Something Old, Something New… Summer Music West returns!


Something Old, Something New… Summer Music West returns!
N e w s F R O M S a n F r a n c i s c o Con s e r v a t or y of M u s i c • F A L L 2 0 0 7 , Vol u m e 1 , N o . 1
Something Old,
It’s back to school, and along
with a record number of over 400
new and returning students, several
new faculty members have joined
the roster. Cellist Jennifer Culp, on faculty since
1995, returns after a hiatus touring with Kronos
Quartet. At the opposite end of the style spectrum
is newly appointed baroque cellist and gambist
Elisabeth Reed. What drives a musician to one
extreme or the other?
asked them about
their musical inclinations.
What drew you to specialize in your particular
style of music?
Culp: Since my teenage years, I have been drawn to
the exciting and creative process of working with living
composers and being part of those first performances.
However, I did not work exclusively with new music until
joining Kronos Quartet in 1998. Playing an intense amount
of new and unusual repertoire for seven years has given me
a new perspective on the older music.
Reed: My mother is a pianist and, when I was
about 11, she built herself a harpsichord from
a kit. She and her colleagues would sometimes
let me play bass lines with them, which I
enjoyed immensely. When I was in high school,
a performance of the St. Matthew Passion on
period instruments directed by Joshua Rifkin
moved me so much that I couldn’t go to sleep
that night. In my undergraduate years at
Summer Music West returns!
After a one year hiatus, the
Conservatory’s summer program
for young musicians returned
with great success. Thirty-five
students came from across the
United States and as far as France,
Sweden and The Netherlands to
study Gilbert & Sullivan scenes,
(continued on page 3)
Welcome to
the new fall newsletter! If
you haven’t received our
performance calendar,
feel free to request one,
or view it online at
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and artists were once again a core feature
of Summer Music West. Lamplighters
contributed set pieces, over 100 costumes
and many hours of volunteer support for
the Gilbert & Sullivan Scenes program.
The San Francisco Symphony Education
Department presented guest artist recitals
and master classes for ensemble students.
composition, musicianship, and chamber
Composition students worked alongside
music. The students were inspired by
four Bay Area musicians who helped
their new surroundings and the level of
prepare and perform world premieres
their performances was higher than ever.
Collaborations with other arts organizations of the students’ pieces.
Frank Kurtz at 415.503.6268
or [email protected].
> > >2
President’s Message
Faculty News Student News Alumni News Corporate Council
Thanks to our Donors
Faculty and Board
FALL 2007 A Message from the President
Faculty News
In Brief
As I write this letter for this first issue
, I do so with vivid memories
of our first year at 50 Oak Street, and
eager anticipation of a brilliant future
for the Conservatory in its beautiful
new home.
It hardly seems possible that we were
literally moving in last year at this
time. We were barely unpacked when
new students arrived for orientation.
And yet, as the year went forth, we
settled into the rhythm of our new
home and, with the generous patience
and support of students and colleagues
alike, we arrived at Commencement
last May fully settled into our life in
the Civic Center.
Last year’s enrollment set a record,
and we anticipate yet another record
this fall semester. From across the
country and around the world we are
hearing the buzz of our new building.
It is clear to us that the Conservatory
has become an even more desirable
destination for music students than
ever before.
50 Oak Street was made possible
by more than one thousand people
whose generosity helped us fulfill
the dream. Again I offer, on behalf
of all of us at the Conservatory, our
deep appreciation. And I extend a
welcoming invitation to join us at
any of the hundreds of performances
that we will present during academic
year 2007-2008.
Colin Murdoch
David Conte wrote the music to
the American Masters Series T.V.
documentary Orozco: Man of Fire.
The story about Mexican muralist
Jose Clemente Orzco, narrated by
Anjelica Huston, aired on PBS in
mid-September. The documentary
screened at the DeYoung Museum in
San Francisco at the end of September.
Catherine Cook performed Annina in
Der Rosenkavalier with San Francisco
Opera this summer. She also sang
as soloist with the San Francisco
Symphony in the “Summer in
the City” series in De Falla’s Three
Cornered Hat under the baton of
James Gaffigan. She was on the
faculty at Rising Star Singers, which
is an audition training program for
young singers.
Paul Hersh joined the faculty at
the Kneisel Hall Chamber Music
School in Maine this summer. The
festival provides an environment for
serious chamber music students,
who receive coaching and perform in
recitals along with their mentors. On
the other coast, at the Olympic Music
Festival in Seattle, Mr. Hersh played
two all-Dvǒrák recitals with former
Conservatory Prep student, violinist
Amy Schwarz Moretti. His solo
appearances included a Beethoven
recital in New York at the Caramoor
Center for Music and the Arts, where
he will return in October to present a
lecture/recital on Beethoven.
Mack McCray has been invited to
perform and teach master classes at
the Fourth International Piano Festival
of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music
in early October. This is just one
stop for McCray as he accompanies
Admission Director Alexander Brose
and President Colin Murdoch on a
goodwill tour of China.
The Ives Quartet, with faculty
members violinist Bettina Mussumeli
and violist Jodi Levitz, has made its
recording debut on the Naxos label,
releasing a disc of the Quincy Porter
String Quartets 1-4 in August. The disc
has received outstanding reviews: “The
Ives Quartet plays each piece with
fluency and confidence…They have a
wonderful homogeneity of sound and
expression which brings out many
nuances in compositions that, in lesser
hands, may otherwise all sound the
same,”, Aug. 24. The
CD is available at
Bryan Nies conducted Bizet’s Carmen
with Festival Opera of Walnut Creek,
California in July. Critic Georgia Rowe
called his musical direction, “superb,”
and Nies, “undeniably a talent to watch.” He will be conducting performances
of Oklahoma at the Castro Valley
Arts Center and assistant conducting
Massenet’s Werther with Opera
San Jose this fall. Gyan Riley’s song cycle The Wane
of More, for soprano and septet, was
premiered at Carnegie Hall in April. He
recently received a commission from
the San Francisco Foundation to write a
piece for the Paul Dresher Ensemble for
premiere in 2008. Mr. Riley joined the
Conservatory’s guitar faculty this fall.
New Head
Faculty News
(continued from page1)
Oberlin Conservatory there were lots
of opportunities to hear and study
early music. They have an excellent
faculty and a great collection of period
instruments available to the students.
What musical skills and personality
traits help someone master a
specific style of music?
Culp: I would have to say that a solid
classical training serves just about any
style well. An open mind, unrelenting
commitment, and an outstanding sense
of humor serve new music well. I have
found solutions for unplayable passages
with an openness to explore the unusual
path. Whatever style or genre of music
one performs, the passion and commitment are crucial to telling a story.
The Conservatory is pleased to
welcome Kevin McLaughlin as
Head Librarian. Mr. McLaughlin
brings to the Conservatory his
extensive experience as a musician,
educator and librarian. “I view the
library with a performer’s eye in looking
for ways to make improvements. My
approach is to serve this community
of performers in a practical way,
being sensitive to the timing of
circulation to make the materials
accessible when they’re needed.”
Mr. McLaughlin has been active as
a trumpet player, having worked
professionally in Vienna, Los Angeles,
and the Twin Cities. He received his
M.M. from Yale University and
D.M.A. from the University of
Minnesota. He discovered his aptitude
for library work at the St. Paul (MN)
Chamber Orchestra, and subsequently
earned a Master of Library and
Information Science degree from
the University of Washington. Before
coming to the Conservatory in June,
Mr. McLaughlin served for five years
as the Performing Arts Librarian at
the California Institute of the Arts.
Reed: Early Music is a pretty broad term.
For instance, I play music on period
instruments from the Renaissance to
the early Romantic period. An interest
in historical context is important in all
of this music. I find it liberating to think
about what the composer would have
heard and what his musical priorities
might have been. I particularly enjoy
playing continuo (bass lines) in Baroque
music, because of the supportive and yet
essential role they play in the music.
Often, the instrumentalist must be
as experimental and inventive as the
composer in order to achieve the desired
result. As an example, I purchased nine
different guitar picks for locomotive
sounds in a Harry Partch piece. Then
there was the search for the most
resonant pencil to replace a bow, and a
glass bottleneck for fingerboard sliding...
Should I go on?
Reed: In historical performances, we
use vibrato as an ornament rather
than as a consistent part of the sound.
Musical expression comes largely from
the use of the bow; gut strings allow for
a different range of dynamics and bow
speeds than steel strings do. Historical
performance involves playing at
different pitch centers and in different
temperaments. This requires a flexible
way of listening and hearing.
When would students have to
choose a specialization?
Culp: I wonder if specialization may be
something of the past? Students should
be ready for any and everything related
to their musical world. Contemporary
music, in all of its various guises, is one
important part of that journey.
Reed: I don’t think students have to
Speak a bit about the different
approaches to the instrument that
one must take.
Culp: For me, it is so important to have
a willingness to tackle new challenges.
choose to specialize at any time. I think
early music and “modern” studies can
complement and enhance each other.
Students should specialize if and when
that style of playing draws them in.
The Conservatory also welcomes
to the faculty this fall: Sarah Cahill,
keyboard literature; Gyan Riley,
guitar; Rose Theresa, music history
and literature; and San Francisco
Symphony members trumpeter
Jeffery Biancalana, brass chamber
music; Scott Pingel (pictured right),
double bass; Douglas Rioth (pictured
left), harp; and violist Adam Smyla,
orchestral training.
FALL 2007 the challenges of orchestral repertoire
during a rehearsal, engaging the rest
of the orchestra at the same time.”
Mr. Jones studies voice with Cesar
Ulloa, piano with Alla Gladysheva and
conducting with Michael Morgan.
Student News
Ben Jones
Congratulations to graduate student
Ben Jones on his appointment as
Concert Orchestra Conductor for the
San Jose Youth Symphony. Although Mr.
Jones studies voice at the Conservatory,
he has extensive instrumental training
from his youth when he performed
as principal cellist and as principal
hornist with the Central Illinois Youth
Symphony, and as a trumpeter with
the Peoria Jazz All-Stars. Mr. Jones has
been working with students at Presidio
Middle School through the Conservatory
in the Schools program for the past
year. He says this experience “was the
major thing that fully prepared me for
the sort of ‘macro-pedagogy’ that I face
as a conductor for kids. I’m always
strapped for time with the individuals
in the orchestra, but I constantly find
new ways of helping a section overcome
I-Wen Wang received a scholarship to
attend the Paris Piano Program at Ecolè
Normalè de Musiquè de Paris, which
culminated in a recital at the prestigious
Salle Cortot concert hall. Ms. Wang is a
student of Mack McCray.
Sophmore Emma McNairy participated
in the Austrian American Mozart
Academy for six weeks in Salzburg
where she sang the role of Adele in a full
German production of Die Fledermaus.
She gained tremendous confidence in
the past year at the Conservatory that
she brought with her to the Academy.
“The wide variety of ensembles we
perform in, even as freshmen, constantly
keep us on top of ‘our game’ while still
in a safe environment to try new things.”
Ms. McNairy studies with Pamela Fry.
During his second season performing
with the Carmel Bach Festival (CA),
violinist Edwin Huizinga received
the call on a Monday night. Would he
stand in for acclaimed baroque violinist
Elizabeth Wallfish as solo violin in
Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 4
the following night? It was a chance
worth taking. The Monterey Herald
wrote: “Violinist Edwin Huizinga, age
24, displayed star quality and magic
in his virtuosic solo, a moment that
clearly thrilled both the audience and
his colleagues in the orchestra.” Mr.
Huizinga also performed a chamber
recital with renowned tenors Alan
Bennett and Benjamin Butterfield. He
studies with Axel Strauss.
