many thanks - VNA of Middlesex-East


many thanks - VNA of Middlesex-East
V N A O F M I D D L E S E X- E A S T
This Annual Report is a celebration of our
accomplishments and expression of gratitude
to our family of donors.
Charitable support
has made the good work described on the
following pages possible.
We are especially
thankful for our many long time donors who
give year after year.
As we transition into
our new Lahey Health affiliation, this support
will continue to be critical to our mission to
provide the very best home health and hospice
care to our community.
Thank you to all who open their heart and
lend their support. Your generosity has made
our success possible.
Cover photo: Meg Meffen, RN
A successful transition between levels of care can make a great difference
in the health of our patients. As they move from hospital to home, careful
coordination and good communication safeguards their health and promotes
recovery. This has been a key component of our work for many years.
A successful transition can also be important to the health of an organization
and in 2014 we embarked on one of our own. On October 1, VNA of MiddlesexEast and Lahey Health agreed to the terms of an affiliation that brings our
agency into the Lahey Health system. This decision did not come lightly. After
months of thoughtful discussion, our Board of Directors determined this move
would be an opportunity for growth and security within the rapidly changing
healthcare environment. With providers aligning together in Accountable Care
Organizations (ACOs), alliances are being quickly formed. Our partnership with
Lahey Health places us in one of this region’s premier healthcare systems.
As we move into a larger, hospital affiliated organization, we will see new
opportunities to promote the value of homecare and hospice. This integration
will give us increased ability to educate both professional and family caregivers
on how homecare can improve health status and how palliative care and
hospice can improve quality of remaining life for those facing terminal illness.
The Annual Report is a celebration of our accomplishments and expression of
gratitude to our many supporters. Our family of donors plays a vital role in our
continued success. We thank you for your past generosity and ask that you
continue your support as we move into this new and exciting partnership.
Merry Beth Rucker, CEO
Julieann M. Thurlow, President Board of Directors
Merry Beth Rucker,
Julieann M. Thurlow,
President Board of Directors
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 1
Many healthcare acquisitions, mergers, and alliances are taking place in
Massachusetts to prepare for the continued development of Accountable Care
Organizations, called ACOs. These organizations include doctors, hospitals, and
post acute care services like our agency that have joined together to provide
all the care a person may need, reimbursed by a global payment. A working
relationship with Lahey Health for more than 21 years led us to explore how our
two organizations could benefit from an affiliation in response to this changing
healthcare environment.
After months of discussion, it became apparent that a formal relationship
would better promote seamless care to patients from hospital to home as well
as offer a greater opportunity to provide integrated palliative and hospicecare planning at a time when demand for those services is expanding. The
formal affiliation was completed in October 2014 with a transition period of
one year. During this time strategic planning will be focused on combining the
home health care services of Lahey Health at Home, Winchester Home Care,
and VNA of Middlesex-East to streamline the delivery of post-acute care in the
Lahey Health system. With over a century of experience, we bring a wealth of
knowledge to the planning now taking place.
VNA of Middlesex-East saw an 8.9% increase in referrals in 2014, serving
nearly 5,500 patients in 62 Greater Boston communities. Growth is expected
to continue as we see incentives in the healthcare system shifting care to the
home from higher cost settings. As a member of Lahey Health we are looking
forward to working with physicians to help patients receive the right care, at
the right time, in the right place.
2 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
“SHE IS MY LIFESAVER.” Barbara Kent is a very young looking 85
years old who says seven children and using moisturizer every day since
1956 is her secret to a beautiful complexion. She is in excellent health
but a recent fall in her bedroom resulted in a fractured pelvis that is now
beginning to heal with help from the VNA. Our nurse Julie Foy-Pack visits
regularly to check her vital signs and manage the medication she is taking
to prevent blood clotting. Mrs. Kent says she couldn’t be happier with the
service. Julie is always willing to take that extra step for Barbara’s wellbeing, including checking that her prescriptions are called in correctly and
someone is available to pick them up for her. “Julie is my lifesaver,” says Mrs.
Kent. “And I mean that most sincerely. I am so appreciative of what your
organization has done for me.”
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 3
“HE IS SIMPLY THE BEST.” When Anna Welch missed a bottom
basement stair in her home, she fractured the bone below the knee.
It has been a challenging recovery with side trips to the hospital and
rehab but she and her daughter Diane are quick to sing the praises for
VNA of Middlesex-East physical therapist Brian Parow. Diane explains,
“He really cares. When I became overwhelmed trying to coordinate my
mother’s care, he quickly stepped in as our advocate and helped me
navigate through the healthcare system.” Brian visits twice a week to
help Mrs. Welch rebuild leg muscles, and teach her how to safely rise
from her wheelchair, use her walker correctly, and deal with stairs. He
also teaches Diane how she can safely assist her mom to move around.
