Perpetual Times - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Perpetual Times - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Volume 16, Issue 3 Spring 2015 Perpetual Times 2255 Central Grove Toledo, Ohio 43614 419-382-5511 FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN: IT’S TIME TO BE RAISED UP! Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is a Catholic community committed to celebrating and extending the mission of Jesus Christ through spiritual growth, education, service and compassion for all God’s people, under the patronage of our As we continue to prepare ourselves for Easter and all it entails, we are reminded that Jesus, in the Paschal Mystery, shows us that even through life’s trials and tribulations, and even though we eventually end with death, there is new life in Christ. Lent has called us to conversion by confessing our sins, doing penance, and giving Alms. The somber tones of this season should not depress us or bring us down, but rather they should give us hope in the promise that in Christ we are promised a new life. I pray that we have been able to spend some time in prayer in anticipation of our Easter events. This Prayer allows us to fully take in the experience of this “Mystery of Mysteries” and live out in our hearts and minds the “New Life” that Jesus wills for us. We know that we are a sinful people and in need of forgiveness, but we also know that we are people of “The Good News”. Because we are God’s people, we find hope in our futures because of the one who Loved us so much that he gave his Only Begotten Son to die for our sins so that we might be “saved from ourselves” and be given the gift of Everlasting Life. Winter is always a good Season for Lent. It’s cold and dark, and makes it difficult to see the life that is hidden underneath the snow and covered up by ice on the trees and bushes. But, when we are people of Faith, we know what lies beneath the darkness. We know that the Light of Christ shines forth in our hearts and minds so that we are able to persevere with patient anticipation that “this too shall pass”, and eventually we will arrive as we rise again with Jesus. I hope that you are able to join us for all of the Liturgies this season offers and are able to avail yourselves of the many opportunities for Reconciliation, both collectively and individually. Our day of “New Life” is coming soon! Let us be prepared for all the Good Blessings Our God has in store for us as individuals, as a Parish and as a Church Universal, which sustains us and brings us Hope. May God continue his Blessings in your life and bring you his Comfort, His Peace, and his gift of Everlasting Life. Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us! Blessed Mother. Fr. David Page 2 Volume 16, Issue 3 PARISH 2015 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION OLPH/St. Pat’s Penance Service Sunday, March 15 3:00 p.m. at OLPH Individual Confessions: Normal Saturday times 3:45-4:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 25 9:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 1 9:30-10:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 1 6:30-7:30 p.m. (*If a funeral is scheduled during any of these times, Confession will be cancelled.) LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Tuesday, March 31 Chrism Mass Rosary Cathedral 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 1 Tenebrae 7:30 p.m. Rosary Cathedral Holy Thursday, April 2 Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30 p.m. Good Friday, April 3 Living Stations of the Cross Noon . Liturgical Celebration of the Passion, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion Holy Saturday, April 4 Blessing of Easter Food Solemn Easter Vigil 1:30 p.m. Noon 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunday, April 5 Masses: 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Dear OLPH Family: Easter is the foundation of our Catholic Faith. If Jesus never rose from the dead, what good would our Faith be? As we move through Lent we