Vipers on Track
Vipers on Track
D : Vipers on Track R Speed World Challenge Car I esPe k· Hill Climb Coverage Volume 20 • Number 7 November 2003 $4.99 o us • $6.99 Canada I 09281 01 24 6 1 1) I : Autocross Monster ull - ht: Complete Guide to Towing For -nto: Sportier Than You Think S 00 or .com The Pinto Was the Blue Oval's Under rated Challenger in the Conlpact Banles of the Earlv 1910s T he Ford Pinro has bee n put down and mocked (sometim es deserved ly so) plenry of ri mes. Mocked and vilified in its da y, the lowly Pinro broke new ground at Ford and proved ro be a better ca r than mosr remember. If yo u're expecting explosion jokes, this Story wi ll disappoinr you. Now ir's time ro ralk about the many good poinrs of Ford's first answe r ro VW, Toyota, Honda and Datsun. Yes, the Pimo has good points, and quite a few of them: a bulletprooF overhead-cam engine, optional disc brakes, nin1ble rack-and -pin ion steer ing and srrong, light construction For starte rs. These qua lities add up ro a car that handily outclassed and outso ld its dom estic com peti tion and conrrib uted ro some of Ford's best sales years. I n addition, its low weight and easi ly modified engine provided surprising abi liti es on the track. Ford's Import Fighter The order For the ca r that became the Pimo came first from Lee lacocca. When ir came to small cars, lacocca saw the handwriring on the wall ea rl y. Between 1962 and 1968, th e sales of imported cars in the U. S. doubled, Fueled photo (ourt~e~_~~ SY ford _ __ _ _ _ _ _ --~---~--~-------~, his sma ll er , record time about two 1 September; and COSt $ [ ' Two Enl BRA E LU ICATION There are two basic disc brake pad designs, non-shimmed and shimmed pads. Each pad type requires a dif ferent chemical application to reduce noises, ensure pl'Oper per formance and minimize the risk of comebacks. Non-Shimmed pads require the use of traditional Di c Brake Quiet1'M (DBQ). available from Re in polymer compound and aerosol form. Simply apply the DBQ to the back of the pads, let dry for 5-10 minutes and install pads. Shimmed pads require the use of e Re's Synthetic Caliper Grease (SCG). Apply SCG to all contact points on the back of the pads, all caliper metal-to-metal contact points and mounting hardware. RC's SCG is a high-temp synthet ic grea -e that does not contain petroleum or silicone bases. It will not damage plastic or rubb T com ponents, burn up or washout, like silicone-based greases can. Drum brak es also r quire lubrica tion on all shoe landings, metal-to metal contact points and hardware. Again, CRe's Synthetic Caliper Grease is ideal in this application because of its high temperature and long lasting properties. CRC' SCG should be used with every di c and drum brake job performed. Additionally eRC's Brakleen®, Disc Brake Quiet and Synthetic Caliper Grease gener ate add-on sales with all brake parts sold. eRe Industries, Inc. 885 Louis Dr. Warm..inster, FA 18974 800.272.8963 Grassroots Motorsports 102 Many people associate Lee lacocca (left) with the Ford Mustang, but the Pinto was also his baby. He saw Ford's need for an inexpensive, fuel-efficient car to hold off the imports. order for the car that became the Pinto came first from Lee lacocca. When it came to small cars, lacocca saw the hand writing on the wall early." ~~The mainly by the Vol kswagen Beetle and steadily growing numbets ofToyotas and Datsuns. laco cca insisted chat Ford wou ld need co expand its ptesence in the sma ll- car marker. He proposed an all- new subcompact, smallet than the M averick a nd priced ro co mpeee w ieh Toyoea, Datsun and VW. I n add ieion to offe ring a domestic aleerna ti ve CO the im pores, the new car w ould help Fo rd meet the gover nm en t fuel- eco nomy stan datd s looming on the ho rizon . A ll thi s h a rdly sounds lik e the genesis of a decent SpOrts car, but bear with us . In reerospec t, ehe plan co produce a smal l and more affordable car so unds like a no-braine r, but if Henry Ford II had gocren his way, the Pinto never wou ld h ave ha ppened. Mr. Ford simp ly wasn' t intereseed in small ca rs and saw no reason fo r his compa ny co sell them. Case in point: While the sales of smal l, fu el-efficient imports ba llooned co more than a m illion by 1969, the once-sve lee Museang had eurned into a big, heavy boulevard cruise r. Th e res t of the Ford lineup grew similarly. Obviou sly, fuel econo m y was th e last thing on the corporate mind. lacocca persisted , though, and in the end his scubbo rn reso lve won ou t. The Pinto received th e go -ah ead, wi th some c hallenging objectives. The new car had to be a true subcompact in size and weight, yet wieh a mo re comforta ble interior and ride th an the spa rtan comp eei tion. It had co be inexpens ive co buy, own and dri ve, so fuel economy and re lia bility were paramount. lacocca wanted a car chat weighed less tha n 2000 pounds and would cose less than $2000. Consid e ring the cars co ming out of Dearborn in 1970, ie seemed like an impossible dream. T ypicall y, in a car's journey from d rawing bo ard to sn eet, everyth ing goes a ll wro ng. Goals are co mpro mised, obj ecrives are ch anged to mee t financial demands, and ultim a tely a no ble project is all but ruined by th e bean co unte rs and n aysayers. This d idn't happen with the Pinto. In fac t, thanks to ex te nsive use of pa rts -b in compo n e nts from ehe U.S. and Euro pe, Iacocca got Two diff initi ally ava displacemcn The 1. 