Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church
Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 2205 West Market Street ▪ Greensboro, NC 27403 ▪ (336) 274-6520 ▪ www.olgchurch.org Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Parish & School Office Office Hours: Mon-Wed, Fri, 9AM—12Noon, 1PM—4PM Thursday 9AM–12Noon only Phone: (336) 274-6520 Fax Number: (336) 274-7326 Website: www.olgchurch.org E-Mail Address: [email protected] Church Office Address: 2201 W. Market Street Greensboro, NC 27403 Catholic Social Services (336) 288-1984 Hispanic Ministries (336) 273-2343 Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Permanent Deacon Our Lady of Grace School Office Mr. Kurt Telford, Principal Phone: (336) 275-1522 Fax: (336) 279-8824 Website: www.olgsch.org E-Mail Address: [email protected] School Address: 2205 West Market Street Greensboro, NC 27403 Schedule of Services Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 5:00PM Sunday: 7:00AM, 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 5:00PM (Bilingual) Holydays of Obligation—As Announced Mission Statement In the Eucharist we receive the true Christ—the foundation of our Church. With Christ in us, we form, nurture, and promote love, respect for human dignity, Christian values and teachings within our family, parish, and community through worship and service. Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, Pastor Permanent Deacons Rev. Mr. Tim Rohan, retired Rev. Mr. James H. Toner Rev. Mr. Enedino Aquino, Hispanic Ministries 2013 Pastoral Council Dale Carothers Jay Couch Mario Espinosa Cheryl Ramsey, Secretary Gordon Williams Tim Clontz, Chair Angela Dierking Steve Murphy Hernan Sedda Jack Yarbrough Daily Mass Monday & Tuesday: 8:00AM Wednesday: 8:45AM No Mass on Thursday Friday: 8:00AM Saturday: First Saturday ONLY 8:00AM Confession Tuesday: 5:00PM—5:45PM Wednesday: 8:00-8:30AM (prior to 8:45AM Mass) Saturday: 3:00PM—4:45PM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday: After 8:00AM Mass until 6:00PM; Benediction: 6:00PM Benediction & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 1st Fri. of each month 7:30—8:00AM 1st Sat. of each month after the 8:00AM Mass Recitation of the Holy Rosary 1st Sat. of each month at 7:30AM prior to the 8:00AM Mass Other Saturdays at 8:00AM English Baptism Baptismal Prep Class—1st Sun. of each Mo. at 12:30PM, School Library Baptism—2nd Sat. of each Month At 10:00AM (except April) Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 THE ENTRANCE HYMN: Faith Of Our Fathers The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Greeting Penitential Rite: Kyrie Eleison, Christe Eleison, Kyrie Eleison (please repeat after the cantor) The Gloria Opening Collect Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 L i t u r g y o f t h e Wo r d First Reading: Sirach 35: 12-14, 16-18 Responsorial Psalm:34 Second Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18 Gospel: Luke 18: 9-14 Liturgy of the Eucharist THE OFFERTORY HYMN: Immortal Invisible God Only Wise The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Liturgy of the Eucharist HOLY, HOLY, HOLY: ALL Mass of Our Lady of Grace—5:00 PM,9:00 AM,5:00 PM Mass of the English Martyrs—11:00 AM MYSTERIUM FIDEI: ALL Text from the English translation of The Roman Missal. © 2010, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. GREAT AMEN: ALL SIGN OF PEACE LAMB OF GOD: ALL COMMUNION ANTIPHON REFRAIN Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 Communion Motets THE HYMN OF THANKSGIVING: Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Copyright acknowledgements for music in this Worship Guide: Gloria Simplex reprinted with permission here under World Library Publications License Agreement C18908B ,Franklin Park, IL. Music for the Communion Antiphon by Richard Rice © 2013, Ricescores.com The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Parish Staff Contact Information Phone (336) 274-6520 Fax (336) 274-7326 Website www.olgchurch.org Sacraments Marriage: Couples please contact one of our priests if you wish to schedule a wedding date at the parish—a minimum of 6 months preparation is required. CLERGY Pastor Rev. Fr. Eric Kowalski, [email protected] ext. 314 Permanent Deacons Dcn. Tim Rohan (ret.), Call the church office. Dcn. James H. Toner, [email protected] Baptism: Parents should attend a Baptismal Preparation Class (held the first Sunday of each month at 12:30pm in the school library). English Baptisms are held on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10:00 AM. Please contact Allison Gregg (ext. 317 or [email protected]) in the office for more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Director of Religious Education Jim McCullough, [email protected], ext. 335 Assistant to the Director of Religious Education MaryAnn DiPaola, [email protected], ext. 333 Youth Minister Kelly Henson, [email protected], ext. 318 Preschool Religious Education Coordinator/VBS Lisa Balzano, [email protected], ext. 321 Anointing of the Sick: If you or a loved one are seriously ill or facing surgery, please contact the church office to arrange to receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Communion for the Sick & Homebound: Please contact the church office if you have a stay in the hospital or will be homebound. We would be happy to make arrangements for you to receive Communion if you are unable to attend Mass. First Communion, Confirmation, Religious Vocations: Please call the church office for information. LITURGY DEPARTMENT Director of Liturgy Fr. Eric Kowalski, [email protected] ext. 314 Assistant to the Director of Liturgy Andrew O’Connor, [email protected], 275-1522 ext. 181 Founding Director, OLG Schola Cantorum Brian Marble, [email protected], 275-1522 ext. 180 General Information Contact the church office for the following: • • • ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF jxÄvÉÅx Executive Assistant to the Pastor Allison Gregg, [email protected], ext. 317 Receptionist/Parish Records Jean Wilson, [email protected], ext. 322 Bulletin Editor Rita Eberle, [email protected], ext. 310 Maintenance Supervisor Jeff Smith, [email protected], ext. 311 Accountant Danny Byerly, [email protected], ext. 316 • Verbal announcements at Mass Scheduling information/fundraiser before or after Mass Reserving a meeting space Bulletin submissions—Submissions may be sent to [email protected]. The submission deadline is two Fridays prior to the publishing weekend. Parking: The church has two parking areas—a small lot on Chapman Street and a larger lot on Tremont Drive. Please