September 1, 2005


September 1, 2005
Hispania News
VOL. 18. NO. 35
Marine Lance Cpl. Evenor Herrera receives US
citizenship Posthumously at ceremonies at Garden
of the Gods. Full story next week.
Jo Dee Messina at the
State Fair
See page 10
1 de septiembre - 8 de septiembre 2005
Fiesta Weekend
Ultimate Fiesta!
The Colorado State Fair is a celebration from start to finish, but the
party really heats up during
Fiesta Weekend, September 3 4th.
Fiesta Weekend recognizes
Colorado’s proud ties to Latin
culture by showcasing the music,
dance, food, art, costumes,
traditions, and people who keep
the Latin spirit alive in Colorado.
The State Fair’s Fiesta
Weekend is a treat for the senses
with a Hispanic Art Show, A
Fiesta Parade, a variety of free
stage shows, two nights of
international entertainment in the
Events Center, a “Charreada” or
Mexican rodeo and much more,
It’s Colorado’s Ultimate Fiesta!
Fair Parade? Fair, it was ninety degrees
See page 11 of Pull Out
Inmigrantes ganan derecho a recibir
prueba de su situación legal
Un tribunal federal falló a favor
de una clase a nivel nacional de
residentes legales permanentes
(LPR) a quienes hasta la fecha se
les han negado pruebas
documentales de su condición
legal (o “tarjetas verdes”).
En una decisión emitida ayer, la
jueza Marilyn Hall Patel, del
Tribunal Federal de Distrito, falló
que la norma del Departamento de
Seguridad Interna (DHS por sus
siglas en inglés) de retener
documentación de personas a
quienes los tribunales de
Inmigración ya les había concedido
la condición de residentes legales
permanentes era arbitraria y
caprichosa, y además violaba el
deber no discrecional del DHS de
emitir documentación en una
demandantes en el litigio están
representados por Cooley
Godward LLP, el Comité de
Abogados de Texas por los
Derechos Civiles, y el Mexican
American Legal Defense and
Education Fund (Fondo de
Continua en página 4
Sen. Ken Salazar enjoyed
the Legislative Barbecue
at the State Fair
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
See Pull-Out Inside
Page 2
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Promoting Diversity in Colorado Springs This event, organized by
the Student Diversity Council at the University of Colorado at Colorado
Springs (UCCS), will offer Colorado Springs residents a unique opportunity
to celebrate the different cultures that make up our community.
If you would like more information, please contact Marcus Garcia at
(719) 232.9764 or the Student Diversity Council at [email protected]
The Hispanic Community’s Newspaper
Established Cinco de Mayo, 1987
Published weekly by
Con Fé Communications, Ltd.
ISSN -0895-7355
No part of Hispania News may be reprinted or reproduced
without the written consent from the Editor.
All rights reserved.
Robert L. Armendariz
Marketing Director
William Green
Daniel T. Chaparro
Sara Rodríguez
Composition, Design and Layout
Sami R. Armendariz
Hispania News
[email protected]
Toll Free • 866-723-2220
Located at 2527 Airport Rd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 15116, Colorado Springs, CO 80935-5116
(719) 540-0220 • (719) 540-0221
• Fax (719) 540-0599
El Paso County Democrats “Junque Faire”
The El Paso County Democrats are holding their 2nd annual “Junque Faire” aka garage sale Sat,
Sep 10, from 8 am to 3 pm and is being held at TOONS corner of Dale and N. Nevada. For further
information go to or call 271-9665.
Lowe’s Preparada para Ayudas
Post-Huracán Katrina
Lowe’s Companies, Inc
anunció hoy que la compañía
tiene cientos de camiones de
carga con suministro de
emergencia organizados y listos
para las gestiones de ayuda luego
de los efectos del Huracán
Katrina, a lo largo de la Costa del
Golfo. La compañía también
anunció que tiene más de 1,125
tiendas en todo el país que
funcionarán como lugares
oficiales para las donaciones de
efectivo para ayudar al fondo de
ayuda luego del desastre del
American Red Cross. Lowe’s
igualará las contribuciones
hechas por los clientes, en las
tiendas, hasta US$1 millón.
Hace tiempo que Lowe’s es
socia valorada y comprometida
del American Red Cross. Esta
relación es crítica para nuestra
capacidad de respuesta a desastres
tales como el Huracán Katrina”,
vicepresidenta del área estratégica
de recaudación de fondos del
American Red Cross.
“El dinero recaudado a través del
programa de donación de clientes
de Lowe’s ayudará al American
Red Cross a dar a las personas las
necesidades básicas, por ejemplo
alimentos, refugios, servicios de
salud y de salud mental, luego de
la tormenta”.
Tan solo durante el año 2004,
Lowe’s y sus clientes recaudaron
US$1.5 millones para colaborar
con las gestiones del American
Red Cross, incluso el alivio postdesastre a los miles que fueron
afectados por los huracanes del
año 2004, que golpearon la costa
sudeste de los Estados Unidos.
Lowe’s ha recaudado más de
US$7.5 millones para el Red
Cross en los últimos cinco años.
A la tarde del lunes, Lowe
tenía aproximadamente 23
tiendas cerradas en las áreas
costeras de Mississippi,
Louisiana y Alabama, y más de
20 tiendas adicionales bajo el
control de su centro de comando.
Más de 500 empleados de
Lowe’s en otras partes del
sudeste están en espera como
parte de los Storm Recovery
Teams (Equipos de Rescate de
Tormenta) de Lowe’s que
permitirán a Lowe’s reabrir sus
tiendas en aquellos mercados en
cuanto sea seguro hacerlo,
mientras que los empleados de
Lowe’s en la región podrán
ocuparse de sus propios hogares
y cuestiones personales.
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 3
Stepped up enforcement for Labor Day weekend
State and local law enforcement
agencies will be stepping up DUI
enforcement for Labor Day
Across the state, law
enforcement agencies will conduct
traditional and roving sobriety
checkpoints and saturation patrols,
and assign additional officers to
patrol the roadways for drunk
Part of the National DUI
Crackdown, will end midnight
Mon, Sep 5, includes Colorado’s
Labor Day enforcement period
that starts Fri, Sep 2, at 6 pm; and
What is SHARE?
SHARE Colorado, a nonprofit
organization, is a monthly food
distributor that offers grocery
packages at half the retail price to
everyone. Every package you buy
for yourself helps to put food on
the table for another family in your
SHARE has 20 host sites located
throughout the
Colorado Springs
area. To order
please visit Central
United Methodist
Share located at
4373 Galley Rd. on
Sep 10th from 10 11 am. To find a
closer location
please call 719210-3244 or order
online at
The goal of SHARE is to help
families save 50 percent on their
groceries, while encouraging the
building of relationships within
their community.
Each month, SHARE selects
about twenty items that people are
most likely to buy at the grocery
store, including fresh fruits and
vegetables and frozen meats. Then
through a national affiliate
network, SHARE can purchase
massive quantities of these items
at very low prices. The SHARE
program never accepts donated
food for distribution.
Unlike a traditional grocery
store, we do not maintain
inventories, expensive stores, large
employee bases, etc. We rely
primarily on word of mouth
advertising. Plus we’re in it for
you, not for the organizations
As a non-profit
organization, SHARE relies
heavily on volunteers. They are
the main reason SHARE can offer
items and packages at such a
reduced price. SHARE runs each
month with the help of 3,500
volunteers who volunteer at our
warehouses and distribution
centers known as host sites.
Our host sites are generally
churches, senior centers, schools
and community centers. The
experience of picking up your
Share package at a
host site is almost
like a community
party. People begin
to know each other
and meet new
friends. Many love
and support the
program so much
that they ask how
they can help out
Actually, we encourage Share
participants to give back to their
community in any way they can.
We consider volunteering
anything from working at the host
site or warehouse, to babysitting,
to sharing a meal with a neighbor
or friend. Virtually anything you
do for someone else free of charge
can be considered volunteering.
Anyone can participate in the
program. Even those who can
afford to spend more for food are
being good stewards by simply
being more frugal. Because
SHARE is part of Catholic
Charities, the minimal profits in
each Share package sold goes to
help support other programs
within Catholic Charities, such as
the Samaritan House. And if
you’re really not interested in
participating we do take donations
for what we call a sponsored Share
package. These sponsored Share
packages go to help families that
cannot afford to order from our
program. For more info, please
call 303-428-0400 x1009
ends Mon, Sep 5, at midnight.
The summer’s 16-week DUI
Checkpoint Colorado enforcement
effort, which kicked off on May
27, will end on Sep 12, one week
after the Labor Day weekend. So
far, agencies have conducted more
than 100 sobriety checkpoints this
“Keeping our highways safe
from drunk drivers is always a top
priority, especially during holiday
weekends,” said Colonel Mark
Trostel, Chief of the Colorado
State Patrol.
“Along with our law
enforcement partners across
Colorado, we are committed to
reducing crashes, related injuries
and fatalities. Research shows that
DUI checkpoints, saturation
patrols and increased patrols have
reduced drunk driving in
“We hope that motorists will
make the responsible choices by
designating a sober driver if they
are celebrating with alcohol. And,
that every motorist and their
passengers always buckle up.”
Colorado colleges and
universities are also supporting
law enforcement efforts to curb
drinking and driving, by
reminding students of the risks of
illegal underage drinking and
encouraging legal-age students to
celebrate responsibly.
There are 60 law enforcement
agencies participating in the Labor
Day weekend enforcement effort
and National DUI Crackdown in
Fri, Sep 2, the following law
enforcement agencies have
planned a combination of DUI
checkpoints and increased and
saturation patrols in an effort to
keep Colorado residents safe:
• Colorado Springs Police
Department – 1 traditional
• Durango Police Department saturation patrol
• El Paso County Sheriff’s Office
– 1 traditional checkpoint
• Fort Collins Police Department
– increased patrol
• Fountain Police Department – 1
traditional checkpoint
• Gilpin County Sheriff’s Office
– increased patrol
• Manitou Springs Police
Department - saturation patrol
• Montezuma County Sheriff’s
Office - saturation patrol
• Parker Police Department saturation patrol
• Pueblo County Sheriff’s Office
- saturation patrol and 2 roving
• Pueblo Police Department – 2
roving checkpoints
• Rio Grande County Sheriff –
increased patrol
• Teller County Sheriff’s Office –
increased patrol
• Weld County Sheriff’s Office saturation patrol
Woodland Park Police
Department - saturation patrol
Since The Heat Is On! began in
July 1996, agencies have arrested
35,398 people for drunk driving
during holiday weekends and other
special DUI enforcement periods.
Become a FosterCare/FosterAdopt Parent
Alzheimer’s Association’s
Memory Walk® 2005
Hundreds of Colorado Springs residents walk
to raise funds
WHAT: Hundreds of Colorado Springs residents join the fight
against Alzheimer’s disease at the annual Alzheimer’s
Association’s Memory Walk. The event raises public awareness,
and funds for local services for people with the disease, their
families, and caregivers. The Alzheimer’s Association’s Memory
Walk is the largest national fundraising event for support
programs for Alzheimer’s disease.
WHEN: Sat, Sep 10, 8:30 - 1 pm
WHERE: Antlers Park CONTACT: Kari Kwinn, Development
Officer, Alzheimer’s Association. 719-266-8773,
[email protected],
- State Wide Program
- Experienced Staff
- Free Orientations
- Foster Care & Adoption
- Support and Training
- Faith Based Agency
Lutheran Family Services • (719) 227-7571 •
108 E. St. Vrain • Colorado Springs • Licensed, Non Profit Agency
Page 4
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Continua de página 1
Defensa Legal y Educación
Mexicano Americano, MALDEF).
“Este fallo reconoce que a miles
de residentes legales permanentes
en toda la nación se les ha negado
injustamente la prueba de su
situación”, expresó Javier N.
Maldonado, Director Ejecutivo del
Comité de Abogados de Texas.
“El Departamento de Seguridad
Interna ya no puede privar a miles
de residentes legales permanentes
de la documentación esencial que
les permita trabajar legalmente,
identificación, y visitar a sus
familiares en el extranjero”, dijo
Maldonado. El DHS había
reconocido que hasta 12,539
personas, consideradas residentes
legales desde el 1 de octubre de
2000, todavía no habían recibido
la documentación sobre su
situación legal. El DHS y el
Departamento de Justicia habían
alegado que sus normas estaban
justificadas por la necesidad de
realizar verificaciones adicionales
de los antecedentes de esas
personas antes de emitirles la
El tribunal federal halló
específicamente que el argumento
de la seguridad nacional no
apoyaba una norma general de
retener documentación temporal
de situación legal a los miembros
de la demanda colectiva. El
tribunal señaló que el gobierno no
había logrado establecer un
vínculo real entre ningún miembro
de la demanda colectiva y una
amenaza a la seguridad nacional,
y que tampoco había considerado
adecuadamente mecanismos
alternativos para alcanzar
objetivos de seguridad nacional.
El tribunal también halló que los
retrasos prolongados no estaban
justificados, ante la reconocida
rapidez con que se podía realizar
la mayoría de las verificaciones de
La corte concluyó que, ante la
ausencia de cualquier prueba
particularizada de amenaza a la
seguridad nacional, “el argumento
de la seguridad nacional
presentado por los demandados no
puede servir de excusa a los
diversos errores burocráticos,
retrasos administrativos e
interrupciones de comunicación
entre las agencias que han causado
los atrasos que se discuten en esta
John C. Dwyer, un asociado en
Cooley Godward, que está
manejando la demanda pro bono,
aplaudió el fallo. Dwyer dijo: “Es
importante entender que el
Departamento de Justicia de los
Estados Unidos y los Tribunales
de Inmigración ya han
determinado que cada uno de los
miembros de la demanda colectiva
tiene el derecho legal de vivir en
los Estados Unidos.
Todo lo que hemos estado
pidiendo en este litigio es que el
gobierno les dé la documentación
congruente con esas decisiones,
documentación que les permitirá
ser miembros productivos de
nuestra sociedad. Creemos que la
Corte actuó correctamente”.
La demanda, Santillán y otros v.
Gonzales, y otros, se presentó en
la corte federal de distrito de San
Francisco en julio de 2004. La
demanda colectiva señalaba que
las oficinas del DHS en todo el
país rechazan constantemente y
retrasan las solicitudes de los
residentes legales permanentes
para obtener documentación sobre
su situación legal. Los retrasos
con las tarjetas verdes, que han
durado desde meses hasta años,
han creado graves penurias para
los inmigrantes y sus familias.