6 wa. Cortina pOl the famou s goo d for ab t h a nks to i' ca tb . Reliabi had been an been worke. was seriousl Th at's pr with the Ge This four- b, Ford Capri. engi ne for rI omycar.Ac cross Aow he intake and I ing. As For, engine) it " po rts were r bolt-on desi ea rly OHC and a cast c 2.0-liter Pin freeway mar A Weber eq uipm ent. liter SOH C rpm and t: which was Consi d er rI h eavier Iv! ( horsepown an 11.4-sea Pinto whilt reaching 80 Two trat taken from m anual was V6-equippe C4 three-spl Ameri can <; than capable and mod est stick was ar was standar Rack-a The Pin A nimble I borrowed f U.S.-built , eeste rs fou o although ic qu alities of Buile to Pimo was considerec suspen sion unequal-leT to the low O ut bad mencw;tS II and no ami· seeel wheels his smaller, smarrer, berter subcompact in record time, with development only taking about two years. The Pinto went on sale in September of 1970. It weighed 1949 pounds and cost $1919. Amazing. Torsen D@ren~ials, 6 Speed Transnzissions, Big Brake Kiu Two Engines Available Two different four-cylinder engines were initially available, either I.G or 2.0 liters in displacement, with both sourced from Europe. The I.G was based on the British Anglia and Cortina powerplants. Although it saw duty in the famous Lorus-Conina, the I.G was on ly good for about 75 horsepower in Pinto trim thanks to its aging design and single-barre l carbo Reliability wasn't a problem, as the e ngi ne had been around since 19GG and the kinks had been worked our. Power, on th e other hand, was seriously lacking. That's probably w h)' most Pinros were so ld with the German-built overhead-cam 2.0 liter. This four-banger also saw use in the German Ford Capri. It was a surprisin gly sop histi ca ted engine for rh e rim e, especially for a lowly econ omy car. A cast-iron block was mated ro an iron cross Aow head featuring big valves ( I. G5-inch intake and lA 2- inch exhaust) for good breath ing. As Ford's first production overhead-cam engine, it was built for durability. Cam sup pons were parr of th e head cas ting, unlike the bolt-on design used by General Morors for its ea rl y OHC engines. The engine used steel rods and a cas t crank wi th five main bearings. The 2.0-liter PintO also had a shon stroke for better freeway manners. A Weber 285 cfm carburetor was standard equipment. With 9.0: I compression, the 2.0 liter SOHC put out 100 horsepower at 5GOO rpm and 120 Ib.-fr. of torque at 3GOO rpm, which was plenty for the diminutive Pinto. Consider this comparison: The 220-pound heavier MGB GT made do with five fewer horsepower (at best). Road & Track recorded an I lA-second zeto-tO-GO run in a 2.0-equipped PintO while noting that the 1.G had trouble reaching 80 mph. Two transmissions were offered, both also taken from Ford's pans bins. The four-speed manual was anorher German unit, designed for VG -equipped cars ovcrs('as, while the optional C4 three-speed autOmatic was one used on larger American cars. Both transmissions were more than capable ofhandling the Pinto's light weight and modest horsepower demands, although the stick was arg uably more fun. A 3.55: I rear end was standard equipment. PHDTE6E: A ll years including Pro~ege5. 1.5, 1.8, 2.0 engines and I:rans~issions~ 5 lug conversions~ Su..pension and Body par~s. Since 1980 Large selec~ion ofMillenia Engine, Larges~ selec~ion, rnos~ knoUlledg Transnzission and Body Par~s. able -<raffand ~he absolu~e leader in ~he Mazda used paru field. 4917 Nezu Peachrree Road Adan~a, GA 30341 ZDDIII ZDDHII 1-800.221.5156 Rack-and-Pinion Surprise The Pinto suspens ion also held surprises. A nimble rack-and -pinion stcering unit was borrowed from the Capri, making it the only U.S .