May 24, 1877 - Buchanan District Library
May 24, 1877 - Buchanan District Library
TERM S A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. • 4 ~ 3 °UBUSHED EVERY THURSD AY, BY lw 6(i!;j X uu; T e x m i s :—S S p e r Y o a i % : 36r*Fifty Cents deducted I f paid Yearly in Advnnco.“ € * N o paper continued aftor the expiration o f one year unless p a id for. Y ° ™ BUCHANAN, MICH., THURSDAY, X I 5 B E I E I 1 DRY ROODS! E R O o W a , H. FO X, a n d S life fe o n s , SO LD F O R C A S H . Go s. A B B. %. a a s jj UQj 2 tiO'j 8 UC; 3 K 2 S 25j: I'C: l*’ 24/ 1877 NUMBER 15. 1 yoaTjlO OPUS 00120 OOjgi 0028 00333 pp;46 OO^OO003-00 0 UiiEinessCardsof CvoIir.esorless,£6pcranimiDf Legal advertisementscfcatatuteratea. Transient advertising payable in advance. Yearlyadvertisingpayableondemand. Matter in local columns, ten cents perlino or each insertion; but nolocaltakenforIcebthan $1;Q0. *lObitnaryNotices—morethan thoannouncement—wil bechargedfor at thorate ofJive cents for eachlire. TJQCE BltlNBiyjK COVT“ Your grandfather, my dear, being, her effort to recapt-uro the heart she I charitably believe, in his dotage, had thrown aside. How doth tlio busy brindle cow Advertisements not accompanied with direction* ? 8 to W J l T T J f E J ) « G ^ 3U OSK J S A V .I V A T S has married— Myra Wilbur.” But she did not despair. She sang tlm o, vrill beinsorted un til forbidden, and ebargen fo Im prove each waking h o u r; e«x.i>. * accordingly* It was a crushing blow. Gilbert the old songs that Gilbert had once In always wandering to and fro, Loablecolam nfttivertfsem entschcrgcd& tshor& nlCK n To browse each op’ning flow er! rates. swayed to and fro in his chair, and heard with rapture. She varied her ‘ ‘ W hat makes the dog’s nose always cold ?” Shortnotices6f moetings,25cents. I'll try to tell you, curls o f gold, dresses with laces, ribbons and jewelthen fell insensible. Yearlyadvertisersallowedfour changeswithoux cxir H ow dilligently she moves about charge. I f you will good and quiet be, ' His ideal poetic life was more real 'ry, till its 'pretence of mourning was To tramp the posy bed ! And com e and stand by mamma’s knee : . How vain are gates to keep her out, to him than tlio actual world about a mere mockery. She put herself in W e ll, years, and years, and years ago— A nd bricks to mash her head. Advice to Correspondents. How many I don’ t really know— him, and he suffered acutely. But his Gilbert’s way with every dainty de There ciuno a ruin on sea and shore ; Never write with pen and ink. It loving aunt was the best of comfort vice of feminine needle-work. She W h o taught this horrid eow the way, Iis like was uover seen before is altogether too plain, ajid doesn't To bring our toil to naught ? entreated permission to prepare his ers, for, while she was full of tender Or since. I t fell unceasing down. W h o taught the marring brute to lay, hold the mind of the editor and print Till all the world begau to drown. sympathy, she was eminently practi favorite dishes with her own white A blight upon our lot. I5ut just before it began to pour, ers closely enough to their work. cal, and with clear, forcible words she hands. And, as if to try his constan An old, old man— his name was Noah— I f you are compelled to use ink, She taught herself, odious beast, made him realize fully how unworthy cy, Miss Jane aided and abetted this Built him an ark,, that he might snve To beat both gates and fe n c e ; never that vulgarity known as the ills family from a watery grave ; was the idol he had worshipped. schemer for her nephew’s fortune, and She taught herseft to find and feast, And in it also lie designed blotting-pad. I f you drop a blot of With her own personal property spoke hut little of Ella, never-inviting Upon the daintiest plants. To Shelter two o f every kind .v ink on the paper, lick it off. The in she had also brought Gilbert’s from her to her house, so that Gilbert was O f beast. *Woll, dear, when it avas done, But, oh, some day our rage will boil telligent compositor loves nothing Bo A nd heavy clouds obscured the sun, his old home, and she took a house in forced to seek her more and more at Until that boast we s la y ; The Nonli folks to it quickly ran, dearly as to read through the smear New York, where they both soon Felt her own home, and found her ever And make her blood manure the soil And then the animals began this will make across twenty or thirty W here she was wont to prey. at home, returning no moro to Fern more lovely and winsome from the To.bravely march along in pairs ; words. We have seen Mm hanging T h eleop irdsj tigers, wolves and beavs, Nook. Then, with true practical contrast with the idol he had proved 'J'be deer, the hippbtamusses, over such a piece o f copy half an kindness she persuaded Gilbert tq al to be clay. It was six months after The rabbits, squirrels, elks walruSSeS, The Ncwburg Deacon. hour, swearing like a pirate all the low her to buy him a partnership in a the arrival of Mrs. GorBam in her The camels, goats, cats, and donkeys, A Newburg deacon recently lured time, he felt so good. The tall giraffes, the beavers, monkeys, light business, and aroused him from step-daughter’s house, when Gilbert, The rats, the big rhinoceroses, Don’t punctuate. We prefer to his dreamy, sensitive moods, to active, returning from a drive with Ella, he a sharp and angular woman with two The dromedaries Rnd horses, natural life. met his aunt in the hall, and clasping small boys into his .private pew- The punctuate all manuscript sent to us. The sheep, and mice, and kangaroos, Hyenas, elephants, koodoos, He'might have become soured and her in a close embrace, whispered deacon, as became his rank, sat next And don’t use capitals. Then we And hundreds more— ’ twotild take all day, to the pew door. Immediately at his can punctuate and capitalise to suit hard, but for the love of this old maid, very softly: kly dear, so many names to say— left hand he placed two small hoys, ourselves, and your article, when you who had never before let him read the “ Ella is mine! Wish me j o y !” A n d at the very, very end and close beside the further boy sat, See it in print, will astonish even if it O f the procession, b y his friend tenderness of her heart. • But, while “From my heart,” she whispered, Ami master, faithful dog was seen, with her face intently fixed upon the does not please you. he suffered keenly, his manhood de hack. The livelong time he’d helping been Don’t try to write too plainly. It veloped, and he was a stronger, better Radiant with joy and hope, Gilbert, preacher, and one of her sharpest To dtivo the crowd o f creatures in ; A nd now , with loud exultant bark, man for his disappointment. after changing his driving dress, hur edges turned toward the deacon, the is a sign of plebeian origan and pub He gaily sprang aboard the Ark. When Myra’s name ceased a ried to the sitting-room to tell Aunt angular mother. The deacon was not lic school breeding. Poor writing is A la s ! so crowded was the space torture, Aunt Jane made herself Jane “ all about it.” He had abso only good, but genial; the precise an indication o f genius. IPs about He could nuu in it find a p la ce ; So, patiently bo turned about— known to old frinds of her girlhood, lutely forgotten about tbeir guest? kind b f deacon who, if he were selling the only indication of genius that a Stood half way in and half way Out. and gathered about her a pleasant, and it gave him an unpleasant shock a horse blind in both eyes, -would great many possess. Scrawl your ar And those extremely heavy showers social circle, where Gilbert was soon when he found her, seated on a low frankly mention that the animal’s left ticle with your eyes shut and make Descended through nine hundred hours And m ore; and, darling,-at the close, a favorite. There was no hint of the stool, busied about some wool work eye was not quite sound, and would every word as illegible as you can. Most frozen was his honest nose ; Spinster’s hope when she said very that showed to great advantage her offer to make a deduction from its We get the same prices for it from A nd never could it lose again tiny white hands, glittering with jew price in consequence thereof. He the rag-man as though it were cover quietly: The dampness o f that dreadful rain ; smiled sweetly upon the two small ed with copper-plate sentences. A n d that is what, my curl9 o f gold, “ Any attention you can pay to eled rings. Avoid all painstaking with proper Made all the doggies’ noses cold. She rose to greet hirp, and then, to boys, and then gave his whole mind Ella Rayburn will be very pleasing to names. We know the fall name of to the sermon, which, as befitted a his embarrassed surprise, she clasped me, Gilbert. Her mother has been every man, woman, and child in the cold Sunday, was full of genuine Cal her jeweled hands, and bursting into my warmest friend in past years, and vinism and extremely satisfactory to United States, and the merest hit at > ■ we have renewed the old times more tears she sobbed: “ Oh, Gilbert, do not look at me so the deacon’ s orthodox tastes. Pres the name is sufficient. For instance, pleasantly. I f Ella is like her moth coldly; I cannot bear it. I know I ently, as the preacher expounded with if you write a character something er, she is a sweet, pure, unselfish wo deserve nothing from you but con remarkable eloquence and feeling the like a drunken figure “ 8,” and then Gilbert Gorham, at the age of ten, man.” tempt, but if you knew how sorely my grand doctrine of the total depravity draw a wavy line, we will know at And Ella was like her mother, and was left orphaned and destitute, and mother urged me, how importunate of infants, the good deacon stretched once that you mean Samuel Morrison, At the old store of Binns fo Bose, was taken into the loving care of his was soon taken into Aunt Jane’s clos your grandfather was, you would for out his left arm along the back of the even though you mean “ Lemuel Mes grandfather, his Aunt Jane, a vener est intimacy. is offering; pew, in order to enjoy his favorite senger.” It is a great mistake that > Still smarting under the past pain, give me. I was insane with their theology at ii s ease. Now, it hap proper names should he written plain able spinster, whose severity was a persecutions, amd I thought in my •-<} most wholesome restraint upon his Gilbert was inattentive to his aunt’s pened that this outstretched arm had ly. 5,000 yards^of tkejvery best Cal grandfather’s extreme indulgence. young friend, and yet not realizing misery that I could still see you, and a hand at its extremity, and this hand Always write on both sides of the perhaps-—some day— when I was free Old Mr. Gorham, being a man of that a reality filling his old idea was came gently in collision with another paper, and when you have filled both again— I— ” icoes, at Gi cento. enormous wealth, his grandson and hear him. And here even her effrontery gave and much smaller hand. The deacon sides of page trail alline up and down And while these old residents of 500 yds. goodj4-4 Sheeting. re. heir was the most favored of boys and out, and she only sobbed convulsively. thought that the latter hand belonged every margin, and back to the top of youths, every whim of boyish and Fern Nook were quietly gathering up Full stock Bleached ^and Brown youthful fancy being granted as soon broken threads of life, to weave a Taken by surprise, every gentlemanly to one of the small boys, and in the the first page, closing your article by Bought at the recent decline in Dry Hoods for cash, overflowing goodness of his heart he writing the signature just above the more perfect web of content, Myra instinct urged Gilbert to comfort this as expressed. Table Linens, 35c,“40e,^4:5c, 60c. took the hand in his, and gently and date. How we do love to get hold o f woman who was so recklessly offering And so, when Gilbert had attained Gorham was eating out her heart in affectionately squeezed it. 'v> ^articles written in this stylo. And him what it was his fondest hope once Turkey Bed Table-Linen, 75c. the ago of twenty-one, and blushingly bitterness. Instead of an old, indul There was a sudden shriek that how we would like to get hold of the to possess, . But his whole soul shrank announced his undying love for Miss gent husband, ready to humor every and 85c. from her; his manly, true heart was silenced the preacher and appalled man who sends them. Just for ten Therefore vre will make you Myra Wilbur, the belle of many water whim, to give her idolatrous devotion, minutes. Alone, In the woods, with 200 yards Crash Toweling at 6 ing places and seasons, and some five she found herself tied to a querulous only outraged by her womanly ad the congregation, most of whom a cannon in our hip pocket. Revenge thought that somebody had sat down vances. years his senior, his grandfather only invalid, who had been accustomed to cents. (Job lot.) Gravely he stood looking down up- upon a crooked pin, while others is sweet; yum, yum, yum. unquestionable obedience and devo nodded and said: Lay your paper on the ground *on her as she shrank in the chair feared that tie meeting-house had ta Full stock of Shirtings, Denims, tion of his daughter and grandson, “ Suit vourself. my boy. suit your ken fire. The true state of the case when you write; the rougher tho sobbing and covering her face, and and who exacted a similar care from was, however, soon made manifest. ground the better. Ticks, at lowest prices ever offered. self.” yet furtively watching him. J ffiT STO R E . So a magnificent diamond was slip his reluctant wife. In place of: balls, The angular female rose up, and, Coarse brown wrapping-paper is “ Gilbert-, speak one tender word to Full and complete line of Ladies, ped on Myra’s finger, and Gilbert concerts and operas, the gay life of lacerating the intervening small boys the best for writing your articles on. me,” she implored ; “ say you do not entered into a fool’s paradise blind to the metropolis, Mrs. Gorham found • B za m m e B e fo r e B u y in g . with her,knee-pans, smote the aston I f you can tear down an old circus utterly despise me.” Misses’ and Children’s Hosiery, the fact that he was the dupe of an herself shut up in a country house, ished deacon in the face, while she poster and write on the pasty side of But he did. He sought for words from low priced to Fancy Striped accomplished coquette, whose whole certainly handsome and well appoint to convey his meaning kindly, and loudly exclaimed, “ Squeeze my hand, it with a pen stick, it will do still r lard nature was incapable of the tithe ed to’ meet the most fastidious taste, will you ! I ’ll let you know, you old better. Balbriggan. hut lonely beyond endurance to a wo they would not come. Blushing like i of love laid at her feet. sinner!” There arose a chuckling When your article is completed,^ a boy in his confusion and, pain, he For, being sensitive, poetical, and man miles away from her own friends* 500 French Woven Corsets, 50 among tho youth of the congregation. crunch your paper in your pocket, said, gently: over-indulged, the boy made unto and coldly ignored by the friends of “ I am very sorry, Mrs. Gorham— ” The elder male members felt that their and carry it two or three days before cents; worth 75 cents. limself an idol, and calling it Myra, the Gorhams, fully aware of her mer “ It used to be Myra,” she sobbed, deacon had brought ruin upon him sending it in. This inba off the sucenary treachery. worshipped it. self, and the female members wonder purfluous pencil marks, and makes it reproachfully. ' Yet she endured it- as patiently as And the actual Myra, being emi ed what ‘he could possibly have seen lighter to handle. T . B ABLER, M illw righ t'an d B u ild “ True, but those were days that nently practical, worldly and merce possible, till the old man, pining for Business Directory. equal•ortoofanyTurbine 'Water Wheels, warranted inpower in that ugly creature to lead him into can never be recalled.” If you can think o f it, lose one otherwbeelsinuso. Residence,Bakertown. R I V E R S I D E nary, erected a gold idol of unlimited Jane and Gilbert, sickened and failed PostOfficeaddress,Bucbauan. Mich. temptation. As the angular woman page out of the middle of your arti “ You are cruel.” : indulgence and riches, and calling visibly. U. 'W H I T S , Drrigjvisi andfA poth “ I do not wish to be so, but I must showeil an unmistakable determina cle. We can easily supply what is * ocary, s o u th sido o f F ron t S treet, Buchanan* that Gilbert,- worshipped it. It was when all hope was gone that be frank with you. The past i* dead. tion to renew her attack, the deacon missing, and we love to do it. We 63 & W . W . ” S M IT H , dealers in staple Michigan. SS* and 1’sncy Gtocerica, Provisions and Crockery. Mr. Gorham, although he was Old the young wife urged the necessity of Central;Block..Buchanan. Never can we revive that- love that felt that flight was his only resource. have nothing else to do !—Burlington * B . P S T X IT T v 23., Homcopatidc and feeble, took a carriage and drove making a will. It seemed to her as was once so precious to' me, 'si very He seized his hat and fled towards Hawkeys. * PhysicianandSurgeon* Special attentionpaidto from Fern Nook, the family country •if all the misery of life concentrated chronic diseases. Officeandresidence withSI.C.Truvor, 3?; & C. C.* H IG H , dealers in B r y trifling to you.” -• • the door. It opened before him, and Bridgman, Mich, BUCHANAN. MICH. seat, in Poolsville, the town honored in the peevish reply: *GoodsAnd Notions. Central Block, FrontJ3treet, A Bard Grind. “ No, no, you wrong me. Ahs'-for closed upon his vanished form. From Bnchnan, Mich. iy Miss Wilbur’s presence, and made “ I have nothing to will. A ll the me, it is my misfortune that I eamot that day to this no Newburg eyes A hand-organ man was naking his T ., M O K IiE Y , star foundry. A l l a formal call. ' kindaofcaating,auchaBplo'Wpoints39ugarkettlea, V A N R IP E R & HUraCAN, Attorneys property belongs to Jane! I only conquer my love.” have rested upon the ruined man, and, way up Adams avenue yesterday when i leigh shoes, &c,. Iron turning and job workdoneto * and Counsellors cvtLaw, andSolicitorsinChancery* C.S. BLACK, Proprietor. After he was gone, Miss Wilbur, hold a life lease on my wife’s estate.” der; Oldmetaltakeninexcbangefor work, portage Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted. the suspicion is gaining ground that a boy met him and asked: ‘ ‘But mine died when it was i: reet«nearthedepot. 38ti Office, Secondfloor. Howe’sBlock,Buchanan.Mich. turning to her mother, made a Strange “ Jane !” gasped Myra-, remember e.d and slighted.” “ How many tunes do you play ?” he has either committed suicide or Apple Poach, Penr, Cherry, Lombard P op lar and Evergreen Trees, w ill be sold- very- speech for a maiden just betrothed,: ing the insulting terms in which she TJIKD’S ’BUS.—George Bird will nm “ Zixteen shunss — nice,, sweet Here Gilbert drew a deep sigl of become a book-agent. SOBSH, M. Bi, Eoleotlo PhyR. cheap. These trees have never been culled and ’or she said: his’Bus to andfromtheRailroadtrainsundHotels, W • aiclan had intimated to that spinster that relief at the appearance of Aunt Jibe, rgeon . .n and S u rg eon ;O ffice an d.residen ce, H ill’s shttnes,” replied the man. The moral o f this affecting tale is so toanyparfcot thevillage.' Pare only 25 cents, te Corners,BerrienCo., Mich. are, first-class. “ After all, mother, a rich widow is she preferred to reign alone at Fern nding baggage. “ My father is fond o f music, hut entering the room behind .Myra’s not, perhaps, as clear as could -be better than a rich wife, for- she can Nook. No T rees Healed in. chair, who did not hear her light s-ep, wished. It seems, however, to teach he is a little deaf,” continued the boy. P hysician and « r d O I 3 E A J d 3 H O U S E , Tliree Oahs, spend the money then, uncontrolled.” “ Certainly! I f Gilbert’s father had" and sobbed: “ Oh, dat makes no deference—-I ■* D.F. Bomjeersoheim,Proprietor.; Thishousehas ; - the folly of any deacon who tries to ‘ gm iiVsBiug: Store “ Well, my dear 2” changedproprietors, changedits name, beenthoroughly lived he would have shared in the “ Your love can not be dead, 311- conciliate small boys, and the danger mak a him hear.” F A -E M E B S repaired.andrefitted, andeveryeffort wiUbemadebyits “ I was only thinking* that Gilbert property, hut i f all reverts to Gilbert presentmanager to earnandsustainfor it a reputation The boy led the way up street to )ert. It will live again. Pity, md of proximity to angular females. Per /1 H A S ., C. GOI/UHS, dealer is. Amei- asafirst-class hotel. Good stables in. connection with and others in want o f trees should examine told me once that he was entirely de if Jane dies unmarried.” T-17tf this stock before buying. 9tf ican ai andItalian: Marble, MontrinentsJireadstones» hotel. forgive mo.” \ sons desiring other and further mor where a plaster bust o f Sir Isaah ^ lean pendent upon his grandfather, haying Tablets, Ac., of. latest designs. Officeandworks,Murray All Gilbert’s, and might have been “ I both pity and .forgive you,” sad als are at perfect liberty to mix them Newton had been arranged in a hay block, 2d street, Niles, hllch, You. will findit toyour nothing while the old man lived.” advantage to giyeMr: Collinsacall.: He isalsoprepared; all hers. Gilbert, very gently:' \ to their' several tastes.—JSTew York window to look like a living man, and to: clean, and repair marble,, restoring old dilapidated “ It would be well then to keep in © the Italian spit on his hand and began Btoneto its original}>eautyandtexture; 32yl* cc Myra felt too stunned and misera “ But— ” | Times. K III W the old gentleman’s favor.” on the crank. He ground out all the “ But,” said-Aunt Jane, in hr ble even to cry. To think that all < Evidently Myra was of that opin w B . CHURCHXZiXi, dealer iniGloohs, tunes in rotation, and than began at Jier base scheming,-her feigned devo- hardest tone, and with her face set h h i H-t * WatcheSj Jewelry, Spectacles, &c- Also,repairing ion. She worked a pair of quilted “ Married5’ and “ Engaged” — A Rail the bottom and ground back up the 2 done toorder:. AUwork warranted. Store, fourthdoor rigid lines, “ you forget, Mrs. Goij 'tion, has led her only to this, the o S ih north.of the:Bank, Main,street,.Buchanac. Hich. slippers for the aged feet, she sent < scale till he got all the tnnes in the road Scene. ham, the law does not permit a ma> beggared widow of an old man. D a “ flowers and dainty dishes to Fern Gi l|S *0.0 ^ garret of the box again. The man to marry his grandmother,” • « But after the funeral was over, PI The Amherstburg (Ont.) Folio, has V V E EIEXiD H O U S E ,. B errien Springs* Nook for dear Mr. Gorham; she made J ^o E* ' in the .bay window didn’t move a hair, m 1st g s With a cry-of-rage, Mrs. Gorham Mrs. Gorham made a-few discoveries. Thisoldandfavorablyknown Hotel is stillunder o the following : “ They were'very-pretoWop- © o herself a hundred fold dearer to her hemanagementofMrs^BePield&.Son, who willspare and the Italian drew a long breath sprang to her -feet, but something in First, all the deep black of her dress, PI Os *1 1h ty, and there was, apparently, five or soeffortstomaintainaflrBt class Hotel at the County infatuated lover by her delicate atten ca H ooa-Si eg Seat. with the fine white linen of her wid the cold, grave faces checked the tor~i six years difference in their ages. ‘ A s and sighed: E& X PI b 0 tion. to his relative. 