The Franciscan Center


The Franciscan Center
2013-2014 Annual Report
Franciscan Center
A Ministry of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Sharing Dignity and Hope since 1968
This Annual Report is
dedicated to YOU,
Our Donors, Supporters
and Volunteers
Your support makes our mission possible.
On the pages that follow
we’re sharing the story
of our 2014 Fiscal Year –
and it’s as much your story
as it is ours.
Thanking you for helping to bring dignity
and hope to thousands of Baltimore’s
most vulnerable citizens!
“For it is in giving that we receive”
~ From the Peace Prayer written in
the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
From the Executive Director & Board Chairman
Dear Friends of the Franciscan Center,
Every year brings new challenges and opportunities and our
2014 fiscal year was no different. It is the Franciscan spirit
within the board of directors, staff and volunteers that keeps the
Center operating with love and compassion. Those who need
help know that they can come to the Center without fear of
judgment, prejudice or injustice. We all take pride in treating our
guests with dignity and respect in an attempt to lift their spirits.
It is amazing to see how the organizational landscape takes
Tim Michels
Christian Metzger
shape each year. Very seldom does a year end looking the same
as when it began, and each year is a new chapter in the Franciscan Center’s story. New partnerships are formed each year and
become stronger, like our partnerships with the Fuel Fund of Maryland and South Baltimore Learning
Center. Then, of course, there are the longstanding partnerships upon which the Center was built, like our
partnership with the Maryland Food Bank, which contributes so much to our programs. In collaboration
with these and many other community partners, the Center has grown to serve as a “one-stop shop” for the
poor and homeless in Baltimore, helping families and individuals in crisis to stabilize their lives and begin
the journey toward self-sufficiency.
One thing that has not changed since the Franciscan Center opened in 1968 is the fact that we are truly
community supported. Support from throughout the greater Baltimore community makes our mission
possible. For example, on any given day there are as many or more volunteers working in our building as
there are paid staff. Nearly 30% of our 2014 budget was comprised of in-kind gifts such as food, clothing
and toiletries donated by local families, individuals and organizations. And there is a long list of local
families, individuals, churches, corporations and foundation included in this publication that make up
98% of our operating budget through monetary donations. We are so blessed to have this support!
Thank you for your continued partnership in our mission of service to Baltimore’s most vulnerable citizens, helping to bring hope to thousands of people each year. If you haven’t been to the Center in a while,
please reach out to us for a tour. We would love to welcome you and show you all the exciting things that
are happening here. Please know that you and your loved ones remain in our prayers. We ask for your
prayers, as well, as we work to keep the beautiful Franciscan Spirit given to us by the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi alive and thriving here at the Center.
Peace and all good,
Christian J. Metzger
Tim Michels
The mission of the Franciscan Center is to provide emergency assistance and
supportive outreach to persons who are economically disadvantaged in an effort
to assist them in realizing their self-worth and dignity as people of God.
Our History
September 2013 marked the 45th anniversary of the Franciscan
Center. The Franciscan Sisters of Baltimore opened the Center in 1968,
formalizing a ministry that began with their practice of handing out peanut
butter sandwiches and coffee to people living on the streets around the
orphanage they operated on Maryland Avenue. On September 12, 1968,
the Sisters set up operations in a single four-level row house. With the help
of volunteers they provided sandwiches, a small food pantry, clothing and
a summer camp for children. Sister Irene Marshiano, OSP, served as the
Center’s first Director.
Responding to an increasing need for services, the Sisters purchased and
renovated an adjacent row-house in 1980. This allowed for the expansion of
their meal service and emergency assistance programs, as well as development of an AIDS Outreach
In 1998, the Center moved from its humble origins to a newly renovated building next door. Since
that time, Franciscan Center clients have continued to receive hot, nutritious meals every weekday,
along with a broad array of other supportive services.
Our Programs
The Franciscan Center is all about empowerment. Our programs are designed to help Baltimore’s most
vulnerable citizens stabilize their lives in times of crisis and move forward toward self-sufficiency. Our
programs serve as many as 700 men, women and children daily, five days a week throughout the year.
Our Food Services Department includes our Daily Lunch Program and Emergency Food Pantry. The
Center’s Daily Lunch program served more than 102,000 meals during our 2014 fiscal year. Our
Emergency Food Pantry distributed nearly 8,000 bags of groceries last year to families and individuals in
need, making us one of the largest food pantries in the state of Maryland in direct service to the poor. That
is a 35% increase from our 2013 fiscal year. The Franciscan Center is committed to food security. We
have launched a number of healthy food initiatives in recent years aimed at improving public health in the
Baltimore community by helping to introduce fresh, healthy foods to the men, women and children whom
we serve.
The Franciscan Center’s Empowerment Services Department includes the Technical Resource Center,
Attire 4 Hire and the Clothing and Toiletry program. The Technical Resource Center is equipped with 12
computers that are used by our clients to apply for jobs and benefits, learn basic computer skills, set up
email accounts and access GED classes. The “Attire 4 Hire” program provides men with free professional
attire that is theirs to keep for interviews, graduations, court dates and other important life events. We are
also Baltimore’s largest supplier of free, seasonally appropriate clothing for men, women and children
through our Clothing and Toiletry program.
Our Responsive Services Department offers emergency financial assistance with utility bills, eviction
prevention, transportation, medical prescriptions, dental assistance and obtaining copies of birth
certificates and Maryland IDs. We also provide secure mail services, counseling services, case
management, referrals and access to telephone communication.
What Sets Us Apart
Breadth of Services
The Franciscan Center serves as a one-stop shop for
people in need who live in Baltimore. From eating a healthy
meal to receiving utility assistance to learning vital computer skills, guests who come through the Center’s doors
can find the help and resources they need to become more
self sufficient. All of these opportunities are free to eligible
guests. If the Center is unable to fulfill a certain need, our
staff has a wealth of information relative to
services that are available throughout Baltimore.
Healthy Food Initiatives
The Franciscan Center is committed to food justice. We believe that access to fresh healthy food is a right,
not a privilege. Our Daily Lunch Program provides our guests with well-balanced and nutritious meals.
Our Emergency Food Pantry offers families and individuals the option to choose a “healthy” grocery bag,
which contains frozen instead of canned vegetables or meats, and whole grain items. We are pleased to
report that approximately 40% of the individuals who utilized the Emergency Food Pantry in FY2014
chose healthy food bags.
In spring 2013, the Center introduced the Fresh Harvest Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Project
– the first of its kind in Baltimore. Thirty individuals and families were given the opportunity to receive
a free CSA share each week throughout the growing season, as well as tools and resources to help them
incorporate these fresh vegetables into their daily diet. A CSA Share includes eight to ten types of fresh
vegetables that change weekly depending upon the season. In exchange, we received valuable
information about participants’ lifestyles and nutrition choices. This information will enable us to tailor
our programming to the specific needs of the people we serve while helping improve public health in
Baltimore long term.