-built car so equipped at the time . Road testers found the Pinto to be a dece nt handler, al though it lacked some of the "fun to drive" qualities of the imports. Built to mainsrream American tastes, the Pinto was a bit tOO soft in stock trim to be considered a seriou s spores car. The front suspension was independ ent and consisted of unequal-length arms. The springs were mounted to the lower arms. Out back, a conventional leaf spri ng arrange ment was used , with a live axle, staggered shocks and no anti-roll b3.!s. The Pinto rode on 13x4-inch steel wheels, while slightly wider five-inch wheels Grassroots Motorsports 103 harchback called me Runabou r added 38 cubic feer of cargo space and joined rhe lineup midyear. The New Model T Shordy afrer its 1970 imrodu crion, Henry Ford II was quored as saying rhe Pinto was rhe "new Model T' rhanks to irs simple construcrion and reli ability, which may have been overstating rhe case jus r a li[[1e bir. Bur ir is rrue rhar the Pimo was a good deal simpler than rhe common car ar rhe ti me, having about 1700 parts as com pared to rhe average of more rh an 2000. Fres h ou t of th e box, rhe Pin to proved very popular, wirh Ford selling its firsr 100,000 copi es in a lirde more rhan 100 days. Even an early recall for engine fires (caused by a badly design ed air cleaner, which cou ld collecr gas vapors) didn 'r dem rhi s popul arity. Jr's nor hard ro see why rhe Pimo racked up sales reco rds at rhe starr. Ir compered wirh rhe VW Beede, Chevroler Vega, AMC Gremlin , Darsun 1200, T oyora CoroJla and Opel Kaden. Aga insr this grou p, the Pimo was mu ch more civilized chan mosr of me imports, and was eve n consid ered Whether dressed up in sporty mags or plain hubcaps, the Pinto had some cool features, including a sizable interior, choice of available engines (the 2.0 liter four is shown) and independent front suspension. The Pinto engines became wildly pop ular in motorsports, while the front suspension can be found grafted to many hotrods and kit cars. To ng can I a V8hicle s lubricalion ~ sho~e n a '.1 slra nded. 11 developed 10 overhealing heat related THfNf Call I for a To kits mi therml impact paintin were available as an oprion. Also oprional were from disc brake" whose 9.3-inch rorors made a world ofdifference over rh e nine inch drums rhar were sCJndard. Road eft" Track reporred "neurral" handling and praised rh e disc brakes, which made rhe Pimo considerably more drivable. ro rd's smallest producr ro date came wrapped in an all-new unibody. Th e Pinro was a long-nosed, fastback coupe with a 1970s space-pod look that managed ro be cute wirhout being as awl0"vard or outre as simil ar atrempts from AMC. The Pinto was longer, lower and wide r rhan rh e Corolla an d Beede, but its 94-inch wheelb ase and \63-in ch overall len!,;rh were hardly rh e sruff of the average Yank Tank. To keep rh e weighr down, rhe Pimo fearured a one- piece "halo" roof cons rru ction wi rh srrong supporrs around rhe sides and a thinner rop panel. It improved headroom, roo. Simplicity was emphasizcd. Publicity comesrs showed how e l.lY ir was to perform romine mainrenance, as well as di:;assemble and reassemble Pinro components. Road & Track cal led rhe Pimo "rord's besr design since rhe 1961 Cominemal-bom handsome and rational." Plus, ir looked cool with the oprional roof rack. A Grassroots Motorsports 104 install! 3M'" i (most plusher rh an the Vega, which was more expensive and imended to compete wirh the larger Mave ri ck anyway. Comparisons ro the Vega also showed thar rhe Pinro's SOHC engine was qui erer rhan Chevy's aluminum-block engine, plus less expensive and more rei iable. The base-model 1600 gor good marks for besting the Vega's fuel economy and reli abiliry. The Pinto boos red Ford's sales to rh eir highesr level since [h e Musrang's second year. Tn \ 97 L Pinto produc rion ropp ed 352,000; ir wou ld conrinu e ro rise for rh e nexr roree years . A handsom e f\vo-door wagon was added to the lineup in 1972. Ten inches longer th an rh e coupes, rhis Pimo wago n could swallow 60.5 cubi c feer of sruff and had a 900-pound ca rgo ca pacity. The 2.0-lirer engine and disc brakes were srand ard on rh e wagons, and they quickly became famili ar sighrs in rhe suburbs. A woodie Squire model also joined Ford 's larger wagons in rhe showroom. (Coll ectors will nore (har there were a few woodie co upes as well. ) Run about and ships I yours Potent Pinto wagon models outsold h the Pinto 's life cycle. t e Coupes for the rest of Longrime GRM readets may have seen Brian Walsh's 1971 Pinto beFore , as ir has been around rhe block- and rrack-a Few rimes. This car has been a racer since day one, participating in the IMSA Baby Grand Series From 1971 ro '73 with Brian 's dad, Jerry Walsh , at the wheel. In 1973 the car was sold to Lee Wiese, who ran it until 1990, when Brian broughr ir back intO the Family. Brian has been running it at SCCA Regional and SVRA vintage events ever since, and the Walsh PintO is still pretty much as it was when it was swapping paint wirh Gremlins and Vegas back in the early 1970s. AFre r running a 2.3-lirer engine for a while