bikini atoll truk lagoon


bikini atoll truk lagoon
WIRODIVE Tauchreisen presents the fourth guided diving expedition to the wreck paradises of the South Pacific 06-30 07-23-2017
for max. 11 (Bikini)/16 (Truk) participants (travel time: 06/28-07/24/2017)
Dive down into two of the historically richest dive spots of our planet. Experience dives of world class at
such renowned wrecks as the PRINZ EUGEN, USS SARATOGA, or NAGATO. Drift through the channels
and observe the grandiose shark schools. Island visits in Bikini Atoll let you take a glimpse into a shocking
part of history of mankind. Afterward, you are going to visit another world class dive site, the Japanese
ghost fleet in the Truck lagoon, on board of the TRUK MASTER.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© Pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
The Marshall Islands are located in the middle of the Central Pacific Ocean, about 3.000 - 3.500 km east of Palau and Yap.
The more than 1,200 islands spread over an approximately 1.3 million km² large sea area that is adjacent to the Island
Republic of Kiribati in the south and in the south-west to the Federated States of Micronesia. In the north-east and east, the
island state is surrounded by the endless vastness of the Pacific Ocean alone.
Spanish sailors "discovered" individual atolls of the archipelago in the first third of the 16th Century. The Spaniards, however,
asserted no further claims of the islands that for two centuries were ignored by the Europeans until the English captain John
Marshall visited them in 1788. Later, the islands were named after him. After a German trading company was established on
the islands in 1885, the German Empire declared the Marshals to be its protectorate. In the 1st World War, Japan conquered
the islands and obtained the League of Nations mandate over the territory. In the subsequent period, the Japanese
established military bases in the entire archipelago. In the 2nd World War, the islands were attacked by the USA because of
their strategically well-placed position at the beginning of 1944 and conquered in the course of several battles.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
In 1947, the territory was incorporated into the pacific trust territories of the USA at the request of the UNO. Now, new ones
emerged; this time they were American military base. Restricted zones where established, and soon after, arrangements
were made to detonate the new atomic miracle weapon of the Americans during long test series on this defenseless spot on
earth. Directly affected by that were the Bikini Atoll (23 tests between 1946 and 1958) and the Eniwetok Atoll (43 tests from
1948 until 1958) and also unexpectedly - - several neighboring atolls.
After the nightmare-like events of the last century, it is nothing short of a miracle that the islanders have not lost their
optimism despite the daily confrontation with the rusty relics of a brutal
material battle and haunting memories of the dull rumble and the eerie
flash that was brighter then a hundred suns. And you may find it difficult
to believe how quite natural insiders speak of the Marshalls as an "Island
Paradise". Even the Bikini Atoll, which had gained a sad type of fame,
(and also gave its name to a popular type of swim wear) has morphed
into an exclusive diving area after the visitor ban was lifted in 1996. It is
macabre but real: The war trash on the islands and in the waters around
them has been used as an economic factor long since. Japanese and
American veterans and their relatives like to visit the old battle fields. So
"war tourism" (on top of the water and under water) has become an
important pillar of the Marshallese tourist industry. Of course there are
also other ones who make their island paradise dream come true and
enjoy the soft sandy beaches surrounded by coconut trees while
snorkeling and diving down to the colorful coral reefs in the crystalclear lagoons, and while doing that, they admire a sunken bomber or a large shipwreck. But there are not many visitors, who
take on the long and exhausting journey to Bikini, Majuro, Jaluit, Mili, Arno and the many other atolls - only a few hundred
end up here in a year.
The main attraction of the Marshall Islands are their diving grounds, including some that belong to the world's elite as
experts affirm. Breathtaking underwater worlds with spectacular wrecks and intact reefs with lots of fish are waiting for you after all, the Marshall archipelago’s waters are one of the richest in fish in the world. Thousands of fish species inhabit
lagoons, reefs, and the open sea, including Blue Marlin, Yellow Fin Tuna, Mahimahi, Mackerel, Wahoo, Grouper and
Barracuda. Even shark freaks get their money's worth. Nowhere else in this world do so many reef sharks splash around at a
few reefs. The "finning" has not yet arrived here - thank God.