observe all city parking regulations when parking on the street. Bulletin Boards: To place a church related advertisement on either of the two church bulletin boards, please submit materials to the church office for the pastor’s approval. Posters/flyers placed without prior approval, will be removed. To become a member of Our Lady of Grace, please complete one of our registration forms located at the entrances of the church, on our parish website (www.olgchurch.org/registration.html), or complete the form below and we will mail you one. Welcome to the parish! Place this form in the offering basket or mail to the church office. Name: Address: City: State:_______ Zip: ____________ Phone:_________________ E-Mail: I would like to join Our Lady of Grace. Please send me a registration form. I would like information about becoming Catholic. MAIL TO: OLG Registration Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church 2201 West Market St. Greensboro, NC 27403 How can we help? Please call the parish office at 274-6520 ext. 322, if you have any questions. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 30 Domingo Tiempo Ordinario 27 de Octubre del 2013 LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Lunes: Efe 2:19-22; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 6:12-16 Martes: Rom 8:18-25; Sal 126 (125):1b-6; Lc 13:18-21 Miércoles: Rom 8:26-30; Sal 13 (12):4-6; Lc 13:22-30 Jueves: Rom 8:31b-39; Sal 109 (108):21-22, 26-27, 30-31; Lc 13:31-35 Viernes: Ap 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Sábado: Recomendado: Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Rom 5:5-11 o 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, o lecturas de las misas para los difuntos del Leccionario mexicano vol. II, págs. 1149-1160. Domingo: Sab 11:22 -- 12:2; Sal 145 (144):1-2, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Tes 1:11 -- 2:2; Lc 19:1-10 DIRECTORIO DE MINISTERIOS HISPANOS Les filles catholiques des Amériques, Cour Greensboro #1200, tient à remercier tous les membres de l'OLG paroissiens pour soutenir notre automne vente de pâtisseries. Toutes les recettes iront à Greensboro zone bienfaisance. Que Dieu vous bénisse tous! Pour plus d'informations sur les filles catholiques, veuillez contacter Liz Grabasky, @ 336-339-1665 ou à [email protected]. Párroco Padre Eric Kowalski 274-6520 Coordinador General Diácono Enedino Aquino 273-2343 Preparación para Bautismo Javier y Josefina 617-7741 Preparadores Matrimoniales Jesús y Marina 987-8884 Encargada de Lectores Hermán Sedda 457-9954 Encargado de Ministros de la Eucaristía Jerman Duran 685-9866 Música y Coro Fitty Reyes 476-0472 Encargada de Catecismo Nuria Duran 685-9866 Encargado de Quinceañeras y Bodas Ministerio Hispano 963-3704 Ministerio de Hospitalidad Juan Luis Juárez 327-6426 Grupo Juvenil Daniel Cruz Santos Sergio A. Gonzalez 965-1179 895-3785 The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 30 Domingo Tiempo Ordinario October 27, 2013 27 de Octubre del 2013 Ministero Catolico Hispano Vicariato de Greensboro Telefono 336-963-3704 E-mail: [email protected] PRE-CANA 2013 Estos talleres son para las parejas que pretenden casarse por la Iglesia y son de formación pre-matrimonial __Noviembre 9 Fechas y lugar: Nuestra Señora de la Gracia Todos los talleres serán en la cafeteria de Nuestra Señora de la Gracia Con dirección 2201 West Market St. en Greensboro NC 27403 El horario es de las 10:00 a.m. a las 6:00 PM y se pedirá una donación de $30.00 por pareja para gastos y alimentos. Para mayor información con las siguientes personas: Jesús y Marina 987-8884, Jerman y Nuria Duran 685-9866 Enedino Aquino 963-3704 [email protected] ___________________________________ ___________________________________ PRE-CANA 2013 Nombres:_______________________________ Direcion:_______________________________ Teléfono:_____________Parroquia:__________ De manera que ya no son dos, sino una sola carne. Pues bien, lo que Dios unió no l o separe el hombre.»(Mateo 19,6) Bautismo Pláticas y formación cada tercer domingo de cada mes hora 3:00 PM Los bautizos se celebran solamente en las fechas siquentes: El 02 de November El 16 de Noviembre El 07 de Diciembre Por favor note: Bautismo comienza PUNTUALMENTE a las 10:00AM Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 Servicio Ecuménico 19:00 Lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2013 la Virgen de Gracia Iglesia Católica 2201 West Market St. Greensboro, NC El lunes, 25 de noviembre 2013, se le invita cordialmente a rendir culto a la Virgen de Gracia Iglesia Católica como anfitrión nuestro primer Día Servicio ecuménico con los fieles sacerdotes y feligreses de San Andrés: la Iglesia Episcopal Primera Iglesia Cristiana Congregacional Iglesia Unida de Cristo Primera Iglesia Morava de Greensboro Starmount Iglesia Presbiteriana Primer Amigo paz Reunión de Iglesia Unida de Cristo La segunda iglesia católica más antigua en Greensboro, Carolina del Norte, Nuestra Señora de la gracia siempre ha sido un pilar del testimonio cristiano y de servicio en la comunidad Sunset Hills. En honor a este compromiso de la exhibición de Jesús y como nos encanta fomentar el amor, el respeto de la dignidad humana, los valores cristianos y de las enseñanzas, le damos la bienvenida a adorar con nosotros en el espíritu de acción de gracias por nuestro muchas bendiciones. Ofertorio en beneficio de la Greensboro Ministerio Urbano. Ministerio urbano desde 1967 ha ayudado a la población de mayor Greensboro en de emergencia financiera y asistencia alimentaria, albergue transitorio, y un rápido restablecimiento de la carcasa. The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Press Release Greensboro - Our Lady of Grace Parish is scheduled to break ground on a new school building on Monday, October 28th at 9:00 a.m. You are cordially invited to celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in the history of Our Lady of Grace Parish Monday, October 28th, 2013 9:00 AM School Gymnasium Please gather in the school gymnasium for the building dedication and groundbreaking. Fr. Kowalski will lead us in prayer. Also in attendance will be the Reverend Monsignor Mauricio West, Vicar General and Chancellor of the Diocese of Charlotte. The groundbreaking ceremony will begin with the Our Lady of Grace School student body gathering in the school’s gymnasium to dedicate the building together. Father Eric Kowalski, pastor at Our Lady of Grace, will lead the school community in prayer. Also in attendance will be the Reverend Monsignor Mauricio West, Vicar General and Chancellor of the Diocese of Charlotte. Our