1949 Vol. 3 No. 7 September - Passaic County Historical Society
1949 Vol. 3 No. 7 September - Passaic County Historical Society
PASSAIC COUNTY F+XSTOR"NCAL SOCIETY Museum and Headquarters LAMBERT CASTLE Garret Mountain Reservation PATERSON, N, J. P.O.Box L433," gepteutb€r 1949. NO. ?, VOL. L AM BER T C A S TLE *-* u=*',ilfl 'il,tr.ilt.l+If .":rllt111l+i.'. 16,"iit;ifi # lbe_above photograph, of Lanbert Cagtle ras talen 1n the sprln6 g1 f89!r the year that, the Castle rae oompLete&. It rao Ja,nuary, }let of that year that &r ta,nbert opened lt es bls ho,mcn Slth sone mlnor changes 3h1e le the Caetle aE 1t:.8 toaay. fhe areb,eg at the rlght and the tsver for the eLeetrle are lanp to ths 1e nor bldd.en by tvy left have b6en rcsove-d,yearc ago. The Castlc vlnes, coverlng the left half sf the bul.ldlngc e6 Bgr E.H.$raf Cathollae Iranbert rafil born la Ke 16h1oy r IorE,shlre, Ea$land,, oR Earch 28, i85+ and, dlcd, at Bells VlEta Castle, PabeFBoBr Sebruary 15, 1923. et an early agrr ten ycBFfr _ Be gt,artqc rork -safary la tbe ootton nlrl of felter Evanc & Conpany, reollilng a of cl.gbteen p6noq a ttcl, lfter lcwntccn yoars la bls natlvc land hc Loohc0 tbrard tba l&nd, of pronlce and gFeatcr thln6s, so lcft for trer Xciri,, tbero 2911851, Eevlag had e Latt€r on Ootobor a frm lanAhg frlsnd, ln Bogton he lef,t for that otty, lnnsd,lately after arrlvlng la fier Ssrk. In Boston h9 found cnploynent aa En offlm boy for -3b1e thc s1lJr flrn of tllt & D€rt€rr at four dollare reet. 1rer flrn r&s eonposcd,of 'lin6on Dorter & BenJaala B. 811t. In 1851 [i.fllt retlrc4; Catholtrna Lanbert havlng bought bls sharc, hc ;ag naic a senbor of tjra flrn end busla€sr contlnucd undcr tho Dao.c of Dcrtcrr&aabcrt & Corp$ilr. thlE flrn as oarly aa 1849 btteugred rlbbon reevlng but lt, rcr suoeess. they attonpted agaln rcavlng rlbbong la not a flnanolal Ehey bave bees ored,ltod 1856 brrt egaln tt proved, unproflt,ablc. rlth belng the flret to tcave rlbbon ln t'b1a eountry. thl flrst faetory of tJae flTn ras e tvo atory frane hrlldlng lOO X 40 fect oa Coientry Etreot" so naaed by trr. 111-t. Eer€ thoy gl.sgor glnp aaehlneEr aplnnlng- rheeler braldlng totre frlngea, Ugholstery, uaohlnss end a suall Blant of tbrorlng, naohlnery. paraeol, elbak and drebe hatters, furrlers, nll,Ilnery, alllta.ry, and kpoqr ln thoeo days 8s a trlnnlng houee. trlnnlnga, In 1856 the hrelnees ras lnereared and troro spasa tat aeed,ed, so a nlLt ras crcetcO, l,60 X $O fect,, threa Etorlef, h16h ln Ieanor cll,L nanufastatrect,, Eost,onr Fbteraoa havlng beoonc a oenter for nost of the ell'l nade ls urlng and uaohlne uaElng; f,or nany tear! tbla eountry rae yid herc, brougbt lr.ta,ubert' to thls tora of tcn gumound.lngo and, deoldcd rar- attraetcd. to lta oa buelncsr trltr; gcotlon' l6fl he gulolaeed Ilth thls ln vlcr'ln ts looato ls tblg tbs ilascs Closo cstatc lp gouth Patereon, lnorn as Elaglstood.' Oeorgc B. Dsxtar bls Ia 1861 lneon Darter rctlrecl fron thc fln, rr€34 Is'nbert S. Lanbert e brotbcr of 0athsllna SaBr anA fllllq South .0nerloa tlllles vlslted for Lanbert aAni,ttia lnto tbe fl11. Derter rqtlrLng requceoa hls bsalth and dlsd thera ln 1869. lnson tsd hls fsrmer