^V; ....... .J;y.y i;;;p;j • •• BOOK AND JOB PRIIITfl&fc JAMES W. SELLER. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION* SVCJt AS ., COEXEa ,";cHAW.BSTO.irs. OF JEFFERSON"« at $2Jn adVtaee—#2.50 if -^ -lot paid ufltilir^®.3^. ,;• -•'•;---«-, .,---.•••-;• 'f«t -wrm SEATSESS ASD DssFfticni AT TB* OFfTCE. OF; n tW " 3f-un SCrKt.l Charlesiotcn, Y-t. •• A «»nly e» Ma?»tralW, Sheriff* v and Co R T . P,oJ, of l^rao. and S^ aiuT OiiaW* aad Prosuswrjr Sotn, &o., &c t on Baud. the fiwt tttrec epnuaaanee.- Tfaosc not marked on a specified Ujne, will be inserted KStTHPTi j for all fcttamec a equalled .by -atiooc have e -et efircied aotaau ith* confidence «f . After yeawoT indu>puta.btr It dangerous <-h * attract the »x .ublic at larg*. Ictweure rnry. orgeon, Doct. (President of the V« eminently learned] i1.1'- CHEW PM,' £tn>n,wl«re ft b**j iy efiecu upon; , u rites to the Pr l>?tn cured o f a ^ Clil-.V ! XaiM»aat Lh the attention TBLAriCANCfi. of at private, safe tbe FARM ap .r«Me, eituated_ : ibe 1'KCTOSAL." 10. 49. *"^^au*-*e^a */i A Wfel,], IflfPROTED FAItai FOR SALE. ;' ; subBcribpr beg* leiwi to call the alter, JI t*<WoT the ParmereoriJeSerson, and y»»' ,*,- - -w , », --.-•adjorning counties, tortneof U,e moat exi^Mve' $£WW** $?'-' L W**"»#« tolvoUieoi aid cantaining abont and4 best sttlwi,wl oo^.i™*.^ _r . _^. ,'1 "V aMftpnUwwa^aaoat ^a : ' best s»leci*«l aseortlBeBte of of Land, and ImpJemenis tobe<f6nnd in snr * His»r-ilbiVtyo£«Aich.arein ----^-,j , HDr.J;, d> stored** ^teh"^' *f «^ *«*« in *fei United ,ntii Frcderirk «rwt, Haliimofc. M<i; ' '^K*™**** Wtfli all thg.iwet ir^r* "tnii ble'jand, dividedlnto nine fields, al! under good ls kfi han f i d e , goiii* from Baltimore street, 7 i ** country, enable hti j»t F^cfnryi; fenniog, mostly post and cap-fence. " -— EC particular in oWrving the i prices, efgffjftgftMe TI farm; and1'.' Tte improvements consist of a large, conye.<«• you w ill roirtake liie place ell.good?, nient and newly built Dwelling, cdtis e^tabJighment, 1)K. JOHNSTON, taiaing ECverJ'room, with cellars under; «f ihe KoyaJ College of Sorg-^ni, Londoo,. the whole—*Bjoks boose, ice house,, «l uiic of t hjs.miat eo>iiirtn servants'ftof am! Uie*re*ler" whicn'may be found lii'p lieJeLraied ?i«..: ^— — .iw^ -fk " 1'^. •»» • ( .v_Mr-4-_,>» - ". •"' "" rtify thp ralne and «| .roBAL,' which I COM liseases of theTt B USHIS G TOMATOES. tEFT ItfOSITFEBE TO IfflMVlDUAL , uiwa«-of liie Kidtiej-*, AiTcrtium of ,'ffl,t.Nc¥*4w:iI Skin; C»ni'ih«jiortaIdeT)ilitf, , U ili(»! I*""""1 »ffrt!ii>»n* srwing from a Certain * ||»b!t ofYopA, wWcb bligtil U,^ir roo« bril(1<v»orauucipauoi»«,reoderuig,;da*riilg«; etc., WABRASTED, OU -SO CHAKGE. .rw e»prcial!y,>ho have b-ejroe lue s«* f SoiiTAKr VICE, thai dreadrul ami detractive iK* annually *«k*ej* Ifrari imlimely crave of yixuis m«n of the -OMIM waJlcd talents lkct.-who mipht .u.li:rrx\ ixp j, a \ e ^n. . !j»:epmg Sewnei.witli the liiOTHJem nfjeloor wak'-d «» ecslacy the living lyie, may^call tL^ LABEl*:*c., BliANKS, ; You shonld eat at ,. with r tiiab ntvje rtwara each, : not large. Stack-en baod;i CITT MILLS.—W* quote:» The inspection! for the w and 666 half barrels. AW, 132 1451 bW.. Con.me».l. hi -eqMte reds «t97 a99 cenu with jaUeirf-l Coas.—Safe* of ifhite at a 59 cents. OATS:—Weijnote Wi , . GUANO.—Penman «5'« ! per tdn.i - ' .Saee^ii-^r^- '—f 8lo\! PLASTEB-—Sales at $'it is tbe link . BACON.—We quote Si the ^kirs—i eenti, J lam* 12 cents. truwu across - i, and so does a&y irjtig or ^'seori after" a eBaagbi;'F«>m ibtil wflhln hall as f it* is besii. however, r ot;iwo>t * time, <i ^orei ott- - Exlrayagatsce fs «« of tEe great sins of the iin>e. :How few jounw meivcare to lay op any .-thinjf for the-' : fiil»rie"t T.hey^e^read *s ihe v go, but when ihe days of sickness cotue they are dcpendenl upon the ehanty of friends. Men m baainess too, are loo prompt to spend 'their iaoney for ariicles tbeydi not need» and in this way new gel«£|6J&T*te»*i^ :They must fiire fargs hoosses-i-keepseWal servants and p«>chasc fcll.tr* article* of $tiery that tfieir fooliih wives andi in;considerata.,dattghtera think they seed to leep np app>ar8HCe and be^espected.— W^t-tt-tBeirestdlin thetsnijt Poverty, want an3 wrfltahe«fueiB».r We can point to many a re.4amUy th*t w»s ooce'on tfce high road to "" ip who «tB4»o* exceed . Thow^wbo lot* good tomare>s will take j» fa* to cultivate lhei»*>a* l»io*w«-lhe« aa uejr a* may be in their ful I perfection. There is no other i'ruil that delights mote in tiicair and sunshtn* tjjaa ihiMoamo. Ttejff shoald^Lave iJwiafor* ittMiDditti'c'g of room, ahJ Iho *6M».be BttAfaioed from falling to Jlte earth. I have found Hoot brush", fkrnf'y eet '«iru«i4i4l»>Uu*»ito*n?wcr the .purpose Uetrer than toy ether method. 'tt<a branches have rob« to*xtentl ilieinseltc* a»Uicy like, while the limb* ei Uw^rasi keep them ia their positions. By-tltwuHMbe^he-frBilw mar* !u!ly exposed to the jeninl uifieences of the air and suii..!-,im?, whereby;. H attain* a more 2el <at» fljvor, larger fizezand^ccmes quicker to milurity.— Rural Xev lfW&g?v ____ HINTS TO LADJES. Stair carpets should aiway? b»*e * slip c£p«per, under loeuvat, and over the .edge of every atiSr, which is Ihe part which they Sfst wear out, in order to lessen the tri«ttiori: of the carpcU «2»jost the board* wocatb. .The strips tbookl in per lb. in ke?». -slittle one—; WOOL.—Small sales ijld— - ' \ ditto; tH'e ; in work.^o waJUiing or any. it also wasliea, aid 20 a 23 cii. Vr motbe. _,_. - . - - _ . -~,w, «,„ ,20,2$ and 22 ; the fiobioil and J)iQ aide WHIBKET.—We note sraalf soies at 3>;a 20J fop *vJ1wng." K-Wi a terrible I jrreierve* iulF c«Tr fnllr|ess and bad blbod,ijr6Aic4ng, accordiDg lo n past and are io good repair. Toe: blu»hing, > every, variety ana price. , _ attended ionjegallon in hhds., knJ-21 a 21J ct»; iu bbl». -' circumstances, a dry ness, or rawness, or scalding fall to them. But they would not learn wisdom woold laat without iLe strips, of piper dcra.ngen.cnt of ratud, were cored irame- ' Cultivators, Harrows, 'Cast-iron Field Rollers. upon the farm a variety of choice fruit selecld uote noJ1change tince Fridav bat in the de»r school of expetience, and,now ;, ~" ~~ from, the best nurseries and roost of. them now^ ~ Qril^,il ." llj TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. TOMATOES. other causes, whether from quality or quantity >y are r«pFn^ the ward of folly. Pierson's, PennorVs $ Sinclair'? Wheal Driiit. hearing, viz : apples, peaches, cherries, apricots/ ' Ye who are treading in the same steps, take .J tdt'*fte**tt those who have injured .tli<-m- plums, &c. The land has .been farmed exclu-,1 Hussey's and McCoraiiek's ALEXANDRIA MARKET—Sararday, June 5. It la ceitainly wron<r to depend on "volunteer* lw»»r private and improper indulgence, that secret a word of advice. Be plain in your dress, and All errors as to diet 'arise from quantity or stvely .with a yiew to its improvement, clover audT .Fwca.—Store price $4.12J—wagon aud car jmco as they are tnei " wiiiary habii.wliicli ruin both body and mind, un- Reaping and Mowiug Machine*. _ ^ quality, and I propose one safe rnle to each, ap- let your wants' be few* Learn^to w o r k — d o ! \12 plaster has been freely used, and it is now io tr last of the previous _ iht m for eiilier husiue« or society. Bamborough'e, Grants' ate! Sinclair's some, no matter what, that is nsefal, take care . G R A I K . — Weqaofe red wheat at93 a95 cts., white plicable to all parsooj, and under all circumfine/state of cultivation. The Winchester and wm« "f ''«e sail and melaurholy effects iVa degenerated Iruit. In ord»r w have^them of the amounts of money you receive, and com- good, . FANNING STILLS. Potomac Railroad 1^ miles distant, and the Bal-J 100 a 1O2 cts. Com is firm — we quote vhiie at 5*5 a 5? stances e<|.hy eRrly hatiits of yonili, viz: Weakness of il is proper lo begin anew by purchadiitg iid Limbs, J'aitw in the IL-ail, Diraiiecs of :As to qsaHty tfie Reneraj rnle k toiett that mit to memory the following lines, to repent fresh seed. Taiado tvery y<?ar, and. you will timore and Ohio Railroad 4 miles distant, offer' Corn Shelters. , |y*. of .Mn-rular Power. Palp imfBio of the you like best, sold which yon find fay close once a day during your natural life: for the tranvportation «f ihe pro"'' .—It ia selling by the jingle ton of Single and double Spout (price $10 to.gHT,) great-facilities tind that your tomatoes will increase jo sue and j),f;,-|!Mn. Mervons Irrilahilijy, Ueraitgfnirni a so : ', observation and experience, is followed by noun^4 per ton " We sacrifice to dresj, till household joy* General Ability 'Syrop-1 ' llie larEe CyliridricSl atJgSO and 850; and doce ofihe farm either to'flie Baltimore or Dis- at PtASTBtt flavor. . ' : _ And comforts cease. Dress draii.s our c'eUar —Cargo price about §4^-retail priie 4 50. comfortable feeling about the head, hands,'feet v { latter warranted lo shell from 800 to 1000 bush- •Iricljmarkets. The Harpers-Ferry and Smith-, of I' And keeps our,larder lean. _Pi,ts out oar Cre», BEEF CATTLE.—The'stipply continue* small—and tfce. A» UGJLY OATH. .—Tde iraifiil tif-pls on ihe mind are els a day. ,.'; lie Id Turnpike affords a good and safe route to $4 SO! per And introduces hunger, frost", and woo, • .' •' y, take as much at one "to he Jri-nd^ii; li^s of rhi-piwy, ronlUMt.-n uf CharleJitown it all seasons of Ihe year. ' Horse Powers, Whcr«f peace and hoipitality ruisbt re i;a." In the eastern psrt of Delaware, there resides dspressnm <>f fl'inis, evil of fureb.iding*, averwill allow you to become decidedly hungry by R.iilway, of varkius sizes,.from : Its location will compare favorably with that of •pjri<riy.'-'-!-f distrust, lov- of solitude, timidity, a man named B , now * justice of the peace, •Une "next meal; this cab only be determined by §75lo§l30. any farm in the coonly of Jefferson, as 'rfgard/ PROMISES. «1 some of thf evils ppKliiced. j Wincliester Market., • __• . . . , . and a v^ry sensible oia.n, but, by commmi conconsecutive observations; but remember, never [health, society, fertility of soil, or facilities tc/ Tli resiling 3facbiiies, f .. NCUVOl'S U E B l U f V . i looking individualjn the whola swallow an- atom of food unless you are hungry; : There ia a port of people in the,world of wh»m sent, the ugliest With open and solid wroughi iron and-oak .market. Persons wishing to purchase land, wel. * ! 'tikne'* of tlir>y»ino.nervous debiliiy and prrma Far the Week ending JiHie;5,\ 1862, never 'V force" a particle of food on tray, Kfiir-.tilj Bribing from llie d^iriiciivt-Imhii. j Cylinders—price §3S to §60. the young and inexperienced stand much in need county; being <"ig. gnunt, saltoy, and aw.-y, with improved, with every thing to hand, are requestLjtti, lliat *yliiary prentice co fatal to I tie lifahhlul ! ed to call and view the premises.. . ',' coaRKcrsD WKKLT BT s. HA«TI,KV ATITiit 0«foTThe braie creation cannot b^fnduced to «t of. to be ..warned. These are the sanguine pro- a g&it like a kangaroo. One rfay he was out Com atid Cob Crushers, : r I'fin&n, and u is the young wl.i. are must apt j Jy ' . „rce. frink if slightly ilLor excited, guided only by misers. They may be divided iiato two sorts.— hunting, and on one of the mountain read* he •m D From §30 io $45, warranted to grind from 8 - For terms apply to ihe subscriber, living upon' [ Wagon Price; Articles. ae ils viriims from an ignorance of ihe dangen- j -tfieir pooor blind instinct, an* we who are as The first Are those who, from a foolish custom met a, man on fooCs^B&alt'ne, who waa longer, the premises, or it by letter, addres?pd to Charles- Ol r BACON, -h luej' Mjhj^rt t!iem»clvcs. I'ar'tulR ahd guar- | to 10 bushels per hour. . 10 by alToUds, ilmu liirasflt". llo =gaunter, uglier, 4fo'\ ^s* l1*0^ "'S0" &*a th«y.' °y t|».*"r«iw>i»" that is of faw,r»jng apon all those they come in compa- . coul(J town. \. * • R. G: AlcPHERSON. n ufifn misled with rrspeH to" the rau«e or j The Seed D e p n v f r n c n t 365, 370 FLOUH, - 8ive the • " tq aare " ind bt-at him." O^within us ought tofeel ashamed to act teas Octo:ber 21,1851.—tf ny with, have acquired a habit of promising to . „ jfdisfa!* i" ih«-ir sons and wards. Alas! how ; • Is supplied with every variety:of Field and 90 l l O j a n .87 FLAXSEED, rai?ed«h« gun i"iio iht-y a-cnoe to otlirr c-ans*-s the waslins cif the i Garden Seed, all of which are .warranted fresh 40 a 45.viaely; and yet nine-tenths of all our ailments »do grear kindness, which they have ho thought ; W l t b out saving a word, B 00 45 FEATHERS, and delibera'fery" levelled il at the stranger.— ._P»l|iilali"n I ' t ' l i i f heart, dycprpxia. indigei-tinn. and genuine. " . 75 7.v1 a osoicute 60 icute and chronic,enter chronic, enter here; and nine-tenths nine-tenth of performing. The other are a sort of 70 GRAIN^—Wheat, ' -mcni of ilie nervoiu system, roueli, and^syrnp- ! 33i •.-'Si !, a 37 f them might be cured thus, if taken in reason people, who, while ihey are lavishing a.wiy their "For God's sake don't shoot!" sUouted Hie tnan *, ^ Oats, 30 Peruvian 4i uiruufiimptiDii, alsw those cerious mental efleei.", ! 6Q a Corn, •40 alarm. .." Hi ble time, and if properly persevered in. R ly some thought of doing o ringer," r«pjied B., "I promises, have really doing'! J n g reat Warm. •66.. r_. 4*^* 70 i, •.»» of .memory, depreiwion dispirit* or peculiar j Having made arrangements with tKp Agent of GO "i ye. that if I ever met a roan The finer all food is cut with a knife, before r; afterward!., when the ! swore, ten years ago .what thej engage for; but " m«lancliiily."»'hHii the ir.inh u llie) Imve heen in- j ihe Peruvian Government for the sale of Perri, ' 9 \ a 10 8 LARD, , ' ''Si" u lier tha n l wa? 1 d shoot him, and yon nre the 625 ^ 60 0 a 00 at into the mouth, the sooner and easier it ia time of performance comes .;:n pfmiriniii but alluring praclicenj, destructive '• vian Guano, ;for supplies of this article direct crimes, the sanguine fit be- f uSa l one l,ve pe€n', , The stranger, atter taking: i .*-••!• • - -r . t tHxiy mid iiiin-l. Tlius are swept from exist- i igested, on the same principle that* large piece log gone off, the trouble uble or or expense appears in i i:;-u«.ni'> «ljo niiirht have bt;eii uf UM--IO their . from tii;» Chincia Island?, purehasers may rely = ! of ice placed in a vessel set in water w ill require another light; the prdmisercools,andtheexpec a careful survey uf his " rival," teplied, " W.aJ, oirf, a plek>ure -to their irieuds, and ornajaeau to j upon being furnished with a pure No. 1 quality, DREAMS OF THE DEPARTED. a longer time to.melt than if it were first broken tant is bubbled or pet haps greatly injured by the captain, if Hook any worse than you do, shute : al lowest Baltimore rates. 1. I don'l want tn live ,n«> longer." into many snail pieces. The gastric juice dia- disappointment. JOHNSON'S INVICIORATINO KF.MEDV FOR ! All ironds dplivered in Washington orGeorge- Office of tbe Winchester and ) Like stars in the dark azure of a midnight solves solid' "ood from without inwards"; hence, ,.; ORGAJSlC \\EAKNKSS. A SECRET \vouxi(KsowisG.—Boil ihree or town, tree of charge, and ordcrsby. mail promptPotomac Railroad Co., > sky, are the beautiful dreams that gem.the food, es pec ia ly all kinds of meat, should be cut DEMEANOR IN THE HOUSE OF GOD. Hi« fmnA and im|>or|aiit Kemrdy has restored ', ly attended lo. four onions with a pinuof water- Then wftik » \ April 3.1, 1852. ) boors of our unconscious repose. " Then there up in pieces not larger than a pea before it is «(ihKnd Yifrtir in Ihonsaydii ol ilie inu-t dehilitaied j brusht go over your glasses anrl frames, FITZHUGH COVL^ rjlHE public are respectfully informed that no are forms that come unto us in the likeness of taken in the month, taking in as 'many pieces at inj'ui!-. i i i n i y xvho h:td lost all Imp -s, and hren ', Perhaps nothing is a surer sign of vulgarit assured that tlip flies will" not light oti National- Agricultural and Seed Warehouse, ' -*• delay either in travel or the transportation of humanity, through which shine the rays-of a a-time as is convenient. This precaution would ty o! breeding than irreverent behivioiir dnr | (iMcdtbaie. Hy ii* cnnijile.te ilii'igorallun of the unnydirrn, the «luile lac-ullieii hrc.-.iiie reMored io Iron Builditio;. sign of tin? Golden Plough tonnage will occur on this Road from the effects divine-light; and their presence imparts plea- not be needed were persons to eat slowly, and ing attendance upon public worship. Not sel- the article washed. This "may rpniprrj'-iweraiid funrlions. and ihr. fallen fithric 7th street, \\a$hington city. ;of the late freshet or otherwise. The most prom pt sure unmixed with awe—for the horror that masticate their food properly; but ou- riatianat dom have our'hearts been pained to see young, apprehension, and it will Tnot doA&e least injury utjitraneil up t", brainy. <'iin.-i>tf ncy and dimiiiun, Msrch arrangements have been made to meet the'de- to some jninds seems inaeparale from ghostly otherwise, nor is there mucbhope of men manifesting in the house of God*a total to the frajnes.—AVwpor/ . liili' rums of mi amacialfd and [ i r - n n i i i r e decline, iiiiiiiii.il prisime heitlllr. i'u, Imw Imppy litive visions -TOen imagined in our waking hours,' a epe mands uf the public. ' - hange in this respect. want of that reverent demeanor and attention [ -WlutBtKY EY A I-'HIESD.—Mr. Gentry, a disjra's.p|'iiii>i;iiiiled youths been nmd». wlm havp gives placer to a more spiritual appreciation of 3. GEO. HEIST, -to Ihe service which is benefittinor the audi- j ilngoJsbM-T.enne.-see Whig member of the those reverend shades that perchance, at rimes, April 27.. Prin. Agent W. & P. fi. Co. GEMS OF THOUGHT.: ence-charbber of Deity. But when we see this | Hoaie of 'ttepresei.Uitivps, said at the .Whig; ,w* irrrifif niaiuiiios u liii-li reMilt ffo«ii iiiducrcliuii. still hover on the confines, of their earthly-tatendency e.xniuaed by young ladies, it argues i caucus- 5o'Washington that "he believed belie\ the ifenuM btJorecouleiuplating . .P.-^iperior quality and most TaHh.ionabl styleB FASHIONABLE \MILLINERV, bernacle. . Wholesome sentiment i3 rain, which makes a sballowness of mind and -perversenei* of northern Whig party would degenerate into 9 x M.XKUIAGB,' caji always he fi'iind^i;|;;;. .; : - • And what a wonderful inhabitant do we hold, the fields of daily life fresh and odorous. heart that are appalling. We have seen youngs m.i8erabfeiaectional,nbolitir>n far:ion, and :'j ri-fl-ol ilinf a«iiuu>l mi i id and h"dy an* tin- most t '. 'Miss f EW WiBT AVIS' ' boused up in our frail bodies I When sleep ' Intellect is not the moral power ; conscier/ce ladies, elegsmly dressed; $00* bearing all ihd so infamous that il would be a di*parageoienl •rfufv r^-.j i . ~ " - Hi proiniUc! C'Miuiitiitti httiiiiiir.^V.^ '(}, xtnhiiii! :!ii-\ i l l . * i . ( i r n . - y l ; i r - i u j ! i i i v brccni'-H ESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies comelh to ofir pillow, and with drowsy breaifi is. Honor, not talent, makes the gentleman.1 external marks of respectable parentage anj| ' beep ;coh nee ted w i t h it." iif prnspe.c.1 hotirly i : . i t k - u s lo the of Ch'arlestown and its vicinity that she has lulls us to .forgetfulness of sense, how then:does decent associations, whjj ^sjeemed to consider Pemaylcaniet Aitnuf., :IQ \daurs istsl of Dth street, That state of life is most happy wherein superthem up in th» just received from Baltimore, the 'latest Spring the divirie.be ing within weave of gentle memo- fluities are not required, and necessaries are not. the service of ihe Alipjghty as l:0 : v r<-ii.-c:i.iii ihaj tiie.luip{iiiu»s SDCH or three times ries of a ladder of roses and gold, and lifting it to wkoting. more, attetitipri and reVterence tban ft ; and Summer Fashions, for Silk and Straw . -s Fine jDrisss, Sftfjk »\id ,Ovctrct lvi?8 with fond» Ptft'riKi . Inii 'heaven, wait, listening, .to hear the descending of music. v A welI bred geptlemaD or irnn:edialely. ! Ftpuredv a i»a Embroi< .. Safin,;.] Pride destroys aH symmetry and r.-.f.!^^^^^^ ; *^ ,^~*. . .«!„. (.!-. ,.-{«n4 keep them IgfeT with :. qLUr J L,auie» tp-cair An'd they come; years may have grjifted[ flie said ietin'riuJl la* "arTrmj-nr te rmner enear .»uv r. li and Fancyi fihitrtoost respect ful torA«~a^6tjJitVe.--tsi ". 3|ftrifst. " watewr may be hi* or her «^. .~» She' lias on hand -.!:,;i.iu i . u. !!<•:• i . i i y w II as a opinions, out of self-resptctalnfle.! mistietoe, born o( tear?, upon the branjjhes of oar upautiful Pattern Bonnets', and Bloomer young, fresh hope, and lutire^l&.tfie/teaves to PltOsSCOTiOS FOS iVlTCHCRArr !—A Self-love is at once the moat delicate and the TO Q.u«lit|p White arid OolorwJJCid and other" 1 Ia,ts, for Children, something neal and tasty. — an a u t u m n decay ; but at-lhe touch of the angel most tenacious of our sentiments ; a mere notton wai instituted befefre/Atdprman ("rou-pll, of ruri-d at ifiW:iasli'Ution, witliirv portion^ ot the public patronage. and fingers, blossoms shade the parasite, the cluster- t h i n g will wound it, but nothing on earl <ilovi>9'} flaiiiikerchiefB, Scarfs,, Cm vate, -• ShVlsolicitsa Philadelphia, Jastweeki for w i i h c r a f t ! Tliepnr'ar-. MM ! ih^. iiiiiii-riiusim|>"nant Surgical ^c-. &c. fMiBt-ch 1G, j;855^j pledges1 herself to make every exertion to Iplease ing leaves grow bright wjlli.health, arid under kill it. r>!,.:,- ierui'n.t-1 iiy Dr. Jo:tsSTUN, wilTie«M-U by There are'': a thousand preUy, Mgagrhg littfe1- ties were colored, acd-it was churned tlint ilia rirr- <n;:.r |H.-"'f.- unil niauV Other persons, noall! who may fayoV her with their wo'rkJ She its shadow sport the Iambs of the.flock, beautiful *§8,-without pros ecu tot. and defendant had* had a quarrel, You cannot fathom your mind. There is a ways, which every person «iiic!i Inn- .:,.|i-art-d Hira in ai'<' ailain'beloi.i'^triav be found at all times ar the residence of with the garlands of the heavenly pasture, (win- well of thought there which has no bottom. The, r u n n i n g tbe.risk of being deemed either affected* which terminated in the latter (.tiering lo shako IwKir. i« a -nlHne itt «n.ir,iul-e l!n»!-lhe afll.Clrd E. D; Vonng, near the Methodist Church. or foppish. The sweet smile, the quiet, cordial the other's Hand. Me did ^o, wlierenpon lh» -kililiii anil !i'inor:il>le ptiVM'-ihn. ed by tile great Shepherd of little children. The Bleaching 1 and Renovating",; Hats and Bon- young,thegood^ the lovely, gather about us;; our- more you draw from it the more clear and plen- bow.the earnest movement in addressing a friend, prosecntpr Was seized with a fit, and fell to the B. Tn.-rr arc's., many 4£iuiF«n! ui.d worthlces t i f u l it will be. earth in a slate ot iniiensibility. He was afterit; l!n-iH!f^|ve< as plurK-imiF, riiii>iii|f :iiets, dtflie in the best style and at the shorlest no- selves are dead to ihe outward, but we see them, Tears are the sum of hours. 'Vain is it ?at or more especially a stranger, whom one may wards-confined to the lior.re lor several dayn.—• hlrr«.ly Ainu-l. ,1- lh:it I>r Ji.hiiMin tice. CH)! and examine. recommend to out good regards, the inquiring bless them, and by them are blest, i The cuddling fcide iatervala to'say, "I'll save this year," il at « It o*re«--ary \ o - a y lo iho-c arn]i1ainlMl with 'his A p r i l -27. 185-2— 2m. \ ,- - [F. P. babe,whom we thought locked'too securely in each nirrow" interval you do not say, "I'll save glance, the graceful attention which ia so capti- The magistrate refused to bind' over for with- . .-i ii::i; hi> crcdt-ulial^ ur di| L-II-U: alu a\ s haiig! vating when untied with self-possession—these craft, but held the defendant for his future good, ITl-r. the treasury of our love for death to coveti but ;thfs hpur." WK \KNESS OF THE ORfi \XS will insure us the good regards of even a churl. behavior. who nevertheless took seraph wings just as it Knowledge.may slumber in'the memory, but Above all, there J is a certain softneasTof manner >li• ru rn] . jvml lull "vigor res-t»re«i» had learned to fold its IjHle arms aboui'our necka, itrieveV ,, Mrs. in aria E. Jones, , CHOLERA.—During the list two wecka the dies; it is like the dormouse in the ivied which should be cultivated, and which, in either IALL LETIESRS posT-rAiD— RL.MEDIES sits once' again in its olden place, and leans once cholera has been prevailing a Cairo. III., to a conESPECTFULLY announced to her friends tower, that sleeps, while winler lasts, but awakes s?KNT BY WAIL. Pennsylvania Avenue,, between 9?ft and 10A sfs, man or woman, adds a cfiann that afmoat entire- siderable extent, principally among German err.-iand the Ladies generally, thai she has just more its dear head against the moiher'a bosom. ;with tbe warm breath of apr'ng.*JJ).")!