0 > I e; “ Play moar muzeek— mak a man ow’s cap, the sombre crape, and soft rent of wrath upoi her lips, and she jjjjjjg train pulled to SfcrafcKfoy, the O. C4 Business- connection with the settle^ D K D . W , H A R R I S , D ayton; M ich, M etalic and Casket Coffins> hear soon.” g . , " COrj*C left the room. snowy tarletan were most becoming to jyounger blushed, flattened her nose Ready-made, constantly onhand, or made to order on o ment o f a claim of his grandfather’s <D • M § ::j He ran out eight tunes and then her brilliant blonde beauty. She The next day she terminated her against the window, and drew, back in short notice. 330B23, M. 25., physician. & snragainst the Government, called Gil 03 § E S. a . S a £ • c o = I PS&“>:U threw somefoand in the window. The h * goon* Epecialattention giventochronicdiseases. visit,' and loftily declined an invita studied herdress in its minutest de joyous smiles as a young man came o A FINE H E A R S E 2- £ a g Officefirstfloor of “RecordBrick.” ResidenceonDay’s bert to Washington. There was the 111 Pi * bust didn’t even work its ears, and C a tion, sent three months later, to be tail, and when it was perfect, formed Vv8nue,eaBtside;Buchanan.Mich.lashing into the car, shook hands tenFurnished to all ordorlng, on short notice. * Z usual pathetic parting, and,. with as a C3o a her new plans. In her late husband’s present at the •wedding of Gilbert jerly and cordially, insisted on carry- the Italian leaned the organ on the E S surance of Myra’s undying love, the ZB §5^ fr i. s a M. PEIMPTON) attorney’& oonnPI desk she found five thousand dollars Gorham and his gentle bride—-Ella. dg her valise, magazine, little paper fence and loudly sang: E ■selloratLaw,andS.olicitorinChancery. Officeon la.§g:S ; young man left Fern Nook. > < “ Oh,! who shall dinks of me som moar which she appropriated, leaving Miss jonthsideFront Street, over Redden AGrahamfa store, undid, and would probably have PI After two months’ absence, when Bnchanan,Berridn,Co., Mich. When I am far a-w-a-y ^5 ”4 . s S ii - § i Jane and Gilbert, who came to the An Indian Tradition. drried her had she permitted- him.;' p< sC ga o ^ he was preparing to return home, he : o The seven other tunes were rattled funeral, to defray all expenses. She gg^sS s-g m a V A G I i E H O T E L , Berrien. Springs. Among the Seminole Indians there fne passengers smiled as she left the off at a lively pace, while the man received a telegram: B51” B-s ca (neartheCourtHouse) havingchanged proprietors, accepted Miss Gorham’s offer of the PI f=5ro*; is a singular tradition regarding the cr, and t-be murmur went rippling hasbeetrnewlyfunuahed throughout* Theutmost care M ID W IFE A N D NUR SE. “ Wait in New York to see me. ca 2 S »!*5 tH S3™ use of the house for a year,- and when white man’s origin and superiority. though the car, “ Theyfre engaged.” coughed, whistled, kicked on the will betaken to provideion the convenience andcom- Particularattentionpaid to thediseases of womenand Kh s s3 __o* < Will put up at the Grand Central. tJ *of guests. A. good stable: in. connection, withthe- children. a 2*° o she was left in possession unscrupu-^ They say .that when tho Great Spirit Tb. other girl sat looking nervously fence and encouraged a dog-fight, in S O -- S iotel. OilsHerd..Proprietor-,, ResidenceonFront Street^near the corner of Portage “ Jane G orham.” o &3 “ m order to atr-raot the deaf -man’s atten lously sold many small but valuable* o street,Bucbanac,M!cb, 40yl U1 ■—i made the earth, he also made three ou'fef .the window, and once or twice tion. Of all strange experiences this was H J3 articles there. Tu9 & A . M« Sum m it Lodge N o. 192 CO men all of whom were of fair com gacersd her* parcels together as the Btrangest. His Aunt Jane leav * holdsaregularmeetingeveryMondayeveningon “ Sing louder—play harder !” called O -<• o(4 When the year was over, and MisB orbeforethefnllof themoon,ineachmonth. plexion ; and that.after making them tho'qh she would leave the car, she the boy from the next street corner. ing her home to visit the metropolis. hi oH PJ g IjSls M RdwinMoBoas, W. M. Bw2>.Haepek, Sec; Gilbert vainly tried to remember if Jane Gorham once moro opened her he led them to the margin of a,small seemd to be expecting some one. At - j EH o The gfinder secured a brace for his - 3 . ever she had been absent from home her friends, she was mute lake ' and bade them leap therein. last e. came. He bulged into,' the car feet, unbuttoned his vest, and the way Q S & A . M . Tlio regular commnnioae. W .-| 2 3 H i l k ’ tionBof BuchananLodgeNo. 6SareheldatMasonic before, and’ thoroughly bewildered, with consternation one day when a One immediately ‘ obeyed, and came like fhouse on fire, looked along the he roared brought out tho citizens by HI oo Hallinthisvillage, onFriday eveningon orbeforethe _ S t □ s i hurried to meet her. wagon, heavily laden with baggage, out of* the water purer than before he seatsuntil his manly gaze fellfiipon fall of the moon in onch month. f t the score. Ho kept his eye on the m u tiW i II Seth Smith, W. Me J. P. Bma,.Sec, < first surprise was to find her drove up to her door, from which bathed ; the second did not leap until her utorned, expectant,face, roared; bust, and gave no heed to the crowd, H 1111 & § II genHis tie'and kind, all the grim severity alighted her father's widow, who threw the water became slightly muddy, and “ Oom|on -l I ’ve been waiting for you and the organ box was smoking hot H , .M cltIN , M . 23., houioopnthio of her manner gone. Her kiss upon herself into her arms, sobbing: SELLS FURNITURE 1Physicianand Surgeon. Specialattentionpaidto when he bathed, ho came up copper- on theEjlatform for fifteen minutes !” chronicdiseases, OfficeandRosidoncoonFortfigestreet “ Donot.send me away. I am dy colore'd; the- third did not leap in un gr abb A her basket, and. strode out of when he let up on. tbs’ grind. Rest his lips was tender as Myra’s'own. A s Cheap as th e Cheapest. secondhouseBouthofFrontatrcot. ing the music on the' ground, he leap “ My boy,” she said, “ I have news ing' in the' glooiny seclusion of my til the-water became black with- mud,, the car|yhile she followed with a val Ho sells Picture Frames and Brackota at- redneed ed' over the fence- and got a square prices. Heispreparedtodo.aUkindsof father’s ‘ home. Let mo ' stay ■ withfor you that will distress you, but and came out with its own c'olor. ise, a landbox, a paper hag. full of look at his victim. His quiet grin /t l A L I E N H O U SE , G allon , M i c h .Z. P. Rnoixo, Proprietor* Under entirely new ]R, E 1JP -A . X B X ffST G y°«! .. , . lunch, d)ird cage, a glass jar full of, before I tell that; I want you to listen Then the Great Spirit laid .before management. Everyarrangement made for the convon- on abort notico. Call and be ccnvlnced. Seconddoor faded into a look,of wo, and misery, eot and comforof guests. Chargesreasonable* attentively to some business details She stayed, of course. Miss Jane’s them' three' packages of hark, and. jelly preerves, and an extra shawl. westofTremont Houbo, Buchanan, Mich. 13lf and murder, and getting Ms eyes on that were never of any special inter old fashioned' notions of hospitality bade ’them choose, and out of pity for And a cizy looking bid batchelor in the boy with the red-necktie, he ran O. P.-ThQ regular mootings of Insurance & Collecti9n Agency est to you before. You have always were too strong to turn a guest away, his ■misfortune of color, he gave the the fur ter •end of the car croaked him J O. » BuchananLodgeNo* 76are hold at their hall, in four blocks and under a -carpen R epresents a num ber of the leading and m ost roliabl Buchanan, on Tuesday ovenlng of each weok, at 7 Fire* Insurance Companies in the United States. Al supposed that Fern Nook and the even if uninvited and unwelcome. black . man his first choice. He took out, in ui'son with the in dignant looks ter shop before a still, small-voice o’clock* Transientbrethren: ingoodstanding arecordlcoU ection s atten ded to an d m oneys prom ptly rom lttod allyiuvited to attend. -*G E N B B A X / Office in Howe’s Blookr, south: side of Front- Ftroet wealth- that sustains it to be your But she smiled grimly to see how*Gil- - hold of each of the packages, and o f the tssengers. “ They’re mar whispered that he had better hold on. J. W..Smitii,,N»;G. W.X Himes, Sec. r. -. bert’s face fell at.the . announcement having felt<them, . chose the heaviest; ried !” ^ uuhan&n. Mlob. 21tf grandfather’s.” — JDetroitFree Press. ' of the visitor. ' ' ' - , ' -V “ And are they not ?” ^ • the copper-colored'one then chose the M . 'W3CLSON, dozitisi; Office first For (he Purchase an d S ale of . “ No, my dear, they are mine. “ She is. my. father-B; widow,"’ the second, heaviest, leaving the .white * doornorth-of^bo Bank* Chargesreasonable, and There is nothing easier than to edit j 'W — .rmoL o lajsts v op’pomwn atlsfactioD guaranteed. Your grandfather holds a life lease spinster, - said; gravely, , “ bo. we must man. the1lightest-„ When the pack me T Ip.utj ano£ ,o oqeqs .e s.oiS,, - a-blackguard paper, and nothing more Grain, Seeds, Hides, Green and Dried Manufacturers, and only of.the house and half the income:- endure her fo ra time:’ ’ -ages,' w'ere’ . opened, 'the' ' first; were fpofonepj hiq^oii ‘uqop pies y/uera difficult than to get up a newspaper others who use L e t ; Fruits, Butter,: Eggs, &o. O H N W E I S G E R E E R , maarnfacturor ter Heads, B i l l The property was all his wife’s, and; She'-was'almost 'faBcinating-.widow found to co’ntain spades, hoes,'.and all “ cAie -crafe', ■ -Xfdoi SDA‘s.- I(fooTjq free from foulness and blackguardism. of Lumber. Cnetem sawing dono to order, Particular Attention Given to Fruits Heads, .Envelopes, reosonable ratcs. Cnehpaid for all hiudaof bol(3.. Mill left to~me, ,with the lease, as I said, .when'she'appeared.atthelatQ; dinner,' ‘ the implements of labor; tho second p in y me i-J. .■qshqVe -pniqsq- tnoij Fish women and bar-room loafers^ are Cards," Circulars, in onSouth OakStreet, Buchanan,Mich. * and Vegetables. n a o., fthin liin -black.’' K lortV t dress,; . to my father during ’ life. ^While'we" ' im fact any kind o f all‘"-je'ts AYirl and; enwrapped' hunting,.'fishing and.wars tmq 9 -iojsk|soi noijuedde oq^ se.-'aenx skilled in .the-artef bandying epithets 19 3 S. ‘ W a te r St., C hicago. Printing, w ill'find were all one family and ,you tho heir,1- /trimmings, with some knots of.' ;black; . like 'apparatus-:, the third *gave, -the ■T-pra? P M ; a u of ore o q ^ „ •..•oraoq , and bespattering each other with dirH A M I L T O N , licensed xmotlbuoer the R ecord ’ Stedm, • Willattondto all calls; promptly, and sell at as it was quite unnecessary to make any; ' ribbon in the pro fusion-of ~^r*golden white manf p.ens, - inlr.qhd^aper^-the jfeM.siq-uphqop ueijqSiij pde qsoqff e -ty words. It requires no brains to do nmREXczs: roaaonablorates as any other good auctioneer in the GornmnNational.Bank, Printing H o u s e C hicago.,' county. ResidenceandP.p.address3uchanan.Mich; talk or fuss about' the matter ; .but curls.,; Her coior/wasfooftly .tjhted ps ?engine^.‘ of ;*ttfe£ mmd^the ^mqtual;: -Jo 5red aqqpe oj raqioiq -joq' g a jf ojd ‘this,, but it doSs ^require both heart:supplied With ma Hall, Patterson&Co.,UnionStock.Yards, Chicago. terial fo r doing first now, it is as well to 'understand ♦‘•my ever,v her’folue* eyes ■5S';'.babyiBh.''and /and brains to print a newspaper that" EE D H O U S E , O .R e o d , Proprietor. __ _ claw w o r k , and; For fine job printing,'-call at rthe rights and yours." winsome ; 'yet when the first eVening J'.df-humanity— th>^^foundation '.of* the joq ‘ trabM. O'poijjiOqArtiemoiAqoioog a' decent man r;or.twomen can read Berrien Springs, Mich.- ‘ Good:Uverylfn connection found as low as can be obtained. with the houj#. . UX09RD office. . “ How?” was. over she had gained, nothing in • "White man’s superiority. •, a n jT rt * r » Try ns and be «onvln«ed, Without afolushi^Gtaefyi ;qsiH9fo[S Poetrv. > MAY it" O £s o K « .2TY’k»|160||a'2Blg00|3,76|425; 525g~7 00; S <V. 1* a 3 w’itaB 1 7Sj 2 75| 3 T 5 j4 26J 4 75» g 60f 9 03.12 0 0 .'l iw'Icsj 2Q0j 3S0I4C0: 5 251 600|B6()llMCOsI4t6n'3* ‘ 0w’k-Bl250g475] CQOg700.825jll ODRAOOjj.9OOfAs C'. 3mos.t400| 000J750(3603.000^30031700^2300JSf‘ fi 6mOB.1.600|X000J1300jl500.n700j2000S2Q00j3800150 H 9mos-l! 8503130031" 00jj2000323OO327 00336.60:50003860{ J O H N 0 . H O LM E S . O T F IO E ^ In u R ecortl B rick B u ild in g ,**u orth a ld oof ? r o u t 3 t r e o t .fo u r d o o r s e a a t o f A lain. O P ‘5A D V E R T I S I N G ; 4 c. Cr m en. S S C F. HAHN”, Dodertaker. M ID W IF E R Y ! MBS. MABIA DUTTON, 5 ^ : s z : : G# L P. Justice of the Peace, N otarv Public, A, J. Thompson & Go., J J R Gommission MERCHANTS, Stow. Myra W ilbur’s Mistake. HHBes!SSSK2a^S2^£ag£aE<5S3 The M E W O R U I. B A T 1ST BBCITAXAX. JOHN1 G. HOLMES, Editor. THUSSEAT HORNING, MAT 24,1SH. Ex-President Grant and family have gone to Europe. Report now comes that Greece is ... || about to boil over into Turkey and f start a little was o f her own. John Murphy o f Adrian, smokes the same clay pipe he used thirty-sev en years, ago. Hold your nose when you go that way. 28 to 30 cents is beirng paid for the new clip o f wool, by the Laporte Woolen Mills. Russia has been borrowing; money in England for the purpose o f pay ing interest on their bonds that are soon to come due. Austin Humphreys was hung in M Sandwich, Canada, near Detroit, on Tuesday last, for tho murder o f Fred erick Appel, February 26th last, be cause Appel had refused to pay a debt of §6 he owed Humphreys. A frightful accident occurred at n launoh at Chester, Fa., on Tuesday, by which several men lost their lives The vessel to he launched started from its blocking sooner than was exsjd pected, crushing the men under her; The Turks are now busy provsion me and more strongly fortifying Constantinople with, appearance that & they expect to have a little scrach with the Russians at that place ere long. The Board of Health in Detroit in tend publishing a number o f thousanc & of copies of the panphlet of restric tions for scarlet fever issued by the State board o f Health and dis tributing them in that city. England is making great prepara tions on both land and sea for an in terference in the eastern troubles. It is thought that should the Russians gain any decided advantage over the It, Turks, England and Austria will in tervene for the protection of their m „ respective interests on the Mediterra nean and Danube. I t is reported, that the Turks have proclaimed a holy war against Russia. This is virtually a call to all Mohamedans to come to the rescue of the Porte, which, should they rise en & masse, will give Turkey power suffi 3$n cient to cope with the remainder of Europe with advantage. * & Havana dispatches say that advices from San Domingo to the 9ch inst. state that a political conspiracy was discovered May Tth, in San Domingo city, and that thirty persons implicat ed had been arrested; and others took refuge in consulates. Great constern ation prevailed and revolution seemed imminent. Arrangements are nearly completed for the proper observance of Decora tion Day in this village., And should the weather bo propitious, we shall probably witness, the largest gather ing that has yet assembled upon May 30 th, for memorial services; in Bu chanan. Anticipating the presence o f many visiting; comrades from the neighboring J;owns, a pic-nic dinner will be given at some suitable place for tbeir benefit, and liberal donations of eatables for this purpose will bo thankfully received. Uor full infor mation on this subject wo would re spectfully refer you to the chairman o f that committee, comrade A . P. Evans. The executive committee have secured Collins & Weaver’s Hall as a place of rendezvous, and respect fully request all persons who intend to contribute flowers, to leave the same at an early hour on Wednesday morning, at the above named place, where will be found Mrs. Whitman (the chairman o f that committee) ready to receive them. The following is the order of exer cises as recommended by-the executive committee and adopted by the associa tion: * The procession to be formed on Front street,, the right resting on Oak street, and in the following order : 1st, Band and choir; 2d, Orator and Chaplain ; 3d, Common Council; 4th, Soldiers and Sailors of the late war; 5th, Civic Societies; 6th, the schools ; 7th, Invited guests and citizens on foot and in carriages. The line of march to be taken up as follows: From the Hall, North on Oak street to Fourth street; West on Fourth street to the old cemetery, where the graves of the soldiers of this place will be decorated. The line of march then continued on Fourth street to Lake street, South on Lake street to Front street; West on Front street to the Oak Ridge Cemetery. At the cemetery the order of exer cises will be, 1st, Song by the Glee Club; 2d, Prayer by the Chaplain; 3d, Song by the Glee Club; 4th, Ad dress by Hon. J. J. Yan Riper; 5th, Music by the Band and Decoration Ceremonies. After the ceremonies the procession will be reformed, move East on Front street, to the hall, and then break ranks. To our comrades who live at a dis tance: from the town, we would say, although it is not your privilege to meet with us and, take part in our de liberations preparatory to Memorial Day, yet on May 30, let every com rade lay aside bis work, and with ns, again visit the graves of our fallen brothers, placing upon them the first flowers of spring, a fitting tribute to their memory. To the-public generally, who have so kindly assisted us in the past, we again extend the invitation to you to come, bringing with you your floral offering. Ex. Committee: The Saginaw Republican tells of a llr. Secord, an old pioneer, who relently caught an immense black bear a trap at his place, on the Tittalawasee- The animal was a monster, [nd weighed nearly 700 pounds.. It fielded eight' and a half gallons of lil, and the hide ia as large as that of buffalo. Mr. Secord makes abusi-' less o f bear-hunting. A Grange Co-operative store has en- opened at Battle Creek. County address very many empty seats at either servico. Jas. Batten, while punishing a refractory horse in the stable, last Saturday morning, had ’the tables turned on him in a serious way and Hot at all to his comfort. The horse, getting the advantage of his master, crushed him; against the side of the stall until the blood rushed from his nose and mouth. It was thought at first that he would not live,, but he was reported better this morning. Dayton has a terrible dull season just now. House cleaning and mov ing being the only excitement. “ The D uke.” Iowa Correspondence. Castalia, May 18, 1877, E ditor R ecord—Bear Sir :— We have been having some nico bat rath er dry weather. A t present we arc being blessed with a heavy shower of rain, which was much needed, as some of the grain sown would never have sprouted without rain. There has been considerable wheat sown in this vicinity this spring; more, I think, than last spring. The chintz bug has put in an appearance again, and it is feared that they will damage us again. Wheat in this vicin ity and in fact throughout the entire northern part o f the State, was almost an entire failure, the- bugs being the secondary cause. We did not have sufficient rain when the wheat was sown, conse quently it came up very unevenly and part o f it never came at all. The corn is mostly planted. The prospect for fruit is good. The plum and crabapple trees are in full bloom. There are no peaches raised here, and but few -apples. The apples of old Mich igan take the lead in our market. Respectfully, J, F . W r a y . Why the Fleet Sailed. N ew Y ork, May 19.— The World says that some days since a statement was made that the Russian fleet left this port in response to a request from Washington to that effect. There is trustworthy authority for adding that this request was in the form of an in timation from Secretary Evarts to Grand Duke Alexis, Minister Schischkin, and Admiral Boutakoff that it was the desire of the President that the Russian vessels should not longer remain in American waters, and that the State Department preferred to make this intimation privately, hoping that it thus might be spared the ne cessity of making the request officially and-formally from the State Depart ment., The Russian commander at once made preparations to leave, and it is mentioned as a significant fact in the same connection that although the Grand Dukes Alexis and Constantine and Admiral Boutakoff attended a re ception at ex-Gov. Morgan’s house, they remained hut a short time, and rather conspicuously took their de parture before the arrival of the Pres ident and his party. TEE COUKTY PRESS. [Niles Mirror.-] Hail stones fell, in Silver Creek township,. Cass Co., on Sunday, five inches in circumference. [Berrien Springs Era.] Several large cat-fish were caught on night-lines here last week; one weighed 22 pounds, by Walter Kephart Roumania’s independence has been and Jay Drayman....... Three horses formally proclaimed by the Senate of were stolen in Northern Indiana on Bucharest, and war has been declared Sunday night, and are supposed to against Turkey. Both events have have passed through Buchanan, early practically transpired already. Rou- Monday morning on their way north. ifmania’s cordial reception o f the A large party is in pursuit, and, if Russian forces upon her territory overtaken,, the thieves will probably . and her tacit alliance with Russia for fare roughly......A copper-mine is suspected to exist on the farm of A . J. offensive and defensive purposes, to Ingleright. A specimen weighing 4634 gether constituted an assumption of 1 independence o f Turkish rule and a oz. supposed to consist of 90 per cent, copper, from his place, was exhibited I declaration of war against Turkey. in town last Saturday,* It is said that I lightning has frequently been seen to The Lansing Republican gives the. play about the locality in which this following report of the business of the specimen was found, during thunder State Treasurer: storms, to such an extent, that parties The balance of cash in the State have deemed It expedient to leave the treasury May 12 was §897,051,59; field. The owner contemplates pros receipts during the week ending May pecting in the vicinity. 