Annual Report - Christian Heritage School


Annual Report - Christian Heritage School
Christian Heritage School
Trumbull, CT •
The Power
of One
The Impact
of Many
can sometimes look like childhood wonder
and other times be unmitigated
At the end of the day we realize it is
which is a gift from God.
In 2 Corinthians 8:7 (NIV) we read – “But since you excel in everything – in faith, in speech,
in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you – see that you
also excel in this grace of giving.” The Message Bible version adds, “This (giving) was totally
spontaneous … What explains it was that they had first given themselves unreservedly to God.
The other giving simply flowed out of the purposes of God working in their lives.”
There is great power in one gift added to the faithful gift of another. Just as it takes dedicated
individuals to impact a great athletic team, it takes individual gifts added together to powerfully
impact a great school. The financial gifts reflect a show of solidarity for Christian education, a
bold display of camaraderie with other members of our school community, and an unquestionable
resolve to carry on the mission of spiritual and academic excellence.
This investment in a child’s future goes beyond tuition dollars. The bottom line is that our
students’ lives represent a powerful testimony in the world concerning the grace of Jesus Christ
and are supported and fueled by Christians who believe that a Bible-based education is a worthy
investment. Recently recognized by Best as one of the top 50 Christian Schools in
America, CHS, to God’s glory, fulfills its mission to partner with parents and churches to prepare
Christian Scholars; together we prepare leaders who will make a difference in the world for Jesus
As an independent school, CHS has and will depend upon the generosity of contributors to
advance our mission. Your investment of time, talent and treasure are also essential components
to the functioning of this special ministry. We are so thankful and blessed by the generosity of so
many servants. Thank you for “giving unreservedly to God and to us!”
Whether you are a current parent, alumnus, parent of an alumnus, grandparent, or long-time friend
of CHS, I hope you will take time to stop by for a visit or to enjoy an all-school event. Please give
me a call, as I would count it a privilege to share with you the great programs in operation, and also
hear of our exciting vision for the future of Christian Heritage School.
God bless you,
Bruce Stempien
Director of Advancement
203-261-6230 ext. 590
[email protected]
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
“In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” - Colossians 2:3
Board of Directors
Mr. Scott Marcello, Chairman
Mr. Bob Boronski, Vice-Chairman
Mrs. Julie Rief, Treasurer
Mr. John Krekoska ’91, Secretary
Mr. Bob Boronski
Mr. Vigil Christian
Mrs. Rebecca Lamvol
Mr. Gregory King
Mr. Joe Conlan
Mr. Brian Modarelli, Head of School
Christian Heritage School is a private K-12
interdenominational day school located in Trumbull,
CT, with an enrollment of approximately 450 students.
The school’s mission is to assist parents and churches
in fulfilling their God-given responsibility to teach their
children that “In (Christ) are hid all the treasures of wisdom
and knowledge” (Colossians 2:3, KJV) and to provide
its students with an education of spiritual and academic
excellence with which to serve God.
2013-2014 Praiseworthy Highlights
Class of 2014
• 95% of students who enrolled in University of Connecticut
coursework at CHS received college credit
• 33 students sat for 44 AP exams in 8 subjects and 90%
earned a score of 3,4, or 5
• 100% of eligible students took the SAT or ACT college
readiness exam with a class average score on the SAT of
Math 585, Critical Reading 580, Writing 589
• 88 college acceptances were ranked as very, highly or
most competitive by Barron’s Profile of American Colleges
with 56% of acceptances with one of these ratings
• The 41 members of the class of 2014 received offers for
$3.75 million in renewable academic college scholarships
Notes of Praise
• Lower School teachers are using MacBooks and newly
installed SMART Boards every day for interactive and
creative lessons
• 22% of fifth grade students scored in the nation’s top 1
percentile in problem solving on the Stanford Achievement
• 69% of fifth grade students scored in the nation’s top 10
percentile in mathematics on the Stanford Achievement
• Interactive SMART Board technology has been installed
in every K-12 classroom
• Every Upper School classroom is equipped with Apple TV
enabled and cable ready flat screen monitors
• Electronic Textbooks are being used in 90% of grades
9-12 classes
• All students, grades 9-12, are provided personal iPads
• Historically, 98% of graduates matriculate to four year
• 60 credits of college preparatory coursework were offered
through the University of Connecticut, Indiana Wesleyan,
and AP
• 8 teachers qualified and have earned endorsement as
University of Connecticut Adjunct Professors
• Over the past 3 years, CHS has had 1 National Merit
Finalist, 1 Outstanding National Achievement Scholar, 2
National Merit Commended Scholars, 17 AP Scholars, 4 AP
Scholars with Honor and 10 AP Scholars with Distinction!
