Unity Connection - Unity Health Insurance
Unity Connection - Unity Health Insurance
Unity Connection News for Employers, Summer 2015 In this issue – k Unity’s Personal Wellness Portal k On-Site Flu Shots in the Workplace l Eat Fresh and Delicious l UW Health at The American Center Grand Opening m MedDrop - Getting Rid of Unwanted Medicine m Unity’s Health Management Programs n Making Sense of Sunscreens o Back to School o Backpack Safety Tips o Employer Corner – tools to manage your plan p Unity En Español q Formulary Update r National Health Observances & Employer Resources r Member Newsletter Update Get Moving at Work With busy lives, time for exercise becomes less available and not a priority on the to-do list. Many employees spend the majority of their time at work. Because of this, employers are seeing the value of wellness initiatives to help keep employees healthy. More and more organizations are demonstrating their commitment to wellness by offering wellness programs. Many employers see a financial return on these benefits. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), on average, full-time workers spend more than one-third of their day, five days per week at the workplace. 83 percent of the workforce spends that time in a sedentary job. Inactivity at work has greatly contributed to the obesity rate of adult Americans. Nearly two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. This doubles the risk of heart disease and stroke. That extra weight costs both U.S. employees and organizations directly and indirectly. The AHA also says that annual healthcare costs for an obese employee run about $1,429 higher than those with normal weight. Obesity is linked with other risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Health-related productivity losses add up to more than $225 billion a year. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the potential benefits of a successful workplace health program include – For Employers J Lower health care and disability costs J Enhanced employee productivity J Reduced employee absenteeism J Decreased rates of illness and injuries J Enhanced corporate image J Improved employee morale J Improved employee recruitment and retention J Increased organizational commitment and creation of a culture of health For Employees J Increased well-being, self-image and self-esteem J Improved coping skills for stress or other factors affecting health J Improved health status and lower costs for acute health issues J Lower out-of-pocket costs for health care services (e.g., reduced premiums, lower deductibles, smaller co-payments) J Improved job satisfaction J Safer and more supportive work environment Source: heart.org. This summer get involved in summer events / outdoor activities and more. For more information visit uwhealth.org/news/events/25067. Unity’s Personal Wellness Portal! New! This robust portal offers many tools including exercise resources that help employees track their health. The personal wellness portal The Exercise Examples tab illustrates some core, upper body, lower body and stretching exercises that can be added into an existing exercise plan. In addition, employees can take advantage of many customizable-exercise plans available. employees have a Fitbit, they Each plan shows a full description, including several days of workouts, tips and benefits of each exercise. Employees can also create their own exercise plan and add it to the portal. integrates step activity directly from a Fitbit! If your can log into their personal wellness portal in MyChart and follow the instructions to connect the applications. Once connected, steps will automatically be tracked in the portal so they can manage all of their exercise Note: The personal wellness portal is not part of Unity’s Fitness First & More Program. components in one place! On-Site Flu Shots in the Workplace Each year, Unity recommends that all members get a flu shot. We understand that it may be hard for some of your employees to leave work to get a flu shot. In order to make getting a flu shot easier, we offer to provide this service at the workplace for our employer groups. If you decide to offer a flu shot clinic at your workplace – J Please contact one of the following contracted vendors to schedule your workplace flu shot clinic. UW Home Health (608) 203-2273 Home Health United (608) 276-7584 J The workplace flu shot clinic is intended for Unity members and dependents age 18 and older. Benefits must be in effect at the time they receive the flu shot. Unity must be the member’s primary insurance carrier or the claim will be denied. J The employee must provide their Unity member card prior to getting a shot. unityhealth.com 2 J Flu shots for dependents under