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WELCOME TO THE D I G I TA L I S S U E JUNE 2011 Vol 50 No5 international construction A KHL Group publication www.khl.com www khl com REGION Asia-Pacific P21 SECTOR Foundations P41 SECTOR Tunneling P33 Excavators EQUIPMENT EQ QUIPMENTT P24 ICON 06 2011 Front Cover.indd 2 03/06/2011 13:08:10 Thank you for downloading this electronic version of International Construction It is identical to the printed publication, cover-to-cover, editorial and advertising, but it is now all on your computer screen THE DIGITAL ISSUE OF ICON OFFERS FAR MORE: ■ With a simple click you can turn pages ■ Click on the contents page and be transferred straight to the chosen editorial section ■ Click on advertisements to go direct to advertisers’ websites Vol 50 No5 on icati p publ Grou ific -Pac Asia s tion nda Fou ION A KHL ry 201Number rua Feb e 22 Volum IN O L AT -A M IC 1a ER IN L AT OA ME R N IC A A 1 13 on icati p publ TOR SEC ng neli Tun A KHL Group n Publicatio D re o xp nE w Co vie pre TOR SEC P33 tep4r1 o Sam MA MA ORA ORA PAN PAN A A EM EM RAT SOB RAT SOB rope Wire review arctica ey rv CICS te in Ant nce su On si l conÒde enta 1 e 11 Issue Volum ary 2011 ebru January-F n litio s mo tor De ava ng c cli cy ex C& P21 1 ber ■ Num 2011 ary ebru me Volu ary-F ■ Janu Grou A KHL.khl.com www REG P41 hl.com www.k L NA ATIO ERN INT AL TION T RNA POR INTE ANS D TR LIZE IA C SPE D N A Una Uma Edici ón 1a Y RY USSTTR NDU N IIND IION CTTIO C UC RU NSSTTR ON CO ’’SS C OPPEE RO UR OR EEU FFO INE tion i AZZIN GA AG lica bli MA M THE Group pub 1 JAN A AN Y 2011m UAR JANeworld.cotionn icatio blica .cran pu ppubl wwwGroup A KHL 1 201 1 ERO ero EBR Núm Group RO-F 1, de KHL ENE men ación Volu public 2011 DE ero 1 RO Group EREI1, Núm KHL /FEV meação do EIRO Volu public m com opee.co eurrop tionn-eu truccctio onsstru .con w.c ww ww w com khl .khl. www A KHL al t n e r 2011 Ediçã o JUNE NE O N l T I o ón iotnioanN S T R U C t a ruçã nstrucci n t r c s e u C O n t r co inonst co c WS ■ Word-searchable, giving you even faster access to the information you need. st late the racker EY fromentalT SURV ts R ul Res /IRN A RE WA SOFT your AL g e RENT ovin rvic Impr er se p25 om cust RT REPO ot TRY rh COUN supe ket zil’s mar p16 Bra rental www.khl.com MORE THAN A MAGAZINE! 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DIRECT ACCESS TO A WHOLE WORLD OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Vol 50 No5 on icati p publ Grou THE ific -Pac Asia s tion nda Fou ng neli Tun ION IN L AT O -A ME R A IN L AT OA ME R N IC A hl.com www.k L NA ATIO ERN INT AL TION RT RNA SPO INTE RAN ED T IALIZ C E SP AND Una Uma 1a JAN N IC A Y 2011m UAR JANeworld.cotionn icatio .cran publ p blica pu wwwGroup A KHL 1 201 1 ERO ero EBR Núm Group RO-F 1, de KHL ENE men ación Volu public 2011 DE ero 1 RO Group EREI1, Núm KHL /FEV meação do EIRO Volu public m com opee.co eurrop tionn-eu truccctio onsstru .con w.c ww ww w Edici ón Y RY USSTTR NDU N IIND IION CTIO CT UC RU NSSTTR ON CO ’’SS C OPPEE RO UR OR EEU FFO INE i GAZZINblilication MAGA MA 1a com khl .khl. www A KHL al ren t 2011 Ediçã o JUNE A up pub Gro 1 1 A KHL ry 201Number rua Feb e 22 Volum 1 ber ■ Num 2011 13 ary me ebru Volu ary-F ■ Janu on icati p publ Grou A KHL.khl.com www REG TOR SEC A KHL Group n Publicatio D re o xp nE w Co vie pre P41 TOR SEC P33 ter MA MA ORA PAN PAN ORA rope Wire review arctica ey rv CICS te in Ant nce su Òde n si 1 e 11 Issue Volum ary 2011 ebru January-F n litio s mo tor De ava ng c cli cy ex C& P21 NE O N o ón noanl T R U C T I o i t ruçã nstrucci nrauctCi O N S t r s e n t o o c inonst c c WS Perhaps the most powerful information source the e-magazine provides is the direct click-through to advertisers’ web sites. Just click on any advert in this magazine and you will be taken directly to that company’s web site where there will be a mass of additional, useful information at your fingertips. VEY UR st late ker the om alTrac nt s fr RE WA SOFT your AL g e RENT ovin rvic Impr er se p25 om cust RT REPO ot TRY rh COUN supe ket ar l’s razi tal m p16 www.khl.com JUNE 2011 Vol 50 No5 international construction A KHL Group publication www.khl.com www khl com REGION Asia-Pacific P21 SECTOR Foundations P41 SECTOR Tunneling P33 Excavators EQUIPMENT EQ QUIPMENTT P24 ICON 06 2011 Front Cover.indd 2 03/06/2011 13:08:10 Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 9:54:33 AM KHL OFFICES UNITED KINGDOM (HEAD OFFICE) Southfields, Southview Road, Wadhurst, East Sussex TN5 6TP, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1892 784088 Fax: +44 (0)1892 784086 www.khl.com USA OFFICE KHL Group Americas LLC 3726 E. Ember Glow Way, Phoenix, AZ 85050, USA. 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China Tel: +86 10 65536676 Fax: + 86 10 65536690 e-mail: [email protected] KHL SALES REPRESENTATIVES ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER Alister Williams, UK Head Office Tel: +44 (0)1892 786223 e-mail: [email protected] CORPORATE ACCOUNT MANAGER David Stowe, UK Head Office Tel: +44 (0)1892 786217 e-mail: [email protected] BELGIUM/GERMANY/AUSTRIA/ SWITZERLAND/THE NETHERLANDS/INDIA Alister Williams, UK Head Office Tel: +44 (0)1892 786223 e-mail: [email protected] CHINA Cathy Yao Tel: +86 10 65536676 e-mail: [email protected] FRANCE Hamilton Pearman Tel: +33 1 45 93 08 58 e-mail: [email protected] ITALY Fabio Potestà Tel: +39 010 570 4948 e-mail: [email protected] JAPAN Akiyoshi Ojima Tel: +81 (0)3 3261 4591 e-mail: [email protected] KOREA CH Park Tel: +82 2 730 1234 e-mail: [email protected] NORDIC COUNTRIES Peter Gilmore Tel: +44 (0)20 7834 5559 e-mail: [email protected] TURKEY Melih Apa Tel: +90 (0)532 214 68 18 e-mail: [email protected] SPAIN Mike Posener, UK Head Office Tel: +353 98 567 30 e-mail: [email protected] UK Lynn Collett, UK Head Office Tel: +44 (0)1892 786219 e-mail: [email protected] USA/CANADA Matt Burk Tel: +1 312 795 5619 Fax: +1 312 223 1492 Cell: +1 773 610 9467 e-mail: [email protected] COMMENT f you live outside Europe, Japan or the US and are planning on buying a used excavator over the next few years, beware! If you buy a machine with an Interim Tier 4 or Stage IIIB-compliant engine and you don’t have access to ultra low sulphur diesel, you may quickly end up with a dead machine on your hands. New laws on diesel engine emissions were introduced in Europe and the US at the start of the year. Their aim is to cut the amount of black soot coming out of off-highway machines’ exhaust pipes, and thereby improve air quality. Previous emission control limits have been met with various technologies focussed on the engine, but in order to meet the latest requirements, manufacturers have added aftertreatment devices in the exhaust system. In order for these to work, engines must be fuelled with ultra low sulphur diesel (15 parts per million of sulphur or less). More than this and the aftertreatment systems will be overwhelmed with soot particles, the backpressure on the engine will increase and it will quickly overheat, perhaps causing permanent damage. Manufacturers and their dealers can control where machines are sold when they’re new, so there isn’t too much risk of an Interim Tier 4/Stage IIIB machine initially finding its way into a country where the right fuel is unavailable. However, the used equipment market is a global one, and after a few years of work with their first owner in Europe or the US, popular machines like excavators can find themselves anywhere in the world. Manufacturers say that they could potentially provide aftermarket kits to ‘de-tier’ engines – essentially remove the aftertreatment components that are sensitive to dirtier fuel. However, while this is technically feasible, the legislative implications are far from clear. Although developed world countries do not have emissions standards as high as Interim Tier 4 and Stage IIIB, many do have emissions laws of some kind. The legislative question is, if an engine is de-tiered, would it then have to be re-certified to prove that it could meet a different emissions law? It’s a question that no-one seems to know the answer to at the moment. That’s fine, as it’s not a pressing issuee right now – Interim oming available from Tier 4/Stage IIIB machines are only just becoming ey work their way into manufacturers, so it will be a few years until they the used equipment market. d sooner or later. In a But it is an issue that will have to be addressed lth and every machine few years when markets are back to normal health B emissions compliant, over about 5 tonnes is Interim Tier 4/Stage IIIB chines per year coming there could be around 150000 construction machines xhaust aftertreatment. onto the used equipment market fitted with exhaust ere originally built for, Many of these will stay in the markets they were but many will not. I Chris Sleight Editor CLASSIFIED SALES Lyn Collett, UK Head Office Tel: +44 (0)1892 786219 e-mail: lyn [email protected] International Construction (USPS No: 021-895) is published monthly by KHL Group and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Rd, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. Postmaster: send address changes to International Construction, PO Box 437, Emigsville PA 17318-0437. ISSN No: 0020-6415 USPS No: 021-895 © Copyright KHL Group 2011 The paper in this magazine originates from timber that is sourced from sustainable forests, managed to strict environmental, social, and economic standards. The manufacturing mill has both FSC & PEFC certification, and also ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditation. june 2011 internationalconstruction 3 ICON 06 2011 Comment.indd 3 03/06/2011 14:01:57 KOBELCO CRANES STRENGTH THROUGH EXPERIENCE KOBELCO SL-Series of Super-Lifters The new world standard in cranes from 300 upto 600 tonnes! KOBELCO, cranes designed to your spec: zExcellent lifting capacity zCompact, well thought-out design zIn compliance with transport regulations worldwide z All items within 3m transport width z Fast rigging, Self-assembly system z Innovative upper frame design z Boom-mounted hoist winches z Great operating comfort z High-output engine and High-speed lifting, increase work efficiency z Wide, large-capacity winches for smooth high-rise work z Winches with powerful line-pull handle hard work with ease z Excellent reliability z Worldwide service Photo: SL6000 in Flushing, Netherlands KOBELCO CRANES NORTH AMERICA INC Houston, Texas,U.S.A. Tel: 00-1-(0)-713-856-5755 Fax: 00-1-(0)-713-856-9072 [email protected] KOBELCO CRANES INDIA PVT.LTD Tel: 00-91-(0)-120-407-9989 Fax: 00-91-(0)-120-407-9990 [email protected] KOBELCO CRANES MIDDLE EAST FZE Sharjah, U.A.E. Tel: 00-971-(0)-6-557-8114 Fax: 00-971-(0)-6-557-8115 [email protected] Untitled-1 1 KOBELCO CRANES SOUTH EAST ASIA PTE. LTD Singapore Tel: 00-65-(0)-6268-1308 Fax: 00-65-(0)-6268-2490 [email protected] KOBELCO CRANES (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD Shanghai, CHINA Tel: 00-86-(0)-21-5382-0120 or 0811 Fax: 00-86-(0)-21-5382-2090 [email protected] Manufacturer: KOBELCO CRANES Co., Ltd. TOKYO, JAPAN Tel: 00-81-(0)3-5789-2130 Fax: 00-81-(0)3-5789-3372 [email protected] www.kobelco-cranes.com KOBELCO CRANES EUROPE Ltd. FOR MAINLAND EUROPE AND RUSSIA Tel: 00-31-(0)-36-549-5510 Fax: 00-31-(0)-36-549-5520 [email protected] KOBELCO CRANES EUROPE Ltd. FOR U.K. AND IRELAND Tel: 00-44-(0)-1473-716-302 Fax: 00-44-(0)-1473-716-301 [email protected] 6/6/2011 9:56:55 AM JUNE 2011 Vol.50 No.5 international construction International Construction, incorporating Construction Industry International and World Construction, is available free of charge on request to anyone who falls within the controlled circulation criteria. Official publication date is the 15th of each issue month. It is available to anyone who does not meet the criteria at an annual subscription rate of £175, US$320, €230. Single copies: £15, US$30, €25. INSIDE JUNE 2011 Vol 50 No5 international construction A KHL Group publication www.khl.com www khl com REGION OUTSIDE Asia-Pacific P21 SECTOR Foundations P41 SECTOR Tunneling P33 WORLD NEWS See page 24 for news of the latest excavators available around the world. 6 IHS Global Insight forecasts a +3% rise in worldwide construction output this year, led by developing Asia and South America. Excavators EQUIPMENT EQ QUIPMENTT P24 ICON 06 2011 Front Cover.indd 2 BUSINESS 03/06/2011 13:08:10 12 Lafarge is to sell cement plants in southeast US to Chile’s Cementos Argos for US$ 750 million. STAFF LIST Editor Chris Sleight BEng (Hons) e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786205 Deputy Editor Helen Wright e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786209 Editorial Director Paul Marsden BSc Editorial Team Lindsey Anderson, Alex Dahm, Lindsay Gale, Sandy Guthrie, Maria Hadlow, Richard High, Murray Pollok, D.Ann Shiffler, Euan Youdale Advertisement Manager Alister Williams e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786223 Corporate Sales David Stowe e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786217 Area Sales Lynn Collett Classified Sales Executive Lynn Collett Production & Circulation Director Saara Rootes Production Manager Ross Dickson e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786245 Design Manager Jeff Gilbert Designer Gary Brinklow Design/Production Assistant Pippa Smith e-mail: [email protected] Direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786207 Display Production Assistant Louise Ailish e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1892 786246 Financial Controller Paul Baker Financial Assistant Gillian Martin Credit Control Josephine Day e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786250 Office & Bookshop Sales Manager Katy Storvik e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786201 Business Development Director Peter Watkinson Circulation Manager Theresa Flint e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786238 Marketing Manager James Moscicki e-mail: [email protected] direct tel: +44 (0)1892 786229 Publisher James King MEMBER OF KHL.COM 14 Find out how to download the monthly audio podcasts that now accompany new editions of iC. You can also now follow the magazine on the Facebook social networking site. ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 6 17 Investment in residential, non-residential and infrastructure projects, combined with reconstruction work in Japan will cement the Asia-Pacific region’s place as the fastest growing construction market in the world. REGIONAL REPORT 21 21 The Asia Pacific region has rebounded from the global recession and is set to consolidate these gains in the coming years with increased investment in infrastructure. EXCAVATORS 24 The global excavator market split in two this year, due to demanding engine exhaust emissions regulations coming into force in Europe and the US. TUNNELLING 33 The largest, the longest and the deepest records have again been broken in the tunnelling sector. Despite world economic troubles, it is one part of the construction industry that looks in good health around the world. FOUNDATIONS 24 41 The trend for larger projects with complex demands is driving innovation in the foundations sector. EQUIPMENT 49 33 News of the latest equipment from Bomag, Caterpillar, Junttan and Volvo. SUBSCRIPTIONS 56 CLASSIFIED 57 How to subscribe to International Construction. 