Page 1 THE Wellington Independent yf
Page 1 THE Wellington Independent yf
THE Wellington Independent VOL.' XX.— No. 2,267.] WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1865. yf- , HOROKIWI HOTE& GEORGE CHARLES E. WILLESTON. HO UGH TON LONDON AND LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. LIG-HTEiIMAN, &.C., MAXNJSUS STREET, WELLINGTON. DEALEEIN TOBACCO, CIGARS AND FANCY GOODS BLACKEY, iv returning"■thanks to " theJ.inhabitants T& of Wellington,"tho-sottlers on the West Coast, and tho public in genoral,for WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. NEXT TO THE " ADVERTISER OFFICE — BOATS under con- the liberalsupport they have received sinco.commencingbusiness in the above Hotel, beg to inleave with Government form them that they have just completed their during the month of OCTOBER. FOR NAPIER, TAURANGA, AND AUCK- extensive alterations,having fitted up theirhouse CHEMIST DRUGGIST, LAND, on tho 4th aud15th. FOR PICTOxN", NELSON, TARANAKI, AND MANAKAU, on the 9th. FOR LYTTELTON AND DUNEDIN, on tho INSURANCE 19th and 29th. FOR LYTTELTON, DUNEDIN, AND THE D. * BLUFF, on the 24th. FOR WANGANUI, TARANAKI, RAGLAN, WAIKATO,. AND MANAKAU, twice a month, about twenty-fourhours after arrival. R. J. DUNCAN, P^^^. 7 Manager. October Ist, 1865.. STEAMSHIPS OF PANAMA, NEW ZEALAND, AND rfIHE X AUSTRALIAN ROYAL MAIL COM- PANY (Limited) LEAVE WELLINGTON FOR LYTTELTON, OTAGO, AND THE BLUFF. October 4th. PIICEBE, on ' FOR PICTON, NELSON, AND HOKITIKA. the 7th. EGMONT, on or about ALFRED WISE in returning thanks for the HOKITIKA. DOYLE & COS ' ILLUSTRATED ]\IAP OF WELLINGTON, iliosi' win) Inive [vtK'iiiii'd him, ami also tlie public Will shortly be published, printed in colors FOR NAPIER, TAURANGA, AND AUCK- in geuciai, i'.iiit his giciitts-t desire will he to secure with illustrations. ADVANCES MADE ONSTOCK and GOODS. LAND. rr.ic in engine nniiket, so FOR LYTTELTON AND OTAGO. the 9th. LORD ASHLEY, on AIREDALE, on or about generous support lie Una exiiericr.ccd since conducting the above minted Hotel, beys to fissure tli e first urticle the 9th. tlitir future favors. tLe Phivaik lioous FOR LYTTELTON, OTAGO, AND THE BLUFF. fok . ns to — W. T. BARBER, Tagaxaki Place (Opposite Kebbcll's Steam Mill), PRACTICAL DYER AND SCOURER. Families. FOR SALE FIRE CAPITAL, £1,000,000. LIFE CAPITAL, £100,000. " SHIPPING SUPPLIED With Stone and Shingle Ballast, ;Pure Fresh Water pumped into the sliip's tanks on the London— 73 and 74, King William-street. LiYEßpooi. Browne'B Buildingß, Exchange, shortest notice. AND GENERAL iso. Two flag is the call for anything required With Home and ForeignBranches and Agencies, by a.H.s boats. . cSTOREKEEPER, regardless of expense, to securo tho comfort and N.B.— All orders left afc Mr. John Hbughton's, against Loss by Fire on every convenience of their customers. Travellers up George Buck's, Hutf, Near Tuila. Willis-street, next door to the Independent'Office, description of property, both at home and the West Coast will find thisHotelsecond tonone will be punctually attended 10. abroad «t moderate rates. between Wellington and Wanganui. MoINTYRE. STAFFORD. & CO.. Feb. 10, 1862. Life polices unchallengeable. SparklingAles, Wines, and Spirits of tho first Freedom from extra premiums for foreign resiSHIP CHANDLERS, SAILMAKERS, quality. Good Beds, good Stabling, andPadMcINTYRE, MARINE SURVEYOR deuce. docks. AND ' " Custom House Street, Wellington. Noa-forfeitnre of life policies. MERCHANTS, E A : Low rates of premium. Wedding andPicnic Parties will find in this O- E N R L %r *## ' CUSTOMHOUSE STBEET, Q 80por oeat of- the profits "v p '■ : J-AMES K. BETHUNE, divided S Valle} the ro,Oßt delightful scenery and the comforts of a home at this. Hotel. BILL-AND BROKER, expianaiions G-ENERAL . For " TOLLEY, secfurolrprpspectud".'*"' JOHN August 3.6,1865. Commission allowed to solicitors ami others iutr»Willis Street, Odd Fellows' Hall. ihicing business. LICENSED TO 11EPAIU FIRE-AMIS. J<UINSTuN & CO, WILLIAM BLACK & CO., PANAMA HOTEL. AgeoLs. J. HUGHES, AMERICAN COACH FACTORY, Juno 8, 1804. ENGINEERING SURVEYOR, &c, Courtenay Place, Te Avo, mUE AUSTRALASIAN FIRE LIFE, JOHN EADES BANNISTER, formerly of the OFFICE NGAUAURANGA, IIUTT ROAD. HEPAIKS NEATLY EXECUTED. i . AND V Crownand Anchor Hotel, and late of tho Wel- CommumVatioiis led at Mr Jas. Wallace's st re MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. and for explored attended to. Roa<ls levelled {sections DR. KILGrOUR, lington Clul», begs to inform his friends aud tho Board of Wardens. Country Settler's HEAD OFFICE— MELLOUBNE. surveyed and land selected. THYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUU, 1805. Ohariu, July ■ public generally, that tho Forms of Proposal, Rates of Premium, and Ingcstre Street. Ievery informationcan be obtained from DOYLE & CO., I W. & G. TUENBULL & CO.. ABOVE HOTEL IS NOW OPEN. " Agents. ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHIC WILSON, BURNELL, & CO, PRINTERS, PACIFIC FIRE AND MARINEINSURANCE GAWITH'S FAMILY HOTEL. LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON. OTOCK AND GENERAL AGENTS, AND COMPANY OF SYDNEY. MOLESWOUTH STREET, ! AND TIIOU NU O N FLAT. AUCTIONEERS, Capital £M) 0,000 CASHEL STKISET, CITRISTCHI'IICII. NEW ZTTALAND STEAM NAVIGATHE TION COMPANY'S tract will as under the TIIE [PRICE 3D. "'"' . FOREST GATE. STATION AHURIEI, ABOUT FIFTY MIXES FECHrf NAPIEE GOVERNMENT LICENSE 11,000 ACRES With between 4000 and 5000 SHEEP A quantity of G»v s in mi!!r, Working Bullock*, _,„ ;. ■Hoisc3.and>a:mix?*T6isof'CiUtlo. ' , h OOA ACRES FREEHOLD of which tliere are 4,000 ACRES FLAT LAND grassed 3,000 ACEES undulating LOW HILLS level on top, and 200 ACEES good TOTARA BUSH A portitui nf one Jo.iiidary is alrnadj partly fei.ced, and the rest j\ in course of completion. The propL-.ty is hounded on the other side by the Tuki Tu!;i River. There nrc three Paddocks of about 300 Acres, and a iubstaniial and comfortable Homestead, Stable*,Out houses, Garden, &c. Woolshed,men's Out-Slat ions, Sheep Yards J. L, Montefioric, Esq.. Chairman. Dray, Carfs, Ploughs, and other implement^ James Bvhnk, Esa. A. B. Smith, Esq. with every convenience for carrying on tho busiHenri' Puince, Esq. J. 11. Youxe. EbQ. ness of a Sheep Station. Transactions can be cflccted with Lh'ita ComTerms and mode of payment, which are liberal! jiany, in the various brunches of MARINI'J IN- may be ascertained on application to DIKECTOUS. SURANCE at the lowest current rates of premium. Losses may be madw payahlo in London. Sydney, or Melbourne,if requiruil. Agents in Chiistchurch : LEVIN Si CO., for llorscs both iv sltblcs WILSON, Grey-street. the 14th. Gooil ncco!Jii:io.liUion AIKMAN & itud j.uiid(.eks. Wellington, 20th July, 1805. JOi-INSTON & CO. And ! <2, 1804. 18(U. Jununry Silk, Satin, Velvet, Dresses, and Merino and 30, November FOR LYTTELTON and PORT CHALMERS BURNELL. BENNETT & SPROT. Shawls,Lace, and Feathers cleaned anddyed. " the 18th EGMONT, on or about and dyed. Damask Marine Curtains OTAGO FIHK AND MAIfINK ISHUII CHLORODYNE. At whoseoffices entries of floe!-: or pood?, suitable THUS STATION FORSALE. X ANCE COMPANY. ; HOLER A, dysentery, diarrhcea, cramp, ague, N.B. Gents' Clothes cleaned and renovated. for the West Coast Trade, can be ir.adf. FOR PICTON, NELSON, TARANAKI, AND fever, rhe«un;i!|«in r CGii.Miinption, asthma, PROVINCE OF HAWKES' BAY. MANUKAU, TKU.^TEI.S : MRS T. F. BROWN, cough, Ac. All juin. vomiting, and distrws ceases TuopjAs Pick the 19th. in E. 13. CAf.ati.l. JfWOciouj, on * \ TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. a lew moincnts after taking a doe of that wonFashionable Dress And Alantlemnkcr, '\'IIK ARLINGTON STATION J2IRKCTOB3 '. derfulsedative anodyne ami ami spasmodic remedy i IN THR ,1. Caugii.t. i\f'j'»iE FOR MELBOURNE, via LYTTELTON, R. street, iuiiinntM, t'iat !.e lt»s John (From Stcwait Dunedin), f ilIIE undesigned begs to Cl)!oroclyne, lii-covi.-reil by 'Dr J. Collis Browne, DISTRICT, WATPIJKURAU OTAGO, AND THE BLUFF,; Auyuev llultjutoij H. JL commenced busini-ss in tho?e piviniscs M.HC.y L. (ex Army Ale'd. Staff), the rcci|«o of Containing K>,.'300 Ac a* Fieehold Lane!, with Manufacturer the Horso-haiv Inventor and of Thomas liicic In. situate in Ingestre-strcet,ncaily ophite Captain OTAGO (from Sydney), onor about... the 23rd which was conh'di-d solely to J. T.Duvenpoit, 33, 90D0 shc-p, S4thsEw«s Crinoline Skirt. \YM. lIEPUUhN AIXX. M'KIN'NOS Kennedy's, ami is prepared to execute o:d'.'r.s with (ircatRussell-street. Bloomsbury-square, London lV) [ic:i<l Cattle, &nd made from 6.1. Dresses, fashionable, despatch, either in ornamental or plain plastering .luniTORS : '20 ITuj.-i's. POR PICTON. NELSON, TARANAKI, AND (Pfiarmaceuiical Chemist). The medical testit; Having been in "'ellingtonnine ycais, he nsts mony ot'nvil, hospital, military, and navsil p;acMANAKAU. Stmjcet W, .A'omtia C. H. A. Dr Merciiith's la'e l'i'Mdence.Cuba-street. it will bo a sufficient guarantee that all woik enthe 2-ith. titioners pronounces it invaluable. Hrelii-vcs pain BAXKP.IH : I litipiovfuu'iilji consist of ahout thirty miles AIREDALE, on or about trusted to him will l>e faithful1v cxe-i-ntud. fencing a p;o«id hotipo and woolshcd, with large of any kind, soothes the restlusMiess of fever,«ml op JUTSUM, Otago DENTON AND (I/puilei!). The Eaxk RICHARD JENKINS imparts the most refreshing bleep, without jiroducpaddock aeuommodiviiou. soi.ierrtii; FOR NAPIER AND AUCKLAND. : COLOII, CREASE, AND OIL WORKS, I Ornamentalaud Pia'pi Plastorcr. iiitf or leaving any of the unpleasant effects of VARNISH, Ijosv Common, London, the 24th. opium. James Smith LORD ASHLEY, on T'.vo-thirds of tho purchase-money can remain August 10. 18G5. on mortgage at a very low rate of interest. Earl Russell has graciously favoredJ. T. Daven- QIUPPLY the principul Railway Companies and 'i liia Company is j.rcpiireil to Unit* Fire iintl For furtherpa: fiouhirs. apply to FOR SYDNEY, via PICTON. AND NELSON. port with tho following extract of a despatch from O other lurge E.s^%TKi'unciils in tho United FURNITURE ! FURNITURE >J»fiue Itntts Hisks at. Currciu WAIT, KENNEDY ct WATT. 8.M.'.-j , Mr. Wchh, II Consulat ."Manila dated Sept. Kingdom nnd übioad. RANGITOTO (from Melbourne), on the of proposal, sun! all necessary in formation, " I'orins cfli'jacious in its Priced lists, samples nnd testimonialson appli27th. 17. IBGt: '1 he remedy most MEYER, CABINET-MAKER AND UP- can bc-obi«tH;d at the (Jotiipimy's OiJicos, Luiubion I Napier, Uth ."".larch, IS6;". or about effects (in Epiiicmis Choli-ra) hasbeen found to he cation. lIOLSTEKEK,begs to inform the public Quuy, Wellington. STATION FOR SALE. Chlorodyne. and with a small quantity given to of Wellington that ho has openedin Willis-street FOR PICTON, NELSON, TARANAKI, AND me E. \Y. MILLS, L.SA-, "WILFORD, M.RCSE., el by Dr Burke 1have saved severallives." Earl Hotel, Empire fromOsgood's an estabMANAKAU, also, transhipping at Nelsoninto four doors A gout. PROVINCE OF HAWKE"S BAY. m:iy ho consulted every Wednesday and lishment inthe aboveline, where he will bo able to Russell commuiiciUed to tlieCollegcof Physicians, Wellington, Anjr. 24, 1864. RANGITOTO for S\DNEY. from her between the hour* of 12 nnd 4 despatch Majesty's Saturday, o'clock, that ho had received a iron furniture, mattresses, meet all demands in the 29th. AUCKLAND, on ON, Consul at Manila, to tho effect that choleia had at Mrs.Poad's, near Whitcwood's Hotel, Lower bedsteads, &c,&c, of superior workmanship, at TTIUTOUIA MUE & -\JARINK INSUIiANCK , mHE TiMUMU STA TI contain" ing ) JL For freight orpassage, apply to been raging fearfully, and that the only remedy Hult. moderate prices. Frc.'h;>i:l 8-"8R Acres Lnnd ai.d about 5000 acres June 1.-t, 1800. R. S. LEDGER, of any service was Chlorodyne.— See Lancet, Dec. N.B. All country orders will be promptly COMPANY. Govornmentßun, withHouse, Woolshed,Fencing, Agent. 31. l«6i. attended to. and other improvements. A larue portion of the From W. Ve.-alius Pertigruw, 1V1.D., Hon. MR W ROBERTSON, ESTABLISHED 1840. October 1, 18G5, Kun in EnglishGrass and Clover. F.H.C.3., England, 'bimerly Lee'urer upon AnaAUCTIONEER, CA N FOUN DR Y. i Tho Stogie to be sold with the tomy and Physiology at Sf. George's School of £200,000 CAI'ITAI WELLINGTON. Station consists Medicine "I have used it in consumption, AXI) LINE OF PACKETS. AND BELL, PASSENGER'S SMITH ~f>o.l Slioop ; and and most diairhotM, diseases, asthma, olher am mid OKNKRAL INSURANCE * VfCTOi'.IA LIFK 50 IK-ad Citllu, and lloiscs and fat Stock purcha?ecl for Shipment. |CAST IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, ; porfectlv satisfied with the results." COMPANY, 1 Manners Street Wellington. ISil'.M-ses Dr Ciibuon, Army Medical Staff Calcutta.' CAPiIAI " FOR LONDON. Sales on Saturday's, at 2 o'clock. Iwodjscs completely cu;ed me of diiinhrea. A cosisid'JiaMc portion of the purchaso money Ex'ract from the General Board"of Health, tf?£?° Ship's stove?., and windlass work cast atul UNLIMITKD I.TAITLITY of SHAREUOLDEiiS. J. & 11 li Al\ li K I>., can remtiin on mortj:a-u at 10 per cent. So strongly prepared. A supply of nxlo boxes, sash weights, rriHE Fast and FavoritePassenger ,■ London, as loits.eftieacy in Cholera. value, lror further particulars,apply to MALTBY and are we eonvinee.l of tho immense of this air bricks, oven plates, &c, &c., always on hand. FAMII-Y AND SllirPlNG BUTOIHUIS, J- Ship IIfad Offices, .S3, Cot-un's-Stbekt., 1-last, i Co., or August. 0, ISo-l-. ! remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urge the ne<")«XEH 0/ WII.US STKI'.ET, I.AMIJTOX QUAY, Mklbouiine. VrATT, KENNEDY & WATT. cessity of adopting it in all ea-cs." ASTEROPE, v.T.r.i.i.NCiro.v, Najiicr, l!l!i ilavoh, IS-''-*>Esq.. " Inspector From A- Montgomery, late of M.L.C. HOUSE, Miller, Ci.'aij'.mas— " Chloiodyne is a most valuThe llox. Hi:snv Bombay CLAY POIXT, I 602 Tons Register, A. Stuart, Esq.,Commander, Hospitals, .Mi?. J. 11. liOKNKK, i4)le remedy in neuralgia, asthma, nnd dysentery. Fiie, Hliirine, nnd Li'c Insurances cffecicd n; rnHE unchw-ncil have FOR SALE, a RUN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GENERAL TO % it Ifairly owe. my restoration lo health after AUCTIONEKR, VALUAi Ol!, AND GLNKRAL i STORE. Lo\vu»t CuniiEiiT Wati:-3. forms of pvoi'OEP.l:- 3- in the0riuvmee of Marll'orough, comprising 2',oi Arivs Freehold Land, together with AGIiXT. SAIL ON TIIE 16th DECEMBER, 18G5. e'tlituun months' severe suffering, and when all evory other information lo be had at the ollivu I about nnd i ot\cr inedieiacs had failed.'' !0,000 Tiio llun is favorably situated, Offices Old Custom Kouse, Furiali Street, Welof the Hiidersi^ned. onhand a large supply of Always !>t)!)LT about li»ur miles fiom a shipping port, and Oauiiox. In consequence of the extraordinary lington. CO., LEYIM & SOUND OYSTERS CHARLOTTE'S pound QUEEN Freight on Wool, Three Farthings per is well grassi-i! and on which are considerableiraefltacy of this remeily, ecvural «nprinciplcd.»par. AgeniF. TAKEN AND VALUATIONS OV EVEKV JOHN WALDEN. tie.'haveheen induced to vend imitations. Never INVENTORIES provi'mctits. including nearly 3000 acres fenced in., TOWN Wellington, For freight or passage,apply to I'P.OPEIITY EFFECTED IK Ist, DKfiCniPTIOX OP Jan. 18G3. nvA subdividdl into paildnck9. A ten roomed except in scaled lie tMiiptecl to buy Chlorodyno "" AND COUNTRY. BETHUNE & HUNTER, , bottcs, having the words, Dr J. Collis Biowne's house, laiL.e woolshed, sheep yards, dipping apAND LOAN ZEALAND TRUST THE WELLINGTON CIRCULATING Cliloodyne" engraved on the wrapper. A sheet Cash wlvanced upon Stock nn.l Property iiilemleil paratus, &C, Ac. EDWARD PEARCE, (LirciTm) COMPANY. for absolute sa!e. ( LIBRARY. medical LEVIN & CO. accompanies full if testimonials each & CO, JOHNSTON PROMPT SKTTLUMLXT3. Grey-street, bottk Sole manufacturer, J. T. Davenport,U3, CAriTAL iIoOO.OCO LEVIN & CO., Agents. Or and FARMERY & CO. NYliolcsale UrcatlUi.sKC'll-street, Bloomsbury, London. Sold August IS, 18G5. Retail Booksellers and Stacioneia, Lihrurimis, V.r H. DONALD, in hotles, 'Ah lid and 4s Od. London Board of Diuf.ctous: doors from Music Warehouse., Russell's FOR SALE. A.uofs for Melbourne Messrs Taylor & Co, LICENTIATE OF THE VETEIUNAnY COLLEGE O)» Two Sir Charlfs Clifford Chairman. Lambton Quay, Wellington. 47, Flader'd Lane-, Deputy-Chairman. SUKGEONS, EniUUUr.GU. F. Q. Dalgetv, Esq Country orders executed* with care and FOR SYDNEY. ACISE3 o{l FREEHOLD LAND Henry Selfo Selfo, Esq. despatch. in tho Waiehama District, with Brookes,Esq. Hoses' and I'ailuocks for disease.-l Horses. R. A. " "WELLINGTON SAYINOS' BANK. July 21, 1868. 400 SHEEP (more or less)., Wainirapa, Geo.Fenning, Esq. Established, 181G. There are 150 acres of fine bush, and on the Oth December, 1801. I=r HHHE splendid clipper Brig is a new eight-roomedHouse. ■ London Offices Broad-street, property New E.G. 31, ODD PUBLIC LIBRARY. received, FELLOWS' made, will be payments particulars apply to [I. MARRIOTT, For further J. ail notices of withdrawal received at the GAZELLE, A. do B. BRANDON, Esq., MAJfUFACTUMEK, TELESCOPES MAPE AND nnniS LIBRARY is open for issuing on Thins- j Chiistchurch. TELESCOPE Head Office Wellingtn Athcnajum, on Monday aud Friday REPAIKED, i) p.m. It will be Lambton Quuy. fiom 7to evenings, day H. Tucker, Master, willsail onMONDAY next, evenings.'!om 7to 8 o'clock. Wellington; SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS, COMPASSES, ETC. found to coiisist of very useful works, including Local Board: Depositreceived from one shilling upwards, M'MANAWAY, UEPAIBED, Or to T. D. Esq. and popular of thelatest most authors. W. J. W. Hamilton. eomo 9th instant. Interest will bo allowed on deposits of one Wellington. R J. S. ilannan,Esq. ENGRAVINGS, etc., &c. The Catalogues may bo sen between the hours pound andjpwaids at the late of Five Pounds E. S. Dalgety,Esq. Juno 23, ISC). apply or to above stated, at the Library-room, Odd Fellowa' peh cr.NT.ier annum. For freight passage, W, D. Carrutbors, Esq iNJISS E. MAHBIOTT, General Manager. Hall. Dep'oiitoj may receive the whole or any part of FAT STOCK. Moasrs.McINTYRE & STAFFORD, LEVIN & CO. milliner and drubs maker, Terms: 7s per" annum, payable half-yearly, their deposa on giving fourteen days' notice. Agents. in advance. and TATE, EDWD. H. LAMBTON Captain to the on board. Or QUAY. S. WATERS, I July 18, 1865. nrUIE undersigned are prepared lo contract t© i Accountant. lion.Sec. X deliver Fat Bullocks end Fat Wethers, in October 4, 1865. OWKN &i GRAHAM, Welling tij, April 3, 1865. * sots to suit buyers. The stock warranted in firstJuly 5, 1805. # I NEW ZEALAND TRUST AND LOAN rate order and condition. SEW ZEALAND GENERAL AGENTS, COMPANY, (Limited.) NEW ZEALAND. BETHUNE & HUNTER. BA& OF Gt. St. E.C. 23, Helen's, London, SHAW, SAYILLE & COS BEDDING WAREHOUSE REMOVED. Exchange Buildings, N.B. Full paitieulars of terms for purchasing HEAD OEETOE ;— CHEISTCHintCIL PASSENGER LINE OF PACKETS 7th July,1865. TRANSFER BOOKS of this BANK (joods begs to notify, that his in the Home Market nnd fo; stile of BETWEEN will be \osed from MONDAY, the lGth produce may be obmined on applicationthe be 10 BEDDING WAREHOUSE KEADY to advanced OQf\ f\r\f\ LAND FOR SALE. instant to Ttsday tho 31st instant, for the OWEN & GHAHAM, LONDON AND NEW ZEALAND. in sums of £400 and upis now carriedon in thePremises NEXT DOOR OWOVJ compilation hiilf-yearly lists and calculaN.Z. wards the of and other Auckland, security Freehold upon to his OKA ACRES inthe UPPER RANGITIKI tion of ; and it is hereby notified property. OwU Apply toPORT, YOUNG, & CO. ships of this line are all A.I to Shaveholdc, that unless otherwise specially SMITH, Currier and LeatherMerchant, TAILORING AND OUTFITTING Forparticulars apply to ~Tjr4. npHE -*- at Lloyd's, and aro specially 7 provided for hihe transfer, tho dividend will bo tr Grhuznee-street,%begs respectfully to intimate ESTABLISHMENT. LEVIN & CO. Wellington,18th Sept., 1865. ' selected for their superior passengci r payable to the Vrson in whoso name the shares to tho trado thathe has for SALE, a large Stock Wellington, Grey-street, July 21, ISGp. accommodation and fast sailing ?- stood at the clcjig of tho Books, no transfers of Scotch, middlings,kips, calf skins, Spanish cor- At the Comer FOR SALE. qualities; aro commanded by gentlemen of ex subsequent to tit date carrying accrued divi- dovan, enamelledhides5 also,EnglishaudForeign Hair^j ilock,flax, and woolmattrasscs. butts, bonds, backs, &c., &c. \ Feather beds and pillows, palliasses, cheap MONEY TO LEND. perience, and they carry duly qualified surgeons. dend. J), L. MURDOCH, LARGE and Substantial DWELLINGsea beds. Tho Undersignedaro authorisedtoarrangewitlk HOUSE, containing eleven rooms, lined Inspector. respectivelybegs to gire settlershere whomaybe desirous of bringing ou t i floor cloths, 12-15, 18 and 24 feetwide npHE undersigned are prepared to advance Wide "with ■ notice that he is now prepared to exeMoneyon Mortgage, at Ten per cent, on ■withplaster andwellfinished throughout j.<;, in oak andmarble X friends to this.Colony. Bank of New2[\aland, cute orders inBoat Building, and Shipwrighting, sn acre ofland well suppliedtvith water..: freehold Beourity (land only). Auckland, October, 1865. Full particulara may be obtained by applyinig AT WARMOLL'S Applications to bemade on the premises; ji andtrusts through attention to business to merit H. ».* HARRISON, AUCKLAND, on ■ O .. ' — 1 — O" , DR. — - — \ !TTUL — — ' $l^£§\ isISSS 1 . — WELLINGTON — — NEW — . THOMAS SAAA \J\J\J &rilfc& . DEP(SITS JL — — THE . jjgsffiffls& 1 " JWARMOLL S\J\J\J \ divides JOHN — A WCBOWTHEE, LEVIN & CO., July 20, 1863. Agents. r^\ OYERNESS\A situationwantedfor alady, a share of public patronage. \JT shortly to aiVe from England. Apply to Buildingyard, near Mr. Kobbel's Mill, Te Aro Eev.DAN. DESJtfS, Ghreytovro, Wairarapa. Beach. WAREHOUSED TheTrade suppliedat th Corner. J, HARDING 0. J.PHARAZYN Commissioners of SinkingFund. Wellington,6th Jane,1865. Sept. 18, 1865, ■ Webb-eteet, TeAnj 1865 THE WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 5, 2 FOR SALE— A BARGAIN. DILIGENCE STRONGLY built substantial SPRING CARTS,BULLOCK DELIVERY VAN, with head; TOWN DRAYS, PARCELS BAKERY !! BAKERY DRAY, &c, &c. BAKERY in first-class conditionand quite new, having been just imported per Chapman, from England, fitted FRIDAY, 6th OCTOBER, with lamps, wheelj>«*. &c. complete. Price £3°. G. 11. VENNELL has received instrucAT NAPIEB. the on Auction, ALSO, tions to sell by Public premises adjoining Messrs. G.11. Luxfovd &Co., 1 SET EXTRA STOUT HARNESS, with whip. &c, complete suitable for the For the Benefitof whom it may concern, TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, aliova . Drays 6new Tilt Price £10. „ „ Town do 4 OK OR ABOUT 2 „ Spring Carts ALSO. 1three springod fancy Town Dray THE 17th DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, 1 LARGE WATERPROOF COVER for 1new Bullock Dray above van. BY Piice £4 10s. Sale at 12 o'clock. Apply t0 MR, JOHN STUART. G. M. SNELSOS. Terms Cash. E. W. Mills' Lion Foundry, Wellington. Sep. 26, 1865. SNUFF! SNUFF!! AT WARMOLL'S FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING EX CHAPMAN, FROM LONDON. AND assortment of Taddy's Snuff, in lib and PUBLIC SALE A MR — miOSE VALUABLE PREMISES FURNITURE ; grnpo shrubs, fiuit trees, very peach trees, and lig trees, to be sold cheap. to John Houghton, Willis-street; or to NAPIER. Apply G. STOCKBRIDGE, Ohiro Nuisery, near Wellington. IMPORTANT SALE OF FURNITURE. FOR SALE. Lately in the occupation of James Doiierty. HOUSE, 14x8, with Circular GREEN A flower stand complete. Apply to X, office and ofthis paper. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. The OVEN -was built at a cost of £400, is now in thebest condition. The SHOP has ,a THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE, fine PLATE-GLASS FRONT, and hrfs every mO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION in conveniencefor can'ying on a first-class business f-^ONGOU TEA of a very superior quality, Kj chests, halves, andboxes. Immediately on the of a W. M. BANNATYNE & CO. ARRIVAL OF THE CONFECTIONER, ADELAIDE BAKER, BAKER AND FIRST-CLASS LONDON MADE — TheLease haf 18 years to run, at an annual rental of only £20. For further particulars, apply to FURNITURE, EDWARD LONDON, Trustee io theEstate. consistinp"of Drawing room suitesin walnutand mahogany Mahogany couches1,hair seated Napier, September 6, 1865. Do cheffoniers GIVING UP BUSINESS. transplanted. STRONG HAWTHORN THOMAS MASON J. WAXDEN. July 5, nnHOMAS WHITEHOUSE (for #jsy years "WELLINGTON. 180^ with JamesWallace, LambtonQuay foeg9 td in- mHE OWIMMIIfG 'OATHS, ARE NOW OPEN. LADIES DAYS : Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, vuost Tex to TAILORING form liis friends and the public fcha1; NOTICE. Gentlemen will find this Establishment one of the first in the Colony, at which to have their clothes made to measure. HIS NEW STORE, Adjoining tho Market Hall, Cuba Street, Four. Yearly Tickets (2 guineas each can now be obtained from the Proprietors. is g^° A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER „_§§ STANDWELL & DOWNES. OF SADDLERY AND HARNESS. has receivedinvoicesof a large OPEN, NOW ON TnE PREMISES wnn a advantages to be derived from dealing at a first-class establishment, where Tailoring and Outfitting are combined, must be manifest. THE EVANS Youhave tho choiceof a splendid stock of colonial quantity of the above, shortly to arrive, and home made clothing at most reasonable and to make room, will SELL the whole of his prices, in which alterations can be made to snil present stock at COST PRICES, for Cash only. your own particular taste, and you can also select The sale will be continued until the whole is from a beautiful and well selected stock of Scotch cleared out. and English and Sydney tweeds, and West of Orders from the country, accompanied with a 1 England cloths, to bo made up to your order in remittance, willbe treated the same as personal the first stylo of fashion at buyers. Tho Stock consists ofladies' saddles, ladies' and WARMOLL'S FIRST-CLASS TAILORS AND gents' bridles, all kinds ; colonial saddles, boys' and youths' saddles, children's pads, OUTFITTERS. horse clothing, saddlecloths, martingales, coat straps woollen andhide girths, spurs in " JE. STORE. COMPLETE STOCK OF GROCERY, And trusts that the QUALITY AND PRICES OP HIS GOODS' Will secure a share oftheirpatronage. Wellington,Sept. 27. THE WELLINGTON TEA MART, MANNEBS-STREET. great variety, German silver and galvanized stirrups, racing ditto, ladies' saddle shoes, HATS HATS!! HATS!!! valises,halters, headstalls, bits, dandy and undersignedbegs to 'announce to theinother brushes, plain andsilver mounted cart of Wellington and its vicinity that received. habitants shipment Large just harness, coach, gig, and single and pair horso he willopen the above establishment on Satiuv buggy harness, horso and bullock collar;?, Black Paris Hats and black and drab Felts in the day,30th instant, when he will be prepared to riding, dray, and driving whips in great following new styles Nelsons, square crowns; supply every descriptionof groceries, provisions,, variety, and a large quantity of other goods, Bathursts, do; Denison, to; Regents, Tas- drapery,hosiery, boots and shoes, crockery and manians, Begattas, Ascot, Cobden, tweed earthenware, wines andBpirits, &c, at the lowest NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED. Anglcsea, Prince Regents, Brisbanes, Rich- remunerativeprices. nionds, Lincolns. St Kildas, Canterbury, Peep Country orders punctually attended to. GENUINE CLEARING SALE, o' Day,Eclipse, Prince of Wales, Oxford and AT Deerstalkers, Prince Imperials. Cork Denisons, London, Sydney.Dundreary, Victorian, Otago, The highest price given for Fresh Butter and J. E. EVANS', SADDLER, &c, Victors, Canadians, &c, &c, &c. otherproduce. Street, Willis R. M. CLELAND. Boys hats and caps, militaiy and navy caps, Sept. 27, 1865. INSTRUMENTS, &c, MUSICAL 3 cases of travelling trunks, solidleatherportmanteaus, leather bags, havresacks, horsemen's rPHE partnership existing between tho underTO ARRIVE PER ADELAIDE BAKER. valises and the large JL signed is hereby dissolved from theto,28tlv of September,1865. All debts due and day GREAVES SMITH respectfully TRUNK. the late firm willbe received,and paidby Mr. by OVERLAND of Wel- — two years, Tail a, Hutt. "valuable"property"for OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT, ARO THE HAWTHORN QUICKS. QUICKS, ono and A large and varied assortment of Boxps. GENUINE CLEARING SALE PEARS, HASTINGS-STREET, ALSO, A choice selection of Snuff FRUIT TREES FOR SALE. plums, cherries, gooseberries, currants, quicks, English laurels, hollies, nalive vines, SITUATED IN AN31b jars. TE sale, /CONSISTING of Eightyone Acres of LAND, themain \J having a frontage of '27 chains toHouse, 24 road, and havingon it a strongly-built by 30 feet, and central for tho traffic between Wellington and Wairarapa, mostly in Grass. Apply to David Haut, Pakuratahi. VALUABLE TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE. EDWARD intimates to tho musical public J. M.Cleland. CAPITAL DWELLING-HOUSE, near lington, that he is in receipt of Invoicesand Bills J. M. CLELAND, of M. & S. SMITH'S large and varied rooms, containing7 Willis-street, tho of of— top shipment , of first Lading his R. M. CLELAND. Stock of Silk Mercery, Drapery, Haber- wash-house, and out-buildings, with tc acre of of Do and walnut100 tables — Piano-fortes by Collard Erard and other Witness dashery,&c, &c., at greatly reduced prices. All who visit this establishment aro bound to garden ground, well stocked with fruit trees, and celebrated makers C. B.Izard. acknowledge the stock of clothing, huts, and caps French. Merinos Blankets Washstands,marble(ops Harmoniums suitable for Church or Draw superior to any in Wellington, and for variety tastefully laid out. of Sep. 26th, 1865. Llama Counterpanes ing Room, by Alexandra choice, one of the first tv New Zealand. Coburgs Toilet covers Mahogany chairs, hair seated Also, a largo assortment of brass,reed, 4-00 Acres of first-rate Agricultural Laud, reference to tho above the undersigned Alpacas Flannels and string instruments, &c, &c. in the lower part of Wairarapa Valley, with fair most respectfully to intimate to the begs Tweeds "Winces Birch folding do and Burger chairs Parties about to purchase instruments of the proportion ofbush. Wellington and its vicinity, that inhabitants°of Silks BrownHolland portion of the purchase-money for cither above description, would find it to their interestto IMPORTS DIRECT TO WARMOLL'S nothing wanting on liis part to A there shall be Velvets Dungaree Walnut work tables await tho arrival of the Adelaide Baker. patronage accorded to the late firm. property,may remain onmortgage. secure the Denmis Dresses For further particulars apply to J. M. CLELAND. @g"ALL THE YEARROUND Jggl Hosiery WindowHolland Do chess do BENJ. SMITH. pg An outstanding debts arerequestedto be WELLINGTON MUSIC WAREHOUSE, Shirts Diaper Wellington Terrace, Sept,28, 18G5. Adjoining the Club, Colonial and Home made Clothingof best quality paidimmediately. Bedand table-linen Under-linen Papier-mache do BE OPENED ON THE ARRIVAL OF THE ABOVE WILL and newest design, suitable for every class of Sent. 27th, 1865, Umbrellas Tick TIMBER YARD, THE WELLINGTON TESBEL. community variety, great the in Oil-cloths Damasks Piccolo walnut pianofortes Custom House Street, ismorerefreshing than RIMME-L'S Americanleather Muslins Extract of LimeJuice ana Glycerine, whichAnd Manners Street, adjoining Messrs. W. B. E. G. SMITH is now in a position to offer for AT WARMOLL'S ESTABLISHMENT, Ribbons Whatnots, writing desks Ginghams cleanses and cools the head, and gives the hair a sale, to arrive, any Instruments of the above deRhodes & Co.'s premises, Prints Crinolines gloss, without greasing it. beautiful scription. keeping Celebrated for none but Roll Jaconets and ON SALE— Stays Workboxi'B Rinunol'd Toilet Vinegar will also ba found a Silesias,&c. Calicos 50,000 feet scantling TO BE LET. luxury in India aa an adjunct to the toilet GOOD ARTICLES perfect Balloon and sweep back cane seated chairs 35,000 feet H t. and g. flooring Sale to commence on Monday, 2nd October, and bath, and a reviving perfume. do 25,000 feet 1 do andcontinue until the wholeof the Stock is sold Rimmel'sPerfume Fountain, an elegant ornaTJWRNISHED APARTMENTS, opposite Dr. ALL TnE YEAR ROUND. Carved gilt chimney glasses, fjOxiO, 44x31 off. Open from 9to 7 o'clock. do do 30,000 feet £ Jj Johnston's, MolesworthStreet. ment for the drawing-room, ball-room, dining _ do 20,000 feet Cuba-street, Sept. 30, 1865. do from £\ 10s. 40x30, 38x28, 00x24, 3Gx2O Wellington table, &c. Price of J. WARMOLL 60,000 feet $ weatherboards, 8 and 9 TO LET. Rimmel'sBook Perfumes, with 250 illustra8 and9 do 29,000 feet1 TUB MOST CONSTANT FIUEND tions, ss. Rosewood do, 30xlG, 28x16, 21xU 30,000 feetlumber and shelving from 9 FIVE ROOMED HOUSE including a Eugene Rimmel, Perfumer by Appointment to ' OINTMENI to 24 wide the Princess of Wales.96. Strand j 128, Shop, on Te Aro Flat. Walnut tea caddies, card trays H.R.H. O 0L L0 W A V b 10,000 feet skirting 6, 7, 9, and 11 wide apply to Regent-street; and 24, Cornhill, London, particulars, For WELLINGTON CHORAL SOCIETY. Possessedof this remedy every man in his o\vr> 15,000 fcot mouldings, 2, 2_, 3, 4, 5, s_, Clocks, drawing-room ornaments Sold by all Perfumery Dealers in the World. WM. EDWARDS, and G wide Family Physician. If his wife er children be , Arms. Cricketer's nnilE annual general meetingof the Wellington UNRIVALLED PERFUMERY, Toilets, china vases and figures, and articles trouhled with eruptions of the skin, sores, tumours, 18,000 feet clear pine, ■}, f, 1, I_-, 2, and JL Society will be held at the Odd sore throats, asthma, or any oilier Choral warranted to retain its excellent quality in white 3 thick swellings, in variety of vcrlu great TO BE LET OR SOLD. any climate. Fellows' Hall, on Thursday evening, the sth similar aihnent, a persevering use of this Oiutnuut 21,000 feetBaltic I|, If,2, and 3, 9 and October, at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of elect- Rimmel's Toilet Vinegar, to supersede Eau de is all that is necessary to produce n radical cure. 11 wide COMMODIOUS DWELLING HOUSE, ing a Committee of Management and Office Cologne. BAH LEGS AND BAD BREASTS. 