— ly. ly compensates for lack of beauty.. The voice grants,,twelve of whom have died. Two caw», ~Wa«Iiiiigtoui. I>. C., And in its eyes is heaven's own unfading light, received from Baltimore the latest Real fidelity may! be rare, but it exists—in the can be modulated so to intonate, tbal it will speak one fatal, also occurred at Ve.vay, Ia/, Ia?t week.. Jn»t Koc«-i \ cd aud fiu Mibrc, on its brow the seals of -heaven's covenant, and OOLL) invite particnUr Attention to his SPRING AND and from that elicit an "anIJOXKS various branda Tobacco; its whole presence is like a ray from the throne heart. They only deny its wo'rlh and power who' directly. -to» theljeart, cholera ' |<•' — i - ' ^•There u ^ i c n i ywere * b w v v36 >t* * ' * c ; i B deaths u ^ a i i » Dat A bNew * i c n vOrleans st asi-ortment uf superior PI ANOS, manufac120 do Scotch Snuff, in papers; tured by the most relebra'ed mikrrs in the Oni'ed of God penetrating the soul. The pallor of death, never loved a friend, or labored to make a friend swier; and polfteness may be made essential to d Dr -i ng th& week ending the 22d ult. ,' Mr. our nature. Neither is time thrown away in "Dalton, of Canton, Miss., has lost ten negroes 42 ke«js Giireit's dt> do States, Messrs- Nunns & \JI«rk: New ^'ork, to She invites an earty call to inspect her stock of the ehroud r llie gaping earth and swelling sod, happy. i hbU Snitch nnd Rnpneedo ' TlVe triumphsi of Urnth-are tne most'glorious, attending to such t h i n g insignificant as they from the disease. whcm AvssawarriH the highest Prernium al the materials which cannot be surpassed in style. with ils white head-stone upon which some cherMixture and Maccuba, lo order ; World's Fair, for their superior and brilliant toned :teauty,;&c., at»y wherCi Her best efforts w>H ished name is sculptured, are not. remembered chiefly because they are the most bloodless of all may seem to those who engage in weightier MA^ASSAS GAP RAJLF.OAD—Large qnnntiries s, deriving their highest lustre from llie matters. Pianos. 1 .',' . ' be nsed.to render satisfaction. She tenders her then; it is with us again ; the tendrils uf our victori< ;6f of produce are daily received at Alexandria, from saved i riot of ihe islain. : hearts lay no longer damp and uncurled; with o< M. &. N.'b best Ink. num. be The above instruments can be had of the snb- tiiahks for past avors. Ropmrnpstairs, in the . , THE BEST TR AIM ING. the Plains, (as far as the road lias penetrated,) their old beauty they gather up and close around 21 Tobacco Cutters ; j=criber>al mannfacturprs prices, and warranted House occupied by lie r last year. It is useless to look forward to a future state the object of our undying love. JlOO dozen assorted Snuff hexes ; of pros perity, if ibe present be not occupied tosecond to none in the Uuited Slates. ' It is not the nun who has seen the most, or and the receipts have averaged more than §2UO April 27. 1861. It may. hare been that before we sought our wares.laying,\he foundation of it. Many cling* read the most, who can do the most ; such. a one per day for some lime past. 1 1-*5 reams a#>ortt d Cup Paper ; ? March 16, 1852. I ! rest, we leaned once and again above the old arm to a di tant hope, and reject a progressive cer- is in danger of being borne down like a beast, ol 1160 do do' Letier do; - - ./"John," inquired a dtlminie of a hopeful 63 gross Bonnet Bimrtl#; burden, by an overloaded mass of other men's pupil, " what is a nailor 7" • HE a ndersi^ned have formed a partnership chair, where of; late, with the seal of holy age tainty. 1500 reams Crown and double-Crown Paper; in the lega profession. They will attend making her venerable brow almost luminous, a Angi r'ia the .most impotent passion, that influ- thoughts. Nor is it the man who can boast "A man who rnakf .^pai's," ?aid John.. 400 do Cap, and 100 do Shoe do;". ;the Couuty and Superior Courts of Berkeley, mother eal. Von cannot feel ihe pressure of her ences l IB mind of man; if effects nothing it un- merely;of native vigor and capacity. The great• WM. WALL, «• Very good. What is a tailor 1n doManellaaiKlTea do; and Frederick, and tqe JSupe- wrinkled hand upon your own, you sigh for the dertakes ; and buns the man who ia possessed est of all wirriora who wen t to the siege ot Troy "Morgan, * " Clue who make? lail.-"." • Penn. Arenue, beltceen dtit ar.d 10/fc Streets, <2 bales Cotton Twine and Wicking ; of other counties in such cases only approving smile that beamed on your last birth by it, more than the object against which it ia had not the pro eminenence because nature had* U O, you s'tnoid fallow," said the dominie, bit* tior Courts (Next to Mr. Shank's Iron Building,) day ; it has gone forever. No, not forever; for boxes best Pearl Starch ; given hiito a'tren"gfhiind_Jie*carried the largest j ing his lips, '• a-man who makes ta;l^ T' in wbicU-lhey maay be specially retained^ \ , Washington, D. C., . in llie hour when veiled nighi, with her coronet of directed. 1 superior imporied Cigars; bow ; but because self discipline bad taught him CHAS. JAS. FAULKNER, " Yes,.ma^ierj'returned John, il tbe taiWdid L It is .one of the singular facts of the present OULD respt-ctlully say to the citizens of stars, md%es over the shadowy, "world, there ehe I.WO <J0 Principe do; • . now to bend it. FRANKLIff TilOMASl i not put tail* to the coals he made, they would ha state of society, that tbe qualities which irk theo; -fforson audjlhe Valley generally, that lie Jistands beside you, the eye brighter, the brow fairRe-jsli,, Pahetela and Caslille do; — ly ' :Mart !nsbnrp, aft jackets!" ry we hold to be most lovely and desirable, are KRb FESSOR HAHKIBAL, er, the step lighter, the sweet words as sweet as W C«z^dore, Rifie, Spanish aud Half- has enlarged and extended* his Clothing E?tai • •" Sit down, John, yxm're an honor tojour maf t A|avertii»eincnt. ' 0 ever; and when yon waken, is there not a light- precisely those which in-practice we treat with .rj biiRliraeiit, •making- it one of the largest and Span Mi _do; r ^ ...... ternal parents." the greatesl contumely and dipgrace. AVING jtist returned tro0i Baltimore, we er feeling at the heart, aa if you had been holdW La- Flora', Jenny Lind and La Riena do; most extensive Clothing Depots iu this part of com discourse in the lol: When one sees a family of children going to sr« now 'receiving our Spring Stock of ing converse with one of heaven's saints ? the couufry To dis'cover Irow. many idle men there ar» fowfng feeling manneir. 5Jb»|ps Cuba and Havana Tobacco; Its exleni is two floors, rurini»g 150 feet deep, ijfardware,Cutlery, , ^, Saddlery, Wood Ware.Grp We. have*ireamed of the departed often, but school in clean and well mended clothirig.it tells • "Feller I'rabler; E f l h a d bin a eatfn dried in town, all that is necessary i.-* to ect two dtps 10 lihd-;. Kentucky do; and employing f?om 75 to lOOiJiands, thereby cer ie6, >ind another supply of Garden and Flow- they seldom seemed to us as when irt l i f e ; they a great den in favor of their mother; one might apples for a 'week, an den took to drinkin for a to fighting. It never fails to draw 'em ail ou.l pii p«pers Smoking . dn; giving, employment to our owBj;Oieclianics aud ; er Seeds, to which we invite the attentio.^,of have' come' wiih towering forme and smiles, vouch'lhat those children learn seme valuable monf, F couldn't. feel more swelfd up den I am dis L\m:hburg do ' do; Ground Charcoal is paid to be the be»t •whose expression was almost overpowering lessons at aome, whatever they may be taught al intuit wid pride and wanity at seein such a full thing in the. world for denning knives. It will "«!uip<tr«'8ee6 and offering good* 'as low as they j purc'hai'ers. T. iRAWJLtNS )fc " IS races Turkish dodo; ' y with beauty; they have been clothed with the school. . can be bought at the North. Apri^SO, tendance bar dis ebenin ; an wen I reSerk dat it , not wear the knives away litre brick dnat, which 8 by 10 Baltimore Glass; ' • 1 am prepared lo make to ordfir, the most fashunearthly sp •s ;pF heaven,, *i solemn People seek for what .the; call wit, on all sub- am rile in de washin seeson, weri de brudderen ' is so often u=n). do 10 by 12 do do j • V Potatoes. in, that awed while it repress!- jects and in all places,; not considering that na- am seerrgwam roan de streets a joking like ole ionable and elegant assortraeJiVbf in ( 0 do 8 by in Western d->; -Larly Franklin has «rldrep?ed a-lonij letLOT of Potatoes just received and for sale majesty ture rloVes-ttoth; ao well, that it hatdly ever ad- Gypshun mummies preearved in lime, an de sis- ter to the ed not the t=. Cloths, Casimercs ami Testings, do 10 ii v 12 do do; President of the United States, thankby H. L. EBY & SON. . It is a sweet solace, as we stand over the coh mits of flourishing. .Conceit i& to nature what ters am up to dar ankles in de skrubbin time, my ing him for *0 cases assorted Tumblers 10 be found in \bitf city, at prices as low as tttose the.interest ihU counfry has t n k p n forms.of loveliness, to dwell in imagination upot paint is to beauty, it is not only needless, bat H "heart yarns to wards you, like a peece pb Ingin do; bJMight at Ihe rheapesl rea<ify[-Tnade store in in the search for her hosrjand. und ftaiing hor that meet!ng ftv the epirit world, wlierliB brokei impairs wnstil woo UJroprovf, rubber in a hot sjobe, an i feel dat I hab ad afDickPint Flasks; of hope that the nnfortnnare Arctia \Vashinrfton, and of Biinerior majke and finish — apply of ties shall te. joined, ''agatin t . E are nov? receivinje OB; shoo for,ondatiBpthincanestrange.orsyringe, na^fgmtors «„, not ljwt. This letter do | Jo do ; 11 texture and quality, allmy goods will compare A-I usiomera are as sweet i ; the anticipation of a glorious reunion Our friends I forgil forgil now which; but one am list de same as iria; ,h« anu K n , ;is too lung for oar |1SO boxes 3 gross Cray Pipes1; the N»«,uri, Newark E Eagle, bul With any Merchant Tailors in ilie District, and . — , —Goods. -_. J '' For thqogli nn - . - , . .^. to.-calL'r;, We are deter- in the wnr •<) life.'di'.dpearaland. tudder." respectfully^ do Pipe-Heads—500 in each box ; column*. ai much less cosf, as roj desire is to do a perma- minedftp sell goods atsmall advatice on Cost for real, we a st, tbink^ ll the emor Children ought io love,, cJ>ey and honor their do nent custom Irade, T am determiuei* to give en» Cash, or to men who pay proaiptly, which. we lions of 'ifelighl that A young and beautilul bat poor widow, Mr. Webster haa returned to>Washington, 1 after 11 Let your motbiw.wpMlicBlarywho »n Reed Stems; 1,000 short do; tijre FsHsfacjion, hnd-all goods patctaiBed, if not UJlhk vrUI te » mulnml henefit to both hover and long sepatation ; drint IB the ssfil, or wonderful parents. was abont to marry an old rich widower. Her from lits late visit to the North. 30 your tender years has the more immediate charge bbls and half bbls Jamison's Water, But- Mund to be'as re^resenled, a ikl>eral deduction ——.Fashionable society generally has bnt two stories lha; the dear lips tell auto ns^ jiek queB- of yon, be on qurtb tie inost sacred object of your friends wished to know what she was &bont to s«ller. SIGAFOOSE&HARLEY. , Sugar and Soda Crackers. w i l l be made. marry him for. "Pure.love—1'Jove the ground faults ;fir«t,in being hollow-Leaded, and secondu tions of lli s most monientons import ; talk of the affections: Let her be your friend and chief : : April 27,1851 r *f*hich we offer forsaleat reduced prices. j All Clothing msde to order, will be chderfnHy im nire concerning them j perhaps press confidant. Conceal nothing from her, bat make (meaning farm probably) on which he walks, ly, hollrHx-heartedV Cassi meres and VesUngs. Bbsent, io suit. Dealers will do well to exac ken back if found not to suit. tn"e Boft'l6 :ks from" the brow, or imprint kisses her acquainted with the icoi|ptny wlucji you and tbfe very hoase in which Jie lives." There —^-Tbree 'negroes, one snppospd to be a f«- , ." RWEXOUR call tbe «t'oarslock before going Nocjh. as we ar« Conwtantly on hand a large, general and comthe books; which okj^-uad^efa the is none of your school-girl foolishness in that. there ; ani f|pqe|i we-waken, the whole infervww gitive slave from olartinsbnrg, Vs.- have l*et» lentioQ of tne Gentlemen of onr county far to sell as low as i>uch g«x*ds can be | ete assortment of Ready^raade Clothing at At a court mart ial lately held at Norfolk, arrested in Philadelphia, for aa extensive robuc; «odp«Hrto their^largeiaswrtmeat of CSoth^Caa- is sUrapeii ip glow ing colors upon the mind's eye lanlts which jop:commit. Haepj is the, son, the fol tow «l#ewliere. A4J orders promptly and ic« to*nit the times. ing dialogue took place between one ry at Columbia. and particularly the daugbler, woo are npt;afrai4 and "%e i .art alnaosl a? gratefal for this pleaiing and Vestiogs, &c* Tie purchasing » i _• • 1' ;> r*- __^ _— !.Ta-i«J^»^.1r'*^ ' tUetded Jo. f. i Also at my Establishment three ^obrs East of to communicate b* theif swrther! their raqre »e- of tbe^wjtiiesses-and the court,. "Are you a f^..J?~*£jf •-• :-i :i ' • partne r fta tiers himself ll«t they can show some LLOYD LOGAN &. CO. —— Successfnl I men are generally they who tl e National Hotel. sigT»t.'»"" a|e, Iftrjr them; cretibough}«,. While tbV]fe«a|o thus arlless Calholir?" "No. Msir." -".Are ron a Protesr. April 37. 1863—301. Tbe citizens of JeSeraotr and'ihe Valley, visit- j ?,j tbe rfjost.sehwtjineBa' and uodisgnisedl, thej are free from danger.— tant?" " No, sir. * What are*j<»u then T'— slight the poor and fawn npoajhe rich. 14ig^$r d*mi» gw^esj IiluncJi them invited io give j ir g \V«sbinglttn, ire where ocean rolls full hundreds of fathoms, Children obey your parents in youth ^ but when " Captain of the foretbp." • —-—What Ia tfie dlCerenre between wa»«r and de a eail, as^l. feel cdn&fent ihev will be amply uTices cod terms will both be made easy; ere no sounoihg id can' retch the awful eVef youi-pie noi Noser und«r their care, let riot - — — Witfifonr metallic qualifications, a man t i m p ? Water finds it* own level, while lima a e Xurth and Monument streets, Ajiri! at, 1858. •[March— ' * *proBideiite of may be prettj sure of earthly success. These leveU everything else. tallest your reverence iabmtr. It j b ',M their bpne_s bleacbupoiKtibej ''" - " " '••'••• '' BALllMUEa Uod you should; arise above them in the world, are: gold io bis pocket, silver io his tongue, —-I', is as difficult for-a poor man to com"wiersigned are prepared to famish 5aH grow nol asbamed' o'f tnem-i VVbile they are brass in- h w face, and iron in bis heart. mand rerpect as it would be for tbe devil to da in their line, vir : »AR|IUE fttAnrsw, gooife ih great bending onoVr ihe infirmities; of old, age, atill ——-" I hate to bear people talk behind one's i, TOMBS, GIUYE STOSKS, TABUE continne to treat them with rpepect a» well «8 back," as the pickpocket said when the consta- without theatres. /OR FLOURS, —=-Be noi affronted at a jest.. If one throw HiS e*h»bli»ni»«nt is imw ble called "stop thfef." terms as can be had ek«where, .JL dersigned, a^ juAiir«.otF4.atja »(Bf GouBty; .Vi salt atthee, thon wilt receive no barm, tfbleas" ^—-iJTh* three balls nsuSJly prefixed to the tbpo h w t sofe places. notice, and would shops of pawnbrokers are said to indicate thai h * wchasers^lo cill and extmjne te«ir lljelessa —— ''Jcfceg* Mid an old farmw, one day, to on*' is two to oier ta*t tie things pledged are ever " extensive slock now" of his mowera. 'do yon know how ttan'y: hornV Iqr ine redeemed, f --i*.^.:,:;-with Slab's, Blp r ihe»e a e in a dilemma T Otter *nimals nave —-Abenietliy's prweriptwrf fr>r the cure of preseet tbe' York and Philadelphia :pTtbe«. •Ko,' replied iake.'btiLi know how many bora* i a' a notion or the goal, was,u Live upon a shiUing * day, and there are in » quart of whiskey.' :«si^ earn it." Parbpw many Ipgj has a ship 7' 'A . An aSectionate Irishman once enlisted in the c. rJtA;'i*giia*nti inord*r tobe near his brother, has no legj^my child!' ' VVhy, pa., the says she draws twenty feel, and that she ran be* WBO was corporal in the 76th. r '«» Jeaerson couatrV _ _—Wr>y:.are seeds, when *own, Hke a gate- fore tbeViniJ in Jegerson and jFlampshire post J They are; pfeBted io tbe earth to propaPorccJi; the famous English punster, wa» gate (prop agate.) rn»fcp n aad .will *itep4 promptli> to, ^K asl£«*d ——A poem;in « eontherji p«i • Kfng;"sairf one of t Ilve4oponli)%mifmoty.n 3?hai Wi :r5 ! i\*>o**vn i^r\ Ljci;i»i w rp. .-t oealera jn tlw'-j <.!)>«• rvalion: E, M:ch., Dec. IP. 184$ receipt of your Cujjujj •le to an arciuaintahee-* | n.-ar hie end with qujA u:,;ii - I - t o rise from h if fe ' . J l l » i friends believedV -'•' M he ohiained * r t-xccllent med. -ir three week*,L Inn r - t u r n , to meet; Ifn-.iu the rare, and I Jmr v\ ,-^Ks from the r _r ;•••, he was at li^Be HI... i:i\ knowledge. .... ^-- i^ 'V. fNDERWOOtt. ll'vnKNT; >ir IWlinpni. ban..:! . i l i u y health, In- :i y.i»i are at liberty li-;^. Iii.~i antiirnn I >. • r.- roug-li, »nd mi»V [itii.i.li::tiiuing relief. * ;•• .jSK-ntly raised li.. .: A friend gave me i IT• ;!.<.- u>.<> of which 1 |r< .'.;!!; to direction*. 1 ''•••, and am nearly n , my cmisU has ceased,!! j!- - UK I'-citie. I. - >T' ! i ) N E , A. M., Ir :. M . lKi|i<; Seminary, ,- . \ *^w* • : .-.'I 4h:tt i-ufler |I" ' . • • ! • Mihafffione fortaej in.-M-i-iivii by llie inform*, it'll U-ti my lungs 1 •• :nid unable to <.:•>..\ i muM eocn fink it. !!.-^:,l: I.• lake yoo'r facet- a r i.-icyman, wltokad . i.,y ci-usli al fir»t,«od |l.'-'- .1 .M H lortniglit IcogU . - i :.- ii-- irtiublt^MM, i:a I.I.H! imurit-tird IN, t i - • L'Hi. Nmv, after fat ,., v. ;,h no oilier lielpthu L DEAS. | h - > v, >!:itfnii-ni of nif wife j, -., -. .,- uf i.er cate *W I DEAR. Il'-ni: afd Julia, his wift^ ni. . atiii iin|>l:cit 1 IMII«-|;t. [(.. ' \ AN HI nl Hit' Kn| |:t :i '' sold [C. AVER, v •v,-i . . Y. .u-sacliusettl. sotu r,v |l,l j.:.r:.-n,ftt-r i . \\ i f > :"^luiul llie Slate.! I" Jut.ft. PI 13LIG. I..: F.:i I!ull's uuoquallen^-j 1 . i :.. in. the political i In . -v.uiulerluli curejli li,- .-.i ii>- tiie publicil fciiii.ri.rLit, a«d*vili i ..-.'Uju-pk-, " IK .11 c\» riious made, br. p , .'~ : ,i;-:il Ulld UUJ> UL . :> : i.t- a ibiuic ol Ml llr. I!i.!5, then abt'.y, jo\.« d u r a numi li. AjKiht-Ci:rj, . — * \\ni-,. . and ihe lam it- MTX ioe ot Dr. . \n, Pr. K. Scorch, a»| MI i - f i h i s city, and 1 11 tin- Grand"Arin]r4(l i> ht'v, luade a Cuid : l i-i;.l iiM-oftlie phi*io^ . i!>:di-n-d at that ti^ .u,!c. Dr. Hull*as' »:-!.;; tliis celebrated » Ini the idfa.awl fif 11 ..r- ---incf) to in • i-. u-idoralion t-f the Ilia. ' I l;:i- be-on coi»u«:'t'j ::>, :i:id cxj>eriliiei»llij[^ l^aliialik- ccmiiouad^jl iii l,<-.a,-|,no\vlcdgedb Li;".<--cv, aud hailed . * * i ^. ucr. i-ili-d in gaining tb- ^ ii^ IICCD scrctal J'ft"' r <•• mplrti-ly tested, ^.IIK'. e-frl:«icatc»_offt ' l> ;;ri-;it si!j)eriority" h'is tl.crclorc aini* is frcqiicnllr a«ked continu- to>d»'M»cf u-f ot the public, \vl icii hare *"*• ,wpi1hy of the _ rcciuin d yet iM lilu:is«ot worked* |ii lias not bcou bi» ' i i.U-r aim • . rf his a good i ic|iuution, and I n. reduce their J •jcrvdienls, to a laic wraith, Dr. ••Ti-dientSTrhicbt - - r• lim io discover, an* )pr\ irc'to tufferiog *" otiod rcputatio*t ued S«r»ap«ru» riled, lhat every "" H u l l is made ~ In'.iatf fuperint Is b en daily eX le?, without ch* Ld to his eternal 1 bcco crowned * >ar>aparilla b*11 bttuoii, »wd bee« hat he it fittnll pnfidently cbaU-j- ; fcr.;c acd AmcTK "eri.r preperrtina * ?n used Crire Eril, Cone \. llrysipelos, f'AWrrs, Sc ' B«r.if or Joint*,' of hn. Diseases > and Short raptv. Sort; jjitsn Fashionable Cloihing, BEADY MA.DE O WM. WALL'S R llanos! MILLINERY^ R W it 11 » Fashionable Ciatliing. -nfttttra r^Qttlif^f ij t m <• *k.'^«._. ._ •_ T W H A . W * DU )>.-k*..i A II ^ . _ J ,^« - «-.«•*-. rn n» 1 IT . - - • I «m ' > *••--*.' : 1 i (£ l V I * liua 1^1 UI/LTC Lick I li'J UtltUltllltn - m . O *\f\ I : : : •fl tllTi ; , ..„„_;>„ -ti-iBii^j^-'g^^l^" morniBg for bresliut. "|a^^^naed served npDtxt :T!^* "~ oo marble. itasJiiHg' \ sear; OF BY BOOK] AND JOB PBWTI50, JAMES W. BBf.I.TO. DESCH1PTWJI, « MAiajfT.i coaa«m sooar SVCH tWTSl," CMARiJWS mrr OF JEFFERSON-? J* 11 a* ** «4»*» « paid f **;; ' Trill beintt-Heyaf lie tite e, for the fiwt three ia»erti6iHJ and EUNDBIfcLS, LABELS^;* ^tni s&iraLEss AXF DSS?«TCH AT OFFICE PF TOE SErRlT OF jtf.s» Street! 'Charksfiiic n, I'd. l|JCM»u«ril't f<)T * sP°°ificd M*»«r:»*«U-tbe in««srtod OOSP1TAJL, ' - -"•--".. '. •-.• .-••"; ' ... : . j ' <!;•?- -:-*-7;.:. i If! fniff the rosAL,' a-ts, of the prrmn*, ~or iho*? fontewj'laiing marris»e, g»tre 01" ;.'ift.ical wraknew, «hotii>] immediately J , and be restored to perfect health. • ,. 1. Smith Frederick Mjvet, Haliimore."jfd.. hand *idf, £<>inf from Ball:more street, 7 "fpxa t|,e euriH^r. Be particular in observing the • or jou w ill mi-i«.ke ihc piece. UK. JOHNSTON, of llis Ituyal^Cun^ge^qf Sqrf«in», London, fromoaif "' i Prrfidpnt of the I I vminently Iftr I, th- CHEB.RT i IrM.m.whereh^,. 1 happy efle.cu.apai,. I, »\ riles to the H-t-n curpd of a t u u v PjEcroa il inontJCir ib the attention <Ge>,'4i. adjoining conniies, to one of'the roost «?:nens5ve ffie' hiagt«n, •','"'!&>< „. Wasbinglon and others 0 ODt and best s«Iecit>d ausorttnepfs 'of Aericalinra! Nl S ;********* Machinery and implements Jo be WnViiu aoylr' ; •••&**& «»«» «M<aBd, similar house in the tTnitesJ t^aie?' iJis-sr''Mhtrfyl of which.ar> in-tintbier^the balance ID ara. mH bteE jwo'dfaciu^rs %; f blelasidjf di»ideor?i no nine Belds, all: nnder good this country^ enable j feaei&g, mostly pi st and cap-fence. " improvcrm ats consist of a large, convetfte SnAi a-,di ail good*, nient and newly built DwblHng, colfar^wdrrant "- -IngiseTetfrboin, wir* celJaVs nbder eijnbricea whble—stnoke ' boasts- ice { Varieties ol Plough^ servants' houses, i premium i.,Dec. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. , fcj iddrei«*e» all those who ha** injured th*mibr private and improper indulgences, that cecret .n- liahit.whicli ruin buih body uiid mind, unI fur either tui.-isie.-* or MM-k-iy. Il rrrf-ript j»f yonr pi- to an arqnaln t" ar lik end wl .r;:.i.l~ 10 rise iron Hi* friends bell IC'-uM h« obtained I in r ' t u r n , to meet frmu flie" cars,.: lunr v\««ks from ._1 |dinTif, be was at Extrayagaoce i* fll» of'the great sins of the time. How fe;w jpnng:nwOteare to lay Op any thiog for ih* ftiliire!; T&Sf-^lfad '•«*. they.TRo; "•"• belweea ~ c&eal?., You sbtmld cat at Jfiing bur which Ibe days of sickneia eoroe they are dependent, upon'! tlra ehariiy; °.f friends. Alen la easiness tooy ar? too prpwpt to spend their igestk>n, and so does an? money for articles tbey4^^ oeeoVand in ibis' after a way never get a^oliar afeearf. -'•' They must Ii ire Jafjjj*Booae^ke^pse^pral servants and purchase all ihe articles of gefery' that -their f^ojish, wives and inconeiderataL danghtera ibink ihey Slaif carpets *bot»W alway#i»»« * slip of pafteed to Seep *f> fpj«sarmS|ee a»8 be>irespecled.— Wbatw tbe result IB'^^yKefl} Poverty, want per, under ijietivai and over ijbjs edge of every i«ny a re- stair, witichUs ihe part wliicb tfiey first wear out, ^family' road to in order lo lessen lire fr'itiorff of ibe carpets «ga,«isl ihe boards beceaia. . Ted suii ' «f W(p.aslantW.ffeftcw _ w " rinrinf! in ibe «*r* »nd bead when ailleep,great a family bave i)een erected whbin ; , bring aUrmf d at sudden •oorid«, and aOj21 and 32; the snbsbifaiid iiiO-a'jde'PJo^*] paist and we in good repair. Tiierei V ~ nlnrw, will" frequent blonhitig, arteirled •orae- of every Variety and price. , with derangement of mind, were cured imme- CuUioalort, /farrow*, Cast Iron Field Rollers^' •upon tbe farm a variety of choice fruit seleclei t?, -t oeale« in •0R >• from i he best nurseries and roost of them DOM Pierton't, Ptnnofk't tf- Sinclair't Wheat GriilsA Bearing, viz : apples, peaches, Cherries, apricots. jUassey's and- McCormick's ;i plums, &c. The land has been farmed excluBeapins and REowiuu fflaclifiK*.. 5«vely with a view to its Hnprovernent; clover and Rcapins jplaster.has been freely used, and it is now ma Bamborough's, Grants [tine state of cultivation. The Winchester and > 1 FAXNIXG ,lf/iCS. ] Potomac Railroad l£ miles distant, and the BaiCorn SlielJU-rs. j limore and Ohio Railroad 4 miles distant, offer OTeat-facilities for the transportation of the pro Single and double Spout ([•nee §10 to 3nce of the farm either to' the Baltimore or Disf' SO lll-e lftr g e Cylindrical at 83.0 and «50; an<J , "«c e .,i we larm eiii^-r io me Baiuraore or wis , h rly haliils of vmiih.viz: Weakness of J Limbs. I'airis in the Il.-n.l, Uiuuit-ts of At, !/*« "I" Minciilar Power. Pajpitttiba of the J>j*pep«ia, Nervous Irritability, Derangement :;;,i\e Kminimis General Ilebiliiy/Syrnp- i •owump!io:i.&<-. j laf«er warranted ito shell (roni 300 lo J000 bash- ;-'-«ct.markets. The Harpers-Ferry and Smith —-Tiie feuiM 'ts'fll'ds on ihe mind are i els a day/ ,: ;0eld-Turnpike aiEirds a gbod and safe route tc hiii my knotvleijjp |fk lo lie dremieil IUKS of m.'in<4rj-, oonlu.-i-.n of Horse Powers, . | Charle^town at all seasons of Ihe year. i n i s . e t i l o f :"ur>-t]i«iiiii;>, averi keermugulaiijr ra Sweep and Railway, of various sizes, from T '^ location will compare favorably with that of irutit, \av-i of solitude, timidity, $75 to §130. [ any farm in the coonly of Jefierson, as r?gard; f «xi§om'e of the evils produced. < : . W. rNDERWOOD.' Tliresliing: ITIacJtiues, i health, society, fertility of soil, or facilities tc NERVOUS DEBlUrV; . PATIENT. |ff»ine« "i I'11" 1»-y*leirt. nervous drbiliiy nnd prema- I -With open anil solid wrought iron and oak:\f piarket. Persons wishing to purchase land,xvel J. .-. r > i r : I'eelinp nnderi, ari«ing.from lliedrMruciivr-hahii jj Cylinders—price §36 to $60. [ improved, with every thing to band, are request. lifalth,-J^! , thai i-olnary pranice BO fatal to Ihe healthful f h li \ n u nre at liberty ; Com aud Cob Crushers, ; ed to call and view the premises. : of man,and it is the young M-lm are most apt j nuuiron I From 030 to g45, warranted to grind from 8 [ 1, For terms apply^to^the subscriber, living upon • .. i .-re cougli, and c jis vimtna- from an igiioranre of ihe.<langere • the premises, or if by letter, addressed to Charles j lo 10,bushels perj hour. llrh lliey suhject thenifelves. Parents and gnar- | .01,: ,i'.'i;iiiiing relief.^ town. R. G. McPHERSON. Tbe Seed Department lift often milled with rrene*-! to the cause or j :'ir-mly raited'^, October 21 ;1851 .—tf ; 'uiw.i-.- 111 ilieir Mins and wards. Alas.' how ,' Is supplied with every variety of Field, aqd A friend gaveary ihry n-critte to other t-aiise« the wasting of ihe .' 'Garden Seed, all of which are Warranted 'fresh [T'I:AI.,I|.