• Every CHS graduate in attendance from 9-12 grades
have earned at least 80 hours of community service. Over
50 organizations have benefitted from this service
Major Facility Improvements
• First grade classrooms received a complete renovation
• Courtyard improvements
• Lobby improvements, special lighting and community
photo displays
• Front door automatic locking system along with increased
security measures
• New video surveillance system and cameras over 20
cameras with remote monitoring access
• 3 Major science lab classroom complete renovations
• 15 New microscopes for the middle school science
• Major Roof repair and functional improvements
• Outdoor lighted sand volleyball court
• Newly installed beautification and security fencing along
the entire White Plains Road frontage
• Begun conversations with owners of 511 White Plains
Road which includes a house built in 1750. This would
be a desirable property adjacent to Pulpit Rock and the
commuter lot.
Endowment Gifts
Anonymous (1)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Angelini
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bailey
Ms. Susan Brinkman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. James Williams
The Endowment for Christian Heritage School
Commemorative Contributions
Our endowment was created in July of 2006. The current
balance is $472,745. We deeply appreciate the generous
donors who have contributed to this fund over the years.
We thank the following donors who have sent memorial
contributions totaling $43,245.00:
The Heritage of Faith Campaign (projected launch in
late 2014 or early 2015)
Christian Heritage School now looks to the future. We are
poised to establish a strong foundation for our future growth
and strategic development to meet the educational and
spiritual needs of students into the next generation.
The desire of our founders Pastor and Mrs. Anderson was
to provide a quality K-12 Christian School alternative to
the families of Fairfield County and southern Connecticut.
Forty years into the life of CHS, we are poised to establish
a strong base for future growth and enthusiastic strategic
development to meet the demands of the educational
and spiritual needs of students in the 21st century. An
important challenge for CHS will be to begin our next
generation of life with no debt, increase our endowment to
over $2 million, and complete the transfer of ownership of
a campus worth nearly $10 million. As God blesses, CHS
will continue to be an outstanding educational institution;
we will be a place where Christian Scholars become
tomorrow’s leaders and young adults prepare to make
a significant and enduring impact for Jesus Christ in the
“We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds
of the Lord, His power and the wonders He has done.”
(Psalm 78:4)
In memory of Judy Siksay
In memory of Mrs. Eleonor I. S. Wolff
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Bilger (Network for Good)
Kathleen Bilger Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bruening
In memory of B. Emans
Mrs. Louis Hanlon
In memory of Charles Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Helm
In memory of Kathleen Bilger & Rachel Brinkman
Mr. Eric Kabakoff
Barron Vangor Toth ’91 Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. James McAleavey
In memory of Tiarra Webb
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Scudder
In memory of Rachel Brinkman
Mrs. Margaret J. Stedwell
In memory of Sandra Sue Stedwell
Mr. & Mrs. Audbur E. Thompson
Lydia Thompson Memorial Fund
United Technologies Matching Gift
Lydia Thompson Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Cornell S. Vangor
Barron Vangor Toth ’91 Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Anton Zilich
Erickson Memorial Fund
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
Annual Fund
“In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” - Colossians 2:3
The 2013-2014 Annual Fund raised $667,000 and we are very grateful to all who contributed! This year 100% of
our Senior Staff, 100% of our Board of Directors and 100% of our faculty and staff donated to the Annual Fund and
enthusiastically supported the programs of Christian Heritage School. The Annual Fund is the highest priority for
fundraising at Christian Heritage School. Each gift provides immediate and direct benefit to students and faculty, providing
the needed funds to bridge the gap between the tuition our families pay and the actual cost. We also seek funds to
grow our tuition assistance fund and support critical projects to improve our campus and enhance our facilities and
programs. We received generous donations for numerous programs and projects including some very exciting campus
improvements. These improvements included three complete renovations of science classrooms, two lower school
classrooms and lobby and public space enhancements. Gym improvements included a new scoreboard, lighting, and
protective padding, musical equipment, sound equipment, video projector and extensive new wiring. Other projects
included school-wide security systems, major building roof repairs, beautiful new fencing on White Plains Road, major
classroom infrastructure, computers, Wi-Fi, and other technology improvements.