250 doors in the Township of Carterton, containing Bearers for tho coming or sixthseason. The first Rimmel'a Lavender Water, disilledfrcm Mitcham no case has this Ointment been known to fail In pairs 175 sashes Further ."particulars will lie duly announced. six rooms, with ten acres of land, more or loss, rehearsal of the season will commence at eight flower?. either in Ihe cure of ba'l legs, er bad breasts; 10,000 V.D.L.palings laid down in English grass. There is one acre in o'clock, or immediately after the meeting. JACOB JOSEPH & CO. thousands of persons, of all agos have been eflectu Riimuel's Jockey Club, Frangipanne, &c-, of ex10,000 feet gum orchard and kitchen garden. Title— Crown Ladies and gentlemen desirous of joining tho quisite fragrance. ally cured by it when discharged from hospitals as Sheet glass fromBxlo to 60x40 the premises. Grant. Apply to the owneron incurable. If dropsy settle in the legs, the Ointment Society, as subscribers or singing members, aro Rinimel's Glycerine, Honey, Windsor, and other British plaleglass R. FAIRBROTIIER. respectfully requested to communicate with the Toilet Soaps. will euro it used with the Pills. Builders ironmongery Carterton, Sept. 2, 1865. Secretary. RimtncPs Lime Juice and Gljcerino for beautiSKIN DISEASES, HOWEVER DESPERATE, MAY I'D' JOHN BECK. ' fying tho hair.< W. H. HOLMES, Rhodes' District, Sept. 25, 1865. RADICALLY C(UtKI). TO LET, 2 Treasurer, on the skin, serofu Rimmel's Perfume Vaporizer,PerfumeFountain Secretaryand blotches TIMBER. Scald-heads, itch, To J. Woodward, Esq., J.P., , &c. &c. lorn sores or king's evil, nud such like nillictions, SHOP and DWELLING HOUSE in To Aro School, Wellington Choral Society. Rimmel's We the undersigned, landholders and yield to the mighty power of this fine Ointment, To Merchants and Masters of Vessels trading to Book of Perfumes, with 250 illustvaparticularsapply to Willis-street. For tions, ss. Sept.20, 1865. residentsof Rhodes' Highway District, re- providedit be well rubbed iuto the allected pans llokitika andelsewhere. THOS. RICHARDSON. Sold by allPerfumery Vendors in the World. spectfully request you tocall a Public Meeting, to two or three times a day, and the Pills be taken to TjniMBER, in any quantity, now ready for de-; be calledthe first Annual Meeting, agreeable to purify the blood. BAZAAR SOLD. E. Rimmel, Perfumer to HR.H. tho Princess TO BE LET OR the provisions of the Highway's District Act, for GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. JL livery at the Jelly, Waikawa £team Saw AID of tho erection of a NEW CHURCH of Wales. 96. Strand; 128. Regent-street; and thepurpose of forming a Board of Wardens for This invaluable preparation has greater power Mills. CAPITAL SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, with and MANSE ; the Congregation of St !24,Co! nhill, L'indon. other CO., and for such matters and rheumatism than other & district, medicine, any the said over gout and CARGILL every convenience, in good repair, with an And. ow's Scotch Church, Lanibton Quay, have! Agents, Dunedin. things as ai-o there by law requiredor permitted none i.eed remain uncured if he will but set about acre of ground, well fenced. A good Well of resolved that a P>azaar shall be held on a day MEDICAL CARD. acIBGO. remedy July 28, earnest, it in good ssing ihis infalhible to be done. Water on the premises ;situate in AdelaideRoad; hereafter to ba named. VAN HEE KEREN, We desire, Sir, to leave the time and place oi^ cording to the printed iuslrujtions alfixed to each Post Ollice. within minutes walk of the are solicited of and plain fancy Contributions twenty Consulting Puysician and Sduqeon, TOTARA ! TOTARA !! such meeting to your own selection, merely re- pet. /.11 sealed aches and pains are removed in will b? books, Apply to ferns, toys, &c, which needle work, questing you to call it at your earliest con- the same manner, H. E. MORROW, received by the undersigned and other ladies rf A Graduate and duly qualified Member of tho Matai at the for Tolara or Rojnl Medico-chirurgienl Academy of Bonn venience. taken Hotel, ASTHMA, Il>q. WIIKKZING ON CKHTAIN CURE i"OR CriterionFamily the Commit limber yard of the undersigned,Noah's Ark. (Signed) (Prussia) formerly of tho Hospitals of Paris, (iKO. CUAWKOIU) Till-; CilliSJ", COUGHS OH COLDS. Wellington. IUI<S MltS RIIATAGAN JOHN PLIMMER. Vienna Prague, and Berlin, Member of the UniSamuel Woodward JohnBeard fllus Fakmkh Mks Raixie if well rubbed intc he ! Ointment, This wonderful April 10, 18G5. James Hooper George Reynolds versity, an<t Into Surgeon to the Belle Vue GENUINE The WIDOW Mrs Uor.LiDAY Mns C. Schultze only 10 LADIES— tlie same niannei s morning iv rf night and Hospital, New York, UnitedStates of America, Thomas Ollivcr William Peter Robins chest prepared by are those Mns Mum Mi! 3 Smith X WELCH'S PILLS soon remove the worst meat, will S9.\ Us forced into FOR SALE BY. PRIVATE CONTRACT, Mrs Sahaii Smitiikhs (Grand-daughter to tho respectfully informs thoinhabitantsof Sydney and Arthur Knowles Miss Paul Mks Schwartz chest, proiase of asthma or any affection of the Sidey suburbs that ho is daily to bo consulted "confifrom tho family recipe, Widow real MrsPout Alas Welch), dentially" on alldiseases of a certain nature. Wellington,Sept. 26, 1865. viding the Piils are used willi the Ointment. EXWILD WAVE, FROM HOBART TOWN. without the least variation whatever. SCiritVY, SCROFULA, ERYSIPELAS. All nervous disorders and prostration of the medicine is justly celebrated for all female Pursuant to the above, Ihereby summons a This EDUCATION. system, nervous and physical debility, tkin VERY SUPERIOR DRAUGHT MARES, complaints, nervous disorders, weakness of the Meetingof the Voters of the Rhodes' Highway llcw does this Ointment expel disease? By arthoroughlybroken to harness solids, loss of appftite, 6ick headache, lowncss of milE MISSES CARROLL beg to amuanco diseases of all kinds, venereal atfections aud all District, tobe called fhe First Annual Meeting," resting all undue aciion of ihe nervous nnd circuhu 4 SplendidDraught Horses which meeting shall be held at theHouse of Mr. tory systems, by lessening inflamation, and by re spirits, and particularly for irregularities. Mr X that their SCHOOL will RE-OPE* on neglected complaints, and those arising from x posuro, imprudence, or excesses inyouth arecmea 28 2-Tooth Nigretta Rams, bred by W. B.: Smithers recommends mothers, guardians, man- TUESDAY, the 10th October. T.W. Clapham, known as the Queen's Head Inn, moving stagnation ; but r.'>ove all, by casting out radically in both soxes. Wood, Esq., ofDeniston Bothwcll, and' ager of schools, and all those who have the care Thorndon, at eight o'clock in the evening of the impurities which arc iuily gaining admisono Boarder. N.B. A for vacancy Dr Van Heokeren's great experience in the got by an importedRam out of im- of females at an early ago, never to bo without Thursday, the lifth day of October next ensuing. sion into the body. By this means it eradi. hospitals of Psris, especially at the Lourcine, and portedEwes cates scurvy,scrofula, erybipelas, and all external this useful medicine.— J. WOODWARD, J.P. 20 Pure Nigretta Yearling Ewes, bred by S. diseases; while its penetrating powers enable it to Important caution. The otdy real proprietor MORNING CLASS FOR YOUNG LJDIES. tho hospital Dumidi (des Veneriens) where he was intern and disciple of the great Philippe which we deeper seated, and sucwell, Esq., of Melton Mowbray,> and possessor of tho recipe, Grand-daughter of reach diseases Black IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC. ROBERTS wishes to notify tat she Ricoid, and his long practice in the United States from imported Rams andEwes cessfully to cupe with the needs of tumours, canthe late Widow Welch, feels it her duty, not only purposes opening a Morning Clas (D.V.) of America give him the guarantee of great sucsimilarly malignant maladies, which only cers, 14-Tooth puro bred Southdown Ram in defenceof her own and sole right, but as a TWENTY TRUNKS OF BOOTS AND a fewand Ewes, with lambs protection to the public, to declareherself the only onMonday, tho secondof October, and 3 desir- cess also in these colonies. jcurs since defied every trcaunnt, and hurried 7 Pure bred Southdown SHOES, their victims prematurely to the grave. at foot person entitled to tho original recipe, or at all ous of obtaining a limited number of olerably The victims of misplaced confidence in quacks or unprincipled medicalpretenders, can call with Just Arrived ex Chapman, Martin Luther, and authoiised to make or prepare tho said medicine advancedPupils. DIIOPSICAT. SWELLINGS, PARALYSIS, AND STIJ'Iother late airivals, a certainty of beingcured in the shortest possible that tho genuine are wrappedin blue References andTestimonialson apportion. are now on shew at our stock-yard,, Observe The Stock JOINTS. time. SALE, Haining-street,off Taranaki-strcet. ON NOW Manners street. paper and sigt "A on the label by .Mrs Sarah All ensce given up in hospitals -or by other Although the above complaints differ widely in Smitliers. AT THE their origin and nature, yet they all require local Sold in boxes by C. D. Barrau.l,bhbinist, Wel- TVTEW ZEALAND METROPOLITAN nhysiciuns, as incurable, will be attended to with Intending purchasers will bo allowed to try BOOT SHOE AND WELLINGTON AND MEETING. he utmost care. JM treatment. Many of the worst cases of eucii diseases any of the Mares or Horses. lington; also by W. Bishop, Wellington. LEATHER WAREHOUSE, Consultations to both sexes from 9 a.m. till 9 will yield, in a comparatively short space of tim«. No 2 August 8, 18G5. BETHUNE & HUNTER. CHRISTCIURCH, >'clock in the evening, at 282, Castlereagh-streot, ■WIMJS-STREET, TO BE HELD AT when ibis Ointmentis diligently rubbedinto thepans Exchange Buildings, lear Park-street, Sydney. 1866. 22nd September, 1865. Proprietor, affected even when every other menus hove failed R. AUSTIN FOR HORSES. Private and separate waitiug-rooms. TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 Iv allserious maladies the Pills should be takenac N.B. All letters duly attended to. AUSTIN in returning thanks to his friends cording to the printed directions accompanying each AND CORN ERADICATING WORM SACKS. of 1000 sot added to a CUP for past favors, begs to call attention to the box. CANTERBURY These powders CONDITION POWDER.— FOR SALE OR LEASE. sweepstakesof 50 soys,hf ;3 r^cs ;second GREAT HOUSEUODD REMEDY 1 abovelarge importation of goods selected from the EX ASTEROPE, FROM LONDON. are recommended as a sale and certain remedy horse to receive 100 soys out c'tho stakes, English and Colonial maikets expressly for the Those diseases of the skin to which children are afflicts of that destroying species for worm every ; 3's, ; 7st 71bs f Sections of the RECLAIMED LAND impoiter, and in every way adopted for the most subject, such as encrusted sores on the head -j third horso tosavehis stakes tho horse" as they supeiscde all other medicines, f\ BALES FOUR BUSHEL SACKS, for by having GO feet frontage to Hunter-street. 4yrs, 9st 3lbsj syrs, 9st 1111; 6yra and Colony. strength and vigor, puriface, rashes, ringworm, tetter, pimples, &c. XU Sale by and him additional giving aged, lOst lib. Nominationsith £25 to be Apply to R.A. has resolved to meet the requirements ot are quickly relieved by this unguent and cured G. H. LUXFORD & CO. fying hia blood, and adding a fino gloss to his the times, to conduct his retail business on the without leaving behind any scar or blemish. made to the Secretary of tho J.C., on or Mr. IZARD, and may be given without making any coating; Sept. 1865. 18, before October 2, 1865, at 2 mi. Accepready money system small profits and quick in his food, or iuter:nission in his labor Solicitor. DROPSIES. alteration returns being the- order of the day. tances witlx thelust £25 to I' declared on Sold in boxes, accompanied by a treatise on IMPORTANT TO H6RSE BREEDERS. This miraculous Ointment, if well worked in to N.B. All FUST RECEIVED, EX GAZELLE"—Having secured the servicesof several first-class on the Ist of Januai day worms. ■workmen, will continue to make the very best Ihe complaining parts twice a day, will penetrate to entries bearing the post mar'of October 2 £ The public are particularly requested toobserve FOR SALE. the disordered vessels ; and the Pills, if taken ac--1,500 bushels N.S.W.MAIZE ! description of boots and shoes. on each "will bereceived. Robfc, the of Gibton is signature that N. directions, will the 10 tons Guano All orders entrusted to him will meet with cording to the priutod Edwards, Agent, Sole Wholesale W. wrapper. Draught effects. firsr-class Entires. TwoimnnHREE most pleasing nnd wonderful 4 doBone Dust 'prompt attention. the observe Barraud, requested D. Owners ofhoraes are Paul's, by St. London. Sold C. 67, England, ulcer V.D.L. One any ported This invaluable Ointment will cure or X from from A large assortment of Colonial work constantly 250 ironbarkWheel Spokes. tbjrace. WelChemiot, Wellington ; by Bishop, also W. conditions ofnominationsfor even be Punch, Fawns', long standing, a puro Suffolk to seen at Mr. sore,however desperate and kept on hand. KRVLL & CO. j, D.iANCB, lington. Ad allowance made to runholders and store- where amputation has beeu recommended as he V.S.,RoyalStables, Thorndon Flat. Wellington, October 2. No 3 8, 1865. Bt Sec. O.J.O. August Sep. 27, 1865. only means of saviDg the limb. keepers. Do do glass backs SALE A WITH t AT — NOTHING A RTuaiEL'S A — A SIR, A ORDERS IN DR. ' 1 " 6 ' — ' MRS. — R" GIBTON'S — .rWO — - " WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 5, 1865, 3 mo ARRIVE PER ADELAIDE BAKER.— Men's, women's, and children's woollen and cashmere hose and half hose, PER ADELAIDE BiKER TO ARRIVE AND ASTEROPE. 700 packages PUBLIC NOTICE. Crown Lands Office, Wellington, 11th September, 1865. is hereby given that about 19,000 acres of Land in tho Wharcama Block, East Coast, willbe put up for sale by public auction, at this office, on Tuesday, the 10th day of October next, at one o'clock p.m., at the upset price of ss. per acre, and in Allotments varying in size from 170 to 320 acres. For furtherparticulars see Provincial Government GazetteNo. 22 of28th Junelast. A Plan ofthe Block shewing the various Allotments is open for inspection at this office. WM. HOLMES, FortheCommissioner of Crown Lands. NOTICE LAND SALE, GOVERNMENT br TO STAND THIS SEASON. nnHE Imported pure bred high caste NedjidI X ARAB HORSE "SULTAN." After this date the above Arabian Enth'3 will1 Btaml at tho following places during the season. th( It is notified for general information thatat a date Mondays and Tuesdays, Mr Valentines', 3 Hutt. to be particularisedin a future notice, probably in Wednesdays, Mr Smith's, Johnsonvillo. MrMcGrath's, Porirua. Thursdays, the Provincial tho month of November. 1865. Fridays and Saturdays, the New Zealander '» Government of the Province ofHawkes' Bay will Wellington. offer Terms : 5 guineas;groomage,10s. Guarantees given onliberal terms. All fees to bo paidonor before thoIstFebruary> FOR SALE AND LEASE 1866. B. BLOWER. Sopt. 15th, 1865. PROVINCE OF HAWKES' BAY. — THE TO STAND THIS SEASON PUBLIC NOTICE. VALUABLE Crown Lands Office, "A description of whichishereaftergiven. Wellington, 26th September,1865. is hereby given that about 13,400 Acres of Land in the Whareaina Block, East Coast, willbe put up for sale by public auction, at this office, on Friday, the 20th day of Octobernext,at one o'clock p.m., at the upset price of 5s per acre, and in allotmentsvarying The distiictin which these lands are situate in size from 138 to 320 acres. have only recently been acquired from the For furtherparticulars see Provincial Govern- native proprietors, and no land has been sold in ment Gazette, No. 31, of 20th Scptombor, 1865. them. A planof theblock showing the various allotments is openfor inspectionat this office. WM. HOLMES, For theCommissionerof Crown Lands. NOTICE WANGANUI BRIDGE DEBENTURES. "nnHE Committeehaving orderedthe Bridgeby I the March mail, offers will now be received for thepurchase ofDEBENTURES, in sums of Twenty-fivePounds (25) and upwards, interest at therate of Tenper cent per annum, payable half yearly,andsecuredby theProvincial Government, beinga first charge on therevenue. Apply to W. R. BOYLE, Chairman. Wanganui,August 17, 1865. Ist. The ITOWNSHIP of CLYDE consisting of about 600 Town Sections. This Township will be sold by public auction, and offers unusual advantagesfor investment. Itia situate on the Wairoa, a river navigable for many miles from its mouth, with a back country containing largo blocks of rich agriculturalland, and also a are required for ADDITION and ffIENDERS JL ALTERATIONS to the premises of Mr. J. Warmoll. Plans andSpecifications on view from10 to 5 a.m. on the premises. Tenders to be delivered on Saturday, 7th October. The lowest tender not necessarily accepted. SMITH & CO, Architects. September 22, 1865. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TENDERS. THE time for receiving Tenders for tho addition and alterations to Mr Wabmoli/s Establishment, is extended until Saturday, 7th October. NOTICE. EXTENSION OF TIME FOR RECEIVING TENDERS. npiHE time for receivingTenders for tho buildJL ing for Mr. N. Valentine, Hutt, is ex- tendeduntil Wednesday next,tho 4th October, 1865. TO CONTRACTORS. WIDTH SCRIM, SINGLE AND DOUBLE TONKS & LEWERS. at TO CONTRACTORS, PROVEDORES, AND OTHERS. FI LENDERS are invited for Provisioning the J_ Steamersof the New ZealandSteam Navi- gation Company (Limited),on the Provedore System, fromtheIst November next until the 31st August, 1866. Tenders to be sent to the Company's office by noon of Monday, .the 16th instant. Pull particulars may be had at the Company's office. R. J. DUNCAN, Manager. Wellington, Oct. 2, 1865. HORIKIWI ROAD. fFIENDERS willbe received at Mra. Corbett's, JL AglionbyArms, HuttBridge,untilthe11th October, at 6 o'clock p.m., for making 40 chains of the above road. Thespecifications canbe seen at theRoadman's whare,Hutt Road. RICHARD RELF, Chairman. September 23, 1865. respectable andactive YOUTH, YOUNG MAN, used the WANTED Apply Mr. EBDEN,Petoni. a country. to to NEW SPRING GOODS. " has received,per Aaterope," " a variedsupply EWILLCOX of Ladies and Ohildrens' Wearing Apparel,including,Walking andHouse Jackets,Cloaks,Collers, Cuffs, Gloves,Crinolines, Bands,Buckles,Parasols, Pelisses, Frocks, Pinafores; Under-linen, Baby-linen, Boys' Suits, Buttons, Gimps withBlack, Steel, and Crystal Beads,NewChinese Trimmings, Silk Cable Cord, Ac., &c. Ladies' Black Silk Paletots, from 20s upwards. do, Childrens' do do 10s do. Do Kid Gloves, do 1b 8d do. Lambton-quay, October 2, 1865. rpHE Fine Thorough-bredBlackHorse BUNGARABEE, By Velocity, (imported by Mr. Clove, to New South Wales, out of Mareia, imported by Mr. G. ON SALE, Macleay, to New South Wales) by Calendar,hoi out of St. Winnifred, by dam Ada,by Skeleton — Master Harry Comus mare, her dam by Alex- EX MARTIN LUTHER AND LATE j ARRIVALS. j andei' sister to Haphazard, by Sir Peter Miss HarveybyEclipse. BUNGARABEE is a magnificent upstanding, OQ QR-CASKS HENNESSY'S PALE jSJO BRANDY well-sethorse, being17 hands high,andpossesses 6 do do dark do largebone and good propellingpowers. Ho was 10 do whisky imported to Canterbury by Mr. Williner in 1861. 10 octaves do BUNGARABEE will stand only to a limited 200 cases do number of mares. 60 qr-casks Offioy, Cramp& Co.'s port wine Terms :£6 6s. each. Groomage,7s. 6d. 16 qr-casks Martell's dark brandy For two or moremares tho bonafide property 20 do W.I. rum ofthe same owner, an allowance will be made. 100 cases Booth's No Icoidialgin Further information may bo obtained on 75 do ginger wine reference to the New Zealand Stud Book, or by Barclay's porter in pints and quarts application to Wotherspoon's mixedconfectionery cases 10 HATFIELD, Mr. C. 10 do do London mixtures Royal Hotel. i 20 do do jams Mr. C. EAWNS, Or to 5, do do Marmalade RoyalHotel Stables. 50 boxes Eleme raisius 15,000 fire brickß BUNGARABEE willalso stand as follows:— ft cases cigars Mondays and Tuesdays, Mr. Valentine's, the 6$ tierces tobacco. — — LEVIN & CO, Grey-street. Wednesdays, Mr. Smith's, Johnsonvillo. to openup for settlement, tho whole of Thursdays,Mr. McGrath's,Porirua, unoccupied, this country is at present Oct. 2nd, 1865. and will be offered to public competi- " _L Buildingfor Mr Valentine, Hutt. tion. Plans and specifications to be seen at the Store of Mr. J.Martin. Tendersto beleft at Mr Martin's Store on or 2nd. SUBURBAN LAND adjoining the Townbefore Wednesday, 4th October. ship of Clyde. This block will be laid out inlots offrom ten tosixty acres, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. and is nearly all rich agricultural land, a great deal ofit abuttingon the Wairoa fnENDERS are invited for BUILDING river. It will be disposed of by public X STABLES. auction. Plans andspecifications to be seen at the VictoriaHotel, Abel Smith street. Tenders willbe received at tho VictoriaHotel 3rd. AGRICULTURAL LAND adjoining the until12 o'clock noonon Saturday, 30th inst. Suburban Land, at the Wairoa and The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mahia, and in different parts of the Sept. 25, 1865. Wairoa and adjacent districts. There is or THE ROYAL HOTEL STABLES. an extensive pastoral district. The Provincial Government have about twe hundred thousand acres in this disfrk Hutt. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. fPENDERS are invited for the Erection of AT LANDS 50 hhds No 3 Dawson's superior alo 30 do IndCoope & Co.'sNo 3 ale 20 do Byass1ale 10 do Trueman, Hanbury,& Co.'s stout' 100 casks (quarts) Blood, Wolfo, & Co.'s Dublin stout 50 do(pints) Blood, Wolfe, & Co.'s Dublin stout 100 do (pints) 6 doz each, Dublin stout 100 do Allsopp's pale ale, quarts 50 do do do pints 40 qr-casks West Indiarum 35 do Martell's dark brandy 15 do do pale do 200 cases Martell's pale brandy 50 do do dark do 300 do superior geneva,anchor brand " 100 cases ginger wine, The Grape" 150 doold torn, Bernard's 20 qr-casks port wino 15 octaves do, very superior 20 qr-casks sherry wine 20 setssilver mounted gig harness 4 casesScotch cart harness 50 barrels crushedsugar 20 barrels Carolina rice 25 kegs Scotch oatmeal 10 cases sago , 10 cases arrowroot 5 cases mocha coffee 6 cases gent'sriding saddles 4>-cases ladies' do, very best quality And a great quantity of other goods GEORGE CRAWFORD. sth Sept. 1865. a large extent of really fine agricultural land to bo brought into themarket from time to time, as demand for it occurs, This land will be surveyed and laid out in sections suitable for the occupation of agricultural settlers, and will be sold to the first applicant at one pound per acre. Land for Commonage will be reserved adjacent to each block of agriculturalland for fourteen years, equal in extent to the quantity of landsold or offeredfor sale. Wellington,July 19. 18«5. NEW LANDING EX CHAPMAN. "PRINCE ALFRED," THE SMALLEST PONY INNEW ZEALAND, BEINGONLY FORTY-ONE INCHES HIGH. Imported Thoroughbred Sheltie THE "PRINCE ALFRED" will stand this season if twenty mares aro pro- and 66 bundles BB.H. iron A Qf\ BARS 30 boiler plates tfcOUwarranted anvils 8 9 best " warrantedvices " npHE ImportedClydesdaloDraught Horao Moorchouse,Esq. ; dam Gipsy ;Gipsy, by the Tasraanian horso Emperor. Young Westminster is a dark grey,stands 16i high, good temper, andstaunch in harness. He obtainedthoPrize Medals as a first-class colt, at two and threeyears old at Canterbury. Will stand as follows: At Whitewood's Hotel,on Mondays ;Bould's Ferry Hotel, Porirua, on Wednesdays and Thursdays, leaving on Thursday, at 1p.m. The remainderof thoweek at the Albion Hotel, Taita. 1 do Martineau'spatent T. hinges 10 to 20 inch 1cratejapanned coalscoops 1bundle wheat riddles 10 cases Bath bricks 50 drums castor and colza oils 1 spring van with moveable hood and harness complete 1patent flour mill and dressing machine — — Terms : Four Guineas. 1Syko's " patent Hydrometer specificgravity An allowance made to the bonafide owner of get Electum1 drawing instruments 1 payable on tho first of mares; two or more E. W. MILLS. f January, 1866. E. H. BUCKRIDGE. | 4th. PASTORAL LAND about (120,000) one PER ASTEROPE.— \ hundred and twenty thousand Acres of TO STAND THIS SEASON, TUST ARRIVED land suitable for Sheep Buns, situate ', AT OTAKI "CLYMENUS," 100 cases drapery consisting of— in Wairoa and adjacent districts, will be THOROUGH-BRED HORSE by Rid- Ladies', girls', and children's white and colored J divided into blocks not exceeding in any stays, viz. exquisite, Princess, Beatrice, 1 dlesworth, out of Althoja (see N. Z. calisthenic, scarlet eureka, Alexandra,harcase ten thousand acres, and be leased Stud Book). lequin,Princess Royal, embossed French by public auction for fourteen years to He is fullbrother to Moleager,Dock-a-Dorris, merino, and Alexandrado, riding bodies, Dainty Ariel. the highest bidder. Thesanction of the and crinolines inUama,trjmmcd twill,scolloped Single Mares, £4 ; two ormoreMares,the proLegislature has to be obtained before perty of thesameowner, £3 10s each. Paddocks, fancy pleated, trimmed alpaca and puffed do., print fancy linen trimmed, striped these Runs can bo disposed of. 2s. 6d.a-week. skirts, drab corded and white brillaint, Proper attention willbe given to Mares,but no registered mohair, andchildren's and girls' responsibility undertaken. do. sth. TOWNSHIP OF THE MAHIA. This Allpayment to bemade whenMares are taken Hoyle's prints, ginghams, crinoline linings,and Township will consist of about 200 away. plaiii' and fancy muslins, and window curWood, Otaki. Apply to G. N. j Town Sections; It is situate at the tains, tape checks, and jaconets, diapers, d'oyley's, linen, damask, harabro' table the shipping place of the NOTICE." covers. Mahia Peninsula, andadjacent districts. having horned Cattle or Sheep j Ladies,' girls,' and children's trimmedand unThe land is good in the vicinity, and trimmed straw hats and bonnets running on the Reserve, Takapuwhaia, or the Crown has a large acreage there for SectionNo. 109 (Komunga),Porirua District, are Bonnet ribbons and ribbon velvets, and belt ribbons disposal, This Township will be sold requested to remove the Bame, as after this date A choice assortment of seasonable dresses, and by public auction all stock found tresspasing on either of the above dreßS pieces,inFoullard's plain and fanoy places willbe impounded. mohairs, grenadines, lustres, aad printed J. T. EDWARDS. lama 6th. SUBURBAN LANDS ON THE MAHIA Porirua, Sept. 6, 1865. Longcloths, andgreycalico andForfar sheeting adjacent to the Township and of good a choice assortment of ladies' girls' and NOTICE. quality, will be sold in lots of from, ten children's mantles, and paletots in silk, cloth, melton, &c. toBixty acres by public auction, mHE NEW NATIVE LANDS BILLhaving Men's, boy's, and youths, straw and cabbage passed Assembly in the Houses of and JL and Panama hats, silk boot laces, is tree undersigned prepared to treat law, become the braids, waist buckles, &c, rough and 7th. About SIX THOUSAND ACRES of the for and negotiate with the Natives, for thesale or glazed hollands,Russia crash. oftheir large and valuablereserves in thiß AHURIRI PLAINS, well-known to be lease Tissue, spunsilk, barege, and fancy cashmere, district. Agricultural Land! in the the richest long shawls, clanand shepherddo. EDWIN T. WOON. Saxony, grenadine;Indianna, and blaok and Colony, and immediately adjoining the Wanganui,Sept. 6, 1865. — colored llama;do Township of Napier. N.B. Every informationafforded to strangers Silk and muslin ties* huckerback, and Turkey visitingWanganui. on from ThoseBlocks are held lease towels the Natives for perioda of twenty-one Parasols, and sun shades . NOTICE. White, black, and colored Josephinekidgloves and twenty-two years,and willbe leased Tea in ohests, half chests, and boxes by public auction in lots suitable for Ihe mHE FIRST QUARTERLY LICENSINGMEETING under tho provisions of the Figs, orange, andlemonpeel settlementof an agricultural population X Wool packs Licensing Amendment Act," Provincial Council, JACOBJOSEPH & CO. for like periods. Session XIII., will be held at theResidentMagistrate's Court,Wellington, on Monday, the 16th day of October, 1865, at 12 o'olook (noon.) ApN.Z.S.N. CO., (LIMITED.) plications for licenses to be consideredat the said giving day will issued the A future notice be meetingmust be lodgedonMonday, the16th day is herebygiven to Shareholders that on which these valuable lands will be thrown of October, 1865, with the undersigned. the Directors have appointedTuesday,the as to upset public, particulars and open to the W. R.E. BROWN, 17th October next, as the duedateoftheSeventh price, aize of lots, &o. will be published. Clerk of the Bench. callontheSecondSeries ofsharesin thisCompany, September 25,1865. at therate of 20a.per share. Settlers desiring to make permanent homes are Paymentswillbe reoeivjad at any branchof the opened invited to inspect the districts about to be NOTICE. Bank of New Zealand,' or by the Company's for settlement— they will find the land of excelagents, throughout theColony. lent quality,and the climate the finest in New npHE Premises of tho Undersigned will be R.J. DUNCAN", Zealand. JL closed on Thursday and Friday next, the ■■' Manager. sth and6thinst. Wellington,September 26th, 1865. Ithas beennotified tous that the Sale of th CO. JACOB JOSEPH &' J aboveBlocks of Land, under the headsof Nos. Oct. 2nd, 1865. ~ '-'..'""'