2010 - spcaLA


2010 - spcaLA
Friends for Life
A publication of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles
2010 | Volume 14
In Memory of
“Pedee” Pitchford
On the Cover »
2010 Friends for Life
Volume 14
Lobo, one of spcaLA’s Chihuahuas.
Con ten t s
Cover photography by Andy Sheng.
January 17, 1994–February 17, 2010
Op en i ng
4 President’s Message
5 Letters
Donor Recognition
A rt ic les
06Year in Review
Highlights of our past fiscal year.
08Cover Story:
Air Chihuahua Takes Flight!
26 Memorial & Tribute Gifts
Forget Beverly Hills, send me back East!
How to H el p
10spcaLA Around Town
33 spcaLA Locations
Catch your spcaLA out and about!
35 Donor Tiles
37 Naming Opportunities
39 Donate Needed Items to spcaLA
Art direction, design, & edits by Ana Bustilloz and Shelby Moulden.
spcaLA does not necessarily advocate or promote the use of
spcaLA Communications & Marketing Department
products/ services featured in Friends for Life.
» Madeline Bernstein
Stay in step with Madeline. Go to
http://spcala.com/president/pres_msg.php to
check out her blog, Twitter feed, & more!
As we again come upon the busiest fund-raising
season of the year I, again urge you to know your
charity and donate locally. We are a generous
and empathetic people who react with our hearts
when seeing the ravages of an earthquake on
the news, or expensive television ads of forlorn
children and injured animals. We respond with
our purses when celebrities beg for donations
and plead with viewers to join them in giving.
I do too—but I worry about how often we can
be disappointed and develop charity fatigue.
I fear for those who still need the help after the
compassionate tire of giving.
Bono (from the rock band U2) is under fire after it was revealed that only about 1% of
his charity’s fifteen million dollars made it to actual causes. Billions of dollars in aid
was raised for Haiti and much has yet to find its way to those who are still suffering.
In Linda Polman’s The Crises Caravan: What’s Wrong with Humanitarian Aid?, she laments
that needed aid may not reach its intended destination, and, if it does, may land in the
wrong hands and make matters worse! And finally, in our business, there are those
who still believe that donating to aspca and hsus helps your spcaLA or any other spca
or human society. They are neither umbrella organizations, nor connected legally to
any other similarly named organization. My issue is that donors should intend to give
to these groups rather than do so in error and assume that they are something that
they are not.(Both aspca and hsus have been asked to put meaningful disclosures on
their commercials and other advertising materials. Both have refused.)
Given that the combination of generosity and disaster can add up to a veritable “candy
store” for the unprincipled, greedy and the opportunistic, I am terrified that those who
can give, will stop, believing that they are not making a difference or that they have
been bamboozled. What will happen to your spcaLA and to those desperately in need
of a helping hand?
Rather than souring on giving, research the situation, ask questions and make sure your
gift is going to whom and where you so intend. Consider donating to a local organization
that you can visit, talk to, and just see in action. Frequently, your local charity may be
providing international relief as well or is affiliated with one who is. Bolstering the local
charities boosts the local economy, provides jobs, resources and allows the community
to thrive. Stronger communities result in stronger cities, states and nations. Our ability
to help others improves with our own increased strength and solvency.
Website: www.spcaLA.com
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (888) 772-2521
Cruelty Tipline: (800) 540-SPCA
E x ec u t i v e T e a m
Madeline Bernstein
Diane Eyler
Executive Vice President
Captain David Havard
Vice President
Liz Visco
Vice President
Di r ec tor s
Miriam Davenport
Senior Director of Development
Dr. Karen Halligan, DVM
Director of Veterinary Services
Denise Jakcsy
Senior Director of Companion Animal
J.R. Sitman, MCP
Director of MIS
Debra Sutton
Senior Director of Programs
Melanie Wagner, M.S. Ed
Director of Humane Education
Boa r d of Di r ec tor s
Rollin Ransom, Esq.
Chairman of the Board
Robert S. Span
Vice Chair
Bart Zitnitsky
Mariann N. Ettorre
Charity begins at home. It is only when we stand strong that we can lift another.
Harold F. Pine
Craig de Recat
George G. Strong
Yours truly,
Honor a ry Boa r d
Madeline Bernstein, spcaLA President
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
Peter A. Cheney
Cathy Guisewite
Matt Knabe
Martine Korach
Heather A. Mahood, Esq.
Philip D. Pitchford
Cini & Ira Robb
Dayl Salamanca
Dori Slater Vance, DVM
Bob Tiedemann
Resa Trent
Betty White
Let ters
« Joe & his family
E n t e rta i n m e n t
Com m i t t e e
Dr. Buzz Aldrin
Ed Asner
Candice Bergen
Jacqueline Bisset
Dyan Cannon
Nancy Carr
Keith Hamilton Cobb
Phil Davis, Esq.
Ellen DeGeneres
Barbara Eden
Blake Edwards
Jim Ervin
Dann Florek
Daniel A. Fiore
Dennis Franz
Annabeth Gish
Lee Grant
Tommy Habeeb
Jeff Hall
Daryl Hannah
Patricia Heaton
Danielle Hunt
William Immerman
Ashley Keegan
Curt King
B. Susan Kirch
Patrick Labyorteaux
Cloris Leachman
Joe Mantegna
Constance Marie
Roxanne Motamedi
Craig T. Nelson
Ginger Perkins
Ellen Pittleman
LeAnn Rimes
Vicki Roberts
Akiko Rogers
Dale Rosenbloom
Jodi Roth
Gena Rowlands
Jenni Runyan
Theresa Russell
Molly Sims
Cynthia Snyder
Ben Stein
Bill Todman, Jr.
Bonnie Todman
John Travolta
Jennifer Weingroff
Kim Wilder-Lee
Matt Winston
Here I am with the kids of my new family! I can tell that they love me very much. I’ve
been to walks along the beach, car rides (which made me a little barfy), and I play a lot
in my new backyard! Soon I will learn to swim in my own pool. They can’t believe
how smart I am. I now can lie down & crawl as well as sit, shake, high-five and “target”
(the stuff you guys taught me). Thank you for taking such good care of me while I was
there & now I am a really, really happy dog!
XO Joe a.k.a. Lucky
Just want to update you on “Pearl” and “Sassy.” I’m in love.
I can’t imagine life without them. And to think I came to
adopt only one kitty. I’m so glad you paired up “Sassy” with
“Pearl” because they really seemed like a good fit, so I just
HAD to take both. Now they are best of friends and we are
one big happy family. “Pearl” is now “Sophie” (white) and
“Sassy” is now “Phebe.” They are hilarious and full of energy. Great health and behavior and of course, I spoil [them]
rotten...I can’t help it. Thanks for taking amazing care of
your animals. I feel so blessed to have them in my life.
Shari Gulley
» Phebe & Sophie Gulley
Pr e s i de n t ’ s M e ssage
Thank you for inspiring my daughter, Sara. You should see her training and taking care
of our new puppy. Having enrolled Sara in the spcaLA Friends for Life Kids Camp has
been the best experience for her. Thank you again & keep up the good work!
M. Samayoa
« Sara & her dogs
By Miriam Davenport
September 1st, 2009 through August 31st, 2010
» spcaLA Humane Officer & volunteers rescue cats & kittens from an East LA home.
Food for all
For the first time in decades, pet
food reserves at spcaLA dwindled
at an alarming rate. Corporate
donations of pet food were less
than 10% of what they were prior
to the recession. By January, we
were in dire straits.
And, it worked. Your generosity
influenced others—your Facebook
friends, your neighbors, your
colleagues, your families—even
pet food companies like Natura
Pet Products, Dogswell® and
Mars Petcare.
Despite the economic forecast
improving, corporate donations of
food will not return to pre-recession
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
spcaL A H u m a n e
Of f ic e r s to t h e
R esc u e
On two separate occasions this year,
spcaLA Humane Officers came to
the aid of elderly women. What
began as their feeding a few
neighborhood cats turned into
situations wherein neighbors
dumped unwanted animals,
resulting in over 100 cats between
the two. Both women called
spcaLA when the care of these
animals became more than they
could handle.
After rescuing the cats, spcaLA
Humane Officers brought the
animals back to spcaLA—or to
other credible rescue organizations
—where they were examined and
given veterinary care, spayed or
neutered, and placed into adoptions.
C rystal V ision to
P r ev en t V iolenc e
This March, the Employees Community Fund of Boeing California
(ECF) bestowed the prestigious
Crystal Vision Award on spcaLA.
Given in recognition of spcaLA’s
international, at-risk youth, violence
prevention program, “Teaching
Love and Compassion” (TLC), the
award was accompanied by a grant
that will help spcaLA to continue
and expand the program.
» spcaLA Expenses1
That’s when you came to the rescue.
By the carload and truckload,
spcaLA supporters donated dog
and cat food. Like Deborah
Davidson Harpur and her dog,
Gigi, who raised 32 tons of Rachel
Ray Nutrish food through the Pet
Postcard Project, you stepped up.
figures. We still need your help—
when you buy your pet some food,
consider getting a bag for a pet in
need, and encourage your friends
to do the same.
Unfortunately, not everyone can
recognize when a situation becomes
too much to handle. spcaLA
Humane Officers routinely
investigate and prosecute animal
hoarders: people who take in
unusually high numbers of pets
without the ability to properly
care or house them, while at the
same time denying this inability,
resulting in animal abuse & neglect.
If you suspect animal cruelty,
call the spcaLA Cruelty Tipline
at (800) 540-SPCA.
78% Programs
13% Management & General
9% Fundraising
In addition to feeding, spaying/
neutering, vaccinating & providing
veterinary care to some 5,000
animals every year, spcaLA focuses
on the mental needs of our shelter
pets. The sad fact is that dogs who
bark, jump and pace in their dens
or cats that hide, hiss or swat are
considered less desirable candidates
for adoption. These displays are
often results of stress, boredom and
lack of positive human interaction.
Tucker benefits from spcaLA’s HEAL Program.
Y e ar i n R e v i e w
H el p us H E AL
spcaLA’s HEAL (Helping Enhance
Animals’ Lives) program works
to address those issues. Through
HEAL, spcaLA’s Training and
Behavior Department works with
staff and volunteers, enabling
them to teach shelter dogs and
cats basic obedience and manners,
in addition to other enrichment
activities. With specialized plans
for pets in need, spcaLA staff &
volunteers take shelter dogs
through obedience & specialty
classes, and clicker-train cats to
help combat shyness. All of this
makes our pets less stressed and
more adoptable.
HEAL is made possible by your
support and a generous grant from
The PEDIGREE Foundation.
How do w e do i t ?
spcaLA relies 100% on donations—
we do not receive a penny of
government funding, and there is
no national spca or humane society
that provides support. Programs
and services for the public—spcaLA
Marketplaces, Grooming Salon,
Pet Hotel, Dog Training, Spring
& Summer Children’s Camps and
Specialty Spay/Neuter Center—
help to make spcaLA more
self-sufficient while strengthening
the human-animal bond and
reinforcing the importance of
being kind to animals.
Percentages are based on unaudited financial statements. At the time of this publication, audited financial statements were not yet available
for the 9/1/09-8/31/10 fiscal year. To view audited statements when they become available, please visit our profile at www.guidestar.org
(Tax ID 95-1738153) or call (323) 730-5300, ext 233.
1,028 animals were spayed or
neutered at the spcaLA Specialty
Spay/Neuter Center.
3,639 animals were adopted, reunited
with their families or transported to
an area of demand from the South
Bay Pet Adoption Center and the P.D.
Pitchford Companion Animal Village
& Education Center.
530 animals were fostered by
dedicated volunteers, many of the
pets were the motherless “bottle
babies” we see each spring, while
others were adult dogs and cats
in protective custody or in need
of some additional TLC.
16 families were able to put their
lives back together, thanks to ASN.
spcaLA cared for their animals (at no
charge) while they fled a domestic
violence situation.
375 volunteers donated 48,497 hours
of their time: training, socializing &
providing other enrichment activities
to animals; visiting residents of
assisted living and special-care
facilities through the Animal Assisted
Therapy program and so much more!
resolved through corrective action,
education, referral and prosecution.
Over 9,500 people were reached
by humane education programs—
TLC; spring & summer day camps;
Girl Scout workshops & classroom
presentations—preventing countless
acts of cruelty & making ours a
more humane world.
365 people were helped with pet
behavior issues via spcaLA’s FREE
Behavior Helpline.
26,462 animals were protected by
spcaLA’s Law Enforcement Division,
as they responded to 1,244 animal
cruelty complaints. Cases were
Cov e r St ory
Cov e r St ory
Air Chihuahua
Tak es Fl ight!
into a model for the future of animal welfare.
Since the inaugural “Air Chihuahua” flight,
spcaLA has worked with three humane
organizations to send Chihuahuas (and other
small dogs) to areas of the country in which
they are in high demand. Pets that could have
been guests of spcaLA for months were instead
adopted within a matter of hours.
Based on the success of “Air Chihuahua,”
spcaLA has a request for up to 170 more
Chihuahuas from the Humane Society of
Broward County and Chihuahua rescue
groups from as far as New England are
calling regularly with similar requests.
Just Business: “[If this were done regularly]
the supply of existing homeless pets would be
relocated to where the demand existed, thus
eradicating the market for those who would
abuse animals for profit.”
The Jason Debus Heigl Foundation has generously
pledged to pay for half of transport costs of
“Air Chihuahua”—we need your help with the
rest. The fees to transport one Chihuahua range
anywhere from $70 to $150, plus the cost of an
airplane-safe kennel. Consider making a donation
to sponsor one or more Chihuahuas. Drop off
a new, small-sized kennel at one of spcaLA’s
locations. Know someone in the airline industry?
spcaLA has a request for up to 170 more Chihuahuas...from as far as New England...
Every day, spcaLA’s guidance and mentoring
is asked for in transporting adoptable animals
from areas of glut to areas of demand. Looking
forward, we are fundraising to close the loop
on the Chihuahua boom by providing free spay/
neuter surgeries to Chihuahuas (and mixes).
spcaLA recognizes that the problem will only
be curbed by preventing unwanted litters in
tandem with matching supply to demand.
Forge t Bev e r ly H i lls, sen d
m e bac k Ea st!
By Miriam Davenport
Los Angeles is all about the trend. What our
famous residents tote—like Paris Hilton and Reese Witherspoon—so too does the rest of the city,
and soon the nation. The unfortunate fact is
what more and more people are toting are dogs,
specifically Chihuahuas. These tiny trendsetters are everywhere—by far the most owned
breed in the County of Los Angeles (nearly
60,000 are registered to date), and
unfortunately, they are quickly becoming one
of the most represented breeds in shelters.
collecting (and in extreme cases, hoarding) and
more, all of which ends one way: too many dogs
at places like spcaLA. Over the past several
years, spcaLA and other area shelters have
noted an increased intake in Chihuahuas—a
nearly constant 20% rise every year—while
their adoption rates have not risen at such
staggering levels.
Their small stature lends itself to people
“sneaking” pets into rental units, animal
What began as a single flight of thirty-five
Chihuahuas on New Year’s Eve 2009 has turned
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
But, with the help of supporters like you,
spcaLA is starting a new trend.
Help spcaLA secure flights for less. Want
to address the problem at its source? Sponsor
a Chihuahua’s spay or neuter.
It is within our power to curb the trend of
having too many Chihuahuas and not enough
homes. We need you to be a trendsetter.
“Air Chihuahua” is just the beginning. Donors
like the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation, Dr.
Leslie Capin and others have helped make these
first four airlifts a reality. Consider what could
happen if we expanded the program. Backyard
breeders and puppy mills would close for lack
of business. More homeless pets would find
new families. Euthanasia rates would drop
As spcaLA President, Madeline Bernstein said
in her January 5, 2010 blog, It’s Nothing Personal,
For more information or to donate visit
www.spcaLA.com/chihuahua, call
(323) 730-5300, ext 233 or email [email protected].
Interested in adopting? Visit one of our Pet
Adoption Centers or go to www.spcaLA.com
to view available animals.
spca L A Around Town
By Ana Bustilloz
Did you catch spcaLA in the community this year? We were all around town holding Low Cost Vaccine
Clinics and adoptions events; attending community fairs, block parties and emergency preparedness
meetings; and hosting events to raise awareness and funds for abused and neglected animals. In case you
missed us, here’s a look at some of the events over the past year. And remember, event listings can be
found at www.spcaLA.com.
Ronnie, the 2009 Hero Dog
Spay Day
spcaL A’ s Ot h e r E v en t s
• Night with the LA Kings
• Low Cost Vaccine Clinics
• PAWS to Read at Redondo Beach
& Hermosa Beach Libraries
• Junior Girl Scout Pet Care
Badge Workshops
• Halloween Pet Parade
• and much, much more!
• GO BLUE for spcaLA
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
H e ro
spcaLA’s Annual Hero Dog is an
award bestowed to a brave canine
companion who demonstrates the
strength of the human-animal
bond. spcaLA’s 2009 Hero Dog is
a Wire Fox Terrier named Ronnie
from Rossmoor, CA. One Saturday
evening, Ronnie heroically protected
his human companion and his
canine sibling from a coyote who
had jumped a fence into the
Christensen family’s backyard.
The coyote lunged and bit Ronnie
puncturing his shoulder, but
Ronnie stood his ground & chased
the coyote away. The Christensens
were quite surprised by Ronnie’s
behavior as he is considered the
most timid and mild-mannered
of the family’s three dogs. spcaLA
presented Ronnie the Hero Dog
award at a press conference at
Nokia Plaza in downtown Los
Angeles. The event was covered
by the local news media including
ABC, CBS, NBC and Univision.
spcaLA Ma r k &
Br i a n P e t
Adop t ion Day
The 5th Annual spcaLA Mark &
Brian Pet Adoption Day was the
biggest one yet! Not only were
there a dozen vendors giving away
advice, information and free pet
food samples, Tillman the Skate
boarding dog performed! Steve
Garvey of the Los Angeles Dodgers
signed baseballs and Mark and
Brian broadcasted live from the
P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal
Village in Long Beach. During the
event, and the weeks leading up to
it, spcaLA found homes for about
280 animals. We’ve already begun
planning for next year’s event
which will take place in May.
K i t t en
palooz a
spcaLA’s annual Kittenpalooza was
held in June at the South Bay Pet
Adoption Center in Hawthorne.
This cat and kitten adoption event
was a great success and the South
Bay PAC adopted out 19 cats and
kittens in one day! Folks came from
all over Los Angeles to adopt; some
even adopted felines in pairs. Honest
Tea supplied refreshing beverages
& Natura Pet Products provided
free pet food samples to the
paloozers. Look for Kittenpalooza
coming this June to South Bay!
Visiting the cute kittens at spcaLA’s Kittenpalooza.
level! With help from Natural
Balance, we presented Bark in the
Park at Dodger Stadium, a game
that fans could attend with their
canine buddy. There was a Pup
Rally before the game but the best
part was the Pup Parade around
the warning track. Fans and players
alike really enjoyed the 460 dogs,
most in costume parading around
the field at Dodger Stadium. The
event was a huge success! It was a
sell-out and the home team won.
The Los Angeles Dodgers donated
$4610 from event ticket sales to
spcaLA. We’ve already talked to
the Dodgers about Bark in the Park
2011. This is one event you won’t
want to miss!
This Chihuahua is dressed for Bark in the Park
at Dodger Stadium
spcaLA participated in Spay Day
USA 2010 in a nationwide effort to
promote spaying and neutering
and curb pet overpopulation. To
kick-off the festivities, spcaLA’s
Specialty Spay/Neuter Center held
a vaccine clinic and clients of the
clinic and the Center received gift
bags filled with goodies for their
pets. spcaLA also participated
in the Spay Day USA Online Pet
Photo Contest. More than $9,000
was raised for spcaLA’s spay/
neuter fund to assist in the cost of
surgeries for those who qualify.
Spay Day USA 2011 is February
23rd and the Specialty Spay/Neuter
Center will host a Low Cost
Vaccine Clinic on February 19th.
Don’t forget to enter YOUR pooch
or kitty in the online photo contest!
The 13th Annual Appreciation
Dinner was held at the Ayres Hotel
in Hawthorne in April 2010. The
dinner and ceremony recognizes
outstanding volunteers, employees
and businesses whose hard work
and dedication enables spcaLA
to serve the community. Martine
Korach received the Volunteer of
the Year award and Julie PrewittDouglas was recognized as spcaLA’s
Employee of the Year. spcaLA also
recognized Ralphs, Natura Pet
Products, The Sound & Pan Pacific
Park as Corporate Supporters. This
year’s Appreciation dinner was
made possible by the generosity of
an anonymous donor.