“Nos sentimos reivindicados por
la conclusión de la corte según la
cual estos retrasos con las tarjetas
verdes fueron irracionales y
perjudiciales para muchas familias
trabajadoras en los Estados
Unidos”, dijo Ricardo G. Cedillo,
Presidente de la Junta del Comité
de Abogados de Texas. “Esta
victoria nos recuerda que la lucha
por la libertad comienza en casa”.
En la próxima etapa de la
demanda, el tribunal ha requerido
al gobierno que presente una
oportunamente pruebas de su
situación a residentes legales
La asociación en el litigio de
interés público del ejercicio Pro
Bono de Cooley Godward y el
Comité de Abogados de Texas sin
fines de lucro fue facilitada por el
Litigation Assistance Partnership
Project (Proyecto de Asociación
para Asistencia en Litigios, LAPP)
de la American Bar Association
Puede recibir una copia del fallo
del tribunal entrando en o en
El Comité de Abogados de Texas
es una organización de derechos
civiles, sin fines de lucro, dedicada
a proteger y defender los derechos
de los inmigrantes y los refugiados
en el estado de Texas. Para más
El Mexican American Legal
Defense and Education Fund
(Fondo de Defensa Legal y
Educación Mexicano Americano,
MALDEF) es la principal
institución latina sin fines de lucro
de litigios, defensa de causas y
ayuda educativa en los Estados
Unidos. La misión de MALDEF
consiste en fomentar sólidas
normas públicas, leyes y
programas para salvaguardar los
derechos civiles de los 40 millones
de latinos que viven en los Estados
Unidos, y lograr que la comunidad
latina tenga una participación
plena en nuestra sociedad.
Para más información, visite
El Dr. Harry P. Pachón,
presidente del Instituto de Política
Tomás Rivera (TRPI), considera
que las contribuciones más
importantes de los latinos a este
país han sido “una fuerte ética de
trabajo y entre los latinos
emigrantes en particular, la
norteamericano de que el trabajo
duro y la perseverancia llevan a
una vida mejor”.
Por otra parte, “los ideales
norteamericanos de que Estados
Unidos es una tierra de
oportunidades pudo haber sido la
clave para que los latinos
exhibieran también un alto grado
de patriotismo”, según Pachón,
cuya organización se dedica a
hacer investigaciones sobre la
comunidad hispana.
No hay dudas de la participación
de los hispanos en las tareas
patrióticas, ya que sólo en la
Segunda Guerra Mundial más de
300 mil ciudadanos de origen
mexicano tomaron las armas y
fueron a aquella demoledora
contienda euro-asiática. Otros
hispanos, entre ellos numerosos
puertorriqueños, cubanos, centro y
participaron como soldados en esa
guerra, así como en las de Corea,
Vietnam, el golfo Pérsico y la que
se desarrolla actualmente en Irak.
Cifras del Pentágono revelaron al
comienzo de la guerra de Irak que
había un total de 122,500 hispanos
en las fuerzas armadas de Estados
Unidos, o el 8.7% del total de
soldados. Se cree que hacia
mediados de abril de 2003, cuando
se produjo la toma de Bagdad,
había unos 30 mil efectivos
hispanos en la zona del Golfo
Pérsico. Continua en página 5
Llame a Los Profesionales
BUS. LINE 719-547-0411
PUEBLO 719-547-2109
[email protected]
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 5
Mexico anucia su convocatoria para el
partido ante la seleccion de Estados Unidos
El partido decisivo de las
Eliminatorias para el Mundial de
Alemania 2006 será transmitido
por la pantalla gigante del Home
Depot Center el 3 de septiembre,
antes del partido entre Chivas
USA y Columbus Crew.
El técnico de la Selección
Mexicana Ricardo Lavolpe
anunció sus convocados para la
próxima fecha de las eliminatorias
para el Mundial de Alemania 2006
ante la selección de Estados
El partido definirá el primer
equipo de la CONCACAF en
calificar para el Mundial de
Alemania 2006 y será transmitido
por la pantalla gigante del Home
Depot el 3 de septiembre, antes del
partido entre Chivas USA y el
Columbus Crew.
Esta doble cartelera comenzara
a las 4:30 pm (Tiempo del
pacifico) con el partido de
eliminatorias entre México y
Estados Unidos, mientras que a las
7 pm (Tiempo del Pacifico),
Chivas USA se enfrentara a su
similar el Columbus Crew. El
partido entre Chivas USA y el
Crew será el debut de Juan
Francisco Palencia y Juan Pablo
García en el Home Depot Center.
El estadio y ChivaTown abrirán
sus puertas a las 4 pm (Tiempo del
Para más información sobre
boletos, favor de llamar a: 1-877CHIVAS-1, o visite la pagina
oficial de Chivas USA,
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
1 Oswaldo Javier Sánchez Ibarra
2 Moisés Muñoz Rodríguez
3 Rafael Márquez Álvarez
4 Ricardo Osorio Mendoza
5 Francisco Javier Rodríguez Pinedo
6 Carlos Arnoldo Salcido Flores
7 Mario Méndez Olague
8 Gonzálo Pineda Reyes
9 Carlos Adrían Morales Higuera
10 Pavel Pardo Segura
11 Oscar Adrián Rojas Castillón
12 Gerardo Torrado Díaz de Bonilla
13 Gerardo Gabriel Galindo Martínez
14 Ramón Morales Higuera
15 Antonio Naelson Matías
16 Luis Ernesto Pérez Gómez
17 Alberto Medina Briseño
18 José Francisco Fonseca Guzmán
19 Jared Francisco Borguetti Echavarria
20 Omar Bravo Tordecillas
Barcelona FC
Cruz Azul
Cruz Azul
Cruz Azul
Bolton Wanderers FC
Contribuciones Continua de página 4
Para Arturo Vargas, director
ejecutivo de la Asociación
Nacional de Funcionarios Latinos
Electos y Designados (NALEO),
la contribución más importante
que han hecho los latinos a Estados
Unidos “es ayudar al poderío
económico nacional y a la
prosperidad” de este país.
”Por décadas, la mano de obra y
el sudor de los latinos ayudaron a
construir esta nación y esto ocurrió
cuando el país más lo necesitaba,
durante los momentos más críticos
de la economía, como la Gran
Depresión o cuando llegaron los
braceros mexicanos en la década
de los 40 para hacer trabajos que
nadie hacía”, según Vargas.
”Más de la mitad de los estados
de la Unión Americana fueron
explorados y colonizados primero
por latinos. Los latinos lucharon
por Estados Unidos en cada gran
conflicto desde la revolución y
tienen el porcentaje más alto de
Medallas de Honor del Congreso
que cualquier otra comunidad”,
según Brent Wilkes, director
ejecutivo de la Liga de Ciudadanos
(LULAC), la más antigua
organización hispana de Estados
Unidos, fundada en 1929.
”Más importante aún, los latinos
están entre los estadounidenses
más laboriosos y dominan
industrias muy importantes como
las de la agricultura, vivienda,
servicios, cuidados infantiles y
atención a los ancianos”, destaca
Poder Adquisitivo y Negocios
Actualmente, la mayoría de los
expertos afirma que el poder
adquisitivo de los hispanos es
suficientemente atractivo como
para que cierto número de
corporaciones estadounidenses
haya tendido ya una amable
alfombra roja ante el consumidor
de ese origen étnico.
Diversas fuentes atribuyen a los
hispanos un poder adquisitivo que
supera los 600 mil millones de
dólares anuales. En efecto, durante
los últimos años, los ingresos de
la población hispana han ido en
aumento. El poder adquisitivo de
este grupo étnico ha crecido a una
tasa anual de 7.5 por ciento,
mientras que el poder adquisitivo
del resto de la población
estadounidense se ha elevado a un
ritmo anual de sólo 4.9 por ciento,
según datos recopilados por la
Asociación Hispana de Agencias
de Publicidad (AHAA).
Pero la hispanidad no sólo
consume lo que el mundo
corporativo anglosajón le ofrece.
También ha nacido una comunidad
empresarial latina poderosísima,
que en gran medida está dedicada
a satisfacer las necesidades de
consumo de los hispanos.
Datos de la Oficina del Censo
Continua en página 14
La alegría del corazón vive en el hogar.
En American Family Insurance, sabemos que el hogar es el lugar donde usted
pasa los mejores momentos de su vida. Por eso, no importa si es propietario o
inquilino, contamos con una gran variedad de pólizas que podrían ofrecerle la
protección que necesita. Llame hoy a uno de nuestros agentes locales o visite para informarse acerca de las opciones de cobertura que
existen para proteger la alegría de su corazón…el hogar.
La póliza que compre y los servicios corporativos están disponibles solamente en inglés.
American Family Mutual Insurance Company y sus subsidiarias
Oficina Central - Madison, WI 53783
001477 – 1/05
Page 6
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Cruz Roja Americana lanza
nuevo sitio de Internet
La Cruz Roja Americana ha
lanzado un nuevo sitio Web, http://, que
ofrece a los hispanohablantes fácil
acceso para obtener información
sobre los preparativos críticos en
case desastres, noticias y una
perspectiva general de los servicios
que presta la Cruz Roja.
Con un nuevo estilo y apariencia
específicamente orientados hacia la
cultura hispana, el sitio ha
recíbido el apoyo de celebridades
del rango de Juanes, Emilio
Estefan y Thalía.
Antes del lanzamiento del http:/
/, los
visitantes hispanohablantes tenían
un acceso limitado a información
en español en el http://
A través del nuevo sitio Web,
Indoor Flea Market
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Free consultation No fee unless you win
los visitantes hispanohablantes
pueden adquirir fácilmente más
información sobre los servicios de
la Cruz Roja, noticias,
preparativos para los desastres y
la forma de inscribirse para recibir
más información. El sitio también
tiene un motor de búsqueda como
herramienta que permite a los
visitantes encontrar la oficina Cruz
Roja más cercana a ellos con
servicios en español.
Aunque la información ofrecida
http:// es
similar a la del sitio de lengua
inglesa, el
sitio Web hispanohablante tiene un
diseño modificado — -creado con
el usuario hispanohablante en
“ no es
simplemente una traducción de la
versión”, aclaró
Darren Irby, vicepresidente de
comunicaciones de la Cruz Roja.
“Este nuevo sitio fue hecho a la
medida, por así decir, para la
comunidad hispana.
Queremos que este sitio sea el
primero que visiten los
naveguen la Internet en busca de
orientación sobre las medidas a
tomar en caso de desastre,
información sobre cómo donar
sangre o detalles sobre los
primeros auxilios y las clases de
RC[resucitación cardiopulmonar].
Nos sentimos muy entusiasmados
con poder lanzar este sitio durante
la temporada de huracanes y a
tiempo para el Mes de Preparación
Nacional. La información que el
sitio ofrece sobre los preparativos
antes de un desastre permitirá que
los lectores protejan mejor a sus
familias y sus hogares.”
Este nuevo sitio forma parte de
una campaña mayor de
acercamiento a los hispanos, la
cual incluye una campaña de
publicidad. Esta campaña cuenta
con celebridades de primer orden
-como Thalía, Emilio Estefan,
Juanes, Alex Syntec y Gabriela
Spanic que comunicarán mensajes
importantes y alentadores sobre
los servicios de la Cruz Roja. Para
ver las versiones impresas de estos
anuncios, u obtener más detalles
de los últimos anuncios de
televisión, visite htbtp://
“Este sitio es un flanco esencial
de la campaña de la Cruz Roja para
llegar a la comunidad hispana”,
señaló Irby. “Necesitamos hacer
saber a nuestro público
hispanohablante lo que la Cruz
Roja ofrece y cómo todos pueden
unirse a la Cruz Roja para ayudar
a los necesitados”.
La Cruz Roja Americana está
donde la gente se moviliza para
ayudar a sus vecinos en
emergencias, ya sea al otro lado de
la calle, al otro lado del país o al
otro lado del mundo. Cada año,
en comunidades grandes y
pequeñas, las víctimas de
alrededor de 70.000 desastres
recurren a sus vecinos, tanto
conocidos como nuevos: son casi
1 millón de voluntarios y 35.000
empleados de la Cruz Roja. Por
medio de unas 900 oficinas
locales, más de 15 millones de
personas adquieren las habilidades
que necesitan para prepararse para
las emergencias y responder a ellas
en sus hogares, sus comunidades
y el mundo. Aproximadamente 4
millones de personas donan
sangre, el don de la vida, a través
de la Cruz Roja, convirtiéndola en
la principal proveedora de sangre
y hemoderivados de los Estados
La Cruz Roja ayuda a miles de
miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas
de los Estados Unidos separados
de sus familias por sus funciones
comunicados. Como parte del
Movimiento de la Cruz Roja
Internacional y de la Media.
Tropas en Corea y Japón se divierten con
Gira USO
El músico, compositor y
productor latino Tito Puente, Jr.
tendrá su segunda gira “USO”
(Organizaciones Unidas del
Servicio Militar) del 1 al 12 de
septiembre para levantar la moral
de las tropas destacadas en Corea
y Japón.
Puente, quien tiene varios éxitos
de música bailable en Billboard,
tocará gratis, firmará autógrafos y
se retrará con los soldados.
Fruto de una dinastía musical, el
padre de Puente, el legendario
mundialmente por su música sin
igual y su espectacular estilo
El joven Puente estudió bajo la
dirección de su padre, y viajó por
todo el mundo tocando en clubes
y dando conciertos, a la vez que
perfeccionaba su técnica y estilo.
“Guarachando”, el álbum con el
que debutó Puente, tenía la famosa
pieza “Oye Como Va” y una
cubierta con la clásica firma de su
padre; llegó al lugar No. 7 en la
Lista de Éxitos Bailables de
Billboard y ganó el Premio de
Música Latina por el “Mejor Video
de Salsa del Año”. Su segundo
álbum contenía un tributo a su
padre, “Caliente”, un arreglo
musical de “El Rey”.
El proyecto más reciente de
Puente, “En Los Zapatos De Mi
Padre”, salió a la venta el año
pasado y resultó un éxito tanto en
lo que respecta a crítica como a
En abril del 2003, Puente viajó
a Puerto Rico en su primera gira
USO para entretener a los soldados
con una mezcla de música popular,
jazz latino y música bailable.
Allí, llevó su sonido contagiante
a las tropas alejadas de su hogar y
destacadas en Roosevelt Roads,
Fort Buchanan y Camp Santiago.
Actualmente, Puente está de gira
mundial con otros dos hijos de
figuras legendarias del jazz latino
en el mundo:
Mario Grillo (“Machito”) y Tito
Juntos, son los dos conductores
de “La Orquesta Palladium de los
Tres Grandes”, lo que constituye
un renacer de la música que sus
respectivos padres hicieron
Durante más de 64 años, USO
ha prestado servicios para levantar
la moral y entretener a los
miembros de las fuerzas armadas
de Estados Unidos y sus
USO es una entidad sin fines de
lucro y caritativa que depende de
la generosidad del pueblo
estadounidense para hacer posible
sus programas y servicios.
