

Giving and Receiving
Annual Report
Table of Contents
Joyfully Gathered Together in Prayer 10
Spreading Joy to Millions
Complimentary 12
Scattering Joy to Those Who Serve
Military 14
Comforting Children, Bringing them Joy
Guideposts for Kids Comfort 16
Heartfelt Thanks to Guideposts Benefactors .....................Page 18
Financials.....................................................................................Page 38
Every Gift Makes a Difference...............................................Page 40
Our Founders.............................................................................Page 41
Our Mission
The mission of the Guideposts Foundation is to help people
from all walks of life achieve their maximum personal and spiritual
potential. We are committed to communicating positive, faith-filled
principles for people everywhere to use in successful daily living.
Guideposts Foundation Board of Directors
Elizabeth Peale Allen
Judith E. Blankenbaker
Steve N. Brown
Margaret Peale Everett, Chair
Evelyn A. Freed
Gaylord T. Gunhus
Roxy Gumlia Klein
Robert L. Leatherman
Debbie Macomber
Thomas O. Putnam
Mary Joy Stead
John F. Temple
Guideposts Foundation Staff
Brian Porter, President
Randall Elliott, Development Director
Kathleen Ryan, Vice President
and Secretary
Karen L. Ferraro, Development Director
David Teitler, Treasurer
Sybil E. Light, Philanthropy
Coordinator and Editor
Patricia Byrns, Development Associate
Meghan Lynch, Philanthropy Assistant
Karen L. Bauer, Manager,
Monthly Clubs
Lisa M. Greco, Manager, Direct Mail
Janice Hackett, Senior Database Analyst
Amy Hosmer, Planned Giving
Michelene Murphy-Staib,
Associate Manager, Annual Gifts
Antoinette Vlad, Marketing Associate
A Message from Our Chair
Dear Member of the Guideposts Family,
Giving joy away is a long tradition in our
Guideposts Family. For my mother and father it was
at the heart of all they did. And as the Ministries of
Guideposts were created they in turn, took up the
work of bringing the joy of fellowship and the love of
our great and good God to those they served.
Margaret Peale Everett
This past year each of our Ministries has joyfully
welcomed thousands of seekers into its fellowship
of healing and hope, and done a remarkable job bringing them exactly the
inspirational and spiritual resources they need. We know, because time and
again, people of all ages and from all walks of life write to tell us so. And so the
circle of joy, the giving and receiving, goes on.
My father wrote scatter sunshine, forget self, think of others. That simple
maxim for living a joyful life never fails. And it is the guiding rule you and all
of our faithful, giving friends live by. So often I am privileged to hear your own
inspiring stories — stories that always seem to center around the profound
happiness that has come to you and your loved ones, even in the hardest of
times, as you freely give, and lovingly pray.
Mother and Dad taught each of their children to be generous and share
with others the blessings God has given to them. We have tried to do that, not
as an obligation but a privilege. Our commitment to the work and ministry
of Guideposts is being enthusiastically endorsed by the next generation,
most notably by granddaughter Katie Allen Berlandi who has taken her place
alongside all of us in the ministry of the Guideposts Foundation.
We deeply know that our work begins with you — and in the past year you
have been there for us with the financial support that has been key to expanding
and strengthening all of our Ministries.
That expansion and strength translates to a far longer reach, and the shaping of strategies wholly geared to responding to the unfolding and urgent needs
of those who come to us for help. They believe in us, as we believe in you.
This year has been a testimony to the infinite power of faith and joy. On
behalf of all we serve together, thank you. We hold you and those you love in
our grateful prayers.
Margaret Peale Everett
Chair, Guideposts Foundation
catter Sunshine,
S Forget
Think of Others.
you make
Thank you
for the
Dear Caring Partner,
As we look back over the year, let us celebrate
the great joy we received as we freely gave joy away
through the work of Guideposts Foundation.
Working together, it has been our honor to secure
the funding that has made the enormous impact
of our Outreach Ministries possible. We have been
doubly blessed — the joy of giving resonates in every
life we touched, and in every joyful blessing returned
to us.
Brian Porter
You are a very special group of caring friends. As your support has transformed the Good News of God’s love to the lives of the people we serve, we know
that your personal ministries of caring are also enriched and energized. Through
your steadfast support, we have strengthened our programs and enhanced our
social media presence to reach young people struggling with the challenges of
their generation. As troop withdrawals began, we worked to meet the needs of our
returning service men and women and their families. And we continued to address
the urgent spiritual needs of our rapidly expanding elderly population.
This year we generated the funding critical to keeping pace with the rapidly
expanding scope of the Ministries. As you have fully engaged with us, financially
and spiritually, we have carried your generous spirit directly into the lives of the
millions we served.
That is a testimony to the power of faith-in-action and the transformative
power of the good works we have accomplished together. Your support builds
legacy, carrying on the rock-solid spiritual values on which the work of the
Foundation is built.
Those core spiritual values are embedded in joy: compassion, inspiration,
strength, courage, healing and hope. As we give and receive that joy, it flowers in
the hearts and lives of those we serve, and they too, pass it on to others. It is the
peace and joy received by the millions we serve, the joy in every uplifting booklet
freely given, and the amazing power of prayer.
I have witnessed that joy first hand many times in my Foundation work this
year. The parents of a hospitalized ten-year-old girl shared the joy a Comfort Kit
brought to their child, and the attending nurse described her smile — it lit up the
room. May that smile, and the joy you make possible for so many, brighten all
your days.
Brian Porter
President, Guideposts Foundation
Dear Friend in Faith,
Rev. Dr. Pablo R. Diaz
The tools of engagement rapidly changed this
year, but the heart issues, as ever, remained the same.
We expanded the reach of our Outreach Ministries,
understanding that we must develop new strategies outside
the conventional norms of ministry to meet the needs of
those who call on us for spiritual relief. As those needs
continue to change, so our Outreach Ministries found new
and dynamic ways to meet them.
We leveraged the power of modern technology to
spiritually empower the many who trust that we will be there for them in their
hour of need. We increased our presence on social media, so those who call on
us could quickly network by sharing their faith in a dynamic, real-time way,
and create their own communities of spiritual support. Our Facebook presence
generated millions of prayer requests through the OurPrayer portal, and enabled
all who entered there to quickly network with friends and loved ones. The
OurPrayer App for iPhone and iPad gained a significant number of new users.
Our Facebook page for our prayer volunteers continued to grow and provide more
opportunites for community, and we added hundreds of volunteers to the cadre of
dedicated volunteers in 75 countries. Our Comfort Kit Facebook page attracted
more then 45,000 likes and 57,000 engagements — people who share their
testimonials and prayers for special children.
Our Ministries spiritual energy welcomes all those who call on us in the joyful
flow of fellowship and connection. We launched a military Facebook page, already
a vital hub of spiritual community for our nation’s brave troops. And we created
a weekly blog talk radio broadcast, “The Prayer Journey”, inviting listeners to
respond with questions and prayer concerns.
Our Complimentary Publications had another great year, reaching more
readers than ever including the increasing Hispanic market. And we kept up with
the increasing demand for uplifting materials for the military, and provided an
array of helping booklets to hospitals, senior citizen centers, shelters, prisons and
partnering organizations.
Guideposts Outreach Ministries continued to be vibrant, vital and relevant in
a world in great need of joy. Joy is a spiritual issue, speaking to the wholeness of
the inner spirit, its connection to the divine. With great joy, we have reached out
to people of all ages and from all walks of life, wherever they are in their spiritual
journeys, who look to us as a partner, a friend, and a spiritual ally in their walk
with God.
Rev. Dr. Pablo R. Diaz
Vice President, Guideposts Ministries
A World in
Great Need of
Gathered Together in Prayer
The joy of it is that such an organization
would care as deeply as Guideposts does. Those are
the words of Janice Allen for whom OurPrayer
became a lifeline of prayer, healing, and love.
More than 2,900,000 requests responded to by
OurPrayer carried the healing joy of love and prayer into the hearts, like Janice
Allen, in urgent spiritual need. And even as that joy flowed outward, it filled the
hearts of all who prayed and all who helped make this dynamic Ministry possible.
Our Facebook portal received more than 2,000,000 requests. Prayer
volunteers networked on their own Facebook page. Our Apps for iPhone and
iPad opened yet more welcoming doors. Nuestra Oracion, our Spanish Facebook
page, has been embraced by more Spanish-speaking seekers than ever before.
@OurPrayer on Twitter tweeted flash prayers and words of inspiration that
reached people in their moment of need.
Our 22nd annual Thanksgiving Day of Prayer lifted more than 12,000
prayer requests from around the world. Our Good Friday Day of Prayer enfolded
more than 14,000 prayer requests as we celebrated the life of our beloved Savior.
We joined spiritual forces with a variety of partnering organizations, sending
special prayer materials for their specific needs. We offered online newsletters,
30-days-of prayer programs and launched our own blog talk radio, to bring inspiration and help to many more.
OurPrayer pulsed with the joy of prayer 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
That pulse carried the infinite power of our Lord through every personal prayer
letter we wrote. It was the heartbeat of every real-time prayer request we responded
to by name and need. It was the life energy of the personal, caring commitment of
each of our prayer volunteers, and our many praying friends and supporters.
A prayer is a ripple on a pond — one person prays and the power of prayer
extends farther than anyone might ever imagine. I can’t say enough about
Guideposts Prayer Ministries. Those are the words of Mary Gulledge,
a long-time prayer volunteer. When Mary’s time of urgent need
came, she called on the network of OurPrayer praying friends,
and the prayers came flooding in.
With your help, we will continue to keep spiritual
pace with the changing, urgent needs of God’s suffering
children on earth, and through OurPrayer, bring them
the joy of a closer walk with His Divine Son.
Lisa is feeling your prayers!
Her surgery was successful!
She was calm prior to surgery and
said a peace had surrounded her in
the night. Thank you.”
Thank You, Lord, for
answering my prayer of
getting an inspiration to know You
better and to want to read and pray
more. Thank You for the Guideposts
website which allows me to come
and pray for others as well as post
my own prayer requests. Thank you all
who pray for me. God bless you all!”
