03-29-2015 - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community Reston
03-29-2015 - Saint John Neumann Catholic Community Reston
ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA MARCH 29, 2015 PARISH STAFF (NOTE: Please use the 703 area code for all numbers.) CLERGY Pastor: Rev. Thomas E. Murphy, OSFS 860-8510 x143 Parochial Vicar: Rev. Donald J. Heet, OSFS Rev. Robert A. Mancini, OSFS 860-8510 x157 860-8510 x145 In Residence: Rev. William N. Dougherty, OSFS 860-8510 x144 Permanent Deacons: Deacon Dennis A. Holley Deacon Atanacio Sandoval Deacon John A. Wagner 860-8510 x222 860-8510 x223 860-8510 x321 ADMINISTRATION Administrative Assist. Office Secretary Office Secretary Hispanic Coordinator Bulletin Editor Accountant Parish Nurse Facilities Manager Custodian Custodian Patty Kwapniewski 860-6147 Beth Farmer 860-8511 Maria Tumolo 860-6140 Celia Sandoval 860-8510 x353 Ludy Rauber 390-2353 Email: [email protected]* Pat Rau 860-8510 x142 Susan Infeld, RN 390-2349 Email: [email protected] Mark Gosselin 860-8510 x343 Sylvia Payne 860-8510 x307 Douglas Alvarado LITURGICAL MINISTRY Director of Music C J Capen Coordinator of Liturgy Patty Bartnick Secretary Pat Gilbertson 390-2352 860-6151 860-6150 FAITH FORMATION Director Pre K-8 Youth Minister 9-12 Secretary Secretary 860-2815 390-2340 390-2345 860-6141 390-2348 860-6155 OUTREACH Director of Outreach Young Adult Ministry COUNCIL CHAIRS Pastoral Council Finance Council Mary B. Lyons Angela Davis Doug Johnson Silvia Bustamante Betsy Puzzanghero Jo-Ann Duggan 860-6149 Angela Davis 390-2345 Email: [email protected] Mickey Frank 860-8510 x312 Email: [email protected] Patricia Maloney 860-6310 Email: [email protected] PASTORAL CARE INFANT BAPTISM: Call to register for the Baptism Class, offered monthly. English 703-860-8510; Spanish 703-860-8510, x353. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA): Please call Mary Lyons, 703-390-2340, to inquire about becoming Catholic. MARRIAGE: Begin preparation with one or our parish priests at least six months before the desired marriage date. SICK: Please call the office if you know of someone who is hospitalized, seriously ill, or home-bound. *Please Note: Material for the bulletin must be submitted no later than Thursday, ten days prior to the intended publication date. THIS WEEK AT SJN... PALM SUNDAY, M ARCH 29 Brown Bag Weekend ARE Adults: 8:30am; A1/A2 RCIA Dismissal: 10:00am; Conference Room Dinner Dance Ticket Sales: 10:30am; Narthex MONDAY, M ARCH 30 Penitential Psalms: 7:00pm; de Sales Chapel Lectio for Lectors and Anyone Else: 7:30pm; Youth Room TUESDAY, M ARCH 31 French Conversation: 9:30am; A2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 Mothers’ Group Play Group: 9:30am; Early Religious Room Angel Choir: 5:00pm; Music Room Children’s Choir: 5:30pm; Music Room Family Night: 6:00pm; Auditorium The Light Is On For You: 6:30pm; Church Communal Contemplative Prayer: 7:00pm de Sales Chapel Legion of Mary: 7:00pm; B4 Welcome Home: 7:00pm; Bridal Room Taizé: 7:30pm; de Sales Chapel HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2 Moms of College Students Prayer Group: 9:45am; B5 Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 8:00pm; Church GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 3 No Masses Parish Office Closes at Noon Good Friday Morning Prayer: 9:00am; Church Living Stations of the Cross: 3:00pm; Church Passion of the Lord and Adoration: 8:00pm; Church HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 4 No Confessions Holy Saturday Morning Prayer and Blessing of Food: 9:00am; Church The Great Easter Vigil: 8:00pm; Church EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 No 5:00pm Mass Car Raffle Ticket Sales After Masses HEARING IMPAIRED? Amplification devices are available for anyone having difficulty hearing the Mass. If you would like to use one, just ask an usher before Mass. Also, the parish has purchased large-print Sunday Missals to help you worship. If you would like one for your personal use contact Sue Colyer at [email protected] or 703-860-6149. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD DEAR PARISHIONERS: UPCOMING SPECIAL LITURGIES Saturday, April 11th 5:00pm Baptism 9:30am RCIA Rite of Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church th On April 12 , Father Dougherty will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a priest. Father’s actual ordination date is April 3rd, and he was ordained in Fribourg, Switzerland in 1965. It was immediately before the final session of the Second Vatican Council which so dramatically changed the life of the Church. How exciting it must have been to be in that European setting, exposed to some of the great minds that were impacting the events taking place in Rome. After initially serving as a teacher in Philadelphia at his alma mater, Northeast Catholic High School, he was sent as a teacher to Bishop Ireton High School in Alexandria, followed by his next assignment at Paul VI High School in Fairfax. Since that time he has been shifting between St. John Neumann and Our Lady of Good Counsel parishes as a parochial vicar, and serving as novice master in Brooklyn, Michigan for a few years. The majority of his ordained ministry has been to the Diocese of Arlington. He continues here as a priest in residence who still contributes significantly to the life of the parish. Join us as we honor this tremendous accomplishment at the 11:30am Mass on April 12th, with light refreshments to follow in the auditorium. I believe some old familiar Oblate faces will be seen at this event so come and see, and join in the celebration of 50 years of dedicated service as an Oblate priest. See you at the celebration, Father Tom Prayer and Liturgy WE WELCOME those who have recently entered into our faith through the waters of Baptism: Molly Babette Hennessy, daughter of John and Amy; Haden Paul Colavito, son of Anthony and Laura; Luke Thomas Colavito, son of Anthony and Laura; and Paul Kane Fialcowitz, son of Timothy and Mary. WE PRAY for those who have died, especially Raymond Kray, father of Pam Koch; Augusto Rojas, father of Anna Rojas; and Robert Scott, husband of Rose Marie. Sunday, April 12 th Sunday, April 12 th Fr. Dougherty’s 50th 11:30am Anniversary Mass and Light Reception THIS SUNDAY’S READINGS: Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 22:8-9, 17-18, 19-20, 23-24; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47 In today’s readings we experience Jesus, as the suffering servant who brings God’s love to the human family. St. Francis de Sales reminds us that we are called to be like Jesus: The most powerful reason for Jesus’ death is to fill the human spirit with God’s love. Out of death has come life, the wondrous paradox, which the world does not understand. Jesus not only died a cruel death to bring God’s love to us, but He also suffered fear, terror, abandonment, and inner depression such as never had and never shall have an equal. He did this so that we too may persevere in pursuing divine love. Jesus’ human feelings left His entire heart exposed to sorrow and anguish. For this reason He cries out: “My God, why have you forsaken me?” Mount Calvary is the mount of lovers. All love that does not take its origins from the Savior’s passion is foolish and perilous. On Calvary, we can not have life without love. Nor can we have divine love without dying to our false loves. Christian wisdom consists in choosing rightly. Hence we ought to consecrate every moment of our lives to the eternal divine love of Our Savior’s death. This means we need to empty ourselves of all other loves that are destroying us so that we may be filled with God’s eternal love that gives life! So when injured by others, look often with your inward eyes on Christ Jesus, crucified, forsaken and overwhelmed, by every kind of anguish. Then think of the many people who are incomparably more afflicted than you are and say: “Are not my hardships roses in comparison with those, who without help, assistance, or relief live a continual death under the burden of afflictions infinitely greater than mine? When all things fail us, when our distress is at its height, say the final words of Jesus on the cross: “Into Your hands I commend my spirit.” (Adapted from the writings of St. Francis de Sales) ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA WASHING OF THE MARCH 29, 2015 FEET On Holy Thursday, from 7:30 7:50pm, there will be a washing of the feet in the Narthex of the church before the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, for those who wish to participate. PLEASE PRAY for those who have asked for our prayers: Lee Bauer; Colleen Booth; Mary Eckert; Karen Gullo; Lorenzo Jabonete; Nancy Maiello; Sandi McLean; Christopher Rosen; and Father Bill Ruhl, OSFS; and for all who are sick; and for all caregivers who minister to the sick. When you call to add a name to our prayer list, please leave your name and number as a contact and let us know