The Power of Philanthropy - Gwinnett Medical Center Home


The Power of Philanthropy - Gwinnett Medical Center Home
The Power of Philanthropy
Celebrating 20 Years of Caring for Gwinnett
The Power of Philanthropy
- Celebrating 20 Years of Caring for Gwinnett -
A Remarkable History
Gwinnett County is an amazing place that close to a million people
now call home. We are diverse, progressive, and visionary. We have
proven time and again that we are passionate and dedicated to doing
what it takes to deliver the very best to our community.
At the heart of Gwinnett sits a hospital system that focuses every hour of
every day on caring for us. Thousands of healthcare providers, doctors,
nurses, associates, and volunteers work diligently to keep our healthcare
system strong and vibrant so that we can all live life with vim and vigor.
The Gwinnett Hospital System did not evolve by chance. It has a powerful
story, one that has inspired our community to give, care, and share for
more than sixty years. It is a story of the heart—a heart that has since
opened many to the power of philanthropy.
An Inspiring Heart
Olin Burnette was a little boy just 6 years old when
he tragically died in 1941. He was one of six
children of a dairyman who worked for Dick Hull,
manager of the Irvindale Farms Dairy just
outside of Duluth. Hull was married to Nora,
daughter of General and Mrs. A.R. Glancy.
The Joan Glancy Memorial Clinic opened in 1941 in
a three-room frame cottage on the school grounds.
From the first day, the clinic was inundated with
patients, so General Glancy issued a challenge to
the people of Duluth: Provide land and a well, and
he would build them a hospital.
Devastated by Olin’s untimely death, the Hulls
began a community campaign to establish a clinic in
Duluth, which had no physician. The townspeople,
mostly cotton farmers, contributed $450 toward the
clinic. Nora was so touched by their effort that she
wrote a letter to her parents about the campaign.
In 1944, the Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital opened.
The presence of the hospital brought new families
and a better quality of life to Duluth. The town’s
economy shifted from farming to industry, dirt roads
were paved, a city water system was established,
and commerce grew by leaps and bounds.
The Glancys, who lived in Pontiac, Michigan, knew
the pain of losing a child. Only 17 years earlier, their
youngest, Joan, had died of pneumonia at age 4.
Nora’s letter touched their hearts, so they sent a
check for $500, with the promise that every year,
on Joan’s birthday, they’d send another check in
her memory.
In 1965, Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital joined the
Gwinnett Hospital System. The love, compassion,
and determination for those early Duluth residents and
their generous benefactors, the Glancys, continues to
define and inspire the spirit of the Gwinnett Hospital
System today.
Heard Summerour, the town postmaster, inspired
an epiphany in the Glancys when he asked if
they could name the new clinic The Joan Glancy
Memorial Clinic. The Glancys realized that this
little clinic - in a hardscrabble hamlet in Georgia was the perfect way to create a living memorial
to their daughter that would serve many families for
years to come.
This rich history and great vision laid a foundation
of caring and giving for generations to come, with a
story that continues to unfold…
The Story Unfolds
A Legacy of Caring for our Community
1990 -
Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation is established.
1984 - The Gwinnett Medical Center Auxiliary is formed.
1965 - Buford General Hospital opens with 40 beds.
1993 - The Children’s Emergency Center,
Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation Center,
and SummitRidge open.
1944 - Joan Glancy Memorial Hospital opens in Duluth.
1970-1990: Gwinnett County experiences explosive growth with an over 400% population expansion.
During the 1990s, as Gwinnett County continues to experience booming growth,
the Gwinnett Women’s Pavilion and the Gwinnett Extended Care Center opens on
the Gwinnett Medical Center campus in Lawrenceville.
1959 - Button Gwinnett Hospital opens with 35 patient rooms on the
former county prison camp site on Scenic Highway in Lawrenceville.
1941 - The townspeople of Duluth open Joan Glancy Memorial Clinic.
1991 - GMC Women’s Pavilion opens as the first freestanding
women’s specialty hospital in metro Atlanta.
1984 - The old Button Gwinnett Hospital is replaced with
a new $15.9 million, 190-bed facility known today as
Gwinnett Medical Center.
1993 - The first GMC Foundation Ball and Auction is
held. Over the next 15 years, Ball efforts raise $2.4
million for the Parish Nurse Program, Kids’ Care
Campaign, breast cancer initiatives and a new
patient tower in Lawrenceville.
2001 - The Marion Allison Webb Center for Screening Mammography
opens to improve access to mammography services.
1997 - Gwinnett Extended Care Center
opens, offering nursing home care.
2008 - The Foundation provides funding to renovate and expand the Center for Women’s
Diagnostic Imaging at GMC-Duluth. GMC Imaging Center at Hamilton Mill opens.
2002 - A renovated and expanded center for diagnostic mammography
in the Women’s Pavilion opens.
2002 - The Breast Health Education and
Resource Center opens.
1993-2000: The Kids’ Care Campaign raises over $2 million to expand
programs and services focused on children’s health issues. The campaign
provides car seats, a Children’s Emergency Center, defensive driving programs,
preemie follow-up care, and teen pregnancy prevention programs.
2007 - GMC launches Project PATH, a strategic initiative to Plan,
Advance, and Transform Healthcare in Gwinnett that includes more
than $500 million in capital expansion needs. The Center for Screening
Mammography at GMC-Duluth opens. The Open Heart Campaign
launches with a $1 million gift from Clyde & Sandra Strickland.
2009 - A new patient tower on the Lawrenceville
campus opens providing 155 beds and a newly
renovated lobby that houses the Strickland Chapel.
2004 - GMC-Duluth groundbreaking.
2004-2006: The Legacy Campaign raises more than $2.7 million to help build Gwinnett Medical Center–Duluth.
2001-2006: TIME MATTERS in the fight against Breast Cancer campaign raises over $4.8 million to improve access to routine and diagnostic
mammograms for the women of our community and to expand services for breast cancer patients, including digital mammography.
2000 - Foundation establishes the Distinguished
Service Award honoring Kathryn Parsons Willis as
its first recipient.
1997 - Inaugural Dr. Miles H. Mason, Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament is held.
It still continues today and has raised funds for Glancy Rehab Center, GMCDuluth, The Mason Clinic, and the Miles H. & Lib Mason Children’s Clinic.
2004 - A new Care-a-Van mobile mammography unit is
delivered, bringing screening mammograms right to the
doors of businesses, churches, and community organizations.
2006 – GMC–Duluth opens its doors bringing online the first all-digital
hospital in North Atlanta. The system’s total capacity expands to 424
beds. Glancy Memorial Hospital becomes a Rehabilitation Center offering
intensive inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, specializing in treatment
of neurologic and orthopedic impairments, and comprehensive stroke care.
2009 – GMC receives full approval to bring
Open Heart Surgery to Gwinnett.
2009 - GMC-Duluth hosts the first robotic surgery in
Gwinnett using the da Vinci surgical robot named Leo.
As we look ahead, there is much to be done. The healthcare needs in our community are growing and ever changing.
We must keep alive and well the legacy of giving that began seven decades ago with General and Mrs. Glancy.
May our history inspire our desire today to respond and give, so we can care for the generations to come.
A Strong Foundation
As Gwinnett’s hospital system grew from its humble beginnings to a
multi-campus collection of healthcare facilities serving hundreds of
thousands, we needed a way to bring people together to support
Gwinnett Medical Center in fulfillng its mission to provide quality
health services to our community. In 1990 the Gwinnett Medical
Center Foundation was formed. For the past 20 years we have
been inspired, blessed, and empowered by philanthropy. We’ve
experienced firsthand what our community can do when we simply ask
and enable people to give.
Philanthropy is the most efficient, effective way to support our hospital
system. Every single dollar generated through contributed income goes
directly to the bottom line. It takes $25 of hospital revenue to generate
one dollar for reinvestment in new equipment and facilities. Contributions
made through the Foundation can be applied more quickly to fund
programs and expand services to better serve our community.
The Foundation supports Gwinnett Medical Center by funding programs,
services, and capital expansion projects through charitable contributions.
As a private not-for-profit 501(c)3, the Foundation enables people from all
walks of life to come together and give of their time, talents, and treasure
to strengthen our healthcare system. It all comes down to caring people
caring for people.
20 Years
Leading The Way
Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation is a volunteer and donor-driven organization. We are as strong as the passion and
influence of the people behind us. We are extremely fortunate to have a dedicated board of directors whose mission is
to see Gwinnett Medical Center thrive. They are leading the way to ensure Gwinnett continues to deliver exceptional
healthcare to all of us.
Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Manfred Sandler, MD, Chairman
Tom Andersen
Bartow Morgan
Phil Wolfe
Board Members
Ethel Andersen
Carolyn Hill
Bill Russell, PhD
Kerry Armstrong
Stephen K. Hill
Raymer Sale, Jr.
