Operation: Blind Fury 10


Operation: Blind Fury 10
Operation: Blind Fury 10
Official Player Kit, V1.0
Event Introduction
Chapter 1: Event details
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 -
AO sanitation
BDU & Gear (Battle Dress Uniform)
Check-in & Chronograph
Communication channels and equipment
Driving direction
Event End
Event style details
Field details (Staging structure)
Field History
Items to bring
Personal safety equipment
Physical and mental requirements
Real emergency and accidents
Chapter 2: Rules
2.1 - Ammo (Ammunitions)
2.2 - Communication interception
2.3 - FPS allowed (gun power expressed in Feet Per Second)
2.4 - Hit details
2.5 - Item and Players capture
2.6 - Weapon effects.
2.7 - Magazine types and reloads
2.8 - MED (Minimum Engagement Distance)
2.9 - Semi, burst and Full auto restrictions.
2.10 - Vehicle
2.11 - Medic Rules (including respawn)
2.12 - Players conduct and attitude
2.13 - Players conflict in the AO
2.14 - Surrender, Freeze and Bangbangs
2.15 - Blind Firing and Point Blank shooting
2.16 - Buildings
Chapter 3: Roles
3.0- Role limitation
3.1- Rifleman
3.2- Support Gunner (SG)
3.3- Designated Marksman (DM)
3.4- Grenadier (HW)
3.5- Medic
3.6- Squad Leader
3.7- Recon
3.8- Pararescue Jumper (PJ)
3.9- Sniper
3.10- Contractor (PMC)
3.11- Mercenary
3.12- Combat Photographer
3.13- Radio Operator (RTO)
3.14- Combat Engineer
3.15- Commander (CO)
3.16- Executive Officer (XO)
3.17- Civilian
3.18- Militia man
3.19- Staff
3.20- Driver(s)
3.21- NCO
Chapter 4: Weaponry
4.0 - Classic AEG (Automatic Electric Gun)
4.1 - Advanced Training weapons (PTW, CTW, etc)
4.2 - Gas rifle (Polarstar, KWA, etc)
4.3 - Bolt Action.
4.4 - Claymores.
4.5 - GBB (Gas Blow Back)
4.6 - Grenades
4.7 - Knifes, bayonets and other blades
4.8 - Landmines
4.9 - Rockets/Grenade Launchers
4.10 - Semi Auto AEG
4.11 - Support Weapons
4.12 - Smoke Devices
Chapter 5: Team specific mission details (To be supplied in separate Mission Pack)
5.1 - Field SITREP (known waypoints, FOB, etc)
5.2 - Specific team deployment
5.3 - Missions rules
5.4 - Points acquisition/deduction
5.5 - Team props specific details
5.6 - Missions details
5.7 - Building detail
Welcome aboard,
I would first like to say thank you for joining us. Throughout the years, the series went from a small battle to a
full battalion war. Many players joined the series. The field went from a basic wood game to full environment
combat zone including woodland, hills, villages and even towns. Regardless if you are joining us for the first
time or you have played one or more events in the series, you will have no problem to fit in.
First of all, let me offer you one very important piece of advice: This is a MilSim (Military Simulation) style
event and Chain-of-Command is critical. Listen to your leaders and follow their directives. Team unity will
make a HUGE difference in the field. As an organizer, my only function is to provide you with the location,
props and scenarios. Mission failure or success will depend on YOU. Work together and this event will be
enjoyable and memorable.
The document you are reading is the official, fully detailed, Player Kit. Although it might look very
intimidating, it is basically what you’ve already read on www.airsoftevents.com except that it includes more
details on each topics.
Complementing this Player Kit, you also have team forums on www.airsoftevents.com . These forums are
available to all registered event players and proper access is required. I understand that some of you would
prefer to not register on another forum, but the event specific information and discussions therein are invaluable
to team planning. If your team decides to create its own forum somewhere else, it is still your responsibility to
be aware of information disseminated in the official event forums.
I have made every effort to provide you with all the information you will need to participate in this event. Come
prepared and if something STILL doesn’t make sense, please feel free to contact me for further clarification.
Good luck to all of you and may the best team win!
Francois “Blade” Crepeau
Organizer of OP. Blind Fury 10
Springfield, Ohio 2013
Chapter 1: Event details
1.1 AO Sanitation
The Springfield Ohio field is graciously provided by Mr. Bud Hilliard, owner of several businesses in the area.
Mr. Hilliard allows several other recreational activities to be held on his land and we, as a self disciplined
airsoft community, need to constantly remind him of how much we appreciate his support. One easy way of
doing this is to maintain a clean and safe environment. All players are responsible for their own conduct toward
the environment. Pick up your trash, respect Mr. Hilliard’s personal property on site and don’t harass the
farm animals. An AO (Area of Operation) like this is VERY difficult to find and your cooperation will ensure
further good relations with the owner.
Springfield will have Porto-potty and trash cans available on site. We require all players to do their “business”
in the Porto potty and bring their own toilet paper….just in case of emergency. I think we are all old enough to
know how to get it done, right? While it is just porto-potties, it would be nice to keep them clean all day long.
No electricity or running water is available on site! Be prepared with car chargers and fresh water.
Players will be allowed to use soap but please leave any other cleaning agents at home. Oil, window cleaner,
grease, bleaching water, antifreeze and gasoline should not be spilled in the field. These chemicals are toxic to
the farm animals. We EXPECT all players to pick up their bottles, bags, boxes or any other trash from within
the AO and staging areas. You can accumulate all trash in a specific area of your FOB (Forward Operating
Base) but it would be appreciated if by the end of the day, players would help bring their trash back at the
staging area for a single trash pick up. Please leave the field cleaner than it was when we arrived.
1.2 BDU (Battle Dress Uniform) and Gear
As you noticed on the event website, each team is assigned their own BDU colors. We do believe in friendly
fire incidents and Identification requirements; We offered as many BDU colors as possible, while keeping the
team color division as easy as possible.
Kriegers Manibians is the Green team. No Mix&Match allowed.
BDU patterns are: Woodland, Marpat, DPM, Vietnam Tigerstripe, Subdued Tigerstripe, Atacs FG,
Woodland Marpat
Subdued A-Tacs FG
Tropicos is the TAN team. No Mix&Match allowed.
BDU patterns are: ACU, DCU (3 and 6 colors), Desert Marpat,Multicam, Desert Cadpat, A-Tacs, ABU
3 Colors
CADPAT 6 Colors
JTF2, NKSOF, SAS and KSK teams. Uniform colors will be Cadpat, tan bottom/black top, Desert
Tigerstripe or Desert DPM and Flektarn in this order. No other solid colors allowed for the uniforms. No
other Mix&Match allowed.
Any other clothes will be considered "civilians" for the exception of RED Shirt, which is reserved for
the staff.
Headgear does not have to match your assigned team colors.
Tactical gear does not have to match the BDU colors as long as the vest does not cover your BDU pattern
beyond recognition.
