Dominican Is Your Hospital


Dominican Is Your Hospital
Annual Report to the Community
Dominican Is Your Hospital
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to our community
Dear Santa Cruz County residents,
President’s Message
Heritage Club
Board of Directors
Report to the Community
Financial Information
Honor Roll of Major Donors
Pteron Society
Tribute Gifts
The Guild
Golf Tournament
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My duties as president of the Dominican Hospital Foundation Board include being a responsible
steward of donations received and duly diligent in reporting the activities of your hospital
foundation. For these reasons, we send you this Annual Report. Whether or not you have ever been
a patient at Dominican, it’s still your hospital. You have a vested interest in the hospital and its
Foundation. On the following pages you will notice the different ways that gifts are made to support
our mission of quality health care, and see lists of our donors. Also in this issue, several of our
friends have taken the time to tell us why they consider Dominican as their hospital.
We all have our stories—including me. I remember the awful day when my granddaughter had
a seizure. It was the kind of moment that really scares parents (and grandparents). I can still
remember thinking: “What am I going to do? What can I do?”
The first thing we did was to get her to Dominican. We rushed her to the Emergency Department,
where she received unbelievably wonderful care. I can still remember thinking about how grateful I
was for all of the people who had worked to build Dominican and to support it along the way. Today
she is a teenager. That’s just one of the reasons why I am serving on this board. Dominican is my
hospital. It is here when my family needs it.
When you get to the financial page, take note of the sources of the foundation income. Perhaps you
will be as surprised as I was to learn that a generous 28 percent of the Foundation’s annual income
comes from those who have planned a gift through annuities; and bequests made over the past 60
years. Those donors made a choice to invest in quality health care for you and me. You will find many
of their names in the Honor Roll of Donors.
Those who have made a commitment to Dominican for the future are members of our Heritage Club,
listed on the next page. You may be eligible to be a member, but not shared your plans with us. We
hope you will call NZ Carol at 462 7579 to have her add you to this list or if
you would like information about becoming a member.
Dave Regan, Board President
Dominican Hospital Foundation
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heritage club
“As the president of Dominican Hospital, my goals for the years ahead are
focused on continuing to build on the quality of care we have right here in
Santa Cruz County. My family, like yours, can enjoy the lifestyle and splendor
of our Central Coast without having to worry about ‘what if.’ I know Dominican
Hospital has Santa Cruz covered. I am particularly proud of our new surgical
robot, made possible by the estate of Harrison and Joanne Wheeler.”
— Nanette Mickiewicz, MD
Nanette Mickiewicz, MD, takes a cookie break
with Yuli Rodriguez, left, and Brianna Juarez.
Yuli and Brianna were finalists in a contest among
local elementary schools to provide a name for
Dominican Hospital’s da Vinci robotic surgical system.
Mary and Jack Stagnaro have long been
donors to Dominican Hospital. “We were
very fortunate to have a high-quality
hospital and staff care for our daughter
during her recent illness,” the couple said.
“Our deepest appreciation goes to those
who provided the support to make this
possible. We have made a commitment to
provide for Dominican’s future.”
Heritage Club Members
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Albritton
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Anzalone
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bargetto
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bargetto
Mr. Leo Bargiacchi
Mr. Harry Lalor and
Ms. Nora Beardsley
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Benito
Mr. John R. Biondi
Mrs. Gladyce Blunden
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Book
Mr. and Mrs. John Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Scofield
Ms. NZ Carol
Mr. Robert Castagnola
Mr. John Colombini
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Cowden
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Crompton
Mrs. Rose Crosetti-Colton
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Dunn
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Dr. and Mrs. Chris J. Dybdahl
Mrs. Betty Elward
Ms. Catherine Ferraro
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher
Mrs. Patricia Fleming
Mr. Warren Forest
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Foster
Mr. and Mrs. George Gallucci
Mrs. Edna Gaub
Mr. Charles Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilbert
Mr. Ken Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Haber
Ms. Hilary Harts
Ms. Stephanie Hauk
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett R. Katz
Mr. George Kosovac
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Krassow
Mr. Samuel Leask, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffree Lee
Ms. Margaret Lenihan
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lockwood
Dr. and Mrs. Gail A. Magid
Mr. and Mrs. George Mainis
Mr. and Mrs. George Malloch
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Manildi
Mr. and Mrs. Al McCommon, Jr.
Mr. Doug McCormick
Dr. & Mrs. Georges F. McCormick
Mrs. Jane S. McHenry
Mr. and Mrs. Ian D. McPhail
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McPherson, III
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Miller
Mr. Frank Minuti, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Miura
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Mock
Mrs. Mary Kate Mooser
Mrs. Robin Musitelli
Mr. Joshua Nadherny-Calciano
Dr. Howard T. Nelson and
Dr. Agnes Chien
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Petersen
Mrs. Miriam Pike
Dr. and Mrs. J. Tal Pomeroy
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Prolo
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rittenhouse, Sr.
Ms. Diane M. Robey
Ms. Mary Joan Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Nello Santacroce
Mr. and Mrs. Don Santos
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Schlumbrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott
Mr. Robert R. Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Semas, Jr.
Mrs. Elinor Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Sisk
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Smith
Mr and Mrs. Richard Solari
Ms. Mary Sparks
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Spellman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stagnaro
Mrs. Jean Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Taft
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thigpin
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thoma
Mr. Morton Tolson
Mr. Al Tosta
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Vanderpool
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Violante
Ms. Rachel Wedeen
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Wileman
Mrs. Catherine Yost
Dr. Louis Zwerling
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Dominican Hospital Foundation
Board of Directors
Michael Allard
Carlos Arcangeli, MD
Jim Bargetto
Gary Benito
Blaine Brokaw
John Bruzzone, Jr.
Ted Burke
John Burroughs
Jimmy Chung, MD
Bob Ciapponi
Josie Cowden
Christina Cuevas
Angelo DeBernardo
Charles Downey
John Fisher
Mahlon Foote
Warren Forest
Russell Gross
Bill Hess, MD
Matthew Howard
Dean Kashino MD
Diane Kazemi
Janet Krassow
Trudy Locatelli
Franklyn Lopes
Chuck Maffia
George Malloch
Caroline Manildi
Joseph Marini
Pat Mauldin
Nancy McAlear
David McClure
Keith McKenzie, MD
Nanette Mickiewcz, MD
Thomas O’Rourke
Betty Patten
Harry Rasmussen
Kenneth Reed, MD
Dave Regan
Pam Santacroce
Cathy Schlumbrecht
Dan Sedenquist
Dan Seftel, MD
Bob Semas
Patrick Shields, MD
Jon Sisk
Gary Smith
Mary Stagnaro
Fred Tomlinson, MD
Jack Watson, MD
Honorary Member
Bennett Katz
Lifetime Members
Joseph Anzalone, MD
Ralph Bargetto
Norman Benito
Yolanda Dybdahl
Betty Elward
George Gallucci
Len Gerstein, MD
Charles Gilbert
Julie Hyer, OP
Alan Levin
Georges McCormick, MD
Ian McPhail
Frank Minuti
Gil Paul
Bill Potter
Hardie Setzer
Michaella Siplak, OP
Al Tosta
Louis Wileman, MD
Dear Friends,
The fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, marked another successful chapter in the
partnership between Dominican Hospital and the people of Santa Cruz. The page to
the right demonstrates how annuities and bequests provide a solid fiscal grounding,
how events bring us together to celebrate and raise funds, and how individual gifts
of every size round out a picture of inclusive, ongoing support for the Foundation.
On following pages in our Annual Report you’ll see over 2,000 donors listed with gratitude. They are
your family, friends and neighbors who made a gift to Dominican in this past fiscal year. I wish we
could also recount the myriad motivations and occasions behind these gifts—a birth, a bone repaired,
a life-threatening (or lifestyle-threatening) condition treated, a life well-lived. Whatever sparked the
generosity, the giving and receiving relationship between Dominican and Santa Cruz remains active
and constant.
I would also like to thank the volunteers on the Dominican Hospital Foundation Board. These are
your neighbors whose collective acumen manages donated funds; and whose judgment insures that
donated funds are applied to the highest and most appropriate uses their donors intended.
I personally realized early on that a primary asset of a community is a full-service hospital delivering
quality care in a compassionate environment. Dominican is my hospital because it has fulfilled that
role for my entire lifetime. Like many in my age cohort, I have reservations about what the future
holds for my grandchildren. It is heartening to know that, at least in the health-care arena, Dominican
is positioned to continue providing the very best care possible to the people of Santa Cruz. To all who
have made this possible, I am deeply grateful.
Please take a moment to consider how Dominican has aided your family or friends, and join me
in lending needed support now and in the future. Whether a current donation or a legacy gift, all
donations in any amount help insure that Dominican will be your hospital—quality healthcare
available here in Santa Cruz when you need it.
Bob Semas
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Bob Semas, executive director of
the Dominican Hospital Foundation,
spends some quality time with his
granddaughters Kaitlin and Megan Imai.
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Foundation Funding for Dominican Hospital Programs
and Services (Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2008)
Operating Subsidies for Patient Care Services
Palliative Care Program
Tattoo Removal Clinic
Pediatric Clinic
Patient Financial Assistance
Lymphedema Clinic
$49,000 $27,400 $27,000 $15,000 $4,425 Building and Equipment
DaVinci Surgical Robot - “Steady Eddy”
Neonatal Intensive Care Equipment
Rehabilitation Exercise System Medical Library Research Materials
Limb Energizer & Exercise Device
Miscellaneous Equipment
$1,500,000 $50,000 $24,948 $6,000 $1,150 $1,020 Patient Services
Daily Newspapers for Patients
Needy Patients Clothing, Lodging & Transportation
Patient Educational TV Programming
Miscellaneous $10,000 $3,626 $2,200 $1,500 Hospital Staff Development & Services
Nurse’s Day Education
Organic Garden
Auxiliary Conference
Miscellaneous $4,000 $5,000 $2,400 $200 Community Health Project Annual Subsidies $343,800
Hospital Public Information Campaign
Cancer Resource Center Operational Expenses
Tattoo Removal Program Operational Expenses
Prenatal Health Program Cabrillo Athletic Training Program
Adolescent Behavioral Health Symposium
Women Helping Women Mammograms
Pteron Society Scholarships
Child Obesity Program
$150,000 $115,950 $27,400 $20,800 $12,000 $8,000 $5,000 $3,000 $1,650 Dominican Oaks Community Enrichment
Total Annual Contribution to the Hospital
Funds received in excess of those distributed are retained in the Foundation as
Endowed Fund principal or as Board Reserve Funds and invested to meet the
future needs of the hospital.
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financial information
Income by Source
Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2008
Annuities &
Bequests - 28%
Donations from
Individuals &
Businesses - 37%
Grants - 1%
Events - 3%
Investments - 31%
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The Honor Roll of Donors includes the names of those who have made gifts to the Dominican Hospital
Foundation totaling $5,000 or more during a lifetime of giving.
As a non-profit Hospital and center for health, Dominican
relies on voluntary contributions to help meet the
changing healthcare needs of our community. The donors
listed in this section have given gifts of money or property,
such as appreciated stocks, real estate or insurance.
Unlike our Partners in Healthcare list that thanks donors
for gifts received during the past fiscal year, the Honor Roll
recognizes cumulative giving of donors throughout their
lifetime. If a person is a member of the Heritage Club, you
will note that these gifts are often referred to as a gift from
an individual’s estate. We are very grateful for those who
have been faithful long-term donors.
Giving List
President’s Circle
Silver Circle
Gold Circle
+ Platinum
Diamond Circle
$1 million
honor roll
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Diamond Circle
Dominican Hospital Auxiliary
Dominican Hospital Guild
Estate of Rosalie Masterson
Estate of Eleanor Varbella
Mrs. Joanne M. Wheeler
Estate of Alice F. Wilson
Platinum Circle
David & Martha Meek Trust
Radiology Med. Grp. of S.C. County, Inc.
Estate of Vivian Rostron
Gold Circle
Adrian Dominican Sisters
Associated Pathology Med Grp Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baskin
Mrs. Mary Butcher
The California Endowment
Dominican Hospital Medical Staff
Estate of Jane Feichtmeir
Estate of Rosalie Ferrari
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett R. Katz
Estate of Joseph P. McTigue
The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Potter
Mrs. Mary Solari
Silver Circle
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Anzalone
Col. and Mrs. Irwin Berman
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Berman
Bogard Construction
Al Castagnola and Family
Estate of Victor A. Celotti
CHW Community Grants Program
Estate of Harold H. Clark
County of Santa Cruz
Estate of Joseph Danko
Estate of Annaliese Fleharty
Estate of Peggy M. Hodge
Estate of Joseph A. Lingemann
Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. McKenzie
Ms. Cherry Newton
Estate of Anna Ott
Santa Cruz Community
Dialysis Center, Inc
The Setzer Foundation
Mrs. Doris Seymour
Mr. Rogers Smith
The California Wellness Foundation
Estate of Dudley White
President’s Circle
Ms. Pauline Acronico
Bank of America
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bargetto
Mr. Cecil Bates
Mrs. Lena Bosso
Mr. Robert C. Burgess
Mr. Robert Castagnola
Mr. Jack Chiorini
Dr. and Mrs. Larimore Cummins
Department of California
Youth Authority
Estate of Gardner Finn
Granite Construction
Mrs. Klara Horstschneider
IBM Corporation
Lifeguard Charitable Fund
Lockheed MSC Employees’ BOMC
March of Dimes Birth Defect Fnd.
Estate of Ruby F. Marion
Pacific Western Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
Estate of Cecil & Martha Pinney
Mr. Jay Poindexter
Estate of Adeline Rasmussen
Mrs. Ernestine R. Reed
Ms. Eva I. A. Schroeder
Mr. Keith M. Shaffer
The Stuart Foundation
Mr. Morton Tolson
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Mrs. Jilma C. Alcantara
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Allegrini
AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am Youth Fund
Estate of Roberta G. Axford
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bartfield
Estate of Emmett V. Beauregard
Mrs. Beverly Black
Estate of Gwendolyn Bohn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Butcher
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Calciano
Dr. Fred G. Chin
Coast Commercial Bank
Mrs. Jessie Cole
Collins Electrical Company, Inc.
Community Foundation of
Santa Cruz County
Community Hospital Medical Staff
Dominican Hospital Labor &
Delivery Department
Estate of Herbert E. Double
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Finegan
Mrs. Pauline Geimer
Mr. Charles Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. Alan S. Hendin
Hubbard Foundation
I.O.O.F. No. 96
The James Irvine Foundation
Italian Catholic Federation Chapter 227
Lion’s Club of Santa Cruz
Thomas J. Lipton, Inc.
Estate of William Martine
Ms. Julia C. Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Mike McElroy
Dr. and Mrs. Ken Miura
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Mock
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Monte
Dr. and Mrs. Kelly O’Keefe
Mrs. Emma Oswald
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rider
Safety Center Inc.
Santa Cruz County Youth
Resource Bank
Santa Cruz Lumber Company
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Squire
St. Joseph Health System
The Susan G. Komen Breast
Cancer Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Neal E. Swanson
Mrs. Fran Swenson
Carl N. Swenson Co.