Carlton Buchanan, MD
Barbara Howard
Wayne Sikes
Renee Byrd-Lewis
Terri Jondahl
Tammy Shumate
Lori Carnes
Dan Kaufman, PhD
David Snell
Bruce E. Carter, DMD
Jim Maran
Sheila Stevens
Cynthia Chandler
Tom Martin
Bruce Still
Richard Chandler
Wayne Mason
Clyde Strickland
Julia Webb Davis
Bill McGann, MD
Richard Tucker
Beth Elsey
Ellen McGann
Judy Waters
Greg Hayes
Charles Oglesby
Kathryn Parsons Willis
Mike Hayes
Beth Phelps
Our Volunteers
Each year hundreds of volunteers are drawn to the Foundation to serve on working committees to champion
healthcare needs. They help build community awareness of our hospital system, promote giving, and recruit others
to serve alongside them. Our volunteers help with both friend-raising and fund-raising. They bring with them different
passions, motivations, and gifts. Whether they are individuals, corporate executives, retirees, families, physicians, or
hospital associates, there is a place for everyone.
Brighter Smiles for Brighter Futures Steering Committee
Cornerstone Society Committee
Cornerstone Society Gala Committee
Four generations of my family have been
actively involved with the hospital system.
We know what a legacy it is and how
rewarding our work to grow it can be.
Kathryn Parsons Willis
It has been amazing to watch the progress
of our health system through the years
and to see what everyday volunteers can
accomplish. As we see our dollars at work,
it motivates us to give again and again.
Tom & Ethel Andersen
Dr. Miles H. Mason, Jr. Memorial Golf Tournament Committee
Major Gifts Committee
Physician Partners Steering Committee
Planned Gifts Committee
Pulse Young Professionals Committee
STARS Associate Giving Committee
As community leaders, we must
do everything possible to ensure
that GMC becomes the world class
health system that our citizens
rightfully deserve.
Bill & Sherry Russell
Physician Partners
Physician Partners
Dr. Olaiton Adeniji
Physician Partners was founded in the fall of 2007 by Dr.
Manfred Sandler to encourage physicians to serve as
donors and advocates for Gwinnett Medical Center, and
promote awareness of fundraising initiatives both in the
GMC hospital family and the community. This group has
quickly grown to include 135 participating physicians.
The success of the Physician Partners group grew
from the realization of physicians that their support
and demonstrated belief in Gwinnett Medical Center
through their personal contributions was a powerful
example to others in the community. Their willingness
to support the Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation
speaks volumes and inspires many more to give.
Dr. Daud Azizi
Dr. Julius Ajayi
Dr. Joel Bailey
Dr. Philip Cannon
Dr. Yvette Carlisle-Brooks
Dr. Richard Delgado
Dr. Rekha Desai
Dr. Paul Fekete
Dr. James Froehlich
Dr. Sreeni Gangasani
Dr. Howard Goldberg
Dr. Eric Goldklang
Dr. Darryl Harris
Dr. Chris S. Hosfeld
Dr. Brandon Kang
Dr. Leslie Leigh
Dr. Christine Kang
Dr. Joe Lester
Dr. Gregory Mauldin
Dr. Marshall Nash
Dr. Val M. Phillips
Dr. Harry Rinker
Dr. Donald Ruf
Dr. Alexander Saker
Dr. Scott Schorr
Dr. Douglas Seeb
Dr. Lawrence Goldstein
Dr. Amanarh Kisseih
Dr. Althea McPhail
Dr. Andrew Weisberg
Dr. Stephen Salmieri
Dr. Gurudatt Setty
Dr. Herschel Smith
Dr. Jani Widjaja
Dr. Mark Kukler
Dr. Janice Rea
Dr. Cynthia Robinson
Dr. Manfred Sandler
Dr. Jon Siegel
Dr. Jay Smith
Dr. Pat Tyagi
Dr. James York
Dr. Ronald Reagan
Dr. Michael Stechison
Dr. Searle Videlefsky
Dr. Todd Zeigler
Dr. Robert Guerreso
Dr. Anna Kalynych
Dr. Miles H. Mason
Dr. Maurie Mintz
Dr. Charles Moomey
Dr. Walter Stevens
Dr. Denise Pecht
Dr. John Reed
Dr. Joseph Perez
Dr. Richard Reisman
Dr. David Schmidt
Dr. Quinn Simien
Dr. Michael Violette
Dr. James Lee
Dr. Tina Mason
Dr. Ceylon Rowland
Dr. Gregory Schlegel
Dr. Douglas Silver
Dr. Deborah Griffiths
Dr. Dave Josephson
Dr. Sanjay Patel
Dr. Philip Romm
Dr. Jeffrey Gladstein
Dr. Theresa Lawrence Ford
Dr. Gregory Miller
Dr. Jaymin Patel
Dr. Rodica Ellis
Dr. Lance Friedland
Dr. Thomas Giberson
Dr. Gary Levengood
Dr. Paayal Mehta Vyas
Dr. Robert Ellis
Dr. Neal Frenkel
Dr. Rajesh Jasani
Dr. Anthony Landis
Dr. Martin Austin
Dr. Carlton Buchanan
Dr. Kent Cohen Dr. Neelima Dachuri
Dr. Robert Eisenberg
Dr. Author Griffiths
Dr. Stuart Jacobson
Dr. Edward Proctor
Dr. Dinesh Chathoth
Dr. Sarah Ghayouri
Dr. Cheryl Gratton
Dr. Salil Patel
Dr. Jerome Bronikowski
Dr. Andrew Frazer
Dr. Steven Curt Leuallen
Dr. Rogerio Parreira
Dr. Sudhindra Anegundi
Dr. Alan Bier
Dr. Joel Dunn
Dr. Prasad Garimella
Dr. Kimberly Hutcherson
Dr. Stephanie Roberson
Dr. Gordon Tanner
Dr. Nam K. Do
Dr. Joseph Finley
Dr. Gaston Garcia
Dr. Markus Porkert
Dr. Barry Renz
Dr. Anna Tanner
Dr. Gene Ferri
Dr. Jorge Alvear
Dr. Anju Bhushan
Dr. Murtaza Cassoobhoy
Dr. Huong Do
Dr. Tiffany Lester
Dr. Bill McGann
Dr. Claud Morgan
Dr. Milton Alvarez
Dr. Sunil Bhole
Dr. Keith Carnes
Dr. Jay Desai
Dr. James K. Elsey
Dr. Stephanie Smith
The Physician Partners group builds sustaining
relationships with the physician community, which in
turn continues to influence other community leaders—
taking the Foundation to a new level of philanthropy.
Dr. Mary Jo Albert
Dr. James Barnhill
Dr. Michael Sineway
Dr. Spencer Rozin
Dr. Karen Schorr
Dr. Paul Skokanic
Dr. Danni Suskin
Dr. Stephen Szabo
Dr. Candice Wallace
Dr. Paul Weinberg
Dr. Richard Zellmer Physicians help people on a daily basis. Their hands are instruments of
healing. They reach out and administer cures, diagnose illnesses, and
save lives. For those they cannot reach with their own hands, many
help by supporting programs that allow others to reach them instead.
Standing Together Associates Reach Success (STARS)
is a voluntary giving program created by the employees
of GMC to fund projects that benefit the entire
community. Over 1,800 GMC associates give to STARS
through payroll deductions and their contributions help
fund many efforts. Donations received through the
program represent a significant portion of all money
raised by the GMC Foundation each year. Since 1995,
GMC associates have given more than $2.8 million in
charitable contributions to improve access and expand
services at GMC.
GMC associates not only give
their care and expertise to
patients and families each day,
but they also give a portion of
their paychecks to help provide
the very best services and
technology available.
Auxiliary volunteers at GMC assist in a variety of ways –
by serving staff, patients, and visitors. Auxiliary members
can be found in every area of the hospital, including
the gift shop, information desks, surgery waiting rooms,
patient floors, and more. Much like the nurses and
physicians they assist, no two days are the same. Each
day brings new challenges and rewards. Each year the
GMC Auxiliary volunteers donate over 40,000 hours,
with a value of approximately $640,000. In addition,
they have donated more than $1,000,000 to the
Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation through the years.
Auxiliary volunteers see firsthand every day the impact of
our giving. We are touching
the lives of real people in
real-time and it’s powerful!
Frances Greer
Vangie Dennis, STARS Chair
Distinguished Service Award
Physician Champion Award
The Distinguished Service Award is an honor bestowed upon those individuals who have consistently
demonstrated extraordinary commitment, dedication, and service to Gwinnett Medical Center and the
Gwinnett community. Established in 2000, its purpose is to serve as a tribute to exemplary Foundation
volunteers who have donated their wealth, work, and wisdom to better our community.