41 june 2011 internationalconstruction 5 ICON 06 2011 Contents.indd 5 03/06/2011 14:02:43 WORLD NEWS HIGHLIGHTS GLOBAL NEPAL The World Bank has approved Global recovery a US$ 63 million assistance package to improve infrastructure and to construct a power transmission line in Nepal. The scheme includes a 132 kV transmission line from Kabeli Bazaar, in the north of Panchthar district, to Damak in Jhapa district. Substations will also be built near Kabeli Bazaar and at the towns of Phidim, Ilam and Damak. ITALY The Italian earthmoving machinery market contracted by -14% year-on-year during the first quarter of the year, with 2236 units sold. Sales of road building equipment and backhoe loaders were the worst affected, registering decreases of -42% and -36% respectively, according to Italian construction equipment association Unacea. CHINA The World Bank has approved a US$ 300 million loan to support the construction of a 19.5 km light rail line in the city of Kunming, Yunnan province. The new stretch of track will form Line Three of the Kunming municipal highspeed rail transportation network plan, which will eventually comprise six lines covering 162 km. KAZAKHSTAN The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced up to US$ 100 million in funding to improve drinking water and sewage infrastructure in the Kazakh municipalities of Taraz, Atyrau and Semey. The funds will be used as seed money in preparation for public private partnership (PPP) contracts. CHILE Government investment agency Proinversion has launched the prequalification stage for construction of the new Chinchero airport. The scheme is expected to cost at least US$ 350 million, and a short list of bidders will be selected by early July. VIETNAM The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and State Bank of Vietnam have agreed a package of loans worth US$ 4.5 billion to improve access to clean water, improve urban infrastructure and conserve endangered forests across Vietnam. In the country’s largest cities 30% to 40% of treated water is lost before it reaches the end user and 40% of families have no connection to a central water supply system. World construction output will return to growth this year, but the residential sector looks sluggish. lobal Construction output will grow +3.0% this year according to IHS Global Insight, underlining the industry’s recovery. The economic forecasting company said this compares to a decline of -0.1% last year. In terms of individual sectors, non-residential construction will lead the way with a +4.3% increase in activity, and among the most attractive subsector will be construction linked to the communications industry. The infrastructure sector is also expected to have a good year, with +3.7% growth forecast. Energy infrastructure is expected to see the strongest rise, at +4.8% growth. In contrast, the global residential construction market looks sluggish, with IHS Global Insight expecting to see just a +1.2% rise in output this year. According to the company it will take until 2015 for this segment to regain the peak level of US$ 2.5 trillion seen in 2006. In contrast, the overall construction market is expected to be back at the pre-crash high of US$ 6.0 trillion next year. Developing Asia and South America are expected to see the strongest growth next year, some way ahead of other developing markets such as the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. Western Europe is expected to see its construction market return to growth this year, although it will expand by only a fraction of a percent, while North America will see another decline, driven by continued weakness in the residential market. It is this continued poor performance in the North American house building sector that is slowing the overall global residential segment. ■ For more information visit www.ihs.com G WORLD Enforcement criticism Anti-corruption organisation TI said there was little or no antiTransparency International (TI) has criticised the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries for poor enforcement of their own anti-bribery convention, which was adopted in 2009. A report by TI shows that out of the 37 rich nations that make up the OECD group, only seven have active anti-bribery enforcement in place - Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, Switzerland, the UK and US. However, this relatively small group of countries represents 30% of world trade according to TI. “Only where there is active enforcement is there sufficient deterrence against foreign bribery. The collective commitment to stamp out foreign bribery made by all OECD parties is undermined when a large number of countries have inadequate enforcement,” said TI chair Hugette Labelle. bribery enforcement in place in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, South Africa and Turkey. TI is urging laggard governments to put timetabled plans in place to strengthen their enforcement measures. It has also suggested that a list of these countries should be published by the OECD’s working group on bribery, so private companies will be aware they need to take extra care and perform additional due dilligence when doing business in these areas. According to TI, bribery can account for as much as 25% of government procurement costs. The World Bank puts the cost of corruption at US$ 1 trillion per year. US Cut-backs claim jobs Construction employment fell in 179 out of 337 (53%) of US metropolitan areas in April, compared to the position a year ago, according to analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC). Employment increased in 114 areas (34%) and was static in 44 (13%). The AGC said the fall in employment was due to public sector cutbacks. “At a time when private sector construction activity appears to be on the mend, local, state and federal funding cuts for infrastructure projects may be forcing layoffs in many metro areas,“ said AGC chief economist Ken Simonson. The largest job losses in absolute terms were in New York City, where 9800 jobs (-9%) were lost in the year, followed by Las Vegas (7500 jobs/-16%) and Atlanta (7300 jobs/-8%). In percentage terms, the biggest loser was the Steubenville-Weirton area in Ohio, where construction employment fell -25%, equating to 500 jobs. However, 7400 jobs were added in Dallas, a +7% increase, and other metro areas in Texas also performed well. Forth Worth added 2900 jobs – +5% – and the Beaumont-Port Arthur area added 2300, or +13%. According to the AGC, the US private non-residential market is stabilising, and in the residential sector, multi-family projects are on the up, but these are being offset by falls in public construction. 6 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 News.indd 6 03/06/2011 14:04:29 WORLD NEWS DIARY DATES 2011 IRE 2011 International Rental Exhibition 7 – 9 June, 2011 Amsterdam, The Netherlands www.ireshow.com APEX 2011 International Access Platform Exhibition 14 – 16 September, 2011 Maastricht, The Netherlands www.apexshow.com BICES 2011 INDIA Ambitious target The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has set a target to award construction contracts for 7300 km of roads in the April 2011 - 2012 financial year. It says it will put some 10000 km out to tender to help ensure the award target is met. Last year the NHAI awarded a record 5083 km of work, so this target represents a +44% increase in activity. The NHAI has also produced more detailed monthly targets of what it hopes to achieve, and these detail some 59 individual schemes, with a total length of 7994 km and a total value of INR 56939 crores (US$ 12.7 billion). According to these monthly targets, the busiest period for awards will be the summer months, with the July to November period expected to see 41 schemes awarded, totalling 5832 km and worth some INR 34754 crore (US$ 7.8 billion). The NHAI is also looking towards the private sector to fund these schemes by way of concession agreements. It says about 75% of the work it expects to award in the current financial year is suitable for build-operate-transfer (BOT) agreements. The remaining 2000 km is either viewed as not financially viable for BOT, or is the responsibility of state governments, and is therefore outside of the NHAI’s direct control. CHINA Construction has started on the Foster + Partners’-designed headquarters tower for CITIC Bank in Hangzhou, China. The striking 100 m high tower will feature a 30 m high, 72 m wide canopy at its base, and a central atrium rising up through the all 20 of the building’s storeys. Upper levels will feature gardens and a VIP club in addition to meeting rooms. The tower will be naturally ventilated for part of the year, and will feature water recycling systems. Local construction materials will be used where possible. RUSSIA EUROPE Recovery time Russia’s construction Monthly rise Construction output in the industry contracted just -0.6% last year, following 2009’s -13.2% fall, thanks to increased residential work. A return to growth is expected this year. Economic forecaster PMR said the wildfires that ravaged parts of Russia in the summer of 2010 had fuelled demand for housing, and 2200 new homes had been built over two-month period in 2010 for the victims of the disaster. In addition to housing, more than 200 km of roads and 100 km of gas pipelines were also needed. The construction sector also received a boost from the decision to award the 2018 FIFA World Cup to Russia, which will require stadiums, airports, road and rail connections to be either built or modernised in the coming years. In addition, PMR said civil engineering projects related to the 2012 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Vladivostok and the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi have also been major drivers of construction activity, with many of these projects now nearing completion. 27-country European Union (EU27) increased +1.9% in March compared to the previous month. However, figures from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, show output was still -4.9% lower than a year ago. The highest month-on-month increases were seen in the UK (+15.8%), Germany (+6.2%) and Slovakia (+5.6%), and the largest decreases in Slovenia (-7.4%), Portugal (-5.1%) and Bulgaria (-3.1%). Across the EU27, building construction was up +1.0%, while civil engineering rose +2.1% in March compared to February. In terms of the annual change in output, the biggest rises were seen in Poland (+23.5%), Germany (+16.2%) and Sweden (+6.2%), while the biggest falls were in Spain (-38.0%), Slovenia (-30.8%) and Bulgaria (-19.1%). The annual comparison showed building construction across the EU27 was -6.5% lower in March than a year ago, while civil engineering was up +3.9%. Civil engineering was the only segment where growth in the 17 country Euro-area beat that of the EU27. 18 – 21 October, 2011 Beijing, China www.e-bices.org EXCON 23 – 27 November, 2011 Bangalore, India www.excon.in 2012 World of Concrete January 24 – 27, 2012 Seminars January 23 – 27 Las Vegas Convention Centre Las Vegas, Nevada, USA www.worldofconcrete.com Intermat 2012 April 16 – 21, 2012 Paris, France www.intermat.fr 2013 Bauma 2013 15 – 21 April, 2013 Munich, Germany www.bauma.de 2014 Samoter 2014 5 – 9 March, 2014 Verona, Italy www.samoter.com ConExpo-Con/Agg 2014 18 – 22 March, 2014 Las Vegas, USA www.conexpoconagg.com june 2011 internationalconstruction 7 ICON 06 2011 News.indd 7 03/06/2011 14:04:38 WORLD NEWS POLAND GLOBAL INDONESIA Growth to slow Poland’s construction output will Disputes rise Pumped storage The World Bank has approved a grow by +11% this year, although growth there is predicted to be slowdown over 2012 and 2013, according to a report by research company PMR. Growth this year will be driven by large civil engineering projects, some of which are linked to the 2012 European Football Championship. In a survey of the 200 largest construction companies, road construction was named by 59% of respondents as the most attractive sector of the industry over the next two years. This strong response was expected, but was much lower than March 2011 (76%) and September 2010 (81%). Capital expenditure on water supply and sewage infrastructure, and on railway construction projects will also drive growth. CHINA High-speed stop The Chinese government has ordered a halt to construction work on the Tianjin to Qinhuangdao high-speed rail link due to the failure to comply with environmental inspections. The order follows the closing of a completed line between Qingdao and Jinan due to its lack of environmental evaluation and approval. These cessation orders have been interpreted by some as a signal that the government plans to scaleback its ambitious high-speed rail construction project. From just 1500 km of high-speed track at the end of 2008, the government has previously said it wanted to have 13000 km complete by the end of next year. A further blow to the project was the dismissal of Liu Zhijun, the secretary general of China’s Ministry of Railways in February, on suspicion that he had taken more than US$ 100 million in bribes and kick-backs. Average value is US$ 35.1 million. Resolution takes more than 9 months. onsultant EC Harris said it saw a rise in the global number of construction disputes around the world in 2010, compared to 2009. Data from the company’s Contract Solutions division showed that the average value of disputes it handled was US$ 35.1 million, and disputes took more than nine months on average to resolve. EC Harris said the biggest cause of disputes was a failure to properly administer contracts. This was followed by ambiguities in the contract document, failures to make interim awards on time extensions and monetary relief, unrealistic risk transfer from clients to contractors and changes imposed by the client or employer. Disputes took the longest to resolve in Asia, with an average length of 11.4 months. This was followed by Europe (10 months), North America (9 months) and the Middle East (8.25 months). As well as being the longest to resolve, Asian disputes were the highest value, at an average of US$ 64.5 million. The region was followed by the Middle East (US$ 56.3 million), Europe (US$ 33.3 million) and North America (US$ 17.5 million). The largest dispute EC Harris handled in 2010 was worth US$ 200 million, and this was in Asia. Joint ventures were also cited as a source of difficulty. EC Harris found that where a joint venture was in place, differences within the joint venture were likely to drive a dispute on 31% of occasions. This phenomenon was particularly marked in the Middle East, where joint venture-related issues led to disputes in 50% of occasions. C ALBANIA Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), Martha Schwartz Landscape, Buro Happold, Speirs & Major, Lutzenberger & Lutzenberger, and Global Cultural Asset Management have won the competition to design a new 27000 m2 Islamic cultural complex in Tirana, Albania. The centre’s mosque will be able to accommodate up to 1000 people performing their daily prayers, with courtyards and public spaces, taking this up to 5000 on Fridays and up to 10000 on special holy days. The facade takes its inspiration from Islamic mashrabiya screens, which provide shading and privacy while still allowing views out. The light qualities of the mosque will change throughout the day as the light washes across the curved facades. The design also includes The Quran Gardens containing all of the plants mentioned in the Quran in the same amount as the number of times they appear in the Islamic holy scriptures. US$ 640 million loan towards the US$ 800 million Upper Cisokan Pumped Storage Hydropower project near Bandung in West Java, Indonesia. The project will be run by Indonesian state-owned electricity company PLN. The scheme is designed to help meet peak electricity demand by transferring water from an upper to a lower reservoir via a set of turbines. The water is pumped back to the higher reservoir at off-peak times. The facility will have a 1 GW generation capacity. World Bank senior energy specialist Leiping Wang said, “Pumped storage is the only form of technology that allows you to efficiently store large amounts of energy and quickly respond to peak electrical demand. The Upper Cisokan project will make Indonesia one of very few developing countries to have such a power plant.” In a separate development, the World Bank has also announced a US$ 250 million loan for the Western Indonesia National Roads Improvement Project. The project, which is managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works, aims to improve approximately 716 km of national roads in Western Sumatra. CHILE New metro lines Construction of Lines 3 and 6 of the Santiago, Chile metro system is due to begin next year. President Sebastián Piñera announced the projects in his annual state of the union address. The projects comprise 37 km of track and will connect five districts to the metro network. Line 3 will run through the centre of Santiago, linking northern and southern areas, and has an estimated cost of US$ 400 million. Line 6 will connect the districts of Cerrillos and Vitacura. The metro will also feature free Wi-Fi Internet access. 