Lo-An lin
Lo-An Lin, 18-yr. old piano student
of Yoshikazu Nagai, just became the
first woman to win the prestigious
Lev Vlassenko Piano Competition
in Queensland, Australia. She won
the first prize, the concerto prize, the
people’s choice prize and the prize
for best performance of an Australian
work, all with hefty cash awards. This,
on the heels of her 2nd Prize and
Special Chopin Prize victories (for best
performance of a Chopin work) at the
2007 Kosciuszko Foundation National
Chopin Piano Competition, in New York
City in April. Go Lo-An!
Musical Outreach
A group of four students from American
Samoa came to the Conservatory for
two weeks this July to study piano
with Preparatory Division Director
John McCarthy, participate in selected
Summer Music West activities and finally
showcase what they learned in a recital.
The middle and high school students
attend Dancing Fingers Piano School in
the capital city of Pago Pago, founded
by their mentor Poe Mageo. Mr. Mageo
described the sounds of Western music
as being foreign on their home island,
where percussion instruments such as
the pate (a hollowed-out log) and the
fala (a rolled-up mat, beaten with sticks)
and string instruments like the ukulele
and guitar are traditional. “Samoan
music relies on improvising and not
necessarily reading music,” says Poe.
“My students have learned to enjoy
Bach and Mozart, and are bringing this
music to our whole community. This
experience at the Conservatory deepened
their appreciation and skills, and we
are taking home an intangible gift.”
The World is Marnie’s Town
Conservatory alumna Marnie Breckenridge
(M.M. voice, ’96) dazzled the Bay Area in the
Alumni News
lead role in the West Coast premiere
of Ned Rorem’s Our Town in
August. Critics praised her “soaring,
crystalline delivery” and applauded
her “consistently flawless” and
“vocally brilliant” performance.
a Conservatory faculty member,
conducted the premiere with what
the San Francisco Chronicle called
“sympathetic urgency.”
Overseas, Ms. Breckenridge’s
career has taken off, with recent
engagements with the Prague State
Opera, Moscow Chamber Orchestra,
Israel Vocal Arts Institute and
Brazilian Opera Society. Her busy
fall schedule will include performing
Pamina in The Magic Flute with
Indianapolis Opera among other
projects. She cites her Conservatory
training as the foundation for her
growing success. Voice faculty
Kathryn Cathcart and Willene Gunn
“gave me a sense of what really
happens in an opera production and
how to prepare. They pushed me to
my limits and encouraged me,” says
Breckenridge. She maintains her
studies with Jane Randolph.
No stranger to premiering new
works, Ms. Breckenridge performed
in Berkeley Opera’s 2006 world
premiere of Clark Suprynowicz’s
sci-fi chamber opera Chyrsalis. She
enjoys the challenge of working on
a premiere: “The music is tricky
to convey because it’s not in the
consciousness of the world—the
public hasn’t been listening to it
over the years like the well-known
operas,” she says. Festival Opera
of Walnut Creek was one of six cocommissioning companies for Our
Town, based on the play by Thornton
Wilder. Festival Opera Artistic and
Music Director Michael Morgan,
In The Spotlight
Frank Wallace (M.M. guitar, ’74)
Uri Wassertzug (M.M. chamber
was appointed artistic director of the
Boston Classical Guitar Society. He is
also working on two recordings for his
label, Gyre. Syzygy, diary of an artist
is a song cycle for mezzo-soprano and
guitar. Lux: A Season of Light, contains
original compositions and arrangements
of traditional seasonal music for solo
guitar. Visit for
more information.
music, ’89) spent the summer as artistin-residence at the Levine School in
Washington, D.C., giving master classes
and performing recitals of little-known
violin/viola duos with his wife, Elizabeth
Field. He will join the faculty at George
Washington University this fall, teaching
viola, violin, and chamber music.
Lynne Aspnes (M.M. harp, ’77) was
named associate dean of the Herberger
College of the Arts at Arizona State
University. This newly-created position
combines Ms. Aspnes’s eight years
experience as associate dean at the
University of Michigan with her
national stature as a harp professor and
performer. She also joins the faculty as
professor of music.
Ian Dicke (B.M. composition, ’04)
was selected as one of three featured
composers at the Cabrillo Music
Festival’s conductor workshop, directed
by Marin Alsop. His piece, Wind-Up was
premiered on August 1 by the Cabrillo
Festival Orchestra. Mr. Dicke’s current
composition projects include a work for
cello and electronics and a large scale
piano piece.
Lise Lindstrom (M.M. voice, ’96)
made her debut with the San Francisco
Symphony as a featured soloist for their
European tour farewell concert, singing
the final scene from Richard Strauss’s
Salome. Joshua Kosman of the San
Francisco Chronicle was full of praise
for her performance; “Her singing was
luxuriant and clear… Her technique
was impeccable, marked by splendid
intonation and rhythmic exactitude.”
FALL 2007 Join Us!
Save the date for
the annual spring gala, a
delightful evening of dining
and music benefiting the
Conservatory’s students and
educational programs.
This year’s
co-chairs, Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Probst, III
will greet you for dinner in
the grand tent, followed by
a short program of beautiful
music presented by our
own students and faculty
in our new
Concert Hall.
Charter Memberships
Awarded for new
Corporate Council
The San Francisco Conservatory of Music has awarded charter
membership in the newly formed Corporate Council to the
following businesses in recognition of their recent support.
The Corporate Council serves as a forum for businesses in the community to
join together in enjoying and supporting the world-class educational programs
and performances at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. These businesses
demonstrate their exemplary leadership and commitment to the Conservatory
and to their community by providing financial support and by reaching out
to their peer businesses to secure new corporate support in the form of cash
and in-kind donations.
Matthew Raphaelson, executive vice president of Wells Fargo and chair of
the Corporate Council explains: “The Corporate Council is our way to engage
the business community through programs that benefit businesses, their
customers, and their employees.”
We are grateful to the following members of the Corporate Council who are
providing leadership for this new initiative: Edward Beck, Patricia Berkowitz,
Didi Boring, Delia Ehrlich, Deepa Pakianthan, Joshua Rafner, Matthew
Raphaelson and Robert Tandler.
The Charter Members in the Corporate Council
Alta Partners
Marshall Strategy
Auerbach & Associates
Marts & Lundy
Citi Group Private Bank
McCall Associates
Coblentz, Patch,
Meta Design
Duffy & Bass LLP
Deutsche Bank Private
M o n d ay
April 28, 2008
5:30 – 9:30 p.m. For more information
about this very special event,
please contact Bess Touma at
[email protected] or 415.503.6261
Wealth Management
Michael Hensley Party Rentals
Morrow-Meadows Corp.
Oppenheim Lewis, Inc.
Flack + Kurtz
Page & Turnbull
Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc.
Peterson Skolnick & Dodge
Golden Gate Moving Company
Piedmont Piano
Grubb & Ellis
Pillsbury Winthrop
Jacqueline Jones Design
Robert Fountain Event Design
Jane Hammond Events
San Francisco Examiner
KDFC Radio
San Francisco Magazine
See’s Candies, Inc.
Sherman Clay and Co.
Kochis & Fitz
Lawrence Newhouse, Inc.
Washington Mutual
MacKenzie Communications
Wells Fargo
We invite you to explore
new and exciting ways to
support our students.
James H. Schwabacher, Jr.
Memorial Studio
Capital Campaign
It’s not too late to make a contribution to the Campaign for the Future of
Music, and if you have not done so already, we invite you to add your name
to the list of donors who have helped realize our vision. Gifts of any size
are welcome, and we hope you will consider giving as generously as you
can. Whether you would like to see your name on our Honor Roll of Major
Donors (gifts of $25,000 and above) or honor a favorite music teacher
or family member with a seat in a performance hall (gifts of $1,000 and
above), we need your help to reach our campaign goal. For information
about naming opportunities, please call Nancy Sackson at 415.503.6286.
Join a Society or Group
Become a Friend of the Conservatory
Your tax-deductible contribution of $50 or more ($30 for seniors
and students) introduces you to the Conservatory and its world-class
The Conservatory Society
Recognizes a select group of the Conservatory’s most devoted supporters
at the $1,000 and above level.
Ada Clement Planned Giving Society
Named for one of the Conservatory’s founders, pianist Ada Clement,
the society was created to recognize donors who generously provide for
the Conservatory through deferred gifts.
Endow a Fund
Gifts to the endowment may be made in cash, stock, as bequests, for
through a variety of planned giving vehicles. Choose a scholarship
fund or a faculty chair.
Corporate Council
Recognizes corporations who demonstrate their exemplary leadership
and commitment to the Conservatory and to their community in the
form of cash and in-kind donations.
Other Giving Opportunities
• Donate appreciated stock, mutual funds or securities
• Ask your employer about matching gifts or
corporate sponsorship
• Honor someone who loves music with a tribute gift
• Donate your vehicle or a musical instrument
• Explore the financial advantages of giving through
the Pooled Income Fund
• Support the Alumni Scholarship Fund
For more information contact
Bess Touma at 415.503-6261 or [email protected]
June Hom at 415.503-6201 or [email protected]
Give online at
When James H. Schwabacher, Jr.
died last July, the music world
lost the man Robert Commanday
called “San Francisco’s Gentleman
of Music” and the Conservatory
lost one of our closest and most
devoted friends.
The Conservatory invites you to
honor his legacy by participating
in a campaign for the James H.
Schwabacher Memorial Studio.
Renowned philanthropist Richard
Goldman has generously offered
a dollar for dollar challenge
of $50,000 to name a teaching
studio at the new Conservatory
in memory of Mr. Schwabacher.
All donors to the Schwabacher
Memorial Studio will be
recognized on a plaque that will
hang in the studio.
We hope you will consider joining
us in this tribute to a beloved
friend of the San Francisco
Conservatory of Music.
FALL 2007 Thank You Supporters
The San Francisco
Conservatory of Music
is grateful to its many
supporters for contributions
received from July 1, 2006 to
June 30, 2007. Thank you
for playing your part in the
Future of Music.
Conservatory Society
$1,000 and above
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Aaron
John Adams and Deborah O’Grady
Paul Franz Albert
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Alberts
Jola and John Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Apatoff
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Atwood
Constance Goodyear Baron and
Barry C. Baron, M.D.
Ann Fay Barry Giurlani
Mr. and Mrs. Kent T. Baum
Nancy and Joachim Bechtle
Edward W. and Marshia A. Beck
Robert and Margaret Beck
Patricia H. and John C. Beckman
Fund of The Oregon Community
Louis de K. Belden
Mr. Andrew J. Bellotti
Richard and Denise Bergmann
Patricia and Edwin Berkowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Berry
Eileen and Joel Birnbaum
Mrs. Katherine Black
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson S. Bogart
Drs. Richard and Nancy Bohannon
Didi and Dix Boring
Mr. Vincent G. Boston
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Bowes, Jr.
Bob and Roberta Brickell
Ms. Barbara Brown
Ava Jean Brumbaum
Carol Franc Buck
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Buckley, Jr.