Created in 2009, the Physician Champion Award recognizes exceptional physicians,
who specifically champion the fundraising efforts of the Foundation in support of the
mission of GMC.
Volunteering through the Foundation has enabled
me to champion new causes and feel as though I’m
contributing to healthcare in exciting new ways. It
feels good to get outside my white coat and make a
difference in ways I never thought I could. I’m pushing
myself and others to be the very best we can be.
Kathryn Parsons Willis
Carolyn Hill
Dr. Manfred Sandler
Bruce Still
Physicians go into medicine with the goal of
helping our fellow man. But that means more
than practicing medicine. I see firsthand the
benefits of supporting the Foundation and am
committed to encouraging other physicians
and their families to do the same.
Dr. Bruce E. Carter
Sheila Stevens
Wayne Sikes
Dr. Keith Carnes
The Power Of Giving
The gift of a dollar to the Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation
has high impact because every single dollar given applies directly
to the bottom line. When donors give through the Foundation, every
penny spent directly applies to improving our healthcare system.
Donors contribute on many different levels. Some give individually,
corporately, or via special events. Some designate their gifts for a
specific healthcare initiative or campaign, while others give in honor or
memory of a loved one. Some gifts are received through asset transfers
and some are bequeathed. The giving opportunities are endless. The
Foundation even offers opportunities to gain recognition for cumulative
giving, so through the years you can really see how it all adds up.
$20 Million
The Keystone Society
Our Keystone Society recognizes individuals, businesses, foundations, and organizations whose cumulative giving
totals $10,000 or more to support ongoing programs and expansion at Gwinnett Medical Center. Through their
generosity and leadership, these donors have placed a higher value on one of the most important quality of life assets
for any community – the availability of the highest quality healthcare. This philanthropic legacy is helping provide the
best in healthcare for our citizens today and tomorrow.
It’s important to serve. It’s important to give back,
especially for those of us in life fortunate enough
to do well.
Dr. Joseph Finley
Keystone Fellows $1,000,000 or more
Gwinnett Medical Center Auxiliary
STARS Associate Giving Program
Keystone Leadership $500,000 - $999,999
The Sport of Giving
The Brand Banking Company
Clyde & Sandra Strickland
Brighter Smiles for Brighter Futures
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Wayne & Ann Mason
$250,000 - $499,999
Frances Wood
$100,000 - $249,999
SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation and the English, Marshall & Rich Memorial Funds
Henry & Barbara Howard
Scott & Jacqueline Hudgens
Lawrence & Renee Garrett
Jim & Jeanine Gullett
Perkins + Will Architects
Keystone Society $50,000 - $99,999
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
E.R. Snell Contractor, Inc.
Gwinnett Community Bank
Meadows & Ohly, Inc.
North Metropolitan Radiology Associates, LLP
John D. Stephens
The Family of Dr. George Tootle
Dave & Cindy Ames
Margaret Parsons Andrews
Dr. Jim & Beth Elsey
Harry Varnadoe Grading & Piping, Inc.
Chung & Sandra Lee
Wally & Ann Odum
Bruce & Ann Still
Rick & Nancy Chandler
Bob & Del Podsiadlo
Primerica Financial Services
Greg & Tammy Shumate
Tom & Sandy Karr
Chamberlin Edmonds & Associates
Powell Goldstein, LLC
Dr. Danni & Linda Suskin
Gwinnett Pulmonary Group
Kroger Company
Dr. Tina Mason
Publix Charities
Wayne & Beth Sikes
$25,000 - 49,999
Gwinnett Neonatology, P.C.
Thomas J. & Barbara Martin
Thomas & Dr. Denise Pecht
Gwinnett Hospital System Medical Staff
Causey Project Management
Georgian Bank
Jackson EMC
Richard Drye & Terri Jondahl
Wachovia & Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation
IronStone Bank
McKesson Provider Technologies & McKesson Foundation, Inc.
Ron & Gay Shook
Dr. Paul & Vicki Fekete
Georgia Power Company & Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.
The Peachtree Bank
Charles & Glenda Bannister
Dr. Leslie & Stacy Leigh
Stanford Private Wealth Management
The Weinberg Family
Dr. Miles H. Mason, III
Wilson Foundation
Bill & Sherry Russell
Tom & Ethel Andersen
Gwinnett Emergency Specialists
Joan Glancy Hospital Volunteers
Dr. Manfred & Fiona Sandler
Dekalb Office Environments
Georgia Baptist Health Care Ministry Foundation
Frederick & Dorothy Rainey
American Cancer Society
Wayne & Carolyn Hill
Bill & Rosemary Drake
David, Helen & Marian Woodward Fund
Gwinnett Anesthesia Service, P.C.
R.J. Griffin & Company
Jim & Billie Ellis
Dr. Anthony & Lori Landis
Mason Primary Care Clinic L.P.
Franklin M. & Caryl Rinker
Suzanna’s Kitchen
Richard & Peggy Tucker
Jack & Candy Wynn
$10,000 - 24,999
Dr. Mary Jo Albert & Jim Crooks Ralph & Marian Allen Alliant/Belca Food Service, Inc. Amedisys / Central Home Health
Andersen, Tate & Carr
Art Plumbing Company
Atlanta Reef Club Atlanta Vending AT&T
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Atlanta Magazine
Atlanta Oncology Associates
Batchelor & Kimball Dr. Alan & Liz Bier Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T) Casey & Georgia Brogdon
Wallace E. & Annette Brown Dr. Carlton & Patricia Buchanan, Jr. Building Healthy Futures William & Kathy Bumgarner Manuel & Dale Cadrecha
Wayne Cain Miguel & Argentina Candelaria Dr. Philip Cannon The Cancer Challenge, Inc. Dr. Keith & Lori Carnes J.D. Caswell Susan Chambers
Clinton A. Harkins, P.C.
Crown Park Homes
CNA Foundation
Ronald & Millicent Corder
Deaconess Foundation
Dr. Robert & Diane Ellis
Vangie & Richard Dennis
Epstein, Becker and Green, PC
Foster & Company General Contractors, Inc.
Gwinnett Daily Post
Jim & Linda Cowart
Alan & Judy Densmore
Dr. Lawrence & Bonnie Evans
Howard & Charlyne Fowler
Gwinnett Surgical Associates
Crescent Resources, LLC
Drs. Jayaprakash & Rekha Desai
Guy Ben & Murlene Findley
Dr. Gaston & Michele Garcia
Horace (Jim) & Julia Hambrick
Critical Care Medflight
Discover Mills
Dr. Joseph & Nancy Finley
Dr. Reg Gilbreath
Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.
Frances Greer
Greg & Renita Hayes
Hayes, James & Associates Bill & Carole Head Healtheon/WebMD Corp. Dr. Willard C. Hearin, III Hennessy Lexus Hibble, Peters & Dawson, Inc.
J.E. & Faye Hinshaw, Sr.
Rachel Hoovestol
Ida A. Ryan Charitable Trust
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Paul & Pat Kesmodel
Dan & Karen King King & Spalding Kraft General Foods, Inc. Lawrenceville Woman’s Club Lifeline Ambulance Service, Inc. Don & Rebecca Loggins
Lorad, Hologic Company Lou Sobh Pontiac, Buick, GMC Richard & Julie Lynott & Jane Lynott Wilson Mike & Karen Malloy Henry A. & Blair Mann
Dixon & Teresa Marlow (Priority EMS)
Tommy & Brenda McBride
Joe & Nancy McCart
McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLP
Clayton & Nancy Moss
Marsh USA
Dave & Kathy Martin
Dr. Michael J. & Nancy McCoy
Merck & Company, Inc.
James & Shelby Maughon
Mike & Kay Montgomery
North Fulton Endodontics
Richard & Shirley McGinnis
Dr. Claud & Elaine Morgan
Onesource Orthopedics
Pricewaterhouse Coopers, LLP
Greg & Cherie Pritchard
Bernard & Sharon Robertson
Royal Cup Coffee, Inc.
Russ & Melanie Sheldon
Signs by Tomorrow
Spencer & Jean Snedecor
Spitfire Media Group
Staffing Options, Inc.
Dr. Jerry & Janet Tootle
Danita Turner
Herb & Mildred Waterhouse
Sodexho Health Care Services
Susan Stubbs
United Community Bank
Tom & Annette McIntosh
Michael & Dr. Vicki Morgan
Nona Sparks Patterson
Donny & Sandra Phillips
Salon 124
Dr. Gregory & Shelly Mauldin
John & Connie Riddle
J. Thomas & Linda Shepherd
SourceOne Healthcare Technologies
Susan G. Komen Foundation
Dr. Marc I. Unterman
Weinberg, Wheeler, Hudgins, Gunn & Dial, LLC
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
Dr. Jon & Lori Siegel
SouthEast Aquariums, Inc.
Tara Materials, Inc.