what the illness is. Before calling, please be sure you have spoken to the person or a member of the family about adding their name—we do not want to inadvertently disregard someone's desire for privacy. Names of those who are sick or injured will be kept on the list for three weeks unless you specifically request a shorter period of time or call to ask that the name be removed. Boldface type is used for names that are new to the list this week. NEXT WEEKEND’S READINGS: Next weekend we celebrate Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord. Please prepare for Mass and the Homily by reflecting on these texts from God’s Word: Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37─43 Peter preached about Jesus’ baptism, the anointing with the Holy Spirit, works of kindness and healing and His crucifixion and resurrection from the dead. All who believe in Him are forgiven. Psalm 118:1─2, 16─17, 22─23 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Colossians 3:1─4 Think about what is above. When Christ appears, then you shall appear with Him in glory. John 20: 1─9 Mary Magdalene and the disciples went to the tomb and found it empty. Until then, they did not understand that Jesus would rise from the dead. THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU! As noted on the Holy Week and Easter Liturgies and Services table, you still can experience God’s compassionate love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to Easter Sunday. Several of our priests will be available for confession this coming Wednesday, April 1st, from 6:30 - 8:00pm. Plan to make use of this opportunity as there will be no confessions heard on Holy Saturday. SATURDAY 5:00pm SUNDAY 7:30am 9:30am 11:30am MARCH 28 Carol Lane † MARCH 29 Regina Cofield † Ellen McDonald † Uche and Everest Odenigbo, Special Intention 1:30pm Manuel M. Canales † 5:00pm People of the Parish MONDAY MARCH 30 9:00am Robert Allen Kentis † 12:10pm Ricardo Hortelano, Special Intention TUESDAY MARCH 31 6:30am Louise Hopkins † 9:00am Meg Friel † WEDNESDAY APRIL 1 9:00am Tony Otis Onuwaje † 12:10pm Jeffrey Emery, Special Intention THURSDAY APRIL 2 8:00pm RCIA Candidates and Catechumens FRIDAY APRIL 3 No Mass SATURDAY APRIL 4 8:00pm People of the Parish SUNDAY APRIL 5 7:30am Daniel Watt † 9:15am (Chapel) Judy Armstrong † 9:30am (Church) Don Boyle † 11:15am (Chapel) Policarpio and Miguela Hortelano †† 11:30am (Church) Daniel Scanlan 1:30pm Atanacio Sandoval, Special Intention † No 5:00pm Mass PRAY FOR A PRIEST DAILY We continue our daily prayers for the priests in the Arlington diocese by March 30th March 31st April 1st April 2nd April 3rd April 4th April 5th Reverend Dominic P. Irace Reverend Michael C. Isenberg Reverend Joel D. Jaffe Reverend John D. Kelly Reverend Michael J. R. Kelly Reverend Joseph R. McKenna Reverend Anthony J. Killian PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD CAN YOU HELP? We have a great need for Ushers throughout Triduum and the Easter Masses. Please consider helping as these Ministers of Hospitality are so important during these crowded services: Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, April 17 th at 8:00pm; Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, April 18th at 8:00pm; The Great Easter Vigil, April 19th at 8:00pm; and Easter Day Masses (9:30 or 11:30am) If you are willing to help, please call Patty Bartnick in the Liturgy Office at 703-860-6151. We really do need you! HOLY WEEK TRADITIONS: Chrism Mass On Holy Thursday, representatives from each parish in the diocese gather at the cathedral. There, in solemn ritual, the holy oils used during the year are consecrated. These are the Oil of Catechumens (a mixture of olive oil and fragrant balm used to anoint those preparing for Baptism in the adult Catechumenate), the Oil of Chrism (used in Baptism, Confirmation, and Ordination), and the Oil of the Sick (used in the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick). At the conclusion of the rite, the representatives carry these oils back to Saint John Neumann where they will be used in our parish celebrations of Sacraments throughout the coming year, beginning with the Easter Vigil. These oils are carried in procession at the beginning of the parish Mass on Holy Thursday evening. The Triduum This time is considered the core of the year for Christians. These are days to save and savor. The Easter Triduum begins Holy Thursday evening and continues through Easter Sunday. On these three days we hear some