Mark & Brian welcome guests to spcaLA Pet Adoption Day.
Volu n t ee r
A p p r ec i at ion
Di n n e r
Ba r k i n
t h e Pa r k
spcaLA has long partnered with
the Los Angeles Dodgers to raise
awareness for So-Cal’s needy pets.
This year, we took it to the next
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($1,000 and above)
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($999–$500)
Ms. Donna J. Zenor
Don or s September 1st, 2009 through August 31st, 2010
spcaLA thanks all of our generous donors. All donors who gave $150 or more during the past fiscal year are listed in this
edition of Friends for Life. A complete donor listing can be found in the online edition at www.spcaLA.com.
Donors are listed by donation level, then alphabetically by last or organization name.
$10,000 and above
The 1992 Soper Family Trust
Employees Community
Fund of Boeing CA
Chartwell Foundation
The Dr. Phil Foundation
Ms. Shawn Dreffein
Ethel Frends Foundation
William D. Hardie
Mr. David Hockney
Betty Ludden
Philip D. Pitchford
Social Vibe
Robert & Crystal Span
Arline & Richard Stevens
The Stringer Foundation
Brian Tanouye
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Toll
Sanford Anderson
Charitable Foundation
AT&T Foundation / United
Way Campaign
Bank of America United
Way Campaign
Mr. Samuel Chen
The Erteszek Family
Mariann N. Ettorre, CPA
Ms. Holly Lynn Fader
Fidelity Charitable
Gift Fund
Dr. Richard H. Gold, M.D.
Mr. Rachford Harris
Ms. Jodi Harris Schwartz
The Carl Jud Foundation
Ms. Patricia Kulha
John and Maria Laffin Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Lewis
Macy’s West United Way
Mr. Mark Milner
Neisloss Family Foundation
Ray & Charleen Niendorff
Rollin Ransom, Esq.
Mrs. Kathleen Robb
Ms. Joan M Shumway
Mrs. Morene Simon
Spitzer Family Foundation
George and Annsley Strong
Pamela Taylor Clyne
Mr. Adam Collier
Comcast Interactive
Media, LLC
Ms. Bernice Conn
Diane Damianakes
Craig de Recat, Esq.
Ms. Irene H. C. De Sanctis
Ms. Jennifer Del Castillo
Matthew S. Dixon
DJ & T Foundation
Ms. Jamie L. Dubinsky
David Izzard
John & Linda Muckel
John Jay Hopkins
Ms. Betsy Johnson
Ms. Christine Johnston
Mr. John Jones
Ms. Grace S. Kadoya
Caya Kaufman
Kenlor Management Co.
Ms. Alice Pinkoski
Carrol & Joan Pruett
Mr. & Mrs. Rafferty
Candy L. Reese
Ms. Jennifer Resnik
Maura & Harold Richardson
Della & Gary Rolle
Ms. Carol Romero
Patricia Roth
Jeffrey & Whitney Roy
Roy E. Crummer
Agron, Inc.
Carmen Aguirre
Julia C. Allen
Amgen Foundation
Mr. Henry C. Anchondo
Mrs. Grace R. Anderson
Lauritz & Amanda
AYCO Charitable
Marlow & Barbara Baar
Mr. Raymond C. Baker
The Banky Larocque
Mr. Michael Barrett
Micol Bartolucci
Mr. Bud Bednarski
Mr. Kris E. Bergen
Mr. Allen Berman
Mr. Mayo K. Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Berry
Mr. Jeff Bianco
Ms. Marion Biggs
Ms. Jacqueline Bisset
Marla Bradley &
Michael Lambert
Anny Brann
Ms. Anita J. Brodecky
Build-A-Bear Workshop
Bear Hugs Foundation
Ms. Karen Burrows
Ms. Gloria Cannon
Mrs. Leslie Carlson
Mr. Rick Chamberlain
Pauline Chang
ChevronTexaco Employee
“People Making a
Difference” Campaign
Kenneth R. Chiampou
Ms. Lois Clark Curren
Edison International
The Philip Lee Ellis &
Elizabeth B. Ellis
Employees’ Community
Fund of the Boeing
Employees of Northrop
Grumman Political
Action Committee
Dr. Teri E. Engelberg
The Entertainment
Industry Foundation
Ms. Denise F. Estrada
Ms. Leland Ettinger
Ms. Susan Faucheux
Mr. Craig Ferguson
Mr. Jayson B. Flowers
Myrna & Curtis Frame
Ms. Valerie Franklin
Funnel Mill
Ms. Miriam Garrick
Ms. Terry L. Gilmore
Grant’s Financial
Publishing, Inc.
Mr. Frank H. Griffin
Mr. Thomas F. Grose
Ms. Gina Gualtiere
Ms. Margaret Halvorson
Hangman Films, Inc.
Ms. Carolyn Hansen
Lee Herschler &
Mark Gilbert
Janine L. Hicks
Mrs. Tami Hoag
Mr. Todd Holland
Holland & Knight Charitable
Foundation, INC.
Mr. Rigoberto Ibarra
Idea Resource Systems
Mr. Joe Kiernicki
Ms. Denise Kopeland
Ms. Neda Kordich
Ms. Linda D. Kornfeld
Bruce Lafferman
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A.
Ms. Eva Le Bon
Ms. Mary Lou Leo
Ms. Anne L. Lynch
Mr. Danny Mahon
Scott & Lauralee Martin
The Mas Family Foundation
N Jeanine Mc Mahon, M.D.
Ms. Louise H. McGregor
The Bank of New York
Mellon Private Wealth
Ms. Dorothy Metros
Mr. & Mrs. Edward H.
Morgan Stanley Annual
Appeal Campaign
Edward & Kelly Moyzes
Ms. Susan S. Nagata
Network for Good
Ms. Gaylia M. Newcomb
Ms. Margie A Newell
Mr. John S. Niendorff
Ms. Mary A. Noriega
P.K. Foundation
Ms. Cathy Pagone
Mrs. & Mr. Virginia C.
Mr. David H. Parker
The PEDIGREE Adoption
Drive Foundation
Pet Shelters Across America
Fred J. Sanchez
Mr. Sanford Schenbart
Brett W. Schindler
Janet Schultz
Mr. David S. Sennett
Mr. John Shea
Mr. Mohammad Shokraei
Ms. Marsha Silady
Simon-Strauss Foundation
Ms. Jan Singh
Dolores J. Sirott
Ms. Naomi C. Smith
Smith-Welsh Foundation
Mr. Archie D. Soden
Ms. Jane O. Solomon
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon and
Sarah Sonnier
Ms. Lola D. Sorrells
Stephan Spears
Ms. Lori Steuer
The Symonds Foundation
Ms. Joy Teske
Mrs. Ethel S. Trabue
Charlotte Ukra
Mary Varley
Mr. Dale Vaughan
Mr. Scott L. Vaughan
VeePak, Inc.
Veterinary Pet
Insurance Co.
Mr. Gerald E. Voelker
Mr. John Rogers &
Ms. Beth Whitehead
Ms. Margaret Wilson
Suzy V. Wilson
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell S.
Mr. & Mrs. Yamano
Amber Fredman Tarchis &
Adam Tarshis
United Way of Greater LA
VCA Animal Hospitals
Ms. Mary Ann Weisberg
David and Sylvia Weisz
Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Alan M. & Nancy S. Wiener
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
Wells Fargo Bank
Mrs. & Mr. Cathy J. Wise
Susan & Jeffrey Berman
Mr. Tony Buonassissi
Keets Cassar
Jiyon A. Cho
Ms. Gail J. Cooper
Ms. Maria R. Cursage
Mr. Joseph Duke, Jr.
Ms. Karen Eldridge
Ms. Donna E. Erb
Ms. Kim Ertelt
Mr. Dennis Ertsman
Ms. Nancy Fader
Mr. Edward Fitz
Mrs. Georgie S. Ford
Ms. Nadia Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Gosch
Jeanne Hanahan
Ginger Hansen
Joan E. Hirsch
Ms. Anita Hirsh
Ms. Darlene Hudson
Mr. Marvin Jacobson
Mr. Walter Jones
Mr. Jeffrey Joseph
Stanley & Charlotte Kandel
Harold H. & Maryln L.
Ms. Lila Kommerstad
Deborah & Tom Lane
Mr. Simon Longson
John & Bridget Martens
Ms. Christine McCaffrey
Nestle Foundation
Matching Gift Center
Mr. Reid Olson
Orange County’s
United Way
Mr. Michael Paczkowski
Ms. Barbara Peck
Ms. Eileen Peterson
Mr. John C. Poploskie
Ms. Christine Rhoads
Ms. Cathleen O. Rozadilla
Ms. Jeannie Rozzi
Ms. Beverley J. Rudolph
Mr. Nate Sanders
Ms. Yoriko Saneyoshi
Leanne L. Seeger
Marilyn E. Stevens
Bobbi J. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen and
Lydia Turanchik
Lisa J. Ulmer
Mr. Axel Van Liempt
Paul & Lois Vaughan
Ms. Ricki D. Weinberger
Mr. David W. Adams
Anna M. Aguilera
Allstate Giving Campaign
Ms. Shirley Amdisen
America’s Charities
Dr. Carol S. Aneshensel
Animal Health Foundation
Ms. Georgene K. Aster
Ayeshire Farm
Lori L. Baca
Mary C. Bambrick
Bank of America
Ms. Nicole Baril
Ms. Grace Barvin
Mrs. Mary Basile
Mr. David Beach
Adam I. Beatty
Mr. Gerald Beauman
Terry & Carol Becker
Robert L. Beckstrom
Anna A. Behlmer
Daniel & Diane Benjamin
Ms. Kelly Bennett
Mr. John L. Biard
Mr. Ramsey Bieber
Steven L. Bjerke
Mr. James S. Blackburn
Mr. Alan L. Blackford
Ms. Ellen Blattel
Mr. Jack Bleck
Ms. Jean Bonini
Mr. Michael Bossoletti
Ms. Leslie A. Bosson
Mr. Chris Bowen
Mr. James R. Brown
Ms. Kathleen C. Brown
Ms. Vickie L. Camper
Ms. Pamela Campisciano
Mr. Dennis Casciato
Jean D. Cassetta
Nancy & Leon Chalnick
Mr. Bryan Chen
Coast Career Institute, Inc.
Marilyn D. Coates
Ms. Yvette Cobarrubias-Sears
Ms. Janice Cohen
Ms. Clarissa Cole
Miss Ruth Conley
Ms. Judith Cooper
Mr. Merle T. Corpuz
Ms. Peggi A. Cummings
Ms. Zoe Dales
Dr. Saralyn R. Daly
Lynne Davidson
Ms. Suzanne DeJong
Ms. Veronique Delestang
Ms. Andrea E. Delott
Donn L. Dennis
Ms. Sonja A. Devin
Gladys M. DeWolf
Ms. Sandy Dilores
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Mrs. Jeanette Dunn
Nicole Dunn &
Chris Wolski
Mr. Louis S. Eberhardt
Ms. Lisa Edwards
R. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. David Eilenberg
Ms. Nancy E. Elliott
Mrs. Diane English
Equus Investment
Group, LP
Mr. Rich Erickson
Mr. Patrick Ewald
Mary Farley
Ellen L. Farrell
Patricia A. Fasani
Ms. Barbara Finch
Mr. Peter M. Fleming
Pamela and Gavin
Ms. Merle Fogelstrom
Ms. Rita Foung
Mr. Frank Fountain
Ms. Linda Fowler
Bill C. Frey
Mrs. Josan Galletti
Mr. & Mrs. Ole Georg
Ms. Carol A. George
Mr. & Mrs. Barry W.
Mr. Paul Gilmartin
Mr. & Mrs. Tullio A. Giudici
Mr. William G. Glass
Mr. Barry Goldbaum
Ms. Elizabeth M. Gonia
Laura Gowing
Mr. & Mrs. Norin T.
Sharon A. Green
Mrs. Nina J. Gregory
Mr. Robert O. Greubel
Ms. Helen J. Griffen
Carolyn Griffiths
Sunny & Alvin Grossblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Lindsey and
Cathy Groves
Marilyn & Larry Guidi
Ms. Elyse V. Gura
Patricia E. Guttormsen
Ms. Pamela Hamanaka
Mr. Kenneth F. Hansen
Mr. Edwin Hartman
H. Hashemieh
Ms. Anita Hedlund
Ms. Geri F. Herrera
Ms. Sandra Hesse
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W.
Mrs. Inger S. Hogan
Mr. Thomas Holliday
Ms. Deborah A. Hopper
Steve N. Horak
Hotel Maya
Ms. Charlotte F. Hughes
Betty J. Jacobs
Ms. Valerie Johns
Ms. Laura Jukes
Linda Kachel & David Katz
Sandra J. Kepler
Mr. Edgar Khalatian
Mr. & Mrs. Ken and
June Kingdon
Jay T. Kinn
Ms. Elizabeth Kitchen
The Kleiner Cohen
Ms. Cornelia V. Klesges
Lorraine Knight
Mr. Roger Koodish
Ms. Linda Kovar
Laura Kurinij
Mr. Eugene L. La Pietra
Mr. Bud Lackie
Lynette Lalonde
Ms. Geraldine Lanzendoerfer
Thomas R. Larmore
Ms. Adrien S. Lazarus
Dr. Laurel Leach
Dr. Lynn S. Lermann
Mr. Evan Levy
Ms. Diane E. Levy
Liberty Pacific
Medical Imaging
Mr. William Luehm
Ms. Nadia Lustman
Mr. Terrence P. Lynch
Ms. Jane W. Mallary
Sharrie & Jose Mancanera
Gary M. Mandinach
Mr. John F. Mangus
Ms. Renee Maple
Mrs. Glory C. Maples-Horn
Mr. Paul J. Martin
Mr. William Martin
Ms. Jean Masse
Mr. David Mazewski
Ms. Janis B. McEldowney
Mr. Harry McGugin
Angelina Melero
Ms. Carolyn K. Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Meyer
Caroline M. Miller
Ms. Celeste J. Miller
Ms. & Mr. Lucy C. Mireles
Mr. Jason Monkarsh
Ms. Jeri Moore
Ms. P. L. Morris
Ms. Marina Morrison
Mossler & Peterson
Mr. Dean L. Moyer
Ms. Maria Muir
Mr. James Mulholland
Mr. Esteban Munoz
Mr. & Mrs. James Murakami
Mr. Alan C. Naeole
Ms. Sandra Naylor
Ms. Gail Nelson
Mr. William Nevin
Ms. Margery A. Nicolson
Mr. Mark Nordman
Roseanne P. O’Brien
Ms. Kim Ohara
Ms. Judy N. Orich
Ms. Karen Orren
Mr. & Mrs. Malhar S. Pagay
Pasadena Community
Ms. Audrey V. Peterson
Ms. Jill Phelps
Barbara Phillips
Ms. Donna B. Pikulsky
Ms. Lorraine G. Pinedo
Ms. Lucille D. Pohley
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Pooler
Allen & Ruth Potts
Mr. & Mrs. Richard and
Linda Powell
Mr. John S. Provatas
Ms. Phyllis Rabins
Ralphs Grocery Company
Mr. Leonard R. Rangel
Gary & Matha Ratzke
Mr. Alex Reid
Ms. Maja D. Reid
Ms. Diane E. Reilly
Emma Reinie
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rennie
Mr. Thomas C. Ricker
Ms. Gail D. Ritchey
Mr. Ian Ritchie
Jay Robinson
Ms. Janis L. Romero
Ms. Shani Rosenzweig
Robert & Cathie Ross
Ms. Louise Rossi
Ms. Teresa Rostovski
RPM Designs
Ms. Arlene Rutherford
Safe Watch By Monsignor
Ms. Angelica Samayoa
Mr. Nate Sanders
Samantha Sanson
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($250–$749)
Bertha L. Santos
Mr. Peter Schick
Shirley Schriver
Ms. Cindy C. Schwarz
Richard Sciarrilli
Mr. J. Daniel Scott D.D.S.
Sempra Energy Employee
Giving Program
Mr. Elliott R. Sernel, Esq.
Seyfarth Shaw, LLP
Ms. Patricia J. Sheldon
Mrs. Sandra Shereman
Smart & Final
Ms. Sandra Smith
Ms. Betsy Spigner
Mr. Milton Stark
Ms. Marjorie A. Steele
Mr. Edward S. Stephenson
Ms. Suzanne G. Stevens
Mr. Ronald Striker
Ms. Monica Suryapranata
Ms. Annette N. Sutera
Ms. Gabor Szabo
Mr. & Mrs. Latrice Taira
Ms. Jessie Tait
Thomson Reuters
Sheri A. Timmons
Ms. Lisa Tonson
Alex E. Tribe
Linda Trilling
Ms. Carolyn Tung
Mrs. Valerie Urquhart
Mr. Douglas Van Doren
Ms. & Mr. Denise M.
Mr. Dale Vaughan
Ms. Ruth J. Wagner
Priscilla L. Wagner
Ms. Mary L. Walsh
Ms. Mary J. Warner Hein
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wells
Wendell Family Foundation
Ms. Marion Westen
Edmund S. Wilkinson
Ms. Rita Winston
Ms. Georgetta Wolff
Mr. Eric Y. Young
Mr. Yu Zhu
Heidi Ziegler
Mr. & Mrs. David Abrams
Mr. Gregg M. Abrams
Mrs. Nancy Acheson-Smith
Ms. Barbara T. Ackard
C. H. Acton
Ms. Barbara A. Adams
Ms. Pam Adams
Armida J. Aguilar
Ms. Linda Alexander Gore
Ms. Andy Alferovs
Mrs. Juli A. Alioto
Mr. James Allen
Allied World Assurance
Company Inc.
Richard T. Alling
Ms. Kathleen J. Amezcua
Ms. Flor Anaya
Ms. Joann M. Anderson
Ms. Marilyn Aninger
Aon Foundation
Mr. Gary Archer
Mrs. John Argue
Ms. Mary E. Arndt
Cheyanne Arnold
Ms. Karen Arnold
Ms. Sandi J. Arthur
Mr. Alan Austin
Ms. Tracy H. Autio-Platt
Mr. James Avedikian
Neil Babitch
Dr. Julia P. Bailey
Mr. Jeff Bailey
Dr. Dixie Baker
Ms. Julia Bakos
Mr. Michael Ball
Sue S. Barham
Mrs. Cynthia J. Barkdull
Ms. Kathy S. Barker
Masako Batjer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. & Mrs. Baxter
Arthur Bayrd
Mr. Harry E. Beasor
Ms. Stacia Beaumont
Ms. & Mr. Lo Beck
Ms. Wendy Beiser
Jane C. Bellomy
Mr. Steven B. Bergjans
Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Bernatt
Ms. Leslie L. Bibb
Mr. & Mrs. Nelson E.
Bickers, Jr.
Mr. Colin Bielen
Mr. Gregg Bienstock
Irene Bierman
Mary T. Binns
Mr. Alan Blackford
Margaret A. Blackwell
Ms. Glenna J. Blake
Ms. Marilyn Bloom
Ms. Linda Bluel
Gary & Jol Bolotin
Mr. Dennis Bolton
W. K. Border
Thomas V. Borys
Mr. Donald Boucher
Helen Boutrous
Ms. Sandy Boyer
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($250–$499)
Ms. Ginger Boyle
Mr. Bill Braden
Mr. Saul Brandman
Ms. Anita Brandow
Ms. Nancy R. Brandstetter
Laura A. Brandt
Rosemary Brantley
Ms. Donna Braswell
Arlene M. Braun
Mr. James A. Braxton
Michael Bray
Mr. Jim Brent
Jennifer Bresnan
Ms. Barbara Brewer
Mr. Ralph E. Bristow
Ms. Susan L. Brooks
Nancy L. Brown
Jim Brusch
Mrs. & Mr. Kathleen A.
Ms. Georgette Buffalo
Bobbi K. Buffington
Ms. Sarah Burakowski
Ms. Sharon Burgess
Tracy L. Burke
Dr. Stephen Burns
Ms. Sherra Buzzell
Hasmik Byers
Ms. Carrie E. Cain
Sara Calkins &
Sybil DeCenzo
Ms. Kristy L. Campbell
Mr. James Cannella
Dr. Alan R. Cantwell, Jr.
