January 2004 Caravan


January 2004 Caravan
Vol 51 -- No. 1 -- January 2004
At the December 4, 2003, Stated Meeting, the Nobility voted overwhelmingly to confer the title of Recorder Emeritus on Noble C F Shuler
upon the completion of his 2003 term as Bahia’s Recorder.
C F was born December 26, 1925, in Cumberland, Kentucky.
After moving to Florida, C F worked for 18 years in service management at Holler Chevrolet. Later, the Shulers were long time owners of
a Photo & Hobby business in Winter Park. His Lady Delilah passed
away in 1997.
A 50-year Mason, C F is a Past Master of Bigstone Gap Lodge
#208, AF&AM, in Bigstone Gap, VA.
In the York Rite he became a member of Cyrene Commandery #21,
Norton, VA, and he is a Past High Priest of his Chapter of Royal Arch
Masons in Virginia and a Past District Deputy Grand High Priest. He has
been a member of the Orlando Scottish Rite since 1985 and for many years
has been a member of the Fourth Degree Team. In 1997, he received the
rank and honor of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour (KCCH) in the
Scottish Rite.
A 50-year Shriner, C F joined Kazim Shrine in Roanoke, VA, on November 7,
1953, and affiliated with Bahia Shrine in April 1961. In 1972 C F became the 1st Bahia
Noble to raise $1,000 for the Paper Crusade, and was the 1st to bring in corporate money. He was instrumental in getting use of the Holler jet for transportation to the Cincinnati Hospital. He joined the Legion of Honor and served as
Commander in 1973. He has served as a Bahia Photographer for many years, Chief Aide for three years (1973-75) and
as Bahia’s Recorder for 14 years (1990-2003). In addition to his Recorder duties, CF has volunteered his time as a
cashier for Bahia’s weekly Bingo Games and our monthly Pancake Breakfasts. Last year, the Nobility voted to grant
him Life Membership in Bahia for meritorious service. For many years he has been appointed an Imperial Photographer.
Over the years, C F has actively participated in not only the Shrine but various other organizations including the
Salvation Army, Citrus Bowl Sports Association, the Orlando High Twelve Club No. 435, National Sojourners (Seminole Chapter #373), and Heroes of ‘76 (Col George F. Unmacht Camp).
Page 2
All Mail Must be Addressed To:
Bahia Shrine Center
2300 Pembrook Drive
Orlando, FL 32810-2469
Office Hours Are:
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Monday thru Friday, Except:
Thurs., Jan 1, 2004
New Year’s Day
Mon., May 31
Memorial Day
Mon., July 5
Independence Day
Mon., Sept 6
Labor Day
Thurs. & Fri., Nov 25&26Thanksgiving
Fri., Dec 24
Fri., Dec. 31, 2004
New Year’s
Office Telephone
Office Fax
Red Fez Lounge
Caravan E-Mail
[email protected]
Caravan Fax
Bahia Web Site
Stated Meetings are held at 7:30
PM on the 1st Thursday of each month
except July & August unless otherwise
announced in advance.
4 - Pancake Breakfast
8 - Bahia Stated Meeting
10 - Officers’ Seminar (9:00 AM)
10 - Lake County SC Installation
11 - Divan Open Instl & Parade of
Units (2:00 PM)
12 - Deltona Al-States SC Instl
13 - SheikS Dinner Mtg (7:30 PM)
16 - DeLand SC Installation
17 - Units, BSCs, & Orlando SC Instls
22 - Osceola SC Installation
24 - Daytona SC Installation
25 - Super Bowl Party (Red Fez)
26 - ADA Meeting (7:30 PM)
29 - Sanford SC Installation
31 - New Smyrna Beach SC Instl
1 - Pancake Breakfast
5 - Bahia Stated Meeting
13 - Fun Friday in the Fez (7:30 PM)
14 - Bahia Sweetheart Ball
15 - First Lady’s Tea (2:00 PM)
24 - ADA Meeting (7:30 PM)
4 - Bahia Stated Meeting
7 - Masonic Info Program (2 PM)
13 - Bahia Potentate’s Ball
20&21 - S/R Spring Reunion
1- Bahia Stated Meeting
2 - Masters/Wardens/Pres./Secty
17&18 - Bahia Shrine Circus
29 - Bahia Stated Mtg (For May)
5-8 - FSA Convention (Palm Beach)
14&15 - Spring Ceremonial (NSB)
21 - Circus Workers Appreciate Night
23 - Bahia Shrine Picnic
30-Jun 2 - Grand Lodge (Jacksonville)
1-2 - Grand Lodge (Jacksonville)
3 - Bahia Stated Meeting
5-20 - Pote’s Scandinavian Trip
JULY (No Stated Meeting)
4-8 - Imperial Session (Denver, CO)
23-24 - Bahia Summer Party Cruise
AUGUST (No Stated Meeting)
12-14 - SESA Convention (Mobile, AL)
2 - Bahia Stated Meeting
18 - Paper Crusade Kick-off Dinner
18&19 - S/R Fall Reunion
7 - Bahia Stated Meeting
8&9 - Paper Crusade Street Days
16 - Bahia Sock-Hop
30 - Octoberfest
4 - Bahia Meeting (Service of Remembrance)
13 - Paper Crusade Victory Party
19&20 - Fall Ceremonial (Bahia Shrine)
2 - Bahia Stated Mtg & Annual Elections
12 - Children’s Christmas Party
31 - New Year’s Eve Party
Notice to All
Members of the
Sunshine Fund of
Bahia Shrine
The last Assessment #150 was
dated May 28, 2003, and payment was
due not later than June 28, 2003. If
you have not made your payment,
please send your check today to:
Sunshine Fund of Bahia Shrine
P.O. Box 1646
Orlando, FL 32802
Is your beneficiary on file still current? If not sure, contact Kenneth E.
Thomas, P.P., at above addresss.
CARAVAN (USPS 040-160) is published monthly except July & August by Bahia Shrine: 2300 Pembrook Drive., Orlando, FL 32810. Periodical postage paid at Orlando, FL. Each member of Bahia Shrine is mailed a copy of this publication as part of his membership dues. Subscription
price is $7.00 per year.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Caravan Editor: 2300 Pembrook Drive., Orlando, FL 32810.
Page 3
Elected Divan
For Our Kids,
You & Me Will
Tee It Up In 2003.
Doug Tomlinson
Chief Rabban
Jerry Higginson
High Priest
& Prophet
Bill Dennis
Assistant Rabban
Gary Bergenske
Oriental Guide
Sid Massey
Potentate’s Message
It seems like yesterday that I
started the nine year trip to serve as
Bahia Shriners’ Potentate. I thank the
Nobility that elected me as Treasurer
for 1995 and Illustrious Sir Lewis
Cotterill for allowing me to serve as
Bahia’s First Ceremonial Master in
1998 and the opportunity to be elected
to serve on the Bahia Divan for all
these years. I have been told numerous time by friends that without my
Lady Sherrie I would not be where I
am today. I thank my Lady Sherrie
for the support and hard work that she
has done for Bahia Shriners for all
these years.
The 2003 Appointed Divan,
Potentate’s Aides, Special Appointments, and Committee Members have
stepped forward and worked hard for
Bahia Shrine this year. I thank each
of them and their Ladies for working
so hard for us.
Many thanks to the 2003 Divan
members who worked very close
together and in harmony to make all
the decisions in order to carry out
Bahia Shriners’ programs. We have
been facing declining membership
and increasing expenses for several
years and 2003 was not an exception.
I am confident the 2004 Divan will
continue to work on these problems
for the best interest of the Nobility.
We have had fun this year and
raised a lot of money for the Shriners
Children Hospitals and Bahia’s Transportation Fund. Let’s continue having
fun in 2004 and many years to come.
Bob Cramer, P.P.
CF Shuler
Douglas S. Tomlinson
Table of Contents
Activity Schedule - Jan to Dec . . . . . . . . .2
Amateur Radio Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Antique Cars Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Bingo Bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Blood Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Bowling Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
Caravan Boosters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
Carpenter 2004 Oriental Guide . . . . . . . . .6
Computer Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Concert Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Daughters of the Nile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Deltona All-States Shrine Club . . . . . . . .21
Directors Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Divan Open Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Drum & Bugle Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Election Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Embree 2004 Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Fall Ceremonial Great Success . . . . . . . .16
Financial Record Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Fund-Raising Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Golf Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Greeters Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Guest Speaker Program . . . . . . . . .14 & 16
Higginson 2004 Potentate . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Horse Patrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Hospital Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Hundred Million Dollar Club . . . . . . . . . .9
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
Installation of Unit & BSC Officers . . . .26
Iron Horses Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Jazz Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Kentucky Colonels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Keystone Kops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Kismet Court No. 86, L.O.S.NA. . . . . . .31
Lake County Shrine Club . . . . . . . . . .32-33
Legion of Honor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Magic Carpet Transportation Fund . . . . . .8
Masonic Information Program . . . . . . . . .19
Membership Scoreboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Memorial Lodge No. 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Mini Mule Hitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Noble Truckers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Officers, Appointees, & Committees .24-25
Oriental Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Osceola Shrine Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Paper Crusade Plaque Donations . . . . . . . .7
Past Masters Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Patrol Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Potentate’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Potentate’s Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Racing Saints Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Roarin’ 20’s Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
RV Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Scottish Rite News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Scribes Deadline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Seminar for Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
SheikS - Active Already! . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Shuler Recorder Emeritus . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Stated Meeting Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Sunshine Fund Annual Meeting . . . . . . .17
Sweetheart’s Ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Tin Lizze Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Turkey Run Fund-Raiser . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Welcome New Nobles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
Wetter 2004 Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Widows Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Yaru Shrine Guild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Page 4
A. J. Thomas, Sr. (Deceased 3/14/67). . . . . . . 1955-1956
J. D. Hill (Deceased 8/17/87) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1957
A. J. Thomason (Deceased 9/9/58). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1958
Glenn R. Ashmore (Deceased 6/30/73) . . . . . . . . . . 1958
George H. Cochrane (Deceased 4/5/80). . . . . . . . . . 1959
Vemon M. Scott (Deceased 6/12/86) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1960
Charles V. Snapp, Jr (Renee) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1961
J. M. (Jack) Fogg (Deceased 4/26/80) . . . . . . . . . . . 1962
Russell Guy Carr (Deceased 6/26/68) . . . . . . . . . . . 1963
Harold H. Kastner (Deceased 9/6/77) . . . . . . . . . . . 1964
Fred B. Turner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1965
Floyd N. Shaver (Deceased 11/16/78) . . . . . . . . . . . 1966
Leonard K. Wright, Jr (Deceased 7/16/03) . . . . . . . 1967
Joe Wickham (Deceased 3-28-00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1968
Lloyd A. Castle (Deceased 11/6/86) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1969
L. L. “Linc” Jacobs (Deceased 9/28/93) . . . . . . . . . 1970
Fred W. Guentert (Joyce) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1971
Robert A. Voegele (Mary Lee). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1972
J. J. “Jeff” Jordan (Deceased 12/30/90) . . . . . . . . . . 1973
T. R. “Tommy” Tomlinson (Deceased 3-5-00) . . . . 1974
Sam H. Walkup, Jr. (Deceased 10/28/81) . . . . . . . . 1975
William C. Journigan (Barbara) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1976
Mervin D. Henning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1977
Melvin L. Duncan (Helen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1978
DeFarest A. Long, Jr. (Martha) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1979
Jesse W. Walker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1980
Kenneth E. Thomas (Jennie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1981
T. Bruce Ballinger (Roberta) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1982
Gordon H. “Stumpy” Harris (Dottie) . . . . . . . . . . . . 1983
Gordon P. Magyar (Fran) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1984
Cecil D. Moore (Carol). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1985
Bruce D. Thomas (Alyce). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1986
George H. Mason (Deceased 1-3-00). . . . . . . . . . . . 1987
Myron D. Christensen (Roma) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1988
Donald W. Grable (Mary Lou). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1989
John 0. Riels (Beth) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1990
Jack B. Kittinger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1991
Robert H. “Bobby” Gentry III (Jan) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1992
Robert F. Kidder (Donna). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1993
Thomas E. Embree (Beulah) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1994
Harold H. Coulson (Martha) (Deceased 8/28/03) . . 1995
Robert L. Cramer (Phylis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1996
John B. Pierson (Ruby) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1997
Lewis W. Cotterill (Marge) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1998
Michael G. Juett (Sherry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1999
George E. Goodboe (Carol). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000
V. Albert Janoska, Jr. (Dottie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2001
Max R. Jones (Esther) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2002
Douglas S. Tomlinson (Sherrie) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2003
CLUB NO. 435
Invites you to Lunch and Masonic Fellowship every 1st &
3rd Mondays at 11:30 A.M., Piccadilly Cafeteria, 1840 East
Colonial Drive, Orlando. Membership is open to all Master
Masons. Ladies and guests are always welcome. For additional information call 407-275-7716.
The Financial Record Book you received at the
beginning of 2003 will soon have to be turned in.
Please be sure your postings are up to date so you will
be able to turn it in immediately upon completion of
your 2003 transactions.
If you have any questions concerning this matter,
please contact the Recorder’s Office immediately.
Page 5
For the information of uninformed
members of the Nobility, when a
Potentate’s term of office expires all
appointments made by him during his
administration terminate according to
the Imperial Code.
Such appointments include all
Appointed Divan members, Potentate’s Aides, members of committees
and their chairmen, special appointees,
directors, and all members of the
Potentate’s Staff. Some uninformed
Nobles have mistakenly believed or
assumed their appointments to be permanent. Not so! Each Potentate when
installed in office must make his own
appointments—including the Appointed Divan.
The Potentate has the power and
the authority under Imperial Shrine
Law to replace every appointee; or he
may, if he believed it to be in the best
interest of the Shrine Center, retain all
appointees by reappointment.
Traditionally, for the sake of efficiency, many Nobles of demonstrated
ability are continued in office or
appointment by reappointment. However, this is at the will and pleasure of
the incoming Potentate.
In no case can a Potentate be
bound by his predecessor. By the
same token, in no case can any Potentate bind his successor.
Should any Noble not holding
appointment by the current Potentate
wear a Fez carrying any title such as
“Aide” or any other designation, he
does so in violation of the Code. A
terminated title on a Noble’s Fez must
be removed.
BAHIA’S 2004
Chief Rabban Jerry Lee Higginson
was elected Bahia’s Potentate for the
year 2004 at the Stated Meeting on
December 4, 2003.
Noble Jerry was
born and raised in
Henderson, Kentucky, where he
graduated from
Henderson High
School in 1956.
In 1957,
Jerry enlisted in
the U.S. Air
graduation of
Hydraulic Control
School at Chanute
AFB, Illinois, he was
assigned to Pinecastle
AFB (later McCoy AFB) where
he worked with ground crews on B-47
and B-52 SAC bombers. The Wing was
transferred to Homestead AFB in South
Florida a short time after Jerry arrived.
He was then sent to school at Redstone
Arsenal where he learned top-secret missile controls leading to an assignment in
Ishmir, Turkey, where the U.S. was
assisting in building a missile site. By
the time of his Honorable Discharge in
1966, he had become an experienced
member of a Missile Firing Crew, highly
qualified for a good job in industry.
North American Rockwell was “waiting
at the gate” and hired Jerry as a Tech
Writer. In 1971, Jerry started Kar Kare
Parts and Services in Orlando. He still
operates that business as well as All
Travel Services and Lakedrive Mobile
Home Park.