Shirley and Dick Cahill
Carol and Lyman Casey
Dr. Chi-Foon and Rebecca-Sen Chan
Mr. Sherman Chen
Donovan K. Ching
Nancy Clark and Bill Broach
Ms. Laurie Cohen
Marie B. Collins
Shirley Ross Davis
Anne J. Davis
Mr. Wesley Day
Mr. and Mrs. André Paul P. de Bord
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Deleage
Sondra C. deRoulet
Mrs. Ranieri di San Faustino
Christina and Neil Diver
Mrs. Elizabeth Otto Dohrmann
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dolby
Carol Pucci Doll
Anne Sterling Dorman
Sterling and Chester Dorman
James and Jean Douglas
Mrs. Morris Doyle
Dorothy and Jack Edelman
Barbara and Bill Edwards
Delia Fleishhacker Ehrlich
Lisa and Chris Ennis
Jacqueline and Christian Erdman
Ms. Helen E. Faibish
Mr. and Mrs. Saturnino S. Fanlo
Mrs. A. Barlow Ferguson
Adelaide and Frederick Finseth
Timothy and Virginia Foo
Ms. Linda E. Foreman
French American International
School Board of Directors
Fritz Family Foundation
Ms. Alison F. Geballe
Fred Gellert, Jr. and
Annette Gellert, Fred Gellert
Family Foundation
Vance Y. George
Mrs. Harold B. Getz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Go
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goggio
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Goldman
Richard N. Goldman
Catherine and David Goodman
Mrs. Robert M. Greenhood
Ms. Jane Haight
Mr. David W. Hall
Barbara Hancock
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Hart
Ms. Charlene Harvey and
Mr. Michael McCone
Warren and Carla Hashagen
Ruth and Alfred Heller
Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren Hellman
Mr. and Mrs. John Hendrickson
Janet and Frank Hill
Ms. Adrienne Hirt and
Mr. Jeffrey Rodman
Mr. Yue-shun E. Ho
Dr. and Mrs. C. Lester Hogan
Mr. Wolfgang S. Homburger
Mr. James C. Hormel and
Mr. Timothy C. Wu
Darril Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hume
Dr. Elizabeth Hume and
Mr. Jay Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Johnson, Jr.
Estate of Edna Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Karkar
The Honorable Barbara Kaufman
and Mr. Ron Kaufman
Mr. Stanley Kelly
Mrs. Patricia H. Kelso
William and
Gretchen Kimball Fund
Rachel E. Kish
Mrs. Donna S. Kline
Ms. Karen J. Kubin
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Larkin
Richard and Tatwina Lee
Doris S. Lee
Jack and Alice Leibman
Ms. Nancy E. Lem
Fred M. Levin and Nancy Livingston,
The Shenson Foundation
Scott and Laurie Lewis
Jeannik Méquet Littlefield
Mrs. Diane B. Lloyd-Butler
Mr. David N. Low and
Ms. Dominique Lahaussois
Mr. Jack H. Lund
Jan Maakestad
Ms. Josie Mar
Richard A. Marciano and
Teresa Middleton
Miss Josephine Markovich
Frank Stein and Paul S. May
Pat and Susie McBaine
Mr. and Mrs. A. Doug McLean
Kathryn K. McNeil
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McPherrin
Teresa and Mark Medearis
Clifford and Rose Meltzer
Ms. Susanne Mentzer
Ms. Beverly Merrill
Lorna Meyer and Dennis Calas
Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer
Lisa and John Miller
Drs. Craig and Natalie Miller
Vivienne E. Miller
Ms. Gloria Miner
Marilyn Mir
William and Ursula Moffett
Mrs. Joseph A. Moore
Maura and Robert Morey
Milton J. Mosk and
Thomas Foutch
Willa and Ned Mundell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nadig
Al H. Nathe
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Negi
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Nicolai
Michael N. Norem
Mr. and Mrs. E. John Northwood
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. O’Hanlon
Ms. Dorothy A. Orrick
Mr. John S. Osterweis and
Ms. Barbara Ravizza
Deepika R. Pakianathan and
Phil Pemberton
Ann and Jim Paras
Ms. Margaret L. Parker and
Mr. Glenn Addleman
Virginia Patterson
Melissa and Ritchie Post
Ms. Tammy Preuss
Estate of Walter P. Quintin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Rafner
Damon Raike
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raphaelson
Bob and Jane Regan
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Renard
Mr. Paul A. Renne
Ms. Margaret S. Rocchia
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rolland
Mr. and Mrs. Claude N.
Rosenberg, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. George Rosenkranz
Joseph A. Rosenthal
Patti and Rusty Rueff
Bob and Terri Ryan
Mr. James E. Ryan
Sarlo Foundation of the Jewish
Community Endowment Fund
Mr. Michael J. Savage
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, Jr.
The Sher-Right Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin M. Shonfeld
Honorable and
Mrs. George P. Shultz
Mrs. Eugene A. Shurtleff
Walt and Beth Simpson
Mrs. Camilla Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Snyder
Betsy and Bob Stafford
Frank Stein and Paul S. May
Maureen and Craig Sullivan
Robin Sutherland, ‘75
Mr. Steven Tallman
Mr. and Mrs. Massimo G. Tenino
Ms. Phyllis G. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B. Tilden
Ms. Marie Tilson
Mrs. C. Dickson Titus
Ms. Carol H. Tolan
Drs. Jane Chang Tom and
Sanford Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Tuller
Mr. Rex Vaughan
Reverend Jan Warmerdam
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. V. Whitman
Mrs. Alfred S. Wilsey
Mr. and Mrs. Ashford D. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wornick
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Young
Diane and Howard Zack
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Zderic
Friends of the Conservatory
$500 - $999
Ms. Kathryn L. Anderson
Mrs. Edgar E. Baker
Mrs. Betty Blomberg
Drs. Seymour Boorstein and
Sylvia Boorstein
Michael J. Bozzini
Ms. F. Elizabeth Burwell
Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Cravens
Stephan and Irina Doliov
Mr. Clark W. Fobes
Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Halsey
Mrs. Jonathan Hau
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Highberg
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Kaplan
Ms. Linda G. Kendall
Mr. David A. Lauer
J. Stoner Lichty, Jr.
Angela C. Little
Mr. Harry Lum
Ed and Lisa McEachron
Russell H. Miller, Jr.
Mr. John R. Nelson
Barbara Newton
Dr. and Mrs. Erik Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Otellini
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Rohlen
William and Joan Roth
Mrs. Bernadette Sarouli
Marion L. Scholten
Mr. Adam Shalleck and
Ms. Jacqueline Lange
Mr. William McNair Siegel
Jim Sisley
Ruth and Alan Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Lubert Stryer
Michael Tilson Thomas, Joshua
Martha Doerr Toppin
Thomas Tragardh and David Cortez
Ms. Masako M. Velasquez
Robert and Martha Warnock
Dr. Ralph Weilerstein
George and Linda Wertheim
Gregg Witkoski and Akiko Downs
Ms. Susan M. Worts
Mr. Jerry G. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. A. Lee Zeigler
Very good concerts and
I am continually amazed
at the quality of the
David Gan,
Friend of the Conservatory
$250 - $499
Mr. and Mrs. William Abrams
Maria D. Allo and WD Andrews
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Barbaccia
Laura A. Berezin
William I. Bernell
Curtis and Robin Caton
Martin and Kathleen Cohn
Mr. Robert Cook and
Ms. Blanca L. Haendler
Ms. Carol G. Costigan
Carol Eisenberg and
Raymond Linkerman
Roland and Lois Feller
Ms. Lia Fernald and Mr. Guy Haskin
Mr. Robert Frear and
Mr. Tim Kennedy
R.T. Freebairn-Smith
Mr. Michael Garland and
Ms. Virginia Coe
Ms. Barbara Hasten
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Johnson
Walter Kennedy
Mr. Harold Korf
Mr. Almon E. Larsh, Jr.
Eugene and Gwen Lavin
Kathryn S. Lawhun and
Mark S. Shinbrot
Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. P. Lion
Dr. and Mrs. G. Karl Ludwig, Jr.
Luscutoff, Lendormy & Associates
Mr. John McBaine
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure
Mrs. Lore H. McGovern
Mr. Edward P. Miner
Mr. John Modell
Mrs. James B. Moffatt
Mr. John H. Moore
Mary Joan Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Lance D. Nagel
Mr. Douglas Ousterhout
Ms. Nancy J. Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Paulson
Christiane Pelletier
Chet Roaman
Mr. Russell Stanaland
Dr. Kristine A. Steensma
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Symmes
Dr. Thomas L. Tarnowski
Mrs. Stephen Varnhagen
Mr. Edward F. Walsh, Jr.
Mr. Harold Waterman
Mrs. Donna Jean Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Weilerstein
Mr. David Zuckerman and
Ms. Elsa Rosenberg
$100 - $249
Anonymous (5)
Dennis and Kathleen Abbe
Wayne and Alida Abraham
Drs. Stan and
Helen Ishida Abramson
Ms. Diane G. Adams
Elaine Adamson and Edward Gould
Mr. William D. Adler
Mr. James Ahrens
Drs. Paul and Geraldine Alpert
Norm and Della Alvares
Ms. Laura-Jean Anderson and
Mr. James Pooley
Daphne Bryan Andreani
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Andrews
Mrs. Margery Anson
Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Arrowsmith
Cedric and Dorothy Bainton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker-Lehne
Ms. Barbara L. Barck
Dr. Michael Barlowe and
the Rev. Paul Burrows
Ms. Lorraine A. Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bassan
Mr. J. Peter Baumgartner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norman Bee
Mr. John J. Beeston
Ms. Marion Bell
Ms. Lisa Bellm
Dr. and Mrs. Avi Ben-Ora
Mr. and Mrs. August D. Benz
Ms. Laura E. Bernabei
Mr. Robert Bernardini
Paula Beroza
Mr. Ashton Bisbee
Mrs. Donna L. Blacker
Joanne Blokker
Allan Blumenfeld
Mr. William D. Bombria
Breed Family
Mr. Michael Brown and
Ms. Mary Gould
Virginia and Norman Brown
Mr. Robert Bruner
Dr. and Mrs. Earl W. Bryant
Ms. Sara S. Burke
Dr. William M. Burke
Mr. Franklin Burney
Mrs. De Witt Burnham
Ms. Eugenia Halsey Buss
Dr. Mary E. Cantrell
Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr
Dr. Norman F. Carrigg
Dr. Arthur Cerf
Mrs. Mary K. Cervantes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Chafian
Joseph K. Chan
Ms. Jenny M. Chingon
Ethan and Sundra Christensen
Ms. Maureen Clarke
Drs. James and Linda Clever
Mr. Mark Colin
Ms. Huguette Y. Combs
Greg Conlon
Rudolph R. Cook
Mr. Germano Corazza
Ms. Priscilla Cortez
Mr. and Mrs. William Corvin
Mr. Hugh J. Coughlin
Mr. Copley E. Crosby
Dr. Patricia A. Crowley
Barbara A. Daily
Sally and William Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dash
S. Davison
Mrs. Elinor de Limur
Mr. Paul C. Deckenbach
Barbara Dengler
Howard and Kathryn Diamond
Mr. Daniel Druckerman
Linda Eby
Mr. Dan Eisenstein
Mr. Alan M. Eisner
Ms. Margareta Ekblad and
Mr. Vojtech Licko
Ms. Donna Ellis
Walter R. Ems
Ms. R. Elizabeth Erickson
Ms. Julia Erickson
Mrs. Susan Euphrat
Mr. Philip Fernandez
Mr. Charles Fetterman
Mrs. Emily H. Fine
Mary Ellen Fine
Bette T. Floreani and
Donald K. Anderson
Richard J. Forde, M.D.
