Hope in Action, Spring 2011


Hope in Action, Spring 2011
in this issue:
Passing the torch:
MIFA welcomes new leader
Sally Jones Heinz
Support MIFA through Plus-1
Join MIFA’s community fast
MIFA remembers Dr. King
Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association • mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Spring 2011 • Volume 29 • Number 1
MIFA Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Jef Feibelman, Chair
Rev. Steve Montgomery, Vice Chair
Amy Poag, Secretary
Ward Mayer, Treasurer
Paul Berz
Peggy Brewer
Yvonne Madlock
Jordan Barré
Otha Brandon
Deborah Craddock
Meg Crosby
Mark Finestone
Price Ford
Rev. Milton Hawkins
Wilma McGee
Kojo McLennon
Snow Morgan
Rev. Ollie Rencher
Judy Royal
Chris Suhoza
Peter Tosches
Blanchard Tual
Cathy Van Leit
David Waddell
Emily Woodside
Executive Director
Sally Jones Heinz
Hope in Action staff
Ellen Whitten, Editor
[email protected]
(901) 529-4507
MIFA friends,
Margaret Craddock has transformed this agency in many ways during her tenure, and after working to focus
MIFA’s efforts, streamline its programs, and further solidify its stance as a nonprofit leader in Memphis, she has
opened the door for our newest opportunity: to move forward under new leadership.
MIFA has a long tradition of strong leaders, each of whom has been in place at the right time. Each executive
director has possessed the skills to carry this organization through the era at hand—whether finding its youthful
footing, growing with temperance, or learning to efficiently meet the community’s most pressing needs. Margaret
has been no exception, as her outstanding contributions can attest. I am confident that her successor, Sally Jones
Heinz, will also thrive here.
In Sally, we find another exceptional and talented director who is, most importantly, a good fit. Sally has already
proven her dedication to this organization as its vice president of development, and her experience and talent
will serve to move MIFA forward.
Many thanks to Margaret for her years of visionary leadership, to Sally for her willingness to work for our cause,
and to each of you for continuing to support us as we greet a new era.
Jef Feibelman
MIFA Board Chairman
The FY2010 MIFA annual report is now
available online at mifa.org/financials.
Jessica Jones, Designer
Our mission: MIFA engages the community to sustain the independence of seniors, transform the lives of families in crisis, and equip
teens for success.
James Seacat,
Communications Director
Our vision: MIFA works to unite our diverse community to address the challenges of poverty.
On the cover: MIFA celebrates the outstanding service of Margaret Craddock and the
new appointment of Sally Jones Heinz as executive director.
2 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
MIFA honors Dr. King’s legacy
On Monday, January 17, MIFA held its annual observance of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. Bishop Edward Houston Stephens, Jr. of Golden
Gate Cathedral of Memphis delivered the keynote address.
We were honored to have in attendance Tennessee’s governor and first lady,
Bill and Crissy Haslam, in addition to Memphis Mayor A C Wharton, Jr. and
WMC-TV anchor and MIFA volunteer Joe Birch. The governor, first lady,
and mayor spoke to the event’s crowd of 300 before departing to deliver MIFA
Meals on Wheels.
During the celebration, the 10 finalists in MIFA’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Oratorical Contest were announced. This annual competition, sponsored by
Nina and Matthew Thornton, is open to area high school students, with prizes
awarded to the top three winners. The first-place winner will deliver the keynote address at MIFA’s Day of Reflection and Service on Saturday, April 2.
2010 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Oratorical Contest finalists
Kiyah Anderson
Central High School
Taryn Graham
Central High School
Rehema Justine
Central High School
Nekiaya Elam
Central High School
Keneshia Ingram
Central High School
Olivia Kennedy
Central High School
April Geralds
Booker T. Washington
High School
Notoria Itson
Hollis F. Price Middle
College High School
Jasmyne Rucker
Central High School
Chrysta Smith
Memphis Academy of
Health Science
Breana Turner
Central High School
Alexis Wilson
Booker T. Washington
High School
Join us on Saturday, April 2, at 10 a.m. at MIFA for Day
of Reflection and Service, presented by ServiceMaster.
Mayor A C Wharton, Jr., Arnetta Macklin, MIFA VP of Senior Programs, and
Crissy and Governor Bill Haslam are pictured at MIFA’s annual Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr. Day celebration.
mifa.org •• (901)
(901) 527-0208
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 3
Passing the torch: MIFA welcomes new leader
Sally Jones Heinz
Margaret Craddock’s relationship with MIFA began long before she became executive director in 1997. A referral from a fellow church member
led her here, and the kinship she found with the organization’s vision, good
works, and people led her to stay. She said in a 1997 Memphis Business Journal
article, “I went to MIFA, and I was enchanted by what I found. Here was
a very powerful organization that worked to change the lives of everyone.”
After a stint as a VISTA volunteer with
MIFA’s neighborhood development
program, Margaret joined MIFA fulltime in 1988. Over the next decade,
she worked her way through the ranks
to become associate executive director,
and when Allie Prescott announced
his departure in 1997 and board chair
Snow Morgan assembled a search committee, Margaret expressed her interest
in the position. “She was behind the scenes before,” Morgan says. “When she
became executive director, she blossomed. She possessed an incredible ability to deal with people from all political persuasions, from all walks of life.”
“Margaret embodies MIFA’s belief in
the dignity of all people. She is at home
with people of power and position as
well as those who need MIFA’s help
simply to exist. Margaret has made
a better community by making us all
better persons.”
Rabbi Harry Danziger
Former MIFA board member
When Margaret began as executive director, MIFA had seven service areas
and nearly 30 programs. Over time, Margaret and MIFA’s management prioritized and streamlined programming, and today, MIFA’s three platforms and
nine proven programs are perhaps more effective than ever before. She also
professionalized and empowered MIFA’s staff, diversified upper management,
After 13 years as MIFA’s executive director, Margaret Craddock
announced her departure in November.
4 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
hired well-educated and experienced
candidates, decentralized the management structure, increased directors’
responsibilities, and improved benefits.
There is no denying that, in Margaret’s
13 years at the helm, MIFA has
changed drastically and for the better.
“As MIFA’s leader over the past
thirteen years, Margaret has been
the complete package. She has been
passionate about MIFA’s mission
and has translated that passion into
effective programs. Her tenure has
set the bar high as an inspiration
to board, staff, volunteers, and our
entire community.”
Jef Feibelman
MIFA board chairman
and collaboration have been tenets of Margaret’s tenure, and her
impact on this organization cannot be overstated. She will be missed, but she also leaves behind an organization that, thanks to her sound leadership, will thrive and endure.
Given MIFA’s long history of strong leadership, it came as no surprise when Sally
Jones Heinz joined the ranks of leaders like Margaret Craddock, Allie Prescott,
Gid Smith, Bob Dempsey, and Berkeley Poole. The search committee’s unanimous decision to appoint Sally as MIFA’s
“I have known and worked with Sally new executive director came in February.
Heinz for many years. She is caring
and compassionate yet focused and
goal driven–the ultimate professional.