“He is a wonderful, caring young man who has my mom on the road to
recovery. He is simply the best!”
4 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
For a ninth year in a row, we were named among the Homecare Elite, earning a
spot in the top 500 list of homecare agencies in the country. This annual review
is based on quality outcomes, patient experience, and financial performance.
We also remained focused on maintaining one of the lowest rehospitalization
rates in the state with innovative patient care protocols, intense patient
communication and education, and daily telemonitoring to help patients better
manage their health at home without repeated trips to the hospital.
We are fortunate to have the charitable support of many generous individuals,
businesses, and foundations. Your gifts assure that we are able to provide
care to all in need regardless of ability to pay for service, keep current with
technology, and maintain our Hospice House in top condition. These gifts also
help us introduce new programs and maintain existing ones that offer our
patients an extra level of care.
Established programs include those that provide adaptive, safety and
diagnostic equipment to patients. Many of our elderly patients struggle to
keep up with medical costs and cannot afford items clinicians may recommend
to help them stay safe and independent. To address this issue, the agency
established an inventory of equipment that we can offer free of charge to
patients in need. For patients with low vision we have magnifiers, talking
watches, plastic food guards, and lamps. For patients with diabetes we have
therapeutic socks, foot mirrors, and glucometers. For memory care patients
we have a variety of safety alarms and video/audio monitors to help family
caregivers prevent their loved one from wandering. We also have wrist
blood pressure monitors, oximeters, and scales for patients who decline
telemonitoring but need to carefully track vital signs.
New programs include a Sawtelle Family
Hospice House Music Therapy Program
made possible by a grant from the East
Boston Savings Bank Foundation.
A certified music therapist visits with
patients weekly. She interacts with easy
conversation and uses song with voice,
guitar or hand held percussion instruments
to decrease anxiety and pain and promote
relaxation. During her visits, patients’
worries often take a pause and eyes
light up as they listen to familiar
songs and melodies.
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 5
“I COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT THEM.” Katherine Clark says
she wants everyone to know the importance of recognizing the signs of
stroke. When she reached for her TV remote one recent morning, but
couldn’t grip it with her hand, she sensed something was terribly wrong.
She was right. After a call to 911, she was quickly taken to Winchester
Hospital where she was administered tPA, a drug that greatly improves
the chances of recovery if given within three hours of suffering a stroke.
She is thankful that although she needed carotid artery surgery and
inpatient rehab, she did not suffer major effects. Mrs. Clark is recovering
at home now with the help of the visiting nurses, working with physical
therapist Heather MacVane to improve her balance and gain more
mobility on her left side. She is ready to get back on track with her busy
life volunteering, painting, and visiting with friends. “My home health
team is marvelous,” says Mrs. Clark. “I couldn’t do it without them.”
6 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
Gale Alles
Charlene Bosley
Kathy Cardillo
Joanne Censullo
Fran Cheney
Barbara Cunningham
Kathleen DeMarchi
Karen Flammia
Pat Fritz
Maureen Gauvin
Marie Giglio
Pat Hagan
Valerie Hall
Donna Henessey
Jennifer Hickey
Eileen Kirby
Marie Leen
Angela Lombardo
Kathleen Lukens
Karen McCormack
Catherine McLeod
Carly Mello
Kristina Miele
Dotty Newman-Burke
Lori Pinkham
Joe Proulx
Anna Rainone
Chuck Roach
Sharon Rogers
Lorraine Santoro
Lindsay Sayward
Annabelle Shields
Pat Simons
Patty Spry
Rick Spry
Kathleen Sullivan
Bridget Sumner
Neil Sumner
Barbara Swansburg
Karen Todd
Debbie Veneziano
Linda Woolf
Julieann M. Thurlow,
Lawrence Laspesa, CFO
Keith Taylor,
Vice President
Kenneth Williams,
Pat Black
William Burns
Carol Donovan
Martina Kirby
Will Lojek
Karen Marshall
Mark Mulligan
Merry Beth Rucker
Merry Beth Rucker, CEO
Karen Agahigian, COO
Michelle Coullahan,
Finance & IT Director
Caitlin Angiolillo,
Clinical Director
David Agahigian,
Hospice House Administrator
Christine Black,
Information Systems Manager
Kathleen Downey,
Referral & Intake Manager
Christine Hawrylak,
Community Relations Director
Katherine Hayes,
Staff Development and
PI Manager
Whitney Liechti,
Clinical Manager
Theresa LeBrun,
Clinical Manager
Laurie Marcotte,
Human Resources Manager
Kimberly Stenquist,
Hospice Manager
Gary Woodworth,
OASIS Manager
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 7
VNA of Middlesex-East gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our family
of donors. We thank all who donate to our organization through memorial gifts,
holiday and spring appeals, special events, foundation grants, and unsolicited
gifts. Our community support is at the core of our success. Please know that
as we move into our Lahey Health affiliation all gifts made to VNA of MiddlesexEast will remain here to support our patients, programs, and Sawtelle Family
Hospice House.