The great thing about it: There is something for each underwater freak. Some spots are in depths of 40 meters or more. This
means decompression diving, something for experienced divers The undeniable highlight is the Bikini Atoll, a dozens of
miles long, extremely narrow coral ring, which forms a 600 km² large lagoon with its 23 tiny atoll islands. The "Nagato", the
former flagship of the Imperial Japanese Navy on which Admiral Yamamoto gave the command to the attack on Pearl
Harbor, sank here. Another treat for die-hard wreck divers is the USS Saratoga, the world's second largest diveable wreck
and aside the USS Oriskany in Florida, the only diveable aircraft carrier, but with a far more meaningful history.
Even a German spoil of war ship was exposed to the nuclear weapons tests. The heavy cruiser "Prinz Eugen" withstood the
tests. It was dragged to the Kwajalein Atoll, where it capsized in shallow waters at the end of 1946 and since then protrudes
face down from the lagoon. In 1978, one of the three ship propellers was removed and set up at the the Navy Memorial site
in Laboe. The wreck is diveable and pure war history!
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
The Kwajalein Atoll is anything else than a paradise dream. The fatal soft spot of foreign military strategists for the Marshalls
is no where else more apparent than here. The world s largest coral atoll with the largest enclosed lagoon (2,335 km²)
houses not only the "Prinz Eugen" but additional 30 Japanese shipwrecks in its lagoon. The atoll can be visited again since
1996. Its re-colonization is not expected soon, but some former residents have returned already. Unfortunately, there are no
more accommodation for divers on the islands of the atoll. The operator of the Bikini Divers Basis has quit years ago
because of poor flight connections within the atoll. United Airlines currently flies quite punctually and in a predictable
rhythm to the entire atoll, except Bikini. As of right now, the Bikini atoll can only be reached and dived per expedition vessel.
Here, the diving sites are deep - hard on the edge of recreational diving. You are in an average depth of 30 to 55 meters. The
entry spot is located in a depth of 23 meters, all others require the utilization of some quite advanced but well-proven deep
diving techniques, for example, such as the decompression diving with 100% oxygen at a decompression bar. The dives are
carried out comfortably and safely because of the lack of currents and the direct access to the anchor rode.
JACKET SUITABLE FOR DOUBLE DEVICES (dives are always done with double twelve steel tanks)
DIVE COMPUTER FOR THE DECOMPRESSION WITH O2. (at least 2 gases, 100% O2 capable)
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
The USS Saratoga: dramatic entry dives, 23 to 50 meters and above…
This is the best wreck dive at the Bikini Atoll, if not even in the world. The Saratoga,
the third aircraft carrier ever built, has a flight deck of 271 meters in length and is
therefore longer than the Titanic! Its displacement was 33,000 tonnes and
everything on it is so big that it almost defies every description. The Japanese
claimed seven times, to have sunken it. It had a unique career in the Pacific, before
it found its inappropriate end at the Bikini Atoll. The Saratoga is bolt-upright in a
water depth of 55 meters. It is impossible to explore it in just one dive. You should
be diving several times to live up to its reputation. Its bridge is located just 12 meters
below the water surface, all classic spots are, however, on the flight deck or in one
of the other eight decks. However, these rooms remained unexplored for the most
part over the years because of the depth limitation and the erosion of the ship. The
wreck is buoyed at three places - at the bow, rear and bridge - and is gladly used by dive operators for entry dives. It is
probably the most dramatic entry dive ever when the flight deck 33 meters below becomes visible for the diver and extends
into the distance. The bridge, which still houses a number of instruments, control desks, and voice tubes, can be visited
during this dive. If you descend at the flight deck, it is still a long way to the port side where you can pass a huge lift. At the
edge of the flight deck, there are 22-millimeter Oerlikon flak cannons and a free-standing forklift. The hangar of the
Saratoga is also an incredible dive, where you can swim by multiple rows of 225- kilogram bombs before you reach the
remains of four airplanes - three single-engine Helldiver bombers and one Avenger. The bug deserves its own dive. If you
slightly float over it and look down onto the torn forecastle that disappears 30 meters deep into the darkness, you get a
reminder of how big the ship really is.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
The H.I.J.M.S. Nagato: Spectacle, 40-50 meters - Awesome!
The Nagato, the first war ship that was armed with 16-inch cannons, was
probably the fastest battle ship in the world, when it was launched in 1920.
