ICHTHUS - Smithfield First Presbyterian Church


ICHTHUS - Smithfield First Presbyterian Church
June 2014
In This Issue:
From the Handbell Director
Prayer Concerns
Avera Scholarship
Children’s Music
Director of Youth Ministries
Job Description
Father’s Day
Finance Information
Harbor House
Highlights of Session
Hospice House
JOY Connection
Memorials and Honorariums
Music for the Lunch Bunch
NHP Passion Driven
Property Box
Prospective Member Team
Relay for Life
Shower Invitation
Smithfield Rescue Mission
Teacher Appreciation
Vacation Bible School
Wee Kirk
Yes We Can
We have made youth a priority at FPC, and it’s always good to take
some time to see what some of them are up to!
Davis Bell earned two Boy Scout Merit Badges in
Plant Science at the same time and will receive them
in June.
Grace Booker just finished her first year in musical
theatre, performing in Annie with Christy's Dance
Mac Booker received the Chinese Award and
went to Great Wolf Lodge for his 7th birthday.
Adam Worley and his dad Paul take in an Atlanta
Braves’ game.
Carson Horne has been active on the South Smithfield
Elementary Battle of the Books team. They came in third in the
Addison Coats received a bicycle for her birthday and
soon thereafter was riding like a pro!
Buckley and Brantley Naylor and Daniel and
Tinsley Scott had a wonderful family trip to Disney
World with their parents and grandparents.
Eason Roberts scrambled up some eggs.
Brady Thompson enjoyed the Mudcats’ mascot.
Mia Thompson received the Integrity Award at her school.
Emma Horne’s dance team invited to the World Championships.
A Publication of
First Presbyterian Church
214 S. Third Street
Smithfield, NC 27577
[email protected]
Madeline Horne’s dance team also invited
to the World Championship — and she just
turned 16!
Brooks Perkinson had
fun in the snow.
Timothy Allen looked
pleased at Camp New
Hope Retreat.
Prayerful Support for
Shirley Williams and Alice Narron who are at
Myde Eason and Hazel Whitehurst who are at
Brookdale Smithfield.
Helen Godwin who is at Smithfield Manor.
Bernice Johnson has moved to Gabriel Manor in
Clayton. Her mailing address is Gabriel Manor, 84
Johnston Estate Road, Clayton, NC 27520. Her room number is
Marie Atkins
Nor Bell who is at Barbour Court.
Mary Miller
Charlie James
Jane Bolin
Tom Johnson
Bill Kimball
Eddie Perkinson
Devon Pollard
Phyllis Pollard
Nelson Vaughn
Betty Welch
Rebecca Ziady
Bill Leist
Marie Maddox
Christian Sympathy to the family of Mabel Surles. Mabel died
May 7, 2015.
Congratulations to Chris and Heather Daniels on the birth of a
son, Tucker Blake Daniels; the proud grandmother is Judy
Daniels; and to Josh and Kelly Perkinson on the birth of Marley
Lynn Perkinson on May 23, 2015; the proud grandparents are
Eddie and Sandy Perkinson.
Dear Friends,
Please know how grateful I have been for your
thoughts and prayers during my recent illness. I feel a
presence around me that makes me think I’m cared for
in many ways.
God bless.
Rebecca Ziady
You are invited!
Join us for a Wedding Shower for
Cooper Horne and
Logan McGee
On Saturday, June 6
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
First Presbyterian Church
in the Fellowship Hall
Hosted by Ruth Bell and Eleanor Horne
The couple is registered at Belk, Walmart and Target
May Session
Approved PYC and KICKS attending a Mudcats baseball
game on Sunday, May 31, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. The activity
is also open to all church members.
· Approved the use of It Was Not a Silent Night by Adam
Hamilton as Sunday school curriculum for the young adult
class, a Bible study on Christianity and Islam for the
Wednesday morning Bible Study, and Camp Discovery
curriculum for Vacation Bible School.
· Approved to contract with Dr. Art Ross to work with the
Session to clarify the vision and mission of the church, to
pay his compensation from the Building Fund, and to set a
date of July 1, 2015 to establish a clarified vision and
mission and plan for the capital campaign.
· Approved reconvening the 2015 Nominating Committee
to elect a deacon to fill the unexpired term of Sarah Pate.
Former deacon Cindy Smith has volunteered to undertake
Sarah’s duties until a replacement is elected.
· Approved moving forward immediately to hire a part time
Director of Youth Ministries. This position is for a 20 hour
work week with the salary to be paid from the $15,000
designated to fund this position.
