PDF Version - Alumni Online Registration


PDF Version - Alumni Online Registration
Oct 2012 - Dec 2012
Volume 8
On November 1, 2012, Team IBA went to Meezan Bank Head Office for an interactive session with its Alumni. Team IBA comprising of Dr. Ishrat Husain, Mr. Zafar A. Siddiqui and Mr. Haris Tohid Siddiqui were treated to a scrumptious lunch hosted by CEO & President, Meezan Bank, Mr. Irfan Siddiqui. Lunch was followed by the alumni session where Mr. Irfan Siddiqui addressed IBA Alumni. He praised the efforts of Dr. Ishrat and re‐
quested him to inculcate humility and hard work in students to make them a complete package for the corpo‐
rate world. Mr. Ahmed Ali Siddiqui, alumnus of 2001,the driving force behind organizing the event gave the welcome ad‐
dress. Dr. Ishrat Husain briefed the alumni about the way forward for IBA and the challenges faced. He particu‐
larly mentioned the dwindling relationship between the Alumni and Alma‐mater and regarded this effort as a step towards bridging the gap. Dr. Ishrat informed the audience that IBA is aiming to acquire internationally recognized accreditation AACSB; and its ambitious plans cannot be complete without its Alumni. Dr. Ishrat thanked Meezan Bank through Ihsan Trust for their instrumental efforts in raising scholarships for IBA National Talent Hunt Program. Later, Mr. Zafar Siddiqui gave a detailed presentation on the develop‐
mental and curricular changes at IBA. Mr. Zafar encouraged Meezan Bank Alumni to hold their Sales Conference in the newly renovated Auditorium. He apprised the audience about the internationalization plans of IBA whereby students from all over the world are enticed in studying at IBA. Alumni put forward a lot of questions ranging from registration of BOG elections to work requirement for MBA. Meezan Bank Alumni showed their willingness to help IBA achieve its goal. “Meezan Bank has always had a preference for IBA which is evident from the induction of 11 graduates out of a total of 15 candi‐
dates for the MTO program” Mr. Irfan Siddiqui, CEO Meezan Bank INVITE IBA PROGRAM – PROCTER & GAMBLE
Alumni at Procter & Gamble came together as IBA fraternity to welcome Team IBA at their Head Office in Karachi on October 22, 2012. In an effort to strengthen the bond between the Alumni and the Alma‐
mater, Dean & Director IBA, Dr. Ishrat Husain was accompanied by Director Alumni Affairs, Zafar A. Siddiqui and Alumni Manager, Haris Tohid Siddiqui. Country Head, Procter & Gamble, Pakistan Faisal H. Ali Sabzwari, who is also an alumnus of 1996 welcomed Team IBA on behalf of the P&G alumni. More than 20 alums assembled in the conference room of the head office at Karachi and a handful connected via video conferencing from Dubai to view the progress at IBA. Mr. Sabzwari, in his welcome note, thanked Team IBA for bringing together alumni in his company. He appreciated the efforts of IBA management in transforming the institute not only in terms of physical infrastructure but also with regards to change in mindset. Dr. Ishrat Husain was delighted to see a mix of young and experienced alums interested in getting apprised of the transformation at IBA. Dr. Ishrat highlighted the fact that infrastructural and academic changes are part of the vision to place IBA in top 100 business schools of the world. He empha‐
sized the need for alumni to actively participate through monetary and intellectual assistance in helping IBA achieve its goal. A formal presentation on IBA was delivered by Mr. Zafar A. Siddiqui who guided the alumni through various stages of transformation, IBA has under‐
gone in the past 4 years. Mr. Siddiqui highlighted the establishment of different centers for research and development purposes alongside the curricu‐
lum changes. Presentation was followed by a Q & A session which mostly centered on alumni reminiscing their times at IBA. Dr. Ishrat and Mr. Siddiqui offered the alumni to take a campus tour with a pick up from office by IBA transport bus which was readily agreed by all. “Alumni are a source of pride for IBA. We not only require their help in guiding students through mentoring and career counseling but also in raising funds in various capacities” Dr Ishrat Hussain Page
The launch of the IBA Alumni KSA Chapter was held on November 22, 2012 in Warood Compound, Ri‐
yadh. A colorful gathering of about 100 alumni and their family members graced the occasion. Gradu‐