— faith_n_hope1
— Anonymous
My husband’s job ended
abruptly and we were in
shock and disbelief. I asked for prayer
for employment and my husband
started receiving job offers. Thus
far we are prayerfully considering
which path God wants us to take. It’s
amazing how prayer changes things.
Better yet, how people will pray for
a need for another when we are too
weary to pray for ourselves. God
bless and thanks!”
— Lea Ann (and Keith)
I was diagnosed with lung
cancer 10 years ago and I
am still fighting it. I am alive today
because of prayer that I continue
to ask for and receive from
— Joanne
SpreadingJoy to Millions
Complimentary Publications
My husband recently
passed away and I have lost
faith in life. So wrote Donna
last summer in a touching
note thanking Guideposts for
sending her the booklet Faith
Builders, which was just what
she needed.
Faith Builders is a joybuilder, bringing buoyant light
and hope to people like Donna
who received a free uplifting
booklet from our Complimentary
Publications Ministry. Every
booklet is a readily available source of courage, comfort and exactly the right
spiritual help when needed. This year we distributed more than 1,500,000 booklets
which found their way into hospital emergency rooms and onto patients’ bedside
tables, shelters, prisons, churches and other locations. Booklets like A Prayer for
Every Need and How to Handle Tough Times bolstered the faith and hope of so
many. Booklets like What About Tomorrow?, How to Make Jesus Your Best Friend,
and the condensed version of The Power of Positive Thinking were tucked away in
handbags and between the covers of family Bibles.
We put Guideposts magazine into the hands of over 1,500,000 people, at no cost
to them, continuing a tradition that has offered Guideposts’ true life stories of faith
and prayer for almost 70 years. We provided more than 240,000 Spanish booklets
to our rapidly growing Hispanic market, and made them available online for a free
download. Our free publication ministry also included PLUS The Power of Faith.
We expanded our network of partnering organizations and sent booklets to
lift the spirits of many who suffered catastrophic loss through economic downturn
or natural disaster. Our annual booklet, titled Power Your Life with Positive
Thinking, sponsored by Fran and Harry Donovan continues to help
thousands of spiritual seekers achieve even their most impossible dreams.
As those dreams become realities, and joy and light fills even the
darkest places in the lives of those we serve, that joy comes back many fold
to each of us and to those who make this Complimentary Publications
Ministry possible.
God is speaking to me
through Power Your Life
with Positive Thinking. This is the
best publication I have read! It will
help millions!
— Gary
Thank you for being an
inspiration in my life. I have
received countless literature from
you and it has been during the last
year that I have been released from
alcoholism and drugs. I feel that
your prayers have all been very
important in this miracle.”
— Steven
ScatteringJoy to Those Who Serve
Military Outreach
This Saved My Life. Those were the words
of a Veteran who visited the Guideposts table on
Veterans Day at the decommissioned USS Iowa,
docked in San Pedro, CA. He had just received
a free copy of camo-cover Daily Guideposts 2014
from VA Chaplain Mike Jones of the VA Long
Beach Healthcare System.
Long Beach is just one of the 203 VA Hospitals
and Treatment Centers nationwide supplied this
year with a variety of Guideposts publications. The
Ministry distributed well over 1,000,000 booklets, 700,000 copies of
Guideposts magazine, 53,000 Daily Guideposts, and thousands of personally signed
Christmas cards to help sustain our Troops stationed at military bases around the
world. We are in our 64th year of service for this critical Ministry of help, hope and
inspiration. We also launched a Military Facebook page, enabling our Troops to
connect in fellowship with one another in real time.
We respond generously and promptly to VA Chaplains needs. The chaplains’
counseling work addresses the often urgent concerns of these brave men and women
who serve. Chaplains are very aware of the stresses suffered by the active military, as
cutbacks continue to exact a toll. The Military Outreach team visits military bases to
understand how Guideposts can meet their deepest spiritual desires.
We made our first-ever visits to Hill Air Force Base in Ogden Utah, and
Installations and VA Centers including Air Force, Army and Navy at Presidio at
Monterey, CA; Fort Gordon, GA; VA Medical Center, Hot Springs,
SD; Ellsworth Air Force Base, SD; and Fort Richardson, Fort Greely,
Fort Wainwright, and Eielson Air Force Base, AK, and West Point,
NY. We served more than 400 Installations and 200 VA Medical
Centers bringing spiritual relief. Among the most popular booklets
requested last year were A Prayer for Every Need, Hope, Honor,
Triumph Over Life’s Toughest Problems, Overcoming Anxiety and Fear,
Resiliency and the condensed version of The Power of Positive Thinking.
We also stood at the ready with prayer, promptly
answering the sometimes powerful calls for help.
Together we brought hope and joy to our
nation’s service men and women.
On behalf of the patients
and staff, we would like
to extend our appreciation for the
Outreach booklets and magazines.
Your thoughtfulness reflects the
concern you feel for our veterans
and for the service they provide to
our country. Without your support,
we could not provide the small
niceties that make hospitalization
bearable. Thank you.”
— Bernard
I thank God for your
publications and ministry.
This is one soldier who has
definitely seen and experienced
success. The success of knowing
God cares for us and is with us no
matter where we are or what we
are going through. Thank you, God,
and thank you, Guideposts.
— Louis and Dede
Comforting Children, Bringing them
The Comfort Kit Program
When I hand them a Comfort Kit, it’s like magic, says Chaplain Anna Gentile,
who collaborated in the creation of the Comfort Kit Ministry seven years ago. Just
like love, she says, the Comfort Kit never fails.
And just like love, friends like you never fail us. You have helped us meet the
increasing need for this joy-bringing Ministry that provided nearly 23,000 Comfort
Kits to hospitalized children and their families this year in more than 140 hospitals
and treatment centers in 33 states.
Child Life Specialist Luiza Oganesian told us that the great anxiety and fear
often experienced by children is replaced with the hope and comfort of Guideposts
for Kids Comfort Kits. The Kits are also beloved by medical professionals and
caregivers, who experience its joy-bringing properties first hand. While the Kits
bring comfort and love, caregivers are also grateful for the understanding they
provide of the emotional and spiritual challenges a hospitalized child and their
family faces.
Our Comfort Kit Facebook page generated more than 57,000 engagements
— personal sharing and networking. A special feature called Prayer Tuesday,
offered thousands of people the opportunity to submit prayers for ill, injured and
hospitalized children. These prayers were prayed for by name and need by the
volunteers of Guideposts OurPrayer.
We collaborated with partnering hospitals to bring the Comfort Kit Ministry
directly to the children we serve in our Kids Appreciation Day celebrations. Every
child received their own Comfort Kit treasure box. And best of
all they each had a special Care Journal
that helped them process their feelings
and find the strength within.
Thanks to the love and
generosity of friends like you,
every Guideposts Comfort Kit
shared with a child was a blessing
of joy given.
I’m very thankful to have the
resource Guideposts provides
for us.”
— Jennifer Fietan, Pediatric
Emergency Child Life Specialist.
Logan is 2 years old and
having the plush star from the
Comfort Kit was a great comfort. He
slept with it every night and it went
into surgery with him. He also liked
the stress ball. Thank you so much for
the Comfort Kit! Logan’s father was
just deployed and Logan was facing
emergency surgery all in the same
week! The Comfort Kit helped us both
and was much appreciated!”
— Tammy
A mother shared with me
the other day, how much her
son loved his ‘prayer kit’ and that he
takes it everywhere he goes. She has
named it a ‘prayer kit’. Thanks again to
Guideposts for making the Comfort Kits
— Johnnathan R. Ward
Chaplain Children’s Healthcare of
Atlanta at Hughes Spalding
The generosity of so many
Our deepest thanks go to everyone who has been
moved to support Guideposts Outreach Ministry
programs in whatever way they can.
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to the
following individuals for their extraordinary generosity.
The members of the Guideposts Founders Society have
cumulative lifetime giving of $25,000+ in contributions and
funded planned gifts.
Platinum $1,000,000+
The Evelyn Foundation
The Lloyd and Mabel
Johnson Foundation
Peale Foundation
Douglas and Stephanie Pratt
Gold $500,000 - $999,999
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mae L. McCorkle
John and Faye Smith
Watkins Christian
Silver $100,000 - $499,999
Anonymous (8)
Mrs. Elizabeth Peale Allen
June H. Arakawa
Ms. Cynthia Barratt
Mrs. Norma Bowles
Louis and Carolyn Brown
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Y. K. Cheung
Ms. Christine Coalson
Dale K. Dedrick, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Nancy A. Dill
John and Patricia Dilworth
Mr. † and Mrs. John E.
Harry and Fran Donovan
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Drummond, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Duke
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Etheridge, Jr.
Mr. Ed Foreman
J. Edward French
Mr. † and Mrs. Ronald D.
The Hamill Foundation
Thomas † and Melba
Conrad N. Hilton
Colgate and Elizabeth
Ms. Fae E. Jacobs
Wilma H. Jordan
F. M. Kirby Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Roxy Gumlia Klein
Robert and Gisela Kuntz
Carl † and Edyth Lindner
Mr. Ian B. and Mrs. Beverly
† Mackenzie
Mr. Jack E. Maxwell
The PJM Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Rev. Ted and Kathy Nace
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson
Mr. Barry O’Reilly
Gary and Ann Palmer
Mr. Raymond and Mrs. †
Edith Phillips
Tom and Dusty Putnam
Roger and La Rae Quy
Frank and Merry Schaff
Mrs. Donna Schneider
Miss Lillian M. Sharpe †
Mrs. Johnnie B. Shoemaker †
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Stalter
Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Stead
Miss Lillian Y. C. Sung †
Mrs. Sharon Tedesco
Marilyn Sanderson
Thompson †
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. George B.