If you have items you wish to bring before Session, contact
Debbie Jacobs, clerk.
Honorarium for Jimmy Hooks.
Memorials for Clem and Mikki Sharek, Terry
Smith, Mabel Surles, J. B. Surles III.
Donors: Gayle Godwin, Frank and Lisa Deans, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Underwood, Roger and Eleanor Horne, Virginia Williams,
Susan B. Lassiter, Frank and Betsy Olive, John and Maxine
McFadyen, Chap and Ann Ragland, Barbara and James Wolfgang.
New Hope Presbytery
has re-imagined its
mission to make it
easier for congregations
to explore, facilitate,
equip and establish
new ministries in local
communities and across
the Presbytery. Partner
together in a Passion
Driven Ministry!
an open
the place where
meets the
up to
to form a
Passion Driven Ministry
Application Deadline:
June 30, 2015
Have you ever . . .
 Yearned to partner with
another church in the
Presbytery around a
 common mission?
 considered partnering
with colleagues in a
 common ministry?
 wondered how you could
better serve God
 together?
 wished you had
 colleagues to pray and
dream about church
growth with?
The Presbytery of New Hope
Prospective Member Team
The Prospective Member Team has formulated the following
 To increase church visitors and membership, the team will
distribute flyers on July 12, giving information about our
Vacation Bible School and other church activities to the
Chandler Ridge Subdivision in Clayton and the Forest Oaks
Subdivision in Smithfield. Plans are being made to utilize the
youth in passing out the Smithfield flyers.
 The team will utilize financial donations generated by the 5 th of
July Cookout at the church to assist the Smithfield Rescue
Mission with needed updates to their facilities.
 The team will encourage members to use existing printed
postcards to send to members who haven’t attended recently.
Cards can also be mailed to friends and residents who might be
interested in finding a warm and welcoming church home like
First Presbyterian.
—Hubert Schmidt
Summer Needs
Harbor kids need summer toys, drinks and snacks.
Please place in the basket in the fellowship hall. This
is a project of the Presbyterian Women.
Summer Hiatus
JOY Connection will not meet for the
months of June, July, and August. We will take
a break for those three months and then will
gather again the first Thursday in September.
Go ahead and mark your calendar for
September 3, 2015, when we will gather at
noon for a delicious meal and a very informative program. If you
have any ideas for meals or programs for this group, please call
Ann Ragland and share that information.
As the song says, “I’ll see you in September….”
—Ann Ragland
Hunger: The Devil Is in the Details
Why are so many foods which I love devilish?
Growing up southern I ate deviled eggs and fried
chicken most every Sunday. I couldn’t quite develop a
taste for deviled ham which only grandma made. But,
I fondly remember a fresh dollop of whipped cream
atop chocolaty devil’s food cake on special occasions
(as opposed to Angel Food Cake with strawberries
and whipped cream!) Then there are the Fra Diablo
dishes that singes our tongues and causes sweat to
pop out on our brows. If you can eat the 10 alarm
chili or wings, then you get a T-shirt and your picture
on the wall of a restaurant.
I used to loooove hot food; it was a devilish sin,
but “used to” is the catchphrase of the day now
(Evans Horne is an exception only because he has an
iron tongue I’m sure). We associate many foods with
the devil and lovingly or warily give dishes names
that reference him - usually for their sinful decadence
or wicked capsaicin.
The devil is in the details, and so it is with our
hunger missions. The devil of it is that many people are hungry.
The good part is that our church reaches out to those individuals
through our Hunger ministries as God intended. We should be
proud that we are engaged in our community to stop hunger, a devil
of a problem. Please support our missions — Yes We Can, Pennies
For Hunger and Smithfield Rescue Mission.
—Tom Barwick, Chair
Wednesday, 12:15
Our Sanctuary
June 17: Ella Ann Holding, piano
June 24: Greg Honeycutt, baritone
July 8: Neuse Little Theater, favorite soloists
We’re Opening Doors
Thanks to the generous contributions of our
congregation to various mission projects, we have
been able to advance funds to the Smithfield Rescue
Mission to allow the construction of an emergency
exit door in their kitchen. This was an important need
for them, and we are pleased that we can help. Our
contributions to the Fifth of July Fireworks cookout will help
replenish our mission budget.
In addition, we had enough food left over from the May JOY
Connection that we could provide dinner for the 15 residents at the
Mission. The staff at the Rescue Mission are very grateful for our
help in their Christian ministry to the homeless and the hungry.