and compering in rhe GT3 class ar SCCA events until rubeFrame cars outclassed ir, the Pinto now has a 2.0 back under the hood, making ir legal For F Producrion. Going to less displacement doesn't mean less perFormance. The 2.0 has an Isky 505b camshaFt, Ferrea oversized valves and Aatrop Wiseco pisrons with Total Seal rings. Crower Sporrsman rods are srock length, and the crank is also srock. There's a Kenr Cams adjustable cam sprocket, along with a Four-inch crank pulley From Racer Walsh. The head has been ported and polish ed by Paul Bond. Fuel is mixed by a pait of 45 DCOE side-draft Webers and a TWM intake maniFold. Down below, a seven-quart oil pan From C-Line improves cooling, as does the Griffin radiaror. Walsh has updated rhe electronics as well, with MSD plug wires, coil and an MSD 6AL ignirion. Even though the Pinro has been a racer all oFirs liFe, the chassis contains a surprising number of srock Ford partS. The eight-inch rear is a direcr bolt-in From a Mustang rr. Brian says that both eighr-inch and nine-inch Ford rears can be swapped in, with a variety of inrerchangeable ratios available. The Pinro's original 6 3/4-inch rear en d is not as adaptable. Brian 's car uses ea rly Pinro disc brakes and calipers in the Front, and thanks ro its relarively light weighr, he has no rrouble wirh Fading. Pinro wagon drums have been ins railed in rhe rear because they're wider than the coupe's drums and are finned For bener cooling. The chrome-moly roll cage stiFFens the car enough that Few suspension modifications are necessary. Brian doesn't run a rear anti-roll bar. A one-inch Front bar and urethane bushings are rhe only modificarions above srock. The PintO has 700 Ibs.lin. coils in the Front and srock leaves in rhe rear. With 13x7-inch wheels, the Pinro is serio usly over-tired For irs one-ron weight, so grip is never a problem. A 22-gal lon Fuel cell is original 1970s-vintage race equipment. The hardesr part abour running rhe PintO is finding body parts , Brian says , so he has a co llec tion of donor cars in rhe garage. Brian compares the handling ro thar of an AlFa GTV. Both cars handle "like overgrown go kam-rhey go where yo u point 'e m," he says. The Pinto's indestructible engine and "rocker box" transmission serve it well on rhe vintage circuit, where it can outlast the comperirion that it can't ourrun. Smog EDters the Picture fn 1973 ncw cr,\·1 d' b " " . ,S I test an emissions standard, e"an ro take rhel[ roll on the US ' d . and I'k I .. auto In ustr}' . ' '1, PI e Ot ler .small cars ' the I'l'ntosu firrere d might I}. OWer ratlllgs For the 2.0-liter SOHC . dropped from 10() h . " engllle orsepower to 86 in 1973 h tanks to lowered c o m ' , sions r c ' pression ro meet emis gu/atlOns. The unpopular I 6 , . · d Isappeared in 1'}73'b . engllle hav~ b b . ,POSSI Iy because it would , cen a our as p • fi I I the tim' F d . ower u as a awnrnower by · c or gor It smogged. In /[s place a d ' II liter SO ~ ,' . omestlca y rnanuf.1Crured 2.3 I HCenglllC]olned the2.0in 1974 It .' tha n rhe 2.0 and fiue/ . . waf' r.eS5 powerful d ' economy su ere.' too. Automaric-equipped Pinros . kl acqUirFed a. reputation For nor being ab/(~~c y our 0 rhelr own way. get To further muddy the waters, a 2.8-/iter V option was offered in 1975 Th 97 h . 6 . . h . . e , - orsepower SIX, WI[ ItS two-barrel carb and add" I weight, was launched righr into the r~~~~na . a fuel cmlS, and available only in the stario~~ wagon ~v/[h an automatic. Pcrforrnan ' ImpreSSive. The V6 'd ce wasn t . provt. almOSt as unpopular as rh e anemic 1.6 had bcen . . ~ornpounding the pOWn r bl nSlng weight Th P' P 0 ern was fi . e IntO grew sh elf-like ve-mph bumpas in 1974 d' . Its weight b a II oone d by 345 pound ' F ,an . d to draw · s. ord tne Jt:e~tlon away from the lirrle car's declining perrOI mance by pun ·1 . b II h c ling up rhe optiom ~J[ a . I' C comfort and luxury items dro~~ t e weight even higher By 1974 h 'P' , '. F' . ' )t e In to ~ ~1::I~enln"~d ~rd s lIlexpensive, lighr and simple e rorgorten . E~d of theliDe d e b·ac Ie t h at created rhe p' rhe, eXl)losion t h 1Il~0 S ~lfortunare legacy was rhe firsr and ar esr. ow of the one-two-three unch rhat ultimately rook th", P'111[0 out Pf . 