« use of W^A il|iilaiit'ii of ihe heart, dy*prp.iia. indigenion. ' and gen-tine. ' rt-uMing to directkw.' ill of ilie nervoui KyKieita, rough, and syinp. • i. ' !'.l^.»nd am Peruvian Gis;».no. ijfctifnimption, al.-x tliiixe cerioiiM-jueiiial effeci.s, j f Mill] i uf memory, deprt-nsion tA spin!* or peculiar i Having made arrangements \vijth thp Agent of .1 ii-rine. |«l'B*laiicli"iy. wiivn the Iriuh in ihey iiavei>e^u in- | the Peruvian Government for the sale of Peru:. s STONE, A. M4**> . Mr. llupe Seminarf, fiwijy mid mind. Thus are swept from exist-' vian Guano, for supplies of liiis article direct ivi.i: Oiiio, April 3, I860,; [li'iiMniiils who uiiirllt have bveirnj' one lo iheir ! from'tin? Chincia Island?, purchasers may rely • ;f.\. iliat Eufler miiln.i y, a picture to llicir friends, and oriiamenu lo upon being furnished with a pure No. 1 quality, ' i! ha^ooeidrM, at lowest Baltimore rates. by the inforai*. Loll.NSON'S INVIGOUATINO REAIEDY FOR All goods delivered in Washington or George-, Of f i<:« of tbe Winclicsler and 1 »l,ii;li Irft my luugt OliG.V.MC WBJUCJJESS. town, tree of charge, alnd orders ty mail promptPotomac Railroad Co., > to tail : id and im|K>riant Kcmedy has rrslored Ii.i 1 nuisi toon (ink a ly atlended lo, • *• '; |,April21, 1852, ) vi^ortu liDin-Riidii ol ili- iiu-t tieliililaied pfniK. :u;d a i , FirZHUGlI COYLE, many who had lost a|l hop-^, and lie.en 'ITlHI'i public are respectfully informed that no ti«iua!> \ l-CHl National Agricuhutal and Seed Warehouse, j -*- delay either in travel or the transportation of u Jie. liy Jr? conijile.ie invjgoration of ihe • • :i < 1-rcynianj -in. ihe wluile fac-uliied liec;>nie re^lo^e(l in Iron Building, sign of ibif Golden Plough tonnage will occur on this Road from the effects , . . v <-,.ii{r!i Bl6rB,«a| fkiu-eraiid functions, and ihe (alien fabric li s ii...ii ii fortnight IcMli' and KHgle,7i i slreet, Washington eiiy. o-f '.he Ijite freshet or otherwise. Themosl prompt iiwil u;i (.1 bfaiity, i:oiiM>tfnry suid duration, 1.1 , .-..f.-.i i,, bejTronbMJMaH March 16, I8.W. arrangements have been made to meet the de• rouis of an ainaciated and |irrraa.lure'ile< line, «! ' ^ l*«(jd nouri^hed vt, *itj uid praline heallli. Oh, ln>w lm;i;>y have tuands of the public. |»ti..! :".:,. Now, «fl»*S*l ]J. GEO; HEIST, | , .. .. no oilier helpthu iJirciiinl'miMiui'letl youlhs heeii tuad> . ivliu JIBVP i he:ti:li from ;h - devai-tuitttiiM April 27. Prin. Agent-W. &P. R.,Co. >E KKADY MAI T |.orf irrnfic laaiadies « dirli reMilt iroui inducrctioii. JI UA Hlllth. * » » » * . * • \i DREAMS OF THE DEPARTED. Like stars in the. dark aznre of a midnight eky, are j the beautiful dreams that gem the hours of our unconscious repose. Then there are forms thai come unto ns in the likeness of humanity, through which shine the ; rays of a divine light; and-their presence impart* pleasure unmixed with awe—for the horror that to somejninds seems inseparate from ghostly visions.-when' imagined in our waking boars, gives! place to a more epirilual "appreciation of those reverend shades that perchance, at tiroes, still Hoyer on lhe confines of their earthly-tai mo^t - u s h i o u a b l e s i y l e e FASHIONABLE MILLINERV, bernacle. • \-' ndatfe. ' And What a wonderful inhabitant do we bdldr Miss-' JEHU ET AVlSl boused up in our 'frail bodies! When sleep ESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies comelh to our pillow, and with----drowsy breatii o! Cliarlestown and its vicinity thai she has lulls us to forgetfulneea of1 sense, how then does of 9//i street, iusl received from Baliimore, the latest Spring the divine being within weave of gentle memo: ries of a ladder of ros^s and gold, and lifting it to s'nd Sumtner Fashions, for Silk and Straw Fine DM«p,>Sack «nd . heaven, wait, listening, lo hear, the descending, and Embi r>ideiredS i ..-^.r-.l C^-,^1^ - ,-,'s. in vUes'tneT^meSTDTJaTT And ibpy come; years mayhap g^fteo^he sad < n g ai! i jtpir^rTO^otc- She liason hand XfFirng3Ey ••* ^ (Uf"JJLhl.g-'Jtff 'yT Pffa*' z^DSgk"^e ijflSfc^PPfe^^W^f, if'ifr VrjinlS'tjl'aoiifuT Patlern Bonnets, and Bloomer misileloe, born of tears, upon the brancjies uf on ydung, fresh hnpej aM ttfrbted^iK^he, leaves lo Whi'e arid {po!orfiS;KidandT)t3iQr ilats, for Children, sohre hing neat and an autumn decay ; but at-the tbucii o f t h e angel <Jlovt-;; I atidkerchiefs, -Sf-jiKs, Crava's, She solicits a portion of tl p1 public pa:ronage.and fingers, blossoms shade the parasite, the clusterR.&V. [AiB'reh IS^lttSa.: r>!edje.4 herself tp make > 'very exertion lo please ing leaves grow bright with health, and under »ili wliio may favor her vith their work. ; She its shadow sport the lambs of the flock, beautiful ii«y b<* found at all lim jajat the residence ot with ihe" garlands of the heavenly pasture, twinii. D. Yojiiig, near lhe Methodist Church. by the great Shepherd of little children. The Ble'athing and Reno.'aiincr Hats and Bon- ed young,the-good.ihe lovely, gatherabout : us; ournet?, d^ MIC in ihe best style and s.t the shortest no- selves are dead to the outward, but we see them, licel Oall and.examine. blessi them, and by them are blest/ The cuddling [F : P. A|pri! 27. 1852—2fm. .babe, whom we thought locked top securely in the treasury of our love for death to covet, but .who never)heless took .seraph wings just as it Maria E. Jones, had learned to fold its little arms about our necka, i IflLLYAn.rl sits once again in its olden place,and leans once ESPECTFULLY announces to hetfriehds Pennsylvania A«enufi, btlieeen 3/ft and IQth tCstthe Ladies generally, thai she has just more its dear head against the mother's bosom. ' \Va»liinstoK, I>, C., , And in its eyes; iu heaven's own unfading.light, received from Baltimore the latest on its brow the seals of-heaven's covenant, and 1,1$'invite particular: attention Ito'his SPRING AND SUMMER its whole presence is like a ray from tbe throne ma'nnfacof God penetrating the soul. The pallor of death, lured by the jinosfct'lebra'edm^k'rrs in the Unjfe.d. States, Me^prs. Nunns &• Clurki. New Ifork1, to .She invites an early call to inspect her stock of Ihe shroud, the' gaping earth and swelling sod, whcm wnsawardH the highest Premium at 'the 'tiiateriiifs which cannot be surpassed in style, with its white head-stone npon which some cherWorld's Fair, foriheir superior arid brilliant toked 'beaoty .;;«ic., any where. Her best elBbrts w«ll ished name is sculptured, are noU remembered Pianos. ! ' he used; to rentier satisfaction. She tenders her then; ilis wilh us again ; ihe tendrils of our The ahov? insTruments can b? :had oFthe ejab '.hanks 'or past favors, Rooms^np stairs, in the hearts-lay no longer. damp and' uncurled; with their old beauty ihey gather up and close around pcriber'at mjinufacturprs prli^s, and warranted House necnpied by her last year. • .' ; the object of our undying: love. serbndjto nrihe in the United Sluies. .: April 27. 1853. • . It may have bjjen that,; before'we sought onr Marcli 16«:1852. rest, we leaned once and again above the old arm HE undersigned have formed a partnership chair, where of late, wilb ihe seal of holy age in rhe legal profession. They will attend making 'her venerable brow almost luminous, a t h e County and Superior Courts of Berkeley, mother sat.. You cannoi feel the pressure of her 1VM. \FALL,; hand upon your own, you sigh for the Penn. Arenue, ieliceen $th andlQlh Streets, •J^ffersou, Morgan, and Frederick, and the Supe- wrinkled approving smile thai beamed on your, iaat birth rior Courts of other counties in such cases only i Mr. Shank'a Iron I>u i!d ng.) day; ii bas^gone, forever. No, not forever; for in whiciUhey may be specially retained. ; in the hour when veiled night, with her coronet of -i ! CHAS JA3r FAUIJENER, : OULD reopt'cUully say:to ihe citizens of stars, moves over the shadowy "world, there she FRANKUlf TilOMAS: Jt'ffereon and the Valley:grenerklly, that he i Mart insbarg, April stands beside you, Ibe eye brighter, the brow fair6, 1862^1 y has enlarged and extendeS l(*» Clo hing E»laer, the step lighter, ihe sweet words as sweet as Uistirneiil»-making il ;one ot; <&e jatgeet and '* Advertijiement. ever; and when you waken, is there not a lightmost exiensive Clothing Depot* in jthis part ot i FT A V I N G just reiurned iro^i Baltimore, we er feelingiatrthe heart, as if you had been -holdSJL are now receiving oar. Spring Stock ol ing converse wilh. one of heaven's saints? the fouufry . I feet deep, iiardwsre,Cutlery, Saddlery, Wood Waie. GroIts^ extent is two floo We have dreamed of tbe departed often, bul thereby ceries; :and another supply of Garden, and Flow- they seldom Beemed-to.us as when ift life; they and employing from T[. Io,..l0aibarid8, , T sivine~ employment tof uiu r ov^n. ineclinnits and er Seeds, to which we invite the aitention of have cdrrie with towering, forms and smiles, " * *•• • ff :! . *1. _ I _ . ' . . _ . | I. *jl T. RAWLINS & SON. and •whps6 ^x^reission was almost .overpowering caii be bought "at Uie;Njirjlh. wilh beatity j they have been cfoibed wilh the Ap> unearthly spfey&^rs of heaven, a solemn sweet ' 1 am prepared to ma to or^fclr, the roost fashk -V Y*tat«c«.7 majesty in tbaj ^ein, Ifaal awed while it repressionable and elegant as »rimejtt,X»f . LC?T of Polaiow'jasl received stfd for sale Cloths, Ca$ime res aMd Testings, by-< -H.L:EBYf It ft a sVeet'Solaa?, a-? we sf and over the cold prices -as low as tbose to be found in ibis city May 4,1852. forms of loveliness, to dwell in imagination upon, rearfy-made store in bought at the cheap* that meeting in Ihe spirit world, wherer^II broken Wnshin^ion, and of su f>erior niike and finish.— ng supply of ties shall be jofned: again together; anqalmpet E are now receiving owl In texicre and quality. ill my go-ids will compare usiomere are as sweet is 'the anticipalfonof a glorious reunion (joods. Our friends'a' v wilh a«\' Merchaiit T lirors irj H>« Diistrici, and• ' ^ U — «^^^M-f t;iTX'^:r-J^Aj« *Wld n^ VA* t Un^»'k nn . iHeiiawsl tlf^roWEeaftila.nd^ *For rvv'v"*; requested to jcallP'i jrVe Ir«v'<*Bter- in though un i- .. " "- !• . - » - ; - . ' • • " >« rfV • -^ f at much ;ess cosf, as n y res!, we act, IhlnK arid spe feietall the emo? nent cuslooi trade, T a bicb we tionS cf delight that thrill >^soin afiera lire ealit-laclron, and-a . „ _ . _ , , _ buyer and long separa! ion ; drink in t i% or wonderful link wjll be a tound to oe as represt nled, a;IAeral deduction »,v--* .-»•"• ^- LJ*^"' -•• • r^~ ^»»? _^» — l '"'. '•• ; stories that the" dear'Hps-tel 1 nnto'usj ask, quesslier. will be made. .'! :. . tions of the most monsenlonB import ; talk of the •April ;27,:i852. All Clrtthiiig made ti order,:vo?lbe cbcerfaljj absent, inquire concerning them j perhaps press Cassimeres antf taken batfk if found no to suitl ' tbe soft' locks ' from the ' brow, :or rajwini kisses ARRIS f RWENdUR Constantlj oft hand k larger ijrrieral and com^. iftia ion ol toe Gentlemen of pnrco'nnty far plete assortmenl of JBLeady^nttfe CJotbSng: at n the roini's eye is siatnpeain neafto their la«femBaortn>eBtof(3bib»,C«aprices to en it the ticnesj. 8 : f and Vesting*, rijfctfj, OTbe; parcfaaiing and-* ' *n*-.*?»^ *? Als» at my Esiablisl meet tftree doors East of Matters himself that tiny oto&t&'i&Be the National Hotel, j bbry them; tbe efost select mecs? Goods, to be found in The eiifeens »f JeBeVson aO'J the Valley, vwHti. nchthem ing Washington, are rterppclfulri; invitedto f roll, fnl qndreda f fatfaoms, priced atid terms- «rJH «e a cail, aa I fee^corteent ibc*' wHl;be*raji '•' both," jbe made' ' easy. isonndi ean reach:; IfJw *wfol " ' - 185^-lvlay ther bone* to BpoJithe lallfst '' Fashioaab e -Clothing. »'• .vt- (-tatemt-nt of tljrtrtfc : •of It IVcroRXI.. u««EPH DEAJf. |.V iv-n, ni'd Julia, hitwO^i ••, nn<* implicit J»-jr,.'i:t. • \ AN 1 r nl Uie Unptist In n r! K o l d Bf C. AVER, - i bvlorc i-unl<-iii;iliiting ilm' a<i)uii'l mind ani] hndy arc ilm mosl cii.-ilrs In priiinote c*n(INliiial lfi,>piucs$.— ii! iln-. !!•.- j 'iirn-y liinnij-li i i i ^ brc'i.ii)>-K pflgriina^r ; the p.-n-<pecl liuiirly dirk-'iis lo Ilie - IIIMI,' ii-ciiTin-, ^l•.a•!'lv^•c^ litlii- cK-l.inrlio'v rrli-i-siiia t r l>-i ii:;ii-> |i:i«ii!'-"d u i Let HO. wv (T'-\^iji j mi. Inn ;ijiply nictliatplv. ' .«!,.. (.!>.< — I, mi..'!! tllulrr I h if |>y' jnn'y. -.II-!V i-i'i.iiii«- in !idri4tty rtrly Lyivv:-. M;issachusfltU. ^.'\.\: HV I). i i,:ir:- -i«wn. t> i:.!•••"!.;Uourtlie . iJL TO < !i'iii-«iirl« i-iirvd -.H ifiis in«tili:tion, yi-.tr-. HM ! t i:- iniui-ri«isitop<;r'jint Surgical Mti<m>i«riinn.fl y Dr. Joa'ssrox, •.viint?«»-U by \rft\rr- vi Sniiirl; |i : -nla -iiilnul .mil \ Hull* t ra in the i > v, uiiilrriuli I; . < u to the pubi l.-,.-!.,iii-r.t, anil evm . , • .<,.-.-nil- is , cxi-nions j...ji,i<- compound oC Jl, :•:.- laju'dniKl unp; III. j. i liv a ihcme of* | Hi Hull, then « bqjr»i 01 Vd li:r a numberjof.! u. A|>..Utec.:r% , witb 7 ' ,IMI,,, a:idthetam~ lc \ U v ^-r\ ice ol Dr. | i l !r. F. Scorch, « i:.n til'this city, and ' imhc Grand Ar»^<W iil n-c of the . . •considered*! that til _ - Dr. Bo Lti'i.j this celebrated S Vr«i U»c idf a and * •> |;i;i MHOC) 10 t. I has bo«i constanB iit*, and cx lialoabk- com ki; (•..<•>-, aud haiwd »* L-I joy. »j ->.~~~ - ( ur<M-Ucd in paining « L hc«i «Tcr»l yeSinplcti-lv tested,--' _..,,d crrtificatcs ofit ' |ns prx-at »uj>eri6HtJ 1 h is tl.erelcre»* ,s frrquenilj *** J a coiilinv** fence of the , 1.-. trl ich iiare hiiTroithy oftfce_ i.» - tihas not been W* ot hie W* ;7 ' a pood art* ' itrjiutatton, ano t. reduce tiieir **~ tie irealih, Dr- »! Tcdientswhiefcl lira to discover, J rr» ice to J ottcd rrpntatioa, ; ied. that every Butt i« Irdiatc sojperint i b- cu daily e* uiihout to hi* eterrt I been crowned ktation, and be«" Ht&t he i* final bnfidenllT A nsed Cnre . Erysipelas, TtUers, nl'lli ami any otlier persons, no' flt;aill lioiionihlr | I ' I \ > M IM i. many i^imraut ni.d stlrraily Afflirl. J. v in -;iv lo *l|u>« ar wnli 'his lUflirr. R " MILLINERY^ i: VKXESS OF THE ORGANS en rt-i). and l u l l vigor reFlojei*!* ALL LETIEUs POST-PAII)— REMEDIES SKXT BY MAIL. «hrrC3,JS.'il— ly. _ ^ _ Ucrtiirvd aud. in * to re, liOXF.S vari.'Urt brands Tuuacco, 120 Uo Scotch Sriuff, in papers; do do 12'bbUSruuh «nd Rnppee do i Mixture and Maccuba, to order";' l»e.«t Matches; W boxes uf'M. & N.'s best Ink. | 8J Tobacco .Cutters; llOOdipen assorted Snuffboxes; . 1145 re tms assorted Cap Paper ; 1160 ilo do Letter do; « ( 62 gioss Ilonnet Board;;; JiOO retins Crown mid double-Crotfn Paper ; ^ do- Cap, and 100 do 53h6e-;,do; tlo Manella and Tea do; [42 bales-Cotton Twine and Wickingi; [30 boxes best Pearl Starch ; "" superior imported Cigars; * IWO; tlo Principe do; i Regalia', Panetela and Casfille do; 1,000 C«z^dore, Rifle, Spanish aid Half> Spani.-h do; M»0 La Flora. Jennv Lind and I Riena do; •s Cuba and Havana Tobacco; uk Kentucky " do; ZPII papers Smoking d»; SObWs Ljnchburg do do; IS cases Turkish dodu; Wbi'xos 8 t>y 10 Baliimore GUsp; ;a no 10 by 1 '2 do do ; • 0 Jo 8 by 10 Western d«-; •**.;do 10 by 12 do do; * ctses assorted Tumblers; do -do-j :• 'ml Flanks; <lo { do do ; « boxes 3 gross Ctey Pipes; do Pipp-Ileada—500 In each box; do Beed Stems; 1,000 short do: and half bbl.s Jamison's Water, Bulj Sugar and Soda Cra Jkers. >• °f which we offer forsaleat redu«?d prices. [Wnis to snif. Dealers will do well tp exa! <«r Hock before going Norjh, as we are •fed io sell as low-as nuch 89^^* c*n ** ^tlwwhere. All orders promptly and '?!'Jtttecdedlp. ' LLOTD LOGAN & Cq. r: April 27, 18&2—2m. , ' tf Xurth and Monument ttreels, BVLTIMURE. are prepared to f 1 *» in their line, vi? : M AHBI.E TOMBS, R W Fashionable W W 1 CHANGE H4S ««i»Wi«nffl*Q terms as can beltad if nolicevsnd would •espjeclfolcentral to cill and 'JH ewenstve .stock; now oa-liiiwi.; for the travelter.-* L U K lr w ' l »> Sl»te, B^cfaBj " V«Kew York and Philadelphia , SISSON &. BAllUX f si^ P***» " " Jr t-OT.: ' C. will ;*tUfpjJ .gcofljptlf rto:»U t»!«nxrnsie4«>;hjfe. care, recently occapiedbj r^» * • * - •* -" *. terra '•!•) • r 8JMUW5W Wfc* S Jc*« will take pains to cultivate-ihetn so a» to insure them as near a* may be intljeir fall perfection, Tnere is no c-ihr ec froit ibatjo'eiigiMs mote in ti»c »ir and suns bin* than thei toiittto. Tbeyf fchpwld;>ave ibetefbr* abundance 'of room, arid tne TOM be etutaiocd from faJlipgto tbe earth, 1 Hive foand Moot brush. tirm!y set around tb» p-!*«ri*to answer rh« purpMc belter than *t$y other metfacd. -Tiia branches have roots loeitucd i&en»*'ves aa they like, white &e limfafc cf tin* brosJ* keep them ia 'their posittoas. B^i^»«4ie*4h*frait»»ar» tolly expost^i IQ tlwigeaJal inSoences of the air and sun.-hiriie, whereby It attain* a more dSieat* fti»or. larger sizpj awi eorAes qaicker to ma'turi. if.—Rural iVcicfi Yorker. HINTS TO LADIJSS. ^*. 10, 49, , •* \VARRA>-TED. OR -SO CJIAKGE. IMPKOVED FAK.TI -1 TVi Mrs wp^rwllr. wheliaveib^cjme ihe vic»'sfl, ITA*V Vice. th*t dreadfut at>d deslrurtive iir* annoally »«Mp» lo'-att imiimery grave _.___ tneFARAf of yi'imp iwMKrf <li« mow eiaJicd inlt-nts I resiqe,; situated about four mile iiiieivci, who mi^bt ojltcn^irt? liave *n: ; |i*:ei"ng ScT.aies with the tLuiuJen flfeJo- fpREMbfictiber beg« leivp to call the itttn,1 jSJsjP^^ to ecstasy Uje living lyje, may call A uoa of the Farmers of; Jefferson and the f u r l ? * ^ li§ dangerous «•£. fco niiract the at i pnblicju I otn-cure i Troenwhoarel rmry. Jnrgeon, ftre&'eT i^ R& E w»y ** obteiaeii itoe «Mt tweedy remedy f Or£»ni ' Kid"ey», . Nw* anil S?kin; Gni»tmiji!>imldebJlKy, ''""'id efl"^1'"11* »rj«»Bg ; from a Ceftarn i lUbit of Youth, wfcidl bl»t»«t-Th^ir raem bril*fc)p«*or aoiicipatioaa, reudenng,.\airr%e, eic. , for all | attained a equalled t itiourhave e§ eflVctecJ ith* After Safe »>£ KLANKJ>-i-Beed» Tnwt— Nr*ou»»B i OB hauJ- " n*tairal>ital» fullness and bad blood, circumstances, a dry nes«, or rawness, or scalding sensation in the throat as do indfgestioni from other .causes, whether from quality or quantity of food. , . AH errors as to diet arise from qunntity iw.quality, and I propose one safe role to each, applicable to all parsons, and under all circumv stances. As to quality the general rule is to eat that which you like best, aud which yon find by close observation and experience, is followed by nouncomfortable' feeling aboul the bead, bands, feet or stomach. As 10 quantity, take as much at one meal aa wilt allow you to become decidedly hungry by ^he 'next meal; ihis can only bt determined by consecutive observations; but remember, never swallow an atom of food unless you are^ungry; never " force" a panicle of food on yourself.— The brute creation cannot be-induced to eat or irink if slightly iltor excited, guided only by heir pooor blind instinct, and we who are as inch higher than they, by the-"reason" that is within us, ought -to-feel ashamed to act less wisely; and yet nine-tenths of all onr ailments, icute and chronic, enter here ; and nine-tenths if them might be cured thus, it taken in reasonjble time, and if properly perse ve'reoUn. = ••' The finer all food is cut with a knife, before •il inlo lhe mouth, the sooner and easier it is^ digested;r on the same priricipielhata large piece of ice placed: in a vessel sel inwater will require a longer time to melt than if it were first broken into many small pieces. ' The gastric jaice dissolves solid food from without inwards; hence food, especially all kinds of meat, should be cut •up in pieces not larger than a pea before it:5a taken in the mouth, taking in as many pieces at a time as iri convenient, i; This precaution would not -be needed were persons fo eat slowly, and .masticate their food properly ; but oti- national habitsj|| olberwise, nor is there much hope.-of a speetpwhange in this respect. _ or" ««J ; a terribli I falf to them. But they would not learn wisdom but in the dear school of experience, and now they are reaping th|t ward of folly, Ye w h o a r e treading i n t h e same slepa, lake a word of advice. Be plain in yonr dress,'and let your wants be few* Learn to work—do some, no matter what, that -is useful, rake care of the amount of money you receive, and com.rait lo memory the following lines, to repeat once a day during your natural life: (Jrfer a? ItvJDE . . " We sacrifice to drew, till household joys And com forts cease. Dress draii.s our pellar , And keeps cur larder lean. J'nts out cur firei, Aud fntrixluces hunger, frcstl and woe, • . Wherf'peace and ho»pitality might reign." - a stair W carpet ^ •reserve aa woold lost wiibout TOMATOES. It is certainly wrong lodependon "voiunleer1* plants ; inaeioucb as they are de offepring of fh« last of the previous year%= crop; the consequent* is a degenerated fruit. In order-To- have* ihem good, i» Fa proper >o begin anew by purchaaicg fresh seed. TJia-0> every year, and J'O^-w^ill find thai yopr tomatoes will increase in s;ae and flivo '"' ••''. !•. •' /_ A» UGJUY OATH. -'-•'' In the eastern part of Delaware, there resides "a man named B- • •, now a jnsiice of ibe peace. -^ ^,. ' PROMISES. and s vpry seudible oran, but, by common coa-, There ia a sort of people in the world, of wham senti ihe ugliest looking iodividuaHiithe who!« the young and inexperienced slant) much in need county; being !onp,gHiint, sallow, and awry, wilb to be warned. These are the sanguine pro-- a gall like a kangaroo. One day h« was but miiers. They may be divided into two sorts.— hunting, and on one of the mountain roads h« a-yian on fool and alone, who was. longer, The first are those who, from a foolish custom met . itt.tA^Viv'nltar by \-,\* all n i l odd.-*, nrlfl^ than h imsfll. llO ihan himself, of fawning upon all those they come in compa gauntef>uglier, could give ilie square" " fi(t>\and beat him." ay with, have acquired a habit of promising to raised-his gttn do great;Jundness, which Ihey have no Ihought Without saying a word, Earid delibera'tery levelled it at the stranger.—of perlorming. The other are a sort of warm ; people,'wbo, while they are lavishing away their "For God's sake don't shool!" shotired the man promises, haiie really some thought e,f doing in .great alarm. " Stringer," replied B., "1 what Ihey engage for; but afterward?, whpn the swore ten years ago that if I ever met a man lime of perfonnance comes, the sanguine fil be- ; uglier th«n I \ya=, I'd ehooi him, and yon are the -uig gone off, the trouble or expense appears in '•afusl one-l've seen " The/tranpr, alter t a k i n g aether light; the promiser cools, and the ex-pec ' careful survey 4)f Ins " rfva«, ieplied t " \\ al, _ _perhaps — u — greally ._ injured =-.-.. - i ,oyr..Uie . captain, if 1 look any worse lhan you do, smite. lanVis bubbled or I don't waut tn livp no longer." ^ disappointment. A SECRET \VOKTII Ksowiso.—Boil three or DEMEANOR _ IN TI1E __ UOUSE OF GOD. , four onions with a pint of waler Then w i t h a Perhaps nolbing is a sorer sigri of vnlgari- ! g'U'ng >«»»*. P» over your glares anrf frain^, ty of breeding:t|ian.irreverent behaviour dur [and re^ assured ihatH.e fl.es will not hghf on le washed.- This may be used *ithr>ot 1 n fT O t t o n r l ' i r t r ' a «i r\nVi nn-tvl t r« •••*».> l« • H \ ^. f «.«. t ing attendance HpOB. pablic worship. • Not sel. ;sion, and it .will not do the least injury donor have our hearta^been pained to see young.—Knrpart Mtrcury. men manifesting in the house ol God a total want of that reverent demeanor and attention jiSarf-BY A FBIESD.,—Mr. Gentry, a di»to ihe service which is b^nefiiting.the audi.Lj» u ,,i K G gennesece Whig member of the GEMS OF THOUGHT. ence-chamberof Den/, Bui when .we see this afise-l'fll-Sferesentatives, said at ihe Whig tendency exhibited by young ladies, it argues caucus-in"Washinjlon that " he believed ihe Wholesome sentiment,is rain, which makes a shallownesa of mind and •perverseness of northern VYbig p a r l y would degrnerafe into a the fields of daily life fresh and odorous. heart that are appalling. We have seen young1 mJaerable,sectional,!ibolition faction,and becrrna • rlwellectis no^ the moral power; conscience lidiea eleganily dressed, and bearing all the so infamona ib^fcit vronid he a di*parag«meBt external marks of respectabje parentage an4 fever to/;.bayi&b0eo_connected w i t h it." is. Honor, not talent, makes the gentleman. That state of life is most happy wherein super- decent -associations, . them up in th* nc fluities are not required, and necessaries are not the service of the Alnjig ty. a^,or tbtee time« wanting. . t .i-ggg.^ mpw,«UWi^oa and ves with food* of nioaic*^ A ^tbe J p-ntteiBin > or &dy '•*;; "~'.Ptide destroys all symmetry a.nduoceTahd af- alwava .•nik-eep theni -18 ~ ~ i » i ^ o day3 :;CTtt>iht-st.. sr IndTviduaF poJl. f§fi bpioionsi 6nt;of iselPrespect alone. PHOSSCDTIOS FOE W^TCHCRAJT !—A pro=rru^-Self-love is at once the most delicalftandabe tion was institaled befoVe Atiii-rman Oowell, of most tenacious of our seniiments ; a mere noENGAGING Philadelphia, list weeii^ for w i t h c r a f t ! Tfieparthing will wound it, but nothing on earlh will ties were colored;, ajMfcIt was churned that ina Tbere are^a thousand pw kill il. ; 'i •ing Iitilerun;i flifendant had* had a quarrel. every wilhout JL u u cannot 1^0.11 i i u v fathom i a i u u in yonr j ^-1» i mind. ii* iiiu* A. •* v > w **» •* * which .. • , + fperson'n You There is •»&' j ways, • affected well of ibongbt there which has no bottom."Th'6,4'tunning the tMitoof bei He did *o, wherenpon the more you draw from it the niore clear and p l e n - or ' " foppish. The siveet smile, the quiet, cordial proeeculor was*seized with a fit, and fell lo tha bow.the' earnest movement in addressing a friend, tiful it will be. earth in a slate ot insensibility. lie was afteror more especially a strenger, whom one may Years are the sum of hours; Vairf it at wards confined to the lioiirfi lor eev'erul daya:— The magisirate refused to- bind o~ver for wiihattention w h i c h is so capti each narrow interval yon do not say, "I'll save craft, but held the defendant for h'is future good vat ing when united w i l h self-possession—these Ibis hour." will insure us the good regards of even a churl. behavior. ' Knowledge may slumber in the memory, but Above all, (her is a certain: softness of manner CHOLERA.