Mendham Borough Schools Mendham, NJ
Mendham Borough Schools Mendham, NJ WEEKLY BULLETIN April 8, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 ………………………………… Message from the Superintendent Page 2 ………………………………… News from Hilltop School Page 5 ………………………………… News from Mountain View School Page 9 ………………………………… Home School Association Happenings Page 11 ………………………………… Mendham Borough Library Happenings Page 12 ………………………………… Community Happenings FROM DR. JANIE EDMONDS, SUPERINTENDENT… Greetings in April, a pivotal month: the April 27 budget vote looms. An approved budget is the only route along which schools are able to move ahead as they must if they are to provide an education aligned with this decade’s ever-changing, student-learning needs. The choice that is made at the polls will answer the questions that follow. Will the community choose to support the level of good education that its schools provide? Will the schools begin to recover from last year’s defeat? To reinstate things that were lost? Or will the vote call for still more setbacks? We all wish that schools were less expensive to run. Wherever we live, we are each responsible for paying taxes to support the education of our local young people, and the checks we write for that purpose are large. It’s very good fortune if we can feel that the resulting education is of high quality – that not only makes it a bit less painful to pay, but it bolsters our own property values and provides us with a well-educated populace, even after the primary benefit to our family has been rendered because our own children have graduated. In responding to a message from a parent today, I noted part of the wide range of considerations in building a budget, and I asked for ongoing feedback about local sentiment. In two budget hearings we heard different messages from those who participated. Opinions vary across the community, and we can only plan well when we are well informed. If you hear beliefs that are out of synch with what you think you know about your schools, we will work hard to counter those misperceptions. Your information to us is key to making that happen. We can be depended on to be discreet. Data concerning the budget are on the website, and we add to them from time to time as more become available. Thank you for your help, and best wishes for a fine spring weekend, Janie Edmonds 1 Friday, April 8, 2011 FROM THE DESK OF THE PRINCIPAL: Hilltop First Grade News First grade is erupting with excitement as we study volcanoes. The volcanologists are having fun drawing diagrams of underwater volcanoes and writing about their observations of several volcano experiments in our science journals. As we bring our unit to a close, the children will make clay models of the three different types of volcanoes. First grade is having a blast! In math, we are learning about many ways to name a number through the use of Name-Collection boxes. We are starting to obtain “fact power” by playing games and practicing with our fact triangles. We are amazing mathematicians! Our first graders are wonderful authors. They are completing their “All About” books on a topic of their choice. They have learned how to make appropriate paper choices just like real authors do. They have also learned that writers write about topics that they know a lot about and they certainly have proved that they can teach a reader about their topic. We continue to read non-fiction books on many topics. As a culmination project, the children made a book that displayed knowledge gained from reading the non-fiction books. Hop on by and see our “Hello Spring” poem adorning the first grade hallway. UPCOMING IN APRIL: Wednesday, April 13th th Wednesday, April 20 nd Friday, April 22 th Wednesday, April 27 th Friday, April 29 Author Visit ...Doreen Cronin, Grades 1-3 @ 2 PM All District Stings Concert, 7PM at WMMHS H.S.A. Assemblies – Dar Hosta, Author & Illustrator Schools Closed – Good Friday School Elections at the Mendham Borough Fire House Class photos by Lifetouch Hilltop parent Council Meeting Second Grade Hoedown 2 Author Doreen Cronin On Wednesday, April 13th will be speaking to our 1st , 2nd and 3rd graders about her latest book "The Trouble With Chickens", the first chapter book in her new series! Click the link below to pre-order the book and read more about the author! Preorder The Trouble With Chickens by Tuesday, April 12th ! 