Perpetual Times - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Perpetual Times - Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Volume 16, Issue 2 Winter 2014 Perpetual Times 2255 Central Grove Toledo, Ohio 43614 419-382-5511 FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN: JOY TO THE WORLD! Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish is a Catholic community committed to celebrating and extending the mission of Jesus Christ through spiritual growth, education, service and compassion for all God’s people, under the patronage of our Blessed Mother. Dear OLPH Family, Once again we find ourselves in the midst of the Christmas Season preparing for all those things that bring Joy to our lives. First of all, we rejoice in the birth of the Christ Child, the “Reason for the Season” and the center of our existence. As Advent draws to a close, we anticipate a Birthday Party that is the Party of All Parties that promises us gifts that are “out of this world” and a future that is Eternal. With so many things taking up our time during this season, we must always stop and reflect on the “Birth of Our Savior”, who came into the world to rid us of darkness and despair and call us “Into the Light”. Jesus is that Light that came into the world and the Word that became Flesh. We receive this “Flesh” each time we receive the Eucharist and are renewed in strength and in Spirit. We know that presents are nice and food is plentiful during our Holiday Gatherings, even though many go without, and yet without Jesus in our lives, we are left empty and unsatisfied. Our greatest gifts are those that are not bought in Malls or on the Internet. The gifts that remain are those most important to us….Gifts like Family, Faith, and Friends…..Gifts like Wonder and Awe in his Presence. Who doesn’t get chills going to Midnight Mass and gazing upon the Baby Jesus in the crib and hearing the Choir that sounds like Angels celebrating the Birth of Our Lord? Let us pick up the Baby Jesus in our minds and Love him like every baby needs to be Loved and tell him everything we’ve wanted to tell him…that he’s the most important thing in our lives….that we want him to guide us to where we need to be….that we are willing to die for him and live for him, because we know that when we put Jesus first, everything else falls into place. This past year has seen its challenges and difficulties, but I believe as I said when I came here: that there are so many possibilities for growth in this Community, both in Faith and in Spirit, that we are only beginning to realize our potential. As you celebrate with those you Love this Christmas, make sure that you save time for “Baby Jesus” and wish him a Happy Birthday! His will is that we may find Joy in all we do and work to make all we do find Joy in Him. May God continue to Bless us with all that is good and guide us to even better days ahead. May the Child Jesus Inspire you to Holiness! YÜA Wtä|w The Nativity. Lorenzo Lotto, 1523. Page 2 Volume 16, Issue 2 PARISH 2014 CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Sacrament of Reconciliation Deanery Parish Penance Service: Sunday, December 7 —1:00 p.m. at St. Pat’s Heatherdowns with O.L.P.H. Individual Confessions: Saturdays of Advent, November 29, December 6, 13 & 20 from 3:45-4:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 16—7:00-8:30 p.m. Thursday, December 18—9:45-11:15 a.m. Friday, December 19—11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24 (NO 8:45 a.m. Mass) 4:00 p.m. - Children’s Mass 11:00 p.m. - Solemn Vigil Mass Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25 10:00 a.m. only New Year’s Day Vigil 5:00 p.m. Mass on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 (No 8:45 a.m. Mass) Thursday, January 1, 2015 10:00 a.m. Perpetual Times Page 3 A NEW YEAR PRAYER Holy Father, God of our yesterdays, our today, and our tomorrows, We praise You for Your unequaled greatness. Thank You for the year behind us and for the year ahead. Help us in Your New Year, Father, to fret less and laugh more. To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them. To teach others to love by loving them. Knowing, when Love came to the stable in Bethlehem, He came for us So that Love could be with us, and we could know You, That we could share Love with others. Help us, Father, to hear Your love song in every sunrise, In the chirping of sparrows in our backyards, In the stories of our old folks, and the fantasies of our children. Help us to stop and listen to Your love songs, So that we may know You better and better. We rejoice in the world You loved into being. Thank You for another New Year and for new chances every day. We pray for peace, for light, and for hope, that we might spread them to others. Forgive us for falling short this past year. We leave the irreparable past in Your hands And step out into the unknown New Year knowing You will go with us. We accept Your gift of a New Year, and we rejoice in what’s ahead, Depending on you to help us do exactly what You want. I say it again, we rejoice! In Jesus’ name, Amen. Page 4 Volume 16, Issue 2 PARISH CHRISTMAS MESSAGE 2014 Dear OLPH Family, Merry Christmas! & Happy Birthday Jesus! As we approach our Savior's birth, hopefully we are as excited as a child to welcome this Holy Season. We know that in our secular world Christmas can