alimentec 2016
alimentec 2016
ALIMENTEC 2016 9th edition of the international exhibition for the food and beverage industry Your hub to Latin America and the Caribbean: Take your chance to enter the growing food and beverage markets 8 – 11 June 2016 Corferias Centro Internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones Bogotá, Colombia powered by: Organizers: Join Alimentec 2016 to enter the growing markets and expand your business to Colombia, the Andean Region, South America and the Caribbean Corferias and Koelnmesse have joined their power to make Alimentec 2016 your leading stage for qualified business contacts in the food and beverage industry and their related services Your benefits when exhibiting at Alimentec 2016: u u u u Discover Colombia as your hub into the fast growing markets in Latin America and the Caribbean Position your brand and present your products to high-quality decision makers Meet new customers with significant buying power Realize excellent business opportunities by participating in our prearranged business rounds and qualified matchmaking program u Enjoy the advantages from the state-of-the-art and most professional venue in Colombia u Benefit from a sophisticated supporting program that provides you with deep market insights and the latest trends and innovations u Experience the profound know-how and the professionalism in trade fair organization – that is “powered by anuga” Alimentec 2016 presents to you the representative cross section of products and services from these participating sectors: ▼ Associations Organizations Trade Press Governmental Institutions Facts & Figures from Alimentec 2014: Exhibitors Exhibitor Profiles 5 4 359 exhibitors from 29 countries Exhibitors‘ general satisfaction 4,3 out of 5 Icons noch Grobdaten (Fotolia) 3 2 1 Manufacturers Suppliers Importers Distributors Wholesalers Trade Agencies 82% national and 18% international exhibitors 21.000 sqm exhibition area 7 Pavilions 70% of the exhibitors will (probably) participate in Alimentec 2016 “„ „ Ms. Monique Morata (ABIEPAN - Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Equipamentos, Ingredientes e Acessórios para Alimentos): “All organization, from invitation to business meetings, was very well” Ms. Adriana Zambrano (Team Foods Colombia S.A.): “Business meetings with trade visitors were very dynamic” Visitors “ 5 4 28.561 visitors from 22 countries Visitors‘ general satisfaction 4,3 out of 5 Visitor Profiles Icons noch Grobdaten (Fotolia) 3 2 1 Hotels, Restaurants, Bars and Clubs Supermarkets, grocery and convenience stores Importers and distributors Wholesalers and traders Catering companies Media, government and associations 46% national and 54% international visitors About 75% of the visitors came from Latin America and the Caribbean The majority of the visitors were decisive or at least co-decisive 80% of the visitors will (probably) visit the next edition Top 10 foreign visiting countries Argentina Chile Costa Rica Ecuador Mexico „ Panama Peru Spain United States of America Venezuela „ Top 5 visiting objects Find new products Find a distributor Import and export new products Talk with international delegations Buy new machinery for food sector “ Mr. Alberto Espinoza (Codina S.A. / Chile): “At Alimentec I can find a significant number of exhibitors, a good quality of products and good dealers” “ Mr. Abraham Alcala (Industrias Lacteas la Fe, C.A. / Venezuela): “At Alimentec I can find many exhibitors with very good products in one place” aS ur Alimentec 2016 takes place at Corferias Centro Internacional de Negocios y Exposiciones in Bogotá, Colombia. In US$/sqm*: 210 (*net price, not including VAT) Admission 18 al 23 AL 4 9 It is the state-of-the-art and most professional venue in Colombia and fully meets the high-level expectations and needs of international exhibitors and visitors. Participation fee 17 11 al 16 En tra d The Venue AL 5 AUDITORIO 4 5A 5 3 6 7 8 1 AL 1 Entrada Arco AL 8 the orange marked halls will host Alimentec 2016 Only to professional visitors, registration obligatory Colombia: A booming country and the strategic hub to the Andean Region, Latin America and the Caribbean Colombia offers promising business opportunities: The population of 48 million people is still growing and the constantly increasing prosperity leads to rising buying power and consumption. As a member of the Pacific Alliance Colombia provides market access to over 214 million people in Mexico, Peru and Chile. Free Trade Agreements with 60 countries such as the USA and the members of the European Union also facilitate trade with Colombia. The Colombian capital city Bogotá is the most prosperous and fascinating city in the country and with its over 7.8 million inhabitants an attractive market and the ideal business hub. Contact: Europe, North America, Asia, Africa as well as Brazil and Argentina Koelnmesse GmbH Mr. Maik Fischer Tel: +49 – 221 – 821 3019[email protected] Latin America (excl. Brazil and Argentina) and the Caribbean Corferias Bogotá Mrs. Doris Chingate Vega Tel: +57 – 1 – 3810000 5135 [email protected] Koelnmesse: Since 1924 Koelnmesse organizes and conducts more than 80 trade fairs, exhibitions, guest events, and special events in Cologne/Germany and in the world´s most important markets. With Anuga Koelnmesse organizes in Cologne the world´s leading food fair for the retail trade and the food service and catering market Corferias: Over 60 years of experience in strengthening the cooperation bonds between Colombia and the global markets by organizing trade fairs, exhibitions, events and conventions, thus enabling the generation of qualified contacts between exhibitors and visitors within a world level fairground For further information visit
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