0 the gal11.e permancn rly. P' Simply pur, crashing inro rhe rear of 10[0 prodllced ~pecracu/ar and often deadl ~ results. ThiS was due to the COIIIb' . f} . lOatlon 0 a rear- mo ulltc.d fud tank, a badly located fill n~ck and a differential who e boil'S could r~r t .eI rank Wide open in a crash C,0111 b'InedP < •• Wit 1 a passe.nger comparrmenr whose Aoo r ~ou/d spllrIn a rear impact, rlw Pinto was our wheels f ' on the way t 0 a d'Isaster. " nex~/lCably, Ford stubbo rnly dra ed /[s feet 10 a~know/edging rhat there g\~as a senous safety probl em Th. , II d . e company s \ eg~. reluctance to spend money ro fix ~ r Into placed a big red t<lrget on the car s back, even though dI e J>illto cou e and Runabout weren't the only p h . cars ar ~ ~. ~I~ e whose gas tanks were mounted e 110 [he rcar axle and rhus vu/nerabJe to rear· Impa'r C onsuiller safery advo C s. cates lumped into the fray . d ex I d' p' ,an Soon A po Ing .ntos wne narional news. 1977 Nfother jone,. arricle by Mark DOWie rook Ford harshly to r ·k .. h " as , sug f!;e~[Ing I' at r~e borrol11 line ruled, and Illh a:nmable ,:lI1tOS kept rolling our of t e .actoncs. \Vherher Dowie was righr . o I '. 01 nor. P pu ar OpllllOn leaned in the . d' " same IrCUlon , and Ford's sales skidded not lusr For the Pinto , bLlr ,cross a t he' e. $CoH r. 'eat photos p/1<)lo (Durtesy for!! AVE S ROI (Sa I. Toward the end of the model run, the Pinto had put on some weight as the options were piled on to distract buyers from its deteriorating per formance. Today, the cars can be found circling the track in both his toric and modem racing. board. After a drastic 21-percem sales drop , Ford quietly inrroduced an inexpens ive plastic baffle ro pro tect th~ Pimo's gas tank in 1977, followed by a recall of Pimo gas tanks in 1978. But it was far too li[[ie, far roo late. Public-interest grou ps were now howling for Iacocca ro do tim e for "co nsum er homicide." T he second blow ro the Pinro's surv ival came in the form of improved co mpeti tion, not only from other manu fac turers bur from with in as well-the Pin to's position as Ford's economical, ye t sporry, little car was taken over by th e Mustang II in J 974, and the imported Fiesta's arrival in 1977 further diluted the Pinro's appeal. Meanwhile, the newly imroduced Chevroler C heverre was providing much sriffer competirion than [he Vega had offered, and the imporrs from Japan had gorren betrer as well, wirh Honda joining rhe fray. A face-lift in 1977 gave the Pinro a softer, shapel ier nose and there was now a cool all-glass hatchback on the Runabour, but neither cosmetic did anyrhing ro im prove sales. Nor did a new insrrument panel or a rev ised fro nt suspension ro improve handli ng. The year 1977 was also the first year for Co rporate Average Fuel Econ omy (CAFE) srandards, which was the Pinto's deathbl ow-although after the gas-rank debacle, it could beseen as mo reof a mercy killing. Ford had a new subcompact in the wurb- · the Escort- which had been designed ro help th e company meet CAFE standard s, so as th e Esco rt's 1981 int roduction date approached , the Pinto received onl y detail changes. A second sheet m eta.l redesign in 1979 gave the Pinro a square, ugly face, and the unloved V6 was dropped. Sales enjoyed a slighr upward twirch, bur ir was n' t nearly enough ro keep the model going. By the time rhe Pi mo disap peared in 1980, ir had strayed far from its original mi ss ion. Even rhe most stripped-down Pinro coupe weighed abo ur 2400 pounds by then, an d th e price had swo llen to $3781, a far cry from Iacocca's 2000-po und , $2000 vision . F urth ermore, rh e Pinro had received no su b stantia l mecha nical changes during its 10-yea r run , so by J 980 it was ho pelessly o utdated. The explosio n debacle pur rhe name Pinro on ly a slot above Edsel on the li st of nameplates li kely ro be revived by Ford. Top execut ives brea thed a sigh of reli ef whe n the Escort "world car" made irs deb ur in J 9R l. It's easy ro forget the good things abour rhe Pinto, in light of rhe rear-impacr da nge r and rhe porky, sl uggish latc cars. Bur the simple and reli able coupes were in rac t good cars, so long as they weren ' r trying to be luxury auromo biles. Besides, a Pimo is srrong, cheap, eminen tly modifiable and easy ro work on. How could you ask for a more perfeCT startin g poi nt for a race car) rQZ rosintoski photo Grassroots Motorsports 108 lefs Go Racing N ot many pe op le seem ro remember that th e Pin[Q actual ly enjoyed a moderately successful racing career. Although not par tic ularly sp orty cars [Q begin wi th, their reliability a nd simplicity se rved them we ll on th e trac k. Because th e Pinto entered the market at the same time as Chevro let's spOrty Vega, the old Ford-Chevy rivalry naturally pitted the two small cars aga inst one another. Borh competed in IMSA 's Baby Grand series for low- bu dget racers and in other small-bore racing classes. Pintos cropped up in rop-l 0 and rop-20 fin ishes in the SCCA Trans Am's under-two-liter class throughour the early 7 0s. IMSA had its share of Ford's lirrle ponies as wel l, wirh class-winning Pintos mal<ing appearances. 