June 19, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
June 19, 2016 - Holy Family Parish
HOLY FAMILY PARISH A Catholic faith community called to serve God and others through Eucharist, prayer, education, and daily living of the Gospel values. PARISH OFFICE: 201 CLARK STREET, MIDDLETOWN, OH 45042 (513) 422-0602 www.holyfamilymiddletown.com WEEKEND MASSES ST. JOHN CHURCH HOLY TRINITY CHURCH 1405 FIRST AVENUE SATURDAY 4:30 PM SUNDAY 10:30 AM 201 CLARK STREET SUNDAY 9:00 AM June 19, 2016 ADORATION HOLY TRINITY CHURCH MONDAY- FRIDAY 12:30 - 4:30 PM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION ST. JOHN CHURCH SATURDAY 3:30 PM 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sabrina Ellison and Ally Roberts get slimed with special VBS Cave Quest “Bat Guano” at Friday’s VBS Pig Roast Picnic! We raised $649.30 in the Penny Wars for Sr. Sarah’s Clinic - our Guatemalan Mission Twin! Vacation Bible School We did it again! Another WONDERFUL Vacation Bible School and Family Picnic! Find more photos and information inside, plus go to our website www.holyfamilymiddletown.com to see over 100 wonderful CAVE QUEST VBS Picnic pictures taken by Rob McCulley! Thanks Rob! COMING EVENTS Baptismal Prep Class .…….…………….... Wed June 22 Fenwick Festival .......... Fri/Sat/Sun June 24/25/26 Independence Day ..………………………….. Mon July 4 HOLY FAMILY MASS SCHEDULE Daily Scripture Readings Saturday and Sunday - June 18 and 19 4:30 PM Mass SJ John Jester - Wed. Anniv. Remembrance 9:00 AM Mass HT Jack & Eileen Kiesewetter - Wed Ann Rem 10:30 AM Mass SJ Adam Markey - Birthday Remembrance Monday, June 20 12:10 PM Communion Service HT Tuesday, June 21 No 8:30 AM Mass J23 - Summer Break Wednesday, June 22 12:10 PM Mass HT Dale Braun - Wedding Anniv. Rem. Thursday, June 23 12:10 PM Mass HT Helen Westfall - Birthday Remembrance Friday, June 24 8:00 AM Mass HT Fern Combs - Birthday Remembrance 12:10 PM Communion Service HT Saturday, June 25 8:00 AM Mass HT Lena Zvolensky 4:30 PM Mass SJ Phyllis Downey - Wedding Anniv. Rem. Sunday, June 26 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 AM Mass HT Alex Praete - Anniversary Remembrance 10:30 AM Mass SJ Clarence V. & Agnes K. Blake Weekly Collections Stewardship Sunday, June 12th $15,284.30 Thank you for your generous stewardship! MINISTERS NEXT WEEK 4:30 PM SAT Eucharistic Dan Sack 1B Frances Sack 2B Ministers Pat Montgomery 3B Linda Day 1C Franka Cope 2C Linda Weaver 3C Carolyn Kraft 4C Paul Presta Lectors Jennifer James John Soppanish Servers Larry Nichols Dan Sack D1 Greeters Frances Sack D1 Frank Pressler Paul Presta Don Schwab Mike Rossi June 25/26 9:00 AM SUN Karthy Farler 1B Don Gillum 2B Ginger Bruggeman 3B John Lyons 1C Kathy Kraft 2C Alice Brown 3C Sherry Corrill 4C Dan Mabry Beverly Mabry Jake Johnson Nick Stratton Marilyn Abbot D1 Josh Abbot D2 10:30 AM SUN Cari Hellmann 1B Rhonda Koenig 2B Marcia Egelston 3B Ken Allen 1C Lois Allen 2C Ken Beiser 3C Sandy Ongkiko 4C Dee Golembiewski Michael Paddock Lily Knaley Sarah Volle Sandi Mulligan D1 Jim Mulligan D1 Fred DeBiasi Dan Dobrozsi Jeff Gephart Dave Leighton Mon: 2 Kgs 17:5-8,13-15a,18 / Mt 7:1-5 Tues: 2 Kgs 19:9-11,14-21,31-36 / Mt 7:6,12-14 Wed: 2 Kgs 22:8-13;23:1-3 / Mt 7:15-20 Thurs: 2 Kgs 24:8-17 / Mt 7:21-29 Fri: Is 49:1-6 / Lk 1:57-66,80 Sat: Lam 2:2,10-14,18-19 / Mt 8:5-17 Sun: 1 Kgs 19:16,19-21 / Gal 5:1,13-18 Lk 9:51-62 In Your Prayers Remember Mary Ann Yauch at Atrium and Bobby Skeens at Miami Valley this week. Dropping Your Land Line? Please call the parish office 422-0602 so that we can update our records. Thanks! Health Ministry: Dads Know How to Laugh, Too The role of Father-Dad-Pops has never lost its importance, no matter what the society