2nd Infantry Division - 1951


2nd Infantry Division - 1951
2nd Infantry Division
Korean War Awards
General Orders 1951 26 Thru 28
Korean War Project Record: 2ID Generals Orders File - GO-30
PID: 11
National Archives and Records Administration
College Park, Maryland
Records: United States Army
Unit Name: Second Infantry Division
Record Group: RG407
Editor: Hal Barker
Korean War Project
P.O. Box 180190
Dallas, TX 75218-0190
Search 2nd Division Awards Database
Reproduced at the National Archives
_NNI> 31i5f_ol
- -f:J.VIIP{i
SECOND ' L'IEUTF.N.ANT ' RAY.I\10ND T .CARRIO, 01,913461, Infant:ry _j' Army of the United
states, a member of company E, 9th Infantry Regiment~ - 2d Infantry Divioion, distinguished himself by heroic ·achievement on 26 November 1950 in the vic jihity of
Singjang, Korea
On that date his company 1' s defensive positions on the ' west bank
of the Chongchon River were -unc'.er a heavy enemy attack. · Although he had been
wounde~ on the previous day, ho remained with his p~atoon~ directing ~ ts fi're '
and inspiring his men by his fearless actions c- Under ·his abl:e direction the :·-·.
platoon was able' to hold off the enemy for several houis. When ord~rs were rec.eiv:ed to withdraw, he organized the evaci.l.ation of the \·1ounded, arid not until -all
of lhs men had withdrawn did he start his trek to · the rear.. Lieutenant Carrio' s
heroism, · his -·d evoti.on to duty and concern ' for the --memb'ers -of his platoon ~d
his ·compl:l:i'tai .disregard for his ·ovm sa,fetjl', refh~ct great credit _upon hinis·elf' -'
and the. m.UJ/b'ary serv.i ce. 'Ent'Elred the mi-litary s'ervice from -M{ssiss'Jipp:L~ : · ~ · '·
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SERGEANT FIRST CLA,SS.EENRY b '·BAGLEYt RA6S55718 f ·,.(then- Sergeant·) ~,. -~Inta~'t;ry,
United States Jl.rmy, a member of company L, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d . ;rni'antry
Division,' distinguished h:iinself: b'y he;roic·-achi"evement on 16 _September 1950 near
Changnyong, Korea~ On the· morning 9f· that',· date he /walill'a:··stiuad leader --i-n··;~r ·company that was participating in .t he drive toward, ' the Nakt'rmg•. lHve·~~ ·· During· :the ·
attack his platQon wos crbsi!ling open terrain when it was subjected' to intense
fire from an enemy positiono . sergeant Bagley~ with na thought for his personal
safety, quickly. and · agg:;-~ssi vely led : his-' sg,1;1!3-ci · in an attack upon the en any .pos-:iti¢n~
His maneuvering and superior leadership were so efficient that the
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101503
Reproduced at the National Archivt
~uthority _
N_tlf> 31ifi01
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Entered' ·tho .ni:li taJ;'y "sorvico from Tcx'cs ·~:·
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. · srmG~· "C,ARL:iE:'CL~:t$TA.:J>l·r~ RA163LW2Z;' ;til!'~htry/·trrlit.od. St ;~tcs' /~y~ n n~m­
bor of Corapo.ny I, 23d Infcntry Roginont, 2d Infantry Division., disting.uishod
hir.lsolf b~r heroic nchiovc-t.iont· on -16 · .so:o.l ;dibor 1950 ·:notJ.r 'Chcngnyong·, Koroa. On
-tho ncrni~g· of. that · dct'€! he' v,ins · c' incr.J.b~i-' of' -.it;he · 60x::m nort1.'!r section that· WQS
· participating in t ·h a "Cirive tov1ard; ' tJ.'.e' Na:l:tong River. D\l'r int, th.e : at·~ack ..an
ofticer. of tho cOJi:;J"h"lY ·.;,as :w0'-m·d.ed and 'lo.y ::tn ·a n e:Xrosed po·sition. Se r geant·.·
Christman . :volunta:r:·ily -&cc~'Jfnpanied t r!() 'o t:1er ·men acres's . the open terrain of· a .
rice field' and, de.s pite'. hea-'<l enemy nia:chine '·gim and''arhliery fire, carried the
wounded m:ari t9 a place t-f : s·a f e ty, 'l'h'i D· h'eroic · a ction· resulted in the evacuation
Q:fi..oand :prompt r.redj:cal treatment - being' ad.ministered · tb 'the · wburided off'icer·, and
· is· .credit'e d:·wi th having saved ·hi 's lif'e. 'l'he '·heroism' displayed by' sergeant
: C:P,J;'i'St.rhon :on;: this occasici:n. reflects t:;r eat ·credit upon bim ~ elf and the ,Arm,ed
.Forces· of , the ·united· States. Entered. the military · serviCe from Indiana• '
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: , ~E.ANX LQUIS.i.:E,RGADO; E.Al93110B7, : (th en. Coi?poral), . Ir.fantry, United ;
States · A:rmy., a member of Company )r, 2 SC. I nf'antry Reg iment , 2d Infantry Divi~ion,
.dist:i;nguished hi!tr$81! by h eroic achievement on 19 September 1950 near Changnyong, Ko.rea. : On · the-mor.ning of that date his 1)1at0cn v1as crossing a bridge
-.· .o.v.er the N&kto~g Rivf!lr to attack enemy p ositions ·~ The :platoon '!'las pii:ned downr."~.:~:"'"'"'-~
; . wb:en:;it;v.JS.s ~uddenly subjact3d t0 intense fire fr<'l!'1 eno.:r7 sn:all a:;'ms and a sel:: .
,·.--propelled e:;un •. With no t:-.0ut;ht for hi .s o~m safety, h e p ,;rs0nally charged the
·· ene:ny-held hill and attacked the e:1e;n:r fr()m the f lLnk. · .h.s n r e·sul t, the enemy ·~_. ..._.,..-.,...,1_,~;iz:l
:;- s uff.ered. man.y casualties and v;as force d t0 1'crithG.raw, er"..a'.Jling his platoon to
:r;-each.· its .obj€1ctive with a r;:.ini::;1Um of casualties. The h eroism and devotion to
· duty di'splayed · by . Sergeant iv.crcado on this occasion re{l e ct e;reat credit upon
himself and the Armed .Forces of the UnH ed states. Er. t ~ r e d the military service from California.
SE.RGt;ANT J&..ES L ·~iiDI3Y~ .RA.36 0 46 9l ~ , Infa ntry, ll'niteC. St e_tes ,Army, a member
of Company L., 23d Infantry R3f_ ,L -;.ent , 26 Infa:ntry Division, d istin? Uished himself by her0ic achievement on 16 Sert e::cbor 1 950 near CLane;ny0ng 1 Korea. On
that date he was a member cf h is c0;'i:pan:Y t s 60r;..m moTtar section durin,; an attack
ae:;ainst well-entrenched ensrr..y force s . Durin;:; t:1e assault h ~ was subjected to .. ·
intense hostile mortar, aut0:matic 'Hearl0nn ,· and small arms fire. Ui th complete
disregard for his personal sa.f e t:r he mah1t c:.ined a steady advance, =:nd furnished
the ·assa ult p latoons w:i. th ·coritinu0'l!s sup::,>ortins fire~ 'rhis fire was a major
factor in enabline:, his c0mpany to seize its 0bjecti ve with a minimum of casualties. The her0ism displayed by ''Sert;e ant l'l idby on this occa .s i0n reflects great
credit up on himself and the military service.. Entered the rnili tary service
frQm ·Illinois •
. ·.- ·: ·,. ···
CORPORAL GEHALD L BAILEY JR, RA17237726 1 Infant::-y, Unit ed States A:rmy, a
memb er of Ileaclq_uurters C0r.r:;> any, 3d 3attalion, 9th Inf <mtry .Re g iment~ 2d Infantry
Div i si on, distin;,:suished himself by h ·::;ro·ic achievement on ::.o N0vember 1950 near
PU£SVIOH; Korea.