Anonymous (1)
Anonymous (1)
Aldeen Charitable Trust Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bilger
Mr. & Dr. Richard Caporaso
New Life Christian Fellowship
Anonymous (4)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Angelini
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Arden
Davis Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Audbur Thompson
United Technologies Matching Gift and
Volunteer Grant Program
Mr. & Mrs. Anton Zilich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boronski
CEO Foundation of CT
Dell Employee Matching Gift Program
Gannett Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Craig T. Hoekenga II ‘92 &
Mrs. Tracy Hoekenga
Mrs. Ashley Hoekenga Mackiewicz ‘96
& Mr. Alex Mackiewicz
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Marcello
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rief
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Satterwhite
Wells Fargo Foundation Educational
Matching Gift Program
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Nicholas Adam ‘84
Mr. & Mrs. Barton Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Immanuel Babu
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Barbagallo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Beutler
Mr. & Mrs. James Hayden in Honor of
Bill Jolly
Mr. Edward Hughes, Jr. ‘90
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Keegan
Kinder Morgan Foundation
Mr. John Krekoska ‘91 & Mrs.
Daralynn Costello Krekoska ‘91
Mr. & Mrs. Aleksander Lamvol
Mrs. Maria DeNardo Luft ‘87 & Mr.
George F. Luft
Mr. & Mrs. Peter McClelland
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Miller IV
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Modarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Franz Mohr
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Morgan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Nagel
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Olson
Pitney Bowes Employee Matching Gift
Program/Global Impact
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Struzik
Mr. & Mrs. John Vangor
Dr. & Mrs. David Wangaard
Reverend & Mrs. Thad Barnum
Mr. & Mrs. James Brake
Ms. Susan Brinkman
Mr. & Mrs. Francio Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. John Drummond
Mr. & Mrs. John Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Kole
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McHugh
Dr. Timothy F. McQueeney III ‘92 &
Mrs. Cammie L. McQueeney
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orban III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Patrick
Mr. Thomas Pelletier
Mr. & Mrs. James Pinkerton
Slivka Family Living Trust
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Stempien, M.D.
($100 - $499)
Anonymous (11)
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bittner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Blaskewicz
Mr. Daniel L. Brown ‘85 &
Mrs. Krista L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bruening
Mr. & Mrs. John Butka
Mr. & Mrs. G. Boyd Chitwood
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Christian
Commonwealth Cares
Ms. Barbara Couphos
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Doty
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Flores
Mr. David W. Greer ‘84 &
Mrs. Paula M. Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Halsted
Attorney & Mrs. Savas Hantzes
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Helm
Mr. F. Washington Jarvis
Dr. & Mrs. Hemraj Khona
Mr. & Mrs. Henry LeMien III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael LoStocco
Mrs. Theresa Russomano Miller ‘94 &
Mr. Jeffrey W. Miller
Mr. Joseph Mioli
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Molgard
Mr. Andrew J. Morgan ‘01 &
Mrs. Penelope Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. John Naeher
Mr. & Mrs. Tobi Oshin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Packevicz
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Palomba
Mr. & Mrs. John Pellegrino
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Roessler
Dr. & Mrs. John Roney
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schermann
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Scudder
Smart Tuition
Mrs. Margaret Stedwell
Mr. & Mrs. John Steinbach
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stempien
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Taverner
TLJ, Inc.
Mr. Gardiner Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Cornell Vangor
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Waters
Mrs. Victoria Wiegand
Dr. & Mrs. Scott Wilhelm
Mrs. Masnoh Wilson
Ms. Laura Zhang
($1 - $99)
Anonymous (10)
Miss Megan Ahrens
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Anderson
Mr. Ray Antocicco
Mr. & Mrs. James Bair
Ms. Kimberly Baylis
Mr. James Beecher ‘93 &
Mrs. Gina DeStefano Beecher ‘92
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Benedetto
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Boccarossa
Mr. & Mrs. John Bristol
Mrs. Rebecca Burgeson
Calvary Evangelical Free Church
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Charleston
Mr. Benjamin Chase
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cosgrove
Mr. & Mrs. James Costello
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cote
Mr. & Mrs. Richard DeStefano
Mrs. Donna Slivka Douglass ‘85 &
Mr. Paul Douglass
Mr. & Mrs. John Egan
Mr. Robb Evans
Mrs. Jessica Dudics Flowers ‘99 &
Mr. Brett M. Flowers
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Funez
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Guinta
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gulick
Mr. Shawn T. Haggerty ‘93 &
Mrs. Kimberly Link Haggerty ‘93
Mrs. Louise Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hannibal
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Higenyi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hilton
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Honychurch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoponick
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Huberty
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Johnson
Mrs. Kathleen Hay Josephson ‘87 &
Mr. Ted Josephson
Mr. Eric Kabakoff
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Katz
Ms. Jeanne Korman
Mr. & Mrs. John Lawlor
Mr. & Mrs. David LeMaire
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Lewellyn
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lord
Mrs. Tatiane Macedo
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Macky
MacWear, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. David Marshall
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
Annual Fund
“In Christ are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” - Colossians 2:3
($1 - $99)
Mr. & Mrs. David Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. James Martone
Mr. & Mrs. James McAleavey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Mogle
Mr. & Mrs. John Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. Paulo Mota
Mr. John Olenski
Mr. David Olson ‘07
Mr. Peter Olson ‘11
Ms. Catherine Olson ‘13
Ms. Elizabeth Olson ‘10
Mrs. Rita Khona Opp ‘91 &
Mr. Brian Opp
Mr. Nicholas Paci
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Palacino
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian Parham
Mr. David L. Reens ‘07 &
Mrs. Abigail Reens
Mr. & Mrs. M. Gregory Rudd
Miss Dorothy Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Schutzmann
Ms. Dolores Shoop
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey Strohmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Suba
The Rural Gas Company
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Trooien, Jr.