She will provide great leadership
for those within MIFA and will be a
strong representative of MIFA in the
Paula Jacobson
President, Methodist
Healthcare Foundation
Sally’s roots are in Memphis—she grew
up in Midtown, went to Evergreen
Snowden School, Central High, and
Rhodes College, and settled down with
her husband Brad a few blocks from
her childhood home. And service is in
her genes. Her father, Jameson Jones,
was dean of Rhodes College and presi-
Sally Jones Heinz, MIFA’s vice president of development since 2007,
received unanimous approval from the search committee and MIFA’s
board. She assumed the executive director role in February.
photo: Murray Riss
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 5
dent of Memphis College of Art; and her uncle, Dr. Paul Tudor Jones, was
pastor of Idlewild Presbyterian Church and a founder of MIFA. Sally has
held leadership positions at Memphis Heritage, Robert F. Sharpe and Co.,
Rhodes College, and Memphis Brooks Museum of Art. She has been MIFA’s
Vice President of development since 2007, leading her fundraising team—
with grace and humility—to meet and exceed its $3 million goal each year.
“MIFA is indeed extremely lucky to
have Sally at the helm of this important
community organization. She has
become a dear friend and is a colleague
that I admire and respect greatly. Prior
to her arrival at MIFA, the Brooks
Museum benefited immensely from her
vision, determination, and good humor.
I can still hear her infectious laugh!”
Kaywin Feldman
Former director,
Memphis Brooks Museum of Art
In addition to making MIFA fundraising
history by collecting record donations
from various corporations, foundations, and congregations across the city,
Sally and her team developed Feed the
Soul, the Something Good in Memphis campaign, and a new user-friendly MIFA
website, all while overcoming the challenges of a major economic downturn.
Sally believes this directorship is the
culmination of her life experiences.
“My parents set an example of service and love,” she says. “I began to define my own service values while at
Rhodes, and after grad school, nonprofit work seemed a natural next step.
When I came to MIFA, I felt I had come home—my faith, my background,
my work experience—everything fit together to prepare me for this place.”
She is excited to continue serving Memphis as MIFA’s leader. “MIFA is bigger
than any individual,” she says. “There is such a history of participation here,
and today our staff, volunteers, and donors are a great team.”
Top left: Sally Heinz and Development Officer Anna Kathryn Word receive a check
from Chick-fil-A representative Scott Malone.
Bottom left: Margaret Craddock’s compassion for MIFA’s client has been a hallmark
of her tenure as executive director. She is pictured with Rosa, a long-time Meals on
Wheels client.
6 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Plus -1
Featured program
Transforming the lives of families in crisis
“You imagine what it will be like for your family to not
have utilities—you get down on your knees a lot and
ask God to help you.
It’s hard to ask for help, but when you come to MIFA,
there is no judgment. Everyone just smiles and treats
you with respect.”
Kathryn, Plus-1 client
Established in 1982, the Plus-1 program is a partnership between MIFA and
MLGW that provides utility assistance to eligible individuals and families in
financial crisis. MIFA screens clients for eligibility and priority and authorizes
payments from the Plus-1 fund to their accounts. Clients are then referred to
MLGW to arrange payment plans for their remaining balances.
MIFA depends on the community for the availability of these funds—Plus-1 is
funded entirely through one-time and monthly donations from MLGW customers.
Utility assistance is critical in our most extreme seasons—in these coldest
months, your monthly gift guarantees that a struggling family’s utility services
will continue uninterrupted. In the first half of fiscal year 2011, requests for utility assistance through MIFA’s Emergency Services department increased 41%
over the previous year.
Your monthly gift to Plus-1 keeps the lights on for families in need. Please
complete the form on the next page and return it to MLGW to show your
support for MIFA’s Plus-1 program, or enroll online at plus1memphis.org.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 7
Yes, I want to help!
Please add the following amount to my monthly utility bill:
❒ $1 ❒ $2 ❒ $5 ❒ Other (please specify) ____________
(please print)
Name __________________________________________
Fast for all or part of the day.
Donate the cost of missed meals to MIFA.
Address ________________________________________
City ______________________ State ______ Zip ________
MLGW Account Number ___________________________
Signature _______________________________________
Mail to:
Customer Accounts & Records
Memphis Light Gas and Water Division
P.O. Box 430
Memphis, TN 38101-9791
Thanks to MLGW for supporting MIFA since 1982!
Plus-1 is made possible through the cooperation and
generosity of Memphis Light, Gas and Water.
8 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
Join us for a community fast during MIFA’s annual
Day of Reflection and Service presented by ServiceMaster
on Saturday, April 2! Your participation will support
awareness, unity, and hope in our community.
For more information, please contact Linda Marks, Inter-Faith Coordinator,
at (901) 527-0208, ext. 218 or [email protected]. Or visit our website at mifa.org/mifast.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Days of Hope
The following individuals have sponsored a Day of Hope at MIFA with an annual gift of $5,000 or more. These gifts have been received since
July 1, 2010. If you have made a gift at this level, and have not yet selected your special day, please contact Sally Heinz at 529-4523.
December 20, 2010
Rev. Margaret & Mr. Frank A. Jones, Jr.
in honor of Anne & Andy Andrews
(the Rt. Rev)
January 16, 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Schultz
in memory of Al Brown
January 24, 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Lucian Minor
in honor of Lucian’s 95th birthday
February 11, 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi III
in memory of Mr. John W. Montesi, Jr.
Mrs. Billie Anne Williams
in memory of David G. Williams, Sr.
on his birthday
February 14, 2011
Judith Sossaman
in memory of Kenneth A. Sossaman
March 15, 2011
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Martin
in honor of Maxie and Jerry
C o n t r i bu t i o n s
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
August 30, 2011
Rose Johnston
in memory of Tom Johnston
on his birthday
October 10, 2011
Anne & John Stokes
in honor of their 52nd wedding
November 7, 2011
Ray E. Shultz
in honor of
Erin Shultz on her birthday
MIFA gratefully acknowledges the following cash or stock received between October 1 and December 31, 2010.
Your donations help sustain seniors, support families in crisis, and guide urban teens in our community.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craddock
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dobbs
Mr. R. Molitor Ford, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Morton
Ms. Sarah R. Perkins
$50,000 - $59,999
Ms. Carolyn Purser
Sylvia G. Marks
Erin & Ray Schultz
$25,000 - $49,999
Mr. Andrew B. Scoggin
Phyllis & David Scruggs
Estate of Elizabeth C. & Cecil Mr. & Mrs. John W. Stokes
$7,500 - $9,999
Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Stanley III
Gwen & Chris Beard
Mr. R. Andrew Taylor
Mrs. Rose M. Johnston
$10,000 - $24,999
$5,000 - $7,499
Mr. & Mrs. Marion S. Boyd, Jr.
Circle of Hope Level Gifts
April 23, 2011
Phyllis & David Scruggs
in memory of Geneva & Phillip
May 20, 2011
Mrs. Glenna B. Flautt
May 30, 2011
Sara M. Holmes
in memory of Elmore Holmes III
June 14, 2011
Gwen & Chris Beard
in memory of Marian L. Bingham
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence M. Bloch
Estate of Hazel B. Ewing
Doris & Fred Feder
Glenna Boales Flautt
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Hall, Jr.
Mrs. Sara Holmes
Louise & Jeff Mann
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Maxwell, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret T. Metz
Mary & Lucian S. Minor
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Montesi
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Morgan, Jr.
Jean & Frank Norfleet
Schilling Enterprises Fund
Ms. Judith Sossaman
$2,500 - $4,999
Michael & Bette Ferguson Arndt
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Brown, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Felix L. Caldwell
David & Theresa Cook
Babs & Jef Feibelman
Sondra & Bill Fondren
Mr. & Mrs. Price D. Ford
Marilyn L. Haas Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Jones
Ms. Virginia H. Klettner
Ms. Margaret Maiden
Mr. & Mrs. Prabhakar Parikh
Ms. Valerie Peavy
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 9
Dr. B. Kay Jackson & Dr. Thomas
B. Shelton
Constance F. Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Smith, Jr.