We will once again provide at meal for the SECU Hospice
House. The date is Sunday, June 28. Also keep in mind that we will
restock their pantry in November.
We are proud to support these worthy causes.
—Greg Knoll
Join FPC’s Team 37
June 5
Smithfield-Selma High School Track
5:00 p.m.: Gates open
6:00 p.m.: Opening Ceremony
7:00 p.m.: Survivor Walk
Dusk: Luminary Ceremony
Activities throughout the night,
including the Fun Glow Run at midnight.
Note: Our location has moved; you’ll
find us on the concession stand side near the home team
July 15: Students of Karen Mollins, Vernon Hawkins,
Dr. Christine Rogers and Betty Barden
July 22: John Adams and Ella Ann Holding, duo piano
July 29: Thomas Howerton, viola
August 5: Students of Dara Edwards
August 12: Joshua Joyner, baritone
Grassroots Funded by the Johnston County Arts Council
and the North Carolina Arts Council
Scout Court of Honor
Tuesday, June 2, 6:00—8:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
End of year meeting.
My father used to play with my brother and me in
the yard. Mother would come out and
say, “You’re tearing up the grass.”
“We’re not raising grass,” Dad
would reply. “We’re raising boys.”
—Harmon Killebrew
The Evelyn Southerland Avera Scholarship
It is time to apply for the Evelyn Southerland Avera Scholarship. The purpose of this scholarship is to honor
the Avera children’s mother, her love of First Presbyterian Church, her spirit, and her strong belief in the value of
education. This scholarship is designed for someone seeking a two- or four-year degree, has a financial need, has a
connection to this church, and exhibits the characteristics of Evelyn Avera. It is open to any student who is currently
enrolled in college. Download an application from our website and return it by June 15, 2015, to Debbie Jacobs.
Peace for Today
May today there be peace within.
May you trust in God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be confident knowing you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul
The freedom to sing, dance, praise, and love.
It is there for each and every one of us.
St. Therese of Lisieux
June 2015
Smithfield, NC 27577
PO Box 1159
First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church
Operating Results January — April 2015
Actual vs. Budgeted
2015 Actual
2015 Budgeted
General Offering
PYC and KICKS will not meet
in June, July or August.
Both groups will resume in
Education Quadrant
Mission Outreach Q
Spirituality Q*
Stewardship Q
Total Disbursements
Net Income/(Deficit)
Wee Kirk on Vacation — Resumes September 13
As in the past, we will not have Wee
Kirk during the summer. Wee Kirk is
for kids in kindergarten through second
grade, and it meets each Sunday after
Time with Children until the end of
worship. If you are looking for
something to keep your child or
children occupied during worship, pick
up a Children’s Worship Bulletin. You
may choose either the one for children 3
-6 or the one for children 7-12. You can also pick up a worship
bag. They are in a basket beside the doors into the sanctuary. A
deacon can assist you in finding these materials.
—Ruth Bell
*Adjusted for Youth Intern prepayments
Camping Fun has not begun,
But please do save the date!
July 19—23 will be a blast.
Hurry, don’t be late!
The Property Box
Many, many thanks to church
members who came to spread
mulch on Saturday, May 16:
Harold Allen, Stan Coats, Linda Crowder, Kenny
Duncan, Dot Ellmore, Jim Henderson, Rich
Huckenbeck, David Lee, Anita Liverman, and Hubert
and Judy Schmidt.
We will begin at 5:30 sharp,
And end each night at eight.
Stories, music, lots of laughs . . .
The memories will be great!
P. S. Parents, you may register online at http://FPCVBS2015.
By the way, we need large baby food jars and battery operated
tea lights. Please donate if you have some!
—Kelly Coats
Parents and youth leaders: Please do not allow the
children under your supervision to play in the
sanctuary, at the reception desk in the Great Hall, or
in the courtyard.
—The Property Team
Children’s Music with Miss Camille and Miss
Kathy WILL CONTINUE during the summer on
the third Sundays from 9:45—10:30 a.m.
Are you spending your time on the right things? Because time is
all you have.”
—Randy Pausch
Christ wants a child’s heart, but a grown-up’s
head. He wants us to be simple, single-minded,
affectionate, and teachable, as good children are.
But he also wants every bit of intelligence we have
to be alert at its job, and in first-class fighting
—C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
Teacher Appreciation Breakfast
June 14
9:00 a.m.