Dr. † and Mrs. Victor
Ms. Ruth M. Walker
James K. Wilden Fund
at the Community
Mrs. Dalice B. Williams
Kim H. Zinszer
Bronze $25,000 - $99,999
Anonymous (44)
Bob and Eileen Abbott
Ms. Lilita Adamson
Mrs. June H. Alexander
Elise S. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Tony
Ms. Anita Anderson
Mrs. Helen M. Anderson
Roger and Paula Ansel
Mr. David G. Baird, Jr. †
Ms. Elizabeth Barbera
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Barron, Jr.
Laura L. Bateman
Bay Area Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer H.
Benhardt II
Carl † and Kathy Puls
Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley
Ms. Marcia L. Berner
Mr. A. W. Berry
Major General (Ret.) and
Mrs. William P. Bland, Jr.
Mr. Arthur H. Boccuti
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mrs. Orville Boroughs
Mr. David L. Bosley
Mr. Donald L. Bosshardt
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Marta H. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve N.
Mr. Tom L. Brown
Ms. Catherine M. Brunson
Mrs. Janet Buchen
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Buerster
Mrs. Helen Bunker
Mrs. Constance Burke
Mrs. Sharen Burton
Mrs. Arnold M.
Mrs. Darlene Buyck
Ms. Leslie Cardinal
Mrs. Helen Carlisle
Mrs. Lita A. Carpenter
S. Truett and Jeannette
Won Sung Cheung
Mr. Anthony W. Coffman
Mrs. Ruth E. Collier
† Deceased
Mr. Fred Cone
Mr. John G. Corwin
Mr. Jesse W. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cowart
Mr. Ric Cox
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth
Cozier, Jr.
Valery E. Craane
Mr. and Mrs. David F.
Mr. John S. Cromlish
Mr. Marvin Cruzan
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Daniels, Jr.
Charlie and Lisa Daniels
Ms. Susan R. Dansby
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Roy and Cindy Day
Ms. Nancy Jean Dege
Ms. Barbara DeGiaimo
Mr. † and Mrs. John G.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T.
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew
Mrs. Marjorie S. Ducote
Mr. John H. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dunkle
Pamela Dupont
Mr. M. E. Engle
Rev. Paul † and Margaret
Peale Everett
Ms. Becky Fleming Tabler
Nansie L. Follen
Mr. Greg Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Garrell
Bob and Marion Garthwait
Roberta Gates
Larry and Wilma Giebink
George and Sharon Giles
Terry Giles and Kalli
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Louise P. Googins
Galen and Debbie
Ms. Trish Graf
Ms. Jo-Anne K. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Brent R.
Joan Granlund
Kathryn C. Grayson
Ms. Mildred Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Greer
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gregg
Guideposts Educational
Foundation Limited
Mrs. Gerilee Gustason
John and Mary Ann Hacku
Mrs. Kate G. Hagenah
Orvid Halane
William M. Hales
S. Gene Hall
Mr. † and Mrs. E.P.
Pamela Hanly
Mr. † and Mrs. Edward T.
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert W.
Robert and Shirley Harris
Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Ms. Margaret Hazlett
Leopold and Marie
Sea Striker, Inc.
Delores M. Henson
David A. Hermann
Terry L. Hipps
Kyle Holder
Mrs. Naomi M. Hoopes
John B. Horn
William and Barbara Howell
Dr. John L. Hysom, Jr.
Ms. Jeanette Ibargoyen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. Ralph D. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E.
Willie and Penny Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F.
Charles † and Gloria Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn C. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kall
Mrs. Donelda Kalsch
Ms. Helga R. Karker
William H.P. Kaung and
Sinforosa Tan Kaung,
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.
Mrs. Jerry Kleppel
Mrs. Rita M. Knoeller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Charlotte P. Koch
Mr. John F. Kolash
Mr. Paul L. Kott
Mrs. Georgia Koyl
Gerald La Brake
Mrs. Thelma W. Lape
Mr. Mark Larson
Don and Joann Leavenworth
Alice Nichols Lee
Mrs. Pamela S. Lee
Mr. Carl K. Leonard
Mr. Robert C. Lindberg †
Donald Lines
Ms. Margaret Liu
Mr. Gary Love
Dr. Roderick Lucas
Alma M. Luna
Ms. Dolores R. Luz
Ms. Grace I. MacDonald
Harvey Mackay
Mrs. Beverly C. Mackin
Mrs. Jean W. Maggs
Mr. Willie Maier
Ms. Joyce Mangiameli
Mrs. Dorothy Marsh
Dr. and Mrs. Earl Marwil
John and Shirley Mathson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno J.
Ms. Susan D. McClean
Mac † and Bette McClelland
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth
William J. McKee
Carl and Juanita McMahon
Mr. Raymon McVay
Mrs. Jennie R. Medlin
Dr. † and Mrs. John Mertus
Dr. Carl D. Miller
Mr. † and Mrs. Irvin Miller
Ms. Joyce Momarts
Mr. Herbert Moran
Ms. J. Pat Morgan
Louise Mak and Nigel D.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B.
Mr. and Mrs. Cruse Moss
Mr. Blair Mottern
Gwyn Myers, Ph.D.
Raghu Nathan
Caroline K. Nelson
Mr. † and Mrs. Curtis
Mrs. Ethel S. Nichols
Ms. Sheryl S. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Dr. Alfred E. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Olson
Mr. Peter Ormond
Mrs. Carol A. Oscar
Ron† and Joni Pacie
Dr. and Mrs. James J.
Jody Parker
Ms. Dianne Parkerson
Mr. Vijay Patel
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pavlik
Dr. John and Lydia Peale
Mrs. Eleanor W. Pennington
Rev. and Mrs. Steven L.
Paul Vernon Peterson
Mrs. James L. Pettus
Donn and Mary Pierce
Virginia Johnson Pillman
and Stanley Pillman
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L.
Mrs. Catherine M. Plehal
Mr. Justin R. Poole
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Porcello
Mr. Robert A. Powell
Lyndle and Barbara Price
Mr. Daniel W. Prideaux
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R.
Christine Putnam
John M. Quie
Mrs. James H. Ralston
Jerry and Naomi Ramseyer
Ms. Sarah J. Randall
Mrs. Patricia Reaves
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton C.
Redmond, Jr.
Curt and Jeanne Reed
Mr. and Mrs. † Dan K.
Kerry L. Rohland
Roberta Roloff
Mrs. Elizabeth Rosenmiller
Mr. W. K. Rossman
Ms. Mary R. Rozell
Mrs. Lois Rust
Saint Paul Foundation
Mr. Kenneth W. Sanders
Mr. Stephen Sayegh
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Jane H. Schaff
Mr. Robert L. Schaff
Ms. Martha S. Scheeren
Mrs. Margaret Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmidt
Mr. Randall Schober
Mrs. Ruth Schowalter
Dion and Shelley Schrack
Mr. and Mrs. John Segal
Dr. Stanley Seligman
Ms. Margaret M. Shearman
Carol E. Sheldon
Mrs. Anne Shelton
John and Donna Simko
Mrs. Mary Singstock
Ms. Danielle A. Skokan
Mr. Philip Smee †
Mrs. Debbie Burton Smith
Dr. Edward P. Smith and
Mary Klein Smith Fund
Mrs. Jane B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W.
Ms. Louise L. Sovocool
Mr. Marvin Sparks, Jr.†
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Spitzer
Thomas P. Stefaniak
Ms. Katharina R. Stephan
Margaret E. Stewart
Mr. H. Campbell
Stuckeman †
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Mrs. Louise Teems
Dr. and Mrs. John
Linda and Charlie Thiel
Anne W. Thompson
Mrs. Margaret K. Thornton †
Mrs. Maxine L. Thornton
Merril Tlusty
Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Mr. † and Mrs. Charles Tye
Mr. Charles Uckele
Joy and Dick Ulrey
Mr. † and Mrs. Gladwin O.
Ms. Erika Verbeck †
Mrs. Donna J. Wagner
Mrs. Willard Walker
Mr. † and Mrs. Keith D.
Michael E. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M.
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
Ms. Tuleta C. White
Mr.† and Mrs. Arthur
Whited, Jr.
Mr. George E. Whitley †
Mrs. Dorothy Louise
Williams †
Mr. and Mrs.† Thomas
Timothy D. and Sandra J.
Mr. Richard A. Wingo
Sharalyn E. Wininger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yamini
Mrs. Helen Young †
Mr. John M. Ziegelbein
We are pleased to recognize the members of the Guideposts
Legacy Circle, individuals who have included Guideposts in their
estate plans through a future bequest, a charitable gift annuity, a
charitable trust, or other types of deferred gift arrangements.
Anonymous (28)
Virginia Abbitt Trust
Mrs. Glyndon Adams
Mr. Joe S. Adams
† Deceased
Ms. Landi Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Ms. Sandra Adams
Ms. Lilita Adamson
Mr. Bill † and Mrs. Irene
Mrs. June H. Alexander
Elise S. Allen
Ms. Sharla Alspaugh
Mr. † George and Mrs.
Nellie Ammel
Ms. Dede C. Andersen
Mrs. Helen M. Anderson
Ms. Zuleika H. Anderson †
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Wayne and Gloria Antworth
June H. Arakawa
Jacqueline Grace Archer
Charitable Trust
Arkansas Community
Mr. David Ashabranner
Mr. Gary W. Ashabranner
Mr. Glen D. Ashabranner
Ms. Rebecca Ashabranner
Mr. Richard C. Ashabranner
Mr. Frank A. Aten
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Betty Foster Bahret
Mrs. Jill L. La Pine
Mrs. Teena H. Baker
Mr. John O. Baldwin †
Ms. Kathleen B. Baldwin
Ms. Anna Barnes
Mrs. Cecile C. Barnes
Mrs. Evelyn A. Barnette
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Barron, Jr.
Mr. Joseph Bauer
Mrs. Charles Becker
Mr. Benjamin Becton
Kelly Bell Estate
Ms. Betty B. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C.