■'' 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, will bo offered FOR SALE ON SALE. DOGS TRESPASSING. at NOVEMBER 29th, 1865. magnificent Cottage PIANO-FORTS, dogs found trespassing on the property just landed,byBroadwood& Son, manuDONALD McLEAN, of the undersigned, at Goathurst Farm, factured expressly for this Colony. SITPEBINTENDBNT, Ohiro, willbe destroyed. JOHN H. HORNER. Farish-etreot, 29 Sept., 1865. J. F. E. WRIGHT. ProvinceofHawkes' Bay. I ' _ A , , , PERSONS ' . " NOTICE "' ALL ton, <fee and serge Men's regatta Boy's do Boys' and youths' Scotch twill Men's do Extra heavy 0 S jean Fancy byzantine ' Shirt collars, assortedshapes Paper do, do do Merino vestsand pants Fancy and velvetbuttons and silk Fancy silk, braM. andbead trimmings Sewing silk, needles, pins Cotton and linentapes,steelandg.s.thimbles Portraonnaies, fancy bogs, and ladies' companions Waistbuckles and fancy jewellery Perfumeryandcosmetics Men's seasonable clothing Bedford cord pants and vests Tweed do do Do anddoe trousers, vests, andsuits Merino, wool,and flannel undershirts Do doand cotton pantsand drawers Cotton and i.r. braces and belts White, regatta, and Crimean shirts Felt, straw, and cabbage tree hats Tweed andcloth caps Men's and women'swhiteand coloredhose Do and boys' do do half hose Boys' and youths' tweedand doe trousera and Lambs wooldo Serge and kersey drawers Alpaca and gingham umbrellas Men's grain knee boots, rough bradded Men's Wellingtons,pegged and sewn Do, bradded Do, short Calf andkip bluchers, pegged Colonial hradded Boys and youths' leather lace ups, copper sprigged Do bradded Men's shooting boots, leather lace ups and watertights Boys and youths bluchers Men's and women's carpet,velvet,silk,bnff, and leather slippers Ladies' cloth boots, patent goloshod, sida lace, and elastic Bide vests Do do Crimean, white, and regatta shirts Do do felt and straw hats Do do tweed and cloth caps Fancy ties andscarfs Linen and papercollars Men's and women's boots and shoes in great variety Carpet, velvet pile,and buff slippers j Boys', youths',and children'sbootsandshoes Leather and silk boot laces Briar root pipes Meerschaum do and cigar tubes Tobacco pouchesand cigar tubes. j West India mm Crushed lumpsugar ONE regatta Seasonable drapery,mantles, under-clothing, Scarlet,blue, and white blankets, 9-4, 10-4, I 11-4 Forfar sheetings and navy canvas Fashionable crinolines, consisting of wincey, merino, lama, puff, twill Ladies' and children's fashionable mantles, ! tartan, wool, long and square shawls, black and coloredlama do Plain and fancy poplin, checked and plain winceys, tambour robes,poplin dresses, trimmed skirts, skirtings, petticoats and petticoat winceys, clan tartans, all wool, and gala plaids, tartan winceys and cloakings, plain and embroidered repps Black and coloredFrenchmerinos Coburgs, Circassians,blackandcoloredalpacas, lustres, coatings,alpacas, Russell cords and moreens Toilet covers, mohair and goflered and Russia braids,black and colored gimp trimmings, jet, drop, and fancy orna- i ments Giltrimmed and fancy colored and black silk buttons, pearl, bone, and ivory coat and vest and pearl shirtbuttons Ladies' whiteand colored woollenscarfs Worsted boots, bootees, bootakins, gaiters, polkas,garibaldis,&o Haberdashery, consisting of needles,threads, cottoncords, stayand flannel binding, pins, hairpins, tapes, sen-ing silk, crochet needles and oases Crape and orapa collars, sets, and crape trimmings Ladies', gent's, and children's cloth, doe, and kid gloves, white, black, and colored White, colored, and fancy bonnet,and saranat ribbons, French satin ribbons Whiteand black elastic Black and white laco, souffleand Shetland 1 falls, and Maltese,&o. Crotchet collars, blonde laces, and patent frilling Fashionable feathers Ladies', girl's, and infant's trimmedand antrimmedstraw and felt hats Black andcoloredmohairbraidsand Prussian binding Black andcolored velvet ribbons Brooks' blaok and whitecotton Clark and Harvey's do Muslin in jacconefc, Swiss, check, spot and plain books, lappet sprigs, long and short muslin curtains, tarletans, &o. Linens,lawns, and drapory Rough, dressed,andmantle holland Linen and union damask, and tablecloths Curtain damask, fringes,and tassels Fanoyginghams Fancy prints and Hoyle's pints Ladies' andchildren's stays, color, white, and black front fastenings Nursing and O, S. ' Horrock's long cloth Smith's sheeting* Croydon's do Derry Dungaree and denims Roll jacconets,linings,and silesias Oil andbaize American leather cloth Welsh flannel Crimeando fanoy, plain, andcolored White counterpanes10>4,11-4,12-4 Colored do 11-4, 12-4 Cloakingsandmantle olotbj Sealskin and witney Blaok aud fanoy doe,Bedford cord, tweeds,&o Memel top, E.I. and Balmoral's, TPH and military heels Leather Balmorals „ Patentseal Ladies' and child's, patent seal shoes Infant's fancy colored calf Balmorals and colored atrap shoes and elastic side Cordovan andcalf Balmorals Memel top Balmorals, 4 to 6, 7 to 10, and 11 to 2 Patentleatherdo do do Cordovan do do do Calfdo do do Black cloth do do patentgoloshed Patent strap shoes, 2 to5, 6 to 9 Cashmereside spring 6 to 9, 10 to 13 Leather leggings, enamelledand tan sheep* A largo variety of furniture Chairs, couches, &c, &c Work tables, boxes, and desks Pianos Concertinas Plain and fancy baskets Clocks and diawingroomornaments JACOB JOSEPH & CO. &c. Men's and boys' cloth caps and felt hats f Men's white shirts Ribbonsand ribbonvelvets Geneva, JDKZ Heavy diagonal and tweed trousers Doe, beaver, and black, and colored suits Black andbrown Bedford cord trousers Waterproofcoats Railway rugs Men's and boy's drabandmole trousers Men's and boy's cotton cord do Boy's arid youth's doe trousers and vests, Men's and boy's jumpers in Melton cloth, beaver,tweed,doeskin,shepherdsplaid Mantlecloths Dresses and dress pieces Do jars and ash trays Do boxes and metalmatch boxes Do,do, do vests knickerbocker andcirola suits in sealskin, doe and fancy tweeds, talmas,&o Men's blueserge coats Felt and deerstalkerhats Black and blue cloth caps, regulationpeak and navy Boy's do Men's, boy's, and youth's sergeshirts Crimean shirts, inpaxony flannel, fancy mel* Currants andElemeraisins Figs and sultanas Burcelona nuts andshellahuands Tea in chests, hnlf-chcsts, and caddies Crushed lump BURar Boiled and raw oil, turps and whitelead Window glass, all sizes Rough hollands, dungaree, and denims, Scrims Ladies'seasonabledrapery,consisting of crinolines, fancy skirts, muslin dresses,scollops and insertions, collars and cuffs, florence and zouave jackets — YOUNG WESTMINSTER, Sire the imported horse Westminster, imported by 1' Vint'gar in casks andbottles Holloway's pills and ointment Carbonate of soda, tartaric acid Flour of sulphur and saltpetre Brown & Poison's patent corn flour Barry's cocoa, chicory, and chocolate Coffee in tins Bell & Black's vestas, all sizes 5 do patent nails 1J- to 6 mcL 4 doz Lyndon's C, S. potato forks 8 do Parke's patent C.S. spades i 6 superior chaff cutters [ case Howard's ploughs 1 2 hhds Avcry's counter weighing machines I do patent steel yards 1case and C. circu1 do Thos. Firth Son's S. lar saws r\N SALE, EX LATE ARRIVALS.— 2 do do do C.S.pitand cross cut saws 1100 packages consisting of 3 casks do superioredge Men's and boys* seasonable clothing in suits, -' tools do trousers, vests do warrantedfiles 1 do do Inverness capes, doe, beaver, and witney 1 do albata nnd B.M. cinets, spoons, &c. Crimean shirts, whitelong cloth and TO STAND THIS SEASON. — trousers Also, 2 Onion's portable forges 8 kegs Walker'BC.S. horsenails misedbefore the 15th October. Charges, four guineas for each mare. Apply to Mr Fawn's, Veterinary Surgeon, Royal Stables, ThorndonFlat. Wellington,18th Sept., 1865. whiteand fancy Witney and tweed Inverness capea Blue pilot jackets,men's and boy's Reversible and witney do Brighton sacs Black andfancy doe sacs Black and fancy doe and Bedford cord consisting of— Ladies' and gentlemen'ssaddle cloths riding whips, hunting saddles, Weymouth, Pelham, stockmen's, and snaffle bridles, maitingales, flat and round; dandy brushes, hay forks and sheet zinc, corusacks, woolpacks, crockery Sperm candles and hair oil Anchovy and bloater paste skin] Ladies' aud gents' saddles Wey mouthaudsnafflebridlesandmartingales Spurs Riding whips Halters Stirrup leathersand irons Briar rootpipes Myall wood and clay do Meerschaum do and cigar tubes Indiarubber tobaccopouches Match boxes Tobacco andBnuff do Tobacco cutters Spill machines Courierbags, purses,portmonnaies Cigarcases and feather brushes Spectacles and spectacle cases Paper machie inkstands and blotters Work-boxes, {desks, and tables, in walnut and papier machie Looking glasses, plain and moulded tray Gilt chimney glasses Toys, fancy chinaware, English,French and Americanclocks Pocket and table cutlery Perfumery, eau Je cologne and scented soaps Concertinas, fifes, flutes, flageolets, violins, bows, bridges, tailpieces, strings, and pegs Albums, stereoscopes and elides aud frames Sponge, hair, nail, and toothbrushes, chamois skins,jewellery Walking sticks Spelling books andLennie'sgrammars Memorandumand account books Pens and holders Novels tablebooks, school books, primers, shillinggrammars, tutor's first readings, ready reckoners, &o Playing cards, 2 Highlanders Red andblack sealing wax Drapers' paper and brown wrappingdo Bibles, prayerbooks, andchurch services Black lead pencils Scythes and reap hooks Ewbanks' patent nails,allsizes Collins axes,light andmedium Britannia metalteapots Coffee pots and dishcovers Tea and tablespoons, corkscrews >"" Boot jacks, razors Stamped tin soup plates '"" and bakingdishes Bellows Milk dishes,IS to 21io Stubbs' files, 3 tofijin crosscut and handsaw Brass chamberand pillarcandlesticks Britannia metal and block tin dish corei* Pannikins andsad irons Brushware BellandBlack's vestas, all sizes Scented hair oil, saladand castoroil Paper-hangingsand windowglass, allsizes Raw and boiledoiland turps in 5 gal.drums White lead Wine glasses and tumblew Frenchprunes, raisins, currants Fine and coarse oatmealand pearlbarley Tea in chests,half-ohests, and boxes Fineand coarse salt, and salt injars Oysters inlib andSib tins Sagoin chests Coffee in libtins Candied p«el andsultanas Anchovy andbloater pasta Keroseneoil Holloware Id,2d, 3d. 6d, and half-pint ink Sperm andstearins candles Fry's chocolateand cocoa Barcelona nuts and shelled almonds and Jordan do Assorted sauces Lea and Perrin's Worcestershire sauca Borwick's baking powder Peek, Frean & Co'ebiscuits 1,9, and41btio» Baker and Simpson's do Cleaned Patnarice Jordan almonds . ! Barry's chicory Melbournemould oandlei and soap Treacle Company's pieces Wotherspoon's confectionery Schooling's LondonandScotch mixtures Jujtibea and pastilles Sardines, halvesand quarters Blacking in.jars, 6d to Is JACOB JOSEPH is 00. THE WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT OCTOBER 5, 1865 4 that if there was any disobedience of Major Von Tempsky —a matter of which we are very doubtful— the offence was condoned by the Defence Minister. Letus now deal with the second enquiry. On Sunday, the24th ult., theDefenceMinister lent a letter to Major Yon Tempsky, declining to accept his resignation, and orderinghim to proceed that morningin the Lord Ashley to Napier and reporthimself to the Officer commanding there. To this and probably the bestpi-oof of the difference will AucklandProvince, butalso receiveda higher Wairau. Major Von Tempsky replied, againpressing be found in the number of steam vessels plying SAILED. It is Military than the Settlers. pay time. rate of have Coast On they present that on the West at the Public, Respectfully notify to tho resignation, "as under present circum3, Wild Wave, brig, 200 tons, Fisher, for Val- Saturday last on her return from Hokitikn, the certain that these conditions existed because his stances he could no longer serve in the New paraiso. Wallaby sighted no fewer than seven steamers. 20 tons, Roderick Douglas, were afterwards asked to volunBangers the schooner, Emily, for the 4, the and Nelson Lyttelton these, Six of Zealand Militia." Major VonTempskyadmits Just Returned from the Market for Lyttelton. Ballaarat, tho William Miskin, tho teer for service in the Wanganui district, the Grey; that he did not obey this second order,but 4, Phcebe, s.s., 416 tons, R. H. Ferguson, for Egmont, and the Eleanor, for Hokitika, had there, whichlatter ordered being of instead Lyttelton and Dunedin. contends that it was illegal. It appears that gone into West Wanganui for shelter, and were with some of the coming out together so close that in theparlance would have been thecourse adopted in the he and his men were; as before stated, enPASSENGER LIST. of the turf, you might have covered them with case of the Waikato regiments, themen of the proverbial table-cloth (had it been large listed to servein the Province of Auckland INWABDS. THE PRESENT CHOICEST GOODS FOR enough !) She also sighted the Hero from Mel- which are bound to serve in any part of only, so that,he was not compelled to go to and Grey Grey,Mrs. Phccbo. Cabin— Mr. Per for Hokitiki via Lyttelton. There were NorthernIsland. The Forest Bangers Napier unless he liked. He also admits that family, Mr. Williamson, Mr. Wukofield, Mr. bourne thusin these waters, and almost within hail, no the Mr. Harrow, Mr. Company (5), SEASON. Thatcher and than eight steamers on theirway to thenew served in Wanganui, at a rate of pay if the order to go to Waiapu had been Wilkinson, Mr.Bomford, Messrs Austen,Masters, fewer West, a sight, wo believe, amounting .to five shillings per diem. Hartmann, SanJean, J.Kebbell,Bartlett, Roper, gold regions of tho j repeated on the 24th, hemust have obeyedit in the Southern Seas. J never before witnessed '" "Captain and Jones, " to make Connelly, Nancarrow, Miss necessary explanation : This is The HokitikaAdvertiser" of 22nd inst. says according to the terms of his engagement. Mrs. Baillie, Mrs.'Smith, Mrs. Williams, Captain Two steamers appearedoff the Port last evenWestrup. asked what follows. Lieut. clear Steerage— and 9 for South. Hall, oftheir the objection is probably sound in ft legal particular attention Vine His T. andL. invitetho ing supposed to be the Gothenburg, from Nelparade when on Wanganui Messrs. Buchan, Brown, Lee, Hcrleky,Footing, son, and tho Hero, fromMelbourne. men at the f point of view, but we feel convinced,had Coffey, Smith, Mrs. Coast, Coast Customers to the large and well selected Stock, Gorman, Murphy, Davis, The "West at Tire Bar at Hokitika— volunteer for tho East no other motives existed, that Major Von Smith and funn'ly, Mrs. Davis and children, aud Times"of 21st, our latestpoper, gives the follow- to " 6d. a day,and according to Lieut.-Colonel Tempsky would have been the last man in for South. 3s. 6 thoSpringTrade. impassable for Tho is now in almost an suitable bar ing : OUTWARDS. condition, the late westerly winds have silted up Gorton's despatch and Lieut. Westrup's the world to have urged it. As the caseThe immense Assortment of first-class Goods Per Phcebe. Mr.McClutchy. the sand to an almost inconceivable extent. A statement, all agreed to so, and came on to stands, he was perfectly justified in using few days ago there were fifteen feet of water, Wellington certain to comHouse, is IMPORTS. shown throughout tho in the Storm Bird,whereMajor every walk across a almost yesterday might while person meanß to make himself technically In the Phoebe, R. S.Ledger, agent— lo casks however, the wind has lulled, Von Tempsky awaited them. At this point mand the confidence and recommendation of ale, 73 hides, Order ;17 skins, Hirst ;1gunny it. Fortunately, right, andthe Government technically wrong, and tho heavy fresh down tho river caused by tho j men commenced. The sugar, Order. tho difficulties is will chanuel. It which,onthe whole, we thinkhehas late rains soon tho ro-open doing in every customer. Having taken tho fullest adEXPORTS. fortunate that the recent arrivals managed to grumbled about their pay, and refused to go succeeded. If the members of the Court of gin theWild Wave, Bethune& Hunter, agonts land their passengers when they did, otherwise on boardthe steamer which was on the point vantage of tbe great fall in prices,they are in a | 13 cases jam, Order. they would eitherhave hadto lay off tho port, or Enquiry had gone a little beneath the surPhcebo, R. S. Ledger, agent & pkgs, have earned them away to Nelson. It is to bo of starting for Napier. It was at first supIn tho to puradvantages offer decided Major Von Tempsky position to hoped that the bar willclear before the William posed that their refusal was owing to the face of things— had Order. Miskin, Lady Darling, Gothenburg, Egmont, stated what were his real feelings in the EXPECTED ARRIVALS. chasers. Tempsky had resigned, Von Major daily tho now fact that Yarra, Maid of and other boats matter— and had the Defence Minister been AdelaideBaker, ship, from London expectedarrive. of tho men asked to explain the reason of Captain Eraevidence of some The following is a List of tho New Goods to LadyBird, from tho South, this day but the The same journal"in its previous issue of the Lord Ashley, s.s., from Napier and Auckland, 19th hand : instant says :— The old channel round the' at tho Court of Enquiry, shows that this ser's promotion, then the whole truth might 7th bond at tho extremity of whatwas the north spit, had nothing to do with it. The greater Dunedin, Lyttelton Black silks and s.s., from Wellington, have been disclosed. Of course an enquiry may at present be looked upon as an island, but Coloured do. Bth while those company go, of the did portion cut off long gradually closing, ia and before the so conducted, was impossible, so wehave to PROJECTED DEPARTURES. New Fancy dresses end maybe expected to become the northern of who remainedbehind alleged that thereason be content with Borne dry evidence, andan Ahuriri, s.s. for Napier and Auckland, this day tho south spit. Owing to the late freshes, the New chene cloths they was because had simply of their refusal Dunedin, most recent channelis widening and deepening ingenious but perfectly justifiable defence, Lord Ashley, s.s., for Lytteltonand New popliuettes facilities for come to Wellington on the understanding and will afford day by day, great 9th New Sandringham robe 3 Wellington, s.s., for Picton, Nelson, Taranaki, shipping to enter should it continue to enlargeus on the part of the party implicated. But arrange would then that the Government New prints the public are not satisfied with this, and and Manukau, 9th it has lately done." to of and that unLiones?, tug pay, long employed The steamer as a what was be the rate NewMuslins VESSELS IN POUT. say that the whole difficulty, so far as inHobson's Bay, has been sold by auction for less they got five shillings per day, they New hosiery and glovos. Manukau, fromNewcastle Major Von Tempsky is concerned, has a Melbourne for £3500, purchased by and firm Asterope, ship, from London Coast, New dreas and mantle trimmings not havo to the East gone would the Hokitikatrade. arisen from an injudicious exercise of Kate, cutter, from Manawatu New French andEnglishribbons The Dancing Wave's launch from tho ground either under Major Von Tempsky or anyMosquito, cutter, from Havelock on the part of the Minispatronage at Hokitika progrescs very slowly,thelateheavy . New parachutes European, barque, from Newcastle point is try. Major Von Tempsky had strong " body The evidence on this else. having materially weather interfered with operaNew crinolines, stays, &c, Gazelle, brig, from Newcastle tions. Tho Leonidas still remains to keep her very contradictory. On one side there is Miindnrin, barque, fram Newcastlo New tissueaud grenadineshawls claims on tho Government for promotion. company,but tenders are invited for getting her Napier brigantine, from Serpent, despatch, Sea and the Lieut.-Colonel Gorton'B Black Llama andcashmere shawls afloat. For three years he has fought and bledin Ahuviri, 6.5., from NorthernPorts New black silk paletots The barque Sirocco, from Sydney, lias arrived statement ofLieut Westrup to Major Von the service of the Colony. He scoured the Pearl, cutter, from Wairau at Hokitika. New grenadine paletots — This appears Tempsky that all tho men who came down dense bush between Waikato and Auckland, Steam Towage at Hokitika. " New mohair paletots expected The N.Z.S.N. Company's s.s. Queenis to bo a very costly luxury at tho bar of Hoki- from Wanganui had volunteered on the and hunted out thenatives who lay in wait New tweedpaletots to remain in Auckland for about three weeks, to tika," as the annexed rates for inward " towage terms of the Government, while on the to slay inoffensive settlers h« dashed with New straw hats efl'cct the necessary repairs to the intermediate chargedby tho tug Yarra will show Vessels of 40 tons register and under, £20 ; vessels of 40 to other hand four of them as solemnly his gallant band into the fern at Mangapiko, shaft. New straw hat3, trimmed 100 tons, 10a. per register ton ; vessels over 100 declared, that the men never consented Captain s.s. Ahuriri, Tho N.Z.S.N. Company's New children'sandinfants' hats and in a hand to hand fight with knife and Floworday, will Bail for Napier, Tauranga, and tons, as per agreement. Lighterage of luggage circumto such conditions. From the Dress caps that and ton." No wonder cargo,£4 per freights sailing revolver, successfully encountered and beat Auckland, this day, at 12 o'clock. Her New spring mantles stance, however, that most of the men did was postponed at the request of tho Government are high. he rendered important seryesterday, in the hope that the Europeanmail Another accident happenedto tho cutter Swan proceed to Naj>ier at the reduced rateof pay, thehidden foe— White and scarlet flannels on vice by a reconnaisance at Paparata lie was might arrivo from tho South, and bo transmitted at tho Grey, for sho has likewise got ashore Englishblankets tho north beach, butinside the bar, aud sho will as well as from tho tenor of the statements by her. foremost in the capture ofOrakau, while be gotoff. probably Children's short and longrobos " we Wanganui, N.Z.S.N. Company's s.s. LadyBird, duo most havo us from The which reached The Const Times" of the 21st instant, Children's workedbodies his bold exploit at Kakaramea, his inhero on the 2nd mat., has not arrived up to the reports West Thompson accept Christina ashore did the they tho schooner are convinced that Children's pinafores vestment of the Weraroa Pa, andhis contime of our going to press. Hopes were entor- at the Grey, It appears that on entering, by conseof tho Government and were taind that sho had been kept to bring on tho terms duct at Opotiki, will not soon be forgotten. somemeans, she unshippedher rudder,broached English mail from the South ; but as yestorday to a matter of course, and washed ashore on quently guilty of mutinous conduct in re- It as was this man who,ready to serve the was the day for her departure for Napier, fears the north beach. It is reported that she lias fusing toembark for Napier ; but at the same Colony anywhere, waited in Wellington to CONSIDERABLE REDUCTIONS INLINEN are entertained, that she has met with some broken her back or sustained some other sorious accident. injury, but nothing definiteis known on tho sub- timeit is very probable that some prospect start for the East Coast, and would hare AND COTTON GOODS. The P. N.Z. andA.R.M. Company'ss.s. Phcebe, ject up to tho time of our going topress. Ifsuch Wanganui, that if CaptainFerguson, fromPicton,Nelson,Taranaki, is tho caso, however, she cannot bo other than a was held out to thorn ab gone,but for the fact that only an hour beWhite calicos they would volunteer, the Government fore hereceivedhis orders, a junior officer of and Manukau arrived in this harbour at 5 o'clock total wreck. Greycalicos on Tuesday evening, after a fine passage. The '" l would beprepared to give their case aliberal muchless experience wa3 appointed to a po' ' "' Cotton sheetings Phcebo leit tho Manukau at 3.40 p.m. on tho Damask table cloths at 7 a.m. the folconsideration. 28th ult., arrived at Taranaki ABSTRACT OF SALES BY AUCTION. sition abovehim. Major Yon Tempsky felt lowing morning; left again at 2.30 p.m. and Muslin curtains appointment reachedNclßon on the 30th ult. at 3 a.m. j left We come now to tho case o£ Major Von thathehadbeen slighted by the Linenand union damasks resigned. 2nd inst. at 5.30 p.m., anchoredin Mb. G. H. Vennem will sell bj public auction, Tempsky. Fraser, Nelson on the and therefore Captain Windowhollands The questions affectinghim which of on thepremises adjoining Messrs. Luxford & Blind Bay untilmidnight, then sailed for Picton, acted difshould have Co., 6, Friday, drays on Oct. a lotof and the Court ofEnquiry had todecide, werefew It may be that he where she arrived at 10.30 on the 3rd; loft carts. great have learned the again in anhours' time, andarrived as above. ferently, but few men and simple, the facts connected with them, 1 FAMILY MOURNING. s. Esk arrivedyestordayfrom a cruiso to AlfredA. Babnbtt willsell by public auction, lesson to suffer unmerited wrong andbide ifc JI.M. areas : indisputable, They and follows at theCommercialSaleRoom, CustomHouse clear theSouthSea Islands,havingbeen absent from " acted Quay, onMonday, Oct. 9, household furniSydney since the 18th July. Tho Esk mado the DidMajor Von Tempsky receiveorders, patiently. Of Captain Fraser,whohas Hebridesin ten days, where ajto ture. to in speak Waiapu, to Now we wish passage gallantly at on or about the 23rd September, to proceed so Carpets, cocoa andChinamatting metH.M. s. Curagoa. ThoEsk went ona cruise cannot see that his terms, but we the highest Floor cloths to the FijiIslands, and finally left Ovaiou for withhis men to theEast CoastP" promotion SAX B Y'S DAYS. over the head of Major Sydney on the 3rd September. Captain RobinA large variety of hearthrugs sudden '" eon, of the brigCurlew,- of Sydney, was arrested Major Tempsky mats all and makes Did Von receive orders Door in sizes Von Tempsky, from the rank of Captain to at Anatam,and has been brought to Sydney to 1865.— October3rd, 9th, 16th, 24th, 31st. mate, to to September proceed Napier on 24th murdering his the [N.B. If the day marked provecalmandstill be tried on suspicion of that of Lieutenant-Colonel, was required by " brought upby the mistrustthe day after, and especiallythe second i'iveofthe crew haveblbobeen company " Bangers his of Forest ?" with the exigenciesof the public service." Itis Esk as witnesses. Sydney Empire," Sept.22. day after.] CARPETS MADE TO ORDER. true that Major Von Tempsky was formerly There waaanother questionrelative to the promoted fromthe rank of Ensign to that HOKITIKA SHIPPING. MARRIED. receipt ofcertainration money byMajor Von New Channel Beacon at Hokiteka. The FsATHBBaToar. On the 3rd Oct., Mbnzibs of Captain, in November,1863, but that was harKerley, the Tempsky, whichhas been most satisfactorily OBDEES PFNOTTTAiLZ ATTENDED TO AND PAT- "Times" is informedby Captain Church, Thorndon, by Right at St. Paul's the establishing two men possessingspecialability bor master, that he is about the Bishop of Wellington, 'the Hon. disposed of, andneed not therefore bealluded at a timewhen TERNS SBNT POST FEES. moveablebeacons on thespit, seventeenfeet high, Reverend James A.R. Menzics, M.L.C., of Southland, to the work of the Colonial Service were which willbe surmountedby a flag. The beacon Ltetitia Anno,seconddaughterof His HonorI.E. to here;while the enquiry as to therules ob- for somewhat rare, and the gallant Major got / kept in lino with the flagstaff will denote the Featherston, Superintendent of the Province of served inpromoting officers we shall afterchannel, andthe flag the set of the current, a Wellington. his "promotion for distinguished services A magnificent stock of tho choicest goods in! most importantpoint for masters of vessels enterwards deal with. As to the first enquiry, it dt {Paparata. When the Waikato war ; cannot be placed Men's and Boy's Clothing, principally Colonial ing inwardß. When onebeacon is shown inevidence that on Saturday the broke out, and a Colonial Force was inline with the flagstaff, to answerthe abovepurmade, and specially adaptedfor this climate. THE used, the two then 23rd ult., Major Von Tempsky received a raised, some of the officers appointed had pose the second one will be being kept inlineinstead of having any reference from the Defence Minister ordering to the flagßtaff. This decided improvement will Wellington Independent. letter aptitude for their duties, and of; Coast, ! but little Waiapu b e him to on the East once, great be out at and will of service. carried Suits in the new materials and moat im;course those who had,got on very rapidly^ MOEB WBBOKtf ATHOKITIEA. "NOTHING EXTENUATE; to reinforce the troops under Lieut.-Colonel provedstyles of seniority being disregarded to SET DOWN AUGHTIN MALICE." NOR Another vessel, the Polphin, now lies on the Fraser— to whichhe at once replied as fol- the rule " Trousers and vests to match, very choice exigencies of the public serfice.1 north spit, high and dry at low water. She was "Sir, having seen your letter of in- meet the lows: Light tweedcoats from 7s. 6d. to 88s. lor Saturday 16t)x inst., out on the weekji towed THURSDAY MORNING-, sth OCTOBER. structions for the expedition to Waiapu, But the case is somewhat different now> Dark do. purpose of being employedin aiding the lighterbecause,after three years' war, theGovern-wo learnfrom the But, of the Alhamhra. as ing Black sacs "Hokitika 19th; inmakingthe MAJOR VON TEMPSKY ANDTHE Ihereby tender my resignation, as ment know where to find men whosereputaofthe Advertiser" Black Alberts return trip inwards with her freight (in tow by oannot possibly serve under tho con' """New GOVERNMENT. I tionhas been gainedin the Colony, when an patterns in Crimean shirts suitable the steam-tug Yarra) she Btruck on the sand Major Von Tempsky for summer bank, and, there being a considerable sea on at Thbouqhtheinvestigationrecently madeinto ditions stated." important post is vacant, and there is, there* the. time, she was washed on the north spit, thecase ofMajorVonTempskyand theForest argued before the Court, "that the ques- fore, White shirts an opportunity to make a judicious where shenow lies, thua adding one more to the obeyed or disobeyed this Colored do. heavylist ofthe pastmonths wrecks. When the Bangers, has closed without any decision tion whether lie dhoice of officers for promotion. Majqt Men's hosieryin wool, merino, and cotton Dolphingrounded, the Yarra wasunable to move having been arrived at, yet it is a matter of order cannot be raised, inasmuch as he was Tempsky Von is amongst .the foremost An immense variety of black and colored hovt and. it was necessary to cut the tow-rope, and toldon the 23rd to do a certain thing on the public satisfaction that the are posses* now in class, to her fate. The sincebeen should not therefore cargo leavoher has in'ithis and Alpaca coats, very cheap ' "■■"'." 