asEoelatce to ooatlnuc undcr thc naue of Dcxtcr, Laubert & ConBany a,nd tlre nans tas n€vsr chqngad ts tbc cndr Ia f866 Lanbert bavlng e dcsl,tr to lseatc n€ar Ser lorl,1 glrohOtay ana agcA a n111 alts sa tbc clst eldr of 9trel6ht_Etreetrngs areetcQ the Derter lLlL, three storlo a 2& X 50 fseto lblr nlll ls gtandlne havl.ng been sold la 1916r stlll rent t,o England ancl bougbt a P],ant 9f pgrgr frlUnUer[ 18?4 In loooi iniou ue shlpBed ts tblg elty and sct lpen uP_ln t}o plfgrgFt glreit, ;iilr-rlt"h 1[e4 Fgan rr9a1lng broad srl.! 69oct3. Ia fE!? tAc & 5on6, rlbbon plant rlleh lag looatail iirn nrobaiodl tho l.Solcllae tutll opsratod the plaqt ln tblE saeo looatlon ln tn[ Oifc ltll, tbe ---fnsacl of Jqno 18?9. Oeoinber X8?8 Lanbsrt prcpared to orcet anotber an0 larger ou !4? rc st eltte of tbo E.U rI. fru ntrl1, Srrehaeed, property Etrest,obpeittrFtraielt lbo Dexter ltllLo _tblg PlIl IAO-X 15 f99t a.nd,occuplcd_, lpout_ JuIy 1, 18?9" tvo EEorloe b16h-iac cuPlatatl g6norally knom as the Laobert 1111 ani ras eonnpotcd fble n111 res Strcetr rltb bt a brldgc ov€r flrafgh! - -Ia tbe Dcrtei lltL 18?9 purebaeecl of 9terrctt' thc La,nbert alant thc rprlng of Bylc aad Xurphtr n In 188O [r. Lambert erected, hlg fourtfi n111,; Hawloy, Pennaotras sclected aE lhe e1te, property ras purchaee6,; ereci6a a niir igo x 44 fect and 3 cegt6r- pioSe6tton o? Bo x go'reet. on r[urJd.yiluge ,, 1'8-81' ld{. Lanberl, iccornpanlerl by hts cife-incl d,aughter and, a. large nuu,ber of personai and buslneFs irlend.s vlelted. Ila;i;y-a;a --r chrlgtcned. the factory, nanlng lt the ttBeueuonte Mlll.rr Ia 1887 trr. Lanberi-Uuttt dnother ulll at Honesdiie, penna. ![rc Lanbert marrled, ln ].855, Igabel Slattuckr of oli, Ner Englandt fan|Iy ln tEassachusetts, theie were elght cf,tlaren. Mr. Lailleit ren!- to Europe t9 recuperate hle falllng bealth and. whlle at sea on the return _ttserq_ u?Pl_Eon, c1lff,or.(x, on€ year and flve -tr1B aontb,s old dled. on July 25, 1870, The funeral ras losponed untll the arrlval of the parents and. rag burlecl fron thelr Loni A pE on Auguet 4th. DurXng tbe y€ar 1892 llr.ta,mbert bul].t a ner reeld.ence on the slde of Garret Mouutaln and named,lt BEIJ.AVI$TA, for bLg wtfe Isabele Here he houeed. hls extenelve art coLlectlon and. other ant,lqueso llrs.La'nbert clled ln 19OI and ln 19O4 tr[r.ta&bert narylEd, Harulet Egtel,le Blbby, rld,ow of Dr.Blbby, who ras a slgter of hlg flret vlfE. the clled. Novenber 21, 1916 eurvlvlng besldes her busband, f,as a son Harry Le,nbert Blbby, a pr&etlsl.ng pb.yelclan ln Ner Yorts; two slgtorg, Mrs John C. Ryle and, l[rs Robert Gllnorei two brothere Free&an 9b.attuck, who reslded at llaglewood the foruer bonEgtead of MFn Inubert and, $anuel S. thattuck of Provldeneor In I9L4 the flrn, havlng flnanclal d.lfflcultlee, l{r.Larnbert had declded. to llquldate. On October 2Or1914 the conpany was grant€d an ertenslon of tro yeara bo neet the Llabllltles agalnet lt. L,a,nbert, at that blne lsgued. notee, payable ln two years fron d.ate and. at tbe spme tlne agreed. to offer hlE entire eetate as collateral. On January l!, 1915 lfr.Lanbert offered. hle er,tlre estate lnclud,lng hls coLleetlon of