In partnership with the Maryland Food Bank, the Center began offering Mobile Pantry Food Distribution
Events in June 2013. These Food Distribution Events offer Baltimore residents a variety of fresh produce
including corn, green beans, squash, and watermelon. During fiscal year 2014 we held six events, distributing 68,000 pounds of fresh, healthy food
to more than 2,100 families.
Reach in the Community
Unlike many area non-profit organizations,
the Franciscan Center serves every
Baltimore zip code. We receive more than
80 referrals each week from the United Way
of Central Maryland’s “211 Emergency
Most important is the Franciscan spirit of
humble and joyful service to the poor that
animates our mission. Each day at the
Center begins with the “Peace Prayer,”
written in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi
– and it sets the tone for our staff, clients
and volunteers.
Our Volunteers
Volunteer participation is the backbone of the Franciscan
Center’s efforts. Every weekday, volunteers come to the
Center and perform tasks that would otherwise require the
services of paid employees.
During fiscal year 2014, the Center benefited from 15,399
volunteer hours in which 6,260 hours were donated by
students between the ages of 14 and 18.
Individuals must be at least 14 years old to volunteer at
the Center and at least 16 years old to volunteer on the hot
food line. We welcome student and youth groups, community organizations, businesses, and churches to
partake in our volunteer opportunities.
The following weekly volunteer opportunities are available at the Franciscan Center:
Daily Lunch Program
Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Welcome guests, serve meals, assemble desserts, prepare drinks, assist in cleanup, and share conversation
Food Pantry
Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Stock shelves, pack emergency food bags, and distribute food bags
Clothing Program
Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Sort clothing donations, assist with distribution of clothing and toiletries, and restock clothing racks
Office Assistance
Monday through Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Assistance with mass mailings, stuffing and stamping of envelopes at specific times of the year, provide
clerical support as needed, and assist with computer skills guidance in the Technology Resource Center
Tuesday Night Chopping Group
Tuesdays from 5:30 to 7 p.m.
We receive hundreds of pounds of fresh produce every week to serve
with our daily meals, enabling us to offer the most nutritious meals
possible to our clients. To help process this fresh produce, we host a
volunteer group every Tuesday evening whose sole task is to help chop
and prepare fresh vegetables and fruit.
Food Distribution Events
On the second Saturday of the month, every other month from 8 a.m. to 3
p.m. All ages are welcome.
Volunteers organize and distribute food to as many as 1,000 Baltimore
City residents. Two shifts are available.
Please consider volunteering with your family, employer, or civic group. For more information, contact
the Franciscan Center’s Volunteer Coordinator at (410) 467-5340, Ext. 113.
Our Events
Throughout the year, the Franciscan Center hosts several events including fundraisers, food
drives, educational workshops, health screenings, and social gatherings. Below are events that
take place around the same time every year. Visit the Franciscan Center’s website, for the most up-to-date information about past and future events.
Souper Bowl of Caring
The Souper Bowl of Caring is a nationwide movement that encourages local
communities to support charities feeding the hungry. The Franciscan Center has
participated in this event for many years, recruiting youth groups, churches,
businesses and community members to raise funds that benefit the Center’s Food
Services Program. Presented by M&T Bank, this fundraising event begins in the
fall and ends on the weekend of the National Football
League Super Bowl. During Super Bowl weekend,
many of the participants actively collect funds at their
churches and/or community organizations.
Charity Golf Tournament
The Charity Golf Tournament is the Center’s longest
standing fundraising event, taking place each year in
July. Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance Co., formerly
Injured Worker’s Insurance Fund (IWIF), is the
driving force behind the Charity Golf Tournament
and also assists with coordinating the event. Several corporations sponsor and/or
participate in the tournament, including the following 2014 Platinum Sponsors:
ABC Baltimore, Brown Capital Management, Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance
Co., Gower Thompson, Inc., Payce Payroll, Inc. and Stifel.
Voices from the Heart Gala
The Voices from the Heart Gala is a celebration of the good people of Baltimore
who built and supported the Franciscan Center - and of the tens of thousands of
men, women and children the Center has served over the years. Guests enjoy an
intimate musical performance, hear the stories of the
people whom we serve, and enjoy a delicious meal
while socializing with friends. This event takes place
every year in September.
Christmas In July and The Giving Tree
Twice a year, the Franciscan Center holds major
in-kind donation drives - Christmas in July and The
Giving Tree. The Center encourages businesses,
churches, social groups, and individuals to collect
seasonally appropriate clothing, school supplies, and
much needed food, toiletry and household items. Christmas in July takes place in
the summer and The Giving Tree in the winter.
For more information on these events, please contact the Franciscan Center’s Director of Development
and Marketing, Meg Ducey, at (410) 467-5340, Ext. 117.
Revenue & Expenses
For Fiscal Year September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014
Revenue Total
Interest & Dividend Income
Gain on investments
(Realized and Unrealized)
Miscellaneous Income
Expenses Total
Clothing & Toiletries
Responsive Services
Empowerment Services
Pantry Program
Lunch Program
Responsive Services
Interest & Dividend Income
Gain on Investments
Empowerment Services
Misc. Income
*Decrease from last year’s total reflects two large bequests received during FY 2013 totaling $789,955.41. With these bequests backed out,
individual donations are up 11% from FY 2013.
Program Highlights
During fiscal year 2013-2014, the Franciscan Center provided the following services:
• Served 102,195 hot meals*
• Distributed 32,417 pieces of clothing and/or hygiene products to 4,312 men, women and children*
• Helped 344 families avoid having their electricity service terminated
• Provided 7,993 bags of groceries to individuals and families*
• Helped 288 households avoid eviction
• Helped fill 363 medical prescriptions*
• Assisted 889 individuals to get birth certificates and state issued identification
• Allowed nearly 299 individuals to use the Center’s address as their mailing address
• Provided computer access and technical assistance to 2,134 individuals
• Provided counseling services to 945 people*
*These numbers represent services provided rather than a count of unique individuals.
Franciscan Center is a 501(c)(3) organization. A copy of our current audited financial statement is available by contacting us at 101 West 23rd
Street, Baltimore, MD 21218, 410-467-5340 ext. 119. Documents and information filed under the Maryland Charitable Solicitation Act is
available from the Office of the Secretary of State (1-800-825-4510).
Our Donors
We sincerely thank everyone who supported the Franciscan Center’s work in our 2014 fiscal
year. We wish to give all of our donors the credit they deserve for their generous gifts. If we have
misprinted or omitted your name unintentionally, please accept our apologies and contact our
Development Department (410) 467-5340, Ext. 117 to update our records. Again, we thank you!
The Abell Foundation, Inc
City Of Baltimore, Mayor’s Office of
Homeless Services
$25,000 - $99,999
Kenneth S. Battye Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Barry
The Dresher Foundation
The Alvin and Fanny B Thalheimer
Foundation, Inc.
The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation,
$5,000 - $24,999
Anonymous Friends
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
Bank of America Foundation
BGE - An Exelon Company
Box’n Save of Maryland, Inc.
Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting
Chesapeake Employers Insurance Co.