USO es auspiciada por World
Partners Anheuser-Busch; Avon
Products, Inc; AT&T Corporation;
BAE SYSTEMS; Bass Pro Shops;
Build-A-Bear Workshop; Clear
Channel Communications; The
Coca-Cola Company; Computer
Systems Center, Inc; Johnson &
Johnson Consumer Companies,
Corporation; Military Channel;
National Football League;
Northwest Airlines, Inc; S & K
Sales Company y TriWest
Healthcare Alliance.
Otras instituciones, incluso la
United Way y la Combined
Federal Campaign (CFC-0600), se
han unido a miles de personas
donantes que apoyan a USO.
Para más información sobre
USO, por favor visite nuestro sitio
Web en
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 7
Page 8
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Southwest Airlines gives free travel to College Students
Southwest Airlines (NYSE:
LUV) and the Hispanic
Association of Colleges and
Universities (HACU) are proud to
announce the winners of the
“Dándole Alas a Tu Exito/Giving
Flight to Your Success” travel
award program. Through this new
initiative, Southwest Airlines will
provide airline tickets to Hispanic
college students with socioeconomic need who travel away
from home to pursue a higher
education. During the 2005-06
academic year, students will be
able to use their tickets for travel
on Southwest Airlines.
“Achieving a higher education
and keeping close family ties
makes a big difference to Hispanic
students. Southwest Airlines saw
the opportunity to make an impact
with those students and their
families through this program,”
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said Christine Ortega, Southwest’s
Hispanic Community Affairs
Manager. “We want to encourage
students to complete their college
journey and keep them connected
to those who matter most — ‘la
Although the students’
backgrounds were different, they
all shared a common bond — to
achieve a higher education and
maintain close family ties. For a
list of the winners, please visit:
For winner Tanya Flores, a
junior at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, the travel
award will help her mother
become familiar with the college
environment. “When I arrive
home for the summer vacations, I
always see (my mother’s) little
envelope with the words ‘Fondo
Para Graduacion’ (Graduation
She has been saving money
throughout both of my first years
in college for her trip to Boston to
see me graduate from college. It
breaks my heart to know that we
barely have the resources to send
me up to college each year, and my
mother will not be able to see (my)
college until I graduate,” Flores
said in her essay.
Education advocates and
community leaders from across the
country made up the selection
committee to determine the
winners. For a list of the selection
committee, please visit: http://
“Choosing the winners was a
real challenge because each
student had an inspiring story,”
said Dr. Jaime Rodriguez,
University of Notre Dame
professor and a selection
committee member. “I know I was
impressed and moved by their
accomplishments very often under
circumstances. In college, they
will face new tests and a good
connection with home — with ‘la
familia’ — can really be a big
“Through this new initiative
with Southwest Airlines, we are
committed to helping Hispanic
students attain a higher education,”
said Antonio Flores, HACU’s
President and CEO.
For winner Maria Elena Cruz, a
graduate student at the University
of Texas at Austin, the travel award
will have a positive impact. In her
essay, she wrote, “If I were to be
awarded air travel to visit my mom
and family, HACU and Southwest
Airlines would greatly assist my
family and me by taking some of
the financial and emotional burden
away. I would simultaneously be
able to purchase books, and have
my mother come visit me in
Austin. Without the assistance of
this award, I would not be able to
do both and only see my family
when money permitted. Family is
what keeps me balanced and
For winner Mark Lopez, a
graduate student at the University
of Maryland, the travel award will
let him share his college
graduation with his parents.
“Headed into my fourth year in the
DC/ Maryland/ Virginia area, my
parents have yet to visit their son,
let alone ever venture east of
Texas! I know my parents have
been attempting to save for my
graduation since my arrival in
Maryland, but due to other
economic priorities, I know those
funds have depleted,” Lopez wrote
in his essay.
In the first year of the travel
award program, more than 350
students applied for the
opportunity to win up to two (2)
roundtrip tickets for the student
and/or parent traveling to/ from the
To be eligible for the award, the
students had to meet several
criteria including a 2.5 or higher
GPA and submitting a 300-500
word essay answering one of the
following questions:
• What are your challenges in
working toward higher education?
• If you could have someone travel
with you to your college or
university, who would that person
be and why?
• How do you believe that
obtaining air travel to your
university would benefit you and
your family?
HACU, which has its national
headquarters in San Antonio,
represents more than 400 colleges
and universities, including
Hispanic-Serving Institutions
(HSIs), which collectively serve
more than two-thirds of all
Hispanic higher education
students in the United States.
membership includes leading
higher education institutions in
Latin America and in Spain.
Southwest Airlines was
recognized by HISPANIC
Magazine for the 2005 Hispanic
Corporate 100. The award focuses
on Southwest Airlines’ Leadership
in providing opportunities for
Hispanics and for supporting
minority vendor programs, and
Hispanic organizations. http://
Considering a business
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This free workshop offers a self
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Lakewood Public School receives
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Lowe’s Charitable and
Educational Foundation has
awarded an $8,000 grant to
Alameda High School’s Ace
Program. The school plans to use
the grant money to renovate a
former auto mechanics shop into
a career education classroom.
The Ace Program provides
students with an alternative,
integrated academic course of
study that explores possible
careers and helps students meet
graduation requirements.
Alameda students will be
involved in the classroom
renovations to learn math, science,
construction skills and workplace
This generous contribution will
be used to significantly enhance
the learning atmosphere of the
classroom that was previously
used as an auto mechanics lab, said
Richard D. Zarkowski, Alameda
High School principal.
We are honored to be chosen and
are most appreciative of Lowes
kindness and generosity in helping
improve the education of our
students enrolled in the Alameda
Ace Program.
The grant in Lakewood,
Colorado represents Lowes
commitment to education, said
Larry D. Stone, chairman of
Lowes Charitable and Educational
By supporting local schools like
Alameda High School we believe
we are not only contributing to a
cause that’s important to our
customers and employees, but
we’re also helping schools build a
stronger foundation for the
children who will be tomorrows
employees, homeowners and
community leaders.
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 9
Buffs Look Forward to Saturday Showdown with Rams
the first game which is only days
away, but Barnett was happy with
the Buffs’ progress.
“We had a good practice today,”
he said. “We’re close to being
ready but we’re not there yet.”
Coaches and players have
studied extensive game film of
CSU, but since neither team has
played yet in 2005, speculation is
sometimes the only way to
For now, Barnett’s speculation
is that the Rams will look to run
Courtesy: Erich Schubert,
Graduate Assistant SID
The University of Colorado
football team finished ITS final
day in pads Tuesday afternoon as
they prepare for the showdown
against the Colorado State Rams
in both teams’ season openers
Head coach Gary Barnett was
pleased with the intensity his team
showed during drills. It is easy to
lose focus after not playing for
nine months and then anticipating
the ball on the Buffs to open up
their potent passing attack led by
quarterback Justin Holland and
wide receiver David Anderson.
“I expect a really physical team,”
Barnett said of CSU. “I think they
really want to run the ball.
When they can run the ball they
become a really good passing tem.
If we stack eight guys in the box
to stop the run they are going to
hurt us in the passing game.
What it boils down to is we have
to stop the run with seven guys,
and that’s hard to do.”
As intense as the rivalry has been
between the two team over the
years, including the hype leading
up to them, Barnett put down the
idea that the teams were engaged
in any sort of “trash talking.”
“I don’t think that’s good for
anybody,” Barnett said.
“I don’t want my guys to do it
and I know (CSU head coach)
Sonny Lubick doesn’t want his
guys doing it.”
Lubick, Rams Anxious to Take On Colorado
Kory Sperry
Sonny Lubick, Colorado State
University’s 13th-year head
football coach, figures he echoes
the sentiments of everyone on his
team about Saturday’s opening
game against Colorado in Boulder.
“We’re anxious to go play in
Folsom Stadium again,” Lubick
said Monday. “We’re looking
forward to the football game, as
I’m sure all the fans are.”
“Hopefully, we can play four good
quarters of ball.”
Lubick and the Rams began the
final week of pregame
preparations with a two-hour
workout Monday in preparation
for Saturday’s 1:30 p.m. contest.
The game will be shown live by
TBS, and can be heard on the
Colorado State Sports Network
including flagship station KCOL
(600 AM) in Fort Collins and
KNUS (710 AM) in Denver. Rich
Bircumshaw calls the play-byplay, Erik Olson is the analyst, and
Brian Roth provides sideline
reports. Kevin McGlue is the game
Lubick said his team enters the
game in relative good health.
Defensive end Terrance Carter,
absent the past 10 days with a
concussion, returns to workouts
Monday. Several other players
returned to action by late last
week. Only two player - linebacker
Luke Adkins and safety Ben
Stratton - are definitely sidelined
for the game. Adkins is continuing
to try and return to form from
offseason knee injury, while
pm, PT.
The game - which will see the
winner qualify for next summer’s
2006 World Cup in Germany - will
be shown LIVE on The Home
Depot Center’s big screen in a
massive viewing party prior to
Chivas USA’s September 3 match
against the Columbus Crew.
This unique international
‘doubleheader’ - making The
Home Depot Center the best place
in all the Southland to watch the
latest edition of this great
international soccer rivalry - kicks
off with US vs. Mexico at 4:30 pm
Cont. on page 14
Web Hosting
Mexico announces roster for next
Saturday’s match against United States
Decisive World Cup Qualifier to
be shown LIVE at The Home
Depot Center during massive
viewing party prior to Chivas
USA’s match against the
Columbus Crew.
Ricardo Antonio Lavolpe, head
coach of the Mexican National
Team, has announced his 20-man
roster – including six players from
Club Deportivo Guadalajara,
Chivas USA’s sister club - for
Mexico’s upcoming World Cup
qualifying match against the
United States, to be held on
Saturday, September 3 at 4:30
Stratton was injured 10 days ago
and is out for the season with a
knee injury.
Offensively, Lubick sees the
rushing game as a key to the Rams’
success. A year ago, the Rams
PDT, followed by Chivas USA’s
MLS regular season showdown
with the Columbus Crew at 7 pm
The match will mark the
Southern California debut of
Chivas USA’s new signings,
including Mexican internationals
Juan Francisco Palencia and Juan
Pablo García. Gates - and
ChivaTown - will open at 4 pm
For tickets, please call 1-877CHIVAS-1
visit, the
official web site of Chivas USA.
Mexico’s roster for Sep 3 World Cup Qualifier vs. the United States
# Name
1 Oswaldo Javier Sánchez Ibarra
2 Moisés Muñoz Rodríguez
3 Rafael Márquez Álvarez
4 Ricardo Osorio Mendoza
5 Francisco Javier Rodríguez Pinedo
6 Carlos Arnoldo Salcido Flores
7 Mario Méndez Olague
8 Gonzálo Pineda Reyes
9 Carlos Adrían Morales Higuera
10 Pavel Pardo Segura
11 Oscar Adrián Rojas Castillón
12 Gerardo Torrado Díaz de Bonilla
13 Gerardo Gabriel Galindo Martínez
14 Ramón Morales Higuera
15 Antonio Naelson Matías
16 Luis Ernesto Pérez Gómez
17 Alberto Medina Briseño
18 José Francisco Fonseca Guzmán
19 Jared Francisco Borguetti Echavarria
20 Omar Bravo Tordecillas
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Page 10
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Temptations & Four Tops
Friday, September 2 at 8:00 p.m., Events Center, $18
Jo Dee Messina
Friday, September 2 at 9:00 p.m., Budweiser Rodeo
Arena, $15 ( includes PRCA Rodeo at 7 p.m.)
Jo Dee Messina is an artist well
attuned to the emotions of every
day life. This producer, singer,
songwriter continues to create
music that her audience can relate
to and that wins her accolades
within the industry. She has had 8
number one singles and has earned
recognition from The Academy of
Country Music, The Country
Music Association and The
Grammy Awards.
She was the first female country
artist to have three multiple week
no. 1 songs from the same album.
Jo Dee is a woman with great
respect for country music’s past
while making music for
contemporary life.
Her current work, Delicious
Surprise is her fourth studio album
and her truest to date; five of the
songs were written or co-written
by her. To Jo Dee “the Delicious
Surprise in life is the dreaming,
getting there without limits
without putting up boundaries, just
having faith and working hard.
Dreams are meant to be followed
and if your heart speaks it, then it
doesn’t matter how far-fetched it
seems. You have to believe.”
Ingredients well recognized by
a woman who grew up in
Massachusetts and moved to
Nashville by herself at 19. With a
belting voice and emotional lyrics
Jo Dee is enjoying the success of
someone who is able to touch
people with her music. Her first
album, Jo Dee Messina contained
hits like “I’m Alright” which flew
to number one on the charts. Burn,
her second endeavor, went number
one and was just an indication of
the great things to come from this
very talented woman.
Jo Dee is a strong woman and
she lets her strength show in her
music, whether it’s humorous as
in, “My Give A Damn’s Busted”
her fastest rising single to date or
defiant with ‘I’m Not Going
Down” her music provides
listeners with a great experience
and an emotional outlet.
While the original lineup has
changed. The Temptations’
amazing vocals and smooth stage
presence has not. The band has
stuck true to its roots and in
2001 released Awesome, a
strong, fresh, soul album.
“Our challenge is to live in
the present while respecting
the past. Our past is filled
with riches only a fool
would discard. At the same
time, we thrive on
competition... But we also
understand that for a group
with history, no matter how
glorious that history might
be, reinvention is the name
of the game.
“Beginning in 1960’s
Detroit and becoming on
integral part of the Motown music
industry. The Temptations have
influenced and shaped the history
of American pop. Songs like “The
Way You Do the Things You Do”,
and “My Girl” helped them to
immortal status. In the sixties and
seventies The Temptations turned
a little political in answer to a
growing social awareness and
made “Runaway Child” and “Papa
Was a Rolling Stone.”
In the 1980’s member Otis
Williams pulled the band into a
catching music that gave The Four
Tops their start over 50 years ago
is still wooing audiences today and
landed the band a spot in the Rock
new decade when he wrote the hit
“Treat Her Like A Lady.” Their
current line up consists of original
member Otis Williams, G.C.