Vanderbilt Capital Advisors
Loretta B. Roberts
Dennis & Betty Taylor
Waffle House Foundation
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
It’s important to have the highest
quality healthcare available in our
community. We believe that helping
others is one of the greatest steps
in healing.
Jim & Billie Ellis
Brighter Smiles for Brighter Futures
The Sport of Giving
In 2000, Dr. Bruce E. Carter created Brighter Smiles for Brighter Futures, which allows dentists to raise funds for Cancer
Care by exchanging professional teeth bleaching for a donation to the GMC Foundation. The dentists do not receive
any compensation for the services provided through Brighter Smiles, and 100% of the patient donation goes to the
Foundation. Since its beginning, more than 65 dentists have contributed more than $730,000 to help fund cancer
treatment programs and expansion projects for GMC, including upgrading our mammography machines with the latest
digital technology, the construction of a new mammography screening center at GMC-Duluth, and the purchase of a
new ultrasound machine for the diagnostic center at GMC-Duluth.
In 2000, Sheila Stevens created a neighborhood tennis tournament, VolleyFest, to raise funds for breast cancer
diagnosis and treatment. The event gained so much support that it has evolved into its own organization, The Sport
of Giving, that has expanded to include multiple sporting events such as SwingFest, a golf tournament, and RunFest,
a 5k run. Through The Sport of Giving, Sheila has helped raise over $1.1 million to fund numerous projects at
Gwinnett Medical Center.
The Cornerstone Society
The GMC Foundation created The Cornerstone Society in 2008 to recognize individuals, businesses, foundations and
organizations that make an annual sustaining commitment of $1,000 or more to support ongoing programs and
operations at Gwinnett Medical Center. The Foundation hosts a Cornerstone Society Gala annually to recognize and
thank these generous donors.
Diamond Members $10,000 or above
Tom & Ethel Andersen
Atlanta Reef Club
Dr. Alan & Liz Bier
Brighter Smiles for Brighter Futures Rick & Nancy Chandler Cisco Systems, Inc. Bill & Rosemary Drake E.R. Snell Contractor, Inc. – David & Krista Snell
Gwinnett Medical Center Auxiliary
Bill & Carole Head
Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation
Dr. Miles & Sandy Mason
Dr. Manfred & Fiona Sandler
Clyde & Sandra Strickland
Daniel & Karen King
Wayne & Ann Mason
Spitfire Media Group
Dr. Leslie & Stacy Leigh
Frederick & Dorothy Rainey
SouthEast Aquariums
Bill & Sherry Russell
John D. & Beverly Stephens
SunTrust Affiliated Foundations, Walter H. and Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund, Thomas Guy Woolford Charitable Trust,
and Greene-Sawtell Foundation
The Sport of Giving
Greg & Tammy Shumate
Barbara Howard
Dr. Danni & Linda Suskin
The Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation
The Brainy Baby Company
The Brand Banking Company – Bartow & Leslie Morgan
Phil & Mary Jane Wolfe
Emerald Members $5,000 - $9,999
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
HHA Services
Dr. Robert & Diane Ellis
Wayne & Carolyn Hill
McKenna Long & Aldridge, LLC
Ed & Annette Brown
Clinton A. Harkins, PC
Wallace & Ann Odum
Carol Danielson & Ken Sachs
Tommy & Brenda McBride
Charles & Debra Oglesby
Dr. Phillip & Dr. Tina Heil
R.J. Griffin & Company
Robert & Debra Smith
Greg & Renita Hayes
Atlanta Magazine
Mike & Caryn McGarity
Joe & Nancy McCart
The Regen Group, LLC
Batchelor & Kimball
Larry & Lea Bay
Chamberlin Edmonds & Associates
Dr. Lawrence & Bonnie Evans
Hibble, Peters & Dawson, Inc.
Dr. Andrew & Kathy Weisberg
Gwinnett Braves Baseball Club
Wayne & Beth Sikes
Dr. Bruce E. & Betty Carter
Bernard & Sharon Robertson
Causey Project Management
KSR Ventures, Inc. – Katharine Romstad
Lorretta B. Roberts
Jay & Margaret Dennard
Dr. Harry & Angie McCool
Dr. Ronald & Cordy Reagan
Robert & Martha Bowen
Finelight, Inc.
Terri Jondahl & Richard Drye
Dr. Keith & Lori Carnes
Hayes Chrysler-Dodge, Inc.
Dr. Jim & Beth Elsey
Ruby Members $2,500 - $4,999
Jack & Candy Wynn
Dr. Jon & Lori Siegel
Jackson EMC
Charles & Glenda Bannister
Dr. Cliff & Erika Johnson
Guy Ben & Murlene Findley
Dr. James & Seoyoung Lee
Meadows & Ohly, LLC
Dr. Gregory & Patricia Schlegel
Jeff & Mindy Nowlin
Thomas & Linda Shepherd
Kathryn Parsons Willis
Pearl Members $1,000 - $2,499
Richard & Christy Allen
Kerry & Wendy Armstrong
Myron & Theresa Bullock
Dr. Murtaza & Arefa Cassoobhoy
Steven & Nancy Charron
Sam & Tammy Chambers
Dr. Dinesh & Mini Chatoth
Dr. Clayton & Julia Davis
Dr. Gene & Anita Ferri
Dr. Andrew & Linda Frazer
Dr. Craig & Donna Fievet
Dr. Neal & Lauri Frenkel
Dr. Sreeni &Madhavi Gangasani
Georgia Gwinnett College
Dr. Richard & Lori Gangwisch
Georgia Power Company
Dr. Howard & Cindy Goldberg
Dr. Eric & Michelle Goldklang
Dr. Author & Dr. Deborah Griffiths
Joel & Virginia Harrell
Stephen K. & Karen Hill
Dr. Lamar & Jean Holley
Dr. Kimberly Hutcherson
Dr. Lawrence & Leah Kaplan
Dr. Mark & Lori Kukler
Rick & Pam Kauffman
Dr. Slade Lail
Dr. Steven & Tricia Leuallen
John & Katie Martin
Dr. Gary & Lisa Levengood
Johnny & Cheri Oliver
Dr. Rogerio & Monique Parreira
Thomas & Dr. Denise Pecht
Bob & Ginger Powell
Matt & Pam Prengaman
Matthew & Dr. Kirstin Risse
Dr. Stephanie Roberson
Dr. Ceylon Rowland
Ron & Gay Shook
Dr. Herschel & Cheryl Smith
Dr. Jay & Courtney Smith
T&S Partnership
Danita Turner
Dr. Douglas Silver
Dennis & Nancy Stockwell
Dr. Wayne & Jackie Tadse
Navin & Dr. Pat Tyagi
Dr. Candice Wallace & Robert Diggs
Dr. James & Kitty Williamson
Dr. Gordon & Dr. Anna Tanner
Dr. Jeremy & Anna Ward
Joe & Sandy Williamson
Mike & Kay Montgomery
Dr. Marshall & Cathy Nash
Dr. Edward & Joyce Proctor
Dr. Philip & Stephanie Romm
Dr. Stephen & Mia Salmieri
Dr. Douglas Seeb & Jeanne Derderian
Dr. Michael & Jan Sineway
Dr. Paul & Laurie Skokanic
Dr. Walter & Sheila Stevens
Dr. Stephen Szabo & Jennifer Aqua
William & Martha Todd
Stephen & Laura Tucker
Badal & Dr. Paayal M. Vyas
Dr. Paul & Harriett Weinberg
Dr. James & Karen York
Dr. Todd Zeigler
John & Tracey Waldrop
Dr. Jani & Sook Widjaji
Dr. Richard & Sharon Zellmer
This list represents cash contributions made in calendar year 2009 (excluding special event sponsorships).
Susan Pech
As GMC expands, capital and operating budgets must
meet the costs of innovation. Income from endowments
make that possible. Endowments provide GMC with a
competitive edge and help us maintain and enhance
the quality of the GMC experience. To compete with our
peers, continue to excel, and meet the goals of GMC’s
new strategic plan, we must re-emphasize the critical
need for endowments to support the people working
here and the facilities in which they work and heal.
Dr. Harry Rinker & Dr. Anna Kalynych
Dr. Alexander & Ana Saker
Wesley & Susan Stubbs
Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation’s endowment
supports Gwinnett Medical Center facilities and the
latest technology. With a strong endowment, Gwinnett
Medical Center Foundation can recruit the best
emerging technologies and medical knowledge.