Ms. Elizabeth H. Dettor
The DeVito Family Trust
Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Dickey
Goldseker Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gracie
Mr. Robert E. Hohman
Key Charitable Trust
Legg Mason Charitable Foundation
Loretta A. Snell Charitable Trust
M & T Bank Charitable Foundation
Maryland Emergency Food Program
Phase Foundation
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Statewide Nutrition Assistance Program
Stifel Corporate
Mr. Frederick J. Thompson & Ms. Cindy
Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Warns, III
Mr. Ryan Yu & Ms. Margaret Chao
The Zanvyl & Isabelle Krieger Fund
$2,500 - $4,999
Associated Builders & Contractors, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Burke
Mr. Raymond Dearchs
Mr. Christopher D. Donham
Mr. Stuart A. Erdman
Mr. William L. Gaudreau
Gower Thompson Inc.
Greater Chesapeake Charitable Foundation
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the
Estate of Mary Elizabeth Johnson
St. Ignatius Church, Hickory
Johns Hopkins - Project Connect
John J. Leidy Foundation, Inc.
St. Joseph’s, Fullerton
Markland Kelly/Greenberg Foundation
Payce Payroll
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Mr. Alfred A. Windesheim
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wille
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous Friends
Aronsoon Foundation, Inc.
Asset Strategy Consultants
Baltimore Football Club
Mr. Charles L. Bauermann
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Baumgartner, III
Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Bertoldi
Ms. Marie C. Bickel
Ms. Peggy Ann Bickel
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Buppert
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Burke
Ms. M. Jeanne Cayo
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Chell
Church of the Holy Apostles
Mr. William Cody
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage CARES Foundation
Corporate Office Properties LP
Mr. & Mrs. S. Christopher Costa
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Costello
Mr. John D. Cullen
Darden Restaurants, Inc. Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Darney
Mr. & Mrs. Keith C. Duff
Ms. Mary A. Eisel
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Erickson Living Management as Agent for
Oak Crest Village
Dr. John H. Fetting, III
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Fielding
Ms. Josephine Forrest
Frank Dippel Agency
Funk and Bolton, P. A.
Geiger Pump and Equipment Company
Givecorps Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Colleen Gormanly
Grandizio, Wilkins, Little & Matthews, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Guidera
Mr. T. Brien Haigley
Ms. Lisa M. Hamilton
Mr. John M. Hearn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hodges
J. R. Owens Corporation
Katz Abosch
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Kellar
Dr. & Mrs. August D. King
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Koch
Mr. Eric Lennig
Linehan Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. R. Noel, Longuemare, Jr.
Masonry Solutions
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard McCord
Mr. & Mrs. James P. McDonagh
Dr. Joseph F. Metz
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Monaghan, III
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Mr. Vincent T. Oakley & Mrs. Tracey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Harry St. A. O’Neill
Our Lady of Grace Church
Our Lady of The Angels Church
Ms. Mary Theresa Power
S. K. Properties Limited
Safeway Foundation
Mr. Joseph Schaefer
Mr. Edward Schneider, TSSF
Second Presbyterian Church
Splash Kingdom
St. Francis of Assisi, Fulton
St. John the Evangelist, Hydes
St. Margaret Church
St. Mark Church
St. Mary’s Seminary & University
St. Stephen Church
St. Timothy Church
St. Wenceslaus Church
St. William of York Catholic Church
The Fran and Mary Harvey Family
Mr. Charles P. Toth
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Trawinski
Dr. Ibrahim Turek
USIS Consultants
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wilkins
Ms. Louise R. Wright
Mr. Steven A. Zabicki, Jr.
Zion Baptist Church
$500 - $999
Baltimore Monthly Meeting of Friends
Berman McAleer, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Bivens
Bruce Grau & Associates, Inc
Cathedral of Mary Our Queen
Mrs. Christine Ciavardini and Mr. John
Dr. Martha D. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Coons
Mr. & Mrs. George C. Creel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Creel
Mr. & Mrs. James Ducey
Mr. & Mrs. William Dunkle
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Durham
Ed McNally Memorial Fund
Dr. Sonia Estruch
Father O’Neill Charities, Inc.
Mr. Jerome J. Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Franke
Dr. Donald A. Gabriel PhD
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gibison
Our Donors
Godwin, Erlandson, MacLaughlin, Vernon &
Daney, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Gutermuth
Mr. Adam Hitt
Mr. Francis Kasper
Kelly Integral Solutions, LLC
Dr. Kevin P. Kelly
Mr. John M. Kerney ESQ
Mr. George Kilroy
Mr. & Mrs. William Kissinger
Knights of Columbus
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Kotowski
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Largent
Rev. Joshua Laws
Liberty Property REIT
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lotz
Mr. Christopher Makris
Dr. Christine Manlove, PhD.
Mr. Ed Matricardi
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel F. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McKenna
Morgan Family Foundation
Mother Seton Academy
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Muething
Mr. Michael E. Muldowney
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Henry V. Nejfelt
Dr. Mary O. Owens-Southall
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Phelan
Mr. Donald T. Reinhart
Mr. Mark C. Rhodes
Riggs, Counselman, Michaels & Downes,
Mr. Joseph Rocchio
Ms. Cherie J. Sewell
Ms. Sarah K. Slingluff
St. Bartholomew, Manchester
St. Joseph Church, Taneytown
St. Margaret of Cortona Regional Fraternity
St. Michael the Archangel, Overlea
St. Thomas More Church
St. William of York School
St. Vincent de Paul Church
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Stier
Mr. Lee Stierhoff
Ms. Dorothy A. Streb
Ms. Bertha N. Tanner
Ms. Irene M. Tanner
Tessco Incorporated
The Christmas Project, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Sean C. Thomas
Vestry of the Church of the Redeemer
Ms. Anna E. Way
Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra, Chartered
William C. Lohnes & Associates
Mr. Gerry M. Yeager
$1 - $499
AARP Chapter #3822 Dunfield Fullerton
Parkville Chapter A.A.R.P, #3090
Mr. Luke Ackerman
Mr. & Mrs. James Adajian
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Albuquerque
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Allen, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Harry F. Amato
Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Anderson
Ms. Veronica F. Annarino
Anonymous Friends
Ms. Patricia L. Anton
Ms. Julia Arakelian
Archbishop Keough Council 5263
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Aversa
Ms. Awalt
Mr. Joseph Backof
Ms. Mary Frances Bacon
Mr. & Mrs. William Badore
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Baldwin
Baltimore Area Disc Jockey Assoc.
Bank of America United Way Campaign
Ms. Jane Barchichat
Ms. Linda C. Barclay
Ms. Jareene W. Barkdoll
Mr. Alfred W. Barry
Sr. Barbara A. Barry, OSF
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barry
Mr. Charles Baschnagel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bastress
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Bathon
Mr. & Mrs. George Batzer
Bay City Pest Management Co., Inc.
