- International Workshops on Piezoelectric MEMS
- International Workshops on Piezoelectric MEMS
. 2nd Interna*onal Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS Materials ‐ Processes ‐ Tools ‐ Devices September 6‐7, 2011 EPFL ‐ Lausanne ‐ Switzerland Sponsored by 2nd Interna*onal Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS Materials ‐ Processes ‐ Tools ‐ Devices We observe an increasing world wide interest in piezoelectric thin film MEMS devices. S;ll great efforts are needed to establish reproducible processing routes, reliable integra;on, op;mal poling procedures, standards in characteriza;on methods, op;mal device design, and reproducible opera;on condi;ons. A@er the success of the first workshop in 2010 at Aachen, we aim at bringing together again researchers and engineers from industry and academia to report and discuss on progress in in the field, and s;mulate exchange on experience and possible coopera;on. A combina;on of presenta;ons and discussions will give experts and researchers the chance to boost this promising and quickly developing market. The program includes many interes;ng and exci;ng talks on synthesis of piezoelectric thin films, on integra;on, on tes;ng and instrumenta;on, and on some of the many applica;ons that are foreseeable for piezoelectric MEMS. We hope this workshop is a great opportunity for companies working in thin film processing, microfabrica;on and MEMS to learn about the state of the art in piezoelectric MEMS based on ferroelectric and non‐ ferroelectric piezoelectric thin films. On behalf of the organizing commiLee Paul Muralt Chair (i) Workshop Organizers: Chair: P. Muralt Swiss Federal Ins;tute of Technology EPFL (Switzerland) Interna;onal advisory board and program commiLee: T. Matsushima Panasonic (Japan) T. Metzger EPCOS (Germany) R. Polcawich US Army Labs (USA) H. Raeder SINTEF (Norway) S. Tiedke Aixacct (Germany) S. Trolier‐McKinstry Pennstate University (USA) K. Udayakumar Texas Instruments (USA) Organizing commiLee: P. Muralt P. Ulrich (Sciprom) S. Tiedke (Aixacct) Local arrangements: L. Jin N. Chidambaran A. Mazzalai R. Matloub (ii) Invited Speakers Srowthi Bharadwaja, Roland Kessels, Takakiyo Harigai, Gilles Moulard, Tuomas Pensala, Gianlucca Piazza, Ron Polcawich, Guus Rijnders, Frode Tyholdt, PennState University AIXACCT Panasonic TDK‐ECOS VTT University of Pennsylvania US Army Laboratories University Twente SINTEF Exhibitors aixACCT Systems GmbH SolMateS YOUTEC / DJK Europe (iii) September 6-7, 2011 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS Materials - Processes - Tools - Devices Program Tuesday Morning Time Speaker Title 0800-0900 0900 6 September Registration P. Muralt, Welcome EPFL Chair: S. Trolier-McKinstry 0930 T. Harigai, Piezoelectric Thin Films and Their Applications inv Panasonic Corporation 1005 M. Klee, Piezoelectric thin films: A Technology platform for thin film ultrasound transducer arrays Philips Research 1025 1045 BREAK with exhibition and posters Polcawich, PiezoMEMS Technology for Enabling mm-Scale Robotics US Army Research Lab. 1120 M. Schreiter, Siemens Corp.Techn. 1140 R. Vullers, IMEC Holst Center 1200 P. Janphuang, IMT-EPFL 1215 D. Remiens, AG, Piezoelectric MEMS based energy harvesting module for wireless tire pressure monitoring AlN and PZT Thin Films: Essential Ingredients for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters MEMS Based Piezoelectric Harvesters: From Thick Sheet to Thin Film Epitaxial Piezoelectric Materials Performance of piezoelectric nanostructures IEMN-CNRS 1230-1400 LUNCH with exhibition and posters inv Tuesday Afternoon Time Speaker 6 September Title Chair: T. Metzger 1400 G. Piazza, Univ. of Pennsylvania 1435 1450 V. Felmetsger Laterally Vibrating Micro and Nanomechanical Piezoelectric inv Aluminum resonators for RF Communication and Chemical Sensing OEM Group, Inc. Sputter Deposition of Piezoelectric AlN Thin Films on Vertical Walls of Micromechanical Devices G. Moulard, Piezo-MEMS for RF applications inv TDK-EPC 1520-1545 1545 BREAK with exhibition and posters T. Pensala, Piezo-actuated AlN-Si MEMS resonators and sensors inv VTT 1615 R. Matloub Sc doped AlN thin films and their properties LC-EPFL 1630 T. Baron FEMTO-CNRS FBAR filters for space application based on LiNbO3 membrane 1645 Piorra, A. Lead Free Laser Deposited Thin 0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3)–0.5(Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3) University of Kiel 1700 S. Trolier-McKinstry Microcontact Printing of PZT Films for MEMS PennState University 1720 Adjourn 1900 DINNER at Beau Rivage (Ouchy) Films Of POSTERS Author P1 P2 Title T. Baron FEMTO-CNRS HBAR and their applications N. Chidambaram PZT thin film growth on insulators for interdigitated electrode applications EPFL-IMX P3 6 & 7 September V. Felmetsger, OEM group Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Ultrathin Piezoelectric S.Y. Kang Samsung Elec.-Mech. Influence of Temperature and O2 Flow Rate on the Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of PZT Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering P5 A. Mathewson Tyndall National Institute Influences of Titanium Underlayer on (002) Oriented Aluminium Nitride P6 A. Mazzalai EPFL-IMX Conception of interdigitated electrodes based cantilever for piezoelectric energy harvesting E. Milyutin Local polarity control of AlN thin films P4 P7 EPFL-IMX P8 P9 P10 M. Pham-Thi Thales Research Hyper Frequency properties of “3 inches-frozen capacitive MEMS” with PZT thin films processed by sol-gel T. Verdot FEMTO Active damping with a piezoelectric MEMS device A. Vogl SINTEF Modelling of piezoelectric micromachined transducers (pMUT) for medical use. ultrasound Wednesday Morning Time Speaker 7th September Title Chair: T. Matsushima 0840 G. Rijnders, University of Twente 0910 A. Janssens, All Oxide PiezoMEMS devices by Pulsed laser Deposition: inv Properties of Clamped Piezoelectric Epitaxial PZT Thin Films SoLMateS Introduction of new manufacturing technology for Piezo (PZT) MEMS production 0930 S. Gariglio University of Geneva Epitaxial Ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 Thin Films on Silicon:Growth and Physical Properties 0945 M. Kratzer, Oerlikon PVD production solution for in-situ large scale deposition of PZT films Oerlikon Balzers 1000-1020 1020 BREAK with exhibition and posters R. Kessels, Qualification and Quantification of piezoelectric MEMS inv AIXACCT 1050 Le Rhun, G. CEA-LETI 1105 T. Kijima, YOUTEC 1120 K.-A. Bui-Thi Thales Research 1135 B. Malic Josef Stefan Inst. 1150 S. S. N. Bharadwaja, Pennstate University 1220-1400 Direct And Indirect Piezoelectric Characterization of PZT Thin Films for MEMS Applications Spin-Coat Technology of KNN Film Deposition with Oxygen Pressurizing RTA Properties of PMN-PT 65/35 thin film oriented -<011> at radio frequency measured by coplanar waveguide Influence of Solution Synthesis Conditions on Crystallization and Properties of Functional Oxide Thin Films Low Temperature Laser Processing of Ferroelectric Thin inv Films LUNCH with exhibition and posters Wednesday Afternoon Time Speaker 7th September Title Chair: S. Tiedke 1400 F. Tyholdt, SINTEF 1430 J. Phair Polight 1445 S. Han Samsung Electr.Mech. 1500 V. Cauda Italian Inst.Techn. 1515 E. Mounier, Yole Development 1530 1600 FP7 piezoVolume - High Volume Piezoelectric Thin Film inv Production Process For Microsystems Manufacture of Minature Tuneable Autofocus Lenses (TLens) using Piezo MEMS Wafer Level Poling of PZT thin films for MEMS Sensor Devices Effects of Nanoscale Confiment on Ferroelectric Properties: Research Activity at the Center for Space Human Robotics 2010-2015 Market Analysis of PiezoMEMS BREAK with exhibition and posters S. Trolier-McKinstry Round table discussion: PennState University 1650 1700 P. Muralt Closing remarks END World leader in testing Piezoelectrics Offers Process-Sensitivity Allows rapid Process optimization Guarantees Quality Control during Production aixDBLI High benefit for your piezo MEMS Available for 4”, 6”, 8” wafer size Semi-, full-automatic, including SECS-GEM interface for Fab communication Sol-Gel PZT Total Solution Sol-Gel PZT Chemistry & Hardware • Spin-on, RTA, and Poling in one System • Turn-key System Performance Guarantee • Consistent Manufacturable Process • Leading d33 and d31 Performance • Several Sol-Gel PZT Chemistries to Accommodate Customer’s Product TEM - Youtec PZT Film - SEM Model 1608 Sol-Gel PZT Deposition System Youtec innovates process technologies for storage media, semiconductor and MEMS. PVD, CVD, ALD, Sol-Gel and plasma techniques are implemented to set new precedents of functionality in films. Conventional Sol-Gel PZT Film - SEMs Youtec has engineered a hardware and materials process solution for each film offered. Its customer base includes leading MEMS and Storage Media manufacturers. Established 1992 and located in Chiba, Japan. Youtec Sol-Gel PZT Processing System Youtec Distributors Europe / Frankfurt, Germany “Toshi” Kotsugai +49-6196-776-1414 [email protected] North America / Phoenix, USA Brad Lawrence +1-602-460-4286 www.djksemi.com • DJK is a total solution provider with a variety of semiconductor processing equipment. • e.g. laser dicing, grinding, inspection systems • For further information on other process tools, please contact us. Equipment for PZT thin film production High quality PZT thin films SolMateS offers a reliable PVD process to deposit (001)‐ textured PbZrTiOx on Si, SiN3, SOI or GOS wafers. Thickness uniformity of the thin films (0.1 to 5 µm) is <2.5%. The production of high quality PZT is performed in a single process step, no RTA or poling is required. Typical displacement data (1 µm PZT) PZT (MPB) d33 pm/V d31 pm/V Mean Value >180 >120 Stdev <14 <20 Above results of d33 are measured using DBLI (AixACCT systems) on 1x1 mm pads. The d31 values are calculated from cantilever data measured using LDV (Polytec). Technical benefits of laser deposition The PiezoFlare platform is based on laser evaporation to deposit PZT thin films. The modular designed platform can be arranged for development and production purposes. • 1:1 material transfer from target into film • Low temperature load • High deposition rates • Reliable one step process Reactor module Single process reactor module with following set of properties and options: • • • • • • Wafer sizes 4, 6 and/or 8” Manual and cassette loading Up to 4 targets 10‐1‐10‐6 mbar processing O2,N2 Wafer temperature 20‐800° C Low cost of ownership Co‐development To obtain the right actuation or sensing properties for a specific MEMS device we support companies with device processing and characterization. Contact Please contact us for more information or visit us at our booth at this conference SolMateS b.v., Drienerlolaan 5 HTF bld, 7522 NB Enschede The Netherlands E: [email protected] T: +31 53 7009709 www.solmates.nl “Our customer’s R&D director looked at me and said, ‘Rogier, packaging costs are just too high. We need MUCH BETTER productivity.’” “That’s how Hexagon was born.” INNOVATION HAS A NAME. Rogier Lodder, Senior System Engineer After conversations with dozens of customers, we integrated sputtering, etch, thermal and cleaning functions onto one ultra-compact platform — Hexagon. It handles the most advanced packaging challenges with throughput up to 60 wph and maintenance intervals of more than 4000 wafers. So we can say to our customers, “we heard you.” Today lower cost of ownership has a name: Hexagon. Learn more at www.oerlikon.com/systems/hexagon Part I T 6, S O 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 3 Piezoelectric Thin Films and Their Applications Takakiyo Harigai1 , Kazuki Komaki2 , Osamu Watanabe3 , Satoru Fujii1 , Yoshiaki Tanaka1 , Michihito Ueda1 , Hideaki Adachi1 and Eiji Fujii1 1 Panasonic Corporation, Japan Elecronic Devices Co., LTD, Japan 3 Panasonic System Networks Co., LTD, Japan 2 Panasonic Piezoelectric materials have been used for many kinds of devices such as actuators for inkjet printer heads and sensors for angular velocity detection. Piezoelectric thin films formed on a Si substrate can be processed into arbitrary configurations by standard micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) processes. Performance enhancement and miniaturization are easier for a device with piezoelectric MEMS than for a normal Si-MEMS device. The importance of the piezoelectric thin films is set to increase in the future. We developed a technique to form piezoelectric materials with perovskite structure on various substrates (MgO, Si, SUS). We grew Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT), Pb(Mg,Nb)O3 -Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PMN-PZT), and leadfree (Na,Bi)TiO3 -BaTiO3 (NBT-BT) thin films with the thickness of 3.0 µm by RF magnetron sputtering. The growth of these thin films on MgO substrates was epitaxial, and the films on the Si or SUS were oriented in (001) single direction. The piezoelectric coefficients d31 of these films were -150 pm/V for PZT/Si, −225 pm/V for PMN-PZT/Si, and −155 pm/V for NBT-BT(100)/MgO. The PZT films were applied to the sensor for angular velocity detection and the actuator of the ink jet printer head. In the angular velocity sensor, PZT/Si was processed into a tuning fork configuration by Si deep etching. This configuration by itself can vibrate the tuning fork and detect the angular velocity at the same time. Thus, we succeeded in downsizing to 1/100 in volume compared with the conventional product in which bulk PZT or quartz were arranged for three dimensions. This PZT/Si sensor is now widely used for a position sensing in a car navigation system, and for shake compensation of a digital camera. The ink jet head for industrial on-demand printers was also miniaturized by MEMS processing, and realized printing resolution of 1, 200 dpi, and printing speed of 120 m/min. The material properties of NBT-BT/MgO films with (001), (110), and (111) orientation were evaluated. From X-ray diffraction analyses, (001)-films had a tetragonal structure, and (111)-films had a rhombohedral structure with no dependence on BT content. The maximum piezoelectric coefficients of (001)- and (111)-films were obtained around morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) compositon of the bulk. On the other hand, (110)-films were distorted to orthorhombic structure which does not form in bulk state. The piezoelectric coefficient d31 of h110i directions was only −9 pm/V whereas d31 of h001i directions was as high as −221 pm/V, comparable to PMN-PZT/Si. This work is promising to open an important avenue for the improvement of piezoelectricity larger than that of the original material, and to actual electromechanical devices using lead-free piezoelectric films. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 4 Piezoelectric Thin Films: A Technology Platform for Thin Film Ultrasound Transducer Arrays M. Klee1 , R. Mauczok1 , C. van Heesch1 , H. Boots1 , W. Keur1 , M. de Wild1 and B. Op het Veld1 1 Philips Research, Eindhoven Piezoelectric thin film technologies get more and more relevance for miniaturized and integrated actuators and transducers. Applications of miniaturized piezoelectric thin film devices are for example sensors for proximity sensing or ultrasound transducer arrays for imaging. A piezoelectric thin film technology platform has been developed, which processes lead based perovskite piezoelectric thin films by spin-on processing on thin film membranes. Making use of lithographic patterning, piezoelectric thin film ultrasound transducers have been realized, which are operating in the d33 mode. With the piezoelectric thin film platform, piezoelectric thin film ultrasound transducer arrays have been realized, which dependent on the design are operating at frequencies of 50 KHz up to >10 MHz. The piezoelectric thin film ultrasound transducer arrays are tested with respect to their performance. The piezoelectric thin film membrane transducer arrays operating at 4 MHz and above show a very good acoustic matching to water. This results in a bandwidth of the transducer arrays, which is equal or even larger than 100%. The output pressure of the thin film piezoelectric ultrasound transducer arrays is linear dependent from the applied voltage. These piezoelectric thin film ultrasound transducer arrays, due to their similar operation conditions as traditional ceramic or single crystal ultrasound transducer, can be operated with standard ultrasound machines. With the piezoelectric thin film ultrasound transducer arrays with 32−42 elements ultrasound images of e.g. nylon wires with 0.12 mm diameter in a water tank have been demonstrated. The technology platform has also developed to realise ultrasound transducers operating at 50−100 KHz, which have been successfully applied for proximity sensing. