fa sigler. - Village of Pinckney
fa sigler. - Village of Pinckney
mmmi^rm ^-,:- • i. ni KlacY&M atvd. Tkapaxr \DotVi We have a thoroughly equipped machine shop and are in position to do your repairing promptly and at reasonable prices. - '. . . . . & ' • * * # > Sharp Edge Grinding Done Engine and Lathe Work a 8pecjalty To F a r m e r s and S t o c k m e n Alexander Mercer was born Nov. 15 1840, at the old homestead in Pettysville. Was of a family of seven chilWei have a number of dren, two dying in infancy, the remaining ones are George, now, of Portland Oregon. William and Robert, '. v and wttt give one absoof Pettysville and a sister Mary Ann lutely f ' e e to any FarmCook of Howell. e r or stockman w h o He was married March 29, 1865 to asks f o r one. Rosina Placeway. Two children were born to them, William Mercer, now of Soda 3owvttfai. atvd bee Cream ParVot v\ Portland, Oregon and Mrs. Fred Jarvi of Salem. *3uW ltaTuvuvo, Grdet He passed away at his home in Pettysville Tuesday, August 27, theWhen in need of Anything in If you do not see what yon Our Line, Give Us a Call funeral being held from the home on want, askfor it Thursday following, Rev. R. L. Cope officiating. Daniel's S t o c k Book F. A. SIGLER. I i w i w i n i l i i i i i w i w i w i w i w m m i w i M VlttTaTBiYaUViU f HaTkBiVMMVWsrn V H I T B l T n CABD 0 J THANKS. We desire io thank the many frfends Mike Fitzsimmons of Adrain was School Opens who so kindly assisted ns in the last home Mpnday. Fowlerville Fair wilt be held Oct. LOCAL, NEWS. sickness and burial af our husband The Pinckney Public School opened The weather of the past week makes 1013. and father: -=— =™—,™ —=» State fair n e x t w e e f c r — -—-* it 8ounct8~goocr t^rteaF the scIo*bl ^ae-think of a fofrcoafninT ~ ™ Tuesday morning Sepk eV-wtth-trbFr Mrs. Alex Mercer State fair at Dotroit, Sept. 11 16. "traitagain. The ladles orthe-M. E. church will tal enrollment of 105 scholars. Mrs. Fred J a m s ' Number of boys enrolled; 52 meet with Mrs. F. L. Andrews ThursMrs. W. S, Swartbout visited her The rural carriers enjcyed a holiday Wm. Mercer Number of girls enrolled 53 day afternoon for work. A good daughter, Mabel, in Ann Arbor over Monday—labor, day. Number of foreign scholars 15 m . attendance is desired. Sunday, Brighton Methodists dedicated a The school rooms have had a thorThe Good Road Question Pinckney Chapter No. 145 0. E. S. Rolla Nejnaber of Detroit viiited new $4,000 church Sunday last. ough cleaning and the seats and wood will hold their annual election of Mies Lola Moran and other friends work have been painted. The teachIt is to be hoped that good may come Miss Mary Love returned home last officers Sept. 15. All members rehere Sunday. ers and patrons look forward for a week from Marquette where she spent to the state and country at large by quested to be present and please good school year. The YWCTU will meet at the home nearly two months with relatives. the good roads convention which was remember the time for payment of We understand the board expect of Mw. Fred Bowman, Tuesday evenMrs. Gns Smith has gone to Wor-held at Pt. Huron last week. A drive dues expires Oct 1. Alice Barton to add an extra teacher so the work ing, Sept. 12, den to remain with her daughter, Mrs. throngh the country will convince In our article in regard to Pinck- can be more thorough and the standanyone that there is a system lacking An auto factory is being built at Lee Rorabaoher during the winter. in the building and keeping in repair ney High school, pupils and where ard of the school raised. This has Dundee. The building will be of Assesment No. 80 of the L O T M M the highways. In some districts you they will teach, last week we forgot been much needed for some time and cement block, two stories high. is now due and must be paid before we are glad to see a move in that diwill find the roads in good shape and to mention the names of (i. A. Sigler has been home the past Sept. 30. Cora Wright F. K. t 39 Mamie Ruen, Gregory rection. The board met Wednesday the work well done, while in others week under the doctor's care but is Mr, and Mrs. P. Dougherty of Wind- you will find yery poor roads and it Ethel Durfee, sub-teacher, * evening to fully decide the matter, better at this writing and able to go sor and Miss Viola Dver of Chatam Pt. Arthur, Texas but too late for us to give the full reanything is done to improve them it on the road. Eunice Gardner, Younglove district Ontario, were guests of Wm. Kennedy might as well have been left undone. port. Prosecuting attorney, J as. A. and family Sunday. A certain element among the farGftene spent Sunday and Monday Congregational Church. NOTICE—L. O. T. M. M. There will mers is already auspicious that onr Chicken Pie "with his wife here. Mrs. Greene is be a special meeting Saturday Sept. 9 newly organized state highway departThe good attendance at morning getting along nicely. The ladies of the M. E. church will for Initiation. All members request- ment is too much inclined to permit service is encouraging. The Church hold their annual chicken pie Supper Will Dunning sold his apple crop to ed to be present. Refreshments will the interests of the automobilists to fill Chelsea parties from bis east orchard be served following Initiation. R. K. its eye, and to slight those aspects of workers and officials are hard at work at the opera house, Wednesday eventhese days attending to furnishing the ing, Sept. 13. Everyone cordially inone day last week for $125. Pretty Mrs. Mary C. Morgan of Howell the road question which appeal parchurch and getting ready for the vited to come. good for an off year. claims to be the youngest.grandmother ticularly to the much larger but less Mrs. G. W, Teeple and daughter in America at the age of 31 years and effectively organized interests which annual fair. The Ladies Aid and Young Ladies Gnild deserve our apMae, who have been spending the 3 months. As her grandson is 19 and the farmer represents. preciation also the trustees and male summer at Brooklyn N. Y. returned married she stands a chance of being A mile of good road is a mile of workers. Pastor home on Wednesday evening of last a very young great grandmother. good road, wherever it is placed, and week. The indiscriminate throwing of is always worth all that it can legiti Young Mens and Boys Clubs —John—Commiskcy who has—been misules on main street—caused—tne~ -mately cost.—It matters little whether spending a couple of weeks with his breakin of a large plate glass in Jack- the forces which result in its creation We very much regret to part with parents near here, returned to his son & Cadwelfs store one day last are set in motion by an automobile three of our best and most popular school wnrk_at the Ferris college. Big weekr. ft hay got so tbat it is hardly club or by a local grange, boys, Fred and Rex Read who have Rapids, therirstof the week. safe to go on the street at times as the left for school at Ypsilanti and wfco Through the courtesy of W. C. Dev- boys are very careless as to where or have been associated with our Gym. M. E. Church Notes, ereaux ot Ithaca, N. Y. we are in re- what they throw. and church work intimately. We ceipt of the report of the Chief of the Mrs. £. B. Bancroft, wife of presidSunday was reception day again and shall greatly miss the lads and pray weather bureau also the bulletin on ing elder Brancroft of this xlistrict, four adults were baptised, three re- for their prosperity. Emil Lambert1 Long Range Weather Forecasts. was buried from their home in Ann ceived into full membership and three son who teaches in the "Hicks school ' Herbert Cope and wife returned to Arbor Saturday. She has been a vic- on probation. This makes a large has been a reliable and serviceable their home here after being absent tim of consumption for the past two addition to the church during the past member and has given the Club his several weeks. Mr. Cope has been fill- years and had just returned from Col- few months. The services Sunday efforts. In the office of Secretary he ing engagements with the different orado where she has been for her were very impressive and were wit- did excellent service and we wish him Chautaudnas throughout the United health for the past two years without nessed by a large congregation. At every success and blessing. Arthur States avail. the close of services the Holy S acra- Swartbout will teach in a Unadilla ment was administered which was a fit district bat expects to be home nights and we hope he will be one of us still. closing to the impressive services. Just Received A FULL CAR LOAD First Glass, A 1 ROCK Portland Cement Will Sell Reasonable W. T. MORAN. BOWMAN'S HOWELL, MICH. Oar fall and winter goods are coming in from mill and factory. You will find this a good store to buy underwear, hosiery, gloves Hnd mittens, toques, fascinators, outing flannels, and The many items necessary to be comfortable when the cold weather comes. Our lines of Holiday goods are coming in and we will have by far the best assortment ever shown by us. DolU, books, games, celluoid goods, como and brush sets, cottar and'cuff sets, etc. China, toys of every description. Visit us when you come to Howell, every clerk will welcome you. Qdr method 1* to give big value for the money, at we find it pays to do so. We sell for cash only and can sell cheaper than the stores selling on ^m OPERA HOUSE SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 Dmne Worship at 10:30 Cong'/ C/asses at 11:30 ^ «,*. tfieBufty at c\ Store. All in sympathy with the testimony of a Free and Independent ohucoh are invited to attend. The Sunday school was largely attended, the three bible classes being largely attended. The primary classes are increasing so that another division will haye to be made soon. This will make three divisions of one class in two years. Sunday next will be the last Sunday Rev. R. L. Oope will be with us before conference as that convenes in'Detroit Wednesday, Sept. 13. We understand that Rev. Oope expects to go on his farm near Garo the next year as he has much repairing to do there since the cyclone devastated it the past summer; The largest shipment ot religious books ever made at one time in this" country was that of a carload of the new MeioediitBy MUMS, from the Book Concern, in Cincinati, to one of its branch houses. There were 21,184 books, making a carloads-Christian Advocate, v &.-'*M M your house needs painting, paint it now—this fall—with Trff SHEHWIHWILLIAMS PAINT. Here are some of the reasons why you should do so. T h e weather is settled and you like troubles. don't have to contend with the 5. S. W . P. costs less by the job spring rains. than any ot her paint becaui You will protect it against the it wears longest, covert most, winter's snows and storms. looks best, and is most eco-~ You will avoid the annoyance nomical. of gnats, flies, and other insects 6. S. W . P. is best because it's sticking to the surface. made from best materials-—par *> There is likely to be lew moistlead, pure zinc,, and pure I k ure i n it now than any otbeT seed oil. It alfrayt satisfies; time; moisture is what often never goes wrong. H *kffcty causes blistering, cracking, and used. -^ •OLD IN"*-1'?..' BY Teeple Hardware Co. to* v *UVv tt- E^ft?.. m .•**>.'•*&?-& «'*s W. 1 $ & % & & • » , t ^ Iter. tr&jmi-'tjlf o>. ; :y^„jr >r , ; •»-•?'». ^ .-.>w v . Vi. •*•-. •••• .^-- K*v «-^ M' • NEWS W E MOYER MURDERERS GO TO MARQUETTE PRISON FOR LIFE. T H E TRIAL ENDED W I T H A VERDICT OF GUILTY AND SENTENCE. Need* Additional information, concerntn* some of the theTtrth wnleh the Detroit boy, Percy FlunJingsdorf, or Percy Taylor, as he ww*fctile«n>rbig to the *SWace a total deipa?lfy«nd lack of respect for even tfco/deadA The home of Mrs. Louise. Bettcher was entered and the corpse of -her sister stripped of sonte Jewelry. The boy tnievea, Taylor and J&is "pal/' McLebd, admit being in the house, but deny that they took the rings otf the dead body. However, Mrs. Bettcher positively asserts that the corpse was fobbed. MICHIGAN BREVITIES. B I T * OF INFORMATION. There are 61,000 breweries world. •* ^ asss 355 Learned Human Nature in in the Singers can not sing so well after a fit of anger. Coal costs most in South Africtt; least in China. A man's hair1 turns gray five years sooner than a woman's. "Emerald isle" was first applied to Ireland by Dronlgan in a poem called "Erin." •mr— M ..'»'• \ ^ > .•> Blanche V f t P j M a Gti*L M 4 « J < ^ 4 t M f c t * A U » *tt*" " S » * y In t h e G l o o m y O H P i l e S o before he was executed. It was * Well K n o w n no Now York'o sultry ftip&nd the sun was beatiu* j Prison. , .-^- , r . f i ,£*•»• * * * , * « » * I N men who « M O ^ «.•• We had itiwif- ; \\ When ! was between thirteen and r building the gallows years-old my father .won'war- berries and ice cream at dinner, and itt 'deir of the Tombs and we lived in the I thought of Smith. M waWWn'i ^TfcaUe in the gray; ol*>.>ptl«v *"l .think 8aaOPW08ni nKe some of writes Blanche Walsh In the.Theater. these," I said, , , . , „. i H Again I saw life In the. raw—human My mother said: "Very well," and nature unclad*.,The prisoners, inter* I carried a bowl of the es ted me and they were all friendly strawberries to him. • 'r'. to the warden's little girl. I rememI sat beside him at (he ber seeing then a woman of the type eot in the cell and wai of Maslova In "Resurrection.", She When he had finished <I took the bowT was suffering from what they call in and said, "Good night, Smlth.^and the Tombs and I believe outside, "DT's" (delirium tremens). I watch- he said, "Good night Blanchle." I ed ber while she was talking with never saw Smith again. • • < There are pretty stories of my rethe prison doctor and at the time I did citing childish poems to the prisoners. not know there was anything the matter with her, for she answered all They are not true. Sometimes my his Questions calmly. Every little proud governor asked me to recite while, however, she would pluck at for his friends who came to the her tongue with her fingers and sayTombs and I was glad to try my latest that there was a piece of wire in her elocution stunt on them. mouth-and that she--cojild_jiDt.get it... As a beginner I had no hard times. out. Her efforts to reach it were piti- never wai with a company tnai was ful. When she left the room the doc- stranded, never was without money. tor told me she had delirium tremens. I always spent more than I earned, I recalled her when I studied Mas- but my mother, who traveled with lova. She was a part of that com- me, had an inexhaustible pocketbook, posite study. and I an immense "draw" on it. Detroit has a population of 403,512. The small steel screws used in Calhoun county Js to have a com- watchmaking are" worth six times their PARKER BLAMES HIS PALFOR plete rural delivery by January 1. weight in gold. Mrs. John .Baron, of Lapeer, who T H E W H O L E OF T H E was badly burned oy the explosion of A snail, crawling without pause, TROUBLE. a gasoline store on Saturday, is dead. would require fourteen days and five Thieves entered the bouse of EdThe murder of Pawnbroker Moyer ward Howe, near Whtttemore, ana hours to cover a mile. In Detroit, for which two men who stole $1,100, while Mr. Howe and wife The atmosphere is so clear in Zulugave their names, as Harry Johnson were away. land that objects can be seen by starand Harry Parker, but who have been The Kalamazoo police are looking light at a distance of seven miles. fully identified as Tom Sherman and for a young man who is accused of Prank Weakly, has been brought home h t t g g t n g t w o - elderly ladles against Cloves are unopenedr-flowers,gathto them in the trial in the Recorder's their will. Court. It was one of the most brutal ered in the green bud stage, smoked Twenty-four oases of wife-desertion by a wood fire and dried in the sun. and startling murders ever committed have been discovered in a canvass of in the city. Besides recovering pracKalamazoo, and it is ascertained that tically all the plunder taken by the The boots of Cromwell's soldiers men, the mysterious "widow" who had the number is rapidly increasing. weighed ten pounds apiece, being a liaison with Tom Sherman was disOn account of a case of smallpox made of the thickest leather, lined covered and restored a part of the among the boarders of whom there are and padded, with roweled spurs, atetolen diamonds they had placed in nearly thirty, Hotel Donaldson at her care. Mrs. Byron Ellison, of Kan- North Lansing is now under quaran- tached by steel chains. sas City, Mo., the wife of a respectable tine. LIFE IN B I L L V I L L E . and honest working engineer, the wo- Nelson Hobart, of Gallen. is suing man in the case, whom her husband Louisa Hobart for divorce. Both are The only way to look at life is that Genius Hast Protect by Which H o chine by laying back in an armchair freely forgave and besought her to tell octogenarians. He alleges she conHopeo to R u n Wife'e Sowing and taking an occasional whiff I'm the truth, has taken his advice and stantly Insults him in the presence you're in the circus till the lights are sealed the fate of the two men. Heav- of friends. out. Machine While H e Enjoye tho sure she will relent." The cause of the heart beat is tho ily veiled, and amid sobs of grief, the Eight prisoners in the Kalamazoo S m o k e o l Good Cigar. most, interesting study to which man recital of her shame was made in the jailhave been placed in the dark hole Don't bother yourself as to how old I have acquaintance of a genius who could possibly devote himself. We court Tuesday before the men who for throwing a tureen, of soup at the the world is. Just how long you are radium is at the botare on trial for the murder. During turnkey. They complained of the qual- to travel in it is the leading question. is making a delicate apparatus for em- now "learn" that v ploying to practical purposes his heart tom of it. her testimony a letter which Sherman, ity of the food. alias Johnson, wrote her and which beats. Believing that the human The general public are so little ac» A trolley car running 20 miles an contained^damaging ^evidence against hour, ran into a wagon in the Soo The Georgia mule doesn't under- heart is the most powerful mechanism quainted with anatomy, chemistry, stand Latin, but when the college him, was read. ednesday afternoon and Joseph L»- graduate swears at i f inthai language, GQd=ey^r. erMte^ Jy^ suiser&jmedlclne, etc., in all their londe had both legs crushed so that to run his wife's sewing machine, in ramifications that any sort of yarn Mrs. Ellison's testimony, identifying the poor critter thinks new trouble's both respondents, and the letter arc he may lose them. adidtlon to maintaining his circulation. faked up by a clever reporter, is accoming and pulls the plow like a race The normal heart beat is 72 to the cepted as solemn-fact. considered to remove any remaining Chas. Fritzer, of Sage, west of horse!