$10,000 TO $25,000
The Adelaide Breed Bayrd
Helen Walcott Stockwell Trust
$5,000 TO $9,999
The Boston Foundation
Ms. Cory Destribats
East Boston Savings Bank
Charitable Foundation
Ms. Winnifred Hawley
Howard C. Connor Charitable
Inez K. Woodberry Trust of
$2,500 TO $4,999
John Donnelly Trust Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Larson
TSB Charitable Foundation
United Way Gifts
$1,000 TO $2,499
Boston Evening Clinic
Joe & Johanna Carregal
Mr. Brian Danley
Ms. Catherine Doig
Mr. Mark Feeney
George A. Ramlose Foundation
Give with Liberty Employee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kozar
Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Linscott
Bill & Janet Monagle
Mr. Harry Rothmann
Ms. Kim Gassett Schiller
Mr. William Silk
Mr. Robert Tarara
Mr. Joseph Yanushpolsky
$500 TO $999
Allen Lund Company, Inc
Ms. Sophie Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Berthiaume
Ms. Cheryl Bonitz
Mr. Nelson Burbank
Mr. Robert Conaty
Ms. Patricia Connolly
Ms. Catherine Cronin
Ms. Janet Cusack
Mr. Brian Desmond
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Dissel
Ms. Sandra Folkins
Ms. Marie McDonald
Mr. Richard Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Miller
Mr. Finton Mohyde
8 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
Robert & Melanie Murphy
Ness/Rodenberg Family
Mr. Robert Nuttall
Mr. & Mrs. John O’Neil
Ms. Jean Perreault
Ms. Kathleen Power
Reit Management & Research
Mr. Anthony Rickley
Ms. Judith Robinson
Mr. Richard Rush
Mr. Robert Silk
Mr. Jerry Slack
Ms. Mary Smith
Mr. Louis Stella
Ms. Sefany Stellakis
Mr. Horace Trotta
Ms. Rita Walsh
$250 TO $499
Mr. Steve Andreadis
Mr. John Atkinson
Mrs. Jo-Ann Barretto
Boston Private Bank & Trust
Mr. Robert Brennan
Mr. Neil Buckley
Ms. Kay Byers
Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell
Claddagh Pub & Restaurant
Ms. Helen Cocuzzo
Mr. John Cordo
Mr. F. Edward Dawson
Ms. Martha Del Nido
Mr. John Dineen
Ms. Erica DiNitto
Ms. Marina Douglas
Ms. Brenda Dukeshire
Mr. Don Falkenstein
Ms. Kimberly Faulds
Ms. Deborah Fitzpatrick
Frazzetta Family
Friends at Dept of HUD-OIG
Friends of Tony at General
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Giannetti
Ms. Vanessa Giglio
Give with Liberty Employee
Mr. & Mrs. James Goodwin
John Hancock Financial
Ms. Elaine Goyette
Mr. Jose Alirio Cro Granito
Ms. Barbara Grondine
Mr. Richard Hale
Ms. Ruth Haradon
Ms. Janice Houghton
Ms. Ann Hruby
Mr. Carl Humphreys
Ms. Florence Jones
Lahey Med Center Emergency
Ms. Gail Larsen-MacPhee
Mr. Francis Laverdure
Mrs. Margaret Logan
Mr. & Mrs. Harold MacGilvray
Mr. William Mahoney
Majilite Corporation
Mr. Lawrence Munini
Plymouth Rock Foundation
Mr. Robert Romeo
Shaughnessy Family
Shellia and Howard Galligan
Sisters Against Ovarian Cancer
Mr. Eugene Smith
Ms. Patricia Strachan
Ms. Margaret Taft
The Reed Corp/Olde New
England Granite
The Richmond Group
TRG Builders
Mr. Michael Tsuk
$100 TO $249
A-1 Exterminators
Ms. Dora Adams
Ms. Elise Adams
Mr. Jonathan Adams
AHA Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Caroline & Avi Alhadeff
Mr. Malcolm Allen
Mr. Stephen Ambrose
Ms. Donna Andon
Nick & Fran Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Annear
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Antonuccio