the age of 18 given at the workplace will not be covered. We encourage dependents to receive the flu shot at their primary care clinic as they are better equipped to assess each individual need. J Other shots provided by the health care vendor while at the workplace, such as pneumonia and tetanus, will not be covered. If given, any charges for these shots will be the responsibility of the person receiving the shot. J Employers may be responsible for a fee based on the number of individuals who participate. This will be clarified when you contact a contracted vendor. If you choose not to offer an on-site flu clinic, remind your employees that they can visit a participating Unity’s Flu Vaccine Network pharmacy. •To find a pharmacy that participates, go to unityhealth.com/apps/ FindAPharmacy/. When searching, be sure to select “eligible to provide flu vaccinations” (this option is available for Unity members six years of age and older). As a reminder, flu shots are a covered benefit for all Unity members and their families, when administered at their primary care clinic. Flu shots given at their primary care clinic may be subject to copays and deductibles. Please encourage employees to contact Unity Customer Service at (800) 362-3310 for benefit information. Fresh & Delicious! From enjoying produce at the peak of freshness to meeting the people who grow our food, there are many reasons to visit farmers market. Here are five of them! 1.They have the freshest food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits Unity members can be rewarded for 2.Try new foods and flavors leafy vegetables, corn, potatoes, 3.Enjoy the foods of the season from strawberries in the spring to sweet corn in the summer and pumpkins in the fall apples and more grown on a FairShare 4.Limit exposure to foods that include pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and genetic modification reimbursed up to $200 through Unity’s healthy eating! Buy a share of the CSA Coalition member farm and be Fitness First & More program! 5.Support local farmers and the community Grand Opening! UW Health at The American Center On Sunday, August 2, 2015, UW Health at The American Center is opening its doors to welcome everyone to its state-of-the-art facility. This new 496,000-square foot structure features – Sunday, August 2nd! J A 56-bed inpatient hospital for orthopedic and general medical / surgical patients UW Health at The American Center is J Two floors of clinic exam rooms for outpatient care in a variety of clinical specialties inpatient and outpatient services along J A universal care center for outpatient diagnostic and treatment procedures programs. a unique health care campus featuring with wellness and preventive care J Physical and occupational therapy For more information please visit J A wellness, fitness and sports performance wing with therapeutic pool, sports court, sprint track, classrooms and demonstration kitchen uwhealth.org/americancenter J A 24-hour emergency center for evaluation and treatment or transport to UW Hospital and Clinics’ full-service emergency department. unityhealth.com 3 SAVE THE DATE: Cut it out and post it in the break room! For Dane County Residents MedDrop – Getting Rid of Unwanted Medicine According to Safe Communities Madison-Dane County, unintentional poisonings killed more Dane County residents than automobile crashes. It’s likely that unused prescription medications played a role in this sad statistic. Fortunately, Dane County offers a convenient way to safely dispose of unused medications. MedDrop boxes are secure containers located in local Dane County police departments. MedDrop accepts the following – J Prescription Medicine (pills, liquids, creams, powders and patches) J Over-the-Counter Medicine (pills, liquids, creams, powders and patches) J Medications for Pets J Vitamins J Medication Samples J Nebulizer Solution J Inhalers To dispose of medications in the MedDrop boxes, residents can bring their unused or expired medication in a Ziploc bag to the MedDrop location. The boxes are not designed for – J IV Bags J Oxygen Tanks J Nebulizer Machines J Thermometers J Sharps, Epi-pens or anything with a needle or lancet MedDrop locations safercommunity.net/meddrop.php – J Blue Mounds Police Dept. – 11011 Brigham Ave. J Cambridge Police Dept. – 200 South Spring St. J Deerfield Police Dept. – 7 West Deerfield St. J Fitchburg Police Dept. – 5520 Lacy Rd. J Madison Police East District – 809 South Thompson Dr. J Madison Police West District – 1710 McKenna Blvd. J Mazomanie Police Dept. – 133 Crescent St. J McFarland Police Dept. – 5915 Milwaukee St. J Middleton Police Dept. – 7341 Donna Dr. J Oregon Police Dept. – 383 Park St. J Sun Prairie Police Dept. – 300 E. Main