24th, Hecould notdoit on the 23rdbecause safelylanded. of as much of the a concerning sion real faots " Ministers mayhard! passed vests haVe been over. Summer The Weat Coast Times"-ofthe21st, mentions ordered to doit on the 24th, and on Captain Fraserto preferring Men's andboy's hats in great variety, new thatthe schooner Tiger came to grief onSatur- very painful affair as are ever likely to be he waaday, hadreasons for the order was rescinded, and Major shapes day,16th inst., whils^lyingalongsidethe Alham- statedin openCourt. Theevidence adducod that Tempsky, judging by what; Von but in lightering heir cargo. A very heavy sea another issued inits place." Besides,he did Gent's drab and black Paris hats, just bra, enough, was meagre but when viewed in not be an \ public, made it would haa been was on, and she.carriedaway her foreyardin the opened first place, and, in tho second, got,atremendous connection with other oiroumstances, it is not refuse to obey, but simply tendered his easy task to justify an exercise of patronage Scarfs, ties, collars,braces, gloves resignation. If the Defence Minister had shaking against tho large? yoßse}, ep 'n'fuch so, in sufficient to show pretty dearly the merits of whichmakes a junior officer a Lieutenant* | White and colored pocket handkerchiefs, fact, causa her ty leak considerably. We reiterated the same order, and Major Von Colonel, as informed, Major cannot vouch for the between cprreot' Tempsky are but the case Von and places under arrest a gentleman \ henunod ness of the statement, as ho direefceommunication and the Government. Hitherto wehave re- Tempsky had refused to obey it, the case has been hadfromfshore to her or vice versa,that mi^hthavebeenverydifferent. Butfrom some whoheld higher rank because he deolines ta | the crewleft her in the tug that took away tho frained from commenting on the subject,but thus alighted / Alhambra's passengers, leavingonly th© captain now that the enquiry hag closed, the time unexplained reason, the resignation was serve aGovernment whioh has TONKS & LEWEBS, on board. thowholeof yesterDuring boy and a / refused, and the order withdrawn, so his services. day the showedsignals of distress by flying her has arrived to do so. Lambtov Quay. Bather more than a fortnight ago, Lieuensign with thounion jack down, but the sea was V.C.C. two heavy for any boat to go to her assistance. tenant Westrup was sent to Wanganui, for gnle of last night it was thought that At 2 o'clock. ANNUAL MEETING of the Victoria During the could save her, and that she wouldhave the purpose of getting the company of Forest nothing in tho Town Board Cricket Club will beheld GOODS. Custom House ."Rooms, Sale AND FASHIONABLE and run for tho beach, but wo arc glad to Bangers there to proceed to theEast Coast. slip the Commercial NKW THIS at to Hall, EVENING, At Room, OddFellows' say that such was not the case, and she rode out Quay. half-past 7 o'clock. originally raisedinAuckthe gale safely. It is probable,however, that sho This force hadbeen J. C. STODDART, Hon. Sec. as which, her cargo, good FURNITURE. had to sacrifice a dealof HOUSEHOLD land for service within that Province only, in tho case of theDolphin, will raise some knotty and under Von Tempsky was of great use FOR UNRESERVED SALE. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. points in reference to the question of general inscouring the busliand driving the natives average. JUST OPENED FOR THE SPRING TRADE. A. BARNETT will sell by public A Fleet or Eight Stbamkbs within view forth from their fastnesses between AuckARRIVED. 2 on Monday, October 9, at at once on the West Coast.— A year ago and auction, — OCTOBER. o'clock the West Coast rarely saw a steamer. Beyond land and Waikato. Being engaged for a Various Lots of 3, Phoebe, s.s., 416 tons, R. n. Ferguson, from the Buller, the West Coast then was practically a special service, they not only obtained the HouseholdFurnihu-e terra incognita, towardswhich no hopes or aspiraPicton, Nelson, Taranaki, andManukau. Lever Clocks AND LEWERSi 4, Pearl, cutter, 12 tons, R. Williams, from i tions were directed. It is very different now; privilege of being employed solely within the MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, at all on the part THE j ALFRED — TONKS Glassware Tinware Plated Goods, &c, &c., — Terms Cash. &c. EDWARDS, in consequence of continuedill-health, has beenobliged to relinquishbusiness. Fromhis. creditors, he trusts GEORGE they will be forbearing for ten days or a fortnight. tho To his debtors, he hopes that they will paysame amount of their respective debts within the full. time, to enablehim to meethis creditors in A PARTMENTS for Gentlemen—Two Bed_£JL rooms and a Sitting-room furnished, with attendance. Apply, oflice ofthis paper. WELLINGTON and WAIRARAPA MILITIA DISTRICTS. Militia Office, Wellington, 4!h October, 1865. Commanding Companies will bo (food enough to send in their pay abstracts and acquittance rollsto the Militia Office as soon as possible. 1 JOHN; S. KIRWAN, Captain and Adjutant, OFFICERS Wellington Militia. — — — — — — — NO IICE. willbe received at tho Provincial Council Library, until Saturday at Noon, for Binding the Acts and Proceedings ofthe Provincial Council, Session13. Specifications may be seen at the Council Library,each day, between the hours of eleven and one. GIBBES W. JORDAN, Clerk of Council. Tuesday, October 3, 1805. npENDERS J COURT OF APPEAL, NEW ZEALAND: given that sitting of is Zealand, NOTICE of Appeal of Court House, Liimbton held a the hereby shall be New Court within the Supreme Quay, in the City of Wellington, upon Tuesday, the twenty-fourth day of October, instant, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, when all persons Having business before tho said Court, are rcouired to give their attendance. ROBERT 11. STRANG-, Acting Registrar of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand. Wellington, 2nd October, ISGS. NOTICE UNDER THE PATENT ACT, 1860. is hereby given that application of NOTICE has been made by Auckland,miller, in accordance with the Patent an Joseph Rodley, Act, 1860, for the issue to him. Letters Patent, to him exclusive right to prepare an "granting JEratedFlour" for thepurpose of making light andnutritious bread without the aid of yeast. And any person or persons whomay wish to prefer any objection to the granting of such Letters Patent are hereby required to send within four months from the publicationhereof to C. Knight, Esq., of Wellington, M.D., being tho person ap- pointedfor thatpurpose,under tho provisions of the said Act, a statementin writingsetting forth the grounds ofsuch objections, subscribed with his or their proper name and address. ANDREW BEVERIDGE, Solicitor, Auckland, Agent. September 21st, 18G5. TO CARPENTERS. npENDERS addressed to the Chairmanof the JL Town Board, willbereceived up to noon of Tuesday, the10th inst., for the buildiug of an opendrain for tho stream through tho Market Reserve from the North side of Manners-street (Messrs. Kebboll's), to thoSouth side ofDicksonstreet. Labor only. Plans and specifications to be seen at tho ofEco ofthe CitySurveyor on and after Thursday, the sth instant. R. M. SKEET, City Surveyor. Town Board Offices, LambtonQuay,Oct. 3, 1865. , ;for sale, section nq. 17 makaradistrict. r|iUiJLS desirable property consists of ONE X,:, HUNDRED ACRES or thereabouts of finely,timberedland, with a good road passing along the front of it. It isdistantabout six miles fromtheCity of Wellington, and cannot fail to become very,valuableas populationincreases, Offers for the same will boreceived till the 15th current, addressedH.R.R, care of C. B. IZARD, Solicitor, Wellington. SHROPSHIRE DOWN RAMS. FOR SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED. A FEW half-bred Sliropshire Down Ram Lambs. Price £5 each. Ton or more £4i each. These Sheep combinelong and fine wool with large carcass1at twenty months, superior mutton, aud are v.fcry prolific. They took the prize over allother claSses of long woolledsheepinEngland '? W. L. LUOENA, Featherston. 2nd Sept.,1865. ~ ' ON SALE. p? HIGHLYfinished stationaryhorizontal lugh pressure Steam Engines, singlo and double cylinders, 8, 10, 12 and 25 horse power. 15 single and double power Crab Winches, mountedon cast ironframingwith very powerfulgearing. £/ Photographs,tracings, and specifications ofthe above can be obtainedfrom , W. &Gh TURNBULL & CO., AGENTS JOB C. D. YOUNG & CO. Wellington,Aug. 89, 1865. — — — 1 — ( — — — — — ' '" { 5 THE WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 5, 1865. — THATCHER. Assembly Cost of Taking the Census in Auckland. they are held, "Wellington took a more than HisHonobthe Stjpebik*endent.— HisHonor r Bail.— The membersof tho General in ceremony. auspicious The the ordinary ProSouthern abstract interest following of the Cross makes the Dr. Featherstonhas been for many weeks past a i intend giving a baU to tho residents of that portionof the census return referring to Long before the appointed hour the approaches Ob late, Wellington lias been a little dull from a has with the excep-■ vinco onMondayevening. Tho ParliamentHouse invalid, though and lie great therefore In both,branches of the Legislature yester- tion of two or three days, been able to attend to willbe arranged for dancing,and the Committee the Province of Auckland. It says, the totalcost to St. Paul's Thorndon, and the Church itself dearth of public entertainments, so we who, accomwelcome the Thatcher, of were appearanceof for this Province was whom withdrawing visitors, many July, procuring by the returns crowded 1865, among from the onerous dutiesof his post, yet such attention rooms will make very convenient census day a despatch, dated 26fcli 1858 was £1,271 2a. 3d.j of which £170 10s. members of theGeneralAssembly, andnearlythe panied by Madame Vitelli, Mr. Small, and Mr. Mr. Cardwell to his Excellency the has in a great measure augmentedhis illness. It rooms. A largenumber of invitations have been in was paid to tho enumerators; £692 18s. 4d. to whole of Wellington society. The Church was Oakey, has come to mako a short stayamongst us. Governor, was read, a copy of which j is now necessary that he should have some slight issued, and it is anticipatedthat the Ball will be and for contingencies; £326 Is. very tastefully decorated, and what with the At HokitiiaandNelson, he performed to excelthe sub-enuuierators givenby being a great success, as much care is we have not yet been able to ob- j relaxation, and for that purpose ho will take a Managing Committeeto haro everything, in the for compilingandclericalassistance;and£81 12s, flowers, the evergreens, and the brilliantdresses lent houses, and made, we believe, a very successhis tain. It generally approves of the policy trip to Napier. While absent from town lid.for printing and stationery. The census re- of the ladies' presented a niosfc pleasing picture, ful campaign. Let us hope that a eimilar good best possible style. public tho f still in spent forwarding time will bo for and renewed orders turns for 1861 are stated as having cost £1,201 which, lightedup as it wa3 by the noon day sunIfortuno may fall to his lot in Wellington. Ministers, gives of interests, as when at Napier, ho, inconjunction " MilitiaandVolunteebs.— A General Govern16s. troops. It also 3d.— £so to enumerators, £886 Bs. Bd. to bore very much the appearance of being seen IThatcher's reminiscences of the West Coast are withdrawal of the the with Mr. M'Lean, will do all in his power to' ment Gazette published on Tuesday contains an very amusing, and worthy of quotation: touches on the misunderstanding between facilitate the purchase of the Manawatu Block. officialnotification of tho dismissal of Lieutenaitt sub-enumerators; £204 Os. 6d. for compilation ; through a kaleidiscope. The bridal party drove To the West, to the West, where the diggers and and were the eleven, up half-past £61 7a. Id. for The census at met at printing, &c. His Excellency and General Cameron, and repair, from the Militia | — Colonel Charles Cecil Rookes by bridegroom and his suite. Miss There's no flies about it, the gold is all there, Resident Magistrate's Court.. Mr. C. J.,;Service of the Colony. Another Order from the taken in 1864 cost £1,489 Bs., being an increase entrance the "expresses regret that such should have , of £218 over tho coat in 1858, divided as follow : Fcatherston leaning on her father's arm followed And chaps who'vebeen digging a veryBhortwhile Mr.j yesterday, i tho Bench Pharayzn occupied Defence Office gives Captain James Fraser oftho taken place between two gentlemen oc- : £114 to enumerators; £1088 16s. to sub- by hor ten bridosmaids proceeded to the church Walk into the Bank and disposeof their pile. Dudley Ward being at the Hutt. Only a few: Napier Militia his Brevet Majority, the Comcupying distinguishedpositions in the pubenumerators ; £286 129. for compilation. Tho the way to which wa9 strewn with flowers, where Where the rainfalls in torrents, and leaves such was dealt of which with, one minor cases were a flood, lic service. Mr. Cardwell holds out no hope ! a case ofdesertion fromthe Asteropo,tho desertert mission to date fromthe 23rdult. cost for printing and stationery is not given the indissoluble knot was tied by the Right Andyou sleep on theground, and your mattrass is mud ; thathe willbe able to obtain from Parlia- John Ackerman, was sent to gaol for twelve Indemnity j?ob ColonelLogan. It may be for 1864, and it is statedin a note that it is be- KeverendtheLordBishop of the Diocese. of Wanganui lievedthere are some amounts still unpaid, the The bride was dressed in glace silk trimmed Whero a fresh in theriver may come down some Mr. Moore rememberedthat James guarantee for Imperial weeks. ment the additional day, was imprisoned by Colonel Logan, of tho 57th particulars of which are not known. Even mak- with swansdown. On hor headBhe worea wreath And the loan,and calls attention to the fact that very near sweep Hokitika away. Danger.— At the meeting ofthe Town Board Regt., from the 15th of April to the 24th, and ingan allowance for these,however, theincrease in of orange blossoms, with a long tulle veil extendChorus— To the West, &c. first million has for guarantee on the Surthe Commissioners held on Tuesday, tho City thatimmediatelyonhis release,Mr.Mooreentered cost over1858 is not greater thanmight havebeen ingto the ground, and in her handshe carried a Tothe West, to the West, where the ships run Colony. by rejected danger the much was occasioned veyor "certainreasons been remarked that an actionfor damagesagainst tho Colonel. We expected from thepopulation. The totalcost for rechercMbouquetoforangeblossomsintermingled ashore, He also adduces certain arguments against by tho throwing out of refuse matter into tho notice in theGovernment Gazette published on tho threeyearsis £3,962 6s. 6d., which, consider- withjessamine. Her sisters, and theMissesRiddi- Of wrecks we have witnessedtwo dozen or more; bushrangers congregate, as you've been the extraordinarygrant inaid for the next 1public streets. He instanced a case, whichhad Tuesday, thatHis Excellency the Governor has ing the wayin whichour population is scattered ford, Carroll, Bathgato, and Johnston officiated Whore '.' told, tho previous morning, when tho declared that under the Act for indemnifying throughout the Province, is not a largersum than occurred on for solicited Colony, four or five years the as bridesmaids,and were attired in whitetarlctan And simple bank clerksare deprivedof theirgold. were much startledby in tho Hutt 'bus horses havebeen expected.. persons acting in tho suppression of the Native plight from theImperial Government by the Colortrimmed with bouquets of violets and pea green Where beefs eighteen-pence, and where diggers ' ' some empty tins which wcro blown by the high Insurrection, Colonel Leganis scatheless. I devour , private -\ i letter in the [ruclie. and Pleasant. A Cardwell Cool Ministry, finally nial and Mr. windsall along tho beach. The 'bus, Mr. Skeet Busty bacon, and bread made of vile damaged cays : Norfchcroffc's son had; " The ceremony ended, the bridal party passed i flour: sets his face against the cry for Sepa- said, was about to start, and was detained by the Auckland and the Hokitika Trade.— -Ths i\Taranaki Herald narrow escape at Opotiki;the bullet hit and? through a line of friends, whoso good wishes How pleasantin Nelson to get a nice rest, ration on the part of the Auckland people, I rostiveness of the horses, which wore much Neio ZealandHerald says .—We are losing ou* !]a [flattened itself against the buckle of his belt.'; ■were audibly expressed, to the carriages which 'Steadofknockingit out intheLand ofthe West. leaves for the by every vessel that Chorus To the Weßt, &o. and states that Her Majesty's Government, frightenedat thounusual spectacle presented to consumers saw'him put his hand to hisj rapidly drove off to the residence of the father of Tempsky whether1 Won. questionable it than South, but is more liis picture ofNelson : again This is ; 1'>mach, and said Are youhit ?' He answered; as at present advised, will support to tho them. push onr the bride, wherethe wedding breakfasthadbeen wo are taking corresponding steps to — place There's that bears a well-knownname, a preserving not much hurt.' Oh,' says Yon' laid out. The cake did credit to Mr. Peter utmost the Colonial Ministry in Yes;but Rhodes' District. We beg again to draw lost trade into new fields. It is not because ouri ' It's a very charming spot; the unity of the Colony. attention to tho fact of a meeting of persons in Auckland mon leave us for a time forJHokitika, I ;jTempsky, if you are hit there, it is all up with Laing'a establishment, and was a greatpoint of But insleepinessit's just the same, And trade seems gone to pot. district to bo held this evening at tho that we shouldallow them to take their custom fyou :' comforting, wasn'tit?" attraction. After breakfastDr. and Mrs. Men"the above Head," three-pennydrinks, Thorndon. from our stores. We, too, can follow them with Teaffic by the Isthmus op Panama. We ziea drove off to Karon, where they will spond They've comeaslow as; Queen's A rum no mistake go, MR. STAFFORD'S SPEECH Court op Appeax. A sitting of tho Court of our goods, as wellas Dunedin or Canterbury, yet have printedto-day an article copiedfrom a New theiy honeymoon, followed by the heartfelt good The folks are slow, and. Thatcher thinks we do not do so. For one vessel that leaves York paper,on the construction of a second rail- wishes of all who have such kindly recollections It's time they began to wake. ON SEPARATION. AppealofNew Zealand will be held within the Auckland or the Manukau for Hokitika or the way between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ; ofthe fair bride. Chorus It's a drowsy city,denyit who can, Supreme Court-House, Lambton-qnay, on Tues] 'Tisthehomeofa sleepyNelson man. the Volunteer| afternoon Grey, ten leaveDunedin. Wo take up a paper and we have seena private letter speaking of a In the course of the ' A day, tho 24th inst., at 11 o'clock. Stafford, day to the in containing only Blnpping marching in a letter addressed the news of one while Dr. FeaCompany past Mr. gentlemanwhohas lately returned to this colony Rifle Bank op New Zealand. We observe that the Dunedin, and wo find that seven vessels cleared fromEurope by way of Panama and San Fran- therston's residence wore halted by His Honor ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. Nelson Colonist,complains tliafc the report of from Hokitika and cisco, who states that the trafficis enormous,and and regaled with champagne, which they quaffed "his speech (reprinted from the Indepehdent), transfer-books ofthe above Bank will be closed out for, and nine entered in,trade, pushing is and Dunedin to thehealthofthe newly marriedcouple, whomj Our columnsbeing impartially open ■wo do not hold our-which appearedin that journal of the 19th from Monday, tho 16th inst., until Tuesday, the the Grey. toThis how to do it. It is true a dailyincreasing. There canbeno doubtbut that we also heartily wish every happiness. selves responsible for the opinions expressed by oar cormen seem know j the openingof thePanama route will direct a respondents. ; ult., is "a travestied absurdity," and re- 31st inst., for tho compilation of half-yearly dividends, andnotice is market can be overstocked,but itmust be remem- large amount of American capitaland enterprise lists and calculation of quests theeditor to state that it isincorrect. given to shareholders that unless specially pro- beredalso, that itis not Now Zealandmen alone to NewZealandand the Australiancolonies. MR. STAFFORD'S SEPARATION SPEECH. Whatever Mr. Stafford may say about a vided forin the transfer, tho dividend will bo who are flocking to the West Coast gold-fields. JewishPbesentation. "We takethefollowing (To thoEditoroftheWellington Independent.) TOWN MEETING. BOARD — Australia, and speech more than a week after it was payable to theperson in whose name tho shares A rapid emigrationhas set in from Argus ofthe11th instant : fromtheMelbourne Sir,—My attentionhaving been called to th© delivered, we have no hesitation in 'assert- stood at the closing of the books, no transfer sub- before the summer shall have fairly set in, there Yesterdaybeing tho19th day of the month Elul, followingletter, which has appearedintheNelson weekly meeting The the Town usual of Board Colonist, and which seriously affects niy profeswhich, ing that the report of it was almost literally sequent to thatdate carrying accrued dividend. bids fair to bo a large population, and one 5625, according to the Jewishreckoning,a some- Commissioners was hold at 3 o'clock onTuesday sional reputation,I have to request that you a high average of wages, will consume earning whathe uttered on the occasion. Theeditor Opening op the South Makaea School what interesting ceremony took place at the afternoon, in the Town Board Offices onLamb- willallowmetoreply thereto,through themedium largely. Shearith Israei Synagogue,Bourke street west. ton Quay, when the following members were of your columns. Igive the letter Ihave re"of the Nelson Colonist was in the On Thursday last, the openingof this Institution Alleged op Find Gold in Thames This was the presentationand dedication,accord- present :— G-. Hart, Esq., Chairman; J. Drans- ferred to,inits entirety: the House at the time the speech was spoken was colebrated by a tea meeting in the school- The — the 21st ing to theHebrew ceremonial, of a new Sepher field, Esq., Treasurer ; Messrs. Bishop, Jaeka, (TotheEditor of the Cownist.) andthe factof his sending our report of it to house, whichis a neafc and substantial weather- Distbict. The New ZealandHerald of following : A deputation waited Torah, or Book of theLaw, which, according to Plimmer, and inst. the has Sib,—l notice in the Colonist of 19th instant, in whichr building, district, childrenofthe Quin. Ws own journal,is a strongproofthat he con- board upon tho Civil Commissioner,Mr. Mackay, to as- ancient custom, had been writtenin ink on rolls The minutesof thelast meeting wereread and "what purports to be a report (in the firstperson) sixty, regaled to number offifty or were with the sidered it accurate and trustworthy. IfMr. ofmy speech onMr.Rußsell's resolutions. I pre« was the gift of Mr. Joseph plum cake and tea, there being an abundant certain what truth there was in the report of at Jerusaloin. Ifc confirmed. sume this was copied fromthe Wellington IndeStafford willrefer to tbe Southern Cross of supply, andto which they did ample justice. If fifty ounces of gold having been found in the Aarons, ofMelbourne, to this synagogue,in fulfilpendent—verbatim. Asyou must know, what I COEHESPOHKENCE. the 20th ult.,he will find another report of smiling faces are to bo taken as an indication of Thames, published in the two dailypapersof ment of a promise made at thisappointment toan didreallysay was travestied absurdlyin that—so a letter from His Honor called—report. lamthe more ashamedof what his speech, furnished by the special reporter pleasure, they enjoyed themselves most heartily. yesterday, and was toldhe knew nothing of the Ihonorableofficein connectionwiththe ceremonies The Chairmanreadforwarding plans of the Iam there made to say, because notice has been of the Jewish year. The the Superintendent of that journal, which, though slightly differ- At five o'clock, theparents ofthe children, joined matter before hereadit in thedailypapers. Tho |i attending tho close streets in the calledto my speech inmore than one newspaper. drainage and of various leading sewerage was crowded, almost all the Would you therefore, as Editor of the Colonist, ing in one or two phrases, is other- by the friends ofeducationfrom Terawiti,Karori, Provincial Government have determined upon synagogue assisting a prospecting party to work for tho HebrewsofMelbournebeingpresent. The seats of City, Also, one from Mr.Luxfordinreply to a bo goodenough to state that thereport—as pubpartook of district, portions andother ofthe also language, same meaning, wise the in ' occupied by Mr. Samuel Lazarus communication from the Board. Mr. Luxford lished in the IndependentandColonist ofthe19th cheers but not inebriates.' The present on the ground in theKauaerangadistrict, honor were style, and length. JSTow, when we the cup that Mr. Solomon, treasurer ofthe con- appliedfor an extension of time for theremovalof —is not correct ? president, Mr. WalterWilliamand previouslyprospected. not tea and cake wore excellent, and the arrangewouldhave taken nonoticeofthe matterhad speech a taken reports two of After theusualafternoon service,con- a slaughter-house, as a newone was in course of it I gregation, find not boon that, the alleged report in question ments calledforth general admiration, the room son is entrusted with the management of the him. Also one from Mr. Nesbitt by by two thoroughlyqualified reporters, to be being tastily decorated with tho palm tree fern work, and the men with him are experienced ductedby the Eev. H.D. Marks, who has lately erection beingin the first person, it might be supposed colony, the minister and officers of complaining of a nuisance. Also one from that it was reliable, andthat Iagreed withit. and arrived in the goldZealand Victorian miners, alike, both in New nearly probability the is that both ao and flowering■wreathsof the season. After tho Co., informing the am, <kc, Snow- the congregation,robed in talaths, or fringedgar- Messrs. Jacob, Joseph & I are accurate. If our reporter made the tablos were cleared,Mr. J. B.Reading was called fields. They will leave this day, in thebetween their power to stop a anything Board that in E. W. Staffobd. to thehoran or ark, ments, hakowdish, proceeded trading in one of the cutters flake, or report atravestied absurdity," it is scarcely the chair, who, after a few introductory remarks, on theirpremises,in the complained nuisance of tho law, kept, sephorim,or whore the booksof were Auckland and tho Thames. They will bo proWellington, 22nd September,1865. likely, infact itis impossible that another calledupon Mr. P. Monaghan, the Chairman of several, and carried them in their velvet occupationofMrs. Phelan, shouldbo done. Also Committee, who gave a very satisfac- vided with material and implementsfor blasting, took the School I took the report of the so-called speech," and taking down the same speech would commit cases, enriched with gold and silver inscriptions —one from J. P. E. Wright, Esq., pointing I unhesitatingly affirm that it wasnot absurdly at tho expense of tho ProvincialGovernment. statement the of the school tory of establishment past road leading condition of the Ohiro and ornaments,to tlie door o£ tlis synagogue. Th.c out tho -exactly tKe same mistakes- 3V£r. Stafford travestied," but that it rendered faithfully fcha which only requires tho collection of a few outBallin Honob ot the OuicEßa or the 65th Farm. Also— one from Mr. Barber words uttered by Mr. Stafford on the occasion of -does not point out any particular standing subscriptions to mako the Institution Regt. The /Southern Cross of tho 22nd ult. new Sepher was then received by tho minister, G-oafchurst Isay "words," because Icould moved to the centre, of applying for a license for his slaughter-house* its delivery.expected error in the report, but calls it gener- freo fromdebt. Mr. Fawcottnoxt addressed tho says:— Last evening aballwas givenby M. deLa and then the procession be to describein a Parliamenhardly time as anotherhose should Whilethis was done thominister or for one until such synagogue. sobs, and gushing tears, choking the the report, tary — easily ally inaccurate, a charge aa meeting, urging the necessity of educating the Poer to the officers of tho 65th Regiment, who chantedthe verse Open for megates ofrighteous- be erected. Also one from tho Warden of the which thehon. member indulged in during his and the advocating was a generation, rising England. There tobacco oration. Ihave given Mr. Stafford's words ore about to leave for made as it is difficult to answer. If any young and ncas, that I may enter them topraisetheEternal," Gaol, enclosing anaccount of£3 16s. for not his manner—and if, onreading his speech, it cause of complaint existed, Mr. Stafford establishingof Bands of Hope and Penny Banks large"assemblage ofthe officers at present in gar- andothers appropriate totheoccasion. Of course for tho prisoners. is found to be deficient in close reasoning and McLevy, on rison, andladies. The excellentbandoftho14th districts. Mr. J. country in the time, when should have pointedit out at the the service was almost entirely in tho Hebrew COMPI^-INTS. succinct statement, the fault is not mine, bufc a vote Committee, played behalf of the^School tendered a number of Regt. was in attendanceand the procession moved sevon Mr. Stafford's. Afterwards tongue. enquiry could have been made anderrors that, of thanks to their Chairman, Mr. P. Monaghan, quadrilles,polkas,&c. Dancing waskept up with The City Surveyor informed tho Board The hon. gentleman,inlub letter to the Editor rectified. As the case stands, a letter is pub- for the great services he has rendered them in great spirit until a late hour. The caterer was times roundthe synagogue,andeachtime apsalm acting on instructions ho had warned Messrs. of the Nelson Colonist, does not point out specififor the purpose, was chanted. cally, alleged Kircaldie the errors inmyreport, buthedeals Clark, lished in the Colonist of the 29th ult., im- establishing the school, andalso to those friends Mr. Charles Canning, of Shortland-street, who ofDavidselected Messrs. Co., and Mr. The minister and tho choir chanted alternate Pickett generalities—an easy wayof bringing a charge pugning the accuracy of a report which ap- who had so kindly assisted,by thbir subscriptions provideda sumptuous collation, servedwith great verses, and the choir beinga good one and the and Stains, andMessrs.Tonks andLowers to re- in whenproofof its truth wouldbe somewhat diffiof their respective stores cult. Heis also singularlyunhappy in bringing pearedin the Independent ofthe 9 th, twenty and attendance at the opening meeting. The taste and elegance. voice wonderfully strong and musical, move all goodsin front ministers by whichblocked up the footway, and that in every forward his only shadow of proofas to theincor4ays earlier. We trust the nert time that above having been suitably acknowledged The Mubdebebs of Fulloon. The follow- andhisenunciation distinct, the liquid Hebrew case, except by the latter firm, his instructions rectness ofmy report. Inhis letter,Mr Stafford a vote of thankß was given Monaghan, Mr. Mr.Stafford imagines himself aggrieved he to the Chairman. As a finale, the middle ing is an extract from a private letter printed in words were rendered with a remarkable effect. hadbeen followed. Tho consequence of Messrs. says," As you must know, whatIdid really say,1* was travestiedabsurdlyin that so called report. Trillhave thecandour to make his complaint ofthe room was clearedand dancing commenced, theNew ZealandHerald,onlynowreceivedfrom The sephorim was next returned to the ark, and Tonks andLewer's conduct was, thatother store- Now, sir, Mr.Luckie, the editor of the Colonist, sentences in August far back certain pronounced though dated as as the minister at once. In the present instance we are which was kept up until 10 o'clock, when the Maketu," beach said, if other parties' was, 1believe, in the gallery at the time Mr. the keepers on who went inland, j exaltationofthe Godof Israel. Mishabiruch, a permitted to remain on the footway Staffordmadehis spceoh. Mr. Stafford himself of opinion that his statement is entirely party broke up, every one present being well 23rd : Tho party ofnatives murderera, came down the verbalceremonial by which certainof the congre- goods are also," editor must know," and yet that to Fulloon's capture and had at once replaced the says that the ours shall without foundation, and that the reports in pleasedwith their evening's entertainment. very editor actually selectsmy reportof thehon. BTaracnga'road (Tarawera to Matata), they had a gation offered gifta for charitable purposes, in balesand cases which they hadremoved. gentleman's speech in order to lay before Mr. the Independent and Southern Cross are PencarrowHeadLighthouse.