Estate of Kenneth Taylor
Estate of Ledden & Doris Wall
Wells Fargo Foundation
Estate of Lura White
E. L. Wiegand Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Wileman
George H. Wilson, Inc.
Dr. Louis Zwerling
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Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Alexander
The Estate of Emma R. Allegrini
Amgen, Inc.
Mrs. Alice J. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Andries
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos G. Arcangeli
Association of Western Hospitals
Richetta Azzaro
Mr. Stephen Barat
Estate of Sylvia Bargetto-Nolan
Dr. H. Shields Barr
Mr. John Battistini
Estate of Louis Belis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Benito
Berger, Lewis Accountancy Corp
Mrs. Leila Biancalana
Estate of Nancy Bliss
Bogard Family Foundation
The E. R. Bourke Family
Mrs. Marjorie Bourret
Dr. Ludwig P. Breiling
Mr. John Bruzzone
Mr. and Mrs. John Bruzzone, Jr.
Mrs. Leonore Buchwald
Estate of Vivian Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. John Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Butcher
Mrs. Shirley Butler
Central Concrete Supply Co., Inc.
Children’s Benefit Fund, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Chope
Estate of Hester W. Collins
Mr. John Colombini
Estate of Evelyn Hefner Combs
Comerica Bank
Mrs. Joan Cook
Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney
Credit Bureau of Santa Cruz County
Creekside Ltd.
Mr. Richard Crescini
Mrs. Rose Crosetti-Colton
Dan Murphy Foundation
Ms. Kathleen Dean
Mr. John L. DeBenedetti
Dr. Thomas C. Devlin
Dominican Hospital Chaplain Services
Ms. Georgette Dufresne
Sister Georganne Duggan, O.P.
Dr. and Mrs. Chris J. Dybdahl
Mr. and Mrs. Don Eagle
Mrs. Betty Elward
Ms. Roz M. Fakunding
Mrs. Zita Farrell
Mrs. Virginia Fendorf
Mr. David Ferrari
Finkelman Charitable Family Trust
Estate of Alberta Finn
First 5 Santa Cruz County
First Interstate Bank Foundation
Mrs. Roger E. Fleiger
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frommherz
Estate of Domina Furlong
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gerig
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Gerstein
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gillette
Estate of Nettie May Grenot
Mr. Louis L. Haber
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haggerty, Jr.
Estate of Lynette F. Harts
The Hearst Foundation, Inc.
Herbst Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Hess
Dr. Bruce W. Hinrichs
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Hite
Hospital Council Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Hultgren
Mr. Warren Hyer
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Jernstrom
Mr. Samuel X. Kaplan
Dr. Suzanne Kilmer
Mr. George Kosovac
Estate of Whitney and Bernice Kraft
Dr. and Mrs. Terry B. Lapid
Estate of Samuel J. Leask
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levin
Mrs. Jeane D. Ley
Lockheed Missiles and Space, Co.
Dr. and Mrs. Gail A. Magid
Dr. Morgan Magid and Ms. Mary Alves
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Maguire
Mrs. Marjory Mahan
Marina Motor Company
Sister Patricia McCarty, O.P.
Dr. & Mrs. Georges F. McCormick
Mrs. Jane S. McHenry
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McPherson, III
Dr. Mahlon D. McPherson
Dr. Michael Ellison and
Dr. Nanette Mickiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Miller
Mrs. Susan M. Mills
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Moyce
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Mungai
Mrs. Marjorie L. Murphy
Mr. Joshua Nadherny-Calciano
Dr. Howard T. Nelson and
Dr. Agnes Chien
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Nevitt
Estate of Clarence Nielson
Ocean Honda
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. John Petersdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piciullo
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Prolo
Mr. Edward Rampone
Redtree Properties, L.P.
Estate of Mathilda Rossi
Mrs. Ruth Rousseau-Kelly
Sister Anne Russell, O.P.
Mr. Philip M. Sachs
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Sacks
Salz Leathers, Inc.
Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group
Santa Cruz Clearing House Association
Santa Cruz Sentinel
Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Nello Santacroce
Mr. and Mrs. Don Santos
Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Scibetta
Security Pacific Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sedenquist
Mrs. Mary P. Segarini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Semas, Jr.
Shadowbrook Restaurant
Estate of Maude B. Sharpe
Ms. Elizabeth Shih
Mr. Timothy E. Sinnott
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slay
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C. Spellman
St. Joseph’s Hospital & Med. Center
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stagnaro
Steve’s Union 76 Service
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Sumpf
Estate of Irene Roney Tait
Dr. and Mrs. Fred B. Tomlinson
Mr. Al Tosta
Mrs. Angela Towne
Mr. Sherman Unell
V.B.J. Investors
VISA International
Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Watson
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Weaver
Estate of Patricia R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Williams
Mrs. Peg Youngs
Abbott Laboratories
Drs. Nicholas and Beth Abidi
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adams
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Adams
Dr. Robert K. Allen
Mr. Daniel W. Allison
American Medical Response
Frances M. Anderson
Estate of Louis A. Andreotti
Anesthesia Medical Group
Aptos Sea Lioness
honor roll
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Avelar
Axolotl Corp.
Mr. Robert Baker Wells
Mrs. Mary R. Bates
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Benjamin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Berman
Ms. Heather Berti
Mrs. Willa Blair
Mrs. Gladyce Blunden
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bol
Borders, Inc.
Mrs. Virginia Bosso
Mrs. Rita C. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Brechel
Mr. Stanley T. Brett
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Bryant, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Buchwald
Cabrillo Host Lions Club
Mrs. Lucile Canfield
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Christensen
Dr. and Mrs. Roy E. Christian
Mr. Ben R. Cirone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coe
Mr. James O. Colombini
Mrs. Ione N. Conlan
Continuum Biomedical
Mrs. Joan Cowden
Crocker National Bank Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Crompton
CSK Auto
Dr. and Mrs. Alex F. Darocy
Dr. Zoltan de Haydu
Deluxe Foods of Aptos, Inc.
Estate of Ernest W. Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Domenik
Mr. J. Douglas Donenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Donenfeld
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Dunn
Mrs. Ruth Engel
Mrs. Floyd Estess
Farella, Braun & Martel
Ms. Catherine Ferraro
Dr. and Mrs. Noel Fishman
Mrs. Patricia Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fogelson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Franks
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fritsch
Dr. and Mrs. John Fust
Mr. and Mrs. George Gallucci
Dr. and Mrs. Eliud R. Garcia
Mrs. Edna Gaub
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Gelbart
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Giladett
Drs. Brandon T. and Jill G. Ginieczki
Mrs. Maddalena Giusto
Mrs. Anne Goines
Mrs. John Gray
Greater Bay Bancorp
Estate of Mary Greene
Mrs. J.N. Gresham
Mr. Paul Hanneman
Mrs. Alice Hansmann
Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Harner
Mrs. Barbara Harris
Dr. Carlene A. Hawksley
Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Hodges
Dr. Charles Holtfreter
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Howard
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Howarth
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hyatt
Mr. Gerald A. Hynes
Miss Rosemarie Imazio
Integrated Communications Corp.
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Dean Kashino
Mr. and Mrs. Shah Kazemi
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A. King
Lt. Col. Ernest T. Kretschmer USAF Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kuty
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Laflin
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Lago
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Levin
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Ley
Mrs. Mary Kate Lezin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lezin
Ms. Trudy Locatelli
Lucas, Wyckoff, Miller,
Dunton & Comstock
Lucky Stores, Inc.
Dr. Barbara J. MacFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. George Malloch
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Maren
Mr. and Mrs. John Martel
Dr. and Mrs. Allen Martin
Estate of Rita Mattei
Ms. Jackie McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Al McCommon, Jr.
Al McCommon, Jr. Properties
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The purpose of Palliative Care is to assure emotional,
spiritual and physical care and support for patients and
family during the transition through the final phase
of life. Efforts are focused on providing comfort and
a peaceful death with dignity. Palliative Care offers
valuable time for the family to help the patient through
the dying process. It is a time for closure and for
final good-byes. Dominican Hospital has had a Palliative
Care program—the only one on the Central Coast—
since 2005.
Palliative Care staff members and a
representative of the Italian Catholic
Federation (ICF) Chapter 227
celebrate the generous gift of a
new Care Cart funded by the ICF.
honor roll (cont.)
Mrs. Loisann McCullagh
Sister Brigid McDonald, O.P.
Estate of Monsignor
William McLoughlin
Mead Johnson and Company
Mr. James J. Meehan
Mr. Chris J. Mehling
Mr. Robert Meister and
Dr. Ritu Meister
Mended Hearts, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Menges
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Migliorino
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Mock
Estate of Roblin Moy
Mrs. Alice Neary
Mr. T. J. Nicholson
Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp.
Mr. Joseph L. Olivieri
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pacheco
Estate of Lawrence Parodi
Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Pearce
Dr. and Mrs. Pho Ba Da
Mr. Jerome J. Piepmeyer
Plantronics, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Plumb
Plumbers & Steamfitters Union Local #62 & Mech. Contr. Assn.
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Poth
Drs. Robert P. and Paula Quinn
R-H Santa Cruz Youth Foundation
Mr. Robert R. Radell
Mrs. Alvina Raffanti
Estate of Gladys Elaine Rayburg
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Reed
Mrs. Robert E. Rousseau
San Lorenzo Lumber Company, Inc.
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc.
County of Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Emergency Physicians
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
Santa Cruz Seaside Company
Santos Enterprises
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Schmida
Mr. John I. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Seftel
Col. Frank L. Shogren
Sigma Alpha of Omega Nu
Mrs. Alice Siri
Ms. Janet S. Slay
Dr. and Mrs. Donald F. Slebir
Dr. James Spiegel and
Dr. Sharon Tapper
Mr. John Stagnaro
Dr. Ashby Steele
Ms. Carol Baker Summers
System USA, Inc.
Dr. Sharon Tapper
The Pied Piper Exterminators, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas
Mrs. Dorothy Thrash
Ms. Jevon Todd
Ms. Tracy Trail-Mahan
Van Hoesen Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Vanderbundt
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Vanderpool
Mr. James J. Victory
Dr. John M. Vogel
Mr. George N. Wagner
Mr. Paul S. Walsh
Mrs. Gertrude K. Wasserstrom
Mr. Frank L. Webb
Weight Watchers of
Northern California
Dr. and Mrs. Freddie S. Weinstein
Estate of Robert H. Wertz
Mr. Albert Whitford
The Hakan Wikberg Family
Mrs. Elinor J. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Williams
Mr. Ted Winch
Dr. and Mrs. Marc B. Yellin
Mr. William P. Zanetis
Mr. and Mrs. Marko B. Zaninovich
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 8
9/23/08 2:27:00 PM
Do you have an estate plan?
Every adult, regardless of age, should have an up-to-date plan in
place regarding an estate.
A basic estate plan states your wishes regarding (1) care and treatment if
you are incapacitated and (2) disposition of your assets after your death.
Discuss your estate plans with your family and document them.
The most common forms include:
•Last Will and Testament
•General and Medical Durable Powers of Attorney
•Revocable Living Trust
These will make your wishes clear regarding:
•Who should manage your affairs if you become incapacitated;
and after your death.
•Who you want to make medical and end-of-life decisions for
you if you are unable to do so yourself.
•Who you want to inherit your assets; and how and when
they inherit them.
•What share of your assets you want to be your legacy by
helping charities.
Keep your documents with an updated list of assets in a safe place,
and let others know where they are. Review your plans periodically to
ensure that your documents reflect your current needs and desires.
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 9
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“Exceeding expectations through teamwork and innovation.”
Giving List
President’s Circle
Silver Circle
Gold Circle
+ Platinum
Diamond Circle
$1 million
Employees from Dominican Hospital give a cheer after a record number of staff members donated to
the Dominican Hospital Foundation during the annual Employee Giving Campaign.
At Dominican, employees give, too.
Record number of staff members donate to
Foundation in 2008
Dominican Hospital’s core values include excellence: “Exceeding expectations through teamwork
and innovation.”
This year, that’s exactly what happened when the Dominican Hospital Foundation’s annual Employee Giving
Campaign became one of the most successful in the Foundation’s history.
Every February, the Dominican Hospital Foundation kicks off its annual Employee Giving Drive. Dominican
staffers can choose to give a lot or a little to a Hospital Foundation fund of their choosing, or to the year’s
designated fund chosen by the Employee Advisory Committee.
In 2008, nearly 25 percent of all employees participated in the donation drive, thanks to a challenge issued by
Jeanne MacLaren, director of Dominican Rehabilitation Services, who suggested that more staff members at
the much smaller Rehabilitation Services would donate than those at Dominican Hospital.
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 10
“Thanks to unprecedented support from administration and the inter-campus challenge, this year’s employee
campaign was spirited and broke all previous participation records,” said Bob Semas, executive director of the
Foundation. “The Foundation is thrilled to have employees in such number join with others in our community
who support Dominican through personal donations.”
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partners in healthcare
As a not-for-profit Hospital and center for health, Dominican relies on voluntary contributions to help
provide the state-of-the-art medical equipment and services you expect to find in major metropolitan
areas. Our donors have given gifts of money or property, such as appreciated stocks, real estate or
insurance. Many donors direct their gifts to a particular fund or services area of the hospital.
This list reflects gifts received between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008.
We greatly appreciate our “partners in healthcare.”
Abbott, Stringham & Lynch
Drs. Nicholas and Beth Abidi
Mrs. Kristi Abundis
ACA Workshop
Mrs. Frances E. Acevedo
nMs. Pauline Acronico
Ms. Mia Adams
Dominican Sisters
Ms. Victoria Aguirre
Mr. Norbert J. Aichlmayr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael I. Aissen
Alan Siegel Entertainment, Inc.
Ms. Maria Alcober
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Alegre
Ms. Katherine Alkon
Dr. and Mrs. Christen Allaman
Allanson Insurance Agency
Ms. Mary Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Allen
Allen Taylor Foundation
Ms. Mary S. Allred
Altered Attitudes
Mr. Leo A. Amadei
Ms. Peggy Ames
Ms. Annette C. Anacabe
Mr. Will J. Anderline
Ms. Jacquelyn B. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Angelo
Ms. Nancy J. Angers
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Antolini
Mrs. Eunice Antonetti
l Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Anzalone
Mr. and Mrs. Godefridus Apon
Mr. and Mrs. C. Joseph App
Appliance Service Center, Inc.