St. J UW Police Dept. – 1429 Monroe St. J Waunakee Police Dept. – 205 N. Klein Dr. Note: Other communities outside Dane County may have similar programs. Health Management Programs Available For Your Employees Unity offers the following health management programs – J Asthma J Diabetes J Depression (chronic, situational or postpartum) J 9 Months & More (prenatal / postpartum) J Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) J Anxiety J Hypertension unityhealth.com 4 Each health management program offers educational opportunities, resources, self-management and screening reminders for members who may have a chronic condition. If your employees would like more information about these programs, they can visit unityhealth.com/ healthmanagement or call Unity’s Health Services Department at (866) 884-4601. Making Sense of Sunscreens Summer is here! We all want to spend time outdoors, at the pool, grilling out, biking, jogging, playing with the kids or just walking around enjoying the sights. No doubt we all look forward to these happy summer days; however, it’s also time to protect our skin from sun damage. Without Sunscreen Choose this SPF if you expect to be outdoors for . . . 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 4 Hours 5 Hours Very Fair Skin Never Tans Always Burns Fair Skin Tans Slowly Burns Easily Light Skin Tans Gradually Burns Initially 30 30 30 45 Tans Easily Burns Minimally 8 15 15 30 30 ................................................................................ Dark Skin UVB UVA UVB UVA Must be re-applied every two hours. Subcutaneous layer (tissue under the skin) 8 ................................................................................ Tans Easily Burns Rarely Dermis (second layer of skin) 15 30 30 45 50 ................................................................................ With Sunscreen Broad spectrum sunscreens can block UVB and UVA rays 15 30 45 50 50 ................................................................................ Medium Skin Epidermis (skin surface) UVB sunscreens can Here’s how it works: If it takes 20 block UVBminutes and UVA raysfor Dermis (second layer of skin) Mustred, be re-applied unprotected skin to start turning a SPF 15 sunscreen every two hours. Subcutaneous layer can prevent reddening 15 times longer. That means it (tissue under the skin) would take about five hours for the skin to turn red. UVB rays are the main culprit behind sunburn. UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply and are associated with wrinkling and aging. UVA rays increase the cancer causing effects of UVB and may also be a cause of skin cancer. Sunscreens vary in their ability to protect against UVA and UVB. Without Sunscreen UVA UVB Sunscreen products can be “water-resistant”. The product must specify how long they protect the skin for swimming or sweating, based on standard testing. Sunscreens that are not water-resistant must instruct consumers to use a water-resistant sunscreen if swimming or sweating. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) is a measure of a sunscreen’s ability to prevent UVB from damaging the skin. Most sunscreens with an SPF of 15 or higher do a goodEpidermis job of (skin protecting against UVB rays. Broad spectrum surface) UVA Two kinds of ultraviolet radiation, UVA and UVB, damage the skin. They cause skin to age prematurely and increase the risk of skin cancer. A broad-spectrum sunscreen offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays. With Sunscreen 8 8 15 15 15 Re-apply sunscreen every two hours and after swimming, sweating or toweling off. Another way to look at this is in terms of percentages – • SPF 15 keeps out nearly 93 percent of UVB rays • SPF 30 keeps out 97 percent of UVB rays • SPF 50 keeps out 98 percent of UVB rays Choose this SPF if you expect to be outdoors for . . . 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 4 Hours 5 Hours Very Fair Skin Never Tans Always Burns • No sunscreen currently on the market keeps out all damaging rays! 15 30 45 50 50 ................................................................................ Sunscreens, regardless of strength, are not effective longer than two hours without reapplication. Reddening of the skin is Fair Skin Tans Slowly a reaction to UVB 15 rays alone. 50 exists for the UVA damage that is occurring at the same time. Skin damage 30 No 30such45indicator Burns Easily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .without . . . . . . . . . . . . . . getting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sunburn! ..................................... can happen Light Skin Tans Gradually 30 of six 30 should 45 use a sunscreen daily. Even those who work inside are exposed to 30months Anyone older than 8 the age Burns Initially ................................................................................ ultraviolet radiation for brief periods throughout the day, especially if they work near windows. Generally, windows filter Medium Skin Tans Easily 8 UVA 15rays.15 30 30 out UVB rays but not Burns Minimally ................................................................................ Dark Skin Sources: American Cancer Society cancer.org; Skin Cancer Foundation skincancer.org. Tans Easily Burns Rarely 8 8 15 15 15 Re-apply sunscreen every two hours and after swimming, sweating or toweling off. 5 Back to School! The Employer Corner – Your employees may have children going to college this fall. If they have questions about their coverage, please share the following information. Coverage for Students Attending School Outside of Unity’s Service Area For students covered under their parent’s Unity plan, the student can access emergency or urgent care wherever his or her school is located. In addition, HMO members with full-time students 18 or older who attend school outside of Unity’s service area can be covered for medically necessary care. It is very important that the student request a prior authorization before receiving care to ensure coverage. Prior authorization can be requested through Unity’s Medical Management Department (Supported by the UW Medical Foundation Medical Management Department) by calling (888) 829-5687. If approved, Unity will pay 50 percent of usual, customary and reasonable charges. These charges are determined by Unity and are subject to the maximum benefits stated on your Schedule of Benefits. Note: The HMO benefit for full-time students is not available to State of Wisconsin and Local Government Participants. tools to help you manage your plan MyUnity This online tool provides secure and convenient access to – J Online Enrollment – Manage and add employees and review application status J Benefits – Review eligibility, benefits, coverage and riders For your employees’ younger students Back Safety: Tips for Safe Backpack Use Update your demographic information Although many factors can lead to back pain, some kids can develop back problems because they’re carrying many items all day long. Most doctors recommend that kids carry no more than 10 to 15 percent of their body weight in their packs. J Premium invoices – Here are some ideas to help reduce future back pain – Please remember to Quick Guide J Load the heaviest items closest to the child’s back. J Arrange books and materials so they won’t slide around. J Make sure the child uses proper lifting techniques and carries the bag on both shoulders. unityhealth.com LP! HE J Check what the child carries to school and brings home. Make sure the items are necessary to the day’s activities. J If the backpack is too heavy, consider using a bag on wheels if the child’s school allows it. See your bills online update MyUnity regularly. J Purchase a lightweight bag with wide, padded shoulder straps and multiple compartments. 6 J Account Preferences – Child’s Weight (lbs) Maximum Backpack Weight (lbs) 50 – 60 9 61 – 70 10.5 71 – 80 12 81 – 90 13.5 91 – 100 15 101 – 110 16.5 Remove any employee who is no longer participating in your group’s plan immediately. We also invite you to take a look at the Unity Employer Forms & Resources page in which you will find the most up-to-date forms, including the employee application form for new hires. Unity en Español Consejos de la Doctora Patricia ¡El verano ha llegado! La Doctora Patricia Téllez-Girón le brinda a usted y a sus empleados consejos importantes para disfrutar de este verano de mejor manera. e CUANDO CALIENTA EL SOL... r El cáncer de la piel es un tipo de cáncer que se presenta con cierta frecuencia pero no siempre es mortal o muy agresivo. Por razones obvias el cáncer de la piel se presenta con más frecuencia en las áreas expuestas directamente al sol, como la cara, orejas, cuello, hombros, espalda, brazos y pies. Existen ciertas cosas que predisponen a mayor riesgo – Nuestra Salud Unity Health Insurance y UW Health, con el apoyo del Consejo Latino de la Salud, le recuerda que sintonice el programa de radio Nuestra Salud. Nuestra Salud el primer lunes de cada mes de 9 a.m. a 11 a.m. en WLMV La Movida 1480AM. Próximos programas – J 6 de julio: Comportamientos de riesgo J 3 de agosto: Obesidad J 7 de septiembre: Diabetes y enfermedades del corazón J 5 de octubre: Cáncer J 2 de noviembre: Salud de los adolescentes J 7 de diciembre: Popurrí Conozca más visitando unityhealth.com/es/ nuestra-salud. J Exposición directa y prolongada al sol sin protección J Exposición directa y prolongada al sol cuando somos niños J Uso de camas bronceadoras J Tener