Board of Directors
April 2008 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Gatlinburg, TN 37738 Permit No. 35 The Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce publishes this monthly newsletter to inform the Gatlinburg community of Chamber and city news. Subscription: $12.00 per year. Provided to all business license holders and Chamber of Commerce members Board of Directors News Items Welcome! Deadline for materials: All submissions must be written and received by the 15th day of the preceding month of publication. Dan Booth – President Jerry Morton – President Elect Logan Coykendall – Treasurer Vickie Blake – Secretary Tim King – Sergeant At Arms David Perella - Ex-Officio Kevin Tierney - Past President Term Expires 2008 Vickie Blake - Dan Booth Ryan DeSear 811 East Parkway • P.O. Box 527 Gatlinburg, Tennessee 37738 VISITOR INFORMATION Toll Free: 800.237.4569 865.436.4178 Fax: 865.430.3876 Term Expires 2009 David Dixon - Paula King Tim King - Jerry Morton Term Expires 2010 Logan Coykendall - Vickie King Claudette Geoffrion Deborah Linnert Our Services Include Designated Directors Cam Caton )NSERTs3EALs4ABs!PPLY!DDRESS,ABELOR0RINT !DDRESS$IRECTLYTO-AILERs3ORTs4RAYs#OMPLETE !LL.ECESSARY0APERWORKs$ELIVERTOTHE0OST/FlCE FOR9OU Attractions Association Candace Ogle Lodging and Hospitality Association Dan Tilley Wedding Chapel Association INFO FAST Jeff Prange #ANDO0OSTAL0ATRON3ATURATION-AILINGSFOR9OU Retail Merchants Association Our Specialty Arts and Crafts Community Frances Shambaugh $AILY2ESPONSETO'ATLINBURGS#HAMBER 6ISITOR)NQUIRIES Our Data Management Services Include ,IST-AINTENANCEs,IST0ROCUREMENTs-ERGE 3EVERAL,ISTINTO/NEs0URGE,ISTOF$UPLICATE 2ECORDSs#!33#ERTIFYTHE,ISTs'ENERATE$ELIVERY 0OINT"ARCODINGs7ECANUSE9OUR0ERMITOR9OU CANUSE/URS Call 436-9344s0/"OXs'ATLINBURGs4.TimsJohn - 414-3001 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE April Convention Center Events Date 8 11-12 15-16 19-22 25 Event Type Banquet Food Show Competition A&C Show Food Show Attendance 300 2,750 800 1,800 300 To better serve our Community and our environment, the Gatlinburg Chamber monthly newsletter is printed on 100% post consumer recycled paper and ink. QuickFacts... Welcome New Members! March Feb 2008 2008 Phone Request........................................ 2,572 Web Request......................................... 11,780 Regular Mail Request.............................. 16 Total Vacation Guide Request .............. 14,368 Regular Members YEAR TO DATE Feb 2008 Phone Request....................... Web Request...................................... Regular Mail Request..................... Total Vacation Guide Request........... licklog hollow baskets Lisa Canfield 1360 East Parkway #2 Specialty Shop Love Shack Erica Priebe 458 Parkway #1 Specialty Shop YEAR TO DATE Feb 2008 Local Incoming Calls...... 800 Incoming Calls............................ Total Incoming Calls......................... Robert E Lee Motel Frank Ring 349 Holly Ridge East Lodging Southeastern Paper Group Chuck McGraw 50 Old Blackstock Rd Spartanburg, SC 29302 Distributor Tennessee International Partnership Services Howard Kerr 1728 Big Springs Rd Maryville, TN 37801 Non-Profit United Way of Sevier County Roy Marshall 427 Old Knoxville Hwy Sevierville, TN 37862 Non-Profit 1,695 4,667 6,362 1,825 4,122 5,947 -7.1 13.2 7.0 4,794 38,282 39 43,115 3,807 27,842 41 31,690 25.9 37.5 -4.9 36.1 3,505 9,065 12,570 3,673 8,336 12,009 -4.6 8.7 4.7 291,869 627,717 38,706 129,273 264,788 559,898 45,644 103,256 10.2 12.1 -15.2 25.1 Jan 2008 Lodging............................................ Restaurants........................................ Amusements/Attractions.................... Gross Receipts - Other.......................... Total...................................................... 2008 6,170 5,481 2,763 9,123 23,537 2007 6,794 5,107 2,195 9,083 23,180 % of change -9.2 7.3 25.9 .4 1.5 YEAR TO DATE Jan 2008 Lodging............................................ Restaurants........................................ Amusements/Attractions.................... Gross Receipts - Other.......................... Total...................................................... 