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 5 PiezoMEMS Technology for Enabling mm-Scale Robotics R.G. Polcawich1 , J.S. Pulskamp1 , G. Smith1 , S. Bedair1 , T. Ivanov1 , R. Proie1 , R. Kaul1 , L. Sanchez1 and D. M. Potrepka1 1 US Army Research Laboratory, Adelphi, MD, USA Piezoelectric MEMS (PiezoMEMS) technology can enable integrated solutions for a wide variety of applications including radio and cellular communications systems, biomedical, consumer electronics, and mm-scale robotics. Several piezoelectric materials are of interest for this technology. AlN thin films lead the way in the front-end filtering technology with film bulk acoustic resonators (FBAR) currently seeing heavy demand in cellular phones. Another material of keen interest is lead zirconate titanate (PZT) especially for applications requiring low voltage, high stroke, high force actuators. As part of an on-going research activity at the Army Research Laboratory, PiezoMEMS technology using PZT thin films has been developed in the area of RF applications and mm-scale robotics. Specifically, switches and relays covering a frequency space from DC to the high GHz have been demonstrated for mechanical logic for low power embedded microcontrollers and high frequency phase shifters to enable electronically steerable antennas. PiezoMEMS actuators have also enabled two degree-of-freedom actuators capable of matching the kinematic performance of insects at the mm-scale. These actuators combined/integrated with low power sensors are being developed to enable mm-scale insect-inspired robotic platforms. This presentation will focus specifically on the technologies of interest for mm-scale robotics including advancements in actuator design, integrated sensing, integration of a mechanical logic based microcontroller and performance will be presented with respect to bio-inspired microflight. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 6 Piezoelectric MEMS Based Energy Harvesting Module for Wireless Tire Pressure Monitoring Matthias Schreiter1 , Dana Pitzer1 , Michael Schier1, Andreas Wolff1 , Ingo Kühne1 , Julian Seidel1 , Helmut Seidel2 and Alexander Frey1 1 Siemens 2 Saarland AG, Corporate Technology, Munich, Germany University, Chair of Micromechanics, Microfluidics/Microactuators, Saarbruecken, Germany Recently, MEMS-based energy harvesting systems have gained increasing importance to power wireless sensor networks. While conventional batteries represent a simple and in many cases sufficient power supply, dedicated energy harvesting solutions enable the implementation of sensor applications where the operation conditions such as inaccessibility of the sensor in conjunction with long lifetime requirements ban the usage of batteries. This presentation gives an overview about the development of a demonstrator for a piezoelectric MEMS based power generator for tire pressure sensors. Conventional battery driven systems are usually mounted in the wheel rim. However, an arrangement on the inner liner of the tire would enable the detection of additional parameters such as tire temperature, friction, wearout and side slip. This approach implies stringent system requirements favouring an energy harvesting approach against a battery. This is in particular a total system weight less than 7 grams and a minimum life time of 8 years. The harvesting module needs to provide a minimum average power of 3 µW to power pressure sensor, microcontroller, and RF-frontend. The energy harvesting module requires a system approach with adapted component interfaces. The generator is based on a piezoelectric MEMS cantilever with a triangular shape which enables high energy densities. Tire related forces during the tread shuffle passage are proposed to be used for a pulsed excitation. To optimize the generator performance, piezoelectric thin films of different materials (AlN, ZnO, and PZT) were evaluated with respect to relevant material characteristics such as electro-mechanical coupling, dielectric constant and charge constant. An analytical approach was implemented modeling the generator system as a whole which enables to calculate the supplied average power and voltage depending on input parameters, cantilever geometries, material parameters, and the interface circuit. The figure illustrates a thus obtained parameter space for the generator design to meet requested output characteristics (generator area and piezoelectric thin film parameters are fixed). First demonstrators were tested showing an electrical energy density of 35 nJ/mm2 . This work is supported by the “Bundesministerium für Forschung und Entwicklung”, Germany, and embedded in the project “ASYMOF–Autarke Mikrosysteme mit mechanischen Energiewandlern für mobile Sicherheitsfunktionen” (reference 16SV3336). 2 International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 AlN and PZT Thin Films: Essential Ingredients for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 7 Ruud Vullers, Madhusudhanan Jambunathan, Rene Elfrink, Christine de Nooijer, Rob Van Schaijk imec/Holst Centre AlN and PZT Thin Films: Essential Ingredients for Piezoelectric Energy Eindhoven, The Netherlands Harvesters The rapidly growing need for energy autonomy of wireless sensor nodes can only be well served by 1 Affiliation, Country 1 , Madhusudhanan 12 , Rene using various energy harvesting technologies in combination energy storage devices.1 ,The market Jambunathan Elfrink1with , Christine de Nooijer Rob Van Schaijk1 Ruud Vullers Affiliation,Country acceptance of such solutions necessitates further cost reduction, which can be achieved by taking advantage of MEMS technology. Centre, This paper focuses onThe the Netherlands principle and thin film technology 1 imec/Holst Eindhoven, development for piezoelectric harvesting devices within imec / Holst Centre. Aluminum nitride (AlN) was chosen as piezoelectric material for its material properties and its The rapidly growing need for energy autonomy ofAlN wireless sensor can only with be well well-known sputter process. For power generation is better or at nodes least comparable otherserved by piezoelectric materials like,technologies e.g. PZT [1]. in A maximum powerwith of 225 µW has been measured an market using various energy harvesting combination energy storage devices.at The acceleration of 2.5 g and a resonance frequency of 929 Hz (Fig 1a). The package of MEMS energy acceptance of such solutions necessitates further cost reduction, which can be achieved by taking advanharvesters is essential both for reliability, in preventing excessive displacements, as well for tage of MEMS technology. This on [2]. the Therefore, principle the andreleased thin film technology preventing air damping by paper the usefocuses of vacuum MEMS structuresdevelopment are for piezoelectric harvesting devices within imec/Holst packaged with a 6-inch wafer level process, using twoCentre. glass substrates with a cavity depth of 600 µm (Fig. nitride 1b). Devices and mass size were fabricated to cover properties a 200-1200HZ Aluminum (AlN)with wasdifferent chosenbeam as piezoelectric material for its material and its wellfrequency range. The devices in vacuum have a large Q, and therefore a very narrow bandwidth of known sputter process. For power generation AlN is better or at least comparable with other piezoelectric less then 1%. This will hinder practical applications for single frequency input excitation, since it will materials like, e.g.difficult PZT [1]. A maximum powerto of µW has been measured an acceleration be very to match the resonance the225 ambient frequency. Frequency at tuning is therefore of 2.5 g essentialfrequency [3]. This canofbe929 accomplished adding wing like structures next toenergy the beamharvesters (Figure 1c). In and a resonance Hz (Fig.by1a). The package of MEMS is essential this case, PZT is the material of choice, for its higher piezoelectric constant compared to AlN. both for reliability, in preventing excessive displacements, as well for preventing air damping by the use Modeling indicates that 10 to 20% tuning can be reached with PZT (Fig 1d). Progress in development of vacuum of [2]. Therefore, thethin released MEMS structures are packaged with a 6-inch waferonlevel sputtering of PZT films and the influence of deposition conditions, anneal and poling RF process, and pulsed DC sputtered willdepth be discussed. using two glass substrates with alayers cavity of 600 µm (Fig. 1b). Devices with different beam and mass In case of shock induced vibration harvesting, the seismic massThe is excited withina mechanical shocka large Q, size were fabricated to cover a 200-1200 Hz frequency range. devices vacuum have after which the mass will “ring-down” at its natural resonance frequency [4]. During the ring-down and therefore a very narrow bandwidth less then 1%. Thisfactor, will hinder applications period, whose duration increases of with increasing quality part of practical the mechanical energy isfor single frequency input excitation, since it will be verymaxima difficult to amatch the resonance to the ambient frequency. harvested. The output power has multiple with bandwidth of about 100% each.Therefore, main is advantage of this principle[3]. is that the frequency match condition by is not relevant. In case Frequency the tuning therefore essential This can be accomplished adding wing likeofstructures application inside car tires, repetitive high amplitude shocks occurs every rotation. A high quality next to the factor beamharvester (Fig. 1c).enables In thiscontinuous case, PZT is the material of choice, for its higher piezoelectric constant power generation of a few tens of µW, sufficient to power a compared to AlN. Modeling indicates that 10 to 20% tuning can be reached with PZT (Fig. 1d). Progress wireless sensor node. in development of sputtering of PZT thin films and the influence of deposition conditions, anneal and References poling on RF pulsed DC layers will be discussed. [1] R.and Elfrink, et al., conf. proc.sputtered PowerMEMS 2008, p.249-252 [3] D. Zhu et al., Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 (2010) [2] R. Elfrink, et al, IEEE IEDM2009, pp. 543-546 [4] B. Cavallier, et al, IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 2005, p.943-945 b) c) a) d) Figure 1 : a) Power output for AlN piezoelectric energy harvester b) Wafer level packaged device c) Frequency tuning design for a piezo electric, by adding overhanging PZT 〝wings〝 (grey areas) next to the beam d) the change of the frequency that a) Power can beoutput reached for AlN piezoelectric energy harvester b) Wafer level packaged device c) Frequency tuning Fig. 1: design for a piezo electric, by adding overhanging PZT “wings” (grey areas) next to the beam d) the change of the frequency that can be reached In case of shock induced vibration harvesting, the seismic mass is excited with a mechanical shock after which the mass will “ring-down” at its natural resonance frequency [4]. During the ring-down period, whose duration increases with increasing quality factor, part of the mechanical energy is harvested. The output power has multiple maxima with a bandwidth of about 100% each.Therefore, the main advantage of this principle is that the frequency match condition is not relevant. In case of application inside car tires, repetitive high amplitude shocks occurs every rotation. A high quality factor harvester enables continuous power generation of a few tens of µW, sufficient to power a wireless sensor node. [1] R. Elfrink, et al., conf. proc. Power MEMS 2008, pp. 249-252. [2] R. Elfrink, et al., IEEE IEDM2009, pp. 543-546. [3] D. Zhu et al., Meas. Sci. Technol. 21 (2010). [4] B. Cavallier, et al., IEEE Ultrason. Symp. 2005, pp. 943-945. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 8 MEMS Based Piezoelectric Harvesters: From Thick Sheet to Thin Film Epitaxial Piezoelectric Materials P. Janphuang1 , D. Isarakorn1 , D. Briand1 , S.Gariglio2 , A. Sambri2 , J.-M. Triscone2 , F. Guy3 , J.W. Reiner4 , C.H. Ahn4 and N.F. de Rooij1 1 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland 2 University of Geneva, Switzerland 3 Engineering school of Geneva, Switzerland 4 Yale University, USA nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 This work demonstrates 2MEMS based vibration piezoelectric energy harvesters. The characteristics and performances of two different energy harvesting devices based on thick PZT sheet and epitaxial References [1] P. film D. Mitcheson, et al., Proceedings of the IEEE, 96, pp. 1457-1486, 2008. PZT thin have been investigated. The vol. harvester made by bonding a thick PZT sheet produced a [2] E. E. Aktakka et al., IEE IEDM 2007, San Francisco, pp. 31.5.1-31.5.4. 3 2 power[3]density of 2.41 µW/mm . While with 2009, the device based epitaxial PZT thin film reached a G. A. Ardila Rogríguez et al.,/g Proc.PowerMEMS Washington DC,on pp.an 197-200. 3 /g2 . To compare our device performances, the Figure of Merit defined by power[4]density of and 85 µW/mm S. Roundy P.K. Wright, Smart Mater. Struct. 13 (2004) pp. 1131-1142. [5] S. Trolier-Mckinstry andaccount P. Muralt,(Table J. Electroceramics. 12 (2004), pp. 7-17. Mitcheson [1] is taken into 1). [6] D. Shen et al., J. Micromech. Microeng., 18 (2008) 055017. 1.6 1.2 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.0 0.0 1000 0 200 400 600 800 Load resistance (kΩ) Figure 2. The output power (Prms) and output voltage (Vrms) as a function of resistive load at input vibration of 0.1g and 145 Hz. Power (μW g-2) Output power (μW) 2.4 Voltage output (Vrms) Power (μW) Voltage (Vrms) 16 Current (μA g-1) 2.0 3.0 Figure 4. Optical image of an epitaxial PZT harvester (active volume of 0.153 mm3). The inset shows the Si mass on the backside of the cantilever. 120 Voltage (V g-1) Figure 1. Optical image of a thick PZT harvester (active volume of 90 mm3) mounted on the shaker. The accelerometer is used to determine the acceleration level. 0.8 Theoretical Experimental 12 8 4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Theoretical Experimental 80 40 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Theoretical 0.6 Experimental 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 160 Power (μW) 10 15 20 25 Load resistance (kΩ) Figure 5. Theoretical and experiment power, current, and voltage as a function of resistive load for the epitaxial PZT harvester. 120 80 Table 1. Performances of our devices based volume figure of merit (FoMv) proposed by Mitcheson et al. [1]. 