Ms. Sandra A. Bieber
Katherine Bingham Trust
Isla J. Bingle
Ms. Barbara R. Blackman
Mr. Bruce C. Blackman
Major General (Ret.) and
Mrs. William P. Bland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bolinger
Mr. Karl R. Bolinger
Mr. Jonathan Botkin
Mrs. Julie Botkin-Scoggins
Charles W. Bower
Ms. Maria Elena Beltran
Barbara Brett
Carole Brock
Mr. Craig E. Bromke
Marta H. Brooks
Mr. Keith A. Brown
Ms. Anne Brown
Ms. Eleanor Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S.
Ms. Jeanne B. Brown
Mr. Phydith R. Brown
Ms. Sue Bruce
Ms. Carol M. Bruinsma
Mr. John W. Bryant
Mrs. Madeline G. Bubenik
Mrs. Janet Buchen
Mr. Blane Buckingham
Ms. Frances S. Buffaloe
Mr. and Mrs. † Walter
Mrs. Arnold M.
Mr. Gene O. Caldwell †
Rosina Capobianco
Mrs. Fay M. Carden
Ms. Leslie Cardinal
Mrs. Helen Carlisle
Rhonda Fleming Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J.
Joan M Carpenter Trust
Mrs. Lita A. Carpenter
Mrs. May Y. Carrell
Mr. Adam C. Caudill
Mr. Gary Caudill
Ms. Karen A. Caudill
Mr. Kurt Gregory Caudill
Mr. Anthony Cervone
Mr. Norman Chapin
Mr. Karl J. Chase
Miss Boonchuan
Ms. Doris M. Chivington
Mrs. Winifred J. Church
Ms. Catherine A. Chute
Ms. Elizabeth Chute
Mr. D. S. Clement †
Mr. Owen Codington
Mrs. Ruth E. Collier
Ms. Sherri Collins
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Arlouine M. Vincent Conde
Mr. Fred Cone
Ms. Barbara R. Cook
Evelyn Cossin Trust
Mr. Jesse W. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth
Cozier, Jr.
Ms. Harriet Cremeen
Mr. John S. Cromlish
Ms. Thelma Cross
Mrs. Agnes Cummings
Mr. William D.
Ms. Zarah M. Curry
Mr. Robert D. Dain
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Daniels, Jr.
Lawrence Davis
Mrs. Esther Deleon
Mrs. Beulah W. Dean †
Dale K. Dedrick, MD
Ms. Beth De Haemers
Ms. Sylvia B. DeMeritt
Mrs. Mary Denton
Elizabeth Dexheimer Estate
Rev. Josephine Dickson
Mrs. Nancy A. Dill
Harry and Fran Donovan
Mrs. Inez S. Dossett
Mrs. Eunice M. Dreher
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew
Mr. Jay Dunlap
Ms. Elizabeth G. Dunnagan
Pamela Dupont
Ms. Virginia Ecker
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. M. E. Engle
Ms. Cecilia Escallon
Mrs. Kumiko Etoh
Mrs. Elaine E. Ewing
Mr. Jesse C. Farmer
Ms. Beverly Ferguson
Ms. Brenda Ruth Fields
Mr. Matt Fields
Ms. Megan Janel Fields
Mr. Ryan Andrew Fields
Mrs. Glendell M. Fisher
Ms. Jane J. Fitzgerald
Mrs. Dorothy L. Fogt
R.W. (Tex) and Norma
Franzen † †
The Evelyn Foundation
Mr. Lester Frum
Miss Marguerite Fulton
Mr. Edmund Fusco
Ms. Susan J. Futrell
Ms. Erika Lauren FutrellVaughn
Mrs. Caroline Gainer
Mr. Damon Gammons
William A. Garrigues Trust
Roberta Gates
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. John Gerhard
Ms. Lisa G. Gerniglia
Mrs. Dorothy M. Gibbs
Larry and Wilma Giebink
Ms. Dorothy L. Gifford
Ms. Barbara Glidden
Mr. † and Mrs. Ronald D.
Mariana Gober Trust
Thelma Golightly Estate
Ms. Laurie Jean Gombar
Mrs. Anita A. Gorospe
Kathryn C. Grayson
Ms. Ellen R. Green
Ms. Mildred Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gregg
Ms. Susan Griffin
Mrs. Minerva Griffith
Mr. Brett R. Grinwis
Mrs. Nancy Guenther
Ms. Jennifer Guest
Peggy Gunther
Ms. Donna Hagenah
Mrs. Kate G. Hagenah
Mr. Lawrence Hagenah
Mr. Geoffrey Haines
Ms. Kristen Haines
Mr. Charlton F. Hall Jr.
Mr. † and Mrs. E.P.
Mr. C. Raymond Hancock
Ms. Sandra Hancock
Ms. Janice Hanna
Thomas † and Melba
Mr. Ronald Harmon
Mr. Cliff Harper
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert W.
Ms. Rita M. Hart
Ms. Phyllis Hatcher
Mrs. Evelyn Hatchett
Mr. Sherman Hawley
Ms. Margaret Hazlett
Leopold and Marie
Ms. Rae N. Heiner
Mr. Barry Henderson
Mr. Brett Henderson
Mr. Corey Henderson
Ms. Karen Henderson
Ms. Nancy Henderson
Mrs. Susan Jean
Ms. Norma J. Henkle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Mr. Christopher J. Hoadley
Mrs. Millie J. Hobart †
Miss Kirsten M. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Holliday
Mr. Matthew Darrow
Mr. Ryan Allan Holliday
Ann C. Hollis Estate
Mrs. Patsy D. Holt
Ms. Marilyn Honsinger
Mrs. Naomi M. Hoopes
John B. Horn
Ms. Linda Houk
Ms. Lindsay Elizabeth Hoyle
Ms. Betty Hull
Ms. Donna Hurley
Mrs. Esther L. Hutchings
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon and
Grace Hutchins
Ms. Lynn Hutchins
Mr. Scott Hutchins
Mr. Todd G. Hutchins
Mrs. Suzanne M. Hyatt
Dr. John L. Hysom, Jr.
Ms. Jean Marie Ibarra
Mr. John A. Ireland
Ms. Tiffany C. Israel
Mrs. Elaine Jackson
Ms. Lee Jackson
Ms. Andrea N. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jacobs
Ms. Fae E. Jacobs
Mrs. Doris H. Johnson
Grace A. Johnson Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Miss Ruth Johnson
Willie and Penny Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F.
Mrs. Donelda Kalsch
Mr. Bill Kaminski
Ms. Helga R. Karker
William H.P. Kaung and
Sinforosa Tan Kaung,
Ms. Kathleen T. Kelley
Mr. Michael P. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kelso
Mr. Brian R. Kemp
Mr. Max D. Kemp
Ms. Cecilia Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Kendall † †
Mrs. Rose Marie Kennedy
James † and Mary Kerby
Ms. Marilyn E. Kester
Miss Kimberly Kibbey
Mr. Scott Kibbey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.
Mr. Ed Kinne
Mrs. Nancy J. Kinzer
Miss Nancy Kite
Mrs. Roxy Gumlia Klein
Ms. Lois Kline
Mrs. Rita M. Knoeller
Mrs. Charlotte P. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
Mrs. Georgia Koyl
Ms. Alma Krivonen
Robert and Gisela Kuntz
Gerald La Brake
Jo Lahey †
Mr. Lawrence P. Lake
Ms. Elaine K. Lang
Mr. Albert H. Lank
Ms. Maxine Lanning
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Alice Nichols Lee
Ms. Saundra C. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Leech
Ms. Kathryn Leibinger
Ms. Rebecca Leibinger
Mr. Stephen Leibinger
Mr. Carl K. Leonard
Ms. Nancy J. Lerma
Mr. Ron Lerma
Ms. Carolyn L. Lewis
Mr. Eric R. Lightner
Donald Lines
Mr. Richard Livesey
Ms. Wilma H. Logan
Mrs. Jennifer K. Long
Dr. James Lower †
Ms. Evelyn Luben
Mrs. Mabel M. Lucas
Ms. Margaret M. Lucas
Ms. Dolores R. Luz
Mr. Ian B. and Mrs. Beverly
† Mackenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M.
Ms. Verona F. Makara
Ms. Kathryn Mann
Mrs. Dorothy Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas
Mrs. Marjorie W. Mason
John and Shirley Mathson
Mrs. Charlena J. Matthias
Mrs. Donna L. McCandless
Mr. Dean H. McCarthy
Mae L. McCorkle
Mrs. Geneva C. McCulley
Mr. Robert M. McCulley
Ms. Rebecca J. McCurry
Ms. Ann D. McGraw
Mr. James M. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G.
Carl and Juanita McMahon
Ms. Mary McPherran
Mrs. Jennie R. Medlin
Joseph M. & Margareta
Meister Estate & Trust
Ms. Ruby F. Meredith
Helen Michael Estate
Mr. Paul Michel
Ms. Heather A. Miller
Ms. Janice Miller
Mrs. Pauline Mirabito
Margarete Mitchell Trust
Ms. Nicole Moody
Mrs. Virginia Moomey
Mrs. Dorothy Mooney
Mr. Herbert Moran
Mr. Joseph Morda
Louise Mak and Nigel D.
Miss Nola Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Rand
Ms. Nadine Moroski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Morris
Mr. E. O. Morris
Ms. Verna M. Morris
Mr. Joseph Motowski
Mr. and Mrs. John and Joan
C. Mueller
Mr. † and Mrs. Neil J.
Mrs. Marlyn Murphy
Rev. Ted and Kathy Nace
Ms. Rosemary F. Nay
Caroline K. Nelson
Mr. † and Mrs. Curtis
Mr. Daniel Nielson
Ms. Kimberly Jane NorvellHolliday
Ms. Harriet Noteboom †
Mrs. Connie Oaksford
Algine Neely Ogburn Estate
Ms. Theresa M. Olmstead
David and Gail Orser
Mrs. Lynette W. Osborne
Mr. † and Mrs. William G.