Ghillie suits are authorized. Players must have the team affiliation color underneath. Example; a sniper playing
for the green team shall wear a green based Top or a green based pant under the ghillie.
You can carry as much gear as you want. Please make sure to mark all of your equipment. Marked items are
much more likely to be returned to proper owner(s) if they end up Lost/Found.
Players caught stealing another person’s property will be dealt with extreme prejudice. Consequences
range from immediate field expulsion to law enforcement involvement.
1.3 Check-in & Chronograph procedure
The field owner will strictly regulate access through the check-in gate. All players MUST stop and check in
with the field owner and a member of the staff before entering the staging area. This is a closed event. If your
name does not appear on the official roster, you will NOT be allowed on the premises. No visitors and
spectators allowed.
Upon your arrival, you will stopped by a first guard. He will then make sure you
got you paperwork in order. Please make sure both waivers are filled prior to your
arrival (see appendix 7 for waivers).
You will then drive to the 2nd gate where you will be stopped by our security
unit. They will take your waivers and direct you toward your staging location. At
that point, do not waste time and park with your team. See Appendix #3 for the
staging area map.
Chrono procedure
After parking your vehicle, take your weapons (battery included), one loaded magazine per weapon and go
to the chrono station. Upon arrival to the chrono booth, your magazine will be top off with 0.20g bbs and
few rounds will be shot thru the chrono. EACH guns must follow the FPS limitation. Failing to meet the
requirement will disqualify your weapon for play until you modify and re-chrono that said weapon. See also
chapter 2.3.
As soon as your weapon(s) is(are) chronographed and approved, your
weapon FPS will be recorded in the book and you will get stamped. You
will also receive your raffle ticket and event patches.
BE READY to be spot-checked (for FPS) during play.
1.4 Communication Channels and Equipment
Springfield is known to create communication issues due to its size and terrain. We strongly recommend
players to use good quality radios as they generally give a better signal. Be prepared to “relay” messages across
the field.
Each team has dedicated channels for their FRS radios. Unless specified by the mission, frequency monitoring
will not be allowed or tolerated. Any player caught monitoring other channels will be expelled and a warning
given to his affiliated team. Teams are responsible for their own radio traffic. Keep communication brief and
to the point.
FRS Channel #2 – Tier 1 teams
FRS Channel #3 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
FRS Channel #4 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
FRS Channel #5 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
FRS Channel #6 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
FRS Channel #7 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
FRS Channel #8 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
GMRS Channel #15 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
GMRS Channel #16 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
GMRS Channel #17 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
GMRS Channel #18 – Kriegers/Manibia Forces
FRS Channel #9 – Tropicos Forces
FRS Channel #10 – Tropicos Forces
FRS Channel #11 – Tropicos Forces
FRS Channel #12 – Tropicos Forces
FRS Channel #13 – Tropicos Forces
FRS Channel #14 – Tropicos Forces
GMRS Channel #19 – Tropicos Forces
GMRS Channel #20 – Tropicos Forces
GMRS Channel #21 – Tropicos Forces
GMRS Channel #22 – Tropicos Forces
1.5 Driving direction
The links below are the general driving directions. Players should easily find the field with these links. If not,
www.yahoo.com has a good map feature. You just need to select the “driving selection” tab and enter both your
starting point and the field address (4624 Dayton Springfield RD, Springfield, OH, 45502)
From East of Springfield (from Columbus )
From West of Springfield (from Indiana ) :
From North of Springfield (from Cleveland ):
From South of Springfield (from Cincinnati ):
You can also refer to Appendix #15 for an overview of the field location.
1.6 Event End (Endex)
The battle is scheduled to finish at 1700 on Saturday. The raffle will take place at 1730, late enough for the
players to come back at the staging area and start cleaning their parking/staging spots. If the weather gets in the
way, the raffle will remains 30min after the endex time or no later than 1800 (6pm). Such schedule change will
be called by the staff/organizers.
1.7 Event style details
This event is based around a Milsim (Military Simulation) system. We all know that many players/organizations
hold different views on what should be considered Milsim. We wanted to offer something that was both
enjoyable but also stricter than standard events. This event will focus more on accomplishing mission objectives
than on how many kills you will get on your kill-card during the day.
Our Milsim events use a Chain-of -Command, which MUST be respected by all players. We also use mission
oriented scoring, limited magazine capacities, a medic system, non-stop game play and last but not least, the
honor system.
1.8 Field details (staging area structure)
The staging areahas been divided by sectors. Each team will get their own sector for both camping and parking
(left after gate #2). Food and vendor concessions will be on your right after the gate #2.
Please follow the staff direction.
1.9 Field History
Hidden Ranch field consists of 250 acres of wood, hills, open fields, creeks and trails. It is almost 1 mile long
and ½ mile wide in some areas. This event will utilize most of the acreage. The field is mainly used for ATVs
and few years ago, paintball. Since its introduction to airsoft in 2003, Springfield has been the theater of many
battles, usually drawing in 30 to 210 players. There are many natural places to hide, ambush and take cover.
This field is known to be physically demanding. In 2007, wooden structures began popping up to enhance game
play. Since then, more than 30 building have been added including a 84x32 shoothouse, a 60x120 cafeteria as
well as multi-floors buildings. Springfield is the “home field” of Team STRIKERS.
1.10 Items to bring.
While we can’t force you to bring anything beside the mandatory items, we can strongly recommend a list of
items that you will need on and off the field;
Proper BDU (mandatory).
Approved goggles ANSI Z87.3 with strap and full sealed (Mandatory).
Spare goggle lens.
Anti-Fog products.
Combat or hiking boots.
Spare clothes and shoes.
Flashlight (for evening and campers).
Red Glowstick (for night game)
2 red rag (one spare).
A map of the field.
Sleeping gear (for those camping)
2 to 5 gallons of water.
AEG Battery charger (need to be useable on car).
Signed waiver. See appendix #7
1.11 Personal safety equipment.
Organizers will monitor all players throughout the day and we expect each player to police themselves as well
as their teammates. As with every other Springfield event, only ANSI 87.3 rated goggles will be allowed in
the field. Goggles also have to be full sealed and retained by a strap. NO MESH GOGGLES ALLOWED.
Few examples of allowed goggles.
Few examples of not allowed goggles.
It is recommended to use a full face mask, but it is not mandatory. Teeth protection (i.e. mouth guard) is also a
good item to carry around. Combat or hiking boots are recommended as well. This is MilSim, No running
shoes! We also recommend that players wear long sleeve tops and full pants to avoid scratches, bruises, bug
bites and poison ivy. Knee pads are a must.
1.12 Physical and mental requirements.
Many of you have played at Springfield before and you already know the type of field you are getting into. I
planned the event so you shall be physically and mentally exhausted by the time the event ends. Obviously,
some players will handle it better than others. For those not in good physical shape, stretch before your
deployment. It will save you some pain later on. Estimate your loadout properly. Being too heavy will not help
you and will be your downfall during the afternoon. Some objectives will be in the sun most part of the day.
Make sure to hydrate and take some time in the shade.