—Atlanta Constitution. hope either may have had of being Standish, lost both eyes while working minute in the healthy adult. This man, Ambassador Reid twenty years ago acquitted of the charge of murder. She in an electrical establishment at by smoking a strong cigar, can in-developed a most amazing appetite for evidently felt keenly her position and Rhinelander, Wis. He is a son of C. crease his pulsation to 140 a minute articles about rare surgical operations, POLITENESS A NECESSITY. that her story while conclusive A. Fritzer, of Sage. without injury or any derangement of and one of his bright young men filled against the prisoners was also putting Driven to desperation over losses It does not cost anything to be po- health, and will use his electric ap- the Tribune with such astoundingthe Indelible "brand of shame on her- sustained on his farm, Frederick lite to your friends and acquaintances, paratus, which is quite sensitive, to tales that the whole world stood) self. Mosemah, 60 years old, who lived six operate a small motor. aghast. The reporter had just enough The trial -ended Friday afternoon miles from Saginaw, took strychnine and incidentally it goes a long way anatomical or surgical lore to mako"The hydraulic ram was constructed toward making life pleasant for your* with a verdict of guilty and the sen- and died in terrible agony. hls stories "deep" to the masses. Mr. on the principle of the heart action," self. tence followed at once. Judge Phelan State Oil Inspector Benjamin ! reReid always marked them "Must," he says; "therefore why not use my sending the men to Marquette prison ports having collected $7,612 in fees A civil answer makes more friends extra excitement for the benefit of the which gave precedence over any other for life. during the second quarter of the presShackled to Sheriff Burns and Turn- ent year. All but $450 of this sum was than a gruff one, and a smile succeeds home circle? My wife objects to ci- matter in the local news columns.— gars, but if I can run her sewing, ma- New York^resa. where a frown fails. key Guyette, Harry Parker and Harry spent for salaries and expenses. Johnston left Detroit a;t 11 o'clock SatThe body of Andrew Haynes, who We have no right to Impose our liturday morning on the steamer Japan has been missing for some time, was Pioneer Railroad Man Dead. Fear Mytlny in Russian Navy. tle tempers and annoyances on our for the prison at Marquette. K>nt, Ohio, special: Joseph Newfound in the river at Saginaw. His Paris cible: It is feared there : The chronology of the case follows: ^watcb andchain were still in his pock- fellow beings. halo,-ag«d-82^JmUdexJ^jje^a ral mutiny in the RUBFriday, July 28: Pawnbroker Joseph et, but $40 which he had is missing. & Great Western railroad, now thesian ' navy: C&e moment the governMoyer murdered; $5,000 worth of The fact that one person annoys us Notice has been received by several Erie, fifty years ago, and its roadmas- ment carries out the sentence of death jewelry stolen from Moyer's loan of employes of the state tax commission does not justify uu in visiting it on ter for twenty-fit* S&arsy died sud- that will be almost aurely imposed on fice. that their services will be dispensed the next person we meet. denly at his home he/e. the Fotemkln'8 cre#. Friday, Aug. 4: Tom Sherman, alias' with when the change in the board is Harry Johnson, and Frank Weakley, made next month by the governor. alias Harry Parker, arrested in CleveThe temporary Injunction against St. Louis, 190+ land; stolen jewelry found on them. the strikers s^ecured in the early days . Sunday, Aug. 6: Parker and Johnson brought back to Detroit; identifi- of the street railway strike in Bay City is to be dissolved to please tho cations cinch people's case. Thursday, Aug. 10: Johnson con- labor unions, which would not patronfesses to police that he and his pal ize the road until this was done. murdered Pawnbroker Moyer. Herbert Avery, of Three Rivers, was Thursday, Aug. 24: Trial on charge after wild honey when the bees atof murder begins in Judge Phelau's tacked him. He was about 60 feet court. from the ground and before he could BEST TALKING MACHINES MADE Friday, Sept. 1: Verdict by jury just descend his eyes were closed up wfta ' > iive .weeks after the. day on which the stings. He felt about 15 feet. Moyer was murdered, arid his shop Cylinder Machine* $7jfOto$fOQ The report of C. C. Billinghurst and looted. Frank H. Smith, commissioners on — a i f M Mp^fcftyffff $f2 to j » M claims In the uamte of—Charleb—rfr Deputy 6il Inspectors. Hackley, shows a total of $127,484.45 The appointments of deputy oil in- in cl%ims allowed against the estate, spectors made Monday for the several whjclv foots up slightly under $8,000,Tho Qraphophono reproduoos ait kinds of districts Of the state follow: First, 000. mu*lo perfectly -- band, orchestra, violin, Jojin ^iegler, Waits • second, FrederJ. A. Vogtlin, of Bessemer, reports vooal and instrumental solos, quartettes, ick Erecke, Detroit; third, John Marx, seeing an albino deer while fishing in Monroe; fourth, Frank Bullis, Barry otom it is an endless souroe oi amusement. county; fifth,. C. B. Hoffmaster, Hop- Black river, eight miles north of Beskins Station; sixth, J. J. Lovette, Do- semer. The animal came Into the ^ ^ lear* wagiac; eighth, Harry Oakes, Grand stream in plain sight of him and Haven; ninth, J. S. Hamlin, Eaton waded across from one bank to the ,ch Rapids; tenth, Perry D. pettlt, Ithaca, other. George Gage had been out of work to Jan. 1, 1906; A. S. Mclntyre, St. a Louis, after Jan. 1; eleventh, A. W. long time at Decatur, III., when his Ltf o u d r~*f ntertainlnar Wilkinson, Chelsea; twelfth, Otto L. home and contents were burned, his wife barely escaping with a tiny babe Sprague, Owosso; thirteenth, Walter LJ nrlvaled (^r ctptlvatlng Cantwell, Saginaw; fourteenth, Chas. in her arms. He came to Battle Creek Thorrington, Romeo; fifteenth, A. B. six months ago and secured work at ]VIu*lcal Green, Flanders; sixteenth, John Mc- at Advance Thresher Works. Satur\ J utwearlng day evening be suddenly dropped Donald, Menominee; seventeenth, [ 3 rllU&nt Sakris Silvela, Calumet; eighteenth, dead. f*^ esonant The Big Four train was wrecked C. Addison, Fremont; nineteenth, WilI naplrlns liam Leighton, Grand Marais; twen- one mile south of Benton Harbor Monday night, and traffic was tied up on tieth, Frank Mclntyre, Cheboygan; yV. ttractlvo 4 ^ upoirior twenty-second, Robert A. Douglass, the rt>ad for over eight hours. Ten Ironwood; twenty-third, S. O. Burg- loaded cars were piled up in the ditch. dorff, Bay City; twenty-fourth, A. M. The* train was going at 25 miles an hour when the wreck occurred. The 1 Birmingham, Elsie. Cl COLUMBIA i AgVO 3 crew saved their, lives by jumping from the train. Shot His Wife, I . Gold Moulded Cylinder ~ Frank Rahn,- of St. Joe, left June 27 Angry, it is said, at his wife disi ' Records covering his alleged relations with * a to visit relatives in Germany, but will HMi>wiiMw«iii»Tiii««tiiii««ai)»ftititH«iwnii«iiw>iiiintiii^^ woman at Battle Creek, 4lalph R. Hoi- return next week. Rahn had not heard den, of Union City, shot her twi^e in from home in a number of years, and the head, fired two shots at her sis he did not tell his relatives of his comter-ln-'aw who attempted to interfere ing and wished to surprise them. In7-Inch, SO Gent* each* $S per dozen made a bluff at shooting himself and stead he v/as surprised, for he writes lOInch,•» $1 each} ftlO per dozen then took to the woods where he is home that on his arrival at his old Grand Opera Rocorda, (made In lO-lnch dlecj still in hiding. Mrs. Holden is seri- home he learned that several of his brothers and sisters had come to the ously injured, but may recover. . only) ¢2 each United States several years ago. fmrlmtmmt Mrs. Albert Koster, mother of the 8TATE NEWS BRIEF8. MTo a i r t mil ttm lad who died at the Lapeer home for , Midland has vtfted to.bond itself for the feeblo minded August 10,. will go before the prosecuting attorney with $15,000 for a sewerage system. a formal application for an order to "Congressman William Alden Smith, have the body of her son exhumed. of Michigan, one of the American Mrs. Koster does not believe the boy . group of delegates to the interparliawas given proper treatment in mentary congress at Brussels, received .,. *, ^w l 8, f v~. . - at _0 the . *. . ?re Woodward Ave., te n an Invitation from Emperor WiHl*m ^ra<Kllcal ¾ ^ «?* « ^ ¾ ¾ * * £ to.4lae wtth him Saturday after u £ 4 ^ v k s e " to tb-'ltUllhoM ©tl Onnual reviejt of the Potsdam "and .death haying been caused by the large abrasion noticed on tfce forehead. Berlin garrisons. ' "- k'.*- I 1 Marvelous Energy in Human Heart olumbia f [^raphophotws R COLOMBIA DISC RECORDS f~* : 1 > A • « » ',&V ''4 i* '" •* I Si*-fl Mtik e^ittooi Columbia k V - ,•.-' ' .if V " , ... . > ; • • ''"•.'-.';,;.;, j r , * • , . , . '.",'.•» '"" . '-''.*'• ' " ' » , • ' # •*£ ——>v THE MISSING MAN >. ( B y MARY R. P . H A T C H .TJCB Author o f ( . * i n i U Bank Tragedy" Oe*r*%fct. ia9t.br .<••, •JfJ* * <,ti. CHAPTER XIII.—Continued. Very well, J will." ^ Kneeling down by bts tide, clasping | e y £ a n d s aad cloning her eyei, "Dear '^f0ml'4 she said, "blew my papa and M U m a , and Parley and me, and make us an happy together' aa we used to be. And forgive ua all our sins. Amen." "And forgive us all our sins," he repeated, so low that only Clare heard him. Perley was in his mother's arms, half asleep, and^ Clare approached them and kissed them both. "Good-night, my darling," said her mother. "Get Into bed, and I will come and tuck you up after I help Perley to undress. He is too sleepy to undress himself." Mr. Hamilton looked at the, group with misty eyes and a strange, yearning gaze. Then putting on his hat he suddenly left the house, and walked down the street, encountering a man^ who stopped to speSk to htm. But Mr. Hamilton brushed him one side, unceremoniously, as He said: "If you must see me, come to the office to-morrow. Not to-night." "Are you sick?" asked the man peering into his face, "Yes, sick of living." The man shrank back without replying, and Hamilton strode on until he met "Mr. Carter, who asked him where he was going. "Nowhere. I will walk back with you." "That's right. Oh, by the way, who =^waathat j n a n w h a called to see youjaL the mill to-day?" "A business acqualntance." "Well, I don't like his looks, Vane, - and I fancied you were not over and above- pleased to see him." "You were right; but I have known him off and on for years, and in his way ho has done me many a good turn, I suppose he thinks." "What's his name?" f\ vt \ 1 • i 1 • y*T''.->.' *•< / Like the widening circles produced by a'stone thrown into a stream, so the mystery surrounding the bank affair at Grovedale was prolific of consequences. Full particulars had been wired through the country and enterprising reporters had worked up columns about it for the newspapers which they represented. One of the widening circles caused by the local disturbance extended to the bank of which Simon, Low was cashier. The directors, awakening to the fact that deposits were being withdrawn with alarming rapidity, called a meeting and unanimously decided that the Interests of the bank called for the "resignation" of Simon Low. Therefore he resigned, but with the united expression of good will and respect from the officers, who felt assured of his perfect honesty and reliability. On the other hand, Tony Osborn, who had himself withdrawn, was asked to resume his place in the Grovedale bank, which .he did, much gratified by the renewed confidence thus manifested. If there had been any feeling of suspicion in regard to a complicity between the cashier, when supposed to have absconded, and Tony, it had disappeared! Indeed the bank officials saw plainly now that there was little friendship between the two; for, though Mr. Hamilton was affable when they chanced to meet, Tony had little to say to him and never went near the house. However, he was as respectful as ever toward Mrs. Hamilton All this time her attitude toward Mr. Hamilton did not swerve from its coldness and reserve* She palpably shrank from being alone with him, or having any private conversation. And he never seemed to resent her attitude. Instead, he grew to love her better and more tenderly every day He was often conscious that Constance was submitting him to tests, said, in a low, breathing tone, as ha stooped to lay aside the music as she finished. . "Yon have," she said, in a tone fall of meaning; aad she left the piano, crossed the apartment and took up a book. The next day Mr. Hamilton asked a workman at the mill to tell Primus Edes that he wished to speak with him. As the man stood waiting, not AN EIGHT-HOUR DAY WILL venturing to speak himself, Mr. HamMAKE COAL GO UP ilton said: HIGHER. "Your name is Edes, I believe." , "Yes, sir." NO LONGER "Have you worked in our mill YELLOW FEVER CAUSES FEAR IN NEW long?" "About eight months." ORLEAN8. "Where did you work before you came here?" IN8URANCE MOGULS SUBPOENA"In Alabama." ED TO EXPLAIN T H I 8 FOR "Were you born there?" POLICY HOLDERS. "No, I was born in Vermont." "Who were your parents?" Fifty Cents a Ton. "Thomas and Mary Edes. I was an The coal trust will not accede to only child, and they are both dead." President John Mitchell's demand for "Were you ever married?" an eight-hour day at the mines unless "No, sir." the public is willing to pay an addi"You are said to be a good, natural tional 50 cents"m ton on coal. Under machinist. Would you like to be no circumstances wiQ it concede rectransferred to our other mill, where ognition of the miners' anion, if such you can have an opportunity to study recognition fanrotres the collection by the works, and, perhaps, have a posi- the companies of the miners' dues to tion as foreman there after a time?" the union from the wages of the em"No, sir. I like where I am, and ployes. An* official of the Lehigh Valley would rather stay here." Coal Co. said: "The demand of Presi"Very well, remain where you are; dent Mitchell for an, eight-hour day but let me caution you, my good felvould involve the addition of threelow, never to be seen watching my quarters of a day's pay every week to house as you did before my return." all