Carmine & Elaine Aquilino
Mr. Louis Awad
Mr. Brian Babcock
Ms. Nancy Ballantyne
Ms. Ellen Barch
Mr. Garrett Barry
Dr. James Beaudry
Ms. Paul Beckett
Ms. Saturnina Belanger
Ed, Doreen, & Ryan Bernasky
Ms. Victoria Bertucci
Billing Office of Sports
Body Infusion by Her LLC
Ms. Laura Boerman
Mr. Bruce Bonnell
Mr. Harry Boodakian
Herbert William Boudreau
Ms. Renee Bouffard
Ms. Barbara Boyd
Ms. Karen Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Breed
Mr. Michael Bresnahan
Mrs. Everett Brown
Mr.& Mrs. Lawrence Brown
Mr. Robert Brown
Mr. Richard Bugg
Ms. Gail Burati
Ms. Renee Burba
Ms. Susan Burke
Richard & Jean Burns
Mrs. Roberta Burns
Ms. Lori Bush
Carol & Richard Cahill
Ms. Diane Callahan
Ms. Rosemary Camacho-De
Cambridge Urological
Maria & John Camilo
Ann & Louis Capozzi
Joe & Connie Carbone & Family
Ms. Lorraine Caristo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Carlson
Ms. Nancy Carney
Ms. Susan Carota
Carregal Family
Mr. John Carter
Ms. Gail Caruso
Ms. Sheila Caruso
Mel & Barbara Casa
Mr. Robert Cauldwell
Paul & Tricia Chapple
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Chisholm
Mrs. Marjorie Cimmino
Mr. & Mrs. William Clancy
Ms. Elaine Clark & Family
Ms. Julie Clifford
Ms. Patricia Coady & Sons
Ms. Denise Colbert
Community Health Network,
Columbia Construction Co.
Concord Carlisle Pop Warner
Ms. Jacqueline Conlon
Mr. Francis Connors
Ms. Mary Ann Connors
Conti Family
Ms. Rose Marie Convery
Ms. Ginger Coppola
Mr. James Corbin
Erica, Chip & Sharlene Cormie
Ms. Marjorie Cormier & Family
Ms. Diane Corsetti
Ms. Julia Cote
Mr. Barry Crafts
Mr. Patrick Crann
Ms. Leatrice Crivello
John & Evelyn Cullen
Ms. Margaret Cullinane
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Kirkland Curley
Ms. Cheryl Curtin
Mr. James Dailey
Mr. & Mrs. William Danahy
Ms. Sharlee Datnoff
Dr. Katherine Dawson
Ms. Jeanette DeAldrey
Ms. Susan DeCaprio
Mrs. Rose DeFranzo
Mr. David Delande
Mr. John Dempsey
Ms. Janice Denehy
Mr. & Mrs. William Denhard
Mr. Bill Derry
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Desmond
Ned & Pat Dever
Ron & Joanne DiBella
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 9
Mr. Frank DiMambro
Mr. Carlo DiPersio & Family
Mr. Robert John Dirkman
Frank & Barbara DiSalvo
Mr. Neil Dreher
Cathi & Mark Duffy
Ms. Joan Duffy
Ms. Mary Ellen Dwyer
Employees of Brookline P.O.
Ms. Helen Essigmann
Mr. Paul Everberg
Mr. Michael Fahey
Ms. Doreen Fairbairn
Fantasia Family
Bruce & Loraine Farmer
Ms. Dorothy Faulkner
Ms. Sandra Ferreira
Mr. John Ferrera
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferretti
Mr. Matthew Fichtenbaum
Mrs. Ann Fitzgerald
Mr. Brian Flynn
Mr. Daniel Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Foley
Mr. Daniel Foley
Ms. Diane Foley
Mr. John Folger
Formcraft Tool Company
Janet & Ronald Fortin
Ms. Suzanne Foster
Ms. Jeanne Foti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert France
Friends & Neighbors of Leo
Friends at Cubby Oil
Mr. & Mrs. Costanzo Fustolo
Ms. Josephine Gagliard
Al Galante & Family
Mr. & Mrs. James Gallagher
Ms. Mary Ann Gamble
Mr. Frank Garvey
Bob & Lucy Gedies
Ms. Melany Gilboe
Mr. Richard Gill
Ms. Susan Gill
Glantz & Miller Family
Francis & JoAnn Glavin
Mr. Earl Gooch
Goody! Goody!