Adele R. Carlson
Miss Lynette Carolla
Ms. Gayle Carpenter
Ms. Kathryn Carrico
Col. George Carrington
Patrick & Monica Carroll
Marsha J. Carry
Tracy L. Carter
Ms. Susana Casillas
Ms. Maryann D. Castner
Ms. Camille Catalogne
Causecast Foundation
Ms. L Chane
Mr. Chiung-Fong Chang
Ms. Susan Chenault
Mr. Duke Chenoweth
Dorothy R. Cherryholmes
C.E. Chikami
Ms. Grace Chong
Ms. Inger Christiansen
Sandra C. Christopher
Jim & Erica Cirigliano
Ms. V. M. Clanton
Janet Clark
Meredyth Clarke
Mr. Samuel Clayberger
Mr. Malcolm Cleaver
Ms. Barbara A. Clifford
Lynne M. Coakley-Steele
Mrs. Roberta S. Cohen
Coleision Touring Inc.
Ms. Margaret M. Coleman
Liz Cook
Ms. Amy S. Cooper
Nessa Cooper
Core Medstaff
Mr. Richard W. Cortese
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Coulson
Joyce Crawford
Chris Cronin
Pierre & Sandra Crosetto
Ms. Erin Culley
Stephanie Cunha
Ms. Sylvia Curry
Mr. Christopher Cutroneo
Ms. Nancy Cypert
Mr. Nabil R. Dajani
Joan Z. Danko
Sandra Dannenbaum
Valdis Dauksts
Ms. Susan Davidson
Mrs. Pippa H. Davies
Ms. Jean R. Davis
Ms. Laura Davis
Ms. Susan Davis
Mrs. Mary M. De Groot
Libby A. De Silva
Anke L. De Thiel
Mr. & Ms. Robert
De Witt Mann
Ms. Donna DeBona
Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Deeds
Dellago Technology, LLC
Margaret J. DeMers
Mariko Denda
Ms. Deborah A. Denise
Alexandra Denman
Mr. Harry Derleth
Ms. Alma Desowitz
Ms. Patricia Diaz
Ms. Carole J. Dick
Charles & Sylvia Dickman
Mr. Michael W. Dobbs
Ms. Gloria Dolence
Mr. Fred Dominski
Ms. Nora J. Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. Downer
Meloney Downing
K. Dragovich
Ms. Kristina M. Dubin
Mr. Richard Dunsay
Mrs. Claire Ealy
Mr. Richard K. Eamer
Caroline & Richard East
Ms. Dianna K. Eaton
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred A.
James & Joan Edwards
Elegant Society, Inc.
Michael Eliasberg
Ms. Kathleen A. Engberg
Ms. Emily Entine-Fener
Mr. David Enzer
Mr. Tom Epperson
Anne & Aaron Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Epstein
Mr. Jon R. Ericson
Ms. Gloria Ericson
Ms. Maureen Errico
Ms. Carol Estle
Mrs. J. Gregg Evans
Vern Eveland
Mr. & Mrs. Luciano Fabbio
Kathryn L. Fairbrother
Mr. Jack L. Faul
Julie A. Featherstone
Ms. Nadine G. Felix
Ms. Elizabeth A. Fellows
Ms. Teresa Fisher
Ms. Helen Flaherty
Kathleen Flanagan
Dr. Marilyn Flynn
Thomas D. Fogelsanger
Ms. Edna Fontaine
Ms. Roberta Forgan
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Forsythe
Mr. Michael J. Fourticq
Mark & Christine Fowler
Mrs. Mary Lou Fox
Ms. Deborah J. Fox
Ms. Catherine France
Barbara Franqui
Mrs. Jolane M. Free
Ms. Pat Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Barry H. Friesen
Ms. Marsha
Fronterhouse Sohn
Mr. Flavio Frontini
Ms. Gillian Fuller
Madonna L. Gage
Rossano Galante
Ms. Helen M. Galasso
Mr. Stephen Gangi
Ms. & Mr. Carla D.
Ms. Phyllis Gargano
Mr. James S. Garren
Ms. Candace Gates
Mr. Jeffrey Gee
Ms. Gail Gentry
Ms. & Mr. Suzanne George
Stacy A. Georgilas
Ms. Joan Gerber
Mr. Lambert Giessinger
Ms. Alyce Gilbert
Ms. Judith Gilbertson
Melissa Gima
Global Vantage, LTD
Patty & Chuck Goble
Patricia Gobler
Ms. Carol Y. Godin
Shirley Goldenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Golowen
Ms. Celia Gonzalez
Ms. Madeleine A. Gorsen
Mrs. Suzanne Gottlieb
Mr. Gary D. Goulin
Dianne Gourdal
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce &
Sandra Graham
Grancell, Lebovitz, Stander,
Barnes & Reubens
Ms. Maria A. Grau
Ms. Linda L. Graul
Ms. Debra Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce and
Susan Greenberg
Ms. Virginia B. Greenspun
Ms. Nicholas Griffin
Robert & Susan Griggs
Ms. Gina Groth
Ms. Laura Guilfoyle
Frank & Robby Gussman
Mary M. Gutierrez
Kathy L. Guttormson
Mr. Ted Haard
Kathey and William Haas
Ms. Betty Haas
Mrs. Katherine Habermacher
Zarik Hacopian
Ms. Nicola Hahn
Ms. Robin Haig
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Hall
Mrs. & Mr. Barbara L. Hall
Mr. Richard A. Hallahan
Ms. Claudia Hamano
Mr. & Mrs. Barry D. Hamm
Sherry R. Hammonds
Mr. Alexander Hanan
Carol Hannah
Ms. Amylynn Hanson
Cynthia Harris
Ms. Lindsay Harrison
Mr. Edward H. Hartz
Selma Felix Hatch
Ms. Christine B. Hayes
Mr. Thomas G. Hays
Ms. Nancy E. Heigl
Ms. Dora B. Herbert
Mr. Arthur Hershey
Dr. Danice Hertz
Hertz & Associates in
Mrs. Anna Marie Hetman
Susan B. Hickman
Ms. Kathleen A. Hiebsch
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Higgins
Lisa R. Hill
Mrs. Christi Hill
Ms. Malina M. Hills
Ms. Evelyn D. Hilpert
Ms. Nancy R. Hinkel
Tim J. Hinkle
Ms. Miriam Hoff-Meeker
Mrs. Patty A. Hollers
The Hollywood Church
of Religious Science
Charles R. Holmes
Toby M. Horn &
Harold J. Tomin
Robert D. Hornbaker
Ms. & Mr. Georgia G.
Ms. Eydie Hoss
Robert & Deanna House
Howard & Helen House
Family Foundation
Ms. Martha A. Howlett
Mr. Henry Hsu
Ms. Dani Hughes
Ms. Richetta Humphries
Marcia Hurwitz
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hyams
Ms. Joan A. Hyra
I Do Foundation
i Love Dogs, Inc.
Ms. Asako U. Igawa
Mrs. Diane Iglesias
Mr. Douglas D. Inglish
Steven L. Isaacman
Ms. Cynthia E. Ishigaki
Jeskowiak Ivor
Ms. Luci Iwasaki
Ms. Jonnie Iwata
Judy A. Jacobson
Mrs. Barbara Jaffe
Edward & Aya Jakobovits
Ms. S. Jenn
Mr. Paul Johansen
Alexis L. Johns
Christine Johnson
Martha Jones &
Paul J. Zerella
Ms. Laura Jones
Ms. Anupama Kalsi
Stephanie Kaplan
Mr. Tim Karp
Mr. Stephen J. Kaufman
Lynda Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Keim
Kate K. Kelly
Mr. William Kelly
Orlene E. Kelting
Ms. Maria Kerrigan
Mrs. Sandra L. Kessinger
Ms. Wendy Kheel
Mr. Stanley J. Kiel
Mrs. Alicia L. Kipust
Launa & Tommy Kirkland
Richard F. Kiss
Ms. Ariane Klein
KLK Plumbing, Inc.
Ms. Charmaine Klohe
Ms. Carol R. Koelle
Ms. Hiroko Komori
Mr. Robert Koseff
Paul & Ida Kosty
Mr. David A. Kourlas
KPMG Community
Giving Campaign
Mr. Michael Kramer
Yvonne S. Krause
Mr. Mark B. Kristof
Mr. Lynn M. Krogh
Jonathan Littman
Mr. Christopher Lockhart
Ms. Kimberly Lockhart
Ms. Barbara Long
Ms. Sueann Lopez
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lopian
Ms. Dolores Lopo
Mrs. Patricia A. Lowe
Ms. Gayle Lund
Ms. Margaret Lynch
Ms. Patricia C. Lynch
Mr. Shaun Lyon
Ms. Jeanne G. Lytton
Ma & Pa Macdonald
Mrs. Ginger MacDonald
Ms. Marjorie MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick N.
Mrs. Trudy Mackel
Robin D. Mackenroth
Iris Medrano
Ms. Annie Melikian
Ms. Fabienne Melkanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Mellan
Linda Melsheimer-Gilmore
Laura J. Meltzer
Mr. Greg Meyers
Valerie & Medhat Michael
Mr. Adin Miller
Mr. David Miller
Ms. Donna Miller
Ms. Lois Miller
Ms. Sharon Mills
Ms. Helene A. Mirich-Spear
Mission Fish
Ms. Patrice G. Mitchell
C. R. Mobley
Bevann Moisi
Mr. Kelvin K. Mok
Ms. Pamela Molina
Ms. Kari Kroll
Ms. Nicole Kuan
Mr. Stuart Kugelstadt
Ms. Allison Kuharski
Mr. Carl V. Kuhlen
Ms. Jan K. Kulzer
Mr. John Kumashiro
Ms. Christa Kupferschmidt
Ms. Julie Kurland
Mr. Richard Kuznetsky
Ms. Yvette M. La Vigne
Ms. Deborah Lacusta
Ms. Carolyne Lacy
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Lamb
Cynthia L. Lamberson
James P. Lane
Ms. Brooke Lauter
Kate Lawrence
Mr. William C. Lawrence
Ms. Lesli Lawrence
Joyce Layne
Ms. Holly J. Lebed
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Lee
Ms. Linda Lee
Mr. Scott Leichtenberg
Ms. Carol D. Lemay
Ms. Beatrix Leonard
Jane Leslie & Cori Krehm
Ms. Debra L. Lesnick
Mrs. Loren Levine
Ms. Wendy A. Levine
Toti Levine
Mr. Victor Lewin
Mr. Daniel Lichtenstein
Mr. Richard Lightfoot
Ms. Linda Lillejord
Francesca Lindley
Ms. Grace C. Lindsey
Dennis Linville
Ms. Karen Lisson
Ms. Joan Maguire
Ms. Hilary Mahan
Timothy Mahoney
Ms. Venla Makela
Mr. Glen D. Mako
Mr. Thomas F. Mankiewicz
Ms. Wendy Mantikas
Ms. M. M. Manzella
Ms. Renee Margaux
Ms. Sherri Markwardt
Pasqual J. Marra
Ms. Patricia V. Marsh
Ms. Helen G. Mason
Ms. Donna R. Massetti
Ms. Michele Mastro
Ms. Kathy Matherson
Ms. Leanne Matthews
Ms. Monique Matuska
Ms. Joyce Mavar
Mrs. Margaret A. Maw
Ms. Diane McCarry
Eugene L. McCarthy, Jr.
Larry B. McClung
Ms. Dian McComb
Ms. Carol A. McDonald
Mr. Joseph McDonough
Ms. Heather McDougal
Mr. Daniel McElvany
Maxine W. McFarland
Ms. Nancy McGillivray
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T.
Andrea J. McGruder
Mr. Michael C. McGuire
Mr. John P. McKay
Ms. Caitlin McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Tom McLaren
Ms. Julie McLean
Ms. Cori McLuckey
Roy A. Meals
Ms. Cynthia S. Monaco
Mr. Michael Monroe
Mrs. Natalie C. Moore
Ms. Mary M. Morley
Ms. Star Morning
Mr. & Mrs. Scott &
Darlene Mowrey
Trang Mui
Mrs. Susan Myers
Ms. Maureen Myers
Mr. Dennis W. Myerson
Mr. Ronald Nash
Kevin Nealon
Ms. Ann M. Neidlinger
Ms. Jeanne Nervina
Thomas & Kathleen F.
Ms. Christina Neville
Ms. Gail G. Newhall
Karen Nicastro
Mr. Peter Nichol
Mr. Skip Nicholson
Mr. Daryl Nishimiya
Lowell E. Northrop
Ms. Tori Nourafchan
Ms. Peggy Nugent
Ms. Eleanor O’Brien
Ms. Paula Ochoa
Georgia A. O’Connor
Ms. Maryann O’Connor
The Ofman Center
Mr. Peter J. Ogley
Jose & Laurel Ojeda
Mr. Brian L. Olson
Ms. Marilyn K. Olson
Mr. Michael OMalley
Mr. Ralph E. Orahood
Mr. John E. Orcutt
Ms. Jessica Orenstein
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$499)
The Original Cult Corp.
Mr. Arthur Ortiz
Ms. Denise Orzel
Miss Maria E. Osorio
Ms. Debra L. Papazian
Mr. & Mrs. Gene T. Parana
Mr. Gary B. Park
Ms. Joy C. Parker
Daniel Parkinson
Mr. Paul Parks
Ms. Karen Paschall
Mr. Albert A. Passaretti, Jr.
Ms. Margaret H. Paul
Mr. & Mrs. John A.
Payne, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Pearl
Ms. Mary Pearson
Ms. Leslie Peauroi
Mr. Matthew Peck
Ms. Lisa A. Pedriana
Mr. & Mrs. Peitrini
Ms. Adele W. Pendexter
Ms. Lauren Penney
Ms. Katherine Pepper
Pepsi-Cola Company
Ms. Barbara A. Perez
Joyce & Edwin Perlstein
Mr. Albert Perri
Helene Perry
Ms. Harriet A. Perry
The Perzik Family
Ms. Phebbie Pesquera
Mr. & Mrs. Brad E. Peters
Ms. Melyssa Peters
Ms. Cynthia Pett-Dante
Ms. Paula A. Pfleuger
Anhtuan Pham
Patricia H. Phelps
Ms. Karen K. Pickering
Jill & Tony Pietrini
Mrs. Kristie B. Pillow
Patricia Pingree
Karen Pinn
Ms. Eliana Pinto
Elon A. Pollack
Kathryn R. Polster
Ms. Darla Postil
Ms. Beverly Poston
Pourtal LLP
Becky Prince
L. Pullen Buehl
Marco Quihuis
Ms. Lynn A. Rabin
Mr. Van B. Ramsey
Mr. Mike Rauch
Robert & Linda Raznick
Mr. David Reaves
Mrs. June H. Reed
Ms. & Mr. Virginia K.
Thomas Reichert &
Andrew Halladay
Ms. & Mr. Cathleen Reiher
Ms. Michelle Rex
Ms. Judy Rich
Mr. Larry Rick
Ms. Betty J. Rickles
Ms. Richard Rionda
Mr. Thomas Riordan
Mr. Douglas Ritchie
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C.
Ms. Susie Robles
Reynaldo & Donna J. Robles
Miss Hilary Robman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill R. Rogers
Ms. Bianca L. Rolon
June H. Romine
Mr. Tedford Rose
Howard & Carol Rosenberg
Shani Rosenzweig
Ms. Erika H.
Mr. Frank Roughan
Ms. Mara Royce
Gary Rubin
Mr. James Ruelas
Ms. Melissa Ruelas
Ms. Kathy R. Rutherford
Fabio Rutili
Mr. Edward C. Rybka
Ms. Anna Ryndak
Mary Salica & Walter Bacall
Donna Salisbury
Ms. Diane Saltzburg
San Pascual Elementary
School Faculty
Mrs. Stephanie Sanders
Ms. & Mr. Susan K. Sanders
Claudia Santos
Mary Sarandon
Ms. Sanae Sasaki
Ms. Linda Savell
Ms. Bruce Schaffer
Mary L. Schanche
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Schapira
Ms. Kathleen F. Schick
Mrs. Lois E. Schlegel
Mr. David Schmidt
Ms. Sharon Schneider
Ms. Felecia Scott
Ms. Linda J. Scott
Ms. Suzanne Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Ben J. Scotti
Ms. Hanya Seidner
Mrs. Linda Seip
Mr. Jim Selkirk
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Mr. Peter Semmelmeier
Ms. Sholmit Shamam
Jerry Shanks
Ms. Terry Shenkman
Mrs. Tammy Sherer
Ms. Susan Sheridan
Mr. Jean Sherlock
Ms. Camille A. Sherman
Stefani Sherwin
Melissa Shields
Mr. George Shrader
F. & N. Sidaoui
Ms. Jane A. Siegal
Ms. Sandy Sigal
Mr. Scott Sikes
Richard Silliman
Ms. Beverly Simmons
Mr. & Mrs. Norman F.
Mr. Donald Simons
Mr. Robert Simonsen
Ms. Annelies Simpson
Ms. Diana N. Sinclair
Mr. Anthony J. Smeltz
Jean B. Smith
Jessica C. Smith
Kori A. Smith
Mrs. Barbara Smith
Ms. Marion Smith
Dawn M. Smithfield &
Frederick G. Lipking
Mr. Charles F. Smurr
Ms. Gay Smythe
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Snyder
Mr. John Sola
Steve E. Sollitto
Ms. Doreen Solomon
Ms. Caron Soltis
Ms. Kathleen Soltwedell
Terri Son
Ms. Janet L. Spangler
Shawn Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G.
Mrs. Maxine Spencer
Ms. Jeanine R. Sperber
Mrs. Jennifer N. Spicijaric
Mr. Mike Spitt
Mrs. Barbara W. Sportelli
Mr. Carl C. Spring, Jr.
Ms. Diana D. Springer
Mrs. Mary C. Springsted
Bret R. Stagg
Mr. Dyan Starr
Mr. Ralph Staunton
Mr. Jan Stefan
Mrs. Jane Stein
Ms. Sherrill Stein
Dr. Kirk Steinam
Ms. Carolynn Steinberg
Ms. Kathryn Steinberg
Antonia Stelloh
Joncea L. Stemnock
Ms. Mary Clare Stevens
Ms. Pamela C. Stevens
Mr. David M. Stewart
Ms. Kathy Stiegelmeier
Toni Stone
Ms. Jessica Stoudenmire
Ms. Mary Stromberg
Mrs. Vivian A. Strong
Ms. Ilse Sultanian
Mr. C. W. Sundblad
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Swope
Ms. Sharhen Teo
Mr. Alan K. Terakawa
Ms. Lisa M. Tessandori
The Geddes Family Trust
Jacquette S. Theis
Ms. Anne K. Theobald
Ms. Randi J. Theodosopoulos
David Thornton
Carole L. Thorsell
Estrella Tietz
Ms. Persis Tiner
Marion Toabe
Ms. Carla Tomaso
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher
Mr. Joe Toppe
Ms. Alexa Topper
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Tovar
Ms. Carla M. Trent
Ms. Pamela Trickett
Ms. Vera J. P. Tsai
Ms. Charlene Tuch
Ms. Pia Z. Turchyn
Dr. Janiece Turnbull
Ms. Gillian K. Turner
U.S.T.E. Inc.