Ms. Wilma Bayne
Mrs. Mary Alice Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Randall M. Becker
Deacon & Mrs. Thomas Bello
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Bendann, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. and Lance Bendann
Berger Sports Marketing
Mr. & Mrs. Adrian G. Bergin
Ms. Leslie G. Berman
Mr. Patrick G. Bernard
Ms. Madeline Betsch
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Blazek
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Bognaski
Mr. John J. Connolly & Ms. Mary A. Bolte
Mr. Thomas Bonderenko
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Boos
Ms. Sarah Bowes
Ms. Helen E. Bowlus
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Branic
Ms. Ann M. Brennan
Mr. Benjamin Brenninkmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Breschi
Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Brewster
Ms. Judy L. Brewster
Mr. Karl E. Briers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Brigandi
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bromwell
Ms. Dorothy T. Brown
Mr. Leonard Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Brown
Mr. Willie B. Brown
Mr. Rick Brummer
Mr. & Mrs. Don Bruner
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Buckley
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Bunyan
Mr. John Buppert
Ms. Carolyn M. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Burton
Mr. Tom Buser
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Byer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Caldroney
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Campbell
Mr. James W. Campbell
Mr. Patrick B. Campbell
Ms. Erin E. Cantwell
Mr. & Mrs. Dorren D. Cappelaere
Ms. Emerita M. Caputo
Carey Sales & Service
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Carolan
Ms. Esme I. Carty
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Caruso
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Cascio IV
Mr. James P. Casey
Ms. Mary Regina Cashen
Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Cashen
Mr. Jean M. Casparriello
Catholic Daughters of the Americas, #2300
Catholic Daughters of the Americas, #1654
Catholic Evidence League
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chaikowsky
Charlotte’s Chapel
Chi Sigma Sorority, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Chovan
Ms. Noreen M. Christian
Church of the Holy Spirit
Ms. Rosemary Ciaudelli
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A.Ciepiela
Mr. Robert Clemmens
Ms. Nancy M. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. William Collinge
Ms. Barbara Comecha
Ms. Kathryn Conklin
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Louis G. Connor
Ms. Rita Connor
Ms. Susan F. Conrad
Mr. Alfred Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Cooper
Mr. Robert E. Corbett
J Clark Corcoran
Corporation for Sponsored Ministries of the
Mrs. Patricia N. Cosgrove
Ms. Gail Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Cotter
Mr. Jean B. Counsell
Mr. Edward Countess
Ms. Anne D. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Creticos
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Cronin
Mr. Robert K. Crowe
Ms. Mary Ann Crumpton
Ms. Margaret A. Cullum
Mr. Sal Culotta
Mr. & Francis X. Cuomo
Mr. & Mrs. David Curtis
Mrs. Maureen E. Daly
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Dana
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Darwin
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Davies
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V.P. Davis
Ms. Helen Rose Dawson
Mr. Matt Dell
Mr. Francis D. DeMarco
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. DeTuccio
Mr. & Mrs. David DeVilliers
Ms. Jennifer Devos
Ms. Rosemarie P. Dick
Ms. Nicole A. Diehlmann
Mr. & Mrs. David Dimler
Dr. & Mrs. Hector DiNardo
Mr. Frank Dippel
Ms. Irene E. Dixon
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Dobson
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Doetzer
Mr. Edward C. Doherty
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Domonkos
Ms. Joan Donahue
Ms. Ingeborg E. Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Doory
Mr. Daniel Dorazio, Sr.
Ms. Susan Dorman
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Doud III
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Simon M. Driesen
Ms. Theresa M. Driesen
Ms. Eileen Driscoll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncan
Dundalk American Legion Auxiliary
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Dunne
Mr. Rudy D’Urbano
Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. G. D. Eagle
Mr. Stephen A. Eberle
ECHO : Employees Charity Organization of
Northrop Grumman
Ms. Margaret E. Eck
Ms. Elma Edwards
Ms. Jasmine Edwards
Ms. Theresa J. Egan
Mr. & Mrs. Dyson P. Ehrhardt
Mr. George Eikenberg
Ms. Doris Eikenberg-Argo
Mr. Jeffrey Elkin
Placery Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Thaddeous S. Epps, Sr.
Mr. Frank X. Erardi
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Erbe
Ms. Judy Fabella
Ms. Joan D. Faltot
Dr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. Feehley
Feinstein Charitable Foundation
Ms. Gisele R. Ferretto
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Fick, Jr.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Brigitte Fielder
First Church of the Brethren
Mr. & Mrs. David Fisher
Dr. Nancy-Elizabeth Fitch, Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Kristen Flank
Mr. & Mrs. David Flavin
Mr. William R. Fleming, III
Ms. Carolyn Flynn
Ms. Diane M. Fohl
Mr. Scott W. Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Forte
Ms. Romilda Foti
Mr. Leon Francis Fox
Franciscan Friars
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Frank
Ms. Mary Louise Franklin
Ms. Dorothy Fraquelli
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict J.
Frederick Jr.
Mr. Henry Freeman
Mr. Sean Frye
Ms. Joan U. Fulton
G. E. Tignall & Company, Inc.
Mr. F. Desales Gaeng
Mr. Robert E. Galiszewski
Ms. Anna J. Gallagher
Ms. Carol A. Gallagher
Ms. Eileen B. Gallagher
GAP Foundation Gift Match
Mr. James A. Gardner
Sr. Margaret Gardner OSF
Ms. Marie Garrity
Mr. Stephen Geckle
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard G.
Getschel, Jr.
Ms. Margaret C. Gick
Mr. R. Michael Gill
Mr. Kenneth M. Gillespie
Ms. Jeanette Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest J. Glinka
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Goldbeck
Mr. Leslie E. Goldsborough III
Ms. Rita M. Goldsborough
Ms. Diane L. Gollnitz
Mr. Jeremy R. Sperling
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Gorman
Mr. David Graham
Ms. Julia I. Graham
Mr. Paul Graziano
Ms. Christine Grillo
Mr.. Charles E. Gross
Mr. Joseph Gross
Mrs. Joan D. Groves
Ms. Jennifer Grow
Ms. Lisa Grubb
Mr. Charles L. Gugliotta
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Gunther, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Gushanas, Jr.
Mr. Robert Gwynn
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hale
Sisters of Clare Hall
Ms. Linda Ham
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Hambleton
Ms. Jennifer R. Hammand
Mr. Gay E. Harrington
Mrs. Kathleen Harrington
Ms. Leslie Harris
Ms. Agnes M. Hawthorne
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Hayden
Ms. Barbara G. Haygood
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Heath
Mrs. Barbara L. Helms
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Henson III
Ms. Carolyn Herb
Ms. Erna E. Herbert
Ms. Sylvia Hernandez
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Herpel
Sr. Mary L. Herrmann, OSF
Ms. Peggy Hetrick
Ms. Katherine W. Hewitt
Mr. John D. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Higgins, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Roy D. Hiller
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Hoffman
Hofmann Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hogue
Ms. Dorothy Z. Holben
Hollenshade’s Auto Service
Ms. Cynthia Bard Hollinger
Holy Cross Church
Mr. Frederick Hopkins & Mrs. Christine
Ms. Joan P. Hoyle
Dr. Wayne P. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Reed Hutner
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Hynson and Laurie A.