ates from as far back as 1991 to date came together as IBA fraternity. The event started with members of the Core Committee (CC) explaining the idea behind the setup of a local alumni chapter as well as soliciting opinions and suggestions on how to take this initiative forward. "IBA has provided us a common platform to come together. Our goal is now to get across to more alumni residing in KSA and make this a worthwhile forum for all of us", said CC member Muhammad Faisal Potrik while discussing upcoming events for the Chapter. A power point presentation highlighting the various fund raising programs at IBA was also shown. A recorded message of Dean and Director IBA, Dr. Ishrat Husain was delivered which inspired the alumni to mobilize for the betterment of their alma mater. The launch ceremony was followed by a scrumptious dinner where alumni reminisced their times at IBA and shared their stories. After the event, the KSA Chapter structure was established with Mohammad Faisal Potrik as President and Adnan Ahmed Khan as General Secretary. An 8‐member Executive Committee (EC) was also set up comprising of Adnan Miraj, Shariq Rehman, Zaheer Khalid, Muhammad Jafar Khan, Adeel Ali Esbhani , Muhammad Faisal Potrik, Adnan Ahmed Khan, and Soheeb Aali Raza. The office bearers will function for a period of one year. The EC reserves the right to appoint more of‐
"It is great to see so many IBA gradu‐
fice bearers as the need arises. The EC will convene ates admirably representing the Alma in due course to decide on future events and also to mater across a range of sectors in Riyadh build up the database of IBA graduates in the King‐ KSA. Thank you all for getting together at short notice and for making the inaugural dom as many graduates remain to be tapped. alumni event a huge success” KSA CC member Shariq Rehman
The idea behind forming the KSA Chapter was floated in 2010 but the launch drive was kick started this year in August which culminated in connecting KSA Alumni to IBA platform. Benefiting from a sizeable number of graduates working in myriad top organizations, this platform will provide a meeting point for graduates to connect and network in a foreign land and help out IBA in achieving its strategic vision. POSSIBILITIES 2012
In collaboration with Alumni Department, IBA Alumni Society organized Possibilities 2012, a case‐study com‐
petition held on the December 14, 2012 at IBA Main Campus. The competition entailed categories of Market‐
ing, Human Resource Management, Finance and Supply Chain Management. Students were required to solve real‐life case studies, which were then examined by competent and profi‐
cient professionals of the respective fields. And who else to fill these shoes, then the IBA Alumni themselves. Mr. Amir Paracha ‐ VP Marketing – Home & Personal Care, Unilever, Ms. Sanam Kohati ‐ Country HR Officer Citibank, Mr. Faisal Waheed, CFO, EngroEximp and Mr. Mansoor Ahmed – Head, Supply chain P&G adjudi‐
cated on the basis of their field expertise. 17 teams comprising of 3‐4 members each were given a case study of their preferred category which was earlier scrutinized with the help of pertinent faculty members. The participants then presented their case to their respective judges and later the winners were announced. The purpose of this event was to create practical experience students might use in today’s busi‐
ness world. Also, for the success of a company, even more important than having great individuals is that they make great teams. Students from within and outside IBA were invited to compete and IBA students emerged winners in 3 categories. This competition was also a great opportunity for the participants to network with esteemed judges to gather insight into the real world and understand the industry benchmarks and practices. Page
Dear Alumnus, As a part of my commitment to improve inter‐
action between the Alumni themselves, and between the Alumni and the IBA, an Alumni Reunion has been arranged on Sunday, Febru‐
ary 10, 2013 at 10 a.m. This Reunion has a two‐fold purpose; firstly, to apprise you of all the changes at the IBA and its future plans / implementation, and secondly, to discuss how the Alumni may interact / help the IBA to reach its objectives. High tea shall be served to compensate for the early start . This will be an important reunion, and your participation will help the IBA immensely. Please, please do attend. Kind Regards, Shahid Shafiq Alumni Representative on the BOG You are requested to please RSVP on the following link so that proper arrangements may be made: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?