Urgent Care Medical Associates, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Vander Baan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Vinton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Visinski
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Welborn
Mr. & Mrs. James Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Wills
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wininger
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wyskiel
Mr. & Mrs. A. Peter Ziegler III
Gifts-in-Kind include items and
equipment donated to CHS:
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Angelini
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bean
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Colgate
Greer Cabinets
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Helm
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Kratt
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Olson
Racquet Koop
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosselli
Mr. & Mrs. Tory Russo
Mrs. Susan Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stempien
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Zysk
Annual Fund Partiipation
by Category of Participants
Giving Participation
Giving Participation
Board of
& Staff
Summer Missions
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” - Mark 12:30-31
Though we do not include donations
for our students’ summer mission
trips in this report, we want to thank
the hundreds of donors and prayer
partners for their generous support
of our students and chaperones.
One hundred percent of funds
received for summer missions are
allocated directly to each student’s trip
Integral to the mission of CHS is
the equipping of students in such a
way that they would develop hearts
which are attentive to the needs
of the world around them. Christ’s
mandate to “Love your neighbor as
yourself” is most visibly represented
in school sponsored missions trips to
destinations both domestically and
abroad. As students are intentionally
removed from comforts and attractions
of home and are given time and space
to focus on doing work that Christ
would do, eyes are opened and hearts
are transformed. The 2014 summer
mission trips were to Colorado and
to the Dominican Republic. Past
destinations have also included
Zambia, Costa Rica, and Hurricane
Sandy Relief in Staten Island, NY.
This summer missions program
complements our community service
hours, which encourages students
to also get involved with their local
church throughout the academic year.
The Bell Ceremony
This new CHS tradition was
introduced in 2009. The graduating
class and kindergarten class each
line up on opposite sides of the
school bell, taking turns ringing “in”
to their CHS journey, and ringing
“out” of their CHS journey. We
pray together and then the balloons
(one for each of the students) are
released. It is a touching moment
that reminds us all of how quickly
our students grow up at CHS.
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
12 Days of Christmas
December 1-12, 2013
Christian Heritage School
12 Days of Christmas
On behalf of the entire CHS community, we offer our deep appreciation for your support of the 2013 12 Days of Christmas
online auction at Christian Heritage School held during the first twelve days of December.
This year was the first time for us to run an online auction. You helped us raise needed funds for program improvement
and tuition assistance. 152 bidders placed 980 bids and purchased 256 items. In total, our auction raised $43,000 for
Christian Heritage School and the Lower School Class Basket effort was an important part of this success! This very
special project was taken on by our 10 Lower School classes. Each class sponsored a unique gift basket designed
specifically for an exceptional local charity. Not only did we collect needed items for 10 local charities, but we raised
$2,300 for CHS from contributions from donors who supported this effort.
Once again, thank you for your generous support of God’s work at Christian Heritage School. It is appreciated more than
you know and is a great encouragement to everyone involved in our ministry.
The following people supported the
school through cash gifs or online
bidding of items
Mr. Nicholas Adam
Mr. & Mrs. James Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Barton Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Arden
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Barbagallo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barna
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Billingham
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bittner
Ms. Jean Bobwich
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Boccarossa, D.D.S.