Mr. J. Patrick Ichniowski
Income for Outcomes A Benefit LLC
Ms. June Jackson
Jackson Walnut Park Schools
Mr. Michael S. James
Ms. Patricia Jaynes
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Jeffers
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Johnston
Ms. Barbara Jones
Rev. Carlton Jones
Mr. David A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Josey, Sr.
Ms. Mary J. Kaltenbach
Ms. Patricia A. Kane
Mr. Raymond J. Kane
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Katzenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne S. Kauffman
Mr. & Mrs. Hakki Kavrakoglu
Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Kay
Our Donors
Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand P. Kelly
Mr. Gary M. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Kendzierski
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Kenney
Ms. Frances B. Kiernan
Mr. Gregory Kim
Mr. Ed King
Mr. Ray King
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. King
Ms. Martha Kingsborough
Mr. Thomas P. Kirwin, CPA
Sr. Rose-Marie Klotz, OSF
Mr. Alan Klug
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Klug
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kness
Knights of Columbus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Knott
Mr. Charles A. Knott Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Knott
Mr. & Mrs. William Knott
Mr. Lloyd Knowles & Mrs. Elizabeth L.
Ms. Theresa L. Komin
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Korczynski
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Kowalewski
Ms. Wanda Kramer
Ms. Lillian V. Krasnansky
Mr. Michael Kreft
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Krejci
Ms. Mary F. Krout
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Kuchta
Mr. Francis W. Kuchta
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Lafferty
Ms. Katherine Lafleur
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lagas
Mr. & Mrs. Charles O. LaHatte
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Lamdin
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Langmead
Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lauman
Ms. Patricia A. Lavenstein
Ms. Susan B. Law
Ms. Marge Lawson
Ms. Mary L. Leach
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lenzen
Mrs. Carol and Mr. Alan Lepeau
Mr. & Mrs. Marc L. Letendre
Ms. Jane P. Lillis
Ms. Alexandra C. Lindemon
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Lindung
Mr. Richard Link
Little Flower Fraternity
Rev. Monsignor Joseph S. Lizor
Mr. & Mrs. Jan A. Lommele
Mr. Heinrich Losemann, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Love
Mr. & Mrs. William Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lundquist
Mr. & Mrs. Don Lunnen
Ms. Elizabeth M. Lutz
Mr. Arthur J. Lyons
Ms. Susan MacFarlane
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Macia
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Macks
Mr. George S. Maclean
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Maex
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Magruder
Mrs. Helen M. Manchio
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Manger
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Mann
Mrs. Barbara Mansfield
Dr. Inez Marella & Dr. Medea M. Marella
Mr. George Markelonis, Jr.
Mr. Stephen J. Martel
Ms. Ann Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Antonia M. Martin
Ms. Barbara A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Martin
Mrs. Mary Maselko
Ms. Donna G. Mason
Mr. Donald Masterson & Ms. Catherine
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic J. Mastroianni
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Mayer
Mr. Mike Mazzeffi
Ms. Audrey R. McCarthy
Mr. Gardner McCord
Mr. Joseph McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. John McFadden
Ms. Mary McGeady
Mr. & Mrs. John J. McGorray
Ms. Cecelia A. McGrain
Ms. Marie McKenzie
Mr. Michael McKeown
Mr. James H. McLean
Ms. Rosemarie McManus
Rev. John E. McMurry, S.S.
Dr. & Mrs. M. Kenneth McQuage
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Meagher
Mr. William J. Mealey
Ms. Rosario C. Medina
MedStar Health
Ms. Mary A. Mehl
Ms. Carole Mehring
Ms. Barbara D. Melanson
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Ment
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. John Messmore
Ms. Barbara J. Metz
Mr. Christian Metzger
Mr. Ronald Meyers
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Michels
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Miles
Dr. Arthur V. Milholland & Dr. Luann
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Miller
Ms. Stacey Minshall
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Misiora
Mr. Howard L. Mitchell
Ms. Kim A. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Mobley
Ms. Dorothy L. Moeller
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W. Mohler
Ms. Ana J. Mollenkopf
Ms. Jean B. Molz
SSgt. David E. Morkovsky
Morton and Sophia Macht Foundation, Inc.
Most, Inc.
Mr. Charles A. Mueller
Ms. Bonita D. Muhl
Mr. & Mrs. Chirantan Mukhopadhyay
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Murphy
Ms. Liz Murphy
Ms. Margaret E. Murphy
Ms. Cecilia T. Nace
Mr. Tom Nager
Ms. Annette S. Nagler
Mrs. Charlotte Nayden
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Nelson
Network for Good
Ms. Dottie Neubauer
New England Volleyball Officials
Ms. Robin S. Nichols
Ms. Patricia A. Nickerson
Ms. Brandi Nieland
Mr. James Nissel
Mr. John S. Nixdorff
Mr. John T. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Noll
Ms. Jeanne A. Noll
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Noppinger, Jr.
Mr. Milton G. Nottingham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Novotny
Mr. Douglas E. Oakley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs Eoin O’Colman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. O’Connor
Ms. Mary T. Olert
Mrs. Elizabeth G. Oliver
Mr. Gbolahan Olubowale
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Onorato
Ms. Clara Oracki
Ms. Terencia L. O’Sullivan
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School
Mr. Christopher Oven
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Paine
Ms. Virginia Palencar
Mr. Robert H. Palm, Jr.
Ms. Ina Parsons
Mrs. Louise Pasternack-Rafferty
Mr. Robert W. Keating & Ms. Janice
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Peck
Ms. Virginia C. Peck
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Pelowski
Sr. Angela Perrizo, OSF
Ms. Mary Kelly Perschy
Ms. Rosemary Petri
Mr. & Mrs. Victor R. Petrosino
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Petza
Ms. Ann S. Phillips
Ms. Robin Platts
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Plunkett
Mr. Melvin F. Polek, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Polkowski
Ms. Heather Pollock
Mr. & Mrs. Legh R. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Prather
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Prenger
Ms. Theodora M. Prettyman
Prince of Peace Church
Sr. Gwynette Proctor, SSND
Ms. Rose Provenzano
A. Jean Przybeck
Mr. Michael D. Klinkhammer & Ms. Anne
T. Quartararo
Sr. Eileen Quinn, OSF
Mr. & Mrs. Leo V. Quinn
Ms. Dorothy B. Radcliff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Radcliffe
Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Rafoth
Rev. John Rapisarda
Mr. Gerard Rattenbury
Ms. Theresa Rau
Mrs. Sharon Reardon
Mr. & Mrs. William Redman
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Reed
Ms. Irma Reeder
Mr. George R. Reese
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Reichart
Ms. Beverly A. Reid
Mr. J. Timothy Reid
Mr. Louis Reinhardt
Ms. Cynthia M. Reithlingshoefer
Ms. Carol A. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Ridings Sr.
Riparius Construction, Inc.
Ms. Shannon Rivies
Ms. Joan C. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Robideau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robinson
Ms. Patricia Robuck
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Rodio
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roebuck
Mr. William C. Rogers, Jr., Esq.