the employes' at the mines, with "I will remember," replied Edes, in the exception of contract miners, who his dazed, hopeless fashion, though are a relatively unimportant factor. his sallow cheek reddened and his "It would Involve between 15,000,000 eyes gleamed fiercely for a moment. and 16,000,000 in additional wages evMr. Hamilton turned to his desk an year, and would make absolutely took up his pen, and Edes returned t<' neces£ an increase in the price of coal, if f i n i n g is to be continued at a his work. prT~ But as soon as Mr. Hamilton was "Rejpcknition of the union would ab left with Mr. Carter, who had been solutenf crush out the non-unionists present during the interview, a silent and compel a large body of men who but watchful listener, the latter said: have heretofore been loyal to the oper"That man is chock full of mystery. ators to either join Mitchells orHe was lying when he" gave his par- JSWQizaJiojLQrjault theMr. region. The opento'names, and answered se^gHbly^" erators could not afford to treat these "Do you think so?" men this way." —"I do." "If I thought so," said his comRoasted Alive. panion, seemingly startled, "I—but. Chas. Christian, 11 years old, son of pshaw! you must be mistaken. He Lee Christian, was roasted alive in is stupid and harmless." Hannibal, Mo., Thursday night by anYes, it was very evident, as Mr. other boy named McLain, who dashed Carter said, and also as evident that a can of gasoline over the clothes of he was very unhappy, not to say hope- young Christian and then applied a lighted match. Christian was playinu less. on the street w4th several bther boys Mrs. Fry pitied him more than ever. when McLain walked up swinging a She petted him, and fixed up bitter doses for his liver, as she said, and gasoline can. After twice threatening cooked tempting dishes till her sons to roast the Christian boy alive he made his word good. He unbegan to Joke her for her preference; finally screwed the cap of the can, rushel but this made no difference. upon Christian and drenched him from u t do like him a sight better's the head to foot wi f h ga3?l!ne: B^'o:t rest • of the boarders. I feel sortef the UufortUuiie lad couia get a**7 *a tender to'ards 'im, he's sech.a poor touched a lighted match to his trouscreetur, somehow, so klndex harmless ers, which were soaked with gasoline. an' sufferin', jest as if the world had Ifistantly the boy was enveloped in been rough on 'im alwuz. Tis on flames. H^ fell to the ground screamsome." ing In agony and fighting the Ar*>. She did not explain her meaning Many persons ran to his rescue and fully to.Daa; butane did to Mr. Ham- succeeded In extinguishing the flames, ifie^y that very day,calliftg.at.ihe but not before every stkch of clothes parsonage for the purpose. Mr. Ham- was burned from his body and he wa? merly, a little more pallid, but gentle fatally burned. and kind in speecft'afe ever, soon came Fever Checked. out of his study to speak to her, and The steady growth of confidence ; s*e immediately broached her errand. that the yellow fever crisis In New "It's about a poor man that boards Orleans has been passed Is shown in with me," she said. "Primus Edes, the tone of the stock market and the his name is. He's a poor creetur, an' recovery from the slump of six weeks I'm drefful 'fraid he's set his heart on ago. It was on the exchange that atMis' Hamilton, 'cause he was well tention was first attracted to the enough before her husband came health conditions. With indications that all danger of a serious epidemic back." "You don't mean to say," and the is over a buoyant feeling has replaces minister's fann flushed, "that—he. the depression and many nf tho g??Mri would be so wicked and foolish as ties have reached their former figures. A share of the New Orleans stock exthat!*' change sold today for $6,500, the high"Yes, I do; but it wouldn't be est price recorded. wicked an' foolish in him, for he is With only "fourdeathsin thepreceddifferent from some—don't seem to ing 24 hours, September, the worst realize as some would. You mustn't month in fever epidemics, is apbe hard in your judgment on him, Mr. proached without apprehension. Only Hammerly." 46 new cases occurred Wednesday, "No, I won't be hard on him," an- with four deaths. These small addiswered Mr. Hammerly, in a low tone. tions make a total to date of 1878 "I am sorry for him. I think I heard cases and 271 deaths. something about this long ago. Have All Are Summoned. you spoken of this to any one?" "No, I hain't, not one word about Subpenas have been issued for thy entire list of officers in five leading her, not even to Dan, an' I sha'n't." "That is right. It would not do to life insurance companies, summoning mix a lady's name up in a matter like them to appear before the New York insurance investigation that. I will try to find an opportunity legislative committee at its opening session next to speak to Mr. Edes." week. Among th'j well-known men for And with this assurance, and con- whom subpenas have been made out siderably lightened in her mind, the are: John A. McCall, George W Perkind-hearted woman took her way kins, Darwin P. Klngsley, Thomas \ homeward. Buckner, Gage E. Tirbell, George T Mr. Hammerly called to see Pri- Wilson. H. R. Winthrop, Richard A* mus Edes one night after his day's McCurdy, John R. Hegeman Haley work was ended, and found him softly Fiske and Frederick A. Burnham. playing the violin in his own room, Among those actually served thus far sitting quite like a gentleman In dress- are Messrs. MCCAII, Perkins, Kingsing gown and slippers, thought Mrs. ley, Tarbell and Wilson. So far as known no subpenas have Pry, as she conducted the minister been issued for Senator Chauncey Deinto the apartment. pew or James Hazen Hyde. The latWhat was said at the interview no ter is outside of the state, but his one knew, hut Mr. Hammerly came counsel is understood to have assured forth exceedingly thoughtful, and the investigators that he wiU come to Edes played far into the night, but New York for the purpose of receivwith closed windows. ing service of the papors should they be made out. ' (To he continued.) •fl will rettiwmber," replied Edes, in his dazed fashion. "Oolomoa'frfarks." as If she allll doubted that he was "SolomonMarTcsC Well, good- indeed her husband, and one day he night." said to her: "Good-nlfht.^ "Look at me, Constance; my hands, 'r'T-'- :iyf<fi —s " my height, features, gait; consder me CHAPTER XIV. In every way. Do I differ in any respect, taking into account the trifling Solomon Marks. changes my mental disturbance pro-Solomon Marks was -seen about duced, from the husband of a few Grovedale and vicinity for several months ago? Tell me, Constance, and days. He called to^see Mr. Hamilton tell me truly." * at the mill, and was closeted with -"Why Thr you question me?" she him an hour or more. Afterwards he asked. "I have never said you were was seen chatting with Primus Edes not my husband." in an affable manner,- and later, the "No, Constance, and in your heart same day, he called at Mrs. Fry's you know that I am, though you affect house. to ignore my claims arid to act as if That lady was not glad to see him, you doubted me, even though you do and she showed her feelings plainly not, say so to me," by being very glum and stiff in her HQ'hSjd' never spoken to her so manner. She did not like his: looks, plaf^y" ai»d sternly before, and she nor his errand, which she felt sure trembled^ as she looked into his face. was to learn what he could concern"Tell me," she said in a low, clea^, ing Primus Edes. Indeed, she was tone, with every particle of interest, it fully convinced in her own mind that appeared, of which her nature was he was "anoth^^^etective. feller." capable, concentrated upon her quesSolomon Marks got In o' friends ia tion, "tell, me where I-always laid Grovedale. It, was plain to Mr.. Car- ray head when I went to sleep. ter that even Vane did not like, him, He looked at her a moment before *nd was relieved when he left town. replying, "At the foot of the bed. It Mr. Hamilton was engrossed now, was a fancy of yours." day after day, at the mfll, for his help "No, it was 4- habit; but no matter," was seriously needed. Moments of and she moved to the piano. forgetfulness seemed to steal over "Sing to me, will you not, Conhim, causing him to forget names and stance?" details, but a word recalled them to "Yes. Shall It he your favorite?" mind, and then be would go on un"Yes, if yon have not forgotten it." •C:v: aided, perhaps, for days. His aptitude "Oh, no. I never forget. Find it for business, always remarkable, ha4 forme, please.* * ' Ambition. not lessened in the least/ and he was For a moment he gazed at her earnUncle Horace (who is something of tf*:-^ confident, he told his partners, that Small mistakes lead to big conseestly. Then he glanced through the a sage and philosopher)—My boy, It is quences. . very soon he should fully recove^all pile of music till he came to "Annie time for you to begin link serious- "" The* Russd^apanese' peace "IreaTyli rememb^efolUfce M e t v l t % r v'? "t4arie,"-i*nici he plated before ^ e r . i ^ M : t S A g i n d o t M Intend to Is said, may be called the MTreaty'of "If a o , » ^ a a l a f ^ ^ a U k n o w what ' She'sang tn*fc>ng in a sweet, thrill- map out for yourself. To it up-in Sagamore Hill," in honor of President I did, whether I presented those, J^tos lag ton* that brought out all Its tea* - a, word, what epitaph ai bl- Roosevelt. alter altering them myself, at the derness- to the waiting' ears Of her tkms to have engraved ur Seven companies of the Teaneaaee ' ? W k \ where X spent the time before I listener. eembstone. national guard have been orderea to went to 'h Tracy City, where strla1na>«inert arc to that t threatening trooMe. ^ ^ ^ r* t ?** ''i22W«gmKETC ^ W s t t » » * -j) ODD WAGER IS EASILY WON. Flesh and Hood Leg No Mat** 1ftEndunfcee Wit* Cork ~ It was in the commercial room and the aonveraation had turned on thai topic of |ke- power* of -endurance shown by men of the past and present Daring a lull in the conversation a young commercial man said: "Any man, If he has the wiU power, can endure pain or fatigue;, I know I can.'' Silence for a moment, and an "old man of the road" replied: "I'll bet you a dinner you can't hold your foot—boots on—in a bucket of hot water as long as I can." The bet was taken and two buckets of hot water were brought in and a kettle of boiling water to raise the temperature to the point of endurance. In went a foot of each bettor. The yonng man's face began to pale, but the other called for more boiling water. "What the deuce is your leg mada< of, sir?" yelled the former, suddenly taking his foot from tho bucket. ''Cork, sir—cork," was the cool an* swer, and the other gentleman felt that he had, indeed, lost.—Chicago Chronicle. _.. .__ Sure Cure at Last. Monticello, Miss., Sept. 4 (Special) —Lawrence County is almost daily in receipt of fresh evidence that a sure cure for all Kidney Troubles has at last been found, and that cure Is Dodd's Kidney Pills. Among those who have reason to bless the Oreat American Kidney Remedy is Mrs. L. E. Baggett of ihis place. Mrs. Baggett had dropsy. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. "I was troubled with my kidneys," Mrs. Baggett says in recommending Dodd's Kidney Pills to her friends, "my urine would hardly pass. The Doctors said I had Dropsy.' I have taken Dodd's Kidney Pills as directed and am now a well woman." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the kidneys L Cured Kidneys strain aJLthe Tmpurities but of the blood. That m e a n s pnrp hlnnri gn<t a Si>und, -energetic body. Dodd's Kidney pills are the greatest tocic the world has ever known. Use for an Old Piano. A woman'whose desire for beautiful things quite outstrips her pocket book created from an old square piano case a magnificent library table. Thi works of the instrument had become absolutely worthless, so they were taken out. When the piano was closed it was a tight box of rosewood. The front piece was taken off, and a pine drawer was fitted m with the front Siece for the front of the drawer. Two old-faaalo&ed glass, knobs w « « screwed into the drawer for hanuiob. The "legs'"weTen^un"fuTly^arved7bul" were, of course, too long, so they were sawed off to make the top come to a convenient height for a table. The whole thing was polished highly, and the result was a table that would not be bought for $100.—Brown Book. Took No Chances. "I can't stop ter talk now," said Brother Williams. "I done digged a storm pit ter hide me fum de harricane, an I gwine ter see 'bout takin' out insurance on it. Kaze you know, a earthquake might happen ter come 'long en swaller it!"—Atlanta Constitution. & D O N T MISS T H I 8 . » A Cure - for Stomach Trouble—A New" Method by Absorption—No Drugs. DO YOU BELCH? It means a diseased stomach. Are you afflicted with short breathy gas, sour eructaiiona, heart pains, indigestion, dyspepsia, burning pains and lead weight in pit of stomach, acid stomach, distended abdomen, dizziness, BAD BREATH, or any other stomach torture? Let us send you a box of Mulls Anti-Belch Wafers free to convince you that it cures. Nothing else like it known. It's sure and very pleasant. Cures by absorption. Harmless. No drugs. Stomach trouble can't be cured otherwise—so says medical Bcience. Drugs won't do—they eat up the stomach and make you worse. We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers cure and we want you to know it, hence this offer. SPECIAL OFFER. — The regular price of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers is 50c a box, but to introduce it to thousands of sufferers we will send two (2) boxes upon receipt of 75c. and this advertisement, or we will send you a sample free for this coupon. FREE BOX 114 Send this coupon with your name and address and druggist's name who does NOT sell it, for a free box of Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers to Mull's Grape Tonic Co., 148 Third Ave., Rock Island, 111. Give full address and write plainly. Sold at all druggists, 50c per box. An author says true success in the world doesn't consist of acquiring riches, but we'll bet he's getting well paid for writing the stuff. Ask Your Dealer for Aft*** Foot-Eaee A powder. It rests the feet. Cores Swollen. Sore, Hot, CaHras, Aehiaf, Sweating Feet firawittiKaUs, At all DmgfUVaad . •ttorea.Sncenta. AoceptM» substitute, pie mailed FRBB. IndfiM. Allen & Oimsted, LeBoy, N. Y. S • ^ — • . Don't associate with gromblera, b a t keep cheerful companlona. . ^ • - ' • • • ••.<;.•::;* . • r • • ' • ^ -¾ • + • • . , . ; & .:£>' « >WWW' ,A*.>; Jfw' •.*:•»!"• :v V-:, ;<.,.' s Sir fh«a»*8 ffesatrfc •.vi * & • • • Michigan State Fair ADDITIONAL LOCAL. w;c.T.u. /• With permanent grounds advanThe weather Monday was not very tageously located oa the outskirts of good for the different Itbor day Edited by the Pinqkney W. C. T. U . F. L. ANDREWS d CO. PROPRIETORS. 1 . ^ — _ _ « _ _ _ tbe city of Detroit and new buildings picnics and parades, Qo&ting more than 1150,000, tbe . 66th, Wastenaw oounty taxpayers will THURSDAY, SEPT. 7 1905. "Mormoniam" by Miss Bonaeli. annual State Fair gives every promise have to pay for six county drains r-* of a successful exhibition of Michigan's Continued from last week. Gen. Cor bin, commander-in- agricultural and industrial products. which are being constructed in that county this year, five just being Never for a moment, could I, or chief Ju tbe Philippines, prophe- Liberal premiums have attracted the ordered built. would I think of doubting the sies that those islands in the near attention of live stock breeders and We have recieved the official an- sincerity of the Morman people at future will not only furnish their agriculturists, and tbe display of these nouncement of tbe 1905 International large, after attending the opening own coal supply, but will compete lines will be unusually heavy. SevenLive Stock exposition whioh will be with Australia and Japan in the teen races will be held on the new one held in tbe'new coliseum at the Union of the seventy-fifth annual confermile circle tor which purses worth $7.enoe of the Church of Jesus Christ markets of Singapore. Stock Yards at Chioago, Dec. 2 to 9. 