United Latino Fund
Kenneth Uslan
Debra L. Valenzuela
Ms. Nikki S. Valko
Kathy Van Ness
Doris Van Rossum
Marc S. Vann
Ms. Maria I. Vazquez
Patricia Vega
Ms. Lenda Vettese
Mr. Victor Vidotto
Mary E. Voigt
Mr. Douglas Wagner
Mr. Ryan Wald
Ms. Patricia S. Waldeck
Mr. James Waldorf
Mrs. Denise Walker
Ms. Patricia A. Walker
Ms. Patricia F. Walker
Mr. Ronald W. Wall
Ms. Anne Walthall
Mr. Charly Wang
Karin Ward
Mr. Richard Warner
Ms. Amanda Wasvary
Lois Wecker &
Roirdan Burnett
Ms. Palomba Weingarten
Ms. Tara Weingarten
Ms. Melinda Wells
Dr. Suzanne L. Wenzel
Ms. Lori Werderitch
Western Federal
Credit Union
Carol J. Whitaker
Ms. Judith B. Whitsit
Wild Goose
Ms. Mary Ann Williams
Mr. Warren D. Williamson
Mr. Ken Willner
Ms. Frances Winter
Mr. Rodney Wirtz
Mrs. Charlene Wisdom
Dr. Colette Wiseman
Karen & Richard Wolfen
Mr. Kent Woo
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Woodruff
Ms. Georgeann C. Wyatt
Denise M. Wynn
Ms. Toni Yager
Ms. Frances S. Yamada
Ms. Marie Yee Fong
Ms. Chris Yochum
Jocelyn Yonemoto
Ms. Barbara York
Whitney Younger
Mrs. Nora Yusa
Janet R. Zadeh
Ms. Patrice J. Zamenhof
Mr. Donald Zamont
Ms. Gloria A. Zank
Edward P. Zappia
Ms. Deborah Zepnick
Ms. Arlene C. Zimmer
Ms. Patricia Zohn
Abbott Laboratories
Ms. Heidi Abra
Ms. Rita Abraham
Ms. Doris E. Abrahams
Mr. Lewis Abramson
Gloria Adair
Jennifer C. Adams
Ms. Nancy M. Adams
S. Adler
Mr. Joseph A. Aguilar
Dennis C. Aimino
Ms. Linda F. Ainsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin &
Anh Akins
Ms. M.J. Akstinas
Judith Albert
Katherine Albert
Ms. Mary Albright
Ms. Annette Alender
Mr. & Mrs. John Alessandri
Ms. Patricia Alexander
Ms. Robin Alexander
Mr. Andrew Alexis
All About Kids Performing
Arts Conservatory
Ms. Olia Allen
Eugene Almirol
Ms. Anna Al-Said
Ms. Valerie Alter
Pat Altman
Ms. Dina Amadril
Mr. Alan Amos
Adrianne Anderson
Ms. Laurie Anderson
Ms. Lise Anderson
Ms. Sandra E. Anderson
Patricia L. Anderson
Ms. Kathleen Andrade
Ms. Martha L. Andreani
Ms. Kim Andreason
Angeles Girl Scout
Council 608
Milton O. Anskin
Ms. Evelyn Antis
Ms. Helene Apuzzo
Ms. Marjorie Aquilino
Ms. Kerri L. Aragon
Ms. Elyse Arbour
Mr. Stephen Arias
Ms. & Mr. Jodi Arneson
Ms. Lori S. Arthur
Ms. Gabrielle Arvig
Bruce Ashmun
Ms. Heidi Aspaturian
Neil Atkins
Melissa Atkinson
Ms. Anne Aubert-Santelli
Mr. George E. Auge
Cecilia L. Austin
Ms. & Mr. Barbara C. Austin
Russell D. Avery
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Ayala
Mrs. Diana K. Ayres
Veronica Badal
Ms. Rebecca Baehler
Belia Baez
Ms. Odetta Bagdasaryan
Ms. Christine Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C.
Mr. George E. Balian
Ms. Lynn Ballew
Ms. Sandra Bane
Maki Bara
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bard
Ms. Doreen E. Barrett
The Cecile & Fred
Bartman Foundation
Becky Bates
Ms. Patricia Bates
William J. Bates
Jackie Battin
Ms. Carole Battisti
Ms. Martine Bauwens
Ms. Denise L. Bayly
Ian Beavis
Ms. Jenna Becca
Ms. Ruthlee Becker
Mr. Ned J. Beedie
Mr. Marc F. Beguelin
Mr. Jeff Behlendorf
Ms. Ann Bein
Mr. James W. Benge
Ms. Robin Benson
Todd Bentjen
Ms. & Mr. Benton
Mr. Dan Berendsen
Gary Bernard
Ms. Madeline Bernstein
Mr. Benjamin K. Berry
Sharon Berthet
Ms. Tracy Besser
Mr. John Beye
Ms. Samir Bijlani
Sheila Bisom
Mrs. Diane C. Blank
Ms. Wendy Blankenburg
Ms. Judith L. Blevens
Mr. Scott Bloom
Dr. & Mrs. J. A. Bloore
Ms. Cheryl A. Bobletz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Bolsky
Ms. Martha Bonner
Ms. Mary Boohner
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Borgeson
Kimberly V. Born
Ms. Julie Boston
Ronald & Paige Bottano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H.
Ms. Mary P. Bowe
Ms. Gail Boyd
Ms. Karen Boysen
Mr. & Mrs. Marc H.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bradley
Thomas & Susan Bradshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Braiman
Jonathan L. Brand, M.D.
Mr. Paul Brauneck
Ms. Jennifer Bravo
James Braybrook
Ms. Kathryn Breen
Ms. Norma Bridges
Ms. Bette Brightman
Mrs. Edith Brimble
Ms. Beverly A. Brindley
Sue Bromiley
Ms. Deborah E. Brown
Ms. Tanya Brown
Ms. Ria Brown Ganary
Ms. Susan C. Bruckman
Mr. Aaron Bryant
Tammy Buck
Ms. Mary Beth Budai
Ms. Patricia Buehuerkemper
Mr. Bill Buffalo
Stephanie Buonopane
Ms. L. Burdge
Ms. Carol A. Burge
Ms. Diana Burman
Ms. Janie Burrell
Ms. Jennifer A. Burroughs
Ms. Phyllis Burrows
Jo Burtnett
Burton & Diana Cutler
Family Foundation
Ms. Madeleine Butcher
Frances Butler
Ms. Frances Butler
Ms. Joan Butts
Mrs. & Mr. Evelyne Buyse
Jeraldine Byrne
Mr. James Byrne
Ms. Channa Cajero
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry T. Callaghan
Ms. Melissa H. Callahan
Mr. Regan J. Calvin
Arlene Cameron
Ms. Karina H. Campa
Ms. Jill Campbell
Ms. Renay
Ms. Kay Canale
Ms. Brenda Caninson
Ms. Lucille M. Cappas
Ms. Patricia G. Capps
Mr. Derrick Carbon
Mr. Frank S. Carleo
Ms. Ellen Carlisle
Ms. Joan Carlson
Mrs. Amber Carlton
Betty P. Carner
Ms. Nancy Carr
Ms. Leticia
Mr. Juan Carrizales
Mr. Steven Carter
Ms. Sarah J. Casey
Mr. Dale G. Casterline
Jennifer L. Castillo
Ms. Carmen L. Catano
Ms. & Mr. Martha Catlin
Ms. Lucille Cayton
The CBORD Group Inc.
Ms. Robin Chacon
Mr. Marvin M. Chalek
Ms. Sharon Champion
Bhuvana Chandra
Ms. Polina S. Chapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Hooshang
Ms. Gaye A. Chapman
Ms. Virginia Chatelle
Vivian Chien
Dana Chinn
Mrs. Grace Chop
Taryn Chudo
Ms. Pamela L. Citron
James & Christine Clark
Mrs. Vicky L. Clark
Ms. Linda Clark
Ms. Michele M. Clark
Philip Clarke
Ms. Julia S. Claxton
Ms. Cecilia Clem
Ms. Linda Cobarrubias
Ms. Melissa C. Cocek
Jill R. Cohen &
Norman Siderow
Ms. Verna Colbert
Laurie C. Collins
Ms. Nadine T. Collins
Ms. Ruthie A. Combs
Mr. William Condon
Ms. Melinda Conner
Mrs. Gerie Coombs
Ms. Lucy Cooney
Ms. & Mrs. Stephen Cooper
Ms. Miriela Cooper
Ms. Julianne Cordell
Ms. Cecilia Corral
David Corser
Carla Corwin
Corymore Foundation
Mrs. Ruth Ann Cowan
Amy Cozamanis
Craig, Paul & CMP
Dr. & Mrs. Creasy
Ms. Gina Crespel
Ms. Nicole Criona
Olivia A. Crookes
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Crose
Ms. Joann Cross
Mr. Edward A. Crusen
Daniel Cruthirds
Ms. Karen Curran
Mr. Russell Curtis
Ms. Ginger Czubiak
Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Dahl
Ms. Debra Dahlen
Norma C. Dalinoc
Mr. Christopher D. Dalston
Ms. Nancy Daly
Francis D’Ambrosio
Peter A. Dance
Mr. Ted Dane
Ms. Sonia C. Daniel
Ms. Kathy J. Daruty
Ms. Brian Daube
Mr. Tyler Soltis &
Ms. Miriam Davenport
Ms. Danelle Davenport
The Davidow
Charitable Fund
Catherine Davidson
Lois A. Davidson
Ann Davis
Cynthia J. Davis
Ms. Betsy Davis
Ms. Kimberley S. Davis
Ms. Patricia L. Davis
Ms. Mandy T. Day
Ms. Susan Day
Mr. Warren D’Bene
Ms. Kathleen M. De Avila
Ms. Seira De La Croix
Ms. Maureen Dean
Ms. Kim DeCelles
Antoinette Decker
Patricia Del Guercio
Marco A. Delgado, Jr.
Mrs. Beverly Delott
Ms. Darlyn Deluca
Mr. & Mrs. Lawson R.
Ms. Theresa J. Demir
Ms. Mary L. Denner
Mr. & Ms. Robert E. Dennis
Ms. Eileen Dennis
Mr. Howard C. Deshong
Ms. Elizabeth E. Dettinger
Ms. Patricia D. Diamond
Debra DiBiase
Ms. Julie Diebenow
Ms. Blarney D. Dinsmore
Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. Dipolito
Bobbi J. Ditri
Paul D. Dixon
Gary and Kellie Dojo
Ms. Karyn Dolan
Krikor Dolian
Ms. Margarita Donato
Ms. Doris Donohoe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Dotson
Sally Douglas
Lauretta Downey
Ms. Kathleen Dragovich
Ms. Jeanette Driskill
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Ms. Joan B. Duma
Ms. Anne H. Dupont
Ms. Gilma Duran
B.A. Durkos
Ms. Jane Durning
Michele Durose
Christine Eberhard
Mr. Dana G. Eddy
Edward Jones—Making
Sense of Investing
Laura Edwards
Anne Ego
H. Eisenhut
Ellen Margolin Design
Mr. Earle B. Emery
Energy for Others
Dr. & Mrs. Rob &
Roberta English
Bruce Enos
Enright & Ocheltree, LLP
Mr. Daniel Epstein
Mr. Andrew A. Erian
Ms. Emily Erickson
Ms. Dianne Ernberg
Remy Ernst
Mr. & Mrs. Todd and
Christy Eskes
Ms. Linda S. Esquivel
Ms. Cynthia L. Esser
Ms. Yvonne Estrada
Ms. Patricia Evans
Ms. Teri Eve
Ms. Bernuss Ezralow
Mrs. Anne Faass
Mr. John W. Fabera
Mr. F. Christopher Fahland
Ms. Theresa Falchini
Mr. Ed Fallin
Ms. Eva M. Fallone
P. Farber
Ms. Pamela Farley
Mr. Richards K. Farnham
Ms. Marilyn Farrar
Ms. Niloofar Fassih
Ms. Phoebe Faulkner
Mr. Steven Fazzio
Mr. Allan S. Feinberg
Edward Feinstein
Cinthia C. Felix Ibanez
Ms. Dianne D. Felton
Mrs. Lisa Ferguson
Ms. Susana Fierro
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Finn
Thelma First
Ilene Flocks
Ms. Diana Florentin
Catherine Fogg
Brad Folb, Esq.
Ms. Cathy Follmer
Ms. Carol Fong
Mr. Gregory Foo
Ms. Michelle Forman
Ms. Elizabeth Foster
Ms. Janine Fowler
J. Fox
Martin Fox
Ms. Holly Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Franz
Louise French
Ms. Cheryl Frick
Martin J. Friedman
Ms. Janis M. Frisch
Ms. Sherry A. Frost
Ms. Linda S. Fuentes
Ms. Jo C. Fujii
Mr. Byron H. Fujikawa
Ms. Carrie Fujimoto
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fujita
Ms. Sally Fuller
Janet C. Furukawa
Valerie Gabelich
Ms. Deanna Galkin-Doran
Ms. Jenny Gallegos
Mr. Reggie J. Galloway
Ms. Sonia E. Garcia
Milagro Garciga
Nancy Gardner &
Stephen Mezyk
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gari
Ms. Cynthia Gasztonyi
John F. Gebhard
Mr. David Geere
Mrs. Laura Geery-Larson
Gelfand Rennert &
Feldman, LLP
Mr. & Mrs. J.P. Genta
Ms. Tina L. Gentile
Jim & Julia George
Ms. & Mr. Julie Gerhardt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R.
Ms. Michelle Gerner
Mr. Donald Getman
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Gettleman
Ms. Linda D. Gewe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Geyer
Ms. Sherrye Gibbs
Ms. Debbie Gillis
Ms. & Ms. Ellis Gillman
Bobby C. Gilmore
Mrs. & Mr. Jean Giovinazzo
Ms. Shirley A. Gipson
Girl Scout Council of
Orange County Troop 478
Girl Scouts of Greater LA
Troop 4173
N. F. Giz
Ms. Brandy Glad
Millee Goldberg
Ms. Laura Goldman
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Melvin S. Goldsman
Ms. & Mr. Sheila L.
Ms. Arcelia Gonzalez
Ms. Molly Gooch
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.
Mr. James M. Goodwin
Ms. Cary Gordon
Ms. Craig Gore
Mrs. Ray F. Gosnell
Ms. Judy Graff Fisher
Ms. Sheri G. Graham
Ms. Karen Greb
Ms. Kathleen Greco
Howard Green
Leland Green
Ms. Carolyn Green
Mr. & Mrs. Brad and
Kate Greenberg
Ms. Pauline Gregorio
Ms. Roxane Griffin
Mr. David Griffith
Ralph & Susan Grimmer
Alan Griswold &
Kim Soleau
Laurie Groh
Kathleen M. Grooms
Ms. Sonia S. Gros
Ms. Elizabeth A. Gross
Ms. Dona Grosslight
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Grossman
Dr. Nita Grover
Mr. Lorne H. Grummett
Mrs. Helene S. Guerrero
Mr. Daniel Guggenheim
Laurie Guglielmo
Eleanor & John Guldimann
Mr. Nick Gunn
Ms. Leslie Gunthner
Mr. Mark Gunzelman
Mr. Gabriel Gutierrez
Mr. John Gutting
Mr. & Mrs. Detlef D. Guttke
Ms. Nancy Guzman
Mr. & Mrs. William F.
Hable, Jr.
William W. Haefeli
Gary & Michelle Hagen
Ms. Karen M. Haider
Ms. Wendy R. Hale
Ms. Cynthia Hall
Steve & Pam Hall
Mr. & Mr. Andrew Halladay
Marilyn J. Ham
Mrs. S. Hammarlund
Ms. Linda Hammer
Ms. Susan Hanger
Mr. Curtis Hankins
Mr. Peter Hansen
Rosemary Hansen
Mr. Sean Hardman
Ms. Lorelei Harges
Ms. Dorothy Harkness
Mr. Roger J. Harmon
Ms. Lynn Harned
Ms. Delores J. Harralson
Billie Harris
Walter H. Harrison
Ms. Marion L. Hastings
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn S. Hatae
Ms. Diane Hattori
Mr. Herbert J. Hauser
Mrs. Barbara L Hayden
Ms. Mary J. Hazlett
Mr. Michael Heafey
Ms. Hilary Hearty
Ms. Cheryl Hebestreit
Malcolm Hee
Mr. Paul Heesen
Ms. Nancy E. Heigl
Ms. Debra L. Heintz
Ms. Pat Helem
Mr. Delton L. Helm
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Ms. Alice Hendrix
Mr. Robert C. Henning
Mr. Danny Hepp
Nami Her
Ms. Lillian J. Hernandez
Ms. Mayra Hernandez
Bob & Cheryl Herrera
Mr. Gary Herrera
Ms. Libira Hewlett
Ms. Nancy Hickman
Ms. & Mr. Mark
Susan E. Hill
Ms. Kathleen Hillman
Ms. Jenna Hinrichsen
Arleen & Isaac Hirano
Mr. & Mrs. Dale H.
Ms. & Mr. Phyllis
Mr. Patrick S. Hitchings
Jack Hobbs Price
Mr. Alan Hobelman
Mr. Greg Hodes
Ms. Heidi Hodge
Ms. Liz Hoecker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Ms. Cynthia Holbach
Ms. Kara Holden
Ms. Sharon L. Holladay
Ms. Georgia Hollison
Ms. Carol Holmes
Mrs. & Mr. Stacy S. Holtz
Mr. & Mrs. Mae &
Jensen Hom
Jerry L. Hommedieu &
Rob DuWors
Ms. Marsha Hood
Ms. Sandy Hood
Ms. Donna S. Hoppes
Ms. Wendi A. Horwitz
Ms. Bernie Hourihan
Ms. Shelby S. Houston
Mr. Ronald M. Howard
Steven Howard
George E. Howard IV
Ms. Norma Howe
Marianne Howell
Sandi U. Howk
Bobby C. Hoyt
Ms. Judith C. Hoyt
Ms. Kim Hritz
Ms. Tifee Hsu
Ms. Michelle Huang
Yahan Huang
Mr. & Mrs. William H.
Ms. Dorothy Huber
Ms. Pat Hudson
Mr. John R. Hunsaker
Mr. James Huntington
Marva Hutchison
Ms. Kumiko Hyde
Barbara N. Hyland
Ms. J. Igawa
Shirley Y. Inada
Mr. Stanley K. Ings
Mr. Douglas M. Inouye
Mrs. Claire A. Irving
Ms. Katharine Irwin
Ms. Valerie Istrate
Ms. Verna J. Ivey
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Iwens
J.U. Travel
Ms. Judianne Jaffe
Mr. Thomas T. Jansen
Mrs. D. Jasko
Ms. Olivia Jaspar
Ms. Laurie Javier
Ms. Akiko Jenewein
Nancy G. Jenkins
Valerie E. Jenkins
Ms. Amy Jennings
Ms. Mary G. Jerejian
John Rogers &
Beth Whitehead
Dr. Diane L. Johnson, M.D.
Ms. Donna Johnson
Ms. Michele Johnson
Ms. Susan M. Johnson
Ms. Diana L. Johnson-Gunn
Dr. Adam Jonas
Glennis Jones
James G. Jones
Mr. Lawrence Jones
Mr. Richard E. Jones
Ms. Dana Jones
Ms. Dorothy Jones
Ms. Kathy J. Jones
Ms. Valerie C. Jones
Sheree Jones-Pistol
Ms. Cathy Jordan
Maureen Justiniano
Ms. Wendy Kadin
Marc S. Kaiser
Ms. Diane M. Kalan
Mr. David S. Kaplan
Ms. Vera E. Kapssof
Ms. Neva I. Karamardian
Cheryl & David Karton
Ms. Linda Kasai
Ms. & Mr. Joan Kassan
Mr. Ronald S. Kates
Mr. Ken Katona
Manjit Kaur
Ms. Kathleen Kawamoto
Ms. Nora C. Kawamura
Ms. Kathy Kayiran
Betty S. Keefe
Ms. Michelle R. Kellner
Ms. Robyn Kelly
Ms. Helen M. Kelso
Ms. Judy A. Kemple
Ms. Patricia Kermode
Mr. Brian Kesterson
Mr. Louis Kim
Ms. June Kim
Ms. Alice P. Kimmel
Linda King
Ms. Dawn M. King
Ms. Caroline Kinkle
Ms. Liz Kinsman
Ms. Lorie Kirby
Ms. Susan Kirch
Ms. Judy Kirk
Mr. Stan M. Kirkham
Ms. M. Caroline Kleiner
Ms. Pamela S. Kleyman
Mr. April Klimek
Michael R. Kliszewski
Ms. Ruth H. Knapp
Ms. Gail L. Knight Mintz
Mr. Julian Kocsis
Mr. Ryan S. Kodama
Mrs. Amanda Kofsky
Ms. Donna Kogan
Mr. & Mrs. Bach K.
Stephen Kolodny
Mrs. Patricia Koltnow
Marion Kopecky
Ms. Toni Kopek
Ms. Samantha Korgan
Ms. Judy Kovach
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Kramer
Mr. Jeff Krausman
Mrs. Ceil Krepps
Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Krischer
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Kuhn
Ms. Christine Kulangara
Ms. Marjoyrie Kunzle
Ms. Myrna J. Kurland
Dr. Madeline Kurrasch
Ms. Deborah A. Kushner
Susan Kushner-Scott
L.A. Police Gear, Inc.
Ms. E. Melly Labrador
Barbara Laier
Ms. Noushin Lajevardi
Lakewood High School
Student Body
Mr. David J. Lambert
Ms. Mary Lambert
Mr. Wesley M.
Lambertson, Jr.
Ms. Laura Landau
Ms. Vivian Landau
Raymond A. Landy
Diane B. Lang
Jennifer J. Lang
Ms. Sharon L. Langenbeck
Ms. & Mr. Carole H. Lapp
Ms. Mirdza Lasmanis
Ms. Christiana F. Lassen
Mary Lawler
Ms. Janette R. Lawrence
Ms. Suzanne Lawrence
Ms. Carol Lazar
Ms. Gwen Learned
Ms. Connie M. Learnihan
Ms. Valerie Lee
Soon Lee
Joan M. Leeds
Ms. Anne Leeds
Dayna K. Lemieux
Barbara J. Lenburg
Dean A. Lengyel
Ms. Roberta M. Lenihan
Ms. Margaret Leo
Billie Leone
Ms. Alice D. Lepis
Mrs. Joan Lescoulie
Mr. Bruce J. Lessinger
Corri Levelle
Leonard Levine &
Mateo Ledezma
Mr. Stanley L. Levine
Ronald & Sonia Levitsky
Mr. Patrick Levrat
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton Lew
Ms. Dorothy Lewis
Norvel F. Lewis
Ms. Judy R. Leytus
Ms. Anne J. Licht
Karen A. Lichtenberg
Tom Liebengood
Mr. Tom K. Lieser
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D.