—Dur'mg the last two weeks th^ it never dies; it is like the dormouse in ibe ivied which should be cultivated, and which, in either tower, that sleeps while winter lasts, but awakes man or woman, adds a charm that almost entire- cholera'bas been prevailing aCairo. III..to a,considerableeztenl, principally amongOerman emiwith tbe warm breath of spring.ly compensates for lack' of beauty. .The voice grants, twelve-of whom nave died. Two ca^es, i 'Real fidelity^ may be rare, but.lt exists—in the can be modulated so to intonate, thai it will speak one fatal, also occurred at.Vesay, Ia,, last week. heart. They only deny its worth and po we r w ho directly to the heart, and from that elicit an anThere were 36 cholera deaths at New Orleans never loved a friend, or labored to make a friend swer; and politeness may be made essential to dnring the week ending the 22d ult. «\Mr. Jas. bapp-y. our nature. Neither is lime thrown .away in Dalton, uf Canton,'Miss., has lost ten negroes The triumphs of truth -are lhe most glorious, attending to such thing, insignificant as they from lb* disease. : . chiefly because they are the most bloodless of all may seem to. those who engage in weightier " ». MAHASSAS GAP RAJL^OAD —Large quantities victories, deriving their highest luslre from the matter.. ' of produce are daily received at Alexandria, from n|imber,of savedi pot of the slain. ; ., THE BEST TRAINING. ihe Plains, (as far as the road has penetrated,) It is useless to look forward lo a future state and Ihe reeeipU have averaged more lhan $200 of prosperlly, if lhe present be not occupied toIt is not the man who has seen the most, or ware s la.yi'ng'.the' fonudation of it. Many rcling« read the most, who can do the most; such a one per day for some lime past. to a distant ho'pe, and rejecl a progressive cer- is in danger of being borne down like a beast of —•—"John," inquired a dominie of a hopeful lainly. burden,' by an overloaded : mass of oiher men's pnpil," what is a nailer ?" Anger is the most impotent passion that infln- thoughis. Nor is it the/ man who can boast "A man who make^iaifs," raid John. ences the mind of man; if effects nothing it un- merely of native vigor and capacity. The great-, 14 Very good. What is'a tailor 1" dertakes ; and burls the man who is pdBaeseed est of all warriors wh6 went to the siege ol Troy ^ " Que who makes tail.-*." • by it, more than tbe object against which it is had not-tbe pre eminenence because nature had" «K>, you slnpid fcllo*"," said the domjnie, bitgiven him sirengthV and be'carried ihejlargesi ing his lips,."a-man who makes tails ?" directed. bow ; but herause self discipline bad laugbtbim " Yes, roaster," returned John, if tbe tailor did It is one of the singular facls of the present bow to bend ill not put tail.* to the coats he made, they would ba slate of society, that tbe qualities which in theo'It—''• ' ' "• afl jackets!" ry we hold to be most lovely and desirable, are PROFESSOR HANNIBAL, " Sit down, John, you're an honor to yonr maprecisely those which .in-practice we treat with The colored lecturer in the New Yotk Pica ternal parents." " thegiealest contumely and disgrace; . ,. commenced his.last discourse in the io!; Wl en one sees a famify. of children going lo fowfng' feeling manner. . To discover how many idle men t&preare echoo in clean and well mended clothing, it tells * " Feller Trablerj: Ef I had bin a - eatfn dried i in town, all that unnecessary i.-* to sot two dcgs a grei it deal in favor of their mother; one mjghl apples' for a weekjl an. den took to drinkin for a { to fighting. It never fails to draw 'em ail ou.t vouch lhal those child ten learn some valudble monf, I couldn'l feel more s well'd up den I am dis Charcoal ia>aid lo be ibe best lessor s at home, whatever they may be taught al minit wid pride and wanity a^l eeein such a full [ t h i n g inGround the world for cleaning knives. It schoo .. J I.*! • ' . - ' . . . . . tendance bar disebenin; aa wen I reflectL dat ii! not wear the knfvesaway liSre brick dnst, whicli .. People seek sfor what they call wit, on all sub- am rile in de wasbin seeson,. weri*de brudderen i is so often used. jects and in 'alb places; not considering that na- am seen gwam roun de streets a Joking like ole Lady Franklin has «ddres.*ed a lonjj letture loves iruth-so well, that U hatdly ever adi ter-to the President of the Uniied States, thankmits of flourishing. Conceit is to naiure whal ters am op to da r deskrubbin time, my , ing bim for lhe inTerest lni, co(,n,ry has taken paint is to beauty; it is not only needless, but it 6 i-t *7*idat* Ifthab ^ an aiH:ckA?S1D in lhe search for lufr r,u*l>and. and staifn<» her ioipaws what i!l:;wonWrimprove, f . .,- rubber in a hot stobe, aa Heel grounds of hope that the nnfortnnare Arctin shnn for you dat nothin can estrange,or syruirrf 1 , navrgalors are not Uwt. Tin'* letter appeared OTJR MOTHER. ] furgil now which; but one 2m iiat de same as in the Newark Eajih;, but .i* too rong for on» .tndder." : column?. Children ought to lovei obey and honor .(heir '-'— r» A young and beantUul bui poor widow, Mr.,Webster hasreturnedto Washington parents. , I«e^Jroyr njotbisr, in parlicnlar, who in your tender years has lhe more immediate charge was about to marry an old 4ich widower. Her from his iate visit to the North. of yon, be on earlh the most sacred object of your friends wished to know what she was about to ——Fashionable society generally has bnt two affections,! Lefe her be yonfuftiend- and -chief marry him for. " Pure love— I love the ground faults; first, in being hollow-Leaded, and secondconfidant £anceal nothing from her, bul make (meaning larm probably) on which he walks, ly, hollow-hearted. her acqoainted with lhe coiipany which you and tbe very house in which f*r lives." There ——Three -negro**, -one wnppcrppd to be a fo« keep, the books -which you ;readj and even the is none of yonr school-girl foolishness in that. gitire rlave from Wartin?burg, V».. have been tanlis which you;commit. Happy is the,son, - .- Ala const mariial lately held at Norfolk,arrested in Philadelphia, for au cxiccsive robbeand parlicularly the daughter, who are nol/afraid the following dialogue took place between one ry at Columbia. to commuoicaie to tbeir mother their more se- of Ihe witnesses and the court. " Are yon a —-Successful men ar* generally they wa> cre^thpngblS':• Whilft they remain ihus arlJess CalbolicM?"" : "No. air." " Are vou a Pratesand ondieguised, they are free from danger.— tautrT" No.wri" •« What aftTyoo tbe'd ?"— slight tbe poor end fawn npoajhe rich. Children.St^ftJi,yaparents iayooth j -biijUwben- " Captain o^lhe foretop." —.What is the difference between water and ever you.- are no fcnger nnd«r tfteir care, let:not ".. —-Wirti'fonr metallic qaalifications, a man time 2 , Water finds iu own level, while lima -v. •;.*' v .•» .• - . ; . • - ;• ' i _ - . . _ _ i_i":4 tbe provideBte of may be pretty snre of earthly success. These level* everything else. your reyereflce abate Goji ypp i*ould«|i8e above ,<bem in the world, are: gold ia his pocket, silver in his tongue, 1', ia as, difficult for a poor man to comgrw jH>t aabanieo^br tbetn. While they a're brass in hi* face] and iron in his heart. mand reaped as it would be for the devil to da bending ond*r the infirmitie» of old age, still —— " I hate lo hear people tali behind one's without theatres. continue to treat tbera with rirepect w back," as the pickpocket -said when the contta: Be not affrontfed at a jest.. If one throwafficiioo. . :•.;bTe called " stop ibief." salt at thee, thon wilt recehre ooharm, tfuless ^..,'.. --Tbg three balls osnaHy prefixed to, the thou hast sore places, ABTOFSWIM1115G tshops of pawnbrokers are said to indicate that it 'i-—'Jske/naid an old fartrtpr, one day, to on* is two to ope that the things pledged are ever of bis-mQwers, *d» yon know bow many horns redeemed. are in a i°" : —^Ahernethy'* prescriptionfew*th$ cure of 'No,' replied Jake/batl know how many horns the goat, was, f L»e *poa a shilling ftilmy, and earn it." - - ' . . , , _ -. '. :. --_ there are in % quart of whiskey.* -- -'Pa, bow many >g« has a ship?' 'A fWi* An afiectionate Irishman once enlisted io the 3SiB rifgfmeBl, in order to be near bis fcrbteei1, has no egs, my c i l d . ' .'Why, pa., ihe »ays she tkaws twenty feet, and ibat sbe ro^. ba» wlio was corporaF in the76ih. ^ beVind.a ' gtiepoet? They are piaoied io lb« earth to propa-^Parcels, the (kmotis English ponster, w«» kpd one^ '•tfprin •4Tt*;Kir»p;'i >r.e Oi lived;, . '-The K i e i , Lo use w here T 4 i** it "— . f - - - • . - f breailast. ' '' —Favoa on— miurbfe. tkten I& ttie siai—, \ 1 »ember. to'enter hia protest. l In . nterest passed. A fcjlj providfcg Compensation tojarore wae pending *faa tbe tieottc ?djoDni- | w«ild n^egi i»u anolliet fact, . f^^io ^ri^9 «*£« choice n*» ;-i neoM»»»w»'«» "* "•" ~~-~. ao£!kn*«riit& -terti&ftM*. ,?«?*»•»• Fr&fSTDAr—' r< , At the hour appointed, documents wen _ O f,l» Stale of Virgini.. The ^* ^a|n^tfea|*«*J.is per __^ tbe IlAtLBTT, E*q-, oC«ass_Cliair showing the* proceedtegs of fifty curaeaa 6d •* " • 1 '•"*' '•'-' jn5flglhBJK*«pnoiitu* w '* for .he 8?nthVtBer.GeoeralJan»eBll.Com- Convention maDenttyi . the ballot io£ for * ^.j^^^ Ini the Haute the following bills^»es*dr—In- the Democratic National E^ecutiv^ Com i delegation taxation . j JOT c»Mfidwea for CoaventyjBi Tbe the corporating buildin^mntoal loan, and ascnmu- <of the Convention, called1:1"**' maBde* as * delegate. [Laughter.! As it did t.«Mluiu«.ir had a majuruj of t . «w. -.-candidate for e/Presidei £tbatite%Hd w^feprewnwoyt^wtric* ballots were accordingly had: 'ating fund Associations—Aulhoriz?ng% COBO< order, and annoanced the a lers, all told. Heconcloded,by/(y A motion lo a The original call of the Convention .te, the cammittee decided that the pa.y Court of Lee to ufce the sense P f t b f c .voter* may Jie ap-lhe Demo-sratic tote ot \* 1 in relation to the formation of a nj>w«o«nly;oij; read. T per was not such a docnaient as entitled Gen j gentlemen, it will Jbe bard to cam .*M$. Hon. J*SSE D. BRIGHT, of lodtaa^j nominated JOTtracft; of the same, and expending Hfceiereelionibf a Commander io i seal in the Convention;. that: State by imposing upon fa Court House and Jai* iorsaid coantj-rr Authoris- General ROMULCS U. SAOSDEHB, of North Caro General Nye. of New York, asked leave,» a [Applause.] . Ja»€ SECOND D F— ing tbe eslabliehmeni of a Bank at Marion; in lina, for President pi% tern; of-ihtj ConisiBUon, membeNrf th* eoaw»ttee.bn credential?, to make Tne clerk laes proceeded to cali oqk the chair at bajf-past Sp a minority report The report was sent lo the Sraytbe county^-Inrarporating the M<»davjlte which was concurredinby acclamation, and Mr.1 ?iii%jj& the dOdt baJlot, whichresulted » FOR takethefrJ Saving^ Bank,, in Halifax—locorpor^mgAbe SAUTDEES wa's conducted to tbft^chatr by Mr: o'clbei.M ir and read. Its 03Uroed:tb* clanwjof Mr. TWE5TIETH BAlLfff. BEIGHT. Fredencksbnrgand Lowell Mar the decision -Maine 4, New _' ^ JoHsrK£tn,EwzLL,.E€q.. of Baltimore, here TheSecret! pany—Tncorporalirig'fib* Mile : «tcbDsett»'l^Connecticut 2, N. Votli interposed, and called ardently on the delegations, dayVprpceedb; Manufacturing Corngarir—And: *i i»&oi/m«», <.«•..._-_ t ware 3. Maryland 8, Louisiana 6, alternates, and others, to arrange themselves, and nier.addr ing i he-Mutual InsarancaCoinpas ted to a seat in thiai Conventidtivto represent the I lucky 12,Tennessee * "'-'-' FOR VICE PRESIDENT for those noc connected wiib ifie Convention tq : field county. 2d Congressional district of Massachnsetta.. >nsio a. Total 81. withdraw from the stand. Bo,th HOUECS, to-J^y, agreed r _. r., , A discussioa continued on the matter involved, PorBofhanan—M : Gov. FLOT»,of Virginia]tald tkatlhe€*ld Doelection of officer* (fissd for fo-raorjrow) anUl the between the parties, until upon a question of oi» [ 'Jersey 7, Pensylvania 27, -Virginia 15OF ALABAMA. extra session in Novetaber nex?T ; . ^; > '" ...: minion bad sent one hpnnred delegates, tndihe.-e der, a motion to postpone the farther considera ' .was only room for fifteen, buttbey wonjd.go any i The proceeding? cTUie Senaff on S*TtrKDAi' lion of the subject until to-morrow, and to print THE BALTIMORE COSVEKTIQX ombracrd nothing of special interest. .Several where for the sake of harmony aud^inion, and the report, was submitted by General Nye, and For Douglas—Maine 3, e-among Was the spirit of alj, , *^^ '• l ' To furnish a record of passing events, our House bills passed; bBta^hijjjr were-pajise 1 wilfe snch ! chpseils 7, Rhode I .-land 4, adopted. Order having been secured j,thetbair man ad tbfthall, ti* Mr. Borer of Virginia, oSered a resolution to columns are .occupied the present week, almost amendments, requiring them again, to go lefore dressed the Convention in a few appropriate reCarolina 1,'Ohio,6, Tennessee 3, accident occurred, and the eflect that the two -delegaliooB representing [ jer the gallery.vvb«>] iteMbe cause Missouri 9, A'kansas 4, Florjda J to the exclusion of every thing else, with tm the House, it ii deemed unnecessary io lotice marks, calling for unioa and genenMtenciliag tbe d them. the two divisions divisions from Georgia,, Georgia, bs allowed to I thee generaralarm consin 2, California 3. Tola! 64. proceedings incident to the great Nalional Con of the disorder was slated' by »"ipfcniQer and an The 7/uuse having ?eeonei4e«dtbev!)te agree!nnite and cast ihe vole of the State. For Marcy—Massachusetts 3, Knr V, the EDWARD G. WEsr 'oriifewYork,wa8appoint-| T vention of the Democratic Party- And whether ing to "the resolution from the Senate postponing Mr. Solomon Cohen of Georgia, rose in behalf asanrance givea of tbe perfect* taJety ot Total 26. . :, ' " Pi.of Tennessee :r&tary, rod.CoL of the interea^s.of that Slate, and complained building. •we regard its numbers or the' importance of, its the ejection pf officer by the jointypteofdpeiwo Foe Houston—Mamehomta 2, Mr.' EW ART, of ' | of M nomination. !^ : fl^5,Te>a« 4. Total 10. _3,th8^aestiott of agreeing to thij Senate's that the .convention _yaa 'beslowing ItiSJatiention .V Tb&fl ^ being no prosfject action, it is an epoch in the history of our na- resolution s ~*T~I was again .submitted to trj? Houhf, • Convention atfjonrne<f;at b ' opon the secondary matters contained. jn"tKe;reiretberi ForlliitJer— Ohio t. tion. From tbe diversified and conflicting claims and the House ag&in. ^concurred in iris jfrscl.r?T "prayer pott,. »hije^i^e";iw|iicbj^laled; to a sovpreign j^Dcet to:njorrow atB r«)f J;ate^Irj||ark 13. " •"•^.^-'•' *•" of distinguished candidates tor the Presidency, a lion for pagtpeoiflg ^ Utate, n.m]-its reprcsctrtation -onrt,W floo r "•ijf|jna. , one frpm .each FOT Diif^ifii>ph---Fli>rida 1. FRroAT, Jane 4. F&VRTfl DA 1' (Convention were.!steadily overlooked. He rfe. choice was to be made that could reconcile si tea sessicn iar If ovem tit "Mr. Mcilollen—Ide<ireiokno'.v!:o* State, were ;Uiei,sel.ecJed by their own delega• '•»• ••.-_-,"<-- i.--.»L-Lr _*-.!__ ., manded the action of thejConyention " . ,.., • > . . The Hairfitfed np pretty"'rapidly %fte«; -pf Virginia was cnnntpd. divisions of the party; and yet preserve in theii '55T' tions a committee^ to nominate permanent o , ws "tiie Bwjorlfy.of. .tfie $oraportion of the Deport relatirrg jo the Georgia rfele- to'which adjoornment ,had been io»c* ' * '* ' parity, and the candidate himself be the embodi- ipittee of- Courts 'oS J islice, made a feport.s?o tbe '--The Prtstdenl replied IMorCJK gatibri, and «nbtnitted.s; motion foir.iU adppiion, quarter past nine'o'clock the clmir Mr. McMallen.~Tl.en 1 enter B, 1 AJien, ^alne^.JoUn R..Redaing, ment, of tbe true principlesiof the Republican the case .of ..Jor,dtn:: ! [alcher, aad th<) cpmm'Jall Convention t,) order, bat e von up lo UiU and mjtjved the.. previous question. against the IPgHlity of that vat?. , Hampshire ; Lucius B. Peck, Vermont ; . Caleb Upon .this a gentleman frofn Georgiav«fbllowed the . Party, and the faithful expounder of the Consti nicatians of the Exe:utive-in rejftinn to Hie Cashing, Massachusetts ; Philip Allen. Jr:j. R. The President said: tbegentIcn«Bl ' by several oUters, rose and protested against this tntion. As to cardinal principles, the whole sen commutation of the-p mishment of said Hatch- Island; Geo- J. D.Pratt, Connecticut; Z, Pratt, Rev, Dr. Piummer deUvercd an appropriate j to do it. commend that 5i-e House The committee n 'j motion. The utmost cooluston prevailed. A prayer. The convention »{rnrn procpfn;^ \$ • timent of that Contention was soury? to the core er. N*. York; ;Sl Westcolt,N. Jersey ; H. P. \Vright, adopt the following resolution : I request to withdraw the previous 'question was ^ E w h e n ihe name of Maryland wag Pennsylvania: Abram B. Shannon, Delaware and as an humble member of the Democratic par [complied wiibl; It was immediately renewed and the voting for tb* Pres Resolcei; ••"Kbit .wlj-le this Iloose rdspectfuliy Col. Hugh Ely, Maryland; Hon. Henry A. Wise,-] annonncemeni was made, "for Cs«s, fa ty, we return from the deliberations of that Con but distinctly dissents rom the j Voices: from several parts of the hall were callwill & anan tbrre." Virginia; Robert P. Dick; N'qnh Carolina • ao any,' ing oot incoherently.. Several, persons were enThp clerk proceeded to call the roll of States. - vention with a more profound reverence of ihe ed by ihe Executive, u the message of flie llth This was followed by his?in»2n Wm.iP .Hall.TexaF; Hon. Joseoh SttTrgess, Ga.:j deavoring to catch the eye and ear of the Presiof May, as generally i nderstood and interpreted When Rhode"Island was named, Mr. W. B. and calls to order, intermingled ,v. nationality, the purity an* integrity of that jiarJohn H. Lumpkin, Ga.; John W. Bridges, Ala. dent. :A fewjivords, coujd occasionally be dis- Sa'yles said the fir^l choice of t h t t State is Lewis tV than w'e have ever before1 entertained. The»! previous to the mesM<;e of the J9th yfM,a S ,U Jacob Thompson, Miss.;. Wni. G.Campbell, La tinguished, bnt'inothjng couldlbe understood un- Cass; but the de'egation, rinding their vote for . „;:. , ., 3Ti-,jj|; f .1 e s,a(^s j expresses its satisfaction at the -sentiments pro- Wm. Kenrion, Ohio; John V. Stevenson,' Ky. Tl;e roll call was rf sumed. T Slates of ihe Union and the Union 01 me - claimed in the latter UK ssage, and its cohcnrren;:e .til.Sf motion to adjourn until 9|o*clock to-morrow thai gentleman -unavailing, and conceiving that Jndg- Barboor, again cast Ibe John K. .Howard^ Tennessee; Fridley Vickerf is confided confided to eafe'deposHones _*.uP—...5^ L_-«v.: n \ h e ,—i legal _= views of the fixeculivi .contained safe'depositorjes sq stj long « as th* the I i=-*«.n*j (Demi morning was made and carried . they had discharged th<Mr duly to their constUu St»ie for Buchanan. Indiana; Thos. L. Harris, Illinois; Montgomerr ents, would now cast iheir vote for the second helm of government is in the hands of its pilots. therein, except .so far. t snot to express an opinitin Blair,. Jdisso^ri ; N. B1.: Burroughs, Arkansaf. Mr. r. McJVIullen desired to state one «rt THIRD p'AY— THORSDAT, June. 3. choice r»f,that State, Stephea A. Douglas, a man Look, ponder, pause and reflect « pon the Plat- olf the correctness of.'tlis conclusion of the Execu. ohn II Harman, Michigan: David L. Yulee A voice—" There fs notljin'g Ijefort root! tive, as .to the propriety of tfie commiutalion of jT.be conyentiop was,;talledi tO: order at half- who, they believe, would be acceptable to New ven'ion." lori^aj W. F. Coolbongh; Iowa ; John JJryanj form of its prjnciples and the embodiment of its tbe punishment of tii«,slave. past.' 9 o'clock.! ' '/ England. « Mr. McHoIJen—I wanttofcnoir! • - ' " ' . ' ' I , • VViswh! in; Chav Loring, California. faith. ThOTgh this is a time of da iger and peril • Mr. Robin?on, o'i Rrayer was ofirfred by ReyjJ. C. \<'hite. Ix>ud applause.sncceeded. . Richmond city, . from t;.-e will i-tiflp the vnteo! Virginia ? < A ' reai tlntion exclndiitgi all persons, not immf. ,.T|ie journal .Was /read and^approved;' to the Union, jof sectional sUife at d controversy. committee of courJaj <>f J.ostic*. 'puresented- a •- T-he roll was called through•;. but all the Vir: The ronvenHon refused to h«>ar him. ately (dnnected with the. Convent ion, and d':' Major B. B. French, the forinerexcelleht clerk ginia delegation not having arrived, the Convento the nation,: the solemn asseverations of that minority report of .eonsideraWe length- 'on The Kentncfey delegation retired fo ecting ;iew tickets. of admission to be issued. ; • -)t the House of Representatives, volunteered his tion waited for them. parly who have and will continn: to sway the subject ( f Jordan iiatcher and -I be Governor** dmit m ine but Delegates, Alternates, a;id R tion, and Kiien.tbfy returned cast if ncrasiorial services to the convention, for the re\i The Virginia delegation toon after appeared, for coramv-i ing the punishment porters to tbe stand, was offered by MT. . Wrigft | destinies of this empire,gna'ranle; "indemnity reasons : lief of the- Secretaries, in reading, and hi? fine and voted, and the resuk o! the eiglueeuth vole votes for Butler. [Applause] Hatcher The report"conc.ludcV.wilU the (al- f Pa . w h e n an amendment was moved by Judgi The result of ihe vote was annoanerf: v voice gave every thing with the utmost distinct- was announced. ' for the past and security for jthe future." With lowing resolutions; - •* TSVESTT FIRST BALLOT. " Thu.rman,of Ohio, to st]rike:out (be. word "a ' EIOHTEESTH BAttOT. one accord, the nation comes back to first prinResol edby tlie Gtneral AssetKUy, That while C*?? GO, Buchanan I05, Dgugla.i 6*,! a The President stated that when the convention Cass Oi^ Buchanan 85. Doupias.56, Ma-rcy25, 26,Botler 13. Houston 9, Lane—lodii ciples, the old basis of our union as a parly, and the Governor, in.tffe case of thi Slave Jordan On motion of Geo. Ward, of N. Y.,it was la adjourned!yesierdaj, they .hao! under consideraButler 1. Houston It, Lane-13, Dickinson I, Dicktn*>un—Forida, 1. onr only safeguard as a nation, and declare those Hatcher, had the power To order a commutation upon the table for the present, when the sar tion Iheteport'of tbecbmmitiee on credentials Dodge 00. of tbe pi nishnvEnt.&Tid the Assembly believes exentleman submitted a resolution to appoint o • The ronvent wa proceeded totfw! „..,'.' . . • •,.-iiu:uiat good faith, 'us principles, promulgated by thje fathers of ihe lie- ercised ibat power; conscientiously, ret in hTs" One portion—that relating to the contested seat Tnere being no rhotcp, the Gonvenlion pro \Vh?n each Slate on Credentials, to inquire and Delawa.-e was-railed, two voteivunj well as'legarobiigatipns dcmandlits full and failhrom from Massaclmselts.-4w,as postponed^ and FO reeded to Ibe nineteenth ballot, which waa al.ke public', as wide enough and broad enough; to lead message of the. llfh of May, assigning his r^inoufif ed for Csss and one for Blitler "fuT piecurion. •epo| t who are entitled to seats. ; much as re'ated to Tennessee was recommitted. unsuccessful, viz: us forward as one brotherhood to glory-and to son for the comDia!ation, he ejrprefped yictt-s COMMITTEE OH. Resohed, Tliatthe National Democratic parly The vole was anommced as !»ilo»8: '". . BISElESRTH BALLOT* which, i i the opinion of the General j Assembly Tios.B.'Jones,Maine; Edmund Burke,N. H.; is based upon the equality and prosperity of the Therefore, thequesiion was on concurring iu the HVE5TT SECOND BaLLOT. greatness! balance"priJfe report ; Cars 89, Buchanan-85, DiMiglas 63, Marcy 26, erro icons, and might, if acted on/pe-prodffic- saa^ C. Toucey, Vermont; .Isaac Davis, Mass. 'Slatfes and the perpetuity of their Union ; it will, Ca»s 43, Uachanan 104, Dona'a* 77.! There was an animated, excited, prolonged are : The vote would first"be taken off shall the • "e of n ischief. . j * Wm ..Beach Lawrence, Rhode-island; John1 Wl 'therefore aterhly resist all measures which tend main qnei-tron be now pur? first nn ihe rejoin-; Houston 10, Xnine 13,. Dickinson 1. 26. Butler 15. Honsion 9, Lane—Indua^ and most anxious contest as to the man under Mr. A. V. Brown asked leave lo oBVr a resoResol ed further, That t4s«'General;Assembly Sted man_,Connecticut; Gen. Ward, New York; to impair the one or destroy the olher. tion of the genllernan-frorn; Virginia, (Mr. Boul- lution. Jt was a little irregular, perhaps, but he Dickinson.—Florida, 1. whose leadership the Democratic party should doth dec lare-its coric'urrence in the vi^ws of the Jose )h Q.Polls, New Jersey; R'. B. Flannigan, The Convention wdered the resolutions.to lie ware,} whiich'is as follows:" • The remainder pf the day 1 Governcr's explanatory Message of ilie 19lh..-of Pa.; A.H.Wickeraham.Delaware; Jarvis Spen: onithe table'and.be"^printed, and then refused to ' Resoltfd, That the twenty'one delfgates re- was sure ihe convention w«nld hear it with plea tnal ballwting", with the fullowing resalt: go forth conquering and to conquer. The friends «« '_ _ f r. '_! _ ' . • . ! ; _ . . ' . _ _':_J * _ . '• — cer, VIA; Wm.C.-FJonrney, Va.; Abram Ren- makVtheni tbeEpeciai order of the day 'for to/ presenled by Mr. Cohen,-and the seventeen de- ?ure. Tl.e committee ou what was-called the of Messrs. Cass, Buchanan,jDooglas, &c., were May, so far as it can withontcxp^esSiing an pfatform had mrt. on as K the coocIuMbn to which the 'Goven;or cher North Carolina; Judge Jas. Jackson, Ga.; morrow.' •* : . U9 legates represented by Mr. Johnson, ctm^litute steadfast in their choice, und uncompromising in came, th'at tke, record of Jordan Hatcher": ' c (Cries of "bear him,""sit down in front, "or* MIS Solornon Cohen, do": John N. Ma! Mr. Charlkk'ofiered the following.