In 1970, he was raised to Master
Mason in Moses Cook Lodge #111,
Picayune, Mississippi. It was in
Picayune that he first met Ill. Sir John
Riels. Jerry later demitted to Pine Castle
Lodge #368. He completed his Scottish
Rite and York Rite in 1971 and became
a member of Bahia in the Fall Ceremonial that year. He joined the Drum
& Bugle Corps and served as
Director in 1980 and 1981,
and was President in
1982. In 1985, Jerry
was elected President
of the Florida Shrine
Association Drum &
Bugle Corps.
Noble Higginson
was an Ambassador in
1982 and Potentate’s
Aide in 1990, 91, and
93. He was Co-Chairman for the 1992 and 1998
Imperial Session Marketplaces. He was Bahia’s Housing
Chairman and 2nd Ceremonial Master
in 1998, served as 1st CM in 1999, and
Director of the Royal Order of Jesters
Court #166. He was FSA Housing
Chairman in 2000 and has the distinction
of having the first two consecutive sellouts for Bahia’s Octoberfests of 2002
and 2003. Also, in the year 2000 Jerry
had the honor of being elected Oriental
Guide. In 2003 Jerry established a new
Club called the “Sheiks” which helps
introduce new members into Shrinedom.
On April 20, 1999, Jerry and his
Lady Debbie were married during Ill. Sir
Mikey Juett’s getaway trip to Las Vegas.
Lady Debbie is currently employed at
Orlando Regional Healthcare as an
Accountant in the Finance Department.
Together they have 3 children, Sherri,
Jerry Jr., and Crystal.
Page 6
BAHIA’S 2004
First Ceremonial Master Walker P.
“Butch” Carpenter was elected Bahia’s
2004 Oriental Guide during the annual
elections held during the Stated Meeting
on December 4, 2003.
Will be held in the Bahia Auditorium
January 8, 2004
(2nd Thursday)
7:30 PM
For the transaction of such business as may
come before it, plus Fellowship with Brother
Shrine Masons.
Noble Carpenter was born June 12,
1945, in Newport News, VA. He graduated from Orange County (Virginia)
High School in 1963 and attended East
Tennessee State University majoring in
Biology. He was employed by the
Washington, D.C. Fire Department during which time he completed many
classes in fire suppression, prevention,
building construction, etc. He retired
from the department with the rank of
Lieutenant after 20 years of service.
Butch and his wife of 27 years
Patricia reside in New Smyrna Beach.
They have five grown children and six
grandchildren. Lady Pat is a Past Worthy Matron in the Eastern Star in New
Smyrna Beach, Past High Priestess of
the Ladies Oriental Shrine in Daytona
Dinner will be served in the Dining Room by
the Flying Fezzes prior to the meeting.
Menu will be Roasted Chicken Baked Beans,
Cole Slaw, Rolls & Butter, Iced Tea/Coffee.
Cost $6.50. Desserts available.
Beach, and is currently Queen of Athaliah Temple #114, Daughters of the Nile,
in Orlando.
The Carpenters lived in Northern
Virginia area for most of their married
life before coming to Florida in October
of 1991. In 1993, Butch became a member of New Smyrna Lodge #149,
F&AM, and served as Worshipful Master in 1997. He is a member of the
Orlando Scottish Rite where he has participated on the 29th Degree Team, and
he is a member of the Daytona Beach
York Rite Bodies. Butch is a member of
the Order of Eastern Star Chapter No. 3
having served as Worthy Patron in 1997.
Butch became a Shriner in Bahia’s
1994 Spring Ceremonial held in Sanford.
He joined the New Smyna Beach Shrine
Club where he has served as Secretary,
Treasurer, and was President in 2001.
He is a Past Captain of the Bahia Provost
Guard, served as Bahia’s Colonel of
Units in 2002, and First Ceremonial
Master in 2003.
Page 7
The Paper Crusade is a year around program with a two-fold purpose: (1) To
inform the public about Shriners Hospitals and the children we treat; two days
each year are designated for our members to distribute a special edition of a Hospital News paper to the general public on street corners, stores, and shopping centers, and (2) To raise funds for Shriners Hospitals through voluntary donations
not only during those two days, but throughout the year.
In 1998, Bahia started a Plaque Program as an integral part of our annual
Paper Crusades. The plaques are sold throughout the year to members, their
friends, and businesses for a donation of $100.00 or more. The plaques are
engraved with the donor’s name, and there are ten update bars to denote the
donor’s subsequent additional annual donations. Nobles who make or obtain
Plaque donations receive credit for their Club, Unit, or BSC for Paper Crusade
competition purposes.
The following have made and/or obtained Paper Crusade Plaque donations
since last Caravan:
Robert A. Carr
George E. Goodboe
Mike Key (2)
Cress Chemical
Pat’s Electrical
Wally’s Mills Ave. Liquors
Kathy Martiny
Gaylord Yochum (6)
Aldus M. Cody (3)
Past Masters Unit
Thomas Benham
Richard J. Wisehart
Swayne B. Franklin
Bahia Plaque
Have you renewed your Paper
Crusade Plaque this year?
Have you renewed all of them
you have sold over the past years?
The Plaque program generates a
large part of the money we raise for
the Paper Crusade. Please do your
part and help us to get them all
renewed to help support Shriners
Hospitals for Children.
Bahia is now on the World Wide Web
with lots of good information.
If you are “on line”, go to
Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
New Donation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Donation $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Repeat Donation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Name of Firm or Donor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Name to go on Plaque _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
City, State _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Phone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cash _____ Check _____
Authorized By _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Solicitor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Make Check Payable To:
Bahia Shrine Paper Crusade
Club or Unit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
and mail to:
Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Bahia Shrine
2300 Pembrook Dr.
Orlando, FL 32810-2469
Page 8
There was a friend whose heart was good.
He walked with men and understood.
His was a voice that spoke to cheer
And fell like music on the ear.
His was a smile men loved to see.
His was a hand that asked no fee
For friendliness and kindness done.
And now that he has journeyed on,
His name is a flame that never ends;
He leaves behind uncounted friends.
Arnold N. Lindberg . . . . . .November 20, 2003
James E. Brady . . . . . . . . . .November 9, 2003
Willis F. Cleek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Unknown
Howard D. Corbett . . . . . .September 12, 2003
Albrecht K. Halstead . . . . . . .January 29, 2003
George C. Parlow, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . .Unknown
Homer B. Perkins . . . . . . .November 26, 2003
Donations of $100.00 or more since the last issue of
the Caravan:
$500.00 $300.00 $205.00 $200.00 $175.00 -
Shriners Widows
James M. Snyder
Fun & Frolic Unit
Bingo Bunch
Keystone Kops Members
in Memory of Arnold Lindberg
$100.00 - Faro Technologies
$100.00 - The Klassiques
The purpose of the fund is to provide a source of revenue to cover expenses necessary to transport children in
Bahia’s program to and from a Shrine Hospital, Clinic, or
Burns Institute. Donations are tax deductible. Donors
receive an Appreciation Certificate for a single donation of
$100.00 or more.
8:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.
January 4
February 1
Page 9
Donations since the last issue of the Caravan:
(As of November 30, 2003)
Bahia Concert Band in Memory of Arnold Lindberg
Total Membership 1-1-03
This club is an endowment fund for the benefit of the
Shrine Orthopaedic Hospitals and Burns Institutes. Interest
only is used for operating expenses—the principal remains
intact. Contributions are tax deductible.
A Certificate of Membership, signed by the Imperial
Potentate, is issued to each donor. Contributions may be
made by having a bequest in your Will for the Shriners
Hospitals for Children, or by making a cash contribution
now of at least $100.00. Contributions should be sent to
the Recorder, Bahia Shrine Center, 2300 Pembrook Drive,
Orlando, FL 32810-2469.
This program started in 1972 at a time when the Shrine
was approaching one million members and if each member
would donate $1 Hundred, there would be $1 Million in the
fund ... thus the name 100 Million Dollar Club.
Gains (Year to Date):
Losses (Year to Date):
Associates Dropped
Total Membership 11-30-03
Bahia Shrine has made 8456 contributions since the
program began in 1972.
For articles and information for the February 2004 issue of
the Caravan:
JANUARY 1, 2004
Articles received after the 1st may
not be published.
Articles can be accepted only if they are received no later
than the deadline, legibly typed using upper and lower case
letters, and on plain bond paper.
Submitted to arrive by deadline?
Double Spaced?
Used plain bond paper?
Limited to one page?
Type no smaller than 10-point?
Used upper and lower case letters?
Included name and phone number of author?
Captions included for photographs?
765 Big Tree Drive • Longwood, FL 32750-3513
([email protected] ) or FAX (407-895-1761).
Page 10
BAHIA’S 2004
Noble Roger A. Wetter was elected
Bahia’s 2004 Treasurer during the annual elections held during the Stated Meeting on December 4, 2003.
Roger was
born January 10,
up in
vices related to software and information
He is a member of the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants
and the Florida Institute of Certified
Public Accountants and frequently participates in various continuing education
programs specific to his areas of expertise.
Roger became a Master Mason in
1997 in South Seminole Lodge #364 and
became a Shriner at Bahia’s 1997 Spring
Ceremonial in Kissimmee. Since joining
Bahia, he has been active with the Drum
and Bugle Corps, is currently its Director, and has participated in several Imperial D&B Corps Competitions. In 2003,
he was appointed to Bahia’s Finance
Committee providing the committee
with the benefit of his expertise in financial affairs.
He graduated
State University in 1988 with Bachelor
of Science in Accounting and Bachelor
of Music Education degrees. After moving to Florida that same year, he attended the University of Central Florida
earning a Master of Science in Accounting in 1991.
Roger is a Senior Audit Manager
with the CPA firm of Beemer, Pricher,
Kuehnhackl & Heidbrink, PA, in Winter
Park, Florida. For over ten years he has
provided accounting, auditing and consulting services to clients throughout
Florida and the southeastern United
States. He has performed and supervised accounting, auditing, and litigation
support engagements for a variety of
closely held and publicly owned businesses. He regularly performs and manages recurring financial statement audits
for a variety of industries including notfor-profit and service organizations. He
also provides audits and consulting ser-
by Victor L. Clark
Since my last report, we had 18
Nobles and Ladies donate a “Gift of
Life” pint of blood to Bahia Shrine’s
(Group Plan # 58) Reserve Account at
the Central Florida Blood Bank, Inc.,
offices during October: Peter Di
Lodovico (2), Anthony Fowler, Scott
Amos, Claudia Griess, Douglas Swann
(6), Willard Martin, Kevin Triplett, Gorman Shultz, John Green, Samuel Tish
(2), Rodney Cavin, Frank Strickland,
Susan Strum, George Cotter, and Roberta Collins. We sincerely appreciate and
thank you “Quiet Unsung Heroes”
Nobles and Ladies
who take time to share
your blood with ill and
injured patients in hospitals. BE A LIFESAVER. IT IS SAFE.
Central Florida Blood Branch nearest
you, call 1-800-852-0346 or (407) 8496100 or website www.cfbb.org. Please
encourage your family members to
donate for you if you cannot because of
medical reasons.
Twenty-one blood units were
replaced during 2003. We have issued a
grand total of 4,952 Units of Blood,
which has a value of $127,150.00. This
is a saving to our Nobles, their families,
and our Shriners Hospitals for Children.
If you or someone in your family
requires a replacement of blood, please
call Victor Clark at (407) 671-4975 or Email [email protected]
AND LIFE SAVER. You may have
noticed a (2) or (6) located after a
donor’s name. That donor is a Pheresis
donor who can donate every 14 days.
What is Pheresis? Pheresis (fe-ree-sis) is
a special kind of blood donation that
allows you to give just a part of your
blood platelets - the cells that stop bleeding. Why is this needed? Platelets can
only come from volunteer donors.
Platelet transfusions are a lifesaving
therapy for patients undergoing bone
marrow transplants, chemotherapy treatments for leukemia and other types of
cancer or blood disorders. Matched
platelets for ongoing cancer treatment
are truly a life-saving situation.
Thank you for your Gift Of Life and
your cooperation.
Page 11
BAHIA’S 2004
Ill. Sir Thomas E. Embree, P.P., was
elected Bahia’s Recorder during the
annual elections held
during the Stated
December 4,
Ill. Sir
Tom was
on October
14, 1936.
Shortly after
from Madison
High School in
1954 he enlisted
in the Navy from
which he retired in 1978
after 22 years of active Naval service.
Settling in Central Florida, he began
working as a Loan Officer with Fairwinds Credit Union (formerly Navy
Orlando Federal Credit Union/Fairwinds
Federal Credit Union) where he was the
Vice President for Administration until
his 2003 retirement after over 25 years
with the Credit Union. He had received
his Real Estate Salesman’s License in
1990 and is currently active in the Real
Estate industry and is associated with
Watson Realty Corporation in Winter
He married the former Beulah A.
LaForce on March 4, 1956. They have
three children (Paula, Brian, and Gene),
five grandchildren (Devon, Jeffrey,
Melanie, Tyler, and Elizabeth), and two
great-grandchildren (Alonna and Jordan).
Tom’s service to the City of Casselberry includes 10 years as City Councilman; Chairman, Police and Firefighers
Pension Board; Chairman, General
Employees Pension Board; and member
of Electric Franchise Study Committee.
Other community service includes serving as Chairman, Financial Services
Advisory Committee, Valencia Community College. Tom’s professional service
in the Credit Union industry includes
serving as a member and Chairman of
the Board of Directors, Consumer Credit
Counseling Service of Central Florida,
Inc.; National Board Member of the
Credit Union National Association, the
state trade association for credit
unions in the State of Florida; and
chairmanship of numerous Florida
Credit Union League committees.
Ill. Sir Tom became a Master
Mason on March 14, 1977, in
Olde Charlestowne Lodge #405,
Ancient Free Masons (AFM) at
Charleston, SC, as a courtesy to
South Seminole Lodge #364 of
which he was Worshipful Master in
1982. Throughout the 1980s, he
held numerous District and Grand
Lodge Committee appointments including District Deputy Grand Master for the
16th (now 17th) Masonic District for the
year 1988-1989.
An active member of the Orlando
Scottish Rite Bodies, Tom received the
honor of 33˚ Inspector General Honorary
in 1993 and is serving as Master of
Kadosh of the Orlando Consistory for
2004. He was elected a Trustee of the
Scottish Rite Foundation of Florida,
U.S.A., in 1998 and is currently serving
as 2nd Vice President. He is also a
member of the Royal Order of Scotland;
the Royal Order of Jesters, Orlando
Court #166; Seminole Chapter #373,
National Sojourners (President 19992000); and Heroes of ‘76, Colonel
George F. Unmacht Camp.
Ill. Sir Embree joined Bahia Shrine
in 1979. He is a member of and served
as President of the Roarin’ 20’s Unit in
1982 and holds memberships in the Past
Masters Unit, Antique Cars Club, and
Lake County Shrine Club. He served
on Bahia’s Budget Committee for six
years and the Finance Committee for six
years, and has served as Chief Aide,
Executive Aide, Colonel of Units, Marshal, 2nd Ceremonial Master, and lst
Ceremonial Master. He was elected
Oriental Guide for 1990 and served as
Potentate in 1994.