8 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 News.indd 8 03/06/2011 14:04:47 Innovation Productivity Robustness As the inventor of the fiÃäË iäÚiËÀäväË iävÀÃË rst hydraulic concrete breaker in 1964, thei>iÀä Ý`À>ÔVäVVÀ iËiäLÀ French manufacturer £È{]äË iäÀ iV Montabert continues to >Ôv>VËÔÀiÀäË>LiÀË focus on research and VËÔiÃäËävVÔÃä innovation to create high ÀiÃi>ÀV ä>`äÚ>ËäË performance tools with VÀi>Ëiä } ä«iÀvÀ>Vi unmatched reliability. ËÃäÛË äÔ>ËV i` From hydraulic breakers Ài>LËÝ° Àä Ý`À>ÔVäLÀ i>iÀÃä>` and drifters to demolition `ÀvËiÀÃäËä`iËä>` and recycling attachments, ÀiVÝV}ä>ËË>V iËÃ] Montabert products deliver Ë>LiÀËä«À `ÔVËÃä`iÚiÀ the very highest quality, Ë iäÚiÀÝä } iÃËäµÔ>ËÝ providing the most ] «ÀÚ`}äË iäÃËä cost-effective solutions for VÃËivviVËÚiäÃÔËÃävÀ all your applications. >äÝÔÀä>««V>Ëð We are dedicated to 7iä>Àiä`i`V>Ëi`äË accelerating your success >VViiÀ>Ë}äÝÔÀäÃÔVViÃð [email protected] www.montabert.com montabert.indd 1 6/6/2011 11:25:38 AM Untitled-3 2 6/6/2011 11:46:25 AM Untitled-3 3 6/6/2011 11:46:41 AM BUSINESS NEWS BUSINESS HIGHLIGHTS US US JAPAN Hitachi Construction Machinery said late May saw it return to full production capacity for the first time since the March 11 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Five plants, all based in Ibaraki prefecture, were affected by the disaster. At the height of disruption, output fell to 60% of capacity. Lafarge to sell some US businesses Emcor acquires GERMANY Hochtief reported a first quarter net loss of € 170 million (US$ 242 million) compared to net profit of € 34 million (US$ 49 million) in Q1 2010, blaming poor results at its Australian subsidiary Leighton. A statement from Leighton said it expects a net loss of AU$ 427 million (US$ 448 million) for the 2010/11 financial year after writing-back earnings on two major projects and also suffering impairments on its business in the Middle East. SWEDEN Skanska reported a SEK 485 million (US$ 77 million) drop in first quarter net income yearon-year to SEK 451 million (US$ 72 million). Revenues for the period declined -4% to SEK 24.8 billion (US$ 3.9 billion). It said seasonally lower earnings in its construction division had impacted overall results. GERMANY Heidelberg Cement reported a +19% increase in first quarter revenues to € 2.6 billion (US$ 3.7 billion) as a mild winter and a stronger than expected economic recovery in Europe and Asia boosted demand. Cementos Argos will pay US$ 750 million for facilities in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina. afarge has agreed to sell parts of its cement and concrete business in the US to Colombian cement maker Cementos Argos for US$ 750 million. Argos is said to be the fifth largest cement and ready-mixed concrete producer in Latin America. The assets being sold include cement plants in Harleyville, South Carolina and Roberta, Alabama along with a cement grinding plant in Atlanta, Georgia and associated cement terminals. Lafarge is also selling its readymixed concrete businesses in these areas of the US. Last year these businesses had revenues of US$ 240 million. Following the divestments, Lafarge will still have 21 cement and grinding plants in the US with a total capacity of some 19 million tonnes. Lafarge chairman & CEO Bruno Lafont said, “North America is an essential pillar for the group, where we have the ambition to be the undisputed leader in the building materials industry. This transaction creates value for our shareholders while maintaining a strong network of operations for future growth in North America.” Argos is said by Lafarge to be the fifth largest cement producer in Latin America, with presences in Colombia and the Caribbean, as well as the US. L CANADA Libyan impact for SNC Lavalin Canadian contractor SNC Lavalin reported net operating income of CA$ 77 million (US$ 79.5 million), down from CA$ 87 million (US$ 89.9 million) during the first three months of 2010. Revenues for the first quarter of 2011 increased +25.1% to CA$ 1.6 billion (US$ 1.7 billion) and the company’s backlog rose to CA$ 9.4 billion (US$ 9.7 billion) at the end of March, compared to CA$ 8.6 billion (US$ 8.9 billion) 12 months previously. This was despite the company removing Libyan projects from the backlog figure. These include the CA$ 450 million (US$ 441 million) contract awarded in October to develop the Al Kufra Wellfield system. Exchange rates: May 2011 Mechanical & electrical contractor Emcor has agreed to acquire North American facilities maintenance company USM from Transfield Services in a US$ 255 million allcash transaction. USM is headquartered in Norristown, Pennsylvania, US and has annual revenues of US$ 375 million. The company provides a range of facilities maintenance services including electrical, mechanical and plumbing work to some 150 customers, each of which have more than 100 sites themselves. This means USM is active through a network of 11000 service partners on over 75000 sites across the US and Canada. INDIA L&T growth Larsen & Toubro enjoyed a +19% rise in revenues from its Engineering & Construction division in the financial year ending March 31, 2011. At INR 37550 crore (US$ 8.4 billion), the company was by far the largest contractor in India last year. It added that its operating margin for the year was 13.7%. As well as rising revenues, the company enjoyed an even steeper growth in orders. In the final quarter of the year alone it booked INR 28536 crore (US$ 6.3 billion) of work, and over the year as a whole, it won jobs worth INR 73013 crore (US$ 16.2 billion) – a +14% increase on 2010. US VALUE OF 1: SYMBOL Australian Dollar AU$ Brazilian Real BRL British Pound UK£ Chinese Yuan CNY Euro € Indian Rupee INR Japanese Yen YEN Mexican Peso MXN Russian Ruble RUR Saudi Riyal SAR South African Rand ZAR South Korean Won KRW Swiss Franc CHF US Dollar US$ For example US$ 1 = AU$ 0.94 AU$ 1.72 1.53 0.145 1.33 0.021 0.011 0.080 0.033 0.251 0.135 0.0009 1.08 0.94 BRL 0.58 2.64 0.250 2.29 0.036 0.020 0.138 0.057 0.432 0.232 0.0015 1.86 1.62 UK£ 0.652 0.378 0.094 0.87 0.014 0.007 0.052 0.022 0.163 0.088 0.0006 0.70 0.613 CNY 6.90 4.01 10.6 9.19 0.143 0.079 0.555 0.230 1.731 0.930 0.0060 7.45 6.49 € 0.751 0.436 1.15 0.109 0.016 0.009 0.060 0.025 0.188 0.101 0.0006 0.81 0.706 INR 48.2 28.0 73.9 6.98 64.2 0.554 3.87 1.61 12.080 6.490 0.0416 52.01 45.3 YEN 87 50.5 133 12.6 116 1.8 6.99 2.90 21.813 11.719 0.0751 93.92 81.8 MXN RUR SAR 12.45 30.0 3.99 7.22 17.4 2.31 19.1 46.0 6.12 1.80 4.35 0.578 16.6 39.9 5.31 0.258 0.623 0.0828 0.1430 0.345 0.0458 2.41 0.321 0.415 0.133 3.120 7.520 1.676 4.040 0.537 0.0107 0.0259 0.0034 13.43 32.38 4.31 11.7 28.2 3.75 ZAR 7.43 4.31 11.4 1.076 9.89 0.154 0.0853 0.597 0.248 1.86 0.0064 8.01 6.98 KRW CHF US$ 1159 0.927 1.064 672 0.538 0.617 1777 1.42 1.63 168 0.134 0.154 1542 1.23 1.42 24.0 0.0192 0.0221 13.3 0.0106 0.0122 93 0.074 0.0855 38.6 0.0309 0.0355 290 0.232 0.267 156 0.125 0.143 0.00080 0.0009 1250 1.148 1089 0.871 Amec-Mactec Engineering consultant Amec has agreed to acquire Mactec, an engineering and environmental services company headquartered in Georgia, US. The deal is valued at US$ 280 million, and is expected to close by the end of June, subject to regulatory approval. Mactec has 2600 employees and 70 offices which are mainly in the eastern part of the US. The company provides a similar wide range of services to Amec’s existing Earth & Environmental (E&E) business. 12 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Business News.indd 12 03/06/2011 14:05:14 Experience the Progress. Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH P.O. Box 10, A-6710 Nenzing Tel.: +43 50809 41-473 E-mail: [email protected] www.liebherr.com Untitled-1 1 The Group 6/6/2011 9:58:04 AM KHL.COM INSIDE KHL.COM CONSTRUCTION www.khl.com/sector/construction/ News from the Construction Sector CRANES & LIFTING Conference success www.khl.com/sector/cranes/ News from the Cranes Sector DEMOLITION www.khl.com/sector/demolition/ News from the Demolition Sector ACCESS www.khl.com/sector/access/ News from the Access Sector RENTAL www.khl.com/sector/rental/ News from the Rental Sector HEAVY TRANSPORT www.khl.com/sector/heavy-transport/ News from the Heavy Transport Sector NEWS www.khl.com/news/ Breaking news BUSINESS & FINANCE ★UPDATED www.khl.com/business-and-finance/ Breaking business and finance news EQUIPMENT NEWS ★NEW www.khl.com/equipment-news/ New equipment launches PROJECT NEWS ★NEW www.khl.com/project-news/ The latest projects from around the world FEATURES ★NEW www.khl.com/features/ Find the latest features from all KHL Group’s magazines CE BAROMETER www.khl.com/ce-barometer/ Construction Europe’s unique gauge of business confidence E-NEWSLETTER www.khl.com/enewsletter/ Subscribe to KHL.com’s e-newsletters Magazine podcasts Audio downloads launched to accompany International Construction. nternational Construction has launched a series of audio ‘podcasts’ to accompany each new edition of the magazine. The podcasts can either be downloaded through to be listened to any time on an iPod or mp3 player, or accessed directly via khl.com. Each monthly podcast will look in depth at some of the highlights from the latest issue of the magazine. This month International Construction’s editor, Chris Sleight, and deputy editor, Helen Wright, discuss lead news stories, including IHS Global Insight’s latest forecasts for world construction growth. Also up for discussion are some of this month’s features topics, including our regional report on Asia-Pacific and our focus on excavators. The podcast is on the KHL website where it can be listened to online, or it can be downloaded from iTunes. The podcast can be located by searching for the khl.com page in Apple’s iTunes Store. A selection of videos are also available for download from the iTunes Store, as well as online at khl.com ■ www.khl.com/videozone I More than 150 leading tower crane experts gathered in London for the launch of International Tower Cranes (ITC) 2011 – the first-ever global tower crane conference and networking dinner. The conference was developed as a high-level information and social event for leaders and senior managers of tower crane users, their suppliers and manufacturers. Presentations focused on best practice worldwide, safety and the development of common international standards, regulations and work practices. Further events for the tower crane sector are planned for the future. For more information, visit the ITC section of khl.com ■ www.khl.com/itc USED CRANES www.khl-group.com/khlcranemarket/ KHL.com’s on-line crane market DIRECTORIES www.khl.com/directories/ Download or buy one of KHL’s unique Directories EXHIBITIONS ★UPDATED www.khl.com/exhibitions/ KHL.com’s global exhibition diary ASSOCIATIONS www.khl.com/associations/ KHL.com’s global associations database SUBSCRIBE www.khl.com/subscriptions/ Subscribe to any or all of KHL Group’s international construction magazines NEWS FEEDS ★NEW www.khl.com/feeds/ Subscribe to one of 17 RSS feeds iC joins Facebook sers of social networking site Facebook can now find all KHL Group magazines there as they all have Facebook pages. It is yet another way of keeping up with the latest news, while offering a chance to share and comment with others in the industry. The International Construction Facebook page can be located by searching for “International Construction” on Facebook, from where other KHL Group magazine pages can be found. U ■ www.facebook.com/ InternationalConstruction Downloads The latest issues of all KHL Group magazines can be downloaded from the website for free. This gives readers the convenience of downloading it to their computer, and is also fully searchable as well as being easy to read. To download International Construction, for example, readers can go to the iC page on the khl.com website and with one click, the download process can be started. There is also an archive so readers can download previous issues as well as the latest edition. ■ www.khl.com 14 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 khl.indd 14 03/06/2011 14:05:53 Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 9:58:51 AM The modular plant The optimized asphalt production Maximum flexibility in the use of RAP • Into the mixer • Via recycling ring • Combined (mixer + recycling ring) • Parallel drum Recycling 100% cold RAP Ready to produce low-energy asphalts TOP TOWER 3000 output: 180-200 t/h TOP TOWER 4000 output: 220-280 t/h FAYAT MIXING PLANTS 016ICON.indd 1 TOP TOWER MARINI S.p.A - Via Roma, 50 - 48011 Alfonsine - Ravenna - Italia Tel: +39 0544 88111 - Fax: +39 0544 81341 [email protected] - www.marini.fayat.com 6/6/2011 11:49:12 AM ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Return of the tigers Return of the tigers Investment in residential, non-residential and infrastructure projects, combined with reconstruction work in Japan will cement the Asia-Pacific region’s place as the fastest growing construction market in the world. Scott Hazelton reports. the biggest story is in Japan, where earthquake reconstruction will turn the world’s third largest construction market from the region’s laggard into one of the growth leaders. The immediate aftermath of the natural disaster and electricity shortages of course caused economic difficulties, and the Japanese economy will probably contract at about a -5% to -6% in the second quarter of the year, after a small drop in the first quarter. However, assuming that reconstruction efforts get under way in the summer, the annualised GDP growth rate in the second half of 2011 could be +7% to +8%, before gradually settling to the pre-earthquake baseline of +1.5% to +2%. Uncertainty remains around the extent and duration of the power generation shortfall as the impact of even limited electricity disruptions for some industries and their global supply chains could be very large. Reduced activity in the first half of the year with a focus on rescue and recovery implies that even robust building in the second half of the year will hold overall construction growth in the +3% range. However, growth is forecast to rocket to +8% in 2012 and another +4% in 2013 as the bulk of rebuilding occurs in these two years. China turned in another impressive year in sian economies are poised for further growth in 2011, following a better than expected year in 2010. Asia as a whole experienced a near-record expansion in 2010, with growth of +7.0% and IHS Global Insight expects a further +5.4% increase in economic activity this year, driven by investment, and to a lesser extent, private consumption. Much of the fiscal stimulus in Asia during the global recession targeted infrastructure development, and residual effects from these projects will continue to support the construction sector in 2011. But there is still a tremendous need for infrastructure upgrades and expansion in many countries in Southeast Asia. With capital markets in much better shape, financing such plans will become easier. The key concern is that there may be capacity constraints in certain countries and industries, following sharp rises in utilisation rates last year. Although this could be a brake on growth, the need to invest in more capacity will be a plus for the construction industry. A Japanese reconstruction Economic growth across the region will drive the construction sector, and in this respect, Growth prospects for key Asian construction markets 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% -2% -4% Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan 2010 Korea 2011 Malaysia Singapore Thailand 2012 2013 Taiwan Vietnam 2010, and contrary to expectations, shows no sign of abating in 2011. Indeed, it now appears that growth could even accelerate slightly, and 2012 and 2013 also look very strong, although growth will slow. While the residential market, and to some extent the commercial market, attract attention due to concerns over an asset pricing bubble, this remains a concern mostly within the larger metropolitan areas and at the higher end of the pricing spectrum. Most residential construction in the forecast arises from affordable housing as the government continues to encourage migration from rural areas to cities, although they are the second tier interior cities, rather than those in the coastal region. Infrastructure spending remains more significant in China. Urbanisation will drive transportation, water and sewage infrastructure, while the next Five Year Plan aims to connect lesser developed provinces and other areas, such as Tibet, into the broad national economy. This requires massive investments in road, rail and power infrastructure. Foreign investment India’s construction market outperformed China in 2010 in terms of growth, although in absolute terms it is only a fraction of the size of the Chinese market. Growth will continue thanks to heavy investment in power and transportation projects, and India is also seeing strong investment in the private sector. While the government deficit is large, foreign direct investment is pouring in to the country and financing projects is not proving to be a problem, even with credit markets remaining tight. Indonesia and Vietnam are the other fast growing construction markets in Asia, although growth in Indonesia is expected to slow, while Vietnam will see an acceleration. However, Vietnam has yet to develop the national consensus of India and China in long term planning, so while growth is strong, the market remains small and the projects fragmented. Australia has been plagued by natural disasters in recent months that will hold back growth in 2011, even with strong commodity prices that tend to boost this economy. As the country recovers from such impediments as flooding in its coal region, and commodity prices remain > june 2011 internationalconstruction 17 ICON 06 2011 Economic Outlook.indd 17 03/06/2011 14:06:37 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Return of the tigers About Global Insight Construction growth by sector this year 16% Recognised as the most consistently accurate forecasting company in the world, IHS Global Insight has over 3800 clients in industry, finance, and government with revenues in excess of US$ 80 million, 600 employees, and 23 offices in 13 countries covering North and South America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. ■ For more information on matters discussed in this article or Global Insights’ services, visit www.globalinsight.com or contact Scott Hazelton in the US on +1 781 301 9044 or at [email protected] 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Australia China Hong Kong Indonesia Residential elevated with global economic recovery, the need to get more materials into production will lead to a construction rebound. Infrastructure spending will dominate growth