40 0 130 5 Power @ 218 kΩ 135 140 145 Frequency (Hz) 150 155 Piezoelectric type Figure 3. The output power across 218 kΩ as a Thick PZT sheet -130 µm function of frequency at input acceleration of 1.0g Epitaxial PZT 0.5 µm Vol. (mm3) Input acc. (m/s2) fr (Hz) Power FoMv (µm) (%) 90 0.98 (0.1g) 9.80 (1g) 145 141 2.17 157.74 0.50 3.73 0.153 0.98 (0.1g) 9.80 (1g) 2302 2302 0.13 13 9.28 92.78 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 9 Bulk PZT ceramics present high electromechanical coupling which is highly desirable in piezoelectric energy harvester. Several piezoelectric cantilevers based energy harvester with bulk PZT have been proposed and investigated in recent years [2,3]. In our work, the thick PZT sheet was bonded onto silicon cantilever using a spin coated UV activated epoxy. The harvester structure was designed to have resonant frequency lower than 200 Hz in order to be matched by the ambient vibrations in environment [4]. Fabricated thick PZT harvester (Fig.1) produced an average output power of 2.17 µW at 0.1 g (145 Hz) (Fig. 2) and reached to 157.74 µW at 1.0 g (141 Hz) with an optimal resistive load of 218 kΩ (Fig. 3). In order to achieve low resonant frequency structure, a high mass with a high volume is required in thick PZT harvester, resulting in low power density (2.41 µW/mm3 /g2 ). Moreover, wafer level manufacturability is limited with the transfer of the PZT sheet and the mass onto the silicon structure. Therefore, piezoelectric thin films are promising [5,6] to develop a low volume harvesters using wafer level manufacturing processes. In this matter, we are developing MEMS scavengers using an epitaxial Pb(Zr0.2 Ti0.8 )O3 thin films grown on silicon through oxide layers. The PZT with a composition of Zr/Ti=20/80 is chosen for its good lattice match with oxide layers and for the highest power generation figure of merit due to a high piezoelectric coefficient and a low dielectric constant. The power generated from the epitaxial PZT harvester (Fig. 4) measured at its resonant frequency (2.3 kHz) are 13 µW/g2 , 60 µA/g and 0.28 V/g for an optimal resistive load of 4.7 kΩ (Fig. 5). The epitaxial PZT harvester can gererate high power and current while maintaining low resistive load, which is favorable for impedance matching with electronic devices.The eptixial PZT harvester still needs to be optimized by changing on the device geometry to increase its ouput voltage to match with most of rectifying devices. An improved design included lower resonant frequency, higher output voltage and power will be presented. [1] P. D. Mitcheson, et al., Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 96, pp. 1457-1486, 2008. [2] E. E. Aktakka et al., IEE IEDM 2007, San Francisco, pp. 31.5.1-31.5.4. [3] G. A. Ardila Rogrı́guez et al., Proc. Power MEMS 2009, Washington DC, pp. 197-200. [4] S. Roundy and P.K. Wright, Smart Mater. Struct., 13 (2004) pp. 1131-1142. [5] S. Trolier-Mckinstry and P. Muralt, J. Electroceramics. 12 (2004), pp. 7-17. [6] D. Shen et al., J. Micromech. Microeng., 18 (2008) 055017. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 10 Performances of Piezoelectric Nano Structures D. Rémiens1 , J. Costecalde1 , D. Deresmes1 , D. Troadec1 and C. Soyer1 1 IEMN-UVHC-DOAE-UMR 8520, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Bat. P3, BP 60069, 59652 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex, France Piezoelectric nano-structures (islands of dimensions in the lateral size range 50–500 nm) have been fabricated by Focused Ga3+ Ion Beam (FIB) etching on PbZr0.54 Ti0.46 O3 thin films obtained by magnetron sputtering. The degradation induced by the etching process is investigated through the evolution of electromechanical activity measured by means of local piezoelectric hysteresis loops produced by Piezo-response Force Microscopy. The analysis of surface potential is performed by Kelvin Force Microscopy and the measurement of current-voltage curves is carried out by Conducting Atomic Force Microscopy. Two kinds of structures, namely one based on crystallized films and the other based on amorphous ones, were studied. In this latter case, the amorphous films are post-annealed after etching to obtain crystallized structure. For the structures based on the crystallized and then etched films, no piezoelectric signal was registered that evidences a serious degradation of material induced by Ga3+ ion implantation. For the structures based on the films etched in amorphous state and then crystallized the piezo response signal was near to that of the reference films (crystallized and not etched) whatever were the ion dose and the island dimensions. Even for very small lateral size (50 nm), no size effect was observed. All these results will be presented at the workshop. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 11 Laterally Vibrating Micro and Nanomechanical Piezoelectric Aluminum Nitride Resonators for RF Communications and Chemical Sensing Gianluca Piazza1 1 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA Miniaturized resonators capable of operating at various frequencies on the same substrate have gained interest as emerging technologies for addressing the specific needs of next generation radio frequency (RF) communication and sensing systems. Large scale integration of micro and nanoscale resonant mechanical devices will yield unprecedented platforms capable of low power and dynamic reconfiguration of radio links as well as the development of portable and disposable ÒnosesÓ characterized by very low limit of detection and high sensitivity to complex volatile organic chemical mixtures. This talk presents the latest advancements undergoing at the University of Pennsylvania in the development of a very promising class of these micro and nanomechanical resonators, namely laterally vibrating (contour-mode) piezoelectric aluminum nitride resonators. These devices have shown the ability to operate from few MHz up to several GHz with low motional impedances that can be readily interfaced with electronics and mechanical quality factors in excess of 1,000 and up to 4,000 in ambient conditions. Switchable banks of resonators and filters for frequency synthesis and low energy signal processing have been experimentally demonstrated. The impact of these multi-frequency low phase noise oscillators and low loss filters goes well beyond providing a miniaturized replacement for existing components; massive parallelism of these devices will infact enable new archicetures such as congnitive radios. Extreme miniaturization of the thickness of these AlN devices (50-250 nm) has benefited the demonstration of highly sensitivity and low limit of detection resonant chemical sensors. The reduced mass and large surface area in conjuction with high Q at 100 s of MHz make these AlN nanoplates the ideal candidates for the synthesis of very low power and portable sensors. These resonators have been arrayed and functionalied with single-stranded DNA to yield an electronically controlled nose capable of identifiying sub-part per billion (ppb) concentrations of Dinitrotoluene (DNT) and 100 s of ppb of Dimethyl Methylphosphonate (DMMP). In summary, this talk will offer an overview of the potentials of this miniaturized AlN resonator technology and highlight how it will likely impact the More than Moore evolution of the semiconductor industry. 2 12 International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 Sputter Deposition of Piezoelectric AlN Thin Films on Vertic 2nd International Micromechanical Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 Devices Valeriy Felmetsger1, Roozbeh Tabrizian2 and Farrokh Ayazi2 Sputter Deposition of Piezoelectric AlN Thin Films on Vertical Walls of 1 Micromechanical Devices OEM Group Incorporated, USA 2 Georgia FarrokhInstitute Ayazi2 of Technology, USA Valeriy Felmetsger1 , Roozbeh Tabrizian2 and 1 Group We present a OEM novel AlNIncorporated, thin film USA processing technique that benefits from the 2 Georgia Institute of Technology, USA piezoelectric effect as well as large transduction area provided by the sidewalls of silico Compared to FBARs where resonance frequency of the device is mainly a function of We present a novel AlN thin film processing technique that benefits from the efficient longitudinal and substrate thicknesses, the resonance frequency of AlN-on-sidewall resonators is m piezoelectric effect as well as large transduction area provided by the sidewalls of silicon microstructures lateral dimentions of a relatively thick Si microstructure. This implies that dev [1]. Compared to FBARs where resonance frequency of the device is mainly a function of the piezofrequencies spreading acrossfrequency a wide frequency spectrum can beis implemented on the electric film and substrate thicknesses, the resonance of AlN-on-sidewall resonators mainly lithography. defined by the lateral dimentions of a relatively thick Si microstructure. This implies that devices with resonance frequencies spreading across a wide frequency spectrum can be implemented on the same In this study, the Mo/AlN/Mo film stacks were deposited by dual-target S-gun magnetro substrate using lithography. structures with a deposited sidewall by height of 20S-gun µm patterned Si exdevice layer of 1 In this study, theresonator Mo/AlN/Mo film stacks were dual-target magnetronsinonto wafers. Pre-deposition plasma of the substrate andlayer thinofAlN seed layer were e perimental resonator structures with a sidewallrfheight of 20etch µm patterned in Si device 100-mm diameter SOI wafers. Pre-deposition rf plasma etch of the substrate and thin AlN seeddeposited layer were by em-a dc powered S growth of smooth and well-textured Mo bottom electrode ployed to stimulate biasing. growth of An smooth and well-textured deposited by afor dc powered alternating currentMo (40bottom kHz)electrode S-gun magnetron reactive sputtering en S-gun with rf substrate biasing. An alternating current (40 kHz) S-gun magnetron for reactive sputtering long-throw, low-pressure conditions with energetic particle bombardment thus en enabled AlN growthcoverage in long-throw, low-pressure with energetic particle bombardment thus and formation of conditions strong texture in the film. ensuring effective wall coverage and formation of strong texture in the film. The films were characterized by x-ray dif electron microscopy. 700-nm-thick AlN fil of the resonator exhibited single (0002) cr rocking curve full-width at half-maximum o and Mo film thicknesses were approx thicknesses and were continuous on the sidewalls. The efficiency of the sidewall process for tr devices was investigated using one-port wi silicon bulk acoustic resonators. [1] R. Tabrizian and F. Ayazi, The Proceedings of the 16th International Conference o Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2011), Beijing, China, June 2011, pp. 1520-1 The films were characterized by x-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. 700-nm-thick AlN films on the top surface of the resonator exhibited single (0002) crystal orientation with rocking curve full-width at half-maximum of 1.65◦ . Sidewall AlN and Mo film thicknesses were approximately half of top thicknesses and were continuous on the entire surface of the sidewalls. The efficiency of the sidewall process for transduction of MEMS devices was investigated using one-port width-extensional-mode silicon bulk acoustic resonators. [1] R. Tabrizian and F. Ayazi, The Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers 2011), Beijing, China, June 2011, pp. 1520-1523. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 13 New Trends in Piezoelectric Devices for RF Application in Mobile Phones Moulard Gilles1 and Metzger Thomas1 1 TDK EPC, Munich, Germany The market requirements in the field of Mobile Phones induce a continuous improvement of piezo material for Radio-Frequency acoustic waves devices. Currently, only RF SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) / BAW (Bulk Acoustic Waves) duplexers fulfill all of the stringent customers requirements such as small devices RF filters with large bandwidths, low insertion losses, low temperature frequency drift and low price. This presentation shows how the development of new SAW/BAW manufacturing process blocks are consistent with the current and future market requirements. High quality piezoelectric material is essential in BAW technology to achieve filter performances and especially a large bandwith in the GHz range. But the piezoelectric and acoustic properties of the piezo layer are also largly influenced by the choice of the electrode material. Each change in the layer stack configuration leads also to process integration issues that have to be solved before being implemented in production. New process blocks have been developed for SAW technology, mainly to improve the power durability and to reduce the TCF of the devices in order to fullfil the market requirements. Today, due to the various different processes which have been developed, we are able to answer the customer requirements for each duplexer bands. The mix process allows us to propose a hybrid BAW/SAW duplexer which is already in mass production. 14 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 Piezoactuated AlN-Si MEMS Resonators and Sensors Tuomas Pensala1 1 VTT, Finland MEMS resonators have been studied for a long time as a potential replacement for quartz crystals in oscillators and timing circuits. High performance resonators have been demonstrated over the years and finally also entered the market recently, most of the work being based on electrostatic actuation. The drawbacks of the electrostatic actuation include the need for a large DC bias voltage and/or very narrow gaps in the actuator structures, combined with small actuation force. Thin film piezoelectric structures have been employed by several groups to overcome the drawbacks of the electrostatic actuation, with the cost of e.g. increase in the MEMS fabrication process complexity. Piezoactuation is compared to electrostatic actuation from the point of view of device physics, fabrication processes, device performance, yield and repeatability etc. Obtained advantages and issues arising from the utilization of piezoelectric actuation in resonators are discussed. Piezoactuated wafer level packaged MEMS resonators for the >10 MHz range fabricated at VTT are presented and a review of the state of the art is performed. The focus of the paper is on AlN-Si based resonator devices, but a comparison is made to other possible piezomaterials and applications of piezo-MEMS. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 15 Electromechanical Properties of Al0.9 Sc0.1 N Thin Films Evaluated at 2.2 GHz: Film bulk acoustic resonators Ramin Matloub1 , Alvaro Artieda1 , Cosmin Sandu1 , Evgeny Milyutin1 , and Paul Muralt1 1 Ceramics Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland Since a few years, aluminum nitride (AlN) thin films have become a standard material for RF filters in mobile phones. It is mostly used in duplex filters working around 2 GHz composed of thin film bulk acoustic wave resonators (TFBAR) connected in ladder type circuits. Pure AlN thin films were found to have maximal d33,f piezoelectric coefficients of 5.3 pm/V. The coupling coefficients of TFBAR’s amounts to maximally k2 =6.5 % considering standard materials parameters. Such a value is sufficient for covering the needs of current filter requirements for mobile phones. However, there are other filters types and applications that would require larger coupling factors in order to achieve larger bandwidths. Recently it was shown that Al substitution by Sc allows for an increase of the piezoelectric response. We prepared polycrystalline (001)-textured Al0.88 Sc0.12 N thin films by reactive, pulsed, direct current magnetron sputtering to measure all relevant properties for TFABR resonators. The target was a 200 mm diameter, 6 mm thick plate of an Al0.9 Sc0.1 alloy of 99.9% purity and exact composition Al/Sc of 89.76 at. %/10.23 at. %. Selected area electron diffraction calibrated with the XRD (002) peak yielded a and c lattice parameters of 3.11 and 5.01 Å, respectively. The c/a ratio decreased to 1.575 from 1.601 of pure AlN. The unit cell volume increased by 5%. Energy dispersive analysis of x-ray emission in the TEM revealed that 12 at. % of Al atoms were substituted by Sc, indicating a higher sputter or transfer yield for Sc. The microstructure of the films as investigated by means of TEM is very close to the known picture of fiber-type T-zone growth of good AlN thin films for TFBAR’s. The clamped piezoelectric coefficient d33,f as measured by double side interferometry increases to 7.7 to 8.0 pm/V. TFBAR resonators with fundamental resonance at 2.2 GHz have been fabricated and characterized. The sound velocity in AlScN was derived by means of 2d finite element modeling of the layer stack, allowing for discrimination of loading effects by the electrodes. The value of 10’300 m/s is clearly lower than in pure AlN (11’000 m/s). A parasitic resistance was taken into consideration through application of an equivalent circuit model. As a result of these procedures we obtained k2 to 11 % and Q factor of 270 for the complete resonator, furthermore a dielectric constant of 12, and a dielectric loss tangent of 0.5% (both @2.2 GHz). The E stiffness constants cD 33 and c33 were derived as 345 and 320 GPa. The resonance frequency temperature drift of 26.1 ppm/K was found to be about the same as for pure AlN. The evolution of piezoelectric constant e33 , the dielectric constant, and the stiffness constant cE33 were found to be close to the values predicted by ab-inito calculations. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 16 FBAR Filters for Space Application Based on LiNbO3 Membrane T. Baron1 , M. Chatras2 , S. Ballandras1 1 FEMTO-ST UMR 6174 CNRS-UFC-ENSMM-UTBM, ENSMM, 26 Chemin de l’Epitaphe, 25030 Besançon Cedex 2 Xlim, UMR 6172 CNRS-Université de Limoges, Limoges, France Film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) usually use for filter application, can be used to address aerospace filter application which need large band. Then, it needs to use piezoelectric material with high electromechanical coupling coefficient. So we use LiNbO3 cut YXl/36 which have coupling coefficient for longitudinal mode of 37.5%. Conception of this kind of large band filter is based on ladder architecture with three FBAR resonators. Firstly, we compute thickness of LiNbO3 with our own software to achieve frequency required for elementary resonator. Secondly, we compute and optimise the ladder filter. The ladder filter shows a widthband of 22% at 300 MHz. Conception of such devices needs to have membrane of LiNbO3 with bottom and top electrode. To achieve this structure, we based our process fabrication on gold bonding silicon and LiNbO3 wafer and lapping/polishing step of LiNbO3 wafer, as described previously last year [1,2]. Contrary to previous works, we add different steps of process before the bonding step to structure the bot-tom electrode on titanium and membrane. The bonding step is achieve with deep structured silicon wafer, bottom electrode on LiNbO3 and structured gold in both wafer. We achieve a membrane on LiNbO3 of 11 µm as showed in Fig. 1. Fig. 1: Resonator with 11 µm thickness of LiNbO3 . Electrical characterization shows filter behaviour of FBAR devices. Packaging of these devices allows us to test power, thermal behaviour. [1] T. Baron et al., “BAW pressure sensor on LiNbO3 membrane lapping” EFTF April 2010, Noordwijk. [2] T. Baron et al., “Temperature compensated Radio-Frequency Harmonic Bulk Acoustic Resonators Pressure Sensors”, IUS October 2010, San Diego. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 17 Lead Free Laser Deposited Thin Films of 0.5(Ba0.7 Ca0.3 TiO3 )-0.5(Ba(Zr0.2 Ti0.8 )O3 ) André Piorra1 , Viktor Hrkac1 , Lorenz Kienle1 and Eckhard Quandt1 1 Institute for Material Science, Faculty of Engineering, University Kiel, Germany The materials of choice for piezoelectric applications and so far best investigated piezoelectric materials are bulk or thin film ceramics based on lead zirconate titanate (PZT). However, there is an increasing and strong interest in lead-free ferroelectric materials due to the toxicity of lead. A promising composition with piezoelectric properties comparable to PZT were found in 0.5(Ba0.7 Ca0.3 TiO3 )0.5(Ba(Zr0.2 Ti0.8 )O3 ) (BCZT). In this work ferroelectric lead-free BCZT thin films of this composition were successfully deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on Pt/TiO2 /SiO2 /Si substrates using a ceramic BCZT target prepared by conventional solid state reaction. The target material itself showed a piezoelectric coefficient d33 =600 pm/V. The (111) textured up to 1800 nm thick films exhibited a clamped piezoelectric response up to 90 pm/V and a dielectric coefficient of εr = 2000 at room temperature and are among the highest reported for lead-free piezoelectric thin films. In this presentation, the piezo- and ferroelectric properties of BCZT thin films will be discussed in the framework of PLD deposition parameters, the influence of the used substrates and its resulting microstructure. Funding via the DFG Collaborative Research Center SFB 855 “Magnetoelectric Composites–Future Biomagnetic Interfaces” is gratefully acknowledged. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 18 Microcontact Printing of PZT Films for MEMS Aaron Welsh1 , Michael Hickner1 and Susan Trolier-McKinstry1 1 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University The ability to pattern piezoelectric thin films without damage is crucial for the development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS). Many patterning techniques change the crystallinity or stoichiometry, which degrades the dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the material, with potential long-term consequences in reliability. This research is focused on shifting the paradigm away from subtractive patterning techniques by exploring direct patterning of complex oxides through microcontact printing. This process utilizes an elastomeric stamp to transfer a chemical solution precursor of a piezoelectric material directly onto a substrate in a desired pattern. Subsequent heat treatment is used to crystallize the material. One key factor that governs the quality of the patterned shape is the wetting of the PbZr0.52 Ti0.48 O3 (PZT) solution “inked” onto the surface of the elastomeric stamp. The most commonly used stamp material for microcontact printing is polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). This material has excellent mechanical properties for this application. However PDMS has a hydrophobic surface, while the 2-methoxyethanol (2-MOE) based PZT solution is a polar solvent. Therefore poor wetting between the solution and the stamp leads to poor pattern transfer. Two routes are being explored to improve this. The first is subjecting the PDMS stamps to an oxygen plasma ashing treatment which converts the surface of the stamp to a temporary hydrophilic surface. The second is to use a polyurethane (PU) composite stamp that has an inherently hydrophilic surface. It was found that oxygen plasma ashing the surface of the PDMS stamps leads to well defined pattern transfer of a single 125 nm layer of PZT solution. Similarly, PU stamps enable both excellent pattern transfer and multiple printing cycles without degradation in definition of the features. Lateral feature sizes of the patterned PZT varied from 500 µm to 5 µm. On crystallization, the patterned features formed perovskite PZT without deleterious second phases. The patterned features have comparable electrical properties to those of continuous PZT films of similar thicknesses, with permittivities of >1000 for thicknesses above 400 nm. The hysteresis loops are well formed, without pinching of the minor loop. The piezoelectric response of the patterned features produced an e31,f of −5 to −7 C/m2 . This indicates that the microcontact printing process does not adversely affect the PZT crystallization. Part II T 6, S P 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 21 HBAR and Their Applications T. Baron1 , E. Lebrasseur1 , G. Martin1 , B. François1 , V. Petrini1 , S. Ballandras1 1 FEMTO-ST UMR 6174 CNRS-UFC-ENSMM-UTBM, ENSMM, 26 Chemin de l’Epitaphe, 25030 Besançon Cedex High-overtone Bulk Acoustic Resonators (HBAR) have received a strong interest for many years. Various developments have been particularly achieved using Quartz and AlN materials. With the devel2nd materials Internationalwhich Workshop on Piezoelectric 2011 electromechanical coefficient, new applications opments of new present higherMEMS coupling can be address. The fabrication of the proposed HBAR is based on bonding and lapping of two wafers. HBAR and their applications Thin piezoelectric film presentes strong coupling coefficient, as described previously [1,2]. This fabrication method allows us to choose material for piezoelectric layer and substrat layer to address differents T. Baron1, E. Lebrasseur1, G. Martin1, B. François1, V. Petrini1, S. Ballandras1 applications. 1 For exemple, one possibility to control the Temperature Coefficient of Frequency (TCF) of HBAR. FEMTO-ST UMR 6174 is CNRS-UFC-ENSMM-UTBM ENSMM, 26 Chemin de l'Epitaphe, 25030 Cedex The famous Campbell & Jones method [3] Besançon has been used here for predicting the TCF of any mode of aBulk given HBAR and hence to have determine of many material which this parameter can be High-overtone Acoustic Resonators (HBAR) receivedconfigurations a strong interest for years.for Various developments have been particularly achieved using Quartz and AlN materials. With the developments magnified or minimized. By this way, we can address applications which ofneed intrinsic temperature new materials which present higher coupling electromechanical coefficient, new applications can be address. compensation or on theiscontrary ofwafers. temperature. The fabrication of the proposed HBAR based on maximum bonding and sensibility lapping of two Thin piezoelectric film presentes strong coupling coefficient, as described previously 1,2. This fabrication method allows us to choose material for piezoelectric layer and substrat layer to address differents applications. For exemple, one possibility is to control the Temperature Coefficient of Frequency (TCF) of HBAR. The famous Campbell&Jones method 3 has been used here for predicting the TCF of any mode of a given HBAR and hence to determine configurations of material for which this parameter can be magnified or minimized. By this way, we can address applications which need intrinsic temperature compensation or on the contrary maximum sensibility of Fig. 1: Experimental measurements of a mode of a HBAR temperature. ◦ LiNbO on (YXlt)/34◦ /90◦ Quartz built on on (YXlt)/34°/90° The possibility to combine various 3 built Fig. 1: Experimental measurements of a(YXl)/163° mode of aLiNbO HBAR on (YXl)/163Quartz 3 located in the ISM band materials and to include manufacturing located in the ISM band. steps before and after bonding and lapping process, allow us to target 4 1 various applications as oscillator pressure sensor , temperature sensor, and so on.manufacturing steps before and after Thesuch possibility to , combine various materials andfilter, to include 1 T. Baron et al., “BAW pressure sensor on LiNbO3 membrane lapping” Proc.of the IEEE EFTF April 2010 2 bonding and lapping process, allow us toharmonic target various applications asthe oscillator [4], pressure senT. Baron et al., Temperature compensated radio-frequency bulk acoustic resonators,such Proc.of IEEE IFCS,sor pp. [1], 652 –temperature 655, 2010 sensor, filter, and so on. [1] T. Baron et al., “BAW pressure sensor on LiNbO3 membrane lapping”, Proc.of the IEEE EFTF April 2010. [2] T. Baron et al., “Temperature compensated radio-frequency harmonic bulk acoustic resonators”, Proc.of the IEEE IFCS, pp. 652-655, 2010. [3] J.J. Campbell, W.R. Jones, “A method for estimating crystals cuts and propagation direction for excitation of piezoelectric surface waves”, IEEE Trans. On Sonics and Ultrasonics, Vol. 15, pp. 209-217, 1968. [4] T. Baron et al., “RF oscillators stabilized by temperature compensated HBARs based on LiNbO3 /Quartz combination”, Proc.of the IEEE IFCS-EFTF, 2011. Effective piezoelectric coefficients of PZT thin films for energy harvesting with interdigitated electrodes 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 Ɨ Nachiappan Chidambaram , Andrea MazzalaiƗ & Paul MuraltƗ Ɨ Laboratoire de Céramique Effective Piezoelectric Coefficients of PZT Thin Films for Energy Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL Harvesting with Interdigitated Electrodes Lausanne, Switzerland. Mazzalai1 , Paul Muralt1 Nachiappan Chidambaram1 , Andrea August 24, 2011 1 Ceramics Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland Interdigitated electrode (IDE) systems with lead zirconate titanate (PZT) (figure 1 (a)) thin films play Interdigitated electrode (IDE) systems with lead zirconate titanate (PZT) (figure 1 (a)) thin films an increasingly important role for two reasons: first, such a configuration generates higher voltages play an increasingly important role for two reasons: first, such a configuration generates higher voltages than parallel plate capacitor type electrode (PPE) structures, and second, the application of an than parallel plate capacitor type electrode (PPE) structures, and second, the application of an electric electric field leads to a compressive stress component, contrary to PPE structure, which results in field leads to a compressive stress component, contrary to PPE structure, which results in tensile stress. tensile stress. Ceramics tend to crack at relatively moderate tensile stresses and this means that with Ceramics tend to crack at relatively moderate tensile stresses and this means that with IDEs one can IDEs one the can crack decrease the these crack reasons, risk. For these are ideal for ofenergy harvesting decrease risk. For IDEs arereasons, ideal for IDEs energy harvesting vibration energy, of vibration energy, as well as for actuators. Systematic investigations of PZT films with IDE systems are as well as for actuators. Systematic investigations of PZT films with IDE systems are still missing to still date. this work we on present results on the in-plane evaluation of the in‐plane piezoelectric date.missing In thisto work weIn present results the evaluation of the piezoelectric coefficients with coefficients with IDE systems. Idealized effective coefficients e and h are derived, showing its IDE IDE IDE systems. Idealized effective coefficients e and h are derived, showing its composite nature IDE IDE rd rd composite nature with about 1/3 contribution with about 1/3rd contribution of the contribution of the transverse effect, and about 2/3 transverse effect, and about 2/3rd contribution of the longitudinal of the longitudinal effect in case of a PZT film deposited on a (100)‐oriented silicon wafer with the in‐ effect in case of a PZT film deposited on a (100)-oriented silicon wafer with the in-plane electric field plane electric field along one of the <011> directions. Randomly oriented, 1 µm thick PZT 53/47 film along one of the ¡011¿ directions. Randomly oriented, 1 µm thick PZT 53/47 film deposited by a soldeposited by a sol‐gel technique (figure 1 (b)), were evaluated and yielded an effective coefficient, gel technique (figure 1 (b)), were evaluated and yielded an effective coefficient, eIDE of 15 C/m2 . We epropose C/m2. We propose measurable of merit for structures thin film energy harvester IDE of 15 a measurable figure of a merit (FOM) forfigure thin film energy(FOM) harvester as the product structures as the product between effective ‘e’ and ‘h’ coefficient representing twice the electrical between effective ‘e’ and ‘h’ coefficient representing twice the electrical energy density stored in the energy density stored in the piezoelectric film per unit strain deformation. Assuming homogeneous piezoelectric film per unit strain deformation. Assuming homogeneous fields between the fingers, and fields between the fingers, and below neglecting the contribution electrode fingers, neglecting the contribution from the electrode fingers, the from FOM below for IDEthe structures is derived to the FOM for IDE structures is derived to be twice as large as for PPE structures for PZT‐5H properties. The be twice as large as for PPE structures for PZT-5H properties. The experiments yielded a maximal FOM 9 experiments yielded a maximal FOM of the IDE structures of 7.5 x 10 J/m3. of the IDE structures of 7.5×109 J/m3 . a 22 b c Figure 1: (a) schematic illustration PZT film with IDE, showing the polarization pattern and charge Figure 1: (a) schematic illustration PZT film with IDE, showing the polarization pattern and charge collected in collected in the IDE (+q), (b) shows the SEM cross section and (c) shows the optical top view of IDE the IDE (+q), (b) shows the SEM cross section and (c)pattern shows the optical top view of IDE pattern. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 23 Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Ultrathin Piezoelectric Aluminum Nitride Films Valeriy Felmetsger1 , Pavel Laptev2 and Roger Graham3 1 OEM Group Incorporated, USA Micro Technology 3 NanoTEM Analytics Incorporated, USA 2 Innovative One of today’s challenges is to develop electroacoustic devices operating at higher frequencies. As the resonance frequency of the resonator is determined by the thickness of the AlN layer, there is essential interest of using ultrathin 100-200 nm films to extend the current FBAR technology from 1-2 to 10-20 GHz range. 100-nm and thinner AlN films with precisely controllable in-plain stress as well as stress gradient through the film thickness are required for a new class of vertically deflecting piezoelectric nanoelectromechanical (P-NEM) actuators recently implemented for low power logic applications. However, it is challenging to deposit such thin films with acceptable piezoelectric coefficients due to their drastically downward crystallinity compared to 500-2000 nm thick films currently employed in mass production. In this study, technological solutions for reactive magnetron sputtering of higly textured nanoscale AlN films (having thicknesses as low as 200 down to 25 nm) have been proposed, their microstructure, crystal orientation, and features of stress control have been investigated. To promote the nucleation of small size grains preferably oriented by nitrogen basal plain on top, a two-step reactive sputtering process by an ac (40 kHz) powered S-gun magnetron was employed. In the first stage, a higher substrate temperature (400-450 ◦ C) and a higher nitrogen concentration in Ar-N2 gas mixture are used during growth of the first 20 nm thick film. In the second stage, the remaining film is deposited at an ambient temperature of about 300 ◦ C, while the N2 flux is reduced to the value enabling the magnetron discharge to remain in a poison mode but at the work point located closer to a transition zone between a poison and a metallic mode on the hysteresis curve. Regulation of the flux of charged species, substrate temperature, and gas content during deposition enabled formation of the films with low and controllable stress gradient as well as in-plane stress. The two-step AlN processing combined with the capability to deposit smooth and highly textured Mo bottom electrodes has demonstrated high efficiency in producing very thin piezoelectric AlN films exhibiting superior crystallinity with FWHM from 1.8◦ (200 nm) to 3.1◦ (25 nm) on Mo electrodes. HRTEM results have confirmed that the 25-100 nm thick films have a fine columnar texture and a continuous lattice microstructure within a single grain from interface with the Mo layer through to the AlN surface. Although the grains were found slightly rotated relative to one another about the c-axis, the (0001)-type planes parallel to the interface with the Mo substrate were observed in all samples, confirming the presence of a strong orientation even in the 25 nm thick film. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 24 Influence of Temperature and O2 Flow Rate on the Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of PZT Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering Yun Sung Kang1 , Sang Jin Kim1 , Seung Hun Han1 , Min Kyu Choi1 , Sung Min Cho2 and Jung Won Lee1 1 AMD 2 Micro Lab. Samsung Electro-Mechanics,314 Maetan-Dong, Suwon 443-743, Korea Fab. Samsung Electro-Mechanics,314 Maetan-Dong, Suwon 443-743, Korea Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT)films have attracted considerable attention for potential micro-electronics and electro-mechanical applications due to their excellent ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. PZT films in thickness range of 2-2.5 mm were deposited on Pt/TiOx /SiO2 /Si multilayered substrates by radio frequency magnetron sputtering. The influence of deposition temperature (560-620 ◦ C) and O2 flow rate (0.5-2 sccm) on the structural, electrical, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of the PZT films was systematically evaluated. According to this study, the deposition temperature has a strong influence on the evolution and texture of the ferroelectric perovskite phase and microstructure of the films. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 25 Influences of Titanium Underlayer on (002) Oriented Aluminium Nitride Nathan Jackson1 , Robert O’Leary1 , Rosemary O’Keeffe1 , Mary White1 , Mike O’Neill2 , Finbarr Waldron1 and Alan Mathewson1 1 Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland 2 Analog Devices Inc., Ireland Recently, aluminium nitride (AlN) has become a highly researched piezoelectric material because of its unique properties. Piezoelectric AlN films have been used as resonators, actuators, transducers, and energy harvesting devices. AlN is CMOS compatible, which makes it easier to integrate into an IC chip design. Moreover, it is not a ferroelectric material, so poling is not required to obtain a piezoelectric effect. However, the crystal orientation of the material is critical in order to optimise the piezoelectric properties. AlN has been deposited using various methods and on numerous materials. AlN deposited on metals such as Pt, Ti, and Mo have shown the highest orientation of (002) c-axis AlN films. The authors have investigated the influences of using Ti and various deposition parameters on the (002) crystal orientation of AlN. Various DC sputtered Ti and AlN films were investigated using AFM, SEM, and XRD in order to determine the affects of the underlying layers on the (002) orientation of AlN. Ti was deposited onto Si and Si/SiO2 substrates, followed by a DC sputtered AlN film. Variations included, Ti thickness, AlN thickness, continous deposition of AlN or multiple breaks, and with or without a SiO2 isolation layer. Full width half maximum (FWHM) values obtained from the XRD rocking curve of both the Ti and AlN layers were used to determine the influences of the varying parameters on the (002) AlN films. The results show that all of the varied parameters had a significant affect on the RMS surface roughness. The thinner films along with multiple depositions of AlN and no oxide gave the lowest surface roughness values. SEM cross section images show good columnar c-axis (002) oriention of the AlN film. The FWHM results of the (002) AlN film show a strong correlation with quality of the (002) Ti oriented film. The highest quality film had a FWHM of 1.5◦ (AlN) and 1.8◦ (Ti). In conclusion, optimising the quality of the underlying layers is critical in order to obtain the highest quality (002) oriented AlN film. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 26 Interdigitated Electrodes Based Cantilevers for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting A. Mazzalai1 , N. Chidambaram1 , P. Muralt1 1 Ceramics Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Switzerland We report on conception, simulation, fabrication, and characterization of PZT thin film structures for piezoelectric vibration energy harvesting (EH). We investigated specifically interdigitated electrode configurations (IDE), which in theory, allow for a better exploitation of the capabilities of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) as an active material in terms of output voltage and output power. The overall efficiency of a MEMS energy harvester is analyzed and also compared to versions with parallel plate structures. The IDE arrangement decouples the electrode gap from the thin film thickness, allowing to reduce the capacitance of the active layer and therefore to increase the output voltage, which is very important for any diode-based rectification and charge pumping circuit. The product of the effective piezoelectric coefficients eeff and heff constitutes an easy to measure relevant figure of merit for thin film based EH structures. From the constitutive equations of piezoelectricity we conclude that IDE harvesters can also carry about twice the energy density with respect to parallel plate electrodes (PPE) devices with the same active volume. The results of finite element modeling (FEM) investigations for both IDE and PPE are presented and compared with simplified analytical calculations. We studied the harvesting efficiency as a function of the power input in the form of elastic beam bending. Due to its higher coupling coefficient, PZT thin film based systems with IDE’s can harvest a given amount of stored elastic energy much faster than PZT PPE and AlN PPE structures. Based on these results, an EH design for broadband devices applications is proposed and discussed also in its critical aspects of stress compensation and capacitive coupling. The micro fabrication route of the PZT laminated beams is presented. Deposition of PZT thin films was investigated with both magnetron sputtering and chemical solution routes. Silicon cantilevers coated with 2 µm thick PZT 53/47 thin films with mainly (100)-orientation were fabricated and characterized. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 27 Local Polarity Control of (001)AlN Thin Films E. Milyutin1 , S. Harada1 , D. Martin2 , J. F. Carlin2 , N. Grandjean2 , V. Savu3 , O. Vaszques-Mena3 , J. Brugger3 and P. Muralt1 1 Ceramics Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland of Advanced Semiconductors for Photonics and Electronics, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland 3 Microsystems Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland 2 Laboratory We report on the ability to control the polarity of sputter deposited AlN(001) thin films using seed layers. Reactive sputter deposition leads to N-polarity on any substrate hitherto applied, i.e. Si(111), sapphire, SiO2 , polycrystalline metals such as Pt(111), Mo(110), W(110), etc. A site-controlled polarity allows for an efficient excitation of shear modes of surface, bulk, and Lamb waves by interdigitated electrodes. We were able to introduce the Al-polarity through a MOCVD seed layer. By subsequently patterning the substrate surface it was possible to define the desired film polarity of sputter deposited AlN film. Polarities were determined by selective etching with KOH solutions and by piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM). 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 28 Hyper Frequency Properties of “3 Inches-frozen Capacitive MEMS” with PZT Thin Films Processed by Sol-gel M. Pham Thi1 , P. Martins1 , A.Leuliet1 , M. Pate1 and A. Ziaei1 1 Thales Research Technology France, 1 Avenue A. Fresnel, 91676 Palaiseau Cedex France e-mail: [email protected] RF-MEMS have a crucial role to play in future wireless systems through the development of filters, high-Q inductors, high-density capacitors and low loss switches to enable novel and improved RF transceiver front-ends. Compared with FETs or PIN diodes, RF MEMS present lower insertion loss in the “on state” and better isolation in the “off state”. Most of capacitive RF MEMS use Si3 N4 as dielectric layer. Its low dielectric constant (7@few GHz) limits the performance of device at low frequency. PZT exhibiting high-k dielectrics constant were investigated in capacitive MEMS to lower the switching bandwidth up to 2 GHz. A frozen capacitive MEMS switch, that simulates a MEMS in it “on state” consists of coplanar lines shunted by a dielectric patch. Gold electrodes were deposited by evaporation and PZT or derived PZT thin films were obtained by spin coating onto 3 inch Silicon substrates. Crystallization of PZT thin film was optimized about 500 ◦ C in order to limit the diffusion of Au electrode. At this temperature pure perovskite thin films exhibiting a dielectric constant of 500-1000@ 2-7 GHz were observed. The increase of dielectric constant with thin film thickness is consistent with data in the literature and reveals the presence of dead layer at electrode/PZT interface thin film. The variation of the dielectric constant versus frequency, measured for three capacitance dimensions exhibits a circuit resonance from 4 GHz to 9 GHz for the value of capacitance from 82 pF to 22 pF. These resonances perturb dielectric constant determination and imply the right choice of capacitance dimension versus frequency. Influence of bias on dielectric properties were measured in order to evaluate PZT behaviour during switching. HF measurements were done from 1 GHz to 20 GHz. The reflection coefficients are high, between −0.5 and −0.6 dB for most lines. At 10 GHz all the shunted lines have high attenuation, better than −39 dB. These data are promising and implementation of PZT and derived PZT thin film in MEMS process is in progress. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 29 Active Damping with A Piezoelectric MEMS Device Thierry Verdot1 , Paul Muralt2 and Manuel Collet1 1 Femto-st 2 Ecole institute, Département de Mécanique appliquée, France Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Laboratoire de Céramique (LC), Switzerland Active stabilization strategies offer interesting prospects for the protection of embedded MEMS devices against accelerations generated by their vibrating support. Moreover, downscaling operated in microtechnology brings substantial benefits. First, the reduced amount of mass to control lowers drastically the energy required for the active stabilization. Then, the large variety of coupling mechanisms, mature in microengineering, offers facilities for the integration of actuators and sensors required for control implementation. The device presented at the 2nd International Workshop on piezoelectric MEMS is a piezoelectric Micro Active Suspension prototype dedicated to the application of a stabilization strategy called Integral estimated-Force Feedback. Basically, it is a mechanical suspension etched in a siliconon-insulator wafer and equipped with an actuator/sensor pair integrated via a Pb(Zr0.53 ,Ti0.47 )O3 thin film deposited by gradient free sol-gel route. Obtained ferroelectric transducers exhibit high transverse piezoelectric coefficient in the linear domain restricted to ±2 V. Their remarkable authority on suspension dynamic combined to a weak electrical “cross-talking” enables the implementation of the controller by using a restricted number of electronic analog low-voltage components. The transfer functions of the closed-loop system, recorded during experimental test conducted on a vibrating table, emphazise sky-hook damping actively introduced that stabilizes suspension dynamic while preserving isolation performances above its cutoff frequency. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 30 Modelling of Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (pMUT) for Medical Use Andreas Vogl1 and Dag T. Wang1 1 1SINTEF ICT, Department of Microsystems and Nanotechnology, Oslo, Norway PiezoMEMS transducers consist often of multilayered thin-film structures which are difficult to model with finite element modelling (FEM) tools due to high aspect ratio of the geometry. Therefore, a set of analytical models for different variables in the transfer function of the pMUT has been developed as a checking point for the multiphysics FEM simulations. The transfer function for the frequency f of the circular, membrane based ultrasound transducer in bending mode can be written as the quotient of amplitudes of average deflection and applied voltage to the structure: 2 ln Rm kM(V )R 0 in Rin y0 H( f ) ≡ = . V0 2Dm [k + j2π f Z( f ) − m(2π f )2 ] Here we use the spring constant k, the piezoelectric bending moment due to the voltage M(V ), the radii Rin (inner radius of the actuation electrode) and Rm (membrane radius), the flexural rigidity Dm , the acoustic impedance Z( f ) (defined as in [1]) and the membrane effective mass m. The results of the analytical modelling and a FEM model in COMSOL multiphysics regarding the first eigenfrequency and centre displacement for a pMUT in water were compared and showed only minor deviations. A combination of both modelling types has been used for the modelling of pMUTS which are currently under manufacturing at SINTEF. This approach allows for a quick exploration of the design space with the analytical models for this multiphyscis problem and providing a check point for the time consuming optimal meshing of the high-aspect ration geometries for FEM. At the same time important design parameters can also be identified. The multiphysics FEM simulations give additional qualitative and quantitave information e.g. higher order eigenmodes close to the first one. [1] Kinsler, L.E., Fundamentals of acoustics. 4th ed. 2000, New York ; Chichester: Wiley. xii, 548 p. [2] Muralt P., Kholkin M., Kohli M., Maeder T, 1996, Piezoelectric actuation of PZT thin-film diaphragms at static and resonant conditions, Sensors and Actuators A53, 398-404 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 31 Piezoelectric MEMS Fabrication Integrating Thermally and Mechanically Incompatible Materials P.B. Kirby1 and R.V.Wright1 1 Cranfield University,UK In common with a number of other technologically important thin film materials high temperatures are required for the growth of high quality piezoelectric films either for film deposition itself or during a subsequent anneal which can make them difficult to integrate with conventional e.g. CMOS devices. Also with the advent of plastic electronics mechanical constraints are now becoming important: the mechanical strain in flexible circuits for example can reach ∼3% which is well above the breaking strain of many inorganic piezoelectric materials. It is possible with some materials to overcome thermal incompatibilities by reducing film growth temperature a good example of which is sol-gel deposited PZT, which can be grown at temperatures as low as 500 ◦ C, but an attractive option which has recently been developed is transfer bonding in which the piezoelectric layer is deposited on a separate wafer, then bonded to the low temperature substrate and finally removed from its original substrate by mechanical grinding and/or chemical etching or if the substrate is uv transparent by excimer laser ablation. Strategies to deal with mechanical incompatibility include use of a temporary rigid backing to enable planar processing and strain relief measures such as buckled interconnecting beams and strain isolating layers. In the present work some of these approaches have been applied to a range of piezoelectric devices to overcome thermal and mechanical constraints. Thin film PZT actuated DC contact RF MEMS switches have been fabricated using two types of transfer bonding technique one in which stud bonding is combined with laser ablation for selective device transfer and another which employs adhesive bonding for full wafer device transfer. Good switching performance has been achieved with both. A simple process for the transfer of thin film PZT structures onto polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) for energy harvesting applications has also been demonstrated in which a Si substrate containing the structures is pressed against a separate PDMS coated substrate and then etched away by deep reactive ion etching. The transferred structures appear well bonded but some reduction in their ferroelectric, and hence piezoelectric, properties following transfer has been observed. ZnO based thin film bulk acoustic resonators (FBARs) have been fabricated directly onto a flexible liquid crystal polymer by pre-bonding the flexible substrate to a rigid backing wafer to enable conventional planar processing and lowering the ZnO growth temperature to 200 ◦ C. A high effective electromechanical coupling constant (k2 ) has been achieved ∼6.7% but the low growth temperature and consequent non-optimum grain structure is believed to have led to the limited series and parallel Q values that are observed (126 and 78 respectively). Part III W 7, S O 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 35 All-oxide PiezoMEMS Devices by Pulsed Laser Deposition: Properties of Clamped Epitaxial PZT Thin Films Guus Rijnders1 1 MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, POBox 217,7500AE, Enschede, Netherlands Ferroelectric oxides, such as Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT), are very useful for electronic and photonic devices, as well as piezomechanical actuators and sensors. The ferro- and piezoelectric properties are strongly related to the crystal orientation as well as the strain state of the PZT layer. Successful integration of these devices into silicon technology is therefore not only dependent on the ability of epitaxial growth on silicon substrates, but also the control of the crystallographic orientation and the residual strain state of the deposited PZT thin film. A study will be presented on the effects of the residual strain in PZT thin films on the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. Epitaxial (001)-oriented PZT thin film capacitors are sandwiched between SrRuO3 electrodes. The thin film stacks are grown on different substrate-buffer-layer combinations by pulsed laser deposition. All the PZT films show ferroelectric behavior that is consistent with the single domain ferroelectric r-phase. Compressive or tensile stress caused by the difference in thermal expansion of the PZT film and substrate influences the ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties. Their dependences on this misfit strain are in good correspondence with theoretical predictions. We conclude that clamped (001) oriented single domain Pb(Zr0.52 Ti0.48 )O3 thin films strained by the substrate always show rotation of the polarization vector. In this contribution, I will furthermore highlight the recent progress on the fabrication of all-oxide piezo-MEMS devices by pulsed laser deposition. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 36 Introduction of New Manufacturing Technology for Piezo (PZT) MEMS Production Janssens, Arjen1 1 CEO SolMateS, Netherlands [email protected] The MEMS market is growing fast of which PiezoMEMS applications are showing high market potential. Many companies are working on Piezo actuated MEMS, trying to get their application from development towards production. One of the major challenges in this process is the reliable integration of the Piezo material (PZT) on the silicon wafer. The deposition of PZT on silicon wafers is not straightforward as the optimal material performance; yield and stability are hard to achieve using traditional deposition technologies. For this reason SolMateS offers the PiezoFlare 1200 to deposit PZT thin films on 6" and 8" wafers. This thin film platform uses laser deposition to deposit PZT and oxide electrodes in the same reactor. Due to its modular configuration we have a solution from research till production. The PiezoFlare 1200 is designed to manufacture reliable PZT thin films. Measurements show high and homogeneous piezo performance on each wafer, and stable values from wafer to wafer. The PiezoFlare 1200 enables reliable production capability for PZT thin film deposition. After the PZT thin films (1-3 µm) are deposited no poling and RTA is required. Wafer mapping using DBLI (AixaCCT systems) show uniform d33 values across the wafer with values of 180 pm/Volt or higher for a 1mm2 pad size and 2 µm PZT thin films. From cantilever tip displacement measurements d31 values of 120 pm/V and higher are calculated. Furthermore measurements show stable membrane and cantilever actuation till 1010 cycles. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 37 Epitaxial Ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2 Ti0.8 )O3 Thin Films on Silicon: Growth and Physical Properties S. Gariglio1 , A. Sambri1 , P.Janphuang2 , D. Isarakorn2 , D. Briand2 , J.W. Reiner3 , A. Torres Pardo4 , O. Stéphan4 , C.H. Ahn3 , N.F. de Rooij2 and J.-M. Triscone1 1 University 2 Ecole of Geneva, Switzerland Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland 3 Yale University, USA 4 Université Paris-Sud, France This work discusses the growth and properties of epitaxial ferroelectric layers on silicon for piezoelectric MEMS devices. Nowadays it is possible to control the growth of epitaxial thin films of perovskite structure on silicon substrates using a SrTiO3 layer as a chemical and structural buffer. The integration of this crystalline oxide layer on silicon requires a complex multi-step procedure achieved by molecular beam epitaxy. The successive bottom electrode SrRuO3 and ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2 Ti0.8 )O3 thin films are grown by reactive magnetron sputtering. We currently master this process on 3 inch silicon substrates. The structural analysis performed by transmission electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction reveals a full epitaxial relation between the layers. Polarization-voltage loops, measured at room temperature on 100×100 µm2 Cr/Au top electrodes, reveal a remnant polarization and a coercive field of about 70 µC/cm2 and 250 kV/cm, respectively. Piezo-force microscopy yields an estimation of the piezoelectric d33 coefficient of 50 pm/V. As for ferroelectric materials it is well known that the mechanical boundary conditions affect substantially the ferroelectric properties through the strain-polarization coupling, we have investigated the effect of the epitaxial strain on the critical temperature of the paraelectric-ferroelectric phase transition. A. Sambri et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 012903 (2011). 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 38 Oerlikon PVD Production Solution for in-situ Large Scale Deposition of PZT Films Kratzer M.1 , Kaden D.2 , Quenzer H J.2 , Castaldi L.1 , Heinz B.1 , Harada S.3 , Mazzalai A.3 and Muralt P.3 1 Oerlikon Balzers, Liechtenstein ISIT, Germany 3 EPFL, Switzerland 2 Fraunhofer The direct growth of piezoelectric PZT films by RF sputtering (PVD) is considered as the deposition method particularly suitable to satisfy the increasing demand for this material type driven by various applications like sensors, energy harvesting devices, ink-jet printing heads and other active components. This is because of the remarkable advantage of the PVD deposition method to grow high quality films in a single process step (in-situ) without post annealing. One prerequisite for the in-situ growth of the correct crystalline perovskite structure is the tight temperature control of the substrate in the range of 500 ◦ C during film deposition. Challenges arise because of the required temperature uniformity especially for the large wafer size of 200 mm. Further on the sputter equipment has to be optimized to enable a deposition process at a high throughput which is a key factor for minimized cost of ownership for PZT volume production. The status of the tool development for in-situ deposition of PZT films by sputtering will be presented. The hardware capabilities will be shown and their influence on the PZT film properties will be discussed. As a result high quality PZT films were deposited on 8" wafer showing a considerable piezoelectric performance with highest piezoelectric coefficients d33,f of 120 pm/V and e31,f of −13.8 C/m2 on 200 mm substrate size. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 39 Measurements of Electrical and Electromechanical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Thin Films and Optimization of Poling Stephan Tiedke1 , Roland Kessels1 , Thorsten Schmitz-Kempen1 , Gwenaël Le Rhun3 , Dirk Kaden4 and Paul Muralt5 1 aixACCT Systems GmbH, Germany France 4 Fraunhofer Institut für Siliziumtechnologie, Germany 5 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL, Switzerland 3 CEA-LETI, The first mass-products of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based on piezoelectric thin films have been introduced into the market. A broad range of new applications are currently being developed e.g. energy harvester for autonomous devices, new ink-jet printer heads, RF-switches and tilted mirror arrays. With more products under development the need of accurate and standardized characterization of piezoelectric films is increasing. The characterization of the piezoelectric film properties is essential for device design as well as device simulation and critical for process qualification. Different measurement methods for the investigation of the piezoelectric thin film properties will be presented. The first method presented uses the Double Beam Laser Interferometer (DBLI) to measure the effective longitudinal (d33,f ) coefficient of piezoelectric thin films on wafer level up to 8 inch. Resolution and long-term repeatability were verified by an x-cut quartz sample and 8 inch wafers with AlN thin films as a stable reference piezoelectric material. The second method focuses on thin film samples on silicon substrates where the electrode layout is adapted to our 4-point bending setup for measurement of the transversal piezoelectric (e31,f ) coefficient under well-defined homogeneous mechanical strain. Stress and corresponding strain distributions in the film were verified by Finite Element simulations. Repeatability was also verified on AlN thin film samples. This combination of setups allows fast and accurate measurements of both coefficients on Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films. In the second part of the presentation it will be shown that careful poling of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films under elevated temperature and different excitation signals can significantly increase the piezoelectric coefficients. In some cases the e31,f coefficient could be increased by 50% or more. Optimizations of the poling condition will be presented and the results will be summarized. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 40 Direct And Indirect Piezoelectric Characterization of PZT Thin Films for MEMS Applications Abergel, J.1 , Cueff, M.1 , Michaud, H.1 , Allain, M.1 , Ricart, T.1 , Dieppedale, C.1 , Suhm, A.1 , Kessels, R.2 , Tiedke, S.2 , Le Rhun, G.1 , Fanget, S.1 , Aı̈d, M.1 and Defaÿ, E. 1 CEA 2 AixACCT LETI Minatec Campus, 38054 Grenoble, France Systems GmbH Dennewartstr. 