Mr. Carroll Goon
Ms. Barbara Gourdin
Mr. & Mrs. John Graney
Ms. Diane Gray
Ms. Jean Grenham
Greystone Communities
Mr. & Mrs. C. Wayne Griffith
Ms. Janice Griffith
Ms. Ellen Grossman
Ms. Mary Grow
Ms. Patricia Gualtieri
John & Beverly Guarino
Ms. Rose Gubellini
Ms. Susan Haley
Preston Hall
Jim & Nina Hanks
Ms. Cheryl Hansen
Ms. Ellen Harrington
Mr. John Harrington
Mr. Brian Harris
Mr. Kevin Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hartery
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Hatfield
Mr. Michael Hayeck
Ms. Beth Hayes
Mr. David Hayes
Mr. William Healey
Ms. Joanne Heath
Mr. Donald Henchey
Ms. Catherine Hill
Mr. Frank Hill
Ms. Patricia Horgan
Joan & Arthur Horne
Ms. Janice Howland
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hussey
Mr. & Mrs. David Immerman
Integrated Financial Partners
Ira Subaru/Group 1 Automotive
Ives Family
Ms. Doris Jafferian
Jen’s Hair Design
Ms. Sharon Jette
Mr. Glenn Johnson
Joseph & Sherry Karas
Mr. James Keane
Ms. Barbara Kelley
Anne Kelly
Kennebunk Kennebunkport
Mr. Ronald Keohan
Ms. Carol Kilbride
Mr. John Kiley
Ms. Ann Killilea
Ms. Elizabeth King
Mr. Wayne King
Thomas & Heather Kirwin
Mr. Frank Kolodgy
Kraft Foods Group Matching
Mr. Carllise Krawczyk
Mr. Ray Krueger
Ms. Lorraine Kuchinsky
Mr. & Mrs. John Labombard
John & Mary Ann Lape
10 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
Ms. Kelly Leanza
Ms. Marie LeBlanc
Ms. Elizabeth Lilley
Dr. & Mrs. Denis Lin
Mr. Lawrence Litwak
Mr. William Locke
Ilse & George Lohrer
Ms. Kathleen Long
Ms. Joan Lovejoy
Angelo Macedo & Family
Ms. Marion Maclaughlin
Ms. Colleen MacPhee
Mr. Robert MacPherson
Ms. Elizabeth Maffey
Mr. John Mahoney
Mahoney, Fiorentino & Co.
Mrs. Rose Mary Maida
Mr. Frank Maloney
Mr. Paul Maney
Ms. Nanette Manganaro
Manganiello Family
Ms. Stephanie Manners
Ms. Anne Mapplebeck
Mr. Fred Mapplebeck
John & Heidi Marino
Marion Family
Ms. Maureen Marre
Mr. Alfred Martins
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Maxwell
Ms. Nancy Maxwell
Ms. Mary McCann
Ms. Margaret McCarte
Mr. & Mrs. William McCarthy
Mr. Francis McDermott
McDonald Family
Mr. Michael McEleney
Mr. Michael McGonagle
Ms. Barbara McLean
McPhail Associates, Inc.
Joan & David Melville
Mr. Francis Mendes
Ms. Leslie Merrill
Mr. Louis Miano
Mr. Edward Minchello
Ms. Linda Minchello
Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Moda
Mr. Frank Moda,Jr.
Mr. Francis Monaco
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morgan
Morpho Trst Training &
Documentation Team
Ms. Bethany Morrison
Bill & Patty Morrison
Ms. Noeline Morrissey
Mr. Salvatore Moscariello
Moynihan Lumber
Ms. Patti Murphy
Murphy & McManus
Mr. Stephen Napier
Ms. Sandra Nardone
John & Therese Nolan
Ms. Marie Normoyle
Mr. Leonard Notkin
Ms. Margie Novak
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Nutter
Ms. Erin O’Brien
Ms. Maureen O’Callaghan
Ms. Karen O’Donnell
Mr. James O’Hanley
Catherine & Sean O’Neil
Mr. John O’Shea
Ms. Pamela Odell
Ms. Marnie Olena
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Olivolo
Onsite Dental Care
Helen & Kerry Overlan
Ms. Janet Parise
Mr. Steven Paskal
Carol & Bill Passalaqua
Ms. Laura Patriarca-Troyk
Pennock Health Services
Pennock Hospital Medical Staff
Pfizer Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Mr. Donald Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. John Phillips
Maureen & Anthony Piccolo
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Piccolo
Mr. Thomas Pickett
Mr. David Pilbeam
Vincent & Beth Pisacreta
PMA Consultants LLC
Mr. Karl Pollert
Mr. Robert Powell
Ms. Barbara Powers
Attorney Francis Privitera
Ms. Nancy Ramsdell
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson T. Rawlins
Reading Lions Club
Ms. Mary Reed
Ms. Lori Rego
Ms. Ellen Repetto
Mr. Ronald Ricci
Rice Powell & the CEO Office
Ms. Susan Richey
Mr. Robert Rivais
Roberto Landscaping, Inc.