piel y ojos claros J Presencia de muchos lunares en todo el cuerpo J Historia familiar o personal de cáncer de la piel J Aparición de nuevos lunares después de los 30 años ¿Cómo saber si se tiene cáncer de la piel? J Si nota la aparición de un lunar nuevo o tiene un lunar que está cambiando de color, haciéndose más oscuro, cambiando de forma volviéndose más irregular y creciendo J Si tiene un lunar que empieza a sangrar J Si nota un crecimiento o ulceración de la piel que no sana Es muy importante que vigile toda su piel, particularmente en la espalda y pies que son áreas que no son fáciles de ver a simple vista. Es importante detectarlo a tiempo pero más importantemente es el tratar de prevenirlo – J Evite exponerse al sol directamente entre las horas de 10 a.m. a 4 p.m. J Evite el exponerse al sol por períodos largos Por la Dra. Patricia Téllez-Girón Catedrática de la Universidad de Wisconsin, Departamento de Medicina familiar, Clínica Wingra 7 Unity Health Insurance • unityhealth.com/espanol J Evite el broncearse en camas de bronceado J Use bloqueadores solares “SPF” de 30 o más arriba. Aplíquelos en todas las áreas que tendrá expuestas al sol, no olvide sus orejas, cuello, cuero cabelludo y pies, pero no crea que por usar estos productos ya está completamente protegido, lo mejor es tratar de no exponerse al sol por períodos largos J Use prendas protectoras como camisas, blusas, sombreros, lentes de sol, etc. J Aún en invierno el sol puede dañar la piel, use protector solar Existen otras cosas que pueden hacer que su piel sea más sensible al sol y que su piel se manche – J Existen medicinas que predisponen a que su piel se manche o se queme más rápidamente Si está tomando alguna medicina, pregúntele a su doctor J Si va a exponerse al sol, no use perfume, loción o cremas que no sean bronceadoras J Si come naranja, limón u otro cítrico lávese las manos bien, el jugo de estos frutos en combinación con los rayos del sol manchan la piel Si el cáncer de la piel se detecta a tiempo, en la mayoría de los casos, puede ser curado, por eso es muy importante la prevención, detección y tratamiento oportuno, si tiene alguna duda acuda a su proveedor(a) de salud. Sea feliz, disfrute del Verano pero de una forma SEGURA, para que pueda seguir cantando por muchos años e CUANDO CALIENTA EL SOL... r ¡Visite nuestra nueva sección de Salud & Bienestar en nuestra página web en español! Con información acerca de Salud del Corazón, Inmunizaciones / Vacunas, Salud de la Mujer, Bienestar Emocional, Diabetes ¡y mucho más! unityhealth.com/español. Formulary Update The following drugs have changed formulary status. These changes were made between February 2015 and April 2015. Members affected by these changes received a letter from Unity containing more details. A change in formulary status of drugs may affect out-of-pocket costs, depending on the current drug benefit. The complete formulary, a description of Unity’s different pharmacy benefit designs and copayment or coinsurance requirements and current prior authorization criteria are available at unityhealth.com, in writing upon request or by calling (888) 450-4884. Members covered under the State of Wisconsin health insurance program should contact Navitus Health Solutions at navitus.com to learn more about their prescription drug benefits. Members covered under the BadgerCare Plus insurance program should call (800) 362-3002. Recently Approved Medications New Product Generic Formulary Status / Notes amphetamine (Evekeo) carbidopa / levodopa ER (Rytary) edoxaban (Savays) empagliflozin / linagliptin (Glyxambi) Tier 3 Tier 3, PA, QL Tier 3 Tier 3, PA fentanyl patches (new strengths) 37.5mg, 62.5mg, 87.5mg Tier 3, PA, QL other strengths available at Tier 1, PA, QL Tier 3 hydrocodone / guaifenesin (Obredon) insulin human, inhalation powder (Afrezza) insulin human recombinant analog, glargine (Toujeo Solostar U-300) lenvatinib (Lenvima) Tier 3, PA naloxegol (Movantik) Tier 3, PA, QL olaparib (Lynparza) Tier 3, PA palbociclib (Ibrance) Tier 3, PA secukinumab (Cosentyx) Tier 3, PA sotalol suspension (Sotylize) Tier 3 testosterone nasal (Natesto) Tier 3, PA umeclidinium (Incruse Ellipta) Tier 3 Tier 3 Tier 3, PA PA = prior authorization required; QL = quantity limit; SP = specialty pharmaceutical; ST = step-therapy required; HT = Half tab program; CL = clinic-administered Products Newly Available as Generics As a reminder, when a new generic becomes available, the brand becomes non-formulary restricted and if the prior authorization is approved, the brand is covered at the Tier 3 copay. Product / Category Equivalent Brand Product Generic Formulary Status / Notes dexmethylphenidate ER Focalin XR Tier 3 estradiol twice weekly patch Vivelle-dot Tier 1, QL guanfacine