St. Raymond of Peñafort Parish
St. Raymond of Peñafort Parish
A rea Events Rodgers Organ Dedication Masses at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Independence are scheduled for Saturday, November 28 at 4:30 PM and Sunday, November 29 at 10:30 AM. This historic church will be opening its 120 yearold building on November 28 after a major restoration. Kraig Windschitl will be our guest organist. He is renowned in the mid -west at all Catholic & Lutheran churches. The organ was installed by Rodgers Organ Studio, Minneapolis. All You Can Eat Soup Supper w ill be held at N otre Dame Parish Life Center in Chippewa Falls on Wednesday, December 2 from 4:00-6:00 PM. Just $5 per person. Menu includes four varieties of homemade soup, bread, milk and dessert. Call 715.723.7108 for more information. Triniteam Caregivers’ Joy Day w ill be held on Thursday, December 3 at 1:30 PM at Sacred Heart Hospital— Rotunda. Call Kim at 715.858.9808 for more information. Community Christmas Fair w ill be held at the Fall Creek Fire Hall on Saturday, December 5 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Coffee & Sweets, Lunch, Door Prizes, Sale Items like Baked Goods, Cookies, Lefse, Crafts, Jewelry, Rugs, Books and more!! For more information, call: 715.877.3132 or 715.877.2489. Cookie Walk & Book Sale w ill be held at St. Patrick’s Cafeteria in Eau Claire on Sunday, December 6 from 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. You pick your own cookies and pay $7.00 per pound or buy a ready-made platter for $8.50 per pound or a 3-pound platter for $25. Book Sale will include over 100 titles for all ages. For more information, contact Michelle Bowe at 715.835.2693 or [email protected]. Dinner with St. Nicholas with all the Trimmings will be served at St. Joseph Church in Boyd on Sunday, December 6 beginning at 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Meat Balls & Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Cranberries, Dinner Roll, Beverage and Dessert. Matching Funds with Catholic Order of Foresters Court #1536. Proceeds go for the support of the Catholic Grade School. Extreme Charge Youth Rally w ill be held on Saturday, December 12 at 5:30 to 9:30 PM at Our Lady of Peace, Marshfield This Rally is especially for all teens. Mass will begin at 5:30 PM, dinner at 6:30 and Rally at 7:00-9:30 PM. Worship is led by SONAR an inspired band from the Twin Cities area. Call Dan Kitzhaber at 715.384.4989 ext. 3 or email KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TRINITY COUNCIL #10774 Augusta, Fall Creek, Brackett, Strum, Osseo A Catholic Family Fraternal Service Organization Good Things Grow in the Knights of Columbus Make Your Family a Part of Ours If interested in joining, call: (715) 347-7051 or (715) 695-3496 or (715) 492-9677 Anderson Funeral Home Personalized Funeral, Cremation and Pre-Arrangement Services Monuments & Markers (715) 286-2222 Maureen Anderson, Director Family Owned Since 1954 312 S. Stone Street Augusta, WI 54722 [email protected] Interfaith Prayer Service w ill be held at the UW Eau Claire Ecumenical Center on Wednesday, January 6 beginning at 6:30 PM. Christian Pastors, Ministers, Priests, and Lay People from Jewish, Muslim, and Buddhist faiths will lead prayer for “Peace and Unity For all People”. Plan to attend. If you have any questions, please call Bob Lesniewski, oblSB at 715.878.4900. Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) is sponsoring “Stepping On” (a fall prevention program for older folks) for 7 weeks on Wednesdays, January 20 through March 2 at 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon at the London Square Apartments in Eau Claire. Call 715.839.4735 or register online at The St. Francis Food Pantry is preparing for the holidays! We are the largest provider of groceries directly to those in need in Eau Claire. Each week 500 families rely on us for good nutrition. Our goal this holiday season is to provide each family with a turkey or ham and fixings. We would certainly appreciate your help in making this happen. If you are able to sponsor a family in need for $20, please send a check payable to St. Francis Food Pantry, 1221 Truax Blvd, Eau Claire, WI 54703 or visit [email protected] to use paypal. Ruby’s Pantry is open the 2 nd Tuesday of each month from 4:30 to 6:00 PM at the United Church of Christ, Osseo. If you have any questions, please call 715.597.2485. For a $20 cash donation, you will receive high quality surplus food. Fall Creek Community Cupboard is located at the Faith Evangelical Free Church in Fall Creek. Contact Mary at 715.835.8090 or [email protected] for more information. Feed