TEI of Larissa in Thessaly, Central Greece
TEI of Larissa in Thessaly, Central Greece
T E C H N O L O G I C A L TEI of Larissa LLP Erasmus Office of European Programmes Larissa—41110 Greece Telephone: +30 2410 684727 Fax: +30 2410 611268 Email: [email protected] E D U C A T I O N I N S T I T U T E O F L A R I S S A This is an Erasmus Student Guide which is intended to provide general information about our incoming students at the TEI of Larissa. We hope it will assist you to face successfully the first challenges upon arrival and help you to a good start. In this leaflet you may find information on TEI Larissa campus facilities; the accommodation, the restaurant, the library, the sports centre. Moreover, information for the city of Larissa as well as some information for travelling and cultural things. Finally, previous Erasmus students share with us their experience at the TEI of Larissa in this brochure. We hope that your stay in Larissa will be the best part of your overall studies! We wish all the best for your Erasmus stay at the TEI of Larissa Professor Pandelis Ipsilandis, Vice President, TEI of Larissa Visit our web site http://www.teilar.gr TEI of Larissa in Thessaly, Central Greece TEI of Larissa is the Our facilities include mod- TEI of Larissa is easily ac- third largest University ern classrooms and fully- cessed due to its geo- Polytechnic in Greece equipped laboratories, new graphical position and its and comprises four library, halls of residence, public transportation net- Schools, two Branches auditoriums, restaurant, a work and offers pleasant in Karditsa and Trikala multi-sport gymnasium and living conditions to young & nineteen academic a conference centre, as people since it allows them departments alto- well as excellent electronic to enjoy the benefits of a gether. Our strategic services. We provide stu- large city and the relaxed goal is to continuously dents with ample learning way of life in the country. improve the quality of resources and access to The TEI of Larissa is an im- the courses and the unlimited sources of infor- portant part of this city and educational services mation and knowledge our students play a vivid offered as well as to through the library through role in its social and cul- promote knowledge the library and the data- tural life. through a variety of base network. research programmes. Guide For Erasmus Students TEI OF LARISSA—GENERAL INFORMATION March 2011 Useful Info for the Application Procedure ERASMUS Code: G Larissa 02 All Erasmus incoming students must Technological Education Institute of Larissa complete the following documents ERASMUS Institutional Coordinators Application Form Professor - Nikolaos Chouliaras (Studies) Transcript of Records Assistant Professor - Georgia Garani (Studies) Learning Agreement (Studies) Lecturer Vassiliki Kapralou (Work Placement) Training Agreement ERASMUS Contact Person Achilleas Anagnostopoulos, PhD Coordinator—European Programmes Office Postal Address TEI of Larissa LLP / Erasmus Office of European Programmes 41110 Larissa—Greece (Work Placement) ACCOMMODATION COSTS 100 EUROS PER SEMESTER THREE MEALS ARE RROVIDED WITH FREE OF All relevant forms are available in our CHARGE TO ALL ERASMUS http://www.teilar.gr/eu/ Moreover, photocopies of the docu- STUDENTS English Certificate European Health Insurance Card Passport Cardiovascular examination CAMPUS AREA Visa (if required) FREE ACCESS TO OUR SPORTS CENTRE INDOOR & OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES ORGANIZED CULTURAL DAY TRIPS ALL OVER GREECE DISCOUNT CARD WITH 25% OFFERED IN DOMESTIC (Sports Centre) Fax: +30 2410 611268 FREE WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS IS PROVIDED IN ALL ments below are also necessary Email: [email protected] Tel: +30 2410 684727 TEI of Larissa offers TRANSPORTATION Academic Calendar Spring Semester Beginning of Courses: First week of March End of Semester: 1st week of July Application Deadlines Deadlines for applications for our in- APPLICATION INFORMATION 2 THE CITY LARISSA 3 4-6 After those dates we may not guarantee CAMPUS FACILITIES THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU COME that we will reserve a place for incoming YOUR ARRIVAL IN 7 SIGHTSEEING IN LARISSA & THES- 8 ERASMUS STUDENTS’ COMMENTS 9-11 coming Erasmus students are - 15th of May - Both Semesters - 30th of November - Spring Semester (if there are available places ) Public Holidays - Clean Monday - 25 March — Greek Independence Day - Easter Vacations — Two weeks - 1 May—May Day - 15 May—Local Celebration - Pentecost Monday Issue Contents: LARISSA winter Erasmus students . We inform you that most of our incoming students prefer to come to TEI of Larissa during spring semester -which we strongly suggest- since the weather are more favourable. SALY The City of Larissa History Larissa is the capital of the Thessaly region and lies in the mainland, Central Greece. According to archaeological evidence, Larissa, lies at the top a site that has been inhabited