of the Church’s most beautiful prayers and scriptures. We experience several once-ayear liturgical events: setting the Eucharistic table, emptying the tabernacle, venerating the cross, blessing the paschal candle, baptizing and confirming adults. RCIA This coming Saturday evening we gather for the Great Easter Vigil. At the very core of the celebration is the baptism of the Elect. We rejoice with Gregory Clarke, Catherine Dale, Kathlene Carter Tran, and Dianne Zeroual. as they receive new life in Christ in the waters of the baptismal font. They will be clothed with white robes signifying their new dignity, numbered in the company of the People of God. They will receive a lighted candle showing that they are called to walk as children of the light. Henceforth they will be known as Neophytes. They will then share in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit through the Sacrament of Confirmation. Finally, in the celebration of the Eucharist the newly baptized will reach the culminating point in their Christian initiation. After months of preparation they will come forward to share in the Table of the Lord. With the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ they will be strengthened in the gifts they have received. They will be immersed in the life of our community. Let us continue to pray that during these final days of preparation their desire for Christ and his Church will fill their hearts and they will know the love of God and the support of all of us. HOLY WEEK AND EASTER LITURGIES PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH All Masses will begin with the blessing of palms, followed by procession to Church. MONDAY, MARCH 30TH Mass 9:00am Mass 12:10pm TUESDAY, MARCH 31ST Mass Mass 6:30am 9:00am WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ST Mass 9:00am Mass 12:10pm Confession 6:30 - 8:00pm Taizé Prayer 7:30pm HOLY THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND Note: There will be no 6:30 or 9:00am Mass today. Washing of the Feet 7:30 - 7:50pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8:00pm (Bilingual, English-Spanish) Reposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00pm - Midnight GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 3RD Note: There will be no Mass today. Morning Prayer 9:00am Living Stations of the Cross 3:00pm (Presented by the youth of our parish) The Passion of the Lord 8:00pm (Bilingual, English-Spanish) HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH Note: There will be no Confessions today. Morning Prayer and Blessing of Food 9:00am The Great Easter Vigil 8:00pm (Bilingual, English-Spanish) EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH Masses will be celebrated at the following times: 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30am (Signed) 1:30pm (Spanish) Note: There will be no 5:00pm Mass on Easter Sunday The Parish Office will be closed Easter Monday. Daily Mass will be celebrated only at 9:00am Easter Week. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA RCIA - EASTER VIGIL RECEPTION Each year at the conclusion of the Easter Vigil service we gather to celebrate this great feast and to welcome those who have been baptized into the Catholic Church at the Vigil. We need many helping hands to make this a truly gala celebration. Consider donating your talents in decorating, baking, setting up or cleaning up. If you can give us a hand, please stop by the shelf in the main hallway between the narthex and auditorium to sign up. Parish Information PARISH AUDITORIUM Shortly after Father Bob Brown died, I spoke to Sandy McCarthy, then our parish administrator, about naming the auditorium in Father Brown’s memory. Sandy wholeheartedly agreed with this proposal and due to procrastination on my part, there was a delay. During that delay, Sandy herself also died. She eventually became the Administrative Assistant for the parish, after many years of service both as a volunteer and a member of the staff. Because of her death and her enthusiastic support of this idea, I have decided to name the parish hall The Brown-McCarthy Auditorium, to keep alive the memory of these two very important people in our parish’s history. Each in their own way contributed greatly to us being the parish we are today and each has left their mark permanently on the identity of the parish. I have had two portraits painted that will hang in the auditorium to continually remind us of their dedication and hard work for the people