St. Margaret Mary Parish


St. Margaret Mary Parish
St. Margaret Mary Parish
November 11, 2007
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
1450 Green Trails Dr.
Naperville, IL 60540
5:00 p.m.
7:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
12:15 p.m.
Monday - Saturday
8:15 a.m.
Monday - Friday
9:00 - 5:00
9:00 - 3:00
Parish Office: 369-0777
Fax: 369-1493
Religious Ed. Office: 369-0833
All Saints Catholic Academy
1155 Aurora Ave., Naperville, IL 60540
961-6125 --
New families are warmly welcomed to St.
Margaret Mary Parish. You may register
your family by coming to or calling the
parish office.
Confessions every Saturday from 3:30 to
4:30 PM or anytime by request.
2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month following the 12:15 Mass. Please call Parish
Office to make arrangements for Baptism
and required Preparation Meeting.
Six months preparation required. Parish
music policies, which reflect Diocesan
guidelines, are to be followed.
Strength for the Journey
Scripture Readings for the Week
Wis 1:1-7; Lk 17:1-6
Wis 2:23 — 3:9; Lk 17:7-10
Wis 6:1-11; Lk 17:11-19
Wis 7:22b — 8:1; Lk 17:20-25
Wis 13:1-9; Lk 17:26-37
Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9; Lk 18:1-8
Mal 3:19-20a; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19
Advent Items
For Sale
Global Warming &
Public Policy Choices
Sponsored by SMMP
Youth Ministry
After all Masses the weekends of Nov. 10/11 and
Nov. 17/18, a selection of Advent candles, calendars,
etc., will be available in the Parish Center. This is a
project of our high school Youth Ministry, with proceeds benefiting our teen’s summer Mission Trip.
Thursday, November 15
7:30 pm, COR Center
Pro-life Christmas cards will also be available.
Proceeds will benefit Birthright, a local crisis pregnancy center.
What are the public policy choices we face
in light of global warming?
What are the best approaches and
what are the benefits and costs?
Prayer for Veterans Day
Loving God,
We ask for blessings on all those who have served their
country in the armed forces.
We ask for healing for the veterans who have been
wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe.
We pray especially for the young men and women, who
are coming home from Iraq with injured bodies and traumatized spirits. Bring solace to them, O Lord.
We ask for, echoing John Paul II, an end to wars and the
dawning of a new era of peace, as a way to honor all the
veterans of past wars.
Rev. Butterfield
Have mercy on all our veterans. Bring peace to their
hearts and peace to the regions they fought in. Bless all
the soldiers who served in non-combative posts; may
their calling to service continue in their lives in many
positive ways.
Dr. Fanning
Rev. Clare Butterfield is the Director of Faith In
Place. She preaches and teaches regularly at congregations throughout Illinois, while coordinating programmatic and organizational development. She started as
Faith In Place’s original organizer and developed the
organization into today’s regional scale. She is a Unitarian Universalist minister from central Illinois with a
lifelong interest in environmental matters
Give us all the creative vision to see a world which,
grown weary with fighting, moves to affirming the life of
every human being and so moves beyond war.
Hear our prayer, O Prince of Peace, hear our prayer.
Dr. Tom Fanning holds a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, is a member of the
American Nuclear Society, and works at Argonne National Laboratory where he is involved in student outreach activities and currently studies the improved
safety aspects of advanced reactor design concepts
that have the ability to utilize recycled nuclear fuel.
Please Pray...
for the following men who are
making the 25th Christ Renews His
Parish Retreat this weekend.
Daven Carlson
Jim DerKacy
David Linton
Dennis Nowicki
Steve Schroeder
Sponsored by the Peace & Justice Working Group.
Desmond Curran
Derek Kruk
Michael Newell
Michael Rogina
Larry Williams
Paul & His Revelations
Where is the Church Heading?
Baby & Children’s Items
Needed for
Mexican Orphanage
The parishioners of St. Margaret
Mary have been supporting the
Hogar de Pobre orphanage in Celaya,
Mexico for over 10 years. This
month the Mother Superior of the
orphanage will be visiting us and collecting what she can for her 235 children. We are asking for donations of
infant and children’s clothing, baby
items, socks, underwear and personal
care items. Please be as generous as
you can. Donations may be placed in
the crib in the narthex atrium. The
nuns and children greatly appreciate
your generosity. Thanks so much!
