NSTRA Aug Sept 2013 low res
NSTRA Aug Sept 2013 low res
174th Edition • Bi-Monthly • August/September 2013 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 1 i g 1st Runner-up Kickapoo’s Jackpot Roger Parient, Jr. Owner/Handler Indiana Region 2nd Runner-up Skipper’s Bandit Shaun Rydl Owner/Handler MidWest Region Honky Tonk Cash 3rd Runner-up Chad Collison Owner/Handler MidWest Region August/September 2013 i 2 i www.nstra.org National Shoot-To-Retrieve Field Trial Association IN THIS ISSUE August/September 2013 2013 Inside this issue: UKC Performance Classic Page 31-52 CONTENTS: UKC Winner................................................................................. Cover Runner Ups...................................................................................... IFC Letter from the Officers....................................................................... 5 National Officer Region Assignments................................................. 6 Just A Reminder.................................................................................. 6 Pup Pics.............................................................................................. 7 Purina Article: Identifying Injuries....................................................8-9 Article: A Hairy Home Companion.................................................... 10 Upland Bird Hunting Series Ptarmigan Hunting in Alaska................ 10 Official Trial Entry Form..................................................................... 11 2013 Official Entry Form - Dog of the Year....................................... 12 In the Know...................................................................................... 13 Trial of Champion Winner Chad and Jo Kennel Ads........................................................................................ 15 Official Entry Form - Quail Invitational Championship Trial.............. 16 Youth Scholarship Fund Application.................................................. 17 Official NSTRA Clothing.................................................................... 18 Regional Trialing..........................................................................20-26 Women of NSTRA Important things to remember.......................................................... 28 Distinguished Members.................................................................... 29 2013 UKC Performance Classic Trial............................................31-52 Scorecard.....................................................................................55-63 Article: Tribute to Paul Major............................................................ 64 Champions...................................................................................66-67 L to R: May 4th at the Rush, CO trial, Suzanne Freehauf with Jesse, Rachel Baker with Belle, Susan Herell with Claret, Cheryl Higham with Annie, Lora McGilvery with Shooter and Kit Brown with Rosie. JOIN THE FUN, JOIN NSTRA First time Placements........................................................................ 68 NSTRA Regional President Directory................................................. 70 Highlights of UKC Performance Classic............................................. 71 Runner ups........................................................................... Back cover WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 3 i g BLUE RIBBON. Stylish on birds is the name of the game. Heads high, tails erect, their intensity shows their desire. FUEL THE CHAMPION WITHIN N® Bird-finding ability relates to genetics; athleticism relates to proper per conditioning combined with excellent excell ® nutrition. The high-quality ingredients in Purina brand foods complement your bird dog’s breeding, training and conditioning with necessary levels of protein, fat and key nutrients. It’s top-caliber nutrition for hardworking dogs. Details at www.proplan.com/dog-food-products/sport/compare Purina is a proud sponsor of: August/September 2013 i 4 i www.nstra.org Trademarks owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland National Shoot-To-Retrieve Field Trial Association NSTRA Office 203 N. Mill St. Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-4059 Fax (317) 839-4197 email: [email protected] www.nstra.org NSTRA OFFICERS PRESIDENT Chad Collison 1st VICE PRESIDENT Scott Townsend 2nd VICE PRESIDENT John Holder SECRETARY Marilyn (Frank) Cunningham TREASURER John C. Davis News From the Officers I’d like to thank all of the participants who came to the UKC Performance Classic in Waverly this year. I would like to give a special thanks to all of the staff who made the event a success!! Without all your hard work and dedication, we could never had made it as enjoyable as it was. And to all of our sponsors, we are humbly grateful for all your support for our organization! UKC, Purina, and Roosterwear all had a presence at our trial and we certainly appreciate all they do for us! We continue to make progress throughout NSTRA: Membership continues to increase with the changes we have made to the website, social media, and ease of payment, the database reconfiguration is continuing to take shape, and we are gaining some ground on future sponsorships. Hopefully all of these combined together will start taking some shape throughout our clubs and regions later this fall and next spring. We all hate the wait, but progress is good!! As we enter the fall trial season, please remember, as an organization, we are only as strong as our weakest link. The clubs and regions are the life line for our sport. Be supportive, encourage, stay positive, be leaders, and most of all, HAVE FUN!! Too many times we get caught up in the competition and lose sight of what’s really important….our dogs! Best of luck, Chad Collison NSTRA Office personnel Julia Herwehe Bev McAdams [email protected] NSTRA: The magazine for NSTRA members CREATIVE Julie A. Carrier www.juliecarrierstudio.com National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association Magazine (ISSN 1098-4429; USPS 016589) is published bi-monthly by the National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc., 203 N Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168. Copyright 2003 National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Publisher reserves the right to reject any material submitted for publication and to edit any material at its sole discretion. Publisher is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any article or advertisement appearing herein. Subscription rate is $50.00 Advertising rates are available by contacting NSTRA 203 N. Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168 phone: (317) 839-4059 Periodical postage paid at Plainfield, IN and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: send address changes and inquiries to National Shoot-to-Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc. 203 N. Mill St., Plainfield, IN 46168 “The dog is the most faithful of animals and would be much esteemed were it not so common. Our Lord God has made His greatest gifts the commonest.” — Martin Luther NSTRA MEMBERSHIPS http://nstra.org/forms.htm NSTRA has 31 regions that cover the lower 48 states and Central Canada. Please visit out regions page to determine which region is the nearest for you. Should you need assistance to determind your region or any additional information is needed, feel free to contact the NSTRA office. Office 317.839.4059 email: [email protected] NSTRA members receive our bi-monthly magazine. Remember, you must be a member to participate in NSTRA Sanctioned Field Trials. Deadline for publication information is SEPTEMBER 3, 2013 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 5 i g National Officer Re gion A ssi g nm e nt s Chad Collison – president 402-750-1876 [email protected] Mid-West Mid-South Missouri-Kansas 1st Vice President Northern Illinois 734-755-0888 Wisconsin [email protected] Kentucky North West Judging Program Issues J UST A R! E D N I R EM Scott Townsend Alabama Big Sky Michigan Ohio Illinois Central Canada Virginia Rule Issues John Holder 2nd Vice President 608-697-2775 [email protected] John C. Davis Dixie West Texas South Carolina Gulf Coast Florida Georgia Indiana Mid-North Treasurer 423-272-9104 [email protected] Marilyn (Frank) Cunningham Secretary 618-729-4485 [email protected] Rocky Mountain Oklahoma No. Calif-Nevada Southern California Arizona Arkansas-Louisiana Missouri Show-Me Utah Lone Star August 25, 2013 Deadline for Submission of Rule Changes before Dog of the Year September 2, 2013 NSTRA Office Closed for Labor Day September 4 – 7, 2013 Purina Endurance Classic, Lewistown, MT September 9, 2013 Deadline for Dog of the Year Entries September 30, 2013 Ballots for election of National Officers must be mailed and postmarked. October 1, 2013 First day to accept chang of home region requests. October 23-26, 2013 Dog of the Year Trial, Amo, IN November 1, 2013 Spring Trial Schedules due in the office. November 11, 2013 NSTRA Office closed in honor of Veteran’s Day November 28 & 29, 2013 NSTRA Office closed for Thanksgiving JOIN THE FUN, JOIN NSTRA www.nstra.org January 2, 2014 Deadline for Quail Invitational Entries August/September 2013 i 6 i www.nstra.org Send in your photos of pups or NSTRA friends and we will print them! Mom sure does have nice friends! (Lots of toys!) Bo is still trying to find that bird 40 years later! Angela Autry and Dorothy Jaspering, “YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND”. On Nov. 1, 2008, Dorothy and Angela met at a NSTRA trial in Calvert City, Kentucky. Since that time they have become the bestest of friends. a great friendship made at NSTRA! WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 7 i g August/September 2013 i 8 i www.nstra.org WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 9 i g A Hairy Home Companion Dear Boomer, Is it true that hunting dogs should not be treated as pets? — Garrison K. By: Drew Wahlin Few people realize the abundance of ptarmigan and grouse in Alaska, and even fewer are familiar with the lives of these fascinating upland birds. I spent the summers of 2010 & 2011 in prime ptarmigan rangelands of Alaska’s Interior-Fairbanks. The ptarmigan hunting season starts on the same date as caribou season each year on August 10th. One planning a trip to hunt Alaska’s ptarmigan must also plan on doing some fantastic grayling fly-fishing within tundra country. Ptarmigan are an excellent eating bird much like sweet flavor of the darker meat of the Hungarian partridge, and “fresh” deep fried grayling is also a delegacy. Dear Garrison, Mark Twain summed it up when he wrote, “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.” Letting your hunting dog be in the house with you will not hurt his desire to hunt. In fact the bond between the two of you might be strengthened. Hunting dogs should be treated with great respect! Hunting dogs go to work in the night, day, rain, snow, heat, and the dirt. Some chase boars, cougars, foxes and coyotes. Hunting dogs are fearless, strong, persistent, and loyal. What do humans give them in return? At best, dogs get a tight box with lots of straw, plenty of food, fresh water, regular work and a few “attaboys”. You should not treat dogs as humans in fur coats. Such treatment leads to confusion on the part of the dog which often leads to behavior problems. Dogs need regular work to do. It doesn’t matter what the work is as long as we get out with a human every day for an hour or so. Just a walk is enough to keep up a dog’s health as well as a human’s. Training, whether for the field, for the home or for amusement also counts as work. Goodbye to you, Garrison, from Litchfield, where all the humans are above average and all the bird dogs can point, back, and retrieve. — Boomer Upland Bird Hunting Series Ptarmigan Hunting in Alaska There are three general types of ptarmigan found in Alaska: willow ptarmigan, rock ptarmigan and white-tailed ptarmigan (unique to North America). All of Alaska’s ptarmigan can be found commingled within any habitat region. The Alaska F&G Office in Fairbanks is an excellent source of information as well as the Alaska Department’s F&G Website (wildlife.alaska.gov). Ptarmigan country is also moose and grizzly bear country, so be prepared to encounter a lot of wildlife on your upland bird odyssey. High-tech outdoor clothing is a must and several knowledgeable Alaska outfitting stores can be found in Fairbanks. Weather is also a major factor when doing any outdoor adventure in Alaska’s wilderness, plan for the unexpected (i.e. snow in August). Fitness is a key element for ptarmigan hunting in the tundra (like walking on a mattress for miles), so any planned trip must take into account a 4 month training program-hiking in tundra country will be much more difficult than you had planned. Alaska, like Idaho, is facing increasing pressure by hunters, winter recreational activities, fire suppression, logging/mining, livestock grazing, and agriculture all affecting the living conditions for wildlife. The future is uncertain if Alaska/Idaho can maintain healthy ptarmigan and chukar populations as part of their natural legacy and depends on their foresight, recognition of wildlife’s values, and their ability to execute well planned, long-term wildlife management programs. Climate change/global warming adds another whole new dimension to the discussion on long-term strategic planning for their upland bird populations. Questions: please feel free to contact Idaho Chukar Foundation at [email protected] for additional information on ptarmigan hunting or grayling fly-fishing in Alaska’s Interior. August/September 2013 i 10 i www.nstra.org WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 11 i g 2013 Official Entry Form NSTRA October 23-26, 2013 Amo, Indiana Entry Fee: $150.00 Dog’s Registered Name: Number: Region: Owner: NSTRA # Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Handler: NSTRA # CC# _______________________________Exp Date: ___________ Entry Deadline: Postmarked by September 9, 2013 Phone and email entries must be received by the office 5:00 p.m. Eastern on September 9, 2013 No After Hours message will be accepted. Late entries of bye dogs will be accepted in the office up until close of business (5:00 pm Eastern) on Monday, October 21. No e-mails or telephone messages will be accepted. You must call the office and talk to someone. ALL late entries (after the initial entry deadline) will be charged $25 extra per entry. • Please Check: In the event this dog does not make the original field, I would like for it to be drawn as a standby dog: Designate YES _____ or NO _____, if not marked you will not be considered for standby. • Please check Yes ___ if you would like an entrants packet mailed to you, otherwise it will be posted on our website, www.nstra.org Send Entry and Fee to: NSTRA 203 N. Mill Plainfield, IN 46168 If paying by check or money order, please submit one per entry. NSTRA AND NSTRA CLUBS ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS DURING TRIALS! August/September 2013 i 12 i www.nstra.org The Know! t we feel is News athnat to everyone. import Top Performance Award Criteria RULE CHANGE: Revised July 2013 The following rule change was voted on by the membership and approved. Changes to current rule are in bold. Please make note of this is your current rule books. Dogs must have at least 20 open points from June 1 through May 31 for the applicable year to be eligible. Weekend trials only. From there, the award will be based on national trials and regional eliminations. The Performance Trial will be the beginning national trial each year, even if it ends prior to June 1st in order to keep the number of nationals the same each year. 3.01 A back is defined as when the dog “sees” the other dog pointing, he stops and remains stationary until released by the judge and/or handler or if the pointing dog breaks into a hunting mode. 7/13 Back must be called by handler before judge can score a creditable back. The Regional Elimination trial will be based on regularly scheduled regionals for each year and only one regional can count per year. Regionals scheduled or rescheduled to be held after June 1 will apply to the previous year. For National trials, a dog must make the Saturday cut to receive a qualifying score. Each national trial will have a point value of 800 points. The value will drop 25 points per placement throughout the Saturday cut (1st – 800, 2nd – 775, 3rd – 750, etc.). In addition, 100 bonus points will be awarded to the Champion, 75 for the second place dog, 50 for third and 24 for fourth. * * In the event a handler is unable to see a dog backing, the judge will begin judging the back and advise the handler that his dog is backing. The judge may hold the backing dog at his discretion. If the judge believes that the second dog did see the pointing dog and did not stop until after he smelled the bird, then a zero back score is awarded. 7/13 Interpretation: Same as find: if the judge is aware the dog is backing, do not disallow the back if handler fails to call back. 4/93 Each Regional Elimination will have a point value of 600 points. The value will drop 25 points per placement until the last dog or points run out (1st – 600, 2nd – 575, 3rd – 550, etc.). In addition, 100 points will be awarded to the Champion, 75 for the second place dog, 50 for third and 25 for fourth. ** The placement for Regional Eliminations and National Trials is determined by the score of the last round in which the dog ran. *This change makes each National Trial count the same amount as per the regions’ request. It also allows points to be given to each dog in the Saturday morning cut as per the original suggested format. It will weigh the two trials that take 32 to Saturday with a greater percent for mid-range dogs but those are the trials that a dog must make an extra cut on Saturday so it is relevant. It also weighs the final fours more. TOP PERFORMANCE: The NSTRA Board of Directors voted to change the criteria of the Top Performance Award starting June 1, 2013. After much discussion and many suggestions, a revision was sent to the board to amend the original criteria. The following is the final criteria as approved by the NSTRA Board of Directors effective retroactively to June 1, 2013. ** This change makes each regional count the same so larger regions will not receive an advantage. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 13 i g NSTRA INFO voting Rights for AssociateANDmembers: M a k e y o u r g o o d d o g b e t t e r. A question has come up as to whether “associate members” can vote in regional elections. To clarify any confusion, the answer to said question is “No”. When the associate membership was established, was done in order to allow areitproud to announce families to be able theto participate at aPartners lesser rate.inTothe thatField means,Program to have voting priveleges the National or aimed at bringingatyour hard-earned Regional level, oneinto must be a money back your full member. National Field Trial Organization. Simply use the source code “NSTRA” when placing your order, we take care of the rest! KENNEL ADS Unlimited Possibilities How it works: for every dollar you spend at Unlimited, 5% of your purchase* E & S Kennel FROSTY DOGS MORNING KENNELS Home of Elhew Sidewinder & CH Mr. Elhew goes back to NSTRA HOME OF CH TEKOA MOUNTAIN DAKOTA STUD FEE $500.00 PUPS AVAILABLE For example, if you decided to purchase LOCATED IN BERKSHIRE COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS East KY Kennel West KY Kennel anContact E-collar, Owners Contact Sharon Ross J.W. Collins bird bag, check cord and a custom Dura-LonEddie collar& your Blaine, KY Albany, KY www.frostymorningkennels.com purchase would be estimated at $300. Five606-652-9550 percent of 606-278-3173 [email protected] 606-624-5111 (cell) your $300 purchase would go back to NSTRA! 413-655-8245 E a n d S K en n el s. co m That is $15 and every penny counts! Premier breeder of For more information contact: Black and White German Shorthairs Kennel Ads Now Available: Excitement and other fine Elhew bred Pointers SeTTeR dogS We are now accepting kennel ads—1 column by 1-1/2 inches. Run it all year (6 issues) for only $50 per year. AtNSTRA Stud: NSTRA 2x Champ Rockin Alan G's O. DavisonHome of 4X NSTRA CH and Region Hall of famer Stud “Shades” Training (317) 839-4059 or Dogs Unlimited, LLC Uodibar Rusty DOGS Unlimited quality sporting dog supplies from all pointing and flushing breeds. offers a wide range ofContact the [email protected] 800/338 DOGS for (3647) durable collars and leads to bird bags and holsters. If we don’t have the Rockin g kennel Guided hunts for quail & turkey It’s just another size you want, we can easily Authorized Dealer for color DeerorCreek Dog www.rockinGkennel.com Now when you make your good dog better, way we strive to make your hunting and training more enjoyable. Boxes & Dogtra E-Collars/Launchers John George – Oklahoma City you make your National Organization better too!Jim Gourley 785-249-4316 Visit www.dogsunlimited.com [email protected] today for great deals on the custom [email protected] Kansas products you need to make your www.setterdogs.com Some restrictions may apply. Offer not valid with other discounts or on (405) 623-5594 nstra.org sales items. Shipping charges not included. Offer subject to amendment or cancellation at any time. August/September 2013 i 14 i www.nstra.org JUNE/JULy 2009 i i www.NSTRA.oRg NSTRAcustomize. office to place ad your classified or Kennel ad today! good dog even better. 