Dr. R. W. Speer
The Sunshine Fund
Mrs. Lucy W. Turnbull
Mr. & Mrs. O. Lee Wakeman, Jr.
Gloria & Jim Weir
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous (7)
Mr. & Mrs. Ben C. Adams, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Rex Amonette
Norma & Olin Atkins
Carol & Bert Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Beher
Dottie & Jack Blake
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Boren, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Hallam Boyd, Jr.
Nancy & Louis Brenner
Ms. Joyce A. Mollerup & Mr.
Robert H. Buckman
Gail & Steve Buckman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Burleigh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Byers, Jr.
Frances Condon Calil
Mr. & Mrs. George Cates
Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Cates
The Reverend & Mrs. Reynolds S.
Cheney II
Mr. & Mrs. John Cicala
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Clark, Jr.
Congressman Stephen I. Cohen
Margaret & Bill Craddock, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lester Crain, Jr.
10 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
Mr. Robert L. Crawford
Alice & Matt Crow
Dr. & Mrs. James H. Daughdrill, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara A. Denley
Mr. & Mrs. John Dicken
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Evetts
Eddie & Gloria Felsenthal
Margo & Mark Fogelman
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fulmer III
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Gillis
Aimee G. Ginsburg
Donna & Bob Goodman
Martha & Jerrold Graber
Brenda & Fred Grinder
Mrs. Emily Haizlip
Lee & Bob Harper
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Roy W. Hendrix, Jr.
Ms. Page Henrion
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Wil J. Hergenrader
Mrs. J. H. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Holloway
The Huisking Foundation, Inc.
The Rosemary M. and James A.
Jaques Charitable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Jekels
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Johnson
Lida & Bill Jones
Lou Pate Jones
Mr. John M. Jones
Bruce Kahn
Mrs. Louise B. Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kerr
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Kraker
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Landau
Kathy & Scott P. Ledbetter
Nell R. Levy
Ms. Sarla S. Nichols & Mr. James
M. Lewis, Jr.
Barbara and Ira A. Lipman and
Diane & Tom Long
Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Lovell
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Makowsky
Betty & John Malmo
Dr. & Mrs. Nawar E. Mansour
Mrs. Theresa M. Mauer
Mr. & Mrs. Will E. May
Mary Jack & Claude McCord, Jr.
Mr. William D. McCorkle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonnell
Mrs. Shirley P. Moore
Dr. & Mrs. Lee Morisy
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morris III
Dr. & Mrs. H. Norman Noe
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy E. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Powell
Mrs. James H. Prentiss
Mrs. Barbara Prescott
Lovie & Richard Raines
Dr. & Mrs. S. Gwin Robbins, Jr.
Meryl Rosen
Suzanne Satterfield &
John Pickens
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scharff, Jr.
Mr. Michael Schwartz
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Scoggin
Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Sharp, Jr.
Estie & John Sheahan
Nino & Charles Shipp
Carol & Glenn Sigman
Beth Simpson
Vicki & R.D. Singh
Katherine & Ham Smythe III
Lisa & Bayard Snowden
Dr. Judith Soberman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Spell
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Svoboda
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Shepherd D. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Temme
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Tobias
Mrs. Agnes A. Turley
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Vaughan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Waddell
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Walker
KC & Jeff Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Dabney S. Wellford
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon M. Wellford
Mr. Theodore Wells
Dr. & Mrs. Benton M. Wheeler
Mrs. Ernest Williams III
Mrs. Mydelle L. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wilson
Mrs. Richard O. Wilson
Mrs. John M. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Witherington, Jr.
Larry & Mary Jane Woodford
Ms. Emily Woodside & Dr. Bill
Ms. Sheffield M. Worboys
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Zanca
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Cornerstone of Hope Level
$750 - $999
Mr. & Mrs. Dunbar Abston, Jr.
Lynn J. Jones
Dr. Roger E. Nolte
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua D. Poag
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Thad S. Rodda, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Sue Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Woodring
$500 - $749
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Athow
Revs. Julie & Davis Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. F. Barry Bays
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Beaty
Lenore Binswanger
Mr. & Mrs. Guilbert L. Brandon, Jr.
Jeffrey & Barbara Bronze
Mr. & Mrs. Joel W. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bryce
Thomas R. Callihan
Mrs. Robert E. Cannon
Mr. Kristopher Cantrell
Drs. Heather & Ravi D. Chauhan
Suzi & Mike Cody
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Coleman
Mrs. Louise W. Collier
Susan & Stanley Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. William Craddock, Sr.
Doug & Laurie Daniel
Mr. C. O. Daugherty
Ms. Willene S. Davis
Beverly & Henry Doggrell
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mr. & Mrs. D. Michael Edelmuth
Mr. & Mrs. Tom L. Epperson
Mrs. Gayle D. Evans
Mrs. Staci Gill
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Gilliland
Mr. & Mrs. Subba R. Gollamudi
Gerre W. Gourley
Atty. James M. Gulley
Scott & Carolyn Heppel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hussey
Dr. Alan Jaslow
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Joesten
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Keeler
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Keeney
Ms. Martha N. Kelly & Mr. Elmore Holmes
Ann & Roger Knox
The Kriger Family
Dr. John C. Larkin, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Lazarov
Conrad & Johanna Lehfeldt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Lemmi
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lichterman
Dr. & Mrs. William E. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Miller
Rev. & Mrs. Stephen R.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Murphy
Carol Murff & Thomas Day Oates
Dr. & Mrs. William R. Priester III
Dr. & Mrs. Jon H. Robertson
Sherry & Alan Samuels
Mr. & Mrs. R. Clinton Saxton
Mr. Andrew Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Schaefgen
Drs. Melissa & Timothy H. Self
Ruthann & Hank Shelton
join the
A MIFA Champion is a donor age 50 or under
who gives at least $500 to MIFA annually and is
interested in participating in a meaningful way. Our
Champions represent the next generation of MIFA’s leadership and will help us
create positive change in the future.
Thank you to Julie Wright, Milton Lovell, and Kojo McLennon for co-chairing and leading
this effort. The following are the founding members of MIFA Champions.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Athow
Revs. Julie & Davis Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Barré
Gwen & Chris Beard
Drs. Heather & Ravi D. Chauhan
Mr. & Mrs. John Cicala
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Crosby
Alice & Matt Crow
Mr. Michael F. Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. John Dicken
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dobbs
Margo & Mark Fogelman
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fulmer III
Mr. & Mrs. John Gaskill
Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Subba R. Gollamudi
Atty. James M. Gulley
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Hall, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Holloway
Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Howell, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hussey
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Keeler
Ms. Martha N. Kelly & Mr.
Elmore Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Kraker
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Landau
Conrad & Johanna Lehfeldt
Mr. & Mrs. Milton L. Lovell
Dr. & Mrs. Nawar E. Mansour
Mr. & Mrs. Will E. May
Mr. & Mrs. Kojo McLennon
Mr. & Mrs. Logan E. Meeks
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis V. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. H. Norman Noe
Ms. Valerie Peavy
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua D. Poag
Mr. & Mrs. Colin James Ruthven
Mr. Andrew Schaeffer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Smith, Jr.