Gary and Ann Palmer
Gertrude A Parramore Trust
Alice E Patterson Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pavlik
Mrs. Evelyn B. Penney
Mr. Ronald Perry
Mr. Philip M. Peterson †
Ms. Charlotte Petty
Mr. and Mrs. † Merrill
Mr. Raymond and Mrs. †
Edith Phillips
Ms. Lynn J. Pieksma
Mrs. Louise E. Post
Ms. Alice C. Potter
Mr. Robert A. Powell
Mrs. Louise E. Price
Ms. Mandi R. Priest
Reverend Charles Rader
Jerry and Naomi Ramseyer
† Deceased
Ms. Edna B. Randolph
Mrs. Jean L. Rausch
Ms. Geraldine Lorraine Ray
Mr. Rick W. Realsen
Mrs. Patricia Reaves
Mr. Benjamin F. Reid
Mr. Christopher D. Reid
Mrs. Karol S. Reiner
Mrs. Beverly A. Reinertson
Ms. Kim Reussow
Mr. George Reynolds
Ms. Janet Reynolds
Ms. Lori D. Reynolds
Mrs. Virginia Rhoads
Mr. and Mrs. James and
Naomi Rhode
Mrs. Joan E. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Myrna Robinson
Mrs. Madeline M. Roeseler
Roberta Roloff
Ms. Lana P. Roosa
Mr. Lester A. Roosa
Mr. Paul M. Roosa
Mrs. Harriet Rose
Ms. Margaret A.
Mrs. Irene Ruschak
Mr. Billy D. Sager
Ms. Teresa Sahagun
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mrs. Jann Scalise
Mrs. Alyse C. Scally
Ms. Misty Dawn
Ms. Martha S. Scheeren
Mrs. Margaret Schilling
Mr. John M. Schmidt †
Ms. Susan Schnackenberg
Mrs. Donna Schneider
Mrs. Ruth Schowalter
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert
Mr. Roger R. Schulte
Mr. † and Mrs. Kenneth
Ms. Jane L. Scott
Mr. Joe L. Scott
Ms. Wendy B. Secrest
Mr. Michael Seefeldt
Miss Lillian M. Sharpe †
Dorothy Sheckels †
Mrs. Johnnie B. Shoemaker †
Ms. Frances M. Simpson †
William Horace Sims Estate
& Trust
Mr. Marvin R. Sine
Ms. Leona M. Skari
Ms. Betty J. Skeens
Ms. Danielle A. Skokan
Mrs. Delores S. Sloan
Mr. Paul R. Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. Ellett M.
John and Faye Smith
Ms. Juanita Smith
Ms. Martha A. Smith
Mrs. Paula V. Small
Mrs. Phyllis J. Smith
Ms. Tiffany N. Smith
Ms. Leta O. Sousa
Ms. Suzann K. Speck
Mr. Walter Speck
Ms. Wendy L. Speck
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Spitzer
Mrs. Josephine H. Spivey
Mrs. Jean St. James
Ms. Evelyn G. Stahnke
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Stalter
Ms. Eugenia L. Staszewski
Ms. Wanda B. Staszewski †
Ms. June B. Stauffer
Ms. Elsie M. Steele
Mr. Nick Stemm
Mrs. Gladys C. Stout †
Mr. Douglas W. Swartz
Ms. Jennifer Lynne Swartz
Ms. Frances Taylor
Mrs. Joan B. Taylor
Reva M. Taylor Trust
Mrs. Louise Teems
Ms. Charlene V. Theiss
Ms. Julia E. Thibodeau
Ms. Jeannine Thieme
Ms. Kathryn D. Thomas
Mr. Matt O. Thomas
Ms. Nancy N. Thomas
Mr. Tim W. Thomas
Marilyn Sanderson
Thompson †
Mrs. Margaret K. Thornton †
Mrs. Maxine L. Thornton
Mrs. Marian Thurlow
Ms. Margaret M. Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Torre
Ms. Alberta L. Tracy
Mrs. Martha Trowbridge
Ms. Lucille Umland-Gaus
Mr. † and Mrs. Gladwin O.
Mrs. Joy L. Vanaman
Ms. Andrea Vanzant
Ms. Erika Verbeck †
Mr. and Mrs. Gaetano T.
Mrs. Mildred Vogel
Mr. Gerald Volk
Ms. Pamela Volk
Mrs. Kitty Vollmer
Dr. † and Mrs. Victor
Mrs. Mary L. Vredenburg
Mr. E.G. Wade, Jr.
Miss Nitza Wagoner
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Ms. Brigitte M. Walker
Miss Barbara Jo Wallace
Mr. David M. Wampler
Miss Nannette O. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M.
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Gene I. Wendt
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Wenger
Mr. Vincent Wessel
Mr. John Wesseling
Ms. Katherine Wesseling
Ms. Margaret Wesseling
Mr. Rindert Wesseling
Mr. William M. Wetherton, Jr.
Mrs. Catherine White
Vincent White Estate
Mrs. Ilse Wicke
Mr. Brandon M. Williams
Mrs. Dalice B. Williams
Mrs. Dorothy Louise
Williams †
Ms. Juanita Williams
Ms. Pauline E. Williman
Mr. Dale Wilson
Ms. Nancy Wilson
Ms. Loyce Louise Winning
Reverend Martha Woelke
Mr. Mark Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wolford
Ms. Kathy L. Kemp
Mrs. Sara L. Yancey
Mr. Ervin N. Yawn
Mrs. Margaret Yerkes †
Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Yoder
Ms. Wanda L. Yohnka
Mrs. Nina Young
Ms. Marjorie Ziegler
Mrs. Kathryn A. Zirbel †
It is our pleasure to honor our annual Guideposts
Benefactors. These generous members have contributed
$100 or more in 2013 to help support Guideposts Outreach.
Chairman $10,000+
Anonymous (6)
Mrs. June H. Alexander
Ms. Cynthia Barratt
James K. Wilden Fund
at the Community
Mrs. Lita A. Carpenter
Mr. Marvin Cruzan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
John and Patricia Dilworth
Harry and Fran Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Etheridge, Jr.
The Evelyn Foundation
J. Edward French
Kathryn C. Grayson
The Hamill Foundation
Mr. Ronald Harmon
David A. Hermann
Ms. Fae E. Jacobs
The Lloyd and Mabel
Johnson Foundation
Wilma H. Jordan
Ms. Helga R. Karker
Mrs. Roxy Gumlia Klein
Ms. Margaret Liu
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
William J. McKee
Mr. † and Mrs. Curtis
Peale Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L.
Tom and Dusty Putnam
Mrs. Donna Schneider
Dr. Edward P. Smith and
Mary Klein Smith Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jerre Stead
Miss Lillian Y. C. Sung †
Marilyn Sanderson
Thompson †
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. George B.
Dr. Gail D. Zimmerman
Kim H. Zinszer
President $5000-9999.99
Anonymous (6)
Ms. Anita Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Drummond, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Garrell
George and Sharon Giles
Ms. Barbara Glanz
The Greehey Family
Ms. Mildred Greene
† Deceased
S. Gene Hall
Mr. † and Mrs. Edward T.
Mark Hennessy
Terry L. Hipps
Colgate and Elizabeth
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
LA-RED Foundation
Mr. Ian B. and Mrs. Beverly †
Mrs. Beverly C. Mackin
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth
Mr. Blair Mottern
Raghu Nathan
Network For Good
Jody Parker
Mr. Robert A. Powell
Lyndle and Barbara Price
Ms. Kim Reussow
Frank and Merry Schaff
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Elaine Stromme
Mrs. Willard Walker
Ms. Juanita Williams
Trustee $2500-$4999.99
Anonymous (12)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Ms. Angela D. Allen
Elise S. Allen
Ms. Janice D. Allen
Mrs. Kandice K. Barton
Isla J. Bingle
Ms. Betsy Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mr. David L. Bosley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve N.
Becky Bull
Pam and Jack Burks
Candl Foundation
Valery E. Craane
Ms. Barbara DeGiaimo
Ms. Beth De Haemers
Mrs. Luella K. Demars
Mr. Gary DeRosier
Mrs. Marjorie S. Ducote
Mr. Ed Foreman
Ike and Melissa Gaines
Terry Giles and Kalli
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Ms. Jo-Anne K. Graham
Joan Granlund
Chaplain and Mrs. Gaylord
T. Gunhus
Ms. Sparkle E. Hall
Ms. Gisela Harbs
Dr. Thomas R. Hatch
C.D. Holder
Kyle Holder
Garnet Howell
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson
Mrs. Heidi Kenney
Mr. Paul L. Kott
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Alice Nichols Lee
Mrs. Jean W. Maggs
Mrs. Carolyn J. Malion
Louise Mak and Nigel D.
Dr. John and Lydia Peale
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Virginia Johnson Pillman
and Stanley Pillman
John M. Quie
Mr. Kester Rinehart
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rush
Mr. Kenneth W. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. William O.
Shaddix II
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W.
Mrs. Patricia A. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Dale T. Stalter
Ms. Katharina R. Stephan
Linda and Charlie Thiel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Patron $1000-2499.99
Anonymous (16)
Bob and Eileen Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. James Alberts
Mrs. Kathy K. Aleman
Mrs. Elizabeth Peale Allen
Mr. Arthur L. Amey, Jr.
Karen Anderson
Ms. Sandra Angelo
APG (CTOF)Chapel Tithes
& Offerings
Mrs. Barbara J. Arbogast
Virgil and Joann Aukes
Mr. Craig Awad
Mr. Jack Bales
Ms. Shirley C. Ballard
Baptist Foundation of Texas
Mr. Joseph J. Barone
Mr. and Mrs. Allen D.
Mr. Richard H. Becker
Ms. Marci A. Beery
Carl † and Kathy Puls
William and Lelia Berkey
Ms. Marcia L. Berner
Mr. Douglas R. Bilbrey
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Black
Dr. Marjorie Blanchard and
Dr. Kenneth Blanchard
Major General (Ret.) and
Mrs. William P. Bland, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn G. Blocker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Boggan
Mr.† and Mrs. Michael
Marilyn H. Bourquein
Mr. Kenneth Braskamp
Carole Brock
Ms. Lisa M. Brom
Mr. Tom L. Brown
Milton & Fannie Brown
Family Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Janice M. Bruner
Ms. Catherine M. Brunson
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L.