Ms. Kelli A. Ligutti
Ms. Melinda Lilly
Mr. John P. Lindsay
Mrs. J. F. Lindstrom
Ms. Nancy Lippman
Ms. Janet Liquie
Jane E. Liszewski
Mr. Wilbur Littlefield
Timothy Littlefield
Mr. Michael Littleford
Mr. Eric Liu
Mercy G. Lizarraga
Nicole Marquis
Ms. Genette Marshall
Tanna Marshall
Michael G. Martin
Mr. Philip Martin
Robert E. Martin
Emma M. Martinez
Mr. Jessie Martinez
Ms. Margaret P. Martyn
Ms. Lisa Marxer
Ms. Susan Maselli
Doris W. Masterani
Mr. Donald Matsumoto
Mr. & Mrs. Robert I.
Mr. Douglas Matsushita
Ms. Cheryl Mawdsley
Mr. & Mrs. Becki May
Ms. June N. Mayeda
Ms. Rosemary Mays
Ms. Linda F. Mischke
Ms. Briar L. Mitchell
Ms. Janice S. Miya
Rose C. Miyasaki
Mrs. Marlene M. Miyoshi
Ms. Tonny Mize
Mr. William Mobley
Mr. Mitchell Mochizuki
Mr. Edward Moen
Yoshinobu Mogi
Ms. Carla Molino
Mr. & Mrs. and
Mr. James Moloshok
Ms. Dorothy D. Moore
Marion E. Morehouse
Ms. Diana L. Moreno
Mr. & Mrs. Hiroshi Mori
Ms. Nicole Moriarty
Ms. Lisa Moshfegh
Andrea L. Mosmann
Ms. Susan L. Lloyd
Ms. Beryl L. Lobe
Mrs. Hildegard Lockner
Debra Lockwood
Mrs. Jean Lofthus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Logan
Robert Lohran
Mr. Richard E. Lontka
Ms. Lisa Lopez
Ms. Monica Lopez
Los Hermanos 2009
Ms. Leslie Lotte
Ms. Pam Lough
Mr. William Loughran
Mr. John Lowdermilk
Mrs. Keithann Loya
Mr. Gerald Ludwig
Judd E. Lundt
Mr. Darrell K. Lundy
Ms. Margarita Lunsford
Ms. Christine Lyden
Erin Lynch
Ms. Marian Lyons
Rae Macdonald
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Mack
Ms. Sally Macksoud
Mrs. Darlene K. Maeda
Walter Maguire
Matthew J. Maikowski
Ms. Julie Malone
Mrs. Virginia Maltby
Mr. Ronald B. Mandell
Mr. Richard Mandl
Ms. Eva Mann
Diane Marderian
Mr. Jeff Margolis
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G.
Ms. Jessica Marks
Mrs. Ronnie Willett
Ms. Renata Mazei
Mr. Charles Mc Dougal
Ms. Dianna M. McClure
Ms. Donna McCollum
Rosalina B. McCoy
Carol McCully
Judth L. McCurdy
Ms. Janet McDonald
Mr. Artie McEwan
Ms. Jo Anne McGettrick
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M.
Margaret A. McKay
Ms. Joan McLaughlin
Don & Marsha McManus
Mrs. Dick McOsker
Ms. Eileen McQueeney
Kathleen A. Mejia
Jackie Meltz
Maya Mendez
Ms. Alisha Mercier
Mrs. Angela Metzger
Mr. William Meyenberg
Edward W. Meyer
Ms. Barbara Meyer
Ms. Diane L. Meyer
Ms. Kim I. Meyer
Ms. Linda Meyer
Ms. Nicole Michael
Ms. Kim Michener
Mrs. Murry Mieszala
Milkshake LA
Cesar Millan
Allan Miller
Mr. Dave Miller
Mr. Harris Miller
Ms. Carol G. Miller
Mrs. Renee A. Milligan
Ms. Patricia L. Minnick
Margaux Mirkin
Ms. Carolyn Moss
Ms. Carole Most
Ms. Mary M. Mueller
Ms. Patricia A. Mundy
The Munguia’s
Mr. Steven Munizich
Ms. Virginia Munoz
Ms. & Mr. Janet S. Murillo
Mr. Austin Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Murtha
Ms. Michelle Muse
Ms. Pam Myers
Ms. Jacqueline J. Myles
Mrs. Pamela C. Najar
Ellen Nakamura
Minako Nakamura
Ms. Lisa Nakamura
Ms. Uma Narang
Mrs. Lynne Narez
Katherine Narr
Caroline Nash
Natura Pet Products
Mr. Kenneth Navran
Ms. Laura Neal
Ms. Sharon Neff
Paula Neff
Ms. Ursula Neusom
Mr. Everett R. Newman
Ms. Karen A. Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M.
Mrs. Brenda Nishinaka
Mr. Michael Nissman
Mrs. Kathryn Nixon
Ms. Patrecia C. Nord
John L. Norton
Ms. Diana F. Nourse
Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Noyes
Mr. Michael Oberding
Mr. Bill O’Brien
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249)
Susan Ochsner
Ms. Harriet Odett
Mr. Tom Odom
Ms. & Mr. Jeanne Ogaz
Ms. Marla Oken-Turner
Dr. Arnold N. Oldre
Mr. Michael Olecki
Ms. Erin O’Looney
Colleen O’Neil
Mr. Peter Onruang
Mrs. W. Oosterbeek
Mr. & Mrs. David K.
Janet G. Ormond
Ms. Angelina Ornelas
Ms. Alba Ortiz
Mrs. Stephanie Osnower
Ms. Janet Owens
Ms. Lyla Oyakawa
Ms. Jo Padden
Ms. Karla Padilla
Ms. Venus Palafox
Ms. Mary Pat Palmer
Mr. Andrew M. Papas
Ms. Nancy Parada
Mary Parker
Ms. Joan H. Parker
Ms. Helene Paros
Ms. Andrea Parr
Mr. Ronald Parras
Mr. Fred Pastor
Ms. Leslie Paszterko
Nirav Patel
Ms. Roseann Patrissi
Marlene C. Patton
Ms. Janelle Pauer
Ms. Cathy Pearl
Ms. Kristel Peckham
Ms. Vicki A. Pedone
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pelatt
Ms. Jennifer T. Pepito
Jeanne B. Perkins
Jacquelin Perry, M.D.
Ms. Betty Perry
Victoria Peters
Mr. G. Scott Peterson
Louise Phillips
Ms. Deborah A. Phillips
Ms. Jean M. Pinto
Ms. Jean E. Plante
Ms. Gayle E. Plecha
Jackie & Joe Ploen
Ms. Ellen Plummer
Pamela J. Plummer
Ms. Laura Pogoler
Mr. & Mrs. Ray R. Poitevint
Nancy Polimer
Susan Pomerantz
Joyce R. Popp
Ms. Letizia Portante
Mr. Victor Post
Connie Potter
Mrs. Brenda R. Potter
Dr. Marilyn Potts
Joe & Sharon Poublor
Ms. Doris Powers
Ms. Dorothy Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Prince
Ms. & Mr. Betty J.
Geraldine M. Puglia
Ms. Marilyn Purnell
Mrs. Tamara L. Puzio
Ms. Virginia Rabatin
Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Radell
Ms. Margarita Ramirez
Ms. Mary E. Ramos
Mr. Steve Rand
Mrs. Betty L. Randall
Ms. Renee Randazzo
Mr. Kenneth B. Ray
Ms. Sylvia Rayner
Ms. Sharon K. Redd
Ms. Ashley K. Reeves
Ms. Julie L. Regos
Ms. Gisela Reincke
Ms. Leonarda Reinert
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R.
Mrs. Lois M. Reinis
Ms. Tatiana Reyes
Ms. Maryam Riazi
Deborah S. Richards
Ms. Susan Richardson
Ms. Dean Richey
Ms. Deborah Ricketts
Mr. Pete S. Rico
Ms. Monika Ritter
Ms. Susan C. Robbins
Ms. Jackie Robbins Smith
Mrs. Barbara R. Roberts
Ms. Judy Roberts
Ms. Shirlee A. Roberts
Mary A. Robin
Mr. Louis Robin
Claire & Carmie P.
James D. Robinson
Jim Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D.
Ms. Betty H. Robinson
Ms. Marla J. Rochlin
Brian D. Rodeck
Ms. Nuria C. Rodriguez
Mrs. Ana Rofe
Mr. Mark C. Rohman
Rolling Hills Country
Day School
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
D onor R e co gn i t ion ($150–$249, Estates, In-Kind)
Ms. Joan Romero-Garcia
Mr. Kent S. Rose
Mr. & Ms. Roy M.
Jean Rothaermel
Ms. Sara C. Rothenhausler
Ms. Marianne Rotstein
Mr. Raul Rubio
Ms. Jill K. Ruble
Tony & Sandi Ruiz
Mr. Shev Rush
Ms. Shirley A. Russell
Shirley Russell
David M. Russo
Ms. Tina F. Rustman
Ms. Dianne M.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Saake
Mr. Richard C. Saillant
Saint Timothy Lutheran
Church & School
Frances B. Sakata
Mark Saladino
Olga L. Salcido
Ms. Jennifer B. Salem
Noel Salisbury
Ms. Sara K. Sanders
Mr. Jorge Sandoval
Lynda Sands
Mr. David K. Sapia
Donato & Heather Sardella
Ms. Susen Sarpa
Mr. Roger Saunden
Ms. Richelle Savage
Mr. & Mrs. H.G. and
Barbara Sawyer
Ms. Beya N. Schaeffer
Mr. Michael Schantz
Mrs. Bernadette M.
Cullen & Carol Schippe
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K.
Ms. Alicia J. Schmidt
Laverne Schnare
Ms. Joan Schneider
Mrs. Sonya Schnyder
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Schrier
Lucia S. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur T.
Marla Schwartz
Ms. Karen Schwartz
Teri Schwartz
Mr. Phillip Schweit
David & Elaine Scott
Ms. Barbara Scott
Second Base
Ms. Sandra Seegren
Ms. Selby Segall
Mr. & Mrs. Rolf L. Seibert
Ms. Patricia H. Sells
Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Ms. Maria Serret
Cynthia Shabes
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Shafer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Shagan
Mrs. Gayle S. Shapazian
Mrs. Beatrice Shapiro
Carol A. Shaw
Toni Sherman
Dr. Ellen Sherwood
Ms. Georganne Shibata
Ms. Beverly Shields
Ms. Gina Shin
Mrs. Kate Shirley
David & Susie Shoop
Ms. Jocelyn M. Shore
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shostak
Ms. Ann C. Shubnell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C.
Maria Siciliano
Mr. Harvey Silberman
Mr. Herbert L. Silinsky
Ms. Shelley Silverstein
Mrs. Rhonda Simmons
Ms. Barbara L. Simpson
Mr. John C. Sindlinger
Mr. Ronald Singer
Ms. Narina Sippy
Benita Sito
Ms. Dawn Skinas
Mr. Daniel Slinkard
Mr. Bryan Smith
Mr. Douglas J. Smith
Ms. Joan Smith
Ms. Joyce L. Smith
Ms. Mablene Smith
Mr. Robert B. Smolkin
Ms. Wendy M. Solis
Ms. Vondra Solitare
Ms. Suzan Solomon
Ms. Rhonda E. Solorio
Renske Somers
Will & Karen Somers
Ms. Louise E. Soper
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Soter
Ms. Kay Soule
Ms. Abby Soven
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M.
Ms. Yvonne Spence
Elisebeth Spencer
Stephanie A. Spoerl
Mr. Damon P. Spohn
Ms. Esperanza Sprague
Ms. Barbara Spranza
Richard Sprowles
Michelle L. St. John
Mr. William L. Stanley
Ms. Loretta M. Stanley
Mr. Charles H. Starr, Jr.
Ms. Jessica Stefan
Diana Stephens
Ms. Ruth F. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. Don Stewart
Tom L. Stewart
Ms. Barbara L. Still
David M. Stoebner
Mr. & Mrs. George &
Laurie Stoneman
Ms. Marguerite Storen
Ms. Joanne Storkan
Mr. Matt Stover
Ms. Jane Stratton
Ms. Bianca A. Strong
Ms. & Mr. Lucinda Strub
Ms. Debbie Struthers
Siew P. Stultz
Kathy M. Styer
Ms. Tracy Styron
Ms. Sharon Suarez
Phyllis Summers
Mr. Steven Supowitz
Mrs. Sarah Swanson
Ms. Marylyn C. Taber
Mark Taeubel
Ms. Kathleen Taira
Mr. & Mrs. David Takata
Ms. Tina Tamura
Mr. Wesley Tanaka
Mrs. Carol I. Taylor
Olga Tcharfas
Mrs. Yoseffa Teitel
Michael Telles
Ms. Helen Thaler
Ms. Loretta A. Thaler
Ms. Robin Thaler
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence I.
Ms. Catherine Thomas
Ms. Judith A. Thomas
Ms. Mary Thommasset
Jean M. Thompson
Mr. Michael Thompson
Ms. Jennifer K. Thompson
Vicki M. Thompson
Jill Thorndike
Ms. Jaynee Thorne
Ms. Mary R. Thorne
Mr. David Thornton
Ms. Marta M. Timar
Ms. Lori Tindle
Beverly D. Tinnin
Ms. Sunny Tomblin
Mrs. Louise Toney
Ms. Nancy Toppel
Ms. Lisa Torneden
Mr. Kevin Torre
Ms. Margaret Toth
Mr. Enrique Touceda
Pat Toucelder
Janice K. Towner
Ms. Millicent Townsend
Jackie Tracy
Kim Tracy
Mr. Sam Trammell
Robert Trevathan
Ms. Maxine Trevethen
Ms. Adria Tritto
Mr. Paul Trombetta
Mr. Stephen Tropiano
Mike & Diane Trottochau
Mr. Leonard Trujillo
Ms. Caryle Tullos
Ms. Rachelle Turner
Richard E. Tuttle
Ms. Margaret Tyndall
Miss Lisa Ulmer
Yuka Ulrich
United Way California
Capital Region
Ms. Carolyn Unvert
Ms. Joyce Urode
Ms. Janet V. Vailokaitis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas H.
Ms. Alexis Valentine
Guy Valiando
Ms. Martha L. Van Liere
Ms. Caroline Vance
Ms. Mary Vassilakis
Mr. Douglas W. Vaughan
Ms. Yolanda Veloz
RJ Verstegen
Ms. Aura Vides
Ms. Maryamber Villa
Ms. Winsome Villiers
Ms. Leanne M. Vincent
Mr. Mike Vollman
Mr. Peter D. von Geusau
Kein-Phu Voung
Ms. Samantha Vudorgovic
Ms. Donna J. Waite
Mr. James Waldorf
Mrs. Jadi J. Waldron
Mr. William A. Walker
Mrs. Elaine Walker
Ms. Carlder L. Walker
Mr. Larry J. Waller
Linda Warner
Ms. Phyllis Y. Waszkiewicz
Ms. Jean B. Wax
Fay Webb
Ms. Mary Webb
Mr. Ron Weber
Ms. Margaret Wehling
Leora R. Weiner
Marilyn A. Weiss
Ms. Chloe Weiss
Mr. Howard Welinsky
Mr. Alex Wells
Ms. Beverly R. Wendel
Mr. Tom Wentworth
Ms. Brigitta C. Westall
Ms. Susan B. Whitaker
Ms. Lucy T. White
Ms. Bonnie Whitmore
Ms. Karen Whitney
Patricia Wible
Mr. Mark D. Wickham
Ed Wiegand
Ms. Roberta Wieman
Mr. Edward Wiilen
Ms. Roslyn Wilkins
Mr. Jamie L. Williams
Mr. Patrick Williams
Mrs. Oletha Williams
Mrs. Pauline P. Williams
Ms. Anne W. Williams
Ms. Lila Williams
Ms. Linda M. Williams
Venus Williams
Denise Williamson, M.D.
Mr. Frederick Wilson
Mr. William R. Wilson
Ms. Pamela Wilson
Jacquie Wilvers
Ms. Danielle Winchell
Charlotte Winer
The Winnick Family
Nancy S. Winogradow
Ms. Maureen Wishner
Mrs. Barbara L. Withrow
Ms. Donna Witte
Ms. Eileen Wizman
Ms. Linda S. Wohl
Ms. & Mr. Lauren Wolff
Mrs. Winnie Wong
Ms. Christina Wong
Ms. Salina Wong
Ms. Karen Woo
Ms. Patricia Wood
Dr. Dorris S. Woods
Henry F. Wooten
Chuck & Cathy Wrench
Mr. Jimmy R. Wunno
Alissa & David Wyffels
Monica Wynveldt
Mr. Jose Wyszogrod
Ms. Arlene Yagi
Agnes Yamada
Ms. Betty Yarak
Ms. Amy Yeshurun
Ms. Analee Yorkshire
Ms. Jamie Young
Ms. Ernestine Youtsler
Ms. Joanne Zada
Ms. Darlene Zager
Ms. Lois Zagha
Janis Zaharis
Mr. Christopher Zequeira
Ms. Barbara J. Zipperman
Mr. Zachary Zwadzich
Ellescas Living Trust
Estate of Agnes Kellogg
Estate of Anna Sanderson
Estate of Annelinde
Von Flesch
Estate of Bessie Secor
Estate of Betty P. Dietrich
Estate of Bonnie J. Daniell
Estate of Carol McKenzie
Estate of Catherine Wall
Estate of Cecil &
Maudelene Dutton
Estate of Charline B. Elfeldt
Estate of Deborah Berlin
Estate of Dorothy F. Jacobson
Estate of Eileen E. Schroeder
Estate of Emily Van Nuys
Estate of Esther Allen
Estate of Eva Mignon Raquet
Estate of Evelyn J. Phillips
Estate of Grace Cooper
Estate of Ilse Roth
Estate of Irving Brecher
Estate of James &
Margaret Howard
Estate of Jean Lane
Estate of Joy B. Sydenstricker
Estate of June Chiltern
Estate of Kathryn J.
Estate of Linda Hawkins
Estate of Lois Fellows
Estate of Lygia Parker
Estate of Lynn Nichols
Estate of Mabel Howard
Estate of Margaret Saks
Estate of Michael Monroe
Estate of Mildred Wegner
Estate of Rebecca J.Kollmer
Estate of Robert Linden
Estate of Rosemarie K.
Estate of Ruth Bartling
Estate of Stella Mrstik
Estate of Vivian Ryan
Estate of William Murphy
Estate of William Roberts
Estate of Winifred W. Totten
Estate of Zella Eckels
Margaret Rees, Trust
Patricia A. Ferguson Trust
Ted Ashton Trust
The Cain Family Trust
The Davis Trust Estate
The Dutton Testamentary
The Travilla Charitable
Wade Family Trust
3 Ball Productions
95.5 KLOS
Mr. Aaron Aasted
Mr. Tony Abrahano
Anurag Acharya
Janice Adler
Ms. Anna Aguilara
Ms. Sarah Ahrens
Ak-Sar-Ben Grooming Salon
Ms. Laura Albano
Albertson’s Grocery
Mr. Geoff Albro
Ms. Nona Alicandro
Mr. Robert Allen
Ms. Lorraine Allman
Ms. Georgette Alvarez
Mr. John Anderson
Mr. Ken Anderson
Mrs. Nykole Anderson
Ms. Reta L. Anderson
Ms. Jennifer Ando
Animal Care Center of
Huntington Beach
Animalia Pet Products
Anisa Productions
Aqua Condominiums
Aquarium of the Pacific
Ms. Kathleen M. Arakaki
Ms. Susan M. Arguelles
Inger A. Armour Ong
Ms. Kerry Armstrong
Mr. Richard Arnold
Ms. Rebecca Arnold
Mr. Gary Aubert
Ms. Joshlyn Autry
Ms. Carol Auzenne
Ms. Erin Avalos
Ms. Denise Ayers
Ms. Olga Babak
Ms. Sarah Bacsalmasi
Bhuvan Bajaj
Mr. Neal Baker
Mr. Stanford Baker, Jr.