25, D-52068 Aachen, Germany Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 (PZT) thin films have been extensively studied during the last 20 years because of their outstanding ferroelectric, dielectric and piezoelectric properties. However, it appears that there is still a large discrepancy between the communicated piezoelectric coefficients. This is closely related to the fact that thin films are clamped to their subtrates. Thus, only effective piezoelectric coefficients, which are a combination of purely piezoelectric coefficients and elastic constants, can be extracted. Moreover, thin films elastic constants are not well known: that increases the difficulty to determine pure piezoelectric coefficients. In this study, we propose to implement a direct and indirect piezoelectric characterization of PZT films in order to provide a clear assessment of the transverse piezoelectric coefficients. Those characterizations give the opportunity to eventually determine e31 , d31 and the Young modulus of these PZT thin films. (100)-oriented sol-gel 2 µm-thick Pb(Zr0.52 ,Ti0.48 )O3 films were deposited on 200 mm SOI wafers. The final stack was Si substrate/0.5 µm-SiO2 (BOX)/5 µm Si (SOI)/0.5 µm-SiO2 /0.1 µm Pt/2 µm-PZT/0.1 µm Ru. Two types of piezoelectric characterizations were performed on these films. On one hand, the effective direct transverse coefficient e31,eff was extracted by using the 4-points bending method provided by Aixacct [1]. On the other hand, the indirect transverse coefficient d31 was extracted from measuring the deflection with a WYCO interferometer of a processed membrane actuated by the PZT film. PZT membranes were released by a back-side etching process. Thanks to the SOI processed substrates, the cavity length is very well-controlled. That consequently makes these devices particularly suitable for d31 measurements. d31 was fitted by using a Finite Element Model (Comsol). The extracted e31,eff value is −15.95 C/m2 . It is worth noting that e31,eff does not require PZT’s Young Modulus EPZT to be determined. The extracted d31 value is −150 pm/V. In this case, EPZT plays a minor role on the mechanical behaviour of the membrane which is mainly influenced by the 5 µm thick SOI Si layer. Moreover, e31,eff , d31 and the Young modulus E are linked by d31 =e31,eff (1-ν)/E, where ν is the Poisson ratio. By using ν=0.3, the evaluated E is 74 GPa, which fits with PZT bulk ceramics values reported in the literature for PZT in morphotropic phase [2]. Therefore, a careful characterization of direct and indirect piezoelectric coefficients of PZT films gives consistent data with the typical following values: e31,eff =−15.95 C/m2 , d31 =−150pm/V and EPZT =74 GPa. [1] K. Prume, P. Muralt, F. Calame, T. Schmitz-Kempen, and S. Tiedke, “Piezoelectric thin film: evaluation of electrical and electromechanical characteristics for MEMS devices,” IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 8-14, 2007. [2] A. K. Singh, S. K. R. Mishra, D. Pandey, S. Yoon, S. Baik, and N. Shin, “Origin of high piezoelectric response of Pb(Zrx Ti1−x )O3 at the morphotropic phase boundary: Role of elastic instability,” Appl. Phys. Lett, vol. 92, no.2. art. no. 022910, 2008. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 2 nd 41 International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 Spin-Coat Technology of Technology KNN Film of Deposition Oxygen Pressurizing Spin-Coat KNN Filmwith Deposition with Oxygen RTA Pressurizing RTA 1 , Takekazu Shigenai1 and Yuji Honda1 Takeshi Kijima Takeshi Kijima, Takekazu Shigenai and Yuji Honda 1 Youtec Japan Youtec Co.,Ltd. Co.,Ltd. Japan Recently, KNNKNN ceramics is expected to next generation piezoelectric material as lead-free. However there Recently, ceramics is expected to next generation piezoelectric material as lead-free. However are only several reports of the KNN film deposition by PVD as thin film. This study reports a success in the there are only several reports of the KNN film deposition by PVD as thin film. This study reports KNN film deposition by Spin-Coat Technology with the Oxygen Pressurizing RTA. Spin-Coat technology is a success in the KNN film deposition by Spin-Coat Technology with the Oxygen Pressurizing RTA. suitable for industrial production more than PVD concerning its cost. Spin-Coat technology is suitable for industrial moreprocess. than PVD concerning its cost. We developed an original KNN sol-gel solution production and deposition High concentration KNN solution We developed original KNN sol-gel solution and and deposition process. High(about concentration KNN (25 weight %) is a an feature of our original sol-gel solution high pressure oxygen 10 atm) during solution (25 weight %) isofa our feature of our original process. sol-gel solution andhigh highpressure pressureoxygen oxygenand (about RTA process is a feature original deposition Combining high 10 atm) duringKNN RTAsolution process provides is a feature our original deposition process. Combining concentration the of highest KNN crystal growth rate without help high of a pressure substrate orientation. consider that chemical kinetics is applied the to the KNNKNN crystal growth. The rate KNNwithout crystal oxygen andWe high concentration KNN solution provides highest crystal growth growth prvided from an upper surface of an amorphous KNN film is fastest growth. A crystallization help of a substrate orientation. We consider that chemical kinetics is applied to the KNN crystal growth. direction an ingredient is the strongest likesurface a KNNof bulk. The KNNofcrystal growth(110) prvided from an upper an amorphous KNN film is fastest growth. A Very thin piezofilms are deposited on the KNN film to cap it and spun it before RTA process. This cap layer crystallization direction of an ingredient (110) is the strongest like a KNN bulk. prevents an alkaline metal from evaporating and assists a crystallization of the KNN film from the upper Very thin piezofilms are deposited on the KNN film to cap it and in spun it before RTAofprocess. This surface. Now we have developed that the KNN film may be crystallized a (110) direction a polarization cap layer prevents an alkaline metal from evaporating and assists a crystallization of the KNN film from axis. the uppershows surface. Nowsection we have that the may be with crystallized a (110)surface direction Figure.1 a cross of developed the KNN film. 2umKNN thickfilm KNN film flat and in smooth was obtained. The cap layer was not obtained. of a polarization axis. Figure.2 shows XRD of the KNN film. This film has single layer with (110). Figure.3 shows C-V carve of KNN. 2Pr is 30uC/cm2 at 100V. Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig. 1 shows a cross section of the KNN film. 2 µm thick KNN film with flat and smooth surface was obtained. The cap layer was not obtained. Fig. 2 shows XRD of the KNN film. This film has single layer with (110). Fig. 3 shows C-V carve of KNN. 2Pr is 30 µC/cm2 at 100 V. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 42 Properties of PMN-PT 65/35 thin film oriented -h011i at radio frequency measured by coplanar waveguide Kim-Anh Bui-Thi1,2 , Mai Pham-Thi1 , Gui Garry1 , Aude Leuliet1 , Michel Pate1 , Paolo Martins1 , Afshin Ziaei1 and Philippe Lecoeur2 Research & Technology, Palaiseau, France d’Electronique Fondamentale, Orsay, France 1 Thales 2 Institut In capacitive MEMS (micro-electro-mechanics systems) applications, the dielectric constant decides usually the working frequency of the device. Communly used dielectrics like Si3 3 N4 , SiO2 , ZrO2 ... allow good isolation at high frequency (30 GHz). In order to adapt the component for the radar applications (10 GHz) and telecommunication (500 MHz-3 GHz), one has to increase the capacitace of the device by replacing these dielectrics by a high-k dielectric or by modifying the capacitance dimensions and the thin film thickness. The latters are not very effective since they can increase only a few times the capacitance while changing the dielectric can increase the capacitance sometimes a factor of 100. That is the reason why high-k dielectric becomes the best choice to optimize the working frequency. Well known as a very good material for MEMS actuators and sensors, PMN-PT has been studied since a long time mainly to optimize its electro-mechanical response. In order to obtain high-k dielectric for radiofrequency micro-electro-mechanics systems, we have concentrated recently on PMN-PT 65/35 because of its actractive permittivity. A lack of knowledge of this PMN-PT thin film at radio frequency leads us to characterize these properties with a coplanar waveguide. We have succeeded to grow PMN-PT thin film oriented h011i by Pulsed Laser Deposition on metalized silicon substrate. The very small remnant polarization of the PMN-PT oriented h011i is much more advantageous than the usual h001i and h111i orientation for the functioning of the rapide MEMS Switch applications. Our coplanar waveguide short-circuit (the coplanar waveguide isolated with a blocked transversal metal line by a PMN-PT thin film) shows a good agreement between the simulation with High Frequency Simulation Software and the RF measurement (the isolation S12 in both cases is −40 dB around 10 GHz). The simulation considers the variation of the material permittivity in frequency using Debye relaxation model. The RF measurement has been carried on different capacitance dimensions to make sure of the accuracy of the results. The working frequency range of our MEMS Switch test using PMN-PT is very large: from 500MHz up to 20 GHz. This encouraging result shows that it is possible to use this material for both applications in radars and telecommunication. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 43 Influence of Solution Synthesis Conditions on Crystallization and Properties of Functional Oxide Thin Films Barbara Malic1,2 , Sebastjan Glinsek1,2 , Alja Kupec1 , Brigita Kužnik1,2 , Elena Tchernychova1,2 and Marija Kosec1 1 Jožef 2 Centre Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia of Excellence SPACE.SI, VESOLJE.SI, Aškerčeva 12, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Ceramic functional-oxide thin films with enhanced functional properties, such as dielectric permittivity, voltage tunability, remanent polarisation, piezoelectric properties, or electrocaloric effect, to name only a few, have been studied for different microelectronic and microelectromechanical applications, including thin film capacitors, memories, sensors, actuators, tunable microwave devices or micro heating/cooling devices. Thin film microstructure critically influences the functional properties. In case of Chemical Solution Deposition (CSD), the crystallisation and evolution of the film microstructure depend on, and may therefore be tailored by the chemistry of the sol, the choice of the substrate, and by the processing conditions, mainly by the temperatures and times of the individual heat treatment steps - drying, pyrolysis and annealing. For example, the dielectric permittivity and voltage tunability of solution-derived Ba0.3 Sr0.7 TiO3 (BST) thin films were almost doubled, namely from 345 and 1.47, to 722 and 1.93, as the grain size was increased from 40 nm to 80 nm. (B. Malic et al., J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. 27 (2007) 2945.) In solution-derived PbZr0.3 Ti0.7 O3 (PZT) thin films, the design of microstructure and preferential orientation of the perovskite phase with consequent changes of dielectric permittivity and ferroelectric properties could be achieved by the choice of the reagents and the deposition-heating sequence. (B. Malic et al., Integr. Ferroel., 100 (2008) 285.) The contribution addresses the design of microstructure of selected ferroelectric complex perovskite thin films based on lead-free perovskites: incipient ferroelectric potassium tantalate, potassium tantalateniobate, and potassium sodium niobate; which has been, in the bulk ceramic form, extensively studied as the lead-free piezoelectric, with properties of some modified compositions comparable to those of lead-based perovskites. The correlation between the film microstructure and respective functional properties and the details of the solution syntheisis of individual material compositons are discussed. The work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (program P2-0105; young researcher program, contract number: 10000-07-3100068) and by the European Union and Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Slovenia. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 44 Low Temperature Laser Processing of Ferroelectric Thin Films S. S. N. Bharadwaja1 , F. Griggio1 , W. Qu1 , J. Kulik1 , T. Clark1 , H. Beratan2 and S. Trolier-McKinstry1 1 Materials Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 2 Bridge Semiconductor Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA 15235 Low thermal budgets for processing of ferroelectric films are important for nonvolatile memories, pyroelectric detectors, miniaturized piezoelectric transducers, and embedded dielectrics. Most complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) based read-out circuits can withstand processing temperatures less than 450 ◦ C; however large thermal budgets (>500 ◦ C) are required to crystallize ferroelectric thin films such as Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 and BaTiO3 . Using KrF excimer laser annealing and oxidation, the substrate temperatures can be reduced below 400 ◦ C. In this presentation, three main topics will be discussed: (i) Crystallization kinetics of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films within the framework of rate dependent Avrami theory under non-isothermal conditions. The resultant electrical properties of laser annealed films are comparable to those of rapid thermally annealed Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films. (ii) Orientation control in laser annealed Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 52/48 thin films using a bottom template layer at substrate temperatures below 400 ◦ C. Both {111} and {100} orientations were achieved in ∼200300 nm thick PZT layers on (111) Pt and 001 PbTiO3 surfaces. The measured average remanent polarization and coercive fields are 31 µC/cm2 and 86 kV/cm for 001 PZT films and 23.6 µC/cm2 and 64 kV/cm for {111} oriented PZT thin films respectively. The maximum e31,f coefficients are ∼ −9.0 C/m2 for {001} and ∼ −8.5 C/m2 for {111} PZT thin films respectively. (iii) Oxidation kinetics of ∼200 nm thick BaTiO3 thin films on Ni foils in O2 /O3 (90/10) at substrate temperature below 400 ◦ C for base metal capacitor applications. The resultant films have small signal dielectric permittivities ∼ 1100 with <4% loss values between 0.1-1 kHz. Well-controlled interfaces between the BaTiO3 and the Ni foil, without indication of a NiO reaction layer are confirmed from electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) studies. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 45 FP7 piezoVolume - High Volume Piezoelectric Thin Film Production Process For Microsystems Tyholdt F1 , Haavik C.1 , Mazzalai A.2 , Tiedke S.3 , Kessels R.3 , Kratzer M.4 , Kaden D.5 , Schröpfer G.6 , Cruau A.6 , Muffler P.7 , Herrmann R.7 , Muralt P.2 1 SINTEF, Norway; 2 EPFL, Switzerland; 3 aixACCT, Germany; 4 Oerlikon Baltzers, Liechenstein; 5 Fraunhofer ISIT, Germany; 6 Coventor, France; 7 Solar-semi, Germany The main goal of FP7 piezoVolume (2010−2013) (www.piezovolume.com) is to develop a platform of integrated processes for production of piezoelectric microsystems. In this platform the processes and procedures specific to piezoMEMS have been identified i.e.: piezoMEMS modeling and process emulation, piezoMEMS design including design rules, PZT deposition tools for production, in-line piezoelectric thin film quality monitoring and a standard fabrication process including fab integration procedures. piezoVolume develops solutions for all the elements in this platform. Even though the current main bottleneck is the availability of piezoelectric thin film deposition tools capable of delivering suitable deposition rate and performance uniformity, the importance of the other piezoMEMS specific elements should not be forgotted when establishing a piezoMEMS fab. We believe that the availability of a complete process platform will lower the threshold for industry acceptance and be a key tool to realise new products using piezoMEMS. The status of the ongoing developments within the separate elements of the process platform will be presented. Some examples from using the commercial piezoMEMS CAD and process emulation software from Coventor will be shown. Modelling of the integration of piezoMEMS and ICs is now also possible. Regarding PZT deposition tools, very promising results from single target sputtering on 150 and 200 mm wafers have been obtained in the project by Oerlikon, EPFL and Fraunhofer ISIT. Currently, an e31,f of −13.8 C/m2 has been obtained on 200 mm wafers. Also, the status of an automated cluster coater for CSD of PZT from Solar-semi will be presented. In-line quality monitoring is very important for process control in a production environment and an automated Double Beam Laser Interferometer (aixDBLI from aixACCT) integratable with a wafer robot capable of non-destructive e31,f estimation, will be shown. The consortium has the aim of aciting as a contact point and compentece centre for piezoMEMS capable of prototyping and low volume fabrication. The plans for this will be presented. 