Roland Slate Service Co., Inc
Ms. Pauline Rose
Mr. Richard D. Rosenthal
Mr. Geoffrey Royce
Ms. Joan Rudis
Ms. Carol Q. Rudolphi
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ruf
Mr. & Mrs. George Ruhl
Ms. Jacqueline Ruiz
Mr. Matthew Russo
Mr. Edward D. Ryan
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Sanborn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Scarupa
Schaefer & Associates, LLC
Ms. Colleen Schafer
Ms. Anacy A. Schamu
Ms. Judith A. Schank
Mr. Paul T. Scheurich
School Sisters of Notre Dame Villa Assumpta
Ms. Elizabeth R. Schreiber
Ms. Mary F. Schreiber
Ms. Patricia A. Schultz
Mr. Richard Schwartz
Secular Franciscan Order, St. Conrad
Mrs. Eleanor P. Duke & Mr. Thomas K.
Mr. & Mrs. Truman T. Semans, Jr.
Serra Foundation
Mr. Jeffrey A. Sewell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Seyfried
Mr. Frances D. Seymour
Mr. Rafeh A. Shams
Mr. Stephen Sharpe
Ms. Louise M. Sheckells
Ms. Vivian M. Sheeler
Ms. Amber Shepherd
Shrine of the Little Flower
Ms. Suzanne M. Shriver
Mrs. H. Leilani Sifakis
Mr. Paul Silberman
Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Silverwood
Rev. Joseph C. Simmons
Mrs. Sandra Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Singleton
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sirera
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi,
Milwaukee, WI
Our Donors
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi,
Clare Court Convent
Sisters of St. Joseph
Mr. Jim Sizelove
Mr. & Mrs. Claude O. Skelton
Mr. Wayne M. Skinner
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Slater
Mr. Paul S. Sloane
Ms. Carolyn L. Smith
Mr. Charles M. Smith
Ms. Claire M. Smith
Ms. Danielle Smith
Mr. & Mrs. F. Bruce Smith, III
Ms. Jean Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Sorrentino
Ms. Emilie M. Sosnoski
Mr. & Mrs. David Southwick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Spindler
Mr. Edward Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Amant
St. Ann Church
St. Athanasius Church, Curtis Bay
St. Charles Borromeo Church, Pikesville
St. Dominic Church
St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church
St. Ignatius, Hickory
St. Ignatius R.C. Congregation, Inc.
St. Mark’s Lutheran Church
St. Patrick Church
St. Peter Claver Church
St. Philip Neri Church
St. Vincent de Paul - Sacred Heart Church
St. Vincent de Paul - St. Mark Church
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Ursula
St. Vincent de Paul Society - St. Clement
St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Vincent De Paul Society/St. Joseph
Fullerton Conferences
Stanley Black & Decker
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Stein
Ms. Elizabeth B. Stewart
Mr. William Stewart
Ms. Sara D. Stokes
Ms. Rita V. Stone
Ms. Michelle Suazo
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Sunderland
Mr. Ben Yhim Sung
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Surine, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Swift
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving
Mr. & Mrs. H. Franklin Tapscott
Ms. Melissa Tarkett
Ms. Michelle Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Taylor
Mr. Joseph B. Tetrault
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Thater
The Focus Approach Law Review
The K Club Ladies Auxillary
Ms. Mary C. Thomas
Ms. Rose Mae Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Thompson
Ms. Susan P. Tippett
Ms. Barbara A. Tipton
Mr. J. MacGregor Tisdale
Mr. Vincent Tobin & Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Tosti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Trimble
Ms. Dorothy B. Truitt
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Truitt and Mary K.
Mr. Arthur W. Trump
Ms. Lisa Tuite
Ms. Anne M. Tully
Ms. Kathleen A. Turner
United Way of Chester County Partners
University Baptist Church
Ms. Helen Urban
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Vachino
Ms. Debra A. Vachon
Ms. Lyndsey Van Druff
Vightel Corporation
Ms. Barbara A. Wadyka
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wagener
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Walsh
Ms. Carolyn A. Walters
Mr. Bernard L. Wamhoff
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Ward
Mr. Douglas R. Warren
Mr. & Mrs. James Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Weglein
Mrs. Josephine D. Weininger
Mr. David Weintraub
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wenderoth
Dr. Stanley Wenocur
Mr. Andrew J. Wesoloski & Ms. M.
Mellette Tudor
Mr. & Mrs. David R. West
Ms. Valerie Wethered
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Whelan
Ms. Angeline S. White
Mr. & Mrs. Van R. Whiting
Mr. William J. Whiting, Jr. & Mrs. Judith
Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Wiegmann
Ms. Dorothea W. Wilfong
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wille
Ms. Diane C. Williams
Ms. Linda Leukhardt Williams
Mrs. Pamela S. Williams
Ms. Christina Willig
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Winicki
Ms. Margaret G. Wirth
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Wong
Mr. Jerry T. Wooden
Ms. Ingrid Dorsey Woods
Ms. Jane Yanko
Mr. Sung Ben Yhim
Ms. Huna Yim
Sr. Miriam Terese Yost, OSF
Ms. Becky Young
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Young
Ms. & Ann Zelenka
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Zungailia
In-Kind Donations
Advantage Waypoint
Ms. Janice Alark
Mr. Abu Ali
Alpha Lambda Chapter
Ms. Ann M. Amrhein
Anchor Enterprises
Mr. Ethan Andelman
Ms. Thomasina Anderson
Mr. Thomas Andrews
Annie E. Casey Foundation
Annunciation Cathedral
Anonymous Friends
Archbishop Spalding High School
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Armel
Mr. Joshua Austin
Mr. Michael Azzaro
Mr. Keith Bailey
Baltimore Orchard Project
Baltimore Water Taxi
Mrs. Mary Ann Balze
Ms. Mary A. Bantz
Ms. Lisa Barker
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Barry
Ms. Angie Battaglia
Ms. Dana Battaglia
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Battle
Berger Cookies
Berger Sports Marketing
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Bernard
Dr. Lynn Bickley & Mr. William Bickley
Ms. Grace Bigelow
Mr. Daniel S. Bitzel
Ms. Cassandra Black
Bluestone Restaurant
Ms. Sarah Bluth
Mr. Kiocki Bobadilla
Bob’s Transport & Storage
Ms. Gundi Bosch
Ms. Betty Bottort
Ms. Karen Brick
Mr. David Brightwell
Ms. Linda Broccolino
Ms. Tinnea Brooks
Mr. Cleavon Bryant
Bryn Mawr Lower School
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Buddenbohn
Mr. Jerry Buettner
Ms. Jacqueline Buise
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Burke
Mr. Odell Burton
Mr. Terrence Byerson
Sr. Kathy Cairns
Calvert Hall College High School
Ms. Lavenus Campbell
Campus Hills Community
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Caple
Ms. Emerita M. Caputo
Ms. Leslie Carter
Mr. Shanyer Casiano
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Caslow
Ms. Ellen Catta
Ms. M. Jeanne Cayo
Center for a Liveable Future
Mr. Michael Chapman
Cheesecake Factory #0016
Chesapeake Employers Insurance Co.
