May-August 2016 - St. Martha Catholic Church


May-August 2016 - St. Martha Catholic Church
M ay/June /July/Au g u st 2016
Cat hol ic C hu r c h of K ing wo od
A Letter From Our Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
In This Issue
Opening The Doors
St. Martha RCIA News
St. Martha Catholic School
Counting Our Blessings
Counting Our Blessings
Counting Our Blessings
Counting Our Blessings
During the weeks after Easter we have witnessed many works of the Holy Spirit here in
our parish of St. Martha. Nearly 400 children
have made their First Communion at Sunday
Mass surrounded by their families. Almost 200
of our teens received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Our faith formation staff have labored
long hours to make these events special moments of faith for our young people and their
parents. We are truly blessed to have such dedicated teachers, catechists, and coordinators of
our sacramental programs!
We are especially grateful to those who
have responded to the call of the Holy Spirit to
serve the Church as ordained leaders. Michael
Applegate (from St. Martha) and Michael McFall (who served his pastoral internship here)
were both ordained to the transitional diaconate
on May 14th. We eagerly await their ordination
to the priesthood in 2017. On June 4th Xavier
David Bilavendiran (who also did his pastoral
internship at St. Martha) will be ordained a
priest for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. In July we look forward to the return of Fr.
David Angelino from Rome where he has been
completing his theological studies. Fr. David
will receive his first pastoral assignment as a
parochial vicar to one of our Houston parishes.
In addition we got word from our Office of Vocations that Jeremy Mann has been accepted as
a seminarian for the archdiocese and will begin
his studies for the priesthood in the Fall. Thank
all of you for your prayers for vocations!
The staff of St. Mary’s Seminary has asked
us to be a “teaching parish” for another seminarian this coming academic year. David Mi-
chael Moses will arrive in September and begin
his pastoral internship with us. He is a bright
young man filled with energy and a passion for
serving the Lord. We will have him involved in
many ministries at St. Martha so that he can experience first-hand what the life and ministry of
a parish priest is all about. He will work at our
school, assist with young adult ministry, help
with liturgical ministries, and simply be around
to serve in any way that he can. We are excited
about having seminarian David Michael with us
full-time through May of 2017.
Recently we received the report from Catholic Leadership Institute on the parish survey
(the Disciple Maker Index) which many of you
completed in January. The results indicate that
we are indeed a Spirit-filled parish with many
excellent programs and dedicated ministry
leaders. There are also important areas where
we can grow and improve. In July the staff and
I will focus on pastoral planning and use the
data from this survey to provide a more engaging Sunday Mass experience, help our preaching connect to everyday life, enhance our overall communication to parishioners, and promote
a greater sense of welcome to all who join us at
St. Martha. I want to assure you that we have
heard you and we want to utilize your input
to help all of us grow in our personal relationship with God. Thank you for taking the time to
share your critical insights with us!
Fr. Chester Borski
Cathol ic C h u r c h
of K ingwood
Opening The Doors
“The jubilee means to let the Lord come in and go out.”
-Pope Francis-
uring this Year of Mercy, Pope Francis has been continually reminding us that we need to “open the doors”
in our lives. This is both to let God’s love and mercy in, and
to let God take us out into the world to share his love and
mercy with others. We must always be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit, who continually breathes new life
into us and draws us ever closer to Christ.
So far, this Year of Mercy has been an exciting time for
St. Martha Youth Ministry, providing us with many opportunities to grow and reflect on how best to serve the youth
of our parish. We are exploring new ways to help our young
people encounter Christ, including Bible studies, discipleship groups, retreats, and more. We want to be sure that
young people at all stages of their faith journey feel welcome
here and are able to deepen their relationship with God.
One of the most significant
changes in our Youth Ministry
program this year has been the
addition of a new member of our
team: Ana Leija! Since September,
she has been serving as our Confirmation Coordinator and Associate Youth Minister. Ana brings so
many gifts to our Youth Ministry
program, and has already had a
transformative effect on the lives
of so many at St. Martha. If you
see her around, be sure to take the
time to introduce yourself and get to know her!
This summer, the Youth Ministry team will be busy with
a ton of summer activities, and will be hard at work putting
together some amazing new things for next year. If you would
like to stay up-to-date with everything that is going on, you
can e-mail Lisa Hartsfield at [email protected] for Middle
School or Laura Gallardo at [email protected] for High
School to be added to our email lists!