Water will save your day. Water supplies are now mandatory at the field. Failure to bring enough water will
most likely get you carried off the event with heat exhaustion. Taking short breaks will help. A food concession
will be available on site if you ever need to get more supply.
This event is using a Chain-of-Command system. It might involve high rank officers or simply squad leaders. In
all cases, you, the player, have to follow the orders. Failure to do so will probably make you regret being there.
The Chain-of-Command is usually selected from veteran/trusted players and it’s up to you to follow their
commands whether they are right or wrong. If you disagree with command decisions, sign up to take their place
next year and MAYBE you’ll do better.
If you want to play on your own, you will most likely end up wondering what the heck the event was all about.
So stay focused, follow the plans (if any) and you should know what/why things happened the way they did
during the event.
1.13 Raffle.
Since the beginning of the Blind Fury series, we have been trying to keep the raffle to the minimum. The whole
reason behind it is to keep the players focus on the event experience rather than what they could win. In 2013,
due to the great support of several sponsors (See 1.15), we are coming back with a raffle.
1.14 Real emergencies and accidents.
Local authorities are aware of this event and Para medics will be on alert for us. We will also have first-aid kit
and medical equipment on hand. A few attending players also have the training to assist if needed. Please take
the time to inform your relatives of what you will be doing and where you will be during the weekend.
Consequently, the FRS channel #1 is available for all real life emergencies.
1.15 Sponsors.
We would like to take few seconds and say a big thank you to all our sponsors 2013.; Airsoftsmith and Zshot
from Ohio just to name a few. Not only did they step up big time for us this year but they also showed a true
interest into our airsoft community. Please take few minutes of your time to visit the links below and don't be
shy to support them as much as they support us.
Our 2013 sponsors:
1.16 Schedule.
Since this is a large event, it is crucial to follow a strict schedule. The starting time is sharp! If you are late,
your team will start without you. Please get everything done in a timely manner.
Friday, August 23rd
1700 - 2100 Registration (Chrono, waivers, etc)
2045 - 2100 Safety briefing for night game operations
2100 - 0000 Night operation
Gate close
Restaurant 1700 - 2100
Included in price. Available until 2300
Saturday, August 24th
Gate opening
0700 - 1000 Registration (Chrono, waivers, etc)
0830 - 0845 Briefings
0845 - 0900 Deployment
0900 - 1700 Game On
Game Over
Final Speech and Raffle.
Restaurant 1200 - 2000
Available for an extra $5/camper (to be paid at the food concession).
1.17 Storyline.
Almost a year since the Manibia skirmishes with the Tropicos derailed and ended up in the UN assembly room.
While it started as just another border's trespassing incident, it quickly became evident that what was happening
was much more complicated than it seemed.
Looking 10 years back, Manibia was considered a neutral and
isolated country, Having borders with Kreigers on the north and
the Karakoram mountains on the south-east. When the situation
degenerated between the Kreigers and the Tropicos, Manibia
stayed out of the conflict while keeping their borders effectively
secured against refugees or the contraband for the duration of the
war. Then, the Kreigers successfully pushed the Tropicos out of
their land, inadvertently putting Manibia's land in the crosshairs.
Weakened by years of wars, the Tropicos did not represent a threat
and the Kreigers were not given the authorization by the manibian authorities to cross the borders for a final
Despite the pressure from the UN and other countries, the manibian government refused any outsider
involvement, alleging that the Tropicos issue would get resolved by the border security, thinking that the threat
was insignificant and they would take care of the rebels in no time. Kreigers, through diplomatic action, argued
that the Tropicos were worse than the plague and harsher actions were required to get rid of the long lasting
rebel group. Manibian military command snubbed the Kreigers affirmations and remained stubborn on their
plan of action. It was a year ago today.
As you could expect, nothing went as planned and when it became obvious the Manibian forces could not
contained the attack, countries dealing with the Manibians started getting worried for their own interests.
Anonymous sources would confirm that some countries already decided to take their own actions despite the
Manibia's standing. Kreigers already moved their troops and material on the border. Officials are expecting
airstrikes and night operations against the Tropicos positions. Wikileaks would also suggest that some special
forces teams would already be operating in the country.
The reason why such top operators are involved would prove that priorities are way beyond a little border
conflict. It is still unclear on who is pulling the rope in the conflict and who has the most to lose but the frenzy
is becoming more palpable each day.
1.18 Waivers.
While having to fill a waiver before showing up will barely take 5min of your time, having to fill 400 of them at
the gate will take forever. So to keep things going swiftly and efficiently, please make sure to have your waiver
filled PROPERLY and CLEARLY before you get to the gate. If you don't have access to a printer, ask for help
NOW, not the evening before the event. If you need your waiver notarized, do it NOW, not the evening before
the event.
NOTE: To speed things up, we strongly recommend all players to bring fresh new waivers for this event. If you
don't mind slowing down the whole registration process and you already gave your waivers this year, you do
not need to bring another one. Waiver can be found at Appendix #7
Chapter 2: Rules.
2.1 Ammo. (Ammunition)
There will be no ammo restrictions for this event. Players can bring as much ammunition as they want into the
AO (area of operation) as long as it is carried in legal containers such as low/reg/mid capacity magazine, bags,
boxes, crates, etc.
Drum/Cmag/box/electric magazines or any other type of high capacity magazines cannot be used as BB
WARNING: No metal or graphite BBs allowed in the field. We encourage players to use BIO bbs.
2.2 Communication interception. (radio scanning)
Frequency scanning is not allowed unless specified in the mission details. Organizers and key players will have
scanning capabilities and will make sure there is no infraction on this subject. Players caught scanning
frequencies will be expelled from the field and a warning will be given to their affiliated team. A second offense
on the same affiliated team will expel both player and affiliated team off the field.
2.3 FPS/Joules Allowed. (Feet Per Second a gun can shoot)
All weapons have to follow specific power limitations. These are ABSOLUTE LIMITS, which means NO
overages will be allowed. All FPS(Joule) below are calculated using 0.20g bbs. Along the registration chrono
step, In-field spot check will be performed throughout the event.
- Handguns needs to shoot below 400fps (1.48 joule).
- SMG needs to shoot below 400fps (1.48 joule).
- AEG/GBB rifle (full auto capable) needs to shoot below 400fps (1.48 joule).
- AEG/GBB rifle (semi only, full auto permanently disabled) needs to shoot below 450fps (1.88 joule).* **
- Support Weapon needs to shoot below 400fps (1.48 joule).*
- Grenade Launcher (bb grenades) needs to shoot below 400fps (1.48 joule).
- Sniper Rifles (Bolt Actions) needs to shoot below 600fps (3.3 joule).* **
* Only players 18 years and older are allowed to handle weapons with FPS higher than 400fps
** All weapons over 400FPS will be STRICTLY monitored in the field for MED.
2.4 Hit rules
To avoid any confusion, every hits except a gun-in-hand hit will count. This means that every BB hitting
bags, hats, rags, shemaghs, boots, etc will count as “hit”. Any holstered or slung weapons will count as a hit.