On that date te was drivint: in a c0nvoy nhich v;as attempting to
'ore al<: t h rough an en8my road block app rOxin-.ately five mile s in de pth. Vihen his
ve hi c le wa s r endered inoporati ve by e;.1 em~~ fire, he abandoned i t and pr0ceeded
on foot. ~Jhile tryin2
mai-;:e his Vlay throu;;h the intc. enemy fire., he came
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101504
Reproduced at the National Archive
NNf> 3(iElol
' upo~': a '' .
' sq+~fer. lri)l~ lr;t
at .'the side.' 'of the road;. Alth'·o ugh·' the
· wo~ded man: ' tequeste~ that J?,e 'be lef.t ,behin~, . Corporal Bailey· placed lfim on · h:i.s
· ba.ck and' c·a rried hihl':t6 anothfi)r vehicle·· ~at had been abandoned. · J3y hi'fr herL.. ·
Oic act~ons 1 J;le oucceedeq fn brt:lakin·e, through .theroad block; and is cr~dited
vlith saving . the J.ife o.t the ·wounded man. .';['he hero;ic conduct of ,Corporal Bailey
in risking his life . to save a fallen ' comrade reflects great . credit .upo·:n himself
and is :i.n keeping witl:J. 'l{:O.e 'high tradHions of the military service. Entered
the milj, te,ry service from Minnesota.
. .....
QORPORAL LEROY l~i CLEI.IENTS, US574·glo7, (then Priva,te Firs-t Class), Inf&ntry,
of the United btates 1 a member of Co~pany L, 23d Infantry ReGiment, 2d
Infantry Division, distinguished hliJ1self.by heroic achievement on 16 .September
1950 in the vicinity of Changnyong , Korea. On that date his com~an y v~s advancing ac;a:i.nst strong enemy op:;;Josition. Corporal Clements, a member of the
company cohlroaud group, voluntarily acc ep ~ ed the mission of carrying sup pl ies to
the assault elements. Hi th compl ete disrege.rd for his own safety he r.a.ade many
trips under in.t r;m se small arms arLd m.ortar fire to the lead platoons with the
vi tally needod arntriuni tion .and eq_uipment.. Eis courageous action aided materially
in the suc cess of the. company's mission. his her0ic action was an inspiration
to all who witnessed· it and r efl ects .:. , reat cred.it upon himself and the military
service~ Bntered the military service from Louisiana.
CORPORAL ;t>AUL L COhP'i'CN, RA192£'4269, (then Private Fir s t Class), Infantry,
United States Army , a me1nb6r of Com:;;; an:· L , 23d Inf8lltry Reg imen t~ 2d Infantry
Division, distinguished himself by he1•o ic a.c Licvement 0n 16 Se:ptember 1 S50 near
Chan[SJ."1yong, Kore a . On the afternnon 0f tl:is. date he vfcls a menbor of e c ompany
that v;as attacking enemy positions al0n :,; the Nakton 6 River. Dt.ITing t t is action,
his sq_uad was halted by int cn s0 enemy machine btm fi r e . Ee i L~ediat o ly l eft his
position of covur in order to dr&w t he fir e of the enumy 6t.Ul. Ei3 f earl e ss and
insJ;Jirini; action en c.bl 0d tho other LJmters of h is squad t o locate and q_uickly
knock out tha enemy machiEe :SUn , thus E.l lowi n6 th o plato Gn to r each its obj ective with a minimum Of casualt i es . 'I'h8 hcr0ism. dis_:1 l ayed by Corpord Compt on
on this occ asion r ef l ects g r -.:at cred i t u.p0n hinself and. is in kce:r~ ins with the
high traditi0ns of th8 rr.ilita ry service . Enter-ed the military s e r vic e from
CORPORAL CLYDE C CURJ~, RA19 338506 , I nfantry, United St at es P~my, a member of Company K, 23d Infc.ntry .Rci;iment, 2d Infantry Division, di stinguished
himself by h ~ roi c achievement on 15 Sopt0mb 0r and 16 ~ep tomber 1950 in the
vicinity of Yon,.,; s<m, Korea . During tnis po:r.-iod his comp cny was in defensive
positions and in support of ano ther rifle company. During the ni6ht of 15
Septembe r 1930 and the next mor ninEi , Corporal Curl's position,- which wa.s in the
heavy weapons pl a toon~ was sub j octod to int-:mse enemy fir e . Time eSter time,
without r egar d for h is own s::.fotyj he left his sheltered position to fire fl c.r os
end henvy explosi v e s ::-.t t he ;;nomy. His cour ~:g0 0us r. ction while under ho2.vy
enemy fire nn t eric.lly ddcd in r epellint, tho en amy c.tt Qck , c:nd in keeping our
cnsU...'l.lt i e s to a minimum • . Eis ~e:roic nc tions wer e en insp irr;tion to nll who
wi tnosscd t horo c.:::-.d r efle ct e:; r oc. t .credit upon himself c.nd the militc.ry s ervice.
Ent er ed tho milit c.ry servic e fr0m Cc.lifornin.
CORPORAL JACK h.-".''T , Rb270 43316 , Infc.ntry, United St, .tas A;rmy, a member of
Hec.dq_uart ·Jrs Compcny , 23d Inf::.nt ry ReF~iment , 2d Inf c.ntry Division, distinguished
himself by heroi c c.chiovom0nt on 18 So ptC:l~be r 1 950 in t h.; v ic inity of Chongnyong,
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101505
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_NNf> 3fiSlt>t
- tJ-Vtf,/1
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GO' :r{o ' 26 ,
.. fot·
t i,_a t d.a:~e, as a . tn~m~~~ o,t ·c.~ p~t-~oi' b.e was assigned
Ko~a. ·
•' crossing the ~akton_g R:!:vei' :i,n ~ brder to recoriri.~itor roads .on' the wG3t side of the
river. v.lil,le a ttempting to cro~s the ri v~r in a small boat~ the p'atrcl. was
subjecto~ . to heavy : enemy .smell S;;.n19 ., - ~~~h~~e ;. ~~;.~d ni?rto.r fire wlii~li fo:r:~ed
them to w1th~raw~ FJ;"om an expos·ed. position and with dl.sregnrd fOJ; h1s personal
sate ty h e retur:~;wd thE: onemy :fire Until fri t:ndly air support •ias rec e ived~ II1£'.king
it pos~ible ·for the patrol to vJi thdraw to higt er ground~ From ·. this e xpo sod
position he returned cn8rJlY fire ·_ until the patrol ~s ordered to return to tho
command posto _ The h eroic conduct of Corpora l Hatt on this occasion r efl e cts
great crodi t upon h~self and the mili t e.ry s ervic 0. Ent e r e d th G miJ.it e.ry s e rvice fro~ Michigan.
