Homotopy Appl. 12 (2010), 327 – 353; FI = 0.549 (2011)/ 0.619 (5 years)
Citeaza: I. Coandă, On the Bernstein-Gel’fand-Gel’fand correspondence and a result of
Eisenbud, Fløystad and Schreyer, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 43 (2003), pag. 429 – 439
191. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Positive quantization in the presence of
a variable magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
192. Iftimie, Viorel; Purice, Radu, Eigenfunctions decay for magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
193. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Coherent states and pure state quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of Geometric
Methods in Modern Physics 8 (2011),187-202 ; FI= 0.856
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
194. Helffer, B.; Purice, R., Magnetic calculus and semiclassical trace formulas, Journal of
Physics A 43 (2010); FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
195. Athmouni, Nassim; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, On the continuity of spectra for families of magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51
(2010); FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
196. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), 2839-2852;
FI= 0.611
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
197. Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, Unicity of the Integrated Density of
States for Relativistic Schrodinger Operators with Regular Magnetic Fields and Singular
Electric Potentials, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 67 (2010), 215-246;
FI= 0.626
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
198. Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35
(2010), 1058-1094; FI= 0.894
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The magnetic Weyl calculus, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 (2004), pag. 1394-1417
199. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Positive quantization in the presence of
a variable magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
200. Iftimie, Viorel; Purice, Radu, Eigenfunctions decay for magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
201. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Coherent states and pure state quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of Geometric
Methods in Modern Physics 8 (2011); FI= 0.856
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
202. Helffer, B.; Purice, R., Magnetic calculus and semiclassical trace formulas, Journal of
Physics A 43 (2011); FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
203. Athmouni, Nassim; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, On the continuity of spectra for
families of magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics
51 (2010); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
204. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and
operators, Proceedings of the American Matematical Society 138 (2010); 28392852; FI= 0.611
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
205. Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35
(2010), 1058-1094; FI= 0.894
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
206. Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, Unicity of the Integrated Density of
States for Relativistic Schrodinger Operators with Regular Magnetic Fields and Singular
Electric Potentials, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 67 (2010), 215-246;
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Magnetic pseudodifferential
operators, Publications of the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences 43
(2007), pag. 585623;
207. Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge, Positive quantization in the presence
of a variable magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
208. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Coherent states and pure state quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of Geometric
Methods in Modern Physics 8 (2011); FI= 0.856
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
209. Helffer, B.; Purice, R., Magnetic calculus and semiclassical trace formulas, Journal of
Physics A 43 (2011); FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
210. Athmouni, Nassim; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, On the continuity of spectra for families of magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 51
(2010); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
211. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and operators, Proceedings of the American Matematical Society 138 (2010); 2839-2852;
FI= 0.611
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
212. Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35
(2010), 1058-1094; FI= 0.894
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge: Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrodinger operators; A C*-algebraic framework, Journal of Functional Analysis 250 (2007), pag. 42-67;
213. Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge, Positive quantization in the presence
of a variable magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Strict deformation quantization for a particle
in a magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physica 46 (2005);
214. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Coherent states and pure state quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of Geometric
Methods in Modern Physics 8 (2011); FI= 0.856
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Strict deformation quantization for a particle
in a magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physica 46 (2005);
215. Iftimie, Viorel; Purice, Radu, Eigenfunctions decay for magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Iftimie V.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R., Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35 (2010),
pag. 1058-1094.
216. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Coherent states and pure state quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of Geometric
Methods in Modern Physics 8 (2011); FI= 0.856
Citeaza: Iftimie V.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R., Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35 (2010),
pag. 1058-1094.
217. Helffer, B.; Purice, R., Magnetic calculus and semiclassical trace formulas, Journal of
Physics A 43 (2011); FI= 1.564
Citeaza: Iftimie V.; Mantoiu, M.; Purice, R., Commutator Criteria for Magnetic Pseudodifferential Operators, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 35 (2010),
pag. 1058-1094.
218. Cornean, Horia D.; Duclos, Pierre; Purice, Radu, Adiabatic Non-Equilibrium Steady
States in the Partition Free Approach, Annales Henri Poincare 13 (2012); p.827-856;
FI= 1.211
Citeaza: Cornean, H. D.; Duclos, P.; Nenciu, G.; Purice, R., Adiabatically switched-on
electrical bias and the Landauer-Buttiker formula, Journal of Mathematical Physics
49 (2008).
219. Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge, Positive quantization in the presence
of a variable magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, M ; Purice, R, The modulation mapping for magnetic symbols and
operators, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (2010), pag.
220. Iftimie, Viorel; Purice, Radu, Eigenfunctions decay for magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Iftimie, Viorel; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu: Unicity of the Integrated Density of States for Relativistic Schrodinger Operators with Regular Magnetic Fields and
Singular Electric Potentials, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 67 (2010),
221. Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu ; Richard, Serge, Positive quantization in the presence
of a variable magnetic field, Journal of Mathematical Physics 52 (2011); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Coherent states and pure state
quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of
Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 8 (2011);
222. Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu; Richard, Serge, Coherent states and pure state quantization in the presence of a variable magnetic field, International Journal of Geometric
Methods in Modern Physics 8 (2011),187-202 ; FI= 0.856
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu: The mathematical formalism of a particle in
a magnetic field, Mathematical Physics of Quantum Mechanics: selected and
refereed lectures from QMath9, Lecture Notes in Physics 690, Springer (2006),
p. 417-434;
223. Athmouni, Nassim; Mantoiu, Marius; Purice, Radu, On the continuity of spectra for
families of magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Journal of Mathematical Physics
51 (2010); FI= 1.291
Citeaza: Mantoiu, Marius ; Purice, Radu: The mathematical formalism of a particle in
a magnetic field, Mathematical Physics of Quantum Mechanics: selected and
refereed lectures from QMath9, Lecture Notes in Physics 690, Springer (2006),
p. 417-434;
224. Barcau, Mugurel; Paşol, Vicenţiu, Mod p congruences for cusp forms of weight four
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two and four, Journal of Number Theory 126 (2007), pag. 193 – 199
225. Moroianu, Andrei; Moroianu, Sergiu The Dirac Operator on Generalized Taub-NUT
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operator of generalized Euclidean Taub-NUT metrics JOURNAL OF PHYSICS AMATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL 39 21 (2006) 6575–6581
227. Moroianu, Andrei; Moroianu, Sergiu The Dirac Operator on Generalized Taub-NUT
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with gradient conformal vector fields JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS
253 1 (2007) 207–219
228. Loya, Paul; Moroianu, Sergiu; Park, Jinsung, Regularity of the eta function on manifolds
with cusps MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 269 3-4 (2011) 955–975
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with cusps MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 269 3-4 (2011) 955–975
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conformally cusp manifolds ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 9 1 (2008) 131–179
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with cusps MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT 269 3-4 (2011) 955–975
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over cofinite quotients of PSL(2, R) COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA 144 6 (2008),
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28 2 (2003), 167–181
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conformally cusp manifolds ANNALES HENRI POINCARE 9 1 (2008), 131–179.
