2010 Annual Report - Duke Catholic Center


2010 Annual Report - Duke Catholic Center
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FALL 2010
New Director Named at Duke Catholic Center
Fr. Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv., has been named
the successor to Fr. Joseph G. Vetter as the Director of the
Duke Catholic Center. The Most Reverend Michael F.
Burbidge, Bishop of Raleigh, expressed appreciation to Fr.
Joe for completing two 6-year terms at Duke and assigned
him as Pastor of St. Therese Parish in Wrightsville Beach.
The landscape of the Catholic community that Fr. Mike
inherits is in a much different place than when Fr. Joe took
the position in 1998. In
Fr. Joe’s first years, he was
sometimes alone in the
ministry working out of
the tiny office in the Duke
Chapel basement with a
five-figure budget, as were
his predecessors. Fr. Joe
recognized the need for
additional infrastructure
to support an appropriate
ministry to the Duke
Catholic population,
which is nearly 25% of the
student body.
Today, there are three full time ministers as well as 2
½ other team members supporting the growing programs
and activities of the bustling Catholic Center which
now includes the 5,000 sq. ft. Falcone-Arena House on
Buchanan Blvd. across from East Campus. Over 1,000
Duke students are engaged in a wide array of Catholic
programming including Sunday and weekday masses,
prayer groups, retreats and Tuesday Night Dinners at the
FA House to name a few.
“I have met so many wonderful people, and Duke has
been a stimulating environment in which to work” Fr. Joe
said recently. “Since I must move, Wrightsville Beach is
the best place to go. I am sad to leave Duke. Being here has
been a great experience for me. I am grateful to the many
generous and talented people who collaborated with me,
students, parents and alumni, faculty and administration,
and great support from Bishop Gossman and later Bishop
Fr. Mike moved from his hometown of Baltimore to
join the Center after serving as Principal (’96-’01) and
then President of his alma mater, Archbishop Curley High
School. While Duke will be his first college level campus
ministry position, Fr. Mike
spent three years at Xavier
University in Cincinnati
as an adjunct professor.
Ordained as a member of
the Conventual Franciscan
Friars in 1989 Fr. Mike
received a Masters Degree
from Boston College and a
S.T.B. degree in Theology
from the Pontifical
Theological Faculty at
St. Bonaventure-The
Seraphicum in Rome, Italy.
“I am honored to be chosen as the Director and look
forward to working with the students here at Duke,” Fr.
Mike said upon the announcement. “Fr. Joe has forged
so many relationships on campus and built a tremendous
structure of opportunity for these young men and
women to explore their faith in what can be life changing
years. These students are the future leaders in business,
government and communities and the world is better off
for the Catholic experience they will have during their
years on campus.”
The Duke Catholic Center has organized a celebration
to honor Fr. Joe’s twelve years of work. The entire
community is invited to join together on Friday, November
12. Please see the invitation on the mailing panel of this
newsletter, or online for details, and to RSVP.
wedding bells
A new year
he promise and potential of a
new school year is a fragrance
so thick you can taste it in the
air! It is more than evident in the
freshmen on campus for whom
everything is new as well as in the
last year grad students who can
see the finish line on the horizon.
Into this fresh world I find myself
newly plopped, and I admit to a
bit more of the freshman buzz
given that I’m new, and my grad
school days are long in the rear
view mirror. And into this ever
bright world, God speaks and
calls us as always to respond to
his grace regardless of our age or
academic standing. We are always
the students at the feet of the
Master who desires to share His
Wisdom with us, regardless of the
new tricks we think this old dog
can’t possibly learn.
How to share God’s love and
message with the community that
is Duke University is the challenge
before me and the wonderful
staff and volunteers committed
to doing just that. The new year
provides us with the opportunity
to place the Gospel message in
front of our students, faculty and
staff and simply invite in the same
way that Jesus himself called his
disciples: “Come and follow me!”
With the multiple challenges and
opportunities before all of the
at Duke
students here at Duke, it is hard
to imagine where Duke Catholic
will fall on any given student’s
priority list. However, we believe
that our programming is on
target and the power of the Holy
Spirit is compelling. These two
gifts are what empower us to be
boldly Catholic here at Duke and
we are grateful for the support of
so many within and outside the
University community.
I was speaking with Nic and
Shane the other day regarding
music at our liturgies. Both of
these students have full academic
loads and are deeply committed
to making our Sunday Masses
and our Wednesday night Holy
Hours musically enriching for
all who come no matter what
time it takes. Both Shane and
Nic are examples to me of what
young people are looking for in
their faith and are a testament to
what people are willing to give in
order to make our faith life come
alive. These are two of many
students who have impressed
me in my first days here at Duke.