With 216 meters in length and 38,500 tons of weight. It is also a colossal
ship that almost withdraws itself from any description. It is in fact a ship with
history: On December 7th, 1941, it served as a battle ship for the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor and 1945, it was seen at the official surrender of
Japan in Tokyo Bay. While the Nagato was sinking, it rotated. It is now
resting with its belly up - an attribute that many wrecks of many battle ships
around the globe share
with it - in a depth of 4050 meters. Nevertheless,
its mighty structure keeps
this ship above the sea floor, and it is possible to visit the turrets without
any major problems. Starting from the anchor rode, it is best to get down
on the starboard side of the battleship - so, to the port side from the
diver's point of view because this ship is upside down - and then follow the
deck lines. This is how you get directly to one of the huge turrets. The
cannon barrels are 19 meters long and have a circumference of 1.5 meters
at the base. Enjoy the spectacle - this is the only place in the world where
you can dive 16-inch cannons under water! On the way back, you can explore a part of the bridge that is lying next to the
wreck. Another Dive - this time to explore the starboard side of the boat - is well worth the effort. You can even take a
closer look at the ship's propellers. Each one of them is six meters wide and has four huge blades, which are easily
identifiable because the ship is upside down.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
The USA mostly fell back on their extensive inventory of decommissioned ships. Today, many of them are lying as wrecks in
the lagoon of Bikini: USS Saratoga, USS Carlisle, USS Anderson, USS Lamson, USS Gilliam, USS Arkansas, USS Pilotfish,
USS Apogon.
Also seized Japanese ships where brought to Bikini to compare the structural quality of foreign ships under the effects of
the atomic bombs. Still existing as wracks are the H.I.J.M.S. Nagato and the H.I.J.M.S. Sakawa of the Agano class. The war
cruiser Prinz Eugen, awarded to the U.S. in 1945 as spoils of war, withstood the tests and was towed to Kwajalein. There, the
leaking ship sank on December 22, 1946.
PRINZ EUGEN (Kwajalein)
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
Because of the exposed position of the Bikini Atoll, there is no direct way to reach the atoll. This was still possible up to a
few years ago. The "Marshall Airline", however, was so unreliable that an entire dive tourism provider that was built with a lot
of enthusiasm and energy had to give up totally bothered. The MV Windward, under an Australian management, approaches
the Bikini Atoll again from Kwajalein. The crossing takes about 26 hours. On approx. 9 dive days (depending on wind and
weather conditions), 2-3 dives per day are planned depending on the dive depths of the wrecks (also depending on the
respective condition and physical condition of the divers that day). On the way from Kwajalein to Bikini so-called "transit
dives" are on the schedule, for the purpose of an equipment check and for acclimatization, this means diving at reefs where
no human has been in the water before. Expedition pure!
The MV WINDWARD is a heavy (224 tons) and 24 meters long
expedition ship that is equipped for diving expeditions. Please don't
expect luxury or the style of a diving safari vessel in Asia, in the
Pacific or in Egypt! The Windward is primarily practical, and it offers a
lot of space for diving and photographic equipment. Max. 11 guests
are housed in a large air-conditioned bedroom in the bow of the
ship. Each sleeping space has a reading lamp and a small private
storage space. 2 restrooms and 2 showers are available on board for
the 11 divers. The electrical voltage on board is 230 volts. (Please do
not forget to bring an Australian adapter!) A spacious dive platform
eases the entry into the water and a stress-free dive can begin. Bauer
compressors, Haskel HO2 storage tanks as well as a pressure
chamber (only in use with an attending diver guest who is a
physician) on board complete the technical equipment of the
Windward. The food on board is prepared by the Chef, "Mango" and
has an unrivaled reputation far beyond the borders of Bikini.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner str served in form of a buffet. Internet is normally available on board via satellite. The cost is
about USD 250.- per tour as flat-rate (simple ISDN speed). The ship has an expedition character, simple setup and
equipment, no luxury!!
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
(Course changes reserved on the basis of weather, captain or cruise director decision)
06/28-29/2017 Stopover GUAM 06/29-06/30/2017
International Flight, Tokyo-Guam
The vacation begins with Lufthansa | NIPPON AIR or comparable on 06/28/2017 from many German, Swiss, or Austrian
airports. Arrival in Tokyo and connecting flight to Guam on 06/29/2017. Take a taxi and go to your stop over hotel Hilton
Guam (10 minutes drive) and check in there.
