100% - Children First


100% - Children First
Strengthening children and
families by improving the
quality of their lives through
a comprehensive approach
to development, education,
health and well-being.
Leslie A. Jones, Chair
Brock H. Leach, Vice-Chair
M. David Shapiro, Treasurer
Lacy Ray, Jr., Secretary
Jo Rutstein, Chair Emeritus
elcome to the 2012 issue of our Annual Report. As you
may have guessed, our theme for the year is Achieving
Potential, and indeed what better describes what we
do at Children First.
Since 1961, as Sarasota County’s exclusive provider of Head Start and
Early Head Start programs, Children First has helped tens of thousands
of low-income children and their families achieve their potential and
realize dreams that they otherwise may have thought were impossible
to reach. None of these accomplishments, of course, would have been
possible were it not for the generous support of donors and community
partners like those of you reading this report.
But despite our past success, the challenges that lie
Due to the federal
ahead are even greater. Never before has your support
budget sequester,
been more important to our mission. Due to the
we lost $250,000 in
federal budget sequester, we lost $250,000 in 2013,
funding in 2013,
and at the time this report was being written even
greater cuts were being threatened. In human terms, that amounts to
56 fewer children and their families in our community for whom we
are able to provide services this year — families who desperately need
our help!
We have trimmed our budget, eliminated a number of positions, reduced
staff salaries, and even put in place furlough days to keep costs down,
but we can’t do it alone. We need your help. That is why this year we are
asking you to please dig a little deeper with a gift to help a child and to
reach a little farther in introducing your friends to Children First.
Together, we can ensure that every child living in our community,
regardless of income level, has a chance to achieve his or her full
potential and to realize the benefits of quality early childhood education,
nutrition, and healthcare.
Children First has multiple
locations throughout Sarasota
County, giving us the advantage of
being easily accessible to children
and families in need.
Children First Main Campus
1723 N. Orange Ave
Sarasota, FL 34234
Like the Energizer bunny,
Kevontay just keeps going
and going. He joined our
Early Head Start program
as a young child and
quickly developed a love
for stories and puzzles.
He also became quite an
accomplished artist. In
fact, when he was not
outside playing with his
friends at Children First,
you often would find
Kevontay drawing and
Now 5, Kevontay
graduated from our
Head Start program this
past spring and entered
Kindergarten this fall. His
mom says he is enjoying
all of the excitement
and new challenges that
Kindergarten brings but
that he is well prepared
thanks to the educational
and social skills he
gained at Children First.
Dalbeck EHS Center
2036 Oak Street
Sarasota, FL 34237
Emma E. Booker Elementary
2350 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Sarasota, FL 34234
Helen Payne Annex
1742 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Sarasota, FL 34234
Helen Payne Center
1729 33rd Street
Sarasota, FL 34234
North Port Campus
6926 Children Way
North Port, FL 34287
R.O.S.S. Center
1912 North Orange Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34234
Venice Main Campus
800 Gulf Coast Blvd
Venice, FL 34285
School Board of Sarasota County
Cyesis – Sarasota
Cyesis – North Port
Philip Tavill
President & CEO
Alta Vista Elementary
1050 South Euclid Ave
Sarasota, FL 34237
Child Care Community Partners
Leslie A. Jones
Board Chair
Board at Large
Danzey Allen
John Bean
Captain Jeffrey Bell
Barbara Benson
Carol A. Hallinger
Nola Hietbrink
Elenor Maxheim
Sadie Guttman, STAR Student
Julie Cassagnol, Policy Council Chair
Philip Tavill, President & CEO
Catholic Charities
St. Martha’s Early Learning Center
Our Mother’s House
What do studies by Nobel Prize winning
economist James Heckman of the University
of Chicago and the Rand Corporation have in
common? Both found strong evidence that
early childhood education of kids ages birth
to 5 years old provides lifelong benefits for
the children, their families, and for society in
general. In fact, Rand Corporation calculates
that well-designed early childhood education
programs, like Early Head Start and Head
Start, generate a return on investment to
society ranging from $1.80 to $17.07 for every
dollar spent on the program.
As Sarasota County’s exclusive provider
of Early Head Start and Head Start
programming, Children First offers a widerange of services to more than 500 low-income
children and their families living in our
community. At our 13 sites, we provide full-day
pre-school, toddler and infant care, nutritional
and health care assistance, parenting skills
and literacy classes, career training, and
referrals for housing, food, medical, clothing
and employment assistance. We also offer
dual language courses and other assistance for
families where English is a second language.
All are critical when you consider that the
average annual income for the families
we serve is at or below the federal poverty
guidelines of $19,530 for a family of three.
Why are programs like Children First so
successful in producing the high rate of
return mentioned by the researchers at Rand?
According to Nobel Prize winner Heckman,
they “break the cycle of disadvantage by
giving disadvantaged children and their
families resources for the early nurturing,
learning experiences and physical health
that lead to future success.” By combining
the development of social and cognitive skills
at an early age, Children First helps not only
prepare kids for success in elementary school
but also creates more capable and productive
There are so many ways you can make a
difference in the lives of the children and
families we serve. Here are just a few
• Make a gift
• Tour one of our 13 sites and meet our
wonderful children and teachers
• Establish a legacy fund
• Invite a friend to become a donor
• Attend our events — and bring your
• Volunteer in one of our classrooms
• Spread the word as a Children First
• Write or call legislators to let them know
about Children First and encourage
them to restore funding for Head Start/
Early Head Start
Meet Tre.
Meet Selah.
Born with a physical
condition that caused
seizures and prevented
him from walking, Tre
and his parents faced
enormous challenges.
But thanks to the
support and healthcare
assistance they received
from Children First,
Tre can now realize his
dream of becoming a
Kindergartner and going
to elementary school just
like his friends.
Judging by her smile
these days, you would
never guess that Selah
once struggled with
speech delays and
socialization skills.
But thanks to the
quality of teaching and
personalized attention
she received through
Children First, she
now talks more, loves
stories and has lots of
friends. Her mom tells us
that Selah even enjoys
explaining the events
of each day to her —
something she was never
willing to do before.
Through your support,
Tre enjoys working with
teachers and therapists
who have helped him
develop his literacy skills
and learn to use a walker
to move independently.
He also enjoys a
world where hope and
friendship are a part of
each day.
