The Agawam Arrow - Agawam Congregational Church UCC


The Agawam Arrow - Agawam Congregational Church UCC
The Agawam Arrow
Volume 28 Issue 5
May 2015
United Church of Christ, 745 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Greg Dawson
A church where the Holy Spirit is alive, uniting people with Christ through: Transforming
ministries, vibrant worship, diligent study and warm fellowship.
Office Phone (413) 786-7111 Office Fax (413) 786-4837
Church E-mail Address: [email protected]
Minister Phone (413) 786-7011
Pastor Greg Dawson: [email protected]
Janet Brown: [email protected]
Church Web Site:
“A place to call home – A people to call family.”
Be Still, and Know that I Am God!
~Psalm 46:10
Be Still!!! Are you crazy God? Do you know our schedules?
Do you see what’s on our “to-do lists”?
Be still. No way. What we need to do is to move faster. Grace L. Naessens put it best when
she wrote,
I got up early one morning and rushed right into the day;
I had so much to accomplish, I didn't have time to pray.
Have you ever felt that way? So overwhelmed with things to do that you didn’t have time
to spend talking with God. Oh, we want to spend time with God. It’s just that God will
need to wait until we find a break in our hectic lives to fit God in. But when God ceases to
be the foundation of our lives things have a tendency of going from bad to worse.
Again I quote Grace Nassens,
Problems just tumbled about me and grew heavier with each task;
Why doesn't God help me, I wondered;
He answered, "You didn't ask."
I wanted to see joy and beauty, but the day toiled on, gray and bleak;
I wondered why God didn't show me;
He said, "But you didn't seek."
I tried to come into God's presence;
I used all my keys at the lock;
God gently and lovingly chided,
"My child, you didn't knock."
God is our heavenly father and as such longs to spend time with His children, that’s you and
me. Spending time with us is God’s consuming desire. It is such a foundational longing for
God that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to the cross to die that He might redeem us from
death. All other priorities come second and third to God when it comes to being there for
His children.
If God was willing to go as far as death itself in order to clear His schedule that he might
have time for us, shouldn’t we willing to do the same for Him? Isn’t it time our priorities
were reordered to fit the priorities of God. I leave you with the words of Grace Naessens,
I woke up early this morning and paused before entering the day;
I had so much to accomplish that I had to take time to pray.
Rev. Greg Dawson
May 2, Teddy Bear Tea at 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 3, 10:00 a.m. Family Communion Sunday, no church school, coffee
Sunday, May 10, 10:00 a.m. MOTHER’S DAY, Worship Service, church school and
coffee hour ~HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!~
Saturday, May 16th Men’s Ministry Meeting at Bobbie J’z at 7:30 a.m.
Sunday, May 17th, 10:00 a.m. Worship Service, church school, coffee hour,
Joy Fellowship
Monday, May 18th 4:00 p.m. Loaves & Fishes and 7:00 p.m. Women’s Ministry
Meeting in the Friendship Room
Friday, May 22nd 9:00 a.m. Newsletter Collation
Sunday, May 24th 10:00 a.m. PENTECOST/Memorial Day Sunday Worship Service,
no church school, coffee hour Faithful Friends Celebration at coffee hour!
Sunday, May 31st 10:00 a.m. Worship Service, church school, coffee hour
Our sympathy to P.J. Owen on the recent loss
of her dear sister Sally.
Our sympathy to Robert and Evelyn Hamel on
the recent loss of their grandson, Jerry.
Our sympathy to the Bartuski family on the
passing of Ruth on March 19th. A service took
place at the church on March 25th at 10:30 a.m.
Our thoughts are prayers are with them all.
Our sympathy to Corinne Pierson on the
recent passing of her step-son David
Our thoughts are prayers are with them all.
“Church Lighting for the month of April was
in loving memory of Les Melanson’s April
Birthday from Dale and Family,” ”
All Committees, if you are making a purchase, a
VOUCHER must be submitted for approval BEFORE
your purchase is made. ALL purchases MUST BE
APPROVED BY the Property Committee/Trustees.
Forms are in the church office. Thank you.
Sincere thanks
The family of Mrs. Marion Ekstedt wishes to extend
sincere thanks to our Agawam church family for all
your prayers, phone calls, cards, visits, and
memorial gifts in her memory.
Marion would be so honored and pleased.
“Junk for Jesus”
Volunteers are also needed to help serve!
Please see Pat Mesick for questions.
We meet every 3rd Monday of the month at 4:00 p.m.
Our Parish Cupboard Item for MAY is all
types of cereal.
From the Property Committee:
New locks have been installed at the church.
If you need a new key, please see Dick
Bassett or Ann Schwein.
A 10$ key charge applies.
Any concerns should be addressed to the
Property Committee – not the custodian.
Dave Prova is our contact person.
PICTURES are needed!
Please share pictures of church events.