Mr. Richard L. Frank
Ms. Joyce Frankenberg
Mr. Marc D. Freed
Ms. Kathi Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freidenberg
Martin D. Fried
Ms. Mary L. Gadbois
Mr. Thomas R. Gambrel
Josephine Gandolfi
Mr. Francis Gates
Mr. Daniel Gelbaum
Martin Gellen
Mr. George Gemignani
Ms. Joan Gilbert and
Mr. Joel Armstrong
Tong Lai Ginn and Susan Gibbs
John and Sheila Girton
Mrs. Joan Ganders Glassey
Marta Cuadra Gonzalez
Mr. William G. Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Graham III
Mrs. Richard Gratton
Flora Greenhoot
Ms. Lynda Carol Gribben
Dr. Peter L. Grossman
Mr. Kenneth Gundry
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Gurevitz
Mr. and Mrs. Ulf Gustafsson
Mr. Roger Guy-Bray
Ellen and Roger Hahn
Albert P. Halluin
Mr. William Hamilton
Mr. Steven Hammerschlag
Jane Hammond Events
Jean R. Hansen
Mr. Gary Harmon
Marsha G. Harris
Mr. Eugene L. Hartman
Mrs. Herbert H. Hastings
Ms. Jacqueline E. Haveman and
Mr. Nathan Dwiri
Ms. Kirsten Havrehed
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace R. Hawley
Rebecca E. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Heald
W. J. Heap
Mr. Richard L. Heidelberg
Peggy and Ralph Heineman
Mr. Richard G. Henderson
Ms. Nancy L. Henry
Bill Hill
Ms. Alison M. Hill
Joanne Hively
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Horton
Mr. Charles Howland
Mr. Robert Hsi
Ms. Jocelyn S. Hunter
Mr. Lewis E. Hutchison
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Hynson
Tucker and Charmly Ingham
Mr. Russell G. Irwin
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Jacobs
Dr. Laurence Jacobs
Ms. Merle Jacobson
Ms. Dagmar L. Jamison
Mr. A. Roger Jeanson and
Ms. Jean Mileff
Mr. Herbert Jeong
Mr. Alvin Johnson
Ms. Carol R. Johnson
Mr. Todd S. Johnson
Susan T. Jordan and
Michael A. Jordan
Mr. Joseph M. Joyce
Ms. Loretta Juhas
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kales II
Ms. Trudi Michael and
Mr. Bruce Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Miller
Judith and Walter Miller
Mr. Warren Miller and
Dr. Britt-Marie L. Ljung
Hye Yeong Min and Tom McDonald
D. G. Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mitchell
Ms. Carol Mowbray
Catherine Munson
Mr. Fred J. Muribus
Mr. Randall S. Murley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Murphy
Ms. Doerte Murray
Ms. Judy H. Nelson
Bari and Stephen Ness
Mr. Charles Newman
Mr. Richard Nicewonger
Mr. D. Warner North
Nancy and Robert Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Obermeyer
Mr. James E. O’Donnell and
Ms. Martha C. Haywood
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Oliver
Ms. Mairin O’Mahony
Ms. Elizabeth O’Malley
Mehmet and Denise Orun
Barbara Z. Otto
Ms. Hope Page and
Mr. Albert Norris
Dr. Arthur R. Paik
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Passmore
Paul C. Peacock
I support the Conservatory because
it is an important source of fresh talent
and creative energy for the musical life
of the Bay Area and the West.
John Barnes, Friend of the Conservatory
Mr. Leo Kane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Kaplan
Ms. Ruth R. Karlen
Mr. and Mrs. Max Kellenberger
Mr. and Mrs. E. Paul Kelly
Sara Keyak
Dr. Behzad Khosrovi
Nelda Kilguss
Mr. Anthony King
Leonard E. Kingsley
Mrs. Patricia W. Klitgaard
Ms. Constance Kobayashi
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kolotkin
Mr. Leslie Lamport
Bland Lane
Catherine Langridge
Mr. Thomas A. Larsen and
Mr. Richard W. Champley
Mr. Richard L. Ledon
Ms. Arlene V.H. Lee
C.K. Lee
Ms. Dorothy Lee
Mr. Peter Lee
Sharonjean Leeds and
Dr. Richard Leeds
Mr. Jean-Yves Lendormy
Dieter and Huguette Lenz
Dr. Richard Leonards
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Levin
Dr. James Levine
Mr. Gordon Lew
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lindstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Al Lipske
Mr. Charles Little
Mr. David Little
Britt-Marie Ljung
Frank and Sally Lopez
Mr. John T. Lopez
Mr. Edward W. Lorimer
Mrs. Denise A. Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Lowens
Mr. Paul T. Lufkin
Jim Lyle
Mrs. Cynthia V. MacKay
Ms. Antoinette O. Maleady
Dr. John Mark
Timothy and Margaret Martin
Mr. Norman Masonson
Mrs. Edna F. Mass
Mr. Eldon H. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Warren McCausland
Mr. Michael McGrady
Winton and Margaret D. McKibben
Thomas R. Houran and
William M. Medigovich
Ms. Barbara J. Meislin
Mr. Howard C. Mel
Mr. Michael Mellor
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mendelson
Albert W. Meyer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyyappan
George Pedrick
Louise M. Pescetta
Frances Wong Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Peterson
Mr. Thomas Petrone, Jr.
Angus Whyte and
Thom Grexa Phillips
Donald L. Plondke
Mrs. Daniel Pommon
Janet Wadsworth Poth
Ms. Christine Powell and
Mr. Bern Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Purcell
Ms. Evelyn Raffin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Ramsay
Mr. Arthur J. Remedios
Professor Walter E. Rex
Rob R. Rhudy
Mrs. Laurose Richter
Mr. Harvey Ridley
Jose Rivera-Lluberas
W.T. Robbins
Ms. Susan Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robins
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Robinson
Mr. William Robinson
Nancy and Darin Rock
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rockwell
Mr. Todd Roof
Dr. Robert A. Root, M.D.
Jovita Roschinger and
Peter M. Roschinger
FALL 2007 Thank You Supporters
Dr. and Mrs. David H. Rose
Mr. Gerald B. Rosenstein
Mrs. James Ross
Mr. James Ross
Ms. Hermina M. Rosskopf
Ms. Mary Rudden
Father Kenneth Ryan, O.P.
Dr. Richard Ryan
Mr. Terrence Ryan
Mr. David Sadava
Sherry Sandel
Denise Scaglione
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Schellinger
Mr. and Mrs. H. Alton Schick
Mr. Gary Schilling
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Donn Schroder
Lena Schuman and
Vladimir Naroditsky
David and Isis Schwartz
Wesley Sebren
Marilyn G. Seiberling
Mr. Edmund Sheffield
John H. Shinkai
Francis R. Shoemaker
Ms. Mary Ellen Shook
Jeff Shuttleworth and
Cecilia Gaerlan
Mrs. Joanie Silverstein
Mr. Howard A. Simon and
Ms. Vivien R. Igra
Ms. Sheila Simon
Ms. Wendy Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Skylor
Ms. Beatrice Slater
Jacqueline and Lawrence Slayen
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Small
Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Smith
Derek and Stephanie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Smith
Mr. Michael Somers
Mr. Thomas H. Sponsler
Ms. Cecilie Starin
Mr. John M. Stedman and
Ms. Julie Brook
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stein, Jr.
Drs. Madlyn and Thomas Stein
Ms. Jo A. Stewart
Robert Edward Steyer
Mr. John Stutesman
Ms. Robin A. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sydow
Fred Quintara and Stella Sze
James and Annie Tai
Ms. Judith L. Teichman and Mr.
Chester F. Relyea
Sam Thal, M.D.
Judith Tornese and Jerry Winters
Ms. Meg Troughton
Jerome Tulchin
Maria Ury
Nancy and Paul Valentine
Dr. Lola Lee Van Compernolle
Mrs. Barbara V. Van der Veer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vaszko
Leslys Garrow Vedder
Terry and Mary Vogt
David M. Wade and Marian Marsh
Albert Wald
Stephen P. Wallace
Judith B. Walsh
William Wara, M.D.
Mrs. Manya Warner
Ramona Wascher
A. J. Watson
Mr. John W. Weatherman
Ronald Welch and Ellen Watson
Irene H. Wentland
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard G. Werth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wertz
Dr. George and Bay Westlake
Ms. Nancy P. Weston
Robert T. Weston
Dr. Joan R. Wheelwright
Drs. Steven and Emma White
Mr. John Wickey
Ms. Kendall Wilkinson
Virginia Tveit Wilson
Mr. Ed Winer
Mr. Klaus Wirsing
Maylene Wong
Mr. Warren J. Wong
Mr. William W. Wong
Ms. Margaret Wrensch
Phil and Gail Wright
Mr. Larry Yabroff
Ms. Catharina Young
David N. Young
Mr. Barry Zevin and
Ms. Maggie P. Roberts
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Ziegler
Mike Zimmerman
Ms. Angela Zink
$2,500 to $4,999
Conservatory Faculty and Staff
$100 to $999
Mr. Christopher Basso
Mr. Daniel Jack Becker
Ms. Kay Coleman
Kip Cranna
Mr. Jacques Desjardins
Karen and Gerald Heather
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Imbrie
Frank and Linda Kurtz
Dr. Bruce A. Lamott
Joseph M. Mace and
Peter G. Thoresen
Mr. Zaven Melikian
Colin and Sam Murdoch
Mr. Lawrence R. Newhouse,
Ms. Susan K. Barnett and
Lawrence Newhouse Inc.
Piano Services
Lisa Petrie and Nico Stuurman
Melissa and Ritchie Post
Jane Randolph
Nancy and Howard Sackson
Lena Schuman and
Vladimir Naroditsky
Ms. Elizabeth A. Touma
Institutional gifts
$100,000 and above
The Ann and Gordon Getty
The William and Flora Hewlett
$10,000 to $99,999
Alta Partners
Frank A. Campini Foundation
Citigroup Foundation
Compton Foundation, Inc.
Deutsche Bank Americas
David B. Gold Foundation
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
Grants for the Arts of the
San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
ISOM Foundation
Margoes Foundation
The Henry Mayo Newhall
The San Francisco Foundation
Sequoia Trust Fund
Wallis Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
$5,000 to $9,999
Bettina Baruch Foundation
Labatt Food Services
Edna Reichmuth Scholarship Trust
The Laney Thornton Foundation
Jessie Wegner Trust0
The Carl Gellert & Celia Berta
Gellert Foundation
Machiah Foundation of the Jewish
Community Endowment Fund
Moore Dry Dock Foundation
The Presser Foundation
Emma Lou Young Music Fund of the
Jewish Community
Endowment Fund
$1,000 to $2,499
Auerbach & Associates
Flack + Kurtz Inc.
Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc.
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Hospitality Industry Association
Kirkegaard and Associates
Kochis Fitz
The Low Wood Fund, Inc.
National Council of Jewish Women
Page & Turnbull
Swinerton Family Fund
Bonneville International
Corporation/KDFC Radio
Center for Learning in Retirement
Yahoo! Inc.
Matching Gifts
Adobe Systems
Agilent Technologies
Alexander & Baldwin, Inc.
Bank of America Foundation
California Wellness Foundation
Chevron Corporation
Deutsche Bank Americas
Federated Department Stores
Genentech, Inc.
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
HSBC Matching Gift Program
IBM Corporation
Intel Foundation
KKR Financial, LLC
Microsoft Corporation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
State Farm Companies Foundation
Varian Medical Systems
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gift Program
Significant In-Kind
Dr. Donald Aitken
Ambrosia Bakery
Dr. Barry C. Baron and Mrs.