Lady of Grace is located in the heart of Greensboro’s historic Sunset Hills neighborhood. The original church was built by Julian Price in memory of his wife, Ethel Clay Price in 1952. That same year, the original school building was also built and the school opened its doors to students in January of 1953. Since that date, over 25,000 students have been educated at Our Lady of Grace School. The new building, part of a 4.575 million dollar capital campaign, was designed by J. Hyatt Hammond with construction being handled by Landmark Construction. The three-story school building will be comprised of 16 state-of-the-art classrooms and is scheduled for completion in July, 2014. Once the school building has been completed, the original classroom building, which was constructed in the same Gothic style as the church, will be renovated into a Family Life Center. Church offices, parish meeting spaces and a special events room will round out the facility and offer much needed space for the parish community to come together. “Our building project is the result of a tremendous commitment of prayer, time, talent and resources of both our school and church community,” says Father Kowalski. “The Diocese of Charlotte, of which we are a part, has also been a fundamental partner in assisting us in bringing this project to fruition.” “We are so excited to move the parish into the future with this new campus, which will offer us all new opportunities to learn and grow in our faith together.” Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 Family Stewardship Corner October 27, 2013 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sharing our talents arises from the fact that God has given each of us the ability and gifts to do certain things well, and we are to develop those talents for the good of others. DSA Collection Status Our pledge balance is currently $17,650 please remember to fulfill your pledge balance if you have not already done so. Thank you to the 463 registered members of the parish who have pledged $132,894 exceeding our goal by $12,574 which will be returned to our parish. God bless you and reward you for your generosity and sacrifices made on behalf of your parish family! Priests’ Retirement and Benefits Assessment Collection Was Due September 8, 2013 Our goal of $40,741.56 was due on September 8, 2013. So far this year we have raised only $27,919.83 toward that goal. Because we have not met our goal in several years and have a shortfall of $12,821.74 this year, we really need your help to retire this debt. If everyone who reads this takes an active part in our parish responsibility there’s no limit to what we can do! As always, thank you and God Bless! Scripture Readings Pray for the Sick *Names appear for two weeks unless continuation is requested. Diane Adams Michael Arcurio Lorraine Balog Margaret Carter Tony Constantino Dave Cook Diane Cook David Deaton Robert Furr Tom Dourgarian Robert Farley Julie Goldyn Bobby Hanlon Kathy Hellberg Scott John Colin Kanyuk Frank Kauder Jacob Keepes Ericka Kinnear Joe Klagholz Evelyn Knox Dan & Marie LaBlanca Phillip Legnetti Brian Marble Julian McClamroch Jeane McFillin Carol McGough Hudson Mills Fred Myers J. Murphy Ed Pachasa Ray Parrish Amor Payawal Nelson Payawal Giacomo Puccio Roberta Pugh Cheryl Reekes Nancy Saksa Connie Stevens Thomas Steward Vicki & Grady Strickland Eva Szostak Maria & Sylvia Szumilus Ken Triplett Marie Van Kleef Esther Veit John Watterson Sharon Wintermate Jimmy Wright Sofie Zuluga Pray for Those in Military Service Monday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16 Tuesday: Rom 8:18-25; Ps 126:1b-6; Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday: Rom 8:26-30; Ps 13:4-6; Lk 13:22-30 Thursday: Rom 8:31b-39; Ps 109:21-22, 26-27, 30-31;Lk 13:31-35 Friday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a Saturday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from the Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Sunday: Wis 11:22 -- 12:2; Ps 145:1-2, 8-11, 13-14; 2 Thes 1:11 -- 2:2; Lk 19:1-10 Parish Support As of October 20, 2013 Actual Collection Offertory Goal Surplus/(Loss) $14,629 $19,738 ($ 5,109) Year-to-Date for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Actual Collection Offertory Goal Surplus/(Loss) for FY 2013/2014 $281,996 $324,436 ($ 42,440) Thank you for your continued financial sacrifices made on behalf of our parish family. God bless you, Fr. Kowalski Remember in your prayers the men and women in the active military and their families. Your fellow parishioners are grateful for your support in prayer until their loved ones’ safe return. SP4 Sam Kiceina Private Will Stoddart SPC Thomas Berti PFC Brandon Bridge Andrew Dial PO1 James Andrew Ellis Maj James R. Schmid SGT Zackaria Harris PFC Kimberly Walton Lt Garland Wilson CM2 Steven Walton Sgt Adrian M. Welch Cpl James Austin Lt CDR John Roath E-3 PFC Cody B. Brown PO3 Jesse M. Brown Pvt Thomas Popek CPO Glen Thomas Lt Col Rick Moor SFC Frank Luedtke Pvt Colin Butts SPC Wayne Hopper SSG Steven Bixby SFC Chris Brooks SSgt David A. Weekley Pvt Crystal Martinez-Butts SPC Elliot F. Chodkowski Cpl Jonathan Hill Sgt Maj Corbin’s Unit SSgt Travis Hawley PFC Chris Kirwan, USMC Sgt Maj Bill Stoddart SPC Matthew Sarnocinski PFC Conway Prior Staff Sgt. Ian Taylor 2D Lt. John Valitutto PO1 James McNair Capt. Justin Vaughan The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Mass Intentions—October 26th—December 8th, 2013 SAT—Oct 26 SUN—Oct 27 MON—Oct 28 TUE—Oct 29 WED—Oct 30 THU—Oct 31 FRI—Nov 1 SAT—Nov 2 SUN—Nov 3 MON—Nov 4 TUE—Nov 5 WED—Nov 6 FRI—Nov 8 SAT—Nov 9 SUN—Nov 10 MON—Nov 11 TUE—Nov 12 WED—Nov 13 FRI—Nov 15 SAT—Nov 16 SUN—Nov 17 MON—Nov 18 TUE—Nov 19 WED—Nov 20 FRI—Nov 22 SAT—Nov 23 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:45 AM 8:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:45 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:45 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:45 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Clara E. Gutierrez Jack & Kay Swaffar† Josephine Burns† Roy Allard† Mofo Joseph & Monique Magnipa & All Deceased Family Members Joan Flynn Chris Westmoreland† Roy Allard† NO Holy Day Vigil Mass Eileen Rohan Michael Foppe† Marie Woitkiewicz† Deceased Members of OLG Zak & Niebielski Ruth & Dick Helleckson† James Hayes† Deceased Members of the Zak Family Joan Flynn Curtes Family Dennis Brannick John Andriola† Frank & Frances Szamier† Marion Zarick Eileen Brannick† Edelmira Ramos Chris Westmoreland† Joan Flynn Matthew & Ryan Martin† Chris Westmoreland† Antoinette Tomasino† Theresa & Joseph Emmert† Roy Allard† Jack & Kay Swaffar† Betty Pearl Johnson† Doris Kauder† Julie Tamborino† Joan Flynn Terry & Stanley Kaye† Angela Carswell† Jeff Halter Eunice Evans† SUN—Nov 24 7:00 AM Priest’s Intention 9:00 AM Joseph & Matthew Paul Vezzi & Josephine Marchese† Margaret Szott 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Leila Peabody† MON—Nov 25 8:00 AM Michelle Farthing TUE—Nov 26 8:00 AM Maria Teresa Ortiz† WED—Nov 27 8:45 AM FRI—Nov 29 8:00 AM SAT—Nov 30 5:00 PM Beatrice Clark (INT) & Donald Clark† Deceased Members of the Gallagher & Rohan Families Katherine & Alexander Siwik† SUN—Dec 1 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Deceased Members of the Gallagher & Rohan Families Albert Burch† Stipan & Lucija Majic† 5:00 PM Gerald Manning† MON—Dec 2 8:00 AM TUE—Dec 3 8:00 AM John, Mary, Florence & Henry Lysiak† Herman W. Halter, Sr.