Ms. Anika Ball
Ms. Cynthia Ball
Ms. Donna Ballard
Ms. Patricia Barbosa
Chris Barker
Cheryle S. Barkwill
Ms. Janice Barrett
Deborah L. Bartlett
Ms. Amanda Bartman
Mr. Dan Barton
Ms. Bree Basham
Ms. Diane Bassett
Ms. Twyla Baur- Lewark
Mr. Justin Beck
Mr. Stefan Becker
Ms. Beverly Beckwith
Theresa J. Beers
Ms. Rhonda Bela
Ms. Melissa Bemel
Ms. Aliya Benudiz
Ms. Nicole Berberet
Ms. Lana Bergman
Mr. Michael Bernstein
Ms. Ann Birdsall
Ms. Barbara Blair
Mr. William Blandon
Tory Blazek
Ms. Kim Blessing
Mr. Lawrence Bloch
Ms. Heather Blume
Mr. Larry Blunden
Mr. Stephen Bly
Ms. Jennifer Boehle
Ms. Cheryl Boggs
Ms. Lillian Bohannon
Ms. Julia Borovay
Ms. Candice Bouchey
Danielle Boutier
Ms. Eva Bowman
Ms. Brie Boyd
Ms. Arleen Braithwaite
Ms. Candace Briese
Ms. Jeane Bright
Ms. MaryEllen Brisson
Ms. Kristina Broadhurst
Ms. Elizabeth Broen
Ms. Gloria Brown
Brownie Troop 7263
Ms. Tammy Bruce
Mr. Mike Bruins
Mr. Kurt Brushwyler
Ms. Brittany Burge
Ms. Karen Burgoyne
Ms. Amanda Burton
Mr. Eugene Cabera
Michael J. Caldare
Ms. Steph Calvert
Mr. Peter Capelbo
Mr. Rick Carbon
Ms. Dorothy Cardella
Ann Cardinal
Mr. Joseph Cardozce
Vic Caretti
D onor R e co gn i t ion (In-Kind)
Mr. Richard Caron
Mr. Michael Carroll
Mr. Andrew Carty
Carver Academy
Susan L. Casabella
Ms. Margaret Cascarella
Chris Casey
Ms. Laura Castillo
Ms. Nancy Castle
Catts & Doggs Pet Supplies
Jennifer L. Cerna
Ms. Tanya Chavez
Mr. Wayne Chen
Ms. Melissa Chiou
Ms. Erin Choi
Ms. Norma Christensen
Taryn Chudo
Ms. Sylvia Cieply
Ms. Leanne Clark
Ms. Mary Clark
Ms. Stacey Clark
Ms. Ursula Clausing
Ms. Carolyn A. Coates
Ms. Vanessa Cody
Ms. Helen Collins
Sarah Beth Colnic
Ms. Laurie Compton
Ms. Nikki Conkings
Ms. Barbara Connally
Mr. Tomas Contrereas
Ms. Cathleen A. Cooper
Mr. Gary Coppel
Ms. Sue Corriea
Ms. Kaity Couch
Cowboy Country
Ms. Renee Cowen
Ms. Diana Crane
Ms. Marilyn Crane
Ms. Helga M. Crawford
Sam Cuccuniello
Ms. Carolyn Cunningham
Ms. Cunningham’s Class
Ms. Karla Curiel
Ms. Lisa Curtis
L. Dabate
Ms. Ken & Kathy Daugherty
Mr. Jeff Davidson
Ms. Brittney Davidson
Ms. Katherine Davidson
Ms. Josie Davison
Ms. Gail Dawson
Ms. Jan De Los Santos
Ms. Elizabeth Dea
Jeri Dearden
Ms. Crystal DeBard
Ms. Sarah Delgado
Ms. Chris Delong
Mr. Guy Depalma
Dependable Highway
Mr. Scott Deroy
Ms. Natashya Desianto
Ms. Patricia Desler
Ms. Gloria Dialynas
Ms. Helene Diamond
Ms. Julie Dickey
Ms. Lindsey Diebolt
Ms. Angela Digiulio
Ms. Yvonne Dina
Mrs. Marion Dingman
Ms. Debbie Dismukes
Indrajeet Dixit
Mr. Frank Djuth
Dogmatic Products, Inc.
Ms. Mary Dolan
Mr. Jeff Donais
Mr. & Mrs. Kit Donovan
Ms. Tess Donovan
Ms. Yvonne Donovan
Mr. Matt Douglas
Ms. Deanna Dube
Ms. Maryanne Duffy
Mr. John Dumond
Mr. Jourdan Dunaway
Ms. Danielle Dury
Ms. Tamika Dyson
Linda Ebacher
Eco-Me, LLC
Pari Ehsan
Elaine’s Pet Depot
Ms. Karen Elder
Andrew & Carolyn Elias
Ms. Pauline Ellingson
Mr. James Ellington
Ms. Pauline Elvidge
Ms. Frances Emerson
Mr. Craig Enge
Estate of Norma C. Nelson
Eye Envy
Patricia A. Falcone
Ms. Regina Falconer
Ms. Helen Fallon
Mr. Charles Feinstein
Ms. Margaret Fenton
Mr. Carlos Ferreira
Ms. Carolyn Ferrs
Ms. Sharon Fetterman
Ms. Monica Fiello
Ms. Dionne Filer
Mr. Matthew Finio
Ms. Karen Finnegan
Ms. Donna Fisher
Ms. Amanda Flores
Ms. Lois Flores
Ms. Kathy Fogg
Ms. Patricia Folman
Food Finders
For Pete Sake Foundation
Ms. Barbara Forte
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
D onor R e co gn i t ion (In-Kind)
Ms. Christine Fox
Mr. Scott Frakes
Mr. Joshua Franco
Ms. Sharon Freeman
Mr. Stephen Fried
Friends of Animals
Mr. Brad Fritz
Natalie Frixione &
Rebecca Rogers
Ms. Sherry A. Frost
Ms. Donna Fry
Mr. Richard Fuchs
Ms. Betty Fujita
Ms. Cheryl Fukushima
Ms. Arlene Fullaway
Ms. Kristin Fulton
Ms. Sandy Funk
Pamela Galen
Mr. David Galuhn
Ms. Stefanie Gamberg
Ms. Deborah Gantz
Ms. Paulette Garniner
Ms. Arlene Gaynor
Ms. Ellen Gedert
Mr. Paul Geisel
Mr. Bill Georgia
Mr. Benjamin Gerber
Ms. Charlotte Gesten
Ms. Michelle Gibbs
Ms. Eileen Gilbert
Ms. Dana Gilliam
Ms. Debbie Gillis
Girl Scout Troop 173
Girl Scout Troop 2203
Girl Scout Troop 3735
Girl Scout Troop 6465
Girl Scout Troop 950-5
Girl Scout Troop 974
Gwenn Godek
Ms. Marilyn Goldberg
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J.
Ms. Susan Goodman
Ms. Susan Goodwin
Ms. Mary Gordan
Ms. Maria Gordan-Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and
Maria Gordon
Mr. Michael Gordon
Ms. May Gordon
Mr. Kenneth Gore
Ms. Gayle Goya
Mr. Rod Green
Mrs. & Mr. Carla M. Green
Ms. Karen Dale Greene
Ms. Ruby Greigo
Mr. Paul Grellong
Ms. Joyce Gries
Ms. Maria Griffin
Ms. Joyce Guldimann
Ms. Nancy Gunn
Fonglee Guo
Ms. Rachel Guzman
Ms. Sandra S. Gyenes
Ms. Allison Haack
Ms. Paul Haaga
Ms. Solange Haaland
Ms. Helene Haber
Amy Hackman
Mr. William Haglund
Mr. Robert Hagman
Mr. Rick Hahn
Mr. Robert Haight
Ms. Lynne Haines
Ms. Lorraine Hall
Dr. Karen Halligan
Nemi Ham
Mr. Eric Hamada
B. Hamton
Mr. Bill Hardie
Mr. Charles Harding
Ms. Jennifer Harding
Ms. Karen Hardwick
Erin Hardy
Ms. Kelly Harmon
Deborah Davidson Harpur
& Gigi
Kyle Harris
Ms. Lisa Harris
Jonell Hart
Marion D. Hart
Ms. Mia Hasenmayer
Ms. Julie Hassett
Ms. Nancy Hawley
Ms. Ginny Haynes
Ms. Nancy Hays
Ms. Valerie Heath
Roxene Helme-Molina
Mr. Erik M. Helmstetter
Ms. Joyce Henderson
Mr. Cesar Hernandez
Ms. Cindi Hernandez
Ms. Sylvia Hernandez
Ms. Veronica Herrera
Lee Herschler &
Mark Gilbert
Ms. Mami Hersegawa
Gail Hershowitz
Ms. Rebecca Heydorff
Ms. Mary E. Heyman
Ms. Betty Hiles
Mr. Patrick Hill
Hills Pet Nutrition, Inc.
Mr. Paul Hirokawa
Ms. Jennifer Hirsch
Ms. Sharon Hixon
My Ho
Mr. Matthew Hockman
Ms. Lilia Hoddinott
Ms. Karen Hodge
Ms. Virginia Holdinski
Ms. Clare Hollywood
Bonnie Holmes
Mr. Patrick Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel and
Christina Hom
The Honest Kitchen.com
Ms. Malina Hong
Mr. Erin Hooper
Mr. Gary Hoopfer
Rick & Alice Horevitz
Mr. Robert Horn
Mr. Ken Horry
Eli Houta
Alex Howard
Merle Hower
Ms. Liz Hreno
Mr. William Hucek
Ms. Tammy Huesca
Ms. Luana Hughes
Ms. Wendi Huntzicker
Ms. Tammy Hurley
Yasmi Hurtado
Jode Hyman
i Love Dogs, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Indictor
Ms. Doreen Inouye
Ms. Shari Iohara
Ms. Jean Isaacson
Ms. Kayleen Ishigaki
Ms. Kendra Iskander
Ms. Kathy Itomora
Ms. Luci Iwasaki
Wulf Jahn
Ms. Denise Jakcsy
Jakks Pacific Inc.
Beverly E. James
Jamie Janis
Mr. David Jaramillo
Rikki Jarrett
Ms. Candy Jennings
Ms. Amy C. Jensen
Ms. Ellen Jerkins
Mr. & Mrs. Diane M.
Ms. Rachel Jiang
Ms. Ursula Jimenez
Mr. Paul Johansen
Ms. Elaine Johnson
Ms. Joanne Johnson
Ms. Lisette Johnson
Ms. Lori Mae Johnson
Ms. Colleen Johnston
Ms. Debra D. Jones
Ms. Debra Jones
Ms. Laura Jones
Ms. Patricia Jones
Ms. Joanne Jovanovic
Jr. Girl Scout Troop 7114
Ms. Beth Jury
Ms. Barbara Kashmere
Mr. Brooke Kaufman
Mr. David Kaufman
Mr. Mike Kaye
Mr. Craig Kazin
Ms. Lorraine Kehoe
Mr. Cameron Keith
Ms. Allison Keith
Ms. Terri Keith
Ms. Cynthia Kellman
Kelso Elementary
Orlene E. Kelting
Ms. Stephanie Kemp
Jean Kenworthy
Ms. Lora Kermode
Michelle & John Kiely and
Kyoung Kim
Mr. Louis Kim
Ms. Margaret Kinal
Mr. & Mrs. Todd and
Shareen King
Ms. Maria King
Ms. Kamala Kirk
Ms. Janet Kissner
Ms. Melissa Klein
Vada Klein
Ms. Laura Klemme
Mr. David Kluck
Ms. Jenene Koehler
Mr. Barry Kokot
Ms. Karen Kopp
Ms. Kristen Kopp
Ms. Martine Korach
Ms. Samantha Korgan
Mr. Harry Korn
Mr. Paul Kramer
Ms. Gail Kramer
Rochelle Kramer
Ms. Sandra Kreis
Ms. Laura Kruper
Ms. Kitty Kuhlmann
Ms. Krystina Kyle
S. Lacharite
Stacey Lakind
Ms. Gailene Lancey
Mr. John Lander
Ms. Pamela Lane
Ms. Janet LaPointe
Ms. Pamela Larue
Ms. Nancy LaScala
Ms. Catherine Lathrope
Mr. Dan Laup
Mary Lawler
Ms. Becca LeCou Bacon
Ms. Becca Lecoubacon
Ms. Cindy Lee
Ms. Kathryn Lee
Ms. Marra Lee
Ms. Donna Lef
Ms. Isa Legrand
Ms. Dyananmaria Leilsson
Ms. Graciela Leos
Ms. Carla Lescious
Ms. Christie Lesinski
Lynn Lewis
Mr. Albert Li
Ms. Sharon Lin
Ms. Paula Lindsey
Ms. Anika Lira
S. Livas
Mr. Carl Logan
Ms. Margurite Lovett
Mrs. Noel L. Lucky
Ms. Janet Lugo
Ms. Melissa Lugo
Audrey Lujan
Linh Luong
Ms. Patty Lupton
Ms. Leiah Lynch
Ms. Leiah Lynch
Ms. Ann Mac Murray
Ms. Bonnie MacBird
Ms. Carol MacPherson
Ms. Carol Madeja
July Magaria
Ms. Ann Maggi
Ms. Irene Mako
Ms. Carri Mallard
Ms. Rita Malone
Sharrie & Jose Mancanera
Ms. Sherri Mancera
Mr. Peter Mandel
Ms. Roberta Manning
Ms. Darlene Maples
Ms. Marina Marcheall
Mr. Bob Marcoulier
Ms. Danielle Marquez
Mars Petcare
Ms. Beth Martin
Mr. Benjamin Martinez
Ms. Susan Martinez
Mr. Erik Martinson
Ms. Laura Martinson
Cannon Mathews
Mr. Brian Mathieson
Mr. Garret Matsuura
Ms. Holly Mauer
Ms. Rosemary Mays
Ms. Delois Mayuga
Ms. Maggie McBennett
Ms. Mary McCann
Ms. Kathy McCormick
Mr. Arnold L. McCullough
Quinn McCutchan
Mr. Tiryn McDaniel
Ms. Carol A. McDonald
Ms. Melinda McKee
Ms. Joanne McLaughlin
Ms. Patricia McLaughlin
Ms. Cori McLuckey
Mr. Seth Mcnerney
Mr. Kevin McRae
Ms. Donna Mead
Frances Medina
Ms. Terri Meis
Ms. Belinda Mekdara
Ms. Tara Mellett
Ms. Terri Melton
Ms. Marcia Mendil
BJ Mercadante
Ms. Nancy Mew
Mr. David Miller
Ms. Diane Miller
Ms. Gina Miller
Ms. Michele G. Miller
Ms. Roberta Miller
Ms. Marcy Mills
Ms. Angie Nile
Ms. Donna Nishimoto
Ms. Karen Norris
Ms. Margaret O’Brien
Ms. Anne Oburgh
Ms. Terry O’Donovan
Ms. Tina Oleson
Ms. Jill Olivas
Ms. Cheryl Olson
Ms. Kim O’Neill
Ms. Alice Onna
Mr. Caleb Orozco
Ms. Catharine Oshita
Ms. Caroline Oudiz
Palos Verdes
Intermediate School
Ms. Iwona Palusinski
Ms. Phyllis Paoletti
Ms. Heidi Parker
Ms. Linda Parrick
Ms. Isabelle Reyes-Perez
Ms. Irene Reyna
Ms. Kathleen Reynolds
Ms. Janelle K. Rich
Ms. Felicia Richardo
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge & Jill Riera
Mr. David Rikimaru
Ms. Bessie Riley
Ms. Nancy L. Rinehart
Rio Hondo College
Mr. Jeff Ris
Mr. Christopher Rising
Mr. James Ritter
River Plate Fulfillment
Ms. Connie Rivera
Mrs. Peggy Roberts
Bobbi Robertson
Mr. Gary R. Robertson
Ms. Colleen Rocha
Mr. Miguel Rodriguez
MisterMax Quality
Ms. Belinda Mitchell
Ms. Annette T. Miyamoto
Mobile Dog Spa
Mr. Jose Molina
Ms. Heather
Ms. Amanda Montano
Melanie Monteiro
Mr. Eduardo Monteiro
Ms. Gloria Montemayor
Ms. Teri Montgomery
Bobbe Moore
Ms. April Moore
Ms. Christine Moore
Mr. Bruce Moreland
Mr. Jerry Morin
Mr. Dave Moses
Munchkin, Inc.
Ms. Jeannine Murphy
Ms. Lucky Mutrais
Mystic Sun Studio
Community Center for
Dancing and Drumming
Ms. Martha Nakagawa
Ms. Michelle Nateleorg
Natura Pet Products
Nature’s Earth Products, Inc.
Mr. Fernando Navarro
Ms. Emily Neimann
Norma C. Nelson
Rebecca Nelson
Nestle Purina Company
Ms. Rochelle Newble
Ms. Ann Nguyen
Mr. Michael Niemark
Mr. Michael Nile
Mr. Michael Nile
Sally Parslow & Patti Turner
Ms. Andrea L. Parsons
Mr. Bradley Paul
Ms. Jacqueline Pavesi
Laura Pellegrini
Mr. Mike Pendleton
Ms. Shannon Perches
Elaines Pet Depot
Pet Naturals of Vermont
Peter Pepper Products, Inc.
Ms. Hilary Philp
Mr. Richard Pickard
Mr. Cory Pike
Mr. Donn A. Pikulski
Ms. Tina Pirazzi
Ms. Denise Pontius
Ms. Nana T. Porter
Mr. Rob Poston
C. Powell
Ms. Lara Press
Ms. Sindy Pudjaudja
Ms. Rosasanne Puff
Purina West Coast
Learning Center
Rachel Ray Nutrish
Ms. Lisa Rakusin
Ralphs Grocery Company
Ms. Sarah Ralston
Ms. Paula Ramirez
Ms. Veronica Ramirez
Ms. Amy Ramnaraine
Mr. Martin Ramos
Ms. Linda Ramos
Mr. William Rand
Ms. Justine Rehu
Phyllis Reilly
Ms. Liora Rephael
Mr. Carlo Reyes
Ms. Rachel Rodriguez
Mrs. Liz Rogers
Ms. Carina Rohne
Patricia Rojas
Rolling Hills Country
Day School
Mr. Matt Rollins
Ms. Marilyn Ron
Ms. Kelsey Rood
Ms. Cathy Roohan
Ms. Sarah Rosenthal
Ms. Dolly Ross
Ms. Andrea Rossi
Ms. Irene Rowe
Ms. Gloria Rozas
Ms. Ofelia Rua
Mr. Bob Ruchhoft
Ms. Christine Ruchhoft
The Stewart A.
Rudner Family
Mr. Spencer Ruiz
Mr. Charlie Russell
Ms. Tracy Rutter
Ms. Eleanor Sabasupuia
Ms. Janice Sadahiro
Dayl & Miguel Salamanca
Ms. Sharon Salmon
Ms. Tiffanie San Paolo
Ms. Amy Sanborn
Mr. Maxwel Sanders
Ms. Laura Santos
Ms. Kim Santy
Mary E. Savoian
Ms. Billie Schaffer
Casey Schatz
Ms. Amy Schilling
Deidre Schletter
Mr. David Schlosser
Ms. Charelyne Schmeer
D onor R e co gn i t ion (In-Kind, Matching Gifts, Vehicles)
Mr. Jack Schrock
Caren Schuett
Ms. Barbara J. Schuett
Ms. Catherine Schult
Nancy Schwartz
Ms. Courtney Scnienwald
Ms. Margarett Sedillo
Ms. Jan Severance
Ms. Helen Seyler
Ms. Janet Shaffer
Mr. John Shaw
Ms. Teresa Shaw
Mr. Billie C. Sheaffer
Mrs. Sandra Shereman
Shi Shi Pet Boutique
Ms. Beverly Shields
Mr. Samuel Shifflett
Ms. Darlene Shima
Mr. Ronald Shinogi
Cheryl Shojinaga
Nicole Shweiri
Ms. Nicole Shweri
Mr. Chris Sias
Ms. Kristen Sifers
Ms. Penelope Silver
Mr. Michael Silverstein
Rashmi Singh
Ms. Elana Sitrin
Mr. Gerold Skillstad
Ms. Stacy Skresvig
Ms. LeAnn Slough
Ms. Janet Slovak
Mr. Robert Smith
Ms. Melani Smith
Ms. Pauline Smith
Ms. Pauline Smith
Ms. Rachel Smith
Ms. Erin Sooper
Ms. Marguerite Soto
Anita Spangler
Ms. Kerri Sparkman
Ms. Marlette H. Sparkman
Ms. Phyllis Spear
Ms. Jeannette Spencer
Mr. Randy Spicer
Ms. Elaine Spierer
Renee Spriggs
Ms. Julie St. Julien
St. Pancratius School
Mr. Ryan Stanbridge
Ms. Jennifer State
Stater Brothers
Mr. Howard Steele
Ms. Sharon Stein
Ms. Holly Steinlechner
Ms. Jackie Stelzer
Ms. Katherine Stevenson
Ms. Susan Steward
Ms. Donna J. Stewart
Ms. Carmella N. Stoddard
Mr. Thomas Stokosa
Lysa Stone
Ms. Aletha Strahm
Betzi Stratton
Ms. Elizabeth Straube
Beryl Streetz
Mr. James Stroder
Ms. Shelly Strong
Ms. Lori Struble
Ms. Leslie Stubbs
Ms. Beverly J. Stunden
Ms. Jane Su
Ms. Rachelle Sudario
Sujatha Sukumar
Ms. Rebecca Sullivan
Ms. Annettte Sumrall
Ms. Kathrine Sunderman
Supply & Demand
Cory Swift
Taft Production Company
Ms. Alice Takamiyashiro
Andy Tao
Target Brands Inc.