Friendly fire counts. As soon as hit, please follow the medic rule (section 2.11).
2.5 Item and players capture
How to capture an item (must be within 3ft)
- Other players personal belonging cannot be captured. DO NOT TOUCH them unless found in an
unusual location (i.e. a lost magazine in the wood, etc).
- To get a capturable item from a player, you must tell him “I am searching you”.
- If a player has no item to be captured, he will tell you “I have nothing to capture”...or similar response.
- If you ask and a player has an item to capture, he will give it to you without conditions.
- Dead players can hold on to captured items until someone comes to claim it or they give it to their squad
Who can be captured
- Every players can potentially be captured. You will find out if you ask.
How to capture a player (must be within 3ft)
- To capture a player, you must tell him “I am capturing you”.
- If a player can’t be captured, he will tell you.
- You can tell a player that you “disarm, handcuff and gag” him.
- If you don't "disarm" him, he can always shoot you back later.
- A disarmed player must remove all magazines from his weapons and sling/holster it/them.
- In the sake of the event spirit, any prisoner receiving an order must comply and not try to use loopholes.
Example: If a player is getting disarmed, he can’t hide any type of weapons, bomb, knife, etc.
- Wounded prisoners will bleed out (except during an escape – see below).
- The player can be captured for a maximum of 15min.
- You can’t escort more than 3 prisoners per soldier.
Rescuing prisoner and taking items back
- You must be within 3ft of a prisoner to free him.
- As soon as freed, the prisoner must "re-acquire” his weapons by touching another dead/live player.
- You can take any captured items from dead players.
- Wounded rescued prisoners will bleed out if not healed**(except during an escape – see below).
Prisoner escape
- A prisoner can try to escape.
- If a prisoner escape and succeed, he must "re-acquire” his weapons by touching another dead/live
- If a prisoner fails to escape (get shot), he is automatically captured for 30min. No chance to escape
again. Medic rules doesn't apply.
- If you shoot a prisoner without an escape attempt, he automatically dies and goes directly to his respawn
point. No need for medical assistance or bleed out time.
** Unless specified in a mission, medic rules apply to all prisoners. If you fail to heal a wounded
prisoner, he dies after his bleeding time and you lose him.
2.6 Weapon effects
When hit by or within killing radius, the weapons below will:
Instant death.
- Bolt Action
Instant death.
- Springer
Instant death.
- Gas blowback
Instant death.
- None blowback
- Claymore(all type)
- bb grenade
- foam grenade
- rocket (vehicle 1st hit)
- rocket (vehicle 2nd hit)
- rocket (ground hit)
- rocket (inside building)
- ThunderB
- Tornado grenades
- Landmine(all type)
- Air Strike
Instant death.
Instant death upon bb hit.
Instant death upon bb hit.
Distraction device.
vehicle disabled. Passengers still alive. arm length bystanders are dead.
vehicle destroyed. Passengers all dead. arm length bystanders are dead.
Instant death within 15ft radius.
Kill all players in that room.
Distraction device unless loaded with bbs, which is Instant death upon bb hit.
Instant death upon bb hit.
Instant death upon bb hit.
Instant death (called by field official). Can’t be healed by medic, must go to
- Artillery (propane cannon) Distraction device.
- Mortar
See rocket effects above.
- SAM missile
Instant death (called by field official). Can’t be healed by medic, must go to
Notice: death refers to the player calling himself out. Unless specified in the mission, the medic rules apply.
2.7 Magazine types and reloads.
Magazine restrictions are in place:
- ONLY Low/Reg/Mid capacity magazines are authorized. These magazines are defined as any nonwinding magazine with a BB capacity of less than 160 rounds.
- ONLY support weapons will be allowed to use any and all type of magazine, including but not limiting
to Cmag, Drum mags, High capacity, etc.
Note: Random magazine checks will be done throughout the event by field officials. illegal magazines will be
confiscated and returned to owner at the end of the event, if properly marked.
2.8 MED (Minimum Engagement Distance)
- All guns below 400fps guns have 0ft engagement distance*.
- 401 450 FPS guns have 50ft engagement distance.
- 451 500 FPS guns have 100ft engagement distance.
- 501 600 FPS guns have 150ft engagement distance.
- Rocket Launchers (nerf) have 25ft minimum engagement distance (using HPA/Green/TOP/Propane gas).
- Rocket Launchers (nerf) have 50ft minimum engagement distance (using CO2 gas).
- Rocket Launchers (BB grenades) have no MED* (using Green/TOP/Propane gas).
* We strongly warn players not to abuse this rule. Use common sense. Offer a “BangBang” if applicable
at extreme close range. Do NOT aim at the head at close range.
2.9 Semi, Burst and full auto restrictions.
- Full auto is not allowed within 10ft of a wall (i.e. barricade, buildings, fences, etc).
- Semi is the only mode allowed inside the buildings.
- All modes can be used in the open/wooden areas.
2.10 Vehicles
Every vehicle owner planning to use their vehicle at the event must get it approved by the event organizer. It
can be done via email or at the field. Pre-approved vehicles reduce the risk of vehicle non-approval and we
strongly recommend it.
As we can't predict the field conditions before the day of the event, we can't guarantee that any and all vehicles
will get the permission to go into the field when the event start. Technically speaking, it just means that we
unfortunately can't promise you that your hard work and your trip with said vehicle will be worth it. We will do
our best though.
For a vehicle to be approved, you will need to:
• Provide proof of insurance if applicable.
• Provide vehicle specification such as size and weight.
• Make sure the vehicle can go between 0mph and 10mph.
• Make sure it is in working condition and not an environmental hazard (i.e. oil leaks, etc)
• Intent of the vehicle (i.e. transport, recon, support, etc)
• Photos of the vehicle (view examples below)
Examples of vehicles.
Safety rules
1. Players WILL NOT shoot directly at vehicles with anything other than approved rocket launchers.
SMALL ARMS (AEG) can't affect the vehicles.
2. Players shall not approach within arm length of any vehicles until recognized by driver. Abuse of this
rule will result into an automatic "dead" status for the player coming too close.
3. Players shall give vehicles Right-of-Way regardless of player tactical position.
4. All vehicles must obey defined speed limits as determined by field owner.
5. All vehicles must be gasoline or electric powered. No foot powered cardboard box vehicles.
6. Vehicle shall not go faster than 5mph in trails and 10mph in open field.
Flag rules
1. Each vehicle must have a team affiliation (Green or Tan).The flag size must be 2'x2' and should be in
plain sight regardless of the vehicle status (disable/destroyed/active)
2. Vehicles must display either a yellow or red 2'x2' flag when disabled/destroyed. See
disabling/destroying rules below.
Vehicle can be disabled by shooting one nerf rocket on the vehicle. All players on board are still alive and can
still shoot, be fired upon and killed. The Disabling period is 5min. If the vehicle doesn't get hit again within
5min, it is then considered repaired and can start moving again. If a Combat engineer touch the vehicle for more
than 60sec with both hands, the vehicle is also considered repaired regardless of the 5min period.
