Garden of Life Product Catalog for 2006
Garden of Life Product Catalog for 2006
Resources conserved in the production of this catalog 414,450 BTU’s of energy 32,448 lbs. of solid waste returning to landfill 2,079 lbs. water 62,928 lbs. of greenhouse gasses Welcome to Garden of 1,786 trees Life For consumer technical questions and product information, please visit our website at or call 1-866-465-0051. Printed on 100% Post Consumer Recycled Paper with Soy-based Inks. By buying products with the FSC label you are supporting the growth of responsible forest management worldwide SPRING/SUMMER/06 WHY IS CLENZOLOGY® A REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO ACHIEVING GREATER HEALTH? Proper hygiene is as essential to achieving and maintaining optimal health as diet and exercise. Your immune system is one of the most important functions of your body. Like breathing and blinking, you cannot prevent your immune system from reacting to various microorganisms as they enter your body. Germs usually come from your hands, which come into contact with hundreds of surfaces every day, including other hands – all of which are covered with bacteria. Germs don’t fly, they actually hitchhike under and around the fingernails where normal hand washing fails to reach. Germs that accumulate under fingernails enter the body through the mouth, nasal passages, ears and the corners of eyes (tear ducts) as you touch these areas throughout the day. Most people will rub their eyes, rub their nose, and scratch their face 20 to 50 times a day, up to 18,000 times a year, even in their sleep. This process is part of human nature. You cannot alter it. You can, however, make sure that your hands are clean, especially in, around, and under the fingernails. Clenzology® is a revolutionary system of advanced hygiene products that thoroughly cleanse the areas of your body most vulnerable to bacteria: hands (including under the fingernails), eyes, mouth, ears and nose. WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS OF THE CLENZOLOGY® ADVANCED HYGIENE SYSTEM? The simple 5-step Clenzology process takes just minutes a day to perform and contains products for your hands, face, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Clenzology Hand and Body Soap lets you thoroughly clean under your fingernails each time you wash your hands. Formulated to promote healthy skin and nails, Clenzology Hand and Body Soap contains no artificial colors or scents, and is rich in essential oils, moisturizers and emollients. Not just for hand cleansing – it is excellent for washing your entire body, including your face. Clenzology Facial Solutions for Your Eyes & Nose • Includes two unique facial solutions (AM and PM formulas) • Helps clean your entire face • Cleanses the mucous membranes around your eyes and in your nasal passageways Clenzology provides two uniquely formulated facial solutions (AM and PM), to thoroughly cleanse your face and the mucous membranes of your eyes and nasal passageways. For optimal results, use these solutions each day (AM in the morning, PM at night). Clenzology Tooth and Gum Solution • Pure, all-natural tooth, gum, and breath freshener • Contains the oils of peppermint, clove, and myrrh • Contains no fluoride, sugar, chalk, detergents, flavorings, harsh chemicals, or abrasives Clenzology Tooth and Gum Solution freshens your teeth, gums and breath without sugar, fluoride, chalk, detergents, flavorings, harsh chemicals or abrasives. Clenzology Ear Solution • Cleanses the ear canal • Reduces buildup of excess ear wax Clenzology Ear Solution works quickly to cleanse the ear canal and reduce the buildup of excess ear wax. Components include: Clenzology Hand & Body Soap • Thoroughly cleans under and around the fingernails (where normal hand washing fails to reach) each time the hands are washed • Formulated with no artificial scents or coloring • Enriched with essential oils, Vitamin E, honey, and glycerin 85 Empowering Extraordinary Health™. Garden of Life’s commitment to health goes beyond offering some of the most effective nutritional products in the world. We are interested in building relationships with people to help them transform their lives to attain extraordinary health. By combining the best of nature and science, the Garden of Life brand offers a path to healthy living with premium products that are supported by education and innovation. • There is a direct correlation between nutrition and health. • Whole food nutrition, from organically grown sources, is more beneficial for health than isolated nutrients. • A traditional diet that includes the consumption of live foods, particularly those containing enzymes, probiotics, and products of their fermentation, is the foundation for a healthy lifestyle. • Personal hygiene is important to good health as is nutrition and exercise. Table of Contents Jordan Rubin’s Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Message from Jordan Rubin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Message from Greg Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garden of Life, a Leader in Whole Food Nutrition and Probiotics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bringing Nutrition to Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Immunity Support 2 3 4-5 6-7 8-9 Digestive Health Acid Defense® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fungal Defense® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ω-ZymeTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ω-ZymeTM ULTRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Primal Defense® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Primal Defense® ULTRA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Super Seed® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 13 14 - 15 16 - 17 18 - 21 22 - 23 24 - 25 26 - 27 Foundational Nutrition CODmegaTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fruits of LifeTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radical Fruits® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goatein® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olde World® Icelandic Cod Liver Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Perfect Food® & Perfect Food® Original . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 - 31 32 - 33 34 -35 36 - 37 38 - 39 40 - 43 FYI® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FYI® Restore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Goatein® lg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RM-10® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seasonal ReliefTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 - 47 48 - 49 50 - 51 52 - 53 54 - 55 Living NutrientsTM Living Multi® Optimal Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Living Multi® Optimal Men’s Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Living Multi® Optimal Women’s Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Living CalciumTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Living Vitamin CTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 - 59 60 - 61 62 - 63 64 - 65 66 - 67 Optimal Wellness Clear Energy® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 - 71 Zero Gravity® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 - 73 Living FoodsTM Organic Whole Food Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hawaiian Lehua Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Organic Teas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra Virgin Coconut Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rainforest CacaoTM Chocolate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Personal Care 76 - 77 78 78 - 79 80 81 Clenzology® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 - 85 an It’s hardly a coincidence that Garden of Life founder, Jordan Rubin, has a health story that ranks among the most dramatic cases of improvement on record. It was his discoveries, during his personal journey to recover from a debilitating digestive disease, that are the foundation of our health philosophy at Garden of Life. Raised in a family that stressed healthy eating habits, it’s impossible to say what caused Jordan to contract a debilitating digestive disease. Even more difficult than finding the cause was the challenge to find a solution. Barraged with intravenous and oral antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs, Jordan’s body only deteriorated with treatment. After a few months, the previously fit 19-year-old was reduced to 104 pounds and fitted for a wheelchair, robbing Jordan of any quality of life. When traditional medicine provided no answers, Jordan traveled to seven countries, desperately searching for the solution that renowned U.S. doctors couldn’t offer. He made many wrong turns, but his determination to live eventually led him back to the U.S., where he discovered a health program that would change his life. After more than 500 treatments from 70 health professionals failed, Jordan discovered the obvious connection between health and nutrition. With this came the understanding that the human body is capable of accomplishing incredible feats and overcoming obstacles, provided that it receives proper nutrition. By following a health plan rich in whole foods, nutrients, enzymes, and naturally occurring probiotics called soil based organisms, Jordan empowered his body to fight back against his health condition. Jordan Rubin is now in extraordinary health and his vision grows with each life he’s able to touch. His passion is to share with you the crucial revelations that have changed his life forever. We hope they will make a positive difference in your life. While Jordan believes that proper diet and nutrition helped his body to fight back, he did not participate in scientific studies. Each person is different, so you should not expect to achieve the same results. 2 ultra exciting time for garden of life Garden of Life was born out of my strong need to share with others the life changing message of health and wellness, specifically the significant benefits of whole food supplementation. After years of personal experimentation and study on the impact that whole foods and whole food nutritional supplements had on my own health, I wanted to develop the most beneficial and powerful formulas available, regardless of cost. It is humbling to see that commitment to quality and effectiveness so strongly validated by your support. Today, we have the good fortune to provide you with the #1 selling probiotic, the #1 selling digestive enzyme and the #1 selling green food products in the entire natural products industry*. Our founding commitment to providing the most effective whole food nutrition products has grown with the company’s success. Today, we have a team of research scientists, medical professionals and natural health practitioners on staff to help us keep abreast of the latest research on nutrition and digestive health. This dynamic field of study is exploding with new findings on the phenomenal benefits of probiotics, fibers, enzymes and food-based micronutrients and their importance in improving health and digestion. New learning emerging from the latest research points to exciting possibilities for improvements in nutritional supplements. So, what’s so special about ULTRA? Garden of Life’s new Primal Defense® Ultra and Ω-Zyme™ Ultra products reflect both our founding commitment to provide the most effective products and our latest discoveries of innovative new ways to protect the delicate bioactive components of these formulations. All ULTRA formulations are delivered in 100% vegetarian UltraZorbe™ capsules, which are free from the chemical solvents, animal by-products and colorants found in other delivery forms. They provide faster dissolution than other vegetarian capsules, and that means delivering the benefits faster. Even better, all ULTRA products are protected from the damaging effects of oxygen and moisture with our proprietary BioProtect™ System, the most sophisticated packaging system available to preserve the integrity and effectiveness of each formulation: a nitrogen-flushed glass bottle to provide superior moisture and oxygen protection, and a double safety seal to protect the product from tampering and to preserve freshness. It’s exciting to see the next generation of Primal Defense ULTRA and Ω-Zyme ULTRA emerging from our research and development efforts which is just the beginning. Please take some time to learn about these exciting new ULTRA formulations throughout this catalog. You have my ongoing commitment that Garden of Life will continue to bring to you the best and most effective whole food nutritional products as we fulfill our mission to empower extraordinary health for you and your family. This valuable new information is also shaping my personal nutrition regimen. Think about it. When personal computers first came out, I saved up to buy an IBM clone computer and was amazed by its speed and power. But eventually advances in technology lead to the creation of better models, and now I have a Pentiumbased laptop that is dozens of times better than the original. The same applies to the field of nutrition, and our exciting new ULTRA products are an example of just such an advance. Yours in health, Jordan Rubin Founder and Chairman * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 3 The roots of the modern organic movement lay in the fertile soils of the organic farm. This is where families labor, caring for the land and providing close supervision of its crops and animals. Organic farming does not synthetically stimulate growth, instead it nurtures a rich living matrix of microorganisms and nutrients in the soil that can sustain plant and animal life. Yields are a bit lower and prices are a bit higher, but the resulting food is far healthier and tastier. As importantly, organically cultivated soils do not become exhausted and can sustain crops generation after generation. So these family farmers can lead healthier lives themselves, and pass on land that is just as productive to future generations. These organic farmers care about sustainability. My first introduction to the “health food” category was through the book Sugar Blues, which I read in 1980 while on a vacation in Hawaii. A typical teenager at the time (with the typical teenager diet), the connection between sugar in the diet and poor health was a revelation to me. I read the book in one day, and stopped eating sugar the next. Thus began a lifelong fascination with the connection between what we choose to eat and how we feel and live. Those of us fortunate enough to combine passion and profession blur the line between “what we do” and “who we are.” Garden of Life’s simple and straightforward mission, Empowering Extraordinary Health™, attracts people who live, breathe and eat a healthy lifestyle and who care deeply about making a difference in your health. For example, both common sense and research confirm that eating organic is healthier, and that kids who eat primarily organic diets have far lower levels of pesticides in their bodies than those who eat a traditional diet. Garden of Life has always used organic ingredients in its products, and you will see more great tasting, health-changing certified organic products from us in the coming months and years. organicis a great start, but we believe we can do better 4 Sustainability is a value that we share with the small organic farmers, wildcrafters, and fisherman who provide the ingredients that become our products. We deeply respect the commitment that organic farmers have made to sustainable agriculture, and we prefer to source our ingredients from American organic farmers whenever possible – paying them a fair price for the care and quality that they provide. Harvesting health-positive natural foods can create sustainable economies in areas of the world which would otherwise have to rely on extraction of natural resources to provide a livelihood for its people. The organic cacao in our new Rainforest CacaoTM Chocolate is harvested and processed in the jungles of Amazonian Ecuador by people who can earn a certified fair trade price for their labors and thus value the diverse bounty of the jungle for its productivity rather than clear cutting it for short term crop production. This catalog is another example of our first steps toward building sustainability into our business practices at Garden of Life. Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper with 100% soybased inks, this catalog will prevent 1,786 trees from being harvested and 32,448 pounds of solid waste from going into landfill this year. It will also be easier to read for our customers with chemical sensitivities to conventional inks. We recognize that no matter how careful we are to build sustainability into our products, good health can not be achieved in isolation from the environment. Our business operation requires us to use electrical power, which is normally achieved from the burning of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas give the environment a double-whammy, simultaneously burning an irreplaceable energy source and polluting the atmosphere and ocean. That’s why we buy 100% of our electricity needs from wind power, a pollution-free renewable resource. We are among the first companies of our size to make this full commitment to renewable power, with our recent purchase of wind energy credits from 3 Phases Energy. While this adds expense to our business, it is worthwhile to save over one million pounds of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and prevent the burning of 300 tons of coal per year as certified by the independent Green-E organization. These are small steps in the scheme of our global sustainability challenge and we are far from perfect, but we feel that it is important to start somewhere. Many of us got our first introduction to “health food” through a quest for better health or fitness. Put simply, we want to stay alive and healthy for as long as possible. This is sustainability at the personal level. Personal sustainability is at the foundation of Garden of Life, and our mission remains Empowering Extraordinary HealthTM. Our extensive education programs are designed to convey the benefits of whole food nutrition to our customers. Our resource guides are designed to provide the tools needed to take positive action to live your best life. Our nutrition products represent some of the most effective, body-friendly whole food nutrition at any price. These steps toward sustainability are just our first in a long journey. We will continue our efforts to both practice and advocate sustainability in our business practices. Yours in health, Greg Horn Chief Executive Officer 5 Garden of Life A Leader in Whole Food Nutrition and Probiotics Whole Food Nutrition Garden of Life believes proper nutrition is essential to overall health and that the most complete sources of vitamins and minerals are found in whole foods. We were designed to eat whole foods that contain the necessary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients our body needs for proper nourishment and health. While optimal nutrition is best achieved from a whole foods based diet, this is difficult to attain with our over-processed food supply. Supplementing your diet with whole food nutritional supplements may be necessary to support overall health. 6 Probiotics Whole food based supplements have high nutritional integrity because they contain the micronutrients, both known and unknown, that are found in whole foods. This makes whole food based nutritional supplements a great alternative to isolated vitamins and minerals that do not provide a complete food matrix of “satellite” compounds which are found in nature. So far, more than 25,000 different micronutrients (phytochemicals) have been discovered in whole fruits and vegetables. Researchers are now discovering that these phytochemicals work in concert to orchestrate a natural harmony in our bodies. Garden of Life nutritional supplements are made from organically grown (when possible), nutrient dense whole foods to provide you with high quality formulations. Probiotics are beneficial living microflora that play a critical role in maintaining good health.