Dr. Markus Porkert & Dr. Maurie Mintz
Dr. Michael Stechison & Dr. Cheryl Gratton
Troy & Cathy Webb
Tom & Merrill Paige
Dr. Sanjay & Nisha Patel
Greg & Cherie Pritchard
George & Lynn Thorndyke
Anthony & Terra Winter
William & Kathy McCargo
Dr. Eddie & Pamela Pafford
Derek & Shelly Schwerzler
Dr. Michael & Cheryl Violette
Felix & Carole Martin
North Metropolitan Radiology Group
Bob & Dr. Cynthia Robinson
Dr. Quinn & Yvette Simien
Kenneth & Priscilla Stockwell
Dr. Searle & Renee Videlefsky
Dr. Joe & Dr. Tiffany Lester
Stephen & Alison Nadeau
Dr. Donald & JoEllen Ruf
Dr. Stephanie Smith
Mani & Harshila Krishnaswamy
Medical Practice & Management Partners
Dr. Barry & Deanna Renz
Robert & Janet Schwalbe
Dr. Stuart & Diane Jacobson
An endowed gift to Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation
ensures support for today, while providing excellence
and innovation far into the future. Endowed gifts are
invested. A portion of the investment earnings are spent,
while the original gifts are preserved as principal. In
this way, endowed gifts have far greater earning power:
a one-time gift lasts forever.
Dr. Brandon & Dr. Christine Kang
Nancy McAlexander
Dr. Val & Penny Phillips
Mickey & Lynn Roberts
Dr. Spencer & Nora Rozin
Dr. Scott & Dr. Karen Schorr
Dr. Kathy Huber & David Sitz
Dr. Gregory & Angela Miller
Priority EMS - Dixon & Theresa Marlow
Deborah Hamrick
Pamela Henderson
Mike & Karen Malloy
Dr. Salil Patel & Dr. Anju Bhushan
Dr. Richard & Susan Reisman
Dr. Gurudatt & Vinutha Setty
Bruce & Ann Still
Dr. Matt & Leigh Anne Mazzawi
Dr. Joseph & Jessie Perez
Dr. John Reed
Dr. David & Nancy Schmidt
Tom & Karen Lynch
Charles & Eleanor Morgan
Dr. Jaymin & Jignasha Patel
Holly Gullatt
Lawrenceville Tourism & Trade
Oral Surgery Associates & Dental Implant Center
Jose & Yolanda Perez
Dr. Bradley & JoEllen Greenway
Dr. Paul & Julia Korb
North Georgia Rheumatology – Dr. Theresa Lawrence Ford
Dr. Janice Rea & David Gehle
Gary & Mary Root
Dr. Amanarh Kisseih
Dr. Althea McPhail & Reverend Gerald McPhail
Dr. Claud & Elaine Morgan
Charles & Amanda Nix
Dr. Jeffrey & Julie Gladstein
Amalie Helbert
Dr. Dave & Tara Josephson
Merrill Lynch Private Client Group – Neil Moore
Dr. Charles & Michelle Moomey
Dr. Mark & Lauren Gray
Dr. Anthony & Lori Landis
Dr. Greg & Shelly Mauldin
Dr. Prasad & Madhuri Garimella
The Honorable Dawson & Marsha Jackson
Michael & Peggy Levengood
Dr. William & Ellen McGann
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation
Michael & Leah Naughton
Paul & Pat Kesmodel
Dr. Jeff & Claire Foltz
Dr. James & Lynda Froehlich
Dr. Chris & Leslie Hosfeld
Franklin & Barbara Jones
Dr. Wallace & Mary Lail
Dr. Tina Mason
David & Peggy McCleskey
Notre Dame Academy
Dr. Gary Iskol
George & Bronwen Johnson
Norman & Dr. Rodica Ellis
Jackie Ginn
Hayslett Group, Inc.
Jeff & Adrienne Hollis
Matt & Maureen Hyatt
Dr. Rajesh & Bina Jasani
Dr. Gaston & Michele Garcia
Dr. Robert & Julie Guerreso
Reagan & Paige Havens
Richard & Vangie Dennis
Dr. Dan & Dr. Janet Dunwoody
William & Susan Fleming
Dr. Thomas & Pam Giberson
Max Grimm & Kelley Cody-Grimm
Dr. Darryl & Frances Harris
Dr. Joel & Jill Dunn
Ruth Ann Chapin
Dr. Neelima & Madhu Dachuri
Dr. Lance & Susan Friedland
Dr. Lawrence Goldstein
Carol Bullock
Dr. Yvette Carlisle-Brooks & Mr. Donald Brooks
Dr. Robert & Elizabeth Eisenberg
Mike & Krista Ganley
Dr. Sarah Ghayouri
Dr. Sunil & Adriana Bhole
Delmar Gardens of Gwinnett
Dr. Joseph & Nancy Finley
Tom & Barbara Fricano
Dr. Joel & Elaine Bailey
Dr. Carlton & Patricia Buchanan
David & Shawn Cross
Bob & Cathy Dougherty
east2west media group
Dr. Daud & Nadia Azizi
Dr. Scott & Cynthia Chandler
Dr. Kent & Lisa Cohen
Dr. Richard & Shirley Delgado
Dr. Nam & Dr. Huong Do
E2E Resources, Inc. – Raymer & Bonnie Sale
Dr. Paul & Vicki Fekete
Diana Potts
Jason & Monica Chandler
Dr. Mary Jo Albert & Jim Crooks
Dr. Sudhindra Anegundi & Cathalane Teahan
Jim & Susan Behnke
Avril Brown
Dr. David & Kim Carithers
Mike & Christine Cobb
Dekalb Neurology Associates
Dr. Jayaprakash R. & Dr. Rekha Desai
Ray & Peggy Bell
Dr. Jerome & Evie Bronikowski
Dr. Philip J. Cannon
Dr. Julius & Seji Ajayi
Dr. Martin & Lauren Austin
Roy & Carolyn Beaty
Dr. Matthew & Jenny Bleicken
Myron & Janice Bullock
AirTran Airways
Amedysis Central Home Health
Atlanta Business Bank
Dr. James & Debbie Barnhill
Dr. John & Tina Binkley
Amy Greiner
Dr. Jorge & Rebecca Alvear
Atlanta Braves Foundation
Dr. Allen & Kathy Ballar
Bob & Shirley Duvall
Dr. Olaitan & Yemisi Adeniji
Dr. Milton & Aida Alvarez
Howard Cancer Care Endowment
Strickland Family Cancer Care Endowment
Frances Greer Nursing Scholarship
Loretta Roberts Nursing Leadership
Ancillary Services Fund
Expert as well as compassionate
care for cancer patients is most
important for all afflicted with
this dreadful disease. I created the
Howard Cancer Care Endowment
in memory of my late husband
Henry who lost his battle to cancer
in 2004 and in hope for all who
continue to fight this enemy of
all mankind.
Barbara Howard
The Power Of People
The GMC Foundation works closely with Gwinnett Medical Center to
address not only immediate healthcare needs but to proactively plan
for a healthy future. It is imperative that we always look ahead and
prepare for what is to come. We have our eye on emerging technologies
to make certain we stay on the cutting edge. We are constantly
analyzing growth statistics to accurately forecast capacity and service
demands. We do everything we can to ensure we have the highest
quality healthcare available in our community. Gwinnett Medical
Center has an incredible vision for the future—a vision that is
transforming healthcare in our community for generations to come.
A great hospital system helps keep a community
strong, vibrant, and growing. That’s why it’s
important for all of us to support this hospital
system, support these doctors and nurses, and
help this system grow.
Wayne Sikes
10,000 Donors
Project PATH
In late 2006, the Gwinnett Medical Center board of directors adopted a distinct vision for our healthcare system. At its
core, the vision is simple: to ensure the very best care is available for every patient we serve. It’s called Project PATH.
P lan to meet our community’s constantly growing healthcare needs
A dvance medical technology and clinical excellence
T ransform our facilities and expand capacity for
H ealthcare that meets your needs.
As the CEO of the hospital system, I know
that we can’t do everything we need to
with just earnings. Philanthropy helps us
do things so much faster and allows us to
better serve the community.
Philip R. Wolfe
President & CEO, Gwinnett Hospital System
GMC has already made many significant advances, including the opening of GMC-Duluth in October 2006, the new
155-bed patient tower at GMC that opened in September of 2009, and now the development of our Open Heart
surgery program. These projects, along with other Project PATH initiatives, will enable us to transform healthcare in
our community and will address our indisputable and critical need to increase the number of patients we can treat
and expand our life-saving specialty services. Project PATH will also help fuel the growth of Gwinnett County as it
improves the quality of life of its people and attract high paying jobs to the region.
Having a vision to transform healthcare is one thing. Implementing it is quite another. The initiatives currently outlined
in Project PATH total $500 million in capital expansion needs. More needs will follow. To be successful we must do
all we can to raise the funds to meet these needs.
We are confident that with the vision outlined in Project PATH, a strong commitment from our physicians and staff,
and support from our community, we will continue to remain the hospital Gwinnett deserves…and more importantly
— the hospital YOU deserve!
Open Heart Is In Your Hands
Giving of ourselves and our
money is an extension of
our love for the community.