since the tenth millennium BC. Legend has it that Achilles was born here & Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, died here as well. In the ancient years Larissa's growth was rapid Thessalian Horse became and safe benefits of a small the symbol of Larissa. city. The first coins minted the 5th century BC on behalf of the Myrmidons portrayed the proud and powerful horse. Nowadays Larissa is a modern European city with several squares especially in the city centre. Larissa streets are full of two main things: trendy cafes and shops. City centre is pedestriane- Today, Larissa is a major sed by 70% which is commercial and industrial around 15 khm of pedes- centre and a national trian roads. transportation hub. It is These are making Larissa also belongs to the five centre very social and ac- largest cities in Greece; tive where young people as Larissa greater area popu- well as families spent many lation is around 250,000. hours enjoying on drinking based on farming. Horses brought enormous eco- The city provides you the nomic benefits into the opportunities of a large city. Moreover, the proud city together with clean Larissa is the capital of the Thessaly region coffee, eating in traditional taverns, shopping etc. THE POPULATION IN LARISSA GREATER AREA IS AROUND 250,000 Page3 On Campus Facilities Student Accommodation On Campus Accommodation costs 100 Euros per semester On Campus Accommoda- In Room Facilities last day of their departure. tion is provided for all in- These residencies provide Students are responsible to coming Erasmus students . basic furnishings such as a clean up their rooms. Com- There are 8 halls of resi- bed and mattress ,desk, mon areas are cleaned by dence which may provide desk chair, shelf, night ta- the cleaners. We have to accommodation to almost ble and wardrobe. More- let you know that accom- 600 Greek and foreign stu- over, water closet (WC) is modation office can not dents in twin-bedded available in every room, guarantee that your room- rooms or shared rooms. thus its shared by every mate will be a fellow stu- two students. WC has also dent from your home- a shower and a sink. Fur- country. We would like to inform you that at the moment there is no collaboration with local real estate agencies for helping students to rent apartments in the city centre. Thus, we may not guarantee that we may provide accommodation for those with late applications. thermore, wireless internets is provided to all students for free of charge. Accommodation Cost A fixed rate of 100 Euros The Erasmus Office offer to per academic semester is all students bed sheets, obliged to pay by every blankets and towels , al- student the first days upon though they have to return your arrival. them in good condition the CAMPUS VIEW WITH MOUNT OLYMPUS BACKROUND Central Library The Central Library was Wireless internets is pro- Library Services founded in 1973 and its vided to all users and visi- The library is open on resources meet the educa- tors as well as lab rooms. Monday to Friday: 08.00 - tional and research needs A specific room for Eras- 18.30 of all users - members mus students is provided During weekends and pub- within the T.E.I. community on the ground floor . Ac- lic holidays as well as Recently the library lies in a cess to electronic journals Christmas, Easter and Sum- new building with many is provides on campus mer holidays the library is facilities for its users http://library.teilar.gr/e- closed mags_en.htm Page4 On Campus Facilities Campus Restaurant «MEALS IN THE CAMPUS RESTAURANT Student restaurant in the Restaurant is closed during campus is less than 5 min holidays (Christmas and from the hall of residences. Easter) as well as for sum- This mer vacations based on the provides meals (breakfast, lunch and din- academic calendar ARE FREE OF ner) free of charge for all CHARGE FOR Erasmus students. To have ERASMUS access to the free meals Restaurant Opening Times STUDENTS you need to get the regis- Breakfast time: 07.30- 09.00 tration student card, which Lunch Time: is provided to you (by your Dinner Times: 18.00 - 20.30 11.30 - 15.30 Department from TEI of Larissa) the first days upon your arrival. Campus Life Local Buses Taxis on Campus Local buses are available A taxi station is also avail- A cafeteria is located in the on campus. Two buses able for TEI of Larissa stu- main building. Moreover, which follow different jour- dents just across the local some other coffee kiosks are neys stop in the campus. bus stop. Students may get available First, Bus No 9 goes to the a taxi to go to the city cen- which also offer coffees and city centre and it has often tre or to the train/coach snacks at a low rate. Free routes during daytime at station when you are plan- wireless network is provided the weekdays. Bus No 12 ning to travel. It costs in cafeteria to all TEI of goes an outer circle of the around 6-8 € and it longs Larissa students city and its service is every around hour. Night bus services However, overnight