Wednesday, Nov. 14
7:30—9:00 p.m. — COR Center
Speaker: Fr. Paul Hottinger
• SMM is now a one priest parish
• The Sunday 5:00 Mass has been discontinued
• Communion Services are conducted by staff members on
Saturdays when weddings are scheduled
These are a few of the changes that are presently occurring at the local
level. Are there additional changes that we will encounter? What is happening in other areas of the world? Come, hear Fr. Paul share his
‘revelations’ regarding the future of the Catholic church… and share your
hopes and dreams for SMMP.
Fr. Paul is pastor at SMMP and holds a certificate in Spiritual Direction
from the Institute of Spiritual Leadership. He earned his Masters degree
in Theology from Josephinum School of Theology.
Thanksgiving Baskets
Once again we are asking for donations of Thanksgiving Food Baskets, turkeys, and Food Certificates to be given to
needy families. If you would like to provide any of these, please fill out the information below and drop it in the
collection basket or leave it at the parish office. The drop-off date for Food Baskets will be Tuesday, Nov. 20,
from 7:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Center.
For further information, or to donate a turkey or food certificate, call Maureen Guttosch, 630-983-7031 or
[email protected]
I/We would like to donate a Thanksgiving Basket to a needy family.
A Thanksgiving Basket for a family of 6 or fewer
A Thanksgiving Basket for a family of 7 or more
Food Certificate
Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________City/Zip _______________________
Phone: ____________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________
Joyful Again!
“Forgive Our Trespasses…
Christian Management Styles”
Saturday, Nov. 17
8:00—9:30 a.m.
COR Center
Fr. Paul Hottinger
Are you widowed and looking for
ways of becoming whole again after
your loss, of bringing hope to the
days ahead, and of meeting others
who are widowed? We invite you to
a weekend workshop/retreat program
being held on Nov. 17 & 18 at the
St. Charles Center in Romeoville.
For more information, call 708354-7211.
Christmas Tea
Fee: $7 (includes breakfast)
Sipping Virtue
Baby-sitting upon request
Forgiveness is not simply a discreet act—it is an attitude of acceptance of
others as they are—forgiveness is a choice as well, which can be present
even in the absence of reconciliation. Forgiveness does not abolish the
need or demand for justice or reparation.
Fr. Paul is pastor of St. Margaret Mary Parish and holds a Certificate in
Spiritual Direction from the Institute of Spiritual Leadership. He earned
his Masters degree in Theology from Josephinum School of Theology.
Wednesday, Dec. 5
9:15—11:15 a.m.
Plan now to take time during Advent
to quietly reflect on the virtues of
Christmas while sipping tea in an
elegant setting. Reflections on the
virtues will be led by Sr. Madelyn
and members of the Morning Enrichment Committee. Watch the bulletin
for more details.
A Men’s Christ Renews His Parish Reunion was held…
on Oct. 25 in the COR Center. A spirit of prayer and fellowship filled the hall. This is the 25th year that St. Margaret
Mary Parish has hosted Christ Renews His Parish Retreats. The retreats are held annually, with the men’s being held in
Nov. and the women’s in late Jan. All parishioners are invited to take part in a “CRHP” Retreat. There is no charge—it
is a gift from SMMP.
Enjoying the evening are left to
right: John Frazzini, Bill Tevogt,
and Sr. Madelyn Gould
“Remember that time…”John
Schmitt and Larry Riebold share
The reunion included a Mass celebrated
by Fr. Jonathan Foster.
From the Pastor
A Mass of Remembrance........
The Bereavement Ministry of St. Margaret Mary is pleased to invite
you and your family to a Mass of Remembrance to honor the memory
of your loved one.
The Mass will be held on Thursday, Dec. 13, at 7:00 p.m., and will be
followed by light refreshments.
Please phone the parish office, 369-0777, by Dec. 11 to confirm that
you will attend and the approximate number of family members or
friends that will be joining you.
Christmas can be a particularly difficult time of the year. We urge you
and your family to come together with other families that have experienced a similar loss, to offer Eucharist and remember…..
Men’s Club
Card Night
Friday, Nov. 16
7:30 p.m.
Parish Center
Christmas Cards
The Pro-L.I.F.E. Committee will be
selling religious Christmas cards in
the Parish Center after Mass this
weekend and next weekend. The
cost is $5 per 10 card package. Proceeds benefit Birthright, a local crisis
pregnancy center.