That’s what life is all about.
Clyde & Sandra Strickland
Currently there is one area in which Gwinnett County is critically underserved—lifesaving
cardiac care. In fact, Gwinnett is the most populated county in the nation without an open
heart program. In response to this critical need, GMC Foundation has launched a capital
campaign with a goal of raising $8 million in community support to be used to build
additional surgical suites and accompanying facilities needed to operate an open heart
program in Gwinnett.
Open Heart
Goal $8,000,000
Many generous donors have responded
to the call for support of our Open Heart
Campaign. They are leading by example and
challenging others to give. Gwinnett Medical
Center thanks the following donors for
helping reach $6.1 million toward an $8
million goal for our Open Heart Campaign.
Giving is contagious. We have been fortunate
to live and work in a county that has seen so
much growth. We felt that we should give back
because Gwinnett has been so good to us. There
is such a great need in Gwinnett County for
Open Heart services, and we must have
community support. Quality healthcare is
something we cannot do without.
Wayne & Ann Mason
Clyde and Sandra Strickland
Center Associates (STARS)
The Brand Banking Company
Gwinnett Medical
Physician Partners
Wayne and Ann Mason
$150,000 Gwinnett Medical Center Auxiliary
SunTrust Foundation
$100,000 Lawrence and Irene Garrett
Bill and Sherry Russell Phil and Mary Jane Wolfe $50,000
Tom and
Cisco Systems Inc.
Ethel Andersen
Dr. Manfred and Fiona Sandler
John D. and Beverly Stephens
Terri Jondahl and Richard Drye
Rick and Nancy Chandler Greg and Tammy Shumate
$25,000 Dr. Jim and Beth Elsey
$15,000 Frederick and Dorothy Rainey
Bill and Rosemary Drake
Barbara Howard
Wayne and Beth Sikes
E.R. Snell Contractor
Perkins + Will Architects
Wayne and Carolyn Hill
Bruce and Ann Still
Charles and Glenda Bannister Dr. Keith and Lori Carnes Greg and Renita Hayes Joe and Nancy McCart
Dan and Karen King
Dr. Alan and Liz Bier
Jim and Billie Ellis
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Georgia Power
We encourage our employees to give
and to be active in the community.
I can’t encourage my employees
unless they see that I am doing the
exact same thing. Brand Bank is
our family and we wanted to give as
a family unit to the community to
support Open Heart services.
Bill and Carole Head
Bartow Morgan, Jr.
The Brand Banking Company
Caring People Caring for People
Linda Abraham
Marsha Adams
Amy Andolsek
Wayne Andolsek
William Arthur
Dr. James K. Begley
Twenty Years And Counting
Richard Booker
Beverly Bull
Thanks to the passion of the Gwinnett community, Gwinnett Medical Center
Foundation has grown over the past twenty years into a multi-faceted
organization. We want to extend a special thanks to you, our loyal supporters,
for the tremendous generosity you have shown Gwinnett Medical Center
for the past two decades. The hospital system has experienced exponential
growth during this time and our donors, volunteers, and friends played a large
role in our transformation. Because of the twenty-plus years of dedication,
passion, and philanthropy, Gwinnett Medical Center is well on its way to
becoming THE healthcare provider of choice for the region.
Charles Christie
Carl Cofer
Sherri Creech
Cindy A. Crocker
Cheryl Dake
Hung Dang
Leo Felteau
Veronica Ferguson
M r. and Mrs. William J. Fleck
Our vision at Gwinnett Medical Center for the future will be impossible to
realize without the collective contributions of everyone. Whenever we
are challenged by the question “How can I make a difference?”
remember that together everything is possible. And whether our
contributions equal a few hours of time volunteering or a few dollars
donated, it all matters. It all makes a difference.
We all can make a difference by doing good for others.
Deborah Froehlich
Gael Gilbert
Tracy Goodman
Kevin Gray
Rhonda Hairston
Dr. Sheryl Henderson
Jane T. Hinnant
Linda Holcomb
Louise Goodwin
Beth Grimes
Marcia Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Hess
Julie Hipe
Tammy Holcombe
Joanne Hewatt
Tammy Hitchcock
Cindy Hollingsworth
Angela Hix
Angeline S. Holmes
Elaine Honeycutt
Melanie Hoover
Dionne Horton
Dr. Calvin Huff
Brian Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hughes
Melissa Hunt
Oz Hurst
Detrick Johnson
Eileen Kaplan
Dr. Ken Hutchinson
Mrs. Judy Johnson
Dr. Cynthia Jones
Dr. Dan Jones
Dr. Jeffrey Larner
Ann Lundgren
Tanja Lurry
Vickie Mewborn
Dr. Brian Kinsey
Traci Laboy
Joan Lindley
Angela Lyons
Mona Lippitt
Mary McNeil
Susan T. Minter
Teena Martini
Emogene W. Mayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Meeks
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Miller
Joy Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. Brad Lord
Laura Mitchell
Joy Miller
Nancy Kendall
Laura Konkel
Mary Hunt
Joanne Jenkins
Dawn Jones
Debbie Jones
Florence Kamradt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kenerly
Cynamin Kinard
Theressa Koontz
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lands
Lyn Lovstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Al King
Dr. Paul & Julia Korb
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lane, II
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C. Loyd
Marie Leon
Dr. Karl Lugus, DMD
Dr. Barry Malkiel
Tammy Manning
Natasha Mathis
Bonnie Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Garen McDonnell
Margaret McLincha
Raul Melendez
Nicola Miller
Gwendolyn Hudson
Dr. David Lentz and Dr. Hisa Yamaguchi
Joan McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitchell
Dorothy Holbus
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hombroek
Sharon Joyce-Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Waheed A. Malik
Dr. Ali Mehraban
Holly D. Hinnant
Yolanda Hoke
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Howe
Dr. and Mrs. Romeo P. Massoud
Lynde McClung
Wilma Harvey
Michael Hemphill
Jacqueline Hines
Myra Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Kim
Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Mahurin
Sonia Marsh-Anderson
Dr. Leela Maxa and Dr. John Maxa
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Floyd
Mary Long
Lisa Harter
Bobbie Hedgeman
Lucienne Jolicoeur-Louis
Lisa Landers
Sharon Grason
Wondwossen Hailu
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Jassmann
Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Kelly
Janie Lamont
Ann Haarmann
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humphries
Dr. Kristin Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. David O. Lawson
Marcia Gellineau
Gayle Goodman
Penny Hogan
Melissa James
Mr. and Mrs. James Knauss
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laine
Mary Lawder
Cheryl Macmillan
Kimberly Marcus
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. McNaull
Michael S. Minter
Carla Kinney
June Geiger
Andrea Gomez
Kathy S. Harrell, CPA
Trellis Howard
Jeffrey Fouche
Dr. Robert C. Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Granger
Arja Haarla
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Holmes, Jr.
Kathryne Johnston
Julie Kiefer
Marjorie Foster
Melinda Gay
Dr. Sammy Graham
Denise Howard
Stephanie Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. James Finkenhoefer
Mr. and Mrs. David Heydinger
Dr. Bridgett Jorgensen
Patricia Key
Dr. Alec Elchahal
Sandra E. Golden
Margaret Hogan
Pamela Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kay
Charles Key
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lastinger
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maran
Dr. Kent Mattison
Wendy Karn
Carolyn C. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes
Neah Johnson
Stephanie Jones
Dr. Philip Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Levandoski
Dr. Bob Israel
Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Johnson
Karen Kubik
Timothy Housand
Linda Hughes
John Iodice
Gillian Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Krajec
Mrs. Peggy Hotz
Audrey Holmes
Gayle Delucia
Mr. and Mrs. Les Friend
Mr. and Mrs. John Heard
Harold Hewitt
Carol Dailey
Colleen Dawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Deli
Patricia Fortuna
Mollie Harmon
Anne H. Hodges
Leza Davis
Ernestine Faulkner
Gwen Gustavson
Dr. David Haywood
Susan Crawford
John A. Cummings
Dr. Robert Finkel
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Golden
Candace Hardy
Dr. Stephen R. Connelly
Mr. Kenneth E. Dombrowski and Dr. Linda L. Casteel
James O. Friedlander
Virginia Gordon
Dr. Amy Cates
Donnalee Clough
Millie Craven
Lasheca Davis
Shari Delgado
Debra Fortier
Madeline Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Hayes
Joanne Culvern
Dr. Andrea M. Garmon
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Gordon
Sharon Greene
Lisa Culver
Kathryn Butler
Sheryl Cassidy
Cecilia Conneely
Donna Crane
Maurleen Fincher
Dr. Patrick French
Stacy Godfrey
Angela Conley
Mary Farrington
Daniel T. Forsman
Pamela Garland
Charles Glisson
Bettina Hamilton
Devon Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie D. Kinlaw
Andrea Garcia
Gayle Hayes
Sarah Hinton
Mr. and Mrs. Jef Fincher
Mrs. JoAnn Buice
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Clay
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Echols
Stuart Farmer
Dr. and Mrs. Steven A. Freedman
Dwayne Grayer
Dr. Tim Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes
Julianne Dreon
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Foote
Sonny Gilreath
Dr. Richard Goodroe
Sherlyn Gray
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Kennedy
Jason C. Chandler, President
GMC Foundation
Sandra Figueroa-Reyes
Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Frost
Dr. Harry Gentry
Cathleen Dowd
Dr. Mark A. Brooks
Cathy Bryant
Lisa Craft
Jacqueline Dobbs
Linda Bond
Jimmy Brannan
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Butera
Dr. James G. Davis
Ecaterina Dejeu
John Desdunes
Dr. and Mrs. George P. Ezzard
Vickie Flood
Diana Free
Christine Davis
Vicki Dean
Nichole Dennis
Timothy Douds
Mr. and Mrs. James Eyler
Clara David
Rita Dean
James Dennard Jr
Polly K. Dorminey
Dorothy Ewen
Pamela Danzis
Kristen Crowell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bilz
Mary Brock
Pamela Bruce
Margaret Clancy
Julie R. Cox
Marty M. Beaver
Cindi Bragg
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carraway, Jr.