I believe there is more of that to
come in the future, even when
the newness of the school year
wears out! May we all continue to
respond to God’s call and so be an
example to others who may have
placed their priorities elsewhere.
Father Mike Martin, OFM Conv, Director
919.684.1882 / [email protected]
Karen Antos ’05 and Joshua French ‘05
Christy Boling ’10 and Aslan Turer ‘09
Suzanne Dang ’06 and Steven Seibert
Elissa Marre Flynn ’09 and Sean McClure
Caroline O’Connor and Daniel LaFave ‘08
Caitlin Spillane ’06 and Kevin King
Erin Hathorn ’07 and Casey Carroll
Elizabeth Prada ’02 and Victor DaCosta
Lindsay Couch ’99 and John Kilgore
Jennifer A. Reckleff ’06 and John W. Gilbert IV ‘07
Stephanie Brooks ‘06 and Mike Holliday ‘06
Doreen Matters and Brian Wilson
Megan Bode ’07 and Matthew Baldwin
Anna Heinrichs ’08 and DamJan de Noble
Meri-Frances Rega and Wade Henderson
Kristen Wicher and William Matthews ‘09
David Guinn and Dalila Alzamora
Lauren Corse ’07 and Nicholas Bonazza ‘08
Courtney Peterson ’10 and David Orsbon
rest in peace
John A. Forlines, Jr. T’39, P’77, GP’13
Francis and Viola Ann Hackett, grandparents of Jon
Needham T’11
Frank Lia, grandfather of Mitch Heath T’11
Mary J. Lippiello, mother of Marcello Lippiello G’12
Aleecia Young Quinn Estate T’74
Alejandro “Alex”Thomae, T ’09
Director / Campus Minister
[email protected] | (919) 684-1882
Associate Director / Campus Minister
[email protected] | (919) 680-2507
Campus Minister / Faith Development
[email protected] | (919) 680-2521
Director of Development
[email protected] | (919) 613-4515
Business Manager
[email protected] | (919) 684-3354
Peer Ministry Coordinator
[email protected]
Duke Catholic Center Welcomes
New Peer Ministry Coordinator
The Duke Catholic Center is pleased to welcome Kaitlyn
Sanders as our ninth Peer Ministry Coordinator. Kaitlyn
is looking forward to working closely with the current
Student Directors, and is most excited about getting to
know the incoming freshmen. “I was a freshman Resident
Assistant for three years and helping new students
transition and learn about Duke was very rewarding. I
hope to help freshman find their niche at Duke early so
they can have a successful four years.”
Kaitlyn graduated from Duke in May 2010 with a
degree in religion. While at Duke she was involved with
the Duke Catholic Center, served as a resident assistant
and peer advisor, and was a Pathways Lilly Scholar and
summer intern. She is from Greensboro, N.C., and
loves to dance, cook and travel, both domestically and
Kaitlyn got involved with Duke Catholic as soon as
she got to Duke’s campus. Her transition to Duke was
aided by Courtney Olmsted, who was the Peer Ministry
Coordinator at the time and from the same parish in
Greensboro. “It was nice to have a familiar face around,
someone who could help
me connect to the other
students. I hope to be able
to do the same this year with
the class of 2014.” Kaitlyn’s
involvement with Duke
Catholic continued to grow
over her four years and she served in a number of different
leadership positions. “I have worked with a lot of different
programs that Duke Catholic has to offer, and have learned
about how to plan successful events. I hope to share my
experiences, including my successes and my failures, with
current students who are organizing events in order to help
them create the best programming possible.
Finally, Kaitlyn desires to grow closer to God this year
with those around her. “I have to stop myself sometimes to
remember why I am doing this job. It is because I love God
and want to share His love with those around me. I want
every student to leave Duke with a deeper understanding
of his or her call to live a life of holiness and the beauty that
the Catholic Church has to offer.”
Students Teach Credited Course on Catholic Church
Nick Tsipis ’11 and Conor Irwin ’12 co-instructed a
course on the Catholic Church giving a half course credit
to 19 students in the first such offering in Spring Semester.
The success of the course has led to its approval for both
semesters of the 2010-2011 year. Each semester different
students will lead the course.
“I grew immensely in my own faith through interacting
with students of a variety of faith experiences as we
journeyed together to understand both the difficult
challenges and exciting opportunities the Church possesses
as it seeks to interface with the modern world.” Senior
Soccer player Nick Tsipis said.
The course considered that from the beginning that the
Church felt free enough to consider rising questions, albeit
sometimes reluctantly (Acts of Apostles 6.1-2). The course
offered an understanding of the church’s way of proceeding
in front of ethical dilemmas confronting Catholic leaders.