5. FOI Thi~ EN· BIG PI( 1i Contaci 1135 R F Pall Dr Undc Dr CAUCIOB4 Thanks to a light weight shell and rear-drive layout, the Pinto became a pop ular starting point for many hotrod projects. Jimmy Trevarthen bolted a 1952 flat-head Mer cury V8 into a 1979 Pinto wagon. His wife, Bobbie, runs Bayside II, special izing in used parts for older cars. I'ttVIIlfIl 81••• 4 Cyllnder 2200 HiFio ST Sport ..... .. .... ..( 155 HP) ...... ... $ ~495 24(l(11 Hf"l o ST Sport... . ... ...( 170 HP) ........... $4995 6 Cylinder 3500 HiFio ST Sport ............. .. 1260 HP) ... ........$4995 "00 HiFlo ST SpOIL.... .. .. .. ..(170 HP)..... ..... .55995 39()() l /il- 0 ST Spon .. .(28i HP)..... .. .. . $x495 Baby Six 2900 HiFlo ST Eoa . J2J i E<orly ..( 190 liP) .... ..... $499 5 2900 l-liFlo ST 125i. 3 231 Laoc ..(105 HP) ........ .'14995 M3 2400 HiFlo ST......... ...... .......... (210 HPJ ...... .... $5995 .. ....... (2 35 HPI ........ ..57495 2500 HiHo 5T.. M5&M6 37()() HiFioST... . . J 900 HiFio ST... ....... 0 10111') ........ .. lI4 95 .. .. D'\O lfPJ . .. .....5 10995 Race reportS from Lime Rock and Watkins Glen show Pintos coming nome ahead ofAlfa GTAs and Datsun 51 Os, A Pimo fini sned 38th at the 1975 12 Hours of Sebring in the under-rwo-liter class, Pintos proved even more popular with drag racers and in regional ministock oval-track classes, where their lignt weight and robust construction gave tnem an advantage over contemporary impom, A legion ofcnopped-up, dirt-track Pintos carried che racing flag cnroughout the 1980s, Far outnumbering tnose seen in road racing, Now tnar tney' re eligible for vi ntage racing, a few road-racing Pintos are resurfacing, If prop erly cared for, they' re jusr as competitive as they were when new, able to keep up witn contempo rary Alfa Romeos and orner small sedans. light weignt made it popular for ministock racing, wnich means thac a lot of Pintos nad cheir front ends chopped off and their bodies gutted to become super-modified stockers, Divide that by the number of cars tnat have rusted into oblivion and it adds up to OEM body pans for PintOs being pretty scarce, However, many body bits are available from tne growing cadre of Pinto racers, wno quickly learn tnat it's a good idea to keep a parts car or tnree around. The good news is tnat mecnanical pieces are considerably more durable and generally not at all nard to find, Engine components for tne 2.3 are common, as Ford's Fairmont, Ranger, Must ang/Capr i (including Muscang SVO), Tnunderbird Turbo Coupe and tne hoc German M erkut all used versions of the engine, openi ng the door for 200-norsepower Pintos wirn little invest Tnanks to tneir economy-car status, many ment. Conversions to later engines wicn fuel injec (if not mosr) Pintos were more or less driven tion and even the turbocnarged powerplants are to deatn. More seem to nave survived tnan did almosr bolr-in swaps, Suspension components are contemporalY Vegas, Corollas or Cnevettes, but similarly plentiful. Racers will nore that 1971-'73 a cherty Pinto is a rare animal indeed, Pinros use smaller spindJes, calipers and conrrol In addition, tne Pinto's arms than rhe larer cars. In 1974, the Pinto began sharing more robusr components witn rne Musrang II, ~ ". . estreetsbetwecn 1972 andl ?75, Tnose wno rnink A number ofspeCIal edlt10ns h~~ (h ka', es and did not offer addluonal d . \ .. peanddecal pac g of rne Pinto only These were simp y t.1. f' terest to collectors to ay, . as a four-wneeled erformance, although they are 0 m S finc stripe package was avall incendiary device will p In 1972, tne red, white and blue , P, k ' The later Stallion was nd Mavenc s, . be surprised to lear n able un PintOS, IM ustangs ,a d Mu ·tang with a more aggreSSiVe 'h h ' Mavenck an s , rhar go-faster parts Wit t e , I raphl'cs shared also , . , ' b ld specla g ' abound for Ford 's black and silver pamt)~ al was an attempt to cash tn on little pony. Tnanks The 1977-' 80 Cru1S1ngdWbalgokn d-uut rear panels with groovy d feature an e to rhe ubiquicy of che van craze, an 'Id e stripes, tne Ford 2,0- and shaped windows as well as W,I ~ap d rhe European SportS Sedan 2.3 -engines, cne n the Pinto's final years, It s adreG da The ESS featured I F' n t an rana, Pinto is as em i moniker wich the <llrmo ' I ortS interior with exrra gauges nenrly modiftable blacked-out trim and ~ specla ~p as any Civi c. Even and a chree-spoke steenng whee , tn e lowl y 1,6-licer engine can be tuned photo courtesy ford to Lotus-Cortina specs, if one is so inclined, Hotrodded Pin cos were common in the '70s, and the tricks rney used are still applicable tOday, CAR Corpora rion offered a turbocnarger kir fo r the 2,O-lirer engine caJled che Boss Pinto tnat Buving One Todav c"a.~i6l1 ~"i'i""~ U lljro Ul~ 1.1 2.4 Sp lluil "1fJ . VltimalC 241. ~ Sp '77 "1" .. .,.... Ultima", 245, 5 5 1' 'SU - 'H2 .. 4 Ultilnalc 140. 