10 % of the school sales will be donated to Hilltop School 3 April Lunch Volunteer Schedule 4/4 Monday 4/5 Tuesday 4/6 Wednesday 4/7 Thursday 4/8 Friday 4/11 Monday 4/12 Tuesday 4/13 Wednesday 4/14 Thursday 4/15 Friday 4/18 Monday 4/19 Tuesday Wheeler, Zychowski, Walsh Minhas, Deb Smith, Stanton Alpert, Anderson, Barsily Byrne, Shafran, Conti D’Agostino, Day, Dellaratta Fagan, Caminiti, Graham Tarazi, Euvino, Greco Dickens, Doherty, Grieco Farlekas, Gangemi, Jennings Racich, Klayman, O’Callaghan Oths, Patyk, Higgins Lupo, Maresca, Nelson 4/20 Wednesday Rowley, Perrin, Rollins 4/21 Thursday O’Neill, Salem, Kear **NO SCHOOL 4/22 FRIDAY** 4/25 Monday Slutsky, Melanie Smith, Sparno 4/26 Tuesday Deb Smith, Stanton, Walsh 4/27 Wednesday Shafran, Wheeler, Alpert 4/28 Thursday Barsily, Byrne, Schreibman 4/29 Friday Wilcock, Zychowski, Anderson 4/26 Tuesday Deb Smith, Stanton, Walsh 4/27 Wednesday Shafran, Wheeler, Alpert 4/28 Thursday Barsily, Byrne, Schreibman 4/29 Friday Wilcock, Zychowski, Anderson Health Office Update: One case of head lice has been reported in the 2nd grade since we arrived back from Spring break. Please continue to keep watch for any signs or symptoms such as itchy scalps or irritations behind ears or on the base of the neck at the hairline. Do not treat unless you are sure of it. I am always happy to consult and assist you. Skippy Reduced Fat Creamy and Super Chunk Peanut Butter Spreads have been recalled in 16 states because they may be contaminated with Salmonella, NJ is one of them. No illnesses to date have been reported. The recalled peanut butter, packaged in 16.3 oz plastic jars, has the following ID marks: UPC numbers located on the lid of the jar are: 048001006812 and 048001006782. For further information on the recall, call 1-800-453-3432. 4 MOUNTAIN VIEW MIDDLE SCHOOL April 8, 2011 Principal’s Corner ATTENTION PARENTS OF 8TH GRADE STUDENTS! There will be a meeting for parents of all students attending the Washington trip on Monday, April 18th at 6:30 PM in the Mountain View Media Center. This mandatory meeting will provide parents with an overview of the trip and the expectations we hold for all students. Important permission slips, required forms, and dress guidelines will be distributed. Additional information detailing year end festivities and graduation will be provided. This is an important meeting that you don’t want to miss! If you are unable to attend please contact the Mountain View main office for instructions regarding submission of all required forms. I am so proud of the Mountain View community and the way we all rallied to compensate for the massive cuts made to the middle school programs. Parents are digging deep into their pockets to fund the sports programs and activities that were eliminated in last year’s budget. The loss of the musical was the most obvious casualty and hopefully with the passage of the budget this year we will be able to reinstate this important theatrical experience. I continue to worry about the less heralded losses we’ve endured. “Banana Splits” was a program offered to our students who struggle with the pain of divorce. With cuts to both the district school psychologist and social worker positions, the support groups and counseling that were taken for granted have quietly ceased to exist. Perhaps it is indicative of the times but we are seeing more students depressed, stressed, and in need of support that we are unable to provide. Unfortunately there is no easy fix. We are currently working with the United Way and “The Youth Empowerment Alliance School Support Network” to try and train our teachers to take a more responsive role in the social and emotional health of our children. My staff recognizes the void and are willing to step up to help but we are all concerned that it may not be enough. Please help by keeping us apprised of any social and emotional struggles your child might be experiencing. We’ll do our best to help! Respectfully, Pat Lambert 5 Team 5 will continue to build solid math and language skills for NJ ASK through the use of guided warm-ups. These warm-ups are geared toward building skills needed for the NJ ASK and to help students find a comfort level with the testing. This work will also build students’ overall skills in math and language to help prevent test day fears. Please look for pink practice sheets coming home in students’ math binders and yellow practice sheets for language arts. Thanks for working with us on this, as always! In science, students have completed their initial studies of electricity and magnetism. Now they are putting knowledge into practice following the engineering design process to create their very own original electronic board games for a toy company. Through brainstorming and designing, teams will create both a prototype and a fully working model using the electrical and magnetic supplies provided in class. The game not only incorporates circuitry and magnetism, but also should teach players about the main concepts from the unit. The engineering design process of the game is done completely in school with guided support from teammates and the teacher. At the end of the process, students will present their games in a toy conference with their peers. Native American projects for Social Studies were wonderfully creative this year, and class presentations provided great learning opportunities for all (including the teacher!). Congratulations to all fifth graders for imaginative and inventive work! Please stay tuned to the fifth grade team website for further information about our class trip in June! FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT . . . . . . . . A big thank you to the HSA and Mrs. Sharon Corbett for sponsoring the Jazzmatazz assembly on the Friday before spring break. Mountain View Senior Band members got a lesson on how to improvise jazz music and then at the assembly were the “House Band” to assist in the artist’s presentation. Each band member also got to go to the microphone and improvise a solo in front of the whole school. This was a great opportunity and the band students did a great job! The "Phantom of the Opera" field trip will be next Wednesday, April 13th! Last minute reminders: Parents who are chaperones should arrive at school by 11:10 to receive their group assignments and special instructions. We greatly appreciate your willingness to help with this field trip! Thank you! Students are asked to dress nicely: Dresses, skirts, dress slacks, and collared shirts. No Blue Jeans. Students will be dismissed from class at the end of 3rd block(11:23) and will report to the library where we will organize into chaperone and bus groups...Students and Chaperones should bring a disposable brown bag lunch to eat on the bus trip into the city. This field trip is a school time activity, and all rules apply. There will be no student cell phones allowed on the trip. Chaperones may bring cell phones. The school will be open for students to call home when we return. Parents should plan on picking up their children at school between 6:00 and 6:15. Any Questions? Email Mrs. Johnson: [email protected]. There is a synopsis of the show posted on Mrs. Johnson's web page if any chaperones are interested in learning what the students have been learning about the show. 6 Dates to Remember: April 13 18 20 22 25 27 May 3-6 9-12 20 24-26 30 Orchestra to WMMHS Chorus to New York 8th Grade Parent Meeting – Washington Trip, Graduation Cultural Arts Program – Dar Hosta Author & Illustrator – 7:00 pm No school – Good Friday Senior Citizen Luncheon School Board and Budget Election 6-8th grade NJ Ask Testing (make-up testing May 9-13) 5th grade NJ Ask Testing (make-up testing May 16-20) Dorney Park band trip 8th grade Washington Trip No School – Memorial Day June 2 13 14 17 20 Festival of the Arts Student Teacher Day Flag Day 7 & 8th grade class picnic – Lewis Morris 5 & 6th grade Field Day 8th grade Graduation Last day of school (tentative) 7 8 HSA HAPPENINGS… Parents, Families and Teachers Join us for a Family Author Visit With Dar Hosta On Wednesday, April 20th 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. In the Hilltop Gym Ms. Dar Hosta will be presenting an evening to celebrate art and writing. She will present a short video demonstrating her art collage technique followed by a short slide show that highlights “keeping creativity alive”. Ms. Hosta will then guide the participants through a fun collage art and writing workshop that will engage everyone and spark their creativity. Find out more about Dar Hosta at Presentation is funded by H.S.A.’s cultural arts committee. Reservations are necessary. Reserve your spot by emailing Sharon Corbett at [email protected] or signing up at the H.S.A. table at Hilltop. All are welcome. 9 H.S.A. Teacher Appreciation Week: May 2nd - 6th Mark your calendars!! Mountain View will celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week May 2nd 6th. It's time to show you care about our teachers and administrative staff. The Committee will be providing delicious lunches for our staff every day of the week. Our budget has been dramatically reduced, so we will primarily be relying on donations from families. In addition to food donations, we are also collecting gift cards and/or monetary donations. If you would like to help out, please consider donating a gift card for our daily raffle. Each day, names will be drawn at random, and the winners will receive a gift card. The more gift cards we get donated, the more teachers will win! Starbucks, Itunes, Movies, Manicures, Book Stores, Target, etc. are some fun ideas. We will use any cash (or checks payable to "Cash") donated to help offset costs of flowers, decorations and other items needed to make this week special for our great group of teachers and staff. A collection box has been placed in the main office where you can drop off your donations. Thanks in advance for your support! Questions? Contact Pam Frigo ([email protected]) or Jennifer Lackland (jblackland The Teacher Appreciation Committee 10 MENDHAM BOROUGH LIBRARY HAPPENINGS… Special and New Programs at Mendham Borough Library Spring Egg Hunt and Craft, Saturday April 9th Celebrate the coming of spring with an egg hunt followed by a fun craft. Bring your baskets – egg hunt starts promptly at 11:00 am! Sign ups are a must for this popular event. Spring Craft: Make Butterflies and Dragonflies Friday, April 15th at 3:30 pm. Earth Day Craft: Make Animals out of Egg Cartons Friday, April 22nd at 3:30 pm. Knitting with Karen Bailey, Tuesdays April 12, 19 & 26, at 1:30-2:30 pm For knitters at all levels. Come ready to start a project, or