—- Tho follow- smallbrush at Parawai on the way, killing one honor of the donor ofthe new Sepher, was then Mr. moved, That the Clerk of the Stafford's;constituents that gentleman's views on Dransfield much more likely to be accurate than Mr. ingia fromMr. Balflour's report onNew Zealand and woundingthreeoftho enemy. The Parawai said, andafter a prayerfor the Queen and Eoyal know that this speech didnot get be instructed to walk through the town Separation. I into the Colonist by accident,but that it was eeStafford's recollection of a speech, which Lighthouses: While engagedin thesurveyoftho Pa being too strong to attack, they continued family, the minister preached an appropriate Board against out immediate summonses to take words, and lectedas a truthfulrecord ofMr. Stafford'sviews. was delivered when the hon. member was Strait to ascertainthe bestline for the telegraph their march to the Awa/ andeffected a junction sermon, inEnglish, takingfor his text the any person before whose doors any goods were Again, sir, comparethe report which appeared perfect, Eternalis andrefreshing encamped Thelaw ofthe 250, who areall happened to pass this lighthouseby night with the ether party of almost completely overcome by his feelings. cableI found." The motion was carried nem. con., and in the Independent with those of the Southern and, as the light seemed very poor, at Captain opposite three pa's. Te Matapihi, Oheu, and to tho soul." The service was concluded by the instructionsissued to the Clerk to go round on Cross of the 20th ult., and the New Zealand direct Mr. Stafford's attention to a We Herald, both of whichjournals have Bpecial rewe landed to examine it. Omarupotiko, aro distant from their extreme minister andchoir chanting the 50th Psalm, and thefollowingmorning. letter on the subject, which will>be found in Kennedy'ssuggestion music, here, and you will find that my report is the porters to ancient Jewish singingHallelujah third 700, 200, the second and tho We found the keeper duly on the watch, and front, tho first TASMAW STBEET. for wordidentical with the reports almost word another column. everythingbeautifully clean and in good order, 500 yards. They are not very strong, but they originality and sweetness of which were very papers. in those Some of theSouthern journals Board, on the andprebuttho flamo of the lampthough very white and aro allislands in the great Bwamp, and nothing striking to unaccustomed ears. The value ofMr. Mr.Howardattended also copied the report fromthe Independent, and £8, which had been sub- as some of the proprietors of those journals are clear,was miserablylow,being only1£ inchesfrom can be done without a gun and boats, the three Aaron's gift may be statedat about £60, and the sented a cheque for to the £22 alreadysubscribed members of the House, and had an opportwenty LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. of about in addition scribed, productive theburner to the top, whereas the standardheight contain about 50 or 60 men. Te Hura and all mishabiruch was worksinTaaman-streot- tunity of testing the correctness of niy report?! out ofthe carrying for the guineas. is from 3fc to 4inches. Thisfully accounts for tho the principal of poor Fulloon's murderers are of its being thus republished, affords Majob Von Tbmpsxy. Tho CourtofEnquiry of the delay that had the wet complained In doingso he poornessof the light, as if the lamp be in itß there, andalso Patara, whois recruiting for the strong evidence that, to say the least of it, Mr. havingclosed its sittings, tho case of Major Von proper positiononly the mereragged upper edge EastCape war. They make a display of 12 or takenplace informingthe road. Tho CitySur- Stafford's statement is unfounded. Twice Mr. Stafford inhis letter indulges in a was instructed to inspect and report on the Tempsky is now left to the decision of HisExcel- of the flamo is sent seawardthrough the centralor 13 flags, three of them, including a Union Jack, OF MISS FEATHERSTON. veyor kindof querulousremark respecting the speech condition oftheroad. lency the Governor. TheMajorthough atliberty lenticular part ofthe apparatus, all below being aro supposed to be trophieo brought by Patara MARRIAGE being reportedin the first person. Why, sir, £ to move about, is stillunder general arrest, and wastedon the sky, while if the lamp has been fromthe East Capo. Kereopais at Opotiki. A Tuesday MABKBT EESSEVB. actuallyreported thatspeech in the first person last willlong be remembered by many cannot leave the town. As tho decision has not raised to remedy this defect, theupper and lower part of the Whakatohea are gone to the East am prepared Stafford's ownrequest,andI community; it broke all sunshine and Mr. Jacka moved, "Thattheculvort through at Mr. of the the conversation which give particulars to the of jet been given matters remain in exactly the prisms must fromnecessity by their construction Capo to assist the Hau Hau." Parawai conthe morning gave promise of one of those hea- tho Market Reservo bo at onco formed." place betweenus whenhemadethat request. took same condition as they were when ho tendered be entirely useless. Tho whole of tho optical tains about40 men; it is situated on the Tarawas motion, which venly days which are the heralds of the coming Mr. Quin seconded the Mr. Stafford therefore has, Ithink, but little his resignationto tho Defence Minister. arrangements, including the lamp, require a wera river (the same as Te Awa and Te Atua), spring. And it was indeed a day one of those carried. reason to complain on that head. I do not,sir, for amoment, wishit to be underChobal Society. The annual general meet- thorough examination and readjustment, and it about 9 miles above the other, which is a mile bright sunny ones upon -which men loveto look DBAINAGH. that Iclaim for myself infallibility in stood ing oftheSociety willheld at 7 o'clock this even- wouldbe very desirable to bring thetrainedlight- from the sea." the City suggested that Sur- the exercise back—a day when the earth and all on it looked Mr. Dransfiold of myprofession. lamliableto err, 1 Hall forthe purpose of keeper, so wiselybrought out by tho Otago Goingin theOddFellows Members of the bright andBmiling. The gauzy clouds oforino- veyor should report on the sewerageof the City. andhaveerred, butmy practice headways been The PiotonTownBoard.— take the frankly andopenly to acknowledgearfferrorwhen electing a Committee of Management for the -1 verrunenfc, to this stationfor a month at least, to Board seem tobe a queerlot. At a line oe'rtopped by radient faces, all eagerly Ho consideredthat the Board should ensuing year. The firstrehearsal of the seasoni instruct the keepersin tho really difficult art of Picton Town to elect some new members, turned towards Thorndon, and the deco- matter into consideration,and even if they had Ihave been convinced that Inavemade one; meoting recent but it iB hard, very hajd,to xebut a general willcommenceimmediately after the mooting. maintaininga high, but clear flame. several gentlemen worenominated and amongst ration of all the veaßels in the Bay to borrow money to perform the alteration in charge of incorrectness.<q One thing,however, I that it was a file day, and that the sewerage and drainago,it should be done. have learnedduring a somewhat long connexion Cbioket.— Tho Victoria Cricket Club will1 Mana Lighthouse. Mr.Balfour reports :— others a Mr. Harriß. Mr. Harris however showed hold their annual meetingat 7.30 this eveningin 1 Mana Lighthouse ia erected on the north-west would'nthaveit. "Ho shouldbesorry toconnect| some interesting ceremony -was about to take The Chairman coincided withMr.Dransfield, with the preßS, and that is," that somehon.gentlodo not wishwhat thoy said to be reported, theroomin the OddFellows'Hall, lately in the 1 ond of tho Island, at an elevationof about450 ft. himself with euch a lot. There was only one j place ;and oo there was, for that morning, Miss but thought that plans and estimates should be men they meant to say,and in support of but what occupationof the Town Board, when a Captain 1 abovetho Bea, andBhows a fixed light all round decentmanamongstthem. (Criesof name,name.) Letitia Anne, the second daughter of His Honor prepared andlaidbeforethe ratepayers. this I wouldask Mr. Stafford whetherhehas any of the Field, Secretary, and Committee for th« (oxcept whereinterceptedby land) for a distance Yea,he wouldname. Ifc was Mr. Jeffreys. He Isaao Earlo Fealherston, tho much reflpeofced Mr. Jacka moved, That it iB desirable that recollectionof anhon. gentleman being accused ensuing year, will be elected. Spring has now ofabout 80 miles. It was permanently lighted wasan honestman, and everyonebelieved in him, Superintendent of the Province, was to be mar- the open drain commencing at Mr. Howe'sBhop, of havingcaused to be published in one of tjho so called report" of a speech going ried to the Hon.: Jamoo Alexander Bobertson in Willis-street, should at once belaiddown and Nelson papersa" fairly set in, and before long we shall find the * been deliveredat a publicmeeting in the beginning of February, and its total cost, but not in any of the others. He waanot have alleged to of Southland and completed." elevenin the field,when we hope to have some including stores, road, timber dwelling-houses, to mix himself up with such a set." Diogenes Menzie», late in that Province, which was very different from Council. i Legislative now a member >tt the The motion waa carried. pleasantmatches and good play to report. the speech actuallydelivered P cost of erection, superintendence, &c., &c, hat withhis lantern searchedin vain for an honest length letter, of of Hia Honor for the for the this lixa. report Apologizing residence The thenread his City Surveyor the^prolonged From Captaik Vine Hall.— This gentleman ro been approximately £5,061. It shows a very man," but Mr. Harris has been more fortunate „"■""""" Dr. Feathewton and hia family in our paat week,andthe meetingadjourned until Tues- sir, Ac., a Josbph Exax*» possesses which contrasts witt There as it light, hope Picton, long is for as favourably October, 1865. r excellent 4th turned from Nelson in the Phoebe on Tuesdaj ia which day together respect next frith the Jeffreys. tho adjacent light onPencarrow Head. evening. /'../.. tnidat, DESPATCH FROM MR. CARDWELL. " ■ — — — ' " —— " ' P— — — — ' — — — — 1 — — - — — ' — , —" — — " " — — " — — " " " — ( ' " — " — — ■ — . " ' ' . " . ' THE WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 5, 1865. ' 6 of that particular part of tho sifce, but lie could not helpthinking that it was 9 ordered that a Billbo brought in to give effoct circumstances BILLS PASSED. IIGovernment didnot give the guaranteo for theirj Colony whero tliis Railway was to be constructed( very great pity that Ibe hon. gentleman did not SELF-RELIANT" IGNORANCE. resolution. to the of gettingit depended sold , loan, the only chance were such as would warrant the Houso iv con- think of those views, wfacto he had now enunciThe following Bills wororead a third time and NEW PBOYINCES BILL. show that ated weeks ago, whenthe House had more time (To thoEditoroftheWellingtonlndependent.) passed:— Mayno PensionBill;Provincial Corpo- chiefly on whether they could this railway. structing for the exigen- The House went into Committeoon this Bill. — they wero making provision ; The NATIVE MINISTER (Hon. Mr. Fitz- at its disposal to considera qaestionof such animSi-R, Ishould fool obliged if you wouldL> rationsBill ;Provincial Constabulary Bill,Master cies of the country, by increased taxation Dr. MONRO in speaking to tho goncral gerald) said— The question for them to consider portant character. Admitting the valuo of the , kindly insert tho followingremarks in your issue and Apprentice Bill; and Town Reserves Exnot. He was aware that the country was character of the Bill, sa\d that ho waa one of was, whether questions of this kind were to be general principle laid down by tne hon. gentleor change Plymouth). Bill (New of to-morrow. heavily taxed already, but when it went in for those who rememberedtho Colony askingfor self- brought before this House or beforoProvincial man, he (Mr. FitzGerald) was not quite sure that observe that His1 In the Gazetteof yesterday I IN COMMITTEE. j such luxuries as £3,000,000 loans and large set- government, and that at the timo, ho thought it woro right to bring thorn beforo it wouldbo wisefor theHouse to assert the*printhe Governor has been pleased to the tlements, it must expect to be bo taxed. Heknew they wcro rather premature in asking for that Councils. Ifthey must Committee on Council then wont into Tho -s 'Excellency 1 recollect that they did so ciple at the present time. Ho was not sure that appoint Captain James Frascr to be Breeet! GoldFields Act Amendment Bill and tho Distil- it was not a popular cry to go with to a general Bolf-government, but the event had proved the this House that local knowlcdgo which was possessed the hon. gentlemanhad not failed to show that it without have been thirty not Major inihe Napier Militia ! I Ministry would be fallacy of his doubts, and now he thought that by Provincial Counoils. The undertakers of this was desirable that principle should be affirmed Bill, after which it adjourned. election,but the present years inthe service, and this is (lie first time I lation worthy of carrying on the Government, if they the outlying districts were quite as muchentitled railway werenot made into a Corporation liable now. He took exception to the terms of the ; have ever seen such ridiculous nonsensegazetted ; quailedfrom doing their duty on such considera- to separate Government, as the Colony was at be sued, so that were any private indi- motion, andwould inquire whatthe hon. gentle! it will excitethe mirth and derision of the officers HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. tions. This was their position, they wouldnot that timo entitledto ask for self-governmentfrom to sue or " injured by this Company ho could not man meant by Parliament?" (Mr.Stafford— I vidual how little the forces and shew of Regular here, i of governthe country unless they had tho means tho mother country. Looking at the various Buo them. There were two waysof dealing with AllParliaments.") The assertion that is waft Tuesday, 3, ■ the most October 1865.. about ordinthe Defence Ministerknows doing so. It was an unpleasant thing to ask % districts, he saw that there were somo of them of matters of this nature, either that all railway contrary to the usages of Parliament, was not ! ary details of the service. A Brevet gives rank c The Speaker took the chair at noon. to tako physic or to pay taxes,but they were tho most different character, and demanded undertaking should come before thisHouse, and true, ao far as the Parliament of New Zealand man it often regiment ; ! in tho army and not in the not like an hon. member opposite who said off- entirely different laws from each other, one re- .j if they took that course they must lay down was concerned, because that Parliament had PICTON AND BLENHEIM BAILWAY BILL. ] occurs that the junior Cnptain of a regiment may \ the quiredlaws to regulate its Gold Fields, another i Standing ofpersons holding of hand, that he could see his way to saving Orders protecting private interests, or always acknowledgedthe rightthe Mr. RICHMOND brought up the reportwas j be a BrevetColonel in the army. This appointso many thousand pounds. Ifhon mem- requiredlaws to rcguiate cattle trespass, and on Crown, tohold under country which of emolument Bill, places must conthey discharge > on this on tho otherhand thoir menfc, therefore, which appears designed to give the Select Committee to such a saving, they should these grounds they had a right to ask for local gentleman their way Legislature. bers saw The hon. seats in the responsibility altogether, and so tho ', this officer rank in the New Zealand Militia, only Benches, but the present self-government. Now was it right, or would it j sciences ofwhole home Treasury they had tho them that in the occupy country " Mr. had told (Hon. onus of such on undertakings The ATTORNEY-GENERAL throw the gives it to him in his Regiment," which is unthe ob- |Ministry, not seeing their way to it, had to con- be beneficial to tho Colony, to give them thisself- j Provincial Councils, and supplement the powers passed a vory largonumber ofActs on this sub■ t Sewell) said, thnt tho reporthad not met is another and a ; and absurd but there draught heard of to ad- government. Thero were two ways of looking the former sider what was tho most pleasant of such Provincial Councils so far as they were ject, but he seomedto havelost sight of the facts i more serious view of the circumstances under « jectionsraised by the Houso whensuggest that minister to the patient. Ho believed Stamp at this question, one was the Colonial, and the unable to carry theso matters into effect. Ho that the 116 Acts passed by the Parliamentof He would ' , brought was up. report gazetted been ns Brevet Captain Frasorhas which of Duties to bo the best form of taxation, which ro- other the Provincial point of view. Looking at wouldvote against the Bill at its third reading. Great Britain during two centuries and a half, Major. Everyone understood the other day thatb the reportbe printed and placed in the hands to them to adopt. It was perfectlyclear !it in a Provincial point of view, lie would point Mr. D. BELL said this was the first time when were designed to check the overwhelminginflu» members for consideration before it was adopted. nmincd In the not be raised with- !out whatwouldhavebeen the constitutionalmanhe had been' made a Licut.-Colonel. of members. It said, that the report was that the CustorasD uties could the House sought to give powers to construct a ence of the Crown in the return official evidence given on Major Von Tempsky's j Mr. CARLETON between the Commons groat oppression and hardship, and Stamp ner of dcalingwiththe question. When the Consti- Railway, out fight along-continued for re-consiwas the Committee a was not in existence. body back to Select to which Court of Enquiry, ho (Major Yon Tempsky) is 3 referred been given as Duties appearedto him to be most advocatedby tution Act was formed, tho Governor was told to He hoped the Housewouldreject the Billon the and theCrown— the Commons struggling to get directedto proceedsomewhere "andreporthimself f deration,but no instructions had was tobe re-, political economists. Thoy were not easy to constitute six provinces in the Colony, butho was thirdreading. rid of the influence which the Crown possessed report the former portion of to Lieut.-Colonel Fraser." Has ColonelFrnser, to what evaded, and did not give the dishonest man not directed to divide the Colony into six prabo merely referred! in that House by means of pensioners and placepresent report they ought give to Mr. CARLETON said man as in the case of vinccs, and by doing so, he committed a gross then, been supersededin his rank ? If not, the 3 considered. The honest over the advantages and House, the companies of to men. It was a long-continued struggle that exevery encouragoment to private Defence Minister must be making a barefacedI" the Bill to the consideration the Income Tax, and moreover they would bo and fatalmistake. What was intended, was this, bring incapital into every part of theColony by hibiteditself in various forms, untilit shewed itreport. the former defended public and regain fearing ground, lost attempt to collect. If any reduction was mado in thatsixprovinces wore to be made, andthat theso carrying on such works as this. He hoped that "self distinctly in that celebrated resolution MINISTER (Hon. Mr. Fifcz- easy toStamp opinion more than he docs truth, wishes by the \ Tho NATIVE Duties, it wouldbo necessary to alter provinces were to be mado in thesettloddistricts, if a increased, he these of when his, it no said, was business successful attempt were made by a private That the power of the Crown has Gerald) t , publicationofthe Gazettein question,to shewthat the Customs, but on the otherhandif theseduties and as settlement proceeded, each settlement company to carry out this work in tho province is increasing, and ought to be diminished.'* to tho Select the Bill back the of Lieut.moved reference 'Captain Fraser never was appointedto a would not propose any increase would have been made iuto a province. As it to point out the part oftheBill winch were passed, thoy Marlborougli, thatevery encouragementshould The lion, gentleman could not shew that Colonelcy,and that Major Von Tempsky's reasoni>" Committeereconsidered, in the Tariff. They -wished to render it as little was now carried on, every new province that was of given to such enterprisesiv other parts of the in that House the paid servants of the Governwas of that the business for not going and reporting himself to Majot should bo objectionable as possible, and to alterit to some made, was viewed with the greatest jealousy by be it highly proper to estab- ment were influenced by that Government, lookthe promoters of the Bill. Fraser, his junior, was founded onerror. raising somedutiesandloweringothers. the motherprovince. Lookingat thismatter from Colony. aHe thoughtto give encouragement extentby the majorities Bill stated thatthe to ing especiallyto the smallness of said, PHARAZYN the — aye, precedent Mr. Ihave,however, in my possession a note from Stamp Duties were not allowed, Govern- a Colonialpoint of view,he thought that tho past lishsuch these If obtained even the a comthe Government by private bo constructed The Bill far as ho could which companies. as the Defenco Office (Capt Holt) which settles the railway was to wouldleave it to other hon. memberswho creation of new Provinces had been beneficial to private the Company wished tohave somogua- ment as much benefit to Marlborougli as majority of one, by means of which the hon. learn was of question, and shews that Major Atkinson is -3 pany, but means they could carry on the Government tho Colony. The operationof the Now Provinces that the Goof this Bill, that theirinterests thought ranteeby which was givon by tho House to the pro- gentleman, for some time, conducted attempting to gull the public: so, and would wish them all Act had been beneficial to tho Colony, and wero vernment of tho country. He (Mr. FitzGerald) ns well as those of thopublic. without money to do protected be vince of Auckland. inthe 1 should me that ifofficers Colonial woulddeßervo. "It appears to it not repealed, it would still he thought be said, hehoped that tho sug- thesuccess thoir superiorcleverness Tho ATTORNEY-GENERAL (lion. Mr. thought thatif thohon. gentleman hadgoneinto service do anything for which they are praised,[ Mr. RICHMOND would Inanother Session theymight possibly makepro- so. Ithadits defects, but ho hopedit wouldnot Sewell) said that the way in whichthis Bill had facts and figures he would have found that those the Attorney-General Hon. gestionoftho God little they immediately ' been treated was iust the reverse to what had receiving pay from the Government and holding the Houso was posals * think * * themselves " for reducing the taxation,whereasa cheap be entirelyrepealed. We have just had a x not be pressed, as the time of a question Almighties. of a Jack Ministry wouldprobably get the country Mr. BRODIE moved as an amendment, that been done with the Auckland Waterworks Bill. seat 8 in that House were those who habitually it was close, a andthat drawing to Tempsky." instance of this in Von notable askfor another an additionbe made to Clauso 2 to this effoct. "Because, of Marl- into a terriblemess, and have tothought it was originallysought to confer opposed them. There was no greater difficulty forsooth, Government didnot think: railway or no railway for tho Province that the Providedalways, that this Act shall not interfere In the latter, loan. The present Ministry carried or not. Bill was body whether the a not yet formed. This however the Government ofNew Zealand had to contend borough on fit to appoint him to supersede a man who is -5 public should feel what they had to pay, for that with any proceedings whichshallhave takon place powers was not done,butpower was given to tho Super- with than in dealing with these same gentlemen, ; acting most gallantlyat Waiapu, but made himi The report was then agreed to. tend in*Government when economy would to under the former Acts prior to the passing ofthe intendent to do it, but in the present case the whoseemed to consider themselves wholly indePETITION. Von Tempsky's senior, he lias refused to go with 1 thepeople wero toldthat loans wouldbo raised present Act. Superintendent brought in tho Bill, and then pendent,and wouldif any attempt weremade to a from resigned petition his Company,and his command." Mr. CARLETON brought up which their children wouldhave to pay, there Mr. PHARAZYN said he would oppose any afterwards powers were sought to be conferred on influence them at once come to the House and Commanding-in-Chiel Rangers. Until there is a Colonel was no thought given to the general good of the William Jackson, a Major in theForest amendmentas anysuch additionallowedpcr- a non-existing body ofshareholders. Ho opposed claim protection. Why only two or three days appointedto conduct the discipline,and canyout fc The petitionstated that he was empowered to Colony, but that would not be the course of con- such sons whohad begun a -wrong course, to go on the Bill. ago the hon. member for Wallace rising in hia the detail that secretary) militai'y raise a corps under certain conditions, and with. duct of the present Government. With these with it. Were he only speaking as a Wellington ' (assistedby a proper had drawn attention to whathe considered place After a few from Mr. Richmond in remarks the 3 Forces, of duty devolving Upon the Colonial opinions they would not be afraid to go to the representative, he would have no objection roply, those conditionshad not been fully complied a breachof privilege,andhadreadaletteraddressed was and Bill was read question the put, >' the justlj policy of self-reliance which Mr. Weld so The petitionprayed that tho House wouldtake hustings. In conclusion the hem, member said to the amendment, but tho present Act, a third time and passed, on a division of 28 to him from a subordinate Officer claiming that ! that they would not consent to put themselves allowed a few political agitators to get up a prides himself on introducing, will fall to the 3 tho case into its favorableconsideration. hon. member's vote and interest against the against 7. ground. I shouldthink theDefenceMinistermust in a position to carry onthe Government with- demonstration on tho appearance of the most LEAVE OF ABSENCE, Government from whose service he had been disanc; WANGANUI PETITION, credit', to themselves, or benefit to the trifling evil, and cryfor separation. The people of see that public opiuionisturningagainst him, out granted was to the missed. The hon. memberforNelsonhad failed following absence that his resignation would be considered the mosl b Leave of Mr. STAFFORD presented a petition from to prove that this much dreaded influence ofthe Wanganuiif cunsultod, wouldrather wait, and as Wilkin, Mr. L. Walker, and Mr. country. satisfactory thing lie lias done, since his ill-timed1[, members.