You can e-mail them to the church office
([email protected]) and we can post
them on our website or in our future
Do you have any metal you want to get rid of?
Please call Dick Bassett (786-2430) or John Hauser
(786-0262) and they will come pick it up! Every
little bit helps! Thank you!
In loving memory of Ruth Bartuski
~Dick and Caroline Bassett
~Barbara and Doug Morrow
~the children of Merilyn Brown
In loving memory of Diane Simpson
~William Ekstedt
~Dick and Caroline Bassett
~Anna and Larry Perkins
~Mary Jane Stuart
~Ann and Warren Tapply
~Wayne and Barbara Vangsness
~Bill and Betty Spring
In loving memory of Marion Ekstedt
~Betty and Bill Spring
~Cathie and Bud Strniste (to Loaves & Fishes)
In loving memory of Les Melanson
~Lucia Lumber
This is a wonderful way to honor a loved one, a birthday,
~Steven and Lisa Melanson
anniversary, or any event in your life. Your generous
contribution is used to light the lower spot lights in the ~Dale Melanson
front of the church. Church lighting forms are available ~Diane and Jon Gendron
in the church office.
~Shelly and Amaro Golcalves
Suggested donations:
~The Ciamatori Family
One week - $20.00 & one month - $75.00
In loving memory of Merilyn Brown
~The Holyoke Medical Center
~Betty and Bill Spring
Flowers for May
5/3 In memory of “Skip” Stuart from Mary Jane Stuart.
(2) In memory of Eleanor Toussaint from Caroline
5/10 In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hayden and Richard
Hayden from Judy and John Timms.
5/17 In memory of Helen Arnold from Cindy Arnold and
Jane Lawless.
5/24 In memory of grandsons Skyler Hamel and Peter
Weiglen from Robert and Evelyn Hamel. (2) In memory
of those who died in the service of our country from the
Friendship Committee.
5/31 In memory of John Allen and Mom & Dad from
Carol Allen.
See bulletin board for details!
Head Ushers for May
5/3 Mike Follis
5/10 Ed Nawskon
5/17 Todd Bousquet
5/24 Dave Prova
5/31 Mike Follis
Easter Flowers!
Thank you Flower Committee!
Lending Cupboard
Worship Readers for May
5/3 Mark McCormick
5/10 Jeff Herrick
5/17 Marian Herrick
Thank you to Ann Tapply, Donna Tapply and
Our Lending Cupboard has medical equipment items
Cindy Taylor for covering the office while I
that are available for use by our church members and
was out for eye surgery.
their families throughout the year. If you are in need,
~Ann in the church office
please call the church office. You must sign out the item
and please return the item when you are finished as
Men’s Ministry
others are in need.
Items include: hospital beds, wheel chairs, canes,
Our May meeting will take place on
walkers, commodes, crutches, transfer boards, bath
Saturday, May 16th at 7:30 a.m. at
sets, grabbers, etc. Donations are always welcome
Bobbie J’z across from Six Flags!
and appreciated. Please call ahead to be sure we have
what you need. Most items can be picked up the day
Join us!
you call. Thank you.
Worship Service
10:00 a.m. Worship Service with a
blending of traditional and contemporary
Christian music, one choir anthem,
and a children’ message.
Church school for grades K-8!
Pastor: Rev. Dr. Greg Dawson
Office 786-7011
Visits and phone calls are welcome.
Church Office 786-7111
Secretary Ann Schwein
Office hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon
If you or a family member is hospitalized, please
call the church office to let Pastor Greg know.
The hospitals, by law, cannot let us know you are
there. Please have a family member or a friend call
us at 786-7111. After office hours, we have a
telephone answering machine for all messages.
Is in the church office!
Have you lost anything? Stop by and see
what we have accumulated.
Thank you Newsletter Staff!
Special thanks to Carol Allen, Matt Blackak,
Sue Peckham, Priscilla Peterson, Shirley
Parker, Corinne Pierson, and Priscilla &
Raoul Sands! Collation for our June
newsletter will take place on Friday
May 22, 2015 at 9:00 a.m.!
Playgroup meets on Thursday mornings
9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Open to the Public!
We follow the Agawam Public School
Alice’s Garden
To whom it may concern, on Easter Sunday,
someone left a note about the artificial plants and
flowers in Alice’s Garden.
Since the skylight was covered in the roof project,
Women’s Ministry
real plants will not live in the garden. We have
Our next meeting will take place on Monday,
May 18th at 7:00 p.m. in our Friendship Room. All tried “grow lights” but they have to be mounted
too high to be effective.
women of the church are invited!
Alice loved flowers and we try our best to have
REAL flowers on the altar every Sunday.
I hope this answers your concern.
Thank you, Caroline Bassett, Flower Committee
Available in the church office – only $15.00 each!
@ A.C.C.
We meet at the church, Sunday nights, 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
It’s not just for church members! Bring a friend!