Pat Burch
Mrs. Betsy C. Burtnik
Ms. Eleanor A. Burton
Ms. Myrna Byars
Mr. David H. Bogia and
Mrs. Barbara CallanBogia
Nita A. Campbell
Mrs. Katy Carden
Roger and DeAnna Carman
Cedar Springs Union
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Mr. Charles Chapman
Ms. Shirley Chesbro
Mr. Jonathan Chin
Christ Church on Quaker
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard
Cochran Family Foundation
Kim Cole
Dr. Kevin M. Connolly
Ms. Carollee Cotter
Drew Cowlham
Mr. John S. Cromlish
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert L.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Mr. Michael DeBenedetto
Diane De Wald
Miss Elizabeth D. Di
Rev. Dr. Pablo and Mrs.
Elba Diaz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T.
Mrs. Lou Dunn Diekemper
Daniel and Christine Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Art Driediger
Mrs. Joyce M. Dubay
Mary T. Dungee †
Mrs. Paula K. East-Janicki
Col. Carol L. Edgington
Ms. Clara F. Edwards
Gary and Olivia Edwards
Ms. Denise Eichler
Rev. Paul † and Margaret
Peale Everett
Mrs. Arlene M. Everitts
Mr. Bill Eylens
Mrs. Joanne Facchini
Mr. Robert Ferrari
Fidelity Foundation
Lola M. Foberg
Nansie L. Follen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forbes
Robert and Joann Frazier
Ms. Christina Friedgen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Bob and Marion Garthwait
Mrs. Barbara Goldring
Louise P. Googins
Ms. Trish Graf
The Pyle Fund of Greater
Worcester Community
Ms. Kathyleen Guarnier
Manuela G. Guerrero
Mrs. Denise Guida
John and Mary Ann Hacku
Orvid Halane
Ms. Kim Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Kenneth and Sue Hearon
Mrs. Cindy Henneke
Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. Jackson R. Herring
Mr. Rick Hinds
Scott J. Hodor
Mr. and Mrs. † Paul D.
Mrs. Harriet C. Hood
Mrs. Naomi M. Hoopes
Ms. Margaret A. Hopkins
Ms. Linda Houk
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.
Howard, Jr.
Dr. Nan-shing Hsu
Mr. Roger D. Huitink
Melanie Hunsaker
Ms. Jeanette Ibargoyen
Ray Jacobsen
Ms. Isabel H. Jasinowski
Mr. Jeffrey H. Jeter
Ms. Diane L. Jewett
Ms. Helen Jobes
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R.
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. Bruce W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Johnson
Mr. Galen J. Johnson
Ms. Jody L. Johnson
Willie and Penny Johnson
Robert M. and Joyce A.
Johnson Foundation
Ms. Barbara L. Jurgens
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Kall
Mr. John W. Karyczak
The Knowlton Foundation
Mr. John F. Kolash
Mrs. Ruth Komarek
Gary Krone
Mr. George A. Ksenic
Mr. Mark Kurzynske
Mr. Thomas LaGrotta
Mr. Kevin Lane
Mrs. Thelma W. Lape
Suzanne L. Lawson
Jessica J. Leach
Mrs. Eileen C. Leahey
Don and Joann Leavenworth
Ms. Christina Lee
Mr. † and Mrs. Raymond
D. Limley
Mr. Ernest A. Lindholm
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lochte
Mr. Donald L. Longnecker
Mr. Michael Luebkert
Mr. Kevin Luing
Mr. Stuart S. Madsen
Ms. Joyce Mangiameli
Antoinette J. Marcum
Mrs. Gordon Marson
Ms. Celine Mathew
John and Shirley Mathson
Mr. Tony Matos
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Matthies
Mr. Donald S. Mc Lean
Ms. Susan D. McClean
Ms. Dorothy M. Mc
Ms. Marilyn W. Mc Intyre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Carol A. McNealy
Carol Mc Nulty
Mrs. Louise H. Meriwether
Carol Ann Mills
Mr. and Mrs. † Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Morris
Mrs. Linda Muckel
H. Victor and Jewelynn
Mullins Jr.
Mrs. Heather Musclow
Mrs. Terry E. Musso
Gwyn Myers, Ph.D.
Mr. S. James Nelson, Jr.
Nemadar Ranch, Ltd.
Mrs. Ethel S. Nichols
Mrs. Susan Nordyke-Smith
Ms. Sheryl S. O’Connell
Mr. Patrick A. O’Donnell
Trust Company of
Mrs. Llewellyn G. Olson
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Orem
Mr. Peter Ormond
Ms. Pat Orr
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ossege
Mr. Vernon Pack
Dr. and Mrs. James J.
Ms. W. Kathleen Paxton
Ms. Deanna Pedigo
Mrs. Eleanor W. Pennington
Mr. Ronald Perry
Mrs. Kris M. Petro
Mrs. James L. Pettus
Dr. and Mrs. James C.
Donn and Mary Pierce
Mr. Justin R. Poole
Ms. Lori Prince
Mrs. Mark Ramsay
Jerry and Naomi Ramseyer
Ms. Sarah J. Randall
Mr. † and Mrs. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reed
Mrs. Beverly A. Reinertson
Mr. John A. Robbins
Ms. Pamela A. Robinson
Michelle Robles
Ms. Deanna Rockefeller
Mr. Charles Anthony
Mr. William E. Rogers
Roberta Roloff
Mr. and Mrs. Eli N. Rousso
J. Avery Rush
Ms. Joye Sage
St. Stephen’s Episcopal
Ms. Laura P. Sanford
Ms. Sonia Santiago
Mr. Stephen Sayegh
Mrs. Janet M. Schaal
Ms. Martha S. Scheeren
Dr. and Mrs. John E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Ms. Virginia Schifferns
Kathleen K. Schmidt
Ms. Mavis E. Self
Ms. Margaret M. Shearman
Mr. Richard Shellenbach
Mary Anne Shemwell
Ms. Yvonne Shoemaker
Ms. Jenny Shugart
Mr. Chas A. Simpson
Ms. Margaret C. Sinclair
Mr. Marvin R. Sine
Mrs. Iris V. Sirois
Mr. and Mrs. Wilifried W.
James Howard Smith
Mrs. Linda R. Smith
Mr. Randall Smith
Mr. Roger S. Smith
Mr. Philip R. Snipes
Ms. Diana Snyder
Mr. Mike Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Spitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Spuller
Ms. Kathryn G. Starr
Diane C. Stauffer
Thomas P. Stefaniak
Margaret E. Stewart
David and Bonnie Stimpson
Mrs. Loralee H. Stucky
Mrs. Elizabeth Sturgis
Dr. and Mrs. Donald L.
Ms. Debbie Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Switzer
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Ms. Margaret Thacker
Anne W. Thompson
Ms. Meg L. Thompson
Mr. Gary H. Thorstens
Merril Tlusty
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tracy
Mr. Robert Triplett †
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Dr. Joseph T. Ulasewicz and
Dr. Catherine Ulasewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Upchurch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Ms. Susan Venutolo
Nila Wagner
Ms. Ruth M. Walker
Mr. Bob Walters
Ms. Lois Walters †
Mr. † and Mrs. Keith D.
Michael E. Watkins
Mr. Harvey M. Weitkamp
David and Katherine Wesley
Karla West
Mr. Frederick Whitmore
Mr. Leroy F. Wilhelm
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Ms. Pauline E. Williman
Mr. and Mrs.† Thomas
Edgar S. Woolard, Jr.
Mr. Andrew Yoder
Ms. Caroline P. Young
Partner $500 - $999.99
Anonymous (12)
Mr. John S. Abbott
Mrs. Marjorie C. Achton
Ms. Judy Adams
Mrs. Joan Akers
Mr. and Mrs. G. Alcantar
Dr. Virginia T. Allender
Ms. Thelma Alton
Mrs. Fred Ammerman
Gladys Anderson
Roger and Paula Ansel
Ms. Carol Archer
Ms. Susan Arden
Ms. Bonnevieve Armand
Mr. Frank A. Aten
Ms. Judith M. Atherton
Ms. Marilyn A. Atkinson
Mrs. Nelda Austin
Ms. Emily R. Averett
Paul C. Babbitt
Dick and Beverley Badick
Mr. John R. Baker
Mr. Roger J. Bakken
Norman-Esther Balden
Ms. Francys Ballenger
Ms. Sylvia M. Banas
Ms. Lorraine Barry
Mr. Art Bartlett and Mrs.
Charlene Bartlett
Ms. Grace Bastedo
Mr. Neil Bates
Ms. Jan Baucom
Dr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bava
Ms. Betty Bayly
Ms. Elizabeth Becker
Mr. † and Mrs. Robert
Ms. Ellen Belconis
Donna Benson
Mr. Paul Benson
Maria Berg
Miss Anna M. Berger
Dr. Michael J. Bernard
Ms. Betty Bingham †
Ms. Sue A. Bisher
Mr. William H. Black
Ms. Allene P. Blackburn
Ms. Marjorie L. Bluhm
Ms. Karen L. Bodkins
Mr.† and Mrs. Matt Boelter
Mr. Mark Boerwinkle
Ms. Marlene A. Bollmann
Mrs. Mary B. Boutilier
Mr. and Mrs. Al Box
Ms. Bridget Boyette
B. Bradley
Ms. Margie Brann
Dori M. Breitbach
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Brennan, Jr.
† Deceased
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brill
Mrs. W. L. Brooks
Lucille Brooks
Mr. Larry P. Brown
Mrs. Linda M. Brown
Ms. Carol Brumby
Brushy Mountain
Chiropractic Center
Mr. James O. Buchanan
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Mrs. Patti A. Buckley
Mr. Sid Bunger
Ms. Myra Burgess
Mrs. Marguerite L. Burns
Ms. Sarah K. Burrus
Mrs. Patricia A. Burton
Mrs. Mae B. Butler
Mrs. Robert W. Butler
Donna Cadogan
Ms. Cheryl Cake
Anne S. Calvo
Ms. Regina L. Camp
Mr. Russell Campbell
Mrs. June P. Capacchione
Jon Cappa
Mr. Dewey K. Carlstrom III
Beverly V. Carter
Ms. Deborah Carter
Ms. Nancy Caruso
Ms. Kristen Cattin
Mrs. Kathleen Caver
Mr. Peter Cayea
Central New York Community
Foundation, Inc.