potential through 2012 for the region, partly due to the outsized influence of China. In the near term, this is a reflection of the lingering effects of stimulus spending, but the effect of planned national development schemes are growing, and will be a future driver. Residential construction activity will improve across the region with time. In the case of Australia, and to some extent South Korea, this represents a cyclical recovery from what is likely to be a down year in 2011. In Japan meanwhile, there will be an acceleration in the residential market due to post-earthquake rebuilding. The new dimension in the Compact Excavator-Class. Japan Korea Nonresidential Structures Non-residential structures will see a broad recovery in most markets. Japan will need to rebuild or substantially repair hundreds of manufacturing facilities, as well as institutional structures. In the export-led markets of the region, economic improvement in the U.S. and Europe will improve industrial production once again and require expansion, although concerns of overcapacity in some manufacturing sectors is justified. Indeed, China will pull back investment in some inefficient industries to focus on newer, higher value sectors such as pharmaceuticals. Growth in commercial structures (office, retail, hotels) will also help as the region’s economies Malaysia Thailand Taiwan Vietnam Infrastructure endeavour to move away from dependence on exports, and increasetheir own domestic consumption. Resilience Asia is increasingly proving fears of a pronounced slowdown to be unfounded. While concerns over asset bubbles and access to financing remain, the region is proving quite resilient. Reconstruction in Japan will only add fuel to what is the world’s fastest growing construction market. But while growth will have to slow in the medium to long term, the risks to the forecast seem to be transitioning to opportunity. iC 14504 More infos: 00 800 44 11 44 22 for free in Europe Contact: [email protected] www.wackerneuson.com /14504 18 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Economic Outlook.indd 18 03/06/2011 14:06:49 Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:00:20 AM 06/2010 en Build on formwork expertise Load-bearing tower Staxo 40 The economical shoring system for building construction Safe. Fast. Efficient. o highly cost-effective with optimised load-bearing capability o ergonomic frame geometry for easy handling and fast working o safe erection and dismantling with working platforms at any level www.doka.com Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:02:14 AM REGIONAL REPORT: ASIA PACIFIC Bouncing back Bouncing back The Asia Pacific region has rebounded from the global recession and is set to consolidate these gains in the coming years with increased investment in infrastructure. Helen Wright reports any of the economies in the Asia Pacific saw GDP surge back to growth in 2010 after being hit hard by the global recession in 2009. The region’s construction sector also has momentum and looks set to benefit from increased investments in infrastructure and housing projects in 2011 and beyond. Central to growth in the region as a whole are the financial hubs of Singapore and Hong Kong, which are amplifying interregional relationships and are themselves increasingly dependent on the successes of Asian partners as trading expands. Singapore’s construction sector has benefited from increasing private sector investment. Last year alone, construction contracts awarded to private-sector companies doubled in value to US$ 14 billion as house prices rose and demand for commercial and industrial buildings increased in line with the economic recovery. This high private sector investment came despite the fact that growth in the construction sector as a whole slowed to 6.1% in 2010 from 17% in 2009 – a decline that the Asian Development Bank (ADB) said was down to the fact that some major public projects were completed in the last two years. M 17 Liebherr Crawler cranes and an LR1280 lattice boom crawler are being used on Hong Kong’s Central Reclamation Phase 3 Project – constructing more than 2600 m of 1.20 m thick diaphragm walls and barrettes (special, bored piles) over a distance of 900 m. Similarly, large-scale projects are also having an impact on Hong Kong’s construction sector. Major public infrastructure projects begun in the past two years, including the Guangzhou– Shenzhen–Hong Kong express rail link and the Hong Kong– Zhuhai–Macao Bridge, will continue contributing to growth in the coming two years. Indeed, Hong Kong’s 2011 budget has increased by nearly +25%, with spending on capital works to hit US$ 7.5 billion this year. And construction opportunities also abound in some of the smaller economies in the Asia Pacific region. In Vietnam, for example, strong public infrastructure investment pushed overall construction growth up by +10.1% last year. Loans from the ADB and other development organisations are also helping to drive infrastructure projects forward in Vietnam. In March, for example, the ADB loaned the Vietnamese government US$ 293 million to support a US$ 1 billion metro rail project in the capital, Ha Noi, while the ADB is also providing US$ 1 billion towards a US$ 2.8 billion programme in provide piped water to 3 million households. Natural resources Other smaller economies in the region are exploring the development of their lucrative natural resources. Papua New Guinea is a case in point, where the start of a US$ 15 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) project last year has heralded a surge in imports of construction equipment and helped offset a -4.1% decrease in government expenditure in 2010 (see box story for full details). Meanwhile construction activity rose by +10.5% in the Philippines in 2010, driven by strong demand for new buildings from the business process outsourcing subsector. And while the 2011 budget reduces infrastructure spending, the sector is expected to stay buoyant due to interest from the private sector. Five initial infrastructure projects, including construction of > > june 2011 internationalconstruction 21 ICON 062011 Regional Report.indd 21 03/06/2011 14:08:43 REGIONAL REPORT: ASIA PACIFIC Bouncing back LNG in Papua New Guinea Volvo machines put to work on US$ 15 billion development US$ 15 billion project to develop the untapped gas and liquid hydrocarbon resources in the southern highlands and western provinces of Papua New Guinea is boosting the country’s economy. The 15-year Papua New Guinea Liquid Natural Gas project (PNG LNG) began last year and involves the construction of an LNG plant, an airport, offshore and onshore pipelines and transport to the areas via an airport and several roads. Volvo has supplied 125 machines for use on the PNG LNG including articulated haulers, crawler excavators, wheeled loaders and motor graders. The company said the deal represented a “major breakthrough” for its construction equipment unit in the oil and gas sector. The ADB estimated that the construction of the plant will boost Papua New Guinea’s GDP growth up to 8.5% in 2011, from 7.1% in 2010, but the figure is forecast to ease to around 6.5% in 2012 when construction starts to taper off. The first LNG deliveries are scheduled to begin in 2014. A expressways and the privatisation of light railway operations in Manila, are to be put out to tender by mid-year under public– private partnership (PPP) arrangements. Assuming that good progress is made starting such projects, the ADB forecasts that GDP in the Philippines will grow +5% in 2011 and +5.3% in 2012. In Thailand, 2010’s GDP growth of +7.8% would have been much harder to achieve without heavy government spending under the country’s THB 1.4 trillion (US$ 46.7 billion) three-year Thai Khem Khaeng (make Thailand strong) stimulus programme. Introduced in 2009 to support Thailand’s recovery amid the global recession, spending under the programme contributed 2.3 percentage points to GDP expansion in 2010. Funds are being allocated to a number of infrastructure projects including expanding highways, housing projects, improvements to the water network and high-speed train system linking Bangkok and Rayong. Thailand has strong trade ties with Indonesia, where the government has budgeted for a +30% rise in capital expenditure in 2011 aimed at addressing infrastructure bottlenecks – a persistent problem that contributed to the country’s 7% inflation in December 2010. However, the ADB described Indonesia as suffering from a “chronic weakness” in implementing capital works programs, meaning that the budgeted amount is unlikely to be fully drawn. To address this issue, the government is simplifying budget execution procedures and strengthening procurement capacity in the spending agencies. Malaysia, meanwhile, has made good progress with infrastructure projects and has also seen construction activity rise on the back of increased demand for residential buildings and expansion in office space.Last year, the country’s construction sector grew by +5.2%, while GDP rebounded to +7.2% in 2010, from a contraction of -1.7% in 2009. The economies of the Asia Pacific region have proved resilient in the face of the global financial crisis and spending on infrastructure is a firm fixture of both public and private budgets in the coming years. While the full impact of the disaster in Japan (see box story) must be monitored closely, it is also likely to have a positive impact on construction activity in terms of the effort to rebuild. iC February saw construction start on Bangkok’s new central embassy. Developed by Central Retail Corporation, the 37-storey, 140000 m2 building was designed by Amanda Levete Architects and is scheduled to be completed in 2013. 22 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 062011 Regional Report.indd 22 03/06/2011 14:08:55 REGIONAL REPORT: ASIA PACIFIC Bouncing back Impact of Japan disaster Reconstruction will strain debt-laden economy hile the full economic impact of the Richter-scale 9.0 earthquake and ensuing tsunami that devastated the Tohoku region of Japan on 11 March will not be clear for many years, the short-term effects are already being felt. How the disaster will affect 2011 GDP growth is hard to quantify since it is still unfolding, but according to the Asian Development Bank, the affected region accounts for around 6% of Japan’s GDP and the role of Japanese companies in global manufacturing networks means that some supply-chain disruptions have already occurred. The ADB said estimates of the total cost of the damage range between US$ 150 billion and US$ 200b billion – representing between 3% and 4% of Japan’s GDP. This huge cost comes at a time when Japan’s net public debt is over 120% of GDP, and while the construction sector will be boosted by the rebuilding efforts, the cost could restrain future economic growth in Japan in the medium term. W Construction of Hong Kong’s new 76000 m2 Kai Tak Cruise Terminal began in April. Contractor Dragages Hong Kong, part of Bouygues, is constructing the 76000 m2 project, which will be 40 m high and 13 m deep. It has been designed by architects Foster & Partners. june 2011 internationalconstruction 23 ICON 062011 Regional Report.indd 23 03/06/2011 14:09:17 EXCAVATORS Different worlds Among the Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 machines launched by Caterpillar at ConExpo was the 20 tonne class 320E. Different worlds The global excavator market split decisively in two this year due to demanding engine exhaust emissions regulations coming into force in Europe and the US. Chris Sleight reports on what this means for equipment users and the flood of new models being launched. Volvo is using SDLG-branded excavators managed by its Chinese joint venture Lingong to target markets outs Europe and the US. The machines were launched at Bauma China. 24 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2010 Excavators.indd 24 06/06/2011 14:04:49 EXCAVATORS Different worlds isitors to construction equipment exhibitions like Samoter, Smopyc and ConExpo earlier this year would have seen the first in a new range of excavators from many of the sector’s leading players. These have been launched in response to the new US Interim Tier 4 regulations on exhaust emissions, and the equivalent European legislation, Stage IIIB. The key change from the previous laws (Tier 3/Stage IIIA) is that manufacturers have had to make a massive cut in the amount of particulate matter (PM) emissions – the visible black soot that comes out of a machine’s exhaust pipe. To achieve this, manufacturers have added to emissions reductions systems they already had in place, with aftertreatment modules into the exhaust system – devices like diesel particulate filters (DPFs) that physically trap and burn-off the soot. But the on-board technology is only part of the story. In order to work properly, engines must be fuelled with ultra low sulphur diesel (ULSD), which means around 15 parts per million (ppm) of sulphur or less. The amount of PM formed is directly linked to the fuel’s sulphur content, and if anything other than USLD is used in a Stage IIIB/ Interim Tier 4 engine, it will clog the filter, leading to an increase in backpressure on the engine and causing it to break down. Unfortunately, ULSD is not widely available for off-highway vehicles outside the US and Europe, and this means that, even if they wanted to use low emission machines, contractors and rental companies outside these regions would be ill-advised to buy an Interim Tier 4/Stage IIIB excavator. At the moment, the legislation only affects larger machines. The first wave of laws that came into force at the start of the year applied to 130 kW to 560 kW engines, which translates to V Komatsu’s first Interim Tier 4 /Stage IIIB machines include the 24 tonne class PC240, which was unveiled at March’s ConExpo show in Las Vegas, US. The EC480E is one of Volvo’s first new Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 excavators. New Holland’s new excavator line-up includes the 31.6 tonne E305C. excavators from about 25 to 100 tonnes operating weight. However, subsequent introductions over the next two years will see engines as small as 37 kW affected, which will cover anything larger than about a 5 tonne mini excavator. Two markets One of the effects of these laws is that they have divided the global excavator market in two, with highly regulated markets like Europe, Japan and the US requiring machines with low emission engines, and the rest of the world requiring less exacting technology. In fact some manufacturers say there are three markets – the highly regulated countries, the lesser regulated countries (including China) and the countries with no emission laws at all. A question that no-one is prepared to answer at the moment is what happens to Interim Tier 4/Stage IIIB machines when they are sold by their original owners after a few years. The used equipment market is an international one, particularly when it comes to popular machines like excavators. So will it affect a machine’s residual value if it cannot be sold from Europe, Japan or the US to a less regulated country, because it will break down due to poorer fuel? Some manufacturers say they have a technical solution to ‘detier’ engines and remove these sensitive aftertreatment systems, but that it is not clear how this would fit in with legislation around the world. For example, if an engine were de-tiered for a lesser regulated market, would it then have to go through a costly > june 2011 internationalconstruction 25 ICON 06 2010 Excavators.indd 25 06/06/2011 14:05:09 EXCAVATORS Different worlds re-certification procedure to prove it met the standards in this new country? Chris Rees, president of European operations at Volvo Construction Equipment said, “We have a technical solution, because we realise Stage IIIB machines could be sold outside Europe. Now we need a legislative solution to find agreement with European authorities and the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] in the US to de-tier machines. It’s a work in progress.” With Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 machines only just coming onto the market, this problem is a few years away. However, it is something to consider for buyers in Europe, Japan and the US if they have traditionally sold their used excavators outside those regions. But in terms of new machines, manufacturers have been forced into the position of building at least two different models of each machine for different markets around the world. According to Off-Highway Research, 195375 crawler excavators were sold in the major markets of China, Europe, India, Japan and the US last year – 75% of them in China. Doosan’s first Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 compliant excavator is the 30 tonne class DX300, which was on display at ConExpo. Saudi workhorses Hitachi machines prepare the ground for Riyadh financial centre fleet of seven new Hitachi Zaxis excavators, along with three new ZW wheel loaders is involved in the construction of the King Abdullah