become a season of stress, anxiety, and "stuff". God takes us to a better place and asks us to relax, refresh, and enjoy! Christmas is first and foremost about Our Savior's Birth. Light came into the world to lead us out of darkness and give us a new purpose and a new way of life. This Advent we have awaited his birth with anticipation and welcomed him with open arms. If we find ourselves disappointed and depressed, then we know that what we have waited for is that which does not sustain us. Making Jesus truly the reason for the season never disappoints and always finds a way to bring peace and harmony even in the midst of trouble and difficulty. I pray that this Christmas finds you happy in the company of your Faith, Family and Friends and that you are inspired by your experience of this Most Holy Time. I encourage you to "bring a friend to Mass" and continue to welcome those who, for whatever reason, have not joined our celebrations. We have been so very Blessed by our God and look forward to even better days ahead. May God touch your hearts and bring you his peace so that you may experience his Loving Care Now and Always. In Christ's Love, YÜA Wtä|w Perpetual Times Page 5 WELCOME, HELEN RACZKOWSKI We welcome Helen to the Parish Staff as our Financial Secretary, and after 19 years we say goodbye and best wishes to Lisa Musil who has taken employment at her home parish, Regina Coeli. Helen was officially hired on August 25 and is quite familiar with OLPH, as she and her husband Paul have been parishioners for 40 yearsl. Both her children, Paulette and Jim, graduated from OLPH School. She comes to us with an extensive background spanning 30 years in human resources and accounting. Helen looks forward to serving OLPH for many years to come, and she would like to thank Lisa Musil and Linda Simmons for all their hours of training and always being available to answer questions. A thank you also goes out to everyone in the Parish Office for being so welcoming. After her last stressful position Helen can easily say, “It’s so nice to go from working for the “devil” to working for God!” We find she fits it quite beautifully! FEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Imagine this scenario: I’m asked to write down in one sentence my response to the question: “What is a Christian?” My first inclination might be to write down something about how Christians act or what we do or don’t do. But the proper answer would have to be, “A Christian is someone who believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God.” The story of the baptism of Jesus is placed at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry in all four Gospels. It’s placed there because that is the starting point. This is the story of the revelation of who Jesus is – the Son of God. That’s why the Church celebrates the feast of the Baptism of the Lord at the conclusion of the Christmas season and the beginning of the rest of the liturgical year. I can’t go anywhere in my life as a Christian unless I understand, first of all, that I am what I am because I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Period. Page 6 DEADLINE FOR SPRING ISSUE Mark your calendar for Monday, February 2, as the deadline for articles and pictures for the spring edition of the Perpetual Times. If you have something for scouts, sports, alumni, school or parish that would fit well in our newsletter, please email to [email protected] or bring into the Parish Office. PRAYERS AND ADORATION We have a very active Parish Prayer Group at OLPH. If you would like to make a prayer request for yourself or another person, family or group, please call the Parish Office at 419-382-5511 or Patricia Hageman at 419-385-4742. Your request will be shared with members of the group who offer prayers for special intentions of those in need. Every 1st Friday we have Adoration after the 8:45 a.m. Mass until noon at which time we offer some form of prayer and then offer Benediction. We profess that The Eucharist is the Source and Summit of everything we do. Living that out, all are encouraged to attend. Five half-hour slots (from 9:30-Noon) where you commit a half hour of presence with The Lord are available for sign up the weekend before each First Friday, or you are welcome to just come at your convenience. God is worth a half hour of our time. Join us in Praise and Blessing of the “True Presence”. LITTLE BOOKS FOR ADVENT & LENT Thank you to the Parish Community Builders Committee for providing the Advent & Lent meditation booklets called “The Little Books”. These wonderful prayer books are free to our parishioners after Masses during both seasons and will help enhance those days of preparation leading up to Christmas and Easter. Please be sure to take a copy! Volume 16, Issue 2 S.O.S.