Located in the middle of the Western Pacific, Guam is a part of the Marianas Archipelago. It is the southernmost and largest
island in this zone. From the political standpoint of view; Guam is a part of the United
States of America; however, it is not incorporated in the U.S. State. This means that the
area of Guam is in fact within the territory of the United States, but that its state does
not count to the State or territory like Hawaii. Even if Dededo with its nearly 43 000
residents is the most inhabited city, the capital is located a little further south in
A main feature of the island is the limestone. The impressing landscapes that formed
through the porous material are always an interesting sight for tourists and locals.
Guam also stands for an incredible species diversity because of its flora and fauna.
Those who are interested in exotic animal and plant species, will quickly find in Guam
what they are looking for. Guam can present many interesting species, especially in the world of birds. Whoever puts a foot
into the heavily forest areas with natural habitats and brings along a camera
might be able to shoot unique pictures for their travel album. Of course, such a
natural environment also offers the ideal conditions to relax spiritually from the
stress and the concrete walls of every day life. Whoever thinks that such
relaxation zones, which are far away from the modern world, can only be
reached with much inconvenience so that then, you can only deal with less
civilized people is wrong. Because of the cultural influence of the American
soldiers a certain share of American life-style prevails in Guam. In addition, an
airplane can reach the island fairly well because for a long time, it served the
U.S. Army as a base.
The word about this tourist attraction has gotten around quickly. Because Guam
is not far away from Japan, the country is already famous there as a popular
tourist destination. This way tourism plays a large role in the economy of Guam as well. This is why the residents are very
keen to continue this development and to promote the attractiveness of Guam as a vacation spot.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
Flight, Guam Chuuk-Pohnpei Kosrae-Kwajalein
Take a taxi and go from the Hilton hotel to the Guam Airport. Check in to your United flight to Kwajalein. After the arrival in
Kwajalein, you have to endure customs formalities, and then, you will be taken to the transfer pier after the entry
procedures. There, an employee of the Windward is waiting for you, and accompanies you on the short boat trip in
indirection of the island Ebeye, where your expedition begins on board of the MV Windward. Unpacking, moving into the
quarters and formalities on board will be part of the agenda. After a cozy dinner and an equipment check, everything will be
ready for the first dive on the next day.
Prinz Eugen | Crossing to Bikini | Diving at the Nuclear Fleet | Return to Kwajalein
You will do the first dive at the heavy PRINZ EUGEN near the island Ebeye in the Kwajalein Atoll on January 7th. Look
forward to pure history! Then begins the crossing to the Bikini Atoll through the island world of Kwajalein. You will pass the
Wotho Atoll and after 26 hours, you will arrive at Bikini. Let the adventure begin! The dives and wrecks are determined
depending on the weather and the decisions of the cruise directors. Look forward to at least 2 deep wreck dives per day,
Island visits and reef dives in agreement with the guests. Among others,
you will visit the island Bikini (BBQ evening on the island) with its 2-4
residents, explore various bunkers of the Armed Forces and experience
fantastic, pristine beaches. A visit to the island Eninman is planned as well.
This island, converted to
an airport with gravel
runway, served the US
Armed Forces as a
supply airport during the
material were flown in
there. After 8-9 Bikini
diving days, the journey home in direction Kwajalein Atoll begins, where
you will arrive in the evening of December 7. Visit the local island of Ebeye
as well and experience the friendly Bikianers and former residents of the
Eniwetok Atoll, who have been re-homed to this island over 60 years ago.
(View the report Bikini Atoll from the magazine Unterwasser, February 2015, at the end of this travel description)
Transfer Island Kwajalein, Flight Chuuk Lagoon
You will leave the MV Windward after breakfast and take the taxi boat to the island of Kwajalein. After the completion of the
formalities and the check in, United will take you to the Truk Lagoon.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
Our expedition with the M.Y. TRUK MASTER takes us on this 7-day trip in another world-class diving area, the
Japanese ghost fleet in the lagoon of Truk. TRUK (or also Chuuk, as it is called officially since 1990) is one of the four
federal states within the Federated States of Micronesia (Yap, Kosrae, Truk & POHNPEI). Around 4000 kilometers south-east
of the Philippines and located eight degrees north of the equator, TRUK combines the advantages of a tropical archipelago
with the species diversity of continental waters. Coconut palms rustling in the ocean breeze meet high volcanic cliffs and
dreamlike beaches, that match popular South Pacific clichés. The archipelago consists of 57 volcanic islands, which are
surrounded by a more than 100 miles wide atoll with further 41 coral islands. The main island and the administrative center
of Truk Lagoon is Weno.