of Saint John Neumann community. May they both rest in God’s peace and always in our hearts. A dedication ceremony will be held in the near future. FAMILY NIGHT RETURNS for our preschoolers to 5 grade on Wednesday, April 1 from 6:00 - 7:30pm in the Auditorium. We will have a time for dinner together, a short catechesis on Holy Week and time to color eggs to be donated to the local soup kitchen for Easter. Please bring two dozen hard boiled eggs and your creativity, to bring a smile to the faces of those who will be going to the soup kitchen on Easter Sunday. Registration is required at www.saintjn.org. th MARCH 29, 2015 FROM KAIROS PRISION MINISTRY, WITH MUCH GRATITUDE. . . All the team members from the local Kairos Prison Ministry would like to thank the many bakers who made cookies for the March 19th - 22nd Kairos weekend at the Sussex I Men’s Prison. Astonishingly, we had about 800 dozen (yes, that’s right) from our parish alone! What a wonderful blessing this is for the men on the retreat and for all the officers, staff and residents of the prison who each get a dozen of their own. We had bakers of all kinds, and several Religious Education and school classes helped, too, with cookies and/or making posters and placemats. Thank you so much for doing Christ’s work – showing care and concern for those in prison and helping our team to bring God’s love and forgiveness to them. “For I was hungry and you gave me food . . . in prison and you visited me” (Matthew 25:35-36) DO NOT GO LOOKING FOR: Car Raffle Tickets This Weekend While we are not selling tickets this weekend, you still have time to hand in your tickets sitting at home or purchase one last ticket after Mass next weekend. Don’t miss your chance to win a car or cash prizes. Pancakes Next Weekend The Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast will not take place next weekend as anticipated, nor will it be held the following weekend due to our celebration of Fr. Dougherty’s 50th Ordination Anniversary. It will be held on Sunday, April 19th, from 8:30 to 11:30am. The beneficiary of this event will be the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales’ retirement and assisted care facility in Childs, MD. st BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Beginning Saturday, April 11th, we will be offering an eight-week bereavement support group for people coping with the loss of a loved one. The group will meet from 10:00 - 11:30am. “The New Day Journal, A Journey From Grief to Healing” will be provided. Group size is limited so registration is required. Contact Kathleen Sebek, MSW, at [email protected]. ANNUAL DINNER DANCE COMING SOON! Join your fellow parishioners for an evening full of life at our annual dinner dance, hosted by the Young Adult Ministry. The event will be held on Saturday, April 25th in the auditorium, beginning at 6:30pm. We will begin with cocktails, followed by a delicious meal. DJ Jimmy Nalley will return again this year. Tickets are $40 per person, and will be sold after 9:30 and 11:30am Masses on Sundays, March 29 th and April 19th. During the week tickets can be purchased at the parish office. Seating is limited so be sure and get your tickets early! Beer, wine and soda will be included but feel free to BYOB. This was a wonderful evening last year and we hope for an even more enjoyable evening this year. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD ARE YOU DIVORCED OR SEPARATED? Would you like to talk with someone else who is traveling the same journey? Would you like to find out more about what our Catholic faith has to say regarding divorce? Could you use some positive thoughts regarding your future? Please consider joining our ministry here at St. John Neumann. Our first gathering will be on Wednesday evening, April 29 th. For further information or to register contact Jo-Ann Duggan at [email protected] or 703-860-6149. Fellowship ONGOING FELLOWSHIP AT SJN: Sunday Coffee Join us for coffee, juice, muffins, and fellowship each Sunday from 8:30—11:30am. All are welcome! 