Christian Heritage School Christian Heritage School Christian H
12 Days of Christmas12 Days of Christmas 12 Days
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boronski
Mr. & Mrs. William Briggs
Mrs. Robin Buckley
Mr. & Dr. Richard Caporaso
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Cardone
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Charleston
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Colgate
Mr. & Mrs. William Dolyak
Mr. & Mrs. John Drummond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dykhouse
Mr. & Mrs. John Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ericksen
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Garcia
Mr. Bruce Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Guinta
Mr. David Hannibal
Mr. & Mrs. Marv Happel
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hartman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoponick
Ms. Felicia Ingram
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Keegan
Dr. & Mrs. Hemraj Khona
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory King
Ms. Jeanne Korman
Mr. & Mrs. John Lawlor
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Lopiano
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lord
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lubbert
Luxe Coffee, LLC (Solude Coffee)
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Macky
MacWear, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Marcello
Mr. & Mrs. James McAleavey
Ms. Diane Medvec
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mihalov
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Miller IV
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Modarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Muriel
Mr. David Newberry
Mr. Jonathan Nuzzaci
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Olson
Ms. Stephanie Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Orban III
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Palomba
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Prangley
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Presbrey II
Mr. Ryan Prosser
Pastor & Mrs. Vincent Provenzano
Mr. Frank Puda
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rao
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rief
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Romatzick
Mr. & Mrs. Tory Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Sacoto
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Sbriglio
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Schermann
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith
Pastor & Mrs. Peter Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Specht
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stempien
Ms. Anna Stempien
Ms. Emily Stromdahl
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Suba
Mrs. Carolyn Terkelsen
Ms. Maureen Trivers
Dr. & Mrs. Federico Vaca
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Vangor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vara
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Vinton
Dr. & Mrs. David Wangaard
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Warchick
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Waters
Ms. Joan Widomski
Mr. Peter Wunsch
Mr. & Mrs. Elvis Zaldumbide
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
12 Days of Christmas
December 1-12, 2013
Christian Heritage School
12 Days of Christmas
Each lower school class chose a
local charity in our community and
the basket themes were chosen with
the needs of the various ministries in
mind. The baskets were presented
to the charity after being auctioned
off. It was a unique opportunity to
get our kids involved and to help our
community at the same time! The local
charities were:
• Hopeline Pregnancy Resource Cntr
• Kennedy Center
• The Bowery Mission
• Bread of Heaven
• Victory Outreach
• Emmaus
• Lighthouse Program
• Bridgeport Rescue Mission
• Hands Against Hunger
• Yale Children’s Hospital
Special thanks to the following
companies and individuals who
donated on-line auction items,
and other goods and services that
defrayed the cost of running 12 Days
of Christmas:
A Bead of Roses
Acapulcos Mexican Family Restaurant
& Cantina
Mr. Nicholas Adam ‘84
Al-Lynn Sales, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Hans Anderson
Angelina’s Trattoria
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Angelini
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Atkinson
Barcelona Wine Bar & Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. David Batza
Bel Mare Creations
Benedict’s Home & Garden Store
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Bigelow Tea
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bilger
Blanchette Sporting Goods, Inc.
Brain Boost
Branded Styles
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brooks
B-Transformed Fitness
Mr. Byron Campbell
Captain Lord Mansion
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Christian
City Line Florist, Inc.
Mrs. Kim Clark
Colonial Cleaners
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conlan
Connecticut Business Systems
Connecticut Science Center
Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo
Creative Music Center
Dao Fusion Cuisine & Lounge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Paraiso
Discovery Museum and Planetarium
Essex Steam Train & Riverboat
Fairfield Theatre Company
Frank’s Carpentry and Handyman
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Toffolo
Mr. Dewey Gong
Guacamole Grille
Hair Innovations Design Team
Mr. Marv Happell
Harbor Yard Sports & Entertainment
Mr. & Mrs. James Hayden
Mr. Alan Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Helm
Mrs. Phyllis Honychurch
Mr. Craig Horne
Mr. Aaron Huberty
Jones Family Farms
Katy & Co.
Kidcity Children’s Museum
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Kratt
Mr. John Krekoska ‘91 & Mrs.
Daralynn Costello Krekoska ‘91
Mrs. Lisa Garcia LaRocque ‘86 and
Mr. Robert C. LaRocque
Lake Compounce
Lakewood - Trumbull YMCA
Mrs. Rebecca Lamvol
Larry Benigno Piano Tuning
Mrs. Nancy Lawlor
Mr. & Mrs. David LeMaire
Linda’s Story Time
Long Wharf Theatre
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lord
MacWear, LLC
Miss Lauren Marshall
Ms. Linda Mascaro
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCarthy
Mill River Country Club
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Modarelli
Mohawk Mountain Ski Area
Moose River Outpost
Mr. John Naeher
New England Air Museum
New York Giants
Next Dimension Gymnastics
Mrs. Sherri Nicholls O’Connell ‘95
Old Towne Restaurant, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Olson
Mrs. Rita Opp ‘91
Christian Heritage School Christian Heritage School Christian H
12 Days of Christmas12 Days of Christmas 12 Days
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Packevicz
Painters Supply
Mr. Tony Palomba
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Paraiso
Pink Sprinkles, A Cupcake and
Cookie Boutique
Mrs. Penny DeNardo Pompa ‘90
Pronto Chop Shop & Pizzeria
Quassy Amusement Park
Mr. Richard Rardin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Reid
Reza Radmand, DMD - Advanced
Dentistry of Connecticut
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rief
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Robbins
Miss Courtney Rowland
Mr. M. Gregory Rudd
Mr. & Mrs. Tory Russo
Sal e Pepe Contemporary Italian
Sam Sloat Coins, Inc.