Serving infants and toddlers from birth
to three years of age, our Early Head
Start program promotes healthy prenatal
outcomes, strengthens family functioning
and nurtures the physical, social, emotional
and intellectual development of the children
and families we serve. Our program begins
with a comprehensive health screening
that assesses each child’s medical, dental,
developmental and emotional needs. We then
assign a Family Advocate who works with the
parents to evaluate needs, establish personal
goals, and help support and promote a secure
and nurturing environment for the children.
We also assist parents in improving their
parenting skills, gaining career training, and
other forms of personal advancement.
Building on the groundwork established
through our Early Head Start initiatives,
Children First’s Head Start program focuses
on the comprehensive needs of children
between the ages of three to five years old.
Through highly-trained teachers, small
classes and lots of individualized attention, we
prepare these young learners to be cognitively,
socially and emotionally ready to succeed
in Kindergarten and beyond. The majority
of teachers in our Head Start classrooms
have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in
Early Childhood Education, and all of their
assistants hold either a Child Development
Associate’s certificate or an associate’s degree
in Early Childhood Education. This exceeds
the standards established by Head Start for
teacher qualifications.
In recognition of the quality of our teachers,
curricula, facilities and the services we
provide to low-income children and their
families, Children First has three times
earned designation as a “Program of
Excellence” by the National Head Start
Association, most recently in September
2013. This gold standard award places
Children First in the top tier of all Head Start
programs nationwide.
Best of all, Selah recently
transitioned into a
Montessori Kindergarten
program. We hear that
she is excelling at being
around other kids and
enjoying everything that
Kindergarten has to offer.
Young minds and bodies need a well-balanced
diet and good health in order to grow.
Unfortunately for many of the children we
serve, these essential building blocks are not
always available at home.
When you give to Children First, you help
ensure that each child receives a delicious,
healthy breakfast and lunch, plus a nutritious
afternoon snack, each day. To put that into
perspective, your gift helps provide more
than 50% of the weekly nutritional needs for
our children.
Through Children First’s partnerships
and the generosity of volunteers from the
local healthcare community, your gift also
provides each child with a complete health
screening for medical, dental, developmental
and emotional well-being. If follow up is
needed, we assist with referrals and finding
services. Like you, we understand that no
child can succeed if he or she is hurting, either
physically, emotionally, or developmentally.
So how much does it cost to make such a
big difference in the lives of the children
we serve? Not as much as you might
think. Consider the following:
• For just $1,000 per year, you provide
10 children with breakfast, lunch and a
snack each day of the school year.
• For $2,500, you provide baby formula
for 8 little ones for an entire school year.
• For $5,000, you provide 30 children
with milk for the school year, to help
build strong bones.
• For $10,000, you provide a child with a
full year of educational programming,
nutritional support, healthcare assessment, and family support services.
Meet Luz.
Meet Corey.
Luz is a remarkable
example of just how far
the children and families
of Children First can
climb thanks to
your support.
Dads play such an
important role in the lives
of young children. But
sometimes they lack the
education, experience and
understanding necessary
to effectively communicate
and interact with their kids.
Not Corey.
A native of Columbia,
with 3 years of college
education there, Luz
moved to the U.S., got
married, had a son, and
ended up in an abusive
relationship. Homeless
and with little money,
she and her 4-year-old
found Children First and
enrolled last year. Since
then, she has taken our
Parents 1,2,3,4 Class,
completed our Career
Readiness and Elaine’s
Kids programs, and
earned her GED. She now
holds a permanent job
and is continuing to work
with Children First to
further both her son’s and
her education.
Corey graduated from our
award-winning Nurturing
Dads Program a few years
ago as a single father with
two small girls. Having
since remarried, he is
now both a dad and step
dad to five girls ages 1 to
14 years old. With a new
range of fathering roles
and responsibilities, Corey
decided it was time to take
a refresher course.
It is hard to imagine anything more important
or meaningful on the road to self-sufficiency
than having a job that provides the income
needed to support you and your family. Yet
for many of the women and families served
by Children First this basic need is not only
difficult to come by but intimidating to find.
That is why, in partnership with the Junior
League of Sarasota, we established our Career
Readiness for Women Program.
Thanks to the generous support and volunteer
efforts of our network of women who
themselves are highly successful business
people, each of the women in our Career
Readiness Program is assigned a mentor. The
women then receive assistance in everything
from resumé writing and interview skills
to time management and how to dress for
success. Working with community partners
like SCTI and State College of Florida,
Children First also helps coordinate job
skill training and educational assistance for
the women to help them finish a degree or
acquire knowledge that will make them more
By helping women recognize and achieve
their potential in the workplace, our Career
Readiness Program opens doorways of
opportunity that many of the mothers served
by Children First never dreamed possible.
Meaningful as well, our volunteer mentors tell
us they learn just as much from the incredible
strength and determination of the mothers in
our program as the moms learn from them.
“All dads could benefit
from this course,” he says.
“The practical tools and
implementation of specific
techniques are invaluable.”
At Children First, we understand that the
success of the children we serve depends not
only on what happens in the classroom and on
the playground but what happens in the home
as well. That is why we offer a wide range of
classes and services for parents through our
Families First Institute.
One of the most popular and important of
these is our Nurturing Dads Program. Offered
5-6 times per year, Nurturing Dads helps dads
of all kinds gain the nurturing skills, attitudes
and communication tools needed to create
a strong, lasting emotional bond with their
children. Through the program, dads also
learn to be more self-aware and to nurture and
nourish their own emotional needs in order to
be the best parent possible.
Since we founded Nurturing Dads in 1999,
more than 1,700 dads have graduated from
the program, learning not just how to be good
dads but to be GREAT ones in the lives of their
children and families!
Our Families First Institute offers
an assortment of classes throughout
the year designed to help parents and
grandparents create a safer, more
nurturing home environment and to
achieve greater self-sufficiency. These
• Nurturing Dads
• Career Readiness for Women
• Parents 1, 2, 3, 4
• Second Time Around: Grandparents
Raising Grandchildren
• Money Smart
• Five Essential Keys to Better Behavior
• Positive Solutions for Families
$50,000 +
Meet Breanna.
Gulf Coast Community Foundation
Reverend & Mrs. Brock Leach
Dr. Elaine Marieb & Mr. Harvey
Allen Wirtz Nobbe & Jo Bowen
Nobbe Fund
The William G. and Marie Selby
Roberta Leventhal Sudakoff
Sarasota County Government
United Way Suncoast
Breanna joined our Head
Start program in 1996 and
quickly gained literacy skills,
learned to write, do math,
and interact with others.
Thanks to Children First,
she entered elementary
school on track and ready to
succeed. And has she ever.