experience Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection which mirrors our own lives as we journey on our way to Eternal Life. In order to prepare ourselves for this Journey we need to make a commitment to Prayer, Fasting, and Penance in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. I challenge you to “unburden” yourselves by attending our combined Parish Penance Service as well as taking advantage of the other times available for Reconciliation. I would ask that you spend the time to attend as many Holy Week services as you can, to be able to “take in” all that is this Most Holy Season. I also encourage you to “Bring a Friend”. Easter is a time of New Beginnings and New Starts and we are the invitations that bring our Brothers and Sisters to a New relationship with God. May the Joy and Peace of Easter fill your hearts with all the goodness Our God can provide! Fr. David Perpetual Times Page 3 2015 OLPH FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY FEBRUARY 20 THROUGH MARCH 27 WE ARE THE BEST! 5:00 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. CARRYOUT AVAILABLE “ALL YOU CAN EAT” FRIED OR BAKED FISH OR LARGE SLICE OF MARCO’S CHEESE PIZZA And Choose: B A K E D P O TAT O O R F R E N C H F R I E S APPLESAUCE COLESLAW MAC ‘N CHEESE (CHILDREN ONLY) COFFEE, ICED TEA, WATER OR SODA $1.50 Extra for generous side order of Popcorn Shrimp ***DESSERTS SOLD SEPARATELY*** PRICES: ADULTS -- $8.00 SENIORS -- $7.50 CHILDREN (10 & UNDER) -- $5.00 (Even though many churches charge much more, we are keeping our prices lower to make it family affordable!) Volume 16, Issue 3 Page 4 Lenten Soup for the Family Soul A Spiritual Series on Sundays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. February 22 through Palm Sunday Child Care is Available (Please Register for Child Care) Attention all Parishioners and School Families: Please join us in Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 as we explore our faith and learn better how to teach our children what it means to be Catholic. A Lenten soup supper will be served. If you have children, Club Yea is generously donating their time to provide Child Care at the church. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please RSVP. We are also asking for a free-will offering of $5. The Sessions Include February 22nd — Marian Devotions with Sr. Elaine Clement March 1st — How to Break Open the Scriptures as a Family with Pat Oedy-Murray March 8th — Bringing the Word to Your Family with Fr. Matt Rader March 15th — Seeking God in the Eucharist with Mary Wilkerson March 22nd — Devotion of the Sacred Heart with Monica Martinez March 29th — The Gift of Self (Devotion to your Family) with Peter Range To register, or learn more about the series, contact Ellen Mackowiak at 419-704-2368 or [email protected] Registration is not Required but RSVP’s are appreciated Perpetual Times Page 5 THE KORHUMEL SISTERS! FRAN RIDEOUT & MARG CHAMBERLIN 7th in a series of articles on long-time members of OLPH. To look at Fran & Marg or see how active they are in everything they do makes it impossible to guess how long they have been at OLPH. They would come out ahead every time at a Guess-Your-Age booth at a carnival! The Korhumels were members at Immaculate Conception until 1926 when they built a house on Wildwood Road near where the YMCA used to be. At the time it was only the 3rd house on the block, and friends of the family wondered why they wanted to move out to the boondocks! Fran was 3-months old, a year younger than brother George, and Marg entered the world a year later, many years before another brother happened along. The girls were always being mistaken as twins. Once when asked if they were twins, they replied, “Yes”, and when asked how old they were, they answered “4 and 5”. With the exception of attending Kindergarten at Harvard, because OLPH didn’t have one, all of their elementary schooling was at OLPH in the old portable buildings on the hill on River Road near Harvard School. In those days OLPH consisted of 4 rooms with 2 classes in each room. Throughout grade