6,170 5,481 2,763 9,123 23,537 6,794 5,107 2,195 9,083 23,180 -9.2 7.3 25.9 .4 1.5 976 1,613 196 3,385 0 1,144 3,884 454 3,526 1,338 2,763 2,424 1,835 1,387 1,839 264 3,304 0 964 3,694 450 3,633 1,312 2,195 2,261 1,877 -29.6 12.3 -25.8 2.5 0 18.7 5.1 .9 -2.9 2.0 25.9 7.2 -2.2 CITY OF GATLINBURG GROSS REVENUES beach Photography Ron Beach 2820 Daybreak Way Strawberry Plains, TN 37871 Photography Moon Maid Botanical Cynthia Johnson 535 Tall Poplar Cosby, TN 37722 Herbal Products % of change 26.5 -3.4 -15.8 .8 Feb 2008 Internet Visitors............................. YTD.................................................... PDF Downloads................................. YTD PDF Downloads........................ Business Partners Davis Newman Payne Amy Acosta 4700 Coster Rd Knoxville, TN 37912 Advertising 2007 2,033 12,196 19 14,248 Feb 2008 Local Incoming Calls..... 800 Incoming Calls............................. Total Incoming Calls........................ HAVANA DREAMS CAFE Peggy Pupo 449 Parkway Restaurant Bear Run Falls Managment Wendi Tunney 718 Golf View Blvd Pigeon Forge, TN 37863 Resort Chamber Staff (Rounded to the nearest/in 000) February 28th Meet Your Partner Went Swimmingly! I Love The Smokies welcomed Members to preview Westgate’s exciting new Wild Bear Falls indoor waterpark on Thursday, February 28, 2008 during a Meet Your Business Partner. Sherri Webb, Chamber Ambassdor coordinated the fun evening get together which had a huge turnout. Not only is the facility breathtakingly beautiful but the food was delicious, which could have had something to do with the chefs coming in from their corporate headquarters in Florida. Each attendee received a goody bag filled with all you need to enjoy a day at the waterpark courtesy of Westgate Resorts. Thanks to the sponsoring businesses for donating door prizes: Westgate Wild Bear Falls, Cupid’s Petals, Flowers of Gatlinburg, Sheer Envy Hair & Nail Salon, Ripley’s Gatlinburg, Wonderworks, Legends of China Show, and Mountain Valley Winery. BUSINESS BY TYPES Jan 2008 Hotel with restaurant.......................... Over 50 rooms no restaurant................ 1 to 50 rooms single location................ Chalets, Condos, etc............................. Campgrounds........................................ Fast Foods/Deli...................................... Family/Steak House Type....................... Sweets/Snack Shops............................ Retail Sales............................................ Service Business.................................... Amusement/Attractions......................... Groceries/Markets................................. All Others............................................... WATER USAGE *Water usage measured between the 18th of the month prior to the 17th of the month in report. 47,282 Feb 2008................................. 46,322 2.1 110,547 YTD .................................................... 108,039 2.3 NATIONAL PARK VISITORS (Gatlinburg Entrance) 126,980 121,308 4.7 Feb 2008................................. 249,435 249,935 -.2 YTD................................................... Vicki Simms, ext. 109 Executive Director [email protected] Linda Leone, ext. 110 Finance and Administrative Director Assistant Executive Director [email protected] Connie Burns, ext. 113 Member Services Director [email protected] Angela Carathers, ext. 102 Internet Communications Director [email protected] Gretchen Ogle, ext. 103 Print Publications Director [email protected] Sherry Holtzclaw, ext. 114 Member Services Assistant [email protected] Gladys Griffin, ext. 106 Lead Area Consultant [email protected] Stephanie Shultz, ext. 140 Receptionist [email protected] Peggy Pickel, ext. 107 Area Consultant [email protected] Jim Matuszak, ext. 105 Area Consultant [email protected] Emily Kelling, ext. 108 Finance Administrative Intern [email protected] Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce Ethics Committee Report Complaints for YTD February 2008 Hotel/Motel Overnight Rentals Bed & Breakfasts/Inns/Lodges Timeshares Attractions Shops Dining & Entertainment Services Campgrounds 6 8 0 4 1 1 0 1 1 Mark Your Calendar Dine & Discover April 7 Calhoun’s Hospitality Seminars April 16 & 17 Convention Center Earth Day Festival April 22 Mynatt Park Business After Hours May 22 Smoky Mountain Illuminations Annual Golf Tournament May 29 Bent Creek Golf Course Upcoming Events April 17 Ribfest & Wings River Rd April 23-27 58th Annual Wildflower Pilgrimage GSMNP May 16 - 18 Scottish Festival & Games Mills Park May 17 & 18 Gatlinburg Fine Arts Festival Ripley’s Plaza / River Rd May 23 & 24 Gatlinburg’s MountainFest Downtown Gatlinburg March Business During Hours Provided Saint Patrick’s Day Fun! T here was a great big