American Alliance
City of Sarasota – CRA
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Cook
Mr. Gerry Daniel (in memory of
Ruth Daniel)
Educated Kids: Well Rested, Well
Fed and Well Read of Gulf Coast
Community Foundation
Mark & Carol Hyman Fund
Pay it Forward Fund of the
Community Foundation of
Sarasota County
The James D. White Sr. Family
Ms. Kristine A. White
In 2012, Breanna graduated
from Booker High School
with a 4.4 GPA and as
president of the National
Honor Society. She also
played piano, was captain
of the basketball team and
finished 4th in the state
for discus. Today, she is a
sophomore at the University
of Miami and studying
Industrial Engineering.
Breanna’s mom credits
Children First with providing
the strong foundation that
contributed to her daughter’s
success. Breanna’s story
is an inspiration and
a reminder that small
investments made at an
early age can yield
big dividends.
Quick question. Did you stop for a cup of
coffee this morning or have lunch with a friend
today? How much did it cost? Maybe $3 for the
coffee and $14 for lunch? Not much, right?
Our point is to draw attention to just how little
it takes to change the lives of some of our most
at-risk children. For just $3 per day ($1,000
per year), you can help Children First provide
breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack for
10 students for an entire year. And for $14 per
day ($5,000 per year), you can help provide
computers, field trips and other learning
activities for an entire classroom of children!
Of course, many of our donors provide so
much more. During the past year, they helped
build a new playground for students at our
Helen R. Payne Annex, replace the roof on our
Orange Avenue building, establish two new
programs (Elaine’s Kids for children from
families where English is a second language
and SunBeams for children dealing with the
loss of a family member or with parents going
through a divorce), and create a living legacy
for Children First through the establishment
of the Eric Wishnie Memorial Fund. They also
acted as volunteers and ambassadors making
sure that all of the children at Children First
receive the quality and attention they deserve.
We need your help more than ever
Never have the contributions of our donors
been more important than they will be during
the upcoming year. The impact of the federal
budget sequester that went into effect in
March 2013 has been particularly damaging
to Head Start and Early Head Start programs.
According to the U.S. Health and Human
Services Office, more than 57,000 children and
their families nationwide have had Head Start
and Early Head Start services eliminated due
to the sequester.
The impact of these cuts is being felt at
Children First as well. For 2013, Children First
saw a reduction of $250,000 in the funding we
receive from Head Start. That means 56 fewer
low-income children and their families in our
area will receive services this year, and more
cuts may be on the way for 2014.
Our donors make the difference
Children First is luckier than many Head
Start and Early Head Start programs across
the country because of the generosity of our
donors and the strength of our community
partners. Our donors and partners know
that the future of our region depends on the
ability to ensure that all children ages birth
to five have their basic needs met. They also
understand how important it is for children to
be provided with the tools and opportunities
needed to compete and succeed in elementary
school and beyond. These principles lie at the
core of Children First’s mission and in the
hearts of all of our donors.
If you are already part of our donor
community, thank you! If you would
like to find out more about how you
can help improve the life of a child
in our community, contact us today
at (941) 953-3877 or email info@
Ms. Gerri Aaron
& Mr. Marvin Albert
Mr. John W. Bean
& Ms. Alexandra Jupin
FCCI Insurance Group
Harold C. & Jacqueline F. Bladel
Jerome & Mildred Paddock
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rollins
United Way South Sarasota County
Wilson-Wood Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Malouf Abraham
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Epstein
Harry Sudakoff Foundation, Inc.
Helen R. Payne Day Nursery Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hietbrink
Ideal Foundation Agency
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kaleida
Mr. & Mrs. John Maxheim
Eluned & Edward Russell
Charitable Foundation
Sarasota County Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams
Yea! Arts Program
Apisdorf Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Deborah M. Cooley Charitable
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hochfelder
The Junior League of Sarasota, Inc.
Kiwanis Club of Longboat Key
Macrae Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Macrae
The Plantation Community
Foundation, Inc.
Rays Baseball Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Rutstein
Sarasota Kennel Club
Mr. & Mrs. David Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sharff
Spotlight Graphics
Suncoast Charitites for Children
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Elton R. White
William S. Barnickel Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Wishnie
AIG Matching Gifts Program
Al Purmort Insurance
Alex Stafford Photography
Mr. & Mrs. David Allen
Ms. June E. Apisdorf
Artefact Design, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry R. Benz
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Blumenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brokaw
The Bullet Hole
Ms. Carol L. Butera
Mr. Stephen Capus
Mr. & Mrs. James Card
Mr.* & Mrs. Jeffrey Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. James Cornetet
Ms. Jean DeLynn
Dickinson & Gibbons, P.A.
DOCs Dermatology & Oculoplastic
Mr. & Mrs. Lane Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Donovan
Dunlap & Moran, P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Everhart
Hilda & Ben Flink Charitable Fund
Fontana Consulting
Freeman Orthodontics
Gateway Bank of SW Florida
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Geaglone
Ms. Wendy Glasser
Lelia & Steven Gompertz Donor
Advised Fund of the Community
Foundation of Sarasota County
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gompertz
Mr. John L. Gwynn
Mrs. Carol Hallinger
Hautimaki & Horiuchi, LLC
Helios Education Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hendricks
Dr. Washington Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Hofstadter
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Huff
Ms. Kathleen V. Iott
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Isermann
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Jacobs
JCI Jones Chemicals, Inc.
J.E. Charlotte Construction Corp.
The Jelks Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Harold Johnson
& Dr. Krista Toomre-Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Jones
Mr. & Ms. Jeff Jones
The Kates Foundation
Ms. Lisa Kates
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keebaugh
Ms. Hope E. Kinney & Mr. Dan
Mr. & Mrs. David Klein
Dr. Diana Lager
Ms. Cathy Layton
Mr. & Mrs. Graeme G. Malloch
MBA Insurors
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Mei
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Nobel
Northern Trust Bank
Oaks Women’s Club Inc.