235. Beanland, Kevin; Dodos, Pandelis, On strictly singular operators between separable Banach spaces, Mathematika 56 (2010), pag. 285–304; FI=0.368
Citeaza: Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Popov, Alexey I.; Timotin, Dan; Troitsky, Vladimir G., Finitely strictly singular operators between James spaces, J. Funct.
Anal. 256 (2009), pag. 1258–1268.
236. Arcozzi, Nicola; Rochberg, Richard; Sawyer, Eric T.; Wick, Brett D., The Dirichlet space:
a survey, New York J. Math. 17A (2011), 45–86
Citeaza: Ambrozie, Călin-Grigore; Timotin, Dan, On an intertwining lifting theorem for
certain reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Integral Equations Operator Theory 42
(2002), pag. 373–384.
237. Collins, Benoı̂t; Dykema, Ken, A nonconvex asymptotic quantum Horn body, New York
J. Math. 17 (2011), 437–444
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of Schubert varieties and eigenvalue inequalities in an arbitrary finite factor, J. Funct.
Anal. 258 (2010), pag. 1579–1627.
238. Bercovici, H.; Collins, B.; Dykema, K.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., Intersections of Schubert
varieties and eigenvalue inequalities in an arbitrary finite factor, J. Funct. Anal. 258
(2010), pag. 1579–1627; FI=1.082
Citeaza: Bercovici, H.; Li, W. S.; Timotin, D., The Horn conjecture for sums of compact
selfadjoint operators, Amer. J. Math. 131 (2009), pag. 1543–1567.
239. H. Bercovici, W.S. Li, D. Timotin, A family of reductions for Schubert intersection problems, J. Algebraic Combin. 33 (2011), pag. 609–649; FI=0.752
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of Schubert varieties and eigenvalue inequalities in an arbitrary finite factor, J. Funct.
Anal. 258 (2010), pag. 1579–1627.
240. Bakonyi, M.; Timotin, D., Extensions of positive definite functions on amenable groups,
Canad. Math. Bull. 54 (2011), pag. 3–11; FI=0.265
Citeaza: Timotin, Dan, Completions of matrices and the commutant lifting theorem, J.
Funct. Anal. 104 (1992), pag. 291–298.
241. Baranov, Anton; Chalendar, Isabelle; Fricain, Emmanuel; Mashreghi, Javad; Timotin,
Dan, Bounded symbols and reproducing kernel thesis for truncated Toeplitz operators,
J. Funct. Anal. 259 (2010), pag. 2673–2701; FI=1.082
Citeaza: Bakonyi, Mihaly; Timotin, Dan, On an extension problem for polynomials, Bull.
London Math. Soc. 33 (2001), pag. 599–605.
242. P. Stanica, S. Gangopadhyay, A. Chaturvedi, A.K. Gangopadhyay, S. Maitra, Investigations on bent and negabent functions via the nega-Hadamard transform, IEEE Transactions Inform. Theory 58:6 (2012), 4064-4072; FI=3.003.
Citeaza T.W. Cusick, P. Stanica, Cryptographic Boolean Functions (book), Elsevier –
Academic Press, London, 2009
243. M. Vajaitu, On the Cp -Banach algebra of the r-Lipschitz functions, Bull. Math. Soc.
Sci. Math., Thome 53(101), no.3 (2010), pag. 293–301; FI=0.507
Citeaza: V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, The p-adic measure on
the orbit of an element of Cp , Rend. sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 118 (2007), pag. 197
– 216.
244. M. Vajaitu, On the Cp -Banach algebra of the r-Lipschitz functions, Bull. Math. Soc.
Sci. Math., Thome 53(101), no.3 (2010), pag. 293–301; FI=0.507
Citeaza: M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, Non-Archimedean integration and applications, The
Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (2007).
245. A.I. Bonciocat, N.C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the irreducible factors of, a multivariate polynomial, Communications in Algebra, 39 (2011),
pag. 1131 – 1138; FI=0.347
Citeaza: M. Cavachi, M. Vâjâitu, A. Zaharescu, An irreducibility criterion for polynomials
in several variables, Acta Math. Univ. Ostrav. 12 (2004), pag. 13 – 18
246. V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, Representation Results for Equivariant Rigid Analytic Functions, Algebr. Represent. Theory 15 (2012), 137 –145;
Citeaza: M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, On Krasner analytic functions and the p-adic Mellin
transform, Mathematical Journal of Ibaraki University 37 (2005), pag. 23 –33.
247. V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu: On the zeros of Krasner analytic
functions, Algebr. Represent. Theory, to appear; FI = 0.595
Citeaza: S Achimescu, V Alexandru, N Popescu, M Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, The behavior
of rigid analytic functions around orbits of elements of Cp, Rend. sem. Mat. Univ.
Padova 127 (2012), pag. 193 – 211.