Disabled vehicle will have to raise their 2'x2' yellow flag during the disabled period.
Vehicle can be destroyed by shooting a 2nd nerf rocket on the disabled vehicle within 5min of the first rocket
hit. As soon as hit for the 2nd time, everybody inside or within arm length of the vehicle are considered dead.
Medic rules do not apply. All dead players must pull their red rag out and walk to respawn. The destroyed
vehicle must also display a red rag. The destroyed vehicle must stay on site for 10min and then can go back to
the respawn location. Combat Engineer can't repair a destroyed vehicle. As soon as the vehicle arrives at the
location, he is automatically considered repaired and ready to play.
Destroyed vehicle will have to raise their 2'x2' red flag from the time they are officially destroyed to the time
they get back into the battle (after going to the respawn location).
- Drivers are immune to gun/rocket shots as long as they stay in their vehicles. A driver can't shoot* at players
unless out of the vehicle. If a driver gets out and gets shot, he is then considered dead and medic rules apply. If
a driver would have to bleed out, his vehicle will automatically be considered destroyed. The driver must wait
an extra 5min and then go to the respawn location.
- Passengers can fire from the vehicle. They can also be fired upon and get hit. Medic rules apply.
- Medic must exit the vehicle to be able to heal wounded players.
- Combat engineer must exit the vehicle to be able to fix the vehicle.
- Driver can't be a medic.
* If the vehicle has mounted weapon, the driver is authorize to stop the vehicle and use the mounted weapon.
A vehicle can be used for transport of troops and/or material. It can also simulate gunships or recon element.
Players are allowed to use the vehicle as cover as long as the vehicle owner allows it.
Note: Rocket shooters and/or drivers/passenger might have to walk to the vehicle to acknowledge/confirm the
hit. Don't shoot bbs at the vehicle itself. You will simply waste your ammo and risk to damage the vehicle for
no reasons.
Throughout the day, all vehicles must be refueled. Each driver will have a stopwatch at their disposal.
Everytime a vehicle will reach the refinery or a oil drum, the driver will be authorized to reset their stopwatch.
The specific time to have on the stopwatch is 60min. If the stopwatch reach 60min without being refueled, the
vehicle must stop on the spot until able to be refueled.
A vehicle is considered refueled when standing 10ft from a barrel or the refinery and the stopwatch is reset.
Repairing process:
1. Upon reaching a disabled vehicle, the combat engineer must tie a knot on the vehicle's death rope and
count 60sec with both hands on.
2. If a combat engineer needs to remove his hands from the vehicle during the process, he doesn't have to
re-tie the knot but simply start the 60sec count over.
3. Am engineer can tie a maximum of 3 knots on the rope. At the 4th disabling hit, the vehicle can’t be
repaired anymore.
4. If an engineer would have to reach a vehicle who doesn’t have a rope, he will give to the driver a spare
rope and tie 3 knots, which is the penalty for not securing his rope properly.
5. A wounded engineer follows the hit calling procedure. (see below)
Repair limitation (maximum number of hits)
Vehicle are subject to the same maximum hits than regular player. Each vehicle will receive a rope. The combat
engineer will act as medic. After 3 knots on the rope, the vehicle is considered destroyed and can only be
repaired (reset) after getting to the respawn area. See your operation orders for more details.
2.11 Medic and respawn procedures
Hit calling procedure (see images below):
1. When hit, the player MUST STOP MOVING and display his red rag (death rag) as soon as possible to
avoid follow-up shots.
2. The wounded player can yell/call for a medic.
3. Dead man doesn’t talk except to say “hit” or “medic”. No radio allowed.
4. A dead player can moved only if escorted (see “movement and covering” below).
5. A player must be reached by a medic and the healing process started within 5min of being hit.
6. If a player already have 3 knots or the healing process is not started within 5min, he bleeds out and;
a) Must reach a medic, untie his 3 knots and get back in the game or
b) Must reach a respawn point, untie his knots and get back in the game.
a. before impact
b. After impact
c. Pull your red rag.
d. Display your rag.
Healing process:
6. Upon reaching a wounded player, the medic must tie a knot on the
wounded player’s death rope and count 60sec with both hands on.
7. If a medic need to remove his hands from the wounded player
during the process, he doesn't have to re-tie the knot but simply
start the 60sec count over.
8. A medic can tie a maximum of 3 knots on the rope. At the 4th kill,
the player can’t be healed anymore.
9. If a medic would have to reach a wounded player who doesn’t have a rope, he will give him a spare rope
and tie 3 knots, which is the penalty for not securing his rope properly.
10. A wounded medic follows the hit calling procedure. (see above)
How to heal.
Movement and covering:
- Wounded player can walk only while escorted by one live player.
- Wounded player can jog only while escorted by two live players.
- Escorting players can’t shoot at the same time. They must stop moving, shoot(s) and resume the move.
- Unless in a dangerous location/position (i.e. middle of a battle or tip of a cliff), a wounded player is not
authorized to move alone.
- If wounded players don’t want to be used as shield, they must tell the players around them.
Respawn point(s)
- There will be fixed regen/respawn point in the field.
- Do not camp respawn point(s).
- The fight is on as soon as you get off the respawn point(s).
- Keep your goggles on in the respawn area(s).
- Keep the respawn point(s) as clean as it was when you got there.
The reality of being hit
- Regardless how loud you yell “hit”, you will most likely get hit again.
- Regardless how big or bright is your red rag (death rag), you will get hit again.
- If there are players standing around you, expect to get shot….again.
- No mouth/mask guard = risk losing a tooth or more.
- Want to save tooth/teeth? Wear the mouth/mask guard or keep your mouth shut.
2.12 Player conduct and attitude.
Blind Fury is about recreating a battlefield experience. Where you may be confused on a particular rule, ask.
Likewise please make any personal decisions on behavior and gear based on your role and in the larger context
of the storyline.
There are few common and basic behavioral rules;
- Foul language will not be tolerated. Not everyone thinks cussing and yelling is cool; keep it to yourself.
- Physical contact of an aggressive nature will not be tolerated. Players involved in any physical
aggression will be expelled, banned or turned over to local authorities.
- We are all friends. Always take care (physically and mentally) of the other players, friend or foe. If you
have any doubts about a player, don’t be shy to ask if he needs assistance, even if it is just for some
water. Be alert for any kind of medical emergencies such as bee stings, de-hydration, exhaustion, etc.
- This sport is about honesty and respect. If you lack in any of the two, You might as well stay out of this
event and change sport.
There will be specific players wearing the field official patch and/or the red staff t-shirt/ballcap throughout the
field. They will be watching for troublemakers, check-spot weapon FPS, etc. If they stop you and give you an
explanation, a warning or any other penalizing orders, don’t take it as a joke because your team and ultimately
YOU, will suffer from it.
2.13 Player conflict in the AO.
If you witness a conflict, issue, incident or physical altercation and can’t diffuse or resolved the situation in the
spirit of the event, referees and officials are available immediately on Channel 1. Before getting involved or
walking away, please take the player callsigns and report them to a field official/staff.