trend. These men know how to take a joke and laugh, often the loudest. *You can tell what was the best year of your father's life because they seem to freeze that style and ride it out. *My dad and I used to play tag. He'd drive. *There should be a children's song: "If you're happy and you know it, keep it to yourself and let your dad sleep!" *A father carries photos where his money used to be. *What's the difference between a high hit baseball and a maggot's father? One's a pop fly and the other is a fly pop. *Just once on Father's Day I wish my kids would give me a #1 Dad's cup instead of one with my actual ranking. Research has shown that children with involved dads on average do better in school plus have higher self-esteem and greater motivation to succeed. In addition these kids are less likely to be delinquent and less likely to abuse substances like drugs and alcohol. To all the men who are committed to filling the role of father - to encourage, discipline and love the up-coming generation - we celebrate and we thank you this Father's Day. Have a GREAT one! Parents/Readers Digest/Lifescript K of C Pancake Breakfast! Introductions to Sunday Readings TODAY! 9:30 - 11:30 PM St. John’s Undercroft Come and enjoy all-you-can-eat fresh, homemade pancakes, plus eggs, sausage, juice and coffee. Adults - $6 Children < 12 - $4 Max - $25 per family by Bishop Ken Untener, in collaboration with Catherine Haven and Fr. Bill Taylor First Reading - Zechariah 12:10-11 The prophet Zechariah preached after the Jews returned from exile. This brief passage we will hear today is puzzling. A person is depicted as suffering and dying for the people, but we don’t know who it is. In the Gospel of John, this passage is applied to Jesus on the Cross, pierced with a lance. Second Reading - Galatians 3:26-29 Today we hear one of the most famous passages from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. In that culture and at that time, it was a remarkable statement against any form of ethnic, religious, or gender discrimination. All proceeds benefit Vacation Bible School. Living Faith Meditation Booklets These popular daily prayer booklets for July, August and September are available in the churches this weekend. Baptismal Preparation Class This Wednesday, June 22nd 7 PM St. John Center If you are expecting your first baby or want your first child baptized we ask that you attend a baptismal preparation class, held quarterly throughout the year. The next baptismal preparation class is set for this Wednesday, June 22nd at 7:00 PM in the St. John Rectory. Please call the parish office 422-0602 to register. It’s Fenwick Festival Time! Men of the parish are invited to join for prayer and study every second and fourth Saturday of the month. The next meeting is this Saturday, June 25th at 7:00 a.m. in the St. John Rectory. Friday, June 24th 6 PM - Midnight Saturday, June 25th 4 PM - Midnight Sunday, June 26th 4 PM - 10 PM Plan to attend this local festival favorite for great food, entertainment and fun for the whole family. Free on-site parking, live bands, Sons of Italy Italian sausage sandwiches (Friday) and famous Spaghetti Dinner (Sunday). Carnival ride wristbands $15 all day Sunday. Gold Raffle - 2016 Honda Civic EX Sedan or $15,000! Red Raffle - $5,000! Basket Booth, Texas Hold 'em and Black Jack tables. Be sure to attend! See you there! More info - www.fenwickfalcons.org Fenwick Festival Cake Booth Goodies Wanted! Are You Missing a Serving Plate or Dish? The Men’s Fellowship Group The Cake Booth needs homemade cakes and cupcakes, brownies and cookies, cake pops and muffins, pies and rice crispy treats. Please drop off your delicious donations at the parish office