248. M. Vajaitu: Integral representations and the behavior of Krasner analytic functions around
singular points, Algebr. Represent. Theory, to appear; FI = 0.595
Citeaza: V. Alexandru, N. Popescu, M. Vajaitu, A. Zaharescu, The p-adic measure on
the orbit of an element of Cp , Rend. sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 118 (2007), pag. 197
– 216.
249. M. Vajaitu: Integral representations and the behavior of Krasner analytic functions around
singular points, Algebr. Represent. Theory, to appear; FI = 0.595
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of rigid analytic functions around orbits of elements of Cp, Rend. sem. Mat. Univ.
Padova 127 (2012), pag. 193 – 211.
250. M. Vajaitu: Integral representations and the behavior of Krasner analytic functions around
singular points, Algebr. Represent. Theory, to appear; FI = 0.595
Citeaza: Marian Vajaitu, Alexandru Zaharescu: Non-Archimedean Integration and Applications, Editura Academiei Romane (2007), pag. 120 ISBN:(13) 978-973-27-1466-9
251. M. Vajaitu: Integral representations and the behavior of Krasner analytic functions around
singular points, Algebr. Represent. Theory, to appear; FI = 0.595
Citeaza: M. Vajaitu, On the Cp -Banach algebra of the r-Lipschitz functions, Bull. Math.
Soc. Sci. Math., Thome 53(101), no.3 (2010), pag. 293–301.
252. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Algebraic monodromy and obstructions to formality, Forum Math. 22 (2010), 973-983; FI=0.607
Citeaza: S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Algebraic invariants for Bestvina–Brady groups, J.
London Math. Soc. 76 (2007), 273–292.
253. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz invariants and homology jumping loci, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 100 (2010), 795-834; FI=1.324
Citeaza: S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Algebraic invariants for Bestvina–Brady groups, J.
London Math. Soc. 76 (2007), 273–292.
254. Dimca, Alexandru; Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Quasi-Kahler groups, 3-manifold
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255. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz invariants and homology jumping loci, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 100 (2010), 795-834; FI=1.324
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256. Dimca, Alexandru; Papadima, Stefan Finite Galois covers, cohomology jump loci, formality properties, and multinets, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 10
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Citeaza: A. Macinic, S. Papadima: On the monodromy action on Milnor fibers of graphic
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257. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. The spectral sequence of an equivariant chain
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arrangements, Topology and its Appl. 156 (2009), 761–774.
258. Dimca, Alexandru; Papadima, Stefan Finite Galois covers, cohomology jump loci, formality properties, and multinets, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 10
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Citeaza: S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Toric complexes and Artin kernels, Advances in Math.
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259. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Bieri-Neumann-Strebel-Renz invariants and homology jumping loci, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 100 (2010), 795-834; FI=1.324
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260. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. The spectral sequence of an equivariant chain
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261. Dimca, Alexandru; Papadima, Stefan Finite Galois covers, cohomology jump loci, formality properties, and multinets, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 10
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Citeaza: B. Berceanu, S. Papadima: Universal representations of braid and braid-permutation
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262. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Algebraic monodromy and obstructions to formality, Forum Math. 22 (2010), 973-983; FI=0.607
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groups, J. Knot Theory Ramif. 18 (2009), 999–1019.
263. Dimca, Alexandru; Papadima, Stefan Finite Galois covers, cohomology jump loci, formality properties, and multinets, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 10
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Citeaza: A. Dimca, S. Papadima, A. Suciu: Topology and geometry of cohomology jump
loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
264. Dimca, Alexandru; Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Quasi-Kahler groups, 3-manifold
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265. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Algebraic monodromy and obstructions to formality, Forum Math. 22 (2010), 973-983; FI=0.607
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loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
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loci, Duke Math. Journal 148 (2009), 405–457.
267. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. Algebraic monodromy and obstructions to formality, Forum Math. 22 (2010), 973-983; FI=0.607
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269. Papadima, Stefan; Suciu, Alexander I. The spectral sequence of an equivariant chain
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270. Dimca, Alexandru; Papadima, Stefan Finite Galois covers, cohomology jump loci, formality properties, and multinets, Ann. Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci. (5) 10
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273. Macinic, Anca Daniela Cohomology rings and formality properties of nilpotent groups,
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341. S. Burciu, Categorical Hopf kernels and representations of semisimple Hopf algebras,
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342. S. Burciu, On complements and the factorization problem for Hopf algebras, Central
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343. S. Burciu, Clifford theory for cocentral extensions, Israel Journal of Mathematics
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Representation Theory 15 (2012), 491 – 506; FI=0.595
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345. S. Burciu, On complements and the factorization problem for Hopf algebras, Central
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in Algebra 37 (2009), pag. 3573–3585
346. S. Burciu, Depth one extensions of semisimple algebras and Hopf sublgebras, Algebras
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348. Dorin Popescu, Graph and depth of a square free monomial ideal, Proceedings of
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349. Dorin Popescu, Graph and depth of a square free monomial ideal, Proceedings of
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350. Dorin Popescu, Graph and depth of a square free monomial ideal, Proceedings of
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352. Herzog, Jurgen; Popescu, Dorin; Vladoiu, Marius, Stanley depth and size of a monomial
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353. Popescu, Dorin; Qureshi, Muhammad Imran, Computing the Stanley depth, J. Algebra
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354. Popescu, Dorin; Qureshi, Muhammad Imran, Computing the Stanley depth, J. Algebra
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357. L. David, I. A. B. Strachan, Dubrovin’s duality for F -manifolds with eventual identities,
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bi-hamiltonian structures, International Mathematics Research Notices 66 (2004),
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358. L. David, The conformal-Killing equation on G2 and Spin7 -structures, Journal of Geometry and Physics 61 (2011), pag. 1070–1078; FI=0.818
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Journal of Geometry and Physics 60 (2010), pag. 574–580
359. L. David, A prolongation of the conformal-Killing operator on quaternionic-Kähler manifolds, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 191 (2012), pag. 595-610; FI=0.838
Citeaza L. David: Quaternionic connections, induced holomorphic structures and a vanishing theorem, International Journal of Mathematics 19 (2008), pag. 1167-1185;
360. L. David, A prolongation of the conformal-Killing operator on quaternionic-Kähler manifolds, Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 191 (2012), pag. 595-610; FI=0.838
Citeaza L. David, M. Pontecorvo: A characterization of quaternionic projective space by
the conformal-Killing equation, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 80,
(2009), pag. 326–340;
361. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Characteristic classes of complex
hypersurfaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 2616–2647; FI = 1.177
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Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 61 (2008), no. 3, pag. 409-421.
362. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Characteristic classes of complex hypersurfaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 2616–2647; FI = 1.177
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Pure Appl. Math. 61 (2008), no. 3, pag. 422-449.
363. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Characteristic classes of complex
hypersurfaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 2616–2647; FI = 1.177
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classes of complex algebraic varieties, Electron. Res. Announc. Math. Sci. 15
(2008), pag. 1-7.
364. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Characteristic classes of complex
hypersurfaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 2616–2647; FI = 1.177
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varieties, II., Math. Ann. 345 (2009), no. 4, pag. 925-972.
365. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Characteristic classes of complex hypersurfaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 2616–2647; FI = 1.177
Citeaza: L. Maxim, Intersection homology and Alexander modules of hypersurface complements, Comment. Math. Helv. 81 (2006), no. 1, pag. 123-155.
366. S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, J. Shaneson: Characteristic classes of complex hypersurfaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 2616–2647; FI = 1.177
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367. A. Libgober, L. Maxim: Hodge polynomials of singular hypersurfaces, Michgan Math.
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complex hypersurfaces, Adv. Math. 225 (2010), pag. 2616–2647.
368. L. Maxim, M. Saito, J. Schürmann: Symmetric products of mixed Hodge modules, J.
Math. Pures Appl. 96 (2011), no. 5, 462–483; FI = 1.295
Citeaza: L. Maxim, J. Schürmann, Twisted genera of symmetric products, Selecta Math.
18 (2012), pag. 283–317.
369. A. Libgober, L. Maxim: Hodge polynomials of singular hypersurfaces, Michgan Math.
J. 60 (2011), pag. 661–673; FI = 0.948
Citeaza: S. Cappell, A. Libgober, L. Maxim, J. Shaneson, Hodge genera of algebraic
varieties, II., Math. Ann. 345 (2009), no. 4, pag. 925-972.
370. A. Libgober, L. Maxim: Hodge polynomials of singular hypersurfaces, Michgan Math.
J. 60 (2011), pag. 661–673; FI = 0.948
Citeaza: S. Cappell, A. Libgober, L. Maxim, J. Shaneson, Hodge genera and characteristic
classes of complex algebraic varieties, Electron. Res. Announc. Math. Sci. 15
(2008), pag. 1-7.
371. L. Maxim, J. Schürmann: Twisted genera of symmetric products, Selecta Math. 18
(2012), pag. 283–317; FI = 0.879
Citeaza: S. Cappell, L. Maxim, J. Shaneson, Equivariant genera of complex algebraic
varieties, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2009 (2009), no. 11, 2013–2037.
372. L. Maxim, J. Schürmann: Twisted genera of symmetric products, Selecta Math. 18
(2012), pag. 283–317; FI = 0.879
Citeaza: L. Maxim, M. Saito, J. Schürmann, Symmetric products of mixed Hodge modules,
J. Math. Pures Appl. 96 (2011), no. 5, 462–483.
373. N.C. Bonciocat, Y. Bugeaud, M. Cipu, M. Mignotte: Some Pólya type irreducibility
criteria for multivariate polynomials, Comm. Algebra. 40(10) (2012), pag. 3733 –
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Arith. 123(4)(2006), 349–360.
374. N.C. Bonciocat, Y. Bugeaud, M. Cipu, M. Mignotte: Some Pólya type irreducibility criteria for multivariate polynomials, Comm. Algebra. 40(10) (2012), pag. 3733 – 3744;
FI = 0.347
Citează: A.I. Bonciocat, N.C. Bonciocat, A Capelli type theorem for multiplicative convolutions of polynomials, Math. Nachr. 281(9) (2008), pag. 1240 – 1253.
375. N.C. Bonciocat, Y. Bugeaud, M. Cipu, M. Mignotte: Some Pólya type irreducibility criteria for multivariate polynomials, Comm. Algebra. 40(10) (2012), pag. 3733 – 3744;
FI = 0.347
Citează: N.C. Bonciocat, On an irreducibility criterion of Perron for multivariate polynomials, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 53 (101) (3) (2010), pag. 213 –
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criteria for multivariate polynomials, Comm. Algebra. 40(10) (2012), pag. 3733 –
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Citează: N.C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Irreducible multivariate polynomials obtained
from polynomials in fewer variables, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212(10) (2008), pag.
2338 – 2343.
377. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the
irreducible factors of a multivariate polynomial, Comm. Algebra 39 (3) (2011), pag.
1131 – 1138; FI = 0.347
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Square-free criteria
for polynomials using no derivatives, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (3) (2007), pag.
677 – 687
378. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the
irreducible factors of a multivariate polynomial, Comm. Algebra 39 (3) (2011), pag.
1131 – 1138; FI = 0.347
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat and N. C. Bonciocat, Some classes of irreducible polynomials,
Acta Arith. 123 (4) (2006), pag. 349 - 360
379. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the
irreducible factors of a multivariate polynomial, Comm. Algebra 39 (3) (2011), pag.
1131 – 1138; FI = 0.347
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A Capelli type theorem for multiplicative
convolutions of polynomials, Math. Nachr. 281 (9) (2008), pag. 1240 - 1253
380. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the
irreducible factors of a multivariate polynomial, Comm. Algebra 39 (3) (2011), pag.