9:00am Daily Mass and Fellowship: Following Mass in the Chapel, join us in the Bridal Room for coffee and cookies. Mothers’ Group: Join us for weekday, evening and weekend playgroups, nights out, special events and more. Membership is open to all new, veteran and expectant caregivers of small children. Membership is free and participation is voluntary in all group activities. For more information please send email to [email protected]. Young Adults: If you are in your twenties or thirties and are looking for a community to socialize, do service and pray with, then come join us! For more information, email Angela Davis at [email protected]. Knights of Columbus: Are you a male, age 18 years or older and a practicing Catholic, and wish to embark on a journey that emphasizes faith, fraternity, and fellowship with a real commitment to service in our community? If so, please consider becoming a member of the K of C Family of Man Council #7566. Take that first step and contact us at [email protected]. Shawl Ministry: On the afternoon of the third Sunday of every month we gather to pray, talk, and create beautiful handmade shawls for those who are ill or grieving. Contact Teresa Westhues at 703-969-8430 to join or request a shawl. 50+ CLUB ACTIVITIES: Wednesday, April 8th: Today we will visit Old Town Alexandria where we can poke in wonderful little shops and have lunch at Chadwick’s. Tuesday, April 21st: Today is the deadline for making reservations for our annual beach trip to Virginia Beach. During our trip, from Tuesday, May 19th to Thursday, May 21st we will stay at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel, 2800 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach. The cost is $143.50 a night (including tax and fees). Call 800-468-2722 for reservations. continued Virginia Beach trip continued We have been to Virginia Beach several times and it is always enjoyable. We will walk the boardwalk, eat at great seafood restaurants and visit several attractions, such at the Virginia Beach Aquarium and Science Center. For more information about the hotel, visit http:// www.virginiabeachresort.com/ Wednesday, April 22nd: This will be a special day when we travel to Mount Vernon, and tour the mansion George and Martha Washington lived in. Additionally we can visit the gardens, colonial era outbuildings, the museum and education center, and have lunch at the Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant or the Food Court. Drivers are always needed for our events, especially for those that are not in our local area. For more information on any of these events, and to volunteer to drive for an event call Pat Bossie at 703-620-3747. Faith Formation Mary B. Lyons, Director 703-390-2340 [email protected] WELCOME HOME Are you a “returning” Catholic or perhaps thinking this may be your home? A small group meets on Wednesdays at 7:00pm in the Bridal Room. You may contact Mary Lyons and see our brochure at www.saintjn.org/ returning-catholics on our website. RCIA Feeling at home here? Interested in being Catholic? Do you have questions? A group of “Inquirers” meets on Tuesday evenings at the parish. It is an opportunity to share questions and find out what it means to be Catholic. If you are interested in joining the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) Inquiry phase, contact Mary Lyons. CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER Join us and experience the prayer of quiet together on Thursday evening at 7:00pm prior to Taizé in the de Sales Chapel. The simple format is explained each time we gather. See the parish website for more information about this beautiful prayer experience. All are welcome. THE POWER OF STORY: SIN AND REDEMPTION “A History and Inquiry: In the Light of the Seven Penitential Psalms”, is presented by William J. Stott on Monday at 7:00pm in the de Sales Chapel. All are welcome. ST. JOHN NEUMANN CHURCH RESTON, VIRGINIA BIBLE STUDY FOR MOTHERS OF YOUNG CHILDREN is held on Fridays from 10:00 - 11:30am in the Conference Room; child care is provided. For more information, please contact Christy Cottrell at [email protected]. CHILD CARE HELP NEEDED The SJN Young Mother’s Group meets on Friday mornings for Faith Sharing and Bible Study. To support them on their faith journeys, parishioners are providing watchful eyes and caring hearts for their young children during this time. If you are seeking a new ministry and enjoy toddlers, please contact Mary Lyons for more information. HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY (AGAPE) Doug Johnson 703-860-6141 [email protected] UPCOMING AGAPE EVENTS: Mark your calendars for the following Agape or Agape-related events and make plans to attend: Sunday, March 29th - No High School Teen Night Friday, April 3rd - Living Stations of the Cross: 3:00pm Sunday, April 5th - No High School Teen Night Saturday, April 11th - Mini Work Camp: 9:00am; Parking Lot MARCH 29, 2015 