600 have been hung up. Tbe meeting of Latter Day Saints, at the hisPotatoes sbonld be dug when the of tbe Michigan Trotting and Pacing Utah has many of her families Circuit will be held at tbe Fair grounds vines begin to turn yellow, it is best toric Tabernacle in Salt Lake City. living on ten; five and even two during the week of September 1116. to dig them early in the morning or Imagine, if you can, an assemblage of over ten thousand Morman peoacres; living well too, and laying late in the evening. Do not let the A novelty has been arranged lor the money year after year. The aver- la-t day ot the Fair in tbe automobile sun shine on them if you can help it, ple, plain, hardworking and reliage farm acreage for the entire races, in which manufacturers of the Handle carefully, put them'in a venti- gious mipded people, gathered on state is $7 acre* aj)d this includes State will startjtoendears. Other fea- lated building, and yon will have no the seventy-fifth anniversary of ; the organization of to*eburcb,^er TaTi'c^8^^anT1u^QnBlon8r tures are the daily flight of Boy Kna- trouble in keeping them. bensbue, the Toledo aeronaut, in his A vein of iron ore has been found at which their parents and grandThe conclusion of the war by dirigible balloon, famous because it is So. Lyon and that villaue is looking parents have actually suffered agreement between Japan and the only airship yet invented capable for a boom with a capital B. Pinck- martyrdom; people who if deluded Russia brings nearer the time ot flying against a head wind, and- ney never struck coal, oil, gas or iron are staunch in the faith given to when President Roosevelt may Pain's spe'-tacular fireworks display bnt just steadily grows and keeps her them by their adored prophet, carry out his plan of suggesting to every evening, "The Fall of Port Ar-* buildings full there not even being a Joseph Smith; people who, if octbur." Transportation facilities are place at present to locate tbe post-office casion demanded, would give their the powers that there should! be a excellent both for shippers and visitors when they have to lavve the Campbell lives cheerfully for the church tosecond meeting of the Hague building. day. Imagine the opening of that peace conference. Like Finding Money Tbe strolling musician has heard of meeting with the tremendons peal Finding health is like finding mon- John D. and has caught on. The little of that mighty organ, and the The Japanese are not a nation ey—so think those who are sick. German band has been consolidated. singing by the multitude of a of farmers, as we understand the When you have a cough, cold, sore An artist appeared on our streets Morman hymn, singing which reword. They are a nation of gar- throat or .chest .irritation, better ant Wednesday with a base drum on his quired the aid of no books or score, deners. There is neither isola- promptly like W. U. Barber, of Sandy back, a snare drum on top of that and singing which thrilled the listener tion nor congestion in their life. Level, Va. fie says: "I had a terrible the rest of tbe instruments draped over trouble, caused by smoke and coal bis person and he played the whole to the center of his being with the Cfcn^Dolt t*tt»wtth- oause 1s* not O l h i a n eontluM to f«t wea They are the outgrowth of < . i force, and as the heart to rest, as do other organ*, nue until completely 41aa t*g the end. - ^ the very first indication of fcgftff new, you can atop all progress a a f it a cure by the 9 use of Dr. Miles Heart Cure It feeds, strengthens and builds the nerves and muscles of the "I had heart trouble for years, in side, short breath, palpitation, *: ertng spells. Every exertion oa, •harp pains and weakness in the heart. Am hew on the third bottle of Dr. Mller Heart Cure, and the result is wonderfuL Pains are entirely gone, and I sleep good, have good appetite, and think Dr. Miles' Heart Cure the beat medicine l a the world." ALONZO MORLET. Columbus. O. The flrat bottle will benefit, if not, the druggist will return your money. If you want all thu news, subscribe for the DISPATCH. ~ . JThey dwell, the great majority of them, not in great cities, but in dust on my lungs; but, after finding outfit unaided and took the whole religions fervor thrown into*These Are you looking for some kind o F closely settled rural communities. no relief in other remedies, I was proceeds found in tbe tambourine.— lines: power that you can use in your barn tocured by Dr. King's New Discovery Chelsea Standard. Redeemer of Israel, . day, down in the woods tomorrow, over for consumption, coughs and colds.1' We are in receipt of information Oar only delight, in your neighbors' woods next day? A shipload of 450 boys and girls Something that costs nothing until On whom for a blessing we call; Greatest sale of any cough or lung started and all expense stops the instant has just landed from London, with medicine in the world. At F. A. Sig- from the State Agricultural Society Oar shadow by day that the new grounds and buildings in the power stops ? An engine that always the farms of Canada the destina- ler's drugstore; 50c and $1.00 guargoes no matter what the weather condiDetroit will be ready for the State And our pillar by night Our King, our deliverer, our all. tions may be? If so, let us tell you tion. This is but a small part of anteed. Trial bottle free. Fair, Sept. \l to 16. It may be recallmore about Ideal engines, which are We know he is coming the great work that for the past guaranteed for one year, and sent out to ed that the Michigan building from To gather his sheep responsible farmers on a 10 days' trial. twenty-five years Dr. Barnardo MICHIGAN STATE FAIB, DETROIT the St. Louis World's Fair was moved SEPT. 11th TO 16th, 1905 We make a specialty of a 5 H. P. engine And lead them to Zion in love has been doing for the poor and to Detroit. This is already rebuilt. that is adapted to farm use. It costs^but For why in the valley little more for gasoline to pump wafer Tbe Grand Trunk Railway System destitute children of the London The race track is a new mile ..course. Of death should they weep with this engine than it does witjt ji slums. He has thus far exported Announces single fare for tbe Round There will be, in addition to compreOr in the lone.wilderness rove? smaller one, which is of no practical usfc except for pumping. This engine WTJI over 50,000 children. Me is rais- Trip, plus 50 cents for admission to hensive and exhaustive exhibits of grind feed, buzz wood and do any woyc ing an additional fund of $250,000 t be fair grounds. Tickets on sale Sept. every State product, entertainment in AB children of Zion, requiring power on the farm. IdejJ engines \vill_bc OJI exhibition at the Fains Good tidings for us. to enable him to enlarge his work. H to 16, inclusive. Return limit Sept. the way of races, tfre fall of Port Arthis fall. ^ i8, 1905. For fares and further infor* thur by Fame's fireworks, every even- The tokens already appear ; —Christian Advocate. Maud S Wind Hill * Pom? Co^ mation call en local agent or write to ing; ascensions by Knaoenshue's airFear not and be just. Lenslna, Jfidu ^ GEO. W. VAUX, A. G. P. & T. A., 135 ship, etc. The Woodward avenue For the kinSdom is ours; During the month of August, Adams St. Chicago, ill. The hour of redemption is near. t 36 electric cars run to the grounds. We are assured that this year's State Fair 1902, there was discovered in the Oh, there is in that very sinceriAre Yon Engaged! will far exceed past efforts, and everySierras, east of Fresno, Cal., the ty, in that very fervor, in that spell Engaged people should remember, one knows bow advisable it is to spend biggest known tree in the world. which persecution, partly true, partsome time in such a city as Detroit. that, after marriage, many quarrels It was later visited by John Muir, ly alleged, has thrown about her can be avoided, by keeping their dithe naturalist, who reports that people; in the passionate love, for gestions in good condition with ElecDuck Season Patented. its circumference at the base is that very religion, lies the tragedy tric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of BenClaapsoa Barrel, one hundred and nine feet, or a nattsville, S. C, Says: "For years, my The open season for ducks in Michi- of the Morman woman! There in as easily at ea Box. diameter of thirty-six and one wife suffered intensely from dyspepsia, gan began the morning of Sept. 1st, the loyalty to a religion which Adjusts itself te half feet. At four feet above the complicated with a torpid liver, until according to the law passed at the last dishoners her; in her implicit faith any size ear. ground the circumference was she lost her strength and vigor, and session of the legislature. in the righteousness of Joseph This is the earliest for the birds ever Smith and Brigham Young; in her ninety : seven feet. This tree is became a mere wreck of her former Closed Mapper <( considerably larger than Gouoral *el£—Then she triod Electric Bitters, known in Michigan, and the result 4* /Uuquestiouiug subjection to the Making It tapesbeing anxiously awaited by sportsmen which helped her at once, and finally sible for Operator Sherman" and "General Grant," priesthood of her church. to Pinoh Hud. the two which heretofore were the made ber entirely well. She is nowall over the state. The argument has It is a difficult thing to separate been brought forward by those opposrecognized monarcha-of all "Bigstrong and healthy. F. A. Sigler, Is guaranteed to do at aood If not druggist, sells and guarantees them, ed to the early opening of the duck in ones attitude, a people and the better work than any sheller on the Trees." season that tbe young birds are notsystem in which it is submerged. Market. Throws cobs outside every at 50c a bottle. fully fledged and consequently can not It is not till one has learned to time. Cold rolled steel axle. Requires no wrench. Shells popcorn splendidly The Indianapolis Star says that Low Rates to Portland. Ore. escape the ravages of the indiscrimi- love the Morman woman and hate by tightening tension o a spring. All via gardening on vacant lots in p a t nate hunter. repairs furnished free of charge. lEvery tne system which crushes her, 1 Chicago Great Western Railway farmer should have one. For sale by city will be more extensive t that this state of mind can be com- hardware and implement dealers. Tickets on sale daily beginA POPULAR WEDDING TRIP ever this year, about 100 famill prehended. Remember you who MANUFACTURED BV ing May 23rd till Sept. 29th. Also Is to Take a D. & B. Line Steamer would be inclined to regard with being provided for, some of them BRINLY-HARDY CO., Incorporated, taking charge of more than one very low rates to Seattle, Tacoma, Across Lake Erie contempt a woman who would Bellingham and Everett, Wash., VicLouisville, Ky., U. S. A. lot. A society ^as charge of the toria, and Vancovuer, B. C„ and San- If yon want a delightful wedding consent to be a 2nd or 6th wife, work, the lots being plowed and francico, Los Angeles and San Diego, trip, take one of tbe new palatial that the plural wife occupies that preparel and seed furnished. Cal. For low rates, dates of sale and steamers Eastern States or Western position in accordance with the Many families that used to call on other information apply to F. R. Mo- States which run daily between Detroit training of her mother and her charity for aid at times, are now sier, T. P. A., 115 Adams St., Chicago, and Buffalo. Staterooms and parlors mother's mother, in accordance entirely self-supporting, their 111. t-38 reserved in advance. Send two-cent with the very principles of hei stores of potatoes and other stamp for illustrated booklet. Adreligion; in the hope of the glory, Attacked By a Mob dress D. and B. Steamboat Co. Detroit, vegetables filling out an otherwise which will reward her persecution inadequate income. —Maxwell's and beaten, in a labor riot until cov- ^lich. of the flesh in this world, in the Talisman. The working of vacant ered with sores, a Chicago street car Is not a at n t brightness of the light to eome. DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU conductor applied Bucklen's Arnica loti' by poor people was instigated medicine but is a Salve, and was scon sound and well. Remember Beader,that the Morprescription of an by the lamented Hazen S. Piugreo 4 That Rail Tickets Are Accepted E n g l i s h Surgeon i use it in my fara'iy," writes G. J. man woman is different from other and id used with when mayor of Detroit On D. & B. Daily Line Steamers? Welch, of Telfonsha, Mich., "and find women only in her religion, rethe greatest success it perfect.' Simply great tor cuts Under special'arrangement with tbe member that she is an American in tho British Army. It is prepared exand burns.k Only 25c at F. A. Sigler's Michigan Central, Wabash and Grand woman, that she has a woman's Got Off Cheap pressly for RheuTrunk Railways, all classes of tickets He may well think, he has got offdrug store. matism. Guaranheart, that her babies are just as teed to cure reading via these lines between Detroit cheap, who, alter having contracted sweet and innocent as your own, constipation or indigestion, is still able $16.00 to St. PanI & Minneapolis and and Buffalo, in either direction, will return from Chicago via be accepted for transportation on D.and that the pity is in the native, to perfectly restore his health. Noth womanliness of the Morman Chicago Great Western Railway & B, steamer?. i«£ wili do this bnt Dr. King's New We will replace woman. every b o t t l e to Send two cent stamp for. illustrated Utir Pills. A quick, pleasant, and Tickets on sale daily to September Druggist that will }in core for headache, conatipa- 30tb. " Final return limit October 31st. booklet. Address __ not mure, '• i l D. £ B. STIAMBOAT CO. Testimonials from many eantsjent etc. 25c at F. A. Sigler's drug Also equally low rates to points in people will be furnished oav request. DETROIT, MICH. store; guaranteed. Minnesota, North Dakota, Colorado, Dept. A. For sale by leading Druggists. Utah and Wyoming. For further PlXFAKlD ONLY BY THE YELLOW PINE', EXTRACT ftfe information apply to F. R. jftotier T. Allegheny, Pa. P. A., 115 Adams St., Chicago, 111. t-36 «• # * # • * * * * RED CHIEF •v-*Pv» Corn Sheller. Yellow Pine Compound Rheumatism 's KiMaeyCCan SALV Mey*s Honey /M 7ar thenwethMllnfMlvelntheipfOfM. $ • ; % '!,*!HW!. «rr *¥• / SF '• V ••«#•-.-•••**•** O f ' ' v ; '•• ' T ; ^ . . ^ 1 ^ : ^ . - - - - ^ , ^ ^ • ' • . • ' / • • X : ' ; .': - v . , - 7 '.;:.;:'• •.;• . , . ' . - . • • - • • -'.•••••:•-; ; ' ' • - ' . '. •••' • •, ;..•< * • « • * » * * • « • • • Jfc * * " * y> • »**• -# -,-«*>» - > ' ^ r n ^ r - . ^ « r w s « ? ^ . - ' ^ •* ' ' ••" ', ' . - • • • MBPBWWW^itfiait.. t . ' * ^ ^ ^ ^ • '•'.; : '. "/, - . , ^ " V X ; -,,, - ' • ' * ' • . ' . . . _ • . /;,/'.'• •,.; -;j ; . •. ^ ';* . ^ V 1 * . ' * •, • , . _ , ' I)-'--. > ,.*.» ^ •.--• M..Y,,,. 7OT- * j ^ Grtj* Westefa Balmy to pointe MI Anaoov ArkafiHfl, 4M^Iiboin, British Colombia,' Canadian K^thwcti, Colorado, Idaho, Indian foft^pry* Iowa, Kansas, Manitoba, ^Wflfe >li«04tota, Missouri, Montana, Ifabrnsk*, Nevada, New Mexico, No/jtfr and South Dakota, Oregon, Texaa, Washington and Wyoming at greatly reduced rale a for the r:nnd trip. Tickets on sale the first and third Tuesdays of each month. For farther infotination apply to P. R. hosier, T. P. A, 115 Adams tit, Chicago, 111. UO N©irl<'«'lr<l (lit]* >Xt**iitie*. "I wopTlc;-," s;tid !•*••. nvt-r Corntossel, who had Just returned from a,trip to die big city, "why s > many voting men Insist on not gottin' rich." "What do you mean?" asked his wife. "They all want to be lawyers or doctors Instead o* beln* restaurant waiter* or policemen."—Washington Star. A CHANGE OF [Original.] l i t retained bar equanimity. From mat moment he showed the latter a prtfare*co, which resulted In the breaking of hm engagement, and be aftarward bocame engaged t o Miss Ferris. Bartle Farr, when he found that he had lost Miss Ferris, either to show that he was not Inconsolable or from shear desperation, took up with the neglected Miss Beck. She was not a strong character. Firr made love desperately acd won her. He derived some satisfaction in making the othet two believe that he was just as well satisfied as If the exchange had not occurred. WINIFRED ROBERTS. Foley's Honey m* Tar <pnre« w.'is. pwnt* paeumoo!