My People Food Bank is in need of volunteers for our office, warehouse, and to drive our trucks (no special license needed). If you’re available weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and would like to donate your time, please contact Sara at 715-835-9415 ext. 101 or [email protected]. Together we can solve hunger. Northwest Wisconsin Supportive Homecare w ill provide Transportation Services for those who have limitations due to health, eyesight or mobility. Call 715.831.0100 for more information. St. Raymond of Peñafort Parish First Sunday of Advent November 28-29, 2015 Parish Calendar: Saturday, November 28 6:00 PM Mass (†Kris Lindner) Sunday, November 29 7:50 AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy; Rosary 8:30 AM Mass (†Gordon Hill) No Faith Formation Classes Tuesday, December 1 8:00 AM Mass (†Richard Puglisi) Wednesday, December 2 6:30-7:30 PM “The Liturgical Year”—presented by Fr. Derek Sakowski at St. Mary’s Community Center 7:00-8:30 PM Confirmation Classes meet Thursday, December 3 8:00 AM Mass (†Gertrude Dekan) 5:00-10:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration 6:30 PM PCCW Meeting; Package Christmas Cookies 7:00-8:30 PM “33 Days to Morning Glory” Retreat No Confessions at St. Raymond’s 7:00-8:30 PM Penance Service at St. James Friday, December 4 11:30 AM Mass (Peter & Mary Gallick) this Mass is during the 6th & 7th grade Regis Retreat here at St. Raymond’s; everyone is welcome to attend Mass Saturday, December 5 6:00 PM Mass (†Ben & Dorothy Kampa) Sunday, December 6 7:50 AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy; Rosary 8:30 AM Mass (†Rick Bohl) 9:30-10:45 AM Faith Formation Classes (Family Day) Tuesday, December 8 (Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary—Holy Day) 7:00 PM Mass (†Margaret Madson) 8:00 PM Advent Penance Service at St. Patrick’s Wednesday, December 9 7:00-8:30 PM Confirmation Classes Meet 7:00 PM “The Second Vatican Council 1965 to 2015” presentation by Fr. John Schultz—in library Thursday, December 10 8:00 AM Mass (†Alden & Margaret Hillstead) 5:00-10:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration 7:00-8:30 PM Advent Penance Service-St. Raymond Friday, December 11 5:30 PM First Reconciliation Saturday, December 12 6:00 PM Mass (†Charles W. & Lorraine M. Michels) 7:00 PM Parish Social Sunday, December 13 7:50 AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy; Rosary 8:30 AM Mass (ϮScott Kostka) 9:30 AM Parish Social 9:30-10:45 AM Faith Formation Classes Meet E10455 Mallard Road Fall Creek, WI 54742 (715) 877-3400 [email protected] Pastor: Fr. Derek Sakowski . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.855.1294 [email protected] Parochial Vicar: Fr. Alan Guanella . . . . . . . 715.855.1294 [email protected] St. Mary’s Rectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.514.5113 Priest in Residence: Father John Schultz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.271.0018 Mailing address: S10444 Hwy 53, Fall Creek, 54742 Parish Office: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.877.3400 Parish Secretary: Elaine Welin . . . . . . . . . . 715.877.2532 [email protected] Bookkeeper: Bonnie Firkus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.533.0629 [email protected] Faith Formation: Marianne Callaghan . . . . 715.835.8840 [email protected] Custodian/Maintenance: Larry Julson . . . . 715.695.3496 [email protected] St. Mary’s Parish Office: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.855.1294 1812 Lynn Avenue, Altoona, WI 54720 [email protected] • COMMUNION TO HOMEBOUND If you know of someone that is homebound and would like Holy Communion brought to them, please contact Carla Kostka at 715.597.3690 or 715.225.7419 (cell). N ext Weekend: Second Sunday of Advent December 5-6 & December 8, 2015 Saturday, December 5—6:00 PM Intention: †Ben & Dorothy Kampa Sunday, December 6—8:30 AM Intention: †Rick Bohl Lector: Alison Christ Server: Amelia Flaskrud Ushers: Aaron Christ, Ken Falch, Tom Starks, Joe Worzella Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Pat Dimmitt, Bonnie Goss, Jeanette Wolcott Greeters: Denise Starks, Jerome Wolcott Lector: Tom Falbo Servers: Elise & Jack Bearrood, Grace Mayer Ushers: Janet Lesniewski, Pat & Janet Quirk, Jeff Sauter Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Cathleen Bearrood, Nan Falbo, Bob Lesniewski Greeters: Tom & Suzanne Mayer Counters: Patrick Gentry, Tom & Suzanne Mayer Tuesday, December 8—7:00 PM Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Intention: †Margaret Madson Lector: Paul Uhlig Servers: Megan Pfaff, Nick Bowers, Daniel Messerschmidt Ushers: Jake