IBA considers its Alumni as assets and in order to prove its commitment, IBA has launched an IBA Alumni Card which will be offering a wide variety of offers, services and benefits from renowned companies. The Alumni card does not only serve the purpose of giving the Alumni their identity but also the benefit of availing exciting discounts and services of various renowned brands and businesses. From working out in the Alumni Centre Gymnasium to finding out resource material from reputed online journals at IBA Library, the card offers the alumni a wide range of activities on campus. Alums will also enti‐
tled for discount offers on courses, seminars and workshops to help in their professional development. IBA is proud to offer discounts and benefits from businesses being run by IBA’s very own Alumni. Some are big time ventures while others are mov‐
ing up the ladder, but the most important part is they are following their dreams. IBA Alumni Card also entitles the holder to receive exclusive discounts from renowned companies and International brands. The current partners include Avari Hotels, Tony and Guy, Paramount Books, Change, Café Kahva, Café Latte Lounge, Neeni’s café, ,Ottica, Mujeeb Farm house, Tehzeeb couture , Eventiments Event Management and Limton Watches. The first round of Alumni card registration was carried out in December. A whopping 1200 submissions were received whose verification was no easy task considering the limited resources. While you’re enjoying reading your newsletter, the first batch of 200 cards has been dispatched to Alumni. Those residing outside Pakistan need to authorize someone in Karachi to collect their cards. Page
Click here for more details
In collaboration with IBA Marketing Club, The Creative Brigade held a film festi‐
val on Saturday Oct 20, 2012 at the APWA Auditorium, City Campus. The Creative Brigade (TCB) organized a 2‐days Gandhara film festival at PACC on Sep 28‐29, 2012 which attracted aspiring film makers from across the globe to send in their entries. One of our very own, Fasahat Aziz, an Alumnus of 2008, who was also one of the organizers, helped in bringing TCB to IBA. At IBA, TCB show cased the winner short films/ documentaries. The Creative Brigade gathered relived their experience of Gandhara Film Fest 2012 with the students of IBA and engaged them in a resourceful and thought provoking ‘Special Screening’ of the Best films received and screened at the film fest. During the event Fasahat Aziz, Gandhara Fest Director, spoke passionately about how mass media is taking over our lives, thoughts, and our actions; and most im‐
portantly how films are now an established mode of expression and a form of modern art. The screening opened with the beautifully directed short movie Heal: directed by Mian Adnan Ahmed. It is a story of a little boy, with an extraordinary gift living in a region devastated by war. “Heal” which has been screened at seven other Film Festivals around the world, had the audience at APWA spell bound once again. The movie, The Story of Revolu‐
tion, which followed suit was an equally intense and beautiful projection of characters actually in‐
volved in the Egyptian Revolution last year. The highlight of the students’ session was their interaction with directors and producers of films which were screened at the Gandhara Film Fest. Mr. Mubashir (Producer) and Erfan (Director) of the docu‐
mentary “Golden Letters” spoke to the students on the road forward. Students were enthusiastic to know more about exploring this medium of expression, how to go about with starting work on a film project and what expertise and funding is required for it. The film makers pointed out that in this day and age of technology content is the essence and gave examples of amateur film makers who have experimented with filming with their DSLR cameras or even HD quality mobile phones. IBA ALUMNI GETS A TAGLINE
On October 11, 2012, Alumni Department organized a tagline com‐
petition amongst its Alumni to suggest a tagline which is befitting this prestigious fraternity. We received a total of 117 entries and after much deliberation the winning tagline was selected. Mr. Abdul Majid Butt, graduate of 2008, was declared the winner with his thought‐provoking and visionary tagline….. “IBA Alumni‐ Pushing Boundaries, Redefining Success” Alumni Department had kept a gift hamper for the winner but as are the moral values upheld at IBA, Mr. Butt asked the department to arrange a lunch for lower staff at IBA which was duly organized. YOU MAKE US PROUD