The Sunshine Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Temme
Dr. & Mrs. Todd Tobias
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Waddell
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Walker
Laurel & Russ Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Wright
If we failed to list your name or if you are interested in joining the MIFA Champions,
please contact Thomas Robinson at (901) 529-4571 or [email protected].
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 11
Dr. & Mrs D. D. Sidhu
Dr. & Mrs. Barry Siegel
Ms. Kathleene Ann Sims
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Tichenor
Mr. & Mrs. Harley Tilley
Mr. & Mrs. William Troutt
Louise & Blanchard Tual
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Webb Tucker
Bill Warner
Dr. Jewell C. Ward & Mr. Jim
Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Waring
Mr. Jonathan I. Wax
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Wernet
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Wood
Friends Society Level Gifts
$250 - $499
Anonymous (4)
Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Abernathy
Dr. Katherine Abraham
Mrs. Don R. Adams
Mrs. Julia W. Allen
Jane Antrobus
Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Arkin
Mrs. Barbara B. Bacharach
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Bastedo
Joy & Leo Bearman
Mr. James O. E. Beck III
Mr. & Mrs. J. William Bendall
Ms. Linda A. Bennett
Ms. Charlene Benz
Mary & Allen Blair
Mr. & Mrs. John Bondurant
Ms. Becky Boone
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Braden
Barbara Branch
12 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
Mr. David Brown & Mr. Steven
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Burkett
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Carney
The Rt. Rev. & Mrs. James M.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Crane, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lester Crain, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Raj Dave
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Demetriou, Jr.
Mr. Marshall A. Depka
Ms. Elizabeth Diffee
Dolores Clara Dobbs
Dr. & Mrs. Tim B. Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Ducker
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Forell
Mr. & Mrs. C. Bradford Foster III
Mrs. Bernard Garfinkel
Mr. & Mrs. John Gaskill
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Gassaway, Jr.
Mrs. Marylon Rogers Glass
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Griesbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Grinder
Sally Grinspan
Mr. & Mrs. W. Rick Hanna, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia A. Hanna
Mr. Larry J. Hardy
Sally & Brad Heinz
Rev. Lawrence O. Hudson
Julia & Gordon Hunter
Ms. Holly Kirby & Mr. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Inman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. J. K. Jack
Mrs. Carolyn L. Jennings
Mrs. Jasper E. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin N. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel N. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Kerwin
Ms. Kathy Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Alan L. Kosten
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Leduc
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Levinson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Levy
Susan & Tommy Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Madlock
Mr. & Mrs. Myron M. Mall
Susan & B. Lee Mallory
Donna & Mike Malone
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Mayer
Mr. & Mrs. Cecil J. McGee
Mr. & Mrs. Kojo McLennon
Mr. & Mrs. William A. McWaters
Mr. & Mrs. Rodgers Menzies, Jr.
Ms. Teri Mitchell
Dr. Mohammed & Mrs. Shamim
M. Moinuddin
Mrs. Houston N. Moore
Cindy & Scott Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Morris
Mr. Gregory Mosley
B. G. Oates
Sarah & Frank Ognibene
Jan & Jim Orick
Mrs. Gertrude S. Parker
Drs. Ruth & Kurt T. Patton
Ms. Nancy S. Pickett
Mr. & Mrs. Scott P. Plunkett
Dr. & Mrs. D. Randolph Ramey III
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Randle
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Rieman
Barney Rolfes, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Colin James Ruthven
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene E. Sargent
Marshall & Molly Sashkin
Ms. Elizabeth Saxton
Mr. Michael Schiff
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schwartz
Dr. Janet Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John Senlein
Phil & Fran Shannon
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Shelton
Judy & Ron Shinault
Mrs. Jean W. Sights
Mr. & Mrs. Ben G. Sissman
Ms. Sandra L. Smegelsky
Ms. Maida Pearson Smith
Caprice & Art Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Springfield
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Stewart
Mary & George S. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Sumner
Mr. & Mrs. S. Shepherd Tate
Mr. & Mrs. J. Ray Terry, Jr.
Dr. Alicia C. Tilley
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Tucker
Ms. Elaine Tuomanen
Dr. & Mrs. G. Randolph Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Donn Vance
Mr. & Mrs. Thax Whitten
David & Patti Wilder
Mr. Jason Wilkes
Mr. & Mrs. Don Williams
Mr. Thomas M. Williams
Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Wilons
Mr. & Mrs. Berkley Wolff
Dr. Janice C. Wood
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Wright
Mr. Greg Zweig
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
$7,500 - $10,000
Calvary Episcopal Church
Church of the Holy Communion
$5,000 - $7,499
Brown Missionary Baptist Church
Grace-St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
$2,500 - $4,999
Church of the Holy Spirit
Germantown Presbyterian Church
St. John’s Episcopal Church
$1,000 - $2,499
Church of the Holy Apostles
The First Unitarian Church
of Memphis
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
$500 - $999
Ascension Baptist Church
Balmoral Presbyterian Church
Central Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
of Germantown
Fullview Missionary Baptist
Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Islamic Association of Greater
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
United Methodist Church,
Memphis Conference
White Stone Missionary Baptist
Woodland United Presbyterian
$250 - $499
Castalia Baptist Church
Central Christian Church
Ellendale United Methodist
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Memphis Inner City Outreach, Inc.
Munford Presbyterian Church
Oakville Missionary Baptist Church
Scenic Hills United Methodist
St. John Missionary Baptist
$249 and under
Christ Missionary Baptist Church
Christ United Methodist Church,
Bible Class
Collierville United Methodist
Colonial Baptist Church
Credo Institute, Inc.
Cumberland Presbyterian Church,
Cumberland Presbyterian
Embury United Methodist Church,
Pilgrim Sunday School Class
Faith Circle Longstreet
Farmington Presbyterian Church
First Assembly of God
First Presbyterian Church
Frayser Baptist Church
St. Mary’s Cathedral, Gailor Guild
Gospel Temple Missionary Baptist
Holy Temple COGIC
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Lindenwood Christian Church
Morning Sun Cumberland
Presbyterian Church
Mullins United Methodist Church,
United Methodist Women
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist
Pleasant View School
Raleigh Seventh Day Adventist
Richland Baptist Church
Salem Gilfield Baptist Church
St. Stephen’s UMC, Fellowship
Unity Church of Memphis
Wesleyan Hills United Methodist
Church, United Methodist
Woodland United Presbyterian
Church, Presbyterian Women
Goodlett Foundation
The Medtronic Foundation
Memphis Grizzlies Charitable
SunTrust Bank
$8,000 - $19,999
Children’s Foundation of Memphis
The Hohenberg Foundation, Inc.
Orgill, Inc.
$5,000 - $7,999
Commercial Bank & Trust
The Katzenberger Foundation, Inc.
Kemmons Wilson Family
Loeb Realty Co., Inc.
NexAir LLC
The Schadt Foundation, Inc.
$95,000 +
The Irvin Lansky Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Aluma-Form, Inc.
Buckman Laboratories
International, Inc.
Combined Federal Campaign of
ExxonMobil Foundation
Menke Foundation
MGM Resorts Foundation
Priority Insurance Agency, Inc.
$20,000 - $25,000
The Charles A. Frueauff
Elvis Presley Charitable
$1,000 - $2,499
Computer Support Services
Cummins Business Services
First Tennessee Foundation
Corporations and
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 13
Mallory Alexander International
Southeastern Asset Management, Inc.