CORi?vRAL AXEL W LAX0 1 RA16 280029, Inf2.ntry, 'unit ed St e..t J s krmy, a mCLJ.ber . of
Headqunrtvrs Company} 23d Inf c:.ntr:r Rot k•ont, 2d Inf [:ntry Division 1 distinguished
h~self· by heroic achiov~mo nt o~ 18 Septemb er 1930 in the viciait y of Chnngnyong,
Koreaa On the.t d c.t o 1 e.s a membe r of r. p2 trol~ h e wc..s e..ssignud tha mission of
crossing the N3ktong Ri vor . in ord.cr to r oconnoi t or ro~ds on t l:e y:est side of the
river.. vvhile attomptinc:; to cross tho river in a sme ll boe.t, the patrol wc..s sub~
jected to h eevy en emy smc~l a rms~ mo.chino e;un 8.Ild mort3.r f iro vJhich forc e d t hem
to wi thdre.w. From on e x~ os c d position end with disregard for his porsonol
s e.f oty h e r e turned th o enemy fire until friendly n ir support wa s r e ce ived, mnking
it possible for t he patrol to withdravr to h i gher ground. From this exp osed
position he r eturn ed en 0my fire nntil tho pntrol was ord er ed to r eturn to tho
command post. Tho h ~roic conduct of Corpor2.l Lnxo on this occe.sion r ef l e cts
gr eat credit upon h~self and tho mi l it c.ry s ervice. Enter e d t he milita ry s orvic o from Michigen.
CO~ORAL J.AN:zs L SHERER~ RA19294046 1 Inf nn tr~r , United St r.t e s Army t n member
of Compe.ny K, 23d Inf -:-.ntry Rc.;im.ont, 2d I nf2nt ry Division, di s tinguished h i mse lf
by heroic achiovemcmt on 15 Soptanbcr 1950 o:.nd 1 6 Sept ember 1 950 in the vicinity
of Yong s c:n, I'~or cn . On t ~e ni g:1t 0f 15 Soptomb or 1 950 he rm s c. member of c.
weapons plo.t oon which was iiC. gon orc.l s u:;:> ::;ort of t1NO r if l e comprniGs dur ing th e ir
defense of Hill 18 9. At this tirJ.o t ho e nemy lc.unchod en ::: tt nc k vrith ov e r whelming forc e s. C orpo r r~ l Swer or; with cor.:plc t e disrogar d fo r hi s personal sr.f ~ ty,
r epoo.t udly l oft t ho sc;curi t y of h is co-vor ;::;d poci tion in orde r to fir e flc.res and
dir e ct mortcr fir e upon the c :ivcncin.:; onom;{. 1-:is heroic ",ctions throughout th o
e ngcgomont contributed gr eatly to th ,J fino.l r opuls o of tho e nemy a ssc.ult. Tho
h e roism d ispl2.ycd on thi s o cccsi o::J. b :r Cor:poro.l Swor0r r efl ec ts gr cc.t cr0dit upon hir:lsolf c.nd tho mili tc.ry s er vice . Ent er ed tho militr.ry s e rvic e f r om Cnlifornio..
CORPORAL DONALD E S~IOP:Z, F.i-1.16314235, Inf ~,ntry) Ur..i t cd Sktos Army, ·c. memb er
of Compe.ny L, 23d Inf c:ntry Regimen t~ 2d I rJ'r-r.. try Division; d istingui she d hitnsclf
by h eroic nchi e-.remcnt on 16 Sopt erab or 1 950 n o2.r Chc.n r;nyon.:; 1 Kor oc. . On th;:>_ t d£t t o
he - volunt2.rily o.ssist od i n tho r o supplyi~g of th 0 c.ssnult ol cme nts of h is compe.ny
with ·o.mmuni tion c.nd r e.tions. 'l'h0 compc.ny wc.s me eting hoc.vy r osisto.acc, a nd n ow
supplie s we r e in constr:nt doi!lCnd. Cor poral Sv.;opo nn do numvrous trips over
he.znrdous t e rrain, de spit e hoo.vy ::memy srr~ll ~J. rms r' nd mortr:r fir o . His cour age
ond compl et e disroE;c.r:i for h is 0'.\n s c.fGty wo r e r·. prime f e ctor in e nabling the
company to mainte.i n n continuous cdvanco, Th o h eroic actions of Corporc.l Swope
on t h is occa sion wer e rn insp iro.ti0n to all mombors of his unit end r ef l ect
gro a t credit upon himsE:lf and tho mili t e:.ry servic e . Entfi-..r· d the military
s e rvic e from Ind i ana. ~\
~~ J
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101506
Reproduced at the National Archive
\uthority .Ntlf>
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GO NC) 26·;'. :[iq2d, :(riff' Div 1 ' PJ?0 ' 248j liFob 51 (Gontr ·~I
• I
CORPORAL ~~OYD B:" iEMYr · RAl935249?' -!nt~ntrt ~ f!nited States kr:rrry ~ a merob'o:t
of Company~' 23d Infcntry . Rog~entB 2d Infantry Divisi0n 1 distinguisned himscit ·
by heroi,c ach.i<;n\Jrn..Jnt on 31 A\lgust 1950 2nd l. September 1950. ·in tho vicinity of
Chnngnyong, · ~orca , Qu the night of 31 August 1950 he we.s' a mc·m.bor of his company's roar commend group. A stron6 enemy force came ' ~round tho left fl~k of
tho company and attacked his group from · tho roar. A defense pm~jmo·tor watl
irnmodie.tcly orgCI).izod, CorporPl Torry; ni th complete disr ::;gard for his pc;rsonel ·
safety, constantly OXJ:oscd himself to the intonso host ilo fi
ruking 'th9 porimotor in order to return tho onomy fire, Although tbc s:rnell forcu Vl<J..S ·~ill-:round­
ed ho courat;e ousl:T hc:ld his· ground until~ early in tho n:orn1ng of 1 Soptenbor
1950, orders wore rcc e i vod to vri thdraw. His fo:uless dotormin!J.tion thr0ughout
this firofight contribute d gr02.tly to tho 3Uccoss of the con:.rrumd gr0up ·in proventing the forward olomcnts of his compnny from bGing attn.c~ed from tho r onr,
The horoiS!n displc.y.)d on thi.s occc .sion by Cor:porcl ':i.'orrJ' reflects g1·oet ~:rodit
upon himself .a..11d th.o mili.t~ry service,. En t er ud tho mili tnry servico from \Jt<".h.
CORFOR.J., DONl.LD R :,'AffiiER, t<'JU6314244 1 Inff'ntryt Ur..it~;d Str.tos A-rmy) c membe r Of Com~).any L ~ . 23d · Infantry Ro ~ imon t, 2d Infantry Di vi si O!l.; d ist ingv.i sh ed
hims e lf by heroic r.chi.Jvcmont on 16 .So1Yi:ombor 1950 in tho vicinity of Chc.ngnyong,
Korea. On tha t day his compc.ny wns perticipc. tine; in tllo drive towe;rd tb.o Naktong
Ri vor. Corp0ral iiifarncr, £'. monbo :c" of tho (.!OlnJ!2ilY commflnd g::coup. volt~n tt.ril y n:.2.d c
numarous trips to re supp ly th .J nss::-.ul t pl c toons, ofto;J. U.."ld cr intense mort~ r <nd
smell arms f ir o . HiG courageous of forts ::-.c l ;:>ed r:ru c tly in· tl:a cGntinucuA c.d.vc.nce
of tho company. 'lh..; h ;roic ::cti<)n 0f Corpor,.l 1 '2rrL r ve. f: --.r:. ir:s pir r,t ioF· to his
comrades nnd r of l <:Jc ts gr cD. tly U:;JOn hi.:J.so lf end tL e r.:ili t nry ;:...;r vic·J , Entered the
military sorvic o froo IndiGna.