The course called on the larger Duke community as guest
lecturers on fields as diverse as psychology, literature,
music, art and public policy. Guest lecture Dr. Sarah
Schroth, Senior Curator of the Nasher Art Museum at
Duke University, led the students on a tour of Catholic
art at the Nasher. Dr. Schroth showed the class the “The
Apostles” from a Romanesque Church of 12th Century
Southern France. Guest lecturer Psychology Professor Bob
Thompson showed that scientists don’t have to live parallel
lives: research on one track, and personal faith on the other
track. He explained that research can nourish our faith.
Guest lecturer Religion Professor Sam Miglarese challenged
the class to continue the work of the Second Vatican
Council by listening to all people locally. Music Professor
Kerry McCarthy led the class through a tour of ‘the what’
of faith sung through the centuries. Sanford Public Policy
Professor Alma Blount presented Pope Benedict’s response
to the recession in his work “Charity in Truth” calling us to
forgo independence and live interpedently on the planet.
“I salute Nick and Conor for growing both in the
knowledge of their Catholic faith as well as their teaching
skills,” Course Sponsor Fr. John McDonagh said.
The Fall Semester instructors Mike Cappetto ’12,
Casey Shannon ’12 and Paul Harraka ’11 have built on the
Course’s first offering with the addition of Men’s Lacrosse
Coach John Danowski to address the demands of virtuous
leadership in personal relationships.
Annual Report of Giving
2009 - 2010
Thank you for the generous support during the 2009-2010 year to the Duke Catholic Center. Nearly 700
donors chose to designate their gift to further Catholic life for undergraduate and graduate students at
Duke. This all-time high in donors was equally as impressive as the record of nearly $400,000 donated.
It is encouraging to see this increase in support as we build the ministry to meet the need of the 25% of
Duke students who are Catholic. We thank you for your continued support.
Great care was taken in listing those who donated to the Duke Catholic Center from July 1, 2009 through
June 30, 2010. If we have made an error or omission, please contact us so that we can correct our records.
The Director’s Circle
St. Francis of Assisi Society
($50,000 +)
Diocese of Raleigh*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Jones*
St. Ignatius Loyola Society
($25,000 - $49,999)
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Akers*
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James Longon
Mr. and Mrs. Thruston B. Morton
St. John Baptiste de La Salle
($10,000 - $24,999)
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Atwood*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fritsch
Mr. David J. Naftzinger, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smyth*
Blessed Mary Theresa of
Jesus Society
($5,000 - $9,999)
Coach and Mrs. David Cutcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Goodmon
Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Orbay
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Spillane
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Woosley
Football Coach David Cutcliffe joined the students at Tuesday
Night Dinner a few times during the year.
REVENUE $567,281
July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010
St. Francis Xavier
($2,500 - $4,999)
Ms. Marie V. Felder*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Garda*
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Bazzani
Reverend John P. McDonagh
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Valfrid E. Palmer
Reverend Joseph G. Vetter
Faculty & Staff
$14,360 Other Revenue
Diocese of
Program Fees
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
($1,000 - $2,499)
Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Antonacci
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Arcidiacono*
Dr. and Mrs. Rolf Barth
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Bell
Mr. Clemens F. Brenninkmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. John Buley
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Burakow
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Doggett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dunleavy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua E. French
Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Galdos*
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Gravante, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Haddad
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Hanratty
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Hanzlik
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Kinsey
Dr. Christopher Lau
Mrs. Elizabeth Z. Mason
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Nechyba
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Nejame
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Perrott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Peterson
Mr. Beat Franz-Karl Reinhart
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Riegel
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer
Mr. David Kenneth Walker
Alumni, Parents & Friends
EXPENSES $578,428
July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010
Service &
Social Justice
Building Catholic
Grad & Prof
Capital Expenses
Other Expenses
Development &
Facility & Supplies
Spiritual Formation
Become a fan of the Duke C
Catholic students celebrated the NCAA championship in
Cameron Indoor Stadium.
Catholic students built a
school in a remote area of
Guatamala during their
spring break.
Cardinal Theodore
McCarrick spent a
day with students in
St. Francis de
Sales Society
($500 - $999)
Mr. Thomas Ahn and Ms. Kyung Ha Oh
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ariens
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Black
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Bobrinskoy*
Mr. and Mrs. John Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Conrado Castroverde
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Colville*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Czaja*
Dr. and Mrs. Gintaras Degesys
Dr. Preston Dunnmon and Dr. Kara
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Furey
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glorioso
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Groarke*
Ms. Mary F. Halsted
Mr. John L. Hardiman, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Helfer, Jr.