** NELSON'S ANTI-PAIN .SOLID One summer evening a rowboat con* tmlning two young men mid two young women was drifting idly on the Allegheny river above the city of Pittaburg. They were two pairs of lovers, John Baron and Lillie Beck, Bartle Farr and Margaret Ferris. If any on<e Are Ton Going East or West would have told tbem that within a If so, you can save money by travel- vary short time there would be a transing on Detroit and Buffalo Steamboat position among them us fiances they Co.Y new steamers between Detroit would not have believed it. Neverthe, A quissj ajai>egeetN» e v e for „ . . less such a change came to pass. atiam, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbasro BsasV and Buffalo. The service is the best ache and other nervous pains and achsson John Baron was one of those phleg- Very Low Rale* West and Northwest. any part of the body. If yon suffer from on iresb water. Send 2c. lor folder, matic, taciturn, undemonstrative felany of the above ilia, we say in all stooenty give our worthy ANTI-PAIN SOLID LIN* The Chicago Great Western will to map, etc. Address, lows who usually choose their oppoIMENT a fair trial. • ANTI-PAIN SOLID LINIMENT oomesl sites, and in Lillie Beckt-Wjound ex- May 15th sell one way Colonists tick* Pay your Subscription this month A. A. Schantz, G. P. T. Mgr. in a neat box in paste form, different from the girl to attract him. Bartle ets to Arizona, California, Colorado, other liniments, "Yes, indeed," H totoo| Detroit, Mich. actly precious to lose by breakage o r r " Farr was a gay, devil may care young All yon have to do is to apply a ., {Dan, who found In Margaret Ferris Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, this liniment to the effected partstorelieve I I the pain instantly, which eventually perthose steady qualities that a man of Ctab, Washington, Alberta and B-itat* what you forms a permanent cure. „ his character seemed to need. Every- is h Colombia at greatly reduced rates. We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign We guarantee ANTI-PAIN SOLID LIN-1 body said that both couples would For further information apply _to F. IMENT to do all we claim for it, refunded* — make an admirable match. for a box to-day and have it on hand I R. Mosier, T.'P. A. 113 Adams'"St. I inSend case of emergency, you will he mocej It was in the days when nitroglycthan pleased with the result. erin was supplied from above Pitts- Chicago, 111. Price 2ft Cents. burg on the Allegheny to the oil fields For sale by our agents or you may ord« f den*! mod i i jfcotv* or photo of invention tor In Pennsylvania, floated down in stidirest from us. Sent postpsad o n reosipt of I Itreerej..'(•!. -•< 'ntability. For free book price. Agents wanted everywhere. Write r Ietto-llke boats some thirty feet long for terms. ' 85K" APE-MARKS • « • by four feet wide. Eaoh boat carried HENRY NELSON & CO., Eckvoll, Mina. enough nitroglycerin to blow anything PUBLISHED KVBST THUB8DAY MOHMiHfcl BY it struck to the clouds. It was run by AN3REW9&CO. two men, who had strict orders to He F R A N K L C0ITOR8 «KO PROPRIETOR*. up at nightfall. In daytime they could S u b s c r i b e U>x \\:*> \ 'iM'AlCM be seen far enough ahead to enable eSabscrlptlon Price $1 in Advance. j U- S» Patent o*nce such craft as they came across to get Gray Hatr Is a bar to employment and to S H I R J O T Q N D. C. leasure, uut there is relief from it in these out of the way, and, since they did not 5nterad at the Poatofflce at Piackaey, Xichigaii ays. It can be restored to its natural color as second-claes matter run at night, there was no necessity by using Mrs. E. W. Allen's Vita Hair Color Advertising rates made known on application. Restorer. It is not a dye but in a natural way for accident. it acts in the roots, compelling the secretion Cards, $4.00 per year. m of the pigments that give life and color to the The party in the skiff had pulled far Baelaesa COUGHSAREDANGER Death and marriage notices published free. •Nfiil'H L* A : \ l . r i hair in three days. It is not sticky or greasy;no up the river during the afternoon, in- Announoementi ot entertainments mar be pale odor: doeftn't stain the scalp. ABSOLUTELY Signals, Stop Them With TTAttMT.iefls fi.oo a bottle. All druggists. tending to drift down leisurely with the tor, if desired, by presenting the office with tick of admission. In case tickets are not hr aught current in the twilight Bartle Farr, etot s the office,regular r a t e s w i l l b e c h a r e d . who never took thought for the future, A l l matter in local notice column will be ch^rgd Insisted on rowing up much farther ed at 5 cents per line or fraction thereof, for each j j a' i»I •* c t-' 0 n Guaiaja'eeJ JNo Wner»aotimsiaspeciaed ( allnptic>j t h a n wag Intended. Margaret Ferris insertion. will be Inserted until ordered discontinued, anc r;l-n.r.fa for-Ametion bili>. . . had endeavored to check his enthusi- will be cnaxgearor accordingly. fcsT All Changes of advertisementaMUST reach this office as earlj asm, but on this occasion w a s unequal as T C S S D A T morning to Insure an insertion th< the hygienic skin food gives rosy freshness Pasloffice »'1 i--«s«r, CheUea, Michigan and beauty to the skin. Removes all imper/CONSUMPTION . to the task, or, rather, she permitted same week. p fections and impurities. A perfect complexJOB T8IJV1IJVG t /Or arrange-n^nts made at this office. ion. 60 cents at your druggists, or sent F0r Jjj|Ug» 50c«1.00 him to have his way, only warning prepaid o n receipt of price. him that in case they were caught out In all its branches, a specialty. Wehaveallkinc the latest styles 01 Type, etc., which on the river in the dark and anything and us to execute all kinds of work, such as THE CURE THAT'S SURE for ali DiseaMARK W . ALLEN & CO. happened she would hold him responsi- Pamplets, Posters, Programmes, 'Bill H Note sea of Throat and Lungs or Money Heads, Statements. Cards, Auction Bill ,in ble. Back. F R E E T R I A L . Detroit, M i c h . superiaj-styles, upon the shortest not! Prices as Twilight w a s fading into night, and jow si~gooa work can be c o n e . ALL BILLS FATABLX FIRST OF KY>£aY MOMTH. they were still several miles above the city drifting down with the current. Margaret proposed that the men \\ K c v H . - K i ^ . . K K - * K - r\ \\<±/Z FRANKL AKtREWS should take to the oars and was seconded by Baron. Whereupon Farr declared tliat they were having the best part of their excursion and as for himWITH Mlf he proposed to enjoy It. Baron took a pair of oars and began to row. * » * NO N A M E S U S E D W I T H O U T W R I T T E N CON8ENT. AT DISPATCH OFFICE At this Farr made a curt remark about SXL e>ft»ct A p r . . 3 a . U3.Ch. his timidity at being out after dark £= without a protector. Baron made no Trains leave South Lyon as follows: "Heavy work suvete straining and evil habits In youth brought on a double varicocele. When I worked hard the aching would reply, but kept on pulling. /&E VILLAGE DIRECTORY For Detroit and Eart, become severe and I was often laid up for a weak at a time. My family physician told me an operation was my only h o p e When the night settled down upon/ 10:4S a. m., ^:19 p. m. S.5S p. m. but I dreaded It. I tried several specialists, but soon found out them Farr and Miss Ferris were in tire all they wanted w a s my money. 1 commenced to look upon all VILLAGE OFFICERS. For Grand Rapids, North and West, doctors a s little better than rog-ues. One day my boss asked me bow, Farr with his back between/the PBESIDSNT W. fl. Placeway why I was off work so much and I told him my condition. He 9:26 a. m.,2:10 p.irn., 8:1^ p. .Q. 7 advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy and Kergan, as he had two gunwales.. Miss Ferris sitttifg on TaasTSis Ruben Pinch, James Eoche, /a. taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square Will Kenned/ Sr , Alfred Monks, For Saginaw and Bay City, the foremost seat, facing hlnL Miss 'Vand skiUfulT He wrote them and got the New Method TreatF. D. Johnson, A. Hoc he. indent for me. My progress was somewhat slow and during the 10:48 a..m., 2:19 p. ra., S 5S p. ru. Beck was at the tiller, Baron on the CLK&K KOSS ite&d Iflrst month's treatment 1 was somewhat discouraged. However. "stroke" seat rowing. Suddenly someTBXASOBKB P. O. Jtckson | l continued treatment for three months longer and was " * * * < * For Toledo and South, Swlth a complete cure. I could only earn $12 a week in a machine ASBBSSOB U. W.Murta thing black on the. river appeared 10:4"i a. m.. 2:19 p. m., Jshop before treatment, now I am earning »21 and never lose a STBJIST COMMISSIONBB Alfred Monks within a few yards \4t them, and a ^UTS. I wish all sufferer, knew of your valuable ^ ¾ ¾ HKALTHUrncsB Or. tt. f . a i « l e i PUS'K'R", ' 3 . F. NCOBT.LEFt. ATTOBMKY L. £ . Uowlett Toice shouted, "Get/Jut of the way for Aireat, > • ! ' • t,»-»n.. a P. \., PotroJr. MARSHALL S. Brogan / o u r livesP' and two splashes followed as of persons jumping into the water. Wran ' Trnnlr Rail w a r System, I g ^ W & ' o ? . A ¥ ^ rrffleltS^oS- t h T S W g CHURCHES. In another inoment John Baron rec& « ? K s i serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the F:i t Bonhil from Pine* n*T ognized the/dim outline of a nitroglyc?JJlnHim^-our• NEW• METHOD positively cures all blood diseases forever. Nn--i« T%,9<.na(.r Ex. Sun-iiiv. (1:3¾ A. M. 5¾^¾¾^ O R MmrjLSI AOBD-MBN.-Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken BTHODIST EPISCOPAL CUUKOfl. .No. sr Passenger Rr. Sniil'iv. VO.' P. M. erin boat/ coming straight for the JH£N£n?^v?fem You feeI the wmptoms stealing over you.. Mentally, physically Rev. H. L. Cope, pastor. Services every We«t B o n n ! frnm f ' i n r k i i p v 2nd S you^are no" the riSSij^u used to be or should be. Will-you heed the skiff. Art the same moment Farr, who Sunday morning at 10:3a, and every Sandaj No. 27 P»«»9en^r Ex. Siindav, 10:07 ^ M. had risen to see what was coming, rec- evening at T:oO o'clock. Prayer meeting Thars| danger s gna s . victim* Have you lost hope? Are you Intending No. 29 Pa??encer ET. Stindpy. 8:44 P. M ' school.atclose of mornognjyWl the danger—He plunged into day evenings. Sunday , n ^ w ^ f c R f j i n a f r y ? H M your Wood W n rihf«Bfd? Have you any weakW . H . C l n r t i . Apont. Mtaa Sli.*\ V A H F U S S T , tiupt. ing service. W* " u " Sew Method Treatment w i U ^ e y7u\ What V h a s oone xor .oia » the water and dived to avert the comIt wii: do for you. CONSULTATION P R E B No matter^ who h a s ^ ¾ ^ ¾ ^ write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. BOOKS FREE— The uoiaen MOIU ing explosion. Baron, putting all his iONUttKXiAi'IONALCtiURCU. tor" (Illustrated), on Diseases of Men. ' Kev. U-W. Mylne pastor. Service ever} [ strength into one supreme effort, gave Suniiay a£bminit st 10:^0 and every Sandaj | N O N A M E S U S E D W I T H O U T W R I T T E N C O N S E N T . £ ^ 1 % ^ ^ *J° Hrwo-strokes with the-port oar, and be- evening at 7:0C o'clock. Prayer meeting Thnrt [ n a m e s on boxes or envelopes. E v e r y t n l n * conHdentUU. QneBtion l i s t a n d | coat o f t r e a t m e n t F R E E f o r H o m e T r e a t m e n t . fore he could give a third the nose of day evenings, aaad&y school at close or morn service. Kev. K. H. Crate, Supt,, Mocco J the nitroglycerin boat rubbed the stern ing Teeple Sec. TO ALL POINTS EA5T AND WE5T of the skiff. For a few seconds the VIA THE D & B L I N E . O T . MAKV'S 'JATHUUC CHURCH. j side of the explosive craft slid along O Kev. M. J. Comuieriord, Pastor, \iervicet . L<xw mass aiT:SOoclott , the stern of the skiff, then the danger every Sunday. Cor. M i c h . Ave. and Shelby St., Detroit, M i c h . high mass with sermon at 9:3Ga. m. Catechisn. , had passed. at3;0u p. m., vesperssnabenediction at 7:30 p.m K . \\ tf K K K ,; K K K K Baron took in the situation at once. The men on the boat had been running SOCIETIES: her too late into the night, and on coming upon the skiff, after shouting a he A. 0 . H. Society of this place, meets ever) third Sunday intae Fr, Matthew Hall. warning, had jumped overboard. The John Tuomey and M. X. Kelly, County Delegate* Triple Extract of Violet, French Roses Concentrate, situation after the danger had passed Imperial Hair Toriic. Three High Grade Essentials was this: Farr was swimming for the fllHli; W. C. T. U. meets the tirst Friday of each to the Toilet at the price of one of them alone, viz t skiff, Miss Beck was lying in a fainMn X month at <2:3b p. tu. at tae home oi t»r. H. F. Mgler. Everyone interested in temperance is 8I.0O. the stern. Baron was resting on his coadially invited. Mrs. Leal Siller, fres; Mr». We manufacture and sell these goods direct t o oars, while Miss Ferris was sitting Ktta Durtee, secretary. the consumer, thus cutting out the profits of the quietiy on the forward seat. Her he C. T. A. and JB. Society of this place, i»<-< middlemen. cheeks Earned at the cowardice of. her every third Saturaay evening in ttie Fr. Ma» REGULAR R E T A I L P R I C E John L>onuUut, 1 r>. ident, lover, who had left her to die while he thew Mali. .50 Triple Violet Extract saved himself. NIGHTS OF MACCABEES. French Roses Concentrate I.. 0 0 Meet every Friday evening on or before fnl Baron knew that the nitroglycerin (Makes 2 quarts exquisite toilet water.) of the moon at their naliin the Swarthout bid,, boat being without guidance would go Visiting brothers are cordially invited. imperial Hair Tonic • • .50 on down the river, liable at any moL. K. SMITH, Sir Knight Commaude. $2.00 ment to cause great loss of life and ivingston Lodge, No. 7«, F A. A. M. Kegulaj Our Price for t h e T h r e e - O N E DOLLAR. property. He was a good swimmer Communication Tuesdav evening, on or before A Saving to YOU of 100 Per Cent Is'nt it Worth While ? Kirk VanWinkle, W. M Write to us for descriptive literature o i these articles. and resolved to catch it. Plunging into thefull ot the moon. The CINCINNATI PERFUME CO. Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. the water, he swam lustily, gaining on RDER OF EASTERN STAR meets each month the Friday evening following the regular F. it all the while till at last he caught It. Fulling himself upon the deck, he seized A A. M. meeting, MRS. EMMA CH*NK, W. M. a rope fixed to the bow, tied the line KI EK OF MODERN WOODMEN Meet the nrst Thursday evening of each Month in the around his body, and. plunging again THE DIRECT AND POPULAR JU drtadtd Wash Day—no mora. Washing mads aasy by C. L. Grimea V. C. ROUTE TO P O I N T S E A S T into the watflp; swam for the shore- Maccabee hall. In this he ran a fearful risk. A rook T AD1ES OF THE MACCABEES. Meet every te D A I L Y S E R V I C E , M A Y 101 I j and 3rd Saturday of each mouth at * :30 p m. a Improved Kxprr#* ?«rvic« (14 hoars) P«t or a root Ov a tree If t truck would blow KTO. Will not Injure the finest fkbrfcc T. M. hall. Visiting sisters cordially in1 , They are strictly free from acids * > • DETROIT AND BUFF) up the boat am^him wltb^j^ JU'v 'u£ vited, LlLA CoNiwaY, Lady Com, [of any kind. . Leave DETROIT Daily - 9.1 oS a pofn?, ne allowed wie boat r i s k i n g Theydotheworkwithontrabomf. t Arrive BUFFALO " - 9.001 They make the clothes white. downstream with the current, then fasConnrctinir with Morsing Tr*in« for all !)Sj)Ul They can be used In hard water. YWRX^rSKXSYLViXU and SBW M e : NIGHTS or TUB LOYAL GUARD tened hH rope to a stumps They save time and the hard Tiekett told M> A1V Point*, Th* F. L, Andrews P. M, V/, I work on washday. They are tndlsChecked to I>««tiBaMoa. The next morning John Baron's feat penaibleibrCounerpaneaJLaoeOnrLeave BUFFALO Dally - 5 . 9 0 P»HM, vfras known in Fjttslmrg and Allegheny, * Arrive DCTROIT " - 7.SOA. M, | tains and Trimmings. They wul Coon«*m« wita EarW Moraiog Trans Str BslSts remove stains from Table unea and he became a hevo. As for the two Nona and W«rt. with absolutely no rubbing. They BUSINESS CARDS. Bate b r t w — DrtroH aaS Baffafe p.B»«i»iMkr, men who deserted the boat neither ever are eoonomioal to use, beeaoss owthes are more worn oat oa the SS.Mearhdir«ctk>i]. * < l showed his face in that region again. washboard than by actual wear. ; > a d a? Staoy fa^ I H - w a X i TwajSlssT - • ^ H. P. 8'GLER M. DC. L. SIOLKR M, 0 t Hie day uftefc the party reached home Tbey are sold oa tkslr ssaslU. KAIL TtCftKTa HOMOMCD OS) STKAISina 'Wrs' ... We offer a t e * naaofprejtlatae. For sale by y<mr grocer, psios B e . AllClaaaiaof Tldlats-aoiS raaSbtf vftv Osaat t H a a , DRS. SIGLER & SIGLER, Miss Ferris wrote Farr a note breaking MrWrasMrt MWilitM Central aa4 W a W a fhUhrayasuwaaa !>»., their engagement. Baron had noticed rhysleians and Surgeons. . All calls prsssstly ?Ae*ETC0.,lao,0wk%awitFr^&,^ trolt and Buffalo wl LI ba a«««p«a« for traai D. A B. Str*. hi eitaor dttootto* batwasi or night. Otteei on Mala stisst his fiance's collapse and that Mlaa F*r» aUendedtoday Baffato. A. A 9CHAlftZ, <kS AP.T.sV, Pinekney, Mich. • ; • LINIMENT - * - stoaol Dyspepslia Ourt PATENTS She fittthtuit §i*p*tth, Wanted. S E.W.DANIKLS FLORIMELLA CREAM AUCIIONEELI. Dr. Kings NewDiscovery Railroad VARICOCELE CURED NOTARY Guide. LIC PE^E MARQUETTB Confined to His Home lor Weeks, HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? M C I $5°-P SAVED )FU KENNEDY & KERGAN J u s t Two Boats" DEXsBCUT& BUFFALO A TRINITY OF TREASURES T r K L O O THE l-V WASHING TABLETS is- V K ' ' / # • - ; . » a*w»»"W*j«l . < , » . • ' > : m^Sm • V'..