Terese Ceruzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cham
Mrs. Stella Chan
Ethel Charles
Ms. Elon Cherry
Ms. Marie Chow
Ms. Diana Christy
Mr. Rodolfo D. Cilento
Ms. Dorothy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clarkson
Kenzie J. Clay
Ms. Patricia Cleveland
Barbara Clifford
Ms. Doris M. Cobb
Ms. Sandra J. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Collins
Karla Collins
Chaplain Paul C. Collins
Arnetta Conrad
Mr. Terry Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cook
Ms. Linda L. Coon
Mrs. Judy Corbutt
Mrs. Linda Cornett
Lynn Corwin
Debra Covey
Ms. Cathy L. Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth
Cozier, Jr.
The Crader Family
Mrs. Bonnie Crawford
Mr. Donald P. Croucher
Mr. Jeffrey D. Cunnington
Ms. Ree Ann Cupp
D & S Food Services, Inc.
Ms. Christy Dailey
Ms. Susan E. Dale
D. Darby
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Mr. John De Costa, Jr.
Mr. Bruce Dean
Ms. Kathleen M. Dee
Sylvia J. Deitrick
Mrs. Diana E. Della Costa
Ms. Cheryl Demar
Mr. Dennis C. Dent
Mary I. Dereshiwsky
Frankie Dicke
Ms. Sharon Dickerson
Mrs. Lois D. Dixon
Mr. Jon A. Doherty
Lisa Donnelly
Ms. Suzanne E. Donner
Mr. Eugene A. Dore
Mrs. Harrizetta Dorm
Beverly Draheim
Ms. Betty Dreesen
Ms. Diane Dubois
Ms. Elizabeth G. Dunnagan
Ms. Myrtle Eck
Miss Dorothy E. Egins
Ms. Becky J. Eikmeier
Ms. Julie Elkington
Ms. Martha E. Elliott
E. M. Ellison
Mr. Lance Elmer
Mr. Joseph R. Ender
Mr. M. E. Engle
Ms. Jill Ethington
Mr. Ray Darby Evans
Debbie Everson
Shirley Fairbanks
Ms. Elizabeth Fairchild
Ms. Virginia D. Fairey
Sherry Faulkner
Ms. Eloise Faust
Mr. Cary Fico
Mrs. Carolyn Fierer
Sherry Flippo
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ford
James E. Foster, Sr.
Dorothy J. Fowler
Mrs. W. L. Frakes
Carole L. France
Ms. Barbara L. R. Frank
Mr. Ronald J. Freeman
Ms. Ruth Frische
Mr. Charles L. Fullerton
Mr. Rafael G. Gallardo
Mr. David Gallup
Ms. Rosalie B. Garbutt
Arthur Garcia
Ms. Guadalupe R. Garcia
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy
Ms. Joan Gerling
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R.
Mrs. Mary L. Giles
J. Gonzales
Mr. Lloyd Gootee, Sr.
Galen and Debbie
Mrs. Martha Gottschall
Mr. Daniel Gower
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Greer
Mr. Lendore Gregory
Mr. Richard A. Grillo
Ms. Helen Grossman
Mr. Thomas E. Guernsey
Mr. Richard D. Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hall
Mr. Gary Hallmark
Nancy C. Hammett
Pamela Hanly
Margaret L. Hanson
Terry L. Hanson
Harari, Inc.
Billie Harkness
Mr. and Mrs. † Robert W.
Ms. Stephanie Harrison
Mr. Lamar G. Hartline
Ms. Nancy K. Hartzell
Colonel and Mrs. James
Mr. Edward Hayden
Mr. Rufus L. Hayden
Mr. J. Henry Hayward
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D.
Joan Heath
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Heck
Judy Heitmann
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry
Ms. Cora Henry
Mr. Joel Hertz
Geraldine Hickey
Kathryn Hicks
Ms. Laura E. Higginbotham
Ms. Kay Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Mrs. Barbara Hillyer
Mr. Lew Hines
Barb Hoffman
Mr. Roderick L. Hohl
Shirley Hoke
Mr. Brad Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.
Holderness, Jr.
Charlotte Holdrege
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Holman, Jr.
Ms. June R. Hood
Mr. Doug Houser
Joanne Howard
Ms. Christine Howcroft
Ms. Debbie Hrovat
Edward and Beth Hughes
Mrs. Janet Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Huskey
Mrs. Joann Hutchinson
Mr. Philip Ikehorn
Mr. Robert Ingram
Ms. Linda L. Iovenitti
Ms. Pamela Jaccoud
Mrs. Elaine Jackson
Mr. James R. Jackson
Mrs. Stuart Jacobs
Mr. Raymond James
Ms. Joanne B. Jelke
Mrs. M. L. Jessup
Mr. Gary Johnson
Mr. Joseph B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Mr. James D. Jones
Joseph Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C.
Mr. Wayne Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jung
Carolyn L. Juniper
Mr. and Mrs. Jess J.
Mrs. Dawn V. Kakumba
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G.
Kean III
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Keen
Mrs. Florence L. Keith
Ms. Sheree R. Kelley
Charlotte Kennedy
Mrs. Anna W. Kerr
Margaret A. Kesig
Mrs. Jonele R. Kinkade
Betty L. Kinnard
Carin Kirby
Mrs. Charles M. Kittrell
Mr. Daniel J. Klecker
Mr. Donald Kleiven
Mr. Gary A. Knoblauch
J. W. Kolakowski
Mr. Ronn Kopp
Ms. Rosemary J. Korba
Mr. Kenneth P. Kragt
Ms. Roxie Kremer
Gertude Kropa
† Deceased
Peggy Kruest
Mrs. Madeline L. Kuhn
Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. Michael S. Kurinsky
Miss Janet M. Lackemeyer
Mr. John C. Laffin
Mr. William K. Lancaster
F. Steven Land, M.D.
Phil Landis
Mr. Samuel K. Lapp
Mrs. E. Sue Lauria
Laura Lawrence
Mrs. Jan Lawson
Ms. Gladys Legendre
Larry Leibold
Robert Lelmer
Mrs. Chong A. Lemacks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Liauw
Ron and Billie Light
Shar Lilienkamp
Joyce L. Lindsay
Mrs. Pamela Lingenfelter
Ms. Norma J. Lisenby
Ms. Lanita Lloyd
Ms. Wilma H. Logan
Mr. William H. Long
Brenda Lozier
Alma M. Luna
Mrs. Maria E. Lunger
Ms. Joanne Luzar
Mayo J. Lynam
Martin Machala
Mr. James V. Mangino
Ms. Kathy Manier
Ms. Christine Mann
Mr. Leonard Margiotta
Mrs. Janey B. Marmion
Mrs. Jane A. MarshallWrightsman
Kathleen Martin
Ms. Marilyn J. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Rosana Martinez
Mr. Sergio Marxuach
Ms. Rebekah Mathews
Loraine Mattison
Kelly Mc Carthy
Ms. Therese Mc Keen
Mr. Kevin Mc Watters
Mrs. Barbara McElwee
Mr. and Mrs. David McGill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Sally A. McIntosh
Ms. Arlene McMahon
Rosalie Maimone and Craig
Dr. James M. Meek
The PJM Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Sunny Mehta
Ms. Linda J. Mendgik
Mary W. Menefee
Ms. Mary J. Meyer
Ms. Marie L. Mihail
Ms. Debbie Miller
Ms. Kerry Miller
Mr. Mike J. Miller
Olen Miller
Ms. Joyce Momarts
Mr. Martin R. Montero
Mrs. Cindy L. Montoya
Mrs. Marion Moore
Mrs. William Moore
Wanda Moore
Guadalupe Morales
Ms. Dawn M. Moraski
Mr. Judge W. Morgan
Mrs. L. E. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Rand
Mrs. Shelia D. Morris
Joyce E. Morway
Mr. Wesley A. Muehl
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Charlotte L. Murphy
Ms. Lois C. Murphy
Mrs. Barbara Murray
Tamara Nagel
Ms. Christine Naylor
Mr. Jerome M. Naylor
Ms. Kay Neill
Caroline K. Nelson
Ms. Yvonne Nethken
New Life Community
Mrs. Linda Newcomb
Laura J. Newton
Ms. Doreen Nicklin
Mr. Howard Nielsen
Ms. Susan M. Noel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Nolet
Ms. Linda Novosad
Jeanette Belen Nunez
Ruth S. O’connor
Ms. Sharon Oczkowicz
Mr. James G. Oldham, Jr.
Ms. Susan M. O’Neil
Ms. Geralyn O’Reilly
Mr. John Orgonik
Ms. J. Ann Painter
Gary and Ann Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. † William R.
Ms. Robin Parker
Ms. Dianne Parkerson
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Parks
Mrs. Marilyn A. Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paulger
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pavlik
Ms. Joelle E. Pehrson
Mr. Ronald Pelkey
Melinda Pester
Colleen Petrie-Kuhn
Mr. † and Mrs. John L. Pim
Mrs. Thomas A. Pitcher
Ms. Elizabeth Pitt
Ms. Carol Plummer
Mr. Russell Poirier
Ms. Marietta Portzer
Ms. Dinah M. Potoski
Mr. George C. Powell, Jr.