Chesapeake Urology Associates
Chizuk Amuno Congregation
Mr. Michael Chovoneu
Christopher’s Place
Church of The Annunciation
Church of the Holy Apostles
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Ms. Christine Ciavardini & Mr. John
Mrs. Esaleme Clark
Mr. John Clotworthy
Mr. Frank B. Coakley
Coldwell Banker, Roland Park
Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage
Ms. Kathryn Conklin
Ms. Marie Conn
Ms. Adele Considine
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Cook
Mr. & Mrs.Thomas W. Coons
Copper Kitchen
Ms. Rosalie Cosgriff
Ms. Rowena Coulson
Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Counselman
Mr. David Cox
Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
Ms. Nancy Cromwell
Ms. Mary Cullen
Ms. Emily Davis
Mr. Chris Dembeck
Mr. & Mrs. G. E. Dickey
Ms. Benika Dixon
Mrs. Barbara Doak
Ms. Lisa Doherty
Ms. Sharon Dols
Ms. Joan Donahue
Mr. Gerard Donohu
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Doory
Dover Downs Hotel & Casino
Dress for Success Baltimore
Mr. & Mrs. James Ducey
Ms. Stephanie Ducey
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Durham
Mr. Charles A. Eby
Ms. Jasmine Edwards
Ms. Rhonda Eldridge
Ms. Gerry Elliott
Elmhurst Nursery School
Ms. Chloe Elswick
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Ms. Shelia Evans
Famous Dave’s BBQ
Mr. James Fensterwald
Ms. Gisele R. Ferretto
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Ferris
Ms. Sally Filling
First Unitarian Church
First Unitarian Church of Baltimore,
Women’s Alliance
Ms. Kristin Flank
Flavors Cupcakes
Mr. Jamal Flowers
Fogo de Chao Churrascaria
Food Bridge
Mr. Eric Fox
Mrs. Donna M. Franco
Mr. Jerome J. Frank
Ms. Mary Louise Franklin
Ms. Joan Franz
Freedom To Choose Inc
Mr. Stephen F. Fruin
Ms. Frances Fuller
Mr. Donald A. Gabriel PhD
Ms. Mary Galton
Generation Church
Giant Food, LLC
Ms. Carole Gibison
Ms. Jennifer Gilbert
Ms. Katherine L. Gilchrist
Giving Back
Ms. Elana Gonzales
Good Stuff Happening Mission
Grace & St. Peter’s Church
Mrs. Leslie Gray
Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the
Mrs. Anna Greene
Mr. Charles E. Gross
Ms. Lisa Grove
Ms. Jennifer Grow
Ms. Lisa Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Gutermuth
Ms. Lucy Hagopian
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hale
Ms. Amanda Hall
Ms. Jan H. Hallahan
Dr. George Halpin & Dr. Pat Hartz
Ms. Joanne Hampson
Hampton Inn
Ms. Stancee Hansen
Mr. Charles Harper
Ms. Marylou Harper
Ms. Erica Harrigan
Ms. Carolyn G. Hart
Mr. Elson Hendricks
Ms. Jacqulyn Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Henson III and Delaphine
Ms. Carolyn Herb
Ms. Chloe Herman
Ms. Katherine W. Hewitt
Ms. Muriel Hillenbrand
Historic Ships in Baltimore
Mr. Robert E. Hoffman
Ms. Dorothy Z. Holben
Holiday Inn Oceanfront
Ms. Sharon Holley
Mr. and Kevin Holt
Homewood Suites
Mahdieh Hosseini
Ms. Mary Hyland
Church of the Immaculate Conception
Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund
Ms. Kimberly Iverson
J. R. Owens Corporation
Our Donors
Ms. Elisa Jackson
Ms. Katina Jackson
Mr. Phil Jackson
Mr. Joe Jay
Mr. Frank P. Johns
Jonah House
KCI Technologies
Mrs. Jennifer Keenan
Mr. Andrew Keir
Ms. Julie Kelly
Ms. Darlene Kennedy
Mr. Neil Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kerney
Mr. Michael Keys
Mr. George Kilroy
Ms. Katie King
Knights of Columbus, Arch. Bishop Fulton J.
Sheen, No. 7612
Knights of Columbus, Bishop McNamara,
No. 1622
Knights of Columbus, Cardinal Gibbons
No. 2521
Ms. Cerrida Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Koch
Mr. Tommie Koukoulis
Ms. Bernadette Kroc
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lagas
Rev. Barbara A. Laukaitis
Mr. John Laukaitis
Ms. Joan LeFaivre
Legg Mason Charitable Foundation
Ms. Jennifer Lehman
Mr. Robert Leward
Ms. Julie Lewis
Mrs. Kerry Lidard
Ms. Margaret Lindgren
Mr. John Lingenfelter
Little Flower Fraternity
Little Sisters of the Poor
Ms. Helen Liv
Ms. Vanessa Long
Longwood Gardens
Luray Caverns Country Club Resort
Ms. Florence Macklin
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Macsherry
Magoobys Joke House
Mrs. Susan Maher
Ms. Kathleen Marasco
Mr. Michael D. Marcaccio
Mars Super Market - Carney
Mars Super Market - Timonium
Ms. Mary Martin
Ms. Tanya Martin
Maryland Food Bank
Mr. Simon Mathews
Mr. Ed Matricardi
Ms. Jennifer Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Haakon Maxwell
Ms. Shanon McAuliffe
Mr. Ed McCarron
Mrs. Maureen McCarrron
Mr. Kirk McCleary
Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard McCord
Mr. & Mrs. Chris McCullough
Ms. Patricia McGuiggan
Ms. Valerie F. McKeiver
Ms. Joan McKinley
Ms. Mary L. McNeal
Mr. Brendan McNickle
Ms. Victoria Meadows
Mr. Anoop Mehta
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard C. Melka
Men’s and Family Center
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Miles
Ms. Colleen Miles
Mr. Patrick Miles
Mr. Theodore Miles
Ms. Ava Miller
Ms. Ellie Miller
Mr. Steve Milwicz
Mr. Sidney Minor
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Minor
Mr. John A. Moag, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Mobley
Ms. Carmelite Monastary
Mr. Randy Moore
Mrs. Jacqueline Morris
Ms. Jacqueline M. Morris
Ms. Anita Morsberger
Most Precious Blood Church
Mother Seton Academy
Mt. Calvary A.M.E. Church
Ms. Jennifer Mullin
Mr. Basil C. Murphy, Jr.