Fellowship Hall
Position Description
Director of Youth Ministries
Smithfield, North Carolina
May 2015
Purpose: To coordinate a comprehensive youth program of
spiritual formation and development while working in concert
with volunteer youth leaders.
Part-Time: 15-20 hours per week with anticipated three days
including Sunday on site.
Compensation: $17.00-$ 20.00/hour based on qualifications/
Designated Term Position: August/Fall 2015 – Spring 2016*
Possibility to extend term pending funding.
E. Skill and Experience Needed
Reports to: Pastor/Head of Staff and Personnel Team
Applications and inquiries should be submitted by July 1, 2015, to
Jimmy Hooks/Personnel Team; [email protected]
A. Relationships
 Initiate and provide time and space for
relationship building with all youth, parents, and
 Attend weekly worship (preferred).
 Encourage and reach out to youth and their
families who are not members of FPC Smithfield.
 Maintain a connection with youth who head off
to college or work.
B. Ministries
 Coordinate with youth leaders and participate in
youth groups, mission trips, lock-ins, retreats,
 Create the right balance of fun and innovative
activities, spiritual nurture and mission and
service opportunities.
 Provide training for youth leaders.
 Encourage youth in the importance of worship.
 Encourage and coordinate youth participation in
worship through lay reading and participation in
music in coordination with the Director of Music.
 Plan and execute Youth Sundays in cooperation
with the Director of Music and the pastor.
C. Youth Leader/ Volunteer Team
 Have regularly scheduled, quality youth leader
meetings for training, encouragement, reflection,
and planning.
 Develop a comprehensive yearly youth schedule
of activities.
 Delegate responsibilities for various spiritual
lessons and events.
 Recruit new youth leaders.
 Organize and request youth information and
release forms.
D. Communication, Administration and Other
 Coordinate and communicate all activities
involving youth.
▪ Utilize social media/electronic
communications to contact and connect
with parents and youth.
▪ Create weekly worship bulletin
announcements, monthly articles, photos,
calendar updates, etc., for church
newsletter, e-news, and youth newsletter.
▪ Develop and keep current a youth-oriented
bulletin board.
Produce general youth handouts, leader packets,
and other relevant printed materials for youth
Carefully manage the income and expenses for all
youth ministry budget line items.
Request and organize youth information and
release forms.
Meet regularly with the pastor/head of staff to
update and discuss youth ministry.
▪ Attend staff bi-weekly meetings.
▪ Attend Session meetings when requested.
Have a Christian faith that is filled with hope,
curiosity, and assurances.
Have strong communication skills and a
demonstrated ability to work effectively with
volunteers, parents, youth, and fellow staff.
Possess strong administrative and organizational
skills and the ability to manage multiple tasks
Have a Bachelor’s degree (preferred).
Possess creativity, imagination, and flexibility.
Have interpersonal skills necessary to work with
all age groups and theological perspectives.
From the Handbell Director
One disadvantage of being the handbell director is
that every time we play I have to stand with my back
to you, and I don’t have the advantage of seeing
firsthand your reactions to our music. I’m hoping you
will take the opportunity to thank your FPC ringers for
their hard work this year and that you will take a few
minutes to give us feedback about what you especially
enjoyed or what you would like to see us put back on
the shelf!
This has been an eventful season for bells, and we have much
to be thankful for. Our new practice space is WONDERFUL! Set
up and take down time (and physical effort) have been cut in half
simply by not having to climb stairs. We’re hoping that those of
you who considered ringing with us but were put off by the stairs
will reconsider now that we are more accessible. Thanks also to
Rich Huckenbeck and his crew for wrestling with the acoustical
panels and mounting them so that they not only stay on the wall,
but give us the best possible sound in our new space. Rich also
helped solve the problem of locking up the bells, so they will be
safe while not in use. A special note of thanks to Patrick
Templeton. Even with his busy schedule, he has always been
willing bring a recorder or flute or clarinet when our music required
a soloist. Thanks also to the young people who have been coming
on the Third Sunday to begin learning to ring. They’ve done a great
job, and I’ve had fun getting to know them and making music with
I couldn’t end the season without thanking our ringers.
Camille, Courtney, Debbie, Anita and Tony, Jane, Ken, and
Thomas, Joy, Beth, Judy, you are amazing. You give so much to
our church and our community already, but I
appreciate the hard work you do each week to
make the music come together. You have shared
far more in terms of emotional support and
friendship and musicianship than I will ever be
able to repay. Ring on.
—Kathy Rice