For More Information Contact Laura Gallardo at
[email protected] / (281) 358-1959 ext. 252
¤ S.H.I.N.E. Mission Trip
(June 20 – 25)
Our teens will be spending a week in Lake
Charles, LA serving members of the community
who are in need.
¤ Steubenville Youth Conference
(July 7 – 11)
We will be traveling to Springfield, MO to join
more than 3,000 teens from across the nation in
worship and to grow deeper in faith.
¤ Archdiocesan Youth Conference
(July 29 – 31)
Together with Cardinal DiNardo and more than 2,000
teens from throughout our Archdiocese of
Galveston-Houston, we will experience Christ.
For More Information Contact Lisa Hartsfield at
[email protected] / (281) 358-1959 ext. 241
¤ Middle School Mission Week
(June 13 – 17)
Based at St. Martha, students entering 6th and 7th
grade will spend time serving in the
Kingwood/Humble area in an experience filled
with fellowship and faith.
¤ Service Tuesdays
(Tuesdays from June 28 – July 19)
To continue our service experience, students get a
chance to go out again to help in our community
on Tuesday Mornings.
¤ Edge Night Extravaganza
(July 25)
A taste of Edge Night with hours and hours of
more fun!
M ay - Aug. 2016
St. Martha RCIA News
Please welcome those who entered the Church through
Baptism at the Easter Vigil Service on Saturday, March 26,
2016: Marvin Brandon, Rusty McEacharn, Kaelynn Cisneros,
Ana Olvera, Chelsey Dobesh, Sara Orellanos, Gregg Drewelow,
Carlos Rodriguez, Bryan Hess, Alexandra Roe, Anthony Love
and Doug Taylor. Also, please welcome those who entered into
Full Communion through Eucharist and Confirmation during
the Easter Vigil Service on Saturday, March 26, 2016: Norma
Cisneros, Annie Irizarry, Jordan & Rachel Devaty, Emily Lockard, John Dillon, Magnolia Martinez, Brent Eldridge, Emily
Velazquez Roth, Jessica & John Garcille, Francisco Rubio, Jesus Gomez, Daniel Tovar, Toni Haywood-Watson, April Venegas and Karen Holt. “So then you are no longer strangers and
sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and
members of the household of God.” Ephesians 2:19
Are you interested in looking into the Catholic Church or
completing your Sacraments? The RCIA could be your answer! RCIA is a process for adults: unbaptized and those baptized in another Christian faith
• Who wish to know more about the Catholic faith
• For Catholics who need to complete their sacraments of
Eucharist and Confirmation
Our Inquirer groups begin in February, June and October.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Charles or Lisa Ferguson at the RCIA office via email at:
[email protected] or call 281-713-8972 x258.
“Behold, I stand at the door and knock; If anyone hears My
voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine
with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20
A Sponsor`s Story... I am a cradle Catholic from Pakistan.
After graduation and acquiring my Teacher’s Certification, I
was able to secure employment in Kuwait; however, in this
Islamic country, we were not able to have a RCIA program in
our parish.
We moved to beautiful America in 2001, and it was here,
that I first heard about the RCIA program. When the RCIA
community expressed a need for sponsors, I decided to join.
After I attended the first meeting, I felt that I was drawn to this
ministry. Ever since that first meeting, I have been a sponsor
at St. Laurence Catholic Church in Sugarland, TX.
When we moved to Kingwood in June 2015 and started to attend Mass at St. Martha`s, I was thrilled to read in the bulletin,
that the RCIA program needed sponsors. I contacted Colette
Levesque, the sponsor team contact, immediately. She was
very kind and helpful and answered all my questions.
I wanted to share with everyone that as a Sponsor, I receive more than I give. Even as a Sponsor, I learn something
new every week. The speakers are amazingly inspirational
and distinguished. They have great resources such as Msgr.
Chester Borski, Fr. Richard McNeillie, RCIA team members,
videos and others resources. Watching these amazing resources allowed me to grow in my faith while experiencing God
through the many wonderful people at St. Martha`s. It is a
great privilege and an honor to walk with someone on their
Journey of Faith while strengthening our own.
God Bless, Agnes Fernandes
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have,
for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16
Looking to share your faith with incoming Catholics
at St. Martha’s? Volunteer to be a SPONSOR!!!
We are always looking for Sponsors to act as mentors by
introducing the RCIA participants to parish life and accompanying them on their journey as a friend. Sponsors do not teach
the material!