Suzanne Compau
Robert B. Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Cross
Catherine Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Mark DeMoss
Mrs. Judith L. Fowler-Ottley
In closing, we wish to list all of our donors not previously listed that have
given cumulatively $1,000 or more to the Foundation during our first 20 years.
May we all be inspired by what we have accomplished and aspire to do even
greater things in the decades ahead.
Carol Daniels
Gertie Brock
Pamela Broyles
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Burnsed
Marguerite L. Commons
Connie Coupal
Hazel Benson
Sharon Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Britt
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cink
Madelyn Baker
Diane Bayless
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bloodworth
Ann Bracey
Mr. Wayne Carey and Dr. Yvonne Satterwhite
Ronald A. Comeau
Judi Bennett
Jana Arrowood
Mrs. Joslyn Bacalis
Lajulia Baughns
Jeff Bledsoe, Jr.
Dr. Neil Browning
Martha Burnett
Marsha Churney
James W. Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Day
Theresa Dorfling
Monica Burleson
Ronald D. Corder
James Barwick
Steven Boyd
Deborah Briese
Weldon Brown
Dr. David and Dr. Susan Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Babka
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Benefield
Dr. and Mrs. Alonzo Borja
Lorene Cannon
Barbara Colcord
Larry Corbin
Carol Avery
Leonard Bender
Dr. Denise A. Allen
Sherri Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Baro
Karen Brenner
Sheila Churchill
Mary Cooper
Alfreda Allen
Mr. A. P. Blank & Dr. Susan P. Blank
Tiffany Brown
Kenneth Burg
Devendra Callender
Lisa Cauthen
B. I. Cochran
Avis Brazil
Judy Brown
Claudia Bundy
Linda Caldwell
Joan Blaney
Jacqueline Boreland
Amanda Brautigan
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Brown
Renee Aikens
Joseph Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Benator
Joycelin Black
Sandra Boot
Alice Branning
Helen Atwood
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Barger
Yolanda Belton
Kerry Bishop
Jovita Aguilar
Dr. David Armstrong and Mrs. Lora A. Moszczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ashline
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bamford
Susan Bird
Victoria Adebayo
Nancy Melone
Elizabeth Milligan
Thomas Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon H. Merritt
Craig Mills
Dr. Chip Mohme
Joyce Mills
Lance Milton
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Monk
Carol Moore
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Morsberger
Katharina Nagy
Dr. and Mrs. Peter K. Nam
Alice Newell
Liana Olteanu
Barbara Oneacre
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Pappas
Scott Orem
Mr. and Mrs. Micheal C. Paul
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Pohl
Karen Ramsey
Yvette Riddle
Dr. and Mrs. Don Penney
Glenda Puckett
Raymond Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reed
Wanda Rogers
Angel Roussie
Kelly Rinehart
Karen Scott
Cawonna Scott-Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shafer, Jr.
Susan Shields
Sandra Shulman
Shanta Singh
Beverly Sinoway
Dalia Sosa
William Spencer
Janice Stewart
Lisa Smith
Virgina Storbeck
Mrs. Mary C. Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey B. Tauber
Dana Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. Asif Taufiq
Dr. Carla Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Traylor
Barbara Tyson
Terance Traylor
Michael Wallace
Marsha Weeks
Yvonne Wallace
Nancy Ann Emory Trivette
Stacy Waits
Darryl Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wellborn
Debra Wakeham
Dr. Jeremy Ward
Malissa M. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow W. Wilkie
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilkins
Billy Wright
About Face
Gina Wright
ALTUS Healthcare & Hospice, Inc.
Art Into Glass
Silvia Yanes
Dolores Ware
AEG Live
Autologous Blood Resources, Inc.
BB & T/ Duluth Branch
Big Ring Media
Atlanta Business Bank
Bowen Family Homes
Biomet 3i, LLC
Avery Poe, Inc.
Black Book
Braden Associates, Inc.
Brasstown Valley Resort
Nancy Stryker
Susie Testman
Denise Tracy
Trudy Turner
Jeff Tyner
Mrs. and Mr. Nan Wages
Mr. and Mrs.Buice Wallace
Donna Watson
Kathryn Williams
Sue Woodall
Joan Watterson
Dianna West
Adam S. Wilkie
Natasha Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Don Woods
Abbott Pharmaceuticals
Apria Healthcare
Arlington Capital, LLC
Atlanta Marriott Gwinnett Place
Bank of North Georgia
Bon Secours Health System, Inc.
Brownlee’s Furniture
FICOA Communication, Inc.
Epic Response
George Ramlose Foundation, Inc.
Goldsmith Jewlers
Gwinnett Infectious Disease
Hennessy Cadillac
Island Retreat
Hill Cabinet Co.
Ivy Hall Realty, Inc.
Junior League of Gwinnett and N. Fulton Counties
McCauley Services
Mark Henderson, Inc.
McRae Communications
Peach State Health Plan
Pinnacle Structural Engineers
Quest Diagnostics
R2 Technology, Inc.
Richardson Housing Group, Inc.
Royal Cup Coffee, Inc.
SIMCO Technologies
Structor Group
Ridgewood Homes LLC
Russell Landscape Group, Inc.
Solid Ground Resources Inc.
Spohntown Corporation
Stryker Medical
Surplus Computer Sales
Tara Fine Jewelry
Thompson O’Brien & Kemp and Nasuti
Waffle House Foundation
The Hair Color Salon
Walton EMC
Whitehead Die Casting Company, Inc.
Watkins Associated Developers
William Laine,Inc.
ProCare RX
Pine State Mortgage
Remax of Georgia
ServiceMaster of Gwinnett
Southern Gastroenterology Associates, LLC
Storey Morrow Company
Sugarloaf Eyecare Inc.
Street Smarts/Data Smarts
Summit Chase Country Club
The National Christian Foundation
The River Club
TPC Sugarloaf at Sugarloaf Country Club
Verizon Wireless
Progressive Lighting
Robert Wilkins Homes, Inc.
Sammy Greeson Grading, Inc.
The Ritz-Carlton-Amelia Island
P. Jolie Cosmetics
Peoples Bank & Trust
Regeneration Technologies
Robert Green Consulting Group
Standard Textile
North Georgia Spine Center
Pickron Orthodontic Care, PC
Weeks Construction Services
Woodruff Lawn Services, Inc.
MRI and Imaging of Georgia
Progressive Healthcare for Women
Red Eagle Development
Toyota Mall of Georgia
Uniway Of Metro Inc.
Merck & Company, Inc.
Pediatric Emergency Medicine Associates, LLC
The McCart Group
The Reddy Law Firm, P.C.
TLC Staff Builders, Home Health Services
Trusco Capital Management
Medtronic MiniMed
Morgan Stewart Health Information Services
Oral Surgery Associates & Dental Implant Center
Sugar Creek Animal Hospital, Inc.
The Kenerly Group
Lil’ River Grill
Malone Construction
SourceOne Healthcare Technologies
Sports Medicine South
MBC Management, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson
Saint Joseph’s Mercy Care Services
Solucient LLC
Spoiled Sport
The Radford Group, Inc.
Ravinia Club
Johnson Controls
Mack’s Cigar Shop
Piano Works
RMS Capital Corporation
Suburban Hematology-Oncology Associates
The Prudential Insurance Company of America
Truck Parts Warehouse, Inc.
Precision Planning, Inc.
Radford Storage Systems
Smoothie King
Southern Plastic Surgery, Inc.
Peachtree Christian Hospice Inc.
North Atlanta Endocrinology and Diabetes, P.C.