school Fran said she was either in class with her older brother or her younger sister! Each day of school began with attending Mass. They each have fond memories of their teachers back then, particularly Winifred Coyle and Sr. John Francis, who was described as tough, but fair. And who could forget Sr. Gertrude, who, when Notre Dame won, gave the kids in 5th & 6th grade a penny Hershey bar and a five-cent bar to 7th & 8th graders. She was also the one joining the kids on toboggans flying down the snowy hill with her veil flying out behind her. Winters inside the portables could be bitterly cold, and if you had to visit the restroom, which was a separate small building with NO heat, let’s just say you waited as long as you could before booking it out there! Both sisters took the same career path by becoming teachers. Fran met her husband Lester at BGSU when he came back from the war. Marg’s husband grew up in the south end as well on Princeton Boulevard. Marg was working for her father when he hired Jim. Both couples were married at the old OLPH Church on the hill. It wasn’t long before they were sending their own children to OLPH. There was never a thought about sending them elsewhere. Fran taught at Arlington School for 27 years and still tutors there twice a week. She’s now seeing her students’ kids and even their grandchildren at Arlington. Marg started teaching at Westfield, took 15 years off to raise her own children, then taught Kindergarten at Walbridge for 4 ½ years before ending up at Beverly School, where she and Helen Coyle both taught Kindergarten. These days you will find Fran oftentimes lectors at our 9:00 a.m. Mass. They both faithfully help with the Funeral Luncheon program, and Marg’s passion for needlework is a hallmark standard. From both of them come words of loyalty to OLPH, where they have always found it a great place to be a member. These ladies have lived through a lot of our OLPH history, and we consider them two of the cornerstones of this great parish! Page 6 Volume 16, Issue 3 REVERSE RAFFLE IS A WINNER! The final 6 try to remain calm It wouldn’t be a Reverse Raffle without Don & Mary Doyle & Kathy & Rick Zibbel The final 2 Rob Sarahman & Stephanie Broadway (standing in for husband John) decide to split the $2500 Sean Beach, Kyle Sarahman & Kyle Burkhardt-OLPH School alums joining in on the fun Jeff Arnold hugs Patty Adamshick & Sally Mielcarek and then mugs it up with Matt Reed Perpetual Times Page 7 Lori King & daughter Alexandra watch the winners Andy McCarthy took home $700 from the Mega 50/50 Raffle win Nikki Susdorf & Angie Bauman hoping for luck Deb Thomas, Mary Zawodny & Joy Kosinski are all smiles Was it well attended? Looks like it! Thank you to Athletic Council members & parishioners who helped out!!! Page 8 Volume 16, Issue 3 FESTIVAL FUN COMING SOON—MAY 29-31! Because it is OLPH it is the biggest and the best! Because WE are OLPH it is the most fun from both angles—attending and volunteering! To find out what’s in store for you just check the festival website at, where you’ll see who will be making our toes tap to the music, what kind of booths will delight you under the tents, and whose rides will cover the midway. What do we need from YOU? Volunteering, donating, baking, crafting, planting and praying (for good weather and lots of patrons!)—none of it is work when you’re having fun! Where do we need YOU? We are in need of a chairman for the big Raffle. It involves readying envelopes of tickets for parishioners to pick up after Mass, and readying envelopes to mail for those who don’t pick them up. After that, we just need you and your volunteers to man the booth throughout the festival. If you are willing, please call the Parish Office and we’ll be glad to hear you say “YES!” Other areas needing YOU are donating non-perishable, non-expired items for Grocery Wheel, donating plants, pots, outdoor ornamentals & potting soil for the Garden of Eden, bake and freeze goodies for the Bakery Wheel, make homemade items for Craft Corner, donate or re-gift new household items and