—Mr. referring Wanganui to the Government had existed or did exist in Now Mr. GLEDHIEL said he didnot object to the a Wellington man, he wouldsay, that it wouldbe certain persons in accession to office. Iam, sir, your obedient Butler. ideaof taking physic in the shape of taxation,but beneficialto Wellington to get rid of Wanganui, action taken by tho Government with reference Zealand. That hon. gentleman had been in the Cecil Rookes. servant, LAW PRACTITIONERS ACT AMENDMENT BILL. he objected to tho quantity. He was in favor of as it hadbeen nothingbut an expense, but as a , to the memorial for separation last year from Government of the country for five years, and TheHouse went into Committee on this Bill. Stamp duties, and thought a great deal more matter of principle, ho would object to tho that district, and praying thoHouse to reviewthe notwithstanding the high constitutional doctrine decision andopinion thereon given, andtakesuch which the hon. gentleman held, ho (Mr. FitzMr. IIAUGHTON — proposed thatthe following wouldbe raisedfrom these duties than was esti- amendment. PROMOTION IN THE COLONIAL ARMY." clauso be inserted: That any gentleman who mated. The hon. member whosaid he could see Mr. BRODIE said, tho hon. gentleman who steps as woulddo justice tho petitioners. gerald) would venture to assert that any little Petitionreceived. had boon admittedto the degreeofB.C.L. orM.A., his way to making a reductionof £240,000 in tho had just sat down, although ho dealt only in influence which tho Government then possessed Cambridge, orDub- proposedexpenditure was acting unkindly both generalities, yet shewod in a very strong manner, ' "* ELECTORAL DISTRICTS OF OTAGO. \ in the Universitiesof Oxford, would have been used if required, but he would ""■^' (To theEditorofthoV it to the hon. irember whether he ever got lin, ehould be entitled to bo admitted as a bar- to the House and country in not making the that ho did not wish for Wanganui to be sepaput — The (Hon. Major ; POSTMASTER-GENERAL v\ fv d -ice given bj Sir, Having seeZealand, manner ofit known. Inconclusion Mr Gledhill rated from Wellington. He went on to speak ' at the request ofMr. Eeynolds, laid ono rag of support from tho use of Govern" ristcr of the Supreme Court of New Eichardson) beRns-i't 'Vomotion" Mr. Thomas after he shouldhave passed such examination as proposed tho omission oftheitembeforethoCom- ofundue pressure boingput on many of tho in- on tho tablo two mapsofthe electoraldistricts of ment influence, would ho tellthe Housethateven 1 lately nt the 3 providedin Clause 6, of the Law Practitioners' mitteo. fore tho Board of V... his majority of one was derived from such a habitants of Wanganui who had put their names Otago. plv'l that unfaii Barracks, it an Militia toitho separation petition to make them remove source ? He (Mr. FitzGerald) thought not. The Act,1861. spoke WARD on what had Mr. CROSBIE rules FIJI PETITION. oi } comparison was forced on 'tween the gentlemanhadreferred to the last debate in some slight discussion, their names. After and said ho did not hon. Premier, fallen from tho promotion necessary for a period o£ formation" Mr. PIIARAZYN moved as an amendment, think it was seemly for the Government to say Tho POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Hon Major Mr. C A.RLETON presenteda petition from a the EnglishParliamentrespectingthe desirability of an army, and a time such as the present. that instead of the persons mentioned as eligible their stand on this Stamp Act Richardson) would vote for tho amendinont ; Fiji native, who, on the occasion of the murder of excluding the Master of the Bolls from the " Now any act of superseding,must strike at the5 for barristers, the followingbe inserted :— Any they would take and tho ex- on the same grounds as he had voted on the i of Mr.Fulloon, assistedMr. White to escape and Commons, but that debate was not upon the proposedexpenditure beforeall the interestsof men who havo attainedclaims on the 5 person admittedas a graduate of any University isting sources of rovenuo were considered. Tho Manawatuquestion. sacrificed his property in so doing, praying for question whether a paid Officer of the Govern' country by several years service for it, of tho UnitedKingdom." compensation,but the Speaker ruledthat it could ment should have a seat in that House, but some further discussion, After question should not consider tho ofadCommittee whereasin formingan army,claimsfor promotions3 Mr. RUSSELL moved the addition of the ditionaltaxationuntilithadgrantedsupplies,which Mr.BUNNY said he would vote against the s not be received, unless presented by Ministers whether tho Master of the Bolls' decision as ft or appointments can necessarily be based only1 words "or of any of the British colonies." from His Excellency, as Judge might not beinfluenced by hisholding a wouldrequire it. The Committeewished to know additionproposed by tho hon. inomber for tho i with a recommendation uponservices performed in other countries or at political position in the House. He (Mr. FitzThe Clause as amended, was ordered to stand from the Colonial Treasurer, whoso duty it was Gold Fields, and he hoped that next session a i it prayed for a grant of public monoy. byegono periods claims in fact, which may 7 part of the Bill. The Bill was then reported to DISTRICT BOARDS ACT,18G5. Geralddid not deny that the time might come specially to deal with this question, whetherthe billwould be passed by which justice would be 1 justly be set aside for services performed in this3 Ihe House with amendments. at its lowest point, and done to all the outlying districts, whethor they whenit wouldbe desirable to pass an Act similar proposedexpenditure was was read a first time. This Bill country. couldat present demand separationor not. to that now wished to bo introduced by thehon. CROWN LANDS LEASING BILL. tariff was to bemaintained NELSON whethor the Customs LAID ON THE CapTABLE. When Ensign Von Tempsky was made PAPERS member, but he didnot think it desirable to pass Mr. JOLLIE proposed an amendment in one This Bill was read a second timo and ordered at its presentrate. tain after three months hard service, for this s tho clauses, by which tho Act wouldonly como The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Hon. Major it now. The peculiarityof legislationin England of Lands Committee. be to the Wasts The COLONIAL TREASURER Mr. (Hon. referred country, in its most critical period, the men Ikc to somo timo after the passing of it,, Richardson) laid on tho table the followingre- was this they always metpracticaldifficulties by Fitzherbcrt) said thathis hon. friends had not into operation superseded were with hardly an exception mcv 1 SOUTHLAND WASTE LANDS BILL. Wanganui and other districts might ; turns to order a return relating to lands taken, practical measures, and when a grievance was that so point, to Committee tho clearly stated the who had seen no service at that time in this 3 This Bill was read a second time, and referred quite thoy had already taken for undor the Settlements Act, and a return of copies shewn to exist thoy at once set to work toremedy at issue. It was not in the opinion,of the Go- benefit by the action country ; those who had, shared with him th< 0 to tho Waste LaiidsCommittee. ;which amendment was adopted by of all correspondencerelating to the appointment it. Now if the hon. gentleman had shewn a separation or question getting £30,000 of vernment a mere advantages of that periodof rapid promotion. of Captain Greaves in the Mai-ino Board and as grieranco he (Mr. FitzGerald) would have uawke's bat militarysettlers bill. £40,000 extra for the revenue, but they had to Mr. Brodie. Iam, &c., i Collector ofCustoms at Akaroa. discussion, some further Mr. Brodio'a After been the first to have joined with him Faie-play. Tho report oftho Committee on this Bill was go beyoudNow Zealand, in the'assertion of a self amendment was rejected on tho voices. remedy it, but the honreliant policy, which they wished to disseminate, FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOB in endeavouring to DESPATCH agreed to. Tho Houso then divided on tho clause, when gentlemanhaddone nothing of thekind ;he had THE COLONIES. Bill ordered to be read a thirdtime on next in order to stand well in the money market at the numbers were Ayes 23, Noes 15. not shown that any grievance existed, which sitting day. homo, and to secure that assistance from tho Mr. JOLLIE then proposed tho addition of a The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Hon.Major calledfor such a remedy as he proposed. The prohoped which he to yet Home Government PETTY SESSIONS BILL. clause, by whichit should be enacted that a Richardson) read a Despatch dated 26th July, hon. gentleman said that ministers ought to have y cure for the Colony. Tho Government said that new The amendments made by the Committee in they believedit was extremely desirable to aidin- certain proportion of their territorial revonue 1865, fromMr. Cardwell, which waslaid on the introduced this question to the House, and he this Bill were agreed to andmade part of the bo expendedin all outlying districts. Tho i table andordered to be printed. further alluded to the practice which prevailedin direct taxation by direct taxation in the ehapa of should Englandof sendingback ministers to their conCOLONIAL DEBENTURES. the clause moved by thehon.member was : And LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Bill. ordered bo road a andif it shouldbe found that Stamp Duties, Bill to third timo on next Estimates could not be reduced, tho Government whereas for the removalof discontent, tho better The COLONIAL TREASURER (Hon. Mr* stituencies on taking office. Now ho (Mr. Fits Tuesday, Octoher 3, 18G5. sitting day. of the resources of the Provinces,! Fitzherbort) laid on the table further corres- Gerald) could not help thinking that to be desirous ofrelievingthecountry fromfurther development were of tho several districts thereof NATIVE LANDS BILL. The Speaker took the chair at 2 o'clock. cent. Deben- anunnecessary constitutional safeguard. It did indirect taxation by the means of direct and the protection themselves, it is expodient,that such pondence with regard to tho 8 per seem absurd after a ministerhad been chosenby The Houso then went into Committee on this taxation whichwouldreach many who woro not as between tures. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS ACT. the verdict of the House and the wholecountry, of districtsshould receive a certain fixed proportion reached and would also be tho means BUI. On the motion of the COLONIAL SECRELOAN JOB SLIP AT OTAGO. of their territorial rovenuo, andthatRoadBoards thathe should go andsubmit himself to the conpeople. mass of the He relieving the COMMITTEE OF WAYS AND MEANS. . TARY (Hon. J. C. Richmond), a SelectComthat the House would assent to this should be constituted within tho same for tho 1 Mr. MACANDREW asked tho ColonialTrea- stituency of some pocket borough, and if the hoped mittee was appointed to consider the propriety o\'f The House thenresolved itselfin Committeeof funds to be received to secure a seat, then a piece of of the Government which was to show purpose of expendingtho whether or not in the event of the Provin- minister failed . -amending TheDebtors andCreditorsAct 1862," Ways and Means on the proposedStamp Duties. policy upon district roadsand bridges, andotherobjects . surer the monstrous jobbery had to bo perpetrated, to at that New Zealand was deterGovernment undertaking capitalists home cial of Otago with leave to confer with a Committee of the J Tho ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Hon. Mr. H. her debtß andto payher waydes- of specialutility to the inhabitants of such dis- erection at Port Chalmers of a Patent Slip or onablethe minister to goback to his seat. The House ofRepresentativeson the same subject. Sewell) moved,a duty of Is. on any agreementor minedtoredeem officer»| difficulties with which she was sur- tricts." Lift, capable of accommodating vessels of hon. gentlemanhad spoken of Provincial pite the Tho POSTMASTER -GENERAL (Hon. Shiplargest minute or memorandumof agreement under a sore subject for the hon. evidently any but that was prepared willbo class, BILLS PASSED. rounded. '. the theGovernment hand only wherotho matter thereof shall be of Mr. REYNOLDS trusted that the Houso Major Richardson) proposed the adjournment to recommend the Imperial Authorities to grant gentlemon,for b.3said thathisresolution was not The following Bills wereread a thirdtime and 1 the value of £5 or upwards, whether the same would — insist on tho Customs Tariff being fixed ofthe discussion,;as it wouldbo muchhotterto a loan in aid of such erection in terms of the framedso as to exclude Provincial officers and passed: Electric Telegraph CommunicationBill;;■ shall Only be evidence of a contract, or obligatory bring in a concurrent measure to that affect. why ? Becauseif that hadbeenthecase it would beforo they proceeded with the Stamp Duties ColonialDocks Loan Act1865." audPost-OfficeSavingsBanks Bill. on the parties fromitsbeing a writteninstrument, whichhe was prepared to vote for in a modified On tho question thatprogross bo roportod, the (Hon. W. have ensured seven more votes against his BilL COLONIAL TREASURER The together with every schedule, receipt, or other form. whichthe . . Houso divided, when the numbers wore Ayes Fitzhorbort) said that a portion of tho Dispatch Here,then, wasa practical grievance BILLS BEAD A SECOND TIME. matter put or endorsedthereon or annexed there- The POSTMASTER-GENERAL (Hon. Major 19, Noes 22. hon. gentleman had displayod to tho House, and a answer to that give complete read would just " The followingBills were read asecond time :— to. Provided always that where divers letters The Committee then divided on tho new clause question. The Government could not be expected yetho told tho House that he couldnot remedy Mayne Pension Bill;Provincial Council Powers i shall be offered in evidence to prove any agree- Eichardson) said that in due course he would| proposedby Mr. Jollio Ayoa18, Noes 22. Ho (Mr. FitzGorald) andhishon. friendshad requirements the Tariff when the ofthe produce to solicit a loan from tho Imperial Government it. DeclaratoryBill ;Provincial ConstabularyBill. ment between theparties who shall have written public service would justify him in doing it. If On tho enacting clause boing road, a no influence which they could bring to bear on a when it had been refused for such purpose, The Council then went into Committeeon theso> euch letters, it shall bo sufficient if any ofsuch said thathe hadno objection to guarantee for a loan contracted undor peculiar thoao hon. gentlemen who held seats in that tho Stamp Duties produced the sum estimated, Mr.toBRODIE and other Bills, after whichit adjourned. letters shallbo stamped with a duty of 2s. 6d. part offer this clause, seeing that tho House had [ circumstances at a timo of great difficulty and House, and yet wore Govemmont servants, but slightest there was not tho intention on the Mr. BRODIE said, that it appearedto him of the Ministry to increase the CustomsDuties. determinednot to do justice to the outlying dis- danger. what could he say of Provincial influence when fromcalculations whichhehadmade, thata much At the same time he would state that if hon. tricts. ho saw marchingthrough the doorofthatHousethe Wednesday, October 4, 1865. Blight reported discussion the Bill was larger sum would be raised on this item alone gentlemenopposite, thought that they could con- After a Superintendentof a Province attendedby five or DISQUALIFICATION RESOLUTION. The Speaker, took theChair at 2 o'clock. than was contemplated from all tho items to- duct the expensesof the Government on a more withoutamendments, and was ordered to bo road is moved, that it contrary to six of his officers whom he made to vote just as Mr. STAFFORD gether, and contended that the Government had economicalBcaleit wa9 their bounden duty to the a thirdtime to-morrow. Parliament, and derogatory to the ho pleased. That was the fact, and then they the of usage COSC-EGE BEODES.£EAL ESTATE BILL. not taken sufficient pains to obtaindata to guide of the constituCOMPENSATION TO J. W. H. WILLIAMS. to at once assume the reins ofoffice. character and estimationof this Houso, that any prided'themselves on thepurity On the receiving of thereport of theCommittees thorn in estimating the amount which wouldbe country Colony. He wouldhoweversay that was then resolved that the items of the \ to i of its members should hold any office or place of tionof the agreed It Tho was That followingresolution on this Bill,it was agreed that certain suggestedI raised. schedulebe taken seriatim. in tho opinion ofthis Committee ifc is desirable> profit or emolumentin thepublic Service ofNew it would bo found that that Househadbeen comamendmentsin it, should be transmittedto Mr. " Mr. CREIGHTON askod whether the Govern- The amendment movodby Mr. CREIGHTON that compensationbe granted to John Wm. H, Zealand. Tliis House is therefore of opinion posed from first to last of men in the pay ofthe Justice Johnston, which the Committee did not b ment had made any calculation of tho amount on paragraph 1 of tbe Schedule, was negatived Williams, on account of damages arising from i that with a view to securing tho freedomand in- Government of tho Colony, and yet there never adopt, as it appearedto the Committeo that bj7 which wouldboraised under thisitem? suppose that a division. breachof contraot by the Canterbury Association. dopondence of Parliament, and guarding ita hadbeen one shadow of ground to . adopting them thoy wouldhave given an opinioni The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Hon. Mr. H. without The Committeedividedon the first resolution And a Billto give effect to tho resolution was dignity and authority,no personwho sh,all hold theso men had over been influencedin their votes ontho validity ofthe Bill. the Sewell) replied, that it was impossible to formany in the Schedule,imposing a stamp duty of Is. on brought in and read a first timo. any officeor place of profitor emolument(except by the Government. EveninthePress thatmost be raised agreementsunder hand, whoro tho matter shall charged, estimate oftho amount which would the never, opposition had furious as time be held in connection may DESPATCH FEOM THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOB such for the under any item. The Stamp Duties inEngland be of thovalue of £5 and upwards. Ayes, 21; WfIriLINCHON StfPEBMB OOTTBT 3ITH BILL. a Minister of theCrown inNew ivotes ofthose gentlemon had been influencedby THE COLONIES. with tho office of ' a time population, and Noes,16. and ordered roalised 6d. a head of tho whole This Bill was road second the hon. gentleman now Zealand) or who shallhave, in whole or iv part, jmeans againßt which The COLONIAL SECRETARY (Hon. J. C, on that premises, tho Government had come to Inlandbillsof exchange,draft or order for the to bo committedon next sitting day. wished to^protect the House. After some further public contract account of service, on tho any Richmond) read a despatch, dated 26th July,, the conclusionthat thesumraisedinNew Zealand payment to the bearer,or to order at any timo KBW ZEALAND SETTLEMENTS AOT AMENDMENT should be capable of boing elected or ,of sitting remarks the hon. the Native. Minister said that 1865, from Mr. CardwelltoHisExcollency,which i wouldbe whatthey had estimatedit. i desirable to BILL. otherwisethan on demand, for any Bum not exor voting as a member of this Houso, during tho his own opinion waa that it was not Mr. CREIGHTONmoved, thatthe word"five" ceeding £50, Is. was laid on the table andorderedto be printed. enter into the consideration ofthe question first , '.''! or [ enjoy This Bill waa considered in Committee. timo that ho shall hold or office any and tho word Mr.RUSSELL said that under that clauso, no bo " struck" out before "pounds," placeof profitor contract or anybenefitor emolu- bocausfl it was not now' the proper time for its STANDING ORDERS. MILITIA BILL. a sufllciently twenty bosubstitutediv its place. £27,000 wouldbe obtained; loss asum than ment arising from the same;and that leave be consideration,and secondly because TheHouso went into Committeo on this Bill, ' given The following report of the Committee or i After some discussion, Btrong case had not been.made out to warrant Tho ATTORNEY-GENERAL H. to this reso(Hon., bring give to in a Bill effect to -Standing Orders was adopted, that they begged " I Mr. STAFFORD said, that no parallel could Sewell) eaid that he had ascertained from the A considerablediscussion arose aa*to the age at ution. The hon. membersaid that he regretted the House in interferingin the matter. to recommend the following alteration. That b bo drawn botwoon the circumstances and con- Bankers that morning, that tho sum raised whioh youths should be liable to serve in the that it devolvedon himas a private member to Mr.BRODIE suggestedthe following amendMilitia; and at lengthit was dcoidedon a division| bring forwardthis resolution, andadducedseveral the presence of one-fourth of the Legislative> I dition of the population in an old and long wouldbo about £10,000. ment :— "*That it is contrary to the usage ofParCouncil, including the Speaker, shallbo necessaryr establishedcountry, and those of a new one. He After a slight discussion tho clause was agreod that the age at which youths should bo liable to arguments in favor of it. liament,and.derogatory to tho character and estito constitute a meeting for the exercise of itsi was quiteprepared to uphold tho principle of im- to. active service should be nineteenyears. Mr. WELLS, iv seconding the motion, Baid, mation'of this House, that any of its members Duties, if taxation was required,but reported Chairmanthon and tho progress, posingStamp . The powers. £100, exceeding Agreed not 2s. to. public jealous, Ditto wore and should holdany-permanentoffice, orplaceof profit, n that theHouse and the ho was not awaro thatadditionaltaxation was re- Whore the Bame Bhall exceed £100, then for Houso adjourncd. DISEASEDRATTLE ACT,1861. wouldbe jealousof the votes of those persons who or emolumentin the service of the GeneralGo!quired, for the people of New Zealand woro every £50, and also for every fractional part ' werein the pay of the Government. vernment ofNew Zealand. This House is thereWednesday^ October 4,1865. After some unimportant business relating to already taxed evon more than the peopleofGroat of £50, Ib. Agreed to. The NATIVEMINISTER (Hon. J. E.Fitz- fore of opinion, that with a view to securing the The that pro■ Britain. hon.memberalso said tho library. of the arrangement imposed the on foreign bills of exThe duties Gerald) said, that the principlelaiddown by tho freedom and independence of Parliament, and The House mot at 6 o'clock. Hon. Mr. HALL moved that a copy of tho ) posed re-adjustmentoftho Tariff ought to bolaid change, together with certain exemptions wore hon. member for Nelson wasone whichcould not guarding its dignity and authority; no person opinionofthe Attorney-General on theinterpre->■ before tho Committee, so thatitmight see whether agreed to. PIOTON AND BLENHEIMRAILWAY BILL. be disputod by anyone acquaintedwith theprin- who shall hold any Buch office or place of profit The in that proposed Diseased Cattle increased taxation was any tation ofthe 14th sectionof It being half-past 5 o'clock, the Houso ad- Mr. RICHMOND movedthe thirdreading of ciples of ConstitutionalGovernment;but whether andemolumentas hereinbeforedesoribed, shallbe Act, 1861," together with copies of correspon- " quarter. journed to 7 o'clock. thoHouse at this late periodof the Session, and eapabloof being elected, or of sitting and voting the Bill. The PREMIER (hon.F. A. Wold) aftw some dence, which may have taken place on the subOn the House resuming at 7, o'clock,the Chair- . Mr. STAFFORD objected to tho Bill alto- ,' considering the immense amount ofbusiness that in this House." The hon.memberoonoluded by introductory position Tho hon. remarks said tho of present ject, should be laid on the table. man reportedprogress,andobtainedleave to sit ' gether,as it sought to confer powers ona body of had to be gone through, wouldthink it desirable moving tho adjournment of the debateuntil to* ' ,member referred to tho section by which the i tho Ministry was that it considered this extra next sitting day. again on tho men who were not yet in existence, ana it would to entertain it, was quite another matter. It morrow. under the taxation andit not on necessary, carry could Governor could delegate his powers precedent to place on theStatute Book. would not beconiohim (Mr.FitzGerald) who, as Motion putand passed. TO THIS SISTEES 0? THE LATH OOLONBL be a bad lion, PBNBION Provinces, it, andsaidi Governmentwithout but if memberssaw Act to the Superintendentsof too much indifference displayedby the tholirefc SuperintendentoftheProvince ofCanterHIXONi was There carrying ( on thoGovernmentwithout I.AW PBAOTITIONEBaAOT AMBMDMBNT BEU* that the wording of it was so ambiguous, that anl their way to what was called private business, and bury,had wished to bring into effect a very»imi« opinion on its interpretation was thought neces-■ such extrataxation, then they should be ready to The resolution oftho Committeeof the whole House tobegun ;it wouldill-becomo him to deny the lar On the montion that the amendment on this to sound ! measure very he cad ofthe take their plac&3 onthe MinisterialBenches. Tho Houße, granting a pension to the siators of the dreadJJtUo sary. adopted. be oppohon, Bill by gentleman Private Bill. He doubted whether doctrineslaid down the words the Imperial Ministry knew very well that if the Carried. late Colonel Nixon was agreed %ot and it wai '" " " . ■ — - ,- — " _ i — ' l ' " — ' , — — 1 ■ — New zealand Parliament. " " — " — — . . — . — . — l " ■ . ' WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER 5, 1865. 7 — 13,000 ounces, forwarded by the following made their appearance, some 500 yards off, secured to the company for a term of seventy Mr. CARLETON moved as an amendment, THE WEST COAST GOLD FIELDS. gers to Bruce Bay, in the vicinity of which , and commenced firing on us, and going years. Prine went to- London, found lie bauks : exist, and diggings be new are said to the South that the Billshould re-committed. eventually true, which, will After a short discussion the amendment was AERIVAL OP THE WALLABY Al 1 if report be Ounces. |through their pai marire antics,but Captains could do nothing with it there inits then form, came back again, and lias now obprove to bo one of the richest fields on the negatived,on division Ayes, 3 ;Noes, 23. Bank of New Soxitb. Wales 7,500 ! Newlaud and Wilson going out with some rightabout,driving NELSON WITH 7400 OUNCES. tained mi additional grant ofalternate squaremen, put ! soon them to the The Bill was then ordered to be read a third West Coast. As yet, however, little is Do. New Zealand 4.600 sandhills back to their miles of public land along (,Ik* line, together right along them , time on the next sitting day. I known concerning the new locale, if we UnionBank of Australia the 1,500 1 with ton square miles in (w!i of Ilie districts BILLS PASSED. have whether we killed pa. We don't know MORE GOLD FOR SHIPMENT AT except the few private accounts that jN'uova Svgovia and Chonwere Mii!:i^!;iii, read a third time and of followingBills day appcaivd The a fellow Total 13,600 jj any ; but the same reached us concerning its extreme richness; THE GREY AND HOKITIKA. passed :— Hawkc's Bay Military SettlersandColothere, aud this in This was a most unexpectedquantity of gold on the opposite shore and walked coolly talrs. Tliis immense arc:! «>f Ilit* fiuest troprospectors but the are hcaitiiy country,, nialDefence Corps Bill, and Petty Sessions Bill. j itself affords sufficient reason to the ever to receive. We hadestimatedthata steamer along, trusting, apparently, to his invulner- pical lands, lying in a COMMITTEE OFWAYS AND MEANS. GOLD FINDING AT JACKSON'S BAY. restless fan be gathered two was, however, crops year jer mistaken, He as a where ability. miner to shoulderhis swag andaway from the Grey, if she arrived in time, would The House then went into Committee on the are to be delivered as the dressing, shots did for him. without in search few well-directed He prospects from fair of fabulous add 7,000 probably ounces to the month's Stamp Duties, to make oneor two slight alternis also given NEW RUSH TO BRUCE BAY. wealth. The general impression concerning shipment, but we were in no way prepared to proved to be a king's policeman, and a great work goes on. Hight-of-way ations in the resolutionspreviously come to. is, that extent hau-hau. That night we spent in our sand on private lands for the use of the company goldfields the Southern a vast that the quantity obtained wouldnearly redoubt, The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Hon.11. Sewell) find and next morning the steamers at their actual assessed value. auriferous ground may be discovered be- double this estimate; putting, in fact, the next said that on consideration tho GovernALLEGED GREAT RICHNESS OF lof These laud grants are reliedupon by Prine tweenBruce and Jackson's Bays, the former yield from the Grey within thelastfortnight, came in again and landed the naMve conjnenthad come to tho conclusion that under the men, who, tingent THE FIELD. and a Ross's secure the success of his company in Bruce, of which few of with to only being be the destination the stamped duty first agreements should on a par with that obtained from Hokitika. has previously visited the Bay, thus giving Adding the gold broughtby the Lyttelton to Ncwland's rangers, engaged some Maoris London ; and, as he has already got posses■where tho matter thereof should be £10 and upwards, insteadof £5, and moved a resolution to to it the name which it now holds. We that which had been shipped, the total yield who had come down on tho opposite shore sion of all the necessary accommodations at The Nelson Colonist of the 2Gth ultimo have endeavored, by every means within for the month is 45,568 ounces, which, at the to us, drove them along the sandhills, found Monkey Point, he expects, Iam told, to be that effect, which was agreed to. reach, to ascertain the exact nature and Mint, would The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Hon. H. j says :— way round to the village, and took pos- at -work building his ninety miles of road be of the value, of £177,000; asession Sewoll) proposed thatunder the headof Bills of new to the of it that night, much to onr dis- from that port to the hike before the dose of up locality goldfields, Nelson, of the but The s.s. Wallaby arrived afc from an export at the rate of £2,124,000 aExchange they should charge licenses of £10 a Holutika, early on Sunday morning, after a present time nothing but vague rumor and a giving expected to have the honour of the present year. If the captain's expectagust, who a where, district year, ago, from ten months year, to be paid by merchants, tradesmen, and goodpassage. She brings 7400 ounces of few glowingaccounts fromprivateindividuals evening. They killed twelve tions are fulfilled, we shall accordingly see taking it that all, there werenot,in ten persons to be found. agents, carrying on business in the nature of day, a good many, and British capital and British engineers accomlight throwing that and any for the Bank ofNew South Wales and have contributed towards The total quantity of goldreceived from the we had nothingwounded banking, who werein the habitof receivingmoncj goldBank back, on weeks some to do but come quietlyup plishing bypeace what Walker failed to da subject. New the Some few Coast, the of Zealand. of manager ofJu]y, The since the Ist is close on West orders, which would bo of the nature of Bills of to-day possession. and whatits poparties who visited this informed us take It is a village by war, and making Nicaragua town, Bank — the Union of Australia did not send ounces, Grey towardswhich the has 90,030 Exchange,and that they should allow suchpersons Ofcaki, been like and about the same size, sition points if; out to be the main highway opened ground that some rich had his, very but it understood that he had about very months, 13 contributed, within the last two to have tho same pririlege as bankers, and prowith any amount of pigs, cattle, and horses, between the Atlantic and the Pacific. The in the vicinity of Jackson's Bay, but the 30,000 ounces. posed a resolution to that effect, which was 4000 ounces for shipment. the country around is harbour at Monkey Point, with a good The Wallaby did not call at the Grey, only means by which we could ascertain We have very little news for our readers running about, and persuaded agreed to. that it will breakwater, can be made the best on the The ATTORNEY-GENERAL (Hon. 11. but from information received by way of this fact beingapromise that theinformation from tho Grey, beyond the gratifyingintelli- magnificent. lam Sewell) proposed also some other alterations, Hokitika we learn that there has been should notbe published, we have not thought genceof the gold fieldsof this Province yield- become a most important settlement some Caribbean sea,Grey townbeinginaccessible>to which were another rush up the river ; and also that fit to agitate the public mind concerning a ing so well. Since the robbery of the bank- day. We are entrenching a position for ocean steamers, and Aspinwall dangerously — agreed to. suppose we exposed both to the north and south winds. Item Bill of lading for any goods,merchan- very good gold has been met with about five subject which might after all turn out to be agent, on the road from the diggings to the head quarters here, and then I dise, or effects to be carried to any ' place beyond or six miles above Red Jack's Gully, the extremely vapouiy. Wo haye now arrived landing-place on the river, the banks have will follow up our advantage and scour The tide there is but eighteen inches, and brought close into the boundaries of the Colony. For every such district which at onco became famous when at the conclusion that somethingbeyond paygivenup the practice of sending their servants about to punish these vermin. Levy, the i the steamers there can be " billof lading or copy thereof, a duty of Is. on the the Gre}7 first broke out." This new dis- able groundis on the eveof being openedup on the diggings to purchase gold, but have captain of a small coaster, who was con- the shore. The projected terminusPanama, Carried. has caused the excitement stillmore atthenewSouth diggings; for,althoughweare openedplaces of business at the landing-place, cerned in poor Volkner's affair, came up as Pacific coast lies 700 miles north of covery was receipt The duty of 6d. for every such to increase about the Grey, and with the everprone to take the safe sideof the hedge, to which diggers have now to resort to dis- our guide, and he is now in the cock-pit of with its vexatious iide of twenty-one feet. expunged. need not say, aro divided as Opinions, I with regard to miningoperations, wemay in- pose of their .earnings. From this spot the the man-of-war for putting us on the bar many The resolutions amended, were thenreported to -1 ing in,new arrivals which are steadily pour- timate, wilfully. probable that such emanate it is We are all in the success of this new enterhowever, supposed reports is to there no doubt that the entire Cobden, conveyed to Greyfcown, or to gold is the House. hope that prise ; but it has now taken such consistency persons who are not paid to give them, in boats, so that the danger of robberies in capital health and spirits, and I Ordered to be taken into consideration on next district, on each sideof the river, will bo well I from ' wemerely place thembefore the public as wo the bush willin future have to be borne by our campaign here will be a successful one. and shape, that a vigorous and sustained tried. sittingday. We are informed fhafc there are some- receive them, and leave the reader to place the diggers instead of by the banks. The Since writing the above, Captain Percy effort will certainly bo made to carry it TheHouse then again went into Committee of where about 9000 ounces in the hands of his own remarks upon the statement. A diggers will scarcely approveof this arrange- 'Jhas been badly— hit in the thigh, while through ; and, in connection with the end Ways and Means. the bankers at the Grey River. personof respectability who