1131 – 1138; FI = 0.347
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities
of the roots for some classes of complex polynomials, Math. Inequal. Appl. 9 (1)
(2006), pag. 11 – 22
381. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the irreducible factors of a multivariate polynomial, Comm. Algebra 39 (3) (2011), pag. 1131
– 1138; FI = 0.347
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat and A. Zaharescu, Irreducibility results for compositions of polynomials in several variables, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.) 115 (2) (2005),
pag. 117 – 126
382. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the roots
of a complex polynomial, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 54 (2011), pag. 587 – 598;
FI = 0.415
Citeaza: E. Alkan, A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Square-free criteria
for polynomials using no derivatives, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 135 (3) (2007), pag.
677 – 687
383. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the roots
of a complex polynomial, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 54 (2011), pag. 587 – 598;
FI = 0.415
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, On the irreducibility of polynomials with leading coefficient divisible by a large prime power, Amer. Math. Monthly 116 (8) (2009),
pag. 743 – 745
384. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the roots
of a complex polynomial, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 54 (2011), pag. 587 – 598;
FI = 0.415
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, The irreducibility of polynomials that have one
large coefficient and take a prime value, Canad. Math. Bull. 52 (4) (2009), pag. 511
– 520
385. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities of the roots
of a complex polynomial, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. 54 (2011), pag. 587 – 598;
FI = 0.415
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu, Bounds for the multiplicities
of the roots for some classes of complex polynomials, Math. Inequal. Appl. 9 (1)
(2006), pag. 11 – 22
386. A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, A. Zaharescu: On the irreducibility of polynomials that
take a prime power value, Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie (N.S.) 54(102)
(2011) no. 1, pag. 41 – 54; FI = 0.507
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, The irreducibility of polynomials that have one
large coefficient and take a prime value, Canad. Math. Bull. 52 (4) (2009), pag. 511–
387. N. C. Bonciocat, On an irreducibility criterion of Perron for multivariate polynomials,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 53(101) (3) (2010), pag. 213 – 217; FI =
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convolutions of polynomials, Math. Nachr. 281 (9) (2008), pag. 1240 – 1253
388. N. C. Bonciocat, On an irreducibility criterion of Perron for multivariate polynomials,
Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie 53(101) (3) (2010), pag. 213 – 217; FI =
Citeaza: A.-I. Bonciocat, N. C. Bonciocat, Some classes of irreducible polynomials, Acta
Arith. 123 (4) (2006), pag. 349 – 360
389. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Extra theory morphisms for institutions: logical semantics for
multi-paradigm languages, Applied Categorical Structures 6(4), (1998) pag. 427–
390. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Ultraproducts, Fundamenta Informaticæ 55(3-4), (2003) pag. 321–348.
391. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Elementary diagrams in institutions, J. Logic and Computation 14(5), (2004) pag. 651–674.
392. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: An institution-independent proof of Craig interpolation theorem,
Studia Logica 77(1)), (2004) pag. 59–79.
393. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Proof systems for institutional logic, Journal of Logic and
Computation 16(3), (2006), pag. 339–357.
394. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser (2008).
395. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: Răzvan Diaconescu, Kokichi Futatsugi: CafeOBJ Report: the language,
proof techniques, and methodologies for object-oriented algebraic specification, World Scientific, (1998).
396. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen, P. Stefaneas: Logical support for modularization, ı̂n
Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge Univ. Press,
pag. 83–130.
397. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: T. Mossakowski, J. Goguen, R. Diaconescu, A. Tarlecki: What is a Logic?, ı̂n
Logica Universalis, editor Jean-Yves Beziau, Birkhäuser (2005) pag. 113–133.
398. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: M. Petria, R. Diaconescu: Abstract Beth definability in institutions, Journal of
Symbolic Logic 71(3), (2006), pag. 1002–1028.
399. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Jewels of institution-indepedendent model theory, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 4060), Springer (2006), pag. 65–98.
400. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: J. Goguen, R. Diaconescu: Towards an algebraic semantics for the object paradigm,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 785, (1994) pag. 1–34.
401. R. Diaconescu, M. Petria: Saturated Models in Institutions, Archive for Mathematical
Logic 49(6) (2010), pag. 693–723; FI = 0.414; FI2011 = 0.341.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: A categorical study on the finiteness of specifications, Information Processing Letters 108(2), (2008), pag. 75–80.
402. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188; FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: CafeOBJ report: The Language, Proof
Techniques, and Methodologies for Object-Oriented Algebraic Specification,
World Scientific (1998).
403. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188; FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: Behavioural coherence in object-oriented algebraic
specification, Universal Computer Science 6(1), (2000) pag. 74–96.
404. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188; FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: Logical foundations of CafeOBJ, Theoretical
Computer Science 285(2), (2002) pag. 289-318.
405. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188; FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser (2008).
406. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188; FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen, P. Stefaneas: Logical support for modularization, ı̂n
Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge Univ. Press,
pag. 83–130.
407. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188; FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
Citează: J. Goguen, R. Diaconescu: Towards an algebraic semantics for the object paradigm,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 785, (1994) pag. 1–34.
408. R. Diaconescu: Quasi-Boolean encodings and conditionals in algebraic specification, Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79(2) (2010), pag. 174–188; FI = 0.537;
FI2011 = 0.506.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: An encoding of partial algebras as total algebras, Information
Processing Letters 109(23-24) (2009), pag. 1245–1251.
409. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI =0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: On quasi-varieties of multiple valued logic models, Mathematical Logic Quarterly 57(2) (2011), pag. 194–203.
410. R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174; FI = 0.665; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: An institution-independent proof of Craig interpolation theorem,
Studia Logica 77(1)), (2004) pag. 59–79.
411. R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174; FI = 0.665; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Elementary diagrams in institutions, J. Logic and Computation 14(5), (2004) pag. 651–674.
412. R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174; FI = 0.665; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: CafeOBJ report: The Language, Proof
Techniques, and Methodologies for Object-Oriented Algebraic Specification,
World Scientific (1998).
413. R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174; FI = 0.665; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser (2008).
414. R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174; FI = 0.665; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen, P. Stefaneas: Logical support for modularization, ı̂n
Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge Univ. Press,
pag. 83–130.