† These are the same or similar microorganisms as the ones used in the fermentation of healthful foods. The healthy human intestine contains billions of microorganisms — both good and potentially harmful. The good bacteria in the intestines are considered to be an integral part of normal immune system support.† Probiotics are also important because they can synthesize certain vitamins and short-chain fatty acids to support a healthy intestinal lining and bolster immunity.† When your intestinal lining is occupied by healthy beneficial flora, it deprives unwelcome microorganisms of both space and nutrients. Healthy people usually have a ratio of approximately 85% good and 15% potentially harmful organisms in their intestinal tract. In some cases, however, even those who appear to be well might have an unfavorable ratio as a result of daily exposure to environmental toxins and a modern lifestyle. Taking antibiotics or drinking chlorinated water, for example, may change the optimal microbial balance essential for good health. Large scale use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals can change the bacterial balance in the soil and deplete our natural supply of probiotics. In order to regain the probiotic benefits we historically obtained from consuming unprocessed foods cultivated in healthy soil, Garden of Life developed a Homeostatic™ Soil Organism Probiotic Blend utilizing several species of beneficial microorganisms. Many Garden of Life formulations contain Homeostatic Soil Organisms to help you maintain a balanced, healthy internal environment.† † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 7 Bringing nutrition to life With Garden of Life’s Poten-ZymeTM Process Our Mission at Garden of Life is Empowering Extraordinary Health™ The Power of Garden of Life’s Fermentation Process To fulfill our mission we formulate natural, effective, and body-ready, whole food nutritional products that promote good health. Garden of Life’s commitment to health goes beyond offering some of the most effective products in the world. We want to build relationships with people, helping them transform their lives to attain extraordinary health. The foundation of Garden of Life’s Poten-Zyme process is probiotic fermentation. Fermentation has been an important part of healthful food preparation in the U.S. and the world for centuries. It is a natural process that uses probiotic bacteria and beneficial yeasts to produce easily digestible supplements high in nutritional value. The natural fermentation process that began with grains and dairy led to the development of some of our most popular foods today including beer, wine, cheese and yogurt. Fermentation is a natural part of the digestive process. In fact, a healthy body contains more probiotic microorganisms in the digestive tract than total cells in the body. Our symbiotic relationship with probiotic microorganisms is critical to good health and vitality. By combining the best of nature and science, the Garden of Life® brand offers a path to healthy living with premium products that are supported by education and innovation. The Evolution of Nutritional Supplements Nutritional supplements have come a long way since vitamins and minerals were first identified from natural sources at the beginning of the 20th century. The original nutritional supplements were nutrient-rich foods such as brewer’s yeast, cod liver oil, wheat grass tablets and wheat germ. Then, as advanced industrial chemistry was applied to farming industries starting in the 1950’s, a new generation of vitamins emerged. These products contained vitamin levels that were hundreds and even thousands of times greater than what the body could get from food. Next, minerals chelated, or bound with amino acids surfaced in the 1970’s. “Whole food” based supplements such as spirulina were first marketed in the late 1980’s. Living NutrientsTM from Garden of Life emerged in the Fermented foods contain several billion beneficial organisms or good bacteria. These beneficial organisms produce numerous enzymes that help promote the growth of healthy flora throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Friendly bacteria, known as Lactobacilli, proliferate in fermented foods. These friendly bacteria help support your body’s immune system, aid in digestion and increase nutrient levels. early 2000’s. They were developed using our proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process to incorporate vitamins and minerals in a form more like whole nutrient-rich foods, but with optimal potencies that are body-ready. Because Living Nutrients are fermented whole foods rather than synthetics, the body recognizes them as food which leads to better absorption. Synthetics - Isolates Example: dl-alpha tocopherol (Vitamin E) Source: Coal Tar 8 Issues: Synthetic Advantages: Cheap Garden of Life pioneered the Poten-Zyme process to bring you the benefits of fermentation in a convenient and concentrated form, creating a new generation of body-friendly, highly absorbable nutritional supplements that provide mega benefit without the mega dose. Chelates “Food Based” Living Nutrients TM Example: Calcium Example: Spirulina Source: Minerals bound to amino acids Source: Vitamins and minerals from whole foods Issues: • Expensive • Only available in minerals Issues: • Very low potency • Often mixed with isolates Example: Living NutrientsTM Source: Natural Poten-ZymeTM Fermentation Process Advantages: Better absorption Advantages: Natural food source unless mixed with isolates Issues: More expensive than cheaper forms Advantages: • Natural body-ready form • Broad complement of nutritional cofactors • Mega benefit without mega dose • Better safety than isolates • Easier on the stomach 9 Proper digestion and good gastrointestinal health are essential to overall health and well-being. In fact, the gastrointestinal tract may be the single most important element for establishing and maintaining a healthy body. The health of your digestive system is constantly challenged by modern-day diets and environmental factors. That is why Garden of Life® Digestive Health products - designed to support a balanced digestive environment - are an important part of a healthy diet.† The team at Garden of Life has set the industry standard with regard to digestive support supplements. These products were designed to support the gastrointestinal tract in its role of digestion and assimilation.† While each of the Garden of Life digestive products can stand alone, they are designed to be used together. A properly balanced gastrointestinal tract is your key to good health. If your gastrointestinal tract is “out of balance” then you owe it to yourself to see if the Garden of Life Digestive Health Line can assist you on your journey to optimal health.” 10 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 11 Acid Defense ® relief for occasional heartburn† “ Suggested Use: Production of highly acidic gastric juice is a normal function of your stomach. Alkalizing minerals, such as calcium and potassium naturally found in goat’s milk whey, barley grass, beet and carrot juice concentrates will help your body maintain comfortable pH levels and relieve occasional heartburn.† How do the ingredients in Acid Defense ® support my digestive health? Take one heaping tablespoon mixed with 8 ounces of water or juice as needed. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. In addition to ingredients that help balance pH, Acid Defense® contains Stomach Soothe™ Enzyme Blend. This blend contains enzymes such as amylase, glucoamylase, lipase, alphagalactosidase, malt diastase, cellulase, sucrase, and lactase. The enzymes in Stomach Soothe Enzyme Blend support the digestion of a variety of carbohydrates and fats.† “ Dr. Brasco says: Why are alkalizing minerals important? Acid Defense® is great for addressing the causes - not just the symptoms of occasional heartburn. Most importantly, I recommend it with confidence to my patients because it contains all natural ingredients. Dr. Joseph Brasco, Medical Adviser, Garden of Life, Board Certified in Gastroenterology, Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Co-author of “Restoring Your Digestive Health” Are there any additional benefits to taking Acid Defense ® ? Provides natural relief for occasional heartburn† Provides a natural source of alkalizing minerals from goat’s milk whey that helps maintain comfortable pH levels† Provides a broad array of digestive enzymes to support healthy digestion† Includes organic juice concentrates of barley grass, beet and carrot to provide naturally occurring potassium and calcium Garden of Life founder Jordan Rubin is committed to creating products that allow the human body to maintain healthy balance. Maintaining a balanced pH is one of the most important metabolic functions your body performs, aside from breathing and maintaining a heartbeat. Production of highly acidic gastric juice is a normal function of the stomach. Occasional heartburn represents an imbalance in the distribution of digestive system content. According to the American Gastrointestinal Association, about 40 million people experience heartburn at least once per week and roughly 40% of people have heartburn at least once a month. Acid Defense provides alkalizing minerals from goat’s milk whey, along with organically grown vegetable juice concentrates. These natural food sources help your body to maintain comfortable pH levels.† Additionally, the enzymes in Acid Defense work to support healthy digestion.† Serving Size 12 Grams (approx. 1 heaping Tbsp) Total Calories Sodium Total Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Sugars Protein Calcium Potassium Mineral Matrix from Goat’s Milk Whey Barley Grass Juice Concentrate* Beet Concentrate* Carrot Juice Concentrate* Fermented Goat’s Milk Whey Servings Per Container 30 Amt. Per Serving % Daily Value 45 35mg 10g 0g 2g <1g 21mg 240mg + 1% 3%† 0% + 1%† 2% 7% 9852mg 600mg + + 600mg 600mg 204mg + + + Stomach Soothe™ 144mg Enzyme Blend, Amylase 7,800 DU, Glucoamylase 17 AGU, Lipase 900 FIP, alpha-Galactosidase 130 GaIU, Malt Diastase 825 DP, Cellulase 700 CU, Invertase 600 SU, Lactase 575 ALU Acid Defense contains barley grass, beet, and carrot juice concentrates. These ingredients are known to contain compounds that help fight free radicals in the body. For example, beets contain a unique group of antioxidants called betalains. Support your antioxidant function with regular use of Acid Defense.† + †Percent Daily Values Based on 2,000 calorie diet + Daily Value not established *Organic Other ingredients: Maltodextrin, probiotic cultures † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 12 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 13 What can I do to help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal environment? Fungal Defense ® with HSOTM Probiotic blend The #3 selling women’s herbal formula in the Natural Products Industry* Specifically formulated with ingredients to help both men and women maintain a balanced, healthy digestive environment† Contains probiotic species of Homeostatic™ Soil Organisms (HSOs) - highly stable, beneficial microorganisms impervious to stomach and bile acids Select ingredients in Fungal Defense® are produced through the Garden of Life proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process to make the nutrients more available to the body Don’t let an unhealthy digestive environment compromise your well-being. Put Fungal Defense to work to maintain your body’s normal microbial balance in the gastrointestinal tract and support your overall health.† The ingredients in Fungal Defense® are specifically designed to help you maintain a balanced, healthy gut environment.† In addition to taking Fungal Defense, you may consider discussing the following dietary changes with your physician: reducing or eliminating sweets; refined carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, muffins and glutenous grains; alcohol; vinegar; and aged cheeses. Good hygiene is also important to maintain a healthy microbial balance on the outside of the body as well as on the inside. What are Homeostatic TM Soil Organisms? Probiotics are beneficial living microflora that play a critical role in maintaining good health.† Healthy human intestines contain billions of both good and potentially harmful microorganisms. The good bacteria in the intestines are considered an integral part of normal immune system support. Homeostatic™ Soil Organisms (HSOs) are a unique, highly stable species of probiotics that are impervious to stomach and bile acids. Healthy people usually have a ratio of approximately 85% good to 15% potentially harmful organisms in the intestinal tract. In some cases, however, even those who appear to be well might have an unfavorable ratio as a result of daily exposure to environmental toxins and a modern lifestyle. For example, taking antibiotics and drinking chlorinated water may change the optimal microbial balance essential for good health. The HSO Probiotic Blend in Fungal Defense helps support normal gastrointestinal balance of good and potentially harmful bacteria to help maintain a balanced, healthy internal environment.† Should I use Fungal Defense ® and Primal Defense ® together? No. Although Fungal Defense and Primal Defense share some common ingredients; Fungal Defense is intended to introduce your body to probiotic usage. For optimal results, use Fungal Defense according to the label for 14 days prior to starting Primal Defense. 14 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 Why is Fungal Defense ® only recommended for 14 days? Fungal Defense is designed to be used as a 14-day program before commencing Primal Defense. What makes Fungal Defense ® so unique? Fungal Defense contains Garden of Life’s proprietary probiotic blend of Homeostatic Soil Organisms. HSOs are highly stable, beneficial microorganisms impervious to stomach and bile acids. Additionally, garlic juice and yucca juice in Fungal Defense are prepared through the Garden of Life proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process that makes nutrients more available to the body. Suggested Use: Adults: Over a 14-day period, begin with 1 caplet per day before bedtime on an empty stomach with 8 ounces of purified water. Increase usage by 1 caplet per day until you reach 8 caplets per day, dividing the dosage between the morning and evening. Maintain 8 caplets per day for 7 days. Continue 8 caplets per day for days 9 through 14. Follow up with Primal Defense. Fungal Defense is formulated for use by both adult men and women. Warning: Do not use before consulting a physician if you are currently undergoing HIV treatment, chemotherapy or allograft therapy. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 15 Ω-Zyme TM Dr. Brasco says: I think this is one of the most universal products offered by Garden of Life. Enzymes enhance digestion by assisting the body in the breakdown and absorption of food, which in turn relieves that burden from the lower intestinal tract.† Ω-ZymeTM has 20 different potent enzymes that help the digestive system process a wide array of foods, which is essential to overall health. Provides 20 different digestive enzymes that help you process proteins, carbohydrates, fats and difficult-to-digest foods like broccoli, nuts, seeds and beans† A great way to get the enzymes you need is to consume a diet high in “live” raw and fermented foods, and/or to supplement your diet with digestive enzymes such as those found in Ω-Zyme™ Comes in two easy-to-use forms: Powder and Caplets The human body is capable of accomplishing incredible feats and overcoming obstacles, provided that it receives proper, wholesome nutrition. Consuming enzyme rich foods and/or highly active enzyme supplements like Ω-Zyme are two valuable approaches to ensure your body gets the enzymes it needs to support healthy digestion which is essential to overall health.† A Broad Spectrum Approach to Enzyme Supplementation Ω-Zyme provides 20 different digestive enzymes. Each of these enzymes has a specific function. For example, the protease blend aids the digestion and utilization of dietary proteins.† Amylase digests starch, lipase digests fats, and lactase digests the milk sugar lactose.† Garden of Life understands that having a broad range of enzymes to support the digestion of a multitude of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract is vital to the efficacy of the product. Additionally, Garden of Life believes that enzyme viability at different pH levels is equally important. Ω-Zyme was specifically formulated to include enzymes that are active across different pH levels. “ The #1 selling digestive enzyme supplement in the Natural Products Industry* What’s in Ω-Zyme TM ? Enzymes are protein-like substances that act as catalysts for all chemical reactions in the body. Enzymes help maintain the body’s tissues, orchestrate its functions and digest food. There are three kinds of enzymes: Ω-Zyme contains potent enzymes that support the digestion of a multitude of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. Ω-Zyme Metabolic Enzymes — spark many of the reactions inside cells, enabling our organs, tissues, and cells to work properly. digestive enzyme blend “ What are enzymes and why do I need them? Food Enzymes — supplied by what we eat, they help break down food before our digestive enzymes are called upon. The majority of food enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 118ºF, so nearly all cooked and processed foods are devoid of them. Indigenous Digestive Enzymes — secreted by the pancreas into the small intestine, they break down the nutrients in the foods we eat that have not already been broken down by food enzymes. Garden of Life believes that enzymes are perhaps our most important and overlooked dietary component. Before the advent of modern food processing, we ate a diet that was rich in “live” raw and fermented foods. These foods contained many of the food enzymes that our diet lacks today. Food enzymes aid in the digestion of food. Without them, the body must produce more digestive enzymes to break down the nutrients in the food we consume. A great way to get the enzymes you need is to consume a diet high in “live” raw and fermented foods, and/or to supplement your diet with digestive enzymes such as those found in Ω-Zyme™. What makes Ω-Zyme TM different from other enzyme supplements? Ω-Zyme is one of the most complex and comprehensive digestive enzyme products available, with 20 different digestive enzymes. Plus, it is formulated with one of the highest activity levels for individual enzymes. How do I take Ω-ZymeTM? Ω-Zyme comes in two easy-to-use forms: Powder and Caplets. Ω-Zyme powder can be sprinkled directly on food that is room temperature or cooler at each meal or snack. contains the following enzymes: • Protease blend of five proteolytic enzymes aids digestion and utilization of dietary proteins† • Amylase digests starch† • Lipase digests fats† • Glucoamylase breaks down starch-like carbohydrates† • Malt diastase (maltase) digests maltose based carbohydrates or malt found in grains† • Invertase (sucrase) is an enzyme that breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose† • alpha-Galactosidase helps digestion of difficult-to-digest foods such as beans, legumes and cruciferous vegetables† • Lactase digests the milk sugar lactose† • Cellulase digests fiber cellulose into smaller units† • Xylanase breaks down xylose, also called wood sugar† • Pectinase breaks down carbohydrates such as pectin, found in the pulp of many fruits† • Hemicellulase breaks down carbohydrates widely present in plant foods† • Phytase breaks down phytic acid present in many difficult-to-digest grains and beans. Research supports the view that phytic acid present in plant foods interferes with digestion of proteins and utilization of many important minerals, such as zinc, magnesium, and iron† • Beta-glucanase breaks down bulky beta-glucan molecules into smaller units† • Bromelain, derived from pineapple, breaks down a broad variety of proteins† • Papain, derived from papaya, also digests proteins into peptides and amino acids† Suggested Use: Ω-ZymeTM Powder: Take 1–4 scoops with each meal and 1–2 scoops with each snack. Ω-Zyme may be taken on an empty stomach. Ω-ZymeTM Caplets: Take 1–4 caplets with each meal and 1–2 caplets with each snack. Ω-Zyme may be taken on an empty stomach. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. With 20 different digestive enzymes, Ω-Zyme provides a broad array of enzymes to help your body process a wide variety of foods.† Compare your enzyme product to the market leader - Ω-Zyme. 16 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 17 Ω-Zyme ULTRA ultimate digestive enzyme blend TM Dr. Brasco says: “ Ω-ZymeTM Ultra is one of the most innovative products ever offered by Garden of Life. It offers highly active amounts of a broad spectrum of 21 specifically functioned enzymes to help break down foods into nutrients your body can easily assimilate. This unique digestive enzyme blend was specifically formulated with activity optimized across the full spectrum of pH levels encountered throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This ensures enzyme survival and delivery to the small intestine for maximum digestive benefit. “ The ultimate digestive enzyme supplement, supporting gastrointestinal health and digestion through a potent, comprehensive formula that delivers a highly active amount per serving of a broader range of enzymes than any other leading enzyme formula Provides 21 different digestive enzymes, each with a specific function to help process proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and difficult-to-digest foods like broccoli, nuts, seeds, beans, and dairy, increasing nutrient availability to the body† Delivers a unique blend of digestive enzymes whose activity is optimized across the full spectrum of pH (acid/alkaline) levels that exist throughout the gastrointestinal tract Contains a range of trace minerals, cofactors that activate enzymes and help them function properly in the body Includes dairy digestive enzymes (lactase & specific protease) to support dairy product digestion† Promotes regularity and normal bowel function† All 21 enzymes are plant sourced, free of animal ingredients, and suitable for vegetarians Delivered via UltraZorbe™ 100% vegetarian capsules to ensure potency, eliminate the need for fillers and binders, and provide quick nutrient release through faster dissolution into the body. Independent study suggests UltraZorbe capsules dissolve more completely than other vegetarian capsules ‑‑ Packaged in the advanced, BioProtect™ Packaging System which is superior as an oxygen and moisture barrier and sets an industry standard for protecting delicate ingredient integrity and effectiveness throughout shelf life Ω-Zyme Ultra is the ultimate digestive enzyme formula, supporting more complete digestion of food for gastrointestinal health, regularity, and normal bowel function.† This high activity formula provides a broad spectrum of 21 digestive enzymes specifically selected to help your body digest the full range of proteins, fats and carbohydrates found in a typical meal. These enzymes work together to unlock the nutritional value of foods. Ω-Zyme Ultra contains a unique blend of digestive enzymes whose activity is optimized across the varying pH (acid/alkaline) levels that exist throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This “enzyme relay race” enables the enzymes to work in a variety of pH environments as they travel along the digestive tract with the food substrate. What is the difference between Ω-zyme TM ultra and Ω-zyme TM ? Ω-ZymeTM and Ω-ZymeTM Ultra are high activity, broad spectrum digestive enzyme formulas that provide at least 20 digestive enzymes.The Ω-Zyme Ultra formula delivers a higher level of digestive enzyme activity per serving, and includes an additional enzyme blend consisting of protease and lactase to help digest milk and dairy products. In addition, the delicate ingredient integrity of the slightly broader Ω-Zyme Ultra digestive enzyme profile is protected by our proprietary BioProtectTM Packaging System and delivered more rapidly through our UltraZorbeTM capsules for maximum efficacy. What is the Ω-Zyme TM Ultra digestive enzyme “relay race?” Ω-ZymeTM ULTRA is perfectly formulated to contain a unique blend of digestive enzymes whose activity is optimized across the varying pH (acid/alkaline) levels encountered throughout the gastrointestinal tract. This “enzyme relay race” enables effective digestion in sequential pH environments covering all the acididty/alkaline levels along the digestive tract. Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules with each meal. Caution: Consult your healthcare practitioner before you use this product, especially if you know or suspect you have an ulcer, are pregnant, nursing, or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. Contains no artificial ingredients. What makes UltraZorbe TM capsules unique? The Ω-Zyme Ultra formula is delivered through our proprietary, UltraZorbe 100% vegetarian capsules to ensure potency, eliminate the need for fillers and binders, and provide rapid nutrient release through more efficient dissolution into the body. Scientific research suggests UltraZorbe capsules provide quick nutrient release through faster and more complete dissolution than other vegetarian capsules on the market, and verifies UltraZorbe capsules dissolve in the pH of the stomach, releasing their contents to support optimal nutrient absorption.† UltraZorbe capsules are‑100% vegetarian.‑ Why is the BioProtect TM packaging system important? We developed the proprietary BioProtect System to protect the delicate bioactive ingredients in Ω-Zyme from the damaging effects of elements in the environment. This system utilizes an impermeable amber glass bottle that safeguards against the penetration of oxygen, moisture and light. The bottles are nitrogen flushed to displace any reactive components contained in the air (oxygen, moisture, carbon-dioxide), preventing harmful oxidation of the ingredients. The BioProtect System preserves the integrity and effectiveness of our ULTRA formulations. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Ω-Zyme Ultra is suitable for vegetarians. 18 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 19 TM Ω-Zyme Ultra “Enzyme relay race” Digestive enzymes taken with food travel through a sequential change of pH environments throughout the gut. Ω-ZymeTM ULTRA is perfectly formulated to contain a unique blend of enzymes that provides activity throughout all the various pH levels encountered in the gut. Of the 21 enzymes provided by Ω-Zyme ULTRA, eleven exhibit optimal activity in the stomach (pH levels 1-5); nine exhibit optimal activity in both the Stomach Optimal Enzyme pH Activity 1-5 Enzymes with optimal activity in environments with pH levels 1-5: alpha-Galactosidase, Amylase, Glucoamylase, Hemicellulase, Invertase, Malt Diastase, Protease 6.0, Protease 4.5, Protease 3.0, Pectinase, Xylanase Small Intestine Optimal Enzyme pH Activity 6-8 Enzymes with optimal activity in environments with pH levels 6-8: Neutral Bacterial Protease Stomach & Small Intestine Optimal Enzyme pH Activity 1-5 / 6-8 Enzymes with optimal activity in environments with pH levels 1-5 and 6-8: Bromelain, beta-Glucanase, Cellulase, Lactase, Lipase, Papain, Peptidase, Phytase, Protease (from dairy digestive enzymes) stomach and the small intestine (pH levels of 1-5 and 6-8); and one exhibits optimal activity in the small intestine (pH of 6-8). This “Enzyme Relay Race” enables Ω-Zyme ULTRA to help your body more completely digest proteins, carbohydrates, fats and difficult-to-digest foods like broccoli, nuts, seeds, beans and dairy for maximum nutritional benefits. Ω-Zyme™ ULTRA UltraZorbe™ Capsule with 21 digestive enzymes Which digestive enzymes does Ω-ZymeTM Ultra contain? Enzyme Function† Optimal pH Protein Digestive Enzymes Protease Blend Protease 4.5 Aids digestion and utilization of dietary protein Protease 6.0 Protease 3.0 Peptidase Bromelain Papain Neutral Bacterial Protease 3.0-3.75 3.0-6.25 Aids digestion and utilization of dietary protein 3.0-3.5 Aids digestion and utilization of dietary protein 4.7-6.25 Derived from pineapple, breaks down a broad variety of proteins 5.0-8.0 Derived from Papaya, helps digest proteins into peptides and amino acids 5.0-7.0 Derived from Bacillus subtilis, breaks down 6.5-7.0 most soluble proteins into peptides and amino acids Carbohydrate Digestive Enzymes Xylanase Breaks down wood sugar, or xylose 3.0-4.0 Pectinase Breaks down carbohydrates such as pectin, found in the pulp of many fruits 2.5-3.5 Cellulase Digests fiber cellulose into smaller units 4.0-6.0 Invertase Breaks down sucrose into glucose and fructose 4.5 Glucoamylase Breaks down starch-like carbohydrates 4.3-5.0 alpha-Galactosidase Aids digestion of beans, legumes and cruciferous vegetables 3.0-5.5 Amylase Digests starch 4.0-5.0 Malt Diastase Digests maltose based carbohydrates or malt found in grains 5.0 Fiber Digestive Blend Phytase Breaks down phytic acid, carbohydrates 4.0-6.0 Hemicellulase widely present in plant foods, and 3.0-5.5 beta-Glucanase beta-glucan molecules into smaller units 3.5-6.0 Fat Digestive Enzymes Lipase Digest fats 3.0-8.0 Dairy Digestive Enzymes Protease Lactase Digests dairy protein Digests milk sugar lactose 3.0-6.0 4.5-6.0 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 20 21 What are probiotics and why do I need them? Probiotics are beneficial microflora that play a critical role in maintaining good health.† Healthy human intestines contain billions of both good and potentially harmful microorganisms. The good bacteria in the intestines are considered to be an integral part of normal immune system support. Probiotics are important because they can synthesize certain vitamins and short-chain fatty acids to support a healthy intestinal lining and bolster immunity.† When your intestinal lining is occupied by healthy beneficial flora, it deprives unwelcome microorganisms of both space and nutrients. Primal Defense ® TM hso Probiotic formula Dr. Brasco says: “ Primal Defense® is a unique probiotic pioneered by Garden of Life. As the # 1 selling probiotic in the Natural Products Industry*, Primal Defense is the only probiotic that contains Homeostatic™ Soil Organisms which help support healthy gut flora balance and promote regular bowel function.† Primal Defense also maximizes the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting normal nutrient absorption and assimilation.† Healthy people usually have a ratio of approximately 85% good to 15% potentially harmful organisms in the intestinal tract. In some cases, even those who appear to be well might have an unfavorable ratio as a result of daily exposure to environmental toxins and a modern lifestyle. For example, taking antibiotics or drinking chlorinated water may change the optimal microbial balance essential for good health. Garden of Life believes that probiotics are most beneficial when they are not separated from their food source. Primal Defense®, unlike isolated probiotic products, contains fermented whole foods and multiple strains of beneficial probiotics in the form of the Homeostatic™ Soil Organism Probiotic Blend. “ A comparison of Primal Defense® vs. Isolated Probiotics The #1 selling probiotic supplement in the Natural Products Industry* The leading whole food probiotic containing Homeostatic™ Soil Organisms (HSOs) The HSO™ Probiotic Blend in Primal Defense® helps support the normal gastrointestinal balance of good and potentially harmful bacteria to help maintain a balanced, healthy internal environment† Maximizes the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the gut† Unlike other probiotics, the key probiotics in Primal Defense can thrive in the toughest digestive environments and are undeterred by stomach and bile acids 22 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 No Yes What can occur if I don’t have enough beneficial bacteria? A lack of beneficial bacteria in your diet can result in an unbalanced internal environment and a lack of support for your normal immune system function.† Primal Defense comes in two easy-to-use forms: Powder and Caplets Primal Defense is the only probiotic formula that contains a unique whole food blend with Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs). The HSOs in Primal Defense are important probiotics you would get in abundance if your food came from soil untouched by pesticides, herbicides and other widely used chemicals. To replenish the valuable probiotics our pasteurized, irradiated and disinfected food no longer provides, Primal Defense includes 12 species of hardy beneficial microorganisms in the form of the HSO Probiotic Blend. Let the unique HSOs in Primal Defense take you to a new level of total health. No No No No No Large scale use of pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals has changed the bacterial balance of the soil. In order to obtain the benefits we historically acquired from consuming foods cultivated in healthy soil, Garden of Life developed a Homeostatic Soil Organism Probiotic Blend utilizing 12 species of beneficial microorganisms. Select ingredients in Primal Defense are produced through the Garden of Life proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process to make nutrients more available to the body Other ingredients: Calcium carbonate, croscarmellose, sodium, silica, stearic magnesium stearate (vegetable source), vegetable coating, bacterial protease, probiotic cultures. Primal Defense® is the only probiotic containing 12 species of hardy beneficial microorganisms in the form of the HSO Probiotic Blend. The ability of the probiotics in Primal Defense to support the normal healthy flora balance in the gut is not based solely on CFU count, but also on their ability to withstand harsh conditions in the digestive tract such as stomach acid and bile. Primal Defense also contains naturally occurring substances that function as prebiotics. If I’m healthy, how can I benefit from taking Primal Defense ® ? Total health begins in the gut, so an optimized digestive tract has a plethora of health benefits. Primal Defense contains probiotics that support healthy gut flora balance, promote regular bowel function, and maintain a normal immune system — all of which are necessary to support overall health.† The probiotics in Primal Defense maximize the benefits of a healthy diet by supporting normal absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the gut.† What probiotic species does Primal Defense® contain? Lactobacillus plantarum Lactobacillus brevis Bifidobacterium bifidum Lactobacillus salivarius Bifidobacterium lactis Lactobacillus acidophilus Lactobacillus rhamnosus Isolated Probiotics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes What are HSOs and where do they come from? Contains probiotics that promote regular bowel function and help maintain an already healthy immune system – both of which are beneficial to overall health† Primal Defense® Contains Whole Foods Contains Fermented Ingredients Contains HSOs Contains Mineral Based Prebiotics Contains multiple strains of beneficial probiotics and their food sources Need to be refrigerated What is the difference between Primal Defense ® and other probiotics? Bacillus subtilis Bifidobacterium breve Lactobacillus paracasei Lactobacillus casei Bifidobacterium longum Suggested Use: Primal Defense Powder - Adults take 1 scoop (1/3 teaspoon) 3 times per day with 8 ounces of water or juice. Best taken on an empty stomach. Begin with 1 scoop per day and gradually increase to suggested amount. Scoop included. Primal Defense Caplets - Adults take 1 caplet 3 times per day with 8 ounces of water or juice. Best taken on an empty stomach. Begin with 1 caplet per day and gradually increase to suggested amount. Warning: If you are currently undergoing HIV treatment, chemotherapy or allograft therapy, do not use before consulting your physician. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 23 Primal ULTRA Defense ultimate Probiotic formula ® TM Dr. Brasco says: “ Primal Defense® Ultra is an exciting and innovative probiotic developed by Garden of Life. Primal Defense Ultra provides high levels of Saccharomyces boulardii, in addition to HomeostaticTM Soil Organisms, delivering a 15 billion live cell count to support normal intestinal comfort and function, healthy lactic acid bacteria count, and healthy pH levels in the gut.† In addition, Saccharomyces boulardii nourishes intestinal mucosa cells to support the normal barrier function of the intestinal epithelium, helping to maintain a healthy, balanced immune system. The ultimate high potency, broad-spectrum probiotic formula, providing a 15 billion live cell count per daily dose of 13 species of beneficial cultures including soil-based probiotics called Homeostatic™ Soil Organisms Supports normal intestinal comfort and function, and promotes healthy intestinal elimination regularity and consistency† Helps maintain a healthy, balanced immune system which is beneficial to overall health† Helps support a normal gastrointestinal balance of good and potentially harmful bacteria and fungal cells to help maintain a balanced, healthy internal environment† Contains Bacillus subtilis to support healthy lactic acid bacteria (Bifidobacterium and/or Lactobacillus) count and healthy pH levels in the gut† The Saccharomyces boulardii in Primal Defense® Ultra produces certain nutrients that nourish intestinal mucosa cells to help promote healthy intestinal lining integrity and support the normal barrier function of the intestinal epithelium, the front line for the body’s defense system† Delivered via UltraZorbe™ 100% vegetarian capsules to ensure potency, eliminate the need for fillers and binders, and provide quick nutrient release through faster dissolution into the body. Independent study suggests UltraZorbe capsules‑dissolve more completely than other vegetarian capsules ‑‑ Packaged in the advanced, BioProtect™ Packaging System which is superior as an oxygen and moisture barrier and sets an industry standard for protecting delicate ingredient integrity and effectiveness throughout shelf life Probiotics (“Pro”= Positive, “Biotic”= Life) are living microflora that play a critical role in maintaining good health. Present in many live foods, but destroyed by heat processing, live probiotic cultures populate the intestinal tract where they play a positive role in digestive and immune health.† Primal Defense Ultra is the ultimate high potency, broad-spectrum probiotic formula. Three capsules per day provide a 15 billion live cell count of 13 species of beneficial cultures including soil-based probiotics called Homeostatic Soil Organisms (HSOs). HSOs play a positive role in digestive health by supporting a healthy lactic acid bacteria count and healthy pH levels in the gut.† The key probiotics in Primal Defense Ultra can thrive in the toughest digestive environments and are undeterred by stomach and bile acids.† The probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii nourishes and supports healthy intestinal epithelium lining integrity, the front line for the body’s defense system, and promotes healthy intestinal comfort and function†; while a unique blend of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics promote regular bowel function and support immune health.† 24 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. “ What is the difference between Primal Defense ® Ultra and Primal Defense ® ? Primal Defense® and Primal Defense® Ultra are the only whole food probiotic formulas that contain a unique fermented whole food blend with Homeostatic™ Soil Organisms, including a unique blend of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium probiotics to promote regular bowel function and support immune health.