CCRPCRAL JA~::Zs R ~ J{!'l':S 1 ?.Al 521 : 823 1 Infr_:ntry, linitcd Skt :: s !xsy, cc r:omb::r
of Cmr.paEy A, 23d Infr.n t ry Ro.J"'Ln.. : nt, 2;1 Inf".ntry Divis ion, dist.ii:.,;uishcd L.ns olf
by h ;:;roic r'. Chi vv0mont on ...~ 1 .ri.Ut:,L<t>t :i.~50 cLd l i:Jc.:tteober lS50 iJ.1 th ~~ v:'..cinity of
Changnyong, Koro :.t, Gn th o ni2,ht of !.: l J;,.'Ui_L<st 1950 h o r:as " c..:.m:-,cr of his company's r oar conrJ.'1I:.d t -roupe A s tro n .~, .:mcmy force car.1o e.round t.h"' l.:..ft flcnk of
tho compc.ny o.nd at ta c·kcd llis c; ro~.'.:p fro:;J. the.; r oer . A dcf-;nsc p:.r~:-t :; r ViGS
irnr1odie1.tcly organize d , C:)r:p8rc:.l iJhi t o ; vri th co:c,~l..;to cl i .s r ..:.;c.rd fc':" his :pc :;:-sonc.l
sefGty 1 const r'.l~tlY oxp r; ::;;;d r~ir:solf' t0 tho int .:.; nso hostile f i:co ra!c::.It.s t :1 o p erimotor in order to r otu.r·n tho unot.ly :t.'irc . en 0:n0 occ." '.sion, h e. V•Jl.UJ.::.tarlly l .:;ft
th o se.i\.;ty of his c0vcrud p0 si t ior. c.L·3. dc.sJ::...;d throUi;h tho O!l ..my f iro tL) 'c.n
e.bnnu'JUGd j G Ol_). Aid CJ d by two COi'.U'e.dos Lc rvturm. d to t11:') p~rincto r nith 2 .50
cal ib(..r r.:achin c 6 w1 ~~nd two e.uto!:l.c.tic rifles 1 t >:; roby gr::;e.tly incroc.zir_,s the fire
powe r of th e s nnll dcfensi ve force und C07cring all :,v onuus 0f appronch. Although the gr0up was surrounded, he cournbcously hold his €,round. until~ cc.rly. in
tho ,G orr~in ..::; of 1 Soptomt·Jr 195:), orders wore r o~o i vod to VJithG.r c:.vv. Eis fo c.rl oss d_c.-;; c rm inc.~i ·1n thr.; ushout t ~ ~i a firofi ~..)ht contribute-d t;r cctly to tl-:.c sue cos::;
Of tho CO:r;Jj,!lCUd s r0U:p ill p:i:'OVGrctin .:> th o forward olomonts of' his c:om:t>:.'U;)' fr0!11 be ing
attacked ~~ rr.r.l tho ro r.r, I'l:.G h_,roisr:J. di splc..y.;d 0n this o~c cs i0:1 by Corporr::l
'ifui t u r e;fh.cts gr"'c.t crvdi t upon hL::solf ::,nd th:::; mili k .ry service.. :Zntorod tho
mili·~a.l·y so:rvico fr0m Ol"io.
CCiRPO.ctAL Clu STZR A ZAJACLJ:ClWSt~I, RA15278718, (then Pri ~rrto First · Class)~
Inf en t:;:-y! U:r.itod .:':;t o.tes M my, c. n.:;mbo r of Coopc.ny L, 23d Ir:.ffl.r..try Rc3; lliont; 2d
Inf nntry D ivisirm~ distingl.listod hinsolf by hE::r0ic achiovor.wnt on 16 So;,;tombor
1950 n...;er Chanf:, nyons ~ :r;:cron. On th ... l'10rnir_g of that dc.to h .::: wns a nomb0 r of a
sq_u::.t d in a co:cwa'1.y that wc..s pCJ.rt ic ipct ing in t:.".o drive toviard tho Ne.ktone Riv or.
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101507
Reproduced at the National Archiv'
\uthority _NNf>
t:A/1 "'fP)
. ~lhon , tho squa~ ~~·~; <;ut ~~r''b;thp .encm.~r ,, ' tno
. . .
..:iil.t~nse enemy f~re ._tn · an·· 9f·fort to 'r 'o :)oin the' rest , ~f' tho · I?l.Cl:to,on. '
· act~on tho squad lc:i'a der was wotindoci and Corporal Znjaczk0w~ki renm ·
to administer first aid to tho wounded man. :\lhon hi~ squad loader had 'r ecovered
from shock, Corporal Zajaczkowski proceod'ild through tho hoavy enemy fire . to
direct a medical aid man to the position of the wounded mo.n. ·His c0urago and r
complete di srogard for his own safety Vlb. ilo under en any fire , undoubtedly saved
the life of his squad loader ood sotvGd as .a source of gr..;P.t inspire.tion to all
members of his unit. The her.oisin displayed by corpor2l Znjaczkowski on this
occasion reflects , groat c.rodi t upon himself and is in keeping with the !J,igh
traditions of tho military service. Entered the military service from Ohio.
PRIVAXE FIRST CLASS ROY S FLYNN, RA14310460, Infantry, United St~tos Army•
a meober of company L, 23d Infantry Roginont, 2d Infnntry Division, distinguished
himself by heroic e.chiovemont on 16 Soptc.r:1bor 1950 in tho vicinity of Changnyong,
Korea. On th :.: . t do.to his company, driving toward tho Naktong River, was pinned
down by in:tonsc enemy machine gun fire. 'VIi thout regard for his OWl safety, he
loft his covered position and ran thrr:mch the hosti.le fire to a nearby tank.
Stand.ing in an exposed posi tio~, he directed the tank's fire upon the enemy
machine gun position. His courageous action brr.mght about ir::unodiate destruction
of tho emplacement and c.llowed tho unit to move forwerd with a minir.lum of casualties. His heroic action "ns nn inspiration to all who wi tnosscd it and reflects
groat credit upon hliJself and tho military sorvico. Entered the military service from N0rth Carolina.
PRIVATE FIRST CLASS FR.AJ:JK B HERNANDEZ, RA.l8234151, Inf:::ntry, United Stdes
Am.y, a nomber of Conpc.Ey K, 23d Infc.ntry Regiment, 2d Infcntry Division, distinguished hinsolf by heroic ccchic:voncnt on 14 Septer::bor 1950 nc;c.r Yr:mgs1~n, Korea.
On tho night of that dc.to ho wc.s n r:1onbor nf ~· plat0on w: nso dofonsi ve po::;itions
woro under e.ttack by n nu..'1loricnlly su:pori or or~om~r fnrco. Wh·::m tho pla torm was
ordorod to withdraw to more ~dv,:;ntagoous pr.·si tiona, ho v0lunte.rily renainod in
position t0 :furnish covering firo f0r ~1is c0mrr.dos. Althnugh subjoctod to intense
enemy fire, he fired his riflo and ttrcw hend grenGdos ct tho ctt ~ccking enemy
until his plntoon h~::.d safely ;,·1i thdro:w:r... Eo then j0ir.:;d his :platnon in its now
posit ion, and t0ol$: e.n nggrossi ve,; part in tho countor-c:.ttack that vms lcunchcd
to rote.ko the lost gr0und. As c. result of his inspiring ~~ ctinns, tho plc.t0on
was ablo t0 ecconplish its r.1isdon with 2. r.1ini:'1U!:1 0f cnsunlties. Tho h.oroic
conduct of Private Hcrncndoz 0E this 0ccasi0n rdlccts grcc.t crodit upon himself
and tho. nilitr:.ry sorvico. Entered tho nili kry service fr0r.1 Toxc:s.