Constance Goodyear Baron
Bonneville International
Didi and Dix Boring
Ava Jean and Harold Brumbaum
Mr. Jim Caravello
Mr. and Mrs. André Paul P. de Bord
Mrs. Ranieri di San Faustino
Christina and Neil Diver
Ebisu Japanese Cuisine
Mrs. A. Barlow Ferguson
Robert Fountain Event Design
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Guillou
Jane Hammond Events
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. Handin
Mr. L. John Harris
Michael S. Hensley Party Rentals
Ms. Bernadette Howard-Gibbon
In Performance Series at the Cowell
Theater at Fort Mason
Supported by: Grants for the Arts/
San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund
The William and
Flora Hewlett Foundation,
The Fort Mason Foundation
Mr. Petr Jerabek
Jacqueline Jones Design
KGO Radio
Mrs. Maria Kushelevsky
Mr. Arthur Leino
Mr. James A. Leuker
Dr. Richard V. Lynch III
Irene B. Marble Trust
McCall Associates
Mr. Seth Meteyer
Lisa and John Miller
The Omni Foundation for the
Performing Arts
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLC
Mrs. Lise Deschamps Ostwald
Peterson Skolnick & Dodge LLC
Maestro and Mrs. Donald Runnicles
San Francisco Examiner
San Francisco Magazine
San Francisco Opera
San Francisco Performances
San Francisco Symphony
Mr. Victor Stone
Stuppin Fund for the Arts of
Community Foundation Sonoma
Mr. Conrad Susa
Ms. Judith Taylor
Mrs. Caroline G. Torre
Tufts, Stephenson & Kaspar, LLP
Mr. Jeffrey J. Wells
Campaign Gifts
and pledges received through
June 30, 2007, includes tribute
gifts credited to the Campaign
$25,000 and above
Mrs. Agnes Albert
Jola and John Anderson
Michael and Monique Apatoff
Mr. and Mrs. Kent T. Baum
Nancy and Joachim Bechtle
Edward W. and Marshia A. Beck
Louis de K. Belden
Patricia and Edwin Berkowitz
Paul and Kathy Bissinger
Donald and Katherine Black
Drs. Richard and Nancy Bohannon
Didi and Dix Boring
The Bothin Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William K. Bowes, Jr.
Mr. George M. Bowles
Ava Jean and Harold Brumbaum
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bryan
Carol Franc Buck Foundation
Eva Benson Buck Charitable Trust B
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Buckley, Jr.
C.M. Capital Foundation
Mr. J. Peter Cahill
Estate of Emy and
Lewis S. Callaghan
Carol and Lyman Casey
Dr. Chi-Foon and Rebecca-Sen Chan
Dr. and Mrs. Yanek S. Y. Chiu
Columbia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. André Paul P. de Bord
Mr. and Mrs. Jean Deleage
Reid and Peggy Dennis
Mrs. Ranieri di San Faustino
Patricia Swig Dinner
Christina and Neil Diver
Carol Pucci Doll
Mrs. Morris Doyle
Eldorado Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Elvebak
Mr. and Mrs. Staffan Encrantz
Jacqueline and Christian Erdman
Mr. and Mrs. George Ettelson
Mr. and Mrs. Saturnino S. Fanlo
Mrs. A. Barlow Ferguson
Ms. Carolyn Zecca Ferris
Timothy and Virginia Foo
Mrs. Howard Friedman
Fritz Family Foundation
The Ann and
Gordon Getty Foundation
Claire Giannini Fund
William G. Gilmore Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Goggio
David B. Gold Foundation
Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
Constance Goodyear Baron and
Barry C. Baron, M.D.
Grubb & Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Gruber
Walter and Elise Haas Fund
Crescent Porter Hale Foundation
Mr. David W. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Hart
Ms. Charlene Harvey and
Mr. Michael McCone
Warren and Carla Hashagen
Estate of Margaret M. Hayden
Mr. Alvin Hayman
Mr. and Mrs. F. Warren Hellman
Estate of Robert Helps
The Herbst Foundation, Inc.
The William and
Flora Hewlett Foundation
Estate of Jacqueline Hoefer
Mr. James C. Hormel and
Mr. Timothy C. Wu
Darril Hudson
The James Irvine Foundation
The William G. Irwin
Charity Foundation
Raymond and Elsie Kelly
William and
Gretchen Kimball Fund
Estate of June Hope Kingsley
The June Hope Kingsley Trust
Koret Foundation
The Stanley S. Langendorf
Richard and Tatwina Lee
Mr. John Lee
Doris S. Lee
Fred M. Levin and Nancy Livingston,
The Shenson Foundation
Jeannik Méquet Littlefield
Richard A. Marciano and
Teresa Middleton
Mr. Bruce McEver
Mrs. Anne Gianinni McWilliams
and The McWilliams
Family Donor Advised Fund
Mericos Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alec Merriam
Steven L. Merrill
Lisa and John Miller
Montgomery Street Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Moore
Maura and Robert Morey
Willa and Ned Mundell
Colin and Sam Murdoch
Northern California Community
Loan Fund
Mr. Donald L. Oestreicher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. O’Hanlon
Estate of Mildred F. Oliva
Oscar E. Olson Family Trust
The Bernard Osher Foundation
The Bernard Osher Philanthropies
Foundation of the Jewish
Community Endowment Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Otter
Marie Kendrick Otto Foundation
Deepika R. Pakianathan and
Phil Pemberton
Ann and Jim Paras
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Peterson
Post Family Trust
Nancy and Larry Probst
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Rafner
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Raphaelson
Mr. and Mrs. Claude N.
Rosenberg, Jr.
Gary A. Rust, M.D.
Sarlo Foundation of the Jewish
Community Endowment Fund
Mr. Michael J. Savage
SBC Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf G. Scherman
Estate of Henrietta Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Schuss
See’s Candies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, Jr.
Serrano Foundation
Dr. A. Jess Shenson
Estate of Barbara Sherman
Mrs. Eugene A. Shurtleff
Mr. Paul W. Skinner
Tania W. Stepanian
Dr. Bernard Stone and
Mrs. Beatrice Stone
The Morris Stulsaft Foundation
Stuppin Fund for the Arts of
Community Foundation
Sonoma County
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin B. Tilden
Drs. Jane Chang Tom and
Sanford Tom
Mr. Daniel G. Volkmann, Jr.
Estate of Harry J. Wagner
Mrs. Phyllis Wattis
The Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. V. Whitman
Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Wilbur, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Witt
Mrs. David B. Wodlinger
From left to right: Former faculty member Peggy Salkind,
alumnus Robin Sutherland, ‘75 and Mark Salkind join in
the celebration dedicating the rooftop Milton Salkind
Terrace on June 6 in honor of the beloved former
Conservatory president.
Mr. and Mrs. Ashford D. Wood
Diane and Howard Zack
$1,000 to $24,999
Anonymous (5)
John Adams and Deborah O’Grady
Joanne and Clark Ahn
Ms. Katherine E. Akos
Paul Franz Albert
Joseph R. Amisano
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Appleford
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Arnold
Mary Ann Aronson and
Samuel Aronson
Lynne Aspnes
Timothy and Rie Bach
Professor Richard L. Bains and
Dr. Amalia Mesa-Bains
Richard and Darla Bastoni
Mr. Alvin H. Baum, Jr.
Robert and Margaret Beck
Patricia H. and John C. Beckman
Fund of The Oregon Community
Betty and Sven Bekgran
Mr. Richard M. Beleson
Mr. Andrew J. Bellotti
Ms. Irina Belotelkin
Tom and Mary Belshe
The Bien Family
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bilger
Marilyn K. Blake
Linda Brewer
Bob and Roberta Brickell
Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Britton
Mr. Barry C. Brooker
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy N. Brown
Mr. Carl G. Brown, Jr.
Josephine Brownback
Timothy and Denyse Browne
Mr. and Mrs. W. John Buchanan
Dr. and Mrs. John N. Callander
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Carmichael
Donna Miller Casey
Philip J. Cazahous
Mr. Solomon B. Cera and Ms.
Chandra Sen
Ms. Julia Chen and Mr.
Tze-Foun Tsiang
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Chia-Pi Chen
Julia K. Cheng
Donovan K. Ching
Kiyong and Laura Choi
Mr. and Mrs. David Choo
Crawford Chung and Jane Bernhardt
Mr. James Clavin
Martin and Kathleen Cohn
Compton Foundation, Inc.
Edward and Nancy Conner
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Cowan
John Curran and Claire
Maury Curran
Mrs. Leonie J. Darwin
Mrs. Emily B. Date
Terri and Gary David
Shirley Ross Davis
Anne J. Davis
George and Mary Liz De Jong
Mr. Paul C. Deckenbach
Deutsche Bank Americas
David and Lee Devine
Mr. William Dick
Mrs. Elizabeth Otto Dohrmann
Mary Lou Dorking
Anne Sterling Dorman
James and Jean Douglas
Maureen and Paul Draper
Dorothy and Jack Edelman
Sara and Charles Edelstein
Delia Fleishhacker Ehrlich
Dr. Deborah Dacumos and
Mr. Kenneth Eisen
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Elkus
Robert Ellis and Jane Bernstein
Sherrie and Wallace Epstein
Ms. Jeanne Ewan
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Fetherston
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Heines
Flack + Kurtz Inc.
Fleishhacker Foundation
Vicki and David Fleishhacker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Folger
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Lee Follett
Tom and Mary Foote
Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc.
Elvin L. Fowler
Dr. Deborah J. Freehling
Ms. Elizabeth L. Freer
Dr. Allen B. Freitag
Miss Muriel Talbot French
Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman
Mrs. Alfred Fromm
Karen K. Fu, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gambs
Marian Gan and Sean Paul Dobie
Mr. Douglass Garibaldi
The Fred Gellert Family Foundation
Mrs. Harold B. Getz, Jr.
The Stephen and Margaret Gill
Family Foundation
Mr. Thomas H. Gillespie
Mrs. Sally Goldner
Karl Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gomez
Ms. Doris W. Grau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Green
Mr. Burton M. Greenberg and
Mr. James Clavin
Mrs. Robert M. Greenhood
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Griffin
Dr. Morton Grosser and
Mr. Adam Grosser
Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
John Michael Haines
Ann T. Hale
Bonnie Hampton
Jane and David Hartley
Mrs. Jonathan Hau
Ruth and Alfred Heller
Miranda Heller
Janet and Frank Hill
Ms. Adrienne Hirt and
Mr. Jeffrey Rodman
Mr. Milan M. Holdorf
HSBC Matching Gift Program
Hilda Huang and Family
Edward and Selena Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Humphreys
Drs. David Hung and Ruth Shaber
IBM Corporation
M. Cristina Igoa, Ph.D.
Tucker and Charmly Ingham
Leslie Itano and W. Jerry Chang
Dr. David Jablons and
Dr. Tamara J. Hicks
Walter S. Johnson Foundation
Jeri and Jeffrey Johnson
Drs. Tracy Zhang Jonelis and
Frank Jonelis
Mr. Warren A. Jones
Barbara and William Jones
James, Sugie, Philip and Pete Jung
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Kales II
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaplan
Mr. Stanley Kelly
Christine and Anne Kim
Mr. Jung Kim and
Ms. Hyun Sook Ko
Michelle and Philip Kim
Barbara and David Kimport
Jerry Cahill and Kathy King
Leonard E. Kingsley
Rachel E. Kish
Robert and Dorothy Kissick
Estate of Louise B. Klein
Mrs. Patricia W. Klitgaard
David Ko
Mr. Harold Korf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kovacevich
Mr. and Mrs. Carter L. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauber
The Leavens Foundation
Dr. Roy Lee and Mrs. Ruth Lee
Sharonjean Leeds and
Dr. Richard Leeds
Jack and Alice Leibman
Mrs. Harry Lenart
Hollis Lenderking
Sally and Louis Lewis
Jeffrey Lewy and Edward Eishen
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Lilienthal
Ms. Bonnie Lindahl
Marie and Barry Lipman
Judith Lipsett
Drs. Robert G. Johnson, Jr. and
Margaret A Liu
Pamela W. Lloyd
Ms. Vera M. Long
Mr. David N. Low and
Ms. Dominique Lahaussois
Michael and Mary Lubin
Mr. Jack H. Lund
Jan Maakestad
Michael Malaga
Alan Markle and Joan Campagna
Miss Josephine Markovich
Timothy J. Marten, M.D. and
Mary C. Heylin
Mr. Gilbert E. Matthews
Ms. Denise Mauldin
Frank Stein and Paul S. May
Kerry and Dena McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCrea
Richard S. and Christina
A. McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. A. Doug McLean
Laura Kimble McLellan
Kathryn K. McNeil
James Meyer and
William Stanistich
Sharon and Frank G. Meyer
Lisa Miao and Wing H. Wong
Wayne and Theresa Mikutowicz
Vivienne E. Miller
Ms. Gloria Miner
Marilyn Mir
Nancy Marks and Steve Mitchel
Moore Dry Dock Foundation
Mr. James R. Moore
The Morton Foundation
Milton J. Mosk and Thomas Foutch
Professor Anne-Sophie Mutter
Mr. and Mrs. James Myerson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Nadig
Ms. Gail Nebenzahl
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Negi
Jeanne E. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Noda
Norman and Hillevi Null
Gregory B. Ogden
Mr. and Mrs. Masayoshi Okaguchi
Dr. and Mrs. Erik Olsen
Oppenheim Lewis, Inc.