Holy Family Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg E. Ireland
Mrs. Emma M. Kedrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Iman Labban
Mr. Brian Maurer
Dr. and Mrs. Shane J. McGonegle*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Merlone
Mr. Christopher W. Meyer*
Mr. & Mrs. James Minogue*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morsberger
Mrs. Nicole S. Nash
Mr. Nicholas Ong
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Poplawski
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Powell
Mr. Shaun James Rangel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Robison
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanders*
Mr. Scott Scherer
Mr. and Mrs. Sliwowski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Stalnecker*
Mr. Tesfalidet Tewolde and Ms. Tsigie
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thompson, Jr.*
Mr. Matthew H. Toups
($250 - $499)
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Barrett III
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Bieze
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bunn
Ms. Rosalinda C. Canizares
Drs. Graziano and Anne Carlon
Catholic Center on facebook!
Ms. Michele Fleur Castle
Mr. and Mrs. David Chopko*
Drs. Victor and Elizabeth Da Costa
Dr. Roseann Di Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Durrett
Dr. and Mrs. Jorge Echenique*
Mrs. Jill Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. David Erie*
Mr. and Mrs. John Faris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flavin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Francese, Esq.
Col. and Mrs Robert Gamble
Dr. Andrew W. Garrison
Mr. and Mrs. David Gordon
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Griffiths
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hartley
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hedrick
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Henson
Mrs. Danielle Irving
Mr. and Mrs. James Janssen
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Jeffries
Ms. Renee H. Jones*
Mr. Michael R. Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. William Kostelnik
Dr. Suzanne Krzyzanowski
Ms. Barbara Leonard
Dr. and Mrs. David Miyamoto*
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Myers
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Naclerio
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nathan*
Dr. and Mrs. Francis A. Neelon
Mr. Dennis K. Nguyen
Mr. Brian O’Dwyer
Dr. and Mrs. John S. Olmsted
Dr. and Mrs. Hector Picon
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Plasencia
Ms. Catherine Gibson Preston
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rapp II
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. David Ridley*
Mr. and Mrs. David Rutter
Dr. and Mrs. Chandra Sharma
Ms. Marianne G. Shivanandan
Mr. Michael Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Tweed-Kent
Ms. Anna C. Veselka
Ms. Amy Elizabeth Vieta*
Drs. Eric and Jennifer Wiebke
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Won
The Choir of Angels
($1 - $249)
Ms. Samira M. Abu-Ghazaleh
Mr. Brian J. Adams
Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Agnone
Dr. and Mrs. David Albala
Mr. Sean J. Allburn
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Amgott
Mr. Kevin P. Anastas*
Ms. Karen Anderson
Dr. Kathryn Andolsek and Dr. Don
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Arcese III
Mr. Pasquale Arcese IV
Mr. Jay M. Arena
Mr. and Mrs. John Arnold
Major and Mrs. Ralph B. Arquiette
Mrs. Patricia Ashbaugh
Ms. Margaret Asher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Atwood
Mr. Phillip Autrey
Mr. Gregory Baecher
Dr. James P. Bailey
Mrs. Louise M. Balazs
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Baltz, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Hartley Bancroft
Mr. Hartley Bancroft
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. John Bartholdson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Baumgartner*
Mrs. Maureen A. Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Witkor Bednarz
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benning
Ms. Melanie Benning
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bergin
Mr. and Mrs. David Bernert
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blake
Blessed Sacrament Church
Mr. and Mrs. David Bohan
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bonazza
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Adam Bonazza
Ms. Victoria Elizabeth Boren
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Borns
Mr. Fernando Boschini
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bourdet
Mr. Anthony Bova
Dr. and Mrs. R. Michael Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brandeau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Breen
Mr and Mrs Benjamin Brigeman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Britton
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Brosnan*
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell S. Brown
Col. and Mrs. Kurt Brubaker
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Buder*
Mr. Albert T. Bunk
Mr. and Mrs. Pedro Burelli
Ms. Sara Bures
Ms. Paula L. Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. August G. Burgin III
Mr. & Mrs. R. George Burnett
Ms. Catherine K. Burton
Dr. Grace Burton
Ms. Kathleen J. Byrnes
Drs. John and Rosanna Cafaro
Mr. and Mrs. John Calcagni
Sr. Melissa M. Camardo
Mr. Michael Clark Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Canfield
Dr. Roberto Canizares*
Mr and Mrs Ben C. Canlas, Jr.