PRIVATE.FIRST CLASS LOUIS R POLITO, US5?444105, Ir.fc.ntry, Arr1y of the
Uni tod Ste.tos, e. member of HondQunrtors Conpc:x.y, lst B2.tk:. li0n, 23d Infantry
Rogir.10nt, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished hinsolf by heroic o.chiovonont 0n
8 Septonber l950 in tho viCinity 0f Changny0ng, Koren. On th2t date ho was in
tho dofonsivo pe;rinotor of his bc:.ttc.li0n .c0r:r::;cmd post which was Ul1dcr n hoavy
onony bc.rTcgo of nrtillory, Iilortar CJ.nd self-propelled gun fire. Pri veto Polito,
with c0nplo.to 'disrog;:_~rd for his own pcrsonnl s~foty, left tho safety of his foxh0le to aci-:1inist~r first aid to afid ovacue.to r:>. wounded nonbor of his sq_und. His
C0Ur (.\g80US- c:.cti0n nidod greatly in SC.Ving tho f.lan 1 s lifo c:nd WO.S an inspiration
to his cQnrr.dos • ... Tho hcr0ic e.cti0n of Privc:.to Polito roflocts gr:;at credit
upon Unsolf and the nili tGry service. Er.tered tho nili tary service froo
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101508
Reproduced at the National Archive!
- fi.Vifp{fl?
\uthority _
PRIVATE FIRST CLASS DONALD IC SERRELS, RA16302733, (tlj.en Priv~t~) ·, Unit.ed
States Arm~, a member of Oompc ny ~~ 23d Infantry RogL~ent, 2d Infantry ' Divisionl
· distinguish'6d ·himself by heroic o.chiovomont on 16 September 1950 in tho vicinity
of Changnyong, Korea. On that date ho was a n1ombor of his c0mp::-ti1Y' s 60Illr.1 mortar
section during an attcck against woll-cntronched enemy forces. During the assault
he was subjected to intense hostile r,10rter, aut0matic woap0ns, and small arr.1s
fire. With complete disregard f0r his p0rso:na 1 sefcty ho maintained a steady
advance, furnishing the assault platoons vli th continurms supporting fire. The
fire he aided in furr.isLing wns a mj0r fc.ctor in enabling his company to seize
its objective with o minir.1um 0f cosunltios, The horoism displa~rcd on this
occasion by Privote Sc.rrols reflects .groat crodi t upon himself r:nd tho military
service. Entered the nilitnry service fr0r:1 Michigan.
PRIVA'rE FIRST CLASS KEI'll-i F S.VIITH, R..'U6253G49 1 I::1fo.ntry, Unit od Sto.tos Army,
a member of HoadquRrters Com~o.ny, 3d £o.ttc.lion, 23d Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry
Division, distinguished htmsolf by h~roic achievement on 16 September 1950 near
Changnyong, Korea.. On tlln.t date his coepar..y wo.s advancing o.ge.ir..st hoGvy en0r1y
opposition townrd tho lJektong RiVGr. He volunteered to aid in tho clv'1.ring of
a nine field fr0m ono of the main supply routes, a task th F.: t vr1s imp orative if
tho tanks wore t0 be encbled to reur. in in tho atta.cki:r:.g f0rco. Without rogr.rd
f0r his own safety o.nd in spite of tho fact tho.t one mine detector was destroyed
by mortar firo, ho continu0d clearing tho Gines until tho r0r.d vrus clear. By
his courageous acti0n the tcnks ,wcro ablo to r.Jnain astride tho main su-pply
route and there by tho bnttdinn vro.s matorir.lly c.idod in accnuplishing its mission.
His .heroic cction wo.s M ir..sp ir :::ti0n t0 dl rmd roflocts gr oa t credit upon himself un.d tho r1ili kry servic e . Ent c.: rod tto n ili tc:.ry service fron I\!ichige.n.
Section II
direction of tt>.o president, uncior tt.c provisi0ns of ~xccutivo Ord ,;r 9419, 4
February 1944 (Soc II i tD Bul 3 , 1944), nnd pursuont t0 aut2.-_0rity contained in
AA 600-45, tho First Bronze Oo.k lcc.f Cluster t0 th o :Bronze St::r l\'iJdc.l with "V"
Device f0r heroic achbvo:·.wnt i::1 c0nr.Jctinn with nili t::-_ry· 0JlCrG ti011s c·.gc.inst an
a rTied or..ony 0f tl1o united St::ctos duria::; t~1c p0riod indicated is o.wnrdod to tho
f0llowing :r:OL!od onlistod r.rn
CORPORAL D.AlJIEL C U,RF.IS, Rh.l3263S25, (th.:;n Friv~.. to First Class), Info.ntry,
Uni tod .States J:.;r:::w , a c.....n~cr nf C0:-.1par..~r l-1, 23d Inf :.m .try riogi::ont, · 2d Infc1ntry
Division, distint,;uishcd Lir.lsolf 'oy }J.cr0ic c.chiovor.wnt fron 2 Soptcnbor 1950 t0
5 Sop tomb or 1 950 in th ;.; vicinity 0f P01:.cl:0, Koren . Durin~; tLis poriod his
conpo.ny wo.s in def ,:;ns i vc posi t.ior:s e.t:;c.in st c0nstc.nt . onon.y. r".tt<:;cks. Rcc..lizing
that t he oxccodinc:;ly wet woe. tt.or hc.d m::-.do ro.C.i0 cornunic:'.t irms undcpondo.bla,
Corporc.l Hc.rris, c. rKnbor of o.n .-:;1D1·.: n0rt c.r pic..to0n,_ v0l1,1.nt·".riiy c::J.rrie.d, ropc.irod Q.Ild inst2.1lcd wiro c0:o.nunico.ti'0ns bot1~oen his plp.t0.on~ s firo dirocti.-m
center c.nd. tw.-) rifl ; cor~p c..nios. :Ho inst:-.ll.::d o.nd :oo.int o. inod tho wi r e lines
thr0ugh darkness, rein, o.nd tcc..vy onc:oy sr£11 o.rr.~ fir e , CnQbliLg tho riflo
co.w.par..ios tc; hr.vo c0nsk·nt support ins ;·:0rtc.r· fire. His cour[lg-~rms c.ct i0n made
it possible f0r tb.c riflc: C0Bin.nios to rop01:'.todly rep e l tho onomy o.tto.cks. Eis
h e:r0ic o.ction >'18.S a.n i nspirc.ti0n to 2.ll wl:o wi tnossed it r:r..d r~fl o cts groo.t
credit upon hinso lf o.nd tho n ilitr.Ty service. Entorod th e Tiilit2.ry service
f ron M2.r y l on d.
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101509
Reproduced at the National Arch~
\uthority .Ntlf>
- tJ.Vt(,{i
Col0na l .
Chief ot Stat:f .
. .. .
C plus · tho fol
4 TAG 4ttn AGAO-I
· ' 2 I 'INC)E . .Attn Ar;.;,J.P
3j iDSIJ{ Attn' KAGM
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COLONEL CL:~IRE 3 _. t!.J·fGH1.N .rs:.~ 0:!~·-C'JJ. . . G-SCJ H.J?c~q -~l:~r~er·-:=;, 2d :~n.!;~ !)·~~;
.~PO 248, is ;:mnon!lSOL' .-1:.3 A.:;.si:.:~ ;;·~t Chi0i'
effecti ve 29 j';mr:.l"r·,y :1:/.5~-J ·,ric() •}:1ui·•z:r... J8liN
HGPciq u2rters, 2d J.nf -'-' nt! '.Y i.Jiv·.i.sl cnJ t.PU
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GER.'- LD G, :t;p:rJ:::;y
OFP~-~I t L~
Colone l, GSC
Chief of .Staff
Colone l, J'.GC
!.djutan t Gen0ra l
-----''C II
Plus 4 copies to T.".G 1n!Boh 25,
~.C .
!.TTN: AG/ 0 -I '
3 copies to cu~CFE~ /,PO 500
t,TTN: fG-PA
3 copivs to CG EUS.t~K> fPO 301,
t. TTN:
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101510
Reproduced at the National Archive
- t:J.¥1 "'fFj
.~ 1
TEE BRONZE Sr.Aft l!IEDAJ" _ _.._ ' (PO.S.TI-rJj\iOUS)_ By direction cf the r:cesident' under the ·prov'isi9ns C)f ..l£xecutive Ord,e r ~]419 , 4<F!'ebrEe.ry 194,4 (b3C u .