Sapore Italian Deli & Catering
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Snyder
Solude Air Roasted Coffee
Sports Center of Connecticut
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stachura
Sterling & Stones
Stew Leonard’s Charity Crusaders
Mr. Mark Stoddard
Super Duper Weenie
Super Stop & Shop
Mrs. Carol Taubl
Taylor-Made Fitness/Renee Daconto
Tea With Tracy
The “New” Children’s Museum
The Decorator’s Eye
The Pantry
The Sitting Duck Tavern
The Smithy Restaurant
TheaterWorks - Hartford’s
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Toffolo
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Torres
Pastor & Mrs. Vincent Provenzano Unique Expressions Photography
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Vangor
Vazzy’s Brick Oven
Vazzy’s Cucina
Vazzy’s Osteria-Monroe
Victorinox Swiss Army, Inc.
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
Westport Country Playhouse
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
Vines & Vignettes
May 29-31, 2014
For the first time, we collaborated with two local, like-minded organizations for a garden-themed fundraising event,
raising over $20,000 in net proceeds for program improvement at Christian Heritage School, St. Ann Academy and for
the Black Rock Food Pantry! Vines & Vignettes was graciously hosted by CHS parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Sikora at
their historic estate, The Chimneys, located in the Blackrock neighborhood of Bridgeport. Capably coordinated by CHS
parent volunteer, Mrs. Tracey LoStocco and St. Ann’s Director of Advancement, Mrs. Lindsay Chessare, this three-day
extravaganza could not have happened without the sacrificial giving and efforts of our volunteers, vendors, sponsors, and
patrons. Because of this spirit of generosity, we will be able to make a significant difference in the lives of many people. In
Hebrews 13:16 we read, “And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”
Vines & Vignettes exemplied the collaborative beauty of working with other local Christian organizations. Through your
generosity, you have shown your commitment to invest in the lives of children in our communities. The program included:
• Preview Gala - This gala party event served as a preview of the transformed property
grounds as well as a “meet and greet” with our celebrity consultant and various
local officials.
• Afternoon Luncheon - This beautiful luncheon was held in the main dining room of
the home and included entertainment by an opera singer.
• The Garden Tour - The Garden Tour of the Chimneys ran from 10-5. We hosted
over 500 people at this event. There was a boutique area filled with local retailers,
a lecture tent for demonstrations on gardening and design, a small food court for
a quick bite, as well as all of the vignettes throughout the grounds for viewing.
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Corporate Sponsors
The following people and business
were corporate sponsors for the Vines
and Vignettes event
Bartlett Trees
R.C. Bigelow Inc.
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boronski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Chessare
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil H. Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Conlan
Connecticut Business Systems
Constellation Health Services
Flourishes Distinctive Gifts
Austin Ganim Landscape Design,
Ganim’s Garden Center & Florist
GE Credit Union
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Hubler
Mr. & Mrs. John Krekoska
Mr. & Mrs. Aleksander Lamvol
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Marcello
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Modarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Rief
People’s United Bank
Pullman & Comley, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Rief
Royal Restrooms
Shaughnessey Banks Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sikora
Soundview Financial Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Stempien
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tillinger
Dr. & Mrs. Federico E. Vaca
The following people and business
contributed to Vines and Vignettes
Mr. Nicholas E. Adam
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Bilger
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bittner
Mr. Thomas Black
Mrs. Carol Bussey
Mr. & Mrs. John Caine
Dr. & Mrs. Carmine T. Calabrese
Mrs. Karen Calby
Mr. & Dr. Richard Caporaso
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Chessare
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Colangelo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Conway
Mrs. Donna Craft
Rev. & Mrs. David De Vries
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dykhouse
Mrs. Patricia Eastman
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Griffin, Jr.