|j|-' — >.. •• a the delegation ;from Georgia, in tliisronventipnl der. order.-") 1.4 their opposition. For ballot after ballot and day viction presented a case fit for ihe interferen.-.e Woi M. Witiey, Mississippi; Jol*n i 3 :-;lResoKfef,"THkt-it is t|he duty o'f'-tKTede'ral and cast the vote of lhal State accordingly. 114 \ • ; i-: • after day, the respective Iriends of these gentle- of: Ihe Executive.' • Alle ji G. TburtBan, Ohio; W in.-A. Hoe, Ky.; so.fa.r as its power exiends, 19 ce- : The main question was ihen ordeicd lo'Be'po i . Mr. Crowri resumed. We to no* propose nowr.i -5 tn In report, but to announce to tht.Convention thai The reports were laid on the ia"bIe |Orderetl Jo T iu w:. jdl King, Tennessee; Alexander A. Morrik cnre to each'sectibn of ^he confederacy ihe unmen slung to the idol of their affection and the be printed, and their consideration mao'p the order son, Indiana; S. S- Hay«, Illinois; R. M. Clayi- disturbed enjftyme'd't of its ;constllulional.:r|ght8j —yeas 2s3, bay&;6; FO the vote waa ordered In we have held onr spfsjoo andujreed Mpnn-'S'jlat112 .man of iheir choice, in the hope that some turn of the day for Tuesday .next... _ •be taken" on MK-Boiilware's resofot-ion: . . ! ni form w i t h reniarka^J^wiiin'iTiiiy. 1 #taie tin* :o | ton, Missonrr; S.C.JJ.pan.e* Arkansas; Alexan- and that a rigid and. faithful enforcement ot the m Mr. StorgiFS,.pf Georgia, asked whether this put a p'op to the ftUnSDttseBi*!ion of of the wheel might bring him uppermost. As Mr, Segar call?*} up the bii! apjjroprialisg der' |V. Bod, Michigan; Gen. C. Byrne, Florida; act passed on the T8tb of September, A^i, 1850, lias Ward, -Texas; Coll S. S. Carpenter, providingJTor the reclamation ofj fugitives: from resolution had"'not bfPn withdrawn^ ' between them, tbe matter seemed to rest npon a $160,000 lo the JWanaesae Gap Radroad, iuid Mat&ias Tbe President replied he had not been so in of-that report. ;,;HarrrsonC.Ho.bartJ Wisconsin; VV:m. W. IslboT, is: indisprasably pecesfary to the perpelui99 pivot,and the friends of all, though sanguine in made a speech:BD^Jorting the. passase jlberwf. : formed. (Cries of-ireai'S , Mr. BennettTJflei-ed ua ryder, tyhiclj he wttb- Richardson, Caij(ornia. 99 ty-of th^ Onion; that all attempts to impair its hope, were afraid lo move ta;therigj&or tneJefe dreF after a long ;<&c ssion. • M r . Bou! ware Paid "he withdrewthe re^oTiJtiori •a ! The ~BJF. Halfettoffered a resolution instructing efficacy hr weaken its guarantees, should be dis5 before the previons question waa seconded.! - • - ^—^--^ - - » Ji _ - :: .'-J U^_1_ 1, ' _ ! _ , . _ ' Speeches were made.balkMftgs-wereliid eWieslion tbec; recurred OD the passage of of theCommittee to report the number of voteSjieacJ rQanceBancea ' " the and resisted by every, well-wisher T Mr. Hall, of • Missunri, asked, but did not ob ip •> :'- ^ » iM . ; ^ ?""' l'--'J: 1 1; Siate-isjBntitled to, with those sent, and that the of tWRe^mWic^ -' Delegations conaaHed and caoca - -' > r st i.-jjKiu^'-mM^MMKihiirJ *»jtii TrtiTrtflstasm,.and was' /Scolt, ipf •S ^^ojer,'nn OT'A fagfe a nd a?>le ppBt offices of delegalej be vlsti ascejtaineijajMl|}; o noj lees of Confere|§ji[ivere * i Mr. Bright r so brdered'toAeiiniihe. table and be printe^d. r-^ff.'r^«i;jjy'i*«;(i;^j^fa.'«»«Jit>M--^jUiai.*%tr>'*^--'^ ' "" " ' " '. I?efore" lise. was withdrawn purpose, the pBHfitnent 41 H'^Uie; ihternaj!'!itfcti?q?enient; ?atere}«tB 3f *e Judge Tbarman, of Ohio, movea*tlfi(Mfie.*&£<£ :;' The re^sotnfi^s^ot.J^r. Bu.rrOWB,and Ibe pend- lution that if the demand'fo.it, the. previous question ^^••^minatiiin, . fsiro^ljhia'an^oance ibeba^i^oriifeplai f' Convention for 'ihe:ittmrnttlsani ot Presidency Commonwealth. • ^SeTJill was rejected", by She lution be'laid on the table, and that the vote be ing amendraeiaHfcWerenjen taken up. was sustained, the convention wouldWbrojight : . ^ften doun. t'->p ro it will faa rfc^pODded 'ioj 70; were " ehelved," w^as tiBbe progresaed their following laken1 by States,M^he'n the'resolution was with- .•T^efBnbsliTO|Fw.^^ro»nof.Tenne8B?e,for to a vote npon it. It was but an act of justice s?vph-o.'cro<.k, adjourned^ intiiisboay; ' .j nearly On niolin 23 10 drawn by the mover'.-; lh8 resolution of Mr.'BpKOW8,^,as adopted. Il respective friends were obliged to acknowledge lo those who voted lopuslain the previous qnes< 1 moirtirng at oir.e. aod it was laid o|i the tab'.ei bill waV 32 • The resolution of Mr. Wright, of Pa., pxclndr p'rovides for ihe'appomirnent of a' delegate from it, though as was very pertinently wiid, with a Mr. Bocoete»skcd;Jiad^obtsinpj Jeate for the ,lhe bil! ereJ.iingCpm.; ing all but Delegates, Alternates and gentlemen" each State, to whom all resolutions in relation lo tion, lhal Ihe vote shopld.be recoesjJered. He In the 'bleeding and a broken heart." At a period snbh rrrissioners A Y— SATcnmY, Juijf.i „.. Fu nd, ann provid i Qg of the Press, was taken up, and the question be- the creed or platform o^ the Democratic party made that motion accordingly ; but ihe conven- Virginia delpnaBni tpritire for consultation; tion refused to reconsider—yeas 82, nays 164— The roll was ihfn called for the rwentfe'h vote, semi-aniinat interest as this,our glorious old Commonwealth, ihe van- for the payment o A fine.lirac.ing morning after the rain, I ing on the motion tastrike out-the word "altern- shall be referred. 63 the question being taken by the call of the states. guard of the Republican party, always willing and redemption of U:? public debj, was;read a first ates," it was discussed by Messrs. Reeder, of Paj, ' M r . B,right siibmifted ; tlje following 'resolu- . The question was then announced on concur- and there was a long interval, waiting for the gWiiius atmosphere ev«»rywhfrp,aDd»il^ Virginia delpjjaiion. In the •meantime consul auspicious for si-mebcdy.and (he Jay and second lime anf commJlted to thsjcommittee Judge Thurman, ot Ohio, Klias Brown, of-Md., tions^ and asked that they! be printed for the use to offer its preference upon tne altar of its coun- on ring in the report of thtjcorftoiittee on credential?, ta'tiun was goipg on among the de-legations g**ne- fate of some nna->piring Ca;--as. Tiwiaf Finance. which was laid on the-table, and ihe Convention ^ftrie. Convention,,viz:. t-m with the exception of that part relating to Man-' try's good, presented lo the|Conventiori a name Mr|. Robinson cf Richmon^ ; ciiy fr^ia thecom- adjourned to meet at 5 o'clock this evening. is occupied, Brutus huMs the laurel, Resplixd, That th'e DempQralic' party, of ihe sachuselts ani Tennessee, and including the fol- rally.. 122 of seeming obscurity, but an honest, faithful and millee of Courts of Justice, presented a bill con The Vifginift delegation having returned, . body must accept il. AFTERHOOS SESSIOS. . •• | Union, faitli ful now,»s in times past, to ihe comi.n lowing resolutions*of tne commitTee, namely,: Gov. HarbWir said that at a meeUng o! the The committee on orgacization through their 'pacts of the Federal Constitution, regardjt as a Tbe convention was. called fearless defender of the Democratic party, one cerning the bills of Clerks for se: vices; perforcied : Resnh-ed, That the democratic delegates from Virginia delosation. at the time he was appoint- 9 oVId. KW before the 1st day of July, 1852.., Chairman, Mr. Thompson of Indiaoa, reported k. Prayer by Rev- J. U« pfimary duty to abide hy ihe series of measures true in every particular to the Union and the Georgia* represented j by Mr^ Cohen, (State ed its chairma'n, a resolution was passed by ,s j The reading lu? i • Mr. Preston mov^d that the resolution some tbe following—*' of the jnnnial wasi : ;: known' as; the Compromise, and will.deprecate Iirr Rights) consisiing of J3L members, are the^or 9 unanimous ,vbt>,thai the rn^j irity ot tl»e districi? j The v clerk proceedtd to rail thf full. Constitution, General FRANKLIN PIERCE, days since adopted, prohibiting Hie taking up «ad 'anjfTaftempi, to impair.their eflScacy as fending lo ganized representatives of Georgia, and thereOfficers of ihe Convention.. • ;' : Wl from tbe Granite State of New Hampshire. At coniLdering of any internal Iraproyenient bill,4e rppresented should cast the voieut Virginia a? a j On calHr.g Maasachoseits, the ie'.ega'^ weaken the bonds of bur National Union. PRESIBESX—John WrDavis, oftndiana.:; tore be admitted W-theiir seat?. first, it appeared as but a speck upon the horizon, suspended for.the purpose o f . taking up an sa Resnlced, That the fugitive slave law, being i Resulted, T.hat the delegates represented by unit. Being ibe organ of Ibe delegation, he re- | ed oat to "pass* VICE PsEsiDESTa—John Irwin of Indiana; '"96 gardedtl»is role as the governing law of the case, i On callingMary!and,Mr.Sppnceraiiedfl grossed bill, increasing the capital is^ock of-.the in strict accordance lo the requireraenls of Ihe bat tt length the cloud broke, the rising sun Sam'l..C. Roane, Alabama; Henry; A. Lyonii Constitutioh.Jts execntion'and maintenance are Mr. Jackson, 17 in number, Are democrats in Thiajhad been ihe usage in Vrrginia, from the | Virginia and Tennessee Railroad company, Mid to address tbe Cunventibn, au-J come forth with healing upon its wings,and .with to authorize the Bfi^rd of Public Works to sub- California; James T- Pratt, Connecticut; Cbasi principle, and reflecl the sentiment of a portion demanded as ariitct of justice to the Stales, and of the democracy of Georgia, and that they- he lime of ihe election of old-John Adams down to 'ihe.spirit of compromise w'a* wantingtjtii T3 one voice the Democratic shout went forth, in scribe OB behalf of; the Common wealili for th?ee- Wright, Delaware; John Branch, Florida; Jo.«l people of the^ontb, and ias a guarantee io alHhe the presenl.time, and recognized as a law, and soft cnold. be hoped tor so lung as Slates i 2___1 the recorded edicts pf that .Convention, that fifths of such increase ; and the -qnealion being Day, Georgia; Jas. B. Foley, Indiana; Charley sections of:, our beloved "country, that the con- admitted to seats in the convention, and that said der' ved from one nnbrolen line of usage for• more ,^ tenaciously io their particu.dr pre* delegation thus unite'd cast the vote of the State. than.half a cenlnry. There'bre, he was IEDEJ bonr.d j' [Cries of t:Vrite!':"Vf.te!"] there had been nominated tne next' President of pul iipon suspending, was determined in the affir- Johnson, Illinois; George Gillepsie, Iowa;"-J ~-' stilulional rights.'of none ahali ever be impaired. ; The chair stated the proposition as pending, to tq cast the.fifteenMofes of Virginia for James Tyler, Ky.; Emile La Sere, Ik; Amos W. mative—ayes 60, ^oes 67. ^ : j Reports frorn committees were anndunced as be on the main Question, as relating to the resoOa calling V-irgin.a, she annnnnctdiBJ the United States! It was done, when it was An engrossed bio,proposing to allow the South berts,. Maine; Edward Lloyd, fcld ; .Eton FarnsBuchanan, of Pennsylvania.' [Applause and tor Dai>i»»l S..Dickin«on, of New York. in order, when lution offered by M». Boul ware, of Virginia, done, with a will and a spirit, tbe sure, certain Western Railroad Company the,• privilege of sell- wbrlb, Michigan; John B. Nevitt, Mississippi; now slight demonstrations of disapprobation.] Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, said it was eviMr. Djrkin;or>rise,and in men . , and unerring indication ot a glorious triumph. ing' the stock- of their company ibf Vailroad-irdn B. A. JaniesV'Missonl-i; Samuel Tilton.'N. H.; 'dentihti some'of the^ 'delegations were; not pre- which » as follows: by Gov. Floyd regretted eaeeeding'y that a gpnse ner addressed the convention, arkni Resohed, Thattie .twenty-one delegates-re-' aatin . Tbe heart of every Democrat seemed to beat in came up for consideration, and i\5 r. Juvboden.'h av- DavfdS;Craig, N. J.; Zadock Pratt.N. Y.; Wet- jiared to designate 'their com mi i tees,. Th is was presented by Mr. Jackson constitute the delega- of duty compelled him, an a member oi the Vir- honors that had been profK-red to Hw ft" don N. .Edwards;"Nbflh Carolina; Wm. Medill, fbreadili unison, ana in a spirit of compromise' and con ing s ryder Jtptho bill, a long discnst-ion enspcd Ohio; David,Lynch, Pa.; 'Welcome B. Sayles, the jpositionriri Wbiclv Kis )3tate stood, and unti) tion from Georgia* in; this convention, and thai ginja delegation, to assume on ftjTs occasion the ,out his life, ard especially that between Messrs-Speed and Boy d. Finally on altitnde which'he now ftcrnpied* wbich ibe Slate of. Virginia—the Old I cession, that great Convention came forth to motion of Mr.:Se^>;, the wb>le:3Qbje$t was Jaid Rhode Island;" Cave Ji}hn«oo|Tenneasee; Ashbel the committee on credentials raiake their report they cast the vote of the State accordingly. It had .been properly said tlmt the n.=ages of —had, by- the voice of h*r democracy, '»" nothing cpnld'.beL d_6ne in (his particular., The report, with the exceptions as above, was proclaim and re-endorsed be chart of its aclion on 'toe table until ihe adjourned session—eyes Sn4itbr(Texa5; David A. Smally, Vermont j Chas. " I n order that an opportunity might bei aiffard, . I her 1 . „ . : influence ,,,!.,_ in !„ , k l . ,«r^.'arj/.t that State was to cast her vote as a uni'. When ! lont tent of ; then concurred in, and the announcement was Yancyt Virginia; Nelkon D«rwey, Wiscbnainl | ed; tb jpake betleYarrangements in the hall, the '' j| ; wnd tbe bond of its union—*' Ecery thing fur the _6I, noes 20. - \ -:"• he ram* to this convention, on the organization I his feet. ; SECBETAR^ES--EdwaTd C. West, Newi York; Cdnyenlibn took a^ recegs frpm.I2 until 5 o'clock. succeeded by lond and long continued applause. of Mie Virginia delegation-, hff subscribed to the.. S But lie was* clad of the honor Tbe Senate' on XUESBAT, made :cij)nsid^nible cause, nothing for men." Mr. Cave Johnson moved that the convention S. C. Pavatt, Tennessee; P. Barksdale, Missisprogress with the tax bill. ; ' • _ |: . the party, with* pnfesi »g*in*t ihe j p rood of it only as it affi-rdt-d lam i*' '".,. _• AETEESOO? ".SESsipS. The candidate for the Vice Presidency, the proceed to'the^nbnrThatibn" of candidate? for PreMr. Thomas called up thebili antlibrizing !!i( sippi; Win. Stewart, Indiana; Frederick Crittenhonorable and distinguished Statesman of onr extension of the R'anaesas Gap Rftilro^djo a poin den, Connecticut; Wm. A; Hocker, Illinois; Ed> . The President called the Convention to order sident and Vice President at totrr o'clock this right of th^detegatea.to prwlairo a rule or die i iuni"v to pul il a.-ideand tran.-'er it * lh tale a law for him. believing Ural he derived no " ' ' "* • own South, was presented with almost entire on the Baltimore s.nii Ohio Railroad, rjlfr Padily ward B.'-Baijlleitt, Kenlackyr Ifflcius Y.I-Lnsk', at 5 o'clock, and it was a Jong time before there afternoon; and"that ihe eaifie.b ; powers from the Virginja delegation, nor'anv riian^GfOv Lewui Cass. [Here t was comparative quiet.-; H . = • ; «al order for ihaTfionf. . , . , unanimity. And with each noble leaders and town. .Me. T. ofered an amendmebt thereto Louisiana; Samuel .IE Ayen New Hajnpsbire; . -SSe fotiowiog. genilemen conalitute the com- • ManyToiceB:"*Now," "now," "no," ?JBO|' whatever from ihe Convention -of the State of greeted with a shower of ooquets Oliver S. D^wey, North Carolina; ^miod D. Virginia. On the contrary, he derived the pow- ga.l!ery, t»-\vliic!i be made a. jjalJani pore and unsullied Statesmen, men geographi which was adoptro. •] , • • " five o'clock this afternoon," followed bV stamp- er bill was then read a tliirJ timi) and psss Pattersoni-PeoBsylvania; C^ Pryorf{Virginia; mittee of one from each ;State: The he wielded here from his constituency bl Lit- priaie aliusiun j : ing b f feet, in abjirbbatipn of 1 be sngge^ t ion. cally situated at extreme points, but in principle ed. (.The title was amended in accdriknce with David Noggle, Wisconsin. " COMMITTEE OS SESOtTmoSS. t!e Tennessee.^r.d would cast the voie of fill* He prorepdeo to ppcak hpnorahlj ', Mr; Johnson" mbVed the previans question,-bat and profession, approximating the same centre, the amendment to the text of the bi:!j on mouon The committee also reported the 'following J Maine, J. W: Bradley; N;; Hampshire, Chas. it was not secnnded; not, morerthan one fourth district tor Douglas. He desired 'the privilege folly f f a!i the candidates, but fur G-'Atheripn; Verinonf, D. H. Sroalley; Massa-j who is there doubts their triumphant election? of Mr. Tboroas, b^additig, "br tat!ii9.pointo'fi.n- resolutions: i of recording tbeii-fvpte for ibe man they prefer. the honor and plea'deo for coffli B. F^-'Haletij Rhode foland^ Philip of the convention, probably,voting in the afErma- [Applause.] lie made further mplanaiions,. ip claimed The Democratic party united, are invulnerable, tereectibn of the North westei-n Virginia Railroad - Resvhed,-Th3t&£ t&es of the Hotisb of He- cWiMtrSi l«r l>ie sake of nnion. Tendersns l>i* .11 _-:-L- .--ri—i-ii'«ii^.» .-«*r:_l -'*>--ir_L_:_-_*J ttve.:_ . from Virpinia is notsp | the c.-nvenJion f, )fe tf'fe with and we declare ou* honest convictions from be- with the Baltimore jnd Oiiio Railroad, in Tay presentatives, as faVas applicable forthegovern-• General Commande.r.of South Carolina, asi;cd show that tlicrdelpgation lor tounty, Va/' \ ',' \ ..'. _ . . |!iUjh»?: :• -. mentofthis Convention, be adopted a« the ruler from any other i beon \we.n b^,A ww pointed like that !fom olher Star*. b'ta'e, fife I.feu. to.be heard in relation to that portion of thaHe: ; ing an eye witness to the struggle-., of tbe past In the.HutMc'the. reports .on^the dovernoj'a iof this Convention.^ Mr. Wjse desired^oaddrea* the Convention. ' A gen!l?maa o; Virginia s.vd, ilia' ^ -.• ' ; port pf.tbevcommitle.e pn;credentials ruling hini 5 Of-messages were lhc:t abject of discussion. After a '. Resoicfrf, That two-thirda of the whole num ware[ Wm- S. Osborne; MaryU week, thatthe nominations of The president read the roie—-'That in voting' ago a man ot North C'urolinifb-iJ Mi<J out as a delegate, and which had beenToqcarrpd : long debate, the t^iistitule proj«»sediy Jtnelwi- ber of votes given shall be necessary to thenomi • •-'•• -Vfr^hi^U¥:TS*W alpon any qncstion. Jwhich may arise in the pro J PIERCE -jurn: KING, detwried apppinUng; in by the coBven|H3n. -But this privilege was re- ceedings "ci ihi^'.cpnventianjihe \p.y?s shall be la- prpsidency «as an cfSi e.neither ti>be?c wifl unite ino{« closely the Democratic party of noriiy of tbe coram^ltee, was ailoptt^d, ay^s 15 nation of candtda»ff for President and Vice Prerefused; and ihp fa,ct 'hat Mr. 1 M. D Freesident of the United States by >lhis'Convention. filinVd the honor was the strongest i 'The-cdDTeriMpobk up that part of th^reoort ».— ov States; at the rcqViesi ofiny one Slate the.Uniofl.and carries,* Ub it a more certain indi. P. Saefe; Rxjiridai-Jesse , BesoZrfJ, That in voting :npon any qneslion °*—~it,D.be>ju,tit let! in ibeinuoiber uf voJes tiavnp nf-pre>sin.£ it upon hr» cati.* of «.BCcegs, than any ticket that could .•ScrirrjLj' Ar'kaBsas^ N..B.fBaf- of,thei commiy»lFon"credential8 relating lo'tbe which may arwefe^tbeprcd^sdinBstjftiiia Con"'• °'""" :" f ntitled in ihe nest e.'ecconiesied seat Jrom the second district or Massar ballot as finally r!r-.4d, «as a? W 1 9f'§ejiifjjr.;;.Kentucky, G. haro been presented by that Convention to the vention, the vote shall be taken by States, at UH regard 10 i}^» Al. the pfe^eht terefcn JoT the L yislatnrfr Of BALLOT, i chusetts, which gives the seattp^S[uJ.;JLprd, inee^ee^^t.; V...Brbw'n!;' Inreq best of any onfe State; eat* State 16 be erfti American people, Btead o! to Rob>rt Rantoul; and this was conVirgioia, ac^s tairc l^eo passed charSering I cd ' jaipes B. Hpge;1 r Space will'not permit asto say mdre. We have pendent Banks at^airfaa!, ia Cnlpe^r ; at f^ lied to the nnmbtfr of vofes'to which snch Stat^ MisEonri, of 38; Honstrm 3; 16? 1 i-Mielugio, iCJr E. curred in by'yeas'194, nays S3. r i*«iitiiteai General Nyesafd be ha'd'Vored. tq sostafn lhe many incidents as connected'with our own Tir kereburg, in Wec-3 ; at GlarksbBrgii-mt?Ri«k Stuart; , . Wisc^nl^---—; Mr. Wise said that was the of this : 1 report- pfthejErajpritj, and therefore moved to re!«k then proceeded to rail thel*j ^Hammond, » ginia Delegation, as well as the Convention genin Lexin^rin ; at ScottsvOiji,' W Albe ihe mannerin which said *oie is lobe c*st to be Galifdrn and that was tlie law on which ihc-delegatwo i tl«-35fb ballot. On the annppneemenl"! confiiderthe! vote. of New YoTkipfi^red by the dete^tioO of each State for itself J erally, that we! shall take occasjou hereafter to marl?. The n i i n t t a m of from Virginia sStood. The State of Vkeinla h.rf' vote of Rnrxfe-I.hnd for Cass :lw-re w e abpvi decided ;-.- The.motion; was lafdrnpoir tfie table. A member 0*^*1 ^menilment to the report never beea^knpwn, since ihe furmation of the cheering. The chairman-of the ^ lay before onr readers. Let the ^Democracy oi is $i50,000 to Gen. Coormander rose cod moved tbe reconsimg ^at i*--Biach aa related to the twofederal Const itntiqn, ta Have giv en hut one fede ' gaTJon taid they desirrd to retire forcwt Jefierson and Virginia arouse from its lethargy beeB,chartefea a d«ralicn ?stt?.so mncb of the report as re'ers te thirds rtle. OieiiQf South Carolina. The conreniion- refused by a ral votedurjng,tbft whole period of her State ex-' Virg n:a thfn <;a£t be r vo'e fnr Gen. and cone forth to the battle. Organize at once minimum. -Indep^cdent ntofcsi sflth a' aid'rt*t< rbade from varbos folence. He wanted this Caa^mipp. for the decided vote to reconsider. Pierce, of'New flampshire, wbicb csn fested. ihe benefit j for U* conflict, and carry; thropgbin triumph the , bare The President then annooneed lhat-the reeo- pake pf the.inotbec of Democracy, to nnderstand sensation. uciv? to Ibe common wel ,. eUndard bearers of yoar party. tb* election of old Jobn [e jSOnd of the Governmeht tojgive lutioo of Mt. Cave Johnson hadJ>een modified as . . Jpllows: , ; ; . . sfi?r^ -" ; . (I^adoun) cast Us wad is piBKCBiV to'.lwr^Mitfseffl^iigirinv , «3*an4idsrtlff ich At 'this . parry.. So indignant were '" "'."i Rooked,T&attie Conventio»will pK>ce«dlo « T^ >» i- » , has its^ canimuitn : the:Democ«te at tlwt vote, hat! »J»ey made it '• This is now tbe exclamation of miny, ami onr " totliecbmmUtee.pi) resoln- the nomf—*-* -* --~«^—--*-- **- ^ * oh part o l , t h t her ^ — good friends, the Whigs, profess trJemselVes to iwSeli^t&ftiuj..,,. 131 i of V eom- sball have bee o nabde.;. • -, be most prorotrDaiylgDorant/ To Hie Democfaing fflhtefri ' T^«\ cyyi is only necessarj1 to say, he is a Democrat, voted for Hid repdrtedby the^omi demonstrations of deligbt,|altd Ibe- nominee of Ihe'jiaituaore Democratic C^nthirds rnU OovtFtby4'«fe&^'ttt IXAtfeSiri ,bnt veoliqn, which "nominHioa fe could baffijonljr, ine«ii. Mr. tJ';««P»;o.f .AlaWMifc, raf«c-a'.point- O f ! . received, becwfte h« w«s jeqaal id ihe;jx»5tk>ft U eaactmehtB. lot for a candidal* for t order, *WMM$agfiM«4g not biU oeand faithfol to the Constitution. He has filled = ' ^^f^b^ifci^dekt* Kjehoiiee-ta^i'TfaereTOreei W^ViOMftiottfti repeal ^PJM*08*1^011 in i1** coainciU of hb won! ry, ring ifie niornihg resulted ^g^: , . ---.-^^tlYaeea read by ihe and on the field of its glory, and always with s on i tijfftadtltPGra ;'. i jDtie*t:tfrbitnsel^iJBa,hppo^K) the nation. W* ;Wis* •hall publish in our nest paper, gach fc^Si <*M; .»;. ;jiiA. - 47 ,_75 iSB. 38 95 1 • c*lfiketcbesof oar, :'S . •. Tb« Srafearwere oJhid for tbe 48tfi' •S' ,-j;::--«-i^S" %i% fi t forth thei p..romlneAt.histof teal events. tie following result: ot tfeilr 1 Jfe, iij<J denioiyiirate. to^ ; Stafej,.'; TOitY-EISHTH BAttO*of friend and foe, Usat Ibey are nut .nierc a h ' da* 7S; Bochanan 28: Do«f »•• » ^?r.5i. ' 89; Barter' r5 flowrfon 6; Pferce 55? ll.ref tbousaotl i r; *»y*3* Ingerscll I. • • BY JAMES W. DoOanper <nrntrn Tuesday Morning, Jugp 8,1832. JDtmouratie Kptouatiotte. WILLIAM R. K r '- ' ~' ' '• . • \ j I G! f$£'i • - " ' • ' ' ! , • ' ' . . : - • - - - • • • • --^ig^ iitusi mm 28 AND 1^91 -« 13 *ft York for Gen.Trankfrn Pierc*r re, and this, with'the change^f j te# wh<ch were early annbunccreated a great w?nsation, with Resolutions of .the £&Utimorc '.i the result wonld be bwnomi- kis protest. 7 U • lm«« i_ _ *•» . . j eart, namely:' , V.rgtma. Therel u e » g^pUc [delegation ', • r concluded, by •nocratic tote of Lbe hard to can, posing. proceeded to HIETH BALLOT 4, New If, x 10. .i.Hbarna 9, M) r.;a 1. Total 93 ne 3, Vermont 5 v Mand 4, Conneriicn"' «>. I <vine*Fee 3 . f i - ' * = s 4 . FKjd8 2, Iow |a3 Total^. 3, New y^ 2 < I. Total 10. (in 1. arm 13. i.'a I. I— > ,.n rnter we continue to give to on* readers eucti idreturns of the recent election,! ia we tional deem f•mnjr'geBeral interest^ tbc BaltinEMre , .ntionncements on the part of some ejection in Clarke connfy, for fife Weei ; That the Amerjcs.?i;dr niocracy jh't p*^ retire for consultation, and, among their . -,a ---, j, and.district officers, resulted-as il^York, Am.'^'-.nWiJ 1 ^lows: Court o.f Appeals Judge—Samuels 367, From the Baltimore Aaterie** of Salnriay. in faver of Gen. Pierce, might s^merican people. ? Bfockenorougn 183; cTrcuft Court Jud«re-PaVBEEF CATTLE.