Cameron, Joe Herndon, Terry
Weeks and Ron Tyson. Through
every incarnation the band has
been recognized as a collection of
legendary and impressive vocal
talent from its inception to present
n’ Roll Hall of Fame. High school
friends from Detroit, Levi Stubbs,
Renaldo “Obie” Benson, Abdul
“Duke” Fakir and Lawrence
Payton did not after their lineup for
43 years. A former Motown
Recording group, The Four Tops
sing in a smooth vivacious manner.
Their ability to harmonize in such
a distinctive way led to hit after
hit. When Beatle mania was
sweeping the United States, The
Four Tops were taking over the
United Kingdom.
While with Motown The Four
Tops churned out classics like.
“Ranch Out, and I’ll be There,”
“Standing in the Shadow of Love”
and “I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar
Pie Honey Bunch).” They carried
their success into the 1980’s with,
“When She Was My Girl,” In
1985 the band proved their finesse
at live performing when they took
part in Live Aid. The lineup was
populated with mostly rock bands,
and The Four Tops stole the show
with critical acclaim.
The Four Tops began the 1990’s
by being inducted into the Rock
n’ Roll Hall of Fame and haven’t
slowed down in the past decade
and a half. In 1997 the first
member change came when
Lawrence Payton died of liver
The remaining tops toured for
two years dedicating every show
to their friend after his death. It
wasn’t until 1999 when Theo
People and Ronnie McNeir joined
Obie and Duke on stage did the
group perform with members
other than the original four.
day. Ron Tyson is
often regarded as
one of the best
tenors in the
b u s i n e s s .
Throughout their
musical career, The
Temptations have
changed their look,
and to some extent
their tone but have
r e m a i n e d
undeniably The
The kind of
harmonious ear
The PBR’s Elite Built Ford
Tough Series Invades Pueblo
The Professional Bull Riders, Inc. (PBR) has
confirmed that stop No. 26 on the 2005 Built Ford Tough
Series presented by Wrangler will take place in Pueblo,
Colo. The Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream Invitational hits
the Colorado State Fair Budweiser Grandstand on
Saturday, September 3 at 8 p.m. Pueblo has been the
site of successful PBR U. S. Smokeless Tobacco
Company Challenger Tour sanctioned events for the past
seven consecutive years. The Pueblo event features the
top bucking bulls in the business, which guarantees
explosive, non-stop bull riding action.
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 11
Andy Warhol’s Dream America will be presented
throughout the galleries of the Fine Arts Center from
September 2 through December 31, 2005.
Andy Warhol’s Dream America 60s Pop Icon On Exhibition
The Colorado Springs Fine Arts
Center is honored to present a
major exhibition by legendary Pop
icon, Andy Warhol.
exhibition entitled Andy Warhol’s
Dream America will be presented
throughout the galleries of the Fine
Arts Center from September 2
through December 31, 2005. It
features over 100 screen prints
from the collection of the Jordan
Schnitzer Family Foundation.
The exhibition is a thorough
overview of Warhol’s printmaking
career, beginning with his famous
1967 Marilyn Monroe portfolio to
the 1986 Cowboys and Indians
portfolio printed just a year before
his death. It offers a rare
opportunity to see the late artist’s
most popular “suites” or portfolios
of work including the Maos,
Campbell’s Soup and Mick
Jaggers, as well as individual
prints of the John F. Kennedy
Campaign Poster, Jackie I, Jackie
II and several revealing selfportraits.
Perhaps no other 20th century
American artist is as influential,
provocative, and enduring as Andy
Warhol. One of the pioneer Pop
artists of the 1950s and 60s, it was
principally Andy Warhol who
brought silkscreen printing out of
the commercial world and into the
studios of fine artists.
Warhol’s artistic commentary on
American society, commerce and
everyday life and his playful
exploitation of American culture,
fame and stardom are both
accessible and powerfully
complex. His work is a reminder
of a time and place.
Museum Hours: Monday Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday 9:00 a.m. to
10:00 p.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
1st Thursday of each month Open
until 9:00 p.m.
Hot Deco Nights Open until
10:00 p.m.
(Every Friday and Saturday night)
Andy Warhol’s Dream America
Exhibition Admission:
Adults $10
Seniors $7
Students with a valid I.D. $7
Children ages 13-17 $7
Children ages 3-12 $5
Children 2 and under Free
FAC Members Free
The Fine Arts Center is located
at the corner of Dale Street and
Cascade Avenue. Take I-25 to
Uintah Exit 143.
Take Uintah East to Cascade and
Cascade South to Dale. Right on
Andy Warhol’s Dream America
features works from the Jordan
Schnitzer Family Foundation
Collection of Portland, Oregon.
The exhibition was organized by
the Yellowstone Art Museum,
Billings, Montana and the
University of Oregon Museum of
Art, Eugene, Oregon; and curated
by Ben Mitchell, director of
exhibitions & programs at
Nicolaysen Art Museum and
Discovery Center, Casper,
Page 12
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
At a Glance:
2005 Nissan Pathfinder
The all-new, third-generation
Nissan Pathfinder is designed to
offer the best balance in its
segment of off-road capabilities
and on-road utility.
True to its roots as a powerful,
authentic family adventureenhancing sport utility vehicle
(SUV), the 2005 Pathfinder
features a larger interior, three-row
seating, a new 4.0-liter V6 and an
all-new platform based on the “FAlpha” platform from the full-size
Armada and full-size Titan pickup.
The 2005 Pathfinder
performance credentials include
its rugged, fully boxed all-steel
frame, independent doublewishbone front and rear
suspension, standard 4.0-liter
engine rated at 270 horsepower
and 291 lb-ft of torque, and a
standard 5-speed automatic
The new Pathfinder is available
as a 4x2, or 4x4 with an advanced
off-road traction system which
includes Hill Descent Control
(HDC), Hill Start Assist (HSA)
and 4-Wheel Limited-Slip.
It offers a maximum towing
capacity, when properly equipped,
of 6,000 pounds.
The addition of the 3rd row seat
gives the new Pathfinder 7passenger seating, along with
outstanding passenger/ cargo
The split fold-down 2nd and 3rd
row seats can be folded down
individually, combining with the
fold-down front passenger seat to
provide up to 64 different seating/
cargo configurations.
Advanced safety technology
features include Zone Body
Construction, Nissan’s Advanced
Air Bag System (AABS), and
supplemental curtain air bags for
side impact and rollover protection
to outboard passengers in all three
The new Pathfinder is assembled
at Nissan’s manufacturing facility
in Smyrna, Tennessee. It went sale
at Nissan dealers nationwide in
October 2004.
Highlights of the 2005 Nissan
Pathfinder SUV include:
• Active, rugged Nissan Armadastyle exterior design, short front
and rear overhangs
• Larger body with enhanced
dimensions versus the current
• Integrated front bumper,
aggressive geometric fenders,
angled strut-style grille
• C-pillars with Nissan SUV
signature high-mounted rear door
• Highly functional roof rack
• Available side running boards
• Six new exterior colors (nine
total available): Avalanche, Silver
Lightning, Storm Gray, Silverton
Blue, Woodland Brown and Red
Engine and Driveline
• New 4.0-liter DOHC V6
producing 270 horsepower and
291 lb-ft of torque
• Aluminum block with cast iron
cylinder liners, microfinished
crankshaft and camshaft,
molybdenum-coated pistons,
Nissan variable Induction Control
System (NICS), Continuous Valve
Timing Control (C-VTC), silent
two-stage timing chain
• Standard 5-speed electronically
controlled automatic transmission
• Standard Vehicle Dynamic
Control (VDC)
• Available All-Mode automatic
4-wheel drive system with 2WD/
electronically controlled transfer
• Available advanced off-road
traction systems
Suspension, Steering and
• Independent all-steel doublewishbone front suspension with
stabilizer bar
• Independent double-wishbone
rear suspension with stabilizer bar
• Available Rancho® performance
off-road shocks
• Power-assisted rack-and-pinion
• 16-inch aluminum-alloy wheels
with P245/75R16, P265/70R16 or
P265/75R16 tires
• Available 17-inch aluminumCont. on page 13
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 13
Tips to get more miles from a tank of gasoline this
Labor Day Weekend
Americans may be victims of
skyrocketing gasoline prices
hovering close to $3 a gallon, but
they are not powerless in
controlling their fuel costs this
Labor Day Weekend. “There’s a
wide range of fuel-saving tactics
that can help drivers get more
miles from a tank of gas,” says Joel
Burrows, a.k.a. “The Car Doctor”
and VP of Training/ R&D at
Precision Tune Auto Care (PTAC).
“If motorists adjust their driving
habits and observe some simple
car care techniques, they could
make a significant impact on how
much fuel they waste, and that
translates into substantial money
To drive home this point, THE
CAR DOCTOR provides the
following tips:
• Use proper octane fuel.
Higher-octane gas, which
produces less energy, not only
costs more, it also yields lower
miles per gallon.
• Plan your day. Limit trips by
running all errands at the same
time or on your way to or from
• Avoid making quick starts or
stops. To avoid jamming on
brakes, stay a good distance from
the car in front of you. When
possible, slow down simply by
taking your foot off the gas.
• Maintain steady speeds; use
cruise control on the open road.
• Use over-drive gear for
highway driving and don’t switch
lanes unless you have to.
• Slow down. Every car has an
optimum efficiency level, at which
it operates best. However, most
people drive at these speeds only
1 to 3 percent of the time. For most
cars, the optimum speed is
2005 Nissan Pathfinder
Cont. from page 12
alloy wheels with P265/65R17
• 4-wheel disc brakes with Antilock Braking System (ABS) with
Distribution (EBD)
Interior Features
• Standard 2nd and 3rd row flatfolding seats with 7-passenger
• Fold-down front passenger seat,
40/20/40 split 2nd row seat with
hidden under-seat storage
compartment, 50/50 split 3rd row
• Large center console, available
leather-appointed, power memory
heated seats
• Available dual-zone automatic
temperature control
• Available power-adjustable foot
Available DVD-based
navigation system with 7.0-inch
color LCD display, DVD video
entertainment system and Bose®
audio system with 6CD
autochanger and MP3 capability,
available satellite radio *Available
wood-toned interior
Safety and Security
• Zone Body construction with
front and rear crumple zones
• Nissan Advanced Air Bag
System (includes dual-stage front
supplemental air bags with seat
belt sensors and a front occupant
classification sensor)
• 3-point front seat belts with
pretensioners and load limiters,
with available supplemental front
seat side-impact air bags,
and available roof-mounted
supplemental curtain air bags for
side impact and rollover protection
for outboard passengers in all three
• 3-point seat belts for rear seat
occupants, including 2nd row
center position
• LATCH (Lower Anchors and
Tethers for Children) child seat
anchor system
• Tire Pressure Monitor System
Models and Manufacturing
• Available in 4x4 and 4x2 drive
configurations in XE, SE, SE OffRoad and LE trim levels
• Assembled by Nissan North
America Manufacturing Smyrna
& Decherd Tennessee Plant
between 38 and 48 miles per hour,
but any speed over 55 miles per
hour causes your fuel efficiency to
decrease. Plus, driving faster
makes your tires heat up more,
which causes them to wear out
• Drive smoothly. Whenever
possible, avoid jerky stops and
starts. If people drove more
smoothly, they could increase their
gas mileage from 300 miles per
tank to 330, for example. Plus,
driving more gently will decrease
wear and tear on both your car’s
brakes and tires.
• Check your tires’ air pressure.
When tires aren’t inflated properly,
it can cost a mile or two per gallon,
according to the Car Care Council.
Check your tires’ air pressure
when the tires are cold. Make sure
they’re all inflated according to the
manufacturer’s specifications.
You can find this in your car’s
owner’s manual or possibly on a
chart inside one of the car’s doors,
on the gas cap, or on the trunk deck
• Have an air inductor and fuel
injection cleaning. Especially if
you notice that your car isn’t
performing as well as usual, have
this service done by a trained and
certified automotive technician.
It’s also sometimes called a fuel
system service. Not only does this
procedure help with many
driveability issues, it is the one
single procedure you can have
performed that will make an
immediate increase in fuel
economy and performance.
• If you are waiting for someone,
don’t let the engine idle more
than a minute or two. It is better
to turn your engine off and restart
the car to save on fuel.
• Stop using your car as a mobile
storage bin. Anything extra in
your trunk adds weight, which
reduces fuel efficiency. Also
remove any carriers you’re not
using, such as luggage and bike
racks. They add wind resistance
to your car. And contrary to
popular belief, if you drive a truck,
leave the tailgate where it is. It’s
actually less efficient to drive with
the tailgate down or removed. You
might consider buying a tonneau
cover, though. Even one that
covers 60 percent of your truck
bed will increase your fuel
• Have a certified technician
perform an engine and
emissions analysis to ensure that
the engine is running at maximum
• Today’s vehicles run on a fine
film of fluids. Make sure you
service all fluids on a regular basis
and in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations.
Engine oil level should be checked
at every fill-up.
PTAC is “America’s
Neighborhood Auto Care Experts”
for scheduled maintenance,
service and repairs for autos,
SUVs and minivans. For more
than 25 years they have been the
pioneers in advanced diagnostic
training and development
servicing over 2.5 million vehicles
each year. PTAC operates more
than 404 state-of-the-art
professional service facilities
throughout the world and is a
leader in educating the public on
the importance of car care for
personal safety and the health of
the environment.
A philosophy that’s alive and well at Honda
2005 HONDA PILOT – The Honda of SUVs
Vehicle of seball!
L eague Ba
• 3-Point Seat Belts at all Seating Positions
• Front 3-Point Seat Belts with Automatic Tensioning System
• Adjustable Front Seat Belt Anchors
• Dual-Stage Front Airbags (SRS)
• Front Side Airbags with Passenger-Side Occupant
Position Detection System (OPDS)
• Side-Impact Door Beams
• Anti-Lock Braking System ABS
• Electronic Brake Distribution System (EBD)
• Brake Assist
• Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA*)
• Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
• Outboard Lower Anchors & Tethers for Children (LATCH) (2nd row)
• Child Seat Tether Anchors (3rd Row)
• Child-Proof Rear Door Locks
• Immobilizer Theft-Deterrent
- 7PM
Sat 8am-6pm
Mon-Fri 7:30
Sat 8am-5pm
Page 14
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Contribuciones Continua de página 5
del Departamento de Comercio de
Estados Unidos -los más recientes, revelan que en todo el país había
en 2004 dos millones de
compañías hispanas con un
volumen de negocios de 273,800
millones de dólares, un aumento
del 82% desde 1997.
sorprendente aún, se cree que para
el año 2010 habrá en Estados
Unidos 3.2 millones de empresas
Por otra parte, la comunidad
hispana de Estados Unidos se ha
convertido en un pilar fundamental
de las frágiles economías
latinoamericanas, al enviar
anualmente miles de millones de
dólares a sus familiares en sus
respectivos países.