Mr. Auden Grogins
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Happel
Mrs. Callie Heilmann
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Hutchins
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Johnson
Ms. Sarah Newbold Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory King
Mr. & Mrs. John Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lesko
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Lord
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. LoStocco
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. LoStocco
Mr. & Mrs. Lou Lowenkron
Mr. Robert K. Maas
Ms. Ruth M. Madwed
Main Street Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Marpe
Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Marcello
Ms. Lori B. Mezes
Mr. & Mrs. John Miller
Nest of Southport, LLC
Mrs. Louise Noll
Mrs. Hope Gallagher Ogletree
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Olson
Ms. Renee R. Rajappa
Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Rief
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Robbins
Rock Properties Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Tory Russo
Ms. Sarah Seelye
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Siemer
Mrs. Judi St. John
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stachura
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Stempien
Mrs. Susan Thorstenn
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tillinger
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Tortorello
Mrs. Debbie Wilhelmy
Mrs. Kate Worrell
Mr. Vincent Von Zwehl & Ms.
Concettina Caruso
Silent Auction
The following people and business
supported this event through donated
items to the Silent Auction
Austin Ganim Landscape
Quick Center for the Arts
Theresa Tillinger
Nest of Southport
Snip Doggy Dog of Fairfield
Vendors and Business
The following people and business
purchased vendor booths
Sticks and Stones Farm
Redline Restorations
Fairfield County Antique &
Design Center
Marvin Gardens
Ganim’s Garden Center & Florist, LLC
Lindquist Landscape Design, LLC
Bruce Wylie Antiques
Beau Maas Antiques
Menagerie Whimsical Art
Finished with Style, LLC
Oliver Nurseries
PK Landscaping & Design
Amie Guyette Hall -- From Your
Inside Out
Bartlett Trees
Epicure By Design
Vazzy’s Canteen
Jeffrey Weiss Designs
Don Greer (artist)
Thorn Hill Trading Co.
Pet Outlet
Mary Jane’s Global Boutique
Pious Bird
Rudy’s Flowers and Gift Shop
Flourishes Distinctive Gifts
Alison Margo Photography
The Black Rock Farmers Market
Whisk and Brush
K and L Style
Black Rock Garden Club
Birds, Bugs and Blooms
Hazel Daze
Bel Mare Creations, LLC
Accessories by Sarah
Haiti Mission Trip
Fairfield Sea Glass
Walnut Beach Creamery
Event Day Suppliers
The following people and business
supported this event through donated
supplies for the days of each event
Bryant Wright
Royal Restrooms
Classic Valet Service
Nestle Water of America
Rudy’s Florists
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
Heritage Golf Classic
Mill River Country Club - May 7, 2013
Each year, the Heritage Golf Classic has provided a fun event with great
fellowship. Golfers had an opportunity to meet some of CHS’s finest students on
the course and enjoy a wonderful program, learning more about how the school
is growing and changing. This year’s tournament was held at Mill River Country
Club in Stratford.
We are pleased to report that the tournament raised almost $19,000 in net
proceeds for CHS! The event was a huge success and it could not have
happened without the devotion of our volunteers, players, and sponsors. With
this spirit of generosity, we will be able to make a significant difference in the
lives of many students and families.
Your involvement in the Christian
Heritage Golf Classic goes much
further than just this one event. The
ministry at Christian Heritage is far
reaching, providing both academic
excellence and a spiritual foundation
that will go with our students
throughout their entire lives. Because
of your generosity, you have shown a
commitment and an investment in the
lives of many.
Thank you to the following
contributors, including
sponsors, golfers, and
friends, who made
this very special
event possible.
AAA Southern New England
Mr. Nicholas Adam
All American Waste, LLC
Al-Lynn Sales, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Barton Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Arden
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Atkinson
Bank of America Corp.
Mr. Gino Beaudoin
Mr. Rico Beaudoin
Ms. Marcia Beckmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bittner
Blake’s School Uniform Co., LLC
Dr. & Mrs. Carmine Calabrese
Mr. & Dr. Richard Caporaso
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Carroll
Mr. Jeffrey Cenga
Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Christian
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Conlan
Connecticut Business Systems
Connecticut Distributors Inc.
Cyril F. Mullins Funeral Homes, Inc.