The Observer
Oldies 108 Morning Crew- David
Jones & Christina Crane
Anice Pace Charitable Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pettingell
Ms. Majorie Pflaum
Mr. & Mrs. CJ Phillips
The Pineapple Antique Show of
United Methodist Women
Mr. & Mrs. Scott G. Pinkerton
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Popham
Provision Eye Center
Publix Super Markets Charities
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Quigley
Ms. Alice W. Rau
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reck
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Rees
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rolfes
Rotary Club of Lakewood Ranch
Rotary Club of Sarasota
Rotary Club of Sarasota Bay
Rotary Club of Sarasota Southside
Mr. Mike Rutstein
John & Tana Sandefur Foundation
SCENE Magazine
Ms. Betty Schoenbaum
The Tillie, Jennie & Harold
Schwartz Foundation
Scott B. and Annie P. Appleby
Charitable Trust
Mr. & Ms. Joel Seiden
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Seider
Shapiro Goldman Babboni & Walsh
Sharky’s on the Pier
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Shuff
Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Simon
Mrs. Margaret Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Bayne Stevenson
Strikeforce Communications LLC
Ms. Lois Stulberg
SunTrust Bank
Sutter Roofing Co. of Florida
Tandem Construction
The Tarr Charitable Family
Mr. Philip Tavill
TooCap Foundation
United Methodist Women of Boca
University of South Florida,
Sarasota Manatee
US Food Service Inc.
Verizon Wireless
Ms. Jamie Victor
Wallace Welch & Willingham
Insurance Agency
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Weiner
Mrs. Anne L. Weintraub
& Mr. Sal Diaz-Verson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Wertheimer
Mr. & Mrs. David Wertheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Williams
Women’s Council of Realtors,
Sarasota Chapter
Women’s Outreach Ministry –
Church of the Redeemer
Ms. Sally W. Yanowitz
Dr. Heidi K. Anderson
& Dr. Paul A. Brannan
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bailey
Ms. Shelia Blom
Barbara W. Blumfield Fund of the
Community Foundation of
Sarasota County
Ms. Sylvia Browning
Mr. & Mrs. George Byrne
Louis L. Carpenter Endowment
Fund of the Community
Foundation of Sarasota
Catholic Charities, Dioceses of
Venice, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Corley
Ms. Sharon Cunningham
Dr. & Mrs. Gerard Curtis
Ms. Margaret D’Albert
Mr. & Mrs. George Dakkak
Mr. Anthony J. De Santis
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald DeMasi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dudash
Ms. Ann Elizabeth Dulik
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dych
Embody Fitness & Wellness Studio
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Inc.
Mr. Jospeh W. Ferraro
FiFi’s Fine ReSale Apparel on
First UCC Women of Sarasota
Fluid Power, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Fricke
Ms. Carolyn Garvey
& Mr. David Evans
Generous Property
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gerrity
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goderis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Goldsmith
Mr. Alfred Goldstein
Grandmothers of La Casa
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Greenbaum
Ms. Johanna Gustafsson
& Mr. Chris Pinckney
Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Heibel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hudson
Mr. Brian M. Jones
Keating Family Foundation
Mr. Dane W. Keebler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Ketchum
Kiwanis Club of Venice
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest R. Kretzmer
Ms. Pat Martin
Ms. Christine J. Mathis
Mr. Gerald Mayer
Mr. Keith Miller
Ms. Brenda Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mobarekeh
Northern Trust Matching Gift
Philanthrophy Management, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pitera
Plantation Golf & Country Club
Mrs. SueAnne Pompino
& Mr. Tony Gonzalez
Dr. Jacqueline W. Ray
& Mr. Lacy W. Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rodkin
Dr. & Ms. John Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Smith
Sun Hydraulics
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sutter
Ms. Anne O. Swain
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Tavill
The Rubin Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Trade Mark Interiors
Ms. Sarah Wertheimer
Dr. Jonnie L. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Williams
3900 Trios LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Abel
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Abrahams
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Abt
Ms. Toni Adare
Mrs. Libby Adelman
Ms. Pam Akins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Altman
Ms. Margaret Ames
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Anctil
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. J. L. Anecki
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Antrim
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Armbruster
Mr. Richard Arter
Ms. Louethel Atkins
Ms. S. Carol Baird
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Baker
Mr. Alan Bandler
& Mrs. Rosalie Goldberg
Bank of America United Way
Mrs. Ruth A. Barker
Mr. Patrick Baselice
Ms. Maria A. Bauer
Ms. Haven Beach
Capt. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Benatar
Mr. Edward W. Benzo
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer G. Berkel
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Bermann
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bisulca
Mr. Thomas J. Blahut
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Bockhold
Mr. Joseph E. Bogusz
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Bogusz
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Bold
Dr. David A. Bowles
Bradenton Hometown Pharmacy
Ms. Barbara K. Bradshaw
Ms. Angelyn P. Breda
Ms. Tracy E. Bretoi
Brown & Brown of Florida, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Brown
Ms. Jill Bruenning
Mr. Harry G. Brunken
Mrs. Marilyn R. Buchanan
Mr. Abbott Buegeleisen
Ms. Fran Bundschu
Ms. Michelle Bundy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff R. Burstein
Mr. & Mrs. John Buzilow
Ms. Lee Byron
C & F Holding Enterprises LLC
Ms. Sheila H. Cafferillo
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cail
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Carlson
Carlson Family Foundation Donor
Advised Fund of the Community
Foundation of Sarasota County
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Carrick
Ms. Angela Carrubba
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Chaifetz
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Chalmers
Ms. Faith Chapman
Mr. Robert Chouinard
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart C. Christensen
Mr. Richard Clark
Ms. Sandra Clark
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Colgan
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Collins
Mr. Robert Collins
Comfort Keepers
Mr. Arthur F. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Coville
Ms. Patricia Courtois
Mr. Paul C. Cramer
Mr. & Mrs. John Cranor III
Mrs. Betty Jo Creighton-Hunkele
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Crissy
Mrs. Antonette Cunningham
Mrs. Donna D’Agostino
Ms. Anne Dalton
Ms. Nancy Dalton
Ms. Miriam Daniel
& Mr. Larry Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Dannheisser
Davies Enterprises Inc.