† WED—Dec 4 8:45 AM James Hayes† FRI—Dec 6 8:00 AM Tina & Alphonse Pupello† SAT—Dec 7 8:00 AM Bernardo Guzman 5:00 PM Michael & Julia Dowd† 7:00 AM George Stratton† 9:00 AM Joseph & Matthew Paul Vezzi & Josephine Marchese† Souls in Purgatory SUN—Dec 8 11:00 AM 5:00 PM Jose H. Gutierrez Eternal rest grant unto all the faithful departed, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them… Amelia Thomas, mother of Joyce McGilvery Marian Elaine LoBiondo, Sister of Annette Bassi Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 The Pastor’s Message "Virginia woke one morning to the sound of thunder and church bells. "Oh, that's right," she thought. "It's Sunday. But the weather sounds terrible, and I have a lot of things to do around the house this morning. So maybe next week." Seven days later, the bells sounded again, their metallic clang ricocheting off the growling thunder and the drum roll of fat raindrops slapping the pavement. "I know, I know," she told herself. "It's been awhile since I've been to church. But it's really nasty out there, so I'll just wait until things clear up." But things didn't clear up. With each passing season, the bells never rang without an accompanying rain shower. For weeks and months and years, Virginia's Sunday morning windows rattled from the one-two punch of the bells and thunderclaps. As she graduated and got married, as her children grew from infants to toddlers to teens, the roads remained far too slick to hazard a trip to the church. Then, one Sunday morning, the rain stopped and the sun began to shine. A soft heat began to radiate on Virginia's Sunday morning windows. And even though the bells didn't clang that morning, Virginia told herself, "Ok, now I'm ready. Now that the rain is done, I'll go back to church." But when she pulled into the lot of that old building, she didn't have to fight anyone for a parking spot. She was the only one there. Getting out of her car, Virginia saw that the church doors were locked and the windows were boarded. Peering in through a crack, she saw that the font where she'd been baptized was dry, the altar where she communed was bare, and the pulpit where she heard the word was empty. Then, stepping onto the same grass where she'd done cartwheels while her parents shook the pastor's hand on the Sundays of her youth, Virginia saw that the ground was now pierced with the shards of that bell she'd heard calling her for so many years. So Virginia sat down and wept. "There used to be so many people here. What happened?" she asked herself aloud. "They got old and died," a voice responded. Virginia looked up and saw the gardener standing in front of her. "And the younger generation, people like you, they didn't come back, at least not in time." "But if God wanted me to be here, if he wanted me to come back to Church, why did he make it so difficult? If he wanted me to follow the bells on Sunday mornings, why did he keep allowing all those thunderstorms?" "O you of little faith," the gardener replied. "It was the rain that made the bells ring." My dear parish family, I found this story online and it struck me at just how blessed we are to have standing room only at some of our Sunday Masses. And while we can happily say that we have the people coming, for many the level of financial support is still very absent. We need everyone to make their presence known and felt in their financial support of this their parish family. I am aware of those on fixed incomes. I understand that for many, including myself personally, times are financially difficult. However, if we are to remain here with our doors open to all, then we need the support of all in paying the day to day operating expenses that are incurred just by the fact that each building is here. Whether or not there are services, basic utilities and insurance needs to be paid. Gone are the days when Duke Energy or the phone company will say "You don't have it Father? No problem, we'll let it go." We need to see the basic level of weekly offertory support begin to increase. If we don't begin to prayerfully examine our own personal financial commitment to our parish, within the next year we will have to start making very difficult and unpopular decisions based on our available funds in our budget. Our parish council is working on beginning this dialogue with all of you. Please go back and re-read the story of Virginia. Each of us, like Virginia, is invited and called by God to that relationship to our parish We celebrate the newly baptized: family. Will we hesitate and neglect our responsibilities to God and His Emery Jane Tucker Church until it's too late? Henry Bryson Tucker Our Lady of Grace, pray for us, Finley Haywood Tucker Judy-Anastyn Jeanette Tucker Madeline Jean Darby Braden Rev. Fr. Eric L. Kowalski Sophia Anne Trumbour The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Ecumenical Service 7:00 PM—Monday, November 25, 2013 Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church 2201 West Market St. Greensboro, NC On Monday, November 25, 2013, you are cordially invited to worship with Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church as we host our first annual Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service featuring the faithful clergy and parishioners of: St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church First Christian Church Congregational United Church of Christ First Moravian Church of Greensboro Starmount Presbyterian Church First Friend’s Meeting Peace United Church of Christ The second oldest Catholic church in Greensboro, North Carolina, Our Lady of Grace has long been a pillar of Christian witness and service within the Sunset Hills community. In honor of this commitment to exhibiting Jesus’ love and as we promote love, respect for human dignity, Christian values and teachings we welcome you to worship with us in the spirit of thanksgiving for our many blessings. Offertory to benefit the Greensboro Urban Ministry. Since 1967 Urban Ministry has aided the people of Greater Greensboro in emergency financial and food assistance, transitional shelter, and rapid re-housing. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 Thank You for your Generosity on Mission Sunday, October 20th Thank you for pu ng faith and ac on together by responding generously to the Society for the Propaga on of the Faith on World Mission Sunday. Our parish raised $3,492.00. Mass Schedule NO Vigil Mass on Thursday, October 31st Your generosity will help Sister Clara and her Sisters serve children at risk in India, and reach also the many priests, religious and lay leaders around the world who offer prac cal, emo onal and spiritual care to communi es, children and families in desperate need. For more informa on visit: www.IAmAMissionary.org. ALL SAINTS DAY Friday, November 1st 8:00 AM 12:00 NOON 7:00 PM—Bi-Lingual ALL SOULS DAY Saturday, November 2nd 10:00 AM—MEF ALL SOULS NOVENA Saturday, November 2nd, 10:00 AM—MEF Sunday, November 3rd, 9:00 AM Monday, November4th, 8:00 AM Tuesday, November 5th, 8:00 AM Wednesday, November 6th 8:45 AM Friday, November 8th, 8:00 AM Saturday, November 9th, 5:00 PM Sunday, November 10th, 9:00 AM Monday, November 11th, 8:00 AM For registered parishioners, envelopes are available in your envelope packets (at all church doors also) to submit with the names you would like to have remembered. Please turn them in to the office by Tuesday, October 29th. Envelopes will be placed on the altar for the month of November. The customary stipend for a Novena of Masses is between $20 and $50. Advent Wreaths, Candles & Calendar Sale Anchor Youth Group will be selling Advent wreaths, Advent candles, and Advent calendars after Masses on October 27th (and maybe on Nov 24th if we have extras) to support the evangelization and formation of the youth of our parish. Advent candles: $5/set of 4 Advent wreath (simple brass): $8 Advent wreath (pine cones and greenery): $16 Advent calendars (with Scripture verses): $2 Please consider buying some for yourself or for gifts! The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Catholic Daughters News October 27th—November 2nd, 2013 WRAP: The Catholic Daughters’ White Ribbons Against Pornography Campaign. Parishioners may pick up a white ribbon either before or after each Mass, and wear the ribbon proudly for the week. This is to promote awareness and to fight against pornography! The ribbons can be found at the main entrances/exits of the church. Contact Maryann Grabasky, at 336-299-7151 or [email protected] for further information. On November 4th, 2013 The Catholic Daughters’ of the Americas, Court Greensboro #1200 monthly gathering will feature, Carol Kennedy, a CDA member and a Registered Nurse. She will give a talk about the Cold/Flu season; tips, prevention strategies, what to take for these ailments, what medicines can be mixed and what medicines not to mix; and how to stay healthy during the winter months. Refreshments will be provided. All Greensboro Catholic Women are invited to attend this free information session. For more information contact, Elizabeth Grabasky, Regent, Court Greensboro #1200, 336-339-1665. Knights of Columbus Piedmont Council 939 are conducting its 2nd Annual Brunswick Stew sale on November 9, 2013. All orders are PRE ORDERS no later than November th 7 . Please help support our council by telling your friends and family about our Brunswick Stew Sale. Orders are to be picked up on Saturday, November 9th between Noon and 2:00 PM at the Council Hall on Horse Pen Creek Rd. Cost is $8 per quart so buy several and freeze for a quick meal on a cold winter’s night! Call either Marshall Perry (288-6091) or Dan Whalen (855-3796) to place your order. October 27, 2013 Our Lady of Guadalupe Pilgrimage The Knights of Columbus have embarked on a pilgrimage with Our Lady of Guadalupe, bearing her image from council to council, from parish to parish, to spread her message and her love. Through this Marian Prayer Program, the Knights have a chance to gather as a family before the mother of humanity and offer our prayers and intentions. Please join us on November 3rd at the 5:00 PM Mass and see the traveling image. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church It is the time of year for Angel Tree at Our Lady of Grace. Angel Tree is a program providing Christmas gifts and food certificates for (1) children whose parents are in prison, (2) for OLG senior citizens, (3) for Catholic families who have children attending Gateway, (4) for Catholic Social Services families and (5) for our Sister Parish. Angel Tree weekend is the time when cards indicating the Christmas wishes of a child or family are available on the Christmas trees in the back of the church. The weekend to return all gifts and certificates to the church is November 16th & 17th. If you will be out of town on this weekend, you can return the gifts to the church office in advance. Please help a child’s wishes come true, by selecting one or more cards next weekend. Volunteers Needed November 2nd & 3rd November 9th & 10th November 16th & 17th Volunteers are needed who are willing to sit at the back of the church during Mass and assist parishioners with the selection of their card from the Angel Tree and to record the parishioner’s name and phone number on the first two weekends in November. On November 16th & 17th, volunteers are needed to collect the Angel Tree gifts as they are returned. Please consider this wonderful opportunity to become involved in a rewarding short-term volunteer project. If you are interested in volunteering, please call Julie Justice at 708-1131. October 27, 2013 Attention All Women of Our Lady of Grace Parish!! Please join us for our Connect Coffee gathering: “Your Heart – You Are Captivating” Wednesday, November 6, 2013 Our Lady of Grace - Cafeteria 7:30-9:00 PM Dessert Social Thursday, November 7, 2013 St. Paul the Apostle – PLC Lounge 9:45-11:15 AM Connect Coffee …this is a good opportunity for newcomers to visit, experience what our study is all about, and get to know the members of Walking with Purpose. The evening will include an inspirational talk. We will also enjoy small group discussion where you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts over a cup of coffee. Open to all women of