Finance Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Among the machines are two 35 tonne ZX350H-3s and three 25 tonne ZX250s, bought especially for the round-the-clock project by M/s. Afkar Najd Contracting Co. The development started in July 2010 and will see the creation of a 1.5 million m2 financial district, incorporating business premises, a grand mosque and Saudi Arabia’s new stock exchange centre including a financial training institute: The King Abdullah Financial Academy. Construction is expected to take five years. M/s Afkar Najd Contracting Co was established in 2005 and owns more than 100 machines. The company’s General Manager, Mr Naji Al-Haidry, said, “The King Abdullah Finance Centre will be the East’s first financial district to match up to the major global financial centres, so it is very important that we do a first-class job. “We purchased ten Hitachi machines, both excavators and wheel loaders, because they have an excellent reputation for reliability, fuel-efficiency and productivity, all of which were important elements for a project of this scale.” A Case’s new C series excavators offer faster cycle times and better fuel efficiency than their predecessors. What’s more, with 11450 excavators sold in India, this market edged ahead of the US as the world’s third biggest market, and looks poised to take the no. 2 spot from Japan over the next year or two. Brazilian trade association Sobratema meanwhile said some 5500 excavators were sold in the country last year, making it probably the world’s fifth largest excavator market, below the US, but well ahead of Germany. This all goes to show the importance of the various developing markets around the world. It also explains why manufacturers are putting in such effort to target these countries with machines that are designed for their specific needs. One of the more interesting approaches is from Volvo. The Swedish manufacturer has a majority stake in Chinese manufacturer Lingong, which produces excavators and other machines under the SDLG brand. Speaking at last year’s Bauma China exhibition, the thenpresident & CEO of Volvo Construction Equipment, Olof Persson, said the company will use machines manufactured by Lingong to appeal to what it describes as the “mass market”. “We have set a strategic target to be number one, two or three in the BRIC [Brazil, Russia, India, China] countries. If you look at revenues, the BRIC countries account for about half of what we achieved this year.” “Volvo is a premium international brand and SDLG is a strong Chinese brand for the mass customer market. This is not a contradiction. It is a logical way to address a very large market with different customer needs. The dual brand gives us a unique opportunity,” said Mr Persson. New machines But despite the importance of emerging markets, most major manufacturers are putting a strong emphasis on the new Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 machines they need to introduce in the US and Europe to stay in the game. These were certainly the major launches at the various industry exhibitions in these territories in the first quarter of the year. Caterpillar has been perhaps the most ambitious in its new launches, with its stand at the ConExpo featuring six new tracked excavators. Caterpillar hydraulic excavator product and application specialist Kent Pellegrini described it as, “One of the most comprehensive excavator launches for Europe and North America in Caterpillar history.” > 26 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2010 Excavators.indd 26 06/06/2011 14:05:27 One rolls over the competition. The other flattens your costs. Either way, Shantui Value is working for you. Following in the tracks of our hugely successful bulldozers, our road rollers are now among our best-performing product lines. We offer a complete line of vibratory, compactor, static and double drum rollers that roll over the competition in terms of their performance, reliability and value. Graders are a new line for us, and are picking up steam in the market thanks to their roots in Shantui’s other successful product lines. Our graders feature the latest technology in steering, transmission and blade movement. Together, these machines help our customers lower costs and pave the way for greater profits. www.shantui.com Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:08:48 AM Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:16:24 AM EXCAVATORS Different worlds The new equipment on display included a pre-production version of the 16 tonne class 316E, the 20 tonne 320E, the 36 tonne 336E, the 50 tonne class 349E, the 74 tonne 374D and the 90 tonne 390E, which will replace the 385D. The new, more efficient Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 engines have been combined with higher pressure hydraulics and a regeneration valve on the boom hydraulics to increase both performance and fuel efficiency. The 336E for example is said to burn -6% less fuel than its predecessor. Volvo’s first Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 machines are the EC380D and EC480D, which between them cover the 38 to John Deere’s G-series excavators are +8% more productive than their predecessors, according to the company. The latest addition to Hidromek’s excavator range is the 14 tonne class 140W wheeled machine, shown here at its launch at the Samoter exhibition. Sumitomo’s US subsidiary, LBX, markets excavators under the Link-Belt brand. The latest Interim Tier 4 machines are the X3 series. Congestion buster JCB 36 tonner put to work on 60 km Italian highway onstruction of the 60 km ‘Bre.Be.Mi’ six-lane highway connecting Milan, Bergamo and Brescia in northern Italy is a key part in the country’s road modernisation scheme. Due for completion in 2013, it is expected to save frustrated motorists some 6.8 million traffic hours per year. The project has been split into several different working zones and in one of them, in the Chiari area, near Brescia, there are currently around 10 JCB machines working, including JCB excavators which are involved in the initial earthmoving contract needed to turn the project into reality. Among the machines is a JCB JS360 NLC tracked excavator which is being used to help dig the miles of trenches needed for the project. Working alongside it are JS290 tracked excavators and JCB 8045 and 8052 midi excavators. Weighing in at 36.5 tonnes, the JS360 features AMS (Advanced Management System), a computerised system which offers precision control, giving access to four working modes at the touch of a button. The AMS raises productivity and cuts operating cost by matching engine and hydraulic output to demand. C 50 tonne classes. Features include an automatic idling system that cuts engine revs to save fuel and reduce noise when the machine’s controls aren’t being used. There are also five different work modes – idle, fine, heavy, general and power-max – and the ability to customise the machines’ performance for up to 18 different attachments. Volvo describes both the undercarriage and booms on the machines as “heavy duty”, and there is also a boom float option, which lowers the boom by gravity, freeing up hydraulic flow for other functions. Komatsu meanwhile used ConExpo to take the wraps off the PC240LC-10, a 25 tonne machine, and the company’s first Interim Tier 4/Stage IIIB machine. Operators will notice the new high resolution 7 in (178 mm) display, which is used to select one of five working modes, as well as provide information on operating parameters. The monitor can also display features from the rear-view camera, which is a standard piece of equipment. Komatsu also highlights the machine’s new load sensing hydraulic system, which it says has taken hydraulic efficiency to a new level. This is based on a new system called variable speed matching, which adjusts the engine speed based on the loads from the hydraulic system. Komatsu says that this, combined with other improvements, reduces losses in the hydraulic system, makes for better efficiency and lowers fuel consumption. Case’s first Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 excavator offering comprises four machines, the CX250C, CX300C, CX350C and CX370C, which cover the 25 to 37 tonne weight classes. Case says the new engines make the C series machines as much as +10% more fuel efficient than the B series they replace, while the company’s intelligent hydraulic system has improved performance. This hydraulics system has various > june 2011 internationalconstruction 29 ICON 06 2010 Excavators.indd 29 06/06/2011 14:05:52 EXCAVATORS Different worlds energy saving features, including an engine idle function, which cuts revs when the boom is not in use. However, Case has also increased performance, with the C series offering +5% faster cycle times than the previous generation and about +7% more lifting capacity, depending on the model. A new cab, +5% larger than on the B-series is a feature many operators will appreciate, as is the new 7’’ (178 mm) in-cab LCD display. Case’s excavator partner is Sumitomo, based in Japan. In the US Sumitomo excavators are sold under the Link-Belt brand, and unsurprisingly, similar enhancements to Case’s are apparent in the company’s new X3 series of excavators. Launched at ConExpo, the 250 X3, 300 X3 and 350 X3 from Link-Belt cover the 25 to 37 tonne classes, and feature the Sany is one of the most aggressive new entrants to the Chinese excavator market. The company says it sold around 10000 excavators last year, and is putting manufacturing capacity in place for 20000 to 30000 machines per year. Quarry replacement New 50 tonne Doosan is more powerful and cheaper to run he latest addition to the Banner Contracts’ fleet operating at Lafarge’s Thrislington limestone quarry at Ferryhill, UK is a new Doosan DX520LC crawler excavator, which has replaced a Doosan S470LC. Banner Contracts Company Director, Jo Banner, explained that while the S470LC had put in some sterling work, the new DX520LC met a need for an excavator which could provide greater output. “Our output of crushed rock is governed largely by the rate the crushers can handle it,” he explained. “It is essential our prime mover, the new DX520LC, has the ability to ensure the crushers are always working to full capacity.” Although still a relatively new machine, Mr Banner said fuel records already showed a good fuel saving. “The excavator works a 10 hour shift for five days a week which equates to a saving of 100 litres of fuel a week or over 5000 litres for the year,” he said, “which is an important saving for us.” In addition to its performance and fuel savings, an important reason why the DX520LC was purchased by Banner Contracts was its 10.75 m reach and 9.6 m digging height, which enables it to reach and dress the edges of the shot blasted areas. “The quarry geotechnical assessment, which requires a machine with the reach to scale faces safely, makes the DX520LC a good choice,” explained Mr Banner. “It’s an important issue and we are pleased to have a machine that performs so well in this area.” A total of 1.2 million tonnes of crushed magnesium limestone is extracted from the quarry each year, about half of which is processed in kilns to create dolime and the remainder is used as fill and aggregates. T Liugong is not only targeting the Chinese market and other developing countries with its excavators, it also has Stage IIIB and Interim Tier 4 models for Europe and the US. same improvements in operator comfort, performance and fuel efficiency as Case’s machines. Link-Belt says it will also be adding a 47 tonne class model this year as well as a variant of the 250 X3 with a longer boom and stick package. Parent company Sumitomo meanwhile is investing in its Chinese excavator plant. This year will see its factory in Tangshan, Hebei province increase in capacity from 3000 units per year to 5000, and a 36 tonne machine will be added to the company’s current 20 and 24 tonne excavator offering in China. Meanwhile, Case’s sister company within the CNH group, New Holland, has unveiled the first of two Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 excavators in its C series. Unlike most other excavators, new Holland is using a Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system to reduce emissions. This relies on a high combustion temperature in the engine to limit the formation of PM, and the SCR handles the high levels of nitrous oxide (NOx) – the other main pollutant covered by emissions legislation – that is created as a result of this hot combustion. > 30 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2010 Excavators.indd 30 06/06/2011 14:06:25 EXCAVATORS Different worlds Among the Latest additions to Liebherr’s excavator range is the 23.7 to 26.4 tonne R916 excavator, which features a 115 kW engine. The downside to this technology is that it works by injecting a stream of urea into the exhaust gasses, which means another fluid for excavator operators to monitor and keep topped-up. However, many manufacturers will have to move to this system to meet the forthcoming Stage IV/Tier 4 final legislation, so it is something the industry will have to get used to. New Holland’s new machines are the 27.9 tonne E265C and 31.6 tonne E305C. The company says a complete re-design of the hydraulic system, encompassing the main pumps, spool, solenoid and return valves, has significantly increased the machines’ controllability and hydraulic efficiency. The cab meanwhile features a new colour monitor and more responsive joysticks than on the previous model. The vibration experienced by the operator has also been reduced thanks to new dampers. These machines are marketed under the Kobelco brand in the US. John Deere’s first Interim Tier 4 excavators are the 250G, 290G and 350G, spanning the 25 to 35 tonne weight classes. “We’ve increased power and hydraulic flow while also adding the IT4 engine,” said Mark Wall, John Deere’s excavator product marketing manager. “The end result is +8% more productivity for our customers.” The new G-Series also retains a number of key features from the previous D-Series, such as the Powerwise III management system that balances engine and hydraulic performance. The next models to be launched in the range will be the larger 470G, 670G and 870G, from 47 to 87 tonnes. Hyundai’s allnew 9-series excavator range includes several short radius machines. Pictured is the 23 tonne class R235LCR-9, the largest reduced radius machine in the range. More to come Like John Deere, all of the manufacturers in the excavator sector will be rolling out additional models over the coming months to meet the new emissions laws in Europe and the US. As these machines come out, it will be crucial that manufacturers and law makers find a way of addressing the issues that will arise if these excavators are sold as used equipment to regions where ULSD is not available. Once used Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 excavators start going up for sale, there are going to be plenty of buyers in developing countries that will need to ‘de-tier’ them. iC Excavator Manufacturers BEML Case Caterpillar Doosan Infracore Hidromek Hitachi Hyundai JCB John Deere Kobelco Komatsu Liebherr Link-Belt Lingong Liugong Mecalac New Holland Sany Sennebogen Sumitomo Sunward Volvo XCMG XGMA www.bemlindia.com www.casece.com www.cat.com www.doosanheavy.com www.hidromek.com.tr www.hitachi-c-m.com www.hhi.co.kr www.jcb.com www.deere.com www.kobelcokenki.co.jp www.komatsu.com www.liebherr.com www.lbxco.com www.sdlg.com www.liugong.com www.mecalac.com www.newholland.com www.sany.com.cn www.sennebogen.de www.sumitomokenki.co.jp www.sunward.com.cn www.volvo.com www.xcmg.com www.xiagong.com june 2011 internationalconstruction 31 ICON 06 2010 Excavators.indd 31 06/06/2011 14:06:48 Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:17:51 AM TUNNELLING Underground successes This Robbins EPB TBM is currently boring towards its fourth of seven station sites on Mexico City’s Metro Line 12. Underground successes The largest, the longest and the deepest records have again been broken in the tunnelling sector. Despite global economic troubles, it is one part of the construction industry that looks in good health in most parts of the world. Adrian Greeman reports. op of the tunnels list is the world’s longest transport tunnel, the 57 km long twin bore, high speed railway tunnel underneath the Gotthard Pass in Switzerland’s high Alps. A significant milestone was achieved last year when one of the Herrenknecht Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) driving the eastern tube of the 8.5 m diameter bores broke through to set a new world record for the longest tunnel. Ten years of excavation, half by drill and blast and half by TBM, under mountain cover of up to 2500 m, had involved work with incredible rock pressures and high rock temperatures up to 50° C. Full completion of the total 152 km of tunnels and side caverns was achieved in March when another Herrenknecht ended the second western tube. Lining work continues and railway and signal installation will follow before the first high speed trains