1-800-338-DOGS kennel ads Premier breeder of Black and White German Shorthairs At Stud: NSTRA 6X Champ Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty Rockin G Kennel www.rockinGkennel.com John George – Oklahoma City [email protected] Kennel Ads Now Available: We are now accepting kennel ads 1 column by 1-1/2 inches. Run it all year (6 issues) for only $50 per year. Nick Miller Mil Run Farm Owens Dog Box Dealer www.milrunfarm.com 419-583-7136 Champion English Setters (405) 623-5594 Anderson Ranch Gundogs 940-626-1586 Decatur, TX • Training • German Shorthairs • English Setters • Training Equipmenwww.andersonranchgundogs.com Contact the NSTRA office to place your classified or Kennel ad today! JIM FORK KENNELS.COM Pups available from Jim Fork Jackson X Daughters of Elhew Sinbad. These pups are beginning to win everywhere. All phases of training, specialize in forced retrieve. Deadline for next publication is September 3, 2013 Glenn Cumbie Ft. Smith, AR 479-461-5509 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 15 i g 2014 February 20-22, 2014 Lake Wales, Florida Entry Fee: $150 Entry deadline: January 2, 2014 OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Dog's Registered Name: Number: Region: Owner: NSTRA #: Address: City: State: Zip: Handler: CC# __________________________________________________ Exp Date: ________________ Qualification: Nov 1, 2012 through October 31, 2013 – All open points earned during the time frame except points earned from placements in the top 4 of a national championship trial or regional championship trial. Qualifying rounds do count. Entry is based on number of points. Deadline: January 2, 2014. Phone and email entries must be received in the office by 5:00 pm Eastern on January 2, 2014. No after hours messages will be accepted. Late Entries: Late entries of bye dogs will be accepted in the office up until close of business (5:00 pm Eastern) on Monday, February 17, 2014. No after hours messages will be accepted. You must call the office and talk to someone. ALL late entries (after the initial entry deadline) will be charged $25 extra per entry. Please check _____ if you would like an entrant’s packet mailed to you, otherwise you can get all information online at www.nstra.org Send Entry Fee to: NSTRA 203 N. Mill Plainfield, IN 46168 Bye Dogs: In the event this dog does not make the original field, I would like for it to be drawn as a standby dog. _________(Designate YES or NO) If paying by check or money order, please submit one per entry. If paying my check or money order, please submit one per entry. NSTRA and NSTRA clubs are not responsible for accidents during trials. August/September 2013 i 16 i www.nstra.org NSTRA A. NATURE OF AWARD: National Shoot to Retrieve is offering an one time scholarship to any son or daughter of a NSTRA member in good standing who is enrolled in their junior or senior year of high school or their freshman or sophomore year of college that meets the selection criteria. Said monetary award shall be 80% of the amount raised at the prior year's fundraising event. B. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: 1- Any high school junior or senior or any first or 2nd year college student who is the son/ daughter of an eligible NSTRA member can apply for this scholarship. For purposes of this award, “eligible NSTRA member/parent” means any member in good standing for at least 5 consecutive years prior to the submission of this application and who has actively participated in at least 6 trials in each of those years; 2- Applicant must submit evidence of strong academic performance to date, supported by the submission of official documentation indicating class rank, grade point average and ACT or SAT test scores. Official documentation means this information MUST be provided in letterhead from their school and/or national testing office. In the event that this documentation is not available a clear and concise explanation as to the reason must be provided; 3- Applicant must be enrolled or accepted in an accredited academic college and supply appropriate documentation. A letter of admission or grade slip from the college if already enrolled, constitutes adequate documentation; 4- Applicant must provide 3 letters of recommendation from academic advisors or teachers. These letters must specifically address the applicant’s academic achievements and abilities; 5- Applicant must submit evidence of extra curricular activity supporting scholastic achievement, any other school involvement or community activities. Any letters of recommendation from NSTRA members would be in addition to the letters from teachers or academic advisors; 6- Applicant must submit a 3-5 page essay detailing what NSTRA means to him/her, to their family and how the “eligible parent’s” participation in NSTRA has impacted on his/her life. Applicant must also explain how a college education would affect his/her future and what his/ her educational goals are; 7- Essay must not include name of the applicant. A separate cover letter and application form with all pertinent information should accompany the application Each application will be assigned an identification number and each will be read by the scholarship committee without a name attached to it; 8- It is expected that the recipient will provide NSTRA for 3 years with follow up to his/her academic achievements after receipt of the award. C. STIPULATIONS: The recipient will receive a letter of Certification of Award from NSTRA. This letter should be presented, by the recipient, to the university who then may contact NSTRA to secure the monetary award. D. PRESENTATION OF AWARD: The scholarship winner will be announced during the annual Dog of the Year banquet. The current NSTRA President will make said announcement. If recipient is not present, award will be forwarded. NSTRA Youth Scholarship Fund Application Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip:________ Phone: ________________________________________________ NSTRA Region: ______________________________ Parent’s NSTRA Member #: ___________________________________________________________________________ High School and current level (ex. Senior, grad, etc.):___________________________________ GPA: ______________ College and current level: _________________________________________________________ GPA: ______________ Describe any school or community activity you have been involved in over the past three years. Describe specifically your role in each, any offices held, etc. (use additional pages as needed): 1.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.________________________________________________________________________________________________ References: Please list at least three persons we may contact for a recommendation (i.e., teacher, region president, NSTRA member). This would be in addition to your three school related references that are received: Name Address Phone 1.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application must be received in the NSTRA Office by June 30, 2014 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 17 i g OFFICIAL CLOTHING NSTRA clothes exclusively by Red Haw Supply (A) Black Wind Shirt ..............................$45 (B) Orange Logo Hoodie ........................$30 (C) Short Sleeve Polo (Navy)...................$32 (D) Orange Logo Tee............................ $12 (left chest & full back) Also Available: Long Sleeve Polo (black) 100% combined cotton pique' relaxed fit S-4X ......................................................................$39 (A) Black Wind Shirt 100% polyester microfiber jacket. Wind & Water resistant S-4X Orange Race Style Polo 6.5 oz. 100% cotton S-3X ................$32 Orange & Navy Fleece Micro200 Polartec Fleece S-4X ..........$50 (B) Long Sleeve Denim medium stonewash 6.5 oz. 100% cotton S-5X ......................................................................................$25 Orange Logo Hoodie 50/50 cotton/poly S-2X Short Sleeve Denim medium blue 6.5 oz. 100% cotton S-5X...$25 Crew Neck Orange Logo Sweatshirt 50/50 cotton/poly S-2X....$20 2008 Quail Invitational T-Shirt 50/50 cotton/poly S-4X.............$12 Red Haw Supply would like to thank our NSTRA customers for years of continued support and now look forward to serving your apparel needs. Thank you for this opportunity. (C) Short Sleve Polo (Navy) 100% combined cotton pique' relaxed fit S-4X See you next at: The Trial of Champions...... Amo, Indiana (D) Orange Logo Tee 50/50 cotton/poly S-4X Call 419-289-6948 to place orders. Quantity Description Color Size Price $7.00 Shipping/Handling Name: Total Address: City: State: Zip: ❏ Payment enclosed Credit Card # Bill my credit card: ❏ VISA ❏ MasterCard Cardholder’s Name Phone Signature FAX TO 419-289-6948 or e-mail to [email protected]. Mail orders to Red Haw Supply, 1175 Township Rd. 1806, Ashland, OH 44805 Allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. August/September 2013 i 18 i www.nstra.org Exp. Date WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 19 i g Regional Trialing ALABAMA L to R Alabama new President Alan Hollman and 3rd Runner up Bill Millians L to R Alabama new President Alan Hollman and Region Champion of 2013 Mike Markham and “Pete” m/ep L to R Alabama new President Alan Hollman and 1st Runner up Terry Ransone and “Sugar” f/ep 2013 Region Champions Standing L to R Jerry Daniels, Jeff Welker 3rd Runner-up - Marvin Bohannon (Bill Millians, Handler) Buddy m/es 1st runner up - Terry Ransone with Sugar f/ep , Champion Mike Markham with Pete m/ep August/September 2013 i 20 i www.nstra.org ARKANSAS/LOUISIANA North Arkansas Quail Club had a great season in 2012/13! Several members qualified and advanced at the Regionals in Stuttgart, AR and one of our members, Deion Sanders with Judy, won Regionals and is headed for Amo this fall!! NAQC is extremely proud of Deion and Judy! North Arkansas Quail Club strives to have the best fields for NSTRA Trials in the 2013/14 season. A “work day” held on 18 May was enjoyed by several of our members, planting new grasses and ridding the fields of unwanted weeds and thistles. Our fields will be maintained and fertilized throughout the summer/fall located at Feathers & Gunpowder Preserve in Newburg, AR. Planned improvements were discussed and everyone agreed to make NAQC the best NSTRA Trial host possible. Our members can barely contain their excitement over last season’s success and can hardly wait for next season! Our first NSTRA Trial will be held 12 & 13 October 2013 and we anticipate a full trial both days. You can find more information on NAQC NSTRA Trials at our website: http:// northarkquailclub.com. Volunteers for our “work day”: L.D. Moser, Heath Blankenship, Kelly Batterton, Kevin Scribner, Lewis Burson, Max Blankenship and Deb Meline. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 21 i g Lone Star First Amateur Trial A Field - 1st Place - Owner & handler Bobby Clark / Precious – 855.6 A Field - 2nd Place - Owner Jim & Conni Colburn with handler Buck Henderson / Merlin – 836.5 A Field - 4th Place – Owner & handler Myron Ramage / Bailey – 770 B Field - 1st Place – Owner & handler B J Thompson / Peaches – 1309.6 judging, marshaling and bird planting. Jim Selby, David Blanchard, Josh Martin, and Zak Deits were our judges. Debi Heaton as the marshal and first time bird planter yours truly Dale Heaton. Jim, Dale and BJ Thompson donated their ATV’s. Diann Bracken volunteered and prepared a gourmet class lunch for all of us. We were struggling to make an 18 dog field but within the last two weeks before the trial we had many first time NSTRA members enter dogs. To advertise the trial we used Texas Independent Bird hunters’ Association newsletter and Texas Hunters Forum web site. We tried to be careful not to advertise outside of hunting oriented groups. After sending out the draws, I attempted to call all the first time NSTRA members to insure they will be at the trial grounds on time. Also I had a mock trial the week before the trial and some instructional mock braces the day before the trial. Lone Star Texas (LST) region members couldn’t have been more pleased with the results of the trial. We had 30 dogs in two fields signed up for the trial. We only had one no-show. Out of the top 3 placements per field (a total of 6 placements) we had 4 new members place. Two of the new members signed up for the regional that was only scheduled 2 weeks away. I was at one of the national trials talking about how to encourage more bird hunters to try our sport. There is a lot of push back on Novice trials because of having to run all open dogs in the morning and all novice dogs in the afternoon (Although there is a request to change this novice format ). This causes open and novice dogs to only have a 1 or 2 brace rest. Also some of the open handlers can’t stand the thought of a novice dog beating them. Chad Collison suggested an Amateur Only format. I immediately pushed back and said that the handlers are only interested in OPEN points. Chad said Amateur Only trials are awarded OPEN points. It’s just that first place is not considered first place points. I was skeptical but I looked into it and I was true. This was a perfect way to get new handlers interested in NSTRA. These OPEN points qualify the dogs that place for the regional and national trials that are based on regional points. I counted up all the amateur dogs I could think of and determined if we could have an 18 dog/2 point trial it would be worth the effort. That would allow up to 4 new dogs qualify for the regional. The trial date was set 2 weeks before the regional. The entry fee was only $25 per dog where this only covers the cost of birds and the trial grounds. I ask LST handlers that normally run dogs to donate ATVs, there time for A Field - 3rd Place – Owner & handler Dale Folmar / Sadie – 771.5 2nd Place – Owner & handler Bill Hester / Llano – 975 3rd Place – Owner & handler Dale Folmar / Sadie – 914.1 4th Place – Owner & handler Buck Henderson / Moses – 810.5 August/September 2013 i 22 i www.nstra.org midNORTH MidNorth Badlands Bird Dog Club Williston N.D. trial on May 11 & 12th . We had a great trial with entries from five states and one Canadian 5/11 A field. Paul Barber (Jimmy) 1st, Gary Bauer(Piper) 2nd, Province! Michael Jepsen (Zoe) 3rd, George Eberle (Elle) 4th 5/11 B field. Randy Evans (Brandy) 1st, not pictured Chris Eckhoff (Sequel) 2nd , Brent Underdahl (Tiger) 3rd, Elden Miller (Jake)4th 5/12 A Field Dean Goodall (Cajun) 1st; Michael Jepsen (Zoe) 2nd; Mike Liane (Beau) 3rd. 5/12 B field Gary Bauer (Piper) 1st, Michael Jepsen (May) 2nd, Mike Liane (Beau) 3rd. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 23 i g NORTH WEST 2013 High point dog, MH McGee’s Dramatude (Cage) owned by Matt Huston, and his progeny, “Rook” Nance Ceccarelli, Jack Richardson, Arnie Sullivan, Mike Smith, Mike Stotts Two of our long time winners! Jack Richardson and George Clark. Two young English setters flying through the sage brush at the Boise area chukar trial, April 2013. (Laser owned by Mike Ouchida; Kisses owned by Nance Ceccarelli) SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Southern California held a trial on March 23rd and 24th, 2013 in Lockwood Valley. We want to thank our judges for both days, Ron Knesal, Curtis Heintzman, Mike Porter, Mike Eisen, Don Alfano and Tyler Mitchel. Thanks also to our bird planter, Zach Giancanelli. Great job was done by all. We also would like to thank the Pudelpointers of North America for donating lunch for us on Saturday. Our winners on A field Saturday were: 1st place Bronco Springs Baylee (Baylee) owned and handled by Bill James; 2nd place LCM’s Gustel (Gustel) owned and handled by Lisa McNamee; and 3rd place Histep Crosswind Gunner (Gunner) owned and handled by Dale Ikuta. Our B field winners Saturday were: 1st place Gustel owned and handled by Lisa McNamee; 2nd place Baylee owned and handled by Bill James; and 3rd place Gunner owned and handled by Dale Ikuta. Our A field winners Sunday were: 1st place K Nine’s Dust Devil (Ben) owned and handled by Dan Dale; 2nd place Lazy Heart Walle (Walle) owned and handled by Timm Cleaver; and 3rd place LCM’s Hope (Hope) owned and handled by Lisa McNamee. Our B field winners Sunday were: 1st place Gustel owned and handled by Lisa McNamee; 2nd place Marsden’s Southern Belle (Belle) owned and handled by Glenn Marsden; and 3rd place Baylee owned and handled by Bill James. Congratulations to all the dogs and their handlers. We also held a trial on April 27 and 28th , 2013 at Lockwood Valley. Our judges for these two days were Mike Porter, Ron Knesal, Mike Eisen, Don Alfano, Bill James and Pat McCrory. Thanks to our judges for the wonderful job that they do. Also thanks to our bird planter Zach and his great job. Our A field Saturday winners were: 1st place Belle owned and handled by Glenn Marsden; 2nd place K Nine’s Rinky Dink (Dink) owned and handled by Gerry Gresham; and 3rd place Gunner owned and handled by Dale Ikuta. Our B August/September 2013 i 24 i www.nstra.org field Saturday winners were: 1st place Baylee owned and handled by Bill James; 2nd place Tuscanola’s Bear (Bear) owned by Karla Weber and handled by Bob Worrell; and 3rd place Belle owned and handled by Glenn Marsden. Our A field Sunday winners were: 1st place Hope owned and handled by Lisa McNamee; 2nd place Belle owned and handled by Glenn Marsden; and 3rd place Sequoia’s Cowboy Hustler (Cowboy) owned and handled by Don Alfano. Our B field Sunday winners were: 1st place Callie Vom Worrellhaus (Scout) owned and handled by Bob Worrell; 2nd place Dexter Vom Worrellhaus (Dexter) owned and handled by Bob Worrell; and 3rd place Ben owned and handled by Dan Dale. This was the very first trial for Scout and Dexter. March 23 & 24, Lockwood Valley March 23, A Field, L to R: 1st Baylee and Bill James, 2nd Gustel and Lisa McNamee, and 3rd Gunner and Dale Ikuta. March 23, B Field, L to R: 1st Gustel and Lisa McNamee, 2nd Baylee and Bill James, and 3rd Gunner and Dale Ikuta. March 24, A Field, L to R: 1st Ben and Dan Dale, 2nd Walle and Timm Cleaver, and 3rd Hope and Lisa McNamee. March 24, B Field, L to R: 1st Gustel and Lisa McNamee, 2nd Belle and Glenn Marsden, and 3rd Baylee and Bill James. April 27 & 28, Lockwood Valley April 27, A Field, L to R: 1st Belle and Glenn Marsden, 2nd Dink and Gerry Gresham, and 3rd Gunner and Dale Ikuta. April 27, B Field, L to R: 1st Baylee and Bill James, 2nd Bear, Karla Weber and 3rd Belle and Glenn Marsden. April 28, A Field, L to R: 1st Hope and Lisa McNamee, 2nd Belle and Glenn Marsden, and 3rd Cowboy and Don Alfano. April 28, B Field, L to R: 1st Scout and Bob Worrell, 2nd Callie and Karla Weber for Bob Worrell WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 25 i g WISCONSIN Dan Meulemans, Wisconsin Region Member #779 1st- Dan Meulemans/Getting 2 the Point's Clio, 2nd- Steve Rossman/Rossman's Airborne Gunner 3rd- Steve Rossman/ Rossman's Fancy Hi-Jinx SRF Vicki Rossman holding Jinx Getting 2 the Point's Clio on point. Thanks and have a great weekend. It comes with a little story I like to share with you. It is a two and one half hour ride from home to the Dark Acres Hunt Club in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. My dogs are kennel dogs and typically ride in the back of my truck. After an 30 minutes on the road I decided to put my little Shorthair female, Clio, in the front seat of the truck. It was her first front seat ride and she just lay next to me with her head on my arm. It wasn't until I arrived at Dark Acres that I realized that it was June 1 and it was Clio's birthday. The front seat ride couldn't have paid off any more and you can see the results in the photo attached. Clio took 1st place with 4/4/B. To top that Clio celebrated her third birthday with her third 1st placement and these along with two seconds now has 13 points and is well on her way toward her championship. That night she slept in the front of the truck and not in a kennel. The American Brittany The Bird Dog Foundation, Inc. is a unique non-profit entity unlike any other. Operating as a museum, it houses numerous exhibits plus the Field Trial Hall of Fame. Major mission focus is placed on natural resources education and youth outreach. The