had been pros- ment so well as tho one which enabled them out skirmishing one or two deaths by of the war, and the consequent certain inSTAMP DUTIES. — But it is not only so far north as a good pectingalong the coast, to the southward of to sell their gold on the ground, but unless (drowning. crease of our traffic and connection with the Item Conveyances o( any kind,where the purchase-money does not exceed £50, a duty of ss. distance on this side of the Grey, but as far Bruce Bay for nearly two months, came to an escort is furnished by the Government, The following is from Ensign Gudgeon : Pacific, its progress will benowhere watched Agreed with so much interest as in the United south on tlicj far side of Hokitika as Jack- Hokitika a few weeks since, and stated that — to. could not be expected to incur the Church, Opotiki, Sept. 11, 1865. Item Where the same shall not exceed £100, son's Bay that the general gold-bearing in his opinion (formed from personal obser- the banks States. of the sticking up of theirservants,pracrisk 10s. We are at last in this most beautiful place, character of the West Coast becomes appa- vation) a very rich field would shortly be tised so successfully on Mr. Walmsley. Agreed to. landhave had the first fight, at which I was rent. Some five or six months ago the openedin that direction; that only a few — Nelregret We hear thatthe steamer with Item Where the Btune shall exceed £100, for opinion was hazarded in these present, being very ill at the time; itis, LEICHARDT'S LAST HOME CORRESmen had been there; and that gold existed son is on shore at tho Grey. On leaving the not columns that j every £100, 10s. however, of no consequence, as it was PONDENCE. payable ground would yet be discovered infabulous quantities. river on Wednesday last, and after crossing 1nothing; the Hau Hans behaved most Agreed to. Bay to West Wanganui. We are indebted to the courtesy of the the bar, she was struck by a heavy sea, which cowardly. The Native Contingentand New- (From the SydneyMommy Herald,Sep.9tb) The various explanatoryclausesunder thishead from Jackson's Gradually,both north and south, the explo- Editor of the Nelson Colonist for the follow- so far buried her that she became unmanage- j ■wereagreed to. Rangers charged them, and they Translated from the Adelaide Tanundct It was agreed that CrownGrants and certifi- rationsof diggers haveextended,andalthough ing return : able, and was driven on the beach on the :land's ; bolted our fellows pursued them for about Dcnfsr/ic Zeitnng of 14th July. Wanganui reached, West lias not been ; yet hand of the cates of title, granted under the " north side of theriver. At present the vessel '4 miles and shot seven of them. We then The Land still the tide is slowly spreading in that The original 'of tins letter is in thehands Registrar-General, pursuant to GOLD EXPORTS FEOJI NELSON. has sustained no damageof any moment, and | possession of the village,tho largest I of Dr. li. Schoraburgh, in. Bucksfelde,. took ; Registry Act 1860," should be exempted fromthe direction, while gold and diggers have now launching simply question of is a of tho her everseen in New Zealand. I was one near Gawlertown, and contains the followIncluding the 29,068 ounces which the expense. been found at Jackson's Bay. above duties. With fine weather she might be chave — " " the has on board for first in the village,as Itook a short ing Sydney, Rangitoto Item Deed orinstrument of any kind whatof the j intelligence by This was obtained accident. although the distance sea, " Sydney, 18th April,1846. launched to but " * with the rest Nelson, ; being keep the a from the Port of durto schedule, duty cut, up gold charged not otherwise in of unable Alhambra, export ever The steamer in going south the vessel may have to bo taken is greater, xin fact I walk, only amounts but was demonths, ing eight just 10s. the or nine could past of about," from Hokitika to Dunedin, had to "My dear Brother-in-law Sir Evan the more certain course will be to bring her Agreed to. seek shelter in Jackson's Bay, on the 17th to a very large sum. The diggings at the round, andlaunch her inside the bar, which Itermined not to stay behind. Isaw Major Mackenzie (baronet)returns to England and The exemptions under this head were then instant, and while lying there in compara- West Coast, for which Nelson is acknow1Maodonncll shoot one fellow at three hun- intends to travel to Germany a few weeks we understand is perfectly feasible. agreed to started, (dred yards,beautifully. witli some modifications. fairly entrepot? Ibelieve he shot after his arrival <o show his young wife the ledged got to be the Captain water, tively — smooth M'Leaiilanded The steamer Eleanor arrived yesterday at lanother; Item Draft or order, including cheques or with a small party, last, aboutMarch I know he wounded one with his beauties of our fatherland. 'I take this oppopulation, with a tolerable which, reaching Hokitika, and on tho had noon from she loft on orders onBankersfor the payment of any sum of shore, the evening,but portunity to send you these lines, which conhe found four diggers at work on the and the fields may be fairly taken as having Saturday evening. She brings an account of jrevolver in the leglate in they money to a payee named, or bearer, or to order, population about that escaped. he found in a a reasonable Ono fellow They beach. borne by were no means communithe wrecks of tho steamers Samson and Awhare, and ordered him out ;he would not, tain a continuation of my journal. In my either on demand or otherwise, not otherwise give showing we a table the date. Below to their success, cative as and indeed would last letter, which Iwrote on board of the Yarra, and the schooner John Bullock. The charged, Id. give little or no information, but there is no } quantities exported from Nelson since the Samson went out on Friday to tow in the so one of the men shot him through the head, Heroine, and winch I addressed to William Agreed being the words in italics inserted. to, — January, explaining that the land then set fire to the whare. All that was beginning of I Nickonson, John whatever, party gave you some doubt in the of the rather Bullock, The items duties or minds and on shore . or agreeItem of on leases / bothvessels went 1 John from the ship, that the men were getting exportationaarealwaysmadein the beginning on the north spit. On Saturday morning Ito be seen of him this morning was his back- news of the course of events of my journey leases, were agreed to. ments for — Item License to be taken out j'carly by any gold. Further evidence of this was to be of the month, althoughin thelatest case the the Yarra went out to take off thepassengers boneand the barrel of his gun ; it was not fromMoreton Bay to Port Essington. I can tell you. In two or arrived in Sydney at the beginning of April, Bank or Banking Company, or other person or found in the fact, that the diggers had shipments weremade in September, in time arrived by the Omco from Melbourne, and !a pleasant sighfe I persons whoshallissue any promissory notes for despatched a small vessel to bring them for theOctober steamer hence to Sydney : in returning went on shore closo to the three days we expect great woi'k, as there and a king could neverhave been received are not half so many Maoris as we expected, by a wholenatiou with more lively joy or Ounces. Value. nioney payable to the bearer on demand, and provisions, a proceeding which showed that 1 Samson. they arc evidently collecting. We have cordial interest. Under the supposition of but issued, to be re£30. allowed 10,487 16 0 2,062 there was somefchiner to be found worth their January The mining news continues good. got any amouut of pigs, and twentyor thirty my having died longago, or had beenkilled The ATTORNEY GENERAL (Hon. H. staying for in the district. Captain M'Lean 16,701 5 0 February 4,310 head of cattle, besides horses. Tho Maoris by the blacks, Mr. Lynd, my dear friend, Sewell) wished to extend the privilege of this supplied the men with sufficient stores to March 0,700 25,062 10 O had races to day in the face of the Haus had written a poem of my death, which I license to merchants, traders, and others carrying keep them until their ownarrived. 14,839 57,490 2 6 April OPOTIKI. on business in the nature of a banking business, Haus ; in fact, they show the most supremo send you in English. The poem is very 20.296 O 0 78,647 r May The sstar} of the Alhambra's party was but reducing the amount for them to £10. contempt for anything like a wildman, as beautiful. A musician, Mr. Nathan, who 15,551 60,260 2 6 June short, : but there suflicient time for some was A considerable discussion then arose,and vari63,387 5 0 to call them. The church : composed themusic for theHebrewmelodies July 16,358 a We {Wanganui Chronicle) have been fa- \they arc pleased building, washdirt, OUB points were raised, after which, the chairman of them to try few dishes of the 76,200 2 6 ]is a very fine 19,639 larger than the by Byron, wrote the music for Lynd's poem. August enough witli letters from officers in the vorecl two and the result though roughly reported progress. 22,519 87,377 7 6 ; we are using I My name was in everybody's mouth, and Wanganui September... one in Protestant the ; expedition,describing landEast Coast arrived at, was a few grains to each dish. NEW BILLS. 29,0G8 112,038 10 0 October are goingto everybody was afflicted about the poor unstore, magazine : it for a and and ing and subsequent operations, from which 'throw up a The followingBills were brought down from There is thus ocular evidence of a gold-field round it, so that we can happy wanderer in the Australian wilderness redoubt extracts : district, give following this which we the many may attract the Upper House, and were read a first time : in 152,272 £589,151 10 0 Opotiki, Sept.12, 1865. ]leave a few men if wo want, to inarch any- but very few dared to blame him for his Provincial Constabulary Bill, Provincial Corpora- thousands to it during the coming summer. this, in order to show tho to may say In addition foolish enterprise. During this, I We now have possessien of the village of where. tions Bill, Musters and Apprentices Bill, New The river which empties itself into 'the ' yield of gold, it should Opotiki, Opotiki, Sept.13, 1860. general feeling of sympathy, sorrow, and after five daj'sofvery arduous serPlymouth Exchanges Bill, Electric Telegraphs bay is described Iry tho diggers as being a steadygrowth of the suddenly arose from It is two or three days since Iwas called |pity with the people, I Bill, Post Office Savings' Bank Bill; Loss of good-sized stream, capable of admitting be stated that in August 3,500 ounces were; vice on shore, in. consequence of the inclecan givo you later my grave, successful in my undertaking,and Licenses and Releases Bill, Provincial Councils vessels of ordinary draught of water." taken direct from Hokitika to Melbourne mency of the weather and the incompetency away from this letter, so I for the detention to the Nelson of the steamer Huntress, which was to assist "news. We went out to day with Major with the record of discoveries of fine, before PowersExtension Bill. Thismeans,probably,that itis quite sufficient and thatbutRiver, 8,000 ounces, with which and his men and the Native Con- unknown, and nearly unthought of, parts of Grey THE LEGISLATIVE at the COUNCIL. CONFERENCE WITH us in landing,and which proved worse than George for steamers such as those which now cross she was freighted, would have increased the useless. We arrived here on Friday last, 'tingent, of course, hearing that a party of country, in my pocket. An intelligent, The Legislative Council desired a conference the bars of the Hokitika and the Grey. by the October steamer to fully had been attacked. We found, how- much-liked tobacco merchant, named Aldis, "with the House of Representatives on certain We copy the following facts as to the exportation and about eleven o'clock went onboard the ours our Huntress, that it waa not so ; but they had had assisted me when I ever, ounces and raised the value of started before,most ; 37,000 amendments in the "Prisonors Removal Bill." entry to the bay strong, some 210 to go over the from theQUvjo Dxih) Times latest shipment to £143,638, a very satisfacfolHaus, some Hau which we he was the first upon strongly, The Council appointed Friday, at 11 o'clock, as to seen and friendly and which —paperit was furnished by Captain tory account of a month's collections. This bar and straight up to the village (which ilowed them into a village,out of which they the time for holding the conference, andalso had when I I landed. and is about whom met Otaki, much resembles very " : " approaching appointed four members as managers on their M'Lean exportup the Ist the same distance from the shore), but in- bolted. We burnt the village, carried off When he had recollected me (and this this bay, Capt. M'Lean would make the totalyear 163,772toounces, In "behalf. pigs, followed them to up current the fowls and and October of the took a pretty long time) ho gave vent to his bar, going over the she was run tead of On the motion of the ATTORNEY-GENE- steamed between what are known as the by two^or threepas feelings in such a glorifying.welcome, that I £633,714. straight on a saudspit, and we had to get another village,backedup RAL, Messrs. Brandon, Pharazyn, Carleton, and Open Bay Islets, and the proper line of of the value ofsaid, was J yards inrear. When we As we have it not until March did not know what to thinkof it. And when ship's boats, which came to our on a hillabout 10yards in the Mover were appointed managers for tho coast. In Stokes' survey the passage befrom these pas they ho accompanied mo to Lynd's house, had reallya ashore the was and the West Coast Gold Fields were about 700 that first, a of the with Representatives. House of tween these islets and the coast is not men- large population;and if we take the average assistance. I one in called out to everybodyin the street, * There fire. We then advanced. I was opened with shore, get and a cheer NEW PROVINCES DILL. tioned as being safe, but Captain M'Lean of the'last seven months we have a monthly dozen men, to on charge of the advanced guard(Maoris), when is Lcichardt, whom we buried long ago, Tliis Bill was read a third timeand passed. found the passage free of dangers, and he yieldof fully 21,000 ounces, with a still in- werushed up to the edge of the sandhills three hundred yards off I gave the word to about whom we sang songs of death; he no opposition, THE WILLIAMS COMPENSATIONDILL. There was found also comparatively smooth water. cover. and took we did. I charge, which aud seven men comes from Port Essington, and has conOn the motionof Mr. CROSBIE WARD this There areno heavy rollers, nor any surf on creasing average. shore, on when the and the others were soon the a hundred palisading, went to about I believed the whole up Bill was read a second time and ordered to the beach to interfere with landing.Theposinatives showed in some force on the sand- yardsfromthepa, whcrelwasstopped. About quered the wilderness,' disperse with joy. My friend be committedto-morrow. town would off, and fired on us. a mile same the hills about tion of the islets is also in favor of this timeI was joined by Major Georgeand did not know mo at first, as Ihad grown INCOMMITTEE. degree a They contented themselves with this,how- men, LATER GOLD INTELLIGENCE. with our small party we lay down much stronger since my departure,but when The following Bills were considered in Com- presumption that there arc in some so ourselves ona sandever, and we entrenched shelter to Jackson's Bay from tho cover, and shot a chief, who was mak- he remembered me, his joy was without mittee: Wellington Supremo Court Site Bill, means of hill, where we spent the most wretchednight under New Zealand Settlements Act Amendment Bill. N.E. wind, to which it is most exposed. ARRIVAL OF THE LYTTELTON very conspicuous with a mere in bounds. From all sides, i'roin people of all ing himself thought I wouldhave Iever experienced. I The piece of coast lino most sheltered by MILITTA MILL. THE GREY. his hand their fire was very hot, and while ; congratulated on the sxicFROM died before morning ;it blew and rained all we werecharging, we werenearlyhit several standings, Iwas The House then went into Committee on this these islets is also intersected by a river journey, and you can easily cess of my few had no cover but the outlet, night, and we which, by the dimensions of its Bill. times. Percy is our only casualty ;he is this unexpectedsympathyfilled 13,000 OUNCES OF GOLD. bushes we stuck up aa a break-wind, and I very hard hit in the thigh below the hip. It imaginehow Among the persons proposedin the Bill to be seemed to be a stream of sufficient size to was convinced surprise. I pleasant me with shirt-sleeves, in my had come on shore exempted from serving in the Militia, Justices of admit the entry of small sailing crafts." is, however, not dangerous. We werethen that some of the more educated men would the Peace were struck out. The same journal of the 29th ult. says : ARRIVAL OF THE MAID OF THE thinking that we would steam up and get recalled and returned to camp. willingly acknowledge my intention to exYARRA FROM HOKITIKA. In the clause defining second-class militiamen, into the village at once. We were very morning we arc going to attack JTo-morrow The Rangitoto, which arrivedon Wednesit in force, plore the interior of Australia, but evenhere anxious, too, as tho steamer was on the bar, it was addedthatunmarriedmen whocouldprove day, and the Airedale, which followed yeshad reason to expect narrowminded and. 6,800 OUNCES OF GOLD. that they had relatives dependent on them for terday, brought news fromHokttika to the up be- and Ihope tobe able to writeyou an account I with a great probability of breaking of it. remarks about the stranger,the nonjealous classed as second-class men. steamers, should be inmorning. All tho other support fore 27th instant. The latest intelligence of imBut not a single jealous word 29,008 OUNCES OF Englishman. reported CHAIRMAN then and SHIPMENT OF Brisk, progress, Tkc stood out to cluding theman-of-war portance speaks of the eontimied spread of heard, and everybody, eventhe family of TO SYDNEY. asked leave to sit again. GOLD is sandhill, and there we were on a bare ; 'digging population sea ground. the over new justice. ImThe House adjourned at 12.20. only 200 strong, with only three days' bis- A NEW RAILWAY TRANSIT BE- Sir Thomas Mitchell, docs me The locality that at present attracts most atGOLD FOR formed to collect OF THE ATLANTIC AND were mediately, AMOUNT TWEEN TOTAL committees 2,000 knowing but pork, cuit and and not tention is Bruce Ba}% explored some six PACIFIC. MONTH :45,568 OUNCES. money for me, toreward me handsomely, and Maoris might be down on us at any time. months ago by Captain Gibson, in tho LINES ON MISS L. FEATHERSTON'S from all sides, from all parts of the colony Next day we got on board the Huntress, to steamer Bruce. Tho bay lies to the south, MARRIAGE. AT THE received letters of approbation and congo up to the village and take possession, but (From a correspondent of the New York World.) I abouthalf-way betweenHokitika and Jack- STEAMER GREY. sums of money. siderable against steam a up she had not power to son's.Bay,of the gold finding at which,notice Isaw her inher beauty rare, Panama, April 10. Lynd had written a funeral Mr. "As down, and heavy flood that was running Beside the altar rail; was taken in ourlast. The most encouraging OE~THE ELEANOR. man— Mr. Sylvester brought ARRIVAL anotheryoung Nicaragua just mail from has so song, — wrote a song of joy, which Her glad and sunny brow was wreathed drifted gradually towards the bar— had she theTho accounts have been received of the richness likewise send I particulars of tho new British contract soul on board this, With orange blossoms pale. I believe district, every and to the effect on gone of the reports were SAMSON WRECK OF THE STEAMERS building railway for Caribbean you." a from the those have and who perished, goldbearing ground would qualities of the that the Thelight of love was inher eye, AND YARRA, AND SCHOONER got Thelast lines of the letter were not to be on shore would have fallen into the sea to Lake Nicaragua. This contract, as And smiles were o'er her cheek ; far exceeded of the Hokitika and its BULLOCK. JOHxNT mementory, but they contain about in the Pacific trade your readers concerned found Haus, waiting who were hands of the Hau Bright (lowers and Bunshine graced her path, neighborhood. Great excitement resulted knew, has been under discussion for a long the following:—" As soon as the necessary seeing in, they the fix wo were ; receive us news, from this three to joy immediately bespeak. And alldid and (Nelson Examiner, October 2.) We,however, struck on a lime, and, now that it has become an accom- means havebeen brought together by substeamers were laid on for the now rush. The wo had come down. Tho object of her youngheart's choice, Saturday, by Extra issued us on will start on another journey, to In an and! plished fact, the leading features of the scription, I Bruce, tho original pioneer, was speedily near tho mouth of the river, preceding sandbank Knelt proudlyby her side ; have from east to west." anything the arrivallate on tho scheme will interest all who cross the continent beam, announced the vessel reeled over nearly on her filled with cargo and passengers, and sailed evening Andbridesmaidsfair, a goodly train, in noting the Yarra, opportunity California, from HokiOregon, the of the to with Central and Wo take the of Maid do thought we were in for it; howends. I for Bruce Bay on Wednesday last. The tika, bringingwith Surround the happy bride. LudwigLeiehardfc :— America, China, gold, ounces andthePacific 6,800 followingcircumstances her of or righted again, and theMaoris Southern WilliamMiskiuand Eleanor were to follow shipment ever, she soona heavy fire on us from saw a shadow onone face ; British company to which the was born in Beeskow, near Berlin, and I the Islands. The been commenced once, and to allappearancea large digging and we also spoke of the intendedthe — at granted by theNicara- studied inBerlin. evening,by the Rangitoto,of follow- shore. The officers were all standing on :contract has Her father coidd he bear populationwill very quickly be located at thatgold for Sydney Through a neglect he was excluded from Government, jguan To yieldIlia cherished fairest flower : is represented in that ing and bridge staggered when Northcroft the Bruce Bay. and thereby Up to another's care. Oz. dwt. gr. clapped his hand on his abdomen, a ball ? country by Captain Bedford C. T.Prine, of the one-yearly military service, We copy the following accounts, which ser,three-yearly of fromthe Royal Navy, possibly the a descendent to escape induced had struck him right on the sword-belt 9,43-13 9 Ah! no, tho' blest her future lot, Bank of New South Wales... are extremely guarded, but yet indicative of was was, that he name, certainly consequence vico. The buckle, and had it not been stopped, it ■tho immortal Puritanof that 13,770 0 0 He felt a sunny ray, excellent prospects, from the ILokitika Ad- Do. Now Zealand individual. pursued as a deserter, and sentenced in con5,803 813 Had fromhis home and fromhis heart Union Bank ofAustralia must have gono right through him. As it !> most pushing and determined vertiser of the 27th instant: Afterwards, Alexander von was, ho only received a slight contusion. (The Nicaraguan Congress granted to him, tumaciam. Passed out withher away. The rush to tho South, concerning which succeeded, building railway contract a with the help of the year, a for Humboldt 29,068 1 22 Total One of the menhad a hole drilled through so much has been said, and so little known, The homage ofthe crowd was hers ; sea, forty miles above letter, ivhich ho had procured from Point, on the Monkey tfrom the heel of his boot added, arm, shipped to be within and another earnest, To thishad as his Few, but hadmarked each trace appears to have commencedin real on north of Greytown, to San Miguelito, on Leichardfs brother-in-law, in receiving Of childhood, girlhood, womanhood, but whether the new locality is destined to the month, 3,500 ounces, sent by the Union knocked off; but the howitzer we hadthey By Lake Nicaragua, eighteen miles north of mercy from the King for the deserter. perthem, being brought play on by tho board to Unfold with heighteninggrace. realise the hopes and anticipations of those i Bank of Australia to Melbourne,export now received order, Carlos, right tho Leichardt complete San with the to a Cabinet of soon made off. We then landed on tho transit, whose roving dispositions cannot allow them steamer Albion, making a total And loud and heartfelt the amen, either by railway from ocean to mission to return to Prussia unpunished. opposite shore and made ourselves secure to steady work when tho cry 32,568 ounces. down settle to seal, may Thatasks thatGod pecan, or by steamers acrosß Lakes Nicara- This order, whether of any value for Leichyet to be i About two hours after the Rangitoto had for the night. Hero we again had a very gua of "rush, oh !" is raised, remains The compact by hie servants made, and Managua, and a railwayby Leon to ardt or not, came too late. When it arrived " the most which, night, experiencing was ad- taken her departure for Sydney on Sunday miserable proved. The steamer Bruce, With, blessings as they kneel. the Gulf of Fonseca, on the Pacific. With in Australia, he had already started on a saw. Grey, thunderstorm ever I Next appalling yesterday, morning, Lyttelton to l the arrivedfrom portion sail had the every rertised Violet. advantages of which were new expedition. Wellington, Oct. 4,1865. of her space taken up by intending passen- " bringing with her the enormous quantity off morning, about nine o'clock, the natives this contract, the ... 1 ■ r — — — ' — * — - ...... ... ... ... — ' . — NELSON~ASHORE — — L ... ■ — THE WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT, OCTOBER, 5, 1865, ' ", "" ROYAL AGRICULTURAL IHE LONDON JOURNAL. THK Best, (iiciitcr ENGLAND. CONSUMPTION, NEWCASTLE iVEETING, 1304. LnrßC&t, and most Beou- liftiMy lllustr.-iti'il Publication ever isfuo.i. J;>ivin{r n Cirouiaiion than that of tiny other — A WARNING! SOMERVELL BROTHERS, OF COUGHS, ASTHMA, AND INCIPIENT SOCIETY LIMITED, TnASHIONABLE WINTER DRESS. YOUSUFFER from physical incapacity LEATHER MERCHANTS, LEATHER T~\O A.J Are you suffering from nervous deliility DRESSERS, SHOE MERCERS, any ARE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY X? — Have you been secret guilty victim of Closed Boot and Shoo Manufacturers, Rivetted vice? Do youthe sniffer from a set of symptoms i and Sown Boot Manufacturers, nearly akin, morn or less, to the following: A ji KEATING'S COUGH LOZENGES. g^° A SPECIAL SHIPMENT && OF THE y,t-.ii)dicnl in the world. Its couieuis embrace the world-renowned medicine, which has ob- UETHEKFIEIJ) WOKKS AND STRAMOXOAXE BBIDGE, pretty fair condilion of health, not yet positively ji' best w.:r|j« of Globe, parts of tho tained such celebrity in all KENDAL. ill, but a fueling upon you that yon are not quite MOST UPERIOR CLASS OF WINTER Sir \\ alter Scott, B«rt., Waits Phillips, vipjht, a. malaise ; a tendency to despondency; c .James Orant. Ye., S:e., for curinir the above-named complaints and oiUer " .1. F. Smith, iind Pulmonary Organs, Act, Braiidnn, r of the Chest is under incorporated Companies' Miss Affections The slight occasional loss of memory ; sometimes a| To be I'icrce l.K«n, CLOTHINGsuffering to ull from of Sotithworth, nny which the of share1862,'' by Liability strongly recommended each a weakness across the small of the back and loins, Percy B. St. .Tchn, Mrs i PLOUGH. HOWARDS' CHAMPION disorders, will sufficient as One Trial be Smythies, the nhove Mrs Gordon holder is Limited to the amount of his shares. or waking and feeling as if unrefreshed.a general Has just arrivedfromLondon direct,ex Chapman,. Henry J. Bjron, TTAS again won the First and only Phize for j to prove their undoubted efficftcy, beiug frequently &c, &c, depression,a want of pluck as it were, less desire Plough for General 1~l Wheel the Best i of the cmimost CAPITAL £160,000, |for business than formerly, and you are troubledI and tnntiv other Eminent Authors; splendidl PunposKs, which is the most important Prize for used under the recommendation i^gT FOR WARMOLL'S Jg& Artists, !nent of the Faculty. including Shares of £± each,of which it is intended with a certain feeling oi nervousness, a loss of illusira^d bvthf most colehrated In 40.000 For the Last Nine j ! offered the by Sowety. various Ploughs nntl tins of JOHN GILUKHT, KKKLKY HAL3WKLLE, Years J. & V. Howard have bken the Winnkrs |j Prepared and sold in boxes to call up not more than JE2 per share, with power power? sizes by Thomas Keating, Chemist, &c, 70, St. to create additionalCapital by new shares, and in If you nvo to bo warned in limn, yon hnve now I'BIOR, &0. take competition will Phize, nnd no further of this Paul's Church Yard, London. Sold retail by all the distribution of new shares, existing share- the means and opportunity of being restored to Also innnmerahlr: exfiiiti!,' »»d agreeable Short place fpr the next three years. Also, a very choicelotof Druggists and Patent Medicine Vendors in the Iholders shall have the preference. Deposit LOs health. Itis at this stage that your disease, by a Tales; Chan.'ijnj,' Poems; valuable F.ducalioniil j I PLOUGH CHAMPION HOWARDS' of the World. dticriptions interesting timely application ofremedies and regimen can bo aud Social Es?!vs ; I share on application. ) lirs received Fifteen F/rnsT Phizes from (he prevent spurious 'imitations, please perThe first Call of10s per share shall he paid on eradicated, and your system invigorated, your REAL SCOTCH TWEED most Kcnuirkal'l'e Plnces iv the World, Illustrated I Roya Agricnltiirul Society of England, being to N.B. To that wordp Cough Kenting's the observe tho Ist day of August, »865, a further Call of 10s manhood restored to that state that you may and by Artists uf huh standing; thousands of useful I he Largest Number of Frizes awarded to any kind fob ohe Lozenges' are engraven on the Government Stamp per share on tho Ist day of July, 1866, and a can fulfil the duties required of you,by your social Jleocipts cf evpiy kind; numerous Records of ever exhibited. Plough of are genuine. hox, Statistics each without which none Discoveries; of Scientific Inventions "'id 10s sh are on the Ist day of \ and moral being. Be warned also to whom you per further Callof Sold in Wellington by Messrs Burraud, Owen embracing all the principle Official Returns pubapply. There are two rocks upon which you may %W* MAKINO-UP DEPARTMENT Jgj to J. nnd F. Howard at the New- Bros., and Bishop. Auckland Mr Asher Ashcr, July, 1807. C;ills Jishcd. of i'ublio Accounts, Population, Emigration, Prizes awarded all tho one being the legally qualified praccharged will he on in Largest Interest arrear. split— custle Meeting, 18154, being the Nelson .Mr Pricbard. Health, Military, Naval, find Comninoitil affairs, titioner, who, although fully qualified by his Money Prizes ever awarded of Number knowledge of his profession to treat the various nnd much Valuable General Statistical Informntion ; BOARD OF DIEECTOES. at any Meeting of the Royal Society general ailments of humanity, yet is totallyigno- BLACK PARIS HATS OF THE LATEST short .Miscellaneous Pieces, Editorials of Literary PILLS. to one Exhibitor. Miller Somervell, Esq. TTOLLOWAY'S Robert rant (as the majority of them unfortunately are) and Historical Interest illustrative of passing The First ami Only Priie of .£ls for the Bes Esq. John Somervell, of this peculiar branch of his science, tho reason FASHION. events ; Kxlmots from the Monks of tho Day ; Gems Wheel Plough for General Purposes. Mr Edgar Robinson, twenty-one years with tho being that he has nevermade it his peculiar study, This great Household Medicine ranks am.