run in 2016. T An enormous 650 m work train, christened the “Worm” is being used for re-profiling some of the tunnel, cleaning it, installing drains and forming the linings. It is supplied by Herrenknecht subsidiary Maschinen und Stahlbau Dresden (MSD). Gotthard is not the only tunnel on the high-speed link. Work has also begun on the 15.4 km long Ceneri twin bore tunnel further south in Italian speaking Switzerland, passing under the 1100 m Monte Ceneri near Locarno. The drill and blast drives are using primarily Sandvik 1300 three-boom rigs and with a long ceiling suspended back-up train system from Rowa. Two drives each north and south are heading out from a central cavern accessed by a side adit driven two years ago by a Robbins main beam TBM at Sigorino. Breakthrough is due in 2016. Progress on the dramatic Alpine links is also underway in neighbouring Austria now fully committed to construction of the Brenner Pass tunnel, another deep-level flat-gradient tunnel > June sees the opening of South-east Asia's first immersed tube tunnel across the Saigon river in Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. The four segments were cast in a yard 20 km downstream from the project. june 2011 internationalconstruction 33 ICON 06 2011 Tunnelling.indd 33 03/06/2011 14:13:36 Full page.indd 1 13/06/2011 09:47:18 TUNNELLING Underground successes After a long and sometimes difficult drive the “Big Becky” Robbins TBM completed a 10.5 km drive for a new power plant water tunnel on the Canadian side of Niagara. deep under the mountains for heavy freight trains and superfast 250 km/hour passenger trains. The 55 km long twin bore tunnel will almost match the Gotthard and, if a link into an existing bypass tunnel at the Tyrolean capital of Innsbruck is taken into account, will exceed it. Pan-European trains heading for Berlin, Germany in 2025 from Italy will connect straight into the bypass giving a total underground length of 62.7 km. Italy committed funds last year and Austria this year for work on the twin main drives to begin in 2016. Unlike Gotthard, the Brenner will have a third central service tunnel 6 m in diameter which has already been underway for some time in order to explore the rock conditions. A 10.5 km drive from the Italian end completed last year under an € 80 million (US$ 115 million) contract with a seven company Austro-German-Italian consortium led by Pizzarotti and Condotte. Italy’s Seli supplied the 130 m long support train behind a behind a 6.3 m diameter reconditioned Aker Wirth cutter head. A second drill and blast south from Innsbruck, Austria has so far found better rock than expected giving hopes the main drives might have better rock conditions than previously thought. The Brenner is part of a key route for the Trans European Network (TEN) from Palermo, Sicily to Berlin, Germany and eventually Scandinavia. German Federal Railways is currently building more than 20 tunnels on a new 85 km section of high speed line between Nuremberg and Erfurt and more on the link on to Leipzig. Though mainly small, they include four significant projects on the southern section, the 3.8 km long Eiberge tunnel and the 2.7 km Reitersberg, both are twin bore drill and blast projects as are two longer ones, the 8.3 km Blessberg and the 7.4 km Silberberg. Wayss & Freytag, Bilfinger Berger, Max Bögl and Bickhardt Bau are about halfway through the work. On from Erfurt are three more tunnels, two of which, the Finne at 7 km and the Bibra at 6 km are almost continuous with only a small valley separating them. Bibra’s recently finished twin The TBM prior to launch. bores through dewatered sandstone were also driven by drill and blast by contractor Porr Tunnelbau of Austria. On the Finne tunnel, contractor Wayss & Freytag in joint venture with Max Bögl and Porr Tunnelbau, faced heavy ffaulting and water inflow. Two dual mode Herrenknecht Mixshield TBMs m were used in sealed slurry mode for the w first 1500 m, switching to open shield eexcavation with spoil conveyors for the rremainder. By staggering the drives the contractor was able to use only one bentonite slurry w sspoil plant for each machine in turn ssaving money. Cross connections by drill aand blast are being completed as is lining work, with opening scheduled for 2016. w The same contractor, this time in the Locobouw consortium with France’s L Vinci Grand Projects and with two local V ccompanies MGB/CFE and CEI-deMeyer, is facing difficult challenges on a M new railway tunnel underneath the docks n iin Antwerp, Belgium. The 6 km long twin bore rail freight tunnels to service the huge container port must pass just under the river Scheldt and a wide ship canal with almost no cover. A huge concrete slab has been poured into a dredged space in the canal bottom to serve as a roof for the twin Mixshield TBMs from German maker Herrenknecht. To deal with high water pressures in soft sands and clays these are capable of working in pressure up to 4 atmospheres. The 7.5 m diameter drives are currently about halfway. Such machines pale into insignificance compared to the giant TBM which has recently arrived in Italy for building the Sparvo tunnel on Italy’s A1 Autostrada upgrade in the mountainous area between Bologna and Florence. Giant TBMs Two bores of 2.5 km are needed by client Autostrade per l’Italia, one each way for two lanes of road and an associated emergency The world’s longest road or rail tunnel, 57 km long and up to 2500 m deep in Alpine rock, was completed in May this year. The first record breakthrough on the Gotthard Base Tunnel was in October last year. Herrneknecht has delivered the biggest ever TBM to a tunnel project in Italy on the Bologna-Florence highway june 2011 internationalconstruction 35 ICON 06 2011 Tunnelling.indd 35 03/06/2011 14:14:04 TUNNELLING Underground successes lane, requiring a finished width of 13.6 m. Construction width means the earth pressure balance machines have an external diameter of 15.6 m, claimed by German maker Herrenknecht to be the largest TBM made so far. Contractors Vianini Lavori, Toto Costruzioni Generali, and Profacta will use the one 4300 tonne machine for both bores – the first northwards drive is now getting underway. Such giant machines are becoming a more familiar sight following the completion of a road tunnel drive in Shanghai and another crossing of the Yangtze at Nanjing, China. Now one is likely to be seen in the US where the Washington State Department of Transportation has signed a US$ 135 million contract for the Alaskan Way tunnel project in January this year, with a joint venture of Dragados USA and Tutor Perini. The scheme will create two large diameter 2.7 km long tunnels to replace the existing waterfront elevated highway structure through the busy city. The two bores, one above the other would each carry two lanes of traffic and have additional 2.5 m safety lanes. Design build studies will determine the exact diameter but it will be substantial. As the client points out “members of the team delivered the comparable 49.5 ft (15.2 m) diameter Madrid M-30 highway tunnel in Spain.” Another giant TBM project reached breakthrough just north of the US, on the Canadian side of the Niagara Falls. This time the machine is a hard rock main beam machine from Robbins, with a diameter of 14.4 m, which has battled through a difficult 10.5 km long drive for a new power supply tunnel for the Sir Adam Beck generating plant, one of the first hydroelectric power stations in the world. The Queenston shale gave considerable difficulties to main As part of the premier project on the European transport network, German railways is creaing new high speed rail line between Nuremberg and Leipzig. The Erfurt to Leipzxig section includes the 7km Finne tunnel now reaching completion of lining work after twin Herrenkencht Mixshielf drives. Increasingly China is adopting modern high tech equipment in place of earlier hand held drills as on the 13.5 km Chang Hong Lin Tunnel. The complex soft ground twin freight Liefkneshoek rail tunnels serving Antrwep docks have a series of cross passages formed using ground freezing after the TBMs have passed. contractor Strabag, requiring the tunnel alignment to be raised by 45 m early on to move it into more stable rock. Crews had to safely scale down loose rock from the tunnel crown. The Robbins machine managed to achieve two records for 11 m+ diameter boring - 468 m in one month, and 153 m in one week. The Niagara Tunnel Project was initiated in June 2004 by Ontario Power Generation and drives began in 2006. Two years of work still remain for concrete lining. Another major hard rock drive is just reaching completion, this time in Manhattan, New York, US where the two machines which began a complex of tunnels for the East Side Access in 2007 were due as iC went to press. The tunnels will bring trains from Queens side of New York into a giant tunnel complex underneath Grand Central Station. This is formed from four upper and four lower tunnels created by forks in the access drives. One Seli and one Robbins TBM made first a 2.1 km top tunnel and then withdrew for a lower level branch to be formed. The upper and lower tunnels then each split into left and right. Below the station additional side branches were bored to create a complex of four upper and four lower tunnels. The joint venture of Dragados and Judau which constructed the tunnel now has a US$ 500 million contract to excavate around the two levels of four tunnels to make giant twin caverns for the underground station which should see service in 2016. In February, Manhattan also saw completion of the first 2.1 km long bore of the new Second Avenue subway line from 96th Street to 65th Street using a reconditioned Robbins TBM. The machine has been pulled back and started the second slightly longer 2.3 km drive for the twin bores in late March, the first 60 m through frozen ground. It will drive all the way to the end of the first phase section at 63rd Street. Meanwhile major tunnelling is underway in Mexico City where a Robbins Earth Pressure Balance (EPB) machine, the largest in the country at 10.2 m diameter is over 3.5 km along the route of the capital’s Metro Line 12, the ‘Gold Line’. > 36 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Tunnelling.indd 36 03/06/2011 14:14:31 Clean engines for sustainable productivity Tier 4a / Stage 3b made easy Atlas Copco is a leading worldwide manufacturer of portable compressors and generators. Our commitment to Sustainable Productivity implies continuous improvements and compliancy with the most stringent regulations. In the USA and Europe, January 2011 introduced new emission standards for portable compressors and generators. These standards aim to improve air quality through drastic decreases in the discharges of particulate matter (-90%) and NOx (-50%). Atlas Copco welcomes these standards and is ready to help you achieve full compliancy. This is why we have upgraded our world class compressors to integrate the latest clean engine technology within the same proven compressor package. Together with the new compressor elements this results in massive efficiency improvements – up to 10%. Same power, more flow, near zero emissions. This is Sustainable Productivity by Atlas Copco. USA EPA Nonroad Regulation READY Europe Nonroad-Directive For more info, go to: http://www.atlascopco.com/portablepower/cleanengines Untitled-3 1 Untitled-1 1 5/31/2011 10:23:01 AM 6/6/2011 10:19:48 AM TUNNELLING Underground successes It began work in February last year in watery clays but now moves into mixed sandy ground with boulders up to 800 mm, which it is designed to cope with, though requiring conversion of the muck system and conveyors at a halt in the Eje Central cut and cover station site. Three other Robbins machines of 8.93 m diameter are waiting to start work on drives for thee huge 60 km length of the Emisor Oriente Wastewaterr Tunnel, probably this summer. German maker Herrenknecht necht has also supplied three machines for the huge scheme. Large scale wastewater tunnels are underway in n the Middle East where this spring the emirate of Abu Dhabii let the third contract for its 41 km of deep sewage tunnel, a US$ $ 270 million contract for 16 km of 4 m internal diameter tunnel. The central 15 km long section is being driven with three 6.3 m diameter EPB machines under a US$ 200 million contract and a second 10 km long, 7 m external diameter drive has also been awarded. China too is boring water tunnels, with work in several cities continuing on metro schemes where large number of Herrenknecht and Robbins machines have been used. But it also has water tunnels like the Pinglu scheme were breakthrough of a 25.4 km long drive was achieved late last year by a 4.8 m diameter Robbins double shield TBM used by contractor, the Sino-Austria Hydraulic Engineering Company, a joint-venture led by Alpine Bau. The work is for the Yellow River Water Diversion Project. China is also turning more and more to advanced equipment reports Sandvik, with the contractor Department #1 of the Tunnelling Bureau using two Sandvik Axera T11 jumbos for work on a twin bore rail tunnel. The 13.3 km long Chang Hong Lin in low mountain foothills up to 420 m deep in mainly shale rocks has two drives of 10 m height and 13 m width. Sandvik said both have gone much faster than with traditional hand held pneumatic drills. GIA has introduced a new mechanised grouting & cable insertion system (MEGCIS). The machine features a new guillotine style cutter for a smoother finish to cables and an upgraded piston pump for continuous concrete flow. It can insert grout and cable to depths of 40 m, compared to traditional 4 m to 5 m rock bolts. an extraordinary immersed tube project which includes floating a 130 m precast tunnel section underneath the 110 year old Amsterdam central station where a giant 20 m water filled cavity has been created supported by massive pile walls. The section for the North South line metro goes in this summer and then three other pieces will extend the tunnel across the river Ij. In Vietnam, this June sees the opening of South East Asia’s first immersed tube tunnel, the Thu Thiem underneath the Saigon River, part of Ho Chi Minh City’s US$ 600 million East-West Highways Project. The designer was Japan’s Pacific Consultants International and contractor for the four section tunnel was Obayashi. For the challenging waterproofing of the four 92.4 m long sections, each 33.3 m wide and 8.9 m high, the team used the Stirling Lloyd Integritank system. Meanwhile, February saw the Danish government announce that it favoured an immersed tunnel design for the € 5.1 billion (US$ 7.3 billion) Fehmarn link between Germany and Denmark. Construction of the 18 km link is due to start in 2014, with completion in 2020. Good health Immersed tubes Lastly, immersed tube tunnels have also seen major success. In South Korea the Busan Geoje link opened this year including a 3.7 km long immersed tube which as 48 m depth is the deepest in the world for roads. Specialist Dutch firm Strukton, which aided the work, is busy with dredging partner Van Oord in the Netherlands for An Aker Wirth T3.20 road header were used to drive the 490 m Busway tunnel at Lutwyche in Brisbane, Australia. The scheme is part of the city’s 6.7 km Airport Link toll road. The range of major tunnelling projects around the world certainly paints the picture of an industry in good health – not only because of the sheer number of schemes, but also the increasing size and complexity of work being undertaken. And schemes like the Fehmarn Link also illustrate the popularity of tunnelling, compared to more conventional solutions like bridges in some cases. iC Tunnelling Equipment suppliers Atlas Copco Caterpillar CIFA Herrenknecht Hitachi Liebherr Lovat NFM Normet Mitsubishi Peri Putzmeister Robbins Sandvik Mining & Construction Wirth www.atlas-copco.com www.caterpillar.com www.cifa.com www.herrenknecht.com www.hitachi-c-m.com www.liebherr.com www.lovat.com www.nfm-technologies.com www.normet.fi www.mhi.co.jp www.peri.de www.putzmeister.de www.robbinstbm.com www.sandvik.com www.wirth.de 38 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Tunnelling.indd 38 06/06/2011 14:10:10 Shape your Future with Quality Tools Made in Britain Throughout Quarrying,Mining, Mining, Tunnelling, Construction and Throughout Quarrying, Tunnelling, Construction and Civil Civil Engineering applications worldwide, P&V Rock Drilling Engineering applications worldwide, P&V Rock Drilling Tools and Demolition Tools are the leaders for Quality and Value. Tools and Demolition Tools are the leaders for Quality and Value. With a total With 100 100 years years experience experience in in our our Industry, Industry, we we produce produce a total range of tools, all manufactured from proven materials, within a range of tools, all manufactured from proven 4XDOLW\0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHPFHUWL¿HGWR%6(1,62 4XDOLW\0DQDJHPHQW6\VWHPFHUWL¿HGWR%6(1,62 Proven Value, Value, Consistent Consistent Performance Performance all Proven all supported supportedby byDealers around the World Dealers around the World. Contact us today for more information. Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:21:18 AM Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:24:51 AM FOUNDATIONS Gaining ground Gaining ground The trend for larger projects with complex demands is driving innovation in the foundations sector. A Soilmec SR-80 piling rig installed displacement piles that doubled as geothermal wells for a hospital project in Monselice, Italy. Helen Wright reports on the latest products and applications. mbitious new projects are shaping the latest equipment launches in the foundations sector and pushing the limits of existing current machinery and construction techniques. Rising energy costs, for example, are driving architects to improve environmental designs for buildings, and contractors are increasingly specialising in challenging projects including installing geothermal piles and wind turbine foundations. Meanwhile, foundation equipment manufacturers report that an increasing number of large infrastructure projects around the world are fuelling demand from contractors for heavy, multipurpose piling machines with large capacities. In April, for example, IHC Fundex Equipment unveiled the largest mobile piling machine it has ever manufactured in response to a customer request. Weighing over 300 tonnes, the FPD5000 has been designed for diverse methods of piling but can also be used as a crane. IHC Fundex said the machine was built for a customer in Brazil and will be put to work on the construction of a new airport. The FPD5000 can be used as a 275 tonne capacity crane and can be modified with additional winches and cylinders to become a dedicated pile driving machine, capable of working with a maximum load of about 65 tonnes for the hammer and pile. The machine has a 29 m boom in pile driving configuration and a standard 60 m length for lifting purposes. It can be disassembled relatively easily into separate pieces – the body of the machine weighs about 50 tonnes and is transported seperately from the carrier and tracks. A Support network Meanwhile, Soilmec has teamed up with Caterpillar to produce its latest heavy duty model – the SC-65 lattice boom crawler crane. Soilmec showcased a prototype at last year’s Bauma Germany show, and the SC-65 has now been brought to the market. The machine has undergone extensive testing and improvements have been made to its design. Managing director of Soilmec, Simone Trevisani, said that through the co-operation with Caterpillar, > Soilmec partnered with Caterpillar to produce the SC-65 lattice boom crawler crane. june 2011 internationalconstruction 41 ICON 06 2011 Foundations.indd 41 03/06/2011 14:16:59 FOUNDATIONS Gaining ground High rise in Hanoi Bauer tackles complex project Vietnam auer Vietnam was appointed by contractor An Binh Star to carry out the main foundation work for three main towers that form the hub of the Sanctuary Towers complex in the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi. Two Bauer BG 40 rotary drilling rigs, one BG 30 and two anchor drills began foundation work in July last year on the a 28000 m2 site – the largest and most complex work that Bauer Vietnam has taken on to date. The project is scheduled for completion in August this year and includes a total of 640 bored piles ranging in diameter from 1 m to 1.8 m, together with 7500 m2 of nailed walling as well as the excavation and construction of a two storey basement. Based in Ho-Chi-Minh City, Bauer’s Vietnam subsidiary was founded in 2006 and only set up an office in Hanoi in May 2010, but the first projects started rolling in shortly afterwards. B Seven Liebher SH 855 HD crawler cranes – four HS 855 HDs and three HS 885 HDs (pictured) – have been compacting a ground area of 6.5 km2 for a new town in Kuwait. the company aimed to build a leading range of products for the foundation crane sector, backed by a global support network. “These machines are not an adaption of standard Caterpillar excavators. The turrets are designed by Soilmec, integrating the best Caterpillar technological solutions, specifically developed for this project,” Mr Trevisani said. “At Bauma 2010, the SC-65 was just a preliminary prototype. Now it has been validated on the field, and some improvements have been implemented thanks to feedback coming from the jobsite,” he added. The capacity of the SC-65 is 65.7 tonnes at a working radius of 3.5 m and At over 300 tonnes, IHC Fundex maximum boom length is 51 m. Power Equipment’s new FPD5000 is is from a 403 kW diesel engine and the largest piling machine it maximum line pull is 24 tonnes. has ever manufactured. Bachy Soletanche’s Heavy Duty Large Diameter Auger rigs are being used to install the piling for four large wind turbines in the UK. The hydraulic crawler is the first from the Italian manufacturer with electro-hydraulic proportional controls, and the machine can be set up in crane, hydraulic grab, cable grab and hydraulic rotary configurations. Mega projects Such versatility from heavy duty machines is increasingly in demand as mega projects gets underway in developing markets, where investment in infrastructure is growing. In Kuwait, for example, seven Liebher SH 855 HD hydraulic crawler cranes – four HS 855 HDs and three HS 885 HDs – have been compacting a huge ground area of 6.5 km2. Contractor Ahmadiah Group is preparing the desert ground for new Jaber Al-Ahmad City, which will be situated 22 km west of Kuwait City and feature around 7000 housing estates, including schools and hospitals. The Liebherr units have been working in two 9-hour shifts per day, 25 days a month on a project that is set to last a total of 18 months. Each unit carries out around 600 automatic work cycles per shift using Liebher’s Litronic control system. The 90 tonne HS 855 HD is fitted with two 25 tonne winches and the 125 tonne HS 885 HD with two 30 tonne winches. The ground was compacted using a drop > 42 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Foundations.indd 42 03/06/2011 14:17:11 _ PASSION FOR PROGRESS www.bauer.de Untitled-1 1 Foundations Ground Improvements Cut-off Walls Excavation pits BAUER Spezialtiefbau GmbH 86522 Schrobenhausen, Germany Tel. +49 8252 97-0 [email protected] 6/6/2011 10:28:59 AM Pile Integrity Tester Model PIT-X With wireless accelerometer High Performance Foundation Equipment HYDRAULIC PILING HAMMERS Provide an economical and versatile solution for the installation of all types of steel or concrete piles in either land or marine environments. Ram weights from 1.5t to 60t. Impact energy from 20 kNm to 900 kNm. RIC (RAPID IMPACT COMPACTION) BSP RIC is a dynamic compaction technique that impacts the ground at a rate of 40 to 60 times per minute using 5, 7, 9, 12 or 16t dropweights. Ideal for low cost foundations in granular soils. BSP INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATIONS LTD Claydon Business Park, Gt Blakenham, Ipswich Suffolk, UK, IP6 0NL Tel: +44 (0) 1473 830431 Fax: +44 (0) 1473 832019 email: [email protected] www.bsp-if.com Assesses foundation quality Estimates unknown length Two-velocity option now available Complies with ASTM D5882 Quality Assurance for Deep Foundations Cleveland, OH USA +1 216-831-6131 www.pile.com [email protected] Marken der Brands of Equipment for pile driving, shoring, drilling and for other special civil engineering projects. •Equipment made in Germany •Efficient •Solid •Rugged •Reliable ABI GmbH Am Knückel 4 D-63843 Niedernberg Phone: +49 (0) 6028 123-0 E-mail: [email protected] www.abi-group.com AnzeigeEF_2011.indd 6 044ICON.indd 1 13.05.2011 11:47:58 6/6/2011 11:55:03 AM FOUNDATIONS Gaining ground weight of 25 tonnes at a dropping height of 29 m. In addition to adapting to the scale of new infrastructure projects, foundation contractors are increasingly tasked with integrating environmentally friendly technologies to new builds. PTC’s new Tiltex 60t clamp can tilt, grab and lift sheet piles lying on the ground, reducing man power on site. Efficiency Geothermal wells On a € 165 million (US$ 236 million) project to construct a new hospital in Monselice, Italy, for example, the displacement piles double up as geothermal wells. A Soilmec SR-80 piling machine was selected by contractor Trevi for the work inserting 40 km of 600 mm diameter displacement piles at depths ranging from 17 m to 24 m. Soilmec said it took on average 30 minutes to install each geothermal pile – drilling the hole took just 8 minutes, but concreting and inserting the reinforcement cage holding the geothermal loop required more time. The thermal exchange between the surrounding soil and the concrete piles is aided by the fact that the water table is located immediately under ground level. For easy connection with the future slab, concrete rings were placed on top of the piles to compensate for the difference between ground and slab level. The SR-80, which weighs 90 tonnes and can deliver 292 kNm in torque, ensured good productivity – Trevi was able to install an average of 16 piles, including the rig tracking phase between piles, per day. As governments worldwide invest in low-carbon, renewable energy, the installation of wind turbines is another application for which foundation equipment is increasingly in demand. In May this year, for example, Bachy Soletanche won a UK£ 0.5 million (US$ 0.8 million) contract in the UK to install the piling for four large wind turbines on a new wind farm. Located near the Solway Firth in Cumbria, the Hellrigg Wind Farm is set to contribute to meeting the UK’s target of 15% renewable energy by 2015. Contractor Hanson used Bachy Soletanche’s Heavy Duty Large Diameter Auger (LDA) rigs and the piles are being constructed with segmental casing and under a bentonite suspension due to the properties of the soil and the unstable ground. Each base will contain 16 900 mm diameter piles which vary in depth from 25 m to 38 m. Bachy Soletanche contracts manager Steve Mallinson said the project was one of the company’s more unusual jobs, “The site is in a remote location and we are using large piling rigs and cranes and making sure that there’s as little disruption as possible to the surroundingg area”. New equipment to improve the efficiency of foundation works is also under constant development. To ease the handling of sheet piles, for example, PTC (part of the Fayat Group) has produced a new concept of clamp, the Tiltex 60t. Mounted on a PH Vibrodriver, the clamp can tilt, grab and lift sheet piles lying on the ground helping to reduceon-site manula labour. With a clamping force of 60 tons (60.9 tonnes), the new Tiltex provides a steady grip for heavy duty jobs. It can be used with a wide range of PTC excavator mounted models including the 6PHFV, 8PHFV, 7PHF, 10PHF and 13PH. Piling technology is also under constant review from equipment manufacturers, and several new systems for complex applications have been launched. Liebherr has developed new software to help make deep foundation work more efficient. The company’s deep foundation machinery is equipped with Liebherr’s new PDE process data > Confined environments A challenging underground car park project demands precision n Hitachi ZX225USRLC-3 excavator has been put to work in a confined environment on an underground car park project in Paris, France. The excavator, which is owned by contractor Saperfe Travaux Publics, was fitted with a clamshell telescopic arm and used to remove earth from depths of 21 m below ground level and load trucks that transported the material offsite. The excavator can dig to a maximum depth of 25 m and was used to remove a total of 65000 m3 of earth between September and November last year. Saperfe Travaux Publics site manager Laurent Petain said a challenge for the ZX225USRLC-3 was working between and around the pipes that held the car park’s outer structure in place. “The pipes were required because the earth had a high water content and was therefore relatively soft. The excavator worked in 5.5 m deep sections at a time and was required to be extremely precise,” Mr Petain said. The excavator’s short tail swing also helped as it meant trucks could stop directly adjacent to it and be loaded straight away as material was brought up. Construction of the six-level underground car park is scheduled for completion in October 2011. A Pile Dynamic’s handheld pile installation recorder viewer. june 2011 internationalconstruction 45 ICON 06 2011 Foundations.indd 45 03/06/2011 14:17:46 FOUNDATIONS Gaining ground Tunnel vision Project required 20000 m of piles to be installed in 9 months ontractor Marti Tunnelbau used two Liebherr drilling rigs to install a secant pile wall for slope and foundation pit reinforcement for a project in Switzerland. The 3.3 km Tunnel de Choindez will run between the border of the Jura canton and eastern Delémont district. The 95 tonne LB 28 and 115 tonne LB 36 worked at the northern entrance, which is 300 m long, to install 20000 m of piles to form a secant drilled pile wall. The length of the 1020 piles is between 13 and 26 m with a diameter of 1000 mm and the contractor had nine months to complete instillation The task was made easier thanks to the low operating weight of the machines, which can be transported in one piece, allowing for flexibility on site. The LB 28 is equipped with a 286 kNm rotary drive and the LB 36 with a 366 kNm rotary drive. Both units can drill to a maximum diameter of 3 m and a maximum depth of 70 m. The machines are equipped with a Kelly winch and rope crowd system with 40 tonnes of pull force, making them well-suited to operating in the most difficult soils. Liebher said the project was completed “well before” the deadline thanks to the efficient LB rigs and site management. C The main module of Pile Dynamic’s installation recorder in the operator’s cabin. recording system, which relays data such as depth, geometry and the amount of suspension in real time to the operator’s cab. The PDE process data recording system also enables recording of process-related values on a memory card in the operator’s cab for a large number of deep foundation methods. This can be evaluated on a computer after the work has been done, enabling the generation of individual site protocols for proof of quality and to facilitate the settlement of the site. Meanwhile, Pile Dynamics has developed a new viewer for its pile installation recorder (PIR). The PIR is an automated Foundations Manufacturers AlBauer BSP Casagrande Fraste Junttan Kobelco Hitachi ICE IHC IMT Liebherr Link-Belt Mait Manitowoc Movax Numa Hammers Pennine Pengo Pile Dynamics PTC PVE Cranes and Services Seacore Sennebogen Soilmec Terex Trevi Group Wirth www.bauer.de www.bsp-if.com www.casagrandegroup.com www.fraste.com www.junttan.com www.kobelco-kenki.co.jp www.hitachi-c-m.com www.ice-bv.nl www.ihcfundex.com www.imtspa.com www.liebherr.com www.linkbelt.com www.mait.it www.manitowoccranegroup.com www.movax.com www.numahammers.com www.pennine-group.co.uk www.pengoattachments.com www.pile.com www.ptc.fayat.com www.pveusa.com www.seacore.com www.sennebogen.de www.soilmec.it www.terex.com www.trevigroup.com www.wirth-europe.de > Pengo has introduced a new line of foundation drilling tools for its single row, double row and spiral rock augers along with its dirt tools, core barrels and drilling/muck buckets featuring new pitches and attack angles. monitoring equipment designed to aid in the installation and quality control procedures of augered cast-in-place and continuous flight auger piles. The PIR viewer is a hand-held wireless device that allows an inspector or piling foreman to view what the main unit of the PIR in the crane cabin is displaying – the progress of the drilling and grouting operation is seen in real time on both the main unit and on the PIR Viewer. The development of technology to check and record the quality of foundations has clear benefits for contractors, and demonstrates that equipment manufacturers not only have increased productivity at the forefront of their latest designs, but are also adapting to the increasingly complex demands of the industry. iC 46 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Foundations.indd 46 03/06/2011 14:18:11 PTC U.S.A. PTC FRANCE PTC FAR EAST 2000 Kentville Rd - Kewanee IL 61443 Tel : +1-309-852-6267 [email protected] 56, rue de Neuilly - 93130 Noisy-le-Sec Tel : +33-1-4942-7295 [email protected] 3 Tuas Avenue 16 - 638926 Singapore Tel : +65-6861-6338 [email protected] Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:31:52 AM Soilmec DMS will increase your business. Drilling Mate System is the exclusive Soilmec device that monitors equipment performance, operation and conditions, reporting information in real time via modem (GSM, GPRS, EDGE, Satellite). DMS > 24/7 worldwide Soilmec monitoring > Short-time spare parts recovery > No delay, more income > Customizable automatic reports > Better plannings > Enhanced equipment’s performance and life > Safer work www.soilmec.com you will never work alone Untitled-1 1 6/6/2011 10:33:12 AM EQUIPMENT Caterpillar Latest earthmovers Caterpillar’s new ADTs, graders and scrapers for the European and US markets