©Dr. and Mrs. Carlos G. Arcangeli
Mr. Salvador Arellano-Diaz
Mr. Thomas Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arsenault
Mrs. Shirley Ashworth
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Asmus
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Asmussen
Mr. and Mrs. James Aspden
Associated Pathology
Med Grp Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rod R. Atchison
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Athenour
Mr. Ernest Atkinson
Augustine Fellowship
Ms. Mary Lynn Aune
Ms. Yesenia Avelar
Mr. William R. Avellino
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Averill
Mr. Richard M. Averill
Ms. Genea Avila
Mr. and Mrs. Mario R. Avila
Mr. and Mrs. Cristobal Avila
Ms. Barbara Avona
Mrs. Georgie A. Ayers
Ms. Margarita Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Ted Bailey
Ms. Laura Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bairos
Ms. Sarah Baker
Ms. Donna M. Baldini
Mr. and Mrs. Warren A. Baldwin
Ms. Eileen Balian
Mrs. Mary Balian
Ms. Patricia B. Baltus
nBank of America Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bargetto
nMr. and Mrs. Ralph Bargetto
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Barilati
Mr. Rick D. Barnes
Ms. Lenora Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Barone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barone
Mr. Gaspar O. Barros
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Barton
Mr. and Mrs. David Baskin
Ms. Leslee Bassin
Bay Eye Medical Group, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Beall, Jr.
Ms. Miriam Beames
Mr. Harry Lalor and
Ms. Nora Beardsley
Mr. David F. Beccaria
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Beck
Mrs. Karen Becker
Mrs. Kathleen Becker
Ms. Leigh Becker
Ms. Margaret Behan
Ms. Elaine Belardi
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Belgard
Ms. Cheryl Bell
Ms. Helene Belverge
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Belville
Mr. Joseph A. Benedict
Mr. and Mrs. William Benevento
Ms. Judith A. Bengtson
Benito & Azzaro Pacific
Gardens Chapel
Dr. and Mrs. David S. Benjamin
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Benko
Ms. Krisna Bennett
Mrs. Patricia A. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bepler
Mr. Justin Berenbaum
Mr. Paul Bergamaschi
©Berger, Lewis Accountancy Corp
Mrs. Dana Bergman
Mr. Marlyn Bergman
Mr. Edward T. Bergo, Jr.
Mr. Alex Bergthold
Ms. Brenda A. Berkovatz
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Berman
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Berndt
Mr. Richard Bernosky
Beverly Hills CC Tennis Team
Mr. Gary Bianconi
Mr. Steven Bidwell
Mr. C. F. Biffin
Biggam, Christensen & Minsloff
Nancy Gonzales-Caro, right, works with Occupational
Therapist Jeannette Cosentino of Dominican Hospital’s
Lymphedema Clinic on fitting a new compression garment.
“After I completed breast cancer treatment,
I was diagnosed with lymphedema. I was
fortunate to receive treatment with the
therapists at the Dominican Lymphedema
Clinic, the most comprehensive program in
the Central Coast area. To help me manage
my lymphedema, I also attend monthly
meetings of the Lymphedema Education &
Support Group at the Katz Cancer Resource
Center. We work with therapists to increase
self-care management skills. Donations from
fund-raising efforts such as the Lymphedema
Luncheon & Fashion Show are managed
by the Dominican Hospital Foundation to
support the needs of lymphedema patients
like me.”
—Nancy Gonzales-Caro
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partners in healthcare (cont.)
George and Linda Malloch pause for
a moment at the Dominican Hospital
Foundation annual donor luncheon.
“Both of us have been patients at Dominican Hospital.
We are pleased and privileged to participate in the
Annual Giving Society because of the security we feel in
having Dominican Hospital in our community.”
—George and Linda Malloch
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 12
Mr. Robert W. Bingham
Ms. Charlotte Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bisbee
Ms. Margaret E. Bishop
Dr. and Mrs. Craig L. Blackwell
Ms. Kathleen Blain
Mrs. Evelyn L. Blakemore
Ms. Tammy Blanchard
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bliske
Mrs. Bess Blodgett
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Bloomfield
Blueprint Ent., Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Blust
lBogard Construction
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bol
Ms. Kimberly A. Bolin
Mr. Barton Bona
Ms. Rose Bonney
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Bortoli
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Bosso
Bosso Williams Law Offices
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bouzeos
Ms. Nancy L. Bowie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Bowman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyd
Mrs. Sally Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Bozzo
and family
Ms. Barbara A. Bradley
Ms. Emmie B. Bragado
Ms. Trish Branges
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brenkwitz
Dr. Elizabeth H. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Roque G. Brennan
Ms. Judith S. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brenner
Mr. Carl Bressler
Mrs. Therese Briend
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Britton
Ms. Patricia Brodie
Ms. Joyce E. Brodsky
Mr. Joseph L. Broido
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brokaw
Ms. Jane S. Brooks
Ms. Sheryl Ann Brouse
Ms. Claudia Brown
Ms. Deane Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. George Brown
Ms. Kim Brown
Mr. Nolan Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brown
Ms. Alice L. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brownlee
Mr. Tom Bruce
Mr. and Mrs. William Bruce
Mr. John R. Bruning
©Mr. and Mrs. John Bruzzone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Buak
Mr. Ninh Trong Bui
Ms. Alice M. Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. George Bunch
Mr. and Mrs. B.C. Bunn
Mr. Paul Burdick
Ms. Peggy Burgess
Ms. Dian Burke
Ms. Patricia Jean Burr
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burry
Ms. Renee Burt
Mr. Donald Bussey
Mr. Donald F. Bussey
Mr. Deane A. Bussiere
Ms. Esther Bustos
®Mr. and Mrs. Michael Butcher
Beth Butler, O.P.
Mr. Gerard Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Butler
Cafe Cruz
©Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Calciano
Ms. Pamela Call
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Callon
Ms. Bernice Caminata
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Campbell
Mr. Brian R. Campbell
Ms. Nancy Campeau
Mrs. Alida Canale
Ms. Carol Canaris
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Canepa
Ms. Tanya Cantu
Sister Janet Capone,O.P.
Mr. Gregorio Cardenas
Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Scofield
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carle
Ms. Vicki Carlisle
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Carlson
Mrs. Lillian N. Carlson
Ms. Stephanie S. Carlson
Mr. Robert Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. David Carrier
Mr. Michael H. Carroll
Mrs. Errol C. Carstensen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter
Mr. Michael C. Casal
Ms. Mary Casillas
l Mr. Robert Castagnola
Ms. Rosemary Castillo
Mr. Frank Castro
Catholic University of Korea
Ms. Megan Cavallari
Ms. Donna Cavallaro
Ms. Caroline Ceconi
Central Electric Co.
Mrs. Gloria Cervantes
Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Chamberlin
Ms. Patricia Chance
Mr. and Mrs. Jun S. Chang
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Charboneau, Sr.
Mrs. Chela Chavez
Dr. Robert P. Chen and
Mrs. Sarah Chen
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Pei-Li Chiang
Ms. C. Chiesa
Ms. Teri Chitwood
Mr. Peter Choporis
Mr. Chris Christensen
Mr. Edward Christensen
Ms. Lisa Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Chrystie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Chrystie
Mrs. Marilou Church
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Ciapponi
Mrs. Dolores E. Cicholas
Ms. Ceil Cirillo
Ms. Claudia Cisneros
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Clark
Mr. Albert G. Clarkson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cleave
Ms. Elizabeth Clifton
Dr. Corrine Cline-Fortunato
Mr. Leonard Cline-Fortunato
Mrs. Martha Clingerman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cloward
CLS Designs
Sister Diane Clyne
Coast Concrete
Ms. Thelma D. Coit
Ms. Kerri Colbert
Mrs. Carole Colitti
Ms. Pat Combs
Community Foundation of
Santa Cruz County
Compaq Computer Corp.
Complete Mailing Services
Ms. Michele Conroy
Ms. Marcella M. Constantine
©Mrs. Joan Cook
Mrs. Nellie Cook
Mr. Robert Cooney
Ms. Henri Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Danny G. Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Copriviza
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin T. Cornwall
Mrs. Margarita Cornwell
9/23/08 2:27:08 PM
Ms. Irene Cortez
Mr. Larry W. Corum
Darylynn Costa, O.P.
Ms. Elizabeth Costella
Ms. Jacquelyn J. Cotta
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Countryman
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Cowden
Mr. Donald R. Craine
Ms. S. Crawford
Creative Artists Agency
Mrs. Madeline Crews
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Crivello
©Mrs. Rose Crosetti-Colton
Ms. Deb Cross
Mr. Jay Crouch
Ms. Kathryn Crowe
Ms. Veronica Cruz
CSK Auto
Cubic Designs, Inc.
Ms. Christina Cuevas
Mr. Bob Culbertson
Mrs. Virginia Culbertson
Mrs. Dorothy Culver
Ms. Mara Curry
Ms. Maureen Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Curtice
Mr. Tim Curtin
Ms. Ellen Cutler
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. D’Orazi
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Dahlmeier
Dr. and Mrs. Rami Dakkuri
Ms. Collette Dalke
Mr. Armando Dalmacio
Mr. and Mrs. Deric Dangzalan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Darwin
Dasher Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Davenport
Mrs. Virginia R. Davies
Mrs. Rose Davighi
Mr. Blaine J. Davis
Ms. Eileen M. Davis
Ms. Jean Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Davis
Mr. Stephen Davis
Ms. Laurie de Castongrene
Ms. Rosie Deakers
©Ms. Kathleen Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo DeBernardo
Ms. Valerie Decker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Deetz
Ms. Rhea Dehart
Ms. Pia Del Chiaro
Mr. Timothy M. Del Chiaro
Ms. Norma A. Del Gaudio
Ms. Susan R. Del Rosario
Mr. Timothy DelChiaro
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dellamaggiore
Mr. Andrew L. Delucchi
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Delurgio
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Demos
Ms. Connie Denault
Mr. Russell D. Dennig
Ms. Martha Dennis
Mr. Dan Densley
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Derouchey, Jr.
Sister Madeline Dervin, O.P.
Mr. Shawn C. DeSanto
DeSylvester Charitable Foundation
Devcon Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Devine
Dr. N Dhillon
Ms. Leticia Diaz
Ms. Laura J. Diem
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
Mr. Rick Dimeo
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Dineen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ditano
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ditlevsen
Mrs. Jessica Dixon
Ms. Tamar Dolgen
Ms. Lillia Domench
Dominican Hospital Auxiliary
Dominican Hospital Clinical
Lab Staff
Dominican Hospital Guild
Mr. David Donahoe
Ms. Christine Donnelly
Dr. Eileen M. Donnelly
Mrs. Anne Donner-Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Doran
Mrs. Dorothy R. Dosier
Ms. Judith A. Dowd
Ms. Leah V. Downey
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Drobac
Ms. Lan Du
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Duffin
©Ms. Georgette Dufresne
Ms. Mary Ann Dunlap
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Travers E. Durkee
Ms. Ann C. Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Edgren
Ms. Sarah Edmundson
Dr. Andrea G. Edwards
Mrs. Marjorie Edwin
Ms. Mary Egner
Ms. Suzanne M. Eichhorn
Ms. Barbara B. Eicholz
Dr. and Mrs. Erick J. Eklund
Ms. Elva Elizondo
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Elkind
Ms. Cathy Elliott
Mr. Robert G. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Ellis
©Dr. Michael Ellison and
Dr. Nanette Mickiewicz
©Mrs. Betty Elward
Mr. Dennis Emanuelson
Mrs. Janet Emanuelson
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Engelman
Mr. and Mrs. William Engelman
Ms. Dianne Engelund
Ms. Regina Engelund
Mr. Milton R. Entwistle
Mrs. Alana Epstein
Mr. Orland D. Ereno and
Ms. Joan Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ereno
Mrs. Jane Erice
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Erickson
Mr. Robert L. Erndt
Mr. Larry Escoto
Mrs. Juliette Espiritu
Mr. Timm J. Esque
Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Essegian
Mr. Jon Estanislao
Ms. Nurten Ethem
Ms. Diane L. Evans and
Mr. Cyrill Vatomsky
Ms. Lynda Evers
Ms. Marge Evett
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fagan
Mr. Richard E. Faggioli
Ms. Martha Fagundes
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fardette
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Farmer
Mr. Roger Farnal
Mr. William B. Fassbinder
Ms. Marie Fay
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Fehrman
Ms. Ruth Feldsberg
Mr. Brett Fellman
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Fendorf
Ms. Amy Ferber
Ms. Dorothea Ferrante
Mrs. Rose Ferrari
Ms. Catherine Ferraro
Ms. Christa C. Fink and
Mr. Alexander Edens
©Finkelman Charitable Family Trust
Finn/Hiller Casting, Inc.
Dr. Michael R. Fischetti
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher
Mrs. Deborah Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Flaherty
Ms. Maribel Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Flores
Mrs. Ellie Folkins
Mr. Robert E. Fontaine
©Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Fornshell
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Foster
Mr. Russell Foster
Ms. Kathy Fournier
Mrs. Marion L. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Fox
Mr. Phillip L. Frandler
Mr. and Mrs. James Franks
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Franks
Mr. Douglas I. Franusich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Donald French
Mr. Fred Frevert
Ms. Linda C. Fridy
Ms. Rey Friel
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Friend
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fritsch
Mr. and Mrs. William Frohn
©Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frommherz
Ms. Marta M. Frosch
Mr. Neal F. Frost
Ms. Susan Fuller
Mrs. Tura Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Furman
Dr. and Mrs. John Fust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Futch
Ms. Ruth Gabbert
Mr. Jeff Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallus
Sister Avelina Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon F. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Garelick
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gargiulo
Mr. Jack Garland
Ms. Margaret Garland
Ms. Ruth Garland
Ms. Mary F. Garrison
Ms. Harlee Gasmer
Mrs. Susan Gaspar
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gasser
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Gaus
Ms. Grace B. Geddes
Ms. Elizabeth Gehrmann
Ms. Sandra Gelman and
Mr. Richard Dames
Ms. Anna Gentile
Ms. Carol George
George Litto Productions, Inc.
Mrs. Mary L. Gerdes
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gergen
Ms. Heather Gerwin
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett E. Gettleman
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Geyer
Mrs. Edith Gibino and family
Mr. Patrick Gibney
Mr. Don M. Gibson
Ms. Barbara J. Gieseler
©Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gilbert
Mr. Robert E. Gilbert
©Dr. and Mrs. John R. Gillette
Ms. Marsha W. Gilpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gini
Drs. Brandon T. and
Jill G. Ginieczki
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gintert
Mr. Don Giudici
Mr. and Mrs. William Glen
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Glina
Mrs. Leona B. Gobbo
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goddard
Mr. Thomas Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kuskin
Mrs. Shonnie Godfrey-Tuck
Ms. JoAnne Godinho
Mr. and Mrs. David Gold
Ms. Ethel Goldberg
Ms. Seana Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Joel C. Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Lanz Goldmann
Ms. Lauren Goldsmith
Ms. Hannah S. Goldstein
Mr. Carlo Golino
Mrs. Violetta Gomez
Mr. Joe Gonsalves
Ms. Alicia Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Goodrich
Ms. Karen Gosling
Ms. Marie Gouker
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Grace
Mr. Ed Grace
Mrs. Margaret G. Gralenski
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Grande
Mr. Timothy R. Grasso
Grebmeier Design
Ms. Jennifer E. Green
Ms. Jeri J. Green
Ms. Helen Greene
Ms. Sue Grenier
Ms. Chris Griesinger
Mr. Richard D. Griffith and
Ms. Margaret A. Perham
Mr. and Mrs. Gene G. Griggs
Mr. Joseph A. Grimaldi
Mr. Marlon Grogan
Mr. Irving Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Guerra
Mr. and Mrs. Hillory Guillory
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Gunkel
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Gurries
Mr. Matthew Gutierrez
Ms. Consuelo Guzman
Mr. Robert Haase
Ms. Leslie Haber
Ms. Elaine Hadad
Ms. Julie Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Halbach
Mr. and Mrs. Quincy X. Halbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Dave C. Hall
Mr. Michael Hame
Mr. Scott D. Hamill
Ms. Judy Hane
Ms. Kristina Hanna
Ms. Lillian A. Hansen
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 13
9/23/08 2:27:08 PM
partners in healthcare (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hanson
Ms. Marchele Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harkness
Ms. Evelyn J. Harnden
Mr. Stewart Harnell
Ms. Catherine Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Harried
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Harrington
Mrs. Joan Harrington-Trenbeth
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Rick J. Harron
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hartley
Mrs. Lue Hartney
Mr. and Mrs. Lewin F. Hartwig
Ms. Tea Hashimoto
Mr. and Mrs. George Havstad
Dr. Carlene A. Hawksley
Mrs. Betty C. Hayes
Heartland Hospice
Ms. Susy L. Heartsner
Mrs. Elaine M. Hedges
Heick’s Cabinet Shop, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Heit
Dr. and Mrs. W. Richard Hencke
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Henderson
Mr. Neil L. Henseler
©Herbst Foundation, Inc.