Mrs. Lise Deschamps Ostwald
Marie Luise Otto
Robert and Carol Parvin
Helen and Blair Pascoe
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Patterson
Virginia Patterson
Mrs. E. C. Patterson
Mrs. Evan R. Peters
Peterson Skolnick & Dodge LLC
Ms. Frances Peterson
Edward and Linda Plant
Mr. and Mrs. William Poland
Mrs. Kathleen Pomeroy
Ms. Laurie Poston and
Mr. Brian Ferrall
Ms. Tammy Preuss
FALL 2007 11
Thank You Supporters
Mr. and Mrs. Eric V. Protiva
Damon Raike
Estate of Mitchell Raskin
Mrs. Genelle Relfe
Mr. Paul Resnick and
Ms. Joan Karlin
Ms. Margaret S. Rocchia
Mr. Jeffrey Rodman
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rohal
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Rohlen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rolland
Joseph A. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruggles
Mr. James E. Ryan
Nancy Driggers Saleeby
Mark Salkind
John M. Sanger
Dr. Daniel Santi, M.D.
Allen Frances Santos
Deborah and Joseph Schell
Elizabeth L. Schultz
James H. Schwabacher, Jr.
Charlie and Jill Schwartz
Marilyn G. Seiberling
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter &
Hampton LLP”
The Sher-Right Fund
Sherman Clay and Co.
Mrs. Josephine Shuman
Walt and Beth Simpson
Estate of Berthe Singer
Mr. and Mrs. Jan E. G. Smit
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Snyder
Ms. Gelda So and
Mr. Ellick Tsang
Ms. Jennifer G. Sobol and
Hon. Garrett Grant
Sung and Jong Sohn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Soriano
Sound Capital Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Spalding
Betsy and Bob Stafford
Jocelyn and Paul Startz
State Farm Companies Foundation
Laurie and Fredrick B. Steele
Frank Stein and Paul S. May
Ann and Ellis Stephens
Mrs. Isaac Stern
Mr. Harley C. Stevens
Joni K. Sugimura
Daniel F. Sullivan
Robin Sutherland, ’75
Swinerton Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Tapper
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Teicholz
Mr. and Mrs. William Laney
Reginald Tom Tidy Revocable Trust
Ms. Susanne Tilney-Peyton
Ms. Marie Tilson
Mrs. Lamar Tooze, Jr.
Ms. Marilyn Anne Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. David T. Traitel
Terence and Vivian Yu
Mr. Hugh C. Trutton
Robert and Joyce Tufts
Union Bank of California
Leon Van Steen
Varian Medical Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vorsatz and
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Ward
Reverend Jan Warmerdam
Robert T. Weston
Bonnie Woodworth
Estate of Doris J. Zimpelmann
$100 to $999
Anonymous (2)
American Liszt Society San
Francisco Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. Avery Andrews
Yasuko Aoki-Carnachan
Preparatory Division families gave generously to the ‘Saving a Seat’ campaign, naming
seats in honor of their teacher. Conservatory President Colin Murdoch, guest performer
and Prep alumna Ariadne Smith, Prep Director John McCarthy, Conservatory Trustee and
Prep Saving a Seat Chair Jane Tom, and guest performer and Prep alumnus Emil Miland
participated in the ceremony.
Charles J. Arnold
Bank of America Foundation
Mr. Frank S. Bayley
Mr. Jay Beadner
Ms. Carol Benz
Maureen Berg
David Bezanilla
Mr. Noel T. Blos
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Boyden
Mrs. De Witt Burnham
Agnes I. Chan
Mr. and Mrs. Chorng Chen
Dr. Denise Chevalier
Dr. Renee Chevalier
Mrs. Nina B. Cohn
Mr. Bruce Colman
Dr. Michael W. Condie
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Cuevas
Ms. Katharine Daniel
Mr. Charles W. Davis
Carol Eisenberg and
Raymond Linkerman
Ms. Linda T. Ferzoco
Mr. Robert Fisher
John Dalton Frederick
Carlyn J. Halde
Dr. Newton Harband
Ms. Alice A. Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Thomas Hartnett
Rebecca E. Hayden
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Heald
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Helfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holladay
Dana Turkington Horner
Intel Foundation
Ms. Carol R. Johnson
Ms. Ann Jorgensen
Nellie Keate
Cheryl Keller
Gwen and John Kerner
Mr. Roderick Kiracofe
Mr. Walter P. Knoepfel
Ron, Yan and Jane Lange
Amy Miller Levine
Ms. Janice R. Lurie
Ms. Terry Magnin
Chris and Jim Marver
Mr. and Mrs. James Matisoff
Ms. Sherrie Matza
Mrs. Norma M. McBride
Judith and Walter Miller
Mr. Michael J. Moore
Cathy and Robert Nourafshan
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Parker
Mr. Malcolm F. Parkman
Dorothy Person
Mr. Stephen W. Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Roache
Dr. and Mrs. Henry F. Safrit
The San Francisco Foundation
Norma Schlesinger
Mr. and Mrs. John Schram
Mr. Sol Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sneed, Jr.
Mr. Alexei Sorokin
Lawrence A. Souza
Tomoko Sugiyama
Sam Thal, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Todd
Mr. Tobias Trautner
Dorothy Warenskjold
Ms. Edna Dell Weinel
Preparatory Division
‘Saving a SEat’
Michael and Diane Abel
Maria Abunto and Luis Ayala
Joanne and Clark Ahn
Bill and Cathy Anderson
Ms. Helen Armbrust and
Mr. Len Mentzer
Ankita Avadhani
Mr. and Mrs. Kent T. Baum
The Bien Family
Marilyn K. Blake
Drs. Richard and Nancy Bohannon
Graham and Nina Burnette
William and Sandra Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Chorng Chen
Ms. Julia Chen and
Mr. Tze-Foun Tsiang
Mr. Ning Chen and Ms. Han Ji
Mr. Rick and Mrs. Chia-Pi Chen
Drs. Stan and Irene Chesnais
Michelle and Charles Cheung
Kiyong and Laura Choi
Mr. and Mrs. Woojin James Chon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Chong
Lorreine and George Chow
Crawford Chung and Jane Bernhardt
The Charles Craik Family
John Curran and Claire
Maury Curran
Ms. Janice L. De Graw and
Mr. James E. Lawrence
Thuy Do
Noel and Louise Dockstader
Mr. and Mrs. George Feiger
Ariel Filane
Richard J. Forde, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Fox
Ann Freeman
Barbara Fried and Joseph Bankman
Ecco and Annie Hart
Mr. Joseph Heinen and Ms.
Christine Sacino
Lizzy Hirsch and Pino Trogu
John and Sun Hong
Esther Hosea
Hilda Huang
Edward and Selena Hughes
Mary Hynes & Marc Tessier-Lavigne
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hyun
M. Cristina Igoa, Ph.D.
Ms. Eva E. Jakes
Mr. Earl James and
Ms. Elizabeth McDonald
Ms. Mary Jameson and
Mr. Jeffrey Goodrich
Drs. Robert G. Johnson, Jr. and
Margaret A Liu
Yeva Johnson and Michael Potter
Drs. Tracy Zhang Jonelis and
Frank Jonelis
James, Sugie, Philip and Pete Jung
Margo and John Kieser
Christine and Anne Kim
Insook and Jongho Kim
Mr. Jeong Han Kim and Mrs.
Youseok Lee
Mr. Jung Kim and
Ms. Hyun Sook Ko
Dr. Moon-Ju Kim and Mr. Paul Park
Michelle and Philip Kim
Wyatt Kim
David Ko
Mi Kyung Ko/Youjin Ko/
Christine Ko
Dr. and Mrs. John Koo
Aydan Kutay
Drs. Michael and Grace Kwok
Ron, Yan and Jane Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauber
Regina Lee and Ryan Meyer
Kern and Monica Leung
Marie and Barry Lipman
George and Susan Livingston
Pierre-Alexander Low
Mr. and Mrs. John Malley
Melander Wirshing Family
Ojan Mobedshahi
Mr. Tom Mallon and Ms. Leslie Rule
Alan Markle and Joan Campagna
Lisa Miao and Wing H. Wong
Wayne and Theresa Mikutowicz
and Family
The Family of Alyssa and
Olivia Mitchel
Mr. and Mrs. Toshihiro Miyagawa
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nemirovsky
The Newhart Family
Thuy Nguyen and Hoa Nguyen
Rodney J. and Nancy E. Noda
Elena and Marcus Pang
Taegon Park and Youseon Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peterson
Lisa Petrie
Melissa and Ritchie Post
Mr. Nick Ragus and
Ms. Yolanda van Belle
Mr. and Mrs. Ashir Rayikanti
Douglas and Mary Robinson
Mr. and Ms. Joseph Schatz
Tessa Seymour
Ray and Catherine Sheeran
Massimo Siboldi
Gudelia Sison, Jessica Sison
Sung and Jong Sohn
Mr. and Mrs. Takanori Sugioka
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sullivan
Tom and Calli Sullivan
James & Annie Tai
Pamela, Eric, Maxine and
Brandon Tang
Mr. Lukman Tjitradjaja and
Ms. Tjutju Goutama
Ellick Tsang and Gelda So
Mr. Kevin Tse and
Ms. Jennifer Min Rong
Junko Tsuchida
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vorsatz
and Family
Lingtao and May Wang
Jennifer and Kyaw Win
Kurt A. Wootton
Mr. Ruoming Xu and Ms. Lina Tan
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yu
Terence and Vivian Yu
Diane and Howard Zack
Faculty and staff
All gifts & pledges
Anonymous (2)
Ms. Beatriz Américo
Ms. Karla Avila
Timothy and Rie Bach
Luis M. Baez and Andrea Yannone
Ms. Susan Bates
Mr. Dusan Bogdanovic
Mr. Hilario Bolos, Jr.
Ms. Julie Briden
Mr. Robert Britton
Ms. Kathryn Cathcart
Ms. Jennifer Chang and
Mr. Steve Chang
Scott and Peggy Cmiel
Ms. Kay Coleman
Mr. David J. Conte
Mr. Charles Coones
Mr. Darryl S. Cooper
Ms. Deborah Cornelius
Kip Cranna
Mr. Timothy Day
Ms. Marcella De Cray
Ms. Erin DeBakcsy
Steven André Dibner
Ms. Jacqueline Divenyi
Mr. Don Ehrlich and Mrs.