Its location, about half way between Hawaii and the Philippines made the islands strategically valuable. The Japanese built
one of their main naval bases on Truk and deployed a larger proportion of their Pacific fleet there. On February 17 and 18,
1944, Chuuk was bombed heavily by airplanes of the US Navy within the course of "Operation Hailstone". The massive attack
took almost 2 days and one night, whereas there was a continuous bombing by airplanes from the aircraft carriers and
torpedo fire by the accompanying fleet. At the end of the attack more than 400 Japanese airplanes were destroyed and at
least 45 war and transport ships of the Japanese fleet at anchor sank. So this is how the legendary "Ghost Fleet of Truk
Lagoon" came into existence, as it is called today by divers from all over the world - the largest and most impressive ship
cemetery in the world!
On Truk prevails a hot, humid tropical sea climate with low, seasonal temperature fluctuations. The average temperature is
around 28 to 30° Celsius. Precipitation falls at all times of the year. Micronesia is outside the typhoon zone, which, however,
is not a guarantee for the absence of storms. On average, the water temperatures are 29° Celsius year-round - and this
down to the ground of the lagoon at about 70 - 80 meters. The sight under water is excellent all year round: At the deeper
wrecks, it almost always reaches 40 - 60 meters and more and at the shallow-lying wrecks still respectable 20-30 meters.
BACK THEN … 1944
The unknown and mysterious fleet of Truk Lagoon. What happened here on the 17th and of February 1944?
How could so many ships sink in one battle? Why was the 2. World War between the United States and Japan decided
here? Many questions arise with this fleet. Some responses were found; some secrets were revealed. 45 Ships of the
Japanese fleet were destroyed in this picturesque lagoon and sank in only two days and today, they allow you some
of the most incredible wreck dives in the world.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
In the 1930s the Japanese military discovered the unique island world of the Micronesia as the perfect strategic starting
point for the deployment of their naval forces in the war against the United States. Truk Lagoon was the perfect base for all
the future operations. Because of its natural harbor and several groups of volcanic islands, in this lagoon one could defend
oneself in an excellent way against attacks and spying by the Americans.
In the Second World War, Truk had been developed further and further to the strategic command center for all Japanese air
strikes and ocean maneuvers. Almost all large attacks against America were planned and executed from Truk Lagoon,
including the attack on Pearl Harbor. For Japan, the Truk Atoll became the base for the entire of the naval forces, a huge
armada of battle and transport ships, aircraft and much more.
On February 4, 1944, two American reconnaissance aircraft of the type PB4Y were successful in their attempt of a
photographic overflight over the lagoon and mapped the Japanese fleet. These photos of the overflight showed a huge
number of war and supply vessels. In fact, they had known that the Japanese fleet had a military base there, but they did not
expect that almost the entire Japanese naval power was inside this lagoon. The overflight did not remain hidden from the
Japanese, and they quickly tried to mobilize the fleet. This was when the big disadvantage of Truk Lagoon's natural harbor
became evident: The narrow entrance into the lagoon, that all ships had to use to leave as well. The ships of the Imperial
Japanese Navy, the flagship of the 2. Fleet, the battleship Musashi, cruisers, destroyer, aircraft carriers, submarines and many
fighter planes were anchored in the lagoon at this point in time.
The Americans realized that they could only eradicate this base of the Japanese with a quick and devastating air attack.
Operation Hailstone was one of the most aggressive war acts of the United States in two world wars. On February 17 and
18 1944, the Americans flew their first reconnaissance flight even before dawn and began with the first wave of attacks. But
they came to find out that the Japanese had already acted and the large vessels of the Imperial Japanese fleet were no
longer identifiable in the atoll. It was decided to attack all ships still lingering in the lagoon, to sink them as well as to
incapacitate the runway on Truk. This is how 31 transport vessels, five military support ships, four destroyers and five smaller
combat ships as well as approximately 400 aircraft were destroyed.
The explosions of the hitting torpedoes and the hammering of machine faded a long time ago, peace returned to Truk long
since: Only around 1000 divers travel to the Truk Lagoon every year to explore this "wreck eldorado". None of the wrecks is
similar to another, each has its own charm and its own secrets to explore….
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
The stunning former war ships, overgrown with corals all over, lie in depths of up to approximately 70 meters. Dives are
mainly done to those ships resting in a keel depth of approx. 50 to 60 meters. The constructions and derricks reach in part
only to just below the water surface, which is why there is no risk of boredom while diving down. A few years ago, the
majority of human remains were removed from the wrecks by the Japanese. Any taking away of other parts from the wreck
is prohibited; Chuuk is an official ship cemetery.