Heritage Village Offices
Dr. Donaldo Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hersch
Mr. Herbert R. Hertel
©Dr. and Mrs. William H. Hess
Ms. Lorrie Hester
Ms. Shirley Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. David Higginbotham
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Hilberman
Mr. Kenneth R. Hill
Ms. Judith Hillman
Ms. Susan E. Hillyard
Ms. Hillevi Hirano
Mrs. Denise Hitzeman
Mr. and Mrs. Franz Hoehenrieder
Mr. Herb Hoelscher
Mrs. Helen Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Holbrook
Mr. Mark P. Holcomb
Mr. Tab Holden
Mr. Frank J. Holdener
Hollywood Gang Production LLC
Mrs. June Hoover
Mr. John S. Horder
Mrs. Edith Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Houchen
Household International
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Howard
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Howarth
Mr. Michael Hoy
Mr. Brad Hubbard
Ms. Joan M. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman
Mr. James S. Hunsaker
Ms. Charlene Hunt
Mr. Richard J. Huyck
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hyatt
Mr. Harold A. Hyde
Ms. Marianne A. Hyer
Dr. and Mrs. Barry N. Hyman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Hyndman
nIBM Corporation
Mr. Luis A. Icaza
Dr. and Mrs. Kent Imai
pIntegrated Communications Corp.
International Aquatic Trades, Inc.
Mr. Paul Irao
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Irby
Mr. and Mrs. Ben G. Irons
Ms. Heidi Irvin
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Ishaq
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Issenman
Mrs. Judy Isvan
®Italian Catholic Federation
Chapter 227
Ms. Katherine M. Ivanovich
Mr. and Mrs. G. Brinton Jack III
Jack Farren Foundation
Dr. Anne-Marie Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jacobs
Ms. Mary James
Mr. Paul Janney
Mr. George Jarrow
Jason Weinberg Management Inc.
Jazzland Santa Cruz
Ms. Louise Jensen
Dr. Jennie Jet
Jill Phillips Design
Mr. and Mrs. Brandt Joel
Mr. and Mrs. Kaz Jofuku
John Morayniss & Jamie Levitt
Ms. Ann Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric R. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Harland B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Neal A. Johnson
Ms. Laurel Johnson
Ms. Marjorie Johnson
Mrs. Namiko Johnson
Mr. Richard H. Johnson
Ms. Susan Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Joiner
Mrs. Winifred C. Jones
Ms. Yvette Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joy
Ms. Carolyn D. Joyner
Dr. and Mrs. Ton F. Jue
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney S. Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kamehiro
Mr. Russell W. Kane
Mrs. Virgina L. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kann, Jr.
Mr. Saul Kanter
Dr. and Mrs. Dean Kashino
Ms. Sara Kato
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Katzlberger
Mr. and Mrs. Shah Kazemi
Mr. Dart F. Keech
Ms. Deborah Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Keeshan
Ms. Kathi A. Kehmna
Mr. Broderick B. Keller
Ms. Paula Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Kellogg, Jr.
Mrs. Coral Kelly
Mrs. Lois Kelly
Ms. Caroline Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
Mr. Stephen Kennedy
Ms. Suzanne K. Kennedy
Dr. Douglas G. Hetzler and
Dr. Suzanne M. Kerley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kessell
Key Impressions
Mr. and Mrs. Willem J. Keyzer
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Kieft
Ms. Susan Kilburn
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kimple
Mr. Benjamin King
Mr. Edward Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kirksey, Jr.
Mr. Edward S. Klein
Mr. Gerlof E. Klimp
Ms. Mary Kline
Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Kline
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Klint
Mr. David W. Klutts
Dr. Wendi A. Knapp
Mr. Warren Knox
Ms. Michele A. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Koenig
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koken
Mrs. Rosalie Kolb
Mr. Lee Marek and
Dr. Michele M. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Krajci
Ms. Mary Anne Kramer-Urner
Ms. Karen Krestensen
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Krikke
Ms. Margaret Kristich
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Krok
Mr. Ben Krupp
Mrs. Elva Krupp
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Kruse
Ms. Catherine Kunkel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kurk
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Kuty L.G.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold La Font
Mr. and Mrs. Robert La Mar
Ms. Veronica Ladino
Ms. Nancy Laemmle
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Laflin
Mr. and Mrs. Joe LaFollette
Ms. Eleanor R. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Landram
Mrs. Celeste Landry
Mrs. Jan B. Lange
©Dr. and Mrs. Terry B. Lapid
Ms. Dixie J. Larkin
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Lasserre
Ms. Barbara Lathrop
Mr. Donald B. Lauritson
Mrs. Mary Laut
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Lawrance
Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Leach
Sister Mary Ellen Leciejewski, O.P.
Dr. Bryan D. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Lee
Mr. Michael J. Lee
Ms. Susan Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Yuk C. Leng
Mr. and Mrs. W. Lenson
LeTip of Santa Cruz
©Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levin
Ms. Margarita Levisi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lezin
Ms. Dianna Libby
Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Liddy
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Lieberman
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 14
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Lifetime Entertainment Services
Dr. Laura Likar
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Lima
Mrs. Orianna Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Linden
Mr. Richard G. Lindsley
Mrs. Deanna Liotta
Mr. and Mrs. Marq S. Lipton
Ms. Diane N. Little
Mrs. Josie Little
Ms. Roseann Llewellyn
Ms. Jeanane Logan
Dr. and Mrs. Greg A. Loitz
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Long
Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn J. Lopes, Sr.
Mrs. Annie M. Lopez
Mr. Bryan Lourd
Mr. Richard Lovett
Ms. April Lovvorn
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Luttrell
Ms. Megan B. Lynch
Ms. Barbara A. Lyon
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Maasch
Mr. Gordon Mac Gregor
Dr. Barbara J. MacFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. Brett MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mac Millan
Ms. Lillian MacMinn
Ms. Elizabeth Madariaga
Mr. Tim Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Maffia
Ms. Anita R. Maggiolo
©Dr. Morgan Magid and
Ms. Mary Alves
Mrs. Stephanie Mahoric
Ms. J. A. Maier
Mr. and Mrs. George Mainis
Ms. Rita Malatesta
Mrs. Edith Maley
Mr. and Mrs. George Malloch
Mr. and Mrs. Marc S. Mangel
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Manildi
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mann
Mantissa Corporation
Mar Vista Entertainment, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mara
Ms. Pat Mardirosian
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marenghi
Marianne’s Ice Cream
Mr. Brian Maridon
Marquez Trucking
Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Marshall
Ms. Andrea Martin
Ms. Brenda K. Martin
Mr. Frank L. Martin
Mr. Kenneth Martin
Ms. Letha Martin
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Martin
Ms. Mary L. Martin
Mrs. Jane Martindale
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Martinelli
Mrs. Carmen L. Martinez
Ms. Rosa C. Martinez
Ms. Helene T. Martire
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Marvin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Masters
Mr. Carl Swenson and
Ms. Lilian Masters
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Masters
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Mastin
Mrs. Elenita Q. Mathew
Mr. Robert E. Matlack
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mattinson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mattioli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mattos
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mazurek
MC Electronic, Inc.
Mr. Henry D. McBrien
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. David McClure
Ms. Margaret L. McCollough
Mrs. Melba R. McCormick
Ms. Saralee McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McCrery
Mrs. Kimlin McDaniel-Keith
Mr. Noel C. McDermott
Mr. Richard McDermott
Ms. Nancy McDonald
Mr. Walter C. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McDow
® Mr. and Mrs. Mike McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McGovern
Ms. Joy McGowan
Mr. Milton R. McGuire
Mrs. Dorothy McKenna
l Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. McKenzie
Ms. Joanne McKinney
Ms. Marilou C. McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. McMillen
Dr. and Mrs. Edward E. McNamara
Ms. Patricia McNeal
Mr. Michael McNulty
Dr. and Mrs. David R. McNutt
Mr. and Mrs. Don McShane
Ms. Ramona Medina
Mrs. Marian M. Mee
Mr. Artie Meek
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Meisel
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Mejia
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mekis
Ms. Susan Menard
Mr. Geo T. Menasco
Mended Hearts, Inc.
Ms. Angie Mendoza
Ms. Kathy Menhennet
Monica and Eric Marlatt of Capitola wanted their children to volunteer and give back to
their community. Every few months, Maddie, Donika and William bring containers they
have decorated and filled with soft toys and art materials to the Emergency Department and
Pediatric Clinic, where staff distribute them to their young patients.
Mrs. Karen Merchant
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Messina
and family
Ms. Kathryn E. Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meuldijk
Ms. Allison Meyer
Mrs. Anita J. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Michaelis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Michaelsen
Ms. Michelle E. Michaud
Migues Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Milano
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Milburn
Ms. Abbie Miller
©Mr. and Mrs. James C. Miller
Mrs. Lesly S. Miller
Dr. Linda Miller and
Mr. Soren Pedersen
Ms. Sandra Miller
Mrs. Paula Miller-Cook
Ms. Jane A. Millslagle
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Millslagle
Mini Pharmacy Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Minkowski
Ms. Victoria Miranda
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mitani
Dr. and Mrs. Todd Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miyamoto
Mrs. Martha Miyamoto
Mr. Victor F. Mockus
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mogaard
Ms. Allison Moldo
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Moler
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Molino
Ms. Linda Mones
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Monk
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Monte
Monterey Bay Properties
Monterey Bay Urology Associates
Ms. Alicia Montesino
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Moore
Ms. Luella Moore
Ms. Nancy Moran
Ms. Vlada P. Moran
Mr. Marti Mordecai
Ms. Fidelia A. Moreno
Ms. Kathleen J. Morgan
Ms. Marcia Moro
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Morris
Ms. Meghan S. Morris
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Morris
Mr. David E. Morrison
Mrs. Judy Morton
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 15
9/23/08 2:27:10 PM
partners in
healthcare (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Mountjoy
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mowen
Ms. Carolyn Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen
©Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Mungai
Mrs. Bev Murison
Mrs. Nora Murphy
Dr. William C. Murphy
Dr. Charles Murray
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Musler
Mrs. Terri Myerson
Dr. Ilene Nagel
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Nauenberg
Mrs. Ruth Nedelsky
Dr. and Mrs. Christian F. Negard
Mr. John T. Negri, Jr.
Ms. Kerry Nehls
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Neu
New Baby News
Mr. Dean L. Newbury
Mrs. Janeen Newcomb
Mr. Mark Calkins and
Dr. Elizabeth A. Newsom
Mr. Thao Dao Thu Nguyen
Dr. Suzanne K. Nicholas
Ms. Marcia Nicholson
Mr. Gregory Nicholas and
Dr. Martina Nicholson
Mr. T. J. Nicholson
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Nickelson
Mr. Richard Nielsen
Mr. Mac Nisbet
Mr. Harold F. Nisson
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Niven
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nivens
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Noon
Ms. N. M. Noroyan
Ms. Marilyn Noto
Ms. Hermina Nunn
Mr. Reinhold Nuss
Mr. and Mrs. Donald O’Brien
Mrs. Joey O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Connor
Mrs. Chris O’Halloran
Sister Mary Jo O’Hanlon, O.P.
Ms. Loraine P. O’Keefe
Mrs. Erin Obrien-Kerr
©Ocean Honda
Mr. Howard E. Odell
Ms. Luz G. Olivarez
Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Oliver
Ms. Katie Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oneto
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Opperman
Ms. Luz A. Orabona
Mr. Robert K. Osborne
Ms. Vivian Oscher
Mrs. Irene H. Osterbrock
Mr. Wayne Palmer and
Ms. Earleen L. Overend
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pacheco
Ms. Gloria M. Paone
Dr. and Mrs. Byung G. Park
Ms. Carol Parker
Ms. Sharon M. Parker
Ms. Susan Parker
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Parkes
Mrs. Lorraine Parmer
Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Parsons
Ms. Wendy Pasquini
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patten
Ms. Ida M. Pauer
nMr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Payne
Ms. Leta A. Peacemaker
Dr. and Mrs. Henry M. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Peer
Ms. Clare Pelich
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Penaloza
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Penilla
Mrs. Irene C. Penniman
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Penny
Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Percival
Mrs. Catherine V. Pereira
Ms. Marjorie A. Perkel
Mr. Barry D. Perlstein
Mr. Alton M. Peters
©Mr. and Mrs. John Petersdorf
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Petersen
Ms. Frances K. Peterson
Ms. Rebecca Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick A. Petrolino
Ms. Sharon Petty
Mr. and Mrs. Russ Pezzi
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Pfotenhauer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Pheatt
Ms. Nancy Phelps
Ms. Susan E. Pheney
Ms. Cynthia S. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Roger P. Phillips
Mrs. Paula Piedra-Martinez
Mrs. Alta Pieracci
Mrs. Irma Pini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pinkham
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Pitts
Mrs. Debra P. Pitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Plager
Ms. Ruth A. Plager
Mrs. Marian M. Plant
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pleasant
Dr. and Mrs. Steven P. Plumb
Plumbers & Steamfitters Union
Local #62 & Mech. Contr. Assn.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poirier
Ms. Gay Pollock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ponza
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pope
Mrs. Virginia Porter
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Potter
Mr. and Mrs. E. Powell
Mrs. Jennifer Powers
Mr. Gus Pozzi
Mrs. Silia Previtali
Mr. and Mrs. David Price
©Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Prolo
Ms. Jean A. Prosser
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Proudfoot
Providence St. Joseph
Medical Center
Mr. Leland S. Prussia
Ms. Betty Puget
Mr. Bryan Purcell
Ms. Allison Purdie
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy A. Quijance
Ms. Janet Quinn
Mr. Manuel Quiroz
R-H Santa Cruz Youth Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Raciti
Ms. Mary Kay Radich
+Radiology Med. Group of
Santa Cruz County, Inc.