foundation’s venues showcase our much loved flushing dog breeds, pointing dogs, and retrievers. Your financial support guarantees the future of this growing foundation. Consider including The Bird Dog Foundation, Inc. in your Will, Trust or Estate. For more information, call David Smith 731-764-2058, or email [email protected]. Post Office Box 774, Grand Junction, TN 38039 The American Brittany Club is a member club of the American Kennel Club and the recognized breed sponsor by the American Field. The Club is comprised of many regional Brittany Clubs located from coast to coast. Most of the Clubs hold field trials, conformation shows and hunt test events. The clubs also hold meetings, fun trials, training sessions and other events of interest to the Brittany owner. Membership in the American Brittany Club entitles you to a monthly issue of the American Brittany Magazine. This publication which began in 1949 keeps you abreast of what is happening in the Brittany world. The magazine contains reports of field trials, shows, hunt test and agility/ obedience events, club activities and articles on the care and training of the Brittany. The magazine also has articles on hunting and general interest as well as listings of kennels, stud dogs and trainers. YEARLY MEMBERSHIP IS $30. TO JOIN SENd CHECk TO: The American Brittany Club PO Box 503, Orefield, PA 18069 Email: [email protected] TO JOIN ONLINE: www.TheAmericanBrittanyClub.org/ MembershipApplication.htm August/September 2013 i 26 i www.nstra.org by: Christy Hill, VA Region Bullet’s Ivan the Terrible 9/20/99-5/11/13 It all started one day in 1999 because I wanted a house dog. When Jim got Bullet's Lady Brenna (Brenna), she stayed in the house until she was crate trained, house broken and spoiled rotten by me. Once he started training her, it was out to the kennels she was sent and I was lonesome. I asked Jim if a Brittany would make a good house dog. Jim called Nolan Huffman to see if he had any pups and I was in luck. It wasn't long until Jim arrived at the house with the furry butterball I promptly named Bullet's Ivan the Terrible. He started out in the house but on a whim one day, I decided he might make a good trial dog. After all his daddy was Buddy, Nolan's Last Bullet and his mama came from a long line of horseback trial dogs. Long story short, Nolan trained him, Jim ran him often vowing to never take him on the field again when the horseback genes kicked in, and I started attending the NSTRA trials. At a Dixie Region trial in September, 2002, I decided to run Ivan myself. Jim Gilbertson was my gunner and I was so proud of Ivan as he ran (not hunted) every corner of the field. He found two birds, scored well, and was scored on BIG TIME by Mark Jones's setter. It didn't matter to me. I was hooked and started running him myself. In 2006 four points shy of his first championship, I retired him due to hip dysplasia and he became that house dog I had originally wanted. Because of "the little brown dog" as Jerry Daniels used to call him, I have met some wonderful people and am proud to be part of the NSTRA family. It's your turn now my sweet boy to romp and hunt pain free. Get Dennis Brooks or Jim Gilbertson to take you hunting and know that Jim and I miss you. I'll cherish the 13 1/2 years we had together. n Have a story to share? Send in your regions trial information, photos and articles to the NSTRA office! We look forward to sharing your regions highlights in the next publication. Deadline for materials September 3, 2013 Send to: Julie National Shoot To Retrieve Association email: [email protected] WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 27 i g Get yours today!! Annual $50 Associate Membership $20 (spouses and childern 18 & under) Annual Canadian Dues $50 (U.S. Funds) Lifetime Membership $500 Membership forms and other NSTRA forms can be found at our website, log onto.. http://nstra.org/forms.htm NSTRA has 31 regions that cover the lower 48 states and Central Canada. Please visit out regions page to determind which region is the nearest for you. Should you need assistance to determind your region or any additional information is needed, feel free to contact the NSTRA office. Office 317.839.4059 email: [email protected] NSTRA members receive our bimonthly magazine. Remember, you must be a member to participate in NSTRA Sanctioned Field Trials. TRIAL SCHEDULES: Fall trial schedules are due in the office by May 1. Spring trial schedules are due in the office by Nov. 1. All trials must be published on the website 4 weeks prior to their running. SCHEDULING FEES: Trial scheduling fees are due in the NSTRA office 4 weeks prior to your trial date. important things to remember! ENDURANCE CLASSIC: The qualifications for the Endurance Trial have been changed as follows: Entry into this trial is based on all open points earned from June 1 through May 31, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count) plus any NSTRA open champion dog. Champion dogs will be accepted first in the case of a tie-breaker in regards to entries. No invitations will be sent. (Change voted on by the Board of Directors April 24, 2013) TOP PERFORMANCE REPORTING: This award is presented to the dog accumulating the most points from June 1 through May 31. During this time frame all points will count except those points earned during qualifying and final rounds of National Championship and Regional Championship Trials. HALL OF FAME NOMINATIONS: Hall of Fame nominations will be accepted November 1 through March 31 of each year. Send these to the office. Nominations of dogs to the NSTRA Hall of Fame are NOT “carried over” to following years should the dog not be elected in the year nominated. Plainly stated, a dog that does not get elected to the Hall of Fame in the year nominated must be re-submitted each year in order to be considered for election. TRIAL REPORTS: Trial reports are due in the NSTRA office 10 days after the trial date. QUAIL INVITATIONAL: This trial is always held the last week in February that includes a Saturday. The qualification period for this trial is Nov. 1 through Oct. 31. This includes all points earned during the time frame, except points earned from placements in the final “Top 4” of a National Championship trial or Regional Championship trial (qualifying rounds do count). Entry into the trial is based on points (dog with most points first to get in and on down the list, etc.). NO INVITATIONS WILL BE SENT. Any dog with a placement during specified time frame will be eligible to enter. Amateur points do not qualify entry into Championship trials. TRIAL OF CHAMPIONS: The criteria for entry into this trial is that the dog has earned an open championship and is at least a 1X open champion by February 1 of the current year OR the dog can be a paid standby for this trial by achieving their open championship between February 2 and March 31 of the current year. All entries for this trial must be postmarked by March 11. No invitations will be sent. UKC PERFORMANCE CLASSIC: This year only, the qualification will be points earned from March 1, 2012 through March 31, 2013. Weekend trials only, no qualification or final rounds of National Championship or Regional Championship trials. DOG OF THE YEAR: This trial will begin on Wednesday of the last full week of October. This trial is based on region elimination placement and/or high point status. All entries must be postmarked 45 days prior to the first day of the Dog of the Year trial. (NO INVITATIONS WILL BE SENT.) www.nstra.org August/September 2013 i 28 i www.nstra.org CHANGE OF HOME REGION: Members requesting a change of Home Region must do so, in writing, through the National Office between the dates of October 1st and January 1st. *Exception: A member who permanently relocates to within the boundaries of a Region, other than their Home Region, may make written application to the NSTRA office at anytime to request a change in their Home Region. RULE CHANGES: Proposed new rule changes or additions shall be submitted sixty (60) days prior to the first day of the Trial of Champions and/or the Dog of the Year trial. CONSTITUTION/BY-LAW CHANGES: All proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws shall be submitted to the National Officers at least ninety (90) days prior to the first day of the Trial of Champions or the Dog of the Year trial. REGION HIGH POINT: Points earned in the qualifying rounds of a Regional Elimination or a Championship trial DO count towards the region’s high point competition. Points earned in the finals of above trials DO NOT count towards the region’s high point. Ownership Change: Once a dog takes a NSTRA placement, any subsequent ownership changes must be sent to the NSTRA office. Please send a copy of the papers with the new owners’ names to the office. Transfer copies will not be accepted. The date of transfer will be the date shown on the papers. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIPS: Associate memberships are available to members’ spouses and children 18 years and under, still living at home. There must be a least one regular paid membership in the household to qualify. Associate members have the same rights as regular members EXCEPT they are unable to vote in any regional or national elections including rule or by-law changes, they cannot hold an office, and they do not receive a magazine. Distinguished MEMBERS The NSTRA Distinguished Members award honors those extraordinary men and women whose contributions and achievements significantly helped develop, or continued to improve, the National Shoot to Retrieve Field Trial Association, Inc. We are deeply thankful for their dedication to the sport of field trialing. This award will be presented annually at the Dog of the Year banquet. The first year 11 individuals were inducted. Thereafter up to 2 individuals per year will be selected. The selection panel will be made up of 3 current NSTRA members (not to include National Elected Officers) selected by the National President. Nominations are to be submitted by August 31. A short description of the individual and their contributions to NSTRA should be sent to the national office. A picture of the individual should be included if available. The committee will review all nominations and verify contributions. Decisions will be made not only by the information submitted but by any other information collected. The committee will make their decision by September 30. A permanent plaque will be located at the NSTRA office with a smaller plaque awarded to the individual or their family if deceased. Criteria: Individual must meet a minimum of 5 of these criteria and number 7 must be one of them. 1. Involved in the early stages of development of NSTRA (prior to 1985) and remained involved throughout. Must have been a member in good standing for at least 25 years. 2. Must have the acknowledgement and respect of fellow members as a person who has offered policy 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. recommendations to the national officers and to the board of directors during his/her involvement in NSTRA, and who is clearly recognized as a founding member or an early years leader. During his/her time in the organization the individual must have been a national officer, a region president or a regional board member. Must have served as a judge in local, regional or national trials or have been involved in policy recommendations regarding rules and by-laws, or in judging seminars or other educational events related to the improvement of NSTRA. Must have been instrumental in establishing relationships with sponsors that have helped NSTRA to reach its current status among dog field trial organizations. Must have served as a mentor or role model to new members. Must be of sound moral character and never have been the subject of any disciplinary action by any NSTRA board or committee. Remains committed to the goals, objectives and ideals of NSTRA and continues to be willing to offer advice to the national officers when asked to do so. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 29 i g 2013 UKC PERFORMANCE CLASSIC The second running of the United Kennel Club/National Shoot to Retrieve Performance Classic was held from May 28 thru June 1, 2013 at the Rock Creek Field Trial Association grounds near Waverly, Nebraska. UKC now serves as NSTRA’s registry of record and the marriage between UKC and NSTRA is proving to be highly beneficial as time passes. One hundred twenty-six dogs would be showcased during the week with brace winners advancing on Wednesday and Thursday while the Top 8 from 2 fields on Friday would advance to Saturday’s running. Saturday would then revert to brace winner’s advancing once again. The Rock Creek Club had worked diligently to provide the best manicured fields, camping areas, and meals making all in attendance feel welcomed to be visiting Nebraska. A four day pre-trial was held from Saturday thru Tuesday before the championship event with Mike Rost as chairman for Saturday and Sunday and Adam Fellers serving as chairman for Monday and Tuesday. Strong storms and an abundance of rain made for lots of water and plenty of mud for the week with severe storms forecasted daily. A Calcutta was held on Tuesday evening totaling $6100.00 of which 60% would pay back to the top four winners on Saturday and 40% being divided between the club and the NSTRA Scholarship Program. The proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund was $900. Lance Maclennan did a tremendous job as auctioneer and our thanks to him for his part in making the Calcutta a huge success. The Two T’s, Ted Dewey and Tom Tambke, were on hand Wednesday morning for the breakfast patrol and after a hearty breakfast, trial officials met with Trial Chairman, Chad Collison, for some last minute instructions and introductions. Our veteran Championship judge was Donny Parker (AR Region); also judging were Jeff Keck (GA), Cory Perdue (GA), and Chad Calicott (MSM). Bo Marcum (MK) was once again on hand to place birds in the respective fields and Nina Harmon (KY) and Dawn Dewey (MW) served as field marshals. The officials spent 4 wet, muddy days “in the saddle” and are to be commended for their unwavering dedication to our sport in some of the worse conditions possible. After the playing of our National Anthem, Chad and Jeff were at the line for Wednesday’s running and Dawn would marshal. Bo handled birds for both fields and the running follows with ***marked for brace winners: Round 1 1 MI CROSSWIND MICRO CHIP #SR59257607 GSH/M CROSSWIND TRUCKIN FRITZ/RICADEA REBA’S MACK SCOTT TOWNSEND – 787 *** 3xCH IL MOHAWK’S CRUDE DUDE #R234171 ES / M MOHAWK’S TUFF STUFF / SMOKIN MOHAWK’S AMY STEVEN CUNNINGHAM - 455 7XCH 2 MW HACKBERRYS BASSIE #1624776 EP/F FLASH PAN/BAKERS ELHEW ANGEL BOB KONZ/BRUCE MURPHY - 607.5*** 0xCH OH BLUE RIDGE MANDY #1629215 ES / F ANGIE’S DOGWOOD SKIPPER / CUMBERLAND LADY RANDY CUNNINGHAM / HAROLD SMITH - 300 1xCH LST LLANO’S LELANI #SR56315202 GSH / F LLANO’S BIG WHEEL / LLANO’S TAILS AFLAME THOMAS PAULLUS – 801.16*** 0xCH MSM GLOVER’S RECO #1599196 ES / M ANGIE’S DOGWOOD SKIPPER / GLOVER’S NIKKI MARK KOHLBERG - 301 4xCH LST CLARK’S TWO SHOES #R232171 EP / F SWAMI’S BRUTE / LITTLE GUNNER’S LACY ROBERT CLARK / TED COOK – 271 *** 0xCH RM GODFATHERS PEPPER GUNS JETT #20440 BR / M BBB’S LUCKY STRIKE / CAST A BRITT ANNIE KURT LANG - 247 0xCH KY TOMOKA’S SMOKIN X-RATED #1644509 ES / F TOMOKA’S SMOKIN GUN / X-RATED KATIE GREG WOOD – 441 0xCH GCT DYNAMIC ZETA #1613659 EP / F DYNAMIC ZEKE / HILL’S WHITE JENNY STEVEN COPELAND / ROB MARTIN – 450 *** 1xCH 3 4 5 6 BYE DOG BYE DOG 7 MSM KOHLBERG’S BOSSMAN #1627951 ES / M GLOVER’S CHOPPER / BUM’S CRYSTALIZED CARBON A. JACK GLOVER – 618.5 *** 0xCH MW MOONSHINE’S PRAIRIE DAISY #1624205 EP / F NEMAHA FREESTYLE / MOONSHINES POISON IVY MICHAEL ROST – 371.5 1xCH WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 31 i g 8 9 MW ACDC CATHERINE #SR63764504 GSH / F VINN’S FANCY RUSTY / MOLLY JO KENNEDY AARON HUNT – 891.5 *** 0xCH MSM NIKKI SUE NIKKI #1610177 ES / F BOOMER’S X RATED / GLOVER’S NIKKI MARK KOHLBERG - 136 2xCH KY RIDGE WIND LUKE #1643528 ES / M SAGE WIND SAM / SMOKIN RIDGE JENNY JACKIE STEELE 486.5 0xCH MW IRON MISTRESS #1624197 EP / F CLARK IS BACK / NEMAHA FRECKLES DAVID LATHROP, JR. – 577 *** 0xCH 10MW BLACK FOREST FIVE OCLOCK MILLER TYM #SR47572805 GSH / M BLACK FOREST BRODIE / BLACK FOREST CLOWNS REO WADE HANSON – 664.66 *** 1Xch OK RAWHIDES BLAZIN LUCY LU #1576574 GSH / F TT ROLLER THUNDER / RAWHIDES BLAZIN JOSIE JERIMY PENCE - 416 1xCH 11 IN EMMAS CROSSWIND KICKEN AXE #SR56582902 GSH / M EMMA COKE / JR COKE – 442.5 FC AFC CADENS RUGER WELTMEISTER / CROSSWIND MOODY BLUES 0xCH RM PRAIRIE WING SMOKIN GUN #1597542 ES/M TOMOKA’S SMOKIN JR/BLUE’S SMOKIN ROSE GERALD WOELFEL – 542 *** 0Xch MW PHIPPS BIRD DESIRE #1617583 ES / F RESA’S TROUBLE MACE / PHIPPS BIRD DEMON RODNEY PHIPPS – 605.5 *** 2xCH MW PREMIER’S OUTSTANDING OTIS #SR15254302 GSH/M PREMIER’S FANCY TRAIL BLAZER/BY AMAZING GRACE ADAM FELLERS/ZANE MOWERS/MOWERS – 474.5 4xCH MW DAZZLIN DIAMOND DOT #R234224 BR / F CHAMPI-DOT / DIAMOND TEQUILA GOLD TODD HENDRIX – 403.5 1xCH OH SHOUSE DOGWOOD ABBY #1622068 ES / F ANGIE’S DOGWOOD SKIPPER / CUMBERLAND LADY RANDY CUNNINGHAM / HAROLD SMITH-494.5*** 1xCH DX GOOSE CREEK ACE #R234091 EP / M SIR LANCELOT / KIESTLER’S DOLL ED FORD,JR. – 477 *** 2xCH SCR CLAY’S BEELINE COTTON #SR31224103 B/M WINDSWEPT’S CLAY BULLET/BEELINE CINNAMON JIM FALLON/NOLAN HUFFMAN – 451.5 0xCH OK SANDI MAE HANK #SR27054904 BR / F CHEF’S NUBBIN RIDGE RUNNER / TESS TOO MUCH BRYAN HANKINS - 122 0xCH MK SIMMONS RUDE ATTITUDE #1645212 EP / M HONKY TONK ICON / SIMMONS ATTIRAIL SUE GERALD SIMMONS / SHAUN RYDL – 384.5 *** 0xCH LST IRON WILLS IMPRESSIVE EMMA PAULLUS #SR38313905 GSH / FTHOMAS PAULLUS – 241.5 TGR’S IMPRESSIVE IRON WILL / TGF’S IMPRESSIVE MAGGIE 6xCH MW SHADOWROCKS WIDOW MAKER #SR63821602 GSH / F GROUSE TAILS WILDCARD / PPK’S DIXIELAND HARVEST MOON 12 13 14 15 16 AMANDA TANGEMAN / RANDY TANGEMAN-651.5*** 0xCH Trophy winners were: 1st - ACDC Catherine/Aaron Hunt – 5/5/back – 891.5 points 2nd – Llano’s Lelani-Tom Paullus – 4/4/back – 801.16 points 3rd – Crosswind Micro Chip – Scott Townsend – 4/4 – 787 points 4th – Black Forest Five Oclock Miller Tym – Wade Hanson – 4/4 – 664.66 points The highest individual pieces of work went to the following dogs: Find – 95 points to Shadowrocks Widow Maker – Amanda/Randy Tangeman Retrieve – 88 points to Emmas Crosswind Kicken Axe – Emma/J.R.Coke and Shadowrocks Widow Maker – Amanda/ Randy Tangeman August/September 2013 i 32 i www.nstra.org Meet your TRIAL OFFICIALS l to r – Jeff, Chad, Donny, Nina, Cory, Dawn, and Bo UKC Performance Classic Tina and Cheryl Point and Back Muddy Football Game WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 33 i Banquet Attendees – John George, Jerimy Pence g Wednesday A Field Winners R to L Chad, Aaron Hunt, Tom Paullus, Scott Townsend Wednesday B Field Winners R to L Chad (for Shane Tointon), George Sterner, Lance Maclennan Good Ole Boys L to R – Rod Phipps, Frank Downs, Craig Bolger, Dave Lathrop, Bob Incontro, Bob Cunningham Mud! Mud! Mud! August/September 2013 i 34 i www.nstra.org 34 Thurs A Field Winners L to R – Bill Burkhart, Ted Cook, Ted Dewey(for Jeff Jones) Thurs B Field Winners L to R – Chad Collison, Jerimy Pence, Greg Wood Thurs A field 3rd place Jeff Jones Double Rainbow after Hail Storm Wed B field 1st place Shane Tointon WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 35 35 i 1st National Trial – Josh Martin g Friday A Field Winners – L to R – Scott Townsend, Steven Cuningham, Chris Sanders Friday B Field Winners – L to R – Mike Rost, Adam Fellers, John Griffiths Saturday a.m. breakfast Chris & Cathilee A field officials – Dry and Ready for another day August/September 2013 i3636 i www.nstra.org Saturday a.m. Top 8 H H Top 4 w/sponsors and officials H B field officials Roger and Roger Top 8 with dogs WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 37 i g Top 2 Adam and Roger... All Smiles! Handlers Ready Gallery & Top 4 August/September 2013 38 i 38 i www.nstra.org Dogs Unlimited Award – Chad & Doc Frank & Chad – Foster & Smith Certificates; Boyt Harness Awards Mike & Chad – EMT Award Aaron & Chad – Coveted Belt Buckle and Trophy Sara & Shaun – Red Haw Supply Certificate Kenny & Shaun – Rooster Wear T-Shirt Ted & Shaun – Dogs Unlimited Certificate Shaun & Dean – Purina Awards WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 39 39 i g Roger & Dean – Belt Buckle & Trophy Roger & Chad – W.C.Russell Moccasin Company Award & Cabela’s Roger & Chad – Boyt Harness THE WINNER – Purina Awards Tri Tronics Collar Award Kenny & Adam – Rooster Wear Winner’s Jacket Adam2013 & Nose Dog Box Jack in his Purina Chair August/September i 40– Owens i www.nstra.org 40 Sara & Adam – UKC Banner “To the Line” WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 41 i g Obedience – 67.5 points – Crosswind Micro