
"Ez a projekt az Európai Bizottság támogatásával valósult meg. A projekt tartalma nem
feltétlenül tükrözi az Európai Bizottság vagy a MOBILITÁS véleményét, mely intézmények felelőssége a projektre nem terjed ki." „The
project had received grant from the Youth in Action Programme of the European Community. The information in the programme is
avaliable at: However the contect of the project doesn’t necessarily reflect the opinion of the
EU and the Hungarian National Agency. The project is not under the responsiblity of these institutions.”
Short description of the project:
The Inclusion in action was a group EVS project. Within the project we hosted 26
volunteers coming from 10 countries. 13 other volunteers participated in the project from
other two countries, their costs where financed from other sources. They lived and worked
together in Hollókő and other villages of Nógrád county from 10th of July till 2nd of August.
The theme of the project was European awareness and equal opportunities because the
participants were less opportunity youngsters and we put big emphasis in supporting them
to use their experiences at home and to develop skills and competencies which can help
them to integrate better in society back home. Besides this they worked in international
groups so they could informally get to know the culture of other European countries.
The goal of the volunteer work was be to help in the villages to introduce the sustainable
development and life forms connected to it and also to promote it amongst the local
people – the volunteers supported the development of tools for energy saving and they did
a campaign on recycling.
The project was based on the long term cooperation and partnership with the villages and
the sending organizations.
Association of YWCA/YMCA of Latvia
Izmit Belediyesi – Turkey
Solidarités Jeunesses – France
Ukrainian Association for Youth Cooperation „Alternative-V”
Barcelona Voluntaria - Spain
YMCA Slovakia
YMCA in the Czech Republic
International Palestinian Youth Legaue (IPYL) - Palestine
Student-Youth Council – Georgia
„EGO” Young psychologists NGO – Armenia
Synergy Romania
Thank you all for your participation and cooperation!
The organisers, Egyesek Youth Association
Main results we achieved:
3780 Volunteer working hours all together (3x30x42)
1000+ paint drops on walls, windows and chairs
350 kg of apricot picked140 kg of apricot jam cooked
...84 children participated on the play sessions
54 windows and doors painted
54 m2 new carpet in the training room
50 mugs created in the pottery
42 different types of national food and drinks presented and tasted (without
Hungarians)34 mattress covers and several pillow holders sewn
28 pieces of furniture renovated
27 guests visited the cultural evenings
20+ cups broken
19 curtains painted
18 mosquito nets fixed and installed
...16 m2 increase in the size of the training room
12 local partners involved
12 villages and cities reached by the promotion
4 times grass cut around the house by Lukas
3 bowls of paprikás krumpli cooked
3 villages reached by the Action Day
2 days work in the village library
2 walls less in the training room
1.5 hectare grass cut and collected
1 fence by the platform cleaned
1 Balcony fence and 2 electric boxes painted
1 fireplace built with benches
1 pechka (fire - oven) renewed
1 composter made and installed
Eszter Koranyi <[email protected]>
Alexis Demesy
2 messages
<[email protected]>
Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 12:24 AM
To: [email protected]
I hope everything is fine in Holloko !
As far as I am concerned I'm going well and I
continue to volunteer in Lyon. I'm working with the
UNICEF for the Christmas season, I will sell UNICEF
products in market stalls.
Kinds regards,
Suite à mon volontariat, j’ai pu m’investir dans un petit projet de respect de l’environnement dans
mon centre d’accueil.
En fait, j’ai participer à un module de formation sur le recyclage et le compostage.
Mon rôle était de construire de panneaux de sensibilisation au tri des déchets.
J’ai en suite expliqué aux autres la façon de recycler dans notre commune et ensemble on a placé le
panneaux d’information.
Grâce à mon volontariat, j’ai pu prendre plus confiance en moi et m’investir mieux dans un projet de
ce type.
In my volunteering, I had the chance to work on a small project regarding environmental
sensibilisation at my hosting site.
Actually, I participated in a formation on recycling and composting.
My role was to make sensibilisation posters regarding sorting wastes.
Afterward, I explained to the others the way to recycle in our community and together we went and
placed the information posters.
Due to my volunteering, I strenghtened my confidence in me and learn to participate in a project like
Joelle Coulon
"Meeting the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs" (Sustainable Development, the Report of the World Commission on
Environment and Development)
We think that youth organizations, building the vision of tomorrow, must work
hand to hand to increase the worldwide youth cooperation, develop
intercultural dialogue and facilitate awareness about the global and local
problems caused by the different civil societies.