Mrs. Pierina Raffanti
Mr. Ron Ramin
Mr. and Mrs. Denis J. Ramirez
Ms. Martha Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
Ms. Amy Rather
Dr. Randall Rea
Mr. Rick Rea
Ms. Ann Reale
Ms. Meg Reamy
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Knowles
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Rees
Mr. Owen Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. David Regan
Rehabilitation Medicine
Ms. Laura Reifenrath
Mrs. Doris Reilly
Ms. Irene Reinstrom
Ms. Vilma E. Reinteria
Mr. Richard F. Reloque
Ms. Joan Remes
Ms. Robyn S. Remes
Mrs. Elma V. Rempillo
Dr. Ron Restifo
Resurrection Church
Retinal Diagnostic Center, Inc.
Ms. Adrienne Reynolds
Mrs. Pat Reynolds
Dr. Peter M. Reynolds
Ms. Kristen Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Al Richard
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 16
9/23/08 2:27:11 PM
Ms. Wendy Richker
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Rideout
Mr. Ransom Rideout
Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Ridino
Mr. Sam E. Ridino
Mr. and Mrs. Royce E. Rieffel
Ms. P. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rilliet
Ms. Linda Rivas
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Nian S. Roberts
Ms. Ramona Robertson
Ms. Diane M. Robey
Ms. Alice Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson
Ms. Stephanie Robinson
Ms. Antoinette M. Robison
Ms. Barbara Robles
Ms. Barbara Rodrigues
Ms. Alicia R. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rodriguez
Ms. Josephine Rodriquez
Ms. Helen Roeth
Mr. Erik Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers
Mr. Ken Rogers
Ms. Francine P. Ronald
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Rose
Ms. Loretta E. Rosenga
Mr. Adrian Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ross
Edgar Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prado
Rotary Area 7 - District 5170
Rotary Club of Capitola-Aptos
Mrs. Gloria Roy
Mrs. Betty C. Rubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Ruddock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Rudolph
Ms. Maria Ruiz
Mrs. Antoinette Runyon
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Russell
Ms. Sophie B. Russell
Mr. Thomas G. Russo and
Ms. Michelle Mundy
Russo’s Italian Specialties
Ms. Nadine L. Ruth
Ms. Rosalind R. Ruth
Mr. William Ryan
©Mr. Philip M. Sachs
Ms. Eleanor Sage
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Salata
Ms. Kimberly Salzer
Mr. and Mrs. Vali Samadani
Ms. Marie San Antonio
Mrs. Kathleen San Miguel
Mr. Richard San Miguel
Ms. Karen S. Sanguinetti
©Santa Cruz Cancer Benefit Group
Santa Cruz Coin Exchange
Santa Cruz County Bank
Santa Cruz Emergency Physicians
Santa Cruz Fire Equipment Co.
Santa Cruz Memorial Park &
Funeral Home
Santa Cruz Mothers of Twins Club
Santa Cruz Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery
Santa Cruz Orthopaedic Institute
Santa Cruz Prostate Cancer Support
Santa Cruz Seaside Company
©Santa Cruz Sentinel
©Mr. and Mrs. Nello Santacroce
Drs. Richard & Marion Santora
©Mr. and Mrs. Don Santos
Ms. Sue A. Satterthwaite
Ms. Marcene Y. Saxman
Ms. Patricia Schafer
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold D. Schatzman
Mr. Ulrich B. Schaut
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Scheufler
Mr. and Mrs. John Schlatter
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schlossberg
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Schmida
Ms. Alice Scholar
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schremp
Ms. Gertrude Schubert
Ms. Coraleen L. Schuler
Ms. Diane Schuyler
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Schwartz
©Dr. and Mrs. Howard S. Schwartz
Ms. Martha Schwartz
©Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Scibetta
Ms. Melissa Scott
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scott
Ms. Sequoia Seaborn
Ms. Eve Seamon
Mrs. Lisa Seeger
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Seftel
Segarini Investment Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Merido A. Seguritan
Mr. Steve Seidel
Mrs. Margot Sekkel
Ms. Suzanne Semmes
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Serpa
Mr. and Mrs. Salvador Serrano
Col. and Mrs. Henry Settle
Ms. Susie Sha
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Sha
©Shadowbrook Restaurant
Mrs. Joan Shapiro
Dr. and Mrs. Roland C. Sharp
Mrs. Vasundhara Shastry
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheredy
Mr. John W. Sherwood
Mr. Rio Shew
Drs. G. Patrick and Molly C. Shields
©Ms. Elizabeth Shih
Mr. and Mrs. Akito Shikuma
Mr. Kunito Shinta
Mr. Jonathon Shlens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Shoemaker
Ms. Rosalie Sigurdson
Ms. Lori Lynn Silfen
Ms. Helen M. Silva
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
Ms. Rosaline Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpkins
Mr. Charles Singer
Mr. Balwinder Singh
Ms. Janet Sinkler
©Mr. Timothy E. Sinnott
Sisters of the Holy Names
Ms. Teresa Skanderup
Mrs. Jane Slaney and family
©Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slay
Ms. Janet S. Slay
Ms. Linda Smawley
Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Ms. Myrna Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Smith
Ms. T. A. Smith
Ms. Tari Smith
Mr. Frank Snell
Mr. Thomas Snell
Ms. Ann Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sodikoff
Dr. Richard Sogg
Ms. Ann M. Soldo
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Solis
Dr. Michael Solloway
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Somers
Mrs. Claire E. Sommargren
Mr. and Mrs. David Sonnichsen
Ms. B. L. Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sorenson
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Spalaris
Mr. David B. Spaulding
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Specht
Mr. Bill Spendlove
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Sperry
Dr. James Spiegel and
Dr. Sharon Tapper
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Sprenkel
Ms. Jennifer Spurlock
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Mrs. Anne V. Stagnaro
Mrs. Mamie Stagnaro
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stagnaro
Mrs. Elsie L. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark
Mr. Christopher T. Steele
Mrs. Selma O. Stenton
Dr. and Mr. MaryLinn Stephenson
Ms. Annie Stepka
Steve’s Union 76 Service
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Stewart
Dr. Robert Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Storkan
Ms. Tame Stow
Mrs. Henrietta Strimaitis
Ms. Rita A. Stringari
Ms. Jean D. Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Styne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suchevits
Ms. Trish Sudell
Mr. Ivan Sugar
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sugidono
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Summers
Sun Microsystems Foundation
Mr. Alan Sung
Surveillance Data, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Sutter
Ms. Stephanie Swanburg
®Dr. and Mrs. Neal E. Swanson
Ms. Bev Sweeley
Mr. John R. Swiercz
Ms. Kathy Swinn
Mr. David R. Sylva
Dr. and Mrs. Kam Tabari
Mr. and Mrs. William Tafoya
Talmadge Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Talmage
Mr. and Mrs. George Tanimasa
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tanimasa
Mrs. Helen Tarjan
Ms. Alisse Taylor
Ms. Carol R. Taylor
Mr. Ira R. Tefora
Ms. Marie Telega
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Temme
Ms. Mary Lou Terramagra
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Terry
TGW-Ermanco Inc.
The Pied Piper Exterminators, Inc.
The Rosewood Foundation
Mr. Bernard Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Thomas
and family
Ms. Sandra L. Thomas
Dr. Kent W. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglass E. Thorne
Ms. Patricia M. Thornton
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 17
9/23/08 2:27:11 PM
partners in healthcare (cont.)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tighe
Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Tinetti
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Todd
Ms. Lori Toland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tomaselli
Dr. and Mrs. Fred B. Tomlinson
Mr. Anthony M. Torres
Mr. Charles Toshikian
©Mr. Al Tosta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Tozer
Ms. Leanne Trachok
Ms. Tracy Trail-Mahan
Mrs. Arlene Trowbridge
Ms. Adeline Tucker
Ms. Molly Turner
Mr. Tom C. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Uyematsu
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Uyematsu
Mr. Amador A. Valdez
Ms. Mary Valdez
Mrs. Denise Valencia
Mr. Michael A. Houlemard and
Ms. Christina L. Valentino
Mr. Loren Valle
Mrs. Geertruida Van Der Pyl
Mr. and Mrs. Neil van Kaathoven
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Vanderbundt
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Vanderpool
Mr. and Mrs. Ernesto Vargas
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Varni
Dr. Miguel Vasquez
Mr. Gregory Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Verissimo
Mrs. Nancy Vierra
Ms. Lourdes Villanueva
Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz
Ms. Denise Vonwal
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Voss
Dr. Thanh N. Vu
Mr. Andrew C. Vucinich
Ms. Loreen Wade
Mr. William E. Wagy
Geneva Lee and Cindy Walden
Mr. George R. Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walker
Mr. Larry Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Walker
Mr. Jeff Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Keith G. Wallace
Mr. George W. Waller
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Wallis
Ms. Rose Walsh
Mr. Max A. Walters, Cpa
Mr. David Walzer
Ms. Elinor R. Wapner
Ms. Sharon L. Wardman
Dr. Paul Ware
Mr. and Mrs. John Warren
Mr. Michael Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Washwell
Mrs. Gertrude K. Wasserstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Watkins
©Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Watson
Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Watson
Ms. Mildred Watson
Ms. Lori A. Weathers
Mrs. Isabel Webber
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber
Ms. Rachel Wedeen
Mr. Richard Weed
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Weeden
Mr. Herbert O. Weidner
Dr. and Mrs. Freddie S. Weinstein
Weir Enterprises
Mr. Charles Weiss
Mr. B. E. Welch
Mrs. Lillian Wells
Ms. Pat Wells
Ms. Gloria Welsh
Ms. Dorothy Werner
Mr. Chris Wernke
Ms. Vicki West
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Western
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Westphal
Estate of Joanne Wheeler
Ms. Rosemary Whelan
Ms. Elizabeth Whetstone
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin White
Dr. Gregory A. Whitley and
Mrs. Wendy Sickels
Ms. Violet S. Wierzbicki
Mr. J. Robert Wiggins
Ms. Livnat Wilcox
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wiley
Mr. Walter D. Wiley
Ms. Barbara Williams
Mr. Ben Williams
Mrs. Dorothy Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Williams
©Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilson
Ms. Jean Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Wilson
Mr. Wallace W. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Wincek
Mr. David Vogel and
Dr. Vickie L. Winkler
Ms. Pat Winton
Mr. and Mrs. Manfred N. Wirth
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley T. Wolfberg
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff
Ms. Helen C. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Park N. Wong
Ms. Rhoda Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Soledad Wong
Ms. Adele Wood
Mrs. Charlene Wood
Ms. Athena Woodrow
Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Woods
Mr. Tim Woods
Mr. Reis Woollen
Mrs. Betsy Woolpert
Mr. Kenneth J. Woolsey
Mrs. Jeanette Workman-Cosentino
Mr. Bruce G. Wrenn
Mrs. Grace D. Wright
Mrs. D. Wubben
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. George Yamashita
Mr. and Mrs. Iwao Yamashita
Ms. Rebecca Yanowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Yee
Mr. Chan Wai Yin and
Ms. Belinda Au
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Yin
Judge and Mrs. Robert B. Yonts, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryn A. Young
Ms. Ferol A. Young
Mr. James A. Young
Young Ladies Institute #95
Ms. Atossa Youssefi
Mr. Eddy J. Yracheta
Mr. and Mrs. William Zachmeier
Ms. Laura Zambrano
Mr. and Mrs. Dominigo A. Zamora
Ms. Maria Zamora
Mr. and Mrs. Marko B. Zaninovich
Mr. Robert Zapata
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Zaske
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Zenner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zoccoli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Zscheile
Mrs. Korina Zubiate
Ms. Lucille Zulim
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 18
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We salute the Pteron Society
Pterons present scholarships to grads, celebrate at annual gala event
For the annual event this year, Shah and Diane Kazemi of Monterey Mushrooms hosted a sunset dinner at
the company’s world-wide headquarters in Watsonville. Nestled in an oasis of large palms, the beautifully
domed building is designed like a Persian palace. Pteron members toured many corridors, map in hand, and
discovered traditional Persian art, beautiful glass designs and graceful metalwork.
Wines provided by Hunter Hill Wine & Vineyards were served on the crescent garden—the perfect place
to greet old friends and meet some of the newer Pterons. Thanks to Patty’s Plates catering, Middle Eastern
spices and recipes created a truly East-meets-West experience. Marianne’s Ice Cream provided a rare treat:
cardamom ice cream with pistachios. Door prizes were provided by Zameen restaurant in Aptos and
by the hosts.
pteron society
At dinner, Bill Hess, MD, announced that the Pteron Society had invited all Santa Cruz County high schools
to identify a student focused on a medical-related education to receive a scholarship. Several Pterons
presented the scholarships personally at school honor assemblies last spring.
The Pteron Society is a philanthropic circle of physicians who have made a financial commitment to create
projects (including the local scholarship awards), programs and services at Dominican. All physicians are
welcome to join the 57 Pterons listed here. For membership information, contact NZ Carol at Dominican
Hospital Foundation, 831 462 7712.
Pteron Society Members
Nicholas Abidi, MD
Michael Alexander, MD
Christen Allaman, MD
Robert K. Allen, MD
Carlos Arcangeli, MD
Kenneth Averill, MD
Ted Bailey, MD
Ryan Brandt, MD Andrew S. Calciano, MD
Anthony Calciano, MD
Edwin S. Cheng, MD
Corrine Cline-Fortunato, MD
Thomas Deetz, MD
Michael Ellison, MD
Joseph H. Franks, MD
John Fust, MD
Leonard Gerstein, MD
Brandon T. Ginieczki, MD
Carlene A. Hawksley, MD
William Hess, MD
Stephen T. Howarth, MD
Anne-Marie Jackson, MD
Jennie Jet, MD
Dean S. Kashino, MD
John Kaufmann, MD
Michael J. Laflin, MD
Terry B. Lapid, MD
Robert D. Ley, MD
Victor Li, MD
Laura Likar, MD
Greg A. Loitz, MD
Barbara MacFarlane, MD
Morgan Magid, MD
Ritu Meister, MD
Nanette Mickiewcz, MD
Margaret Moore, MD
William Morris, MD
Stuart Mumm, MD
Martina Nicholson, MD
Byung-Gook Park, MD Steven Plumb, MD
Robert Poirier, MD
Paula Quinn, MD
Robert P. Quinn, MD
Randall Rea, MD
Kenneth Reed, MD
Peter M. Reynolds, MD
Arthur A. Schwartz, MD Howard S. Schwartz, MD
Roland Sharp, MD
James Spiegel, MD
MaryLinn Stephenson, DDS
Robert Stewart, MD
Sharon Tapper, MD
Paul F. Ware, MD
Freddie S. Weinstein, MD
Kenneth W. Westphal, MD
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 19
9/23/08 2:27:15 PM
10-Day Alaska Cruise
Inside Passage on Sea Princess
A 10-day cruise departing from and returning to
San Francisco with ports of call in Ketchikan, Juneau,
Skagway and Victoria B.C. plus glacier viewing in
Tracy Arm Fjord.