To be a sponsor you need to be a practicing Catholic who
has received all sacraments of Initiation.
For more information on becoming a Sponsor please call:
Colette Levesque at 281-359-8197 or the RCIA office at 281713-8972 x 258, or send us an email: [email protected].
Please read the following letter by a Sponsor from our
RCIA Program.
Not ready to be a Sponsor but still want to help?
Help us feed the hearts, minds, souls, and STOMACHS of
those on their faith journey through RCIA. Each week before
our meetings, we share a meal with those who are in the RCIA
program. We are looking for individuals or ministries, to prepare or donate a meal or meals to RCIA.
For more information on how you can help, please contact
Nancy Ragland at [email protected] or 281-460-7004
or send an email to the RCIA office at [email protected] or
call 281-713-8972 x258.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty
and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Mathew 25:35
Cathol ic C h u r c h
of K ingwood
St. Martha Catholic School
Divina Baca
Kayla Benedict
Harrison Berube
Madison Bezner
Darby Brown
Christopher Cardenas
Brandon Castaneda
Natalie Castillo
Claire Davis
Tanner Ebrahim
Makenna Eccles
Chloe Evangelista-Ysasaga
Grace Garwood
Sara Geiger
Robert Henry
A.J. Holden
Allison Anne Huchingson
Jackson Jamieson
Ronan Keeler
Peter Kreit
Jackson Landry
Mary Therese Leake
Emily Mack
Abbigale Martin
Chrissy Munafo
Isabella Padula
Matthew Payne
William Pradel
Heather Richter
Christian Ripp
Brianna Rodriguez
Armando Selva
Hannah Simons
Daniella Stevanato
Robert Vara
Adriana Vargas-Cortes
Cristina Villalobos
Madison Whitfield
Congratulations, Class of 2016!
On May 27, 2016, SMCS commemorated the graduation of 38 students during a Mass celebrated by Msgr. Borski, followed by a reception honoring the graduates and their families. Our
students who have become family as they learned, worshipped, and matured into young adults
together will continue their education at Incarnate Word Academy,
St. Agnes Academy, St. Pius X Catholic, St. Thomas Catholic, Frassati Catholic, Hargrave,
Porter, Kingwood Park and Kingwood high schools. The staff and families of SMCS wish all
our graduates the best and pray that they will continue to grow in mind, heart and spirit as they
continue their education and spiritual journey. Thank you to the parents of these graduates for entrusting their children to SMCS and to our wonderful school and parish families for their strong
commitment and generous support of Catholic education.
St. Martha Catholic School provides a quality education, sharing in the total
Catholic formation of each person by developing mind, heart and spirit through:
• A curriculum which builds strong academic skills, Catholic values and moral
character in a safe, secure, and caring environment.
• Weekly Mass and involvement of our parish priests in many of our school activities.
• Excellent extracurricular activities including an athletics program, School Mass
Choir, Drama Club, Chess Team, Chess Club, Bravo Band, Spanish Club, Rosary
Guild, Student Council, National Jr. BETA Club, Student Ambassadors Club,
Yearbook Club, and many other student and family activities.
Limited Openings for the 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR!
Visit our school website at for more information
or contact Registrar Jodie Richter at [email protected].