REGISTRATION If you have not yet registered for the Saint John Neumann High School Teens Ministry Program (AGAPE), a registration form is available on our website at www.saintjn.org or at the Faith Formation Office. You don't need to be registered to attend our fun and informative events but we would like you to register soon. MINI WORK CAMP Calling all teens and adults! Would you like to help those in need, learn some new skills, do hands-on basic home repairs and have fun? Make a important and meaningful sacrifice of your time and talents by signing up and join us for the next Mini Work Camp Saturday, April 11th from 9:00am - 3:00pm. No experience is necessary to bring hope by sharing your Christian love with those in need. Contact Phyllis Rienzo at 703-7950339 or email at [email protected] for a required permission slip or more information and to let her know you will be joining us! SJN HIGH SCHOOL TEEN E MAIL L IST : Contact Doug MINISTRY Johnson at [email protected] if you wish to be placed on our Teen Ministry email list. This is a great way to learn the latest information on events, programs and opportunities to serve in our high school youth program. Around the Diocese HIGH SCHOOL TEEN NIGHT (Agape) – We will not meet this Sunday or next Sunday evening due to the Easter Break. May you and your family enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable Easter break. I pray that you truly experience the joy of the Easter Season as Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has conquered sin and death and won for all of us the hope of eternal life! LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS Please join us on Good Friday, April 3rd at 3:00pm in the church when the teens will present the Living Stations of the Cross. In the Living Stations of the Cross, teen participants portray Christ’s Passion and Death. The teens will portray Jesus, Mary, Pilate, crowd members and other individuals identified with the Stations of the Cross in a freeze-frame tableau with narration of the Stations and contemplative music. The Living Stations of the Cross will be prayerfully presented with the Saint John Neumann community on Good Friday. Please join us and bring your family and friends to this moving and powerful prayer presentation. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Doug Johnson on 703-860-6141 or by email at [email protected]. WILL YOU NEED A CURE FOR FRIDAY SOUP SUPPER WITHDRAWAL PAINS? The Giving Circle of HOPE provides funds and assistance to people in need in Northern Virginia, by awarding grants to non-profit organizations for specific programs. To accomplish this, Giving Circle of HOPE holds numerous fundraisers throughout the year. The annual Empty Bowls fundraisers for hunger relief raise funds for Food for Others. With the help of local restaurants, artisans, faith groups, scouts and other volunteers, 500 members of the community are hosted each spring. Attendees are able to choose a handcrafted bowl made by one of the many local potters who participate, enjoy a dinner of soups and desserts and learn about hunger within our community while socializing with friends. Many of our parishioners are heavily involved with the Giving Circle of HOPE. The 2015 Empty Bowls event will be held at Floris Methodist Church, on Friday, April 10th, from 5:30 - 8:00pm. Tickets are $25 for adults, and $15 for children ages 12 and under. 100% of your ticket price will be given to Food For Others to help with hunger relief in our community. You may buy tickets online at www.givingcircleofhope.org, or in the parish office, or use a Yellow Brochure located in the main hall leading to the auditorium. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD S WEET H ARMONY : SINGERS CONCERT St. V OCE C HAMBER John Neumann will be the site as the Voce Chamber Singers, under the artistic direction of Dr. Richard Giarusso, perform a concert of 20 th century English poetry and song on Friday, April 10 th at 8:00pm in the St. John Neumann de Sales Chapel. Enjoy the lush harmonies of Elgar and Stanford, the playfulness of Benjamin Britten’s Five Flower Songs, Ralph Vaughan Williams’ eloquent Serenade to Music, and much more. Our own Director of Music, CJ Capen, is Voce’s accompanist, and two of our noted cantors – Joan Winter Skerritt and Nikki Rosengren – are among the 36 Voce singers. Tickets are available online at www.voce.org. General admission tickets are $20; $10 for college students with ID; and students under 18 