September 1-11, 2009
Sail with Friends of Dominican
Sample Fares: *(PPDO)
• Mini Suites with Balcony
• Oceanview Double w/Balcony BC
• Oceanview Double
• Inside Double - Special Offer
For more information, contact the
Foundation office at 462 7712
Transportation from Dominican Hospital provided
to and from the port of San Francisco.
Courtesy of:
*Sample fares are in US dollars, per person based on double occupancy, and do not
include government fees and taxes. Fares are subject to change and based on availability.
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tribute donations
Giving List
President’s Circle
Silver Circle
Gold Circle
+ Platinum
Diamond Circle
As a not-for-profit hospital and center for health, Dominican relies on contributions from the
community to continue its record of superior community healthcare. Tributes are a special way
to show your appreciation.
Many of our donors choose to make a gift in honor of a loved one, an individual or group for
whom the donor is especially grateful.
$1 million
This tribute list includes gifts received from July 1, 2007, to June 30, 2008.
In honor of Adrian Dominican
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Avona
Madeline Dervin, O.P.
In honor of Dominican Hospital Medical Staff
©Ms. Kathleen Dean
In honor of Dominican Hospital
Emergency Nurses
Ms. Lillian A. Hansen
Mr. John W. Sherwood
In honor of Dominican Hospital
Foundation Staff
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Potter
In honor of Dominican Hospital
Lifestyle Management
Mrs. Denise Hitzeman
In honor of Dominican Hospital
Mr. John W. Sherwood
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff
In memory of Nikhat A. Abidi
Drs. Nicholas and Beth Abidi
In memory of Eugene Acronico
nMs. Pauline Acronico
® In memory of Joseph R Alcantara
® Mrs. Jilma C. Alcantara
In memory of Joel L Alexander
©Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Alexander
In memory of all my parents
Ms. Myrna Smith
In memory of Richard C. Allen
Ms. Mary Allen
In honor of Robert K. Allen
Mrs. Dorothy McKenna
In memory of Alicia Marie Anacabe
Ms. Annette C. Anacabe
In memory of Peter Arvelas
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
In honor of Karen Ashforth
Ms. Kristen Rice
In memory of Mary D Avila
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Verissimo
In honor of Marlene Avona
Ms. Barbara Avona
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 21
In memory of Robert Baldwin
nMr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
In memory of Robert S. Balian
Ms. Eileen Balian
Mrs. Mary Balian
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hersch
In honor of Mary Balian
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hersch
In honor of Maureen Bartlett
Ms. Donna M. Baldini
Mr. and Mrs. George Bunch
Ms. Lauren Goldsmith
Mrs. Lorraine Parmer
Ms. Ann Reale
Mr. Jonathon Shlens
In memory of June Batty
Ms. Sandra Gelman and
Mr. Richard Dames
In memory of Donald Beardsley
Mr. Harry Lalor and
Ms. Nora Beardsley
In appreciation of Diane Beardsley
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In memory of Vernon Becker
Mrs. Karen Becker
In memory of Lorna Behan
Ms. Margaret Behan
In memory of Jeff Bell
l Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. McKenzie
In memory of Lisa Benson
Ms. Sue M. Dalis
In memory of Florence Wright Berger
Ms. Ellen Berger
In memory of Lola M. Berndt
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Berndt
In memory of Henry R. Berndt
Segarini Investment Co.
In memory of Helen Blain
Ms. Kathleen Blain
In memory of Rosemarie Blair
©Mr. Edward Rampone
Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Tinetti
In honor of the 50th wedding
anniversary of Larry Block
Mrs. Judy Morton
In memory of Eileen Bloomfield
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Bloomfield
In memory of Karla Bogard
nMr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
In memory of Irene Bogiatto
©Mr. Edward Rampone
In memory of Mario Botto
Mrs. Pierina Raffanti
In memory of Edgar R. Bourke
Celeste Bourke, O.P.
In memory of Kay Bradley-Burry
Ms. Barbara A. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Burry
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff
In memory of Virginia M Brett
Mr. Stanley T. Brett
In memory of Barbara Brown
Mrs. Shirley Ashworth
In memory of Anne Burns
Ms. Jocelyn Hittle
©In honor of John Burroughs
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harkness
In memory of Christopher L Burt
Ms. Renee Burt
In memory of Nat Cacciotti
Ms. Loretta E. Rosenga
In memory of Gilbert L Caiocca
Ms. Barbara B. Eicholz
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Maffia
Santa Cruz County Bank
©Mr. and Mrs. Nello Santacroce
Mr. and Mrs. Ben F. Tinetti
In memory of Arthur Cancio
Ms. Susan Johnson
In memory of Al Castagnola
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Martino
Ms. Mary Lou Terramagra
In memory of Fred Castagnola
Ms. Mary Lou Terramagra
In memory of Renee Castagnola
Ms. Mary Lou Terramagra
In memory of Ralph J. Castro
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sheppard
In memory of Karl Cathrein
Mended Hearts, Inc.
In memory of Pedro C. Cervantes
Mrs. Gloria Cervantes
In memory of Jesse Lyneol Charboneau
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Charboneau, Sr.
In memory of Wang Wan Cheng
Mr. and Mrs. Jun S. Chang
In honor of the birthday
Lynette Cleland
Ms. NZ Carol
In memory of Anne Clifford
Ms. Elizabeth Whetstone
In memory of Rita C. Collier-Micuda
Ms. Michele Finch
In honor of Jeanette Cosentino
Ms. Kristen Rice
In honor of Phyllis Couch
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
In memory of Joanne Crane
Ms. Suzanne K. Kennedy
In memory of Jeremy C Crews
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
Mended Hearts, Inc.
In memory of Anthony P. Crivello
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Crivello
In memory of Pamela Dalke
Ms. Collette Dalke
In memory of Elizabeth Capomaggi
Mrs. Claire E. Sommargren
In appreciation of Sabrina Carrillo
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In memory of Edward Carver
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
9/23/08 2:27:20 PM
tribute donations (cont.)
In memory of Bernard Dareau
In memory of Ernest J. Ereno
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arsenault
Ms. Judith A. Dowd
Ms. Roseann Llewellyn
Ms. Joanne McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Moore
Ms. Marcene Y. Saxman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Tighe
Abbott, Stringham & Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Bozzo
and family
Mr. and Mrs. Craig F. Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Countryman
Cubic Designs, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Curtice
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dellamaggiore
Mr. Orland D. Ereno and
Ms. Joan Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Ereno
Mrs. Edith Gibino and family
Mr. Richard D. Griffith and
Ms. Margaret A. Perham
Heick’s Cabinet Shop, Inc.
Heritage Village Offices
Mr. Broderick B. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Lima
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Linden
Mantissa Corporation
Ms. Laura Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Messina
and family
Mrs. Betty C. Rubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sheredy
Mr. David R. Sylva
TGW-Ermanco Inc.
Mrs. Geertruida Van Der Pyl
Ms. Rosemary Whelan
In memory of Eleanor Davis
Ms. Deane Brown
In honor of the birthday Mickey Davis
Ms. Ann Davis
In honor of Ann Davis
Mr. Mickey Davis
In honor of Molly, Monte &
Erin de Castongrene
Ms. Laurie de Castongrene
In memory of Zoltan de Haydu
Mrs. Mary Laut
Mended Hearts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
In memory of Eileen M. Dean
Rita Eileen Dean, O.P.
In honor of Angelo DeBernardo
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo DeBernardo
In appreciation of David DeLong
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In memory of Rita M. Diamond
Ms. Susan E. Pheney
In memory of Travis Doherty
Mr. John R. Swiercz
In memory of Johnny R. Domench
Ms. Lillia Domench
In memory of Frances Drake
Mrs. Tura Fuller
In memory of George R. Dunbar
Ms. Karen Ziglar
p In honor of Bruce L. Dunn
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Dunn
In memory of Constance Edler
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
In honor of Austin Edwards
Dr. Andrea G. Edwards
In memory of Antoinette Egle
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Franks
In memory of Mary Elizbeth Emre
Catholic University of Korea
Mr. Timm J. Esque
In memory of Sandra Erba
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Barilati
In memory of Dolores Esposito
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stagnaro
In memory of Patricia Esquer
Ms. Irene Cortez
In memory of Viola F. Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Talmage
In memory of Palma Ferraro
Ms. Catherine Ferraro
In appreciation of Carol Ferris
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In memory of Jacqueline Fisher
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Deetz
In honor of Joseph Eugene
Fogarty, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Potter
In memory of Peter Fornaca
l Mr. Robert Castagnola
In memory of Lucille M. Foster
Mr. Russell Foster
In memory of Michael L. Foster
Mr. Paul Bergamaschi
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Demos
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Millslagle
nMr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
©Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Prolo
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Zenner
In memory of Jack Fries
Ms. Kerry Nehls
In memory of Walt Frisch
Ms. Barb Frisch
In memory of Anthony Gates
Ms. Barbara Avona
In memory of Samuel Gaub
Mrs. Edna Gaub
In honor of Edna Gaub
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
In memory of Jean Marie Giudici
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Kirksey, Jr.
In memory of Joseph B. Godinho
Ms. JoAnne Godinho
In memory of Anna Godinho
Ms. JoAnne Godinho
In honor of Estelle Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
In memory of Adrianne Gomes
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
In memory of Marian C. Greene
Mr. Robert E. Fontaine
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy
Providence St. Joseph
Medical Center
Mrs. Selma O. Stenton
Mrs. Pat Tolaio
In memory of Lucy Greiner
Mr. Carl David Greiner
In memory of Carl Greiner
Mr. Carl David Greiner
In honor of Kate Greiner
Mr. Carl David Greiner
In honor of Dylan David Greiner
Mr. Carl David Greiner
In memory of Merv Griffin
l Mr. Robert Castagnola
In memory of Shirley Hanneman
Mr. Paul Hanneman
In memory of Al Hansen
Ms. Janet S. Slay
In memory of Sherry Hansen
Mrs. Susan Ashley
In memory of C. Sylvia Hansen
Ms. Janet S. Slay
In memory of Floyd Harris
nMr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
In honor of Carmella Harron
In honor of the birthday Nancy
Mr. and Mrs. Rick J. Harron
Ms. Mary Lynn Aune
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Derouchey, Jr.
Ms. Ann C. Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Dye
Dr. Michael R. Fischetti
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Fox
Ms. Alicia Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gonzalez
Ms. Judith Hillman
Ms. Susan E. Hillyard
Ms. Karen Krestensen
Mrs. Deanna Liotta
Ms. Barbara A. Lyon
Mr. Marti Mordecai
Ms. Marilyn Noto
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Pheatt
Ms. Jean A. Prosser
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Proudfoot
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Watson
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In appreciation of Liv Hassett
In memory of Antoniette Hatton
Mr. Andrew L. Delucchi
In memory of Joyce E. Haworth
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McCrery
Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Michaels
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wiley
In honor of Andy Heilbron
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pacheco
Ms. Diane Schuyler
In memory of Manuel Hernandez
Dr. Donaldo Hernandez
Dr. Wendi A. Knapp
In memory of Librada Herrera
Ms. Ramona Medina
In memory of Varo Hill
Ms. Cathy Taylor
In memory of Ruth Hinchcliff
Ms. Barbara J. Gieseler
In honor of Jocelyn Hittle
Ms. Hermina Nunn
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 22
9/23/08 2:27:21 PM
In memory of Jack Hollstein
In memory of Wardell Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
Mrs. Alice Robinson-Smith
In honor of Mary Hrovat
In appreciation of Catherine Lewis
In honor of Lester D Miller
Rita Eileen Dean, O.P.
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
Mrs. Dorothy McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barilati
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oneto
In memory of Lendia and Elvin Huckins
In memory of Joseph Licursi
In memory of Roger Miyamoto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith
Mr. Gus Pozzi
In memory of Scott Murphy
In memory of Warren Hyer
In memory of Robert H. Ligon
Ms. Marianne A. Hyer
Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Essegian
Mr. and Mrs. Joe LaFollette
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Benko
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bliske
Mrs. Marian F. Boze-Chaney
Ms. NZ Carol
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Copriviza
Ms. S. Crawford
Mr. Bob Culbertson
Mrs. Virginia Culbertson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Daniel
Mr. John E. Eastman
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
Ms. Marie Gouker
Ms. Tila Guerrero
Ms. Judy Hane
Ms. Tea Hashimoto
Mrs. Helen Hoffman
Mr. Harold A. Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Irby
Mr. and Mrs. Kaz Jofuku
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Klint
Mr. Geo T. Menasco
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Miyamoto
Mrs. Martha Miyamoto
Ms. Mary Kay Radich
Ms. Ann M. Soldo
Mr. and Mrs. George Tanimasa
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tanimasa
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Uyematsu
Mr. Andrew C. Vucinich
Ms. Pat Winton
Mr. and Mrs. George Yamashita
In memory of James L. Johnson
Mrs. Namiko Johnson
In memory of Ann Jordan
Ms. Jean Wilson
In memory of Peter Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Will O’Sullivan, Jr.
In memory of Ramona J. Joseph
Mrs. Kathleen San Miguel
In memory of Les Joseph
Mrs. Kathleen San Miguel
In memory of Gloria Kanter
Ms. Sandra Gelman and
Mr. Richard Dames
In appreciation of John L Kaufmann
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Brokaw
In memory of Herbert R. Kelley
Mrs. Jane Slaney and family
In memory of “Papa” Bill Kenoyer
Ms. Melissa Scott
In honor of Richard Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Foster
In memory of Margaret A. Kiedrowski
Ms. Mary Valdez
In honor of David R. Kiff
Mrs. Virgina L. Kane
In memory of Harold and Lois Knapp
Ms. Sheryl Ann Brouse
In memory of J. Cecil Knowles
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Knowles
In memory of Karl A Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Avona
Mrs. Rosalie Kolb
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
In memory of Robert Korns
Mr. Charles Singer
In memory of Nancy Lafont
Ms. Julie Hahn
In memory of Albert Lane
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
Mr. Rick Dimeo
In memory of Margaret Maria Larkin
Mr. David Donahoe
In memory of Christopher Laspina
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Avona
In appreciation of Alison Lawton
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In memory of Carol J. Lazarotti
Mrs. Irene C. Penniman
In honor of Charles Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Campbell
In memory of Hope Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Roberts
In memory of Pao Lin
Mrs. Silia Previtali
In memory of Russell K. Lind
Mrs. Orianna Lind
In memory of Salvatore Locatelli
Mrs. Edna Gaub
Mrs. Leona B. Gobbo
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oneto
In memory of Merrilee Locke
Mrs. Dorothy Williams
In memory of Ellyn Long
Mrs. Janet Emanuelson
In memory of Harry C. Lucas
Mrs. Wanda L. Lucas
In memory of Dorothy Luttrell
Ms. Allison Purdie
In honor of Lymphedema
Support Group
Ms. NZ Carol
In honor of Roseen Maier, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. William E. O’Connor
In memory of Mailie
Mrs. Pat Reynolds
In memory of Charles H. Marchant
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Bloomfield
In memory of Kathlyn Martin
Ms. Mary L. Martin
In honor of Robert Matiasevich
Mrs. Dorothy McKenna
In memory of Tanya McCombie
Mrs. Karen Becker
In honor of Kerry McCormick
Ms. Chris Griesinger
In memory of Brigid McDonald, O.P.