† The table below outlines the key similarities and differences between these two formulas. Primal Primal Defense® Defense® ULTRA Contains Whole Foods Contains Fermented Ingredients Contains HSOs Contains Mineral Based Prebiotics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Contains the Following Probiotic Strains: Lactobacillus plantarum Yes Bacillus subtilis Yes Lactobacillus paracasei Yes Bifidobacterium longum Yes Lactobacillus brevis Yes Bifidobacterium bifidum Yes Bifidobacterium breve Yes Bifidobacterium lactis Yes Lactobacillus acidophilus Yes Lactobacillus casei Yes Lactobacillus rhamnosus Yes Lactobacillus salivarius Yes Saccharomyces boulardii No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Delivery System: Delivery System Packaging 100% Vegetarian Dairy Free Needs Refrigeration Caplets Plastic Bottles Yes Yes No UltraZorbe™ Capsules BioProtect™ Yes Yes No What makes UltraZorbe™ capsules unique? The Primal Defense Ultra formula is delivered through our proprietary, UltraZorbeTM 100% vegetarian capsules to ensure potency, eliminate the need for fillers and binders, and provide rapid nutrient release through more efficient dissolution into the body. Scientific research suggests UltraZorbe capsules provide quick nutrient release through faster and more complete dissolution than other vegetarian capsules on the market, and verifies UltraZorbe capsules dissolve in the pH of the stomach, releasing their contents to support optimal nutrient absorption. UltraZorbe capsules are‑100% vegetarian and‑kosher certified.‑ Why is the BioProtect ™ packaging system important? We developed the proprietary BioProtectTM System to protect the delicate bioactive ingredients in Primal Defense ULTRA from the damaging effects of elements in the environment. This system utilizes an impermeable amber glass bottle that safeguards against the penetration of oxygen, moisture and light. The bottles are nitrogen flushed to displace any reactive components contained in the air (oxygen, moisture, carbon-dioxide), preventing harmful oxidation of the ingredients. The BioProtect System preserves the integrity and effectiveness of our ULTRA formulations. Suggested Use: Adults begin with 1 capsule per day with 8oz. of water or juice and gradually increase to 1 capsule three times a day. Best taken on an empty stomach. Warning: If you are currently undergoing HIV treatment, chemotherapy, or allograft, do not use before consulting your physician. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. Dairy free. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 25 Super Seed ® beyond fiber Dr. Brasco says: “ “ Super Seed® is a pleasant, tasty way of increasing total daily fiber. It’s great mixed in with cereals, yogurt or smoothies. I recommend it to my patients for overall digestive health. The #3 selling fiber product in the Natural Products Industry* Excellent source of dietary fiber A whole food blend of seeds, sprouted grains, and legumes containing both soluble and insoluble fiber Contains ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to support normal gut flora balance, regular bowel function, and overall health† Dietary fiber in Super Seed® supports normal cardiovascular health† Super Seed provides naturally occurring Omega-3 fatty acids The flax in Super Seed supports healthy estrogen metabolism and breast health in women, and supports normal prostate health in men† Good source of protein from beans and legumes Super Seed does not contain any added sugars or artificial ingredients such as sweeteners, colorings or flavorings, unlike many popular mass market fiber supplements Two servings of Super Seed provide over 50% of the Daily Value for fiber Select ingredients in Super Seed are fermented using Garden of Life’s proprietary Poten-Zyme™ process to make nutrients more available to the body Most of the fiber in Super Seed is soluble. Each serving provides over 5g of soluble fiber from whole food ingredients Super Seed is a powerful whole food formula that is an excellent source of dietary fiber. The ingredients in Super Seed were specifically chosen for their exceptional ability to support and maintain optimal bowel health and function.† Give your body the whole food fiber it needs for optimal bowel health with Super Seed.† 26 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 What is dietary fiber? Why is dietary fiber important? Fiber is a complex carbohydrate which is found in plants. The body does not digest fiber; instead the fiber component of food passes through the digestive system. There are two types of fiber - soluble and insoluble fiber. Much like it sounds, soluble fiber is fiber that dissolves in water and insoluble fiber is fiber that does not. The best way to get fiber is through a whole food diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds and legumes. Vibrant health begins in the colon, and supplying your body with adequate dietary fiber every day is essential to colon function and overall health.† The role fiber plays in a healthy diet became apparent at the turn of the century. Diets previously high in dietary fiber were altered to include the new “wonder foods,” refined sugar and milled flour. The increased use of these foods, which were devoid of dietary fiber, led to a theory that connected a lack of fiber and the overall state of health. Several generations later, up to 100 million Americans experience some form of occasional digestive discomfort. Super Seed® was formulated to include naturally occurring soluble and insoluble fiber from carefully selected grains, seeds and legumes that are easy on the gastrointestinal system. Super Seed does NOT include psyllium husk, which provides no nutritional value. Give your body the whole food fiber it needs for optimal bowel health with Super Seed.† Contains multiple sources Soluble and Insoluble Fiber Contains Fermented Whole Foods Gentle on the digestive system Adds nutritional value Contains multiple fiber components that act as a prebiotic Super Seed® Psylium Husk Fiber Products Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No How does Super Seed ® support normal gut flora balance? How do I take Super Seed ® ? Super Seed is a powder blend that can be mixed in smoothies, vegetable or fruit juices, cereal, yogurt or soup. In fact, Super Seed can add nutritional value and fiber to nearly any food or beverage. What makes Super Seed ® better than other fiber supplements? Many other fiber supplements rely on insoluble fiber alone and provide very little in the way of nutrition. Super Seed contains both naturally occurring soluble and insoluble fiber from carefully selected grains, seeds and legumes that are easy on the gastrointestinal system. Additionally, Super Seed contains no psyllium. Suggested Use: Mix 2 or more heaping tablespoons with any food or bever- age (room temperature or cooler) and consume immediately. Super Seed can be mixed in smoothies, vegetable or fruit juices, cereal, yogurt or soup. Super Seed can add nutritional value and fiber to nearly any food or beverage. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. 100% Natural. Super Seed contains fiber components that act as prebiotics to support normal gut flora balance.† † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 27 The building blocks of good nutrition are found in healthy proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and enzymes are essential elements that help sustain the optimal environment for the body to function.† Foundational Nutrition by Garden of Life provides a full line of supplements specifically formulated with high quality ingredients to deliver the building blocks and essential elements of nutrition that are fundamental to your body’s health and well-being. 28 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 29 What is CODmega ™ and what fish oils does it contain? CODmega™ Wild Fish and Cod Liver Oil Complex is a unique blend of wild fish oils including sardine oil, anchovy oil, skipjack tuna liver oil and cod liver oil. CODmega wild fish and TM cod liver oil complex Why do I need fish oil in my diet? Lack of adequate amounts of essential fatty acids such as EPA and DHA in the typical North American diet is a growing concern. CODmega provides you with 1,000mg of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids per serving. The cod liver oil in CODmega capsules is also an excellent source of Vitamins A and D. What are the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids? A unique combination of wild fish oils, including cod liver oil from the deep, clean arctic waters of Norway Provides 400mg of EPA and 600mg of DHA Omega-3 fatty acids Supportive but not conclusive research shows that the consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of CODmega™ provides 1,000 mg of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids The Omega-3 fatty acids found in CODmega support healthy neurological and brain function and a healthy level of triglycerides† Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Besides their cardiovascular benefits, a significant body of scientific research provides evidence that these Omega-3 fatty acids also support healthy neurological and brain function.† The Vitamins A and D in CODmega support normal calcium metabolism and bone development, and help maintain bone structure.† Vitamin A also supports eye health, normal skin and hair structure, gene expression, reproduction, and healthy immune function.† An excellent source of Vitamin A from retinol and Vitamin D from D3, providing 20% and 25% of the Daily Values respectively The Vitamins A and D in CODmega support normal calcium metabolism and bone development, and help maintain bone structure† The Vitamin A in CODmega supports eye health, normal skin and hair structure, gene expression, reproduction, and healthy immune function† CODmega is molecularly distilled and undergoes quality control measures which include independent laboratory testing to exacting purity standards for heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and other contaminants Contains a pleasant lemon mint flavor to help reduce aftertaste Utilizes Licaps® technology for easy-to-swallow capsules that are less oxygen † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. permeable than soft gels for maximum oxidation protection 30 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Licaps® is a registered trademark of Capsugel. 31 What is Fruits of Life ™ and what is in it? Fruits of Life antioxidant fruit matrix TM A 100% natural blend of seven fruits rich in antioxidants and other ingredients that neutralize free radicals The ingredients in Fruits of Life™ (grape, blackberry, acerola cherry, raspberry, blueberry, strawberry, and plum) provide diverse, natural antioxidant support and protect against oxidative stress † 32 The Fruits of Life mineral matrix is a unique blend of mineral whey from goat’s milk that contains alkalizing minerals Provides 100% of the Daily Value of Vitamin C from fruits such as acerola cherry Good source of calcium from goat’s milk whey and red algae Fruits of Life™ is a fruit and mineral-based powder blend containing some of the most powerful antioxidant fruits on the planet and beneficial probiotics. • Blueberries, a rich source of anthocyanins • Strawberries, a rich source of natural Vitamin C and phytochemicals • Raspberries, a potent source of ellagic acid and Vitamin C • Blackberries, a concentrated source of anthocyanins and other phytochemicals • Red grapes, which contain more than a dozen antioxidants, as well as, resveratrol, a beneficial phytonutrient • Plums, an excellent source of antioxidants • Acerola cherries, a good source of natural Vitamin C • Mineral Matrix, a unique blend of alkalizing minerals, enzymes and probiotics from goat’s milk that support beneficial flora in the gastrointestinal tract† What are free radicals and how can they hurt my body? Free radicals are unstable, destructive molecules that lack electrons and can cause cellular damage. They form naturally as a result of normal metabolic processes such as breathing, but they can be elevated to unhealthy levels by smoking, obesity, poor diet, aging, over-exercise, stress and other factors. When the body lacks adequate antioxidants to fend off free radicals, oxidative stress occurs. What are antioxidants and why do I need them? Fruits of Life provides nutrients that are difficult, if not impossible, to get with today’s on-the-go lifestyle. Seven fruits, including antioxidant food concentrates of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and blackberries are packed into one great tasting powder blend. Antioxidants are compounds and substances found in fruits and vegetables that inhibit oxidation. They deactivate free radicals to support overall health. Rich in antioxidants, Fruits of Life powder neutralizes destructive free radicals and protects against oxidative stress.† One of the only products to combine the top four antioxidant foods in a single whole food powder blend; Fruits of Life is both powerful and beneficial. Why is proper pH important to me? † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Proper pH - the balance of acidity/alkalinity in the body - is important because, like body temperature, there’s an optimal pH range in which the body functions properly. Maintenance of a proper pH range is an important component to good health. How do the alkalizing minerals in Fruits of Life ™ benefit me? The alkalizing minerals in Fruits of Life help maintain the body’s proper pH.† What makes Fruits of Life ™ better than other antioxidant formulas? Fruits of Life is unlike other antioxidant formulas available today, many of which contain isolated single nutrients. Its wide array of powerful fruit extracts and fermented goat’s milk whey make this formula both unique and potent. The whole food ingredients in Fruits of Life and their body-ready components are the subject of extensive, exciting scientific research, from epidemiological studies on large groups of healthy people and cultures and their diets, to research on individual bioflavonoids unique to each type of fruit. There is a substantial body of scientific support indicating these food ingredients help maintain vibrant health and have significant antioxidant qualities. What is the difference between Fruits of life ™ and radical fruits ® ? While both contain powerful antioxidants essential to good health, Radical Fruits® is formulated with highly concentrated ingredients that dictate the use of a caplet form rather than a powder form as with Fruits of Life. A powder form of Radical Fruits would not be as palatable due to its fermented ingredients. Suggested Use: Take 1 tablespoon 1 or more times per day. May be eaten right off the spoon or mixed with water, juice, yogurt, smoothies or jam. Caution: As with any dietary supplement, consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. This product is made with natural ingredients. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 33 What is Radical Fruits ® and what is in it? Radical Fruits® is a powerful antioxidant blend designed to neutralize free radicals and protect against oxidative stress.† It contains: Radical Fruits antioxidant formula ® A powerful antioxidant formula that helps neutralize free radicals and protect against oxidative stress in the body† A 100% natural blend of 10 antioxidant-rich fruits and alkalizing minerals that support overall health Select ingredients in Radical Fruits® are produced through the Garden of Life® proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process which makes the nutrients more available to the body A powerful antioxidant formula that neutralizes free radicals in the body, Radical Fruits blends organically grown fruit extracts and alkalizing minerals from hormone-free goat’s milk to support well-being. Radical Fruits is an exceptional solution to today’s hectic schedules and processed foods that make it almost impossible to get enough antioxidant rich foods that are needed for good health. Fermented with our proprietary Poten-Zyme process, Radical Fruits utilizes free radical fighting juices, purees and leaves, making it different from other products in this category. • Whole grape juice (including skin and seeds) and grape leaf • Raspberry puree, a natural source of ellagic acid, an important antioxidant • Strawberry puree • Whole prunes, which rank among the highest antioxidant rich foods • Blueberry leaf and pomegranate fruit which contain one of the strongest antioxidants, anthocyanins • Apple skin, with polyphenolic antioxidants including phloridzin • Cherry and white cherry • Pomegranate • Goat’s milk whey, with alkalizing minerals, to help maintain comfortable pH levels† What are free radicals and how do they affect my overall health? Free radicals are unstable, destructive molecules that lack electrons. They form naturally as a result of normal metabolic processes such as breathing, but their production may be increased beyond optimal levels by smoking, obesity, poor diet, over-exercise, stress and other factors. When the body lacks adequate antioxidants to fend them off, free radicals start attacking normal tissues and molecules in the body. What are antioxidants and why do I need them? Antioxidants are found primarily in fruits and vegetables and are capable of neutralizing free radicals. Antioxidant molecules come in various shapes and sizes. Generally speaking, the smaller the antioxidant molecule, the more likely it is to be absorbed and used inside the body. Research indicates that some of the smallest and most effective antioxidants are found in fruits like those in Radical Fruits. Overall health can be supported by simply adding a powerful antioxidant nutrient combination such as Radical Fruits to your daily diet. 34 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. What is the difference between Radical Fruits ® and Fruits of Life ™ supplements? While Fruits of LifeTM comes in a powder form that can easily be added to water or your favorite drink, Radical Fruits is available in easy to use caplets. Select ingredients in Radical Fruits are pre-digested using the Poten-Zyme™ process. Additionally, for those concerned with sugar intake, Radical Fruits contains only three grams of carbohydrates per serving. What makes Radical Fruits ® better than other antioxidant blends? Radical Fruits is unlike other readily available antioxidant formulas, many of which have isolated single nutrients. The whole food ingredients in Radical Fruits and their bioactive components are the subject of extensive, exciting scientific research, from epidemiological studies on large groups of healthy people and cultures and their diets, to research on individual bioflavonoids unique to each type of fruit. There is already an extensive collection of independent scientific support for including the individual ingredients in a healthy diet. Also, the blend of whole fruit, leaves and goat’s milk whey makes this formula unique. Selected foods in Radical Fruits have been predigested utilizing our proprietary Poten-Zyme process to make the nutrients more available to the body. Suggested Use: Take 3-6 caplets per day. May be taken with or without food. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 35 Goatein pure goat’s milk ® protein Why do I need a protein supplement? Suggested Use: Proteins form the foundations for muscles, skin, bones, hair, teeth, blood, the brain, the heart, and billions of biochemical activities in the body. They are made up of 20 amino acids, eight of which are considered “essential” because the body cannot produce them and they must be obtained through diet. Take one heaping scoop mixed with 8 ounces of juice or water as often as desired. Blend or shake vigorously. To dissolve more easily, add powder to 1-2 ounces of warm water, shake and add remainder of liquid. Great in smoothies, mixed in hot cereals or sprinkled on yogurt. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. Notice: This product should be used as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction. Is the animal protein in Goatein ® better than vegetable protein? Yes! Animal protein is the only complete source of protein available. Vegetarian sources such as soy are typically missing one or more of the essential amino acids, even when overall protein content is high. Why is Goatein ® protein easier to digest than cow’s milk? A unique protein powder made from goat’s milk Easy to digest - can be tolerated by many people who have difficulty digesting cow’s milk An excellent source of complete protein that contains all eight essential amino acids Goatein® goats are not fed pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones or antibiotics Great for those on low carbohydrate diets Proteins are important building blocks for human life and are an essential part of a healthy diet. Proteins contain 20 different amino acids, eight of which are essential because the body cannot produce them and they must be obtained through food. Animal proteins (such as those in Goatein) are the only sources of complete proteins. Vegetarian sources of protein (such as soy) are typically missing one or more of the essential amino acids even when overall protein content is high. Start to enjoy the health benefits of goat’s milk protein by adding Goatein protein to your diet every day. 36 The protein structure of goat’s milk is different than that of cow’s milk. This allows certain people that cannot tolerate bovine milk to consume milk protein from goats. What makes Goatein ® protein better than other protein products? Most commercial dairy protein powders are produced from animals given antibiotics and hormones. Many vegetable protein powders are made from non-organic or genetically modified organisms and may contain chemical residues. In contrast, Goatein® protein powder is made from pure goat’s milk, from goats raised without antibiotics or growth hormones. Additionally, most other milk protein powders are made from cow’s milk and although they may claim to be “minimally processed”, intensive processing including heating and drying at high temperatures is used. Because Goatein protein powder is processed without excessive heat, all its elements remain in their natural forms. 37 Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil ® Lemon Mint Flavor One of nature’s richest sources of natural Vitamins A and D Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. One serving of Olde World® Icelandic Cod Liver Oil provides over 750mg of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids The Vitamins A and D in Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil support normal calcium metabolism, normal bone development, and help maintain healthy bone structure† The Vitamin A in Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil supports eye health, normal skin and hair structure, and healthy immune function† The Omega-3 fatty acids found in Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil support healthy neurological and brain function† All-natural lemon mint flavor Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil undergoes quality control measures which include independent laboratory testing to exacting standards for heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins, and other potential contaminants Great for those on low carbohydrate diets Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil comes from the pure cold waters of Iceland and is processed using traditional methods to ensure its naturally occurring ingredients remain intact. What is the origin of Cod Liver Oil? Suggested Use: Far north in the icy Atlantic lives a truly remarkable culture of people who have withstood the challenges of harsh weather and long seasons of darkness. This is the island nation of Iceland. Adults take 1 teaspoon per day unless otherwise advised by your healthcare practitioner. Warning: Do not take this product if you are using blood thinners or anticipate surgery. Consult with a physician before taking this product if you are pregnant, diabetic or sensitive to iodine. Keep out of reach of children. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. Cod liver oil has always been an important part of the diet for the Icelandic people. They instinctively recognize the importance of Vitamin A, Vitamin D and the essential Omega-3 fatty acids found in cod liver oil. Regular use of cod liver oil has supported the overall health of the Icelandic people for hundreds of years. Now, this same product is available to support your overall health. Is Olde World ® Icelandic Cod Liver Oil tested for purity? Olde World® Icelandic Cod Liver Oil undergoes quality control measures which include testing to exacting purity standards by independent laboratories for heavy metals, dioxins and other contaminants. What are the benefits of vitamin D supplementation? Current research shows that Vitamin D deficiency, believed to be almost non-existent in the North American population, might be more prevalent than originally thought. Vitamin D, well known for its ability to support calcium metabolism, has also been shown to support healthy carbohydrate metabolism.† Research shows that healthy individuals without a Vitamin D deficiency more often demonstrate a normal glucose metabolism than their Vitamin D deficient counterparts. Additionally, Vitamin D is suggested to play a pivotal role in supporting normal muscle tone and strength.† † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. One of nature’s richest sources of natural Vitamins A and D, it contains both EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids. Offering a multitude of health benefits, Olde World Icelandic Cod Liver Oil should be taken daily to support overall health. 38 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 39 Why cereal grasses? Perfect Food & Perfect Food Original ® ® super green formula Perfect Food® is the #1 selling Green Food in the Natural Products Industry* with more greens per serving than other leading green food formulas One serving of Perfect Food Green Powder is equivalent to 140g of fresh grass juice Excellent source of natural Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene and a good source of natural Vitamin C Contains spirulina that supports healthy immune function† Contains algae and cereal grasses that provide a natural source of alkalizing minerals Select ingredients in Perfect Food Super Green Formula are produced through the Garden of Life proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process to make the nutrients more available to the body Supports healthy carbohydrate metabolism† Great for those on low carbohydrate diets or people who are unable to eat enough green foods Perfect Food comes in two easy-to-use forms: Powder and Caplets Nearly every major health organization recommends eating five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day to maintain health. Yet, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, less than nine percent of American adults consume the recommended number of servings. One way to make sure you are receiving the nutritional benefits of multiple servings of fruits and vegetables is through green food supplementation. Perfect Food Super Green Formula has more greens per serving than other leading green food formulas. Other formulas often load their products with non-greens and fillers. While many of these non-greens are important and have a definite nutritional benefit, no other type of food source provides the nutritional benefit of green foods. That is why Perfect Food Super Green Formula Powder contains over 8000mg of greens per serving. 40 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 Grass juice powders vs. whole leaf powders Cereal grasses, such as wheat grass, barley grass, oat grass and alfalfa grass offer exceptional nutritional value. Cereal grasses were among the first whole foods consumed specifically for their vitamin and mineral content. Dehydrated cereal grass has been available as a food supplement for humans since the 1930’s. Cereal grasses became an “accepted food” by the Council on Foods of the American Medical Association in 1939, recognized as a rich source of many nutrients, including beta-carotene, calcium, iron, protein, fiber, and Vitamin C. As is often the case, the first attempts at improving nutrition were the ones that have proven to be the most successful. The cereal grasses consumed at the turn of the century were unadulterated and minimally processed, retaining their significant nutritional value. Cereal grasses are defined as the young grass stage of the wheat plant, the barley plant, the rye plant, and the oat plant. At this stage these cereal grasses have the look, feel, taste, nutrient and chemical makeup of green leafy vegetables. When young, cereal grasses are similar in appearance to lawn and field grasses and are leafy with a deep green color. Laboratory analyses indicate that the nutrients found in young green cereal plants vary within each growth stage. At this young green stage the cereal plant contains many times more vitamins, minerals and proteins than found in the same plant once it matures to the grain stage. In simple terms, the young cereal grass is much more nutrient dense than the mature cereal plant. Cereal grasses are delivered to the body in one of two ways, concentrated grass juice powder or fibrous whole leaf grass powder. Finally, when the cereal grasses are juiced, they must be taken to the juicer as soon as they are harvested, before the grass can dry out. Juicing the grass when it is freshly harvested ensures a higher nutrient profile. When grasses are dried without juicing, they are often left out in a field to sun dry. This approach does not optimize the nutrient benefit of the grass. Whole leaf powders are made by taking the cereal grass and dehydrating it. The dehydrated cereal grass is then ground into a fine powder. The process is a quick and inexpensive way to create a powder. Grass juice powders are made by taking the cereal grasses and juicing them. The juice is then allowed to dry into a fine powder, retaining the benefits of the juice itself. The process is more time consuming and a more expensive alternative than simply grinding up a whole leaf powder. Garden of Life believes that juicing their cereal grasses provides more nutritional benefit. When cereal grass is juiced, as opposed to dried and ground up, the resulting juice is packed with most of the nutrients available in the grass. Once this juice is low temperature dried, the resulting powder is much more densely packed with water soluble nutrients such as B vitamins and folic acid than an equal amount of whole leaf powder. Juicing fruits and vegetables makes them more soluble, allowing for easier digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Many raw vegetables are difficult to digest because they require cellulase, an enzyme that our bodies do not produce, to break down the cellulose they contain. Juicing cereal grasses bypasses this process and allows for the quicker and easier assimilation of nutrients. Whole leaf powders are less soluble as they contain the cellulose from the cereal grass. Perfect Food® is a powerful whole food formula packed with antioxidant green grasses, micro-algae, sea vegetables, whole vegetables and their juices, sprouted grains, seeds, legumes and acerola cherries. One serving of Perfect Food powder is equivalent to 140 grams of fresh grass juice. Ranked the #1 selling Green Food in the Natural Products Industry*, Perfect Food contains more greens per serving than other leading green formulas to help you obtain the daily recommended servings of green foods. Select ingredients in Perfect Food have undergone our proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process to help the body utilize nutrients. * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 41 Why is Perfect Food ® the #1 Selling Green Food in the Natural Products Industry?* 11 Desirable Things in Perfect Food® Powder More greens per serving than other leading green food formulas Made with cereal grass juice powder Contains 40 whole food ingredients Perfect Food Berry Green Earth’s Promise Strawberry Kiwi Green Greens + Vibrance Green Magna #1 ingredient is green Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Fermented Ingredients Yes Yes No No No Yes Organic Ingredients Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Over 100% RDI of Vitamin A (as beta carotene) from natural sources Yes No No No Yes No Over 80% RDI of Vitamin C from natural sources Yes No No Yes Yes No Over 15% RDI of calcium from natural sources Yes No No No No No Over 40 active ingredients Yes No No Yes No No Over 8 grams of ‘greens’ per serving Yes No No No No No Over 30 vegetables, legumes, and sprouts Yes No No No No No Nutrient rich grass juices Yes No No Yes No Yes Soluble rice bran Yes No No No No No 4 Undesirable Things Perfect Food® Powder Doesn’t Have More herbs, white or orange vegetables, grains, fibers, and other ‘non’ greens than greens No Over 30% fiber No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No Fiber not listed Chicory root filler No Yes Yes No No No Preservatives and flow agents No No Yes No No No * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 42 What are super green foods and why do I need them? Suggested Use: Super green foods is a term usually used to describe young cereal grasses such as wheat, barley, oats and alfalfa, as well as spirulina, chlorella, kelp and other sea vegetables. Perfect Food® Caplets: Adults take 5 caplets per day with 8 ounces of water or juice. Start with 1-2 caplets daily and gradually work up to 5 caplets per day. May be taken with or without food. Perfect Food® Powder and Perfect Food® Original Powder: Adults mix 1 level scoop (2 tablespoons) in 8 ounces of water or juice 1 (or more) times per day. Begin with 1/4 serving size for the first few days, gradually working up to full serving size. May be taken with or without food. Children may take 1/4 to 1/2 of the adult serving. Scoop included. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no soy lecithin, apple fiber, artificial colors or preservatives. A diet comprised of super green foods enables grass-eating animals to continually maintain their weight, strength, and vibrant health. If I’m already taking a vitamin supplement, why do I need Perfect Food ® ? The whole foods found in Perfect Food® provide vitamins and minerals as nature intended, but it goes beyond just that. Perfect Food also delivers naturally occurring cofactors and synergistic compounds by utilizing concentrates and juices instead of extracts and isolates. Whole foods and their concentrates are ingredients on which no chemical extraction has been performed. When nutrients are stripped of their cofactors as a result of extraction, it may alter the nutrients’ utilization. In addition, these cofactors might have additional, antioxidant benefits. In contrast, most widely available vitamin and mineral supplements are made from fractionated, isolated or synthetic sources that can potentially create an environment of biochemical imbalances. For optimal health, there’s nothing better than nutrient-rich, unprocessed whole foods in their balanced, natural state, like those found in Perfect Food. What’s the difference between Perfect Food ® Powder, Perfect Food ® Caplets and Perfect Food ® Original? Contains Select Ingredients that are fermented with our proprietary Poten-ZymeTM Process Contains Stevia Contains HSO Probiotic Blend Perfect Food® Original Perfect Food® Caplets No No Yes Yes No No Perfect Food® Powder Yes Yes No Product names used herein are either registered or unregistered trademarks of their respective owners. 43 A properly functioning immune system is essential to overall health and well-being. Garden of Life® Immunity Support products are formulated from whole foods and herbs that provide your body with nutrients to support a healthy immune system.† To complement our Immunity Support products, Garden of Life is pleased to include FYI® and FYI® Restore. The ingredients in FYI support normal joint function and mobility; while FYI Restore delivers ingredients that work with the body’s own processes to assist in normal tissue repair and recovery.† 44 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 45 FYI joint and Tissue Food ® The ingredients in FYI® include naturally occurring compounds that support normal joint function and mobility† Ingredients in FYI support antioxidant function in the body† Select ingredients in FYI are produced through the Garden of Life® proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process† Certain ingredients in FYI - chicken collagen type II along with proteolytic enzymes and turmeric – provide support for normal joint function and mobility.† These ingredients also support healthy metabolism in the connective tissue that is essential to maintain normal range of motion.† If you’re among the millions of Americans who would like to maintain already healthy joint and connective tissues, start using FYI today. What’s in FYI ® ? What makes FYI ® better than other formulas? FYI® contains chicken collagen type II, systemic enzymes and herbs chosen for their ability to support healthy joints. Specific ingredients include: FYI is a unique formula that combines a special form of collagen, proteolytic enzymes and turmeric to support normal joint function and mobility.† FYI is further enriched with a unique blend of foods and botanicals to support antioxidant function in the body.† Additionally, the cat’s claw, ginger and barley juice are fermented using our proprietary Poten-Zyme™ process which makes the nutrients in these ingredients more available to the body. Systemic Enzyme Blend, a combination of protein-digesting enzymes able to function in a wide range of pH environments. • Protease Blend - a combination of proteolytic enzymes shown to work systemically • Bromelain - a powerful protein-digesting enzyme from pineapple • Papain - a mixture of protein-digesting enzymes isolated from papaya Suggested Use: Additional enzymes in FYI include: • Lipase - a potent fat-digesting enzyme • Amylase - a starch-digesting enzyme • Cellulase - an enzyme that breaks down plant fiber Take 1 caplet 3 times per day preferably on an empty stomach. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. Other ingredients include: • Syrian oregano - contains antioxidant compounds and essential oils • Cat’s Claw - a traditional Peruvian herb which supports the body’s ability to fight free radicals† • Turmeric Root - an antioxidant that has been shown to support normal joint function† • Young leaves of Rhododendron caucasium - traditionally used as a tea, they contain a unique form of highly available polyphenolic antioxidants This product is made with natural ingredients. How do the ingredients in FYI ® work to support healthy joints? • Proteolytic enzymes have the ability to support normal metabolic processes in the body that support joint and connective tissue health† • Ingredients in FYI support antioxidant function in the body† † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 46 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 47 FYI Restore muscle and ® Tissue recovery Calories ++ ++ Total Calories absorption in the80 80small intestine Natural algae-based enteric coating to ensureTotal targeted Calories 55 ++ ++ Calories from from Fat Fat for maximum effectiveness Total .5g 1%† ++ Total Fat Fat .5g 1%† Cholesterol 5mg 2% ++ Cholesterol 5mg 2% Sodium 20mg 1% ++ Sodium 20mg 1% Total 5g 2%† ++ Total Carbohydrate Carbohydrate 5g 2%† Dietary 1g 4%† ++ Dietary Fiber Fiber 1g works 4%† with the FYI Restore is a comprehensive, highly active systemic enzyme formula that Sugars 3g ++ Sugars 3g † ++ body’s own processes to assist normal muscle Protein and tissue repair and recovery. FYI Restore 13g 26%† 81% Protein 13g 26%† 81% Calcium 270mg 27% Calcium enzymes, including 270mg 27% 34% provides a broad spectrum of highly active proteolytic high levels of34% 100% Vegetarian and Vegan bromelain and papain, along with bioflavonoids, antioxidants, and trace minerals that work together to support healthy connective tissue integrity and turnover.† FYI Restore is enteric coated to ensure the sensitive systemic enzymes pass through the acidic environment of the stomach into the small intestine unaltered to be absorbed into the body for maximum effectiveness. 48 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. FYI® is a comprehensive joint health formula with chicken collagen type II and botanicals designed primarily to support normal joint function and mobility.† FYI® Restore is an advanced, highly active systemic enzyme blend. The 100% vegetarian caplets are sealed in a natural algae-based enteric coating to bypass the stomach and release the enzymes directly into the small intestine. This is where enzymatic absorption is maximized to support normal fibrin turnover, tissue repair and recovery.