415. R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174; FI = 0.665; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen: An Oxford survey of order sorted algebra, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 4(4) (1994) pag. 363–392
416. R. Diaconescu: On quasi-varieties of multiple valued logic models, Mathematical Logic
Quarterly 57(2) (2011), pag. 194–203; FI = 0.496; FI2011 = 0.496.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Herbrand theorems in arbitrary institutions, Information Processing Letters 90, (2004), pag. 29–37.
417. R. Diaconescu: On quasi-varieties of multiple valued logic models, Mathematical Logic
Quarterly 57(2) (2011), pag. 194–203; FI = 0.496; FI2011 = 0.496.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser (2008).
418. R. Diaconescu: Coinduction for preordered algebras, Information and Computation
209(2), (2011), pag. 108–117; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: Logical foundations of CafeOBJ, Theoretical
Computer Science 285(2), (2002) pag. 289-318.
419. R. Diaconescu: Coinduction for preordered algebras, Information and Computation
209(2), (2011), pag. 108–117; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser (2008).
420. R. Diaconescu: Coinduction for preordered algebras, Information and Computation
209(2), (2011), pag. 108–117; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: CafeOBJ report: The Language, Proof
Techniques, and Methodologies for Object-Oriented Algebraic Specification,
World Scientific (1998).
421. R. Diaconescu: Coinduction for preordered algebras, Information and Computation
209(2), (2011), pag. 108–117; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: J. Goguen, R. Diaconescu: Towards an algebraic semantics for the object paradigm,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 785, (1994) pag. 1–34.
422. R. Diaconescu: Coinduction for preordered algebras, Information and Computation
209(2), (2011), pag. 108–117; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: Behavioural coherence in object-oriented algebraic
specification, Universal Computer Science 6(1), (2000) pag. 74–96.
423. R. Diaconescu: Coinduction for preordered algebras, Information and Computation
209(2), (2011), pag. 108–117; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Jewels of institution-indepedendent model theory, Lecture Notes
in Computer Science 4060), Springer (2006), pag. 65–98.
424. R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck Inclusion Systems, Applied Categorical Structures
19(5), (2011) pag. 783–802; FI = 0.6; FI2011 = 0.6.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: Logical foundations of CafeOBJ, Theoretical
Computer Science 285(2), (2002) pag. 289-318.
425. R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck Inclusion Systems, Applied Categorical Structures
19(5), (2011) pag. 783–802; FI = 0.6; FI2011 = 0.6.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Extra theory morphisms for institutions: logical semantics for
multi-paradigm languages, Applied Categorical Structures 6(4), (1998) pag. 427–
426. R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck Inclusion Systems, Applied Categorical Structures
19(5), (2011) pag. 783–802; FI = 0.6; FI2011 = 0.6.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck institutions, Applied Categorical Structures
10(4), (2002) pag. 383–402.
427. R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck Inclusion Systems, Applied Categorical Structures
19(5), (2011) pag. 783–802; FI = 0.6; FI2011 = 0.6.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Elementary diagrams in institutions, J. Logic and Computation 14(5), (2004) pag. 651–674.
428. R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck Inclusion Systems, Applied Categorical Structures
19(5), (2011) pag. 783–802; FI = 0.6; FI2011 = 0.6.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser (2008).
429. R. Diaconescu: Grothendieck Inclusion Systems, Applied Categorical Structures
19(5), (2011) pag. 783–802; FI = 0.6; FI2011 = 0.6.
Citează: Răzvan Diaconescu, Joseph Goguen, Petros Stefaneas: Logical support for modularization, ı̂n Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge
Univ. Press, pag. 83–130.
430. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI =0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Herbrand theorems in arbitrary institutions, Information Processing Letters 90, (2004), pag. 29–37.
431. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Ultraproducts, Fundamenta Informaticæ 55(3-4), (2003) pag. 321–348.
432. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI =0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen: An Oxford survey of order sorted algebra, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 4(4) (1994) pag. 363–392
433. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen, P. Stefaneas: Logical support for modularization, ı̂n
Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge Univ. Press,
pag. 83–130.
434. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI =0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: CafeOBJ report: The Language, Proof
Techniques, and Methodologies for Object-Oriented Algebraic Specification,
World Scientific (1998).
435. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures
in Computer Science 22(1) (2012), pag. 1–24.
436. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Category-based Semantics for Equational and Constraint Logic Programming, D.Phil thesis, University of Oxford, (1994).
437. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Category-based constraint logics, Mathematical Structures
in Computer Science 10(3) (2000), pag. 373–407.
438. R. Diaconescu: Structural Induction in Institutions, Information and Computation
209(9) (2011), pag. 1197–1222; FI = 0.560; FI2011 = 0.560.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser (2008).
439. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Elementary diagrams in institutions, Journal of Logic and
Computation 14(5), (2004) pag. 651–674.
440. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: An institution-independent proof of Craig interpolation theorem,
Studia Logica 77(1)), (2004) pag. 59–79.
441. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Interpolation in Grothendieck institutions, Theoretical Computer Science 311, (2004) pag. 439–461.
442. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser, (2008).
443. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, I. Ţuţu: On the Algebra of Structured Specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 412(28) (2011), pag. 3145–3174.
444. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: CafeOBJ report: The Language, Proof
Techniques, and Methodologies for Object-Oriented Algebraic Specification,
World Scientific (1998).
445. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen, P. Stefaneas: Logical support for modularization, ı̂n
Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge Univ. Press,
pag. 83–130.
446. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: T. Mossakowski, J. Goguen, R. Diaconescu, A. Tarlecki: What is a Logic?, ı̂n
Logica Universalis, editor Jean-Yves Beziau, Birkhäuser (2005) pag. 113–133.
447. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: T. Mossakowski, R. Diaconescu, A. Tarlecki: What is a Logic Translation?,
Logica Universalis 3(1), (2009) pag. 59–94.
448. R. Diaconescu: An axiomatic approach to structuring specifications, Theoretical Computer Science 433 (2012) pag.20–42; FI2011 = 0.665.