art for the extenslon of creillt for the Deiter. Lanbert, _& 0onpgrny, and, placed hls signature to a trugt nortgage li favgr of tbo Faterson $afe Deposlt and. tnrgt Conpany to the-anount of $lrlo] r\54.95 thlg Ea! sa1a.to be the targeet-peisonai nortsa[d ever placed on reeord ln Pasealo County up to tbat tlne. In Febnrary 1916e the art collectlon coneletlng of 365 plctureE and. a nrrmber of Blecee of statuary w€r€ eold at auetlon at the Plaza llotel, l{er torts; the a,nount r6cetved. ras $59arO5O, rhlch was c1alned. to be about one thlrd. lt,s real value. In Decenber L916 tho Dexter 8111 was sold to the Van Der tlieyhe Brog.l fur manufaclur€rE, froq Belglum, for $60'000. when one of Oh February L5rL92, eeated ln tbe llbrary, hts closest frlende, John C.Ryle, nho ras a brotb,er-1a-1ar of La,nbert r[th b.18. He conversed. upon bls vlslt oalleil to harc"-a Ilttle favorlte toploruthe Sltk Induetryrtr and. showed that he retalired tte sond.ltlong that uade hln a keen nlnd. and lnelgbt -hls lato the trado ploneer sl1k na,nufaoturer tas The llfo. remarable nan all preparad Lt rae apparent that a and, for bed," roon aselsted to blg end of 1lfe raE. allpro€lhln lndlcated the that ohange bad cone ov€r snlled tras of Hs hls goodby to lls and, doubt be af,ar€ lt. ehln6 no esa fraIter and. frlenctE aad paseed, a;ay at 4.15 PII at the aga of 89. Dr. Vletor Bu[en hle phyelclan rae at hle eld.e. Ir. Lanbert requ€sted,,a slnBle funeral, the cervlces vere held 2 Pf February 18, rlth the readlng of, scrlpture by R€v.Al.vln C. $arteIle of the $eeond Preebyterlqn Cburcb of whlEh Mr.Laiabert was parlor tbe oldegt nober. The servlc€s tor€ held ln the northeaEt wae mad,e rleqe_the_body lay ln a eoUd nahogany caeket, Internent at 0edar Law[. ALl tbe hold,1ngs of lfr.Lanbert were turnad. ov€r to hle only son Halter 8. Iranberto 2g TUE FIBSI NECBFSIOX. gtands the broxB stone, of Gamat lountaln On the ca6t sld. CaEtle llkc bulldlng, the forscr hono of CatJrol,lna luambert. S'or nany aonthg durlng L89e, brorn gtone blocha eut out of tbs loeEl quarrleg, roro belng a.scEnbled, to hrllct thlg rer home of llr. tanbert. so By elrrty 1895 It Uaa takea the forr of an old 0agtlc fas.llla,r ln hle natlve land,; England,c Ir, La,nbert had, novect bls art colLeotlon fron bfe old hone.. on th. other sldc of tbc Yalley Road., rhlc! taE knorn as nfaXllevoo4.n lnvlt'cd four bundOn Tueeday .even1a6 Januarv Jl, 189, Ir.Lanbert red. gueats lor the flrrt receptlon la hls ner hose, to shot them brlo-a-baer hls col.leet,lon of palnt,lngs a,nd.other valuabLe artlcles, part Cagt,ler of tbe oldl earvlnge and. antlqu€s ln every .ilt lhle-perlod Lr. Lubert rag aeld ts hare bad the flneet prlvate by tha Art oolleotloas ln thls oountry. Hle colLeetlon of palntlngs any coLLeotone than elgo rated, better ra6 begt artlcts of Sngland, lon ln England. ovcr the LastsawannaralLroad, fron Jereey 91ty^ trala 11,speclal brougbf oyer one bundred._guests. Carrlageg- rer-e wattlng at- the. Depot tben-loeated. at Barclay S[reat, ?o eonvay tben to the Castle. Ihlrty flve ooaches rer€ rqquLred througlrout tbe evealng to brlng, the__Sueste to anct fron the reeeptlon, rhlch-Tgre furnlshed-by