—Tbe nmnber of Cattle offered , Thst we .».; until their return. ?ta as a dt»tioi-ti*,e ! ker 5S31 Circoit Court Clerk-^UcCrBire 176, , came in, tbe result feature of our political en weare proud,; Lee JSS^O'Rear 134, Page 95, Russell 41-~ bead of VUcb »e*e>ukt lo rfty icrtehec* •«} ptckera, nomination of Gen. Pierce '-> maintain before the the great ttora.!' County Court Clerk— MeGoixel72tO'Rear 138, 25'J were left OTcr BUMW. Price* ranted from 3.50 to in then even those States ,springing from::' Page 105, Reynolds 105; Russell 65; Sheriff— 84.50,m th= hoof—equal to 7.00m $S.7o a.-!, him on this ballot, went wi$v aad we contrast [HaDc«:k 392, Johnston 178,Lonthan49. Com. <(aote«(7.60a _ fortancpi, rapidly to change their >f federalism^ nn- ? mbmvealfh's' Attorney—JlcCormick 4 1 1 , Page . COFFEE.—The tales of tbe week eompris* lioot 4i<)3 Thus is he nominated, n »«^eorJbnn,*lJichseekto^8y ] 137. CpmrritissioneT of Revenue—Ryan 3b7, bag* Rio, at 9J a 92 cents. COBS ifflBAL.—We qw.te at f 3 12j p*r barrel. ine;,, the c,,nstiin)enf' 4 ai^which - ,------conceive:. _,—_.._, !.Jacfe^ii 252.. rSurveyor-Bonham 402^ Jones : «,i ; rtand* thus r-GCBj Pierce, US* ;nn Fuonn.—Howard strei-t.—Sales oo Mtnday of 20& Jutler, 1; Houston, 1 • no imposture too monsLrous §Hjthe popular «rej 1 19, (E-Vstfeman 62. ' 25 this, at 84 m. .Sale* aho on Tuesday of*H> bbK at ? voles. L«;' the (j"*. scattering Ms^istratei-jDistrict No! xxl R. K. JKeade, theiame price. OQ VYediw»dar *i»«U sale. »Jsoat ' ATTEBSOO* SESSIUS, therffore, JElial *t!?ertaining these John Dow, Seth Mason and A. M , Earle. No. 84 121, and oo. Tborvdar oalj:300. bhla. a: the.iaae finirri. which ni IMIIT ijimtn ifintifn Ih'm u\. $t i<j. . frfHfiUnion.lhrwagh 1 2: VV 61.. G-Jlardesty,, Archibald Bowen.Steph. B called to order by the views, ine democratic pfcriyofr No sales reported rest-rdaj-. The receipaarc fair but a convention 1^- Gael ami J.J. Janney/ No! 3:"Benj. Morgan, not large. Stock-on band moderate,'.. . ; . •• " o'clock. The ^exuitement un- their delegates assembled in a^eneral CITY Mii.LS.~Vfc quote at S;" "" the Stales* re ming » 'getbe* In H spirit of con- ifrancii McCormick, William A.-Castlemsn and !te"Conventi'in adjourned still pre- of th The inspections for the week ««(ali AV, Wa're; No. 4: Hugh M. Nelson, the Convention met 4n the alter-' cord, of devotion to ihe doct«!je8 and fai.'h pf a; ! iJrtnn 6G6 half barrels. Abo," ^'- Sowers, N. B. -Baltbrope krid AVilKam and \VHS !ne confu«jon thus; ensuing freerepresentatsvegoy< <o 1451 bbls. Cornme'-il. . their fellow citizens foi the r&liKifc of'thei/in^difficult to keep the run of 'the proWHEAT.—To-day SreqnoteConstables^-|DistrictNo.l:Wm. G. Wharton. reds at 97a93cents with sales- tenHons, renew and re a«serr;:^>f»re the Ameri,e!U-hat was done. No : COEK.—Sales of white at 53 ions of :j>/-inciple« avowretl i? -.2 . OeorgeiVVest. Nps3: Samuel B. Red- a 59 said the first business m order can ppople, ihe declara io eentii.: 1 by th=m when, on former ;i man - No- 4 Thomas Johnston. in of a Vice President. 4-We qiiote J convention, t|iey prese /ted following are the wiccess-' OATS candiddtec for GUANO.—Peruvian 45 a the popular eoffl-ages. K" candidalea: J. C. HeiskelK sheriff; J. B. per ton. i , MOLASSES A. P.-Wbite, , (on th»t ^ . . a 29 cents. 3 'a majority over "'-tar thai their Soutuern friend PLASTEQ.—Sales at $: White oyer.Ya rden BAcb*rl:-—We quota i>. hive il)e choice of candidate for Ghadn'ick for j cents, Hams 12 cents. • ' and Maine will therefore cast her .L>ARD.— >Ve quote at 10 r" ling, of Alabama. per Jb. iokess. -•" 1,0!"Tp.nnMfeejTroni'tJie com WOOL.—Small -sales • resolutions, asked leave to submit washed. and '20 a 23 cts. i, \fftfk_ Wllll .. III" WIoU •* »*wl n rrnrr^ed to v<& ->: i : \ l a n d was rParW; «'adcy"jfor Chss, five-;! wji.li the 15 votes of '-' iiDthing bclore "'an! to hnow t ; - -^ . - ' ' . : • ' ' '• WHISKEY.—We note small saies »t"50 a 2PJ et«'. 'per gallon lahhdi^,.»nd.21 aSVj ettiin bbls. [ 1 he papers of .Monday note no change sioee Fridav, HAnrjy.—Tilden is elected sheriff; Lobb, cir, and {Gamble, county cleik,both whh- in the price of Flour, Wheat, Cattle or- ilogs.J ,-Hp; -r liHlirrClI);', l,,asr. fonJracted fti* la- put opposition $j Allen, commonwealth's attorne Vj Would Midi a&sumpiuin ALE3tAND^TA MARKET-^Satorfay, Janp 5. .by ^fs, over OgHen 5 Simmons, surveyor. Sam•i. Ttiat justice and sound pelit.V-forbid the feo'eraJ ; FLOCH.—Store price $4.12|*-Trason and carprice. large. For'circnit judge, Eenney government lo fos'er one branch oi tndustrj' tri lhe de-' it 166,jUarrisi9.;, trimenuofaoy other,or to cherish .^s inu-re»uof.ijne GRAix^Welipidte'red"wheatiat 93'-*95 cis., White portion to the iisjurj- of another jx>~.'an of onrcjimnon PEKDL?Tos.q-Dyer, ihe present inrumbtnt, 100 a 10-2 els. .Corn is firm—we quote n-bi.e at 5t> a 57 countrv'; that ever>' Citizen, and eAv-Ty sc v'jbe | fleeted io both ^clerkships; Norment, attorney; cti., y.ellow at 53 a 60 cts. Oat*» m 4Jcts. Clpver""""*' ' jffj Wilson, commissioner; Johnson, •eeed So-50. ..." GCANO.—ft u selling by the jingle ton of 2,f CO Ibs ample (VotedTon ol persons and p'ruE-trty /rom'domcMrc isuryeyo.r. Samuels and Kenney ahead., at S-17 p& ton. vwlentf or foreign ofgrestlan. '••.'• .fj .\YASKE5.—T. W. Kiger elected sheriff; RoPLASTKB -^Cargo price about $4-^retail price 4 5b. 5 That it is the Amy of every branch of the^o^ern-' ! oerl Turner, clerk of both courts; Jackson, atBEEP CATTLE.—The supply continues small—and tie meiit to enforce and practise the m-'i-.i rigid ectmor.y in jForney; W. G. Settle, commissioner; "John A.' market is fi m, at S3 50 a S4 50 per 1U) Ibs. cross.— ,-jj ml! unite the whole Democracy, ] ccndacting par public aflairs, and ifeu no more revenue {Thortihjll, surveyor. Samuels 679, Brockeu- Lire Hog» $8.00. : «L.llfm-vrits of Washington—"Nine cheers j onglit tu be'raised ihan is required :i> defray the ner«,r sary expenses of the governrat-nt, aM for the grad .a! ; Srongh -10. Cook 596,'Kenney 97, Harris 21. Juntlin Pierce.' TFincbester Market. " ALB EM AISLE.— Goodman elected sheriff; Gar•' c .OiiIo—"Aeare now firing but certain extinction of ibc publiu.rf=bt. . : : [ ' : ' • . ,• _.-;-;K• : • relt, chrk of both courts; Robertson, common6. Tiiat Congress has no power :a-chartera national round; ir Pierre'e nomination, .Far.the .Week ending June 3, 1852. hint that we b-lit>ve such an ii>!M!"''-j:i.jn or.e <-f deadly Avealth's attorney ; Barneit, surveyor. then jT.-ceeded lo ballot for a h^j«ti!iiy'tn the best iuterrsts orthf -"pantry. dangvn>us Au.Gl^TA.—M. H. McCue.eheriff; N. C. Kin-- COSIRECTID W E E K L T BT B. H A R T L E Y AT T U B DEFOT wtih ihf f illowiniT res'itli': lo our rrpublWn i:.s[i;iiii<nic and=>'f^ liberties of ih» j ney.circuit-clerk; J. Kinney, coun'y clerk; W.. f the proceedings the following read to the Convention; and rerthbevty ciders. ' SieVien A DougTas—" I congratulate ' party;0ppn tlie'noinination, and ive FrankSin Pierce a larger ms.other Sia'e in the Union." . Ciss— "A -good nomination, that of rtpporl^t heartily." Houston— ;v* . "An nexcellent •nnmina„ • AV.n R- Ki ig.of Ala.,.125, NVm. iry witiiiti.lhe control of a C'jnc-^nlSMtod tnonev potver,, 'I. llarrnan, attorney*^ A. D Trotter, surveyor; jih il; K-'bt Siran^f, ^3; L.AV. Downes, and the livvs and the will ul'fire pcn| li; and tt.at Walter Davis and Jasi Nelson, commissioners of Vll-r. 27;" (J J.Fiilow.35; David tlic above n-snits of dfmorrntic Ifgislat^K in iliis and all ihe nn.25. H'M-ell Cobb, 2; Gen.'Rusk, oilier financial raea-iiires itp-m wh;;<J, i.«snes have been SHESASDOAH.— R. M. Conn, Eheriff; : S. C. \ made between the two poliiiea,! par^ws of tltc i-our-irv, Dtvis, 2. a, to both clerkships; Mark Bird," Attor^J _ i have d?monsi'raied jn candid and.praclica! raon of all ballot 1>1 r. ' "**"^**--»«V»«--«»^»«M .>•• *.«m»*»u o.iit* f^«.t-ni.-i»; men t/i ail T*T ' /m. . • ''• "- ' r a«r*'. j r r la<;t Billot—On this •v-v 'erT^on Davis I I I P^ues. ib-iriouodn.-^, safety aoi; utility in all b«.^ ,«ev ? ^'ni. Tisinger, surveyor; J. Watson and J. - . I:ALLOT. :!-, vote*, and ..etterson Ljav s 11 | ness ^ GrandstafT, conimiEsioner^of the revenue. pursuits. ness pursuiu!> r li»5, -Dunglas 64, Mr. King was thereupon declared ' 7. Tliat the afsnaraiin'rrof.the morses of tlie gnvrrnM.—Eyrd, sheriff; Gamble,county n i». Lane—Indian mentfroiri banking institutions is in(;:?petiFab|p""f.<r ihe clerk; Sprinkei, circuit clerk; Harris, attorney; safety *<Pthe funds uf the governing/I and the rights'of po'nlsei, purveyor. ": THE BALLOT1AGS. [r -< c! 'ruhe 22nd vofj the people. PAGE — Samuels 1046. prbckenbroDgh' 37.— : L i!, i » (i votf s we 8, Thnt the liberal priric p!es fnab xlied liy J-JDR-rspn l^fJIowin; a a re.-a;iitulation of the Ballots given • •"• 'or Hntlcr. the ]>eclaration of Independent.-?-, and sanctioned in Circuit Judge—Harris 869, Kenney 130, Cook LicXiUaoal Democratic Cotircnuon for a candidate in i:t!>-rd SB !i)!!ows ; • t!>e roni>ti:uiion, whirh makes our*. Mie land of lih-riy. 76. Attorney—Borst591,Barbee 431. Circuit ideal of (be L'uiicd Elates : • (•and the asylu-u.bf the oppressed c«f :cveryjt)Atii<n, l>ove Clerk—Jones 586, Cave -564. Connty Clerk—, l.-'OND n ALLOT. •ever been cardt'nal prii.c;ples in llw tlembcrai'c hiiili; v»Vatsr>n 678, McPherson 342. Sheriff— Grayson i Ir'-l, l)on|tims..7!Z, L I and CTCTV altrrapt t« atiridee the -ji=v»ent privilepe - of . £57, Grove 78, Snider n110,j Keyser 86, Roads • •n ;<, Lane—Indiani,-] imnii; ruizciisRtid tbeowiierscir-nlaraoiiguR-oiii'nt :; j 13 , , <-. c,n 'A«w i .o« tu be rr«-ted with tUtf same spirit wi.Jcti swept the alien ? ' ' oramissioner—Hoad» 619, O Neal 183, and sedition Uws from our statutt fi>,i)k?., " , , . • ; [ Knnner 333, Ooiits 12. Surveyor—Cbaddnck if d.tv wasppr-nt in iDtJ '.<• "^jl.owiiiff result: ?. Tlijit Congress das'nopuwer'tiKJerthe ronrtitutiort ! ,040'" li^ar Irm. L*'i':on retired fo: __ r v :--tirrned cast their I -s ^6 19 >•> 2« i:s ~7I 6 13 y .13 i«-~i4 .10 U Mi ^."> -JG •_'(» 'J4 10 24 9 I l -2>> :di) ii 131 -2« 1<J 8 ^s -i] 05 _ n j "!'l --It5 -^5 J2 1 --2 !>J s ' -<i . 1 ' • ' --T 1 ' • • -.:>S • 8 00] 6 00] n • MI,,n. 192. • •r. i'uv\ n. the rorrr< . •••urncd til! lo— . .i ; i":: PA v '•;";.' a'.iyr the rain, !•«•• '^.'ij\vhe.ro, and all! I' '. ..-n«l l|jc UHV ^innir cta?-ar, the' a? laurel, .A'l !I-v J. Csmpbell f rt ; ;il waS4ii^p«'llSed | rail the roll. «s the delegation-1 Nn.!. !\Ir. Sprncer askt h : ' I ' l l . ;u,d.C ^n ;-c ujis wanting«uc •-.>r sri l;>ng as Stales i ••<• l a i f c u i a r pre'erei !-\ -.:•] * In H. bite annanncttT lii-.-n. «|,t New York. b::v< :iiion..arkiKiwIedgtB|J pn (•nifT'-ied to him thr ••.•ially that Irgl'f , •_• :iia~^the Old 1 r : .irrdetnocracy, lo t |e in ihis confeu'eracy, •' I ' c liinor ilius rno^l t- it J'tTtiided, lum 'id trHn.*<e'r il with |<" uf ui'.qireTS a gallant ppnak lionorably and for •d for co Tendering IMS ^10 fjudr with which /roliha had Iffirr r.eiihpr t h'hst Mr.Uir.ki. upon hr« acceptance- "^ |>'> , Kispd, was a B j ^ t r.TH PALLOT. n: i: +'.>; D,,L b .... n-nn 16; 1 b[anK ti'linjf for f'cdod lo cal! ihe annot >r Ca«*, Uieije ^rman-oftlie Viij ! to retire for col . hrr vo'e for Gen. IpsLirp, which cal o S 44 53 70 84 85 , —• • 1 ''t": il '!"• T 6-#m 85 '":l-: I 91 91 -M97 • --f 98 i S5. i -S ^ : tiled fortbe^t i to 1 FEATHERS, i • GRAIJMWUeat. • JjCorn, S? 45 70 370 90 00 75 40 4 65 , 60 8 600 LARD, PLASTER, a 450 a OCO a 45 a OSO a 37 ' a 00 a 70 9 a 000 .a" eo 400 •110 40 75 35 ANOT HER SCIEKTIFIC B — - - , -- - . . i : . of ineir nijjjJ»<rtic apprgaatttni. *-vr-r lfJST •eceived 4 boxes mod! ,:4 bpXea^C J rant-s, lfti nee-, Preserved, no East, no West under the but a sacred maintenance>f the . ^^jnty is devohed « ; " ; ajsins, Cnr, Nuts f **p?«*i» every . June -J ING. Boots and Stooe*. ARRIS «cHH)ENODR'Sia the place to find good and «heap Shoes, and Boots for v JOB* N. lily and varied experience. We need b^n^t 6f the few at^the :expe^ *f ^ "J^. r. LEXSDERBAl >igi)apl and constant a^erericelonwsB ^ n« moment enlarge nponibe bigWy.iJis-f"•Mpnblic career of Mr. King. It is well enough and '^liecounlry. •«11 sections of Ihe count 17, East, West,sio|rpf fcb* as rt i BE *i*^ SoDth':s thfi nomination.btfin»Breet-'*¥i ener " warmest approbation^. They are the concession and compromise—!-good men *>i Wional in feelin«r, eentiment mad ac _ o . -_ . ? w unite the entire Detnoci J^Uon Meeting is to be h VICiCw--'l~*^*F«4era( <Jpttft'in ^S»a»lori» fy on Wednesday night, pl^soa^atttn^kW^oi?^ pffic*rt <>i jbfiff«i>iy;t« ! ^«a. Joseph L«e wif r,J*d ai«3A« tsW**8* , as^sfefe .inPhiUdelphiaaRai iw??* eeffi.r. UBftti.»: ifeldonlaalJ bfi:I«»>^;f|* de^Jfe i* e,»t which awoa, of New York? ; Tea, Greea *ndjBUtck;j-; f ( bett ; go North 1 i f i e I 6 l h iliilaat, Alk accounts *.t «ei*led before lh«l timfr will be placed ta officers11 bands for eolieclion. '-,'•' liKlptltnfmtjf OULD respectfully make known to bis W customers and the public generally, that he is now prepared to supply the wants of the P. SL Mr. Hall may be fonutl at H. L. Broolt'*, ., SbannondaleFurnace, and at Charleslown o»r*r msn, as regards C/bc&i, Casshneret end Vtstings, which be will make opjo order, in the OB.Priday,tbe IHb instant. latest fashioa and shortest notice. A calf from :^ o. &. co. the pvblif! » requested. -Moderate prices and good fits guarantied the customer,**: Prepare for Ilarrest. Y /\ BBLs. low-price Whiskey ; Ready-:ttadc Clothing. J-V 5 do Old Rye; A large and extensive assortment ni Ready10 bags Rio Cofiee; 3/aJe Clo&ing, suitable to the season—gut up ' 4 Hhds. brown Sugar, 6 and 8-ceota j in the best manner, and are in perfect order.— Call aad examine them early if you desire a good . Chocolate ; qualify and;a well made-article. Bfack and Green Teas. N. B. I have also * large and extensive asIn store and, for iafe by ' sortment of Ready Made Clothing, la a more or June 8. : : S1GAFOOSJE &HARTJ5Y; less soiled state by being flooded by the late un-predented high water," which, t hough as to wear no actual .damage is done them, .yet in conse. quence of the. lininza. being soiled, I will offer and fasb»nahjea|i|ttWJjj place, them to the public at auch -reduced prices for stn at the basa of a ajBJ tihe Blue cash, as will make it an object to the buyer. An Ridge Mountain, in the County m^Hferson, five early call front the public ia requested miles South of Charleatown-, will be opened for Mayll,V852. WM. J. STEPHENS. the reeepiiOD of visitor*, SPRING A$D SUMMER GOODS. 011 the 15th of the present month, Harris 4c Bidenonr AVE,received and ready for nle their snp aadertbe snperintendance of the ply'of Spring and Summer Merchandise/sewho will use every effort in his power to lected with mach care,and from the most desirait one of the moat attractive and agreea ble Honees in "Baitimure and Pbiladelphia. tering.places in Virginia. . 1S55J. . Tb'e Cars from the Atlantic Cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia; i»nd^teH?mbre, and" alio TO THE PU 8LM C. from' the' cities!0f WashingtonvGeorgetowB, AlHE subscriber respectfully announce* £n Ihe exaha*riaVTrederrcSsourg and Richmond, will citizens\pf Chariestbwn' arfd v^cinty, that he convey passengers in a few hours to Cjiarlestown, has taken the Ehop, two doors E^ast of'tlu; Valfrom which; place,^ the Proprietor will convey ley Bank, foriherjy occupied by James Cloth, er, them in COACHES over a good, road and for the purpose of carrying on the through a beautiful country to Hie Springs. The AititTBK made by Dr. 'De Butts from 100 grains of the water afibrdcd , in all its iarioQs branches. He hopes fay strict 63 grains of sulphate of 1 grain mnriateof Mag- a'.tention, and a desire to please, that he may '.nesia; , Lime; share a portion ot the pnblic patronage. •10}' grains Carbonate of 1 grain muriateofSoda; NEW YORK FASHIONS 3 10 grains of sulphate Lime; • received monthly .which enables fiim to givi> the oflrbri"* 23i grains of sulphate JOUN SNYDER. of Ma'gneeia, (Epsom 17-lOgralns ofcarbonate laiesfttyle. May 18, 1853— fy. Salts) ^ ] ' ,of Iron; . SHANNONDALE SPRINGS. SENATOR. ; 1 sffla '* , , who h« r? ^ bit office i 100 Atrea of Land, lying on lhe road known a» " Key?*1 Road'* bfrt w^en Keyes Ferry and -the' Blue Ridge ftfouniain, on which the saiJ Pettr Dtilow rnidejt it the time of his death. The said interest oftWr Dijjow being a leasehold estate for tbe hfe of John DiIIoiv. Term* of Sale: A credit »f iwel»e month* from the day of *»\9—tha pareiuner giving bt.nd • with good security for the purchase money, th* bond to bear interest from date. JOHN BUNCOE. ^ AJminislralir «f Peter Diiluv, daft. May 25, 1853—T.F. MARKE underpinned, as Execnjors of William' TF.HELock, dec'd,, offisr ai private sale, tba VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, belonging to the h*irs of said deeeaaed, •iluafed! in the suburbs of Chnrle*towa, on Ebbert'* Run. Thi» Mill ia located in tbe very centre of one of the finest wheat growing counties ia the State ot Virginia, in sight of tSa Winchester ft Poiowa* Railroad, aud bat 6ve miles fro* the Baltimore &. Ohio Railroad, ,r eight from- he Chesapeake Canal. The mill is built of ato4e, three stories1 high, with a wing of extensive capacity, uacd at present for the storage of barre », & e , but designed when erected fora Woolen or Cotton Factory. The' Mill w now in complete repair, having throe run of Burr?, and.capable of manufacturing five thousand barrels of F our per annum, and machinery for grinding 200 tons of T UJa.ster, which can be-easily manufactured and so'd. There is attached and will be aold with the Mill, a comfortable DWEI JJSG HOUSE, a good COOPES Suop, and other necea- • sary appertenances.' If the abova Property be rot soft} be fore the 21st if June n?x/, it will; then be offered at Public Sale oo that day io front of the' L'durt, NOTICE. House in Charles town.;. .'. '. A LL persons indebted to theolaie of the late . The Terms of sale made : liberal. £\ Dr. Jons LOCKE, are requested to make payJOHN J. ' ment, and I hose having claims against the estate .THOMAS -LOCK. will present them, properly authenticated. Executors »f \Vn. F. Lock, i ROSALIE H. LOCKE, Adm>x May 25, 785:1. JHay 1R, 1862. if Dr. Jtthn Incite. H T ThRrefore the Shadnondale Water maybe jnstt ly and properly classed with the saline chalybeates ; a combination of Line most valuable medicinal qualities in the whole range of mineral waters. THE TABtE, as heretofore shall recommend itself; upon which will always be found the best valley and mountain mutton; Roast bepf, &c.; together with all other • AT luxuries which the rich- Valley of Virginia affurds. . G. W] SA^PiNGTON, FRITATE SALE. Thos. Kinncy & Le^rls Uansllton, Proprietor Shannondale Springs. E undersigned, aa agent of the Werertonj ILL perform all business in their lines Jnne 1,1852. Manufacturing Company, will receive seaU faithfully and with the utmost care.— Prompt attention will be paid to all orders left at ed Proposals, till BBS COOK'S Barber Shop, Cbarlestown. First day of Julr, 1S52, May. 11,1853. SHE^rANDQAO COPBITY, TIWA. for tbe purchase of said Company's DISSOLUTION. in Virginia, .with sufficient water power for theCo-Partiiership heretofore existing nn- same, and a bout d««r the firm of JABREV & LOCK, has this day Proprietor cf this Hotel, at ORKSET, 8 ACRES OF LAND, •*- takes great pleasure in announcing to the been dissolved by mutual consent. more or less: • The said Mill is located OB tlie> AMOS JANNEY. public that he will open again that Bean'fiful south side of the Potomac River, adjacent to a, May 25, 185$. p JOHN M. LOCK. and Romantic place for'Visitors, by the first fine wheat growing county of easy acces?, and .of July. immediately opposite, the Depots on the Balti. Strangers visiting these Springs paes through the beautiful North Valley of Virginia,over one! undersigned having purchased the en- more and Ohio Railroad, and .Chesapeake and of the best roids in the State, with a mountain tire interest of AMOS JASSET, in the above Ohio Canal. The MILL is of Stone, Three Stoof surpassing loveliness on either side. named Establishment, have this .day formed a rin high, has four run o! Burrs, is capable of variety of Waters, beautiful Scenery and Co-partnership, under the name and firm of LOCK, making from 50 to 100 t-bls. of floor per day, delightful atmosphere, render it to the-Invalid, or HOLDES & Co, and will continue to carry on has the credit of .making as good flour as any those who wish4 to spend s few weeks from the the Mercantile business at the old stand, former- Mill in Virginia, and has a large run of custom. There ia also a good and comfortable £•&, caree of fife in 'Did Virginny" style, the most ly occupied by Janney &. Lock, and wilt be hapJUL ; DWCIXIX G Jim delightful place of all the "North Valley Springs. py to wait upon those who may favor them with attached thereto. The Waters of Orkne"]*rfiave been famous for their, patronage. JOHN M. LOCK, All proptaaUjare to be endorsed proposal*,. the last fifty years in East and West Virginia. B.TD|HOLDES, and addressed, post-paid, to the subscriber, at They are known to be strongly Chalybeate, ToMay 25, 1853. D> L. CLAYTON. Weverlon, Frederick county, Aid. nic and Invigorating in tlirir effects, and the' The abate property if not sold, will be rented mostrefficient remedy which nature afibrdajor, TAKE l bis method of thanking the pnblic for broken arid debilitated constitutions. _. .^: the liberal manner in which they patronized at pabll'S ?air?, to: the highest bidder, on the-Stti J^v zr J:{'•:./. la-;--, -iS"-twTro*c?ock, p. n., at the me while tabosiness ; and THE BEAR WALLOW_SJPRING, *• on* year. Trnly style'd The "Pool of Siloam^;is the most F NEWTON, Agentsuprespect^ boding that tfieyAwiH be libera remarkable Water^in the world for Cutaneous Jane 1,1852^-4ti ported. AMOS and B.'ood Diseases of all kinds, and Dyspeptics June 1, 1852. are s'ure to find a certain cure. PUBLIC SALE. The-Waters'of Orkney are. Sulphur, ChalyY virtoe of two Deeds of Trust exec*led by I. O beate, White, Mountain, Bear Wallow and Slate. WilUam McPherson, the one on the 9Ui d.y HENANDOAH BAf^i^o. 2, Independent Board per week,$5; Board per day, 91; chilof March, 1846, and the other on the 15trvday of Orderof United Brothers, instituted at Hardren and servan's half price: pers Ferry, Va., Nov. 22, 1850, intend having a May, 1846, and both recorded in the Cuunrv Music and dancing every evening. . public procession, on Saturday, the 19/A day of Codrt of Jefferson Conn.iy,—D»ed Book No. 28 Th'e ladies''parlor furnished with a Piano and June. All members of the Order in good stand page 49 and 113—and as Executor of said VVm. Guitar. .; A. R. SEYMOUR. ing am most respectfully invited to be with us MePIwrsoii J will offer for.sale at the P'.V/O.V (ETA daily line from New Market and Mouitt on that occasion. The citizens throughout the MILLS, an Thursday, thejirtt day afjuly next, Jackson to the Springs and return. 119 Acre*, 1 ilood, 2S Percbc*. surrounding country are moat cordially invited ; % DlSTAKCES.; jto come and see our first parade in Virginia. — From Winchester, to Orkney by Woodstock, SO miles An oration will be delivered by a member of the of tho most valaable land in tbe County of Jefferson. Abo the one moiety of tbe reversion in From Winchester to Orkney by Capon and llo ward t *' , Whjte Siiipunr Springs55 mile*;' •., ., Order. fee of and in. 137 Acres of lbe*same q us lily of Fri m \Voi.d--iock to Orkney by Columbia Furnace SO Several Braes Bands are expected to be with Land, being the one-half of the dower land of tho mile ; us on that occasion. widow of U.aniel McPherson. Title indispatabl« Frum I It. Jackson to Orkney Springs, 10 miles ; JOHN KOONCE, P. S. TERMS.—One-fourth casn, the balance in one. From .N ew Market io. Orkney by Hesse Cave 16 miles. GEO. PEARSKY, D. S. two and three years in equal payments with inVisitors leaving Baltimore in the morning train, arJ. A. M BRICK, rive at Wincheaier in time'fof the evening Coaches terest from the day of sale—bond and security III r 0112 th^'Valley to Mt.Jaekson and Orkney Springs, EDWARD SMITH, . and a Deed of .Trust: x will th is be enabled to dine at Orku'ey on tbe next day. J. D. BATEMAN, Sec-'y. : Pussesaion given iramediote'y. The crops raJune 1, IS52. ": ' Committee of Arrangements. s^rve'd. WM. C. WORfiilNGTON, -June 1.1J852— 3f. May 25, 1852. Execotor. Great Bargain* in Wet Good*. , . FISH! FISH!! OF THE -WATERS: OP IHE undersigned had a lot of very* valuable HE undersigned, agent for John .A. Gibson, Goods, somewhat damaged by the recent has a *apply of I1KRRING, by the barrel, or hundred, as well aa a' prime lot of Sll*\U, flood at Harpers-Ferry, which they offer at coat and many articles at half their value. Tbe folIL. SEYMOUR, Esq : Dear Sir—I here- which will be sold on favr terms. lowing is a part : ISRAEL RUSSELL. • with forward yon an analysis of the waters Combs, a great variety ; Harpers-Ferry, June 1;1853.J of the "Orkney Springs," which, though they are Few pounds Patent Thread ; correct as regards their components, are neverFOR Tapes and Stay Bindings ; theless deficient in their respective quantities, Fans, Cotton Suapendero, Boys' <To.;* HE undersigned havingabandoned their inowing in a measure lo the imperfectness of my Cotton Hosiery, Ladfe*' and M ia^a ; tention to rnna Wagon fn conducting their apparatus, as!also to the change which takes Lisje Thread Gloves, Ladies' and Men'. place in the water hy exposure and the delay in- business at jlhe ".Old Furnace," offer for sale a White Siik do do * do . Broad-Tread Wagon, cident to preparation for its analysis. . Colored and black Cotton Hoe*; 'In the two Springs there is s drfOreuee, and complete and never used, for the exceedingly low • Erode Silk Hose, a lew pair ; although both are. finally tonic, still the " Bear price of §170. It ia btriit by a man from PennTooth Brash?