are admitted free. Call for group pricing. For more information, call (703) 277-7772, or email Voce at [email protected]. SIENA ACADEMY’S 4th annual Palio di Siena 5K inspired by the famous horse races run each year in the streets of Siena, Italy - will take place on Saturday, April 25th at 9am, and we’d like to invite you to join us! Please consider putting together a team of runners from the St. John Neumann community to compete for a chance to win $1000 for the Catholic charity or Parish Group of your choice! A team consists of at least seven runners, including at least one female. The top five times (including at least one female time) will be combined to determine the fastest team. The winning team receives $1000 for the charity of its choice; the runner-up prize is $500. Prizes must be donated to a Catholic organization (school, parish, CCD program, youth group, pro-life group, etc.). Teams must notify Siena Academy of their selected charity by emailing [email protected] prior to race day. Checks will be written directly to the organization receiving the money. To form a team, register for the race here: www.sienamontessori.org/5K. The team leader or first runner to register can create the team name (the name of your organization). During the registration process, join your organization’s team by selecting it from the drop box. In imitation of the ritual and rivalry that characterize the original Palio di Siena horse races, teams in our Palio will compete under the identity of one of Siena’s contrade (city districts). Contrade will be assigned to each registered team prior to race day. For more information about the race and post-race carnival, visit www.sienamontessori.org/5K. We hope to see you on April 25th , and wish good luck to all teams! OUR THANKS TO STANG FAMILY ORTHODONTICS WWW.STANGFAMILYORTHO.COM FOR SPONSORING AN AD IN OUR WEEKLY BULLETIN REGISTRATION FOR ENGLISH AND CITIZENSHIP INSTRUCTION AT ST. MARK St. Mark's English as a Second Language (ESL) Program for adults will conduct registration for the spring term on Tuesday, April 7th and Thursday, April 9th at 7:00pm. There are seven proficiency levels, from Beginner 1 to Advanced 2. All students must be registered and tested. The cost is $25 (cash only) for the 9-week term. Citizenship instruction is also available to students who have attained at least an intermediate English proficiency level. Optional English conversation and writing classes (7:00 - 7:45pm) are also offered to registered intermediate and advanced students for an additional $10 (cash). All classes will take place on the second floor of the St. Mark Christian Formation Center, 9972 Vale Road, Vienna, VA 22181 and meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings beginning Tuesday, April 14th. For further information, interested students may contact 703-626-3585 or 703-620-0592 (English or Spanish); 703-505-0123 or 571-393-8544 (Korean); or 703 879-7296 or 703-678-7466 (Chinese); email [email protected]; or visit the Web site at www.stmarkesl.org. Special Stewardship Collections HOLY LAND SHRINES Christians around the world are united in a special way during Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Our hearts, minds and prayers are especially aware at this time of the Holy Land. Our parish, once a year on Good Friday, is called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on the this annual collection. As a pontifical collection requested by Pope Francis, the annual Good Friday Collection offers a direct way for us to be witnesses of peace and to help protect the holy places and shrines. When you donate on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the Holy Land. Franciscans and others in the Holy Land are housing and feeding the poor, providing religious formation and education, maintaining shrines and parishes, and conducting pastoral ministry. For more information visit MyFranciscan.org/good-Friday. Please be as generous as your abundance allows. BISHOP’S LENTEN APPEAL The Diocese of Arlington is a vibrant diocese and we have been truly blessed. Yet, with this blessing comes increased spiritual and pastoral needs and an even greater obligation to help the many people in our midst who require our assistance and support. We are asking all families in our parish to support the Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA) to the fullest extent that they are able. Thank you for helping us share the Joy of the Gospel through your support of the BLA!