Chip – Scott Townsend Ground Coverage – 86.5 points - Dazzlin Diamond Dot – Todd Hendrix Back – 70 points – Quail Valley’s Nose Knows – Adam Fellers B field officials were Cory, Donny and Nina with the braces following: 1 2 FL BUDDY’S MINI-COOPER #SR34301403 BR / M NOLAN’S LAST BULLET / TJ’S MICROBEANS GINGER SNAP SAM ASHMORE – 778*** 6xCH MK WHITE SMOKE’S SCOUT #1629134 EP / M CAPTAIN MCCRAE / WHITE SMOKE ROCKIN REBA CLIFF CLINTON – 276.5 0xCH WI BURR OAK ASTRO #SR34651301 GSH / M AUTUMNS TALL BRUT / ROCK DELL’S PRETTY LITTLE DEVIL TRAVIS TOINTON – 413.5 0xCH OH SNAKE’S KING COBRA #1617857 EP / M BLACK MAGIC SNAKE / GIGOLO’S SOUTHERN SUSIE JIM MAHONEY – 493*** 1xCH 3RM BUDS LAST BUT NOT LEAST AT VALHALLA #SR57541107 GSH / M BUD’S IN BUSINESS AT VALHALLA / FRITZ GETTEN TIPSY LANCE MACLENNAN – 790*** 0xCH MICHAEL ROST/BILL DUBS – 313.5 0xCH 4 5 6 7 8 9 MOONSHINE’S PONCES THUNDER #1613209 EP / M MOONSHINES BAYOU PONCE / BIG COUNTRY SNAP MW QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS #SR57359605 GSH / F ADAM FELLERS – 751 *** PREMIER’S FANCY TRAIL BLAZER / POINTING HOME MAJOR LEAGUE JH 10xCH BYE DOG MW 10 SCR BEELINE BULLET’S OXIDATION #SR33911303 BR / M NOLAN’S LAST BULLET / LAZY K LITTLE BIT NOLAN HUFFMAN – 720 *** 8xCH RM VALHALLA’S MONEY ON ICE #SR69128305 GSH / F LANCE MACLENNAN – 461.5 GAUGE’S KRAKEN UP AT VALHALLA / FAITH’S MONEY OF VALHALLA 0xCH MN LUDY’S WILD WILLY #1643519 ES / M TOMOKA’S SMOKIN GUN / BARELY LEGAL CHUCK LUDOLPH – 300 0xCH MW SKIPPER’S BANDIT #R234160 ES / M ANGIE’S DOGWOOD SKIPPER / GLOVER’S NIKKI SHAUN RYDL – 460.5 *** 6xCH IN KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT #1533773 ES / M KICKAPOO’S SMOKIN MAX / KICKAPOO’S FLAMING ROXY ROGER PARIENT JR – 468 *** 3xCH RM BUCK ON POINT #1585778 EP / M SMART RAIL JACK / BLACK CANYONS PISTOL WAYNE BAKER - 292 0xCH MW THAT OLE VOODOO DOG #1622361 EP / M DIAMOND IN THE RAW / GAMBLING ELHEW JILL FRANK DOWNS, M.D. - 435 1xCH KY BRIGHT SUNNY FAITH #R234214 EP / F STEPHENS BRIGHT COPPER / SUNNY’S FREE SUE JEFF HARMON – 719.5 *** 2xCH MW VINN’S SOFA KING #SR42035905 GSH / M VINN’S BUCK NAKED / VINN’S FANCY POSSIE BRUCE MURPHY – 645.5 *** 1xCH MK POWER’S GUN SLINGER #1611534 ES / M RESA’S TROUBLE MACE / RESA’S TEKOA KATE ROBERT POWER – 490.5 0xCH MK CHIPP’S SOUTHERN ALIBI #1573934 ES / M WILLIS ALIBI SAM / TEKOA’S SWAN SONG MARK GILLESPIE – 292 *** 5xCH AZ HENSON’S JEWEL #1609499 EP / F FIDDLIN’S MAIN INGREDIENT / BUDS TWISTED SISTER BOB HENSON – 280.5 0xCH August/September 2013 i 42 i www.nstra.org 11 12 13 14 15 16 MW NEMAHA BRIGHT SADIE #1625030 EP / F STEPHENS BRIGHT COPPER / NEMAHA PEPPER DELLYN FEIGHNER – 631.5 0xCH WI VINN’S HONKY MAGIC #1567249 EP / M BLACK MAGIC SNAKE / HONKY TONK HOOKER SHANE TOINTON – 822 *** 1xCH RM BLACK FOREST FRED #SR49724406 GSH / M KEG CREEK RISING COOPER / BLACK FOREST JEWEL GARY WOOD – 434.5 *** 0xCH MW COCO LEO ST. CLAIR #SR38276801 BR / F SLW PRINCE DUKE JR. / MISTY MORNING XXIII JON ST.CLAIR – 414.5 0xCH MW MOONSHINE’S ELHEW BODACIOUS #1613095 EP / M MOONSHINES ELHEW TEX / MISSOURI’S CASEY JONES BILL DUBS - 286.5 0xCH FL SMOKE CREEK DUDE #SR49552602 GWH / M ST CROIX’S EASY MONEY / SMOKE CREEK’S LUSCHI GEORGE STERNER III – 798.5 *** 0xCH MW DOUBLE L TRUCKIN CHEYENNE #SR4323707 GSH / F CROSSWIND TRUCKIN FRITZ / CROSSWIND MOODY BLUES LEO HERGENRODER – 417.4 0xCH LST TGR’S IMPRESSIVE HE IS THE ONE #SR67094706 GSH / M TGR’S IMPRESSIVE DUKE / SCATTERGUNS JENNY JOSH MARTIN -575 *** 0xCH MN TRICKY DICK DUKE #1598366 ES / M TRICKY DICK LUKE / BRIGHT STAR FRECKLES CHUCK LUDOLPH – 554.5 4xCH MW JO’S MAGIC MOLLY #1628920 EP / F BLAZE’S BLACK MAGIC / KATE’S SHINING STAR ADAM FELLERS – 593.5 *** 0xCH SCR WEATHERED STONES MURRAY #SR49755706 GSH / M OTIS OF VALHALLA / BUY BACK JOEY OF VALHALLA CHERYL HIGHAM / ALAN HIGHAM - 496 1xCH MW BUCKVILLE’S HOLDEM HANK #1619336 EP / M DOMINATOR’S GAMBLER / HUNTING CREEK ELHEW DESTINY JACQULIN / KEVIN SCHLARBAUM-627.5** 2xCH Trophy winners were: 1st - Vinn’s Honky Magic – Shane Tointon – 4/4 – 822 points 2nd – Smoke Creek Dude – George Sterner – 4/4 - 798.5 points 3rd – Buds Last But Not Lease At Valhalla – Lance Maclennan – 4/4 – 790 points 4rd – Buddy’s Mini-Cooper – Sam Ashmore/Sharron Watson/Sam Ashmore – 778 points – 4/4 Scoring the highest Find was – 91 points – Tricky Dick Duke – Chuck Ludolph Retrieve – 89 points – Quail Valley Nose Knows – Adam Feller; Vinn’s Honky Magic – Shane Tointon; Jo’s Magic Molly – Adam Fellers/Brandon Ralston; Weathered Stones Murray – Cheryl/Alan Higham Obedience – 67 points; Weathered Stones Murray – Cheryl/Alan Higham Ground Coverage – 87 points – Moonshine’s Elhew Bodacious Back – 70 points - Quail Valley Nose Knows – Adam Feller The Rock Creek Club held a banquet at the Waverly Community Center with Happy Hour beginning at 6:30 and dinner at 7. The evening meal was prepared by David Paitz and family which was delicious. After the meal, Chad presented the winners and thanked the trial officials for their time and effort. Kenny Fields, Rooster Wear sponsor, was introduced. Kenny was at the trial each day and we appreciate his attendance. Silent auction winners were also announced and the raffle winners were drawn for the $100 gift certificate from Cabela’s, an I-Pad, and a 54” flatscreen TV. The TV was won by Chad Collison who donated it back for another draw. The second name was Tomina Brainard. We saw some familiar faces at the banquet – “old timers” - Bob Incontro, Craig Bolger, Frank Downs, Rod Phipps, and Bob Cunningham – who had lots of “old times” to talk over. These men had trialed together 25-30 years ago and once again enjoyed being together to share stories and “tell lies”. During the evening a bad thunderstorm had blown in and once again we were under water at the trial grounds. It was an early night for many handlers as we knew that come morning they would once again be wading some big-time mud and water. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 43 i g Thursday morning dawned with thunder clouds and threats of storms in the forecast. The handlers were called to the line at 7:30 and although there was rain and thunder during some morning braces, we were able to keep the trial running throughout the day. By afternoon, the parking lot was actually starting to look like a parking area once again as the sun came shining through and temperatures climbed. Donny, Cory and Nina were the A field officials for Thursday and the 15 braces with brace winners follow: 1 MW SHADOWROCK’S MIGHTY MOUSE #SR53347610 GSH / F AMANDA / RANDY TANGEMAN-423.5 PONDEROSA’S FANCY HANK / CRAWFORD’S SPECKLED HANNAH0xCH IL MOHAWK’S SMOKIN #R234253 ES / M MOHAWK’S TUFF STUFF / B’S MIDNIGHT ROVEN BOB/ STEVEN CUNNINGHAM – 454*** 0xCH KY COPPER’S ELHEW BULL #R234156 EP / M STEPHENS BRIGHT COPPER / VANCE’S ELHEW BEE JIM HARMON – 623.5*** 5xCH MK SAWYERS MAGIC LADY #1629486 EP / F BLACK MAGIC SNAKE / GIGOLO’S SOUTHERN SUSIE BOB SAWYERS – 512.5 0Xch 3 RM PRAIRIE WING RISING STAR #1607310 ES/M TRAIL’S END BAD BOY/I’M GABBIE GERALD WOELFEL - 447 0xCH WI BURR OAKS STOLI #SR17206702 GSH / M AUTUMNS TALL BRUT / ROCK DELL’S PRETTY LITTLE DEVIL TRAVIS TOINTON – 612.5*** 1xCH FL IN GEORGE’S HONOR #1629037 EP/F ACE’S THE MAN/GEORGE’S ELHEW SADIE SAM ASHMORE – 474.5 1xCH MW MOONSHINE’S SLATE CREEK JOE #1624168 EP / M MOONSHINES BAYOU PONCE / BIG COUNTRY SNAP MICHAEL ROST – 653.5 *** 2xCH GCT MAGGIE’S BUB JUST BUB #SR59217503 BR / M SPLIT CREEK’S MEDICINE MAN / REYNA’S CARACARA MAGGIE PARSLEY – 249 0xCH SCR WEATHERED STONE’S SURE SHOT #SR29728109 GSH / F OTIS OF VALHALLA / BUY BACK JOY OF VALHALLA ALAN HIGHAM / CHERYL HIGHAM – 457 *** 2xCH KY PEACHES RIVER DAN #1609661 EP / M ELHEW SIDEWINDER / YELLOW RIVER PEACHES TED COOK / DAVID DEATON – 777.5*** 2xCH WI BURR OAKS ZIGGY #1619553 ES / M LEDGEVIEW SMOKIN ZEKE / LEDGEVIEW SMOKIN JOY SHANE TOINTON – 272.5 0xCH IN ELI’S TRUCKIN LADY #1603204 GSH/F CROSSWIND TRUCKIN FRITZ/SWEETWATER ELLIE EMMA COKE/J.R.COKE - 276 2xCH MK GATOR’S GINGERBREAD #SR51910410 GSH / F JULIE’S THUNDER / WENDEL’S ANNIE OAKLEY WILLIAM BURKHART – 804.5 *** 0xCH IN MAC’S PREDATOR #1616609 EP / M MAC’S SUPER FLY / MAC’S SILHOUETTE JOE JACKSON - 395 1xCH FL STERNDOGS KOOKUS NIKKI #R232755 GSH / F DUKE VON HILFIRE / ABBYLAKES ANNIE GET YOUR GUN TINA STERNER – 613*** 0xCH MSM GLOVER’S CHOPPER #1615281 ES / M BOOMER’S X RATED / GLOVER’S NIKKI A. JACK GLOVER - 497 2xCH IL R’N’RCODY #1641183 EP/M BLAZE’S MAGIC JACK/ R & R ROXIE BEN/RON HUELS – 577.5 *** 0xCH 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MK CRESENTHILLS CJ #1613085 EP / M SWIFT ROCK COPPER / HONKY TONK CHAZ DONALD TRUELOVE - 367 1xCH MI CLASSIC POINT GRETCHEN #1584636 GSH / F CROSSWIND TRUCKIN FRITZ / RICADEA REBA’S MACK JOHN GRIFFITHS – 537.5 *** 5xCH August/September 2013 i 44 i www.nstra.org 11 AZ JOSHUA’S WEE ABRAHAM #1574825 EP / M NELL’S WEE JOSHUA / CASEY’S WEE SHADOW GINGER KRAWCZEL / BOB HENSON – 194.5 0xCH MW TILDI’S OZARK ADDITION #1594767 EP / M CAPTAIN MCCRAE / TATTLE TALE TILDI JEFF JONES – 737*** 1xCH KY RUNNIN J SUNNY #1624439 EP / M COPPER’S BIG MAC / SUNNY’S FREE SUE JIM HARMON – 636 *** 0xCH MW MURPH’S SMOKIN TINK #1644262 ES / M TOMOKA’S SMOKIN J.R. / BARR’S SMOKIN KADEE BRUCE MURPHY - 619 0xCH AR MONLEZUN’S PERFECT FIT #1612467 EP / M YELLOW ROSE SARGE / YELLOW ROSE SMOKE LEE MONLEZUN, III / BRIAN ENGLISH -446 *** 0xCH RM BLACK FOREST BART #SR43297007 GSH / M BLACK FOREST BRODIE / BLACK FOREST KATE MARK PACE - 290 2xCH 14 SCR BULLET’S SPANKY #SR61589203 B/M NOLAN’S LAST BULLET/VANPO’S KENTUCKY QUEEN NOLAN HUFFMAN – 418.5 0xCH MI LANSDELL’S NORTHWIN DUKE #1606236 ES / M DAVIS JIM BOB / DAVIS HIGHTAIL DIXIE SANDRA LANSDELL / ROGER LANSDELL – 514.5*** 1xCH GCT MAGGIE’S LITTLE BIT O’ BULLET #SR43332006 BR / F NOLAN’S LAST BULLET / LAZY K LITTLE BIT MAGGIE PARSLEY – 581 *** 0xCH RM PRAIRIE WING DESERT ROSE #1607648 ES / F TRAILS END BAD BOY / I’M GABBIE MARIE BROWN / GERALD WOELFEL - 459 0xCH 12 13 15 First Place – Gator’s Gingerbread – Bill Burkhart -4/4 – 804.5 points 2nd – Peaches River Dan – Ted Cook/David Deaton – 44 – 777.5 points 3rd – Tildi’s Ozard Addition – Jeff Jones – 4/4 – 737.5 points 4th – Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe – Mike Rost – 3/3 – 653.5 points Highest Find – 90 points - Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe - Mike Rost; Runnin J Sunny – Jim Harmon Retrieve – 89 points - Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe - Mike Rost; Weathered Stone’s Sure Shot – Alan/Cheryl Higham Obedience – 67 points – Glover’s Chopper – Jack Glover Ground Coverage – 86.5 – Copper’s Elhew Bull –Jim Harmon Back – 62 points – Sawyers Magic Lady – Bob Sawyers; Glover’s Chopper – Jack Glover B Field results from Chad, Jeff and Dawn were: 1 WINDSWEPT RIDGE’S GUNSMOKE #SR31224105 BR/M WINDSWEPT’S CLAY BULLET/BEELINE CINNAMON GARY RAMSEY/NOLAN HUFFMAN – 446.5*** 2Xch MW TALL TALE TARA #1586305 EP/F HUNTSMAN HIGH SOCIETY/ROUND ABOUT CLARE BRENT LIVINGSTON – 285.5 0xCH MW ACDC SIMON BUSTER #SR43402303 VIZ / M STODOLA’S RUSTY 2 / STODOLA’S ROXY DAVID PAITZ – 584*** 0xCH MI DUSTY LANES MAXIMUS AURELUIS #SR57564705 GSH / M JR’S A MAZE IN BLUE / TINKERBELL PIXIE DUST JEFFERY PACHOLSKI – 434.5 0xCH MW PHIPP’S BOY CAN BOOGIE #1641177 EP / M COALS HANSUM HARLEY / GAMBLING ELHEW JILL PAUL PHIPPS- 702 *** 0xCH IN BECKLEY’S ELHEW PANIC BUTTON #1608861 EP/F YELLOW ROSE TEX/YELLOW ROSE BUDA HAROLD SMITH - 667 9xCH 2 3 SCR WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 45 i g 4 RM GODFATHERS DESTINED TO BE A CROOK #SR62012707 BR / M PAUL MAWHORTER – 281.5 SOUTHPLATT GANGSTER / GODFATHERS OBSESSION 0xCH KY HARD HITTING WINCHESTER #R221-441 GSH / M BJ’S ROCKIN RUGER / BJ’S SAVAGE SARA CHRIS SANDERS – 738 *** 0xCH MW ACDC SAMANTHA JO #SR63764503 GSH / F VINN’S FANCY RUST / MOLLY JO KENNEDY DAVID PAITZ – 268.5 0xCH UT HONKY TONK CASH #1594572 EP / M HONKY TONK ATTITUDE / RUN-N-GUN BLUE JAZZ KURT COBURN / CHAD COLLISON – 832.5 *** 1xCH IN PIGEON RIVER MAXIMUS #1621807 EP / M PIGEON RIVER BULL / HONKY TONK ANGEL HAROLD SMITH – 619 *** 2xCH IL R & R’S I LOVE LUCY #1603242 EP/F SAM’S COUNTY LINE/HUTCH’S MAYOMONEY BEN/RON HUELS - 460 1xCH MW BLACKACRE RAIL HAWK #1623092 EP / M GUARD RAIL SPIRIT / BLACKHAWK’S HANNA LOU FRANK DOWNS, M.D. – 470 *** 0xCH AZ HENSON’S DESERT PRINCE #1642609 ES / M TOMOKA’S SMOKIN J.R. / RED HOT CHILI LILLY BOB HENSON - 454 0xCH DX SLIM PICKINS #SR53144204 BR / M BILLY BOY / BUD MAN BEAUTY ED FORD,JR. -734*** 0xCH MW MOONSHINES POISON IVY #1558391 EP / F MOONSHINES BIOTECH SUN / CRYSTAL DEW MICHAEL ROST - 478 10xCH KY TOMOKA’S SMOKIN GUN #1604893 ES / M TOMOKA’S SMOKIN J.R. / BARR’S SMOKIN MACKENZIE GREG WOOD – 771 *** 6xCH OK TNEK’S RUSTY’S SNAPPY GINGER #SR49528501 GSH / F DIXIELANDS RUSTIC ROCKY / DIXIELANDS LACEY’S LEGACY BILL KENT – 124.5 0xCH SCR BEELINE RELOADED #SR40077206 BR/M BEELINE BULLET’S PROOF/BEELINE WINK GARY RAMSEY – 379.5 0xCH 5 6 7 8 9 10 FL CLAYTON’S WHISKEY SHOT #1614567 EP / M KYLE’S TATER / CLAYTON’S MISS TATER SAM ASHMORE – 672 *** 4xCH 11 OK ROCKIN G’S UODIBAR RUSTY #R234095 GSH / M GUNSMOKES CLOWN / POTTORFF’S ROCKIN ROLLIN MAGGIE JOHN GEORGE – 515 *** 6xCH RM BBK WOLF’S ELHEW JOE #1630903 EP / M MILLER’S CRAZY BUZZ / ROCKY MOUNTAIN MAE WEST MARIE BROWN / KEVIN CREEDEN – 141.5 0xCH FL BRAN’S ROWDY BOY #1614641 ES / M QUAIL VALLEY TROOPER / PENNSTAR ANNIE SAM ASHMORE – 420.5 2xCH IL MOHAWK’S MUDSLINGER #R234032 ES / M SMOKIN MOHAWK’S CHESTER / NIGHT TRIP B. CUNNINGHAM / STEVEN CUNNINGHAM-532*** 7xCH OK PENCE’S HOOK LINE AND SINKER #SR42825501 GSH / M CROSSWIND TRUCKIN FRITZ / BABE’S RUNNING WILD JERIMY PENCE – 792 *** 1xCH IN KICKAPOO JACK’S RANGER #1646542 ES / M KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT / KICKAPOO’S LITTLE SIS ROGER PARIENT JR - 451 0xCH OK ROCKIN G’S WARHEAD #SR69014803 GSH / M GK’S NUKE IT / OM’S ROCKIN RUSTY BLACK LACE JOHN GEORGE – 690.5 *** 0xCH AZ HENSON’S DESERT CATFISH #1602384 EP / M STEPHENS BRIGHT COPPER / SUNNY’S FREE SUE BOB HENSON – 294.5 3xCH 12 13 14 August/September 2013 i 46 i www.nstra.org 15 16 MK SAWYERS FLASH POINT #R234028 EP / M BIG WHISKEY / SAWYERS LITTLE JEWEL SHARON SAWYERS / BOB SAWYERS – 302 5xCH MSM RESA’S MAZIE #1645507 ES / F RESA’S TROUBLE MACE / BUM’S CRYSTALIZED CARBON JOHN RESA – 484.5 *** 1xCH MI LANSDELL’S NORTHWIN RASCAL #1614979 ES / M LANSDELL’S NORTHWIN DUKE / TEEKA HIGHTAIL WILSON SANDRA LANSDELL / ROGER LANSDELL – 610.5 *** 2xCH MW SKIPPER’S FRECKLES BEACH #1623768 ES / F ANGIE’S DOGWOOD SKIPPER / BEACH’S BAD GIRL KURT EBERSPACHER – 309.5 0xCH Placements were: 1st – Honky Tonk Cash – Chad Collison - 4/4/B – 832.5 points 2nd – Pence’s Hook Line and Sinker – Jerimy Pence – 5/4 – 792 points 3rd – Tomoka’s Smokin Gun – Greg Wood – 4/4 - 771 points 4th – Hard Hitting Winchester – Chris Sanders – 4/4 – 738 points Highest Scoring Find – 92 points – Honky Tonk Cash – Chad Collison Retrieve – 92 points – Pigeon River Maximus – Harold Smith Obedience – 66.5 points – Lansdell’s Northwin Rascal Ground Coverage – 88 points – Black Rail Hawk – Frank Downs Back – 56 points – Clayton’s Wiskey Shot – Sam Ashmore Immediately after the trial, Chad presented trophies to the winners and announced that the trial had been drawn in the clubhouse and the braces were posted. Todd Hendrix had purchased rib-eye steaks for anyone wanting to stay at the clubhouse for dinner. Todd, Ted and several other club members were at the grill with the steaks while Dawn prepared baked potatoes and salad. It was a great meal and our thanks to those who helped take care of the preparations on short notice. The skies looked menacing as we were dining on the deck of the clubhouse and those watching the weather forecast notified everyone that we were in for a bad storm. As we were just finishing dinner, the skies opened with rain, hail and wind; once again making a pond out of the parking lot. You’ve never heard a hail storm until you’re under a tin roof; the sound was deafening. Unable to get to the campers or vehicles, we were in the clubhouse until the hail and rain abated and the rainbows appeared. Not one, but a double rainbow. Such a beautiful sight indeed. The rain meant another day of messy fields and more mud, but we were not to be deterred. Round 2 dawned Friday morning with only a slight chance of rain but cooler temperatures; temperatures just right for field trialing. We would feature 15 braces on A field. Trial officials were Cory, Donny and Nina. 1 1 BLACKACRE RAIL HAWK MW EP/M FRANK DOWNS, M.D. – 584.5 TILDI’S OZARK ADDITION MW EP/M JEFF JONES – 653 – 6th 2 2 TGR’S IMPRESSIVE HE IS THE ONE LST GSH/M JOSH MARTIN - 120 MOHAWK’S SMOKIN IL ES/M B.L. CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM - 599 3 3 HACKBERRYS BASSIE MW EP/F BOB KONZ/BRUCE MURPHY - 271 CROSSWIND MICRO CHIP MI GSH/M SCOTT TOWNSEND – 973.5 – 1st 4 4 WINDSWEPT RIDGE’S GUNSMOKE SCR BR/M GARY RAMSEY /NOLAN HUFFMAN – 660.5 – 5th GATOR’S GINGERBREAD MK GSH/F WILLIAM BURKHART – 301.5 5 5 MOHAWK’S MUDSLINGER IL ES/M B.L. CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM – 829.33 – 2nd PENCE’S HOOK LINE AND SINKER OK GSH/M JERIMY PENCE - 295 6 6 CLARK’S TWO SHOES LST EP/F TED COOK - 431 SIMMONS RUDE ATTITUDE MK EP/M GERALD SIMMONS/SHAUN RYDL - DNF 7 KOHLBERG’S BOSSMAN MSM ES/M A. JACK GLOVER - 519 WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 47 i g 7 LANSDELL’S NORTHWIN RASCAL MI ES/M SANDRA LANSDELL/ROGER LANSDELL – 734 – 4th 8 8 JO’S MAGIC MOLLY MW EP/F ADAM FELLERS/BRANDON RALSTON - 487 HARD HITTING WINCHESTER KY GSH/M CHRIS SANDERS – 781 – 3rd 9 9 SKIPPER’S BANDIT MW ES/M SHAUN RYDL – 630 – 8th PRAIRIE WING SMOKIN GUN RM ES/M GERALD WOELFEL - 487 10 10 SNAKE’S KING COBRA OH EP/M JIM MAHONEY – 637.5 – 7th VINN’S SOFA KING MW GSH/M BRUCE MURPHY – 496.5 11 11 SHADOWROCKS WIDOW MAKER MW GSH/F AMANDA TANGEMAN/RANDY TANGEMAN - 556 COPPER’S ELHEW BULL KY EP/M JIM HARMON – 623.5 12 12 DYNAMIC ZETA GCT EP/F STEVEN COPELAND/ROB MARTIN - 458 BRIGHT SUNNY FAITH KY EP/F JEFF HARMON/JIM HARMON/JEFF HARMON - 358 13 13 VINN’S HONKY MAGIC WI EP/M SHANE TOINTON – 587.5 ROCKIN G’S UODIBAR RUSTY OK GSH/M JOHN GEORGE - 526 14 14 PHIPPS BIRD DESIRE MW ES/F RODNEY PHIPPS – 475.5 ACDC SIMON BUSTER MW VIZ/M DAVID PAITZ - 592 15 15 BLACK FOREST FRED RM GSH/M GARY WOOD - dnf IRON MISTRESS MW EP/F DAVID LATHROP, JR. – 131 Trophies were presented to 1st - Crosswind Micro Chip – Scott Townsend – 5/5 - 973.5 points 2nd – Mohawk’s Mudslinger – Bob/Steven Cunningham – 4/4 – 829.33 points 3rd – Hard Hitting Winchester – Chris Sanders – 4/4 – 781 points 4th – Lansdell’s Northwin Rascal – Sandra/Roger Lansdell – 4/4 – 734 points Highest Find – 92 points – Mohawk’s Mudslinger – Bob/Steven Cunningham Retrieve – 92 points – Dynamic Zeta – Steven Copeland/Rob Martin Obedience – 67.5 points – Crosswind Micro Chip – Scott Townsend Ground Coverage – 88 points - Crosswind Micro Chip – Scott Townsend; Dynamic Zeta – Steven Copeland/Rob Martin Back – 73 points – Shadowrocks Widow Maker – Amanda/Randy Tangeman B Field with Chad, Jeff and Dawn follows: 1 1 2 2 MONLEZUN’S PERFECT FIT AR BLACK FOREST FIVE OCLOCK MILLER MW TYM EP/M LEE MONLEZUN, III/BRIAN ENGLISH – 329.5 GSH/M WADE HANSON – 639.5 LLANO’S LELANI LST GSH/F THOMAS PAULLUS – 640.5 STERNDOGS KOOKUS NIKKI FL GSH/F TINA STERNER – 446.5 3 3 SHOUSE DOGWOOD ABBY OH ES/F RANDY CUNNINGHAM/ HAROLD SMITH – 727 – 6th RESA’S MAZIE MSM ES/F JOHN RESA - 363 4 4 BURR OAKS STOLI WI GSH/M TRAVIS TOINTON - 168 MOONSHINE’S SLATE CREEK JOE MW EP/M MICHAEL ROST – 911 – 1st 5 5 WEATHERED STONE’S SURE SHOT SCR GSH/F ALAN HIGHAM/CHERYL HIGHAM – 783.5 – 5th R’N’R CODY IL EP/M BEN HUELS/RON HUELS - 229 August/September 2013 i 48 i www.nstra.org 6 6 KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT IN ES/M ROGER PARIENT JR – 680 – 8th CLAYTON’S WHISKEY SHOT FL EP/M SAM ASHMORE/CLAYTON ASHMORE/SAM ASHMORE – 464.5 7 7 BEELINE BULLET’S OXIDATION SCR BR/M NOLAN HUFFMAN – 641.5 ROCKIN G’S WARHEAD OK GSH/M JOHN GEORGE - 491 8 8 TOMOKA’S SMOKIN GUN KY ES/M GREG WOOD/JIM KIRKMAN/GREG WOOD – 467 PHIPP’S BOY CAN BOOGIE MW EP/M PAUL PHIPPS – 672.5 9 9 RUNNIN J SUNNY KY EP/M JIM HARMON - 563 CHIPP’S SOUTHERN ALIBI MK ES/M MARK GILLESPIE - 202 10 10 GOOSE CREEK ACE DX EP/M ED FORD,JR. - 288 QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS MW GSH/F ADAM FELLERS – 873 – 2nd 11 11 SMOKE CREEK DUDE FL GWH/M GEORGE STERNER III - 298 ACDC CATHERINE MW GSH/F AARON HUNT - 473 12 12 CLASSIC POINT GRETCHEN MI GSH/F JOHN GRIFFITHS – 821.5 – 3rd RM GSH/M LANCE MACLENNAN - 637 13 13 BUCKVILLE’S HOLDEM HANK MW EP/M JACQULIN SCHLARBAUM/KEVIN SCHLARBAUM – 479.5 BUDDY’S MINI-COOPER FL BR/M SAM ASHMORE/SHARRON WATSON/SAM ASHMORE - 362 14 14 PEACHES RIVER DAN KY EP/M TED COOK/DAVID DEATON – 500.5 HONKY TONK CASH UT EP/M KURT COBURN/CHAD COLLISON – 692 – 7th 15 15 MAGGIE’S LITTLE BIT O’ BULLET GCT BR/F MAGGIE PARSLEY - 535 SLIM PICKINS DX BR/M ED FORD,JR. - 442 16 16 LANSDELL’S NORTHWIN DUKE MI ES/M SANDRA LANSDELL/ ROGER LANSDELL - 473 PIGEON RIVER MAXIMUS IN EP/M HAROLD SMITH – 811 – 4th Trophies BUDS LAST BUT NOT LEAST AT VALHALLA