Mr. Michael J. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Payne
Mrs. Catherine L. Pleasant
Ms. Mary Valdez
Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Vanderbundt
In appreciation of Nicole McGivern
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In memory of Earleen McNamara
Dominican Hospital Clinical
Lab Staff
In memory of Spiro Mellis
nMr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
In memory of Virginia Mello
and Mrs. Michael Butcher
In appreciation of Luis Mesa
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In honor of Dr.Nanette Mickiewicz
©Mrs. Joan Cook
In memory of Yole Mungai
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Avona
In memory of Marjorie L. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Roland A. Kline
Mrs. Melba R. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Mogaard
Mrs. Mamie Stagnaro
In memory of my Mom
Ms. Leigh Becker
Ms. Maureen Curry
In memory of Kate Nelson
Mrs. Catherine L. Pleasant
In memory of Mary Nemanic
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Lawrance
In memory of Albert W. Nethercutt
Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Leach
In memory of Alice Netto
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
In memory of John Newman
l Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. McKenzie
In honor of Rose Nicholson
Mr. T. J. Nicholson
In memory of Noema Norberto
Mr. Gaspar O. Barros
In memory of Anthony Nousse
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patten
In honor of Esther Nousse
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patten
In memory of Edward O’Rourke
©Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Mungai
In honor of Martina O’Sullivan
In memory of Pete Momi
Janet Capone,O.P.
Rita Eileen Dean, O.P.
Ms. Lillia Domench
In memory of Dr. Victor Ohta
In memory of Dale Mones
Ms. Linda Mones
In memory of Greg Moresco
Ms. Tari Smith
In memory of Enes Moro
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oneto
In memory of Fernando Moro
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Boyd
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koken
Mrs. Judy Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oneto
Mrs. Gloria Roy
Ms. Ellen Berger
In memory of Hilda Pacheco
pMr. and Mrs. Daniel Pacheco
In memory of Diana Pellegrino, O.P.
Mrs. Shonnie Godfrey-Tuck
Ms. Mary Valdez
In memory of Ricky Perez
Ms. Rosemary Castillo
In memory of Joseph Perrucci
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bairos
In memory of Cynthia Peterson
Ms. Rebecca Peterson
—NZ Carol
Mr. Rick Dimeo
In memory of Victoria Pio
Ms. Veronica Cruz
Mrs. Lucile Dimeo
In memory of Timothy Pitzer
In memory of Gary Morton
Mrs. Debra P. Pitzer
Mrs. Judy Morton
In honor of Lori Plager
Ms. Patricia M. Thornton
“I was recently a patient
at Dominican in several
departments. The care was
soft-touch and high-tech.
My gifts back to Dominican
are soft-touch, high-tech,
too—in tribute or in honor of
someone special and directed
to a part of Dominican.”
In memory of Brian Pini
In memory of Louie F. Moro
In memory of Mother Nature
Dominican Hospital Foundation
Development Officer NZ Carol rests in
a Dominican Hospital bed under the
care of Lauren Farr, RN.
Mr. Justin Berenbaum
Dr. Stephan D. Plager
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 23
9/23/08 2:27:22 PM
tribute donations (cont.)
In memory of Dr. Stephan D Plager
Alan Siegel Entertainment, Inc.
©Dr. and Mrs. Michael P. Alexander
Dr. and Mrs. Ted Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. David Baskin
Bay Eye Medical Group, Inc.
Ms. Krisna Bennett
Mrs. Dana Bergman
Beverly Hills CC Tennis Team
Blueprint Ent., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brenner
Mr. Carl Bressler
Mr. Joseph L. Broido
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brown
©Mr. and Mrs. John Bruzzone, Jr.
Mr. Gerard Butler
Cafe Cruz
©Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Calciano
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Canepa
Ms. NZ Carol
Ms. Megan Cavallari
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Chrystie
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Chrystie
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cloward
Mr. and Mrs. Danny G. Cope
Creative Artists Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crudup
Mr. James Darmody
Mr. Stephen Davis
Ms. Rhea Dehart
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Dineen
Ms. Tamar Dolgen
Dominican Hospital Guild
Dominican Hospital Medical Staff
Mrs. Alana Epstein
Mr. Jon Estanislao
Ms. Diane L. Evans and Mr. Cyrill
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fardette
Mr. Brett Fellman
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Fendorf
Ms. Amy Ferber
Mr. Joel Fields and Ms. Jessica Sultan
Finn/Hiller Casting, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fritsch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Garelick
Ms. Harlee Gasmer
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gasser
Ms. Sandra Gelman and
Mr. Richard Dames
George Litto Productions, Inc.
Mrs. Mary L. Gerdes
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett E. Gettleman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kuskin
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
Ms. Marchele Hardin
Mr. Stewart Harnell
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Harried
Mrs. Joan Harrington-Trenbeth
Dr. Carlene A. Hawksley
Mr. Karl T. Heinemann
Mr. and Mrs. David Higginbotham
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Hilberman
Mr. Herb Hoelscher
Hollywood Gang Production LLC
Mr. Michael Hoy
pMr. and Mrs. Arnold Hyatt
Dr. and Mrs. Barry N. Hyman
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jacobs
Jason Weinberg Management Inc.
Jill Phillips Design
Mr. and Mrs. Brandt Joel
John Morayniss & Jamie Levitt
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bennett R. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Katzlberger
Mr. Benjamin King
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Krok
Ms. Tina Kwon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert La Mar
Ms. Nancy Laemmle
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawlor
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Lee
LeTip of Santa Cruz
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Leven
©Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lezin
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Lieberman
Lifetime Entertainment Services
Mr. and Mrs. Marq S. Lipton
Mr. Bryan Lourd
Mr. Richard Lovett
Ms. Elizabeth Madariaga
Mar Vista Entertainment, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Masters
Mr. and Mrs. James F. McGovern
Mrs. Dorothy McKenna
lDr. and Mrs. Keith S. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Michaelsen
Ms. Allison Moldo
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron B. Morse
Dr. William C. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Musler
Mrs. Terri Myerson
Dr. Ilene Nagel
Ms. Margaret M. Nelson
Mr. Thao Dao Thu Nguyen
Mr. Wayne Palmer and
Ms. Earleen L. Overend
Ms. Gloria M. Paone
Mr. Barry D. Perlstein
Ms. Ruth A. Plager
Mr. Ron Ramin
Ms. Joan Remes
Ms. Robyn S. Remes
Retinal Diagnostic Center, Inc.
Ms. Wendy Richker
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Rideout
Ms. Francine P. Ronald
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Prado
Mr. Thomas G. Russo and
Ms. Michelle Mundy
Dr. Claudia Winkelman Sadoff
Ms. Kimberly Salzer
Santa Cruz Oral and
Maxillofacial Surgery
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold D. Schatzman
Dr. and Mrs. Marc Seftel
Mr. Steve Seidel
Ms. Lori Lynn Silfen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpkins
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sodikoff
Dr. Richard Sogg
Dr. Michael Solloway
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Sperry
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Styne
Mr. Michael J. Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Thomas
and family
Geneva Lee and Cindy Walden
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Wallis
Ms. Rose Walsh
Ms. Sharon L. Wardman
Mr. and Mrs. John Warren
©Dr. and Mrs. Jack R. Watson
Mr. Charles Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Zscheile
In memory of Francis Pouls
Mended Hearts, Inc.
In memory of Estelle Pozzi
Mr. Gus Pozzi
In appreciation of William Purdy
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In appreciation of Libby Purdy
Mrs. Pamela Simmons-Hausle
In memory of Betty Ann Pustarfi
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bisbee
In memory of Lilly Quatrin
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Scott
In memory of Michael Race
Mr. and Mrs. Neil van Kaathoven
In memory of Phyllis S. Redemann
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Knowles
In honor of Mary Reid
Ms. Susan R. Del Rosario
In honor of Ralph Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Martin
In memory of Gerry Ribera
©Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Semas, Jr.
In memory of Sam Robin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Fritsch
In memory of Della Rodgers
Ms. Alice Scholar
In memory of Manuel Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Bairos
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In honor of Lawrence C Rosenbaum
Mrs. Dorothy McKenna
In memory of Betty L Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Britton
In memory of William P. Russell
Ms. Nancy J. Angers
Ms. Judith S. Brennan
Mrs. Carole Colitti
Ms. Susan Kilburn
In memory of Roy Saccomano
Ms. Mary S. Allred
In memory of Jack Sampson
Mr. Mac Nisbet
In memory of Alice and Don Santos
©Mr. and Mrs. Don Santos
In memory of Kathleen Schirmer
Mr. and Mrs. Will O’Sullivan, Jr.
In memory of Eric Schlossberg
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schlossberg
In memory of Frederick and
Margaret Schuenemann
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
Ms. Chris Griesinger
In memory of Pat Schwartz
Mrs. Gertrude K. Wasserstrom
In memory of Anne Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Marko B. Zaninovich
In memory of Donald E. Seapy
l Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. McKenzie
In memory of Robert “Butch” Semas
Allen Taylor Foundation
Ms. NZ Carol
©Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Semas, Jr.
In memory of Charlotte Sheridan
Ms. Loretta E. Rosenga
In memory of Hiralal Sheth
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Alegre
In honor of Michelle Shippen
Ms. NZ Carol
In memory of Fernanda Silva
Sister Judy Silva, O.P.
In memory of Tony Silva
Sister Judy Silva, O.P.
In honor of Michaella Siplak, O.P.
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Potter
In memory of Doris Small
Ms. Maureen Curry
Edna Gaub
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Goldstein
Ms. Chris Griesinger
Mr. Matthew Gutierrez
Mr. Mark P. Holcomb
Mr. Richard J. Huyck
Ms. Mary James
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kilmartin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis
Mrs. Josie Little
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mayer
l Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey J. Nickelson
Mr. Leland S. Prussia
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Nian S. Roberts
Drs. Richard & Marion Santora
©Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Scibetta
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Serpa
Mrs. Joan Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simpkins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Suchevits
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce G. Summers
Mr. William E. Wagy
©Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Williams
In honor of Jadyn Joseph Solis
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Solis
In honor of Edward D. Spire
Ms. Elinor R. Wapner
In memory of Gilda Stagnaro
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barilati
pMrs. Edna Gaub
p Ms. Trudy Locatelli
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marenghi
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Oneto
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stagnaro
©Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Williams
In memory of Robert Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
In honor of Randoff Steen
Mr. Eddy J. Yracheta
In memory of Patty Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Barilati
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barilati
In memory of George Strong
Mr. Walter C. McDonald
In memory of Harold Sokol
In memory of Hal Suminski
Mended Hearts, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
In honor of Sharon Sweet
In memory of Richard C. Solari
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Alegre
nMr. and Mrs. Ralph Bargetto
Ms. Alice L. Browne
Ms. NZ Carol
Central Electric Co.
Ms. Ceil Cirillo
pDr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Dunn
©Mrs. Betty Elward
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Fendorf
Ms. Dorothea Ferrante
Mr. Tim Curtin
Mrs. Lesly S. Miller
In memory of Robert E. Swenson
Edna Gaub
©Mr. and Mrs. Alan Levin
nMr. and Mrs. Gilbert L. Paul
In memory of Aleksander Szewczyk
Ms. Lillian MacMinn
In memory of Janina Szewczyk
Ms. Lillian MacMinn
In memory of Claire Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Dunn
In memory of Toni Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Don McShane
In memory of Warren S. Toshikian
Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Essegian
Mr. Charles Toshikian
Mrs. D. Wubben
©In memory of Barbara Tosta
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney S. Kaiser
Ms. Adeline Tucker
In memory of John Trail
Ms. Tracy Trail-Mahan
In honor of Fran Trimmer
Ms. Jennifer Wilson
In memory of Jean Urner
Ms. Mary Anne Kramer-Urner
In memory of Edwin Valencia
Denise Valencia
In honor of Marijane Van Der Wende
Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Kieft
In memory of Mary E Vierra
©Mrs. Betty Elward
In memory of Ken Vierra
Mrs. Nancy Vierra
In memory of Joan Vincer
Ms. Valerie Decker
In memory of Calhoun Vinson
Mrs. Eunice Antonetti
In memory of Janis Vitali
©Mr. and Mrs. Glen Slay
In honor of Alexsandre Vowles
Mr. Gregory Nicholas and
Dr. Martina Nicholson
In honor of Brian J Waddle
Mrs. Dorothy McKenna
In memory of Jeannine F. Waldron
Mr. George R. Waldron
In memory of Tilda Wallace
Mrs. Rose Ferrari
In memory of Marion T Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rasmussen
In memory of Dede Wallace
Mr. Jeff Wallace
In memory of William Whitstone
l Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Anzalone
In memory of Jason Wilson
Ms. Susie Sha
In memory of Hadas Winnick
Ms. Alisse Taylor
In memory of Boyd Youmans
Mr. and Mrs. Lanz Goldmann
In memory of Clarita Marie Young
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Harrison
The Rosewood Foundation
In honor of Karen Ziglar
Ms. Kathi A. Kehmna
Ms. Srina Spurr
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Special Thanks to Our Sponsors
The Guild wishes to thank all those who
helped make the 2007 Holidays d’Eleganz
a huge success.
Bank of America
Geringer, Luck & Rode, LLC
Anesthesia Medical Group of Santa Cruz, Inc.
Pied Piper Exterminators
Santa Cruz Emergency Physicians
Dr. Carlos Arcangeli
Associated Pathology Medical Group
Axolotl Corporation
Bogard Construction, Inc.
Comerica Bank
Santa Cruz County Bank
Santa Cruz Pulmonary Medical Group
Santa Cruz Sentinel
Benito & Azzaro Pacific Gardens Chapel
Coastal Cardiac Surgery
Gilroy All-Storage
Greater Bay Bankcorp
Grunsky, Ebey, Farrar & Howell Law Firm
Lighthouse Bank
Nordic Naturals
Santa Cruz Memorial
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 26
a letter from
the guild president
Dear Community Friends,
I have been associated with the Guild for over eight years. This year as Guild President, I have been amazed
to discover more about the Guild and its accomplishments.
The purpose of the Guild is to raise funds for Dominican Hospital through various events and, in doing so,
increase awareness of the quality healthcare programs and services provided by Dominican Hospital.
The Holidays d’Eleganz is the major fundraising event for Dominican Hospital. For the past 21 years, this
November affair has ushered in the holiday season with a Fashion Show and Grand Ball at the Cocoanut
Grove on the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Over the years, the Guild has raised more than an amazing
$2 million for Dominican. Guild members work hard because they are aware of the needs of the hospital
where their children were born or made well, and where they sit vigil during a family member’s illness
and recuperation. Guild members work hard to raise funds because Dominican is their hospital. It is my
hospital, and it is your hospital, too.
Our 2008-2009 Guild goal is a new mobile clinic.