The lagoon itself can be described as relatively shallow with depths of up to approx. 80 meters, and flora and fauna were
present only to a limited extent if it was not for the recessed war fleet: An incredible variety of marine life forms has
transformed the wrecks to breathtaking, colorful, and vibrant reefs in the last 70 years, so that even a unique underwater
world opens up for divers who are less interested in wrecks! All types of corals have settled on the decks with their
constructions and artillery, but especially, on the derricks that tower up to 15 meters under the surface. Each hole, any little
machine part and each cargo space are inhabited today. Sharks continually swim in sight at the wracks as well. The fish
richness is unique in all of Micronesia because the decomposition products - especially those of the iron - act as fertilizer to
the corals and all forms of life related to them. Through the protected location in the lagoon, you can dive throughout the
entire year; there is virtually no currents.
Today, the wrecks in the lagoon of Chuuk are an underwater museum, where are still tens of thousands of utensils to
admire - a fact which is owed to the considerate dive guides, who make sure that nobody takes something. The wrecks are
all located in the inside of the Chuuk Lagoon, and, apart from a few exceptions, they are located in depths of between 15 to
60 meters, which are good for diving. The majority of the ships that sank here were freighters, converted for the war
deployment and equipped with weaponry throughout. In addition, the cargo areas were often filled to the top with war
equipment and supplies for the front line, which offers a breathtaking picture for divers! Therefore, it does not matter if there
are the tanks on the deck of the "San Francisco Maru", the meters long submarine torpedoes in the belly of the "Heian Maru",
the porcelain of the "Unkai" Maru", the cars in the cargo spaces of the "Hoki Maru", the many ammunition depots, the large
engine rooms and even the human remains that tell a tragic story. They all have one thing in common: The picture of the
ships in their full glory before the huge attack and the collision of the torpedoes in the lagoon emerges in the head.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
Diving in TRUK LAGOON is different than anywhere else in the world: All wrecks
are located in the central area, i.e. within the huge lagoon and well protected
between the islands. Currents are unknown here, and the water is pleasantly
warm all year round. The visibility is almost always beyond 20 to 30 meters, IT
often reaches incredible 50 meters and more, especially with the wrecks that are
located in deeper areas! The view can be affected by plankton only in a few
wrecks or at certain times of the year, but then the view is still around 20 meters!
The cargo spaces, engine room and structures
are huge and to explore very well under the
leadership of a local guide.
While the "shallower" wrecks with average dive
depths of 20-30 meters are ideal for diving with
Nitrox within the zero time, the deeper wrecks
have to be dived with normal air (or mixed gas,
for qualified divers). Decompression breaks of 10 - 25 minutes (depending on the dive
computer) are virtually inevitable if you do not want to visit the top wrecks too briefly.
Average experienced divers won't have any problems with decompression dives anyway
and less experienced divers will quickly realize in the course of the week that "deco diving"
is no "ghost" you have to fear. To dive in the blue for a few minutes should not take any
diver's delight in the most beautiful wrecks of Truk Lagoon, such as the SAN FRANCISCO
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
In 2016, the 37-meter-long safari vessel was completely remodeled to an excellent diving safari boat in Ensenada. The ship
has a touch of luxury at a very good price‐performance ratio, and on board on this special trip, you will experience the most
impressive wrecks of the lagoon!
The M.V. TRUK MASTER has 8 cabins for up to 16 guests, all with a large bathroom and individually-controlled air
conditioning. Hair dryer as well as hand towels are self-evident, of course. The large camera tables with charging options
and a lot of storage space are a highlight for photographers and videographers. A lounge with a plasma TV and many
options of connecting external devices allow viewings of the recorded photo and video material. A sun deck with chairs and
lounge chairs are available for you. 2 fast dive boats as well as logistics for technical dives are mandatory on board.
decompression-obligatory dives
was installed under the dive
platform of the Truk Master. The
following equipment is available
for a fee: Manifold double
devices | oxygen | helium, 12L
deco stage tanks are available
free of charge. Inert gas fillings
and soda lime can be ordered
for a charge in accordance with
the price list WWDS. CCR tanks
can also be borrowed, if you
should forget to bring your own
device. Please note to inform us
in a timely manner about your
wishes. Only in this way it can be
ensured that the soda lime,
gases, and tanks are available
for your dive vacation. Various
sport diving equipment can be
borrowed on board free of
charge. (Wet suit, jackets, fins,
diving regulators) Please order
these early on, too.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
PLANNED TOUR ROUTE (Changes due to flight schedule changes reserved. Please note that one cannot plan flights to
the South Pacific two years in advance. We try our best. But it can happen that either one of the flight is rescheduled, canceled, or delayed.