Slate Creek Joe – Mike Rost – 4/4/B – 911 points 2nd – Quail Valley’s Nose Knows – Adam Fellers – 4/4/B – 873 points 3rd – Classic Point Gretchen – John Griffiths – 4/4/B – 821.5 points 4th - Pigeon River Maximus – Harold Smith – 4/4/B – 811 points winners were – 1st – Moonshine’s Scoring the highest Find was – 92 points – Quail Valley Nose Knows – Adam Fellers Retrieve – 100 points – Phipp’s Boy Can Boogie – Paul Phipps Obedience – 66.5 points – Buckville’s Holdem Hank – Jacqulin/Kevin Schlarbaum Ground Coverage – 87.5 points – Shouse Dogwood Abby – Randy Cunningham/Harold Smith; Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe – Mike Rost Back – 67 points – Pigeon River Maximus – Harold Smith Immediately after the trial Chad presented trophies to the winners and the brace sheets for Saturday’s trial was posted in the clubhouse. Beat your brace mate would once again be the order of the day for Saturday’s running with 4 braces scheduled for each field. As nothing special was planned for Friday evening, several went to Parker’s BBQ for a phenomenal dinner. Others cooked at their campers, while some went to their respective motels for an early evening. The rain had dissipated for the day Friday and nothing was forecast for Saturday; therefore, we were in hopes that the final championship day would see an improvement in the weather. There’s always a certain amount of excitement on the final day of a championship event and this trial was no different. You could feel the tension in the air as the first brace from each field came to the line. Round 3 – Jeff, Chad, Dawn – A Field WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 49 i g 1 1 HONKY TONK CASH UT EP/M KURT COBURN/CHAD COLLISON – 491 *** WINDSWEPT RIDGE’S GUNSMOKE SCR BR/M GARY RAMSEY/NOLAN HUFFMAN - 364 2 2 HARD HITTING WINCHESTER KY GSH/M CHRIS SANDERS - 468 QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS MW GSH/F ADAM FELLERS – 717 *** 3 3 LANSDELL’S NORTHWIN RASCAL MI ES/M SANDRA LANSDELL/ROGER LANSDELL – 339.5 KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT IN ES/M ROGER PARIENT JR – 663.83 *** 4 4 SNAKE’S KING COBRA OH EP/M JIM MAHONEY – 487.5 *** TILDI’S OZARK ADDITION MW EP/M JEFF JONES – 463 B Field – Cory, Donny, Nina 1 1 CLASSIC POINT GRETCHEN MI GSH/F JOHN GRIFFITHS - 491 PIGEON RIVER MAXIMUS IN EP/M HAROLD SMITH – 620 *** 2 2 CROSSWIND MICRO CHIP MI GSH/M SCOTT TOWNSEND - 543 MOHAWK’S MUDSLINGER IL ES/M B.L. CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM – 728.5 *** 3 3 MOONSHINE’S SLATE CREEK JOE MW EP/M MICHAEL ROST- 487.5 SKIPPER’S BANDIT MW ES/M SHAUN RYDL – 543.5 *** 4 4 SHOUSE DOGWOOD ABBY OH ES/F RANDY CUNNINGHAM/ HAROLD SMITH – 453.5 WEATHERED STONE’S SURE SHOT SCR GSH/F ALAN HIGHAM/CHERYL HIGHAM – 542.5*** Round 4 – A Field 1 1 WEATHERED STONE’S SURE SHOT SCR GSH/F ALAN HIGHAM/CHERYL HIGHAM – 471.5 QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS MW GSH/F ADAM FELLERS – 530 *** 2 2 KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT IN ES/M ROGER PARIENT JR – 569.5 *** MOHAWK’S MUDSLINGER IL ES/M B.L. CUNNINGHAM/STEVEN CUNNINGHAM – 491.5 B Field 1 1 HONKY TONK CASH UT EP/M KURT COBURN/CHAD COLLISON – 656 **** PIGEON RIVER MAXIMUS IN EP/M HAROLD SMITH – 510.5 2 2 SNAKE’S KING COBRA OH EP/M JIM MAHONEY - 514 MW ES/M SHAUN RYDL – 675.5 SKIPPER’S BANDIT Round 5 – Cory, Donny, Nina - At this point, the 2 braces to determine the 2nd and 3rd place dogs and the dogs for the Championship Final would both compete in B Field. The results were: 1 SKIPPER’S BANDIT KICKAPOO’S JACKPOT 2 HONKY TONK CASH QUAIL VALLEY’S NOSE KNOWS MW ES/M SHAUN RYDL - 458 IN ES/M ROGER PARIENT JR – 579.5*** UT EP/M K./CHAD COLLISON - 375 MW GSH/F ADAM FELLERS – 879.5 *** Jack and Nose had earned a well deserved rest and we had a one hour lunch break after which the fences between the fields would be opened for easy access from one field to the other for the final brace. Chad and Jeff would judge the final hour while both Nina and Dawn would keep a watchful eye on each field. Bo would distribute the 10 birds for the hour throughout both fields. August/September 2013 i 50 i www.nstra.org Roger, Jack, Nose and Adam were called to the line at approximately 3 p.m. and chose A field as their field of choice as the one hour brace began. It wasn’t long before the gallery knew that 4 year old old Nose would best 8 ½ year old Jack to 7 birds compared to Jack’s 2. But giving Jack his due having already ran 2 hours, he did all he could for Roger and had finished with a very respectable 1st runner-up placement. Nose had scored on 7 finds – 97,80,90,92,87,91-90; retrieves – 85,85,40,83,86,86,80; obedience – 65; ground coverage - 87; total 1314 points. Jack scored on 2 finds – 67,63; retrieves 70,A/70; obedience – 60.5; ground coverage – 76.5; and back – 40 totaling 447 points. Everyone gathered at the front of the clubhouse to welcome both handlers and dogs back to the front for a gallery picture with the four winners of the Championship. Sponsors who were on hand for the final day’s running were Sara Chisnell-Voight from UKC, Kenny Fields - Rooster Wear, and Dean Reinke – Purina. Todd Kellam – UKC had joined us for the first 2 days of the trial and as always it’s great to have these special people with us throughout the event. After the gallery picture, all proceeded to the clubhouse for the trophy presentations and our final tribute to the winners. Awards presented to each of the Top Four were gift certificates from Dogs Unlimited, Foster & Smith, and Tri-Tronics; the winners Trophies and Belt Buckles from NSTRA; t-shirts from Rooster Wear; EMT Gel from Trophy Animal Health Care – PBI/Gordon Corporation; Travel Bags and Gun Cases from Boyt Harness; and Cablea’s Gift Certificates from United Kennel Club. Third runner-up was Honky Tonk Cash “Doc”, owned and handled by Chad Collison from the Mid-West Region. Doc is a 6 year old English Pointer Male from Honky Tonk Attitude and Run ‘N’ Gun Blu Jazz. He is a 1 time NSTRA Champion with 33 lifetime points of which 25 are 1st place points. Doc’s first placement came on 3/1/09 at the Greater Utah Pointing Dog Club; he earned his 1st championship on 4/17/11. Dean Reinke presented Chad with 112# of Purina Pro Plan and the Winner’s Jacket along with his other awards presented by Aaron Hunt, Frank Downs and Mike Rost. Although this is Chad and Doc’s first time in the “Place in the Sun”, we’re sure this won’t be the last. Congratulations to Chad, Doc and Tate “Chuck Norris” for a great week. Second runner-up was also a Mid-West Region member, Shaun Rydl with Skipper’s Bandit, a 7 year old tri-colored English Setter Male. Bandit is from Angie’s Dogwood Skipper and Glover’s Nikki. He has posted 118 lifetime points of which 72 are first place points. He is a 6 time NSTRA Champion earning his first championship on 10/2/2010. Bandit’s first placement was during an Amateur Trial at the 4 Star Plantation on 11/29/2008. From that first placement Bandit never looked back. In April, 2011 he placed 3rd during a qualification run at the Trial of Champions in Amo, Indiana. In May, 2011 Bandit won the Mid-West Regional Championship and in April 2012 placed 2nd during a qualification run at the Trial of Champions. In May 2012 during a qualification run at the UKC Performance Classic Championship he earned a first place berth and again at the 2013 Mid-West Regional Championship was 3rd runner-up. Shaun also received the Winner’s Jacket and 112# of Pro Plan from Dean along with the presentation of other awards from Ted Dewey, Kenny Fields, and Sara Chisnell-Voight. Congratulations to a great team and special friend. Kickapoo’s Jackpot, an 8 ½ year old English Setter Male, was the first runner-up. Jack is owned and handled by Roger Parient from the Indiana Region. Jack is from Kickapoo’s Smokin Max and Kickapoo’s Flaming Roxy. He is a 4 time NSTRA Champion and is credited with 87 points of which 39 are first place points. Jack’s first placement came in February 2007 at the Conservation Birddog Club in Amo, Indiana. He earned his first NSTRA Championship on 2/17/2008. Jack’s other accomplishments were placements in the following qualification rounds of National Trials; 2008 - placement at the Quail Forever, TOC and Grand National; 2009 – Quail Forever and TOC; 2010 – 4th during the Indiana Regional Final and qualification run at the Dog of Year Trial; 2012 – TOC Qualification Round; and 2013 a placement during the Quail Invitational qualification. Having been close several times, this was Jack’s first time in the Top Four and deservedly so. In addition to 225# of Purina Pro Plan and the Winner’s Jacket presented by Dean and other awards previously listed, Roger was also the recipient of a pair of W. C Russell Bird Shooter Boots. These boots are hand crafted to fit and a welcomed gift to our list of awards. Congratulations to Roger and Jack for an awesome show of consistent bird work throughout the week. Who says “If you can’t keep up with the young dogs, stay on the porch”. Jack kept up just fine and had an incredible day. WINNER: Quail Valley’s Nose Knows was the winner of the 2013 UKC/NSTRA Championship Classic, owned and handled by Adam Fellers – Mid-West Region member. Nose is from 13 time NSTRA Champion Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer and Pointing Home Major League. She is a 4 year old German Shorthair Female and an 11 time NSTRA Champion. Quite an impressive list of championships behind this infamous female. Nose has 202 lifetime points of which 126 are first place points. Her first placement came on 3/12/2011 and her first championship on 3/24/12; only one year from her first placement. Adam and Nose have traveled extensively, trialing in many regions throughout her career and she is always a force to be reckoned with. In 2012 at the UKC Performance Classic Nose earned a 1st place during a qualification round only to go on to win the 1st runner-up berth the following day. In 2013 she placed during a qualification run at the Trial of Champions in Amo, Indiana only to go on to place 2nd runner-up at the Championship Finals the next day. And here we go again – placing 2nd during a qualification round of the 2013 UKC Championship Classic and continuing on the winning the National Trial on the following day. Seems she’s making a habit of this. In addition to the above mentioned awards, Dean presented Adam and Nose with 450# of Purina Pro Plan and the Winner’s Jacket, after which Chad made the Tri-Tronics presentation – the Pro 500 G2 Collar. Kenny presented Adam a Winner’s Jacket from Rooster Wear and Adam also received a $400 Cabela’s gift certificate donated WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 51 i g by the Rock Creek Birddog Club and 2-hole dog box from Owens Products, Inc. Nose is also the recipient of the 2013 Top Performance Award which will be presented at the Dog of the Year Trial in October. Congratulations to this fine German Shorthair and also a special NSTRA family, Adam, Nikki, Nolan and Evan “Obie”. We’ve heard it said more than once “that’s one of the hardest running German Shorthairs we’ve ever seen”. Nose covers the ground in a special way that makes you want to watch and see what she does next. And she continues to amaze judges and galleries alike. Best Wishes from the NSTRA Family to Adam and Nose. SIDELIGHTS: It was such an incredible trial that we cannot say enough good things about the group of people who were responsible for helping to make the trial one for the history books. A great breakfast and lunch were served each day. The menu consisted of the Two T’s Breakfast on Wednesday with Tangeman Taco’s for lunch which were fabulous. Thursday was the Hanson Family’s Italian lunch with garlic bread. Bob Incontro and Dave Lathrop did blueberry pancakes on Friday morning – no charge – compliments of Dave. Friday lunch was the Hendrix Family Chicken Fried Steak, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans with the best cookies ever. And to top off an incredible week, Lupey Hickey and sister served homemade cinnamon rolls and breakfast burritos for breakfast with an enchilada dinner for lunch including rice, cheese and fried beans. INCREDIBLE Thanks to Ron Huels for a quick trip to Nebraska – while there he was able to solicit judges and entries for the Shriner’s Trial to be held October 11-13, 2013 in Illinois. Also, thanks to Bob Cunningham for his gift of 25# of peanuts. They sure make a mess, but people love them. Each entrant received a goody bag with the UKC Performance Classic hat from NSTRA and a $20 gift certificate from Cabela’s compliments of UKC, Purina Pro Plan and Biscuits from Purina and EMT Gel from Trophy Animal Health Care – PBI/Gordon Corporation. We’re sure the only one enjoying the mud and water was Bo Marcum. He must have enjoyed it - he was covered with it all day, every day. The ladies made a showing on Monday and Tuesday of the Pre-Trial with Cheryl Higham and Tina Sterner both winning 1st place positions with their German Shorthair Females. Cheryl, Tina and Maggie Parsley each beat their brace mate advancing to Friday’s running also. The Women of NSTRA are making a showing – move over guys. And last but not least – let me tell you about Paul Phipps’ dog Boogie’s retrieve. I don’t often see too much of what goes on at the trials, but I happened to be standing on the deck waiting for score cards when I saw Paul’s dog pointed at the front of B field. The bird was flushed and flew across the road with the dog right on his tail. As the bird flew to the top of the berm, Boogie jumped in the air to catch the bird, but fell out of sight. We all knew that at the bottom of that berm was a flooded creek and the water was rushing at break-neck speed. Chad was judging and immediately rode to the top of the hill to see what had happened. He saw Boogie jump in the water after the bird and was being carried down the stream. Having gone quite some distance in the water, he was finally able to get to shore, climb back up the steep creek bank and take the bird to Paul. Now this was worth 99 points but when he didn’t even shake the water from his back Chad’s mind was made up – 100 points and quite deservedly. A story for the ages to be told many, many times. Again, thanks to the people at Rock Creek for a great week, thanks to the trial officials and chairman and cochairman, Mike Rost, and of course to our sponsors who make this all possible. Also, thanks to the owners and handlers for their unending devotion to our sport. n ARTICLES, PICTURES, TRIALS AND MORE! Deadline for the next publication is September 3, 2013 Send all info you would like published to the home office, Email: [email protected] Remember to send high resolution photos in jpg format August/September 2013 i 52 i www.nstra.org by: Todd Kellam Who Is UKC And What Makes Us Different? A lot of folks don’t realize it but United Kennel Club was established in 1898 and currently registers over 300 breeds of dogs. UKC was founded and still resides in Kalamazoo, Michigan. UKC is the second oldest and second largest all breed dog registry in the United States. It’s interesting to note that in over 100 years UKC has only had four Presidents lead the company. For that reason it has stayed remarkably true to its founding principles. One of the things that makes United Kennel Club different than other all-breed registries in this country is the fact that the vast majority of dogs registered with UKC are involved in performance events of one type or another. UKC is the farthest thing from being primarily a pet registry. UKC was immediately embraced by the coonhound world dating back to the early 1900’s. It has for many, many years been the registry of choice for coonhound enthusiasts in this country. The UKC coonhound program is a large, large program. Did you know that the Purina Coonhound Of The Year Program tops all other Purina Dog Of The Year Programs with an entry 17,000 dogs strong? I’ve not been too surprised while attending the NSTRA events the last couple years to learn that a high percentage of the pointing dog folks have heard of United Kennel Club either from a neighbor that is involved in the sport of coonhunting or because they themselves were involved in the coonhound sport at one time. Don’t worry….I won’t disclose which of you have come forward and confessed that you were previously coonhunters so as to not ruin your lofty reputation as bird doggers! But over the years UKC has established itself with a wide variety of working dog groups. Events recognized by United Kennel Club are basically split into two different areas which are Hunting Programs and Dog Events. The Hunting Programs Department administers programs for coonhounds, retrievers, beagles, pointing dogs and squirrel dogs. The Dog Events Department administers a wide variety of events which are open to all breeds of dogs registered at UKC including obedience and agility trials, dock jumping, terrier racing, lure coursing, weight pulls, etc. The two sister events departments at UKC are comprised of 12 of 50 total employees. So the Registration Department is the largest department at United Kennel Club for obvious reasons. It is primarily what we do. We keep registration, pedigree and championship points records for dogs. The events departments create interest in breeding dogs but the Registration Department drives UKC. It is the Registration Department that NSTRA members will have the most contact with. That is because NSTRA has it’s own very talented office staff which oversees all of the functions that UKC’s event departments do for our events. The Registration Department is broken down into two sections; data entry and customer service. When your paperwork is received at UKC it goes straight to data entry where thousands of pieces of work are processed daily and fly right through the system slick as can be. You will actually never have an opportunity to talk to a customer service representative until you do something wrong! Actually that is not true. There will be instances where you may find it helpful to call in and speak to a NSTRA members are welcome to stop by the UKC headquarters in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and we will give you a tour of our facility." customer service rep if you ever have questions about how to correctly fill out your paper work. If you ever find it necessary to call UKC for help, I want you to remember one thing; earlier is better! Our phone lines open at 9:00 a.m. and typically those lines are far less busy earlier in the day. As the West coast wakes up and those calls join an already very busy call rate, it will require you to be slightly more patient with our scrambling customer service staff. There are a few things that make United Kennel Club unique that I am most proud of and that you will find very comforting as you become more involved as NSTRA members. UKC is large enough to be professional, innovative and technologically advanced, yet we are not a beuracracy. We do enough volume that we are able to offer a high quality product at the most competitive of prices. Yet we are small enough that you will get to know us on a first name basis and are able to pick up your phone and talk to any one of us most of the time. (Three days a week during bird season not included. For me anyway.) We are a pro-hunting, pro-gun organization made up of primarily working dogs and performance programs. We are primarily an owner / handler based organization as far as all of our events are concerned. We are about the dogs first and foremost and doing what’s right for them and advancing their health, ability, and well-being. As simple as that sounds, not all registries can make those statements. Does any of that sound familiar? Does it sound like some of the very philosophy upon which NSTRA was founded? It is no coincidence that UKC and NSTRA would eventually become partners. I realize that I may be a bit biased but I am positive UKC is the future of sporting dog programs in this country. I think you are already seeing that trend if you have your eye on the big picture. And I’m not just talking about pointing dogs either. I think NSTRA members have a great opportunity right now to get on board while this affiliation is still in its infancy. United Kennel Club is offering you a single registration discount for a limited time and your own Association is offering you significant incentives. Take advantage of this down time due to the summer heat and get your paperwork caught up. What else could you do as productive in regards to your hobby while sitting in the air conditioning? n WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 53 i g August/September 2013 i 54 i www.nstra.org nstra Region: ALL 2013 UKC/NSTRA CLASSIC QUAL.A/F May 29, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Chad Calicott\Jeffrey Keck First Place: 0xCH Acdc Catherine (SR63764504, GSH/F, by Vinn’s Fancy RustyMolly Jo Kennedy) Aaron Hunt, Lincoln, NE Second