--SOCIAL OUTLET FOR SINGLES (DIVORCED & WIDOWED) We have had some great activities together this past fall, among them: Trip on the Sandpiper down the scenic Maumee, a very moving tour of the Holocaust Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan, which finished with a short talk by an 88-year old survivor of the horror, who proved to be charming, frank, and generous with his time and our questions. Several of us formed a team and competed in Club YEA’s Trivia Night on November 15, and our Lebanese Cooking Class was moved to Sunday, December 7. In conjunction with the Parish Community Builders we viewed the phenomenal movie “God Isn’t Dead” (out in theaters just last year) in Meeting Room #2, complete with popcorn and beverages and discussion afterwards for anyone interested in staying. Don’t spend all your time alone—join us on our merry misadventures! If you are interested, please call the Parish Office at 419-382-5511, and we’ll let you in on all the fun!! SACRAMENTS Congratulations to our 2nd graders both from our school and our Parish School of Religion who made their First Reconciliation on December 6. We will keep you in our prayers as you journey toward First Communion in the spring! If any of your children need to receive any of the sacraments, please contact Josh Mocek, OLPH Director of Religious Education. You can reach him in the Parish Office at 419-382-5511 or email at [email protected]. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MILESTONES Congratulations to the following members of OLPH who celebrated special Wedding Anniversaries at Rosary Cathedral on Sunday, October 19. They are: Carolyn & Bill Beckler (67th), Dorothy & Norman Heydinger (64th) and Connie & Richard Skoski (50th). In faith you were joined together and in faith you continue! Perpetual Times Page 7 WILLIAM (BILL) BECKLER, JR. & CAROLYN MERSING BECKLER 6th in a series of articles on long-time members of OLPH. Carolyn Beckler’s father, George Mersing, was one of the original members of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. When her mother passed away when Carolyn was only 4, they moved in with her father’s parents, with her aunts helping to raise Carolyn and her sister. They went to school at Rosary Cathedral until they moved to Princeton Drive and she entered OLPH in 3rd/4th grades, which were taught by Winifred Coyle. This was back when OLPH was “on the hill” and split classes were taught together. Carolyn well remembers having Sr. John Francis for 5th/6th grade and Sr. Gertrude for 7th/8th. She also notes that the Marlborough family lived across the street, from which the first “son of the parish” to be ordained to the priesthood was Thomas Francis Marlborough, receiving the sacrament from Bishop Stritch in 1927. While Bill, Jr. never attended OLPH School, his family was here from the beginning. Taken from “A History of OLPH” by Fr. Michael Brown is the following: “Of these (75) families one took a very special part in bringing OLPH Parish into existence, and that was the family of Joseph Beckler, a carpenter who lived at 222 University Blvd. On the day before the parish’s first Mass Joe and his wife donated $100 to purchase a chalice for the parish’s liturgy. His descendants are still deeply involved in OLPH Church. One of his sons, Lawrence, was one of the parish’s first altar boys.” Joe is Bill’s grandfather and Lawrence is his uncle. Bill and Carolyn met in chemistry class at Central Catholic High School, and soon discovered a little chemistry of their own! Carolyn clearly remembers sitting on her front porch when Bill rode by on his bike, waved, and, having found out where she lived, continued with phone calls and the beginning of their courtship. Bill was drafted at the age of 18, and it was in Italy that he lost his leg. Ending up in the hospital in Battle Creek, Michigan, Carolyn visited him and assured him that it made no difference to her when she said, “You can still hug me.” They were married in 1947 in the old OLPH Church on the hill. They were living in Indiana, where Bill was going to school at the University of Notre Dame on the GI Bill, when their first child, Mark, was born. He has the distinction of having been baptized by Notre Dame’s Fr. Theodore Hesburgh himself. Eventually after a time living in Pittsburgh they moved back and settled down in Toledo and life at OLPH, from which all five of their children graduated. Carolyn worked the playground while the kids were here and also became active in the Altar Rosary Society, which never failed to bring the women of the parish together. When their youngest was 7, they started camping annually out west. Some of the noted parks they stayed at were Glacier, Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons in Canada. Even after the kids left them with an empty nest, Bill & Carolyn continued to camp every June through September in their 18-foot trailer up until 2008. Their fondness for OLPH shows when they talk about going to other churches once in a while and noting that none of them feel like home the way OLPH does. It is a feeling that most of our long-time members have and hope that our newer members will acquire. Come each weekend to OLPH, where Bill & Carolyn Beckler will gladly welcome you home! Page 8 Volume 16, Issue 2 MAKING IT SIMPLE How often are we flying out the door at the last minute, for one reason or another, trying to get to Mass on time and with everyone in tow--only to get there and realize we forgot our Sunday envelope? Let us help eliminate having to remember one more thing before leaving home by suggesting automatic withdrawal from your checking or savings account for your donations! OLPH offers weekly, semi-monthly or monthly deductions—whatever fits your lifestyle. Discover the freedom of having it all taken care of and knowing that you have provided for your Church. If you are interested, please fill out this form and