Ctlarles B. Elnclle. lllrrnlrrated. and. couLd be s€€n for lhe Ceet,le ras bilLllantly fron gbone eent tbelr brllLlaney aro llebts ifrat large fhe sllii. forned, ltself, t,owEr tope and itre nyrladc of Lanps ln the bulldllg It tas axtretsely. ronanblc and -plctureEqg€r 88 a dazzlLng plcture. the:p'lace-was approached fron the foot of the hlLl an{ bull,itlttgo woun6,round the- oerpentlnc d,rlveray to the caeteLlatecl -th9-carrlages the -receptlon roon where Enterln6 the CastLe, to tJle rlglt-ras ![r. and.[rE. La.nbert Ter€ aseteted. 1n recelvkg, the 6ueets by th€lr 60rr llaLter S.Laabert ancl bls rlfa andl thelr d,au6hter, l[r8. W11llaa F. Dorfllnger of flmeedalerPar Sgxt to thc receptlon roots ras the Gra.nd. gtalrcaEo leadlng and, the geeond.gal.le-ryr to the llvlng apartnents Art llall, brea,kfast Grand the thc naln heLl dontlnusd, on t[roug! pronenad.e 15O feet ln _length, t'€rma rooq ane oonserratory naklng end. ertrens north€agt at housc tne ln tbe Eunm€r fniitng --qusla rbere Prof' roots, rae tbc segt to bbe febias the art haLl statloned behlnd. an rer€ strlng_ oreb€etra hle and Oaylon-tieefana played nuelc. and ctellght,ful plante a,ia ferns en[anknent of exotlc a. orebf,aB nan4o11a statloned, rom gallery tne art bt In the upp€r rendered. muslc dellglttful and rlreany the Fer Yoit, fibu eitra ancl producedl a nogt, of tbe bumoundlngar the effecl enbrielng pleaelng-effeet on the Sueete. -- $ext-to tb,e nueic ro6n rag the drarlng roon, oceupylng the flret, of tbe t,orer. -ueea on the second, f,Loor v€ng the -llvlng overrooms' flotrthc floor On t|14 cn sult'e or slngle. ae"ign€A- to be thg-.Guegte muslc rooB ris the Gen Roon and ovei the -dl'rellng rooP. Plnl and the to the noriu of tbe art-gallery_ rere part ffi!frb.i']inri" of the eeparate a r€Ie ln qualt€Ig servantg i1".-;;6nsl-ine Uoueo, r€Bovodl fron the na1! bu1Ld1n5,.f"gfog- the . Pountala. Four nundfrect-gueits had"been lniltea ancl rltb but fer erceptlons Eierg roon ln tbe OastLe f,as throtn opga aa$-there all rJipona"a. frou whlch to oasy -chalrg to be fousd at all polnte weis livltini the befor€ out 6uests. feiEt of- art that, nas spreaA enlor --'iip. [[e -f,u.Uiit of art for- Pany years but -uei eolleetlng rorks -rurit bad, been to propcrly bone haE ao pLase ln- rhlcb nre untfl-ne reasona naln the ias one of &ls a-ieprat-hl; ueaui,rnrl collcetlon. mansloso large a eueh hlngelf for nU to bulld l[rfi-pnorpieA 29 fhe wood worh ln alL the roons 1g of the flnest oah. F'ron thc centre of the celllng ln the dlnlng roou, hua6 a Freneh bronze chand.eller, beautlful ln d.es1gg. The roou was euppJ.led, Elth furnlture of Itallan d.eslgn of t[e elxteenth century and. eomq of the pleceg were*the flnesthand. cary€d work 1n thl-s countryr A utr1n6 Irrlg Enplre" vase at L7t2 etood near tb,e d,oor and a Hawtirorne vase, sald. to have been the thlrd flnegt la thls eountry ras consl)tsuolloe side of, the entrance are Itallan 0n elther eolumns car.red. and. d,ecorated ln Oolcl and. Black, repreeentlng the slxteenth centuryo Overhead. was ? plece of Rueslan ca,rrlng brought froq Plsa by t{i. Lanbert,. The floor art hall 1s lald, la sguara blocke of the naln of marbLe