continue one you’ve already begun, and Karen will be ready to help. Books and Bagels : Saturday April 16th at 10:30. Join others who love to read. Do you, or your book group want reading suggestions? Mendham Borough Library will sponsor an informal book discussion group in the Fletcher Gallery. Come meet your neighbors and enjoy a cup of coffee and a bagel. Please register for these programs at the library or by calling 973 543-4152 Ongoing Programs Sing-A-Long with Mary Kornick Monday: Toddlers at 10:30 am Kindergarten Kids Tuesday at 3:15 – 4:15 p.m. Preschool Story times Thursday at 10:30 am and 2:00 pm. After School Book Clubs 1st Grade – Thursdays 3:15 – 4:15 2nd Grade – Mondays 3:15 – 4:15 3rd and 4th Grade Book Club – Wednesday 3:15 – 4:15 Middle School Book Club – Thursday 3:30 – 4:30 . 11 COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS… SHOP FOR A CURE April is Autism Awareness Month Join us for Spring Boutique with proceeds donated to Autism New Jersey April 12, 2011 11:00am to 2:00pm and 6:00pm to 8:00pm 16 Kennaday Road, Mendham / 973-876-5515 Join us for some spring shopping, a cup of coffee and light lunch or join us in the evening for a sip of vino and hor d'oeuvres while you shop and raise money for Autism Awareness! Willow House (formerly Southern Living) – Melissa D’Agostino will share with you the new home décor available. [email protected] Gold Canyon Candles – Kris Wagoner will share with you all the new, fragrant scents for the spring season. If you don't know about Gold Canyon Candles, we'll let you in on what you are missing. For a sneak peek go to Stella and Dot Jewelry – Jean Carter with Stella and Dot - Take your ordinary to Extraordinary with effortless style. [email protected] Pampered Chef - Lee Scapicchio with Pampered Chef will be on hand to show you new items. **FEEL FREE TO BRING A FRIEND 12 ATTENTION 8th Graders! Mendham High School Cheerleading 2011 Tryout Information Mandatory Information Parent and Child Meeting: Tues., April 12th at 6pm – High School Cafeteria Tryout Clinics : Tues. April 26th,Wed. April 27th,Thurs. April 28th-7-9pm Tryouts : Friday, April 29th – 7-9pm 2011 Twin Boro Bears Cheerleading Open registration for the 2011 season of the Twin Boro Bears Cheerleaders is continuing through April 30th • Walk –in registration will be Sunday April 10th 12 – 2:30 pm. At the Garabrant Center on Wilson Avenue, Mendham Borough. There will be copies of the parent/cheerleader handbook available at the walk-in registration • If you have already registered your daughter Please come by on Sunday April 10th to pick up your Joe Corbi fundraising materials. • Teams will have a maximum of 22 girls and are filled as registrations are received (Pee Wee 6th grade squad is full). This program is for girls entering 1st through 8th Grade in the Fall of 2011 Contact Jennifer Hastings at [email protected] (973)543-0367 or the team web site with questions. 13 The Pastime Club is proud to sponsor Circus Vidbel The Original Olde Tyme Circus Under the Big Top! Friday, May 13, 2011 5:00 pm & 7:30pm at Mendham Borough Park Mountain & Park Avenues Tickets $12 in advance $15 at the door, kids under 2 are free! Seating is limited, so get your tickets in advance at: Mendham Books Blue Ridge Pool—Fireplace Center Robinson Drug Shop Please buy your tickets in advance, as the money from advance ticket sales stays in Mendham! Questions? Please call Tom Callahan – 732-319-2033 The Pastime Club has been donating to athletic groups in the Mendhams and Chesters for nearly a century. Last year, the nonprofit club donated more than $25,000 to schools and community programs such as Little League, youth soccer and football. Founded in 1915, the group is one of the area’s most generous sponsors. There is a sense of responsibility to the surrounding area’s youth. “It’s the reason the club exists,” says John Petrella, Pastime president. 14 Soap Drive to Help Decrease Diseases. Help Me Collect Old and New Soap to Give to the Clean the World Campaign. Nubs of old soaps are gladly accepted. When: Collection Begins April 11-April 15, 2011. Where: A box will be in the Hilltop Recycling Center. Why Soap? Poverty stricken people around the world die every day from respiratory infections and diarrhea because they do not have any soap. Majority of the deaths are children of under the age of 5. Clean the World recycles the soap and makes into new bars. They then deliver the soap to third world countries to reduce the spread of diseases. For more information, see Thanks for your help. Joshua Gelber, 7th grader at Mountainview School. Any questions, email Anna at [email protected] JUST IN CASE!!! We have carbon dioxide detectors in our basements, fire extinguishers in our kitchens and Benadryl in our medicine cabinets -- all purchased JUST IN CASE! NOW, we need AED's on our sports fields -- JUST IN CASE! Donations can be sent to Dawn Nutt 4 Deerfield Road (checks payable to MJWC) or PayPal at 15
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