Geisert, John Jaenke, Ken & Carlotta King Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Bob Gruba, Lisa & Jena Hinrichs Building Fund Envelopes: Plate: Youth Envelopes: Newspapers: St. Mary’s Confession Schedule: 50.00 295.50 6.00 22.50 500.00 Retreat Reimbursement: 936.68 Utilities: 163.24 TOTAL: Saturday, December 5—7:45-8:50 AM; 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon 2,891.00 Fall Festival (Financial Life Donation): Mass Stipends: Saturday, November 28—4:00 PM Sunday, November 29—11:00 AM; 1:00 PM Spanish Mass Wednesday, December 2–8:00 AM Mass Friday, December 4—9:00 AM Mass Saturday, December 5—9:00 AM; 4:00 PM Sunday, December 6—11:00 AM; 1:00 PM Spanish Mass Monday, December 7—5:30 PM Vigil Mass Monday, December 7—7:00 PM Spanish Mass Tuesday, December 8—9:00 AM (Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary) Bi-Lingual Mass and Celebration on Sunday, December 13th at 12:00 Noon; no 11:00 AM Mass Weekly Financial Report for November 21-22: Adult Envelopes: St. Mary’s Mass Schedule 20.00 4,884.92 Mass Intentions: I f you w ould like to have a Mass said for the intention of loved ones, please submit their name along with your name & phone number, date & time of the Mass you prefer and $10 for each intention. Please drop in the collection basket or leave in the parish office. Mass Offering Cards are now available in the gathering space. Please indicate if the person is deceased or living. Note: Some Mass Intentions may be said at Regis Chapel by Fr. Guanella. DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN ITEMS Please get all your items for the bulletin in to Elaine Welin at [email protected] or call her at 715.877.3400 by Monday evening at 5:00 PM. N ews From Around The Parish “The SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL— 1965 to 2015” is the title of a presentation that is sponsored by the Eau Claire Catholic Deanery and will be presented by Fr. John Schultz 50 years after the conclusion of the Council. Presentations will be at the St. James Parish Gathering Room on Monday, December 7 and at St. Raymond’s parish on Wednesday, December 9. Both will be at 7:00 PM and will last for one hour. The public is invited. ANOINTING OF THE SICK If you (or a loved one) are expecting to go in for surgery and/or hospitalization, you are encouraged to contact Father Sakowski to request the Sacrament of Anointing before your hospital visit. Please also remember that this Sacrament is not merely for those who are dying, but for anyone with a significant illness or sufficiently advanced in years. BAPTISMAL RECORDS: If you would like to request a baptismal record, please contact the parish secretary at 715.877.3400 with the date of birth and where to send the record. Thank you. CEMETERY SUBCOMMITTEE A subcommittee is being set up to look at cleaning of the tombstones in the Holy Guardian Angels Cemetery. If you are interested in being part of this group, please contact Joseph Worzella at 715.530.2785 or email him at [email protected]. EAU CLAIRE DEANERY ADORATION "How great is the value of conversation with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament." Saint John Paul II,198. You are invited to Eucharistic Adoration—Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration. Eucharistic Adoration is held in the Benedictine Chapel, 322 Fulton St., Eau Claire. Doors are open from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Monday through Friday. Scheduled adoration: 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM— Monday through Friday. Contact Ann at 715.874.5794 to sign up for a weekly, scheduled hour or to be on the substitute list. "Come rest with me and I will give you peace. " National Night of Prayer for Life, December 8: The purpose of this evening is to unite prayers with Catholics throughout the country in an effort to bring the world back to Christ and to bring about an end to abortion. The hours are chosen to coincide with Our Lady of Guadalupe's appearance to Juan Diego. Tuesday, December 8th at St. Patrick’s Church at 322 Fulton Street, Eau Claire, WI. Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, plus Hourly Pro-Life Prayer Services will be held from 8:00 PM to Midnight. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 8:00-10:00 PM. Closing Benediction is at Midnight. For more information, contact: Michelle Bowe at 715-8352693 or [email protected]. PARISH KIOSK OF CATHOLIC MEDIA So much great information—Lighthouse Catholic Media offers a practical and effective program to help Catholics know their Faith, keep their Faith, and share their Faith! We all have friends or family members who have fallen away from the Church, or loved ones who are searching for answers about their Faith and want to increase their knowledge and understanding but don’t know where to begin. Now you can reach out to them by offering a wonderful learning tool - a Lighthouse CD, pamphlet, booklet, or book. Whether in the car or at home, people can deepen their understanding of the Catholic Faith when they listen to inspiring talks given by some of the best Catholic speakers in the world. In the back of the church, you will see a display offering 16 different CD titles, 5 different booklets, and 4 book titles. We ask for a donation of $3 per CD, $2 per booklet, and $6 per book so that we may continue this program. Check it out often—as new items get added. A locked donation box is located on the kiosk to make it available for self-service every day. Won’t you reach out and help bring someone home? Any questions or suggestions for materials, please contact Donna Kuhnen at [email protected] or 715.861.5515. If you currently advertise in our bulletin: Please note that we will be going to a combined bulletin (with St. Mary’s Parish) format in January 2016. So any bulletin ads will be contracted with Liturgical Publishing Inc. More details to come! Contact Elaine at the parish office: 715.877.3400 N ews From Around The Parish: COMMUNITY SERVICE: As many of you know, we are involved in volunteering at 2 homeless shelters in Eau Claire - Sojourner House and Hope Gospel Mission. We have had such wonderful support with many volunteers helping out on a regular basis. I have had so much positive feedback from those who have volunteered. Thank you so much to all of you who have helped out so far. If anyone would like to get involved please contact Tammy Smith at 715-835-8685 or [email protected]. Sojourner House: This is a homeless shelter for adult men and women. They are served a warm meal each evening and are able to stay overnight. We serve the meal, register them for showers and laundry time and help them store their belongings. We volunteer the first Monday of each month. Hope Gospel Mission: There are 2 separate shelters, one for women called Ruth House and one for men called the Men's Shelter. The residents here are allowed to stay for approximately 2 years but need to agree to make changes through a Christian-based program. We have been providing the dinner meal typically 1-2 times per month. There are no set dates. Volunteers just let me know when they are able to volunteer and I sign them up. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Volunteer(s) Needed: Fr. Sakowski is looking for a volunteer, approximately once per week, to prepare a meal for him and Fr. Guanella. This could be either prepared off site and dropped off, or (if need be) prepared in the rectory. The parishes pay for the groceries. Most likely, the weekly meal would be Thursday lunch or supper. If interested, please contact Sharon Stearns at 715.855.1294 or email her at [email protected]. Diocese of La Crosse Guidelines for Reporting Instances of Child Abuse The Diocese of La Crosse, through its policies and procedures, seeks to provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by a member of the clergy or by lay employees or volunteers. Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should send that report to Bishop William Patrick Callahan at the Diocese of La Crosse, P. O. Box 4004, La Crosse, WI 54602-4004. The form is available through the Diocese of La Crosse, Office for Clergy; or on the diocesan website at: Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. Copies of the diocesan policy are available through your local parish and on the diocesan website. If you have any questions about the Diocese of La Crosse and the implementation of the Charter for the protection of children and Young People, please contact Monsignor David Kunz, Vicar for Clergy, Diocese of La Crosse, at (608) 791-2679; or [email protected]. “The Liturgical Year” A Talk by Fr. Derek Sakowski 6:30 to 7:30 PM: Wednesday, December 2nd St. Mary’s Community Center — 1812 Lynn Ave — Altoona What is it? A one-hour PowerPoint presentation on how to get the most out of liturgical seasons and liturgical feast days by full and active participation. Father will consider how each season and each feast brings with it a great opportunity for profound spiritual renewal, as we allow Christ’s mysteries to become our mysteries. He will also explain how our Catholic liturgical observance is closely linked to the passage of time, the rhythms of nature, and to the fate of the entire cosmos. When? Wed, Dec 2nd, 6:30-7:30 PM Where? St. Mary’s Community