Dixon Golf, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Donofrio
Mr. & Mrs. John Drummond
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dykhouse
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Financial Network Limited
Firelight Media Group, LLC
Mr. Juan Franco
Mr. Bob Frazee
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Garcia
Ms. Sandy Gehrmann
Graphic Image
Mr. & Mrs. John Gray
Mr. & Mrs. David Greer
Mr. & Mrs. Corey Gripp
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Guinta
Mr. Gregg Gustafson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hartokolis
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hayes
HOP Energy LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Scribner
Ms. Anne Isselee
J.R. Reeves Company
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Judge
June C. Anderson Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Kratt
Mr. & Mrs. John Krekoska
Mr. & Mrs. Aleksander Lamvol
Mr. & Mrs. Edmond Warchick
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Waters
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Rev. & Mrs. William Woodson
Special thanks to the following
companies and individuals who
donated items for our golfer give-away bags and silent auction, prizes
for our winners, and other goods and
services that defrayed the cost of
running the Golf Classic:
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Lopiano
Mr. & Mrs. Michael LoStocco
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Marcello
Mr. & Mrs. David Marshall
Mr. Bill McAndrew
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCarthy
Microboard Processing, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mihalov
Old Towne Restaurant, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Packevicz
Mr. Thomas Pelletier
People’s United Bank
Mr. Chris Perley
Ms. Tracy Piccuillo
Mr. Stephen Poloni
Pastor & Mrs. Vincent Provenzano
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Rief
RnB Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Tory Russo
Ms. Patricia Sanderson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Scribner
Serra & DelVecchio Insurance
Ms. Nancy Shridhar
Smart Tuition
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith
Sonitrol Security Systems of
Mrs. Margaret Stedwell
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stempien
Ms. Debra Surkin
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Taverner
The Agape Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Torre-Tasso
Total Fitness Equipment, LLC
Ms. Maureen Trivers
Trumbull Mobil Service Center, Inc.
Mr. Tom Vinci
Mr. Nicholas Adam
Adam Broderick Salon & Spa
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Atkinson
Bob’s Discount Furniture
Boston Duck Tours
Bridgeport Bluefish
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Carroll
Chelsea Piers
Chelsea Piers Connecticut
Chip’s Family Restaurant
City Line Florist, Inc.
Coco Spa @ Shelton
Connecticut Distributors Inc.
Connecticut Parent Magazine
Fairfield Theatre Company
Ms. Joanna Fisher
Focaccia’s Cafe & Catery
Hartford Symphony Orchestra
Hilton Garden Inn
Hoekenga & Machado, LLC
Joanna Fisher Photography
Le Tennis Academy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael LoStocco
Manhattan by Sail
Mill River Country Club
Noelle Spa For Beauty & Wellness
Paul Miller Nissan, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosselli
Ms. Deborah Simna
Sports Center of Connecticut
Story Land
Mrs. Kim Sullivan
Swan Boats of Boston
The Field House
The Harry B. Brownson
Country Club, Inc.
Trader Joe’s
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Trooien, Jr.
Trumbull Fire and Rescue Department
Trumbull Police Department
Trumbull Racquet Club
Walt Disney World Co.
Whole Foods Market
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
Total Giving Summary
July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 (Excluding Missions)
Philemon 1:6 – “I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every
good thing we share for the sake of Christ.”
Over 350 generous donors including 100% of the Senior Staff, General Board of Directors and Faculty and Staff
contributed $667,000 to the ongoing operations, funds and special projects at Christian Heritage School. We are deeply
grateful to our CHS friends and family.
Our school has been blessed by the financial investment of many who support our mission; we are committed to
developing Christian Scholars by providing an outstanding college preparatory education that is founded on and grounded
in biblical truth. Daily, the name of Jesus Christ is lifted up as teachers proclaim his Lordship through instruction and the
testimony of their lives!
We are reminded of the impact of godly teachers on the lives of young people. In Luke 6:40 we read, “The student is
not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” The Annual Fund is a critical source
of support for the exceptional work of our teachers and staff and an investment in a strong Christ-centered education for
students in Southern Connecticut.
A Christian Heritage School graduate will be a self-assured, confident, courageous, God-honoring leader:
• capable of identifying and developing God-given gifts, talents and abilities
• confidently able to question with God-given wisdom, logic, reasoning, and curiosity
• compelled to pursue God
• compassionate and responsive to the needs of others drawn from an experience of active service in God’s name
• able to communicate and express Christ’s love fluently and effectively and be able to listen actively
• ready to direct or unite with a team or community to encourage, inspire, serve, and problem solve with creativity
Our goal for the 2014-2015 school year is to have increased participation in the Annual Fund to 400 generous donors,
increased involvement of our current parents, alumni and other constituent groups, and once again achieve 100%
participation of our Board of Directors, Senior Staff, and Faculty and Staff.
Net Tuition
Student Activities
Other Income
Total Revenue
Salaries and Benefits
Funded Tuition Assistance
General Operations
Facility Maintanance
Program Support
Capital Investments
Total Expenses
To make a donation to the
2014-2015 Annual Fund,
please scan this QR code
or find us on the web at
2013-2014 CHS Annual Report
For further information or to set up a private
conversation, please contact:
Bruce Stempien
Director of Advancement
Christian Heritage School
575 White Plains Rd., Trumbull, CT 06611
[email protected]
203-261-6230, ext 590