WD Bul 3, 1944), and pursuant t0 authority contained in AR 500-45, the Er·.·,p,ze
s,tar~ Medal with nvn De v ice for heroi'c achievement in cop:r.ecUon wi.·ch mili-t;u'Y
operations aga:i.nst an a:rmed e11emy of the United B:tatG.s <i11r.ing the pe:.:oj_od in•- ·
dicated is awarded posthun:ousl y to the followin,g named, ,enlis ted man~
SERGE.4NT LIGE A YARBROUGH, RLU8252849, (then Private First Class), United
States Army, a member of company K, 23d .Infantl'Y R.o5imo'.1t, 2d. Infantry Di vioion,
disti1i.guished himsol!:' by heroic achievement on .8 September 19.50 neal' . Y~mgsan,­
:Korea. On the night of that date an ene!:1y attack; su;Jported by an extre.:nely .
heavY- barrage of mortar and art ille:ry f i:re, had forced a rifle: company to withdraw from its positions. Serseant Yar~.;row:~h and his squad, wh0 were attached
to thb company 1 . r e.ma. inod in tt.eir pos:Lti0!1S to 1)I'8VO::J.t e_n enemy breakthrough o
In s·pi \;e of ·the overwhelming odds J the squad s1.:cc ceeded in repelling the enemy .
attack~- thus insur:ing the safety 0f the right fla:l.k. ' of its. own organ:i.zation, and
saving that unit a g.eent nu..rv.ber of casual ti es . 1118 heroic and inspiring actions
of Sergeant YarbrGugh on this occesion reflect groat c~odit upon h~self and the
military service. Entered the military service from Texas •
.Section II
AWARD OF Ti-ill BRONZE ST.:L'R £i.LED.AL ,. __ By direction of tho Pre::;}.dent, under the
provisions of Executi1re Ordor 94,19 , 4 Fob~uery 19 44 (Sec II WD B·c11 3~, 1944), and
pursuant to authority contained in AR. 600--45 ~ tl1e Bronze Star ll~;sdal with "V" fie vice for he;rnic achiovcri:ent in conn3ction with .mii.itq.ry operations against an
armed enemy of t.ho Unj_tod .States during the peri:.d indicated is awarded to the .
follow ing narnGd enlisted men:
SERGEANT FIRST CIP.SS BILLY ;vi I'CE:RSiNE.R, Rl'\.33533217, Infantry, United States
Army, s. .mc,.mb e r c.f Company K, 23d Infantry negiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished himself by he:roic achjevemcnt on 7 0Gptembor 1950 near .Che.ngnyong,
Korea . On tlfa-1:. ds te he . vyas a mornboT of tho 60mm mortar soct ion of a c01npany
whoso def"en.siiJG p0sitions wc:re under att2ck by a numerically superior enemy ·
for:::e o As 0ne plat00n was effecting a wi thdravval, Sergoant Kershner obs erv~ d
an onom.y ma0l1ine ,gl..ln b0ing placed in positi.on. R8nlizing tho threat to the withdrawing pla-toon, c o v0lnntarily r omainod in position to placo.mortar fire upon
the advancing enGmy, and t!to n:achino :';,un . So accurate and effective was his fire
that tho ener.lY gun vms dcstroyqd ~ and tho platoon was ahlq to wi thd:ra;w v;i tnout a
casualty.. Tho hor0isrri dis1Jlayod by Sergoarit Kerslmor on this occasion refle.cts
groat crodi t upon hi!.Tl::;olf c;nd tho military service. Enterod- the military sarvi ce
from Virginia.
SERGEAI'.:T MARVIN L SUTTSRFIEI.Il, RA13333470,. (thon Oor.poral), Infantr;y, Un:ltod
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101511
Reproduced at the National ArchivE
\uthority .NIIf>
- tJ..Vi"'d?
m. ad·.h:ic
., •
, ~i thdraw by; th? .'~~ .i. . t:>:f> ~ x;tumor:.ic~liy. s~:pcr_itm
~ncmy ·
e' ~ Sergeant:· puttcrfi·oli1 romqinoq 1.n hJ,s CX:vr,emcly · cxp0sed p0sltl:l):rJ.,- ._.
althougl:,r r.a:i~uliy w0unded) :and · pfoh_;fi~ed c0:rcring f :i,':i-0 ~~r tho withd:r~wo_I. _' ; l~s
a rosul. t of. h1s accurate fire~ thb c0i:lpany was able t0 vn thlraw and r .e 0rgamzo
fr>r a s-qccessful courttE!l."-trttack;, regaining its f0rr.1er p0si ti0n with a ninimum ·
of casualties,. · Ther he:imism and dev'itir1h . t0 d~~Y . q~splayed by SergoO:nt Sutter, ,
field 0n this 0ccasi0n reflect grciJ:b' ci'ociit l_up0n .·~iimsclf end tho r.J.ilitary service. Entered, the military service from w8st VitginiaJ ,
SGction III
AWLRD OF THE BRONZE STij.R IVIED/.L --- By dirccti0n of the P!'osidont, under the
pr0v1.s10ns of Executive Order 9419, 4 February 1944 (Sec II ~TI Bul 3, 1944), and
pursuant t0 auth0rity c0ntained in i:R 600-45, tho Br0nzc Star Medal with nv:r Dovice f0r her0ic achievement in c0nnocti0n with nilite.ry 0perati0ns against an
armed onony of the United States during tr.e peri0d indicc.tod is awarded t0 tho
following naQed enlisted men:
lv1'..STER SERGE;.NT ROBERT IV.V..LONE, & ..38128194, (then Sorgca.nt First Class),
Infantry, Unitod States •>Tmy, a nonbcr 0f C0npm1y Kl 23d Infantry Roginont! 2d
Infantry Di visirm, distinguished hir:solf by her0ic achievenont .0n 7 Scptonbor
1950 ncar Y0ngsan, K0rca. en thc.t dc.to he wc.s c. woap0ns squad lor::der in c. c!"Jnpany which was a.ttacking an enei:ly-ccld hill. Wh8n his plat00n was pinned d0wn
by intense cnony nachino gun fire: .Scrg,e2.nt £vie:~l0no inr'10di c:tc ly 0poncd fire up0n
tho enorw p0sit i0ns with his nachinc guns end succeeded in pinning d0wn tho
encny gunners. Displayine; c0npl eto ir:diffcrcnce t0 tho oner:.y fire c0nccntrc.tod
up0n hiD, he then m0vcd his guns t0 c.nntr_or pnsiti0n: fr0n wh ich he direct e d
accurate and cffccti vo fire 0n tho enemy. ..s a result 0f his c0u!'ago0us and
aggressive e.cti!"Jns, the oncny onp lacononts we re neutre.lizod, onnbling h~s
plat0 0n t0 c0ntinue its attack w:!. th c. nj_nj.nur.l 0f casualties. Tho hcr0ic _c0nduct
0f .Sorgoc.nt lvlc.l0no 0n this occnsi ,.m reflects gree.t crcdi t up0n hinsolf 8lld the
tlilitary service. Entered tho nili t a ry service fr0r:i Kentucky.