Center 1812 Lynn Ave — Altoona Cost? No Cost / No Registration Refreshments provided — All are Welcome! Expecting a child? Contact the parish office at 715.877.3400 now to begin our baptismal preparation program! Next Baptism Prep with Father: December 10—6:00-7:00 PM at St. Raymond Next Session with Other Parents: November 14—7:15-9:00 PM at St. Raymond more information can be found here: Divorced and looking for closure? Remarried and yearning to return to the sacraments? The Diocese of La Crosse Matrimonial Tribunal may be able to help. We can be reached by phone at (608) 791 -2684, or e-mail at [email protected] and are more than willing to answer any questions about the process itself, any fees that may be involved, or simply how to begin a case. If you prefer, you may also schedule a meeting directly with your pastor or parochial vicar to begin the process. N ews From Around the Parish K-8 parents: N ext Sunday is Family Day. We look forward to seeing you for our fun Adventthemed morning! If you have any questions, please contact our Faith Formation Coordinator— Marianne Callaghan at 715.835.8840 or AREA PENANCE SERVICES: December December December December December December December FROM THE LIBRARY: FAITH FORMATION NEWS: Advent and Christmas: Wisdom from St. Francis of Assisi (P & S KRU) St. Francis of Assisi calls us to embrace a life of radical Christian discipleship. For Francis, to live the life of a disciple of Christ meant that one had to embrace the poverty and humility of Christ as made manifest in Christ’s own birth. This Advent and Christmas, let St. Francis guide you in finding the great expression of God’s overflowing love for each one of us trough reflection and prayer. Mabel Breid, Librarian 3: St. James (7:00-8:30 PM) 8: St. Patrick’s (8:00-10:00 PM) 10: St. Raymond’s (7:00-8:30 PM) 10: St. Joseph (Elk Mound) (6:00-7:30 PM) 12: St. Mary’s (8:30 AM-3:30 PM) 15: Immaculate Conception (7:00-8:00 PM) 17: St. Olaf (7:00-8:30 PM) HELPERS NEEDED FOR CHRISTMAS DECORATING: We will be decorating the church for Christmas and need your help! Please plan to stay and help us out — on Sunday, December 20th at 9:30 AM. Thank you! St. Raymond has a NEW App— Just go to the App Store and download: MyParish—Catholic Life Every Day onto your smartphone or device. Search for St. Raymond Parish. App includes: Mass times, how to make a good confession, helpful prayer listing, weekend homilies, bulletins, latest news and calendar of events, Daily Readings, and so much more! UPCOMING AT ST. RAYMOND’s: Feast of the Immaculate Conception— Tuesday, December 8 (Holyday) - 7:00 PM Mass CHRISTMAS EVE/CHRISTMAS DAY: Christmas Eve Mass—Thursday, 5:00 PM Christmas Day Mass—Friday, 9:00 AM The Way Nature Intended S13240 Young Road Osseo, WI 54758 Phone: 715.597.0085 Fax: 715.597.0065 Email: [email protected] Walter Buildings Myriad of Design Options: Steve Sobotta Your Exterior Specialist! Free Estimates! Office: 715-723-7200 • Agriculture Suburban Commercial Equestrian [email protected] Office: 800.225.2591 Cell: 715.828.2494 Build with Confidence E18745 County Road R Build with Walters Augusta, WI 54722 N ews From Around the Parish KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: You are welcome to join the Knights of Columbus: All practicing Catholic men 18 years or older wishing to join the Knights of Columbus or want information on the Knights contact any one of our members or call Grand Knight John Jaenke at 715.429.0052. We will be doing our Annual Christmas Poster Contest for Grades 1 through 6. All entries need to be turned in by December 13. Cash prizes will be awarded. We will be making rosettes for Christmas on Wednesday, beginning December 2, 9 and 16. Come on out and help if you can. Many hands will be needed. Parish Council of Catholic Women: Our next meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on Thursday, December 3. This will be a brief meeting and then we will package cookies. All ladies are invited! PARISH COOKBOOKS AVAILABLE If you are looking for a great gift, remember we have our Parish Cookbooks available for sale! The cookbooks are available on the table in the gathering space for just $12 each. You may contact the Parish Office at 715.877.3400 to order more! WET BASEMENT? *Water Control Systems *Wall Stabilization Badger Basement Systems S4425 Hwy NL Augusta (715) 286-5496 2015 Golf Outing donations: Anderson Funeral Home Joe & Mabel Breid Brackett Bar Ken & Mary Ellen Falch Charles Feltes, Attorney Bob & B Grzyb John & Michelle Kuehn Ron & Donna Kuhnen Greg & Elaine LeGare Mike & Cherie Miller Osseo Ford Schiefelbein Funeral Home Jim & Bess Whalen Richard