the Parish. Don’t miss our weekly meetings: Wednesday 7:30-9:00 PM Our Lady of Grace ~ Cafeteria Thursday 9:45-11:15 AM St. Paul the Apostle ~ PLC Lounge *Childcare provided for morning sessions! Walking with Purpose aims to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ by offering personal study and small group discussion that link our everyday challenges and struggles with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church. To RSVP or for more information, contact Patty Disney at [email protected] www.walkingwithpurpose.com https://www.facebook.com/walkingwithpurpose The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Special Announcements New Business Manager We are pleased to welcome Ms. Anita Sells as our parish Business Manager. Anita may seem familiar to some of our parish family as she had worked here previously for a short time. She now assumes the duties of Business Manager and may be reached a 274-6520, ext. 315 or via email at [email protected]. Welcome Anita! Attention All OLG Facilities Users The following announcement applies to ALL groups who use any of the facilities here at OLG whether it be school, parish, outside parish groups (i.e. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, all sports groups, Knights of Columbus, English, Spanish), for any purpose whatsoever. ALL groups are to schedule ALL events through Allison Gregg (Executive Assistant to the Pastor). This includes ANYONE currently using the facilities or who have used any of the facilities in the past. It is the responsibility of the group to check with Allison to verify that dates are in the facility scheduler. Any oversight is the responsibility of the individual group. DO NOT ASSUME THAT YOU ARE AUTOMATICALLY ON THE SCHEDULER without written email confirmation from Allison. ALL events must be approved by the pastor PRIOR to the event. Any group using the facilities without express permission will not be permitted to use the parish facilities in the future. Safety and Cleanliness are always key areas of concern, and none more so than in and around our buildings. If you are entrusted with a key for use with a group or activity, WHEN YOU ARE LEAVING please be sure to double check that ALL doors are not only properly closed, but are secured as well. And if you see a piece of litter on the floor or on the ground outside, please take a moment a pick it up and drop it in one of the many litter receptacles on the campus. You will receive a myriad of graces from heaven for your selfless deed of keeping God’s house a little neater and tidier! All Saints Holyday of Obligation Friday, Nov. 1st is the Feast of All Saints. It is a holyday of obligation. All Catholics are obliged under pain of sin to attend Mass that day. Holy Mass will be offered here at OLG on Friday, Nov. 1st at 8AM, 12Noon, and 7PM (Bilingual Mass ENGLISH/ SPANISH). Please note: there will be NO Vigil Mass on THURSDAY, OCT. 31st). October 27, 2013 All Souls Day Saturday, Nov. 2nd is All Souls Day. A special sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form (Latin) will be offered on Saturday at 10AM. This will be the only Mass offered on Saturday morning. All are invited to attend. Weekly 5:00 PM Bi-Lingual Mass As previously announced in the bulletin, on Sunday, Oct. 27th the Sunday 5PM Mass will become a weekly bi-lingual Mass in English and Spanish. This Mass will be on an “ad experimentum” basis and will be reviewed in 3 months to determine whether it will continue as such or not. WHAT IS A “BI-LINGUAL” MASS? A bi-lingual Mass is a Mass during which various parts of the Mass are prayed in two different languages, in this case English and Spanish. This doesn’t mean that those parts of the Mass are repeated first in one language and then in the second language. What it does mean is that certain parts of the Mass will be prayed in one language, and other parts in the second language. (For instance, the Lord have Mercy may be in Spanish, while the Gloria may be in English). The Sunday 5PM Mass will not be entirely in Spanish, but rather a mixture of BOTH English and Spanish. Altar Server Training Dates (Ordinary Form) Don’t forget to save the dates for mandatory server training: Wednesday, October 30, 6:30 PM in the Church Wednesday, November 13, 6:30 PM in the Church Wednesday, December 11, 6:30 PM in the Church Lunch with Friends On Tuesday, October 29th, Knights of Columbus Council 939 will hold a luncheon for people to gather together and see old friends and meet new ones. It will be held at our council home on Horse Pen Creek Rd. The cost is only $5.00 and will feature a baked chicken dinner with rice and gravy, green beans, dinner rolls with coffee, tea and soft drinks. A cash bar will be available for those who would like some wine or beer with their meal. Doors will open at noon with lunch served at 12:30pm. Come on out and invite your friends. Call Pat Kirwan at 541-5582 or Roy Berninger at 665-1551 to assure we have enough food ordered. Furniture Needed The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is in urgent need of usable furniture to be given to families in need. This includes kitchen sets, appliances, living room and bedroom furniture, including box springs and mattresses. Please call Pat Kirwan at 210-3745 to arrange for pick up. Verification letters of your donations will be provided. Many thanks for your continued support. Pray the Chaplet The Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy invites you to join them in the church on Tuesdays at 9:00 AM to pray the Chaplet. All are welcome to join us afterwards in the Choir Room at 9:30 AM where we meet to discuss the message of Divine Mercy. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church Special Announcements (Cont’d) October 27, 2013 Ancient Order of Hibernians Na Cara Div. 1 Annual Boston Barbeque Women’s Emergency Winter Shelter It is once again time to think about our involvement and commitments to the shelter. The shelter will be at a new permanent site this year at 1807 East Wendover. The building is still undergoing significant renovations but plans to open December 9th! Our Lady of Grace will be working in fellowship on Monday evenings alongside St. Mary's Catholic Church with Sr. Helen Marie Kling coordinating. We have lost many volunteers and coordinators and need to come together now more than ever! If you can help in any way, please email me and let me know your wishes. SMOKED PORK BUTT SALE! All orders include a pint of our Famous Butt Sauce! These beauties have a pre-cooked weight of 9-10 lbs! To order contact: Dick Morrison 269-3706 (C), 584-7121 (H) Order by Oct. Breakfast bags will be provided by the school students of OLG every Monday through a new service program at the lower school. Once the online sign-up is available you will be able to see if there is a need for a fill-in week. There are many opportunities for volunteer and donation help at the shelter. All of the items needed will be listed on the website as soon as it is up and running. Please keep us in your prayers that the Lord will lead us and guide us along this journey to faithfully serve our community with love, support, dignity and grace this season and always! For questions or more information, contact Melanie Gonzalez at [email protected]. You may also sign up to volunteer to help at the shelter at: http://www.signupgenius.com/ The Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Greensboro #1200, would like to thank all of the OLG parishioners for supporting our Fall Bake Sale. All proceeds will go to Greensboro area charities. May God Bless You All! For More information about the Catholic Daughters, please contact Liz Grabasky, @ 336-339-1665 or at [email protected]. 30—Pick up on Nov. 2 Pick up at St. Paul’s on Saturday, November 2nd from 9:00A-12:00N $28, each, pre-paid ORDER FORM Purchaser name: Address: City: State: ZIP: Home Phone: Cell Phone: eMail: Number of Butts: Total pre-paid: X 28= $ Check #: Cash $: 2014 Attractions Book Received by: OLG Women’s Club Fund Raiser “For Savings You Just Gotta Have!” Can be used immediately! One parishioner saved over $600 last year using the coupons when eating out! Available through any OLG Women’s Club member, church office, or by calling Louise Kemp at 336-294-2986. Attractions Mobile App Free with Purchase of Attractions Book. Still just $25 each...get one now! 322 Pounds of food delivered to Urban Ministry in October Please think about picking up a few extra staples when you shop and donating the items to our ongoing food collection program. With the holidays fast approaching, those in need require your help now more than ever. The collection boxes are waiting in the Tremont Drive entrance of the church. Thank you! The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 27, 2013 Religious Education Director of Religious Education, Jim McCullough 274-6520 ext. 335, [email protected] Rising 9th graders through teens entering their freshmen year at college are welcome! October Schedule: (only open to high school teens) Every Wednesday: Dead Theologian’s Society, 7-9:00 PM Oct 26th: Fun Night (hopefully bowling) Service Opportunities: Oct 27th: Advent Wreath, Candles & Calendar Sale After Mass Confirmation: Nov. 3rd: Mandatory Confirmation Prep 6:30—8:00 PM in the school Library If you feel that you should be receiving updates on Confirmation and are not, please contact the youth minister directly via e-mail. If you have not yet registered formally, please print off the Confirmation form from the OLG webpage and drop it by the Church office asap. To register for any of these programs or for more information about youth ministry, contact Kelly Henson at [email protected]. You can also find me on facebook [Kelly Henson (Anchor); Greensboro network] and our FB youth page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/anchorYM/ to stay up to date with news, inspiration, and reminders. Parents, students, and volunteers can join our e-mail list for weekly updates & schedules by going to: http://eepurl.com/zzfyP or using your phone with this icon New CDs finally in! Fr. Fessio, Matthew Kelly, Patty Schneier, Peter Kreeft, and more—don’t miss them! Each batch of CDs costs the parish about $700— contribute $3 we almost break even—contribute $4 we have enough to give to those unable to contribute! Thanks for supporting this educational outreach! Pick up copies of CDs at the entrances from Market St. or the Tremont side of the church to share with family and friends. Have Questions about Catholicism? Call Jim McCullough at 274-6520 x335 or e-mail him at [email protected] if you are looking into the Catholic faith or if you are considering returning to practice. Jesus asked Peter, “Could you not keep watch for one hour?” Mark 14:37 We invite you to be an adorer at Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesdays after the 8:00 AM Mass—6:00 PM at Our Lady of Grace Church. The hours especially needed are: 8:15 AM—9:00 AM, 10:00—11:00 AM, 12:00 PM—1:00 PM, Deadline for Bulletin Article Submissions Edition Due Date November 10 4 PM Wednesday, October 30th November 17 4 PM Wednesday, November 6th November 24 4 PM Wednesday, November 13th December 1st 4 PM Wednesday, November 20th Submissions should be sent to [email protected] NOTE: Submissions received after the deadline will appear in the next bulletin when possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Please note: 3:30—4:30 PM is the Children’s Adoration and parents are welcome to bring young children and infants. If you would like to commit to an hour of Adoration each Tuesday, or would like more information, please contact Ann Hopping at 336-847-1778 [email protected] or Tonya Wong 336-617-3397 [email protected]. ADORATION of the Blessed Sacrament Attention College Students We would like to invite you to participate in adoration either on Tuesdays at OLG or anytime at Maryfield. Please see the contact information above to register for this important ministry. Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013 Faith, Tradition, Excellence Open House November 12 9:30 AM Our Lady of Grace Catholic School We are a small school with BIG accomplishments! 