Under no circumstances should a conflict be handled with violence (physical or mental). No matter who started
the issue, both players will be expelled from the field and will not be invited back. Furthermore, the affiliated
team will also receive a warning, meaning they will be on high scrutiny from that moment on. A second
incident will expel the whole team from the field. Field privileges will also be suspended.
2.14 Bang Bang.
- Surrender/Freeze are not mandatory.
- A Bang bang is mandatory BUT must be given under full and total control of the situation. You can bangbang:
Within 10ft of your opponent.
No more than 2 players at a time.
When you are in total control of the situation and your enemy will
have no chance to fire back.
Your weapon is functional (i.e. you can’t bangbang because you have a
gun defect or empty mag)
No need to say, you can't bang bang on your way into buildings. As stipulated above,
if you are not in full control and the player in front of you know you are coming or
expect you to come, you are not in control and shall not bangbang the player.
2.15 Blind Firing and point blank shooting.
Blind firing is when you can't see where and what your barrel is pointing at.
You do not need to have a target in your sight to be able to shoot. As long as you see
where your bbs are going and your eyesight is not obstructed, you are authorized to
Do not stick your barrel through holes where you have no clear view on your target.
Point blank shooting is when you are in very short range of your opponent. While not
illegal, we strongly recommend players to not shoot point blank on purpose. If truly
needed (such as in CQB), use your sidearm or aim for the lower body parts.
Point blank is hazardous and dangerous. Players found abusing this rule will be
expelled from the AO without refund or any sort of compensation.
Perfect bang bang opportunity.
2.16 Buildings.
It is very important that all players understand the basic building rules. They are there to make sure everyone in
and around the buildings will not do something stupid. Follow these rules if you don’t want to be in trouble.
- Do not push/throw anyone off the 2nd/3rd floor.
- Do not push/throw anyone from the stairs.
- Do not repel from 2nd/3rd floor.
- Do not lean over the 2nd/3rd floor walls.
- No more than 6 person per secondary floors and 2 per third floors.
- We simulate that all buildings have roof tops, no shooting (grenades, bbs or rockets) through the roofs.
Chapter 3: Roles
3.0 Role limitation
Unless specified, players can’t fulfill two(2) roles simultaneously. For example, a Support gunner (SG) cannot
be a medic. Not having double role players allow me to have a fair role distribution throughout the teams and
not getting super mega squad and poor squads. Each team has its own limitation below:
Green team (Kriegers/Manibia)
Support Gunner: 1 per 4 man
Medic: 1 per 12 man
Grenadier: 1 per 12 man
Combat engineer: 1 per 12 man
Recon: 2x 2man OR 1 squad (12man)
Snipers/Marksman: 1 per 24 man
Tan team (Tropicos)
Support Gunner: 1 per 4 man
Medic: 1 per 12 man
Grenadier: 1 per 12 man
Combat engineer: 1 per 12 man
Recon: 2x 2man OR 1 squad (12man)
Snipers/Marksman: 1 per 24 man
Tier1 team (NKSOF, SAS, JTF2, KSK)
Support Gunner: 1 per 4 man
Medic: 1 per 12 man
Grenadier: 1 per 12 man
Combat engineer: 1 per 12 man
Recon: 2x 2man OR 1 squad (12man)
Snipers/Marksman: 1 per 24 man
3.1 Rifleman (RM)
The rifleman (i.e. infantryman or grunt) is the core of most armed forces around the world. In airsoft, we like to
keep it basic. A rifleman can carry anything but the specialized weapon such as the SAW or a grenade
launcher. If he does, he becomes a specialized role player. He has no weight or load-out limitations. He also
follows the regular medic, ammo and magazine rules/restrictions.
3.2 Support Gunner (SG)
The SG is the guy holding the big toys. Anything considered a support weapon is allowed for him. Some
example are the M60, M249, RPK, HK21, MG36, etc. The airsoft replica must mimic the real steel counterpart
as much as possible (i.e. optics are usually not considered). Such guns allow the use of drum, box or C mags but
also high capacity magazines. The support weapons are the only replicas allowing the use of such magazines.
The SG can’t carry 2 specialized weapons or fulfill two roles at the same time. For example, a saw gunner can’t
be a medic.
3.3 Designated Marksman (DM)
While the use of snipers and DMs in airsoft are questionable, we still have to define what they can do for us.
In airsoft, the DM is the player running around with a semi-auto rifle able to shoot up to 450fps. His job is to
provide longer range and accurate fire on the enemy. His weapon must have the full auto selection mechanically
disabled. The DM is usually attached to a squad but we are not enforcing it so far, which mean DM can easily
go on its own when needed. Like the Support gunner, the DM can’t carry 2 specialized weapons or perform 2
roles simultaneously.
3.4 Grenadier (HW)
The HW guy is the one with all the loud gadgets. M203, M79, AT4, claymore, he got them all. For airsoft, he is
the one in charge of the rockets and shower shells. Only him can carry the approved rockets (i.e. Nerf rockets).
He has no limitation on the number of 40mm shell to carry but can’t have more than 4 rockets. As the rockets
are not re-usable in the same scenario, he can go back to the armory to get more or to “regen” his 4 rockets.
The HW can carry a launcher and a regular carbine/rifle. He can’t carry any other specialized weapon (i.e. a
SAW) and can’t do dual roles.
3.5 Medic
As much as you all want to be important in the battlefield, no one is more in demand and loved than a medic.
When a medic system is in place, he is the only one that can “save” your life quickly. Please see the medic rules
section 2.11 for more details. The medic can’t do dual role during the event. The medic can’t be swapped during
the same scenario unless there are real medical issues.
Note: See PJ for an advanced medic alternative.
3.6 Squad Leader (SL)
The Squad leader is the player in charge of the squad. His first obligation is to keep the squad focused, on the
objective and also informed on what is going on. He will be the one taking the good and the bad decisions at the
squad level. He is receiving his orders by his own superior. At most events, it will be the commander (CO)
giving him what to do but depending on the size of the event, it could be the platoon leader (PL), the executive
officer (XO) and then the CO. The SL is allowed to have more than one role. The only thing to keep in mind is
to be effective, the SL must be able to stay focused on his personal duties.
3.7 Recon
The airsoft recon is basically a fireteam or a squad of players dedicating their time for intel gathering. While
they can still fight like everyone else, their main purpose is to be the eyes and ears of the team. The recon player
is not limited in gear or weapons.
3.8 Pararescue Jumper (PJ)
The airsoft PJ is essentially a double-duty player. His primary duty is medic. His second is up to him. Simply
said, the PJ player is allowed to do two roles, which is the only player allowed. So for a squad of PJ, that would
be a regular squad format (i.e. SG, HW,etc) added to 12 medics (each member of the squad can heal).