Ms. Happy Davison
Mr. Robert Deal
Ms. Phyllis J. Defore
Mr. Patrick Del Medico
Mr. & Mrs. Phil A. Delaney
Ms. Charlotte Der Garry
Ms. Christine C. Devereaux
Ms. Carolyn Dickey
Mr. & Mrs. Jaime DiDomenico
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dimino
Mr. Michael Dimino
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dolan
Mr. Thomas Doll
Mr. Murray C. Donald
Ms. Joann Dull
Mr. John R. Dunham III
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dunlap
Mr. & Mrs. David Dunn-Rankin
Mr. Garrett Durfee
Edible Sarasota
Mr. & Mrs. Evans Edinger
Ms. Leslie Edwards
Mrs. William L. Eich
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Eichelberger
Rabbi & Mrs. Michael Eisenstat
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Elliott
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Engel
Ms. Ulrika Eniasson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Faulkner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fedelem
Mr. & Mrs. William Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Floyd
Ms. Shirley Foss
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Fox
Mrs. Joanna Freij
Ms. Tricia Fulton
Mr. Robert H. Gaines
Mr. Gregory J. Gebhardt
Ms. Leah Genn
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph George
Ms. Linda R. Getzen
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Glencorse
Mrs. Helen Golden
Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. David Gorin
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Gounaris
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Griffith
Mr. Michael Grom
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Guilford
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hagen
Mr. Philip Hallinger
Mr. Steven Hancox
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Happy
Ms. Kim Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Hauselman
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hawkins
Hazeltine Nursery
Ms. Michelle Hazeltine
Mr. & Mrs. John Hermansen
Mrs. & Mr. Sharlene Hillier
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hochfelder
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton O. Holdbrooks
Ms. Dee Homer
Mr. & Mrs. Denver Hope
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Houck
Mr. & Mrs. David Howard
Mr. Thomas F. Huebner
Mr. Daniel Idzik
& Mrs. Kathleen Osborne Idzik
Iltis Lending Group, Inc,
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Iltis
Insignia Bank
Mr. & Mrs. David Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Jerde
The Jewish Federation of
Mr. Eric Jildera
Jimco Maintenance
Joe-Lin Lampshades, Inc.
Ms. Pauline Joerger
Ms. Geraldine W. Johnson
Mr. Charles Johnson
Dr. Linda T. Jones
Ms. Priscilla A. Jones*
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jordan
Dr. Lance Karp & Dr. Lisa Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kearney
Kennedy Family Donor Advised
Fund of the Community
Foundation of Sarasota County
Mrs. & Mr. Phyllis Keyser
Kitchen & Window Design
Center, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klauber
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Knopik
Mr. Michael Koch
Ms. Lauren Kohl-Helbig
Mrs. Beverly Koski
Ms. Christine L. Koski
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Kotler
Ernest & Alisa Kretzmer Charitable
Foundation of Gulf Coast
Community Foundation
L. Boutique
Ms. Susan LaSalla
Mr. Richard Latour
Mrs. Lola F. Laubheim
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Lavin
Dr. & Mrs. Bartram Levenson
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Levin
Mrs. Telma A. Levison
Ms. Ina Rae Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lewandowski
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Lewis
Mrs. Betty K. Lindenberg
Ms. Susan Y. Lord
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Loring
Mr. Micke Lott
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Love
Mrs. Leslie Loveless
Mr. & Mrs. Merritt C. Ludwig
Mr. & Mrs. John R. MacFarlin
Ms. Marge Maisto
Ms. Hannah L. Malkin
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Marchbank
Mrs. Debbie Mariotti-Knoflick
Mr. & Mrs. William Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Roy McBean
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew McFall
Ms. Diane McFarlin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank McKay
Ms. MaryAnne McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Ferdi E. Megerlin
Ms. Barbara Mei
Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Merchant
Mr. & Mrs. Shaun Merriman
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Michaelis
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Miles
Ms. Monica Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Milton
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Misantone
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Moberg
Ms. Anne Moffitt
Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Moore
Ms. Dorian G. Morgan
Ms. Sheryl Morrow
MSA Inc.
Ms. Phyllis Mufson
Ms. Margaret Myers
& Mr. Todd Purdum
N & M Heating & Cooling
Ms. Elena Nachmanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Naiditch
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Natarajan
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Natherson
Mr. George Nelson
Mrs. Mary Lou Nelson
Mrs. Joan Nixon
Mr. Scott Nixon
Mrs. Carol J. Noah-Banach
& Mr. Paul Banach
Ms. Barbara J. O’Connor
Ms. Amy Ochsner
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Olan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ourednik
Dr. Kristen Paulus
Mr. George C. Perreault
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Peter
Ms. Marie Peterson
Ms. Sharon Petrik
Ms. Alecia Pettit
Ms. Sue Philbrick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pierpont
Ms. Yvonne Pinkerton
Mrs. Geraldine D. Piper
PNC Wealth Management
Ms. Ronnie Porter
Mr. & Mrs. David Preston
Mr. Al Purmort Jr.
Ms. Cara Radovich
Dr. Anton D. Raff
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Reese
Dr. Par Reid
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Resnick
Mr. & Mrs. Art Riedlinger III
Mr. Glen E. Robertson
Odile L. Robertson Fund of the
Community Foundation of
Sarasota County
Ms. Susan Robinson
Ms. Theresa K. Robinson
Mr. & Ms. David Rogers
Dr. Jerome C. Rosenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Rothenberg
Mr. David Rothgaber
Mr. Brian Rubenstein, Esq.
Mrs. Dini Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Russo
Ms. Charlotte M. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Sacco
Ms. Nancy Sanchez
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Saputo
Ms. Joan W. Sarney
Ms. Daisy M. Saunders
Ms. Marcia Schaberg
Mr. & Ms. Gary A. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. John Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford R. Sears Jr.
Mrs. Catherine S. Sellors
Mrs. Rona Shays
Mr. Bruce Shopoff
* Deceased
Affordable Tree Service of
Sarasota, Inc.