We always try to take this into account, but are also dependent on the flight plans of the airlines. One or another stop over stay might be
required for an additional charge.)
Transfer Truk Stop Hotel, Diving Truk Lagoon Dive Center
After arrival in Chuuk, a transfer takes you to the Truk Stop Hotel. Move into
to your room, relax, and enjoy the sunset on Truk. For 3 nights, this lovely
Truk Hotel will be your base. On 07/14 and 07/15 you are going to do 4
dives with the TRUK LAGOON DIVE CENTER. Prepare yourself with the dive
for the large safari with the TRUK MASTER.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
+ + Up to 22 dives including 4 night dives + +
On 6 dive days you will now intensively explore the world-famous wrecks of TRUK LAGOON. The schedule provides for 3 to
4 dives per day and the last one is a twilight and/or night dive.
The first dive of the day usually takes you to the slightly deeper wrecks, like the NIPPO MARU, REYO MARU, SAN
FRANCISCO MARU or NAGANO MARU. The second and third dive lead to the wrecks at a maximum of 40 meters (basic),
e.g. the Heian Maru, KANSHO MARU, RIO DE JANEIRO MARU or also the "Unkai" Maru (to only name a few an an example!).
The night dive takes place preferably at simple but highly interesting wrecks, which bodies are covered lushly. Legendary for
example are the night dives at the FUJIKAWA MARU, in its cargo space are still Japanese "Zero" fighter aircrafts! Not to
forget the BETTY BOMBER at 20 meters or the famous „SHARK ISLAND“ spot with dozens of cleaning stations for gray reef
return trip via Guam (stop) to Europe
Unfortunately, this is the end of your Bikini-Truk expedition. In the morning hours of 07/23 you will leave the TRUK
MASTER and be on your way to the airport. In the afternoon, your flight is scheduled with United to Guam. There, take a taxi
and go to the Hilton Guam for your overnight stay. The next morning you go back to Guam Airport for your flight back to
Europe via Tokyo. Arrival in Europe on 07/24/2017. If the flight plans of the airlines are changing before the beginning of
the trip, the over night stay in Guam may be waived and you will arrive in Europe on 07/23/2017.
STRAIGHT TALK: Please keep in mind that this expedition to the South Pacific is anything
else than a diving safari in the Red Sea. Thousands of miles away from any civilization, let
alone a hospital or a pressure chamber. The first commandment in the area of diving on
this trip is DISCIPLINE. No Kamikaze dives or descents to the edge of the physically and
psychologically possible! Each one of has to understand precisely his or her personal and
training technical limits. A diving accident on this expedition can lead to an immediate return to Kwajalein and liability claims
against the person who is the cause. If everyone sticks to the diving rules, all dive sites are easy for diving. Diving at this
historic place is certainly the highlight for every diver in the world.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
YOUR TRAVEL MANAGEMENT (There is no entitlement to a travel price reduction in case of the dropout of the travel management) ROBERT WILPERNIG Photographer|Travel Specialist This unique trip will be accompanied by the instructor, underwater photographer (‐ and WIRODIVE DIVE TRIPS director Robert Wilpernig. On this trip, Robert is assisting you with tips and tricks for underwater photography and image editing. Born in Munich as the Son of parents who loved to travel, he got to know the world of Europe through a total of 26 moves at an early age. The element of water often played a role, but before that, the air fascinated him even more. As an air traffic controller he directed many aircraft through the sky and also flies himself. During this time, he learned diving by chance and the virus spills immediately. The camera already with him at all times, it quickly went with him under water. He had to give up his beloved profession because of his health and devotes his time solely to his dive trips and photo contests, and he founded the company WIRODIVE IN 1995. With his wife Denise the company is growing constantly and is dedicated to exceptional dive destinations. 3 branches and 14 employees assist divers, dive clubs, and diving schools from all over Europe in the planning of their diving trips. Over 3000 dive hours with open and closed dive systems around the globe testify lots of dive experience. Robert has been committed to underwater photography and marine protection for years. He was a member of the German national team, German champion in underwater photography, and he has won many international competitions. His hobbies besides the photography are flying and image editing in particular. We will gladly answer any other questions you might have! Call us or send us an email. The prices for the trip are based on the current exchange rates, price changes and errors reserved. WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
TRAVEL DATES / REISEABLAUF: 06/30 - 07/23/2017 (Travel time: 06/28-07/24/2017)
Flight from Europe with Lufthansa / Nippon / United or comparable via Tokyo to Guam.