Dr. Christopher L. Canlas
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Cappetto
Mr. James Jay Carney
Mr. and Mrs. Walton T. Carpenter*
Ms. Patricia M. Carreiro
Dr. Antoinette M. Cecere
Mrs. Susan A. Cera
Dr. and Mrs. Darren Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Chase
Ms. Mary Perez Chatry
Dr. Felix Yan-Fay Chau
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chiarelli
Ms. Beverley Chin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Chmielewski*
Dr.and Mrs. Joseph Cinderella
Mr. and Mrs. David Clement
Mr. Steven Clipp
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coleman III
Mrs. Anne Rose Colevas
Dr. and Mrs. Giovanni Colombo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Conboy Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Convery
Mrs. Linda Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Covington
Mrs. Emily A. Crawford*
Drs. William and Joyce Cunningham
Ms. Diane Cutshaw
Ms. Julie Daher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daly
Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson
Mr. Luis de Armas and Ms. Ellen
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. De Jong
Ms. Lisa De Obaldia
Mr. and Mrs. Jose De Obaldia*
Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Dean
Mr. Simone Degan and Ms. Francesca
Mr. Edmund Dehoratius*
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Del Vecchio
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Deshetler
Ms. Leslie L. Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DiNicola
Ms. Rana B. DiOrio
Mrs. Janine W. Dixon
Drs. Mark and Lisa Dobbertien*
Mrs. Susan Dobbyn
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence Donahue
Mr. Thomas E. Drury
Dr. and Mrs. George Dubay
Ms. Chelsea N. Echenique
Mr. Perry Edelman and Ms. Patricia
Ms. Elizabeth Edmondson
Dr. Michael Eggert
Ms. Nina Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eisenmenger
Mr. Russell C. Elmayan*
Mr. Jesse Enriquez
Ms. Lydia Enriquez
Dr. Jonathan Truwit and Ms. Jeanne
M. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Exnicios
Mrs. Dorothy Fansler
Drs. Thomas and Shauna Farmer
Mrs. Candida Fasano
Dr. and Mrs. John Fath
Mr. Edward J. Fay
Ms. Virginia M. Fay
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fernandez
Mr. Zachary M. Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferraro
Ms. Patricia M. Festin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finch
Mr. Edmund P. Finley
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian J. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzgibbons
Mr. Brian K. Fitzpatrick
Mr. Paul Fleschner*
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford
Ms. Dawne Fountain
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Franklin
Mr. Horacio J. Frau and Ms. Katherine
M. Nicole Sauri*
Ms. Sarah V. Freedman
Ms. Meredith Fried
Mr. and Mrs. William Gaffey
Mrs. Tracy Gaines
Mr. Theodore E. Galanthay, III
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gamble
Ms. Julia E. Garces
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Garnett IV
Dr. Glenn C. Gaviola, M.D.
Mr. Timothy S. Gehlmann
Mr. Thomas G. Geldermann
Mr. William Gelfeld
Dr. and Mrs. Chi Fenequito
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Ghio
Ms. Judith Honeycutt Gibson
Dr. Graziano Giglio
Ms. Tracy Gionfriddo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Glantz
Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Gnaedig
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Gomez
Ms. Lauren M. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Gonzalez
Mr. Raymond T. Gordon Jr.
Donors with 5 consecutive years of giving denoted by an *
Traveling south from the Lower East Side of
Manhattan, John Haddad, M.D. ’83 entered Duke
like many other teenagers. His interests in the
newly discovered freedom of college life were
many and the hard decisions on which direction
to take were few. In fact, he was the last person
in his entire class to declare his major and did so
only after someone from Student Affairs showed
up at his dorm room and told him he had to
declare a major on the spot.
The exploration of varied interests was the
norm for John and after thirteen years of Catholic
education, he did not involve himself in the
Catholic Center as a Duke student. Instead, he
was active in various local bands, a passion he still
carries onto the stage with bands in the Houston
area today.
“It was enlightening to me though to move
to a relatively small southern city where for the
first time it felt like I was a minority as a Catholic,”
John said. “I also had the opportunity to visit
some local Baptist and Methodist church services
and gain some perspective.”
The son of a pathologist, John always had
an aptitude for science and math and moved
back to NYC to attend Mount Sinai School of
Medicine. Today, Dr. Haddad is a partner in
Houston Radiology Associated and is the Medical
Director of Body MRI
John, John
Paul and
at The Methodist
Raquel at
Hospital. He has a
the Duke vs.
special interest in body Baylor NCAA
and musculoskeletal
MRI and participates in
the care of Houston’s
professional athletes.
“I feel proud to
be a Duke Alumnus
and definitely want to give something back out
of gratitude for what I have been given,” John
said recently. “Somewhere along the line I recall
receiving some literature from the Catholic
Center that struck a chord within me. Whatever
it was, it gave me the impetus to direct a portion
of my annual giving to the Center. The Catholic
Center provides a sense of community and
cultural identity for Catholic students, as well as
an outlet for Catholic students to enhance the
image and reputation of the Church through
charitable acts in and around the Duke campus
and city of Durham.”
