Porcupine Falls Trail - Monadnock Conservancy
Porcupine Falls Trail - Monadnock Conservancy
Conservation background Porcupine Falls Trail GILSUM, N.H. The The property property was was owned owned and and managed managed for for half half aa century century by by John John Calhoun Calhoun and and his his wife, wife, RoseRosemarie. marie. Their Their philosophy philosophy emphasized emphasized sustainable sustainable timber timber harvesting, harvesting, improving improving wildlife wildlife habitat habitat and and protecting protecting the the soil soil and and water water resources resources on on the the property. property. We are are an an accredited accredited land land trust trust that that serves serves the the We 35 towns towns of of the the Monadnock Monadnock region. region. Our Our mission mission 35 is to to work work with with communities communities and and landowners landowners to to is conserve the the natural natural resources, resources, wild wild and and workworkconserve ing lands, lands, rural rural character character and and scenic scenic beauty beauty of of ing the region. region. the Directions Contact us us for for more more information information and and help help us us protect protect Contact more open open space space when when you you become become aa member: member: more From From Routes Routes 10/12/9E: 10/12/9E: Head Head north north on on Route Route 10 10 toward toward Gilsum. Gilsum. Go Go 5.1 5.1 miles. miles. Turn Turn right right onto onto White White Brook Brook Road. Road. Follow Follow road road to to the the end end where where there there is is aa gate gate and and parking parking area. area. Monadnock Monadnock Conservancy Conservancy PO PO Box Box 337, 337, Keene, Keene, NH NH 03431 03431 Phone: Phone: 603-357-0600 603-357-0600 From From the the north: north: Follow Follow Route Route 10 10 south south through through Gilsum Gilsum center. center. It’s It’s 7.3 7.3 miles miles from from the the intersection intersection of of routes routes 10 10 and and 123 123 to to White White Brook Brook Road. Road. Turn Turn right. right. Follow Follow road road to to the the end end where where there there is is aa gate gate and and parking parking area. area. [email protected] [email protected] www.MonadnockConservancy.org www.MonadnockConservancy.org © © Monadnock Monadnock Conservancy, Conservancy, 2013 2013 This This meandering meandering one-way one-way trail trail on on the the John John and and Rosemarie Rosemarie Calhoun Calhoun Family Family Forest Forest travels travels through through aa mixed mixed hardwood-conifer hardwood-conifer forest forest rich rich with with mosses mosses and and ferns. ferns. The The trail trail follows follows White White Brook, Brook, aa quinquintessential tessential babbling babbling brook brook that that makes makes aa peaceful peaceful backdrop backdrop for for aa picnic, picnic, and and culminates culminates at at aa bridge bridge over over the the brook brook — — aa wonderful wonderful spot spot to to enjoy enjoy “Porky “Porky Falls” Falls” as as the the Calhoun Calhoun family family called called this this waterfall. waterfall. Porcupine Falls Trail GILSUM, N.H. The The property property was was owned owned and and managed managed for for half half aa century century by by John John Calhoun Calhoun and and his his wife, wife, RoseRosemarie. marie. Their Their philosophy philosophy emphasized emphasized sustainable sustainable timber timber harvesting, harvesting, improving improving wildlife wildlife habitat habitat and and protecting protecting the the soil soil and and water water resources resources on on the the property. property. Katrina Farmer Katrina Farmer The The Calhouns Calhouns bebelieved lieved forests forests are are important important harbors harbors of of natural natural resources, resources, scenic scenic beauty beauty and and recreational recreational opporopportunity. tunity. The The Calhoun Calhoun children children have have fond fond memories memories of of cutting cutting firewood firewood with with their their parents, parents, family family picnics picnics by by Porcupine Porcupine Falls Falls and and swimming swimming in in White White Brook. Brook. OUT-AND-BACK TRAIL We are are an an accredited accredited land land trust trust that that serves serves the the We 35 towns towns of of the the Monadnock Monadnock region. region. Our Our mission mission 35 is to to work work with with communities communities and and landowners landowners to to is conserve the the natural natural resources, resources, wild wild and and workworkconserve ing lands, lands, rural rural character character and and scenic scenic beauty beauty of of ing the region. region. the Directions Contact us us for for more more information information and and help help us us protect protect Contact more open open space space when when you you become become aa member: member: more From From Routes Routes 10/12/9E: 10/12/9E: Head Head north north on on Route Route 10 10 toward toward Gilsum. Gilsum. Go Go 5.1 5.1 miles. miles. Turn Turn right right onto