Subsequent to serving as Potentate,
Ill. Sir Tom has continued significant
involvement in Shrine activities including serving on Bahia’s Bylaws Committee, serving as a Director of the Bahia
Sunshine Fund, and continuing to hold
offices in the Florida Shrine Association
until being elected President of the FSA
for the 1999-2000 year. He continues
his many years on the Imperial Membership Committee as Region 13 Director,
on the Imperial EWG Committee as
Florida (North) Director, and he is currently 2nd Vice President of the International Cabiri (Past Potentate’s Association). Having been elected an Associate
Member of the Tampa Hospital Board of
Governors in 2000, he has now been
elected a Regular Board Member for
Installation of
Jerry L. Higginson as
2004 Potentate of Bahia Shrine followed by the Parade of Units
Sunday, January 11, 2004
2:00 PM
At Bahia Shrine Auditorium
Everyone is welcome - Ladies, Family,
and Friends
Dress: Parade Uniform and Fez
Hors d’oeuvres served
Page 12
The following section of Imperial
Council General Order No. 1, Series of
2003-2004, dated July 10, 2003, is quoted as required by paragraph 6 thereof:
It is natural to associate the Fez with
Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Because of this, meticulous attention
must be given to all fund-raising activities, including circuses, to make certain
that a contributor is not led to believe
that his money will be used for the Hospitals when all or a portion thereof will
be used otherwise. The integrity of our
charity and of our fraternity must remain
above reproach.
Your specific attention is called to
the following fraternal and charitable
“SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN.” The use of the name “Shriners
Hospitals for Children” or reference to
the Hospitals in connection with any
fund-raising activity by a temple or
Noble without the written consent of the
Imperial Potentate and the Chairman of
the Board of Trustees of the Hospitals is
sent of the potentate of the temple having jurisdiction thereof.
(b) There can be no representation, express or implied, that the proceeds will be for the benefit of Shriners
Hospitals for Children.
( c ) The temple potentate shall
carefully examine all phases of the
advertizing, promotion and solicitation
to determine that it complies with §335.3
and §503.10 of the fraternal and charitable bylaws.
(d) The temple potentate must
approve the terms and provisions of any
contract for a fund-raising activity after
receiving the advice of the temple attorney, and additionally, as may be required
by the temple bylaws.
(e) A copy of the temple potentate’s written consent shall be mailed to
the Imperial Recorder. Further, such
written material pertaining to the fundraising activity, as requested by the
Imperial Recorder, shall be promptly
mailed to him.
2. Fund-Raising for Charitable Purposes:
1. Fund-Raising for Fraternal Purposes:
(a) No Noble (in his capacity as
a Shriner), club, unit, organization of
Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations shall engage in any charitable
fund-raising activity other than for
Shriners Hospitals for Children. Permission therefor must be first obtained in
writing from the temple potentate. The
temple potentate must then obtain written permission from the Imperial Potentate and the Chairman of the Board of
Trustees. This request for written permission shall be sent to the Executive
Vice President-Fraternal, Imperial Council, P.O. Box 31356, Tampa, FL 336313356.
(a) No Noble (in his capacity as a
Shriner), club, unit, organization of
Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations, shall engage in any fund-raising
activity without the express written con-
(b) 100% of the net proceeds
(as defined in the Charitable Fund Raising—Approval And Reporting provisions of this General Order) from charitable fund-raising must be given to
§503.10 The use of the name
“Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connection
with any commercial product or business
enterprise is prohibited unless the written consent of the Board of Directors
and Trustees has been first obtained.
Now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY
Shriners Hospitals for Children except
for such portion thereof as may be permitted to be retained for the Temple
Shrine Hospital Patient Transportation
Fund, pursuant to the Special Purpose
Funds provisions of this General Order.
( c ) The temple shall report the
result of each charitable fund-raising
activity within sixty (60) days of the
activity, pursuant to the Charitable Fund
Raising—Approval and Reporting provisions of this General Order..
(d) This section shall not apply
to activities exempt under §335.4(b) of
the bylaws of The Imperial Council.
(e) Each independent corporation or entity that receives the permission of the Imperial Potentate and the
Chairman of the Board of Trustees to
raise money for Shriners Hospitals for
Children, and which does not have its
financial accounts audited pursuant to
§334.5 & §337.8 of the bylaws of The
Imperial Council, shall have its financial
accounts audited by a certified, chartered
or licensed public accountant and shall
submit such audit report to The Imperial
Council within 120 days of the activity.
3. Statement of Purpose and Disclosure:
(a) Every fund-raising
activity must contain factual information
on its solicitation material, tickets, programs and documents regarding the use
of the proceeds.
Examples: “Proceeds are for the
benefit of (___ Shriners)(___Shrine
Club) activities.”
“Proceeds are for the
benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children.”
(b) Every fund-raising activity
which is not entirely for the benefit of
Shriners Hospitals for Children shall
prominently state on the solicitation
material, tickets and documents that
“Payments are not deductible as charitable contributions.”
Page 13
( c) There must be compliance
with the Revenue Act of 1987 provision
of any existing general order by U.S.
4. Compliance with Applicable
It is the responsibility of the
temple potentate, after receiving the
advice of the temple attorney, to determine that there is compliance with all
applicable laws in its jurisdiction for the
temple’s fund-raising activities.
5. Financial Records:
(a) The temple shall maintain
detailed financial records pertaining to
all fund-raising activities involving
Nobles, clubs, units, organizations of
Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations. Details of all revenues and disbursements shall be maintained in such
financial records.
(b) The temple must retain such
detailed financial records for a period of
seven (7) years.
(c) There must be compliance
with Financial Reporting on Charitable
Funds and Activities provision of any
existing general order.
6. Notification to Nobility.
A copy of the Fund-Raising Activities provisions of this General Order
shall be printed in the temple publication
at least once every calendar year. If
there is no temple publication, then a
copy shall be mailed to each Noble in
the temple not later than the last day in
March of each calendar year.
7. Discipline
Any officer, Noble or temple
which violates a provision of Fund-Raising Activities is subject to discipline pursuant to the bylaws of The Imperial
by Noble Gayle Brown
November 27, 2003, was a very
special day in the annals of Bahia
Shrine. The Turkey Run Fund-Raiser
was started by a few good
men...Shriners, of course. Credit for
the originality of the idea belongs to
Noble Ken Mims, a “new” Shriner.
On September 9, 2003, Ken and I
made a presentation to the Divan, and
Ill. Sir Doug Tomlinson granted permission to proceed with the idea of a
new fund-raiser for our Shrine Hospitals. It coincides with and is a part of
the Daytona Turkey Run put on at the
Daytona International Speedway by
the Daytona Beach Street Rods and in
conjunction with the Daytona Beach
Racing & Recreational Facilities District.
From a booth at the speedway
(see accompanying photo), we distributed Paper Crusade papers and
obtained donations. We also raffled
off a 27 inch color television set. In addition, Ken (an inspired inventor) devised a
bicycle that cannot be ridden by most
people and came up with a few simple
rules to collect 100 times the donation to
ride the cycle. Needless to say, all
worked to perfection. The funds in the
amount of over $3,000 were presented to
Ill. Sir Doug at the December 4, 2003,
Stated Meeting.
Nobles participating in this event
were: Bill Word, Warren Lively, Larry
Gilbreath, Ill. Sir Gordon Magyar, Harold
Orendoff, Dick Schmitt, Stanley Rockey,
Bob Cherneski, Bill Herchek, Gayle
Brown, Ken Fields, John Jones, Gene
DeVilbiss, Richard Witt, Bob Kemp,
Buddy Bacheller, Jerry Malloy, Bill
Greatrex, Eugene Puhl, Ill. Sir Doug
Tomlinson, Ill. Sir Bob Wright, Joe Wilson, Gary Bergenske, Marvin Kipp, and
Robert M. “Bob” Spiegel an Ambassador
of Marzuq Shrine Center in Tallahassee.
A special thanks to my Lady Faye
who graciously allowed me to have my
Turkey Day dinner late (in spite of a
houseful of company) and also to my 17year old grandson who helped me to be on
time and keep things on the square.
Page 14
by Mike Sazma
The SheikS are off to a great start and membership is
growing! In case you’re the one that hasn’t heard about them,
I’ll fill you in. Our 2004 Illustrious Potentate Jerry Higginson
established this new Club this year for all of the “new”
Shriners – Nobles that have been in Bahia Shrine for three
years or less.
Our first dinner get-together is January 13th at 7:30PM in
the Shrine Dining Room. Contact Mike Sazma at [email protected] or Bob Sherbine at [email protected]
by December 30th to tell us you’re coming and don’t forget to
bring your Lady. We’re expecting a great turnout!
Dress is suit and Fez for the guys and appropriate attire
for the Ladies. Larry Gilbreath will be on hand to take photos,
you’ll want to get one to remember the event! Dinner will be
catered by Colonial Catering.
We plan on having a short meeting to discuss upcoming
activities and plan our future, you’ll definitely want to be
involved in having a guiding role in this new Club and this is
your chance – see you there!
The Bahia Shrine Center is offering a Shrine Program
Presentation. The program is available to any Lodge,
Masonic District, or Masonic or Non-Masonic Organization.
The program consists of a brief history of the Shrine,
charitable activities, benefits of membership, and a short
video of the Shrine Hospitals. The duration is approximately thirty minutes or less.
Anyone interested in scheduling this program or if you
need additional information, please contact Jim Dickenson at
(407) 332-7168 or Email [email protected]
P.S. Anyone interested in joining the Speakers Bureau,
call Jim.
No Fish, No Pay
[email protected]
Page 15
by Jim Rouse
We’re off to a noisy start! From the
“clackity-clack” of our early era vintage
vehicles to the “ground pounding” roar
of the “muscle cars,” we’ve got some of
it all.
We’re all geared up with this year’s
slate of officers in place, and ready to go.
Monthly Club activities are on the agenda for this year; and we’re starting them
off with a trip to the Tampa Hospital on
Sunday, the 18th. A special thanks goes
out to Ill. Sir Tom Embree for coordinating this trip for us. As our Club’s
monthly social calendar generates itself
throughout this year, I am certain that
our Ladies will have a tremendous influence on letting us know in what activities we subconsciously desire to participate, as our Ladies are always included
in these events.
We are still reeling from the success
of our “best ever” Car Show; this is one
of our unending projects. At the closing
of the Shrine’s gates with the leaving of
our final Club member, the 2004 Car
Show was already deep into the planning
stages making this one, the next “best
ever.” Even though we can easily measure the financial benefits received from
the successes of our Car Shows since
they feed our coffers to help keep us solvent, there is a more important social
benefit, which is derived in promoting
the camaraderie within our Club. Aside
from our car shows and our monthly
galas, there are a couple of projects that
we take quite seriously: 1. The upcoming Circus where we will once again be
manning those spot lights and doing our
part in every way to support this Bahia
Shrine Center fund-raiser, and 2. The
Paper Crusade where we will be manning our street collection sites and promoting our cause and reminding the public of “who we are and what we do.”
Here’s an open invitation to visit
our meetings, especially our newly creat-
ed Nobles. It is not necessary that you
own a Classic or Antique Car; however,
Nobles having an interest in automobiles, enjoy camaraderie, and believe in
supporting Shrinedom in general are
welcome to come and enjoy our meetings. Bring your Lady, as our better
halves, the Klassiques, meet during the
same time as our Club.
We meet on the 4th Thursday of the
month at 7:30 PM in Unit Room “B”.
Until next time...KEEP
Michael, Phyllis & C. J. Fouts
C. J. Fouts & Donated Golf Cart
Aware that the Antique Cars Club
was looking for a used golf cart, Phyllis
Dennis approached Mr. C. J. Fouts,
Manager, Purchasing & Facilities Implementation of Starwood Vacation Ownership, as to availability of used carts.
Phyllis explained that Antique Cars was
a Shrine Group looking for a golf cart
for use at the Shrine Center and made
inquiry into the availability of used or
retired units.
During that conversation, C. J.
related that his
son Michael was
a former patient
at the Shriners
Cincinnati Burn
Hospital. He
said his used
carts were totally worn out to
the point of junk
when they were
retired; however, he had something in mind
and would get
back to her in a couple of days. As it
turned out, C. J. had an excellent sixpassenger gasoline powered golf cart
that had not
assigned a
location. C.
J. and Phyllis worked
details and
the cart was
presented to
the Bahia
Car Club at
last year’s
26th Car
Show by C.
J. Fouts and his son, Michael. C. J. stated that this was his way of giving something back to the Shrine.
Page 16
2003 FALL
by Gary Bergenske
The Fall Ceremonial in Lake County on November 21 & 22 was a wonderful event that found 37 new Nobles created as their families looked on with
enthusiasm. It was a perfect weekend
with weather that could have not been
better. Friday evening kicked off the
gala event with a delicious dinner and
music by the Notables at the Lake County Shrine Club with the First Section to
follow. The Ritual Unit and the Oriental
Band put on one of their best performances ever as they had the entire
crowd’s attention. The room was
packed with Nobles, Ladies, and children.
Saturday started off with perfect
weather and a parade by the Bahia
Shriners thru the downtown streets of
Tavares. Lake County definitely knew
the Shriners were in town. The Ladies
Luncheon went picture perfect with over
65 women in attendance getting our new
Ladies familiarized with Shrinedom.
The afternoon activities in the Second Section had the Nobles of Bahia in
laughter as the new Nobles entertained
them with comical stunts and singing.
The Directors Staff did a super duper job
(however, did make a little mess they
had to clean up) bringing these new
Nobles in with a BANG. The afternoon
was finished off by polishing up a few of
the Divan members with a good old pie
in the face. How do they sneak up on
‘em like that? Oh what a mess, but
always brings a big laugh.
The Lake County Nobles and Ladies
had the Banquet Hall looking like a
night club Saturday night for the Ceremonial Banquet. The Bahia Jazz Band
was playing wonderful music that
inspired some to dance. The dinner was
delicious, and the company of friends
and new members made for an evening
that was a delight.
The night concluded with the
Fezzing Ceremony that found many new
members wearing a Bahia Fez. Thank
you’s are in order for all of our members
that went out and found these new members. Also, a BIG Thank You to all that
helped to make this Ceremonial a terrific
success. Through your efforts many new
men will have the chance to experience
how wonderful it is to be a Shriner.
9:00 AM,
Saturday, January 10, 2004
Bahia Auditorium
Coffee & Donuts prior to Seminar.
Light Lunch Afterwards
All Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Circus Chairmen, Paper Crusade Chairmen, Membership Chairmen, and Caravan Scribes must
by Grace Brown
The Speakers Bureau will present
the Bahia Shrine Program at the three
Blue Lodges listed below. Please come
out and support the Shrine Program at
each Lodge.
Monday, January 19, 2004, New
Smyrna Lodge No. 149, Washington
Street and Riverside Drive, New Smyrna Beach. The Lodge will serve dinner
at 6:00 PM. Stated Communication
7:30 PM.
Monday, January 19, 2004, Umatilla Lodge No. 65, Corner of N. Central
Avenue & Harris Street, Umatilla. Stated Communication 7:30 PM.
Thursday, January 22, 2004, Saint
Cloud Lodge No. 221, 900 Oregon
Avenue, St. Cloud. Stated Communication 7:30 PM.
See you there! For additional information call Jim Dickenson at (407) 3327168 or E-Mail [email protected].
Dear Ladies - Well, how are all our
“glorious” gals today? Did you all enjoy
our taste of cooler weather? Guess it’s
time to get out the sweaters and jackets.
It is kind of nice to be able to wear some
different clothes for a while.
Everything is beginning to get really
busy. I’m sure that no one will have any
difficulty finding something to do!
My calendar looks like a new game
With something written in almost
every square
Now, how, pray tell, does someone
win this game, Dear Lord
Could it be the one who checks off
the most squares
One thing I know for sure that if
that is it,
The winner may feel a bit weary but
oh! What satisfaction!
I’m sure that most of our members
would admit
That the satisfaction far outweighs
any other emotion!