on Thursday or Friday, June 23rd and 24th or carry them in to the Fenwick cafeteria when you attend the Festival. Thanks for your support! Vacation Bible School Garage Sale Accepting Donations! Small appliances, household items, small furniture, electronics, books, and knick-knacks. No Clothing Please! Please call Betty 422-8465 to arrange for your donation drop off. All proceeds benefit the Holy Family Parish Vacation Bible School program. Are you one of several parishioners who kindly donated a dish for a recent bereavement luncheon and your serving plate or dish was left behind? If you get a chance this week, stop by the Holy Trinity Center and pick up your missing item. We have a whole table top full waiting to be claimed. Thanks! CAVE QUEST VBS - Following Jesus...the Light of the World! 165 Children and 102 Volunteers! Special Thanks to These Terrific Volunteers! We Couldn’t Have Done It Without YOU! First and Foremost: Linda Slone who has led all thirteen Vacation Bible School Programs! Secondly: Station Leaders who also put in hours of preparation for their activity: Matt Slone & Katy Cox - Sing and Play Rock Paula Leighton - Imagination Station Lorraine Sivy - KidVid™ Cinema Cara Wagner - Spelunker Sports & Games Christine Brunner - Deep Bible Quests Peggy Ketron, Kathy Farler, Mike Neu, and Lee Ann Glick - Cavern Café Cari Hellman - Director - Tad’s Preschool Pool (47 children!) Jim Mulligan - All Around “Go-to Guy” More Terrific Volunteers! Andrew, Jenny & Michelle Abata, Trey Adkins, Paul Bailey, Elizabeth, Ian & Joseph Barnett, Emily, Hannah, John & Matt Baty, Conner & Garrett Beckman, Leona & Therese Bell, Sheila Brady, Emilee & Sara Brooks, Mark Brune, Elly Cox, Jon Cummins, Hannah Dwenger, Avery Earls, Marcia Egelston, Rio & Sabrina Ellison, Bryce Fisher, Lindsey Garrett, Gracie Gibson, Emma & Ryan Golembiewski, Jordan Griffith, Ben, Erica & Kate Hafer, Nicholas Hawkins, Benton, Deaglan & Jaina Hellmann, Valerie Hickey, Chloe & Nicholas Hill, Marianne Hoskins, Janie & Maria Jeffers, Brice Ketron, Ally King, Lily Knaley, Bernadette, Charlie, Clara & Rosemary Komer, Evan Korade, Emily Lawson, Tabitha Lewis, Barb Luksic, Sydney Marsh, Maia McCurley, Cody & Cory McQueen, Emily Miller, Evan Moffa, Jacquie Montero, Mya Pledger, Dylan, Sarra & Tanner Polisini, Gio Puccio, Andrew Reardon, Alex & Ally Roberts, Noelia Rodriguez, Jane Romer, Patty Ryan, Cassie Saunders, Kimberly Schwinnen, Corey Smith, Jason & Justin Umberg, Maria Valentin, Barb, Gabby, Matt & Sarah Volle, Linda Willhoff, Missy Wipperman, Arely Yanez and Kayla Zolman. Special thanks to Betty McGuire who does so much for VBS all year long! She makes the quilts and raises money through the Quarter Auction, Fall Fest and summer Garage Sale. Also, Debbie Robinson who has coordinated the Kohl’s Associates in Action Program which provides volunteers and grant money for Vacation Bible School. Jo Ann Cranford and Will Fish were the lucky winners of the VBS quilts made by Betty and Kay von der Embse. $795 was raised from the quilt raffle and $649.30 from Penny Wars, both of which benefit Sr. Sarah Mulligan’s Clinic in Guatemala. THANKS also to: the Knights of Columbus for their generous donation; the Volle Family & Laura Howells for their decorating skills; Jeannine Pfeffer for decorating supplies; Rob McCulley for taking photos; Jay Brunner for sound equipment; Chris Bowles from Proforma Albrecht & Co. who designs the t-shirts and parishioners who donated props! It’s a lot of work for a lot of people… but so worth it! Well done everyone! Dee Golembiewski SVDP IS ALWAYS ACCEPTING FURNITURE AND HOUSHOLD DONATIONS, AND WE PICK UP! by Dawn Pickerill / Principal CALL 422-0602 TO SCHEDULE YOUR