A black belt in Shotokan Karate, John and his
wife, Iliana, have three children, John Paul (11),
Raquel (9) and Freddy (6).
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gorman
The Most Reverend F. Joseph Gossman
Ms. Lisa M. Grasing*
Mr. Michael W. Gregory, Esq.
Ms. Gillian P. Groarke, Esq.
Lieutenant Christopher M. Grocki
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Grogan
Mrs. Mary Grossnickle
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall
Dr. Marie Hanigan*
Mr. Jeffrey Harbrecht
Mr. Paul Harraka
Ms. Dawn Harrop
Mr. Steven Harvey and Ms. Susan
Ms. Moira D. Hathcock
Dr. Stephen A. Haut
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Heffernan*
Dr. Jeffrey Stephen Heinle
Mrs. Beatrice D. Heinrichs
Mr. Edward Hejlek*
Mr. and Mrs. Prospero Hernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hibbard
Mr. John Hillen
Colonel and Mrs. Stacey Hirata*
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hirsch
Dr. Lisa M. Ho and Dr. Paul Suhocki
Mr. David A. Hoang
Mr. David A. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hogan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hogan
Mr. Michael Holak
Ms. Leigh Ann Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howard
Mr. Michael Hu
Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Huege
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hurley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ice
Mr. Joseph Ingemi
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. George Jandl
Dr. Murray D. Jardine
Mr. and Mrs.Christopher Jerome
Dr. and Mrs. Philip F. Jiamachello
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kaneb
Mr. and Mrs. Hun Kang
Dr. Steven Kariya and Dr. Suzanne
Dr. Kerry Karukstis
Mr. Jonathan Kasper
Mr. John M. Kearney
Mrs. Mary Grace Kearney*
Mr. John R. Keller
Ms. Shannon Kelley
Ms. Jenna F. Kellner
Ms. Julie Bloss Kelsey
Ms. Mary Elaine Kempffer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lionel Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Kennelly*
Ms. Madaline S. Keros
Mr. and Mrs. John Ketner
Mr. James P. Keyes*
Ms. Kathleen Kilmer
Mr. Francis Young Kim
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Kincheloe
Mr. Creston King
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenny King, Jr.
Mrs. Ann Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. John Klauberg
Ms. Aleksandra Elizabeth Klimas
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Klitzman
Mr. Brannan H. Knott
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knott
Mr. Frank Kokoszka
Ms. Evelia Kory
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kos
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Koverman
Dr. and Mrs. Roman M. Kowalchuk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krattli
Mr. David W. Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kurowski
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kuzma
Mr. and Mrs. Imad Labban*
Ms. Ave M. Lachiewicz
Mr. Joshua Rene Lacsina
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis T. Ladocsi IV*
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lake
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Lally
Mr. and Mrs. John Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Lambiase
Mr. Kevin M. Lamontagne
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lane Jr.
Miss Nancy M. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larrea
Mr. Eric B. Laughlin
Dr. Uri Lavy and Ms. Maria PolegreLavy
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Leathem, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Lee
Ms. Kathryn E. Lee, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Leemputte
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Leister
Ms. Karen E. Leone, Esq.
Ms. Kaylene Lewek
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lewis*
Rev. Gerald L. Lewis
Ms. Christine Lim
Mr. and Mrs. Dev Lobo
Mrs. Leann Logsdon
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Love
Mr. Steve Hung-Lu and Kathryn MiaoHui Chao
Dr. and Mrs. James Luciano
Ms. Cynthia Luis-Guerra
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Luterbach
Mrs. Emily S. Lyden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lynch
Ms. Marlene Macauda, Esq.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Mack
Ms. Molly Mahoney
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Margius
Dr. Mary Markert*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mata
Dr.and Mrs. Patrick Mathias
Mr. Brian Wilson and Ms. Doreen
Ms. Virginia Matters
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Mattoon
Dr. and Mrs. Mark McBride*
Ms. Lucy McCalpin
Mr. and Mrs. William McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. William McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. T. Michael McDonald
Ms. Marybeth McGinn
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McGuire*
Ms. Patricia A. McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLeester
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McLoughlin
Mrs. Anne N. McNamara
Ms. Mary Kathryn Menard
Mr. Timothy Mendoza
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Mennis
Mr. and Mrs. Guy V. Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Merritt*
Mrs. Stephanie E. Metz, PT
Dr. and Mrs. William Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Segundo Meza
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Midura
Mr. and Mrs. John Midura
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miglarese
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Miles
Ms. Elizabeth Millan
Mr. Andrew J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller
Mr. Bradley T. Miller, Esq.