IMRAN MAQBOOL We would like to extend our felicitations to Mr. Imran Maqbool, Alumnus of 1981, who has taken over as President and CEO of MCB Bank. Previously, Mr. Maqbool was working as Group Head ‐ Commercial Branch Banking Group, MCB Bank. He has over 25 years of corporate banking experience in different markets in Pakistan. Mr. Maqbool has done MSC in Management from Sloan School of Manage‐
ment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, USA and MBA Fi‐
nance from Institute of Business Administration, Karachi. Prior to joining MCB, Imran worked at Citibank as well as Bank of America. He started his carrier with Exxon Chemical (now Engro Chemical). FALAK JALIL We feel immensely proud to inform that Falak Jalil, an Alumnus of 2006, working for Unilever Pakistan as Brand Manager Lifebuoy has received a gold medal in 2012 Lifebuoy GHD Brand Competition. The winner was unani‐
mously chosen from across 120 countries. They exceeded every goal they had set this year be it the no. of schools kids they reached out to, the no of employees who volunteered, engaging parents to celebrate GHD, fantastic use of their celebrity, Wasim Akram, and of course local partnerships with NGOs and govt. that helped create great PR & Advocacy for us. Page
Entrepreneurship: Shifting mindset For some, working 9‐to‐5 was a lifelong dream, for the rest: their biggest insecurity. Some would fanta‐
size about it, couldn’t wait to go out and conquer the world. Having been on the corporate side of things for a good year and half, I ask myself: Is this it? Will I do this for the rest of my life? Working 9 – 5, day in, day out. Don’t get me wrong here. I absolutely love my job. The best I could ever ask for. But then, that’s because I was brought up in a certain way. From the time I enrolled for my A‐levels to the time of graduation, I had one aim: to work as a marketer for the best FMCG in the country, and IBA equipped me with the right ammunition to make that happen. Would this aim have been different if I had the infrastructure and faculty that encouraged me to take more risks? Probably, yes. I talk to a lot of my juniors at IBA – listening to their lofty aspirations & aims, is always a treat. What is really heartening to see is a clear shift in priorities coming through. All that my class fellows and I were accustomed with was getting the corporate 9‐to‐5 job; the only question was how ‘much’ we would earn. But seeing the diversity in career aims in the upcoming generation is a breath of fresh air. What really stands out is the ‘entrepreneurial vibe’ that these students give – this was certainly missed during my time. A lot of them have already started small ventures like event management companies, clothing lines, digital agencies, etc. while studying, which is fantastic. We live in a society where governments look to ‘provide’ jobs, not ‘create’ them. It’s high time we work towards changing the defeatist mindset ‐ Entrepreneurship can change that. It’s about thinking out of the box. It’s about working towards something fresh and better while maintaining economic viability. This fundamental shift in mindset is what this country needs right now, and it must be started at the grass root level. Students need to be taught early in school to challenge the status quo – the impor‐
tance of entrepreneurial thinking, and they should be provided with early experiences of enterprise that will give them a real taste for entrepreneurship to build their enthusiasm to get into business. I am really pleased that along with a major investment in technical & infrastructural improvements, IBA is moving towards Fahad Zahid is an
a more entrepreneurial culture as well. The inauguration of the IBA Centre for Entrepreneurial Development, for example, IBA Alumnus of
2011. He is cur-
will play an important role in promoting Entrepreneurship in Pakistan. College students have a lot of optimism and energy rently working for
Unilever Pakistan.
and so are well suited to becoming entrepreneurs. Getting a taste of entrepreneurship so early will certainly build their enthusiasm to challenge the status quo, and enable them to start thinking out of the box. ALUMNI TEAM
Zafar Ahmed Siddiqui IBA Alumnus 1978 Director Alumni Affairs & Resource Mobi‐
lization Afsheen Bashir Ali, an Alumnus of 2007, has been relocated to Citibank, Barcelona, Spain as Senior Re‐engineering Manager ‐ Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA Region). Prior to her appointment, she was working for Citi‐
bank Pakistan. We wish her best of luck in her future endeavours. Haris Tohid Siddiqui (Editor) IBA Alumnus 2006 Assistant Manager Alumni Affairs & Career Develop‐
ment [email protected] Aimun Shahab (Sub‐Editor ) IBA Alumnus 2011 Executive Alumni Affairs & Career Develop‐
ment [email protected] Page