3.9 Sniper
The airsoft sniper serves 2 purposes: Recon and creating fear amongst the enemy. His weapon of choice is a
bolt action rifle and loves to go out with a ghillie suit. It is to be known that snipers and DM should be seen as
two different entity. The DM being more “squad” oriented compared to the Sniper, which will usually be
deployed alone with his spotter. The sniper is allowed to a high power bolt action rifle and can’t have other
3.10 Contractors (PMC)
The airsoft contractor is the “politically correct” name for mercenary. While their range of action vary from
country to country or team to team, the main thing with PMCs is they get paid to do a very specific job/contract.
Since the job is usually lucrative, the PMC are not limited in weapons or gear.
3.11 Mercenaries
The good ol’ mercenary. Ready to kill his neighbor for money. The mercenary is the bastard word (and original)
for a paid contractual soldier. He will pretty much accomplish the same thing than the PMC except that the
budget is usually smaller so gear is more limited than the typical PMC.
3.12 Combat Photographer
This role is reserved to those who prefer to shoot from a camera than shooting from a gun. This photographer is
dressed like his team affiliation to blend in better.
3.13 Radio Operator (RTO)
To keep in touch with the chain of command, it is crucial to not only have a good radio equipment but also be
able to receive and transmit effectively and quickly. This is where the RTO role takes its importance. The RTO
is usually very close to the SL. He will be the one transmitting to the higher officer or relaying information from
higher command to the SL. The RTO has no gear or weapons restrictions. The RTO should have a reliable
communication system and in most cases, have 2 radios, one for squad channel and the other one for the
leadership channel.
3.14 Combat Engineer (CE)
The CE is in charge of everything related to building and rebuilding equipment or any other logistical needs in
the field. For example, the CE will be carrying the C4 charges to destroy the refinery while the enemy’s CE will
be the one fixing it after its destruction. Number of missions requiring a CE are limited. Number of CE
available per event is limited as well.
3.15 Commander (CO)
The most valuable person in the leadership group, the CO is the player mastering the battlefield. It is crucial for
the CO to be able to adapt and react rapidly. The most important thing is to be able to take decisions, good or
bad. The CO can carry weapons and have no gear limitation but generally speaking, the CO will stay in the back
of the battlefield, guarded by few men and will lead from there. Last thing you need is to lose your CO during
the battle.
3.16 Executive Officer (XO)
The XO is the middle man between the CO and the squad leaders. He is the one relaying the information back
and forward and can act as the CO replacement if needed. He is acting like the Co-pilot. No weapons or gear
3.17 Civilian
A civilian is described as a player without a military affiliation. While he can be armed, he can’t have any BDU
or uniforms, which would make him a militia member (see section 3.18). The advantage of the civilian is while
he can be captured or killed if he ever chooses to fight, he can also be a normal citizen without a risk of being
killed. If he would ever get killed during his day-to-day business, the aggressing force would get point
Few rules of engagement all players should expect and respect in regards to civilian:
- An armed** civilian can be shot.
- An unarmed civilian can't be shot without penalties. If you kill him/them, you will get points deducted.
- All other rules found in this pack such as medic or capture rules apply to the civilian role player(s).
** armed consist of any type of lethal weapons except handguns.
3.18 Militia member
Trained and lethal, the militia members represent the citizen armed forces. They do not believe democracy or
peace will help resolving any issues they are facing and decided the aggression was the only way to go. A
militia man wears a typical uniform and uses any gear or weapons available. There is no such thing as a
peaceful militia man.
3.19 Staff
The staff is actually a mix of organizer(s), referees(s) and field official(s).
Their function is to make sure the event will go smoothly without hassles.
They know the rules and the field. They can address any possible issues in
the field. If for any reasons they could not respond adequately, they are in
direct contact with the main organizer.
Staff wears the “field official” patch (shown below) and can be reached on
channel FRS 1, sub-code 0.
3.20 Driver(s)
The drivers are in charge of running the vehicle fleet. They can't have any other roles except for a basic
3.21 Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO)
In airsoft, for sake of simplicity, the NCO is the man in charge of keeping the squad(s) focused and at the ready.
He is the one who will call for rally-up, gear checks including loadout, weaponry, radio, etc. The NCO is also
keeping a close eye on the watch and make sure the squad(s) are ready on time and nobody is left behind
(unless required to).
The NCO has no gear limitation and can fulfill double duties.
Chapter 4: Weaponry
4.0 Classic AEG (Automatic Electric Gun)
The AEG is the most common weapon on the field. They are battery operated
and use a gearbox system to create an air blast, propelling the bbs outside the
barrel. They are generally very close to a 1:1 ratio of a real steel gun
4.1 Advanced Training weapons (PTW, CTW, etc)
While this platform has been on the market for the last few years, the
introduction of the Systema PTW and the Celsius CTW pushed the
envelope as far as ease of use, performance some time, headaches. These
weapons usually involved split receiver, giving access to a quick cylinder
change, a higher rate of fire due to their electronic (Mosfet). Due to their
ease of quick modification and higher rate of fire, such weapons are
scrutinized more than the regular AEG and might be up for more chrono check.
4.2 Gas rifle (Polarstar, KWA, etc)
Gas rifle have been around for quite some time now but with the introduction of
better and more reliable electronic and the new Polarstar platform, these guns are
resurfacing with high praising reviews. Unfortunately, with new gadgets come
new concerns. To reduce scrutiny and control as much as possible, each gas gun
using external tanks should always use a air line lock and HPA tanks. For those
using other air or gas supply, your output FPS might vary throughout the day and
you are at risk of being spot checked by event staff just to make sure your FPS did
not go over the FPS limitations.
4.3 Bolt Action
The Bolt action rifles are either gas or spring powered. The power is lower than
600fps with 0.20g bbs. The gun can use cartridges, magazines or clips. The bolt
action rifle can’t be semi or full auto capable.
4.4 Claymores
Claymores can be activated either remotely, by laser or hard wired. The only claymores
allowed at this time are the BB claymores, which means when detonated, a rain of BBs
will come out and hit the player. The killing radius depends on the BBs power, which
has to be less than 400fps with 0.20g bbs. Only the player getting hit by the BBs is
actually considered “hit”. The claymore owners are responsible for their claymore and
need to keep track of where they put them.
4.5 GBB (Gas Blow Back Pistols)
Gas pistols are what they are: pistols. They are not meant to be support weapons or
sniper gun. CO2 pistols are prohibited due to their high FPS output.
4.6 Grenades
Only operational grenades can be used for this event. Tornado and ThunderB comes to
mind. Fake or custom made grenades are use as distraction device only. Grenades can be
used indoor and outdoor;
Indoor: Players have to be hit by a BB to be dead. Ricochet counts.
Outdoor: Players have to be hit by a BB to be dead. Ricochet counts.
Grenades must be tossed, not thrown.
We simulate roof tops on all buildings. NO tossing over the walls.
4.7 Knife, bayonets and other blades
We consider a blade anything more than 2 inches long. Any plastic, rubber or real blades are
strictly prohibited inside the playing zone. Player found with a blade in the field will be
expelled immediately as well as giving a warning to their affiliated team. Consequentially,
simulated knife kills will NOT be allowed since we do not believe in “invisible” weapons. If
you are close enough for a knife kill, draw a sidearm and “BANG” the opposing player. Yes
we know, no all players will take the "bang" but you will at least have done the right thing.