Page 17
Congratulations to those of you who became Shriners at our Fall Ceremonial held in Tavares on November 21 and 22,
2003. You now have the opportunity to work in support of Shriners Hospitals for Children and to enjoy fun and fellowship
while doing so. You will derive much pleasure and satisfaction by joining a Shrine Club, Bahia Social Club (BSC)), and/or one
of our 23 Uniformed Units. Each of these organizations is composed of members who share some common interest such as
playing a musical instrument, riding motorcycles, driving miniature cars, bowling, boating, RV camping, etc. The Clubs,
Units, and BSCs would be pleased for you to visit with them. The Recorder’s Office [(407) 660-8811] can provide you with
the times, dates, and places of their meetings.
James L. Anderson (Sanford)
David W. Crump (Kissimmee)
John M. Erb (Lady Lake)
Kirk A. Husselman (Orlando)
Edward E. Koster (Longwood)
David T. Main (Orlando)
Victor B. Michet (Leesburg)
Mark W. Plosila (Orlando)
William L. Sargent (Umatilla)
Siyami Seven (Orlando)
John M. Taylor (Orlando)
Peter Vitoratos (Orlando)
Charles F. Wolf (Orlando)
Harry J. Berrenger (DeBary)
George L. Denton (Orlando)
Richard M. Forney (Champions Gate)
Ian A. Ielfield (Orlando)
Arthur M. Lambright (Leesburg)
Robert M. Massey (Orlando)
David F. Murray (Longwood)
Jack D. Purvis (Sanford)
Peter C. Schoen (Orlando)
Charles R. Shiery (Oviedo)
John J. Teresi (Orlando)
Richard J. Whiteman (Leesburg)
James D. Chute (Orlando)
Mark T. Draper (Eustis)
John D. Hershiser (Orlando)
Steven M. Jones (Orlando)
Phillip G. Landers (Sanford)
Donald E. McCreight (Eustis)
Sean D. Peters (Orlando)
Roland J. Robertson (The Villages)
Alton J. Scott (Orange City)
James M. Smith (Orlando)
Kenneth F. Tierney (Orlando)
Lawrence A. Williamson (Sanford)
<From Tahitian Noni International>
The Annual Meeting of the Bahia Sunshine Fund will be held at 7:30 PM,
Wednesday, February 11, 2004, in the
Past Potentate’s Room at the Bahia Shrine
Center. Meeting is open to all
Fund members.
This juice is truly a Gift from God and will help a
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For more info, please contact me at: 407-628-3339 or
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Independent distributor ID:1354270
Page 18
Page 19
Come Learn About All the Masonic Organizations
The Bahia Shrine Center is sponsoring a Masonic Information Program on Sunday, March 7, 2004, at
2:00 PM.
The program consists of:
A brief history of each organization
Charitable activities
Benefits of membership
Video of Shrine Hospitals
Representatives from each organization will speak
Following the program, refreshments will be served. A representative from each organization will be
available at display tables around the room to speak to you one-on-one.
Please bring your entire family. This event is similar to the “Brother Bring A Friend.”
Bring your qualified friend, neighbor, co-worker, or relative.
The success of this program will depend upon your involvement.
For additional information, contact Jim Dickenson at (407) 332-7168 or E-Mail [email protected].
Ad Graphic Concepts
Bahia Shrine Greeters & Ladies
Bingo Bunch
Greater Daytona Beach Shrine Club
Golf Unit
Hillbilly Clan
Lake County Mariners
Legion of Honor
New Smyrna Beach Shrine Club
Osceola Shrine Club
Shriners Soccer Boosters
Page 20
by Louise E Clark, P.Q.
We would like to
congratulate Illustrious
Potentate Jerry Higginson
and his Divan and wish
them a successful and
fruitful year in 2004.
Princess Royal Peggy Rouse would
like you to mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 27th, 2004. This will be the
date of the Official Visit of Supreme
Queen Barbara D. Womack. Festivities
start at Bahia Shrine Center at 6 PM; dinner at 7 PM. All Nobles, family, and
friends are invited to attend. Donation is
$15 per person. (No tickets will be sold at
the door.) Send your reservations to Pr.
Royal Peggy Rouse, 939 Rock Oak Drive,
Orlando, FL 32809, (407 855 8757).
Let’s show our Supreme Queen our
Southern Hospitality.
Pr. Badoura Janet Ray is hard at
work preparing a cookbook. If our luncheons, dinners, and receptions are any
indication of what to expect, it promises
to be fabulous.
Pr. Tirzah Tracy Gardner is planning
a picnic the end of February. Plans have
not been finalized yet but she will have
the final details in the next issue of the
Caravan. Weather at that time of year is
perfect for a picnic.
P.Q. Anna Mae Wical reminds us
that the My Gift Program offers a wonderful variety of ways in which to contribute to our philanthropy. If every
Daughter of the Nile would annually contribute for one gift, think about the impact
it would have on the lives of many children. An all new charitable giving book
will be on display at regular Stated Sessions for your viewing. There are three
basic parts to the charitable giving program: 1. Convalescent Endowment Fund.
2. Convalescent Relief Fund. 3. Bequests.
Be an annual active contributor for Shrine
children. Past Supreme Queen Ginger’s
presentation was beautiful and much
Pr. Marion Northacker, Hospital
Coordinator, has asked us to look into our
hearts and contribute a monetary gift
toward the purchase of a fish-shaped
bench, chair or rocker for the nursery
playroom. Of course, individual items
that we have been contributing are still
very welcome.
As Daughters of the Nile, we have
many ways to support OUR ONLY PHILANTHROPY, Shriners Hospitals for
Children. Queen Pat Carpenter assures us
that “Together We Can Do This.”
Queen Pat Carpenter and her officers
would like to wish you a safe, healthy,
happy, and peaceful New Year.
by Bob Carr
I have been appointed as Transportation Director for the year of 2004. This is
my third year having this job, maybe this
year I’ll get it done right. They say the
third time is a charm. I enjoy doing this
job for the kids. I know that some of them
do not need us to take them to Tampa, but
it is hard to tell for sure whether the parents are able to take their child themselves. Due to the fact that the Transportation Fund is so low, we need each of
you drivers to let me know if you think
that the parent is capable of taking their
child to the Hospital. We need to save
money every way we can. The big
expense that we have is taking the Burned
Kids to the Cincinnati Hospital. Compared to taking the Kids to Cincinnati,
going to Tampa is a drop in the bucket.
But the cost for either trip comes out of
the same account. So, we need to cut our
cost. Well, I’ll get off of my soapbox and
see what else I have to tell you this month.
Bahia’s Potentate for this year is sure
that our drivers will keep doing the topnotch job that they have been doing in the
past. I know that this will happen. If it
weren’t for the Drivers and Co-Drivers
that we have, I could not do my job adequately. So, I say Thank You to each of
you for giving your time in taking these
Kids for a ride, when they need it.
Each of you have good day today and
a better one tomorrow.
by Don Claus
Our Golf Unit was the proud recipient of the “Potentate’s Trophy” for
being the top fund raiser for the 2003
Paper Crusade. The award was presented at the November 15th Paper Crusade
Victory Party. Members present,
including our hard working Golfettes,
graciously accepted the awards. The
Ladies played an important part in the
success of our Paper Crusade. We
raised over $17,000.00 to lead all Units,
BSCs, and Shrine Clubs. This was a
first for our Golf Unit. We can all be
very proud of this accomplishment.
The help of all in the Unit made this
Starting 2003 with one of our own,
Ill. Sir Doug Tomlinson, as Potentate
and ending with this prestigious award
caps a memorable year for our Unit.
Our last big event of the year was our
Christmas Party at Rolling Hill C.C. on
December 13th.
It has been an honor to serve as
your President last year. Nancy and I
have been overwhelmed with your support. Please give your continued help to
our 2004 President John Baylor.
We hope others will join us this
coming year for golf, fun, and fellowship. Follow the Bahia website for golf
dates. We have a growing group playing every Tuesday morning plus our
“First Friday” of the month “Play Day”
Tournament. We also schedule and
look forward to several three-day “Getaway” golf outings during the year.
These events are the highlights of our
year. We welcome all Shriners and
their guests to join us when you can.
Our Unit Meetings are held on the
first Monday of the month in Unit
Room A.
Page 21
by Bob Smith, KG4ECC
by Chuck
Nobles, here we are starting a New
Year...2004. Last year was a good one
for our Unit. We brought in new members, had very good Hamfests, and made
a little money in the process. Thanks,
Well, 2003 is over and the outgoing
officers are cleaning out their desks and
passing the reigns over to the new officers
headed by President Paul Lanning, 1st
Vice President Clifford Cantrell, Secretary Victor Griffin, Treasurer Donald Surfass, and the Board of Directors. The
Installation of Officers will be held at the
Deland Golf and Country Club on January
12th with a choice from three meals, a
music interlude, and a cash bar. Congratulations and best wishes for another good
year and the hope that all your plans for
the Club are accomplished.
Congratulations are in order for our
Secretary Rodney Cavin who received
his Fifty Year Pin from his Blue Lodge.
He received his pin at Mokanna Lodge
#329 in Orlando.
Overall, 2003 was a good year and a
lot was accomplished: (1) We have a
lucrative offer on our property and if the
sale goes through we may finally see the
outcome of our efforts by getting a building for our Club. The building would
give us a better chance to increase our
membership and meet some of the needs
of the community. (2) Although entertainment was scarce, we had some good
results especially with the visit and talk
by Volusia Sheriff Johnson. Sheriff Johnson gave an excellent talk on scamming
and how as a private citizen we can avoid
some of the pitfalls. (3) We found a good
home in the Jolly Rogers Restaurant
where they provided us a private room for
our meeting and the food was excellent.
(4) The Club is in the process of trying to
organize a Widows Club that will meet a
least once of quarter during the Noon
hour for lunch, two of our Ladies have
volunteered to put out a few feelers to see
if there would be enough interest.
In November, we received a new
member...Charles W. Ehrhardy who is
better known as Chuck. Chuck and his
wife Rita live in Winter Park AND HE
K9PQR. You members, give Chuck a
call. Welcome aboard, Chuck.
We have word that one of our new
members recently visited Jolly Ole England. Hopefully, we shall hear more
about his trip at a latter date?
If any of you Nobles may be interested in amateur radio, feel free to stop
by and visit with us in Unit Room D at
7:30 PM on the 2nd Thursday of each
month, or call Warren at 407-365-6682
or Joe at 407-695-8554 for more information. We are a small Unit, but we
have a lot of fun with our hobby.
Kar Kare
Complete Auto Repair
6025 S. Orange Blossom Tr.
Orlando, FL 32809
Ph. 407-851-9370
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On the down side, the Black Camel
visited a few of our cherished members
who will be greatly missed. Our prayers
go out to all the family members.
Another down side to last year was
the failure to form the West Volusia
Shrine Club. Many factors contributed to
this but mostly I don’t think we were
ready for such a move.
Remember, we meet the second
Monday of the month and all visitors and
their Ladies are welcome.
by Gaylord Yochum
The Club bowled on Sunday,
November 2, 2003. Below are the results:
Lady Evelyn Radke -427 series, Lady
Robyn Edwards -426 series, Lady Kay
Ellis -420 series, Lady Karen Hook -415
series, Noble Bill Ellis -547 series with a
233 game, and Noble Gaylord Yochum
bowled a 541 series with a 202 game.
Splits were made by: Lady Violet
Vogl -2/7, Lady Nancy Yochum -3/10,
Noble Jeff Hook -3/9/10, Noble Hans
Vogl -3/6/7/10, and Noble Gaylord
Yochum -2/5/7.
A new high series of 2447 and new
high game of 906 was bowled by Noble
Bill and Lady Kay Ellis, Lady Robyn
Edwards and Noble Clayton Sheppard.
Next bowling date will be Sunday,
January 4, 2004.
Page 22
by Redneck Dawg
On November 9th, we attended
Mokanna Blue Lodge for their BBQ
Fund-raiser for the Russell Home. This
was a short nice ride and yes, we again
missed the rain...not by much but we did
miss it.
We were busy attending the Paper
Crusade Victory Party, the Fall Ceremonial, and participating in the parade. By
the way, someone always leaves the
parade with new jewelry (no names).
The Abate Toy Run was a great success as we had approximately 300 bikes
ending at Bahia Shrine. The Run raises
money for the Russell Home and Bahia
Transportation. It is always a long day
of hard work, but the money we receive
for the Transportation Fund and the toys
we receive for the Children’s Christmas
Party make it all worthwhile. Thanks to
all the Nobles and their Ladies for working so hard all day to make this such a
success. Thanks to Abate for letting us
be a part of their Toy Run.
Of course, we had the Children’s
Christmas Party at Bahia on the 14th of
December, that is always a fun day giving the children rides, then the Unit ride
to Paisley to their Children’s Christmas
Party and then one last ride before
Christmas to Mokanna on the 21st to
give rides.
I hope everyone had a wonderful
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Please keep a member of our Unit in
your prayers as Bob Batts is at home
recovering from major surgery.
Checkout our webpage on the Bahia
website and see if you can fit one of our
events in your schedule.
Our meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of the month in Unit Room B, 6:30
PM Social, 7:30 PM Meeting. As
always, ride safe!
Center, January 21st (Wednesday) Monthly Unit Meeting 8pm, and January
27th (Tuesday) - Rehearsal in the Unit
Room 7pm - 9pm.
by Dave Smith
that the formalities are done, let’s get
down to business. We have got such a
busy calendar year ahead of us, keep
your pencil and pad of paper handy, I
also might add that a calendar is going to
be an essential item for any member of
the Unit this year. Between rehearsals,
meetings, appearances and parades we
are not going to have time to breathe.
Denver is six months away, and we have
a lot of goals and events to meet before
we get there. The show is slowly coming together, the horn line is sounding
better and better each rehearsal. We in
the drum line are always playing catch
up with the horn line. But, we like the
Brothers, I can not stress enough
how important attending rehearsals is.
We need to keep things going in the positive direction that has been started.
Don’t wait on the fence any longer to
decide if you want to participate, now is
the time to get involved. I know that this
show is going to enable this Corps to
take it up another notch. So please,
check out the website and keep up to
date on all the Unit rehearsals, appearances, etc.
I want to thank all the volunteers
that showed up and helped with the
Progress of Power (formally known as
the Citrus Bowl) Parade line up this past
December. The parade went well, and
we didn’t lose a float. Thanks also go
out to all of you that helped with the Citrus Bowl game. Each year the crowds
stay large and we wouldn’t want it any
other way.
Finally, I want to congratulate
(again) the 2004 Officers for the Drum
& Bugle Corps: President George Walters, Vice Pres. Dave Smith, Treasurer
Bob Amico, Secretary Brian Johns, and
Director Roger Wetter.
Monthly Events: January 6th (Tuesday) - Rehearsal in the Unit Room 7pm 9pm, January 8th (Thursday) - Bahia
Stated Meeting, January 11th (Sunday) Open Divan Installation at the Shrine
by The Monkey II
November brought us the largest
turnout of the year with 22 rigs showing
up at the Withalacoochee Backwaters
Camp Ground. What a marvelous weekend we had. The weather was fantastic
and the campfire chats often very
rewarding. Most have not stopped
laughing yet.
The Business Meeting on Saturday
was chaired by President Wayne Hamilton. Elections for new 2004 officers
were held and the following are those
that have agreed to keep our Club humming: President Fred McGuire, VP Don
Shearer; Treasurer Paul Lanning, Secretary John Green, and Wagonmaster and
Second VP John Fennessey who will be
assisted by Cliff Pottle. Sounds like our
Club will be in good hands 2004. Noble
John Green presented a Paper Crusade
plaque to Miss Amanda Schneller, an
eleven year old young lady who collected $107.00 for the Hospitals. She says
she is going for it a second year also.