gift certificates to the Wheel of Fortune and SELL THOSE RAFFLE TICKETS! Booths you can volunteer at the festival include the BBQ Grill, Wheel of Fortune, 50/50 & Instant Tickets, Big Six Wheels, Showdown Poker, Grocery Wheel, Bakery Wheel, Garden of Eden, Beer Ticket Sales, Money Tree, Craft Corner, Sunday Dinner, $2,000 Raffle, Fried Foods, Snack Bar, Beer AND, Set Up, Clean Up & Take Down. It takes a lot of people and we know OLPH Parish won’t let us down. CALL & VOLUNTEER!! TAX TIME = CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS You can receive a copy of your 2014 Contribution Statement to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in one of two ways. First, call the Parish Office and request that a copy be placed in a sealed envelope in the narthex of the Church before weekend Mass for you to pick up, or send a selfaddressed, stamped envelope requesting that a copy be mailed to you. We’ll get it to you as soon as possible! We are very thankful for the continued generosity of our parishioners. Without your help we could not continue the ministry of serving our faithful. We appreciate your many gifts of time, talent and material resources. God bless you! Perpetual Times Page 9 S.O.S.—SOCIAL OUTLET FOR SINGLES, DIVORCED & WIDOWED We have many activities planned for 2015. We encourage you to join us and have fun, share in interesting discussions over movies, delight in the music from the Doo Wop Concerts held at the Maumee Indoor Theater and tour fascinating and historical places! Below is a list of some of the activities we have on our calendar: Sunday, March 15, Euchre Tournament from 1:00-4:00 p.m. in Meeting Room 2. Call the Parish Office to make a reservation. Snacks and beverages will be provided for a cost of $5.00 Saturday, March 21, Doo Wop Concert at 7:30 p.m. at the Maumee Indoor Theater. Reservations required. Saturday, April 18, Tour of the Great Lakes Museum, time to be determined. Saturday, May 16, Road Rally, 10:00 a.m. starting at OLPH, followed by lunch at a restaurant. HAVE YOU CHANGED? These days so many of us are eliminating our landline phones and using only cell phones. If you have made this change, the Parish Office would appreciate being contacted with any changes to phone numbers or addresses, etc., so that we can keep your information current. When mail or Sunday envelopes are returned to us because we haven’t been notified that you have moved, there is a fee involved. You can call the Parish Office at 419-382-5511 or send written notice to 2255 Central Grove Ave., Toledo, Ohio 43614. Thank you for being so considerate! DEADLINE FOR PERPETUAL TIMES The deadline for articles and pictures for the summer edition of the Perpetual Times is Monday, May 4. Please submit in writing to Colette Leyland in the Parish Office or by email to [email protected]. Saturday, June 6, Doo Wop Concert with The Drifters at the Maumee Indoor Theater. Reservations required. We also will be planning free viewing of movies at OLPH with discussions to follow. For more information keep an eye on the Sunday bulletin. We plan the fun; you enjoy it with us! PARISH COMMUNITY BUILDERS WE WELCOME YOU TO O.L.P.H.! Mark & Kelly Bowes, child Haley Andrew & Ketina Kobylka, child Athaniel Joel Mitchell, child Lauren Page 10 Volume 16, Issue 3 THE HUNT IS ON FOR EASTER EGGS! COST: FREE! FREE! FREE!! WHEN: Saturday, March 28, at 10:00 a.m. FOR WHOM: Preschool age – 5th Grade Parish Children (Bring your “hunting baskets”!) WHERE: O.L.P.H. Activity Center COURTESY OF: Parish Community Builders INCLUDES: Games with prizes, guessing games, basket raffles (50 cents per ticket), photo opportunity with PETER COTTONTAIL, & a FREE lunch for ALL of hot dogs, jelly sandwiches, fruit and much more! We all know how much children love to play with shredded paper—how about shredded paper filled with hundreds of candy and prize-filled Easter Eggs!?! Each age group will have their own time to spend in the “hunting corral”, which will begin at 10:15 with Kindergarten, then pre -school-age, 1st, 2nd, then 3rd through 5th