Target Store #1329
Target Store #198
Ms. Diane E. Taylor
Ms. Sarah Telkamp
Temple Isiah
Ms. Sheri Templin
Ms. Sally Tephany
Mr. Rich Testerman
Jubert Thames
The Guzman Family
Ms. Irene Thomas
Ms. Robyn Thomas
Ms. Sue Thomas
Ms. Mary Thurtell
TJX Corp.
Judith & Michael Todaro
Ms. Jill Tomaro
Ms. Cindy Tomita
Mr. Joseph Toney
Ms. Eva Toth
Ms. Amy Traux
Troop 173
Mr. Jim Tsang
Ms. Jenny Tschen
Mr. Tony Tse
Ms. Ariana Tuksinski
Turing Point School, Level 4
Lara Tuttle
Keely Twitchell
Ms. Anana Tyksinski
Ms. Vicki Uebel
Victoria Uebel & Jeff Cross
Unitarian Universalist
Community Church of
Santa Monica
Ms. Kimberly Uruza
USC University Hospital
May Uteele
Ms. Dorothy Van Horn
Mr. Adam Vargas
Ms. Naomi Vasquez
Ms. Mary Vassilakis
Harsh Vathsangam
VCA Animal Hospitals
VCA Coast
Animal Hospital
VCA Rossmoor—El Dorado
Animal Hospital
Ms. Debbie Veady
Mr. Leo Velasco
Leonard & Carleen Velez
Ms. Reena Villegas
Ms. Catherine Vlasuk
Mr. Steve Vollucci
Ms. Judy Vosberg
Mr. Keith Waite
Ms. Janet Waldau
Ms. Terri Walker
Ms. Janet Walvau
Warm Whiskers
Mr. Kevin Watroba
Ms. Linda Watts
Ms. Denise Weaver
Mr. Justin Weidner
Ms. Charlene Weininger
Ms. Sandra Weisenstein
Ms. Vivienne Weisman
Mr. & Mrs. Van O. Weldon
Ms. Laura Whalen
Ms. Tricia Wheelis
Ms. Lori Whippie
Anna White
Liesel Wiesling
Ms. Mary Kay Will
Ms. Heidi Willemsen
Mr. Charlee Williams
Ms. Lori Williams
Ms. Pauline Williams
Ms. June Wilson
Ms. Sarah Winfrey
Leslie Witter
Mr. James Wolf
Leland H. I. Wong
Tamae Wong
Mr. Raymond Woods
Amy Word
Aurore Wright
Ms. Carol Yamasaki
Ms. Janet Yamata
Ms. Lea Yarbo
Ms. Anne Marie Yoon
Ms. Jeanette Yoshimura
Ms. Monica Youngblood
Ms. Gina Ysunza
Ms. Lenora Yuen
Ms. Tami Zamrazil
Mr. Jeremy Zimmer
Ricci Zinger
Patricia Zito
Mr. John Zollinger
Matching Gifts
Altria Group, Inc.
American Express
Bank of America
California Community
Chubb & Son
Gannett Match
GE Foundation
ITG, Inc.
Jones Lang LaSalle
Nuveen Investments
Payden & Rygel
Sony Pictures
The Capital Group
Companies, Inc.
The J. Paul Getty Trust
The McGraw-Hill
Wells Fargo
Steve Bethea
Jennifer Canedo
Jeff Contreras
Gerardo Echeverria
Robert Florsheim
Paul Furie
Sarah Gallant
Golden West Auto
Donation Resale, Inc.
Nancy Grake
Victoria Holb
Amanda Huber
Nicholas & Amanda
Diana Kean
Chelsea King
Michael Land
Sunne Lane
Leslie Lapage
William Marcus
Ian Montone
Sophia Nardin
Dan Nash
Terry Owen
Debbie Reitz
Adriane T. Rogers
Lisa Roll
Lynda A. Sands
Alicia J. Schmidt
Christina Smith
David Spendlove
Patricia Testerman
Lynn Thayer
Susan Tichauer
Florence Woolley
Jamie Zaffina
Michael Anderson
Dave Balaishis
spcaLA is deeply appreciative of all those who have generously donated. We strive to acknowledge each donor properly.
If you were listed incorrectly, or you feel your gift was omitted in error, please contact us at (323) 730-5300, ext 232 or
at [email protected].
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
South Bay, Long Beach, or your Living Room!*
Visit www.spcaLA.com for
Marketplace locations & hours.
Enter coupon code
*Limit one per person. Offer can be changed or revoked at any time. Exp: 12/31/11
preferred lodging for pets
* Discount does not apply to food, flea treatment, WOOF hats, event tickets, holiday
cards, PawTrax software, Teaching Love and Compassion manual, donations or gift
certificates & may not be combined with any other offer. To redeem online, enter
code: 1257959665 at checkout on www.spcaLA.com. Limit one per person. Offer
can be changed or revoked at any time. Exp: 12/31/11
Call (562) 570-3079 or email [email protected]
to make an appointment to board your dog or cat.
*Free play session is a free additional 15 minute play session for any cat or dog
boarding at the Pet Hotel for two (2) or more nights. spcaLA Pet Hotel is a donor
exclusive resort for pets, available only to donors who have given $75 or more
in the past 12 months—adoption fees do not count toward the mandatory $75
donation. Offer can be changed or revoked at any time, and may not be combined
with any other offer. Exp: 12/31/11
No appointment necessary.
Visit www.spcaLA.com for Grooming Salon hours.
*Self-service grooming is available for dogs only. Offer can be changed or revoked
at any time and may not be combined with any other offer. Exp: 12/31/11
D onor R e co gn i t ion
D onor R e co gn i t ion
M em or i al & T r i b u t e G i f t s September 1st, 2009 through August 31st, 2010
All memorial and tribute gifts of $50 or more are acknowledged with a special card and listed in the print edition of Friends
for Life. Gifts appear by tribute type, and then alphabetically based on the first or organization name of the honoree. Pets
whose names appear in quotation marks always appear first.
Honor eeDonor
In Anniversary Recognition Of
“Brooke” & “Sara”
In Holiday Recognition Of
Cynthia Baker
In Birthday Recognition Of
“Spencer” & “Katie”
Alexandra & McKenna
Art Sawyer
Belinda Hwang
Chiara Shen
Cindy Rustanius
David Owens
Denice R Burbach
Diana Davenport
Diane Marderian
Grace Corrigan
Janet H. Mackman
Janice Cohen
Jean Loew
Mrs. Jean Loew
Jerry Hommedieu
Kathy McCormick
Kendra Kimball
Linda Cereseto
Linda Powell
Madeline Bailey
Magda Summerfield
Marlene Wagner
Michael Jackson
Michael Kilroy
Pam Levin
Robert Kern
Rozlyn Boulianne
Terri Sue Aikens
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
Honor eeDonor
Terese & Elizabeth
Noreen S. Matsuda
Howard & Carol Rosenberg
Magie Malaro
Thomas & Debra Kazamek
Lauren Schwake
H.G. and Barbara Sawyer
Cirilo & Josie
Jean Priver
Richard, Kelly, Matthew &
in memory of “Gene”
Anisa & Sami Salam
Jonathan Walton
Catherine Davenport
Margery Ann Askern
Beth Jenkins
Bill O’Brien
Ronald Levitsky
Anne Barry
Jayne Mapes
Jill Switzer
Joshua F. Gordon
Emory Walton
Linda Cereseto
Patricia Pingree
Pam & Pepper
Robin & Gang
Samantha Vudorgovic
Paul Chitlik
Magie Malaro
Thomas & Debra Kazamek
Marina, Tao, Mica, Rachel,
Angel, Yohko
Jerry L. Hommedieu &
Rob DuWors
Jill Switzer
Mr. Gary Zive
Diane L. Meyer
Geneva Boulianne
Katherine Griffin
“Gabby” Inglin
Pat Beaudette
“Mr. Gray”
Dale Vaughan
Eric Zi
Adam Ullstrom
Shelley & Meredyth Clarke
Albert Plating Co.—
Dellago Technology, LLCMr. David Laliberte Mr. Jerry Myers
Andrew Shirley
Kate Shirley
Andrea Gullo
Laurie C. Collins
Andrew Hagstrom
Joan Whitten
Andew Tao & Jeanne Beasley
Janet Tao
Austin, Elizabeth Patricia Pfeiffer
& Fred Nichelson
Benita Tapia
Pam & Pepper
Bruce & Margie Hathaway
Mr & Mrs. John Samson
Rob & Rebecca Loza
Lindsey & Cathy Groves
The Cracchiolo’s
Andy Cracchiolo
Ms. Christine
Shelley & Meredyth Clarke
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Betherncourt Mrs. Trudy Mackel
David Shaw
Allison Peple
Dayna Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Verica
Gay L. Meixel
Carol S. Aneshensel
Hayley Babcock
Elizaebth Babcock
Mrs. Inger Wenner-Gren
Shelley & Meredyth Clarke
Jack Kehoe & Sherrill Smith
Victoria Sittig
Jacque West
Tom & Pete
Janice Cohen
Ron Levitsky
Jean Loew
Lisa & Stacy Shartin
Jill & Jim Clemence
Rod Stephens
Joan Messenger, Kim Muir, William Martin
Elton Bolden, Lea Lerer
Joe Sestay
Diane McCarry
Joel, Tanya & Robyn Groves
Lindsey & Cathy Groves
John & Jeanne Stamper
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Stamper
June Bolton
Dennis & Dodger
Kari Schavezz
Erika Schavezz
Kevin, Carol & Donald Brenner Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bakewell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry & Suzy Glass Mr. & Mrs. Joey Glass
The Lakie Family
Jane & Roy Pahlman
Linda J. Luna
Sharon Stone
Lois M. Schenk
Lindsey & Cathy Groves
Long Beach Internal
Liberty Pacific
Medical Group Medical Imaging
Long Beach/Los Alamitos
Liberty Pacific
Gastroenterology Assoc. Medical Imaging
Long Beach/Los Alamitos
Liberty Pacific
Podiatry Medical Imaging
Lynn Wallace
Shelley & Meredyth Clarke
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Marcy Zwelling-Aarnot
Betty & Stanley Sheinbaum
Liberty Pacific
Medical Imaging
Markley, Kristina, Katy Sestay Diane McCarry
Mary Neary Morley
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Kukla
Maurice Benard
Anne Marie Hules, Annie
Mae Foster, Betty Pfaffl,
Nancy Jones
Memorial Sports Liberty Pacific
& Internal Medicine Medical Imaging
Michelle Ryan, M.D.
Liberty Pacific
Medical Imaging
Miriam Davenport & Tyler Soltis Diana E. Davenport
Missy & Bill Plaster Lindsey & Cathy Groves
& Toby Mienke
Molly LeMay
Diane McCarry
Mom & Margie
Larry Rick
Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tarkanian
Greg Sowders & Mary
Nancy Kawczynski
Sharon A. Green
Neuro Medical Group
Liberty Pacific
Medical Imaging
The Oritz Family
Diane McCarry
Randolf Shey
Liberty Pacific
Medical Imaging
Alan & Terry Rawlings
Mrs. & Mrs. Georgenson
Dr. Richard Wexler
Liberty Pacific
Medical Imaging
Rick & Liza Browne
Suzanne Browne
Robert & Joyce Browne
Suzanne Browne
Stefanie McAfee
Marcelle McAfee
Steve & Sima Schuster
Sarah Schuster Kudela
Susan, Ed, April, Lindsey & Cathy Groves
& Eddie O’Connell
Susanne Ullstrom
Shelley & Meredyth Clarke
Terry Egan Strombom
Kevin Torre
Toby & Rusty Groves
Lindsey & Cathy Groves
Vincent & Helen Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Arnold
The Wilson Family
Greg Soeders & Mary
Winston Arnstrong
Erin Culley
In Honor Of
“Leo” Mezger
“Lucy” & “Cassie”
“Lucy” & “Lola” Perry
Al Dutra
Albert Bobel
Amy Schwartz
Anna Chan
Barbara’s birthday
Barry Sanders
Beth Sarachman
The Gancarczyk Family
Jacqueline Theis
Cherly & David Karton
Helen Boutrous
Cathi, Karsten & Foxy Brown
Agenta Anderson
Barbara N. Hyland
Charles Gramley
Lisa R. Hill
Krista Brown
Stephen Tropiano
Paula Hazzard
Paul Jordan
Michelle Milosh
Gillian & Charles
Heidi, Tom & Denny
C. Aguilera
Carol Brasfield
Mr. & Mrs. de Recat
Deborah Brosseau
Debra Hoffman
Eileen Byhower
Else Blangsted
George Brandow
George Shea
Cheryl and Greg Boles
Harold Tomin
Helen Alexander
Henry & Charlie Endsley
Henry Ramirez
Ingrid Sison
Irit Ehrlich
Jackie Dudley
Jake Litvack
Jane Hardiman
Jeffrey Gundlach
Jenny Poston
Jerry L. Hommedieu
Jim & Annie Statler
Josephine Trent
Judi Powell
Karen McElhaney
Lori Moran
Marie Behm
Marla Bradley & Mike Lambert
Ms. Melissa Breterton
Molly Youngskin’s birthday
Monica Kreindel
Mr. & Mrs. Shelly Wile
Murphee Daube
Robert Jensen & Rob Bonfiglio
Rose Guerena
Scott Krivis Family
Seth Cooley
Shelby Ikeda
Susan Goldfarb & Family
Tonka & Frank
Mr. Tony Nakazki
Travis Ginsberg
Vic Peterson
Zach Zuboff
Cousins Debbie, Jay, Barbara
& Betsy
Stephen Sollitto
The Center for
Early Education
Craig de Recat
Linda M. Brosseau
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Wiener
Dana Bernstein
Tony & Sherrye Gibbs
Anita D. Brandow
Anise Stevens
& Harold Sanders
Uncle Jerry
& Aunt Sandra Bulavsky
Toby Horn
The Ogden Family
Stephen Tropiano
Rosabel Tao
Mr. & Mrs, Dom Kathy Sison
Linda Winslow
Sharon A. Green
Sanford Litvack
Mary Farley
Grant’s Financial Publishing
Rob Poston
Mark Raineri
Roy & Judy
Elizabeth Cecil
Toni Moran
Jane Pahlman
Catherine Ricci
Mrs. Trudy Mackel
Jeffrey R. Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Bill & Betty
Tima and Sandra Souther
Barbara Hyland
Brian Daube
Lesli Leder
Jeanette Freels
The Miller Family
Mr. & Mrs. James Cooley
Carrol & Joan Pruett
Mr. & Mrs. Alan
& Nancy Wiener
Ma & Pa Macdonald
Robin, Sharon, Doug &
Philip Pitchford
Stephen Tropiano
Bennett J. Morowitz
Lana and Ron
D onor R e co gn i t ion
D onor R e co gn i t ion
Honor eeDonor
In Memory Of
“Akilla” & “River”
“Alfi”, “Matzy”,”Sheena”,”Bossy”
“Bear Dog”, “Kelsie”, & my father Dave Barron
“Daphne”, “Daisy” & “Abbie”
“Elvis” Wentworth
“Fitz”, “Winnie”, “Shammy”, “Augie”, & “Piper”
“Goose” Phillips
“Heidi” & “Bandit”
“Lucy Lamberson”
“Lucy” & “Eddie”
“Ludwig” Von D
“Rocky” & “Milo”
“Mistral” & “Kiki’
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
Birgitta Sjostrand
Gabor Szabo
Lou & Tina
J. Daniel Scott D.D.S.
Carrie & Ben
Carol Rosenberg
Henry & Patti
Jinxy Rosenwald
Linda Hix
Bonnie Barron
Nancy Goldberg
Judy Guffey
Jill & Bob
Jo Bryant
Susan Thiel
The Allan Erlbaum Family
Christine, Jack & Coco
Cathy Pearl
Paul Arrow
Nancy Anderson
Patricia Capps
Laurie Anderson
Eric B. Wentworth
Marion L. Hastings
Glory Maples
Linda melsheimer-Gilmore
Lesli Lawrence
Debra L. Valenzuela
Mr. Jay Deuby
Maria Claver
Joy Parker
Janice Cohen
Pamala Corona & CMMP
Caron Spector
Ms. Candace Pearson
The WDPRO Copy Team
Lesli Lawrence
Mary Vassilaski
Paul Slye
Sharon Robinson
Jane, Kim, Fran, Susan,
& Kate
Robert Robb
R.E. Lamberson
Matthew Snyder
Mr. Dennis Halbritter
Katie Hornberger
Mara Royce
Kate McWatters
Wilfred Edmondson
Jackie Brooks
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
“Mousie”, “Minkie” & “Foxie”
Rosabel Tao
Philip Pitchford
William D. Hardie
“Pugsley” Loxton
Rabbi Sidney J. Jacobs’ dog
Shirley Schriver
“Ruffy” & “Moon Beam”
“Sandy” & Maggie”
“Scruffy” Romero
“Spanky” & “Puddy Tat”
“Squirt” Sarver
“Zero” & “Nikki”
Adele Platt
Alice Jones
Allen Ludden
Amelia Abraham
Andrea Jacobs
Armida Marina Molina
Ashers Bergman
Bailey Ninja Denis Wilson
Barbara (Bobbi) Arestegui
Barbara Harrison
Barbara Hisamune
Basil Gaston
Bernie McGinnis
Donald Nadler
Brenda Manriquez
Nancy & Richard Tuttle
June & Richard Trader
Amy Friend
Dr. Robert Dworkoski
Wendy Beiser
Janet McDonald
Christine & Coco
Michael Rosenberg
Paul Martin
Mr. & Mrs. James Pearl
Amy Friend
Alicia L. Kipust
Larry & Vilma Bruschini
Patricia Schaedler
Helen Sauser
Valerie Lee
Adam & Beth
Jay Robinson
Sanjeev Narayan
Betty J. Jacobs
Shirley Schriver
Geoff Sockol
Joan Maguire
Ms. Teri Eve
Branwen, Steven & “Lucy”
Joan Maguire
Steven Awakuni
Christine Sisley
Judy Grow
Carol Romero
Laurie Anderson
Laura Anderson
Dana Chinn
Mr. & Mrs. Marlow S. Baar
Barbara Ackard
Leon R. Fermino
Gabriel Gutierrez
Laura Del Greco
Phillip Schweit
Wendy Beiser
Jane Dawson
Dr. Bailey Lee
Suzette Curby
Andrew Wachter
Malin Marsh
Mr. & Mrs. Malin Marsha
Branwen, Steven &
Lucy Steinhauser
Christine, Jack & Coco
Debby Stewart
Betty Gumm
Beverly Hoffstadt
Bob Johnson
Bob Ken
Carol Hillis
Carol McNay
Christopher Paul Vaughan
Chuck Madden
Clyde Kleiner
Dan Read
Dennis W. Cornwell
Sid Gruder
Dawn Dellamano
Frances Durslag
Lynne Karbon
Mindy S. Carson
Elizabeth M. Cantine
Lynne Schroeder
Gloria Molina Green
Amanda Johnson
Ms. Diane Wilson
Sharon Arestegui
Kim Andreason
Doreen Solomon
Alan Brotea
Denise Colletta
Mossler & Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Cohen
Mrs. Diane Ax
Scott Kelley
Tim Kilpin
Andrew Hallaway
& Tom Reichert
Steven Drucker
Ron Wagner
Auntie Lynda
James Waldorf
Diane Meyer
Candlewood Country Club
Daren and Kathy Macdonald
Gary Little
Kathleen Jones
Kimberly Loprieato
Linda Marlow
Lisa and Robert Schueller
Marcia Cape
Stephen Puckett
Tanja Canada
Michael McNay
Mark, Peggy & Harry
Amy Sample &
The Home Instead Family
Linda & Kym Murphy
Peggy & Lloyd Wise
Jonathan & Stephanie
(from Nashville)
Julian Stone
Andrew Halladay
Joyce Fienberg
Mike & Bob
Ruth L. Eliel
Bill Fuellenbach
Carlos Valdivia &
Michael Adelman
Ellen Foust
Mr. & Mrs. Carlton &
Sharon Long
David Owen
Dorothie K. Rupp
Dorothy Blackstone
Mrs. Dottie Lloyd
Dylan Shull
Elinor Graham
Elizabeth King
Eric Barth
Evelyn Fahey
Evelyn Cohen
Mrs. Evelyn Nabonsal
Frances Schecter
Frieda & Rose
George Janich
George Walker Bush
Glen Webster Micek
Ms. Grace Brink-Hof
Gray Grandpaw
Hagop Aranbian
Harryette Feisman
Hilda Korpie
Ingeborg Buckberg
Mrs. Irma Ruth Moore
Jack Randolph Stone
Jackie Tolman
James Bridges
Mr. James F. Douglass
Jane Piraino
Janet Schaffer
Janie Nakabayski
Jeffrey Tidus
Jeremy Green
Jill Hackathorn
Jillian Jimenez
Joan Wright
Alice De Nardo
Eve Karasik
Jenny, Craig, Kyle
& Aiden Merlic
Mr. & Mrs. William
& Elizabeth Kashe
Kathey Haas
Dixie Blackstone Eger
Alicia L. Kipust
Sheila K. Shull
Frank Barnes
Martha Ellen Wheelock
Sandi Badgett
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Berg
Anita Shearer
Maria Quint
The Dunn Family
Mark & Sidney
Penny A. Castle
Lyle & Cynthia
Jeff Bianco
Michael Abelson
Mrs. Delight Nasatair
Mr. & Mrs. William Saake
Denise Walker
Michele M. Clark
Karen Goldberg
Dr. Marilyn Potts
James Waldorf
Ellen & Gary
Eino C. Anttila &
Karla M. Tomlin
Your Centinela friends
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Urell
Wayne & Maggie
Amy & Doug Sanborn
Carol Woods
Aggie & Wes
Denise Woltmann
Dennis, Karen Bruce,
& Family
The Bridges Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lingo
Norma & Bourke
Rosaline Arntzen
Jason Schaffer
Mary Arakawa
Mr. & Mrs. Saul Bass
Raull Martinez
Rene & Shauna
June H. Romine
Dr. Marilyn Potts
Judith Wright
D onor R e co gn i t ion
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Honor eeDonor
Joy Lyle Sharp
Joy R. Hayashida
Kathy Inzerillo
Mrs. Laura Kussro
Lena Tan
Linda Vanzura
Lois McGrew
Marvin Nathan Bernstein
Robert Span
Marvin MacDonald
Mary Dennis
Mary Rios
Michele Taffert
Miki Nakagiri
Miss Cleo
Miss Prancer
Mog & Maggie
Mr. Jake
Nick Krzeski
our sweet boy Luke
Shane Gold Burwick Alexander Hanan
& Brenner Burwick
Art & Lois Brenner,
Steve (Irene) & Family,
Lori (Ron) & Family
Charles Stephens
Emily Entine-Fener
Erik & Shannon Sommers
Janis M. Frisch
Matthew Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
& Ellen Krane
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Borgeson
Mr. Jonthan Wax
Erika Winterholler
Meryl & Mel Langbort
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Grimaldi
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip
& Sharon Sacks
Mr. Handmark
The Sands Family Corrine,
Lenny, Adriene, Michael,
& Daniel
The staff at Jewish
Vocational Service, Inc.