Mr. David J. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller
Ms. Vicki S. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Kendrick Mills
Mr. Gregory J. Millwater
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Millwater
Ms. Mary M. Minnear
Drs. Harvey and Phillippa Miranda
Dr. Marie Lynn Miranda
Dr. George Mokrzan
Mr. Jeffrey Molinari
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Monti*
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morrow
Ltc. Col. and Mrs. Albert Mrozek
Mr. and Mrs. Rana Mukerji
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mulhern
Mr. and Mrs. James Mullally
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mulroy
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Mumma
Mrs. Leigh B. Munley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Munley
Mr. Edward J. Murphy
Ms. Rosemarie H. Murphy
Dr. Brian C. Murray
Ms. Aidan H. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Staurt Nash
Mr. and Mrs. Luis Nasser
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nathan
Mr. Lawrence Neureither & Ms. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Neville*
Mr. Thomas A. Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Newell*
Mr. Christopher Ng Cashin and Dr.
Judith Ng Cashin*
Ms. Amy Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Nuttle
Dr. and Mrs. Sun Nam Oak
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos L. Obando
Ms. Marita O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James O’Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. G. Michael O’Leary
Mr. Michael O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Jacinto Oliver
Dr. Matthew J. Olmsted
Mr. Martin Osterhout
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Paar*
Ms. Andreina Parisi-Amon
Mr. and Mrs. Sung Duk Park
Mr. Raymond Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pastrana
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Patamia
Donors with 5 consecutive years of giving denoted by an *
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Paulus
Drs. Henry and Maureen Pavy
Mr. and Mrs. Antonio R. Pera
Mr. and Mrs. George Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perruzzi*
Dr. Raymond F. Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petrik
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Phillips
Mr.and Mrs. Brendon Pierson
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Pinchak
Ms. Wendy Pistrang
Ms. Alisha Pollastri
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Pollizzi
Mr. Joseph Potter and Ms. Deborah
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Powers
Dr. Charlotte Wolf Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pratt*
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pustejovsky
Mr. and Mrs. Munther E. Qubain
Ms. Elizabeth Rach
Ms. Anna L. Rack-Gomer
Ms. Terese M. Raines
Dr. Margaret M. Ramey*
Mrs. Lynn M. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rauch*
Mr. Andrew Ray
Mr. Jimmy Ray and Dr. Lisa Street
Mr. James V. Razick
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Regelbrugge
Mr. Mark Reichhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reid
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Renfree
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Repp
Ms. Mary Reynolds
Ms. Shauna Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. John Ricks*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riddle
Mr. Robert Riordan
Dr. Berta Rios
Mr. Robert J. Rivell
Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Rivero
Ms. Danielle Roberts
Ms. Diane Roberts
Mr. Joseph J. Robinette
Mr. and Mrs. Cy Rodio
Dr. and Mrs. Rolando D. Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lehrer
Ms. Diana Ruiz
Mr. and Mrs. Willliam Russman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua R. Rynne
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Sadler
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Saletta, Jr.
Mr. Alberto Sanchez
Mr. Arturo Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Saucier
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Sax
Ms. Rita V. Scearce
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Scheessele
Mrs. Jenna Schenker
Mr. and Mrs. John Schmelzer*
Mr. and Dr. James M. Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schrage
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schulte
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Scioscia
Mrs. Paula Seymour
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Shannon
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Shaughnessy*
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Shoemaker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Siadak
Mr. James Silva
Mrs. Carolyn M. Silvey
Mr. and Mrs. John Simler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simon
Mr. David A. Six*
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua B. Skudlarick
Lt. Col. Mark V. Slominski and Lt. Col.
