I RrrFF-N-lt S - Ruff-N
I RrrFF-N-lt S - Ruff-N
I RrrFF-N-lt S loggie D?gcile rrc Customer Questionnaire Name: Address: Mailing Address: Home Telephone: CellTelephone: Work Telephone: Email: Please provide a list of people who may pick up your pet: Pet lnformation Pet Name: Breed: Gender: Spayed/Neutered? Y/N (circle one) Weight: Birth date: Veterinarian lnformation Name: Address: Phone: Emergen cy{ont astJ nfo rmatlon Telephone: Name: Page t of 5 96o Gendron Road Jay, W 05859 8o2.744.2582 8oz.3ro.z58z fi Rurr-N{t f$ |oggie D?gcile rrc Customer Questionnaire Doggie Basics... How old was your dog when you got him/her? Where did your dog come from? (breeder/shelter) lf your dog was adopted, please tell us about his/her past experiences: How do you socialize your dog? (playdate, daycare, dog park) Has your dog been to a dog daycare before? How does your dog interact with children? Other pets? Has your dog ever growled at anyone? lf yes, please describe the situation: Doggie Health... ls your dog currently up-to-date on all vaccinations? (Rabies/Bordatella/DHLPP) Page z of 5 96o Gendron Road Jay, W 05859 8o2.744.2582 8oz.3to.z58z {$ Rrlrr-N-lt {$ loggie D3gc3[e uc Customer Questionnaire Doggie Health ... (continued) Has your dog ever experienced a flea or tick problem? Yes I No (circle one) lf yes, when? What flea/tick preventative do you currently use?_ Does your dog require specialized attention due to allergies/health issues? (hip dysplasia)? ls your dog currently taking medication, or in need of restricted activity? Tell us about your dog's typical daily routine, including amount of exercise: Doggie Training/H istory... Has your dog had obedience training? (Please list trainerffacilities): Please list the commands your dog knows: ls your dog crate-trained? Yes I No (please circle one) I s he/she food/toy/attention-driven? What is your dog's favorite treat/toy/game? Are there any food or treats your dog cannot have? Page 3 of 5 96o Gendron Road Jay, W 05859 8o2.744.2582 8oz.3ro.z58z f$ RrJFF-N-lt f$ loggie D1gcile 11c Customer Questionnaire Doggie Training/History (continued) Does your dog ever experience separation anxiety? Yes I No (please circle one) lf yes, please describe intensity/situation: How does your dog greet strangers? Does your dog display any possessiveness over toys/people or other dogs? Does your dog do any of the following: Jumoing uo IU Charging (dogs or people) Digging Excessive barking Escaping/running Mounting Other(explain below) Fear of men Please explain the main reason you would like to bring your dog to daycare? How did you hear about us? Page 4 of 5 96o Gendron Road Jay, W 05859 8o2.744.2582 8oz.3to.z58z S Rurr-N'lt fI. poggie D1gcile rrc Customer Questionnaire Doggie training/History (continued) Has your dog ever bitten a human? Yes/No (please circle one) tf yes, explain the situation and the number of times and circumstances. to fight with other dogs? Yes/No (please circle one) lf yes, delineate the number of times and circumstances. Does your dog have the tendency It is understood that this information sheet becomes and is hereby incorporated in the Ruff "N" lt Doggie Daycare, LLC Boarding Contract. the owner of the pet and, hereby swear and affirm that the above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and as to the statements based upon my belief I believe them to be true. I am Date Pet Owner Page 5 of 5 96o Gendron Road Jay, W 05859 8o2.744.2582 8o2.3'to.z58z