mail to the Parish Office or drop in the collection basket. Authorization for Automatic Account Transaction I/We _______________________________________________ (print names), hereby authorize Our Lady of Perpetual Hel to initiate debit entries in the amount specified below at the intervals stated. I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I forward written notification to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church requesting termination of this service, allowing sufficient time for them to process my request. Name of Financial Institution ____________________________________________________________ Account # ________________________________________ Checking/Savings (Circle one) ** Attach a voided check for verification (please do not attach a deposit slip) Name _____________________________________________________ Envelope # ________________ Address ____________________________________________________ Phone # ___________________ City, State, Zip _________________________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Signature ___________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Date to begin ____________________________ (Please allow 1 week for processing) Check one of the following 3 choices: ____________ I/We choose Weekly Deductions (deducted every Monday) OR ____________ I/We choose Semi-Monthly Deductions (deducted on the 15th and 30th of each month or the following Monday if those fall on a Saturday or Sunday) OR ____________ I/We choose Monthly Deductions (deducted the 1st Monday of every month) $___________ Please specify the amount to be deducted for Regular Sunday collections as selected above (weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly). $___________ Please specify the amount to be deducted for Maintenance Collection each month as selected above (weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly) $___________ TOTAL DEDUCTION as selected above (weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly) Perpetual Times Page 9 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL What was special about the annual St. Vincent de Paul meeting held at the Cathedral in October? It proved to be the addition of newly ordained Bishop Daniel Thomas, who greeted and chatted with each member individually and cheerfully posed for pictures. According to our OLPH members, he is truly a charming, charismatic leader! Bishop Thomas greets Mary Campbell From left: Mary & Tom Sheffler, Bishop Thomas, Darryl Campbell, Randy Musch, Deacon John Campbell & Deacon Dan Quinn Page 10 Volume 16, Issue 2 2014 365 LOTTO WINNERS AS OF NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Sr. Jeanne Marie Glorioso Peter Papadimos Lee Miller Ryan Landis Ray Overy Tim Reynolds Mary Serote Jim & Barb Boyle Claudia Arnold Matt & Alexis Watkins Abby Jacobs Jack German Richard Skoski Larry & Joyce Godfrey Elizabeth Janesz Lisa Wehrmeister Logan Jackson Wood Melissa Kissner Marcie Kessler Matt Ward OLPH Betty Straub Maggie Sullivan Bruce Szczepanski Ginger Oathout Jason Failing Mike & Jaime Owings Elise Watson Juanita Kiefer Denise Wensink Sue Moss Andrew Jambor Melissa Noe Art Wismer Roger Simpson Tony King Al Opaczewski Heidi Crawford John Scharding Thomas Janesz Mel Ogrodowski Mary Opaczewski Kevin & Sharon Saco Krystal & Rick Gill Angie & Steve Ruby Mark Smith Judi Gratcl Victor Hanus Nicole Geithmann Don & Nanci Riddle Carrie Burk Deb Micenec Hannah Zenk J.J. Westhoven Cheryl Lapinski Joan & Joe Peltier Joseph Bojarski Richard Mendieta Dan Jordan Nicholas Kiefer Eric & Jennifer Featzka Kent Lay Jan Motter Karen Walker Justine Kahl Charlotte Dymarkowski Heidi Crawford Ashley Christyson Bonnie Staszak Cheryl Rochte Norman Dymarkowski DeDe Ryan Andrew Nichols Janet Hack Lizzie Harrington Brian Nichols Jen Mott Julie Smith Dan Doyle Carol Kekes Pam Looman Nick Dendinger Jennifer Majchrowski Trish Groth Emily Puffenberger Amy Parker Lisa Seitz Camille Koralewski Allen & Meghan Skomer Paul Zaciewski Jim Wuest Tim Zolcrak Neha Desai Vicki Sweeney Shannon McDonald The Bialecki Family Marcia Mitchell Mandy Burmeister Lily Ogrodowski Kathy & Mike Roper Mary Ann Mariasy Jenny Mott Rick & Kathy Zibbel Claudia Arnold Allan Gendaszek Paul Raczkowski Cynthia Kozlowski Judy Johnson Cynthia Kozlowski Scott & Mary Siesel Colette Leyland Betsy Noonan Edward Mohler Scott & Aimee Sandvik Gertrude Kubicz Chuck Sattler OLPH Ann Kniep Gage Bearden Colleen Kander Margot & Brian Borger Lynette Jackson Rita Darrow Russell Knopp Todd Kuney Maribel Mendoza Scott McGee Donna Winkle Sara & Kevin Stearns Tom Kenny Marie Fudacz Laura Guenin Emily & Bryan Lindsay Mark Kusner John & Abby Flahie Carol Falke Cheryl Shadday Micki Morgan Rybicki Bill Carr Lisa & Russ Musil Monica Brown OLPH Damian Ogrodowski Alan Bremer, Sr. Jennifer Hrosko Tom Schneider Colette Ewing Lynne & Ken Owings Tina Willier Katie Queenan Ian Byrne Sarah Buno John Skoski Gregory & Regina Bennett Harley & Taylor Vaught Kelly Burgin Perpetual Times Page 11 Kathleen Keener Mathias Gaynor III Charles & Dona Brown Jim & Barb Boyle Lori DeShetler Thomas Janesz John Mussery Abby Jacobs Matt & Meghan Reed Terri Ogrodowski Zachary Delgado Larry & Joyce Godfrey Dave Wehrmeister Katherine DeCarlo Melissa Kissner Logan Jackson Wood Ethan Simmons Monica Brown John Spielberger Maggie Sullivan Ray Overy Beth & Bobby Longeway Ron Gorny Mike & Jaime Owings Jim Schramm Marvin & Eileen Szabo Jordan Arnold Sue Moss Sean Beach Joy Kosinski Joanne Kimerer Roger Simpson Sharon Bugbee Suzanne Stapleton Dana Rawson John Scharding Chad Kuney Marilyn Mizik Edward Mohler Kevin & Sharon Saco Rick & Kathy Zibbel Sally Macovic David Liber Judi Gratcl Sally Mielcarek James & Debra Navarre Desmond Strooh Don & Nanci Riddle Joan Williams Mark Becker Hannah Zenk Bob Bigler Jeanne Taylor Joan & Joe Peltier Jason Evans Steven Fehr Dan Jordan Kelly Harrington Gary & Judi Kowalski Kent Lay Benjamin Kowalski Ian Byrne Charlotte Dymarkowski Jill Bergman Cristine Schmenk Mary Beth Lorigan Colin Nelson Valerie King Cody Little Pat Woods Sue Lee Ryan Landis Cheryl Rochte Janet Hack Julie Smith Sue Humason Carol Hill Melissa Pollock Jen Mott Jim White Ruth Kennedy Don & Nanci Riddle Shannon Walter Gordon & Rose Pfleghaar Colin Nelson Abby Arnold Shirley Mercer Barbara Bell Corey & Amer Smidi Ken Gallaher Camille Koralewski Russ & Lisa Musil Liz Holmes Tony Arvelo Jim Wuest Tom Kenny Theresa Harrington Joan Moran Vicki Sweeney Kathy Clark Jerry Mehling Roseann Hudzinski Marcia Mitchell Donna Darr Alan Bremer, Sr. Kay Etue Mary Ann Mariasy Bialecki Family Patricia Michalak Joan & Jerry Ryan Allan Gendaszek Marge Mergy Bud Falke Al Kleeberger Cynthia Kozlowski Judy Clifton Dave Stratso Victoria Erickson Edward Mohler Cindy Meyers OLPH Ann Walsh OLPH Heidi Crawford Marleen Docis Bobby Parisien Margot & Brian Borger Jennifer Johnson Melissa Chittick Steve Poturalski Russell Knopp Megan Harrington Chuck Sattler Linda McCrury Scott McGee Tiffany Jordan Dan & Margo Kerscher Fran Rideout Tom Kenny Tom Dixon, Sr. Dave Whipple Emily & Bryan Lindsay Sandy Stout Bob & Ann Lukezic Cheryl Shadday Linda Goulette Lizzie Harrington Monica Brown Rebekah Erford David Noe Jennifer Hrosko Don & Lyn Raymond Chris & Cheryl Billmaier Nick Dendinger Emily Puffenberger Adam Wehrmeister Carrie Burk Paul Raczkowski Shirley Wozniak Cindy Pazdziorko Page 12 Volume 16, Issue 2 PARISH COMMUNITY BUILDERS TRUNK OR TREAT—FUN FOR EVERYONE! Best Decorated Trunk: The Sadowski Family Best Boy Costume was revealed to be Dane Andrews! Other contenders: Best Family Costume: The Pirates of the Clarke Family Best Girl: Ria Bonnell’s Gumball Machine Perpetual Times Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed a great evening—and Mother Nature was very cooperative as well! The free hot chocolate, cider, coffee and soda provided by the Parish Community Builders were enjoyed by all, as well as the Halloween-themed prizes won at the Pumpkin Spinner Game. Thanks to Steve Hockenberger of Gold Ribbon Trophies for his generous donation of trophies. Thanks also to all those who gave of their time to make sure kids and parents had a fun time: Diane Poturalski, Barb Bell, Sally Albrecht, Barb Navarro, Tina Wittier, and Kayla Wittier and friends. Page 13 Page 14 Volume 16, Issue 2 NEW FAMILIES ARE WELCOME Michael & Stacey Alek Ryan Conner & Ashley Wagner, children Juliet Conner-Wagner, Catalina, Bianca & Adrian Franco-Wagner Sarah Miller Stephanie Smith, child Elijah CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Starting the 1st Sunday of Advent, November 30th, during the 11:00am Mass, Children’s Liturgy of the Word will begin & will continue every Sunday through May 24th with few exceptions. Our target group is kindergarteners & 1st graders, but no child will be turned away. We do, however, request that parents encourage children older than 3rd grade to remain in church with them as they are mature enough to participate in the ordinary life of the Church. We are excited to be offering this ministry again & I would like to thank Melissa Kissner & Gina Demagall for volunteering to lead. After we had our first meeting, we decided it would be good to inform you of the format of Children’s Liturgy as it may feel like a new experience. The Bishops of the United States have articulated their desire that Children’s Liturgy of the Word mirror as much as possible the ordinary Liturgy of the Word experienced every week during Mass. Therefore, when your children come to Children’s Liturgy at OLPH they will leave just after the opening procession to Meeting Room #3. Once there, they will begin with a prayer & recite the commitments (which are similar to classroom expectations & include elements of the Profession of Faith which is the Creed), read the readings of the Mass, reflect on the readings of the Mass through discussion & end with each student offering up a petition before closing prayer. After closing prayer the children will rejoin the congregation for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Once again, we are excited to offer this ministry for the children of the parish. We are still in need of volunteers to commit to one or two Sundays a month, or less depending on the number of volunteers, to assist Melissa & Gina during Children’s Liturgy. If you have questions, or would like to offer your help, please contact me at [email protected] or by calling the Parish Office. From Josh Mocek Perpetual Times Page 15 SCHOOL NEWS STUDENT COUNCIL: Congratulations to the 2014-2015 Student Council members: From the 8th grade Eric Cark, Emma Comes, Nathaniel Erickson, David Geronimo, Morgan Krajewski, Toby Rosebrock, Maizey Sadowski; from 7th grade Kallen Rawson, Parker Victorian & Aubrey Zmuda. QUIZ BOWL: Congratulations to the 2014-2015 Quiz Bowl Team, who will be working hard representing OLPH this year: 8th Graders: Nathaniel Erickson David Geronimo Morgan Krajewski Toby Rosebrock 7th Graders: Bridget Bremer Joseph Fudacz Jacob Lowery Parker Victorian Sydni Waugh Melanie Whipple MATH-A-THON: Mrs. Hunter is proud of all the participants! Our students collected $554.25 and St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital is most grateful for being the beneficiary of all their hard work and donations. LIBRARY REQUEST: Our dedicated library volunteers are asking for any donations of clean, comfy chairs or gently used beanbags for use in the library. If you have these items to donate, please feel free to drop them off at the school. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM: Join us for the school’s annual Christmas Program on Tuesday, December 16, with performances at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Mrs. Brenda Waters has been hard at work preparing our students, so let’s all come out and show them our support! OPEN HOUSE/BOOK FAIR/GRAND EVENT: Our Open House will be a few weeks earlier this year on Sunday, February 15. Please invite family, friends and neighbors who have school-age children to come and tour our school and meet our teachers. Leading up to Open House will be our annual Book Fair from February 11-15 and the Grand Event, where we celebrate our grandparents or special grand-friends, to spend the morning with us! Page 16 SPIRIT “ROCKS” OLPH “We have spirit, yes we do. We have spirit, how ‘bout you?” PSA would like to thank everyone who helped with the new OLPH spirit rock out on the Green! At the special bonfire it was blessed by Father Dave and anointed with handprints of students. This rock is sure to represent the spirit of community for years to come. Thanks to Adam Bonnell for maintaining such a safe fire, to the McLaughlins for getting the spirit rock donated (all 8,000 pounds of it!), and to Kim Bremer for handling the chaos of painted hands and creating the best spirit rock in town! Volume 16, Issue 2 Pg a gee 1177 Pa Perpetual Times MAGAZINE/COOKIE DOUGH DRIVE What a fantastic job everyone did on our first school fundraiser! Our students and their families managed to sell over $21,000 worth of Magazines, Cookie Dough and Memory Photo Products, 40% of which comes back to OLPH School. Lily Ogrodowski (pictured at right) from 2nd grade was our top seller with a total of 63 sales! Our top selling class was Mrs. Doane’s 5th grade, who received a special stuffed bear for the classroom that affectionately has been named (pictured below). Great job, everyone! DON’T FORGET OUR 2ND SCHOOL FUNDRAISER: 365 LOTTO! Where else can you get 365 chances to win cash from one $20 ticket? Right here at OLPH! Perhaps you won on a ticket you bought last year from a student— some lucky people actually won more than once! (Check out all of our winners from January 1st through the 7th of November printed in this edition.) Our students will be selling tickets from November 17 through December 7. You can buy from them and help them win prizes, or if you would like tickets sent to you, please call the Parish Office at 419-382-5511 or send your printed name, address & phone number with a check made out to OLPH to 2255 Central Grove Ave., Toledo, OH 43614. Each ticket is $20, but if you buy or sell 15, you get 1 free ticket. Prizes are as follows: 3 $1,000 prizes on Easter, 4th of July & Christmas; 12 $500 prizes on all the first Mondays; 51 $100 prizes on all Sundays (except Easter); 299 $40 prizes on the remaining days of the year. Lotto tickets also make great gifts for those Christmas stockings, for birthdays, or just for fun! Volume 16, Issue 2 Page 18 PARENT AMBASSADOR PROGRAM NEEDS YOU It has been a wonderful first quarter for the students and parents of OLPH School! There have been many opportunities to come together in a social setting, getting to know one another, and enjoying time with our kids at their “home away from home”. We would like to thank the Parish Community Builders Committee for providing us one such opportunity at Trunk or Treat. It is events such as these that tie our Parish and School together creating a relationship that will provide our kids with a foundation to which they will always return. To continue this momentum, we hope you will consider volunteering with the Parent Ambassador Program. This program was launched last spring and provides an opportunity for parents, alumni and parishioners to support our school. Designed to be a tool to help attract new students and serve current families, the group provides volunteer opportunities that focus on five specific groups of children and their parents. Parent Ambassador Program volunteers help welcome new families to our community, provide encouragement to parents going through the process of preparing for baptism of their child, market the school and help to create learning opportunities for parents as their children grow and move through the education system. Focus ages for the program include: Children from birth through age 3 Children in Preschool and Kindergarten Children in grades 1-5 Children in grades 6-8 Families with children who are new to our parish or school community Each group is led by a member of the