Oral Arts Dental Lab
Photographic Elegance Studio & Gallery
Polyvision Corporation
Jim Ellis Atlanta, Inc.
Medquest Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Adamson
Helen Frushtick Furs
Maxie Price Chevrolet Corvette World
Monte Carlo Resort & Casino/Donations/Marketing
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Gwinnett Gladiators
Health Management Systems
Huluard Kitchens Homes, Inc.
Jim Cowart, Inc.
Glynis L. Adams
Gwinnett Alliance With Youth
Lewis Reeves Homes Lifestyle Homebuilders LLC
Maui Jim
Norcross Women’s Club
Heartland Development Group
Lou Sobh Pontiac, Buick, GMC
Medline Industries
Flo Healthcare
Gates Moore & Company
Hayes, James & Associates, Inc.
Kay Martin Associates
Maternal Gynerations, PC
Neighborhood Mortgage
Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Longhorn Charity Events, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Ambrose
PC General Agency Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
Leon Loard Oil Portraits
Medical Dictation, Inc.
NCR Corporation
Northstar Builders & Developers
Park Cafe
K & M Hunting Resorts
Elements Therapeutic Massage
Gwinnett Dental Society
HomeBanc Mortgage Corporation
Family of Dr. & Mrs. Miles H. Mason Jr.
Guven’s Fine Jewelry
James L. Rainey Co.
D.C. Investments
Five M Investments
Gartner, Inc.
Healthport Technologies, P.C.
J. W. Fergusson & Sons, LLC
MicroMed Healthcare Information Systems, Inc
Multiplan Services Corporation
Healthfield, Inc.
Lawrenceville Kiwanis Club
Lloyd & Bennett & Co.
Manufactured Duct & Supply, Inc.
Harry Norman Realtors
Hiluard Kitchens Homes, Inc.
Georgia Perimenter College
Great Northern Construction Inc.
Healthcare Receivable Professionals, Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fitts & Associates, Inc.
Gwinnett Co. Chapter of Thrivent Financials for Lutherans
Gwinnett Place Nissan
Cycle Nation
Fairview Presbyterian Church
Garland Brother, Inc.
CCI Services, Inc.
Classy Nails & Tan, Inc.
Dixie Clippers, Inc., Great Clips
EATertainment Culinary Concepts
Georgia Masonry Supply, Inc.
Casual Portraits
Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia
Cornerstone Design, Inc.
Excel Electrical Technologies
Gainesville Marina
Grand South Design
Care Medical
Clark, Mascaro & Aziz, PC
Diplomat Hotel Corporation
First National Bank of Gwinnett
Gwinnett Pathology Associates
Healthcare Parking System
Duluth Station Associates, LLC
Furniture Village
Gwinnett Center
Cardiovascular Group, P.C.
Chick-fil-A Hamilton Mill
Commercial Property Consultants, Inc.
Georgia Force Arena Football League
Graf Plumbing, Inc.
Gwinnett Banking Company
CAB, Inc.
Congregational Health Ministries
Ernst & Young, LLP
Fifth Third Bank
Four Seasons Resort and Club Dallas at Las Colinas
Linear Medical Solutions, Inc.
Gregory Tanner
Allsouth Sprinkler Company
Bank of America
Duluth Fall Festival 5K Road Race
Enhancing Health
Evita S Smith
Doria Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wesley
Black Box Network Services
Duke Realty Corporation
Englert Technology
Colonial Buick Pontiac GMC
DePuy a Johnson & Johnson Company
Morris, Manning and Martin, LLP
Lucile M. Walker
Apple Printing
DCT Systems Group
Burnham Builders
Chattahoochee Pools, Inc.
Computer Discount Warehouse
Lawrenceville Family Practice, P.C.
Christine Totten
Atlanta Flooring Design Centers
Col. John Adams
Community Neurological Clinic
Joshua Singh
Cynthia Snyder
Bee Tan
Aaron’s Sales & Lease
Cleveland Electric Co.
Chateau Elan
Gail Stroud
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Wick
Alliance Healthcare Linen
Bugaboo Creek Lodge & Bar
CH2M Hill
Merton Walk
Robert Vil
Fred Williams
Buford Community Thrift Shoppe
Century Stategies
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonikas
Sallie Turner
Linda Vick
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wood
Anthony & Sylvan Pools
Aventis Pharmaceuticals
Biological Innovations, Inc.
Edward Tong
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Wengryn
Atlanta Classic Cars, Inc.
Elaine Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tennant
Kenneth Turddy
1st Medical Network
AGCO Corporation
Janet Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Jennings E. Watkins
Diane Wofford
Dr. Richard Sepmeyer
Lisa Shepard
Rhonda Talbert
Mr. and Mrs. James Walker
Earnest Saffold
Dr. and Mrs. Averyl Snyder
Stephanie Taylor
Mr. Donald Williams and Carolyn Deaton
Valerie Rogers
Marilyn Sims-Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strother
Dr. James Whitney & Dr. Elaine Whitney
Vicki Winkles
Sam Sellers
Katrina J. Stone
Neil Swift
Lynne Vanburen
Bonny Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Schneider
Dr. Jeremy Smith
Loretta Thornton
Sally Warren
American Homecare Supply
AstraZeneca USA
Aurora Theatre, Inc.
Boudreaux’s Cajun Seafood Market
Tracey Waldrop
Dr. and Mrs. Bedri Yusuf
ACT Learning Centers
Ambit Hearing Aids
Ashworth & Associates, P.C.
Paula Thornburg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Tufts
Alecea Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Carter B. Wilson
Academy Orthopedics, LLC
Shara Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Whelan
Mrs. Julie S. Williard
Paul Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reed
Ruria Robinson
Lavera Shelby
Tamey Stith
Lyn Stritikus
Dr. and Mrs. Ed Radford
Artie Richard
Dr. John Simmons
Dr. Jim Stevens
Margaret Sweigart
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Van Leeuwen
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weyen
Dr. Bill Williams
Monica Swecker
Michael Thornburg
Malvin B. Underwood
Patricia Waggener
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stovall
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Taylor
Pamela Thompson
Kathy Umberger
Tom M. Wages, Sr.
Carol Ann Stough
David Selke
Marjorie Snider
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Still
Laura Primm
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ryerson
Dr. Brian L. Smith
Timothy G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. David Still
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Sutt
Jo Rademacher
Patsy Rice
Tracy Shaw
Joyce Sillah
Donna Smith
Tammy Smith
Dr. Ashley Stames
Cynthia Still
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Storey
Deborah Sullivan
David H. Smith
Mary Smith
Courtney Sprayberry
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sikes
Joan Pattillo
Beverly Previto
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Roberson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Segars
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Paige
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Pittman
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Reed
Patricia Ryan
Devere Olmstead
Dr. Dimple Patel
Dr. Zachary Powell
Kathryn Rice
Dr. Carey Norton
Nora Olivarria
Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Oyler
Dr. Arthur D. Schiff and Dr. Patricia J. Schiff
Nancy Segal
Laura Shafer
Dr. Robert Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slaughter
Kelly Smith
Dr. Kelly Rawlins
Kimberly Rhodes
Barbara Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Ness, Jr.
Dr. Akil Patel
Carolie Pickering
Donald Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rugare
Margaret Schiereck
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shackelford
Jacy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robbins
Donna Royster
Lisa Sass
Mamie R. Outler
Sharmaine Morrison
Janis Murray
Dr. Al Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Odum
Dr. Stephen G. Quill and Carole J. Hickman
Ozella Reynolds
Annette Ringold
Dr. Susan Nissley, DMD
Victoria Parsons
Barbara Porter
Carlarta Ratchford
Raymond Reid
Ceylon Rowland
Laura Outler
Amy H. Parrott
Mrs. Diane Quattlebaum
Eppie Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Smith
Deborah Oshield
Mark Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Nelems
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Odell
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Phelps
Georgette Rankins
Dr. James Sandlin
Mr. and Mrs. John Schraudenbach
William Pugh
Helen Neff
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Morris
Vivian Mosley
Kathy Nicholson
Cheryl Odell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. James Riley
Donna Samford
Reba Obrien
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Parrish
Dr. Ponnie Poisal
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Pruitt
Dr. Son Nguyn
Patricia O’Rourke
Kathryn Parris
Linda Moseley
Mrs. Raymond Nash
Thuy Nguyen
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Nyhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Morgan
Dr. Roy Moscattini, DDS
Mary F. Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Nezda
Dr. Nooredin K. Nurani
Jenine Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Morse
Vixio Wines, LLC
The Portrait Shoppe
Thompson & Sweeny, P.C.
Trident Medical Imaging
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
Wheeler/Kolb Management Co.
Yarn Garden Knit Shop
Brunswick Zone Lilburn
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Gwinnett Medical Center Foundation
1755 North Brown Road • Suite 100 • Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Phone 678-312-8500
Fax 770-277-9622