will hunt together. DON’T BE LATE OR YOU’LL MISS YOUR AGE GROUP!! If the age group has a large number of children, we will divide the group so that it won’t be too crowded in the corral and everyone will get a chance to hunt. This has become a wonderful tradition at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, and we want to see all of our kids here enjoying all the excitement and fun! VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! If you or your Junior High/High School student is available to help, please call Colette Leyland, 419-382-5511, and help the Parish Community Builders bring a memorable morning to our kids. Perpetual Times Page 11 SCHOOL NEWS WHAT DOES O.L.P.H. SCHOOL OFFER YOUR CHILD? 1st-8th Grade Academics Small Class sizes / Accelerated Courses (6-8) / Science Lab Technology / Computer / Religious Education (ACRE) OLPH meets all ODE Operating Standards and is fully accredited through OCSAA Pre-School 3 & 4-year old Pre-School All Day or ½ Day program options Extended Day Childcare available after school Kindergarten All Day Program Extended Day Childcare before & after school Enclosed outdoor play area for Pre-K & K Faith Formation Daily Prayers, class opening and dismissal, lunch & classroom / Weekly all-school Mass Sacramental preparation / 1st Reconciliation / 1st Communion / Confirmation Extra-Curricular Activities Service Learning / Orchestra / Christmas Concert & Spring Musical / Boys & Girl Scouts 5th Grade D.A.R.E. program / 6th Grade Camp / 8th Grade, Washington D.C. trip Quiz Bowl / Student Council / Morning Broadcast / National Junior Honor Society Athletics / CYO Sports Basketball / Cross Country / Soccer / Softball / T-Ball / Track / Volleyball / Football And so much more… Active Parent-School Association (PSA) / Affordable Tuition / Tuition Assistance & Scholarship Programs / Morning & Afternoon Extended Day Childcare / Hot lunch program Free & Reduced lunch program / Daily recess / TPS bussing through TARTA Call Ms. Chudzinski at 419-382-5696 today to schedule a shadow visit for your student. 2255 Central Grove / Toledo, Ohio 43614 / P: 419-382-5696 / F: 419-382-7360 / E: [email protected] / Look us up on Facebook and Twitter! Page 12 Volume 16, Issue 3 LITERACY WEEK To celebrate Literacy Week in February students were invited to dress up as a character from their favorite book. Can you guess who they are? Perpetual Times Page 13 OLPH PLAYGROUND BRICK SALE Please consider helping to support our playground and its upkeep by purchasing a brick. These bricks can be personalized to recognize families, friends, special occasions, and are a permanent reminder of what OLPH means to all of us. BRICK OPTIONS: Option A – 4” x 8” Brick (3 lines, 20 characters each) $ 75.00 Option B – 8” x 8” Brick (6 lines, 14 characters each) $150.00 Option C – 12” x 12” Brick (6 lines, 14 characters each) $300.00 Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________ Phone # _________________________ Option: _______ Qty: ________ Total: ____________ Message for Brick: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ All order forms and checks can be dropped off to the School or Parish Office no later than April 1st for summer installation. If there are any questions, please contact Kari Bonnell at 419-215-0191. Page 14 5TH GRADE CLOTHING DRIVE SERVES COMMUNITY Mrs. Barbara Doane’s 5th grade class wanted to do something special to serve our community during the season of “good will toward men”. Their clothing drive idea snowballed into such a large collection from school and parish families that they had to entreat Cherry Street Mission to come to the school to pick it all up! Ahhh, the heart of a child is a giving heart, and our 5th grade proves it is a class of many giving hearts. We salute you! Volume 16, Issue 3 Perpetual Times Pg a gee 1155 Pa QUIZ BOWL TAKES TWO! Congratulations to our Quiz Bowl team who won two matches against St. Pat’s of Heatherdowns on Monday, February 9. Way to go, guys and gals!! Standing: Morgan Krajewski, Melanie Whipple, Parker Victorian, Bridget