ER Intuniv Tier 3, QL lamotrigine ODT Lamictal Tier 3 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Changes (Refer to updated Medication PA Criteria on unityhealth.com) Product / Category Change and Effective Date atazanavir / cobicistat (Evotaz) Effective April 20, 2015 added to Tier 2, SP Program Cephalosporin class review Effective April 20, 2015; cefaclor, cefadroxil, cefuroxime and cefprozil were all added to the formulary at Tier 1 darunavir / cobicistat (Prezcobix) Effective April 20, 2015 added to Tier 2, SP Program elvitegravir (Vitekta) Effective April 20, 2015 added to Tier 2, SP Program eslicarbazezepine (Aptiom) Effective March 16, 2015; Tier 3 Growth hormones class review (somatropin) – PA, SP required Effective March 16, 2015 the preferred formulary somatropin product is Norditropin. All somatropin products are included in the Unity Specialty Program. Nasal steroids – PA required beclomethasone (Beconase, Qnasl) budesonide (generic Rhinocort AQ) ciclesonide (Omnaris, Zetonna) flunisolide fluticasone furoate (Veramyst) mometasone (Nasonex) Effective April 1, 2015; all non-formulary nasal steroids require PA. The preferred formulary alternative is fluticasone propionate. Triamcinolone is available over-the-counter without a prescription. naltrexone ER inj (Vivitrol) – PA required, Medical Benefit Effective March 16, 2015, naltrexone ER inj (Vivitrol) requires PA. Naltrexone ER inj is clinic-administered by a health care practitioner and is included as part of the Unity Medical Benefit. omeprazole magnesium (Prilosec OTC) formulary removal Effective June 30, 2015 omeprazole magnesium (Prilosec OTC) will be removed from the formulary. Generic omeprazole is available on the formulary. Where to find information when you have questions Topic Where Available To review Pharmacy Policies and Programs unityhealth.com/pharmacy To check the formulary status or restriction status of a drug or to obtain a copy of the formulary unityhealth.com/drugformulary To review criteria for coverage of a clinic-administered or prescription medication Unity Clinical Pharmacy Program – (888) 450-4884 or unityhealth.com/medpriorauth To speak to a clinical pharmacist about why a Prior Authorization Request was denied Unity Clinical Pharmacy Program – (888) 450-4884 To appeal a Prior Authorization denial Unity Customer Service – (800) 362-3310 To request written information about any pharmacy policy Unity Clinical Pharmacy Program – (888) 450-4884 unityhealth.com 8 National Health Observances •• June J Men’s Health Month (June 15-21) menshealthmonth.org Men’s Health Network menshealthnetwork.org J Migraine and Headache Awareness Month (National) National Headache Foundation headaches.org J National Safety Month National Safety Council nsc.org •• July J Fireworks Safety Month National Council on Fireworks Safety fireworkssafety.org J Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month Arthritis Foundation arthritis.org •• •• August J National Childhood Immunization Awareness Month Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cdc.gov/vaccines J National Breast Feeding Week August 1-7 worldbreastfeedingweek.org La Leche League International llli.org J Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month Prevent Blindness America preventblindness.org J Sun Safety Awareness (National) sunsafetyalliance.org aad.org Employer Toolkits are available for taking steps to help people protect themselves and how immunizations help prevent dangerous and sometimes deadly diseases – J National Safety Month: healthfinder.gov/NHO/JuneToolkit2.aspx J National Childhood Immunization Awareness: healthfinder.gov/NHO/AugustToolkit.aspx Unity Health Insurance 840 Carolina Street Sauk City, WI 53583 For questions, you may contact Unity Customer Service by – J Sending a message through unitymychart.com J Calling (800) 362-3310 Monday – Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Secure messages are answered during normal business hours 9 Member Newsletter Update The following articles will be featured in Pulse – J Summer Sun – Sunscreen products and the dangers of combining medications with sun J Back to school for college students – How to make sure your young adult child stays healthy and stays covered J Fitness – Workouts that count and tools that help count workouts J Men’s health – Seven tips for leading a healthy life J Active Living and Learning – a program for members at risk of developing diabetes And more!
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backpack. Most doctors recommend that kids carry no more than 10 to 15 percent of
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Purchase a lightweight bag with wide,
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