Según el Banco
Interamericano de
Desarrollo (BID), las
remesas enviadas a
América Latina en
2004 ascendieron a
45.800 millones de
dólares, a pesar de
que la mayoría de los
emigrantes que envía
dinero a sus países de
Mayor Lionel Rivera listens while Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt answers
origen gana menos de
questions about the new Medicare prescription program.
22 mil dólares al año.
Según el BID, cada
e m i g r a n t e
latinoamericano hace
un promedio de 12.6
envíos de remesas al
Every one of the more than The monthly premium, which is “enhanced” plans that offer
año, desde Estados
531,000 Medicare beneficiaries in the amount of money that the additional benefits beyond
the state of Colorado can choose Prescription Drug Plan will cost Medicare’s standard drug
to enroll in the voluntary Medicare each month, can vary between coverage. Some of these enhanced
prescription drug coverage plans depending on the type and plans have monthly premiums of
beginning on November 15. While level of coverage offered. Of the less than $30. An example of an
Medicare’s negotiations for these stand-alone Prescription Drug enhanced benefit that will be
plan choices are not yet finalized, Plans available in Colorado, about available in Colorado includes
it is clear that a range of drug plans 3 plans will have monthly coverage for generic drugs in the
will be competing aggressively to premiums under $20, about 3 plans coverage gap.
serve Medicare beneficiaries. By will have monthly premiums Access to Needed Drug
choosing the plan that best meets between $20 and $25, about 9 Treatments
their needs, beneficiaries in plans will have monthly premiums • All of the prescription drug plans
Colorado can take advantage of between $25 and $30, and about in Colorado, regardless of their
options that include lower 14 plans will have premiums premium and other benefits, must
meet Medicare’s standards for
premiums and additional benefits. between $30 and $35.
access to drugs that Medicare
And all plans must meet Benefit Options
Medicare’s standards for access to • Many of the available plan beneficiaries need. This includes
Family Dentistry medically necessary drugs and options have zero deductibles or coverage of essentially all drugs in
Leo Rodriquez, D.D.S. convenient pharmacies.
deductibles lower than the $250 six categories of treatments (drugs
PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLANS deductible in the “standard” for mental illnesses including
Se Habla Español
• Approximately 18 organizations Medicare benefit. Plans with no antidepressants, antipsychotics,
will offer stand-alone prescription deductibles provide help with drug and anticonvulsants; drugs for
drug plans throughout Colorado in costs starting with the first dollar HIV/AIDS; drugs for cancer; and
drugs affecting the immune
that a beneficiary spends.
N. Academy Blvd., Suite 104
• Many of the plan options are system) and coverage
Medicare Part D Fact Sheet:
Prescription Drug Plans in Colorado
General Dentistry
Dr. Leroy White
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Pinched Nerves
Auto Injuries
We also offer
2590 Palmer Park Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 578-0002
Rams Anxious to Take On CU Cont. from page 9
averaged but 111 yards rushing per
game, by far the fewest in Lubick’s
12 previous seasons at the helm.
“Time will tell how we run the
football. We’re thinking we’ll be
able to do that,” he said.
On defense, stopping the run has
been a focal point since the
conclusion of the 2004 season. The
Rams gave up 221 yards per game
rushing, a figure the veteran coach
knows must be changed in 2005.
Lubick says he expects Colorado
to be a solid team led by veteran
quarterback Joel Klatt. “I believe
they have a very good quarterback.
I have great respect for him. He’s
a great decision maker,” said
Lubick also said he believes
besides Klatt’s presence, both CU
tight ends are very good players,
as is the team’s offensive line. “CU
always has a strong offensive line.
We have to stop the run first,” he
Defensively, the Rams will be
challenged by a veteran unit.
“They are gifted with real solid
linebackers. They’ve always been
good and solid. Up front, they are
big and solid, and their secondary
is back. They will be a solid
With one of his most experienced
teams returning in 2005, Lubick is
hopeful last year’s lessons prove
valuable for the Rams. “I really
believe we’ll go down there, we’ll
play hard and we’ll play smart,”
he said of his team.
Lubick said this week’s game
continues to flourish as an instate
rivalry. “I think it’s a big rivalry.
It’s good for the state, good for
Following Saturday’s game, the
Rams are back on the road the
following week, playing at the
University of Minnesota in the
HHH Metrodome in Minneapolis.
Two weeks later, the Rams open
the home season, Sept. 24, playing
host to the University of Nevada
at Sonny Lubick Field at Hughes
Tickets to all five of CSU’s home
games in 2005 - including dates
with Front Range rivals Air Force
and Wyoming, along with Utah,
San Diego State, and Nevada, are
on sale by calling 1-800-491RAMS,
Single-game tickets are also
available at all King Soopers and
City Market grocery store
locations throughout the state of
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 15
Medicare drug plans offer premiums of $20 per month
Medicare beneficiaries all over
the country will be able to choose
prescription drug coverage that
will cost less than originally
expected, including plans with
premiums of $20 per month or
Options will also include plans
offering zero deductibles or
deductibles lower than $250
annually, and plans that provide
some coverage in addition to the
“standard” Medicare drug benefit.
“Choice and competition among
prescription drug plans is working
to reduce premiums across the
country making the drug benefit
even more affordable for seniors
and other Medicare beneficiaries,”
HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt said.
“For just $20 or $30 per month,
seniors will be able to get a
Medicare-approved prescription
drug plan that will provide real
help and protect their life savings
from ever being eroded by high
prescription drug costs.”
Earlier this month, the Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) estimated that the
national average monthly
premium for coverage equivalent
to the Medicare standard coverage
would be $32.20.
The reviews of the drug plans
by CMS, which are nearing
completion, show that Medicare
beneficiaries will be able to choose
lower cost options and options
with coverage in addition to
Medicare’s standard plan,
At least one prescription drug
plan with premiums below $20 per
month, and in some areas
significantly below $20, in every
region of the country except
Alaska. All regions have multiple
plan options with premiums
significantly below $30.
In every region, prescription
drug plans that will have zero
deductibles or deductibles lower
than Medicare’s standard $250
annual deductible.
Some prescription drug plans
will offer coverage that exceeds
Medicare’s standard plan. This
includes help for beneficiaries to
pay for costs beyond $2,250 and
before their out-of-pocket costs hit
$3,600 a year – the gap in
Medicare’s standard coverage.
For example, some plans will
cover generic drugs in the
coverage gap.
In every region, beneficiaries
with limited incomes (including
those eligible for Medicaid and
Medicare) will be able to choose
from plans with zero premiums
offered by at least five
organizations. All of these plans
will meet all of Medicare’s
standards for access to
“The robust response by
prescription drug plans is
translating into better benefits and
lower costs for people with
Medicare, however they prefer to
get their Medicare coverage,” said
CMS Administrator Mark B.
McClellan, MD, PhD “All plans,
including the lower cost options,
must meet Medicare’s standards
for access to medically necessary
neighborhood pharmacies.”
For the stand-alone prescription
drug plans, regional figures and
spreadsheets accompany this
release and can be found at
Between 11 and 23 organizations
will offer stand-alone prescription
drug plans in each region of the
People with Medicare will also
have access to lower-cost coverage
and additional coverage in
Medicare Advantage plans. Many
of the Medicare Advantage
prescription drug plans will have
additional benefits beyond the
standard Medicare coverage and
have monthly premiums that are
significantly less than $20 and
CMS figures show that
beneficiaries in Medicare
Advantage plans are already
saving about $100 a month on
average in out-of-pocket health
care costs, compared to traditional
Medicare alone or with an
individual Medigap plan.
CMS is now completing the
review of the stand-alone
prescription drug plans and the
drug plans to be offered by
The final review is evaluating
important factors such as whether
the plans meet the Medicare law’s
standards for access to drugs at
pharmacies convenient to their
homes. Consequently, the plans
available may change somewhat
between now and the completion
of the plan reviews.
“We will not approve any drug
plans until we are convinced that
they can meet Medicare’s
standards for serving our
beneficiaries, which means some
plans may not be approved,” Dr.
McClellan said. “While it is
important for us to complete our
review and work with plans to
make any refinements, we do not
expect these further refinements to
substantially affect the major
features of the plan choices
announced today.”
CMS will provide more
comprehensive details on the
premiums, benefits, and other
features of the prescription drug
plans and Medicare Advantage
plans available in each region as
the plan review is completed,
ahead of plan marketing in
October. All beneficiaries can
begin to enroll in the plan of their
choice beginning November 15.
CMS will help beneficiaries get
the information they need to
choose a plan. “This fall,
Medicare will work with
counselors, advocates, health
professionals, and other partners to
assist seniors, people with a
disability, and their family
members in making their choice
about these important benefit
options,” said Dr. McClellan.
CMS will mail the Medicare &
You handbook to more than 41
million households by midOctober.
Around that time, beneficiaries
will be able to get personalized
information on plans that reflect
their own needs and preferences
through, 1800-MEDICARE, or CMS partner
Medicare officials are already
working with a wide range of
groups to help deliver this
information, including health
professionals, senior advocates
and many other partners at the state
and local level. Information and
assistance will also be available all
across the nation through the State
Health Insurance Assistance
Programs, local Area Agencies on
Aging, and many churches, senior
centers, pharmacies and other
centers where seniors and people
with disabilities work, live, play
and pray.
Page 16
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Attorney to handle Civil
Domestic Violence, Sexual
Assault and Stalking cases,
Greeley office of Colorado
Legal Services (Pursuant to a
Two Year Grant from the
U. S. Department of Justice)
Salary: Firm range between $31,314
and $43,770, commensurate with
experience. Plus excellent benefits.
Qualifications: Must be licensed to
practice law in Colorado, or willing to
seek admission to practice in Colorado.
Preference will be given to applicants
who have practiced law 5 years or less.
Experience representing victims of
domestic violence preferred. Must be
able to handle a fast moving, high
volume caseload representing victims of
domestic violence, sexual assault and
stalking before courts in the 13th and
19th Judicial Districts. Must have the
ability to work closely with other victims
service agencies. Familiarity with
dynamics of domestic violence and
experience in family law is highly
desirable. Sensitivity to the legal needs
of low income victims of domestic
violence and minorities is a prerequisite.
Spanish speaking helpful.
Duties and Responsibilities: Under the
general supervision of a Managing
Attorney, this attorney is expected to
handle a fast moving, high volume
caseload and exercise initiative, sound
judgment and creativity in providing
legal assistance to victims.
Closing Date: September 5, 2005.
Send e-mail or cover letter expressing
the reasons you desire this position.
Please identify this position, and attach
your current resume to:
Carol Germano, Administrative
Assistant, Colorado Legal Services,
1905 Sherman Street, Suite 400 Denver,
CO 80203.
E-mail [email protected]
Lost your Avon Representative?
Position: Staff Attorney
Salary: Ranges from $31,314 to
experience, plus excellent benefits.
Job Location: Salida Office Colorado
Legal Services
Qualifications: Must be licensed to
practice law in Colorado or willing to
seek admission to practice in Colorado.
Applicant should have a demonstrated
commitment to provide effective legal
services to low income persons.
Litigation experience and additional
language skills helpful. Preference will
be given to applicants who have
practiced law 5 years or less. Must have
the ability to work closely with other
human services agencies. Must be
sensitive to the legal needs of low
income persons and victims of domestic
violence and seniors.
Duties and Responsibilities: Under the
general supervision of the Managing
Attorney, the staff attorney is expected
to exercise initiative, sound judgment
and creativity in handling a heavy
caseload. Trial work is required.
Closing Date: September 5, 2005
Send cover letter expressing interest,
specifically identifying this position, and
attach your current resume to:
Carol Germano, Administrative
Assistant, Colorado Legal Services
1905 Sherman Street - Suite 400
Denver, Colorado 80203
[email protected]
Colorado Legal Services is an Equal
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experience). Long term work with
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¡CLP Resources está contratando
trabajadores de cemento! Empleo
para poner formas, acabado, y
muckers. (Requiere de 2 o más
años de experiencia con
verificación). De $11 a $20/hora
(basado en la experiencia).
Trabajo a largo plazo con buenas
Llame al 719-266-8690.
Plumbers Needed
For new houses in Colo. Spgs.,
$25 hr. Bilingual helpful.
Please call: 719-499-9458
Se Solicitan Plomeros
Para casas nuevas en Colo. Spgs..,
$25/hora. Bilingüe de preferencia.
Favor de llamar
al 719-499-9458
Recruitment Specialist
PT 20 hrs/week. Resp. for increasing
capacity of agency thru public
awareness. Required: Creative, out-ofthe-box thinker, exp. w/design layout of
PR/mrktg materials, Ofc & Computer
Skills, personable. Prefer’d: College
Grad w/degree in PR, Mrktg or Comm.,
Volunteer mgmt Exp., Knwldg of Court
Operations & Human Services. Mail or
fax resume & COVER LTR by 9/6/05
to: CASA, HR, 701 S. Cascade, C/S
CO 80903 or fax 667-1818. EOE
Rocky Mountain Drywall,
la compañia de drywall más grande en
Denver, esta ocupando trabajadores
con experiencia en Colorado Springs
en las sigientes posiciones:
Teiperos, colgadores y reparaciones.
Ofrecemos buenos precio por hoja,
bonos, tiempo extra y aseguranza
medica. Interesados favor de hablar al
719-492-2632 y preguntar por Ramon
Se necesitan vendedoras. Empieze
ganando 50%. Be your own Boss.
Call Now! 1 (877) 875-2912.
Ind. Rep.
Denver Law Office in need of a
Administrative Asst.
Since this is a new position it may be
ideal either for a recent graduate, or a
more experienced professional. Pay/
salary will be consummate with
experience. The candidate must be
bilingual (written and speech). They will
be responsible for group promotions,
marketing, advertising, special events as
well as one on one customer service and
involvement in the Hispanic community.
This position will require high energy,
enthusiasm, and a flexible work
schedule. The position will interact with
senior management to create an
atmosphere that is comfortable,
enjoyable and special for our Hispanic
patrons. All applications are encouraged
for this unique position where
opportunities are endless. Successful
results could make this a very lucrative
position. Resumes or applications can
be mailed to PO Box 1707, Cripple
Creek, CO 80813, or faxed to (719) 689
3598, or in person at Johnny Nolon’s 301
E. Bennett Ave, CC, CO 80813.
Oportunidades de Empleos
Taylor Farms
Necesita trabajadores con
documentación apropriada. Se
empieza a $6/hr. Solicite en persona:
3147 N. Century St. Colo. Spgs.
pregunte por Tammy.