Bremer, Sydni Waugh & Mrs. Susdorf Seated: David Geronimo, Jacob Lowery, Joe Fudacz, Toby Rosebrock, $ Nate Erickson 365 LOTTO Listed below are the winners of the 365 Lotto for 2014 from November 13-December 31: Bob Bick Pam Mohler Jack German Wilma Bondie Betty Merce Dick & Carol Bauman Ken Quinn Cindy Martin Ethan Simmons Teresa Roesler Kurt & Jennifer Weber Erin Hagedorn Maryann Malkuian William Johns Tom Williams Kathy Beach Frank Mikula Jill Rathke Mathias Gaynor III Joseph Zenk Mark & Kim Campbell Carol O’Connor Donna Rawson-Mens Joan & Joe Peltier Wrigley Takats Lynn & Brad Lowery Casey Skomer Andy Burmeister Bonnie Miller Stephanie Diekman Corey Meinzer Kevin & Sharon Saco Juanita Kiefer Timothy Cressler Connie Ackerman Tony Powlak James & Rachel Zawodny Colleen Leirer Marcia Przybylski Steve Wernert Greg Myers Fr. Tony Borgia Chris Gallaher Andrew Nichols Jen Baer Patrick & Katie Wesolowski Colleen Hunter Abbott Merry & Jeff Taylor Sue deVilliers IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO BUY A TICKET FOR 2015! Contact the Parish Office at 419-382-5511 to request tickets. Our sales were down a great deal over last year, and our school could use your help! Tickets are still $20. Don’t forget our first of three $1,000 drawings is on Easter Sunday (then 4th of July & Christmas), first Mondays of the month win $500, every Sunday wins $100 and every other day wins $40. Page 16 Volume 16, Issue 3 SCHOOL FUNDRAISER REWARD IS ALL WET! Perpetual Times “How many magazines or tubs of cookie dough do I have to sell to go to Kalahari?” That was the question on every student’s mind when our first school fundraiser began. Kalahari Water Park in Sandusky was the ultimate goal, and everyone wanted to go! Alas, the entire student body didn’t qualify, but 51 kids did and 8 sold enough to take a sibling or school friend! Our trip took place on Tuesday, November 25, a non-school day. Was it fun? Let our pictures do the talking: Catching waves in the wave pool Lily Garcia takes a break for lunch Was there a Miss Teen America Pageant there? Kallen Rawson, Bridget Bremer, Melanie Whipple, Aubrey Zmuda & Ciara Geronimo sure made it look like there was! Kleiston Bonnell enjoys pizza while celebrating his birthday Perpetual Times Page 17 David Harrington eagerly waits for the waves to start again while his mother Theresa enjoys the calm before the waves! Toby Rosebrock enjoys the artificial surf Page 18 Volume 16, Issue 3 SECOND QUARTER HONOR ROLL We are proud to list the following students 4th through 8th grade who have achieved honors for the 2nd Quarter of this school year: Grade 4 Mrs. Friedberg Principal’s List: Seamus Leonard, Erin Reed, Mallory Caldwell, Elena Johnson First Honors: Will Lowery, Kleiston Bonnell Second Honors: Rupert Buno, Joey Carr, Hailey Englehardt, Gavin Errington, Kayla McLaughlin Third Honors: Ethan Lloyd, Luisa Guerrero Grade 5 Mrs. Doane Principal’s List: Jack Bremer, Aidan Mott, Claire Whipple First Honors: Atticus Destatte, Alex Garcia, Josh Lee, Sam Lee, Taylor Noe, Bryse Pariseau, Natalie Rosebrock Second Honors: Abigail Ruiz, Thomas Stearns, Hayden Victorian Third Honors: Chris Bailey, Lukas Bauman, Laura Demagall, Khamari Freeman, Ethan Fulkerson, Lucas Koszycki, Jace Sanchez Grade 6 Mr. Brinke Principal’s List: Carolyn Giannini First Honors: Natalie Bialecki Third Honors: Bryce Augustyniak, Kaitlin Shiple Grade 7 Mrs. Susdorf Principal’s List: Sydni Waugh, Melanie Whipple, Aubrey Zmuda First Honors: Bridget Bremer Second Honors: Jacob Bialecki, Akaylah Clemons, Ciara Geronimo, Brady Jordan, Jacob Lowery, Kallen Rawson, Parker Victorian Third Honors: Conner Englehardt, Joe Fudacz, Grace Giannini, Hailey Jackson, Jerome Morgan, Francisco Ruiz, Jon Walter Perfect Attendance: Jon Walter, Sydni Waugh Grade 8 Mrs. Hunter Principal’s List: Emma Comes, Anne DeClark, Nathaniel Erickson, Toby Rosebrock, Maizey Sadowski First Honors: Hunter Crippen, David Geronimo, Morgan Krajewski Second Honors: Lily Pollock Third Honors: Eric Cark, Jack Ryan Perpetual Times Page 19 ALUMNI HIGH SCHOOL 2ND QUARTER HONORS Our alumni continue to carry on their love of learning that began here at OLPH and is proven by the following honors reported to us by each Catholic High School: NOTRE DAME ACADEMY: First Honors to Lauren DeClark, Tara Hickey, Mary Crosby, Elouise Filas, Saralynn Kusner, Megan Kusner, Dominique Shiple, Hannah Kurtz, Elycia Patino. Second Honors to Madalyn Adamshick, Hannah Loehrke, Chelsea Head, Casey Knapik, Natalie Ray, Zoe Mazur, Kennedy Williams. Third Honors to Jillian Fournier, Mina Leck, Ana Perez & Taylor Head. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES: President’s List for Blake Noonan, Benjamin Waugh. First Honors for Jacob Kowalski, Benjamin Smigielski. Second Honors for Matthew Cark, Kurt Elfering, Christian Pina, Zach Rosebrock, & Jake Walterreit. CENTRAL CATHOLIC: First Honors to Abigail Calmes, Ellen Hickey, Callie Bremer, Drew Klocinski, Theresa Koszycki. Second Honors to Megan Calmes, Grace Crawford, Elizabeth Langenderfer, Maretta Rawson, Alyssa Smith, Summer Stearns. Third Honors to Isaac Kookoothe, Matthew Mowka, Daniel Powers, Jordan Rodriguez & Abigail Zdrojewski. ST. JOHN’S JESUIT: (First Semester Honors) Class Honors for Drew Pariseau. First Honors for Jack Broadway, Zach Koszycki, Spencer Lowery, Duncan Mott, Michael Shiple, Zach Stearns, Austin Williams. Second Honors for Ethan Bradshaw, Samuel Chipps, Clayton Filas, Frank Fulkerson, Zach Gedert, Z. J. Kaminski, Nathan Koszycki, Ethan Pina, & Jackson Pollock. Page 20 Volume 16, Issue 3 SCOUTS PACK TRACKS Pack 146 has been a beehive of activity as evidenced by the following photos: At Scout Night at the Toledo Walleye Game on 1/24/15: < Dennis Leonard with his boys Brendan & Seamus A.J. Schuller on the ice Logan Bradshaw & Ty Sadowy > < Nathan Navarre is taught by Middleton Fire Chief Steve Asmus how to properly use a fire extinguisher at their October Meeting. Perpetual Times Page 21 At the Andersons Holiday Parade on 11/15/14 Levi Burke confides in Santa at the Christmas Party Our annual Pinewood Derby was held on February 7. The races were so tight that all 18 boys from the Pack finished within less than a second from each other! They include: Tiger Brendan Leonard 1st Nate Navarre 2nd Best Design Nate Navarre Wolf Bear Tony Noe Levi Burke Haydn Mikolajczyk Logan Bradshaw Webelos Seamus Leonard Ethan Dearth Luke Mohler Austin Schuller Deven Cox On Scout Sunday many of our boys attended Mass together at OLPH. Page 22 Volume 16, Issue 3 TROOP SCOOPS For our girls in scouting there is fun and there is service—and usually you find both in every activity they do! Whether Christmas Caroling around the neighborhood or making posters for the walls of OLPH for Hannah’s Socks, where the girls collected new pairs of socks for those in need, scouting is active at OLPH! Christmas caroling Making posters for Hannah’s Socks Perpetual Times Page 23 FREE THROW COMPETITION On January 18 the gym at OLPH was full of kids giving it their all at the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition. At the end of round after round of shots the winners were crowned and, at this writing, were advancing to the District finals on February 15th at Holy Trinity Assumption. Those who qualified were: Levi Burke Elena Johnson Erin Reed WHAT…AGAIN?!?! The day after the K of C Free Throw a select few of our beloved Trailblazer athletes competed in the annual CYO Free Throw Competition. Melanie Whipple (7th grade) & Claire Whipple (5th grade) both won for their age groups…AGAIN! Congratulations on back-to-back years, girls! Kudos to all of our OLPH athletes for always doing your best and proving that OLPH ROCKS! Claire Whipple Alex Garcia Melanie Whipple Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Toledo, Ohio Permit No. 632 PRAYER SERVICE FOR MAYOR D. MICHAEL COLLINS Father David gives an uplifting homily at the Prayer Service for Mayor D. Michael Collins on February 3. Mrs. Connie Skoski leads our parish choir through some beautiful hymns of faith, hope and peace.
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