Presidio of Monterey Chapel
Tithes & Offering Fund
Dr. Gordon C. Preston
Mr. Archie Lee Profit
Mr. Evan Punchard
Mrs. Dawn Purney
Mr. Gene Putnam
Mr. Frank Quintanilla
Mary Ramirez
Ms. Liza Randolph
Mrs. Geraldine L. Ray
Ms. Beverly Y. Read
Mr. Ross R. Reeves
Ms. Carol Reif
Ms. Melinda Remington
Ms. Mary Resides
Ms. Janette Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Ms. Mary A. Ricketts
Mr. Herman E. Rigley
Mrs. Dottie S. Riley
Mrs. Mary Riley-Tracy
Ms. Jo Ann M. Rinke
Mrs. Joan Rivenbark
Ms. Roseann Roazzi
Ms. Betty Lou Roberts
Mrs. Mary Roberts
Ms. Patricia Robichaud
Mr. Dan R. Robinson II
Mrs. Janet K. Rogers
Mr. John Rootring
Mr. Harold Roth
Mrs. Jean B. Rowland
Ms. Laura Jean Rugala
Miriam E. Rundstrom
Mrs. Mildred Russell
Mrs. Lois Rust
Mr. Bill I. Saloukas
Mr. Richard N. Savage
Suellah J. Savidge
Mrs. Vergence Saylor
Mr. Randall Schober
Mrs. Lorraine Schott
Mrs. Ruth Schowalter
Dion and Shelley Schrack
Wanda K. Schrank
Mrs. Irma Schuster
Mr. Ray Schwenk
Ms. Kathleen Scott
Mr. Michael Seltvedt
C. P. Senthill-Harrigan
Ms. Paulette M. Severs
Lorene Shelow
Mrs. J. Shipes
Mrs. Else M. Shirk
Mr. Ribert L. Shoemaker
Mr. Ron Shore
Ms. Reba Showers
Chen Chen Shyr
Katharine Simmons
Mr. Keith Simmons
Mrs. Wilma J. Simmons
Mr. Joseph Simon
Mrs. Mary Singstock
Ms. Laura Sistrunk
Ms. Ann D. Smith
Mr. Clayton Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ellett M.
Ms. Esther Smith
Ms. Lisa Smith
Ms. Mary C. Smith
Mrs. Rebecca J. Smith
Ms. Wency Smith
Margaret Aiken Snow
Mrs. Virginia M. Snyder
Marilyn Sonn
Ms. Louise L. Sovocool
Ms. Zelda O. Sowho
Mr. James Sperry
Ms. Aletta Sprague
Ms. Sue A. Sroczynski
Mrs. Gloria R. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. John A.
Mr. Howard Stone
Gayle S. Storey
Mrs. Sherry Stormant
Bob Straetz
Mr. Ronald Strebel
S. Sutter
Mr. Neal Swisher
Cathy Szparka
Mr. Richard D. Tamms
Ms. Nancy Tanaka
Ms. Arlene M. Tarbet
Mrs. Cheryl C. Taylor
Mrs. Louise Teems
Mr. Robert J. Terkanian
Mrs. Charla Terrell
Rebecca Terry
Mrs. Addice DuvalleThomas
Mrs. Eileen K. Thomas
Mr. Floyd M. Thompson
Priscilla A Thompson
George W. Thrasher
Mr. Kenneth W. Threlkeld
Mr. Bert Trimuel
Mrs. Brad Trobridge
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Troyer
Mrs. Carolyn A. Tugwell
Joe and Cathy Turner
Mr. Jeffrey Tutewohl
Ms. Virginia Tyler
Mr. Scott Tyson
Patsy Uken
Ms. Leanne Uher
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Mr. Jim Valentine
Marsha Van Doren
Ms. Marilyn VanSlembrouck
Linda Van-Cheri †
David Vanmeer
Ms. Cynthia Veliquette
E. A. Venton, D.D.S.
Gloria Vergara
Mrs. Margaret Vigil
Jared Vincent
Mr. Charles Wachter
S. Wade
Mr. Mark Wagner
Mrs. Anna B. Walker
Janet Walls
Mrs. Verna Ward
Jim Waterfield Ranch
Mr. F. W. Wattenbarger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Ms. Lynne Webber Biegler
Tracey Welch
Mrs. Roland Wendelin
Ms. Sandra Westaby
Ms. Jane White
Ms. Rita Mae White
Ms. Willene K. Whiting
Ms. Beverly Wickum
Thomas F. Wietchy
Dr. Angela R. Wilkins
Mr. Doug Williamson
Carrie E. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. John H. Wilson
Susan N. Wilson
Mr. Jack Wingard
Ms. Sheila Wingo
Mr. Gerald Wittkop
Ms. Marilyn J. Wong
Mr. Kirk Woodward
Ms. Sandra Worden
Ms. Beth Wunderlich
Mr. John Yadush
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Yamini
Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Yoder
Mr. Ola Yoder
Asa Yonemura
Ms. Phyllis Youtz
Dorothea Zaiger
Ms. Helene Zarcone
Johanna Zepp
Mr. John M. Ziegelbein
Supporter $100 - $499.99
11,103 Benefactors
The Peales had such big hearts, loved people and knew how to
show it. And Guideposts has blossomed into an organization that
demonstrates that love in all they do.”
— Phyllis and Bob
I am grateful that I can help people through their own hard times,
and my gift to Guideposts does just that. I know my money will
be used to do the Lord’s work. I tell everyone do it today, because you
are not promised tomorrow. I’ve included Guideposts in a legacy that will
continue far beyond my life, and there’s great comfort and solace in that.”
— Constance
I’m proud to support every one of Guideposts Ministries because
giving of ourselves is what life is about. We are doing the Lord’s
work, and giving back in gratitude for what we have. It’s an exciting
feeling — knowing that you are helping other people who are suffering
through tragedy and hard times come closer to Christ.”
— Jim
My three greatest blessings — Faith in God, a Sense of
Humor, and a Positive Attitude! I owe all this to Dr. Peale.
Guideposts is doing great things to further Dr. Peale’s mission.
Keep on doing them.”
— Marguerite
increases as you give it,
and diminishes as you try
to keep it for yourself.
In giving it, you will accumulate a deposit of
joy greater than you ever believed possible.
—Norman Vincent Peale
For FY 2014
July 1, 2013 — June 30, 2014
Direct Mail Fundraising...................... $3,508,044 ........... 38%
Club Fundraising & PLUS..................... $2,187,200 ........... 24%
Major Gifts............................................ $1,252,334 ............14%
Annual Giving......................................... $891,106 ............10%
Planned Giving ...................................... $866,550 ............. 9%
Investment Income................................. $497,728 ..............5%
Total ........................................................ $9,202,961 .......... 100%
Planned Giving
Direct Mail
Major Gifts
Direct Mail Fundraising
Club Fundraising & PLUS
Major Gifts
Annual Giving
Planned Giving
Investment Income
For FY 2014
July 1, 2013 — June 30, 2014
Complimentary Publications.................. $3,751,642 .......................39%
OurPrayer............................................... $1,386,954 ....................... 15%
Military Outreach...................................... $807,022 .........................9%
Comfort Kits & Youth Ministries.............. $423,614 .........................5%
Fundraising............................................. $1,926,475 ........................21%
Management & General............................ $995,911 ........................ 11%
TOTAL..................................................... $9,291,618 ..................... 100%
& General
Comfort Kits
& Youth
Complimentary Publications
Military Outreach
Comfort Kits & Youth Ministries
Management & General
Every Gift Makes A Difference
Thanks to your generosity, the Guideposts Foundation is able to meet the needs of
people who are longing for God’s presence and promises. There are many ways to give
your support and make a difference! Here’s how…
Help Now
Your help supports Guideposts Outreach Ministries with gifts made by cash, check, and
credit cards and gifts of appreciated securities such as stock or mutual funds. Special
needs and opportunities arise and many donors choose to invest via a major gift to
underwrite these types of projects, giving outright or pledging over a number of years.
Call us at 800-728-5653 or visit
Help in the Future
A Bequest through your Will: This is the simplest way to make a gift; you only have
to add the following specific language to your Will naming Guideposts Foundation as
a beneficiary: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________ (a certain sum, a percentage of
the estate, or the remainder of the estate) to Guideposts Foundation, Suite 2AB, 39 Old
Ridgebury Rd., Danbury, CT 06810. (A specific program may be designated.)
Charitable Gift Annuities: A Guideposts Charitable Gift Annuity is
an excellent way to make a gift now, gain tax benefits, and receive
payments for life. Guideposts pays a competitive rate and has
an outstanding reputation of payment. Upon the death of
the named annuitant(s) the remainder is distributed to the
ministry programs of Guideposts Outreach.
Charitable Trusts: The Guideposts Foundation will
serve as trustee of such trusts if they have an initial
principal amount of a minimum of $100,000 for
charitable remainder trusts, or $250,000 for charitable
lead trusts.
Life Insurance: This is an ideal way to make a gift that
will be larger than what you paid for it. You only need to
make Guideposts Foundation the owner and beneficiary
of the policy and pay any remaining premiums.
Retirement Plans: Retirement plans may create a large
income tax problem for children or other heirs. Since charities do
not pay income tax, leaving this sum to Guideposts Foundation may
offer a tax savings to your estate. All you need to do is to name Guideposts
Foundation as a beneficiary of some, or all, of your retirement plan.
Gifts of Securities: Appreciated securities are an excellent way to give to
Guideposts Outreach Ministries. Through a precise process, you may transfer
shares to Guideposts. This may allow you to bypass capital gains tax and increase
your charitable deduction. It is important to follow the process exactly, so please
contact us, and your financial professional, for further information.
Our Founders
Guideposts was founded in 1945 by Dr. Norman Vincent
Peale and his wife, Ruth Stafford Peale. Dr. Peale was one of
the foremost motivational speakers and ministers of the 20th
Century. He wrote 46 books, including the inspirational
bestseller, The Power of Positive Thinking, first published in
1952. More than 20 million copies of this acclaimed book
have been sold. Mrs. Peale led the ministries at the Peale
Center for Christian Living, now merged with Guideposts,
and served as Chair of the Board of Guideposts.
Exemplifying the Peale philosophy that Positive Thinking is
faith in God and belief in oneself, Guideposts moves forward in its
mission of helping people from all walks of life achieve their maximum
personal and spiritual potential.
“You can have peace of mind, improved health and
an ever-increasing flow of energy. Life can be full
of joy and satisfaction.”
— Norman Vincent Peale
39 Old Ridgebury Road,
Suite 2AB,
Danbury, CT 06810