and. partly covered. wlth nrgs of the flnest patt,enn and, texture. fhe floor of the music roon le slnll.ar to that of tbe art haIl. Montlcel.Llrs famous palntlngr "The Veetal Ylrglnsrn hung ovor thE nantEl ln the muelc roon. The carvlng on the mantel, of, Carrara narble ls very beautlful and approprlate. It consletE of a hoEt of ehenrbs rcpr€s€nt1ng muslc, Bong and. d.ance. The drawlng roour, on the floor of the t,ower, 19 alnllar flret to that of Wlnd.sor Cast,le. It wag furnlshed. ln Loule XV style. fhe Auetrlan celllng was covered, wlth a palntlng 1n o11 by L.Lelstnerran d.ecorator. The nantel 1s of ltallan tullp wood., elaborately carved. and. d.ecorated ln Gold and black. On one sld.e w&s a plece of Euplre upon rvhlch w€rE rar€ furnlture from the Prlnce Dernld.off co1lectlon, v &s e s , t w o C h l n e g e va se s fo r ner ly 1n the possesslon of Enper or o r s uc h as wer€ exchanged by the rulers of Emplree as preseats to each other. BREAKF'A$TROOTTIN T89F ,o The breakfast roon wae ln the northweet wlng of the naln bultdlng. The entlre roon w&s furnlghed. ln turquolse and gold.. The wal1s w€r€ ornanented, wlth beaut,lful palntlngs by Monet and Renolr. The bower supported by four columner^two ln front belng splral and. copled from t h o s e 1 n f r o n t o f S t.P e te r's chur cb,ln Ror ue. The other s ar o Ita l l an renalssance style and cane frop. Plsa. In t,he rear was r{c lnmenee plate glase nlrr'or, coverlng the whole slde of ttre roon and. glvlng t h e a p p € a ra n ce o f e e ve r& l roonsr tbe pr ettlest flor al effect w as secured ln the breakfast room, where a grlll wor.k ln front of the mlr'ror wag festooned. wlth genulne plumoea vlne, studded wlth ros€s. The gallery fronts ln the art hall wer'e also festooned wlth tne sam€ a n d p r e s e n te d . a p re tty p l ctu r eo The art gallery extend.ed. fron the ground, floor to fhe d,one of the castle. In the gallery on the thlrd, floor wer€ palnt,lngs of the Krenlln Palace of $oecbrr by Yereetebagln. patnitng by the Anothel s a . B ea r t l s t re p re e e n tl n g the lnter lor of a Mooque wlth the- pr le s ts at worshlp wae found hanglng at, the Lop of the naln stalrcase und.erneath the brldge of the fhlrd gallery. The receptlon lasted throughout, the evenlng and the four hund.red people partook of. r,he swuptuous dlnner eerved. by lilaressl of New and plant York. d.ecoratlons were by Mr. Towel1 who The floral br o u g h t o ut a l l th e p o ssl b l 1ltlee of plant and flower s 1n lnte r l or ad,ornnent" TflE NET{ ART GAI;LERT I'{r. La.mbert had only conpleted. hls castle when he planned to enlarge hls art gallery. An ad.dlblon to tbe bulldlng on tho norih end. was ed.d.ed., wlfh a long gallery lCO feet long and ]5 feet wlde. In lt, wer'e dlsplayed. i{ls collectlon a }arge nrrnber of palntlnge and rnarble sLatues. of Sngllsh palnters repreeented work froa $1r Tb.onag Lawrence, Hoffaqy, Galnsbororrghr hussell a;rd i{arlow, hung ln the saue 1lne along bhe gal.lery. "A large ca.:ovasby $1r Augustus Callcotb, several by Davld Te n l e r s , t he e l d e r a n d a fe w by W llson and. Oonsfable. i{.r,Lainbert held a soala1 gatherlng on .E'ebruary 