*, Windsor So»p*. Whips ; Wallow" possesses ingredients not usually to be sylvania. and strictly after the patterns used A few Palm Fans to ghe avay c met with in chalybeate water, and which ren- there; They also wish lose!! a complete set of A large lot Chip Hata, (chiltlrt-o, won and) der it peculiarly applicable for cutaneous diseas- G E A R I N G for six mules, airo entirely new and boy's,) selling at;• 12J cts. to tie dollar ; of the very best material and make. Tnis proes and gland u Jar enlargements.. Faroey-Venting», Fancy Dnllias ; The iron in both is in the state of the carbon perty will be scld on a credit until the let of Linen duck, undressed bo«,k feidand check* ate of the protoxide, held in solution in the water January next. ed Linens, fa.-.cy and bUck Ginghama ; by excess of carbonic acid- Hence it is that by' B1AGKBURN & CO. Bleached and brown Shirtiog Cottons; standing exposed to the air, or by boiling, the June 1.1853— 3t '• . [r. p. 3t.} , Linen Table Diapers ; carbonic acid is driven off, and the protoxide by Cambricks, checked and plain -r absorbing oxygen is precipitated as a hyurated Corded Skirts, grass da., Bo flaps' Linenw.sesqnioxide of the yellow cojo'1, which you have The above added io ow very large assortment noticed in the bed of .lhe streams fanning from HE ondenngned occupies the room adjoin- of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Flats, 4c^ make it the Springs, and in the vessels used for holding in* the free Pfgat-Qfee. whgf«» >« '•- -w»- gnrctiy to the advauJsge- »f deaiers. Will tha the water: ltte f * *° g« b*ra»»s». They Portraits, JLaa4«c»iM>^ *.*>, , GASEOUS CO.VTEHTS. To those who may favprJiim with the opportuRIDENOUR. Carbonic Acid, ^:,:_ . .j A^ Also—A bargain can be bad in a-UH of »ery nity he pledges himself to exert his beit abilities II. i R. in delineating their features, dec., on liberal prime Brown Sag»r. May 4, 1852. Carbonate pfSojda,.-.;. j -Carbonate of Lime, Carbonate afMTagnesia. j ^ride of Sudiom, Specimens of but Art tnajr be seen by calling Hew Arrival of Spring & 9m Sulphate of Magnesia, i Oxide of Ironj at his room. PAYID E. HENDERSON. "BEAR HE snb«CT?bers havfng jmi rgfnrned7 fro» GASEOUS the bisterrj cities wrfk a new and Carbonic Acid, («,^*afette«t Hydrogen sive stock ftf Gpods ra their Kn», azrd at M(ee»' OFF1C£ FOR . »»tn> coirreBTs. HE Office recently oecnpiejJ by R. Hume that will compare farorably wiib those of any of Solphate of fome, ; fCloride of Sodium, the mercl»«»u in the taJley of Virginia. Ttwy Butcher, Esq., in the Coort-boiwe S»lpbateof««ignesia, j Carbonate of Lime, invitcnheir ora friend* and eutoraera to «H and yar.il, and opposite Carter's Hotel, ia Iodine,» dJBtjma. trace. { Salphate of Iron, examine theif stock and to their new frieno's and for rent the ensninjr ye»r. . • Carbonateof Magnesia. | Oxide of Iron. the public generally tbej jwpectfolly solicit • call as they feel confident it only need* an eaI have tha« giren yon the re«n!t of my labors. pljto "' • J. W. BELLURv amtnalion to 'prove their assertions, that ffcey Both Springs are fnlly cafenlafed to restore tone Maj-35.1833—3V . have nice good« and they will *el! them rhwa. todtibUftattd and enfeebled constiiatfonii, and FBE§B JANNEY" t. LOOL are especially adapted to many di»«sB<er incident Koekville, April ' T HAVI5 for sale, a Kiln o/Fi*ab Lime, of very XsoperiorquaJity.on my farmeqoi distant from BEFRIC1EKATOHS. S mi th field and Leelow Oikn*ySfprltiffs. Jane f, i852-~2m. COTr'« Patent Upright Refrigmtorr. known to bejw j»^ aniSrfor.to alT oCbers, Hay as, lB53.-3t. « oVjcriptionlrt dwmed ootftfc^aary, for sale at Jelie»0« B*hip*w« pri«j. irfdlB* ftUwpbrtatioa b ' Agents, Keyw & Kearsfe»,Ch«f}e.town. IB i>rd%«dj thai the Anaoal Meeting of the; flnHE House and tbe grounds adjacent, at nre* JAS. CmTiAN & SONi p/ fbe Poof of thw CowHyVfor this .-«• seat *ctmt&*fMr> Wm. D. North. %*f heat 'Sa«»fejBti«if« Hotel in CinulesloDffing.toJtbe e«»attis ata* is • ' - • • • • DOW toe' rent-,'• P««e« the lit of Mia h» Jnjy* anil to «rf Js* April iwxt, Valuable Weverton Property v Whitewashers and Plasterers'. ORKNEY SPRINGS, W I B S ANALYSIS JRKNErjPRINfiS." T T T portrait painting, <0c: T __ - • _ »^. —^- -• ••••"war im p»j^.»ty> • -• T S OT*^ HARRIS \ NM V 11Mat - - - • 4. m residences ^ftas c®&i&K!&%!i^ W> :-.l*1 PUBLIC SALE. T SHALL nSfer far sale, at sjahli* a action., oil * Saturday 13th day of Jane* or* il-.e premise*, tb« interest uf Peter Diilow, dijc'd., in * Tract bf-«bo«t- Beat. iS-• 5T^V^ ' ll. k>1 365 Price. Stare Price. -•10 10 a 12; (8 930. A. A. Robinson John Griffith, 3d,'497, VALUABLE JEFFEBSOS tAJID. Hyatt 105. Surveyor— Cobourne 855. Y virtue of a Decretal order, rendered «t tbe litej foiegojaf ^TiTgosititVnirov lasl term of the Circuit Court of Jefierson ELECTION OF JUDGES. ers and %siinten.ded! to pmbrj»s:e ^he whotels-ub- f ,^_ county, i,n the cause of. Whiting's administrator rsv Douglass', heirs, &c., the .undersigned as spe•j ;,ject «f ^laver>va^iia.t|oa,tBi'JL;v%-ssg, aridlfeere | ; The vote for Judge ^Parker, who'had no oppocial commissioner will proceed to sell, at public ' ' i h,-^ ,-- the Jtrtgship of t] on >V«<Iitc9Prbcken- atiicironyTorTlJffTiignBHi-DlitdeT, day, tbe SOtli day ot this mouth, is considerabie. His majorities in seve-. [Jimp, 1853.] the yaloaiile^i very desirable coipuies are as-'follows: Frederick: 1096; I'AItM, near Charlestowri, ojbn which tbe lion. 562} Clarke I&4 ; Berkeley 601; Isaac ll. Douglass "resided at the time of bis the part heretofore sold, and the 639 ; 'Snenaridoah 1903; Rockingham death>excepting w'ldpw's'iifower. '• o 1-pealed or'so'ctwn^ejj *s to,dii5irby or impair-its • £,100 rJThe parts now to be sold consist of the body of 0 ! efficiency. ' The "" uiajorJttes for Brockenbrongli run.thus: land around the mansion house, containing, ex ; 0 Rewired, Thai t!icdptnocr!i!:iparty willtesist | |1;946; Albematle 400; Louisa 800 ; elusive of the four ac^resjassigned to the w-idow^ 0 (tHe reversion in which^ will be sold with the o all attenipis ni renewing in C->i-s.'.ressijrout cf it, ! and F l u v a n n a , majorities; Rockbridge re$t.) about 95 Acres. ..Also,, the Lot on ti» u lue H i r i i H t i o n of tht; slavvrj- (jjinstwri, ut;der wiiat-, i 300, | - ; :>; east side of the road to Roderick's mill, contain . tl ever sliK^e of color the aue.njit may bo made. r Kentiey is elected ;in the Shenandoah Gircnit ing about 14!Acres, and the detached Wood-Lot Rusoh-ed, .Thattlrp proc*ed^o!;thepub|iclands : 3) adjoining; Abraham Isler, containing in the whole ought to be EHcredly applied iiaAbe natifinal "b- ; ftver Cook and Harris. Judge Thompson Js re- lot 20 Acfes^fonr acres"of which however was flected in'the Stannton Cirbait, without bpposij^cis specified in Mie cuntjlim'tWr'and th*,; we.! also assigned to the widow as dower, and the rei are opposed to any law !f>r th«"';• distributmn of 1 z ion. Jdhn A. Meredith is elected Judge 6f the version in which is to be sold with the residue of such proceeds atnonjr.thc iStH'to:-:, as alike iiitx- i Circuit Court of'Richmond.••. John W. Nash is the said lot. Any one wishing to purchase can 29 pedieui iu policy, aud repugnoia? "Jto the cuustiiuic*e!ect:?d Judge, in the Petersburg Circuit.— ascertain^ the particulars as to. said ; several par| tion. , cels of land, by reference to 'the plat?, &c., filed Resnh-ed, That we areldef y?dly opposed to paniel, -Moncnfe and Allen are re-elected to the in the record of the above mentioned caui-e. The whole will be sold together or io separate 49 taking Irotn the P.-e«iident [he q-itflifit'd. veto powj4 ,M'ourt of Appej Is from the 1st, 2nd, and 4th sec ons and i Clons. They 1 aid no opposition. This leaves lotd to suit purchasers, as triay be deemed expe49 er, by° which he is enabledjnndeT restrictio re.*p(>nsibilitie^oinp!ysu(5cienl:togua^d!h dient on;the day of sale. 2S2 lie intere'st.Joeuspend thepas^a^ of abill whose iut one to hear from. Judge Lee i» supposed to The;sale will be by the acre and on the fol iee elected. lowing terms, to wit : So much cash in hand on tiler/Is rannot serure the anpibYa! of two thirds , V ' ! DEMOCRATIC NOH1X ATIOJVS. fie Senate and House of K^p;esent2tive«:un' } s ___ Mr.flea th, commissioner of pensions, has. the day of sale as will be inquired to meet exof the W .Washington -Union of yesterday, says til the judgment of the people £an be obtained notice tl at many^who have failed to re- penses .Of sale. The residue of the purchase Land \Vi rrants of fortjr and, eighty acres, money to be divided into four tqual payments at ^"nomination of Gen. Pierce will be thereon, and which has taved ti-V American p(H)ihe act of SeptetBber, ,1.850, will : be enti- six, twelfe, eighteen and twenty-four months— wiih.one sponUrieous I .pie frorn.the corrupt and tyr^iKcaldoniinaupn tt " x ,- ,1,0 i ^ n m i , ; of the Bank ol the Uuiled Stated and from ator- tled thVtetp on proof of additfonal service ascer- with interest on each from the day of sale—said throughoui the, length j ^ -^ of genpra, jnten^^mprovements: ^lined hy»tne'distance travelled, at the period of deferred payments to be secured by the bonds of o. the land," and in a ;leogt{,y arti- , ^^ l^ha't rheDemocraftt'-party will faith, enrpUriient and discharge—one day being aljow- th'e purchas>er with" a deed of trust' on the preof such distapca. *Fhe mises. , , . » : *obj*>ct giv.ng ^General Pierced j fu|!y ablje b'v an( j uphold the oawiples laid down e/d for f very iw jnty miles :. *•;' ; A further deecriptionof said property is deemtnd liUtoryl after expressing a confi ! in the Kentucky aijd, Virginia ri^41utioii3on798i| place ot enroirnent, an4 the place from which ed itrnne'cess*ry,.as it is well known to be qneof 'Wwfthat be ivii! be the next President,ri'and in the report at Air. Aladisott'w the Virginia t^te con>oany marched, under officers, as wjell as th4 inost productive and best watered farms ia I Legislature in17i>9; that it ad-^ts those prin.ci-' Hie poiiu wherr the claimant: wasi mustered into the connty—tand any one wishing to purchase seervice eiid the distance between each, must all . , Tpies as coristrtutiug one of tbe r&in foundatfnns tje Eta tea land attested1 by two "wltnesse^certified will doubtless examine for himself. ?pint in winch tharhigh-; o, ^ ^t^ai^^ddl is rcsirivprfto carry them m The title is believed to be indisputable. 'Sale fulfilled when rotnraitted to his »_ ul jn [dei, obvious meaning a»?a import. tt> be credible.' to take place in front of. the Court House in in the following noble senti •Rcsdccd, That the jwar with Mexico, riponaH CharlestbWn, at 12 o'clock, M-, on the day abote 'i*hich, now Uiai it has arqmred a new »«d ^Ww*j4,'^'! ifie principles of patriotism aisd lhe-!a*s oT ..- AB.I?AV*A«| ' ' . -• ; mentioned. ons ! AtRioaHall on Taeilay evenin?. Jnne 1st, by the weeks i '' - w»sa jaslaiidtijpcessarj ^ar on onr DAVID HOVVELL, — ...„ wlitr.h, bui a few.,.......... IfeT. JUr STJU-serEtLowr,EVERETT W.BEW18GER in wJiich every American cil «ea should Special CoinmiMipner. • firs! introduced it to the atteniion^of our ghown : himself on the side ol Ms country B»iL;htcr of the Bon, WiiiiAMr'LcCis, of JeJFer*bn June 8 1852.—r. P. ts. neither morally or physically,! Sf^prd/or fjiaaly, Virginia; -• •'• • r n ionof23th March,;1S52.]- have given aid and cninfort to lfie,eneniy. ' In Ait place.on-TJnir»day.^d;in8laptvfl>y tleBer, BLEStSiNffS 1GE CREAM SAL00N, ve the following noble eeiitiment of VVw. G. KqeiBsrosl Mr. JOHK D- UNE.i-Kto^tant, 3 now: open for the reception of Ladies arid That we siad M.ARY-C. LOCK, daughter of the Ule.VT n Franklin Pierce, ata de-mocratic Triendly relations witj onr ;of; 5. LpcXr-4fll.of'thlt'towri. • sn. Those who prefer can be.Bupbaoor of the glorious result of the Mexico, and earnestly lesire fojc Serajl the hleiaquart or gallon, on .short notice.-^ plied o'y '(fcctin: On Thursday evening, :May ,27th. by. Rer. MA/J" n in New Hampshire. Jt-4s characRe'itsos-Mr. JACOB PERIOT BfiALtaodMi-lMA- Every kitd of Cake kept constantly on band. . iicfi wi? and prosperity wi « that gallant gentleman, whose name pirtilican institution*, land we ctMigrattitale w:^v J.^r. BLESSING. ;rS:T ELLEN LALEY-^!! of H«ipM»-F«n7, Va. Jane with soouid principle-and eialte3 American people upon the resirVc?; r pf'that war, ; ! OmSas-dayi 23d aWmo, by Kev-'J- F. ParcEJ'itr. and Mr-. ASS WILT, wrf<nr of which have so matiile^tly jaslfEwi tlie pojicj and, :liEB H- WLLOVV cofa«ri Ya. O hi) e, a GIRL loaiteod children—to agood ; late GSORG* : WILT—all of > Franifin:PHir«p.—The cbmpro- conduct oJ the Deaioerauc^part-ycaiad insured to 3**Xa A. Jn i^&arf, onrthe Irt i ' 1850 and the Now Hampshire the United States "indemriTtv forklie fortUie pi pAst'and te•?»!,-•::*'-. -.-2^ -, ,^ the fortne'r, tbe latter have 1 . were L5O Articles. BACOW,; FLOUR, IMPORTANT TO DYSPEPTICS. Dr. J. S!. HOOGHTON'S PEPSIN, the irne Fluid, or GASTRIC JUICE, prepared from RE the FOURTH STOMACH; OF TH&^)X, after 'di rection* of Bara'n LIE BIG, tltesreal Physiolt^ical Cliemist, by J. S. HOCGBTON, M. D-, Pbitadalphia. This ia truly a. wonderful remedy for I.f DIGESTION, llysripsii, JACNDicr,LiviRCOMPLAINT, CoNsrirATio.vand DEBILITY, Curing after Mature'* own meituxl.hy Na10 interfere with or e.nitrol tlie di«Kvsiic in«uiution> o f ! '• FREi!EKicK.^Saninel8 .1646, Brockenbro'ngh toreVowo Ageiui. lhefiAS>{rftIGJrjlCE. ^Pamphlets, Uie'«evejTiIStai«'F,aiidihRt sm-hSTitTv-sare thepoleund 1^50. Barker 2217. She.'iff—.W. D. Gilkeson contatqJBg ScioyiRn Evidence of its value, fitruislied proper jfc^«fevr,ythins B p r *-l»ft,ing to ibeir j.wti ; }^ WjHiam Smith 759. Circnit Clerk—Jos. hy agents graiis. See nolice among the medical rdver: almir*, not prolilbileil ny ll>rco«>srl'j;tiuii; lliatalletlurts } i i«j>c T U7'<ir ' oee r« 'r>i i' j ; oftliea$.tiii«iMs.,r olla-rs ra;idi;l4 indue: t^ngwsa : f^ean I ot>O, J. W. Keenan «65. County Clerk- tiseraent8i to inierli-re wiilt qn-siioiis of sUvoo-; or to lake inf ipi- j •' • A- 1 idnnil 2049. Attorney—Joseph Tidball «nt stei-a in relarimi iin-reiu. are <jt'!;-.ulateii to lea-'l to jj| 126, F. W.il< Ilolliday 11'68- Commissioners Comniissioiicr's Sale ? ir ^ s » * = C m - -Z cz =^3 AUCTION SALES.= - TUlCf mad"' bj- several de, on the f>dera) government, for Vice President was n o m - u, _' - ^ - - - USTwieeiTed: No. lHwrior.br H. L,:BBYjg.SQfr. J•JWig^y Of-*H«t*»fd •MMt-' ••Bfc War it. RIGA irrJUhveMi. *ffA*ifcy. \ of ^JA***\ - , -' "i [OBE §PJi<'Ct TRADE. merchant a and •i'sjeoK&S w. ? HIS. &OLJ) GREEA JLAKE. •«• - S&i :£n£urjnre o tiic — jy XUZA C00K. . And tiw Soutb-wiod mas a fs iry ehirn* Cp<»i fhe foxglcTC belli. The eadtoo atoSl oa the lady birci To Wd h-r list good bre— • i __ Tbeiark •pnmg orer the Tillage eliarci, A«d wbiMled lo the iky, j : f,*A «e aad CJiac from ibe brrreft s acavcf , * A UHbe aad tairny train, A»a tradted oar pith irilh pct>py learci Aloes the old green lane. ; • ' Tiras a p'.ca«aat way oo a rortcy d»y, And we were a happy set, ; A* we idjy bent where tfce stj camlet went •: To get our fioger* wet; • J . . . !> Wifli the dog-roic Uere, aod ihe orrtus Uicrc, Aiid. the wocilbiae swinios ihroojb, Withflie broad tree* meeliii? every where, ' Aa4 Ibe grai« stiH damp with <lew, 4fa ! w« all forf ot in that blii»uu «pot, Tile BMf* of care and J'aii;," A* w« lay oo tb« bank by th- sbepbert •«* To ten in tic old green lateOh J day* pone by '. I can but -igh A* 1 thick of that Hc-li'hour, L -. When my heart fn iu glee seemed ;to M Aaoiber wooddide flower: Por though the We* be § till as fair, And the wild bloom still a« gay— Though the S.«ulh wind Bcndi si kweet an air, A»dhearena»brigbtad8}-; Yet tb« merry s-t are far aod wide; A»d we never tbiil moet a.^nH- •\Ve that] nerer ramble tide 1-y side Along that o d green Ime. T HE «ee Farmer," bass;.„ ^ , ... .^ nsost CT-ety other Fan in iiieSuie df New ¥•=>£ acd other Wheat g?owji?gStajes. It it JMJaJsetf to cleaning every liescr-ipUon of se«d. aad jj? a Clover Seed or Titnothy-tjeipet I»as^pisBp9i!!prf This Fan hasUbcg roast.[ally iesusdjtijd e^ry, IPr^W^fS '. - ••-•'•.< are preyed Iftaffurf GO., jeasediaciliCesfor-lrana- H BLIC Juildings; Maaafactonea, Milte, Jacfaine ry, Owellipg Ho corr.mendiUoru .jftla on the nniiture, chandise, Ho iseh e instued ts or wfii lein^ si ruction J capacity Irfr weeing, unu ec-moinp ot a: rates as lo »-aa tfie*iris1t wltfifdiBtt; 4" : be ina<feof price, *tanus nnrivailed, Tbe following" teiriifiSBI5BT, catea foots sotne^of the iiKVft inteiR^Mil and ^ncAgent for Jefierson : cou^'tjri'ytrginia, j ressfbl agriculturists in i to VaiJeyrfpl Virginia.?! t from Chariestowi), attest its merits wherev* wHi attend to them itiose o fertiu not deemed pt otoplly. Persona iia distance address through ble metv coold be exteniifed to «rr theimail. .,* '!:• - ; • MMES t»nt. N. B. On ill Ciarchi :bn1Mibga-wrf: XSetgjTChar'esroa-n, Nov. I inon's personal property the Agent will present bis commissions in redneing Ihe amount of prewed and Mr, JsmrB Rnnyan's miums on the risks fhns arising. feft» «C ^ 8£aintt another ceU-bratcd l'f& on So.lar a* BJJ experience enL-nperior in tpccd or eicelle , JthM * 7. H no ; 1 •They aredeie^BedtefeBMw*** *:* tofee»».i«jto pay._&»prtb.e«ji;:*^ ^eir^fionaj aorlment of articles saitable to^ltlie wants of the -~ . ,•-« • . - • _ - ii/Tn . . ' • i_ -^ • ': i •• -- ••- ' • ;Tbcjr respect tally Invite allawJ f veryperson who desire bargains to give thenrai calf-^haviDginaiile. tip their mujda'that "a psnny turned is a penny bade?1 > .' . . . :i ' . ' ^j J. G. Sterna'will give the bnsiness faia strict, personal alPuuil i u ided attention. <5 JOHN G. MO|lRfS. I Jab;*, 1*52, - .VINTE&T \V. A10PRE, TUE NATIONAL LOANFBBD IJTE ASSOBAJICE SoThU w to eertifv that I bavctned one, of Mr. (i to ma&f N. ?£~it; is- jtcese&Tj to Itunran'«Fan* sod 1 hare ip.he»aa?i..iiiin liayingwti* on all' the bc*t I have ever.used, auti * iiare 1:0 hesitation& re- CAPITA^ $a,:5doyOOO!—SrjR>LCS 8412,027 00. QOT-fa\l returns that the. Cash he paid ; commecdiiifc- itloTfanBt-n. '( are.takep s received"* JSov.S, li5I. .TifO. Hse wnOiJatse not been Yshoii TED slatemenls explanatory of the busi . i, arid the advaritajges/eX Life Assurance^ Tti is is to certify-that I bavc.trirf cae of >&. J|ia»e« r. iistomftra on articlesTM extenu Jtuayao'* WheatKaot acd 1 ;)?ve no l«*"rtation.',ib.s43rinB wil furnished on "*pp"Hca'tian''jto a land Plaster, for whic tliai'il c!ea:.-s belt r than »*J one 1 haire used i&ce I havebeeii ..rnaing, and a nMi>iS«ofjj}y ueighbori Were Or in his absence, applications can be made to tfiecasti; ' ]irc*.nt wbtm 1tt>cdit aod a-t;concurred witU me ru it* . MORRIS &. COb Dr^ G. F. MASOS, »upe iorily «ver a»ry fani uic'l'by theml "='•*. !;.i. Corner of Queen and Burlt Street*, iT( r.S, l-ioir: ;fifcH.'J> XMJFJF1EIIP!. Medical Examiner, Charle^tmoit, . XOOK TO YOUR IXTJEBJEST! MAKTINSBURG. VA. . -Di. JPHH D. STABET, I fore pnrcliased one"of ftji Rnnyan^* Wheat HANKFUt to the popple of CharjeBtowjj HE undersigned bege leave refpectfolly to and < onsider it Ihe bc»t 1 barf ever u*cd oo<tny f. Medical Examinert.Hdrj>ers-Farryt and the farm'ers.of thecounty generaHy, fon Inform lb« eomnMinlty and travelling puuhc K<}r.8, 1S51. Pa.J.H.TA.ytoB, H.I the very liberal amount of patronage. extended tin? of ! ^ T 0 4 o ^ * i p f » I H » t e following housed whose asserttnenl snd quality of *0^S, good* te&rn satieptflirfest*** be foond ws full in and at & CO , Impottere wlioteaak- deaJ(ers hi V> a&d'SIaoeb o 229 Bkili more street. Watches and J p.ated Gbcrff, , F*iniiy and Fancy Tabl^lCallery, Hardw*?ei and HoaseMieeplH* artMea ofevefy i. No. 203rBftSt!*ortBfi«reel. CUv, Yor thl^lf^J^iySrlenSfi^Guide! *£*£* 6ld Rye Wbfaiey, of fine _ -/flavor, fn W1h^lii§,&jtft^ *?^ff-- and deraijofens, from Ihree'to fifteen M. &,!.,. :l* «W* . v- - ' . 1__: _ •• -years ; - !_» = "old-^hit dislilie^.in l«37cann,ot he equal* ledS-iverV^heap, a>ristier;i»g qnaHtyp For sale by JAS "JV LAWN, »San* J41 N. 'Howard st A»UEL KIRK; ^ !?ON, Oofd jand SUror 'JSmftiw, 173 Daltiniore street, manafaelu.re and keep on hand every variety^f Sjl?er Ware, ROMPT i . aud Import Ptaif d War^ Witches and claims, &cJ ; Office jat Counsellors |T1 HARLESBLAKB, dealer io,VVatcljes,Je*. No. 46, .Lexington street, Baltimore, lild. V> e[ry, SpecUcfes, SUver and Pitted Ware*, , ISAa-rtf" ; W*tet tools ami malerisUa, 19i »»U4tnore alreeir 1 WA ^ ^Q\«uV Jrv'Syw Ai^R WARfiUCrfSK.— J4.i S. ROBINSON, deakr in ftJl fcindiol; Paper, No. TRANGERS viskiu" life city, will fibid tit to their advantage lo.give 5 S.Charles slteet. g3?Th« highest cash price paid for rags. . . ILLIAM M BROWN & BRp., Import'No.* ers of and whojeaale <te»Jer»i in Drugs, ts Oifa, WiodotB Gl*»»,&«.T S P P S W aaejcanuiniktion before purchasing. terrarned to sell low for CASH, or on reasonable ThASUIONABLECLOTHISGEMPORIOM. JET i-whtolesaje and retell— If. J3O£,TON, No. 298 Baltimore street. Men's aod Boys' Clothing- id every variety. M. A: WI8ONG, No. 2 Pf. Liberty street, wholesale and retail dealer in Artists', Paintere'^qd Diguerreoty pisti' Materials. HORN'S TRUNK KMPpRlUM v Car* . roll Malljcorner of Baltia>qre and Calvert streets. ' Constantly on hand the 'largest. assortment in the city, of Leatuer,Tra veiling and Pack ing Truhkb, VaJiSes, and Carpet Bags': * . EFRIGERATOR AND JfHlOWER BATH •DEPOT-—The Patent KiajJara Jet Showr fth, Patent Upright and Horizjooial Keirigeeriiatl. terms' to tbope wto buy to sell. - , ; Country Merchants and Hatters, will always find o» U ATS of ibe Latest Style. We are aJ so that be ha« taken tbe Hotel formerly known as • . . Medical Examiner, Shepherdstown, towards the uiidersigned during the last year; raannfacturing Hats in the 'Rough, to which we tbe "Berkeley House." The House baa recent- 1 ijavc tiSjfd one of Jaroci RHnyan'* Wheat Fans and invite the attent ion of Country Hatters. THIS COJ1PAN¥ 'bare^ also commenced is in the .it it he be.-t tbat I bav'e"«»jcriued and I would rcbomly undergone a thorough renovation; it is now, meni it to ;.l I the farmers. • •, March 9, 1852. ' .;'. fning POLICIE$ for ibe INSURAKCE OF I Boot aud Sboomaliingr, believed to be in evefy reaped adapted to. the NJr. 6, \151. • \ JAS. G.»J1UBST. SLAVE LIFE, a method by which slave owners no less than in the various departments of the wants of the traveller and uojonrnjer. may be protected from loss. A large aad commodious N table is attar bed to , Have tpedone of Jamt* IJ-jnyan'* \Vieai Fan* and Saddlery and Harness.Business, for Circulars and other information, apply to IMTDRTKRS AT5D .iraOLESAlE DEALERS IX it t!' the. lhe,premise«. The luxuries of thfe TABLE will j find H toi b^ first-rate, and wJiid recoiumeuJ a continuance of old custom is respectfully soliB. V^. HERBERT, Agent. 3. H.'KEMP. • , i AND DOMESTIC be •orpaMed bynone.andihe BAllisatall times ] » J*^. Jfor/5, isr-l, *•• Cliarlestown, Nov. 4, 1851. ,: ', cited, whilst special efforts and exertions will be supplied with a choice selection offeupenor wines r - _^_ used to accommodate.many new ones. . No pains and Uqoore. I. ruve from experience proved Mr. Jamet Randan's CIRCULAR. will be spared to render satisfaction to all, and jV*o.: 260 BaHioiore ^Street, opposite Hanover, BAGGAGE taken to and from the Depot free of j Whjat Fan, tob«good. ;, ^^ ^^ March 3.1862—3m. BALTIMORE. . rator cumained. l\Va(er Coolers and Fii»ers, JESSE WOQD. A Method ly which. Slave Owners may le Pro- either as to quality of material, neatness and d u cliarge, and in bad weather * Carriage will run r a b i l i t y of wurk, promptness of execution and Fire andThief Proof Safes^jEi LARliABEE, • tecled from'-Loss. to the Depot for the accommodation of travellers WlTlOlLIESAL.E H: ring oted o; e«of Mr.;: Hiinyan's Wheat Fant, the moderation'of charge, no establishments of th'e . " • . - ; ;< N->. 2.4 South Calvert street. ' without any additional ex pen .-e pres nt.»ea>oa, I eel no lii 'i' t-u:i- io assert iLg thai It ii LOAN FUND tIPE ASSU county, in cither-line, shall have more to recomWATGH ANff JtWELRY STORE. OB. BROWN & S0^f, Importer*, man'* •in- hsii article ol iii; kiud I lf*re ever seeit i-r usrtl. Of JO3. C, RAWLTNS, T T W POLLARD &MTOASON, M K mend, them to.lbe favorable consideration of those : fmn«s:, Ins'nriince wjU $e veffi-jetftd on ihe lives of who are- in want. : All are.at least requested to M - Janif* Rur yan's Wisest Fan?" are luaBufartared J Slaves, under ihe following nilijs:— ^ call, examine and price, as it affords him great in oo 5 i-f tny sliop i;, they bft"i.'ul up !>y coni[irtcul work^t. -Tbree-fourtb* the a'ciual-caib value will be as- pleasure-.to exhibit his work to those whose'good and the mat nal HAC--11;-.-.,heir constrtcr.ou is .'if the Charleslown, Jeflersbu .County, Va. pleawire it may be tlo. examine. .r \ cry best <|<iality 2il. Tliere will be inserted in earh pilicy a condition hi addition to facilities for m a n u f a c t u r i n g J. v. S, t' at no oilier lasurancs he made on tbe aame life. HIS large and very commodious Tbirec3J. A policy may he transferred! to'another party in Work at the shortest notice, he constantly' keeps; l?ri;li, Story Brick Hotel, situated in the Giirdncr A: Ko!tr!