School Advisory Council, and all groups are seeking volunteers from our parish. Typical activities can include planning an informational session on parenting topics, playing host for a tour or creating social opportunities for school families. The Parent Ambassador program also helps match parents with volunteer opportunities, and encourages participation in activities and events offered by existing school or parish groups. For more information on the program or to volunteer, contact Pam Mohler at 419-367-7569 after 5 p.m. PARENT SCHOOL ASSOCIATION NEWS RESTAURANT NIGHTS You can help our Parent School Association help our school by participating in the neighborhood Restaurant Nights. Just place an order or dine in at the following restaurants on the designated OLPH nights, mention OLPH when you order, and a percentage of the proceeds from that night will come back to PSA! The dates for Mi Hacienda are: 12/9, 2/3, 3/3 & 5/12. For the Rugby Drive Marco’s Pizza only the dates are: 12/18, 12/19, 1/15, 1/16, 2/19, 2/20, 3/19, 3/20, 4/16, 4/17, 5/14 & 5/15. ACTIVITY NIGHT Need a night out to do some shopping or other holiday activity? PSA is sponsoring again an Activity Night for kids on Friday, December 12, from 6:30 until 9:00 p.m. They’ll keep them busy while you are free to shop! And if you add dinner out to your evening, remember that PSA is again partnering with Caper’s Restaurant where 15% of all food sales that evening will be donated back to PSA. Now that’s a win-win situation! Perpetual Times Page 19 FIRST QUARTER HONOR ROLL Congratulations to the following 4th through 8th grade students who earned honors for the 1st Quarter of this school year: Grade 4 Mrs. Friedberg Principal’s List: Mallory Caldwell, Seamus Leonard, Erin Reed First Honors: Kleiston Bonnell Second Honors: Rupert Buno, Joey Carr, Hailey Englehardt, Gavin Errington, Elena Johnson, William Lowery Third Honors: Ethan Lloyd, Danny Witcher Grade 5 Mrs. Doane Principal’s List: Jack Bremer, Atticus Destatte, Aidan Mott, Taylor Noe, Natalie Rosebrock First Honors: Alex Garcia, Lucas Koszycki, Josh Lee, Sam Lee, Bryse Pariseau, Jace Sanchez Second Honors: Laura Demagall, Ethan Fulkerson, Thomas Stearns, Hayden Victorian Third Honors: Lukas Bauman Grade 6 Mr. Brinke First Honors: Bryce Augustyniak, Natalie Bialecki, Carolyne Giannini, Kaitlin Shiple Second Honors: Brandon Sims Grade 7 Mrs. Susdorf Principal’s List: Bridget Bremer, Kallen Rawson, Melanie Whipple, Aubrey Zmuda First Honors: Akaylah Clemons, Sydni Waugh Second Honors: Jacob Bialecki, Conner Englehardt, Joe Fudacz, Grace Giannini, Hailey Jackson, Brady Jordan, Jacob Lowery, Parker Victorian Third Honors: Giovanni Bartlett-Scott, Tony Bugaj, Ciara Geronimo, Fred Hunter, Jerome Morgan Grade 8 Mrs. Hunter Principal’s List: Nathaniel Erickson, Toby Rosebrock First Honors: Emma Comes, Annie DeClark, Morgan Krajewski, Maizey Sadowski Second Honors: Hunter Crippen, David Geronimo Third Honors: David Harrington, Lily Pollock, Jack Ryan, Camryn Shy Volume 16, Issue 2 Page 20 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT ON ALUMNI: ERIC HONISKO (This article was originally printed in Annunciation Radio’s Newsletter and is reprinted with their permission.) “Annunciation Radio wishes to recognize our summer intern Eric Honisko for all of the great work he accomplished from May to mid-August! Eric is a student at BGSU majoring in Broadcast Journalism and is entering his senior year. While here, Eric helped us with live broadcasts such as the Toledo Women’s Conference and Exclaim; he researched events and put the community calendars on the air; he wrote scripts and did voice work for public service announcements and the weekly newscasts on Annunciation Radio Presents. Great job, Eric--and best wishes to you for your future in Broadcasting!” Eric is the son of parishioner Mary Honisko and the late Richard Honisko. ON: JILLIAN FOURNIER The Girl Scouts of Western Ohio recognized individuals during the 3rd annual Women of Distinction awards on Oct. 9. Keynote speaker for the inspirational program that was filled with laughter and tears was none other than Jillian Fournier, OLPH alum and senior at Notre Dame Academy. Jillian, daughter of parishioners Bruce & Rita Fournier, shared her life-changing experience at Camp Libbey. Pictured from left are Girl Scouts of Western Ohio CEO Roni Luckenbill with Girl Scouts Samantha Shultz, Pilar Athaide-Victor, and Jillian. ON: BENJAMIN WAUGH Not only has Ben been playing freshman football at St. Francis de Sales High School, but he is also one of 7 new members of Student Council. After his first quarter Ben has been placed on the President’s List for receiving all A’s. Ben is the son of parishioners Cheryl Waugh Rochte and Bradley Waugh. We love hearing how well our former OLPH students are doing! ON: KURT ELFERING Congratulations to St. Francis Senior Kurt Elfering, who was selected as the BCSN Student of the Month for October. Kurt receives a one-time scholarship of $1,500 unless he is selected as the Student of the Year, who receives a $16,000 scholarship ($4,000 per year, renewable for four years). Kurt is the son of parishioners Joe & Amy Elfering. We’re proud of you, Kurt! CORRECTION: In our last edition we incorrectly identified the accomplishments of two of our alumni from Central Catholic High School. Tara Chlebowski