Place: 0xCH Llano’s Lelani (SR56315202, GSH/F, by Llano’s Big WheelLlano’s Tails Aflame) Thomas Paullus, Dallas, TX Third Place: 4xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI 2013 UKC/NSTRA CLASSIC QUAL.B/F May 29, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Cory Perdue\Donny Parker First Place: 1xCH Vinn’s Honky Magic (1567249, EP/M, by Black Magic Snake-Honky Tonk Hooker) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN Second Place: 0xCH Smoke Creek Dude (SR49552602, GWH/M, by St Croix’s Easy Money-Smoke Creek’s Luschi) George Sterner Iii, Palm City, FL Third Place: 1xCH Valhalla’s Dirty Deeds (SR57541107, GSH/M, by Bud’s In Business At Valhalla-Fritz Getten Tipsy) Lance Maclennan, Byers, CO 2013 UKC/NSTRA CLASSIC QUAL.A/F May 30, 2013 - WAVERLY, NI Judges: Cory Perdue\Donny Parker First Place: 1xCH Gator’s Gingerbread (SR51910410, GSH/F, by Julie’s ThunderWendel’s Annie Oakley) William Burkhart, Silver Lake, KS Second Place: 2xCH Peaches River Dan (1609661, EP/M, by Elhew Sidewinder-Yellow River Peaches) Ted Cook, London, KY Third Place: 1xCH Tildi’s Ozark Addition (1594767, EP/M, by Captain Mccrae-Tattle Tale Tildi) Jeff Jones, Lincoln, NE 2013 UKC/NSTRA CLASSIC QUAL.B/F May 30, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Chad Calicott\Jeff Welker First Place: 11xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Second Place: 4xCH Kickapoo’s Jackpot (1533773, ES/M, by Kickapoo’s Smokin MaxKickapoo’s Flaming Roxy) Roger Parient Jr, Lizton, IN Third Place: 6xCH Skipper’s Bandit (R234160, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Shaun Rydl, Osceola, IA First Place: 1xCH Honky Tonk Cash (1594572, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Attitude-Run ‘n’ Gun Blu Jazz) Chad Collison, Pierce, NE Second Place: 2xCH Pence’s Hook Line And Sinker (SR42825501, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Babe’s Running Wild) Jerimy Pence, Olustee, OK Third Place: 6xCH Tomoka’s Smokin Gun (1604893, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Mackenzie) Greg Wood, Shelbyville, KY Region: AR RED TANK B/F May 25, 2013 - PARKS, AZ Judges: Cj Hamilton\Brad Christensen 2013 UKC/NSTRA CLASSIC QUAL.A/F May 31, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Donny Parker\Cory Perdue First Place: 0xCH Eshods Cuttin 4 Slick (SR64547304, GSH/M, by Slicks Cuttin Wild-Eshods North Dakota Gal) Darrin Veros, Phoenix, AZ Second Place: 0xCH Carnahan’s Ruby Tuby Teapot (SR63725806, GSH/F, by General Fancy Blue Dax-Black Forest Shooter’s S Jade) Debbie Carnahan, Flagstaff, AZ Third Place: 0xCH Gracie Vom Desert Dancer (R234249, GWH/F, by Expo Vom Orion (gw)Auzie Vom Grousehafen) Alan Churchwell, Queen Creek, AZ First Place: 4xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Second Place: 7xCH Mohawk’s Mudslinger (R234032, ES/M, by Smokin Mohawk’s ChesterNight Trip) B.l. Cunningham, Medora, IL Third Place: 0xCH Hard Hitting Winchester (R221-441, GSH/M, by Bj’s Rockin Ruger-Bj’s Savage Sara) Chris Sanders, Alvaton, KY 2013 UKC/NSTRA CLASSIC QUAL.B/F May 31, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Jeffrey Keck\Chad Calicott Region: AZ RED TANK A/F May 25, 2013 - PARKS, AZ Judges: Ron Horn\Randy Caryl First Place: 3xCH Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe (1624168, EP/M, by Moonshines Bayou PonceBig Country Snap) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Second Place: 11xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 5xCH Classic Point Gretchen (1584636, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin FritzRicadea Reba’s Mack) John Griffiths, Jonesville, MI First Place: 1xCH Lindsey’s Lil Max (1600536, EP/M, by Angel’s High Moon-Last Chance Ella) David Hackman, Vail, AZ Second Place: 0xCH Gracie Vom Desert Dancer (R234249, GWH/F, by Expo Vom Orion (gw)-Auzie Vom Grousehafen) Alan Churchwell, Queen Creek, AZ Third Place: 0xCH Pw I Love Lucy (SR68237406, GSH/F, by Pw Zipp Lock-Pw Eat Mya Dust) Bob Williams, Dewey, AZ 2013 UKC/NSTRA CLASSIC FINAL June 1, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Jeffrey Keck\Chad Calicott WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 55 i g RED TANK A/F May 26, 2013 - PARKS, AZ Judges: David Hackman\Randy Caryl First Place: 1xCH Trout’s Elhew Emma (1613694, EP/F, by Santan’s Elhew Max-Trout’s Rose Mary) John Trout, Jr., Globe, AZ Second Place: 0xCH Saddleback’s Butch (1609117, EP/M, by Timberlakes Mr. Victor-Timberlakes Miss Molly) Patty Horn, Surprise, AZ Third Place: 2xCH Rawhide Covey Doctor (SR48253706, GSH/M, by Sweet Money-Kowas Rawhide Darling) Clifton “mike” Kitchens, Show Low, AZ Region: BSR CENTRAL MT PDC A/F May 17, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Conrad Kradolfer\Martha Bauer First Place: 2xCH Treasure State Tiger Woods (1587786, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Brent Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Montana’s Gooseberry Wine (SR54746309, BR/M, by Montana’s Huckleberry Wine-Beeline’s Big Sky Breeze) Doug Cartwright, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 2xCH Wildriver Stormy’s Boy (SR19930504, GSH/M, by Hilltop’s Gewitter Stormy-Wildriver Audabonne Lee) John Attard, Columbia Falls, MT CENTRAL MT PDC A/F AMATEUR May 17, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Conrad Kradolfer\Martha Bauer First Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Second Place: 0xCH Prairie Wind Pleasant Music (SR68237411, GSH/M, by Prairie Wind Zip N Lock-Prairie Wind Eat My Mya Dust) Don Luse, Billings, MT Third Place: 0xCH Tru Gritz O’dees Callie Girl (SR12864203, BR/F, by Tru Gritz Bogangles O’dee-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Melody Edwards, Livingston, MT CENTRAL MT PDC B/F May 17, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: James Wiitala\Richard Hughes First Place: 5xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Second Place: 0xCH Dixieland’s Black Beauty (SR41317901, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ppk Dixieland’s Black Magic) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Third Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT CENTRAL MT PDC B/F AMATEUR May 17, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: James Wiitala\Richard Hughes First Place: 0xCH Mcnally’s Scotian Skippy (TW192363, GWH/M, by Mcnally’s Super Harley-Scotians Sureshot’s Delight) Scott Schissler, Great Falls, MT Second Place: 0xCH Hpd’s Pale Rider (SR63821601, GSH/M, by Grouse Tails Wildcard-Ppk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Third Place: 0xCH Tru Gritz O’dees Callie Girl (SR12864203, BR/F, by Tru Gritz Bogangles O’dee-Tru Gritz Cinnamon Ridge) Melody Edwards, Livingston, MT BSR REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 18, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Cindy Lyon\R. Bruce Lyon First Place: 0xCH O’h Aodhas Hardwired Led Head (SR57656001, GWH/M, by Vankoch’s Freezeout Jake-Echo Ridges Bitterroot Babe) Richard Hughes, Bigfork, MT Second Place: 0xCH Dixieland’s Black Beauty (SR41317901, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ppk Dixieland’s Black Magic) Jon Edwards, Lewistown, MT Third Place: 5xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT BSR REGION May 19, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Gerald Good\Joel Cartwright First Place: 3xCH Pend Oreille’s Piper (SR23652101, GS/F, by Stormy Thunder-Stormy Breeze) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Second Place: 2xCH Treasure State Tiger Woods (1587786, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Brent Underdahl, Great Falls, MT Third Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT BSR REGIONAL FINAL May 19, 2013 - GREAT FALLS, MT Judges: Cindy Lyon\R. Bruce Lyon First Place: 1xCH Madison River Daisymae (R234241, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperTomoka’s Smokin Ripley) Gary Bauer, Mcallister, MT Second Place: 1xCH Mighty Tyke Little Pants (SR50751005, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Montana Shambos Shadow Dancer) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Third Place: 5xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Region: CC BARILLA KENNELS April 27, 2013 - METCALFE, CANADA Judges: Martin Gagnon\Salvatore Sicondolfo First Place: 0xCH Beeline Golden Bullet (SR40367603, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s ProofBeeline Miss Abigail) Glenn Vodden, Carlsbad Springs, ON Second Place: 1xCH Tekoa Trouble Patch (1582325, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Resa’s Dot) Graziano Lorenzon, Montreal, QC Third Place: 0xCH King Canadian Diva (R234178, LS/F, by King’s Blizzard DeaconKing’s Royacelle Ladona) Raymond Bianchi, Guelph, ON BARILLA KENNELS April 28, 2013 - METCALFE, CANADA Judges: Martin Gagnon\Salvatore Sicondolfo First Place: 1xCH Tekoa Trouble Patch (1582325, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Resa’s Dot) Graziano Lorenzon, Montreal, QC Second Place: 0xCH Barilla’s Snowbird Mac (1501141, ES/M, by Silver Valley Elvis-Snake Eyes) Elie Khalife, Gatineau, QC Third Place: 0xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , CENT CANADA June 8, 2013 - CANTLEY, QUEBEC Judges: Domenico D’angelo\James Reid First Place: 0xCH Eagle Zip De Plum Creek (R213702, BR/M, by Tatoo Du Bois De CourcolVanessa Ann De Plum Creek) Jacques Carrier, Laval, QC Second Place: 0xCH Jack Gone (1603538, ES/M, by Long Gone Murphy-Long Gone Daisey) Chehade Absi, Gatineau, QC Third Place: 0xCH Blanche De Beauteron (1583472, ES/F, by Long Gone George-Garby Togata Ace) Paul Major, Ste-marthe, QC August/September 2013 i 56 i www.nstra.org CENT CANADA June 9, 2013 - CANTLEY, QUEBEC Judges: Domenico D’angelo\James Reid First Place: 0xCH Gaulois Du Copper Spur (R224204, BR/M, by Topperlyn Gallant Bodacious-Gundy’s Gypsy Jodu Hunter) Thomas Brown, Beaconsfield, QC Second Place: 1xCH Tekoa Trouble Patch (1582325, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Resa’s Dot) Graziano Lorenzon, Montreal, QC Third Place: 0xCH Blanche De Beauteron (1583472, ES/F, by Long Gone George-Garby Togata Ace) Paul Major, Ste-marthe, QC Region: FL CFFT May 25, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: James Carver\Rick Trezona First Place: 2xCH Smoke Creek’s Oscar Iv (SR49552601, GWH/M, by St. Croix’s Easy Money-Smoke Creek’s Luschi) George Sterner Iv, St Cloud, FL Second Place: 0xCH Quail Valley Great West Special (SR59781105, GSH/M, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Premeier’s Way Too Tricky) Bruce Van Vliet, Lake Wales, FL Third Place: 0xCH Willis Elhew Tuxedo (1618888, EP/M, by Nymark-Nymark Elhew Gold) Neal Willis, Daytona Beach, FL CFFT May 26, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: James Carver\Rick Trezona First Place: 0xCH Willis Elhew Tuxedo (1618888, EP/M, by Nymark-Nymark Elhew Gold) Neal Willis, Daytona Beach, FL Second Place: 0xCH Bright Copper Sissy (1643906, EP/F, by Hogans Black Snake Shadow-Shouse Dogwood Molly) Dana Walker, Lake Wales, FL Third Place: 0xCH Victoria’s Mia (1610190, ES/F, by Max’s Brown Bomber-Wilma Jean) Robert Gammella, Sunrise, FL CFFT June 15, 2013 - LAKE WALES, FL Judges: James Carver\Rick Trezona First Place: 0xCH Reagen Sir Patrick (1630587, ES/M, by Cris Dash-Bailley’s Briarwood Dixi Bell) Garry May, Babson Park, FL Second Place: 2xCH Trouble Doc Walker’s Jax (1618007, EP/M, by Florabama Buck-Pinehill Jill) Dana Walker, Lake Wales, FL Third Place: 6xCH Buddy’s Mini-cooper (R235764, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last Bullet-Tj’s Microbeans Ginger Snap) Sam Ashmore, Dover, FL Region: IN Region: KY PIGEON RIVER A/F June 22, 2013 - HUDSON, IN Judges: Crystal Nichols\Sarah Ellen Story CENT KY BDC A/F May 18, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: Brad Mitchell\Crystal Nichols First Place: 1xCH Mac’s Predator (R238124, EP/M, by Mac’s Super Fly-Mac’s Silhouette) Joe Jackson, Brownsburg, IN Second Place: 18xCH Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash (SR34909102, GSH/M, by Brockways Ruck Runner-Shooting Starr’s Sassy Sami) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH Third Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose Tex-Yellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN First Place: 2xCH Coolhand Blazen Jill (R231128, BR/F, by Clay’s Cool Hand LukeBlaze’s Noble Kate) John Davis, Sr., Rogersville, TN Second Place: 1xCH Snake’s King Cobra (1617857, EP/M, by Black Magic Snake-Gigolo’s Southern Susie) Jim Mahoney, West Jefferson, OH Third Place: 1xCH M&w’s Miller Time De Lacour (SR6378903, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher Power-Mccandless Cajon Snapper) Tom Mccandless, Berry, KY PIGEON RIVER B/F June 22, 2013 - HUDSON, IN Judges: Brian Mcconnell\Roger Lansdell First Place: 0xCH Run-n-gun Black Eyed Pete (1644345, EP/M, by Run-n-gun BlacksnakeCliff’s Elhew Julie) David Abney, Oxford, OH Second Place: 1xCH Shouse Dogwood Abby (1622068, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Cumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Third Place: 0xCH Crosswind Springloaded (SR63462705, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ric-a-dea Reba’s Mac) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI PIGEON RIVER A/F June 23, 2013 - HUDSON, IN Judges: Zachery Moore\Brian Mcconnell First Place: 1xCH Shouse Dogwood Abby (1622068, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Second Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose TexYellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN Third Place: 4xCH Boone County Brandy (SR17191107, BR/F, by Nolan’s Last BulletEarley’s Bb) Jeff Moore, Whitestown, IN PIGEON RIVER B/F June 23, 2013 - HUDSON, IN Judges: Tim Rhoades\Chad Moore First Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose Tex-Yellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN Second Place: 0xCH Crosswind Springloaded (SR63462705, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ric-a-dea Reba’s Mac) Eric Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Third Place: 4xCH Boone County Brandy (SR17191107, BR/F, by Nolan’s Last BulletEarley’s Bb) Jeff Moore, Whitestown, IN WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 57 i CENT KY BDC B/F May 18, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: Teresa Geary\James Sanders First Place: 3xCH Mulberrys Major Philmore (1615810, ES/M, by Nick’s Major ContenderMulberrys Grace) Mikeal Mulberry, Corinth, KY Second Place: 6xCH Tomoka’s Smokin Gun (1604893, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Mackenzie) Greg Wood, Shelbyville, KY Third Place: 6xCH Copper’s Elhew Bull (R234156, EP/M, by Stephens Bright CopperVance’s Elhew Bee) Jim Harmon, Bowling Green, KY CENT KY BDC A/F May 19, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: Brad Mitchell\Crystal Nichols First Place: 1xCH M&w’s Miller Time De Lacour (SR6378903, BR/M, by M&w’s Higher Power-Mccandless Cajon Snapper) Tom Mccandless, Berry, KY Second Place: 3xCH Mulberrys Major Philmore (1615810, ES/M, by Nick’s Major Contender-Mulberrys Grace) Mikeal Mulberry, Corinth, KY Third Place: 1xCH Pine Top May Bell (1624784, EP/F, by Big Bo Jangles Max-Sweet Pepper) George Collett, Paintsville, KY CENT KY BDC B/F May 19, 2013 - BERRY, KY Judges: Teresa Geary\James Sanders First Place: 0xCH Cook’s Two Shoes (R232171, EP/F, by Swami’s Brute-Little Gunner’s Lacy) Ted Cook, London, KY Second Place: 0xCH Tomoka’s Smokin Xrated (1644509, ES/F, by Tomoka’s Smokin GunX-rated Katie) Greg Wood, Shelbyville, KY Third Place: 2xCH Coolhand Blazen Jill g Region: MI Second Place: 0xCH G W’s Doodah Man (1606956, GSH/M, by Manitee’s Claus-Manitee’s L L Bean) Ed Ryne, New Hudson, MI Third Place: 0xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , MI REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 11, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Mike Akey\Donivan Stir CROSSWIND KENNEL B/F June 15, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Ken Loveday\Pat Carlson First Place: 5xCH Classic Point Gretchen (1584636, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin FritzRicadea Reba’s Mack) John Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Second Place: 1xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Duke (1606236, ES/M, by Davis Jim Bob-Davis Hightail Dixie) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI Third Place: 0xCH Crosswind Razor (SR60748905, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Otto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI First Place: 2xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Rascal (1614979, ES/M, by Lansdell’s Northwin DukeTeeka Hightail Wilson) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI Second Place: 0xCH Rhoades Woods Loki (SR57015106, BR/M, by Maxwell’s Blew By You Ii-K Nine’s Peek-a-boo) Tim Rhoades, Montpelier, OH Third Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV MI REGIONAL FINAL May 12, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Mike Akey\Donivan Stir CROSSWIND KENNEL A/F June 16, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Crystal Nichols\Nick Miller First Place: 4xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Second Place: 5xCH Classic Point Gretchen (1584636, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin FritzRicadea Reba’s Mack) John Griffiths, Jonesville, MI Third Place: 0xCH Flying Under The Radar (1648709, EP/M, by Killbuck Bolt Action-Bailey Jo Diamond) Christopher Ritter, Romulus, MI First Place: 0xCH Meshach Blazin’ Fire (SR57260903, BR/M, by Izz-heir Shadow-Spice A Blazin Candy) Dale Sinclair, Holly, MI Second Place: 0xCH Crosswinds Semi Auto Hank (R232691, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Auto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Pat Carlson, Canton, MI Third Place: 0xCH Crosswind Razor (SR60748905, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Otto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI CROSSWIND KENNEL A/F June 15, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Corey Clark\Crystal Nichols CROSSWIND KENNEL AMATEUR June 16, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Dale Sinclair\Pat Carlson First Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose Tex-Yellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN Second Place: 0xCH Crosswinds Semi Auto Hank (R232691, GSH/M, by Crosswinds Auto Roy-Crosswinds Schatzie Roy) Pat Carlson, Canton, MI Third Place: 18xCH Ruck’s Brockway Mad Dash (SR34909102, GSH/M, by Brockways Ruck Runner-Shooting Starr’s Sassy Sami) Tom Rotundo, Orient, OH First Place: 0xCH Andre’s The Rowdie Man Can (SR65996204, GSH/F, by Rs’s Crosswind Ram Rod-Classic Point Gretchen) Bob Andre, Troy, MI Second Place: 0xCH G W’s Doodah Man (1606956, GSH/M, by Manitee’s Claus-Manitee’s L L Bean) Ed Ryne, New Hudson, MI Third Place: 0xCH Outfox Bables Scarlet Gunner (SR65996203, GSH/F, by Rs’s Crosswind Ram Rod-Classic Point Gretchen) Kari Diane Fox, Jonesville, MI (R231128, BR/F, by Clay’s Cool Hand LukeBlaze’s Noble Kate) John Davis, Sr., Rogersville, TN CROSSWIND KENNEL AMATEUR June 15, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Ken Loveday\Pat Carlson First Place: 0xCH Gone Long Lefty (1623061, ES/M, by Tosh’s Granite Ranger-County Line Bell) Dino Mila, Orland Park, IL CROSSWIND KENNEL B/F June 16, 2013 - MAYBEE, MI Judges: Pat Carlson\Dale Sinclair First Place: 2xCH Lansdell’s Northwin Rascal (1614979, ES/M, by Lansdell’s Northwin DukeTeeka Hightail Wilson) Sandra Lansdell, Troy, MI Second Place: 0xCH Cclark’s Prime Time Ranger (SR64101107, GSH/M, by Crosswind Hardwood Huck-Milrun Betsy) Corey Clark, Davison, MI Third Place: 9xCH Beckley’s Elhew Panic Button (1608861, EP/F, by Yellow Rose Tex-Yellow Rose Buda) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN Region: MK MK REGIONAL QUALIFICATION A/F April 20, 2013 - STERLING, KS Judges: Jim Wells\Frank Downs, M.d. First Place: 5xCH Buddy’s Buster Ii (R233760, BR/M, by Nolan’s Last Bullet-Tj’s Microbeans Ginger Snap) James Doughty, Neosho, MO Second Place: 1xCH Simmons Attirail Sue (1616100, EP/F, by Guard Rail Spirit-Honky Tonk Mattie) Gerald Simmons, Fort Scott, KS Third Place: 0xCH Rocking G’s Dazzlin Diamond (SR67120508, GSH/F, by Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty-Wck Rusty Running Page) Norm Kermmoade, Alma, NE MK REGIONAL QUALIFICATION B/F April 20, 2013 - STERLING, KS Judges: Larry Hoggatt\Bennie Hill, Ii First Place: 1xCH Gator’s Gingerbread (SR51910410, GSH/F, by Julie’s ThunderWendel’s Annie Oakley) William Burkhart, Silver Lake, KS Second Place: 0xCH Tomoka’s Slamin Billy (1606579, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Slamin SammyAutry’s Kansas Twister) Bruce Anderson, Overbrook, KS Third Place: 2xCH Simmons Dancing Diesel (1609853, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Icon-Miller’s Pretty Girl) Gerald Simmons, Fort Scott, KS MK REGIONAL FINAL April 21, 2013 - STERLING, KS Judges: Jim Wells\Frank Downs, M.d. First Place: 11xCH High Flyin Fancy (1558862, EP/F, by