25r1896, to whlch It was .terned. an "Art Receptlon'r belng ln 8OO gueste were lnvlted. a housewarnlng for openlng of hls now Art Gall€rlfc lhe nature of Specla1 tralns on the Lerckawannaagaln brought the guosts fron Ne w York and. Perulsylv erlla. New YoPKr ln bhe &us lc rocn, S,ave a A Hungarlan Glpsy EanC fron cotlcerl inrougb. t,he treceptlon anc, i{ease ' s $f,aie Eand. played ln the n e w Ar b G al l e fy. Gues b s who haf, trave }le d e xLe ns lve ly ln iJurop€ seld i t wcLlle be hard to f tnd. a cotle cL lon of pa,lntlngs ln eny pr lvaie gel1e ry anywhere whLch cculd. a&betr ;r;ff. LanberL ns, Wb1le Nhe new Art iiallery was nearlng .i{r. Larnbert conpletlon, bullt the tower on top of the nountaln, whlch, was conpleted. 1n the there was a. car'r1a6,e d.rlveway to su$a€r of 1896. F'ron the Caetle frou whlch the tower, 1L was ueed. as & suttmer house or observaiory a flne vlew of th€ eumoundlng count,ry can be hado It was not to be quarters, It, sband,s abouL seventy feet above the ueed for llvlng mountaln. &!r. Larnbert had, offered. Durlng March f896 lt was leanned that iilIl tract opposlte Nhe Court House to buy some lots on the Colt to bulld an Art Gallery, offerlng $5OO per clty loto acqualatances that lt wag It was known t,o soroe of hls lntlriate people the of thls clty on h 1 s collectlons to h1 s l n t e n t l o n to l e a ve -$Ihen questloned. such wag subJeet,he stated thst the on hls d.eath. so whaL he1d., future d.ld, the the he not know h1g lntentlons -- --But partso at, and thes€ left auctlon was sold collectlon 51 I,AMBERTCASTTEIN 1896, P re g l d e n t McKlnleytg vlelt I to the Cagtle. For a few il3gf r Presld.ent {cK}nlex, _had been a gueet of vlce Pregld.ent Garret, A. liobart ab -h,ls hone "Carroll ttall.l on the afternoou of geptenber 5, 1898 Presld,ent-McKlnley.vlce Preeldent Hobart, wlth Col. 1{1111anBarbour, d.rove to Bel1e'Vfsia the-_u.ans1-onof Cathollna Lau,bert on the slope of Garuet Mount,alno Mr Lam,bert welconed hls guests ald took great prlde 1n showing the_chlef nag,rstrate of the natlon hls fa,ned,-art gaiterleB. Presld.ent McKlnley was eharned. wlth all he eawo Ylce Presld.ent Hobart, remarked.-to the Presld.ent, rrWe b,ave h,ere the nucleue of an Snerlcin LourverH whlch brought in11eE to both the Presld.ent and. Mr Larnbert. The-Pregldent wae enthuelasblc over the raa{inlflolent, vlew fron the houge, saylng that lt surpassed. anytinlng of the klnd, he had. B€eDr After Llght refreshnentg they drove to lYarren Polnt to se€ Attorney General Grlggs p+?y go1f. Lmbert cagtle piiliirlal-"i-l-piirro sale, by the Clty of Pat,erson ln L925. ""r On the af ternoon of July g r].:gTT the Cast1e was t,aken over by tbe Paterson tuberculopes glrlb Health Lea6ue when lLO llttLe fron 6 to L3 years were nat homett ln thd Cast1e. In 1929 lt vae acqulred. by the Passale County Park Conmlsslon, part of, Garuet ltountain and. lt Reservatlon, now ls on€ of the County Park unltg wlth sone 575 ac!'€so There are good. road.e, a ground,e and plenty number of plcnlc of rom to relax anong tbe woodLand. country, away from crord.ed. clty streets. TAII rufruNc8 'e' ASD RBARVIEil OT' TIIE CA.gTI.EI,[ 189] ";iM