Noble Pete Taylor worked almost
all day Saturday cooking bar-b-que pork
which everybody loved. Thanks, Pete,
for your hard work. We really appreciate it.
By the time you read this, it will be
another year and we will have enjoyed
our Christmas Party at Lake County
Shrine Club. Oh yeh! Almost forgot.
Lady Helen Fennessey captured the
famous Doc Weihe Golf Tournament
trophy last year. Her defending husband
John, who enjoyed the trophy last year,
was happy to make a place of honor for
it on their new fireplace mantle. Congratulations, Helen!
The January campout will be at Old
Mill Stream RV Resort in Umatilla.
Anyone caring to enjoy camping with us
should contact President Fred McGuire.
We meet the third weekend of every
month with the third Friday being the
determining factor.
Page 23
Page 24
Bahia’s Annual Election of Officers
for 2004 was held at the Stated Meeting
on December 4, 2003, with 278 voting
members present.
Chief Rabban Jerry L. Higginson
was elected Potentate; each of the members of the progressive Divan advanced
to the next office; 1st CM Walker
“Butch” Carpenter was elected Oriental
Guide; Noble Roger A. Wetter was
elected Treasurer; and Ill. Sir Thomas E.
Embree, P.P., was elected Recorder.
Elected Imperial Representatives
were Potentate-Elect Jerry L. Higginson,
Chief Rabban-Elect Gary J. Bergenske,
Assistant Rabban-Elect William L. Dennis, and HP&P-Elect Sidney H. Massey.
There were four vacancies on the
Finance Committee; however, there
were only 3 candidates presenting themselves for election. Elected by acclamation were Robert Herchek, Sid Massey,
and David Smith to serve terms for
The elections commenced at 8:30
PM and were concluded at 9:38 PM. Ill.
Sir Doug Tomlinson extended his appreciation to Election Committee Chairman
Ill. Sir Kenneth E. Thomas, P.P., and all
the Nobles who served as Election
Charles V. Snapp, Jr., P.P. Emeritus Representative
Mervin D. Henning, P.P. Emeritus Representative
Robert Wright (Phyllis)
Boumi Shrine, Baltimore, MD
Lloyd L. Kildoo (Bonnie)
Syria Shrine, Pittsburgh, PA
Clyde E. Cotterill
Kalurah Shrine, Binghamton, NY
Willard F. Whitney (Ruth)
Kismet Shrine, New Hyde Park, NY
Robert C. Toney (Jane)
Mahi Shrine, Miami, FL
Robert W. Cornforth (Jean)
Syria Shrine, Pittsburgh, PA
John W. Foster (Shirley)
Damascus Shrine, Webster, NY
Arthur B. Hook (Linda)
Tigris Shrine, Liverpool, NY
(Past Potentate’s Association)
International Association
Ill. Sir Thomas E. Embree, P.P.
2nd Vice President
Bahia Chapter #126
Ill. Sir George E. Goodboe, P.P.
Ill. Sir V. Albert Janoska, Jr., P.P. Vice President
Ill. Sir Max R. Jones, P.P.
1st Ceremonial Master
Robert Amico (Beverly)
2nd Ceremonial Master
John Seay (Jan)
Roger D. Markham (Elaine)
Alvin (Al) Segee (Roberta)
Asst Marshal
George Barfield (Janet)
Captain of the Guard
Julian Lopez, Sr. (Dora)
Outer Guard
Jack C. Wheeler (Jo)
2004 AIDES
Jerry L. Higginson (Debbie)
Chief Rabban
Gary J. Bergenske (Anne)
Assistant Rabban
William L. Dennis (Jean)
High Priest & Prophet Sidney H. Massey (Ellee)
Oriental Guide
Walker “Butch” Carpenter (Pat)
Roger A. Wetter
Recorder Ill. Sir Thomas E. Embree, P.P. (Beulah)
Recorder Emeritus
C F Shuler
Executive Aide
Harry (Happy) Schuur (Glenda)
Asst Executive Aide
Gunther Ludewig (Peggy)
Chief Aide
E. (Wally) Wallace, Jr. (Gwen)
Assistant Chief Aide
Robert (Bob) Campbell
Administrative Aide Robert (Bob) Henning (Regena)
Personal Aide
Bud Higginson (Dee)
Personal Aide
Billy Painter (Dottie)
Personal Driver
Kent Dennis (Phyllis)
Michael Angelini (Shari)
John Baylor
Irvin “Butch” Butcher (Brenda)
Scott Carpenter (Amy Hanson)
Brian DerMiner
James D. Dickenson (Leta)
Hal Donahey, Jr. (Jane)
Jerry L. Higginson
Gary J. Bergenske
William L. Dennis
Sidney H. Massey
Chief Rabban
Assistant Rabban
High Priest & Prophet
Tommy Dunty
Jim Gillespie (Candy)
Brian Johns (Tracey)
Jerry Malloy (Kathie)
John Phillips (Margaret)
Carl Ray (Janet)
Jim Rouse (Peggy)
Michael Sazma (Patricia Ann)
Bob Sherbine (Dorothy)
Bob Voss (Christine)
Chris Voss
Dave Williamson (Irene)
Children’s Director Kenneth B. Harrelson (Sandra)
Assistant Children’s Director Bill Green (Nancy)
Assistant Children’s Director
Brian Harrelson
Children’s Transportation Director
Bob Carr
Colonel of Units
George R. Walters (Florine)
Parade Marshal
Lynn W. Capraun (Leeane)
Asst Parade Marshal
David Smith (Michelle)
Ritual Director
Bill Dieringer (Sandy)
Dennis G. West (Diane)
Fred W. Guentert, P.P. (Joyce)
Martin Schwebel (Joan)
Bingo Chairman George E. Goodboe, P.P. (Carol)
Blood Bank
Victor L. Clark (Louise)
Rev. Richard Black (Midge)
Robert Dodge (Shirley)
Endowments, Wills & Gifts Thomas E. Embree,
P.P. (Beulah)
Charles Johnson (Peggy)
Richard O. Winterling (Joanny)
William R. Sears (Peggy)
Membership Chairman
Eugene Gray (Alta)
Aubrey Winner (Vi)
Pancake Breakfast
Max R. Jones, P.P. (Esther)
Michael G. Juett, P.P. (Sherry)
Portrait Photographer C F Shuler (Lucille Reasor)
Larry Gilbreath (Nancy)
Jack Leavitt (Jerri)
Public Relations Chairman
Allen F. Horton Sr.
Public Relations Assistant
Eugene Gray (Alta
Public Relations Assistant
Allen Shaw (Hilda)
Public Relations Assistant
Pablo Colon-Rivera
Shrine Widows Liaison
Larry A. Divine (Ann)
Soccer Chairman
David B. Roy (Pati)
V. Albert Janoska, Jr., P.P. (Dottie)
Stage Manager
Rod Cavin (Carol)
Technical Coordinator
Alan T. Byers (Melody)
Jerry L. Higginson
Gary J. Bergenske
Chief Rabban
Roger A. Wetter
William R. Ellis
Robert F. Kidder, P.P.
Jack B. Kittinger, P.P.
George R. Walters
Ottis Erickson
Robert Campbell
Thomas E. Embree, P.P.
Robert Henning
Richard O. Winterling
Page 25
Kenneth E. Thomas, P.P.
Richard O. Winterling
Larry Gilbreath
Jim Byrd
Jean Cabral
Shrine Office Publisher
Donald W. Grable, P.P.
Myron D. Christensen, P.P.
Gunther G. Ludewig
Circus Dad Chairman
John C. Stewart
James Guest
Richard M. Callahan
Jack C. Wheeler
Jerry B. Sturdevant
Larry Humphreys
Martin Schwebel
Lee Voorhees
Thomas E. Embree, P.P.
Donald W. Grable, P.P.
Michael G. Juett, P.P.
William L. Dennis
Sid Massey
James D. Dickenson
Michael Rudd
Keith W. Albright
Zeb E. Blanton, Jr.
Charles A. Mella, M.D.
George G. Telesh, M.D.
Blue Lodge
Blue Lodge
Scottish Rite
Eugene Gray
Michael Sazma
Mentor Chairman
James D. Dickenson
Lewis W. Cotterill, P.P.
Bill Dieringer
17th District
Glen Reynolds
18th District
Thomas E. Embree, P.P.Imperial Region 13 Director
Ken B. Harrelson
Bill Green
Brian Harrelson
Bob Carr
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Transportation Chmn
Jerry L. Higginson
Gary J. Bergenske
William L. Dennis
Roger A. Wetter
Douglas S. Tomlinson, P.P.
Jack B. Kittinger, P.P.
E. Neal Tish
Robert Herchek
Sidney H. Massey
David Smith
Chief Rabban
Assistant Rabban
John Paul Jones
Harley N. Jordan
Joseph L. Lenahan
William D. Long
James Lucas
William McEntire
Ray Rabanus
Dave Tegethoff
Fred Walls
Bert Weiner
2004 SESA
Jerry L. Higginson
Gary J. Bergenske
Chief Rabban
William L. Dennis
Assistant Rabban
Ill. Sir Thomas E. Embree, P.P.
2004 FSA
Jerry L. Higginson
Gary J. Bergenske
Chief Rabban
William L. Dennis
Assistant Rabban
Sidney H. Massey
High Priest & Prophet
Walker P. “Butch” Carpenter
Oriental Guide
Roger A. Wetter
Thomas E. Embree, P.P.
William C. Journigan, P.P. Emeritus Representative
Gordon H. “Stumpy” Harris, P.P. Emeritus Repre
sentative (1983)
Jack B. Kittinger, P.P.
Emeritus Representative
Thomas E. Embree, P.P. Emeritus Representative
Harvey B. Eddy, PGM
Sam Lewis, Jr., PGM
Ralph Miller, PGM
Leslie G. Norton
William G. Bailey
James A. Brown
Ray T. Cox, Jr.
Arthur R. Davis
P. H. (Bob) Davis
Weldon Donley
Ernest N. Elliott
Ottis Erickson
Robert D. Fiedler
Harry C. Fleeger, Jr.
Robert H. Gentry, Jr.
Paul Georgi
Obed Good
Ray Hemphill
William N. Hulvey
Leonard J. Hurkley
E. L. “Mike” Jackson
Lawson Lamar
Rudolph E. Nelson
Ray E. Norman
Ray A. Schreppel
Bart Stauffer
F. W. “Buzz” Thurston
Richard O. Winterling
Neil Wittenstein
Earl K. Wood
Roy W. Young
Harry E. Zechman
Jim Brake
Gene DeVilbiss
Kenneth Q. Fields
John Fika, III
Nils Gustafsson
Blaine Hensley
Art Jairett
Deltona All States
Greater Daytona
Lake County
New Smyrna Beach
Daniel Gainin
Paul Lanning
Frank Mobley
Calvin L. Brundick
Eugene “Skip” Puhl
John B. Pierson, Sr., P.P.
Paul Hokensen
Gayle E. Brown
Amateur Radio
Concert Band
Directors Staff
Drum & Bugle Corps
Flying Fezzes
Fun & Frolic
Golf Unit
Horse Patrol
Iron Horses
Jazz Band
Keystone Kops
Legion of Honor
Motorcycle Unit
Oriental Band
Past Masters
Provost Guard
Racing Saints
Ritual Unit
Roarin’ 20’s
Tin Lizze
Warren Hill
Richard D. Black
Bob Billoni
George Walters
Kevin Triplett
Doug Bishop
John Baylor
Anthony J. Melkunas
Gerry Malloy
Brian Harrelson
Charles Goree
Robert Campbell
Neal Tish
Randy Mort
Tony Fowler
Raymond E. Turner
Daniel A. Torlucci
Jack Davis
Frank Holley
Robert L. Cramer, P.P.
Ronald E. Temple
Michael “T” Rudd
Joe Wilson
Antique Cars
Jim Rouse
Bingo Bunch
Jack Wheeler
William Sears
Camel Herders
Don Chapman
Computer Club
Gary J. Bergenske
Kentucky Colonel
Richard Schmitt
Fire Brigade of Lake County
Fred Weil
Nomad Band of Lake County Stephen Protzman
Police BSC of Lake County
Chris Voss
Clowns of Lake County
Edwin W. Remington
Golf League of Lake County
Joe Guardado
Mariners of Lake County
Ted Bauer
Mini Mule Hitch
Herbert Bacheller
Noble Truckers
Dan Johnson
Past Presidents of LCSC
Merv Harris
Railroaders of Lake County
Gene Smith
RV Club
Fred McGuire
Mike Sazma
Yacht Club
Richard Schellenberg
Motor Corps
John Stewart
Bahia Shrine
Page 26
by Dick Black
by Victor Clark
December is such a grand month for
the Band. For a whole year we look forward to providing the music for the
Christmas Children’s Party. The party
reminds us what we are about in the
Shrine and brings home the results of
our labors. Having the little children on
stage to “direct” the Band brings joy to
As we begin the New Year for the
Bingo Bunch, I must reflect on the past
2003 year. It was a true honor for the
Bingo Bunch to support our Illustrious
Potentate Douglas S. Tomlinson and
Lady Sherrie throughout that GREAT
year. It was a very successful year
financially and for player attendance.
The QUICK SHOT game provided our
patient children with a great Christmas
Party. Chairman Douglas Swann and
Assistant Chairman Edward Azar did a
great job managing the games and facilities. The Bingo Bunch did an outstanding job supporting the games, snack bar,
and tables.
And the Kentucky Colonels added a
special treat for the holidays with the
performance of the Dance Band at their
annual Christmas Party. All Units and
Clubs are reminded that a “big band
sound” is available at Bahia.
January will offer special opportunities for performing with the Open and
Closed Installations of our new Potentate. Lots of opportunity for both the
Concert and Dance Bands are coming up
in the New Year. You will want to be a
part of the fun.
Last month’s question was submitted from the Society of Clarinet Keepers
(SOCK). It was, What is the length of
the B Flat licorice stick? And opening
the sealed envelope this month we find
that it is 2 feet and 2 inches, give or take
a millimeter or two for tuning.
Not to be outdone the Bahia band’s
Society of Saxophonists (SOS) poses
this month’s question. Name the various
instruments in the sax family. This is a
tough question, but you should see our
front row in the band.
Final Note: Andre Previn has written, “Without audiences the music business could not continue.” But better
than listening is playing. Call to all
musicians: Join us in Unit Room C on
Wednesday evenings starting at 6:30
The Bands want to wish a most
happy and blessed New Year to all our
Nobles and Ladies.
Our 2004 year is about to begin. I
am honored to pledge our continued support to our new Potentate Jerry Higginson and Lady Debbie. The Bingo
Bunch, lead by Chairman George E.
Goodboe, P.P., Assistant Chairman Max
R. Jones, P.P., President Jack Wheeler,
1st VP Skip O’Connor, 2nd VP Robert
Campbell, Secretary David Roy, and
Treasurer Bill Kennedy will continue to
help the Bingo attendance grow, in turn
providing substantial support for Bahia
Shrine and the Shrine Children Transportation Fund.
If you are a member of the Shrine
and are not involved in any Unit yet, or
are in a Unit but looking for something
more to do, come join our BSC, Bahia
Bingo Bunch. (We have NO annual
dues.) We need workers every Wednesday night. If you can give at least 2
nights a month and want to have fun,
just show up or please contact Jack
Wheeler at 407-855-2375 or David Roy
at 407-339-4075.
