Vogue Knitting - String Theory Yarn Company


Vogue Knitting - String Theory Yarn Company
VKSS15Shop.REVISE:Layout 1
9:51 AM
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By Daryl Brower
“The knitter knows that everything is
and organic fibers from Spud &
connected to everything else.” That
Chloë round out the ever-changing
quote from Chicago Tribune columinventory. “I spend a lot of time renist Leah Eskin is the driving philossearching yarns that fit our criteria,”
ophy behind String Theory, an eclectic
Avila explains. “Before I bring in a
yarn shop in the northern Chicago
new line, I knit with it and plan projsuburb of Glen Ellyn. There, owner
ects and events to introduce it.”
Janet Avila has made it her mission
Her customers appreciate that
to connect knitters to beautiful
careful attention. “They know that we
things and to show
are working to make the
those same knitters
world a better place,
how their stitchwork
and they want to be a
can support what
part of that,” Avila says.
she calls “the good
They also want to be
things in the world.”
a part of the creative
Avila knows firstenergy that hums
hand what a “good
through the shop. The
thing” knitting is. On
String Theory staff are
September 10, 2001,
big on encouraging
she was laid off after
customers to touch, ask
thirteen years with
and explore. Classes
financial giant Arthur
are kept small and
Andersen; a day later
offer something for
477 N. Main Street
she lost her brother
every skill level. With
Glen Ellyn, Illinois
in the terrorist attacks
sample garments in
(630) 469-6085
on the World Trade
abundance and an
Center. “While I
ever-changing assortyarncompany.com
grieved, I knit,” she
ment of yarns, there’s
says. “And when I was ready to think
plenty of incentive to broaden knitabout another career, I began to imating horizons. Artful touches are
gine all the ways that a yarn store
everywhere, from the knitted lamp
could make the world a little bit better.”
cords holding the lighting fixtures
Along with providing a space for
to the embroidered canvas curtain
crafters to create and connect, Avila
(made by a local artist) that hides
envisioned a store that would offer
the supply room. There are set hours
products that support causes she’s
for sit-and-knit sessions, but custopassionate about. String Theory, which mers are welcome to pull up a chair
opened in 2004 and now makes its
anytime they like. “Lots of friendhome in a 19th-century building in
ships are formed around that table,”
Glen Ellyn’s historic downtown, is
says Avila, who also makes sure
chock-full of those good things. The
plenty of special events fill the calenshop offers natural fibers from sodar. “We do awards nights, tastings,
cially conscious yarn companies like
one-day getaways—any excuse to
Reywa, Knit Collage, Frog Tree,
get together with great people and
Manos del Uruguay, Be Sweet and
talk about yarn.”
Misti International; AmericanMost of the knitters who do that
grown, environmentally friendly
getting together are from the area,
wools from Peace Fleece, Imperial
but out-of-towners are equally welStock Ranch, Mountain Meadows
come, kept in the loop by the shop’s
and Bare Naked Wools; and yarns
blog and e-newsletter. “We’re a
from women-run businesses includcommunity,” says Avila. “We want
ing Knitted Wit, Feederbrook Farm,
people to relax, soak in the color and
Mountain Colors, Dream in Color,
texture, get some encouragement,
Baah and SweetGeorgia. Recycledlaugh a little. We want them to feel
fiber yarns from Berroco and Shibui
like they’ve found their people.”