THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health
THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health
Community Education Programs for Parents and Adults we offer a range of age-appropriate, school-based caretakers the importance of learning CPR. To register With a goal of improving the health of the community, Infant and Child CPR courses teach parents and for CPR courses, visit lessons that encourage and empower children to develop healthy nutrition habits and vital safety skills that improve overall physical and social well- The Pediatric First Aid Course teaches the basics summer camps, community centers and other out-of- when dealing with children. If you have a group being. Each program can be adapted for playgroups, school settings. For information about any of these educational opportunities below, call THE PLAYERS of first aid and injuries caretakers may encounter at Wolfson Children’s Hospital interested in training, please call 904.202.4302 to Enhancing child health and wellness through education schedule a class. Center at 904.202.WELL (9355). Advocating for health access for children The Child Passenger Safety Parent Workshop Preschool Programs teaches parents the importance of keeping children puppet and an interactive storybook introduce young throughout childhood. Best safety practices for safe both in and around motor vehicles from birth I Can Eat a Rainbow (ages 3 – 7) A caterpillar installing a car seat and for securing a child in the seat children to the importance of eating a variety of are also covered in this free one-hour session. After healthy food. Germaine the Germ Thing (ages 3 – 7) Children learn how to prevent the spread of germs through effective hand washing. They will love seeing how germs spread as shown by our special GlitterBug® Potion. Teddy Bear Clinic (ages 4 – 5) Pre-K children enjoy taking their favorite stuffed friend through a “check-up” as they learn what to expect at their own pre-kindergarten physicals. THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health School-Age Programs the session, hands-on education for installing the interactive program takes students on an adventure certified child passenger safety technicians. how their organs work together, as well as ways to or to schedule an Body Safari (grades 2 – 3) This fun and seat in your vehicle is conducted by nationally through the major body systems. Students will learn For more information keep their bodies healthy and safe. appointment, call Mission Nutrition (grades 4 – 5) A race car- our bodies need to stay healthy. Hands-on activities community car seat make informed food choices. . 904.202.4302 or visit themed program that teaches students what foods safekids for upcoming illustrate how to read and interpret food labels to checks. Immunization requirements for entering kindergarten will be included in take-home materials. 3563 Philips Highway, Building E, Suite 502 Jacksonville, FL 32207 904.202.WELL (9355) 06/12 Childhood injury prevention THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health The program Prevention Safe Kids Northeast Florida provides leadership in the community to prevent resources and through programs and education. for athletic organizations childhood injury in children educational programs THE PLAYERS Center for Child and area youth, and is Health is the lead organization. Safe Kids Northeast a collaboration between Wolfson Children’s Hospital • Home safety • Child passenger safety Health and Wellness • Sports safety to providing health services and wellness education public and private grants and donations, and grants Northeast Florida area. Programs include: how to get a free car seat or booster seat fitting (by The Community Asthma Partnership at or call 904.202.4302. educators and health providers Florida’s primary focuses are: • Water safety THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health at Wolfson Children’s Hospital is committed to enhancing the health, wellness and quality of life of families throughout Northeast Florida. The Center was established with a $1 million gift from THE PLAYERS Championship to help Wolfson Children’s Hospital extend its reach as a major child advocate and to help prevent unnecessary hospitalizations. Our four primary focus areas are: • Prevention • Health and Wellness • Access • Community Education coordinates medical and other local pediatric healthcare partners. • Bike/pedestrian safety THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health is committed Funding is provided by Wolfson Children’s Hospital, to children and their families throughout the from Safe Kids Worldwide. Get information on appointment only) at Kohl’s Gear Up 4 Safety is a year-long injury prevention program that addresses Wolfson (CAP-W) which teaches parents, children, about asthma and how to successfully manage the disease. 904.202.5132 or the four most common injuries to injuries are the result of motor NFL Play 60 which is designed to help prevent children in our community. These vehicle accidents, drowning, bicycle accidents and childhood obesity by empowering children to make addresses these injuries by providing children’s safety a day. NFL Play 60 is supported by THE PLAYERS keep kids safe. the Jacksonville Jaguars. other falls and poisoning. Kohl’s Gear Up 4 Safety healthier food choices and exercise for at least an hour education, as well as free “gear” needed to help Center for Child Health and The Jacksonville Sports Medicine Program is designed to improve and maintain the health and well-being of our local student athletes and recreationally active individuals. Access Wolfson Children’s Hospital opened in 1955 as a place for all children to be treated, regardless of race, creed, religion or financial position. That mission remains today. With the commitment to provide quality health services to children of our community, THE PLAYERS Center provides outreach efforts to the medically underserved. Florida KidCare Insurance is the state’s health insurance program for uninsured children under the age of 19. Eligibility for Florida KidCare is based on a child’s age and family income. Working with community partners, like Healthy Start, trained staff offer information and one-on-one assistance on how to enroll in the program. Get more information at healthykids. org/apply.
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