We have 50 games that pay out
more that $3000.00 with 3 jackpot
games paying $250.00 each, Door Prizes
given out at intermission, and the best
Hot Dogs, Cheeseburger, BBQ, Snacks,
Drinks, and Candy in Central Florida
served by Smiling Shriners at our Snack
Bar. Don’t forget Bob Greer’s Popcorn,
always hot and delivered to your table
with a smile. The doors open at 4 PM
every Wednesday. Early games start at
5:30 PM. Standard Games start at 7 PM
and conclude around 10:30 PM. Our
new Quinella game has been a big hit for
the evening’s end.
On the last Wednesday night of
each month we even feed you a Free
Spaghetti Dinner for each player. You
must be 18 years of age to play, no alcoholic beverages on the floor, and we
offer smoking and non-smoking areas.
The Bahia Bingo SNACK BAR is
open every Wednesday Night. If you are
at the Shrine for a Meeting, stop in for a
snack. Come on out and have some
FUN. Don’t forget to bring a friend next
Wednesday Night. New player gets a
Free Dauber. Every Wednesday a King
& Queen collect $1.00 on the winning
number. Come on out and have some
fun, maybe win some money. Support
Bahia Shrine and Play or Work at Bahia
Saturday, January 17, 2003
Bahia Auditorium
6:30 PM Attitude Adjustment
(Cash Bar)
7:30 PM Dinner
($12.50 Per Person)
Nobles - Coat, Tie, & Fez
Ladies - Appropriate attire
Make reservations in
Recorder’s Office
Page 27
by Dennis Strycker
[email protected]
I want to congratulate the Computer
Club’s 2004 Officers: Gary Bergenske
is President, Marty Dalhover is Vice
President, and Eddie Perez is our Secretary-Treasurer. We are thinking of
changing our meeting night to see if we
can attract new members to join our
Club. If you have an interest in joining
our Club, let me or any of our new Officers know what day of the month would
be best. We will then change our meeting night to whatever night will benefit
the most Nobles.
Windows XP tips:
Anyone with a system running Windows XP and using a Microsoft Natural
Keyboard or any compatible keyboard
that includes the Windows Logo key (the
key that looks like a four-paned window
in motion) can take advantage of a number of keyboard shortcuts. For example,
press the Windows Logo key (which
we’ll refer to as the Windows key from
now on) to display the Start menu; press
it again, and the Start menu disappears.
Sure, you can minimize one window
at a time by clicking the appropriate button in the upper-right corner, but you can
use one keyboard shortcut to minimize
all open windows. Just hold down the
Windows key and press the D key to
show the Desktop, which will minimize
all windows blocking it from view. This
shortcut also acts as a toggle switch. To
cause the windows to reappear onscreen, press Windows-D again.
The ALT key has many other useful
functions. One is to press ALT-F4 to
close an active item or quit an active
program. For example, if you’re surfing
the Web with Internet Explorer while
you are at work, you can use the ALTF4 shortcut to quickly close the program
before your snoopy co-worker walks by
your desk.
I hope to see you at our Monthly
Meetings on the second Monday of the
month, at 7:30 PM in the Circus Room.
Dues for the Club are only $15.00 per
year with a $25.00 Initiation Fee.
by Cowboy Joe
Howdy Ya’ll. Overall, the Horse
Patrol had a very good year last year.
We had some real good times; we
received many awards with our horses.
We even acquired a new rider with a
horse. Ken Fields decided to start riding
a horse. He went out and bought a saddle, then a horse trailer, and then he
bought a horse. Do you think that he got
the cart before the horse? Just how
much better can it get? Our newly elected officers have a challenge, to have as
good a year this year. I know that they
can and will do it. The Bahia Elected
Divan’s Open Installation is on the 11th
of January, and the Installation of the
Unit Officers on the 17th of January.
The Unit will make a good showing at
these events. We want to congratulate
the newly elected Officers of the Divan
and of all the Units, BSCs and Clubs.
The Horse Patrol and the Fun &
Frolic Units went together and had their
Christmas Party that was a great success.
This is around the fifth year that we have
had our party together. I think that it
works out very well for both Units.
DID-U-NO: Many years ago, in
Scotland, a new game was invented. It
was ruled “Gentlemen Only… Ladies
Forbidden”.. And thus the word GOLF
entered into the English language.
Very soon the Unit starts practices
again, so far this year they will be in
Narcoossee. We sure can’t let our riders
and horses get rusty. We want to bring
home all of the awards that are possible
this year. That means we have to practice.
The Horse Patrol meets the third
Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM in
Unit Room “C”. We invite all the new
Nobles and any of the others that would
like to join us to come and sit in our
meeting. Our meetings are not very
long, and we try to inform everyone of
what is going on in the Shrine each
month. We would be glad to have you
join us.
I have to get outa here and mow
some grass, you know by this time of the
year the grass should stop growing so
that I would not have to mow. When
you have five acres it seems like it gets
bigger each time that you mow it.
Well, I’ll see you later if you don’t
see me first. Ya’ll have a good one.
by Jim Dickenson
A wonderful time was had at our
Christmas Party on Sunday, December
21, 2003, at the Bahia Shrine Center.
Festivities began in Unit Room “D” with
libations and light hors d’oeuvres, followed by a New York Strip Steak dinner
in the Dining Room with music by the
Bahia Dance Band for our dancing pleasure after the meal.
Our new Club officers for 2004 are:
President Richard Schmitt, 1st VP Fred
Bierbaum, Treasurer Al Duxbury, and
Secretary Blaine Hensley. I know you
will support them with your outstanding
attendance and plenty of good food.
The Chili Dinner for November was
great. The idea of having Chili instead
of turkey really hit the spot. The
Colonels cleaned the table. A million
thanks to everyone who prepared the
food. Col. Hensley brought his son, Lt.
Col. John Helley, C5 Galaxy pilot. John
gave us a talk on his experience flying
the largest plane. Also, he talked about
his travels in Iraq.
I guess this is my swan song. It has
been a great year for Leta and me. You
have made us very happy with your support last year, your attendance, your
willingness to help in everything, and
most importantly your friendship. It has
been my pleasure being your President.
How can I say “THANK YOU”?
Judy Vickery has performed an outstanding service for our Club with the
Monthly Newsletter and Club Directory.
When you see Judy, please express our
deepest thanks for a “job well done” and
a “tip of the Fez.”
The next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 27, 2004, with covered dish
dinner at 6:30 PM and short meeting at
7:30 PM in Unit Room “D”. Visitors are
Page 28
by Keith W. Albright, 33_
General Secretary
The year 2004 is
here. As I look back
over 2003 and all of
the things that this
world of ours has
gone through, one has to wonder what
this year will bring. We can sit around
and wonder and worry about the year or
get out and do something about it. As
everyone knows, membership is one of
the greatest concerns of this great fraternity we call Freemasonry. What are we
going to do about it? Is there a magic
formula to bring in new members? Who
is going to lead the way? Where does it
start? It starts today, right now; it starts
with you and me. We have to lead the
way. Where do we get our members?
The Blue Lodge! When was the last
time you signed a petition for your lodge
to bring in a new member? I recall a
recent Morning Motivation by Noble
Gary Bergenske, in it was “Ten Reasons
To Become A Mason.” If you don’t
remember it, here it is again.
the opportunity to meet, know, and call
Brother, outstanding individuals from all
walks of life that I would not otherwise
have met.
Reunion. The Scottish Rite, York Rite,
Shrine, and Grotto are tools to help us
reach more light in Masonry—-why not
share it with others?
Masonry is a place to spend time
with a group of Brothers, who by acting
as good men, make me want to become a
better man. Not better than others, but
better than I would have otherwise been.
“Freemasonry A Way of Life.” It’s
mine, how bout you?
Masonry is a place to be a part of an
organization that has for its principle
tenets – Brotherly Love, Relief and
Masonry is a place to become better
prepared to serve church and community.
Masonry is a place that provides
self-development opportunities, leadership training and experience, and to
improve public speaking skills.
Masonry is a place to meet with
established members of the community
and to become a part of the community.
The next time you talk to a neighbor, co-worker, or a relative who is not a
Mason tell them the “Ten Reasons You
Became a Mason.”
Masonry is a place where you can
confidently trust every person, entrust
your family with them.
Never break the chain of Freemasonry; it is what makes us who we
Masonry is a place you can go to
give support as well as seek it.
The Orlando Scottish Rite
Ladies Club collected toys to be
taken to the Childhood Language
Disorder Clinic. I would like to add
a big Thank You to all the Ladies
who took the time to collect the toys
for our Clinic here in Orlando.
Masonry is a place where, within
moral and civil guidelines, free thought,
free speaking and the spiritual growth of
man can go grow into its fullest potential.
Masonry is a place where moral values are taught and through these teachings a regular reinforcement of the moral
virtues is experienced.
Masonry is a place which provides
My Brothers, the Orlando Scottish Rite Bodies has scheduled its Spring
Reunion for March 20 and 21, 2004. If
you are not a Scottish Rite Mason or you
know someone who is not, now is the
time to sign him up for our Spring
by Jack Leavitt
Did you make it to the New
Year’s Eve Party? If you did, wasn’t it
great? Great band, great food, and
great camaraderie. If you didn’t
attend, well, what can I say? I’m sure
it will happen again in 2004, so put it
on your calendar NOW. The Greeters
had more than 18 folks there. For
those of you that did not attend, we
missed you. Happy New Year!
Talking about a party; my Lady
Jeri and I accompanied Imperial Sir M.
Burton Oien and his Lady Sharon
aboard the Holland America Rotterdam to the southern Caribbean and the
Panama Canal. What an all around
good fella he is. Below is a picture we
took with them during one of the parties given for the traveling Shriners.
Next month, I will have some
more to say about the Greeters Christmas Party and our newly installed
2004 officers.
Remember, the
Greeters meet on the 3rd Monday of
the month in Unit Room D at the
Bahia Shrine Center. All Nobles are
invited to attend.
Page 29
forthcoming in Newsletters and through
promise to learn some new tunes.
Thanks to all of those who help and support us. Like later—-Charlie.
NO. 17
by Gene Godsey
Again, we are starting out the New
Year. Last year, 2003, was a banner
year for the Legion of Honor, but there
is every reason to believe that this year,
2004, will be even better. With our new
officers in place, let’s all strive for a productive and fun year.
We ended last year with a very successful I & I, celebrating a completely
new line of officers: Commander Neal
Tish, First Lt. Commander Jeff Clark,
Second Lt. Commander John Kemp,
Third Lt. Commander Jack Wheeler, and
Adjutant Tom Roberts. Nobleman
George Clague is once again the Treasurer of the Legion of Honor. All the
Noblemen in our Legion of Honor want
to express our gratitude to these officers
for stepping up and taking the responsibilities and challenges of these positions.
Upcoming Events:
January 10 at 9:00 AM the line Officers Seminar will be conducted at the
Bahia Shrine in the Auditorium.
January 11 at 2:00 PM the Bahia
Shrine I & I will be conducted at the
Bahia Shrine in the Auditorium.
January 18 beginning at 2:00 PM,
the Legion of Honor “Meet Your Officers” will be held at the Bahia Shrine in
the Unit Room.
Let’s not forget, beginning in January 2004, the Legion of Honor Monthly
Meetings will be the third (3rd) Friday
of each month.
Additional information concerning
our meetings and events and will be
by Charlie
Hi everyone, hope your New Year’s
Eve was fun. I remember some rip roaring ones, but that was in my younger
days. To those of you who misbehaved
a little, was it worth it?
Told you we were busy the last few
months. Beginning the last of October,
we played for the Antique Auto Show, a
Scottish Rite Dinner, the White Rose
Ball, Red Fez, Lake County Ceremonial,
Black Hats Dinner Party, the Stated
Meeting, and again at the Red Fez. That
is a WOW schedule. Almost forgot, the
Trio played at the Reception and Dinner
before the New Year’s Eve bash at the
Shrine Center.
We have a lot of things coming up,
keep reading this great (?) article every
month. I have another tip for you. Cold
and Flu season is upon us. Here comes
the tip. Try not to handle door knobs
and other public stuff. They discovered
a few years ago that the sicknesses come
from viruses. These are microscopic
germs who jump onto you from handprints left by the public. The little devils
then enter your body and some of the
boy and girl viruses do what the biologists call “having sex.” Afterward, they
smoke tiny cigarettes (this is what causes
you to have fever) and then they exit the
body through sneezing or coughing and
infect somebody else. It may be a good
idea to remove all the doorknobs in your
home. (Thanks to Dave Barry’s column)
There are still a few unanswered
questions that maybe some of you can
answer. If a parsley farmer is sued, can
they garnish his wages? Is there another
word for synonym? What do you do
when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered
plant? And finally
a truism.
thing nice about
egotists: they don’t
talk about other
Now back to
business. Be sure
to come out to the
Fez and hear us on
the Third Friday of
each month. We
really have a great
time. We also
by Jim Friis
Worshipful Master
I would like to follow up on a few
items mentioned in last month’s column.
A Brother is considered to be in good
standing if his dues are paid up or he is a
Life Member of a Lodge in a Grand
Lodge that is recognized by the Grand
Lodge of Florida.. A man is not in good
standing nor entitled to a Masonic funeral if: A member of a Lodge in a Grand
Lodge not recognized by the Grand
Lodge of Florida; Has been dropped by
a Lodge for non-payment of dues; Or
has taken a demit from one Lodge and
has not joined another Lodge within one
If a Brother is to be cremated, his
apron should be with him when this is
done. If the Brother is to be buried, then
it should be with him in the casket.
Just about every Mason has insurance, financial accounts, or estate papers
that require beneficiaries. These are
usually designated at the beginning of
the life of these instruments or accounts
and not reviewed again for many years,
if ever. If these papers are not reviewed
periodically, they may be out of date
when the time comes for the execution
of these documents. This can cause the
wishes of the Brother not to be followed, or cause bad feelings or hardship
within his family.
For many years, the Bahia Flying
Fezzes Unit has provided a service for
Nobles and their widows who were cremated and wished to have their ashes
scattered over the waters of the ocean or
gulf. This Unit now provides this service for all Master Masons in good
standing and their spouses. This service
is provided at the cost of the aircraft
hourly rental or maintenance and fuel.
Contact the Commander of the Unit or
me to make your wishes known or for
Again, the members of Memorial
Lodge No. 17 are honored to fulfill the
last wishes of a Brother Master Mason.
Page 30
by Dean Mitchell
Man, the Keystone Kops have really
been busy. We started off with our
annual K K Dinner Meeting and election
of officers, at Tony Roma’s. The food
was great and so was the company. Most
of our slate remained the same for 2004,
except for the office of Secretary. Doug
Harrison hollered “UNCLE,” but we
really appreciated his efforts last year.
So, our new slate looks like this: President Robert Campbell, Vice President
Hal Donahey, Secretary Carl Harbaugh,
Treasurer Burt Sumner, and Director
Warren Cressman.
Five of the hardest working guys in
the world, but I don’t think I’d buy a
used car from any of them, with the
exception of one!
The Keystone Kops are very proud
of the fact that they came in third place
in the Paper Crusade for Most Money
Raised by a Unit. Thanks, again, to all
of you guys who helped with this noble
On a sad note, on November 20th
we lost a very old friend and former
Keystone Kop, Arnold Lindberg. He
was very active in our fraternity, and
will certainly be missed by all of us who
new him.
Happily, I can say one of our fellow
Konstables, Glen Moore, appears to be
doing fantastic after having had heart
surgery. Good for you, Glen, keep it up!
This has nothing to do with us
Kops, but I just returned from watching
the Florida / Florida State game with my
son, Steve, who’s a staunch Gator fan.