Honky Tonk Rack-Elk Fork Angel) Alan Shick, Paola, KS Second Place: 0xCH Power’s Gun Slinger (1611534, ES/M, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Resa’s Tekoa Kate) Robert Power, Salina, KS Third Place: 0xCH Rocking G’s Dazzlin Diamond (SR67120508, GSH/F, by Rockin G’s Uodibar Rusty-Wck Rusty Running Page) Norm Kermmoade, Alma, NE August/September 2013 i 58 i www.nstra.org Region: MN MN REGIONAL FINAL May 25, 2013 - OAKES, ND Judges: Mark Donovan\Michael Jepsen First Place: 3xCH Country Lane Jake (1604358, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Reece’s Rippin Nikki) Carol Miller, Willison, ND Second Place: 0xCH Country Lane Hank (1628706, ES/M, by Second Chance ScoobyMilrun Gabby) Elden Miller, Willison, ND Third Place: 0xCH Ram Rod’s Oakridge Beau (SR50376704, GSH/M, by Rb Crosswinds Ramrod-Crosswind Cannonball) Mike Liane, Devils Lake, ND MN REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 25, 2013 - OAKES, ND Judges: Mark Donovan\Michael Jepsen First Place: 0xCH Mr Drawdoow Sh (SR56725105, GSH/M, by Bea Traps Tobias-Baily Ii) Josh Woodward, Epping, ND Second Place: 0xCH Country Lane Hank (1628706, ES/M, by Second Chance ScoobyMilrun Gabby) Elden Miller, Willison, ND Third Place: 3xCH Country Lane Jake (1604358, ES/M, by Ima Magician-Reece’s Rippin Nikki) Carol Miller, Willison, ND PRAIRIE POTHOLE LODGE A/F May 26, 2013 - OAKES, ND Judges: Robert Dalager\Elden Miller First Place: 5xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Second Place: 0xCH Godfather’s Dakota Elle (SR53637006, BR/F, by Bbb’s Lucky Strike-Cast A Britt Annie) George Eberle, Watertown, SD Third Place: 0xCH Ragen Britts Wild Bill Cody (SR66054006, BR/M, by Lee’s Dusty HeartRagen Peggy Sue) Rickey Renegar, Benford, ND PRAIRIE POTHOLE LODGE B/F May 26, 2013 - OAKES, ND Judges: Michael Ryan\Chuck Ludolph First Place: 0xCH Mr Drawdoow Sh (SR56725105, GSH/M, by Bea Traps Tobias-Baily Ii) Josh Woodward, Epping, ND Second Place: 0xCH Gerty Coach’s Fast Breaking Zoe (SR52825401, GSH/F, by Cottonwood Put Me In Coach-Moesgaard’s Ne Gerty) Michael Jepsen, Savage, MT Third Place: 0xCH Ragen Rip It (SR42604702, BR/M, by Lee’s Dusty Heart-Pam Patty Sue) Rickey Renegar, Benford, ND PRAIRIE POTHOLE LODGE A/F May 27, 2013 - OAKES, ND Judges: Mary Tyson\Thomas Dafnis First Place: 5xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Second Place: 0xCH Norton’s Odyssey Dodger (SR52510103, GSH/M, by Gambles Odyssey Fritz-Fancy Feather Growly) Adam Dahlstrom, Oakes, ND Third Place: 0xCH Dakota Bluegrass (SR51304209, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Bullet’s Northern Star) Robert Dalager, Morris, MN PRAIRIE POTHOLE LODGE B/F May 27, 2013 - OAKES, ND Judges: Rickey Renegar\Josh Woodward First Place: 0xCH Norton’s Odyssey Dodger (SR52510103, GSH/M, by Gambles Odyssey Fritz-Fancy Feather Growly) Adam Dahlstrom, Oakes, ND Second Place: 1xCH Gable’s Haywire (SR38273107, GWH/M, by Jackson-Frank’s Delphine) Adam Dahlstrom, Oakes, ND Third Place: 0xCH Ram Rod’s Oakridge Beau (SR50376704, GSH/M, by Rb Crosswinds Ramrod-Crosswind Cannonball) Mike Liane, Devils Lake, ND Region: MW MW REGIONAL QUALIFICATION A/F May 18, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: A. Jack Glover\Frank Llano First Place: 0xCH Phipps Bird Patrol (1593308, BR/M, by Richochet Maggie’s Jac-Phipps Sureshot Shelly) Rodney Phipps, Osceola, IA Second Place: 1xCH Phipps’ Sizzlin T-bone (SR25542407, GSH/M, by Atilla Von FriesPhipps Tick Off Tish) Paul Phipps, New Virginia, IA Third Place: 1xCH Dazzlin Diamond Dot (R234224, BR/F, by Champi-dot-Diamond Tequila Gold) Todd Hendrix, Elkhorn, NE MW REGIONAL QUALIFICATION B/F May 18, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: James Goddard\Kyle Kopfmann First Place: 3xCH Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe (1624168, EP/M, by Moonshines Bayou PonceBig Country Snap) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 59 i Second Place: 0xCH Carter’s Little Hunter (1602987, BR/M, by Rickochey Magic JacPhipps Sureshot Shelly) Eric Bowen, Dallas Center, IA Third Place: 0xCH Fort Raz Ma Taz (SR58179802, BR/M, by Clyde’s Double TroubleShambo’s Dark Jess) Bill Sumpter, Prole, IA MW REGIONAL FINAL May 19, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: A. Jack Glover\Frank Llano First Place: 0xCH Buck Eye Sadie (SR4918102, GSH/F, by Fc Mrt’s Bingo Buck-Bdk’s Texas Tornado Ii) Terry Ward, Cumming, IA Second Place: 2xCH Black Forest Five Oclock Miller Tym (SR47572805, GSH/M, by Black Forest Brodie-Black Forest Clowns Reo) Wade Hanson, Waverly, NE Third Place: 1xCH Phipps Cold Storage (1581010, ES/F, by Phipps Bird Agent-Miss Tekoa Trish) Rodney Phipps, Osceola, IA RCFTA A/F May 25, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Jr Coke\Nina Harmon First Place: 3xCH Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe (1624168, EP/M, by Moonshines Bayou PonceBig Country Snap) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Second Place: 6xCH Copper’s Elhew Bull (R234156, EP/M, by Stephens Bright CopperVance’s Elhew Bee) Jim Harmon, Bowling Green, KY Third Place: 11xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA RCFTA B/F May 25, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Gene Frye\Ted Dewey First Place: 0xCH Shadowrocks Widow Maker (SR63821602, GSH/F, by Grouse Tails WildcardPpk’s Dixieland Harvest Moon) Amanda Tangeman, Alvo, NE Second Place: 11xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Third Place: 0xCH Shadowrock’s Mighty Mouse (SR53347610, GSH/F, by Ponderosa’s Fancy Hank-Crawford’s Speckled Hannah) Amanda Tangeman, Alvo, NE RCFTA A/F May 26, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Todd Hendrix\Bill Sumpter g First Place: 0xCH Murph’s Smokin Tink (1644262, ES/M, by Tomoka’s Smokin J.r.-Barr’s Smokin Kadee) Bruce Murphy, Urbandale, IA Second Place: 10xCH Moonshines Poison Ivy (1558391, EP/F, by Moonshines Biotech SunCrystal Dew) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Third Place: 2xCH Bright Sunny Faith (R234214, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperSunny’s Free Sue) Jeff Harmon, Winchester, KS RCFTA B/F May 26, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Nina Harmon\Jim Harmon First Place: 0xCH Kim’s Diamond (1643179, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Maniac-Honky Tonk Heartbreak) David Lathrop, Jr., Fort Calhoun, NE Second Place: 2xCH Pigeon River Maximus (1621807, EP/M, by Pigeon River Bull-Honky Tonk Angel) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN Third Place: 11xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA MW REGION A/F May 27, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Michael Rost\Adam Fellers First Place: 0xCH Sterndogs Kookus Nikki (R232755, GSH/F, by Duke Von Hilfire-Abbylakes Annie Get Your Gun) Tina Sterner, Palm City, FL Second Place: 6xCH Copper’s Elhew Bull (R234156, EP/M, by Stephens Bright CopperVance’s Elhew Bee) Jim Harmon, Bowling Green, KY Third Place: 5xCH Classic Point Gretchen (1584636, GSH/F, by Crosswind Truckin FritzRicadea Reba’s Mack) John Griffiths, Jonesville, MI MW REGION B/F May 27, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Ted Dewey\Kevin Creeden First Place: 11xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA Second Place: 4xCH Crosswind Micro Chip (SR59257607, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Fritz-Ricadea Reba’s Mack) Scott Townsend, Maybee, MI Third Place: 6xCH Skipper’s Bandit (R234160, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Shaun Rydl, Osceola, IA MW REGION A/F May 28, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Shaun Rydl\Adam Fellers First Place: 2xCH Weathered Stone’s Sure Shot (SR29728109, GSH/F, by Otis Of Valhalla-Buy Back Joy Of Valhalla) Alan Higham, Boulder, CO Second Place: 0xCH Kohlberg’s Bossman (R232812, ES/M, by Glover’s Chopper-Bum’s Crystalized Carbon) A. Jack Glover, Shelbyville, MO Third Place: 7xCH Mohawk’s Crude Dude (R234171, ES/M, by Mohawk’s Tuff StuffSmokin Mohawk’s Amy) Steven Cunningham, Medora, IL MW REGION B/F May 28, 2013 - WAVERLY, NE Judges: Chad Collison\Jeffrey Keck First Place: 0xCH Sterndogs Kookus Nikki (R232755, GSH/F, by Duke Von Hilfire-Abbylakes Annie Get Your Gun) Tina Sterner, Palm City, FL Second Place: 2xCH Bran’s Rowdy Boy (1614641, ES/M, by Quail Valley Trooper-Pennstar Annie) Clayton Ashmore, Dover, FL Third Place: 0xCH Maggie’s Bub Just Bub (SR59217503, BR/M, by Split Creek’s Medicine Man-Reyna’s Caracara) Maggie Parsley, Galveston, TX IGDA A/F June 8, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: John Johnson\Ken Perdue First Place: 0xCH Acdc Catherine (SR63764504, GSH/F, by Vinn’s Fancy RustyMolly Jo Kennedy) Aaron Hunt, Lincoln, NE Second Place: 6xCH Skipper’s Bandit (R234160, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperGlover’s Nikki) Shaun Rydl, Osceola, IA Third Place: 11xCH Quail Valley’s Nose Knows (SR57359605, GSH/F, by Premier’s Fancy Trail Blazer-Pointing Home Major League Jh) Adam Fellers, Iowa City, IA (SR17243704, BR/M, by Bullet’s Little TannerWhite Oaks Briteny Spoon) Bill Sumpter, Prole, IA Second Place: 2xCH Phipps Bird Desire (1617583, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Phipps Bird Demon) Rodney Phipps, Osceola, IA Third Place: 0xCH Phipps Bird Patrol (1593308, BR/M, by Richochet Maggie’s JacPhipps Sureshot Shelly) Rodney Phipps, Osceola, IA IGDA B/F June 9, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Frank Downs, M.d.\Paul Phipps First Place: 6xCH Skipper’s Bandit (R234160, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Glover’s Nikki) Shaun Rydl, Osceola, IA Second Place: 0xCH Spud Lake Jax (1606435, ES/M, by Angie’s Dogwood Skipper-Bluecreek Amazin Grace) William Brown, Pine Island, MN Third Place: 3xCH Moonshine’s Slate Creek Joe (1624168, EP/M, by Moonshines Bayou Ponce-Big Country Snap) Michael Rost, Malcolm, NE Region: NW THREE RIVERS May 15, 2013 - KENNEWICK, WA Judges: Raymond Ellis, Jr.\Jeremy Lessmann First Place: 0xCH Arrows Chukar Dog (1608040, ES/M, by Flashy Southern ArrowValley View Kelly) Linda Johnson, Yakima, WA Second Place: 1xCH Berg Brothers Stoli (1608282, ES/M, by Barbaro-Berg’s Head Turner) Steve Skipworth, Bend, OR Third Place: 1xCH Purdey’s Mountain Sage (1575653, ES/F, by Echo’s Magic Buddy-Zach’s Purdey Girl) Jane Burgess, Bend, OR IGDA B/F June 8, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Brent Livingston\Tom Tambke NW REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 18, 2013 - KENNEWICK, WA Judges: Ron Park\John Peacock First Place: 2xCH Phipps Bird Desire (1617583, ES/F, by Resa’s Trouble Mace-Phipps Bird Demon) Rodney Phipps, Osceola, IA Second Place: 1xCH Honky Tonk Cash (1594572, EP/M, by Honky Tonk Attitude-Run ‘n’ Gun Blu Jazz) Chad Collison, Pierce, NE Third Place: 0xCH Ludy’s Hot Peper (1643544, ES/F, by Foxy’s Boomer Buddy-Barely Legal) Sandy Ludolph, Slayton, MN First Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR Second Place: 0xCH Stott’s Silly Cici (1626961, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood CashWilson’s Miss Abbey) Eden Stotts, Nine Mile Falls, WA Third Place: 0xCH Arrow’s Brave Heart (1621530, ES/M, by Arrow’s Chukar Dog-Windridge Shasta) Linda Johnson, Yakima, WA IGDA A/F June 9, 2013 - OSCEOLA, IA Judges: Ted Dewey\Mark Guynn First Place: 0xCH Bullets Running Ruppert NW REGIONAL FINAL May 19, 2013 - KENNEWICK, WA Judges: Ron Park\John Peacock August/September 2013 i 60 i www.nstra.org First Place: 4xCH Magnum Max Power (SR27607106, BR/M, by Guntrader Choclit Demon-Magnum Mark Kaycee) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Second Place: 0xCH Straight Creek Kalico (1623351, LS/F, by Dash Count Otho-Straight Creek Daisy) Arnie Sullivan, Kennewick, WA Third Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR OH REGION A/F May 19, 2013 - WILMINGTON, OH Judges: Rick Stanaford\Tyler Robinson First Place: 0xCH Rudd’s Running Hank (1642453, ES/M, by Rudd’s Running Nebo-Hnh Champagne Bubbles) Teresa Rudd, Franklin, OH Second Place: 2xCH Pigeon River Maximus (1621807, EP/M, by Pigeon River Bull-Honky Tonk Angel) Harold Smith, Hudson, IN Third Place: 0xCH Motzs Abby Road (1613398, ES/F, by Pennstar-Motz’s Rare Gem) Dick Motz, Akron, OH LITTLE CANYON A/F June 15, 2013 - PECK, ID Judges: Davy Caven\Jeremy Lessmann First Place: 4xCH Magnum Max Power (SR27607106, BR/M, by Guntrader Choclit Demon-Magnum Mark Kaycee) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Second Place: 0xCH Pearl Mountain Sunrise (1628617, ES/F, by Arrow’s Jagged EdgeSmokin’ Sadie’s Fire) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Third Place: 0xCH Arrow’s Brave Heart (1621530, ES/M, by Arrow’s Chukar Dog-Windridge Shasta) Linda Johnson, Yakima, WA LITTLE CANYON B/F June 15, 2013 - PECK, ID Judges: Nance Ceccarelli\Matthew Huston First Place: 0xCH Pearl Mountain Sunrise (1628617, ES/F, by Arrow’s Jagged EdgeSmokin’ Sadie’s Fire) Mike Smith, Mccleary, WA Second Place: 0xCH Run Mygh Tygh Roan (1607464, ES/M, by Thunderhills Tropper-Tomoka’s Rainey) Paul Mccawley, Moscow, ID Third Place: 0xCH Elvis Sexy Roxanne (1600846, ES/F, by Ima Magician-Pleasant View Shiner) Mike Ouchida, Milwaukie, OR Region: OH OH REGIONAL QUALIFICATION A/F May 4, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Sarah Ellen Story\Ken Loveday (SR22763009, GWH/F, by Peanut-Windy Acres Jessica) Derek Plyler, Medina, OH Second Place: 2xCH Hexmark’s Marshal Dillon (SR36438801, GSH/M, by Vibonese Jagermeister-Alex’s Fancy Pants) Bob Vibonese, Sr., Columbia Station, OH Third Place: 1xCH Motz’s Samson (1607938, ES/M, by Pennstar-Motz’s Rare Gem) Dick Motz, Akron, OH OH REGIONAL QUALIFICATION B/F May 4, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Lugene Rose\Richard Chamberlain First Place: 0xCH Killbuck Elhew Kobe (1629022, EP/M, by Killbuck Elhew KansasMercy Roy’s Attitude) Michael Akey, Wooster, OH Second Place: 6xCH Utts Ramblin Dolly (R233765, GSH/F, by Gamble’s Rip ‘n LoganDaniel’s Crying Babe) Rodney Howard, Akron, OH Third Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV OH REGIONAL FINAL May 5, 2013 - WOOSTER, OH Judges: Sarah Ellen Story\Ken Loveday First Place: 9xCH Angie’s Dogwood Doc (1565798, ES/M, by Diamond’s Tricky Dick-Tricky Dick Beauty) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Second Place: 0xCH Penmark’s Clover (R234293, ES/F, by Merritt’s Blaze-Merritt’s Pearl) Mark Rudd, W. Carrollton, OH Third Place: 1xCH Shouse Dogwood Abby (1622068, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV OH REGION A/F May 18, 2013 - WILMINGTON, OH Judges: Tyler Robinson\Terry Walters First Place: 0xCH On Point Tri’n Kali (1590925, ES/F, by Clifford Hunter Bandit-Chantilly Meadow Bowden) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Second Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Third Place: 0xCH Sity Slicker Scout (SR69041804, GSH/M, by Rick’s SlicksterSophisticated Sophia The Fifth) Steve Tufts, Lebanon, OH First Place: 2xCH Oak Knoll Mindy WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 61 i OH REGION B/F May 18, 2013 - WILMINGTON, OH Judges: Mark Rudd\Floyd Williams First Place: 9xCH Angie’s Dogwood Doc (1565798, ES/M, by Diamond’s Tricky Dick-Tricky Dick Beauty) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Second Place: 1xCH Blue Ridge Mandy (1629215, ES/F, by Angie’s Dogwood SkipperCumberland Lady) Randy Cunningham, Crosslanes, WV Third Place: 0xCH Rudd’s Running Hank (1642453, ES/M, by Rudd’s Running Nebo-Hnh Champagne Bubbles) Teresa Rudd, Franklin, OH OH REGION B/F May 19, 2013 - WILMINGTON, OH Judges: Terry Walters\Randy Cunningham First Place: 1xCH Penmark’s Blue Chip (1598510, ES/M, by Emmy’s Apple Jack-Modak’s Pole Cat) Mark Rudd, W. Carrollton, OH Second Place: 1xCH Motz’s Samson (1607938, ES/M, by Pennstar-Motz’s Rare Gem) Dick Motz, Akron, OH Third Place: 0xCH Cinderella Moon (SR7148410, GSH/F, by Moon Razor-High Points Dirty White Girl) Ron Simmons, Xenia, OH Region: RM RM REGION May 18, 2013 - STRASBURG, CO Judges: Joshua Loring\Suzanne Freehauf First Place: 0xCH Valhalla’s No Tagg Backs (SR68469706, GSH/M, by Valhalla’s For Love Or Money-Shadowrocks Double Trouble) Lance Maclennan, Byers, CO Second Place: 0xCH Black Forest Sar Athena (SR69625201, GSH/F, by Black Forest Bart-Black Forest Shoorio Aspen) Rod Hoover, Rush, CO Third Place: 2xCH Black Forest Bart (SR43297007, GSH/M, by Black Forest BrodieBlack Forest Kate) Mark Pace, Colorado Springs., CO RM REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 18, 2013 - STRASBURG, CO Judges: Clifton “mike” Kitchens\Brad Christensen First Place: 2xCH Lock N Load Holding Card (1568149, ES/M, by Trail’s End Bad Boy-I’m Gabbie) Mike Weis, Pierce, CO Second Place: 1xCH Valhalla’s Dirty Deeds (SR57541107, GSH/M, by Bud’s In Business At g Valhalla-Fritz Getten Tipsy) Lance Maclennan, Byers, CO Third Place: 0xCH Jd’s Henry (1642875, ES/M, by Reroy’s Jack Daniels-Prairie Wing Desert Rose) Charles Golden, Bellvue, CO RM REGIONAL FINAL May 19, 2013 - STRASBURG, CO Judges: Clifton “mike” Kitchens\Brad Christensen First Place: 1xCH Valhalla’s Dirty Deeds (SR57541107, GSH/M, by Bud’s In Business At Valhalla-Fritz Getten Tipsy) Lance Maclennan, Byers, CO Second Place: 1xCH George’s Fancy Pants (SR56686901, BR/F, by Jumping Jack Flash (br)Gun Powders Spicy Ginger (br)) George Brook, Laramie, WY Third Place: 0xCH Godfathers Destined To Be A Crook (SR62012707, BR/M, by Southplatt Gangster-Godfathers Obsession) Paul Mawhorter, Littleton, CO Region: SC SC REGIONAL FINAL May 25, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Richard Hight\Deric Fletcher First Place: 0xCH Lazy Heart Walle (SR63282411, GSH/M, by Jagermeister RockyJagermeister Maggie Mae) Timm Cleaver, Paso Robles, CA Second Place: 0xCH Jagermeister’s Doc Holiday (SR63282409, GSH/M, by Jagermeister Rocky-Jagermeister Maggie Mae) Robert Thompson, Riverside, CA Third Place: 1xCH Brutus Vom Worrellhaus (R234186, GWH/M, by Boz V Den Drei TeufelnDoro Vom Stadtbusch) Robert Worrell, Gorman, CA SC REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 25, 2013 - LOCKWOOD VALLEY, CA Judges: Richard Hight\Deric Fletcher First Place: 1xCH Attaboy Shock N Ah (1605427, ES/M, by Barkers Blue Jett-Bitter Creek’s Roxie) Mike Eisen, Alhambra, CA Second Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Hope (R234182, PUD/F, by Lcm’s Fire-Lcm’s Gustel) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA Third Place: 0xCH Jagermeister’s Doc Holiday (SR63282409, GSH/M, by Jagermeister RockyJagermeister Maggie Mae) Robert Thompson, Riverside, CA LOCKWOOD VALLEY A/F May 26, 2013 - LOCKWOOD, CA Judges: Ronald Knesal\Richard Hight First Place: 0xCH K Nines Rinky Dink (SR65254201, BR/F, by Maxwell’s Blew By You Ii-K Nine’s Coyote Ugly) Gerald Gresham, Fresno, CA Second Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Gustel (R233931, PUD/F, by Falko Von Der Huvener MuhleWinterhelle’s Echo) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA Third Place: 0xCH Histep Crosswind Gunner (R234248, GSH/M, by Crosswind Truckin Chopper-Histep Screamin Eagle Addie) Dale Ikuta, San Jose, CA PUD/F, by Lcm’s Fire-Lcm’s Gustel) Lisa Mcnamee, Huntington Beach, CA Region: UT UT REGION A/F May 18, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Maureen Goodrich\Richard Bottomley First Place: 0xCH Walter Mickey Heaton (SR69982801, GSH/F, by Heaton Mickey-Red Rocks Little Lizzy) Shaun Heaton, Orem, UT Second Place: 0xCH Belle Heaton (SR68166504, GSH/F, by Palm Glades Jumpson Sh-Gambles Jumping Juck Mh) Shaun Heaton, Orem, UT Third Place: 0xCH Felter’s Rev’n Lobo (SR64599903, BR/M, by Felter’s Last LoboMida’s Little Rebel Yell) Dan Felter, Myton, UT LOCKWOOD VALLEY B/F May 26, 2013 - LOCKWOOD, CA Judges: Michael Porter\Mike Eisen UT REGION B/F May 18, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Randall Bennett\Troy Anderson First Place: 0xCH Smoky Joe Express (R234083, EP/M, by Super Express WilliamLady Silver Aspen) Bill Burton, Bakersfield, CA Second Place: 1xCH Brutus Vom Worrellhaus (R234186, GWH/M, by Boz V Den Drei TeufelnDoro Vom Stadtbusch) Robert Worrell, Gorman, CA Third Place: 0xCH Dexter Vom Worrellhaus (R238502, GWH/M, by Enck Vom Orion-Bella Vom Worrellhaus) Robert Worrell, Gorman, CA First Place: 0xCH Walter Mickey Heaton (SR69982801, GSH/F, by Heaton Mickey-Red Rocks Little Lizzy) Shaun Heaton, Orem, UT Second Place: 0xCH Mida’s Little Rebel Yell (SR40399304, BR/F, by Lobo’s Rebel DoggLittle Girl Dogg) Dan Felter, Myton, UT Third Place: 0xCH Bret’s Tic Tac Chicken Weasel (1619551, ES/M, by Chuckar-Notta Zilch Zero) Bret Wonnacott, Sunset, UT LOCKWOOD VALLEY A/F May 27, 2013 - LOCKWOOD, CA Judges: Mike Eisen\Tyler Mitchell First Place: 1xCH P & J’s Norton Teton Ranger (1601423, GSH/M, by Ch Teton’s Saragosa SlyFancy Feather Growly) Patrick Mccrory, Orange, CA Second Place: 0xCH Buckeyes Blazing Bullet (SR54205307, BR/M, by San Dee’s Blazing Shane-Stevix Bulletproof Jill) Gerald Gresham, Fresno, CA Third Place: 0xCH K Nines Wild Bullet (SR41118203, BR/M, by K