19 were §20,954,19; payments during [Niles Democrat.] same time were §21,464.09 ; balance Lyman Smith, has sold, his farm, in treasury May 19; 1877, §896,541.situated five miles east of Niles, to 6 9 ; decrease for the week §509.90. Chas. F. &. F , A . Howe, for §7,500, and takes as part pay Dr. G. A . A special to the Chicago Tribune Howe’ s Main streetjproperty in this from Lansing, under date May 22, city, at [§8,500......W e were shown jgsays: oa Wednesday last by State Fish Gov. Crosswell has appointed Lem Commissioner Geo, H. Jerome, a real uel Seviers, o f Gratiot, Quarter-mas- live, natural born, Michigan Califor | ter General for two years; William nia Salmon.' It was a fine specimen Chandler, o f Cheboygan; Superin- of its species, and could boast of being 1 tendent of the St. Mary's Falls Ship the first Michigander born of natural iJCanal for t^0 years; Leroy Parker, stock, seen; or caught in our waters. if Genesee, Member of the State It appeared to be about three months oard o f Health for air years ; E. R. old and in a healthy condition. tiller, o f Kalamazoo, reappointed [Benton Harbor Times.] ish Commissioner for six -years; alThere is no great promise o f rasp o, Hezekiah G. Wells, of Kalamazoo, berries and blackberries. Many of nd George W . Phillips, of: Macomb, the bushes are dead. They were kill or the same time Trustees of the In ed by the cold of last winter. ane Asylum at Kalamazoo; Wm. H. |St. Joseph Republican.] irYithington, o f Jackson, and James The idea, of raising the propeller ;1. Brown, o f W ayne; Members of he Board of Control of the State Hippocampus, has now became a set ublic School, James •Burns, . of tled, fact. Her exact whereabouts is 'ayne, for six years, and Henry now known; and a party of Chicago, inds, of Mountcalm, four years; wreckers have taken the job. The nd o f the. Reform School, David B. work, will commence about the first of ~alo, o f Eaton, for six years, and next month. lylvester Lamed, o f Wayne, for two ears. rK O M B A T T O X . SIL7ES2 The Illinois Legislature has taken Ike first step toward opening a mark et, in that State, for the silver coin If the country by passing a bill maklg it a legal, tender for all debts both lublic and private, payable within the (State without reference to the amount, [his is an act that will have the effect [o throw a surplus o f silver coin into le State in place of greenbacks now circulation; there, and which are low of greater value than the silver [nd will allow the United States treasurer to redeem these at a decid ed advantage: over using gold. Berrien A Free Show In the Connell Chamber. Mr, Long, a gentleman from the south, gave the common council a free Show Monday night, disclosing to their astonished gaze one of the most won derful freaks of nature extant; not some horrible monstrosity, but a sym metrically formed child, aged five years, with a skin much resembling a map of the seat of war, or the coat of an Arabian horse. The child, a male, waa born on the coast o f Alabama, of full blooded negro parents, and pre sents the astonishing spectacle of an epidermis, the' color of which is about equally divided between white and black. T ho;white portion, is very white, and the black Is very black, and the contrast is much like that be tween white/and black velvet, for the skin is as soft and fine as .that fabric. The top of/the head is covered with white wool, extending hack to the crown, ano the remainder is coated in the blackest and kinkiest kind: The body is beautifully marked, as though done witqthe brush of an artist. Mr. Long proposed to place the boy on exhibition here for one Week, for the benefit oo the boy’s parents, who are very pocr, and asked that the usual license fee he remitted. The request was grarted.— South Bend Tribune. Beeord, Buehanan, The Situation In Utah. Further developments in regard to the situation of affairs in Utah make it quite probable that other Mormons beside John D. Lee, and possibly Brigham Young himself, will bo pros ecuted for their connection with tho Mountain Meadow Massacre. It is reported that a large amount of evi dence has been found which implicates a number of Brigham Young’s lead ing followers, and probably Young himself, in capital crimes committed at Various periods. While important developments will probably soon be made in regard to" a series of offenses of which the Mountain Meadow massa cre furnishes a peculiarly monstrous type, it is noticeable that one of the enterprising correspondents of the New York M erald has recently inter viewed a witness, whose story, i f true, will furnish an important link to the chain of testimony by which Brigham Young is presumably connected with that terrible affair. This wit ness alleges that he was one of the children of a murdered emigrant, and that his life was spared bn account of his extreme youth; that during his childhood he resided in the family of Lee, and that ho had personal knowl edge of letters written by Young to Lee in which the latter is implored to deny the existence o f the orders he had received, and to assume all the responsibility of the massacre, and assured that by adhering to this course he would obtain temporal prosperity and immunity from serious consequences. This story does not look very probable, but we give it for what it is worth. A t all events,, it seems certain that a searching investigation will be.made into the subject by the United States authorities in Utah. Hitherto pros ecutions have been baffled by the re fusal of Mormon grand or petit jur ors to indict or convict members of their popular sect, •that the grand jury which is to assemble at Salt Lake City to-day will contain twelve Gen tile members, a sufficient number to find true bills, *who will, have only three Mormon associates, and that a large amount of evidence will be placed before it. As the Mouutain Meadow massacre was perpetrated in a district that is not under the juris diction of'the court held at Salt Lake City, further inquiries cannot be made into that hideous crime before September, when another session of the court that tried and condemned is to be held at Beaver ; mean while there will be vigorous efforts to expose the system of employing men popularly known as Danites, or de stroying angel, to act or organized assasin?, which, according to the tes timony of sundry persons, formerly constituted an important portion of sundry persons, formerly constituting an important portion of Mormonism. It is probable that Lee made many important revelations in regard to this class of offences whioh will serve as a guide to ihe prosecuting officers of the Government. Like other con demned culprits, he spoke more free ly of crime in which he did not take a .leading part than of the terrible massacre executed under his direction,' and a few passages of his final confes sion furnished a striking confirmation of the appalling theory that Mormon leaders have repeatedly directed the assassination of their real or supposed enemiesi The bearing of Brigham Young and other leading Mormons. shows that .they are uneasy at this proposed investigation: The MormOn president, at his tabernacle, is pouring forth threatenings and slaughter against the persecutors of the church aud its saints. The whole Mormon popula tion is extensely excited, and is. said to be preparing for armed resistance. Such is the state of feeling that Gen. Emery, the cool and experienced sol dier who is in command in Utah, has asked that the garrisons in the terri tory should be strengthened. It is scarcely possible that the Mormons will venture on§actual rebellion, but if i f they do they be very promptly and vigorously! punished.— B eiroit Trib une. - T h u rsd ay, Waiting for Bipod. The condition of war matters in Europe is about the same as yester day. •There have been no new strug gles, and the nows shows simply a shifting of troops to attack or to repel in the great battle that it seems must inevitably occur within a few days. There is a shaking down of corps and divisions into their ’ places, and the preparations on both sides indicate that when a battle is fought on the Danube it ■will be a struggle of the most terrible character. There is an ominous restiveness, amounting even to threats, from Servia and Greece. The former did not win in its late struggle an importance that would justify tho unprejudiced in counting its support of or opposition to Russia, as a matter of much consequence. With Greece it is different. Her reg ular army is composed of veterans, and it can be made to form the nu cleus of a force that, though insignifi cant when compared with the forces o f Russia and Turkey, may be able to work to the northward, and pare off at least a thin slice of territory in revenge for its Turkish bondage of three hundred years. It is to the military movements in Asia that the student of the war maps turns with interest. There all is ac tivity. The Russians advance and the Turks resist. The fall of Ardahan has opened a gate to the Russian army to march against Kars or Erzeroum, the former place being continu ally strengthened and prepared fo ra siege. Even Constantinople is report ed to be making ready for the possi bility of the Russian army’s besiogement. England proceeds quietly but vigorously in pushing forward her war material to be in readiness for that time when she will be called up on to defend her interests in the East by an active alliance. A most aston ishing feature in the panorama of war is the elasticity of Turkey in a crisis was wildly supposed would overwhelm her. She presents a for midable front at all points to her an tagonists. She shows well armed and apparently well officered armies, which fight without ideas of defeat, Beyond that the Government is inciting the Warlike people of dissatisfied Russian provinces to a rebellion that promises them temporary relief from at least one despotism; and the tribes of the Caucasus are made disaffected by Turkish plottings and strengthened by Turkish arms. Throughout Eu rope is an ominous restlessness and uncertainty, to which the unexpected recall of Bismarck gives a still more somber aspect, for it betokens evil to France and a purpose to act against the machinations of the ultramontanes whom Germany hates, if she does not fear.— Chicago Post. Beware of Swindling Agents. We have often cautioned farmers to avoid unauthorized and swindling agents, because of frequent cases of fraud which have come to our knowl edge, and we again urge upon our farmer friends the caution. A ll the latest improved farm implements can be obtained at reasonable rates from responsible dealers in agricultural wares. . Recently we published an account of the swindling operations of a patent broadcast seed-sower agent in Shiawassee county. TheOwosso Pres3 Says that the agent would visit a farmer and ask permis sion to send a machine to be placed in bis barn, where other farmers could examine it, and would get the farmer to sign what purported to be an order for a machine, to be sent from the factory, but which was in fact an agreement to pay a certain amount 'on the .machine at a stated time. It would be well for farmers to use care and caution in regard to what papers they sign, especially when presented to them by strangers. These papers often make their appear ance in the shape of promises to pay in the hanfis of ’third parties who don’t know the fraud. The Sanilac Jeffersonian says : “ We beard of a man who started and stocked a grave yard on bis farm with swindling can vassers. He might occasionally have got an inocent man, but it is an open question yet whether thq famous Ben didn’ t kill more lightning rod peddlers and such chaps than in nocent victims.” M ay 2 4 ,, The debt of the now city, Dowagiac, is §2,131.48. Mr. Whitehead o f Jackson Swallow ed a | inch copper tack .15 years ago, and it was taken out of his shoulderblade a week or two since. The copper product of the upper peninsula from 1845 to 1876 has been §109,313,000. The largest year’s yield was that of 1875 'when it reach ed §8,390,860. The yield of 1876 §7,737,110. *• The Legislature adjourned on Sat urday last, after a session of 95 actual work. E ast Saginaw, Mich,, May 20.— James Morrill, 18 years old, was drowned in Cass River yesterday af ternoon while endeavoring to save the life of a little brother who had fallen into the stream. Burr Oak wants a narrow gauge railroad to come to them, and have been asked to contribute §50,000 for the purpose of getting it there. About twenty feet of "the dam across the St. Joseph, at Three Rivers, went out last week, draining the pond, and stopping all the machinery dependent upon the water power. A large num ber of men have been •temporarily thrown out of employment. The prisoners in the Hillsdale county jail armed themselves with clubs and laid a plan to escape. One was taken out to be sent to the house of correction,- and on the way he told of the plot. The Sheriff telegraphed back to the turnkey to be on his guard, and thus the game was block ed. • • Rocky IlaBge Rambles. F ew people there are who do not cher ish delightful anticipations of some day gliding across the great plains o f the far west to seek new lease upon life in the pure, bracing, eihilerating atmosphere of the majestic mountain ranges of Colorado. T o all who have dreamed o f days amid the matchless scenes, the towering per" and deep mouthed gorges of the -'Alps of America,” the R ooky M ountain T ourtst will come as an awakening to realize tion. It is a.superb publication in every particular, the letter press the perfection o f typographical excellence, the arrange ment a model for book printers, while such distinguished artists as Moran, Ris king, Laugridge, French and IVorrall furnished the drawings for the illustrations which so profusely adorn the pages. The views in the Mancos and McTSlmo Canons are subjects entirely new and o f rare fas cination, while the single engraving of the Royal Gorge o f the Arkansas is ten by fifteen inches in dimensions. The T our ist , aside from: its rich typography and highly artistic engravings, is a work of rare interest, written, as it is, in an easy and graphic vein throughout, Mr. J. G. Panghorn, the author,' being an old news paper man, and the treatment of the T ourist more of the journalistic order than of the stereotyped book writer. W hen it is stated that the publisher, Ma jor T . J. Anderson, Ex-M ayor of Topeka, Kansas, sends a specimen copy o f the R ooky M ountain T ourist ’ absolutely free to all requesting, b y letter or postal card, such favor, his exceeding liberality cannot but meet with such, undisguised appreciation on-the part o f the public at large as to require the services o l quite a circle o f equally generous friends to assist him in opening and responding to his mail. That all wil I receive who but ask there is, however, no question., - Figures are What is “/aided. N ot election majorities, but suoh as in terest the great army o f American pro ducers. Twenty-five years ago the eight counties o f Missouri now traversed by the Old Reliable Hannibal & St. Joseph Rail road were nearly a wilderness. To-day, by a late Census, it is discovered that these counties produce over one-fourteenth of the entire wheat crop o f the. State, over one-twellth o f the corn crop, and over one-ninth o f the oats. * The same growth o f country is now being repeated in Eansas, Nebraska. Colorado, arid N ew M exi co, and the immortal' Greeley had this identical route and section of country in mind when he breathed those stirring words ol wisdom, “ Young man, go West.” Therefore, it is but natural that parties taking this advice should desire to pass over a road that has done so much ior a State, (especially as it offers the best fa cilities) and see for-themselves. B y the Hannibal & St. Joseph R. R,, through cars are run from Cleveland and Toledo, and through connections made ' from Cin cinnati and Indianapolis, via- Quincy, to St. Jo., Atchison and Kansas City, and from Chicago to Kansas City loithout change. W e are about to issue, in con neefcion with our own, a county map of ..Colorado and N ew Mexico, giving yalua-. ble information as regards time tables, routes, distances, altitudes, &c., which we will be pleased to furnish free, upon ap plication in person or by letter addressed to T , P enrielu, G, P . & T. A ., 4Stf Hannibal, M o. BUCHANAN PRICES CURRENT* UNEQUALLED OFFER. Cornctsdrtiji'.rv’ Wt&ntsdavmorningfor the Record S. <&IF, W. SMITH,Dealersih{?roc*rit8an<&Prnyicion Front-Street, Buchanan.MickThestfiguresrepresentthepricespaid by Staltrs, uniix oUterwCsespecified. S’ttO. FFicskel Silwem P la te d I’ S h o t M e w o l-ffe rs a s P r e H iiiim s . IISSTH’SA^MUEIITMFREE white, per bushel... ........... d 05 2 00 Whtmfc, red, per bushel-............... . Flour, white, per barrel, Billing—.... .. n oo Flour, ml,.per barrel, soiling............ 10 03 BuckwheatFlour.eoUiug. - ... . CloverJfoed, perbushel...... .......... ... 5 50 Timothy Seed, per bushel2 00 Corn, now, perhushoh..................... 50 Oate» per bushel................... .............. 35 Brau, per ton, eelling.—...... 13 00 •Pork,live, perhuudretl............ .............. 525 Fork, dressed, perhundred.................... 6 75 Fork, mesa, perponnd..... . 10 2 OO OpmSleal, bolted, per lntn»lro<Molilngr Fluster, per barrel, selling.................. 1 75 ITay,tamo, per ton............................. ...... 800©1000 Hay,marsh, perton..... ............ . ...... 5_00@0 OO Salt, hue, perbarrel, lolling........... . 1 75 2 50 Stilt,coarse, perbarrel, soiling.......... Beans, per buolipL....................... 1 50 Wood, 18iticli, peroord...... ..... ..... 1 60 Yfood,4; feet,percord.... ......... ...... 3 00 Butter, porpound.................. ..... 1?@15 Eggs, perdozen..... 10 . perponDtl............................ 11 Tallow, perpound..*,..,......... Honey; per pound. 18 GreenApples, per bushel..,... ........ . 40 Chickens, porpound....*.,........,............ 8 Brick, perthousand,-selling............. 6 50 Hides, green, per pound...................... Qidos, ary, perpound.....,,..,—........,.... 1Q@16 PoItB.,..................................... 50@1 60 Mackerel, No. 1, perpound. Balling..... WbitoFish, perpound.eoIIiiLsr..,..... . 10 Potatoes .................. ......... ... 1J)5@115 Tramps, Burglars ana Thieves infest all parts of the Country. Every One Should go Armed. tSosciai N otices, B Time Table-Slay j *JPW1. ^Accom. BJSlght xpresa. .L v 500A.M. 345I>.M. 900T.M Chicago**...... . 550 Konsington,.... 950 4 3 5 .... G43 1060 Lake..... 523 625 1115 MichiganCity*-........ 735 .... 755 11140 051 New Buffalo...... Threo Oitke...... __ 807 709 11153 j 341 750 Chchanan.......... 820 1235A.M! Niloa............ 901 348 103 DoVvBl-iu'j..... 927 915 1,127 Decatur....... ..... 952 935 Lawton.’......... ... . 1010 1010 1217 Kalamazoo..*...... 1050 237 Galesburg...... ...... 1112 315 1148 BattleGreek...... 349 Karehrill........ ... . 1245B*M. 410 Albion.......... ... 110 520A. M. 455 Jackson......... „Lv 215 245 548 Grass’ Lake....... Ghelsoa.......... .... 310 015 Dexter........... ..._ 325 630 352 700 Ann Arbor....... 638 *15 Tpsilanti......... 715 655 443 Wayne Junction 740 . 715 G.T. Junction......... 530 825 j 745 Detroit........ . ..Ar 545 840 ; 800 13vening ’ Mail. Accom. $ Express. Dotroit...... . .Lv. 700A. It 445!?.M. 605 P. M. GvT.Junction...,. ..... 715 500 6 20 Wayne Junction ..... 74<5 532 657 Xysilanti,....... ...... 817 600 725 Ann Arbor....... ..... 840 &30 800 Dexter..... ..... 901 653 822 Chelsea,........*.... 923 712 S37 Grass Lake..... 952 737 902 ..... 1020 Jackson... . 800 930 Albion........... not 10IS Marshall......*.... LI 50 1040 Battle Crock.... ... 1220P.M. 1116 Galesburg.......... 1255 1153 K&latnuzoo........ .... 110 500 A.M. 1210 A.M Lawton..*.... . ... *> i 156 524 100 Decatur ......... 235 547 127 Howasiac........ .... •241 6Q9 2 00 Niles.............. .....i 311 650 235 Buchanan..... 702 325 250 Throe Oaks...... 356 7:27 320 NewBuffalo......._ 413 740 335 Michigan City.... 440 802 405 Bike............. .... 523 S42 452 Kensington..... 603 025 618 Chicago*,....:..... -Ar 655 1015 630 ♦Sundaysexcepted. ^SaturdaysndSnriffay gyrpnipfl K. B. Ledtard, War.B. Strong* Mfl Gen. Sup%Beiroit. GcrilSupH,Chicago HenetC. Wentworth, Gen’l Pa$s.jigcnt, Chicago. £ m: fe SSa - S s- h SIS m m m m m s| a saissiipsits § w i g f gc-s^gBv. ’> fc^d KB m w sm m m y o u t h . A GENTLEMAN"wlio suffered for years fromNervous •«. DeUilifcy, Premature Decay, and all tie effects of yontlifal indiscretionwill, fortlie sake of sufferinghu manity, send, free to all who needit, therecipeanddirec tion?formaking thesimple remedy by which he was cored. Suffererswishingtoprofifcbythe advertiser's ex* periencecandosoby addressing-inperfect confidence, 47m6 JOHNB. OGDEN.42CedariSt.. NewYork. p iM s i ~e ip i, Mo-j ^ St. w is*-»S?3 mwas S C;$ -■=ari“ S . IS'«$MwSagf ST P im 0 I will mail (Free) the recipe for preparing asimplo "Vegetable Balm that will remove TAN, ritECELtSS, PIMPHE3andUlotcess, leavingthe skinsoft, Clear, and beautiful; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growthof hair ona baldhead or smoothface. Address SenYondelf&Co„ Box5121, No. 5Wooster St, N, Y. . |ii §i mm% Pj-OoZAaSY u SI.20 PER QUARTER FOB TEHQUARTERS. SARAH L. KENNEDY, H o M e o p & tM e P J iy s ie ia ii. O S c e a u d E e s id e s ccm * SSetroit S t .,n o r t li o fF r o n fig t ,, t h ir d h o u s e , e a s t side* ^ OfcJjll & EXPOSITIONS S p e c i a l ^.ti'tesA'tlosx giventoDiseasesof "Women andChildren; and theuse of Electricity bymeans Of themost modernandapprov edinstruments*agreat curative agent in'dthejmiatism, Neuralgia, Chronic Cerebro*Spinal Meningitis, Chorea, Paralysis, andother kindreddiseases. Business will Keceiva Prumpt Atton» tion at all Hours*. lotf B-A OBD .— Mich.igan County of FBFLOerrien *TE ‘’, sc.— *'EE ~Stateofof -. *C i-ou J7 At asession theProbate rtfor the Countyof Berrien, holdenafc theProbate Office, in the village of Berrien Springs, on Monday, the 2ist day of May, in the year ono thousand eight hundred andseventyseven. Present, AlexanderB. Leeds, Judgeof Probate. In the matter of the Estate of James 32. Griffith, deceased. • Oareading and filing the petition, dulyverified, of MillieA. Griffith, praying: that administration oneaid esratemsybo grantedto herself. Thereuponitis orderedthat Monday, the jSth day of Juno next, at 10 o’clockin the forenoon, bo assigned forthohoitringof saidpetifcion, andthat thohoireGtlaw of saidxiot;oasetifand allotherperaonsinterestedinsaid e3feto,nrorequiredtoappearat asession of said Court, thentobolioldanat thoProbate Office intheTillageof BeiriouBprings,andshowcauso,.ifanytherobc, whythe prayer of thopotitionorshould not begranted: Audit isfurtherordered, that saidpetitioner givenotice1othe personsmtercsiodinsaidostate. of thopendoucy of said petition, andthebearingthereof,bycausingacopyofthis ordertobopublished In. the Berreh Couarr IIecord, anewspaper printed, and circulated, in said County of Berrien, for threesnecessivo weeksprevious to eaid day of hearing. [L. S.j ALEXANDER13.1EED?, (A trneccpT.) !5y?4 Judge ci PmbaU. M O R TG A G E SALE. E F A T rL Thaving beenmadein thopawnenfcof acerD tain fr* earnof iuon»y secured to bepaidby anindent’ ore of Mortgage, made and executed Dy Peter ZiegelzneieraudMary Zlogelmelor, Uiswife, of Ihe County of BerrienandState of Aiichigau, of thefiritpart, to John L. Belvlile, of the second part, and bearing dalo the twonnerh. day of November* 1875, and recordedin the office.of thoRegister of Deedsof the Countyof Berrien. InsoidStat“, on the tenthday cf December,*1875, at4.