Travel Leaders
Wilson & Associates, PLLC
$750 - $999
A Better Source
Junior League of Memphis
Minglewood Hall
Reginald Wurzburg Foundation
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
$500 - $749
Caring Companions, LLC
The Eclectic Eye
Jim Keras Nissan
Power & Telephone Supply Co.
Schering-Plough Employees
Sedgwick Claims Management
Services, Inc.
Summit Asset Management
The Urban Child Institute
Wachovia Securities, LLC
$250 - $499
Baker, Donelson, Bearman,
Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC
D & J Supply Company
DePouw Engineering, LLC
Ray & Baudoin Interior Design
Simply Divine Plus Size
The Wharton Law Firm
X-L Service, Inc.
MLGW - Plus-1
$7,500 - $10,000
United Way of the Mid-South
$1,000 - $2,500
Exxon Annuitant Club of Memphis
Snowden School
The Memphis Coin Club, Inc.
Memphis Works Managerial Club
$250 - $500
Heritage Women’s Club
The Girls Bridge Club
Les Femmes Savantes
Memphis Shelby County Public
Library, Information
Mid-South Peace and Justice
Many thanks to
Bank of America
for its ongoing
partnership with MIFA.
Thank you, Memphis Grizzlies!
Grizzlies fans big and small came out to support
MIFA and meet the Memphis Grizzlies!
Contributions from the community through the Memphis Grizzlies’ annual
toy drive made the holidays brighter for the children in MIFA Housing.
14 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
MIFA gratefully acknowledges the following cash or stock received between October 1 and December 31, 2010. Your donations are
meaningful to the people you honor and the people we serve. Memorials are listed for gifts received January - June 2010.
Mrs. Ada Allen
Mary M. Davis
Julia Allen
Shirley Prothro
Dr. Lee Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Jerome B. Makowsky
Sandi Allen
David Edwards
Rev. & Mrs. William Earl Andrews III
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Amy Armstrong
Lee Matthews
Ladye Margaret Arnold
Julie & Davis Bailey
Charlie Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Asselta
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman
Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Joseph Bailey
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Dr. Sudesh Banaji
Raj Dave
Suzanne Baum
Marilyn & Louis Glazer
Janet Kisber
Shirley Manis
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Laljibhai Baxi
Bharti & Dinesh Chauhan
Himani & Raj Dave
Ashok & Sarla Dharsandia
Amar & Poorna Gajjar
Mr. & Mrs. Rahul Saigal
Meera & Bhrugu Shah
Tina Burns
Julie & Ed Perry
Wanda Couch
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Whitlock
Aileen Burson
Dr. & Mrs. Burton Bodan
Amelia Cowan
Kelly Leggett
Caldwell Family
Linda & Claude Paddock
Judy & Nickie Belisomo
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Whitlock
Mary & Charles Cape
Roy West
Tina Benton
Mary Benton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Phillip Carpenter
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Jackie Bernatsky
Barbara Michel
Cecil B. Humphreys School of Law
Kevin Smith
Margaret Craddock
Cynthia Asquino
Annette & Billy Bickers
Carol & Terry Bishop
Beverly Brown
Virginia & James Cavender
Church of the Holy Spirit
Maysey Craddock
Gayle Evans
Marcelle Evans
Anne Fisher
William Fondren
Ann & Hank Herrod
Steffanie & Jason Holst
Linda House
Lynn Jones
Carol & Gene Katz
Betsy & Ed Kelly
Tricia & Chuck Kerwin
Katie & Cameron Kitchin
Ann & Roger Knox
Johanna & Conrad Lehfeldt
Barb & Jim Lindstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Myron M. Mall
Carol Ann Mallory
Ladye Ann McClellan
Mr. & Mrs. James W. McDonnell, Jr.
Mary & Michael McDonnell
Janie & Walker Morris
Susan Moskop
Carol Ann & John Robertson
Lea & Bob Bernasky
Bonita Lyons
Annette Bickers
William Bickers
Stephanie & Bill Boisture
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Anderson
Sam Bomarito
Janet Kisber
Steve Kisber
The Rev. & Mrs. James Richard
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Mr. & Mrs. Horace Branch
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Ann Cochran Brown
Marie English
Dr. Jerry Chafetz
Janet Kisber
The Rev. Reynolds S. Cheney
Lucy Turnbull
Lakeisha Ranae Chism
Meharry Medical College
Bob Christofferson
Sarah Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Cook
Dr. John K. Duckworth
Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Cooke
Whitley Cooke
Genevieve Dick & Tom Cooper
Kay & Hayden Lait
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 15
Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Haaga
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Dede Huish
Amy Berthouex
Marilyn Haddock
Leslie Fitch
Catherine & Lee Hutchison
Julie & Davis Bailey
Latonya Hairston
Bryan Mulroy & Ray Phillip
ID Research Group, UTHSC
James Dale
Diane & Leonard Hampton
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Helen Jaseph
Vivian & Ken Jones
Mr. & Mrs. David Scott Hanson
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Betty & George Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Whitlock
Sallie & David Harris
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Dorothy Johnson
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Jane & Mackie Gober
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Whitlock
The Rev. Robin & Dan
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Whitlock
Mr. & Mrs. James Keith Johnson
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Dr. David Dunavant III
Joan McGrory
Mr. & Mrs. John Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman
Joanna Helming
John Sneed
Dr. & Mrs. Wally Dyke
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Dr. & Mrs. David Hickey
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Whitlock
Mr. & Mrs. George Berkhardt Ellis
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Gerre Gourley
Linda Coyne
Jackie & Jack Stewart
Elizabeth Taliaferro
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Evensky
Janet Kisber
Mrs. Suzanne Goza
Mary M. Davis
Jane Hobson
Julie & Davis Bailey
George Fall
Fred Wimmer
Karin Gubin
Marilyn & Louis Glazer
Mr. Glenn Hodges
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman
Babs & Jef Feibelman
Blanchard E. Tual
Dr. Steven Gubin
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Shirley Manis
Maggie & Bob Hollabaugh
Sybil & Donald Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Shelton III
Gary Wilson
Jeanne & Harry Danziger
William Fondren
Jeanne Danziger
Rosemary Gallen
Camille Deadrick
Charlie Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. William Parks Dixon, Jr.
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Martha & Tom Dolinak
Lesley Dillon
Dr. Marion Dugdale
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Rhonda & Mike Feiler
Cheryl & Mike Ducker
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Finestone
Rhoda Smith
16 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
Jeanne Fisher
Rita & William Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Avron Fogelman
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman
Minta & Price Ford
Melody & Bruce Taylor
Hazel Gentry
Cynthia Gentry
Attorney General William L.
Mr. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Aimee Ginsburg
Lani Drody
Mac Gulley
Charles Weirich
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Himmelreich
The Abernathys
Amy & Dave Howe
Julie & Davis Bailey
Kristin Lensch & Tim Huebner
Thomas Carpenter
Charlotte Jones
Anne Fisher
Jonathan M. Jones
Harrylyn & Charles Sallis
Lyndall Jones
Lyndall & Gary Snyder
Don Jordan
Laurie Smith
Kim & Bryan Jordan
Anne Hotze
Katherine & Bill Kaelin
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Mrs. Lori Katz
Janet Kisber
Ruth & Jim King
Shirlee Clark
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Virginia Klettner
Eric & Bryn Wulf
James Spake
MIFA volunteers
Asan G. Tejwani
The O’Neal family
Mr. & Mrs. Duke B. Clement, Jr.