† FYI and FYI Restore are complementary products, and can be used together for enhanced benefit. What makes FYI ® Restore better than other formulas? The key ingredients in the FYI Restore formulation are the unique Systemic Enzyme Blend, Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex (citrus bioflavonoids, rutin) and trace minerals. Specific ingredients and their function include: FYI® Restore Systemic Enzyme Blend: a combination of systemic, protein-digesting enzymes to support optimal tissue fluid viscosity and maintain normal capillary-tissue exchange to promote normal tissue fluid circulation† Bromelain – high levels of a powerful enzyme from pineapple that supports optimal platelet stickiness, aids normal fibrin turnover, and promotes healthy microcirculation† Delivers a comprehensive, highly potent range of systemic enzymes, bioflavonoids, antiSize 11 heaping scoop) Per Serving Size 20g 20g (Approx. (Approx. heaping scoop) Servings Servings Per Container Container oxidants and trace minerals that work togetherServing to support healthy connective tissue integ-2222 rity and turnover† Provides high levels of bromelain and papain to aid normal fibrin turnover and support healthy microcirculation in overused tissue† Ionic Ocean and Plant Based Minerals: provide cofactors that activate enzymes. What’s in FYI ® Restore? FYI® Restore is the ultimate broad spectrum systemic enzyme formula, delivering high proteolytic activity at the systemic level to work with the body’s own processes to assist normal tissue repair and recovery† What is the difference between FYI ® Restore and FYI ® ? Nattozimes® and Serrazimes® are registered trademarks of National Enzyme Company. Papain – high levels of a mixture of enzymes isolated from papaya that break down soluble protein† Protease 6.0 – proteolytic enzyme that efficiently breaks down protein† Nattozimes® – proteolytic enzymes that support optimal fibrin metabolism and microcirculation† Serrazimes® – proteolytic enzymes that support optimal fibrin metabolism and microcirculation† Citrus Bioflavonoids: support optimal levels of collagenase and elastase, the enzymes involved in connective tissue turnover and repair caused by everyday activity† Rutin: a flavonoid with substantial antioxidant activity that supports anti-oxidative function within healthy cells to reduce free radical damage.† FYI Restore is a comprehensive muscle and tissue formula that provides a highly active range of proteolytic and antioxidant enzymes, bioflavonoids, botanicals and trace minerals to support healthy connective tissue integrity and turnover.† The active ingredients in FYI Restore work together systemically with the body’s own processes to assist normal tissue repair and recovery.† Fibrin is an insoluble, fibrillar protein that is polymerized to form a protective clot over a wound site. A range of insults, including occasional muscle overuse, can lead to fibrin buildup in muscle tissues. FYI Restore provides high levels of bromelain and papain to aid normal fibrin turnover, support healthy microcirculation and break down protein at the microcirculatory level.† Citrus bioflavonoids are also included to support optimal levels of collagenase and elastase, the enzymes involved in connective tissue turnover and repair caused by everyday activity.† FYI Restore is great for athletes, suitable for vegetarians, and comes enteric coated to ensure targeted absorption in the small intestine for maximum effectiveness. Suggested Use: Adults take 1 capsule 2 times per day on an empty stomach with water. Warning: Do not take FYI Restore if you are pregnant or nursing. Stop taking FYI Restore two weeks prior to a planned surgery. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are taking blood thinning drugs or are under medical supervision. Allow 7-10 days of continuous use for maximum benefit. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Nattozimes and Serrazimes are registered trademarks of National Enzyme Company. 49 Goatein Ig ® predigested goat’s milk protein & IgG A unique blend of goat’s milk protein containing fermented immunoglobulin G A complete protein that contains all eight essential amino acids - protein building blocks crucial to good health Easy to digest - can be tolerated by many people who have difficulties digesting cow’s milk Goatein® Ig goats are not fed pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, or What is immunoglobulin G? Suggested Use: IgG is a class of naturally occurring immune proteins, commonly called gamma globulins that act as antibodies. They are produced and secreted in mammals by B lymphocytes, or plasma cells, and play an important part in immune protection. Take 5 caplets with 8 ounces of water or juice (avoid hot beverages) 1 or more times per day. Best taken on an empty stomach. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. Notice: This product should be used as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction. This product is made with natural ingredients. Why is Goatein ® Ig protein easier to digest than cow’s milk? The protein structure of goat’s milk is different from that of cow’s milk. This allows people that cannot tolerate bovine milk to consume milk protein from goats. What makes Goatein ® Ig protein better than other milk protein formulas? Most other milk-based protein powders with immunoglobulins are made from cow’s milk, and though they claim to be “minimally processed”, some use high temperatures that de-nature many important proteins and destroy enzymes and beneficial bacteria. Goatein® Ig is processed without excessive heat. Most other protein products are shipped hundreds or even thousands of miles for processing. Goatein Ig is processed and dried while still at the farm, guaranteeing its intact form. antibiotics Great for those on low carbohydrate diets Goatein Ig is a high quality protein blend made from goat’s milk, and one of the only protein supplements on the market containing fermented protein with immunoglobulin G. Protein is made up of amino acids, eight of which are considered “essential” because they cannot be manufactured by the body. Goatein Ig protein provides all eight to give your body the complete protein it needs for overall health and vitality. Goatein Ig protein is produced from goat’s milk that contains no chemicals, antibiotics or growth hormones. It can be tolerated by many people who cannot digest cow’s milk. Additionally, Goatein Ig protein is partially predigested using a fermentation process to assist nutrient absorption and delivery. Of all the nutrients your body needs, protein is among the most important. Ensure your body gets enough protein by making Goatein Ig an important part of your healthy protein-based diet. 50 51 What’s in RM-10 ® ? RM-10 ® immune system food RM-10® is a unique blend of tonic mushrooms and herbs. The blend includes: • Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) • Cordyceps sinensis • Trametes versicolor • Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) • Agaricus blazei • Hericium erinaceus • Poria cocos • Tremella fuciformus • Polyporus umbellatus • Grifola frondosa (Maitake) • Aloe Vera • Uncaria tomentosa What makes RM-10 ® better than other immune support formulas? RM-10® is a combination of 10 tonic mushrooms, balanced with Aloe Vera and the Peruvian herb Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s Claw) Select ingredients are prepared through the Garden of Life proprietary Poten-Zyme™ process to make the nutrients more available to the body RM-10 is formulated with 10 tonic mushrooms, Aloe Vera and the herb Uncaria tomentosa (Cat’s Claw). Cat’s Claw has been traditionally used in the Peruvian culture for centuries and science has now validated its antioxidant effect.† 52 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Unlike other formulas that focus on a single compound, RM-10 uses a multi-compound approach. In addition, our propriety Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process assists in nutrient absorption and delivery. What research is available for RM-10® in relation to the immune system? Although we often refer to it as a “system,” the immune system is actually a collection of cells that “communicate” to one another through release of cytokines (chemical transmitters) and cell-to-cell interaction. When the attention of your immune system is required, immune cells (often in the gut) signal the rest of the body to either mobilize or down regulate immune resources. An in vitro study was conducted with RM-10 to determine its affect on isolated immune cells. This study showed that RM-10 had an affect on certain cytokines (immune system messengers) and NK (natural killer) cells even at low concentrations, suggesting the presence of highly active components.* * RM-10® has not been studied in humans, and in vitro studies provide only background information on the effect of a substance on the body. Controlled human studies would need to be conducted to confirm these results. The ingredients and their active components, like the polysaccharide beta-glucan, have been researched extensively for a variety of vibrant health maintaining qualities. Suggested Use: Adults may take 1 caplet twice a day. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. 53 What’s in Seasonal Relief TM ? Seasonal Relief natural immune support TM Each Seasonal ReliefTM caplet supplies the following herbs and foods: • Syrian oregano • Ginger juice • Olive leaf • Horseradish juice • Onion and garlic juice • Elderberry/Elderflower • Echinacea angustifolia • Yarrow • Peppermint leaf • Goldenseal root • Bayberry leaf Suggested Use: Adults take 3 caplets on an empty stomach 3 times per day for 7 days. For best results, consume this entire bottle without interruption at the suggested use of 9 caplets per day for 7 days. Seasonal Relief™ may be taken with meals. Warning: This product should not be used by pregnant/ nursing women or organ transplant recipients. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial colors or preservatives. What are free radicals and how can they affect my health? A unique blend of elderberry, echinacea, and goldenseal designed to support your body’s normal immune function† Formulated with carefully selected time-honored herbs, roots and leaves shown to fight free radicals and support good health† Select ingredients in Seasonal Relief™ are predigested using our proprietary Poten-Zyme™ process Seasonal Relief is formulated with elderberry, echinacea, and goldenseal due to their ability to support your body’s normal immune function.† Additionally, the product contains Syrian oregano, garlic, onion and other herbs helpful in supporting normal gastrointestinal health.† This is important because a healthy digestive system is essential for normal immune system function. 54 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Free radicals are unstable, destructive molecules that lack electrons. They form naturally as a result of normal metabolic processes such as breathing, but they can be increased beyond optimal levels by smoking, obesity, poor diet, over-exercise, stress and other factors. When the body lacks adequate antioxidants to fend them off, oxidative stress may occur. What ingredients in Seasonal Relief TM provide antioxidant support? Many ingredients traditionally used for centuries for supporting overall health are now confirmed by modern science to contain phytochemicals with robust antioxidant properties. Olive leaf, for example, traditionally used in the highly acclaimed Mediterranean diet, has been shown to contain oleuropein, a beneficial phenolic compound with exceptional free-radical scavenging abilities. Other ingredients which support antioxidant function in the body include garlic, peppermint leaf, elderberry fruit, and bayberry leaf. 55 Garden of Life® Living Nutrient products are among the most comprehensive whole food vitamin and mineral supplements you can buy. Of the hundreds of multivitamins available, only Living Nutrient formulations combine a multitude of whole food concentrates with important vitamins and minerals in the form of Living Nutrients™. Living Nutrients are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes, and are created through Garden of Life’s exclusive and proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process. As a result, these nutrients are easily digested and recognized as food by the body to enhance their effectiveness. Garden of Life offers three optimal daily formulas, Optimal, Men’s and Women’s, and two focused formulas, Living Calcium™ and Living Vitamin C™, to help you achieve overall health and well-being. 56 57 What are the ingredients in this formula that make it unique? Serving Size 9 Caplets Living Multi ® optimal formula A broad-based whole food vitamin and mineral supplement containing a potent blend of antioxidant–rich* ingredients derived from naturally grown and organic fruits, vegetables, tonic mushrooms, sea vegetables, and botanicals, plus ionic trace minerals that supply nutrients important for general health and well-being† Made with Living Nutrients™ containing necessary cofactors required for proper absorption and utilization by the body, including amino acids, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and organic acids Delivers a rich blend of antioxidants* derived from naturally grown and organic fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help your body deal with oxidative stress† Provides a range of nutrients to support immune health, which is valuable to overall health and well-being† Provides a variety of carotenoids, including lutein to support eye health† The Living Multi® products are the only multivitamins that provide Living Nutrients Living Multi® Optimal Formula is a comprehensive nutrition supplement that provides vitamins, minerals, and nutrients in body-ready whole food form. Living Multi Optimal is a natural supermarket of 76 whole food concentrates in a unique blend of antioxidant-rich* fruits and vegetables, plus vitamins and minerals in the form of Living Nutrients . Return to the goodness of whole food nutrition with Living Multi Optimal Formula. Servings Per Container 14 Amount Per Serving Calories Calories from fat Total fat Sodium Total Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Sugars Protein Vitamin A* (beta carotene) Vitamin C* Vitamin D* Vitamin E* Thiamine* (B1) Riboflavin* (B2) Niacin* (B3) Vitamin B6* Folic Acid* Vitamin B12* 30 5 0.5 40mg 4g 2g 0g 2g 10,000IU 90mg 200IU 45IU 4.5mg 5.1mg 30mg 6mg 400mcg 48mcg %DV + + <1%† 2% 1%† 8%† + 4%† 200% 150% 50% 150% 300% 300% 150% 300% 100% 800% Biotin* Pantothenic Acid* 900mcg 300% 30mg 300% Calcium* Iodine* Iron * Magnesium* Zinc* Selenium* Copper* Manganese* Chromium* Molybdenum* Potassium* 250mg 180mcg 1mg 85mg 15mg 100mcg 200mcg 3mg 200mcg 75mcg 30mg 25% 120% 6% 21% 100% 143% 10% 150% 167% Boron* Vanadium* Choline* Lycopene* Lutein* 2mg 120mcg 30mg 5mg 5mg 100% 1% + + + + + Antioxidant Natural Fruit and Veggie Blend 1632mg+ Acerola Cherry**, Pomegranate Extract, Prune Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Grape Leaves Extract, Cranberry Extract, Raspberry Extract, Strawberry Extract, Apple Extract, Salad Extract, Blueberry Leaves Extract, Grape Skin Extract, Onion Extract, Artichoke Extract, Black Currant Extract, Apricot/Nectarine Extract, White CherryExtract, Elderberry Extract Poten-Zyme™ Sea Veggie Blend 1459mg+ Calcified Red Algae, Chlorella, Spirulina, Ecklonia radiata, Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria japonica, Macrocystis pyrifera, Alaria esculenta, BioAstin® Haematococcus pluvialis Living Multi® Optimal Formula contains an abundance of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, tonic mushrooms, sea vegetables, botanicals, teas, and much more, all provided via the following proprietary whole food blends: Antioxidant Fruit and Veggie Blend, Poten-Zyme™ Veggie Juice Blend, Poten-Zyme™ Sea Veggie Blend, Poten-Zyme™ Tonic Mushroom Blend, and Antioxidant Beverage and Spice Blend. What makes Living Multi® Optimal Formula better than other vitamin and mineral supplements? Suggested Use: Adults take 6-9 caplets per day depending on nutritional needs. May be taken with or without food. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. Dairy Free. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no filler ingredients, artificial colors or preservatives. Living Multi Optimal Formula is one of the most comprehensive whole food based vitamin and mineral supplements you can buy. Of the hundreds of multivitamins available, it is the only formula that contains Living Nutrients™. Living Nutrients are better for your body because they are more like food than isolated vitamins, but with guaranteed potency in a whole food source. Living Nutrients are body friendly, containing bioactive components that the body recognizes. The Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process makes them easy on the stomach, and because your body recognizes Living Nutrients as food, they are better absorbed and more body-ready than isolated vitamins and minerals. The key differences between Living Multi ® Optimal, Living Multi ® Men’s and Living Multi ® Women’s formulas are summarized below Living Multi® - Optimal Living Multi® - Men’s Living Multi® - Women’s Nutrient Calcium 250mg 25% DV 250mg 25% DV 400mg Iron 1mg 6% DV 1mg 6% DV 18mg Lycopene 5mg 7.5mg 5mg Calcified Red Algae Saw Palmetto Extract Male/Female blends Pomegranate Extract Tomato Extract (lycopene) Red Clover Rhododendron Extract Apple Extract Pygeum africanum 40% DV 100% DV Rhododendron Extract Dong Quai (whole herb) Wild Yam (whole herb) Poten-Zyme™ Veggie Juice Blend 1321mg+ Barley Grass **, Oat Leaf **, Beet**, Carrot**, Amaranth Sprout**, Quinoa Sprout**, Millet Sprout**, Buckwheat Sprout**, Garbanzo Bean Sprout**, Kidney Bean Sprout**, Lentil Sprout**, Adzuki Sprout**, Flax Seed**, Sunflower Sprout**, Pumpkin Seed Sprout**, Chia Seed Sprout**, Sesame Seed Sprout**, Broccoli**, Cucumber**, Tomato**, Kale**, Spinach**, Cabbage**, Cauliflower**, Celery**, Parsley**, Asparagus**, Brussels Sprout**, Green Bell Pepper**, Garlic**, Ginger**, Onion** Poten-Zyme™ Tonic Mushroom Blend 450mg+ Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Mycelia**, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Mycelia**, Maitake (Grifola frondosa) Mycelia**, Coriolus versicolor Mycelia**, Cordyceps sinensis Mycelia**, Poria cocos Mycelia**, Hericium erinaceous Mycelia**, Polyporus umbellatus Mycelia**, Tremella fuciformis Mycelia**, Agaricus blazei Mycelia** Antioxidant Beverage and Spice Blend 277mg+ White Tea Extract, Green Tea Extract, Coffee Extract, Rosemary Extract, Rhododendron Extract, Marigold Extract, Turmeric Extract, Ginger Extract, Thyme Extract Other ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid (vegetable source), sodium croscarmellose, magnesium stearate (vegetable source), silicon dioxide, vegetable coating, probiotic cultures 58 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * Vitamins A, C and E † Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet + Daily Values not established * Living Nutrients™ are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes. ** Organic BioAstin is a registered trademark of Cyanotech Corporation. 59 What makes Living Multi ® Optimal Men’s Formula better than other vitamin and mineral supplements? Serving Size 6 Caplets Calories Living Multi ® optimal men’s formula A broad-based, multi-nutrient whole food formula specifically designed to support men’s health Contains high levels of zinc and selenium, as well as our unique Men’s Blend with saw palmetto and lycopene to support prostate health† Made with Living Nutrients™ containing necessary cofactors required for proper absorption and utilization by the body, including amino acids, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and organic acids Delivers a rich blend of antioxidants* derived from naturally grown and organic fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help your body deal with oxidative stress† Provides a range of nutrients to support immune health, which is valuable to overall health and well-being† The Living Multi® products are the only multivitamins that provide Living Nutrients Living Multi® Optimal Men’s Formula is a comprehensive nutrition supplement designed to support men’s health. Living Multi Optimal Men’s Formula is a natural supermarket of 80 whole food concentrates in a unique, blend of antioxidant-rich* fruits and vegetables plus vitamins and minerals in the form of Living Nutrients, including high levels of zinc and selenium, and our Men’s Blend. The Men’s Blend contains saw palmetto and lycopene to support prostate health.