Sustainable Development is nowadays one of the highest challenges that a lot of societies are taking part in,
because of the existent need in the development respecting such issues as Environment, Society and Culture.
Environmental sustainability is the process of making sure current
processes of interaction with the environment are pursued with the
idea of keeping the environment as pristine as naturally possible.
In Ukraine the idea of sustainable development is comparatively new
and not well-known in the society. That is why it is really important to
promote it and make clear and understandable to the local
Inspired by our active volunteers, who took part in group short-term EVS Project “Inclusion in Action”, we
decided to support them in the work in this direction and with common efforts develop the idea of the seminar
for children and youth on such crucial topic.
As a result of our cooperation, on 10 October 2010 two volunteers of Ukrainian Association for Youth
Cooperation “Alternative-V”- Olga Komarenko and Anastasiia Khoroshko with the help of program coordinator
Olena Koroliuk organized the follow-up activity in the frame of the abovementioned proejct.
The activity took place in the school in village Velykyi Karashyn in Kyiv region for the group of 17 kids aged 1013 years old. The volunteers prepared the information about the ecological situation in Ukraine, the
importance of environmental protection and recycling and promoted sustainable development. They shared it
with the group in the interactive way – by putting the questions and then giving the comments, interesting
facts and advice. Energizers and ice-breaking games were used to keep kids interest and for the better teambuilding. Also the workshop was organized to show how the old furniture and other materials can be used and
the possible creative ways to extend their “life duration”. The children were divided into 3 teams and each
team had the task to decorate the chair and then present it with the moto and comments about environmental
protection and sustainable development. The children were actively involved in the activities and were issued a
leaflet with the information provided throughout the seminar and workshop.
Many questions – Many answers! Live and learn ☺
READY! STEADY! GO! Group split, task received, materials prepared…Its right time for the
Workshop ☺
Creative way of using old furniture: With colors and imagination it is possible to give a second life
to it!
Olga and Anastasiia are happy and proud with the result of the team-work!
And the kids enjoyed it too! ☺
In Georgia our volunteers and their sending organisation created the first-ever information leaflet
about EVS. They will continue using it and spread the idea of international volunteering.
Czech Republic
In July 2010 we participated on group EVS in Holloko, Hungary. After this
voluntary service we were supposed to organise a workshop at home based on
the activities carried out during the service. We were inspired by Cultural evening
that we organised with other volunteers in Holloko. It was an event where we
presented our countries and culture to the others and to the local community in
the village.
We decided to organise similar event in Usti nad Labem. It’s quite big
industrial city and it doesn’t have very varied cultural life. So we thought it would
be good to organise something like cultural evening. The idea was to introduce
foreign students (mostly Erasmus students) to the other students and to the
local community. We think it’s important to let people know that there are people
from other countries in their school/city. It’s very enriching to learn about their
countries and culture, to see the differences. And the best way how to learn
about different culture is to be in touch with people from other countries as we
experienced during our EVS. We also think that when people know about foreign
students in their city, they can help them to integrate better to the local
community, show them our culture, help them to feel more welcome and feel at
home in our country.
So we decided to organise Erasmus evening – presentation of Erasmus
students about their culture and universities. It took place at Faculty of Art and
Design at Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, where one of us
(Lenka S.) is studying. We asked the coordinator of Erasmus students to help us
with contacting them. We asked them to prepare a short presentation of their
country and university they come from. Next step was to find a good place. The
university let us to use the auditorium which was great because it has all
technical equipment that we needed. We made a promotion by putting posters to
different places and sending emails to students. We cooperated with Erasmus
students and their coordinator and we tried to share our experience with the
presentation that we made in Hungary to help them to make theirs.
Finally we had presentations of seven different countries. We prepared
small refreshment for the guests and participants. Unfortunately not as many
guests as we expected came to the Erasmus evening. Even though there wasn’t
a big audience, all presentations were really nice and interesting. The coordinator
of Erasmus students liked it a lot and she said she wanted to continue with this
idea every year. It’s a good way how to introduce foreign students to the others
and it’s very useful for them to get some information about schools they come
from. It gives them opportunity to get to know about countries and schools
where they could possibly study. And studying abroad is a great experience
which develops personality and brings many new skills as well as EVS.
Jana Dankova, Lenka Mocubova, Lenka Stukhejlova (Czech Republic)

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