Flo & Walter Krug
Laura & Bob Schwartz
Frances Marks
Charlie Nelson
Dr. & Mrs. Franklin Miller
Billy W. McCann
Peggy Owen
Bill & Margaret Craddock
Dr. Sudhir Kumar
Raj Dave
Sammy Marshall
Fini Koerner
Kathy & Joe Millner
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Ricky Pannell
Steve Wiley
Barbara Lawrence
John Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Woody Marshall
Christopher B. Marshall
Dr. Kamlesh Parekh
Raj Dave
LaVern Lehman
Janet Kisber
Betty Marston
Rita & William Bruce
Vive Montgomery
Olivia Montgomery
Pat Montgomery
Melinda & Ken Letterman
Julie & Davis Bailey
Dan McBeth
Jeff Hassen
Phyllis Levine
Aileen Burson
Marilyn & Louis Glazer
Mamel & Shellie McCain
Lucinda Evelyn Moore
Blanche Miller
Ruth & Kurt Patton
Karen McClarty
Elizabeth A. Rougeou
Joan R. Morgan
Carrie Ann Morgan Temme
Missie McDonnell
Rosemary Gallen
Jessica Morris
Greenlawn Garden Club
Dr. Frank McGrew III
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Dena & John Moses
Sarah Moses
Dr. Myron Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Bobbye & George Lipsey
David Lipsey
Sue Ann Lipsey
Norma L. Fisher
Sue Ann & Bernard Lipsey
Mr. & Mrs. William Loewenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman
Barbara McKinney
Tami & Dave Shepard
Frank Lewis McRae
Angela Goza & Hud Andrews
Gage Logan
Dee Wallace
Bebe & Bill McWaters
Suzanne & Jerry Snipes
Jane W. Williams
Willa Lowry
Reba C. Trout
Karen Meredith
Tami & Dave Shepard
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Moore
The Kemmons Wilson Family
Judy Moss
Norma L. Fisher
Vicki, Dan, Sallis & Cody Murrell
Harrylyn & Charles Sallis
Jean & Frank Norfleet
Louise S. Cannon
Kittie Nowlin
Melissa Tichenor
Norma Oliver
Charlie Nelson
Trudy Parker
Mary M. Davis
Stephen Parker, Jonathan Skrmetti,
Tracey Harris & Greg Swearingen
Stephen B. Shankman
Dr. Pravin Patel
Raj Dave
Peggy & Charles Perkins
Rita & William Bruce
Renny Pidgeon
Raj Dave
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pietrangelo
Jackie & Jack Stewart
Donna & Jay Platt
Mary & Allen Blair
Dr. Arnie & Sue Postlethwaite
Gloria & Norm Berlinghoff
Edna Price
Rosemary Gallen
Professional Advisors in the
Summit Asset Management LLC
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 17
Ramesh C. Purohit
Raj Dave
Charlotte Quarles
Charlie Nelson
Mary Alice Quinn
Hal Fogelman
Dr. Morris Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. James Dardis
Robinson IV
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Thomas Robinson
Ann & Roger Knox
Cathy Ross
Cheryl & Mike Ducker
Judith Royal
Natalie Selzer
Lynn Reese
Kelly Leggett
Dr. Ilsa Sanchez
Raj Dave
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Dr. Donald Clark III
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Lucy Culver
Joseph M. Ehmer
Kimberly Giewont
Lisa & Louis Jehl
The MIFA family
Demetria & Ralph Watson
David S. Work
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wayne Sansom
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Reynolds
Nancy & Jeff Thompson
Erin & Ray Schultz
Joanne S. Guyton
Gregory Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Breazeale
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Roberts & family
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Breazeale
Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Breazeale
Cooper Robinson
Jerry Snipes
18 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
Mr. & Mrs. Clint Saxton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Harris
Mary Saxton
Bill Carpenter
Erin Schultz
Raymond Schultz
Tim Self
Anna & Ngan Vo
Joan Senhausen
The Toorocks
Robert A. Shaw
Greg Zweig
Irwin Jay Sheft
Barbara Michel
Constance Shelton
Jane & John Shelton
Jan & Lee Stein
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
Jane Shelton
Alvin Salomon
Dr. Mitchell Steiner
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman &
Guardsmark, LLC
Shannon & Jack Silberman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morehead
Marsha Silverstein
Karen & Louis Stefan
Zettie Sims
Sara Holmes
Mrs. Wazir Singh
Dr. & Mrs. D. D. Sidhu
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Sklar
Alvin Salomon
Stephanie & Joel Sklar
Alvin Salomon
Christine Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morehead
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Steven Smith
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Mike, Leah & Melissa Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morehead
Mildred Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Morehead
Elizabeth Sossaman
Julie & Davis Bailey
Charlie Nelson
Donn & Faye Southern
Rita & William Bruce
Lina & Paul Steinkoenig
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stubblefield
Louise & Cliff Hunt
Joyce Summitt
Rosemary Gallen
Laura & Bob Schwartz
Julie & Reuben Talaiver
Asan G. Tejwani
S. Shepherd Tate
Carolyn T. Walker
Sara Taylor
Julie & Davis Bailey
Deanna Temme
Carrie Ann Morgan Temme
Nina & Matthew Thornton
Cheryl & Mike Ducker
Dr. Alicia Tilley
Erin Siegel
Sybil & Donald Tucker
The Bible Class - Christ United
Methodist Church
Pat Vandiver
Barbara Michel
Pam & Bob Van Doren
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Whitlock
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mr. & Mrs. William Vaughan
Mary M. Davis
Genie & Chuck Williamson
Pat Montgomery
Drs. Margaret & William
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Mr. William Wilson
Mary M. Davis
Dottye Vincent
Tami & Dave Shepard
Lee Wakeman
Bill & Margaret Craddock
Ms. Hilary Dow-Ward & Dr.
Geoffrey H. Ward
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Mrs. Yant’s fourth grade class
Allison Yant
Mr. & Mrs. John Younger
Jackie & Jack Stewart
George Ronald Abraham II
Katherine Abraham
Mrs. Sarah F. Warren
Lois Edwards
Mr. Richard Clayton Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
John R. Wasilik
Greg Zweig
Alfred M. Alperin
Sue & Bud Balkin
Randi & Mark Bernsen
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Cannon & Company, PC
Mrs. Sam Cooper
Margaret Craddock
Julia & Bill Gibbons
Donna & Bob Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Graflund
Grace Katz
Janet Kisber
Lyda Parker
Emilie Ratner
Mr. & Mrs. Maury Strauss
Michell & Scott Webb
Joan & Frank Adair
Bobbye Weinberger
Emily, Nicole & Barbara Pera
Marilyn & Bernie Weinman
Rita & William Bruce
Drs. Melissa & Jay Clifton Wellons III
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Westwood High School Retirees
James C. Randle
Ms. Atha Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Ira A. Lipman
Ellen Whitten
Jean Pitner
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
William M. Ayres
AAA Weatherstripping Company
Albertine Company LLC
Albert M. Austin IV
Kim & Blair Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bryan
Betty Ayres & Bill Campbell
Ann A. Christ
Georgia & Bill Douklias
Brenda & Jerry Farley
Mr. & Mrs. W. Jerry Gillis
Hank Hill Company
M. Taylor Hewgley
Memphis Tile & Marble
Michael Kiser
Sherry & Mike Murphy
Dwain Nance
Old Manor Homes, Inc.
Poe Engineering
Brad Rainey
Ralph Jones Home Plans LLC
Richard Grant Homes LLC
Gwyn & Paul Ryan
Ron Sklar
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Spiro
John Summers
United Housing, Inc.