% o’clockP»M., in Liberelevenof Mortgages, Onpage395, onwhichsaidMortgage thereis claimedto be due and unpaid at thedale of this foreclosure, tho sumof one thousand thirty-one dollars and twenty-twocentaaud no suitat lawor proceedings in equityhavingbeenin stituted to recover,th.esaid sumof money or anypart thereof; Thoreforo, notice is hereby given, that by Virtue of tho power Of sale containedinsaid Mortgage now fcecomo operative, andinpursnancoof thesfatnto in such cose make andprovided,; the landdescribedin saidMortgage, to-wit: All that certain pieceor parcel of laud jdtnate intho County of Borrio.i andState of Michigan, descriSbdas follows, to-wit: The south half (54) of thesouth-eastquarter QQ. ol sectionthirty-five (35), intownship three (8) southof range eighteen (18) woahandthirtyacresoff the o%st endof the southhalf (14) oTthesoutli-Tvesl-qu'irler Q/Qof saidsectionthirtylive (35), inthe townshipaforesaid, willhe soldmt public auctionorvendue, at theiront doorof the Court House, in theVillageof BordenSprings,in said county of Ber rien, on The SOfh di^ of Augnsf, A. S>- 1857^ at eleveno’clockinthe forenoon of said, day, to satisfy theamount whichshall thenbedue onsfid Mcrtgogc, •togetherwith thecostsof surli foreclosure andsaleand also anatroraeyfeoprovidedtbrinsaidMortgage. JOHNL, BBLVILLB Mortgagee. D.E. AttornGyforMortgagee. DatedMay2i, 1877. 15wlS Senator Ben. H. Hill, of Georgia, wrote a letter to the Augusta (Chroni I cal, last month, in which he said that Final Adournment o f £hc Legislature, he “ should make no recommendations | L ansing, May 18, 1877. for office to be passed upon by the The Legislature o f 1877 has ad- Senate, because he believed that no journetfsiwe die, haying sat 15 days reform could take place unless con STATE ITEMS. longerfthan, any of its predecessors. gressional control of executive ap Grand Rapids has 4,915 children The foiowing is the record: pointments is broken up.” Senator attending her public schools and pays 1851-jFeb. 5 to April 5.... .59 days. Christiancy on reading this letter §35,793,40 in school teachers’ sal wrote one to Mr. Hill, approving its 1853-jJab. 5 to Feb. 13.. .39 “ . sentiments in regard to civil service aries. 1855-j-Jan. 3 to Feb. 13...,..41 reform, and expressing strong desires Brick Pomeroy lectured in Jackson 1857-rJan. 7 to Feb. 17....... 41 that between the late war sections on the evening of the 16th inst., to 1859,—Jan. 5 to Feb: 16. ..42 “ . la the Sweet By-aad-By harmony and conciliation may go on an exceedingly large number of Cannot be the happy thought as the 186]/-Jah. 2 to Mar. 16.. ..73 “ until it is complete. “ Compared with benches and mighty few people.—Mx. 186y—Jan. 7 to M ar.23.. ..75 “ fortunate recipient of the- “ R ooky > this,” said he, “ all merely partisian 186|—J an. 4 to Mar. 23....... 78 “ The editor of the Lapeer Bemocrat M ountain T ourist” scans its won interest ohjecta-eink into such utter is the happy man this time. He has derfully attractive pages and peruses 186}—Jan. 2 to Mar: 27......85 “ insignificance that I long ago declared a first-class libel suit on his. hands. 186)— Jan. 6 toApril 5 .......89 “ its fascinating descriptions. Most in the senate that upon* the merits of lS fr-J a n . 1 to “ 18..... 104 “ beautifully •embellised with new and Goguac Lake is being stocked with 18J3—Jan. 1 toMay 1 ..... 121 “ * any measure hearing on the restora highly artistic engravings, its lettertion of harmony and kindly relations trout and graylings by the State Fish press a model of typographical rich 18{5—J an. 6 toMay 4 ..... 119 “ between the north" and the south, I Commissioner. 1ST— Jan. 4 to May 18.... 136 “ ness, and - the arrangement through ra some allowance, however, should be should disregard party ties.” Ah The amount of appropriation made out simply superb, the R ocsv M oun N E G E B S IIf mile for the fact that no special ses- though not designed for publication, by the Legislature is about *§1,700,- tain T ourist is. worthy ;of oompari- n BOOK OP I YFiM&RLE EE6IPSS sin has been held; for*tho last two this letter was communicated to the 000 for the next two years. . son with Pecturesque America- ov The E05JSIMQLD; * FAMILY •pars, as was the case before each of Georgia press. "Wednesday Senator Hon. E. W. Keightley will deliver Aldine. It is written in gossipy, B'MlSSTifl,' BIEBieiMio Ghristiancy received a reply from Mr. j/e last regular sessions, and the leg-, the address at^Ooldwater Decoration graphic style, covering details of the PRICE 25 CENTS. Postage prepaid. jlative business had to that extent Hill, not designed- for publication, day; tour through thegarden of the South 'A’iii9 mooSs cowtniisS’ an STSVA.fAs33T>XJ HTSCS.’l;iS8 needed in every ^cumulated at the beginning of the from which we are permitted to copy west (the Arkansas" V alley, "Southern celScetion Sof ample cCplo» by mail. Postpaid for 25 the following-passage : “ What a deBesides pamphlets and manuscript /resent session. ts. (Pos?age stamps taken the eaTnoaa cash.) AdKansas), to the very heart of the Alps cen May 22d, 1877. droas PAKlUiLL & GO., 371 Broadway, Brooklyn, .lightful era seems to have dawned there are 53,000 volumes in the State 15mr of America— the Rocky Mountains, "N.YV . Wm., Brewer,-Jr.*, works Mr. Eg Library at Lansing: upon our whole country. When Re Official Account o f the Battle of Jaunts are made to all the famous bert’s farm this season, Mr. and Mrs. publican papers at the north applaud Ardalian. About’ 4,000 red ribbon men were resorts of Colorado, the remarkable NEW CARPET STORE, Egbert intend going east on a visit in, sentiments sincerely entertained and present at the mass meeting .held at St. P e t e r s b u r g ,^ May 20.— The ruins, the springs, the mines, and, in a couple of weeks. expressed by a southern democrat abort,- to every point, of interest to Mrs. DeArmond has moved int< following is the offical account of the like myself, and our democratic pa Three Rivers, -May 18. ' e9 rooms over Mrs, Dunning’s milliner; battle o f Ardalian, telegraphed by pers and people (as they .do) so warm The dwelling house of Chas. E." tourists, agriculturist, capitalist, min (OVERCIIAS. GOScARESsCO.) General Melikoff to Grand Duke er, and in-valid. With the TOURIST, store: ly approve and commend sentiments Greeble, Battle Creek, took fire and State and Washington Streets, Chicago. Wm. Kingsley has rented Jas. Re; Michael: “ The outworks of Ardahan, so well expressed by a northern re was nearly, consumed, on the 21st the San J uan Guide keeps fitting company, and the two publications AN ENTIRELY ding’s property, back of the churd its fortifications,* citadel, sixty guns, publican like yourself, we may not con inst. Loss, §1,800. are mailed free to all writing for one Mew Stock of Every G rade of Mr. Finch has purchased the prq- immense stores of provisions and am clude that an epoch of good feeling George McKio was instantly- killed or both to T. J. A ederson, Topeka, erty across the street from the- cj>* munition, and the camp formerly oc is beginning for our national glory . Carpets, O il Cloths, Etc. yesterday morning, in a mill at-Bay Kansas. cupied by fourteen battalions of Turks . ALSO bier’s residence. I and individual prosperity far beyond City; He leaves a wife and six C U R T A I N ’S AND BEDDING. Weyant has sold his house andpt lie at' the feet of the Czar: On May 17 the admirable fire of our artillery, any thing jn our history ? I think so, children. to Tafiman. Needham improves Mr;Jadoou has been associatedwith tho Carpet busi M a rria g es. between 3 and 6 o’clock in the after and in such a work you shall find me ness oiChicago for the past ilfteoayonre13w4opportunity,to collect, an old debt/ - On_ the 16th , inst.- Mrs. Diver, of a zealous co-laborer.” — Lansing R e May20,1877, at the homo of tho bridov in Berrien Some of the boys while out fisj! _ noon, made a breach of the wall. A t publican. Hubbardston, was knocked down and Marriage Guide i !IusrrjtC(l Springs, -Mich., by Rev. J. F. Bartmess, Mr.* J. W. ' with numerouscocra> itiga yesterday, reversed their boat andbok 6 o’ clock the Erwan, Tiflis and Baker rendered insensible by the explosion EVENS, of 8c. Joseph, and Miss EMMA RENNIE, of iromliio teaches nil thci:iB errien F prings. . buisitivc should Iciioiv on a bath, besides giving liberty f the regiments and the sappers advanced to of a bottle of wine which she was at Courtslup. iram h gc, the The temperance reform club of tempting to open. HJiyeiologfcal- MystericB . fish they had captured. The/ re the assault. The - enemy could not Lf. . i wm v; » >j WryvTi »J3 P'auu 1Revelations o fth cr Deaths, Cannonsburg, Kent county, upon the L c a ^ ssr u Sexual svsteni, how to euro mark that it is rather early ftf lake withstand the onslaught and fled, Q lllcindof Disca'st-s, with hundfetls -o f valniole receipts, • A Charlotte“ man recently killed a advice of their clergyman, and to who should iUntiyjthe impedimeuts to tfiarriage, arriage, th their dr n a -. leaving a great number o f dead. A t May17,1877, at herlio'nibinBerrientCwasblp, ANNXS tnro audeurt jaths. ‘ cureyffrcatsonauDisease^ffillye r cxpmiulngtlicir squirrel n'ear his wheat bin, and found RLTZi* BA.STON, daughter of Andrew J. -and .33. P*, ca n se s* is y m p lo m s a n d m e a n s re? . itis iavheoRlyrcnllr th e O R ly renllr help a " few church members engaged 9 o’ clock our troops traversed the Mr. Wood, our new neighb/from £elcutmb;worko{fii6kin'd'evcrpublisnqcl,andiscomplete I]aston,agod15years and10mouths*- .• * > 292 kernels o f , wheat in its chops in every ____ respect, _ _; t . ' Sent securely Eealed On receipt o f SO cts^ in the manufacture of cider, struck Address, Dr. C._A. C, a . jUOHA?*i'A>v(jl9 nuiiAitnANi u ivorth iilth. street, Niles; seems to be; a man of beiness. whole town and fortifications; The St. Louis* Mo. EstabHaiiedin 2fi37. which'it was about carrying to-its Hei bought H , J , Kingsleyj farm troops are full of enthuaiasm.- Our that word out of their pledge, and the nest. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Harness Makers, Boot Maker-3, and Wm, Kingsley’s house td lot, loss is believed to be. one officer and consequence was that some of the old Thoadvertiser, havingbeenpermanentlycaredof,that one day last week, movedlenext fifty solders killed, and four officers, drinkers, finding the saloons closed; ’ The’ world renowned Daniel .Pratt, dread ‘disease; Consumption,-bya simple remQdyt-i8.anxr •Manufacturers & Builders, ■. ’ went to the oidof-mill and-got beastly and 180 soldiers wounded. I cannot G. A. T., was* in Ann Arbor last ions to.make known to his fplloyr'suffercrs' tlie.moans bf day and. is now farming at jol blast. will fitidall lrindaof cu re* To •ali'4,who’ desireifci he will, senda.copy of tlie drunk.— JHz. . Saturday; lecturing before the stii- prescription used) (free of charge), ■^ The, third quarterly meetiit of the find sufficient words of praise for the p reparin g; a n d , usin g th e' sa tn o, w hich they .w ill, find a LEATHER"-AN!) -RUBBER GOODS, dents’of the Uniye^sity; -H e has-been BURi'duRBfor Consumption,.Asthma, Broncliiltiityh.r ;• VI.1E , Church was held heretat-Sab- courage and coolness of our young BKLTING AND BU1LDINQ. 1IATEKKU.B’, ' P artie 3 w ishing th e prescription w ill p le a sQ a d d ress, >atb. Rev. Mr.^Rpbmsonjppke jn soldiers, or for the good disposition of . .-Bay City will ItfMt an ox off the attacked *by the "feeling of Reform, : , . . 1>.^. n. i: TPTTQAV i \ f *' : • too. ■".I 4TmS 19lP*nngtj WUii»m»ljm‘ih, VorW-vj'At;J.’ S ..Tuttle’s,ENiies, Mich, morning and evening, H? did not • the troops'‘made by the officers.’ ’ - - I W t h .o f July.;. t• ■J — -7FT? P S ?’ V ’ *™Osly asazgses Fxcrr Uanu: at Cuntcnmal. Greatvariety ortimesaipricesk-.-spSrr::ml is vnvcntMej.y -- .... —Clciif.... ■ ’ " •" " ......... EXAMPLES ORX£T CJSHPRICES norki/such vtceUeT.ccvntia'^zv.nt^'.'.al.afa^nrAitfor manufacture. doublereea or«an« F ive octave with tremuicatt, ive octave organ* nine.stops» F with voix celeste, f A A UU 1 1 A Sold alto fa r monthlg cr Quarterly c r rented -unlit rent payj. A tVTfris'r crgr.ntr.ny strip be *nzrckasti by the easy paymentc f i-l.-O ptr ja ile r Pur (en .jttsiitrs. Catalogue*free. fiSASON &. 154'Fremant St. BOSTON GRGAK £5 IToion Sq. K S W YORK. CO. ‘Wabash Are. CH ICA G O . TH S1 mSFSQ'mB, IF M P H S S IS ’ H O M H O P A T H IC i SPE C IF IC S B een m g e n e r a l n se for twenty y e a rs. EvcryTrliere proves! th e inssr. SA1?3S. giaiPZiS, ECOKOSIICAE. snSEFEiCEENr m edlelnes Juiown. 'I’isey a re j u s t ivhsit th e people w a n t, savins' tim e, m on ey , alelm ess a n a siMFerins. E v ery s in s le speciflc th e w e ll tr ie d persorinfclon o f a n em in en t ph ysician . .Nos, Cnres. Cents. 1. F e v e r s , Congestion. Inflammations, . 2. W o r m s , Worm.Eever, Worm Colic, . 3. C rytagr-C ollc, or Teething of Infants 4. B ia r r lis e a , o f Children or Adults, . 5. B y s c n te r y , Griping, Bflions Colic, . 6; C h o Ie rs-a fo rU u s, Vomiting, . , . 7. C o u g h s , Colds, Broneliitis, . . . . 8. N e u r a lg ia , Toothache, Kaceache, . 9. H eadaCises, Sick Headache, Vertigo, 10. B y s p e e s ia , Bilions Stomach, . H. a gu im re sse sl, I j.or a eTainfalPeriods. . . _ > "t-» — j. _ 9 as SB SS 25 25 :25 25 23 25 .25 25 14. S a l t B f i c u p s , E ryeipelas, E rnptions. 25 15. E U eataaiism , -Ehe-amatio Pains, . . 25 10. E cver an d A gue, Chill I'ever, Agues, . 50 17. B iles, blind or bleeding,. . , ...•, . . 50 18. © slitlialin y. and Sore or Weak'Syes,. 50 19. C atarrli, acute of ehronie, Influenza, . 50 20. W iioopins-C otlg'l!, violent conghs, . 50 21. A stlu n a, oppressed Breathing, . . 50 S3. B a r BIscliargres, impaired hearing, . 50 23. Serofu la, enlarged-glands, Swellings, . 50 24. Ser.eral Debility, ’Physical ’Weakness, . 50 25. JSropsy and scanty Secretions, . . . . 50 26. Sea-Siclm ess, ackness from riding,. . 50 27. B3dney-Bisease, Gravel, . . . . . . SO 28. Nervous B eM U ty, Vital Weakness, 1 00 29. Sore jTIoutli, Canker, . . . . . . . 50 30. Urinary w eakness, wetting thobed, 50 31. P a in fu l P eriod s, orwith Spasms, . . 50 33, BiSeds'e'of H ea rt, palpitations, etc. . 1 00 33. E pu epse?, Spasms, St. Vitas'Dance, . 1 00 TAMILV OASES. Cage, 5rorocto, vrith ahove S3 la r g e vials and ' Manual o f directions, . . . . . $10.00 Case Morocco, of 201argevials andBook, 0.00 T h ese rem ed ies a re se n t l i t th e ca se s in s le h o x e r v ia l, t o a n y p a r t o f tlie cou n try, fr e e o f elta rse, o n r e ce ip t o f rice. A ddress [utnplireys’ E om en p a tM c3 Ied icin c Co. Office andDepot, 109 Fnlton St Now York. ‘ B o r S a le o y a l l B ragsfists. M 1®“ Humphreys’ Specific Manual on the care and treatment of disease and its cure, sent FREE on_application.; ‘ - - EES SSKS.WA’SI-EIBE' MEBICiL & SUSGIML BSTITOTE. EsiabilriiedI8i>7and CharteredbytheStateLegislature fortheunprovedtreatment ofall Hrivatcaud Chronio Diseasesmentionedlalhiscard. Justpublished, “ THE SILENT FRIEND!” A confidentialAdriscr for theyoim g and m ^ middle aged o f Loth. sexes;oa all Disens- es o f a P r iv a t e N a tu r e , arisinsiroiu . E a r l y A b u s e s or Inflection, Sem inal» Weakness, and Loss of lilanixood* and the best means oi cura; with valuable advice to uic branded and those contemplating1ilarriage ? i ncluding a treatise on PemdVo r D iseases, and Chronic Affections o f the Throat, Lunga. «nd Skin, Catarrh, Cancer,-Rupture, Piles,Fistula,the O pimu Hchit &c. Ifc containsSOOItfrge pages and numerous en;irriii-5not: m Ailnrl u mlAi. scalon ca^Ion vA cAmf/if Allgle. gravins^, mailed under receipt ofSOcts. . A CLENTCAJi L E C T U R E On the above diseases, and the principles o f medical practicc iu thoir treatments , PricelOcts. Address* Attending Physician* K"o.435Water st.f M.& S. INSTITUTE. fiULWAUKBBiWiSi SB» jIke PHysloIo^y of Hsrrlago.g ’ v'rclialUc G u id cforth c married, P ] Oio eflcct o f early abuses and ex- ^ j'cesses, witlmn extensive trentisconK A — ’tlxe variousSPrivato an d O IiV on lc«, _ a n h o o djfcf J D isea ses of x c u t h____________ , ECauhood n ad W o m d , fcl Ith the latest treatment, the o n l y w o r k g iv lx ig iir o -« i scriptiouo* iu f u ll , embracing everything o n tlic-tj 4 G e n cra tiv o System , worth knowing, and worth t . 0 the cheap books combined—2J0 largo double column/apages, and-200 nlatcsandcngraviagssent'undorseaa^ s o n rccctptof§l,Ofl. . ‘ ^ ^ '* ■~ — ''-‘h-allK A Private JHedical Trootiao on' Sexual andw sChronicDiseases, Seminal"Weakness, Impotence,la 3 1 Catnrrhj Cancer, Rapture,15c Opium Habit, Sx.,.scntt1 Sunder seal forlQcts. 4 M e d ic a l T r e a tin cn t ami ndricc,pci«im Tly o r by E 3 letter at this old-aud reliable Institute, jvhicn has been K a operatedmaay years under a Charter from the State n | Legislature. Adurcssi . : h ThoMedicalfindSurgicalInstituto, • ' . Milwaukee,:Wises, | » Dnuflcmarkr AK02fTII—Agents wanted every-* '‘'here. Business honorableandHist Particulars sentfree.Address J,‘ fORTH&CO*. gtVLouis^?' r ’ SSSSESSSs; The \erwn ,§ka+MeCjar& k THURSDAY HORNING, 24. ISIt Tor* Advertis ersv Tho ' ‘Hecovd1’ Is tha bast Advertising Medium 1a South-western Michigan, hav ing the largest circulation, o f any other paper in this part of tho State. Agents. Geo. T. Rowell & Co;, 41 Park Row, If. Y., S. JT. Petth-gill, 87 Park Row, N. Y,, and Rowell & Qhesmim, St. Icrais, Missouri, nrc »or authorised agents to contract for advertis ing,, at our lowest rates, for tho columns af the BsRRtss Oocstt Record. Berrien County Record,- BuoKananj ' 'Michigan,; Thursday,- ■■ 1 .> :..».of■ '■ . * '• * ■ ,* ': \. - U " ■> : y : On tho 20th day of March, A .'D . 1-1876, -1. signed the form of a note 'nm-nortinff nromifle' to’ nav - “ the .purporting aa* promise to pay tiie village of Buchanan” or order “ six hundred and ninety-three dollars and ninety-two cents,. with .interest at ten per cent, per annum, •payable, annu ally” and due in two years from date. There is no such person as tlie “ vil lage of Buchanan.” The note was given without con sideration,. -and I shall decline'to pay' ic. .... B. M. P ennell. .■ Buchanan, Mich., May 24, 1877. L ittell’ s LrviNO -The num fp bers'" of Tha Living Aye for weeks .© ending May 5th and 12th respective H =»-SC=» ly, contain Across Africa (a review of H f l f f M RHV 1 % / r T T ^ Cameron’s journey) from the British , A German boy inLaPorto was struck p -y r m |p a i ■ p 1 1 m T Quarterly On Certain Relations bey 1 l i l l L I 111 M I by lightning on Sunday last. Ho is tween-PJahta and Insects, Fortnightly EandoLtheilnoat buiUlinjsoi tliocountry. man,of whichlmvabeen imintotfeixfonra and’nowlonl-iA waII n« slowly recovering. henfirstpainted •This OIIEillOALFAINThas takenFirstPremiumsat twentyof the StatoSofSeUrfoa ptevim ; Is the Pulpit Dosing its w Rcmpl&Gardsof colors sentfree. Ad(5r.e33, i_ v ..... ^ Power ? Nineteenth Century j The MILLERBEOS,, 100 Water St;, Cleveland, 0. or N. Y. ENAMEL PALVTCO,, 103 Chamhers kt., IV. Y, NOW is -tho time to harvost your French Arm77 in 1877, Blackwood; W ork is being, pushed forward on crop of potato bugs. They aro in the-reading room with vigor. $81.50 Realism in Unbelief, iSpeetaior;, Dr. the best condition.for pickling. Carpenter’s “ Mental Physiology,”. has been received for the purpose, be f ® r flU . Quarterly; Robert Herrick, by F. *T. : S e w s i i f f . . M a c h i n e ^ sides a few contributions o f furniture Palgvave, Macmillian; A Slave. Hunt J. M. R eynolds , tho Niles, candy and other necessities? The committee All first-class machines, anff lully warranted; I f you want a good in Borneo, Gentlemans M agazine; mantis now mixing, wax for the South intend having the room ia condition Machine, .1 can sell you one cheaper-than you can buy a poor one. It Miss Muloch (Mrs. Orallr,) Victoria Benders. for use in a few days. Job lot of lady.’sand gent’s hosiery M a ga zin eMicroscopic Extravagance," will"cost you nothing to try one. y All kinds of repairing done. EmGko. Hr Murdoch,’ Sec. just received, from 6 cents and up, at Spectator; Tbe.Ncw Asceticism,1'Spec- hroidering,.fancy stitching and'stamping done. ^ Address .D ayton Lake is the favorite resort Cass Oounty papers please copy. M r . S amuel Hess, of Three Oaks, the Chicago~Cheap Store, - first door "tator together with'shorter, articles,’ ’ of fishing parties this year. Several former Treasurer o f - this - oounty. is east of- the Bank. ' F. 3 . EAGLESFiELP, Agent. * aad poetry, andinstalinents of Geofge? parties have already been from this now laboring under a severe affliction. A man named Grant has invented 'P . O. Bqx 331. Front Street, B uchanan, M ich. place. Mrs.'S. L.-Kennedy -has returned MacDonald|s and Williarn Black’s fine A few days since he was stricken with and ia , offering for sale'a- calculating ’ " *•' -paralysis in tho left side of lus face, engine that is becoming of some prac home from Chicago, |where she has" serials. A new-volume began with, April. A yellow catfish weighing about and now has no control of it.' Tho tical use in. large counting houses^ It been, for the past eight months; at fifteen pounds was caught from tbo trouble first appeared as neuralgia1; is similar in principle, but .much more tending medical lectures at iho 'Chica ■For, fifty-two numbers, of sixty-four l r ©.- Y 0 1 1 ' © ® i i i g t o St. Joseph river at this place Tuesday simple of construction and operation go Homeopathic college. Mrs; K .' large pages'each (or more than 3,000 pages-a year), the. subscription;? price"' T k s i i B u y lin e N . M . IDM AM SS j P A I M T C @ .’ S Thu owner o f tho mill-pand on than the one owned by tho Warren. has read medicine with the well known ($ 8) is lo w ; while for $>10.50 the pub-, and skillful physician, S. A . Robin Brothers o f Three, Oaks. The ma Dawagiac creek, above Niles, believes 9 -fishers offer- to send.any - ofie of the T he , editor of the Berrien Springs NO SAVE ONE-THIRDTUB COST OFPAINTING-, aad get a patut that Is MUOUHANDSOMER, ana will in the protection of his own fishing chine was invented in 1874 and was son, of Laporte,'aud has applied'her- 'American’ f 4 - monthlies or - weeklies A IdatTWIOK:AS LONGasanyolhtirpaint. Is prepnrodreadyiorusoin WHITE or ANY'COLOR-desired. Is on E ra celebrated tho fifth anniversary, grounds, and for this purpose opened on exhibition at the Centennial. self'to , the study of the various manythousandoftho (most buildingsinthecountry, manyof wliioh haveboonpaintedBixyeura. andnowlock no of his wedding on Wednesday of last fire on a couple of bobbers for bull branches of the profession- together with The laving A ge for a year, both well adwbontfirstpaiutodv ThisCHEMICALPAINT hastofeonVIRST PREMIUMSat twenty of tbOStateVaira of theUnion; -SAMPLE CARD; OVCOLORS SENT.PBEE, Address. ' 33yl postpaid; Littell & Gay, Boston, are N. week. • Y. EH.AMEL PAINT CO.,’ 1;7S' Prince St., N. Y. or MILLER BROS., 109 Water St., Cleveland, Q. M r . D e v in has completed some of with a thorough course- in Electro heads, with a rifle a few days since. the publishers. " , When anybody- wants to bob' in that Ms new lap-tables and now has them, Therapeutics. See her' card-in an other column. * . ; M r . N. H amilton ia building a wars pond they ask permission now. . F ranh L eslie ’ s P opular M onth at his home. Mr. Devin has a fine room on tho north side 'o f J. F, ly.— The June Number o f this favor tabic, both fov convenience and as . 'Mammoth Stock o f now goods, at Halm's shop for storing his agricul A negro by the name of Edward an ornament, yet he has in view sev- T.*' M. Fulton & Go’s Famous Chicago ite. magazine: contains a number of - y. •A’4!• ^ -»>.•• •' - = -. X * ...1 . r X x ■ m »;. V ■ .«•■ highly’interesting and well-illustrated tural implements. Finley was arrested here Thursday •eral valuable improvements that he Cheap Store. Wav on high'prices.