4.8 Landmines
Landmines may be used for this event. ONLY “explosive” mines are deadly.
Please avoid filling the landmine with sticky, messy material such as flour and
baby powder.
4.9 Rocket and grenade launchers
Rocket will be allowed for building and/or vehicle destruction. A single hit inside a
building is enough to kill all players on the targeted room. The rocket has to be
launched from its MED.
Rockets fired outdoor kills every players within a 15ft radius of the landing point.
Only Nerf Rockets are allowed at this time, nerf balls are prohibited.
Make sure to identify each and every rocket as they can easily get mixed up and/or
4.10 Semi-auto AEG
A semi-auto AEG is any weapon which as the full auto capability permanently
removed. A DMR is a good example. Such modification allows the player to use
the gun up to 450FPS with 0.20g bbs instead of 400fps (for those over 18). Please
see chapter 2.3 for FPS restrictions.
4.11 Support Weapon
A support weapon is any weapon replicating real life support weapon (i.e.
interchangeable outer barrel, bipod, etc). Support weapons are allowed up to 400
FPS. Support weapons are limited to 1 per 4 man squad. Appendix 11 lists
4.12 Smoke Devices
Smoke producing devices are allowed as long as they are “cold burn” variety. Cold
burn is defined as any device that does NOT require an open flame to ignite AND
during its operation.
The undersigned person has been given a personal invitation to enter on property owned by William
M. ''Bud" Hillard, located at 4624 Dayton Rd, Springfield Ohio. This invitation is accepted with the
full understanding and agreement to the following conditions:
______ (A) I understand there can be inherent danger of bodily injury, including death,
disability, and property damage associated with the participation in Airsoft.
______ (B) I understand use is for recreation only and no fee is charged.
______ (C) I agree to assume and release the landowner from any and all liability for personal
injury, property damage, or for loss of Life or property resulting from, or in any way
connected with my recreational use of this property.
______(D) No CAMPING unless authorization of Hidden Spring Ranch has been given
______ (E) I understand and agree that the owner:
(1) owes no duty to a recreational user to keep the premises safe for entry or use.
(2) extends no assurance to a recreational user through the act of giving
permission, that the premises are safe for entry or use.
(3) assumes no responsibility for or incurs liability for any injury to person or
property caused by any act of a recreational user.
______ (F) I certify that I have been advised to wear all necessary head, eye and body protection.
_______(G) I agree to abide by the following rules:
(1) Keep my own trash picked up and pick up trash I see around.
(2) Do not cross any crop lands.
(3) Notify owner of any damage to fencing.
(4) Do not stray onto neighbor’s property for any reason
(5) Keep speed under 15 mph when in your vehicle
DATE _______________
PRINT NAME LEGIBLY________________________________________
SIGNATURE ___________________________________________________
STREET ADDRESS:__________________________________________________
This Is a 2013 Release Of Liability Form with Legal Consequences
Read Carefully Before Signing
Minimum age for participation is 13 years. Participation by those under 18 requires consent of a parent or guardian,
evidenced by signature hereon. Please fill out entire form before presenting to registration office. Participant must fill the
section below; if under 18, parent or guardian must also sign on parent/guardian line. Please print clearly.
Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: ___________________________________
Callsign: ________________________
Date of Birth: ___/____/_______
IN CONSIDERATION of being permitted to participate in any way in Airsoft activities, I hereby agree that:
I understand that the risk of serious injury to me from the activity and weaponry involved in Airsoft is
significant, including the potential for permanent disability and/or death;
I knowingly and freely assume all the risk of such potential injury or death, even if arising from the
negligence of those persons released herein from liability, and further assume full responsibility for my participation and
any damage, injury, or loss which might result to me there from;
I understand that the activities of Airsoft are physically and mentally demanding. I further understand the
rules of play and will comply with all such rules and regulations. If I observe any unusual or unnecessary hazard during
my participation, including the violation of safety rules or regulations by any other participant, I will bring such fact(s) to the
attention of the nearest official immediately;
I, for myself and my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin (and, if I am signing as
guardian or parent of a participant, also on behalf of the heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin of that
participant), hereby completely release and forever discharge Francois Crepeau, Team Strikers, each and every one of its
members, and the organizers or sponsors of any Airsoft activity in which I participate, together with the owners, lessees,
and managers of the premises used to conduct the activity and their employees, agents, and assigns (the “Releasees”),
from and against any and all liability, claims, or causes of action of any nature whatsoever, arising from any and all
personal injury, disability, or death which I may suffer, and from any loss of or damage to personal property, whether
caused by the negligence of the Releasees, any other participant, or otherwise, except that which is the direct and
proximate result of gross negligence and/or reckless misconduct.
I understand and agree that, unless earlier terminated by me in a signed writing delivered to the
organizer, this Release of Liability shall cover each and every Airsoft activity and event in which I participate hereafter for
a period of at least one year from the date I execute this Agreement, and thereafter if, after the expiration of that one year
period, I appear at and participate in any Airsoft activity without having delivered to the organizer a newly executed
Release of Liability in the then-current version thereof.
Participant/Player Signed:_________________________________ Date Signed_____________
Phone # ____________________ Address ________________________________________
City ___________________________________State_____________ Zip Code __________
Emergency Phone # ___________________ Email address _________________________________
This form is valid only for the current year. It is Participant’s responsibility to execute a new release each year. If Participant fails to do
so, then the existing Release will be deemed valid and binding on Participant with respect to any Airsoft activities participated in after
the expiration of the one year period and until a new Release or a written withdrawal thereof is executed by Participant and delivered to
the organizer.
Minimum age 13 years).
Having read and understood the above terms and conditions, I, as parent or guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, hereby
consent and agree to his/her release of the event organizer and all other Releasees and further agree that, as parent or guardian, and
on behalf of myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I also release and indemnify the Releasees as set forth above and to the same
extent as if I were the Participant.
Parent/Guardian Signed: ______________________Date Signed_________Emergency Phone # _____________
*Required if guardian not present: Being duly sworn upon oath says that the statements set forth are true and correct.
Suscribed and sworn before me this _____ day of _________ year 2013.
NOTARY PUBLIC_____________________________ My commission expires__________________
General field map
NOTICE: Fence along boundary in grid 70, 71, 72 and 92 is OUT OF BOUNDS. Players must stay within the
fence area. No exceptions.
Field index:
= Mill Bldg
= Goldcity
= Airbase
= Browntown
= Refinery
= Emerald City
= Shack Bldg
= Comm Center
= Russian Base
= Fire Base
= Border station checkpoints
2013 UPDATE: .
(1). The area enclosed roughly within area 48,49,68 and 69 is out of play for BF10. Gates will be closed to
avoid confusion.
Topographic map;
East Field – North looking South
West Field – North looking South
Direction map; 4624 Dayton Springfield RD Springfield OH 45502