The other life of the written heritage
The other life of the written heritage
The other life of the literary heritage Radka Kalcheva Emilia Milkova Public Library in Varna The technology has changed the role of the cultural institutions. The position of the cultural institutions in the community needs to be reconsidered. Digitization is most often accepted as universal “save” button for the cultural heritage. Public Library in Varna Statistic The Library has been established in the year of 1883 It’s been a depository for the Bulgarian literature since 1945 860 000 items of library documents 100 000 visits per year 220 000 items in circulation per year Varna Digital Library Started in 2008 as a part of the EuropeanaLocal project Our digital collections Serials printed in Varna 187 titles / 1880 – 1944 Old photos and postcards from Varna at the end of XIX c. and beginning of XX c. 2500 items / 1850 - 1944 The Collection Profile Local community needs Selection criteria Historical and cultural importance Protection and preservation of documents Partners Revival Museum Museum of Varna History Public Library – Varna as an Aggregator for Europeana Public Library in Varna Public Library in Dobrich Library Rodina in Stara Zagora Public Library in Rousse Public Library in Haskovo 35 123 items in Europeana On-going Projects Europeana Awareness / 2011 – 2014 / Europeana Libraries LoCloud – Local Content in a Europeana Cloud /2013 – 2015/ Thank you for your attention ! Questions ? [email protected]
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