William Barbour
Donna Holliday
Loraine Barksdale
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Joseph W. Barnwell, Jr.
Rita & William Bruce
The Becker, Barbaro & Adams
Katherine Becker
Mr. Melvin Bell
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois Sargent
Mr. & Mrs. H. B. Bendall, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bendall
David Benstein
Betsy & Albert Grobmyer
Bill Bessire
Carol & Bert Barnett
Lucy & Ceylon Blackwell
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Hope Logan
Louise & Jeff Mann
Margaret & Alec McLean
Shirley Bicknell
Louise & Jeff Mann
Dr. W. Steve Bledsoe, Sr.
Ann & Michael Jack
Margaret Bourland
Anne & John Jones
Dr. Bobby Bowie
Pat & Harold Bowie
Mother of Susan Boyle
Grace Katz
Mr. Scott Brantley
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Mike Brewer
Jeanne & Donald Pemberton
Bill Briggs
Geneva Adams
Al Brown
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Peggy & Bill Douglas
Rebecca Jacks
Alan Kosten
Susan Lewis
The MIFA family
Mary Lynne & Kyle Rote, Jr.
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 19
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Ruffin
Erin & Ray Schultz
Peggy Seessel
Mr. & Mrs. Mike
Thompson & family
Jagoe Wade
Jane W. Williams
Donald M. Brown
Rita & William Bruce
Bud Burke
Donna Holliday
The MIFA family
James J. Canale
Sally H. Canale
Elizabeth Capwell
Helen Redding
Frederick Carney
Marc Reisman
Mr. Walter Carruthers, Sr.
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois
Mr. Richard Coffey
Dr. & Mrs. Richard
Genevieve Cohen
Nathan Bicks
Susan & Alan Kosten
The MIFA family
Mrs. Terri Cook
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois
Anita M. Corliss
The MIFA family
20 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
Edith Costlow
Frank Holloway
Myra & Fred Dreifus
Nancy & Louis Brenner
Ruth Finnern
Sandy & Clifton Lipman
Charles M. Crump
Geneva Adams
Ruth & Kurt Patton
Kati Buckner Eddins
Janie & Bill Bobbitt
Lillian Floyd
Jane & Jack Hunter
Josh Eggleston
Margaret & Bill Craddock
Peter Hale Formanek
Kathy & Bobby Lee
Mrs. Henry Ellis
Edith Reiter
Don Foust
Geneva Adams
Rose Epstein
Linda & David Usdan
Andrew Fox
Rita & William Bruce
Chuck Evans
Ronnie Smith
Linda Wells
Sallie M. Fox
David Fox
Louis F. Cullen
Sammy Ann & Mike
Crit Currie
Rita & William Bruce
Mrs. C. R. Daugherty
Bernia L. Daugherty
Chauncey O. Daugherty, M.D.
Bernia L. Daugherty
Vincent C. Daugherty
Bernia L. Daugherty
Clarence Day
Travel Leaders
H.L. Delaney
Carolyn & Kevin Delaney
Robert Dempsey
Betty & Dick Orosz
Andrew Schaeffer
Cindy Devereaux
Richard M. Devereaux
Mr. L. C. Dixson
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois
Janice Donelson
Mrs. David T. Williams, Sr.
Mrs. Francis Fanning
Harvey Marcom
Jim Farris
D & S Supply Company
Bess Davis Feinstein
Carol & Bert Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Baum
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
Mary & Maury Bronstein
Mrs. Sam Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Graflund
Donna & Bob Goodman
Edith Jacobson
Ann & Roger Knox
Lewis K. McKee, Jr.
David Bridgforth
The MIFA family
Dr. & Mrs. Larry
Anne & Jim Pate
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Mrs. Helen Fracchia
Susan & Alan Kosten
Dr. & Mrs. Richard
Dominick Gatusso
Janet Kisber
Steve Kisber
Kirk Gause
Steve Kisber
William J. Goldstein, Sr.
Carolyn & Kevin Delaney
Jack Gomez
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Roman
Edward Greaney, Sr.
Dorothy Greaney
Anne Griffin
Rachel Everett
Peter Hamilton
Rose R. Rich
Fred Frank
Carolyn Bell
Shirley Hampton
Aurelia Barfi
Terri Bozarth
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. James W.
Al Hayes
Lynn Jones
Anna & Andrew Funk
Leslie Parker
Mrs. Marguerite Hickel
Susan & Don Russell &
Mr. Virgil Gabrielleschi
Dr. & Mrs. Richard
Lilly A. Hollabaugh
Sybil & Donald Tucker
David S. Gambrell
Ella G. Thompson
Lorine Holmes
Towanda Holmes
Bernard J. Garfinkel
June L. Garfinkel
Faye Holmquist
Charlotte & Larry
Thomas A. Garrison
Rita & William Bruce
Jim House
Linda House
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
William “Babe” Howard
Rita & William Bruce
John Cash King, Jr.
Charles C. Crabtree
W. Emmett Marston III
Rita & William Bruce
Paul Jerome Miller
The MIFA family
Mr. Robert Johnston
Dr. & Mrs. Richard
John Kirwan
Ruth & James Muhs
Charlene M. Mattingly
Jeanne Ayres &
Gloria Larkin
Puddy & Ed Bennett
Jean & Tom Breen
Francine Brown
The Emile Carr Family
Christine C. Hasselle
Eileen Porter
Gina Quarles
Denise Reid
Shawn Rhoades
Solus Management
St. Francis Hospital
Carolyn Waters
Renee Yarbrough
George E. Morrow
Rita & William Bruce
Anne & Christopher Jones
Lida & Bill Jones
Mark Lapides
William N. Daniel
Mike Joyner
Jennifer Caldwell & David
Lida & Bill Jones
Mr. Shelby Lester
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois
Erin & Geoff Jones
Lida & Bill Jones
Selma Levin
Shirley Manis
Frank M. Jones
Martha S. Jones
Jean Lightman
Emily Davis
Marilyn & Louis Glazer
Sally & Gregg Grinspan
Harvey C. Marcom
The MIFA family
Edith D. Reiter
Heleen K. Schroff
Jan & Lee Stein
Dorothy & Jameson Jones
Brad & Sally Heinz
Christa & Calvin Jones
Jessica Jones
John Miller Jones
Sara Jones & Chris Diken
Sharon & Sam Jones
Mr. Calvin Junior
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois
Sidney Kahn, Jr.
Aimee G. Ginsburg
William E. Kaiser
Brian W. Joesten
Martha Jean Kilgore
Charles Wilcox
Alex King
Sterling Wade Dehart
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Mimi Loeb
Loeb Realty Company, Inc.
Betty Loosier
Geneva Adams
Francine Estes Lucas
Sally & Hunter
Carole Ruleman Manning
Barbara & John Nash
W. Emmett Marston
Rita & William Bruce
Dr. Alvin M. Mauer
Theresa M. Mauer
Mary Stella & Hubert A.
Regina M. Burchfield
Rebecca McGaughy
Joyce Hooper
Mary Alma James McKee
Barbara Michel
George T. McPherson, Jr.
Corinne & Art Nienhuis
Ellie & Ollie Rencher
Mr. Tevester Merriweather
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois
Virginia S. Mulroy
Suzanne & Walter Allen
Jane Antrobus
Kathy Bowman
Janet Hawks & Tri Dang
Dorothy Greaney
Mary Ann & Billy Griesbeck
Ann Heuertz
Ann & Jim Jennings
Donna & David Jones
The MIFA family
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Matusik
Martha Ann & John McKee
Parker, Lawrence, Cantrell &
Jeanette & Frank Saino
Eleanor Schuyler
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Speer
Dr. James Tomasch
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Joy & Buford Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Doug White
Frances Witt
Alice Wood
Dan Murrell
Sam & Deborah Brackstone
Credo Institute, Inc.