onto White White Brook Brook Road. Road. Follow Follow road road to to the the end end where where there there is is aa gate gate and and parking parking area. area. Monadnock Monadnock Conservancy Conservancy PO PO Box Box 337, 337, Keene, Keene, NH NH 03431 03431 Phone: Phone: 603-357-0600 603-357-0600 From From the the north: north: Follow Follow Route Route 10 10 south south through through Gilsum Gilsum center. center. It’s It’s 7.3 7.3 miles miles from from the the intersection intersection of of routes routes 10 10 and and 123 123 to to White White Brook Brook Road. Road. Turn Turn right. right. Follow Follow road road to to the the end end where where there there is is aa gate gate and and parking parking area. area. Rating: Easy Distance/Time: 0.4 miles/30 minutes Parking/Access: End of White Brook Road Pedestrian use welcome; please leave only footprints Conservation background The The Calhoun Calhoun children children chose chose to to donate donate the the property property to to the the Monadnock Monadnock Conservancy Conservancy as as the the best best way way to to honor honor their their parents’ parents’ legacy, legacy, ensuring ensuring sound sound stewstewardship ardship of of their their family’s family’s land land forever. forever. Named Named for for their their parents, parents, the the John John and and Rosemarie Rosemarie Calhoun Calhoun Family Family Forest Forest provides provides an an educational educational opportuniopportunity ty where where all all are are welcome welcome to to hike, hike, hunt hunt and and learn learn firsthand firsthand about about sustainable sustainable forest forest manmanagement agement techniques. techniques. Doug Brown OUT-AND-BACK TRAIL Doug Brown The The Calhoun Calhoun children children chose chose to to donate donate the the property property to to the the Monadnock Monadnock Conservancy Conservancy as as the the best best way way to to honor honor their their parents’ parents’ legacy, legacy, ensuring ensuring sound sound stewstewardship ardship of of their their family’s family’s land land forever. forever. Named Named for for their their parents, parents, the the John John and and Rosemarie Rosemarie Calhoun Calhoun Family Family Forest Forest provides provides an an educational educational opportuniopportunity ty where where all all are are welcome welcome to to hike, hike, hunt hunt and and learn learn firsthand firsthand about about sustainable sustainable forest forest manmanagement agement techniques. techniques. Katrina Farmer Katrina Farmer The The Calhouns Calhouns bebelieved lieved forests forests are are important important harbors harbors of of natural natural resources, resources, scenic scenic beauty beauty and and recreational recreational opporopportunity. tunity. The The Calhoun Calhoun children children have have fond fond memories memories of of cutting cutting firewood firewood with with their their parents, parents, family family picnics picnics by by Porcupine Porcupine Falls Falls and and swimming swimming in in White White Brook. Brook. [email protected] [email protected] www.MonadnockConservancy.org www.MonadnockConservancy.org © © Monadnock Monadnock Conservancy, Conservancy, 2013 2013 Rating: Easy Distance/Time: 0.4 miles/30 minutes Parking/Access: End of White Brook Road This This meandering meandering one-way one-way trail trail on on the the John John and and Rosemarie Rosemarie Calhoun Calhoun Family Family Forest Forest travels travels through through aa mixed mixed hardwood-conifer hardwood-conifer forest forest rich rich with with mosses mosses and and ferns. ferns. The The trail trail follows follows White White Brook, Brook, aa quinquintessential tessential babbling babbling brook brook that that makes makes aa peaceful peaceful backdrop backdrop for for aa picnic, picnic, and and culminates culminates at at aa bridge bridge over over the the brook brook — — aa wonderful wonderful spot spot to to enjoy enjoy “Porky “Porky Falls” Falls” as as the the Calhoun Calhoun family family called called this this waterfall. waterfall. Pedestrian use welcome; please leave only footprints 10 it Wh ook e Br d Roa GILSUM 10 SULLIVAN Glacial pothole P Porcupine Falls Calhoun Family Forest Di s co n u ed t in road The John and Rosemarie Calhoun Family Forest, Gilsum, N.H. Gate Roads Bridge Rivers and streams Porcupine Falls Trail (0.4 mi.) 20' contours Access road Calhoun Family Forest (335 acres) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.25 Miles R. Brackett, 12.6.2013. Map not survey accurate. 1:5,000 scale. Sources: GRANIT, SWRPC. Projection: NAD 83/NHSP. 10 Wh d Roa k o ro i te B GILSUM 10 SULLIVAN Glacial pothole P Porcupine Falls Di s co n u ed t in Calhoun Family Forest road The John and Rosemarie Calhoun Family Forest, Gilsum, N.H. Gate Roads Bridge Rivers and streams Porcupine Falls Trail (0.4 mi.) 20' contours Access road Calhoun Family Forest (335 acres) R. Brackett, 12.6.2013. Map not survey accurate. 1:5,000 scale. Sources: GRANIT, SWRPC. Projection: NAD 83/NHSP. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Miles