School Office Summer Hours: June 6 – July 22 * T-W-TH only * 8 a.m. – 12 noon
(Closed July 5)
M ay - Aug. 2016
Thank you to the following families who
have pledged support towards the counting our blessings campaign
Gracias a las siguientes families que ya
han entregado su compromiso para la
campaña contando nuestras bendiciones
As of May 19, 2016
All Donors who wish to remain
Mr. & Mrs. David Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. William Abler
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Acosta
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Acosta
Sandra Adams
Mr. Drew Aegerter
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Aegerter
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Afdahl
Mr. & Mrs. Coy Akers
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Albright
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Alexander
Ms. Christine Allen
Mr. & Mrs. John Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Alley
Mr. & Mrs. James Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Allison
Idania Amarillas
Mr. & Mrs. James Amoruso
Ms. Paula Amsler
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Anderegg
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Andrepont
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Antenangeli
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Anyikam
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Applegate
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Applegate
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Arcement
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Arceneaux
Sandra Armendariz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. R.G. Ashton
Mr. & Mrs. Laurin Aspinall
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Auber
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Auzenne
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Avery
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Babich
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Baker
Mr. & Mrs. George Balinsky
Ms. Marilyn Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Baltz
Ms. Junaluz Baradas
The Barbosa Family
Mr. & Mrs. George Barile
Mr. & Mrs. George Barineau
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Barnhill
Mr. & Mrs. John Barrett
Ms. Carol Bateman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Batterton
Mr. Raymond Baudier, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Baumeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beck
Mr. William Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Beckham, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Bednar
Mr. David Beeler
Mr. & Mrs. David Bell
Mr. & Mrs. William Bella
Mr. & Mrs. David Bellah
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Belteau
Mr. & Mrs. John Bena
Lon Benedict
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Benigno
Mr. & Mrs. George Benoit
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Benvegnu
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Berens
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Bergeron
Mr. Joe Bergmeister
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Berkovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Bertrand
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Biancardi
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Biggs
Ms. Judy Bigon & Ms. Angela Perez
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bilnoski, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Binckley
Mr. James Black
Mr. Robert J. Black
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Blanco
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Blattel
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bloch
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Boice
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boone, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bordes
Rev. Chester Borski
Mr. & Mrs. Remo Boschian
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. David Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Braden
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Brandon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brandt
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Braud
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Breidenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brice
Mr. & Mrs. R. Bruce Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Briones
Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Brizuela
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Brochu
Mr. & Mrs. John Broussard
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Broussard
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brovarone
Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Brown
Ms. Mary Margaret Broyles
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Buchta
Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Buck
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Budde
Mr. & Mrs. John Buerkett
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Bullen
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Burckhardt
Mr. & Mrs. William Burk
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burns
Mr. & Mrs. John Bush
Betty Bustin
Ms. Sandra Butaud
Ms. Patricia R. Buttermore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Butts
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Bynum, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Cain
Mr. & Mrs. William Callahan
Mrs. Gladys Calongne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Campisi
Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Canales
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Capriotti
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cardamone
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cardell
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cardella
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carey
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Carey, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Carlson
Mrs. Colleen Carpenter
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Carr, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carroll &
Mary Yamel
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Carsrud
Ms. Denise Caruselle
Mr. & Mrs. Noe Casanova, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Cason, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Castillo
Mr. & Mrs. Homero Castillo
Mr. Juan Jose Guerrero Castro
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Cataline
Catholic Daughters Of The Americas
Court Of St. Martha
Mr. & Mrs. Javier Cerda
Mr. Mark Cernigliano
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Cervi
Mr. & Mrs. George Champagne
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Chapin
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. William Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. William Chesnut
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Childre
Mr. & Mrs. John Christman, II
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Christy
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Chrzanowski
Mr. & Mrs. David Churchwell
Mr. & Mrs. George Ciotti
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Claassen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clancy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clark
Mrs. Josie Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Clark
Ms. Margaret Clay
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Clements, III
Mr. & Mrs. Royce Click
Mrs. Shawn Coble
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Coligado
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Comeaux
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Conlan
Mrs. Charlene Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Connelly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Conroy
Mrs. Eleanor Cook
Mr. Matthew Cooke
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Copeland
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Core
Mr. & Mrs. George Coronado
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge Cotte
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Courrege
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Crass
Mr. & Mrs. William Creel
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Crenshaw
Mr. & Mrs. John Cross
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Crosswait
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cruze
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Csengery
Mrs. Venus Cuadra
Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Cumella
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Cumento
Mrs. Barbara Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Cupelli
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Curry
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Cyboran
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Czubik
Ms. Laura D’Antoni
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Daciek
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dahm
Mr. & Mrs. James Daigre
Mr. John Daily
Mr. & Mrs. David Daleiden
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Dancsak
Mr. & Mrs. Hai Dang & Thuy Tran
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Darcey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Darst, Sr.