Aurora Planned Parenthood
A prayer rally will be held at the
Planned Parenthood facility at New
York & Oakhurst Sts., Aurora on
Saturday, Nov. 17 from 9:00 to 11:00
in the morning. Parking: shuttles will
run from Our Lady of Mercy Church,
Eola Road and Calvary Church, Rt.
59 from 8:30 a.m. to noon.
The SMMP Men’s Club is sponsoring a card night on Friday, Nov. 16.
All men of the parish are invited to
attend. For a nominal charge of
$10, you will enjoy an evening of
cards and camaraderie with other
parishioners, as well as pizza and
beverages. This is a great way to
meet new friends and spend an evening of fun with old friends.
For more information, call Dave
Schwartz, 630-369-0929 or Dick
Henke, 630-241-7984. We hope to
see you there.
There is an issue I would like you to
think about. One of the most essential
beliefs of our Catholic faith is that
when we come to Holy Communion
we are encountering the risen Christ:
body, blood, soul, and divinity.
This is a sublime gift. However it is
not magic. We are not sanctified or
changed in any way merely by receiving the sacrament. The fruitfulness of any sacrament depends on
our disposition toward God both before and after the actual moment of
The purpose of God is not to merely
change bread and wine into the body
and blood of Christ but to change the
body of believers into the image of
his Son. This means that we take on a
greater and greater likeness to Christ.
We cannot do this without developing a personal relationship with
Christ. In particular the Gospel of
John makes this clear. This takes
time and requires gratitude.
Are you taking the time and expressing gratitude when you depart from
Mass before it's over? Do you see
that in our church we express gratitude and nurture a sense of communion and community through our
songs and antiphons? If we get into
the habit of leaving Mass early, the
fervor of our spirits will suffer.
Diocesan Healing Mass
to be Held at SMMP
on Friday, Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Fr. Paul
Hottinger will be the presider.
For more information, please call
Joey Rose at 630-941-7304.
High School
Youth Ministry
for Teens & Parents
On Tuesday, Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m.,
Fr. Paul will speak to us about the
sacrament of Confirmation and the
importance of it. We would like all
QUEST teens and their parents to
attend. We will gather in Church.
R. E. (preschool – 5th grade)
First Reconciliation
For those receiving Reconciliation for the First Time, please check the window outside the R.E. office for your child’s name. If it is not there, please
contact Sister Elizabeth.
Needed: assistant Catechist for Grade 1 on Wednesday at 4:30- 5:30. If you can
help, please call the R.E. Office at 630-369-0833.
Harvest Sunday ’07
Harvest Sunday is here! Today is
the day for our parish to collect, sort,
and pack food for our less fortunate
brothers and sisters. All food stocks
local pantries and agencies that provide meals and necessities to hundreds of families. All Journey members are expected in the Parish Center
at 1:00pm today (Sunday) to begin
making boxes, setting up stations,
and accepting the food as it comes in.
See you there! (Parents, you’re welcome and NEEDED for the day.) Kathleen Curran, one of our third graders, who participated in the
S.T.E.P. Program on Oct. 21 and raised $41.87 for the poor. It is a great joy to
see how our young children respond to Jesus’ call to love their neighbor in
such a concrete way.
Saint of the Week
This week we celebrate St. Frances Xavier Cabrini on Nov. 13. She was the
first American citizen to be canonized a saint. Frances Cabrini is the patroness of Immigrants. My Mom and Dad, and many of your grandparents came
to the United States from other countries. The first thing they saw was the
wonderful Statue of Liberty. On the base of that statue it reads: “Give me
your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...” Today,
let us ask Frances Cabrini to help us make our nation more welcoming and
just for those who come from other countries to find a better life here in
Journey Groups
Journey groups are meeting this
week, the 12th and 15th. Then we’re
off next week for the Thanksgiving
holiday. We’ll pick up again on Nov.
26th and 29th. We are in need of people willing to sub for our Leaders…
all of the Journey Leaders are extremely dedicated, but may, on occasion, be unable to make it due to a
family or work situation. If you’d be
available as an emergency fill-in,
please call Patti or Loretta at the Religious Ed. Office, 369-0833.