† Take care of your body with the whole food based vitamin and mineral formula designed just for men — Living Multi Optimal Men’s Formula. Calories from fat Total Fat Sodium Total Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Sugars Protein Vitamin A* (beta carotene) Vitamin C* Vitamin D* Vitamin E* Thiamine* (B1) Riboflavin* (B2) Niacin* (B3) Vitamin B6* Folic Acid* Vitamin B12* Servings Per Container 15 Amount Per Serving %DV 30 5 0.5 40mg 4g 2g 0g 2g 10,000IU 90mg 200IU 45IU 4.5mg 5.1mg 30mg 6mg 400mcg 48mcg <1%† 2% 1%† 8%† + 4%† 200% 150% 50% 150% 300% 300% 150% 300% 100% 800% 900mcg 30mg 300% 300% Calcium* 250mg 25% Iodine * Iron * 180mcg 1mg 120% 6% Magnesium* Zinc* Selenium* Copper* Manganese* Chromium* Molybdenum* Potassium* 85mg 15mg 100mcg 200mcg 3mg 200mcg 75mcg 30mg 21% 100% 143% 10% 150% 167% 100% 1% Boron* Vanadium* Choline* Lycopene* Lutein* 2mg 120mcg 30mg 7.5mg + + + + + Biotin* Pantothenic Acid* 5mg Natural Antioxidant Fruit and Veggie Blend 1632mg+ Acerola Cherry**, Pomegranate Extract, Prune Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Grape Leaves Extract, Cranberry Extract, Raspberry Extract, Strawberry Extract, Apple Extract, Salad Extract, Blueberry Leaves Extract, Grape Skin Extract, Onion Extract, Artichoke Extract, Black Currant Extract, Apricot/Nectarine Extract, White Cherry Extract, Elderberry Extract Poten-Zyme™ Sea Veggie Blend 1459mg+ Calcified Red Algae, Chlorella, Spirulina, Ecklonia radiata, Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria japonica, Macrocystis pyrifera, Alaria esculenta, BioAstin® Haematococcus pluvialis Unlike many other multivitamins that only utilize isolated compounds, the Living Multi® line combines a natural supermarket of whole food concentrates with a unique blend of fruits, vegetables, tonic mushrooms, sea vegetables, botanicals, teas and much more in the form of Living Nutrients™. Living Nutrients are better for your body because they are more like food than isolated vitamins, but with guaranteed potency in a whole food source. Living Nutrients are body friendly, containing bioactive components that the body recognizes. The Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process makes them easy on the stomach, and because your body recognizes Living Nutrients as food, they are better absorbed and more body-ready than isolated vitamins and minerals. Do I need to take Living Multi ® Optimal Men’s Formula and Living Multi ® Optimal Formula? No. If you are taking Living Multi Optimal Men’s Formula, there is no need to take Living Multi Optimal Formula. Suggested Use: Adults take 6 caplets per day depending on nutritional needs. May be taken with or without food. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. Dairy Free. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no filler ingredients, artificial colors or preservatives. How does this formula support men’s health? Living Multi® Optimal Men’s Formula was specifically designed for men looking to supplement their diets with a broad spectrum whole food based multivitamin and mineral formula. We recognized men’s distinct nutritional needs and created a product with a unique blend of phytochemical packed whole foods. Living Multi Optimal Men’s Formula contains an abundance of whole food concentrates in a unique, antioxidant-rich* blend of fruits and vegetables, including high levels of zinc and selenium, as well as our Men’s Blend. This unique blend contains saw palmetto and lycopene to support prostate health.† Additionally, Living Multi Optimal Men’s Formula contains no iron, except for the naturally occurring iron in the whole foods present in the formula. Menʼs Blend 450mg+ Saw Palmetto Extract, Tomato Extract (Lycopene), Rhododendron Extract, Pygeum africanum Poten-Zyme™ Tonic Mushroom Blend 450mg+ Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Mycelia**, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Mycelia**, Maitake (Grifola frondosa) Mycelia**, Coriolus versicolor Mycelia**, Cordyceps sinensis Mycelia**, Poria cocos Mycelia**, Hericium erinaceous Mycelia**, Polyporus umbellatus Mycelia**, Tremella fuciformis Mycelia**, Agaricus blazei Mycelia** Poten-Zyme™ Veggie Juice Blend 430mg+ Barley Grass**, Oat Leaf**, Beet**, Carrot **, Amaranth Sprout**, Quinoa Sprout**, Millet Sprout**, Buckwheat Sprout**, Garbanzo Bean Sprout**, Kidney Bean Sprout**, Lentil Sprout**, Adzuki Sprout**, Flax Seed**, Sunflower Sprout**, Pumpkin Seed Sprout**, Chia Seed Sprout**, Sesame Seed Sprout**, Broccoli**, Cucumber**, Tomato**, Kale**, Spinach**, Cabbage**, Cauliflower**, Celery**, Parsley**, Asparagus**, Brussels Sprout**, Green Bell Pepper**, Garlic**, Ginger**, Onion** † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * Vitamins A, C and E. Antioxidant Beverage and Spice Blend 232mg+ White Tea Extract, Green Tea Extract, Coffee Extract, Rosemary Extract, Turmeric Extract, Marigold Extract, Ginger Extract, Thyme Extract Other ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, stearic acid (vegetable source), sodium croscarmellose, magnesium stearate (vegetable source), silicon dioxide, vegetable coating, probiotic cultures 60 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * Vitamins A, C and E † Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet + Daily Values not established * Living Nutrients™ are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes. ** Organic BioAstin is a registered trademark of Cyanotech Corporation. 61 What makes Living Multi ® Optimal Women’s Formula better than other vitamin and mineral supplements? Serving Size 6 Caplets Living Multi ® optimal women’s formula A broad-based, multi-nutrient whole food formula specifically designed to support women’s health Contains balanced levels of the B vitamins, folic acid, and iron, as well as our unique Women’s Blend with red clover, calcium and select ingredients to support the special nutritional needs of women Made with Living Nutrients™ containing necessary cofactors required for proper absorption and utilization by the body, including amino acids, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and organic acids Delivers a rich blend of antioxidants* derived from naturally grown and organic fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants help your body deal with oxidative stress† Provides a range of nutrients to support immune health, which is valuable to overall health and well-being† The Living Multi® products are the only multivitamins that provide Living Nutrients Living Multi® Optimal Women’s Formula is a comprehensive nutrition supplement designed to support women’s health. Living Multi Optimal Women’s Formula is a natural supermarket of 80 whole food concentrates in a unique, antioxidant-rich* blend of fruits and vegetables, plus vitamins and minerals in the form of Living Nutrients, including balanced levels of the B vitamins, calcium, folic acid, iron, and our Women’s Blend. The Women’s Blend contains red clover, calcium from a natural source, and other select ingredients to support the special nutritional needs of women. Give your body the special nutrition it deserves with Living Multi Optimal Women’s Formula. 62 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * Vitamins A, C and E Calories Calories from fat Total Fat Sodium Total Carbohydrate Dietary Fiber Sugars Protein Vitamin A* (beta carotene) Vitamin C* Vitamin D* Vitamin E* Thiamine (B1)* Riboflavin (B2)* Niacin (B3)* Vitamin B6* Folic Acid* Vitamin B12* Servings Per Container 15 Amount Per Serving %DV 30 5 0.5 40mg 4g 2g 0g 2g 10,000IU 90mg 200IU 45IU 4.5mg 5.1mg 30mg 6mg 400mcg 48mcg <1%† 2% 1%† 8%† + 4%† 200% 150% 50% 150% 300% 300% 150% 300% 100% 800% 900mcg 30mg 300% 300% 400mg 40% Iodine * Iron * Magnesium* Zinc* Selenium* Copper* Manganese* Chromium* Molybdenum* Potassium* 180mcg 18mg 85mg 15mg 100mcg 200mcg 3mg 200mcg 75mcg 30mg 120% 100% 21% 100% 143% 10% 150% 167% 100% 1% Boron* Vanadium* Choline* Lycopene* Lutein* 2mg 120mcg 30mg 5mg + + + + + Biotin* Pantothenic Acid* Calcium* 5mg 1805mg+ Calcified Red Algae, Pomegranate Extract, Red Clover, Apple Extract, Rhododendron Extract, Dong Quai Whole Herb, Wild Yam Whole Herb Womenʼs Blend 1307mg+ Acerola Cherry**, Prune Extract, Grape Seed Extract, Grape Leaves Extract, Cranberry Extract, Raspberry Extract, Strawberry Extract, Salad Extract, Blueberry Leaves Extract, Grape Skin Extract, Onion Extract, Artichoke Extract, Black Currant Extract, Apricot/Nectarine Extract, White Cherry Extract, Elderberry Extract Natural Antioxidant Fruit and Veggie Blend Poten-Zyme™ Sea Veggie Blend 649mg+ Chlorella, Spirulina, Ecklonia radiata, Ascophyllum nodosum, Laminaria japonica, Macrocystis pyrifera, Alaria esculenta, BioAstin® Haematococcus pluvialis Poten-Zyme™ Tonic Mushroom Blend 450mg+ Shiitake (Lentinula edodes) Mycelia**, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) Mycelia**, Maitake (Grifola frondosa) Mycelia**, Coriolus versicolor Mycelia**, Cordyceps sinensis Mycelia**, Poria cocos Mycelia**, Hericium erinaceous Mycelia**, Polyporus umbellatus Mycelia**, Tremella fuciformis Mycelia**, Agaricus blazei Mycelia** Unlike many other multivitamins that only utilize isolated compounds, the Living Multi® line combines a natural supermarket of whole food concentrates with a unique blend of fruits, vegetables, tonic mushrooms, sea vegetables, botanicals, teas and much more in the form of Living Nutrients™. Living Nutrients are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes, and are created through Garden of Life’s exclusive and proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process. As a result, these nutrients are easily digested and recognized as food by the body to enhance their effectiveness. How does this formula support women’s health needs? Living Multi® Optimal Women’s Formula is designed especially for women looking to augment their diets with a broad spectrum multi-nutrient whole food based multivitamin and mineral supplement. We recognized women’s distinct nutritional needs and produced a unique blend of phytochemical packed whole foods. Living Multi Optimal Women’s Formula contains an abundance of whole food concentrates in a unique, antioxidant-rich* blend of fruits and vegetables, including balanced levels of the B vitamins, calcium, folic acid, and iron, as well as our Women’s Blend. This unique blend contains red clover, calcium from a natural source and other select ingredients to support the special nutritional needs of women. Additionally, Living Multi Optimal Women’s Formula is an excellent source of iron. According to the World Health Organization, iron deficiency remains the number one nutrient deficiency among women. Do I need to take Living Multi ® Optimal Women’s Formula and Living Multi ® Optimal Formula? No. If you are already taking Living Multi Optimal Women’s Formula, there is no additional need to take Living Multi Optimal Formula. Suggested Use: Adults take 6 caplets per day depending on nutritional needs. May be taken with or without food. Warning: Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a physician or poison control center immediately. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. Dairy Free. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no filler ingredients, artificial colors or preservatives. * Vitamins A, C and E Poten-Zyme™ Veggie Juice Blend 430mg+ Barley Grass**, Oat Leaf**, Beet**, Carrot**, Amaranth Sprout**, Quinoa Sprout**, Millet Sprout**, Buckwheat Sprout**, Garbanzo Bean Sprout**, Kidney Bean Sprout**, Lentil Sprout**, Adzuki Sprout**, Flax Seed**, Sunflower Sprout**, Pumpkin Seed Sprout**, Chia Seed Sprout**, Sesame Seed Sprout**, Broccoli**, Cucumber**, Tomato**,Kale**, Spinach**, Cabbage**, Cauliflower**, Celery**, Parsley**, Asparagus**, Brussels Sprout**, Green Bell Pepper**, Garlic**, Ginger**, Onion** Antioxidant Beverage and Spice Blend 232mg+ White Tea Extract, Green Tea Extract, Coffee Extract, Rosemary Extract, Turmeric Extract, Marigold Extract, Ginger Extract, Thyme Extract † Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet + Daily Values not established * Living Nutrients™ are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes. ** Organic BioAstin is a registered trademark of Cyanotech Corporation. 63 Why should I take a calcium supplement? Suggested Use: Calcium is an “essential” mineral, which means it is not produced by the body and must be acquired through diet or supplements. Those who do not acquire enough calcium are at risk of compromising their bone health and should consider re-evaluating their diet and supplementation plan. Adults take 1 caplet with each meal each day. Consult a physician before exceeding 3 caplets per day. May be taken with or without food. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no filler ingredients, artificial colors or preservatives. What makes Living Calcium ™ better than other calcium supplements? Living Calcium Unlike some calcium supplements utilizing isolated ingredients, Living Calcium™ contains calcium from whole food sources along with multiple cofactors that support optimal calcium utilization: Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, boron, copper, and manganese. TM Additionally, of the many calcium supplements on the market, Living Calcium is the only one that contains Homeostatic™ Nutrients. An excellent source of natural calcium that is balanced with companion nutrients to support optimal utilization† An advanced whole food based formula delivering the benefits of calcium as found in nature The calcium, along with Vitamin D, copper, zinc, magnesium, and boron found in Living Calcium™, supports normal calcium metabolism, bone integrity and strength† One serving of Living Calcium provides 500mg of whole food based calcium per daily serving Combines some of nature’s best non-dairy sources of calcium such as sea vegetables and green foods The only calcium supplement on the market containing Homeostatic™ Nutrients Living Calcium is one of the most comprehensive calcium formulas available because it combines natural sources of calcium with cofactors such as Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, boron, copper, and manganese in beneficial ratios to provide a natural approach to supporting normal calcium metabolism, bone strength and integrity.† Most of the readily available calcium supplements contain isolated forms of calcium that, when separated from their cofactors, often fail to provide optimal utilization.† Living Calcium is the only calcium supplement that delivers Homeostatic Nutrients. Homeostatic Nutrients are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes, and are created through Garden of Life’s exclusive and proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process. As a result, these nutrients are easily digested and recognized as food by the body to enhance their effectiveness. † Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet + Daily Values not established * HomeostaticTM Nutrients are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been potentiated and made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes. Get more from your daily supplementation of calcium with Living Calcium. 64 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 65 How does Vitamin C support my health? Suggested Use: Years of scientific research prove that Vitamin C is required by every cell for the body to function properly. Therefore, a Vitamin C deficiency can be detrimental to your optimal health.† Adults take 3 caplets with meals each day. Consult a physician before exceeding 3 caplets per day. May be taken with or without food. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no filler ingredients, artificial color or preservatives. Why might I need to take a Vitamin C supplement? Living VitaminC TM Full spectrum Vitamin C formula Vitamin C is an essential vitamin not manufactured in the body, so it must be obtained through diet or supplements. Our hectic lifestyles can make eating healthy amounts of Vitamin C rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables a challenge; but with a whole food supplement like Living Vitamin C™, achieving your optimal level of this vitamin is an easy task. Why are the “satellite” compounds in Living Vitamin C TM important? Besides being a rich source of Vitamin C, our Living Vitamin C supplement contains phytochemicals naturally found in fruits and berries high in Vitamin C. They are usually referred to as bioflavonoids and assist in supporting antioxidant function of Vitamin C. An excellent source of Vitamin C from natural sources along with bioflavonoids Contains a whole food citrus blend of orange, grapefruit, lemon, and lime that includes the fruit, pulp, peel, and seeds – the richest sources of Vitamin C and its naturally occurring “satellite” compounds – as well as acerola cherry, camu camu, and Indian gooseberry Living Vitamin C™ contains a myriad of support nutrients that contribute to overall good health including a broad array of naturally occurring antioxidants What makes the Living Vitamin C ™ supplement better than other Vitamin C supplements? Unlike supplements that deliver Vitamin C as an isolate, Living Vitamin C is a whole food blend formulated to deliver all the benefits of Vitamin C as found in nature. Living Vitamin C contains: Supportive but not conclusive evidence suggests that consumption of Vitamin C such as that found in Living Vitamin C supports the health and integrity of a normal stomach lining† The only Vitamin C supplement on the market containing Homeostatic™ Nutrients Living Vitamin C is formulated to deliver the benefits of Vitamin C as found in nature. This is beneficial because when delivered as an isolated chemical compound, ascorbic acid usually fails to provide the full spectrum of benefits of this antioxidant vitamin. That’s why our Living Vitamin C supplement is formulated with a comprehensive blend of potent, whole food concentrates — to give you the many forms and benefits of Vitamin C along with its “satellite” compounds as they are found in nature. Living Vitamin C is the only Vitamin C supplement that delivers Homeostatic Nutrients. Homeostatic Nutrients are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes, and are created through Garden of Life’s exclusive and proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process. As a result, these nutrients are easily digested and recognized as food by the body to enhance their effectiveness. • An organically grown orange, grapefruit, lemon and lime citrus blend that includes the fruit, pulp, peel and seeds • Antioxidant blend of whole raspberry, strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, grape and prune fruits, skins and seeds Other ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, sodium croscarmellose, silicon dioxide, vegetable coating, probiotic cultures. † Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet + Daily Values not established * HomeostaticTM Nutrients are complexes of vitamins and minerals that have been potentiated and made more body-ready by probiotic microorganisms and their enzymes. **Organic • Juices from organically grown cereal grasses that contain alkalizing minerals to support comfortable pH levels • Living Vitamin C is the only Vitamin C supplement that contains Homeostatic™ Nutrients † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Give your body the full spectrum benefits of Vitamin C as nature intended with Living Vitamin C. 66 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 67 Garden of Life® Optimal Wellness products draw from the nutritional potential of whole foods, supertonic herbs and botanicals to enhance health and well-being. Optimal Wellness products contain Rhodiola rosea to support physical endurance and a healthy response to stress.† † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 68 69 Clear Energy ® mind and muscle power The #3 Selling Herbal Energy Formula in the Natural Products Industry* A stimulant-free blend of “super tonic” herbs and antioxidant phytochemicals formulated to invigorate the body and enliven the mind The Rhodiola rosea in Clear Energy® supports physical and mental endurance† Preliminary research suggests that the Rhodiola rosea in Clear Energy supports a healthy response to stress† Contains no stimulant compounds such as ephedra, caffeine, guarana, or bitter orange (synephrine) Select ingredients in Clear Energy are fermented using our proprietary Poten-Zyme™ process Clear Energy is an invigorating blend of adaptogenic “super tonic” herbs and phytochemicals used for thousands of years to renew and enliven the body and mind. Clear Energy is free of stimulant compounds. Reach your full potential with an invigorated body and enlivened mind by adding stimulant-free Clear Energy to your daily regimen. What are the adaptogenic “super tonic” herbs and phytochemicals in Clear Energy ® ? What makes Clear Energy ® better than other energy formulas? Adaptogenic herbs are rare species whose properties are effective in supporting a healthy response to stress.† Phytochemicals are natural compounds found in these herbs. While most energy formulas focus on providing energy for the body, Clear Energy is designed to invigorate both the body and the mind with adaptogenic botanicals.† It is made without stimulants and addictive chemicals common to other energy formulas. In addition, selected ingredients are processed using our proprietary Poten-Zyme™ fermentation process. The 15 super tonic ingredients found in Clear Energy® include: • American Ginseng • Cordyceps sinensis - mushroom • Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi mushroom) • Astragalus root • Codonopsis root • Schizandra berry • Polygonum • Lycium fruit • Licorice root • Rhodiola rosea • Rumex hymenosepalus • Tuber melanosporum (Black Diamond Truffle) • Rhaponticum carthamoides • Maca root • Eleutherococcus senticosus Is Clear Energy ® stimulant-free? Suggested Use: Adults take 1 caplet 3 times per day with meals. Competitive athletes or bodybuilders may take 3 caplets 30 minutes before vigorous exercise. Dosage may be doubled for short periods of time, but should not exceed 6 caplets per day. Adaptogenic herbs may require several weeks of use for the full effect. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial color or preservatives. Yes. Unlike traditional energy-enhancing herbal products, Clear Energy does not contain stimulants of any kind such as ephedra, caffeine, guarana, or bitter orange (synephrine). If Clear Energy ® contains no stimulants, how does it support physical and mental endurance? Clear Energy contains adaptogens such as Rhodiola rosea that work differently than stimulants. Rather than directly stimulating the body, adaptogens help you achieve a more balanced response to physical, environmental and chemical stress.† † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 70 † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. * SPINSscan Natural, 52 Weeks Ending 12/31/05 71 How is Zero Gravity ® different from Clear Energy ® ? Zero Gravity ® with grapefruit and rhodiola rosea While both supplements contain Rhodiola rosea, an excellent adaptogenic botanical, Clear Energy® expands on the adaptogenic effect by including other ingredients to support mental and physical endurance.† In Zero Gravity®, Rhodiola rosea is combined with whole grapefruit, blueberry and Rhododendron caucasicum antioxidants. The grapefruit in Zero Gravity is fermented using the proprietary Poten-Zyme™ process that makes nutrients more available to the body. What is in Zero Gravity®? Zero Gravity is a unique formula based on traditional whole foods, concentrates, and extracts which contribute to the body’s healthy response to stress and support its ability to withstand oxidative stress.† The ingredients in Zero Gravity include: Suggested Use: Adults take 1-2 caplets 30 minutes before meals 3 times per day. Warning: Grapefruit may conflict with certain medications. If taking medication, consult a physician or pharmacist before consuming this product. Caution: As with any dietary supplement consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or under medical supervision. 100% Vegetarian. This product is made with natural ingredients. Contains no artificial color or preservatives. • Whole organic grapefruit concentrate, processed with Poten-Zyme Contains naturally occurring compounds such as whole fruits, sea vegetables, roots, barks, and leaves of unique botanicals Stimulant-free - contains no ephedra or caffeine The Rhodiola rosea in Zero Gravity® supports physical endurance and a healthy response to stress† The Rhododendron caucasicum and blueberry in Zero Gravity protect against oxidative stress† Zero Gravity is a 100% natural blend of whole fruits, sea vegetables, roots, barks, and leaves of unique botanicals with adaptogenic and antioxidant action. • Blueberry leaf - a dietary source of chlorogenic acid, a potent antioxidant • Sea vegetable blend that contains marine plants such as Ecklonia radiata and Laminaria japonica • Young leaves of Rhododendron caucasicum - traditionally used as a tea containing a unique form of highly available polyphenolic antioxidants • Rhodiola rosea, which contains one of the most studied adaptogens - rosavin • Magnolia extract - a good source of magnolol that supports antioxidant function† Achieve great health and vitality with the power of Zero Gravity. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. † These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 72 73 Garden of Life was founded on the benefits of whole food nutrition, and what better source of nutrition than the whole foods themselves? But all foods are not created equal. Garden of Life’s advocacy of whole food nutrition has resulted in some very special relationships with providers of live, organic and health-positive foods from around the world. Living Foods™ are the result of these relationships, selected for their potential to deliver meaningful health benefits with minimal processing. These naturally functional foods fit easily into your lifestyle and help empower your extraordinary health by making it more convenient to eat well. Whether its organic Lehua honey from the pristine volcanic island of Hawaii, raw chocolate from a sustainable harvest in the Ecuadorian Amazon, or hand-cultivated organic green tea from the remote Wuji mountains of China, these foods are simply the best of the best. Because of their artisan nature and the extreme care which goes into their cultivation, most are available only in limited supply. 74 75 organic super seed® Whole Food Fiber Bar Apple Cinnamon Naturally Flavored Organic Whole Food Bars As much fiber as 2 apples 18 sprouted grains and nuts Sweetened with raw honey Net Weight per bar 2.4 oz. (68g) organic perfect food® Whole Food Greens Bar Red Raspberry Naturally Flavored Packed As with 21 organic vegetables much fiber as 5 cups of romaine lettuce Sweetened Net At Garden of Life we are dedicated to empowering extraordinary health. Our Organic Whole Food Bars combine the goodness of nutritious whole foods such as organic fruit, nuts and sprouted grains with beneficial live probiotics, all sweetened with raw honey to create an incredibly satisfying bar that is both delicious and healthy for you. Each bar contains soluble fiber from oat beta-glucan, an important ingredient for supporting a healthy heart. Delicious, satisfying bars, naturally flavored and sweetened with raw honey Made with live probiotics Each bar includes the Garden of Life® fermented Super Seed® blend, a combination of whole food ingredients that support healthy digestion and microbial balance in the gut Contain soluble fiber from oat beta-glucan, an important ingredient for supporting a healthy heart. In addition, Living Foods™ bars support healthy glycemic response 100% Vegetarian, non-GMO, and dairy free All natural, no fillers, colorings, or artificial ingredients Certified organic by QAI. Weight per bar 2.25 oz. (64g) organic Packed with organic whole foods including fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouted grains with raw honey Made With LIVE PROBIOTICS fruits TM of life Whole Food Antioxidant† Matrix Bar Summer Berry Naturally Flavored Made with 6 organic fruits More fiber than 1 cup of blueberries Sweetened Net with raw honey Weight per bar 2.25 oz. (64g) † Polyphenols derived from blueberries, cranberries, whole grape extract, and apple powder. 76 77 Organic Coffee Flavored Oolong Tea Nutrition Facts Serv Size: 1 liquid tea pack (8mL), Servings 30, Amount Per Serving: Calories 0, Fat Cal 0, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest 0mg (0% DV), Sodium 0mg (0% DV), Total Carb 0g (0% DV), Fiber 0g (0% DV), Sugars 0g, Protein 0g, Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 0%, Iron 0%. Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Organic Green Tea Natural Lemon (Unsweetened) (Unsweetened) Organic Teas Hawaiian LEHUA HONEY This natural honey from Lehua flower blossoms is pure, raw and unfiltered to preserve the rich nutrients and live enzymes nature provides. Harvested only once a year from Ohia trees in the remote volcanic mountains of Hawaii, our live, floral honey is a sweet, healthy treat you can enjoy every day. 100% certified organic Raw, Grade A honey Pure and unfiltered to preserve the rich nutrients and live enzymes nature provides Harvested only once a year from the Lehua flower blossoms of the Ohia trees in the remote volcanic mountains of Hawaii A sweet and healthy treat you can enjoy every day 100% Vegetarian, non-GMO, dairy free Does not require refrigeration. Crystallization is natural. Net Weight: 8 oz. (227g) and 16 oz. (474g) Certified organic by PCO. The Wuyi Mountains of China are one of the most pristine and beautiful places in the world. It is here where this organic tea is grown and hand harvested, then brewed to perfection using a patented process which gently preserves all of its flavor and concentrates its health benefits in a convenient liquid pouch. Our revolutionary liquid packet makes the health benefits of tea portable, so you can enjoy them hot or cold anywhere in an instant and without the time and inconvenience of brewing. (8mL), Servings 30, Amount Per Serving: Calories 0, Fat Cal 0, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest 0mg (0% DV), Sodium 0mg (0% DV), Total Carb 0g (0% DV), Fiber 0g (0% DV), Sugars 0g, Protein 0g, Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 0%, Iron 0%. Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Organic Green Tea Decaffeinated (Unsweetened) Nutrition Facts Serv Size: 1 liquid tea pack (8mL), Servings 30, Amount Per Serving: Calories 0, Fat Cal 0, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest 0mg (0% DV), Sodium 0mg (0% DV), Total Carb 0g (0% DV), Fiber 0g (0% DV), Sugars 0g, Protein 0g, Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 0%, Iron 0%. Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Our patented gentle brewing process preserves important natural antioxidants, such as tea polyphenol, which support a healthy heart and metabolism. Your purchase of Living Foods™ Organic Teas supports sustainable economies in the pristine Wuyi Mountains of China. All natural, organic, tea imported from the pristine Wuyi Mountains of China Flavor-fresh brewed tea concentrate Revolutionary liquid packet mixes instantly – no steeping required Supports a healthy heart, normal cholesterol levels as well as a healthy metabolism Your purchase of this product helps support sustainable economies in the Wuyi Mountain region Great hot or cold 100% Vegetarian, non-GMO, dairy free Net Weight per box of 30 packets 8.4 fl oz. (240 ml) 78 Nutrition Facts Serv Size: 1 liquid tea pack Organic Natural Green Tea (Unsweetened) Nutrition Facts Serv Size: 1 liquid tea pack (8mL), Servings 30, Amount Per Serving: Calories 0, Fat Cal 0, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Sat Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Cholest 0mg (0% DV), Sodium 0mg (0% DV), Total Carb 0g (0% DV), Fiber 0g (0% DV), Sugars 0g, Protein 0g, Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 0%, Iron 0%. Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. 79 Rainforest TM Cacao CHOCOLATE Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is among the healthiest, most versatile dietary oils in the world. An excellent cooking oil with its natural coconut flavor and aroma, we think it is simply the best tasting, most aromatic coconut oil on the planet. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is a stable, healthy saturated fat that is naturally free from trans-fatty acids. It contains medium-chain fatty acids like lauric acid, which have a shorter chain length than most animal derived long-chain saturated fatty acids. Newer research supports the theory that saturated fats rich in medium-chain fatty acids, like those found in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, are beneficial. In fact, consumption of coconut oil at recommended levels, along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, helps maintain already healthy levels of cholesterol and thermogenesis - energy levels. In addition, coconut oil is great for those on low carbohydrate diets. 80 with Macadamia Nuts with Raisins and Coconut During the March to July cacao harvest, we buy freshly picked cacao beans at a fair trade price from small family farms in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We carefully ferment the beans to bring out their rich chocolate taste. Then we sun dry, slowly roast, coarsely crack and finally, sweeten the beans with just a touch of sugar cane syrup. The care we put into this minimal processing preserves important natural antioxidants in the cacao, such as antioxidant flavonoids, including heart-healthy flavanols. Your purchase of Rainforest Cacao™ Chocolate supports sustainable economies in the ecologically fragile Ecuadorian Amazon, and helps buy and protect Amazon Rainforest. Garden of Life donates a portion of each product sold to support the FUNEDESIN foundation’s education, health and rainforest conservation programs. Unlike refined coconut oils, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is not hydrogenated, bleached, refined or deodorized. It is produced using the same methods Philippine farmers have used for centuries. Meat from only the freshest, organically grown coconuts is shredded and cold-pressed to create coconut milk, and then left to ferment 24-36 hours, during which time the oil separates and is extracted. The end product is high quality culinary oil with natural coconut flavor and aroma. All natural, roasted cacao beans harvested from the Ecuadorian Amazon Minimal processing preserves important natural antioxidants in the cacao, such as antioxidant flavonoids, including heart-healthy flavanols Supports a healthy heart, already normal cholesterol levels and microcirculation Ready to eat, perfect for outdoor activities, won’t melt or lose its crunch Contains oil from the meat of only the freshest, organically grown coconuts Delicious in desserts, ice cream, cereal, trail mix, or right out of the box Produced using the same methods Philippine farmers have used for centuries Helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and thermogenesis - energy levels Your purchase of Rainforest Cacao Chocolate supports sustainable economies in the ecologically fragile Ecuadorian Amazon Great for low carbohydrate diets Vegan, no-GMO, dairy free. Net Weight 2 oz. (57g) Can be used in place of butter. Enjoy in cooking, frying, baking or in smoothies 100% Vegetarian, non-GMO, not hydrogenated, refined, bleached or deodorized Certified organic by QAI. 81 Garden of Life believes that personal hygiene is as important to good health as nutrition and exercise. We are proud to offer the Clenzology® Advanced Hygiene System, specifically formulated to help maximize health and vitality. 82 83 Clenzology® advanced hygiene system the science of advanced hygiene Revolutionary concept in personal care Thoroughly cleans under and around your fingernails Cleanses your entire face, including the ear canal and mucous membranes of the eyes and nasal passageways Refreshes teeth, gums, and breath Promotes vibrant, clear skin Advance hygiene reinforces overall health The Clenzology® Advanced Hygiene System is among the most important innovations in personal hygiene since the bar of soap. It is designed to improve your current basic hygiene regimen with the ultimate goal of helping you achieve greater, more vibrant health and well-being. 84 WHY IS CLENZOLOGY® A REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO ACHIEVING GREATER HEALTH? Proper hygiene is as essential to achieving and maintaining optimal health as diet and exercise. Your immune system is one of the most important functions of your body. Like breathing and blinking, you cannot prevent your immune system from reacting to various microorganisms as they enter your body. Germs usually come from your hands, which come into contact with hundreds of surfaces every day, including other hands – all of which are covered with bacteria. Germs don’t fly, they actually hitchhike under and around the fingernails where normal hand washing fails to reach. Germs that accumulate under fingernails enter the body through the mouth, nasal passages, ears and the corners of eyes (tear ducts) as you touch these areas throughout the day. Most people will rub their eyes, rub their nose, and scratch their face 20 to 50 times a day, up to 18,000 times a year, even in their sleep. This process is part of human nature. You cannot alter it. You can, however, make sure that your hands are clean, especially in, around, and under the fingernails. Clenzology® is a revolutionary system of advanced hygiene products that thoroughly cleanse the areas of your body most vulnerable to bacteria: hands (including under the fingernails), eyes, mouth, ears and nose. WHAT ARE THE COMPONENTS OF THE CLENZOLOGY® ADVANCED HYGIENE SYSTEM? The simple 5-step Clenzology process takes just minutes a day to perform and contains products for your hands, face, eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Clenzology Hand and Body Soap lets you thoroughly clean under your fingernails each time you wash your hands. Formulated to promote healthy skin and nails, Clenzology Hand and Body Soap contains no artificial colors or scents, and is rich in essential oils, moisturizers and emollients. Not just for hand cleansing – it is excellent for washing your entire body, including your face. Clenzology Facial Solutions for Your Eyes & Nose • Includes two unique facial solutions (AM and PM formulas) • Helps clean your entire face • Cleanses the mucous membranes around your eyes and in your nasal passageways Clenzology provides two uniquely formulated facial solutions (AM and PM), to thoroughly cleanse your face and the mucous membranes of your eyes and nasal passageways. For optimal results, use these solutions each day (AM in the morning, PM at night). Clenzology Tooth and Gum Solution • Pure, all-natural tooth, gum, and breath freshener • Contains the oils of peppermint, clove, and myrrh • Contains no fluoride, sugar, chalk, detergents, flavorings, harsh chemicals, or abrasives Clenzology Tooth and Gum Solution freshens your teeth, gums and breath without sugar, fluoride, chalk, detergents, flavorings, harsh chemicals or abrasives. Clenzology Ear Solution • Cleanses the ear canal • Reduces buildup of excess ear wax Clenzology Ear Solution works quickly to cleanse the ear canal and reduce the buildup of excess ear wax. Components include: Clenzology Hand & Body Soap • Thoroughly cleans under and around the fingernails (where normal hand washing fails to reach) each time the hands are washed • Formulated with no artificial scents or coloring • Enriched with essential oils, Vitamin E, honey, and glycerin 85 Resources conserved in the production of this catalog 414,450 BTU’s of energy 32,448 lbs. of solid waste returning to landfill 2,079 lbs. water 62,928 lbs. of greenhouse gasses Welcome to Garden of 1,786 trees Life For consumer technical questions and product information, please visit For consumer technical questions and product information, our website at or call for information at or call 1-866-465-0051. please visit our website at 1-858-673-0224, for orders toll free at 1-877-673-0224 Printed on 100% Post Consumer Recycled Paper with Soy-based Inks. By buying products with the FSC label you are supporting the growth of responsible forest management worldwide SPRING/SUMMER/06