•articles; AmoDg the many are the F a n i i l y S e ^ r i i i g M a © M n e s B ’©* @ a afternoon, by'Deputy Sheriff Bowen, will add so&n, when, we learn, he con J. R . B oyce has purchased the on the strength Of a postal card from templates offering them to the public Walk into High’s. , You will find following: “ African Explorers, and shop he has been working in and is the sheriff of ’Berrien county, Michi for sale. that they will make you Power prices Explorations;,” by Alfred. H. Guern now putting on a new roof and other gan, for breaking jail at that place. on, anything you want than any store sey ; “ A .Journey from. Nueyitas-.t'o Havana.” by Piron; ' “ Forest Indus improvements. in town. '■ He was taken back that'night.— LaWu notice in reports from various tries,” by Professor Joy, in which we ■pOrte ’E erald. plat- 3, tkst, notwithstanding serious New goods at Noble’s cheaper than see and learn all about the production T he .OassopsUs; Vigilant has been obje ‘ ions from allsides, the ministers . ever. *■■■■. . o f Maple Sugar ;; . “ How to keep a reduced in size and also in price. The A little care will now came-in good are d -iormined to run the red ribbon A splendid lot of ingrain carpets ■Hotel,-” by which *-w& are initiated in Vigilant i 3 one of the neatest- printed play in the use of ice-water. A good cl a 1 . <:3 they deem best, - and in tho sheets that comes to us on exchange. draft of this when tho body is heated, inscrc?lk of their churches or societies, at the Chicago Cheap Store, from 25 to the workings of the inner mysteries o f the Hotel /world../ Among the not unfreqnently proves fatal. Fresh and . promising clubs have been cents and,up. many beautiful. ssoriea.fomicl at inter Noble wilVeoli a full suis for $4.50.-, N otice .— 1". N. Batchelor has a water from a good well is cold enough, brol; i u* \ . ccL^crmcttee. Wo only ‘ vals tbroughout. the 12S•pages, we good mare and colt and a- good car for any one and iar hotter for the mention this to approve the course Justreceivod from Gloce3ter, Mass.; find - “ Bond and Free,” by Eli P,.rriage that he wants to trade fov two health. taken by our resident ministers in . *a fresh supply off. that nic** smoked kins; “ Markaon’s House,1’ by tfce: livery hovses. letting our olub alone in anything like halibut and boneless codfish. - auohor of “ Helen’s Rabies.” We T he hands in the Buchafean Manu .a ministeriaLor religious . capacity.— • : - S. &T-W. W . Smith . count nearly 100 iiluB&rfitiona, .and. Cass Go. Republican, . T h e y say that cherries have been facturing establishment, and a picked Full line o f ladies' linen suits, numerous anecdotes, notes of travel,: thinned by frost on the Lake Shore. niiic terming themselves “ L-iaiers,” scientific paragraphs, Bhort /poems, Not so here. Thera is now every played a match game of base ball ill R unaway, — On Saturday last, cheaper than the: cheapest; at T ’ M, esq., which complete thc1number. On Fulton & Go’s Chicago Cheap Store. this place, Saturday afternoon. The Chris. Hermann had his team around prospect of a full crop. the cover; facts'and .figures are given seprer has not reported, but we learn by Spencer & Baroes’ furniture shop, Lineps, Linens, at Noble’s. which .certainlyi' prove -that. F rank. and loading the wagon with lumber. T he Pioneers ot Gass County aro that the “ Loafers” won the game. Full line of notions and fancy goods L eslie’ s ‘P opular M onthly and’ When he had about half a load on, trying, to secui'e Governor OroSswell S unday- M agazine are the cheapest W e acknowledge the receipt o f a the horses started a little and Chris, ju st received at T.' M. Fulton *& Co’ s; monthlies published, in the: world. to deliver the address at their annual AM33T7inaeliino wHUSTRAIGHTneeilti. : y j mSlIOTTLETO/TiniEAD. valuable (?) essay on “ The Dog” from became frantic and yelled at them, A t F ox’s,, 100 gent’s Unlaunuried The former may be had free, by mail,: vbT meeting next month. lib.workr»msbnck'fromtliooperator. I Doasnot oil the threadorgoodeij* ope of tho students of Galien school, when they started off at full speed, AVamsutia muslin sbirts, $1.25.' The for $2.50, and the Sunday M agazine* It .has fftS6-up, preveiitiDg tlio.ibroad frombrcak-| 1^ )N oexpensefromwear:ofshuttles. but from the intimate acquaintance running through the alley to Oak best shirt made..? Warranted to. fit. illg.1,1 >; | It iaUie simplest andjeasiest: to handle, xans -easily for $>3 per annum, by addressing - T he formal-opening of the reading the greater portion of the community street against a shade tree, in front *-It Will sewtlio' heaviest or lightest goods, aud from1,quietlyandxapidJy.' It is'-withoutariyallor tho ihiniiy F rank L eslie^ :P ublishing H ouse, one1- to...the other geot or:tho"wvLAuuu^f, orkshop, -.viar- tensionr . j vt'-eHu-. room will be to-morrow afternoon, has with this rare animal wc - prefer of Mr. Vincent’s .yard, when they _W a n t e d . — -99,999 responsible men ■ 1 ^ 5 3 ^ ,'WJ^CSSXdER. JfV* t6 MriCAJINS ia recommended for Itbather work 537 Pearl Street; New York. , ■ from 5 to 10 o’clock. Ice cream and not to publish the essay this week. to buy furniture: of Spencer & Barries’. broke tho hind axletree of the wugon.^ . Oi/y-forLeatherworkand.Tailoring—especiallyforTailoring. * *• cake will be the refreshments. “ Home," sweet home,- there is no They then ran’up -Oak street to the Ad-' Domestics, Domestics, Domestics, place like home.” - I f yon want, your FARRAR & W H E E L E R , D s. J.. M. R oe and A . J. Bailey vent Church, where they were stop at bottom prices, at T. M. Fulton' & home: really sweet, sec tthat-it is well ’ ■ ' : I S S S ta te - S t e e c t, G M c a g o . " There is a call for a Special meet aro manufacturing some hay- and ped. No damage was done other than Go n r s. -. ... supplied with Terry’s. Salicylic Soap: General Agents, for Illinois,'Indiana ;J6wa,: Michigan, Minnesota, iyebraslai, and Western Territo ing of the Board of Supervisors to grain racks that are ah improvement the breaking of the wagon and bark ries. . Set of teeth for §10, and warrant be held at Berrien Springs on Mon on tho old bow rack. • ,From &Physician. They are so ing a fine mania shade tree. ’ ed, at. day, June 4th. arranged as to allow tho wagon to Hyde Park, Vt., Feb. 7, 1876. 1 J. Mi Wil s o n ’s . turn as abort as i f it were empty, M atle Gr Ove, May 20,1877. Messrs. Seth W . Fowl! k Sons, without having the forward wheel rub Best German table linen, 40 to 45 Boston. Gents. You may perhaps Resolutions passed by'tlie Maple - A postal card from Dr. P. Kendall, e H S W “ SFal@I&S against the rack bed. cents per. yard,' a tT . M. Fulton k remember that I wrote -von several A y e r ’& Grove Sabbath School, on the death to his mother in this place, informs Co’s. ' of Miss Ann Eliza Easton. years ago in regard to the use of the her o f the death af bis wife, a few T he committee appointed to furn W hereas, Death has suddenly and days since. We have heard no pat-* RZNESTPtas TOJSACCO James DeViney and Noah Michael P erruvjan Syrup for my wife, who intlioWorli ASWROR.1T. ish the flowers for the decoration of unexpectedly entered our ranks and „was suffering from general debility, ticutars. have bought out the meat market ^ TAKE NO OEHEE. . . the soldiers’ graves, on Decoration removed from us one of our brightest Hodge &’ i-iegc're, on Main street, and the -sequence of Typhoid'Djsentery. Eor Scrofula, and all POESALEBYALLBBAEaiS S/iQ'tV 3 - INPLUG.' sci'ofulousdisease3,EiW i(x. W. N o b le and G. "W. Fox went day, requests those o f the citizens jewels, our mueff loved Ann -Eliza will supplied with fresh, and I had tried the'most noted physicians sipelas, B ose or St. A n -T H E P IO N E E R T Q 2A 0B Q GO. BROOKLYN, K. V. who ban contribute to this purpose to Easton, whose departure we deeply in this State, and also-in Canada,? to Chicago, on Monday, and now the salt mcatg., ’A share, of the public . -thouy’ s Eire", -Eru]itiODS 1 $ 6 6 a w oel^m -^0-r-— tow jTennsa’fe .a 55 without relief. At your’recommen ttloth'mg and boots end shoc3 are be leave their bouquets with Mrs. Scott mourn: therefore, and E ruptive. diseases.-, patronage is solicited. , froe.;^IT. HALXiBTT&C?* O^P ortland,^dT inoutfit o.. . ' o f the skin,"Ulcerations . Resolved, That we, the Maple dation she commenced thejose of the ginning ;o come into town by tho Whitman, in the morning o f May , o f the Liver,Stomach, JOth Ladles, do you wans parasols, ho Syrup, the first four.bottles*made butGrove Sunday School,. recognize in A GREAT' O ^ F E R j^ e S ^ i 'S l wholesale. K idueys, Lungs, PirnA dispose o/XOO FLiSOS & ©il&AKS, srcW this tho hand of Him who .doeth all sierv,' kid gloves, corsets, linen col- little impression, but while kaking" the: ana seeoutMtJ--u<! of maKers is■pies, Pustules, Boils, dcidiEip: WATERS’ a* lowesv jmjJccs for I n some places in ibis State the iB lotches, Tumors, TefcM r . P erk ins , the wind-mill man things, well, and while we_weqp over laps and cuffs, ties, handkerchiefs? fifth sbe< b'egan to improve-rapidly,, casbw fsstaUinenls or to let until usSUS. __ ter, SaltB lieum ,' Scald fer ttian ever before ofi'ercil; WATaES1 ' WAT* 1---Red Ribbon, clubs will join in the cer of Mishawaka, has been through this her absence we would bow in meek Go to F ox’s.- The- largest and most and now, after using six of the dollar SSAKEb SttWAltE «fc ’SJPHIGK3? PiAMH 1 , B ingw orm , U lcers, Sores, emonies o f Decoration day as a soci part o f the country again. Ho is submission to tho Divine will; also complete assortment, and tho best of bottles, she has regained her strength, 1 (ISiOEWBTKG '3115X15. S S if Blieumatisiu, Beiu-algia, P aiu ia llic S«eJVJEElS and SOUDXOIi) nre tlie SES'P and is able to do fflost.of the work ety. W ill they be heard from in this now erecting a mill each for A. J. that we, ns a school, tender our heart all, ’the lowest prices. KAOS. 7 Cctave Fisaos. |i!50 7 l'o tio • Bones,-Sicle and Head", Eemale W cafe SiSO.iioE used a year. “ 2” St«D Orsausabout tlie house; and I feei-thafcj ness, Sterility, Leucorrhoea, arising place? Star, Mr?. Anna Tiehenor, o f Nile3 felt sympathies to the bereaved fami §50.,-dr Stolls .§5S. -7 Stops SGS. S Stops New goods, new goods, to be refrom internal ulceration,' and uterine cannot speak too highly in the praise; §75. lO Stops §SS>: 13 Stops §100 cssbj ." ly , and most devoutly pray that God township, and for Willie Foster, on ceived at T. M. Fulron &, Go’s, Satur not used a year, in perrsec order and v;:irdisease, Syphilitic, and Mercurial dis of the P eruvian Syrup". I have pre-. may be a present support in this their day morning. 1-antcd. 3l.«fCAT, it T'KAWESLEWG- AS5EBFFS, Terre Coupe prairie. •pved ijsod s?aoo qq oou^ eases,-Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emacia IVASTtO; IUKsiralefi:CafalO£iu!S uisiltime of Heed. . scribed it to sevfer-al of my. patients,, Sttip[jBdg ui ‘oAQip kny sSpoj^ ao c«I. A liberal discount to- Tazciiers,Ministers, tion, General Debility, and "for Puri-^ Churches,-etc. Sheet Uusle at- I»al£ price. .” ‘Geo. hi. D ean . Secretary. Parasols ! P arasols i P arasols ! and have procured Ih'e'sale of* several fying the Blood. astmoa^ S/.U3JV,, popgiuo ‘stuoqo pur T he Friday evening meetings of K5I.RACE WAT,liKS-& SOKS, ]Zraiiufaetrs. a;s<l Dealers, 40 East l i i b Sit, Feiou - This Sarsaparilla is a combination of — From 20 cents up. - A ll silk para- dozen of it here. Youman make,any Shies oauujodcnog. v, sn poio.vcj the Bed Ribbon club, of this place, sqaare; If. Y. vegetablealteratives—Stillingia,M an-' , . sola for §1.00. Call and see the use of this letter you see fit. snq 5!3nuuiouio ‘MOirtanjj \\\ ' j C Z .O S I S G W E E K , have been discontinued, and hereafter drake,Yellow Dock—with the Iodides (ftTO a day homo.’ Agcuts-wanted Outfit’anfi Yours.veiy truly, largest stock of parasols in Berrien (DAXl termsIres. TRUE ic CO,;Ailgost.i. Aldino. . o f Potassium and Iron, and is the meetings will be held only on Sunday Closing week of tho Buchanan Un 15w2 EL D. B elden, M. D. Co., at T. M. Fulton & Go’s. m ost efficacious medicine yet known *K|f ft A W a"Week to Agchb, SlO! Outfit-Free, i The cry now comes from all direc afternoons. This we think is a mis ion School will Commence Monday, ipao CM 4 ( T. 0. V10RB15Y, Aosm,m,Srairc. ’ . 7 fo r the "diseases it is inlended to cure. IffpiTeua Bsbllily. A. large supdIj of Straw Hats, at . Its ingredients arc. so skilfully tions that there is but poor prospect take. as we do not believe the class May 28, and continue until Friday pi EXTRAEINEMirod.Cards. wiUtaomo, 10conta, . Noble’s, T it-al weakness or" UJSPRKSsmN^ a .-com bin ed that tiie fu ll alterative vSeE post paid. I. Jones&Co. NassaavN. V. , for an apple crop this year, the trees sought to he benefited by these meet eve, June 1. weak , exhausted feeling' no " energy 5or reflect of: each is.assured,,and while Tho following is the.programme O • r .I'AN Cy M IX E D C A R R S . N o-tw o alike, w ith .m ftm o. having but few blossoms. "They are ings will be .reached on Sundays, . Misses’ And Women’ Side Lace courage, the result of hental over-work, it is so mild1as to ho harmless even. «Ol06 - - -"NAgsatr^ -OmaC ~o., -ilOo-Tiostpaid. Nassau.---N.X. Applicants for the Senior, Junior,’ probably resting from the work of last, : ‘’Ao children^fit is stilljsOj'iefiiectual -asShoes; ® new supply,: at N oble’ s. indisobeiions os excesses, cr -Bo’me S'rice Twenty-Five Ceuts,, and Freshman classes will be" examin to purge out from the system those T here are about a dozen or more year. . Coloring materials in good supply drain upon the system, is always cured by impurities and corruptions which boys living in Niles, who have, of late, ed as follows: UuirpimEY’s UoinioPATHTC Speoimo bio. - .deve]op:'int6 loalhspme 'disease. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING,at Dodd’s. .Monday—Mathematics. been in the practice o f comiag to this . ONB HDNDR53D AND.UINTKiBDiTtOl?. /* 28. It tones up and invigorates the syst i T h e reputatiou it'enjoys is derived M r . J ohn E . B ar n es , o f the firm CouUmnigacompletoIfsfeof all i^'fewnsin’tho-'Diiitfcd, Tuesday—Language. White Vests and all kinds of dust tetp, dispels 1the gloom and despondency, from its cures, and the confidence States, tlio Territories.: and,viliOvDaminfpB^-oCi Canudd, o f Spencer & Bnrncs, had the end place Sundays to havc.a good timeWednesday forenoon— Spelling and.* ers now in stock,-at liaviDgivDopixlationgreater.tihfax-SjOCOi accordSnirto tho Enaparts strength, 'and.' eneTgy,^ntops tb®; : which prominent physicians all- over N oble’ s. o f one of his fingers taken off by the -generally. No advice, boys, but you lastcoasua, er wUlLtlieBainea ol th t o jie ?p s ja »6 ra ^ . _____ . , togeth w - ;the: country repose ;in it proves their: Reading. drain and rejavt-natsa the--entire man. iliavin g'tljoI&rgoafclocal rircul&tfonineachof tlrt*’place**, are .promised a dose ofrotte-n eggs pony plainer in their establishment, n a m ed .-A lso ^ a cacalopie of* a % W 8 p u p e ra -",.vbjch.{areirei-' •experience" o f its usefulness. S'AI»K5f. Thursday-—Sciences. Been used1twenty years with perfect '"sue’ when, you come again. ;'Conimeiided;tO; advertisers! iis giving greatest value:id: .>■ yesterday. Gertificates attesting, its virtues proportion to prices ch arged. A lso, all rewspapecain cess by thousands. Sold ' by dealers. Friday forenoon—Drawing and The largest stock of Wall Paper .have accumulated, and are con theUtvited:Statesand Canadaprintingover 5^000.copies Price, $>1.00 per-single via l,or $5 00pgr Writing. each issu e. Also, all th e.R eligion s,. A gricu ltural, SofejK ever broughs to Western Michigan, sta n tly being received, and as many* N otice,— Tho Marshal respectfully tideandMechanical, Medical, Masonic,. JnvenilofEduca- • IN many places, in this vicinity, o f these cases -are puhliciy known, Friday afternoon— Literary Exer -can be found at Finley’s Drug'Store, package - of fiv e viais, hud ^ $2.00 via], of tlon&UCommercial, Itiaurance, Real E6tato,ip.>Y,Spotb* powder." "Sent by mail on receipt of price. apple orchards are being eaten by requests that those who have been in they furnish'convincing eviclence o f JDg. lUnical, Fashion, andoiher special class journals;cises by. representatives from all-tho in Niles. verycomplete lists. Together vriih &complete list of Address -• H uacphrev’ s HoitEOPiiTHrc '(jthe.'superi'drity-ofi.tlns. Sarsaparilla moths. They should have been killed- the habit of throwing their slops and schools. over 300^German papers pnnted la.lhe UnitedStatesi*, - ‘ Orders left with E. F. Allen, Paper Medicine Come^nt, 109 F ulton St., over eveiy otlier alterativc niedicineAlso, an essay uponadvertising; many -iahlcsof rates, last month, before they had built their other fikh into their back yards- or Grammar, Intermediafie'ancl Prima Hanger, Painter and Decorator, in: N ew -Y ork. ' Lowingthecost of adreriiruig ia various newspapers, "; 13yl , *So generally is its"superiority to a n y . ^ an deverything which a beginner, xn adrcrtUingwould neat3 all over the trees and were y e t alleys attend to having them cleaned ry Schools will be examined-in Math iOther m edicine knowii that w e n eed .: Buchanan, will have our prompt at like to know. Address at once unless they wish to have the small. do no more than to'assure the public, GEO. V. ROWELL A 00., 41ParkRow, Keur Tork, To all save money .these ematics Monday; Language and Read tention. village ordinance enforced to the let that the. best qualities it-h as ..ever hard times." Cali at-T. M. Fulton & ing Tuesday; Drawing and Writing 4-A(j>on per day at; home. Samples worth $1* 4tf J. K. & S. M. F inley. : possessechare. strictly maintained. <4*V uU «p^»V.freoi Stinbok>&Co.. Portland, iTalnct A . 0 . M il l e r ’ s troupe were adver ter. Go’s Dry ‘ G oods and N °fi°n Stbr'e, Wednesday forenoon: Spelling and ‘ PREPARED i r -1'. Letter H eads, N ote H eads, etc. where you can buy new fresh goocTs at tised to operate in this place last Sciences Thursday. T he inveterate lightning-rod man,' D r, J. C, AYER & CQ,, Loivell, Mass., — We make a specialty ox this class evening but for some unaccountable fibbers prices. Pupils of these departments will . ‘• A Practical aiiet sinalijlical Qliemists. reason they did not put in an appear was through this place, . a few days receive their cards of promotion Fri of work, and claim we cannot be beat, since, and we learn, succeeded. in SOLD BV ALL DKUGCISTS EVESTWHEIiE.either in quality of work or prices. ■A'Kesioror af fiiUriiisie" Won Is and ance. * Their play is “ Tho Gilded day morning. . One.tliai Pleases ML“ drawing the wool over the eyes” q f Come and see us when you want work Age,” Mark Twain’s book. Wednesday afternoon the.pnpils of W oods Improved.HAin|RESiOB7ij.vE * A; Qroat^icdxiotxoa iaLlPrices of one poor man in this place to the tunet\1 ISO N B Y " T O ■ the Union Schools are requested to of tMs''descripti6n,' and wp will guark? is unlike any other, end has no equal. The ' o f $5 8 . That is a'pretty good, price antpe;tor-give you 1 complete^satis TN8UMS‘T0'SUIT, onapproved real estato seeBrlfy i d 3 ^ rO L W B S y 5 Improved.has neirvegatable’ t'omcproperties.; * S ome of hi3 neighbor’s dogs got in for a small bit of experience, but he meet in their respective jrooms, pre- faction.- ' I fromthree to fivoyears, * _ " restores "gray lihir to a glossy;, natural color; r•pricea redaced.frotn?20 to SO'per.cant. rWritQ for-Uluo, to Wm- Burr ns’s: flock of sheep on doesn’ t take the papers and it is no p'aTed'to form into procession with the. ALSO, REAL ESTATE ~ AGS1T.'" trated CataJoguoy.wifchreduc&d prioeslfor lSTT. . Address Saturday' last-, and he is now tho own great wonder that ho should be bitten. ‘citizens and different .organizations of ? -Send- to Dr. H. A. ‘Curtis, Dowag- .restores faded; dry, harsh and falling hair; ^ RISSES 3LE4SOS5H.' GREAT' WE3TERX?’>GUN:iWORKS; > i the village, for tho purpose .of paying rcstioesf dresses, gives vigor*to the hair; reG m o o w itb Alextander, S r c n t B t r fi^ .X o s ift iifln , er o f thirty less sound sheep than be iap, for bis, “ Open Letter to the Pub 43?.« 0LSmilhfieldSL^Pittahurgh, Pa T£iib respect to the departed soldiers/ stores:: hair, to prematurely bald: heads.’ , ! ,r.e:. fore., Shoot the dog3. lic,” 'sent free. Ic tells you howto" T hb Detroit. Post has the following Class Reception,(Wednesday eve.moyes dandruff^ humors,Ycaly.eruptions ;*represerve and recover.your health, and item from Niles: ' ■ _ . emoves Miritatidnitching:- and)J:!Soaly..dryness; Thursday' evening, Dr. - Angell, T he1programme of exorcises of the ■ “ A t the colored Bapfiist .baptising how chronic disease may be cured in Buchanan Union Schools will be last Sunday, old Toby Smith was im -. President of the State University, will a 6bori time, with .but. little trouble No article produce! such wonderful effects ,Tiy itj'.oaH'.'for Wood’s".Improved Hair Re found in another colutaU. All who mersed. Toby is probably the oldest lecture before the- graduating class and a*1 a trifling cost. . stoiative," and don't beput off with any other are interested in the school are in. person in the State, being •about 105 and citizens, at the Oak street’ Chapel,article. Sold by all druggists ,in_ this place commencing 7:39. • ’ Good Advice. vited to be present during as much of 'years of age, .and still earns his living and dealers everywherefe-TAdd .'supplied: at. -. The graduating ' exercises -wilLbe the examination as i 3 practicable. Now is. the .time^of year for Pneumonia, ? manufacturers’ price! by O. A.- Qook & Co.', by splitting wood'find doing odd held at tiie Oak-Street Chapel Friday/ Liing'Fever,'- &o£"-:!Byery;’:family "should:, chores. . v.'siY- have a bottle of Bdschee’s'German Syrup. Chicago, Solo Agents for the'fUnited States commencing 7:307 and Cauadas, and all Wholesale Driw"-'"^. .. D uring tbo storm, on Sunday last Don’t allow for one. moment tliat cough' to, l Ray; Sypt. the Jightning knocked one of the orna Do not fail to hear Dr. Angell, take' hold of"-your child, your family or V -..WUhout-at Fafaltei.' ‘ -1 S P E N G E R . :.rt , .-... ■.;.t. ■ " V i .'■ ■ ments off tho roof of Mrs. Weaver’s President of. the. State University, ’yourself.; Consumption, Asthma',' .Pneu . "Wc believe'that" the wanderful rei, house, on Main street. The family “" *“ 7" K eep on hand a 'com p lefc assortm ent',of - L o c a l S r i- '? monia, Croup, *Hemorrhages,^-and-other'; .suits "accomplished by, the r- use,’ ofj noxt Thursday evening, in the Oak *■cCejha, J. ‘ , % 1 v „ were in the house "at the time, but Street Chapel. ’ Mr. Angell is one of .fatal1 diseases may.set in. Although ltjs ; / S hilohIs .'C onsumptive," Cure, ’ are : none were injured. ’true, German' Syrup is’curing thousands' the first educational'men In the coun without; a^parallel,".in.’the 'history of-! try, and it: may . safely be expected No remedial agent latfs ever, been'offer.