should have been listed as the Editor of the Central Catholic School Newspaper and Lucy Pollock as writer. We are proud to add that Tara is now writing for the UT Newspaper. Apologies to both young ladies! Perpetual Times Page 21 HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL We are pleased to announce that the following students are on the honor roll for the 1st quarter at-Notre Dame Academy 1st Honors: Lauren DeClark, Tara Hickey, Hannah Loehrke, Mary Crosby, Elouise Filas, Saralynn Kusner, Megan Kusner, Dominique Shiple, Hannah Kurtz & Elycia Patino 2nd Honors: Madalyn Adamshick, Jillian Fournier, Chelsea Head, Casey Knapik, Taylor Head, Natalie Ray & Kennedy Williams 3rd Honors: Ana Perez St. Ursula Academy President’s List: Sarah Felix, Lauran Graves, Claire LeGendre, Rachel Steinbauer & Anna Wehrmeister Dean’s List: Mary Eilert & Emma Schober 1st Honors: McKenna Jordand & Jayda Wertz Cardinal Stritch 1st Honors: Nathaniel Kuhn & Drew Whipple 2nd Honors: Emmett Krall St. Francis de Sales President’s List: Jacob Kowalski & Benjamin Waugh 1st Honors: Matt Cark, Kurt Elfering, Blake Noonan, Christian Pina, & Ben Smigielski 2nd Honors: Luke Calmes, Zach Rosebrock & Jake Walterreit St. John’s Jesuit Class Honors: Colin Doyle & Drew Pariseau 1st Honors: A. J. Kaminski, Austin Williams, Clayton Filas, Duncan Mott, Ethan Pina, James Ray, Michael Shiple, Zach Koszycki & Zach Stearns 2nd Honors: Frank Fulkerson, Jack Broadway, Jacob Guerrero, Logan Brockway, Matt Kaminski, Nathan Koszycki, Samuel Chipps, Spencer Lowery, Zach Gedert & Zach Roller ALUMNI HOMECOMING MASS Calling all former students and teachers of OLPH School— We would like to invite you to a Homecoming Mass during Catholic Schools’ Week on Thursday, January 29, 2015 at 8:45 a.m. Celebrate the liturgy with us. Walk around the school. Share stories of when you were here! If you can’t be here, you can still be a part of our Homecoming. Send stories you’d like to share about your favorite moments or teachers or staff to: O.L.P.H. School ATTN: Barb Doane 2255 Central Grove Ave. Toledo OH 43614 As always, please remember us in your prayers! V o l u m e 1 6 , I Ps asguee 222 Page 22 SPORTS 17th ANNUAL REVERSE RAFFLE & SILENT AUCTION NOTE THE NEW DATE!! Saturday, January 31, is the new date for this annual event. Due to a conflict with another south end location having their Reverse Raffle on our usual first Saturday in February, OLPH has decided to move our event to a week earlier. But that just means we’ll get to all the FUN and EXCITEMENT sooner!! What does your $50 ticket include? First of all, your participation raises money for our OLPH Athletic Program. For you it provides a delicious Catered Dinner from Malczewski’s, amazing Silent Auction items, 50/50 Raffles, exciting Poker tables, the heart-stopping Horse Race, cold beer and wine at very minimal prices, tasty hors d’oeuvres all night and… THE $2,500 GRAND PRIZE! Buy your ticket now from any athletic council member or at the Parish Office. Don’t wait too long— because all 300 tickets will sell, and will sell quickly! Bring your group of friends or family members and notice the buzz level rise when it comes down to the Final Five Tickets! Dinner starts at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria, and then everyone can make their way to the Activity Center when the tickets start getting drawn. Donations to the Silent Auction would be greatly appreciated, as well as volunteers in many areas. Please contact Paul Bauman at [email protected] or the Parish Office at 419-382-5511. TOY BOWL 2014 We are so proud of our 7th & 8th grade football team for making it to the Toy Bowl this year. Even though we lost to St. John’s Academy, getting there was still a great achievement for our guys, and learning the fundamentals of a sport and teamwork is the best triumph of all! Perpetual Times Page 23 SCOUTS TROOP SCOOPS On October 27 the 1st through 5th grade troops went to Steven’s Gardens for some fall fun. We went on a hay ride, did a corn maze, fed the animals, rode the cow train, and had donuts and apple cider. (Left to right back row) Lucy Mott, Laci Sadowski, Kayla McLaughlin, Kate Moran, Lily Ogrodowski, Bobbi Hunt, Elena Johnson, Erin Reed, Abby Williams, Julianna Walter, Claire Whipple, Natalie Rosebrock (front row) Anna Reed, Kallie McLaughlin, Delaney Byrne, Lily Williamson, Hadley Wernert, Josie Kosczycki. On September 14 the girls had a bake sale after the Sunday Masses to raise money for activities that all the troops do together. Pictured from left to right are Hadley Wernert, Lily Ogrodowski, Abby Williams, Kate Moran, Julia Burke, Eloena Johnson, Erin Reed & Anna Reed. The 4th grade troop meets and gets silly! We welcome 2 new girls this year to OLPH and our troop – Mallory Caldwell and Emily Momany, pictured here with Elena Johnson & Erin Reed. On September 28 the Girl Scouts held their annual Jamboree following attending mass together. The 2nd grade troop bridged from Daisies to Brownies and the 4th grade Troop flew from Brownies to Juniors. The 3rd grade troop on the hayride: Julianna Walter, Abby Williams, Laci Sadowski, & Lucy Mott. They had a blast! Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Toledo, Ohio Permit No. 632 THE PSA-SPONSORED CRAFT BAZAAR SHOWS OFF ITS COLORS!
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