Tours & Open Houses at All Saints Catholic Academy
All Saints Catholic Academy (ASCA) will offer school tours every Tuesday
afternoon at 4 p.m. Contact Peggy Kobe, 630-961-6125, to reserve a spot.
Children are also welcome to come with their parents.
Two open houses are scheduled during Catholic Schools Week. The first one
is on Sunday, Jan. 27, 1:00-3:00 p.m. The second one will be held on
Wednesday, Jan. 30, 7:00-8:30 p.m. Anyone interested in registering for the
2008-09 school year is invited to attend.
The Rite of Welcoming
9:00 Mass on October 28, 2007
Catechumen: Brian Shapley
Sponsor: Gail Gersic (for Norb
Catechumen: Becky Asensio
Sponsor: Lisa Connelly
Catechumen: John Repsholdt
Sponsor: Craig Wolf
Catechumen: Rich Miklinski
Sponsor: Kevin Lynch
Catechumen: Steve Johnson
Sponsor: Eric Masters
We introduce our six Catechumens and their sponsors. Our
Catechumens have been meeting since March, learning the
Catholic teachings and deepening their faith.
Catechumen: Eric Hornig
Sponsor: Larry Cap
An At Home Retreat
Have you ever been interested in attending a retreat, but could not get away for two days, or
even one? Have you ever wanted to “try” spiritual direction to see if it is for you? If that’s
the case, a directed at-home retreat may be just for you..
What is it?
A directed retreat is a time that God speaks personally to you through Scripture.
A trained spiritual guide meets with you daily to help discover God’s message for you.
When is it?
Nov. 25 - 30. You will meet with your spiritual guide for one-half hour each day
at a time that is convenient to you (mornings, afternoon, evenings).
A Prayer Service at 7:00 p.m. on Nov. 25 begins this retreat.
Where is it?
St. Margaret Mary Parish, 1450 Green Trails Drive, Naperville, IL
Why should I consider an at-home retreat?
Many people express some kind of need for guidance in prayer. Often the need is described
as a search for meaning in their lives, or a desire to deepen their personal relationship with God.
Few people have the opportunity to explore their faith journey in a one-to-one situation where the
focus is entirely on them and their relationship with God.
For some, the week is a rare opportunity to be affirmed in their natural way of prayer and also to
try different forms of prayer.
Fee: $75 (Inability to pay will not exclude you from the retreat.)
Who are the Spiritual Directors?
Mrs. Alice Dehm
Sr. Madelyn Gould
Fr. Paul Hottinger
Mr. Al Gustafson
Sr. Jane Schlosser
Mrs. Jane Seagren
Call Sr. Madelyn Gould, 369-0777, for information or to register.
Deadline for registration: Nov. 19
Fr. Paul’s Homily
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
(A personal relationship for everybody)
Oct. 16, 2007 — St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Rom 1:16-25
Lk 11:37-41
Today on the memorial of St. Margaret Mary perhaps we can situate her
life in the life of the Church. She was
born in the seventeenth century. She
was born after the Protestant Reformation but before the French Revolution. These are two movements, of
course, that seriously impaired the
life of the Church, seriously challenged the life of the Church.
Now at that time there was a movement of reform, which championed
certain ideas that did not gain ascendancy at the Council of Trent,
ideas that had been in the Church
from before the time of the Protestant
Reformation, but were actually more
or less pushed down because the reformers liked them, such ideas as
Mass in the vernacular, participation
of the laity in the work of the Church.
That was pushed away. Why? Because the reformers wanted it. Anything they wanted was wrong. It was
not exactly discriminate the way
the Reformation was condemned at
the Council of Trent.
So these ideas continued however to
percolate in the life of the Church,
and eventually many of them have
become accepted—not all, some may
still be. One idea was, for example,
optional celibacy for the clergy. Another was the popular election of
bishops. One was the need of the laity to learn Scripture, to study it, to
try to understand it. So many of
these ideas are accepted today, at
least by some people.
But at the particular time during
this period there was a spirit, you
might call it of “elitism,” associated with renewal. In other words,
most people who promoted renewal
were middle class. They were educated. And the impression they
gave everyone was that only people
who could read and who could
study and could read the Bible, only
they were able to participate in the
life of the Church. Well, that leaves
out the peasants. That leaves out
the illiterate, which at that time
were the majority.
Margaret Mary responded to this
situation, this challenge, you might
say, in her own very simple way.