PICK UP. TRADITIONAL VALUES. EXCEPTIONAL EDUCATION. St. John XXIII represents 150 years of Catholic Education dedicated to encouraging and developing well-rounded, self-confident and compassionate children and young adults who lead successful, mindful, service-driven lives. Our school community is the foundation on which our core principles of faith and hard work bind us together as a family. Be Sure to Call the Parish Office if You Have Furniture to Donate! Please do not put it in the SJR garage yourself! If you are interested in a Catholic education that provides a challenging, structured and thoughtful learning environment led by highly qualified and experienced teachers, please contact Principal Dawn Pickerill at 424-1196 for a meeting and a tour of the school. WE ARE ESPECIALLY IN NEED OF THESE ITEMS: COUCHES LAMPS DRESSERS END TABLES POTS & PANS CHAIRS SILVERWARE / UTENSILS We have a team of busy volunteers who coordinate home visits and donation pick ups/deliveries based on schedules and space in the SJR garage. If you drop something off on your own without calling the parish office it really throws a wrench in the works! Also, the Furniture Ministry operates to provide needy neighbors with BASIC furniture/household necessities. We can’t take TVs, exercise equipment, entertainment centers...etc, or clothing. If you have clothing to donate please take it to the Church Women United Clothing Depot located in The Episcopal Church of the Ascension, 2709 McGee Avenue on Mondays & Wednesdays 10 AM - 2 PM and Tuesdays 3 PM - 6 PM. Clients are welcome to free clothing with the only limit being the quantity of items per visit. Thank you for your consideration! Middletown Arts Center’s th 11 Annual Garden Tour Saturday & Sunday June 25th & 26th 11 AM to 3 PM Rain or Shine! Visit five featured gardens and the Art Center’s courtyard. Look forward to special fun as the tour begins Saturday morning at 11:00 a.m. at the Middletown Arts Center. Kris Nicely of Berns Garden Center will be speaking on Pollinators and Butterfly and Hummingbird Gardens. The first 100 ticket holders will receive an annual plant as a gift. Tickets: $10 per person available at MAC. Proceeds from this event benefit MAC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing the visual arts and art education to our community for over 50 years. SUMMER HOURS The school office remains open during the summer months with the exception of the week of July 4th– July 8th. From now until July 1st, our hours are 9am-3pm. From July 11th–July 29th, our hours are 9am-1pm. From August 1st– August 17th, our hours are once again 9am-3pm. The first day of school for the 2016-2017 school year is August 18th and our normal office hours of 7:30-3:30 will resume then. We are staying very busy with wrapping up the past school year and preparing for the upcoming year. Extra maintenance staff are hired to strip and wax the floors, clean all of the rooms and bathrooms, do routine maintenance such as cleaning the heaters and the air conditioners, and do some much needed repairs. CALL FOR ALUMNI! Were you a JXXIII Falcon or Knight? We are building up our database of alumni so we can share news and events to involve the family that is our school community past, present and future! Email [email protected] to provide your contact information and any updates that we can share on our soon-to-come Alumni Highlights! FENWICK FESTIVAL The Annual Fenwick Festival will take place June 24th – June 26th at Bishop Fenwick High School. Many of the St. John XXIII staff members - including myself - will be working the festival and we look forward to seeing many of you there.
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