«ug of Thought, culled from ihe winks of ihe Best The first and Only Prize of £8 for the Best HarFirm. the leftdiug necessaries of life. It is well known Writers, in all lanßiiftfJfs; Witty and Laughable and the other rock is the blatant charlatan and rows for General Purposes. it cures many complaints other Mr John Conway,seventeen years withthe firm. quack, who preys on the pwkets and lives of his Jokes and Anecdotes, together with a most volu- The first and Ouly Prize of £1 for the Best liar- to the world thatreach, Mr Henry Hewetson, eleven years with the this fact is as well estabremedies cannot minous personal Correspondence upon every imvictims. These individuals assumed titles to GENTLEMEN'S and YOUTH'S CLOTHING rows for Heavy Land. firm. lished as that the Sun lights the World. aginable topic, eonvejius? ut o:ice information the which they have not the slightest pretension,and £f> for the Best Ila-r The First and Only Prize ol Mr Thomas Atkinson Gott, twelve years chief are for the most part, in<M) even without the ordiDISORDERS OF TI/E LIVER ANE STOMACH. In unlimited variety. most varied and the most extensive. rows for Light Land. clerk to the firm. of education, by lives, nary some of Iheir common rudiments who will, period at The First and Only Prize of £20 for the Best Hur- I Most persons BANKEES. their force Of impudence and advertising, irreThe LONDON JOURNAL stands unrivalled for suffer from indigestion, derangement of their liver rows for Stenui Power. trievably ruin the smallremains of health of the the instructive, amusing and moral excel'ence of The First nnd Only Prize of £\'2 10s for tho Rest ' 6tomach, or bowels, which if not quickly removed, Wakefield, Crewdson & Co., Kondal. Messrs poor deluded victim. its contents, fie beauty of ils illustrations, ihe Steam Cultivator and Hidging Plough combined. settles into a, dangerous illness. It is SOIICITOES. frequently ETERT DESCRIPTION OF Dr L. L. SMITH, who hna been established cifimifss of its type, the superiority of its pnpor The Prize at £ib for their Sflt of Steam Cultivating well known in India; and other tropical climates, Messrs Moser, Son, and Arnold, Kendal, Weekly Nos., LSftl, Issued in since has he stepped perhaps, acknowledges, that car remedy cheopnes?. only nnd for its that Hotloway's Pills are the CAPES, TALMAS, AND OVERCOATS. Apparatus for Small Occupations. AT7DITOES. out of the routine of his profession by thus adverId; Moithiy Parts, G<l ; f'nlf-yearl/ Vols., is 6d. The Prize of £10 fur their Plough for Steam be relied upon in such cases. Almost every soldiet it, better to give an unfortuHudson, Accountant, Kendal. but he deems tising ; Vols. I. to XL. are now issued. in his Jr Mr Thomas knapsack. i abroad carries a box of them Power. Pills wil nate fellow-being who has erred (once, perhaps, 'Ihe Prize of £10 for their Windlass for Stenm England most persons know that these or every bn had of may .JOUUNAL bowels only in tho course of his life) an opportunity of at The LONDON PROSPECTUS. them whenever the liver,stomach, cure Ploughing. COATS, TROUSERS, AND VESTS, least being capable of discriminating for himself, respectable Book'eller in the Colouies, &c, or by Full particulars may be had of their Agentsthrough, are out of order, find thnt tUuy need no physician mniS COMPANY, intended to be founded by of ascertaining foi himself out of the mass ordeiing in any pan of the world. ofcliar- In alltheBest Materials— theNewestDesigns the firm of Somervell Brothers, with the out the Colonies, or will be sent free on fcppliWEAKNESS ASD DEBILITY. caiiou to primary design of receiving the co-operation of hitanism, at least one practitioner who has deand debility, -132, Sirnrd, Superior to any hitherto seen inthis market. from or weakuess, office, London Such as suffer LONDON.IOUKN \L with their business, is when voted his time, money,and study to this peculiar JAMES AND FREDERICK HOWARD, of energy, should at once have parties associated hose who feel want who profession, legally HCJ branch of his and one is a February 10, I of style he carried on under the Worke, Bedford, England. Britannia Iron ' recourse to ihese Pills, as they immediately purif registered, to Brothers, Limited," and is to be qualified medical practitioner and member qf the London Office: 4., Clieapside. the blood, and, acting upon the muiu. spring of Somervell the purpose of acquiring the Medical Board of Victoria. Sweeting Street. LivEKPOor. Office: 19, Vl'lii: MAGNESIA has been WORKING- MEN'S CLOTHING-. life, give strength and rigour to the system. To formed for Dr Tj. L. Smith has now been in practice in and Trading Premises at during thirty.five years empl.nticnlly sancyoung persons entering into womanhood, with a Manufactories for the last fourteen years. He was forBrothers, of Victoria tho tHimervell possession in present tioned by the medical profrssion, and univer<aly derangement of the functions, and to mothers at together a pupil nnd practised under the celebrated The Largest Assortment in the Colony, very i with the benefit oftheir old established merly I accept*?1 '»y >l'e l'"blic, hs the Best IJemedy Cheap, for Cash only. the turn of life, these Pills will be most efficacious connection a large part of Great Dr Culvei'well,of London, so well known for his throughout IIEArACHE, HBARTDimX, STOMACH, OE ACtI'ITY THE in correi!ting the tide of life that may be on the Britain and lrclan-1, and in >nost of the trad- skill in tho treatment of those diseases for which (Be in time). GOUT. AND IxniGKSTIOJJ, turn. Young nul eldeily men suffer in a similar Ln'llemand, Ricord, and himself were contempoAT WARMOLL'S. and as n Mild Apriiient for delicate constitutions, CHOLERA, DYSENTRY, DIARIUICEA, CRAMP manner at the same peiiods, when there is always ing countries of tho world. Tho business was raries. Dr Ij. Ij Smith has (lie mo^t extensive on small 184-2, year children. Comcommenced in th 6 a very more especially for Ladies nnd AGUR, FiCVKU, RHEUMATISM, CONSUMP danger :they should therefore undergo a course ; giaduallyincreased in prosperity from practice, extendingthiougiioul the whole of Vicbined with tiie TJON, ASTHMA, COUGH, «tc. of this purifying medicine, which ensures lasting scalo, lias toria, New"South Walos, South Australia, Tasthat time, and is entirely free from speculation of mania, JICIDUI.ATF.n LKMOS SVftLT. pain, vontittinpf nu<] distress censes in a few henllh. and New Zealand. Dr L. L. Smith has as it docsof a trade in goods kind, consisting any THE HAT AND CAP DEPARTMENT it forms nn Aokkkabi.k iFFtRVKECiNO Dkauoht . minutes after taking n t'r*e of lhat wondeiful DISOHDEtIS Ol' CHILDfIEK. established this extensivepiactice through hisad demand. universal jh which its nprrie'it qtin'itics nre much incieftstd fr'ei.'ntive Anodyne and Anti^piisi/iodie rt'Wftdy Cliloron to All children should have ndministcred young corresponding By letter. ensystem ; all, import hy of in hotclimate j dyne discoveredhy Dr J.Collis ihowne.'M.H.O.S.L., Tradeconsists of the of rnirable Is supplied directfrom the Manufacturers with During Lot seaoonp. and. above the S from time to time, a few doses of these Pills The Leather note, an answer and the regular use of this sitV-J»l3 «"d elegan remedy (ex-Army Med. Staff) the receiwe of whiiih was con- which1 will purify their blood, nnd enable them to leather from various Foreign Countries, and ils closing a one pound bank every NewStyle. consultation is immediately returned by next post. bns been found hi;h'y kMu-flcia'.. fided solely to J. T. Davenport, !(3,Gient R'isspll- pass safely through the different disorders incidental sale and re-shipment. in day continuously Three hours tho are devoted obtained Department Dressing Mnn'tfactinrd by Leather Sui t (Landsmen or Seamen) London, Caps The to (Pharmaceuti- 10 children, snch as raensles, hoopiug-cough, cowstreet, Bloornr-Viury square, to this branch of Dr Smith's practice. DINXi-.FonD & CO., cal Chemist), "i he medical testimtny of civil, hos- pock, and other infantile diseases. These Pills are Honorable mention in the Industrial Exhibition ' * description, including Black Silk Dr#L. L. Smith's establishments are well known Hats of every 172.Nnw Bond Street, London ; . pital, militniy, nnd naval practionevs prr.nnunce it ! so harmless in their nature bs " not to injure the of 1802. Victoria, all in His extensive library Hats, World. to visitors DepartChemists the and Paris l»y throughout Mercery Finding And sold nil Shoo invaluable. It relieves pain of nny kind, soothes most dclic-ntc constitution, nnd are therefore uion The Shoe N.B.— AMC FOR DINNEFORD'S MAGNESIA. the reitleßßiiesß of fever, and impart? the most re- peculiarly Rilnpttfd a.3 a coneciive of the humours ment consists ofthe import, purchase, or manu- for referencehas even been praisedby the public IMPORTED BY J, WARMOLL. facture of every article (leather excepted), that press. His extensive anatomical museum i.s well freshing siecp, withoutproducing or leaving any of j uffcciiug them. known! And Dr L.L. Smith's reputation alone of a shoe or hoot. composition into the enters opium. of unpleasant effeela ! DKHANGfcMENT OF THE KIDNEYS. HERBAL EMBROCATION,— theFrom \\\ Vesaliuc The Closed Upper Manufacture wascommenced as a lecturer on physiological and anatomical I'euigiew, M.D., Hon If these Pills be used according to tho printed an effectual cure for the Hooping Cough, F.8.C.5.,England formerly Lectinev upou Anatomy years ago,- when the perfection of sewing subjects i.s sufficient security to the public, that eight directions, nnd the Ointment rubbed over theregion This is tho only rliswithout internal medicine,cure, machines renderedit possible to apply' thorn to those who entrust their cases in his hands will, to All tho LATEST NOVELTJES in Ties, of Medicine. George's School Physiology nt St. of the ki'ineys, at least once a day as sale is forced j without adminis- and"Ihave covciy offor.ling a perfect and shoe trade; and it was soon found say tho least, havfc a guarantee that they place the boot consumption, nsthmu, n<-ml it in diarrand correct tering internal niedk-ine, the difficulty an>l incon- hcea, nnd other diseases, and am most perfectly satis- I into meat, it will penetrate the kidneys Should this only bo done profitably on tho them in the earo of one who, is acquainted with, Collars, Scarfs, Hemmed Hdkfs, Hosloi'y, Belts* that could tb« mtv ilcniugemeiit of their organs, venience of which, in all disorders particularly, fied with th« resul'.ij." of of labor, and tho Hirtuu- mo anatomy and physiology oftho human, body Braces,G-lovcs,Rugs, Dressing Cases, Perfumery, nrincinln sub-division 'notion he stone or jjrnvcl, (hen. the Ointmes-t incident to children, ar« too VitV h2 f^V!l tC «CC« ' enabling tho makers to and its mysterious workings, and, therefore, irre- andall articlesfor a traveller's outfit. largequ«ntities factureof Staff, iiituiuer, Medical Tw« Oibbtni, Dr. CulciiUu.— and a few -übbctl into tiie neck of the Artu> nny coiiiniciit. The invt-niot and j.roprietot' of Somervell spective ofhis reputation for curing these diseases, skilled overlookers. obtain the most " As 1 -.will convince the stitletcr thnt the effect this Embrocation ca.u with pleasure and satisfac- doses completely cured me of diarrhosu." depart- he is at least a competent person to attempt the tho for this obtained Prize Medal Brothers Egh;im.— Surgeon, ON SALE AT WARMOLLU t;ii wo remedies is astonishing. tion declare that its salutary effects have been so From O. V. hidout, Esq., cure of them. Dr L.L. Smith takes the greatest IndustrialExhibitionof 18fi3. ment in tho and an n:itispasdiarrhoea, an iv nstringent severe TOE STOMACH. DISORDERS OF given as to univci'sally expfiicncc.l. and so generally acknowRivotted and Sewn Boot Manufacture is precautions to avoid publicity being abdomen, the Are the sources of the deadliest maladies. Tl'.nr oneThe ledged, that many of the most eminent of the modic it colic with cramps in the recently commenced, buthas already ar- recognition from whence tho correspondence but relief is instantaneous." and body, effect is vitiate all the fluids of the v> "faculty now constantly recommend it as the only J Extracts from the Gekeiial Soaiid of Hkaltii, rived at such perfection that the goods manu- comes. He has been now fourteen years in prac- DENT'S BEST QUALITY KID GLOVES to t>cnd a yisonod stream through all the channels ;■- ««<(» nnd ""rfr-ct cure, without restriction this department ate pronounced by tice in Victoria, and not- one singlo case has ever I.oution ,a3 lo its «.flicacy in Cholera. of circuhiiioi. Mow what is the operation of the factured in been made public Dr L L Smith can be conof diet or use of medicine. Ist or Fremonitovy— ln singe the Pills? They cleanse the bowels, regulate the competent judges to bo thobest in tho trade. Singe Joseplunes do do nt the public, and lo prevent For the protrction It is intended to have the wholeof the premises, sulted by letter— Fee £\, TO BE HAD AT WARMOLL'S nuts as a charm, one dose generally sun":- liver, bring the relaxed or irritated stomach into a remedy " J. Plant, on the label and General' valued a signed by RUCMK" is imposition cient. condition, nhd acting through the secretive with machineryfair valuer, of character and reDr L. L. Smith, L S A., first prizeman in the ou>s'k\o each bottle, and the name of tho eolc 2nd Stage or that of Vomiting and Purging In natural and CRIMEAN SHIRTS !! organs upon the blood itself, change the state competent be made asbetween principles and practice of medicine; first piizo for wholesale, agent, "Edwards, 07, St Paul's," envaluation to spectability, such great more possesses power, the from to assortment for winter wear remedy stage health, exercising this sickness by Magnificent system of the first ; prize surgery (lie physiology, C D. for nnd anatomy by Government stamp. Sold graved on we acqimintcd with, two or three a simultaneous and wholesome ctiV.ct upon all the incoming and outgoin;; partners, but without any Westminster Hospital,first prizeman for chemistry, thau other we any Bishop, al.«o!>y W. Bnrraud,Chemist, Wellington: addition for good-will. doses being sufficient. parts and functions. Portmanteaus, Leatherand CarpetBags, OverWellington. This Company offers *o the shareholders tho first certificate for botany ; and first certificate for or Collapse In all cases restoring the COMPLAINTS OF FEMAI.AStage 3rd an established midwifery, and member of tho Medical Board of entering upon No i pulse. So strongly are we convinced of the imof at once August 8, 1815. advantage The functionol irregularities peculiar to itne landTrunks andHorsemen's Valises andHavrewhich it 'has taken twenty-two years to Victoria, inenue value of this remedy, that we cannot too weaker sex, are invariably corrected without pain, business 1',)2, Bourkc-stroct east, Melbourne, Victoria. in profits its its the presentposition, to and bring in /CAUTION, A quantity of spurious Essences forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it nil cesea. or inconvenience by the use of Ilolloway'a Pills. dividends, Dr L,L. Smith, 192, Bourke-strect east, Mel- sacks can alwaysbeobtained From A. Moulmongery, Esq., late Inspector of They are the safeet nnd surest rae(jjc jne fo t n]j past noia oiu « g«ou pro^cCt for Hrn \J nnd other Articles of j'-erfiimcry intended Hospitals, pf BomUrtv. Stock will be taken on the last week Decem- bourne. Clilorodyne is v most valu- diseases iuoidentitl tv febUieS of all ages, for fihipiner.'t and sale abroad, upon which were AT WARMOLL'S To Private resilience, (J, Hoyai Terrace, Nichokuldysentry. and asthma, able in ber in each year, and a dividend will be dec'afew remedy neuraglia, affixedlabelsin imitationof tho label and trade fcitfciel's aH?ectionß. of the January follow- strcet,Filzvoy. before the end payable and mark, and having the trade signature of Messrs it Ifairly owo 1117 restoration to lieaHli ftftei: 18 Tlie^ quantity and quality of the bile are of viu\. ng. Itis intended that a half.yearly approximate OUTFITTING ESTABLISHMENT. suffering', and when all other nicdi- importance Piesse and Lumn of No 2, New Bond Street, mouth's severe to health. Upon the liver, the glnnd ' 1 The following works by Dr L.L. Smith canbe be declared, and payable inJuly in foiled, forged thereon, having been Rent into the Port of ciucs litvl which secretes thia fluid so uccossiuy for digestion, dividendalso enclosing obtained direct from tho author, on London, the name has been seizednnd condemnedJ Cautiok. Iv consequence of the extraonlinaiy the Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectifying each year. named stamp.', Gd extra, postage free: Tho present fitm viz., tho firs t two shares, by her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs for efficucy of this remedy, several unprincipledpuriius nil irreguhuhies, and effectually curing jaundice, Impotence and Sterility, 4s Gd ; Obstacles to 0 CLOTHIERS.— A first-class CUTTER, the Port of London, and as there is iva?on to be- have been induced to vend imitations. Never lie bilious reiuiUums, and all the varieties of disease directors, retainin their own hands 15,000 4s (id ;Meansof ProlongingLife, 9r<od,; who was for sixteen years principal Cutter iv lieve that (he practice of imitating ihe Trade tempted to buy Chlorodyuc, except in sealed bottles, generated by an unnatural condition of thnt orghii. on which £'2 per share shall be ata onca paid by Marriage. to them- How to Get Fat and How to Get Thin,'Is; &c. some of the leading houses in Edinburgh, Scotaddition Hot they, they and in them, the Dr. J. Collia Chlorohaving words, Marie andforging ihe Trade Signature Browne's " ' : of -Smo ;land, and has had some Colonial experience in ; Nestr? August 8, 1865. selves 10.000 shares, with £'2 paid as a moderate # P« fi5!? A*P Lupw is l>C;;,fer Cftrn-ed ftn t0 ft j9)ge -1 dyne'1 engraved on the wrapper, Doth the Ointment and Pills should be used in valuation for the Goodwill and General Interest Olago, wishes to dbtain a situationin Wellington. (estimouiaia accompanies medical 10,000 feiitent J^-Notlce Is hereby given that itis the in- A sheet full ofCtILOItOBYNE the following cases .Highest references given. These they of business surrender. tho IN CHANCERY CAUTION Gout, Apply by letter to R. R., care ofMr. W Sinclair, tention of Messrs Piesse and Lubin to proceed Bad Legs, dividend for the first two Shares to receive no PECTORAL BALSAM OFHORE- ClothicV, rrinces-slreet, Dunedin. It whs clearly provedbefore Vice-Chancellor Sir Bad Breasts, Criminally or otherwise(as they may be advised) Swellings, Glairdular have shareholders except the rest of the years, Coughs, HOUND, for the Heltofand Cure of against any person or persons who may hereafter \Y.P. Wood, by ufliilavits from eminent hospital Hums, Lunibago, ] received10 per cent. Somervell Brothers offer Influenza, Asthmas, and all diseases of the Chest Bell, export for sale, denl in or otherwise dispose CiiNsiuiana of Locdon, that Dr J. Collis Browne liunions, Pile*, and to their friends 15,000 remaining the shares and Lungs. Horchound is an herb which lias of any perfumery with any labels or rnaiks was the discoverer of Clilorodyne ; that they pre- LJite of iMosquitces and Hhumatisra, IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS. the public. ever been esteemed by the most able physicians thereon or thereunto affixed, having the mime and scribe it largely," uuJ mean no olhtr iliun Dr " Scalds, Sand-Flies, continue their undivided attenpropose to They cure of coughs, rrUIE Wellington Independent" has tlu* 18(11. 'Ihe in the qualities 1?, Orowne's. Jan. for its salubrious Times,'' 1 Ste jftheir address and trade signatur firm frauduSore Nipples, Coco-Bay, tion, as well as their practicalknowledge and long colds, asthmas, ami all pulmonary complaints. As JL greatest circulation of any Newspaper yet theieforc, against using nny are cnutioned puliiio, or lently and falsely punted, engraved, forged Sore Throats, Chiego-foot, experienceto tho management of tho business, the usual moil e of using it was attended with publishedin this Province ; its subscribers being other than Dr .). Collis Uhowne's Chlorouynk. Chilblains thereon. Skin Diseases, and will retain the supreme control. The other considerableinconvenience, Mr Ford wasinduced located in all tho most important Districts of the bottles, without it. Sold in No homo should be Dated this first day of May, ISfio Scurvy, Chapped Hands Directors will give their whole timo to the to offer tho .public au elegant preparation from Colony. Itis also extensively circulated inNow -is Gvl hy J. T. Uavekpout, 30, Grem 26 U-.UnJ Fore-hettd», Corns (soft), YALLANCE and VALLAJfCE, ' management of their various departments as they that, universal and well known herb. The dis- South" Wales, South and Western Australia, Van Hypstll-'srticot, Lond-Hi, W'.C, sole mnnufaotiuer. Cancers, Tui£3*s, havehitherto done. 20 Essex-street,Strand, London, ()h'-c:vi> prtrtieulivily, none gensiine without the tinguished approbation it has met with, is a suf- Diemen's Land, Cape of Good Hope,and in the ' Comiactc-d and Still' Ulcers, " Each share will carry one vote. Solicitors for Measra Pic&se and Lubin. ficent testimony of its effiuacy. Many thousand Mother Country. Advertisers,therefore,in making words Dr >). Collis I'rywuc's Chloroilyne1 ou the Wouudfi, Joints, operations will commence Company Tho new August 1, 1805. personsliavo annually, since its publication, ex- use oftho columns of tho "Independent" m»y Government Sjfiimp. Yaw 81 . Elephantiasis, as soon after as July next, j or on tho Ist day of perienced a relief, far exceeding their most aan- feel certain that the greatestpublicity willbe given Auents for Mf.lbouruc Messrs. Tnylor & Co., Fistulas, [ ! practicable. expectations,and remain living testimonies to the Goods,Wares, &c, oilered for salo,and that guine REVOLVERS. "17 flinders Lnne. " The present firm will hold themselves respon- of its restoring qualities. A» .supplied (0 and adopted by the English Agent-; for Jsyluey— Messrs. M. A. Worms & Co Advertisers willultimately reap benefitsinpropor» PnoyEsson will thorn, Hollo sible for all the debts owing to which Sold at the Establishments of Thomas Ford; whoj tion to tho manner in which they keep theirhamos the Prepared by patentee, American, Russian, Prussian, and many other Wynwiu'il Lent*. f^-'^ Temple Bar,) London however,,be collectedby the new company in the way, iii-1, Strand, (near Government?, are recognised to be t.hejuost durareques's t/io public to observe tiiat the Genuine| before tlio public. Also by all respectableDruggists aud Dealers inMe- usual way. Tho price of Advertisements the" WeLlino Improved Pectoral Balsam of Horehound has the ble and efficient Revolvers cxislini; for House proBREAD— I'ASTIIY— PUDDINGS. dicines thou^hout the civilised world, at the lblProspectuses may ho had from Somervell outside wrappers printed in red ink. and signed by ton Indkpendent" is six linesin and umlor, 2s. 6d. tection, travellers, and officers. Colt's celebrated Accountant, (is. (5d., od., 103., 325., Hudson, JLs. or from Mr T. Brother?, owing prices —25., a ; the patenteo in black ink and as further pro- above six linos 4d. per line for the first insertion revolving Rifles, "Shot-Guns, and Pi.«tol-Carl.ines is recom- and 48s. each. BAKING POWDER shares must application for Kendal, T>OHWICK'S and forms of tection to purchasers, Ihe name of his agent, Mr and half-price forevery subsequentinsertion; Ad(Pistols with attachable stock.) Exhibition Prize JO nieniled by the Queen's piiviUe Baker, nnd £yr" There ia a considerable saving by taking the be directed to Somervell Brothers, Netherfield, Edwards,67, St Paul's, London,is engraved on the j vertisements will be continued, andchauqed unti ITedal awarded, 1802. Beware of counterfeits. pniionized by the Army and Navy. larger sizes. Kendal. Government Sold in bottles by 0. D. counter-ordered; bucli orders must beBent to this stamp. Every arm i.-- London-proved, and bears the Com- With Bonvick's 'Uuking Powder you can maks N.B. Directions for the guidance of patients i Barraud, Chemist, Wellington;a1soby W. Bishop, j Office One Day before Publication, and must ba pany's titidc marks. Bread Yeast. witho.ut disorder are affixed to each Box. TOILET "VINEGARis far superior Wellington. Holsters, Belts, Pouches, Ammunition. U WItITINQ. Q IMMEL'S Borwick's Baking Powder saves Eggs Mid Butter. £§j No 1 to any Eau de Cologue, as a touic and reAugusts, 1865. Address Advertisementsto boleft at tho Independent Powder makes Norfolk Baking DumpSub-Agenis Borwidi's : freshing adjunct to the Toilet or Bnth, a reviving Office," Lambton Quay, before Eight o'clock COLT'S FIRE-ARMS COMPANY. perfection. i» lings BARRAUI) Wkllingtok C. D. ..." perfume, and a powerful disinfectant. Its useful Monday, W-sdnesday, and Friday Evenings. Jl, Pall Mall, London. Bor wick's Baking Powder is invaluable in the THE HORSE. OWKN BKOS .-. Do and sanitary properties render it an iudispenettble Also to be had through anyEast India or Colonial Bu»!i. AGENTS FCR THE "WELLINGTON INDEPENDENT WILLIAM BISHOP Do. requisite, especially in warm cliaiates. Agency. Borwk'k'a Br.ldug Powder is warranted wholesome. MESSHS. PKAVAN & WOON ....Wanoanu,' 'fi"■n E Celebrated Author of Nimkod on ConOTHER AKiICLIiS lIECOMME.VDIiD Wellington. Messrs. W. Lyon, J. Houghtor, Powder take cure that Baking In buying Boiwick's Do W. T. OWEN, Rimmel's I.avendeii Wateii, distilled from Mitcham i. uiTiox asserts that be never bad in his posjPtHOWN MOLESKIN TROUSERS are manuJ. Wallace, Latnblou Quay; \V\ Saott, E, you get it. worms, this valuable Medicine a ever suffered from weut may Frcffi whom bo session liorso llmt , flowers. Vy faetured only by H.,E. &M. MOSES, 14 As there are 11. Carpenter, Thorndon flat. and injurious imitaspurious obtained, several neither lameexperienced blind, Jockey or Frangipaui, broken-winded; " Club, &c, of ex Rimsiel's Cannon-htreet west, London. tions, sec that the words GEOHG K BOUWTCK" Hutt Bridge T. Mullins ness from thrushes, cracked herds, furcy, or humors; quisite fragrance. Uivjjji Hutt— Mr, T. Mills rro on every packet. Rimmel's Glycrjune, Honey, Windsor, and other which lie attributes mostly to th<? jivin:,' of such nlST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, SYDNEY. FOB HOUSES. UppkuHutt Mr. P. Wilkie 'I 0 be had of nil respectable Storekeepers, in Id. Toilet Soaps. leraiivo or physic medicine every two months, as to Cd, Ib, 2(i, 4J,and Gd packets,and in patent boxes Mastehton H. Bnnnister, Post Oflioo Lime Juice and Glycerinefor beautifying excite a sutlicieiit discharge hy the suit), bowels, or Rimmel's PUBLISHED, a complete history of 2s 0.1, and each. Wholesale of G. BOKWICK, Greytown J. Fuller, llisiug Suu Os the Hair. kidneys, RtxJ th reby produce ft regularity iv the St. .Mary's Cathedral from the laying of the Chiswell Street and Autumn are tins Seasons the CON (lute Little Moorfielda), London. (Jauteuton U. Keinbte great practical experience shows the foundation stone to its lamentable destructionby February 10, 1805. DIT ION of HOUSES ought to be looked to llimmel's Pekfume Vapokizeii,Perfume fountains sjstem. His OTAKr W. Davies necessity of administering such medicines, (particu&0., &c. 1 when they are gfnerally rough coated, hide bound fire,-- with numerous engravings from sketches and work) ; tuti to meet this desired Manawatn. Mr AlcxanJer Gray, in to horsus liuly debilitated and out of altogether tone, perhaps photographs. Price one sliiUing, postage extra. and Tuiukina. Franklinand Huist object, no more prmlent medicine cun be given than Sold by all Perfumery Vendors. ! A stove most, brilliantly po- proceeding from irreguiur or over-reached exercise, -AY. Ct. Mason.81 Slanlt-y-street, Sydney. Agents Wajtganui Mr. H. Iresou Jouei trade on one E. HIMMEL, Perfumer to 11.U.H. the Princess UIBTON' WOH.M and CONDITION POWDKRS, supplied liberal terms. lished in two minutos for less thau far. ! musty or inuutritious feeding, which always causes and tho J certain all Taiunaki Woon remedy destroying as a sufe and for Cornhill, (he 96 Strand and Wales, half of clear of tho celebrated induces the destructive of 21 Londou. profits pubregis:pred "Mr. worms, disorders, Notice. Ono and mo3t thing. Yf. G. NIXKY'S I Auckland New Zealuiiuer" Oflies species ol worm, and removing and keeping buck lication will he devoted to the StMary'sCathedral BLACK LEAD. A new domestic discovery ! even to the death of the Horse ; but may in such Nelson Mr. Elliott the nbovc diseases. And punicnlnrly if given at Restoration Fund. t Cannot be wusted, nnd is a preservative ef Furni- seasons be enliivly eradicated by administering ON SALE AT THK OFFICE OF THIS Cantekbuby Mr. «/. E. Marsh autumn, mt<l in the spring, they will put the horse " PAPER. GlliiON'S OUIGINAI, WORM AND OON*" ture fiom the injurious effects of the common ariiulc season, give Otagio W. Hay, News Agent, Ouuedin and condition for ihe coming in fide comparatively now in use, as it creates no dust, and DITION POWDERS. | TO PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTISTS. "AUCKLAND WEEKLY NEWS." blood, Sydney M*. E. Greville THE him additional and his strength viger, purify ■ given, no labor. and without any alteration they being easily add a fine to his Melboubne Messrs, Gordon & Gotch commerce, politics, glosr, coating. of nnd agrionHure, whore, 4d, & Is feeding blocks, 2, in solid Id. or exercise. See his necessary in either A. J. WATT & CO., of Sydney, Sold cverj literature, science aud art. It consists of Sold in boxes, with tho Purgative Ball, with a London— Messrs. F. Algar, 11Oletueiit's-stre* Advantages of this Elegant Chemical Prc- trentise on the care of the House, oue of whichis of Th<i Photographic the attention to call Iwx Lombard-street,E.G. ; and G. Street, 20 pages ot demy, coutaiuiug 80 columns of treatise. Artists to their largo and varied assortment of |ip.ratjon ate great saviug of lime, cleanliness of enclosed, in each package. OornliilU Ihe public are particularly respected to observe i The Public are particularlyroquested to observe closely printed matter. Itcontains all the news of photographicchemicals, apparatus,and sundries 0 application, smnllness of quantity required, nnd the week, the latest intelligence the seat of that the signature of Kobt. N. Gibton is on each * "' . hi every description, which may be obtained at the prevention of waste, dusi, and its destructive con- that the Signature of Hobt. N. Giblon is on each the as well as local aud generalfrom I information. wrapper. Sole Wholesule Ageut, W. EdwnrJs, 67 sequences. Further, it ultimately produces a pure wrapper. Scle Wholesale Agent, \V. Edwards, 07 war, lowest possibleprices. Printed by MoKbnzib, proand Published Thomas Weekly News is by every Paul'B, The received steamer London. coating of a high degree ef brilliancy and St. Paula, London. St. metallic Lists forwarded post free on application. prietor ef the Wellington IndepekdenT Sold by Mr C. D. Barraud, also by Mr W.Bisliop, Sold by Mr 0. D. Darraud, also by Mr W. from Auckland; and persons requiring the same, IN.B —Particular attention is directed to their durability, reflecting both light and heat. (See aud General Printing Office, Willis Newspaper respectable supplied by leaving be their address at the and moßt Chemist, Wellington; by Bishop, Chemists, Wellington; &nd by moßt res- can absoluteether, alcohol, collodion, and chloroform, spenimc^ on be sides of each block. strce* Wsllingtou, New Zealand. Chemists iv the Colony. 13, ?OHO SQI7ABK, LONDON pectable Chemists inihe Colony, j office of Uiis paper. 634, George-Btreet, Sydney. THIS j , ' ! — — ' — . — X . — DINNI-'FOIiD'S ' — -1 1 " [VaL) J^JXOLLIS E^OWNE'lnji . ALL . 1 — EOOHE'S — ; " J 1 . _ — — — —" — I',1 " . — — FORD'S — — COLT'S 1 — — — — NOW " — — —— — — —— ——— ——— —— — SPIUNG — (""iLKAJNLTNESS - MESSRS. AJOUHNAL , I 1111 in »wi