Overnight stay in Guam, on the basis of a double room (occupancy 2).
Onward flight Guam to Kwajalein.
13 days/12 nights MV WINDWARD, expedition to the Bikini Atoll, accommodation, full board,
2-3 dives / day in the Bikini Atoll, use of all deco stop stations, double twelve steel, O2
Flight Kwajalein - Chuuk.
3 nights TRUK STOP HOTEL+TRUK LAGOON DIVE CENTER, on the basis of a double room (2 occupancy), 2 dive
days 2 dives each, tanks, lead, boat, guide, all transfers
 8 days / 7 nights M.Y. TRUK MASTER, on the basis of a double cabin, full board, up to 22 dives, Nitrox for free, tec
diving logistics, rebreather fillings, tank, lead, boat, guide, all transfers.
 Depending of the flight connection, possible overnight stay in Truk / Guam might be necessary on the basis of a
double room (2 occupancy)!
 Return flight Chuuk - Guam via Tokyo to Europe with United / Nippon / Lufthansa or similar.
 Arrival Europe: 07/23 or 07/24/2017
TRAVEL PRICE BIKINI / TRUK EXPEDITION 2017 (without flight services):
Early bird special when booking before 02/01/2016
** 105.00
** 98.00
** 15.00
** 30.00
** 195.00
** 1,700.00
** 500.00
06/29-06/30 | 07/23-07/24
• 2 nights double room (occupation 2) Guam in a 4 star hotel, basis double room per
night and per person
• Surcharges single room (occupation 1) per night and per person.
• Departure Tax Truk Airport
• Diving permit Truk Lagoon Dive Center
• Marine park fees, taxes, harbor fees Truk Master (payable on board)
• Diving gas (helium) and lime (prices see FAQ's Bikini and Truk)
• Tips on board of the MV Windward and Truk Master, souvenirs, Internet on board
• Flight Europe - Tokyo - Guam - Kwajalein - Europe
• Flight taxes, fuel surcharge and air traffic control approx.
** Orientation Price 2015
All prices and travel services MV Windward & BIKINI DIVERS subject to changes from the provider or local authorities. Prices valid for the time of the offer
preparation in August 2015. We will gladly answer any other questions you might have! Call us or send us an email. The prices for the trip are based on the
current exchange rates, we reserve price changes on the basis of huge exchange rate fluctuations Dollar Euro. Price changes and errors reserved. We apply our
terms and conditions according to the Internet pages There is no entitlement to travel price reduction for a dropout of the travel
management, changes to the travel course/days of travel, ship route as well as tour and route description provided by operators on site as well as decisions of
the local authorities/governments or the captain on the basis of natural disasters, force majeure, diving accident, wind and weather, which might alter or cancel
the booked trip .
Meals during stop over Guam, alcohol on board of the MV WINDWARD and TRUK MASTER.
Trip cancellation & complete protection (OPTIONAL), event. fuel price increase (net adjustment).
Diving insurance DAN or aqua-MED , ADV EANX training (presentation on board).
Services which are not mentioned here.
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
With scheduled flights, we only act as brokers of the airlines! Flight times and tariff changes and subsequent fuel surcharges and flight tax increases of the
airlines are not in our range of responsibility, but have to passed on from us to you as the customer! We strongly recommend to get travel insurance!
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig
WIRODIVE Tauch- und Erlebnisreisen GmbH · Stadtgraben 17 · D-85368 Moosburg/Isar
Phone: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8000 · FAX: +49 (0) 87 61 / 724 8010 · E-Mail: [email protected]
© pictures: Robert Wilpernig, Pete Mesley, Bikini Divers, Thomas Ley
© Text sources: Wikipedia | SchwarzaufWeiss Reisemagazin | Scuba-Safaris | Tauchen ultimativ | Meike Okhuijsen | Robert Wilpernig