-; iOf"? these "dreaded /diseases, yet" ilfiamuqlf"’ Medicine; Those'who disbelieve "this 1 The Detroit Tribune uses several .that his lecture will bo the treat h f effttf the sick and. debiliffited at allFonil better'at-hand when three.doses'? and have’ .occasion' Ip jr y it can b'ej jfjy wu'd,4 ojf our local items in, their column o f thevseasoh, The lecture will be free to ~paral)le’ to Host,etteVs Stornach Bitteraj: in;t 'will,cure'you. -One bottle, will last your": convinced;;; Yfithouti exp^nqejt/); tb’e,gij.whole,"family*a winter,^a’nd keep’^you safe^ “ gleanings” and, credits them to Ber all .who wish to1come. casei-of remittent andi’intermittent favers, ; S p e n c e r vfe -B am esT do,-a '.G e n e r a lH u M H e s s ^ m ^ M a ^ u ^ ' selves.’.. ''Ifsy success, is so, wonderful oonskipatioh,; nervous?; ailments, - rheuma-\ .from,danger'. "If you are consumptive, do" rien Springs. That editor will please 'ahcl-sure- "th'akwe sell it on Wgharan-' (Or -. * ^ , : . . . . . '' ^ * • ■" T ■_ - . t -tism, and.-disordcrs^in'yblvihgrrcOnstitutiqn-. not rest until yoiTliave tried this remedy. notice that tha R ecord is'1'not pub 'Sample ;*Bottles 10. cents." Regular size. al weakness or phygioal?'decay. ; -It literal-;lished at B errien <Springs. * A M A N selling^ “ furniture Varnish” 75, cents.’ Sold by your druggis't, J. 'H~ T A B L E sX 'l.V-X-B'O O K G A SE S,- , MALE,TRESSES. ^ ~■ -that- would malce old* furniture look ly “ works wonders.” The botanic ingre *Roe"fejOd:, jingf Cough,.^*Croup.‘.,'>•Iifij these case's. ■ - le L G U N G E SI- - X X jM IR R O R S ,r > . ‘ B E D S P R IN G S ,s x sl.. h. dients which its spirituous; basis-.kotds'ihnew, was in, town Monday. W e saw - LVAtM S E S K - V r ..P B E D S T E A D S . - \ P IC T U R E F R A M E S ; \ A small white oak'tree, standing one man approach the Marshal with a solution,- act;like’ a charm upon the .stom-; ^Berrien. County, A btsrac't Office,"; prr anyi ;-Lung-' Trouble, •.cion’t Jail t3> try it,,itimay'save;.y o u r • ’ while it, in the corner 'of Mrs./ Mansfield’s bottle of I t in hi3 hands, which he1de- ach, and through the stomach", upon the* . ' ; ^'Berrien-'Springs,\Mich.,' X V -0JJ^ E S' ‘ BRAGKETSXl ? , •...(If ,Tnflvln’r.: rll t-brn’r, ^rrn-i-1 brain,’liver, bowels and n'ervous sysEemfgarden, on Fourth street, was shatter,'clarfed was nothing but a^little.oil and There is nothing,in its- compositioii that;is'; r D ix *Sc WiLKiNSON,- ojvijers'oLth'e. ed-by lightning on Sunday last. 'This |..V .■-«; •(.•yc >t*t :- ; - T ' . ' W v - » -.-r -• i w>•-w '.'V.»— ■••**s JgSGSSK • f ' - DAt.M. Avif. .< .f'lAtl Vi t-IT‘?' .turpentine, and wanted .the swindler -■not sal ubriousi Tkcontains some ofi the 'most ■ TT. >.lA; Wn^MA J". H; B.01L & C o .,,Buchanan"Mich.y came pretty. near the editor’s house.arrested. When will people- learn potent- tonics.of theyvegejahle;.kingdom »■ V i and- g e fi’ial- bottle,forgterg eeritf,f oil when the folks' were all at home. -not "to be-bitten by tbeso -traveling and the juices of ' the best^aperient and- pldte’ Ab.stract Jof^Titlo- by 'return regular* sizer* for- 5 0 '.centst-or $1';, \£i _— swindlers? ' . ........- •anti-bilious;'roots and -herbs,—combined' -mail'.'., ' 7 / i 'V r r ,'U - '; Sold-relsewhere,Ky ; Dealers^geriefally.r -A. ?;IK?. .rj.V V . — !— r sp-r-SsL-'-r ~ rj t ' -v ** ^ ffh a"'perfecBytpurc'stimulating ele.mentr X -.a -a **'.*'t^* >+}> tX?****? : Office first flop'r'OountysBuildiiig. N ext*'week will be a*busy one for %T % » » *' ^ fc# . The Bitters are peculiarly adapted to those.' CR6?cpEjD7,Dix,: V ‘ ‘H ackjiltack ’ ’ *!T5ew"and delightr 1 the High School, being; tho closing A g a in wo arQ.under oblig ation s - t o : engaged-in ‘exhausting.of-unhealthy ocou: - I 2 tf Tv •' ,''.r''T!%J-WiL5s:iN'sgN?rA' ...fui}Porfume‘ sold ;by)^H fc‘E-M,',&; Ggfi week o f’ the school for thrfyear., It. H . T ; M artin P a rk ersb u rg •W.-:; V a .,- ‘Rations, as by its use stre'ngtH,is‘,.sustained ,is announced that' President Angell,' «fo r' cop ies o f thre'e,,be’au tifu l 'son’gs -and the ability^oj the system^.to resist at; ^ ^ litef"smooth'^nd ro/t^ny 1M KS•’Buohanaii; Mi eh;',Yrel*sewh e re b y d eah"' ’S p j j i o e t a r g a r " .of the. State'University,' will’ address with,.chor«s. C uster's L a s t C h a rg e;”- 'mospherfo and other .iailuences prejudicial /hands, arms or'nVckmyb'ehom^L^ho-; the ^students o% Thursday evening!’ “ T h ey -h a v e ta k en m m 'ou t "of the P o o r - to-Health1largely ‘ incre'ased.'W Cuses^Glenh’s SulpfiSr7S;oap/'. -Pimples S5«I\ - ' or-'othor disfiauromratl.ofi'aTcd’^"1^ '"' •Wednesday evening the^graduating^ .H o u s o j’ answer to O' llie H ills t o ' , -7 * ’ JJemember ^ Dofid's ’ Drug -Store., k->uonalTHature,.a?£suroly'o"*'Biiteiiafed;by.. nrtfi.L'no.r.m ’n vci^AiicnrA class -will have their reception at^thel th e .P o o r -H o u s e ;-a n ff“ G od -B le| s our , a *. --■* 11 , 1-r* -1 ” Just home - from Chicago" ail’d you; residence- of Hf J. Ilowe';-*and von •old V irg in ia H o m e ,” fiv 'J o h n .T ; 'R u t-, S.taiidaf&Snmere IIn r. ;□ [! ~sil. -nnn J Friday: 1 evening- .will come ..the'-grad^ •lege., i Price'--'40cts;rpnhn' si ‘miionV S r o t i n 1/mT'f SlrtfrKl ki n rl ■ .-jildakODly5Fy,itbotSt.-TA .uatingVexercises to -which,all aVean-' truly-^beautiful ‘IronHwiii'rtrijlbrjfian.VuIfkutact vited,to listen;' . - , Vyy.otliGr. shbuld fie oyrned ;ftr*emi:or,an Oabt. 'A. o; B artlett was at home on a short vilifc on Saturday last. W hen you wapt a notice, of some enterprise in which you aro interested, “ sponge”, on your local paper-; ‘ but if you 'w ant_any printing \lono, give your order, to some drummer out of town, or some job office which cannot aid your enterprise by giving it a no tice.— Pella (Iowa) JBlade. O L D S E w r fiE ttS ’ M E E T IN G . _ The annual meeting the Pioneer Association' of Berrien ‘county will be. Berried Springs ,\on Wedues: day, June'6 th .,J187,7.- Tho 'business' meeting will be held at .Barnard’s grove at ten o’clock in the morning.A picnic dinner will bis held ‘ at tho grove at half past twelve o’ clock,^af ter which an address will bo delivered by R,ev. J. 1Y. Robinson, „ P. E., and Rev.' H . Worthington,'Hollowed by remarks by many of the pioneers. The Berrien Center Brass Band will be-in'attendauce-- 1 „ L e v i S t a r k e , Pres. , j||*ev ;3P o H .'C lo ln g'to-P atnt N O B L E ! N O B L E ! — W IL L sell— BOOTS! SHOES! V m T S ! CAPS! H eady-M ade .C lo th in g ! Gents’ FurnisliiDg Goods! CHEAPER THAN ANYBODY, BOYS CLOTHING A SPECIALTY. Q A -S E C I O - t V S l 1! I Gay you. keep warm ? R h u b a r b pies are now in order. Where is that Soda Fountain ? They talk of having a circus in Niles, June 1st. Who objects ? Mushrooms are getting ripe. Have you had a mess ? D ancing S chool to night at the Hall "Y Hires and ulsters came in good play Tuesday, D. E. H injian is building an addi tion to his,house on Front street. The fine warm l-ain on Sunday last started vegetation as if by magic. S outh B end has a bonded, debt o f v $2ST,20G. T he mill-race- is very low, furnish ing a very scant power for the mills.* T e e murcury crawled up to the shade one day last week. 90 in R ev. A . J. R ussell, of Beriien, is to have a donation to night. Coror planting is about, over with in this vlclnitv. S carlet fever is doing some fatal work in South hend. Q uite a brisk hail storm fe ll in tbi3 place Monday afternoon. T he tramp nuisance is on the in crease since the warm weather set in . F orepaugh ’ s show is on. the ram page again. Indiana. A t present in northern ^sas- iO » i"1' D on ’ t fail to hear President A n gel!. next Thursday night. Now the boys.begin to come home evenings with their hair wet and their shirt on wrong side out. . A peddler of perfumed soap made considerable noise on the street on Saturday. F i v e o f the twenty-one saloons in Niles have shut np shop in honor of the, red ribbons.: S t r a w b e r r y festivals are being talked o f in some places in this vicinitv. ‘ T h e r e is some fear now that there will be too rank a growth of wheat thi3 year and cause it to lodge. P roe . *S. W. S tr au b is now-con. ducting a Musical Institute in P ly Jrjr- -month, Inch E. M. P limpton will deliver" the option at,Berrien Springs, Decoration, day. T he -regular meeting-of the Gommon Council will be held to-morrow^ (Friday) evening. M e l issa , daughter' of D . S. Bron son, died, on Monday last, aged 32. years. P rop.. J. A . J ones intends starting on another sbo*- trip soon. This time he goes south into Indiana. D r . H a r r is , .of Dayton, has a bnsiness card in another column o f this issue. M aster M a x B artm ess will: please accept our thanks for a bunch o f fine asparagus. ’• v. T he fourth of lu ly comes on Wed’ nesday this year.* .Shall-it' becele<t brated in Buchanan ? -A. S ee B . T . M orley’B "advertisement of steam threshing another column. T he stockholders o f ‘ the Grange Store met. to talk over the company business, yesterday. T here is a change in -Dr. SeelyV ^advertisement oh the first pa’go o f this paper. 1 -J , J. "Va n R ip e r - has been secured to deliver the address on- Decoration day. ‘D iamond. Lake is to have '^pleas ure steamer^this_:8ummer«for.itheibeh-efitlof, visitors; .% LL LU & *. : T E IE W W H E E L E E & 1 IK0H .H SOOD .AGENTS W ANTED. " i ■ Tlie Farm and. Household. Chapped IiaMs Cured. A correspondent of an exchange says: Having suffered for thirty years or more with tho worst hind of chapped hands, I feel like imparting a remedy to all companions in afflic tion. I have tried mashed potatoes, which, are very good ; corn meal, va rious kinds of oil, lard, and every suggestion conceivable, and have finally adopted the following neverfailing treatment: After your day’s work is done procure; some, hot: water, just as hot as you can hold your hands in for a moment at a time j. get some soap, strong and cleansing j most any kind of first quality bar soap will do; soap and soak your hands until the skin dirt is out and your hands feel soft and pliable. Use coarse Indian meal i f the callouses require it, then have ready some pure glycerine, that you can buy of any apothecary whom you can trust. It will cost from 40 to 60 cents per pound, according to location; and mind, just, here, don’ t "be put off with any ' ‘lotions for sore h a n d s d o n ’ t take any o f the “ Cam phorated Glycerine,’ ’ nor any of the trash in bottles, for it is half alcohol, or some foreign substance to cheapen the cost, and is injurious to the cuti cle. . Huh the pure glycerine into your hands, just as much as they will absorb in a quarter of an hour. Hold by a warm stove, and you have ac complished the object. It never fails to give clear, white, smooth hands, equal to those which have none hut professional duties to attend to. After following this up for a few times, and having healed the chaps completely, you may be oblo to accomplish all that is required by an application on ly once a week, or, it may be, even a longer time may elapse; hut; one es sential point must be insisted upon, v iz : Be sure to get the pure, unadul terated glycerine, and he put off with no other, as I was for two years, on the plea that common glycerine smelt had and was; filthy, which, on the con trary, is not at all offensive in its crude state. One beautiful result, aside from its healing and whitening properties, will be the warmth which it gives to the hands and not expori enced under any other mode. Follow hese directions and there is no fail., Eecord, MORTGAGE SALE. Default havin': been raado in, the payment o f a certain sum o f money secured: to bo paid by an indenture, o f mortgage, bearing date the twenty-fourth day o f October; one thousand eight; hundred and seventy-two, made and exe cuted by Aaron Beil, o f the county o f Berrien and State o f Michigan, o f the first part, and Abner Kelsey, also o f said county, o f the sec ond part, which said mortgage was duly record ed in the office o f tho Bcgister of. Deeds, in and for said county o f Berrien, on the 4th day o f Xovem bor, A . 0 ., 1872; at 1-J o ’clock p. in, in L ib er S .of mortgages on page 192, upon which said mortgage there is claimed to be due aud un paid at the date, o f this notice, by the terms ' thereof and by the failure to com ply with, the conditions o f said mortgage, and tho option o f the mortgagee, who has elected to declare tho whole amount Of principal and interest for which said mortgage was given, to be due and payable, tho sum o f two thousand eight hundred eight dollars and "seventy cents, and no suit or proceedings at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof ; notice is, therefore, hereby given that b y virtue o f a power o f sale contained in said mortgage, and now becom e operative, and in pursuance o f th e statute in such case made and provided the, lands described in said mortgage as nil: those parcels o f land sitnatc in the coun ty o f Berrien and State o f Michigan, to-w it: The w est fractional h a lf o f the:southeast quar ter o f section number fifteen ( l o j in township seven, (7) south o f range seventeen (17 ; west reserving and excepting therefrom one (1) acre now enclosed and occupied as a burying round, leaving the quantity Ot land hereby eonveyed, sixty-nine acres and ten hundredths o f an’ acre, according to the United States survey o f the same. Also, tho east part o f the southwest fractional quarter o f section num ber fifteen (15) as aforesaid, containing thirty acres and forty hundredths o f an acre, the west line o f the parcel last described to b e dne north and south, the whole quantity o f land hereby conveyed, including the public highway through said land, and one-half o f tho public highway on the east aide and north end there of, bciDg ninety-nine and on e-h alf acres, w ill be sold at public auction or vendue at the front door o f th e Court House, in th e T illa g e o f Berrien Springs, Berrien County, and State o f Michigan, O n t h e U t i l (la y o f i l l a y , A . D ., 1S77, at the hour o f eleven o ’clock in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount which shall; then be due on said mortgage, together with costs o f the foreclosure and on, attorney fee provided in said mortgage, T ax B iter & Hixmax , ABN ER KELSEY, Att’ ys for Mortgagee Mortgagee; Dated, February 14,1877. rts. Household To dye seal brown : For 10 pounds of goods put 8 pounds of catechu in. as much water as will cover the goods. Boil until dissolved, then put in 4 ounces of blue vitriol. Stir it till well dissolved. Put in the goods and let them, remain, over night. In the morning wring the goods from the dye. Dissolve 4 ounces of bichro mate of potash in boiling water', also 8 ounces of copperas and 2 ounces of extract of logwood in water enough to cover the goods. Let them1remain in 15 minutes, or till of the desired shade. I f the goods are a dark color at first it would he well to leave out; the copperas and logwood and add them gradually till the color required is obtained. It will color cotton or woolen. The dark brown stockings so much worn may be colored by this recipe. B y leaving out the logwood, and copperas a good, dark; brown is obtained. This is a good, point to remember in selecting grape-vines : Any grap e which will ripen is better than the best grape that won’ t ripen, and, com mon fruit vines that live are more de sirable than fancy fruit vines that winter-kill four years out o f five. The Concord, Hartford, Prolific, Del aware, Creveling and Clinton will live, and- thrive where a dozen better varieties fail. In other localities the Iona, ana Isabella, and some of Rog ers’ excellent hybrids will do well; hut in, starting to raise fruit, in a cold latitude,, or exposed location, make your calculations, on hardy sorts, and do your experimenting with others. G O for the Hotary Plow, . South Bend Chilled Plow, and Kalamazoo Iron Have removed their large slock of Beam Plow. Plain Points, ground, 50 cents. Gutter Points, ground, 60 cents. How to Protect Melons. Common, land plaster is a sure pro tection to melon and encumber plants,, I m p o r t e r s , U l a m i f a c t n r e r s and Jobbers o f i f prinkled on while the dew is on them, and if put on as fast; as needed. I find finely sifted coal ashes mixed A kJS V D with, plaster—half of each,—'just as good as pure plaster. Lime should not; he used, as. it kills the plants. 160 & 162 TPabasli Are., cor. Monroe Boxes 12; to 15 inches square, open top and bottom, and 8 to 10 inches O I-IIC H A G -Q . high, are an excellent protection New York .Office, 530 Broadway. against; insects, as well as cold spells; O r rie ra l> y H A il P r o m p t ly F ille d o f weather. P?W4] WALSH&HDTOHIHSOH', Straw Goods { T7o are selling a part of. our i immense wholesale and retail: i stock o f Hats and Caps damaged I a t onr late fire, os low as 25 l cents each.: * A t 25 C en ts. * Y ery desirable new Spring o f Hals and: Caps, only r slightly smoked and wet at our \late fire, can b e obtained at } cents each. t style Unripe oats: are; recommended in the eastern; papers as.- thejpest fodder crop-. They are cut whemthe,grain •is nearly grown,, but before the foliage;; o f th'e stocks is imp They are; highly recommended for work horses' aa well as*-for sheep and milk cows. DAY’S BLOCK, K e ir io x c U t o 1 S 3 I H a flls o ii S t ., n e a r l y O p p o s it e t lie ir o ld -S t a n d . 12w4 f T P R E CE DENTED ATTRACTION! O v e r H a l f n M IU Io n B is t r ifin t e d . Louisiana State Lottery Company. This institution, was regularly incorporated b y the Legislature o f the State: lor Educational and Charitable purposes ialS dS. w lth a. Capital of$l,000,000, to which; it bits since added, a reserved fund o f $350,000. I t s f t r a n t l S l n g l o K n m b e r I > r a r r l i :g 3 w ill take place m onthly- 2t.n everscales or postpones*. L o o k a ttb e follow ing scheme: GRAND PROMENADE CONCERT, during which w ill take place the EXTRAORDINARY. SEMI-ANNUAL DRAWING) At.New Orleans, Tuesday, June 5. Under the personal supervision ‘and management o f Gen, G. T. BEAUREGARD, LouisiaDa, & Gen. J O ALA. EARLY, of Virginia. CAPITAL PRISE,' $100,000. • I AUA In connection with their Grocery. G-i y e T h e m a Gall. O P IU M MORPHINE and INTEMPERATE H A U iis lly curedj painless, no p_ublicTty, at homenndwthout inconvenience. A n antidote thntstnm^on it« mcrirs. Send stamps for particulars. D R . CARLU ONj 1S7 Washington Street, Chicago, III, mAlIRiAS o f tile sexual system, it.; 1. '<>.* ets., latest uiscove:A’ 4 in _______ ____ science o f reoroduction; tJ b e truly happy in the marned relation. Mtile and young and middlo aged; should read and preservers it contains,information, w hich n o one can aiVord to ue with out; on how to preserve the health, aud camplexion,a;;d give to faded cheeks the freshness o f youth; the best and only true MarriaeeGuido in the world. F r i o fiOccr.r* by AI&ti. The auuior m ay be consulted personuby or by m otion anyp ftho subjects mentioned in hia woTk.Auuxcrs Dr. A . Q . O IiIN , 1S7 >, CU:eas-o»Ui. S @ M A IIa A l l P e r s o n s a t a d i s t a n c e t r e a t e d I»y M a i l Ti i U i P e r f e c t S u c c e s s b y » i e s c r l ! , i t j s t lie lr S y m p to m s . (Send fo r on r largo and beautifully illustrated paper, sent freo to any address.1 OR. TOWNSEND’S O X T R £ £ m jw hy,? because Inhala tion is the only w a r O A ID A R E H i! that the A ir Passage can be reached, and Catarrh la n tdiseaso o f the A ir Passages o f the W E M AKE A SPECIALTY Head.. Use this Treats o f treating patients b y Mail, m ent as w e direct, Pleaso w rite and describe your which Is easy and pleas ant, and wo guarantee symptoms. a perfect CURB o f Ca tarrh. Bronchitis l W hy? fo r the- same reason as given above. The Bronchial Tubes are sim ply conductors to carry air to the A L L PERSONS TH AT READ; Lungs,hence inhalation this are iurited to send for our must go direct to the large and beautifully illustrated seat o f the disease, and Paper; sent free to any address, if you w ill follow our directions, wo guaran tee to curs Bronchitis, ASTHMA! W E GUARANTEE TO CUBE Coughs, Colds, Diptheria, Pneu monia, Neuralgia, and neatly all other' severe attacks when all other remedies fail. W h y? because Asthma is a contraction, o f the Bronchial Tubes, cens ed by inflammation and irritation, o f the mucu3 membrane lining the Bronchial Tubes. Use Oxygenated A ir as we will direct aad we will warrant a Cure* W e have cured cases o f 20 years standing. Can b e cured* W h y ? because w o have cured hundreds o f cases, some o f them being given over to die b y all physiclans o f other schools ot practice.' Consump D Y S P E P S I A W E CURE, tion Is a disease o f the l i v e r and K idney mplnints are A ir’ passages and over two-thirds o f tho coses ^effectually reached by Oxygon- are caused b y Catarrh, We guarantee a care i f ated A ir . you wiU come in sea son. Consumption BLOOD DISEASES T U MO R S ; CUBED without cutting drawing blood, w ith very little or s o pain. A n y person troubled with Cancer and Tamors will please write for testimonials,, &c., from patients cured. W o war rant a perfect cure. WvM. PARKE,MB. Late of tho MCCLELLAN. U . 8. A . HOSPI TAL, Philadelphia, P a., who has been so successful throughout New England in the core o f Can cers and. Tumors,,takes charge of this department. Dr Townsend’ s Oxy genated A ir w ill purify tho blood in one-third the time that any other known xemody c a n . Why? because to in hale Oxygenated A ir it goes direct to the Lungs and passes through the tlBsaes and comes in direct contact, with the blood as it is forced in to the Lungs by the action, o f the heart. All tho blood in our veins returns to the heatt every lenr m in-, tries i f the blood is good, and forced from the heart to the lungs, and the moro Oxygen you inhale into the -lungs the more you purify tho blood, when Oxygen comes in contact with the impurities in tho blood i t carbonizes and burns, causing t Ti e blood to be heated so that it warms every part o f the body, as it goes on its revolutions through tho system. I f your blood is pure yon cannot bo sick. We drive Mercury and all other impurities out o f the blood. W e guar antee to purify the blood in one-third the time o f any o t h e r known remedy. OAZ9 t e d e a attd H o u s e M d . Allen’s (R , L. is L, F .) New American Farm Book, $2 50 Alien’s (Li F.) American Caitlo.9.............................. . 2 50 Allen’s (It. L.) American Farm B ook......................... 1 60 A lloa’s (L, F.J Rural Architecture............................... 1 50 Allen’s (R . L.) Diseases o f Domestic Animals............ 1 00 American Bird Fancier................................................... SO American Gentleman’s Stahlo Guide*..................... . 1 00 American B obo Culturist................. .................. .......... 80 Amorican Weeds and Useful Plants.............................1 75 Atwood’ s Country and Suburban Houses..... .............. I 60 Atwood’s Modern Amorican Homesteads*................. 3 60 Baker’s Practical and Scientific Fruit Cnltmv }......... 2 i O Barber’ s Crack Shot*.......................................... . 175 Barry’s Fruit Garden-..... .............................................2 60 BeU’s Carpentry Mads Easy.......................................... 6 00 Bement’ s Babbit Fancier......................... .......... ......... 30 Bicknoil’s Village Builder and Supplement. 1 V. . 12 00 Bicknell’a Supplement to Village Builder................ 5 00 Uogardua* Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting.-......... 2 00 Bom uor’s.Method ot Making Manures..................... 