Citează: M. Petria, R. Diaconescu: Abstract Beth definability in institutions, Journal of
Symbolic Logic 71(3), (2006), pag. 1002-1028.
449. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Category-based constraint logic, Mathematical Structures in
Computer Science 10(3), (2000) pag. 373–407.
450. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Category-based semantics for equational and constraint
logic programming, Teză doctorat, Univ. Oxford, (1994).
451. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Elementary diagrams in institutions, Journal of Logic and
Computation 14(5), (2004) pag. 651–674.
452. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Herbrand theorems in arbitrary institutions, Information Processing Letters 90, (2004) pag. 29–37.
453. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: An institution-independent proof of Craig interpolation theorem,
Studia Logica 77(1)), (2004) pag. 59–79.
454. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Interpolation in Grothendieck institutions, Theoretical Computer Science 311, (2004) pag. 439–461.
455. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser, (2008).
456. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: Răzvan Diaconescu, Joseph Goguen, Petros Stefaneas, Logical support for modularization, ı̂n Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge
Univ. Press, pag. 83–130.
457. R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24; FI2011 = 0.69.
Citează: M. Petria, R. Diaconescu: Abstract Beth definability in institutions, Journal of
Symbolic Logic 71(3), (2006), pag. 1002-1028.
458. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Interpolation for predefined types, Mathematical Structures
in Computer Science 22(1), (2012), pag. 1–24.
459. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Category-based constraint logics, Mathematical Structures
in Computer Science 10(3) (2000), pag. 373–407.
460. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Institution-independent ultraproducts, Fundamenta Informaticæ 55(3-4), (2003) pag. 321–348.
461. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Elementary diagrams in institutions, J. Logic and Computation 14(5), (2004) pag. 651–674.
462. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: An institution-independent proof of Craig interpolation theorem,
Studia Logica 77(1)), (2004) pag. 59–79.
463. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: Interpolation in Grothendieck institutions, Theoretical Computer Science 311, (2004) pag. 439–461.
464. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Proof systems for institutional logic, Journal of Logic and
Computation 16 (3) (2006) pag. 339–357.
465. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, Institution-independent Model Theory, Birkhäuser, (2008).
466. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu: An encoding of partial algebras as total algebras, Information
Processing Letters 109(23-24) (2009), pag. 1245–1251.
467. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: CafeOBJ report: The Language, Proof
Techniques, and Methodologies for Object-Oriented Algebraic Specification,
World Scientific (1998).
468. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, K. Futatsugi: Logical foundations of CafeOBJ, Theoretical
Computer Science 285(2), (2002) pag. 289-318.
469. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: Răzvan Diaconescu, Joseph Goguen, Petros Stefaneas, Logical support for modularization, ı̂n Logical Environments, editori G. Huet şi G. Plotkin, (1993) Cambridge
Univ. Press, pag. 83–130.
470. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, P. Stefaneas, Ultraproducts and possible worlds semantics in
institutions, Theoretical Computer Science 379(1), (2007) pag. 210–230.
471. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: R. Diaconescu, J. Goguen: An Oxford survey of order sorted algebra, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 4(4) (1994) pag. 363–392
472. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: J. Goguen, R. Diaconescu: Towards an algebraic semantics for the object paradigm,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 785, (1994) pag. 1–34.
473. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: T. Mossakowski, J. Goguen, R. Diaconescu, A. Tarlecki: What is a Logic?, ı̂n
Logica Universalis, editor Jean-Yves Beziau, Birkhäuser (2005) pag. 113–133.
474. R. Diaconescu: Borrowing interpolation, Journal of Logic and Computation 22(3)
(2012) pag.561–586; FI2011 = 0.611.
Citează: M. Petria, R. Diaconescu: Abstract Beth definability in institutions, Journal of
Symbolic Logic 71(3), (2006), pag. 1002-1028.
475. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: Vı̂lcu, C., On two conjectures of Steinhaus, Geometriae Dedicata 79 (2000),
pag. 267–275
476. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Farthest points and cut loci on some degenerate convex surfaces, J. Geom. 80 (2004), pag. 106–120
477. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: C. Vı̂lcu, T. Zamfirescu, Symmetry and the farthest point mapping on convex
surfaces, Adv. Geom. 6 (2006), pag. 379–387
478. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: C. Vı̂lcu, T. Zamfirescu, Multiple farthest points on Alexandrov surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 7 (2007), pag. 83–100
479. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: C. Vı̂lcu, Properties of the farthest point mapping on convex surfaces, Rev.
Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 51 (2006), pag. 125–134
480. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: J. Itoh, J. Rouyer, C. Vı̂lcu, Antipodal convex hypersurfaces, Indag. Math.
(N.S.) 19 (2008), pag. 411–426
481. J. Itoh, J. O’Rourke, C. Vı̂lcu, Star unfolding convex polyhedra via quasigeodesic loops,
Discrete Comput. Geom. 44 (2010), pag. 35–54; FI = 0.938
Citeaza: K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces,
Adv. Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584
482. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, What do cylinders look like?, J. Geom. 95 (2009), pag.
483. J. Itoh, J. O’Rourke, C. Vı̂lcu, Star unfolding convex polyhedra via quasigeodesic loops,
Discrete Comput. Geom. 44 (2010), pag. 35–54; FI = 0.938
Citeaza: J. Itoh, J. O’Rourke, C. Vı̂lcu, Source Unfoldings of Convex Polyhedra via
Certain Closed Curves, arXiv:1205.0963
484. K. Ieiri, J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, Quasigeodesics and farthest points on convex surfaces, Adv.