touch of green on Monday, March 17, 2008 as Mountain Vista Luxury Rentals hosted Business During Hours! Guests arriving clad in green enjoyed the mid-day fun at this beautiful establishment and were treated to a scrumptious Sandwich Bar catered by Collier Food Group. Thanks to Marcie Acor, Dave Acor, Brad Walters, Bobby Dickerson, Leah Christensen and Vickie Blake for coordinating all the fun. Thanks to our door prize sponsors: Mountain Vista Luxury Rentals/Baskins Square Condos, Tennessee State Bank, Ripley’s Aquarium, Rafting In The Smokies, Hard Rock Café, Collier Food Group, Dixie Stampede, and Wonderworks. want to win a million dollars in guest satisfaction?! go gatlinburg undercover! Pat Richardson of Santa’s Claus-et M ake plans to attend the newest in the B.E.A.R. Hospitality Training Sessions April 17, 2008 at the Gatlinburg Convention Center. A refresher of previous courses is being offered as well on April 16th and all wishing to attend Session 5 are strongly encouraged to attend the previous sessions. Instructor Joe Combs of Walters State Community College returns with another great concept in conveying the message of delivering exceptional customer service. This session promises to be action-packed with a fun game show format that will force you to think on your feet and rely heavily on teamwork. For your convenience a Spanish led course is available for Session 5 that will put your Spanish speaking employees at ease. Cost of each course per person is $20. Call 436.4178 to register or register online. The Green Corner G ATLINBURG GOES GREEN was launched to membership in February and has already received positive attention from people across the country. This program is designed for each business to take a look at their environmental footprints. It is hoped that all Chamber members will sign the commitment to make even the smallest of steps towards greening of their businesses. If you have not turned in your Gatlinburg Goes Green Checklist to the Chamber please do so. If you did not receive a Gatlinburg Goes Green Checklist please contact Connie at 436.4178 ext 113. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GATLINBURG GOES GREEN PARTICIPANTS: Greenbrier Inc.- Jim Gray Galleries Cupid Petals Park Grill Steakhouse Peddler Steakhouse ROADS AND RIVERS COMMUNITY CLEAN UP will be April 5, 2008 from 9am to noon beginning at the Spur Welcome Center. For additional information contact Janice Hendrix at Keep Sevier Beautiful 774.6677. 9th Annual Golf Tournament May 29th – Save The Date! BB&T Makes Large Donation for Chamber’s Teacher Supply Closet! T hursday, May 29, 2008 will mark the 9th Annual Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament to be held at Bent Creek Golf Course. All proceeds will benefit the Chamber Education Fund from which donations to Gatlinburg’s schools are made, Traditional and Non-Traditional Scholarships are awarded, plus educational seminars. This will be a fun and exciting tournament with 2 Starts (am and pm), Silent Auction, possible Hole In One winners, lunch and dinner, team awards, plus door prizes and each participant will receive a goody bag including a fabulous Golf Shirt courtesy of Americomm. Team and Hole Sponsorships are on a first come first serve basis. Space will fill up fast so call 436.4178 to make your reservations now or register online! Our premier sponsor is Americomm, Inc. Event sponsors are Citizens National Bank, Food City, & Ripley’s Gatlinburg. Mountain National Bank is the Hole In One Cash Prize Sponsor & McNelly-Whaley Ford Motor Company is the Hole In One Car Sponsor. Chamber Ambassadors Breakfast Held March 19th T Sponsored by: he Chamber Ambassador group met March 19, 2008 during a Breakfast catered by Absolutely Sensational! Catering. The group has pledged to make 2008 a fantastic year! Watch for Ambassadors to visit your business, deliver new Member packets, assist with events and attend many chamber functions throughout the year. Our Ambassadors play a vital role in the productivity and success of Chamber programs and events by assisting wherever needed. Ambassadors assist the Member Services Department by visiting as many non-member businesses as possible and promote the value of becoming a Chamber Member. Watch for your Ambassadors in Action this year and thank them for all they are doing for the Chamber’s growth. Sherri Webb is Ambassador Chair after earning the prestigious Ambassador of the Year award for two