Must be detail oriented and be
computer literate.
E-mail resumé to: [email protected]
Taylor Farms
P/T Home Cleaning
Now hiring. Must have proper
documentation. Starting at $6/hr.
Apply in person: 3147 N. Century St.
Colo. Spgs. Ask for Tammy.
3-5 Days per week, 2-3 Hours
per day. Salary negotiable
Call 719-302-1715 C/S, S/W
Molly Maid
Limpiadores de Casa
Lunes a Viernes, 8 - 5, tiempo lleno.
Se debe tener Licensia de Manejar
Automoviles de Colorado.
Aplica en persona, 2960 N. Academy
Blvd., #205 o llame a (719) 638-7055.
Buscamos obreros de
construccion que tienen
experiencia en carpinteria.
Experiencia con trusses (cabrias) es
preferido. Por favor apliquese a 1025
Garden of the Gods Rd. Suite A.
Electrical PM!!
Established Local Company
( 40 + years) seeking PM/Estimator
with Comprehensive Electrical
Knowledge. Great work environment
and Salary package.
Fax Qualifications to 719-633-0814
Trabaje medio tiempo y
obtenga mayores ingresos
Vendiendo nuestros productos finos
Italianos y Suizos. Gane mucho
dinero llame ahora (800)-216-2580.
Sin compromiso.
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
CD'S & Cassettes
Taking orders for Doreen Martinez’s award
winning Christian Jesus Praises Music,
available now is Muéveme, Con Fe y Amor.
Her latest CD “Santo Es El Señor” only
available in CD. Cassettes $7, CDs $10.
Still Available, Limited Supply. Don’t get left
out! Her Christmas “Ven A Jesus Esta
Navidad” CD $9. Call Joseph (719) 448-0805
Famous Smith’s Rosebud Salve
A reliable family salve for everything, Been around since 1895 your
choice: Regular Rosebud Salve, Strawberry, or Menthol. $3.75 .08oz
tin or buy all three $10.00. Cloverine Salve for $4.25.
Call 719-448-0805
Page 17
Compro y Vendo casas
y condos.
Todo precios y areas.
Se habla Español.
Penrose R.E. 719-636-2113
1955 Ford Customline
Original motor and transmission.
Body looks great, 6,00.00 or best
offer. Call 719-201-9345
1988 Chev 2500
P/U Long Bed,
350 Eng, Auto, 4WD, 61,000 Miles,
Deluxe equipment pak. Shell,
Towing pkg. excellent condition
Asking $6,000. 1560 LN 33
Pueblo or call 719-948-4707
Colorado Springs Police Dept. Vehicle
Impound Auction.
Every 3rd Saturday of the month
2725 E Las Vegas CSC
Next Auction Sat. Sept. 17th
Gates open and registration begins at
7:00 AM.
Sale starts and registration ends at
9:00 AM.
Auctioneer will sell vehicles in
English and Spanish.
For vehicle listing take the link from
my webpage
Ambassador House
1 Bedroom Apartments
2 weeks free
5.9% interest, $695 Monthly,
2/2 condo near Airport & Chelton,
24 hr. Message - 266-9515
Call now! 596-4603
Open Saturdays.
Under New Management
Memorial Park area: 934 E. Costilla
Spectacular Victorian on 1/4 Acre: 4
bdrms., 2 ba., 1900 sq. ft. 12 ft.
ceilings. Large Custom Kitchen, 500
sq. ft. bedroom, Perfect Condition! 10
minutes to Fort Carson, Can be
duplex. $175,000.00 Approx.
$1,155 per month , no money down
VA. Call Nancy 630-0562, Gloriod.
Public Invited
Tools, Appliances, Electronics,
Furniture, Miscellaneous,
Antiques & Collectibles.
Preview every Friday 8-5
Eldorado Apartments
$99.00 Pays 1st Month’s Rent!
One and Three Bedroom Apartments
Homes Starting $299.00
719-596-3373 Call for more
Low income Units Available
Family owned and operated
dealership since 1929 is seeking
fluent bi-lingual Automotive Sales
Consultants who will assist our
Spanish speaking customers.
Experience helpful but not necessary.
Will train the right person. Full
benefits and great working
Largest Chevrolet inventory in
Southern Colorado. Apply in person
to Sales Manager.
No phone calls please.
Daniels Chevyland
109 S. Sierra Madre
On Top of Motor City!
670 Automotive Drive
Just off 8th Street
Ace Hardware
is hiring Full Time Material Handlers.
Heavy lifting and extensive walking
is involved. We offer great wages and
benefits package. Must pass a drug
and background screen.
Please apply in person to Ace
Hardware 5520 Astrozon Blvd.,
Colorado Springs, CO 80916 EOE
Bi-Lingual Spanish $11-$11.75 Hr.
Spherion Staffing in Partnership with
Zurich of North America. Long Term
Position with Potential for Hire.
Successful Candidates will have a
Team Spirit, Exceptional Customer
Service Communication Skills &
Perfect Attendance. Min. 1 Yr. Call
Ctr. or Customer Service Exp. Please
Call 1-866-SPHERION Job Code
Trabajo Facil y Divertido
Arme, Elabore, Fabrique.
Pago exelente. Atencion personal
de 9 am a 6 pm o dejar mensaje
las 24 hrs. 1-800-815-9018
Account Executives
Busy Mortgage Company is looking
for self-starters to market services
to several sources. Six figure income
possible first year. Call 303-771-3630
or fax resume to 303-771-3709
Director of Financial Aid
Division: Finance and Administration
Colorado State University - Pueblo
The Director of Financial Aid at Colorado State University - Pueblo
is an integral member of the university enrollment management team
and is responsible, in conjunction with other enrollment management
team members, for coordinating the development and implementation
of an award philosophy consistent with the University recruitment,
enrollment, and retention goals.
The Director of Financial Aid will manage all aspects of the
university’s financial aid program including: scholarship programs,
federal need-based loans, federal, state, and institutional work study,
department-based assistantships, fellowships, and grant-funded student
stipends, totaling over $27 million. The Director will manage the daily
operations of Student Financial Services including: training and
supervising professional and support staff; continuing development and
refinement of the office technology systems; managing the financial
aid database and computerized systems; analyzing, monitoring and
reporting on the distribution of aid; collaborating with offices across
the university to ensure compliance with federal and state regulations;
maintaining a high level of professionalism and quality of service to
students; and effectively and efficiently managing the unit’s budget.
For further information on job and application requirements please
go to the CSU – Pueblo employment opportunity web site at: http://
Ace Hardware
esta ocupando por tiempo completo
para manejadores de material el
trabajo requiere alsar cosas
tiempo.Nosotros ofrecemos buenos
beneficios y muy buen sueldo. los
requisitos son debe de pasar una
preuba de droga y tener buenos
referencias. Por favor aplicar en
persona a la direcsion de Ace
Hardware 5520 Astrozon Blvd
Colorado Springs CO 809196
& *Advisor*
her powerful visions Tells Past,
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And has Removed Many Problems
In Love, Career, Personal Matters
Call Nina To Day 1-800-833-3095.
Licensed Spiritualist
Hispania News
is looking for Bilingual Sales
Personnel who can speak and
write in Spanish and English to
work in Southern Colorado:
Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Rocky
Ford, La Junta, Lamar,
Walsenburg, Trinidad and
We offer excellent commissions.
Please call Bill @
Under New Management
Omaha Oriental
6453 Omaha Blvd. C/S
• Relaxation
• Stress Reduction
• Table Shower
• Choice of Young Lady
(719) 572-6906
10% Off With This Add
Fleet Maintenance Services
Invitation For Bidders
Bid Number:
Project Description:
Project Number:
I.F.B. 05-337
Fleet Maintenance Services
Operating Budget
Pueblo, CO
Receipt And Opening Of Proposals:
The Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo will receive bids for Fleet Maintenance
Services, in the City of Pueblo. Bids will be received until Monday, September 12,
2005 at 11:00 a.m. Mountain Daylight Savings Time at the Housing Authority of the
City of Pueblo, Victoria Avenue office (address below), at which time and place bids
shall be opened and properly recorded.
Plans And Specifications:
A complete bid package may be obtained from:
Housing Authority of the City of Pueblo
201 S. Victoria Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81002
Attention: Tom Martinez, Purchasing Technician
The Housing Authority encourages minority and resident owned
businesses to participate.
Page 18
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
No Publicity for One Good Movie Star
I knew I liked this guy!
Don’t know whether you heard at Brook Army Medical Center
about this but Denzel Washington (BAMC), in San Antonio,Texas
and his family visited the troops the other day. This is where
soldiers that have been evacuated
from Germany come to be
hospitalized in the States,
especially burn victims.
They have buildings there called
Fisher Houses. The Fisher House
is a hotel where soldiers’ families
can stay, for little or no charge,
while their soldier is staying in the
hospital. BAMC has quite a few
of these houses on base but as you
can imagine, they are almost
completely filled most of the time.
While Denzel Washington was
visiting BAMC, they gave him a
tour of one of the Fisher Houses.
He asked how much one of them
would cost to build. He took his
check book out and wrote a check
for the full amount right there on
the spot.
The soldiers overseas were
amazed to hear this story and want
to get the word out to the American
public, because it warmed their
hearts to hear it.
The question I have is why does
Alec Baldwin, Madonna, Sean
Penn and other Hollywood types
make front page news with their
anti-everything America crap and
this doesn’t even make page 3 in
the Metro section of any
newspaper except the base
newspaper in San Antonio.
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Page 19
New Help For Home Heating
(NAPSA)-Sawdust. Once just a
by-product found in lumber mills
and woodshop floors, it is now a
popular fuel for heating homes.
According to the Pellet Fuels
Institute, more than 600,000
homes in the United States and
Canada use wood pellets as an
economical and environmentallyfriendly heat source.
Made from 100 percent wood
sawdust, wood pellets rose to fame
during the 1970’s energy crisis.
Since then, numerous pellet stove
and pellet fireplace insert
manufacturers have emerged to
meet the growing demand for this
clean, cost-effective heat source.
Wood pellet fuel provides
multiple benefits. Perhaps the
most attractive being a highlyeconomical means to heat a room
or home. A 40-lb bag of pellet fuel
costs about four dollars and can
provide up to 24 hours of steady
heat. On average, a winter’s supply
of wood pellets is about 100 to 150
bags- depending on climate and
lifestyle variations. When
compared to the price fluctuations
of electricity, gas and oil, a price
of a 40-lb bag of wood pellets has
remained virtually the same over
the past decade.
By burning cleaner than virtually
any other fuel, wood pellets also
help reduce air pollution. For
example, the particulate emissions
from a pellet stove are
approximately 1.2 grams per hour
compared to 7.5 grams per hour
for a typical wood stove.
Additionally, after burning wood
pellet fuel, little ash is left over,
reducing cleanup. And wood
An Innovative Approach To Lattice
(NAPSA)-Homeowners who
want to enhance the appearance
and curb appeal of a home often
look to lattice.
Lattice is an inexpensive product
that adds style and privacy to
outdoor projects without blocking
airflow or creating confined
spaces. The problem with
traditional wooden lattice is its
tendency to split, rot and discolor.
A decorative plastic lattice may
change all that. Called Severe
Weather(tm), it offers the
threedimensional wooden lattice with
none of the maintenance.
This lattice is manufactured
using a one-piece injection
molding process that ensures the
product will never split or separate.
It is available in four designs:
Traditional Diamond, Privacy
Diamond, Privacy Square and 3D Architectural. To match almost
any decor theme, this decorative
lattice also comes in different
colors, such as white, dark green,
cedar, redwood and clay.
Because the color goes all the
way through, the lattice is
manufactured to resist scratches
and fading in the sun. The 4' x 8'
sections are easy to handle, screw
or nail, and can be easily cut to fit
any design project.
Matching cap and divider
moldings enhance the appearance
of installed lattice. An installation
must is to drill oversized holes to
allow for thermal expansion and
contraction. Never overtighten
“We designed Severe
Weather(tm) decorative lattice to
be attractive and easy to work
with,” said Dick Cantley, President
of GeoMatrix. “And, like all our
products, it’s manufactured to
provide a lifetime of function and
beauty with no maintenance.”
Available exclusively at Lowe’s,
the lattice can be used in a variety
of outdoor design applications. As
a garden arbor or trellis, plastic
lattice provides the perfect
As a garden arbor or trellis, plastic
lattice can provide privacy and
support for climbing vines.
environment for climbing vines. It
can also be used as a semiprivate
partition for hot tubs, porches and
patios, or as skirting for decks and
crawl spaces. It can even be used
for indoor craft projects.
Severe Weather(tm) products are
backed by a limited lifetime
warranty. They’re designed to
bring durability and charm to
outdoor decorating and offer doit-yourselfers the products and
resources to beautify their homes
at a fraction of the cost and time.
For more information online,
visit or call 248643-7764.
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
pellets produce virtually no
creosote-a major cause of chimney
fires. Wood pellets also reduce the
burden on landfills by creating
commercial demand for sawdust,
which would otherwise be
considered waste.
Perhaps best of all, wood pellets
are a renewable energy source
unlike oil and gas.
Homeowners interested in
burning wood pellet fuel can find
quality pellet appliances of
varying size, style and options.
For those with an existing
woodburning fireplace, a pellet
fireplace insert can convert it into
a highly efficient heating system.
One high-efficiency insert,
Quadra-Fire’s Santa Fe, features a
clean line look that fits nicely with
contemporary home décor.
Even though its burnished steel
design produces a softer looking
exterior than traditional cast-iron
fireplace inserts, the rugged burner
and combustion system generates
efficient performance, making it a
highly-effective and clean way to
heat a 1,200 square foot home or
living area. For more information,
Page 20
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
Queen Of Hispanic Community
More Than A “Pretty Face”
by Sara Rodriguez
Vanessa Devereaux , 19, of San Luis was elected in March of 2005.
During the talent competition she played the violin with the Mariachi.
Vanessa seems to be the daughter
that every mother wanted to have
or the daughter-in-law who all
mother-in-law longs for.
She speaks Calm and cool,
although after all a busy day of
activities for the Fiesta Queen.
I asked her if she is tired and she
answered me in such a natural way
that no, that for her, she is proud
to make each one of the
presentations, tests and everything
what it is required of her because
this is her way of representing our
Hispanic culture.
It surprises to me that being so
young have so many occupations,
and I imagine that she does not
have time to watch soap operas
in the afternoons, so a little
impressed I asked to her how it is
that is got involved with music.
Vanesa Devereaux.: -”I start
learning play the violin and take
part in the orchestra of the school.