Nicole Slominski
Dr. Yolanda R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Socha
Mr. Christian Gerard Sotomayor
Ms. Susan White Spalding
Ms. Celia C. Sparger
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Speidel
Mr. and Mrs. John Spellman
Ms. Erica M. Stalnecker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stankavage
Mrs. Sandra A.M. Steiner
Dr. Robert Stets
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stoll
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Straube*
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sulewski
Ms. Nancy Mathias Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elder Sullivan
Ms. Lottie Supples
Ms. Julia Suriano Siu Shi
Mr. Louis John Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Telesz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Tello
Mr. Thomas A. Thekkekandam
Dr. and Mrs. Ignatius Thomas
Ms. Sheila Thomas
Mr. Dan Tinnes
Mr. John G. Tkacik
Mr. and Mrs. John Tomasiello
Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Tornini
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toth
Ms. Ann Drea Trejo
Dr. George Truskey and Ms. Anna Wu*
Dr. Aslan Turer and Dr. Christy Boling
Mr. Richard D. Umstead*
Drs. Arnold and Patricia Valdivia
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Vallero
Dr. Margaret Van Sciver
Mr. Brian A. Vanlandingham
Mr. and Mrs. John Varca
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Vasievich
Dr. Kenneth Velleman
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Vergotz
Dr. Nicholas A. Viens and Ms. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Ross R. Vines
Mrs. Pamela B. Vollmer*
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Volpe
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walch
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Warner*
Mr. and Mrs. William Weir
Mr. and Mrs. James Welsch
Mr. Eric Welsh
Ms. Patricia Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Wescott
Mrs. Patricia A. Wesley
Mrs. Cheryl A. White
Mrs. Donna White
Mr. and Mrs. Jarrel Wigger
Dr. and Mrs. David Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Williams
Mrs. Emily Williams
Ms. Gayle Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wesley Willis*
Ms. Anne W. Winborne
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wise
Mr. Andrew David Wisnewski
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Woodford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Wrayno*
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hugh Wright
Ms. Mary K. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wright
Dr. Andrea E. Yackenovich
Ms. Georgeanne Youmans
Mr. and Mrs. John Zaharko
Mr. Joseph Zalewski
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Zalla
Mrs. Ellen Marie Zander
Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Zander
Mr. Leonard Zon
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Zuban
Living Faith
The Living Faith Society was
created as a way to specially
thank those who have chosen
to donate to the Duke Catholic
Center monthly through
credit card or automatic debit
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Atwood
Mr. and Mrs. John Byrnes
Ms. Rosalinda C. Canizares
Mr. and Mrs. Conrado Castroverde
Dr. and Mrs. Darren Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Colville
Ms. Marie Felder
Mr. and Mrs. David Gordon
Dr. Paul Griffiths and Ms. Judith
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kedrowski
Ms. Kaylene Lewek
Ms. Elizabeth Zung Mason
Dr. and Mrs. Shane J. McGonegle
Ms. Stephanie R. Metz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morsberger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Murphy
Ms. Aidan Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Nash
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Patamia
Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Skudlarick
Mr. Testafalidet Tewolde and
Ms. Tsigie Gebreyesus
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson
Mr. Matthew Toups
Mr. David K. Walker
Drs. Eric and Jennifer Wiebke
For information on how to join the Living
Faith Society, please contact
the Advancement Office at
(919) 613-4515 or go online at
Wish List
The Duke Catholic Center is grateful for your
generosity as its primary source of revenue. Your
gifts provide funding for all programs, supplies
and personnel. Here are just a few items that we
are looking to have funded during the 20102011 year. If you have interest in talking more
about how your gift can be used to provide an
opportunity for Duke students to develop their
Catholic faith on campus, call (919) 613-4515.
Awakening Fall and Spring Retreats..................................... $32,000
100 students attend each semester, $160 / person
Jamaica Mission Trip for 14 students.................................... $10,000
Beach Weekend Retreat Sponsor............................................ $9,000
Catholic Life Speaker Series, Fall and Spring Semester........... $8,000
Sound System, Falcone Arena House...................................... $7,000
Chairs (40), Falcone Arena House........................................... $5,000
New Altar, Falcone Arena House Chapel................................. $4,000
New Liturgical Vestments (4).................................................$1,600
Sponsor Materials for Small Groups . ..................................... $1,000
Sponsor Crucifixes for Graduates (approx. 50)........................ $1,000
Sponsor Crucifixes for RCIA .......................................................$500
Sponsor Crucifixes for Confirmation . ........................................$500
Video Camera............................................................................$400
Digital Camera..........................................................................$300
Sponsor Materials for One Small Group ....................................$200
Non-Profit Org.
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Look for us online!
You are invited!
The Duke Catholic Center cordially invites you for dinner in honor of Father Joe Vetter to celebrate his
contributions to Duke University and wish him well at St. Therese Parish in Wrightsville Beach.
Friday, November 12, 2010
6:00 p.m. Cocktails, 7:00 p.m. Dinner
American Tobacco Bay 7
Durham, North Carolina
Please respond by Monday, November 1, to Kym Trimarchi at 919-681-0471 or [email protected]
Duke Catholics Answer
Call to Holiness
Duke Law School and is beginning
studies for the Archdiocese of
Milano in his native country. At
Duke, Mike worshipped at Weekday
Masses and challenged his peers
to be present to the questioning of
young Catholics.
STEVE SAROKI, completed two
years of studies at Fuqua towards
a PhD in Finance. At Duke, Steve
constantly called the Catholic
Community to worship at Mass and
Adoration. Steve begins studies for
his home diocese of San Diego.
TIM AHN, completed the Masters
in Theological Studies at Duke
Divinity School in May. At Duke,
Tim participated in daily Mass as
well as called classmates to pray the
rosary daily in the Crypt of Duke
Chapel. He begins seminary for the
Diocese of Raleigh at St Charles
Borromeo in Philadelphia.