Mrs. Ashanta Albury
Allstate Giving Campaign
Ms. Carolyn A. Ambuter
Mr. & Mrs. John Ames
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Anderson
Rev. & Mrs. Jesse Anderson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Anderson
Ms. Nyoka Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. Roland Anthone
Mr. & Mrs. Bryon Arbeit
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Ardito
Argosy University
Ms. Frances Axelrod
Ms. Sonia S. Azar
Dr. Nancy Baird
Ms. Patricia Balint
Ms. Elaine Barber
Ms. Nicole Barber
Mrs. Allison Barbour
Ms. Betty Barker
Ms. Denise N. Barker
Ms. Paulette Barnes
Ms. Amanda Barron
Ms. Nicole Bartell
Ms. Monica M. Barth
Ms. Margaret Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Isidor Becker
Ms. Patricia Beers
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Beningson
Ms. Mary Berberich
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Berkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Bernstein
Ms. Carolina Betancourt
Mr. & Mrs. Chip Bettle
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Farlow
Ms. Deanna Farnsworth
Mrs. Barbara Farrel
Mr. & Mrs. Mike W. Farrell
Ms. Lynn R. Farrow
Mr. & Mrs. Joel R. Feidelman
Ms. Nilda H. Fernandez
Ms. Bernice A. Ferst
Ms. Priscilla P. Finger
Mr. & Mrs. Hans J. Fischer
Mrs. Esther Fishman
Ms. Alma Fleck
Mr. Ed Folts
Mrs. Lynette Foote
Mr. Elgin Foreman
Mr. & Mrs. Jim P. Fox
Ms. Sue-Ann Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Fraraccio
Fraternal Order of Eagles Ladies
Auxiliary #3482
Mrs. Frances Friedman
Ms. Cathy A. Fuerstnau
Ms. Lois Fuller
Mr. Thomas Gandolfo
Ms. Shirley Garcia
Ms. Mary Ann Gates
Mr. Larry Geimer
Mr. & Mrs. Darwin Gervais
Ms. Ellen Gesell
Ms. Carol Lee Gilbert
Ms. Rose F. Gillet
Ms. Joan Gips
Mrs. & Mr. Cindy J. Given
Miss Paige Goderis
Mr. & Mrs. James Goese
Ms. Elizabeth Goguen
Mrs. Aisa Gonzalez
Mrs. Sondra Kay Goodman
Mr. Harold G. Green
Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Greenspan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Griggs
Mr. Kenny Hodson
& Mrs. Patricia Gualdoni-Hodson
Mr. & Mrs. Nels Gustafson
Ms. Clara E. Gutierrez
Mrs. Brenda Haag
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haft
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Hallock
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hammersley
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Handelman
Ms. Dorothy Handlon
Mr. & Mrs. Max Hannum
Ms. Joyce Hantson
Ms. Florene Harding
Ms. Lovette W. Harper
Ms. Patricia Harper
Ms. Tina Harrell
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Harris
Mr. Thomas Harris
Ms. Wendy Harris
Mrs. Charlotte F. Hase
Ms. Dorothy Hassler
Mr. Kent Hayes
Ms. Elizabeth Haynes
Mr. & Mrs. Joel W. Healy Jr.
Ms. Debra S. Heaton
Mr. & Mrs. George Heiland
Mr. & Mrs. George Heitler
Ms. Melody Henderson
Ms. Virginia M. Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Herrmann
Ms. Polly Holder
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Holdstein
Ms. Elizabeth Holguin
Dr. Stanley Hollander
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Holstein
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Holtzer
Ms. Latonda Horne
Ms. Ventrina Horvat
Mr. Michael Howell
Ms. Fay Huang
Mr. & Ms. Pete Hughes
IBM Corporation - Matching
Grants Program
Ms. Diana Jackson
Mrs. Deborah Jacob
Ms. Francine L. Jacobs
Mrs. Coleen Jacobson
Ms. Hillary Jacobson
& Mr. Paul Rinker
Ms. Donna A. Jaeger
Ms. Christine Jamieson-Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. John Janisse
Ms. Annette Januszczak
Ms. Cynthia Jarrett
Ms. Nicole Jenkins
Mr. Harold Joels
Ms. Roxanne Joffe
Ms. Kellie Johnson
Mrs. Linda Johnson
Mrs. Joanne Jones
Mr. Matthew Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Jones
Ms. Veronica Jones
Ms. Gayle Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jordin
Judy’s Gifts & Jewelry LLC
Ms. Kathrine Justice
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Kabcenell
Ms. Joanna Kalis
Miss Krystina Kamin
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert S. Kanter
Ms. Geraldine Kardosz
Dr. Wendy Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Kaufman
Ms. Malinda Keeton
Ms. Kanani Kekahuna
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kellett
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Kelly
Mr. James Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. W. John Kerwin
Ms. Denise E. Keyes
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kilbey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kimbrough
Ms. Samantha N. Kingsley
Ms. Susan J. Kirstein
Ms. Donna Kmetz
Ms. Nicole Kochis
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Koepnick
Mr. Phil Kreis & Ms. Jane Perin
Ms. Dolores Krinsky
Mrs. D Joy Kuhn
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kulla
Mr. Jason S. Laidlaw
Ms. Julia Lamons
Mrs. & Mrs. Kathy Lane
Mrs. Barb Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Larus
Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian A. Laspina
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Lazaroff
Mrs. Susie Lee
Mr. & Mrs. J R Leep
Ms. Shawnah Lester
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Levin
Ms. Roslyn Levin
Ms. Shirley G. Levine
Mrs. Marcella Levite
Mrs. Susan D. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lichtner
Mr. Jed Lippincott
Carolina Fluid Components LLC
Dr. Barbara J. Lorry
Mr. Brian Love
Mr. Gerrald R. Lublin
Ms. Patricia Luchi
Mrs. Ruth B. Lutwyler
Lutz, Bobo, Telfair, Dunham
& Gabel
Mr. & Mrs. Howard T. Maier
Ms. Susan R. Maier
Mrs. Syraida Maldonado
Ms. Brigid Malecki
Dr. & Mrs. Rick Malkin
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Malo
Ms. Deanna D. Manigo
Mrs. Anita L. Mannings
Ms. Monica Marino
Ms. Ruth Marino
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Markus
Ms. Euzina Martin
Ms. Kathleen Martin
Ms. Sarah Jane Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Mason
Ms. Margaret E. Mason
Mrs. Donna Mateer
Mr. & Mrs. Juergen Matt
Ms. Anita Maultsby
MBJ Group, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike McClain
Mrs. Arlene McClusky
Ms. Pat McConnell
Ms. Nathalie W. McCulloch
Mr. James R. McCullough, Sr.