5 Sp 'S3 on .. MM S""" OlD 5 Sp 'HO Oil 'y linder UI.l imale Transmissions Ultima •• 262, 0\ Sp - "1 9... . ...... 5 1295 UIL 26S. 5 ' p'SO -'R2. 'RS, ~11 .. . ........ ........ \ 1995 .. .. .................. .$ 1K?) UI. 260, 5 Sp '83 - ' ~4.. .. .. . ... ~:: ~,~~ Sf;~~~ R,;; ,~ MM Sport 100.\ Sp 'xu on ,~ Grossroots Motorspor/s . M:\... . 110 . li rg; .. . ... ...$2695 claimed 110 H Pangra was am that offered StJJ fixture in VW, founding £uhe to Pinto peefol Companie California's I making Pintr Esslinger will liter engine 0 1 Want mol'< 302,351 or c it inro a drag conversion ki PintO perfom Snowcase at Tn e weigh t • Pinto a diffici Tne Pinto' department \\ ening lip for and ncavy an Ford offere as a dealer-ins absorbers, a fr, and leaves ror ( kepc the open as both tires sr: sion unloaded. suspension in the Pinto's atti resulring in COl Mulholland 0 Tnese day: made for tne category as to. APinto 1 Wh.ile the popular cars i are now beco of performan lng racing p( $1919 when be co nsider< American au • • • • Refreshes old dry tires Extends tire life For slicks and DOT tires Keeps ti res sticky until ___~the rubber is gone The ford PInto S~126"11 Pinto information The Ford Pinto Showcase Pinto information Race Engineering (561) 533-5500 performance parts Racer Walsh Co (800) 334-0151 www.racerwolsh .com Ford performance <\llv4CI'Il ( <\UTc)"'c)TlV~NC. -F" 3712 Hillview St. McKeesport, PA 15132 (412) 754-4444 Other Dealers: claimed 110 horsepower at the wheels. Mini Car's Pangra was anorher turbocharged, body-kirred Pinto that offered srarr.ling performance. Before becoming a fixture in VWand Honda tuning circles, Neuspeed's founding father, Bil! Neuman, also was no manger to Pinto perfurmance some 30 years ago. Companies like Racer Walsh in Florida and California 's Esslinger Engineering have been making Pinws go faster since the 1970s. Dan Esslinger wi ll even build you a brand-new 2.3 liter engine out of aluminum, if you'd like. Want more than that? It's possible ro dwp a 302,351 or eve n a 460 V8 into a Pinw w rurn it into a drag-s trip cruise missile. Mowr mount conversion kits can be found through li nks on Pinto performance Web sites like the Ford Pinto Showcase at Tne weignt of tne V8 teportedly makes tne Pinw a d ifficulr sneet driver, nowever. Tne Pinto 's biggest weakness in tne hand ling department was a sq uasny suspension, but tight ening up for track duty is easy. Stiffer sp rings and neavy anti-roll bats definitely help. Ford offered a heavy-duty suspension package as a dealer-installed option that added new shock absorbers, a front anti-roil bar and additional coils and leaves for the suspension. The improved traction kept the open differential happy during cornering, as botn tires stayed on the ground wnen the suspen sion unloaded. Car andDriver tested the heavy-duty suspension in J 974 and teponed that jt improved the Pinto's attitude but made the car a bit rail-happy, resulting in controllable driErs. Spearco and Interpart Mulholland offered aftermarket pam. These days, most Pinto suspension parts are made for tne later cars, and fall under the same category as Mustang II modifications. APinto for Youil While tne Pinro was once one of the most popular cars in the country, nice, clean examples are now becoming a little rare. It's a car witn lots of performance potential, plus it has an interes r ing racing pedigree. And at 1949 pounds and $1919 wnen introduced in 1970, it can also be considered a milesro ne for the American automotive industry. TMS: 916-638-7223 Pegasus: 800-688-6946 Ikke Sa Hurtig: 913-827-5143 Jeg's: 800-345-4545 Racer Parts Wholesale: 800-397-7815 Tri County Buggy: 866-800-6002 American Power Sports: 440-564-8100 JC Specialty: 570-837-0042 So uthern Auto: 336-373-1151 Extinguishing Systems for all types of raCing • DOTfTe apprOYed cyInders •Pull. push ()( pnamalic actuation • Halon or F500 ex1ilgulshing agent •LigI1t weight carbon Tiber cylnders available •3, 5, 10 and 20 pound systems • Rre protedion systems can be either B removable type of extilguishef or an installed svstem thai can protect all vital areas of !he car. Installed systems have the ac1uation method mounted directly on the seat • SFI Approved Hand Held Extinguishers '1.25 & 2.5 pound Halon extinsuiShers with aJurnirom or stainless steel cylinders •Bile! heads and brackets available •Available in many colors •Styles for all ITlOklrSpot1s •Custom ~vaIIabIe I ..4! Grassroots Motorsporls III The Pinto's legacy: Its Engine The only ignition sy tern to provide apowerful econd park throughout the entire RPM range! Grassroots Motorsports The Ford Pinto may not be a common sight th ese days, but the engine that moved the car is still prevalent in motorsportS. Ir ca n be found powering everything from SCCA road racers to oval-track