The Guild is dedicating its 2008-2009 fundraising efforts to a critically-needed new “wheeled” initiative—
the first mobile healthcare clinic of its pedigree in the county. The mobile clinic will traverse designated
stops all over Santa Cruz county to offer healthcare education, consultations with on-board healthcare
professionals, and a variety of screenings.
Targeted for delivery in 2009, the mobile clinic will offer an affordable and flexible healthcare alternative
for the county’s underserved populations.
The Guild needs your help to reach this goal:
• Consider becoming a Holidays d’Eleganz Sponsor
• Buy advertising space in our event program
• Attend one or both of the Holidays d’Eleganz events
• Donate an auction item or gift certificate
• Buy a table at the fashion show or the ball
• Purchase tickets to win one of the beautifully decorated trees and gifts
• Purchase Opportunity Tickets to win $10,000 cash
• Purchase special tickets for a lavishly decorated tree and a trip for
two to Thailand, or
• Simply give a gift in the enclosed envelope
The first five of these suggestions are time-sensitive. Please call 831 462 7569 soon
to make your arrangements. All others can be purchased up until the evening of the
Grand Ball. It is not necessary to be present to win a prize. Winners will be notified.
Franklyn Lopes
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Guild Officers Linda Calciano, left,
and Josie Cowden, right, receive
congratulations on their successful
event from Nanette Mickiewicz, MD,
president of Dominican Hospital.
holiday d’eleganz donors 2008
Alexander Cellars
Alfaro Family Vineyards
Aptos Jewelers
Au Midi Restaurant
Balloon Creations
Bargetto Winery
Baskin-Robbins 31 Ice Cream Store
Batteries Plus
Bittersweet Bistro
Ms. Betty Bly
Ms. Sally Bookman
Bruno’s Barbeque Restaurant
The Bruzzone Family
Ms. Dian Burke
Byington Vineyard & Winery
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bystran
Café Cruz
Cameron Marketing Services
Carried Away
Ms. Elaine Carrigan
Chardonnay Sailing Charters
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Cowden
Curves for Women
DeLaveaga Golf Course
Diamonds by Filice
Ms. Loree Doan
Dominican Hospital Foundation Guild
Driftwood Healthcare Center
Ms. Barbara Eddy
Epic Wines
Eye Q
Ms. Ginny Fanelli
Financial Caregiver, Inc.
Five Star Chiropractic Center
Fran Battendieri Jewelry
Fresh Prep Kitchens
Functional Golf Training Center
Gayle’s Bakery & Rosticceria
Gemma Shoes
Glenwood Oaks Winery
Gourmet To Go
Harbor Laser Skin Care Center
Ms. Jackie Heald
Ms. Mila Herman
Ms. Joy Hickey
Mr. Will Hickey
Hot Shots Pro Shop
Hunter Hill Vineyard & Winery
Ms. Sandra Jenkins
Judy’s Home Decor
Kindred Spirit Dog Training
Mr. and Mrs. William Lawson
Lee Iacocca & Associates
Len’s Wood Creations
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Levin
Lundberg Studios
MacKenzie’s Chocolates
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Maffia
Mr. and Mrs. George Mainis
Manildi Orchards & Vineyards
Margaret’s French Bakery
Marianne’s Ice Cream
Mayupa’s Fusion Bistro
Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios
Michael’s on Main
Mission Inn
Ms. Kay Miyamoto-Mill
Monet Salon & Spa
Monterey Bay Properties
Mostar Photography
Ms. Marie Mungai
Nate Smith’s Optimal Auto Care
New Leaf Community Markets
Orion Telescopes & Binoculars
Patrick James Clothiers
Pelican Ranch Winery
Rio Cabana Clothing & Swimwear
Riva Fish House
Roaring Camp Railroads
Roudon-Smith Winery
Sanctuary Day & Medical Spa
Santa Cruz Harley Davidson
Santa Cruz Mountains
Winegrowers Assoc.
Santa Cruz Title Company
Santa Cruz Window Cleaning
Mr. and Mrs. Nello Santacroce
Sarah’s Vineyard
Savannah-Chanelle Vineyards
Scotts Valley Jewelers
Seascape Conference Center Resort
Seascape Sports Club
Shadowbrook/Crow’s Nest Restaurant
Shampoo Chez Natural Pet Products
Mrs. Joan Shapiro
Shopper’s Corner, Inc.
Silver Mountain Vineyards
Ms. Cindee Sorensen
Soquel Nursery Growers
Soquel Vineyards
Soquel’s Flower Mill Florist, Inc.
South Bay Wine Tours
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stagnaro
Sunrise Cleaning Service
The Fish Lady
The Last Resort
Trader Joe’s
Ms. Pat Tolaio
Treasures Fine Jewelry
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Tomlinson
United Rentals
Valencia Creek Farms
Vida Oliva
Ms. Dana Warner
Wm. Clayton Greene Jewelers
William Preston Campbell Photography
Wynn Capital Management
Zameen Mediterranean Cuisine
Zizzo’s Coffee
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Special Thanks
Beauregard Vineyards
Vine Hill Winery
Debbie Brechel
Kathy Brechel
Kevin Loveland
Nick Paulsen
Marke Paulsen
Beauregard Vineyards
Soquel Vineyards
Lesley MacDonald
After Hours Formal Wear,
Macy’s Capitola
Macy’s Valley Fair
Patrick James, Aptos
Pink Wasabi, Carmel
Gilroy Outlet Stores
Virginia Fanelli
Jill Gross
Monica Emmert
Naomi Branagan
Warmth Company
Nancy Keil, Fleur
Brunetti Interiors
Judy Pritchard
Sharon Richardson
Ferrari Florist & Gifts
The 2007 Holidays d’Eleganz owes its success to the planning and direction of the Dominican Hospital Foundation
Guild and its members, some pictured above. If you would like information about becoming a Guild member,
call the Hospital Foundation at 831 462 7712.
Holidays d’Eleganz 2008
You Are Invited
Friday, November 21
Fashion Show, Luncheon and Silent Auction
10:30 a.m. Cocoanut Grove, Santa Cruz $75
Saturday, November 22
Grand Ball, Dinner, Auctions and Dancing
5:30 p.m. Cocoanut Grove, Santa Cruz $125
Please Call 831 462 7569 for more information,
or visit
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9/23/08 2:27:30 PM
Win a lavishly decorated Christmas tree ($3,000 value)
and Thailand Trip for Two!*
16-day tour, August 2009
Discover Thailand
BanGkok • Kanchanaburil • Sukothail
Chiang Rai • Chiang Mai
• Round-trip by air from San Francisco
• 33 meals (one home-hosted dinner)
• 16 small group explorations and unique cultural activities
• Explore ancient Sukhothai, Bangkok, Kanchanaburi,
Chiang Rai, and Chiang Mai
• Travel by air, elephant, rice barge
• Visit hill tribes, cultural centers
• Thai cooking demonstrations
Drawing to be held
November 22, 2008
Holidays d’Eleganz Ball — Cocoanut Grove
*Need not be present to win. Can be exchanged for $4,000 cash
Generously underwritten by
Dominican Hospital Foundation Guild Past Presidents and FedEx Freight
Generously underwritten by Dominican
Hospital Foundation Guild Past Presidents and
1 for $20
3 for $50
7 for $100
For more information, Call 831 462 7569 or 831 462 7712
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 29
9/23/08 2:27:32 PM
golf tournament
7th Annual Charity Golf Tournament supports
Katz Cancer Resource Center
Growing numbers of people whose second home is in Santa Cruz have
begun to participate in local fundraisisng activities in support of
Dominican as a good investment in their future retirement.
Pictured L-R: Visiting Stocktonians Bart Bona, Karla Mattioli,
Lynette Cleland, Tony Mattioli and Larry Cleland.
The 2008 Charity Golf Tournament had three goals: Offer local duffers a good time on the links;
raise funds for the Bennett and Suzy Katz Cancer Resource Center (KCRC) at Dominican Hospital;
and honor the memory of friend and medical colleague, Stephan D. Plager, MD.
Although forest fires elsewhere in the county and unusually hot weather conspired, golfers proved
to be an intrepid lot and most golfed and dined into the evening, raising $38,000 in Dr. Plager’s
name for the KCRC.
“Sponsorships and other donations made all the difference in the world,” said Chris Griesinger,
Dominican Hospital Foundation’s golf tournament coordinator. “Dr. Plager had friends and family
locally and throughout California, and that really boosted the proceeds.”
Foundation director Bob Semas explained that many in the community do not realize that the center
is open to everyone—without charge. Newly diagnosed cancer patients, their families, friends
and caregivers can receive information and support from the professional staff at the Katz Cancer
Resource Center.
“Because this service is without charge, does not mean it is without cost,” said Mr. Semas. “The
center relies totally upon community support at events such as the golf tournament, and also on
individual donations and bequests.”
From left, Brenden Blackwell; Rex Hsei, MD; Thanh Vu, MD; and
Craig Blackwell, MD, donned St. Andrews-style garb for this year’s
Dominican Hospital Foundation Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
On behalf of the patients, their families and friends, the cancer center staff and the future visitors
to this valuable community resource, the Foundation thanks every one who participated to make
this event a success. Dr. Plager would have been honored to know of the generosity that was
demonstrated in his memory.
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we thank our sponsors
Grand Sponsor Ocean Honda
Santa Cruz Seaside Company
Santa Cruz Sentinel Smith Barney
Steve’s Union 76
Talmadge Construction, Inc
Prize Donors
ACE Sponsors Bogard Construction
The Pied Piper Exterminators, Inc.
Marylinn Stephenson, MD
Radiology Medical Group, Inc.
The Wallace Family
PAR Sponsors Carlos Arcangeli, MD
Diocese of Monterey
Santa Cruz Emergency
Physicians Group
TEE Sponsors
Alan Buchwald, MD
Allaman Eye Care
Appliance Service Center, Inc.
Associated Pathology Medical
Group, Inc.
Bay Federal Credit Union
Benito & Azzaro Pacific
Gardens Chapel
Berger Lewis Accountancy Corp.
Bosso Williams Law Offices
Capitola-Aptos Rotary
Complete Mailing Service
Devcon Construction
Dominican Administration
Dominican Foundation Guild
Erick J. Ecklund DDS
Family Doctors of Santa Cruz
Heartland Hospice
Jennie Jet, MD & Robert Quinn, MD
Rehabilitation Medicine
Bennett & Suzy Katz
MC Electronics
Monterey Bay Urology Association
The Pied Piper Exterminators, Inc.
Redtree Properties, LP
Santa Cruz County Bank
Santa Cruz Fire Equipment Company
Santa Cruz Memorial
Santa Cruz Orthopaedic Institute
Adventure Sports
Aerospace Museum of California
Aldo’s Italian Bakery
American Musical Theatre
Angels Baseball
Appliance Service Center Inc.
Avon Beauty Advisor
Bahia Resort Hotel
Bay Area Discovery Museum
The Bayview Hotel
Bella Roma Ristorante
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Billy Reed’s
Café La Vie
California Rodeo Salinas
California State Railroad Museum
Carmel Bach Festival
Carpo’s Restaurant
Challenge Auto Racing
Children’s Discovery Museum
Chili’s Capitola Mall
Cobb’s Comedy Club
Comfort Inn
Covello & Covello Photography
Crystal Springs
Culver Theatres Inc.
Disneyland Resort
Dominican Breast Center
Embassy Suites, Anaheim
Farmers Exchange
The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center
Gandolfi Bass Guide Services
Gilroy Garlic Festival Association, Inc.
Golden City Chinese
The Golf Mart
Hiller Aviation Museum
Hilton Santa Cruz/Scotts Valley
Hindquarter Bar & Grille
Hollywood Wax Museum
Hornblower Cruises & Events
Inquire Within
Kayak Horizons
Kelly Services
Malibu Grand Prix
Maritime Museum of San Diego
Marriott Anaheim
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
Michael’s on Main
Miniature Golf Gardens
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Kayaks
MPC Theatre Company
Newman’s Own Organics
Nordic Naturals
Ocean Honda
Pacific Cookie Company
Pacific Edge Climbing Gym
Pacific Southwest Railway Museum
Pacific Wave Surf Shop
Pala Casino Spa Resort
Palomar Ballroom
Petroglyph Ceramic Lounge
Pier 39
Plager Vision and Laser Center
Punch Line Comedy Club
Pyramid Alehouse
Radisson Hotel Sacramento
Ripley’s Believe It or Not
S. Martinelli & Company
Sacramento Zoo
San Diego Air & Space Museum
San Diego Opera
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Francisco Opera
San Francisco Zoo
Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Company
Santa Cruz Fire Equipment Company
Santa Cruz Mountain
Winegrowers Association
Santa Cruz Orthopaedic Institute
See’s Candies
Serenity Day Spa
Shakespeare Santa Cruz
Shoppers Corner
Sierra Summit
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Sony Picture Studios
Staff of Life
Stewart’s Floral
Towe Auto Museum
Tyrolean Inn Restaurant
Urban Mo’s & Baja Betty’s
Wax Museum
Well Within Spa
Whitewater Connection
Wild Things
Winchester Mystery House
Yosemite Mountain Sugar
Pine Railroad
The 2008 golf tournament was designated in memory of
Stephan Plager, MD. He is joined in this archive photo by
his wife, Linda, an oncology nurse at the Bennett and
Suzy Katz Cancer Resource Center.
Mark your calendar!
8th Annual Charity
Golf Tournament
Friday, June 19, 2009
Interested in being a sponsor?
Interested in donating a raffle prize?
Call Chris Griesinger today: 831 462 7743
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 31
9/23/08 2:27:38 PM
Holidays d’Eleganz 2008
Welcome to
I’m sorry I won’t be able to attend the Holidays
d’Eleganz. Here is my gift of $
to help fund the mobile clinic.
Cocoanut Grove
To raise $175,000 to help purchase New Mobile Health Clinic
Serving Santa Cruz County
Luncheon Fashion Show
Grand Ball
Silent Auction & Tree viewing
Friday, November 2
10:30 am Doors open
Noon Luncheon Served
1:00 pm Fashion Show
$75 per person
Saturday, November 22
5:30 pm Complimentary Wine
& Hors d’Oeuvres
No-Host Cocktails
7:30 pm Dinner
Live Auction
Dancing to the Music of
Live Action Heroes
$125 per person
Black Tie Optional
Complimentary Valet Parking
I would also like to direct support to:
¢WeeCare-sponsor pediatric care for a child for $105
¢Reach Out and Read—literacy program in the Healthy Baby Clinic
¢Where the need is greatest (at the discretion of the Community Board)
¢Cancer Care
¢Cardiac Care
RSVP today using our online reservation system at
Early reservations are recommended
Total $
I have included Dominican Hospital Foundation
in my estate plans.
1555 Soquel Drive
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
Postage Paid
Complete Mailing
Services, Inc.
I would like to receive information about making a
gift that would provide me with an income for life.
Please make checks payable to Dominican
Hospital Foundation.
Please include your check and this coupon in the
enclosed envelope. Thank you very much!
To use your MasterCard or VISA, call the
Foundation at 831 462 7712
09_31DHF_AR_003.indd 32
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9/23/08 2:27:39 PM