Mr. George Dassing
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Davila
Mr. Al Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Davis
Mr. Joseph Dawson
Ms. Olga Daza
Mr. & Mrs. Michael De La Cruz
Mr. & Mrs. Juan De La Torre
Mr. Ronald Deane & Ms. Mary Ellen
Mr. & Mrs. Tom DeBoise
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Deitz
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Delafosse
Ms. Nora DelBosque & Ms. Donna
Ms. Eleanora Deleon
Ms. Ashley Delgado
Mr. & Mrs. Reggie Delgado
Mr. & Mrs. Mahlon Dennis
Ms. Dianne Dentler
Mr. & Mrs. Giro DePrimo
Mr. & Mrs. William Dermott
Mr. & Mrs. John Derr
Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeScioli
Mr. & Mrs. William Deubner
Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Devaty
Mr. A. Patrick Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Diamond
Mr. & Mrs. Al Diaz
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. Shanon DiSorbo
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dodge
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Doise
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ray Dolan
Mr. Lynn Domingues
Mrs. Irene Dornak
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dossey
Mr. & Mrs. Maxime Douge
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dow
Mr. Robert Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Drake
Mr. & Mrs. David Drummond
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Duin
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Dukes
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dumesnil, III
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Duplechain
Mr. Glenn Duplechin
Mr. & Mrs. James Durnin
Ms. Stacie Eakin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Eandi
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Easterling
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ebersbaker
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Eckman
Mr. & Mrs. Winlove Eduarte
Mr. David Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. John Ehlers, II
Mr. & Mrs. John Ehlig
Mr. & Mrs. John Ehrman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Eichamer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Eisenach
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Eldridge
Mr. & Mrs. John Erbel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Erikson
Mrs. Oralia Espinosa
Ms. Dora Espinoza
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Espree
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Estess
Mr. & Mrs. John Evans
Mrs. Sandra Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Everett
Mr. & Mrs. James Evrard
Mr. & Mrs. Aristedes Extra
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fahrenthold
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Falgout
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Falleri
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Farace
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Farias
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Farmer
Mr. & Mrs. Mathias Fehn
Continued on page 6
Cathol ic C h u r c h
of K ingwood
Continued form page 5
Ms. Carol Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ferguson
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Fernandez
Mr. Michael Ferris
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fetterman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fitzgerald
Mrs. Florence Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Flickinger
Juan Diego Flores
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Fodo
Mrs. Colette Foley
Mr. A. Russell Ford
Mr. & Mrs. William Ford
Mr. & Mrs. John Forys
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Fraissinet
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Francis
Ms. Mary Jane Franey
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frantz, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fulkerson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Futterer
Mr. & Mrs. John Gabrisch
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gadda
Mr. & Mrs. Marco Galizioli
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gallagher
Elizabeth Galvan
Mr. & Mrs. Ernesto Galvan &
Olivia Trevino
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Gamez
Mrs. Alma Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Jesus Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Garcia
Mr. Charles Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Garland
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gaspard
Mr. Robert Gastorf
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gawlikowski
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Gay
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Gearhart
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gearhart
Mrs. Frances Gebert
Ms. Joyce Gekeler
Ms. Evelyn Gelera
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Geohegan
Mr. William George, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Giacobbe
Mrs. Patricia Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Gilchrist
Mr. & Mrs. E. John Gilley
Mr. & Mrs. James Gilligan
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Girolamo
Craig Glasco & Prajakti Bokil
Ms. Suzy Goad-Goodenough
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gobbi
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Goll
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Gomez
Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Gonzales
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Gonzales
Ana Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Javier Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. James Gosney
Ms. Gloria Gowan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grab
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Grajek
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gredvig
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gregory
Ms. Maria Gridley
Mrs. Ruth Grimm
Mr. & Mrs. John Gross
Marguerita Guerra
Mr. Joel Guichard, III
Mr. & Mrs. Julien Guillory
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Guillory
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Guillotte
Mr. & Mrs. Darien Gurka
Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Gutierrez
Mr. & Mrs. Gonzalo Gutierrez
Ms. Marina Guzowska
Mr. & Mrs. Jean Paul Hacker, III
Mr. & Mrs. William Hagood, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Hahn
Ms. Eileen Hale
Mrs. Elizabeth Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Halleck
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hamilton, Jr.
Mr. Donald Hamlin
Mr. & Mrs. Shingi Hamm
Mr. & Mrs. John Haney, Jr.
Mrs. Margareta Harlan
Mr. & Mrs. John Harran
Ginger Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Harris
Ms. Wilholmina Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hartsfield
Mr. & Mrs. David Hatrel
Mr. Robert Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hawkins
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Hawley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haydel
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hays
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hebert
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Heckaman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Heffernan
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Hegwood
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Heinrich
Mrs. Jane Hemberger
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Henke
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Henrich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henry
Ms. Julie Heppler
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hergenrother
Ismael Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Hernandez
Mr. Victor Hernandez & Ms.