Vera, Kathy & Stephen Roberts
Ms. Lisa Roderick
Kenny & Mary Rogers
Ms. Linda Romberger
Ms. Naomi Rosenfeld
Ms. Jeanne Michaud Ross
Ms. Elizabeth Roth
Ms. Irma Ryer
Saalfrank Family
Safety Insurance Co.
Saltmarsh Insurance Agency
Ms. Virginia Samalis
Mr. Robert Sanborn
Sargus Family
Ms. Robyn Sartell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sawyer
Mr. John Schindler
Ann & John Schulze
Ms. Mary Scott
Sam & Nancy Shanaman
Ms. Carolyn Shapiro
Rob & Kim Shaw
Mr. Orr Shepherd
Mr. Michael Shields
Mr. Russell Silva
Mr. Alan Simpson
Mrs. Elaine Singleton
Ms. Lucy Calvin Skeldon
Ms. Gail Slifka
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Smethurst
Ms. Anne Smith
Vernon & Nancy Smith
Mr. George Smyth
Ms. Christie Sommers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spataro
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Speare
Ms.Kimberly Spelman
Ms. Natalie Starr
Ms. Charlotte Stone
Ms. Diane Studley
Dennis & Fran Surprenant
Philip & Linda Sutton
Systems and Support, Inc.
T. J. McCartney, Inc.
Dr. Joseph B. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Taylor
The Book Club Girls
The Tennis Team
Ms. Jill Theodoss
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Toscano
Town Hall Employees Assoc.
Mr. Charles Tucker
U Mass Lowell-Office of
Undergrad Admissions
Ms. Marie Upton
Andrea & Glen Urban
UTRC Co-workers
Vaccaro Family
Michael & Maureen Vasily
Ms. Claire Vasios
Ms. Rita Vaughn
Mr. Kenneth Wacks
Mr. & Mrs. John Ward
Ms. Barbara Warner
Mr. & Mrs. John Wasserboehr
Ms. Elizabeth Watson
John & Margaret Watson
Howard, Glen & Richard
Mr. James Westra
Mr. Lawrence Whalen
Ms. Caryn & Richard White
Mr. George White
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Witham
Ms. Loretta Woods
Mr. Milt Yanofsky
YMCA of USA Gov. Relations
Young Women’s League of
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Zaccardi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zagaja
Ms. Donna Zappala
Due to space limitations we
are unable to list all donor
names in this annual report.
Our list reflects those who have
donated $100 or more from
January 1 – December 31, 2014.
Great care is taken in preparing
this list though inadvertent
errors sometimes occur. Please
let us know if we have omitted,
misspelled or incorrectly listed
a name. We greatly appreciate
all gifts, large and small.
Thank You.
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 11
We are grateful to the many families who designate memorial gifts to the VNA
of Middlesex-East and Sawtelle Family Hospice House. Listed below are those
remembered in 2014.
Aleyamma Abraham
Linda Acone
Christopher Adams
Catherine Adams
Gretchen Allen
Rena Anderson
Marjorie Anderson
Rena Anderson
Mary Angelo
Mary Aquila
Carmela Arzilli
Lois Collins
Alice Connolly
Annette Connor
Margaret Connors
Papa Coronella
Bootsie Coughlin
Ralph Crawford
Ellen Cremone
Mary Christine Crowe
Leonel Cruz
Mildred Curtis
Helen Garrett
Maureen Garvey
Karen Geyson
Paul Giblin
Bertha Giordano
Marie Giroux
Nancy Goddard
Norman Goguen, MD
Margaret Duane Gordon
John Gorham
Mary Graziano
Charles J. Baldwin
William Barch
James Kevin Barker
Robert Barnard
John Baudanza
Marguerite Bell
Audrey Benoit
Ann Berardi
Angelina Berardi
Phyllis Bernard
Judith Bernoth
Kim Beverage
Jean Biagioni
Robert Bitzer
Frederick Black
Clare Black
Michael Bonasoro
Louis Bortone
Helen Botelho
Beulah Boudreau
Marion Bransfield
Lou Ann Bumstead
Dorothy Burridge
Evelyn Butler
Kurt Carlson
Paula Carnevale