SE...'R.GE/JJT FIRST CL.SS KENNET"rl F lWL,.N, R;..l2293155, . Infc,ntry, United States
;,:,:rny, a nenbcr 0f Cnnpany L, 23d Infuntry Rogimcnt, 2d Inf8lltry Divisi0n, distinguished hir.1solf by hor0ic achiovoncnt 0n 16 Scptonbor 1950 ne".r Changny0ng,
K0rca. On tho.t dc..t c he wo.s c. squa.d loa.dor in ::: c0r.1pany thP.t Tf!2.S attacking enony
p0siti0ns al0ng tho Nc.kt0ng Rive r. His squcd was sBparntod frnn th o rest 0f tho
plat00n by an encny 80rtar br::rrc.ge. Ho c0nst2.ntly oxp0sod hinsclf t0 tho heavy
uneny fire, inspiring his non and giving them r:n exc.Gplo 0f c0urc.gc th::ct c11ebl od
t hon t0 f0ll0w hin o.nd r o j0in tho plo.t00n . During this ecti0nj he wc.s w0unO.ed,
but c0ntinued V0luntc.rily with his nissinn until it was c0npleted. Tho hor0ic
and j_nspiring loo.dorship displnyod by Sorgor::nt N0lo.n 0n this 0cc:J.si0n refl ect s
groat crodi t up0n hinsolf and th e n ili tC'ry service. Entered the nili t<>.ry sorvi co
fr0n Now Y0rk.
SERGE.:.NT BILLIE 11'1 ..·.RNOLD, Ri.l4330571, (tt,ori C0rp0rc.l), Infr:.ntry, United
Stc.t o s ...rny, n nosbcr 0f Tank C0npo.ny, 9tb Ir:f2.ntry Rcginent, 2d InfGilt:ry Divisirm, distinguished hinself by hor0ic r.cc icvenon t 0n 29' N0venber 1950 in tho
:;ricinity rof pugwrm, K0rec;:"" Tn +r r, 0n.rly r..rn·n.ing hnurs 0f-)'s.t d 2.to ho wo.s the
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101512
Reproduced at the National Archi~
_Ntlf> 3fifiot
SERGE.Al'l"T ROGER L LUKEiJ~i- :RJrL 7~20067L Infant:ryr 1Tnited States Army ; a r:w!llber
of _Company L, 23d Infentry Eeg imerct, 2d Jnf ::?E-'.;:r•y Di-riE'~.on: d.:!.s t in.gnishod hiJ:n-·
s e if by l:wroic achie vemen t on 1 6 8ojJ~c om':;l0r 1S50 near Cha:1gny0ng, · K<J r sa, Cn that
date .he; wa_y. the· l eader of o.n n,_,_tomatlc rifle 'toe;n in a company th at 1Nas at:tacking en emy 'p ositions al ong th3 Naktong ~i vo:r. During Jch1s ac~i on he was W01md od,
gu_t , . wi tl:J. cor;1plote · dis:c egard f or ?-is o~vn safety ,. he r afEs od mod ic al t:::'oatmo:ri.t
'anp. · c9ntinuod to direct tho fire 0f his men. ~:lh H o under 1ntcnse Gllemy slflal l
~;rms ·and machine gun fire~ he led his team ,to a p osi t:i on from whi. ch they succeeded · in de stroying an enemy machine gun. Tho horoic nnd inspi:c:i.ng loader .sh ip of
Serge ant L~ en on this occasion r ofl oc ts gr eat credit UIJ OD himself end the
military service , En t or od tho milit a ry so:rvico from South Dakota.
SERGEANT CL.A..'lliNCE L ·PAPKER. , R.Al4330561~ Infantry,. United bt atos Army~ 6.
membe r of ' Tank Company, 9th Infant ry RJL,ii-r.ont 1 20. Ir..f ant ry Division, dis tinguish·od himself by heroic e.chievcmor'-t on 29 I\'ovcmbcr 1 950 in t ho vicinity of ·pugwon,
Kor ea . In tho oa:rly morning h v'J.rs of that date he ;vas th o gunnc::r of · a _tank
thc t was supporting his r eg i ment i'n a r o2r guard act:;.on agair...st a numerically
superior enemy fo:cce . Tho tank ror;1<.1in:Jd in pQsition ar.d inflict od heavy ccsualti os upon the enemy unt il it was sot on fir o . Sor guan -1;; Parker, r:i th no thought
· for his saf e ty 1 expo s ed himself to tl10 int ense cnc!:ly fire to fight tho fir e th :c.t
was r aging on the roar dock of th~ t , _n k , dnng c rously close to tJ:10 emmunition
''We lls. After using both extinguish ers ~ he cttomptod to smother tho flcmo s wit h
his jacket, and rccoi vod s e v er a l burns in this action . Although unab l e to
compl oto ly extinguish tho firu, he ko~)t it undor crmtrnl.ur:.til tho tnnk roach e d
friendly li nes~ thereby undrmbtodly saving th e crew from being killed or Ce,p tur e d by th o or..cmy. Tho horois..'TI ar..d d e votion to duty displayed by Sorgoant
Par ker on t his occasion r of l 2ct gro~t credit upon hLmso l f and thu Armed Forces
of tho Ur...itod St e tos,_ Entered tho rn.ilik.ry service frnm North Carolina .
SERGE_~HT RICIIARD P SEE:RRY, RA12161985 , (then Cor po r a l), Infant ry, U:J.i ted
states Ar my , a member of company L, 23d I nfe.nt ry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division,
distinguished himself by heroic achievement on 16 Soptombcr 1950 noar Changnyong , Korea. On thc..t duto his com:>any yrns participatin:i'; in tne drive toward
tho Naktong Ri ';--cr. Tho support squad, of which he wo.s n member~ was cut off
from tho rost of tho pl<J.toon by n b::J.rr ct,O of o nemy mo:rtnr fire" Tho sqmd
l eader attGmptod to l c::d his mon back to tho nc.in clotncmts of tho p l n toono
D0:ring thi.s ac tion, tho squs.d l ondc;r was wounded by enemy fire O;."'ld Sergeant
81orry irrmodinto ly assQmcd COITh~Bnd of tho sqund . His compl e te indifference for
his snfcty t:;avu his men tho inspirat ion c.nd cx21!lp l e of courage tha t cnebled
them to fel l ow hin through th o int ense enemy fi r e to their p l rctonn positions .
His couragoous and aggr-.::ss ivo le ade rship wns ins trumontn l to tho SUCCOIJS of his
platoon.in accorep l ishing its r~ission . Tho h oroism disp~ayod by Sergear.t Sho rry
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101513
Reproduced at the National Archive~
- oo/t(p{ff?
\uthority .Ntlf>
·coRPOR.A.f.. THEonql{E . c ANDERSO~~, R4lJ~~-~ 57,q4l l';.+.r~antry, LTni :-~a. ~tatos. A>~~y, a .
member of To.nk Company' 9th Infa;J.t-r:-;f-.. RGt:;imcht' r' ·2if<· Infar.t.:ry n~.VJ..SlOn. ·· ~'hstm-­
29 NOY0!!1bor 1950 in;·:thti. vicirih;y·· of
guished himself by heroic achievom.cmt
loa:O: u ~ ·or
Pugwon, :kore·a. · In the early v:;.c.r·nin~ h0urs of the.t. da;,e · l1o v.ias
tank that was su~por:ting his . ::- 0 r;:: 111 .~)1t in [i roar: gu::J.rd ·:act~on agajn~:rt; ' a : numer­
ically superior onomy force. ·'I'ho ·.j.::.rJc I;emd~:ned in pobt:i.on ·and. inflicted heavy
casualties upon tho enemy 1:n ·r.~. l1t v;as E·'l+. (m f::re . Gorporal.A! i. d.e i·son, with
no thought for his Se.fety ., o:r.:p·.~.;~Gd :cii'r10::·Gi:c' -t;c: (:!Jf) in:tonsG encrny fii'8' to fight
the fire that was :-ag j.:2.g 0n -t:!.~o I'•.::u·.:· d ·..;ck ot' ~,1 : t i~n t<:: 9 dange.:-o·~s1y cinse to tho
ammunition wells? J'/.'~;...,r using 130-:.;h ·ex't:in,::~u:i.~ :·; ::·:: s; itc a·c +; millJ·t.o::t ·co smr.thor ·tho
flames with his jacl\ C ~? a:ld r cco :i7Cd ~oCVll.:-3..!... 1·ccns :i.ll this a ctic;n. LEthough
he was unable to colripie+;cly ertir..;u:i.sh tho f 2.re. rio .kq. ~ it unclo:L' c::..r1t-:::·ol until
the tank r oached frio::dly ·unos; 7,:;1cro'b y u...'1.d c.m'yte·.Ey scv:!.ng th-3 crew i'rom being
killed Or Captured hy the enemy < '.f'r~G b.oi:'o ism ari.d ft.J '7'0~ lC•n tO dt.!t { c'lisp:i.c.yod by
Corporal Anderson on th:is occasion r ::,floct groat r::red:It npc.n !J,Jcse2..f a .nd tho ·
Armed Fo:r·c es of the United Statoso Entered the mi1Hnry so:r.·vi:co f'L·om Pcnnsylvania.