44% of our current 8th grade class qualified for the Duke University Talent Identification for gifted children and 2 of the 3 National Merit Scholars at Bishop McGuinness High school last year were OLG School graduates - our students excel! Christmas on Campus is Coming! On December 19th from 5:30 to 8 p.m., OLG's campus will once again be turned into a Christmas wonderland as we celebrate the sights, sounds and tastes of this beautiful season! Join us for caroling, children's activities, a live nativity and more! Admission is free with the donation of a canned food for Greensboro Urban Ministry or a toiletry item for Greensboro Women's Shelter. All are welcome, so bring a friend! Come find out why at our November Open House. We will meet in the school library at 9:30 AM on November 12th for a short presentation and then tour the campus. No reservations are needed. Can't make the open house? Call Karen Hornfeck, Marketing Director, at 275 -1522, ext. 100 to schedule a personalized tour at your convenience. The students of Our Lady of Grace School would like to invite all Veterans of the Parish to attend our All School Mass celebration honoring Veterans on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 at 8:45 am. Veterans in attendance are asked to sit in the front pews facing the right side of the altar so that they may be honored by the school community. The honor guard members of the Knights of Columbus will be in attendance to participate in honoring our veterans. Thank you for your service to our country! The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time If you have never heard of Scrip, now is the time to learn about this fund raiser. At Donut Sunday on November 3rd you will learn how easy it is to purchase your gift cards while earning money for our school. Some gift cards will be available for purchase that day, as well as information on purchasing additional cards from retailers of your choice. To name just a few: Applebee’s, Target, I-Tunes, Walmart, Panera Bread, Whole Foods. Don’t miss this opportunity to get your Holiday Gift Cards while supporting our school! Contact Mary Moon at [email protected] or 8557828 for additional information. The First Annual Panther Prowl Fun Run was a HUGE Success! Thank you to all our friends, families and sponsors for making the Fun Run such a success! Students and their sponsors helped us exceed our goal. Thank you to parents Ashley Davis and Julie Taylor for organizing the run and to all those who sponsored a student! Thank you also to all the volunteers who donated time and talent on the day of the event - we had great music, Paws the Panther, ice cream, and more! Thank you also to the following sponsors: American National Bank, Northwest Pediatrics, Allison McMillian Orthodontics, Greensboro Pediatrics, Papa John's Pizza, Lifetouch Studios, Cheshire Center, Lake Jeanette Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, and Southwestern Orthopedic Specialists. We truly are blessed by a wonderfully supportive community and we are so very grateful! October 27, 2013 Thank You for Your Support! OLG School received $315.00 from Target's "Give with Target" campaign. Friends and families were asked to vote for OLG School on the Target website. Our school came in 4th in the Triad among all the public and private schools in the area! We will use these funds for supplies to enhance our curriculum. Thank you so much for your support! Mon Tue Adoration, CH after 8A Mass 9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR 3:30P-Children’s Ador., CH 5:00P-Confession 6:00P-Benediction, CH 6:30P– Boy Scout, CAF 7:00P-RCIA, LIB Div. Mercy Cen., CH after 8A Mass 8:00A-Mass 26 7:00A-Mass 6:00P-First Place, CR 6:30P-Bible Study, LS 7:00P-Ecumenical Service, CH 3:30-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR 4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB 25 11:30A-Morning Prayer Shawl, CR 9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR 8:45A-Div. Mercy Cen., CH 8:00A-Mass Adoration, CH, after 8A Mass 19 7:00A-Mass 9:00A-Mass 10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS 11:00A-Mass 3:30P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR 4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB 5:00P-Mass 8:00A-Mass 6:00P-First Place, CR 6:00P-Boy Scouts, CAF 6:30P-Bible Study, LS 7:00A-Mass 9:00A-Mass 10:00A-First Penance Meeting, CAF 10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS 11:00A-Mass 24 18 17 8:00A-Mass Adoration, CH, after 8A Mass 8:45A-Div.Mercy Cen., CH 9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR 3:30P-Children’s Ador., CH 5:00P-Confession 6:00P-Benediction, CH 7:00P-RCIA, LIB 12 3:30P-Children’s Ador., CH 5:00P-Confession 6:00P-Benediction, CH 7:00P-RCIA, LIB 8:00A-Mass 6:30P-Altar Server Training, CH 6:00P-First Place, CR 6:30P-Bible Study, LS 12:15P-Xmas Pageant Rehearsal, CH 3:00P-Hisp. Baptismal Prep. 11 8:00A-Mass Adoration, CH, after 8A Mass 8:45A-Div. Mercy Cen., CH 9:30A-Str. Faustina’s Diary, CR 3:30P-Children’s Adoration, CH 5:00P-Confession 6:00P-Benediction 7:00-RCIA, LIB 7:00A-Mass 9:00A-Mass 10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS 11:00A-Mass 2:45P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR 4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB 5:00P-Mass 5 4 8:00A-Mass 6:00P-First Place, CR 6:00P-Boy Scouts, CAF 6:30P-Bible Study, LS 7:00P-Catholic Daughters, LIB 10 7:00A-Mass 8A-3P Hisp. Faith Formation, GYM 9:00A-Mass 10:30A-Religious Ed, LS/MS 11:00A-Mass 12:30P-Baptismal Prep, LIB 3:30P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR 4:00P-Hisp. Youth Group, LIB 5:00P-Mass 6:30P-Confirmation Prep, LIB 3 Donut Sunday CAF = Cafeteria; CR = Choir Room; CH = Church; LIB = Library; WWP=Walking with Purpose LS = Lower School; MS = Middle School; OLC = Our Lady’s Cottage; SR = Science Room; CY = Courtyard; YG = Youth Group; AS = Altar Server November 2013 Sun 8:00-8:30A-Confession 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, CR 7:00P-YG Dead Theo. 7:30P-WWP, CAF 27 8:00-8:30A-Confession 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, CR 7:00P-YG Dead Theo. 7:30P-WWP, CAF 20 8:00-8:30A-Confession 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, CR 6:30P-Altar Server Training, CH 7:00P-YG Dead Theo. 7:30P-WWP, CAF 13 8:00A-Confession 8:45A-Mass 10:00A-Bible Study, CR 7:00P-YG Dead Theo. 7:30P-WWP, CAF 6 Wed 28 8:00A-Mass 29 8:00A-Mass 10:00A-Craft Group, Offsite 22 Thanksgiving 6:00P-Women’s Club, LIB 21 5:00P-Book Fair/Pasta Night. CAF 8:00A-Mass 10:00A-Craft Group, Offsite 15 8:00A-Mass 10:00A-Craft Group, Offsite 6:30P-Retrouvaille, LIB 7:30P-Hispanic Ministry, CAF 14 8 8:00A-Rosary, CH 3:00P-Confession, CH 5:00P-Mass 30 8:00A-Rosary, CH 10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB 3:00P-Confession, CH 5:00P-Mass 23 8:00A-Rosary, CH 10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB 3:00P-Confession, CH 5:00P-Mass 5:45P-Hisp.Faith Formation, LS,SR 6:30P-Xmas Pageant Rehearsal,CAF 7:00P-Youth Ministry, LIB 16 Applebee’s Fundraiser Breakfast 8:00A-Rosary, CH 10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB 3:00P-Confession, CH 5:00P-Mass 9 7:30A-1st Sat. Rosary, CH 10:00A-1st Sat. Mass, CH (MEF) 10:00A-RCIA, Repeat, LIB 3:00P-Confession, CH 5:00P-Mass 6:30P-Even. Prayer Shawl, LIB 2 8:00A-1st Friday Mass, CH 7:30A-Expo. & Ben., CH 10:00A-Craft Group, Offsite 12:00N-Mass 7:00P-Mass 7:00P-Hisp. NFP Class, LIB Sat 1 Fri 7 Thu Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church October 27, 2013
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