Now she was led by the Holy
Spirit into a very deep intimacy,
you might say, in a similar way to
Teresa of Avila. The result of this
was she gained a great appreciation
for something she did not invent
herself: devotion to the Sacred
Heart. This devotion had been
around for a long time, at least six
hundred years, if not longer. But for
her it became a symbol of the personal relationship that every believer, literate or illiterate, capable
of reading Bible or not capable of
reading Bible, capable of theological reflection or not capable of
theological reflection, that every
believer could and should have
with God.
And as Teresa of Avila also emphasized, this relationship is one that
is initiated by God himself. The
whole meaning of the incarnation is
that God has come to us, that God
wants to build a bridge to us. The
bridge is himself incarnate in the
person of Jesus. The Sacred Heart
then represents the living heartbeat
within Jesus himself, that the human
heart, feelings, mind, emotions, sensitivity, sensibility of Jesus is really
the bridge that God has built to touch
us. And therefore every believer has
this, you might say, this way, this
road, open to relate to God in a very
personal way.
So the reform does not have to be
elitist. It’s very good for people to
study Scripture, but not everyone
can. That’s no reason to condemn the
study of Scripture, which actually the
pope did at that time, but not everyone can do it. Jesus once said, “For
those who can accept this, let them
accept it.” That should be our idea
in a lot of things. But one thing is
for everybody: a personal relationship with God through Christ. That
is not for just some. That is for everybody. It is very sad that there are people who call themselves Christians,
who have no personal relationship at
all with God, who feel nothing, who
have experienced nothing in life.
That is very sad.
So on the feast of St. Margaret Mary
let us renew our desire, anyway, to
relate to God in a deep, intimate way,
and to let him lead us into his way
and into his heart.
The Christmas Giving Tree
Saturday, December 15th
St. Margaret Mary Parish has maintained a long tradition of reaching out to those
in need, especially during the holiday seasons. The Christmas Giving Tree exists
to respond to the needs, wishes and dreams of those less fortunate at Christmas.
As the “Parish with a Heart” we will provide as much food and as many gifts as
the generosity of St. Margaret Mary parishioners allows.
Sign-Up After all
Weekend Masses
If you pre-registered, your
information packet will be sent to you
through the mail.
1. PROVIDE GIFTS to families or individuals in need. You
will be given a list of names, ages and gift suggestions. The
suggested price range for gifts $25-$75 per person.
2. PROVIDE FOOD baskets to families so they can celebrate
Christmas in joy and thanksgiving. You will be given family
information as well as a suggestion list of food items to
3. PROVIDE MONEY so we can purchase gift certificates,
food coupons and other things that will make Christmas a
special time of giving and receiving.
For more information call Sandy Wunderlich at
[email protected] or 416 9128
Form #2.5: 9/07
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays, 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Masses for the Week
Nov. 17
Nov. 24
Monday—Nov. 12/Josaphat, Bishop, Martyr
8:15—Isabelo Medrano — Wife
Tuesday—Nov. 13/Fraces Xavier Cabrini, Virgin
8:15—Florence Graykowski — Fenwick Family
Wednesday—Nov. 14
8:15—Patricia Barranco — Bill Barranco
Thursday—Nov. 15/Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor
8:15—Betty Fenwick — Family
Friday—Nov. 16
8:15—Patrick Nolan — Family
7:30 p.m.—Healing Mass
Saturday—Nov. 17/Elizabeth of Hungary, Religious
8:15—John Levine — Family
5:00—Carol Barzyk — Larry Barzyk
Sunday—Nov. 18
7:30—For the Parish Family
9:00—Genevieve Zaba — Family
10:45*—Anna Schmudde — Family
12:15—Alec Salamonski — Family
Please remember in your
prayers those members of our
parish and family and friends
who have recently passed away.
Catherine Stenson, mother of Mike Stenson
Patricia Ryan, mother of Michael Ryan
The rosary is prayed after
8:15 a.m. Mass
Monday – Saturday
All are invited to participate.