-c. 4Ys«v ?.,.*••> *v *v ~Wp$Zr?* $'V •T-- , S - i ,"• V.M % /-* / «v £7VDS H04/? JAPAN YIELDS AND NOW P£A£EANDJOY WILL REION. >t'.. *Hel t f r i A T Y AND ARMI8TWE WH.L BE DRAWN UP AND RATIFIED. •IOOBEVELT'8 WORK RECEIVES S T R O N G COMMENDATION FROM ALL. The loag and bloody war between Jfejaa a^fi JRuasia is ended. The terms of peace w e r f l » e t t l e d °y Mr - w i t t e and Baron Komura at the fession of _ 4Jpn conferenceTu«s_day_._j^relimiaary aunran^ementa Jor "an armlsflcewere -concluded and }jie actualwork of f raml a g the "treaty*of Portsmouth" was %y mutual agreement turned over to Mr. peMartens, Russia's great iatersaatlonal lawyer, and Mr. Dennlson, who for twenty-flve years has acted a s the legal adviser of the Japanese foreign office. In the flnal struggle the Russians ••achieved the. victory. For the sake of peace, the Japanese, with a magjeanlmlty worthy of their heroic achievements in this war, met the ulti*saatam of the czar and abandoned (their demands not only for reimbursensent for the cost of the war, but for the re-purchase of the northern half of Saghallen, Russia at the same time agreeing to division of the island. The .Japanese also withdrew articles 10 and 11 of the peace conditions origin•fly proposed (demand for the surrender oT~tneinterned war ships and —rrmU«Hnn Qf the Russian naval power in the far east). This happy conclusion of the conference, which a week ago would have ibeeu shipwrecked had it not been for 4ne heroic intercession of President Itoosevelt, was sudden and dramatic. War the sake of peace Japan, with the magnanimity of a victor, at the last anoment yielded everything still in is-. «ne. Kueaia refused to budge from thp ultimatum Emperor Nicholas had given to President Roosevelt through Ambassador Meyer. No indemnity zander any guise, but an agreement to <dlvfde Saghalien and reimburse Japan rfbr the maintenance of the Russian ^prisoners were his last words. They &ad been repeatedly reiterated in Mr. WItte's instructions and in the form of a written reply to the Japanese •compromise proposal of iast Wcdnes -day they were delivered to Baron Ko-nmora this morning. Alexander N. Briantchanlnoff, correspondent of the St Petersburg Slovo. -writing: on the situation, aays: "Peace, KO long desired, is at last -an accomplished fact. Few believed i n it, while many thought it Impossible. Humanity, however, imposed <peace and that great man, the presi-dent of the American nation, wrought It out with all the force his high couratge and generosity of character sugjSested. 1»* r. /..*.'•• f'-v I "Peace' has been obtaiued on such conditions that no one can find it unlost or incompatible with the pride of *he two great peoples rendered enc:mies by. a deplorable misunderstanding, while there were all reasons for taem to be friends and to work to•gether for the civilization of the far east. '"The peace today is a victory for ~RassIa. It shows that when her desttiny is entrusted to hands worthy of sa great people, Russia is an imposing throe. "*It is a victory for Japan also, a •Doral victory, higher and more respectable than a material victory, as the Japanese showed in a splendid way that after having obtained all the victories on land and sea, she did not allow the 'chauviniste' feeling to doaainate, preferring to be great in , as undoubtedly she has bean in war. "But, above all, it is a victory for Uhnnaanity, of which President Roosevelt is the noble and energetic champioa. Humanity wanted at any co3t t o atop the butchery, and H acted, through its organ the press, which bere In Portsmouth has rightfully been cxHed 'the third party' interested in* the result of the conference. Indeed there have been moments in which the conference seemed at its end, but the •preas and the president rushed to its rescue and brought it back to life." By the war Japan has ended Rur.aia's dream of Chinese conquest and nn open seaport on tlie Pacific. Rtfs-aia has been-compelled to agree to: • Japanese protectorate over Korea. Mutual svacuation of Manchuria. Return to China of Manchuria, and t h e open door }n that province. The Integrity of China. Cession of the Chinese Eastern rallvroad to China; Japan to get the price of it from China. Cession of Russian leases of Port Arthur, Dalny, the Elliott islands, etc., t o Japan. , • y' Grant to Japan of fishing rights otf ^Siberian coast. .,> Cession of southern half of Sakhalin 4-to-:Japan. . . . . • ; . , . _ Japan has agreed to forego reirnmoment for thecost of the irar, 1 tim to interned Russian warahros. ^ - ^ 4 ^ limitation of R^eaUn a TOUGH STORY. 'I; v •f " 1 ' GREAT MAN NAD VAOARIEE. A RELEASED CO* V I C T * ETAWT- Jehneon'e Peculiar I « M I at to Mat tsrs ef Speech. LING. TALK OF WOE. Whilt Johnson was in France, ha AUealnf amon'eT e*&r things that was generally very resolute in speakbrutal floating of fifctpeners In Mat- ing Latin, It was a maxim with him duette* S S ^ h ^ f l f f W Veverai at- that a man should not let Wmsejf tempts at suicide, some,of them atio* down by, speaking a language which ceserul; that prisoners have been tson- he speaks imperfectly. Indeed, * # fined and fed on bread and water mast have often observed bow inlonger than the law allows, until 1» ferior, how much like a child a man some case* they have actually caught appears, who speaks a broken tongue. rats that ran about in calls and oaten When Sir Joshua Reynolds, at one of them, Daniel Eugene Hampton, who the dinners of the Royal Academy* just completed a sentence for burglary presented him to a Frenchman of in that institution, 16 on his way to great distinction, he would not deign see Governor Warner to make a state ment before him and to present arnda* to speak French, but talked Latin, vlts embodying the statements which though his excellency did not under stand It, "owing, perhaps, to Johnson's he has sworn-to. Hampton charges that Kmtl Walts, English pronunciation; yet upon ansent from Detroit for murder, took other occasion he was observed tc his own life to escape a flogging, hav speak French to a Frenchman of high ing been subjected previously to un* rank, who spoke English; and being bearable severity. He charges that aaked the reason, with some expresA. E. Peverett, known as "Whitey sion of surprise he answered: "BeBlack," and sent from Kalamazoo for cause I think my French is as good participation in the Richland bank as his English."—London Chronicle, robbery, to escape flogging, attempted, in presence of the prison guatds, to In the Blood. takFhls Hfe hysBYerrns his hand with- Love of discussion isTh thTblodd" of a knife, and that he actually inflicted every Scotsman. To hundreds the such wounds that the surgeon had to question whether Burns was a very umputate the hand. bad man that produced incomparably Hampton exhibited what he said was a duplicate of the instrument with good verse, and whether Scott was a which the flogging was done. It was good-natured snob who, to pay off a piece of harness leather, perhaps an debts that he ought never to have ineighth of an inch thick, oblong shaped, curred, wrote in a Scandalous hurry about ten inches long by eight inches and in scandalously slovenly English, wide, perforated with small holes and novels of almost Shakespearean qualattached to a strong handle. Hampton ity, bring every year supreme delight. says this instrument was administered —National Review. by a man weighing 200 pounds. He says prisoners would be extended over Danger in Artificial Lega. a barrel and at times beaten until the Artificial steel legs are dangerous in blood ran down their legs. He say? he himself was given 75 blows with thunderstorms. A man wore one durthis paddle on one occasion. ing an electrical disturbance in London the other day. The lightning was attracted by the steel leg and killed THAT TREATY. the man and killed also his little JAPS WILL HOLD OFF ON THE daughter who was holding him by the """ A R MI ST ICE. -—=—===— hand. The clothing on the man's left side was torn and burnt. The little flrl bore no marks of the lightning, Japan has refused to consent to the but her left shoe was torn to pieces. cessation of hostilities uutil the treaty of peace has been signed. Evldenee of Qui It. The Russian plenipotentiaries ac-* If a Chinese dies while being tried companled by their secretaries ealleii for murder the fact of his dying is on Baron Komura and Mr. Takahira shortly after noon Friday and were in taken as evidence of his guilt. He conference with them for half an hour. has departed, but somebody must sufJapan having indicated through fer, and his eldest son, if he has one, Baron Komura her willingness for an is therefore sent to prison for a year. armistice, M. Witte supposed that he If he has no son then his father or would find them ready to sign. Barou brother gets a flogging. It's all in Komura explained that while his gov- the family, and somebody has to pay ernment was ready to consent lo an for it. armistice, his instructions were that this should not take effect until afte*' Use for Candle Ends. the signing of the treaty, Some one has discovered a really An agreement was finally entered practical use for candle ends.that are into providing for an armistice which shall take effect the moment the treaty too short to burn well and that seem fit for nothing except the traah basket Is signed. They will be found very useful in kindThe "treaty of Portsmouth" is to be given to the world. There is t^ ling flres, as they burn with a steady be no secret about It, neither govern- flame, for a few minutes at least, until ment having any reason to withhold the kindling and wood would have it. Its provisions are therefore to b^ time to become well ignited. published broadcast textually, but no* immediately. Tiger Hunting In India. A traveler returned from India reTHE PURPOSE. lates that at Andarkoh, in central India, he killed four full-grown tigers JAPAN'S CHIVALROUS SACRIFICE; with five shots in six minutes, the LONDON VIEW. first three being single shots. The following summary, purporting to give the "exact nature of the work Great Sunflsh. accomplished and the broad charac* A sunflsh weighing over 1,000 teristics of the latest tendencies which pounds was caught recently at Santa underlay the endeavors of either side" Barbara, Cal. It was twelve feet at Portsmouth, is printed in London. long. The dispatch says: "Speaking generally, o fourfold purpooo may bo dia OUST THE DEMON. cerned in the twelve historic proiwsals carefully drafted by the Japanese A Tussle with Coffee. diplomatists: There Is something fairly demoni"First—To restore the entire set of political conditions which the treaty acal in the way. coffee sometimes of Shimonoseki was calculated to es- wreaks Its fiendish malice on those tablish. who use it. "Second—To remove, counteract or A lady writing from Calif. sayB:— assimilate the disturbing factors, po"My husband and I, both lovers of litical, economical and military, which coffee, suffered for some time from a have come into existence since then. very annoying form of nervousness, "Third—To hinder the growth of the new disturbing factors created by the accompanied by most frightful headaggressive policy of Count Muravleff aches. In my own case there was eventually developed some sort of afand Admiral. Alexieff, and "Fourth—To play the enviable role fection of the nerves leading from the of a chivalrous prince in releasing the spine to the head. "I was unable to hold my head up Chinese and Korean princesses from the power of the sorcerer's spell, and straight, the tension of the nerves in helping Europe and the civilized drew it to one side, causing me the world to rights too long withheld." most Intense pain. We got no relief from medicine, and were puzzled as Dr. Francis Pounds, of Philadelphia, to what caused the trouble, until a says spotted fever is due to bathing friend suggested that possibly the cofin polluted waters. fee we drank had something to do Gen. James Carnahan, major-general with it, and advised that we quit it of the Uniform rank, Knights of Pyth- and try Postum Coffee. ias, died Thursday at his home in "We followed his advice, and from Woodruff place after an illness of two the day that we began to use Postum weeks. Three jags a year were necessary to we both began to improve, and in his health, declared Merrltt Locust a very short, time both of us were aged 105, of Georgetown, Ky., who entirely relieved. The nerves became has just died. He was married four steady once more, the headaches times and was the father of 30 chil- ceased, the muscles In the back of my dren. neck relaxed, my head straightened Hugh' H. Hanna, of Indianapolis, is up and the dreadful pain that had so being urged as the successor of Secre- punished,me while I used the old kind tary of the Treasury Shaw. Mr. Han- of coffee vanished. na was the leading spirit In the gold "We heve never resumed tt»e use of standard movement in the country the oW coffee, hut relish fac Postum from 1896 to 1900. He was a warm friend of President^ McKinley, and every day as well as W.B* did the And we ere dewas a member of the international former beverage. monetary commission that visited lighted to find that we can give it freely to our children also, something Europe. Chairman Shonts, of the Isthmian!we never dared to do w4tb the old by Pos canal .commiatfon^d^ad wkh PraakJ, kin4 fit, coffee,",, tf' Roosevelt Sbnda&_and announced .Pm.Ste. .Battfe Crheh, M J « . ^ ,. dent .. -, --„. , Postum jCotee, contains nhsotyUly the appointment of W. G. Blerd, of the Rock Island* railroad, as Juperlntend- n o d r u g » « any a^d, but N(fiayea^th/ out of the Panama rafcoad^ to succeed coffee drinker from the*1 «old dr*f Snot. Preecott. The salary U 9&U0O a'year. ' • '-" '"" *• CM SKape* t & Oe*ihy M Me»-Th» lii<Ai«nc« of • nnot Be Overestimated. a w^naanr'anoanae ;ahav4* beauMftt? ffi their eyea-4 because she has the qualities which inapire admiration, respect and love. There is a beauty in health which ia more attractive lo men than mere regularity of feature. The influence of women glorious in the possession of perfeot physical health upon men and upon' the civilisation of the world could never be measured. Because of them men have attained the very heights of ambition; because of them even thrones have been established and destroyed. WhataHdisappoinlment^ then, to see the fair young* wife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head 1 A sickly, halfdead-and-alive w o m a n , especially when she is the mother-of a family, is a damper to all joyonenesa in the home, anil a draff anon her husband.. The cost of" a wife's constant Qlnens ia.».serious, drain upon th^fands of ^ % household, and too often all the doctoring*do«jio.#ood. If a Jwo^iajs finds her energies are Eaggtajfof°#$h a f c everything tires her, dark shadowa appear under her eyes, her slee!u,|st disturbed by horrible dreams uilySjie has backache, headaches, hearing-down pains, nervousness, whites; iriwularitjes, or dfespondencyT She should take means to' build her system up>e>t onee hrv a tonic with epeela^ powers, aaeh_ra Lydik E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This great remedy for women has done more in the way of restoringhealth to the women of America than all other medicines put together. It is the safeguard of woman's health. , Following we publish, by request, a letter from a young wife. Mrs. Bessie Ainsley of 611 South 10th Street, Tacoma, Wash., writes : -;#»>; Lydla B. Pinkham'* VegetabfeCeaepoand made me a well woman, and I feel so grateful that I am glad to write and tell yoa of my marvelous recovery. It brought sae health, new life and vitality." What Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every woman who is in poor health and ailing..