Hortencia Jaimes
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Herr
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Herron
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hill
Mr. & Mrs. James Himanga
Mr. & Mrs. Eradio Hinojosa
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Hinojosa
Ms. Terry Hlavenka
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hluza
Mrs. Jill Hobbs
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Hodges
Mr. Roger Hoff
Mr. & Mrs. Johnnie Hoffman, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Hogan
Mrs. Gayle Hogwood
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hojnacki
Holiday Giving 2016
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Holley
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Holm
Mr. & Mrs. Archie Holub
Mrs. Annunciata Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. John Hottovy
Ms. Mary Howard
Ms. Mary E Howard
Mr. Fernando Hualde & Ms. Cristina
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Huberty
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Hundl, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. David Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. James Hurlbert
Mr. & Mrs. David Hurst
Ms. Juanita Hurt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hutchison
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hyler
Mr. & Mrs. John Igoe
Ms. Gwendolyn Ilagan
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Immel
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Imperato
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Israel
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Ray James
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Janes
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Jaramillo
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jardine
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Jasinski
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jeansonne
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jeansonne
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Jimerson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Johnson
Mr. Charles Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. James Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Jost
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Judson
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Julian
Mr. & Mrs. James Jumawan
Mr. & Mrs. Dominik Kacprzak
Mr. & Mrs. James Kaden
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kainer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kansas
Mr. & Mrs. Merrith Karl, III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Karpinski
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Katz
Mr. & Mrs. John Keates
Mr. John Keelen
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Keeler
Mrs. Christy Keeling
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kehres
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Kelly & Michelle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. George Keogh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kevlin
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kidd
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Kirchner
Mr. Gene Kirsch, Jr.
Ms. Maria Celeste Kissling
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Kite
Mr. & Mrs. David Kluborg
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Knapschaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Knecht, Jr.
Knights Of Columbus Council
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kogucki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Komosinski
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Konerza
Mr. & Mrs. David Korry
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Koza
Mr. & Mrs. Micheal Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Camil Kreit
Mr. & Mrs. John Kristoff
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Krutilek
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kuehler
Mr. Dale Kuntz
Mrs. Elsie Kupstas
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald LaBelle
Mr. & Mrs. Edward LaCour
Mr. & Mrs. Julio Lago
Ms. Janice Laity
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Landgrover
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Landry, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Les Landry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Landvogt
Ms. Aurora Lanzona
Mr. Tony LaRosa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lastousky
Mrs. Paul Latz
Ms. Patricia Laurora
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Macedonio Lazo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Ledet
Mr. & Mrs. Winston Ledet
Mr. & Mrs. James Leedham
Mr. & Mrs. David Lenahan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lenihan
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Leopold
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Levesque
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Lewis
Mrs. Carla Lewton
Mr. Antonio Lezama
Mr. Ray Lightell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Linder
Ms. Sara Lindley
Ms. Diane Lippiello
Mr. & Mrs. John Lockard
Mr. & Mrs. Grant Loper
Adelina Lopez
Miguel Lopez & Haylea Becknell
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Lopez
Mr. Dennis Losavio
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Loup
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lowell
Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Loyman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lozano
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Luhrs
Jose V. Rios Luna
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Luszcz
Mr. Thomas Lyda
Mr. D.P. Lyday
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. David Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Adam MacLuckie
Mrs. Margaret Ann Madden
Mr. & Mrs. Don Madere
Mr. & Mrs. Donal Mageean
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Maggio
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Maher
Mr. & Mrs. James Mahoney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Maldonado
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Maly
Mr. Jeremy Mann
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Manning
Mrs. Patricia Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Mannix
Ms. Ermelinda Daponte Manon
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Manry
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Mansfield
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Mantei
Mr. & Mrs. David Mantey
Mr. Wayne Marek
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marian
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Marione
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Marshall
Yajaira Medina- Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Marten
Mr. & Mrs. David Martin
Mr. William Martin
Ms. Leydiana Martinez
Mr. Sesario Sanches & Mrs. Maria
Mr. & Mrs. John Mason
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Matherne
Ms. Lori Matherne
Ms. Elizabeth Kathleen Mathis Goerner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Matula
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Matulia
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mc Dermott
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mc Donald, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Mc Govern
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mc Keon
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Mc Manus
Mr. & Mrs. Jacques Mc Millen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert McAndrews, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan McAnulty
Mr. & Mrs. William McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCarthy
Mr. Dennis McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McGinnis
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McGuffey
Mr. & Mrs. Matt McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Philip McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Sal McLemore
Mr. & Mrs. John McNally
Rev. Richard McNeillie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meeuwsen
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Mehring
Mr. & Mrs. Milo Meixell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Menard
Ms. Olga Mendez
Mrs. Ellen F. Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Micheletti
Ms. Helen Michelini
Mr. & Mrs. John Mikan
Mr. & Mrs. Henrik Mikuta
Mr. Thomas Milburn & Ms. Michelle
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Miller
Mr. Louis Miller
Mrs. Theresa Miller
Mr. & Mrs. James Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Mize
Mr. & Mrs. John Mizell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Molaison, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Marisol Molina
Mr. & Mrs. William Monks
Mr. & Mrs. William Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Diego Montiel