I’m a Seminole fan! Let’s just say now I
know why they say, “Tis the season to
be jolly!”
Our next big event is our annual K
K Christmas Party. This year it will be
held on the December 13, 6:00 PM, in
the Unit Room. All of which is good to
know, except it’s a bit academic, since it
will be history by the time we all read
this. Oh well, nobody’s perfect, except
the one whose birthday we celebrate on
December 25th.
Sorry, Evelyne and I missed seeing
any of you at Bahia’s New Year’s Eve
Party as we were visiting my sister-inlaw in Connecticut.
One event I can be pro-active on is
the one where the Keystone Kops always
host the dinner at the February Stated
Meeting. Don’t you dare miss it, it is
on the first Monday of each month in
Unit Room B and if you aren’t affiliated
with any other Unit or BSC, stop in and
give us a look-see.
To advertise in this publication
Call Jim Byrd at 407-648-9327
Write: 518 Cocoa Lane
Orlando, FL 32804-3011
Same Location for 35 Years
Page 31
by Louise Hoelker
Director, Volunteers & PR
A $1 million gift from the Jacob G.
Schmidlapp Trust, Fifth Third Bank,
Trustee will assist Shriners Hospitals’
research program by funding a Director
of Research position for Shriners Hospital. The gift comes in the form of an
endowment that is invested with the proceeds going towards the Director’s
“Dramatic advances have been
made in clinical and basic research.
Today, we are able to save over half of
children with burns over 95-percent of
their bodies, due largely to treatments
that have been developed in our facility,” noted Glenn D. Warden, MD, Chief
of Staff at the Pediatric facility, and acting Director of Research since 1988.
“The future potential - with this Director
of Research position - is even more significant.”
burn injury; prevent or reduce the occurrence of muscle breakdown following a
burn injury; and improve the nutritional
supplementation of burn patients. The
Cincinnati Hospital’s research budget is
over $3 million.
REMEMBER: These tabs help sponsor
the Shrine Transportation Fund for our
Shreveport and Erie Hospitals. If you
need them picked up, please don’t hesitate to call Lady Ruby Pierson at 407644-3818. THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT.
86 L.O.S.N.A.
Best wishes to Bahia’s new Potentate Jerry Higginson and First Lady Debbie. We look forward to a great, fun
by Dee Weinmann, P.H.P.
We hope everyone had a fantastic
Holiday Season and we’re looking forward to a terrific year and hope you are
Congratulations to Lady Debbie
Bollinger for receiving the attendance
award at the last meeting. Another
award will be presented at the next meeting; BUT, you MUST be present to win.
What a wonderful Christmas Party
we had. Great fellowship, food, fun and
singing. Thanks to those who attended
and to our Princess Debbie Zimmerman
for organizing it. Our First Ceremonial
Lady Lealer White would like to thank
everyone for bringing the toys, gifts and
gift certificates for the children at the
Erie and Shreveport Hospitals. They
will make our children smile.
From our High Priestess Robyn
Edwards—-IT’S OFFICIAL—-we voted
at our meeting and a group of us will be
traveling to North Carolina, February
6th-8th, for a Ceremonial where Lady
Dee Weinmann has organized a Club for
new members under Kismet Court. We
want to welcome these new Ladies from
North Carolina as part of our Court.
See you at the
meeting 01/14/04—and don’t forget both
you and your Noble
are invited to have a
scrumptious dinner
before—-prepared by
Princess Melanie
Schmitt for only
$4.00. Can it get any
better than this—great friendship, food
and conversation?
Fifth Third Vice President &
Planned Giving Manager Heidi B. Jark
offered, “This is an opportunity to
improve the quality of life in the local
community as well as throughout the
Nation. This grant assures that survivors
of burn injuries can receive the most
advanced care available and can continue to lead fulfilling lives.”
The Cincinnati Hospital Research
Department includes seven laboratories
all furnished with state-of-the art equipment; administrative support; clinical
research staff; offices for fellows and
statisticians; eight room cell culture
facility, with rooms for safe use and storage of radioactive materials; and rooms
for special shared facilities. Through
continued research efforts, Shriners hope
to improve the use of cultured skin substitutes; determine factors responsible
for lung injury and inflammation; discover mechanism and methods to manage the immune response following a
A “BIG” thank you to Lady Joyce
Patridge (sitting on the right above) and
her friends at Village Oakes for starting
a sewing group. They have made and
donated 100 beautiful, soft baby pillows
made of precious juvenile fabric to our
Shrine Children. We appreciate your
generous donation.
desperate need of tabs from cans.
A smile costs nothing but gives
much. It enriches those who receive,
without making poorer those who give.
It takes a moment but the memory of it
sometimes lasts forever—-SO SMILE!
Until next month...
Page 32
by Stephen Reed
by Lloyd
As the
hot sands
once more
through the valley of Orlando, they are
cooled by the winter breezes and we
look once again back on the Holiday
Season with hope of continued happiness with our families and friends and
wish all a very Happy New Year.
The Mini Mule Hitch has been on
the roll, and there has been some work
going on out at Art Bennett’s Ranch.
Louie Benisheck took his wagon and
two mules, Benny and Susie, to
Tavares, along with President Bud
Bacheller, Secretary Bob Kemp, Treasurer Lee Compton, and Chaplain
Leonard Celast Matusick and some
other members I can’t name off hand.
We reflect on the past months and
look forward to what is ahead. November was a great month with the Fall Ceremonial at the Lake County Shrine Club
and the induction of thirty-seven new
Shriners. We all enjoyed a great parade
followed by the continued ceremonies
throughout the day and night. Everyone
had a great time! The Winter Springs
parade was a great success with a large
Then it was off to Winter Springs
for another parade. Bud Bacheller and
Bob Kemp walked with the mules.
The turnout was good in both parades
for the Hitch. The mules did real good
and they all said they had a good time.
It was Louie Benishek’s first two
parades as Wagon Master and he really did a good job with the mules. He
said he really enjoyed it. I hope so
because he has got a lot more parades
to go.
We look to the new year for a
renewed outlook for us all. We can only
hope that 2004 will be the best year yet
and that all our goals will be met. Our
new officers for 2004 are Franklin Holley as President and Stephen Reed as
Secretary and Treasurer. As we look
forward to serving, we thank our outgoing officers Bruce Walters and Bryan
Kempton and commend them for a job
well done.
We still have cars and trailers for
sale, and invite any Noble interested in
joining our Unit to come and test-drive a
car and also check out our Unit for membership. We meet the 2nd Monday of
each month in Unit Room B at the
Shrine Center at 7:30 PM. Please feel
free to contact me at: (386) 322-2263
anytime. You may also e-mail me at:
[email protected].
Please come out and support your
Unit or Club and have fun, as we always
keep near and dear in our hearts the children we help. Take care all!
Art, John, and Lloyd already went
to Calvery, Georgia, to a Mule Day
and won two more trophies with
Buddy and Jody. Art took first place
in the parade and first in the arena.
Lloyd didn’t put Billy in the two
events. He didn’t think Billy was
ready yet but thinks next year will be
different. They both will be ready, but
Billy told Jody and Bobby he wasn’t
going to do a thing until he got a new
wagon like theirs. He was tired of
pulling a cart around like a little pony.
He said he was a mule and he wants a
wagon. So, the word got back to
Lloyd. Art, John and Lloyd got to
work and built a wagon for Billy.
Lloyd’s son-in-law came by. He is a
welder and helped Art out a lot with
the welding. Lloyd told him that he
was glad he helped because they finished the job much quicker. Art said
he is going to take all the credit for all
the welding, Lloyd’s son-in-law said
that it would be all right, just so it got
done. Lloyd said he wished he lived
around here. He would take credit for
lots of work.
Well, that is about it for this time.
We will keep the covered or uncovered
wagons rolling along. When you see the
mules anywhere, stop and take time to
say hey to us. We enjoy talking to you
and it makes us feel good.
The Mini Mule Hitch meets the 2nd
Wednesday every month with a Dutch
treat dinner at Dustin’s BBQ at 5:30 PM
and meeting at 7:30 PM at New Smyrna
Beach Shrine Club. Come join us, we
will be glad to have you.
by Joe Lenahan
Greetings from the Lake County
Shrine Club. Happy New Year. What a
Year 2003 was. I wonder how long it
will take to get use to writing 2004 on
Last year, President Bob Nicol and
his Board did a great job taking care of
the Club business. Now comes the challenge for the new Pres. Cal Brundick to
do even better. My bet is that he will do
a super job. For all of us who know Cal,
we will not be surprised to see him soar
into action and push the Club into a new
dimension. Let’s give Cal and his new
Officers the backing they need to succeed in keeping the Lake County Shrine
Club the best Shrine Club there is.
Cal is planning a lot of Big entertainment for the coming year, starting
with the Club Installation of Officers on
January 10th starting at 6:00 PM. It will
be one of the best. Cal has a Mardi Gras
Party set for February 22nd, 1:00 PM to
5:00 PM. A real live Cajun Band will be
entertaining you for your dancing and
listening pleasure all afternoon. Cajun
food and a cash bar, and pretty girls in
costume throwing beads out to the audience as they parade with Floats. Tickets
$15.00 per person available thru Club
Officers. Cal says to dress up for the
occasion, New Orleans style.
Shrine Bingo on Monday nights is
still the best thing to happen to the Club,
come on out play. Dinners on Fridays,
specials every week, Bar Bingo will only
Page 33
be on the 2nd & 4th Fridays. Each week, we will have a team
of dedicated greeters to assist you and make your visit a pleasurable one. Music is provided by George Stahnke at the
organ on the1st & 3rd Fridays, and John Heishman and the
Jazz band on the 2nd & 4th Fridays.
We also have a Pancake Breakfast every third Sunday,
Sausage, Gravy and Biscuits, also includes Bacon or Sausage,
Orange or Tomato Juice, finish off with Scrambled Eggs and
your favorite drink of Hot Coffee, or Hot Tea, or Hot Chocolate. Please join us.
There are many Bahia Shrine B.S.C’s (Bahia
Service/Social Clubs) located in Lake County: Nomad Band,
Mariners, Fire Brigade, Clowns, Police Unit, Golf League,
Jazz Band, and Railroaders. A new BSC, Past Presidents of
LCSC, has been approved and will be headed by Past President
Merv Harris who stated the main function of the new Club
would be to serve as a sounding board to help give suggestions
to the President. With the wealth of experience and knowledge
of the Past Presidents and their proven dedication to the Club,
they would be a great asset to the President. This new Club
would take in only one new member each year.
To get the best out of the Club, get involved...join a group,
they all have fun and games, parade together, and make special
Did you have a nice Christmas? Did you know that
Christmas is the only holiday that we sit around a dead tree and
eat candy out of our socks?
Page 34
by Jim Byrd
Welcome to 2004, and this Scribe
sincerely hopes that all Nobles had a
most enjoyable Christmas with all the
presents and frivolity attendant thereto.
Your Staff helped bring Ill. Doug’s
Shrine year to a happy end by orchestrating one of the best Ceremonials ever
held. Under the leadership of venerable
Director Roger Markham, ably assisted
by Tom Weekly, Brian DerMiner, John
O’Brien, Dennis Strycker, Ed Cash, Jim
Krotky, Bob Belloni, Bob Phipps, Tom
Benham, Tom Walkup, Jack Chandler,
Jerry Peterson, Bill Dieringer, Ill. Sir
Jack Kittinger, Bob Dodge, Bob Fika,
John Fika, John Seay, Ken Harrelson,
Brian Harrelson, new member John
Stewart, and the Judge, we helped elevate 37 new Nobles into the membership
of our fraternity. Now we can look forward to another great year in Shrinedom,
and your Staff will be led by new President Bob Belloni. Let’s all pitch in and
keep our reputation as Bahia’s No. One
Unit. I am extremely proud of the wonderful turnout for the Ceremonial.
Well, on December 1st many of
your Staff attended our annual Christmas
Party at Dubsdread, and you who missed
it certainly missed one of our real treats.
Brian DerMiner put on his usual show in
the Chinese Auction which followed a
fine meal. We were privileged to have
in attendance Ill. Sir Doug, along with
Asst. Rabban Gary, and HP&P Bill, and
we welcomed new Noble Brother Chute.
What a way to end a fine year. I can
safely say that a good time was had by
Wonderful to have Ill. Sir Jack Kittinger, P.P., at the Ceremonial operating
his “bird cage” after the scary medical
problems he has faced. Our prayers
have been answered. Also, Brother Bert
Weiner is home after installation of a
pacemaker and defibulator for his heart
condition. He and Lady Pearl were at
the party. Bert, we are praying for your
continued recovery.
I wish to personally thank you
Staffers for permitting me to be your
President in 2003, and I promise that I
will hereafter furnish whatever input I
possess to keep our Unit on top. It looks
like I shall continue as your Scribe, and
this last column written in 2003 will be
without big words, so Phipps and the
P.P.’s can understand it.
Adios, and see you at the next Staff
by Tony Fowler
The year 2003!! What a great year
for the Band. Circus activities, Fish Fry,
Parades, Ceremonials, and Socials were
well attended and enjoyed by all. Many
thanks to the Oriental Band Ladies for
the great food provided at our monthly
social gatherings, the annual Charter
Party and Christmas Party. Everyone
who participated in the “Last Fling”
Party at Sam Seltzer’s Steak House had
a wonderful, enjoyable time.
Elected officers for 2004 are as follows: President Tony Fowler; 1st VP
Gordon P. Magyar, P.P.; 2nd VP Dallas
Wright; Treasurer Robert “Bob”
Woodall, Secretary George Brannan,
Director John B. Pierson, P.P.; and
Drum Major Gordon P. Magyar, P.P.
Executive Board members are Fred W.
Guentert, P.P., Alan Husselman, and
John Hall.
The year 2004 marks the 50th
anniversary of the Oriental Band! The
Band’s long and colorful history began
in 1954. A special celebration is being
planned and will be announced in the
near future. Upon celebrating the past
and reflecting thereon, we are anticipating the future. The Band possesses and
displays an upbeat spirit and is actively
seeking new members with whom to
share more memorable experiences. The
cacophony of sound we produce is
unique...and participation demands no
musical experience or knowledge.
Instruction on the instruments is given
by our present group of superb musicians! New members have the opportunity for leadership, social activities, and
great camaraderie with our existing
members. We cordially invite all new
Nobles from the recent Ceremonials to
visit and look us over during our two
monthly meetings on the 1st Tuesday at
5:00 PM for Social with Dinner at 6:00
PM and the 2nd Tuesday of the month at
7:30 PM in Unit Room A.
My thanks to all Band members for
supporting and guiding me through the
past year.
by Jim Fisher
Happy New Year 2004. Welcome
to a new year, Nobles and Ladies. Our
new Officers have been elected and the
Osceola Shrine Club is getting off on the
right foot again. Tentatively, the second
Saturday of the month meetings will
continue at Fat Boys in St Cloud until
further notice.
Installation will be held at the Elks
Lodge in Kissimmee on Kings Highway
on Thursday January, 22nd. I would like
to thank all of the officers and members
for a wonderful year.
I am proud to have been elected
your President for 2003. Thank You.
Page 35
by Daniel A. Torlucci
Can you believe January 2004? Just
where does the time go? 2003 was a
great year for our Unit and our Shrine.
As previously stated in our December
issue, our Unit has done very well in our
effort towards the Paper Crusade
($2,500.00). Congratulations once more.
What makes this impressive is we are
just 14 strong. Congratulations to the
Golf Unit for their effort, and coming in
first place with over $17,000.00.