rates General Hospital: (after 22.30) are not pro- are more expensive. +30 2410 533333 vided at all. During week- EMERGENCY PHONE No: TEI of Larissa Doctor: Dr Karamitsiou Despoina +30 2410 684443 University Hospital: +30 2410 617000 10-15 Cafeteria/Kiosks minutes. around campus Bank Machines There are 3 ATMs around campus which located in the main building of the TEI of ends routes are not so of- Laundries/Dryers Ambulance: 166 ten. Laundries and Dryers are Fire Department: 199 Students may purchase the available for all university Police Department: 100 valid tickets from the ticket students for a low rate. machines, just next to the The rooms lie on the bus stop. Season tickets ground floor of the G (Γ) Health Centre Building where you may Heath Centre lies in the find the opening times and main building; Doctor and the rates nurse are available during are provided and cost around 45€ per motnh. Single ticket for each local route costs around 0,80€ . Larissa quite close to the Erasmus Office. Access to bank branches you may have only in the city centre. weekdays. Page 5 On Campus Facilities Sports Centre Sports centre also lies in sports activities to the the campus area. This of- Greek countryside (kayak, fers weekly indoor classes canoeing, for fitness (aerobics, pi- hiking , archery, etc) with a lates, tae bo, table tennis- very low rate. A cardiovas- Latin dances, Greek tradi- cular examination is re- tional dances etc) as well quired to be a member in as other outdoor activities our sport centre. (tennis classes) for free of Sports Activities Schedule Rafring to River Voidomatis charge. is available to all Erasmus and River Arachthos In addition, the centre or- at the beginning of each ganised monthly trips with semester. A CARDIOVASCULAR EXAMINATION IS REQUIRED TO BE A MEMBER IN OUR SPORT CENTRE. Access to the Sports Centre is free of charge Page 6 skiing, biking, Day Trips per Semester Hiking and Biking to Mount Olympus and Mount Kissavos. Kanoyning and Archery to Lake Kerkini Skiing to Vasilitsa Your Arrival in Larissa How to reach Larissa Distances (Khm) ATHENS 350 KHM THESSALONIKI 155 KHM By rail Larissa is located at the which goes to the central Larissa will be longer. centre of Greece and has a train station or the coach Basically you have to get good transportation sys- station. Taxis are also underground lines (blue tem with the largest cities, available, however, they line and then red line with Athens and Thessaloniki, are more expensive. direction to Agios Anto- where the main interna- From central train station nios) or tional airports located. you can catch the train to (there is one change) to Larissa which longs be- reach the Athens central tween 60-90 minutes and train station (which called costs 7-20€ (one way) re- Larissa station stop for the spectively. underground). We usually suggest the students to book a flight to http://www.trainose.gr/ Thessaloniki because it is closer to Larissa however sometimes air fares are cheaper when you choose By coach www.ktellarisas.gr/ as a destination the city of Suburbian line are When you reach Larissa cheaper than the fast and train station then you will express lines (22,5 return). catch the train to Larissa (proastiakos) lines Athens. Below we describe From coach station how you may reach Larissa trip to Larissa costs around from both cities. 15 € (one way) and longs the just less than 2 hrs. From Thessaloniki suburbian If you land in Thessaloniki From Athens (Macedonia Airport) you If you choose to land in can get a bus (costs about Athens International Air- 1€ and it longs 45 minutes) port then your trip to city. Trip is around 4 hrs by train (express route are around 3 hrs) and ticket price is 23€ (express trains cost 36€.) From the coach station you pay 30€ (one way) to go to Larissa and longs around 4 hrs. Reach the Campus, TEI of Larissa The best time to arrive in you a ride to the campus reach the campus by your- Larissa is during weekdays providing with the key in self. A fellow student will and office hours (08.00 - your room. Then, we will be waiting for you in the 15.00). explain the next steps of main gate and give you the If you may this possible your registration within key of your room and pro- you will have a better ad- your Department and then vide you all the necessary justment in the first day with the all campus facili- information for the rest of upon your arrival. ties, registrations. the day. In this case, a member of our office will pick you up from the local train/coach station in Larissa and give Page7 If you do not succeed to arrive in Larissa the suggested time, then you have to get a taxi and The next working day you will meet a member of our office who is going to help you with the registration procedure. Sightseeing in Larissa & Thessaly Region Must See Places…. ...IN THESSALY... ...IN LARISSA…. 