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Moore
Ms. Esther Moore
Mr. & Mrs. James Moore
M ay - Aug. 2016
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Moore
Ms. Katherine Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Morales
Linda Morales
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Morales
Mr. & Mrs. Fidel Moreno
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Moseman
Mr. & Mrs. William Mosser
Mr. & Mrs. Antony Moulds
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Muck
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Mullenix
Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Muller
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murphy, II
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Murphy
Mrs. Mary Irene Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Murray
Mrs. Iris Natal
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Nava & Nancy
Mrs. Mary Kathleen Nevin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Jed Niederer
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nielsen
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Nikel
Mr. Charles Niziol
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Noack
Mr. & Mrs. Roderic Noonan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Norris
Ms. Marilyn Northcutt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Norton
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Novosad
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nugent
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Nusbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Martin O’ Brien
Mrs. Janet O’ Quinn
Mr. Al O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Donald O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Burke
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Hern
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Toole
Mrs. Linda O’Toole
Ms. Adriana Oblemenco
Mr. And Mrs. Chuedu Odo
Mr. & Mrs. Shane Olano
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Olive, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Organ
Mr. & Mrs. William Orr
Mr. & Mrs. John Orth
Carmela Ortiz
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Oviyach
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Paez
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pagano
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Page
Ms. Patsy Panek
Mrs. Gloria Pantazis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Paradowski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Parent, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Parish
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Parker
Sandy Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Parra
Ms. Conchita Parson
Rev. Nicolas Pasadilla
Mr. & Mrs. August Pasquini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pasquini
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Patton
Mr. & Mrs. Klaus Paul
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Pavlick
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pekar
Mr. Luis Torres & Maria Pena
Juan C. Peralta
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Perdue
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Petersen
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harding Philipp
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Philipp
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. William Phillips
Mr. Blair Phillis & Ms. Krista Parma
Mr. & Mrs. Slawomir Piankowski
Mr. & Mrs. James Piccione
Mr. & Mrs. James Piccione
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Pickard
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Pietrocarlo
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Piraino
Ms. Sonia Pires
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pisklak
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Pisklak
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Plesko
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Plumberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Polarek
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Poli
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Pomberg
Mr. & Mrs. David Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Pottlitzer
Mr. & Mrs. David Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pradel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Pradel, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pratka
Mr. & Mrs. Wayde Prejean
Mr. & Mrs. John Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Preston
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Primeaux
Mr. & Mrs. David Protasi
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Prucha
Mr. Steven Prusak
Mr. & Mrs. Guy Puglia
Mrs. Ann Purcell
Ms. Mary Lou Purello
Ms. Joanne Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Quinn
Ms. Dolores Quintero
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rabalais
Valentin Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Raney
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Raymond, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reilly
Mrs. Kathryn Ann Remkes
Mr. Charles Reny
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rexer
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Richard
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Richards
Ms. Lisa Rielag
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rigamonti
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Rinando, III
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ripp
Mr. & Mrs. George Rittenhouse, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret Mary Rittenhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Guadalupe Rivas
Mr. & Mrs. R.T. Rivero
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Robichaux
Mr. & Mrs. Arturo Rocha
Ms. Martha Rocha
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rock
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rodine
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Rodriguez
Ms. Ellen Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. James Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Jose Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Julio Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Ramiro Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Rolstad
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rosato
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Roseland
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rosenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rosenwinkel
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Bruce Roth
Mrs. Sondra Rothe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rozum
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Rubio-Alvarez
Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Rucka
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Rueby
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Ruggles
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Ruppert
Mr. & Mrs. John Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Russo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruzensky
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Rybinski
Mr. & Mrs. John Saladino
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Salazar
Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Salazar
Mr. Samuel Salazar
Mr. & Mrs. Saul Salazar
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. John Santos
Mr. Leonard Sarman
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Sarman
Ms. Margaret Saucedo
Mr. & Mrs. Milan Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Savoie
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schaaf
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schafer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scheper
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schikal
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schleigh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schmidt
Mrs. Michele Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schmidt, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. David Schod
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Schuelke
Mr. & Mrs. William Schulze
Deacon John Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Scott
Mr. & Mrs. James Seadler
Mr. & Mrs. John Sedlak
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Segura
Mr. & Mrs. John Seitz
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Self
Ms. Kristi Selva
Mr. & Mrs. Vinai Sermpol
Mr. & Mrs. Angel Serrano
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Setser
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sexton
Mr. Michael Shannon
Mrs. Victoria Shannon
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shelton
Ms. Angela Shepherd
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Showers
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Shuff
Mr. & Mrs. James Shupak, Sr.