Ms. Jennifer Nale
National Aquarium in Baltimore
Needlework Ministry
Ms. Anita Nelson
Ms. Patricia Nelson
Ms. Pat O’Brien
Olive Garden #1891
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin O’Neill
Mr. Christian O’Neill
Mr. Joseph Opiniin
Ms. Sandra E. Orem
Our Daily Bread
Our Lady of Grace Church
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School
Outback Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Owens
Dr. Mary O. Owens-Southall
Mrs. Peggy Parton
Mr. David M. Patterson
Ms. Lorna Patterson
Mr. Aaron Payne
Mr. Ty Pearson
Ms. Carmen H. Peterson
Ms. Ann S. Phillips
Mr. James N. Phillips
Ms. Kelly Phillips
Mr. Kenneth Pierson
Ms. Carey Piraine
Ms. Nancy Politsch
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Polkowski
Port Recovery
Mr. Will Potter
Ms. Jeanne Prince
Mr. Michael Prince
Ms. Brandi Quaster
Real Life Christian Ministry
Ms. Ashley Recker
Red Lobster #6227
Ms. Bethany Reeb
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Reed
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Reichart
Ms. Mary P. Reisinger
Mr. Carson Reitig
Respect Life Club
Mr. Charles A. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. James Righter
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Riley
Ms. Kareen Riley
Ripken Baseball
Ripley’s Believe It Or Not
Ms. Jennie Ritter
Ms. Molly K. Rollison
Ms. Edda Rosskopf
Ms. Christine Routzahn
Royal Sonesta Harbor Court Hotel
Ms. Lorrie Rubenstein
Ms. Jacqueline Ruiz
Lt. Col. Melvin Russell
Safeway, Inc.
Muka Salaks
Mrs. Tracy Santoro
Ms. Laurena Sarver
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Savage
Ms. Carolyn Savitsky
Mr. Ron Saxton
Mr. Christian Scandiffio
Mr. Joseph Schaefer
Ms. Stacey Schiano
Ms. Carol Schoner
Ms. Danielle Scott
Mrs. Lindsay Scott
Scottish Rite Masonic Center
Security Title Corporation of Baltimore
Sharing Tree
Shenandoah Caverns Family of Attractions
Ms. Eleanore Simi
Ditas Sison
Ms. Sarah K. Slingluff
Ms. Evera R. Smith
Ms. Judy Smith
Smyth Jewelers
Mr. Karim Snoussi
Soup ‘R Natural
Ms. Kristina Sparks
Ms. Brenda Splivid
Ms. Ann C. Spooner
Mr. Steve Spurrier
SS. Philip & James Church
St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church
St. Ann Church
St. Anthony of Padua Church
St. Clement I Academy
St. Conrad’s Fraternity
St. Elizabeth School
St. Francis of Assisi Church
St. Francis of Assisi School
St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church
St. John’s Church, Huntington
St. Joseph Catholic Church
St. Joseph Church
St. Joseph’s R.C. Congregation
St. Joseph’s R.C. Congregation, Fullerton
St. Jude Shrine
St. Lawrence Martyr Church, Jessup
St. Louis R.C. Congregation
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
St. Peters Cemetary
St. Stephen Church
St. Thomas More Church
St. Vincent de Paul Church
St. Wenceslaus Church
St. William of York Catholic Church
St. William of York School
Mr. Robert Statkiewicz
Mrs. Margaret Steinhagen
Stevenson AME Church
Mr. William Stewart
Still Involved Hair Cuttery
Mr. Francisco Stokes
Stoneleigh Community
Mr. Patrick Strauch
Ms. Charlene Strawberry
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Supovitz
Mr. Douglas Sutherland
Ms. Faith Tandoc
Ms. Pamela Teel
Tees N Things, Inc.
TEFAP - St. Vincent de Paul - Project Share
The Baltimore Orioles
The Rose Group
The Seed School of Mayland
Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Thomas
Ms. Kimberly Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Thomas
Mr. Ronald Thompson
Mr. Peter Tillinghast
Ms. Lori Timmons
Timonium TCBY
Mr. Vincent Tobin & Mrs. Elizabeth Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando T. Tosti
Towson State University
Ms. Yvonne A. Treslar
Dr. Ibrahim Turek
Ms. Theresa Upson
U.S. Naval Academy
Ms. Lyndsey Van Druff
Ms. Patricia Visser
Ms. Marilyn K. Wagster
Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Warns III
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Waters
Ms. Barbara Watts
Mr. Mark Way
Mr. & Mrs. James Webster
Wegman’s Food Markets, Inc.
Weyrich, Cronin & Sorra, Chartered
Mr. Peter Wilcox
Mrs. Patricia O’Hare Wilkerson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Wille
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wille
Ms. Diane C. Williams
Mr. Alfred A. Windesheim
Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library
Mr. Joseph Witherspoon
Woodhall Wine Cellars
Ms. Louise R. Wright
Mr. Filmon J. Yohannes
Young Neighbors In Solidarity
Ms. Ann Zelenka
Ms. Joyce Ziegler
Ms. Michele Ziegler
Ms. Frances Zimmerman
Zion Baptist Church
In 2014 we established the Circle of St. Francis,
a unique group of partners in service to Baltimore’s most vulnerable citizens,
whose commitment to bringing the love of Jesus to others each day
through their words and actions,
in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, is truly extraordinary.
Special thanks to our Circle of St. Francis Members:
Jim and Sheila Barry
Ed and Sue Dickey
Brian and Gina Gracie
Hugh and Monica Warns
Our Staff
Christian Metzger
Executive Director
Katherine Maxwell
Finance Manager
Meg Ducey
Director of Development
& Marketing
Responsive Services
Food and
Empowerment Services
Kim Gregory
Director of Food & Empowerment Services
Debbie Reigle
Empowerment Services Coordinator
Vera Ruffin
Food Pantry Coordinator
Jennifer Lehman
Development &
Communications Manager
Brenda Hampton
Jeffrey Rogers
Culinary Specialist
Angela Hall
Volunteers & In-Kind
Donation Coordinator
Katina Jackson
Clothing & Toiletry Coordinator
Pamela Jennings
DeMarco Thomas
Ernecia Williams
Security & Maintenance
Judy Dobson
Director of Responsive Services
Cathy Polkowski, Volunteer
Fiona Wasula
Case Manager
Sr. Mary Jeanne Quinlivan
Social Worker
Coleen Gormanly
Mark Wong, Ignatian Volunteer
Louise Wright, Ignatian Volunteer
Marilyn Wagster, Volunteer
Staff as of August 31, 2014
Our Board
Board of Members
Board of Directors
Sr. Florence Deacon, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Timothy Michels, Chair
Chesapeake Employers’ Insurance
S. Lorraine McGraw, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Sr. Diana DeBruin, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Sr. Gwynette Proctor, SND,
Vice Chair
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Christopher Oven
M&T Bank
Sr. Margaret Kruse, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Board Liaison
Sr. Joanne Schatzlein
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Ronald Bivens
Matthew Franke
Donald A. Gabriel, J.D., PhD
Ivy League Financial Services
Kenneth Gillespie
Baltimore City Community College
Sr. Rose-marie Klotz, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Mary Owens-Southall, Ph.D.
Coppin State University
Sr. Eileen Quinn, OSF
Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Lisa Sliker
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church
J. MacGregor Tisdale
First National Bank
Kevin Wille
CB Richard Ellis
Tracey Wilson-Oakley
Northrup Grumman
“Remember that when you leave this earth, you can take
with you nothing that you have received -only what you have given.”
~ St. Francis of Assisi
Franciscan Center
101 W. 23rd Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
(410) 467-5340
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