1) Meteora 1) Ancient Theatre 2) Plastira Lake 2) Old City (Fortress) & 3) Ampelakia the St Achilleas Church 4) Mount Olympus 3) Alkazar Park/Pinios River 5) Tempi Valley 4) Municipality Art Gallery 6) New Poroi Beach 5) Archaeological Museum 7) Agiokampos Beach 6) Averofeios Agricultural 8) Volos School 9) Mount Pelion 10) Skiathos & Sporades Islands Relevant Web pages culture.larissa-dimos.gr/ tourismlarissa.gr/ larissamuseums.gr/ larissa-katsigras-gallery.gr/en meteora-greece.com/ Nearby TEI of Larissa campus TEI of Larissa lies at the Open Market Neapoli Square Larissa city. Even though it The largest Open Market in Larissa is famous for its is 7 khm from the city cen- the city (starts in the Galax- squares, especially in the tre area, students have ias super market) lies in city centre. Neapoli Square some opportunities nearby. Neapoli district. It is open is also an alternative desti- every Saturday (7am-2pm). nation for many Larissa Local farmers - from all citizens. You may visit in over Larissa region - with walking their loud voices try to sell cafeterias, food shops and their products (mainly fresh bars are located for all fruits and vegetables, etc) types of people. west side of the borders of Super Markets Students who live at the dormitories may do some shopping at the nearest super markets Lidl and Galaxias. Both super markets are in the walking distance distance. Many Open Market in Neapoli district in a great scenery. (around half mile from the campus). Neapoli Square Page 8 Erasmus Students’ Comments Elena, Dept of Plant Production pretty good. 1. Did you like staying in The rafting trip was the first trip in Greece and the dormitories? 2. Did you find Greek I have never lived in a hos- professors helpful? tel before, but it was a The teachers were more adventure that worth shar- good experience. A dog that teachers, they were ing with friends. I'm really bumped in my room and I friends for us and we had sorry that I could'n go in never had hot water, all all their support. the second trip probably the most beautiful memory. It's the kind of 3. Do you think that excur- there. I have no regrets sions offered by the sport that I stayed there, the department were good accommodations were idea? more that teachers, they were friends for us and we had all their support.…. this are part of the wonderful experiences i had ...The teachers were Nikoletta, Dept of Project Management Do you think that Erasmus Do you think you will Larissa, I’m sure that we program will give you maintain the Erasmus will see us again in some- bigger opportunities in the "friendships" after the where. future? program ends? The learning opportunities I don’t know exactly why I moment for you during have been immense, help- choose Greece, but I don’t Erasmus? ing me to realize my poten- regret of anything of this tial and extend my ambi- experience. I had good, bad tions. I have gained self – and also unforgettable confidence, both in my moments in Larissa, but in abilities as a student and as all these moments, all of a person. I strongly believe you were there. And I will it would be helpful experi- bring to Bulgaria a lot of ence for my future career memories and good and I will never forget the moments with me. When I encouraging advice from go back home I will be to- my professors in Larissa. tally International. In my Erasmus was a life- point of view, the end of enhancing four months Erasmus it is not “GOOD that I would thoroughly BYE”, it is simply the typical recommend to any poten- “I WILL SEE YOU SOON”, tial student . because if we could found What was the funniest ...When I go back home I will be totally International.... In my opinion, it is quite hard to define funniest ….. All the mo- moment during Erasmus. ments, events and All the moments, events activities which TEI and activities which our of Larissa has pro- receiving institution and vided for Erasmus relevant TEI of Larissa has students were un- provided for Erasmus stu- forgettable………... dents were unforgettable and particularly moments and mainly because of the people have taken part in them. ourselves many times in Page 9 Erasmus Students’ Comments Szilard, Dept of Tourism Enterprises How does Greek language Did you learn something sound to you? curious about other The language sounds to me cultures during Erasmus? Greece- hot or not? Of course hot! Greece like the Latin languages, The lifestyle of Greece is means to me: Cold Frappé, …THE LIFESTYLE but the pronunciation is amazing. They don't worry hot weather, friendly and IN GREECE IS very hard, you can't com- about everything, they are helpful people, sandy AMAZING…. pare the accent with the not running all day, they beaches, beautiful islands, other languages, I think find time for the most im- world famous hospitality, you have to practice for a portant things, for family, feta cheese, souvlaki, nice long time if you want to for friends and for building Erasmus and Greek stu- pronounce the words in friendships with new peo- dents, Larissa, the Acropo- right way. If you are in ple while for common lis and of course AEL (the Greece, learn some words European