feature fuel-efficient Interim Tier 4/Stage IIIB low emission engines. Caterpillar’s new range-topping ADT, the 740B. Helen Wright reports. aterpillar has launched a new generation of articulated dump trucks (ADTs), together with a new graders and scrapers, all of which comply with the latest engine emissions laws in Europe and the US. The new machines include three new ADTs - the 735B, offering a 32.7 tonne payload, the 740B with its 39.5 tonne payload, and the 740B EJ with an ejector body, carrying a 38 tonne payload. All three are powered by Caterpillar’s US Interim Tier 4 and European Stage IIIB certified engines, which use cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to help cut soot - particulate matter (PM) - and nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions. The smaller, 735B is powered by a 337 kW engine, while the two larger trucks are powered by 365 kW engines. C Caterpillar’s European product specialist, Rob Macintyre, described the new generation as, “The most significant upgrade since 2000,” and highlighted several changes in addition to the new engines. The front end of the machine has changed to accommodate the EGR system, and Caterpillar took the opportunity to reposition the headlights, which have been wider set for a better spread. The front bumper’s durability has also been improved to better tackle the most aggressive applications and now includes a fully enclosed belly guard. Caterpillar has also automated its differential lock system. The B series features Automated Traction Control (ATC) - a proportional differential locking system that adjusts itself to different transmission loads. “The automatic system leaves the operator free to concentrate on driving the truck, without having to think about how to gain the best traction in different ground conditions,” said Mr Macintyre. He added that the proportional ATC system works in harmony with the hydraulic steering system without compromise in tight turning manoeuvres. Caterpillar has also launched four new motor graders. In line with its other launches, the 140M2 and 160M2, along with their all-wheeldrive (AWD) counterparts, the 140M2 AWD and 160M2 AWD, are also equipped with engines meeting Stage IIIB/Interim Tier 4 emissions standards. The latest models have a wider net-variable-horsepower range than their M Series predecessors. The 140M2 and 160M2 have power ranges of 144 kW to 181 kW and 159 kW to 196 kW respectively. Net power ratings for the 140M2 AWD and 160M2 AWD are 151 kW to 181 kW and 166 kW to196 kW, respectively. The M Series 2 is designed for a broad range of tasks, including heavy blade work, road maintenance, ripping and precision-finishing applications. Also new are three wheeled tractor scrapers. Production of the 621H, 623H and 627H machines begins in August and each model will be available with Interim Tier 4 and Stage IIIB-compliant engines. The 621H and 623H are single-engine machines, while the open-bowl 627H has twin enginesone on the tractor and one on the scraper-and all wheel drive. Caterpillar product and application specialist Ángel Luis González Suárez said a main advantage of these machines is that they are fast and comparatively cheap to run. “Using the push/pull loading method, two scrapers can be fully loaded in 40 seconds,” said Mr González Suárez. “The idea is that they are the lowest cost way to move material”. iC A side-by-side comparison of the new truck (left) and the older generation models (right) emphasises the changes to the front of the machines and the improved headlight placement. june 2011 internationalconstruction 49 ICON 06 2011 Equipment.indd 49 03/06/2011 14:19:08 AMSTERDAM NOVEMBER 10-11 A TWO DAY CONFERENCE AND NETWORKING DINNER TO EXCHANGE AND DEBATE BEST PRACTICE INFORMATION ON VITAL TOPICS Created and organized by KHL Group with the support of leading associations and manufacturers from around the world. The Second World Crane and Transport Summit will take place on 10-11 November at the world-famous Krasnapolsky Hotel in the heart of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. This unique event brings together the leading crane and transport associations and their members from around the world for a two day conference and CREATED AND ORGANISED BY networking dinner. AMERICAN CRANES & TRANSPORT A KHL GROUP EVENT www.khl.com/wcts wcts 2011 A4 advert.indd 1 6/6/2011 12:18:54 PM EQUIPMENT Volvo Brand new heavies Volvo has launched new generations of its ADTs and some of its largest excavators and wheeled loaders, in response to new engine emissions laws in Europe and the US. Helen Wright reports. Volvo’s new L150G has been designed as a good loading match for on-highway trucks. olvo Construction Equipment has launched new wheeled loaders, excavators and articulated haulers to comply with Europe’s Stage IIIB and US Interim Tier 4 emissions regulations. The machines are powered by Volvo’s latest V-ACT (Volvo Advanced Combustion Technology) diesel engines, with cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) to reduce nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions and a diesel particulate filter to remove soot (particulate matter). The filters have an active regeneration feature, which burns off the soot collected in the filter when it reaches set limits. This technology has helped to produce fuel savings of up to 15% on some machines, notably the company’s first 35 tonne wheeled loader, the L250G. Designed to be a good loading match for on-highway trucks, the L250G is fitted with Volvo’s 290 kW turbocharged engine. The company has optimised the engine’s performance to transmission and driveline, and this has helped to drive fuel savings, as has the use of loadsensing hydraulics. V Fuel efficiency Arvid Rinaldo, Volvo Construction Equipment’s global market communications manager, said the new engines combined the company’s core aim of lowering the environmental impact of its machines and improving fuel efficiency across its range. “We see this new legislation as very positive and have fine tuned our technology using the experience available from the whole Volvo toolbox. “The impact on the end user is minimal. Regeneration of the particulate filter is totally automatic, and the filter is changed as part of a normal service after 4500 hours,” he said. Also new from Volvo is the L180G high lift wheeled loader. This machine is fitted with a 246 kW Tier 4 Interim/Stage IIIB compliant engine that is married to drive train, hydraulics and the lifting arm systems and has also demonstrated fuel efficiency savings of up to 15%. Other new Interim Tier 4/ Stage IIIB machines include the first examples of Volvo’s D-series excavators, the EC380D and EC480D tracked excavators. These cover the 38 tonne to 50.5 tonne operating weight classes and have been designed for heavy digging and lifting operations. The EC380D is powered by a 208 kW engine, while the larger EC480D is powered by a 245 kW engine. Both machines feature an automatic idling system that reduces engine speed when the levers and pedals are not activated - aiding fuel efficiency. Now also available in Europe are the 28 tonne EC250D and 33 tonne EC300D excavators. Their Interim Tier 4 /Stage IIIB engines deliver fuel efficiency improvements of between 9% and 13%. Also new are the F-Series articulated dump trucks (ADTs). Ranging from the 24 tonne A25F up to the 39 tonne A40F, they feature an Automatic Traction Control (ATC) system as standard which automatically disengages the rear axle when not needed, eliminating tire skid when cornering and reducing tire wear, but which kicks in again when it senses slippage. The new F-Series haulers also meet the requirements of Stage IIIB and Tier 4 Interim emissions legislation, and are said to be 4% more fuel efficient than their E-Series predecessors. Future technologies Volvo plans to launch more than 50 machines this year, many in response to this year’s new engine emissions legislation. However, the company remained tight-lipped on its plans for meeting the even stricter Stage IV/Tier 4 Final emissions legislation that come into force in Europe and the US in 2014. Mr Rinaldo said future technologies would be based on knowledge throughout the Volvo group, including the development of hybrids and the use of selective catalytic reduction to further reduce NOx. “The legislation in 2014 will continue to drive the complexity of our products, and as well as considering every option that is currently available to optimise every part of the combustion process, we are also developing new technology all the time,” he said. iC june 2011 internationalconstruction 51 ICON 06 2011 Equipment.indd 51 06/06/2011 14:08:36 EQUIPMENT Bomag Tandem reinvention Bomag has renewed its popular small tandem roller range, following three years of design, research and customer feedback. Chris Sleight reports. omag’s new Dash-5 articulated tandem roller range is the result of a three year research and development programme and a € 3 million (US$ 4.2 million) investment. The first fruits of this research are at the smaller end of the scale with six models in three weight classes from 1.5 to 1.8 tonnes. Visitors to last year’s Bauma exhibition may remember seeing B an early version on display on the Bomag stand, but according to communications manager, Iris von Kirschbaum, this was a “Proto, proto, prototype.” She added, “This is a real core product for Bomag.” Feedback received at the show and subsequently from customers led to several key design changes, among them the provision for more foot space, easier access and a more expansive operator area. Other improvements around the operator include a chassis frame that tapers towards the operator station. This means the edge of the front drum is visible without the operator having to lean over the side of the machine – an important safety feature. The small, ergonomically designed steering wheel and multifunction joystick work alongside Bomag’s intelligent vibration control. Once the operator has The ‘side clearance’ models have drums supported on just one side, so they can work up against obstacles like walls or high curbs. The new chassis design means the operator can see the edge of the drum without leaning out of the machine. selected vibration on the front, rear or both drums, along with the intelligent vibration mode, vibration is activated based on the roller’s speed. Vibration kicks-in at 1 km/h but will turn off again if the roller is going too fast – above 5km/h. The first models available in the Dash-5 range are the 1.55 tonne BW 80 AD-5, the 1.60 tonne BW 90 AD-5 and 1.65 tonne BW 1000 ADM-5. In addition to these basic models, there are the 1.65 tonne BW 90 SC-5 and 1.70 tonne BW 100 SC-5 ‘side clearance’ models, where the drum is supported on just one side, to allow compaction right up against high curbs or other obstacles. The 1.7 tonne BW 100 ACM-5 combination roller rounds-off the range. Power for all of these models comes from a 15 kW Kubota engine, which is designed for use in Europe and requires ultra-low sulphur diesel fuel to operate and meet the region’s laws on low emissions. The operator’s station has been designed to give easy access and plenty of foot room. The maximum travel speed for the machines is 10 km/h, an increase of some +25% on their predecessors, and at 30 litres, the fuel tank is +30% bigger, providing enough capacity for a full day’s work. Finance options Bomag says it expects each machine to be kept by its original owner for an average of eight to ten years. In the past, it has seen even longer ownership periods. To reflect this, it is offering a range of finance packages that move away from the typical 20% deposit and 36 month hire-purchase agreements that Ian Barker, general manager of Bomag finance in the UK, says typifies the industry. “We are advocating a five-year funding package, better matching income to expenditure,” he said Additional Dash-5 rolers are due to be launched later this year in Europe from Bomag’s main factory and headquarters in Boppard, Germany. For other parts of the world, including China and the US, Bomag manufactures the BW 900/50, a 1.2 tonne machine powered by a Honda petrol engine at its plant in China. iC 52 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Equipment.indd 52 03/06/2011 14:19:32 IC 8 2 11 Untitled-1 1 2012 A i dd 1 1/13/2011 11 04 42 AM 6/6/2011 10:41:28 AM www.worldofconcrete.com SOURCE CODE: IC This is your show—the ONLY annual international event dedicated to the commercial concrete and masonry construction industries. World of Concrete is your best, most cost-effective strategy for staying competitive and strong—attend and uncover new opportunities, see new products, equipment and technologies, take part in a world-class Education Program, watch exciting demonstrations and competitions, and more! Secure the future of your business at World of Concrete 2012! January 24-27, 2012t Seminars January 23-27 Las Vegas Convention Center t Las Vegas, Nevada SAVE THE DATE! EQUIPMENT Junttan New Junttan piling rigs The PMx24 is the latest addition to Junttan’s X series piling rigs. and they are said to reduce noise by -10 dB, while Junttan claims +9% to +18% higher productivity along with better adaptability as the same hammer can be used on several sites. The hammers are suitable for driving steel tube, sheet piles, pre-cast concrete and timber piles. The stroke and blow rates are adjustable to optimise the pile driving performance in all conditions. The ram weight can also be changed depending on pile type requirements. The hammers can be mounted on all kinds of leaders, or can be freely suspended, the company said. Junttan hydraulic impact hammers are said to have low environmental impact. The company claims that 95% of the hammer’s energy is transferred to the pile. Also, it said that a smooth installation process helped ensure that there was as little adverse impact on the environment as possible. New piling rigs, hammers and a new look were unveiled at Junttan’s 35th birthday celebrations. Sandy Guthrie reports. new PMx24 piling rig has been launched by Junttan as part of the X series that was first seen at the Bauma exhibition in Munich, Germany last year. The company has also introduced the SHK110-5/7 hydraulic hammer - the Shark which was shown in a concept form at Bauma. A Birthday The Finnish-based hydraulic piling equipment manufacturer has also marked its 35th anniversary with a new look, including an updated logo and a revamped website. It said the information on the website had been substantially increased and made easier to use. The X series of piling rigs was introduced at Bauma in the form of the PMx20. The range now consists of the PMx22, PMx24 and PMx25, replacing previous models up to the PM25H. Junttan says its X series incorporated modern manufacturing technologies and materials for extended reliability and improved performance. The Junttan X control system is purpose built and controls all the vital rig functions, providing features for adjustment, operation and maintenance. With a maximum pile length of 24 m, the PMx24 it has an average working weight of 68 tonnes. The recommended ram weight is 4 to 6 tonnes, and the engine power is 179 kW. The smallest X series model, the PMx20, also 179 kW, has an operating weight around 55 tonnes, a maximum pile length of 20 m and a recommended ram weight of 3 to 5 tonnes. Pile hammers The SHK series of hydraulic hammers is nicknamed Shark, Full range Following its appearance as a concept at Bauma, the SHK series now covers hammer sizes from 3 to 9 tonnes. The Shark hammers have a maximum drop height of 1.2 m and run at either 50 to 120-plus blows per minute or 60 to 100plus blows per minute. Junttan hammers are also used without Junttan rigs. For this, the company manufactures hydraulic power units, and it has just launched the 10XCU. This is said to use the same advanced technology as the other Junttan X series products. The smallest of its powerpacks, the 10XCU claims easy handling, durability and good fuel economy, as well as low noise. It uses Junttan’s latest control technology to manage the piling process, and it replaces the 10CCU model. iC 54 internationalconstruction june 2011 ICON 06 2011 Equipment.indd 54 03/06/2011 14:19:52 THE MUST ATTEND EVENT FOR THE DEMOLITION INDUSTRY WORLD DEMOLITION SUMMIT2 O11 HOTEL OKURA, AMSTERDAM NOVEMBER 4, 2011 A top-level conference and gala awards dinner focussing on best practice and critical issues To book your place contact: Katy Storvik T: +44 (0)1892 784 088 e: [email protected] or see the web site, below BRONZE GOLD www.demolitionsummit.com SUPPORTING SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: LYNN COLLETT, T: +44 (0)1892 786219, e: [email protected] SILVER EVENTS ENGINEERING PLASTIC SOLUTIONS LEADING THE WAY ENGINEERING POLYMER SOLUTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY DOWNLOAD THE L AT E S T I S S U E ! MARCH 2011 Vol 50 No2 international construction international construction A KHL Group publication www.khl.com Delivered instantly anywhere in the world! 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