Tamara Shurtleff
Mr. & Mrs. Arnel Sia
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Silk
Mr. & Mrs. William Simister
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. John Simonetti, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Simons
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Skufca
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Skuldt
Mr. Mark Slusz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Smalley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smesny
Ms. Deidra Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Duane Sobczak
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sobus
Inocencio Sochil
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Sofronas
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Sokol
Mrs. Estella Somers
Mr. John Sorrentino, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Spartz
Mrs. Dolores Speaker
Mr. & Mrs. William Spijkerman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spiro
Mr. Alex Sponaugle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sponaugle
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Sproles
St. Joseph Helpers
St. Martha’s Quilt Ministry
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Standley
Mr. & Mrs. John Stanton
Mr. & Mrs. James Steffes
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Stephen
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens, III
Mr. & Mrs. James Stevens, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Stibora
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Stierman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stolarz
Ms. Irene Storkan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stuntz
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Suggs
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sullivan
Ms. Linda Sullivan
Ms. Jamie Sutherland
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sword
Mrs. Pauline Symon
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Szoeke
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Szymanski
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Tavares
Mr. & Mrs. James Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Porter Taylor
Taylors 50th Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Tendorf
Mr. & Mrs. David Terrace
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Terry
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Theis
Mrs. Brigitte Therivel
Mrs. Joseph Thirolf
Mr. & Mrs. William Thomas
Ms. Claire Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenny Tidwell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tillotson
Ms. Catherine Tilson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Tilson
Ms. Nancy Timothy
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Timpanaro
Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Tinsley
Ms. Audrey I Toker
Ms. Claire Tomlinson
Mr. & Mrs. Garland Tong
Omar Alejandro Tovar & Guadalupe
Yaneth Carrillo
Ms. Judy Trahan
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Trapp
Mr. & Mrs. John Treckman
Mr. & Mrs. Fermin Trevino, III
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Truglio
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Trumper
Ms. Elizabeth Turba
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Turegano, II
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Ulloa
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Uhlman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Unger
Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Untalan
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Valdez
Mr. Francis Valenza
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Valenza
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Van Dinter
Mr. & Mrs. David Van Horn
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Vandenbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Vanderhei
Gloria Vargas
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Vega
Ms. Beatriz Vera de Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Verhalen
Mr. & Mrs. Drew Verret
Mr. & Mrs. John Vickers
Mr. & Mrs. Juan Villanueva
Mr. & Mrs. Dominique Villarreal
Mr. Hector Villegas, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Villella
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vitols
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Vollmer
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Voltmann
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Von Escher
Ms. Marlene Vuitel
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Waguespack
Mr. & Mrs. David Walker
Marion Walkoviak
Mr. & Mrs. Carlin Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Walters
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ward
Mr. & Mrs. John Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Ware
Mr. David Warfield
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Waring
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Warnack
Mr. & Mrs. James Waterfallen, II
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Watkins
Mr. & Mrs. Max Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Weber
Mr. Albert Wehe & Mrs. Peggy Carter
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Ms. Kathleen Weigand
Mr. & Mrs. David Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Welsh
Mr. & Mrs. John Wemyss
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Wesley
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew West
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wetherold
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Whalen
Ms. Hyunsuk Whang
Mr. & Mrs. Trey Whitley
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Whitmer
Mr. & Mrs. Boguslaw Wiecek
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilcox
Ms. Monica Wilhelm
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Williams
Ms. Mary Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Williamson
Mr. Jay Willson
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Winslow
Mr. & Mrs. John Winter
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Wojcik
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Wolfe
Adena Woods
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Woody
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wrobleski
Mr. & Mrs. Bernardino Yanes &
Pastora Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Yazinski &
Marlene Keilman
Mrs. Norma Ybarbo
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Yepsen
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Young
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Zamudio
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Zastoupil
Epifanio Zavala
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Zisk
Mr. & Mrs. David Zwick
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zylker
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