years running. Sherri is working along with Chamber staff to ensure the success of the program and has been a tremendous asset during her relationship with the chamber. Tim King and John Coleman of Brochure Distribution Services/InfoFast Mailing Service are proudly sponsoring the Ambassador program for 2008. Earth Day Festival April 22nd at Mynatt Park! W e are proud to announce our first Zero Waste Event that will take place on Earth Day April 22, 2008 at Mynatt Park from 4-7 pm. For the past few years the Chamber has held a Family Carnival for Members and their families during May. With the focus on preserving the environment increasing plus the Chamber’s kickoff of its Gatlinburg Goes Green program celebrating on Earth Day made perfect sense. There will still be fun games and crafts, foods to eat, plus plenty of fun prizes for kids to take home. Watch your mail for an invitation to this FUN FREE event for families or register online at! series O n March 5th, Park Vista Hotel & Convention Center hosted the first two Chamber Dine & Discover events that have an educational focus. The first was a luncheon featuring Keynote speaker Ralph Thompson of eBrains. Mr. Thompson’s presentation’s central theme was to help Members learn the best ways to utilize the internet as a means of marketing to promote their businesses as well as a way to communicate their message to their customers. He offered many great tools that businesses can use and took questions from the audience. Chief Brain, Ralph Thmpson Our second in the series was a Breakfast on March 12, 2008 sponsored by Southeastern Paper Group titled How To Clean Green. Ed Smith delivered an extremely informative message on how businesses of all sizes could begin using eco-friendly green practices. A product showcase followed the presentation and the items that are available these days are astounding! Be sure not to miss our next Dine & Discover featuring Congressman David Davis on Monday, April 7, 2008. It will be a Breakfast at Calhoun’s Banquet Hall. Please call 436.4178 to reserve or online – cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. B usiness After Hours was held Thursday, March 13, 2008 at BB&T’s downtown location on the Parkway. 120 guests mingled as they were treated to a variety of refreshments and beverages catered by Absolutely Sensational! Catering and Hope’s Cheesecake. BB&T awarded great door prizes to several lucky attendees. Thanks to April Stump and Jonathan Chapman for all their hard work in putting together this festive after hours event. The Chapman Brothers provided live entertainment plus a special treat came when Lou Vuto performed a couple of numbers as well. There were some lively characters in the crowd, notably Earl T. and Mama part of the Crown Park crew. BB&T announced the downtown location will be undergoing some major changes soon and utilized the night to remember the opening of the facility in the 1950’s with many past Board Members including Geoff Wolpert, Earl Ogle and original Board Member Muncy Houser in attendance. The best news of the night was BB&T’s generous donation of much needed items for the Chamber’s Teacher Supply Closet which at the half year point had gotten pretty low. Numerous attendees donated items as well as nearly $200 which Jonathan Chapman, Financial Center Manager of BB&T presented to Dan Booth, Chamber President at the end of the festive evening. We appreciate BB&T’s community spirit and support of this well needed program. Thanks to all the door prize sponsors: BB&T, Bent Creek Golf Course, Gatlinburg Chateau Village/Memories Condos, Park Grill, Crown Park Resort, Ole Smokey Candy Kitchen, Hollywood Wax Museum, Midtown Lodge, Your Team Cards & Collectibles, Hollywood Star Cars Museum, Gabriel’s Horn, Puckers, Crawdaddy’s, Spa Sensations, Hands Around The World, and Empire Music. A Special Thank You goes out to the following for making donations to the Chamber’s Teacher Supply Closet during Business After Hours at BB&T: BB&T, I Love The Smokies, Tim and Shirley Morrison, Prudential-Financial, Grandview Cabins, Thomas Kinkade at the Village, Citizens National Bank, Mountain Laurel Chalets, Memories Theatre, A Big Chalet, Santa’s Claus-et, Mountain National Bank, Gatlinburg Memories Condos, Rafting In The Smokies, and RE/MAX All Pro Realtors. Chamber President, Dan Booth receives school supply donations from Jonathan Chapman with BB&T.
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