the most impor- Larissa football team). and use it because the peo- tant is the job. Greeks ple here appreciate, if you know how to ENJOY the life can use some Greek words. we should learn from them! Georgi, Dept of Business Administration ….Larissa is situated in Central Greece which makes it perfect starting point for trips all around the country….. ….After all, I strongly recommend Larissa for an Erasmus….. I chose Greece for my Eras- cities and to the Northern different society and totally mus because I adore the Sporades. Those islands are different environment. I southern seas. My destina- paradise on Earth. The TEI met a lot new people and tion was Larissa. The city is of Larissa offers great made many many friends. neither big nor small, actu- courses and friendly lectur- You will gain a lot of useful ally it is quite perfect! ers. The campus has every- experience. After all, I There are lots of students thing you need, even a strongly recommend which guarantees great church. There are sport Larissa for an Erasmus, the time. Larissa is situated in facilities and a park. Every- sun is always shining, even Central Greece which one is friendly, easy-going in people`s eyes! friends. makes it a perfect starting and nice. What is more, the point for trips all around Erasmus programme is an the country. It is close to awesome opportunity. It both Athens and Thessalo- gives you the pleasure to niki which are the biggest live in a different country, Page10 Erasmus Students’ Comments Peter, Dept of Tourism Enterprises 1. What do you think 2. What place that you 3. What is your favourite about Greek music? have visited was the most Greek meal (dish)? Greek music is very strange ...The most beautiful trip was in Skiathos island for me. You can find here one of the most unique beaches in Europe…. beautiful? in the first moment for the The most beautiful trip was European ears. It is some- in Skiathos island for me. thing between the Asian You can find here one of and European sounds. This the most unique beach in kind of music very famous Europe with crystal clear everywhere in the country, sea, nice sand and wonder- you can listen in parties, ful landscape. The main festivals and on the radio town as well. Music exists as a streets, significant aspect of Helle- houses, busy harbour and nistic culture. Typical in- tasty tavernas. Our trip was strument is the bouzouki adventurous a bit, because (Μπουζούκι). we’d missed our ferry boat, full with white narrow painted I like all the Greek foods, specially which is made in the simplest way. Seafood, lamb, cheeses, olives, fruits, wine all of them very tasty and you can combinate them so easily. But if I really have to choose one, I get totally love the grilled cheese, and souvlaki which one you couldn’t find in any other country, only in Greece. and we hadn’t got any accommodation at all, we was enjoying the nature in Banana beach. Inesska, Dept of Accounting 1. Why did you choose study. In Greece people Before coming to Greece i Greece? with sincere smiles. Greece am expected a meetings is wonderful country with with new people, making good people! better my experience in This country is amazing at any seasons, i like Greece for the sun which shine here 300 days in year. In … This country is amazing at any seasons…. Greece life without stress, long-awaited rest after Page 11 English, visiting beautiful 2. What did you expect places in Greece, to know before coming to Greece? new culture and enjoying good Greek weather. TEI OF LARISSA Faculties & Departments Business & Economics Faculty TEI of Larissa has Dept of Accounting Dept of Business Administration Dept of Project Management Dept of Computing Science and in several disci- Telecommunications plines ————— Agricultural Technology Faculty 13 Departments Dept of Animal Production lie in Larissa city ————— Dept of Biosystems Engineering Health Professions Faculty Dept of Civil Engineering 19 departments Dept of Tourism Enterprises Dept of Plant Production Technological Engineering Faculty Dept of Electrical Engineering Dept of Mechanical Engineering Karditsa City Branch Dept of Food Technology 5 Departments Dept of Forestry and Natural located in other Environmental Management Thessalian cities Dept of Wood & Furniture Design Dept of Medical Laboratories and Technology Dept of Nursing Dept of Nutrition & Dietetics Click here to visit our TEI of Larissa prospectus Trikala City Branch Dept of Building Renovation and Restoration Dept of Civil Engineering TEI of Larissa Campus Aero-Photograph CLIK HERE TO SEE OUR GOOGLE MAP OF THE CITY OF LARISSA Τίτλος άρθρου εσωτερικής σελίδας This booklet was produced does not take any responsiwith the support of the bility for statements made ERASMUS / Life Long therein. Learning Programme of the European Commission. ———————————— The publications reflects Editor of the Leaflet the views only of the au- Achilleas Anagnostopoulos thor . The Commission Page 12
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