Barbara Carroll
Bertha Carter
George Castrol
John Catizone
Romeo Cefalo
William Ciampa
Frank Cimmino
Ellen Collins
Ruth Czmut
Leonel DaCruz
Raoul D’Amour
Patricia Darcy
Anthony DeChristoforo
Carmen DeFranzo
Ann Denbow
Lucy Desmond
MJ Destribats
Edward Devaney
Steven Deyermenjian
Marie Diamond
Helen Diggins
Colleen DiLorenzo
Dale Douglas
Sharon Doyle
Dorothy W. Doyle
Margaret Dricscoll
Anna Drinkwater
Lawrence Duffy
Christine Duffy
Mary Ebacher
James Edwards
Edward Elliott
Jennie Famiglietti
David Fariole
Thomas Fay
Agnes Feeney
Bernard Feldman
Ann & John Fennell
William Festa
Patricia Fioretti
Mary Foley
Josephine Forgione
Eileen Griffin
Frank Grillo
Edward Grondine
David Guarino
Lois Guckert
Rosemary Guilli
Helen Hanson
Walter E. Harrington
Billy Harris
Ruth Hegwein
Doris Hogan
Charles Hogan
Mary Holbrook
Blanche Holland
Mary Horgan
Kenneth Howington
Peter Hudak
Shirley Huling
Joan Hulme
Harold Hulse
Mica Humphreys
Gloria Hurley
Marion Hurton
Belmira Johnston
Pauline Jones
Charles Kaliris
Richard Karwan
John Kearns
Arthur Keegan
Anna Kelloway
Barbara Kerrigan
James Kiklis
Daniel Kiley
Wendy Kinzler
Kenneth Lamb
12 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
Jacqueline Lambrecht
David Lee
Judy Lee
Warren Leger
Paul Leslie
Lisa & Natalie
Elaine Lloyd
Joseph Lojek
Greg Lordan
Russell Lowe
Phyllis MacDonald
Jack MacIssac
Candace MacLaughlin
Vincent Macone
Dana MacPhee
Vincent Magliozzi
Elaine Magnasco
Charles Mahoney
Patricia Maney
John Manoogian
Della Marek
Joseph Marshall
Roberta Mathon
Francis Mattson
Patrick Maxfield
Richard McCaffrey
Mille & Burt McConchie
Carol McDonough
Agnes McGonagle
Ted McIntire
Hugh McKee
Richard McNeil
Jeanne Medina
Joan Mendes
Nancy Minichiello
Joseph Miquelon
David Mirabassi
Marie Monagle
Jayne Morano
Bernard Morelli
Joan Morgan
Rita Mortensen
Sadie Mugford
Diane Munini
Rita Murphy
David Nagle
Donna Nazzaro
Regina Neal
Jane Nugent
Francis Nusslein
Margaret O’Brien
Gwen O’Connor
Thomas O’Halloran
Helena Oland
Marjorie Orpin
Marion Ostrov
June Overshy
Robert Patten
Judith Paul
Cheryl Peach
Lucy Pellicane
Vincent Percuoco
Paul Phelan
Maddalena Pieroni
John Pisacreta
Florence Popp
John Proctor
Francis Quinn
Lewis Raftery
Maurice Raymond
Paul Reardon
Donald Reinold
Lucy Rich
Barbara Richardson
Ann Rivais
Barbara Robinson
Linda Rodgers
Phyllis Rota
Marlene Rothmann
Brenda Russell
Diana Russo
Jean M. Ryle
Ernest Saccoccio
Edward Sannicandro
Lawrence Shah
Priscilla Shdeed
Ann Sheehan
John Simes
Mary Smith
Marie Spinale
John Squires
Lynnie Staff
Nancy Stella
Claire Stemmler
Jack Stewart
Elaine Suleski
Gilda Tammaro
Gerry Tango
Pauline Taylor
Sara Thatcher
Betty Thomasian
Harry & Betty Thomasian
Robert & Theresa Thompson
Robert Thompson
Theresa Thompson
Francis Toomey
Frank Tortorella
Anna Tortorici
Josef Touet
Bessie Trach
Fannie Tremonte
Elmer Tseng
John Turner
Rita Turner
Victor Vacon
John Ventura
Paul Vollmar
Anne Wacks
Doris Waldman
Leo Walsh
Laurie Ward
Eric Ware
Kenneth Washeba
Elizabeth Watton
Alfred White
Cynthia White
William & Marjorie Wright
William Wright
Mary M. Wyse
Izer Yanushpolsky
Regina Young
Geraldine Zawacki
“F or the care and compassion you all
gave us when it truly mattered . T he work
you do , in the way you do it , makes a big
difference in the world .” – Kathleen G., Malden, MA
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 13
Nearly $100,000 was raised by our 15th Annual Golf Tournament in June and
22nd Gala Auction in November for our home health and hospice services.