„ Its benefits begin when its use begins. It gives strength and vigor from the start, and surely makea^aick wome»___ well and robust. —Remember Lydia B. Pinkham'o Vogotable Compound holds the record for the greatest number of actual cures of woman's ills. This fact is attested to by the thousands of letters from grateful women which are on file in the Pinkham laboratory. Merit alone can produce such results. Women should remember that a cure for all female diseases actually exists, and that cure fs Lydia E. Pinkham's Dear Mrs. Pinkham}— '' Ever since my child was born I have suf- Vegetable Compound. Take no substifered, as I hope few women ever have, with tute. * inflammation, female-weakness, bearing-down . I f - y o u h a v e symptoms you don't pains, backache and wretched headaches. It understand:; write/Jo *,Mrs> Pinkham, affectedraystomach to that I could. not enjoy ray meal*, and half my time was spent Lyifli Mass*,'fo*'special advice—it is free and always* helpful. In bed. 1 Where Otters FtsV Lydte E PtaahnJB * VefctaMe C o w i «t«*. — —OW-FenceaAre. ValuaMe, The fate of the rail fence was declared less than twenty years ago, when the value of walnut, oak and poplar, timber increased to such a figure as to make wire fences cheaper. In the worm fences still in existence there are thousands of walnut and poplar rails in an almost perfect state of preservation. The walnut ones are valuable. An' enterprising Chicago concern recently made that discovery, and its representatives have purchased many carloads of the rails. 1 —D©-you Does the cold hang on ? Try ShiloK's C o n s u m p8 t i o n Cure E^" It cures the most stubborn kind of coughs and , colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be refunded. Prices: 25c. 50c. H S. C. W E L L S & Co. 3 LeRoy, W. Y„ Toronto, Can. Sun Will Last Long. The gloomy predictions of the old physicists that the Sun must run out of fuel in--three million years is discredited. The modern physicists grant It fifty million yearn the greatest of all medical discoveries for restorrng weak, nervous men. It clears the brain, and revitalises the whole system. It makes life worth livinr. Price. $1.00 prepaid. NATIONAL B K M E S t CO., l a * . , Chamber of Commerce, Detroit. Mich WET WEATHER. WISDOM! W. L. DOUGLAS 3jv TIC ORK1NAL ,US i NERV0DINE •3J=°&*3=g?SHOESS& W. L. Douglas * 4 . 0 0 Oilt Edge U a cannot be oquatiod at any price*. SLICKER SLACK oa.'.veLLOvr mjcpmNY jMtirasK'fflu. «»2SSSS«?«na»0l L uNc'*f!**xiKa*s*a#e HATS. A. 4. TOWKR CO., SOSTOft, MASBWU.S.A. R CANADIAN CO., LTO., SOMMIO, CANADA. k±U S HAVE YOU COWS? If you have cream to separate a good Cream Separator is the most profitable Investment you can possibly make. Delay means daily waste of time, labor and product DE LAVAL CREAM S E P A R A T O R S save $10.- per cow per yeas every year ol use over all gravity setting systems and $6.- per cow over all imitating separators. They received the Grand Prise or Highest Award at St. Louie. Baying trashy oash in arihrapfji aejpe> rators • penny wise, dollar foolfih. Such maobines quickly ( O M their cost instead of • e r W i s f i i If you haven't the ready cash* DRLATAL maohinee * » ? he bought! on toohtthatai term* that &ey ac^oStf for JMHT ca^logua and of M M p Ipoal-agenA, StfenTM Jh»rj>6,1878. *ho« to tk* those the! cast ym $8.(.. SwSWaaisTSnSoi41. rtgsTia atom ystftbs car ease si •aawise snssi 1 e*> rweertag ejaajr**.*a i ceeias tfieealy the leraeet ss sen's flee aKs^aSStfS.1 M^Mtaess eaSrae eatfceesariEstte-tfe*. !•' CAUTION«~Xas!etaqsma*vWJW.L.I)m Is* saos*. Take-no sassMtats. None geesiae t hU asms sod pries stamped co Bottom. 'towewnsce) PolluaejjJ teas — • • • ; * #^-.%¾ "»>.» •tf w ••"*•• &* •W$ffi f'^S ••*,>i* ^>v 'P* *#•** • . • : , : - ; . ; . ' . ; • * ' , • ' • . * • YKLLOW CRUST ON »A»Y He Has FfuM Daan'a HJato** pMt JnyaluaWe 1» Tjwatlftfl tick ' Waoid €raek -Open and «osb CausUf> , TerrJbie Itohfno^Cured by J CtfUotira. ;y' i.:'.V'"'- u r BeantiKyYour t WaBsanA^ V- • » > . * Not Both I do not believe Piso's Cure for Cot."umpttca has an equal for coughs aad colds.—£-3HM F. BOYBH, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1100. Some spinsters" spend a lot of time looking for husbands—and So do mm* married women, according : to all reports. -=-=- "Bai James,, dear boy! you must have been wild when you found the other johnny cuddling your missis." "Mai dear chap, I was furious! 1 took his umbrellah and I smashed it In two, and said, 'Theah, I hope it rains."—Judy. Lineman Shows Nerve. A lineman at Reno, Nev., came in contact with a heavily charged wire at the top of a sixty-foot electric light pole and fell to the ground. When he recovered consciousness he wished to return to work at once, but was per8uade<i to call it a day. FEVER'S AFTER EFFECTS :*w Did Not D i s a p p e a r Until the) B l o o d W a s R e n e w e d by Dr. W i l l i a m * ' P i n * Pill*. Typhoid fever is sometimes called nervous fever. During the c o u r s i T o f t h e fever the nerves are always profoundly disturbed, and when It is over they are left so sensitive that the patient has to Wffssupisslagaiost all excitement: In the :nt then demanded, regard I not o n l y to building npJQeah :,$SjA also tostrengihening the nerves. A femedy that will do both, make sound flesh to repair waste and give new vigor to feeble nerves, i s the most convenient and economical. Such a remedy is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. One proof of 4 h i s i a the. experience of Mr. Charles Worth, of Bast Vassalborp, Maine. He says: "I had a severe attack of typhoid fev€f *ate i n the fall which left me very weak and debilitated. My heart palpitated, my breathing became difficult after the least exertion and there was numbness in both hands. I suffered inth&l wayrfor IuHy slAUJOuthsr As I did not grdvw dntio* it, did net in fact see the slightest improvement as time passed. I decided .to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pil Is as I^ft^w^of^some cujca they had effected, <in ^ase^'lik^ mine. "Almost a s soon as I began taking them I could see decided improvement and after keeping'on with them for several weeks 1 w a s completely well. I consider Dr. Williams'Plnk P p l s a most valuable remedy, andXaJpi in the habit of recommencing the*4^QOthers afflicted a s 1 was." •-•".•" '.••"", When the pervei- ache an<i- tremble it meanstha^lhey; are*tarving. The only wAy to feed them is through the blood, and the best food is Br. WuUams'Pink Pills. They are absolniely guaranteed to be freeJ from opiafos or other harmful drugs. They tire sold by all druggists, or may be obtained directly from t h e Dr. Williams Medicine Go,, Schenectady, N, Y. i > . Per Instructions. The mother had just finished the Sabbath afternoon Bible story. It was about Noah and the ark. Wishing to impress th# story upon the children she began to ask questions. "What was it God told Noah when the watftr covered thf earth?" was the first. "Go obber de bridge," was the prompt answer from Clarice, aged 4. Possible Explanation. "Why, John," exclaimed Mrs. Newkid as she came into the room, "what in the world makes the baby cry so!" "I don't know, my dear," answered Newkid as he handed the infant over to its mother, "but I imagine he is thinking of what the governor ol North Carolina once said to the gov. ernor of South Carolina." ' iiiitiiiiimiHiiuiiiiMiiiiMlitiHIllinilinmilUllWliiimiiniMnTi; J oo D R O P S JlNfetictabie Preparation for As simttating toeFoodandRegula ting the Stomachs aod Bowels of IN* AN I S / C HILDKKN Pfomotes Digcstion.CheeTftilnessandResr.Contains neither Opnjm,Morpbine nor Mineral. NOT N A R C O T I C . SmJ' DO YOU A perfect Remedy for Constipation. Sour Stomach.Diarrtoea, Worms .Convulsions Feverish ness andLoss O F SLEEE AKE MPS BALSAM + .*->,.. Otiftft, Whoopfoff vWQSb BToncnitra ana «^|lrs. Bsntum—You i&&&) astr that you would give your lif«-#br are.v Benham—That was when I was sic!) anti expected to die, anyway. 1 •<!• OMCATtST VOVMO •uaiMcss) OCT RCAOV I «1 ( a , Ura ta* W o w (of >innn. Om f M U l i U <V n i «1 W« akct man j i in, mn wd M I I I I BiWag ftwiMt •» koek-krrprr, H 4 W N T i a V n law u , Mtaf m Wcawra UKJHCM. H i « i c i M M « i M » w i ( M i M . u t « i « « « l c * n t . S*«S h» ku ol « • * » » » ptainoM tat a Bv. MclACMJkN S CO.. I*>3« S. D M M St.. Onmm Letters frea Prentatst Physicians Atfnssed t i ( t a l i s H. Frttckr. Dr. B. Halstead Bcott, of Chlcsgo, I!la. sayt: Ml have prescribed yot»r often for Infants durinf my practice, and and It -very asUatactory." Dr. William Belmont, of Cleveland, Ohio, eay« : "Your Castoria stanfcsfirst!•>< its class. In my thirty years of practice 1 can say 1 never bave found anything tbfttso filled the place." r>r J FT T»f>. ttt Riwilrir^, y. Y.. ggyg • "i have nsed yoar CaBtoria and foun#? It an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for many years.—Tnw~ formula la excellent" Dr. Wm. L. Bosseraan, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I am pleased to speak a foo* word for your Castoria. I think so highly of it that I not only recommend It ta> others, but hare uaed tt-in my ©wn-familfj! -_.t M Dr. R, J. Hamlen, of Detroit; Mich., says: I prescribe your Castoria extensively, as I have never found anything to equal It for children's troubles. 1 aaa aware that there are imitations in the field, but I always see that my patients gtt> Fletcher's." *^ Dr. Wm. I. McCann. of Omaha, Neb., says: "As the father of thirteen cbildrew 1 certainly know something about your great medicine; and aside from my owo< family experience I have in my years of practice found Castoria a popular axt4efnclent remedy In almost every home." J • I Dr. J. 1. Clausen, of Philadelphia. Pa., says: "The name that your Castorte-. has made for itself in the tens of thousands of homes blessed by the presence *£' children, scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorsement of the medicalfesslon, but I, for one, most heartily endorse it and believe it an excellent rex Dr. Channlng H. Cook, of St. Louis, Mo., says : "I have used your Castoria tor several years past In my own family and have always found it thoroughly efficient, and never objected to by children, which is a great consideration in view of the fact that most medicines of this character are obnoxious and therefore difficult of ministration. As a laxative, 1 consider it the peer of anything that I ever Bcribed." Dr. R. M. Ward, of Kansas City, Mo„ says: "Physicians generally do not pre» scribe proprietary preparations, but in the case of Castoria my "experience, like tasfc of many other physicians, has taught me to make an exception. I prescribe y«tr Castoria in my practice because I have found it to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physician who has raised a family, as 1 have, wi& Join me la heartiest recommendation of Castoria." •t V'- GENUINE C A S T O R I A ALWAYS '<*"& Bears the Signature W- jtaesj lataniact foreiaa a V e s i l ^ t J I O * « i a m o M what ht y w M wri««-" 47- Facsimile Signature el \ l NEW l l • i > t> YORK. I \ I I . v. < I \ t l J j 1> OS I % |}^: Simply Ge^ftfttyired. *Whyvis the audfenea cheering r* rTnw wr^^SRtST^^' ^ • A * * * * has iu*H aanotuieed taking the FT?~*Z_™TJ* t h a t o w j B ^ ^ , ^ fact taatahe miasetl where. Latae Pout—iSj—ate aad MMMta the train Mi«-»8sree*s the new< sc* >r: *<ti 'prlflio, win '*o«^iirt)«y «>«" - •••••»'* 'ISO . V 1 , 1 . "Bat mi? AottM tttet eheerr'1 \i W. N- U - O E T R O I T . - N o . 3C--1 fW««aaBw«»(tWMa«MMM certain ontBI or Ooamuni ties in first B5rF^fe!«?^H Derroiv Jgv the information.—MoM 's Journal of Health. shallIdo?"t "Steep-itrofr^ D O N T DE.LAY 800 young men and women to now to fill 300 positions, 35 i n WANTED alone that w e could not fill. B e * ShortkavNe, T y p c w r l t l a * , English. Meel al Drawing and Telegraphy. :iti»nv Special Summer Rates if MiltsCd yon enroll now. Write for catalogue. C* ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on the part of physicians, pharmar^ centical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with, results most gratifying. The extended use of Oastoria is unquestionably ther result of three facts: .*»»*—The indisputable evidence that it is harmless: jecoiiw*—That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the food: r*/V^—It is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor Oil*. It is absolutely safe. It does not contain any Opium; Morphine, or other narcotic and does notatupefyi—1^ Bateiaiaa's-l^ Cordial, etc. This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. T& our knowledge, Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health, by regulating the system—not by stupefying it—and our readers are entitled t a scented no1 fee, "I have. insomnia dreadfully. What COUGH FOR WOMEN IresUed witk i l l teesliar t»; their sex, msea as a doaeke is eetsfal. TnofOtgftlyclei stops dlscaaigos, besls inflfliaraft*^ •ore sets. Paxtiae is is powder form to be dfanolvcd io water, and is tu more cleansing, healing, — ' aad economical than liqaid antiaeptks fort TOILET AND WOMEN** SPECIAL U8eg> For sale at druggists, 50 cents a bos; Trial Box aad Book ef Isetravttoa* 1 lets a. PAXTOM aoaranv aeavea. Mieinaawa O^POSJIWSMVK. M N h tarn*** ASK YOUR DEALER FOR EITBEK Physicians Recommend Castoria Free Advice. "Doctor, I want a little advice," said the notorious dead beat." "What's the matter with you?" H!$!Changed His Mind. > TnUktiMllseMsjfr grade lU«M«e0WpaV !sn, hrttttaas aertlssVini. Keep* always ready * • * _ Shines easier, *mmw loncer and e e v e r e v more surface tlMavajaP other. BlgOaavMav Aa\>astV Why Something Was Wrong. Impecunious Friend (to business man)—"What! With a' big business like this you can lend me only |5? 1 am going to repOT street's."—Translated for Tales from Maggendorfer Blatter. " Nate tlii Biffwest This Mai is applied like Mlauhines Itself anil is IheeaOy preparHpn w t will dry la lOarfMlM. 1« kills Boat on Steve Pipes, Wire Screens, Stoves, Farm Machinery, or and beaadfa] any iron work. It will tints. Does not rob or scale. DMstioys die* not wash ofl,and wears ease gerae and vermin. No washing of months. Fttea, S5e. "Out baby had a yellow crust on his ,l f hea* which 1 could not keep away. btitricf, £nd*oWo< MH New W»sk I thought! had sneeeoded in l*<'.tiwa/i^ ' tlw jQ#su>orat^iMd«r» oXJ***, Jo** ^ getting his head clear, it would start again by the crown of his, head, crack •*•*-*• JCaoaey Wis. j g j and scale, and caose terrible itching: V then got Cuticura Soap and Ointment, washing the scalp with the soap broshitc*—mix with ootdi water. Other Wait for Gladys. and then applying .the Ointment. A SM^II*^ hearing fanciful names and mixed endorse a Jott... Ijefcre Methuseish died either hot or cold water* dh> not few treatments made a complete cure. with d^r like broke intk daughter. h*vo the. cementing; property of I have advised a number of mothers Alahssrtwe. Doan's Kidney They are stuck on with*; toe* "Wharf* it?" they asked. to ose Cuticura, when I have been or other animal matter, which rota, Wile, b a v i n * "I faiJijBt thinking," he explained, asked about the same ailment of their iH feeding; rtlaeaso strata, rubbing, .yioand U»9m of 0f myiapr departed Gladys, She babies. Mrs. John Boyce, Pine Bush, scaling and spoiling walls, clothgreatest value married v »e when I was M; thinking ing, e t c Such Finishes must be washed N. Y." In eliminating that I ostadn't possibly live only s off every year—expensive, filthy work. Buy the d i s t r e s s few yearf more and she would get my Aiabaatine only tn five pound pack* Made Mosquitoes Drunk. canted by sick property jy** ages, properly labeled. Tint card, Wdoeys, fod in Bidding them make the funeral n * Dr. St. George Gray of the British pretty wall and celling design,1 " Hints on «sjtorlaf Ibote organs to -.a. condition ties read,* "No flowers," he turned West Indies says that the Culex fam- Decorating" and our artists services la of health.; My experience with your over and passed away.—Detroit Trior ily has a fondness for wine, like many making color plans, free. members of other old -aristocratic valuable gjesedy was equally as gratl- une. ALABASTINE CO, families. He says: "I put a few mostying as Utit of several of my friends. quitoes under a bell jar, containing a Orass RaaMs. Mick, sr 1« Water St. K % Youra truly, Revenge. couple of drops of port wine. A few (Signed) TIMOTHY D. StfLLIVAN. hours later I found them apparently Foaier-aftlburn C6\, Buffalo, N. %% dead, and put them into a dry bottle. For wire *y ail Urogglau. Price, Cff Shortly afterward, they were "air stagcen ta ner'&ox. gering about under the microscope in .^If Wain't Catching. a moBt ridiculous manner—they were . ^ J S la a vlflage where several caste ot drunk." scarlet fever fead «$eupe4$sju} Wfter* Hers is Relief for Women. i n epldegtic *a«ieanjjd, ^ w U a ^ Mother Gray, a nurse in New York, disJosh Billings, the quaint came late to Senofl one wertong covered a pleasant herb remedy for women's philosopher whose maxwhen ashisd by the teacher the cause Uls,c»lled>USTRALIANTLEAF. It is the ims are full of homely said her mothjer wag sick. The teachonly certain monthly regulator. Cures wisdom,once said: "The female weaknesses, Backache, Kidney and longer I live the more I er decided it would be safest to send Urinary troubles. At ail Druggists or by believe a good set of bowthe child home again until the nature mail 60 cts. Sample mailed FREE. Address, els are worth more than a of the sickness should be ascertained. The Mother Gray Co., LeBoy, N. Y. good set ofbrains." Celery Very soon after the little one returned King helps make good bowels. 