& Ms. Carol J. Devine
Ms. Diane McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. McGovern III
Mrs. Rhonda Mckenzie
Ms. Priscilla McLoughlin
Ms. Gillian McNeil
Ms. Jan McNutt
Ms. Mary McPhail
Mrs. Louise Melehan
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Menke
Ms. Roleta G. Meredith
Mrs. Brenda Merritt
Ms. Elaine Meyer
Mrs. Celestria Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Michaud
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Milbauer
Ms. Kelly Miller
Ms. Rita Miller
Ms. Doris Mitchell
Dr. & Mrs. David L. Mobley
Sir Dontay Moody
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua D. Moore
Ms. Pamela R. Moore
Ms. Sophelia Moore
Ms. Maria Morcillo
Dr. & Mrs. William Morgan
Ms. Sigrid Moriece
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Morris
Ms. Joan Morton
Mr. Frank Morusiewicz
Ms. Khadija Mouzoune
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Mullen
Ms. Amanda Munch
Ms. Amani Mungo
Ms. Viviana Murphy
Ms. Sheila Murray
Ms. Joy Sica Naylor
Ms. Alice Neaves
Ms. Michelle Nguyen
Ms. Judy Nimz
Ms. Barbara Norman
Ms. GeorgeAnn Nugent
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O’Connor
Mr. Timothy O’Halla
Ms. Sandra O’Hehir
Ms. Mary Lou O’Toole
Mrs. Elaine Olges
Mr. Obinna Onyeagucha
Ms. Jonine Osgood
P.E.O. Chapter CY
Ms. Alice Parfijewicz
Ms. Carmen Parrilla
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pass
Ms. Caryn Patterson
Ms. Susan Patterson
Ms. Viki Pawelczyk
Ms. Kathryn Pearlman
Ms. Rebecca Pendergast
Ms. Sabrina Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Phelan
Ms. Latressa Phelps
Mrs. & Mr. Lisa F. Phifer
Ms. Elizabeth Phillips
Mrs. Janet Phillips
Ms. Emilie Pinho
Piper, Hawkins & Company
Piro & Associates
Ms. & Mr. Virginia Pirro
Mrs. Julie Planck
Ms. Martha Plouffe
Mr. & Mrs. James Powell
Ms. Mary Lou Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Proctor
Mrs. Aurea Michelle Questell
Mr. Gary Quinn
Mr. Samuel S. Quoi
Mr. Lemuel Rahn
Ms. Alice Raikes
Ms. Rebecca Reay
Ms. Paris Reddick
Ms. Katrina Redding
Ms. Bridgette Rees
Ms. Vanessa Reid
Mrs. Nicole Reyes-Telasco
Ms. Connie Reynolds
Ms. LuJean Ricciardi
Ms. Denise Richardson
Riddell Law Group
Dr. Carmen Rivera
Mrs. Jackie Robertson
Ms. Carolyn D. Robinson
Ms. Zulma I. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rollek
Ms. Karen Roper
Mr. & Mrs. Harris E. Rubin
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Rudges
Ms. Sarah Rutkowski
Ms. Rosalind Samedi
Ms. Lillian Sanders
Ms. Priscilla Santana
Sarasota Glass & Mirror, Inc.
Ms. Carmen Sayers
Dr. Charlotte P. Scarbrough
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Schabinger
Ms. Lois Schaper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Schilp
Ms. Melba Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Kent A. Schnese
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schoenholtz
Mr. & Mrs. Friedrich Scholl
Mrs. Stephanie Scott
Mr. & Mrs. James Scully
Mr. Bruce Segal
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Seitman
Mr. & Mrs. Rube Seltzer
Sentry Pest Patrol LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Shapiro
Mr. John Sherlock
Ms. Betsy Shindlebower
Ms. Tam Sicard
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Sideman
Simply Spoiled Boutique
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Sinclair
Ms. Jody Sloan
Mr. Demetrius Smart
Ms. Susan Smith
Taschovia Smith
Mrs. Meka Spencer-Hargrove
Miss Brittney N. Standifer
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Stapley
Starbrite Glass
Mr. & Mrs. Stafford Starcher
Mr. Hank Prince
& Mrs. Donna Starr-Prince
Ms. Megan Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Hal Sterne
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. George Stilwell
Mr. Richard H. Storm
Ms. Judy Stratman
Mr. & Mrs. John Stretten
Mr. & Dr. Robert A. Stuckey
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Styles
Subu Studios, Inc.
Ms. Velvet P. Sumpter
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Sutter
Ms. Christine Sverdlow
Ms. Ina Gay Swain
Mr. Richard Swastek
& Mr. Tim Bisker
Mr. Todd Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Sylvia
Mrs. Julie Szymczak
Ms. Becky Tavares
Ms. Gina E. Taylor
Ms. Shelagh Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Tebrugge
Ms. Roselle Tekiner
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Telinger
Tempo News Inc.
Ms. Nancy Thomas
Mrs. Patrice Thomas
Mrs. Debra Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Fremont Thompson
Ms. Christa Thurber
Ms. Barbara Tierney
Mr. Brian Timmons
Ms. Candace Tipton
Ms. JoAnn Tomer
Ms. Loyal Toohig
Ms. Tina Topolino
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Toth
Treescapes Nursery and
Landscaping, Inc.
Ms. Leigh Ann Trindle
Mrs. Bonnie Truesdale
Ms. Mary Ann Turner
Mr. Gerald S. Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Vafeas
Mr. & Mrs. W. Donald Vance
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Vandroff
Ms. Pauline N. Vargo
Ms. Concetta Vermette
Mr. Ken Visser
Ms. Mallory Vorse
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Vukovich
Ms. Dianne P. Waage
Ms. Allison Walker
Ms. June Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Warasila
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ward
Ms. Patricia Ward
Ms. Janet K. Warfield
Mr. & Mrs. John Warner
Dr. Philip Warren
Ms. Barbara N. Watson
Mr. Larry Wayne
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Weiller III
Ms. Missy Weishaar
Ms. Susan Wensel
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Westhoff
Mrs. Diana Westmark
Ms. Alicia Z. Wheeler
Ms. Heather Whelan
Ms. Nancy White
Mrs. Pauline C. White
Mr. Stanley White
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Wildermuth
Ms. Carla Williams
Mr. Jesse L. Williams
Ms. Victoria Williams
Mrs. Erin Wills
Mrs. Constance A. Wilson
Ms. Katressa Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymon Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Winemiller
Ms. Judy Winslow
Ms. Elizabeth Winston
Ms. Katarzyna Wojdyla
Mrs. Marcy Wolf
Ms. Judy Wolff
Ms. Wai Yee Wong
Mr. Robert G. Worthy
Ms. Dorothy E. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory C. Yadley
Mr. Kurt H. Yahn, Esq.
Ms. Alice Zeilman
Ms. Joyce Zerbe
Community Facility
Partners-In Kind
Catholic Charities, Diocese of
Venice, Inc.
City of Sarasota
First Presbyterian Church
Sarasota Housing Authority
The School Board of Sarasota
County Florida
Suncoast Charities for Children
* Deceased
Children First program sites are at full enrollment, serving families who
meet the eligibility requirements for Head Start and other programs.
Eligibility is based on families living below the federal poverty level
or other guidelines which are based on income and family size. Each
family is then prioritized for enrollment based on individual needs.
Children First’s 2012–13 School Readiness Goals align with the Head
Start Child Development and Early Learning Framework, Florida’s Early
Learning and Developmental Standards, and the Creative Curriculum
GOLD assessment system’s Objectives for Development and Learning.