Marcia Ehrlich
Mr. Shinji Eshima
Jill L. Ferguson and Darren C.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ferrara
Mr. Jeff Fisher
Mr. Scott Foglesong
Mr. Jean-Michel Fonteneau and
Ms. Dana Putnam Fonteneau
Mr. Randolph Fromme
Doris Fukawa & Marijan Pevec
Ms. Alla Gladysheva
Ms. Greacian M. Goeke
Ms. Lisa Gold
Mr. Miles Graber
Ms. Erna Gulabyan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Guy II
Tomoko Hagiwara and Desy D.
Handra, M.D.
Ms. Karen Heather
Ms. Wendy Hillhouse
Dr. Dorian Ho and
Mr. Gregory J. Yu
Dr. Nikolaus Hohmann
Ms. Doris Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Imbrie
Mr. Brian Jacobson
Alden Jenks and Mikako Endo
Ms. Marcia A. Johnson and Mr.
Thomas Blackadar
Ms. Colleen Katzowitz
Frank and Linda Kurtz
Dr. Bruce A. Lamott
Ms. Esther Landau and
Ms. Caroline Pincus
Mr. Tom LaPorta
Davis Law and Mary Law
Mr. Mark Lawrence
Ms. Jodi Levitz
Joseph M. Mace and Peter G.
John and Annamarie McCarthy
Meikui and Mack McCray
Ms. Bettina Mussumeli
Mr. Alasdair Neale and
Dr. Lowell Tong
Ms. Sonja Neblett
Ms. Tiffany Nesbit
Mr. Lawrence R. Newhouse, Ms.
Susan K. Barnett and Lawrence
Newhouse Inc. Piano Services
Ms. Ayako Nishimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence S.
Lisa Petrie and Nico Stuurman
Ruby and Douglas Pleasure
Ms. Mary Ellen Poole
Melissa and Ritchie Post
Mr. Timothy R. Price
Ms. Laura Reynolds
Mr. Jonathan Russell
Nancy and Howard Sackson
Mrs. Peggy R. Salkind
Mr. Michael Schroeder
Ms. Anna Semina
Ms. Marina Shapiro
Ms. Deborah Smith
Mr. Mark Sokol
Axel and Anja Strauss
Mr. Conrad Susa
Mr. David Tanenbaum
Ms. Elizabeth A. Touma
Jack Van Geem
Ms. Jan Vierra
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Weber
Mr. Robert Weinapple
Mr. Paul Welcomer
Ms. Camilla Wicks
Ms. Jerri Witt
Kathryn Wittenmyer and Jim
Dr. Betty Woo
Ms. Yunny Yip
and Memorial Funds
$100 and above
Ms. Sandra Black
Rick and Cindia Brody
California Wellness Foundation
Geri Celestre
Ms. Madeline Chun
Mr. and Mrs. André Paul P. de Bord
Ms. Luana DeVol
Ms. Nadia Doubins
Adelaide and Frederick Finseth
Mrs. Harold B. Getz, Jr.
Bonnie Hampton
Nancy Keller, Ph.D.
Ms. Martha Kirkpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Lin
Ms. Suzanne Macahilig
Mr. Jonathon Narita and
Ms. Thianda Manzara
Ms. Beatrice G. Oppenheim
Rev. and Mrs. Larry Rankin
Estate of James H. Schwabacher, Jr.
Mrs. Jo Ann Stenberg
Mrs. David B. Wodlinger
Mr. and Mrs. Ashford D. Wood
Ada Clement Planned
Giving Society
Mrs. Jocelyn Adler
Paul Franz Albert
Mr. Anthony J. Alfidi
Mr. Steven Alter
Dr. William Armstrong
Patricia H. and John C. Beckman
Fund of The Oregon Community
Mr. Andrew J. Bellotti
Mr. Rachmael Ben-Avram and Mr.
Gerard Lespinette
Drs. Richard and Nancy Bohannon
Didi and Dix Boring
Josephine Brownback
Ava Jean and Harold Brumbaum
Ms. Kathryn L. Cousineau
Mr. Wesley Day
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dennis
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Diederich
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Elvebak
Ms. Helen E. Faibish
Mr. Clark W. Fobes
Mrs. Laura G. Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fraser
Miss Muriel Talbot French
Ms. Joan Gallegos
Mr. Thomas R. Gambrel
Mrs. Rosalie Z. Gerber
Mrs. Harold B. Getz, Jr.
Ms. Doris W. Grau
Warren and Carla Hashagen
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Heagy
Ms. Margriet Hecht
Ms. Nancy L. Henry
Mr. Wolfgang S. Homburger
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Hughes
Mr. Mason Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaplan
Mrs. Ellen Kastius
Mr. Harold Korf
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kunitz
Mr. Hermann le Roux
Mrs. Flossie Lewis
Mr. Jack H. Lund
Mr. Ben Maiden
Mr. Lotfi Mansouri
Mr. Victor L. Marcus
Miss Josephine Markovich
Mr. Norman Masonson
Ms. Denise Mauldin
Mrs. Norma M. McBride
Laura Kimble McLellan
Mr. David C. Milward
Marilyn Mir
Mr. Henry Mooney
Colin and Sam Murdoch
Mr. Lawrence R. Newhouse, Ms.
Susan K. Barnett and Lawrence
Newhouse Inc.
Piano Services
Mr. Christien Nilssen
Norman and Hillevi Null
Mr. Donald L. Oestreicher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. O’Hanlon
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Perkins, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Primes
Ms. Jane Radcliffe
Mr. Dana L. Rees
Bob and Jane Regan
Mr. Michael J. Savage
Ms. Marilyn B. Schindler
Elizabeth L. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Schuss
Marilyn G. Seiberling
Mr. Michael Seither
Mrs. Eugene A. Shurtleff
Mr. Vernon N. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Snyder
Ann and Ellis Stephens
Mr. Joel D. Stirling
Ms. Marilyn Anne Townsend
Mr. Hugh C. Trutton
Mr. Cecil L. Unruh
Mr. Rex Vaughan
Ms. Lilian Walters and Mr. John
Mrs. Manya Warner
George and Linda Wertheim
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Williams
Mrs. David B. Wodlinger
Endowed Funds
Named Scholarships
Agnes Albert Scholarship
William Banovetz Scholarship
Sergei Barsukov Scholarship for Piano
Sergei Barsukov Scholarship for Violin
Alexander Bellow Scholarship
Ruth and Jo Blackmore Scholarship
Justin Blasdale Memorial Fund
Marilyn Volpe and George Borkow
Selina Canes & Jacques Meyer Canes
Samuel Clark Scholarship
Vincent Costantino Scholarship
Louise M. Davies Scholarship
Christiane P. de Bord Scholarship
Betty Swig Dinner Scholarship
Helen and Willis Elliott Scholarship
Jorge Estebanez Scholarship
Adelaide and Frederick Finseth
Scholarship Fund
Frank and Josephine Fragale Scholarship
Isidor Geiger Violin Scholarship
Dolores Graves Vocal Scholarship
Walter Guttmann Piano Scholarship
Crescent Porter Hale Scholarship
Lester A. Holmes Scholarship
Hurlbut-Johnson Preparatory Scholarship
Kolko Family Scholarship for String
May S. Kurka Scholarship
Lewis Scholarship
Cherry Lin Scholarship in Honor of
Tomoko Hagiwara
Jane and Martin Livingston Memorial
Martin Livingston Preparatory
Barry Manilow Scholarship
Susan McCarthy Memorial Scholarship
for Students of Musicianship
Dean B. McNealy Scholarship
Connie and Charles Meng Scholarship
Arthur Minton Scholarship
Stanley K. Nairin Scholarship
O’Shaughnessy Scholarship Fund
Bernard Osher Foundation Scholarship
Osher Foundation Scholars
Peter F. Ostwald Scholarship Fund
The Jessica Pastron Memorial Scholarship
Harold D. Pischel, Jr. Scholarship
Peter B. Pischel Scholarship
Germain Prevost Viola Scholarship
Marcia & Gene Purpus Scholarship
Barbara Lull Rahm Scholarship
Corry Rankin Memorial Fund
Anthony J. Rine Vocal Scholarship
Beatrice M. Rine Piano Scholarship
C. Sheldon & Patricia Roberts Scholarship
Janet Rose Piano Scholarship
Margaret Rowell Cello Scholarship
James and Elizabeth Ryan
Scholarship Fund
Milton Salkind Scholarship
Harold W. Scheeline Piano Scholarship
David Schneider Memorial Scholarship
James H. Schwabacher, Jr. Scholarship
Nathan Schwartz Memorial Scholarship
Drs. Ben and A. Jess Shenson Scholarship
Lev and Frances Shorr Scholarship
Betty Hamilton Shurtleff Scholarship
Jane Lawton Southcott Scholarship
Evelyn and Russell Staton Scholarship
Dorothy Steinmetz Voice Scholarship
Donald C. Stenberg Memorial Scholarship
Henia Stone Memorial Scholarship
Edward G. Stotsenberg Memorial
Isadore Tinkelman Scholarship
Hugh C. Trutton
Scholarship for Piano Students
Phyllis Wattis Scholarship
Paul L. & Phyllis Wattis
Foundation Scholarship
Phyllis C. Wattis Memorial Scholarship
B. Gardner Wilcox Piano Scholarship
William Wolski Violin Scholarship
Marilyn Jo Wood Memorial Scholarship
Robert Yaryan Woodwind Scholarship
Endowed Faculty Chairs
The James D. Robertson Chair in Piano,
Paul Hersh
The Isaac Stern Distinguished Chair in
Violin, vacant
The Frederica von Stade Distinguished Chair
in Voice, vacant
Endowed Awards
Kris Getz Composition Award
Marina Grin Award
Jim Highsmith Award in Composition
FALL 2007 13
Collegiate Faculty
Performance Faculty
Luis Baez
Ben Freimuth
Elinor Armer
Dan Becker
David Conte
David Garner
Alden Jenks
Conrad Susa Chair
Michael Morgan
Alasdair Neale
Sonja Neblett Chair
Double Bass
Scott Pingel
Stephen Tramontozzi
Timothy Day Chair,
Lawrence Ferrara
Gyan Riley
Richard Savino
David Tanenbaum Chair
Marc Teicholz
Marcella De Cray Chair
Douglas Rioth
Corey Jamason
Jonathan Ring
Bruce Roberts
Robert Ward
William Bennett
James Moore
Pamela Smith
Rodney Gehrke
David Herbert, Timpani
Jack Van Geem Chair
Paul Hersh
Sharon Mann
Mack McCray Chair
Yoshikazu Nagai
William Wellborn Piano
Piano Accompanying
Timothy Bach Chair
John R. Engelkes Bass
Mark Lawrence Tenor;
Chair, Brass
Paul Welcomer Tenor
Conservatory Baroque
Corey Jamason Co-Director
Elisabeth Reed Co-Director
Orchestral Training
Barbara Andres
Luis Baez
Gregory Barber
Jeff Biancalana
Leonid Gesin
Jodi Levitz
Bettina Mussumeli
Douglas Rioth
Adam Smyla
Stephen Tramontozzi
Chen Zhao