Now I play with the Symphony
Orchestra of Colorado, also I play
and sing with the Mariachi San
Luis, “P: - Which career plans do you
have after the university?V.D.: -”Medicine, I want to be a
doctor” - The affirmation sounds
determinant but simultaneously as
a dream.
She explains that she still it does
not know what specialty she will
I congratulate her for her
academic achievements because
she is member of the Alpha
Lambda Delta Honors Society,
prestigious institution from the
university which is only offered to
those that have very good scores.
Vanessa reacts with a humility
worthy of praise, almost in low
voice she answer 'yes', and
continuous sharing her goals. It
attributes to her parents the merit
of the values taught to her from
V.D.:-”My dad is a lawyer and my
mom has been working with him for
many years. My mom always spoke
to us in Spanish because she wanted
us to conserve our roots.
Our parents impressed to us the
value of the language, studies and
music are something very important
in our culture “We continued speaking of her
social commitments and I am
worried about her many time
requirements, I asked her if
participating in the activities has
Cont. on page 13
Reina De La Comunidad
Hispana De Colorado Más Que
Una Ìcara Bonitaî
por Sara Rodriguez
Vanessa Devereaux de 19 años, de
San Luis gano la elección en Marzo
de 2005.
En el concurso de talentos tocó el
violín con los Mariachis.
Vanessa parece ser la hija que toda
madre quisiera tener o la nuera que
toda suegra añora.
Habla serena y fresca a pesar de
que me atiende después de todo un
día de actividades de reina.
Le pregunto si está cansada y me
contesta de manera tan natural que
no, ya que para ella es un orgullo
realizar cada una de las
presentaciones, ensayos y todo lo
que se le requiere porque está
representando a su cultura hispana.
Me sorprende que siendo tan joven
tenga tantas ocupaciones, y me
imagino que no le quedará tiempo
de mirar las telenovelas de las tardes,
así que un poco impresionada le
pregunto cómo es que empezó con
la música.
Vanesa Devereaux.: -“Empecé
aprendiendo a tocar el violín y
participando en la orquesta de la
escuela. Ahora toco con la Orquesta
Sinfónica de Colorado, también toco
y canto con los Mariachis San LuisîP: - øQué carrera estás estudiando
en la universidad?V.D.: -ìMedicina, quiero ser
doctoraîLa afirmación suena determinante
pero a la vez como un sueño.
Me explica que todavía no sabe
que especialidad elegirá.
La felicito por sus logros
académicos por que es miembro del
Alpha Lambda Delta Honors
Society, prestigiosa institución de la
universidad a la que sólo se ingresa
por tener muy buenas calificaciones.
Vanessa reacciona con una
humildad digna de alabar, dice ìsíî,
casi en voz baja y continúa
contándome sus metas. Le atribuye
a sus padres los méritos por los
valores que le enseñaron desde chica.
V.D.:-ìMi papá es abogado y mi
mama trabaja con él desde hace
muchos años. Mi mamá siempre nos
habló en español porque quiso que
conserváramos nuestras raíces.
Nuestros padres nos inculcaron el
valor del idioma, el estudio y la
música como algo muy importante de
nuestra culturaîSeguimos hablando de sus
compromisos sociales y sigo
preocupada por todo el tiempo que
le requiere, le pregunto si el
participar en las actividades ha
interferido con sus estudios y cómo
Continua en página 12
Page 2
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Sparx & Lorenzo Antonio
with Mariachi Tenampa
Sparx’s most recent album is
entitled Caminos Del Amor and it
strives to depict all the strange and
surprising paths of love. Each of
the 10 singles on the album
addresses love in a different way.
“Sentimiento” is a funky ranchera
fusion, while “Morenito” brings
out the brass instruments and a
cumbia beat to keep listeners
moving. “Si No Existieras” is
smooth and romantic.
“Yo Decido” is one of the most
exciting tracks on the album, it
gives Sparx a chance to let loose,
sing, play vocally with it's original
background vocals and this song
has an attitude. “Yo Decido” is
about being cheated on. Two
members of Sparx expanded their
already impressive range of
musical achievement on this
album. Rosamaria co-wrote “Que
Bueno Bailas” and “Yo Decido.”
Carolina composed the creative
sound of “Yo Decido.” Sparx is
know for the variety of musical
style their music employs;
everything from Corrido,
Cumbias, Ballads and Boleros.
These four sisters have sold over
a million albums.
The group has toured
extensively through South
America, Mexico and the United
States. Many of their songs have
been top 10 on Billboards Latin
charts, and they have also charted
on Billboards top selling Latin
Albums. Sparx vocal prowess and
beautiful harmony makes for a
great show.
Lorenzo Antonio left the
Colorado State Fair in the midst
of a standing ovation on his last
visit. The same talent and stage
presence that got his audience off
their feet in 2003 is characteristic
of Lorenzo as a performer. His
current album, Canta Rancheras y
Mass is the fastest selling album
of his career.
Canta Rancheras y Mass
contains “Mis Padres” a song
Lorenzo has dedicated to his
parents and all parents in the
The new album has a first for
Lorenzo Antonio, up to this point
he has been on stage with only his
voice, now he will also be playing
the guitar.
For a man who sold over a
million records by the time he was
12 years old, to have a album such
as Canta Rancheras y Mass, where
he is able to show off a his guitar
is exciting.
With sheer musical talent
Lorenzo has earned a mantle full
of awards and platinum and gold
records for both singing and song
writing. Lorenzo has toured all
over Mexico, South America and
the United States.
Songs like “Doce Rosas” helped
make Lorenzo’s career. From
“Doce Rosas” Lorenzo topped
subsequently with “Como,
Cuando y Porque” and hits such
as “Loco Enamorado” composed
by Juan Gabriel.
As a song writer he has
composed hits such as “Te Amo,
Te Amo, Te Amo” and "Mandame
Flores” performed by his sisters,
Sparx. Canta Rancheras y Mass
is a great album that gives a
talented singer, songwriter and
Cont. on page 14
Page 3
Page 4
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
Saturday, September 3rd,
Fiesta Weekend
7 am - Mesa Junction Association Parade Breakfast – Mesa Junction
7 am - Open Dairy Goat Milking Competition – Sheep/ Swine Barn
8 am - 4-H Dance Competition – Pepsi Stage in Family Park
8 am - Quarter Horse Show - Open and Amateur – Horse Show Arena
8 am - Quarter Horse Show - Youth – Horse Show Arena
8 am - Team Penning – Horse Show Arena
9 am - Paso Fino Demo Rides – Horse Show Arena
9 am - Quarter Horse Test Ride – Horse Show Arena
10 am - Colorado Gators – Fountain Park
10 am - Pikes Peak Division National Model Railroad Assoc. – Creative
701 E. 4th Street. (Calle Cuardo este)
Para la mejor Carnicería de la Región le urgimos no
olvide “Double J Meats” en el 701 de la Calle 4 al este
de Pueblo. El dueño Joe Fox y su personal se esmeran
en brindarle el mejor servicio y las carnes más selectas
a precios razonables todos los dias.
Double J Meats, donde usted es el más importante
de todos nuestros clientes.
Carne • Huevos • Pollo • Comestibles
“Improving daily to proudly serve the
community we are proud to be a part of”
(719) 542-2118
10 am - Kids Parade - Mesa Junction Area
10 am - Cashmere Goat Show – Sheep/ Swine Barn
10 am - Judge Junior & Open Pigeons & Dove Show –
Small Animal Building
10 am - Open and Jr. Dairy Cow’s Show – Livestock Pavilion
10 am - Public Sale and Animal Display – Small Animal Building
10 am - Society of Decorative Painters – Creative Arts
2 pm - Imperial Characters of Star Wars – Fairgrounds
3 pm - El Grupo Oro – Comcast Amphitheatre
4 pm - Guadalupe Dancers – Comcast Amphitheatre
4 pm - Dairy Supreme Junior and Senior Female Selection –
Livestock Pavilion
5 pm - Kenny G & the KGB– Comcast Amphitheatre
6 pm - Vocal Trash – Comcast Amphitheatre
6 pm - Thomas Martinez – Entertainment Tent
6 pm - Valentines Performing Pigs – Pepsi Stage in Family Park
6 pm - We Want Wow Now Pork Recipe Rally – Creative Arts
7 pm - SOMOS – Comcast Amphitheatre
7 pm - Open Dairy Goat Milking Competition – Sheep/ Swine Barn
7 pm - Valentines Performing Pigs – Pepsi Stage in Family Park
7 pm - Forest Mule Pack Team Demo – Livestock Pavilion
7:30 pm - Professional Bull Riders – Budweiser Rodeo Arena
8 pm - Vocal Trash – Comcast Amphitheatre
8 pm - Sparx Y Lorenzo Antonio with Mariachi Tenampa
– Events Center
9 pm - Poquito Maz – Comcast Amphitheatre
Sunday, September 4
Fiesta Weekend
8 am - Shooting Sports Air Rifle and Air Pistol – CSU-Pueblo Massari
8 am - Heritage Driving – Horse Show Arena
8 am - Exotic & Wild Bird Show Judging – Small Animal Building
8 am - Mule Show – Horse Show Arena
8 am - Quarter Horse Show (Youth) – Horse Show Arena
9 am - 4-H Rabbit Contest Judging – Small Animal Building
9 am - Open Dairy Goat Show A – Sheep/ Swine Barn
9 am - Paso Fino Demo Rides – Horse Show Arena
9 am - Quarter Horse Test Ride – Horse Show Arena
9 am - Texas Longhorn Cattle Show – Livestock Pavilion
10 am - Colorado Gators – Fountain Park
10 am - Fiesta Parade, “Nuestra Cultura Con Color Y Alegria” –
Bessemer 10 am. Pikes Peak Division National Model Railroad Assoc.
– Creative Arts
10 am - Public Sale and Animal Display – Small Animal Building
12 pm - El Fandango – Comcast Amphitheatre
1 pm - Los Reyes De Albuquerque – Comcast Amphitheatre
1 pm - Bad Habitz – Entertainment Tent
2 pm - Jovencita – Comcast Amphitheater
3 pm - Baila Conmigo – Comcast Amphitheatre
4 pm - Mood Express – Comcast Amphitheatre
4 pm - Dickie Cordova Y La Pleve Band – Entertainment Tent
5 pm - Hidden Valley Ranch Contest – Creative Arts
5 pm - Dairy Goat ‘Quick Draw’ – Sheep/ Swine Barn
6 pm - Tormenta – Comcast Amphitheatre
6 pm - Hidden Valley Ranch Contest – Creative Arts
7 pm - Los Jalapenos – Entertainment Tent
7 pm - Charreada Rodeo followed by Los Huracanes del Norte–
Budweiser Rodeo Arena
7 pm - Forest Mule Pack Team Demo – Livestock Pavilion
7 pm - Goat Fun Costume Contest – Sheep/ Swine Barn
7:30 pm - Last Man Standing – Events Center
9 pm - Nuestra Familia – Comcast Amphitheatre
10 pm - The Rick Garcia Band – Entertainment Tent
See ya at the Fair
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Fiesta Days
Miss Rodeo Colorado 2005
Tressie Knowlton
Tressie Knowlton earned the title
of Miss Rodeo Colorado 2005 at
the Greeley Rocky Mountain
Stampede on June 26, 2004.
Tressie is the 21-year-old daughter
of Bryce and Ronda Knowlton of
Fowler. She is a fourth generation
cowgirl from the White Rock
Ranching Community on Highway
10, between Walsenburg and La
Junta in southeastern Colorado.
Raised on a working cattle ranch,
Tressie began riding as soon as
she could sit in a saddle and grew
up competing in rodeo. She is the
second oldest of six children and
she enjoys helping with cutting,
sorting, roping, team penning and
branding on the family ranch.
Tressie will complete a degree
in Broadcast Journalism with a
double emphasis in English and
Spanish from the University of plans to obtain a Master’s degree
Colorado in May of 2005. She in Spanish and pursue a career in
professional rodeo. She graduated
from Northeastern Junior College
in 2003 with an Associate of Arts
degree in Speech Communications
carrying a 4.0 GPA. Her hobbies
include singing, dance, reading,
speaking Spanish, target shooting,
kickboxing, aerobics, and playing
the piano.
Working on the ranch and
competing in rodeo gave Tressie
an appreciation and love for the
exciting sport of rodeo and the
western way of life. As Miss
Rodeo Colorado 2005, Tressie will
have the opportunity to visit
countless communities throughout
Colorado and the western United
States as an ambassador for the
greatest sport on earth: Rodeo!
In December of 2005, Tressie
will represent Colorado at the Miss
Rodeo America Pageant in Las
Vegas, Nevada, held in
conjunction with the Wrangler
National Finals Rodeo.
PRCA Rodeo
Colorado State Fair is Ridin’
Ropin’ Rockin’ and Rollin’ every
night of the Dodge PRCA Rodeo,
thru - Sept. 2.
Rodeo fans will be brought to
the edge of their seat with wild
rides, thrills and spills from
PRCA’s top cowboys and
Whether it is the
agile speed of
the barrel racing
or the grit and
determination of
a cowboy going
pounds of horns
rodeo-goers can
be sure to find a
champion in
original extreme sport.
Hall of Fame announcer Hadley
Barrett hosts the five nights of
PRCA performances, featuring
professional rodeo entertaining
legend, Lecile Harris, and son Matt
Vicki Adams and Mike Matt will
demonstrate their horsemanship
skills performing death defying
trick riding stunts, including a
tandem car jump.
For the first time ever, a Calf
Dressing will join the evening’s
events. The antics of teams of four,
working to dress a 400 pound calf
for an outing at the Fair (necktie,
shirt and shorts) will have the
audience rolling in their seats.
The Colorado State Fair Reining
Horse finals will also be a first for
rodeo-goers. Oohs and ahs will be
plentiful on the
last evening of
Rodeo, Friday,
Sept. 2, as the
grace and beauty
of man and horse
w o r k i n g
t o g e t h e r
enthralls the
Paul Rodriquez in Pueblo
Paul Rodriguez was a total success last Saturday night at the
events Center at the State Fair grounds. Paul entertained the
large crowd for over two hours.
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Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
The PBR’s Elite Built Ford Tough Series
Invades Pueblo
The Professional Bull Riders, Inc. (PBR) has confirmed that stop No. 26 on the 2005 Built Ford Tough Series presented
by Wrangler will take place in Pueblo, Colo. The Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream Invitational hits the Colorado State Fair
Budweiser Grandstand on Saturday, September 3 at 8 p.m. Pueblo has been the site of successful PBR U. S. Smokeless
Tobacco Company Challenger Tour sanctioned events for the past seven consecutive years, courtesy of area promoter
Tommy G. Productions.