stock ca rs ro dune buggies. While the original 197 1 Pinto was powered by the I GOOcc British-built Kent engine- rhe bas is for a wide range of Locus-tuned powerplants as well as the sta ndard requiremen t for Formula Ford racing-ir was eventually replaced by 2.0- and 2.3-lirer offerings. Available in th e Pinto from 197 1 rhrough '74, the German-built, X-code 2.0-liter engine was joined by the 2.3- lirer for the 1974 model year. The 2.0-liter engine was also co mmonly called rhe "OHC" or "P into" engine; thanks to a 9.0:1 compression rario, the 1971 version produced 100 horsepower in facrory trim. An S.2: I com p[(.:~s ion ratio eventually became standard, however, knocking horsepower down ro SG . The 2.0-liter Pinro engine is still required for SCCA Formula Continental and SportS 2000 cars, althougbt partS are getting harder ro find these days. Pegasus Racing is reproducing heads and other sroc k pieces using the original Fo rd casrings. Eventually, U.S . emissions laws caugh r up with the 2.0, and something a litde bigger was needed ro cope: hence, the U.S.-built 2300cc engine. 'While the engines are si milar in design, nothing interdla nges between them. Thanks ro more displacement and large r production numbers, the 2.3-liter engine remains popular in many mororsportS circles. If racing rules don't require the 2.0-liter engine, then go with th e 2.3. Since its original showing in the 1974 Pinto, the 2300 has appea red in millions ofFord vehicles, including the Mustang II, 1979-'93 Mustang and Fairmont. Ford also used wrbocharged versions of the 2300 in the Thunderbird, Merkur XR4 Ti, 1979-'S2 Mustang and Mercury Ca pri. T he high-wate r mark for the factory-tuned engine was the turbocharged, intercooled Mustang SVO. The 2.0 and 2300 engines look si milar ro th e casual viewer, making sa lvage-yard shopping a bit tricky. "The 2.0-liter just looks smaller," says Pinro racer Brian Walsh. However, Walsh says that pulling the va lve cover and counting the cam towers is a good way to tell the engi nes apart: the 2.0 has rhree cam towers, while the 2300 has four. The Ford Tempo and Mercury Topaz were also powered by a 2.3-liter Ford engine, but the design is rotally different, removing them from the donor list. Their pushrod-equipped "HSC" (high-swirl combustion chamber) engines have little, if any, perfotmance potential. A healthy aftermarker allows today's enthusiasts to build the 2300 ro nearly any scate, \\~th [he engines particularly common in minisrock oval-track racing. Different formL~as are required depending on the series n~es, and prices can range accordingly. Ford perfor mance house Racer Walsh offers the 2.3-li rer engi ne in different levels of rune, with several shorrblocks retail ing from $1250 to a lirtle more tban $2000. An honest I GO- ro 190-horsepower 2300 race engine---ou pan ro valve cover-can r'Un abour $3400, whiJe a good 140-horsepower srreet engine builr with name-brand pans wiU run close ro $2000. Esslinger Engineering also builds rhe 2.3-lirer Ford for mororsportS use, usi ng modifi ed origi nal-equipment pieces as well as rheir own cus rom For more than 30 years, the Pinto has aluminum blocks and heads. "If rhey weren't donated engines for nearly everything resrricred by rh e rules, I'd slap on an aluminum from hot street cars to open-wheel racers. head," advises rhe com pany's Cary Maruyama , explai ning how rhar's an easy way ro add 35 to 50 horsepower. Esslinger Eng ineering offers several different CNC-machined aluminum heads available wirh borh Rar rapper or roller rockers; figure abour $2000 for the Rar tapp er head or around $2500 for rhe roller model. \Xiirhou r resorting ro tu rbochargers, Esslinger has produced more rhan 400 horsepower from tne 2.3-lirer Ford engine, wirh turbocharged versions surpassing rhe 1000-horsepower mark. \Vhile pro-builr powerplanes are priced accordingly- budger abour $15,000 for a 270-horsepower 2.3-lirer Esslinger engine suirable for the ARCA Lincoln Welders Truck Series-low-buck options definirely exisr. Used engines can eas ily be found in rhe $100 price range, alrhough somerimes ir's jusr easier and cheaper to buy the entire donor caL (Finding a 19S0s-vintage four-cylinder Musrang for less rhan $500 isn'r rhat hard, whi le the rurbocharged Merkur XR4Ti can also be a great project donoL) If the srock Ford head needs ro be run , rnen Matuyama recommends the oval-port mod els used in rhe pre-'SO 2.3-liter PintOs. For modified applications, he'd go wirh a D-porr cylinder head found on 19S0 and larer Ford producrs. The Ford Ranger came wirh a 2.5-lirer version of this engine, and Maruyama says that running rhe tru ck's stroker crankshafr ca n be a low-buck way ro build more rorque.-David S. \X/allens 112 gbrdon I. jolley photo