260. While it is possible for a man to to school, and going straight to the love his neighbor a s himself, it deteacher said: pends a good deal upon the age and ".SKiriSl Tko»p»B't tft Water sex of the neighbor aforesaid. "Please ma'am, papa says it's not catching; it's a little boy." ^SBM/SWa, '. ^SB>^SlS^flB» ..'.••» • '•••.'-'••v..> •*•. i»;, J * -•* * , • ' * . ' • Jj ( IM S The Kind You Have Always Bought C0WOF In Use For Over SO Years. TUC etNTAva eoamavt TT avaaav ef, mtm teea mm. PUTNAM F A D E L E S S D Y E S atntgffwt'aa'a'a O B * I B B # M B S B M AHstSBBsfi SBsf^BBBBslsBBt ftfjssl l y ^ M SBBBBBBBBBM jjf^ajBI fJSSkak ^ I ^ ^ A SftSSa -I^Bftaa f ^ k & s j A ^ f U g k ^ ^ ^ I p j ^ A l U t ftaaSaaai SkiBBS9 StaSst^SaSl SB1BSSSS>SSSW SSjSBBst SkassSl Ita gajj^sV^S^katcBBBBSSf ^Bk aBBBBBBfi Sfe^afSaSBlSBB) SaSBBBBBBBBBBBBk. .).', --.-¾ m T»V •TP>W.-,-- ''iRS.P-T^. *<$*» * • : * " .*W 1 -7-, ?-'i>>: 3¾¾¾ *& <V£ •(••J:' -•'»v ';X.>' .•r..- f J;l .*->>• ..v*! .••• A - •' 'I Margaret and George Greiner - We must look for frost soon. Mrs. C. N. Plimpton is visiting have gone to Mt. Clemens to atfriends in Lansing. tend school. Mrs. Caroline Van Winkle is visiting Eugene Smith and wife spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and relatives in Howell and Owoeao. PLADTFIELD. Peaches are selling for 50 cents per Mrs. Geo. Phelps of Stockbridge. A Pure, UndoctorW. 0. McGee and family visitbushel. A good time to lay in your ed, Mountain Coffee ed relatives in Putnam last Friday. supply. Gala Day at Brighton Grown, Imported, S. G. Topping and wife of Plainfieid School began here this week and Roasted by the with Miss Blanche Glenn as The Business men of Brighton have visited at H. D. Gneve's the first of made big arrangements tor their gala the week. teacher. day at that place on Friday Sept. 8. C. A. Parshall proprietor of the Jtfr. Whittaker and family of The day will open with a grand par&em&xv tatttitaait Coftaa Co., t l . Howell flouring mills wa« in town White--Oak- vssited at Howard ade at 10:30, when the business men Tuesday. Couks last Sunday. will be represented by floats and of Mrs. C. P. SyJ^ejB and Mrs. John Mrs Hcmer Wasson entertained course there will oe the usual "awful" Teeple are visiting their niece, Mrs. the Ladies Aid Society 'from So. looking rigs for which a prize is Mae Aldrich near Leslie. offered for the worst. Iosco one day last week. A large number of Livingston counDavis & Chapman wi.l entertain Rev. Jones and wife are enjoy- with f'pir fonr acts; quick shooting, ty live stock breeders have already made entries at the state fair. ing a short vacation from their ring act, etc. One of the big attractions will be pastoral duties at present. M.O.Cair and wife returned to IVVt &Tl4t%, tQ \ 0 M ZWX* two ball gaurs by well matched teams. . . „ , n. JSeveral of our people were on Thrtty mouth Ifcnd-wrrHirTirwwt ^he^h«maa^Rw»uUi^atterApewliiijt _ - - - music tor the oc a couple ot months with relatives in the sick list' fast week, but all are all day and- furnish casion. Do not -forget the date. this vicinity. out at their work again now. Friday Sept. 8—all day. Gay Teeple, wife and daughter who So much rain of late, makes the have been visiting relatives and friends farmers begin to think there is . a T h e C a r v e of H e a l t b . The expression "the curve of health," at Manistique and the Soo, returned wet bean harvest before them. which was first used by Oliver Wen- home Monday. dell Holmes, himself a physician, indiMark Swarrhout brought to this HORTH LAKE. cates in modern mathematical fashion AT DETROIT, SEPT. 11-16, 1905, the fluctuating changes in bodily office Monday three potatoes weighing Mildred Daniels is attending health, of which all are at times aware 3 pounds and 13 ounces, the largest WHl far and away excel all previous Fairs. New, spacious grounds, new and elegant buildings, mile track, steel grand stand, 17 rases, and which may be expressed by vary- one tipping the beam at 1-9. school at Chelsea. mwrn^ntiSractioiis of every description. Air ship will make ing curves outlined on paper. We have a fine line of Souvenir post Little Doris Schultz was under Many imagine that the normal state evening. Transportation unexcelled. HALF FARE on all railroads the doctor's care a part of last week. of health is best represented by a cards for sale at this office. Send your during the w e S T Grand Trunk Rv. stops at gates ot F ^ r m a i d . 'straight line. This is by no means the absent friends a posh card—they will Detroit Car Fare^sc. Make entries early. Entries already large, Miss Mary Whaliau has been case. There is a rhythmic undulation be pleased to see some of tin* see res I. H. B U T T E R R E L D , 8 e c ' y . 1309 Majestic B i d * . , Detroit, Mich. - hired to teach our school another In the flow of our vital force. The dy- from their old home town. namo which furnishes the working year. Miss Georgia Martin of Ypsilant powers of consciousness and action has School did not commence this Its annual, monthly, dally waves, even spent the past week with_her sister momentary ripples. We have* our +jjj^ijr geaJT Fred and Rex Read week as the building is being its GENERAL ABOTIQHSEB. bad times and good times. Some by ' ~ Bring your Job Work to this office painted. careful observation of the rise and fall went to Ypsilanti with her Monday SaUsfacticn Guaranteed. For informaJohana Hankard has been visit- of this curve, have so adjusted their where they attend deary's college. tion call at DISPATCH Office or Address holidays and times of rest and activity One day last week while threshing Gregory, Mich, r. f. d. 2. JLyndilla phone ing in Jackson and other places as to conserve their energies and avoid TATE OK MIOHIGAK, County of Livingston, u . on the Dave Smith farm near Anderconnection. Auction bills and tin cups At a session of the Probate Court for said eounthe snares of disease. It is train his the past week. son, a spark caught in the straw-and ty, held at the Probate office in the village of furnished free. knowledge of this curve that the famMrs. Martha Finkbeiner of ily' Howell, on Tuesday, the 5th day of September burned several stadfcs of rye belonging physician can act successfully. in the year one thousand nine hundred and fl>e. Lima visited her brother Fred to J. J. Donohue. The threshing ma- Present, Hon. Arthur A. Montague, Judge of Dutch Coumge. Schultz Sunday. chine belonging to Tim McCarty was of Probate, In the matter of the estate o f Every one when he speaks of Dutch PUBMAN G. Ross, deceased. Geo. Webb is having his barn courage means courage that Is induced also destroyed. The wind was strong Now comes Ueorge W. Teeple and Merit A, Bose, executors of the estate of said deceased, painted. A. E. Johnson of Chel : by the cup that cheers and also inebri- and nothing conld be saved. ates—pot valiancy, In short, the exact represents to this oourt that they are ready G. W.Teeple has been appointed by and sea is doing the work. opposite of what has been called "two to render their final account in said estate. Wm. Brown is no longer a ten- o*clock-in-the morning" courage. Tfcree Gov. Warner as one of the trustees of Thereupon it la ordered that Friday the 29th origins of the expression have the Michigan Sanatorium for consump* day of September naxt, at ten o'clock in the foieant at F. A. Glenn's having *noved different been suggested. According to some, tion. The office holds for six years. noon, at a aid Probate offl ce, be assigned for the back to his farm last week. "Dutch" in this case is used sinipiy as The tiasteee have the work ot settling hearing of said account.. And it is further ordered that a copy of this JKljecttrr* correHpoiKliiig—to—the" order be published in the Pinckney Dispatch, a Harry Twamley of Detroit was "thp noou "Hollands," ns applied to that on a site for and erection of said build- newspaper printed and circulating in said county the guest of his sister Mrs. F. -A. kind of ardent spirits. Others assert ing, and the general supervision of three successive weeks previous to said day of positively that the phrase arose as a same. There are some beautiful sites hearing. Glenn Tbe first of the week. Manf. by sneer at the I Hitch troops who showed Arthur A. Montague The Ladies Aid Society will the white feather of Fontenoy. But near here for such an institution. t-38 Judge of Probate hold a honey and pumpkin social perhaps the best explanation is that uncomplimentary allusion to the at the hall Friday evening Sept. this TATE OF MICHIGAN—County of LivingDutch refers to a practice common in 4 S Bton, ss. At a session of theProbate Court for Howell* Mich, Business Pointer*. 8th election of officers. former times in Holland of encouragthe eaid county, held at the probate office in the those who were condemned to exvllliageof Howell, on Tuesday, the 5th day of Miss Ella Waltz of Pichford ing ecution to drink heavily before they September in the year One thousand nine hundred who has been visiting in this vi- were hanged. five. Present, / r t h u r J A , Montague, Judge of Sold by TO RBNT. Probate. In trie matter of the estate of cinity the past week, has accepted Anyone attending school here from ROSBLLA A. ROSE, deceased A D o g Story. a position in Ann Arbor. Now comes W. Teeple and Merit A Rose Beerbohm Tree, tbe London actor, the country and desiring stable room, Executors of theO.estate of said deceased and rep* Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cooke are told a story of a dog named Argus inquire ot J. A. Cadwell. t 87 rettats to this court that they are ready to render P i n c k n e y , - Mich* visiting her parents in Canada. which used to accompany him to tbe their final account in eaid estate. LOST. theater. The dog was of an emotional Thereupon it la ordered that Friday the 29th Mr. and Mrs. Jaa. Cooke and R. babit of mind and was greatly affected day of September next at ten o'clock in the fore0. Glenn are running tho farm by Sensational scenes^ When Mr. Tree Either on tha strwat m» in t y op^ra noon, at Bald Probate Office, be assignee for the was playing in ''Captain Swift" Argus house, Pinckney, Thursday Ang. 10, a heating of said account. during their absence. Percy Swarthout used to take his plnce lathe wing and lady's broach. Finder please leave at And it is further ordered that a copy of this order he nunltahed in the PINCKNBY DISPATCH, a follow his every word and look until tbis_pfficej_and recieve a reward. Bew«payflr_p_riut«d and circulating in said count: WIST YVHHJt Tfie suicidal situation was reached. The three successive weeks previous to said day of moment Mr. Tree felt for his pistol hearing. Will Dunbar of Gregory spent Argus used to rush into the darkest C. S. CHAMBERLIN. Arthur A. Montague, Sunday with his parents. AND EMBALMER corner h*> could find and, burying his t 38 Judge of Probate. EXPERT AUCTIONEER head between his paws, listen for the Mrs. Michael Kelly of Chicago thud of the actor's fall. After that the TATE of MICHIGAN, County of Livingston DEXTER, MICH. is a guest at the home of Patrick dog would crawl back to meet his mas8S. ALL CALLS ANSWERED Bell Phone 38, free P. O. Lock Box «8 Probate Court for said county. Estate of ter with a howl of joy at Mr. Tree's Kelly. PROMPTLY DAY OR RIGHT MICHAKT. PARLEY, deceased apparent return to life. • Formerly of Battle'Creek, Mich. Sells everything IPARLORS.AT School began Tuesday with The undersigned having been appointed, by the on earth—Real Estate, Graded Stock, Personal PfioneNo.30 Judge of Probate of said county, commissioners PLIMPTON'S OLD STAND Daniel Murta of Pinckney as Property, Country tfalee, etc. Years of experon claims in the matt, r of said estate, and four ience, and prioefl reasonable. ADDITIOHA- LOCAL. PINCKNEY, MICH. teacher. months from the 1st day of September, A. D. 1905 Orders may be left at the DISPATCH Office. having been allowed by said Judge of Probate Emma Gardner and Ethel Doyle PINCKNEY, MICH. to all persona holding claims against said esWill Peck of Ann Arbor is visiting tate in which to present their o l a l s s to ns for visited friends in Hamburg last his parents here. examination and adjustment: Sidewalk Ordinance Wednesday. Notice is hereby giTen 'that we will meet on An Jber cement walk for Pinckney, it ordained by the Common Council the 1st day of November, A. D., 1906 Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Gardner and this time on South Hcwell street. Let of Ee the Village of Pinckney: and on the 2nd day of January A. D. 190« at ten daughter Aria spent the past week tue good work go on. o'clock a. m. of each day, at the Pinckney That a cement sidewalk be constructed Exchange Bank in the village of Pinckney We are prepared to make Single with Dr. C. B. Gardner of RiverMrs. S. G. Kime Oi Breckenridge is on the west side of Howell street commenc- in said county, to receive and examine such or double Harnesses to order, out dale. the go est of her mother, Mrs. Hugh ing on a line with the south side of the claims. of the best stock. Hand made hotel in block 4, range 4, in said village of Dated, Howell, September let, A. D. 1906. Joie Harris-commenced teaching Clark, S«\ and other relatives. G.W. Teeple [ ¢ , ^ , , , ^ , Pinckney, running thence south along land harnesses always on hand. in the Htfase diet. Monday, Eunice Some work is being done on onr owned by John H. Tuonaey, Elizabeth t38 Jerry Dunn f ° » OU*""Gardner' in the Younglove diet. streets by tbe council. Would it not Clinton, Bernard Lynch, Teeple HardMarion, Ella Murphy in Unadilla. be a good thing to cut the weeds along ware Co., and Margaret Kearney, all in TATE OP MICHIGAN, the probate oourt for REPAIRING A SPECIALITY Ifc* r. r * ^ . a STATE 'ft*. '•5W/. FAIR ft S IMPROVED BUSHELCRATES Durable —and^troftf J. Will Allen, .*. • "W~~ V * t Teeple Hardware Co. H^erahBirector S Harnesses , , AipjEBSOIi. <*£ Elva fioff it visiting friends ac Howell. School began Monday with Arthur Swarthout as teacher. Wm. Ledwidge and family It last week camping at Pat>n lake. Lie and Anna Williams returned to their home at White Oak Saturday after spending a ample of weeks at Eugene Smiths. some of tbe walks—it would look bet- the aforesaid block and range. ter at any rate. Thence south along block 3, range 4, T . J . Gaol, principal of tbe school along land owned by W. B. Darrow, and here, has rooms and is boarding at Florilla Green. Thepce south along block two, and the Mrs. L. Colby's. He comes highly street south of said block two, range 4, racommended and we predict a suc- along land oWned by Robert Culh ane and cessful school year.' Jessie Green. Said sidewalk to be four feet in width Herbert L. Cope, Humorist, will and constructed of six parts gravel and* give an entertainment, assisted by local talent, at tbe M. E. church, Pinck- one of cement to form a concrete bottom", ney, Tuesday evening Sept, 12, ad- 3 inches thick, the same to be covered with two parts sand and one of cement, mission 15 ceats. The entire proceed* one inch thick. ^ to go to the benevolences of tbe church. Adopted Sept. 5 by Council. All who have beard him will want to W. U. PLAOBWAY, Pre*. hear him again. R. T. READ, Clerk. •A . VA..;,•..'•••: afiaeseislslfi the county of Liviugaton —At a session of 8said court, held at tbe probate office In the village of Howell In said county, on the ?nd day of September A. D. 1905. Present: Hon. Arthur A. Montague, judge of Probate, in the matter of the •state of Ai.RXAi?Dtn MBBOBB deoe ased Kosina Mercer having filed in said conrt her petition praying that the administration of said estate be granted to herseli or to some other suitable person. It is ordered, that the 20th day of September A. D., 1905, at ten o'clock la the forenoon, at said probats oJTce, be and is hereby appointed tor hearing said petition. It U further ordered, that public notice thofsof be giTen by publication of a copy of this orderrdsr three sucosssWe weeks prevloas to •aid day of bearing, in the PmonriY DISTATCK, a newspaper printed and ciKnlated in said eoonty Aaratm A. M o m a e v i , i W Judge of Probate ~ Shoe Repaing We also are prepaired to do all kinds bf shoe repairing in the beat manner possible. \ 'm'%>^.v GIVE US A CALL N. H. Caverly . nun DOOR SWTHW u r n