The Pueblo event features the top bucking bulls
in the business, which guarantees explosive, nonstop bull riding action and will air on the Outdoor
Life Network ( OLN) Sunday, September 4 to 8 p.m.
Now Open!
FlaksMart Cash & Carry
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Open Mon. – Sat. 8am – 7pm
Page 8
1 de septiembre 2005 - 8 de septiembre 2005
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
Los Huracanes Del Norte
(following the Charreada Rodeo at 9 pm)
Los Huracanes del Norte plays a popular brand of norteño music.
The group’s latest album, Corridos De Caballos Famosos is a tribute
to Mexico’s equestrian history. The album is a series of story songs
about famous horses. Corridos De Caballos Famosos is comprised of
five cover songs and five original tracks.
Los Huracanes Del Norte has the benefit and finesse of experience;
they have recorded more than 40 albums in their 30-year career. Their
hit single “Nomas Por Tu Culpa” topped charts for regional Mexican
Music in the US and Puerto Rico. The band received a Latin Grammy
in 2002 for best norteño album for “Mensaje De Oro.” The six member
of Los Huracanes specialize in corridos like the tracks on Corridos De
Caballos Famosos and tear-jerking rancheras.
Charreada (Mexican) Rodeo
Presented by Dodge Rodeo - Grab Life By The Horns
Come to
the Rodeo
and have
some fun
So you know about Charreada, what is;, El Coleadero,
Jineto de toro, Paso de Muerte?
If you know, educate us at
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Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
Entertainment Tent, Sept. 4th, 1PM
Los Jalapeños
Entertainment Tent, Sept. 4th, 7PM
Being based out of a small Colorado country town has not always been easy on
the career and dreams this talented group of seven brothers has been striving for.
Since the delicate age of 10, three brothers, Gene, Johnny and Brian Gauna decided
they were going to form a band. Los Jalapeños began playing oldies and country
until they discovered their passion for Tejano Music.
After their summer tour in 2003, Los Jalapeños became seldom heard after their
Bajo Sexto player and Director, Gene Gauna, was in a bad car accident having to
undergo surgery to his left wrist and hand, leaving his career at a halt. When asked
why they didn’t hire someone to fill the place for the time being, Gene and the band
stated, “We felt it was unethical to hire an “outsider” to take place in an all “family”
band.” This absence was very short lived as Los Jalapeños are back in the studio and
finishing their 2nd album titled, “PELIGRO.”
Is five great musicians with one bad habit in common: they love THIN LIZZY´s music,
and as their tribute to the legendary irish band THIN LIZZY, they recorded this CD.
was formed in 1991 in
the city of Trondheim,
which is known as the
“capitol of rock” in
Norway. This city has
breeded bands with
international success
spite of a hard
competition between
the bands, there´s a
friendly atmosphere
between the musicians
in Trondheim, which
living proof of. These
five musicians have
sold with their own
bands, more than
300,000 albums/CDs
only in Norway. BAD HABITZ started as a “kick” thing to do.
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2005 Colorado State Fair Parade
Fiesta Parade • Sunday, September 4th
The Fiesta Parade has always been a highlight of Fiesta Weekend and sponsored by the Colorado State Fair Fiesta Committee since 1967, This year is
no different with the theme “Nuestra Cultura Con Color y Alegria”. The traditional Mariachi Mass in Minnequa Park precedes the parade at 8 am and the
parade begins at 10 am, Sept 4th, on East Abriendo Ave.
The route will run north to Northern Ave-west, to Beulah Ave-north and end on Sprague Ave.
Six trophies will be awarded to the most outstanding float entries,
including most traditional, creative, beautiful, fitting parade theme,
best costumes and judges’ choice.
Don’t miss this display of Mexican bands, custom vehicles and much, much more!
Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
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Fiesta Days
Más Que Una Ìcara Bonitaî
reaccionó la familia cuando
decidió involucrarse.
Ella sonríe y con aire sabio
responde que “No, solo hay que
planear bien todoî.
V.D.: -ìY en cuanto a mi familia,
me apoyaron y festejaron, ya mi
hermana Maria Lara Campos
Mozo fue reina en el año 1992; es
la primera vez que dos hermanas
ganan la misma coronaîP: -øQué actividades o
compromisos realizaste durante
este año de tu reinado?
V. D.: -ìHice presentaciones
tocando el violín con los mariachis
en diferentes iglesias y en las
comunidades latinas. Y para la
próxima elección he dado mi
apoyo a las nuevas participantesîEn este momento a pesar del
orgullo hispano que me brota a
flor de piel, recuerdo que soy una
profesional y trato de hacer
alguna pregunta inquisitiva, de
esas que nos hacen sentir como
brujas a las mujeres periodistas,
así que ahí va:
P: - øQué crees que haya de
cierto acerca del estereotipo de
mujer bella sinónimo de mujer
V.D.: - ìEn esta elección de reina
no es cierto, porque para participar
Continua de página 1
tienes que estudiar, tienes que
preparar un buen discurso y es algo
difícil porque además tienes que
tener buenas notas, buena actitud,
también talento y estar involucrada
con la comunidad.
No se trata sólo de tener una cara
bonita. Creo que el criterio de
belleza está cambiando en la
sociedad y en nuestra comunidadî.
P:- øCómo es el ambiente entre
las concursantes, son chicas
competitivas, hay celos o
envidias?V.D.: -ìLas chicas que estuvieron
el año pasado todas eran muy
buena gente y no
tuvimos nada de
esoîP: - øQué les dirías
a las chicas que no
se atreven a aplicar
para la próxima
V.D.: -ìLes diría
que traten de
hacerlo, que hagan
lo mejor que
puedan, porque
para mí fue una
experiencia muy
positiva, yo siento
diferencia en mi porque me siento mas
confiada al participar en los eventos de
la comunidad.
Creo que he crecido con esta
Vanesa representa a todas esas jóvenes
mujeres latinas que nos dan buenas
razones para estar orgullosos de ser
hispanos, por los valores que
representan ella y su familia.
Que bueno que tengamos estos dignos
ejemplos para resaltar en los medios,
porque es un mensaje de esperanza y
de motivación para nuestra comunidad
Que bueno también que estemos
cambiando el criterio de belleza y que
no pretendamos tener solamente una
cara bonita, sino un buen carácter,
desarrollo intelectual, talento y orgullo
por nuestra cultura.
Boletin De
El Consulado General de México
en Denver informa que, por acuerdo
superior y con motivo del Día del
Trabajo “Labor Day” en los Estados
Unidos, el Consulado permanecerá
cerrado el día lunes 5 de septiembre,
reanudando sus actividades normales
el día martes 6 de septiembre a partir
de las 8:00 hrs. en su horario normal.
Para casos de emer gencia, tales
como: accidentes, muertes y
detenciones quedan a su disposición
las 24 horas los teléfonos del
departamento de protección: 303667-8657. Agradecemos su apoyo en
la difusión del cese de labores.
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Fiesta Days
More Than A “Pretty Face” Cont. from page 1
V.D.: -”The girls who were there
last year, all were very good people
and we did not have any of that “P: - What would you say to the
girls that do not dare to apply for
the next election?
V.D.: -”I would say that try to do
it, do the best thing they can,
because for me it was a very
positive experience, I feel a great
difference in me because I feel
more confident when participating
in the events of the community.
I believe that I have grown with
this experience “-.
Vanesa represents all those
young Latin women who give us
good reasons to be proud to be
Hispanic, by the values that she
and her family represent.
It is good that we have these
worthy examples, stand out in the
media, because it is a message of
hope and of motivation for our
Hispanic community.
It is very good also that we are
changing the beauty criteria and
that we do not notice the pretty
face but a woman of good
development, talent and proud of
her culture.
Fiesta Days
El Paso County Democrats welcome
you to the 2005 Colorado State Fair
interfered with her studies and how
the family reacted when she
decided to get involved.
She smiles and with wise air she
responds that “No, it is only
necessary to plan everything
V .D.: -”And about my family,
they support me and they celebrate
with me, my sister Maria Lara
Campos Mozo were queen in
1992, the first time that two sisters
win the same crown “P: - What type of activities or
commitments have you made
during this year of your reign?
V. D.: -”I made presentations
playing the violin with the
mariachis in different churches
and in the Latino, communities.
And for the next election, I plan to
support all the new participants “-
is not certain, because to
participate you must study, you
must prepare a good speech and is
sometimes difficult because you
must have good notes, good
attitude, also talent and be
involved with the community. It is
not only about having a pretty
face. I believe that the beauty
P: - Do you think that there is of criteria is changing in the society
certain doubt , with synonymous and our community “-.
stereotype of beautiful woman is
P:- How is the atmosphere
not a smart woman?
between contestants, is there
V.D.: - “In this election of queen jealousy or envy?-
w w w. h i s p a n i a n e w s . c o m
Thank you for helping Colorado elect the best
Democratic officials here as well as in our
Nation’s Capital. We will continue to work
together for the liberties we fought for and
the justice everyone deserves.
We hope you kick up your heels
and have the best time ever!
The Democratic Club
The Democratic Women’s Club
El Paso County Democratic Party
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Fiesta Days
Census Bureau’s Uninsured Number Indicates Fourth Increase In A Row
Racial and Ethnic Minorities Continue to be Disproportionately Affected by Lack of Health Insurance
The following is the statement
of Rea Pañares, Director of
Minority Health Initiatives at
Families USA, about the Census
Bureau’s newly released findings
that the number of uninsured
Americans rose to 45.8 million
during 2004:
“Once again we see a significant
increase in the number of people
without health coverage. Under
the Bush Administration, the
number of uninsured Americans
has escalated from 41.2 million in
2001 to 45.8 million in 2004.
“The huge number of uninsured
Americans now exceeds the
cumulative population of 24 states
plus the District of Columbia. [See
attached map.]
“Lack of health insurance
coverage for racial and ethnic
minorities is also as high as in
previous years. Although racial
and ethnic minorities constitute
one-third of the total U.S.
population, they comprise more
than one half of the uninsured
In fact, in 2004, 23 million of
the 45.8 million uninsured were
racial and ethnic minority
Census Bureau’s Uninsured
Number Indicates
“The number of uninsured
Latinos rose from 13.2 million in
2003 to 13.7 in 2004. The number
of uninsured African Americans
increased slightly from 7.1 million
in 2003 to 7.2 million in 2004. The
number of uninsured Asians
declined slightly from 2.2 million
in 2003 to 2.1 million in 2004. The
disproportionate number of
uninsured among communities of
color poses a major barrier to
quality health care and leads to
unacceptable disparities.
“Public programs such as
Medicaid and SCHIP (the State
Children’s Health Insurance
Program) are the health care safety
net for millions of Americans,
particularly racial and ethnic
Had it not been for these
programs, the number of
uninsured among communities of
color would have increased even
more in each of the past several
“Now more than ever, it is
important to protect the programs
that offer health care to our most
Unfortunately, the President and
Congress are poised to move in the
wrong direction: Instead of finding
solutions for the uninsured, they
are proposing significant cuts to
“Slashing funding for Medicaid
puts the most vulnerable children,
the elderly, and people with ever-growing ranks of the
disabilities at risk of joining the uninsured.”
Hispanic Scholarship
Presentation & Reception
The Trustees of El Pomar
Foundation and The American GI
Forum, El Cinco de Mayo, Inc.
and The Hispanic Chamber
Foundation held a Presentation
and Reception for 24 Scholarship
August 4, 2005 at
the Pavilion at
Penrose House.
The guest speaker
for the presentation
was Jason Gaulden
a Senior Fellow at
Michael A Berniger,
Carmen Abeyta and
Pat Baca presented
the scholarships.
The American GI Forum:
Recipients were:
Marcus Garcia, Danielle Gauna,
Jessica Gonzales, Stephen Ruybal,
Lisa Sanchez, Caridad S. Valencia
and Valerie Sintas.
Hispanic Chamber Foundation
Recipients were:
Antoinette Gomez, Quinlin
Messenger, Matt Ocasio, Mia
Ramirez and Arleen Williams.
El Cinco de Mayo, Inc. Recipients
Alicia Alberico, Natalia Alvarado,
Cynthia Barrington, Elizabeth
Cronin, Tina Dobson, Paul
Lindau, Naomi Martinez,
Stephanie Mora, David Ornelas,
Norma L. Reyes, Erika Rodriguez
and Lisaira Vega.
Mariachi Tenampa
Cont. from page 3
musician a chance to share his skill.
Mariachi Tenampa is a New Mexico based mariachi
band. They are one of the premier mariachi groups in
New Mexico but their recognition doesn’t stop there, they
are highly regarded in their art throughout the United
States and the Americas.
Mariachi Tenampa is composed of nine members and
these men have done a lot to improve the popularity of
the lively music that they play. Playing a mix of
contemporary and classical mariachi, Mariachi Tenampa
exhibits extraordinary talent and musicianship.
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Fiesta Days
at the Colorado State Fair
OJC honors retiree
Otero Junior College staff and faculty honored long-time employee, Sam Jaramillo at a retirement coffee
on August 19.
Sam Jaramillo, OJC Locksmith, began his career at OJC in 1981. Jaramillo grew up in Las Vegas, New
Mexico and came to Colorado for automotive training at Aims Community College. He worked for the
University of Northern Colorado on the grounds crew for two years and in the lockshop and carpenter shop
for close to five years. He furthered his education by training to become a locksmith with Foley BelsawAdvance Locksmithing and Lockmasters-Safe Lock Servicing, where he earned a certification in
Professional Locksmithing. Jaramillo also completed Cisco Certified Networking certification from OJC.
Over his 24 years at OJC, Jaramillo not only managed all the locks on campus, he was also involved in
most of the college’s remodeling, roofing, and heating and cooling projects. Over the years, Jaramillo said
the biggest changes he has seen at OJC has been the new classrooms, new computers, better roofs, better
locks and security, building the Food Court, improvements to the dorms, and having great heating and
cooling systems installed. “It was exciting to watch the dorms get full, to see all the new programs that
were developed, and to be there when the new computer center opened and then watch the advancement of
the computer programs,” said Jaramillo.
A recipient of the 1991 OJC Employee of the Year Award, Jaramillo said he felt fortunate to have had the
opportunity to be a part of OJC and to work with some of the best people he’s ever know and to share in
their vision for OJC. “While I’m looking forward to retirement, I’m going to miss being a part of the big
jobs when they come together and working with all the great employees at OJC.
Jaramillo said that he plans to relax and do some fishing and hunting. If gas prices go down, he said he
would also like to do some traveling.
Sam Jaramillo, OJC Locksmith, retiring after 24 years
of service to OJC.
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