Both these events have a long history of success for the agency and give us
the opportunity to connect in person with members of our generous family of
Our 2014 Auction honored Merry Beth Rucker, CEO who will retire in May 2015.
During her 15 years of leadership, the agency has become one of the highest
performing in the nation for quality outcomes and financial strength.
We greatly appreciate the many businesses and individuals who support
our events.
Pam and Kent Larson with COO Karen
Agahigian. The Larsons were the Auction’s
50/50 Raffle Winners and generously decided
to donate their winnings back to the agency.
They are long time donors to our Hospice
House in appreciation of the care we provided
to Kent’s mother. The raffle raised $7,500.
14 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
Auction Honoree Merry Beth Rucker with
her family at the event.
Reading Co-operative Bank
Allen & Major Associates
Anderson-Bryant Funeral Home
Bear Hill Nursing Center
Ms. Diane Buttimer
Commonwealth Surgical Associates
Hinckley Allen
Hogan Tire Centers
Leary Auto Repair
Roberto Landscaping, Inc.
Mackin & Young Inc.
Mahoney, Fiorentino & Co.
Mr. Robert McCafferty
Middlesex Family Practice
Quality Works, LLC
RBC Wealth Management
Edward V. Sullivan Funeral Home, Inc.
Dr. Douglas Taylor
Wakefield Co-operative Bank
Wakefield Item Company
ARK Insurance-Keith Dissel
Dole & Bailey
Long Term Pharmacy Solutions
Lumen Wealth Management
Salem Five Charitable Foundation
Krokidas & Bluestein Attorneys
Lahey Health
Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Linscott
New England Medical Insurance Agency
Right at Home
Stoneham Savings/Salem Five Charitable
ABC Home Healthcare
Action Ambulance
Aegis Consulting & Solutions Group
Alexander, Aronson, Finning
Ms. Patricia Black
BNY Mellon
BrightStar Care
Cabot Risk Strategies
CoreMedical Group
Cummings Property Foundation
Dolan Funeral Home
The Gables at Winchester
Home-Aide Care Solutions, Inc.
McDonald Funeral Home/McDonald-Finnegan
Funeral Home
Minute Women Home Care
Attorney Mark Mulligan
New England Trust Services
Salter Healthcare Services
The Savings Bank
Mr. George Shdeed
Sullivan Bille Group
W.B. Mason
Winchester Co-operative Bank
Aberdeen Home Care
Mr. Paul Bythewood
Dr. Robert Commito
Dello Russo Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. William Denhard
Douglass, Edgerley & Bessom Funeral Home
Full Circle Design
Gately Funeral Home
GoodFellas Doggy Daycare
Mr. Michael Gosine
Ms. Barbara Grondine
The Gutierrez Company
Home Care Specialists, Inc.
Ms. Lynne Hetu
The Maids
Attorney Susan Mooney
The Residence at Pearl Street
The Pizza Works
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rucker
Sanborn Home Care
Stoneham Chamber of Commerce
Stonebridge at Burlington
Mr. Richard Wesley
Wingate at Reading
Women’s Healthcare of New England
VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report 15
To provide comprehensive home health and
hospice care. We foster and promote the
health of individuals, family, and community
through education and compassionate, high
quality services.
Skilled Nursing
Personal Care
Rehabilitation Therapies
Social Work
Cardiac-Pulmonary Disease Management
Certified Diabetic Education
Fall Risk Assessment & Prevention
IV Therapy
Low Vision Program
LSVT BIG and LOUD Therapy for Parkinson’s
Nutrition Education
Palliative Care
Sawtelle Family Hospice House
Transportation Program
Total Joint Replacement Program
Wound and Ostomy Care
Your Home to Our Home Program
VNA of Middlesex-East provides home
health and hospice care to Greater Boston
communities in Essex and Middlesex
16 VNA of Middlesex-East | 2014 Annual Report
Whitney Liechti, PT
Visiting Nurse Association of Middlesex-East and Affiliates
Net Patient Services
Fundraising Net
Grants and Contributions
Total Operating Revenues
Personnel and Related
Equipment Costs
Total Operating Expenses
Net Operating Gain
Interest and dividend income
Net gains (losses) on investments
Total Other Revenues (Expenses)
Increase in Net Assets
VNA of Middlesex-East
Sawtelle Family Hospice House
Home Health and Hospice
607 North Ave., Suite 17 • Wakefield, MA 01880
Phone: 781.224.3399 • Fax: 781.224.7559