100% 100%
96.5% meet
or exceed
93% meet
or exceed
92% meet
or exceed
95% meet
or exceed
94% meet
or exceed
93% meet
or exceed
87% meet
or exceed
90% meet
or exceed
Based on end-of-year assessments
Year Ended December 31, 2012
Federal grant revenue
Contract revenue
Contributions & other
United Way allocations
Program fees
In-kind contributions
Special Events - net of direct expenses
Interest & investment income
Net assets released from restrictions:
Expiration of time/use restrictions
Total revenues, gains & other support
$5,197,392 1,196,507 926,132 117,543 124,166 638,843 190,990
1,755 -
9,000 120,288 -
17,627 -
698 5,197,392
8,525,451 ($132,041)
18,243 8,540,941
Head Start
2,824,289 -
Early Head Start
2,866,634 -
Early Childhood Education
1,340,360 -
Families First Initiative
87,456 -
Resricted Grants
500,291 -
Management & general
742,726 -
349,662 -
Total expenses
8,711,418 -
Change in net assets before other changes
18,243 Other Changes
Loss disposal of assets
Change in net assets
18,243 Net assets at beginning of year
4,418,927 136,601 6,034 Net assets at end of year
133,848 24,277 Change in net assets of ($170,477) includes non-cash expense depreciation in the amount of $223,203.
Data from 2012 Independent Financial Audit.
Contract Revenue
Contributions + Other
United Way
Program Fees
Special Events (net)
Beverly Hills Dog
Ms. Marilyn Bezner
Mr. & Mrs. Federick Bingham
Mrs. Madeline Biscula
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Blohm
Ms. Barbara W. Blumfield
Ms. Kathleen Boccagna
Ms. Sandra Boccagna
Mr. William J. Bolling
Ms. Connie Borwick
Mrs. Julie Bouck
Mr. & Mrs. Keith L. Bowman
Ms. Gail S. Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest V. Brandt
Mr. Mark Briefman
Mrs. Joyce Broaddrick
Ms. Amy Brown
Ms. Judy Brown
Mrs. Monique Brown
Ms. Valerie Brunger
Ms. Maria P. Buitrago
Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Burda
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Burdick
Ms. Ianta Burks
Ms. Cassandra Byrd
Ms. Debbie Campbell
Mrs. Nikki Campbell
Ms. Joan Campo
Mrs. Weta W. Cannon
Ms. Wheet C. Canty
Mr. George A. Carpenter
Ms. Kellene Carpenter
Ms. Emily Carr-Osborn
Ms. Roxanne Carrier
Ms. Cynthia Cascio
Ms. Lois A. Casey
Ms. Nancy Cason
Ms. Colleen Cassidy-Berns
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cassin
Ms. Guadalupe Castaneda
Mrs. Alida Cavaluzzi
Ms. Maria Cedeno
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Chalmers Jr.
Ms. Darla A. Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan D. Chapdelain
Mr. Dante Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Chase
Ms. Barbara D. Cherry
Mrs. Brooke Chiappelli
Mrs. Georgina Clamage
Ms. Elizabeth Clark
Mr. Chris Cliff
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Clifford
Coffrin Diamond Jewelers
Ms. Elisa Cohen
Ms. Bette L. Cohn
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Collins
Ms. Angie Comer
Mr. Frank Coniglio
Ms. Vicki Connell
Ms. Stacey Copeland
Mr. & Mrs. David Cornick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Couchot
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cox
Ms. Danielle N. Cramblitt
Ms. Sandra Crenshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Crohn
Ms. Keely Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Crowell
Ms. Karey Crozier
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Crutcher
Mr. & The Honorable August Curley
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Dahl
Mrs. Patricia Dannolfo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Davenport
Ms. S. Elizabeth Davis
& Ms. Elaine Schneiderman
Mr. Alun Deal
Mr. & Mrs. Brian DeFerrari
Deighton Financial Sevices LLC
Ms. Natacha Delince
Ms. Saran DeVaughn
Mr. & Mrs. Nick DeVito
Ms. A. Di Michele
Diana E. Kelly, Inc.
Ms. Andrea DiBello
Ms. Janvette Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. James DiDonato
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Dignam
Mr. Peter Dimarcello
Ms. Julie DiPietrantonio
Mr. James R. Dirmann
Mr. & Mrs. Juergen E. Dirrigl
Ms. Kelly Discola
Ms. Tracy Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dozier
Ms. Kathleen Dubro
Mr. & Mrs. Dunham
Ms. Darlene Edwards
Ms. Patti Eisemann
Drs. & Dr. Alvar Elbing
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Elder
Ms. Mary Elmendorf
Mrs. Ruth Entrekin
Ms. Barbara S. Etsell
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Etter
Mrs. Barbara M. Everhart
Ms. Shon A. Ewens
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fairlie
Ms. Gladys W. Faison
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Shroder
Ms. Maureen Simpson
Mrs. Lori Sloane
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Smith
Ms. Linda Smith
Ms. Natalie J. Smith
Mr. Makoto Sonoda
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Steinberg
Stenten’s Golf Cart Accessories, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Stringer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Sullivan
Suncoast Alumnae Chapter of the
Delta Zeta Sorority
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis R. Swenson
Mr. John Swenson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Switlyk
Mr. Henry P. Trawick Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Tryon
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Tyrrell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Van Den Broek
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Van Winkle
Mr. James Vaughn
Ms. Sonja Veal
Ms. Sheryl Vieira
Mr. & Mrs. Ulrich Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Webel
Wells Fargo Advisors
Ms. Sonja Wieder
Ms. Diana Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Williams
Willis Smith Construction
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Bob W. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Winans, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wishnie
Mrs. Judy Wojanis
Mrs. Elaine Woodburn
Mr. Mark Wunschel
Fund Raising
Meet Reese.
Look up “bundle of
energy” in the dictionary
and you’re likely to find
a picture of Reese. An
organizational expert, he
is always buzzing around
the classroom helping set
tables, making sure the
lunch cart is ready to go,
and assisting his teacher
with anything that
needs doing.
Since starting Children
First at age 2, Reese has
blossomed into quite the
young learner as well.
An avid fan of Spider
Man, he loves story time
and writing. He says
math is not so
bad either.
1723 N. Orange Ave
Sarasota, FL 34234
Flip Flops & Fashion
Friday, November 1, 2013
11:30 am—1:00 pm
Sharky’s on the Pier
Rockin’ Lobster
Lobster Boil and Beach Party
Saturday, November 2, 2013
6:30 pm
Sharky’s on the Pier
This report was created with the support of Alex Stafford Photography, Artefact Design, Inc., and Spotlight Graphics.
Painting with a Twist
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Painting with a Twist
Fairytale Ball
Annual Gala Celebration
Saturday, April 26, 2014
6:30 pm
Michael’s on East