Ziemann THANK YOU This space compliments of Osmund Quandahl from Waukon, Iowa THANK YOU, Tim & Therese Olson, Lowes Creek Tree Farm for your generous donations of trees, flowering plants & other shrubbery for our Live Auction!! Visit their website— PARISH COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (PCCW) NEWS: Community Christmas Fair Fall Creek Fire House (east end of Fall Creek along Hwy 12) Saturday, December 5 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Parishioners: St. Raymond’s Parish Council of Catholic Women (PCCW) participates in the Community Christmas Fair in Fall Creek each year. We sell our delicious homemade Christmas cookies (by the pound) at this fun event. It is a great fundraiser for us!! We ask all families of the parish to make and donate two batches of Christmas cookies and deliver them to the church before 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 3rd. There will be a brief PCCW meeting at 6:30 PM and then we will package the cookies starting at 7:00 PM. We could also use your help in the weighing and packaging of the cookies. Thank you! N ews From Around the Parish Diocesan Annual Appeal— Goal for St. Raymond’s: $36,368 To date, we have received $29,585.59 Remaining balance: $6,782.41. (Remember every dollar that we go over our goal will come back to our parish!) Please send in your pledge card as soon as possible. Thank you for your generosity! EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Many people are still wondering why they should attend Eucharistic Adoration. For the next several weeks a new reason will be posted! If you are still not convinced, come try spending time with Jesus yourself and you will be writing your own list of benefits!!! Adoration is held every Thursday from 5:00-10:00 PM. Come in for any amount of time. Reap the graces of the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 7:00-9:00 PM as well. Call Nan at 715.878.4767 or email her at [email protected] with questions. Now for Benefit #79 Through Perpetual Adoration a Parish gives the King all the love He truly deserves. Perpetual Adoration is the Divine romance between Jesus and His people. (Fr. Martin Lucia) CLOTHING DONATIONS NEEDED: King’s Closet, on Barstow, is open on Thursdays from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM and on the first Saturday of the month from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM to receive any donations of good, clean clothing. They can also use sheets, warm blankets, wall decorations, including clocks, pictures, etc. They serve the community by giving the items to the needy. King’s Closet is now collecting warm, winter wear for the upcoming cold weather. If you cannot make it to Eau Claire, just drop your clothes at the side door of St. Raymond’s church, mark the box and Carol Gallick will make sure the items get to King’s Closet. Thank you! IF YOU ARE NOT FEELING WELL "If you are not feeling considerate of others by handshakes during the Sign not receiving from the chalice PRAYER CHAIN Our Prayer Chain consists of the Computer Chain and the Call Chain. Elaine Welin ([email protected]) manages the Computer Chain, while Diane Walker 715.286.5171 starts the prayer requests on three Call Chains. Please let us know your special prayer requests. Please be prompt in getting prayer requests out so that prayers can be said in a timely manner. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS ANGEL TREE TAGS The St. Raymond Parish Council of Catholic Women is again sponsoring an Angel Tag project which helps needy families in the Eau Claire area this holiday season. We have received Angel Tags from the Salvation Army. The tags include a child’s gender, age and gift idea. The tags are available for you to pick off the tree in the gathering space. After you have picked up a tag and purchased the gift—suggested cost per each gift is $15 to $25—please place both the gift and the tag near the tree in the gathering space. The gifts & tags should be returned no later than Sunday, Dec. 6th after the 8:30 AM Mass. DO NOT WRAP THE GIFTS! Geoff Wolterstorff, Agent 615 South Barstow Eau Claire, WI 54701 715.839.8004 715.559.4569 well, please be refraining from of Peace and by at communion." Erin L. Scott, DC This space compliments of Richard Ziemann 301 W. Lincoln Ave. PO Box 338 Fall Creek, WI 54742 Phone (715) 877-2880 Phone: 715-597-3909 FAX: 715-597-2795 Kenneth Sigurdson: (715) 450-0865 Mina Sigurdson: (715) 590-3987 [email protected] CHARLES V. FELTES, S.C. Attorney at Law 13801 Eighth Street P.O. Box 485 Osseo, WI 54758 All A’s Driving School 2425 Seymour Rd, Suite #3 Eau Claire, WI 54703