PRIVATE FIRST CLA.SS ROBERT N FOGLE, R.Ai3303935~ Ini'antr:r :, Uni. tecl Sta.tos .
n member cf Cc·:nJ=:c.ll.y K 1 23d I~a::J.try R3g~~-:ccn-;;, 26. :Cctf'.::~ nt ry I:1.v:ision, dist inguishod hi.ffise lf by hc::.·oic ·achievement on 6 September 19J; n0ar "..:.,~:gsari 1 :Ko.:.'
r on. On the . niGht of that date he was a menbo.r of a forv-Ie.:rl llstc!' :i.r.g post
when an a ttack ty a nurr:.oric:.tlly superior onom.y forc ed his pl:;.tc,on to withdraw .
Private Fogle r emained in his position to fcr.nish co·;cring r'iro vvitl1 his machine
gun. Whon the res er ve sq_wd wi"~hd.row ~ ho l oft his posit ion to j o:ir; them. Obs erving that tho enocr.::r was dar:.gor:..;usly closo ~ he r e turn od to tr.e fc:c·ward position and rr.aintainod n continuo:.J.s t.aso o'!' o~fe;Cti're fire until t~e onemy was
pinned down. He thon m.c'rod to another position and continued to fire into the
advancing enemy until ho was sure that his plator:m h ad corr.pl etod. its withdrawal.
Th~ heroism and conpl·:?te d:..s:L 'ogard for his s Qi'oty disp2_ayed by Pri-.rato Fogle
on this occasion r af l 0c·t groc:1t crodi t upon hi.rr.self and thG mil i ta::"y service .
Bnterod the military service · f:ccm Ponnsyl va.'1in.
PRIVATE FIRST CLJLSS LAWF..Fl'JCE E S.i:.ITH JR ~ .RAl33317 45, Infan t:.r.-y, United
Stat es Army: a member C'f Co;~lpnn y B, 9th Infe.nh:y Rogi.!lent ~ 2d Infantry Division,
distinguishe d hirJ.solt' 'by hor-cic achiovcnent on 17 .A.ugust 1950 in tho vicinity
of Chnngnyong , :r:oroa. Nino .r.:oel:-ors of his ccGp .-~. .•. y wo re t:rup:pod in n ravino and
CO'lld nc.;t escape because of intense onony fire wl'1ich had them pinned down.
Private Smith voluntDer9d to attempt to load the mon to safety. Accompanied by
a c;ocn.· n.do he procoodod down th o hill oppcsito tho one on which tho enemy wore
entrcnr:-::te;d aJ:.d 1 in spHe of heavy hostile fir o ~ roached tho ambushed group . He
then led thc,LJ th:.r.-ough the rnvil:os aiding s cvcrn.l wc~.h"1d8d soldj_ors to safety. As
a rosul t of tis courageous londoT.ship tho or:t ird' grr:u.p v·as ext ri 3ated from a
perilous si-t'~ation.. · 'l'he h eroism displayed loy ?rivato S:nith on this occas ion
refl ects g .::-oat c~·odit upon hi..':lsolf and tho mili t;:t:fY scrvi-:;;o. Entered tho military service t'rom Virginia.
PRIV_t'fl''E F=BST GLASS C>SC.A...li. P Sv1ITH, R.Al43ll?GB ,· Infantry, LTni tGd States Army,
a member of Company D 1 9th.. Ini'antry Ro g:Ln:o nt; 2d Infantry Division,
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101514
Reproduced at the National Archiv<
_NIIf> ~I
- tJ..Vt (,{d?
~RIVATE FIRST CLASS LARRY E STEEA.RT, R.A24738977, Infantry, _United St~tos Army,
a mombor of Company D, 9th Infantry Regiment, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished
himself by heroic achievement on 29 Novombor 195o ncar Yongduchan, Korea. On that
dat e h e was a member of an outpost thq.t was supporting his battalion in a rear
guc.rd action against a numerically sup orior enemy force. IDospite intonso enemy
small arms and mortar fire, Pri vato Stewart re!Ihinod in position, with no thought
for his safety, until he had exhausted his aJJ1Illunitioi1 end was forced to withdraw.
His courngo and detorminat ion in tho face· of overwhelming odds c.idod greatly in:
the successful withdrawal of his battalion with a minimum of casualtie s. Tho
ho r'~ism' displayed by Private Stewart on this occasion r efle cts great credit upon
himself and tho military sorvico. Entorod tho military service from Tennessee.
PRIVATE FIRST CLASS CURTIS l,i WATKms, RA1431950l, Inf antry, United Sta tes
Army, a member of Company D, 9th Infantry Ro g 1:nont, 2d Infantry Division, distinguished hims elf by h eroic nchicvomont rm 29 N0vombor 1950 near Y0ngduchen,
Korea . On that date hq :v.os a mombor nf an outpost thut was supporting h is
·ba tt alion 'in a r oar guard a ct ion a.::;;::tin st c: numori cally supc;r ior enemy forco.
Dospi to intense anomy small a rms and mnrt c.r f ire , Pri vat o H:::tkins remained in
pos ition, with no thought for his safety, until ho oxhaust od his ammunition c.nd
was forced to withdraw. His . coure~u end do t ormir..ation in tho face of over wh elm ing
odds a ided greatly in tho succe ssful withdrawal of his ba tt al ion with a ninimum
of casualti es . Tho h eroism displayed by Priva t e V~tkins on this ncc asi0n r ef l ects
grca t cred it upon hinself and tho military s ervic e . Entered tho military service
fr om Mississippi.
Sccti0n IV
Secretary of tho- Army, under tho provisi0ns 0f paragraph ~0, &~6r0-45, tho
Commendation Ribbon with Metal p endGnt f0r meritorious service during the pcri0d
indieatod is nwardod t0 tho foll0wing ll21i1Cd enlistod non:
MASTER SERGEANT RUSSELL D HARRmGTON, RA6564413, Signal Corps; United .States
Army , 2d Signal Company, 2d I nfantry Division, from 16 August 1950 to 2 November
19 50 . Entorod tho nilitnry s ervic e from Vlashingt0n.
SERGEANT FIRST CLASS JULIUS L C\JNiHNGHAlvl , RA39596381, Art illory, Uni_tod States .Army , HeadquGrtors BGtt ory, 503d Fi eld Artillery Battali0n, 2d Infantry
Divisi0n, f rom 20 Aup;nst 19!)() tc) ?. :3 S.:; lJI;onbn r 1950. Entered tho military service
fr om Ca lif orn iG.5
Korean War Project 2ID General Orders - 01101515