May 3 – Bottle & Can Return
May 10th – Mother’s Day – No meeting
May 17 – Movie Day “Five People You Meet in Heaven”
May 24 & May 31 - No Meetings!
Spring is here!
Missions is pleased to report that donations collected for One Great
Hour of Sharing totaled $420.00! Thanks once again to our generous
congregation, we are able to help behind the scenes, as these
dedicated people respond to victims of earthquakes, both nationally
and overseas, with emergency relief.
Thank you all for sharing your blessings with others!
Thank you’s also go out to all the walkers and sponsors involved in
this year’s CROP WALK. Stay tuned for a final total raised.
~For the Committee, Sandi
The Jesus I believe in would bake two cakes!
I believe that I have been saved from sin and am a child of God not because I am a good person or a
deserving person, but rather because God loves me. There are many bible verses that speak to this but one
of my favorites is Ephesians 2 8:4-5:
“But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ
even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved.”
Or as John Newton writes in one of my favorite hymns:
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.
I believe that as I child of God, I believe that I am commanded to show love and compassion to other
people. In Mark 12:29-31 Jesus tells me that the following two commandments are the most important:
“The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is
one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and
with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no
commandment greater than these.”
I believe that loving my neighbor includes not judging my neighbor. It is my hope that at the end of my life,
Jesus will be able to say to me:
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to
drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and
you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25, 35-36
Saved by Grace
Daniel Koehne, Deacon of the Month for May
Now for my annual Deacons Fund appeal. The Deacons Fund, used to support our church members in
need, is in need of your support and I would like to ask you to consider supporting this important church
ministry. To the church members that have supported this ministry in the past -- thank you. If you find
yourself in financial hardship and would like to make use of the Deacons Fund please speak to a Deacon or
Reverend Greg.
Per Capita Dues for 2015: Total $19.10 per person
($1.00 to Hamden Association and $18.10 Conference Dues).
Agawam Congregational Church and Youth Group can help! All you have to do is
apply for a campership! Applicants must:
 Apply by seeing Janet Brown and filling out an application.
 Applicants must help with the Youth Campership Raffle
 All applicants must be church members of the A.C.C.
Applications are available in the church office or on our web site
Pastor Greg’s Sermons
“I have begun to audio record my sermons and upload to the church website at Click on the pull down menu
marked "Sermons" and click on Audio Sermons.”
Your only cost would be removing and installing it in your home.
Please call Ann Sorel at 786-1667.
Thank you for your support! Congratulations to all our winners!
Tuckers Gift Card:
Norman Rockwell Museum Tickets:
King Ward Bus/Mohegan Sun Tickets:
Interskate 91 Passes:
Geissler’s Gift Card:
New England Aquarium Tickets:
Wistaurhurt Museum Tickets:
EB’S Restaurant Gift Card:
Tapply’s Model A Car Ride:
Pastor Greg’s Painting:
Pastor Greg’s Painting:
Brandon Workman Photo:
Storrowton Tavern Gift Certificate:
Bradley Auto Wash Coupons:
Ecotarium Tickets:
Joyce Decker
Nancy Maxim
No entry tickets
Christine Kerr
Betty Fogg
Christine Kerr
Mark McCormick
Don Fogg
Carolyn Kozlak
Joyce Decker
Ray Orr
Mick Picco
Bob McMullin
Janet Brown
ACC Children & Family Ministries
Dear Friends,
Spring has finally sprung! I hope you are enjoying the change in
seasons and taking the time to enjoy the creation and each
 FAMILY SERVICE on May 3rd – Kids will remain in the
sanctuary for this special service. Children’s bulletins and
activity bags will be available.
 MOM’s Ministry – Our next gathering will be on May 11th
at 7 pm. See me for location info and join us as we lift our
families up in prayer and share in the joys and challenges
of parenting! This is open to moms of young and older children!
 ACC Family Playgroup – May 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th @ 9:30 am.
 JOY fellowship – May 17th – JOY will run this month and next and then we will break for the
 Faithful Friends – HAS NOT ENDED! Plan to attend our end of year celebration on May 24 th
during coffee hour to celebrate our new friendships this year!
A note on summer programming… we will continue to have our Family Services on the first week
of each month, and will be looking for volunteers to watch Veggie Tales videos with the kids
weekly during the service. VBS is coming right up too, and I’ll let you know when the online
registration form is up! As we look ahead to winding up this year of Sunday School in the early
weeks of June, please prayerfully consider how you would like to see us continue to grow our
programming. We have had many exciting changes this year, the new monthly family service, the
introduction of JOY for our Youth, Faithful Friends, and most recently, our Mom’s Ministry. Let’s
chat! I want to know how these programs are working for your family, and what else we can do to
support and encourage your family’s faith journey.
Wishing you a joyous celebration of the moms and women in your life! Happy Mother’s Day!
Janet Brown, Director of Children & Family Ministries, ACC
[email protected]