« illik State, or to a Slaveholder in another State, with- on hand a large and very general assortment of centre and business part ol the! town, is now oac fiist obtaining Ihe consent of this Cutnpaliy.' Saddles^JSridlcs, Harness, &c., 4;Ii. A slave dying without the. Stale, is Mill covered among the most attractive and desirable resting f ; and >jHthe plicy. places in the .great Valley of Virginia. \ flth/'f fie^preniiuni stated in th'eifir*! instance in- the Boots. Sftoes, tadies' antl Chil- ', The,luxuries of the TABLE ol this establishHE uaden igried'hsving purchased the tighl pjtHcy, is tbe ?ame, irrespeclive ol age, for tbe whole drcu's Gaitier*, Slippers, dec., ment, are surpassed,^ none, and ;the I5AR is at | • . : to nianuf icture HHU sell this unequalled t<?rjnrijctrfiv* years. . • , all limes supplied with a choice selection of su- j Dril in the co jntiea <>f "jLpudoun, Giarke^ and :: bth. The premium for said term of five years to be which can be ptirchjaaed'at the most reasonable the policy tliujs renewed; irrespec- terms fbr.csfcfj, on time; or exchanged fo'r connperior WISE* and IJQXJOBS. ' If of JeJferson, are -now full): pre- T- iW AHJiOAtiiTiand tiie oulhern lit ihe bealtb of the slave at the time of such re- try produce at cash [prices. Several large PiRuiES and airy CHAMBEKS j pare i.at their tslabHthnwot in Chariestovin to itvlof ;i:->k-al. KTl have'alsp on haiod a very large.asssprtLave been added since last year. \ . . ' 71th. Referee's letters, demanded, in ordinary eases, furn sb tOjOrder any nunxttcr of Drills, niade iii the A splendid Yellow»Monn;ed COACH attends; mosi subs-anlial manner.- All orders promptly i'i effeciing an insurance, will be dispensed with -in ment of Ladies' Wo; -k and Gcutlcuieii's Boots, which I atn t)< sirous of closing out by essjss'of insurance .'on the .Uy.ea of S^vea.:. theCharlestown Depot, upon the^arrival ot t h e ) Sih. Satisfactory and BEASOSABLE prwif oT age will the Spring, and Ihere-foi e am induced to offer at Cars,which willconvey visitors to the HOTEL, Tli.is Wheat Drill perf.irms tlie triple wp^k of b«- UtirTreiem 'to have that feet endorsed in the policy; the most reduced prjicea, barely ^»pering!«o8t. free of charge. Persons wi*Jiing;to be conveyed Drilling, Sowing and • iiovering by the; same R»I\ proof thereof alter dealb dispensed with. to other parts of the town, will pay a reasonable movement,thereby saving much time and labor. 'All kinds of Hides' takjen in exchange for work. IHh. In case-of.Uiflerenc<; a* to the actual CABU VAL.CB JOHN AVIS; Jr. compensation. It will plant point rows, ajad all irrognjar shjapejd ••I a slave, it may be determined by reference, to two I'vrtons, 10 be mumally clioseo. b> the owner and .the Charlestcwn, Jannsry 7i 1852. < -' SADDLE and HAKSESS ILinsEs, CAREIAGES, agtjnt of the Company. ..• • BUGGIES, and careful Drivers always ready for Iptli. Parties insoring on ttie livpBofSlav-e«,«fc,at the accommodation of visitors. i he end of any year, discontinue tlip. policy, IT they GEORGE W. SAPPINGTON, grains. 'J'his flUt -'line lias t)een 111 usp « iah to do so. - . • E introduction of Dr. John Bull's unequalled Sar1.1 ih. The annual expenses of snch insnranea willdeJuly 9,1850. "* Pjoprietor. two seasons, and wherever it has been introducsaparilla, has formed an era in the political world. nd upon tbe age of the Slave at his next birth-day, Its rise, piotrHi»;and rteiijany "wtntferrnlrcures it has ed has givgn entire satisfaction. i| effected, liiice it was iuiroducod to Ibe public, have IVOTICJL:. . T l i is Drill took the fireiipremium at the For instance, on $5CO, Animal Premium for the term been a subject of great tistoaishment, and even commandHE Co-Parlherfihip heretofore existing be- •AgricuItnsaJ Exhibition.,!!? October l:is^. ed the admiration cf ibe j^iucrican people. 'When the jffyeyeaw; tween the subscribers, under the firm of ilte first premium «CjfarfAgricukurAl Kxl history of this truly. Vtouderftil medicme is known, toPercent.. . Prem. on $500. Zimmerman & Co., was m u t u a l l y dissolved the for Be!moi;t countyvP^fcl Ocioi.er 23, 185|<. gether with the c'Xtrai-rdinary- .cxerlious niade by Dr. 1.56 7:80 Hull, I» make it the meat valuable compound of barsa15th day of October, 1851. BANNON if 1.60 '. 800 parilla kuownto the wuflii r it« rapid and unprecedented GEO. F. S. ZIMMERMAN^ 8 65 Much 2 ill \ 1 -25 : rise aiid progress, veill no longer be a theme of aslouiibL. S. inent.''- : . 28?--.^ '^-1.70. ; •. • . 8'5Q.-^ February 3,1852. Tw<snt y-»ac ycaw*loce 'Dn Bull.'theri a boy, came to in pnr pp8fij»>ion a. large nnmKsrof mi 8|76" 1.75 Louiiiville, anti -was emplu^ irtl furs cumlwr or years lu . , J 80 9jOO . studying the businessof an Apothecary.^r scary,s*ith Messrs. CO-PARTIfEIlSniP. meria i»4vlng; no Buper'^'i, Atnojvg^^the nttaiber 930 1.86. Byerr & Butler, Dr.T. E. WiU and Ibeliamfiited L. : ';; : . || George, Jr. After a , _ the serviice of; Dr. W7I«on, HE subscribers Having on the day of t|ie the {pllowirig:: 1-91 955 Dr. BiilV vnttt empJopd by Ur.. F: Sebtnb, an oM aud 1 have used on my ferM and am still usin£ one 9.80 above dissolution formed a Co Partnership, 1 96 celebrated German phvscian of this city,'and who was c n of the Wh^al SiriUai-piPtigif^ fay G>>rv4 S. |Sard= 200 l&OO 3 tinder the firm of Zimmcrmart«&;;Co-j W'H. ° : for many years, a v-urgeon in tbe Grand Army of .Napo ner and G-.'-orgfi''RipJfr#!miJ"n'ow sr.ij hy Mtjssrs. 3S 1020 tihoe to mannfaclnre all kimis of • 204 lego. £)r^ Scorch, duriDg'bis life, roadea fluid Extract llenaon, (.< O-.jmon and lihttit.. I do tot sujjjpose of Sarsapari lla for tbe especiiil u>e of the ph; siciaus of 1035 207 Agricultural Mjiohinery ihis city, and which was considered at that time by ra; any iiitellisrenl . -farmer'.Kivuld r.ov? d e p u t e the 2ft? 10.45 as before, and feeling anxious^, accommodate !luv the most tujierior article raa<le Dr.. Hull H as employed e pl ruu lwr -idvaulage of udrilling CVPT biioadcjist sowiitg; I 2,fi -• 10.45 by Dr. Scorch, in coni[K)undJug this celebrated >arsa'jjaand aarry out their o.d m,x m of small pa &| Hlso consider the.above Drilllakogethur equal to 06Q; 2.12 rilla, and. he then conceived the idea and finally fully and quick sales, have reduced their |rices ^\ ^y.j,n|tnqw in use>ab(tri.e^dvaluageofal.ply. 214 10.70 :ennioed '(serentecu years siuce) to introduce at follows ae future*period, for the consideration of the afllicted, ing a.compost box.to it-,- shakes jfepery deatrjible- ..And for other ages not enumerated . in proportion. THRESHER with Cleaner complete, six The compost part of tlvaifrillj acts well in icvery" A ipuliny fee ot' ^1 25. is-payable in the first instance a preparation of Sarsaparilia. ' horse power, warranted to thresh .from 3a.to.60 particular and is one of ti'5 grjeaiesi inyeniiuns of nalt — not demanded afterward^. . Since tbat time his mind lias been constantly employbushels per hour, and for eiinplicity, durability (he day for the farmer; It'Kiiglit we.'l-be.callejd the rTnus :- A. Sl«jve aged 30 years can be insured for ed in studying the ingredients, nnd experimenting to a complete, safe, and taluable compound of Sarsaand easy draft to the horse has no equal, $235 farmer's f r i e n d , is it FRCOS bbth time and l-ibor. 5 - 'QO, <b»her sums larger or smaller, pro rala.) for a find jvajivfor $9; and if he die*, the owner, although de- parilla, such a one as vrould be acknowledgtd by pbysi, Thresher without Cleaner, from 130 toglSO MARTLN glCUELBliRGEIR, ;•• i ved of the revenue of his labor, by GO ordinary a casu- ciaos is undoubted in its efficacy,' and hailed'by the af; ..Fodder Cotters, 830 :v:ty, wi.llctill not be nnrecjmp^nsed for his loss; for flicted with demonstrations of joy. By close and nnreMarch 19, 1852. ; Corn and Cob Crushers, 8-15 lb«re will still remain id- bint — not his Slave— hot tbe mutingsnid.y, be at last succeeded in .gaining tbe desirCorn Shellere, from 812 to 830 j s..;-QO which constituted his value, which sum lie can in- ed end. His Extract faring been, several year* before TAKE 10 raplace the revenue the death of the Slave would the public, and its merits completely tested, he confiH^ and Straw Cutters from ! $8 to 830 j UB, Notes given ai m-y ^le wcre'due oi the !• -st dently appeals to tbe thousand certificate* cfits wonderi-ive deprive himof if uninsured. AH other machinery at proportional rates.— j cures, and hence lb> its- great superiority oter al 1st day of January 5|tst,and uliperso^s inFor any further informal rortde*irer5, plena* apply to ful other simi lar coiopoutids. it»therefore a matterfefno All warranted to work well. debted ar« reqweJEted to py th6 ssnie ;o G^o C. 0V, «- B. W. HERBERT, Agent. surprise, tbat the question, is frequently asked "Why We are also agents for R. ^rsstAiji, jr. & Co., | i>i.AKEMOr. E, who isautl;xi?izedandempow<irjed to Febrnary 17, 1863—6m. ^; J . v docs Dr. Bull's Sarsajiaril a continue to advance rapid " ~ of Baltimore, end can furnish: persons any ma-! collecjusaid Notes. .: JOHN W. LUKjE. ' ly in ihe favor ai.d confidence' of tbe public, when ai chinety from them at Baltimore prices. All; Feb. 10—tf. ] : . -.j;. , other similar preparations, wl-ich hate pit-ceded his kinds of,Casting done at the shortest notice^ inhave been cast atide fts no worthy of thtf srigbt-j*l no-: lice?" Thoogh.it is not• rcq'nirvd yetohw questiouis eluding Mill Castings and dressing Mill Spin- j Office a few Doors Pfbrth of Taylor-'s Hotel easily answered. . Dr. Ball na» not worked alone for pedies, Mill Picks, &.c. The subscribers are thank j cuniary pre fernienl ; gain bas nw been ^nfa sole object; ful for past favors and hope by strict attentionlo | |iY good, active a«d »nteIHgen; he has had a higi.er and a nobler arm constantly in rletr J4. 1851— tf. business 16 give all entire satisfaction who w i l l ' —tbat ;«fTelie«Bg the superings of Bi» fellow creatures. small capital of from $30 to S100, can Unlike those who compound a good article for a short favor as with a call. NOTICE. large profits by engaging in the sale of-itai; fol. i time that they may, gain amputation, and haying alUinGEO. F. S ZIMMERMAN, ! •lowingr ' ^. :^ . . HE subscriber having been engaged in the ed.tbe;pb3ect.oriaeir wish, reduce their article, bv learJOHN P. ZIMMERMAN. Popular and Ifsef nl Books. * practice of DENTUJTRY for Borne jeara ing oot its most t «Inable ingredients, to a worth less mixCharlestown. Feb. 3, 186i. 1 ture, in order to accamaUte wealth, Dr. Bull has con Chambers Information !«n- ihe People: or jk>pu- returns bis thanks to the citizens of thw afr^sor- tinned to use the costly ingredients which his long study lar Encyclopedia of u?cful Jtnpwledgc. .Two roundingconnties for their liberal patrocage,aarJ and experience enabled him to discover, and which bas now informs them tbat be ja stilt better prepared .large imperial octavo vu-umegj CGutaSaing'1700 beeR 6f such iovalnable setrice to suffering humanity — <o execute all hinds of work in his profession; He Weks to gain an onspotted reputation, not only fur pages E announce to the pub ic that we have inhim^effi pat also fur bis renowned Sarsaparilla, and it ii in the best manner and on the most accomodating Mradted Mr.\V. L. WI.BB too jtfoct worthy ta^B recorded, that every gallon of the Sarsaparitla »old by Ur. Bull is made with bia own at Shepherdstown and sell ihe Goods in Berry vtiie, over Smith <St Jack- hind! and trader bis nsaicdiatc-taRcrintcndeDce. For an there are many desirable goods there --on's Store, where he may.be foucd on Frfday several years past .he has been daily experiinenting in kind*, Hardware, Qnceaferware, <Sro ^!id Saturday of every week. 'Persons wailed on admiiiistf ring hia mixtures, witnoirt charpe to patients 600 large octavo eerie*, aud Pry Goods, incurable, and to his eternal fame te it reit private residences, If reiqtiiretf. :f Sitisfactiotf pronoanoed ings. : A large asteortment of Boot-.:, Shoes, Caps and Frcisl's Remarkable F.ftfntg in the Hislbiy of 5!Wn »a<*H>«*6« 'or no chaige^ Communica- corded, bi» effort* b»ve been crowded wht the most wonderful socces*, llis SarsaparilhiiJjas now gained " llals.-'-also a large asst-rttnent of Dye Ajnerica. Twolargi^>rta\-o;yoliimcs, confain- i-uns left at the Post office, oral ^niitli &, Jack- such a wide spread reputation, and beta establishcd" Stuff?, and a large assortment : , son's, will be sUended to promptly. upon such a.»olid basis, thai he is. firmly satisfied of its ing- 1 600 -pages anfl 7bO EnrrMvivigs. [The March 2,1852—ly./ ATM. " v. JO, IS31. Pitiprietor. r T TO THE PUBLKT T T T 500 Beok Aireals Wanted, A ' -* t » ' f^~'^-••A j _' 4t. _ —..flT—wr^.^.™ _.«"!_ • ^- Al I I _..' _. . Off? if CT L,. H. MILLEK i CO., TMPORTERS, ManofaiBtnrera and Jubbers of WatchJL-es; Jewelry and Watch Materials, have It-nsed llie old etand formerly occupied bj^JUessrs. Caufield, 15ro. & Co., S. E. corner Charles and Baltimore gtrcet«, No. 2CT, which"iheY," have pot in 'roaipl^ie order for the Wholesale Watcb and Jewelry Bu.-ine?!<, upon an enlirely new plan, having no goods exposed in show cas-es. .". ' ; ' * In calling thc>attentioh of tbe trade to tbevnew concern, vfre mention the feol tfial we are associated: with one of the most «?ten»ive.Jewelry raanufacluring exiablUiimenls in the country, which must give a decided advantase over all others in ibis market, for nupply ing dealers with Jen'elry. at manufacturers' pricey, a feature -in. thU branch uf trade long since heeded between Ealiimore and iHe-Sbnthern atttl"1We*terri Merchaats. ; We^ desire to call atlerition to ihe " Watch ihspartment, which will at all timfa be supplied with a great assortment Irora the most celebrated manufacturer!!, and kept in per If et running order, 30 that purcliastrM may at once take them, with a'vvrilten guarantee that/they will pe'rform correctly. ' attenliofi of one of the^ firm, «hose eitens-ivt- and pr«c ties! knowledge of tbe business \\ill, we hope,give us a place in Ibe confidefice of buyer*. . vve respectfully invite yon to call upon us when you neit viyit-bur city, cnnfidenily believing that an examination of unr gnoiis will prove, to yon that they are !vtler styles and cheaper than you have ever reeti in this mark**,and assure yon that no efliirt shall be wantinc on onr part 10 make the acqnaiiifaL'ce one of mutual beneEt.^ ! L, II. MlLEEtt^t CO., No. 227 S. E. comer Charles and Bait. BIS. J. B. BRACPO.N' f f- BETEHSNCES. ' Messrs. WYETH. BLA.CIvM)i:K~<fe COr, GAVVN, RElD;<Sp TAYLOR. •• jAiffES HODG&5 & -BROTHER, «« HttfiST & BJ3RKY, i" AR1KDOCH. Dt'Ett &-EVAMS, 'i lUrCgiCfiS, •« BAlirHLOW, P>felfN & CO.j R1EJ.Y. & PENDLET0N, " : CjUSHINt:; &,.UA'H.Kr, JOHN MURPHY: =& COy : ••• MOOKE & GRIFFIN. Baltimore, Feh: 10, 135'i—ly. JNQ. B. BADDESS, No. 12 liiebtjSt.; near Market, and opposite ThorstonV Fountain Hotel, B JVLTIMOKE, M D., OULD re.-prcUully call the attention of persons wishinj; to purciia-e Grave-stones, Tombs, &r., to the large assortment he baa juoi finished, and has on hand, which will be sold clteap for cash ; boxed and delivered td cars free of an extra cost; guarantied safe toiany distance, and to give entire Baiisfactibn'or nojcharge made. Any order entrusted to me will- meet with prompt attention. . Address, '" "J. B. GADDESS, GEORGE L BETTY, Sdaootighrrr; M. B.,:F. B. BnrweJI. " '• ' • ' ' *»* ' ••'*• *»^** r 'TV <.*''*»* ' • * »•*. • " Jt ~.'r rf We nndertake to make collect i ly t» remit 4hep(oc<ejtd3lb any "- the pabHc to his large and elegant assortment of Witileg, Clocks, Jewell y» Which Ire is prepared to sell al the-Icrwest tish price*. 2 Gold andSikcic,feaBt5« ^a^dAVaigbj ditto H«tie6ntal Escapement Watches ; Detac ' lex Watohea, from the edebraied a w d - THE. TRUJS DIGEiiTiVil Urn*:! OR '* C^ASTRJO TJRBPABIED from RENNET JTAUCH OF THE OX,ait,r 'EEBIG. tho'emu Phvswtoeit HOUGilION, M.LCP _ Thtsuatraiy wolSlerfulreiihnlv for liSSlf111 . pep»m, Jauftiice, Liver ConnVain^rS *! and Debility. Coring after .Nature tbodt by natuw'n own Aorti^ i TKIC JtlCE. . Half a teatpoonfnl of Persi,<«kin( digest or dissolve, Five Hi/um!i of : 4' twohour*. ootoftb* si..^, P/EPSIN in the chio Werwnt, or Gr?at I r.iple of t lie Cast riff Juice—the $«iv«nt, purifying,Prewrting.anU tstimalatint raacUand Intestine*. It in eiira« Stomach of the Qt, thus forming i i— Fluid, prreisety like Ihe natural GastVicj^j?-1 mir«J po*«t», and fnrni-hir.™ a s»b*titutefurit. By ihe aid ofihin and <jvn>on?JD!«3ES'nO^ and L . moved, just as iliey would be by a heVli't,'*^ It w doing wondf.rt for Dyspeptic*,, bility, Emaciation, Nervous " ^ •Consumption, mpposed to be on the \tiit ThttSownnfie Evidence upon which iii, rurioos «nd f»° > [S^Vi.^ BAEO.N LSBfiKi in hbrcIebratH worTo. i Crwmirtry.sajs: "An aniScial Dige»iiven, 00* to tile Ga»lfi« Jaice, may be rt-adilv n,n ibs mucom membrane of the stornai-K jfif which various article* of foud. as meat aad"*tn be softened,elianged, and Uigoteil, jmiui -i manner as tlmy would br in lite liurnan t Dr. COMBE, in his valnahle *riui,?»o^:, siofosy of Urg*»lkHi," ob^enr'M th&t •• the due quawity of the Gastric Jiiicr is L all pjevailirte cause of Drsprp^ia;" »miT.t "a dislingtirsTifd pru{e»»"r of medicine in It waa seven-ly aiHicled M uii ihUeumplatru. f thiiiz e)$e tu fail, bad recourse to iiir (» taiuedfrom tbeBlomach»iiflivingar;iia:i! rumpletely sut-eessfiii." ' Dr. GRAHAM, author uf the finum* worboi»| gf Table Diet."sa>s: "ft is a remarkable fMu»jJ lufry, that the wuraarlwof animaN, mact impart to tliefiuij llieproperly of d\m,\ iicle»of food, and of«ne<sin5 a biiidnf,... tion of them in no wnediff rent from the nit'ji] " live procew." . Gallon tlie-^ceBt,and get a DMeri^irtC EC Ctiji 5*5^^^?JL^*?j^PJ^'J?^. B A H g- »)> srly list beef, Propriel ,1,1333. popular a« willbe- 1 « or tickets j pi cities. Ti comr Winches »b!e traasi JOfl WHITE SOJ j miles fi O"* . lOtli i reception of ifb renter ' [their time Iplaee is perf ery from ose who lie eelei ly the el • from \V« |tod Baliitnof t ia due line I from thftj i to \Vk vjal» u,r ifci i ; ' "feWfp%T o a h a u J a la rg«"in pply ; c in flu - Dresi* Rjots, Congress Gaiters, Pdteiii aadCIHCUI-jaKS iawi itli%fbrd:Ti^ Cloth Mavy Fur ffijs o*e of Pl»}>:c;;n.!., ri ..v f •• . ) • •,.:-.! -"S Cirt as above; H-inrglnon or-Wn -A":-rjil.«,dr>i-ni>ii, E rl-r'nlnwt!5,1852._ .MIR & "Importers and dea!er8 in ofpreparaiiori. and i"i\ ing ihe a'ltiinu'fT ",' . ri.e claftnfs oftlii» nt-vv rfii,--tly iirt '.;,-•<'.. \ fine-Chirm, niaWarerX'asior^&c., No. 159 Baltitnare at., ?!^hyH|^icIiCu^rtetaWrii^d™ opposite Ihe M u s e u m . lar practicv. OBSERVE T7//.V.' RMSTRONG &, BERRY, Nn. 156, (MuF.v^ry. bottle of the seum" Building.) Baltimore st.: have on sale 8 WaterinJ a general HS.-oninent of Scfio«*l, Cla^sicaf.The**-f ICTI "gnvatfot >. s. uoi<;nTt>.\ fl. i> .*\, of logical and-OMfelU'neoua Hooks; Paper, Sta- «fl«V1*ll«f«^lP'1w.Pi- fopy-iis!,iawJ.lWi " ' " ' tionery and BiWk B r n Books. Prices moderate. ,„ Sold- by all Drnggintaand IVaiers in I « visitors i ENJ. jRUfcSELL, No. 170.Pratt st., three s pleasant J Price cue Dollar Per EotUt. j A* doors above Charles, manufacturer of Fine t — From A GJEi\ T S: Boots and 'Shoes. A large stock of "fine g. ods r, then ^t L. M'. SMITH. Char adapted toj the wliolesale trade always on hand. [will be in rea L" P. HAlWilAN, \\iKbtifiA f t Sulphur. McOOMAS, maker and importer of-Guns, Dee. 9,1851—ly. . Riflte and Pistols. Always on hand a fiyfi, 183-2—t HOW, wan A A B Bird and Ducking Guns, six barrel Pbtold, corkiBgdft., Colt'a do,, Sportemea'aIJSqnipme'au Repairing ifene. fl This Medicine, when osed according to;di- at the M F. MfDOLETON-S tobacro,xC1jrarrand annonnr e that V'- Snna Mautufactory, No, iOS.Pfati street, tfey^fiave formed ; a Co Partnership to near Seatb. transact a General Banking and Exehanrrp Bu#iA. MARBURG. Importer*, of WineB, nesa in ihis City, uotJer the firm of :SELDEN, DANH5L i--S* BONHAM. ' • :Brartdies,GinaVCigar^&c.VNo 26Light bine* !*&eal*ilFaf EnrrtxHKni. AB^S^o prWuce. WITHERS & "Co , and are prepared to deal in at. Country merchants me invaed to call. »a of Sanaparilla, a supen.-r preperaaoB to his Fhiid Domestic Exc&anga, Time Bills, - - ——.-,.—^^—^ . . • : . . | P. Nelson^ 1«.ft,;Waiia^O. Steaati;;:: O*Wa do not "hesitate to say that J P. fl^rt- i lh* Store irVWr. _______ R J W C Rifle and Pistol Maker W MvilARRISCOurtNo. 6ft Sooth street. Cbnstantlv ori band TVaslftblWfl, D. C. «. J.*8. HOU GJJEAT DYSTEPSU facturers and dealers in Watches', tine JewSilver and Plated Ware, f S3 Baltimore strret, opposite the Museum. SDONOHUE,Shirt Manufaclorer.No. 163 .Baltimore st, over H a r t man's Clothing Establishment, nearly opposite the Museum. ESSE'MARDEN, Manufacturer and dealer in Patent Platform Scales, Patent Balances, and Scales of every description, S. Charles between Lnrhbaid and Pratt streets. ARBLE MANTLES at 812, $15, $18.[ Dr. noi:orFro>S>KPsl.\ I....^^ S^O, and up lo $500; iil^o Monument*,' marvi-llousefle<-t», in curjii-rr-asesof IVbilitr Tombs andGrave Stones. S1SSQX& BAIRD,'. tiol "' K«voni Decline, and Dy.prpiicUra ' Steam Marble Woris, corner of North ai>d i » w»«np.wsibl«togtve the«feiaili. u f ra<«i Monument streets-. " thi. adverH^mcni; but am^nm^ h*v« bet-ngiren-of moje- than T*o llunjrrt i hie'fure*, iirPliiiadclphia, .New York »m! Bori OSTON &. PRICE, Hat Manufactnrers and dealers in all kinds of Maid, No. 129 Bdlti- These wtrif nearly all despcralr ea*rs, and were not only rapid and wonderful. IHH psnniwic tnore street, opposite the Clipper Office. It ia a gr^at >iERV"Ot'S ANTIDOTE, irul'^r. MOS LOVEJOY, wholesale and retail deal- larly lueful/ur tendency to Bilious dimrder, t\tfQ plaint, Fe\>f and Afiw; or bailly ireaM er in Hosieiy, Gloves, Under Sfairts, and Urawera, and. small wears generally. No. 123 Ague, and the r\i\ rff-cts of Quinine, drug* upon the Digestive Ordain, afirr.i'i I?altimofe st., between'Calvert aud South sis., other »i<-knt^s. AIMV iW^ipfw in eatim;. 5 doors above Sun Iron Building. 1 u«e of ardent spiriu. It al tv^t rerniiiciln 1 *• Intempcranre. OWELl, & BROS., Mann fact ntera and Old Stoniacb Importers of Paper llangings, whulesafe There is n^Titnn-of Old Stomach G.rni aMM and.retai!,.No. 2uj Baltimore st., invite atieatlon it d(Ks n o r f f t m to rs-acli aiul r-move aiwic*. 3>i to their elegan' stocJgMUJaper fTtn ler how bad they may be, il gives j\sT»!U »»t:l Fire:boa'rd Pi A single dore rrinmes ali ihf i •«S™ i heas6g.r,linent .1; and tluqly n»-ril« t.. be rspeatpd f..r 'rt >"": llfcese grxxl "liei-ts pt-niianeul. I'urny ol Mu^. and :'roo> liie Vignr of-ftoftj. fullou ,il onr.ei It U |;uriirul«(ir< isnt in _ -jfdliS'aii^-u, Vninitin^. t'ntmp>.£oni liie-pir of thexoiwt. Ii. .i;-ire!-s al'irr eai,.'<;l«», meats io purclia.-era. stale of the Slooi 19kavir!cs«. LUM,--- LI .sf>inii.i CASllVil r &c. -be»l HafL. Gall aireet, :Dr large assortment of ibe above goods, 51 S. CalNo. l$\Ligkt s/., Baltimore. vert street," and 53 Chcapside." : » •• FebtBary 10,1862. ALliilOREF^MALK COLLEGE.UThis Institution, incorporated by the Legislature ol Slaryland, with the power of conierring "Degrees, has a faculty of twelv? Professors. Board HATS AND GAPS, C^PET BAGS/SILK and tniliun $200 per annum. and Cotton Umbrellas, and N. C. BROOKS, President. Canes of every descripT. WALTERS &. CO., Importers an«f tion, &c., &c. » dealers iu Wines and Liquors, No. 68 No. 4, f'oBrteentb street, JUbder ErciiisoK HOTEL, Exchange Place. 1 Four doors from, West * Book Store, H. MYERS & BRO., Impftrtfr* *f Brim RfCHMOSD, VA. ^. dies, Wioea, Gin, Cigars, &c., No. 73 Feb. 10, 1852— ly. r hxchange Place. - W all kinds of Iron and Steel. best History of AmeHcH published TrVe; would respectfully recommend that the t'B Pfttorial Life clock be examined as good bargains can no doubt did book, containin be had. J. W. & A, KENNEDY, Trestees o! said \Ve6b. Fetrtttrya4,i852r-tf. Moore's History of the' hidian IVVare. :orpd-aml Plain Ptetcif,: * HEW JEWELRY STORE. R mr* Scientific " W»V»« * ;/ LITTLE-S" WHITE OIJL FOB HORSES! rjl'HIS if pronounced to be the bei-' prp>»!*ij JL by ihe many hundreds t h a t i>aveo?fiil the various afiectiona that LIOKSESi viz:—Cuts, Spraities, Bruise.s, Suriiiifsi^l Galls, Scratches, Fjstnla, Polevii, ih fact most any injury that a Horse It is no* in general n?e as a for sores of all kinds. Pain in the limlnwi chirpped bands, ridg.and tetter *orni,KiJ«V burns, anil has triads som? mo.-; renarkabled of; : KHEUMAT1SAJ. Prepared for the proprietor ai WII.LMI" HEART'S Drug Store, Scot^viLe.AlUs County, Va. None genuine bat tho=p s\rrr.?4 OT Till W. LITTLE, on the attside °wr8frr-' Price, 37£ cents a Bottle^ with Directions.*' FOR SALE BY J*. M., Saimt & Co.,CIiarlps!i»«l A. M. CKIDLEK. Harper* Terry. H. S. FOKSRT, inty and urta of bit i they toaniies, i that m 'the ' one re and ad iA. II. DCFFIEL SMITH &. rVtAET rtten'S Clothing E^tsMwlinjent t*one of the best JORS G. Smai-EV, Middipwar. houses to; Baltimore; his t/oods are well made ^ W. R. & A. F SEETEKS, Surami!P*1 and pricey moderate. We would advUe •otir —ALSO— and p romp t- friends wHea visiting the city to five him a By Druggists and Merchants igned :poittl' at Nrxj 63 Baltimore si reet. " States. ' 1852—6t. . »e alt "Rfflcnn J ! «torte8t ; >< B tb risk States, t he C StatCS ^,-.-. . .of »U tjta Presidents, «»gr>t ied on stee t and'a. view;6jVlhe Capftol oi li^e , menta of the Government. qwrewato tr«fl«at;fjwi»beeonJric:ed with fidelity and promptitade, and opoa the moatyeasdn*—&^^^-^ ----- , Box and Mbarpingr Pins inger fiiogs of everv ^ Gaard a'nd Belt tSitihs, Cbtlilaine Pins, ld Goirds» Vest ai^ FMbjChainsf and SeaU, Locket and en. of PhUadelphia o»<ide "^.Morocco Slipper, and Misse* every in are mended free Alexandria. V* n <t Agent* «ha mtj YOUTH AND MANH8»| I to. A Vizmous Lif«j OB A orJOI 'J, 1855 PREMATURE DEA* Sell-Freservali* fixei PlUtadeipbi tit- 'of'i *•'all other 't.TStwfa 'iffli of Goods iisaaliy ' f - foreign 'THHS Biek, jngt published. * afike to YOUTH, MANHOOD i AGE, and should be read by all. T«je valuable advice and impresaiTe it ^ives, will prevent years of misery i ' es*e annually Thousands ot' by reading it, will learn IK vent tAe destznction of their children, i ***"A t*roitt»nce" of 25 een?.«, encIiMW telet<*ddn>*fed to Dr. KINKEL1N, Ji _ and Union Streeii». Spruce and Pij»j Philadelphia, will ^ book-ander envelope, per return of raai£ -Peiribni «Tt disunee may adJicss Df- * *riv(pwtp»id,V,, itftOUtiscar MiBicraEs, DiRscnoifs,«' » remittance, tnrf tied with tie tbo**1 ^•^••••K'TTJIMKr^"" j''^ W*"". in the coantry, t'.ie ^bscrtoer 14 thrCounirw nt f the *