The MIFA family
Sister of Mrs. Sam Myar
Edith Reiter
Marie Newman
Dr. & Mrs. Burt Bodan
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 21
Aileen Burson
David Grushkin
Alvin Salomon
Peggy Price Noell
Mrs. Robert Lockwood
Mrs. Gene Nolen
Mr. & Mrs. Dabney S. Wellford
Janet Nolte
Dr. Roger Nolte
Scott Oliver
Mrs. Helen (Norfleet) Panton &
Mark Panton
Tony Orick
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Orick
Joanne O’Roark
Mrs. Miller Pentecost
Jo & Bob Williams
Mr. Willie J. Orr, Sr.
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois Sargent
Joseph Padawer
Gina & Joel Cook
Taraben Jayantilal Parikh
Rohini & Prabhakar Parikh
Malcolm Bruce Parker, Jr.
Julia W. Allen
The MIFA family
Charlotte & Larry O’Shaughnessy
Trudy Parker
Julian J. Prewitt
Eileen M. Watson & family
Jean Rutledge Partridge
Heather & Martin Oppenheimer
22 • Spring 2011 • HOPE IN ACTION
Shirley Penn
Stephanie Burk
Charles Saunders
Rita & William Bruce
Ronney Snell
Rita & William Bruce
Frank Perry
The MIFA family
Clayton Saunders
Rita & William Bruce
Leo Sowell
Carol Sowell
Dr. Willie Ren Phillips
Jane Plunket
Robert Mills Saunders
Rita & William Bruce
Miriam Sparber
Mr. & Mrs. Sam E. Burson
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Plunket, Jr.
Jane Plunket
Mr. Scott Saunders
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois Sargent
R. Wayne Speer
The MIFA family
Berkeley Poole
The MIFA family
Shirley Sax
Betsy & Albert Grobmyer
The MIFA family
Carolyn Joan Cissell Stengel
Nancy Cochran
Barbara Posey
Nancy & Gordon Mathes
Elvis Presley
Teddy Bears Fan Club
Laverne Raines
Lucy & Ceylon Blackwell
MMX Court
Selma Cates Bradley Redding
Tracy D. Thomas & Peter T.
Harry Schadt
Sylvia Lieberman
The MIFA family
Mrs. Fagie Schaffer
Linda & David Usdan
Rosabel Strauch
Mrs. Sam Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Graflund
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Plesofsky
Cynthia Blanton Schwartz
Michael Schwartz
Jan Sutton
Wayne Mouser
Leon Seals
The MIFA family
Mrs. Bobby Redmond
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois Sargent
Frank Shaffer, Sr.
Mariam & Frank Shaffer
Dennis Reeve
Gina & Joel Cook
Dan Shea
Esther & Jim Leduc
Janice Vanderhaar & Ed Wallin
Ida Sue Robinson
Dr. Burton Bodan
John D. Canale III
Beth & Joel Kaye
Charles Ross
Ella Lee Lowrey
Mr. R. L. Stevens
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Sarah Short
Judy & Charles Collins
Mrs. Alma Smith
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois Sargent
Edweina Smith
Linda McCord
Thank you, Wyatt,
Tarrant & Combs, LLP,
for inviting us to attend
your corporate counsel
seminars. We truly believe
this is one of the most
valuable CLE opportunities
in our city.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
Claudia Sue Sweany
Lesley, John & Lawrence Dillon
Baxter H. Turnage, Jr.
Rita & William Bruce
Jimmy Thomas
Lisa & Jody Brown
Catherine Guthrie Walker
Edna G. Guthrie
John Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Svoboda
Mr. Nathaniel Warren
Dr. Eugene & Mrs. Lois Sargent
Mary Belle Thompson
Ann Heuertz
Blanche Montesi
Rabbi James A. Wax
Jonathan Wax
Maria Word White
Charles Clayton II
Eva Jemison
Jeanne Nelson
Harrylyn & Charles Sallis
Mr. & Mrs. George Wood, Jr.
Kieran Thomson
Geneva Adams
Emma E. Tibbles
Dr. Jack Bisno
Ann Kincaid Tillman
Deerfield-Windsor School
Mary Jo & Tom Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Plesofsky
Jean & Bill Priester
Steve Shelhaas
Dr. Roy Tyrer
Barbara & John Nash
Charlotte & Larry O’Shaughnessy
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Towne
Jane W. Williams
Sarah Yukon
Mrs. Sam Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Graflund
Joan & Alex Jekels
Bert Barnett, Jr.
Aimee Ginsburg
Barbara & Phillip Dagastino
Tommye Adams
David Fox, Jr.
David B. Fox
Vive Montgomery
Barbara Wilson
Carolyn Schabel
Joe Buck
Andrew Scoggin
Allen Scoggin
Deborah Tyler
Nancy & Jim Mitchell
Tess Bear & Michael Fruitacher
Marilyn & Lee Califf
Richard Allen Willis
Terry Dan
Poorna & Amar Gajjar
Himani & Raj Dave & family
Priya & Bhaskar Rao
Johnny Word
Harrylyn & Charles Sallis
Bejay Gronauer
Faye & Jack Marks
Bette & Charles Tilly
Annette & Billy Bickers
Wells Van Wyngarden
Rachel & Steve Shankman
Sylvia Marks
Aimee Ginsburg
Judy Royal
Eleanor & Charles Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilson
Mother of Carolyn Wynn
Mr. & Mrs. Dabney S. Wellford
Thelma Yeargan
Kay & John Barbieri
Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Jones
Barbara Wilson
Laurie & Jeff Meskin
Karen & Jody Franklin
We send special thanks to the Junior League of Memphis
for three years of financial and volunteer support of MIFA’s Urban Art House. JLM members taught
and mentored scores of children living in our transitional housing.
mifa.org • (901) 527-0208
HOPE IN ACTION • Spring 2011 • 23
Volunteer opportunities at MIFA
910 Vance Avenue • Memphis, TN 38126
Private donations combined
with funds from these partners
make MIFA’s services possible.
TN Departments of Human
Services & Transportation
The Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association,
Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible charity.
If you are interested in volunteering for any of our programs, call or email the appropriate contact
below for available opportunities. If possible, please review our volunteer requirements
online before selecting your volunteer opportunity, as each program has a different set of guidelines
for volunteers. You can also fill out a volunteer application online! Visit mifa.org/volunteer for
Congregations – Linda Marks, (901) 527-0208 x218, [email protected]
Handyman – Patrick Howie, (901) 527-0208 x232, [email protected]
Life Skills Institute – Tonya Crowder, (901) 525-7766, [email protected]
Long-Term Care Ombudsman – Rick Finkey, (901) 527-0208 x230, [email protected]
Meals – Lynn Tharpe, (901) 529-4513, [email protected]
Senior Companion – Dennis Moy, (901) 529-4535, [email protected]
Special Events/Development – Charlie Nelson, (901) 529-4514, [email protected]
Volunteer orientation and tours are held every Wednesday at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Contact Charlie Nelson to reserve a spot. (901) 529-4514, [email protected].
MIFA eCards
are now available.
The fastest way to send a tribute gift!