December is past; the Children’s
Christmas Party has come and gone,
another job well done by the staff at
Bahia Shrine which does this work each
We would like to congratulate our
incoming Potentate, Illustrious Sir Jerry
Higginson, and his Lady Debbie, and his
Divan; we pledge our support to them
for the upcoming year. We would also
like to congratulate all the new officers
of all of our many Units and Clubs
which make it all happen for our Shrine
We wish to pledge our support to
our 2004 Unit Officers: Captain Daniel
A. Torlucci, 1st Lt Bob Rhodey, 2nd Lt
R.Weyman Ethridge, and Secty-Treas.
Cleo Gray.
For the new Line Officers, I recite
the Champion’s Creed: I am not judged
by the number of times I fail, but by the
number of times I succeed; and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion of the number of times I can fail and
keep on trying. Good luck, Nobles!
Our Unit Christmas Party was held
at Julian’s Restaurant, and as usual
Julian’s staff has done another superb
job...all had a great time.
Now we look forward to the Bahia
Shrine Open Installation of Divan and
Parade of Units on Sunday, January 11,
at 2:00 PM, and the installation of the
Orlando Shrine Club and all Unit Officers on the evening of January 17 at the
Shrine Center. Our First Lady Debbie’s
Tea and the Sweetheart Ball will be next
There will be a Called Unit Meeting
in January which will be my first meeting as your elected Captain. I would like
your input as to where and what your
expectations are for our Unit. A leader
is only as good as the Nobles he leads.
My Lady Chrissy and I would like
to take this opportunity to wish all the
Ladies and Nobles of our Unit, and all
the members of the Bahia Shrine family,
a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!
by Mr. Goodegg
Happy New Year to all of you
Nobles out there in BAHIA Land and to
everyone out there.
Out with the old, in with the new.
Here it is January 2004. WoW! Will
that be hard to get used to. I was just
getting used to putting 2003 on my
checks and letters. I am sure 2004 will
top 2003 as 2003 topped 2002 and 2002
topped 2001 and on and on. Now that is
a mouthful.
When you read this, the Noble
Truckers will have had their elections.
Our officers for 2004 will be President
Dan Johnson, Vice Pres. Jack Nicholson,
Treasurer Frank Schroeder, and Secretary George Cansler. That makes a full
slate for the Noble Truckers.
The Noble Truckers were busy in
the month of December. We were in a
whole slew of parades. We were busy at
some fund-raisers and we just kept busy
doing our thing, which is getting funds
for the Shriners Hospitals.
I am sure you all enjoyed a great
Holiday Season. I know the Truckers
As most of you know, the Noble
Truckers took 1st Place in funds raised
by a BSC. The Noble Truckers are
proud of that achievement. There are
only about 8 of us doing these fund-raisers, so we have to really work. We hope
to top our giving in 2004, so the rest of
you better get started if you want to beat
us. It can be done. Just get out there,
work and think raising funds for the
Shriners Hospitals.
Our Ladies that belong to the
“Shrine Guilds of America Inc” have
been busy raising funds for the education
of the children in the Hospitals, and the
Ladies of the Truckers Pit Crew have
been helping raise funds for the hospitals
also. Nobles, what would we do without
the Ladies?
I hope to see a lot of you at the
Open Divan Installation on the 11th of
January, and then again at the installation of officers of the Units, BSC’s and
Orlando Shrine Club on the 17th of January.
We are kind of held up right now,
as there are no new trucks to be had.
Our supplier has quit making the “T”
Model trucks. We are in the process of
looking for someone that has the same
kit we have. Might be an outfit in Georgia? We will keep looking. There are a
couple of trucks for sale within the Club,
but you would have to make your own
deal with the owners. George Cansler
was wanting to sell his the last I heard
and Lem Kirkland wants to sell his. The
last truck we bought cost us somewhere
around $1500.00? Would you believe
the truck I have is over 9 years old
already? It is still in very good shape,
even with the hard driving I give it in
parades. They have nicknamed me the
reckless one.
If any of you are looking for a group
to join up with, then this is the place.
We are doing something all the time.
We meet at various restaurants in and
around DeLand. We meet on the first
Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM. Look
up our Secretary or President in your little date book and give them a call for
Again, I want to wish all of you and
yours a Happy New Year from the
Noble Truckers. May the year bring Joy
and Happiness to you all. And remember, keep working for the kids.
So long till February.
Page 36
by Noble John Noble Dickinson
New Year’s Eve was an evening to remember. The Pancake Breakfast on the 4th will be attended by the Past Masters.
The Past Master’s Unit is made up from the working Past Masters of all Lodges. Being active Nobles, they are often active
in other Clubs, Units, & BSCs. The Bahia Stated Meeting on
the 8th at 7:30 PM will hopefully see the Unit officers there in
force. The Seminar on the 10th starts with coffee prior to the 9
AM. meeting. This is the most informative meeting that will
occur all year. I plan on attending. The meeting is for the
Officers of the Clubs, Units, and BSCs. The Open Installation
of the Divan and Parade of Clubs, Units, and BSCs will start at
2 PM on the 11th. I hope the Unit members will make a real
effort to support President Ray Turner and our officers.
Past Masters, January is the month for Lodge Installations
with at least two each Saturday. I am not sure what the exact
day and dates for them are, so will suggest you call your
Lodges’ Senior Warden to be sure you get the last minute
changes. The Masters and Wardens Association is doing its
best to get separation between the Installations. With so many
Lodges abandoning the old Lodge meeting night Installations
format for a Saturday format, that is virtually impossible.
Please attend your Lodge’s Installation and support it.
You do not have to like the person in the Chair but he is in that
Chair of your Lodge, support your Lodge.
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My Brothers, for years I have written the same ideal.
Please pay your dues and not go NPD or non-payment of dues.
Your obligation states such and you swore on your honor as a
man and Mason to do so. Are you honorable?
Once your dues are paid, request a demit from the group
and leave as an honorable man and Mason. To retain membership, several groups are requesting extra contacts and forms be
done after the demit is sent in. If this extra care uses time
causing the Brother to go NPD, we have hurt our Brother. We
should expeditiously grant a demit when requested. If the
Brother has a hardship that we can help alleviate by making
them Emeritus, we must do so. In contrast, if a Brother has
lost interest in the group, he should be assisted in leaving honorably, with an expeditiously handled demit.
The Past Masters will be dark in January as we will be
meeting regularly at Lodge Installations.
by Howard Wade
GOING and GROWING are two words that describe the
Tin Lizze Unit for the year 2003. With Joe Wilson at the
wheel, we’re on the GO and on the GROW.
Commencing with Washington’s Birthday Parade in
Eustis, the Tin Lizzies went on to participate in a total of nine
parades during 2003. The fall fund-raiser BBQ Dinner was
very successful, as well as the Stated Meeting dinner in the
spring. Additional fund-raisers allowed the Unit to make
donations to the Transportation Fund, Hospital Drivers Club,
and the CAPS Fund. Noble Gayle Brown, in conjunction with
the Sanford Shrine Club, was successful in raising $3,500 at
the Fall Turkey Run in Daytona. This money will be donated
to the Shrine Hospitals. Many of the members were involved
in the Paper Crusade in October.
The 2003 year was marked by growth increases. Six new
members joined during the year with a commitment from two
new Nobles from the Fall Ceremonial to join. Nobles, especially new Nobles, if you are looking for an active Unit to
join, one that is fun and dedicated, look no further than the Tin
Lizze Unit. We welcome you and know you will enjoy it.
The year 2003 was culminated with the annual Christmas
Party at the home of Noble Gayle Brown. Everyone enjoyed a
wonderful time of fun, food, and fellowship.
The Tin Lizze Unit is approaching the 2004 year with
bigger and better expectations. New officers for the year are:
President Joe Wilson, Vice Pres. Tom Brown, Treasurer
Gayle Brown, and Secretary Warren Lively.
Weldon Donley, Captain
Let me just say in closing that I am proud to be a member
of a Unit that works together in a harmonious spirit in order to
make every event a successful one.
Page 37
by Bob Henning
Noble John Phillips who received his
twenty-five year certificate from the
Scottish Rite recently. Go Navy!
Here we go! Roarin’ off to another
great year with our red mopeds! This is
the middle of the parade season for us
and we certainly have a ball seeing all
the people who line the streets when we
come by. The Umatilla parade was
another fun event even though some of
us almost froze our noses off until the
sun warmed things up. We got a good
start at the Mason Jar where we usually
go to breakfast for this event. There
were twelve smiling faces there that
morning, and you bet Happy got his
grits, eggs, and whatever!
The 2003 officers and members
would like to thank Noble Gunther
Ludewig for a wonderful year. He is
involved in many of our Shrine activities, the Circus for one, and still found
time to lead our Unit for the second
time. Special thanks to Lady Peggy for
her leadership with the Ladies.
At our November meeting we elected new officers for 2004. This year’s
President is Michael “T” Rudd. Vice
President is Gill Ebert. Gill has also volunteered to provide the escort vehicle
with our signboards at parades. Director
is Doug Swann, he is the guy who makes
sure we get plenty of training for parades
and competition. Also, he is the contact
person to find places for us to eat before
the parades. Secretary is Yours Truly,
and John Phillips will be our Treasurer.
Our new President Michael “T” and the
officers are burning the midnight oil
planning some new ideas that will make
this year another great one for us.
The Roarin’ 20’s meet in Unit
Room “B” on the third Wednesday of
the month at 7:30 PM. Nobles and
Ladies are invited. For more information call our Secretary at (386) 6685149.
Our Christmas Party was held at
Billy Painter’s Colonial Room in Sanford on December 12th. As part of this
event, our Ladies exchange ornaments
and we all donate money to purchase gift
certificates for the children at the
Methodist Children’s Home in Enterprise. The food was excellent, Billy, as
always; and the fellowship will be long
Congratulations are in order for
Welcome back to our members from
the cold, cold North, Les & Peggy Norton from Nova Scotia. They will be here
for a few months while Jack Frost does
his thing up there. We have missed you!
by Regena Henning
Happy New Year to everyone!
Yaru starts off this new year 2004 with a
new slate of officers. Congratulations to
those elected at our November meeting:
Maharanee Marilyn Lanning, Ranee
Judy Craig, Marshal Pat Griffin,
Sergeant-at-Arms Jane Spires, Secretary
Maudie Fogle, Treasurer Dixie Nicholson, and Scribe Regena Henning. We
had our Installation of Officers after our
December meeting with Nancy Paish
serving as Installing Marshal and Betty
Schroeder serving as the Installing Officer. Husbands, friends, and prospective
members were invited to witness the
installation and of course to attend the
reception immediately following. We
had plenty of goodies to share and
everyone had a good time. Marilyn has
some new ideas for the new year, and I
urge all of our members to come out to
support her. A big THANK YOU goes
to our outgoing Maharanee Betty
Schroeder for her great leadership during
2003, and also to the rest of the officers.
There would be no Guild without these
women pitching in to do whatever is
We had our Craft Sale the Saturday
after Thanksgiving, and even though the
weather was cold and blustery, I think
we did great. As is the case with craft
sales, you never can be sure which items
will catch the fancy of the public. My
guestimate of the proceeds at this point
in time is around $450.00, but we are not
done yet. We had a table at the DeLand
Shrine Club December meeting and then
we will be having a Garage Sale of the
leftovers, along with anything else we
can conjure up. I think we will easily
exceed our goal of $500 before we’re
through. Thanks to all who worked so
hard over the past year and especially to
our Maharanee Betty Schroeder for
organizing this event. Many members
helped and I won’t even attempt to name
them as I’m sure to forget someone and
then I’ll be in trouble. Can’t have that!
Our Marshal Pat Griffin suffered a
stroke since the last Caravan and is now
in rehab undergoing therapy. We are
asking for prayers for her quick recovery
and for husband Vic as he goes through
this very trying time with her. Hang in
there, Pat.
Yaru meets at the DeLand Shrine
Club the first Wednesday of the month at
7:30 PM. Contact me at (386) 668-5149
or Maharanee Marilyn Lanning at (386)
740-8750 if you’d like any information
on the Guild.
Page 38
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Travis E. Killgore
Office (321) 254-6004
Lee Voorhees
(407) 671-6869
Larry Humphreys
(407) 657-8099
Page 40
Certified Public Accountant
1035S. Semoran Blvd.
Bldg. 2, Suite 1021A
Winter Park, FL 32792-5512
Office: (407) 859-6216
5156 S. Orange Ave
Home: (407) 333-3596
Orlando, Florida 32809
Fax: (407) 855-7251
Office: (407) 673-2300
Fax: (407) 673-2446
Home: (407) 671-1253
Page 41
Page 42
fpo the
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Benham, Benjamin O. “Ben”
JUNE 2025
Gator Trucking - Gene DeVilbiss
Cramer, P.P., Robert L. & Phylis
Baldwin, Charles R.
APRIL 2013
DeLand Shrine Club
MARCH 2012
Serkin, Steven R. & Mary Ann
Hulvey, Bill & Carole
Snapp, Charles V. & Renee L.
Harlow, Harold F.
MARCH 2006
Ebert, Art & Marilyn
Ray, Carl & Jan
Pruzinsky, Michael & Donna
JUNE 2008
Kennedy, Billy & Wanda
Oliver, Jeff & Denise
MARCH 2008
Drum & Bugle Corps
Lenahan, Joseph & Carol
Lusk, Marvin D.
JUNE 2005
Johnson, Ed & Jeannette
Amico, Bob & Bev
Clark, Robert
APRIL 2005
Stage, Floyd & Helen
MARCH 2005
Pittaway, Colin & Heidi
Folfas, Richard D. & Marilyn
Gainin, Daniel & Jean
Newel, Robert E.
Arnold, Charles & Mildred
Hodge, Charley Ray M.M.
APRIL 2007
Stroud, Eugene & Nelle
Bray, Eugene C.
Campbell, Robert L.
Zechman, Harry E.
Gullickson, Donald & Sue
Wetherell, Richard & Freddie
Nelson, Rudy & EmmaJean
JUNE 2006
Foster, Arthur D. & Sylvia
Davis, John & Gladys
Bergenske, Gary
Ebert, Art & Marilyn
Houk, George & B.J.
Lokken, Lyle
Higginson, Bud & Dee
McCoskey, James F.
Gatch, Jim & Alene
Roe, Corrine L.
Melkunas, Tony & Joan
Segee, Al & Roberta
Sheets, Marie
Shriner’s Widows Club
JULY 2004
Stage, Floyd & Helen
JUNE 2004
Deacon, Jerry & Dotty
MAY 2004
Burridge, Ted & Marian
APRIL 2004
Brahe, Jim & Edie
Davis, Shelby & Virginia
Headlee, Sandy Wood
Long, DeFarest A. Jr. &
Miller, John H.
Pace, Richard A. “Dick”
MARCH 2004
Greer, Jim
Kemp, Irene
Miller, Kenneth G.
Bomar, William B.
Nelson, Rudy & EmmaJean
Williamson, David
Beckman, John E.
Right, Franklin & Hazel
Donation Application Form
I want to be a “Caravan Booster”
and help offset the increasing cost of our publication.
Clip and
Mail Today!
Name or Organization: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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Please print information, clip and mail to:
Bahia Shriners , 2300 Pembrook Drive, Orlando, FL 32810-2469.
Donations are only $10 per year.
You may prepay for multiple years. Your name will be listed each month in the Caravan for the period
you are supporting. For example, for a $10 donation in March 2002, you will be listed through March
2003. If you donated $50, you would be listed through March 2007. Donations for the longest periods
will be listed first.