25 B jusaingault’s Rural E conom y..............................1.. 160 Brackett’s Farm Talk........ .paper, 50 cts. cloth...... 75 Brack’s Now B ook o f Flowers........................ 1 *5 Brill’s Farm Gardening and Seed-Growing.............. 1 0 0 Brocm-Corn and Brooms.......... paper, 60 cts., cloth, 75 Brown’s Taxidormiat’ s Manual............................. . 100 Bruckner’ s Amorican Manures................................. 150 Buchanan’s Culture o f the Grape and Wine Making 75 B u d 's Oidor*Maker’s Manual.............. ....................... 1 50 Bnist’sFlower-GardenDirectory.................. 1 50 Daisies Family Kitchen. Gardoner......................... 100 BurgeavAmerican Kennel and Sporting Field...... 4 00 Burnham’ s The China F ow l......................................... 1 00 Burns1 Arcbitectnral Drawing B ook ..................... 100 Burns’ Illnstrated Drawing B ook.................... .......... 100 Burns’ Ornamental Drawing B ook............................. 100 Burr’s Vegetables o f America................................... 3 00 Caldwell’s Agricultural Chemical Analysis......... 2 00 Canary Birds. Paper, 50 c t s ; clo th «................... 75 Chortton’s. Grape-Grower’S Guide............................... 75 Cleveland’s Landscape Architecture.......................... 1 50 Clok’ s Diseases o f Sheep.......... ..................................... 125 Cobhett’s American Gardener............................... . . 75 Cole’s American FruitB ook............... ............... . 75 Cole’s American Veterinarian........*.......... 75 Cooked and Cooking Food for Domestic Animals.,.. 20 Cooper's Game Fowls.*......................................... ......... 5 00 Corbet’s P oa ltryX a rd a n lM irk et.P a., 50 cts. cloth 76 Croft’s Progressive American Architecture................10 00 Cummings1Architectural Dotails,..................*..........10 00 Cummings «fc Miller’s Architecture.................... 10 00 Cupper’s Universal Stair Builder.................. 3 60 Dadd’s Modern Horse Doctor, 1 2 x n o ................... 150 Dadd’s American Cattle Doctor, 1 2 m o ................... 1 60 Dadd’ s American Cattle Doctor, S v o , clolh ............ 2 50 Dadd’s American ReformedHorsoBook, S v o * cloth 2 60 Dana’s Muck Manual..... .............. ................... . 125 Darwin’ s Vaiiat’na o f Auimals&PJant3.2vols, new ed 5 00 Dead Shot; or, Sportsman’s Complote Guido.......... 175 Detail Cottage aud Constructive Architecture.......... 10 00 De Toe’s Market Assistant..................... .................... 2 50 Dinks, Mayhew, aad Hutckfuvon, ou the D os.......... 3 00 Downing’s Landscape Gardening...................... ......... 6 50 Dwyer’s H orsoBook...................................... ............... 2 00 Eastwood on Cranberry............................... 75 Eggleston’s Citcuit Rider................................... . 175 Eggleston’s End o f tho W orld....................... 150 Eggleston's Hoosier School-Master............................ 125 Eggleston’s Mystery ot M etropolisrillo.................. 150 Eggleston’s (Goo. C.) A Man o f Honor..................... 125 Elliott’ s Hand Book for F ruit Growers. Pa. CQ ct-%; c lo th .................................................. 100 Elliott’s Hand B ook Of Practical Landscape Gar dening ..................................................................... 150 Elliott’s Lawn and Shade Trees................ ................. 150 Elliott’s Western Fruit-Grower’s Guide.........:....... 150 Eveloth’s School House Architecture.......... ........... C 00 Every H orse Owner’s Cyclopaedia.......... ................... 3 75 Field’s Pear Culture...................... 125 F la x Culture. [Seven Prize Essays b y l.a c t ic a l G rowers.]..... ....... 30 Flint (Charles L.) oq Grasses..................................... 2 50 Flint’s Milch Cows and Dairy Form ing................. 2 50 Frank Forrester's American Game in its Season..... 3 00 Frank Forrester’ s Field Sports, 8vo., 2 vols.^ .......... ’0 00 Frank Forrester’s Fish and Fishing, Svo.. 100 Eng’ s 3 50 Frank Forrester’s Horse o f Am erica, Svo., 2 vols... 10 00 Frank Forrester’ s Manual for Young Sportsmen, Svo......................... ....................................... 3 00 French’s Farm Drainage....... ....... 1 50 Fuller’s Forrest Tree Culturist........................... . 1 50 Fuller’s Grape Culturist.......,,..,.............................. 150 Fuller’s Illustrated Strawhc riy C ulturist.,...,......,.. 20 Fuller’ s Small F ruit Culturist.................................... 150 Falton’s Peach Culture...................................... 150 Gardener’s CarriagePmnters’ Manual......... .............. 1 00 Gardener’ s H ow to Paint.................... ................... . 100 Geyelin’s Poultry-Breeding................. .............. 125 Gould’ s American Stair Baildc "’s Guide........... . 4 00 Gould’s Carponter's and Bmlder’a Assist m t............ 3 00 Gregory on. Cabbages...................... .paper................. 30 Gregory on OniouRalsing................r...papor............. 30 Gregory oh Squashes.............................. paper........... 30 Guenon onM ticb Cows...... ............................... 75 Guillaume’s Interior At chitecture.......................... . 3 00 Gun,Bod, and Saddle........................................ .......... 1 00 Hallelt’s Builders’ Specifications................................ 175 Hallett’8 Builders’ Contracts...................................... 10 Harney’s Barns, Ont-Butidings and Fences............. 0 00 Harris’s Insocts Injurious to Vegetation. Plain, $1; Colored Engravings....................................... 6 50 Harris on the P ig.— .............................. ................... 150 Hedges* on Sorgho or the Northern Sugar Plant..... 1 50 Helmsley’ s Hardy Trees, Shrubs, and Plants...,..... . 7 50 Henderson’s Gardening for Pleasure......................... 150 Henderson’s Gardening for Profit................... ........... X 50 Henderson's Practical Fioricnlture........................... . 150 Herbert’s Hints to Horso-Keepers;............................. 175 50 Holden’s B ook of Birds...... ...paper, 25 cts.; cloth 3 00 Hoopos’ B ook o f Evergreens..................... ............... Hopper’ s D og and Gun ......paper, 20 eta.; cloth 60 Hooper’ s Western F ruit Book,.................................... 150 SO Hop Culture. B y nine experienced cultivators....... How to Get a Farm and Where to find One............. 1 2 5 50 H ow to M&ko Candy................ ............... .................... H ow to Use the P istol............. ................................... 60 100 Hunter and Trapper. 1 50 Hneman’s Grapes and W ine....,............................. . Hussey’s Homo BnQdings........................................... . 500 Hussey’s National Cottage Architecture................ 6 00 Jacques’s Manual o f the House....*..*........................ 1 50 Jacques’s Manual o f the Garden, Farm and Barn1 75 Yard .......... ............................................ ............ Jennings on Cattle and their Diseases........................ 175 Jonninge’ Horse Training Made Easy.—.................... 1 25 Jennings on the Horse and his Diseases.................. 175 Jennings on Sheep, Swine, and Poultry.................... 1 75 Jersey, Alderney, and Guernsoy Cow.............. 1 50 John Andross (Rebecca Harding Davis).................... 1 50 Johnson’s H ow Crops Feed...... .......................... . 2 00 Johnson’s HowCropsGrow..................... *................... Johnson’s Peat and its Uses............... ......................... 1 25 Johnston’s Agricultural Chem istry........;..... ............ 175 Johnston’s Elements o f Agricultural Chemistry..... 150 150 Hern’s Practical Landscape Gardening..... ............. 75 King’s Beekeepers’ T oxtB ook t Paper, 40o; clot'u Klippart’s Wheat Plant..... ............................. ............ 175 Lakey’s Village and Countrylion.7e3......................... 6 00 Leavitt’s Facts about Peat........ ............. ......... ......... 175 Leuchar'a H ow to Build Hot Houses...,....,,.*......... 1 5 0 160 Lewis’s People’s Practical Poultry Keepor.,.,..... . Long’s Amorican W ild Fowl Shooting.,...,;;;.,.......... Loring’s Farm-Yard Club o f Jotham...... ............... 3 5 0 . Loth’s Practical Stair Builder....... ................. ........... 1000 Lyman’s Cotton Culturo................ ........................... . 150 Manual o f FlaxCulture...|.......................... ;............ 25 Marshall’s Farmer's Hand B ook ..;,..... ............. ...... 1 50 McOluro’ Diseases o f the Am. Horse, Cattlo A Sheep Merrick’s Strawberry Culture................................... . 100 Miles on the Horse’s F oot;....... ............................... . 75 M ohr on the Grape Vino.......................................... 100 Moncktou'g National Carpenter and J oiner............ 6 00 Monckton’s National Stair Builder.,..... .................... 6 00 Mrs. Cornelloa’s Y ou ng Housekeeper's Friend......... 1 50 M ottoj ’s Tho Perfect Horse...................................... 4 00 M y Vineyard a tL a teview ........................................... 1 25 Address a ll letters as heretofore, E. F. TOWNSEND, M. D., 1 2 2 H i g h S t M> P r o v i d e n c e , 33». X* Physicians wishing to locate insom o town or city in this business, can bo famished w ith territory and our Illustrated papers for adrertising tho same,tby addressing as above; • £ C a u t i o n ! iWrite for Circulars or send ordora to' <*.r Jf,’ A . D A O P jEUW, P i O .B ox 092; New O rleans,Is. T lIIR D G R A N D D o £ K A K ~ » J t A W I jfG / * Toeiday, July ^3. , . _ Capital Prtzo, $20,000. tflclrsts $1 eAoh. There are unprincipled persons in Boston andelsewhere 'that are butting up'a B OQUSiLIQUlD and trying tQ palm 4 ■it off as ifir o r Oxygenated A ir, and claiming^, it to be like mlfieTXNond gontunerTinless tho fwofds ’ ’DR? TOWNSEND’S OXYGENATED- A IR ” are blOWIT in ; aoizi.i.AXb ?0RiaAU;OK L A m . A . • •. - l y i CUSTOM WORK TENDED TO. 2 00 2 00 Manhood: How Lost, How Restored! Just published,*a new edition o f I>l*. C n lv e r w e ll’ s C e le b r a t e d E s s a y on the ra d ica l cure (without medicine) o f S prumatcrrscea o r Seminal .Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Lossos, Im potoncy, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriago, etc'.; also, Consumption, Epilepay and Fits, induced b y self*. indulg'enco or sexual oxtiavagance', Ao; £ lK P rice, in scaled envelope, only s ix cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable E ssa y ,d e a r l y demonstrates, from a thirty years’ Successful practice, that tho alarming consequences o f self-abuse' may be radically cured w ithout the dangerous use o f Internal medidino or the application' o f the knife?" pointing out a mode o f cure at- once certain, and .effeotual, by which every sufferer, no matter,what 'his condition may he, m ay cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. igg.This Lecture should b e in tho hands' o f every youth and every man in tho land. Sent under s e a a plain - envelope, to any address p ostp a id , on receipt o f six cents dr two postage stamps t Address thopublishers. ,4 TH E OULVEBWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 Ann S t..N ow Y ork; Post Offlee B ox 4586. ZELL’S If CYCLOPEDIA.- E H o w R e v i s e d E d i t i o n . —.1 5 0 , 0 0 0 articles, 3 ,0 0 0 engrr.Tinga, and I S splendid maps, The BEST BOOK o f universal knowledge in the lanpingo. Now tn course o f publication. Spocimon with map sent for 20 cts. AGENTS WANTED. ' ’ . C H A S . H . S A T I S & C O ;i n P I > U a < l e ] p k i s •. -s. JBg=»'iW’hen y 0U ,Want- your''name' printed on cards,* in first-class Style*. giro us a call. SO cards-for 25 cants. VISITED NILES YEARS. AS met witli unprecedented success in the treatmont o f all H C h ro n ic 3D IS E A S E S C u r e d . N ew paths marked ou t to - H eiilthhythat plainest o i all books—P l a in H o ne T a l k a k d M e d ica l C ommon Sense ,which contains nearly 1,000 pages o f original matter, as entertaining as afascipatm g story. H ealth and long life made easy fo r the learned and unlearned. Crammed fu ll o f brand n e w i a c a s , which arc cheering to the 6ick, ond intensely entertaining to those who are fortunate e'nough to escape disease. I t guards the reader against the pitholcs o f 'hum an suilenbg, and points the w ay o f deliverance to those w h o are already engulphcd. .B y all means, And out all about it, S t i s f o r y o u . It’ s author, Dr. E. B. F oote , o f 1 2 0 L e xin g to n A ve n u e , N e w Y o rk , is consulted by invalids at hom e and abroad, in person and b y letter, and has had the experience o f nearly a q u a r t e r o f a c e n t u r y inthotroatm entof long standing nnd ditaoultdiseases o f every character; hence his ability to write practical truths f o r tho invalid reader. H is consultations are p u e e to the sick everyw here; hence his immense correspondence with the sick all over the globe, T o n , d e a d e r , a r e At l ib e r t r to consult the able author o f Plain H om e T alk aud M edical Comm on Sense. W rite to him aud you will he struck with his Comm on Sense. W hatever your malady, you w ill receive light which will d o you good, b y Investing only a postage stamp, and writing to .Dr. F , -W e wish to interest yo u in both the doctor and his im mortal book. 'X H o S J o o l c itself, w hich gives satisfaction to all w h o read it, can he bna o f agents, o r o f tho publishers direct. P rice, S3.25 fo r the staudard edition. O l i e a p p o p u l a r e d it io n , v v itli a ll t lio m a tt e r a n d illu s t r a t io n s * n e a t ly B o u n d i n m u s l i n , $ 1 .5 0 . Sent b y mail, postage prepaid, on receip t o f the: price. A lady writes the au th o r: “ i have always fe lt that y o u w ere the physician o f the World, from the fa ct o f yoa r wonderful success and o rio im l id ea s." One reader says— “ I have f o u h a i t to he one o f the grandest w orks o f the age,” A nother says—“ I w onld h ot be without i t f o r tw ico its Cost.” Similar letters reach the author every day. Con tents table: free. ^ OF D ise a se s TH E TH ROAT, LUNGS, HEART STOMACH, Head, nerres, kidneys, bladder, womb, and blood. Affec tions o f tho urinary organSj gray©!, scrofula, rheumatism, catarrh, asthma,bronchitis, dyspepsia, i&c. Dr. Price’s reputation has boem acquired candid, honest dealing and years o f Successful practice. My practice, not one o f experiment, but founded on the laws o f Nature, with sars o f experience aud evidence to snstaia it, does not tear down, make sick to make^Avell; no harsh treatment, no trifling, no flattering. W e know;the cause and the remedy needod, no guess work, but knowl edge gained by years o f experience in the treatment o Chronic diseases exclusively; no encouragement withonta prospect. Candid in onr opinion, reasonable in oar oharges,claim not to know everything, or to cure every b od y,b u t do claim to reason and common sense. We Invite tbe sick, no matter what theirailm ont, to calkin7estigatebofore they abandon hope, make interrogation anddecidoforthem 5elvos. I t w ill cost nothing, as consultationis free. Visits made regularly. B r. Y . C larence P rice can b o co u s u lte d a t Niles, Bond House, Saturday and Sunday, the 7th and Sth o f July.* At Xaporte, I n d , Myers House, on Saturday and Sunday, the 9th and 10th o f Jnne. Patients will address all letters to Dr. V . Clarence Price, "Waukegan, 111. with stamp. SCIENCE i r r S x o i I T : also b y , Dn. F oote . Cheap edi tion. 6 vols. in 1, neatly hound, $2; in 5 separate-vols. at S5 and $7.60, according to binding. Sent b y mail on receipt, o f price. Just the th in g foryou n gp eop le, Con tents table free. ____________ J m o tla c r to Dr. E. A. CURTIS . or k-s-t* ‘!f* s* * " TREATS ALL CHRONIC D ISE A SE S OF THE ****** Throat, w ilt o b je c t h a n d s o f h e r d a n g li w B o o k s a re n o t p r iv a te p n v a te w v 12-A N € t E - tre a t tre a t-/ Stomach, o fh o th ^ / se x e S j p a r t i c u l a r l y is e s , h u t /P a r a ly s is , A p o p le x y , i n t e n d e d E p i l e p s y , a n d a ll n erfo r g e n -^ ^ S /V o u s d e ra n g e m e n ts ; p t iI e ir / r ^ / t h e i r C au se a n d C u re. . _ / T h i s E ssa y w ill h e fo u n d 0111 a ' / d e e p l y in t e r e s t i n g t o a ll t i o n . j f c s ^ A i e r v o u s s u ffe r e r s . BOTH S o ^ V o r E I T H E R o f th e fo r e g o in g „ E / ^ / H A T r D - E O O K S sen t f r e e to f c s 2 j./a n y ad d ress. A d d r e ss , w ith f s t a m p , N . T . P . C o . .B e d f o r d ,M a s s . Bowels, K idneys, and Bladder, Fem ale Weakness, Qa/neer, F pilep sy, F e v e f Sore, FFervousWeahiess, Styrofula, Asthm a, Catarrh, B ronchitis, D yspepsia, etc. D r . C urtis’ M edicbies are selected prin cipa lly fr o m the vegetable M ngdom , and are devoid o f the injurious effects o f Calom el and other p oison ou s m inerals. S i s reputation is founded^ upon yea rs o f successful practice. H e cures speedily when a eure is possible, and never gives en couragement unless there is good rea son f o r so doing. H is rem edies nev er depress, but sustain, Hie vital force. D r , C . cordially invites a ll afflicted to consult w ith M m , as there is often hope w id er change o f treatment, even when hope has been abandoned. a -L E N N ’8 s m p H U E A St e r l in g R I n j u r ie s em edy B e a u t if ie r . R e l ia b l e R e l ie v in g an Sk of the of M of ; D is e a s e s A H D For further advice call upon or address and ealthful C o m p l e x io n ; P r e v e n t in g h e u m a t is m a n d U nequaled r iz e r a n d in the eans R S O A P . for is in f e c t a n t , D A D r . JE. A . C urtis, Dowagiao, Mich. and G out, and <(X had no appotito; Holloway's Pills gave me a hearty one.” “ Your pills are marvellous.” “ I send for another box, and keep them in ,bo house.” “Dr. Hollojvay h a s cured headache that was chronic “ I gave one o fy o u r Pills to m y babe for cholera mor bus. Tho dear little tiune got well In a day.” “ M y nausea o f a morning is now cured.” “ Your box o f H ollow ay’s Ointment cured mo o f noises in.thehead. ‘Irabhedsom e o fy ou r Ointment behind tho oars, and the noiso has le ft/’ “ Send mo two-boxes, I want one for a poor family.” “ I enclose a dollar; your price is 25 cents, but tho medicino to mo is.worth a dollar.” “ Send m e five boxes o f your Pills.” “ L etm e’haye three boxes ofyou r Pills b y return mail, for Chills and Fever.J’ 1 have over 200 such testimonials as these, hut want of space compels me to conclude. And all eruptions o f the skin, this Ointment is Most in valuable. I t does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searching effects to tbe very root o f the evil. H o l l o w a y ’ s J P ills Invariably care tho following diseases: D isorder of tire Kidneys. In all diseases affecting those organs, whether they se crete too much or too little water; or whether they be Afflicted with Stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settles in the loins over tbe regions o f the kidneys, these Pilla should be taken according to the printed directions, and tho Ointment Should be well rubbed into the email o f the back at bed time This treatmeut w ill give almost immediate relief when all other meanshave tailed^ For Stomachs out of Order. No medicine will so effectually improve tho tone o f the stomach as these Pills; they remove all acidity occasion ed either by intemperance or improper diet. They reach the liver and reduce it to a healthy action ; they are wonderfully efficacious in cases o f spasm—in fact they never fail in curing all disorders o f the liyer and stomach. BOLLOTVAY’S PILLS are the best known in the world for tbe following diseases; Ague, Asthma, Bilious Complaints, Blotcho9 on the Skin, Bowels, Consumption, Debility,Dropsy, Dysentery* Erysipelas, Female Irregu larities, Fevers o f all kinds, Fits,. Gout, Headache, Indi gestion, Inflammation, Jaundice, Liver Complaints, Lum bago,Files, Rheumatism,RotentionofurinQ, Scrofula or Kind’s Evil, Sore Throats, Stone and Gravel, Tic-Douloureux, Tumors, Ulcers, Worms o f all kinds, "Weakness from any cause, etc. ■None are genuine unless the signature o f J. H atdock, as agent for the United States, surrounds each box ot Pills, and Ointment. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may load to the detection o f any party or parties counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing them to bo 'Bpuriods. , ***Sold at the manufactory o f Professor H oixowat Ss Co „ New York,- an d by all respectable druggists and deal ers in medicino throughout the civilized world, in boxea at 25 cents, 02 cents and $1 each. There is considerable saving b y taking the larger rizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance o f patients In every disorder aro affixed to each box. C o u n t e r - I r r it a n t . Prices—25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box (3 Cakes), 60c.. and’$1.20. -N. B.—Buy the large cakes and thereby economize; Bold by all Druggists, DR. JAMES Lock Hospital. C. 2 . CHURCHILL, Has a good assortment ot' Timo-PIecos. Jewelry, SpoeVi cles, Ac., cheap. Special attention givon to repairing Wooden, Ancient and. Marine Time-Pieces. A ll w o rk i his lino done with neatnesss and dispatch, and warranted. Store, on Main Streot, three doors north o f the Bank, Buchanan. M ich.* “ HILL’S HAIR AM) TVmSKEB DTE,” <5. N. CUITTENTON, Prop’r, 7 Sixth Av.,M. R e v o lv e r s , A N D C A R T R ID G E S , .Breech and-Muzzle Loading Guns, and all*.kinds o f Firearms, , at manufacturers' prices;goven Shot Reyolrerp, SS.00. Illustrated*Catalogue free. Address. ‘ ‘ ;‘ s W. STUKGESS & GO., (Succossora to U, 8. Gun Co.,) MoOormick Blook, 60 Dearborn gtnC or. Kandolph, v F . 0 ,B o x # l« (0m3) 4 ^ 0U I0A G 0, ILL. CORNER W a s h in g to n & F r a n k lin , C H IC A G O . Chartered b y tho S tate :of Illinois for the ox* proas purposeofgiriDg immediato relief in all casesbfprivato.cbronic, and urinary diseases in alltheir complicated forms. I t is well known James lias . ............ ..... vimmnk stoodot tbebead o f the profession for tke past thirty years. A go and experience are all-important. Seminal Weakness, night losses by dreams,piuiplos.on tbe face, lost manhood, can positively bo cored. Ladies wanting tbe most delicate attention, call or write. Pleasant home for patients.- for tho million Marriage Guide, which tells yon nil about these disoftBes—who should marry—why not—10 pay postage.. Dr. JamoB is 60 years o f age, and has 50 rooms aud'parlors. Consultation Free. ,-Yon seo no one but tho doctor. Office boars 9 A.-M. to 7 P. M. Sundaya 10 to 12/ AH bnMDOSH Blrictlv confidential. 26vl Mrs, Miranda Badgley Black or Brown, 50 Cents. DurancI ^ R emedy. IS TAKEN; INTERNALLY,;:AND‘*P0S1TIVELY-CURES RHEUMATISM; GOUT, NEURALGIA. AND LUMBAGO. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYW HERE,-SEND FOR CIR CULAR TO - * - - H E LP H E N STIN E & B EN TLEY . Would rospootfolly announoo to tlie public tbut she Is • now prepared to dp - - "Bra"ding and Stamping / M o st R e a s o n a b le T e rm s. $10 t $25 ADVERTISlNfiES b - — *}@L>“ Well my good fellow,” said a victorious general to a brave son of Erin, after a battle; “ and what did you do to help us to gain this victo r y ? ” “ Do !” replied M ike; “ may it plase yer honor, I walked up bouldly to wun of tho Inimy and cut off his feet.” “ Cut off his feet ? why did you not cut cut off his head ?” said the “ Bh. an’ faith that was off already," says Mike. • U@=“ But I pass,” ' said a minister in the West End, one Sunday, in dis missing one of his subjects to take up another. “ Then I ’ ll make it spades!” yelled a man from the gallery who was dreaming the happy hours away in an imaginary game of euchre. It is needless to sav that he went out on the next deal, being assisted b y one the deacons with a full hand of clubs. jpjgp'A minister was telling a young girl who was about to became a bride, that she must remember that the man and wife are one. “ M ercy!” said she, “ if you were under my father and mother’s window when they are quarreling, you’d think they were at least a dozen.” ^ ^ .T h e ' Danbury News man open ed his lecture at Bridgeport by re marking that he had seen so much about it on the posters and in the pa pers during the past week or two that he had come to have a feverish dsire to hear it himself, and was very glad he was present. S ® “ This is the way a citizen o f Denver advertises for a lost calf: “ Bund away 1 red and vite caf. His tu be hint leg v-as plack he vas a she caf. Enipotti yat prings him pack pairs 5 tollars.. Jacob Zuddering, Clear Creek tree miles pehind the pridge.” U©=He was carving at dinner, and thought he must talk to the sestheticlooking angel on his right. vHow do you like Beethoven ?” asked,he, at a venture. “ Well done,” said she, promptly, interested in the business at hand. A 3 ^ -.“ Boy,” said an ill-tempered old fellow to a noisy lad, “ what are you hollerin’ for when I am going by?” “ Hump !’ ’ returned the boy, “ what are you going by for when I am hollerin’ ?” * . t . in any dosirod patterns, onvthe DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, 0, C. ~*res it wiU cost you nothing and will w o l j yon money. Addrss«,tv . *■ 4 t. iiom * £ d v » r t u ’g Oo.'JM.Louii/'MO' JS6“ Didn,&Want to Be Left Out. — A little bright eyed three-year-old was seated in a high chair at the din ner table- Mamma had placed him sungly up to the table, pinned on his bib, and succeeded in getting the lit tle mischievous hands quiet and mak ing him “ hush,” when father proceed ed to ask the blessing. While this was in progress, our little chubby made a diacovery. It was that all the plates on the table except his own lit tle plate, were in one pile at his “ papa’s place,” and, as It seemed to him, were put there to get the benefit of the solemn ceremony. So, scarce ly waiting for the “ Amen,” he held out his own plate in both hands, say ing, “ Please, papa, pray on my plate, too!” -—Christian at Work. IM P O R T A M T O A llT SO N . OlDte',112 Liberty Street, New York. eodo Glenn’s Sulphur Soap, besides eradi cating local diseases o f the skin, banishes de fects o f the complexion, and imparts to it • gratifying dearness and smoothness. Sulphur Baths are celebrated f o t curing eruptions and other diseases o f the skin, as well as Rheumatism and Gout. Glenn’s Sulphur Soap produces the same effects at a most trifling expense. This admirable specific also‘Speedily heals sores, bruises, scalds, burns, sprains and cuts. It removes dandruff arid prevents the hair from falling out and turning gray, . • . Clothing and,linen usecl in the sick room is disinfected, and diseases communicable by contact with the person, 'prevented by it. • The Medical'Fraternity sanction its use, ' G u n s, R qckport, March 3 1 ,1S76. Sir—Last fall my me two bottles o f your Yegotine to take for the Canker Humor, which X have my stomach for severalxears. I took it, and the result was very satisfactory. I have taken a good many remedies for the Canker Humor, and none seemed to help me bat VEGETINE. There is no doubt iii m y mind that every one suffering with Canker Humor can be cured by taking YEGETJLNE. I t gave me a good appe tite, and X felt better in every respect. Yours, with respect, Mrs. ELIZA ANN POOLE, For Cutaneous Disorders, I / im g s , H e a r t, ■ L iv e r , p la c in g it in t lie ^ A , ters T h e se H. R. Stevens : The Testimony of the Whole 'World. H o i l o w a , y 3s P i 1 1 s T lieX adleg’ Bland-SooK j H a n d - B o o k , and n 0> X N W ILL CURE CATCHER H TJM O R . MAEKTHESE FACTS. o£ y a liia b lc in fo r m a tio n to e v e r j ^ ^ ^ i t h is / VECETliVE. Vegetino is Sold by A ll Druggists. 5 ,0 0 0 g o o d A g e n ts fo r V E G -E T IN E . ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. I f V lgstinx w ill relieve pain, cleanse, purify and cure such diseases res toring the patient to perfect health after trying different physicians, many remedies, suffering for years, is it not conclusive proof, i f you are a sqffcrer. y ou ca n b e cured? lYhy is this medicine performing such great cures ? I t works in the blood, in the circulating fluid. I t can truly he called the Great B lood B u rijicr, The great source of. disease originates in the blood; and no medicine that does not act directly upon it. to purify and renovate, has any ju st claim upon public attention. P repared b y H. R. STEVE SS, B oston, Mass. can fm dem ploym ent. A d dress, T h e Murray H ill Publishing Company, IS O E a s t S S th S tr e e t, JVCto X o r l i , ______ ^ _________ ______________ _ ns Ebmeca Falls, Nov. 0,1876. Mr . IT.Jt Stevens: Dear Sir—A b you aro an eotire stranger to me, I want you to know Vrtmt YEGBtlNJS has done lor me. Only tlioso who have been raised from death’s door can know tho value ojt ^uch a good medicine. X am 56 years o f ago. Three years ago I was taken sick w ith wliat tlie doctors called Lumbago. For weeks I was confined to my bed. I had tbreo dilferent physicians, -without any help. I received no relief; X was a great sufferer; finally I became eutirely helpless. The last doctor told mo there was n o lie lp ; ho said ho might possibly save m y life by ejecting^morphine in m y arms and leg?. XTie encourage ment tor saving my life b y having this done was so small a chance X coulcTnot consent to run the risk,: About this time m y son read your advertisement in our paper, a tes timony o f a person who bad been very sick with about tho same complaint, and was cured* M y son went right away to the apothecary store and Bought a bottle o f VEG ETINE. Before X had used tho first bottle X found great relief; I conld move m yself in bed. After taking three bottles I was able to sit up end move about my room I continued taking the Togetme, and X was in a few Areeka'restored to m y Tormer health. Tho TEGETINE saved m y life after the physicians said there was no help for me. I have had no doctor since. I f I feel unwellX take a dose o f VFGECINE, and!recom m end it :o my friends. Your Yegetino ought to be in every family. M y doctor w;is surprised to see mo in good health. IIo says YEGE-* TINE is a good medicine. I toU'hlm it cured me; B e says, “ I t is true.” I cannot feel too thankful. Very gratefally yours, Mrs. CATUK HIKE COONS. Senoea Falls, Seneca Co., N. Y. VECETtN E. P u b l i c a t i o n s . W e w ill supOa | { |* |* p ly D n . F oote ’ s F ree Publicafj | t a B gR tions. " G ratuitous A d vice to the S ick ," abroad as w ell as a t hom e ; a circidar o f value to the sick . “ E vidences o f J }r . F oote t S u c c e s s a sixty page pamphlet, fr e e b y man. —Send f o r them. th a n k He Says it Is True* Mr. Parker and ills White Bull-pup Mr. Parker was walking down Broadway yesterday, a benevolent smile on his ruddy countenance, and a fat, white bull-dog trotting compla cently a.t his heels. Occasionaly Mr. Parker would look around at the dog and chuckle to himself. “ The Board of Alderman he darn ed, said Mr. Parker. “ I ’m. not a go ing to put a four foot strap on your neck,. Marcus Aurelius,” ami Marcus Aurelius wagged his stump of a tail. Just then a small boy exploded a bomb directly under the dog’s black nose, and that animal gave a how land made a dash at the small boy“ Look a year,” yelled a policeman to Mr. Parker, “ you .want to put a a strap on that year dawg. He’s mad.” “ He is not mad,” said Parker. “ Well, old feller, who’s the judge ? I say that year dawg’8 mad, and I ’m going to knock him on the head with this club of mine.” Mr. Parker for a moment looked frightened. Suddenly, however, a twinkle came into his eye. and draw ing himsolf up to his full height, he addressed the policeman haughtily : “ Officer, you evidently do not know who we are. We had desired to pre serve our incognito, but you force us to reveal ourselves. We are the Grand Duke Alexis ! and that is our bull dog- That dog is an alien ; he is not a citizen, and must not he bound by foreign laws and straps. Do you wish to embroil your land in a war with Russia ? I f you do just club that dog.” “ Well, call off your dawg then,” said the policeman. “ Here, Blovitskinourskiroscurobisdinascbowliockouski,” said Parker, without the least hesitation. “ Well, I ’ m blowed,” mu3cd the of ficer, as Parker and his dog disap peared. “ I ’m blowed ef that dawg •couldn’ t work a free lunch route of the people’s legs afore the Juke could pernounce half of his name.— N . Y. World. YEGETINE thoroughly eradicates every kind o f hu< mor, and restores theontire system t o a heaitby condition. HEALTH w ill Another old citizen gone, She lived to an hundred and seven; For such a good person she was A long time getting to heaven. -N ational Baptist. S outh Salem, M ass;, N ot. 14,1876. Mr . H . R . Stevens: Dear Sir—X have been troubled with Scrofula, Canker and Liver Complaint for three years. Nothing ever did me any good until I commenced using the YEGETINE. I consider there is nothing equal to it for such complaints. Can heartily rccommond it to everybody, Your3 truly, Mrs. L izzie M. P ackard, N o. 16 Lagrango St^ South Salem. Mass. m o n t h l y , 16 page royal octavo, double colum n. E dited b y Drs. F oote , Sen. and Jr. $1 per year with premiums. Sam ple cop y free. - jSTarrietT o r Single. L A D I E S T w o ttb U u a r le s . H ere lies interred Priscilla Bird, W h o sang on earth till sixty-tw o; Now up on high, above the sky, No doubt she sings like sixty, toot VECET1NE. _____ Dim e Publications on health and kindred topics. ” ODD B YE S M A D E N E W , ” tells h ow to restoretlie sight and give up glasses, w ithout tho aid o f D octor or M edicine. H alf a m illion have been issued already! “ C om tout a n d cure won tu b B uetueed ” is a valuable m onograph for those w ho are afflicted with R up ture or Hernia. “ PrnrsiOLOGiCAL I mprovement o p H cdianitv ,” relates to the su b ject o f having p e op leb om right. “ P htsiolooioal M ab riage " gives the latest researches regarding the laws governing temperamental adaptation, & c., &c. A, St e p B a c k w a r d , reviewing inconsiderate legislation concerning the Prevention o f Conception. •“ SPERMATORRntEA,” o r Sem inal W eakness w ith evidence o f its curability. “ C roup , its causes.prevention and cure,” inval uable to every m other having the care o f small children. “ C old F e e t ,” causes, prevention and cure. A d v o n e o f the foregoing D im e Publications w ill b e sent b y mail, postage pre paid, o n receipt o f ten cen ts.T ■w om an, O L D Phimygrams.5 TCOTHING EQ.UAX, TO IT. P u b lic a t i o n s . We can fur nish all o f Dn. F oote ’ s popular DIME spring is a trying;senson7 Indications o f .sick ness should at oned bb attended to. Fatal dis eases mat- bo caused by allow ing the bowels tp become constipated and the system to remain in a disordered condition, until the disorder has : time to.dcvclop itself. An ounce o f prevention is worth a pound o f cure, is an old and truthful saying. Therefore, we advise all who are troubled witli the complaints now very preva lent— headache, indigestion, disordered liver, want o f appetite, nausea, or feverish skin, to take, Without delay, Sehenck’s Mandrake Pills. W e know o f no remedy so harmless and deci sive in its action. I t at onCc strikes at the root o f the disease and produces a healthy tone to the system. P eople never need suffer from any disease arising from a disordered condition o f the liver if they would take this excellent medicine when they fool the first indications o f tbe malady. Families leaving home for the summer months should take three br four boxes o f these pills with them. They have an almost instantaneous effect. They will relieve the patient o f headache in one Or two hours, and will rapidly cleanse the liver o f surrounding bile, and will effectually prevent a bilious at tack. They are sold by all druggistsmay AT H AS TW ENTY TH U G A N N O U N C E M E N T * OP THE CHRONIC TO A L L , P A R T I C U L A R L Y IN V A L ID S , Cash Paid for Wheat, Corn, &c Solo Agents for tho Trade, C R i c a g o , XII# B E A D Miller. FLOURING_ MILLS. ROUGHk PEARSJ’ROPRIETORS. THE BEVERLY CO., Sm6 GUARANTEED. . ’ BUCHANAN 2 00 [03W4S1 ' SATISFACTION RJJuri'ay Bill Publish lngC o. Tho follow ing is a list o f Valuable Books, which will be supplied from the Office o f tho B srrisx CoGXTrEvcoRB. A n y one or more o f these hooks w ill be sent post-paid to any o f our renders on receipt o f the regular price, which is named against each b o o k ; {^ " N o t ic e — Tickets are Ton Dollars Only. Halves $5. Quarters, $2.50. Eighths; $1.25', „ LIST OT PRIZES. 1 C APITAL P R IZ E OP $100,000................$100,000 1 GRAND P R IZE OP 60,000:................ 60,000 1 GRAND P R IZE OF 20,000........... 20,000 2 XARGE PRIZES OP 10,000......... J ...... 20,000 4 LARGE PRIZES OF 6,000........... 20,000 ' 20 IB I7.E S OP: .1.000.................. 20,000 5q. .. 500............ 26,000 100 ' ........................ 80,000 200 •' 200.................... 40,000 GOO " 100................. 00,000 10Q0O: " - 10........... . 100,000 ABKOXIMAIION PIUSIS. . ,100 Approxhnntlon Prizes o f ?200................... f 20,000 100 m , 100........... . 10,COO 100 ' " **“ 76............. . 7.600 In all cases o f blood poisoning wliethor arising from mal arial or miasmatic exhalations, dofectivo sewerage, or auy other causes. its constant use prevents the contracting o f contageous diseases ; typhoid, scarlet4aud ail malarial lovers. I t is invaluable, and should bo used In dir tricts whore fev er and ague prorail, as it is the greatest known preventative to that diseaso. I t is o f immense value in tho cure o f all skin diseases; a trial proves it, and its use prevents con tracting thorn. I t is, a special boon to school children who are coustautly exposed. I t is TH E MOST H EALTH * FU L B A T H SO A P F O R IN F A N T S , worth ita weight in gold in the nursery, JCis no m ore expensive than other toilet soaps o f good qualitv. I t goes fartlior and its great superiority is bringing it into universal use. I t has no disagreoablo odor. and. absolutely p u re. HxtonBively ug id in ?*ospitals and sick rooms b y order o f physicians. I fo r s a le b y D t u g g is t s a u d G r o c e r s . Sample b ox eontniniug3cakes sonl post paid on receipt o f 75 cents. Liberal terms to the trado. Q-OOB B O O K S They will>MlHct a Krst-Olass T h e m ill h as recen tly u ndergone repairs and is b e tte r able than for years p re v io u s to d o all k in d s o f w o r k p ro m p tly and in the v e ry b est co n d itio n . O rders fo r F lou r, M eal; F eed , Sec., f o r th e w holesale and retail trade p ro m p tly filled. { 3 f ” Specia1 attention paid to custom g rin d in g . ■ S A L IC Y L IC ACID, I am also agent for Cooper’e Farm, Portable, Traction and Sta tionary Engines, Saw Mills, Corn and Feed Mills, &c. Apply for Circular. • ® , T . M ORL&Y,.. Formerly occupied by J. W. Smith, Buchanan, Mich. where they will continue to supply the wants of their many customers. —AND— 11,270 Prizes, amounting-to.'........... .......’. .............. $522,500 M IL L , Mill on P orta ge Street. I9 tf P. H KTNNEY Greatest Known Anti-Sceptio nn(l * Disinfectant to Rooms in CANGEES C a k e . — Two c u p s s u g a r ; h a l f butter, four e g g s , t h r e e c u p s of ut Oils AS A t 7 5 C en ts, 1 The v e r t h ist o f our jm ; mense Spring stock o f Hats and * Caps that passed through the t late fire, w ill b e closed out at 1 $1 to $5 each, including the best i and latest style silks and otli{ er. goods that show no sign of. * damage. Manufactured from the Purest Yegetalle with the addition o f that Making tho most healthful, the most perfect, aud tho moat economical b a t h and t o i l e t soap over offered to the public. Indoi'sed b y tho medical profession and attested by thousands SwlS T\EFAU LT'haying boon mado’ ia tlio'payment o f a cerU tain sum Of mouey,secured to be paid by an indent-; uro o f Mortgage made and executed by George F. Thayer and Maggie Tbayory his wife, o f the County o f Berrion aud State o f Michiganv o f the firatpart, to David Bough, o f the same County and State,, o f the second part, and boaring date on the thirtieth^day o f October, one thou sand eight hundred and slxty-nino, and recorded in the oilUo o f tho Register o f Deeds o f the County of; Berrien, In said State, on the 8th day o f November, A . 2), lSC9,at 2 o’clock F . in Liber Z o f Mortgagee, on page-7S, on which, said Mortgage there is claimed to be dne and nnpaid at the date o f this foreclosure, the sum o f one thou-* sand four hundred .thlrty-oiie and^ixty-oight one-hundredths dollars ($1,431.33), and no suit, at law or proceed ings in equity having been instituted to recover the said, sum. o f monoy or any part thereof:: Therefore notice is hereby given, that b y virtue o f the power o f sale con tained in said Mortgage, how: become operative, and in pursuance o f the Statute in such casemade and provided, the land, described in said Mortgage, to-wit t A ll that certain, piece or parcel o f land situated in the C ou n tyof Berrien and State o f Michigan,, and known as the West, half (M ) ° f thesonth-east quarter Q£) o f section num ber 8oventeen(17) in township number seven (7), south, o f range number seventeen (17) west, containiDg eighty acres more or less;, w ill b e sold a tp u blic ven due, at the front, door o f the Court House, in;tho village o f Berrien Springs, in said C o u n ty o f Berrien, O n .t b o S S th d a y o f M a y , A . D .1 S 7 7 , at 11 o’ clock in the forenoon. o f f said day, to satisfy the amount: w hich shall then be due on said Mortgage, togetherw ith the: costs o f such, foreclosure and sale, and a lsoa n a ttorn eyfeep rov id edforih sa id Mortgage. DAYID BOUGH, Mortgagee. Y a n R i p s i «fcHk o U iY, A lly ’s for Mortgagee. Bated Feb.SS, A .J ). 1«77. * 3wl3 Cocoanut C a k e . — One egg : one cup of sugar ; one tablespoon of butter; tw'o-thirds cup of sweet milk; one and two-thirds cups o f flour; one^ teaspoon o f cream tartar ; one-half teaspoon o f soda; Cake should be split open, frosted, and cocoanut sprinkled on the frosting. 1877c Proprietors. Takes the Place of all other Soaps for Daily Use in the Family. F t U ID R I Mortgage Sale. L emon J elly.— Grate the peels of two lemons,Jand squeeze the juice out; with three,eggs; two cups of sugar; butter size of an egg; stir it, over a a slow fire until, it boils. The above cake should be baked, in four layers, as for jelly cake. 24, May CU STO M D iiinfectant P ath and Toilet Soapi. ' DATID ROUGH,. Assignee. T ax Bxfxb AHuiiiAA", A tty’s forAssignee. cup flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking-pow e r , mixed with the flour, one cup. of sweet milk, two cups hickorynut meats, cut fine. Favor with vanilla. Beat butter and sugar together, then add eggs well-beaten, then the milk and flour.. Beat well. Add the meats last; Used in Health Prerents Disease. THE A P erfect A n ti-S eptic and EFAULT having been made in tho payment o f ascer tain sum o f m oney secured to be paid b y an indent ure o f Mortgage, mado and executed b y George F . Thayer and/Maggie Thayer^ his wife, o f tho County o f Demon, and State o f Michigan, o f the first part, to Sarah Y..Parfceton*Of the same place, o f the second part, and bearing date on the eleventh d n y of Angust,one thonsand eight hundred and. soventy, and recorded in tho office o f tho Register o f Deeds o f the County o f Berrien, in said Stato, on tho l2 th day o f August, A . D.1S70, at 11 o’ clock A. in Liber o f Mortgages Ko.; 2, on page 345, which said Mortgage; and the notes accompanying tho same were, On tbe second day ofDecember, 1S72, for a valuable consideration, duly assigned to David Bough, o f Berrien County, Michigan, and who is now the law ful owner thereof, and which assignmont.was duly recorded in said: Register’ s office on the 23th day o f February. A . D.1S77, in Ubcrr seventeen o f Mortgages, at page 106, on which saidMortgage there is claimed to b e dne and unpaid at the date o f this foreclosure, the sum o f two thousand six hundred eighty-two and forty one-hundredths dollars, ($2»CS2 40-100) and no suit at law or proceedings in equity huYQ been instituted to recover the said sum o f money o r any part thereof! Therefore notice is hereby given, that b y virtue^ o f the power o f sale contained in said Mortgage, now become operative, and in pursuance o f the statute in such case made and provided, the land described in. said Mortgage, to-w it: A ll that certain piece o r parcel o f land situated in the County o f Berrien and State o f Michigan, and known as the east hall (,*4) o f the south-east q u a r t e r ,^ ) to f section seventeen ( i f ) in township seven (?) south o f range seventeen (17) west, and containing eighty acres more or less; also the west half (3^) o f the south-east quarter &£) o f section seven teen. (XT) in township seven (?) soutli o f range seventeen (1?) west; and containing eighty acres'more or less, w ill b e sold at public auction or vendue, at the front door o f the Court House, in the village o f Berrien Springs, in said County o f Berrion, O n t h o S S t h d a y o f a r flJ V A i2 ),lS 7 7 , at 11 o’clock in the forenoon o f said day, to satisfy tho ac^U nt which shall then lie duo on said Mortgage, to gether with the costs o f such foreclosure and sale, and also an attorney lee provided for in said Mortgage* A t $1 t o $5. Thursday, . (rATUNT APPLIED FOR.) D "We have found an old broom; cut off near the “ tying,” excellent for grooming cows; while not harsh enough to be painful, it will scratch nicely, and reach where the card will not. About as much solid comfort as usually falls to the lot o f mortals in this wicked world may be taken by the; man who loves animals, in aqeing them stretch themselves under his brush or follow him about, and poke their noses under his arm, or hold their heads to he scratched.— Green Mountain Freeman. Michigan, K IN G E H Y & M A R B L E , Mortgage Sale. Bated Feb.28, A .D .1S 77. T O Buchanan, B U C H A N A N , M I C H ., SUCCESSORS TO H Berrien . County day jure made b y Agents aelliog ourChromo*, Orayons,1 ■ Reward, Motto, Scripture Text, Transnaroac.Pictm’ea n d ChromoCurds. 100.sam ples, worth$4, sentpoatpald for 75c. TllaBtratod Cata logue free. JvH . BUFFORP’S SONS. BC$TON< Xstab« llsnedlSSO. 12m« ~ [email protected] boy on. the fence to boy on the walk: “ You aint got no baby at your house.” - Sneering boy on the walk to boy .on the fence : “ I don’ t care ; our dog has got six pups, aha-a,’’ &