46 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 Manufacture of Minature Tuneable Autofocus Lenses (TLens) using Piezo MEMS J.W. Phair1 and Daniel Rosenfeld1 1 poLight AS, Norway poLight AS, a Norwegian-based start-up company, has developed the world’s first piezo-actuated autofocus lenses without moving parts. Its proprietary technology enables the production of wafer-scale active optic components based on deformable polymers. poLight’s TLens offers some crucial advantages to the camera module market thanks to its extremely small size (4.2 mm×4.2 mm×0.5 mm), while achieving high optical quality (megapixel independent and HD compatible). These features, combined with its reflow-compatible manufacturing, positions the TLens as the ideal solution for the latest camera phone applications such as videos with continuous-autofocus. The presentation will discuss the progress poLight is making in bringing the production of the piezo-actuated TLens from small volume to high volume including the main technical hurdles. A discussion of piezo production for the TLens, test and measurement, integration as well as environmental consideration during the manufacture to high volume will also be made. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 47 Wafer Level Poling of PZT thin films for MEMS Sensor Devices Seunghun Han1 , Yunsung Kang1 , Wonkyu Jung1 , Jun Lim1 and Jungwon Lee1 1 Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Korea In recent decades, thin film type PZTs have been spotlighted for MEMS applications because or their excellent piezoelectric properties. PZT thin films have to be poled along one direction to have proper piezoelectric properties. However there might be enormous loss in process time or costs by individual chip poling. Furthermore, most of piezo-MEMS devices cannot be operated after poling process, it is impossible to check the performance of device without wafer level poling. For these reasons, it is essential to develop wafer level poling process for MEMS device. In order to overcome conduction defects problems of wafer level poling for MEMS sensor device, two types of processes were evaluated. Non-contact poling method using corona discharge showed insufficient remnant polarization of 15 µC/cm2 with PZT surface damages. The other method supplied excess current to the conduction defects of the PZT thin film, conduction path was eliminated. In this way, wafer level poling was successfully demonstrated without any breakdown or degradation of MEMS sensor devices. Remnant polarization of the poled PZT thin films was 20 µC/cm2 . 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 48 Effects of Nanoscale Confiment on Ferroelectric Properties: Research Activity at the Center for Space Human Robotics V. Cauda1 , G. Canavese1 , S. Stassi1 , M. Lombardi1,2 , R. Gazia1 , I. Aulika1 , M. Quaglio1 , C.F. Pirri1,2 1 Center for Space Human Robotics, Italian Institute of Technology, C.so Trento 21, Turin, 10129, Italy Science and Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy 2 Materials The activities of Center for Space Human Robotics (CSHR), part of the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), are focused on the development and prototyping of integrated systems for human robotics. Particular interest is devoted to the design and fabrication of a hand-exoskeleton for motion support in both space and human activity. The fabrication of a hand-exoskeleton requires the development of: i) actuators and sensors (e.g. tactile sensors) to properly manage the interface of the exoskeleton with both the human body and the external environment, ii) electronics to manage the entire system, and iii) energy sources and storage systems to power it. In this scenario CSHR has focused its activity on the effect of nanoscale confinement on the piezoelectric properties of materials analysed in its three main forms: thin films as 1D confined structures, nanowires as 2DMEMS confined structures and hybrid materials 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric 2011 with nanosized fillers as 3D confined structures. Figure 1. Polarization hysteresis and displacement curves obtained as a result of 3 cycles. Inset: Scanning electron microscopy image the PVDF-TrFEcurves nanowires after dissolution of the membrane, with Fig. 1. Polarization hysteresis andofdisplacement obtained as a result of alumina 3 cycles. Inset: Scanning electron some residues of the dissolved alumina. microscopy image of the PVDF-TrFE nanowires after dissolution of the alumina membrane, with some residues of the dissolved alumina. To obtain flexible and performing materials, piezoelectric hybrids based on barium titanate nanoparticles (npBT) dispersed in a 3D polymeric network were developed. In particular electroactive polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) or passive (UV-cured acrylic or epoxide resins) polymers were used as matrices. Despite the npBT slightly affected the composite mechanical properties, they were able to improve the thermal and functional behaviour. The effect of npBT size distribution and their crystalline phase were evaluated. Another representative example of increased piezoelectric properties upon nanoconfinement is given by 1D polymeric nanowires. An ease and fast wet-impregnation method from a solution of PVDF copolymer (PVDF-TrFE) lead in one step to an array of 1D piezoelectric nanostructures distributed in an insulating matrix, i.e. 60 µm thick porous Anodic Alumina Membranes (AAM, Whatman, av. pore size: 200 nm) [1]. The polymeric nanowires showed a diameter of about 150 nm, several micrometers in lengths and a high filling ratio of the alumina pores (Inset of Fig.1). X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopy showed that the high level of crystallinity is induced by the confinement into the pores of the AAM and results in a pronounced 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 49 piezoelectric effect. Hysteresis measurements were recorded simultaneously with sample displacement data by a Piezo Evaluation System (TFAnalyzer 2000HS, Aixacct) coupled to a single point laser vibrometer (Polytec OVF-505), showing a polarization curve typical of ferroelectric material with a Pr of approximately 14.3 µC/m2 (Fig.1) and coercitive field of 4.3 MV/m. It is noteworthy that the averaged d33 constant (obtained from the linear part of the piezoelectric displacement curve) is about 97 pm/V, which is quite higher with respect to the literature values (from 5 to 20 pm/V of pre-poled thin film of PVDF-TrFE [2]). Despite the absence of pre-poling of the PVDF-TrFE nanowires, we attribute this higher d33 value to the higher percent of polymer crystallinity, which is due to the confinement into the pores of alumina. As a future outlook, these crystalline piezoelectric nanowires distributed in vertical array can be engineered in a piezoelectrical MEMS device, thus potentially addressing applications like tactile sensors for humanoid robotics. [1] V. Cauda, et al., Sensors & Tran. J., 2011, accepted. [2] V. Maheshwari, et al., Angew. Chemie, Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 7808. 2nd International Workshop on Piezoelectric MEMS 2011 50 2010-2015 Market Analysis of PiezoMEMS Dr Eric Mounier1 1 Yole Développement, France Ferroelectric materials are historically not common for semiconductor manufacturing companies who are often reluctant to adopt these exotic materials in their fabs. But this approach has changed in the 2000s with the adoption of ferroelectric thin films by well known companies in a variety of markets. We have analyzed and estimated the MEMS and non MEMS applications for ferroelectric thin films. We particularly looked at the piezo effect of ferroelectric thin films for MEMS. In 2010, we estimated ferroelectric thin film production is about 900 k 6” wafers. It is done through two main applications: MEMS inkjet heads and IPD ESD/EMI planar capacitors that together represent 90% of the production. Large companies (Epson, STM, NXP) have adopted ferroelectric thin films at a large industrial scale for the past several years. We estimate that, until 2015, the ferroelectric thin film business will continue to grow at rate of +7.5% / year with many current or new MEMS applications: Wafer Level Autofocus, IR sensors, RF switches, and medical ultrasonic transducers. In non MEMS markets, ferroelectric thin filmswill be used for IPD tunable capacitor, IPD hearing aids, FeRAM, optical switches. These applications will represent 26% of the total ferroelectric thin film production in 2015 which will be more than 1,000 k 6" wafers. Our talk will review the different applications and market volume for piezoelectric MEMS. Page No. Author Title Abergel, J. Direct and Indirect Piezoelectric Characterization of PZT Thin Films for MEMS Applications 40 Baron, T. HBAR and their applications 21 Baron, T. FBAR filters for space application based on LiNbO3 membrane 16 Bharadwaja, R. Low Temperature Laser Processing of Ferroelectric Thin Films 44 Bui-Thi, K.-A. Properties of PMN-PT 65/35 thin film oriented -<011> at radio frequency measured by coplanar waveguide 42 Cauda, V. Effects of Nanoscale Confiment on Ferroelectric Properties: Research Activity at the Center for Space Human Robotics 48 Chidambarm, N Effective piezoelectric coefficients of PZT thin films for energy harvesting with interdigitated electrodes 22 Chidambarm, N Interdigitated Electrodes Based Cantilevers for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting 26 Felmetsger, V. Reactive Magnetron Sputtering of Ultrathin Piezoelectric 23 Felmetsger, V. Sputter Deposition of Piezoelectric AlN Thin Films on Vertical Walls of Micromechanical Devices 12 Gariglio, S. MEMS Based Piezoelectric Harvesters: From Thick Sheet to Thin Film Epitaxial Piezoelectric Materials 8 Gariglio, S. Epitaxial Ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 Thin Films on Silicon:Growth and Physical Properties 37 Han, S. Wafer Level Poling of PZT thin films for MEMS Sensor Devices 47 Han, S. Influence of Temperature and O2 Flow Rate on the Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of PZT Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering 24 Harigai, T Piezoelectric Thin Films and Their Applications 3 Jackson, N. Influences of Titanium Underlayer on (002) Oriented Aluminium Nitride 25 Janphuang, P. MEMS Based Piezoelectric Harvesters: From Thick Sheet to Thin Film Epitaxial Piezoelectric Materials 8 Janphuang, P. Epitaxial Ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 Thin Films on Silicon:Growth and Physical Properties 35 Janssens, A. Introduction of new manufacturing technology for Piezo (PZT) MEMS production 36 Kaden, D. Oerlikon PVD production solution for in-situ large scale deposition of PZT films 38 Kaden, D. Measurements of Electrical and Electromechanical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Thin Films and Optimization of Poling 37 Kang, S.-Y. Influence of Temperature and O2 Flow Rate on the Structure and Ferroelectric Properties of PZT Films Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering 24 a Kang, S.-Y. Wafer Level Poling of PZT thin films for MEMS Sensor Devices 44 Kessels, R. Measurements of Electrical and Electromechanical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Thin Films and Optimization of Poling 37 Kessels, R. Direct and Indirect Piezoelectric Characterization of PZT Thin Films for MEMS Applications 38 Kijima, T. Kirby, P. Spin-Coat Technology of KNN Film Deposition with Oxygen Pressurizing RTA Piezoelectric MEMS Fabrication Integrating Thermally and Mechanically Incompatible Materials 41 31 Klee, M. Piezoelectric Thin Films: A Technology Platform for Thin Film Ultrasound Transducer Arrays 4 Kosec, M. Influence of Solution Synthesis Conditions on Crystallization and Properties of Functional Oxide Thin Films 41 Kratzer, M. Oerlikon PVD production solution for in-situ large scale deposition of PZT films 38 Le Rhun, G. Measurements of Electrical and Electromechanical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Thin Films and Optimization of Poling 39 Le Rhun, G. Direct and Indirect Piezoelectric Characterization of PZT Thin Films for MEMS Applications 40 Lombardi, M. Effects of Nanoscale Confiment on Ferroelectric Properties: Research Activity at the Center for Space Human Robotics 45 Malic, B. Influence of Solution Synthesis Conditions on Crystallization and Properties of Functional Oxide Thin Films 43 Mathewson, A. Influences of Titanium Underlayer on (002) Oriented Aluminium Nitride 25 Matloub, R Electromechanical properties of Al0.9Sc0.1N thin films evaluated at 2.2 GHz Film bulk acoustic resonators 15 Mauczok, R. Piezoelectric Thin Films: A Technology Platform for Thin Film Ultrasound Transducer Arrays 4 Mazzalai, A. Effective piezoelectric coefficients of PZT thin films for energy harvesting with interdigitated electrodes 22 Mazzalai, A. Interdigitated Electrodes Based Cantilevers for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting 26 Mazzalai, A. Oerlikon PVD production solution for in-situ large scale deposition of PZT films 36 Metzger, T. New Trends in Piezoelectric Devices for RF Application in Mobile Phones 13 Milyutin, E. Electromechanical properties of Al0.9Sc0.1N thin films evaluated at 2.2 GHz Film bulk acoustic resonators 15 Milyutin, E. Local Polarity Control of (001)AlN Thin Films 27 Moulard, G. New Trends in Piezoelectric Devices for RF Application in Mobile 13 b Phones Mounier, E. 2010-2015 Market Analysis of PiezoMEMS Muralt, P. 15, 22, 26, 27, 29, 38, 39, 45 14 Pensala, T. Piezoactuated AlN-Si MEMS Resonators and Sensors Phair, J. Manufacture of Minature Tuneable Autofocus Lenses (TLens) using Piezo MEMS 46 Pham-Thi, M. Hyper Frequency properties of “3 inches-frozen capacitive MEMS” with PZT thin films processed by sol-gel 28 Pham-Thi, M. Properties of PMN-PT 65/35 thin film oriented -<011> at radio frequency measured by coplanar waveguide 42 Piazza, G. Laterally Vibrating Micro and Nanomechanical Piezoelectric Aluminum Nitride Resonators for RF Communications and Chemical Sensing 11 Piorra, A. Lead Free Laser Deposited Thin Films Of 0.5(Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3)– 0.5(Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3) 17 Pirri, C. F. Effects of Nanoscale Confiment on Ferroelectric Properties: Research Activity at the Center for Space Human Robotics 48 Polcawich, R. PiezoMEMS Technology for Enabling mm-Scale Robotics 5 Remiens, D. Performances of Piezoelectric Nano Structures 10 Rijnders, G. All-oxide PiezoMEMS Devices by Pulsed Laser Deposition: Properties of Clamped Epitaxial PZT Thin Films 35 Rosenfeld, D. Manufacture of Minature Tuneable Autofocus Lenses (TLens) using Piezo MEMS 46 Sandu, C. Electromechanical properties of Al0.9Sc0.1N thin films evaluated at 2.2 GHz Film bulk acoustic resonators 15 Schreiter, M. Thyholdt, F. Piezoelectric MEMS based energy harvesting module for wireless tire pressure monitoring FP7 piezoVolume - High Volume Piezoelectric Thin Film Production Process For Microsystems 6 45 Tiedke, S. Measurements of Electrical and Electromechanical Characteristics of Piezoelectric Thin Films and Optimization of Poling 39 Tiedke, S. Direct and Indirect Piezoelectric Characterization of PZT Thin Films for MEMS Applications 40 Microcontact Printing of PZT Films for MEMS 18 Low Temperature Laser Processing of Ferroelectric Thin Films 44 Active Damping with a piezoelectric MEMS device 29 Modelling of piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers (pMUT) for medical use 30 TrolierMcKinstry, S. TrolierMcKinstry, S. Verdot, T. Vogl, A. 50 c Vullers, R. AlN and PZT Thin Films: Essential Ingredients for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters 7 Welsh, A. Microcontact Printing of PZT Films for MEMS 18 d
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