Shelly Malkson
Sandra L. Davis
Sophie Doo-Doo
Laura Goldman
Stella Wynn
Sumangala Friedenson
Sue Silver
Steven & Sheela & Beth
Gramma & Poppa
Terri Richmond
Mary Donovan
Terry Jensen
Don & Alisa Urban
The Geddes Family
Tom DeMarinis
Helene & Paul
Uncle Ron Gottesman
Mara Gottesman
Valerie Evans
Norm Smith
Walter Siry
The Sikov Family
Wendy R. Williams
Marlene Williams
Mr. William Bruce Smith (Liam) Ashwin
Chandra & Bhuvana
William Eugene Whitcomb
Mrs. Lois (Bettie) O’ Donovan
Mrs. Loretta Hawn
Lorraine Graver
Los Angeles Ponies
& Critters Club
Louis Edouard Duvand
Louise L. Smith & Wilma Gildersleeve
Lucy Doheny Washington
Maggie, Kenai & Esther
Mariela Arias
Marissa Tarallo
D onor R e co gn i t ion
2010 | Friends for Life | vol 14
Leonora Schildkraut
David Kawasaki
Douglas Matsushita
The Lopez Family
Tim & Reena Yuba
Yoshiko & Anthony Yuba
Gaylia Newcomb
Kathleen Lydon
George & Belinda Hwang
Bridget Hauler
Mino & Meghan
Aaron Evans
Andrea Galvin
Carol Watkins c/o
Four Seasons
Chrissy Woo & Rares Popa
Craig, Paul & CMP
David McDonald
Denise Greenwalt
Erin B. Weissman
Jeff Powers
Jim O’Brien
Lindo Giacopuzzi
Lynne Long
Merlin & Dorothy Horn
Mike Vollman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Craig
& Lisa Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hyams
Mr. & Mrs. John Palmieri
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Taubin
Ms. Toni Atterbury
Susan Jacobs & Martin Long
Tom Kier & Ed Sprauer
Tracy Styron, Janine Waters,
Jessica Martinez,
Cristina Villarreal,
Andrea Urquiaga, Melissa Slattery, Robert Short &
Pat Kempf
Zenon Dmytryk
Doris Arcand
Marta Timar
Dennis A. Beito
Jennifer Goldman
Patricia Eastman
Debra Hoffman
Peter Lambert Brown
Piper & Augie
Ralph and Maxine Thompson
Randy Bowman
Robert “Bob” Miller
Robert Halliwell
Robin Valle
Rocky Childs
Dr. Ronald Gottesman
Rosemary Orozco
Silver Ross
Roy Kato
Roy Sommer
San Vitale
Sandra Trevizo
Sarah E. Duke
Sean Timothy Corrigan
John Baboujon
The Schulams
Carolyn Caesar
Glenn Frese
Barbara Scott
Georganne Shibata
Christine Coffelt
Adele Pendexter
Megan Matheny
Jackie Berliner
Kristie Pillow
Los Hermanos 2009
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin
& Anh Akins
James Waldolf
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Wiener
Nadia Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence
& Lola Moline
Marion L. Hastings
Elizabeth & Richard
James Waldorf
Christopher G. Tomlin
Joanne Storkan
Mary Loftus
Sandy Stefany
Janet A. Miller
Howard Gillman,
Dean USC College
Michael, Kathleen, Carol,
& Charlie
Theresa Falchini
Jay & Judy Schlickman
Marty Ward
Bill & Marilyn Valvik
Nathalie Cohen
Holly Vernola and Family
Jorge & Jill Riera
William & Reva Gillean
Ria Brown Ganary
Gill & Dona Grosslight
James J. Gregg
Olivia,Eva, ZsaZsa & Mary
R. Moore, J. Jarrett,
Tim Murphy
Yick Lou Fong
In Memory Of And In Honor Of
Deneyn Johnson
Tracy Zemansky
In Remembrance Of
Marianne J. Brooker
Mary L. Ryan
In Sponsorship Of
Lee Anne Simonds
Wedding recognition of
Camiile Ace & Joe Gubler
Layla & Aldo
Mary Beth & Pete
Amy Yeshurun
Ann Main
Paul & Diane Tierney,
David &
Elsa & Bogan Morgan
spcaLA is deeply appreciative of all those who have generously
donated. We strive to acknowledge each donor properly. If
you were listed incorrectly, or you feel your gift was omitted
in error, please contact us at (323) 730-5300, ext. 232 or
at [email protected].
in the palm of your hand
Text FRIENDS4LIFE to 27138*
Andy, Cliff, Colin & Sunai
Anonymous Donor
Dave & Lynn
Jim Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. O. Sage
Wightman III
Laurie & George Stoneman
Carri Haruhn
Enright & Ocheltree, LLP
Angelo Tarallo
Brenda J. Zamzow
Hiroto Tatebe
Jean Malig
Marissa & Gary Salvati
Mr. & mrs. McMillan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted &
Terry Bautista
She Tai Lee
Laurie Anderson
Sign up for text messages and receive important information about
spcaLA's programs and services including disaster preparedness, animal
safety tips and more.
* Text & data rates may apply
at one of our locations
with the
7700 East Spring Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
• 100 tickets donated
• 10 100-level tickets
• Donor receives LA Kings
Team Signed Jersey
• Autographed & designed
pet bowl by a Kings Player
• Donor recognition
during game
• $500 to spcaLA
• 25 tickets donated
• 2 100-level tickets
• 2 Kings
Autographed Hats
• Donor recognition
during game
• $100 to spcaLA
• 10 tickets donated
• 2 200-level tickets
• Donor recognition
during game
• $50 to spcaLA
• 200-level tickets for $60
• 300-level tickets for $28
50 tickets donated
4 100-level tickets
4 signed pucks
Autographed &
designed pet bowl
by a Kings Player
• Donor recognition
during game
• $200 to spcaLA
Silent auction during the game, featuring pet bowls designed & signed by LA Kings players and coaches, as well as select LA Kings
memorabilia. Pre-game eBay auction beginning February 24, 2011, featuring celebrity-designed pet bowls, a penalty box package,
a Zamboni® ride and more! If you buy five or more tickets, you’re invited to the spcaLA group photo on the ice before the game!
Visit www.spcaLA.com or call (323) 730-5300, ext 232 to purchase your tickets!
To purchase tickets by mail, please mail this portion of the order form with payment to:
spcaLA, Attn: Kings Tickets, 5026 West Jefferson Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90016
$2500 Package
$250 Package
$1000 Package
300-level tickets
$500 Package
200-level tickets
12910 Yukon Avenue
Hawthorne, CA 90250
5026 West Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90016
Phone: (562) 570-7722
Fax: (562) 570-4931
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 10am–5:30pm Wednesday to Friday
10am–4pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (310) 676-1149
Fax: (310) 676-4784
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 11am–6pm Wednesday to Friday
10am–5pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (323) 730-5303
Fax: (323) 735-7083
Email: [email protected]
Hours: By appointment only
Phone: (562) 570-4926
Fax: (562) 570-4901
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 9am–5:30pm Wednesday to Friday
9am–4:30pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (310) 676-1149
Fax: (310) 676-4784
Hours: 11am–6pm Wednesday to Friday
10am–5pm Saturday & Sunday
closed Monday & Tuesday
Phone: (888) 772-2521
Fax: (323) 730-5333
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 8am–5pm Monday to Friday
Phone: (562) 570-3079
Fax: (562) 570-3083
Email: [email protected]
Hours: 9am–5:30pm Wednesday to Friday
9am–4:30pm Saturday & Sunday
8:30am–10:30am Monday (hotel only)
closed Tuesday
Donations are accepted at all locations during business
hours. For large donations, please contact our Fund
Development Department at (323) 730-5300, ext 233.
All tickets will be filled with the best available seat locations. Seating based on availability. Tickets will be
mailed directly if orders are placed by March 17th, otherwise, tickets will be available at Will Call.
Credit Card #:
Expiration Date:
 American Express
 MasterCard  Discover
Please make checks payable to spcaLA. Do not send cash.
Donor Tiles
Give the gift that gives back! spcaLA Donor Tiles are great ways to show your commitment to animal
welfare while honoring loved ones or special occasions. All donor tiles come with a commemorative
certificate, suitable for framing. Certificates are mailed to you upon receipt of your donation, so they
are a wonderful addition to holiday and birthday presents!
spcaLA’s Animal Assisted
Therapy Program
 Preferred $250: Fountain Wall
 Premium $500: Village Entry ways, the
façade of one of the most visible pillars
 General $50: Campus Grounds—2 lines
of text only
Be a Part of
Buy a Tile
 Preferred $250: Village Pathways, on
façade of a highly visible pillar
 Select $150: Village Grounds, on façade
of a pillar
Since 1986, spcaLA’s AAT program has trained and
certified volunteers and their companion animals
to provide comfort and joy to men, women, and
children in hospitals, retirement centers, AIDS
hospices, and the like. For more information,
please contact us at
 Reserve $75: Village Grounds, on façade
of one of the most visible buildings
 General $50: Village Grounds, on façade
of a building—2 lines of text only
(323) 730-5300, ext 300
 For an additional $30, you may order a replica tile to keep as a memento. Please note you may not
purchase a replica tile without purchasing a donor tile.
or email
[email protected]
Space is limited, and donor tile requests will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Requests for specific placement of tiles cannot be
accommodated. Tiles will be located at various locations per spcaLA’s discretion. Please note, installation of donor tiles can take up to three
months, or until the minimum order has been filled.
For more volunteer opportunities, visit www.spcaLA.com.
Fill in your inscription below: (Tiles are limited to 18 characters, including spaces and punctuation, per line. You may inscribe up to
3 lines of text, unless otherwise noted.)
spcaLA’s Peace of Mind Pet Re-Homing program is
for those precious four-legged loved ones we care
so much about. Typically, we expect to outlive our
pets, but sometimes it is the human caregiver who
passes or becomes infirm first.
To ensure that beloved pets continue to receive
 Enclosed is a check or money order for $ ____________________________. (Please make check payable to spcaLA)
excellent care, it is important to plan ahead. spcaLA
 Please charge my:
will work with individuals to document all of the
details needed for a good future for their pets and
Card Number
Exp. Date
peace of mind for themselves.
For more information, please call spcaLA’s Fund
Donor’s Name (if different)
Development Department at
(323) 730-5300, ext 233
or email
[email protected]
 Select $150: Back Walkway
spcaLA is looking for human companion-animal
teams to volunteer for our Animal Assisted Therapy
(AAT) program.
This gift is in
Memory of _________________________________________________________________________who is a Pet
Please send a tribute certificate (suitable for framing) to __________________________________________________________ at the following address:
Naming Opportunities
Your commemoration will help thousands of homeless and abused animals!
Located in the city of Long Beach, the P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal
Village and Education Center is a one-of-a-kind facility in Southern
California situated on picturesque grounds within El Dorado Park.
Choose a naming opportunity from the following donation levels:
Located in the city of Hawthorne, the South Bay PAC is spcaLA’s oldest
operating shelter. It has been an invaluable resource to the South Bay
community for more than 70 years. Choose a naming opportunity from
the following donation levels:
Village Plaza
Village Drive
Grooming Salon
Dog Den
Adoption Center
Outside Training Area
Medical Suite
Pick a Plank (Backyard Fence)
Donor Tiles
Main Lobby
Exercise Yard
Recovery Room
Tech Room
Resource Room
Retail Area
Dog Den
Pet Hotel
Give Your Best Friend the Best Gif t
spcaLA Dog Training & Agility Classes
Puppy 101:
Head start class for puppies 8 weeks to 4.5 months.
Level 1:
Basic obedience and good manners for dogs
4.5 months and older.
Level 2:
Continuing education and refresher class
covering many exercises for AKC’s Canine
Good Citizen program.
A variety of classes offered such
as Fun Nose Work, Come When Called,
and Click-A-Trick.
Agility is a fast paced, fun, and interactive sport
great for building a better relationship for you and
your dog while enjoying the outdoors. Various
levels and classes offered.
For locations, class schedules, and fees or to register, visit spcaLA’s Dog Training page
at www.spcaLA.com. Call (323) 730-5300, ext 260 or email [email protected].
Text TRAINMYDOG to 27138 to receive class updates on all our dog training classes
Dog Adoption Area
Donor Tiles
Entry Way
spcaLA president, Madeline Bernstein, invites you to show your support of homeless & abused animals.
100% of proceeds help people & animals in need!
For more information about naming opportunities, please call Madeline Bernstein at (323) 730-5300, ext 222.
Friends for Life
Spring Camp 2011
For kids ages 9–12
Enrollment begins January 28th
Session 1: April 4th–April 8th
Session 2: April 18th–April 22nd
South Bay Pet Adoption Center
12910 Yukon Avenue
Hawthorne, CA 90250
Go to www.spcaLA.com for
enrollment information
Donate Needed Items to
Many of spcaLA’s needed items can be purchased at the spcaLA Marketplace in Long Beach, where 100% of our profits go right back into helping our shelter pets.
• Bottles
• Breakaway collars
• Cat Trees with cubby holes for the cats to
• Clay (non-scoopable) kitty litter
• Cardboard cat scratchers
• Cardboard serving trays for use as litter
• Leftover cardboard trays from cases of dog &
cat food for use as litter boxes
• Cat scratching posts (new)
• Durable, washable cat/kitten toys
• DVDs of birds, fish & other animals
• Floor cages
• Hanging bird toys for cat/kitten kennels
• Kitten and cat food, both dry and canned
• KMR® (Kitten Milk Replacer)
• Newspaper
• Pooper scoopers
• Washable beds
spcaLA’s Village: Your all-in-one place for your pet needs!
7700 East Spring Street
Long Beach, CA 90815
(Inside El Dorado Park)
Wednesday–Friday: 9:00am–5:30pm
Saturday–Sunday: 9:00am–5:30pm
Monday–Tuesday: Closed*
* Pet Hotel is open Mondays between 8:30am & 10:30am for drop-offs and pick-ups.
Amplifying system for dog training classes
Baby bottles/slow flowing nipple
Dog beds
Dog carriers suitable for airline travel
(various sizes)
Esbilac milk replacer for puppies
Gentle Leaders©, various sizes
Dog leashes
Grooming supplies—brushes, combs, etc.
Hoola Hoops
New (or gently used) Kong® toys, and other
durable puppy/dog toys (please, no tennis
Medium & large dog sweaters/coats
Puppy and dog food, both dry and canned
Spray Febreeze® for enrichment program
(various scents)
SOFT dog treats
• Poop bags (biodegradable if possible)
• Dog crates
• Ramps—for vehicle transport, folding with
carrying case (optional)
• Wee wee pads
• X-pens
• Rabbit pellets
• Timothy hay
• Alfalfa hay
• Rabbit or small animal chew sticks
• Corner litter boxes
• Rabbit or small animal water bottles
• Toys designed for rabbits
• Fresh vegetables and fruits
• Industrial, commercial washing machine
(gas powered, front loader with base &
• 2-Pocket folders with fasteners
• Batteries (AA, AAA, C & 9V)
• Bottle cleaners
• Digital camera (purchased in the last three
• Durable storage bins
• Dust-off can duster
• Economy size bubble wrap
• French fry cardboard trays
• Generator
• Grooming clippers
• Halloween costumes for children
• HD video cameras (durable, compact)
• Heater
• Heating pads
• Horse trailer
• Ice cube trays
• Incense
• Industrial steam cleaner
• Label maker
• Magnetic dry erase board, 5' x 3'
Donations are the means by which we are able to continue our programs and
services. We appreciate donated items in good working condition. If you would
like to donate any of these items, or the funds with which to purchase them,
please call the spcaLA Fund Development Department at (323) 730-5300, ext 233
or email [email protected] with “Fund Development” in the subject line. Your
donations are greatly appreciated!
• Manual can openers
• Microwave
• Note pads/note books
• One-subject notebooks
• Outdoor stand up lights
• Peanut Butter
• Automatic pencil sharpener
• People counter clickers
• Pop-ups, like EZ-UPS
• Portable air conditioner or stand-alone fans
• Portable CD players
• PowerPoint projector
• Pressure washer
• Radios
• Rolling pet crates
• Scales
• Stainless steel bowls, large and small
• Standing propane patio heater
• Staples
• Staples gift cards
• Staplers
• Stuffed animals with beating heartbeat
• Tape (clear/scotch)
• Three-ring folders or binders
• TVs with built-in DVD players
• Video editing software (PC version)
• White out
• Wind chimes
• Xerox® Business 4200 copier/laser/printer
paper—8∞" x 11"
• Retail Space for new Pet Adoption Center
& Supply Store
• Space in east or mid San Fernando Valley
for dog training classes
• 10,000+ square feet of warehouse space for
storage (LA County preferred)
You can help make a difference!
Organize a drive for any of the items listed
above. And remember, drives are excellent
corporate donation initiatives!
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit #30259
Los Angeles, CA
5026 West Jefferson Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90016
(888) 772-2521
Help us save money for the animals. If
you are receiving more than one copy of
our magazine, please let us know.
Change Service Requested
To give a home to all the shelter animals currently in the United States, every person must adopt
15 dogs & 45 cats. That means a family of 4 would have 240 animals! The easiest way to end animal
overpopulation is to spay or neuter your pets.
5026 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90016
www.spcaLA.com • (323) 730-5303