Geom. 11 (2011), pag. 571–584; FI = 0.338
Citeaza: J. Itoh, C. Vı̂lcu, On the length of simple closed quasigeodesics on convex
surfaces, C. R. Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 343 (2006), pag. 259-264
485. Marian Aprodu, Ruxandra Moraru, Matei Toma: Two-dimensional moduli spaces of
vector bundles over Kodaira surfaces, Advances in Math. 231 (2012), pag. 1202 –
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Matei Toma Holomorphic vector bundles
on primary Kodaira surfaces, Math. Z. 242 (2002), pag. 63 – 73
486. Marian Aprodu, Ruxandra Moraru, Matei Toma: Two-dimensional moduli spaces of
vector bundles over Kodaira surfaces, Advances in Math. 231 (2012), pag. 1202 –
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Matei Toma, Une note sur les fibrés holomorphes non-filtrables,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, I 336 (2003), pag. 581 – 584
487. Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Marius Marchitan, Rank-two vector bundles on
Hirzebruch surfaces Central European J. Math. 10-4 (2012), pag. 1321 – 1330
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Fibrés vectoriels de rang deux sur les surfaces reglees, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 323, Serie I (1996), pag. 627 – 630
488. Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Marius Marchitan, Rank-two vector bundles on
Hirzebruch surfaces, Central European J. Math. 10-4 (2012), pag. 1321 – 1330
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Moduli spaces of vector bundles over ruled
surfaces, Nagoya Math. J. 154 (1999), pag. 111 – 122
489. Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Marius Marchitan, Rank-two vector bundles on
Hirzebruch surfaces Central European J. Math. 10-4 (2012), pag. 1321 – 1330
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu: Beilinson type spectral sequences on scrolls,
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490. Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu, Marius Marchitan, Rank-two vector bundles on
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493. Marian Aprodu, Gavril Farkas: Green’s Conjecture for curves on arbitrary K3 surfaces,
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surfaces, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 325-3 (1997), pag. 295 – 300.
499. Marian Aprodu, Marius Marchitan: A note on vector bundles on Hirzebruch surfaces, C.
R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math. 349, no 11-12 (2011), pag. 687 – 690
Citează: Marian Aprodu, Vasile Brı̂nzănescu: Beilinson type spectral sequences on scrolls,
Moduli spaces and vector bundles, editori: Leticia Brambila-Paz, Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas (CIMAT), Mexico, Steven B. Bradlow, University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign, Oscar Garcia-Prada, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid, S. Ramanan, Chennai Mathematical Institute, India, London Math. Soc.
Lecture Note Ser., 359, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, (2009), pag. 426 – 436,
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507. Stan, Florin; Zaharescu, Alexandru, The Siegel norm of algebraic numbers, Bull. Math.
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508. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean, Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces,
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510. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean, Effective metastability of Halpern iterates in CAT(0) spaces,
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511. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean, On the computational content of convergence proofs via Banach limits, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 370 (2012), pag.
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512. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean, On the computational content of convergence proofs via
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514. V. Colao, G. Lopez, L. Leuştean, V. Martin-Marquez, Alternative iterative methods
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516. U. Kohlenbach, L. Leuştean, Asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in uniformly convex
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518. N. Popa, A class of Schur multipliers on some quasi-Banach spaces of infinite matrices,
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Citeaza :S. Barza, L-E. Persson, N. Popa, A matriceal analogue of Fejer’s theory, Mathematische Nachrichten vol.260, (2003), pag. 14-20.
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general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302.
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general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302.
8. Bercovici, Hari, Dual Algebras and Invariant Subspaces, Book Editor(s): Axler, S.; Rosenthal, P.; Sarason, D., Source: GLIMPSE AT HILBERT SPACE OPERATORS: PAUL
R. HALMOS IN MEMORIAM, Book Series: Operator Theory Advances and Applications Volume: 207 (2010), pag. 135-176
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general domains in Cn, Journal of Operator Theory, 47:2 (2002), pag. 287-302.
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Hilbert Space, Second Edition, Book Series: Universitext, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-44196094-8, Publisher: Springer; (2010),
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10. Liu, J., Invariant subspaces for polynomially bounded operators of class C0 on a Banach
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11. Rank, E.; Kollmannsberger, S.; Sorger, Ch.; Dster, A. Shell finite cell method: a high
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12. Chen, Yanping; Lu, Zuliang Error estimates of fully discrete mixed finite element methods
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16. O.L.V. Costa, G. Benites, Linear minimum mean square filter for discrete-time linear
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17. Y. Yang, J. Li, G. Chen, Finite-time stability and stabilization of Markovian switching
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19. L. Zhao-Yan, Z. Bin, W. Yong, R.G. Duan, On eigenvalue sets and convergence rate of It
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20. T. Hou, W. Zhang, H. Ma, Conditions for essential instability and essential destabilization
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22. H. Sun, L. Li, L. Jiang, Infinite-time linear quadratic differential games for stochastic
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23. L. Xiaona, W. Ai-Guo, R.G. Duan, L2 − L∞ analysis and control to Markov jump systems
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25. S. Sathananthan, M.J. Knap, Keel, L.H., Robust stability and stabilization of a class
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26. S. Sathananthan, C. Beane, G.S. Ladde, L.H. Keel, Stabilization of stochastic systems
under Markovian switching, Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 4, 4, (2010),
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27. K. Shulan, Z. Huanshui, Optimal Parto control of stochastic system with multiplicative
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28. A. Stoica, A mixed H2 /H∞ estimation problem for linear systems with state dependent
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29. S. Kong, M. Saif, H. Zhang, Optimal filtering for It-Stochastic continuous-time systems
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30. H. Ma, Y. Jia, Input-output finite-time stability and stabilization of stochastic Markovian
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31. S. Aberkane, Reconfigurable Control Systems: A Nonhomogeneous Markovian Jump System Approach, 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011, (2011), 5425–5430
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32. S. Sathananthan . M.J. Knap, L.H. Keel, Guaranteed Cost H Control of Linear Stochastic
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35. S. Aberkane, Bounded real lemma for nonhomogeneous Markovian jump linear systems,
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37. E.K.W. Chu, T. Li, W.W. Lin, ARE-type iterations for rational Riccati equations arising
in stochastic control, Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), (2011),
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38. A.M. Stoica, H2 and H∞ Performance Analysis of Networked Control Systems with Fading
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