Conservatory Chorus
David Conte Director
Percussion Ensemble
Jack Van Geem Director
Conservatory Orchestra
Andrew Mogrelia
Music Director
Alasdair Neale
Principal Guest Conductor
String and Piano Chamber Music
Jennifer Culp
Jean-Michel Fonteneau
Paul Hersh
Jodi Levitz
Robert Mann
Yoshikazu Nagai
Mark Sokol Chair
Axel Strauss
Ian Swensen
Mark Lawrence
Brass Coordinator
Stephen Paulson
Jonathan Ring
Bruce Roberts
Peter Wahrhaftig
Robert Ward
Paul Welcomer
Gregory Barber
Stephen Paulson
Ruby Pleasure
David Burkhart
Mario Guarneri
Jeffrey Anderson
Peter Wahrhaftig
Don Ehrlich
Leonid Gesin
Paul Hersh
Jodi Levitz
Alexander Barantschik
Wei He
Bettina Mussumeli
Axel Strauss
Ian Swensen Chair, Strings
Jennifer Culp
Jean-Michel Fonteneau
Sylvia Anderson
Catherine Cook
Pamela Fry Chair
Wendy Hillhouse
Eric Howe Vocal Physiology;
Vocal Pedagogy
Leroy Kromm
Ruby Pleasure
Jane Randolph
Marcie Stapp Diction
César Ulloa
Academic Faculty
Alexander Technique
Robert Britton
General Education
Erin DeBakcsy
Jill L. Ferguson Chair
Nikolaus Hohmann
Matthew Kennedy
Betsy Marvit
Lois S. Musmann
Brian Neilson
Eithne Pardini
Kevin McLaughlin
Music History and Literature
Dan Becker
Sarah Cahill
Luciano Chessa
David Conte
Mary Fettig
David Garner
Lisa Gold
Susan Harvey
Paul Hersh
Corey Jamason
Bruce Lamott
Emily Laurance
John Spitzer Chair
Conrad Susa
Rose Theresa
Music Theory and Musicianship
Allan Crossman
Jacques Desjardins
Scott Foglesong Chair, Music
Theory and Musicianship
David Garner
Alla Gladysheva
Sonja Neblett
Jonathan Russell
Michael Schroeder
Practical Aspects of a
Career in Music
Clifford Cranna
Mario Guarneri
Teaching Skills
Kayleen Asbo
Yoriko Richman
Guitar Ensemble
Lawrence Ferrara
David Tanenbaum
Marc Teicholz
Jazz and Improvisation
Mario Guarneri
Mark Levine
Musical Theater Workshop
Heather Carolo Director
Bryan Nies Music Director
New Music Ensemble
Nicole Paiement
Artistic Director
Jacques Desjardins
Assistant Conductor
Opera Program
Milissa Carey
Art Song As Theatre
Heather Carolo
Assistant Director, Opera
Kathryn Cathcart
Conductor, Music Director,
Opera Workshop
Darryl Cooper
Assistant Music Director
Richard Harrell
Director, Opera Program
Regina Saisi Acting
Barbara Scott Stage Basics
Joan Gallegos
Willene Gunn
Hermann le Roux
Zaven Melikian
Peggy Salkind
Camilla Wicks
Accompanists &
Vocal Coaches
Steven Bailey
Mark Bruce
Amy Chiu
Nadya Dabuzhshaya
Anne-Frances Dillon
Amy Glenn
Elizabeth Ingber
Alex Katsman
Kevin Korth
Shu Li
Keisuke Nakagoshi
Bryan Nies
Kristin Pankonin
Carl Pantle
Mai-Linh Pham
Szu-Pei Teresa Yu
Ensemble Faculty
Brass and Woodwind
Chamber Music
Jeffrey Anderson
Luis Baez
Gregory Barber
Woodwind Coordinator
Jeff Biancalana
Jeffrey Budin
David Burkhart
Timothy Day
Steven Dibner
John Engelkes
Ben Freimuth
Mario Guarneri
Dan Becker
Preparatory & Adult
Extension Faculty
Alexis Alrich
June Bonacich
David Conte
Jonathan Russell
Early Childhood
Luba Kravchenko
Jaejin Lee
Alice Mosley
Yoriko Richman
Christie Peery Skousen
Susan Bates
Paul Binkley
Sarah Choi
Scott Cmiel
Dana Putnam Fonteneau
Bruce Foster
Randolph Fromme
Doris Fukawa Chair
Miles Graber
Aenea Mizushima Keyes
Machiko Kobialka
Andrew Luchansky
Richard Rogers
Benjamin Simon
Ross Thompson
Sarah Voynow
Yaada Weber
Paul Binkley
Scott Cmiel
Lawrence Ferrara
Ross Thompson
Michael Rado
Douglas Rioth
Sarah Voynow
Corey Jamason
Alexis Alrich
June Bonacich
Scott Cmiel Chair
Richard Roper
Rodney Gerhke
Tommy Kesecker
Katherine Buss
Jacqueline Chew
Lauren Cony
Trudi Denney
Jacqueline Divenyi
Erna Gulabyan
Tomoko Hagiwara
Paul Hersh
Dorian Ho
Machiko Kobialka
Sima Kouyoumdjian
Luba Kravchenko
Jaejin Lee
Sharon Mann
Meikui Matsushima
Annamarie McCarthy
John McCarthy
Mack McCray
Yoshikazu Nagai
June Choi Oh
Scott Pratt
Richard Rogers
Lena Schuman
Christie Peery Skousen
William Wellborn
Jerri Witt
Helen Wong
William Barbini violin
Susan Bates viola
Pat Burnham violin
Yuri Cho violin
Shinji Eshima bass
Dana Putnam Fonteneau
Jean-Michel Fonteneau
Doris Fukawa violin
Wei He violin
Aenea Mizushima Keyes violin
Jonathan Koh violoncello
Davis Law violin
Jodi Levitz viola
Li Lin violin
Sieun Lin violoncello
Bettina Mussumeli violin
Carol Rice violoncello
David Samuel violin
Monica Scott violoncello
James Shallenberger violin
Axel Strauss violin
Barbara Wirth violoncello
Peter Wyrick violoncello
Board of Trustees
Doris Fukawa
Winds and Brass
Kathryn Curran trombone
Bruce Foster clarinet
Gary Jagard horn
Esther Landau flute
Scott Macomber trumpet
Timothy Price saxophone
Laura Reynolds oboe
Richard Roper trumpet
Yaada Weber flute
Pamela Alexander
Helen Dilworth
Eun-Mee Ko
Hermann Le Roux
Dina Reyes
Anja Strauss
Adult Extension Division
Alexis Alrich
Tony Berman
June Bonacich
Robert Britton
Jacqueline Chew
Clifford “Kip” Cranna
Helen Dilworth
Dana Putnam Fonteneau
Katie Guthorn
Bruce Lamott
Brian Neilson
Tim Price
Richard Roper
Sarah Voynow
Bonnie Weiss
Faith Winthrop
Barbara Wirth
September 2007
Warren R. Hashagen, Jr. Chair
Colin Murdoch President
Edward W. Beck Executive Vice-Chair
Mrs. Dix Boring Executive Vice-Chair
William K. Bowes, Jr. Vice-Chair
Bruce W. Hart Vice-Chair
Lisa S. Miller Vice-Chair
Michael R.V. Whitman Vice-Chair
Deepa R. Pakianathan Secretary
Jean Deleage Treasurer
In Memoriam
John M. Anderson
Kent Taylor Baum
Patricia B. Berkowitz
Richard A. Bohannon, M.D.
Mrs. James F. Buckley, Jr.
Mrs. Carol W. Casey
Christiane P. de Bord
Mrs. Genevieve di
San Faustino
Christina B. Diver
Carol Pucci Doll
Delia Fleishhacker Ehrlich
Saturnino Fanlo
Mrs. A. Barlow Ferguson
Timothy Foo
Mrs. Harold B. Getz, Jr.
Mrs. Ernest Goggio
Mrs. Jaquelin H. Hume
Tatwina Chinn Lee
Rose C. Meltzer
Maura B. Morey
Nancy Probst
Joshua M. Rafner
Matthew Raphaelson
George S. Sarlo
Jane Chang Tom
Ashford D. Wood
John C. Beckman
Ava Jean Brumbaum
Reid Dennis
David W. Hall
Mrs. Richard C. Otter
Michael J. Savage
Mrs. Eugene Shurtleff
John B. Stuppin
Gordon P. Getty
Thomas Hampson
Lotfi Mansouri
Robert K. McFerrin, Jr.
Isaac Stern
—In Memoriam
Michael Tilson Thomas
Frederica von Stade
Nikolaus Hohmann
July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007
Sylvie Braitman-Chouraki Alumna
George Ettelson Trustee
Patrick E. Morgan Alumnus
Walter P. Quintin Ada Clement Society
Annette Brodovsky Alumna
Leonard E. Kingsley Major donor
Francis Nichol Alumnus
Dorothy Steinmetz Former Faculty
FALL 2007 15
U.S. Postage
San Francisco
Conservatory of Music
50 Oak Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
21 Sunday, 2 p.m., RH
19 Monday, 8 p.m., CH
16 Sunday, 1 p.m. & 4 p.m., CH
October 2007
Jean-Michel Fonteneau, cello,
Yoshikazu Nagai, piano
7 Sunday, 2 p.m., CH
28 Sunday, 2 p.m., RH
December 2007
17 Monday, 8 p.m., RH
Fall Season Highlights
Come Listen! Bettina Mussumeli, violin,
Jodi Levitz, viola, and
the Ives String Quartet
9 Tuesday, 2 p.m., OS
Angela Hewitt, Piano
Master Class - free
13 Saturday, 8 p.m., CH
BluePrint - Synesthesia:
Bridging the Senses
Nicole Paiement, conductor
16 Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., RH
Menahem Pressler, Chamber
Music Master Class - free
18 Thursday, 8 p.m., CH
Menahem Pressler, Chamber
Music Concert
20 Saturday, 8 p.m., CH
Conservatory Orchestra,
Alasdair Neale, guest
conductor, Lo-An Lin, piano
Paul Hersh, viola,
Corey Jamason, harpsichord
29 Monday, 3 p.m., CH
Donald Runnicles, Orchestral
Workshop - free
November 2007
Bonnie Hampton
Chamber Music Concert
John Adams in Residence
5 Wednesday, 8 p.m., CH
Conservatory Orchestra and
New Music Ensemble
7 Friday, 8 p.m., CH - free
Symposium/Discussion with
John Adams and Sarah Cahill
5 Monday, 7:30 p.m., CH
Thomas Hampson, Vocal Master
Class - Guest passes not applicable
12 Monday, 8 p.m., CH
8 Saturday, 8 p.m., CH
9 Sunday, 2 p.m., CH
15 Thursday, 7:30 p.m., RH
10 Monday, 8 p.m., RH
17 Saturday, 8 p.m., CH
BluePrint: Bridging Time
Nicole Paiement, conductor
RH = Recital Hall
Axel Strauss, violin
Paul Hersh, piano
Tickets are
$20 general admission
$15 students, seniors and
Friends of the Conservatory.
Call 415.503.6275
Conservatory Orchestra,
Andrew Mogrelia, conductor
John Adams, guest conductor
Mario Guarneri, trumpet
Mary Fettig, saxophone, and
Mark Levine, piano
Bonnie Hampton, Chamber
Music Master Class - free
Conservatory Opera Theatre
Mozart’s Magic Flute - free
Scott Foglesong, piano
Alden Jenks, composition,
with Mikako Endo, composition
15 Saturday, 1 p.m. & 4 p.m., CH
Conservatory Opera Theatre
Mozart’s Magic Flute - free
CH = Concert Hall
OS = Osher Salon
UpBeat is published by the
San Francisco Conservatory of
Music bi-annually. We welcome
comments, suggestions, and
mailing list corrections; please
call 415.503.6211 or e-mail
[email protected].
Writing Terry Fiala, Lisa Petrie
Design Beatriz Américo
Photography Seth Affoumado,
Rory McNamara, Bill Swerbenski
and Matthew Washburn