Nine’s Beeline Bullet-Trucker’s Wild Thing) Curtis Heintzman, Cypress, CA LOCKWOOD VALLEY B/F May 27, 2013 - LOCKWOOD CA Judges: Ronald Knesal\Michael Porter First Place: 2xCH Tuscanola’s Bear (1578605, ES/M, by Tuscanola’s Jack-Lulu’s Jill) Karla Weber, Palmdale, CA Second Place: 0xCH Pending (PENDING, OTH/F, by -) No Mbr # For Old Data, , Third Place: 0xCH Lcm’s Hope (R234182, UT REGION A/F May 19, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Maureen Goodrich\Shane Wayment First Place: 0xCH Mida’s Little Rebel Yell (SR40399304, BR/F, by Lobo’s Rebel DoggLittle Girl Dogg) Dan Felter, Myton, UT Second Place: 0xCH Randlett Cheeto Dust (1616932, EP/F, by Stephens Bright CopperYoung’s Issabella Gold) Tracy Neilson, Roosevelt, UT Third Place: 0xCH Felter’s Shady Klickitat (SR52210802, BR/M, by Buckeye CowboyKlickitat County Twister) Cory Christensen, Roosevelt, UT UT REGION B/F May 19, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Richard Bottomley\Troy Anderson First Place: 0xCH Felter’s Rev’n Lobo (SR64599903, BR/M, by Felter’s Last LoboMida’s Little Rebel Yell) Dan Felter, Myton, UT Second Place: 0xCH Randlett’s Artwo Turbo (1618050, EP/F, by Stephens Bright Copper-Young’s Issabella Gold) Lance Neilson, Roosevelt, UT Third Place: 0xCH Angie’s Mae Sunrise (1645995, ES/F, by Long Hollow’s Luke-Ash- August/September 2013 i 62 i www.nstra.org velot Sunset Sadie) Angela Wonnacott, Sunset, UT UT REGION A/F June 22, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Bradley Jenkins\Maureen Goodrich First Place: 0xCH Adolf Rock Crawler Blitz (SR34570401, GWH/M, by King’s Cobb Jax-Strutin’ Lady Von Soltz) Joshua Morris, Springville, UT Second Place: 0xCH Bret’s Tic Tac Chicken Weasel (1619551, ES/M, by Chuckar-Notta Zilch Zero) Bret Wonnacott, Sunset, UT Third Place: 0xCH Wayment’sn Big Pimpin (1626791, EP/M, by Wayments Elhew HootchWayment’s Lucky Penny) Shane Wayment, Roy, UT UT REGION B/F June 22, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Mat Blockovich\Richard Lowe First Place: 0xCH Bret’s Tic Tac Chicken Weasel (1619551, ES/M, by Chuckar-Notta Zilch Zero) Bret Wonnacott, Sunset, UT Second Place: 5xCH Footluce Louie Little Pants (SR37183804, BR/M, by Montana’s Rusty Little Pants-Julry’s Autumn Dream) Mark Donovan, Bozeman, MT Third Place: 0xCH Crimson Nitro’s Elhew Tide (1648061, EP/M, by Run N Gun Whistling Dixie-Nitro’s Elhew Alabama) Arnie Sullivan, Kennewick, WA UT REGION A/F June 23, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Richard Lowe\Troy Anderson First Place: 0xCH Mida’s Little Rebel Yell (SR40399304, BR/F, by Lobo’s Rebel Dogg-Little Girl Dogg) Dan Felter, Myton, UT Second Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR Third Place: 0xCH Angie’s Mae Sunrise (1645995, ES/F, by Long Hollow’s Luke-Ashvelot Sunset Sadie) Angela Wonnacott, Sunset, UT UT REGION B/F June 23, 2013 - NEWTON, UT Judges: Arnie Sullivan\Mat Blockovich (1613461, EP/M, by Jm Elhew Mcgee-Ch Drama Queen) Matthew Huston, Hermiston, OR Region: WI DARK ACRES HUNT CLUB B/F June 1, 2013 - FORT ATKINSON, WI Judges: Ricky Hubbard\Stefan Lewandowski WI REGIONAL QUALIFICATION May 18, 2013 - BRILLION, WI Judges: Ricky Hubbard\Holly Kisner First Place: 0xCH Swift Rock Dozer (1630984, ES/M, by Houston Black Jack-Carpenter’s Misty Storm) Bryan Camper, Walnut, IL Second Place: 2xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Third Place: 0xCH Rossman’s Fancy Hi--jinx Sfr (SR65819412, GSH/F, by Tall Oak’s Bull-Sundance Jen Sfr) Vicki Rossman, Milwaukee, WI First Place: 0xCH Grassy Lake Jake (1629018, EP/M, by Grassy Lake Amos-Baumann’s Elhew Emma) Charles Holder, Rio, WI Second Place: 0xCH Burr Oak Astro (SR34651301, GSH/M, by Autumns Tall BrutRock Dell’s Pretty Little Devil) Travis Tointon, Belle Plaine, MN Third Place: 0xCH Burr Oaks Ziggy (1619553, ES/M, by Ledgeview Smokin Zeke-Ledgeview Smokin Joy) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN DARK ACRES HUNT CLUB A/F June 2, 2013 - FORT ATKINSON, WI Judges: Kevin Brienen\Harold Wright WI REGIONAL FINAL May 19, 2013 - BRILLON, WI Judges: Ricky Hubbard\Holly Kisner First Place: 0xCH Fifth Gear Harley (1646683, EP/M, by Dateline Black List-Blue Creek Gemmini) Steve Persinger, Austin, MN Second Place: 0xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Final Encore (SR66949904, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Oxidation-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Third Place: 2xCH Grassy Lake Jay (1607992, EP/M, by Sadie’s Elhew Jake-Jo Jo’s Magic Maci) Charles Holder, Rio, WI First Place: 0xCH Burr Oaks Ziggy (1619553, ES/M, by Ledgeview Smokin Zeke-Ledgeview Smokin Joy) Shane Tointon, Oronoco, MN Second Place: 2xCH Vande Hei’s Ritzi’s Bouncin Back (SR57318205, BR/F, by Beeline Bullet’s Proof-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Chuck Vande Hei, De Pere, WI Third Place: 2xCH Vandehei’s Rimarda Jack (SR41821904, BR/M, by J.w.’s Bet’n On A Chance-Vande Hei’s Put’n On The Ritz) Kevin Brienen, Depere, WI DARK ACRES HUNT CLUB B/F June 2, 2013 - FORT ATKINSON, WI Judges: Henry Hurst\Kay Quaintance DARK ACRES HUNT CLUB A/F June 1, 2013 - FORT ATKINSON, WI Judges: Henry Hurst\Kay Quaintance First Place: 0xCH Rossman’s Fancy Hi--jinx Sfr (SR65819412, GSH/F, by Tall Oak’s Bull-Sundance Jen Sfr) Vicki Rossman, Milwaukee, WI Second Place: 0xCH Grassy Lake Sydney (1642053, EP/M, by Grassy Lake Amos-Baumann’s Elhew Emma) John Holder, Rio, WI Third Place: 2xCH Clark’s Copper Bullet (SR45950801, BR/M, by Beeline Bullet’s ProofBeeline Miss Abigail) Clark Williams, Van Dyne, WI First Place: 0xCH Getting 2 The Points Clio (SR63384604, GSH/F, by Sure Shot’s Cutting Edge Mh-Getting 2 The Point’s Jacky) Daniel Meulemans, Kaukauna, WI Second Place: 0xCH Rossman Airborne Gunner (R234-503, GSH/M, by Tall Oak’s Bull-Sundance Jen Sfr) Vicki Rossman, Milwaukee, WI Third Place: 0xCH Rossman’s Fancy Hi--jinx Sfr (SR65819412, GSH/F, by Tall Oak’s Bull-Sundance Jen Sfr) Vicki Rossman, Milwaukee, WI First Place: 0xCH Palouse Prairie Jack Flash (SR61981401, GSH/M, by Palouse Praire B52-Flack’s Prancing Pepper) Jerry Youmans, Lewiston, ID Second Place: 4xCH Henson’s Desert Catfish (1602384, EP/M, by Stephens Bright CopperSunny’s Free Sue) Bob Henson, Coolidge, AZ Third Place: 2xCH M H Mcgee’s Dramatude WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 63 i g Proud Sponsor of the NSTRA Endurance Trial Tribute to Paul Major The Members of Central Canada Region are heartbroken to announce the passing of one of our longest serving members, Paul Major. Paulo as he was affectionately called by his friends was a gifted veterinarian, who started practicing in 1971 in Hudson Quebec. Over the years Paulo cared for many of the members bird dogs. Many of us had the pleasure of hunting and fly fishing with him in hundred of locations, all over the world. He was a gentleman and one of the kindest and most generous people you will ever meet. Paul’s wife Carole Jutras shared his love of the outdoors. They have two wonderful children and two grand children. Max, Paul’s son in-law summed it up when he said “Paul was the person everyone wanted to be”. We think the text from the birthday card Paulo wrote when Donald J. Thom turned 50 gives us an insight into his love of EMT ad.indd the sporting life (and we quote): What we really wish you Points and flushes Hits and misses Backs and retrieves Rises and takes Runs and break-offs Riffles and pools Duns and midges The smell of gunpowder The prairie sky Sage and buck brush The blur of wings Feathers in the wind Sweat and muddy boots A wee dram by the moonlight The song of the river near Tomorrow another day of fishing A brand new cover Forever FIRST AID Kit in a Tube EMT Gel ® patented collagen gel for wounds • Speeds healing, reduces pain, itching & bleeding • Protects wound bed • Provides moist healing environment TROPHY ANIMAL HEALTH CARE 1217 W. 12th Street Kansas City, MO 64101 1-800-236-5414 trophyanimalcare.com 1 W. C. RUSSELL MOCCASIN COMPANY 9/5/08 10:29:04 AM ONE PAIR SOUTH 40 BIRDSHOOTER BOOTS TO THE 1ST RUNNER-UP AT ALL NSTRA CHAMPIONSHIPS Contact W. C. Russell Moccasin Company for all your hunting boot needs. Our dear Paulo won’t be alone in the happy hunting grounds as some of his beloved bird dogs will be there to greet him. We will all miss him. There is no one who can ever replace him, but in the end we will all be together again. n August/September 2013 i 64 i www.nstra.org P.O. Box 309 • 285 S.W. Franklin Berlin, WI 54923-0309 920-361-2252 www.russellmoccasin.com [email protected] The difference between a good dog and a gun dog isn’t all DNA. My dog has been pointing since she was 8 weeks. I like to think the rest of her abilities I installed myself. With a little help from my Delta Upland™from Garmin with Tri-Tronics® technology, of course. Delta Upland lets me train with momentary and continuous stim, tone and pulse and adds a powerful upland beeper that tells me where my dog is and if ™ she’s on point, all controllable with the handheld. And with an integrated BarkLimiter, I can even take credit for a calmer quieter kennel at home. Delta Upland TM Learn more at Garmin.com/Delta ©2013 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries 2012-13 Reg Name Date Format TrialBreed Sex Owner City, State 1 time BAILEY'S ROOSTER DREAMIN 21-Apr-13 OPEN Vizsla BUDS LAST BUT NOT LEAST AT VALHALLA19-May-13 OPEN GATOR'S GINGERBREAD 30-May-13 GEORGE'S FANCY PANTS M BACIK, JOHN STRONGSVILLE, OH German Shorthair M MACLENNAN, LANCE BYERS, CO OPEN German Shorthair F BURKHART, WILLIAM SILVER LAKE, KS 21-Apr-13 OPEN Brittany F BROOK, GEORGE LARAMIE, WY LANSDELL'S NORTHWIN DUKE 06-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter M LANSDELL, SANDRA TROY, MI MADISON RIVER DAISYMAE 04-May-13 OPEN English Setter F BAUER, GARY MCALLISTER, MT MONITEAUS CHASING DREAMS 20-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer M WESTBROOK, ED GENESEE, ID MOONSHINE'S PRAIRIE DAISY 13-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer F ROST, MICHAEL MALCOLM, NE PAL HOLIDAY 06-Apr-13 OPEN Irish Setter M WITZ, STEVEN GRANGEVILLE, ID PURDEY'S MOUNTAIN SAGE 06-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter F BURGESS, JANE BEND, OR RIDGE RUN'S DIXIELAND PRINCESS 07-Apr-13 OPEN German Shorthair F CAROTHERS, ROMAN BLANCHARD, OK SINFAD'S BRIGHT OPAL 07-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer F DAFNIS, THOMAS MOBRIDGE, SD SOUSE DOGWOOD MOLLY 07-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer F COGAR, CHASE BECKLEY, WV SOUTHPAW SOCKS MORROW 07-Apr-13 OPEN German Wirehair F MORROW, T.C. ROSHARON, TX TEKOA TROUBLE PATCH 28-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter M LORENZON, GRAZIANO MONTREAL, QC TOMOKA PETE'S DIXIE 07-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter F SAINEGHI, PETER AUSTIN, TX TROUT'S ELHEW EMMA 27-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer F TROUT, JR., JOHN GLOBE, AZ VINN'S HONKY MAGIC 06-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer M TOINTON, SHANE ORONOCO, MN 06-Apr-13 OPEN Llewellin Setter M AUTRY, ANGELA HENDERSON, TN BLACK FOREST FIVE OCLOCK MILLER TYM19-May-13 OPEN German Shorthair M HANSON, WADE WAVERLY, NE GENUINE QUALITY JAKE 06-Apr-13 OPEN German Shorthair M VERMEESCH, ROBERT EMMETT, MI M H MCGEE'S DRAMATUDE 20-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer HUSTON, MATTHEW HERMISTON, OR MARSDEN'S SOUTHERN BELLE 27-Apr-13 OPEN German Shorthair F MARSDEN, GLENN CASTAIC, CA PENCE'S HOOK LINE AND SINKER 30-May-13 OPEN German Shorthair M PENCE, JERIMY OLUSTEE, OK RAWHIDES BLAZIN LUCY LU 07-Apr-13 OPEN German Shorthair F PENCE, JERIMY OLUSTEE, OK SMOKE CREEK'S OSCAR IV 25-May-13 OPEN German Wirehair M STERNER IV, GEORGE ST CLOUD, FL VANDE HEI'S RITZI'S BOUNCIN BACK 19-May-13 OPEN Brittany F VANDE HEI, CHUCK DE PERE, WI WEATHERED STONES MURRAY 05-May-13 OPEN German Shorthair M HIGHAM, CHERYL BOULDER, CO WILDRIVER STORMY'S BOY 21-Apr-13 OPEN German Shorthair M ATTARD, JOHN COLUMBIA FALLS, MT WINDSWEPT RIDGE'S GUNSMOKE 26-Apr-13 OPEN Brittany RAMSEY, GARY MARSHALL, NC 2 time AUTRY'S ROWDY WACO M M August/September 2013 i 66 i www.nstra.org 3 time COUNTRY LANE JAKE 07-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter FLINTLOCK BUCK TRACK 07-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer GLOVER'S CHOPPER 20-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter MOONSHINE'S SLATE CREEK JOE 31-May-13 OPEN English Pointer BOONE COUNTY BRANDY 07-Apr-13 OPEN Brittany MAGNUM MAX POWER 19-May-13 OPEN Brittany NORMAN'S TEKOA STORM 14-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter PRIME TIME COOKIE 25-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer QUAIL RIDGE ZACH 07-Apr-13 OPEN Brittany TOEBEE MONTANA TO TEXAS 13-Apr-13 OPEN FOOTLUCE LOUIE LITTLE PANTS 19-May-13 IMPRESSIVE MALLORY M MILLER, CAROL WILLISON, ND BOWYER, DONALD MONETA, VA GLOVER, A. JACK SHELBYVILLE, MO ROST, MICHAEL MALCOLM, NE F MOORE, JEFF WHITESTOWN, IN M SMITH, MIKE MCCLEARY, WA M NORMAN, JIM TUSCOLA, IL SHEPHERD, DANNY KODAK, TN CROSSLAND, RACHEL BELVIDERE, TN German Shorthair M HEATON, DALE ALLEN, TX OPEN Brittany DONOVAN, MARK BOZEMAN, MT 07-Apr-13 OPEN German Shorthair F THOMAS, SCOTT HELOTES, TX COPPER'S ELHEW BULL 25-May-13 OPEN English Pointer HARMON, JIM BOWLING GREEN, KY RUN TRUE SUNRISE 04-May-13 OPEN English Setter MCCAWLEY, PAUL MOSCOW, ID UTTS RAMBLIN DOLLY 04-May-13 OPEN German Shorthair F HOWARD, RODNEY AKRON, OH OPEN German Shorthair F PAULLUS, THOMAS DALLAS, TX 27-Apr-13 OPEN English Setter F STOTTS, JR, MIKE NINE MILE FALLS, WA 27-Apr-13 OPEN German Shorthair F FELLERS, ADAM IOWA CITY, IA 21-Apr-13 OPEN Brittany M MCCANDLESS, WM. ASHLEYBERRY, KY 05-May-13 OPEN English Setter M BARR, WESLEY ABILENE, TX 27-Apr-13 OPEN English Pointer M CALICOTT, CHAD MOBERLY, MO M M M 4 time F M 5 time M 6 time M M 7 time IRON WILLS IMPRESSIVE EMMA PAULLUS 14-Apr-13 9 time STOTTS ROYAL DIAMOND 10 time QUAIL VALLEY'S NOSE KNOWS 13 time MCCANDLESS TITLEST DRIVER 18 time TOMOKA'S SMOKIN J.R. 21 time BLAZE'S BLACK MAGIC WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 67 i g FIRST TIME PLACEMENTS Registered NamePlacementBreed Sex Owner Name City and State TRIAL FORMAT: AMATEUR WAYMORE MAJIK'S MIXER 5/5/2013 English Setter MCNALLY'S SCOTIAN SKIPPY 5/5/2013 German Wirehair PRAIRIE WIND PLEASANT MUSIC 4/21/2013 HARDPOINT OTTO'S REPEAT M STEGMEIER, W.P. GREAT FALLS, MT M SCHISSLER, SCOTT GREAT FALLS, MT German Shorthair M LUSE, DON BILLINGS, MT 4/7/2013 German Shorthair M TWETO, DOUG BIGFORK, MT BOZEMZN'S RIPLEY 4/6/2013 Other M RAUCH, FRED GREAT FALLS, MT JADE'S IRP 4/6/2013 English Pointer F WHITMAN, GARY WHITEFISH, MT MONTANA'S RAZZLE DAZZLE 4/6/2013 English Pointer F BROOKS, CLARK BIG FORK, MT VON WEIDER'S HNTR BIZZY BEN 5/5/2013 Brittany M TILLER, BENJAMIN HELENA, MT O'H AODHAS ARTHUR MCBRIDE 4/7/2013 English Pointer M HUGHES, RICHARD BIGFORK, MT RUDD'S RUNNING DANDY 4/14/2013 English Setter M RUDD, TYTUSS FRANKLIN, OH LONE STAR BIT-O-HONEY 4/7/2013 Brittany M MEDLEY, TOM IRRIGON, OR PO BOYS SNAKES ATTITUDE 4/14/2013 English Pointer M HOGAN, EDITH MORROW, OH FINDACOVEY'S MAGIC ACE 4/13/2013 English Pointer M DISMANG, DAN LIBERTY, MO DIXIELAND'S ABLE ABE 4/14/2013 German Shorthair M NAIL, DAVID OMAHA, NE MACI'S MAGIC VEGAS 4/13/2013 English Pointer F RESULI, RICHARD OAK LAWN, IL BLUESTEM'S MAGGIE GIRL 4/20/2013 English Pointer F JACOBS, DONNIE WEATHERFORD, TX BARR'S SMOKIN LUMENOK 4/21/2013 English Setter M HANCOCK, JAMISEN CANYON, TX BARR'S RED HOT WHITE BOY 4/13/2013 English Setter M COPELAND, KEN DALLAS, TX GREAT WEST DOG SOLDIER 4/21/2013 German Shorthair M MOWERS, ZANE PIERCE, CO BERG BROTHERS SEELIE 4/7/2013 English Setter BEELINE BULLET MISS DAISY 4/21/2013 Brittany RIDGE RUNNIN BO BLAZIN 4/7/2013 German Shorthair NORTON'S TETON ELI 4/7/2013 German Shorthair SOUTHERN BROTHERS GIGOLO 4/7/2013 English Pointer SCOUTS POINT BOSSY MEADOW 4/6/2013 German Shorthair JOHNSON'S MIDNIGHT RUNNER 4/6/2013 English Pointer BRABE'S SNAP BOOGIE 4/6/2013 KARNES FROZEN NICKLE BLACK MAGIC HITCH HIKER TRIAL FORMAT: OPEN F SKIPWORTH, SHARON BEND, OR F BOSWELL, DONALD CENTENNIAL, CO M LARRONDO, RAY NAMPA, ID M NORTON, JASON ELLENDALE, ND M HUBBARD, RICKY MELROSE PARK, IL F HARBERT, JON LITTLE HOCKING, OH F JOHNSON, IAN DES MOINES, IA English Pointer M BRABY, CRAIG MALOY, IA 4/6/2013 English Pointer M KARNES, STEVE DES MOINES, IA 4/7/2013 English Pointer M GRIFFITHS, ERIC JONESVILLE, MI August/September 2013 i 68 i www.nstra.org "A working dog's worst enemy is dehydration. If my dogs are dehydrated, they can't go to work. And we're on the road 70,000 miles each year. I worked out a plan with my veterinarian. Now I keep my dogs on FortiFlora® until we’re back home." Bird dog trainer and guide George Hickox has a passion for upland hunting. He has trained and campaigned National High Point Champions, Field Champions, and has garnered over 100 field trial placements. Top dress your dogs' regular food with FortiFlora® Nutritional Supplement. It contains live, active cultures to restore intestinal balance, helping manage the risk of diarrhea and dehydration. Because great performance comes from healthy dogs. For more information, visit fortiflora.com Available only through your veterinarian. Trademarks owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A., Vevey, Switzerland. Printed in U.S.A. WWW.NSTRA.ORG i 69 i g NSTRA REGION PRESIDENT DIRECTORY ALABAMA Alan Holloman 2600 Rainey Rd. Temple, GA 30179 770-562-8855 [email protected] Gulf Coast Region MID NORTH Scott Thomas PO Box 1196 Helotes, TX 78023 512-925-9500 [email protected] ARKANSAS/LOUISIANA ILLINOIS Bo Nut 350 S. Plum Bearden, AR 71720 870-687-1709 ARIZONA Clifton “Mike” Kitchens PO Box 1554 Show Low, AZ 85902 928-242-4570 [email protected] BIG SKY Jon Edwards 1078 Lime Kiln Rd. Lewistown, MT 59457 406-366-0523 [email protected] CENTRAL CANADA Rick Bertinetti PO Box 293 Carlinville, IL 62626 217-825-3738 [email protected] NORTHERN ILLINOIS James Kisner 202 W Griffin S Armington, IL 61721 217-481-0922 [email protected] INDIANA Wayne Fishburn 8319 Country Ridge Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46234 317-509-0312 [email protected] Salvatore Sicondolfo 202 St Raphael Ile Bizard, QC H9E 1R9 514-572-7969 KENTUCKY DIXIE [email protected] Jerry Daniel 1135 Hwy 99 Russellville, AL 35654 256-332-8294 [email protected] FLORIDA Steve Walker 5025 Lake Buffum Rd. Lake Wales, FL 33859 863-528-0249 [email protected] GEORGIA R.B. Garret 2535 Upper Bethany Rd. Ball Ground, GA 30107 404-803-3496 [email protected] Mikeal Mulberry 225 Ragtown Rd Corinth, KY 41010 859-242-0643 LONE STAR TEXAS Chuck Ludolph 2643 Oak Ave. Slayton, MN 56172 501-220-4902 [email protected] MID SOUTH Steve Jaspering 25159 Sweet Springs Rd Elkmont, AL 35620 256-497-0066 [email protected] MISSOURI SHOW-ME Lonnie Jones 3358 Highway 124 Fayette, MO 65248 573-819-8896 [email protected] MID WEST Bill Sumpter 5316 Kennedy SProle, IA 50229 515-490-5904 [email protected] NORTHERN CALIF/NEV Deric Fletcher 471125 Wingfield Susanville, CA 96130 530-917-5959 [email protected] NORTH WEST Jim Selby 1004 Desperado Dr Murphy, TX 75094 469-525-0965 [email protected] Arnie Sullivan 3222 S Garfield St. Kennewick, WA 99337 509-582-5891 home 509-521-1832 cell [email protected] MICHIGAN OHIO Chris Ritter 38395 Tyler Rd. Romulus, MI 48174 734-740-7300 [email protected] MISSOURI/KANSAS Rick Manfredi 23719 S. Green Ridge Rd. Peculiar, MO 64078 816-695-5070 [email protected] Derek Plyler 5620 Erhart Rd Medina, OH 44256 330-472-5004 [email protected] OKLAHOMA David Lacy 13201 Sw 9th Yukon, OK 73099 405-409-7526 [email protected] August/September 2013 i 70 i www.nstra.org ROCKY MOUNTAIN Rachel Baker 5862 Queen St. Arvada, CO 80004 303-421-3918 [email protected] SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Bob Thompson 15141 Cayuse Ct. Riverside, CA 92506 951-780-3989 [email protected] SOUTH CAROLINA Gene Frye 3550 Church Rd Taylorsville, NC 28681 828-632-3205 [email protected] UTAH Richard “Kip” Bottomley PO Box 1439 Vernal, UT 84078 435-781-2557 [email protected] VIRGINIA Bernie Davis 579 Quail Rd Lynchburg, VA 24504 434-994-3385 [email protected] WISCONSIN Steve Rossman 9100 W Eden Place Milwaukee, WI 53228 414-526-0991 [email protected] WEST TEXAS Wes Barr 12133 CR 100 Abilene, TX 79601 325-725-6504 [email protected] Mike & Adam – Cabela’s Gift Certificate from Rock Creek Club. Point & Back The Flush Action Shot Am I Next? Rooster Wear Too Much Fun! WWW.NSTRA.ORG71 i 71 i David g Deaton – Serious???? National Shoot-To-Retrieve Field Trial Association 203 N. Mill St. Plainfield, IN 46168 (317) 839-4059 4th Snake’s King Runner-up Cobra Jim Mahoney Owner/Handler Ohio Region 5th Pigeon River Maximus Runner-up Harold Smith Owner/Handler Indiana Region Become a Member Today! Please visit our website regions page to determine which region is nearest for you! www.nstra.org August/September 2013 i 72 i www.nstra.org
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