*Interpreted for the deaf
Nov. 17/18
Fr. Paul
Fr. Paul
Eucharistic Ministers
N. Gorman
M. Stricker
D. Wiedeman
S. Jessee
M. A. Missak
E. O’Shea
J. Ferrari
D. Helgeson
J. Harris
L. Krebs
P. Komar
K. Songco
J. Ryan
A. & E. Krebs
B. Ryan
Fr. Paul
D. Maguire
V. Keenan
J. Kash
R. Ruesch
M. Palmquist
D. Diekemper
W. Cassells
R. Grippando
D. Kijek
G. Goyette
R. Meeker
I. Gustafson
M. Reilly
R. Dawis
A. Oechsel
L. Reyes
Fr. Julian
Sr. M. Gould
S. Griffin
M. Kapelinski
L. Mertz
E. & S. Talbot
J. P. Salvitti
M. B. Sanchez G. Brooks
M. A. Cronauer M. Doyle
M. Bochnak
J. Griffin
C. Guttosch
R. Diaz
E. Sanchez
C. Conway
M. Masini
Fr. Paul
K. McCann
J. Blumberg
D. Dulik
T. Smith
S. Kapellen
S. Jaworski
L. Riebold
J. Morell
I. Van Dril
K. Findlay
B. Carlson
S. Emrie
D. Thurow
I. Van Dril
C. Ory
Fr. Jonathan Foster
K. Deaver
K. Lynch
J. Lynch
L. Atwell
L. Belleville
M. Curley
T. Chennikkara G. Rotko
M. Perich
K. Meder
A. Regan
A. Charicki
C. Kinney
D. Klouda
P. Wollensak
E. Dawis
Fr. Jonathan Foster
L. Lucas
C. Ory
J. Steury
2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14 — The King of the world will raise us
up to live again forever.
II. 2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5 — May our Lord Jesus Christ and
God our Father encourage and strengthen your hearts in every
good deed and word.
Gospel—Luke 20:27-38 — Those who are deemed worthy of the
coming age can no longer die.
St. Margaret Mary Parish
Naperville/Lisle -- 630-369-0777
Parish Staff
Art & Environment Coordinator
Mary Lou Krauss
Pat Henke
Business Manager
Michael Prus
In today’s second reading, St. Paul prays that the Thessalonians may
be strengthened “in every good deed and word.” May we, too, be
strengthened and empowered to use our time and talents for the good
of others.
Weekend Mass Offerings
Automated Giving Offerings (prorated*)
Total Offerings 10/14/07
Parishioners registered for envelopes 10/31/07
Number of envelopes used last Sunday
Average weekly parish offering this fiscal year,
July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007
*Automated Giving offerings occur monthly. Figure pro-rated by the number of
Sundays in the month. To sign up, visit, or call the parish
Capital Campaign
Rosalie Fall
Henry Vrbecky, Custodian
Deacons (Permanent)
Deacon Ken Miles
Deacon Terry Taylor
Justice/Outreach Minister
Tom Cordaro
Music Director
John Schlaman
Pastoral Associate
Sr. Madelyn Gould, S.S.S.F.
Pastoral Council President
SMM Parish donates a portion of all Sunday and Holy Day
offerings to charitable causes. This amount for the fiscal year
July 1, 2007 – Nov. 4, 2007 is $24,582.
As the Church year comes to a close, may the Lord Jesus
strengthen your heart for every good work and word. May you
live your vocation.
Jim Krema
Rev. Paul Hottinger, Pastor
Julian von Duerbeck, OSB, Weekend Asst.
Rosalie Fall & Rita Thompson
Secretary/Bulletin Editor
Mary Straub
SMM Parish Notes
Religious Education Department
Nursery—service for toddlers and preschoolers is available in
Room 16 on the upper level during the 9:00 and 10:45 Sunday
Pastoral Care for the Homebound—Please notify the parish
office, 369-0777, of any parishioner who is hospitalized or
homebound so we can visit, bring the Eucharist, and pray for
them. Hospitals do not notify us of parishioners’ admittance.
Audio Sets Available for Mass—Each of these units is a
small receiver with an ear piece and volume control. Any audio
transmitted through the microphones at Mass is received and
amplified through the ear piece. If you are hard of hearing and
would benefit from the audio set, please see one of the greeters
before Mass.
Director of Religious Education
Sr. Elizabeth Crotty, I.B.V.M.
Youth Ministry - Jr. High Director
Patti Guare
Youth Ministry - High School Director
Candy Rice
Religious Education Secretary
Loretta Mercadante
Religious Education Clerical Staff Assistant
Mary Costello
NAME AND BULLETIN #St. Margaret Mary Parish, Naperville. #832
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